diff --git "a/everylline_cleaned._fullytxt.txt" "b/everylline_cleaned._fullytxt.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/everylline_cleaned._fullytxt.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,29305 @@ +???: Hey, what are you mumbling about? +???: Okarin? Earth to Okarin! +???: You talking to someone? +Rintaro: ...No, I was just talking to someone. Everything's fine. I'm about to infiltrate the assembly hall. +Rintaro: Yeah, Doctor Nakabachi got the jump on us, but I'll make sure he tells us everything. +Rintaro: What!? +Rintaro: I see... so that's the choice of Steins Gate. El Psy Kongroo. +Mayuri: Who was that on the phone? +Rintaro: If I told you, I'd have to kill you. +Mayuri: Oh, wow. Thanks, Okarin! +Mayuri: Okarin! Okarin! +Rintaro: How many times do I have to tell you? Don't call me Okarin. +Mayuri: Huh? But I've always called you that. +Rintaro: That was then! I have since become Hououin Kyouma, the insane mad scientist hunted by secret organizations the world over. Muhahaha! +Mayuri: But that's too hard to remember. +Mayuri: And besides, it doesn't even sound like Okabe Rintaro. You're weird, ehehe! +Mayuri: So, Okarin, can I ask you something? +Mayuri: What are we doing here? +Rintaro: Wait. You followed me here without knowing why? +Mayuri: Yup. +Rintaro: We're here for Doctor Nakabachi's press conference. +Mayuri: Press conference? But where are the reporters? +Rintaro: Could this be the Organization working its twisted influence? +Rintaro: I'd prefer not to get wrapped up in his mess. +Mayuri: You wrapped something? Is it his birthday too? Ehehe! +Rintaro: Keep your guard up, Mayuri. I suspect this won't be a normal confer-- +Mayuri: An earthquake? Is it magnitude 2? What does magnitude mean again? +Rintaro: An explosion!? +Rintaro: What the... +Woman: Please stay back, everybody! +Woman: The press conference will proceed as scheduled! +Rintaro: I've got a nose for conspiracies, and this stinks of a coverup. What are they hiding? What was that explosion? +Rintaro: It's me. I've got a bad feeling about this. Something's happening, and I have no idea what it is. +Rintaro: ...Yeah, I know. Don't worry. I won't do anything to jeopardize the mission. El Psy Kongroo. +Rintaro: What are you doing? +Mayuri: Hmm? +Mayuri: Well... I really want an Upa. +Rintaro: Then go for it. I can't guarantee you'll get an Upa, though. +Mayuri: But Mayushii's all out of 100-yen coins. +Mayuri: So, can I borrow 100 yen? Please? +Rintaro: Do you think it's that easy, Mayuri? You'll get no money from me. Instead, I'll show you just how harsh life really is. +Mayuri: Ah, ahh... +Mayuri: It's an Upa! And it's metal! A Metal Upa! +Rintaro: Is it rare? +Mayuri: Super rare! +Boy: Aw, a normal Upa... +Rintaro: Hmph. I give this creature of metal to you, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Really!? Are you sure, Okarin? +Rintaro: The name's Hououin Kyouma! +Mayuri: Ehehe! Thank you, Okarin. +Rintaro: ... +Presenter: Thank you all for coming to Doctor Nakabachi's Time Machine Press Conference. +Rintaro: Sounds like they're starting. +Rintaro: Let's go, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Mm... just a sec. I gotta write my name. +Presenter: Without further ado, I am pleased to introduce the inventor, Doctor Nakabachi! Please welcome him with a big round of applause! +Nakabachi: I am Doctor Nakabachi. Thank you all for coming. +Nakabachi: Now then, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to begin with my theory of time travel, the greatest scientific breakthrough of the century. +Mayuri: Did he really build a time machine? +Rintaro: DOOOOOCTOOOOOOOORRR!! +Rintaro: Do you take us for fools!? +Nakabachi: Who the hell are you? +Rintaro: Who the hell am I!? Someone who knows you for a fraud, that's who! +Rintaro: You stole your theory from +Nakabachi: S-someone throw this man out! +Rintaro: You're the one we should throw out, Doctor! Have you no shame!? You have no right to call yourself an inventor! +Nakabachi: Shut your mouth, you little pest! +Rintaro: Unhand me, you... huh? +???: ... +Rintaro: Ah... +Kurisu: Could you come with me for a moment? +Rintaro: Y-you're with the Organization!? +Kurisu: Huh? +Rintaro: If their tendrils have gotten this far, then I've made a grave mistake. +Kurisu: Stop fooling around and come with me. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Try anything and people are sure to notice. What will your superiors say then? +Kurisu: What are you talking about? +Kurisu: I just need to ask you something. +Rintaro: What makes you think I'll answer? I know how the Organization operates. +Kurisu: What's with this 'Organization' stuff? +Rintaro: It's me. I've been caught by an Organization agent. ...Yes, it's Makise Kurisu. She's a dangerous one. ...No, it's fine. I'll find a way to-- +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: What are you doing!? +Kurisu: Huh? Your phone's off. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ...Who were you talking to? +Rintaro: Y-your techniques don't work on me, but I'll tell you anyway. That's no ordinary phone. It's designed to deactivate the moment it leaves my hand. Muhahaha! +Kurisu: ...So you talk to yourself. +Rintaro: Guh! +Kurisu: What were you trying to tell me earlier? +Rintaro: What are you talking about? +Kurisu: About fifteen minutes ago. Before the conference started. +Kurisu: You were trying to tell me something, right? You looked really upset. +Kurisu: You looked like you were going to start crying any second. +Kurisu: Why? Have we met before? +Kurisu: And how do you know my name? +Rintaro: My knowledge has no limits. +Rintaro: Genius girl, our next meeting shall be as enemies! +Kurisu: Huh? +Rintaro: Farewell! Muhahaha! +Rintaro: Damn the Organization! They must be serious if they're sending in agents like her! +Rintaro: But I can't let them capture me yet. +Rintaro: ...Damn. I left Mayuri behind. +Rintaro: Hm? An email? +Rintaro: ...Hm? +Rintaro: Dammit, Mayuri. Why won't you pick up? +Rintaro: Wait, don't tell me! Did that femme fatale kidnap Mayuri!? +Rintaro: Damn you! Is that how the Organization operates!? +Rintaro: I have to go back for her. +Rintaro: Heh, looks like I scared her off. +Rintaro: So be it. I'll let her go this time. +Rintaro: Mayuri! Why didn't you pick up? We're leaving. +Mayuri: Okarin! My Metal Upa ran away. +Rintaro: Ran away? What, it's alive? That's a little hard to believe. +Mayuri: I think I dropped it... +Rintaro: Forget about it. You can always get another one. +Mayuri: No way. Metal Upas sell upwards of 10,000 yen online, you know? +Rintaro: Wait... what? +Rintaro: Think, Mayuri! Where did you drop it!? +Mayuri: I don't know! That's why I'm looking. And even if we find it, you can't sell it, okay? +Rintaro: Muhahaha! That 10,000 yen will fund my research! +Mayuri: I said you can't sell it! It even has Mayushii's name on it. +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Upa, Upa, come out, come out, wherever you are! +Rintaro: What kind of man steals a helpless girl's toy? Is there nothing in his heart but the lust for money!? +Mayuri: Sounds like you, Okarin! +???: AHHHHHHHHHHH! +Rintaro: !? +Mayuri: Was that a scream? +Rintaro: Stay here, Mayuri! +Rintaro: Wha... +Rintaro: No... but... why? +Presenter: Uwahhh! +Presenter: Call the police! +Mayuri: What happened, Okarin? +Rintaro: W-we're leaving! +Rintaro: Haah, haah... +Mayuri: Hey, what happened? You look really pale... +Rintaro: Someone... died. +Mayuri: Eh... +Rintaro: Wha!? +Rintaro: They're gone... +Rintaro: Hey, you. Can you see us? +Rintaro: Why won't you answer? I'm asking you a question. Yes, you on the other side of the monitor. +Rintaro: Hmph. Your silence only strengthens my hypothesis. +Rintaro: I suppose that, from your perspective, it appears that we are the ones inside the monitor. Heh heh heh, but that's where you're wrong! +Rintaro: For it is you who are inside! Your reality is nothing but lies and shadows. Naturally, that includes you, too. +Rintaro: True reality is on this side of the screen. +Rintaro: Don't believe me? I don't blame you. Few are those who can handle the truth. +Rintaro: But no matter. I shall speak in simpler terms, easy enough for even you to understand. +Rintaro: This is the Future Gadget Laboratory, located in the Akihabara district of Tokyo. We call it simply... the lab. Our purpose is to shatter +Mayuri: Really? You shouldn't do bad things, Okarin. +Rintaro: Quiet. I'm a mad scientist, remember? +Rintaro: From the station, head down Chuo-dori until you reach Suehirocho Station, then take a left onto Kuramaebashi-dori. In the alley before the traffic light, you'll find the run-down Ohiyama Building. The lab is on the second floor. +Rintaro: On the first floor is a store of ill repute called the +Rintaro: It deals exclusively in CRT monitors, of all things. Can you imagine? Even in the heart of Akihabara's Electric Town, the demand for CRTs is practically nonexistent. +Rintaro: But the proprietor of the Braun Tube Workshop, Tennouji, is also the owner of the building. +Rintaro: That's how he can afford to maintain his ridiculously niche hobby shop even as land value continues to rise. +Rintaro: He may seem a rough sort, but he was no match for my charisma. Now the entire second floor is mine for next to nothing. Muhahaha! +Rintaro: I digress. The Future Gadget Laboratory is currently experiencing a severe shortage of manpower. We welcome dedicated scientists from all fields to apply. At present, our researchers are-- +Mayuri: Okarin, Okarin. You've gotta say 'lab mems', not researchers. +Rintaro: ...Our lab mems -- laboratory members -- are three! +Rintaro: I am the founder of the Future Gadget Lab, Lab Mem Number 001, the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma! +Mayuri: 'Okarin' is cuter, though... +Rintaro: Next, we have our resident +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Call me Mayushii! I like making costumes more than wearing them. +Rintaro: And last, we have our resident +Itaru: Stop calling me that! It's super hacker⑰, duh. +Rintaro: Here at the Future Gadget Laboratory, we devote ourselves to the art of invention! +Rintaro: For details, see our lab's homepage. +Rintaro: Our top priority, of course, is to develop weapons for the war with the Dark Dominion, but that research has spawned a number of offshoot inventions. In fact, that's all it's spawned. +Rintaro: Our arsenal of Future Gadgets is up to eight, but this is just the beginning. I have a total of 108 inventions to create! +Itaru: Like in that tennis manga, right? I get it. +Rintaro: No! It's the number of earthly desires in mortals, you +Rintaro: And I thought I told you not interrupt me when I'm talking! +Itaru: Yeah, wouldn't want to interrupt you talking to yourself. +Rintaro: I'm not talking to myself. Can't you see? I'm talking to the person behind the monitor. +Mayuri: Ah, he just grinned! +Rintaro: What are you grinning about, damn you!? You don't even exist outside that monitor! +Itaru: Just say ' +Mayuri: I don't think that's gonna work... +Rintaro: It appears our attempts to communicate have failed. It's sad to see someone so deeply in denial of reality. +Mayuri: Maybe they think we're in the game? +Itaru: I doubt it's even occurred to them. +Mayuri: But aren't your +Itaru: That's different. Those girls are my wives. +Rintaro: Nobody cares about your harem. +Itaru: But Mayushii touched upon a very interesting theme, ya know? What if we're actually just characters in a game? Any way we can know for sure? +Rintaro: No. +Itaru: Come on! +Rintaro: Such questions are meaningless. Our time is better spent thinking of ways to destroy the System. +Itaru: Nice +Rintaro: Shut it, hacka. I'm no chuunibyou patient. +Rintaro: I am Hououin... Kyouma! +Itaru: That's your character's name, right? +Rintaro: Oh Daru... your communication skills are beyond repair. +Itaru: I'll have you know I go to a ton of +Mayuri: Ow... the needle bit my finger... +Mayuri: Mayushii is Okarin's hostage! I belong here! +Itaru: So, did Alpacaman say anything? +Rintaro: Nope. Nothing. +Rintaro: Damn antisocial alpaca! +Rintaro: Hm? +Mayuri: You made Mr. Alpaca angry! +Rintaro: Damn. I'll have to get it repaired later. +Rintaro: They're gone... +Mayuri: What's wrong? +Rintaro: E-everyone disappeared just now, right!? +Mayuri: Huh? +Rintaro: You saw it too, right!? Just now, before our very eyes! +Rintaro: Did you see it, Mayuri!? You saw it, right!? +Mayuri: Hmmm? Huhhhhh? +Mayuri: IIIII diiiiidn't seeeee anythiiiiing! +Rintaro: You... didn't? +Rintaro: You saw nothing? Nothing at all!? There were people here a second ago, weren't there!? +Mayuri: ...There were? +Rintaro: Even the store employees are gone! That's impossible by any measure! +Mayuri: Of course they are... +Mayuri: It was like this when we got here. Oh, I know! You're seeing things, aren't you? +Mayuri: I'm sure it's 'cause of the heat! Tutturu♪ +Rintaro: ...What the hell is that satellite doing there? +Rintaro: Mayuri, about that satellite... +Mayuri: Yup. What a surprise, huh? +Rintaro: What do you mean? What was a surprise? +Mayuri: It made a huge 'kaplow' sound! +Rintaro: Did that satellite fall out of the sky? +Mayuri: Did it? Do you think any aliens were on board? +Rintaro: ... +Policeman: Hey! You two! +Policeman: What do you think you're doing here? This area is off-limits. You have to leave. +Mayuri: We're sorry! +Rintaro: First, my good man -- let's call you 'Officer A' -- I have one question! +Officer A: Officer A...? +Rintaro: Thousands of people just vanished! You saw it too, didn't you!? +Officer A: What are you talking about? Get out of here! +Officer A: Look, I don't have time for your nonsense. +Rintaro: I see... so that's it! +Rintaro: This is all an elaborate coverup by the Organization! Their influence has corrupted local law enforcement, which means our entire government may already be under their control. My god! +Rintaro: But they underestimated me, for I am not so easily played. One day, I will expose their deeds and put an end to their reign! +Rintaro: Ah, elixir intellectualis⑰, a drink fit for a genius! +Itaru: Cola's better. +Mayuri: Okarin really loves his Dr P! +Rintaro: I pity the man who knows not the greatness of this beverage! Muhahaha! +Rintaro: Daru. Is the plan progressing smoothly? +Itaru: Uh, what plan? +Rintaro: The plan, as in the plan⑰. Obviously, I'm talking about perfecting Gadget No. 8. +Itaru: Oh, that. How was I supposed to know what you meant? +Rintaro: We've known each other for what, three years now? +Itaru: We were in different classes junior year, and actually we didn't talk at all. So two years? +Rintaro: Details. The point is we've known each other a long time. I expect you to keep up with me here. +Itaru: N O P E +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: So, are we any closer to figuring out what's wrong with Gadget No. 8? +Itaru: Not yet. +Itaru: We tried copying what Mayu-shi did, but we just can't reproduce the freezing phenomenon. +Itaru: And when we tried to freeze a banana, it turned out really weird. +Itaru: I just don't get it. +Rintaro: Mayuri! Mayuri! Bring forth the bananas! +Mayuri: Are you gonna turn them into gelbanas again? +Itaru: That's been bugging me, Mayu-shi. Can you stop calling them 'gelbanas'? +Mayuri: But gelbanas are gelbanas. +Mayuri: Why do you have to use the whole bunch? It's a waste of food. +Rintaro: Your stinginess could cost us the battle with the Organization! +Mayuri: That's fine with me. Mayushii always buys the bananas, and now Mayushii can't eat a single one. +Rintaro: Next time, we'll only do one banana. +Guidance: #000000 +Mayuri: Do you hear Mayushii's voice? +Rintaro: Be quiet. I'm trying to listen. +Guidance: #000000 +Guidance: #000000 +Guidance: #000000 +Guidance: #000000 +Itaru: Won't this just warm it normally? +Itaru: Nice turntable, right? It's even spinning backwards. +Rintaro: Backwards!? +Rintaro: That might have serious implications! If we look at quantum critical behavior driven by +Itaru: Yeah! No. +Rintaro: ...not Hund's Rule? +Itaru: No. +Rintaro: ...okay. +Mayuri: Gelbanas are ready! +Rintaro: Daru. You wouldn't mind eating⑰ one of these, would you? Of course you wouldn't. It's for science! Your sacrifice will forever be remembered! +Itaru: ...They look really nasty. +Rintaro: The taste doesn't matter. What matters is that you eat it! So come on, Daru, no need to be shy. Break a leg, or a stomach, and go for it! +Itaru: No way. +Rintaro: ...Fine. Mayuri! The honor shall be yours. +Mayuri: But gelbanas are all gloopy, droopy, soft, and squishy. +Mayuri: It had no flavor and wasn't tasty at all... +Rintaro: Gloopy, droopy, soft and squishy... Daru, what do you think? +Itaru: Soft and squishy bananas, huh... Soft and squishy... banana... +Itaru: Mayu-shi, say 'your banana's all soft and squishy' for me. +Mayuri: Daru-kun, your nose is bleeding. +Itaru: Please just say it! +Mayuri: Your banana's all soft and-- +Rintaro: Don't make her say that, you perv! +Rintaro: They're gelatinous, a semi-solid state of matter. In other words, there is a possibility that the intermolecular bonds were weakened. +Rintaro: I've got it! +Rintaro: What we thought was a freezing function is actually something else! +Rintaro: Now's the time to shout, 'W-what you say!?' Come on, don't be shy! +Itaru: Uh, we already knew that. +Itaru: The problem is we don't know what it is⑰ doing, or why it's doing it. +Mayuri: If it's the opposite of freezing, then couldn't it be thawing them? +Rintaro: What a silly question, Mayuri. What you're describing is just a normal microwave! +Mayuri: Then, what is it? +Itaru: We don't know, and that's the problem. +Rintaro: ... +Female Reporter: Behind me is the large, unidentified object that crashed into a building near Akihabara Station! +Female Reporter: The building is under police barricade. No one is allowed to approach, but from a distance, the object appears to be some kind of satellite! +Rintaro: Daru, aren't you going to check out Radio Kaikan? +Itaru: No point. Can't get close. I've been following the news online, though. There's already a hundred threads about it on @channel. It's huge, man. +Itaru: Man, feel that AC! I'm alive! +Rintaro: About the PhoneWave (name subject to change). I might have found our answer. +Itaru: You know, that '(name subject to change)' thing is really annoying. +Rintaro: Now's not the time. +Itaru: So, what's your latest ridiculous theory? +Rintaro: What do you mean, ridiculous? My genius brain considers every⑰ possibility, even those a lesser mind would say break the laws of nature. Don't you dare call that ridiculous. +Itaru: So basically, you're just pulling stuff outta your ass. You can't call that science. +Rintaro: Daru. I have a hunch that the PhoneWave (name subject to change) may be the key to opening Steins Gate. How's that? +Itaru: Steins what? You lost me back at 'ridiculous', man. +???: Ah! +???: I'm sorry! +Rintaro: Wha...!? +Rintaro: You... you...! +Kurisu: Is there something wrong? +Kurisu: O-ow! +Rintaro: Y-you... +Rintaro: You should be dead! Why are you here!? +Rintaro: And you're even... +Rintaro: Not a scratch... +Kurisu: Hey, that hurts! Let me go! +Kurisu: What's wrong with you? +Rintaro: You're okay? But that's impossible! Someone stabbed you! I saw you lying in a pool of blood! +Itaru: That again? +Rintaro: What do you mean, 'again'? +Itaru: I mean, you sent me that email like a week ago, right? +Rintaro: I sent you an email? +Rintaro: Don't be ridiculous! I saw her dead just three hours ago! +Kurisu: Hey! Could you not talk about me like that? I'm perfectly fine. +Itaru: You know, that message was kinda weird. It was dated a week after I got it, which means it came from the future. +Kurisu: It came from the future? +Rintaro: That sounds like something you'd read on the internet, Daru. It's rare for you to talk about ridiculous theories. +Itaru: No, the date was definitely a week later. It came from, uh... the 28th. Wait. That's today! +Rintaro: This is the email I sent you three hours ago. +Kurisu: Interesting... +Rintaro: Substance. She has substance. Of course she's not a ghost. How silly of me. +Kurisu: ... +Itaru: O-Okarin, I don't think that's a good idea... +Kurisu: ...Hey. +Kurisu: Are you trying to get yourself arrested? +Rintaro: I just want to know the truth. +Kurisu: What truth, you perv!? You stupid!? Wanna die!? +Itaru: +Rintaro: I know what I saw! +Kurisu: No way! Did you just see my underw...!? +Rintaro: No, you fool! Not that! +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Wait. Doctor Nakabachi? +Itaru: What are you talking about, Okarin? Doctor Nakabachi's presentation was canceled. +Rintaro: Canceled!? +Itaru: Yeah. Because of the satellite crash. +Kurisu: Excuse me, um... +Rintaro: My name... is Hououin Kyouma! +Itaru: Really, man? You're hopeless... +Kurisu: Okay, Hououin- +Professor: Makise-san? It's almost time. +Kurisu: Huh? Oh, right. Thank you. +Itaru: We should go too. +Rintaro: Go where? +Itaru: To hear the lecture, duh? +Kurisu: Um, I'd like to thank everyone for coming to hear me speak today. +Rintaro: She's the one giving the lecture... +Kurisu: It's my first time giving a lecture like this, so please forgive me if I'm a little nervous. +Kurisu: For today's lecture, I've been asked to speak on the subject of time travel. It's not really my area of expertise, but I'll try my best. +Rintaro: Time travel? Oh-ho... +Kurisu: Let me start by saying that time travel is an absurd concept. +Rintaro: OBJECTION! +Kurisu: Hwa...!? +Rintaro: It's presumptuous for you to claim that time travel is absurd! +Itaru: Okarin, you magnificent fool! +Kurisu: Um... okay. It's fine, I guess. It'll be easier to talk in a discussion format. +Kurisu: But before that, please listen to my thoughts on the subject. +Kurisu: Scientists have proposed many theoretical models of time travel, but there are eleven in particular that bear mentioning. +Kurisu: Neutron Star Theory. Black Hole Theory. Lightspeed Theory. +Kurisu: Tachyon Theory. Wormhole Theory. Exotic Matter Theory. +Kurisu: Cosmic String Theory. Quantum Gravity Theory. Cesium Laser Theory. +Kurisu: Elementary Particle Ring & Laser Theory. Dirac Antiparticle Theory. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: However, all of these models are purely theoretical. +Kurisu: Some of them even contradict each other. +Rintaro: Well, what if someone comes up with a 12th model? +Kurisu: Hm? Ahh, uhh, right, well... +Kurisu: It could be contradicted by the 13th model, now couldn't it? +Kurisu: By the way, time travel to the future is available to us right now, according to Einstein's +Kurisu: For example, let's say someone were to go to Haneda Airport and board a plane headed to Okinawa. Upon arrival, that person would be about one hundred millionth of a second farther into the future than I am. +Kurisu: According to the special theory of relativity, time moves slower for objects as they approach the speed of light. +Kurisu: For example, if you could run at near the speed of light, you could reach a point where time only moves half as fast for you. +Kurisu: If you were to keep running at that speed for 24 hours, 48 hours would elapse in the rest of the world, meaning you would 'jump' one day into the future. Understand, Hououin Kyouma? +Rintaro: Gah! +Professor: But that's not really time travel, is it? +Kurisu: Yes, you're right. +Professor: Then what about going to the past? +Kurisu: Going to the past is possible right now. Take a look at the sky at night. You can see light from tens of thousands of years ago, can't you? +Student: That's not time travel either! +Kurisu: Well, I was just getting started. +Kurisu: Let's say we wanted to make a machine that could physically transport people through time. What would we need? +Kurisu: The best candidates for this are cosmic strings and wormholes. +Kurisu: A cosmic string is a string-shaped 'crevice' with extreme mass. +Kurisu: The crevice is about as wide as an +Kurisu: It has immense mass, so it distorts space-time. If you were to travel through that distortion, you could make a full circle around the string in less than 360 degrees. +Kurisu: In short, you can do something resembling a warp. This is called a space-time angular deficit. +Kurisu: When you pass through an area of angular deficit, transit time becomes zero. +Kurisu: Now we apply this to a cosmic string moving at near-light speed. +Kurisu: According to the special theory of relativity, time will flow slower for the cosmic string in relation to its surroundings. Therefore, passing through the area of angular deficit would cause the transit time to become negative instead of zero. +Kurisu: In other words, you will arrive in the past after transit. +Kurisu: If you use two cosmic strings, you can do a space deficit jump. If you loop back to your original location, you can return to the same time you started revolving. +Kurisu: And that, roughly speaking, is time travel by means of cosmic strings. +Kurisu: By the way, just so nobody misunderstands, cosmic strings are not the same as +Kurisu: Now then, you need three things in order to travel to the past with cosmic strings. +Kurisu: First. The cosmic strings themselves. Two strings, to be exact. By the way, they are hypothesized to exist only where the universe was first formed, so they might be a little hard to find. +Kurisu: Second. You would need the energy required to make them move them at near-light speed. +Kurisu: How much energy do you think you'd need to accelerate something as long as the Milky Way to near the speed of light? I'm pretty sure it's a little more than +Kurisu: Third. You'd need a spaceship capable of reaching these cosmic strings and returning. With the time traveler alive, of course. +Kurisu: What do you think, Hououin-san? Care to take on the challenge of cosmic string time travel? +Kurisu: Hm? Looks like Hououin-san doesn't want to take the challenge. +Kurisu: In that case, let's consider wormholes. They may be a little more realistic than cosmic strings. +Kurisu: By the way, Hououin-san. Do you know what wormholes are? +Rintaro: It's like a shortcut through space... right? +Kurisu: Yes, that's correct. +Kurisu: There are two wormholes joined by a tunnel. No matter how far away the wormholes are, transit time through the tunnel is zero. +Kurisu: But oh no, there's a problem. The wormhole tunnel suffers from super gravity, and collapses as soon as it opens. +Kurisu: So we need something to negate the effect of gravity. +Kurisu: So-called 'exotic matter'. A substance with negative mass which repulses other matter. +Kurisu: Say that the wormhole tunnel is being squished by an invisible fist. +Kurisu: In order to pass through, you need something that could oppose my fist's 'grasping force' so that I can't squish anymore. +Kurisu: If you stabilize the tunnel with exotic matter injection, instantaneous travel between wormholes becomes possible. To travel through time, however, takes a little more effort. +Kurisu: For example, let's say there's a wormhole entrance here in Akihabara, and the exit is in Los Angeles. +Kurisu: First, we send the wormhole in LA all the way to the end of the universe at near the speed of light. And once it's there, we yank it back to LA. +Kurisu: According to the special theory of relativity, time slows down for objects moving at the speed of light. Meaning the hole that returned to LA would be further in the past than the Akihabara hole. +Kurisu: So now, if Hououin-san jumped into the wormhole, he'd arrive in LA several years before he left. +Kurisu: However, this still can't be called true time travel. It only seems that way. This is called the +Kurisu: The important part is to return to Akihabara from LA through the wormhole once more. Since the transit time is zero... +Kurisu: Hououin-san will return to Akihabara several years in the past. Time travel complete. +Kurisu: The prerequisites for wormhole travel are simpler than the ones for cosmic string travel. +Kurisu: First. The wormhole itself. They may exist somewhere in the universe. But nobody has ever seen one. +Kurisu: Second. The energy required to move a wormhole to the end of the universe and back at near-light speed. +Kurisu: Third. Exotic matter, which, by the way, has not been confirmed to exist. +Kurisu: Now do you see what I meant when I said that time travel is an absurd concept? +Kurisu: Time travel theories are all just thought experiments. Not one of them can create a viable time machine. That is my answer. +Student: Isn't there anything simpler? Like something you can pull out of a drawer and just use, or something. +Kurisu: I'm afraid not. +Kurisu: This is the limit of modern physics. I can't say how it might change in ten years, though. +Kurisu: Besides, even if someone did overcome the logistical requirements, there may be other factors that prevent time travel from working. +Kurisu: And that's because fundamental problems concerning the +Rintaro: You mean time paradoxes... and conservation of mass? +Kurisu: If you think that conservation of mass applies to macro-systems like the universe or micro-systems like atoms or elementary particles, you're mistaken. +Kurisu: Heh. +Kurisu: Conservation of mass only applies to chemical reactions. It doesn't hold in modern physics at all. +Kurisu: Something can⑰ come from nothing. +Professor: Then what is the problem? +Kurisu: The time paradox of time paradoxes. In other words, the Grandfather Paradox. +Kurisu: As long as this paradox goes unsolved, time travel can never be realized. Never. +Student: What if you just don't kill them? +Kurisu: You can't think of it like a sci-fi movie. It's not just about your family tree. There are far greater dangers than that. +Kurisu: Any paradox, no matter how small, would cause the total collapse of causality, relativity, and every other physical law in existence. +Kurisu: Paradoxes are nothing more than thought experiments. They cannot occur in reality, and they should not. +Kurisu: Nothing that has even a 0.000001% chance of causing a paradox can happen. The universe won't allow it. Wouldn't you say this is the logical conclusion? +Kurisu: There may be loopholes, like parallel worlds or the self-consistency principle, but those seem too much like fantasy for me to accept. +Rintaro: Gah... +Mayuri: It's Okarin! Tutturu♪ +Luka: Good afternoon, Okabe-san. +Rintaro: Lukako. That blade I gave you, what happened to it? +Luka: Um, you mean... Demon Sword Samidare? +Rintaro: Correct. I bought it for you so you could learn to control your power. +Mayuri: Oh yeah! You bought it at +Rintaro: Don't say another word! Any more and they⑰ will come to silence you! +Mayuri: They're gonna silence me? Thanks for worrying about me, Okarin. But who are they? +Rintaro: So, Lukako. Are you making sure to practice with Samidare like I told you? +Luka: Y-yes, I do practice swings once a day... +Rintaro: As long as you carry it and master the Seishin Zanma school of swordsmanship, you can prevent the dark flame inside you from consuming your soul. +Luka: Thank you, Okabe-san. It was a wonderful present. +Rintaro: My name isn't Okabe. +Mayuri: It's Okarin! +Luka: I'm sorry, Kyouma-san. +Rintaro: As long as you understand. Now, speak the words. +Luka: Ah, umm. El... Psy... Kongaloo...? +Rintaro: No! Not Kongaloo! Kongroo! +Luka: Y-yes! +Luka: El... Psy... Kongroo. +Luka: D-did I get it right? +Luka: Thank you. +Mayuri: Such a beautiful master-disciple relationship. Mayushii's not a +Luka: Ehh!? M-Mayuri-chan, please don't imagine such things... +Rintaro: What are you doing here, Mayuri? +Mayuri: I came to see Luka-kun. +Mayuri: +Luka: But, cosplaying... that's just too embarrassing for me... +Mayuri: But I'm sure you'll look great in it! +Mayuri: The phrase ' +Rintaro: Save the trivial stuff for later. +Mayuri: Ehh? But it's really important to Mayushii. +Rintaro: And it's trivial to me! +Rintaro: Anyway, Lukako. There's a good reason for my being here today. I need you to perform an exorcism. +Luka: An exorcism? Then I'll go get my dad. Please wa-- +Rintaro: No, it's nothing that serious. I just need some peace of mind. +Rintaro: So with that said, bring out the usual. +Luka: Um, the usual? You mean Samidare? +Rintaro: No! Who the hell uses a demon sword for an exorcism!? The usual for an exorcism should be obvious! +Luka: Uhh... um...? +Rintaro: I don't know what it's called, but it's that stick with the zigzaggy paper thingies that the priest does a shaky thingy with! +Mayuri: Ahaha! That sounded really dumb, Okarin! +Luka: Oh, the +Luka: I'll go ask him. +Mayuri: Well, time for me to go to work! +Rintaro: Do your best. You going straight home afterwards? +Mayuri: Yup. +Mayuri: See you tomorrow! +Rintaro: Wait, Mayuri. Back at Radio Kaikan, you heard a man scream, right? +Mayuri: Scream? +Mayuri: When was that again? +Rintaro: This afternoon. +Mayuri: I don't think I heard anything... +Rintaro: ...Oh. Well, alright. +Mayuri: Okarin's a weirdo! +Mayuri: Bye bye! Tutturu♪ +Luka: Thanks for waiting, Okabe-san. +Luka: Dad let me borrow it. Thank goodness. +Luka: Um, did Mayuri-chan leave? +Rintaro: Don't worry about Mayuri. Begin the exorcism at once, Lukako! +Luka: Um, okay, but do you really want me to do it? What exactly am I exorcising, anyway? +Rintaro: Guh! It's the evil spirit... in my arm! +Rintaro: Be still, foul spirit! Guh... Hurry, Lukako! It's trying to take over! +Luka: N-no way! Please hang in there, Okabe-san! +Rintaro: I'm not Okabe-san! +Luka: I'm sorry, Kyouma-san! Ahh, but what should I... +Rintaro: The exorcism... hurry! Just do it... like I taught you! +Luka: O-okay! +Luka: Ummm... ummm... +Rintaro: Please... Luka... expel... this spirit... from me... +Rintaro: I don't... want to... kill you! +Luka: Uuh... +Luka: H-hear me, evil spirit! +Luka: Please leave from Okabe -- I mean Kyouma-san! +Rintaro: That's great! Now strike my arm with those zigzags! +Luka: Ei!! +Luka: D-did it work? +Rintaro: ...I'm okay. Looks like you drove away the evil spirit. Good job, Lukako. +Luka: I'm glad I was able to help. +???: Yo! What's up, Okabe? +Rintaro: What's up? That TV you gave me broke, that's what. +Tennouji: I bet you were treating it rough, weren't ya? +Tennouji: Love. You gotta' treat 'em with love! +Rintaro: I'll need repairs post-haste. +Tennouji: Man, why do you always talk like that? +Rintaro: You're open late today. Don't you usually close around seven? +Tennouji: I'm expecting someone. +Rintaro: You mean that chipmunk of yours? +Tennouji: Don't be calling my little girl a chipmunk, you hear? +Tennouji: If you touch Nae, you're dead. +Rintaro: But seriously, besides your daughter, has this workshop ever had a customer? +Tennouji: Ain't a customer. +Tennouji: Hmm, there's probably just a loose solder on the board. I can fix it. +Rintaro: Really? Well, then by all means. +Tennouji: Hold on. I'll get you an estimate. +Rintaro: What!? You're charging me!? +Tennouji: What'd you think? This ain't some charity! +Rintaro: You're the one who gave us the TV! +Tennouji: Yeah, so what? Never said I'd service it for free. +Rintaro: Curse you... you have some gall to say that after foisting a half-broken piece of junk onto us! +Tennouji: Oh, shut up. If you don't want it, I can take it back. Though I'll have to charge ya for its safe disposal. +Rintaro: Extortion! You dare cheat the man who very well may change the future of mankind!? +Tennouji: Hah? Who's that, now? +Rintaro: Me, of course. Who else? +Tennouji: Brush your teeth and go to sleep, kid. You've got some nerve to be back-talking when I'm lettin' you rent the second floor for next to nothing. +Rintaro: Hmph. You shall have your money, Mister Braun. +???: Wazzaaap! +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: ... +???: Um...? +Amane: Um, I called earlier. I'm Amane. +Tennouji: Oh, so you're the kid for the job interview. I'm Tennouji, the manager. +Rintaro: A job interview!? This young woman!? +Rintaro: You want to work at the dull, dirty, depressing, debt-ridden Braun Tube Workshop with this filthy old manager? +Tennouji: You want an extra thousand yen added to your rent? +Rintaro: ...My words are but the truth. Though I suppose it's not my place to get involved. +Rintaro: Anyway, I had no idea the Braun Tube Workshop was hiring. You always look so... free. I didn't know you needed the help. +Amane: Actually, I'm the one who begged for the job. +Amane: The boss refused at first, but I wouldn't take no for an answer. +Tennouji: Kids with drive are rare these days. Take a seat right there, young lady. +Amane: Oh, thank you. +Tennouji: Right. What was your name again? +Amane: Amane Suzuha. +Tennouji: Age? +Amane: 18. +Tennouji: Student? +Amane: No. +Tennouji: Why do you want to work here? +Suzuha: Because I love CRTs. +Tennouji: Hired! You start tomorrow! +Rintaro: Wait, what? Is this some sort of joke? Are we on camera!? +Suzuha: Thanks, boss. +Suzuha: Um, who are you? +Rintaro: You... dare ask my name? Banish the thought from your head, girl. To learn it would place your life in jeopardy. +Rintaro: Countless women have learned my name only to find themselves targets of the Organization. Sarah in America, Claudia in Italy, Simone in France... I won't put anyone else in danger. +Tennouji: Hey, stop pulling things outta yer ass. +Tennouji: This idiot rents the second floor. Name's Okabe Rintaro. +Rintaro: My name is not Okabe. It's Hououin-- +Tennouji: Quit it, or I raise your rent. +Rintaro: ...I'm Okabe Rintaro. +Suzuha: I don't know anything about this Organization that's after you. +Suzuha: But if you're ever in trouble, Okabe Rintaro, let me know. I can help with stuff like that. +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Tennouji: ...? +Suzuha: If necessary, I can hurt them so bad they'll never bother you again. +Rintaro: Mister Braun, I don't think you should hire her. +Tennouji: Yeah. She might be a wild one. I'll fire her if she causes any trouble. Anyway, ignore that Organization nonsense. It's all in Okabe's head. +Suzuha: It is? +Rintaro: You just keep thinking that. +Suzuha: So that's the current trend. Thanks for the tip! +Rintaro: ...so hot. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: It's me. Report. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Are you aware that John Titor has returned? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Where are you, anyway? You coming to the lab? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Again? +Rintaro: I have a sensitive matter to discuss. +Rintaro: Don't move until I get there. +Itaru: #000000 +Female Reporter: We're here now in Akihabara the day after the unexplained satellite crash. The police barricade has been lifted, and a tremendous number of people have gathered in front of the station! +Female Reporter: The satellite's origin is still under investigation. We're told that it can't be removed until the authorities have more information. +Female Reporter: According to the police, the satellite does not appear to be dangerous. However, tourists and local business owners have raised concerns. +Rintaro: ...!? +???: ... +Rintaro: Wait wait wait! +Lady: ... +Rintaro: Hey, you with the phone camera! Wait! Please, wait! +Lady: ...? +Rintaro: Hey! No pictures! Are you with the Organization!? +Voyeur Lady: ... +Rintaro: Answer my question. Are you with the Organization? +Possible Organization Spy: ... +Rintaro: Y-you're not? +Probably Not Organization Spy: ... +Rintaro: Even so, I can't let you keep that picture. The Organization will stop at nothing to find my whereabouts, and they'll kill anyone who gets in their way! +Rintaro: I need you to delete that picture immediately. +Lady Ignoring Me: ... +Lady Ignoring Me: ...Sorry. +Lady Who Apologized out of Nowhere: If I... upset you. +Rintaro: Before you apologize, I need you to delete that photo. +Lady Ignoring Me: I was shooting... the scenery. +Rintaro: The scenery? You're a tourist? +Lady Ignoring Me and Apparently Sightseeing in Akihabara: ...It's proof. Of where I was today. +Rintaro: You're a strange lady... +Strange Lady Apparently Sightseeing in Akihabara: Kiryu... Moeka. +Rintaro: Hm? +Moeka: My name. +Moeka: I have a question for you... may I? +Rintaro: First, the photo-- +Moeka: There's an urban legend... in Akihabara. +Moeka: ...Have you heard of it? +Rintaro: Gah... I've remained in this town for far too long! I'll need to make plans. +Moeka: The phantom... retro PC. +Rintaro: Retro PC? +Moeka: They say there's one... in Akihabara. +Rintaro: Oh... +Rintaro: A retro PC... you mean like a +Moeka: ...No. This. +Moeka: An IBN 5100. +Rintaro: That's the computer John Titor tried to get. +Moeka: You've seen one? +Rintaro: No. I've only heard the name. +Rintaro: This could be the choice of Steins Gate. +Moeka: Know anyone... who might know? +Rintaro: Daru probably knows more about it. +Rintaro: He's my Favorite Right Arm. A super hacka capable of breaking into even +Rintaro: Well, I'm off. Lady, +Rintaro: What are you doing!? +Moeka: Your email... please. +Rintaro: ...What are you after? +Moeka: The super hacka... +Rintaro: I refuse! I'll never give up Daru! +Rintaro: ... +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Stop following me! +Rintaro: Gehhh! You still haven't deleted it? +Moeka: Tell me... and I'll delete it. +Rintaro: You dare blackmail me? Who do you work for? +Moeka: I... +Moeka: Work part-time... at Arc Rewrite. +Rintaro: What's that? +Moeka: An editorial company... here in Akihabara. +Rintaro: Wait! You plan on publishing my picture without permission, don't you!? +Rintaro: Very well. I accept your terms. +Rintaro: Of course... this woman is an +Moeka: ...Name? +Rintaro: Hououin Kyouma, Mad Scientist. +Moeka: How... is it spelled? +Rintaro: First 'Houou' for 'phoenix', then 'in', and finally 'Kyouma' which means a 'horrible truth' that must never be revealed. +Moeka: ...Huh? +Rintaro: 'Houou' for 'phoenix', then 'in', and finally 'Kyouma' which means a 'horrible truth' that must never be revealed. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Like this? +Rintaro: What the hell is this!? Are you mocking me!? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Just hand me your phone! I'll enter it! +Moeka: ...! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Woah! +Rintaro: It's me. What is it? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Blank email? It went to you? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: That was a mistake. Don't worry. The email will self-destruct in 10 minutes. +Itaru: #000000 +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Okabe... Rintaro? +Rintaro: What!? How do you know that name!? +Moeka: From the blank email... +Rintaro: That's just my alias. I'll send another one with my true-- +Moeka: No... this is fine. +Rintaro: Nonsense! I am not Okabe Rintaro, but Hououin Kyou-- +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Did you delete the picture? +Rintaro: If you deleted it, then prove it. +Moeka: I'll email you... later. +Moeka: So ask... okay? +Rintaro: About what? +Moeka: ...The urban legend. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ... +Maids: 30 +Mayuri: It's Okarin! +Mayuri: Welcome back, Okarin. +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin! Mayushii just noticed something. +Mayuri: 'Welcome back' and 'Okarin' go really well together! +Faris: Kyouma! It's great that you came, nya! +Faris: Daru-nyan's here too. He's been waiting, nya. +Faris: Are you holding another secret meeting to overthrow the evil Organization, nya? +Rintaro: Uh, yeah, something like that. +Faris: Faris wants to join too, nya! +Rintaro: No chance. The Organization isn't threatened by cat-eared maids. +Faris: Not true, nya. Faris has the purrfect secret technique to help take them down. +Rintaro: What!? You've finally mastered that⑰ secret technique!? +Faris: Yes, nya... After completing my pilgrimage to the Guiana Highlands and overcoming my mentor's death, I finally mastered it. +Faris: So Faris wants to participate in the Spirit Conference like you promised, nya! +Rintaro: You're not suggesting we venture to the Sanctuary!? +Rintaro: The answer is no. Although you may understand the Hidden Secrets, you're still too inexperienced. +Faris: But... but you promised, nya! Are you going to betray me!? +Faris: My brother is waiting for me there... +Mayuri: Umm, I don't quite get it, but can Mayushii go to the Sanctuary too? +Rintaro: You can't come. This discussion is over. +Mayuri: Ehhh? +Faris: No fair, Kyouma! +Mayuri: That's right! Leaving Mayushii and Feris-chan behind is mean! +Rintaro: ...Who's is 'Feris'? +Mayuri: Feris-chan is Feris-chan. Right? +Faris: Right! +Mayuri: Well, Mayushii has a hard time saying Faris, so I call her Feris-chan instead! +Rintaro: Oh, so that's it. +Faris: It's like we're in a girl's school. That's not too... tabby⑰. +Rintaro: Show me to the table already. How long do you want me to stand here waiting? +Faris: Nyahaha! Sorry, nya. Table for two, this way, nyan♪ +Faris: Mayushii, I'll leave it to you, nyan nyan. +Mayuri: Leave it to me, nyan nyan♪ +Mayuri: Daru-kun, Okarin is here, nyan. +Itaru: You're way late. Seriously, man. +Itaru: So, what were you just talking about with Faris? I want details. +Rintaro: ...You really want to know? I don't think you'd understand it. +Itaru: Ah, the usual... +Itaru: Your conversations are too much for regular otaku. You guys exude an aura or something, you know? +Itaru: It's like you too have your own +Mayuri: I think Feris-chan likes Okarin, nya. +Mayuri: Of all the maids and masters here, nya, the only one who can keep up with Feris-chan is you, Okarin. +Itaru: I'm so jealous! You lucky bastard! +Rintaro: Hmph, I have no interest in women who dress themselves in lies. +Itaru: Like you're one to talk. +Rintaro: Silence, you unfaithful bastard! All your 2D wives are crying. +Itaru: Gwahh, you struck a nerve, man... +Mayuri: Master, may I take your order, nya? +Rintaro: Omelet rice. And hot coffee. Black. +Mayuri: Coming right up, nyan nyan♪ +Itaru: So, what did you need? +Itaru: I was gonna head to the lab in about an hour. +Rintaro: I have an urgent matter to discuss. Top secret. +Rintaro: You remember John Titor? +Itaru: ...John Titor? Who's that? +Rintaro: The self-proclaimed time traveler who appeared on the internet about 10 years ago. I thought we talked about him before. +Itaru: Is this a new addition to your made-up backstory? +Rintaro: It's nothing like that! Everything I say is the truth! +Itaru: What a pain. Well, I guess I can play along. +Itaru: So, what's the source on this Titor guy being from the future? +Rintaro: Wait, you've seriously never heard about him before? +Itaru: Seriously, bro, I haven't. +Rintaro: Sure you didn't just forget? +Itaru: I can't say for sure. +Rintaro: There are even books about him. +Itaru: I might remember if you show me one. +Rintaro: You really don't remember? +Itaru: Memories fade. We're not computers, man. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Then what about the IBN 5100? +Itaru: Woah, you know about that? Cool. +Rintaro: So you know about it? +Itaru: It's the model IBN released back in 1975. +Rintaro: What kind of computer is it? +Itaru: The stupidly expensive kind. +Itaru: Back when it came out, computers were so expensive that average people couldn't get their hands on them. +Itaru: It was full of proprietary IBN technology, and was a pretty powerful computer for its time. +Itaru: Then six years later, in 1981, IBN launched the popular IBN PC series. Now that's more famous. +Itaru: Anyway, it's not like I'm an expert. This is just stuff I read on a +Rintaro: Have you heard the urban legend that there's one in Akiba? +Itaru: You bet I have. Just last month there was big talk about it on the net. +Itaru: Some @channelers heard the rumors and went searching for it. My friend on +Itaru: Even the legendary 'Neidhardt der Blitzschnelle' joined the fray, but they still couldn't find it. +Rintaro: So it was just a hoax? +Itaru: Who knows? There are tons of underground shops in Akiba. It wouldn't be strange if an IBN 5100 suddenly turned up in some hole in the wall. +Rintaro: Hmm. I see. +Rintaro: Sorry for the wait, Daru. +Rintaro: Sorry for the wait, Daru. +Rintaro: So, there's one thing I need to know. +Rintaro: The IBN 5100 has the power to destroy the world, right? +Itaru: What? It doesn't have the power to do anything, let alone destroy the damn world. +Faris: What this, nya? The world's gonna be destroyed, nya? +Faris: Master, thanks for waiting nyan nyan♪ Omelet rice, nyan! +Faris: Please enjoy your meal before the world ends♪ +Itaru: Woah, 'The World is Doomed!!' for the win! Faris's handwriting is so cute it puts my 'omelet' in danger too! +Itaru: Ahh... what a waste... +Faris: Daru-nyan, Daru-nyan, have you considered participating in the Faris Cup, nya? +Itaru: Yeah, of course I'm participating! +Rintaro: Faris Cup? What's that? +Faris: Next Sunday, we're hosting a RaiNet tournament at the cafe, nya! +Faris: Faris is the event organizer. It's all my idea, nyan! +Faris: You can participate too if you want, Kyouma! Entrance fee is 1000 yen and includes a drink. Whoever beats Faris gets to enjoy some of Faris' home-cooking, nya. +Itaru: It'll never happen. Okarin sucks at RaiNet. +Faris: Nya? But it's so fun. +Rintaro: No, I'm fine... +Rintaro: RaiNet AccessBattlers, huh... Whenever I hear that name, I remember the former champion... Has it already been two years? +Rintaro: No, it's nothing. Forget what I said. +Faris: NyaNya? That sounded so serious, nya! Who was the former champion, nya? +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Kyouma... you still can't forget him, can you, nya? +Rintaro: What? +Faris: I remember that you and the champion -- my brother -- were such good friends, Kyouma. You were so close it made me jealous, nya. +Faris: But it's time to let go of the past! Seize the day with your own paws! +Faris: Even though it's painful... no, because⑰ it's painful, I succeeded my brother's dying wish and purrfected my skills as a RaiNetter, nya! +Faris: Do you remember, nya? He always used to say, 'Some day, let's bring peace to the world with RaiNet--' +Rintaro: Faris, bring me my coffee. +Faris: NyaNya? +Faris: Sure thing, Master! Just a moment, nya♪ +Itaru: Faris is one of the most skilled Rainetters I know. +Itaru: She's gone undefeated in over 400 unofficial matches. +Rintaro: Is she Rickson Gracie? +Itaru: It's so disappointing that Faris doesn't go to official tournaments. She'd win if she did, no doubt. +Rintaro: Why doesn't she? +Itaru: I'm sure it's for the customers! She probably doesn't want to inconvenience the store. Truly a model maid. +Itaru: Also, she's Mayushii's age, so she probably has school too. +Rintaro: She doesn't want to inconvenience the store, yet she's holding the Faris Cup here? +Itaru: That doesn't matter at all! +Itaru: The point is, Faris is cute, and cuteness is justice. Cute cat-eared maids are sweet, if you know what I mean. And that's all that matters, right? +Rintaro: So in the end, do you bat for the 2D team, or the 3D team? +Itaru: I dare say I'm bi! +Rintaro: You're an inspiration, Daru. +Itaru: I know. I'm just too awesome. +Rintaro: Hey, Daru. What's with the +Itaru: It's cool. Duh. +Rintaro: So, it's like the reason why some protagonists are +Itaru: Not getting you, bro. +Rintaro: It's cool. +Itaru: If it's cool, then it's cool. +Itaru: Anyway, there wasn't much of an option. This was the only PC we weren't using. +Rintaro: What about your new one? +Itaru: No way. We don't know what could happen when it's connected to your crazy machine. It could kill the performance. +Itaru: Anyway, did you do any research on the gelification? +Rintaro: Yeah, at the university this morning. +Rintaro: I examined a sample under a microscope and found it was shredded at the molecular level. +Itaru: Shredded? +Rintaro: It's not a mere +Itaru: Could it have rotted? ...Nah. There's no way 2 minutes in the microwave could do that. +Rintaro: Then I remembered about +Itaru: The +Rintaro: Yeah. It looked like something drilled holes into the banana. An infinite number of holes in a fractal pattern, right down to the nano level. +Itaru: Whoa. What could do something like that? +Rintaro: I have one hypothesis... +Rintaro: It's the result of the microwave's electromagnetic waves. +Itaru: W-what does that mean? +Rintaro: If my guess is correct, then our PhoneWave (name subject to change) has the potential to become a weapon of unprecedented destructive power, one that could change the face of war as we know it. Hehehe. +Rintaro: It's me. We're proceeding to stage two of the plan. Soon they will learn... that Judgment Day is near. +Rintaro: All shall be as Steins Gate wills. Resistance is futile. El Psy Kongroo. +Itaru: Quit talking to your imaginary friend. I'm done with the wiring. +Itaru: Well? What's next? +Rintaro: We have bananas. +Itaru: You know Mayu-shi's gonna cry if you use them all, right? Wasn't it her money? +Rintaro: She donated that money to our research efforts. +Itaru: You don't have to use the whole thing. One is enough. One. +Rintaro: We'll never reshape the fabric of society as long as money dictates the limits of our science. +Itaru: You're the only one who wants to reshape society, Okarin. +Itaru: C'mon, start the timer already. +Guidance: #000000 +Guidance: #000000 +Guidance: #000000 +Rintaro: In hindsight, we should've made the Mayushii Guidance skippable. Having to wait each time is quite annoying. +Guidance: #000000 +Guidance: #000000 +Itaru: You messed up. +Rintaro: Two minutes sure is long... +Itaru: You know, if the microwave's emissions are doing it, then shouldn't our cells be getting gelified too? +Rintaro: Well, have you ever nuked yourself inside the PhoneWave (name subject to change)? +Itaru: I can't even fit in there. +Itaru: Anyway, what's your source on the electromagnetic waves? +Rintaro: If you must know... it's my mad scientist's intuition. +Itaru: Oh, so no facts. +Rintaro: Edison once said, 'Without one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent of perspiration is wasted. So, inventors of the world... be inspired!' End quote. +Itaru: Wasn't it 'Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration'? +Rintaro: Sorry to disappoint, but in recent years it's become common knowledge that that⑰ is a misquote. Muhahaha! +Itaru: Edison said that? 'Be inspired!'...? +Rintaro: Yes. 'Be inspired!' he said. +Rintaro: Therefore, as a genius mad scientist, I am always insp-- +Rintaro: This is just going to gelify the banana like usual, isn't it? We need a new experiment. +Itaru: What? What!? +Rintaro: What are you doing? +Itaru: Well... uh... it's... +Itaru: ...gone. +Rintaro: Gone? What's gone? +Itaru: The banana. +Rintaro: ...It's gone. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: It's me. Slight problem. We may have awakened something... terrible. +Itaru: Wh-what do you mean something terrible!? +Rintaro: I'm invoking Emergency Order 666. Activate the Coldheart Protocol! +Rintaro: What!? What do you mean we need congressional approval!? There's no time, you fool! Tokyo will be blasted to atoms! +Itaru: Y-you should be an actor. +Rintaro: S-shut up, you Faris stalker! Where'd you hide the banana? +Itaru: Who's a stalker!? +Rintaro: The banana. Where is it? Are you planning on become a street magician or something? +Itaru: You're the one who hid it, aren't you? +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: Where the hell did it go!? +Itaru: How should I know!? +Rintaro: Where did you go? Banaana! BANAAANA! +Rintaro: W-wait... I think I get it now! It's not an electromagnetic weapon, it's a teleportation device! +Itaru: Wh-what!? +Itaru: Wait, that's absurd. +Rintaro: How else could it have vanished? The microwave was closed! +Itaru: Um, maybe we should just calm down. +Rintaro: Y-yeah. You're right... +Rintaro: What... the...!? +Itaru: Oh shit! What the hell's going on? +Rintaro: Wait! How many bananas are in the lab right now!? +Itaru: J-just these, I think... +Rintaro: Is this gelbana attached to the same stem as the banana you just picked? +Itaru: I dunno, man... I wasn't paying attention. +Itaru: It doesn't look like it was ever plucked... +Rintaro: H-hey, Daru... could this possibly be... +Rintaro: A teleporter... we've invented a teleporter! +???: Oh? +???: That looks like an interesting experiment. +Rintaro: Who's there!? +Rintaro: Impossible! What are you⑰ doing here!? +Rintaro: The 18-year-old genius girl! A sadist who humiliates men in public! Also known as The Zombie! +Rintaro: Makise... Kurisu! +Itaru: Nice exposition, bro. +Kurisu: Who are you calling a zombie? +Rintaro: What is the meaning of this!? What is your purpose here? +Kurisu: I'm here to see you, Okabe Rintaro-san. Or is it Hououin Kyouma-san? +Rintaro: I was right! You're one of the Organization's top agents, an esper with superhuman powers! +Rintaro: No wonder you rose from the dead! +Kurisu: I'm not dead, alright? Please stop killing me off. +Kurisu: Hashida-san, can you do something about this guy? +Itaru: You came at a bad time, Makise-shi, with Okarin freaking out like this. +Rintaro: Have you betrayed me, Daru!? +Itaru: Calm down, man. +Rintaro: Are you being blackmailed? Or did she seduce you? +Rintaro: YOU'VE CROSSED THE LINE, BIIITTCH! +Kurisu: Get ahold of yourself. +Kurisu: Hashida-san gave me the address after yesterday's lecture. He also told me your name. +Rintaro: So you're here to see me, is that it? +Kurisu: Yes. You claimed to have seen me die. I came to see if that was the truth, or just a pathetic excuse to grope me. I came for the answer. +Kurisu: But your current behavior is all the answer I need. It was all an act to grope me. My initial hypothesis was correct. +Rintaro: Not so fast. There's more to this than you know. +Kurisu: Anyway, let's put that aside for now. +Rintaro: R-really? +Kurisu: I haven't properly introduced myself yet, have I? I'm Makise Kurisu. Pleased to meet you. +Kurisu: You can't even shake hands? Are all Japanese men this difficult? +Rintaro: You're not Japanese!? +Kurisu: I've lived in America for seven years. What about it? +Rintaro: America... +Kurisu: What's your problem? +Rintaro: I can feel your aura of malice. You must be a powerful kung-fu master. +Kurisu: Don't be ridiculous. +Rintaro: Then you're a NINJA-- +Kurisu: Give it a rest. +Rintaro: If you grew up in America, shouldn't you say 'HAHAHA! NICE TO MEET YOU!' with a smile across your whole face when asking for a handshake? +Rintaro: No, wait, you should be asking for a hug, right? +Kurisu: What kind of stereotype is that? +Kurisu: ...Fascinating. +Kurisu: Have any forceps? +Rintaro: No! +Rintaro: What are you doing!? That's precious data! +Kurisu: It's squishy. +Kurisu: ...No taste. Gross. +Rintaro: You have quite the appetite, I see. A side-effect of the resurrection, perhaps? If you're that hungry, I guess I could give you a banana or two! +Kurisu: No thanks. +Itaru: Either way, those bananas are Mayushii's. +Rintaro: Come, don't be shy. This is an offering. Take it! +Kurisu: As if. Who would eat some perv's banana? +Itaru: A perv's banana...! +Itaru: Eat... a perv's banana... squishy... finger in mouth... 'Gross!' with a sour expression... +Itaru: Um, can you say that one more time? With a more humiliated expression, if you please. +Kurisu: Huh? +Itaru: Come on. Say, 'Who would eat some perv's banana?' but if you could add an, 'Ahh, but it's so...' after that, it would be extra delicious! +Kurisu: Huh? ...huh? +Kurisu: ...Ah!! +Rintaro: Muhaha! Oh, Daru. You may be a worthless, disgusting perv, but let me say, well done, sir! +Rintaro: So, Makise Kurisu. You just imagined something, didn't you? By all means, tell us what. Don't be shy. Muhahaha! +Kurisu: Why you... +Rintaro: Come on! Say it, genius girl! What's the imagination of a genius like? I'd love to hear from you! +Kurisu: You... ass! +Kurisu: I get it. You're both⑰ pervs. +Itaru: Well... you could⑰ say that. +Rintaro: I don't want to hear that from you. +Kurisu: Okay! If I came off as a little rude, I apologize. +Kurisu: I was only acting that way because you molested me, but I'll ignore that for now. +Kurisu: Please tell me what happened to this banana. I'd also like to hear about that... +Kurisu: That microwave thing. +Rintaro: That's top secret. The one thing I'm cleared to share with unauthorized individuals is that its name is the PhoneWave (name subject to change). +Kurisu: Name subject to change? What's that about? +Rintaro: PhoneWave is weak. It needs a better name. +Kurisu: I couldn't care less about its name. +Rintaro: I'm afraid that's the only information you're cleared for. +Itaru: Hold on, Okarin. Makise-shi might be able to explain what's going on. +Rintaro: Hmm... well... +Kurisu: That creepy grin... are you thinking perverted thoughts again? +Rintaro: You said your name's Christina, right? +Kurisu: Who the hell's Christina!? I never said that! +Rintaro: If you wish to learn the secrets of this microwave, then you must meet my conditions. +Kurisu: ...Which are? +Rintaro: Condition One: You must become a lab mem⑰. +Kurisu: Ramen? +Rintaro: No! Lab mem, stupid! Short for laboratory member! +Kurisu: You mean you want me to join your research team? I'm supposed to return to America in August. +Rintaro: I'll have you sign a non-disclosure agreement so you won't betray our secrets. Break the agreement, and I'll report your steamy, perverted acts to Science Magazine. +Kurisu: Gh... +Itaru: You're a monster, Okarin. I'll take five copies. +Rintaro: From the moment you become a lab mem to the moment of your departure, your brain shall be used for the benefit of our lab. +Kurisu: You're so full of it. Let's see the contract, then. +Rintaro: What contract? This is a lab, not a corporation! +Kurisu: I don't mind lending you my knowledge, but if there is more pervy nonsense involved, the answer is NO. +Rintaro: Don't worry, we don't bite. +Kurisu: No more molestation? +Rintaro: No, alright!? +Kurisu: You said that was condition one. So there's gotta be a second one, right? It better not be-- +Rintaro: The second condition is... +Rintaro: That you'll overlook all past acts of molestation I may or may not have committed! +Kurisu: ... +Itaru: Okarin, you're so petty! You're the pettiest person I've ever met! +Rintaro: Shut up, Daru. You have no right to talk. By the way, Daru's perverted acts aren't included. You two can work it out yourselves. +Itaru: What the hell, man! +Rintaro: Those are the conditions! If you can't accept them, then you must leave at once! +Rintaro: Heh heh heh. So what'll it be? I don't think it's a bad deal at all. +Kurisu: You mean for you. +Kurisu: Geez... I feel like I'm hypersecreting +Rintaro: I don't care about your dislocated jaw! Do you accept the conditions or not? Answer me, Christina! +Kurisu: Stop adding -tina! My name's Kurisu! +Kurisu: ...Okay. I accept. +Rintaro: Hehehe, good answer. From this moment forth, you are Lab Mem Number 004. +Rintaro: Welcome, Christina -- codename, The Zombie! +Kurisu: I won't answer to either. Use my real name, Hououin. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: You're such a child. +Rintaro: You say something? Genius perv⑰ girl? +Kurisu: Come on! No more saying 'perv'! I won't treat you like a perv either! So let's drop it already! +Rintaro: As long as you understand. Now for the issue at hand. Daru, give Christina-- +Kurisu: No '-tina' either. +Rintaro: Give Kurisu-kun an explanation on our experiments so far. +Itaru: +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Fascinating. +Rintaro: Let's hear your opinion. +Kurisu: I think we can at least throw out completely worthless⑰ theories like electromagnetic weaponry and teleportation. +Kurisu: Can we run the experiment one more time? I want to see it for myself. +Kurisu: Okabe-san, Hashida-san, please watch the bananas. +Rintaro: Who are you to give me orders? I am the mad scientist, Houou-- +Kurisu: Whatever. Just keep your eye on the bananas! +Kurisu: Sixty seconds have passed. Any change? +Itaru: Nope. +Kurisu: 100 seconds. +Itaru: Ah! +Itaru: It appeared! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: How does it look? +Kurisu: Huh? Oh... uh... +Kurisu: A-at 104 seconds, it d-disappeared. Abruptly. Yeah. +Rintaro: So it is a teleporter! The first in human history! +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Teleportation... is that even possible? +Kurisu: It did move... No matter how unbelievable that may be... +Kurisu: Could it be +Rintaro: Don't avert your eyes from the truth! What you've seen with your own eyes is everything! +Kurisu: Did it really teleport? It's dangerous to reason from the conclusion. +Rintaro: Well then, genius girl, what do you call this phenomenon? +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Let's sort this out. +Kurisu: Neither the banana bunch nor the frozen chicken teleported. Correct? +Rintaro: ...So, maybe there's a size limit for objects that can teleport. +Kurisu: But aren't those chicken pieces smaller than bananas? +Rintaro: We used the same chicken for each experiment. They come in 12-packs. +Itaru: That's quite a lot, then. +Kurisu: What about salt? You experimented with salt too, right? +Kurisu: Maybe the plate was in the way. +Rintaro: Of course we tried it without the plate, but that didn't change anything. +Kurisu: Then, maybe each individual grain of salt was too small... or something? +Kurisu: Hmm... I need a clue... +Kurisu: Anything else? Have you noticed anything else about the PhoneWave? +Rintaro: Not PhoneWave. PhoneWave (name subject to change). +Kurisu: Forget about that. +Kurisu: So? Have you noticed anything or not? +Itaru: Oh, right! +Itaru: One time, it shot off a huge electrical discharge. +Rintaro: What!? I don't know anything about that! +Itaru: That's because you weren't around when it happened. +Kurisu: Discharge? How much? +Itaru: It was like a fluorescent light lit up the development room. It lasted about two seconds, I guess. +Kurisu: What were the circumstances? +Itaru: I was adjusting the cellphone attached to it. I unhooked it and put my own in. +Itaru: A little bit later, sparky sparky. +Rintaro: When was that? +Itaru: Around noon yesterday. When you went to see Doctor Nakabachi's presentation. +Kurisu: Doctor Nakabachi... +Rintaro: But wait, Daru. Didn't you say that Doctor Nakabachi's presentation was cancelled? +Itaru: Yeah, but you went with Mayu-shi anyway, remember? +Rintaro: That reminds me. I sent you an email back then. Did you get it? +Itaru: An email? +Kurisu: That email you showed me at ATF yesterday? +Kurisu: It said someone stabbed me at the presentation, didn't it? +Rintaro: Yeah. But for some reason, Daru's phone received it a week ago... +Itaru: Huh? Wasn't that one of your stories? If it wasn't, then that would make the timestamp weird. +Rintaro: I always speak the truth! If you don't trust me, I'll show you my send history. +Rintaro: It's gone... +Rintaro: Where did it go? I could've sworn I sent it just before 1 PM. +Itaru: Oh yeah! That's when the discharge phenomenon happened! The show I was watching was about to end. +Rintaro: I get it... So that's what happened. +Kurisu: Uh, what? +Itaru: Oh, this is one of Okarin's usual habits, so don't mind it. Seriously. +Rintaro: Silence! I've reached the answer, and now the world will tremble! +Rintaro: The disappearance of my mail, the strange timestamp, and the sudden electrical discharge must be... +Rintaro: Related somehow! +Itaru: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ...And? +Rintaro: Huh? +Kurisu: I understand that they're related somehow. But how? +Rintaro: It's your job to figure that out, Christina. +Kurisu: Hashida-san, talking to this guy's so tiring. +Itaru: Everyone's like that at first. The trick is to not take him seriously. +Rintaro: And you call yourself my right-hand man!? +Rintaro: Daru, describe the PhoneWave (name subject to change)'s status when the discharge phenomenon occurred. +Itaru: It was kind of a mess. I'd connected my phone to the PhoneWave, and I was testing to see if I could control it with the X68000. +Mayuri: I'm home! So hungry... +Mayuri: Time to eat some chicken! Juicy Chicken Number One♪ +Mayuri: Okarin, did you buy the bananas? Okarin? +Mayuri: Huh? We have a guest? +Mayuri: I'm Mayushii. Nice to meet you! +Kurisu: I'm Makise. Apparently, I'm a lab mem now. +Mayuri: Really? That's great! Another girl lab mem! +Rintaro: Daru, what were you doing with the X68000? +Itaru: Like I said, I was adjusting the incoming mail settings. I was monitoring the moment it received mail for remote control. +Itaru: That's why I put it on 'freezing mode' for 120 seconds too. +Itaru: I made it so that you can start freezing mode by computer. I tested that out yesterday too. +Rintaro: Mayuri! Insert the Juicy Chicken Number One into the PhoneWave (name subject to change)! +Mayuri: You all want some? I can give you one each. +Rintaro: So, we've reproduced the conditions that existed when the discharge phenomenon occurred. Right? +Itaru: Uhh, how was it again... +Rintaro: You there. Assistant! +Kurisu: Huh? Me? +Rintaro: Who else!? +Kurisu: When did I become your assistant!? +Rintaro: Just send something to my phone! +Kurisu: I don't even know your email address. +Rintaro: What a useless assistant. +Kurisu: Don't call me your assistant! +Rintaro: Daru, send an email from your phone! +Itaru: Uh, sure... but what? +Rintaro: Anything! +Itaru: Uhh, umm... +Rintaro: Send 'Christina's a perv'! +Kurisu: I thought we agreed to stop saying that! +Itaru: Well, let's compromise and go with 'Okarin's a perv'. +Rintaro: You traitor! +Kurisu: Good job, Hashida-san! +Mayuri: Oh no! Mayushii's bananas! +Mayuri: They became gelbanas... +Kurisu: We experimented on them. +Mayuri: But they were Mayushii's... +Itaru: Want me to send the mail now? +Kurisu: You'll be reimbursed later. By Hououin-san, that is. +Rintaro: Why me!? +Mayuri: Geez! Why do you always have to experiment on Mayushii's food? +Mayuri: Ah! Don't tell me you're experimenting on the chicken too? +Rintaro: We are. +Itaru: 'Kay, sending it now. Sending, sending, click. +Rintaro: Wait! Don't open that! +Mayuri: Huh? +Mayuri: Wawah! +Kurisu: An electrical discharge! +Itaru: Are we gonna die!? +Rintaro: E-everyone okay? +Itaru: S-somehow. +Kurisu: That was definitely more than two seconds. +Mayuri: O-Okarin? Umm, what just happened? +Rintaro: Are you okay? No burns or anything? +Mayuri: Hmm... It doesn't hurt anywhere, so I think I'm okay... +Kurisu: H-hey! Look at this! +Itaru: What the hell? How did that... Yeah, it's a microwave, but it's not heavy enough to make a hole in the floor... +Kurisu: This can't be caused by electrical discharge. Some other phenomenon? +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh heh... MUHAHAHA! Just as my calculations predicted! +Itaru: ...So, about Mayu-shi's chicken. +Mayuri: Eh? +Mayuri: Ahh! M-Mayushii's chicken is all burnt black... +Rintaro: Juicy Chicken Number One made a noble sacrifice for the progress of science. Let us pray for his happiness in the next life. +Kurisu: The chicken doesn't matter! Right now, we need to determine what happened with the Phonewa-- +Mayuri: It doesn't matter? That's so mean, uh, Christina-chan... +Kurisu: Hey, Hououin Kyouma! Do something about this! Mayushii-san learned my name wrong! +Itaru: More importantly, we need ventilation. *cough cough* +Rintaro: Silence, all of you! +Rintaro: Muhaha! Muhahaha! MUHAHAHAHA! +Rintaro: It all connects. There's a meaning behind this series of events, and only one true answer. +Rintaro: I've discovered the PhoneWave (name subject to change)'s true hidden function! +Rintaro: This isn't intuition. That's right. This is conviction! +Kurisu: Just spit it out. What do you think it is? +Rintaro: First, let me say one thing. The greatest inventions are created by accident. This we call serendipity. +Kurisu: Get on with it. +Rintaro: The mail was sent to the past⑰. +Rintaro: The chicken returned⑰ to its frozen state. +Rintaro: The plucked banana returned⑰ to the bunch. +Kurisu: ...No way. +Rintaro: Yes way! +Rintaro: The PhoneWave (name subject to change)... +Rintaro: Is a time machine! +Itaru: ... +Kurisu: A time machine? A time machine!? It can't be!! +Rintaro: Hey, wanna go to Sanbo for some beef bowl? +Itaru: Nah, too much trouble... +Rintaro: Aren't you hungry? +Itaru: Yeah, but... +Rintaro: Hmph. You're such a bum. +Itaru: Haa... +Itaru: The Large Hadron Collider sure is cute... +Rintaro: W-what!? What did you just say!? +Itaru: Large Hadron Collider. You don't know about it? +Itaru: Owowowowowow, what are you doing!? +Rintaro: Are you conscious? +Itaru: Of course, man. +Rintaro: What is this Large Hadron Collider thing? +Itaru: You know. It's what SERN uses to do their experiments. LHC for short. +Itaru: It's seriously moe. Recommended. +Rintaro: You're lusting for something that's not even humanoid? +Itaru: Of course not. But there's something about it that gets me excited, you know? It makes me smile, you know? Don't you feel that? +Rintaro: Come to think of it, I remember you said that you found factories and the undersides of highways irresistible or something. +Itaru: Yeah. Same thing. +Rintaro: Where does it end? +Itaru: Life's too short. I don't want to limit my interests, you know? +Rintaro: SERN... +Rintaro: John Titor! +Itaru: Oh yeah. That guy you mentioned earlier. He's the guy @channel's going crazy about, isn't he? +Rintaro: That one might be an impostor. I was talking about the John Titor who appeared ten years ago. +Itaru: He appeared ten years ago? The same guy? +Rintaro: Anyway, John Titor mentioned SERN. +Rintaro: Titor made a prediction. Namely, that before the year 2034, SERN will develop a time machine! +Itaru: A time machine? That's a timely topic. +Itaru: But that wasn't just ten years ago. This new Titor said the same thing. +Rintaro: It doesn't matter if it was ten years ago or ten seconds ago. That's not the point, Daru. +Rintaro: This coincidence could very well be the choice of Steins Gate! +Itaru: Can we trust this Titor guy? +Rintaro: It doesn't matter if we trust him or not! Now we have something in common -- a time machine. +Rintaro: We should investigate SERN! We've got nothing to lose! +Rintaro: Tell me everything you know about SERN. +Itaru: Sure thing. My SERN folder is smoking hot! +Itaru: SERN is the world's largest particle physics research institution. It's popularly called the 'European Laboratory for Particle Physics', or the 'European Organization for Nuclear Research'. +Itaru: It's close to the border of Switzerland and France, on the outskirts of Geneva. It's famous as the birthplace of +Rintaro: The World Wide Web? You mean the internet? +Itaru: Bingo. That thing at the beginning of most URLs. +Itaru: Most people aren't aware, but there's a Japanese research team working at SERN too. +Rintaro: What sort of research does SERN do? +Itaru: Particle physics, mostly. +Itaru: SERN can do experiments no one else can, because they have the biggest particle accelerators in the world. +Itaru: The Low Energy Antiproton Ring, the Proton Synchrotron Booster, the Large Electron-Positron Collider. +Itaru: And the big boss is the largest accelerator in the world, the LHC... Large Hadron Collider-tan. +Itaru: The LHC is a 27km-long circular tunnel built underneath SERN's headquarters. +Itaru: Its purpose is to smash protons together in the hope of creating unknown elementary particle reactions. They started experimenting last year. +Itaru: Before they started, there were rumors that the experiments might create mini black holes. +Itaru: Oh no! Those mini black holes will swallow the earth! The universe is in danger! etc. +Rintaro: What's the possibility of that actually happening? +Itaru: 100% that it... won't. SERN officially denies it. +Itaru: Let's say a mini black hole was formed. The amount of energy would be so tiny that it would disappear instantly upon formation. It would be impossible for it to swallow the world. +Rintaro: But where there's smoke, there's fire. +Rintaro: It's me. Hehehe, don't be surprised. I've sniffed out an evil conspiracy. +Rintaro: ...John Titor. SERN. You see where I'm going with this? ...Yeah, that's right. They're likely connected to the Organization. +Rintaro: Hmph, coincidence? Come now, don't disappoint me. ...What? Evidence? Well, if you must know... whispers. Whispers of my mad scientist intuition. +Rintaro: Those bastards are trying to destroy the world. ...Yeah, with mini black holes. But what if we were to steal that technology? What then? +Rintaro: ...Heh heh heh. Of course. Who do you think I am? Everything is the choice of Steins Gate. El Psy Kongroo. +Itaru: Just who the hell are you fighting with? +Rintaro: Daru, I know what we must do. +Itaru: Whuzzat? +Rintaro: Don't you 'whuzzat' me! You're supposed to grin like you know exactly what I'm talking about! What kind of super hacka are you!? +Itaru: You always give such half-baked explanations. Try to sound intelligible before you try to sound intelligent. +Rintaro: You are a super hacka. +Itaru: Stop saying hacka. At least say hacker. +Rintaro: See where I'm going with this? +Itaru: No, not at all. +Rintaro: Hack into SERN. +Itaru: ...Is that some kind of joke? +Rintaro: I know you can do it, Daru. Expose their dastardly deeds and find any hints you can about the time machine. +Itaru: Dastardly deeds? You're just imagining that stuff, Okarin. +Rintaro: We stand at a crossroads. Will the PhoneWave (name subject to change) become a functional time machine, or will it die as garbage in lab storage? +Itaru: You serious? +Rintaro: I'm always serious! +Itaru: I'm not responsible for the consequences, got it? +Rintaro: Deal. Get started. +Itaru: Let's do this! +Rintaro: For your payment, I'll deposit a week's supply of potato chips into your Swiss bank account. +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: Anyway, I'm gonna sleep. It's all yours. +???: Anyone home? +Girl: Hi! I'm from the Braun Tube Workshop. +Girl: The TV you sent in for repairs has been fixed. Mind picking it up? +Girl: Why do we have to be sneaky? +Rintaro: Currently, my genius partner in crime is executing an important mission. I don't want to bother him. +Suzuha: Hmmm. What exactly do you guys do? +Rintaro: I told you before that learning our secrets could put you and everyone you know in grave danger. +Suzuha: You're called the Future Gadget Laboratory, right? +Rintaro: How did you know that!? I never told you. Wait, are you an Organization spy!? +Suzuha: That's what it said on your mailbox. +Rintaro: ...Oh. +Rintaro: N-now that you know, it's not like you can un-know. I'll give you the short explanation. But you must not tell a soul. +Rintaro: We are the Future Gadget Laboratory, dedicated to defeating the evil organization that rules the world from the shadows. Muhahaha! +Suzuha: Wow... +Suzuha: Is the evil organization SERN? +Rintaro: ...!? +Rintaro: Y-yeah, but... +Suzuha: Oh! So I was right? Those guys really are a contemptible lot, aren't they? +Rintaro: How did you know we were hacking into SERN!? +Suzuha: What? You're hacking them? Right now? +Rintaro: Just answer my question! How did you know about our business with SERN!? +Suzuha: Ah, umm, well... +Suzuha: Weeell, ahahah, actually, I overheard you this afternoon. If you stand here, you can hear stuff from the window. +Suzuha: I've only been working here for a day, but... +Suzuha: I've got a lot more free time than I expected. I've gone out four or five times today. Figured I'd reconnoiter the front of the store, see if I couldn't spot any customers. +Suzuha: So that's when I heard you guys talking from the second floor. +Suzuha: I got interested and looked it up online. Now I know all the rumors about SERN. +Rintaro: ...A-anyway, you must not tell anyone else. +Suzuha: Ah, yeah. I understand. I'm actually tight lipped, so don't worry. +Rintaro: Where's the manager? +Suzuha: He left right after he finished repairing your TV. +Suzuha: Sooo, here's the fixed TV. +Suzuha: He said to charge 1000 yen. +Suzuha: Thanks for your patronage. Well, just take it away. +Rintaro: By myself? Are you joking? +Suzuha: Huh? Didn't you bring it here by yourself? +Suzuha: I guess I can help, but... oh, I see. So we're already in the age where women do physical labor. +Rintaro: Hmph. I don't remember anyone asking for your help. Honestly, getting help from a girl like you would just hurt my pride. +Suzuha: Wow! +Suzuha: That was so manly! I might be falling for you. +Rintaro: Hmph, you think you can trick me like that? You're lying, aren't you? +Suzuha: Eh? What makes you think that? +Rintaro: It's one of my powers... Coloring Gentleman. +Suzuha: Y-you have powers? +Suzuha: Are you some kind of esper? +Suzuha: Are there a lot of espers like you? +Rintaro: Of course not. I am special! +Suzuha: Oh... You had me scared for a second there. But still, it's amazing that people like you exist. Maybe SERN is the reason there aren't more where I came from... +Suzuha: By the way, does the ability to see through lies have any combat application at all? +Suzuha: If it were me, I'd want perfect accuracy within a thousand meters, or ultra-fast reflexes that let me tear my enemy's limbs off before they can react. +Rintaro: You... you're an Organization assassin, aren't you? You must be the one they call Miss Golgo! Who hired you!? +Suzuha: Nobody hired me. What's a Golgo? +Suzuha: Anyway, do you have any other powers? +Rintaro: Even if I did, there's no way I'd tell a hitman hired to kill me. +Suzuha: I'm not going to kill you. +Rintaro: Revealing my powers would be suicide. They are most effective with the element of surprise. In other words, they're for me to know and you to find out! +Suzuha: Meanie. +Rintaro: Say what you like. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Why the frown? Did you get a death notice? +Rintaro: A what? +Suzuha: ...J-just wondering. +Suzuha: Umm, what I meant to ask was if you got some unpleasant news. +Rintaro: ...You could say that. +Rintaro: There's this woman who's obsessed with finding an IBN 5100. +Suzuha: An IBN 5100? +Rintaro: You know about them? +Suzuha: Yeah... +Rintaro: I see. So the IBN 5100 legend is famous, huh. +Suzuha: Y-yeah, that's it. I heard the urban legend from someone. How much do you know about it? +Rintaro: I actually tried looking for an IBN 5100, but in the end, I came to the conclusion that there isn't one in Akiba. +Suzuha: ...I see. Well, that's true. +Rintaro: You sound like you know something. +Suzuha: Eh? Well, I do and I don't, I guess. +Suzuha: I don't know about it personally, but I happened to hear about it from a knowledgeable acquaintance of mine or something like that. Aha, ahaha. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Who are⑰ you? +Suzuha: Haaahh... +Suzuha: I was thinking of giving you a bunch of interesting information on the IBN 5100... +Suzuha: But when you look at me like that, I don't feel like it anymore. +Rintaro: I'm not even interested in the IBN 5100. +Rintaro: You don't have a shred of credibility. I have no way of knowing if that 'interesting information' of yours is true or not. +Suzuha: Wow, that's harsh! Well, I admit I am acting kinda suspicious. +Suzuha: I won't tell you, but I'll give you a hint. +Suzuha: And then you'll writhe in agony when you can't figure it out! +Suzuha: Truth is, the IBN 5100 has a hidden function. +Rintaro: If I remember correctly, the IBN 5100 can do something or other with a proprietary programming language. +Suzuha: No way! How did you know!? Tell me, tell me! +Rintaro: It's another one of my powers -- Leading Question. I can read your heart of hearts. +Suzuha: What!? No fair! +Rintaro: I see everything, Amane Suzuha! Resistance is futile. +Suzuha: Kuh! +Suzuha: Anyway, the IBN 5100 has a hidden function! +Suzuha: It can decipher IBN's proprietary programming language, which was written before +Suzuha: Now it's a dead programming language that can only be deciphered with an IBN 5100. +Suzuha: That's why IBN 5100s are so rare. +Itaru: ... +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Good morning! +Rintaro: What are you doing here so early? +Mayuri: Well, I heard you guys had stayed up two nights in a row, so I brought you some goodies. +Rintaro: Excellent. Good job. +Mayuri: Tada! +Mayuri: It's a present from Mayushii. They're 270 yen each, so savor it, okay? +Rintaro: I've been getting tired of eating bananas and chicken lately. Buy these instead from now on. +Mayuri: But Mayushii doesn't have enough pocket money to splurge like this all the time. +Mayuri: And Mayushii loves bananas and chicken, so she'll keep buying them. +Mayuri: But wait, there's more. Tada♪ +Mayuri: RaiNet sausage! It comes with an Upa bottle cap as a bonus! I really wanted it, so I bought it. +Mayuri: So how's Daru-kun? +Rintaro: He's in the midst of a hard fight. He should at least rest a little. I mean, I never said he had to do it all at once. +Mayuri: Daru-kun's super hacka spirit is on fire! +Itaru: Don't say hacka! +Mayuri: He sure is tense... +Mayuri: But, isn't hacking bad? Mayushii doesn't want you to do bad things... +Rintaro: I would be a fool to let Daru's super hacka... I mean, hacker skills go to waste. +Rintaro: Besides, we're doing this to expose SERN's wrongdoings. This is a war against the dark forces that secretly rule the world! +Mayuri: Bad things are bad. +Rintaro: Mayuri, want to trade my sweet potatoes for your beef? +Mayuri: Ehh? If you want to trade, I'd rather have your quail egg. +Rintaro: Don't be ridiculous! Next to beef, quail eggs are my favorite. +Mayuri: But Mayushii likes quail eggs too. +Rintaro: Settle for my chikuwa. +Mayuri: Mm... okay. Chikuwa's better than sweet potatoes. +Itaru: Soon... If I can just get the SQL table, I'll have more than enough passwords... geheheh... you're no match for me... +Itaru: Oho! Comeoncomeoncomeon, mmyes, mmyes, hooah! You can't hide from me, you naughty thing you! How does it feel to be naked? Hyahaaa! Hahaha! +Itaru: Oh yes! YESSSSSSS! Matching ID and password! Login complete, hell yeah! Taste it! YESYESYES! +Rintaro: Did you get it!? +Itaru: Mission complete. +Rintaro: Really!? +Mayuri: Wow, that's amazing! I don't really get it, though. +Itaru: An oden can's the best after a job well done. +Rintaro: Well done! You really are the world's greatest super hacka! +Itaru: Hacker. +Rintaro: H-hacker! I'm glad you're on my side. +Rintaro: So, did you find out how they're planning to destroy the world? +Itaru: I haven't looked yet, man. All I did was get us connected. +Itaru: But it's all downhill from here. +Rintaro: I'm sorry if you're tired, but please start checking. The keys to this conspiracy have got to be in there. +Itaru: Yeah, yeah, I'll do it. But let me eat this oden can first. +Itaru: The question is who this password belongs to. +Mayuri: Why is that? +Itaru: I went into SERN's database and got a data table. +Itaru: From there, I focused on people with simple passwords like +Itaru: It'd be awesome if this turns out to be the server admin's logon, but I don't think we're that lucky. +Mayuri: In Japanese please? +Rintaro: Same. +Itaru: Basically, if this is the server admin's password, we can taste every inch of SERN's luscious, luscious flesh. But if it's just an ordinary researcher's password, then we can only see SERN's boobs. +Mayuri: Daru-kun, that's naughty! +Rintaro: Quit the erotic examples. Basically, you mean there'll be limits to what information we can access. +Itaru: Exactly. +Itaru: Anyway, it's only a matter of time before I get a server admin's password. Let's save that for later. I'm really sleepy now. +Itaru: Oh! Looks like our ID belongs to an accelerator division chief. +Rintaro: So it's not a server admin... +Itaru: It would take a miracle to get one on our first try. How many staff members do you think SERN has? +Mayuri: How many? +Itaru: Over 6000. +Itaru: Well, for now, let's look at this accelerator division chief. Uh, his name is... +Itaru: Jack. Let's look at his email log. +Mayuri: Oh no... that makes Mayushii's head hurt... +Rintaro: Daru, what does that say? +Itaru: Need to translate it... +Rintaro: This is a job for +Itaru: Nah. I've got a better idea. +Itaru: Looks like a new year's greeting. Something about going on vacation in Spain... lucky bastard. +Itaru: If we keep scouring the log like this, we can also identify the server manager. +Mayuri: You know, looking through someone else's email without permission makes me feel really guilty... +Rintaro: I abandoned guilt when I chose the path of Evil long ago! Muhahaha! +Rintaro: Let the responsibility be mine. I will not ask you to answer for my crimes. +Itaru: What a guy! I'd let Okarin do me in the butt. +Rintaro: I decline your offer. +Rintaro: Now get peeking, Daru! +Mayuri: Okarin, you're bad... You make Mayushii sad. +Rintaro: LHC experiment reports? There could be a hint about time machines in there. We should try reading them. +Itaru: This is definitely a crime, though... +Itaru: This is encrypted. +Rintaro: Tch, of course it isn't that simple... +Itaru: Well, cracking this should be a piece of cake. +Itaru: Umm, translated into proper Japanese, it's... +Itaru: 'Hi, Pole!' +Rintaro: That acting's completely unnecessary. +Itaru: Aw... +Itaru: 'Uploaded today's data to the server. The LHC is performing admirably. Can't say the same about the rest, though.' +Itaru: 'This baby's fickle as a cat, but it was surprisingly obedient this month. It would be great if it stayed like this forever.' +Itaru: 'But don't you think this work is unrewarding? This kitten -- this 27-kilometer long kitten, HAHAHAHA -- has been in operation for nine years.' +Itaru: 'Our research will change the course of history, yet only a small group of people are allowed to see it.' +Itaru: 'Of course, if it were ever officially released, it would be one hell of a scandal.' +Itaru: 'People would probably say something like, 'Call Robert Zemeckiff to SERN right away. He could build it in less than a year.'' +Rintaro: ...Nine years? +Rintaro: Do you think there were any translation errors in that email? +Itaru: If you trust the translation software, then that's what it says. The Japanese is strange in places, though. +Rintaro: But that doesn't make sense. +Rintaro: I thought the LHC was only put into operation around spring last year. But this email makes it sound like it's been in operation for nine years. +Itaru: That is strange. +Rintaro: Keep looking, Daru. Search for anything related to time machine research. +Itaru: Seriously? +Itaru: Hmm, there aren't any emails with the phrase 'time machine' in them... +Itaru: But the phrase 'Z Program' was used hundreds of times in the past few months. +Itaru: Do you think it could be about the current LHC experiments? +Rintaro: What is it specifically? Black hole formation experiments? +Itaru: Hmmm, let's try looking for a document... ah, found one. +Itaru: Oho! Looks like this is top secret stuff from France, England, and Holland. +Rintaro: ...Government secrets? +Itaru: SERN's not even a government organization, so why? +Itaru: Wait, should we be looking at this stuff? We might be in a little deep here. +Rintaro: I don't care. Get me details. +Itaru: Hold on. If we get caught, we're not getting off with an apology. +Rintaro: Are you so incompetent as to let yourself be traced? +Itaru: ...I took the necessary precautions. +Rintaro: Then I fail to see the problem. +Itaru: Well, thanks. +Itaru: Hmm... 'May 14th, 137th Z Program Experiment Report'... +Itaru: 'Because we have already succeeded at creating mini black holes, the report is omitted. First--' +Rintaro: Stop! Stooopp! +Rintaro: So SERN did use the LHC to generate mini black holes! +Itaru: But they announced that their experiments still haven't succeeded, so why... +Itaru: But the goal of the experiment wasn't even to generate mini black holes. It was to create new elementary particle reactions... +Rintaro: But in reality, they're already generating those mini black holes. +Itaru: Sure does seem like it. +Rintaro: What does it say next? +Itaru: Umm... +Itaru: 'Results: Error. Human is dead, mismatch. For details, consult Jellyman's Report No.14.' +Itaru: 'We propose that further experiments be halted until the lifter is perfected and all local field conformity points are online.' +Rintaro: Wh-what does that mean? +Itaru: 'Human is dead' means somebody died, right? +Rintaro: Wha... +Rintaro: What is this Jellyman's Report? +Itaru: I can't find it in Jack's email. We'll need an account with more privileges. +Rintaro: Then we'll save that for next time. Search for something related to time machines. +Itaru: You know we're not going to find anything, right? +Itaru: Words like 'accelerator technical committee,' and 'LHC project lead' came up, so I guess we should look for an ID from there. Maybe then we can get more information. +Rintaro: You can't look it up with the ID you have? +Rintaro: Well, I guess let's call it a day. +Itaru: By the way, what we just saw was SERN's biggest server, but I also found a strange database on the network. +Rintaro: Strange how? +Itaru: It was buggy. +Rintaro: Buggy? +Itaru: I mean, it was full of some kind of code... +Itaru: But the code was gibberish. Utterly impossible to decode, thank you very much. +Rintaro: Could it be encrypted? +Itaru: Not by any algorithm I've ever seen. It wouldn't even work as a program. It just bothers me. Why would they have a database that nobody could ever use? +Rintaro: That is strange. +Itaru: I'll see what I can find out. +Itaru: Agh! I don't get it! I don't get it at all! +Itaru: You call this a program, dumbass!? Go to hell! +Mayuri: I think you should stop... +Itaru: My head is spinning... I can't take it any more... fweh, fweheh... +Rintaro: Good work. Go rest, Daru. +Itaru: Yeah... I'll do that. +Itaru: Anyway, even if it isn't a bug, but an actual program, only the guys who made it could understand it. +Itaru: I've never seen anything like it... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... of course. Everything is falling into place. +Mayuri: Whatcha talking about? +Rintaro: John Titor... SERN... the time machine... +Rintaro: Daru, I think I know how we can read that program. +Itaru: Seriously? How? +Rintaro: If my hunch is correct, John Titor should know! +Itaru: What? There's no way! +Rintaro: Say what you like. We'll know soon enough. +Rintaro: It's here! +Rintaro: Heh, heh heh heh... Just as I suspected. +Itaru: Huh? +Rintaro: I was right, Daru. +Rintaro: I know where that data comes from. +Itaru: An IBN 5100! +Suzuha: It can also decipher IBN's proprietary programming language, which was written before APL and BASIC became widespread. Isn't that surprising? +Suzuha: Now it's a dead programming language only decipherable with an IBN 5100. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh. No... NO, I SAY! This discovery of ours was inevitable from the start! For this is the choice of Steins Gate!! +Itaru: Wait, so SERN has an IBN 5100 database? Those machines aren't compatible with any modern software. Why would they do something like that? +Rintaro: Answer me this. What is the best way to secure a machine against external +Itaru: Well, make it +Itaru: If only IBN 5100s can read it, then I guess that's kind of standalone... +Rintaro: Which means that SERN's keeping their most important secrets hidden there! +Itaru: How do you know about that hidden function anyway? +Rintaro: It is recorded in my brain's extensive Index Librorum Prohibitorum. +Itaru: Very original. +Rintaro: Mayuri! We have important matters to discuss. Assemble! +Mayuri: Hm? I can hear you fine from here. +Rintaro: It doesn't matter whether you can hear or not! +Rintaro: This meeting concerns the fate of the Future Gadget Laboratory -- nay, the fate of mankind! +Rintaro: So I want it to feel more secretive, like we're scheming or something! +Mayuri: Mayushii won't participate in your evil schemes. +Rintaro: Listen, you two! Henceforth, the Future Gadget Laboratory shall begin emergency top secret operations! +Rintaro: This shall be the first stage in our war against the dark powers that manipulate the world from the shadows! Our enemy is SERN, a scientific institute engaged in the most evil research imaginable! +Itaru: Okarin, you're too loud... and I've been up all night. +Rintaro: Understand? The world has no need for two mad scientists. Before they can get ahead of us, we must outwit them! +Itaru: Who are they? +Rintaro: You know... them⑰. +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii doesn't get it at all... +Rintaro: Basically, we must obtain the phantom retro PC... the IBN 5100, said to be located somewhere in Akiba. +Itaru: I'll pass on the search. I'm seriously tired. Besides, I want to keep combing SERN's server. +Rintaro: That's true... +Rintaro: Well, you're the only one who can do that, Daru, so I'll leave it to you. +Rintaro: So, the IBN 5100 investigation squad shall consist of Mayuri and me-- +Mayuri: I can't... +Mayuri: I have to make costumes, and I have work, too. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Fine. I'll manage alone somehow. It's useless to try and stop me. Understood? +Mayuri: Are you going to do something bad again? +Itaru: Nah, he's all talk. +Suzuha: Hiya, Okabe Rintaro. +Rintaro: Pretty nice technique there. +Suzuha: Bicycles are fun, aren't they? I'd never ridden one before coming here. +Rintaro: You'd never ridden a bicycle!? +Suzuha: Nope. I had ridden motorcycles before, though. +Rintaro: Going to work now? +Suzuha: Yup. +Rintaro: That's perfect. There's something we need to talk about. +Suzuha: Ehh? But I need to get the shop ready for business. +Rintaro: Just what does this crumbly old Braun Tube Workshop need to get 'ready'? +Suzuha: Nothing, really. Geez. I just mindlessly sweep in front of the shop. If I clean inside, the boss gets angry. 'Everything's where it needs to be,' he says. +Rintaro: So hear me out, then. +Suzuha: But I'm so tired. +Rintaro: You would be... unwise to anger me. +Suzuha: Does it have to be right now? +Suzuha: Then go ahead. +Suzuha: But keep it short, okay? +Rintaro: Where is the IBN 5100? +Suzuha: No intel yet. +Rintaro: What? +Suzuha: I don't know. +Rintaro: But by the way you talked yesterday, it sure sounded like you knew. +Suzuha: No, I know someone who knows. +Rintaro: Then take me to them. I won't take no for an answer. Refuse, and I'll show you a living hell. +Suzuha: I can't. +Suzuha: I can't introduce you even if I wanted to. +Rintaro: What do you mean? Don't tell me they're an imaginary-- +Suzuha: They've been dead for years. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I'm sorry. +Suzuha: Nah, it's okay. Anyway, there's nothing I can tell you. Honestly, I'm hoping you can tell me something. +Tennouji: Hey, part-timer! It's only your third day and you're late!? +Suzuha: Sorry, boss! The streets were a little crowded this morning. +Tennouji: If you're not gonna take this seriously, I can always give you the boot, hear? +Tennouji: As for you, Okabe, don't you lay a finger on my part-timer. +Rintaro: Aren't you the lecherous one here, Mister Braun? +Tennouji: Why you. Just try saying something like that in front of Nae. I'll murder ya. Gotta keep my honor as a father. +Tennouji: Besides, I ain't got no use for a skinny kid like her. +Suzuha: What was that!? Take that back, boss! +Tennouji: What, you mad? +Suzuha: I'm not a kid! I'm a warrior! +Tennouji: Hah? What're you talking about? +Rintaro: I like the look in your eyes, you Part-Time Warrior. They shine with the radiance of the beast unseen in modern men. +Rintaro: Never forget those eyes of yours, and you shall surely change class from Part-Time Warrior... to True Warrior. +Suzuha: But I'm already a warrior! +Rintaro: Stay diligent in your training, and you shall have a place at my side on the field of +Suzuha: Ragnarok? +Suzuha: What's that? +Rintaro: The final battle against SERN. +Suzuha: You've got something like that planned? Count me in if you do, but I've never heard of it. +Rintaro: Of course you haven't. This is the first time I've revealed it. For I shall be the one to initiate Ragnarok! And the world shall be reborn! +Suzuha: Wow! You sure are brave, Okabe Rintaro. You'll probably fail, but I like your spirit. +Suzuha: I wish my comrades were as spirited as you are. +Tennouji: Why does my store attract nothing but weirdos? Damn. +Tennouji: Whatever, part-timer. Just come inside. +Suzuha: Coming! +Suzuha: Later, Okabe Rintaro! +Mayuri: Wait up, Okarin! +Rintaro: So you're going to help me search after all? That's the lab mem spirit. +Mayuri: Oh, no, that's not it. I was thinking about buying lunch. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: So, where do you plan to go? +Mayuri: Hmmm, what to eat... +Mayuri: Sanbo's beef bowl sounds good! +Rintaro: But Sanbo isn't open this earl-- +Mayuri: I feel like I can reach the stars. +Rintaro: It's too early for stars, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Did you know? Even during the day, the stars are still up there. +Rintaro: Getting philosophical is nice and all, but it's dangerous to stop in the middle of the street. +Mayuri: Ehehe! That's true. +Mayuri: Oh, just now, when I was looking at the stars, I decided to have ramen for lunch today! +Kurisu: Ah. +Rintaro: Well, if it isn't my assistant. What are you doing here? +Kurisu: Hey. When did I become your assistant? +Kurisu: ...Why are you glaring at me? +Rintaro: Don't worry about it. You're not the cause of my frustration. +Kurisu: Oh, so you're just raging? Don't glare at me. +Rintaro: You've glared at me before, haven't you? +Kurisu: That's because you keep doing pervy-- +Kurisu: Ah, no, I'm not saying anything. +Kurisu: Are the emails you're getting really that unpleasant? +Rintaro: They're more... unreasonable than unpleasant. +Rintaro: So, Christina, what brings you here? +Kurisu: If you're going to call me names, could you at least be consistent? +Kurisu: Anyway, my business here doesn't concern you. +Rintaro: Why are you pouting? +Kurisu: I'm not pouting. I just don't want to get involved in your silly games again. +Rintaro: Nonsense. You're already a lab mem. You have a duty to work for the benefit of the lab! +Kurisu: ...I regret losing myself to curiosity back then. +Rintaro: Did you come to see the satellite? +Kurisu: ...I guess. +Kurisu: It doesn't make sense. Normally, they calculate satellites' orbits so that they burn up in the atmosphere when they fall. So how can that thing be in such perfect condition? +Rintaro: Where's this satellite from, anyway? +Kurisu: They still don't know. Rumors say it's from the former Soviet Union, but Russia denies it. So it looks like they can't remove it yet. +Rintaro: So it's another Organization cover-up! They knew I'd be at Radio Kaikan and tried to erase me! +Kurisu: Organization? What's that? +Rintaro: The Organization is the Organization. Its formal name is something else, but all those who know of its existence call it the Organization out of fear. +Rintaro: They rule the world from the shadows, transcending nations, with politics, economics, religion, even science in their clutches. +Kurisu: That's obviously a crackpot conspiracy theory, +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: What's wrong? +Kurisu: N-nothing! Really, nothing, okay? Say another word and I hit you! +Kurisu: A-anyway! What's happened with the PhoneWave!? +Rintaro: I thought you didn't want to get involved. And it's not the PhoneWave, it's the PhoneWave (name subject to change)-- +Kurisu: Just answer me. Have you learned anything? +Rintaro: No progress. We've tried repeating the experiment, but at present, we haven't been able to reproduce the discharge phenomenon or send another email to the past. +Kurisu: I see... +Kurisu: Hello? Can you put your phone away when you're talking with someone? +Rintaro: Don't be like that. Rather, you should praise me, for I have taught a foul mail demon to behave like a civilized human being. +Kurisu: Why are you so pompous? +Rintaro: I'd ask you the same thing, Christina. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Are you done with your little mail exchange? Hououin-san? +Rintaro: Oh? So you remember my true name. Indeed, I am Hououin Kyouma. +Kurisu: I was being facetious. +Rintaro: How was that facetious? You called me by my correct name. You made no mistake. You'll make a good assistant. +Kurisu: Okabe-san... have you sought professional help? +Rintaro: I am not Okabe! +Kurisu: This is exhausting... +Kurisu: You're pompous, but at least you have some manners. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Kurisu: I hate people who play with their phones in the middle of a conversation. +Rintaro: Ah, so that's why you grabbed my phone when we first met. +Kurisu: When we first met? I didn't do that. +Rintaro: Yeah you did. There I was, giving my report, when you grabbed my-- +Kurisu: What? What do you mean 'giving your report'? +Rintaro: No. It's nothing. +Rintaro: So, about the PhoneWave (name subject to change). +Rintaro: After the experiment, you screamed something like 'A time machine? It can't be!' Did something awaken a past trauma? +Kurisu: No. And don't go making one up either. +Rintaro: Back when she was five years old, Christina was on the plains of Arkansas when lightning-- +Kurisu: I wasn't hit by lightning! And I was still living in Japan when I was five! And why Arkansas? +Rintaro: I was trying to imagine tranquil scenery, and the first state to come to mind was Arkansas. Second was Oregon. +Kurisu: Not Utah? I mean, relatively speaking, isn't Utah more suitable? +Rintaro: Then answer me, Christina! Why did you freak out back then!? +Kurisu: ...No reason. I simply didn't want to believe. Fringe science should stay in the realm of fiction. +Rintaro: Fringe science? Don't be ridiculous. +Rintaro: You saw it with your own eyes. You saw the email leap to the past! You saw the banana travel instantly through space! +Kurisu: I saw... but we must be missing something. Or maybe we're just seeing what we want to see. +Kurisu: Remember what I said at ATF? Time machines are just a pipe dream given modern technology. +Kurisu: And yet a bunch of amateurs like you just stick a phone and a microwave together and expect time travel to occur? Ridiculous. +Rintaro: But it did occur! Will you deny what you saw with your own eyes? Are you saying that theories trump reality? Then I hope you enjoy sophistry and word games, because that's all you'll ever have! +Kurisu: What do you mean, word games? +Rintaro: Quantum theory, for example. If you ask me, theories like that are nothing but word games! +Kurisu: Wait, are you rejecting modern physics? Who do you think you are? +Rintaro: Trust what you see! The only things that matter are things that happen; things that don't happen, things that aren't observed, are just hypotheses! +Kurisu: When hypotheses pile up, and theories are verified, they become reality. +Kurisu: That's how modern physics comes to understand the truth of the universe. +Rintaro: But sometimes your hypotheses are mistaken! Even Einstein was wrong about some things! +Kurisu: So you're going to do nothing, just because you could be wrong? Then enjoy your dirty little lab and your silly gadgets, because that's all you'll ever have. +Kurisu: You'll never reach the truth that way. Failure teaches success. +Rintaro: I see. Nice rebuttal. +Kurisu: ...You're never getting off your high horse, are you? +Rintaro: By the way, Christina, I have always felt that physicists are hypocrites. +Kurisu: ...What? +Rintaro: There are phenomena that everyone knows occur in reality, but which physicists refuse to research. What do you think about that? +Kurisu: I don't know what to say unless you can give me some examples. +Rintaro: Ghosts, for instance. +Kurisu: The occult? Really? +Rintaro: You refuse to research it just because it's the occult? That contradicts what you just said! +Rintaro: 'You'll never reach the truth that way!' +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: People have seen ghosts. There is even photographic evidence. +Rintaro: So where are the theories? Why do physicists refuse to speak? +Kurisu: ...It's a different field of study. +Rintaro: You can't call physics the study of natural phenomena, then decide some things don't count! +Kurisu: True, but... +Rintaro: And that's why we must investigate the phenomenon of sending emails to the past. You shall assist me! +Kurisu: No. +Kurisu: I won't have a hand in your fringe science. I won't make the same mistake my father did. +Rintaro: Your father? +Kurisu: You make a fine argument, but it won't work in the scientific community. +Kurisu: The day you decide to research time travel is the day you're out of a job. +Rintaro: How can you be so certain? +Kurisu: Because that's what happened to my father. +Kurisu: My father, a physicist, loved time machines. He was so fascinated by Wells's 'The Time Machine' that he seriously studied time travel. +Kurisu: But because of his obsession, he was practically exiled from the scientific community. +Kurisu: I will never⑰ get involved with time travel research! +Kurisu: ...I'm sorry. I got emotional. +Rintaro: Muhahaha! Don't worry about it! I wanted to test your character, so I made you angry on purpose! +Kurisu: ...Huh? +Kurisu: ...Anyway, the PhoneWave isn't a time machine. +Kurisu: Email is a manmade system, so this phenomenon should be explainable in the scope of that system. +Rintaro: I understand. I had no idea you hate time machines that much. It's almost like an allergy. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: I apologize for forcing you to become a lab mem. You don't have to come again. +Kurisu: ...I wasn't planning on it. +Rintaro: But know this, Christina. +Kurisu: Don't call me Christina. +Rintaro: Lab Mem Number 004 will be a retired number. That number... is yours forever. +Kurisu: You look ridiculous! +Rintaro: What are you doing!? You've ruined my perfectly-staged exit scene! And you call yourself my assistant!? +Kurisu: No, I don't call myself your assistant! And besides, I still have something to ask you! +Kurisu: I asked you about this before, but you said I got stabbed, right? I demand an explanation. +Rintaro: That was just something I hallucinated. +Kurisu: Why would you dream about me? +Rintaro: I don't know. And it wasn't a dream. It was a hallucination. +Kurisu: You said something about Doctor Nakabachi, didn't you? +Rintaro: Doctor Nakabachi held a time machine presentation at Radio Kaikan that day. +Kurisu: That presentation was canceled because of the satellite crash. +Rintaro: So it seems. But in my hallucination, the presentation proceeded as planned. Mayuri and I went to see it, and you came over to flirt with me. +Kurisu: I don't flirt. Especially not with idiots like you. +Rintaro: Like I said, it wasn't real, okay? No... maybe this world is what isn't real. +Rintaro: That would explain the riddle of the PhoneWave (name subject to change). If this world is some kind of simulation, then we can disregard the laws of physics. +Kurisu: Escapism? That's unexpectedly chicken of you. +Rintaro: It's a hypothesis. Your favorite thing. +Kurisu: So who stabbed me? Don't tell me it was you. +Rintaro: You were already dead when I got there. I didn't see who did it. +Kurisu: I don't get it. Why do I have to die in your mind? You have something against me? +Rintaro: Of course not. At that point in time, we had only spoken once. We were just strangers. +Rintaro: Anyway, we didn't know each other. That's why I ran away instead of calling for an ambulance. +Kurisu: My hero. +Rintaro: What? You want me to go back in time and give you CPR or something? I'd need to use the PhoneWave (name subject to change) for that. +Kurisu: ...I've heard enough. No more hallucinating about me, okay? Dying isn't fun, even if it's in someone else's head. +Rintaro: I can't make any guarantees. That would require perfect 24-hour surveillance inside my brain. +Kurisu: You have a comeback for everything, don't you. +Kurisu: Kyah! What now!? +Rintaro: I'm not done talking! +Kurisu: You trying to pick a fight? +Rintaro: It's revenge for ruining my farewell scene, Christina! You shall regret your thoughtless actions! +Kurisu: Okay, okay, fine. What is it? +Rintaro: About the IBN 5100. +Kurisu: I don't know what you're talking about. +Rintaro: ...If you don't know, then forget about it. Farewell! We will not meet again. +Kurisu: Hey! Don't tell me to forget about it! +Kurisu: What is the IBN five... whatever? +Rintaro: Then IBN 5100. It's a retro PC from 1975. I'm looking for one. +Kurisu: Yeah? What are you going to do with it? +Rintaro: Interested? +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: You're interested, aren't you? +Kurisu: ...Just a little. +Rintaro: Then I shall answer! The IBN 5100 is the key to unlocking SERN's most closely guarded secrets. +Kurisu: SERN? You mean... the⑰ SERN? +Rintaro: Indeed. Through the tireless efforts of my faithful lab mems, we have uncovered evidence that SERN is researching time travel. +Kurisu: ...Great. I shouldn't have asked. +Rintaro: Hmmm... +Rintaro: It's me. What's up? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: I thought I told you not to contact me on this line. It could be tapped. +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm telling you to not be so careless. Anyway, give me a sitrep. +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm asking why you're calling. +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Executing the mission. +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: The mission! I'm looking for an IBN 5100! +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: If it's valuable information, then by all means. +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Hey, tell me over the phone! Hey, Mayuri! +Rintaro: Why do I have to go all the way to MayQueen... +Mayuri: Okarin! +Mayuri: Mayushii went to the convenience store during lunch break. +Mayuri: Now there's only five minutes left! +Rintaro: Good work. So, what was that amazing thing you heard? +Mayuri: Before that, food. +Rintaro: Let me have one. +Mayuri: Okay. +Mayuri: Here you go♪ +Rintaro: You can't do that in front of the store. You're supposed to be a maid. +Mayuri: So? +Rintaro: Here, you're not Shiina Mayuri, but Mayushii NyanNyan. +Rintaro: You can't 'say aah' in front of the store! Your customers are going to see that as an act of betrayal. +Mayuri: Oh! Mayushii didn't think of that. +Rintaro: Well? What was that amazing thing you heard? +Mayuri: Oh, right! Actually, it's about the IBN 5100. +Rintaro: You found a lead!? Of course, it was at MayQueen! I can't believe I missed it! +Mayuri: No it's not! That's silly! +Mayuri: Mayushii was thinking of the IBN 5100 during work, so I asked the other girls if they knew anything. +Mayuri: First I asked Makki-chan, but Makki-chan said she's not good with computers. +Mayuri: And then there's LisaLisa-chan, but she only knows about the latest PCs. And she's actually a Machead... +Rintaro: Just get to the point. I don't really care how much trouble you went through. +Mayuri: Hm? Um, well, I think Feris-chan knows. +Rintaro: What!? Is that true!? +Mayuri: Yup. Did you know she's a retro PC maniac? +Rintaro: Faris? +Rintaro: It's me. Looks like we've got a lead on the IBN 5100. Are you ready for this? It's Faris NyanNyan. +Rintaro: It turns out that catgirl's an expert on retro PCs. There's probably another side to this. Let's keep our eyes peeled. +Rintaro: ...Hmph. I suppose I'm the only man for the job. Very well. I'll make the approach. +Rintaro: If you don't hear from me by 2000 hours tonight, then forget about me and commence the strike on MayQueen. +Rintaro: Everything is the choice of Steins Gate... El Psy Kongroo. +Mayuri: Ahh! I didn't say you could have two! +Rintaro: Well done, Mayuri! I'll see that your information is put to good use! +Mayuri: My chicken... +Rintaro: By the way, what's this Feris Cup about? +Mayuri: My chicken... +Rintaro: Well, whatever. I'm uneasy about the lack of intel, but the mission must go on. +Rintaro: Wait here, Mayuri. If I don't return within the hour, go home immediately. Understood? +Mayuri: I can't! I have to work. +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Welcome, Myaster♪ +Faris: Nyanya♪ Is Kyouma gonna join too? +Faris: Today's the Faris Cup, nya! +Rintaro: It's me. Run a search on the Faris Cup. +Rintaro: ...What!? A battle to the death where the winner gets to use Faris however he pleases!? +Rintaro: Looks like I've stepped into one hell of a mess. ...No, there's no problem. I'll survive... by any means necessary. El Psy Kongroo. +Rintaro: The Faris Cup is a battle royale, isn't it? +Faris: No, nya. It's a cat-eat-cat battle royale where the winner gets to make Faris his slave, nya. +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Ahh, no, you can't! You can't claw at each other's throats over Faris, nya! Please, stop nya! +Faris: Kyouma, please, nya. Stop them. +Rintaro: Don't worry. There's nobody for me to stop. Everyone's sitting silently in their seats. +Rintaro: No, seriously, what's the Faris Cup? +Faris: A paw-to-paw contest with Faris nya. Faris goes at it with everyone at the same time nyan. A reward goes to those Faris finds worthy, nya. +Rintaro: Faris, are you serious!? +Faris: ...If you don't do something, Faris is gonna become everyone's plaything, nya. +Faris: Save Faris's fur, Kyouma... +Rintaro: I refuse! +Faris: NyaNya!? +Rintaro: I didn't come to fight. I only came to talk to you. +Faris: If you're not going to play, then I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to leave, nya. +Rintaro: What's this? A maid, sending a customer away? +Faris: Faris is the organyaizer of the Faris Cup today. Only participants are allowed inside the shop, nya. +Rintaro: I only need two minutes. The IBN-- +Faris: Not listening, nyan! +Faris: If you want to talk to Faris, you have no choice but to join the Faris Cup, nyan. +Rintaro: ...Now that's just low. +Faris: So, what'll it be nyan? You can't survive unless you fight with your own paws, nyan! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: There's no choice. I accept your challenge. But on one condition. +Rintaro: If I face you, you'll tell me everything you know! +Faris: NyaNya? Well, fine by me nya... +Faris: Well then, Master, this way, nyannyan♪ +Itaru: Huh? Why are you here? You don't do RaiNet. +Rintaro: Wha, Daru!? +Rintaro: What are you doing here!? What about SERN!? +Itaru: Let me rest for one day, man. You should treat me better after two consecutive all-nighters. +Rintaro: SERN's power grows stronger by the day, and here you are without a care in the world. +Itaru: You're here too. +Rintaro: I came here for an unrelated matter and got dragged into this nonsense. I'm not interested in RaiNet or Faris's home cooking. +Rintaro: Daru, Operation Sigma. +Itaru: What's that? +Rintaro: I'm saying we should cooperate. We'll be the strongest if we team up, right? +Itaru: More like you're gonna drag me down. You're a noob at this game, Okarin. +Rintaro: But you're my right-hand man. As long as we're together, we have nothing to fear. +Itaru: But I refuse. I'm in this thing to win. +Rintaro: And you call yourself my friend!? +Itaru: In this tournament, we're enemies. +Rintaro: You traitor! Why do you think I sent you into this cafe as a spy? +Itaru: But you didn't send me. I'm Faris-tan's biggest fan. I check her blog every day and-- +Faris: Hi everyone♪ Thanks for waiting, nyan! The afternoon Faris Cup is about to begin nya! +Faris: Thank you, nya! +Faris: The rules are simple. Faris will face off against each one of you nya. +Faris: Faris will even go paw-to-paw with ten people at once, nyan. +Faris: If you beat Faris, you'll get her home cooking as a reward, nya. +Faris: Now then, everyone! Enjoy the contest! +Itaru: Gwah... strong Faris is strong... +Faris: Nyahaha♪ I hope the next group tries a little harder nyan. +Mayuri: Feris-chan sure is strong. +Mayuri: Mayushii's bad at RaiNet, so I'm really jealous. +Rintaro: What would you do if you were good at it? +Mayuri: Don't you know? RaiNet AccessBattlers isn't just popular in Akiba. It's a global blend! +Rintaro: I think you mean trend. +Mayuri: Yeah, that. So if you get good at it, you're sure to be every kid's hero! +Rintaro: Hero, huh... That doesn't sound bad. +Mayuri: Besides, Upa is so cute♪ +Rintaro: Wait. There's something strange about your argument. How does RaiNet skill relate to Upa's cuteness? +Mayuri: Feris-chan's too busy to go to tournaments, but I she's definitely a world-class player. +Faris: NyanNyan. Sorry, nya, but Faris never pulls punches in RaiNet. +Faris: I want someone who can go paw-to-paw with me, nyan. +Itaru: Gwohh! Feris-tan is too strong! We can't win. It was hopeless from the get-go! +Rintaro: Hmph! You're all pathetic. +Rintaro: But we've been saving the best for last. +Rintaro: Daru! Allow me to show you... how a true man fights. +Itaru: Don't tell me you've got a plan? +Rintaro: Hmph. Indeed I do. Let's just call this Operation 'Sweet Side'. +Faris: So Kyouma thinks he's up to par, nya? +Rintaro: The tears of the fallen twenty... shall not be in vain. +Rintaro: Do you remember our promise, Faris? Once this match is over, you'll tell me everything you know. +Itaru: Amazing! That crazy bastard actually means to win! +Mayuri: Go for it, Okarin♪ +Rintaro: Five minutes. That's all it will take to decide the match. +Faris: Okay! Round 3, start nya♪ RaiNet AccesssBattlers, duel access! +Rintaro: I give up. +Itaru: You're weak! Too weak! +Mayuri: Mayushii's disappointed... +Itaru: So it was all a bluff!? What happened to Operation 'Sweet Side'!? +Faris: It was almost like Kyouma committed suicide, nya. +Itaru: Wait, don't tell me... +Rintaro: Muhahaha! Yes! It's exactly what you're thinking! +Rintaro: Operation Sweet Side was a suicide⑰ attack! +Itaru: That's gotta be the worst pun ever! +Faris: But why are you so proud even though I made kitty litter outta you, nya? +Rintaro: Heh heh heh. Have you not figured it out, Faris NyanNyan!? Win or lose, it made no difference. +Faris: What's that supposed to mean, nya? +Rintaro: Do you remember the conditions I set? +Faris: Mya? If Faris lost, then she'd tell you everything-- +Rintaro: No! You are wrong, Faris. What I said was... +Rintaro: 'If I face you, you'll tell me everything you know!' If I face⑰ you. Now do you understand? +Rintaro: I never needed to win! +Rintaro: No one else could have pulled it off. These fools were lured here by the prospect of Faris's home cooking. They were obsessed with winning. +Rintaro: But not I! Your home cooking meant nothing to me! That difference in motivation is what allowed this suicide mission to succeed! +Rintaro: Heh heh heh, muhahahaha, MUHAHAHAHAHA! +Mayuri: Wow, Okarin! You're amazing! +Itaru: Th-that's dirty... +Rintaro: I think you mean fiendishly clever! Behold the success of Operation Sweet Side! +Rintaro: Now, Faris. Answer me. Where is the IBN 5100!? +Faris: Nya? The IBN 5100? +Rintaro: Don't play dumb. I have a reliable source. +Rintaro: I know that you have information on the IBN 5100. +Faris: Nya... how do you expect me to remember that, nya? Though I think I've seen this computer before... +Rintaro: What!? I thought you were an expert on retro PCs! Mayuri told me so! +Itaru: Uh, you leaked your source... +Mayuri: Yup! Mayushii's a reliable source! +Faris: I'm not an expert⑰, nya. Papa collected them, so we've got tons at home, that's all. +Rintaro: So that must be where the IBN 5100 is sealed! Take me there at once! +Faris: I can't, nyan. +Rintaro: What!? Why!? +Faris: Because that's the Faris Clan's sanctuary. +Faris: The only ones who may enter are the Faris Clan's cat-eared daughters: those who purrsue the knowledge of the meow miko. +Faris: In other words, it's paws-off to everybody but Faris, nya. Try to force your way in... and you'll grow dog ears, nya! +Rintaro: Like hell I will! Dog ears!? Yeah right! +Faris: I-it's true, nya... Faris doesn't tell tall tails, nya... +Rintaro: You coward! You've converted your believers into your personal army! +Faris: Faris is only telling the truth, nya... +Rintaro: Gwaahhh! +Rintaro: No, n-not now... it's too soon! +Faris: No! Don't tell me! Is the Anti-RaiNet System activating!? I warned you playing RaiNet could kill you! +Rintaro: Damn, empty handed... +Mayuri: Okarin! +Rintaro: What happened? Is the Faris Cup already over? +Mayuri: Nope. Well, just about. After this, the customers get to chat with Feris-chan. +Mayuri: I wanted to tell you about that IBN 5100 thing. I showed Feris-chan the picture again. +Rintaro: Good work, Mayuri! Completely different from a certain useless super hacka! So? +Mayuri: Feris-chan said it was probably around the time she was in elementary school. +Mayuri: On a cold autumn day, while Feris-chan was shivering from the cold, her butler Kuroki-san came to help-- +Rintaro: I don't care about her butler! Just get to the point! +Mayuri: So basically, she ended up donating one of her dad's computers to a shrine. She says it looked just like the one you're looking for. +Rintaro: Donated it... to a shrine? +Rintaro: Which shrine? +Mayuri: Dunno. Where could it be? +Rintaro: Whatever. It's a lead. +Rintaro: Good work, Mayuri. Continue your espionage mission. +Rintaro: Whatever, it doesn't matter. Bye. +Mayuri: Okay! Bye bye♪ +Rintaro: Shining Finger! +Rintaro: Finger! +Rintaro: Can't you hear me? +Moeka: ...Who? +Rintaro: Hououin Kyouma! The mad scientist. +Moeka: ...Who? +Rintaro: What? Can't you even remember people's faces? +Rintaro: I agreed to help you find an IBN 5100, remember? And this is the thanks I get? +Moeka: Okabe-kun... +Rintaro: It's Hououin. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Sent... email. +Rintaro: Email? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I suppose it is quite a coincidence. Were you looking through the parts stores too? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Why won't you speak!? +Moeka: ...too hard. +Rintaro: Isn't it harder to type everything out!? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Ah, Okabe-kun... +Rintaro: Want one? +Rintaro: Why don't you talk? +Moeka: Emailing... is easier. +Rintaro: Of course. So that's what it is! +Moeka: I'm... weird, aren't I... +Rintaro: No, you're normal. +Moeka: Really...? +Rintaro: You have nothing to be ashamed of. In this world, there exists something called absolute eternal truth. It's a wall, immovable no matter how much you struggle. +Rintaro: That's why people give up, abandon their dreams, choose a different path. +Rintaro: But never forget this one thing. You hold within your heart your own Steins Gate. +Moeka: Steins Gate... +Rintaro: All people, without exception, possess their own Steins Gate. As long as you have yours, you may follow any path without losing your way... just as I follow mine. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: So, on to business. Do you have any information on the IBN 5100? +Rintaro: How long have you been searching? +Moeka: ...About two months. +Rintaro: Where have you looked? +Rintaro: Have you tried talking to PC store employees? They'd know more than anyone else. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: So what's your actual goal? To obtain an IBN 5100, or to investigate the urban legend? +Moeka: Both. +Rintaro: I see. +Rintaro: Where do you plan to search next? +Moeka: That's... +Moeka: I'm... +Rintaro: Hm? I didn't quite hear you. +Rintaro: Don't worry. I have a network of informants at my disposal. Finding a retro PC should be no trouble at all. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Have you forgotten who I am? Hououin Kyouma! I will stop at nothing to destroy the System and usher in a new era of chaos! Muhahaha! +Moeka: That's... Okabe-kun's Steins Gate... +Rintaro: Not Okabe! Hououin! +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: It's me. What's the situation? +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Yeah. Did something happen? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: What? Why? +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Wait! Hey, Mayuri! Hey! +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: It's me. Report the situation. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: No, she didn't tell me anything. +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: What!? Faris!? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: This too is the choice of Steins Gate! +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: So, is Faris there? +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: She donated it... to a shrine? +Rintaro: Which shrine? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Whatever. It's a lead. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: I see. Daru, I'm sure you can do it. Be sure to win. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Who is this? +???: #000000 +Rintaro: You're from the Organization, aren't you? Is this a warning? You telling me to stop getting involved with SERN? +???: #000000 +Rintaro: You're not from the Organization? +???: #000000 +Rintaro: Makise... +Rintaro: Sorry, but I don't remember. Tell me where we met. Paris? Or London, perh-- +Woman Named Makise: #000000 +Rintaro: Oh! My assistant! +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: If you don't say Christina, then I have no way of knowing it's you. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: You never stop complaining, do you? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Wait a minute. How do you know my phone number? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Oh, that's boring. So, what is it, assistant? +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm headed to Yanabayashi Shrine. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Huh? What!? What was that!? Is she messing with me!? She's messing with me! +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Your accomplishments mean nothing to me. +Kurisu: What are you talking about? +Rintaro: What was that phone call about? +Kurisu: I just wanted to ask you where you were. And since you said you were coming here, I came. +Rintaro: Nobody asked you to come. +Kurisu: And yet, here I am. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Why did you come to see me? +Kurisu: Not because I wanted⑰ to or anything. Don't get me wrong. +Kurisu: ...I can't stop thinking about what you said yesterday. +Rintaro: What I said? +Kurisu: About the IBN 5100. And SERN. +Rintaro: Of course! You're working for SERN, not the Organization! You're here to kill me, aren't you!? That's what I thought! You have the face of a killer! +Kurisu: What's wrong with my face? How rude! +Kurisu: Can you calm down a bit? You're always screwing around. I can't believe you're older than me. +Rintaro: Calm down? Hmph! You don't understand what it's like to live on the run, never knowing when the next assassin will strike. +Kurisu: All I'm hearing is gibberish. +Rintaro: You come here to pick a fight? +Kurisu: I just want to know how the IBN 5100 and SERN are related. +Rintaro: Don't you mean you're interested in SERN's time machine research? Be honest with yourself. +Kurisu: Sh-shut up. I'm not interested in time machines at all. +Kurisu: More importantly, did you find an IBN 5100? +Kurisu: A shrine? +Rintaro: Correct. +Luka: Ah, Oka... Kyouma-san, hello. +Rintaro: ...Lukako, why don't you have it? +Luka: Huh? Um, are you talking about Demon Sword Samidare? +Rintaro: I thought I told you to carry it at all times! +Luka: I'm sorry, but, it gets in the way when I'm cleaning, so... +Rintaro: What if they attack while you're cleaning? Nobody's going to come to your rescue, you know. +Luka: Th-that's true... I'll be more careful from now on. +Kurisu: Hey. What are you two talking about? +Luka: Um... who might this be? +Rintaro: My assistant. +Kurisu: No! What kind of introduction is that!? +Rintaro: I'm only telling the truth, Christina. +Luka: You're n-not Japanese? +Kurisu: I am Japanese. +Rintaro: Anyway, Lukako. I need to talk to your father about-- +Kurisu: Wait! Introduce me properly! +Rintaro: You want to be introduced? Properly? +Kurisu: It's unnatural not⑰ to be introduced in this situation! +Rintaro: I didn't come here to introduce you to Lukako! +Kurisu: An introduction wouldn't take more than ten seconds! What's wrong with you? +Luka: Um... please don't fight... +Rintaro: This is Makise Kurisu. My assistant. +Kurisu: Yeah, whatever. Assistant, whatever... sigh. +Luka: Nice to meet you, Makise-san. I'm Urushibara L-Luka. +Kurisu: Nice to meet you too. How old are you? +Luka: 17 this year. +Kurisu: A year younger than me... +Luka: Oh, really? Makise-san, you're so grown up, I can't believe we're only a year apart. +Rintaro: That means you look old. +Kurisu: ... +Luka: No, that's not what I... um, I mean you're very beautiful! +Kurisu: Thanks. I think you're very cute. +Rintaro: You're introduced. Happy? Can we move on now? +Kurisu: You are such a jerk. +Rintaro: Anyway, Lukako, I require an audience with your father. Can you make it happen? +Rintaro: It's a grave matter that concerns the future of mankind. +Luka: The future... +Kurisu: Of mankind? +Luka: I'll go get him! +Kurisu: Achoo! +Kurisu: Oh no, did I catch a cold? +Luka: Hurry, Dad! Hurry! +Luka's Father: Slow down a little. If you rush me, I'm going to fall. +Luka: But the future of mankind is at stake! +Luka's Father: Oh. Well. That's certainly serious. +Luka's Father: Ah, Hououin-kun. It's been a while. Thank you for always taking care of Luka. +Rintaro: The honor is mine. +Kurisu: ...His name isn't Hououin. It's Okabe. +Luka's Father: Oh. Really? +Rintaro: You there, assistant! Stop making things complicated! +Kurisu: I'm just telling the truth. +Luka's Father: Luka told me his name was Hououin. Hmm, maybe Luka was just playing a trick on me. Hahaha. +Luka: Th-that's not it, Dad. Okabe-san is his real name, and Hououin is, umm... +Rintaro: I am Hououin. +Kurisu: Okabe Rintaro is the name your parents gave you, right? Are you denying that? +Rintaro: Just be quiet, Zombie! +Kurisu: Who's a zombie!? +Luka's Father: Hahaha. It's great that you all get along. +Luka's Father: Are you one of Luka's friends too? Please get along with Luka from now on too. +Kurisu: Um, I'm... +Luka's Father: As you can see, this child of mine is so delicate. +Luka: C-come on, Dad... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ... +Luka's Father: So, Hououin-kun. Did you need me for something? +Luka's Father: I don't know if 'donated' is the right word to use... +Luka's Father: But an old computer was entrusted to this shrine about nine years ago. +Rintaro: Eh... +Rintaro: That's it! That has to be it! +Luka's Father: Please wait here. I'll go get it. +Luka's Father: Whew, it was hard to dig out. I think this is what you're looking for. +Rintaro: An IBN 5100...! +Luka: Ah, look at this. +Rintaro: Muhahaha! MUHAHAHAHA! Finally, I have solved Akiba's urban legend! +Rintaro: Urushibara-shi. I'll be blunt. +Rintaro: May I borrow this computer? +Luka's Father: Sure. +Rintaro: Seriously!? +Luka's Father: When this was entrusted to us, the owner said this. +Luka's Father: 'If a young man ever appears and says that he needs this computer no matter what, please lend it to him with my blessings.' +Luka's Father: I didn't think it would actually happen. To be honest, I'd forgotten about it entirely until you reminded me. +Luka's Father: I'm happy to lend it to you, Hououin-kun. But please be sure to return it when you're done, okay? +Rintaro: Of course! Thank you! +Rintaro: Can't Americans start driving at 16? How come you don't have a license? +Kurisu: What, something wrong with that? I spend all my time doing research. +Rintaro: You're wasting your youth. +Kurisu: I thought so too, until I met you. Now I realize I'm doing just fine. +Luka: Umm, no fighting please... +Rintaro: You're a lifesaver, Lukako. Thank your father again for me. +Kurisu: Your father is a lovely man. +Luka: Eh... +Luka: M-my father is m-married... a-ad-adultery... is bad! +Kurisu: Huh? +Rintaro: I see, assistant. So you like older men. +Kurisu: Hey, wait! Don't misunderstand, you two. That's not what I meant! +Luka: I-I won't give up my father... +Kurisu: P-please don't cry... +Kurisu: I just meant I was jealous of how well you get along with your father. That's all. +Luka: Eh, ah, of course... I'm sorry for the weird misunderstanding! That was so rude of me! +Kurisu: Don't cry. We've resolved the misunderstanding, so it's all okay. +Rintaro: ...but in the depths of your heart lie feelings for Luka's dad. +Kurisu: Die. +Rintaro: Lukako, don't forget your practice swings with Samidare. +Luka: Y-yes sir. I'll do my best... Umm, El Psy Kongalee... +Rintaro: It's Kongroo! Don't forget it. +Luka: I'm sorry! +Kurisu: Hey! What kind of lowlife teases a girl? +Rintaro: Hng! ...Gah, it's heavy! +Luka: Is it that heavy? +Kurisu: Pathetic. It's only as big as a CRT monitor. +Rintaro: Then why don't you try carrying it? Then you'll understand. +Kurisu: Wheugh...! +Kurisu: ...It's r-really heavy. +Kurisu: This thing's gotta weigh like 30 kilos. +Kurisu: Maybe we should've borrowed a push cart. Urushibara-san, is there one in the shrine? +Luka: Umm, there is one, but actually, it's broken... I'm sorry. +Kurisu: Oh. Is there some other place we could borrow-- +Rintaro: No, we don't need a push cart. +Kurisu: Then how are you going to bring it back? It takes about ten minutes to walk to your run-down lab from here. +Rintaro: It may be too heavy for one person, but it's a different story for two. You and I just need to carry it together. Why else do you think I made you my assistant? +Kurisu: So that's why... +Kurisu: Well, if we carry it together, we might be able to manage, but... +Kurisu: But I refuse. +Rintaro: ...huh? +Kurisu: I... I said 'no!' +Rintaro: I'm pretty sure you said 'but I refuse.' +Kurisu: Sh-shut up. I said no. +Kurisu: The whole reason you made me a lab mem was to 'borrow my knowledge'. From this, it is elementary to derive the following: 'I won't do physical labor.' +Rintaro: I see. Then I guess I have no choice. I'll do my best to carry it, but... +Luka: Um, th-then, I will... +Kurisu: Eh? You're going to help? Will you be okay? +Luka: Yes, I'll d-do my best. +Rintaro: No, Lukako. I shouldn't make you help me. I can manage by myself. +Luka: But... we're friends, Okabe-san. I want to help you. +Rintaro: No, I'll do it myself. +Luka: I-I'll help you! +Kurisu: Th-then, umm... me too... +Rintaro: Please, go ahead. +Kurisu: Eh? Wha!? +Rintaro: Muhahaha! Don't you know, Christina? This is what you call a Japanese Gag! +Kurisu: You sneaky... +Rintaro: Thanks for the backup, Lukako! Now that that's settled, my assistant will help me carry the computer, so you don't have to help. Thanks for the offer. +Luka: Ah, okay... if that's how it is, then... +Rintaro: Now, assistant! Since you volunteered, I won't let you refuse. Grab hold and heave! +Kurisu: ...Fine. +Kurisu: Why do we have to be face to face? +Rintaro: Let's just go. +Kurisu: Hey! Stop stop stop! I said stop! +Rintaro: You're a noisy one. +Kurisu: Don't walk forwards. Then I have to walk backwards. Let's walk sideways. +Rintaro: Whatever. Get moving, assistant. +Kurisu: Hey, listen, please, just listen! I can't walk backwards! +Rintaro: Of course you can. You're my assistant. +Kurisu: I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I can't! I'm asking you to go sideways! No, I'm telling you to go sideways! Sideways! I'm going to fall! +Kurisu: Haah, we finally made it... I'm exhausted... +Rintaro: If you didn't complain so much about every little thing, we would've gotten here sooner. +Kurisu: Right back at you. You stopped to take a break at least five times along the way. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: That's because I wasn't feeling well... +Kurisu: Are you okay? +Rintaro: It's just... occasionally, my right arm aches... and when it does, dark destructive impulses overcome my soul-- +Kurisu: Shut up, or I'll tear the peripheral nerves out of that arm. +Kurisu: Shouldn't you get your friends to help? +Rintaro: You're right. +Suzuha: Huh? +Suzuha: If it isn't Okabe Rintaro. What'cha got there? +Rintaro: Hmph, you want to know? Then I'll tell you! +Kurisu: Wait! If you're just going to stand and talk, shouldn't we put the box down first? +Rintaro: Y-yeah... actually, wait, this will only take a second. +Suzuha: Well? What is it? +Rintaro: What if I told you... it's an IBN 5100? +Suzuha: No way! You found it!? Wow! Way to go, Okabe Rintaro! +Suzuha: Where was it? +Kurisu: Ugh, it's heavy... +Rintaro: Let's put it down! +Kurisu: Haah... +Suzuha: So, where was it? +Rintaro: Yanabayashi Shrine. +Suzuha: Yanabayashi Shrine? You mean like a Shinto shrine? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Suzuha: Why was it there... +Suzuha: Ah...! +Kurisu: Y-yes? +Suzuha: Makise Kurisu? +Kurisu: Yes...? +Suzuha: ... +Kurisu: What is it? Have I done something wrong? +Suzuha: ...Hmph. +Kurisu: Who was that? +Rintaro: She works part-time at that store. +Kurisu: Why was she glaring at me? +Rintaro: How should I know? Did you do something to make her angry? +Kurisu: I've never seen her before in my life. How rude. +Rintaro: Good work, everyone. With this, we can fight. +Kurisu: Who are you fighting? +Rintaro: SERN, and the system that rules the world. +Kurisu: If that's what makes you happy... +Rintaro: Happy? I do not desire happiness. Have you forgotten? I am an insane mad scientist! +Rintaro: What I desire is chaos. The time machine exists to bring chaos to the world. MUHAHAHAHA! +Kurisu: Never mind happiness. You're like a junkie hypersecreting +Mayuri: Okarin? I don't want you doing bad things, remember? +Itaru: But wow! I can't believe you found one. You make the impossible look easy! That's why we love you! That's why we ad-- +Kurisu: I certainly don't admire him. +Itaru: ...Eh? +Rintaro: Eh? +Kurisu: Eh...? +Mayuri: It's all thanks to Mayushii! +Mayuri: Without Mayushii's info, Okarin would still be lost on the streets of Akiba. +Rintaro: Mayuri's right. She did well this time. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Anyway, it's time for Mayushii to go home. +Mayuri: What about you, Chris-chan? Wanna go together? +Kurisu: Thanks. But I'm going to stay here a little longer. +Mayuri: Okay. But you should go home before it gets too late. +Mayuri: See you tomorrow! Tutturu♪ +Rintaro: Now then, Daru. When do you think we can use the IBN 5100 to hack SERN? +Itaru: Hmm... well... +Itaru: Wow, it actually turned on. +Itaru: First I need to learn how to use this thing. It looks like hooking it up is gonna be a pain. +Itaru: It might take a while. I can't play with this thing and search for the server admin's ID at the same time. +Rintaro: Alright. Prioritize the ID search. +Rintaro: If possible, I'd like you to get the IBN 5100 ready to use this month, though. +Itaru: There's still 30 days left this month. It's not gonna take that long. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: I'm wise to your tricks, fiend! +Luka: Ah, Oka... Kyouma-san, hello. +Rintaro: ...Lukako, why don't you have it? +Luka: Huh? Um, are you talking about Demon Sword Samidare? +Rintaro: I thought I told you to carry it at all times! +Luka: I'm sorry, but it gets in the way when I'm cleaning... +Rintaro: What are you going to do if they attack while you're cleaning? Nobody's going to come to your rescue, you know. +Luka: Th-that's true... I'll be more careful from now on. +Rintaro: By the way, Lukako. I need to talk to your father. Can you go get him? +Luka: Yes, I can, but, what do you need to talk to him about? +Rintaro: Serious business, critical for the future of mankind. +Luka: The future... of mankind!? +Luka: I-I'll go get him! +Luka: Hurry, dad! Hurry! +Luka's Father: Slow down a little. If you rush me, I'm going to fall. +Luka: But the future of mankind is at stake! +Luka's Father: Oh. Well. That's certainly serious. +Luka's Father: Ah, Hououin-kun. It's been a while. Thank you for always taking care of Luka. +Rintaro: The honor is mine. +Luka's Father: Did you need me for something? +Luka's Father: That sounds serious. +Luka's Father: I don't know if 'donated' is the right word to use... +Luka's Father: But an old computer was entrusted to this shrine about nine years ago. +Rintaro: Eh... +Rintaro: That's it! That has to be it! +Luka's Father: Please wait here. I'll go get it. +Luka's Father: Whew, it was hard to dig out. I think this is what you're looking for. +Rintaro: An IBN 5100...! +Luka: Ah, look at this. +Rintaro: Muhaha! MUHAHAHA! Finally, I have solved Akiba's urban legend! +Rintaro: Urushibara-shi. I'll be blunt. +Rintaro: May I borrow this computer? +Luka's Father: Sure. +Rintaro: Seriously!? +Luka's Father: When this was entrusted to us, the owner said this. +Luka's Father: 'If a young man ever appears and says that he needs this computer no matter what, please lend it to him with my blessings.' +Luka's Father: I didn't think it would actually happen. To be honest, I'd forgotten about it entirely until you reminded me. +Luka's Father: I'm happy to lend it to you, Hououin-kun. But please be sure to return it when you're done, okay? +Rintaro: Of course! Thank you! +Rintaro: So that means I have to carry it back. +Luka: It looks pretty heavy... +Rintaro: Hmph. No matter how heavy it may look, it's still just a computer. I can manage. +Rintaro: Huff! ...Gah, it's heavy! +Luka: A-are you okay? +Rintaro: Kuh... why now!? +Rintaro: My right hand... is aching! +Luka: B-but, that means...! +Luka: Umm, umm, I-I'll perform an exorcism! +Rintaro: Wait... d-don't go... I'm still okay... +Luka: B-but Kyouma-san, you look like you're in pain! Wh-what should I do... +Rintaro: It's okay... it'll stop soon... you don't need to worry... +Rintaro: But... I have a request. Will you hear me out? +Luka: Y-yes, if it's something I can do! +Rintaro: Please help me... carry this box. +Luka: Eh... +Luka: B-but I'm not strong at all... +Rintaro: We can manage... together. You're the only one I can depend on now. +Luka: Kyouma-san... +Luka: I don't know if I can do it... +Rintaro: You can do it. I know you can. +Luka: ...Okay. But, um, if we can take breaks along the way, I'd be happy... +Rintaro: Alright, Lukako, grab the other side. +Luka: Um... is your arm... okay now? +Rintaro: No. We can't let our guard down. This might only be temporary. +Rintaro: We need to get this to the lab before I have a relapse. +Luka: I'll do my best! But I'm not confident... +Rintaro: Don't worry. I'll support you. +Luka: Ugh! I-it's heavy! +Rintaro: Brace your legs! Let's keep going. We'll move sideways, okay? Don't move forwards or backwards! +Luka: Kayyy... Um, sideways, as in left? Right!? +Rintaro: Right... no, my right, so your left... go left! +Luka: Okaayyyyy... +Luka: B-but, my hand, my hand is cramping... +Rintaro: Fight, Lukako! And whatever you do, don't drop it! We're screwed if it breaks! +Luka: Ugh, ugghhh... +Luka: Haah... haah... we made it... +Rintaro: Yeah... thanks for the help... you're... a lifesaver... +Rintaro: Phew, really... thanks... +Luka: Ah, no... +Luka: Since you're my master, Kyouma-san, I'm happy... to be of use to you. +Rintaro: Come forth, my servants! By the covenant I command thee, grant me thy power! +Luka: K-Kyouma-san!? +Kurisu: You're so annoying! What is it!? +Rintaro: Huh, I summoned an assistant. What are you doing here? +Kurisu: Who're you calling an assistant? You wouldn't pick up your phone, so I've been waiting here an hour for you. +Mayuri: Hi, Okarin! Huh? Luka-kun's with you! +Suzuha: Hey, Okabe Rintaro. The boss says to quiet down. You're disturbing the neighbors. +Rintaro: Assemble, servants! We have a mission of the utmost secrecy! Come! +Mayuri: What's this? +Suzuha: Wait... you got one? +Rintaro: Indeed I did. +Suzuha: No way! Amazing! Way to go, Okabe Rintaro! Where did you find it? +Rintaro: Yanabayashi Shrine. +Suzuha: Yanbayashi Shrine? You mean, like a Shinto shrine? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Suzuha: What was it doing there... +Mayuri: Oh! So that's why Luka-kun's with you. +Luka: Y-yeah... +Kurisu: What's this? What're you talking about? +Luka: Um, the IBN... two thousand... five thousand... what was it? +Rintaro: I got an IBN 5100. +Kurisu: Oh, that thing you were talking about yesterday. +Suzuha: Ah...! +Kurisu: Y-yes? +Suzuha: Makise Kurisu? +Kurisu: Yes...? +Suzuha: ... +Kurisu: What is it? Have I done something to you? +Suzuha: ...Hmph. +Kurisu: Who was that? +Mayuri: Oh, she works part-time at the Braun Tube Workshop. Her name's Suzu-san! +Rintaro: I know. +Mayuri: You do? +Kurisu: Why was she glaring at me like that? +Rintaro: How should I know? Did you do something to make her angry? +Kurisu: I've never seen her before in my life. How rude. +Rintaro: Anyway, help me out here. We're taking this thing into the lab. +Rintaro: Hey! Why didn't you help!? +Itaru: Well, you didn't call me. +Rintaro: I said all members assemble, didn't I!? +Kurisu: Haah, haah... why do I... have to... +Mayuri: So tired... +Luka: I can't walk any more... +Rintaro: Good work, you three. +Rintaro: This is my thanks for helping. Eat up. +Luka: Thank you! I'm so happy! +Mayuri: But those are Mayushii's bananas... +Rintaro: That reminds me, Mayuri. It's thanks to you that I got this IBN 5100. If it weren't for your information, it would've taken forever to find it. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Really? I'm glad I was useful. +Kurisu: What are you going to use the IBN 5100 for? Yesterday you said something about SERN. +Rintaro: You interested, Christina? +Kurisu: I'm not Christina, and I'm not interested. If you don't want to tell me, then I don't really care. +Rintaro: This artifact is needed for the war against SERN. +Kurisu: War? SERN's a research institution. +Rintaro: Ostensibly, yes. +Kurisu: ...What are you trying to do? Depending on the situation, I could turn you over to the police, you know? +Rintaro: Hmph, the police? Do you really think a mad scientist like me is afraid of the police? I've spent my life on the run from the Organization, a more fearsome enemy than you can possibly imagine. +Kurisu: You can't be serious. Tell me what you're trying to do. +Rintaro: We'll have plenty of time to talk about that later. More importantly, Daru, when do you think we can use the IBN 5100 to hack SERN? +Itaru: Hmm... well... +Itaru: Wow, it actually turned on. +Itaru: First I need to learn how to use this thing. It looks like hooking it up is gonna be a pain. +Itaru: It might take a while. I can't play with this thing and search for the server admin's ID at the same time. +Rintaro: Alright. Prioritize the ID search. +Rintaro: If possible, I'd like you to get the IBN 5100 ready to use this month, though. +Itaru: There's still 30 days left this month. It's not gonna take that long. +Mayuri: We're gonna take off now, okay? +Luka: Um, pardon the intrusion. +Rintaro: You two did well today. Be proud. +Kurisu: You're so full of yourself. +Mayuri: Chris-chan, you not going home? You can walk with us to the station if you want. +Kurisu: Thanks. But I'm going to stay here a little longer. +Mayuri: Okay. See you later! Tutturu♪ +Luka: Excuse me. +Kurisu: Well? +Rintaro: Well, what? +Kurisu: I'm asking for an explanation. What's this about the IBN 5100 and SERN? +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe. +Rintaro: ...What? +Rintaro: What did you just call me? +Kurisu: I called you O-Okabe. +Rintaro: You called me Okabe? +Itaru: Time out, time out! +Rintaro: Did you just call me Okabe⑰? +Kurisu: ...I did. Problem? +Kurisu: Yes, I'm younger than you, but you insist on calling me by ridiculous names like Christina and Zombie, so I don't think I need to show you any respect by adding '-san', and besides-- +Rintaro: That's not the problem! +Kurisu: !! +Rintaro: I am not Okabe! I am HOUOUIN KYOUMA! How many times do I have to tell you, Christina!? +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ...God, you're so full of yourself. +Rintaro: From now on, call me Hououin. That or Kyouma. +Kurisu: No. +Rintaro: Are you... crying? +Kurisu: I'm not crying! It's not like I was scared of you for a second there or anything, and I definitely wasn't relieved when you started talking like an idiot again, okay!? +Rintaro: Daru, why is my assistant crying? +Itaru: Uh, she said so herself just now. +Rintaro: All I did was correct her on my name. +Itaru: Maybe she only acts strong but is actually weak on the inside. That would be pretty moe. +Kurisu: Hey, aren't you going to tell me what's going on? +Kurisu: Kya! +Rintaro: I'll explain in a second. Drink that while you wait. +Kurisu: ...Gee, thanks. +Rintaro: Now then... +Rintaro: Sorry for the wait, Christina. +Rintaro: Oh? You're a fan of the Doc, I see. +Kurisu: I've lived seven years at its birthplace, after all. +Rintaro: Excellent. We'll make great drinking buddies. +Kurisu: I'm a minor. +Rintaro: That's not what I meant. I meant Dr P drinking buddies. +Kurisu: Is that all you drink? +Kurisu: SERN certainly is acting strange... but how's the IBN 5100 involved? +Rintaro: SERN's database uses an IBN 5100. +Kurisu: So? +Rintaro: Allow me to explain. My trusted Super Hacka, Mister Daru-- +Itaru: It's not super hacka. How many times do I have to tell you? +Rintaro: Super Hacker Mister Daru, has hacked into SERN. +Kurisu: Is that okay? Won't they catch you? +Itaru: I wouldn't make a blunder like that. +Kurisu: That's not what I meant. +Rintaro: As a result, we found evidence that those bastards are researching time travel with the LHC. +Kurisu: The LHC? +Itaru: Seriously. We have the evidence. And guess what? The LHC has been in operation for nine years. +Kurisu: What? Really!? +Rintaro: And they've successfully generated mini black holes. +Kurisu: No way... Then why haven't they made an official announcement!? +Rintaro: That's just it. For some reason, those bastards won't announce any of it. +Rintaro: That the LHC has been operating for nine years. That they've successfully created mini black holes. That they're researching time travel. +Rintaro: Basically, it's proof that SERN has-- +Rintaro: Basically, it's proof that SERN has something to hide. Can't you just smell the conspiracy? +Kurisu: I don't believe in conspiracies, but... +Kurisu: If you can prove what you said is real, then I might be surprised. SERN doing time travel research... +Kurisu: Ah, but what about the IBN 5100? How is that involved? +Rintaro: SERN's database uses-- +Rintaro: Sorry. Daru, please continue the explanation. +Rintaro: So, how far did you get? +Itaru: Up to the point where SERN's using IBN 5100 code for their database. +Rintaro: So basically, what that means is-- +Rintaro: The only way to decrypt that database is to use an IBN 5100 of our own. +Kurisu: How do you know that? +Rintaro: I have my sources. +Kurisu: Setting the IBN 5100 and such aside... +Kurisu: I want to see proof that SERN's really doing that sort of research. +Rintaro: Daru. Will it take much longer to find the server admin's account? +Itaru: Actually, I was just thinking about doing that. It shouldn't take more than half a day, I guess. +Rintaro: There you go. +Kurisu: ...I'll wait until then. +Itaru: You'll wait? It's already getting dark. Why not go home for tonight and come back tomorrow morning? +Kurisu: No thanks. I'll wait. I want to know as soon as possible, even if it's just a microsecond sooner. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh, that's the spirit. You're already fascinated by the conspiracy. You can't help but want to know what lies at the heart of SERN. +Kurisu: If what you guys are saying is true... then this isn't something to joke about. +Kurisu: SERN is the world's top research institution. If they're doing secret experiments without publishing their results... +Kurisu: They're making fools of scientists the world over. +Kurisu: That's only if it's true, though. +Rintaro: Anyway, Daru. I'll leave it to you. +Kurisu: Can you show me the PhoneWave? +Rintaro: Indeed I can. Want to experiment? +Kurisu: You haven't been able to send another email to the past yet, right? +Kurisu: Do you know why? +Kurisu: Let's run some tests. +Kurisu: Man. You have a ton of junk. +Rintaro: It's not junk! +Rintaro: Since you're new to the Future Gadget Laboratory, I'll explain. These are the glorious fruits of our science: the Future Gadgets! +Rintaro: Future Gadgets 1-7 are stored here. The PhoneWave, with which you are already familiar, is Gadget Number 8. +Kurisu: Future Gadgets, huh... +Kurisu: Hey. Isn't this... a weapon? +Rintaro: Future Gadget No. 4: Moad Snake, designed after a claymore landmine, is an instant humidifier. +Kurisu: How confusing. +Rintaro: Insert water and turn the power on, and in mere seconds, it generates a thick cloud of steam. +Kurisu: So it's junk. I thought so. +Kurisu: I'm borrowing this. +Rintaro: Whoa! +Kurisu: It's just not right without a lab coat. +Kurisu: Hey! +Rintaro: Assistant! You get it⑰, don't you!? +Kurisu: G-get what? Let go! +Rintaro: If you're gonna do science, you need a lab coat! Right!? +Rintaro: I knew you were meant for this, Christina! You're the best assistant a mad scientist could ask for! +Kurisu: I don't know if that's supposed to be a compliment, but it's coming off as an insult. Now let go! +Rintaro: I'm giving you that lab coat to commemorate your joining the lab. Don't worry. It's never been worn. +Rintaro: Or maybe this fateful encounter between you and that lab coat was decided by destiny long ago. Daru not wearing it was just another inevitability. This is the choice of Steins-- +Kurisu: Shut up so we can start the experiment. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ...So you haven't tampered with the microwave at all? +Rintaro: It's in terminal mode now. We can change the factory settings like this, make the microwave do things its manufacturer never intended. +Kurisu: How was it set when the discharge phenomenon occurred? +Rintaro: Nothing out of the ordinary. It was at factory settings. +Kurisu: Hmm. +Kurisu: I'll take a banana. +Rintaro: Those are Mayuri's. +Kurisu: Oh, so I don't need your permission, then. I'll go buy new bananas tomorrow. +Kurisu: ...Nothing happened. +Kurisu: Ow! +Kurisu: It's hot. +Rintaro: Meaning the microwave functioned normally. +Rintaro: What does this mean... +Kurisu: I guess what happened earlier was an irregularity after all. +Rintaro: I don't know if it's an irregularity or not, but we ought to investigate the cause. +Kurisu: I agree. +Rintaro: In the previous experiment... +Rintaro: After spending 120 seconds in the PhoneWave (name subject to change), the banana teleported back to the bunch gelified. We should consider that it returned to its state 120 seconds before. +Kurisu: Wrong. If it returned to its state 120 seconds before, it wouldn't be gelified. +Rintaro: The chicken returned to its frozen state without gelifying. +Kurisu: That logic is dubious. Sure it ended up frozen, but did you examine the possibility that it might have gelified first? +Rintaro: Salt didn't gelify. +Kurisu: You mean nothing changed. +Rintaro: After the discharge phenomenon occurred last time, we spent all night experimenting with cabbage, radishes, rice, konjac, melon bread, +Rintaro: The same thing with liquids. On that day, our success rate took a 180 degree turn. +Rintaro: Before the discharge phenomenon, everything succeeded. After the discharge phenomenon, everything failed. +Kurisu: Is the microwave storing electricity? +Kurisu: You said that gelified objects became fractal structured, right? +Kurisu: Salt has a simple structure by nature, so maybe that had an effect. But how could electricity be related... +Rintaro: Here, we should think under the assumptions of time travel theory. +Kurisu: No. It's not good to start thinking from the conclusion. +Rintaro: We've already had several successful experiments. You can't deny that. +Kurisu: I'm not especially concerned whether this thing is a time machine or not. +Kurisu: To begin with, it's physically impossible for this tiny little microwave to produce energy equivalent to the big bang. +Kurisu: We can't reproduce the discharge phenomenon, nor the fractalization. There should be a reason why. +Kurisu: We haven't changed our methods. We haven't changed the settings. We haven't changed the experimental subjects either. There must be some other variable. +Rintaro: Maybe it's the one who observes it. +Kurisu: What do you mean by that? +Rintaro: Quantum theory. The observer is an important element to the experiment. +Kurisu: There were four of us here when the discharge phenomenon occurred last time. But before that, it occurred when Hashida-san was alone. +Kurisu: Each time fractalization occurred, there were either two or three people observing. +Kurisu: You and I each saw both phenomena. +Kurisu: In other words, the conditions haven't changed. +Rintaro: In that case... +Kurisu: Hmmm... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Hungry? +Kurisu: Sh-shut up! I haven't eaten anything since lunch. +Kurisu: It's already 8? +Rintaro: Just eat a banana. But only one of the two we just warmed. They are, after all, the fruit of our experiments. +Rintaro: Or you could take something from our stock of cup noodles. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Don't want any? Well, since you have lived in America for so long, I guess you'd prefer fast food instead-- +Kurisu: Cup noodles. +Rintaro: What? +Kurisu: I'll have cup noodles. +Rintaro: Cup noodles!? +Kurisu: What flavors? +Rintaro: There's soy sauce flavor and chicken flavor. +Kurisu: Chicken. +Kurisu: Also... do you have a fork? +Rintaro: Christina, is it okay to stay here this late? Perhaps you should contact your family. +Kurisu: No need. +Rintaro: What? Do your parents let you do whatever you want? +Kurisu: I haven't seen my father in seven years. My mother is in America. I'm living in a hotel right now. Understand? +Rintaro: Wha...! +Rintaro: You damn celebrity! If you're American, then you should at least use a motel instead of a hotel, right!? +Kurisu: I'm not American, and there aren't any motels in the heart of Tokyo. +Rintaro: What sort of hotel? +Kurisu: What do you mean? It's a normal hotel in Ochanomizu. +Rintaro: Ochanomizu? Then you can walk there from here, can't you? +Kurisu: Sure. +Rintaro: So, tell me about your father. +Kurisu: Sorry? +Rintaro: You said you haven't seen him in seven years? +Kurisu: Why do you care about my father? +Rintaro: You're the one who mentioned him. Isn't that basically a hidden message saying 'please give me some advice about my father, please'? +Kurisu: You're crazy. +Rintaro: You are my assistant! And I can't let my assistant have any worries. So tell me everything that's on your mind! +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: What's wrong? +Kurisu: I have nothing to say to you. +Rintaro: Oh, I know! +Rintaro: Your father was a hero, but then he fell to evil and now he wears a black mask and cape and goes 'heeeee koohhh', right!? And in the future, you two are destined to fight and-- +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: ...Y-you're really mad at me, aren't you? +Kurisu: Don't make fun... +Kurisu: Of people's family issues like that. You're trampling on my heart. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Hell yeahhhhhhh! +Rintaro: Did you get it!? +Itaru: Mission complete. +Itaru: I got the server admin's ID and password. Now we can peep as much as we want, hyahoohh! +Rintaro: And the IBN 5100 database? +Itaru: That's separate, duh. The server admin's unrelated. +Itaru: I mean, it's a database with normally unreadable code, so there's a limit on who can access it. Doesn't look like even the lab director can access it. +Rintaro: There are positions higher than that? +Itaru: There's something called the SERN Executive Council. +Rintaro: Hmm... So they call it a council, eh? +Itaru: What about it? +Rintaro: It's a fitting name for our enemy! +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Run a search for data on time travel research. +Itaru: Okey-dokey. That Z Program we saw last time was suspicious, wasn't it? +Rintaro: That, and the Jellyman's Report. +Rintaro: Look carefully. And burn it into your eyes. The proof of SERN's actions, its deceit upon the world. +Itaru: Oh yeah, baby. Found the LHC project supervisor. +Rintaro: The supervisor... that's a pretty important post. +Itaru: Right now, we're peeking inside his computer. +Itaru: Z Program, Z Program... hmm... +Rintaro: Z obviously stands for jelly (zerii⑰)! +Kurisu: Jelly starts with J. J-E-L-L-Y. +Itaru: Pfft, careless mistake. So uncool. +Rintaro: Ahem! What I meant to say is that there's no way it would have such a simple name. The name's hiding something important. There has to be a double meaning! +Itaru: Got it! +Itaru: The program began... in 1973. +Rintaro: When was SERN formed? +Kurisu: 1954. +Rintaro: When was the IBN 5100 put on market? +Itaru: 1975. +Itaru: Ugh, a JPEG? Come on! I can't copypaste this. +Kurisu: Hmmm, the text isn't in French... +Itaru: Actually, there's French, Dutch, and German versions too. The content looks the same, though. +Kurisu: ...'SERN's purpose heading into the 21st Century shall be to establish control over space and time, thereby to enable the destruction of extant history and the creation of an everlasting Utopia, ruled by the Committee, that encompasses the entirety of past and future events.' +Itaru: Oh, right! Makise-shi can do English! +Rintaro: Way to go, assistant! Your study abroad in America was all for the sake of today, wasn't it!? +Kurisu: Of course not. Stop assigning people roles in your fantasy world. +Kurisu: 'In order to maintain this project's secrecy, and to allow its name to remain relevant in changing circumstances, we designate it the Z Program.' +Kurisu: 'Z, like the Greek Omega or the Cyrillic Ya.' +Kurisu: 'It is forbidden to assign any meaning to this name or to seek in it significance beyond the project itself. Negative returns are predicted should this edict be violated.' +Kurisu: 'The Z Program is a top secret project spanning international borders. Like electromagnetic wave research, it has been approved for top priority funding by the Committee of 300.' +Kurisu: 'Henceforth, all other research performed by SERN shall function to keep the Z Program's existence secret.' +Rintaro: Is there anything specific about what exactly the Z Program is? +Kurisu: Hmm... ah... here. +Kurisu: This... can't be! +Rintaro: What is it? +Kurisu: 'The purpose of the Z Program is to perform time-space displacement experiments by means of high-energy proton-proton collisions.' +Rintaro: Time travel! +Kurisu: No way... it was true? +Kurisu: You're telling me they've been deceiving the world for nearly 40 years? +Rintaro: Just as I suspected. A great shadow lurks behind SERN. Most likely the Organization, or one of its puppets.' +Kurisu: What Organization, you chuunibyou nutjob? At least try to be serious some of the time. +Rintaro: Hmph, don't be ridiculous. My words are always grounded in truth. +Itaru: Anyway, shouldn't it be 'the Committee' instead of 'the Organization'? That's what it says here. +Kurisu: +Rintaro: The world is full of lies. It's not as beautiful as you think. +Itaru: Listen, Okarin... +Rintaro: I am listening. The Committee of 300 is the dark power that controls every secret society, every government, every multinational corporation. +Kurisu: You're making things up again. +Rintaro: It's the truth. Google it if you don't believe me. +Rintaro: Until now, the human race, for all its accomplishments, has never been able to overcome the barrier called time. +Rintaro: The technology of time travel, which can break through that barrier, will change the course of human history. Literally. +Rintaro: As it was when we split the atom, this forbidden fruit has the potential to grant us godlike power. Not a man exists who can resist its temptation. +Rintaro: And naturally, all those with power will use any means at their disposal to obtain it. Human morality is naught but a joke to those who would stand with the gods. +Rintaro: Understand, Christina? +Kurisu: ...Wow. That was quite a speech. +Kurisu: Since you seem to know so much about it, does that mean you're aiming for godhood too? +Rintaro: What Hououin Kyouma desires is the destruction of all who would call themselves gods, the collapse of their hateful System, and a glorious new age of Chaos. Muhahaha! +Kurisu: I'm not asking Hououin. I'm asking Okabe. +Rintaro: I... I am Hououin! +Kurisu: In other words, you don't have your own reason. +Itaru: Forget about him, Makise-shi. Please keep reading. +Rintaro: Daru! What do you mean forget about me? +Itaru: I'm tired of listening to conspiracy theories. I'm more interested in the Z Program than in your delusions. +Rintaro: Continue, assistant. +Kurisu: At least show respect when you're asking a favor... +Kurisu: Umm... +Kurisu: 'Stage 1: Construction and implementation of the Large Hadron +Kurisu: 'Over the past half century, beginning with the Proton Synchrotron completed in 1959, particle accelerator technology has reached the point where standardized results may be obtained.' +Kurisu: 'Stage 2: Implementation and testing of lifter technology.' +Kurisu: 'The formation of more than two artificial localized singularities, as well as the formation of Kerr black holes, will become possible when this stage is complete.' +Kurisu: 'In order to hide the program's true goal, it is necessary to intentionally leak misinformation regarding the formation of black holes.' +Kurisu: 'Stage 3: Animal experimentation.' +Kurisu: 'Stage 4... +Kurisu: ...Human experimentation. +Itaru: ...For real? +Itaru: H-hey, Okarin. Remember when we hacked in before? I'm pretty sure that email we read said this... +Itaru: Result: Error. Human is dead, mismatch. For details, see the Jellyman's Report... +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Could that have something to do with... human experimentation? +Rintaro: Daru... look up the Jellyman's Report. +Itaru: Really? +Rintaro: Really. But first, Christina. +Kurisu: Eh? +Rintaro: You should leave. +Kurisu: Why are you suddenly-- +Rintaro: The Jellyman's Report... it just gives me a bad feeling. Once we see it, we can no longer return to our normal lives. +Rintaro: You're a genius. You're already published, for crying out loud. There's no need to throw away your promising future. +Kurisu: Are you worried about me? +Rintaro: Of course I am. You are my assistant, after all. +Kurisu: ...I keep telling you, I'm not your assistant. +Kurisu: Thanks for your concern. But I'm not leaving. We need to expose this truth to the world. +Rintaro: No! It's too dangerous. +Kurisu: You chickening out? +Rintaro: We're powerless against this conspiracy. One wrong move, and they'll have us erased. +Kurisu: But still-- +Rintaro: This isn't a game! I'm not joking here. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ...Fine. I won't tell anyone. +Kurisu: But I'm not leaving. It'll keep me awake at night. +Rintaro: You won't regret this? +Kurisu: I won't. +Rintaro: What about you, Daru? Prepared? +Itaru: Well, I am a super hacker. +Itaru: And with my skills, they'll never know we were there. +Rintaro: Alright... let's begin. +Rintaro: Henceforth, this shall be known as Operation +Kurisu: Why Norse mythology? +Itaru: Is that Norse mythology? Because it's cool, I guess. +Kurisu: Anyway, what is it with men and military terms... +Rintaro: Daru, begin the operation! +Itaru: Ready? I'm opening it. +Kurisu: 'Jellyman's Report 10' +Kurisu: 'Subject: James McCarthy, Age: 31, American' +Kurisu: 'Z Program Stage 4, Date of Experiment: 2005-01-28 T13:05' +Kurisu: 'Results: Error. Human is dead. Mismatch.' +Itaru: That again... +Kurisu: 'It is believed that due to infinite compression by supergravity, the subject could not endure passage through the singularity inside the Kerr black hole.' +Kurisu: 'April 3, 1921. New York City. An unidentified man was discovered dead in an alley off Union Square. The right half of his body was embedded in a nearby wall.' +Kurisu: 'The man's body... +Kurisu: ...was completely gelified.' +Itaru: What's going on here? +Itaru: They... gelified someone? +Kurisu: They're experimenting on people... +Kurisu: And this means they've created a time machine, doesn't it? Even if it's not perfect. +Rintaro: Eh...? +Kurisu: This New York Times article is from 1921. +Rintaro: 90 years ago... +Kurisu: Look. +Rintaro: SERN... +Itaru: So... SERN used the LHC to send someone back to 1921? +Kurisu: Looks like they failed to keep him alive, though. +Rintaro: Is this the only report? +Itaru: No, there's more. Looks like... 14 people in total. +Rintaro: More Jellymen? That means more gelified people... more victims of human experimentation... +Rintaro: Show me the others. +Kurisu: 'Jellyman's Report 9.' +Kurisu: 'Subject: Dan Strayski, Age: 26, Canadian.' +Kurisu: 'Z Program 4, Date of Experiment: 2004-10-30 T 14:10.' +Kurisu: 'Results: Error. Human is dead. Mismatch.' +Kurisu: The newspaper clipping... I think it's in French. I can't read it. +Rintaro: You can read the date, though. January 31, 2001. +Kurisu: The location is... Pau, France, I guess. +Kurisu: 'Jellyman's Report 8.' +Kurisu: 'Subject: Linda Hill, Age: 25, British' +Kurisu: 'Z Program 4, Date of Experiment: 2004-2-15 T 13:45' +Kurisu: 'Results: Error. Human is Dead. Mismatch.' +Kurisu: 'October 2, 1972. The gelified body of a woman was discovered on the streets of Dharmapuri in Tamil Nadu, India.' +Kurisu: 'There were signs that the body had been run over by a car.' +Kurisu: 'Jellyman's Report 7.' +Kurisu: 'Subject: Michael Lang, Age: 33, German' +Kurisu: 'Z Program 4, Date of Experiment: 2002-10-8 T 13:28' +Kurisu: 'Results: Error. Human is dead. Mismatch.' +Kurisu: 'Jellyman's Report 6.' +Kurisu: 'Subject: Mark Hughes, Age: 30, American' +Kurisu: 'Z Program 4, Date of Experiment: 2002-8-23 T 12:52' +Kurisu: 'Result: Error. Human is Dead. Mismatch.' +Kurisu: 'On July 1, 1985, a strange body washed ashore on the coast of Streymoy, Faroe Islands.' +Kurisu: 'It appeared to be the body of an adult male, but its flesh was soft like that of a jellyfish. Some of the island's inhabitants believe that it was the body of a merman.' +Kurisu: 'The inscription 'SERN' was found near the body's shoulder, but SERN denies any involvement.' +Itaru: Keep looking? +Rintaro: I've seen enough. +Kurisu: The sites are spread throughout the world. What can we deduce from this? +Rintaro: They must have sent them to those places. +Kurisu: I don't think so. It's too random. +Itaru: There was something about Kerr black holes and gravity, right? Isn't that the cause? +Kurisu: It is believed that due to infinite compression by supergravity, the subject could not endure passage through the Kerr black hole's singularity.' +Kurisu: That's what it said. +Itaru: What's a Kerr black hole? Is it different from a regular black hole? +Kurisu: It's a theoretical black hole with a rotating singularity. Their existence hasn't been proven yet. Not that there's any way to prove one exists. +Rintaro: That's right... John Titor! +Rintaro: According to Titor, SERN finished their time machine in 2034. And then Titor himself came from 2036. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Creating Kerr black holes? That's insane. If you screw up, it could swallow the Earth... and besides, Kerr black holes are just a theoretical construct. +Rintaro: If Titor's predictions are a reality, then that means the LHC worst case scenario video on +Itaru: I don't know about Titor's predictions, but I've seen the +Kurisu: The gravitational forces inside a black hole are unbelievably powerful. It's certainly possible that passing through one could allow time displacement, but there's no way a human could do that and come out alive. +Rintaro: That must be how these people got gelified. +Kurisu: It wouldn't just gelify you. It would tear you apart particle from particle. That's what a black hole does. +Itaru: Before we discuss this, shouldn't we look through the rest of their time machine research? +Itaru: Here we go! There's a file in the Z Program that explains time travel theory. +Kurisu: That was pretty easy to find. SERN should have better security. +Itaru: Their security's fine. I'm just too good. +Rintaro: Daru is my Favorite Right Arm. +Kurisu: I thought he was your super hacka. +Itaru: Hacker! +Rintaro: So what does it say, Christina? +Kurisu: Umm... can you give me some time to read it? +Kurisu: No way... but this is... +Kurisu: Is Titor really...? +Rintaro: What are you muttering about? Tell me what it says. +Kurisu: ...Oh, right. +Kurisu: You know, this feels like one big joke. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Kurisu: It's almost the same. The same as Titor's theory. +Kurisu: Basically... +Kurisu: The LHC smashes protons together at 99.9999991% the speed of light. +Kurisu: By doing so, they compress a mass of 10⑩⑫⑬kg into an extremely tiny space of 10⑩⑪⑲m. +Itaru: In Japanese please. Three lines max. +Kurisu: A small mass. +Kurisu: Thrust into a narrow space. +Kurisu: With great force. +Itaru: That explanation's too erotic! +Kurisu: Huh? What part of it is erot-- +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ...Ah! +Kurisu: H-Hashida, you pervert!! +Itaru: Sounds like you have a pretty good imagination yourself. +Kurisu: I-I'm not like you! +Rintaro: Don't listen to this fool, Christina. Continue. +Kurisu: ...ugh. +Kurisu: Uh, what were we talking about? +Itaru: Thrusting with great force. +Rintaro: Proton compression. +Kurisu: Right. Successful compression generates a micro-singularity, which-- +Itaru: A micro singularity? Not a mini black hole? +Rintaro: Same thing, essentially. A singularity is the core of a black hole. +Kurisu: This process generates a black hole with two micro-singularities. +Itaru: Explain with cute girls. +Kurisu: Fine. Say there are two cute girls, Mic-chan and Cro-chan. +Itaru: Sisters are moe. Haah, haah. +Kurisu: By feeding Mic-chan and Cro-chan electrons, you can make them do whatever you want. +Itaru: Electric shock torture? This some sort of +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: So you force them to rotate at an extremely high velocity. +Kurisu: And then, theoretically, Mic-chan and Cro-chan transform into Magical Girl 'Ring Singularity'. +Itaru: Cue +Kurisu: The resulting black hole exhibits what's called the Kerr effect. +Itaru: What are Kerr black holes anyway? You said they spin, but what does that mean? +Kurisu: Exactly what it sounds like. +Itaru: But don't black holes usually spin? I mean, there's a whirlpool around the hole, right? +Kurisu: The part that looks like it's spinning is just the surrounding matter being sucked into the black hole. +Kurisu: A black hole is just a point where extreme mass causes gravitational collapse. Everything falls towards it. +Kurisu: Since it's only a point, it doesn't spin. +Kurisu: A Kerr black hole has a ring at its center, not a point. +Kurisu: Think of it like this. Once transformed into magical girls, Mic-chan and Cro-chan's hearts spin like a ring inside their bodies, which is impossible for normal people. +Itaru: ...I'll pass on the guro. +Rintaro: Before, you said that such a black hole's existence would be impossible to prove. What did you mean? +Kurisu: A black hole has what's called an +Kurisu: Once you pass the event horizon, time and space switch places. +Rintaro: Time and space switch places? +Kurisu: Right now, we can move freely through space and into the future, but we can't move even one minute into the past. That becomes reversed. +Kurisu: On the other side of the event horizon, moving freely through space becomes impossible, while moving freely through time becomes possible. +Kurisu: Since unrestricted spatial movement is impossible, you can never escape a black hole. +Kurisu: For example, if Okabe jumped into a black hole, time for him would stretch to infinity. +Kurisu: Since light cannot escape, human eyes cannot see the other side of the event horizon. +Kurisu: Observing a black hole from the outside is impossible, so nothing about the inside can be proven. +Kurisu: There is an exception, however. This exception is vital when you use a Kerr black hole for time travel. +Rintaro: Get to the point. +Kurisu: The Kerr black hole's ring singularity. Since it's spinning, it has angular momentum. +Itaru: Like I said, in Japanese please. +Kurisu: Didn't I already explain how the core spins? Just think of that as having momentum. +Kurisu: If you keep giving Mic-chan and Cro-chan electrons, they'll rotate faster and faster. +Kurisu: And when their angular momentum exceeds a certain threshold, the event horizon will disappear, and the singularity will become a +Itaru: N-naked? You mean the magical girl costumes expose a lot of skin, right? When does the anime adaptation air? +Rintaro: Naked, you mean it becomes observable. +Kurisu: When the event horizon disappears, there's no more reason for time and space to change places. Meaning that you can enter a naked singularity without being trapped. +Kurisu: And then the existence of the naked singularity allows the principle of causality to be violated and the general theory of relativity to fail. +Kurisu: The laws of physics are broken! +Rintaro: C-can such a thing exist? +Kurisu: Nothing in principle stops Kerr black holes from existing. It seems inconsistent, but the math never lies. +Kurisu: Since the principle of causality fails, it would be possible to travel to the past by entering a naked singularity. +Kurisu: One thing I don't understand is how they inject electrons into the singularity. +Kurisu: Look. This is a picture of the LHC, but there's strange equipment installed at the proton collision site. +Kurisu: It looks like they call it a 'lifter', but... just what is it? +Rintaro: Daru, have you heard of it? +Itaru: Lifter, lifter... I think I saw that in the Z Program files. Wanna google it? +Itaru: We've got hits! +Kurisu: That many? I guess it's not a secret... +Rintaro: Could this be it? Ionocraft. +Kurisu: Ions are charged particles. The meaning matches. +Itaru: It's floating... +Rintaro: That's... an anti-gravity device! +Kurisu: Don't be ridiculous. That would be the breakthrough of the century. +Kurisu: It's called an ionocraft, so it probably has something to do with electrodes and charged air... +Rintaro: SERN is using this lifter technology. It's a vital component of their time machine. +Rintaro: If they can manipulate a micro singularity's mass and gravitational field, then these things really are anti-gravity devices! +Kurisu: Well, under those exact conditions, I guess you might not be entirely wrong. +Kurisu: But it looks like SERN's having trouble adjusting their lifter. +Kurisu: They don't have full control over the micro singularity's gravity. So they can't make a true naked singularity. +Rintaro: That must be the reason why the subjects turned into jellymen. +Kurisu: Since the singularity is still closed, the subject is crushed by its tremendous gravity. +Kurisu: As a result, substances become fractalized. Let's go with that hypothesis. Of course, there's no way to be sure that it's right. It might take months to prove. +Rintaro: So SERN's lifter is still incomplete... +Rintaro: If we can complete the PhoneWave (name subject to change) first, then we'll have outwitted SERN! +Kurisu: We don't have half the equipment or funding SERN does. What makes you think you can solve a problem that they can't? +Kurisu: This isn't that simple. +Kurisu: SERN still hasn't figured out how to set the subject's destination in time or space. +Kurisu: That should be evident by how scattered the jellyman discoveries were. +Kurisu: We don't even know if this is all of them. There could be jellymen buried underground or floating in space. Actually, I'm almost certain there are. +Kurisu: There's no point traveling through time if you end up in tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Earth. It's not practical at all. +Rintaro: Titor said he had a 'variable gravity lock system'. He can use that to lock onto the Earth's gravity and ensure he arrives somewhere on the planet's surface. +Kurisu: Titor's explanation on that point was vague. +Kurisu: He mentioned having such a device, but he didn't explain how it worked. +Itaru: But if you're only moving through time, won't you just arrive in the same location? +Kurisu: Of course not. +Itaru: Why not? +Rintaro: Because the Earth is always moving. +Kurisu: Right. Rotation and revolution. +Kurisu: The Earth's rotational velocity is about 1,650 kilometers per hour. +Kurisu: Its orbital velocity around the sun is about 114,000 kilometers per hour. +Kurisu: Meaning one hour ago, we were that far away from where we are now. +Itaru: Whoa! When you think about it like that, we're earth-shatteringly fast! +Kurisu: And that's not all. +Kurisu: The Solar System is part of the Milky Way. And the Milky Way spins like a giant whirlpool. +Kurisu: There are various theories, but basically the earth moves about 50 million kilometers a day. +Itaru: We've kinda gotten to a ludicrous scale. +Kurisu: By the way, the Milky Way is part of a large cluster of galaxies, which is itself part of an even larger supercluster. +Kurisu: And these clusters and superclusters might be moving too. If that's the case, we're moving even more than 50 million kilometers a day. +Kurisu: The point is that setting the destination would require insane calculations, even if you only want to travel one second into the past. +Kurisu: Doing it by hand is impossible, and it might take years for a supercomputer to come up with a solution, just to get you to the same location. +Rintaro: Then we have no choice. We need to find Titor and borrow his variable gravity system. +Kurisu: Great idea. Go for it. +Kurisu: I wonder how SERN is dealing with this problem... +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: ... +Kurisu: Okabe. +Kurisu: Thanks. +Female Reporter: Five days have passed since the satellite crash, and with the start of summer vacation season, crowds are gathering to get a glimpse of the satellite, which still has not been removed. +Teenage Girl: I came from Nagoya. I wanted to see it. +Middle-aged Man: I drove all the way from Saitama. It's amazing! Where did that thing come from? +Teenage Girl 2: Yay! I'm a high school girl from Chiba♪ +Female Reporter: Tourists from all over Japan are flocking to this location. +Female Reporter: In an interview earlier today, Michael Byrne, spokesman for NASA, stated... +Female Reporter: That no satellite had crashed in Japan, and that the crashed object was, in fact, not even a satellite. +Female Reporter: The satellite is currently under police investigation. No date for removal has been set. +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Good morning! Oh wait, should I say, good afternoon? +Mayuri: Whoo! The air in here is sooo thick. +Mayuri: I'll refresh the air! +Rintaro: Since all lab mems are present and accounted for, this is the perfect opportunity to hold another Round Table Conference. +Mayuri: Roundabout confluence? +Itaru: ...What's that? +Rintaro: A meeting of lab mems. +Itaru: Have we ever done that before? +Kurisu: Do you even have a round table? +Rintaro: Not physically. However, it exists in the hearts of all lab mems. Am I mistaken? +Kurisu: Yes, you're mistaken. Don't go sticking things in people's hearts. +Mayuri: Is there one in Mayushii too? +Rintaro: Of course there is. +Mayuri: Oh, that's good. But what's a roundable? +Itaru: And why a round table? You King Arthur? +Kurisu: I'm only a temporary lab mem anyway. +Rintaro: Anyway, it's a Round Table Conference! Mayuri wasn't here last night, so first, let's explain the situation to her. +Mayuri: I told you you shouldn't do bad things. +Rintaro: Hmph, 'bad' you say? We⑰ are bad? Absurd. +Rintaro: If we're bad, then SERN is even worse. They aren't satisfied with ruling the world. Now they want to get their hands on space-time itself! +Kurisu: I agree. +Kurisu: What SERN is doing is unforgivable. They're traitors to humanity, to society, and to science. +Mayuri: I guess... +Rintaro: Anyway, Ragnarok can no longer be averted. The final battle with SERN is near. +Mayuri: Rag in a rock? +Kurisu: Norse mythology again? +Rintaro: Christina! I ordered you to investigate SERN! What have you learned? +Kurisu: I don't remember being ordered, but whatever. +Kurisu: There are two problems SERN faces with time travel. +Kurisu: First is the the electron injection device, also known as a 'lifter'. +Kurisu: Unless they get it to function properly, they can't make the Kerr black hole singularites naked. +Kurisu: If you send a test subject through the singularity in its current state, the supergravity compresses them to the micro level. Naturally, there's no way to survive. +Kurisu: The second problem is that they can't specify a physical destination. They can't choose where they end up after traveling to the past. +Kurisu: That's why I'd say the 14 found jellymen were the lucky ones. +Kurisu: Over a hundred human experiments have been performed since 2001. The remaining 80 or so people ended up somewhere they can't be found. +Mayuri: Why can't they be found? +Itaru: Didn't you know, Mayu-shi? The world is constantly moving. Its rotational speed is 1500 kph, and its orbital speed is 114,000 kph-- +Kurisu: SERN has been looking for solutions, but it's not going well. +Rintaro: Now then. Have you learned anything that could help us complete the PhoneWave (name subject to change)? +Kurisu: Hmm... +Kurisu: Well, I suppose you could call the LHC the world's largest microwave oven. +Rintaro: Of course! In other words, the PhoneWave (name subject to change) is a miniature LHC! +Kurisu: You might be on to something there. +Kurisu: However, there are too many things we don't know about the PhoneWave. Why do the same phenomena that occur in SERN's time machine also occur in that tiny little microwave? +Kurisu: Unlike the LHC, this thing wasn't made for time travel. +Mayuri: It was made to warm Mayushii's chicken! +Kurisu: W-well, yeah. +Rintaro: Since the jellyman phenomenon occurs with the PhoneWave (name subject to change), Mayuri's bananas must be reaching the Kerr black hole's ring singularity. +Mayuri: It makes a black hole? Here? +Mayuri: It won't suck us in, will it? +Kurisu: But we still haven't figured out the electric discharge phenomenon, or the conditions required to cause it. +Itaru: During our experiments earlier, we were only able to send emails to the past during the discharge. +Rintaro: Although it hasn't happened again, that discharge phenomenon could very well signify the injection of charge -- that is, electrons. +Rintaro: And only when it occurs does the path to the singularity open. +Kurisu: We don't know the cause of the discharge phenomenon. +Rintaro: That's what we need to find out. +Kurisu: In the first place, the emails we're sending to the past are digital data, not physical objects. That's a definite difference from SERN's time machine. +Rintaro: No, we're doing the same thing. Who's to say that digital data can't go through a singularity? I think it would be easier than sending something human-sized. +Kurisu: Well... I suppose that's true. +Mayuri: You know, the way you guys talk about email... +Mayuri: It makes me think of folding a letter into a paper airplane and making it go zoom, you know? +Rintaro: It's more like a beam of light. Like optical digital data. +Rintaro: By the way, it's a pain to keep saying 'email sent to the past'. Let's give it a proper name. +Kurisu: I've got a bad feeling about this. +Rintaro: What's that supposed to mean? You dare mock Hououin Kyouma!? +Kurisu: You just want to give it some oddball name, don't you? +Rintaro: Hmph! How rude. Heed me! I shall name the phenomenon of 'email sent to the past' as follows. The name shall be... +Rintaro: Nostalgia Drive! +Kurisu: Confusing. Rejected. +Rintaro: Why you! Who gave you the authority to reject my ideas!? You're just an assistant! +Kurisu: Then why don't we take a vote? All in favor of Nostalgia Drive. +Rintaro: Have you forsaken me, Daru!? Mayuri!? +Mayuri: Chris-chan's right. It's too hard for Mayushii to remember. +Itaru: It's way too chuuni, man. +Rintaro: Fine! Then let's hear alternatives! Don't tell me you rejected my idea without having any bright ideas of your own!? +Kurisu: I think it needs to be something easy to understand. It's an email that regresses through time, so how about Retromail? +Mayuri: What does 'retro' mean? +Rintaro: Sounds like you have your answer, Christina. You said it should be easy to understand, but it wasn't easy to understand at all, was it!? +Kurisu: B-but that's because Mayuri-san is... +Kurisu: Uh, n-never mind... +Rintaro: Were you about to say 'because Mayuri's dumb'? +Kurisu: N-no! +Mayuri: Eh? Chris-chan, do you think Mayushii's dumb? +Kurisu: I don't! I promise I don't! Okay? +Itaru: I vote 'The Mail Who Leapt through Time'. +Rintaro: That's too stiff. It's hard to say. +Itaru: It's better than your 'Nostalagisticexpialidocious' nonsense! And mine makes a movie title referen-- +Rintaro: That's not cool. It needs to be cool. +Itaru: You're rejecting it for that? +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Mayushii has an idea! +Mayuri: How about 'Back to the Mail'? I took a movie title, and changed a word to mail! +Itaru: I already did the movie joke, Mayu-shi. +Kurisu: Besides, I think the meaning is a little off. +Mayuri: It's not about the meaning... I took a movie title and changed a word to mail... +Rintaro: Either way, it's too long! +Itaru: Then how about DeLorean Mail? +Rintaro: That doesn't even say what kind of email it is! +Kurisu: Hey. We don't have time for this nonsense. Let's just abbreviate it to 'D-Mail' and move on. +Rintaro: But that's boring. +Kurisu: It don't care if it's boring. +Mayuri: D-Mail it is! +Itaru: So why does the D-Mail phenomenon occur? +Rintaro: Because the path through the ring singularity is open. We've been over this already. +Kurisu: We don't know if there's actually a black hole at work here. It could be an entirely different phenomenon that just happens to resemble SERN's experiments. +Kurisu: It's dangerous to jump to conclusions. +Rintaro: Why so timid? Don't you want our time travel experiments to succeed? That's why we put our lives on the line to hack SERN! +Rintaro: What we need to figure out is how to turn the PhoneWave (name subject to change) into a usable time machine. +Itaru: Do you really think that's possible? +Rintaro: There is no think. Only do! +Kurisu: What, did you read that off a motivational poster? You're like the classic incompetent boss. +Rintaro: Damn you! You dare insult the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!? +Itaru: Well, it's not like Okarin's the boss anyway. +Rintaro: Indeed. I am the symbol of this lab, not the boss. +Kurisu: I don't know what you mean by symbol, but how do you plan to turn the PhoneWave into a time machine? Let's have details. +Rintaro: My plan... alright, there is one thing. +Rintaro: We've been thinking that the electrical discharge happens at random, but I have a hypothesis. +Kurisu: Which is? +Rintaro: Recall the conditions when it occurred, Christina. We experimented through the night with no results, but there's one variable we overlooked. The simplest, most definitive variable of all. +Rintaro: That is, the time of the occurrence. +Kurisu: ...ah. +Rintaro: I checked the times of the two previous occurrences. +Rintaro: When I accidentally sent the first D-Mail to Daru's phone, it happened between noon and one PM. +Rintaro: The second time, when all four of us observed the D-Mail, it was six PM. +Rintaro: So if we perform the experiment within that timeframe, we might be able to reproduce the effect. +Kurisu: Let's try it right now! +Itaru: Well, I'm glad to see she has her priorities straight. +Mayuri: Mayushii's banana supply is getting low... gotta buy more. +Kurisu: Sorry, Mayuri-san. I'll go buy you some new bananas later. +Mayuri: Really? Yay♪ +Mayuri: Okarin and Daru-kun eat my bananas, but they never buy new ones... +Kurisu: First, let's see if it'll become a jellyman. +Kurisu: Agh! +Rintaro: Trying for the clumsy girl appeal? +Kurisu: It was an accident! +Kurisu: Put the microwave somewhere else! It's dangerous and hard to reach like this. +Rintaro: It'll punch through the floor if we put it on the table. +Mayuri: Chris-chan, Chris-chan! Pain, pain, go away♪ +Kurisu: Thanks, Mayuri-san. +Kurisu: Ah! +Itaru: Whoa! +Mayuri: It became a gelbana... +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... muhahaha... MUHAHAHAHA! Just as I suspected, the critical variable was time! +Kurisu: W-way to go, Okabe. It was so simple, I didn't notice it. +Rintaro: Your praise does you credit, Christina, but I know you're frustrated you didn't think of it first. Muhahahaha! +Kurisu: Anyway, let's see if we can send another D-Mail. +Rintaro: Guh... I feel like my authority has been on the decline since that girl showed up. +Itaru: It's cool, man. You never had any to begin with. +Kurisu: Help me, you two! Okabe, I'm sending an email to your phone. +Mayuri: What are you gonna send, Chris-chan? +Kurisu: It doesn't matter what it says. What matters is whether we can send it or not. +Mayuri: Hmm? Lemme see... Okabe is an airhe...? +Rintaro: Wait! You there, assistant! What are you typing? +Kurisu: You'll see. Ready? I'm sending it. +Itaru: Starting the countdown! +Itaru: 3, 2, 1... zero. +Kurisu: Kya! +Rintaro: MUHAHAHAHA! It's working! It's working, you guys! +Kurisu: ...Did it arrive? +Kurisu: Pfft... +Rintaro: Christina. Did you send two mails? +Kurisu: Eh? No. I only sent one. +Mayuri: Mayushii saw it too. She really only sent one. +Rintaro: But I received two. +Kurisu: You're right... I even sent it in one sentence, but it got divided. +Rintaro: By the way, what does this word mean? +Kurisu: Why don't you look it up? +Itaru: That reminds me. The D-Mail from before was cut up mid-sentence too. +Rintaro: Was it? +Itaru: Yeah. Look at your history. I'm pretty sure I sent 'Okarin's a perv'. +Rintaro: You're right. This one got split too. +Kurisu: I wonder what's causing it. +Rintaro: Maybe it's related to the jellymen. +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii wants to know why it arrived five days ago. +Kurisu: Good point. Didn't the last one also arrive five days before we sent it? +Rintaro: Yeah. It did. +Itaru: Is there some kind of rule for when it arrives? +Mayuri: Let's try sending more! +Rintaro: Alright, lab mems! Battle stations! +Kurisu: He's at it again... +Rintaro: Our mission: to send as many D-Mails as possible! +Rintaro: Daru, man the X68000. Your job is to observe, adjust, and gather information on the PhoneWave (name subject to change). +Rintaro: Assistant, keep those mails coming! Try various patterns of text. Japanese, English, full-width, half-width, emoticons. The actual messages don't matter. +Mayuri: What about Mayushii? +Rintaro: Your mission is to go shopping. Just buy some bananas for now. I, Hououin Kyouma, shall fund you! +Mayuri: Wow! You're so generous♪ +Kurisu: So I guess your job is opening the microwave. +Itaru: Whoa! You saved the easiest job for yourself? +Rintaro: Heh. No, my assistant's judgment is sound. The key to a successful D-Mail is most likely the correct timing of opening the microwave door! +Kurisu: Uh, I was just kidding. +Rintaro: MUHAHAHAHA! Leave this task to Hououin Kyouma! I shall open this door with precision, boldness, and delicacy, as if it were the flesh of a beautiful woman! +Mayuri: Okarin, that's naughty! +Rintaro: Furthermore, the current operation is top secret. You must not leak it to anyone. Got it? +Rintaro: Now I shall give this operation a name! It shall be known as Op-- +Kurisu: Don't need one. Let's start. +Rintaro: Wha... but... +Kurisu: Go ahead and rest. I'm gonna have a go at it a little longer. +Suzuha: Sup! +Suzuha: What shenanigans are you up to this early in the morning? +Rintaro: The kind you wouldn't believe. We're building the first time machine in human history. +Suzuha: Huh. Cool. +Rintaro: Hey, shouldn't you be more surprised!? +Itaru: Can't blame her for being skeptical. I didn't think it was possible either. +Itaru: And isn't that top secret? I thought you didn't want anyone to know. +Rintaro: Crap! Part-Time Warrior, please keep what I just said a secret. +Suzuha: Sure. By the way... +Suzuha: The boss is really pissed. +Rintaro: Why? +Suzuha: The noise. Whatever you're doing up there, it's got the whole building shaking. Dust everywhere. Kinda like an air raid. +Suzuha: He was saying stuff like 'What's that nutcase doing? I'mma raise his damn rent!' +Suzuha: Maybe you should go apologize. +Itaru: Oh boy. What if he kicks us out? +Rintaro: Alright, leave it to me. Daru, go tell my assistant to lay off the experiments for now. +Itaru: Roger that... I won't forget you, soldier. +Suzuha: ...By the way, is Makise Kurisu here too? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Rintaro: Have you met before? +Suzuha: Um... no. Yesterday was first contact. +Rintaro: First contact? +Rintaro: Oh. Really? +Rintaro: Weren't you a little hostile for a first contact? +Suzuha: She's... my enemy. +Rintaro: How can she be your enemy? You just met, right? +Suzuha: Yeah. +Rintaro: Did she do something to you? +Suzuha: Not to me. +Rintaro: What does that mean? She did something to someone else? +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: If you want, I can go talk things over with Christina. +Suzuha: It doesn't really matter. +Rintaro: Maybe you're blaming the wrong person? +Suzuha: Geez! Give it a rest! +Suzuha: Anyway! Shouldn't you apologize to the boss instead of talking to me? +Rintaro: I have come! +Tennouji: Hey, Okabe. The hell are you doing up there? +Rintaro: We're currently conducting experiments that will change the course of human history. The discoveries we make today will shape the world for centur-- +Tennouji: I don't care what games you guys play. I'm the owner of this building. Got it? +Tennouji: And the building's really worn out. You keep shaking it like that, you could bring the whole damn thing down on our heads. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... Veeery interesting, Mister Braun. Don't tell me you forged this building's earthquake safety certificate? +Tennouji: What if I did? +Tennouji: It's been properly reinforced. But regardless, you guys are still shaking it too much. +Rintaro: Hmph! So what if a few buildings collapse? +Tennouji: What's that? +Rintaro: As I've said countless times before, our current experiment is of vital importance to the history of science -- no, to the history of human civilization itself! +Rintaro: It's more important than prolonging this building's lifetime for another ten or so measly years! +Tennouji: Okabe! +Tennouji: The ceiling is falling, you dumbass! Some got into my ramen! What are you gonna do about it, huh!? No more shaking! +Tennouji: Or I'll raise your rent by 10,000! +Rintaro: Leave it to me, Mister Braun! On my honor, I swear there won't be any more shaking today! +Rintaro: Christina! Stop the experiments at once! +Mayuri: Sorry, Okarin. Mayushii tried to warm up some chicken. +Mayuri: I accidentally put it through reverse rotation, and then it started sparking. +Rintaro: ...I see. +Kurisu: I sent you an email. Didn't you get it? +Rintaro: Stop screwing around! I'm the one who has to deal with Mister Braun! +Kurisu: But I gave you five days advance notice. +Itaru: Was he mad? +Rintaro: Yeah... I could feel his Killing Aura. +Rintaro: Anyway, no more experiments today. +Kurisu: Well, at least we got some good data. +Kurisu: I'm dead tired, and my hair's dried out. I want to take a shower and go sleep. +Mayuri: If you want a shower, there's one here. It doesn't have a bath, though. Okarin always uses it. +Kurisu: It's probably filthy... +Rintaro: I'd be lying if I called it clean. This entire building is in shambles. +Kurisu: Anyway, I refuse to use the same shower as Okabe. +Rintaro: I understand. Nobody will blame you if you don't use it. Of course, since the three of us stayed up all night, we're all pretty smelly. Heh heh heh. +Kurisu: That's why I'm going back to my hotel once I finish eating. +Rintaro: Celebrity bath time at a high class hotel? I want to come too. +Kurisu: Not a chance. +Mayuri: Mayushii wants to come too! +Kurisu: You can come any time, Mayuri-san. +Mayuri: Really? Thank you♪ +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin, I've been wondering, but why do you drink soda while you eat? Does it make it taste better? +Rintaro: I don't really see a problem. +Itaru: Me neither. +Kurisu: Same. I didn't give it a second thought. +Mayuri: Ehh? +Rintaro: You're acting weird, Mayuri. It's normal to drink soda while eating. +Itaru: It's normal, duh. +Kurisu: No objections. +Mayuri: No way! You guys are the weird ones! +Rintaro: Now, let's discuss Operation Urd's progress. +Itaru: Operation Urd? +Rintaro: Oh, right. Thanks to a certain assistant, I didn't get a chance to present the operation's codename yesterday. Heed me! These D-Mail experiments are all part of Operation Ur-- +Kurisu: The experiments have been fruitful. +Kurisu: At the very least, we've learned what we can do with D-Mail. +Kurisu: That about sums it up. Anything to add? +Rintaro: A D-Mail can be at most 36 English characters or 18 Japanese characters long. That makes experimentation difficult, so we'll want to improve that first. +Itaru: But we figured out how to control when it arrives. That's pretty good, right? +Kurisu: Observation isn't enough. We need to find the underlying principle. What I've written here is nothing but verified phenomena. +Rintaro: The underlying principle... you're right. It's not a complete time machine until we understand how it works. +Rintaro: What could be the reason for the character limit? +Mayuri: Um... +Mayuri: Chicken and bananas become 'gelchicken' and 'gelbanas', but salt doesn't turn into 'gelsalt', right? +Itaru: So much gel... +Mayuri: And you can send 36 letters in a D-Mail, but everything past that disappears, right-? +Mayuri: So I think maybe you can't send big things, or a lot of small things. +Mayuri: Maybe the Curb black hole-- +Kurisu: Uh, it's Kerr black hole. +Mayuri: The Curb black hole-- +Kurisu: Kerr black hole. +Mayuri: ...the black hole's hole is too tight. +Itaru: Mayu-shi... say that one more time. Starting from 'hole'. +Mayuri: The hole is too tight! +Itaru: Outrageous! +Rintaro: Stop making her say stuff like that! +Kurisu: The hole is tight... huh. That might not be entirely wrong. +Kurisu: Maybe we have the same problem SERN has with their time machine. Since they can't fully control the lifter, they can't make the singularities perfectly naked, which limits how much they can send. +Itaru: Anyway, 6 Japanese or 12 English characters comes out to 12 bytes. +Kurisu: Bytes? Not kilobytes? +Itaru: Oh? So Makise-shi's bad with computers? +Rintaro: Heh. Is that so, assistant? +Kurisu: Sh-shut up! You don't see things measured in bytes nowadays, so I was just making sure... +Itaru: Well, email isn't just comprised of text. There's more to it, like the sender and receiver's email addresses, the header, and various other things. +Itaru: So roughly speaking, we can send data in three batches of 12 bytes, then? By the way, I don't know if using a subject changes anything. +Rintaro: But I'm pretty sure that chicken and bananas have to be larger than 12 bytes. +Rintaro: Since each grain of salt is tiny, it's possible they could be converted to less than 12 bytes. +Kurisu: So larger masses get crushed by supergravity? +Rintaro: Mass might not be the issue here. Data doesn't have mass. +Kurisu: In any case, since the singularity isn't naked, the object is forced to pass through the event horizon. +Kurisu: Inside the event horizon, space and time switch places, causing the subject that arrived at the ring singularity to reach ultra high speed... +Kurisu: The data, crushed and destroyed by super gravity, is shot out of the black hole... +Rintaro: As a jellyman. +Kurisu: But even a small mass has to pass through supergravity. How does it emerge unscathed? +Rintaro: If the hole is too tight, then just inject more electrons. +Kurisu: I don't think it's that simple. I mean, I'm sure SERN's tried that already. And yet they haven't gotten any results after nine years of experiments. +Kurisu: It's not as simple as increasing the flow of electrons. +Rintaro: I see... +Kurisu: SERN has a lifter, but we don't know what in the PhoneWave is filling the same role, much less how to adjust it. +Rintaro: We don't know what acts as the lifter... +Rintaro: But we do know that it has successfully created a path wide enough to send approximately 36 bytes of data through the ring singularity. +Mayuri: I don't get it... +Rintaro: Think of it like an RPG. The ring singularity, the entrance to the event horizon, is the gate to the Demon Lord's castle. +Kurisu: D-demon Lord...? +Mayuri: So the soldiers who went home as slimes are jellymen? +Rintaro: But there's an exception. +Itaru: Combining soldiers? That's just silly. +Rintaro: It's to illustrate that the object can't be too big. +Mayuri: I get it! That's really easy to understand. +Kurisu: It is? +Itaru: It's a dumb metaphor, but I guess it works? At least as an explanation for why things get gelified. +Rintaro: Heh. It's all thanks to Mayuri's hint. +Mayuri: Mayushii was helpful? +Rintaro: Yeah. Great insight, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Yay! +Kurisu: But it's still a hypothesis. It hasn't been proven. +Itaru: How would you prove it? With human experiments like SERN? +Kurisu: If Okabe and Hashida-san volunteer as test subjects, I'll happily experiment on you. +Itaru: Human experimentation sounds kinda dirty. If you know what I mean. +Itaru: But I refuse. I'd rather play the doctor than the subject. +Rintaro: Same here. No, not in the way he's implying. +Kurisu: Idiots. +Kurisu: As I keep saying, the real problem is what the PhoneWave uses as a lifter. +Rintaro: That and one other thing. How come the discharge phenomenon and gelification only happen during a certain timeframe? +Itaru: We may not understand everything, but we've perfected the art of D-Mailing. Isn't that our +Mayuri: Sending mail to the past is amazing, isn't it? +Itaru: Though I guess it's not a real time machine unless we can send people to the past. +Kurisu: Even SERN has failed to send humans through. If you believe what Titor says, it won't be another, what, 24 years before there's a true time machine? +Rintaro: Physical time travel is impossible for us at the moment. We lack the funds and facilities available to SERN. +Rintaro: And yet we have realized a form of time travel. We've sent data to the past. +Kurisu: We should investigate the PhoneWave further. We need to understand what's going on. +Itaru: I have some fun ideas for how to use D-Mail. +Rintaro: I know how you feel, but we can't today. If we shake the building again, Mister Braun is sure to blow a gasket. +Rintaro: We can start experimenting again tomorrow. But this, I will declare now. +Mayuri: You have to take off your shoes. It's dirty! +Rintaro: Today -- uhh, what day is it? +Itaru: August 2nd. +Rintaro: August 2nd, 2010 is a date which will live in infamy! +Rintaro: For on this day, we, the Future Gadget Laboratory, have developed-- +Rintaro: The first successful time machine in the history of mankind! +Itaru: It's not the first. SERN beat us. +Kurisu: And you can't even say we developed it. It happened by accident. +Rintaro: Hmph! It seems that my assistant doesn't know the meaning of the word 'serendipity'. +Kurisu: I guess... +Mayuri: But Chris-chan, you said before that time machines don't exist, right? But now you admit they do! +Kurisu: It's just that I have⑰ to admit it for now. If we investigate how the PhoneWave works, it might turn out to be something that only seems⑰ like time travel. +Rintaro: Does nobody have any respect for my grand declaration!? +Rintaro: Don't complain if I take all the credit for inventing the first -- second, whatever -- time machine in human history! +Rintaro: The 66th Round Table Conference ends here. Dismissed! +Itaru: Wait, that was a Round Table Conference? I didn't know that. And it's even the 66th. +Kurisu: Who cares what kind of table it is? +Kurisu: I'm gonna go back to my hotel, take a shower, and sleep. +Mayuri: Mayushii has to go to work soon. +Rintaro: Nn... ugh...? +Moeka: Ah... +Rintaro: I was asleep. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...You're covered in sweat. +Rintaro: Heh. I just had a little taste of what it's like to be a particle drifting through space. +Rintaro: So you came to see the IBN 5100? +Rintaro: I can show you... but did you have to come so early? +Rintaro: Wait... I get it! Your true intention is to do an article on me, isn't it!? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I'm not reading it. +Rintaro: I'd feel like an idiot exchanging emails when you're standing right in front of me. +Rintaro: Speak. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Is it okay? +Rintaro: Is what okay? +Moeka: Please show me... the IBN 5100. +Rintaro: Fine. But just look. After you look, you leave. Okay? +Rintaro: It's in that cardboard box over there. +Moeka: ...Ah! +Rintaro: No unauthorized photographs. First, show me the camera you're going to use. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Just place the camera you're going to use on that shelf so I can see it. Okay? No funny business. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: ...That's it? You're going to use your phone camera? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Mail. +Rintaro: Speak. +Rintaro: H-hey! What are you doing!? +Rintaro: Don't move! Do as I say. Place your phone slowly on the shelf inside. Do it now! Any sudden movements and you're dead! +Rintaro: Why did you take a picture? +Moeka: ...I wanted to. +Rintaro: You could've asked for permission. Why didn't you? +Moeka: I asked... by mail. +Rintaro: Oh... You really need to learn to talk. +Rintaro: Alright. You can take as many pictures as you want, but on one condition. No face shots. If you take a picture of me, I'll have no choice but to silence you. +Moeka: I don't want your picture. +Rintaro: ...Oh. +Rintaro: I already said no. +Rintaro: Besides, that thing weighs a ton. You can't carry it by yourself. +Rintaro: Wait a minute! +Rintaro: Why are you assuming I'll lend it to you!? I already said I wouldn't! +Moeka: ...Really? +Rintaro: Really. +Moeka: ...No matter what? +Rintaro: No matter what. +Rintaro: ... +Moeka: ...Ugh! +Rintaro: Hey! Hold it right there! +Rintaro: What are you doing!? +Moeka: ...Taking it home. +Rintaro: Like hell you are! Who said you could!? +Moeka: You... didn't reply to my mail. +Rintaro: What? +Rintaro: No! That argument's just irrational! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Step away from the machine. +Rintaro: Now listen well. +Rintaro: The phantom retro PC, the IBN 5100, has chosen me, Hououin Kyouma, as its contractual master. +Rintaro: That's the undeniable truth. Not even God can change this decision. For it is the choice of Steins Gate! +Rintaro: Besides, I'm only borrowing the IBN 5100's power. When I'm done with it, I'm returning it to its original owner. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I can't tell you. I swore a blood oath to maintain secrecy and protect the original owner from those who desire the IBN 5100. +Rintaro: ...I am not without sympathy for your plight. +Rintaro: I formed a contract with the IBN 5100 for my own goals. After I achieve those goals, you can negotiate with the original owner to form a contract of your own. +Rintaro: And when Ragnarok is over, whether it ends in victory or defeat, my life as Hououin Kyouma will be... +Rintaro: No, forget what I said. This is no time to be thinking about the future. After all, my future is already... +Moeka: Anyway... where was it? +Rintaro: The IBN 5100 was at Yanabayashi Shrine. +Itaru: ...Guten Morgen. +Rintaro: You sure are early. +Itaru: I went to bed early. Woke up at five this morning. +Itaru: Man, it's hot! It's not supposed to be this hot in the morning. +Itaru: Oh? Oh? Okarin, who's this erot... sexy 3D woman? +Rintaro: Ah, let me introduce you. This is Shining Finger, Kiryu Moeka. +Itaru: Shining... Finger? Does her hand glow with an awesome power? +Rintaro: No, but she's definitely an esper. +Itaru: An esper? That's stupid. +Rintaro: Watch her type. You'll see. +Itaru: Well, whatever. Welcome to the lab, Kiryu-shi. +Moeka: ... +Itaru: Wh-what magnificent ignore skill. Are you looking down on me because I'm a fatass ota? You're a +Rintaro: Um, Moeka, this is my Favorite Right Arm, Super Hacka Daru-- +Moeka: ... +Itaru: Hey, Okarin. Did you... do⑰ something to her? +Rintaro: Like what? We were just taking pictures. +Itaru: Pictures... pictures⑰? So you're going to blackmail her and force her to be our sex toy... +Rintaro: Stop applying eroge logic to reality. +Itaru: My bad. +Itaru: Oh, right. I thought up some upgrades we could make to the PhoneWave. +Rintaro: Like what? +Itaru: You know how it's a huge pain in the ass to send D-Mails to the past? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Itaru: I want to simplify that process. Oh, and also make it possible to forward from the PhoneWave's dedicated phone. +Rintaro: Forward? What do you mean? +Itaru: Right now, you can only send a D-Mail to the phone attached to the PhoneWave, right? +Itaru: That's pretty inconvenient. If we give the PhoneWave's dedicated phone a forwarding function, we can use it to send D-Mails to any number we want. +Rintaro: How long will that upgrade take? +Itaru: Two or three hours? That's if you help me, though. +Rintaro: Understood. I'll help. +Itaru: OK. +Rintaro: ... +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: If you want to say something, then say it to my-- +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Read the email. +Rintaro: Say it to my-- +Moeka: Sending email to the past. +Rintaro: ...! +Moeka: That's what he said. +Moeka: ...Tell me. +Rintaro: You misheard us. +Moeka: No. +Moeka: I know what I heard. +Rintaro: It's me. There's a problem. ...No, not that. Information on Number 8 got leaked to a third party. ...Yeah, I know. I need to do something. +Rintaro: Depending on the situation, I may have to silence her. ...Yeah, I know. We can't let the Organization know about this. +Rintaro: Steins Gate seems to enjoy sending trouble my way. ...Heh, don't worry. My seat in hell can wait until Ragnarok is over. +Rintaro: El Psy Kongroo. +Moeka: ...Who was that? +Rintaro: It doesn't concern you. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Kiryu Moeka. You must swear to protect our secret... or die. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Choose now. No time to think it over. No alternatives either. +Rintaro: You have learned our secret, and now you must pay the price. +Moeka: ...You'll kill me? +Rintaro: Only if you try to go public. Underestimate the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, at your per-- +Itaru: Are you at it again, Okarin? +Itaru: Kiryu-shi, was it? Okarin's kind of crazy, so it's ok to ignore him when he talks like this. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Imbecile! Because of your careless tongue, she found out that the PhoneWave (name subject to change) is a time machine! +Moeka: A... time machine! +Itaru: Uh, that was pretty careless too. +Rintaro: Guh... +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Good morning! +Mayuri: Okarin! Mayushii wants to warm up some chicken before you start the time travel experiments. +Rintaro: Kiryu Moeka. I'll tell you everything... and I have a favor to ask. +Rintaro: Tremble, right arm of mine! By the covenant I command thee. Come forth, hellfire of darkest black! Fulfill my desire for ultimate destruction. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust! +Rintaro: Hrraahm!! +Mayuri: Ahhh! Now I can't warm up any more chicken... +Rintaro: This isn't a microwave anymore. It's a time machine. +Mayuri: That's not fair! Go buy a new microwave, Okarin! +Rintaro: I don't have that kind of money! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I told you no pictures. +Moeka: ...In commemoration. +Rintaro: Of what? Anyway, no pictures. +Rintaro: Kuh... I've gone soft. The old me would have killed her without a second thought. +Rintaro: What is it? +Moeka: ...Is it really a time machine? +Rintaro: Yes. You'll see. But you can't tell anyone. Okay? +Itaru: Alright, program complete. +Kurisu: Then lets resume the experiments. +Mayuri: But won't the manager scold us again? +Rintaro: Heh, don't worry. Yesterday, I made this promise with Mister Braun. 'I swear there won't be any more shaking today.' +Rintaro: In other words, the no-shaking promise only applied yesterday, so since today is yesterday's tomorrow, we can shake it all we want! +Kurisu: That doesn't settle anything. Why you're so confident is a mystery to me. +Rintaro: In other words, Christina, you want me to erase⑰ Mister Braun. +Kurisu: No! +Kurisu: Besides, I don't think a wimp like you stands a chance against him. +Mayuri: He's so muscley! +Rintaro: Is this the choice of Steins Gate? But how do I... +Rintaro: Hm? +Rintaro: Hey you! Part-Time Warrior! +Suzuha: Sup! +Rintaro: What are you doing there? +Suzuha: Can't you tell? I'm polishing my bicycle! +Rintaro: Aren't you working today? +Suzuha: Of course I am. Why else would I be here? +Kurisu: What, is she still tinkering with that bike of hers? +Kurisu: She was there when I came in, glaring at me. +Rintaro: Hey, Part-Time Warrior! Where's Mister Braun? +Suzuha: Mister Braun? Who's that? +Rintaro: The manager of that junk shop you work at. +Kurisu: It's not a junk shop. It's a CRT specialty shop. +Suzuha: Oh, so that's who you meant. Ahaha. +Nae: Daddy's name isn't Mister Braun. +Suzuha: The boss is on a service trip! I don't think he'll be back for a while! +Rintaro: Wh-what!? Is that true!? +Suzuha: It's true! I wouldn't be slacking off like this otherwise! +Suzuha: Ah, Nae, don't tell the boss I said that, okay? +Nae: Then let me ride your bicycle. +Rintaro: You heard her. This must be the choice of Steins Gate. +Rintaro: Mister Braun is currently absent. In other words, we can experiment to our heart's content! +Kurisu: That doesn't solve the problem, you know. +Rintaro: I'm telling you, it's the choice of Steins Gate. +Itaru: Whatever. I want to try out the PhoneWave 2nd Edition v1.03. +Mayuri: Second attention verse erosion? +Itaru: 2nd Edition v1.03. +Rintaro: Enough of your unsophisticated names. The upgraded version shall be known as Heavenly Merry-Go-Round. +Kurisu: The name doesn't matter. Let's just start the experi-- +Moeka: ...You looked like you were having fun. +Kurisu: Hardly. I'm fed up with these people and their fooling around. +Itaru: This assistant is such a +Kurisu: Who are you calling a tsundere!? +Itaru: Oh? Makise-shi, you know what tsundere means? +Kurisu: ...N-no. +Rintaro: I think you do. It's written all over your face. +Kurisu: Mmmgh... +Moeka: ...Experiment please. +Itaru: I'm setting it up so it forwards to Okarin's phone. +Moeka: It really... +Rintaro: What do you think? This proves that the PhoneWave (name subject to change) is an honest-to-goodness time machine. +Moeka: ... +Suzuha: Hey! +Suzuha: It's shaking again! And there's a strange light, too! What are you doing up there!? +Rintaro: Now then, lab mems. +Rintaro: The 73rd Round Table Conference will come to order. +Kurisu: Yesterday was the 66th. Where'd the other six go? +Rintaro: Only anal retentive bastards care about the minor details. That's why you'll never be more than an assistant, Christina! +Kurisu: Like I keep saying, I'm neither your assistant nor Christina. +Rintaro: In the first stage of Operation Urd, we tested the limits of D-Mail technology. +Rintaro: Today, we advance to the second stage. Practical applications of D-Mail. +Mayuri: Practical applications? I'll send one to this morning so I can say 'Good morning, Okarin♪' +Rintaro: Like hell you will. Write that on the back of a leaflet or something. +Mayuri: But if it's on the back of a leaflet, you won't get it. +Rintaro: When I say practical applications, what I mean is... +Rintaro: Changing the past. +Kurisu: Now hold on! It's too dangerous! Are you trying to play god!? +Rintaro: Oh? What's so dangerous about it? +Kurisu: Let's say you create a time paradox and blow up the world. What do you plan to do then? +Rintaro: Well, I guess we'd be dead. +Kurisu: You're going to change the past so recklessly? Are you kidding me? +Kurisu: Don't tell me... you're not seriously trying to bring chaos to the world or whatever, are you? +Itaru: Nah, he's all talk. It's fine to ignore him, Makise-shi. +Kurisu: R-really? +Mayuri: Don't worry! Okarin's actually a very nice person. You'll see! +Rintaro: I don't remember asking for an appraisal, but I'll answer Christina's question. +Rintaro: My dream is to plunge the world into chaos. However, it is still far too early to bring that dream to fruition. +Rintaro: We can only send 36-byte emails. That's not enough for my purposes. +Rintaro: Therefore, I shall set my ambition -- Project Chaotic -- aside for now. +Moeka: Project... Chaotic? +Kurisu: Did you just come up with that? +Itaru: Correct, Makise-shi! +Kurisu: YES. +Itaru: Okarin just says the first thing that comes to mind. He's always like that. +Rintaro: Don't analyze me, Daru! And you, assistant! Stop that fist pumping! You making fun of me!? +Mayuri: Um, so what are we going to do? +Itaru: Yeah. How do you want to change the past, anyway? +Rintaro: First of all, the purpose of this experiment is to verify whether or not we can actually change the past. So it doesn't matter how trivial the change is. +Kurisu: Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? +Rintaro: Of course. +Itaru: Yeah, it's like that saying. 'When the wind blows, the bucket maker gains.' +Kurisu: Eh? No, it's kinda like that, but kinda not... +Rintaro: A butterfly flaps its wings in Beijing and a storm happens in New York, right? +Kurisu: Yeah, that. Part of +Kurisu: Basically, any change, no matter how small, could have a significant effect on the future. +Kurisu: How do you plan to take responsibility for that? +Rintaro: Titor said that the many-worlds interpretation holds true. +Kurisu: And that makes it okay to change the past? You're going to believe that self-proclaimed time traveler's delusions? +Rintaro: Can you prove they're delusions? +Kurisu: I'm asking what you're going to do if they are. How are you going to deal with the consequences? +Rintaro: Christina, you said this before, did you not? +Rintaro: When hypotheses pile up, and theories are verified, they become reality. That's how modern physics comes to understand the truth of the universe. +Rintaro: You're contradicting yourself. +Kurisu: No, I'm not. +Kurisu: We don't even have a hypothesis for how the PhoneWave works. +Kurisu: We're just fumbling around in the dark here. There are still too many risks to try changing the past. +Kurisu: We should wait until we know more. +Rintaro: You're actually itching to try it out, aren't you? +Kurisu: W-well... +Rintaro: Besides, didn't you want to prove that the PhoneWave (name subject to change) isn't a time machine? +Rintaro: If it's not a time machine, then it can't change the past. You could prove yourself right, so why are you against it? +Kurisu: Oh shut up... +Rintaro: And if you're going to talk about time paradoxes, then what about SERN? +Rintaro: They've already sent more than 100 people to the past. Surely a few paradoxes have happened by now. +Kurisu: So you want to stoop to the same level as the guys that did those inhumane experiments? +Rintaro: We're not doing human testing or anything, so relax. +Mayuri: Um... +Mayuri: Um, Okarin? Mayushii doesn't really get it, but what are you going to change? +Rintaro: My goal for this operation is simple. We, my friends... +Rintaro: Are going to win the lottery! +Itaru: I'm for it. If we win the lottery, I can buy all the computer parts I want and go to MayQueen for every meal of the day. We'd be stupid not to try it. +Mayuri: Money? Okarin... that makes Mayushii sad. +Mayuri: We should do something that will bring peace to the world! +Mayuri: Like what if we give everybody in the whole wide world an Upa cushion? +Rintaro: Hmph. Peace, you say? Don't be ridiculous. +Rintaro: I am the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyo-- +Kurisu: And here I thought you had ambition. +Rintaro: Don't get me wrong. +Rintaro: This isn't about world peace and it isn't about ambition. It's about discovering whether or not we can change the past. +Rintaro: The easiest way to do that is to see if we can win the lottery, right? +Kurisu: But your primary goal is the money, isn't it? +Rintaro: With that kind of money, I could say goodbye to this rickety old building! Muhahaha! I could get an office in Daibiru or UPX! +Kurisu: See? Just like I thought. +Rintaro: I won't whitewash it. If we moved, we could experiment as much as we want without fear of Mister Braun. If we had money, we could build the Future Gadgets of our dreams. +Rintaro: And of course, we could buy a truckload of Mayuri's favorite bananas. +Mayuri: A t-truckload? +Kurisu: No, Mayuri-san! Don't let him tempt you! +Rintaro: Shut it, Celeb Seventeen! +Kurisu: S-se...? Serendipity? +Rintaro: Celeb. Seventeen. +Kurisu: What the hell is that supposed to mean!? +Rintaro: You live in a hotel off of your parents' money. You could never understand the plight of poor students like us. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: What do you think, Moeka-san? +Moeka: ... +Kurisu: Um...? +Rintaro: If you're going to complain, then suggest an alternative. A change to the past that would be both trivial and easy to understand. Got anything? +Kurisu: Um... +Mayuri: Hmm? +Kurisu: Let's try changing the hotel I'm staying at. +Rintaro: How are we supposed to know the difference? If you want to stay in Uguisudani, do it on your own. That should be easy for a Celeb Seventeen like you. +Kurisu: Do you have to say it like that? +Itaru: Anyway, why Uguisudani? +Rintaro: Because that's where all the love hotels ar-- +Kurisu: One more word out of you and I excise your frontal lobe with a rusty scalpel. +Mayuri: Then how about we change my fried chicken to a different brand? +Rintaro: Nobody cares what brand of chicken you eat. +Mayuri: Aw... +Rintaro: Even with a time machine before you all, this is all you can think of. You guys sure lack imagination. +Rintaro: If there are no other suggestions, we'll use my plan. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: It's me. We're beginning stage two of Operation Urd. +Rintaro: Yeah, no problem. I, Hououin Kyouma, shall take all responsibility. Heh, don't worry. Nothing will come back to you. +Rintaro: Correct. This is my choice, and the choice of Steins Gate. Ragnarok is near. El Psy Kongroo. +Rintaro: Now, begin the operation! +Itaru: Uh, what do you want us to do? +Rintaro: Are you incapable of doing anything without my instructions? +Mayuri: First, we need to buy a lottery ticket. +Kurisu: No, first we need a winning number. +Rintaro: Exactly, Celeb Seventeen! Now you're talking. +Kurisu: Don't call me Celeb Seventeen. +Itaru: First, we have to decide which lottery to go for. Think we should go for Dream Summer Jumbo? +Mayuri: I saw a TV commercial for that the other day! +Rintaro: Did they announce the winners? +Itaru: Should be next week or the week after. +Rintaro: Then there's no point! We can only send D-Mails to the past! +Itaru: Oh, right. +Itaru: We could wait until the Summer Jumbo drawing date. +Rintaro: You've got your priorities backwards. Don't get fixated on Summer Jumbo. Let's look at the last lottery that announced its winners. +Itaru: Hmmm, I'll google it. +Kurisu: If someone sent me the winning numbers from the future, would I believe it? +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii doesn't even know how to buy a lottery ticket... +Kurisu: That's okay. I don't think teenage girls buy lottery tickets. +Rintaro: Have you ever bought one, Moeka? +Mayuri: How about you, Okarin? +Rintaro: ...I tried the LOTO SIX once. +Itaru: Hey, LOTO SIX might work. I'm pretty sure they announce winning numbers every week. +Mayuri: Are you going to send this winning number in a D-Mail? +Rintaro: Exactly. Though of course, we have to mention it's for LOTO SIX. +Itaru: Hmm, last week's 1st prize was... woah, 200 million! +Rintaro: W-wait! 1st prize is too much! +Itaru: Why? +Kurisu: That is⑰ an awful lot of money... hahaha... +Rintaro: No, not that. 1st place would be... too conspicuous. +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: Don't you get it!? I'm being chased by the Organization. If we win 1st prize, the media will cover the event and my cover will be blown! +Kurisu: That's stupid. +Mayuri: What if Mayushii wins? +Rintaro: No. Stage Two of Operation Urd does have its risks, just like Celeb Sev said. +Kurisu: Celeb... Sev? Don't abbreviate it. +Rintaro: I'll be the winner. That way, I shoulder all of the risk. +Kurisu: And all of the money, right? I see your plan. +Rintaro: Anyway, we should aim a little lower. Daru, how much is 2nd prize? +Itaru: Umm, looks like it was... 23 million yen. +Rintaro: ...L-let's try 3rd prize. +Itaru: That was only 700,000 yen. +Rintaro: Yeah, that's good. That should be about right. +Kurisu: You're such a chicken. +Rintaro: Heh, heh heh heh! That's rich, coming from the one who was so worried about the risk of time paradoxes. Eh, Celeb Sev!? +Kurisu: I'm begging you, stop calling me that. I'll settle for assistant. +Kurisu: And don't misunderstand. I'm still worried about what could go wrong. +Rintaro: I'm trying to minimize our risk by choosing an amount that's just right. Stop being so stubborn. +Kurisu: ...No, you. +Mayuri: Um, could we fill a truckload of bananas with 700,000 yen? +Itaru: For 3rd prize, you need to get five matching numbers. +Rintaro: Moeka. I assign to you your first duty as a new lab mem. +Moeka: Eh...? +Rintaro: Figure out what to put in the D-Mail. It needs to convince an unknowing me one week ago to buy into the LOTO SIX. +Moeka: ...Me? +Rintaro: You are the mail demon, so this should be right up your alley. +Moeka: ... +Kurisu: Thursday last week... so about five days. Is that okay? +Itaru: The drawing was five days ago. It needs to arrive before that, right? +Kurisu: We'll send it to one week ago. 7 days is 168 hours, so let's round up a bit and enter 170#. +Mayuri: Ummm, 1, 7, 0, #... +Rintaro: It'll have to do. +Mayuri: This mail's kinda shady, huh? Ehehe! +Moeka: ...I'll redo it. +Rintaro: It's fine. I don't think there's any other way. Though it is kind of shady. +Mayuri: Don't worry! Okarin loves shady things, so it's perfect! +Rintaro: The time has come. Prepare to open Steins Gate! +Kurisu: It's been bugging me, but what is that Steins Gate thing? +Mayuri: It's Okarin's catch phrase♪ +Rintaro: Steins Gate is Steins Gate. Nothing more, nothing less. +Kurisu: That doesn't explain anything. +Rintaro: Don't complain about every little thing. That's not important right now. +Itaru: Starting up the microwave! +Rintaro: El Psy Kongroo! +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin? Are you okay? +Rintaro: ...! +Mayuri: Are you okay? +Itaru: Hmm... +Rintaro: Mayuri, how long have I been standing here? +Mayuri: Eh? What do you mean? +Rintaro: Just tell me. +Mayuri: Hm... maybe 30 seconds? +Rintaro: 30 seconds? Really? +Mayuri: Yup. You suddenly ran over to the PhoneWave, then you took out your phone and started going 'haaah haaah! +Itaru: Say that again, Mayushii. +Mayuri: Huh? You started going haah haah? +Itaru: The haah haah part! +Mayuri: Haah haah! +Itaru: More sexy this time! +Kurisu: Stop it, perv. +Rintaro: Th-that's right, the mail! +Rintaro: The mail arrived a week ago. +Mayuri: Hm? What's going on? +Rintaro: The money! Did I win the LOTO SIX? +Rintaro: Hey, Celeb Sev, did I win 3rd place? +Kurisu: Don't call me Celeb Sev! And 3rd place of what? +Rintaro: ...what? +Rintaro: What did you say just now? +Kurisu: Wh-what? +Rintaro: What the hell did you say just now!? +Kurisu: Got a problem? I asked what, and then you just-- +Rintaro: Not that! You said '3rd place of what', right!? I mean 3rd place of LOTO SIX! +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: Daru! I sent myself the winning LOTO SIX numbers just now. Didn't I? +Itaru: Holy crap! +Itaru: That's brilliant, man! We can use D-Mails to make ourselves billionaires! +Itaru: I could buy all the computer parts I want and go to MayQueen for every meal of the day! I AM SO PUMPED UP! +Rintaro: Mayuri, you were gonna buy a truckload of bananas... right? +Mayuri: A truckload? Who's gonna fill it up? +Rintaro: Wait! What happened to stage two of Operation Urd!? +Kurisu: By stage two, you mean an experiment to see if we can change the past, right? +Rintaro: R-right! That's it! +Itaru: Yeah, that's why we're all thinking. +Rintaro: What? +Mayuri: About what to send, so we can tell if the past has changed. +Itaru: I think we should definitely go with Okarin's LOTO SIX idea. +Mayuri: Mayushii thinks we shouldn't be so greedy for dough. +Mayuri: Ah, but when I say dough, I don't mean like for baking. +Kurisu: I think we all know what you mean. +Mayuri: Really? That's great! So, instead of being greedy, we should do something that will bring peace to the world! +Mayuri: Like, if we gave everybody in the whole wide world an Upa cushion, I think everyone would be happy♪ +Itaru: The only ones who'd be happy are little kids and Mayu-shi. +Luka: Um... hello? +Mayuri: Ah, it's Luka-kun! Welcome♪ +Luka: Pardon the sudden intrusion... +Mayuri: Did you decide to wear one of Mayushii's costumes? That would make me happy♪ +Luka: Ah, no, that's not why I came... +Rintaro: ...What is it? +Luka: Actually, Okabe-san... I mean, Kyouma-san, there's something I need to apologize for... +Rintaro: Ah...! +Rintaro: Where did you get this!? +Luka: T-that hurts... +Mayuri: Don't pick on Luka-kun! +Kurisu: What's wrong with you, Okabe? You're acting weird. +Itaru: Is the heat getting to him? +Rintaro: Sorry, Lukako, but I need to know. Where did you get that LOTO SIX ticket? +Luka: Um... you told me the numbers. +Rintaro: I... did? +Luka: You told me to buy them because they might win... +Rintaro: R-really? When was that!? +Luka: A week ago... +Itaru: Wait, did Luka-shi win the LOTO SIX? +Mayuri: Wow! Okarin's a psychic! +Moeka: ... +Kurisu: Don't tell me... you sent the winning numbers with the PhoneWave? +Rintaro: Why are you asking me that? You saw me send them. +Kurisu: I did? What are you talking about? +Rintaro: I sent the winning numbers in a D-Mail just now. We discussed it and decided that's what we would do. You all watched it happen. +Rintaro: Then the past changed. It actually changed. +Itaru: Hold on, Luka-shi! How much did you win!? +Rintaro: 700,000, right? 3rd place. +Luka: Um... +Luka: I'm really sorry, Kyouma-san. Even though you told me exactly what to do, I... +Luka: Filled one of the numbers in wrong... +Luka: Um... if that '18' had been a '19', then it would've been 3rd place... just like Kyouma-san said. +Itaru: Nooo! So close! And yet so far! +Rintaro: ...Huh? It's gone! Why!? +Suzuha: Hey there, Okabe Rintaro. +Suzuha: You look like you've been brainwashed. You okay? +Rintaro: Brainwashed? Me? +Suzuha: Well, there's nobody else here. +Rintaro: ...I suppose you're right. +Suzuha: Which part? +Suzuha: Being brainwashed? Or nobody else being here? +Rintaro: Being brainwashed. +Suzuha: You... were? +Rintaro: Nwohh!? Wh-wh-what are you doing!? +Suzuha: Don't move. +Suzuha: You're okay. You haven't been brainwashed. +Rintaro: ...What? +Suzuha: When you're brainwashed, they usually put a chip on the inside of your lower eyelid. +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro. Please keep that confidential. +Rintaro: So you've been captured by the Organization before. Just like me. +Suzuha: ...Huh? The Organization? Are you talking about SERN? +Rintaro: No! Say no more. I understand your pain all too well. +Suzuha: Y-you do? +Rintaro: The Organization's secret brainwashing facility, known as Apocalypse of Galient. That place is a living hell. +Rintaro: I don't want to revive any suppressed memories. +Suzuha: Um, right. I don't think it was called Apokawhatever, though... +Suzuha: But it certainly was a living hell. +Rintaro: I can tell you'll make a good comrade, Part-Time Warrior. The day of Ragnarok is near! +Suzuha: C-cool! +Nae: Suzuha, what's 'brain watching'? +Rintaro: Heh heh heh. I, Hououin Kyouma, shall be the one to answer that. +Nae: Eh!? No... that's okay. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Ahaha! Looks like Nae's afraid of you, Okabe Rintaro. +Rintaro: You do well to fear me, Sister Braun, but you should also pay me respect. For I am the world's most infamous mad scientist! +Nae: You're infamous? +Rintaro: Indeed. World leaders would kill to get their hands on my genius brain cells. +Nae: Wow... +Suzuha: That's how people talk when they've been brainwashed, Nae. +Nae: Eh? +Rintaro: Nonsense, Part-Time Warrior. My brain has not been washed since the day I was born. +Nae: Are you a liar, Mister Okarin? +Rintaro: Don't call me that! +Nae: ...! +Suzuha: You shouldn't yell at children. Look, she's shaking. +Kurisu: You're even more of a perv than Okabe! I'm not using '-san' for you any more! +Itaru: I'm not a perv! I'm a pervy gentleman! +Kurisu: What does that even mean!? +Mayuri: Hey, guys? Do you think Okarin's okay? +Rintaro: You heard everything, didn't you? +Suzuha: Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I just couldn't help it! +Rintaro: Did you hear about the time machine too? +Suzuha: Oh, yeah. I heard. Way to go, you! +Rintaro: You haven't told anyone, have you? If I can't trust you to keep silent, I'll have to take extreme-- +Suzuha: I won't say a thing, I swear! Your secret's safe with me! +Rintaro: Great. There's just one thing I'd like to ask. +Rintaro: Did you see some kind of electrical discharge on the second floor just now? +Suzuha: Electrical discharge? You mean like yesterday's rumbling? +Suzuha: It happened once before. You're lucky the boss wasn't around. +Nae: It shook. It was scary. +Rintaro: Just now, about a minute ago, it should've happened again. +Suzuha: Oh, really? I didn't see the second time. +Suzuha: Maybe I was too preoccupied polishing my baby. +Suzuha: Did you see it, Nae? +Nae: Nope. +Rintaro: You didn't see the second one? +Nae: I didn't see it. +Suzuha: Did something happen? +Rintaro: ...How much do you know about time travel? +Suzuha: ...What do you mean by that? +Suzuha: ...I don't believe it. +Suzuha: I've never heard of anything like that. Is it true? Are you telling the truth? +Rintaro: Of course. We've created a bona-fide time machine. And we were able to change the past! +Rintaro: Nobody can deny our accomplishments. That's right, nobody! +Suzuha: Geez! That's not what I meant! +Suzuha: I don't know if what you're saying is true or not, but... +Suzuha: I think you should try asking John Titor. +Rintaro: ...John Titor? +Suzuha: I mean, he's a hot topic now, isn't he? A time traveler from the future! +Suzuha: He might know something. Since you're both time travelers and all. +Rintaro: I see... You could be right! No, there's no doubt about it! +Rintaro: It's me. John Titor may have come from the future to guide me. +Rintaro: Yeah, that's right. His arrival here in 2010 must be the choice of Steins Gate. El Psy Kongroo. +Nae: Who is he talking to? +Suzuha: Dunno. Who could it be? Maybe it's someone from the future. +Nae: From the future...! +Rintaro: ...Do you want to know who I'm talking to, Sister Braun? +Nae: N-no, I... +Rintaro: Good. Even if you are interested, never ask. I could tell you, but then I'd have to silence you. And I don't want to have to do that to an innocent girl. +Nae: ...! +Suzuha: Come on, stop scaring her. She's just a little girl. +Rintaro: I'll get in touch with Titor immediately. Your advice is appreciated, Part-Time Warrior! +Suzuha: Ahaha, was I useful? That's gr-- +Suzuha: Oh crap! The boss is back! The boss is back! +Suzuha: Nae, if Manager asks, tell him I was doing my job! +Nae: Okay. But you have to let me ride your bike, okay? +Suzuha: Okay, okay! +Suzuha: Good luck, Okabe Rintaro! I'm rooting for you! +Nae: Welcome back, Daddy! +Tennouji: Nae! What did this nutjob do to you!? +Tennouji: You son of a... how dare you make moves on my precious daughter!? I'll kill ya! +Rintaro: W-wait! I haven't done anything! +Tennouji: Then why were you talking with Nae alone, huh!? +Rintaro: We weren't alone! Suzuha was here too! That girl was skipping work to polish her bicycle! +Tennouji: ...Is that true, Nae? +Nae: She promised she'd let me ride her bike. So I gotta say she wasn't skipping! +Tennouji: Skipping's the only thing she's good at, isn't it? Worthless part-timer. +Rintaro: Anyway, shouldn't you apologize for making false accusations? +Tennouji: What? Hell no! +Tennouji: Understand? I won't let you off easy next time you make moves on my daughter. +Rintaro: I wouldn't do something so suicidal. +Tennouji: Nae, I bought some cream puffs, so let's eat them together. +Nae: Okay! +Tennouji: Hey, part-timer! I know you were slacking off! Hey! +Tennouji: And why is the 42-inch on!? I thought I told you to turn it off! +Suzuha: I'm sorryyyyy! +Rintaro: Wait! We'll talk when everything's over. +Mayuri: Um, I'll buy more bananas tomorrow, okay? +Mayuri: So for now, hug this little guy suuuuper tight and cheer up, okay? +Rintaro: Hey, assistant. You're not going back to your hotel? +Kurisu: Is there a problem? +Rintaro: No, no problem. I was just wondering what you were still doing here. +Kurisu: Nothing. I just wanted to think for a bit. +Rintaro: Can't you think at your hotel? +Kurisu: What? You're kicking me out? +Rintaro: Ahh, I get it. You'd be lonely in your hotel room, but you have no friends, so you want me, the great Hououin Kyouma, to look after you. Isn't that right, you spoiled Celeb Sev? +Kurisu: You're the lonely one, aren't you? You've been acting gloomy all day. +Kurisu: Do you need some advice? I'm an outsider, in a sense, so it should be easier to talk to me, right? +Kurisu: A man getting advice from a younger woman is kind of *mumble mumble*, but if you're fine with that, then just ask away. +Rintaro: I need to send some emails. If you insist on staying here, then be quiet and stay out of my way. Okay, Zombie? +Kurisu: Of all your stupid names, that one's the worst. +Rintaro: Want some coffee? +Kurisu: Sure. +Kurisu: What's wrong with you? Stop fidgeting. +Kurisu: That was a pretty heavy sigh. +Rintaro: Christina. There's something I want to talk to you about. +Kurisu: Shouldn't you answer your phone first? +Rintaro: It's Daru. It's probably something stupid. +Kurisu: You're really self-righteous, you know. +Rintaro: You might not remember this, but earlier, I changed the past with a D-Mail. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ...I haven't known you long enough to tell whether you're serious. +Rintaro: It happened. And then everyone except me forgot about it. Or rather, the fact that it happened was erased⑰ from history. +Kurisu: The past changed, so the present changed with it? The Butterfly Effect, huh. But what you're saying is nonsense. +Rintaro: Why do you say that? +Kurisu: Why do you remember that the past changed? +Kurisu: If you used a time machine to physically travel to the past and change history, then that might explain it -- barely. +Kurisu: So if the present changed, and we changed with it, you would have to change too. +Kurisu: Or are you saying you didn't change because you're the observer? In that case, you're claiming that you're not a human being⑰. +Rintaro: ...Everything is the choice of Steins Gate! This is the power of my magic eye, Reading Steiner! Muhahaha! +Kurisu: Aaaand he's at it again. +Kurisu: I'm not playing along with your games. I bet you came up with that Reading Whatever thing just now, didn't you? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hello? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Mistake? +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Wh...at? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Go jump in the river! +Rintaro: Tch, persistent little... +Rintaro: Yeah? I'm not delivering your wallet, okay!? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Oh, it's you. You're with Daru, right? You don't have to lend that dumbass any money, okay? +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: No! I am a mad scientist full of madness and ambition! +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: You⑰ understand me⑰? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Hmph. I'm hanging up. Work hard now. +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Hmph, she thinks she knows me. +Kurisu: Okabe. You're grinning. +Rintaro: ...!! +Rintaro: N-nonsense, Celeb Sev! +Kurisu: Don't call me Celeb Sev! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: You look like a girl in love waiting for an email from her boyfriend. +Rintaro: Are you really that desperate for attention? +Kurisu: Just getting revenge. You're always making fun of me, so I deserve at least this much. +Rintaro: Despite what you may think, I actually respect you. +Kurisu: That's rich. You don't even say my name right. +Rintaro: I'm sorry about that. +Kurisu: Well, that's unexpected... You actually apologized. +Rintaro: I do apologize. But I can't help it. +Rintaro: For my brain has recorded you as my assistant, Christina, and I cannot correct it! MUHAHAHAHA! +Kurisu: I'm gonna crack your skull open and stick electrodes in your +Kurisu: Who are you talking to? +Rintaro: John Titor. +Kurisu: Huh? No way. +Rintaro: He's open to discussion as long as you're not trying to troll him, and his mail address is public. This is the second time we've exchanged mails. +Kurisu: No wonder you keep referencing Titor's posts. You believe him, don't you? +Rintaro: Not entirely. But there are several points in his story I do agree with. +Kurisu: Really? I can't see it as anything but fiction. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Muhahahahaha! +Kurisu: D-don't just start laughing like that. It's creepy. +Rintaro: Hehehe, but I must! He says I have powers! Isn't that rich!? +Rintaro: You don't have to tell me what I already know, John Titor! +Rintaro: My true power... is the magic eye, 'Reading Steiner'! +Kurisu: Sounds to me like you've got a bad case of chuunibyou. +Rintaro: Eh? +Kurisu: Eh...? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...Tch. +Rintaro: John Titor is a fraud! +Rintaro: Me, the Messiah? Hmph. Ludicrous! To think that I⑰ would save humanity! +Rintaro: I am no Messiah! I am the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, who has walked through fire and bathed in an ocean of blood to escape the clutches of the Organization! +Rintaro: My desire is chaos unending. Do you think that destroying the System will bring peace to the world? The answer is no! No, I say! +Rintaro: Death to the naive fools who believe such lies! The collapse of authority means that lawless CHAOS shall reign! MUHAHAHAHA! +Itaru: Um, Makise-shi? What the hell happened to Okarin? +Kurisu: Beats me. A few hours ago, he was exchanging emails with John Titor, and then he suddenly got quiet. +Kurisu: And then he started ranting. He's been like this for half an hour. +Itaru: He's been acting strange all day, don't you think? +Kurisu: Agreed. +Rintaro: Listen up, lab mems! It's time to resume Operation Urd! +Itaru: Seriously? The manager's still downstairs, you know? +Rintaro: Fret not. It's almost closing time for the Braun Tube Workshop. +Kurisu: The PhoneWave doesn't work at night, remember? +Rintaro: It's worth a try! We need to figure out how late the PhoneWave (name subject to change) works. +Rintaro: At the same time, I want to see if the two of you can use D-Mails to change the past. +Itaru: Change the past...! +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Change the past to your liking. As long as it's something easy to observe. +Kurisu: I'm going back to my hotel. Show me your report on today's experiment tomorrow. +Rintaro: Hold it! +Kurisu: Hey! What's your problem!? +Rintaro: Who's writing that report? +Kurisu: You, of course. This is your operation. +Kurisu: And if we could get a report from the subject too, that would be even better. +Rintaro: ...Are you not interested in changing the past? What happened to your eagerness to experiment? +Kurisu: Did you forget what I said this afternoon? I'm against it. +Rintaro: But you were so enthusiastic when we began the experiments. You went along without a single complaint. +Kurisu: In your dreams, maybe. +Rintaro: You're not being objective, Christi... Celeb Sev. +Kurisu: If you're going to correct yourself, at least get it right. +Rintaro: We've already performed one experiment. I changed the past. +Itaru: Hey! No fair! +Rintaro: Ah, but you were in on it too. But when the past changed, you forgot that it had ever happened. +Itaru: Are you talking about this afternoon? I mean, when you suddenly started asking about the LOTO SIX. +Rintaro: Exactly. +Itaru: ...You're not joking, are you? +Rintaro: I'm serious. +Itaru: ...Seriously? +Itaru: Okay! There's one thing about the past I definitely want to change. +Rintaro: What? Are you going to tell yourself to go on a diet? +Itaru: I wouldn't diet even if future me told me to. +Rintaro: You're gonna change the result? +Itaru: I remember every move Faris-tan made. It'll be easy to take her from behind. Aren't I a genius? +Rintaro: Whatever. Daru, prepare to D-Mail! +Itaru: Hell yeah! I'll give it my best shot! +Kurisu: So why do you think you're the only one who remembers? +Rintaro: You're awfully persistent. I see why they call you The Zombie. +Kurisu: I don't follow. +Rintaro: Zombies never stop coming. They're persistent. +Kurisu: Cut the jokes. I'm serious here. +Rintaro: I think that the key is who receives the D-Mail. +Rintaro: Only the recipient himself is able to retain his memories. That would be my guess. +Kurisu: Hmmm... +Rintaro: After Daru, you'll send the next D-Mail. Think about what you want to write. +Kurisu: No. +Kurisu: I'm not sending one. +Rintaro: Scared? +Kurisu: That's not it. +Rintaro: Then are you worried about time paradoxes? +Kurisu: Well, there's that, but it's more like a personal policy. +Kurisu: Changing the past feels like cheating. +Kurisu: I may only have 18 years of life experience, but I don't want to change any of those memories. +Rintaro: I see. You're perfect now, so you don't want to change. +Kurisu: That's not what I said... +Kurisu: I don't want to deny who I've been. Because even my failures are a part of who I am today. +Rintaro: Even if we solved all of the PhoneWave (name subject to change)'s problems, you wouldn't use it? +Rintaro: Even if John Titor said you could use his time machine to travel to whatever time you wish, you wouldn't use it? +Rintaro: Even if a blue robot cat from the future were to jump out of your desk and give you a doorway to everywhere, you wouldn't use it? +Kurisu: I wouldn't. +Rintaro: But you love experiments. Don't you? +Kurisu: S-something wrong with that? +Rintaro: So basically, you like to experiment on other people while you watch and cackle at the results! You truly are a mad scientist! +Kurisu: Why you-- +Itaru: Done! +Kurisu: I don't get it. +Itaru: It's how Faris-tan placed her cards. Can't you tell? You guys are lame. +Rintaro: Why do I remember? +Itaru: Did the past change? +Rintaro: Wait. Daru, you remember too? +Itaru: Huh? Remember what? +Rintaro: That you just sent a D-Mail! +Kurisu: Of course I remember. What are you... +Kurisu: Oh, I see. According to your hypothesis, you and I shouldn't remember sending the D-Mail. +Rintaro: Daru, did you beat Faris in the Faris Cup? +Itaru: ...I dunno. +Rintaro: You said the winner gets Faris's home cooking, right? Did you eat it? What happened? +Itaru: I don't know... This sucks. +Kurisu: ...Maybe the past hasn't changed? +Itaru: I'll try calling Mayu-shi. +Itaru: Mayu-shi? You're still at work, right? Is Faris-tan there? ...She is!? +Itaru: Um, can you ask her if I beat her in the Faris Cup? Did I get to eat her home cooking? +Itaru: ...Who lost? I did? Oh... Barely took five seconds? Oh... okay... +Kurisu: I guess that means the past hasn't changed. +Itaru: Why!? It changed for Okarin, right!? +Kurisu: Maybe your foolproof plan wasn't so foolproof. Like, maybe it only gave you a slight advantage. +Kurisu: Since Faris-san defeated you anyway, the past didn't change. +Itaru: Yeah, but I mean, the game would've played out differently. +Rintaro: That might not be enough to cause worldline divergence. +Kurisu: Like Okabe said, you need to make a change that's easier to observe. Or else there's no point to this experiment. +Kurisu: Um, n-not that I approve of this experiment or anything. +Itaru: No, it's not over yet. I can still fight! +Itaru: One more time. I'll try sending my past self some more advice. This time, something that'll ensure my victory. +Kurisu: You really want to win that badly? +Rintaro: More like he wants to eat Faris's home cooking that badly. +Itaru: That's my Final Answer. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: Oh...? +Kurisu: ...Out of time? +Rintaro: Looks like it. +Itaru: But my advice was perfect... +Rintaro: There's nothing we can do about it. We'll postpone the experiment till tomorrow. +Kurisu: After I left yesterday, I was thinking. How exactly does the PhoneWave make time travel possible? +Rintaro: It works like the LHC. Didn't you say the LHC was like a giant microwave? +Kurisu: If every microwave could turn into the LHC, then Japan would have black holes popping up everywhere. +Itaru: Whoa, that sounds worse than earthquakes. +Kurisu: I know it looks like SERN is able to create Kerr black holes willy-nilly, but that's not supposed to be possible. +Kurisu: You can't just press a button and make a black hole. Even if you could, the risks would be unthinkable. +Kurisu: It's ridiculous to suggest that a household microwave could generate a black hole. +Kurisu: My point it that there has to be something else going on here. +Kurisu: Some outside source must be injecting electrons into this microwave. +Kurisu: Well, I'm going back to my hotel. I've had enough of this filthy man cave. +Kurisu: See you tomorrow. Don't forget to write that report. +Itaru: Hmm... Makise-shi's lab coat... I wonder what it smells like... +Rintaro: Cut that out! If you have time to be perverted, then go think about how to change the past for tomorrow's experiment! +Tennouji: Okabe! Don't you have anything better to do? +Nae: Good morning, Mister Okarin. +Rintaro: How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Kyouma! +Nae: Um... what should I do, Daddy? +Tennouji: What nonsense are you trying to feed my daughter? +Rintaro: Have you not properly educated her, Mister Braun? This child of yours refuses to call me by my true name. Please do something about it. +Tennouji: Who cares? Don't be so picky. +Tennouji: Nae, you don't have to listen to what this guy says, okay? +Nae: Okay... +Nae: Ah. +Mayuri: Good morning, Okarin! +Nae: Mayuri! +Mayuri: Good morning, Nae-chan. +Nae: Good morning. +Mayuri: This is for you, Nae-chan. Enjoy♪ +Nae: Thank you! +Mayuri: I have some for Okarin too! +Mayuri: Why are you sitting out here? +Rintaro: I'm waiting for all lab mems to assemble. +Nae: Um, are you slacking off? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Um, Nae-chan? I'm sure Okarin's thinking about important stuff. +Nae: Oh... wow! +Mayuri: Okarin, Okarin. It's too early to make PhoneWave-chan sparkle, right? +Mayuri: Can I go nuke some yakisoba bread? +Rintaro: We removed the door. You can't heat food in it anymore. +Mayuri: Oh, right. That makes me sad... +Mayuri: By the way, have you had breakfast? +Rintaro: Nope. +Mayuri: Then let's eat together. We can eat the yakisoba bread cold, and then heat up some +Mayuri: Wanna join us, Nae-chan? +Nae: I'm okay. I ate. +Mayuri: Okay! +Mayuri: Daru-kun and Chris-chan are kinda late, huh? +Rintaro: Indeed. Their lack of dedication is appalling. +Suzuha: Sup! +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Suzu-san. +Suzuha: If it isn't Shiina Mayuri! Tutturu♪ +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro, did you talk to Titor? +Rintaro: ...Maybe. +Suzuha: Come on! You emailed him, didn't you? +Rintaro: Yes, but I'm starting to doubt whether he can be trusted. +Suzuha: What!? Why!? What went wrong!? +Rintaro: Oh, so you're a Titor otaku. +Mayuri: Look, it's Chris-chan! +Mayuri: Chris-chan, tutturu♪ +Kurisu: Good morning. +Rintaro: What did you say to the part-timer downstairs? +Kurisu: Nothing much. I told her if she wanted to say something, she should just say it. +Rintaro: What did she say? +Kurisu: Nothing. She just groaned. I wonder what's wrong with her. +Itaru: She's jealous of Makise-shi's popularity, duh! +Itaru: She's thinking 'If only I'd joined the lab instead of her. Then I would be having fun with everyone right now! I'm so jealous!' or something like that. +Itaru: I'm telling you, man. 3D is hell. +Kurisu: If she wants my lab mem number, she can have it. +Rintaro: What!? The lab mem number you carry is the highest credential a scientist could hope to achieve! They sell for millions on the black market, but you would give it away!? +Kurisu: It's not exactly a counterfeit passport. Also, shut up. +Mayuri: Mayushii wants everyone to get along. +Itaru: +Mayuri: If you give up, it's game over! +Rintaro: Mayuri, it's time for you to change the past. +Mayuri: Eh? Me? Are you sure? +Mayuri: But, um... what should I change? +Mayuri: Oh, I know! I'll make Luka-kun wear one of my costumes! +Rintaro: How? +Mayuri: By sending Luka-kun a mail! Ehehe! +Rintaro: Can't you think of anything easier to change and observe? +Mayuri: Hmm... +Rintaro: ...Let's use that canned ramen. +Rintaro: You'll send a D-Mail to yourself one hour ago. Type 'I wanna eat canned oden' or something like that. +Kurisu: I don't think that's enough to convince her to-- +Mayuri: Oh, that might work! +Kurisu: Eh...? +Mayuri: When I went to the vending machine today, I spent ten minutes wondering if I should get canned oden or canned ramen. It was really hard! +Rintaro: So a little push should be enough to make you choose canned oden! Alright, let's go with that! +Mayuri: Okay! But before we change the past, I gotta finish this ramen first. +Kurisu: What happens if you don't finish it? +Mayuri: It'll go to waste♪ +Kurisu: Oh... of course. Ahaha... +Rintaro: PhoneWave (name subject to change), activate! +Mayuri: Aw... I haven't sent it yet... +Kurisu: So one second isn't enough for the discharge to occur. That's what I expected, but it's good to have proof. +Itaru: What if you try warming it up beforehand? +Kurisu: Warming it up? +Itaru: One second isn't enough, right? So just run the microwave for about 30 seconds without sending a mail. +Itaru: As soon as it's done, run it again with the timer set at one second. That should cause the discharge, right? +Kurisu: Any basis for that? +Itaru: Nope. +Rintaro: Damn. Mayuri, got anything else!? +Mayuri: Um, well... we could change the flavor of rice ball I bought last night... +Rintaro: Do you remember what kind of rice ball you ate last night? +Mayuri: Smoked tuna. +Kurisu: She remembers!? +Mayuri: So let's change that to, um... fish eggs! +Rintaro: What? +Rintaro: But wait... +Rintaro: It's me. Yeah, I have some doubts. What? You can tell by my voice? Hmph, you know me too well. +Rintaro: So, about whether or not I should include Shining Finger in the PhoneWave (name subject to change) experiments... +Rintaro: ...What? Nonsense. You want me to offer her as a sacrifice? True, I am prepared to make sacrifices in order to bring chaos to the world, but... +Rintaro: ...No, there's no problem. I shouldn't have hesitated. Pathetic. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a mad scientist. +Rintaro: ...Yeah, you might say her offer was a message. No doubt this too is the choice of Steins Gate. El Psy Kongroo. +Moeka: ...Thank you. +Rintaro: For what? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I don't think you're selfish. In fact, I'm grateful for your offer. +Moeka: ... +Mayuri: I think it's a good idea! Moeka-san is a lab mem too! +Itaru: So, what sorta mail does Kiryu-shi plan to send? +Rintaro: My request is that its contents be simple and easy to measure, so that we can confirm whether or not the past changes. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: A secret? What do you mean? +Kurisu: What's going on? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: No, that's not the problem. +Kurisu: Hmmm, I see. +Kurisu: I understand how you feel, but since this is an experiment, data collection should take priority. +Rintaro: Oh? We agree for once, assistant. +Kurisu: I-I'm not agreeing⑰ with you, exactly. If we don't collect data, then we'll never figure out how the PhoneWave works. +Mayuri: But girls have lots of secrets, you know? +Mayuri: You shouldn't ask her to tell her secrets, Okarin. That's perverted! +Itaru: Whoa! Is that where we're going with this!? +Rintaro: Calm down, Daru! +Rintaro: We're not asking you to send something private. +Kurisu: Even if you want to send something private, you shouldn't for now. We still don't know how this thing handles paradoxes, so we need to be extremely careful. +Moeka: ...Nothing private? +Kurisu: Nothing you want to keep secret, at least. Even if you mean well, the mail's content might have a serious effect on the timeline. +Kurisu: You should show your mail to a third party and have them check if the content is problematic or not. +Rintaro: Indeed. My assistant said everything I wanted to say. I will add only that the experiment must go on! +Kurisu: ...I wasn't speaking for you. Don't misunderstand. +Kurisu: Experiments prioritize data over privacy in the first place. If you're going to be a test subject, you need to be prepared for that. +Mayuri: Really? Mayushii wasn't prepared for that... +Mayuri: I'm sorry, Chris-chan... +Kurisu: You don't have to apologize. I'm not criticizing you. It's just how these things work. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: You're a lab mem. You need to trust us. Save private information for another day. +Rintaro: If you can't... then I'll be forced to show you what lies dormant inside of the great Hououin Kyouma -- the terrible power of insanity! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Well, I can show you my arrival history. +Moeka: ...And the send history? +Rintaro: Don't have one. The send history disappears after you send the email. +Moeka: ... +Mayuri: You don't have to if you don't want to, Moeka-san. +Itaru: So, whatcha gonna send? Okarin wants us to change the past in an easy-to-measure way, but that's setting the bar way too high. +Rintaro: Nonsense. You're all just aiming too low. +Moeka: I... have an idea. +Rintaro: Oh? This could be good. Give us the details. +Rintaro: Excellent, Shining Finger! You're a model lab mem! +Itaru: Oh, that's the GG01 that just came out last month. +Mayuri: Gee Gee Zero One? +Itaru: The latest model. Pretty sure the screen is detachable, so you can swap out attachments for it. +Itaru: It's in short supply right now, so you need to be placed on a waitlist. Nice job getting one. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: So, Finger. +Mayuri: Um, why do you call Moeka-san 'Finger'? +Rintaro: That's the name of her esper power. Kiryu Moeka, I dub thee Shining Finger! Use this name with pride. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: What? You don't like it? But it's such a cool name. What's the problem!? +Mayuri: Moeka-san is Moeka-san. Her fingers don't shine or anything... +Itaru: Don't feed the trolls, Mayu-shi. +Rintaro: I'm not trolling, just naming her power. +Kurisu: Cut the chatter and get started. +Itaru: What if the manager says something? +Rintaro: Muhahaha! Don't be afraid of Mister Braun! If he storms in yelling, I'll kick him to the curb! +Itaru: Seriously? Okarin, you're so cool! That's why we love you! +Kurisu: He's just talk. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: PhoneWave (name subject to change), activate! +Rintaro: Guh!! +Rintaro: Where's Shining Finger? Where'd she go? +Kurisu: Shining what? +Itaru: Okarin. Japanese please. +Rintaro: Where's Kiryu Moeka? She was here just now, wasn't she!? +Mayuri: Uhwhaaa? +Mayuri: Whoooo? +Rintaro: Kiryu Moeka! +Itaru: Who's that? +Kurisu: Never heard of her. +Rintaro: ...No way. +Kurisu: Did it happen again, Okabe? +Rintaro: What do you mean, 'again'? +Kurisu: Something like this happened yesterday. You remembered something we didn't. Uh, what did you call it? +Kurisu: Oh yeah, Reading Steiner. +Mayuri: Are you okay? You're really pale. +Rintaro: Y-yeah... I'm fine. +Rintaro: ...Assistant, how much do you remember about the experiment we just did? +Kurisu: I don't remember doing any experiments today. +Kurisu: You sent a D-Mail just now, didn't you? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Rintaro: But things are different from yesterday. I didn't send the D-Mail. Kiryu Moeka did. +Rintaro: Christina. Let's say a D-Mail caused a time paradox. What would happen? +Kurisu: ...I don't know. No one has experienced a time paradox, after all. +Rintaro: But before, didn't you say something like the world would disappear? +Kurisu: All I said was that that was one theory. +Kurisu: Maybe nothing happens, and like in a certain movie, history gets amended to accommodate the paradox. +Kurisu: According to Dr. Hawking's +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii doesn't really understand... +Mayuri: But we're all fine now, right? I don't think that paradox thing happened. +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't know who Moeka-san is, but I'm sure she's okay too♪ +Itaru: That's Mayu-shi for you. A cute dumb girl. +Mayuri: Ehh? Mayushii's not dumb! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: ...Ha, haha. +Kurisu: Explain what happened, Okabe. +Kurisu: Hmmm. +Kurisu: ...Honestly, I'm not surprised she disappeared from the lab. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Kurisu: I don't know the details, but when the past changed, Kiryu-san's actions these past four days changed ever so slightly. +Kurisu: As a result, the timeline was reconfigured so that Moeka-san didn't come to the lab today. +Itaru: Is that even possible? +Kurisu: I don't know. If the fact that the D-Mail was sent is undone, then it becomes a paradox of who sent that D-Mail... +Kurisu: And there's one other thing that I don't understand. +Rintaro: What? +Kurisu: What you call Reading Steiner. +Kurisu: By the way, you should quit it with that name. It's stupid. +Rintaro: Hmph, I didn't ask for your opinion. +Kurisu: By your explanation, you neither sent nor received the D-Mail. Yet how come you're the only one who remembers what happened before the worldline changed? +Kurisu: What if it's all in your head? +Itaru: Like an imaginary girlfriend. I get it. +Rintaro: No you don't. I'm not a 'gentleman perv' like you, creating imaginary relationships. +Kurisu: Maybe this Kiryu-san never existed. Or maybe Kiryu-san does exist, but the fact that she sent a D-Mail was something you made-- +Rintaro: Gwaaaah! +Kurisu: ...eh? +Rintaro: Ugh, ggh... my left eye, Reading Steiner, it aches! +Mayuri: Okarin, are you okay? +Rintaro: No, Mayuri! S-stay away! I don't... want to hurt you! +Mayuri: But Okarin, you look like you're in pain... +Itaru: ...He's messing with us, right? +Kurisu: Y-yeah... +Rintaro: I-I'm okay... This aching is normal... it'll end soon! +Rintaro: As long as I have this magic eye... the Organization will keep coming after me! It's the power to see across time and space... but at the same time, it's a double-edged sword! +Rintaro: Because of this all-seeing eye... I have lost my connection to causality. I drift alone in the space between worlds. +Rintaro: But even so... I swore to protect this lab! So quiet thy fury, Reading Steiner! Your time will come... but not yet. +Mayuri: Okarin? Does it hurt? +Rintaro: No... I'm okay now. +Kurisu: W-what? That was just an act, right? +Rintaro: You are wrong, Christina. +Rintaro: Our experiments have already proven... +Rintaro: That I... +Rintaro: That my Reading Steiner is genuine! +Kurisu: Fine, I get it. You're a chuunibyou patient. +Itaru: Eh? +Mayuri: Hm? +Kurisu: Ah... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Wh-why are you all staring at me? Don't look at me! +Rintaro: Going home? +Mayuri: Yup. +Kurisu: Do you always stay the night here? +Rintaro: Pretty much. I wouldn't be a true mad scientist if I couldn't stay overnight at my lab, immersed in research. +Kurisu: I think you're putting too much emphasis on appearances. +Mayuri: But you know, this place is really convenient. Mayushii would stay over if mom and dad let me. +Kurisu: Y-you would? +Mayuri: And it's so close to work too♪ Hey, Chris-chan, why don't we all stay over some time? +Kurisu: Sure, if the guys aren't around. +Rintaro: That won't happen. +Kurisu: Then why don't you come to my hotel, Mayuri-san? +Mayuri: Oh yeah, we did make that promise, huh? Ehehe! Then let's do that next time♪ +Kurisu: You can come whenever you like. See you tomorrow. +Mayuri: ...Hey, Okarin. +Rintaro: Yeah. A shooting star. Did you make a wish? +Mayuri: Remember how back in elementary school, you got a terrible fever and stayed in bed for a month? +Rintaro: Why are you bringing this up? +Mayuri: I was so afraid that Okarin might die. +Mayuri: So Granny and I prayed to the sky together. 'Don't die, Okarin.' +Rintaro: Heh, something like that could never kill me! Ten years ago, I was already a mad scientist with an IQ of 170, equaling that of Thomas Edison! +Mayuri: Really? That's amazing! +Mayuri: But Mayushii was still really small, and didn't know that, so I prayed to the sky. +Mayuri: And then, on New Year's Eve, right before midnight, a shooting star went pewww across the sky. Just like now. +Mayuri: If you repeat your wish three times before a shooting star disappears, your wish will come true. Did you know that? +Mayuri: It was hard, but Mayushii repeated her wish three times. +Mayuri: The next day, on New Years, your fever went down, and you woke up. +Mayuri: So basically, Mayushii saved your life! Ehehe! +Rintaro: No. It was simply the choice of Steins Gate. +Mayuri: Ehh? Really? +Rintaro: Really. +Mayuri: Oh... +Mayuri: Hey. Remember what you said when your fever went down? +Mayuri: You said everything went blurry and twisty like, and the ground shook so bad you couldn't stand. Remember?' +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: You were acting kind of like that just now. +Mayuri: Are you okay? You're not coming down with a fever, are you? +Rintaro: I'm fine. Don't worry about a thing. +Rintaro: I see! So this power was already mine back then! Muhahaha! +Luka: Pardon the intrusion... +Itaru: Oh, if it isn't Luka-shi. +Luka: Hello, Hashida-san, Okabe-san. +Rintaro: Lukako! You don't have Demon Sword Samidare with you! What is the meaning of this!? +Luka: Eh, eh, eh? +Rintaro: I even unsealed the treasured heirloom sword +Luka: I'm sorry! Um, I'll go back and get it. +Rintaro: No, that's okay. It was not Mistilteinn's fate to encounter Samidare this day. +Itaru: But a Japanese sword and a cursed sword from Norse mythology are so mismatched it's not even funny. Do we even have a sword here? +Luka: What should I... +Rintaro: Lukako, though you are my disciple, you still lack dedication. +Luka: I-I'm sorry! +Rintaro: At this rate, it will take some time before you can be useful. +Rintaro: By the way, why not join our lab? +Luka: Eh, me? +Luka: But I'm clumsy, and I'm not good at science or engineering... I'll probably just get in your way... +Luka: Do you really want me? +Rintaro: Don't sweat it. Mayuri's the same. +Mayuri: We'd love to have you, Luka-kun! +Mayuri: But you know, if Luka-kun's gonna be a lab mem, then Mayushii has one condition for Okarin. Don't tease Luka-kun. +Mayuri: And today, Luka-kun is Mayushii's guest. He came for a fitting session, so don't get in our way. +Luka: But Mayuri-chan, I don't really want to cosplay... Um, can it really just be a fitting session? +Mayuri: Yup. We're just making sure the size matches! +Mayuri: Tadah♪ +Mayuri: This is a costume of Kirari-chan from RaiNet! +Mayuri: Anyway, I'd say it's about 70% complete, but I want Luka-kun to try it on now♪ +Luka: Try it on? Here? +Luka: I can't... +Mayuri: Please? +Rintaro: Listen, my pupil. To change your clothes is to change your very being. This costume might help you grow stronger. Put it on at once! +Luka: You're on her side? I just... can't wear something so embarrassing! +Rintaro: It's only embarrassing because you⑰ think it is. +Mayuri: That's right! I'm sure you'll be really cute♪ +Rintaro: Besides, Mayuri worked very hard to make this costume so you could wear it. +Rintaro: She sacrificed her sleeping time, her favorite banana nourishment time, and her Juicy Chicken Number One time just so she could sew and sew and sew. +Rintaro: You can't let effort like that go to waste. +Luka: That's true, but... +Mayuri: Come on, Luka-kun! Transform! Tra-ns-form♪ +Luka: Eh, wait a sec, wahhhhhhh! +Mayuri: Okay! Don't be shy! Now take off your clothes. +Luka: Wahh! Mayuri-chan, please don't touch me there! I'll change by myself! Please wait outside! +Mayuri: But it's a little tricky putting this on. Mayushii will teach you all the steps♪ +Luka: Hyeeehhh, please don't undress me! +Itaru: It's so... +Rintaro: That's not yuri. Lukako's a guy. +Itaru: Then it's reverse rape!? Whoa, that's downright criminal! +Mayuri: Come on, Luka-kun! Don't be shy. +Mayuri: Luka-kun? +Luka: ... +Luka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Waaahh! Luka-kun finally wore one of my outfits! +Luka: I-it's so embarrassing... I'm a guy... I shouldn't be dressing like this... +Mayuri: You know what they say. Cuteness is Justice♪ +Luka: I don't know what you mean! +Itaru: Excellent work as usual. The clothes and the model bring out the best in each other. +Itaru: As far as 3D goes, Faris-tan is supreme, but Luka-shi almost makes me wanna become a +Mayuri: What about you, Okarin? +Rintaro: Ah, yeah, well... +Rintaro: It's me! My sanity is under attack! No, it's not the Organization. It's a descendent... of one of the town's... guardian miko! Guh! It's... infecting my soul! +Rintaro: To think... Akiba had... such a powerful guardian! If we can harness this power... we can counteract the Organization's corrupting influence. +Rintaro: ...I know. We can't hand the town over to those bastards just yet. This, too, is the choice of Steins Gate... El Psy Kongroo! +Rintaro: Whew... Lukako. Foolish disciple of mine. From now on, you shall go into battle equipped with that costume and Samidare. +Luka: Eh... +Mayuri: Ehh? Kirari-chan doesn't have a sword! He should carry an Upa instead♪ +Rintaro: The Organization is making a move on Akiba. +Rintaro: You are the guardian who protects this chaotic metropolis. Miko of Yanabayashi Shrine, now is the time for you to fulfill that duty! +Rintaro: Understand, Lukako? This is the reason I'm so hard on you. You have a duty to protect this town! +Luka: Do I... really? +Rintaro: You certainly do! Muhahaha! +Kurisu: Can you stop that vulgar laughter? I can hear you from outside. It's embarrassing. +Mayuri: Chris-chan, tutturu♪ +Rintaro: Mmgh!? You come here this late and dare insult me? And you call yourself my assistant!? +Kurisu: I'm not your assistant. Don't make me repeat myself. +Kurisu: Anyway! You're the worst, toying with such a weak and innocent girl. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? +Itaru: Toying with a weak and innocent girl, you say? +Kurisu: Don't react to every little thing, you perv. +Kurisu: At any rate... +Rintaro: Christina. Stop eying Lukako's entire body from top to bottom like that. +Kurisu: I-I wasn't doing that! +Mayuri: Do you like the costume, Chris-chan? It really suits Luka-kun, dontcha think? +Kurisu: Is this that cosplay thing I've heard about? It's part of Japanimation culture, right? +Kurisu: You're very cute. +Luka: C-c-cute? No way... +Kurisu: Why are you crying? You look perfect, so you should be more confident. +Luka: Uuugh... +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... +Rintaro: Lukako! Tell us your wish. +Luka: Eh...? +Kurisu: That's one hell of an acrobatic topic change. +Rintaro: Listen, Lukako! Your desires can become reality. Japan is a land of great spiritual power. It resides in every word that slips from your tongue! +Rintaro: Now that you too have joined the otaku world, you need conceal your deepest desires no longer! +Rintaro: Speak your wish with a true heart, and by the chaos that rules Akihabara, Steins Gate shall grant it! +Luka: My... wish? +Luka: Well... +Luka: If I tell you... promise not to laugh? +Rintaro: There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just proclaim it to the world! +Kurisu: Well yeah, no wish is embarrassing compared to the idiotic wish for chaos to envelop the world or whatever. +Rintaro: You, assistant! What kind of person laughs at people's wishes!? +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii's wish is to eat a ton of of yummy food, and to cover the lab with Upa goods, and to get Luka-kun to wear my costumes-- +Rintaro: I'm not asking you. +Mayuri: But Mayushii wants ' +Itaru: 'Shota in the Gate'!? That mistake is god tier. Probably because it's so... naughty. +Luka: I want... to be a girl. +Kurisu: ...What? +Luka: I don't really... like how I look... +Luka: I always thought... that if I were a girl... I could be a little more confident... +Kurisu: Wait. Wait a second. +Kurisu: Umm, what did she say? +Rintaro: Heh, heh, heh. Assistant mine -- no, Christina! +Kurisu: I'm not your assistant, and I'm not Christina! +Rintaro: You've made a grave error! +Kurisu: I have? +Rintaro: Don't you understand? No, of course you don't. How could you, with impure thoughts clouding your eyes! +Kurisu: Wh-what do you mean? +Rintaro: Allow me to explain. You called Lukako here a 'weak and innocent girl.' +Rintaro: But he's not a girl at all. He's a guy! +Kurisu: Is that some kind of joke? +Rintaro: It's not a joke, but the naked truth as described in the +Kurisu: ...Are you guys trolling me? +Rintaro: Eh? +Itaru: Eh? +Kurisu: ...Eh? +Kurisu: Is what Okabe says true? +Luka: Y-yes... +Luka: I'm... a guy... +Kurisu: N-no way! Someone this cute can't be a boy! +Itaru: You've got it backwards. You're supposed to say 'Someone this cute can't be a girl.' +Kurisu: That's not what I meant. +Rintaro: Lukako. You're fine just the way you are. I will not reject you, be you man or be you woman. Nor will anyone else here. +Rintaro: And I will not deny your wish. Nor will anyone else here. +Itaru: Why do you keep repeating that last part? +Rintaro: Why, Christina. Is it such a shock to meet a man far more feminine than you? +Kurisu: I admit it. Compared to her... I mean, to him, I'm not as cute, I talk more rudely, and my attitude is worse... +Kurisu: This is a three-day-coma level shock. +Mayuri: Chris-chan's cute too♪ +Kurisu: Don't try to comfort me. It just makes me feel worse. +Rintaro: Admitting your faults is the first step towards becoming stronger. You may one day become a splendid woman, Christina. You're still young. +Kurisu: Who the hell asked you? +Rintaro: I take it back! You're a stubborn fool who refuses to face the truth! +Kurisu: Shut up. I don't want to hear that from you. +Luka: Um... sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. +Itaru: Welp, better get my trusty digicam... +Kurisu: Don't try to sneak in a photo session, you perv! +Itaru: Anzai-sensei, I want to be a low angler... +Rintaro: Lukako, how serious are you about that wish of yours? +Luka: You know those stories where a guy magically turns into a girl overnight? Sometimes I wish that would happen to me. +Luka: Ahaha... that's stupid, isn't it? +Mayuri: Luka-kun, you're so cute♪ +Kurisu: S-So cute... +Kurisu: This reminds me of something I heard once. +Itaru: Exposition scene, go! +Kurisu: There's a saying that if you eat a lot of meat when you're pregnant, you'll have a boy, and if you eat a lot of vegetables, you'll have a girl. +Itaru: Source? +Kurisu: I saw it on the internet. +Itaru: S-so that's how you reply... well played. +Kurisu: Wh-what are you talking about? +Mayuri: Really? I didn't know that. So Mayushii and Chris-chan's moms ate a lot of vegetables? +Mayuri: Mayushii only eats Juicy Chicken Number One, so will her future child be a boy? +Mayuri: Hey, do you think bananas count as vegetables? +Rintaro: But what about primitive people who lived on hunting? If that theory is true, then they would have had too many boys and not enough girls. +Rintaro: Humanity would never have made it this far. +Kurisu: I never said it was true. +Kurisu: I just remembered hearing it somewhere. Don't snap at every little thing. +Rintaro: I didn't snap. Christina, feel like verifying that theory? +Kurisu: ...What are you implying? +Rintaro: Have you forgotten? We have the PhoneWave (name subject to change)! +Mayuri: PhoneWave-chan? It can tell if you'll have a boy or a girl? +Kurisu: Wait... of course. +Kurisu: We can send a D-Mail to Urushibara-san's mother when she was pregnant. +Rintaro: Indeed. Something like 'Eat more vegetables!' +Rintaro: You think it's worth a shot? +Kurisu: Well... +Rintaro: It's too late to hide behind your goody-two-shoes mask, Christina. Your fate is to become a mad scientist, for you are an experiment-loving girl! +Kurisu: Who are you calling an experiment-loving girl!? +Rintaro: Am I wrong? +Kurisu: N-no, but... +Itaru: Hold on, man! What are you going to do if the experiment works? +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Itaru: I mean, if Luka-shi's sex seriously changes. +Rintaro: That's what he wants, isn't it? +Itaru: Well, yeah, but... +Itaru: If his sex does change, won't the 16 years of his life change too? That's what I mean. +Itaru: Who's gonna take responsibility for that? +Rintaro: That's... +Luka: Um... I'll take responsibility... +Itaru: Seriously? +Luka: Well, I don't really understand... but if we use this method, I might become a girl, right? +Luka: Then... I want to try. +Luka: Please, Master. +Rintaro: Mayuri, your opinion? +Mayuri: Hmm... If Luka-kun becomes a girl, then I've gotta call her Luka-chan! +Mayuri: Will Luka-chan wear Mayushii's costumes? +Luka: Um, well, that's another story... +Rintaro: Then that settles it. Lukako, I appoint you Lab Mem 006. +Luka: Eh...? +Rintaro: The PhoneWave (name subject to change) is our lab's most important secret. In order to use it, you must become a lab mem. +Luka: Ah! Okay! +Luka: Actually... I always wanted to be a lab member. +Mayuri: Really? You should've just said so! +Luka: I didn't have the courage... Like I said, I don't know a thing about gadgets... +Mayuri: You don't have to worry about those things. I mean, Mayuri doesn't get them either. +Rintaro: So Lukako shall be a lab mem from this point forth. Any objections? +Kurisu: Here. +Kurisu: I want to give Urushibara-san my number so I can retire. +Rintaro: Denied. Anyone else? +Kurisu: ...*sigh* +Rintaro: Very well. Lukako is officially Lab Mem Number 006. Henceforth, pledge your allegiance to the lab, and devote all your strength to the enrichment of our science. +Luka: Y-yes! I will! I'm so happy. +Rintaro: Now then, let's begin the experiment immedia-- +Rintaro: Damn! Lukako, you're 16, right? +Luka: Um... right. +Rintaro: So you were born in 1993... +Mayuri: Yup! The same year as Mayushii. What about it? +Rintaro: When did cellphones become widespread in Japan!? +Kurisu: Ah... +Itaru: Around 1996. There wasn't mail until later, though. +Rintaro: So the year Lukako was born, most people still didn't have cellphones. +Rintaro: Lukako's mother may not have had one. In that case, she might not be able to receive the D-Mail! +Mayuri: Oh! I get it! +Luka: Eh...? We can't do it? +Itaru: What about modifying it to send crazy waves or something? +Kurisu: What the hell are crazy waves? +Itaru: Waves that only crazy girls can pick up. You know, girls who always talk about stuff no one understands. It's pretty moe. +Kurisu: I'll microwave your brain if you don't shut up. +Itaru: Yes! Abuse me more, please! +Mayuri: Um, couldn't you put a letter in a time capsule and bury it? +Kurisu: That would go to the future, not the past. +Mayuri: Oh... +Itaru: I know! How about that thing where you get struck by lightning and that turns you into a girl! Like in old comics and anime. +Kurisu: There's no point to the experiment if we don't use D-Mail. Don't lose sight of the objective. +Mayuri: We're counting on you for a nice idea, Chris-chan♪ +Kurisu: M-me? I... +Kurisu: We could... build a rocket which exceeds the speed of light squared, then that immense speed would reverse the flow of time, or something... +Itaru: You're forgetting about the PhoneWave too. +Rintaro: Furthermore, genius girl, you just contradicted relativity. +Kurisu: It was just a joke. Don't take it seriously. +Rintaro: Useless, all of you! This lab is a disgrace! +Kurisu: Fine then. Let's hear from Hououin Kyouma, the insane mad scientist with an IQ over 170 whose brain cells are coveted the world over. What's your genius plan? +Rintaro: Hmm... Inspiration flashes in the corners of my brain. +Itaru: That Edison thing again? +Rintaro: I have it. +Rintaro: If we can't send it to a cellphone, then we'll send it... to a +Luka: H-hello... +Luka: Mom had a pager. +Mayuri: Yay! That's great, Luka-kun! +Kurisu: Now we can proceed with the experiment. +Itaru: Luka-shi's girl version... will definitely be moe. +Kurisu: Urushibara-san, you need to think about what to send to your mother in the past. +Luka: Eh...? I do? +Rintaro: If you want to grant your wish, then you must open the door with your own hands. We can only show you the way. +Luka: I understand... +Luka: Umm... +Itaru: This is a pain. Let's just send '831831831'. That should do it. +Mayuri: Why 831? +Itaru: 8(ya) 3(sa) 1(i) for veggies (yasai⑰), duh. VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES -- we just have to drill this into Luka-shi's mother's brain. +Rintaro: She'll just pass that message off as a prank. +Mayuri: Then, how about '29292929'? +Rintaro: I'm going to regret asking this, but what does that mean? +Mayuri: Ni(2) ku(9) for meat. MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT. +Rintaro: Why do you want her to like meat!? +Mayuri: That's not it! If you keep repeating 'MEAT', then she'll actually start to hate meat and want to eat vegetables instead, don't you think? +Itaru: Yeah... no. +Luka: How about something like this? +Luka: 'MOM EAT VEGGIES OK' +Itaru: Isn't that a little too vague? +Rintaro: And the first 'MOM' should go. That'll just make it harder to believe. +Luka: Then... 'EAT LOTS OF VEGGIES TO GIVE BIRTH TO A GIRL'. +Kurisu: That's a little too direct. And it's over the character limit. +Luka: 'EAT VEGGIES FOR HEALTHY KID' +Itaru: Wait a sec. According to this conversion chart, it looks like you gotta use two more numbers for voiced consonants. +Itaru: So that sentence is four bytes over. +Rintaro: Then a little modification. How about 'EAT VEG 4 HEALTHY KID'? +Kurisu: Isn't that a little too informal? You're talking to Urushibara-san's mother, you know? Would she understand the 'VEG 4' part? +Rintaro: You have any bright ideas? +Mayuri: Come on, let's type it out! +Rintaro: Alright, we're good to go. +Luka: ... +Rintaro: Ready? I'm starting it up. +Rintaro: Nn... +Luka: Um, Okabe-san, could you... please not look at me like that? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: It... didn't work? +Mayuri: What didn't work? +Rintaro: Don't you remember? Just now, we used the PhoneWave (name subject to change) to-- +Rintaro: Sorry. It's nothing. +Rintaro: Christina. I want to ask you something. Is Lukako... +Kurisu: What pervy act are you thinking about this time? Can't be too careful around the perv duo. +Itaru: We're not a perv duo. We are a pervy gentlemen duo! +Kurisu: Whatever. Seriously, whatever. +Rintaro: Muh... +Rintaro: Daru. What do you think about D-Mail? +Itaru: It's cool, but it's kinda lame at the same time. +Rintaro: What's lame about it? +Itaru: I couldn't use it to win my RaiNet match against Faris-tan. +Rintaro: As our experiments have shown, D-Mail still hasn't reached a reliable level of precision. +Rintaro: A true time machine must remove luck from the equation. The PhoneWave (name subject to change) is useless unless we can somehow give the sender more control. +Itaru: Yeah, we aren't getting results. What about the LOTO SIX? +Rintaro: Pending. +Rintaro: Hououin Kyouma will not let this keep him down. I won't give up. For I am a mad scientist! +Itaru: I don't understand what you're saying, but you sure seem confident about it. +Rintaro: Someday we will improve the PhoneWave (name subject to change) so that it may be used to send things not only to the past, but also to the future. We'll improve it. No, we must improve it! +Rintaro: For that is the choice of Steins Gate! Muhahahaha! +Faris: A time machine!? +Rintaro: !!? +Rintaro: Damn you, Faris! Eavesdropping is cowardly! +Faris: What do you mean? Your voice is so loud, it echoes through the whole store nya. +Faris: Here's your iced coffee, and your iced tea and 'cat food'. Thanks for waiting, nyan♪ +Faris: Do you want milk and syrup nyan? +Rintaro: NEVER. +Faris: If Kyouma's gonna be like that, I'll pour it all in nya! You need sugar for a healthy brain, nyan♪ +Faris: Nyan nyan, nyan nyan♪ +Itaru: There it is! Faris-tan's secret technique, 'Eye Contact Mix-Mix'! +Itaru: Most maids can't do it without spilling a little, yet Faris-tan makes it look easy! That's why I love her! +Itaru: It's because of this secret technique that Faris-tan reigns supreme as MayQueen's number one maid! +Itaru: Thank you, Faris-tan! I'll be sure to savor it. +Rintaro: Do you need something? +Faris: I wanna hear the rest, nya♪ +Faris: Kyouma and Daru-nyan were having a fun little chit-cat, nya? Something about a time machine. +Faris: Faris really wants to hear, nyan! +Rintaro: It's top secret. Not for outsiders! +Faris: And whose big mouth let the whole store hear, nya? +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Tell Faris, Daru-nyan... +Itaru: We've built an amazing machine that can send emails to the past. I did most of the work, of course. +Faris: Is that a time machine, nya!? +Itaru: I guess you could say that! +Faris: Wow! You're awesome, nya! Your big brain makes my heart race, nyan. +Itaru: You mean it? N-now I'm embarrassed, hehehe. +Faris: Faris dreams of going on a journey through time nya. +Itaru: I'll bring you along some day. +Rintaro: Daru, don't make promises you can't keep. +Faris: By the way, it's been bugging me, but what is⑰ time anyway, nya? +Rintaro: What? +Faris: Time is often compared to a river, nya, flowing from past to future. +Faris: But is that really how it is, nya? +Faris: If time is a river, then where is the present, nya? Is it a point? Is it a line? Where does the present begin and end, nya? +Itaru: Now that you mention it, I only have a vague concept of time. Never gave it any serious thought. +Rintaro: The present is a leaf floating on the river. It moves along with the flow from past to future. +Faris: So are we riding on that leaf, nya? When you die, do you fall off, nyan? +Rintaro: You could say that. All points upstream from the leaf are the past. Downstream, the future. +Faris: Hmnya... +Faris: But is that leaf only the present for humans, nya? +Rintaro: Meaning...? +Faris: Humans make units to define and observe time, which is how we know this leaf is the present. +Faris: But if every living thing in the universe went extinct, nothing would exist to observe the present, nya. +Faris: In that case, where would the present go, nya? +Itaru: Wouldn't something like God or the will of the universe observe it? +Faris: But what if God is a +Rintaro: U-uh...? +Faris: If God is the one who decides the present, then won't our present move with him, nya? +Itaru: This is hard... +Rintaro: So what you're saying is that the present is subjective to the observer. +Faris: If we go with that assumption, then the past and the future also depend on the observer, nyan. +Faris: If Faris were to use a time machine to travel back one week, then Kyouma and Daru-nyan's present would become Faris's future, nya. +Itaru: I guess that makes sense... +Faris: So how does the leaf model reflect that difference, nya? +Faris: Anyway, if everything depends on the observer, then clocks are meaningless, nyan. +Faris: Fun times fly, and hard times drag, nya. In other words, the flow of time changes depending on your point of view, nyan. +Itaru: Speaking of which, as you grow older, it feels like time starts to flow faster, doesn't it? +Rintaro: +Faris: Faris thinks about this stuff sometimes, nya. I think time might not be something as simple as a river, nyan. +Itaru: Yeah, the more you think about it, the more complicated it gets. +Rintaro: Heh. Heh heh heh. Muhahaha! +Faris: Nyanya? +Rintaro: Fret not. Though physics and philosophy may deny us, our machine has⑰ made time travel possible! Am I correct, Daru!? +Itaru: Yeah. Yeah! That's right! +Faris: Nyaa... looks like you guys have kicked reason to the curb, nya. +Faris: But Faris wants to use the time machine too, nya. Can I, please? +Itaru: Sure! I'll let you use it as much as you want, Faris-tan. +Faris: Really nya? Then it's a promise, nya! +Rintaro: Daru, don't decide things on your own! +Kurisu: What? You called me all the way to Japan, and now you-- +Kurisu: ...I knew it. You never wanted to see me, did you? +Kurisu: ...sniff. +Kurisu: Why did you ask me to come here, then? Can you at least tell me tha-- +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: I... I... +Rintaro: Y-yeah? +Kurisu: I wasn't crying or anything, okay!? +Rintaro: No, you were definitely crying. +Kurisu: Don't be ridiculous! Where's your proof!? +Rintaro: Your eyes are red. +Kurisu: Ugh... +Kurisu: I wasn't crying, okay!? +Rintaro: You're not being very logical, Christina. +Kurisu: Anyway, I wasn't crying. Understand? End of discussion. Sniff. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Christina. +Kurisu: Shut up. Don't talk to me. +Rintaro: Listen. You don't have to talk. Just listen. +Rintaro: If there's something troubling you, I'll do everything in my power to help. +Kurisu: ...Eh? +Rintaro: And it's not just me. I'm sure I speak for Mayuri and Daru as well. +Rintaro: So don't hesitate to come to us. +Rintaro: When you want to cry, don't hold it in. Just let it out. We won't reject you. +Rintaro: We'll hear you out. +Kurisu: Why... +Rintaro: Because you're important to us. You're our friend. +Kurisu: Ah... yeah... +Kurisu: ...I'm sorry. I was a little upset. +Rintaro: You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Just tell me when you're ready. I'll hear you out. +Kurisu: ...Okay. +Rintaro: Heh. Mayuri, you're like a housewife burning the midnight oil to bring a little more money home. +Mayuri: Eh? Midnight oil? Are we eating? +Mayuri: Besides, Mayushii doesn't charge for her costumes. +Mayuri: Hobbies should just be hobbies, you know. It makes me happy to see someone wearing a costume I made♪ +Rintaro: Do you want to become a designer? +Mayuri: No way. It's too hard! +Rintaro: Then what is your dream? Mine is to destroy the System and plunge the world into chaos. +Mayuri: Um... Mayushii just wants to keep hanging out in the lab. +Rintaro: What? You want to be a lab mem forever? I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this lab has no interest in profit. You'll always be hurting for food. +Mayuri: You know, Okarin, we have six lab mems now. Isnt it amazing? Mayushii never expected we'd grow this big. +Mayuri: It's all because Mayushii became your hostage! +Rintaro: No. That has nothing to do with it. I tricked every last one of you into joining with my masterful manipulations! Muhahaha! +Mayuri: You shouldn't say things like that. And besides, you didn't trick me! +Rintaro: That's true. You came of your own volition. +Mayuri: Okarin? +Mayuri: Can Mayushii still be your hostage? +Rintaro: Is that what you want? +Mayuri: Well... +Mayuri: Maybe it is! +Rintaro: Such a masochist! I had no idea! +Mayuri: ??? +Mayuri: But I mean, as long as I'm your hostage, Mayushii won't be lonely, and neither will Okarin. Ehehe! +Rintaro: I... I see. +Mayuri: Ah! I'd better get going. +Rintaro: Mayuri. +Mayuri: Hm? +Rintaro: Want to get something to eat on the way back? My treat. +Mayuri: Really? You never treat me. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh, I'm in a good mood today! +Mayuri: Then how about Kitchen Jiro? +Mayuri: Their minced cutlet is, um, god tier. +Rintaro: Just leave it to me. +Mayuri: Yay! I love you, Okarin♪ Mayushii's really happy! +Rintaro: Thanks for coming in on a Saturday. Your devotion to science makes me proud. +Kurisu: Yeah... +Kurisu: It's the middle of summer, but instead of going on vacation, I'm stuck in this sauna with a bunch of pervs. +Kurisu: Where did I go wrong? +Rintaro: Wipe your tears, you experiment-loving girl without a single friend. +Kurisu: I'm not crying! +Kurisu: Besides, you're the one who told us to be here. +Rintaro: Indeed. But the one who obeyed my orders and arrived on time... was you. +Mayuri: You know, Chris-chan is actually a very honest and hardworking girl. That's what Mayushii thinks♪ +Mayuri: That's what makes her so adorable. +Kurisu: Eh, wha...!? +Kurisu: How can this girl say something like that while eating a nugget... +Itaru: A yuri +Kurisu: Please unget it. +Mayuri: Here, Chris-chan. Have a nugget. +Kurisu: Th-thanks... +Kurisu: Don't put that there. It's filthy. +Rintaro: I just washed them! +Kurisu: Like I care. What kind of guy puts his underwear in a girl's face? Have some decency. +Rintaro: If you're that interested in my underwear, then just say so. +Kurisu: Wh-wha...! +Kurisu: I'm not interested at all! +Mayuri: Come on, guys. No more talking about underwear. Mayushii's trying to eat here, okay? +Itaru: How can you say that when you're still shoveling nuggets into your mouth... +Rintaro: Don't interrupt me! +Rintaro: As I explained to Daru yesterday, I've noticed something about the results of our experiments! +Rintaro: D-Mails have too many uncertain variables. We can never be sure what will happen when we send one. +Kurisu: It's not like we can do anything about that. After all, the result is up to whoever receives the mail. +Kurisu: Of course, if you can analyze the recipient's psychology, then you might be able to manipulate them into doing what you want. +Kurisu: Though that might be a bit too much for Hououin Underwear here. +Itaru: You just wanted to say underwear, didn't you? +Rintaro: Underwear aside, the fact is that D-Mail is still far from complete. +Rintaro: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I called you here today. The purpose of today's Round Table Conference is-- +Itaru: Another Round Table? +Kurisu: If you want a Round Table Conference that much, at least go buy a round table. +Mayuri: Remember what Okarin said, Chris-chan? The round table is in our hearts. +Kurisu: Mayuri-san, you're really innocent. But you shouldn't take everything Okabe says seriously. +Mayuri: Really? +Rintaro: The round table doesn't matter now. More importantly, the purpose of today's meeting... +Rintaro: Is to explore methods of true physical time travel, not just D-Mail, with the objective of sending someone to the past like SERN has. +Kurisu: Don't be ridiculous. +Kurisu: SERN has the best equipment in the world, and even after nine years, they still haven't succeeded. +Kurisu: We can't possibly hope to accomplish something like that. +Mayuri: You'll become a GelOkarin! Ehehe! +Itaru: Kinda sounds like +Kurisu: This isn't a laughing matter... +Rintaro: Isn't it too early to give up? Haven't we already succeeded with D-Mail, a first in human history? +Itaru: But we're not the first. Didn't SERN do it before us? +Rintaro: Humanity's first time-traveling email. For we who have achieved that miracle, nothing is impossible! +Kurisu: Such baseless confidence. Anyway, wasn't it just a coincidence that we discovered D-Mail? +Kurisu: We still haven't figured out what's functioning as the lifter. +Rintaro: We just need to figure that out, don't we? +Kurisu: It's futile. +Kurisu: How do you solve a problem that even SERN can't figure out? +Kurisu: If you can't set the destination, then you don't know where you'll leap to. +Itaru: I'll pass on leaping into deep space, thanks. +Rintaro: Wait a second. +Rintaro: We don't set the destination when we send a D-Mail, yet it still arrives where it's supposed to. How do you explain that? +Kurisu: Now that you mention it... +Itaru: You set the mail address, right? Isn't that enough? +Kurisu: Is it? I don't think a phone signal can be received from millions of kilometers away. +Mayuri: I bet you'd get a busy signal or something! +Rintaro: Maybe our cellphones are acting like black holes and +Kurisu: You shouldn't speculate like that. You have zero basis. +Rintaro: Is it possible that we form a wormhole? +Kurisu: No wormholes have ever been confirmed to exist. +Rintaro: In any case, the cold, hard truth is that D-Mails arrive precisely when and where we want them to. We're ahead of SERN in that regard. +Rintaro: Now, can we apply D-Mail technology to physical time travel? +Itaru: But with D-Mails, you can only send 36 bytes of data. +Itaru: No way you can send a whole person with that kind of limit. +Kurisu: If you want to become GelOkarin, I'm not stopping you. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: It would be best to leave physical transfer aside for now. Sending data through time is an amazing feat by itself. We should be satisfied with what we've got. +Rintaro: Such pessimism is unbecoming of a scientist sworn to uncover the secrets of the universe. +Kurisu: I'm telling you to know your limits. +Kurisu: If you're going to uncover the secrets of the universe, you need personnel, equipment, and funding to rival SERN's. +Kurisu: It's one thing to set lofty goals, but this impoverished lab has no resources to speak of. +Kurisu: I've been thinking. Maybe we should bring the PhoneWave to a proper research institution and entrust it to a specialist. +Kurisu: SERN's keeping their time machine research top secret, so if we make an official announcement, it'll benefit the future of mankind. +Rintaro: ...If we make an official announcement, the Organization will become aware of my existence. +Kurisu: Oh come on! I'm being serious here. This isn't the time for your childish-- +Rintaro: And we've hacked into SERN. +Rintaro: Those heartless bastards will do anything, even experiment on human beings. And behind them is a power greater than all the nations of the Earth. +Rintaro: If we make the PhoneWave (name subject to change) public, they might have us erased. +Kurisu: ...You watch too many movies. +Rintaro: The name 'Committee of 300' appeared in actual SERN documents. +Kurisu: Yeah, but... +Mayuri: Mayushii's kinda scared... +Itaru: If they find out about our hacking, they'll seriously have us killed. I didn't make any mistakes that could give us away, of course. +Rintaro: Also, and this is the biggest problem-- +Rintaro: If we go public, we won't be able to do cool stuff with D-Mails anymore! +Kurisu: Why you... +Rintaro: Muhahaha! No way I'm giving up such an awesome machine! +Rintaro: I am Hououin Kyouma! The insane mad scientist who rules space and time! What I desire is -- that's right -- CHAOS! +Kurisu: +Itaru: Eh? +Rintaro: Hm? +Mayuri: Hwe? +Kurisu: Ah... +Rintaro: Christina. Are you an @channe-- +Kurisu: Shut up! I'm not, okay!? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Th-that reminds me, Daru. Have you made any progress hacking into SERN? +Itaru: Yeah, right now I'm combing SERN's massive database. +Itaru: It would take years to read it all. For now, I've passed everything that looks important to Makise-shi for translation. +Itaru: Basically, I've gone as deep as I can go. +Itaru: SERN belongs to me now. +Rintaro: Thank goodness you're on my side. +Rintaro: Christina. Report on the status of these translations. +Kurisu: Can you stop talking like that? It's pretentious and annoying as hell. +Mayuri: Hell☆ +Mayuri: Um, Chris-chan, as Okarin's childhood friend, I promise you'll get used to how he talks eventually. +Kurisu: I just hope it doesn't take ten years... +Rintaro: So you're saying you want to stay with me for ten years? In other words, you want to work at this lab for the rest of your-- +Kurisu: It was sarcasm, get it? Sarcasm. +Rintaro: ...Oh. +Rintaro: Give me your report, Christina. If you don't, I'll call you an '@channeler'-- +Kurisu: Didn't you hear me the first time!? +Kurisu: I've been working on the translation when I have time, but so far I haven't seen anything new about time travel. +Kurisu: It looks like SERN is still struggling to find a solution. +Rintaro: Daru, any other results? +Itaru: Well, it looks like SERN's in the middle of a big project, so the LHC's at full operation. +Itaru: I'm trying to see if I can cut in and maybe use it secretly. +Kurisu: What? No way. +Mayuri: Is that amazing? +Kurisu: It's not amazing. It's downright outrageous! +Kurisu: Super Hacka, +Rintaro: Hey, Christina. Are you doing that on purpose? +Kurisu: Ugh... d-doing what? +Itaru: Anyway, I'm just doing it for laughs. It's not like we have any reason to use the LHC. +Rintaro: It sounds like things are going smoothly. When do you begin stage three of the operation? +Itaru: What's stage three? +Rintaro: SERN's most secret, forbidden domain. We're going to free the darkness hidden inside. +Itaru: In Japanese please. +Rintaro: The IBN 5100 database. I'm asking if you've started hacking it yet. +Itaru: We can't, remember? +Rintaro: You said all we needed was an IBN 5100 of our own! +Itaru: Right. That's the problem. We can't do anything without one. +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: But I got you an IBN 5100. You haven't started working on it yet? +Itaru: Huh? You got one? When? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: First I've heard of it. +Rintaro: Impossible! +Rintaro: ...It's gone. +Rintaro: The IBN 5100 was right here! Where did it go!? +Rintaro: Why are you staring at me like that!? The legendary PC that was donated to Yanabayashi Shrine!! You've seen it! Remember!? +Mayuri: I don't remember. +Itaru: Donated to Yanabayashi Shrine? That's stupid. +Kurisu: You sure you weren't hallucinating? It's hot these days. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Don't tell me it was John Titor!? +Rintaro: Of course! Titor's goal was to obtain an IBN 5100! And I've already contacted him several times. But how did he get my personal information!? +Kurisu: Calm down. +Kurisu: Tell us what happened. You don't have to be precise. Just say whatever comes to mind. We can work it out later. +Rintaro: Y-yeah... +Kurisu: Hmmm... +Kurisu: The IBN 5100 may have disappeared as a result of changes someone made to the past. +Rintaro: Ohh! So you believe me! +Kurisu: But from my perspective, all of the D-Mails we sent so far were trivial. +Mayuri: Um, there's that one we sent when we first realized PhoneWave-chan was a time machine, right? +Itaru: The one that said 'Okarin is a perv'. +Kurisu: And during the preliminary D-Mail experiments, I sent dozens to Okabe's phone. But they were all insubstantial, so I don't think they could've changed the past. +Itaru: I sent two of them when I was trying to win the match against Faris. +Kurisu: There was one more. The first mail Okabe accidentally sent that said I was dead. +Rintaro: But from my perspective, we sent several more. +Mayuri: You mean how you sent the winning LOTO SIX numbers? And how Luka-chan bought a ticket with those numbers, but didn't win? +Kurisu: But nobody aside from Okabe remembers him sending it. +Rintaro: But I showed you guys afterwards. It was still in my phone's arrival history. +Itaru: We were so close. +Mayuri: Is that all? +Rintaro: No. There's more. Moeka and Lukako each sent a D-Mail. +Kurisu: Oh, right. That's what you claim, but Hashida, Mayuri-san, and I don't remember either of those. +Mayuri: Owww... Mayushii's getting a headache... +Rintaro: I already told you guys. I'm the only one who keeps his memories after the world changes. +Kurisu: So according to your perspective, when did the IBN 5100 disappear? Did it just happen? When's the last time you remember seeing it in the lab? +Rintaro: Well... +Rintaro: I'm sure... it was August 3rd. I remember it being in the lab on August 3rd. +Kurisu: Are you certain? +Rintaro: I... think so. +Luka: #000000 +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: I saw something? +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: More importantly, I have questions about the IBN 5100. +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: IBN 5100. About nine years ago, someone dedicated a retro PC to Yanabayashi Shrine. That's the one. Know anything? +Luka: #000000 +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: Just a while ago, I came to the shrine looking for it, didn't I!? And then I asked your old man and he let me borrow it. Right!? +Luka: #000000 +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Right? +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: The IBN 5100 was at the shrine though, right? Is it there now? +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: Where are you now? Is your old man there? +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Damn. Okay. Sorry for calling you so suddenly. +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: Mayuri, I need to contact Faris. +Mayuri: Hweh? +Mayuri: Want one, Okarin? They're delicious♪ +Rintaro: You people don't have a care in the world, do you!? There's some crazy stuff happening here! +Kurisu: Or it could all just be in your head. No need to panic. +Mayuri: You need Feris-chan for something? I wonder if she's working today. +Itaru: Faris-tan's off today. +Rintaro: You know her phone number, right? See if you can get ahold of her. +Mayuri: Okay! +Mayuri: Feris-chan? Good afternyan-nyan♪ It's Mayushii, nyan♪ +Kurisu: Nya, nyan...? +Mayuri: Sorry to bother you on your day off. Okarin said he wants to talk to you about something. Wanna talk to him? +Mayuri: Huh? You know. Okarin! +Mayuri: ...Kyouma? Who's Kyouma? +Mayuri: I'm handing you over, okay? +Mayuri: Here you go, Okarin. +Rintaro: It's me. Hououin Kyouma. +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: There's something I need to ask you. +Rintaro: Long ago, you donated a retro PC to Yanabayashi shrine. Am I mistaken? +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: What? What's 'nyan' supposed to mean, nya? +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: What? Why recently? +Faris: #000000 +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Ah, nothing... +Rintaro: Do you have any other information on the IBN 5100? It's a super rare PC. +Rintaro: As a charisma-build maid, I expect you have a strong network in Akiba, correct? I'd like you to use that network and search for any IBN 5100s in Akiba now. +Faris: #000000 +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: A price? +Rintaro: ...Let's hear it. +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Where is this apartment of yours? +Rintaro: Oh, so you live in Akiba. +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Well? +Rintaro: Why are you guys tagging along? +Mayuri: Mayushii's never been to Feris-chan's place. +Mayuri: I thought I'd like to visit once. Hehe♪ +Itaru: I mean, it's Faris-tan's home. No way I'm missing this. +Rintaro: Mmm...? +Mayuri: What's wrong? +Rintaro: What luck! +Rintaro: Hey, Shining Finger! +Moeka: I-B-N... I-B-N... I-B-N... +Moeka: Gonegonegone... why is it gone... why can't I find it... is it really in this town... don't tell me it's already... +Rintaro: Are you listening, Shining Finger!? +Moeka: It should be... should be here... has to be... FB said so... +Rintaro: Kiryu Moeka! +Moeka: ...Okabe-kun? +Rintaro: Did you take the IBN 5100 from the lab? +Rintaro: I don't want to believe that it was you. You are a fellow lab mem, after all. But you did display an unhealthy attachment to that computer. +Rintaro: So, was it you? +Moeka: You... found an IBN 5100? +Rintaro: I found one, but it's gone missing. +Moeka: Missing? +Rintaro: Don't worry. I won't report you to the police. As long as you return it, that is. +Moeka: ...? +Rintaro: You... don't remember, do you? +Rintaro: I'm sorry, Finger. +Rintaro: I suspected you. A lab mem! A comrade! +Rintaro: I'm the worst sort of man. Hit me, please. I don't mind. +Rintaro: But there's one thing I want you to know. In my long years running from the Organization, I've grown unable to trust anyone. +Rintaro: Once I start to suspect, everyone looks suspicious. No matter how many comrades gather around me, I always feel alone. Pitiful, aren't I? +Rintaro: D-did you just ignore my entire speech? +Itaru: Hey, Okarin. You're doing improv in the middle of the street. Has the heat gone to your head? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: I've been thinking... +Mayuri: Moeka-san sure is pretty, isn't she? She's got a nice figure, and she's tall, too! +Mayuri: She'd look great in one of my costumes. Ehehe! +Rintaro: Wh...at? +Rintaro: You've met Moeka before? +Mayuri: Sure I have! +Rintaro: When!? +Mayuri: Ummmmm? +Mayuri: When youuuuu brouuuught herrrr toooo theeee laaaaab! +Rintaro: I did...? +Rintaro: Daru. Do you remember her? +Itaru: Sure. We met at the lab. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin? We need to get going. Faris-chan's waiting, remember? +Rintaro: By the way, Mayuri. What's Faris's real name? +Itaru: Whoa, Okarin! Hold on there! Faris-tan's name is Faris NyanNyan. She doesn't have any other names! +Rintaro: Face reality, Daru. Faris NyanNyan is just her professional name. +Itaru: Uwahh, you're the worst! Why do you have to crush my dreams like that, man? +Rintaro: Well, Mayuri? Don't you know? +Mayuri: Hmmm, is it okay for Mayushii to tell you? +Rintaro: It's not like you took a vow of secrecy, right? And besides, we're visiting her home, so we'll find out soon enough. +Mayuri: Oh. I guess you're right... +Mayuri: But just promise me you'll keep it secret, okay? Like from the masters who come to MayQueen. +Mayuri: Okay. Feris-chan's real name is Akiha Rumiho-chan! +Itaru: Nyah nyah nyah, not listening! +Rintaro: Akiha... +Mayuri: Waahh... awwwesome... +Itaru: Wait... seriously? +Rintaro: She lives... here? +Rintaro: Did we get the wrong address? +Rintaro: Don't tell me Faris is working for the Organization!? +Rintaro: Does she have men in black waiting to haul us off to a re-education camp!? +Itaru: Nice delusion, man. The truth is stranger than fiction. +Itaru: Besides, don't you think it would be super moe if Faris-tan turned out to be a 'rich girl' character? +Rintaro: Nice delusion yourself, man. +Mayuri: Anyway, let's go in! +Mayuri: A real live butler... +Butler: Mistress. Mr. Hououin Kyouma and friends have arrived. +Faris: Thanks, Kuroki nya. +Faris: Nyanya? Mayushii and Daru-nyan came too, nyan? +Mayuri: Feris-chan, good afternyan-nyan♪ +Itaru: Mhmm, casual Faris-tan... too cute! +Rintaro: They followed me. If you don't want them here, I'll send them home. +Faris: No fur off my back, nya. Everyone's welcome nyan♪ +Rintaro: Wait, you talk like that even in your own home? +Faris: What do you mean, nya? +Rintaro: Gonna play dumb, Akiha Rumiho⑰? +Faris: Faris is Faris, nya. +Rintaro: Fine. What I really want to know is how you get to live in a luxury apartment in Akiba's best district! +Rintaro: Faris... just who are you? +Faris: Like I said, Faris is Faris, nyan. +Rintaro: Don't play dumb. If you don't explain yourself, I'm leaving! +Itaru: H-how arrogant... we're the ones who came here to ask Faris-tan for a favor, aren't we? +Faris: Hmmya... Well, if you must know... +Faris: This land originally belonged to my family, nya. +Rintaro: Hah? +Mayuri: Oh! So that's why you're Akiha-san! +Rintaro: Akiha... You mean you're descended from the hereditary landholders of Akihabara!? +Faris: By the way, Faris has considerable influence on Akihabara's development, nyan. +Faris: It was Faris who convinced the development board to actively promote moe culture in Akiba, nya. +Mayuri: Wow! That's amazing! +Faris: I've been going to development meetings since I was little, nya. +Faris: But please keep all this a secret, nyan. +Rintaro: Why? +Faris: You wanna know, nya? +Faris: That's because... +Faris: Faris is Faris, nya♪ +Faris: I want all my fans to keep treating me the same as always, nyan☆ +Itaru: I'll treat you! I'll treat you at full force! +Mayuri: Mayushii's your fan too! Your maid spirit is really amazing! +Rintaro: I don't care about any of this! +Rintaro: Do not defy me, Faris NyanNyan, or I'll paint your expensive wallpaper with blood. +Rintaro: You called me to your home so you could show off your status and try to gain leverage in our negotiations. But it's futile. +Rintaro: For you are dealing with the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma! +Itaru: What kind of reason is that... +Faris: Nyan♪ Faris loves forceful men, nyan. +Itaru: What... did she say? +Faris: Honestly, Faris didn't want to talk so much about herself, nya. +Faris: Most people, when they learn who I am, stop seeing me as Faris, nya. They only see the Akiha name. +Faris: Faris and Akiha Rumiho want to be seen as separate purrsons, nya. +Rintaro: There's nothing to separate. You are⑰ Faris NyanNyan, are you not? +Faris: Nya? +Itaru: For once I agree with you, Okarin! Whenever she speaks NyanNyanian and wears her cat ears, she is Faris-tan! +Rintaro: You're just being overly self-conscious, Faris. +Faris: I don't know, nya... +Rintaro: I'm serious. To me, you will always be the unbeatable cat-eared maid! +Faris: Nyahaha. Thanks, Kyouma. +Rintaro: Faris, you said there would be a price to pay in exchange for your help acquiring an IBN 5100. What is your price? +Rintaro: Do not test the limits of my good will. +Rintaro: If I unseal my right arm for even an instant, everything will be destroyed, and nothing will remain... just so you know. +Faris: Fine by me, nya. +Faris: These cat ears have the power to negate all other powers -- NyanNyan Clear. +Faris: When Kyouma's power is unleashed, Faris will stop it, nya. +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Well, I guess I'll tell you, nya. +Faris: My price... +Faris: Is to let me use your time machine, nya. +Faris: I heard what you said at MayQueen yesterday. You've built a time machine. +Rintaro: Indeed. We have created the first successful time machine in human history. +Itaru: Uh, SERN was the first. +Rintaro: But don't misunderstand. +Rintaro: We call it a time machine, but it's not the kind you can hop into and fly to whenever you want. +Rintaro: All we can do is send a 36-byte email to someone's phone in the past. +Rintaro: But even that is worthy of a Nobel Prize in physics. It is a transcendental super invention that will alter the course of human history forever. +Faris: It can send an email to someone in the past? That's awesome! Faris wants to use it, nya! +Rintaro: The time machine is our lab's greatest secret. If you want to use it, then you must become a lab mem. +Faris: A lab mem? What's that, nya? +Mayuri: Well, it means you get to be a part of our club♪ Mayushii would be super happy if Feris-chan became a lab mem! +Itaru: Same here! +Itaru: That would be AWWWWWRIGHT! +Itaru: Please join! I'm begging here! +Faris: How do I become a lab mem, nya? +Rintaro: There's no contract. We only require that you perform... the blood oath. +Faris: The... blood oath!! +Rintaro: Faris NyanNyan, if thou dost desire to join the hallowed order of lab mems, then by the code passed down in High Ancient from an age long forgotten... +Rintaro: Pledge thy flesh, thy bone, thy blood, and thy soul to the Grail of Heaven, and swear fealty everlasting! +Rintaro: This duty fulfilled, the old gods shall grant thee thy lab mem number. +Itaru: I didn't understand a word of that... +Mayuri: Oh no! What do I do? Mayushii never ate any blood loaf. Does that mean Mayushii's not a lab mem? +Itaru: Don't worry, Mayu-shi. This is just Okarin's usual nonsense. +Mayuri: Oh! I guess everything's fine then♪ Thank goodness! +Faris: Very well, nya. I shall take the blood oath, nya... +Rintaro: --!? +Mayuri: No! +Itaru: Uh, isn't that a paper knife? +Faris: Nyahaha♪ Daru-nyan's right, nya! +Rintaro: Very well, Faris, I invest you as Lab Mem 007. +Faris: Purrfect. So now can I use the time machine, nya? +Rintaro: Indeed. But not a word to anyone. Death to traitors. That's the law of the lab. +Mayuri: It is? +Itaru: No. Okarin made it up just now. +Faris: Thanks, Kyouma! +Itaru: Okarin, you jerk! I helped make the PhoneWave too! +Faris: Really nya? Then Daru-nyan too! +Mayuri: I'm glad she's so happy, Okarin♪ +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... Mayuri, you really are innocent. +Mayuri: Hweh? +Rintaro: It's me. ...Yeah, I've got her wrapped around my finger. What did you expect? She's just a 17-year-old girl. +Rintaro: That catgirl thinks she's bargained with me to appease her lust for mankind's dream, the forbidden fruit that is the time machine. +Rintaro: But she's dancing to the tune of Hououin Kyouma! +Rintaro: ...Hmph, why did I agree to pay her price, you ask? That should be obvious. +Rintaro: That catgirl shall be our guinea pig. +Rintaro: ...I'm a monster? What a terrible thing to say. Not that you're wrong⑰, exactly. Heh heh heh. +Mayuri: ...? +Rintaro: Right. Faris thinks she's using us... +Rintaro: But it is we who are using her! She is but a moth drawn to my brilliant flame. Muhahaha! +Rintaro: As planned, we are proceeding to the next phase of the experiment. This is the choice of Steins Gate. El Psy Kongroo. +Rintaro: Mmgh!? +Faris: Who were you talking to, nya? +Rintaro: It's too late, Faris NyanNyan. +Rintaro: You've already taken the blood oath. If you break it, ruin will befall you. +Rintaro: There is no escape. +Faris: Ok, nya. So where's the time machine, nya? +Rintaro: The time machine -- its name is the PhoneWave (name subject to change), by the way -- is in our lab. +Mayuri: Umm, so does that mean it has to keep going for 86,000 seconds? +Mayuri: Won't PhoneWave-chan get tired? +Rintaro: It doesn't actually have to run the entire duration. +Rintaro: The mail reaches the past if you send it as soon as the discharge begins. +Rintaro: In accordance with the Butterfly Effect, the remaining seconds should be canceled out. The experiment never happened. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: It's me. What's the situation? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: She hung up on me! +Itaru: Of course she did. Mayu-shi and I are the only ones who can deal with your act, you know? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: It's Hououin Kyouma. Don't hang up. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: It shows you my number, doesn't it!? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: In other words, you fear the insanity of Hououin Kyouma! Well, I suppose you can't be blamed for-- +Rintaro: She hung up! Again! +Itaru: Like I said, we're the only ones who can put up with you... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: This is Okabe Rintaro. Sorry, but could you mess with the PhoneWave (name subject to change)'s settings a little, please? +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: We're about to perform a critical experiment. Understand, assistant? Mister Braun might yell at you, but that small sacrifice will bring mankind's dream, the time machine, to fruition. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Alright, thanks. Wait a bit. +Rintaro: Finished writing what you want to send? +Rintaro: What did you write? You sure it's something that'll change the past? +Faris: W-well... +Faris: I-it's embarrassing, nya! A trade secret, nyan! +Rintaro: A secret!? Nonsense! This is science! Unless we know what you're sending, we can't verify the results! +Faris: What's that supposed to mean!? No one said anything about science, nya! I'm using the time machine for myself, not science, nya! +Rintaro: That's not fair! +Itaru: You're one to talk. +Kurisu: #000000 +Mayuri: Um, Okarin, it's probably something private, so I don't think you should pry... +Rintaro: Mmmgh... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: W-wait! Fine. Activate the PhoneWave (name subject to change). +Kurisu: #000000 +Faris: Click, nya! +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Okay. Card Open. +Mayuri: Oh no! Another Virus Card! +Faris: Not so fast, nyan♪ +Mayuri: Awww... You took three Link Cards, right? And I got three Virus Cards, right? +Mayuri: Mayushii's in trouble... +Itaru: We still have a Terminal Card. We can turn the tables next turn. +Faris: Nyahaha♪ It's way too late for that, nya. Faris is going to use the Terminal Card, Virus Checker, nya. +Faris: So, which is Mayushii's last Virus Card, nya? +Mayuri: Oh no... +Itaru: You're a monster, Faris-tan. +Mayuri: H-hey, could you wait one... no, two or three turns, nya? Please, nya? +Faris: Nyaha♪ Not even if you try to copycat Faris, nyan. +Mayuri: No way! +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Phew... Feris-chan is really strong. +Faris: Mayushii started out strong, nya. You have potential, nyan. +Faris: But don't think I'll go easy on you just because we're playing for fun, nyan! +Faris: Besides, I promised Papa that I'd win the next tournyament, nya! I can't lose to anyone before then, nyan! +Mayuri: Papa? +Faris: Papa said that if Faris won, he'd take time off work to congratulate me, nyan. +Itaru: I want to congratulate you too. Are you free that night? +Faris: Papa and I are having dinner that night, nya. +Itaru: Oh... +Mayuri: You know, we should all go cheer at the finals! +Faris: Thanks nya♪ +Itaru: Isn't your final opponent the Viral Attackers duo? +Itaru: No one had heard of them until they defeated Faris-tan's rivals, Idiyona. +Itaru: Faris-tan's duels with Idiyona were all god tier, so I was looking forward to it. +Faris: I haven't seen any other RaiNetter matches, but are the Viral Attackers really that furrocious? +Itaru: Well, they're not a threat to Faris-tan. Faris-tan is the strongest. Faris-tan is a goddess! +Faris: Nyan♪ Stop it, nya. You're embarrassing me, nya! +Rintaro: ... +Faris' Dad: Excuse me. Rumiho. Do you have a minute? +Faris: Papa! +Itaru: Whoa, Faris-tan's dad... Shouldn't we say hello? +Mayuri: He's a CEO, right? Wow... +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Sorry nya! Faris has to go out with Papa, nya. +Mayuri: Okay. I guess we'll see you later, then. +Itaru: But Faris-tan, what about my match? You promised to give me a hands-on lesson -- you know, really work me over. +Faris: Pretty sure I didn't, nya. +Itaru: Of course you didn't... I was just making it up... +Mayuri: Daru-kun, you shouldn't trouble Feris-chan like that. +Mayuri: Come on, Okarin. Let's go back to the lab. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Faris: You know, Kyouma's been awfully quiet, nya. Something wrong, nyan? +Rintaro: Nothing. I was just looking at Akiba, watching the ignorant masses scurry about in search of momentary surcease from the pain of existence. +Itaru: That's Okarin for you... batshit crazy. +Rintaro: Huh? Where'd Mayuri go? +Itaru: Huh? You're right. She's gone. +Rintaro: Mayuri, where are you going!? +Mayuri: Okarin! Um, Mayushii was thinking about stopping by Nakano Broadway before going home. +Rintaro: If you're going home, then why didn't you say so? +Mayuri: Ehehe. Sorry. All I could think about was going to Nakano. +Itaru: Mayu-shi's like some kinda ninja. Never noticed she was gone. +Rintaro: What business do you have in Nakano, anyway? +Mayuri: Well, a Sorrow Sword doujinshi came out yesterday. +Itaru: Porn? +Mayuri: No, but the illustrator is Kouga Yui-san. Mayushii thinks it's finally time to get serious about costumes again. +Itaru: Kouga Yui? She was the character designer for last year's +Mayuri: Yup! +Itaru: Buy me one too. +Mayuri: Okey dokey♪ +Rintaro: What are you guys talking about? If you want doujinshi, why not go to Toranoana? It's right over there. +Mayuri: There, where? +Rintaro: You know, there! Right over-- +Rintaro: Wha...? +Rintaro: Where the hell did Toranoana and Animate go!? +Itaru: Have you lost it, man? +Rintaro: Huh? +Mayuri: There aren't any Toranoanas or Animates in Akiba. That's why Mayushii's going to Nakano to buy doujinshi. +Rintaro: What do you mean there aren't any!? They were there yesterday, weren't they!? +Itaru: There's no moe stores in Akiba, man. You know that. The holy land of moe is Nakano. +Rintaro: But Akiba is the holy land of moe! The whole world knows that! +Itaru: Has the heat finally gone to your head, Okarin? Akiba is the electric town. If you opened a moe store here, the electronics otaku would riot. +Rintaro: What about Mandarake? +Mayuri: Nope. +Itaru: Of course there's an Akiba-o. +Rintaro: I mean Akiba-okoku, where they sell doujinshi! +Itaru: The hell's that? +Mayuri: They sell doujinshi at Akiba-o? +Itaru: Of course not. That would be crazy. +Rintaro: Gamers!? Ramutara!? +Rintaro: MelonBooks!? Asobit City!? +Rintaro: Chaos has forsaken this place... +Rintaro: It's gone... +Rintaro: Mayuri. You work at MayQueen, don't you? +Mayuri: MayQueen? What's that? A potato? +Rintaro: MayQueen+Nyan⑯! +Mayuri: Mayushii works at Lemoine, remember? +Rintaro: Lemoine? Is that a maid cafe? +Mayuri: It's just a normal coffee shop. +Rintaro: Is there even a single maid cafe in Akiba? +Itaru: Naw man. The people here hate moe businesses. Nobody would go. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: What the hell? +Rintaro: Is it the Organization? SERN? +Rintaro: It's Sunday. +Luka: Pardon the intrusion, Okabe-san. +Mayuri: Good morning, Okarin♪ +Rintaro: What are you doing? +Mayuri: Yesterday I went to Nakano to buy doujinshi, remember? While I was there, I found a photo album of a super cute cosplayer! +Mayuri: So I splurged on it♪ +Mayuri: Look, Luka-chan! This is a costume of Sedona from +Luka: It is! +Mayuri: Take a look, Chris-chan! It's amazing! +Kurisu: I'm okay. +Mayuri: Wow, look at these swimsuits! So much skin! She's got a great figure, like a gravure idol. +Luka: Must be nice... +Mayuri: Nice? The swimsuits? +Luka: I... don't have that great a figure... +Mayuri: Don't worry, Luka-chan. I'm sure you'll make our big friends breathe hard. +Mayuri: And um, plenty of people like flat chests. So even if you don't have breasts, you should still have confidence in yourself. +Kurisu: Khmmkhmmkhmm! +Mayuri: I know! Once ComiMa's over, let's all go on a trip to the beach! Mayushii's been making costumes all summer. I haven't had time to play at all. +Mayuri: What do you think, guys? A lab mem beach trip! +Luka: Um... all of the lab mems? +Kurisu: I can't go. I have to go back to America soon, and I haven't even started packing yet. +Rintaro: Yes, I can see you're in a rush. I bet you don't even have time to lounge around and read. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Fine, I'll be blunt. There's no way I'm swimming with two perverts like you! +Kurisu: If it's just the girl members, I'll happily go. +Rintaro: Hmph. Be honest, Christina. You just don't want me to see the +Kurisu: I don't have a Mongolian Spot! +Rintaro: Anyway, if it's just the girl members, then doesn't that rule out Lukako? +Kurisu: What's that supposed to mean? +Rintaro: Didn't we tell you earlier? Lukako is a bonafide guy! +Kurisu: You're the worst. Where do you get off calling her a guy? +Mayuri: Yeah, Okarin. That's a terrible thing to say. +Luka: ... +Rintaro: Christina. I understand your desire to deny the truth. It's difficult to imagine that a guy could ever be so cute, but-- +Kurisu: Okabe! +Kurisu: If you want to give me stupid nicknames, that's fine -- I mean, it's not, but... +Kurisu: What you said just now is below the belt. +Kurisu: I didn't take you for the the kind of guy who thinks it's funny to hurt people's feelings, but I guess I was wrong. You're a real jerk, Okabe. +Rintaro: Huh? +Kurisu: Apologize. Apologize to Urushibara-san right now. +Rintaro: Wait a second. I don't have to apologize for anything. I just said the tru-- +Luka: It's okay. +Luka: So that's how Okabe-san sees me... +Rintaro: No no no! That's not how I see⑰ you, Lukako. You're a guy, remember!? Or are you denying reality too!? +Kurisu: You're the one denying reality! +Mayuri: That's right! Luka-chan's a girl, Okarin. You're terrible. +Rintaro: Mayuri, when did you start calling Lukako 'Luka-chan' instead of 'Luka-kun'? +Kurisu: Cut it out already, Okabe! She's a girl! +Luka: I'm going home! +Rintaro: Hold it, Lukako! You can't fool me! You're as much a man as I am! And I know how to prove it! +Rintaro: Oh...? +Luka: ah... +Kurisu: You... +Mayuri: Awawa... +Rintaro: Ohhhh? Huh? What? Why? +Luka: Ugh, no, don't... Okabe-san, please... stop... sniff. +Rintaro: Lukako, you... +Rintaro: You're a girl!? +Kurisu: That's what we've been saying! +Luka: hic... ugg... egh... +Kurisu: I want to vivisect your skull and remove your brain for a good washing. +Kurisu: Then I'll submerge it in culture fluid so you can never do anything like that again! +Kurisu: Anyway, just be thankful I haven't reported you to the police. +Rintaro: Yes ma'am. I'm sorry. +Kurisu: Anyway, what in the hell made you think that Urushibara-san was a boy? +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... as I already explained, we changed the past. Lukako was a guy, but he wanted to be a girl, so we sent a D-Mail to make his wish come true. And it worked! +Rintaro: I knew⑰ the worldline had changed. My magic eye, Reading Steiner, saw the shift in time. +Rintaro: But I chose to believe my mundane senses instead. I should have had more faith in my powers! I won't make that mistake again. +Kurisu: Want some more? +Rintaro: I'm telling the truth. You have to believe me! +Rintaro: I can explain this phenomenon logically. When we sent the D-Mail, we changed the past, and all of history changed as a result. My brain perceived that change! +Rintaro: Out of all mankind, I alone can perceive changes in causality! I am this world's observer! +Kurisu: Sit down before I hit you again. +Rintaro: Don't you understand? I'm the observer, the one who opens the box holding +Mayuri: Shredding Gar? +Itaru: Schrodinger's cat again? +Itaru: The Japanese can't get enough of that cat. +Kurisu: You're Japanese too. +Itaru: I've had enough Schrodinger, thanks. I do admit that +Rintaro: Gh... +Rintaro: Anyway, my magic eye has the power to perceive changes in the worldline. This power is called Reading Steiner, as I've explained. +Kurisu: And I told you that that name was stupid, remember? +Kurisu: It's Engrish, like something from a kid's manga. +Kurisu: Not to mention it's a grammatical mess, and there's also the fact that it's half German, so no consistency there either. It's stupid. +Kurisu: The same goes for that 'Steins Gate' thing you're always talking about. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... looks like you've still got that Mongolian Spot on your butt. Eh, Christina? +Rintaro: Names are all about feeling! My creativity, comparable to the great Da Vinci himself, cannot be held by the shackles of grammar! Muhah-- +Kurisu: Show a little remorse, huh? +Rintaro: I'm sorry... +Suzuha: ...Sup. +Suzuha: Why are you so wobbly? +Rintaro: It's... a new exercise. +Suzuha: Huh. Never heard of it. +Suzuha: Perfect weather for cycling. +Rintaro: Really? +Suzuha: Hey, up for a little cycling? +Rintaro: Your bike only has one seat. +Suzuha: One of us can sit on the back. +Rintaro: Don't you have work to do? +Suzuha: I got permission. It's not like we'll have customers anyway. +Rintaro: Huff... huff... I am a mad scientist... not a mad... cyclist... +Rintaro: Huff... huff... so why... am I... doing the pedaling? +Suzuha: Long ago, Aristotle said, 'time is just the measure of motion.' +Suzuha: So put those pedals in motion. +Suzuha: You know... +Suzuha: It's only been ten days since I arrived in Tokyo. +Rintaro: Vacation? No... that can't be right. +Suzuha: I'm hunting for my father. +Rintaro: Did he run away? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: I haven't seen him in years. But I know he's in this town. +Rintaro: Oh... but then why are you working downstairs? +Suzuha: Honestly, I don't have a clue where to begin. +Rintaro: Have you talked to the police? +Suzuha: ...No. +Rintaro: Then shouldn't you? Or you could hire a private investigator or something, if you have money. +Suzuha: I don't have the resources. And besides, there are... issues. +Suzuha: I only have one chance. +Suzuha: And that chance is tomorrow. +Suzuha: I know that tomorrow, he might appear in a certain place. +Suzuha: If I miss that chance, then I'll have to leave. +Rintaro: By leave, you mean go back home? +Suzuha: Not exactly. I have a parallel, priority engagement. +Suzuha: I've already made up my mind. I don't find him tomorrow, I'll give up. +Rintaro: You're worried, aren't you? +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: I understand that feeling. You're alone, searching for your father in an unfamiliar town. It can't be easy. +Rintaro: You hoped that talking to someone would help. That's why you sought out the most reliable person around -- me. +Rintaro: Alas, Part-Time Warrior, you have made a grave mistake. For I am the insane mad scientist Hououin Kyouma! +Suzuha: Uh... +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... you shall be my next guinea pig! +Suzuha: Guinea pig? +Rintaro: You know what I'm talking about. D-Mail, the greatest discovery in the history of science! +Rintaro: You shall be the subject of our next experiment. Heh heh heh. +Suzuha: Wh-what are you gonna do? +Rintaro: Do? Simple. I need more data, and I'll do anything to obtain it. +Rintaro: You're going to change the past. You can change it however you like, but only I will know the difference! +Rintaro: If you think that's cruel, then do as you please. But know that you are already caught in my web. You cannot escape. +Rintaro: Fear not! I know exactly what you should write in your D-Mail. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... listen well. You're going to send this to your father before he disappeared. +Rintaro: 'Don't abandon your daughter.' Muhahahaha! +Suzuha: ...You're a nice guy. You know that? +Rintaro: Wh...at? +Suzuha: I think talking to you really did help. +Rintaro: Are you trying to insult me? I am not a nice guy⑰. I am a mad scientist who experiments on women and children! +Rintaro: Now tell me your father's email address! If you don't... +Rintaro: Then I shall unleash the power of my right arm! Once it's unsealed, not even I can control it. You may not survive. Consider yourself warned. +Suzuha: Sorry. I can't. +Rintaro: You dare defy me!? +Suzuha: I don't know his email address or his phone number. +Rintaro: ...Oh. +Suzuha: That's why tomorrow's my only chance. Thanks for caring, though. +Rintaro: I don't care. I'm just disappointed I couldn't experiment on you. +Suzuha: Anyway, you can send mail to the past? That's amazing! The first time machine ever! +Rintaro: Hmph, of course it's amazing. I am Hououin Kyouma! +Suzuha: Any plans to upgrade it? +Rintaro: Upgrade it? +Suzuha: You know, like sending people to the past or something. +Rintaro: We're working on it. +Suzuha: Then let me give you one word of advice. +Suzuha: You should leave Makise Kurisu out of it. +Rintaro: What do you have against her, anyway? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Welp. Better get back to the workshop. +Suzuha: I only got a 30-minute break. I'll get in trouble if I don't get back soon. +Rintaro: Come to the lab tomorrow, whether you meet your father or not. +Suzuha: Why? +Rintaro: So I can use your grief to power my time machine. Heh heh heh! +Suzuha: Ahaha! You really are a mad scientist. So eeeevil! +Suzuha: If I meet my father, I'll stop by. Then we can do a gun salute! +Rintaro: Hey, wait! Let me on! Hey! +Rintaro: I shall now brief you on Operation +Rintaro: I want you guys to get ready for a party. +Kurisu: And what are you going to do? +Rintaro: Me? I'm going to follow that Part-Time Warrior and report back as the situation changes. +Kurisu: Don't you dare. Let her be alone with her father. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh. You shouldn't be so quick to reject my plans, Christina. You don't understand the intricacies of the human psyche. +Rintaro: Now that you've rejected my plan, there's no way⑰ I'm not going through with it! You have underestimated my pride! +Kurisu: Get over yourself. +Rintaro: Besides, Christina, you and she are enemies, are you not? You protect her from me while plotting her demise? That makes you a hypocrite! +Kurisu: You just don't have standards, that's all. +Mayuri: She's right. I don't think you should bother her, Okarin. +Mayuri: No matter what happens, we need to give her a waaaarm welcome. I'll do anything to help make this party super special. +Luka: Um, actually, I haven't met this Suzuha-san... +Mayuri: Suzu-san's really nice. I'm sure you'll get along with her too! +Kurisu: Nice? +Rintaro: Anyway, I'm going to tail her now. You guys-- +Kurisu: No! Get it through your thick skull! +Rintaro: Dammit, assistant! How dare you give me orders!? +Kurisu: Don't even think about running off somewhere. +Kurisu: Anyway... +Kurisu: I hope Amane-san finds her father. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Kurisu: That would be... nice. +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe... +Kurisu: I'm sorry about before. +Rintaro: Before? +Kurisu: When I hit you with my book. I thought you were just being a pervert. +Kurisu: But when I thought about it later, I realized that you were being completely serious. +Kurisu: But I acted on impulse, without even considering what you had to say. +Rintaro: Forget it. Regardless of my intentions, the fact of the matter is that I made Lukako cry. +Kurisu: Just to make sure, you're not a perverted scumbag, are you? +Rintaro: Make sure, my ass! Are you trying to apologize or what!? +Kurisu: I just don't want to you to use science as an excuse to be a pervert. Not while I'm helping, at least. +Rintaro: What do you take me for? +Rintaro: My friends are precious to me. +Rintaro: I may be an insane mad scientist with an IQ of 170, but even I have my limits. +Rintaro: The PhoneWave (name subject to change) wouldn't have come this far without you and Daru at my side. +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: I am Lab Mem 001, the founder of the lab. +Rintaro: If my friends are in danger, I'll rush to their aid. And I would tear my own limbs off before I knowingly brought harm to any of you. +Kurisu: Pff... +Rintaro: What's so funny? +Kurisu: That has to be the cheesiest thing you've ever said. +Rintaro: Hmph... +Kurisu: Still, it's nice to hear. +Kurisu: The research institute I work at in America is full of talented people from all over the world... but it's not a friendly place. +Kurisu: Everyone thinks he or she is the best. You think you⑰ have an ego? Over there, scientists hurl insults at each other on a daily basis. Sometimes they even sabotage each other's work. +Kurisu: When my thesis was chosen to represent the lab, many of the older men complained. +Kurisu: And when I came back here as a kind of reverse exchange student, my classmates were all too afraid to talk to me. +Kurisu: Compared to that, your lab is childish... but comfortable. +Kurisu: You're really concerned about Amane-san, aren't you? That part of you, I can respect. +Kurisu: B-but I'm not praising you, okay? +Kurisu: I just... you know... thought you should know... +Rintaro: Maybe I... +Kurisu: Eh? +Rintaro: Maybe all I ever wanted was friends. +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: There aren't many people I can trust... +Kurisu: I, um... think of you as a friend too. +Rintaro: ...What? +Kurisu: You said I was your friend, remember? You said I was important to you. +Kurisu: That made me really... happy, I guess. +Rintaro: Do you have a fever? +Kurisu: No! +Kurisu: What the hell!? Here I am trying to find something decent about you, and you... I don't care anymore, stupid! +Kurisu: You're really... stupid. +Kurisu: Huh? Over there, isn't that... +Rintaro: Found you, Daru! +Itaru: Huh? Ah-- +Rintaro: Why didn't you respond to my summons? +Itaru: Like I said, I've got something to do. +Rintaro: Which is? +Itaru: An offline meet... +Rintaro: Inexcusable. +Itaru: Wait, just listen a sec-- +Rintaro: Your offline meet, or a party with food handmade by our very own lab girls. Choose one. +Itaru: Handmade... by girls? +Itaru: O-one question. Will Faris-tan be there? +Rintaro: Naturally. Faris is a lab mem too. Heh heh heh. +Itaru: Dammit! Why do they have to be on the same day!? Can't it wait until tomorrow? +Rintaro: What will it be? The time to choose is now. +Itaru: I want to eat Faris-tan's home cooking... +Rintaro: If you give up the offline meet, then that settles it. +Itaru: I give up. I give up the offline meeeet! +Mayuri: Huh? Daru-kun's here too? +Itaru: What about Faris-tan? Where is she? +Kurisu: You've been tricked. +Mayuri: Feris-chan said she couldn't come. +Itaru: Wait, seriously!? Okarin! What's going on here!? This isn't funny, man! +Rintaro: Don't worry. I'll make sure she comes to the next one. +Itaru: You've gotta be kidding me! I was looking forward to that time machine meet... +Kurisu: Time machine meet? What's that? +Itaru: It's an offline meet for this sci-fi BBS I post on. +Itaru: Some famous writers are going to be there. I won't forgive you, Okarin. Ever. +Rintaro: What? Why didn't you say so? I would've gone too! +Rintaro: ...Does anyone else smell that? +Kurisu: Smell what? +Rintaro: Did we blow a fuse somewhere? +Luka: S-sorry... +Luka: That's probably the smell of... Mayuri's cooking... +Kurisu: I'll help too. +Luka: Okay, then warm these eggs please. +Kurisu: Hm. Should I use the PhoneWave? +Luka: N-no! If you put raw eggs in a microwave, they'll explode! +Kurisu: We took the door off. It should be fine, right? +Mayuri: Chop, chop, choppity chop, chop, chop, choppity... +Luka: M-Mayuri-chan! Don't hold your knife like that! +Rintaro: Maybe we should help too. Or at least kick them out of the kitchen? +Itaru: Won't it end up the same either way? +Rintaro: I'm getting dizzy. This isn't the future I was hoping for. +Itaru: You're telling me. I'll never forget this, Okarin. Never. +Rintaro: I'm sorry. Truly. But please, Daru, stay with me to the end. +Itaru: I'll order pizza as insurance. +Rintaro: It's me. Looks like the Evil One is free. If you haven't heard from me in an hour... tell my parents I love them. +Itaru: Okarin, that's a +Rintaro: Is this the choice of Steins Gate? El Psy Kongroo... +Itaru: Hwahhhh... +Mayuri: ... +Kurisu: ... +Luka: ... +Rintaro: ...She's late. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Hououin Kyouma will never accept that! She will be my guinea pig whether she likes it or not! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: You there! Part-Time Warrior! +Rintaro: Wait! +Suzuha: ...You're a nice guy. You know that? +Suzuha: I think talking to you really did help. +Rintaro: ...!? +Mayuri: Okarin! Did you find Suzu-san? +Rintaro: It's late. Go home, everyone. +Luka: But... +Kurisu: Tell us what happened. +Itaru: Yeah. Keep us in the loop, man. +Rintaro: Suzuha ran away from me. I guess she couldn't find her father. +Mayuri: Oh... +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh heh... +Rintaro: MUHAHAHAHA! +Luka: O-Okabe-san? What's wrong? Are you okay? +Kurisu: His brain is probably oxygen-starved from too much running. +Itaru: Okarin... chill. +Rintaro: Heh, look at you all! +Rintaro: Why the long faces, friends!? +Rintaro: Have you forgotten? We have just the thing for moments like these! +Kurisu: You're going to send a D-Mail? +Itaru: But the discharge phenomenon won't occur this late, will it? +Rintaro: Then we'll send it tomorrow. +Mayuri: Who are you sending it to? +Rintaro: To myself this afternoon. The message... +Rintaro: Don't listen to Christina. Pursue Suzuha!' +Rintaro: ...Good morning, Part-Time Warrior. +Suzuha: Sup. +Rintaro: Slacking off? +Suzuha: It's not like anyone's gonna come. +Suzuha: And besides, I was up all night partying. +Suzuha: I'm really tired. +Rintaro: You were partying? With who? +Suzuha: Were you drinking, Okabe Rintaro? +Suzuha: Big no-no. You're only eighteen. +Rintaro: You couldn't find your father, so we held the 'Last Supper' to make you a test subject. Correct? +Suzuha: Ahaha! Yeah, I remember you saying something like that. +Suzuha: Thanks for all your help yesterday. +Rintaro: ...My memory's a bit fuzzy. Remind me again how we captured you. +Suzuha: Wait, were you really drinking last night? +Rintaro: Just tell me. +Suzuha: Well, I was on my way home from the time machine meet when-- +Rintaro: Woah, wait a second. Time machine meet!? +Suzuha: Yup. +Rintaro: Was that where your father was supposed to appear? +Suzuha: I said so yesterday, didn't I? +Rintaro: So you were going home, and then? +Suzuha: You, Hashida Itaru, and Shiina Mayuri appeared out of nowhere. +Suzuha: You brought me to the lab, and we partied all night long. +Suzuha: Yesterday sure was fun... +Suzuha: It would've been more fun if not for Makise Kurisu. The apple pie she made was deadly. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: But Urushibara Luka's curry was awesome. +Suzuha: Your lab seems kinda like... umm... like a clubhouse? It's nice. +Suzuha: Everyone gets along, and you're always smiling... +Suzuha: I've never had so much fun in my life. +Rintaro: Part-Time Warrior. As promised, you are now my test subject. +Suzuha: But I already told you. I don't know his email address. +Rintaro: Then we'll have to postpone the experiment until you find out. +Rintaro: By the way, the PhoneWave (name subject to change) used in the experiment is our lab's greatest secret. You must become a lab mem to guarantee your silence. +Suzuha: Lab mem? +Rintaro: Short for laboratory member. When you become a lab mem, you become one of us. +Suzuha: ...Can I really join? +Rintaro: You don't have a choice in the matter! From this day forth, you are Lab Mem 008! +Suzuha: I guess I don't have a choice, huh? I'm all yours. +Rintaro: ...You're not going to leave? +Suzuha: Nope. Maybe there's still a chance to find my dad. +Rintaro: You are a lab mem now. If there's anything we can do, you need only ask. +Rintaro: By the way, do you have any leads? +Suzuha: My father calls himself Titor. +Rintaro: Wait, Titor? As in that⑰ Titor!? +Suzuha: You know about him? He might be using a different codename, though. +Rintaro: Look! There's someone posting named John Titor! +Rintaro: This solves the puzzle! Your father is on @channel! +Suzuha: Huh... you're right. +Rintaro: Hey. Shouldn't you be more surprised? +Suzuha: Well... it's not him. +Rintaro: How do you know? You just said your father calls himself Titor! +Suzuha: I can tell. This Titor isn't my dad. +Suzuha: His name's not John. The name my father used was... +Suzuha: Barrel Titor. +Mayuri: This is the Earth, you know? 70 million years ago. +Mayuri: Some scary people sent you here in a time machine. +Mayuri: Mayushii went looking for you, and found Okarins from many, maaaany worldlines. +Mayuri: You're one of many Okarins, and also the original. +Mayuri: Mayushii is one of many Mayushiis, and also the original. +Mayuri: And now, Okarin and Mayushii are going to die here. +Mayuri: But... +Mayuri: I know that another Okarin and Mayushii will pick up where we left off, 70 million years in the future. +Mayuri: So everything's A-OK♪ +Rintaro: This... is a dream! +Rintaro: Guh! +Rintaro: ...It was a dream. +Mayuri: I wish I had an Upa... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: This is Hououin Kyouma. +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Oh, it's you, Akiha Rumiho. +Faris: #000000 +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Yeah, right. Your True Name is Faris. My apologies. +Rintaro: Well, what is it? +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Hah? +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Heh. Is that so? If you think the Four Guardian Kings can stop me, just wait and see. Akiba will be drowning in blood before nightfall. +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Th-that many!? What's going on in this town... +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: No, it's not over yet. If I can just acquire the item⑰, I can turn the tide! +Rintaro: Have you still not located an IBN 5100!? +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Please hurry. I'm running out of time. +Faris: #000000 +Rintaro: Yeah, I can't die yet... El Psy Ko-- +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Mayushii here. +Mayuri: Ah, Feris-chan. Good mornyan♪ +Mayuri: Kyouma? Oh, you mean Okarin? Yup, he's here. Wanna talk to him? +Mayuri: Hmm? Um, it looks like he can't talk. +Mayuri: ...yup. ...mmhmm. +Mayuri: Ok, I'll tell him. Byebye♪ +Rintaro: Well done, Mayuri. You'll make a fine assistant yet. What did Faris want? +Mayuri: Well, she said that the Four Guardian Kings have assembled in Akiba, so be careful. +Rintaro: Don't tell me that's all she said? +Mayuri: Um, she also hasn't found an IBN 5100 yet. She said if she does find one, she'll contact you nyan. +Itaru: Guess that's why they call it the phantom PC. +Itaru: I read on @channel that some collectors will pay millions of yen to buy one. +Itaru: IBN 5100s are serious business, man. +Rintaro: If they have that high a premium... +Itaru: I don't get it. How come they're so expensive? +Itaru: I mean, I guess they were pretty expensive to begin with. Looks like one cost about $20,000 back in the day. +Itaru: Anyway, I can't believe it's so hard to find one. Sure it was a nice machine for its time, but only for its time. You'd have to be crazy to want one now. +Itaru: Maybe it's one guy buying them all up. +Itaru: Woah, what's this? +Rintaro: What's wrong? +Itaru: But... there's no way that's right! +Rintaro: What are you talking about? Explain. +Itaru: Well, I'm pulling data off the server, looking for a way to gain root access... +Itaru: And these files are downloading crazy fast. I mean, we're talking light speed here. +Itaru: It's hard to believe, but for some reason, this area has a direct fiber optic line to SERN. Several lines, even. +Rintaro: Direct? What do you mean? +Itaru: I mean there's literally a fiber optic cable running from underneath this building to SERN's headquarters in France. +Rintaro: Is that strange? +Itaru: Uh, yeah? +Itaru: Have a look. This is the route we used to visit the National Assembly of France's site. +Itaru: It starts from our IP address. +Itaru: From there, it passes through various relays in Japan, jumps to France, then bounces around there for a while before finally reaching the National Assembly's site. +Itaru: It takes 16 steps total to get there. +Itaru: The average transfer rate is about 300 milliseconds. That's normal for an overseas connection. +Itaru: In other words, there's a route we have to take to get to France from Japan. Everyone takes the same route. +Itaru: Other countries are the same. Even browsing domestically takes about 10 steps. +Itaru: Now let's try SERN. +Rintaro: There's only one step... +Itaru: And the transfer rate is hundreds of times better than usual. Crazy fast! You can't even get these numbers domestically, man. +Rintaro: Why do we have a direct line? Is this even possible? +Itaru: It was like this when we found it. I didn't do anything. +Rintaro: So the building already had a hotline to SERN? +Rintaro: This can't be a coincidence. It might just be the choice of Stei-- +Itaru: It doesn't make sense. Why would there be an independent line running from here all the way to SERN? +Itaru: No Japanese or French telecommunication company would set up something like this. Which means... +Rintaro: SERN did it themselves. +Itaru: But thanks to this direct line, we can now control the LHC remotely. +Rintaro: You figured out how!? +Mayuri: Wow! That's amazing, Daru-kun. +Itaru: With a connection this fast, we can control the LHC practically in real-time. I haven't actually tried it yet, though. +Mayuri: The LHC is that 20-kilometer-long tunnel thing, right? Um, what does it do again? +Rintaro: It accelerates protons and smashes them together. +Mayuri: Oh yeah. Mini black holes, right? +Itaru: The official line is that mini black holes might⑰ manifest as a byproduct of the particle collision, but that's not the truth. +Rintaro: According to the top secret documents we found, the LHC was intended⑰ to create black holes from the very beginning. +Kurisu: Okabe. +Rintaro: What's wrong? +Kurisu: I figured it out. +Kurisu: I think I know how the PhoneWave works. +Rintaro: Really!? +Kurisu: Keep in mind that this is just a hypothesis based on what we've observed. +Kurisu: It's closely related to what you guys were just talking about -- the LHC. +Rintaro: I believe it was you, Christina, who called the LHC the world's largest microwave. +Kurisu: Yes. Exactly. My hunch was right. +Kurisu: You've created a monster, Okabe. +Kurisu: It doesn't belong in some amateur lab. And before you take that as an endorsement of your abilities, I mean it in a bad way. +Rintaro: Give me details. +Kurisu: Did you know that the microwave oven was invented as a byproduct of radar research? +Kurisu: Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz. The PhoneWave is commercial grade, so its output is around 1500-2000 watts. +Kurisu: Here's the important part. +Rintaro: According to Daru's blueprints, the microwave and the phone are made to send out shared electromagnetic waves by taking their leads... +Rintaro: And hardwiring each of them to the +Kurisu: Both devices use electromagnetic waves. I'm not a specialist, though, so I can't examine the extent or magnitude of the influence that fusion has... +Kurisu: But hypothetically, if the cellphone were to become a stepping stone, scattering the military-grade electromagnetic waves over a vast range of hundreds of kilometers-- +Kurisu: Then not just Akihabara, but all of Tokyo would turn into the inside of a microwave oven. +Kurisu: Taking into account slight variance due to body weight, the average time until death for the people inside would be-- +Kurisu: Three minutes. +Mayuri: Ehh!? +Itaru: Seriously? Then the PhoneWave's a weapon of mass destruction, isn't it!? +Kurisu: Let me tell you what happens inside the PhoneWave. +Kurisu: The air inside the oven is full of invisible hydrogen atoms. First, it bombards the atoms with microwaves to increase their energy potential. This is the normal function of a microwave oven. +Kurisu: But when you add the electromagnetic waves from the phone... +Kurisu: The harmonics trigger a chain reaction. The particles collide repeatedly at near light-speed, gaining mass and energy each time. +Kurisu: In other words, it becomes a sort of particle accelerator. +Rintaro: A particle accelerator!? +Rintaro: So, if the LHC was created to generate mini black holes-- +Rintaro: Then the PhoneWave (name subject to change) must also produce mini black holes! +Kurisu: It's a miracle that thing has been so stable. +Kurisu: But there's still one thing I don't understand. +Kurisu: Even if it does produce mini black holes, they should evaporate instantly. +Kurisu: But that's not what happens in the PhoneWave. The gelification phenomenon proves that. +Kurisu: Just like in the LHC, our mini black holes are turning into Kerr black holes. +Rintaro: According to Titor, you have to inject electrons to produce the Kerr black hole effect. +Kurisu: Where do the injected electrons come from? That's what I don't understand. +Kurisu: The LHC uses something called a lifter to inject electrons into the black hole and control the gravitational field. +Kurisu: Something is filling that role inside the PhoneWave. +Itaru: S-something? +Kurisu: Like I said, I don't know what. +Rintaro: Looks like we need to review what the LHC is. +Itaru: LHC stands for Large Hadron Collider. +Mayuri: Had drawn? +Kurisu: It's the name of an elementary particle. +Itaru: The LHC is basically a huge circular tunnel underneath Switzerland and France. +Itaru: It sits about 100 meters below ground, and has a total length of 27 kilometers. +Itaru: There are two rings that run through the tunnel. Inside the rings is a super-low-temperature vacuum -- an environment like outer space, basically. Seriously moe. +Itaru: In an adjacent facility, protons are gradually accelerated by the linear accelerator, the Proton Synchrotron Booster, and the Super Proton Synchrotron. +Itaru: Finally, they're injected into the LHC, where they undergo their final acceleration via a series of superconducting magnets installed in the tunnel. +Itaru: By now, they're traveling at up to 99.9999991% the speed of light. That's enough to melt your brain. Not as dangerous as the PhoneWave, though. +Itaru: Finally, the accelerated protons collide approximately 1 to 10 billion times per second. +Itaru: The purpose of the LHC project is to study the high energy reactions that result... or so they say. We know they're a bunch of stinking liars. +Rintaro: And that, my fellow lab members, brings us to the question. Can the PhoneWave (name subject to change) beat SERN to true physical time travel? +Kurisu: Two problems. One, setting the destination. Two, the lifter. +Rintaro: We've already established that the D-Mail arrives precisely when and where it's supposed to. +Kurisu: ...It's dangerous to accept that without verification. +Rintaro: As for the lifter, we already know it exists. We just need to figure out what it is. +Kurisu: I don't think we're going to find it. The PhoneWave's not exactly big, you know, and we've been poking at it for days without turning up a clue. +Kurisu: Even if we do find it, it'll take forever to learn how to tune the electron feed properly. +Itaru: How long is forever? +Kurisu: SERN's been working on it for nine years and they still haven't solved it. +Rintaro: Let's look at it from a different angle. +Rintaro: SERN tried to send people back in time, but they couldn't get the electron feed right. The singularities were not naked. +Rintaro: It's the same with the PhoneWave (name subject to change). You can only send 36 bytes of data safely. Otherwise, you get a Jellyman. +Rintaro: Let's consider the problem in reverse. +Rintaro: What if we could convert a human to data, then compress that data into just 36 bytes? +Rintaro: We could send that person through the ring singularity just like a D-Mail, couldn't we!? +Itaru: Convert a human to data? That's not even possible, man. +Itaru: And even if it were, there'd be like exabytes⑰ of data or something! You want to compress that into 36 bytes? Are you high? +Rintaro: Hmm... I thought it was a good idea... +Kurisu: Of course... If it works, then maybe... +Kurisu: Maybe we can do it! +Rintaro: Are you serious? +Kurisu: The data compression part, at least, is easy. +Kurisu: We can just use the black holes created by the LHC, since black holes compress everything they swallow. +Kurisu: Compression won't harm data like it would harm a human. As long as we're just sending data, there's nothing to worry about. +Rintaro: How do you plan to convert humans into data? +Kurisu: You know that my thesis got published, right? +Rintaro: This is no time to flaunt your accomplishments. +Kurisu: Have you read it? +Itaru: I've got scans if you want to read it. +Kurisu: The title of my thesis is... +Kurisu: 'Analysis of Memory-Related Nerve Impulses in the Temporal Lobe' +Rintaro: ...Temporal lobe? Nerve impulses? +Itaru: What, you didn't know? +Rintaro: No, wait. This can't be right. This title sounds like, um, +Kurisu: I'm a neuroscientist. Got a problem? +Rintaro: No, forget about that. How is this related to time travel? +Kurisu: Converting an entire human to data is impossible. +Kurisu: But converting a human's memories⑰ may be possible! +Kurisu: Imagine a chest of drawers. Each drawer is filled with tiny boxes, and inside each box is another bunch of tiny boxes. You keep opening boxes until you find the memory you're looking for. +Kurisu: Now, before you ask how this relates to time travel, there's one more thing I need to explain. +Kurisu: Several years ago, my lab -- the Neurophysiology Lab at Victor Condoria University -- developed a technology called Visual Rebuilding, or VR for short. +Kurisu: Put simply, it enables conversion of video data into nerve impulse signals. +Kurisu: Used in reverse, it can also convert nerve impulses into video data, or any other kind of electronic data. +Kurisu: So, if we combine VR technology with my research... do you see where I'm going? +Itaru: ...No way. +Rintaro: We can convert memories into data? +Kurisu: Not just that. Memory transplantation, backups, external storage... all of those things become possible. +Rintaro: So basically, what you're saying is that we convert the subject's memories into video data... +Rintaro: Use the LHC's black hole to compress that data into 36 bytes... +Rintaro: Send that data through the Kerr black hole inside the PhoneWave (name subject to change)... +Rintaro: And finally, imprint those memories on the subject's brain in the past. +Mayuri: What does that mean? +Kurisu: We can send our memories back in time. +Kurisu: In order to differentiate it from physical time travel, let's call it a 'time leap' for now. +Kurisu: You don't go back, just your memories. +Kurisu: It's so crazy that nobody's thought of it before. +Kurisu: The important thing to remember is that only memories are being transferred. +Kurisu: Personality and consciousness aren't included. +Rintaro: What does that mean? How is it different from what you see in sci-fi novels? +Kurisu: Time leaping in sci-fi usually sends everything -- consciousness, personality, and memory. +Kurisu: But in real life, there's probably too much data, and besides, we only analyzed memories. +Kurisu: Think of consciousness, personality, and memory as separate things. +Kurisu: Memories are like the video data stored on your computer. +Kurisu: And consciousness and personality are like the OS. +Itaru: But videos can take up way more space than the OS. +Kurisu: It's just an example. +Kurisu: For starters, it's still not clear where personality and consciousness are located, or how they are constructed. +Kurisu: So we can't convert them into data. Or at least, I can't. +Rintaro: So we can only send memories. Where does that leave us? +Kurisu: Your memories aren't the only thing that define you. Even if you send your memories to the past, it will be the receiving you's consciousness and personality that process them. +Itaru: So in +Kurisu: Data created with the latest OS might not work on an older OS. It might cause errors. +Kurisu: For example, if you sent your current memories to yourself in elementary school, the gap between your memories and your body could have serious consequences. +Rintaro: Anyway, is it correct to assume that we'll be targeting ourselves in the past? +Kurisu: Just like with D-Mail, we're using cellphones as the transfer medium. +Kurisu: To be precise, you can only leap into your own body, and only if you had a cellphone at the time of reception. +Kurisu: If you try sending memories to someone else... umm, how do I put this... there's a danger that the electrical signals might be rejected. +Itaru: Wouldn't want to jump into someone else's body. I mean, unless it's the body of a cute girl. Uhehe! +Kurisu: Don't 'uhehe' me, you idiot! +Kurisu: If it just bounces off, that's fine, but I'm worried incompatible memory data might do serious damage to the recipient's psyche. +Kurisu: I don't know what might happen. No one's done it before, after all. +Kurisu: There are two things I do know. One, you definitely cannot go back before you were born; and two, you won't exist in two places at once. +Kurisu: That means you don't have to worry about causing a paradox. You can't kill your parents before you were born. +Rintaro: So the phones act like black and white holes... +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh heh... MUHAHAHA! +Rintaro: It's me. Everything is falling into place. The plan can now proceed to the final stage. I'm talking about Operation +Rintaro: Heh. Christina had me fooled. I never knew she was capable of this. It must have been the choice of Steins Gate that sent her here. +Rintaro: Don't worry. I have everything under control. Nothing can stop us now. El Psy Kongroo. +Rintaro: Were you listening? Good. Commence preparations for Operation Verthandi! +Kurisu: First, explain what that is! +Rintaro: We're going to build your time leap machine, Christina. And you'd better not say it can't be done! Not after showing me the way! +Kurisu: Well, this is⑰ Akihabara. I should be able to find the parts I need. +Rintaro: Then it's decided. I'm placing you in charge of this operation. Whatever you need, ask, and it shall be yours. +Rintaro: Together, we shall complete the first time leap machine in human history! +Rintaro: What are you doing? +Kurisu: Thinking about the time leap machine. +Kurisu: I know we can make it, but I'm wondering what will happen if we actually use it. +Rintaro: Ah. +Rintaro: You're thinking too hard. Finish the machine, then worry about it. +Kurisu: You're so pompous. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe... +Kurisu: Can I talk to you about something completely unrelated? +Rintaro: I'd rather talk about something related. +Kurisu: You told me before that I could ask you anything. Remember? +Kurisu: I think... my father hates me. +Rintaro: Very well. Speak! +Kurisu: Heh... you really are pompous. +Rintaro: I assume it was your father on the phone the other day? +Kurisu: ...Yeah. +Kurisu: I don't remember the last time he had a kind word for me. +Kurisu: Even when we were living together, before I went to America, he acted like I wasn't there. We're supposed to be family, aren't we? +Rintaro: And you? How did you treat your father? +Kurisu: I was daddy's little girl growing up. You practically had to drag me away from him. +Kurisu: My father's a physicist. Even as a child, I loved to hear him talk about science. I couldn't understand a word of it, but I always begged him to explain. +Kurisu: I wanted to understand his work, so I started studying physics. I must have been five. +Kurisu: Thanks to that, I always got perfect grades in math. I ignored all the other subjects, though, so my grades were a little skewed. +Kurisu: I even read my father's papers. I was a little girl trying to comprehend theoretical physics, but I gave it everything I had. I needed⑰ to understand. +Kurisu: By sixth grade, I had learned enough that I could discuss my father's theories with him. +Kurisu: I was so happy that I could talk to my father on his level, you know? We used to argue all night long. +Kurisu: And then I started winning those arguments. All of them. +Rintaro: Yeah. I can definitely see how that would make him hate you. +Kurisu: You really think that's why? +Rintaro: I'm absolutely certain that's why. +Kurisu: I guess he did have a lot of pride. +Kurisu: Anyway, one day, he suddenly stopped talking to me altogether. +Kurisu: Then he started fighting with my mom, and finally he stopped coming home. +Kurisu: I really loved my dad, so it was a big shock. I felt it was my fault things turned out that way. I couldn't go to school, I was so depressed. +Kurisu: And then Mom recommended I study abroad. +Rintaro: You were just too talented for your own good. +Rintaro: So, how do you feel about your father now? +Kurisu: I don't know... +Rintaro: He's in Japan, right? Have you seen him at all? +Kurisu: No... he doesn't want to see me. +Kurisu: That's what we were talking about on the phone. I asked if we could meet, but he told me to stay away from him. +Kurisu: Even if we did meet, I wouldn't know what to say... +Kurisu: I tried to talk to him before I left, you know? I tried so hard, but he just ignored me. +Kurisu: It hurts. Whenever I think about going to see him, I remember those times. I worry he'll ignore me again, and then I can't do anything. +Kurisu: Sniff... +Rintaro: Are you crying? +Kurisu: J-just a little, okay? +Rintaro: You want to reconcile with your father. Correct? +Kurisu: I don't know... +Rintaro: If you didn't, then you wouldn't have confided in me. And you wouldn't be crying, would you? +Kurisu: True... +Rintaro: Just be straight with him. Say 'I love you, Dad. Let's make up.' +Kurisu: I think that's a little out of character for me. +Rintaro: It's your father. Stop acting like a weak little girl. +Kurisu: I'm not acting like a little girl! +Rintaro: Yes, you are. You'll never reconcile with him like that. +Rintaro: You need to speak from the heart, give it to him straight. +Rintaro: It's the only way to get your message across. You can't sugarcoat it. +Rintaro: If that doesn't work, nothing will. Then you'll just have to hope that time heals the rift between you. +Kurisu: And how long will that take? +Rintaro: How should I know? I'm only a year older than you, remember? +Rintaro: How long has it been since you went to America? +Kurisu: Umm... seven years. +Rintaro: If nothing has changed in seven years, then maybe it will take twice that much time. +Kurisu: I... guess you're right. +Rintaro: Well? When are you going to see him? +Kurisu: ...Huh? +Rintaro: I assume it'll be during summer break. Make sure you let me know ahead of time. +Kurisu: Wha-wha-wha-what are you talking about!? +Rintaro: I might have plans. I'll need to shift my schedule around. +Kurisu: Hold on a second! Don't tell me you plan on coming along!? +Rintaro: Of course I do. You are my assistant, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that you are in peak mental condition for the experiment. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Ok, you've had your fun. I'm in no mood for-- +Rintaro: I'm being completely serious. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: I'll go anywhere you want -- anywhere in Japan. I'd go anywhere in the world, but I don't have a passport or money. +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: You're afraid you won't know what to say, right? +Kurisu: Yeah... +Rintaro: Then that settles it. I am a master of conversation. You will have nothing to fear with Hououin Kyouma at your side! +Kurisu: ...pfft! +Rintaro: Why are you laughing!? +Kurisu: You couldn't hold a normal conversation if your life depended on it. +Rintaro: Ah... +Kurisu: But... thanks anyway. I definitely didn't expect you to offer to come... +Kurisu: N-not that I'm happy about it or anything! +Kurisu: I hate how you act like a nice guy sometimes! It's confusing! +Kurisu: Um, Okabe? That offer... I can take you up on it, right? +Rintaro: Of course. +Kurisu: Then, once we're done upgrading the PhoneWave... +Kurisu: I want you to come with me. +Rintaro: As you wish. Where is your father, anyway? +Kurisu: Aomori. +Rintaro: Aomori!? +Kurisu: That's where he lives now. +Kurisu: What? You're not going to back out, are you? You already promised. I'm taking you whether you like it or not, okay!? +Rintaro: ...A-Aomori it is! +Rintaro: Mayuri? You're not going home? +Mayuri: Um, I was thinking about what Okarin and Chris-chan were talking about earlier. +Mayuri: I was trying to figure out what the things you said meant, but it was all so complicated. I didn't get any of it. Ehehe... +Mayuri: The only thing I get is that something amazing is gonna happen! +Rintaro: Indeed. The world is about to change, and we shall be the ones to lead humanity into the future. +Mayuri: You're shining, Okarin. +Rintaro: Shining? What does that mean? +Mayuri: You're shining. Chris-chan too. Like two bright stars in the sky. +Rintaro: That must be my aura of madness you're sensing. Muhahaha! +Mayuri: You know, it's been ten days since Chris-chan joined us. Can I tell you how I've been feeling? +Mayuri: Since Chris-chan became a lab mem, it feels like things have really started to happen, like we're a real lab now, you know? +Rintaro: Heh. I must admit, her knowledge has been a great asset. +Rintaro: Of course, the girl genius would never have joined us if not for the cunning of Hououin Kyouma! +Mayuri: That's why you're shining so bright now, Okarin. +Mayuri: Chris-chan is really a big help to you, I know... +Mayuri: But I can't do anything to help... +Mayuri: I wish I were smart too... then maybe I could help. +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Rintaro: Mayuri. Aren't you going to look at the stars? +Mayuri: Back when the lab just started -- before Daru-kun joined -- it was like this a lot, wasn't it? All quiet, just the two of us. +Rintaro: Yeah, it was. +Mayuri: Can Mayushii stay here? Is it really okay? +Rintaro: Don't be ridiculous. +Rintaro: All you need to do is stay. +Mayuri: Just... stay? +Rintaro: Without you, the lab would be a much less friendly place. +Rintaro: You see how Kurisu and I argue. We can be pretty stubborn, and sometimes we don't know when to stop. +Rintaro: But when it starts to get out of hand, Mayuri, you're always there with some ditzy, irrelevant comment to break the tension. +Mayuri: Um... are you praising me? +Rintaro: Of course I am. +Rintaro: Don't worry about a thing. Just know that you, too, are part of my plan. Muhahaha! +Mayuri: Okay. Thanks, Okarin♪ +Mayuri: I'm starving! I'll warm up some canned oden. You want some too? +Rintaro: Yeah. Heat it up. +Mayuri: Coming right up! +Rintaro: I'm begging you, stick with me. If you get lost in this labyrinth of technology, you'll never escape. Not with your sense of direction. +Mayuri: Okey-dokey! I'll be careful. +Mayuri: Um, by the way. How is time leaping different from time travel? +Rintaro: Time travel means your whole body travels through time. The time leap will only send your memories to the past. It's simple. +Mayuri: Oh... +Mayuri: Does that mean you can do things with time leaps that you can't do with D-Mails? +Rintaro: D-Mails can only send instructions to the past. The past may change, or it may not. The results are unpredictable, and depend on the recipient. +Rintaro: And when the past does change, the worldline is reconfigured. Everyone loses their old memories. +Rintaro: With a time leap, on the other hand, you can give your past self not just instructions, but all of the memories you have right now... or at least, that's the idea. +Mayuri: Ummm, so I could send the costume I'm making back to last week? I would love to have another week to prepare for ComiMa. +Rintaro: That might be possible with time travel, but not with time leaping. +Rintaro: Say you had a test last week. Now that you know the answers, you could send that knowledge to yourself and ace the test. But you couldn't go back and hand yourself a cheat sheet. +Mayuri: So Mayushii's mind goes into Mayushii one week ago? +Rintaro: Exactly. +Mayuri: You can't bring stuff, but you can bring your memories... I get it. +Mayuri: But, then what about Mayushii one week ago? Where do her memories go? +Rintaro: I assume they get overwritten. +Mayuri: She disappears? +Rintaro: Your memories right now include your memories from back then. So even if she does disappear, you don't really lose anything. +Rintaro: I guess you could say you're just adding your memories from one week in the future. +Mayuri: Then, if Mayushii's memories leap into the Mayushii one week ago, what happens to Mayushii now? +Mayuri: Mayushii's memories jump to the past, but my body's still here, right? What happens to me when my memories go bye-bye? +Rintaro: You become an empty shell... no... that can't be right. That wouldn't make sense. +Rintaro: My assistant's device merely records your memory data... in other words, it's just a backup. Your original memories are still inside you. +Rintaro: Your body shouldn't become an empty shell, and your consciousness shouldn't leap, either. +Rintaro: Actually, won't you become a new Mayuri, one who received memories from the future one week ago? +Mayuri: Then, does the Mayushii who had the normal memories before the time leap get erased by the Mayushii who repeated the week with extra memories? +Rintaro: That's right. She's erased. In other words, you relive the week. You can do things the same, or you could do something completely different. +Rintaro: And you'll keep your old memories of the week that disappeared. +Mayuri: Then, does that mean... +Mayuri: So I redo the week, okay... but what if I decide to go to Ikebukuro with my friends instead of coming to the lab today? +Mayuri: What happens to the Mayushii talking with Okarin now? +Rintaro: The present would change to match the past, and this conversation would never happen. +Mayuri: Oh... and you wouldn't notice the difference, Okarin? +Rintaro: Right. No one would notice. +Mayuri: That would be kinda sad... +Rintaro: For who? Me? +Mayuri: No. For Mayushii. +Mayuri: Maybe that's why Chris-chan doesn't want to change the past. +Mayuri: Oh! I just thought of something. Can you time leap into the future? +Rintaro: Maybe, but there wouldn't be a point. +Rintaro: The whole point of our time leap machine is to affect past events. We don't need to worry about the future. +Rintaro: Besides, you're less likely to reach the future than you are the past. +Rintaro: And that's because the future is inherently unpredictable. +Rintaro: For example, do you think you'll have the same phone number for all eternity? +Mayuri: How should I know? Ehehe. +Rintaro: Exactly my point. +Rintaro: And remember, pagers became obsolete with the advent of cellphones. Similarly, our phones may be replaced by some other device in the future. +Mayuri: Oh... I guess I can't go back to grade school, can I? I didn't have a phone back then. +Rintaro: You want to go back to your elementary school days? +Rintaro: Heh heh heh, I know exactly how you feel. If you repeat elementary school with the knowledge you have now, you'll get top grades and have an easy time bending children to your will. +Mayuri: Yeah, and I thought maybe I could see Grandma again. +Rintaro: ...I see. I'm afraid that's not possible. +Mayuri: Yeah... It's too bad, but I guess I don't really need⑰ to see her. +Mayuri: I still remember her words, her smile, and her wrinkly hand patting my head. +Mayuri: So even if I don't see her again, I'm okay. +Mayuri: What I really want is to see little Okarin again! Ehehe! +Rintaro: Heh. Back then, I was already a scientist without equal, a titan towering above the other children. +Rintaro: You can hardly be blamed for desiring to meet the child prodigy who would one day be feared as the great mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma. +Mayuri: I don't want to meet Hououin Whatshisface. I want to meet Okarin! +Rintaro: Anyway, there's no point. You haven't matured at all since that time, so nothing would change if you went back to elementary school anyway. +Mayuri: Hey! That's not true. Mayushii's all grown up now. +Rintaro: The only thing that's grown is how much you eat. +Mayuri: That's not true! Mayushii's a real woman now. +Mayuri: Besides, I think Okarin's the one who hasn't changed since then. +Rintaro: Isn't that what I said? I was already a genius mad scientist when you met me! MUHAHAHA! +Rintaro: By the way, Mayuri. Have you not been working recently? +Mayuri: Working? You mean at Lemoine? +Mayuri: Um, ComiMa's coming up, so I'm taking a few days off. +Mayuri: I've got costumes to make! +Rintaro: How many costumes are you making this year? +Mayuri: Three. One for Kaede-chan, one for Fubuki-chan, and then there's one for Luka-chan. +Mayuri: Ah... it's Moeka-san. +Rintaro: What? +Rintaro: Hey, Finger! Why the long face, eh? +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Moeka-san. What are you doing here? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Hey, are you listening? If you have a problem, the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, will gladly assist! +Rintaro: But be warned. By the time I'm through, Akiba will be an ocean of blood... heh heh heh. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: What is it? What's wrong? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: What do you mean, what happened? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: We don't fully understand it yet. We're in the middle of upgrading it. +Mayuri: It's amazing! This time, we might even be able to time leap. +Rintaro: Don't write anything about it. Otherwise we'll have to expel you from the lab. +Rintaro: Our hacking of SERN has uncovered a new possibility for the PhoneWave (name subject to change). +Rintaro: It's a form of time travel made possible by borrowing SERN's equipment. +Rintaro: This discovery will begin a new age of human civilization. No longer will men be slaves to time. Any future you desire can be yours! +Rintaro: And history will record that we, the Future Gadget Laboratory, changed the world forever! +Mayuri: Um, Okarin, that was really confusing. You lost Mayushii. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: U-unhand me! +Rintaro: The time leap is a way to send your memories to the past! +Rintaro: We found a way to make that possible. Soon we will complete the machine and become the undisputed lords of time! +Mayuri: Um, Okarin came up with the idea and Chris-chan told us how to do it. Daru-kun's helping, and Mayushii and Okarin are shopping♪ +Moeka: ... +Mayuri: Are you okay, Moeka-san? Do you feel sick? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I can't be sure. There are still several problems remaining. If they don't give us too much trouble, I guess we'll have it done in a week. +Rintaro: On the other hand, we can't do anything until they're solved. +Rintaro: Everything is the choice of Steins Gate. I have faith there exists a path to success. +Rintaro: And once the door is opened, the chaos for which I have so longed shall at last descend upon the Earth. Trumpets will sound from the highest heaven, and the final battle, Ragnarok, will begin! +Mayuri: Who are you fighting, Okarin? +Rintaro: The Organization, of course. Their rule must end once and for all. +Mayuri: Wow! Don't do anything dangerous, okay? +Moeka: Hehe... +Moeka: Hehehe... +Mayuri: What do you think is wrong with Moeka-san? +Rintaro: Muha, muhahaha, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! +Mayuri: Whaaah? Now Okarin's acting weird! +Mayuri: Mayushii's worried... +Kurisu: Ah... +Kurisu: H-hey! Think you could knock!? +Rintaro: This isn't your room. Besides, I'd have to be a fool to knock. There could be assassins lying in ambush. +Kurisu: Assassins? Here? Are you stupid? +Rintaro: Anyway, Christina. What were you looking at just now, hmm? +Kurisu: I was... doing research! +Kurisu: S-stay back! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: G-got a problem? +Rintaro: ...pfft! +Kurisu: Hey! What's with that 'this is awful, rofl rofl' laughter!? +Rintaro: Have no fear, Christina. Or should I call you... @channeler Chris! +Kurisu: Don't call me that! +Rintaro: Heh heh heh, I already knew. That's right! I realized long ago that you were an @channeler! +Rintaro: You can't hide it from me. You reek of @channel corruption! +Kurisu: How rude! I make sure to apply light perfume every day! +Rintaro: Fool. That's not what I meant. I'm talking about the scent of your soul. +Kurisu: My soul? What's that supposed to mean? Explain. +Rintaro: Why? So you can learn how to hide it? +Kurisu: Sh-shut up! Just explain already. +Rintaro: There's nothing to explain. You use @channel memes in conversation. I'd have to be stupid not to notice. +Kurisu: ...Feels bad, man. +Rintaro: That's an @channel meme too. +Kurisu: Ugh... +Rintaro: Your soul is tainted with the essence of @channel. You cannot hide it, not in such close proximity to another who uses @channel memes in actual conversation. Your souls resonate. +Kurisu: That's it! It's all Hashida's fault! +Rintaro: But it's cute how you try to hide it, @channeler Chris. +Kurisu: DON'T CALL ME THAT. +Rintaro: But I don't understand. You were raised in America, so how are you so familiar with @channel? +Kurisu: You can browse @channel from America. Need I say more? +Rintaro: Ahh, I get it. Living in an English-only environment made you hungry for Japanese. But did you have to resort to @channel? +Kurisu: Sure, it's not the friendliest place, but I couldn't find anywhere that felt more 'Japanese'. +Kurisu: Anyway, can I ask a favor? +Rintaro: What is it? +Rintaro: If you have something to say, say it. +Kurisu: Don't tell anyone else about this. +Rintaro: What difference does it make? Daru's the most hardcore @channeler who ever lived, and Mayuri's an otaku too. Even I browse @channel regularly. +Rintaro: There's nothing to be ashamed of! Just boldly write 'Hobbies: Browsing @channel' on your resume! +Kurisu: Not a chance, you idiot! +Rintaro: What!? You mean you'd rather post +Kurisu: Gh, I hate myself for understanding those words! +Rintaro: Well, whatever. If it will help you focus on the time leap machine, I'll keep your secret for now. Besides, it's just a matter of time before you make another mistake and reveal your true colors. +Kurisu: You don't have to worry about me. Remember that I represented my entire laboratory when we presented our research, even though there were men twice my age on the project. +Kurisu: I'm an expert at dealing with people. I'll have no trouble keeping it a secret. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Gah! +Kurisu: No...! +Mayuri: *yawn*... +Rintaro: Mayuri, go home before it gets too late. Your parents will worry. +Mayuri: It's okay. I'm gonna stay the night. +Rintaro: ...R-really? +Mayuri: Yup. I already told Mom and Dad. +Rintaro: Are you staying to work on your costume? +Mayuri: It won't be done in time for ComiMa if I don't. Ehehe! +Rintaro: I'm surprised your parents let you stay. +Rintaro: It must be my overwhelming charisma... No, wait, that makes me sound like a good person, so that can't be it... +Rintaro: Of course! Mayuri's parents are so afraid of my insanity that they sent me their only daughter as a hostage! +Kurisu: Reported. +Kurisu: What would you do if I called the cops on you? +Rintaro: I unleash my right arm on traitors, Christina. +Kurisu: Yeah, yeah, chuunibyou, whatever. +Mayuri: Um, I told Mom and Dad that Chris-chan would be here. Then they said okay. +Kurisu: Wait, so I have to stay too? +Mayuri: Yup♪ Don't you have to work on the PhoneWave? +Kurisu: I guess... but I don't relish the thought of spending the night here. At least, not with a certain somebody around. +Rintaro: Environment matters, Christina. This is a place of science and research, so you should have no trouble concentrating on your work. Trust the great Hououin Kyouma. +Rintaro: Also, it may surprise you to learn that I have equipped this lab with a system that stimulates brain function. +Rintaro: So if you were wondering where my incredible genius comes from, now you know! It's because I sleep in this room every night! +Kurisu: This stimulation system of yours... I assume it's been dumping toxic waste in your brain? +Rintaro: You sound like an environmentalist, Zombie. +Mayuri: Ah, Mayushii knows! You're talking about that, right? +Kurisu: This... air freshener? +Mayuri: Okarin said the smell makes you smarter. He bought it at Akiba-o. When was that? +Rintaro: ...About six months ago. It was on sale for 500 yen. +Kurisu: I'm starting to think even you don't believe the stuff you say. +Kurisu: And besides, this air freshener is empty. +Kurisu: Well, whatever. I was planning to stay either way. I'll join you, Mayuri-san. +Mayuri: Really? That's great! +Kurisu: On one condition. Okabe leaves. +Rintaro: Me, leave? I practically live here! This lab was promised to me by Steins Gate. It's the dwelling place of my soul! +Kurisu: We girls are staying here overnight, so you filthy boys need to show respect. Your home isn't even far from here, right? +Mayuri: Okarin lives close to Mayushii, in Ikebukuro. +Kurisu: Why, that's less than 30 minutes by train. Anyway, I'm not going to need your help tonight, so just go home like a good boy, okay? +Rintaro: But I refuse. +Kurisu: What? Are you planning to molest us!? +Rintaro: Shut up, Mongolian Spot! +Kurisu: I don't have a Mongolian Spot! And when did you see my butt, anyway!? +Rintaro: I can't leave two young girls here alone! Minors need guardians! +Mayuri: But Okarin's a minor too! +Rintaro: I'll be 20 in less than a year and a half. In other words, Steins Gate has decided that I am an adult. +Kurisu: I'm pretty sure that makes you a minor just like us. +Mayuri: Um, Chris-chan? I don't think Okarin would do anything bad. +Mayuri: I mean, we've been together for more than ten years, and he hasn't molested me once. +Kurisu: But he took you hostage, didn't he? +Mayuri: Yup♪ Actually, I'm still his hostage. +Kurisu: We should kick him out of the room. +Rintaro: Haa... +Rintaro: You disappoint me, Christina. +Rintaro: This lab is a place of science. We are above such petty concerns as sex. If you must speak of these vulgarities, then I'll have to ask you and your Mongolian Spot to leave! +Rintaro: Ah. So Christina really does have a birthmark on her bu-- +Kurisu: NO! +Rintaro: Is everyone okay!? +Kurisu: Kyaaa! What are you doing!? +Mayuri: Hyah! No peeking, Okarin! +Rintaro: Phew. You're still alive. +Rintaro: Don't scare me like that. What are you guys doing packed into that tiny shower anyway? +Kurisu: Get out, you perv! +Rintaro: Whoa! +Mayuri: Mayushii's sad... I feel kinda dirty.... +Kurisu: You're gonna regret this! I'll never forgive you! +Rintaro: It's me. We have a problem. I'm under attack from the Mongolian Spot and Ditzy sisters. They're going directly after my sanity, a bold move against the insane mad scientist Hououin Kyouma. +Rintaro: This is the strongest offensive I've encountered so far. I realize now that vulnerability itself can be a powerful weapon. They're pulling out all the stops, and I don't think my pants can take it. +Rintaro: Give in to the temptation? Nonsense. I could never do that. They're fellow lab members, my loyal assistant and my childhood friend. +Rintaro: ...Must I? Is it truly the will of Steins Gate that I give in? That I raise my hand against my closest companions? If so... then how cruel the fates be! +Rintaro: El... Psy... Kongroo! +Kurisu: For the final adjustments, we need to use the PhoneWave. +Itaru: It's up to you, Okarin. +Kurisu: Take care of it. +Rintaro: In other words, you're sending me to die. +Kurisu: Your sacrifice will allow us to complete the time leap machine. +Itaru: Besides, you're always the one who talks to the boss for us. +Rintaro: Well maybe it's time for you to put your lives on the line. +Kurisu: I can't. That girl who works there hates me. +Rintaro: ...Fine. But hear this. I will not die! Like the immortal phoenix, I will return, no matter how many times it takes! +Mayuri: Don't die. Okay? +Suzuha: 'Sup, Okabe Rintaro. +Rintaro: I see you're as busy as ever. +Tennouji: Okabe! Buy a CRT. +Rintaro: No thanks. I'm not some kind of retro TV otaku. I'd rather buy an LCD. +Tennouji: You've been having a lotta girls over lately, haven't ya? +Rintaro: Just the usual members. +Suzuha: I was over the other day. +Tennouji: Invite me next time, huh? I wanna talk to some young girls for a change. +Nae: Daddy, that's dirty. +Tennouji: N-no it isn't! It's, uh... marketing! Yeah, I'm looking for new customers! +Suzuha: What do you mean, for a change? You talk to me every day. +Rintaro: You're not young. +Suzuha: Did you say something, Okabe Rintaro? +Rintaro: Only the truth. +Tennouji: Nae, your father is happy as long as he has you. Okay? +Nae: Yup. I know. But don't say dirty things anymore, 'kay? +Tennouji: It's a promise! +Suzuha: Hey, did Shiina Mayuri stay over yesterday? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Suzuha: So... Makise Kurisu stayed too? +Rintaro: Yeah. They're both upstairs. +Suzuha: Oh... +Rintaro: And how are you doing? +Suzuha: Huh? +Rintaro: Are you feeling better? +Suzuha: Oh. Yeah, I guess. The search continues. +Tennouji: Huh? What's this about, part-timer? +Suzuha: I'm searching for my dad. I told you before, remember? +Tennouji: Oh, right. Go find her old man, Okabe. +Rintaro: Hmph, naturally. Suzuha's a fellow lab member. Leave it to us. +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro... we're the same age, but sometimes you seem a lot older. You really know how to give people strength. +Rintaro: Heh, of course. I am the great Hououin Kyouma! +Nae: ... +Tennouji: Okabe. Next time you scare Nae, I'll kill ya. +Rintaro: S-sorry... +Suzuha: Come here a sec. +Suzuha: I just want to say... +Suzuha: Be circumspect in your dealings with Makise Kurisu. +Rintaro: What? +Rintaro: This again? Aren't you just being paranoid? +Suzuha: No. Her perniciousness has been proven. +Suzuha: Her genius is a threat. At heart, she only cares about her experiments. +Suzuha: Listen to me. She's using you all. +Suzuha: Makise Kurisu is connected to SERN. +Rintaro: What!? +Rintaro: You're saying she's a spy? +Suzuha: The credit for inventing the time machine was hers. +Suzuha: Don't let your guard down. +Nae: Kyah... +Rintaro: Damn, it's too soon! +Tennouji: OKABE! +Tennouji: How many times do I have tell you not to shake the building!? Cute girls or no, I ain't letting you off. Your rent's going up! +Rintaro: Wait, Mister Braun! This isn't our doing! It's an earthquake! My magic eye, Reading Steiner, predicted this would happen! +Tennouji: An earthquake!? You think I'll fall for that!? +Tennouji: Braun tube-chan, no!! +Tennouji: Okabe, you bastard! +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: ... +Nae: Hauww... +Suzuha: Is it over? +Tennouji: Looks like it. +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh heh. +Nae: ...! +Suzuha: ...What's wrong? +Rintaro: Muhaha. Muhahahaha! MUHAHAHAHAHA! +Rintaro: I've done it! I'VE DONE IT! This is the lifter! +Rintaro: It's so obvious! Why didn't I see it before!? +Rintaro: Of course... this must be the work of Steins Gate! It chose this moment for a reason! +Tennouji: What are the hell are you laughing about, Okabe? You're scaring my daughter! I'm raising your rent, you hear!? And you're paying for that CRT! +Rintaro: A little silence please, Mister Braun! This is a most glorious moment, for I have just been chosen as the ruler of all space and time! MUHAHAHAHAHA! +Rintaro: Guh! +Rintaro: You... dare lay hands on the great... +Tennouji: Got somethin' to say? +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh... well then, Mister Braun... put it on my tab! +Rintaro: All's well that ends well! Muhahaha! +Mayuri: Okarin! The building just shook. Are you okay? +Kurisu: Looks like you really are unkillable. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh. I have seen the future, Christina. In three minutes, you will be on your knees praising my greatness! +Kurisu: I don't think so. +Kurisu: How could you miss something so obvious? +Rintaro: Why are you blaming me? +Kurisu: ...I'm not blaming you. I'm just disappointed that nobody, including myself, noticed. +Itaru: We missed the forest for the trees. +Rintaro: To summarize... +Rintaro: Just now, when the PhoneWave (name subject to change) shook the building, the 42-inch CRT was on. +Rintaro: But when Mister Braun turned the TV off, the shaking stopped immediately. +Kurisu: The discharge was interrupted. +Kurisu: I put a banana in just to be sure. Nothing happened. +Mayuri: I'm glad. We shouldn't waste food. +Kurisu: We've found the answer. +Kurisu: The electrons emitted by the 42-inch CRT are holding the PhoneWave's black hole open. +Kurisu: And the discharge phenomenon is the result. +Itaru: So the reason we can't use the PhoneWave at night is because the Braun Tube Workshop's closed? +Rintaro: But how can a cathode ray tube emit such a strong electron stream? +Kurisu: It's not about having a strong electron stream. If stronger were better, SERN would've solved the lifter problem long ago. +Kurisu: Somehow, the conditions here were perfect to create a time machine. Frankly, it's a miracle. +Rintaro: No, Christina! Not a miracle! +Rintaro: This is the choice of Steins Gate! +Kurisu: Whatever it is, it worked. +Mayuri: Umm... +Mayuri: So, um, what do we have to do to complete Super PhoneWave-chan? +Kurisu: Now that we've found the cause, there's nothing left to hold us back. +Kurisu: We can safely conclude that time leaping is possible when, and only when, that television is on. +Itaru: We should probably test it, right? And there's still the final check of the PhoneWave to do. +Kurisu: You're right. Okabe. +Rintaro: What? +Kurisu: Go downstairs and turn that TV back on. +Rintaro: Ha. Ha. Ha. That's hilarious, Christina. Allow me to dub that... +Rintaro: Mission: Impossible! +Kurisu: Whatever. Just go already. +Kurisu: If anyone can do it, it's you. You made an amazing discovery just now, didn't you? +Rintaro: Assistant mine... have you finally recognized my greatness as a mad scientist? +Kurisu: No. +Rintaro: Ah. +Itaru: Damn. That was harsh. +Kurisu: Oh, whoops. I was supposed to flatter him so he'd feel like going, right? +Kurisu: Yes, you're an amazing mad scientist. +Rintaro: It's too late! +Kurisu: Anyway, now that we've found the lifter, the time leap machine is 99% complete. +Kurisu: It's your dream, isn't it? To invent a time machine. +Rintaro: I will become the undisputed lord of time. With that power, I will shatter the System and Chaos will rule the-- +Kurisu: Okabe. +Kurisu: I wasn't asking Hououin Kyouma. I was asking Okabe. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: I'll do it. Leave it to me. +Suzuha: 'Sup. +Nae: ... +Suzuha: That shaking upstairs put the boss in a bad mood. Nae and I are waiting it out. +Nae: Um... are you okay? Dad hit you pretty hard... +Rintaro: I'll have you know that my brain is more valuable than the Mona Lisa! Your father may have set humanity back a hundred years by wiping out my brain cells. +Suzuha: Such a regrettable loss. +Nae: I'm sorry... Daddy did something bad... +Rintaro: Chipmunk... what a gentle heart you have! +Rintaro: I suppose I share some of the blame. Your father and I are even. +Rintaro: Now then, Part-Time Warrior. I have a request of you. +Rintaro: I need you to distract Mister Braun for about five seconds. +Suzuha: You mean seduce him? +Suzuha: Go on, touch it. +Rintaro: Nobody said anything about seduction. It doesn't matter how you do it. +Suzuha: I'm not much of a warrior if I can't handle that. Besides, you said you'd help me search for my father, right? I'm only returning the favor. +Rintaro: I see. Then I leave it in your capable hands. +Suzuha: Okey-dokey! +Nae: Suzuha? Don't be mean to Daddy, okay? +Suzuha: Ahaha! Don't worry. I won't be mean. +Rintaro: Indeed. +Suzuha: Wait here, Nae. +Tennouji: If you came to apologize, I'll listen. But your rent's going up, understand? +Rintaro: I'm sorry about what happened. I overreacted. +Rintaro: As a token of apology, my lab's representative, Amane Suzuha, would like to present you with a gift. +Suzuha: Boss... get ready! +Suzuha: Yaah! +Tennouji: Mwoah!? +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro, now's your chance! +Suzuha: Hurry! +Rintaro: W-well done, Warrior! Your heroism will be remembered! +Tennouji: Mmm, mmmmmhmh! Mhmhmhmhmhhmh! MhmhhmhmhmmhmhmhhhhmmhmhmHmhm! +Suzuha: It's shaking again, Okabe Rintaro. What's going on? +Rintaro: You're a lifesaver, Part-Time Warrior! If you can, keep him restrained for ten more seconds! +Nae: ... +Suzuha: Come on, boss! Give me back my jacket! +Tennouji: Shaddap. I'm confiscating this. +Suzuha: You pervert! +Tennouji: You're the pervert, throwing your shirt in my face like some kinda dancer. That was pretty kinky. Gotta remember to thank Okabe, after I kill him. +Suzuha: K-kinky? Don't say things like that... it's gross... +Tennouji: Anyway, you can work like that for the rest of the day. Go stand out front and use that flat tummy of yours to attract customers. +Suzuha: I'll tell Nae on you! +Tennouji: Hah! Who's she gonna believe? You, or her old man? +Suzuha: Damn... +Mayuri: Okarin? Can you come here? +Mayuri: Can you hold this for me? Spread it out like 'fwapp!' +Itaru: Mayu-shi, say 'fwapp' again. +Mayuri: Fwapp! +Itaru: I got a fwapp! +Kurisu: Stop it already, perv. +Mayuri: Hmm... +Mayuri: Okay. Thanks! +Mayuri: Finished♪ +Rintaro: It's done? +Mayuri: Yup. I finished before Chris-chan. We were racing. +Kurisu: You win, Mayuri. Congratulations. +Kurisu: Actually, I'm just about finished too. +Kurisu: Done. +Mayuri: It's a tie... +Itaru: Man, I'm tired... I want Faris-tan to comfort me... +Kurisu: We may have created a monster here... +Rintaro: Why don't we decide what to call it first? +Rintaro: I vote Heavenly Express! +Itaru: PhoneWave 3rd Edition ver1.00. +Mayuri: Silly Hat PhoneWave-chan. +Kurisu: You guys have too much free time. +Rintaro: Does that mean you're abstaining from the vote? +Kurisu: ...Time Leap Machine. +Itaru: That's terrible. +Kurisu: C-come on! Simple is best, right? I mean, that's what Okabe's been calling it for the past two days. +Rintaro: Looks like my assistant has zero naming sense. +Kurisu: I don't want to hear that from a chuunibyou headcase like you. +Itaru: Oh-ho! So Makise-shi knows the word chuunibyou... I sense your otaku level is quite high. +Kurisu: I... heard it from a friend. I have no idea where it comes from! +Rintaro: It's up to you, Mayuri. Choose one. +Mayuri: Hmmm... +Mayuri: I think Time Leap Machine is fine. +Mayuri: Silly Hat PhoneWave-chan is super close though... +Itaru: Somehow I knew she'd say that. +Kurisu: Like I said, simple is best. Mayuri gets it. +Mayuri: Ehehe! +Rintaro: Very well. Time Leap Machine it is. +Rintaro: Assistant! Explain for us all how the Time Leap Machine works. +Kurisu: In short, this device converts memories to data and sends them to the past. +Kurisu: Let's begin with what we all know. By freak coincidence, the PhoneWave is able to produce ring singularities, much like John Titor's time machine. +Kurisu: The ring singularity is made naked and stable by a device known as a lifter. In our case, that's the 42-inch CRT downstairs. +Kurisu: Through the ring singularity, we are able to send up to 36 bytes of data to the past. +Kurisu: The signal can only be received by phones. While that does limit the range of effect, it also removes an element of uncertainty from the equation. +Kurisu: Unlike D-Mails, memory data is sent in the form of a phone call, so we will be using a phone number, not an email address, to set the destination. +Kurisu: The PhoneWave now has headgear attached. +Kurisu: This headgear records the nerve impulses in the temporal lobe of the brain -- specifically, the +Kurisu: Then, using VR technology, we encode the nerve impulses into electrical signal data. +Itaru: It comes out to approximately 3.24 terabytes. +Kurisu: By the way, we'll set it up so that the data decodes automatically after a certain amount of time. +Kurisu: Anybody well versed in programming can do this. I had Hashida make the code. +Kurisu: Anyway, next we send the memory data through the net to the LHC in France. +Rintaro: How long does it take to send 3.24 terabytes of data? +Itaru: We have 64 direct lines in parallel. So if we send it in 64 parts... +Itaru: It should upload in about 45 seconds. +Kurisu: Next, we hijack the LHC, create a mini black hole, and use that black hole's supergravity to compress the data into 36 bytes. +Rintaro: Will the compression take long? +Itaru: It's practically instantaneous. 23 milliseconds or thereabouts. We're using a black hole, after all. +Kurisu: By the way, the compression only holds in the immediate vicinity of the black hole. Once the data leaves that area, it will begin to decompress on its own. +Kurisu: This, too, takes 23 milliseconds. +Itaru: It has to make it back to the X68000 and into the PhoneWave within that window. +Itaru: It's only 36 bytes. Shouldn't be a problem. +Rintaro: Continue, Christina. +Kurisu: While the data is being compressed, we use the PhoneWave to generate a Kerr ring singularity. When the electron discharge phenomenon occurs, we take the 36-byte data, patch it in... +Kurisu: And send it to the past. +Kurisu: This part is just like a D-Mail. +Kurisu: The data travels to the specified time, where it arrives at the recipient's phone. +Kurisu: By now, 23 milliseconds should have passed, so the data will be fully decompressed. +Kurisu: Next, the decoding program runs, converting the data back into nerve impulse signals. +Kurisu: These signals are discharged from from the phone's earpiece at approximately 0.02 amperes, a pretty weak charge. +Kurisu: If the recipient has the phone to his ear, they should go straight into his brain. +Rintaro: Assuming he answers his phone. +Kurisu: If he doesn't, the transfer fails. Fortunately, we lose nothing but that copy of the memory data. +Rintaro: Why a phone call instead of an email? +Kurisu: Because we need the recipient to put the phone to his ear. Otherwise the signals won't reach his temporal lobe. +Kurisu: In this area you have the frontal lobe and temporal lobe of the brain. As I explained before, the hippocampus, where memories are stored, is inside the temporal lobe. +Kurisu: The phone sends out electrical impulses that pass through the temporal lobe and into the hippocampus, overwriting the recipient's memories. +Kurisu: At the same time, the phone sends impulses that stimulate the frontal lobe as well. This is important. +Kurisu: Remember that the frontal lobe is responsible for sending retrieval signals to the temporal lobe. This is how you remember things. +Kurisu: By stimulating the frontal lobe, we force it to send retrieval signals keyed to the new memory data. +Kurisu: Thus, the recipient recalls all of those memories as if they were his own. +Kurisu: Which, of course, they are, or will be in the future. +Kurisu: This happens in less than a second. +Kurisu: Now the recipient has the same memories as the sender. The time leap is complete. +Kurisu: If the data came from one week in the future, the recipient will 'remember' that week as if he experienced it firsthand. +Kurisu: We need to be aware that consciousness and personality aren't transferred. Both of those depend on the recipient. +Itaru: Explain it with boobs. +Kurisu: B-boobs!? +Rintaro: Let's say we send your memories to you in grade school. +Rintaro: Right now, you're some kind of omnisexual pervert who thinks inanimate objects are hot. But in elementary school, you were still an innocent child. +Itaru: I was a boring little bastard who did nothing but study, what of it? +Rintaro: Basically, that little bastard would suddenly have all your perverted memories, but his personality wouldn't change. +Rintaro: It's not like you'll become that famous anime detective with 'the looks of a child and the brains of an adult'. +Itaru: What? That sucks. +Kurisu: Ahem. +Kurisu: Um, since you need a phone to receive the signal, you can only send memories to the times you had one. +Kurisu: We also need to make sure that the sender and recipient are the same person. +Kurisu: If someone besides your past self -- your parents, or a friend, for instance -- answers the phone, then the nerve impulse signals will be projected into their brain instead. +Kurisu: If that happens, your memories could overwrite theirs, which could obviously cause serious damage to their psyche. +Rintaro: So. +Rintaro: What do we do with it? +Itaru: Do with what? +Rintaro: The Time Leap Machine, of course. What do we do with it? +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: It's too much for us to handle, that's for sure. The safest thing would be to hand it over to the government for professional research. +Itaru: It just doesn't feel real. +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't get it... +Itaru: That's 'cause you didn't work on it, Mayu-shi. +Mayuri: Oh, right. Ehehe! +Kurisu: What about you, Okabe? And I mean you, not Hououin Kyouma. +Rintaro: I want to experiment. +Rintaro: But there are still questions we need to answer. +Rintaro: ...Who will time leap? +Kurisu: ...It's hard to choose. +Itaru: I'll pass. +Mayuri: ...? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: It's not like SERN's time machine. The possibility of becoming a jellyman is zero. +Kurisu: This machine sends data, not the real thing. +Kurisu: Don't let your preconceptions influence your decision. +Kurisu: You might say it's like a cut-and-paste of your brain. +Kurisu: Actually, it's more like a copy-paste. And it's just your memories. +Kurisu: The original doesn't get erased. +Rintaro: What if there's an error somewhere, and the data itself gets fractalized? +Rintaro: Let's say I send my memories an hour into the past. +Rintaro: My memories would be replaced by fractalized data. In other words, data full of tiny holes. +Rintaro: Couldn't that cause memory loss? +Kurisu: ...I suppose. +Rintaro: One hour later, we arrive once again at the present. At that time, the me who lost his memories an hour ago and the current me conflict in my brain. +Rintaro: Which data set survives? +Kurisu: ...Logically, the present should change as soon as you send your memories to the past. +Rintaro: So then it's not a copy-paste at all, is it? +Kurisu: I don't know. No one's ever experienced time travel before. +Rintaro: When we send a D-Mail, the world is reconstructed based on the change we made to the past. +Kurisu: We don't know what happens when you time leap. +Kurisu: If it's the many-worlds interpretation like Titor said, then the instant you time leap, it creates two possibilities -- one where you shift to another worldline, and one where you travel back in time on the same worldline. +Kurisu: Of course, there must also be a worldline where the current you doesn't disappear. That would likely correspond to the present that we are experiencing right now. +Mayuri: ??? +Rintaro: I thought you didn't believe what Titor had to say. +Kurisu: I'm talking hypothetically. Titor doesn't matter right now. +Kurisu: If it's the +Rintaro: The problem is who the observer is in this case. +Itaru: Wouldn't it be a third party? Like me, or Mayu-shi. +Mayuri: ...? +Rintaro: Not necessarily. It might be me. It might be someone else. It could even be God. +Rintaro: In the end, we arrive at the question of 'where is the self?' +Kurisu: This Time Leap Machine only sends memories. That, I guarantee. +Itaru: Won't the present be reconstructed at the moment of transfer? +Itaru: That's what happens with Okarin's Reading Steiner, right? +Rintaro: That makes sense where D-Mails are concerned. When we send a D-Mail, we're obviously interfering in past events. +Rintaro: But time leaping is different. All you do is send your memories to the past, which isn't the same thing as sending a targeted D-Mail. +Rintaro: Whether the me who suddenly 'remembers' one hour into the future will, in fact, change the past is something we can't know until it happens. +Itaru: I'm getting confused. +Itaru: It sounds like we're talking about the soul. Isn't that a religious question? +Kurisu: Wait. You guys are misunderstanding something. +Kurisu: One hour isn't enough time for your personality to change. You should be the same person one hour ago that you are now. +Kurisu: The only difference is that you'll have an extra hour's worth of memories. +Rintaro: How can you be sure? +Kurisu: ...Well, I can't. Nobody's tried it before. +Mayuri: So, which is it? +Kurisu: We don't know. We can argue the theories all we want, but in the end, we can only guess. +Kurisu: This experiment may end up shattering preconceptions scientists and philosophers have held for centuries. +Mayuri: Hey... +Mayuri: Um, I have an idea... +Mayuri: Why don't we make a banana time leap instead? +Kurisu: Oh Mayuri... +Kurisu: Bananas don't have brains like people do. +Mayuri: Oh... you need a brain, huh... +Rintaro: Let's not experiment. +Rintaro: We'll entrust the Time Leap Machine to a suitable research institution. Then we'll announce it to the world. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Are you upset? +Kurisu: Upset? +Rintaro: About our decision not to attempt a Time Leap experiment. +Kurisu: No, I'm not upset. +Kurisu: 'Humans are temporal beings.' +Kurisu: That's a Heidegger quote. +Kurisu: I was actually relieved when you made the decision not to use the machine. +Kurisu: If you hadn't been there, I might not have been able to stop myself. +Kurisu: Thank you. +Kurisu: Uh, what are you doing? +Rintaro: You're talking like an assistant for a change. I thought you might have a fever. +Kurisu: I'm not grateful to you or anything, okay!? +Kurisu: Anyway. +Kurisu: That 'thank you' was just a formality. Don't get me wrong, okay? +Rintaro: Of course. I only did what I had to. +Rintaro: I am the founder of the Future Gadget Lab, Hououin Kyouma. My first priority is to protect the welfare of my lab mems. +Rintaro: So I have no need for your thanks. +Kurisu: And yet you always talk about plunging the world into chaos. +Rintaro: You are my allies, and the world is my enemy. +Kurisu: I'm speechless. You're too self-righteous. +Rintaro: You say 'speechless,' yet you're speaking? +Kurisu: Don't argue semantics. +Kurisu: Oh yeah, I forgot to get a plane ticket. +Kurisu: I got too caught up in improving the PhoneWave. +Rintaro: Going public with the Time Leap Machine will send the world into an uproar. We also plan to expose SERN, remember? You may not be able to go back to America for some time. +Kurisu: I guess you're right. I should call Mama and let her know. +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ I'm back! +Suzuha: Man, that was terrible. I was stuck looking like an exhibitionist all day. +Rintaro: Daru, why did you order the exact same pizza as before!? +Itaru: Because I like it. +Mayuri: Okarin, Okarin. +Mayuri: I called Feris-chan and Luka-chan, but they said they couldn't come. +Rintaro: Oh. Do they have plans? +Mayuri: Feris-chan has a RaiNet tournament. +Itaru: Crap, I should've gone to cheer! How careless of me! +Mayuri: And Luka-chan seemed embarrassed for some reason. +Kurisu: Maybe she thinks you'll make her wear a costume again. +Rintaro: You still haven't convinced her to cosplay? +Mayuri: She said it was embarrassing. I keep telling her 'Cuteness is Justice', but she never listens. +Kurisu: 'Cuteness is Justice'... is that what they say? +Mayuri: You're cute too, Chris-chan! +Kurisu: Hah? Eh? +Mayuri: Hey, ComiMa's coming up. Wanna go? +Mayuri: I can't make something new, but I have a costume of Post-Awakening Seira from Blood Tune I made last year. I think the size is just right for Chris-chan too. +Kurisu: Me, cosplay? +Kurisu: I'm sorta interested. +Kurisu: But I refuse to do it in public, though. +Mayuri: You don't have to show anyone, but eventually, you'll want them to see. The cosplay demon compels you! +Mayuri: That reminds me. Chris-chan, you're always wearing that cute uniform. What school is it from? +Kurisu: Oh, this? +Kurisu: I attended +Mayuri: Oh! Their uniform is really cute, but you made it even cuter! You might have really good design sense♪ +Mayuri: I'll bring the costume tomorrow, okay? Will you try it on then? +Kurisu: Sure. +Itaru: When's the photo shoot? +Kurisu: Good to know you're still a pervert, Hashida. +Itaru: Come on, it's Blood Tune's Seira! She's got 'panmoro' going on! +Kurisu: Panmoro? +Itaru: It means her panties are completely exposed! +Kurisu: N-no way... +Mayuri: It's okay♪ +Mayuri: You might not know this, but last year, there was a really popular saying. +Mayuri: 'They're not panties, so it's not embarrassing!' +Kurisu: It's plenty embarrassing, trust me! +Mayuri: Wear it, okay? It's a promise! +Suzuha: Maybe you shouldn't bother. +Suzuha: You're asking for trouble by trusting Makise Kurisu. +Kurisu: What's that supposed to mean? +Kurisu: I've been meaning to ask. Did I do something to you? +Suzuha: Not to me. But I know everything you have done. +Kurisu: What do you mean? I've done nothing to be guilty of. +Suzuha: Perhaps. But I know your true nature. +Kurisu: Wow, you can see into my heart? That's groundbreaking technology. I'd love to hear how it works. +Suzuha: It's not science. It's... a prediction. +Kurisu: So you're just making it up. +Suzuha: I know⑰. +Mayuri: Okarin. +Mayuri: Stop them from fighting. +Rintaro: Heh... this looks like a job for the one and only Hououin Kyouma. +Rintaro: Break it up, you two! I, Hououin Kyouma, shall decide this dispute! +Rintaro: Assistant! I didn't raise you this way. +Kurisu: You didn't raise me at all. +Rintaro: If you want to become a true mad scientist, you must learn to keep your emotions in check even as you cackle your way to victory! +Kurisu: Nobody asked you. And I'm already a scientist. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Warrior! Your enemy is SERN, remember? You must conserve your strength for Ragnarok. +Suzuha: I warned you before, Okabe Rintaro. Makise Kurisu is a threat. +Rintaro: Wha-- +Kurisu: Oh? What's this about, Okabe? +Rintaro: MUHAHAHA! +Rintaro: Looks like neither of you is willing to back down. So be it! Fight to your hearts' content! Fight until there is no more fight to be had! Then, share a manly handshake by the river and let friendship blossom! +Rintaro: But in the future, when it comes time for you to venture out into the real world, I hope you remember one thing... +Rintaro: Nobody likes a mood-killer! +Kurisu & Suzuha: 30 +Rintaro: Gah! Why now, of all times!? Calm down, right arm of mine! +Rintaro: I'm sorry, Mayuri. At his rate, I'll end up hurting those two. I have no choice... the rest is up to you... +Mayuri: Geez... +Mayuri: Um, guys? Mayushii doesn't like it when you fight. Let's all get along, okay? +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. +Rintaro: Hm? +Mayuri: It's been really lively here these past few weeks, huh? +Rintaro: Yeah, I guess it has. +Mayuri: It's fun♪ +Mayuri: Um, now that there are eight lab mems, Mayushii thinks it's getting a little cramped in here. +Mayuri: First, we don't have enough chairs. +Mayuri: We should buy more. Do you have money, Okarin? +Rintaro: New chairs will take all my savings. +Mayuri: I guess you can use some of my salary. +Mayuri: We need a new microwave too. Otherwise, I can't warm up my Juicy Chicken Number One. +Rintaro: Yeah, sorry about that. +Rintaro: But Mayuri. When we turn over the Time Leap Machine, the reward money will solve all of our problems. +Mayuri: Will it be enough to pay for chairs and a microwave on top of the higher rent? +Rintaro: It'll be enough. More than enough. +Mayuri: Wow! That's great, Okarin♪ +Rintaro: Why are you so happy? +Mayuri: Just look. We've made so many friends. +Mayuri: There's Daru-kun, Chris-chan, Luka-chan, Suzu-san, Moeka-san, Feris-chan, Braun-san, Nae-chan, and more! +Mayuri: In the spring, when you started this lab, you seemed so lonely. +Mayuri: But now you're fine. +Mayuri: You don't need me to be your hostage anymore. +Rintaro: What do you-- +Suzuha: A bomb threat? +Itaru: Hang on. Those lines all pass through Akiba. How is Mayu-shi gonna get home? +Mayuri: Oh yeah. I should call home. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro. I need to know. +Suzuha: You've completed the Time Leap Machine, right? +Rintaro: Huh? Well, yeah... +Suzuha: Okay. +Suzuha: I just remembered I've got something to do. I'm going out. +Kurisu: What's wrong with her? +Kurisu: We may have created a monster here... +Attacker A: Hands in the air. Nobody move. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Kiryu... Moeka... +Mayuri: Um... Moeka-san? +Moeka: We're taking the time machine. +Moeka: Makise Kurisu, Okabe Rintaro, Hashida Itaru. The three of you will come with us. +Rintaro: What's going on here? +Moeka: I can't answer that. +Rintaro: This is a joke... right? +Moeka: You don't need to know. +Moeka: You can't resist. +Moeka: Come with us. +Rintaro: W-where? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I'm n-not going anywhere until you answer. +Moeka: You can't refuse. +Moeka: You have nowhere to run. +Moeka: We have men stationed throughout Akihabara. +Moeka: I don't want to hurt anyone. +Moeka: The three of you, come with us. +Kurisu: Why... +Kurisu: Why just the three of us? +Moeka: I'm not answering your questions. +Moeka: Come with us. It's your only choice. +Itaru: O-Okarin... +Itaru: D-don't you think we should do what she says? +Rintaro: But unless she tells me the reason... +Mayuri: M-Moeka-san, you're a lab mem too... aren't you? +Moeka: Our mission... +Moeka: Is to silence you. +Moeka: Your refusal to come will change nothing. +Rintaro: Who sent you? Who are you people!? +Moeka: We... +Moeka: ...are from SERN. +Attacker A: M4! +Attacker A: Watch your tongue! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Come with us. Now. +Moeka: If you continue to resist, I'll have to resort to extreme measures. +Mayuri: ... +Moeka: Shiina Mayuri is not needed. +Rintaro: Stop! +Rintaro: Gah! +Mayuri: Okarin! +Kurisu: Mayuri! No! +Moeka: For SERN... for FB... for SERN... for FB... +Itaru: Wahhhhhhhhhhh! +Mayuri: O...kari... +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: ...Mayuri? +Kurisu: No... no! +Moeka: You three come with us. Now. +Moeka: No more warnings. +Moeka: Resist, and we'll kill you too. +: But now you're fine. +: You don't need me to be your hostage anymore. +Rintaro: Ah... AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! +Kurisu: Okabe! +Kurisu: You can't! +Rintaro: Let me go! Let me go! +Kurisu: You can't! They'll kill you! +Rintaro: You gonna kill me too!? +Moeka: If you resist. +Kurisu: Please, Okabe, do what she says. Okay? +Kurisu: Otherwise, they'll kill you too. +Kurisu: No! +Moeka: ...!? +???: Get down! +Attacker B: Gweh!! +Attacker A: Who the hell!? +Attacker A: Gwah!! +Moeka: Enough. +Suzuha: !! +Moeka: Who are you? +Suzuha: 42. +Suzuha: TV. +Suzuha: Turned on. +Moeka: What... +Moeka: Don't move! +Suzuha: That's my line! +Moeka: ...Tch. +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: I'm going back! +Kurisu: No! I should be the one to-- +Rintaro: I will save Mayuri! +Kurisu: But what if it fails!? +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro! One of them's moving! +Moeka: Get in there! Kill them! +Attacker A: Damn... kids! +Moeka: Kill them! +Kurisu: Augh! +Rintaro: Kurisu!? +Kurisu: Ugh, gh, Okabe!! Are you sure!? +Kurisu: Are you sure about this!? Really!? +Rintaro: Do it, Kurisu! Activate the machine! +Rintaro: Agh! +Rintaro: Leaaaaaaaap!! +Rintaro: Mayuri? +Rintaro: ...Mayuri? +Rintaro: Mayuri? +Rintaro: Mayuri? +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: I won't let you go. +Rintaro: I won't let anyone take you away. +Rintaro: You're my hostage now. My guinea pig! +Rintaro: T-there is no escaping me! Muhaha, muhahaha! +Mayuri: Oh... sniff... +Mayuri: Mayushii's your hostage... +Mayuri: I guess I'm stuck here, huh? Ehehe... +Rintaro: AHHHHHHHHHHH! +: ...be! +Rintaro: Aagh, ahhhh!! +: ...kabe! +: O...be! +: Okabe! What's wrong with you!? +Rintaro: Ah! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Ahhh... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...ckhaah, haahh, haahh, hah... +Kurisu: Okabe? Are you listening? +Kurisu: What was all that screaming for? +Kurisu: Are you sick? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...No, I'm fine. +Kurisu: Then get ready to go already. We're going shopping, remember? +Rintaro: ...Shopping? +Kurisu: 'Humans are temporal beings.' +Mayuri: But now you're fine. +Kurisu: Are you sure about this!? Really!? +Rintaro: Ah... ah... +Kurisu: You'll remember the future. +Rintaro: Where am I? +Kurisu: Huh? +Rintaro: What time is it now!? What month? What day!? +Kurisu: Hey, that hurts! Calm down! +Rintaro: How can I be calm!? Shopping? You said we're going shopping? +Rintaro: Daru! What day is it!? What time is it!? +Itaru: Uh, ummm, well, it's the 13th... a little past 5. +Rintaro: ...Did it work? +Rintaro: ...Where's Mayuri? +Rintaro: Where's Mayuri!? +Itaru: Uh, she just left saying she was going to Luka-shi's place. Weren't you listening? +Rintaro: Whew... +Rintaro: It must have been a dream. +Rintaro: There's no way something like that could really happen. +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ I'm back! +Mayuri: Okarin, Okarin. +Mayuri: I called Feris-chan and Luka-chan, but they said they couldn't come. +Rintaro: Oh. Do they have plans? +Mayuri: Feris-chan has a RaiNet tournament. +Itaru: Crap, I should've gone to cheer! How careless of me! +Mayuri: And Luka-chan seemed embarrassed for some reason. +Kurisu: Maybe she thinks you'll make her wear a costume again. +Rintaro: You still haven't convinced her to cosplay? +Mayuri: She said it was embarrassing. I keep telling her 'Cuteness is Justice', but she never listens... +Kurisu: 'Cuteness is Justice'... is that what they say? +Mayuri: You're cute too, Chris-chan! +Kurisu: Hah? Eh? +Mayuri: Hey, ComiMa's coming up. Wanna go? +Mayuri: I can't make something new, but I have a costume of Post-Awakening Seira from Blood Tune I made last year. I think the size is just right for you too. +Kurisu: Me, cosplay? +Kurisu: I'm sorta interested. +Kurisu: But I refuse to do it in public, though. +Mayuri: You don't have to show anyone, but eventually, you'll want them to see. The cosplay demon compels you! +Mayuri: That reminds me. Chris-chan, you're always wearing that cute uniform. What school is it from? +Kurisu: Oh, this? +Kurisu: I attended Ayamein for about two weeks. I modeled this outfit after their uniform. +Mayuri: Oh! Their uniform is really cute, but you made it even cuter! You might have really good design sense♪ +Mayuri: I'll bring the costume tomorrow, okay? Will you try it on then? +Kurisu: Sure. +Itaru: When's the photo shoot? +Kurisu: Good to know you're still a pervert, Hashida. +Itaru: Come on, it's Blood Tune's Seira! She's got 'panmoro' going on! +Kurisu: Panmoro? +Itaru: It means her panties are completely exposed! +Kurisu: N-no way... +Mayuri: It's okay♪ +Mayuri: You might not know this, but last year, there was a really popular saying. +Mayuri: 'They're not panties, so it's not embarrassing!' +Kurisu: Japan is over... +Mayuri: Wear it, okay? It's a promise! +Suzuha: Maybe you shouldn't bother. +Suzuha: You're asking for trouble by trusting Makise Kurisu. +Kurisu: What's that supposed to mean? +Kurisu: I've been meaning to ask. Did I do something to you? +Suzuha: Not to me. But I know everything you have done. +Kurisu: What do you mean? I've done nothing to be guilty of. +Suzuha: Perhaps. But I know your true nature. +Kurisu: Wow, you can see into my heart? That's groundbreaking technology. I'd love to hear how it works. +Suzuha: It's not science. It's... a prediction. +Kurisu: So you're just making it up. +Suzuha: I know⑰. +Mayuri: Okarin. +Mayuri: Stop them from fighting. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Geez... +Mayuri: Um, guys? Mayushii doesn't like it when you fight. Let's all get along, okay? +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. +Mayuri: It's been really lively here these past few weeks, huh? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: It's fun♪ +Mayuri: Um, now that there are eight lab mems, Mayushii thinks it's getting a little cramped in here. +Mayuri: First, we don't have enough chairs. +Mayuri: We should buy more. Do you have money, Okarin? +Mayuri: I guess you can use some of my salary. +Mayuri: We need a new microwave too. Otherwise, I can't warm up any Juicy Chicken Number One. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin... are you okay? You don't look so good. +Rintaro: It's nothing... +Mayuri: Are you feeling sick? Then you need to rest. Want to lie down? You can lie on my lap, okay? +Rintaro: I'm not-- +Suzuha: A bomb threat? +Itaru: Hang on. Those lines all pass through Akiba. How is Mayu-shi gonna get home? +Mayuri: Oh yeah. I should call home. +Rintaro: No... it can't be... +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro. I need to know. +Suzuha: You've completed the Time Leap Machine, right? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Are you listening? +Itaru: Uh, the Time Leap Machine's done. +Suzuha: Okay. +Suzuha: I just remembered I've got something to do. I'm going out. +Kurisu: What's wrong with her? +Attacker A: Hands in the air. Nobody move. +Moeka: ... +Mayuri: M-Moeka-san? +Moeka: We're taking the time machine. +Moeka: Makise Kurisu, Okabe Rintaro, Hashida Itaru. The three of you will come with us. +Moeka: You can't resist. +Moeka: Come with us. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: W-where? +Moeka: ... +Kurisu: At least tell us where we're going. +Moeka: You cannot refuse. +Moeka: There is nowhere to run. +Moeka: We have men stationed throughout Akihabara. +Moeka: I don't want to hurt anyone. +Moeka: The three of you come with us. +Kurisu: Why just the three of us? +Moeka: I'm not answering your questions. +Moeka: Come with us. It's your only choice. +Mayuri: M-Moeka-san, you're a lab mem too... aren't you? +Moeka: Our mission... +Moeka: Is to silence you. +Moeka: Your refusal to come will change nothing. +Moeka: Come with us. Now. +Moeka: If you continue to resist, I'll have to resort to extreme measures. +Mayuri: ... +Moeka: Shiina Mayuri is not needed. +Moeka: For SERN... for FB... for SERN... for FB... +Itaru: Wahhhhhhhhhhh! +Mayuri: O...kari... +Mayuri: ... +Kurisu: No... no! +Moeka: You three come with us. Now. +Moeka: No more warnings. +Moeka: Resist, and we will kill you too. +Kurisu: Okabe! +Kurisu: You can't! +Rintaro: Let me go! +Kurisu: You can't! They'll kill you! +Rintaro: You gonna kill me too!? +Moeka: If you resist. +Kurisu: Please, Okabe, do what she says. Okay? +Kurisu: Otherwise, they'll kill you too. +Rintaro: Gh...! +Moeka: ...!? +Suzuha: Get down! +Attacker B: Gweh!! +Attacker A: Who the hell!? +Attacker A: Gwah!! +Moeka: Enough. +Suzuha: !! +Moeka: ...Who are you? +Suzuha: 42. +Suzuha: TV. +Suzuha: Turned on. +Moeka: Don't move! +Suzuha: That's my line! +Kurisu: Okabe, I-- +Rintaro: I'm going back! +Kurisu: But what if it fails!? +Rintaro: Get the machine started! +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro! One of them's headed your way! +Moeka: Kill them! Don't let them use it! +Kurisu: Are you sure, Okabe!? +Kurisu: Are you sure about this!? Really!? +Rintaro: Do it, Kurisu! Activate the machine! +Rintaro: Please! Give me one more chance! +Rintaro: Ah! +Rintaro: ...Gh. +Rintaro: ...It worked again. +Kurisu: Kya! You surprised me! +Kurisu: Don't startle me like that. +Rintaro: Daru! Is it just before 5 on the 13th!? +Itaru: Eh? Um... yeah? +Rintaro: You're a genius. +Kurisu: W-what's gotten in to you? Stop manhandling me. It's gross. +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Mayuri! Where are-- +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Mayuri! Contact me at once! Okay? At once! +Kurisu: Okabe? You look kind of crazy. What's wrong? +Rintaro: Both of you get out of here. Now. +Kurisu: ...What's this about? +Kurisu: Is this another one of your fantasies? +Kurisu: Okabe! Where are you going? Hey! +Rintaro: Lukako! +Luka: ...Ah, Okabe-san! +Luka: What's wrong? +Rintaro: Mayuri! Where's Mayuri!? +Luka: Um, Mayuri-chan already left. +Rintaro: She left!? +Luka: Yes... +Luka: Um... when you see her, could you tell her that I'm sorry? +Luka: I'd really prefer not to cosplay... +Luka: I don't want to disappoint her, but it's too embarrassing to dress like that in front of people... +Rintaro: Mayuri went back to the lab? +Luka: Eh? Um... I think so. +Rintaro: She didn't say she was dropping by somewhere? +Luka: No... I didn't ask... +Luka: Um... is something wrong? +Rintaro: If Mayuri comes back here, tell her to call me right away! +Luka: O-okay! +Rintaro: Where's Mayuri!? Did she come back!? +Itaru: Huh? No. +Rintaro: Kuh! Where is she!? +Itaru: Hey, Okarin. Why are you so jumpy? +Rintaro: I need to find Mayuri! +Itaru: Isn't she at Luka-shi's? +Rintaro: Not anymore. She was gone by the time I got there. +Itaru: Maybe she went to see one of her cosplay friends? +Rintaro: Who? What's her phone number? +Itaru: How should I know? +Itaru: Ah, now that you mention it. +Rintaro: Do you know something!? +Itaru: I think she said that her phone was about to run out of power. She had to turn it off. +Itaru: Hey, what's going on? +Rintaro: ...Why are you still here, Daru? I thought I told you to leave! +Itaru: I'm not leaving without a good reason. +Itaru: Tell me what's going on, man. +Rintaro: ...They're going to kill Mayuri. +Itaru: What? +Rintaro: SERN's after us. In two hours, their men will break in and kill Mayuri. Get out while you still can! +Itaru: What? For real? +Rintaro: Can you get in touch with Kurisu? Pass the message onto her. +Itaru: In two hours? How do you know that? +Itaru: No way. You used it? +Suzuha: Huh? +Suzuha: What are you doing here, Okabe Rintaro? +Rintaro: Nothing... +Suzuha: Oh, I know! You're getting ready for that party tonight, aren't you? +Rintaro: How did you know we're having a party? +Suzuha: Shiina Mayuri. She came by earlier today to invite me over. +Suzuha: Hope you've got room for one more, 'cuz I'm-- +Rintaro: You can't! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Um... am I a bother? +Rintaro: ...No. +Suzuha: It's okay. I understand. I guess I'm still an outsider. +Rintaro: That's not it! +Tennouji: What's wrong with you, Okabe? +Tennouji: Let my part-timer join your little club. You owe her, remember? It's thanks to her belly that I let ya' off the hook for shaking the building last time. +Suzuha: My belly? Hey! +Tennouji: She's got a fine belly. Tight and well trained. +Suzuha: I'm standing right here, you dirty old man. +Rintaro: The party is canceled. I'm sorry, Part-Time Warrior, but please go home today. +Suzuha: Canceled? +Rintaro: Yeah. Sorry. +Tennouji: I don't know what's going on, Okabe, but don't do anything reckless. +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Rintaro: I... got in a fight with Mayuri. Things are a little complicated right now. That's all. +Suzuha: Oh, is there gonna be blood? +Suzuha: I mean, look over there. +Suzuha: Huh? Weren't you fighting? She looks really happy to see you. +Suzuha: Hey! Where are you going!? +Mayuri: What's the rush, Okarin? +Rintaro: Run! To the station! +Mayuri: Wawawa... +Mayuri: W-w-wait! My bag... +Rintaro: Forget it! Just run! +Mayuri: Eh? Why? +Rintaro: Just run! +Mayuri: Hey, where are we going? +Rintaro: Haah, haah, haah, first we'll head for, haah, Tsukuba or Yokohama... +Mayuri: Shouldn't we rest a bit? +Rintaro: No... stopping... until... we're on... the train... +Mayuri: But Okarin, you're covered in sweat. You shouldn't push yourself. You're not good at exercise. +Premise  Announcer: Your attention please. The Yamanote, Keihin-Tohoku, and Sobu Lines are currently suspended. +Premise  Announcer: We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and kindly ask for your cooperation. +Mayuri: I wonder what happened... +???: Okabe Rintaro? +Mayuri: Okarin, do you know these people? +???: Come with us. +Rintaro: Who are you? +???: If you resist, we'll kill you. +Rintaro: SERN! +Rintaro: Are you going to kill us with all these witnesses around? +???: This isn't a game. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Run, Mayuri! +Mayuri: Where are we going, Okarin!? +Rintaro: Haah, haah, okay, Mayuri, you're, a faster, haah, haah, runner, so... +Rintaro: You, go on, ahead! Go, to Hariti shrine, in Ikebukuro. We'll meet-- +Mayuri: What's going on, Okarin!? +Moeka: You have nowhere to run. +Moeka: We have men stationed throughout Akihabara. +Rintaro: ...!? +Rintaro: Gah...hah... +Rintaro: Ma... yuri... +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Moeka: ...I've stopped them. +Moeka: I've secured Okabe-kun... I mean, Okabe Rintaro. +Moeka: Contact the police. Shiina Mayuri is dead. +Rintaro: Why... why did you kill her!? +Moeka: Because you ran. +Rintaro: You monster! +Moeka: !? +Rintaro: Of course I should. +Rintaro: Mayuri's dead, remember? +Rintaro: Gah! +Rintaro: Where's Mayuri!? +Kurisu: Wha!? +Kurisu: Don't shout... +Kurisu: I've been working all night, so let me rest a bit... +Rintaro: Where is Mayuri!? +Itaru: What's wrong with you? She went to Luka-shi's, remember? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Mayuri! Where are-- +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: Lukako! It's me! Okabe! +Luka: #000000 +Rintaro: Is Mayuri there? If she is, let me speak to her! +Luka: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Where are you now? Yanabayashi Shrine!? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm headed there now. Whatever you do, don't move, okay!? +Mayuri: #000000 +Kurisu: What's all the commotion? +Rintaro: Daru. Assistant. Leave right now and get as far from Akiba as you can. But under no circumstances use the train. +Itaru: What? Why? +Rintaro: If you can, go somewhere you don't normally go, and stay there overnight. Understand? +Itaru: Wait, overnight? So you're saying we should go to a love hotel and make hanky panky. I understand. +Kurisu: Shut it, perv. +Kurisu: What's going on, Okabe? +Rintaro: Please, just do as I say. We'll talk later. Don't come back to the lab until I say so! +Rintaro: Mayuri! +Mayuri: Okarin♪ +Mayuri: Are you here to back me up? +Rintaro: Back you up? +Mayuri: To help convince Luka-chan to wear my costume! +Luka: Mayuri-chan, I really can't. It's too embarrassing... +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. Can you think of some way to persuade Luka-chan? +Mayuri: Mayushii can't reach the ending for the Luka-chan route. +Luka: I keep telling her I can't... but Mayuri-chan just won't give up. +Rintaro: I'm sorry, you two. Save the cosplay talk for later. +Rintaro: Drop your bags, Mayuri. Leave them with Lukako. +Mayuri: Huh? What's going on? +Rintaro: We're leaving town. +Mayuri: Leaving town? We're going on a trip? +Luka: A... trip? +Luka: Just the two of you? +Rintaro: That's right. +Mayuri: Where are we going, Okarin? What's the rush? +Rintaro: SERN's after us. +Mayuri: Huh? What does that mean? +Rintaro: I'll explain later. First we need to get out of Akiba. +Mayuri: O-okay... +Mayuri: Okarin... Mayushii's kinda scared... +Rintaro: Hide! +Rintaro: Mayuri, stay right here. Don't move until I get back. +Mayuri: Where are you going? +Rintaro: To the station to make sure it's safe. +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't want to be left alone... +Rintaro: I'll be right back. If I'm not back in 30 minutes, call someone. Kurisu or Suzuha. Have them get you out of Akiba. +Mayuri: Don't say that! Come back, okay? If you don't, Mayushii won't know what to do... +Rintaro: Okay. I'll come back. I promise. +Rintaro: Mayuri! +Rintaro: I told her not to move! +Rintaro: A jellyman... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: 87 +Rintaro: Guh! +Mayuri: ...? +Mayuri: Um, Okarin? Mayushii has a lot of questions, but she'll wait for now. +Mayuri: But once it's over, I want you to tell me everything, okay? +Rintaro: Yeah, I promise. +Rintaro: Where did you go after you saw Lukako? +Mayuri: I got an email from Fubuki-chan. A thread came loose on her costume. +Mayuri: I went to fix it. +Rintaro: Where does Fubuki-chan live? +Mayuri: Um, we met at the Starbecks at UPX. +Mayuri: About the party tonight... +Mayuri: It got canceled, but we should definitely-- +???: Mayuri♪ +Rintaro: Huh? +Nae: I... +Nae: Saw... Mayuri... +Nae: I wanted... to surprise her... +Nae: It wasn't on purpo... it... wasn... +Mayuri: Juicy Chicken Number One♪ +Mayuri: Eh... +Rintaro: Mayuri, look out! +Mayuri: ...! +Rintaro: What-- +Rintaro: Wha... +Man Who Stabbed Mayuri: Be quiet, Okabe Rintaro. +Man Who Stabbed Mayuri: Guh! +Rintaro: Open the door! +Rintaro: No! There has to be a way! +Mayuri: Whatcha talking about? +Rintaro: Don't move. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Hands up. +Rintaro: Sorry to disappoint you. The first gun was a toy. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Talk. I know you were sent by SERN. +Moeka: ...How? +Rintaro: How? You want to know how!? +Rintaro: I came from the future, that's how! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: You think I'm lying? I've repeated the last several hours a half-dozen times already. +Rintaro: I know what you're planning. +Rintaro: Around seven, you're going to stop the trains. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I also know that you're planning to attack the lab. You and your men. +Rintaro: And then you're going to kill Mayuri! +Moeka: I... +Rintaro: Understand? I'm a time leaper. +Rintaro: Who are you people? +Moeka: ...Rounders. +Rintaro: Rounders? What does that mean? How are you related to SERN? +Moeka: ...By email. +Rintaro: No! Speak. +Moeka: The Rounders... +Moeka: ...are an organization separate from SERN. +Moeka: Covert operations. +Moeka: We don't exist. +Rintaro: Like a private army? +Moeka: ...No. +Moeka: Our mission... +Moeka: ...is to find and acquire IBN 5100s. +Moeka: They send us around the world. +Moeka: We collect them. +Rintaro: How many Rounders are there? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Answer me! +Moeka: I don't know. +Moeka: I'm just an agent. +Rintaro: Was it you who stole our IBN 5100? +Rintaro: Why does SERN need IBN 5100s? To keep hackers out? +Moeka: Maintaining secrecy... +Moeka: ...is the highest priority... +Moeka: ...for SERN. +Rintaro: What are they hiding? +Rintaro: We already know they've killed hundreds of test subjects with their time travel experiments. We didn't need an IBN 5100 to find that out. +Rintaro: Are you saying the IBN 5100 database has information more sensitive than that!? +Moeka: I don't know. +Rintaro: Because you're just an agent? +Rintaro: Why did you attack the lab? Or rather, why will you attack the lab? +Moeka: ...Isn't it obvious? +Rintaro: Because we hacked into SERN? +Moeka: Three reasons. +Moeka: First. Because of what you know. +Moeka: We were ordered to silence you. +Moeka: Second. For the time machine. +Moeka: The one you made. +Moeka: Third. The reason it happens today. +Moeka: You plan to make your time machine public. +Moeka: That's why I was ordered... to take you in. +Rintaro: Take us in!? You killed Mayuri! +Moeka: She is... unnecessary. +Moeka: Okabe, Makise, Hashida. You made the time machine. +Moeka: She is expendable. +Moeka: Those are my orders. +Rintaro: And after you take us in? What then? +Moeka: SERN will hold you prisoner. Force you to complete their time travel research. +Rintaro: Have you done this before? How many lives have you ruined for SERN's research? +Moeka: ...I do as I'm told. +Rintaro: I was a fool to consider you my friend. +Moeka: ...I live for SERN. +Moeka: ...I live for FB. +Moeka: I'll do anything... if FB tells me to. +Moeka: Okabe-kun... +Moeka: Is it you? +Moeka: Are you John Titor? +Rintaro: ...What? +Moeka: There's no one else it could be. +Rintaro: I don't have time for this. +Rintaro: If you want to live, you'll call your friends. Call FB. Cancel the attack. +Moeka: I don't have the authority. +Rintaro: I don't care! Find some way to stop the attack. Otherwise... +Rintaro: I'll kill you. +Rintaro: Why... why did you kill her? +Rintaro: You didn't want to kill her, did you? So why... +Moeka: I... +Moeka: ...just obey... +Moeka: ...FB. +Rintaro: Then bring that son-of-a-bitch here! +Rintaro: I don't care about your authority. If you don't do what I say-- +Moeka: ...I can't. +Moeka: I've never-- +Attacker A: Drop the gun. +Rintaro: You lied, Kiryu Moeka! +Rintaro: We promised to meet alone! +Moeka: ... +Attacker A: I said drop the gun. +Rintaro: I'll give you the time machine. Just don't kill anyone. +Moeka: Even if you do that... +Moeka: You'll still be held prisoner. +Moeka: Forever. +Rintaro: Please... +Rintaro: I'm sorry about the hacking. Just please, don't kill anyone. +Attacker A: Target B in custody. Requesting pickup. +Rintaro: Aaaaahhhhhh!! +Mayuri: Okarin! +Mayuri: Ah! +Kurisu: Stop, Okabe! What are you doing!? +Kurisu: Are you trying to break the machine? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: You don't have to break⑰ it, Okabe. +Kurisu: We already decided not to experiment. Remember? +Kurisu: Anyway, put the chair down. +Kurisu: You look pale. What's wrong? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Are you listening? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: W-wait! +Kurisu: Hey. Don't you think you're a little old to be sitting on the ground in public? +Kurisu: So this is where you went. I've been looking for you. +Rintaro: ...Christina. +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: What time is it now? +Kurisu: 5:38. +Kurisu: Hey. If you have time to sit around, then you can help me with the shopping. +Kurisu: Well? Are you going to come along or not? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Kurisu. +Kurisu: ...That's the first time you've said my name properly. +Rintaro: ...Help me. +Rintaro: Help me... +Kurisu: Tell me what happened. +Kurisu: I know you used the Time Leap Machine. +Rintaro: ...What? +Kurisu: You get a phone call, and suddenly you're like a different person. +Kurisu: It was obvious. +Rintaro: I came from three hours in the future. +Kurisu: What happened? +Rintaro: They... killed Mayuri. +Rintaro: ...It's all my fault. +Rintaro: I shouldn't have told Daru to hack SERN. +Rintaro: I shouldn't have asked you to build a time machine. +Rintaro: I shouldn't have made Moeka a lab mem. +Rintaro: Mayuri's death... is all my fault. +Kurisu: If you know that Mayuri's going to die, then what are you doing wasting time here? +Rintaro: ...I just don't get it anymore. +Kurisu: What don't you get? +Rintaro: How to save Mayuri. +Kurisu: Based on what you said, I guess the chronology protection conjecture is true. +Rintaro: No matter what I do, Mayuri dies. +Kurisu: And that's why you keep time leaping... +Kurisu: There's no guarantee that the machine is safe, you know. +Kurisu: Even if the machine works perfectly, repeated use may have serious side effects. +Kurisu: For example, you may become disconnected from causality itself. +Kurisu: You need to understand the risks if you're going to continue. +Rintaro: Disconnected from causality, meaning? +Kurisu: It happens all the time in sci-fi. You'll become trapped in a closed time loop, never aging, never dying, but doomed to repeat the same day for all eternity. +Kurisu: Worst case, you may cease to exist entirely. +Kurisu: Every trace of your existence will vanish. Nobody will remember you, because your life will have never happened. +Kurisu: Leaping through time is that dangerous. +Rintaro: 'Humans are temporal beings.' +Kurisu: Heidegger. I was thinking of that quote too. +Rintaro: I heard it from you first. +Kurisu: When? +Rintaro: This isn't the first time I've leaped. +Kurisu: Right. Of course. +Kurisu: If what you said is true, then I want to save Mayuri too. +Kurisu: But as the co-creator of the Time Leap Machine, I can't recommend its continued use. +Kurisu: Will you listen to my advice? +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: I need your help. +Rintaro: I have to save Mayuri! I can't do it alone, but together, we might have a chance. I want... I need to believe that! +Rintaro: Please, lend me your strength. +Kurisu: You're such a stubborn fool. +Kurisu: What you've been through... I'm surprised it hasn't broken you already. +Kurisu: I'll help. +Kurisu: Mayuri's my friend, and a fellow lab mem. +Kurisu: And besides... I don't want to see you in such pain. +Rintaro: I'm sorry. +Kurisu: Don't apologize. +Kurisu: Remember when I told you about my father? You really helped me out back then. +Kurisu: Now it's my turn to return the favor. +Kurisu: I want to be your strength. +Kurisu: Besides, you still have to come with me to Aomori. +Kurisu: I know you're going to leap no matter what I say. You are a mad scientist, after all, and mad scientists play by their own rules. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Hey. Aren't you supposed to go 'muhahahaha' or something? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Kurisu: Why do I even try? +Kurisu: Anyway, I'm not doing this for you, okay? +Kurisu: I'm doing it for Mayuri. +Rintaro: Yeah, of course. +Kurisu: That, and I think you'll make a good test subject. +Rintaro: Now you're talking like SERN. +Kurisu: It's completely different. +Rintaro: How so? +Kurisu: I only experiment on you. +Kurisu: Besides, mad scientists experiment on themselves all the time, don't they? +Rintaro: I guess... +Kurisu: I-it's just a joke. Don't take it so seriously. +Kurisu: There's not much time. I think you should have a clear plan before trying to change the future again. +Rintaro: Meaning? +Kurisu: Leap to an even earlier time. +Kurisu: Then explain the situation to me again. +Kurisu: Let's go. +Kurisu: I understand why you can't tell Mayuri, but why can't you tell Hashida? +Rintaro: I'll tell him when it's necessary. +Kurisu: They'll throw you in the slammer for breaking and entering. +Rintaro: In a few seconds, it won't have happened. +Kurisu: I see. That's how it looks from your perspective. +Kurisu: What does it look like from my perspective? What happens here after you leap? +Rintaro: ...You'll know soon enough. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: What's wrong? +Kurisu: It's nothing. I was just thinking. +Rintaro: Maybe it works like a D-Mail. +Kurisu: That would make things easier, though I kind of hope you're wrong. +Rintaro: Because you can't collect data if you can't record the change? +Kurisu: Exactly. +Kurisu: I set the destination to five hours ago. You should arrive around 1:40 PM. +Kurisu: I completed the Time Leap Machine just after 2. Do you remember? +Kurisu: Nobody likes a man who can't remember dates. +Kurisu: Be thankful that I make a habit of checking the time. I have a pretty good idea what happened when. +Kurisu: Listen, Okabe. If you're going to keep using the Time Leap Machine, there's one thing you must remember. +Kurisu: Don't let go of your phone. Ever. It's your lifeline. Your destination marker. +Kurisu: As long as you keep it with you, you can leap to any time you want. +Kurisu: But if you lose your phone... if someone else gets ahold of it... +Kurisu: If it breaks, or the battery dies... +Kurisu: The time leap will fail. +Kurisu: Once again, never let go of your phone. +Rintaro: Got it. +Kurisu: After you leap back to this afternoon, just sit tight and don't do anything until I complete the Time Leap Machine. +Kurisu: If you accidentally prevent me from completing the machine, it will likely wreak havoc with the timeline. +Kurisu: As soon as I finish, declare that we will not experiment. Then send everyone home. +Kurisu: Ask me to stay. Tell me the truth. If you say you came from the future, I'll probably believe you. +Rintaro: How do you know? +Kurisu: Who knows me better than myself? +Kurisu: Don't forget. It was my mad skillz that turned the PhoneWave into a time leap machine. +Kurisu: When you told me about your time leap, I took it as proof that my theories were right. I was happy it succeeded. I really was. I didn't doubt it was true for a second. +Kurisu: Just to be safe, I should probably give you a passphrase. +Kurisu: What I want the most right now is my own fork. +Rintaro: ...What? +Kurisu: It doesn't mean anything, okay!? +Rintaro: You want your own fork? +Kurisu: I already have my own spoon... wait, that doesn't matter! +Kurisu: Everything's ready! Now get out of here! +Kurisu: Be careful. And remember... +Kurisu: I'm always on your side. +Mayuri: Okarin, Okarin! Can you come here? +Mayuri: Can you hold this for me? Spread it out like 'fwapp!' +Itaru: Mayu-shi, say 'fwapp' again. +Mayuri: Fwapp! +Itaru: I got a fwapp! +Kurisu: Stop it, perv. +Mayuri: Hmm... +Mayuri: Okay! Thanks. +Mayuri: All done♪ +Mayuri: I finished before Chris-chan! We were racing. +Kurisu: You win, Mayuri. Congratulations. +Kurisu: But I'm finished too. +Kurisu: Complete. +Rintaro: We're not experimenting. +Kurisu: Eh!? +Kurisu: I just finished and you're already shutting it down? What I have been doing these past three days? +Rintaro: Time leaping presents a host of problems. I want to consider them all carefully. +Kurisu: H-huh. That's... an unusually respectable opinion, coming from you. +Mayuri: Problems? I thought it was done? +Rintaro: I'll explain later. Everyone's tired, so let's go home. +Itaru: We're not going to have a party to celebrate? +Rintaro: We'll do that another day. +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: Are you upset? +Kurisu: ...Yeah. +Rintaro: I came from five hours in the future. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Is that supposed to be funny? +Rintaro: D-don't glare like that! This isn't right! You're supposed to believe me! +Kurisu: What made you think I'd believe something like that!? +Rintaro: You told me so! Five hours from now, okay!? +Kurisu: Don't be ridiculous. I would never make such a baseless projection. +Rintaro: When I told you about my time leap, you said, 'I took it as proof that my theories were right. I didn't doubt it was true for a second.' +Rintaro: 'Don't forget. It was my mad skillz that turned the PhoneWave into a time leap machine.' +Kurisu: I don't talk like that! +Rintaro: What you want most right now is your own fork! +Kurisu: Wha-- +Rintaro: You already have your own spoon, apparently. +Kurisu: S-she said that? I'm gonna kill myself five hours from now... +Kurisu: It feels like someone peeked into my heart. And that someone is Okabe, of all people. +Kurisu: But I think I believe you. Tell me the details. +Kurisu: I see... If what you say is true, then we have a serious problem. +Kurisu: Future me said that the chronology protection conjecture holds, but I don't think that's quite right. +Kurisu: That conjecture says that according to quantum theory, time travel is impossible due to the danger of disrupting causality. +Kurisu: But when you time leap, there's no chance of a time paradox occurring. +Rintaro: So I was right. +Rintaro: The universe itself is censoring me, correcting any changes I try to make. +Kurisu: If that's true, then time leaping can't save Mayuri. Nothing you do will change the result. +Rintaro: ...I can't accept that. +Kurisu: Neither can I. The world is trying to kill Mayuri? As I scientist, I refuse to believe such nonsense. +Rintaro: What about the many-worlds interpretation? I just need to observe the world where Mayuri doesn't die. +Kurisu: The many-worlds interpretation... That might have something to do with how Mayuri's means of death keeps changing. +Kurisu: But it's supposed to be impossible for parallel worlds to observe each other. Why are you different? +Rintaro: Because of my esper power, Reading Steiner. +Kurisu: This is no time for your chuunibyou nonsense. +Rintaro: ...There's no other explanation. +Kurisu: You've mentioned that Reading Steiner thing before. Were you actually serious? +Rintaro: Why would I make up something like that? +Kurisu: I don't know, but I don't want to rely on something that may not even exist. +Kurisu: Anyway, you can't control which possibilities you observe. Even if the many-worlds interpretation holds true, it's unreasonable to expect that you'll ever find a world where Mayuri doesn't die. +Rintaro: Wait. We're not getting anywhere. Instead of analyzing what I've done⑰, let's think about what we can do⑰. +Kurisu: Time leaping won't change the result. I just said that. +Rintaro: Then what do we do!? +Kurisu: Calm down. +Rintaro: How can I calm down!? Do you know how many times I've seen Mayuri die!? +Rintaro: Covered in blood! Gasping for breath! The light fading from her eyes! Again... and again... and again... +Rintaro: And all I could do... was watch! +Kurisu: Getting emotional won't solve anything. +Rintaro: You're only calm because you weren't there! +Kurisu: ...True. I don't know what happens five hours from now. To be honest, it doesn't feel real at all. +Kurisu: But it's not like I don't believe you. +Kurisu: You have to stay strong, Okabe. +Rintaro: ...Sorry. +Rintaro: What I don't understand is how the cause can change but the effect can stay the same. +Rintaro: It's like causality itself is broken. +Kurisu: Maybe Kiryu Moeka shooting her isn't the real cause of her death. Maybe it's something larger and less obvious. +Kurisu: For example, maybe she dies because we invented a time machine, or because SERN discovered our hacking. +Kurisu: If that's the cause, then it doesn't really matter how she dies. Causality remains intact. +Rintaro: Can that theory explain why Nae pushed her in front of a train? +Kurisu: Oh, right... hmm... +Kurisu: Anyway, the principle of causality is absolute. Deny that, and you deny all of physics. +Kurisu: There must be a distinct cause for Mayuri's death. +Rintaro: So if we figure out what it is, then maybe we can save her. +Kurisu: Not necessarily. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Kurisu: The problem is when the causal event occurred. +Kurisu: If it happened too far in the past... then there's nothing we can do. +Rintaro: But I can travel to any time I had a cell phone, can't I!? +Kurisu: No. It's still theoretical, but I believe that one leap with our machine has a maximum range of 48 hours. +Rintaro: Why didn't you tell me that before!? +Kurisu: Before what? I just finished the Time Leap Machine, remember? +Rintaro: Future you didn't say anything about it either. +Kurisu: Oh, so that's what you mean. Maybe she just didn't have the chance. +Rintaro: So how come I can only leap 48 hours? +Kurisu: I don't know. Even I don't understand everything that's going on inside that thing. +Kurisu: But you can do consecutive leaps. That is, as long as the Time Leap Machine exists. For example, if the Time Leap Machine remains functional for ten straight years, you could leap back to this moment ten years from now. +Kurisu: Of course, it would take a total of 1825 leaps, so I don't recommend it. Still, it's theoretically possible. +Rintaro: Then what's the problem? +Kurisu: Weren't you listening? I said, as long as the Time Leap Machine exists. +Kurisu: When was the machine completed? +Rintaro: ...Ah. +Kurisu: Exactly. An hour ago. August 13th, 2010. 2:00 PM, or thereabouts. +Kurisu: It didn't exist before then. +Kurisu: It's impossible to use the machine before 2 PM today. +Rintaro: So what you're saying is... +Rintaro: I can't go back farther than 2 PM on the 11th!? +Kurisu: Most likely. +Rintaro: Can't you improve it!? +Kurisu: Eventually, maybe, but certainly not now. +Kurisu: I'd need a real laboratory with real equipment. It would be expensive, which means we'd need sponsors. +Kurisu: And if we go looking, I'm pretty sure SERN would crush us. +Kurisu: I'd say that's proven by the fact that neither you nor I have leapt here from the far future yet. +Rintaro: We can't do anything!? +Rintaro: Even with the Time Leap Machine, we can't stop SERN from killing Mayuri five hours from now!? +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Rintaro: Hey! +Kurisu: Hey! Where are you going!? +Suzuha: #000000 +Rintaro: Suzuha! I need to talk to you! +Suzuha: #000000 +Rintaro: ...What? +Suzuha: #000000 +Suzuha: #000000 +Suzuha: #000000 +Rintaro: Hey! Suzuha! Wait! +Rintaro: Wha... +Rintaro: Suzuha? Or could it be Moeka!? +Rintaro: So it is her! +Rintaro: Suzuha!! +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro... +Suzuha: Ow!! +Rintaro: What are you doing!? +Suzuha: ...It's not working. +Rintaro: You know how to use that thing? +Suzuha: It's not working... +Rintaro: Answer me, Amane Suzuha. +Rintaro: This is a time machine, isn't it? +Rintaro: Are you a time traveler? +Suzuha: I'm... +Suzuha: John Titor. +Rintaro: What do you mean, you're John Titor? +Suzuha: ...Exactly what it sounds like. +Suzuha: I'm the John Titor who's been posting on @channel. +Rintaro: ...I thought he was a guy. +Suzuha: I fooled you? Guess my camouflage worked, then. +Rintaro: Who are you hiding from? +Suzuha: ...SERN. +Rintaro: Those stories you posted... were they... +Suzuha: True? Mostly. A few exceptions. +Rintaro: So you came from 2036, and that satellite... that's your time machine. +Suzuha: I was hoping you wouldn't find out, but my time machine went and broke on me. +Suzuha: I really screwed up, huh? +Rintaro: I thought Titor's time machine was loaded on a Chevy. +Suzuha: Chevy? That's a car, right? Where'd you hear that? +Rintaro: The Titor in 2000 said so. +Suzuha: 2000? +Suzuha: That might be me on a different worldline. +Suzuha: At least, I haven't been to 2000. I came straight here from 2036. +Rintaro: What do you know? +Rintaro: You overheard my conversation with Kurisu, right? Why did you run to the time machine? What were you trying to do? +Suzuha: I thought it was my fault. +Rintaro: What? +Suzuha: Because I neglected my mission, SERN was able to put their plan in motion. +Suzuha: ...Is it true!? +Suzuha: Is it true that SERN kills Shiina Mayuri? +Rintaro: It's true. I time leaped from five hours in the future. +Suzuha: Time leaped... +Suzuha: So you guys completed your time machine... +Rintaro: I need answers! What do you mean it's your fault!? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: I'll tell you everything. +Suzuha: I think you need to know. You... and Makise Kurisu. +Suzuha: ...Thanks. +Mayuri: Welcome back, Okarin! Oh! Suzu-san's with you too♪ +Mayuri: I really thought we should celebrate the birth of Super PhoneWave-chan! +Mayuri: So Daru-kun and I went shopping♪ +Kurisu: W-what do we do? +Rintaro: Make absolutely sure Mayuri doesn't find out. +Itaru: What are you guys whispering about? +Kurisu: Um... +Rintaro: How many times do I have to say it? No party! +Mayuri: Come on, Okarin. That's no fun! +Rintaro: It's not about fun. +Mayuri: Suzu-san? Are you feeling okay? +Rintaro: Suzuha, Christina, and I have important matters to discuss. That's why I asked you to leave for the day. +Mayuri: Mayushii wants to hear too! +Itaru: Um, I think he's serious. +Mayuri: But Suzu-san looks sad... Mayushii's worried... +Suzuha: ...Sorry. +Suzuha: I want Shiina Mayuri and Hashida Itaru to stay. This concerns them too. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: A girl from the future? That's awesome! Can I shake your hand? +Rintaro: We're not playing around here, Daru. +Mayuri: What year were you born? +Suzuha: 2017. +Mayuri: That's in seven years... You haven't been born yet, but you're here. Uh... huh??? +Rintaro: Alright, Suzuha. Let's hear it. +Suzuha: Well, the gist is what I posted on @channel. +Suzuha: I came from future, the year 2036. In my time, the world is a dystopia ruled by SERN. There's no war, no conflict, but no freedom either. +Mayuri: Diss-tope-ear? +Kurisu: A society where every activity is controlled by the government. In a dystopia, you're not allowed to eat bananas unless today is banana-eating day. If you break that rule, they throw you in jail without a trial. +Mayuri: That's terrible! Mayushii loves bananas... +Suzuha: I'm part of the Resistance fighting to free humanity from SERN's control. +Suzuha: I came to the past to change my present. +Suzuha: From your point of view, I guess I should say the future. To change the future. +Mayuri: Um, what about finding your father? Was that a lie? +Suzuha: ... +Kurisu: SERN is a research institution. They don't have political power. I explained that to John Titor several times online. +Rintaro: ...Wait, don't tell me. You're 'KuriGohan and Kamehameha'!? +Kurisu: Titor came forward, so it's only fair that I do too. +Rintaro: In that case, I'll come clean too. I was posting under my true name, Hououin Kyou-- +Kurisu & Suzuha: 30 +Mayuri: Ah, you harmonized♪ +Suzuha: SERN is still a research institution in 2036. +Suzuha: The world is actually ruled by SERN's secret backers, the Committee of 300. +Rintaro: The Committee of 300... They're real? +Suzuha: When SERN successfully completed their time machine, they became the sole entity with power over the fourth dimension, Time. +Suzuha: In just two years, they remade the world to serve their purpose. +Suzuha: That brings us to you, Makise Kurisu. +Suzuha: In 2036, you're apotheosized as the mother of the time machine. +Kurisu: Apotheosized? +Itaru: In Japanese, please. +Suzuha: Apotheosized. As in revered, respected. +Kurisu: Respected? Huh!? I-I am!? +Suzuha: In 2010, you pioneer time leap technology. Afterwards, you contribute to the development of SERN's time machine. That's what I know about Makise Kurisu. +Rintaro: Then I must be the father of the time machine, right? +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro is a terrorist in 2036. You're pretty infamous. +Rintaro: Wha... +Kurisu: I help SERN build their time machine? I don't believe it. +Kurisu: SERN experiments on people against their will. They're a disgrace to scientists everywhere. I would never collaborate with them. +Suzuha: But that's how it is in the future. +Kurisu: How did the future me explain herself? +Suzuha: We've never met. By 2036, you're already dead... sorry. +Kurisu: Well... that's just great. +Kurisu: I don't even make it to fifty? +Suzuha: In my time, there are two kinds of people: those who live extremely long lives, and those who die young, under suspicious circumstances. +Suzuha: People who act against SERN are erased. +Kurisu: T-they erased me? +Suzuha: ...Maybe you were being used by SERN too. Maybe they took your parents hostage and forced you to work on their time machine. +Kurisu: No... does that mean Mama's in danger? +Rintaro: Rounders. +Itaru: What's that? +Rintaro: SERN's private army. Or something like that. +Suzuha: On paper, they're an independent technology research firm. In reality, they do the dirty work for SERN all over the world. +Suzuha: So they already exist. I thought they might. In my time, they're our number one enemy. +Itaru: D-dirty work? Does that mean like... kidnappings and assassinations? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: In my time, yes. But I don't think they've reached that level in this time yet. +Kurisu: Amane-san. You said that most of what you posted as John Titor was true, right? +Suzuha: Right. +Kurisu: Does that mean you know how the universe works? You claimed that the Everett-Wheeler model -- the many-worlds interpretation -- is correct. +Suzuha: That was a lie. Camouflage so that SERN wouldn't target me. +Suzuha: If I mix one lie into the truth, then the bad apple spoils the barrel. +Kurisu: So you don't know. +Suzuha: I do. By 2036, scientists have successfully modeled the structure of the universe. And it's not the many-worlds interpretation. +Kurisu: Really? Tell me! +Rintaro: Attractor Fields... +Suzuha: Right. I told you by mail, didn't I? +Kurisu: What sort of model is that? +Suzuha: The universe is made up of worldlines and attractor fields. +Suzuha: The universe is like this piece of yarn. +Suzuha: Countless possible worldlines exist side by side, branching out to infinity. +Suzuha: From a distance, it looks like a single string, but when you look closer, the string is actually made up of individual threads woven together. +Suzuha: At the end, those threads converge on a single point. The paths are different, but the destination is the same. +Kurisu: Isn't that +Suzuha: Close. This model is a little looser. +Suzuha: You could say it cherry-picks from the many-worlds interpretation and the Copenhagen interpretation. +Rintaro: If the branches all lead to the same place, does that mean there's only one world in the end? +Suzuha: Exactly. +Suzuha: The bundle of worldlines that share a point of convergence is called an attractor field. +Suzuha: There are also many attractor fields. +Suzuha: This string is Attractor Field Alpha. The threads are Alpha worldlines. +Suzuha: Blue is Beta, yellow is Gamma, and white is Delta. +Suzuha: Each is made up of countless Beta worldlines, Gamma worldlines, or Delta worldlines. +Suzuha: Attractor fields are superpositioned like this. +Suzuha: In each attractor field, the worldlines converge on a different result. +Suzuha: They don't interact. Each attractor field is independent of the others. +Suzuha: Of course, they all diverged from a common point somewhere in the past, and they will all converge again at some point in the future, but that takes many hundreds of years. You can think of the attractor fields as very long worldlines. +Itaru: Can you compare it to an eroge? Teach me, oh erotic one. +Kurisu: T-there's no erotic one here! +Rintaro: No, he's right. It is like an eroge. Each heroine's route is an attractor field, and the small choices within are the individual worldlines. +Rintaro: But at the end, they all enter the true route for the grand ending. +Itaru: The only difference is the length of the common parts. By the way, I'd choose the little sister's attractor field. +Rintaro: Whatever. +Kurisu: You guys are hopeless. Better do something quick. +Suzuha: Umm, I don't know what you guys are talking about... +Kurisu: Just ignore them. +Itaru: But then, isn't it impossible to change the future? It always converges in the end, right? No matter what you do, the result is the same. +Suzuha: We have to escape Attractor Field Alpha. +Rintaro: Escape? +Suzuha: In other words, we're going to jump to a worldline in Attractor Field Beta. +Kurisu: I thought attractor fields couldn't interact. +Suzuha: Attractor fields are normally separate, but if we go to the instant they diverge... +Kurisu: The instant they diverge... is that now? +Suzuha: I was taught that a major divergence occurs in 2010. +Suzuha: This year, an earth-shattering event causes divergence at the attractor field level. The last time such a divergence occurred was in the year 2000, and before that, in 1991. +Mayuri: Umm, what happened those years? +Suzuha: Events that changed the face of the world. +Mayuri: Huh? +Rintaro: 1991 was the collapse of the Soviet Union, right? But what happened in 2000? 2001 had the 9/11 attacks... +Suzuha: The Year 2000 Problem. +Itaru: Y2K? But that was just hype. Nothing happened. +Suzuha: That's because the Alpha worldline we're on represents a world where Y2K didn't occur. +Suzuha: And that brings us to 2010. +Mayuri: Did something big happen this year? +Suzuha: What else could it be... +Suzuha: But the creation of humanity's first time machine? +Mayuri: Oh yeah! Wow! +Kurisu: One more question. +Kurisu: These worldlines aren't +Suzuha: No. Ultimately, they're just possibilities that exist simultaneously. +Kurisu: Then how do you observe the differences between worldlines? Wouldn't you need a god's eye view to do that? +Suzuha: Normally. However... +Rintaro: Reading Steiner!? +Suzuha: Is that what you call it? Okabe Rintaro, you have the power to observe changes across worldlines. Correct? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Suzuha: That's the key. +Suzuha: Your power is the key to freeing the world from SERN's rule. +Suzuha: You have the power of a god. +Rintaro: My power... +Suzuha: If you escape Attractor Field Alpha and reach a Beta worldline... then the result will change. +Rintaro: So there's hope? +Kurisu: Wait a second. +Kurisu: How do we know this is all true? What if Amane-san is just making stuff up? +Suzuha: What!? I'm not making stuff up! +Kurisu: Calm down. I'm not trying to pick a fight. +Kurisu: But I still have questions. One, how do you know about Okabe's power? Two, how did you know Okabe and I were in Akihabara in 2010? +Kurisu: Don't you know a little too much for someone born in 2017? +Suzuha: ...It was written in Dad's will. +Mayuri: What do you mean? +Suzuha: His will was what made me decide to time travel. +Suzuha: My dad was one of the founding members of the Resistance. He hid from SERN and researched time travel on his own. +Suzuha: He wanted to change the future. +Suzuha: But SERN killed him. +Suzuha: That's why I'm here. To fulfill his dream. +Kurisu: ...I'm sorry. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Akihabara, 2010. The time machine created here accelerates SERN's own time machine research. +Suzuha: We have to stop that from happening in order to guide history in a new direction. +Itaru: Stop it? How? +Rintaro: SERN already knows about us. +Suzuha: Dad believed that the ultimate cause was the very first email you sent with your time machine. +Rintaro: An email? It wasn't because they caught us hacking? +Itaru: Like I said, nobody can catch my hacking. +Kurisu: Which email are you talking about? +Mayuri: Um, I know! Wasn't it the email Okarin sent that said Chris-chan died? +Kurisu: Oh, that... +Suzuha: SERN probably intercepted that email and realized what it meant. +Rintaro: They were already on to us back then? +Itaru: We really jumped in the deep end, huh... +Mayuri: Mayushii's good at the breaststroke! +Itaru: Alright, then do a sexy underwater pose. +Rintaro: But how did they intercept our email? Hundreds of millions of emails are sent around the world each day. +Suzuha: SERN uses the +Rintaro: Echelon!? It really exists!? +Suzuha: Echelon sees everything. Any transmission that even hints at time travel is filtered and sent to SERN. +Suzuha: We need to find the record of that email in SERN's database and delete it. +Suzuha: If you do that, then SERN will never know you exist. Their time machine won't be completed in 2034. If we're lucky, the program may be shut down entirely. +Itaru: Hmm... there wasn't any data like that when we hacked SERN's database. +Suzuha: The IBN 5100. +Itaru: Oh! +Rintaro: Of course! SERN's IBN 5100 database! +Suzuha: That's probably where they store the data from Echelon. +Rintaro: Dammit, Daru! Why didn't we use the IBN 5100 earlier!? +Itaru: Uh... we never had one? +Rintaro: What are you talking about!? I got one, remember!? +Itaru: Huh? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: My mission is to make sure you acquire an IBN 5100. +Rintaro: You have one!? +Suzuha: I'm going to 1975 to obtain one. +Rintaro: Alright! We need to move fast. How soon can you leave, Suzuha? +Suzuha: I was trying to leave when you caught me, but... +Rintaro: Right... your time machine's broken. +Kurisu: Can you fix it? +Suzuha: No. I just ride it. My dad's the one who built it. +Suzuha: I've memorized the manual, so I know how it works, but... +Kurisu: Maybe we can use the Time Leap Machine to go back before Amane-san's time machine broke. +Itaru: Wait, you're going to use the Time Leap Machine? Wasn't the plan not to experiment? +Rintaro: We'll use it if the situation demands. Do you know when it broke, Suzuha? +Suzuha: No... but it was probably the rain a few days ago. It's supposed to be airtight, but the inside was all wet when I checked it today. +Itaru: Maybe it made a hole when you crashed into Radio Kaikan? +Suzuha: That wasn't a crash. The coordinates were slightly off, so it just appeared there. +Suzuha: It's not exactly the most stable machine. +Rintaro: Anyone remember when it rained? +Kurisu: The morning of the 10th. Just before dawn. +Rintaro: Damn! We can't get there with the Time Leap Machine! +Itaru: I think we should try to fix it. +Mayuri: Yeah! It's a time machine, so we have plenty of time, right? +Suzuha: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: You're all hungry, aren't you? You should be. +Itaru: What's this all of a sudden? +Mayuri: Mayushii's hungry! +Rintaro: Mayuri, Daru. I leave the shopping to you. We can come up with a plan while we eat. +Mayuri: Wow, Okarin! What are we going to do with all this money? +Rintaro: Buy food. Lots of food. Use it all! +Itaru: You just calmly hand over a 10,000 yen bill... wow, Okarin, you make it look easy! That's why we love you! That's why we admire you! +Rintaro: Christina. Titor. +Suzuha: Titor? Is that me? +Rintaro: Who else? +Suzuha: Why are you calling me that now? +Rintaro: Because you're the one behind Titor's mask. +Suzuha: Well, yeah, but... +Kurisu: Just give up. Okabe rarely calls anyone by their name. +Suzuha: Oh yeah. He always calls me 'Part-Time Warrior' for some reason. +Rintaro: Listen, you two. I'm going to leap to 2 PM on the 11th. +Rintaro: After Titor explains herself again, we'll start repairs on the time machine. Our goal is to have it working by this time today. +Kurisu: Is that the best plan? +Rintaro: It's better than trying to fix it when we only have two hours left. If it doesn't work, I'll just keep repeating the same two days. +Suzuha: ...I'm sorry. +Rintaro: Titor. We're counting on you to get us an IBN 5100. +Rintaro: Never forget. I'm not doing this for you, and I'm not doing it for the future. My mission is to save Mayuri. +Rintaro: Call me self-righteous if you want. However... +Rintaro: I'm doing this my way. +Rintaro: Good. Then let's begin. +Kurisu: You're not going to name the operation? +Kurisu: You couldn't find a good Norse mythology-themed name? +Suzuha: Why Norse mythology? +Kurisu: I don't think there's a deep meaning behind it. Chuunibyou patients just love Germanic names for some reason. +Suzuha: Now that you mention it, most of our operation names in the Resistance have Germanic names too. Whenever I ask, they say it's tradition. +Kurisu: So there's still chuunibyou in 2036... +Rintaro: Cut the chatter! +Itaru: Let's go take a look! +Mayuri: H-hold on, everyone! +Mayuri: Um, guys? Aren't we forgetting something? +Itaru: Like what? +Mayuri: What about Suzu-san's dad? +Suzuha: ...That doesn't matter now, does it? +Mayuri: It does too! I mean, it'll take time to fix the time machine, won't it? We should help Suzu-san find her dad in the meantime! +Mayuri: Right? +Rintaro: But... +Mayuri: Don't be like that, Okarin! You have to keep your promise. +Mayuri: We promised, remember? We said we'd all look for Suzu-san's dad. +Rintaro: Yeah... I remember. +Mayuri: I know Suzu-san has a mission and stuff, but I think she also came because she really wanted to meet her dad. +Mayuri: Mayushii wants to make that happen! +Suzuha: Shiina Mayuri... you're such a nice girl... +Suzuha: ...You're right. +Suzuha: I thought I could find him if I came to this town. +Suzuha: I know that he was in Akihabara in 2010. +Rintaro: So your father's real!? +Suzuha: Of course he is! At this age, he's probably still young and cool. +Rintaro: His name was Barrel Titor, right? +Suzuha: Yeah, that's right. +Mayuri: Wow, a foreigner? +Suzuha: No, I'm pretty sure he's Japanese. Barrel Titor is his codename in the Resistance. I don't think he's using it yet. +Suzuha: I... don't know his real name. +Suzuha: Some daughter, huh? +Suzuha: He died before he could tell me. +Rintaro: What about your surname, Amane? +Suzuha: That was my mother's maiden name. +Kurisu: So you have no leads? +Suzuha: Leads... oh, there is one thing. +Mayuri: A pin? +Mayuri: There's something written on it. +Suzuha: This belonged to my dad. +Kurisu: A memento... +Rintaro: Google it, Daru! +Suzuha: He was here in Akihabara, so I think we can exclude the foreign sites. +Itaru: Okay, got it. +Itaru: Nothing! +Mayuri: But this has to be some kind of hint! +Mayuri: Okay, all in favor of helping Suzu-san find her dad? +Rintaro: ...No objections. +Mayuri: Thanks, Okarin♪ Ehehe! +Suzuha: Everyone... thank you. +Suzuha: But I want to be clear that my mission to 1975 comes first. That was my dad's final wish, after all. +Suzuha: So if we still haven't found him by the time repairs are complete, I think we should give up. Is that okay? +Mayuri: Are you sure? +Suzuha: If we still haven't found him by then, it just wasn't meant to be. +Itaru: So where do we start? +Rintaro: The pin is our only hint. We'll hit every store in Akiba that sells things like this. Maybe someone will know where it came from. +Suzuha: What kind of stores? +Rintaro: Akiba is full of niche stores where you can find strange and cool accessories. +Rintaro: How does it look? +Itaru: It's so freaking hot in there. +Itaru: It's worse than a sauna. Spend too much time in there and I'll turn into Daru jerky. +Itaru: By the way, it's not gonna fall or anything... right? +Suzuha: Can it be fixed? +Itaru: Well, I still don't know for sure. But there is one thing I noticed just now. +Itaru: It's built kind of like the PhoneWave. +Rintaro: That means there's a chance, right!? +Itaru: I said I'm not sure. I need to poke around some more. +Rintaro: Daru. Super Hacka. Everything depends on your skills now. +Rintaro: You are the super hacka who will save the world. In 2036, people will worship you instead of Kurisu, the mother of the time machine. +Itaru: It's hacker! How many times do I have to tell you!? +Rintaro: Anyway, you have two days. Do whatever it takes, Daru. +Rintaro: You're our only hope. +Itaru: No promises, man. And why two days? +Rintaro: Well... +Suzuha: In two days, the weather conditions will be perfect for creating the ring singularity. +Suzuha: If we miss that window, we won't have another chance until next year. +Rintaro: P-precisely! +Itaru: Fix it in two days? That's just nuts. +Rintaro: But if you do, you'll earn the right to a date with Faris. +Itaru: ...!? +Rintaro: Can you fix it? +Itaru: No problem! +Kurisu: Welcome back. +Kurisu: From the looks on your faces, I guess you didn't find anything. +Rintaro: Where's Daru? +Kurisu: He hasn't come back yet. It's already dark, so maybe he went straight home? +Suzuha: I feel bad. There's no time for this... +Rintaro: It's not for you. We're doing it to save Mayuri. +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Rintaro: Is it SERN!? +Kurisu: Good morning. +Rintaro: ...You came to wake me up? Thanks. +Kurisu: I didn't do it for you. +Suzuha: I asked her to wake you up, Okabe Rintaro. There's something I want to show you. +Rintaro: ...What's this? +Suzuha: A divergence meter. The numbers indicate the divergence value of the current worldline. +Suzuha: Divergence is measured from my original worldline, which corresponds to zero. +Rintaro: You made this? +Suzuha: No. I brought it with me from 2036. +Rintaro: These are Nixie tubes, right? Whoever made this has taste. I'd happily dub it Future Gadget No. 9. +Kurisu: How exactly does it work? It shouldn't be possible to measure changes like that. +Suzuha: I don't know either. +Rintaro: You don't know!? +Suzuha: Can you guess who made it? +Suzuha: You did, Okabe Rintaro. +Rintaro: Huh? +Suzuha: You made it, umm... 11 years from now. It apparently works the same way your special power does. +Rintaro: Huh... +Kurisu: So this meter lets other people check worldline divergence? +Suzuha: I wish. +Suzuha: I'm pretty sure only Okabe Rintaro would notice if the number changed. +Kurisu: What? Then there's no point. Make something useful for once, Okabe. +Suzuha: Only the person who made it knows how it works. Wait 11 years. I'm sure he'll have figured it out by then. +Rintaro: Have you met me in the future? +Suzuha: ...No. Never. +Rintaro: Oh... +Rintaro: So, why are you showing me this? +Suzuha: When the meter reads over 1%, you've made it to the Beta worldline. +Rintaro: 1%... +Suzuha: Right. Reach 1% divergence... and you'll save Shiina Mayuri. +Suzuha: You can have it. No point in me carrying it around. I hope you'll find a use for it. +Rintaro: HEY, MASTER. I AM MAD SCIENTIST. SO COOOOL. SONUVABITCH! +Master: Can I help you? +Rintaro: Um, I have a question, if you don't mind. +Rintaro: Does this look familiar? +Rintaro: I want to know where it came from. Can you help me find out? +Master: Ee... remember... remember? Hmmm, sorry, itsa little diff-cult, eh... +Master: By the way, where'd ya get this thang? +Rintaro: That's what I want to know. I'll compensate you. +Master: I sorry. +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro. +Suzuha: 'Sup. Want a drink? +Rintaro: Anything? +Suzuha: Nope. +Suzuha: So what was with your English back there? +Suzuha: It sounded dumb. 'So cooool.' +Suzuha: Is that standard English in this era? +Rintaro: Of course not. +Suzuha: Oh, so it's an Okabe Rintaro original. There's no overseas travel in my time, so I wouldn't know. +Rintaro: No overseas travel? What, you mean at all? +Suzuha: Pretty much. Travel permits are hard to get, and they'd never issue one for a vacation. I'd never seen a foreigner before coming to this time. +Rintaro: ...Maybe this pin is newer than we think. I mean, maybe it hasn't been made yet. +Suzuha: Maybe I'm not meant to meet him. I mean, we've tried everything and still no sign. It's just not in the cards, I guess. +Rintaro: How can you give up? We still have one more day! +Suzuha: W-why are you getting mad? +Rintaro: Everyone's fighting for you⑰. Don't you get it!? +Rintaro: Me? I want to prioritize Mayuri over everything else! +Rintaro: But you're still a lab mem, a friend! When a friend's in trouble, you want to help them. That's how Mayuri felt, and I agree. That's why I'm searching! +Rintaro: So how dare you be the first to give up!? +Suzuha: Y-you don't have to yell! +Rintaro: Don't disappoint me like this! +Suzuha: I'm sorry. But maybe you should think about how I feel. +Rintaro: ...You're right. I shouldn't have said that. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: ...Alright. What next? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Where are you now? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Let's meet up. Stay right there. +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: Please take one! We need your help! +Rintaro: What is she doing? +Mayuri: There's been a kidnapping! The kidnapper was wearing this pin! Please help us find him! +Mayuri: Okarin, Suzu-san! Um, there's something I've been meaning to ask. +Mayuri: The 'Barrel' in Suzuha's dad's name. What does it mean? +Rintaro: It's just a name. It probably doesn't mean anything. +Mayuri: But it's not his real name, right? +Suzuha: Right. It's a codename. +Mayuri: So why did he choose Barrel Titor? And why did you choose John, Suzu-san? +Suzuha: Because John's the most common English name. +Mayuri: But Barrel isn't common. +Suzuha: Now that you mention it. +Mayuri: Well, whatcha think? I think it's a masterpiece! +Rintaro: What's this kidnapping stuff about? +Mayuri: It was my idea. I'm sure it'll make everyone want to help! +Mayuri: It's a good strategy, dontcha think? Umm, the operation name is 'Mayushii's Awesome Leaflet Plan'. +Suzuha: Um... isn't this going a little too far? +???: You three. +Rintaro: !? +Policeman: What are these leaflets about? Let's talk at the station. +Mayuri: Ehh? +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe, remember the lifter? I don't suppose you've figured out what it is... no, of course you haven't. +Rintaro: I already know. It's the 42-inch CRT downstairs. +Kurisu: R-really? What's your proof? +Rintaro: I've been here before, remember? +Kurisu: ...Oh, right. The CRT... I see... +Mayuri: I'm sorry, guys. I made things worse... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Assistant? It's me. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: What are you saying? It's me, Hououin Kyouma. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Would you prefer to be called 'KuriGohan and Kamehameha'? +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Before I time leaped, you made a tearful confession. You said, 'I'm an @channeler, a +Rintaro: And I, of course, replied... +Rintaro: 'You may be an @channeler, a Nicojunkie, and a camwhore who posts tits, but you're still a member of this lab. +Rintaro: And that makes you my assistant, now and forever. So wipe your tears, for there is still much--' +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ...How are things there? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: I'll be right there. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: For your information, I don't post t...ti... +Kurisu: I don't post pictures of my chest, okay!? +Rintaro: It was just a joke. Let it die. +Kurisu: ... +Suzuha: Kurigohan and Kamehameha... so you're the one who kept picking fights with me on the internet. Makes sense. +Kurisu: I thought you wanted an open discussion. +Suzuha: Sure. You were kind of annoying, though. +Kurisu: Hehehe... +Suzuha: Ahaha! +Rintaro: By the way, it may shock you to learn that I am the poster known as Hououin Kyou-- +Kurisu & Suzuha: 30 +Rintaro: So, what did you want to talk about? The Time Leap Machine? +Kurisu: I think you probably forgot, so I wanted to make sure just in case. +Kurisu: Have you been looking for the lifter? You haven't, have you? +Rintaro: I already know. It's the 42-inch CRT downstairs. +Kurisu: R-really? What's your proof? +Rintaro: I've been here before, remember? +Kurisu: I see... +Rintaro: ...Sorry for sticking you with this job. +Kurisu: What? Don't apologize. It's creepy. +Rintaro: I know you're not a fan of time travel research. But here you are building a time machine. +Rintaro: I was just worried that maybe you were feeling conflicted. +Kurisu: How rude. +Kurisu: I'm sure I've said this before, but I've always accepted time travel as a theory. +Kurisu: I just don't trust people who claim it can be done despite how unrealistic it is. +Kurisu: Besides, I can hardly deny it with evidence staring me in the face. +Kurisu: Though I still don't like the idea of being called the mother of the time machine. +Kurisu: Anyway. If you're apologizing, that must mean you helped out the first time. +Rintaro: The first time? +Kurisu: Before you started time leaping. You helped me build the machine, didn't you? +Rintaro: Yeah. Daru and I helped. +Kurisu: Then don't worry about it. I wouldn't want you to have to do it all over again. +Kurisu: And right now, it's more important to repair Amane-san's time machine and search for her father. +Suzuha: ...Sorry. +Kurisu: Don't you apologize now. It's weird. +Kurisu: Welp, back to work. I should be able to get a lot done now that I know about the lifter. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: It's me. Report. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Enough about you. Report the status of the repairs. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Really!? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Should I bring reinforcements? +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: I hope we find your dried-up bones. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: No. It's an uphill battle. +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: No... +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm going to hit up a few more places. I'll head over there in the evening. +Rintaro: By the way... +Rintaro: Am I really famous in 2036? +Suzuha: As a terrorist. +Rintaro: Oh. +Rintaro: So what did I do to be called a terrorist? +Suzuha: You rebelled against SERN. You're actually one of the founding members of the Resistance. Just like my dad. +Rintaro: How stupid... +Suzuha: Stupid? +Rintaro: How can I still be chasing some chuunibyou fantasy... when I couldn't even save Mayuri? +Suzuha: You're fighting to free humanity. I think it's a noble cause. +Rintaro: What sort of man am I? +Suzuha: ...I said we never met, remember? +Rintaro: Never? +Suzuha: Never. You were... killed by SERN. In 2025. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Maybe I should have told you sooner. +Suzuha: Understand? If you don't change the future, you're going to die in 15 years. +Suzuha: Shiina Mayuri will die. You will die. Makise Kurisu will be a slave to SERN. It ends badly for every lab mem. +Rintaro: What about Daru? +Suzuha: Umm, I don't remember hearing about him. I have heard legends of a 'wizard-class hacker,' though. +Suzuha: Though I don't understand what 'wizard-class' means in the first place. +Suzuha: Anyway, I don't want that to happen to you guys. +Suzuha: That's one more reason I need to find an IBN 5100 and change the future. +Suzuha: Until I came to this time, you guys were just stories, history. But now... you're my friends. +Suzuha: I want to save you. +Rintaro: ...Appreciated. +Rintaro: You are a lab mem, now and forevermore. +Suzuha: Ahaha! Thanks. +Itaru: You're supposed to give me an ice cold zero calorie cola. Common sense, man... +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. Isn't it amazing that the satellite was a time machine? +Rintaro: Yeah, I guess so. +Mayuri: I'm glad Suzu-san wasn't hurt in the crash. +Mayuri: I heard it's really hard to drive. +Mayuri: If the gravitational whatchamacallit coordinates are just a teensy bit off, the whole time machine becomes a jellyman and goes ploop. +Mayuri: And she even said her time machine's unstable, since it's not a SERN model. +Mayuri: I'm worried about her trip to 1975... +Mayuri: Do you think I should go with her? I wonder if I'd fit. +Rintaro: What would you do in 1975? +Mayuri: I'd cheer Suzu-san on, of course! I'd hold her hand super tight, and tell her that everything's going to be okay! +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin, do you think the time machine has a name? +Rintaro: A name... +Rintaro: If you want to know, just ask Titor. +Mayuri: Oh, yeah! Mayushii didn't think of that. Ehehe! +Mayuri: Yup. It has a name. +Rintaro: What is it? +Mayuri: FG204 something something, she said. +Mayuri: Anyway, don't you think Daru-kun and Suzu-san are a good match? +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: How do you figure? Daru's all about Faris, you know. +Mayuri: Oh... really? +Rintaro: Oh yeah, Mayuri. What happened to your costumes? +Mayuri: Hm? I already made two costumes. One for Kaede-chan and one for Fubuki-chan. +Rintaro: Weren't you making a third one for Lukako? +Mayuri: Yeah, I was. But I couldn't convince her, so I gave up this time. +Mayuri: Hey, can Mayushii take a closer look at the time machine? +Rintaro: Just don't get in their way. +Mayuri: Okeydokey♪ +Suzuha: Hashida Itaru's amazing. He said if things go well, he could have the time machine fixed by tomorrow. +Rintaro: He's a man who gets things done. +Suzuha: And he looks so unhealthy and slow. +Rintaro: Don't judge a book by its cover. +Suzuha: Yeah. I have a better impression of him now. +Suzuha: Umm... hey. +Suzuha: There's something I want to say, and I feel like I'll never get another chance. +Rintaro: Why so melodramatic? +Suzuha: I'm really grateful to you. All of you. +Suzuha: When I came to this time, I didn't know anyone. I was all alone in a world completely different from my own. +Suzuha: This era is so peaceful. That's a wonderful thing... but it scared me. All I knew was the fight against SERN. +Suzuha: But now I have friends... real friends, who I can share my secrets with. +Suzuha: All these people who lived before I was born are working so hard for my sake. +Suzuha: It's a strange feeling... but a happy one, too. +Suzuha: I wanted you to know that. +Suzuha: Living with you guys in this time... it's been really fun. +Suzuha: When I met you, you were all so strange and unique and over the top... I was kind of shocked at first, actually. +Suzuha: But before I knew it, I started to enjoy spending time with you. +Suzuha: 2036 is peaceful too. People don't even fight anymore. Did you know that? +Rintaro: How could I? I'm not even alive in 2036, right? +Suzuha: Oh... right. Sorry. +Suzuha: Anyway, people don't fight. Ever. About anything. All forms of conflict, war included, have vanished -- poof -- without a trace. +Suzuha: Instead, everyone has dead eyes, like fish. +Suzuha: No one has ambition. Nobody dreams. They just trudge through their lives without a single complaint. +Suzuha: Oh sure, people smile. But they never get angry or sad. +Suzuha: There's no individuality. Everyone's a robot. +Suzuha: You got really mad at me before, remember? +Suzuha: I was really surprised. But at the same time... I was really happy. +Rintaro: You're a strange girl. +Suzuha: Ahaha. I guess so. +Suzuha: You're all so bright and full of life. I envy you. +Suzuha: Shiina Mayuri, Hashida Itaru... even Makise Kurisu. And of course, you. +Rintaro: ...Don't be ridiculous. +Suzuha: I want to be more like you. +Rintaro: If you ask me, you're the amazing one. +Suzuha: I'm... happy to hear you say that. +Suzuha: It's thanks to all of you that I'm still going strong. +Suzuha: Being a lab mem, even for just a little while... was great. +Suzuha: Being with you guys, even for just a little while... was great. +Rintaro: ...Suzuha? +Suzuha: Change the future, Okabe Rintaro. Make it a world like this one, where people can be free. +Rintaro: Hey, come on. Why are you being so sentimental? +Rintaro: After we fix the time machine, let's have a party. +Suzuha: ...Thanks. +Rintaro: It's me. +???: #000000 +Rintaro: SERN!? +???: #000000 +Rintaro: Identify yourself. +???: #000000 +Rintaro: What are you saying? +Rintaro: Identified. NICE TO MEET YOU. +Master: #000000 +Master: #000000 +Master: #000000 +Rintaro: I'll head there right now! +Master: Oh! Okaabee! Hello! +Rintaro: Where did that guest of yours go!? +Master: Client come here was yesterday time. +Rintaro: What's his contact info? His name and address!? +Master: Poison. Guest just for simulation. Private information have nothing. +Master: Japanese, very studious and awarding private information, become nervous and serious, yes? +Master: If guest had gave name or telephone number however, no leak. That is business. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: What did your customer look like? Man? Woman? +Master: Well... So young. Or so middle. Japanese have young face. Just by look no understand. +Rintaro: Anything else? +Master: Um? +Master: Maybe a judo fighter? Or, pro wrestler? +Rintaro: What? Judo? Pro wrestler? What do you mean by that? +Master: YES! +Master: Ahh, balloon. Was balloon! +Rintaro: Balloon? Judo? Pro wrestling? +Master: Good! +Kurisu: Done. +Suzuha: So that's the Time Leap Machine... +Suzuha: It makes you remember the future, right? That's pretty interesting. +Suzuha: Intuition... sixth sense... deja vu... +Suzuha: I wonder if those things are actually you recalling future memories. +Suzuha: Some of SERN's researchers in my time came up with the theory that memories are a way of sharing information across worldlines. +Suzuha: Maybe it's similar to that. +Kurisu: I just wish we knew more about Okabe's Reading Steiner thing. +Kurisu: Is it unique to Okabe? Or does everyone have the potential for it, and Okabe's is just stronger by coincidence? +Rintaro: One thing's for certain. My consciousness leaps to the past along with my memories. +Kurisu: I still don't understand why that is. It would make more sense if you experienced a change in the present, like you do when we send a D-Mail. +Kurisu: Does your consciousness depend on your memories? +Suzuha: The problem is that consciousness doesn't have a form that we can see. +Suzuha: Same goes for the soul. Those things are still in the realm of religion. +Suzuha: Even in 2036, the existence of the soul hasn't been proven, and nobody's proven what forms consciousness, either. +Kurisu: I see... that's a little disappointing. +Rintaro: Sending my consciousness back has let me change some future events with more precision than D-Mail, but other events are locked in by convergence. +Suzuha: That's not how it works. +Suzuha: The future is always determined. +Rintaro: Then why does the path there change? +Suzuha: Because the worldline changes. +Suzuha: When you leap into the past and take different actions from before, divergence changes, if only a little bit. +Suzuha: In most cases, that fluctuation won't amount to more than 0.000001% on the divergence meter. +Suzuha: Small changes might not register at all. +Suzuha: When you change the cause, the effect merely shifts to a separate, already-existing worldline. +Suzuha: Since those two worldlines are almost exactly the same, you barely feel any difference. +Suzuha: It's not like the previous worldline disappears. It keeps existing as another possible worldline. +Kurisu: That's the many-worlds interpretation, right? +Suzuha: In any case, they're not parallel worlds. +Rintaro: So is the future reconstructed? +Suzuha: I guess you could say that. +Rintaro: Is that...!? +Rintaro: Daru! +Itaru: Okarin!? +Rintaro: What are you doing here!? +Itaru: I was gonna ask the same question. +Rintaro: Alright, Daru. What were you doing at that street stand? Don't tell me you were trying to counterfeit duplicates of Titor's pin. +Itaru: ...F-fine. I won't tell you then. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Could he have been more confusing!? +Rintaro: So why were you trying to make counterfeit versions of the pin? +Itaru: Uh, I wasn't trying to counterfeit⑰ it. +Rintaro: Close enough. +Itaru: Well... I meant it as a backup plan, I guess. +Itaru: Amane-shi's gonna be sad if we don't find her old man, right? +Itaru: So if that happens, I'll show her the badges I made and, well, lie that her dad was here... +Rintaro: So you'll give her false hope. +Itaru: You don't have to put it like that. Remember, there are good lies and bad lies: bad lies hurt people, good lies save them! +Rintaro: What eroge did you get that from? +Itaru: CLADDAN... and it's not an eroge, it's a visual novel that teaches you the meaning of life, so shut up! +Itaru: So... should I call off Operation Fake Titor? +Rintaro: Do you really think that will make Suzuha happy? +Itaru: Amane-shi told me not to tell anyone, but... +Itaru: I guess I'd better tell you. +Itaru: I heard this from Amane-shi when we were discussing the repairs. +Itaru: Her time machine... can only leap to the past. +Rintaro: ...What? +Rintaro: Nonsense. Titor's time machine could travel both ways. +Itaru: Did you actually see it? +Rintaro: Well, no... +Itaru: Besides, when you say Titor, you mean the one who appeared in 2000, don't you? I don't know anything about that Titor. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: So... wait. +Itaru: Once she leaves, she can't come back. +Rintaro: You're saying that if she goes to 1975, she can't return to 2010? +Itaru: Not without living 35 years in real time. +Rintaro: Does that mean Suzuha's time machine can never return to 2036? +Itaru: Didn't I just say that? +Rintaro: Then it's defective! +Itaru: Right. She said the time machine was incomplete. +Itaru: According to Amane-shi, her old man built it in secret by reverse-engineering SERN technology. +Itaru: But SERN killed him before he could complete it. Amane-shi insists that it's fine as long as she can leap to the past, but... +Rintaro: Are you sure about this? +Itaru: She said so herself. I don't think she was lying. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: So if she doesn't meet her old man before the time machine is repaired... +Itaru: She might never get another chance. +Rintaro: But making a fake version of her father's pin isn't going to solve anything. A lie is a lie. +Itaru: But if we don't get caught... +Itaru: Wow, Okarin! An ice cold zero calorie cola! How thoughtful of you! +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. Isn't it amazing that the satellite was a time machine? +Rintaro: Yeah, I guess so. +Mayuri: I'm glad Suzu-san wasn't hurt in the crash. +Mayuri: I heard it's really hard to drive. +Mayuri: If the gravitational whatchamacallit coordinates are just a teensy bit off, the whole time machine becomes a jellyman and goes ploop. +Mayuri: And she even said her time machine's unstable, since it's not a SERN model. +Mayuri: I'm worried about her trip to 1975... +Mayuri: Do you think I should go with her? I wonder if I'd fit. +Rintaro: What would you do in 1975? +Mayuri: I'd cheer Suzu-san on, of course! I'd hold her hand super tight, and tell her that everything's going to be okay! +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin, do you think the time machine has a name? +Rintaro: If you want to know, just ask Titor. +Mayuri: Oh, yeah! Mayushii didn't think of that. Ehehe! +Mayuri: Yup. It has a name. +Mayuri: FG204 something something, she said. +Mayuri: Anyway, don't you think Daru-kun and Suzu-san are a good match? +Rintaro: Daru's all about Faris. +Mayuri: Oh... really? +Mayuri: Hey, can Mayushii take a closer look at the time machine? +Suzuha: Hashida Itaru's amazing. He said if things go well, he could have the time machine fixed by tomorrow. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: And he looks so unhealthy and slow. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Umm... hey. +Suzuha: There's something I want to say, and I feel like I'll never get another chance. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Are you listening? +Suzuha: I'm really grateful to you. All of you. +Suzuha: When I came to this time, I didn't know anyone. I was all alone in a world completely different from my own. +Suzuha: This era is so peaceful. That's a wonderful thing... but it scared me. All I knew was the fight against SERN. +Suzuha: But now I have friends... real friends, who I can share my secrets with. +Suzuha: All these people who lived before I was born are working so hard for my sake. +Suzuha: It's a strange feeling... but a happy one, too. +Suzuha: I wanted you to know that. +Itaru: Her time machine can only leap to the past. +Suzuha: Living with you guys in this time... it's been really fun. +Suzuha: When I met you, you were all so strange and unique and over the top... I was kind of shocked at first, actually. +Suzuha: But before I knew it, I started to enjoy spending time with you. +Suzuha: 2036 is peaceful too. People don't even fight anymore. Did you know that? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Anyway, people don't fight. Ever. About anything. All forms of conflict, war included, have vanished -- poof -- without a trace. +Suzuha: Instead, everyone has dead eyes, like fish. +Suzuha: No one has ambition. Nobody dreams. They just trudge through their lives without a single complaint. +Suzuha: Oh sure, people smile. But they never get angry or sad. +Suzuha: There's no individuality. Everyone's a robot. +Suzuha: You got really mad at me before, remember? +Suzuha: I was really surprised. But at the same time... I was really happy. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: You're all so bright and full of life. I envy you. +Suzuha: Shiina Mayuri, Hashida Itaru... even Makise Kurisu. And of course, you. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: I want to be more like you. +Suzuha: It's thanks to all of you that I'm still going strong. +Suzuha: Being a lab mem, even for just a little while... was great. +Suzuha: Being with you guys, even for just a little while... was great. +Suzuha: Change the future, Okabe Rintaro. Make it a world like this one, where people can be free. +Rintaro: Do you... +Suzuha: Hm? +Rintaro: Do you regret spending time with us? +Suzuha: ...What do you mean? +Rintaro: Do you regret making new friends here? New memories? Do you wish you had kept your distance? +Rintaro: You've already abandoned one life. Now you have to abandon another. +Rintaro: In a sense... it's like you're killing yourself. +Suzuha: ...Did Hashida Itaru tell you? +Rintaro: He's worried about you. +Suzuha: Geez. I told him not to tell anybody. +Rintaro: Well? How do you feel about going to 1975? +Suzuha: ...It doesn't matter how I feel. +Suzuha: I have to go. It's the path I chose, and it's what my dad wanted. +Rintaro: What if we ask you to stay? +Suzuha: I'll go anyway. +Suzuha: One of those guys on @channel asked what right I have to change the future and decide the fate of the human race. He had a point. +Suzuha: But still... I don't want the future to turn out like that. +Suzuha: I want the people in my time to be free like you. Free to laugh and play, fight and argue, get sad and cry. +Suzuha: If I change the future, then no one will die. Not you, not Shiina Mayuri, and not my dad. +Suzuha: Maybe I don't have the right... but I'm going anyway. +Rintaro: Even if you can never return? +Suzuha: Aw, come on! The 70s aren't a bad time, you know? I'll find friends there just like you guys. We'll have a blast! +Suzuha: Thanks, guys... really. I can't thank you enough. +Mayuri: Don't forget about us! +Itaru: If you want to thank me, then let's make out. +Kurisu: Control yourself, perv. +Suzuha: Oh right. Take this. +Suzuha: This is for you, Okabe Rintaro. Keep it in the lab, will you? Somewhere out of sight is fine. +Rintaro: Suzuha... +Itaru: Um... about the pin. +Itaru: Why don't we make duplicates for all the lab mems? Make it our symbol, I guess. +Mayuri: Wow! That's a great idea! +Kurisu: How unusually thoughtful of you. +Suzuha: Ahaha. I... I don't know what to say. +Itaru: We already took a picture of it, so keep your pin, Amane-shi. It belonged to your dad, right? +Suzuha: Yeah... okay. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okay everyone! Dahdahdahdah! Mayushii has an important announcement to make! +Mayuri: Actually... Mayushii found Suzu-san's dad! +Rintaro: Huh? +Suzuha: What!? +Itaru: Really!? +Mayuri: Wanna meet him? You do, dontcha? Well, he's here with us today! +Suzuha: W-where? +Mayuri: Allow me to introduce you! Suzu-san's dad is... +Mayuri: Drrrrrrrrrrrr... +Itaru: Is that a drum roll!? +Mayuri: Tada! Suzu-san's dad is... +Mayuri: Daru-kun! +Kurisu: That joke's not even logical. It's impossible for this perv to get married in the first place. +Itaru: Hey... that kind of hurts. +Rintaro: I completely agree with Christina. Daru is fated to become a wizard when he turns thirty. +Itaru: You could be nicer about it, guys... but it's the truth, so I can't object. +Suzuha: Um... you know... my dad wasn't fat. +Mayuri: Geez. You're all so mean to Daru-kun. +Itaru: Mayu-shi's the only one to stand up for me. You're an angel, Mayu-shi. Do you love me? +Mayuri: Nope. +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii's one hundred millon⑰ percent sure that Daru-kun is Suzuha's dad. +Kurisu: Okay. What's your proof? +Mayuri: Um, I was thinking about the letters on Suzu-san's pin... +Mayuri: After staring at it really hard, I noticed the 7 in '7010' looked a little weird. +Mayuri: It's not a 7, it's a 2. The line fell off the bottom. +Suzuha: R-really? +Suzuha: It's so small, I can't tell... +Mayuri: It's easy to see on the picture we took! +Kurisu: 2010? But that's this year! +Rintaro: Then what do the letters mean? +Mayuri: That's easy! +Mayuri: Okabe, Shiina, Hashida, Makise. And finally, Amane. +Itaru: Wha... +Itaru: It's our initials!? +Mayuri: So I was thinking, why 2010? And then I remembered it's the year of the lab mems. +Mayuri: The Future Gadget Laboratory was founded this year. +Suzuha: So that's what it is... +Mayuri: And you know, Suzu-san has lots of stories about future Okarin and future Chris-chan, but not a single story about Daru-kun, right? +Itaru: There weren't any about Mayu-shi either. +Mayuri: Well, Mayushii's a lab mem, but I can't make time machines, and I don't like fighting. Of course I'm not famous! +Mayuri: But Daru-kun's a super hacka and Okarin's right arm. He even helped Okarin make PhoneWave-chan. So I thought it was strange Suzu-san didn't know him. +Kurisu: So you're saying he used a different name? +Mayuri: Barrel Titor-san helped Okarin found the Resistance, right? +Mayuri: And he was in Akiba in 2010. +Mayuri: And he was able to build his own time machine. +Mayuri: And he knew about Okarin's Reading Spaghetti-- +Rintaro: Reading Steiner. +Mayuri: He knew about it. +Mayuri: Doesn't that fit Daru-kun perfectly? +Kurisu: She's right. +Mayuri: Do you remember the day Suzu-san went to meet her father? +Mayuri: She thought he would be at the time machine offline meet. +Mayuri: Daru-kun was supposed to be there too, right? +Itaru: That meet was seriously important to the history of Japanese SciFi. At least I got to sneak in while tailing Amane-shi. +Suzuha: Dad told me about that meet when I was little. I don't remember what he said exactly, but I thought I might be able to meet him there. +Itaru: So if I'd been at the meet, everything would've been okay? +Suzuha: Hmm, I don't know. I don't think I'd have picked you out as my dad. +Mayuri: And then there's the time machine's name, FG204 something something... umm, what was it? +Suzuha: FG204 2nd EDITION ver. 2.31. +Rintaro: Th-that naming sense... it's got to be Daru! +Mayuri: And FG probably stands for Future Gadget. +Mayuri: Finally, his name. Barrel Titor has to be Daru-kun! +Kurisu: Come to think of it, last night, Mayuri asked how to say 'barrel' in Japanese. +Mayuri: Barrel is 'taru' in Japanese. Right, Chris-chan? +Rintaro: Taru... Taru... Daru!? +Suzuha: It's a pun!? +Mayuri: Okay, Suzu-san! Say 'Hashida Itaru' ten times fast! +Suzuha: Wh-why? +Mayuri: Just say it and find out! Ehehe! +Suzuha: HashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaruHashidaItaru +Mayuri: Just now, didn't it sound like 'Ditor'? +Kurisu: It did. +Mayuri: Hashidaitaru. Hashi-daita-ru. Hashi-Ditor-ru. Hashi-Titor-ru. +Itaru: ...For reals? +Mayuri: For super reals♪ +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: I think she looks just like her father♪ +Kurisu: That could just be the +Rintaro: Nice work, Mayuri! You'll make a great detective one day. +Mayuri: A d-detective? Ehehe! That's the first time anyone's said that. +Itaru: My... d-daughter? Amane-shi is my daughter? +Suzuha: Dad... +Itaru: Uh... c-c-could you call me Papa instead? +Kurisu: For once in your life, don't be a perv... +Suzuha: Dad...! +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: I came, Dad. I came to see you... in the time machine you built. +Itaru: Yeah... +Suzuha: I'm going to finish what you started. I promise. +Itaru: Yeah... +Suzuha: Watch over me. Okay? +Itaru: I'm watching. Of course I am! +Itaru: B-by the way, was your mother cute? Request petite girl with cute face and big boobs. +Suzuha: Ahaha. That's a secret. +Suzuha: Well! That takes care of everything I wanted to do on this worldline. +Suzuha: Guess I should be going. +Rintaro: W-wait! You're going already? Don't you have more to say to your father? +Suzuha: No, I'm fine now. I'm going to get an IBN 5100, just like I promised. +Suzuha: I'll bring it to you here in Akihabara. That's my duty, and I'll see it through. The rest is up to you. +Suzuha: Change the future. Please. +Suzuha: Well, see you in 35 years... though I guess it'll only be a few hours for you guys. Ahaha! +Suzuha: Oh, I almost forgot. The time machine gives off terrific ultraviolet rays when it jumps, so make sure not to look directly at it. +Rintaro: Suzuha... +Itaru: S-Suzuha!! +Itaru: I'm sure we'll meet again! +Itaru: I'll do my best until then! I hate myself for not knowing any other way to say it, but I'll do my best! +Itaru: I'll do my best, I promise! So Suzuha, do your best too! +Kurisu: Haah, whew... whew... no more... running... +Itaru: Suzuha's 54 by now, right? +Itaru: My daughter is 30 years older than me. I don't know if I want to see that. Feels weird, man. +Kurisu: You know, it wouldn't be unusual for her to have grandchildren by that age. +Itaru: Y-you mean I could have great-grandkids? I don't know if I'm ready for that, man... +Mayuri: Just be super nice to them! That's what grandpas do! +Itaru: Please, don't call me grandpa... +Tennouji: Okabe! +Rintaro: Oh, it's you... +Tennouji: Hey, have you seen my part-timer? +Mayuri: If you're looking for Suzu-san, she went 35 years-- +Kurisu: Shaddup, Mayuri! +Tennouji: You know something? Where'd that girl run off to? +Tennouji: She took the last couple days off and I don't know when she's coming next. She won't even answer her phone. +Rintaro: She said she went back to her hometown. She's probably gone for good. +Tennouji: What!? You sure? +Tennouji: That brat. She didn't say a word to me. +Tennouji: Well, whatever. I've got something for you, Okabe. +Rintaro: ...For me? +Rintaro: What is this? +Tennouji: It's from the lady who used to own this building. She asked me to give it to you on this day. +Rintaro: Uh... who? +Tennouji: How did you know Suzu-san anyway? +Rintaro: Where is she now!? +Tennouji: Huh? Uh, she passed away ten years ago. +Rintaro: Passed away!? +Rintaro: ...How old was she? +Tennouji: Mid-forties, I think. +Rintaro: Thank you for taking care of this letter, Mister Braun. +Mayuri: Eh? Eh? Is it from Suzu-san? +Itaru: Seriously? Why did he have it? +Rintaro: Daru... didn't you fix the time machine? +Itaru: I... I did... I thought I did... but I mean, that was my first time repairing a time machine. I might have missed something. +Rintaro: Missed something!? Whatever you missed cost your daughter 24 years of her life! +Itaru: I didn't do it on purpose! +Kurisu: Calm down, both of you. Hashida did everything he could. He doesn't deserve your anger, Okabe. +Rintaro: How can you be so calm!? +Kurisu: That's how I am. Sorry. Now calm down. +Rintaro: Gh... +Rintaro: Mister Braun! +Tennouji: Okabe! Did you hear? That satellite up and disappeared. Everyone's talking about it. +Rintaro: Please... I need to know. +Tennouji: Huh? Know what? +Rintaro: Hashida Suzu-san... how did she die? +Tennouji: ...Why do you wanna know that? +Rintaro: I... don't know anything about how she died. +Rintaro: I need to know what her last moments were like. I feel... that it's my duty to know. To engrave her memory into my heart. +Tennouji: ...Sounds like you've got a reason. +Tennouji: What I want to know is how you knew her. +Rintaro: She was... an old acquaintance. +Rintaro: A very old acquaintance... but I still remember the time I spent with her. +Rintaro: So please... tell me. +Tennouji: I don't like to talk about it... but alright. Listen good, Okabe. +Tennouji: It was suicide. +Tennouji: She hung herself at home. I was the one who found her. +Tennouji: She became unstable about a year before it happened. Before that, she was a nice, cheerful lady. +Tennouji: This building was hers. She gave me a place to stay. +Tennouji: She had no relatives, you know. Almost no one came to her funeral. It was a sad thing to see. +Tennouji: She handed me that letter a week before it happened. Told me to give it to a young man named Okabe Rintaro on this exact date. +Tennouji: When you moved in upstairs, I thought Suzu-san must've seen the future or something. +Mayuri: Okarin, are you okay? +Kurisu: What are you doing, Okabe!? +Rintaro: We can't just leave it like this! I have to do something! +Kurisu: Okabe... +Mayuri: But Okarin, are you sure? +Rintaro: Kurisu. You're good at remembering dates, aren't you? +Kurisu: Huh? Well, sure... +Rintaro: When did we throw that party for Suzuha? +Kurisu: Four days ago. August 9th. +Mayuri: You're sending a D-Mail, Okarin? But won't that make everything disappear? +Mayuri: Are you sure!? +Mayuri: Our memories with Suzu-san will disappear! Is that really okay? +Suzuha: Being with you guys, even for just a little while... was great. +Suzuha: I'm going to finish what you started, Dad. I promise. +Suzuha: Well, see you in 35 years... though I guess it'll only be a few hours for you guys. Ahaha! +Suzuha: Change the future. Please. +Kurisu: Do you have a plan? +Rintaro: ...ah. +Kurisu: ...see? You're shaking. We've only been at it for two days and you're already exhausted. +Kurisu: We still have plenty of time to find the pin. You don't have to be in such a hurry. +Kurisu: If you collapse, what then? I won't be worried about you, but Mayuri sure will. +Kurisu: Take care of yourself. Got it? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Yeah... got it. +Mayuri: The weather's so nice! +Itaru: Whew, hee, why did I have to come along? +Kurisu: Same... here... haah, whew... the wind's... too strong... +Mayuri: You're a little chubby, Daru-kun. I think you need to exercise more! +Itaru: Fat neckbeard master race... +Suzuha: What a view! +Suzuha: I thought this trip would be a waste of time at first, but I guess people need to take a break once in a while! +Kurisu: I'd rather... be working... on the time leap machine... +Itaru: This... just proves... that I belong... indoors... +Mayuri: You two are all worn out! Ehehe! +Suzuha: Come on, guys! Stamina is the key to survival! +Itaru: W-water! Where's a vending machine!? I could kill for a glass of water! +Rintaro: Sorry, but there's no convenience store until we cross another bridge after this one. Tough it out. +Itaru: Y-you serious? I can't, it's impossible... +Mayuri: Wow, Okarin. You really know the area. Have you been here before? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. Many times. +Rintaro: Big Sight's straight ahead. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to get there. +Itaru: Let's take a break first... +Rintaro: It's not safe there. Come on. +Itaru: Let me rest! +Rintaro: I said it's not safe. +Itaru: Okay, okay! +Itaru: Th-that was close! +Itaru: You saved me, Okarin... +Mayuri: You know, that was almost like Okarin saw the future! +Kurisu: You got a D-Mail, didn't you? +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Holy Land, I have returned! +Mayuri: Wow... I've never seen it this empty... +Kurisu: Look at all that space. It's hard to believe they fill this whole area during ComiMa. +Mayuri: Hey! Mayushii's hungry! +Itaru: Isn't there a restaurant nearby? Let's take a break. +Kurisu: I can't believe we have to bike all the way back. What a nightmare... +Rintaro: What's wrong, Suzuha? +Suzuha: I'm excited to see Big Sight in real life. +Suzuha: It's gone by 2036, you know. +Suzuha: They cleared it to make way for bigger, better convention centers. Tokyo's full of them in my time. They even moved the Dome out there. +Suzuha: Hashida Itaru called it the Holy Land. Is that how you see it in this time? +Suzuha: So this is where they have ComiMa... I've heard of it. Hundreds of thousands of people come, right? Mom said that's where she met my dad. +Rintaro: Ahh, so your mother was a fujoshi. +Suzuha: I've always wanted to see this place. Thank you, Okabe Rintaro. +Suzuha: I feel... closer to my dad now. +Mayuri: Okarin! Suzu-san! Come on, come on! +Suzuha: That's us. Come on! I'm starving. +Mayuri: The weather's so nice! +Itaru: Whew, hee, why did I have to come along? +Kurisu: Same... here... haah, whew... the wind's... too strong... +Mayuri: You're a little chubby, Daru-kun. I think you need to exercise more! +Itaru: Fat neckbeard master race... +Suzuha: What a view! +Suzuha: I thought this trip would be a waste of time at first, but I guess people need to take a break once in a while! +Kurisu: I'd rather... be working... on the time leap machine... +Itaru: This... just proves... that I belong... indoors... +Mayuri: You two are all worn out! Ehehe! +Suzuha: Come on, guys! Stamina is the key to survival! +Itaru: W-water! Where's a vending machine!? I could kill for a glass of water! +Rintaro: Sorry, but there's no convenience store until we cross another bridge after this one. Tough it out. +Itaru: Y-you serious? I can't, it's impossible... +Mayuri: Wow, Okarin! You really know the area! Have you been here before? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. Many times. +Rintaro: Big Sight's straight ahead. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to get there. +Itaru: Let's take a break first... +Rintaro: It's not sa-- +Itaru: Whoa! +Itaru: Th-that was close! +Kurisu: Hey, are you okay? +Suzuha: Are you hurt? +Mayuri: That truck was mean! +Itaru: Man, what a shock. What was with that guy!? Crazy drivers. I should've checked the number! Then I could be like 'Reported!' +Kurisu: Nothing actually happened, so there's not much point in reporting it. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: ...Okabe Rintaro? +Rintaro: !? +Suzuha: ...You look pale. +Itaru: What's wrong, Okarin? I'm the one who should be shaking! +Rintaro: R-right... +Rintaro: I was just imagining what would happen if I lost my super hacka. The lab can't survive without you! +Rintaro: Break's over! Let's go! +Itaru: Holy Land, I have returned! +Mayuri: Wow... I've never seen it this empty... +Kurisu: Look at all that space. It's hard to believe they fill this whole area during ComiMa. +Mayuri: Hey! Mayushii's hungry! +Itaru: Isn't there a restaurant nearby? Let's take a break. +Kurisu: I can't believe we have to bike all the way back. What a nightmare... +Rintaro: Gah... +Suzuha: ...Okabe Rintaro? +Suzuha: You really are sick, aren't you? Want to sit down? +Suzuha: Okabe Rintaro! Where are you going!? +Rintaro: ...Still? +Mayuri: The weather's so nice! +Itaru: Whew, hee, why did I have to come along? +Kurisu: Same... here... haah, whew... the wind's... too strong... +Mayuri: You're a little chubby, Daru-kun. I think you need to exercise more! +Itaru: Fat neckbeard master race... +Suzuha: What a view! +Suzuha: I thought this trip would be a waste of time at first, but I guess people need to take a break once in a while, huh? +Kurisu: I'd rather... be working... on the time leap machine... +Itaru: This... just proves... that I belong... indoors... +Mayuri: You two are all worn out! Ehehe! +Suzuha: Come on, guys! Stamina is the key to survival! +Itaru: W-water! Where's a vending machine!? I could kill for a glass of water! +Rintaro: ...Then do it. +Itaru: Huh? +Rintaro: Do it. Kill someone. +Itaru: W-why so serious, man? +Rintaro: Come on, what are you waiting for? If you want to do it, then do it. +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe. What's gotten into you? +Mayuri: Okarin, you shouldn't say things like that. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: What's up with you, man? +Rintaro: Nothing. +Rintaro: There's a convenience store once we pass two bridges. Tough it out. +Itaru: Geh, really? That's farther than I thought... +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Haah... I quit cycling! +Itaru: Whoa! +Itaru: Th-that was close! +Kurisu: Hey, are you okay? +Suzuha: Are you hurt? +Mayuri: That truck was mean! +Itaru: Man, what a shock. What was with that guy!? Crazy drivers. I should've checked the number! Then I could be like 'Reported!' +Rintaro: So report him. +Rintaro: There, now you know. Report him. +Itaru: ...Did I do something, Okarin? +Rintaro: You said you wanted to report him, so I'm giving you the opportunity. +Kurisu: I agree that Hashida could be a little less lazy, but you're going way too far, Okabe. +Rintaro: Shut up, you class rep wannabe. +Kurisu: Wh, what? +Mayuri: No fighting, guys! Daru-kun's okay, so let's be happy, okay? +Rintaro: You're not going to report him? +Itaru: W-well, I guess I'll let him off the hook this time. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Hey. Wasn't there a movie about a guy who gets trapped in some kind of time loop? +Suzuha: Groundhog Day, right? It was like a hundred years old when I saw it. +Suzuha: The movies in my time are all boring. SERN propaganda, you know? So we watch old movies instead. +Suzuha: Like Groundhog Day. +Rintaro: Never heard of it. +Suzuha: It was pretty unsatisfying. +Suzuha: I mean, the loop ends without the hero really doing anything. Like, he becomes a good person and suddenly, happy ending. +Suzuha: Kinda dumb. +Suzuha: You're trapped in a loop too, aren't you? All of us are. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Say something, Okabe Rintaro. +Suzuha: You've been here before, haven't you? +Rintaro: What... what are you talking about? +Suzuha: I saw Big Sight for the first time today. But this isn't the first time I've seen it. +Rintaro: Word games? +Suzuha: We've come here before, haven't we? +Suzuha: You've experienced today multiple times, haven't you? +Suzuha: How many times? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Answer me! +Suzuha: You have the eyes of a dead man. +Suzuha: I know those eyes. They're everywhere you look in my time! +Suzuha: Look at me, Okabe Rintaro! Don't kill your soul! +Suzuha: Makise Kurisu's soon to be completed time leap machine. You've been using it to repeat the past, haven't you!? +Rintaro: What if I have? +Suzuha: Why are you doing this!? +Rintaro: ...Who knows. The reason no longer matters. +Suzuha: What are you running from? +Rintaro: Running? Yeah... I'm running. +Rintaro: Running from Mayuri's death. +Suzuha: That's why I'm going to 1975. I'll bring you the IBN 5100, and then you can-- +Rintaro: No. You fail. +Suzuha: What!? +Rintaro: And then, after 25 lonely, meaningless years, you hang yourself. +Suzuha: What? But... +Rintaro: That's why I'm hiding in this loop. So that neither you nor Mayuri will die. +Rintaro: As long as I repeat these two days, nothing changes. Nobody dies. +Rintaro: I've accepted that duty. To keep everyone alive. +Suzuha: That's only from your perspective! +Suzuha: The world continues into the future independent of you! No matter how many thousands of loops you make, Shiina Mayuri will still die. +Suzuha: It's not a solution! +Rintaro: Yeah... +Rintaro: But I'm not looking for a solution. +Suzuha: Do you intend to keep looping forever? +Rintaro: Yes. I've accepted that duty. +Suzuha: You haven't accepted anything! Can't you see how it's twisted you? +Rintaro: No matter what happens to me, this world will continue. The loop will continue. No matter what happens, the loop will not end. +Suzuha: How long can you endure living frozen in time? +Suzuha: You can't keep this up forever, you know? +Suzuha: Your body may never die. But look at yourself, Okabe Rintaro. Your soul is already hanging by a thread. +Rintaro: But... what else can I do? +Rintaro: I don't have it in me to sacrifice anyone... +Rintaro: You... Mayuri... you're my friends. I can't lose either of you... +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: You have more to say? +Suzuha: Do I really... hang myself? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Suzuha: ...Do I really fail my mission? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: In that case... +Suzuha: Will you come with me, Okabe Rintaro? +Rintaro: ...What? +Suzuha: Will you come with me? To 1975. +Rintaro: What will happen if I go? +Suzuha: You can help me, so that I don't fail. +Suzuha: And maybe... we can find another way to change the future. +Rintaro: Is that... possible? +Suzuha: The worldline might shift in a completely unanticipated direction. +Suzuha: What you know as the present may change dramatically. +Suzuha: The Future Gadget Lab might not exist in the future we make. +Suzuha: Shiina Mayuri, Hashida Itaru, and Makise Kurisu might not even be born. +Suzuha: Even if they are born, they might be different people with different names. +Suzuha: But if we go to 1975, we'll have 35 years before we reach the 2010 Convergence. +Suzuha: I don't know how we'll change the worldline, but we'll have plenty of time to prepare. +Suzuha: If you're okay with all that, then why not come with me? +Suzuha: To tell the truth... I want someone to come with me. +Suzuha: I don't want to go knowing I'll fail. I don't want my death to be meaningless. +Suzuha: So come with me. Save me. +Suzuha: I want to save you too. I can't bear to see you like this. +Suzuha: Will you continue this loop until your soul is ground to nothing? Once that happens, time will start moving again, and the ending you've been postponing will occur. +Suzuha: When your soul finally dies, Shiina Mayuri will die too. I will fail and hang myself. All according to schedule. +Suzuha: What you're doing is nothing but slow suicide. +Suzuha: If you're willing to go that far, then come with me instead. +Suzuha: Save me. +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: ...I'll go. +Rintaro: I'll go with you. Please, take me with you. +Suzuha: Thank you. +Suzuha: ...I'm sorry. I should have noticed sooner. +Suzuha: Remember, this time machine only goes one way. Once we leave, there's no coming back. +Suzuha: Even so, will you still come with me? +Rintaro: And you? Are you sure about this? +Rintaro: There's a good chance we'll both lose our memories during the leap. +Suzuha: You said it took me 24 years to remember. +Suzuha: But this time, I have you. Something might change. +Rintaro: Wishful thinking. +Suzuha: Does that mean you're backing out? I'm going, no matter what. +Rintaro: ...No. I've made up my mind. +Suzuha: Did you tell everyone? +Rintaro: I... bid them farewell. +Suzuha: You know... +Suzuha: It's kinda like we're eloping. +Rintaro: There's nothing to feel guilty about. +Rintaro: In fact, I want to thank you, Suzuha. If you hadn't invited me, I'd still be in the loop, living like a corpse. +Rintaro: So thank you, Suzuha. Let's fight to change the future, together. +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: ...Let's go. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Rintaro: Ah! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: It's gone... +Rintaro: Daru, is the Yamanote Line stopped? +Itaru: Huh? Uh... I don't think so? +Rintaro: Check online. +Itaru: Wait, I'm at the best part. +Rintaro: Please. +Itaru: Hmm, doesn't look stopped. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Itaru: Are you waiting for someone? You keep looking out the window. +Rintaro: Mayuri. Kurisu. +Kurisu: Wait... did you just say my name correctly? +Rintaro: When you're done eating, go home. It's late, so I'll go with you. +Mayuri: Okeydokey! +Kurisu: I don't need an escort from you. I can get back by myself. +Rintaro: Just listen. Daru, you too. +Itaru: Huh? Me too? +Mayuri: ...Hey, Okarin? +Rintaro: What? +Mayuri: Come on, Okarin... Mayushii gets nervous when you stare at her like that... +Rintaro: Did I make you get a game over? +Mayuri: Yeah. +Rintaro: Sorry about that. +Mayuri: There's something different about you today, Okarin. +Rintaro: R-really? +Mayuri: Yeah. What's wrong? +Rintaro: Heh. Nothing's wrong! And I wasn't looking at you just now. I was devising new ways to bring chaos to the world. Muhahaha! +Mayuri: Really? You seem kind of tired. +Rintaro: A mad scientist is never tired. The mighty gray cells of my 170-IQ brain are always performing calculations, day and night! +Mayuri: Oh... but you should still take a break every now and then. Please, Okarin. For me? +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: Okabe! You've got free time. How about a job? As a special offer, I'll hire you for one CRT a month. +Rintaro: When did Suzuha quit, again? +Tennouji: Suzuha? Who the hell's that? +Tennouji: I ain't got time to remember the name of some lazy part-timer who quit after just ten days. +Rintaro: Damn you and your misleading words... +Tennouji: And I thought I finally had some help for a change. That's what I hate about you damn kids. No dedication. +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: I bet she lied about liking CRTs, too. Got me good. +Rintaro: Does the name Hashida Suzu ring a bell? +Tennouji: Haven't heard that name in a long time. Ya knew her? +Rintaro: Eh...? +Rintaro: So now, she's...? +Tennouji: It's been ten years already, huh. +Tennouji: She really helped me out. +Tennouji: She didn't have any relatives, not that I knew of. I wish I could've been with her at the end. +Tennouji: To tell you the truth, though... she looked peaceful when I found her. +Rintaro: Peaceful? She... didn't commit suicide? +Tennouji: Suicide? Who the hell told you that? Suzu-san was sick. Don't believe any old thing you hear. +Tennouji: So how did you know Suzu-san? +Rintaro: ...She helped me out too, a long time ago. I was hoping to see her again. +Tennouji: Yeah? +Tennouji: I'm living in her old house now. Wanna come pay your respects at the altar? +Rintaro: When did the satellite disappear? +Tennouji: Uh... about five days ago? You never know what's gonna happen, huh. +Tennouji: Suzu-san loved that old thing. +Tennouji: Even when she couldn't ride it anymore, she'd still polish it every week. +Tennouji: It's been sitting there for ten years. Couldn't throw it away. I've maintained it best I could, but I guess nothing lasts forever. +Tennouji: When Suzu-san and I first met, we were neighbors. +Tennouji: I was born and raised in Europe, you know. +Rintaro: Hah? Is that a joke? +Tennouji: Got a problem? I'll have you know my English and French are perfect! +Tennouji: My parents died 'bout 15 years ago. That's when I came back to Japan. Or, I guess I should say I came to Japan for the first time. +Tennouji: Suzu-san was living alone next door. She looked after me when I had nowhere else to turn. +Rintaro: ...And you got married? +Tennouji: Huh? Married? +Rintaro: To Suzu-san. +Tennouji: You high? +Tennouji: She was a pretty stoic lady. Didn't have much of a social life. +Tennouji: But she treated me well. +Tennouji: My house burned down 'bout one year after I moved here. It was my smoking that caused the fire, so I deserved it, but still. +Tennouji: After I had lost everything, she let me come live here with her. +Tennouji: That's not all. The Ohiyama Building, where the workshop's at? That was originally Suzu-san's property. +Rintaro: Eh!? +Tennouji: She sold it to me for cheap. It's thanks to her the Braun Tube Workshop exists. +Tennouji: You could say she saved my life. +Tennouji: Once, I asked her why she treated me so well. It wasn't like we were related or anything. +Tennouji: But she just smiled and said... +Tennouji: We all depend on someone's kindness at some point in our lives. When the time comes, you pass the gift along. +Tennouji: She was kinda mysterious. She seemed to know exactly how things were gonna happen, like a prophet. +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: It's a small world, huh? Never thought I'd meet someone else who knew her. +Tennouji: Oh, right! Wait here a sec. +Rintaro: Ah! +Suzuha: When the meter reads over 1%, you've made it to the Beta worldline. +Tennouji: Do you know what that number means? +Tennouji: 'Cause I sure don't. All I know is it hasn't changed a bit these ten years. +Tennouji: But you know... +Tennouji: When Suzu-san was on her deathbed, she used to stare at that meter for hours. +Rintaro: Eh...? +Tennouji: She used to stare at that meter, talking to herself. +Tennouji: Is this the old number? The new number? Did it work? Did it change? +Tennouji: Stuff like that, day in and day out. It hurt to watch. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin♪ +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ I didn't think you'd come all the way to the station to pick me up. Mayushii's surprised! +Rintaro: I wouldn't want my hostage to get away. +Mayuri: Yeah, me neither! So, Mayushii's really happy. Ehehe♪ +Mayuri: So what's in the bag? +Rintaro: Mister Braun gave it to me. It's a device that can measure the divergence of worldlines. +Mayuri: Wow, that sounds amazing... what's a worldline? +Rintaro: Mayuri, you really are a dummy. +Rintaro: Just a thought, Mayuri, but don't you think maybe you should stop coming to Akiba for a while? At least until ComiMa ends. +Rintaro: Mayuri!? +Kurisu: So you're the devoted type, huh? +Rintaro: What's that supposed to mean? +Kurisu: All of a sudden, you're treating Mayuri like a princess. +Kurisu: Today you went to the station to meet her, you taste tested her lunch, and then you held her hand all the way back to the lab. +Mayuri: Okarin really loves Mayushii! Ehehe! +Kurisu: So what's the deal? +Rintaro: I don't follow. +Kurisu: Are you a couple or what? I've been meaning to ask. +Rintaro: Do we look like a couple? +Kurisu: Huh!? Uh... well... umm... +Mayuri: You know, Okarin and Mayushii have been friends since we were little♪ +Mayuri: Mwawoohii's weeally hwawy nawo. +Rintaro: Don't talk with your mouth full. +Kurisu: So... you're not a couple. Oh. Well, of course! No one would willingly date Okabe, after all. +Rintaro: Pff. You disappoint me, Christina! +Kurisu: Hah? What are you talking about? +Rintaro: You have finally revealed your true nature. +Rintaro: I saw how your eyes lit up at the first hint of romance! You're nothing but a filthy mainstream girl! +Rintaro: I bet you like to eat chocolate with your girlfriends and giggle about the latest celebrity love affair! Absurd! This lab has no need of the puppies and flowers in your head! +Kurisu: What the hell are you on about, you self-proclaimed mad scientist chuunibyou nutcase? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: The universe is like this piece of yarn. +Suzuha: Countless possible worldlines exist side by side, branching out to infinity. +Suzuha: When the meter reads over 1%, you've made it to the Beta worldline. +Suzuha: If you escape the Alpha attractor field and reach the Beta worldline... then the result will change. +Suzuha: Reach 1% divergence... and you'll save Shiina Mayuri. +Kurisu: Okabe. +Kurisu: Didn't you say we weren't going to experiment with the Time Leap Machine? +Rintaro: This is just in case. +Kurisu: In case what? +Rintaro: ... +Attacker A: Hands in the air. Nobody move. +Moeka: ... +Mayuri: Um... Moeka-san? +Moeka: We're taking the time machine. +Attacker A: Don't move! +Moeka: Makise Kurisu, Okabe Rintaro, Hashida Itaru. The three of you will come with us. +Moeka: You cannot resist. +Moeka: Come with us. +Moeka: You have nowhere to run. +Moeka: We have men stationed throughout Akihabara. +Attacker A: Hey, you! +Attacker A: I said hands in the air. +Attacker A: What are you hiding!? +Rintaro: !! +Moeka: Shoot them! +Mayuri: Augh! +Rintaro: Mayu-- +Mayuri: O...kari... +Mayuri: It... hurts... +Rintaro: Mayuri! Come on! Get up! +Kurisu: Stop! Stop! +Itaru: Don't shoot meeeee! +Rintaro: Guh! +Rintaro: Ah, aahhh... +Attacker A: Target A, Target C secured. +Kurisu: Run, Okabe! Run! +Rintaro: Ah! +Rintaro: Mayu-- +Mayuri: Okarin? You want a banana too? +Rintaro: Kurisu, come with me a second. +Kurisu: What is it? You don't normally say my name normally. +Kurisu: That came out weird. +Rintaro: Please... help me. +Kurisu: ...Now this is a shock. +Kurisu: I never thought I'd hear those words from you. Do you have a fever? +Rintaro: No jokes. I seriously need your help. +Kurisu: You time leaped, didn't you? +Rintaro: How much do you know? +Kurisu: How much do I know about what? +Rintaro: How about Suzuha being John Titor? +Kurisu: Eh!? +Kurisu: It never even occurred to me. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Have you finished the Time Leap Machine? +Kurisu: What are you talking about? I finished it yesterday after an all-nighter, remember? +Kurisu: When did you leap from? +Rintaro: 8 PM tonight. +Kurisu: Hmmm... +Kurisu: So basically, you win if you get the IBN 5100 back. +Kurisu: This is just a guess... +Kurisu: But maybe you should look at what Amane-san said from the opposite angle. +Kurisu: I think the critical change takes place when you get the IBN 5100 and erase the data in SERN's database. +Kurisu: That instant is most likely when you'll achieve divergence over 1%. +Rintaro: The problem is where the IBN 5100 is now. +Kurisu: You've already found it once. That is, if your memories are real. +Kurisu: If you can get back to the worldline where you first obtained it, then isn't it bound to return to you? +Rintaro: I see... You're right. +Rintaro: The IBN 5100 was at the lab, and then it suddenly disappeared. +Kurisu: You threw a fit about that earlier. I remember thinking, 'Oh god, Okabe's finally lost his ability to distinguish fantasy from reality.' +Rintaro: You're such a wannabe American. What do you mean, 'oh god'? Oh, I get it. Chris-chan is a Chris-tian. +Kurisu: That's terrible. +Rintaro: ...I regret it too. +Rintaro: So, Christina... let me see if I understand what you're saying. +Rintaro: The changes we made to the worldline -- namely, all of the D-Mails we've sent -- must be reversed. +Rintaro: That will return us to the worldline where I found the IBN 5100 at Yanabayashi Shrine. +Kurisu: It's still a hypothesis. I only came to that conclusion based on your explanation. +Kurisu: If you're mistaking your facts, deceiving me, or shooting off delusions, then this hypothesis will fail. +Kurisu: You can't just blindly follow this hypothesis either. +Kurisu: You may have a safety net, but if you get careless and leave yourself without a way out... +Kurisu: Then you'll never get another chance to save Mayuri. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Why did the IBN 5100 disappear? Which of the D-Mails caused its disappearance? +Kurisu: Figure that out, and you're well on your way to finding the solution. +Rintaro: What I don't understand is how we delayed the timing of Mayuri's death exactly 24 hours. +Kurisu: True, that is interesting. Maybe it's related to the change in divergence. +Kurisu: It could be the Butterfly Effect. If that's the case, any trivial change could produce a significantly deviant result. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Anyway, it's important to act with discretion. Don't do anything careless. +Kurisu: Your death, Okabe, is the worst thing that could possibly happen. +Kurisu: You're probably the only person who can remember previous worldlines. If you die, then consider Mayuri dead for good. +Kurisu: ...Don't die. Okay? +Rintaro: ...You're not worried⑰ about me, are you? +Kurisu: W-what!? Don't be ridiculous! Why should I care!? +Kurisu: I'm not worried about you, okay? Don't get the wrong idea. +Kurisu: I just don't want to lose a valuable test subject, that's all. Yeah! +Kurisu: That brain of yours has accumulated memories spanning worldlines and time leaps. It's a precious sample that can rewrite the history of neuroscience! +Kurisu: I want to map your brain and find out just what's going on in there. +Kurisu: In other words, your time leaping helps me, too! After all, the Time Leap Machine is the fruit of my research, so to speak, and I-- +Rintaro: Calm down. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Christina. I'm going to give this plan of yours a shot. +Kurisu: Oh. G-great. +Kurisu: Ah... +Rintaro: You've been a great help. Sorry for the trouble. +Kurisu: D-don't apologize, dummy. It's confusing... +Kurisu: And besides, I don't even remember helping you before! How are you going to take responsibility for this!? +Kurisu: I wish I could remember too... +Kurisu: Then I'd always have something to rub your nose in! +Rintaro: You really have an awful personality. +Kurisu: You're one to talk. +Rintaro: Damn! +Butler: May I ask who's calling? +Rintaro: Um, my name's Okabe. +Rintaro: I'd like to speak with Fari... I mean Rumiho-san. +Butler: I regret to inform you that the young mistress is currently out. +Rintaro: Then where is she now? +Butler: I'm afraid I cannot answer that. You may be someone with whom she does not wish to interact. +Rintaro: I've been here before, remember!? +Butler: Of course, sir. However, I still cannot disclose the location of the young mistress. Please contact her directly. +Rintaro: P-please wait! I've been trying to get in touch with Faris, but she's not returning my calls or emails! +Butler: Then please try again some other time. +Rintaro: Guh! +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Daru, do you happen to know where Faris is right now? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: I need to talk to her right now! +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Just tell me where she is! You keep tabs on her at all times, don't you!? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Where!? Where is she!? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Why the assembly hall? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: RaiNet AB GC? +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: She's... in the finals? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm headed there now. What floor!? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: No, but I'll manage! +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Then you come out. I'm in front of UPX. Can you lend me your ticket? +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: H-hey! Daru! Daru! +Rintaro: Gh...! +Rintaro: Excuse me. +Rintaro: Do you know where RaiNet Champion Faris-san is? +???: What!? +???: RaiNet Champion Faris-san? +???: Pff, you guys hear that? +Rintaro: If you know, then please tell me. +Man Who Seems to Whisper to Gaia to Shine More: What, you're a friend of the former champ? +Rintaro: !? +Man with a Bald Spot Who Seems to Whisper to Gaia to Shine More: Sorry, but you asked for it. +Man with a Bald Spot Who Seems to Whisper to Gaia to Shine More: It made my dirty heart ache to hear you call that pussy a champion. +Man with a Bald Spot Who Seems to Whisper to Gaia to Shine More: Get it? Don't you ever call that disgusting catgirl a champion to my face again. +Man with a Bald Spot Who Seems to Whisper to Gaia to Shine More: Not unless you want your body and soul frozen by yours truly, the king of the streets, the one and only Black Absolute Zero, 4℃. +Man with a Bald Spot Who Seems to Whisper to Gaia to Shine More: The name's 4℃. That's Shido, you get me? I'm the strongest and coolest RaiNetter to ever rule the streets of Akiba. Nobody comes close. Nobody. +4℃: Did you know? Dry ice is so cold, it burns. +Rintaro: That's not a burn. It's frostbite. +4℃: What!? +Butler: May I ask who's calling? +Rintaro: It's Okabe. Has Fari... has Rumiho-san returned? +Butler: ...Just a moment. +Butler: Please come up, sir. The young mistress will see you. +Rintaro: Faris! Finally. There's something I need to ask you. +Faris: Hmmya... +Rintaro: What happened? You look down. +Faris: This can't be happening, nya. Why did Faris have to lose, nyan? +Faris: If only those guys hadn't used underhanded tricks on me, nya... They ganged up on Faris... +Faris: I even promised Papa I'd win... he's probably disappointed in me, nya... I'm too ashamed to show my face, nya... +Rintaro: Listen, Faris! +Rintaro: A couple of days ago, you used the time machine we invented to send a D-Mail. Do you remember that? +Faris: Hanya? +Rintaro: Let's say, for example, that there used to be tons of stores for anime otaku here in Akiba. +Rintaro: And let's say you used a time machine, and changed that Akiba into the electric town it is today. How would you do it? +Faris: Time... machine... +Faris: Time machine... +Faris: Kyouma... +Rintaro: W-whoa! What!? +Faris: Is it a real time machine, nya? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. It's real. +Faris: ... +Faris: I believe you, nyan. +Faris: Ugh... ugh... I'm about to remember, nya. +Rintaro: Huh? +Faris: Faris remembers using the time machine, nyan. +Rintaro: Wha... Really!? +Faris: Umm, Faris got on the time machine and it went zoom and... +Rintaro: What? But you didn't ride anything, you sent a D-Mail to the past. +Faris: Nyanya! That's it, nya, I'm starting to remember more and more, nya. +Faris: My head... hurts, nya. +Rintaro: What's going on here? +Faris: Kyouma... Faris is... Faris is... +Faris: My brains are turning to mush, nya... +Rintaro: Hang in there! +Rintaro: Is there anything I can do? +Faris: If I win... +Faris: If I win, I might remember, nya. +Rintaro: Win? Win what? +Faris: Today's match, nyan. Against the Viral Attackers, nya. +Faris: I only lost because of their underhanded tricks, nya. +Faris: And now my head is all mushy, so I can't remember anything, nya. +Faris: Please, Kyouma... I think that if I win the match, I'll remember everything, nya. +Faris: So please, nyan, let me use the time machine. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: By the way, this isn't an act, right? +Faris: A-an act? What do you mean, nya? +Faris: You're awful, nya. +Faris: Even though Faris is trying her bestest to remember for you... +Faris: You called me a liar... it hurts, nyan. +Rintaro: Ah, no, I'm sorry. +Faris: Please, nya... +Faris: Help Faris win, nyan... +Rintaro: W-wait! I get it! I get it, okay!? +Rintaro: O-okay, Faris. We'll do it your way. +Faris: Fur real, nyan!? +Rintaro: Yeah. I need you to remember, whatever it takes. +Faris: Hnnya... why'd you dodge, nya? +Rintaro: Um... You're being way too familiar. +Rintaro: I'm going to leap to this morning and give you some advice that will allow you to win. How's that? +Faris: We're not sending a mail, nyan? +Rintaro: Our lab has developed a device for time leaping, or sending your consciousness to the past. +Faris: Awesome! So it's like New Game+, nya? +Rintaro: Umm, yeah, that's it. +Faris: So if Faris uses it to go back to this morning, it'll solve everything, nya! +Rintaro: You can't! +Faris: Nya!? Why not, nyan? +Rintaro: I can't let anyone else use the Time Leap Machine. +Faris: No fair, nya. +Rintaro: It's not something to be used lightly. It's dangerous. +Rintaro: I'll be the one responsible for changing the past. +Rintaro: Trust me, Faris. +Faris: ...Okay, nya. +Rintaro: Guh... +Faris: Bring Faris sunglasses and earplugs before the match, nyan! +Faris: Then I can ignore the distractions and win fur sure, nya. +Faris: Kyouma, what are you doing here, nya? +Rintaro: I waited here because I wanted to see you. +Faris: Hanya!? A-are you confessing your love for me? I don't know what to do if you confess right before such an important match, nyan! +Rintaro: D-don't be ridiculous! Why would I confess to you? +Faris: ...You're awfully serious today, nya. Usually you play along more, nya. +Faris: I'm nervous about the finals, so I want to lift my spirits, nyan. +Rintaro: Please just listen to me, Faris! This is important for your victory. +Faris: Important? But you don't even know the rules of RaiNet, nya? +Rintaro: It's not about the rules or anything like that. +Faris: Then what is it, nya? +Rintaro: Take these with you. +Faris: Kyouma... that's lame, nya... +Faris: You're supposed to bring nicer presents, like-- +Rintaro: It's not a present. These are countermeasures! +Faris: Nya? +Rintaro: Listen good. I came from the future. +Faris: I know, nya. +Rintaro: What!? +Faris: And Faris came from space, nya. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I'm not joking around here! I seriously leapt here from six this evening! +Rintaro: I know the outcome of today's RaiNet GC final. +Faris: Don't tell me. Overwhelming victory for Faris-- +Rintaro: No. +Rintaro: You lose. +Faris: Nyau... +Rintaro: But that's only because of the opposing team's interference. So to protect you, I brought you these sunglasses and earplugs. +Rintaro: Are you listening!? +Rintaro: Faris? +Faris: Unyaaaaa! +Faris: Kyouma, you meanie! +Faris: This is a very important match for Faris, nya! How dare you say I'll lose nya! You're being mean! Are you a Viral Attackers spy, nya!? +Rintaro: N-no, look, it wasn't your fault you lost. It's-- +Faris: Hmya! Not listenyan! +Rintaro: Hgg...! +Rintaro: W-wait! I said wait! +Rintaro: I need you to win, no matter what! +Faris: Like I said, there's no way I can lose, nya! +Faris: And I don't wannya wear those ugly glasses, nya! Faris needs to be cute at every moment! My fans are counting on me, nya! +Rintaro: Please hear me out! +Rintaro: Faris, please. Mayuri's life depends on it! +Faris: Someone! Someone come here, nya! Help me, nyan! +???: You seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands. Eh, Champion? +4℃: Heh. Swooping down unto the street, I am the black peacock of the RaiNetter realm. +4℃: The name's 4℃. That's Shido, you get me? I'm the leader of the Viral Attackers. +Faris: The Viral Attackers... +4℃: Seriously, you disappoint me, Champion. +4℃: You flirt with the system, but that's just noise to my heart. And yet here you are, before the match, soaking in the corrupted love of that worthless man. +4℃: You put on the airs of a siamese cat, but with this duel today, I'll dye that white fur of yours jet black. Gaia has thus whispered. +4℃: The black cat is the sign of disaster. My black radiance shall outshine your shadow, ushering in a new generation of RaiNet. Women are already slaves to the living Rock Mind that is myself. +Faris: Why is everyone getting in Faris's way, nya? I can't hear myself think, nya! +Rintaro: Faris, I told you to wait! +Faris: Paws off! +Rintaro: I'm begging you, please listen to what I'm saying! +4℃: Hey! Don't you dare disregard the man closest to the truth of RaiNet. +Rintaro: This is none of your business. Go away. +4℃: The hell you say! Don't you know I'm the black nobleman of the RaiNet realm!? +Rintaro: Weren't you the black peacock of the RaiNet realm? Get your story straight. +4℃: I'm the black peacock nobleman. 'Cause black is the symbol of RaiNet. +Rintaro: Oh, I get it. You just like to say 'black.' +4℃: You think you're so smart. I'm gonna dye that pussy black before the duel even starts. +4℃: You know what'll happen if you touch me? Dry ice burns! +Rintaro: That's frostbite, you idiot. +4℃: Wha!? +Rintaro: I'm telling you to stop messing with Faris! +Rintaro: Save your bullshit for someone who cares! +4℃: Heh! They're laughing at you, you corrupt pussy l'amant! +Rintaro: I think not! They're laughing at you, you pathetic peacock with a bald spot on your head. +4℃: What!? How do you know about my untouchable black spot!? I've never told anyone about it! +Rintaro: Elementary, 4℃ (YondoC). I am an insane mad scientist and traveler through time! Nothing escapes the sight of Hououin Kyouma. +4℃: The name's Shido! +4℃: Now you've gone too far! For the sin of insulting my ultra-cool badass name, I'll summon you to my garden, the black HELL! Just you wait! +Faris: How did you know about 4℃'s weak point, nyan? Nobody's ever seen it. +Rintaro: Haven't you been listening? I came from the future. +Faris: Ah... +Rintaro: So please, Faris, take this stuff. Just hold on to it, okay? +Faris: B-but... there's no way Faris can lose, nya. +Rintaro: You're stronger than them, no question. But you heard him just now. They're obviously not gonna play fair. +Rintaro: They'll do anything it takes to win, even if it breaks the RaiNetter code. +Faris: If you say so... +Faris: I'm just going to hold onto them. Is that okay, nya? +Rintaro: Yeah. Just make sure you have them with you on the stage. I promise you'll need them. +Announcer: Thanks for waiting, everybody! The finals are about to begin, and we'll see once and for all who is the RaiNet AccessBattlers Grand Champion! +Announcer: These two teams are about to clash! +Announcer: First up, the defending champion! Our queen! The Moe Maid Cat! +Announcer: Fariiiiis! NyaaanNyaaaaaaaaaan! +Announcer: And now, the challengers! Like a comet they suddenly appeared, blazing across the starry sky! The dark horse -- nay, dark peacock of the RaiNet world! +Announcer: This is their very first tournament, but despite various troubles including no-show opponents, they have made it to the finals! They are the Black Absolute Zero! +Announcer: The Viraaaaal! Attackeeeeers! +Itaru: You gotta cheer for Faris-tan too! +Rintaro: Yeah... +Spectator A: Faris-tan! +Spectator B: I love you, Faris! +Spectator C: Moe moe!! +Faris: I'm gonna give it my best, everyone! So cheer for me, nyan♪ +Faris: Ehehehe. Service shot, nyan♪ +Itaru: There it is! Yes! Faris! It's me! Marry me! +Rintaro: How come there are two Viral Attackers, but Faris is all alone? +Itaru: What? You don't even know about that? +Itaru: In this tournament, duels take place between two-man teams. But since there's nobody strong enough to be Faris-tan's duel partner, she goes alone. +Itaru: Two heads are obviously better than one, but Faris can win despite her handicap! That's why I love her! +Rintaro: These Viral Attackers... what sort of team are they? +Itaru: Hmm. I don't know all the details, but apparently they're a pretty aggressive team. +Itaru: But other than that, there's a bunch of suspicious rumors about them. +Itaru: They've got a lot of followers, you see. And apparently, they don't mind using those followers to interfere with their opponents during duels. +Itaru: About half the teams they faced in the championships were no-shows. +Itaru: And that's not all. Apparently, they even go around beating up otaku in Akiba and Ikebukuro. +Itaru: Long story short, RaiNetters really hate them. +Rintaro: Then why haven't they been disqualified? +Itaru: Cause there's no evidence. RaiNetters are mostly kids and otaku. Just a little intimidation from some guys in black, and they clam up. +Rintaro: How do teams work exactly? +Itaru: You can discuss with your partner what moves to make. It's harder for the opponent to predict what you're going to do. +Itaru: Well, there's nothing to worry about. Faris-tan can beat the daylights outta these punks in the blink of an eye. +Announcer: Are both teams ready? +Announcer: And now, for the RaiNet AccessBattlers Grand Championship Finals-- +Announcer: Duel Access! +Rintaro: What sort of strategy does Faris use? +Itaru: I guess you could say she's a slow starter. She spends the first half focusing on reading her opponent's cards. She plays it safe. +Itaru: And instead, she waits until the endgame for a sudden reversal. +Itaru: That's probably how she'll play it this time, too. +Itaru: Now, what's it gonna be? +Itaru: No way! +Rintaro: What happened!? +Itaru: I can't believe it. She took a Virus Card... +Itaru: She almost never goes on the offensive. Maybe the Virals are enough of a threat to warrant a change of strategy. +4℃: Pff, looks like our pussy champ here is frightened by the heavy rock wings of the black peacock. Your fear is showing. +4℃: I can see your cowardly pussy-shivering with these fallen angel eyes of mine. +4℃: This little 'strategy change' of yours? It's an obvious fake. My elegant evil heart whispers so. +4℃: I've done my research. You never go on the offensive. You're the cautious, thinking-type. +4℃: I know all about your little mind tricks. You can't fool me. +4℃: That card you attacked with just now is a Virus Card, no doubt. You think I'll take the bait, don't you? +Faris: ... +4℃: This black nobleman set off a red alarm in your heart, awakening your wild survival instincts. And that's why you suddenly changed your strategy. +4℃: But it's too late for that now. Such inelegant tricks as that have not a chance to stain our blackness. +4℃: For we are the Viral Attackers, the Black Justice. The usurpers of RaiNet. The rebellion against this fickle Sanctuary. +Rintaro: He sure can talk... +Itaru: I hate those guys. +Itaru: Well, you gotta admit. Pressuring your opponent is an important part of RaiNet. +Itaru: If you shake your opponent up, their reaction might help you figure out their card layout. +Rintaro: ...This game sounds pretty hardcore. +Itaru: To tell you the truth, RaiNet's more popular with adults than with kids. Even the anime's like that. It's marketed towards kids, but the story's going down a pretty hard route. +Itaru: That, and Kirari-chan's sexy! +Rintaro: A laser! +Itaru: Eh? What? +Rintaro: Look! Near her eyes! There's a red dot! +Itaru: ...Seriously? +Itaru: I can't tell. But if you're right, Okarin, then someone in the audience is trying to sabotage her! Damn those Virals! +Rintaro: Why doesn't the referee stop them!? +Itaru: They must be timing it so that the referee doesn't see. +Itaru: Hey, where are you going!? +Rintaro: I'm going to find whoever's doing this and stop them! +Itaru: But how are you gonna find them in this crowd!? +4℃: Hey hey hey! +4℃: Looks like this fucking cat got scared of my elegant evil charisma aura, and lost her cool heart. +4℃: Who would've thought the champion would make such an amateurish move? +Faris: ... +4℃: Allow this elegant evil storyteller, 4℃, to make a jet black proclamation. +4℃: In just a few minutes, you'll be demoted to Former⑰ Champion! +4℃: Hahahaha! +Viral Attacker C: Wh-who are you!? +Rintaro: That's as far as you go. I won't let you interfere with Faris's match! +Viral Attacker C: Why you! +Rintaro: Move and I shoot! +Viral Attacker C: ...!? +4℃: Too weak, Pussy. But it's your fault for flirting with the system in that getup of yours. Save that vomit-inducing fashion sense for your bedroom mirror. +4℃: All of your fans are just otakus who wanna do you. Does it really make you that happy to to have a fanbase filled with people like that? +Rintaro: What!? +4℃: Hey, Champion. They say your eyes can see into a man's soul. +4℃: They say you have the power to read minds, which makes you a cheater even my pure black evil heart can't abide. +4℃: Basically, ya ain't human. You're an ugly angel. 'Cause you peek into the heart of any poor sap who talks to you. +4℃: Everyone, beware! Keep your distance! Or this pussy will steal your every secret by reading your thoughts! +4℃: And then she'll blackmail you. Hand over your money? Throw your RaiNet match? What will you demand next!? +Rintaro: Faris! +Faris: ...ctory +4℃: Ah? What was that? +Faris: ...I use Change Directory. Nya. +4℃: You can't touch my heartstrings with a boring move like that. Is this your huge reversal plan? +4℃: Sorry, but I am the black peacock no woman can resist. The elegant evil New Generation of the RaiNetter realm. +4℃: My cool black brain easily sees through your trick. +4℃: No, that wasn't even a trick. That was a complete blunder, Champion. +4℃: Heh! I still only have two Virus Cards. One card ain't enough to clip these jet black wings of mine. +4℃: But if I take just one more Link Card, then it's the 'End of Grand Cross' for you! +4℃: By the way, that card you're protecting way back in your territory... +4℃: That's the card you used in the opening. The one you equipped with Line Boost and used to attack me, as if inviting me to take it. +4℃: I said it before, but there's no way a scaredy-cat like you would send a Link Card out where it could be captured. +4℃: In other words, Champion, according to my elegant evil skills of deduction, your last Link Card isn't the one you're guarding. It's one of the two you switched! Heh! +4℃: So I don't even have to check. This black peacock's sexual eyes can already see my elegant victory. They can see the contents of your crazy cards! +4℃: You exchanged one Virus and one Link. +4℃: So all I've gotta do is take both, and victory belongs to us black noblemen. +4℃: Card Open! +Announcer: A Virus Card! +4℃: The End. The world has dyed black the closing of this RaiNet century. +4℃: The Black Revelations have been fulfilled. The Pussy Champ has fallen from grace to Former Champ. We, the Viral Attackers, now raise the curtain to the highest, grandest, sexiest New Genera-- +Faris: What are you talking about, nya? +4℃: Ah...? +Faris: This match isn't over yet, nyan! +4℃: Wh-what dreamy nonsense are you spewing? The match is already won. You're just pawing at the ground. +Faris: Why don't you check the card you just took from Faris, nya? +4℃: ...What? +4℃: N-no freaking way! In the name of all that is elegant and evil, that's just impossible! That's bullshit! +4℃: There's no way you'd shoot yourself in the foot by wasting Change Directory to switch two Virus Cards-- +Faris: Just turn over the card and see for yourself already, nya♪ +Announcer: What!? Just when we all thought the card was a Link Card! +4℃: A V-v-virus Card!!? +Announcer: A HUGE! TURN! A! ROUUUUUUUUUUUUND!! +Announcer: We have our winner! Fariiiis NyaaanNyan! Two time undefeated champion! Congratulatioooons! +Faris: Kyouma! +Rintaro: Congratulations on your victory, Fa-- +Faris: Thanks for everything, nyan! +Rintaro: N-no... I can't have you thanking me like this. I need something else from you. +Faris: What's that, nya? You mean a kiss isn't enough, so you want to go on a date, nyan? Aww, Kyouma, you're so greedy, nyan. +Faris: But you know, Faris doesn't mind, nya♪ +Rintaro: I'm glad those earplugs I gave you did the trick. So get off, it's too hot. +Faris: I'm sorry for doubting you, nya. It wouldn't have been such a close game if I just believed you to begin with, nya. +Rintaro: Faris. Now you'll listen to what I have to say, right? +Faris: Nya? +Rintaro: I brought you sunglasses and earplugs. But I didn't come up with the idea. +Faris: Really, nya? Then who-- +Rintaro: You did. +Rintaro: To be precise, the you two hours from now. The first time, you lost to the Viral Attackers' underhanded tactics. +Rintaro: And then you asked me to use my time machine to stop them. +Faris: Your time machine... +Rintaro: This was a contract, so to speak. You almost remembered the D-Mail you sent to change the past, even though you should've forgotten. +Rintaro: You said that you'd remember if you won the RaiNet tournament. +Faris: ??? +Rintaro: Well? Do you remember? It's very important, so I need you to try. +Faris: Hm... +Faris: Faris was probably pulling your tail, nya. +Rintaro: What? +Faris: That Faris was depressed she lost to the Virals, nya? So when she heard about the time machine, she wanted to use it to win, nya. +Faris: Because if she didn't, she'd be too ashamed to see Papa, nya... +Faris: I'm sure she just played along with Kyouma, and said she remembered... that's what I think, nya... That's probably what Faris would do, nya. +Rintaro: No way... +Faris: Kyouma. +Faris: Look into Faris's eyes, nya. +Rintaro: What? +Faris: Just look, nya. +Faris: Nervous, nya? +Rintaro: O-of course not. I'm busy solving +Faris: In other words, you're nervous, nya. +Faris: The truth is, Faris has only one power, nya. +Rintaro: Your power? Do you mean... +Faris: It's a secret, but I'll make an exception for Kyouma. Truth is, Faris can read people's minds, nyan. +Faris: I call my power +Faris: Whatcha think, nya? Awesome, nyan? +Rintaro: ...I'm an exception? But the Virals knew about it too, didn't they? +Faris: I had no idea the cat was out of the bag, nya. +Faris: Ever since I was small, I could tell what Papa's business partners were thinking from the looks on their faces, nya. +Faris: It's more like intuition or a sixth sense, nya. Based on eye movements, facial expressions, and gestures, I can tell when someone's lying, nya. +Rintaro: ...Wait, so you've been using that power at RaiNet tournaments? +Faris: Of course, nya♪ Faris is an entertainer, nyan. It's my style to get into a tight spot on purpose so I can make a huge turnaround, nyan. +Faris: Besides, if I wear sunglasses, I can't read my opponent's thoughts, nyan. +Faris: It's because of this power that I knew you weren't lying. +Rintaro: But you wouldn't go along with me at all in the beginning, though. +Faris: You just rubbed my fur the wrong way, nya. +Faris: And I can tell you're not lying now either, nya. +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Faris used that 'D-Mail' thing to change the past, nya? I believe you, nya. +Faris: I wish I could remember... but I'm sorry, nya. +Faris: I can't remember, nyan... +Rintaro: I see... +Rintaro: ...? +4℃: Yo. +4℃: I've got a word with you, champion. Gaia whispered for me to register an objection. +Faris: An objection? +4℃: You damn pussy. The power to read the minds of your opponents? That's bullshit! I know you were cheating! +Rintaro: She wasn't cheating! You're the ones who were cheating! +Faris: Faris doesn't use underhanded tricks like you guys, nya. +4℃: The hell you say? I, the black nobleman, swear to the god of the elegant evil realm, that I never cheat! Though sometimes I do other things. +4℃: Okay, you corrupt white Siamese cat? I ain't gonna accept that defeat. That last Change Directory was a fraud. +Rintaro: You don't have any proof. +4℃: Heh! You seem clueless, so I'll tell ya. If I say it's black, it's black. That's the truth of RaiNet. +4℃: By the way, your old man's some kind of big shot in Akihabara, isn't he? +4℃: I bet he pulled strings so they'd let you win. That's what all the hip RaiNetters are saying, you know? +4℃: You're such a scoundrel. Ya ain't got a bit of elegant evility. Ya ain't even a white Siamese cat. +4℃: You're a fatass pig, crawling in the mud. +Viral Attacker A: Seriously? I thought it went way too well, but you're telling me it was rigged? +Viral Attacker B: This catgirl's the worst! +Viral Attacker C: So that's the kind of person Faris is. A filthy cheater! +4℃: That's how it is, Champion -- no, SHAMpion. +4℃: On your knees. Bow before me, the Black Lucifer, 4℃. Rub your head on the ground, and beg for mercy. +4℃: And then forfeit your throne. Do all that, and I swear to Lucifer to forgive you for your deeds. +Viral Attacker D: That's right! Turn down your victory! +Viral Attacker E: And never come back to RaiNet AccessBattlers again! +Viral Attacker F: Quit RaiNet, you bitch! +Rintaro: Let's go, Faris. +Faris: Nya...? +4℃: Hold it right there! +Rintaro: Hello!? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: What!? I'm! Busy! Now! +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: No! +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: On fire!? What is!? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm hanging up! +Faris: Kyouma! Those guys! Are still tailing us, nyan! +Rintaro: Tch...! +Rintaro: Haah, haah, whew! +Faris: Haahaah, whew, whewww... +Faris: Kyouma! Look, nya! +Rintaro: What? +Faris: We can't get in like this, nya... +Rintaro: Let's get out of here! +Viral Attacker A: There they are! +Viral Attacker B: Text the location! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Wheww, whew, haahaahaah... +Faris: Why are we stopping here, nya? We need to run! +Rintaro: Let's wait here until those assholes give up. +Rintaro: --whew +Rintaro: Haah, haah... If this were MayQueen, we'd have air conditioning, and I could get something to drink... +Faris: Nya? +Rintaro: Oh, nothing... +Faris: How do you know the name of the maid cafe that was supposed to open here, nya? +Rintaro: Eh...? +Faris: Oh, I know. We opened up the homepage for a little bit to post maid recruiting information, nyan. Did you see it? +Rintaro: ...It was supposed to open? +Faris: Faris organyaized the cafe's plans and passed it through the conference. It was almost a done deal, nyan. +Faris: But at the last moment, Papa put his paw down, and the plan died, nya. +Faris: Papa's such a blockhead, nya... +Faris: If he left the store to me, it would've been the best maid cafe in all of Japan, with mmhmm costumes and hnngtastic maids, nya. +Faris: It would've even pulled customers to Akiba from all the way over in Ueno and Ikebukuro. It's such a waste, nya. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Faris... no, Akiha Rumiho. +Faris: Hanyan? +Rintaro: You're the Akiha daughter and heir, so you go to the Akihabara city development conferences too, right? +Faris: Nnya? I don't attend, nya. +Rintaro: You don't? But didn't you say that... +Faris: Papa's the one who goes to the conferences, nya. Why would Faris have to go nya? +Rintaro: Then, why did⑰ you go to the conferences? +Faris: Like I said, I don't, nya. +Rintaro: Your dad's into retro PCs, right? +Faris: Yeah! By the way, we still haven't found an IBN 5100, nyan. +Rintaro: Has your dad ever sold any or given one away? +Faris: Never, nya. Papa loves all of the PCs he's collected, nya. He'd never get rid of one, nya. +Rintaro: Do you have any retro PCs, Faris? +Faris: I don't get Papa's hobby at all, nya. Faris likes cosplay and anime and cute things, nyan. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Let's say you participated in city development ever since you were a child. +Faris: I'd put moe shops all over Akiba, nya. Just visit ComiMa and you'll see the wonder of otaku power, nya. +Faris: I'm sure more people would visit Akiba then, nyan. +Rintaro: That aside, if you no longer wanted to participate after participating for all that time... +Rintaro: How would you stop yourself in the past? +Faris: Is this some sorta psychological test, nya? +Rintaro: It's just a hypothetical question. +Faris: Hm... a dramatic way would be purrfect. +Rintaro: What? +Faris: Like you see on TV, nya. Faris is weak to drama, nya. I probably got that from Papa, nyan. +Faris: For example, if Faris got kidnapped or-- +Faris: Kid...napped? +Rintaro: Faris? +Faris: Ugh... +Faris: My head hurts, nya... +Faris: H-hey, Kyouma... Faris has been feeling funny since coming to this storehouse, nya... Even though I only came here once, back when I was a little kitten... +Faris: It feels really... nyastalgic... +Faris: Like I've been here... many times, nya... +Faris: Ah... +Faris: I... remember... +Rintaro: Remember what? +Faris: I remember, nya! +Faris: MayQueen+Nyan⑯! +Faris: Kyouma and Daru-nyan were regular customers, nya. And Mayushii worked here too, nya. +Rintaro: Really? You really remember that? +Faris: And how Kyouma and Daru talked about the time machine at the store, and how I asked to use it in return for helping find an IBN 5100. +Faris: And how later, I convinced Kyouma and Daru-nyan it was weird to compare time to a river. +Faris: And how I took the blood oath to become a lab mem. +Rintaro: And the D-Mail? Do you remember what you sent? +Faris: ... +Faris: I remember, but... you said you have to cancel it, nya? +Rintaro: Yes. I need to undo the changes made to the past by your D-Mail. +Faris: You can't, nya! +Faris: You can't undo it, nya... +Rintaro: Please listen, Faris! Mayuri's life depends on it! +Faris: Eh... Mayushii's...? +Rintaro: If we don't return the worldline to normal... if I don't get that IBN 5100, then Mayuri will die. +Rintaro: It know it sounds ridiculous, but it's the truth. +Rintaro: So please. I need to send another D-Mail and cancel the one you-- +Faris: The wish Faris made with her D-Mail... +Faris: The wish Faris made... +Faris: ...was to save Papa, who died ten years ago, nya. +Rintaro: --!? +Faris: I exchanged the past where Papa died, for a past where he didn't die, nyan. +Rintaro: !? +Viral Attacker A: Is Faris really hiding in here? +Viral Attacker B: Someone saw two people who looked like them go inside. +Rintaro: ...! +Viral Attacker A: Where are you!? +Viral Attacker B: So you were here, Faris. +Rintaro: Yeah!? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: You exposed us to the pursuers. They're right in front of us! +Viral Attacker A: Hey, come out! +Viral Attacker B: There's no point in hiding! +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Roger. Over and out. +Faris: !? +Viral Attacker A: What the hell!? +Viral Attacker B: I can't see! Cough cough! +Faris: Khohkhoh, khohkhohkhoh! +Viral Attacker A: Hey, we found you! +Viral Attacker B: Hehhehhe! You can't escape! +Faris: Oh no! 4℃ got run over by a car, nya! +Viral Attacker A: Wh-what!? 4℃-san!? +Rintaro: Nice feint, Faris! +Viral Attacker C: You're not getting away! +Viral Attacker D: Get them! +Faris: Oh no... +4℃: Yo! We got you now. +4℃: I'll tell ya one thing. You can't escape my totally bad black aura. +4℃: I always fight the system. And once again, my elegant evil story ends in perfect victory. +Rintaro: Stop. Don't you lay a finger on me. +Rintaro: If you take another step, the power in my right arm... will break free! +4℃: Always at the front line of the scene stands one man. That one man, is the peacock flapping its black wings. +Rintaro: Gwaaaaah! Calm down, right arm of mine! No! The seal is... coming undone! Run away, all of you! Your lives are in jeopardy! +4℃: I'll elegantly floor you with my crazy dance. The one chosen by the jet black wings is none other than I. +Rintaro: No... my right hand... my right haaaaand! Please, stop! I don't want to kill any moooore! +4℃: Hey, what the hell is he doing? +Viral Attacker C: Don't let him trick you! He's just a textbook chuunibyou case! +Rintaro: Yeah, like you guys can talk. +Viral Attacker D: Whatever! Just kick his ass! +Rintaro: Very well... then prepare yourselves! Releasing restriction si-- +Rintaro: Gweh... +Faris: Kyouma! +4℃: Heh! I told you, man! The coldest ice burns! +Rintaro: That's frostbite, you idiot-- +4℃: Why you! +Faris: Kyouma! +Faris: Stop it, nya! Don't hurt Kyouma any more! +4℃: Don't tell me what to do! I only listen to the whispers of Gaia! +Faris: Stop it! Someone, help! +Faris's Dad: Get inside! +Faris: P-Papa! +Faris: Hang in there, nya! +4℃: W-wait! You're not getting away! +Faris's Dad: I really need to thank you, Okabe-kun. Thank you for protecting my daughter. +Rintaro: P-protecting...? +Rintaro: I wasn't able to do anything against those guys. I was pathetic... +Faris's Dad: Absolutely not. You saved my daughter's life. +Faris: Oh, Papa... I thought I told you not to push yourself since you've got important work to do. You should listen to me, nya. +Faris: The wish Faris made... +Faris: ...was to save Papa, who died ten years ago, nya. +Faris's Dad: I always keep my promises to you, Rumiho. +Faris's Dad: I made that decision long ago. +Faris: Papa... thank you, nya. +Faris's Dad: So you're looking for an IBN 5100? +Rintaro: That's right. I heard you were an enthusiastic retro PC collector. Do you know anything about it? +Faris's Dad: It's quite unusual for a man your age to know about the IBN 5100. +Faris's Dad: I did have one. I gave it away, though. +Rintaro: You... gave it away? +Faris's Dad: Yes. I had a compelling reason. +Rintaro: Did you donate it to Yanabayashi Shrine? +Faris's Dad: To a shrine? No... +Faris's Dad: I don't think Hashida-san, who entrusted the IBN 5100 to me, could ever forgive me for what I did... +Rintaro: Hashida? As in Hashida Suzu? +Faris's Dad: This is an old story... a story from before my company got as big as it is. +Faris's Dad: Rumiho was kidnapped. The kidnapper demanded an unthinkable ransom. +Faris's Dad: Maybe I should have mortgaged the company instead. +Faris's Dad: But at that moment, someone appeared, like a godsend, offering a large sum of money to buy my IBN 5100. +Faris's Dad: I sold it, which gave me enough to prepare Rumiho's ransom. +Faris: Let's not talk about that, nya... +Rintaro: So who was the buyer? +Faris's Dad: Hmm, a French businessman, I believe. I think I still have his contact information. Would you like it? +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Kyouma? +Rintaro: Oh, Faris. Still awake? +Faris: May I come in? +Faris: ...Um. Thanks for earlier. +Faris: When the Viral gang started chasing me, I was really scared. +Faris: That was the first time I ever felt such black emotion from a huge crowd of people. +Rintaro: Those guys were obsessed with black. +Faris: Come on. I'm trying to be serious. +Faris: Does it still hurt? +Rintaro: No, I'm fine. +Faris: Kyouma... I mean, Okabe-san. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been there. I shiver just thinking about it. +Rintaro: Don't correct yourself like that. Just call me what you usually do. +Faris: Anyway, Kyouma, I can't thank you enough. Thank you, honestly... +Faris: You know, Kyouma... You're my prince. +Rintaro: I am not a prince! I am an insane mad scientist and-- +Rintaro: ...!? +Rintaro: F-Faris...? +Faris: I want you to call me Rumiho. +Rintaro: No, Faris is Faris, remember? +Faris: Hey... I think it's time to end this. +Rintaro: ... +Faris: You went back in time, and risked your life to save me. +Faris: So, I want to grant your wish too. +Rintaro: But... +Faris: It was on my eighth birthday. +Faris: I wanted Papa to take a break from work so he could spend time with me. +Faris: Papa's company wasn't as big back then, so he worked every day, from morning to night. I never got to see him. +Faris: The present I wanted most was for him to spend one whole day with me. +Faris: And Papa promised. He promised he'd spend the entire day with me, no matter what. +Faris: But... +Faris: Something came up, and he had to break his promise the day before. +Faris: I was so afraid that Papa didn't really love me. +Faris: So on my birthday, I ran away from home. I wanted to make Papa worry. +Faris: ...The plane Papa was on made a bad landing. +Faris: Only one person died in the accident. Everyone else was unharmed. +Faris: The one casualty... was Papa... +Rintaro: ... +Faris: I couldn't believe the world would be so cruel to me. +Faris: 'I hate you, Papa! You should just die!' +Faris: Those were the last words I ever said to him. +Faris: ...And that's how our relationship ended, forever. +Faris: I loved him... so why? Why did I say those things to him? I always felt guilty because of what I said. +Faris: I always wished I could go back in time... change what happened. +Faris: When I heard you talking about your time machine, I thought I was being given a chance. +Rintaro: Faris... Rumiho. That's enough for today. You don't have to say anything more. +Faris: No. Let me finish. +Faris: I'm okay now. Papa came to save me... so I know how much he really loves me. +Faris: I really enjoyed having this time to spend with him. It was like a gift to us from heaven. +Faris: But now you need to change things back to the way they were. +Rintaro: But... +Faris: Mayushii's a very important friend to me. If Mayushii's in danger, I'll do anything to save her. +Rintaro: ...I'm sorry. +Faris: Weren't you listening? This current reality isn't reality at all, but rather, a gift to my father and me. +Faris: Or maybe I should call it a dream. Papa doesn't belong in this time. You're just turning things back to normal. +Faris: Thank you for letting me have this dream, Kyouma. +Rintaro: Are you... really okay with that? +Faris: ... +Faris: A-actually... I'm not okay at all... +Faris: I remember how things were before the world changed... +Faris: But I also remember how everything was after the world changed, you know? +Faris: I'm actually kind of freaking out right now. +Faris: What happened before the change and after the change are all mixed up inside me. I don't know which one is real anymore. +Faris: But if I try to fight it, it'll just make you sad, won't it? +Faris: I don't want to make you sad. You are my prince, after all. +Rintaro: We can do something! There might be a world where you don't lose your dad and⑰ Mayuri doesn't die! If we try-- +Faris: It's okay. I've accepted it. +Faris: I don't want to run away anymore. +Rintaro: ...Thank you. +Faris: Hey, is it okay if I cry a little? Before we change things back, is it okay... if I cry for Papa? +Faris: Kyouma... +Rintaro: Faris... +Faris: I'll go say my last goodbyes to Papa now, nyan. +Faris: Let me be alone with Papa for a while, nya. +Rintaro: ... +Faris: ... +Faris: Don't be like that, Kyouma. You've done nothing wrong, nyan. +Rintaro: But... +Faris: NyanNyan♪ No more talking, nyan! +Rintaro: ...Okay. +Faris: Um... when we change things back, will my memories of this world disappear, nya? +Rintaro: ...Of course not. You'll remember. +Rintaro: You have memories from both worlds right now, don't you? +Faris: Is that why you were so desperate to help Faris, nya? +Rintaro: That's... open to your interpretation. +Faris: Faris... +Faris: Doesn't want to forget her time with Kyouma, nya. +Rintaro: ...Thank you. +Faris: Bye bye... Papa. +Faris: Kyouma...? +Rintaro: I won't let this dream end yet. +Rintaro: Let's try another way. +Rintaro: I... can't kill your dad. +Faris: Kyouma... +Faris: I'm sorry, nya. +Faris: Faris led you astray, nya. +Rintaro: No, it's okay. This is my decision. +Faris: Do you have something in mind, nya? +Rintaro: It's a gamble... +Rintaro: But we can change the contents of the D-Mail you sent. +Faris: We're not going to cancel the first prank mail, nya? +Rintaro: Exactly. +Rintaro: I win as long as I get back the IBN 5100. Your father doesn't need to die. +Rintaro: Uh, we're talking about a game... +Rintaro: I think we should send a D-Mail that says something like... +Rintaro: 'Give the IBN 5100 to Okabe Rintaro.' +Faris: But you know, back then, Papa's company was down and he didn't have much capital, nya. +Faris: I doubt you could say anything to stop him from selling the IBN 5100 if he needed money to save me, nyan. +Rintaro: That depends on what we send. If we make it seem like it came from the kidnappers, then your father has to find another way. +Rintaro: He's a retro PC collector, so he should have plenty of other PCs he could sell, right? +Faris: He wouldn't get enough money with those, nyan. Back then, the IBN 5100 was the only one people would pay through the nose for, nyan. +Rintaro: Then this is something only you can pull off. +Rintaro: I'll say it again. This is only a bet. +Rintaro: How will the worldline change? What will that new worldline bring? I don't have the answers. +Rintaro: It may become a world where neither Mayuri nor your father can be saved, but it could also be one where both can. +Rintaro: There's no way to be sure, but I can't leave things the way they are. I can't let Mayuri die. And I can't let your dad die. +Faris: If that's your decision... then it's okay with me, nyan. +Rintaro: ...Really? +Faris: I know that you're trying to save Papa, nyan. +Faris: And I'm really grateful for that, nyan. +Faris: I think I'm falling in love with you, nya. +Rintaro: D-don't tease me like that. +Faris: But I'm not just teasing, nyan. +Faris: Does Kyouma hate girls like me, nya? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: N-no wonder you're MayQueen's number one maid! You know how to flatter your customers... +Faris: ...I don't like it when Kyouma dodges the question, nya. +Rintaro: Faris... let's do this together. +Rintaro: It'll come out all right... trust me. +Faris: I guess you're never gonna answer me, nya... +Faris: ...I'm with you, Kyouma. Let's send that D-Mail, nya. +Rintaro: There's no turning back. +Faris: It hope I still remember you, nya, after the worldline changes. +Rintaro: Even if you forget, I'll remember. +Faris: Kyouma, I wannya hold hands. +Rintaro: Go for it, Faris. +Faris: Sending... nyan. +Rintaro: Wha...!? +Rintaro: This is... +Rintaro: All the moe stores are back... +Nae: Um... wh-who are you? What do you want? +Rintaro: Sorry for the sudden visit. I'm done. +Rintaro: By the way, your old man's the one who showed me how to get here. +Nae: Who are you? Please, get out. If you don't, I'll call the police. And my daddy's really, really strong. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: Who am I? Come on. We've met any number of times. +Nae: ...? +Rintaro: I rent out the second floor of your old man's shop. Remember? +Nae: H-help, Daddy! +Rintaro: Whoa! Now hold on a second. +Nae: If you touch me, I'll bite my tongue and die! +Rintaro: I'm not gonna touch you, okay? You really don't remember me? +Rintaro: We've never met? +Rintaro: Oh... sorry about that. I'm friends with your old man. +Rintaro: I'm done here, so I'll be going now. +Rintaro: So MayQueen exists... +Mayuri&Faris: Welcome back, Myaster♪ +Rintaro: Faris... Mayuri... +Rintaro: Thank god... +Mayuri: No, Master! It's Mayushii NyanNyan♪. +Mayuri: You're Feris-chan's Duel Partner, aren't you? +Mayuri: Feris-chan, did you tell him Mayushii's real name? +Faris: Hmmya? I don't remember telling him, nya. +Faris: But you do call yourself Mayushii, so maybe he guessed, nya. +Mayuri: Oh! Ehehe! +Rintaro: ...? +Faris: Kyouma! +Faris: Thanks for coming, nya. But please don't act like my boyfriend in front of the customers, nya? +Rintaro: Your... boyfriend? +Faris: Dummy! You can't use that word, nya! We can sweet talk all we want after work's over, so control yourself until then, nya? +Rintaro: What are you talking about? +Faris: Nyanya? Oh, I see. You get it, nya. You're one cool cat, nya. +Mayuri: C'mon, Feris-chan! You can't flirt with him here! +Faris: Nyahaha. What do you mean, Mayushii? I did no such thing, nya. +Rintaro: Mayuri, do you remember Daru and Kurisu? +Mayuri: ...? +Mayuri: Daru? Kurisu? Who? +Rintaro: Where's our laboratory? +Mayuri: Laboratory? +Faris: Love hotel? +Rintaro: Ow. Ow! What are you doing!? +Faris: Kyouma! What's this about, nya? Don't tell me you made plans to meet Mayushii at a love hotel, nya? +Faris: Kyouma's such a pervert to think about doing immoral things with a minor like her, nya. +Rintaro: Laboratory, not love hotel! Don't mix them up! +Faris: Laboratory? What do you mean by laboratory, nya? +Rintaro: Laboratory. As in, the Future Gadget Laboratory... +Rintaro: You remember, don't you, Mayuri? The Future Gadget Laboratory! +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii doesn't know what that is. Sorry... +Faris: Anyway, why do you keep talking to Mayushii, nya? You trying to flirt right in front of your girlfriend, nya? +Rintaro: ... +Faris: If that's how you're gonna be, then I'm gonna have to ask you leave, nya. So what'll it be, nya? +Rintaro: R-right. Sorry... +Rintaro: Daru! There you are. +Itaru: Hey, what's your relationship to Faris-tan? +Rintaro: What? +Itaru: I've seen you somewhere before. Where was it... Anyway, you're being way too familiar with Faris-tan. Are you a filthy +Rintaro: Woah, Daru. Just what are you... +Rintaro: Have we met before? +Itaru: Course not. This is your first time here, right? As a regular customer, I make sure to remember the other customers' faces. +Rintaro: No, I'm pretty sure I count as a regular here. +Itaru: This taste... is the taste of a liar. +Rintaro: How can you tell without even licking me? +Itaru: Anyway, answer me. What's your relationship to Faris-tan? +Rintaro: I'm... +Itaru: Not direct enough? Fine. Question one. What is your name? +Rintaro: I'm... Hououin Kyouma. +Itaru: Seriously!? +Itaru: Oh, yeah! Yeah! Now I remember! I was sure I'd seen you somewhere before! +Itaru: You're Faris-tan's Duel Partner, Hououin-shi! Wow, I feel like an idiot! +Itaru: It's an honor to meet you! I'm a big fan of you and Faris-tan! I saw that last semifinal! +Rintaro: Eh... hey, wait, Daru...? +Itaru: Daru? How do you know my nickname? +Rintaro: Ah, well... +Rintaro: I... see... +Itaru: Man, tomorrow's the finals, huh! Beat the shit outta those Viral Attackers for me. +Rintaro: The finals...? +Rintaro: Hey... do you know someone named Makise Kurisu? +Itaru: Oh yeah, she's that genius girl whose thesis got published in that big academic journal, right? +Rintaro: Have you met her? +Itaru: She gave a lecture at ATF a couple weeks back. I saw it. She was pretty cute, hehehe. +Itaru: Why do you ask? +Rintaro: Just wondering... +Faris: Papa...? +Faris: He went to work today, nya. What about him, nyan? +Rintaro: So your dad... is still alive? +Faris: Of course he is, nya. Why would you ask something like that, nya? +Faris: You've been acting weird today, nyan. What's wrong, nya? +Rintaro: Nothing... +Rintaro: Is it true that you and I... are a couple? +Faris: Eh... +Faris: D-don't tell me Kyouma was only playing with Faris, nya? +Faris: You're terrible, nya... How could you play with the heart of a pure 17-year-old maiden!? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I won't let you go anywhere. +Rintaro: I won't let anyone take you away. +Rintaro: Hahaha... +Faris: Kyouma? What's with this chuunibyou aura, nya!? We're in the middle of an important conversation, nyan! +Rintaro: Hey, Faris... It looks like I have amnesia now... +Faris: That's the world famous mad scientist for you, nya. Did the Organyaization land a headshot and make you lose your memories, nya? +Faris: Kyouma knew about the location of the stolen nyuclear weapons, and the Organization desperately tried to take back those memories, nya. +Rintaro: ... +Faris: ...Kyouma? +Faris: ... +Rintaro: ... +Faris: No way... +Faris: Really...? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Faris: So that's why you've been acting strange, nya... +Faris: This is terrible, nya! Since when? What happened? +Rintaro: The worldline changed. Not like you'd understand what that means. +Rintaro: I'd call myself a space-time castaway. +Faris: This is no time for jokes, nya! This is a serious scene, nya! I'm worried about you, so answer me honestly, nyan! +Rintaro: Not one word I've said is a lie. +Rintaro: You of all people should know, right? +Faris: Well... yes, nya... but... +Rintaro: Please, tell me about our relationship. Tell me who I am. +Faris: You... really don't remember? +Faris: Faris and Kyouma met at a RaiNet tournament, nya. It was at a small shop in Akiba, but as our life-or-death struggle unfolded, we understood each other's hearts, nya. +Faris: Then we hit it off, and Faris and Kyouma became partners, nya. +Faris: We were a perfect match, and kept advancing even to the grand championships, hardly losing a single match, nya. +Faris: And then... as we fought side by side, Faris... started to want to know more about Kyouma... I couldn't stop thinking about you... +Faris: That's when Faris began... to fall in love with Kyouma, nya... +Faris: I wanted to be together as partners, not only in RaiNet, but in private, too, nyan... +Faris: So, after we won that last semifinal, I made up my mind and confessed, nya. +Faris: And when Kyouma said he loved me too... we shared a sweet kiss, and officially became lovers, nya. +Faris: By the way, Faris and Kyouma live together, nya. +Rintaro: WHAT!? +Faris: Actually, Kyouma's just staying over for summer break while we prepare for the RaiNet championship, nya. +Faris: So, um, we haven't done anything naughty yet, nya... +Faris: Wait, what are you making me say, nyaaa!? +Faris: Do you remember yet, nya? +Rintaro: Faris. I have a favor to ask. +Faris: Nya? What is it, nya? I'll do anything if it helps you remember, nya. +Rintaro: No, it's not about my memories... it's about Mayuri. +Faris: Mayushii? Come to think of it, you were awfully chatty with her, nya... +Rintaro: Tonight, around 8 PM... Mayuri might die. +Faris: Eh...!? +Rintaro: Can you keep an eye on her? +Faris: She might die? But... you've gotta be joking this time, nya? +Rintaro: I'm telling the truth. +Faris: ... +Rintaro: She might die, or she might not. I'd say it's fifty-fifty. +Rintaro: You don't have to do anything. Just keep an eye on her, and tell me what happens. +Rintaro: Can you do that? +Faris: I don't understand, nya... +Faris: But... +Faris: But Faris loves Kyouma. I love you a lot. +Faris: So I trust you, nya. I trust you. +Rintaro: Thank you. +Faris' Dad: Okabe-kun. +Faris' Dad: Is Rumiho still working? +Rintaro: No. She went out with a friend from work. +Faris' Dad: I see. It's not good for a high school student to be out this late. +Faris' Dad: You need to warn her, Okabe-kun. +Rintaro: Understood. +Faris' Dad: Sorry I have such a troublesome daughter. I hope she's not too hard to deal with. +Faris' Dad: I want you to know, I have great respect for you. +Rintaro: Thank you very much. +Faris' Dad: Sorry about this, but my wife and I have to fly overseas for a business trip. +Faris' Dad: Kuroki will be here, so just ask him if you need anything. +Faris' Dad: Well then. We're off. +Rintaro: Take care. +Faris: I'm home♪ +Faris: That was fun! +Rintaro: Faris! Why didn't you contact me? What happened to Mayuri? +Faris: Nothing happened to Mayushii, nyan. We sang anime songs for about two hours, and then I took her home, nya. +Faris: I was such a gentleman, nya. I think I might have raised some yuri flags, nyan. Nyahaha. +Rintaro: I see... +Faris: Kyouma? Are you going to sleep, nya? +Rintaro: Yeah, just let me... rest a bit... +Faris: Next turn. Your move, nya. +Rintaro: Gah! It's a little early, but I guess I should use a Terminal Card and turn the tables... no, this has to be a trap... +Faris: What you do is up to you, nyan. +Rintaro: Wait. Wait! There's no problem my mighty brain cells can't handle... +Rintaro: Alright. After careful consideration, I use Virus Checker. +Faris: Nice try, nya. But Faris has plans and backup plans to counter you, nyan. +Rintaro: What... you say? +Faris: Now Kyouma's server is fully exposed, nya. I use this Terminal Card to pounce on you, nyan. +Rintaro: Gh. Another loss... That's 19 losses out of 19 matches. I'm a disgrace to mad scientists everywhere... +Faris: ... +Faris: Kyouma... you really did forget RaiNet's art of war, nya... +Faris: It didn't feel like Kyouma lost his memories for real until now... +Faris: I didn't think you'd be this poopy, nya... +Faris: Did Kyouma forget everything about Faris too, nya? +Rintaro: Not everything⑰. I just... don't have a single memory of us as a couple. +Faris: Hnnyaa... +Faris: That means you don't love me anymore, nya... +Rintaro: ... +Faris: T-then there's only one thing to do! +Faris: I'll make your body remember, nyan! +Rintaro: ...gh!? +Rintaro: A-are you going to assault me!? +Faris: T-that's certainly an option, nya... but this is my first time, so I want to do it gently, nyan. +Rintaro: Calm down! If it's the first time, then the how the hell will my body remember it!? +Faris: Kyoumaaa, nyauuuun. +Faris: Papa and Mama went overseas, nya. Kuroki's gone home too, nya. +Faris: We have this whole apartment to ourselves, nya. +Faris: What will you do, nya? Even without your memories, can you really resist me, nya? +Rintaro: I won't be tempted, catgirl! +Faris: Sniff... +Rintaro: Faris...? +Faris: You not remembering... hurts so much, nya... +Rintaro: ... +Faris: The person I knew became someone I don't know... +Faris: I can remember things we did together from before, but you have no recollection... +Faris: I can't bring those memories back... +Faris: It hurts so much... I wish I'd lost my memories too, nya... +Rintaro: But this... +Rintaro: This is my choice. +Faris: Your choice? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Rintaro: I'm glad I have you, Faris. I want you to know that. +Rintaro: I don't remember falling in love... +Rintaro: But I'm glad that we did. +Faris: Kyouma... +Rintaro: You're the only person who knows me here, Faris. +Rintaro: As long as we're together, everything will be fine. +Rintaro: I hope you'll stay with me, even now. +Rintaro: I probably won't get my memories back... +Rintaro: But I want to fall in love with you all over again. +Faris: Kyouma... Faris wants you... to take off her cat ears, nya. +Faris: Will you... call me Rumiho? +Rintaro: Rumiho. +Faris: Will you... kiss me? +Faris: Mm... +Faris: You're my prince, you know? +Faris: Is it okay if I still love you? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Faris: Yay. +Announcer: Thanks for waiting, everyone! Very soon, we will start the finals and see once and for all, who is the RaiNet AccessBattlers Grand Champion! +Faris: Kyouma, are you sure you'll be fine, nya? +Rintaro: I've decided. This is my home now. +Rintaro: Besides, the Viral Attackers are a troublesome opponent, win or lose. +Rintaro: I have to protect you from them. +Faris: I'm so happy, nya. +Faris: Together. +Rintaro: Yeah. Together. +Faris: Kyouma? Do you know where Faris's phone went, nya? +Rintaro: Here's your phone. +Faris: Nya? +Faris: Kyouma... did you see what was inside, nya? +Rintaro: ... +Faris: If you did see it, then please forget about it, nya. Can't let that cat out of the bag, nya. Or else they⑰ will awaken, nya... +Rintaro: ... +Faris: Come on, Kyouma! You're supposed to say something, nya! Like 'who the hell are they!?' or something, nya! +Rintaro: ...I'm sorry. +Faris: Kyouma's acting weird, nya. You usually act all pompous and--nya!? +Rintaro: I'm sorry. +Faris: Kyouma? T-this is really bold of you, nya... Mayushii's in the next room. She'll find out, you know? Nyahaha... +Rintaro: I'm sorry... +Rintaro: They're back... +Luka: Yes, who is... ah, Okabe-san. +Rintaro: Lukako, someone should have donated an old computer to the shrine several years ago. Can you ask your dad about it for me? +Luka: An... old computer? +Luka: Um, I'll go call my dad. +Luka's Father: Well, if it isn't Hououin-kun. Thank you for taking care of my daughter. +Rintaro: If I'm not mistaken, there was an old computer donated to this shrine about ten years ago. Do you know about it? +Luka's Father: An old computer... why, yes, I do remember that. +Rintaro: Really!? +Rintaro: Please, I need to see it! +Luka's Father: Sure. Please wait here. +Luka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Are you afraid of me, Lukako? +Luka: Eh? +Rintaro: I understand. I mean, I uh... touched your, uh, naughty bits, I guess... +Luka: ... +Luka: I'm not... afraid of you, Okabe-san... +Luka: That was really... embarrassing, though... +Rintaro: Sorry. +Luka: Okay... +Rintaro: By the way, do you know about the IBN 5100? +Luka: N-no! +Luka: I've... never heard of it. +Rintaro: But when I called you before, it sounded like you knew about it. +Luka: No, I... +Rintaro: So, uh... you're not gonna wear the costume Mayuri made? +Luka: Oh... no... +Rintaro: Because it's embarrassing? +Luka: Yes... +Luka's Father: That's strange... +Rintaro: Did you find it? +Luka's Father: Well... I couldn't find it. +Rintaro: You couldn't find it? +Luka's Father: I remember receiving an old computer, but it's not in the storehouse anymore. +Rintaro: ...Pardon my asking, but the PC was donated by Akiha Rumiho-san, correct? +Luka's Father: Huh, how did you know? Do you know her by chance? +Rintaro: We're friends. +Luka's Father: Rumiho-chan has grown up to be a splendid young lady, hasn't she? +Luka's Father: It was when she was still in elementary school. She came to visit with her butler, Kuroki-san. +Luka's Father: But why did that computer disappear? I thought someone might have stolen it, but everything else is untouched, and the lock wasn't broken. +Luka's Father: Luka, do you know anything about it? You've been cleaning the sanctuary the past few years, haven't you? +Luka: ... +Rintaro: Lukako, what's wrong? +Luka: ...I don't know anything. +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Welcome backarin. +Rintaro: Who is this 'Karin'? +Mayuri: Well, 'welcome back' flows so well into 'Okarin,' doesn't it? When you put them together, it's doubly delicious. +Rintaro: It's not delicious. +Mayuri: It's a greeting I can only use for Okarin, so why not? Ehehe! +Rintaro: Where's Daru? +Mayuri: Hmm, probably at MayQueen? +Rintaro: MayQueen... +Rintaro: So when Faris said she had work, she meant at MayQueen... +Rintaro: What about you, Mayuri? You work there too, don't you? +Mayuri: 'Course I do! You know that, Okarin. You're so weird! +Mayuri: Mayushii's taking a break to prepare for ComiMa tomorrow. +Kurisu: Okabe? What are you doing? I thought we weren't going to-- +Rintaro: Whew... +Rintaro: Hello? Daru? +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: Hey, what happened!? Daru!? +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Itaru: #000000 +Rintaro: I won't let you kill Mayuri! +Rintaro: Whew... +Kurisu: This seems serious. +Rintaro: Yes. I have a difficult problem that requires... delicacy to resolve. +Kurisu: Delicacy? That's like the exact opposite of what anyone expects from you. +Rintaro: That's why I want to ask a girl. Plus, you're my assistant, so I need you to save my ass⑰ this instant⑰. +Kurisu: Oh, you. +Kurisu: Why do you need to ask a girl anyway? +Kurisu: Urushibara-san is actually a guy? That's totally ridiculous. +Rintaro: But it's the truth. Was the truth. +Kurisu: So basically, umm... +Kurisu: She looked like Hashida? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro & Kurisu: 30 +Kurisu: Unacceptable! There's no way such a cute girl was a guy. +Rintaro: Hey, hold your horses. I never said that Lukako looked like a guy. +Rintaro: He actually looked pretty much the same. He was always androgynous, so much you couldn't help but think he was secreting excess female hormones or something. +Kurisu: He looked like she does now? +Kurisu: Acceptable. +Kurisu: Anyway. You want to turn her back into a guy? +Rintaro: Unless we do, Mayuri dies. +Kurisu: Mayuri's life is tied to Urushibara-san's gender... That's so crazy it doesn't seem real at all. +Kurisu: Have you come up with a solution? +Rintaro: Of course. I'll have Lukako turn back into a guy. +Kurisu: I don't know if she's going to appreciate that. +Rintaro: That's why I'm consulting you, so I can find a way to do this while hurting her the least. +Rintaro: ...If only I hadn't been so careless. +Rintaro: I shouldn't have let so many people send D-Mails. +Kurisu: Regret won't change anything. +Kurisu: There's only one piece of advice I can give. +Kurisu: Don't say anything to Urushibara-san. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Kurisu: Based on what you've told me, you have the advantage this time. You already know the contents of the D-Mail. +Kurisu: So you don't have to tell her -- him? Ex-him? +Kurisu: ...You don't have to tell Urushibara-san. Just send the cancellation D-Mail. +Rintaro: You mean pose as Lukako and send the mail to her mother myself? +Kurisu: If the worldline changes, then that will all be undone. +Kurisu: In which case, ethical concerns don't really matter. +Rintaro: Just one problem. +Rintaro: I don't know her mother's pager number. +Kurisu: What!? Are you an idiot!? Why didn't you write it down!? +Rintaro: I didn't think I would need it! +Kurisu: What if you just ask for the pager number directly? Think up a good excuse. +Rintaro: That's going to look suspicious... +Kurisu: What are you so scared of? That's not the vain and arrogant Okabe I know. +Kurisu: Just make up some nonsense like you always do. I mean, you know how gullible she is, right? +Kurisu: ...Wow, I hate myself for saying that. I'm a bad girl. +Rintaro: Maybe I should just tell her the truth. Sincerity will work better than underhanded tricks... I think. +Kurisu: A mad scientist, sincere? That's a good one. +Kurisu: It's more like you to say 'I'll brainwash her, muhahaha!'. +Rintaro: I will shoulder Lukako's pain. That's my responsibility. +Rintaro: When I cancel that D-Mail, the fact that she was a girl will be undone. +Rintaro: I'm the only one who can carry that burden. +Kurisu: So what are you talking to me for? Go to her now, and tell her what you told me. +Rintaro: Yeah... you're right. +Luka: Ah, Okabe-san... +Luka: I-I'm sorry, I left Samidare in my room... +Rintaro: No, that's okay. +Luka: R-really? +Luka: Is... something wrong? +Rintaro: W-well... +Rintaro: Lukako! +Luka: Uh, yes!? +Rintaro: Please listen carefully. The truth is... +Rintaro: You used to be a guy. +Luka: You're... saying that again? Sniff... +Rintaro: Listen! Unless you turn back into a guy... Mayuri will die. +Luka: Eh... +Luka: You're... joking, right? +Luka: I can't... believe any of it... +Luka: This is more roleplaying, right? You're being Kyouma-san, right? Right? +Luka: I don't like that backstory. It hurts... and I think it would hurt Mayuri-chan too... +Rintaro: I know you're confused, hearing this so suddenly. But it's all true. I've witnessed her death countless times. +Rintaro: I'm sorry. I know I'm being selfish. But I'm begging you. To save Mayuri... I need you to become a guy again. +Luka: Please tell me you're joking, Okabe-san... +Luka: I can't possibly be a guy... I don't want to be... +Luka: I've always been a girl... ever since I was born. This is cruel. +Luka: And why do I have to hear it... from you, of all people? +Luka: I'm so embarrassed... sniff... this isn't right... +Rintaro: What's to be embarrassed about? I have a harder time thinking of you as a girl anyway. +Luka: ...that's how... you... of me... +Rintaro: What? I couldn't hear you. +Luka: So that's how you think of me... +Rintaro: Lukako! Wait!! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: You raised a flag. +Rintaro: What are you talking about? +Kurisu: Don't you get it? You raised a flag. Or I guess you could say you tripped over a flag that was already raised. +Rintaro: You mean a death flag? +Kurisu: Why!? It's a romance flag, genius. +Rintaro: Wha...! +Kurisu: Urushibara-san likes you. +Kurisu: When her beloved Hououin Kyouma told her she was a guy, it tore her pure maidenly heart into tiny little pieces. +Kurisu: In other words, your plan was a massive failure. +Kurisu: Love is trouble. There's no formula for calculating people's feelings. Too many unknowns to solve for. +Kurisu: The direct approach was a mistake. It'll be even harder to persuade her now. +Kurisu: You should think of another way this time. Like asking her mother directly. +Kurisu: Though I'm sure the Urushibara family already thinks of you as the man who made their daughter cry. So they might have their guard up. +Rintaro: Um... when do you think I first set off that romance flag? +Kurisu: How should I know? +Rintaro: I mean, think about it. Lukako was a guy last week. If he already liked me at that point, then... +Kurisu: That's just your perspective. +Kurisu: From everyone else's perspective, she was always a girl. It makes perfect sense. +Kurisu: Think in terms of the current worldline. +Kurisu: Anyway, there's a bigger problem. +Kurisu: Will changing Urushibara-san's gender to male really bring the IBN 5100 back? +Rintaro: Something is different from the previous worldline. +Rintaro: According to Lukako's father, the IBN 5100 was definitely at Yanabayashi Shrine. +Rintaro: Suzuha gave it to Faris's dad. After he died, Faris donated it to Yanabayashi Shrine... +Rintaro: That sequence is the same as on the worldline where I obtain the IBN 5100. +Kurisu: So you're gradually approaching the original worldline. +Kurisu: You know, I've been thinking. You really shouldn't be able to change the worldline so easily. +Rintaro: What makes you say that? +Kurisu: I mean, there are six billion people in the world. +Kurisu: It doesn't make sense that switching a single person's gender could cause such a huge change in the worldline. +Rintaro: According to Suzuha, taking different actions after a time leap will only change divergence by around 0.000001%, if at all. +Rintaro: But when I canceled Faris's D-Mail, there was a 0.05% change. +Kurisu: 0.05% is pretty big. +Kurisu: What did Amane-san have to say about that? +Rintaro: The year 2010 is a major attractor field junction, and the key is whether or not I obtain an IBN 5100. +Kurisu: Maybe the divergence meter actually measures your distance to the IBN 5100... +Kurisu: In any case, what you're saying is that all of the D-Mails we sent had an influence on the IBN 5100's location somehow? +Rintaro: There were also some D-Mails that didn't activate Reading Steiner. +Kurisu: Hmmm. So just cancel the D-Mails that activated Reading Steiner, and the IBN 5100 might come back to you. +Rintaro: ...Kiryu Moeka. +Rintaro: So what should I do about Lukako? +Kurisu: Well, you tripped a romance flag, so... +Kurisu: Hmm... +Kurisu: ...Ah! +Kurisu: B-by the way, Okabe. Is there... someone you like? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Wh-why aren't you answering? +Rintaro: Not really. +Kurisu: Oh... okay. +Rintaro: Why do you ask? +Kurisu: Ah, no, just wondering! There's no hidden meaning, okay!? +Rintaro: Why are you mad? Also, your face is red. +Kurisu: Is not! +Kurisu: A-anyway! You should go out with Urushibara-san! +Rintaro: ...Seriously? +Kurisu: Y-you don't like anyone else, right? Then answer her feelings, you dummy. +Rintaro: Mayuri dies in two days. I don't have time to play boyfriend. +Kurisu: Just go out with her. +Rintaro: ...Seriously? +Kurisu: If there's nobody you like, then there's no reason not to, is there? +Kurisu: Get close and help her work through her feelings. Then she'll probably tell you what you need to know. +Rintaro: Mayuri dies in two days. I don't have time for that touchy-feely stuff. +Kurisu: ...Only consider this as a last resort. +Kurisu: If you're willing to hurt Urushibara-san, you can always take the information by force. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: She'll forget after the worldline changes, won't she? In that case, I think it's a valid option. +Kurisu: But only when compared to Mayuri's death. +Kurisu: ...I hate myself for suggesting this. +Rintaro: No, you're right. I need to consider every possible option. +Rintaro: But I don't want to do that if there's any other choice. +Mayuri: Okarin? Ah, there you are! +Rintaro: You're early. It's still eight. Something happening today? +Mayuri: I'm here to scold you, Okarin! +Mayuri: Mayushii's very disappointed in you! +Rintaro: What did I do? +Mayuri: You can't fool me, Okarin. You made Luka-chan cry, didn't you? +Rintaro: H-how did you... +Mayuri: Luka-chan told me. She said you said she was a guy. +Rintaro: Damn... +Mayuri: Why would you say such a mean thing, Okarin? +Rintaro: M-Mayuri, it doesn't involve you. This is a serious, confidential matter involving the Organization-- +Mayuri: It does too involve me. Luka-chan is Mayushii's friend! +Mayuri: If you don't tell me, we're not friends anymore, okay? I'm gonna quit being a lab mem! +Mayuri: Why did you say such a mean thing? +Mayuri: ...You're worried about something, aren't you? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: I can tell. I've been watching you longer than anyone, Okarin... +Mayuri: And yesterday, you talked with Chris-chan for a looong time, didn't you? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: If something's wrong, you should talk to Mayushii too, okay? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: I want to help too... okay? Now, let's go apologize to Luka-chan. Will you do that for me? Mayushii will come too, so let's-- +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh heh, muhahahaha! +Mayuri: O-Okarin? +Rintaro: Come now, Mayuri. Me, worry? Don't be ridiculous! +Rintaro: I am the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma! I have nothing to worry about! +Rintaro: All I have... is the hunger for chaos! Muhahahaha! +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: Alright... +Mayuri: Where are you going? Mayushii's not done talking. +Rintaro: I'm going to Lukako's. +Mayuri: Really? You're going to apologize? Then let Mayushii come too! +Rintaro: No, that will just make it harder. +Rintaro: Please, take care of the lab while I'm gone. +Rintaro: ...Ahem. +Luka: You came... +Luka: Thank you. +Rintaro: What did you tell Mayuri? +Luka: ...S-sorry. But Mayuri-chan's the only one I could talk to about this. +Rintaro: I mean, how much did you tell her? +Luka: I kept most of it a secret. Especially the stuff about her dying... +Rintaro: Do you still think I'm joking? +Rintaro: Umm, you said you had something important to talk about, nya? +Luka: ...Um. +Luka: I... +Rintaro: Y-yes? +Luka: ...want to ask... +Rintaro: Yes? +Luka: ... +Luka: Okabe-san... about what you said yesterday... +Rintaro: Yeah. +Luka: I... believe you. +Rintaro: T-that's great! +Luka: ...so, well... +Luka: In exchange... for becoming a guy again... +Luka: For today... and tomorrow... +Luka: We can stop... before Mayuri-chan is in danger... +Luka: ...so... +Luka: Please be my... +Rintaro: ...Hm? I couldn't hear you. One more time. +Luka: Please be my b...end +Rintaro: Speak up. I'll do anything I can. +Luka: Boy...end... +Rintaro: What? +Luka: P-please be my boyfriend! +Rintaro: Wh-why? +Luka: I... +Luka: ...like you. +Luka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: ... +Rintaro: L-let me think about it! Give me two -- no, five minutes! +Mayuri: Okarin! How'd it go? +Mayuri: Did you apologize to Luka-chan? +Rintaro: Uh, yeah. So put the Juicy Chicken Number One in the microwave and nuke it so that the D-Mail's basically ABC and... +Mayuri: Huwha? +Rintaro: The microwave was developed by knights of the +Mayuri: Waaah, Okarin's broken! +Mayuri: What are you doing? +Rintaro: M-making a tactical retreat. +Mayuri: Retreat...? +Kurisu: Stop staring. You're distracting me. How many times do I have to tell you? +Rintaro: Genius neuroscientist, I need to talk to you. +Kurisu: Make it short. +Rintaro: I want you to come with me to Yanabayashi Shrine. +Kurisu: Tell me why. If it's a date or something, then I refuse. +Rintaro: H-Hououin Kyouma does not go on dates⑰. Much less with his assistant. Ridiculous. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: S-so... I need you to explain the differences between the male brain and the female brain. +Kurisu: What. +Luka: Okabe-san... and Makise-san. Did you come to pray? +Kurisu: A-ahem. Actually, we have something to talk to you about, Urushibara-san. +Luka: What might that be? +Kurisu: Did you know? Male and female brains are very different. +Luka: What...? +Kurisu: Male brains are right-dominant. Female brains are left-dominant. +Luka: Y-yeah...? +Kurisu: By the way, the right brain handles image processing, spacial processing, and comprehensive judgment. The left brain handles things like language, and calculation. +Kurisu: The right and left brains are connected by the corpus callosum, which is more developed in females. +Kurisu: You know how people say that girls are better at multitasking? That can be explained by the development of the corpus callosum. +Luka: Uh... what...? +Kurisu: Actually, these theories are kinda fringe. They're not really that credible. +Kurisu: So if you don't mind, I'd like to do an experiment. +Luka: A-an experiment? +Kurisu: I want to try mapping your brain patterns to see if they're more female or male. +Luka: What is mapping...? +Kurisu: Brainwave mapping. We just take a sample of your brainwaves. Anyway, you'll understand if you try it. Okay? Okay? It won't hurt a bit. +Luka: N-no thanks... +Kurisu: It'll be okay, I promise. It won't hurt a bit. Just come to the lab and we'll-- +Rintaro: What kind of perverted old man are you!? +Kurisu: Fwahn! Wh-what!? +Rintaro: Don't you what me! What did we come here for!? What are you going to do if you scare Lukako away!? +Kurisu: I'm just treating her like a valuable test sub-- +Rintaro: Go back to the lab, you experiment-loving girl! +Kurisu: Yeah, okay. So that's the thanks I get for going out of my way to help you. I'm gone. You're on your own now. +Luka: Um... what was Makise-san talking about? +Rintaro: Well, basically... +Rintaro: Y-you're actually a guy. +Mayuri: Okarin? There you are! +Mayuri: Mayushii's very disappointed in you! +Mayuri: You made Luka-chan cry, didn't you? +Mayuri: Luka-chan told me. She said you said she was a guy. +Mayuri: Why would you say such a mean thing, Okarin? +Rintaro: ...I'm going to see her now, so don't worry. +Mayuri: R-really? Thank goodness. If you weren't gonna apologize, then Mayushii was never gonna talk to you again. +Luka: P-please be my boyfriend! +Rintaro: Christina! Christina! +Mayuri: Is Chris-chan sleeping? She worked all night, so you shouldn't wake her up. +Rintaro: Christina! Please wake up! +Kurisu: ...Oh, shut up. +Mayuri: Chris-chan, tutturu♪ +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: What is it? +Rintaro: I'm going to Yanabayashi Shrine. Come with me. +Rintaro: It's time for Operation Christina II. +Luka: Until... the 15th... +Luka: We can stop... before Mayuri-chan is in danger... +Luka: ...so... +Luka: Please be my... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Please be my b...end... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Boy...end... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: P-please be my boyfriend! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: E-excuse me. I need a moment. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Who's a normal? Think about how I feel for once. +Rintaro: Did you hear what Lukako said just now? +Kurisu: No. Fill me in. +Rintaro: You weren't listening!? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: She confessed. Until the 15th. Then back to manhood. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: B-but it's Lukako! +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: But she's a-- +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Gh... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Ah, wai-- +Rintaro: Damn! Why did I even bring her along? +Luka: Um... were you on the phone... with Makise-san? +Rintaro: Hm? Oh, yeah... +Luka: Oh... +Luka: You looked like you were having fun... +Rintaro: N-nonsense. +Luka: So... +Luka: Your... answer... +Rintaro: ...Very well. +Luka: Eh...? +Rintaro: I'll go out with you. But only until the 15th. +Luka: Ah... +Rintaro: Wh-why are you crying!? +Luka: Sniff... I'm h-happy... +Luka: I was sure that you'd say no... +Luka: Thank goodness... thank goodness... sniff... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: ...Um, Okabe-san? +Rintaro: Wh-what!? +Luka: Um... tomorrow... a da... +Luka: ... +Luka: Please... take me... on a date. +Rintaro: What...did you say...? +Rintaro: Okay, but where? +Luka: Eh... +Luka: I want to go where you want to go, Okabe-san... +Luka: Um, I want to know more about the places you frequent, Okabe-san... +Rintaro: ...Then I'll come up with something by tomorrow. +Kurisu: Well? +Kurisu: Did you agree to go out with her? Well, I can kind of guess based on Urushibara-san's reaction. +Rintaro: Wait, you saw that!? +Kurisu: You told me to watch, didn't you? +Rintaro: ...We're going on a date tomorrow. +Kurisu: Yeah? +Kurisu: Our insane mad scientist is dating a high school girl. That's not insane at all. +Rintaro: Gh... +Rintaro: What was that for!? +Kurisu: Sorry. I didn't mean to be snippy. I'm just a little irritated. +Kurisu: You made this choice to save Mayuri. So I'll change my way of thinking too. +Kurisu: Anyway, do you have any plans for your date tomorrow? +Kurisu: Well, do you? +Rintaro: ...I have only one thing to say, assistant mine. +Rintaro: I am the great Hououin Kyouma, a mad scientist with an IQ rivaling that of Isaac Newton himself! +Kurisu: And? +Rintaro: Naturally, as a mad scientist, I have no interest in this thing mortals call love. My incredible brain is devoted to the destruction of the System that controls the world, and the birth of a new age of chaos! +Kurisu: You're obviously a virgin, thank you ver-- +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ...Hah!? +Kurisu: ...P-pretend you didn't just hear that. +Rintaro: Damn you, assistant! How dare you point out the truth so bluntly! I won't forget this insult! +Kurisu: S-sorry... +Rintaro: And what about you!? Your experience must be vast indeed if you think you can lecture me about it! +Kurisu: Ugh... +Rintaro: That's what I thought! You spend all your time on research, so you've got zero experience, don't you!? You must've been awfully lonely in America, huh!? +Kurisu: Shut up! What's wrong with being a virgin!? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ...Hah!? +Kurisu: Ah... awhawha... +Rintaro: The genius girl who cried 'virgin' at the center of Akiba... +Kurisu: L-let's get out of here! +Kurisu: What's important for a first date is to make a good impression. +Kurisu: An unclean appearance is out of the question. A haircut is especially important. Long hair looks dirty, so it's no good. +Kurisu: For clothes, you should wear something exactly the right size. Though it may be trendy, especially in Akiba, for young men to wear baggy clothes, it looks sloppy, so it's not good. +Kurisu: On the first date, conversation tends to break due to mutual nervousness. What's important is to play 'conversation catch'. +Kurisu: One-sided conversations aren't fun for the other side. Girls especially like to talk, so the guy should try to keep the conversation going. +Kurisu: Not just by listening. Throwing in appropriate responses is also necessary. Responsiveness gives the girl the impression that you're really listening to her. +Kurisu: Basically, you need to be the opposite of yourself. +Kurisu: Anyway, focus on acting normal for now. No more of that idiotic laughter. +Kurisu: You're too heavy-handed with girls. You talk too pompously. You fire off nonsensical delusions. +Rintaro: Hey! You're just reading out of a dating manual, so you've got no right to look down on me, you American virgin! +Kurisu: Who are you calling an American virgin? +Rintaro: Who else but you? +Kurisu: Yeah, sure thing, virgin. +Kurisu: There's a saying. 'A fortress is judged by how many attacks it repulses; a soldier is judged by how many fortresses he takes.' +Rintaro: That's not a saying. Don't look so proud of yourself. +Kurisu: ...You're right. This is a dumb argument. +Kurisu: Anyway, this dating manual actually says some pretty interesting things. +Kurisu: Like 'when walking down the street, be sure to put yourself between your date and the road' or 'whatever you do, don't make the girl pay for anything'. Okay! For your date tomorrow, make sure you follow all of these rules. +Kurisu: And after that, there's... carry a clean handkerchief. Spread it out when the girl goes to sit on a park bench. +Rintaro: I'm not her butler. +Kurisu: But that's what the book says. +Kurisu: When it's time to eat, avoid fast food of all kinds. Family restaurants are borderline acceptable. Anything else depends on your budget. +Rintaro: Family restaurants are borderline... +Kurisu: Arrive at the meeting place at least 15 minutes early. Tardiness is unacceptable. +Rintaro: 15 minutes early... +Kurisu: Then you just need to decide where to take her. Movies, art galleries, strolling through town, and food are all safe. +Rintaro: I see. It's easier than I thought. +Rintaro: I was under the impression that a first date required going to a beautiful beach resort, exchanging your first kiss bathed in the light of the setting sun, and stuff like that. +Kurisu: Ah, that's really romantic! +Kurisu: ...I mean, that's virgin imagination at full throttle. You've read too much manga. +Rintaro: You too. +Kurisu: Besides, your date's a minor, so don't even think about bringing her to a hotel, okay? +Rintaro: ...What do you take me for? +Kurisu: That just about covers it. Well? Was my lecture helpful? +Rintaro: You mean the manual's lecture. +Faris: Nyanya? Kyouma, are you going on a date, nya? +Faris: Thanks for waiting! I'll prepare your iced coffee, nyan♪ +Faris: Is Mayushii the lucky girl, nya? +Rintaro: Why would you think that? +Faris: Hmmya? Not her, nya? Then... +Faris: Is it her, nya? +Kurisu: Hwehh...! +Rintaro: No, she's my assistant. +Kurisu: ... +Faris: Then some other girl, nya? Kyouma, you tomcat, you're making moves on too many girls, nya. +Kurisu: Oh-ho... So you're making moves on too many girls, huh? +Rintaro: What nonsense. +Luka: So... where to next? +Rintaro: How about we take a walk around town? +Luka: Eh? Um, okay. +Luka: ... +Luka: Um... Okabe-san. +Rintaro: Yeah? +Luka: ...Do you remember? +Luka: About the first time you and I met. +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Luka: P-please stop... I can't... +Low-Angler A: P-please, let me take just one photo. +Low-Angler B: That cosplay is super moe. I've never seen such a cute miko cosplayer before. +Luka: Th-this isn't cosplay... +Low-Angler A: If you could make a cute pose, I'd be su-super happy. +Low-Angler B: D-do that thing, you know, that thing Megumi-tan does in +Low-Angler A: Yeah! That would be awesome! You know Megumi-tan, right? Can you do it for us? +Luka: I-I don't know, sorry... +Low-Angler B: What's wrong? If you come to Akiba in cosplay, that means you want people to take your picture, right? +Low-Angler A: That's right. Or are you rejecting us 'cause we're losers? +Luka: N-no... it's just... this isn't cosplay... +Rintaro: You with the cameras! +Low-Angler A: Eh? +Low-Angler B: Wh-who are you... +Rintaro: Heh! Who am I? I am the great Hououin Kyouma, bearer of the mightiest brain since Einstein himself, the insane mad scientist who will bring chaos to the world! Muhahaha! +Low-Angler A: Wh-what's with this guy? +Low-Angler B: He's nuts. +Rintaro: Stop right there. This miko clearly does not want your attention! +Low-Angler A: G-get out of here, chuunibyou! +Low-Angler B: You trying to be cool and save a girl for +Rintaro: Look in the mirror when you say that. You're the ones harassing this frail girl, forcing her to take perverted pictures. Have you no otaku pride? +Luka: Um, I'm a... +Rintaro: A cameraman who frightens a sacred miko is no cameraman at all! He's nothing but lowlife scum, unfit to walk the holy streets of Akiba! +Low-Angler A: Wh-what!? Everyone's aiming for low-angle shots of cute 3D girls! +Low-Angler B: Amateur cosplayers should take what they get. When you cosplay in Akiba, you're asking to get photographed! That's how it works. +Luka: N-no... I... I'm... +Luka: A guy! +Luka: So... there's no point in photographing me... +Low-Angler A: R-really? +Low-Angler B: No way. Someone this cute can't be a guy... +Luka: I am a guy.... I even have an Adam's apple... +Low-Angler A: Then, you've got one down there, too? +Luka: ... +Low-Angler B: Wh-what the hell? This is fraud! +Low-Angler A: What kind of guy wears miko robes? You some kinda pervert? +Low-Angler B: Thank god I didn't take a picture! I feel tricked. +Luka: Um, thank you very much... +Rintaro: Hm? Nah, it's nothing. +Luka: But you're disappointed that you saved a guy, aren't you? +Luka: I'm sorry... I can't live up to your expectations. +Rintaro: ...What's your name? +Luka: Eh? Urushibara... Luka. +Rintaro: Why are you apologizing? +Luka: I mean... I look like this... but I'm a guy... +Rintaro: It matters not! +Luka: ...!? +Rintaro: It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl! We need to work on that inferiority complex of yours. +Luka: Eh? Eh...? +Rintaro: Come with me! I shall bestow upon you a mighty gift! An item that will give you courage. I'm sure you, too, have noticed the true power that sleeps inside of you. +Luka: Eh? Ehhh? +Rintaro: What's wrong? You desire power... don't you? +Luka: Umm... p-power? +Rintaro: Indeed. I can grant you power. All you need is the will, the desire, the hunger! Never again will you fear a camera lens! +Luka: After that, we went to BladeWorks and you bought me Samidare. I didn't expect that. +Rintaro: Ah, well... +Luka: I was really surprised when you said it didn't matter... but at the same time... it really made me happy. +Luka: It's strange, huh. Those words really moved me. +Luka: Ever since you said those words... +Luka: I've liked you. +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Today... was really fun. +Rintaro: R-really? +Luka: So... um... +Rintaro: Wh-what is it? +Luka: Well... tomorrow... +Rintaro: Ah... eh? +Luka: I want to be with Okabe-san again... tomorrow. +Rintaro: T-thanks... +Luka: Is that... okay? +Rintaro: Of course it is. Yes. Of course. +Luka: Thank goodness... +Luka: Well, see you tomorrow... +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Welcome backarin. +Itaru: Die, you filthy normal. +Itaru: Since when does a chuunibyou patient like you rate a girlfriend? It's not right, man. +Mayuri: How'd your date with Luka-chan go? +Rintaro: Well... Stage Clear, somehow. Probably. +Mayuri: ComiMa's the day after tomorrow, you know? What if you and Luka-chan go as a cosplay couple? +Mayuri: Maybe you can persuade her to go, now that you're her boyfriend. +Mayuri: She never says yes to me. And I've asked her so many times, too. +Mayuri: But if Okarin asks her, then I'm sure she'll say OK! +Rintaro: I refuse. +Mayuri: Eh? Why? +Rintaro: To be honest, I don't get this dating thing. +Itaru: Geh!? Okarin, you idiot, those words are an insult to virgins the world over! Apologize! Apologize to the virgins! +Rintaro: Just think about it. All you do is walk, eat, and go home. And the whole time, you have to worry about what your partner is thinking. +Rintaro: What's fun about that? +Mayuri: Don't say that, Okarin. You'll make Luka-chan sad. +Mayuri: You know... just being with the person she likes is enough to make a girl happy. That's all she really needs. +Mayuri: Doesn't being together make boys happy too? +Mayuri: If not... that makes Mayuri sad. +Itaru: Okarin's the minority. I mean, dates are a great opportunity for H-scenes. +Rintaro: You're an idiot. +Itaru: Come on! Holding hands and stuff's pretty H, isn't it? And when you're arm-in-arm and her boob hits your elbow, that's like super mega H! +Itaru: And then at the end of the date, you kiss, right!? Damn you! Death to normals! +Rintaro: You play too much eroge. +Mayuri: Hey, hey. When did Luka-chan fall for Okarin? +Rintaro: When? Well... +Luka: I was really surprised when you said it didn't matter... but at the same time... it really made me happy. +Luka: Ever since you said those words... +Luka: I've liked you. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...Right. That doesn't make sense. +Faris: ...I remember, nya! +Faris: The wish Faris made... +Faris: ...Was to save Papa, who died ten years ago, nya. +Luka: Good morning. +Rintaro: M-morning. +Luka: Um... where are we going today? +Rintaro: Before that... +Luka: Yes? +Rintaro: Do you have any memories of when you were a guy? +Luka: ... +Luka: N-no, I don't... +Rintaro: Really? +Rintaro: ... +Luka: ... +Luka: ...I'm sorry. +Luka: Let's cancel... today's date... +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Okarin! Luka-chan! +Mayuri: Welcome to ComiMa, Luka-chan. +Luka: Y-yeah. It's my first time coming here, but it's amazing... +Mayuri: Take it easy! +Rintaro: Where's Daru? +Mayuri: Um, Daru-kun's in line for promo goods. He couldn't come. +Mayuri: He said maybe he'll join us later, if he survives the battle. +Luka: ... +Mayuri: Mayushii will show you around, okay? Um, there's lots of people, so we've gotta be careful. +Mayuri: First we'll go to the cosplay area! And then we'll go inside! +Mayuri: Hey, is there anything you guys wanna see? +Rintaro: ...Lukako, is there anything you want to see? +Luka: Ah, no... +Luka: It's my first time, so... if Okabe-san wants to see something, I'll go see it... +Rintaro: I'm not particularly interested in anything. +Luka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Hey, Luka-chan. If you come to the cosplay area, I'm sure you'll change your mind about cosplaying! +Mayuri: It's not embarrassing at all, see? 'Cause everyone's having fun! +Mayuri: Kaede-chan and Fubuki-chan are there wearing Mayushii's costumes! I'll introduce you, okay? +Mayuri: You should come tomorrow too! I'll bring costumes for you and we can cosplay together! +Mayuri: I think Okarin would be perfect as +Mayuri: You'll cosplay if Okarin does it with you, right, Luka-chan? +Mayuri: You will, won't you? Mayushii thinks it's a great idea! +Rintaro: Not a chance. +Luka: S-sorry... +Mayuri: Eh? No way... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: ... +Luka: Uuh... hic... +Rintaro: Lukako... +Luka: Uugh... ugg... sniff... +Luka: Thank you... very much... +Rintaro: Eh...? +Luka: I was... really happy... sniff... +Luka: That we could be... together... +Luka: I'm glad... I fell in love... with you... +Luka: ...Bye now. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Um...? +Rintaro: Come on! +Luka: O-Okabe-san? Um, the bus is here... +Rintaro: We're not going to ComiMa. +Luka: Eh...? +Rintaro: This time... we're doing things my way! +Luka: Okabe-san... um, where are we going? +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Okabe...san? +Luka: ... +Luka: This means... our relationship is over, doesn't it... +Rintaro: Heh! What are you talking about? +Luka: Eh...? +Rintaro: Our couple phase isn't over yet! +Luka: B-but... +Rintaro: Weren't you listening? This time, we're doing things my way. +Rintaro: Now, my disciple! +Rintaro: Bring forth the demon sword, Samidare! +Luka: Wh... what? +Rintaro: Isn't it obvious? It's time to continue your training in the Seishin Zanma school of swordsmanship! +Luka: My training... +Rintaro: Have you already forgotten what I taught you? +Luka: N-no... but, Oka-- +Rintaro: It's Kyouma. +Luka: ...Eh? +Rintaro: Have you forgotten my true name, Lukako? +Rintaro: I am the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma! +Rintaro: I was so caught up in the question of your gender that I lost sight of our true relationship. +Luka: ... +Rintaro: But now I've finally realized the truth. Our relationship was decided from the very beginning. +Luka: Decided... how? +Rintaro: I may be a man and you may be a woman, but our temporary relationship as a couple... +Rintaro: Matters not! +Luka: Ah... +Rintaro: I am I. Lukako is Lukako. +Rintaro: And Lukako is my disciple. +Luka: Y-yes... of course. Okabe... I mean, Kyouma-san... is my master. +Rintaro: Well said! Now, Lukako, bring forth Samidare. +Luka: A-at once! +Luka: Um, just a moment. I'll be right back. Please stay here, okay? +Rintaro: I'm not going anywhere. So hurry. +Rintaro: Alright, that's it for today. +Luka: Thank you. +Luka: I think I got a little stronger. +Rintaro: No need for humility. Today, you mastered one of the Seishin Zanma style's secrets, Type Thirty-Two Cherry Bomb. +Rintaro: But don't get cocky, for you are still weak. +Luka: Yes sir. I want to learn even more from you. +Luka: I feel like it's been a long time since you last taught me, Kyouma-san. +Rintaro: For the past few days, my mind has been under the dread influence of the foul grimoire known as The Manual. +Rintaro: But I've fully recovered. Do not worry. +Luka: ...Thank goodness. You're back to your old self. +Luka: Um... +Luka: Yesterday, you asked me if I had any memories from when I was a guy. +Rintaro: Oh, yeah... +Luka: I... do remember. +Rintaro: ... +Luka: I remember, or actually... umm, how should I say it... +Luka: It's a very... transient feeling. +Rintaro: Transient... +Luka: I can't clearly remember it, but at the bottom of my sea of memories, well... in my head, umm... +Luka: It feels like it's around here somewhere... +Rintaro: Anyway, you remember? +Luka: I'm sorry I lied yesterday... +Rintaro: Muhahaha! Don't worry about it. You should be proud to have fooled the great Hououin Kyouma! +Luka: So because I remembered, I knew Mom's pager number without having to ask. +Luka: I was going to give you this no matter how things turned out today. +Luka: And... one more thing. +Luka: I don't know if it's related to my memories, but... +Luka: It's about that old computer. +Rintaro: ...!? +Rintaro: The IBN 5100!? +Luka: Yes... I think so... +Rintaro: If that's true, Lukako, then you might not have to turn back into a guy. +Luka: ... +Luka: I don't think it's that easy... +Rintaro: But why not? +Luka: Please come with me. I'll show you. +Rintaro: The IBN 5100 is here? +Luka: Um... not there... +Luka: It happened last year, just before New Years... +Luka: The computer was at our shrine until then. +Luka: It's all my fault. I was helping out at the shrine, sweeping the storehouse when... +Luka: I broke it by accident. +Rintaro: You... broke it? +Luka: But I thought Dad would get mad at me if he found out, so... +Luka: I brought it here... and hid it in the coin locker. +Rintaro: It must have been tough bringing it all the way out here. That thing weighs a ton. +Luka: I used a pushcart from home. It... broke too. +Luka: When I heard Kyouma-san was searching for it, I was really surprised. +Luka: I know I should've told you the truth, but I thought you'd hate me for it, and I couldn't say anything. +Rintaro: Nonsense. I wouldn't hate you for that. No matter what, you're still my disciple. +Luka: I know. +Luka: It's already been more than half a year, so the management probably took it away... +Rintaro: Half a year... I guess it's hopeless, then. +Luka: Ah... it's not locked... +Rintaro: I guess that settles it. +Luka: ...I'm sorry. +Rintaro: It's not your fault. +Rintaro: I'm the one who messed with the timeline. Everything that happened is my fault. +Luka: Kyouma-san... +Luka: Um... there's something strange about my memories. +Rintaro: Strange how? +Luka: Inside my mind, there are two memories about that old computer mixed together... +Luka: The first is the memory of me breaking it. The other has no memory of it at all... +Luka: The male me didn't break the computer. He swept the main shrine instead of the storehouse... +Luka: So there's no choice... I have to go back to being a guy. +Luka: So this is goodbye... +Rintaro: Yeah. +Luka: I'm really happy... that I could train with you again. +Rintaro: I didn't really do anything... boyfriend-like for you, did I? +Luka: That doesn't matter. +Rintaro: Yeah, you're right. +Luka: ...Please, save Mayuri-chan. +Luka: Mayuri-chan is... really important to me. +Rintaro: Lukako... +Luka: Ahaha... um, please, go already. If you don't... I might cry... +Luka: So, please... +Luka: Thank you... for everything. +Luka: Ah, this is when I use that phrase, right? +Luka: Umm, El Psy Kongalee... +Rintaro: It's Kongroo. +Luka: El Psy Kongroo. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Christina. I need you to enter a number into the PhoneWave (name subject to change). +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Please, just do it... I'm sending a D-Mail. +Rintaro: The number is... +Luka: ... +Luka: I really... don't want to change back... +Luka: Because... because... +Luka: If I change back into a guy... I'll have to hide my feelings for you! +Luka: It would be wrong for me to love you, if I'm a guy... +Luka: My memories of today will vanish too... won't they? +Luka: That we held hands and walked together... +Luka: That we trained together after such a long time... +Luka: That I'm touching Okabe-san's body right now... +Luka: I don't want to forget... I don't! +Luka: Because I love you... I love you, Okabe-san! +Luka: I want to save Mayuri-chan too, and I understand there's no other way, but... +Luka: It still hurts... +Luka: At the very least, I want to keep my memories of today. +Luka: If I'd known it would hurt this much... +Luka: Then I never would've wished to become a girl in the first place. +Rintaro: Lukako... +Luka: Sniff... +Luka: I'm sorry. I know 'that doesn't matter' to you, right? Sniff... +Rintaro: Even as a guy, you're still Lukako to me. That won't change. +Luka: Yes... It makes me happy to hear you say that... +Luka: Okabe-san... please send the email. +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Please. Send it quickly... +Luka: If you let me feel your warmth any longer, I... +Luka: I might say even worse things... +Luka: I can't hold back my feelings anymore! +Rintaro: Lukako... +Luka: Okabe-san... please! +Luka: Will you... remember me? +Rintaro: ...Yes. +Luka: Will you remember me... as a girl? +Rintaro: ...Yes. +Luka: Will you remember these four short days we were together? +Rintaro: ...Yes. +Luka: Thank you... Okabe-san. +Luka: Farewell... my love... +Rintaro: No. I can't do it! +Luka: Okabe-san... Why? +Rintaro: I can't do it anymore... I can't sacrifice anybody else's memories! +Rintaro: I don't have the right! +Luka: Okabe-san... +Rintaro: Lukako... +Mayuri: Sorry, Okarin. Did I wake you up? +Rintaro: No, I wasn't really asleep. +Rintaro: You're pretty early, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Actually, Mayushii's here to pick up her costumes. +Mayuri: And breakfast! +Rintaro: Are you going to ComiMa now? +Mayuri: Yeah♪ Daru-kun already left on the first bus. +Rintaro: Oh... +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. Where'd you go with Luka-chan yesterday? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Did you have a fun date? You know, Luka-chan hasn't replied to my mails since yesterday. +Rintaro: You emailed Lukako? +Mayuri: Yeah. Mayushii's a little worried, you know. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Did you make Luka-chan cry again? That would make Mayushii sad... +Rintaro: ...Sad? +Mayuri: Sad. Luka-chan is Mayushii's friend. +Rintaro: Are you going to be at ComiMa all day? +Mayuri: Eh? Yeah, why? +Rintaro: Is it okay if I bring Lukako? +Mayuri: Really? Of course it's okay! +Rintaro: You tried asking Lukako to cosplay, right? How'd it go? +Mayuri: Well... I couldn't convince her +Mayuri: I don't want to force her, you know. That would make her hate cosplay! +Mayuri: But you know, it might be a good idea to bring Luka-chan to ComiMa. +Mayuri: You think maybe if she saw other cosplayers having fun, Luka-chan might want to try it too? +Mayuri: Do you think we could get her to cosplay at the next ComiMa? +Rintaro: I wonder. +Mayuri: That would be nice. +Mayuri: Hey, will you really bring Luka-chan over today? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Mayuri: Will you come too, and look at the costumes Mayushii made? +Rintaro: Yes, I will. +Mayuri: Yay♪ That would make me really happy! +Mayuri: Welp, gotta get going. +Mayuri: Be sure to come, okay? I'll be waiting. I'll show you all the best stuff so you'll want to come tomorrow too! +Mayuri: Okarin? Something wrong? +Rintaro: Nothing's wrong. Just thinking up ways to defeat the Organization. +Rintaro: Let's meet in Ariake in the afternoon. +Mayuri: Okay. I'll be waiting. +Mayuri: Mayushii's always here for you to talk to when you need her, okay? +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Mayuri: Ehehe! I'm off! +Mayuri: Okarin? +Mayuri: You came! But you're late. +Mayuri: Mayushii was waiting... +Mayuri: I was really lonely... +Rintaro: Sorry. +Mayuri: Where's Luka-chan? +Rintaro: She's not coming. +Mayuri: Did you make her cry again? +Rintaro: No... +Mayuri: Okarin? +Rintaro: H-heheheh, muuhahaha! Fret not, Mayuri! Things between me and Lukako are absolutely marvelous! +Rintaro: That miko and I are tied by a strong bond. That's right, Lukako and I are connected by fate, whether we like it or not! +Rintaro: And today I, the genius with an IQ of 170, have returned the smile to Lukako's face. +Rintaro: She even said so herself. That it was fun to be with me in our pursuit of knowledge! +Mayuri: Really? That's great! +Mayuri: So there's no reason for Okarin and Luka-chan to break up, right? +Rintaro: Uh, right. We won't break up. +Mayuri: Great! Then Mayushii can concentrate on ComiMa without any worries! +Rintaro: Are you going to participate tomorrow too? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Daru-kun's late... +Mayuri: I called him just now, and he said he was still close by. +Rintaro: We don't really have to wait for him. +Mayuri: Let's wait a little bit longer. +Mayuri: Hey, do you think we can convince Luka-chan to cosplay somehow? +Mayuri: How should we persuade her, though? +Mayuri: I think Luka-chan would be an absolutely perfect Kirari-chan cosplayer. +Mayuri: Luka-chan's so cute, she makes Mayushii's heart throb, you know. +Mayuri: I want to spread Luka-chan's cuteness to people all over the world. Don't you, Okarin? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Ah, or maybe you plan to keep Luka-chan all to yourself? But you know, you shouldn't monopolize her. Even Mayushii wants to kyun-kyun with Luka-chan! +Rintaro: I don't mind. It's not like I can keep her all to myself. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Yay♪ +Mayuri: Anyway, there's one more reason I want to get Luka-chan to cosplay. +Mayuri: Luka-chan's usually a quiet girl, right? She almost never says what she thinks. +Mayuri: When you cosplay, you become someone other than yourself. +Mayuri: That's why I think that if Luka-chan cosplays once, she'll definitely find a new Luka-chan, even if it's embarrassing at first. +Mayuri: And when that happens, she'll become more assertive than before, and maybe even dominate you, Okarin! Ehehe! +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: Can you see the stars? +Mayuri: Yeah. +Rintaro: Hey, Mayuri-- +Itaru: Okarin! Mayu-shi! +Mayuri: Daru-kun! You're late! +Itaru: Haa, whew, my bad. Man, it took forever to check my spoils. +Mayuri: Ok, let's go! +Itaru: It was so hot today, I thought I was gonna die! How was the cosplay? +Mayuri: The breeze felt great! +Itaru: Maybe you should cosplay next time. +Itaru: And when did you get here, Okarin? Buy anything? +Rintaro: No. +Itaru: Huh? Why so grim? You have a girlfriend like one of those filthy normals now. You've got no right to be depressed. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin? Is something wro-- +Mayuri: Ah, guh, uh... +Itaru: Mayu-shi...? +Itaru: Mayu-shi! What's wrong!? +Itaru: She's not breathing... +Itaru: What is this... what the hell is this? +Itaru: Okarin! There's something wrong with Mayu-shi! +Rintaro: ...She's dead. +Itaru: Dead...? No way! We were just talking! +Itaru: Hey, Mayu-shi! Wake up! Where's the camera!? We're on candid camera, right!? +Rintaro: Daru. +Rintaro: Mayuri's dead. +Rintaro: Let's call an ambulance. +Itaru: Why did this happen... +Itaru: How can you be so calm!? +Itaru: She's dead! She's never coming back! Don't you get it, Okarin!? +Rintaro: ...I get it. +Itaru: No, you don't! She's not breathing! See!? +Rintaro: I stood by... and let her die. +Itaru: What...? +Rintaro: I couldn't save you, Mayuri. +Rintaro: No... I chose not to save you. +Rintaro: I abandoned you, Mayuri. +Kurisu: Okabe. It's been three days. Will you at least eat something? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: You knew, didn't you? +Kurisu: You knew that Mayuri would die. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Why don't you time leap? +Kurisu: I was sure that you would do anything to save Mayuri, even use the Time Leap Machine. +Kurisu: What happened to your plan to change Urushibara-san's gender and take back the IBN 5100? +Kurisu: You were so set on saving Mayuri. What are you still doing here? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Wait... did you already send the D-Mail? Did you already change worldlines? +Kurisu: If so, and you're just a remnant Okabe left behind, then that means worldlines are parallel, and this line is doomed to continue without Mayuri... +Rintaro: ...I didn't send the D-Mail. +Kurisu: What do you mean? +Rintaro: ...I couldn't change Lukako back into a guy. +Rintaro: Instead... I chose to accept fate. +Rintaro: I stood by... and let Mayuri die. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ...Will you eat? +Kurisu: I can make cup noodles, if you like. Or should I go get something? +Rintaro: Say something. I killed Mayuri. Why won't you blame me? +Kurisu: I suppose I could, but why? It looks like you've already blamed yourself enough. +Kurisu: Maybe we just don't have the right to change the past after all. +Kurisu: Besides... +Kurisu: No one can blame you. +Kurisu: You've been fighting alone this whole time, one man disconnected from causality. +Kurisu: No one else can understand your pain. +Kurisu: No one else can understand the meaning of your choice. +Kurisu: There's no way I can blame you, when I haven't time leaped even once. +Rintaro: ...How can you be so understanding? +Kurisu: I'm not. When you chose to save Mayuri with the Time Leap Machine, you must have known that no one would ever understand. +Kurisu: So accept what you've done. +Kurisu: Do that, and you'll never forget the meaning of your choice. +Kurisu: However... +Kurisu: You should also take responsibility for the girl you did⑰ save. +Kurisu: Mayuri is dead. It's sad -- no, sad doesn't even begin to describe it -- but Mayuri is gone. +Kurisu: You couldn't change convergence. You couldn't defy fate. +Kurisu: But she⑰ is still alive. Thanks to you, she's still alive, as a girl. +Kurisu: And I think she's suffering alone, just like you. +Kurisu: Aren't you the only one who can understand her suffering? You're her accomplice, remember? +Rintaro: Her accomplice... +Rintaro: Thank you, Kurisu. +Rintaro: I'm glad I told you. +Luka: Sniff... +Rintaro: Lukako... +Luka: Okabe... san. +Luka: Yesterday... I went to Mayuri-chan's funeral... +Luka: Everyone cried. I didn't know Mayuri-chan was loved by so many people... +Luka: Of course, I loved Mayuri-chan too... +Luka: I'm not really good with people, but she was always so nice to me... +Luka: She was my best friend... +Luka: Why, Okabe-san... +Luka: Why are we still alive? +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Mayuri-chan is dead... +Luka: But I'm... still a girl... +Luka: It just feels wrong for me to keep living like this... +Rintaro: It's not wrong. +Luka: Is there a way to save Mayuri-chan? +Rintaro: ...No. +Luka: That can't be! +Luka: Let's keep thinking! I'll do anything to save Mayuri-chan! +Luka: I heard from Mayuri-chan before... that you made a device for traveling back in time. +Luka: If we use that... +Rintaro: We can't. +Luka: If we go back in time, I'm sure we'll find a way... +Rintaro: There is no way. +Rintaro: It may be cruel, but all we can do is accept Mayuri's death and keep on living. +Luka: You can't give up! Why are you giving up? Aren't you sad at all that Mayuri-chan died? +Rintaro: ...There's no way to save her. +Luka: No! I don't want Mayuri-chan to die! +Rintaro: Lukako! +Rintaro: Did you think it was easy for me to give up? +Luka: Okabe-san... +Rintaro: She was my precious childhood friend. I would have done anything to save her. +Rintaro: I tried to find a way. I tried everything I could think of! Do you know how many times I've gone back!? +Rintaro: But nothing worked. The universe wants her dead. No matter how I try to avoid it, fate snatches Mayuri away. +Rintaro: I sacrificed other people's memories and dreams. All to save Mayuri. I didn't care who I hurt, as long as I could save her. +Rintaro: But I can't do it anymore... +Rintaro: There's nothing I can do... +Luka: ...I'm sorry. +Luka: I didn't stop to think about your feelings. +Rintaro: ... +Luka: But it's not impossible... is it? There's still one more way left... +Luka: If you turn me back into a guy... +Rintaro: I can't do that. +Luka: Please, Okabe-san. I don't want to be a girl so badly that I'd sacrifice Mayuri-chan! +Luka: Please, save Mayuri-chan! +Rintaro: I won't turn you back into a guy. +Luka: Why... +Luka: Why won't you!? +Rintaro: That's what I chose. I can't keep on hurting people to feed my ego. +Rintaro: Besides, even if we go back to the original worldline, there's no guarantee we'll avoid Mayuri's death. +Rintaro: I won't sacrifice anyone's memories... I won't sacrifice your memories... for a small chance like that. +Rintaro: It's over. +Luka: But, Okabe-san... +Luka: This is unforgivable... +Luka: I don't deserve to live like this... +Luka: How can I go on... knowing that me being a girl contributed to Mayuri's death? +Luka: That's too heavy a burden... for me to bear... +Luka: Why... +Luka: Why didn't you send the mail to my mom's pager 18 years ago? +Luka: Why didn't you choose Mayuri-chan over me? +Rintaro: You have nothing to be ashamed of. It was my choice. +Rintaro: I killed Mayuri. The guilt is mine. +Rintaro: Besides, I want you to be happy. +Luka: ... +Luka: Happy? How can I possibly be happy... +Luka: When Mayuri died because of me? +Rintaro: It wasn't because of you. Please, never say that again. You may be sad now, but... +Rintaro: I want you to keep going forward, and live enough for Mayuri, too. +Luka: No... I don't want that! +Luka: In that case... I want to help bear your burden, together... +Rintaro: Bear it together? Don't be ridiculous. +Rintaro: I'm a man disconnected from causality. I chose to stand by and let Mayuri die. +Luka: Then I'll disconnect myself from causality too... +Luka: I regained my memories of being a guy, so doesn't that mean I'm already disconnected? +Luka: I also know that I'm only a girl because Mayuri paid for it with her life... +Luka: We're... accomplices. +Luka: This sadness. This guilt. +Luka: I want us both to embrace them, so we don't forget... +Rintaro: I understand. +Rintaro: Let's bear our burden together. +Rintaro: Let's live with these memories... together. +Luka: Can I stay by your side forever? +Luka: I love you... +Luka: I know I'm betraying Mayuri-chan... but I want to be with you forever. +Rintaro: Of course. +Luka: Hey, Okabe-san... +Luka: There's one thing that I should have done for Mayuri-chan, but didn't. +Luka: And because I didn't, I made her sad. +Rintaro: What was it? +Luka: ...Cosplay. +Mayuri: I think Luka-chan would be an absolutely perfect Kirari-chan cosplayer! +Mayuri: Luka-chan's so cute, she makes Mayushii's heart throb, you know. +Mayuri: Luka-chan's usually a very obedient girl, you know? She rarely speaks her mind. +Mayuri: When you cosplay, you become another you. +Mayuri: That's why I think that if Luka-chan cosplays once, she'll definitely find a new Luka-chan, even if it's embarrassing at first. +Mayuri: And when that happens, she'll become more assertive than before, and maybe even dominate you, Okarin! Ehehe! +Luka: Can your time machine take me back to that day? +Rintaro: You mean you⑰ want to go back!? +Rintaro: Are you serious? +Rintaro: It's too dangerous. So far, I'm the only one who's used it. +Luka: Please! +Luka: At the very least, I want to see Mayuri-chan off with a smile. +Luka: Because I wasn't able to do anything for her... +Rintaro: But I thought you couldn't handle all the otaku. +Luka: I am a bit scared... but this is something I have to do. +Luka: Besides, I want to truly be the same as you, Okabe-san. +Luka: If I use that device... I'll be completely disconnected from causality, won't I? +Luka: And then, I could feel what you feel... +Luka: So please... +Rintaro: What time will you jump to? +Luka: The morning of that day. +Luka: If I jump to the day before, I don't think I'll be mentally stable enough to accept it as reality. +Luka: That's why... +Rintaro: Once you've leaped safely, get in touch with me. I'm sure I'll help you get to Mayuri. +Luka: Okay... +Rintaro: Don't worry. Your brain will hurt a bit, but the pain will go away soon. +Luka: O-okay... +Rintaro: You must not get distracted once you reach the other side. Calm down and try to grasp your surroundings. +Rintaro: It'll be okay. I'm with you. +Luka: ...I'm going. +Luka: I'll be sure to come back! +Rintaro: Yeah. I'll be waiting. +Luka: Okabe-sa-- +Rintaro: What the... +Luka: Want to see the pictures? +Rintaro: Pictures? +Luka: It worked. I did it. +Luka: Don't you remember? You suddenly started acting different just now. +Rintaro: Right after you leaped into the past, I found myself standing here. +Rintaro: Did you go to ComiMa? +Luka: Mayuri-chan... was so happy... +Rintaro: It looks like we really got carried away... +Luka: ...? +Rintaro: Hey, Lukako. +Luka: Yes? +Rintaro: You're... +Rintaro: You're a guy, right? +Luka: Um... yes? +Rintaro: Do you... like me? +Luka: W-what? I... don't understand. +Rintaro: ...Do you like me? +Luka: Um... +Luka: I respect you! +Luka: If I change back into a guy... I'll have to hide my feelings for you! +Rintaro: Thanks. You are my disciple, now and forever. Agreed? +Luka: Y-yes! Of course I am. +Rintaro: Lukako, do you remember breaking an old computer in the shrine storehouse last year? +Luka: An old computer? No, I don't remember anything like that. +Luka: I don't really understand computers. I haven't played with them much. +Rintaro: Go get your father for me. +Luka's Father: An old computer... yes, I do remember. +Luka's Father: I'll go check. Please wait a moment. +Luka's Father: It's gone. I couldn't find it anywhere. +Luka's Father: The lock to the storehouse was broken. Someone may have stolen it. +Rintaro: Stolen it? +Luka's Father: There's evidence someone dragged something heavy away. That wasn't there at the end-of-the-year cleaning, and the lock wasn't broken when I checked last month. +Luka's Father: I never expected a thief would break in. +Luka: Then shouldn't we report it to the police? +Rintaro: This isn't going to work. +Luka: Um, Okabe-san. I don't really understand, but please don't be sad. +Luka: J-just go 'It matters not!' like you always do. +Rintaro: You're using that phrase wrong, you know. +Mayuri: Phew. I'm stuffed! I barely ate today, so I was hungry! +Kurisu: Is there more tomorrow? +Mayuri: Yeah, and the day after, too. +Mayuri: Okeydokey! Mayushii's got an early day tomorrow, so I'm going home. +Mayuri: Hey guys, why don't you come too? +Rintaro: I'll pass, but my assistant looks like she wants to go. +Kurisu: What!? +Kurisu: Hey! Don't put words in my mouth! +Rintaro: I saw your eyes sparkling while you listened to Mayuri's cosplay stories. +Kurisu: Maybe, but nobody said anything about going. +Mayuri: Come on, Chris-chan! +Kurisu: No way. I'd suffocate in a crowd like that. +Mayuri: It's not as crowded on day two! If you're worried, come in the afternoon. All the popular stuff will be sold out, though. +Kurisu: You go, Okabe. You're Mayuri's guardian, aren't you? +Mayuri: No, Mayushii is Okarin's hostage! +Kurisu: Oh, right. That's what it was. +Kurisu: Well you don't want your hostage to escape, do you? Shouldn't you take her along in handcuffs or something? +Rintaro: I've got business in Akiba. +Kurisu: What do you mean, business? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: No answer? I guess it was just an excuse. +Rintaro: Christina. We need to talk. +Kurisu: Again? Abrupt as usual. +Rintaro: Hm? What do you mean, again? +Kurisu: Nothing. +Mayuri: Whatcha gonna talk about? +Mayuri: You two have been really close lately, huh? You're always talking together. +Mayuri: Mayushii really wants to join in your secret meetings and stuff. +Rintaro: Don't worry. We've been talking about the Time Leap Machine. It would just be gibberish to you. +Rintaro: Besides, the purpose of this particular discussion is to convince Christina to attend ComiMa. Prepare for good news, Mayuri! Muhahaha! +Mayuri: Oh, great! Thanks, Okarin. +Rintaro: So, Christina. +Kurisu: I'm not going to ComiMa. +Rintaro: You said 'again' just now. We've talked like this before, just the two of us? +Kurisu: Losing your memory now? Does our little mad scientist have an +Rintaro: I'm being serious. +Kurisu: You're acting weird today. What's going on? +Rintaro: Please. I need to know. +Kurisu: I mean, yeah. This is like the fifth time you've brought me outside to talk about the Time Leap Machine. +Rintaro: Have we talked about my time leaping? +Kurisu: You're time leaping? +Rintaro: More than a dozen times already. +Kurisu: That many!? What the hell are you doing!? +Kurisu: ...I think I get it. +Kurisu: Don't wear yourself out. +Rintaro: It's a disgrace to be comforted by my assistant. +Kurisu: Why are you always like that!? I'm even trying to be nice. You're really full of yourself, you know? +Rintaro: I don't need your sympathy. Everything that happened is my fault. I'm just getting what I deserve. +Rintaro: ...Come to think of it, every time I explain this to you, I always end up hating myself in the end. +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: Don't worry about me. Worry about Mayuri. +Rintaro: Mayuri will probably die tomorrow. I don't know how it will happen. +Rintaro: Sorry about this, but I want you to be there when she dies tomorrow night. +Kurisu: That's why you want me to go to ComiMa? +Rintaro: There's nothing we can do to prevent her death. Just stay close and tell me when it happens. +Rintaro: Once I know, I'll make the time leap. +Kurisu: I can't believe there's nothing we can do. +Kurisu: It just doesn't feel real. But it's the truth, isn't it? I can see it in your eyes. +Kurisu: ...Are you okay? +Rintaro: No. I still haven't saved Mayu-- +Kurisu: I know. That's not what I meant. +Kurisu: Are you⑰ okay? +Rintaro: I don't follow. +Kurisu: You're carrying an awful burden. +Rintaro: I told you not to worry about me. It's Mayuri you need to worry about. +Rintaro: Tomorrow, I'm going to look for Moeka. +Rintaro: I wish there were some way that Mayuri wouldn't have to suffer... +Kurisu: Then why don't you time leap now? +Rintaro: I can't plan effectively without knowing the deadline. +Kurisu: I don't want to see Mayuri die either, you know. +Rintaro: I know how you feel, but you're the only one I can ask. +Kurisu: Where did all this trust come from? +Rintaro: ...You're my assistant, after all. +Kurisu: You're so full of yourself. +Male Staff-Member: We don't have an employee by that name. +Rintaro: You... don't? +Male Staff-Member: Wait a second. There was a girl who worked here just two days before disappearing. I think her name might've been Kiryu. +Male Staff-Member: We might still have her resume. +Rintaro: Excuse me. Did the person who lives there move? +Officer: Huh? No. +Rintaro: Then...? +Officer: Are you related? +Rintaro: ...I knew her. +Officer: You haven't heard? +Rintaro: What happened? +Officer: Suicide. +Rintaro: What...? +Rintaro: When!? +Officer: Yesterday. +Rintaro: No way... +Officer: They took her to Chiyoda Third Central Hospital. Doesn't look like she had any relatives. We don't know who to notify. Will you go see the body? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Time leap... +Rintaro: Electrical discharge!? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: In other words... I have nothing. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Hello!? +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ...I'm sorry for making you go through this. +Rintaro: I'm heading out. +Rintaro: ...Kiryu Moeka. +Rintaro: Can you hear me? +Moeka: ...Who? +Moeka: ...FB? Is it you? +Rintaro: FB? +Moeka: Why won't you contact me? I did everything you told me to. +Moeka: Did I do something wrong? I'll fix it, I promise. Just don't abandon me. I'll do anything for you, FB. +Moeka: Please, answer me. Give me orders. I'll obey. Tell me what to do... tell me... tell me... +Moeka: uugh... uugh... +Rintaro: Hey, can you hear me? Hey! +Moeka: FB... why... why won't you answer... +Rintaro: Kiryu Moeka! Hey! It's me! Okabe! +Rintaro: What the... +Moeka: No! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...No mails. +Moeka: No mails... +Rintaro: ...You mean from FB? +Moeka: ...No mails. +Moeka: ...uugh... +Moeka: Why won't you respond, FB? You're the one who recruited me... +Rintaro: ...Dammit. +Rintaro: Hello? +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Hello. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Sorry, I'm busy. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Is that the first thing that comes to mind? You really are a mainstream girl. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Get Daru to help. I can't do it today. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Kiryu Moeka's apartment. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: You've seen too many Hollywood movies. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: You're a monster. +Rintaro: But you're not a hypocrite, and that's what I love about you, Christina. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: I mean it. I wish my conviction were as strong as yours. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: But that's not all, right? There's a reason you're willing to suggest murder as an option. How did you reach that conclusion? +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: She's already going to die, so that makes it okay. That the kind of argument a murderer would make. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: But what about the law? Even if fate forgives me, society won't. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: I understand. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: It's fine. Your advice was truly becoming of a mad scientist. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Who does she think she is, a general? +Moeka: N-no...! +Rintaro: Goh...! +Moeka: Gah...hah... +Rintaro: Now I have your attention! +Moeka: Hhh, hhhh, gh, haah, hhhh... +Rintaro: Give me your phone! +Rintaro: If you don't, I'll kill you! +Rintaro: Hand it over or I'll kill you! +Moeka: Haah, khah, haah, kpph, haah... +Moeka: Guh, hgg, gah, hah, geh...! +Moeka: Guh! +Moeka: Ah... gah...! +Moeka: Gehh, gehhehuggehgehoh-- +Moeka: Gehohgehohgehoh, khah, ga... beh.. gh... +Moeka: Gehohgehoh, bi...na... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Get ready for a D-Mail! +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: I'm having a little trouble here. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: And Mayuri? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: You didn't tell her anything, did you? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Good. Don't hang up yet. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: What? Why? +Rintaro: Well!? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Yes. Did it work!? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: So it worked, right? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: The worldline didn't change! +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Maybe the message wasn't enough to persuade Moeka to change models. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: It's July 31st. I'm sure of it. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: What a pain! +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: You're a lifesaver. What's going on there? Is Mister Braun freaking out? +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Are you there? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: I tried two more times, but nothing. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Nothing... changed? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: No way... +Rintaro: That sneaky little...! +Rintaro: She's crazy! +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Christina. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Moeka's D-Mail wasn't about a model exchange. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: She must have changed the text right before we sent it. That's why the cancellation mails aren't working. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Her arrival history... +Rintaro: I should have thought of that. Checking now! +Rintaro: ...Christina, I seem to be in a spot of trouble. If I fail, I'm leaving the rest to you. +Kurisu: #000000 +Moeka: Okabeeeee! +Moeka: Give it back! +Moeka: Augh! +Moeka: Give it baaack! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Guh! +Moeka: Haah, khaah, haah... +Moeka: Ah... agg... ggeh...! +Rintaro: Why you! +Moeka: Guh! +Rintaro: Haah, khah, haah... +Moeka: Uh... khuh... huuh... gh... uh... +Rintaro: That hurt, you crazy bitch! +Moeka: ...ph! +Rintaro: Eye contact... good... we're making progress... +Rintaro: I'm not giving it back. +Rintaro: I'm not letting you escape into your own little world again. You don't have that right. +Moeka: Give it back! +Rintaro: Come and get it! +Rintaro: I can keep this up as long as I have to. +Rintaro: Who's going to tire out first? +Moeka: Why did you take it!? +Moeka: Give it back! Give it baaack! +Rintaro: Keep screaming. +Rintaro: I don't care about your phone issues. I don't care about FB. +Rintaro: You don't kill her on this worldline, and the worldlines where you did have already been erased. +Rintaro: But I remember! I remember everything you did! Everything that never happened! +Rintaro: I'll never forget that you killed Mayuri! And I'll never forgive you! +Rintaro: So there's no escape for you today. We're gonna stay here as long as it takes. +Rintaro: So let's be honest with each other, huh? +Moeka: Give it back! Give it baack! +Moeka: Give it back! I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you! +Moeka: Let... me... go! +Moeka: I'll tear... your fucking... eyes out! +Rintaro: So you can talk without your phone. I'm impressed. +Moeka: You piece of shit! I'll gut you with a kitchen knife! +Rintaro: I'm a mad scientist. Dissection is my specialty. +Moeka: Die! Die! Help! I'm being raped! +Nishida: Hello? This is Nishida from next door. Is everything okay? +Nishida: Do you need the police? If not, then could you please keep it down? +Nishida: The walls here are pretty thin. +Moeka: He's going to kill me! +Moeka: No! Stop it! Don't kill me! +Moeka: Call the pol--nnuh!? +Moeka: Mmm...gh...nn... +Nishida: Kids these days... +Rintaro: Pwah! +Rintaro: Don't act like it's your first time. You're older than me, remember? +Moeka: Haah... haah... kh... +Moeka: Oka... Okabe...kun... +Moeka: What... do I have... to do? +Rintaro: Do you remember sending a D-Mail? +Moeka: A D... what? +Rintaro: D-Mail. An email that you send to the past. +Rintaro: You sent one to your own phone. +Rintaro: You led me to think it was about a phone model exchange, but you changed the text before you sent it. +Rintaro: Your D-Mail changed the past. +Rintaro: Don't you remember? +Moeka: I... don't know. +Rintaro: You do know. You just haven't remembered yet. +Rintaro: Remember. Remember, or else. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: I really... don't know. +Moeka: If I could remember... I would... +Moeka: But I don't... remember anything. +Rintaro: Fine. I'll change the question. +Rintaro: You received a strange email about two weeks ago. +Moeka: ...? +Rintaro: It came from your own number, and it was dated several days in the future. +Moeka: ...! +Rintaro: You remember? Good. That was the D-Mail. +Rintaro: What did it say? +Moeka: If I tell you...? +Rintaro: I'll return your phone. +Moeka: ...Fuck... you... +Moeka: I won't... tell you. +Rintaro: Why not!? +Moeka: It's... my mission. +Rintaro: The IBN 5100. +Moeka: !! +Rintaro: It was about the IBN 5100. +Moeka: How much... do you know? +Rintaro: I'm asking the questions here. Just answer. +Moeka: I... can't. +Moeka: I won't... betray... FB. +Rintaro: So you're choosing FB over your phone? How loyal. +Rintaro: Is it really that painful to not have your phone? Why are you so dependent on it? +Moeka: I can't... talk to people. +Rintaro: You're talking right now, aren't you? +Moeka: If I can't... use mail... then I'll be... +Moeka: Cut off... from the world. +Rintaro: What? Are you fishing for sympathy? You're just afraid of being abandoned by the Rounders, aren't you? +Moeka: No... not the Rounders... FB. +Rintaro: Then don't say 'the world.' You're the one who killed an innocent girl. You're the one who erased Mayuri from the world! +Moeka: ...I didn't kill her. +Rintaro: Not on this worldline, maybe. But on another worldline, you came to steal our time machine. You killed her. You killed Mayuri! +Moeka: If FB told me to... then yes... I killed her. +Rintaro: Who is FB? Where the hell is he? +Moeka: I can't... tell you... +Rintaro: Then let me tell you something. +Rintaro: Listen good. If you're holding out for backup, you can forget it. +Rintaro: Nobody's coming to save you. The pain and despair are just going to get worse, and in four days, you'll kill yourself. +Rintaro: I came here from the future, using the time machine SERN wants so badly. That's how I know. +Rintaro: You kill yourself in this room, all alone. +Rintaro: Your precious FB doesn't save you. No one does. Not the Rounders, not SERN, and not the Committee of 300. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Your boss hasn't replied to your mails, has he? You know why? +Rintaro: Because you've been abandoned. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: FB doesn't deserve your loyalty. Tell me everything. +Moeka: FB wouldn't betray me... FB wouldn't abandon me! +Rintaro: Then why do you kill yourself in four days? +Moeka: You kill me... and make it look like a suicide... +Rintaro: I wouldn't need to cover it up if I killed you. I'd just undo your death with my time machine. +Moeka: I... +Rintaro: When I got here, you were sitting in the corner like a limp rag, crying about how FB wouldn't answer. Remember? +Moeka: But... +Rintaro: How many days has it been? How often did FB contact you before, and when did it stop? +Moeka: It used to be... every day... +Moeka: But it's already been... ten days... +Rintaro: Ten days with no contact. Correct? +Moeka: I won't... betray... FB... +Rintaro: FB betrayed you. +Moeka: I believe in FB... +Rintaro: He threw you away. +Rintaro: FB used you, and now your usefulness has ended. +Moeka: FB isn't... like that... +Rintaro: Then what sort of person was he? +Moeka: She was gentle... to me... like a mother... +Moeka: I finally had... a place I belonged! +Moeka: I'd talk to her about my worries... she always replied right away... +Moeka: Like a friend... but gentle... accepting... +Rintaro: Have you met her? +Rintaro: You haven't met? Even though she's like your mother? Your friend? +Moeka: Rounders... must hide... their identities from one another... +Rintaro: So you've talked, but you've never met. But you must have wanted to meet her, right? Even if it was against the rules. +Moeka: No... no! +Moeka: It would ruin everything... if she saw the real me... +Rintaro: Did she ever say she wanted to meet you? +Moeka: No... never... and I never asked... +Rintaro: So no phone calls either, then? +Rintaro: Didn't you wonder why? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Why would such a kind, gentle woman refuse to meet you in person? Was it really just the rules? +Rintaro: And why isn't she returning your emails now? Think about it. +Rintaro: She was using you. You were tricked. +Moeka: Don't say that! She's not... like that! +Rintaro: What did her last email say before she stopped contacting you? +Moeka: ...'Leave the IBN 5100 at the designated location.' +Rintaro: What was the designated location? +Moeka: The coin locker... in front of Daibiru... +Moeka: *sob*... +Rintaro: I'm using your phone. +Moeka: ... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: You at the lab? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: What, were you worried about me? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Where are you now? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Set up the machine. I'm sending another D-Mail. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ...July 31st, 11 AM. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Alright, activate it. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Nothing. Why won't it change!? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: No, there's no way! I know what Moeka's message said. This D-Mail should have canceled it. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: That the IBN 5100 was at Yanabayashi Shrine. I tried to cancel it by telling her it's a trap, but it didn't work. +Rintaro: I'll try to phrase it differently. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Maybe she didn't believe the cancellation mail. Or maybe she was so diligent she decided to check it out even when told not to. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: We need a more persuasive message. Something that will prevent her from going to the shrine. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: What if I send a D-Mail to myself on July 30th? Could I beat her to the IBN 5100? +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...FB. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Moeka's handler. She's obsessed with FB. If the mail comes from FB, she'll do whatever it says. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: No. They haven't even met. We don't know where FB is. +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Give me a little time. +Kurisu: #000000 +Kurisu: #000000 +Rintaro: Looks like we're searching for FB now. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: How exactly did you become a Rounder? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Four years ago... I tried... to kill myself. +Moeka: I had... no hope. I wanted to get away... from everything. +Rintaro: Why? +Moeka: ...No big reason. +Moeka: Little things... lots of little things... piled up. +Moeka: I've always been... like this. +Rintaro: And your family? +Moeka: I locked myself in my room... and overdosed on sleeping pills. +Moeka: But I didn't die. +Moeka: Afterwards... I got a mail. +Moeka: Recruiting Rounders, it said... It was sent to hundreds of people... not just me. +Moeka: Nothing mattered anymore... so on a whim... I replied. +Moeka: And then... FB contacted me. +Moeka: Ever since... I've followed... FB's orders. +Rintaro: Were you always stationed in Akiba? +Moeka: Until three months ago... I was in Nagoya. Before that... Yokohama. Before that... +Rintaro: How many IBN 5100s have you found so far? +Moeka: Not even one... +Rintaro: So what now? Are you going to sit here, wallowing in despair, until you kill yourself four days from now? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Or do you want to rebel against fate? +Moeka: Rebel? +Rintaro: FB used you and threw you away. Accept it. And then ask yourself what you're going to do about it. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Even if FB... did use me... +Moeka: That... was the only place... I belonged. +Moeka: That was the first time... in my entire life... that I was needed. +Moeka: FB gave me... purpose. +Moeka: To protect that purpose... to protect FB... +Moeka: I would do... anything. +Rintaro: You're beyond hope. +Rintaro: Drown in your dependence for all I care. Your death has already been decided. +Rintaro: But I won't let fate have its way. I'm rebelling to the end. +Rintaro: The light's on! +Rintaro: ...Let's not go crazy. +Rintaro: ...!? +Rintaro: You put the IBN 5100 in the bottom-right locker. Correct? +Moeka: ...How? +Rintaro: Out of all the lockers, only three could hold the IBN 5100. Out of those three, only the bottom one was in use. +Rintaro: If that's the one you used, then FB hasn't picked it up yet. +Rintaro: Do you know what that means? +Rintaro: It means that if we stake out the locker, you'll get to meet FB. +Moeka: ...ah. +Rintaro: It hadn't occurred to you? Some secret agent you are. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I'm headed there now. You coming? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: What will you do... if you meet her? +Rintaro: Borrow her phone. +Moeka: I can't meet her... I'm too afraid. The real me could never... live up to her expectations... +Rintaro: Something tells me her expectations were never that high to begin with. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: What are you doing here? +Moeka: I'll... keep watch too. +Moeka: Is that... okay? +Rintaro: ...Why the change of heart? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: You were comfortable with your mail-only relationship, weren't you? I thought you wanted to maintain that distance. +Rintaro: So what made you decide to risk a meeting? +Moeka: At this rate... +Moeka: If I lose contact with FB... I'll lose... my connection... +Rintaro: To the world? +Rintaro: You can't bear to be alone yourself, yet you'd end an innocent girl's life because some person you've never met told you to. +Rintaro: A cultist, that's what you are. +Rintaro: What's this? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Whoa! Milk and bean buns! +Rintaro: You brought this for me? +Rintaro: Very well. You may join the stakeout. +Rintaro: Is that FB? +Moeka: FB... is a woman. +Rintaro: So... maybe she hired someone to pick it up. +Rintaro: Follow him! +Rintaro: Weird. +Moeka: He's getting off... +Rintaro: Wha...!? +Rintaro: Clever... +Rintaro: They'll make their move at Shinjuku. +Moeka: ...? +Rintaro: That guy's gonna get off, but he actually hands the package to someone else. +Rintaro: He got us good just now. +Moeka: Just now? +Rintaro: I just time leaped from an hour in the future. +Moeka: Time... leaped? +Station Announcer: Now arriving at Shinjuku. +Rintaro: I knew it! +Rintaro: Wha... +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Nervous? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: You look terrified. How long have you been driving? +Moeka: ...First time. +Rintaro: What? This is your first time!? Oh come on... just don't crash. +Rintaro: He's coming! +Moeka: What does this mean? +Moeka: Where is FB? +Rintaro: The question is why did he bring it inside. Is he just holding onto it? Or... +Moeka: M4 is my codename... +Moeka: FB... gave it to me. +Rintaro: So... time for another stakeout. +Rintaro: It's them! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: What now? +Rintaro: Tennouji's wife might be FB. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: I thought I asked you to keep me posted. +Rintaro: I've been busy. +Kurisu: Busy. Right. +Rintaro: Were you worried about me? +Kurisu: O-of course not! Why should I care what you're up to? +Kurisu: It's just... Mayuri was really worried. I don't want to see her sad. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: So at least give her a call, okay? +Rintaro: I'm doing this to save Mayuri. +Rintaro: I'm close to discovering our true enemy. +Kurisu: Our enemy? But... +Kurisu: Isn't she our enemy? +Rintaro: She is an enemy, but we're cooperating in order to uncover the truth. +Kurisu: Isn't she the one who... killed Mayuri? +Rintaro: ...Yes. +Kurisu: Whatever. So where are you going now? Take me with you. +Rintaro: Have you gone mad, assistant mine? +Kurisu: I'm perfectly sane, and I'm not your assistant. +Rintaro: It could be dangerous. +Kurisu: Eh... +Kurisu: Do I die today? +Rintaro: No. You don't die. +Kurisu: Then there's no problem. This worldline has essentially guaranteed my survival. +Tennouji: Make yerselves at home. +Rintaro: You're an early riser, Mister Braun. +Tennouji: Yeah. Gotta see my little girl off to school. +Tennouji: I know it's summer break, but habits die hard. +Rintaro: Is your daughter still asleep? +Tennouji: Hey. You thinking of trying something while she's sleeping? Touch her and I'll break your head, got it? +Rintaro: Don't worry. +Rintaro: A few hours ago, six men stopped by this house to pick up a package, which they then delivered to France. You were there. I saw you. +Tennouji: And? +Rintaro: The package contained an IBN 5100. You know what that is, of course. +Tennouji: Yeah, the legendary retro PC. +Rintaro: Are you just another courier? Or are you... +Rintaro: A Rounder? +Tennouji: ... +Tennouji: Did you betray us, M4? +Moeka: ...!? +Moeka: No... are you... FB? +Tennouji: Ever heard of Ferdinand Braun? +Tennouji: C'mon, he was the Nobel Prize-winning physicist who invented the Braun Tube. +Tennouji: Ferdinand Braun. Initials? +Rintaro: ...Ah! +Moeka: FB...! +Tennouji: Now you get it. +Rintaro: Wha... +Rintaro: Let me ask you one thing. +Rintaro: Your wife... +Tennouji: She died having Nae. Why? +Moeka: No... that can't be... +Tennouji: I thought I was your world, M4. Now you're running away? +Rintaro: So you're a Rounder. SERN's dog! +Tennouji: Their dog? Yeah... you ain't wrong. +Rintaro: If you shoot, it'll wake up your daughter. +Tennouji: So what? +Rintaro: Do you want your daughter to see you commit murder? +Tennouji: My little girl's smart as a button. She'll understand. +Rintaro: I can't believe you're a Rounder! You, of all people! +Rintaro: Hashida Suzu didn't give you a home so you could turn it into a safehouse for SERN! +Tennouji: ... +Tennouji: You knew Suzu-san? You should've said something! +Tennouji: Anyway, what gives you the right to speak for her, huh? She died ten years ago. You were what, eight? +Tennouji: How do you know how she'd feel? +Rintaro: ...She told me. +Rintaro: She was here, in this time, not five days ago! +Suzuha: I'll bring it to you here in Akihabara. That's my duty, and I'll see it through. The rest is up to you. +Suzuha: Change the future. Please. +Rintaro: She was right there, and you never knew it! +Rintaro: Hashida Suzu... no, Amane Suzuha was a time traveler! She came from the future to stop SERN! +Tennouji: ... +Tennouji: Wha...t? +Rintaro: You never noticed, FB? The woman who saved your life came from the year 2036. She was one of us, a lab member, the daughter of Hashida Itaru. +Rintaro: Suzuha hated SERN! And here you are, a man who owes her everything, doing their dirty work! +Rintaro: Is this how you honor Suzuha's memory!? +Tennouji: Stop making shit up! +Rintaro: How did you turn out this way? +Tennouji: Fuck you! It's complicated. +Moeka: Are you... really FB? +Tennouji: Yeah, I am. +Moeka: The mails... +Tennouji: I wrote them. Why did I pretend to be a woman? Camouflage, obviously. Had to hide my identity. +Tennouji: The internet's full of guys pretending to be girls. +Tennouji: I gotta say though, M4, you send too much goddamn mail. +Tennouji: Who has time for that shit? You better be grateful I bothered to reply. +Moeka: No... +Moeka: FB was like... a mother to me... +Moeka: I'd do anything for FB... +Tennouji: That was the point. It's easy to manipulate nutjobs like you. Just gotta give 'em something to cling to. +Rintaro: Enough! +Moeka: Why did you... stop emailing me? +Tennouji: Huh? Oh, right. Your usefulness ended the second you dropped off that IBN 5100. +Moeka: I'm... useless? +Tennouji: Recruiting members directly is bad for secrecy, but the Rounders make up for it by choosing expendable assets with nowhere else to go. +Tennouji: Any member who finds an IBN 5100 is eliminated. No exceptions. +Tennouji: That way, SERN gets to keep their secrets, plus have a cheap army of outcasts like us. +Moeka: FB... +Tennouji: We're all expendable, every last one of us. And it sucks, let me tell you. +Tennouji: As soon as our job's done, they get rid of us. Guess that makes us cattle, not dogs. +Moeka: ...Eh? +Tennouji: Disobey orders, and they go after your family. I can't let them touch my little girl, can I? +Rintaro: Wait! Don't-- +Tennouji: Sorry for everything, Suzu-san. +Tennouji: Really, how did I turn out this way? +Moeka: Ah...ah... +Rintaro: Wh...y... +Moeka: No... why... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: You fool... +Rintaro: You left your daughter all alone! +Rintaro: How could you die with a smile!? +Rintaro: ...She's gone? +Rintaro: ...His phone. +Kurisu: ...So the manager was FB. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Hey, Moeka... +Rintaro: It's possible... that FB did what he did so you could live. +Rintaro: Maybe he didn't abandon you. +Rintaro: Maybe, by pushing you away, he was trying to keep you safe. +Moeka: ... +Kurisu: Okabe! We need to send the D-Mail now. +Kurisu: Miss this chance, and you could be in a lot of trouble. +Kurisu: Your goal is to save Mayuri, not take revenge on SERN. Right? +Kurisu: ...I don't want anyone else to be hurt because of the machine we built. +Rintaro: ...Yeah. You're right. +Rintaro: Do you think Daru's still in the lab? +Kurisu: I'll try calling. +Kurisu: He said he'll be there in five minutes. +Kurisu: By the way, something weird happened back there. +Kurisu: While I was waiting outside, I heard a gunshot. +Kurisu: And right after that... I saw her. +Rintaro: Her... who? +Kurisu: Nae-chan. +Kurisu: She ran out the back door. +Kurisu: When I called her to stop... our eyes met. +: 30 +Rintaro: Wait! Don't-- +Nae: Hi! +Nae: ... +Moeka: Guh... +Nae: Aha! +Nae: Ahaha! +Nae: Ahahaha! +Kurisu: No way... +Nae: Yes way. +Nae: I won't forgive you. +Nae: Daddy died because of you. +Nae: I'll never forgive you. +Nae: I'll kill you with my own two hands. +Nae: Okabe Rintaro. +Nae: I'll come for you in fifteen years. I hope you spend them quivering in terror. +Nae: Aha! Ahaha! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Wh-what the hell was that? A demon? Was she possessed? +Rintaro: W-what about Moeka!? +Kurisu: Calm down! +Kurisu: Check on Kiryu-san! I'll call an ambulance. +Kurisu: No, wait! Before that... +Kurisu: Maybe you should just send the D-Mail. +Rintaro: Moeka! +Rintaro: Hang in there! +Rintaro: Can you hear me!? Moeka! +Moeka: ...I... k...ed... +Moeka: I... killed... +Moeka: ...someone... +Moeka: ...precious... to you... +Moeka: This... is my punishment... +Moeka: I'm... sorry... +Moeka: I'm so...rry... +Moeka: I had... nothing... except FB... +Moeka: The only... place... I belonged... +Moeka: I would... kill... to protect it... +Moeka: You're right... to hate me... +Moeka: I'm... so...rry... +Rintaro: I forgive you. +Rintaro: I forgive you. +Rintaro: I forgive you. +Moeka: ... +Kurisu: ...Okabe. +Kurisu: I think you should send the D-Mail. +Kurisu: Everything's ready at the lab. +Rintaro: Yeah... +Rintaro: Hey, Christina. +Rintaro: When I send the D-Mail and change divergence, do you think Moeka's fate will change? +Kurisu: Based on the attractor field model you spoke of... +Kurisu: She'll be more likely to live if divergence exceeds 1%. +Kurisu: ...Sorry. I wish I knew what to say. +Rintaro: Don't worry about it. +Rintaro: ...You're alive. +Moeka: ...? +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Rintaro: Your supervisor? You mean FB? +Moeka: ...! +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: Doing your duty sets you up for disposal. So we're more like cattle than dogs. +Nae: I won't forgive you, until I kill you with my own hands. +Kurisu: ...Okabe? +Rintaro: Wasn't there something strange about that girl? +Kurisu: That girl... you mean Nae-chan? +Kurisu: ...She was like a different person. +Rintaro: What did she mean, she'll kill me in fifteen years? +Kurisu: Don't worry about it, Okabe. +Kurisu: Send the D-Mail right now. That'll solve everything. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I can't pretend I didn't see that. +Rintaro: I'm time leaping. Back to the lab. +Kurisu: Our enemy? But... +Kurisu: Isn't she our enemy? +Rintaro: ...It's about 7 AM, right? +Kurisu: Huh? +Kurisu: Well, yeah, but where did that question come from? +Kurisu: ...! +Kurisu: There really was a gunshot... +Rintaro: Wait! +Rintaro: Stop! +Nae: ...haah... ...ha ...ah... +Rintaro: Are you really Tennouji Nae? +Nae: ... +Rintaro: You plan to kill Kiryu Moeka after this, don't you? +Nae: That's right. +Rintaro: Revenge for your father? +Nae: You and Kiryu Moeka killed Daddy. +Rintaro: Your dad killed himself. He blew his own brains out. +Rintaro: He would have done it even if we hadn't been here. +Rintaro: It's not our fault. +Nae: I don't care. +Nae: Kiryu Moeka was there when Daddy died, but she didn't stop him. +Nae: I won't forgive her. +Nae: Nor you, Okabe Rintaro. +Nae: You weren't there, but Daddy wouldn't have died if you hadn't gotten involved. +Nae: But I won't kill you now. I can't. +Nae: I'll kill you in fifteen years. Keep living in fear until then. +Rintaro: Who... are you? +Rintaro: What do you mean, you'll kill me in fifteen years? +Nae: Exactly what it sounds like. +Nae: Fifteen years from now, I killed⑰ you. +Nae: You still don't get it? +Nae: Just now, you asked who I am. +Nae: I am Tennouji Nae. No doubt about that. +Nae: But I remember⑰ the next fifteen years. +Rintaro: Time leap!? +Rintaro: !! +Rintaro: Gh, aah...! +Nae: Ahahahaha! +Rintaro: Damn... it... +Nae: Wanna hear how I killed you? +Nae: In the future, you were one of the founders of the resistance against SERN. +Nae: But I captured you, and imprisoned you, and tortured you every which way I could think of! +Nae: You cried, and screamed, and begged for your life, all while covered in piss and shit! +Nae: You were one sorry sight, Okabe Rintaro. +Nae: After I ran out of things to do, I finally slit your throat. And then I stabbed you! Over and over and over again, so many times I don't even remember. +Nae: That's how your life is going to end. That's your punishment for murdering Daddy! +Rintaro: Ugahhh! +Nae: Aha! +Nae: SERN confiscated your Time Leap Machine. They kept it locked away for fifteen years. Until I came for it. +Nae: After I became a Rounder and killed you, I used that machine to come all the way back here. +Nae: It was hard, let me tell you. That piece of shit can't leap more than 48 hours at a time. +Nae: 2738 leaps. +Nae: I messed up a few times, though, so it was really more like twice that. At least. I kinda lost count after a while! +Nae: Revenge was all I lived for. I won't let anyone get in my way. I will kill Kiryu Moeka with my own two hands. +Nae: I won't let that bitch kill herself. She doesn't deserve to go out easy. +Rintaro: You leapt fifteen years just for that⑰? +Nae: Just for that? +Rintaro: Gah, gwaaah...! +Nae: It might not mean much to you, but to me, killing you two means everything! +Rintaro: So you kill Moeka... but what comes next? +Nae: Next? +Rintaro: Are you gonna repeat those fifteen years all over again? +Nae: Hmph. What do I care about those fifteen years? +Nae: There's nothing for me there... +Nae: I don't need anything from you now. +Nae: Just wait in fear and regret, Okabe Rintaro. Until I come for you in fifteen years. +Rintaro: Hahaha... +Kurisu: Okabe! +Kurisu: What happened!? Are you okay!? +Rintaro: The phone... +Kurisu: I brought it, but... +Kurisu: Hey, tell me what happened, will you!? +Kurisu: Should I call an ambulance!? +Rintaro: Calm down... +Rintaro: I'm gonna send the D-Mail now. +Kurisu: R-right. If the worldline changes, then this wound will go away. +Rintaro: Hey... why do you think Tennouji didn't kill Moeka? +Kurisu: What do you mean? +Rintaro: I think... I think he wanted to save Moeka. +Rintaro: I hope it works out on the Beta worldline. +Rintaro: Sorry, Nae... +Rintaro: But I can't let you have your revenge. +Moeka: Okabe-kun... +Moeka: How did you know where I... +Rintaro: Let me kill some time here! +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Rintaro: FB told you to stop... +Moeka: ...! +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: Doing your duty sets you up for disposal. So we're more like cattle than dogs. +Nae: Live in fear and regret, Okabe Rintaro. Until we meet again in fifteen years. +Rintaro: Have you been to Kiryu Moeka's apartment? +Kurisu: ...Huh? +Kurisu: Moeka-san's apartment? Never. +Rintaro: Oh, okay. +Kurisu: Why do you ask? +Rintaro: It doesn't matter. Just wondering. +Rintaro: It's here! +Rintaro: Daru! Daru! Where's my super hacka!? +Kurisu: Uh, he's not here. +Kurisu: He went to ComiMa, remember? +Rintaro: Daru! Christina! +Rintaro: It's time for the final phase of Operation Verthandi! +Rintaro: The IBN 5100, Daru! +Itaru: ...Yeah? +Rintaro: Listen to me, man! We have an IBN 5100! +Itaru: Of course we do. You're the one who found it, Okarin. +Rintaro: Yes! Yes I did! I found it at Yanabayashi Shrine! +Itaru: ...Have you been drinking too much soda? +Kurisu: Let me sleep, for crying out loud. +Kurisu: I was up all night. +Rintaro: A question, Daru. Have you researched how to use the IBN 5100? +Itaru: Huh? Well, yeah, I guess. +Itaru: Can you believe I did it while preparing for ComiMa? I'm like a saint or something. They'd knight me for this in England. +Rintaro: Then we shall call you Sir Super Hacka! +Itaru: Hell no. +Kurisu: Will you guys shut up? You're giving me a headache. +Rintaro: Hear me, lab mems! +Rintaro: Our long struggle has at last reached its climax! Ragnarok is at hand! +Rintaro: Now we must deliver the decisive blow. With the power of the IBN 5100, we shall crack SERN's most secure database and destroy it from the inside! +Rintaro: Through the cowardly apparatus known as Echelon, the enemy has acquired precious intelligence on our activities. Now they plot to steal our sacred time machine, upon which rest the hopes and dreams of all mankind! +Rintaro: Beneath its scholarly trappings, SERN is a hive of scum and villainy, of men who would sacrifice innocent souls in their quest to rule all space and time. But now we are poised to crush them with the Hammer of Justice! +Rintaro: And when we do, they will know once and for all by whose hand the wheel of fate truly turns! +Rintaro: When the sun sets upon the battlefield, the foul System that rules the world will crumble! And from the flames, a new age will rise! An age of glorious, unfettered Chaos! +Kurisu: Argh! Shut up! +Kurisu: What are you talking about!? +Itaru: Nobody can know the darkness in Okarin's heart... +Kurisu: First, get your character straight! What kind of mad scientist talks about the Hammer of Justice? +Itaru: I guess he just got caught up in the heat of the moment. Maybe he regrets it now. +Rintaro: Come on, guys! Stop complaining and get ready! +Itaru: Get ready? +Rintaro: To crack SERN! Weren't you listening? +Kurisu: Uh, I don't think that's a good idea. +Rintaro: When did you become a goody two shoes? Where's your ambition!? +Kurisu: Are you trying to get us arrested? +Rintaro: That's not the problem! +Rintaro: It's taken me so long -- so long⑰ -- just to reach this point! +Rintaro: This is my chance to escape the Alpha worldline and save Mayuri. I won't let anyone get in my way. Anyone! +Kurisu: Okabe... +Itaru: W-why so serious, man? +Rintaro: Please! +Rintaro: Please, hear me out. +Itaru: I-it's not like I'm cracking for you or anything, okay!? +Kurisu: Oh god... +Rintaro: This all happened because of the very first D-Mail I sent to Daru. +Rintaro: SERN intercepted that D-Mail with Echelon and figured out what it meant, then sent their Rounders after us. +Rintaro: They will kill Mayuri, kidnap us, and steal the Time Leap Machine. +Rintaro: I tried to save Mayuri, but nothing worked. Every worldline converged on the same result, just as attractor field theory said they would. +Itaru: You know, if this is all in your head, I think you've got a career as a +Rintaro: It's true. All of it. +Rintaro: To prevent Mayuri's death... +Rintaro: We need to escape from the Alpha worldline. And I think we can do that by canceling all of our changes to the timeline so far. +Rintaro: That should return us to the Beta worldline, the worldline that existed before I sent that first D-Mail. +Rintaro: There's just one more step. We need to erase the first D-Mail from SERN's database. +Kurisu: Fascinating. +Itaru: You believe him, Makise-shi? +Kurisu: In theory. I'd like to see objective data, but that's obviously impossible. +Rintaro: Relax. Your Time Leap Machine worked perfectly. +Kurisu: O-of course it did. +Kurisu: Besides, we were already planning to crack SERN's database, weren't we? +Kurisu: Fine. Let's see what's in there. If the mail data exists, then it's proof that what you said is true. +Itaru: So what you're saying is, 'don't think, feel.' Got it. +Kurisu: Uh, you lost me. +Rintaro: What he meant to say was, 'don't think, do.' +Itaru: Done bridging them. I need to tinker with the settings a little, but we should be up and running in about ten minutes. +Rintaro: Alright. +Kurisu: So the first D-Mail started everything... +Kurisu: Was that the one you showed me at ATF? +Kurisu: The one that said I died or something. +Rintaro: Right. I found you dead at Radio Kaikan and sent Daru an email. Daru happened to be experimenting on the PhoneWave (name subject to change) at the time, so the discharge phenomenon occurred and the mail... was... +Rintaro: ...! +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: And I'm supposed to choose? +Rintaro: There's no way... +Rintaro: I can't choose... I can't! +Rintaro: Is this how it ends!? +Rintaro: Suzuha... Faris... Lukako... Moeka... Is this what I sacrificed your memories for!? +Rintaro: There's no way... +Rintaro: I... can't save her. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Haah, we're finally home♪ +Rintaro: What are you gonna do now? Head straight home? +Mayuri: Actually, I was thinking of going to the lab. +Rintaro: Need something? +Mayuri: Not really, but it's been a while since I got to relax with Okarin. +Mayuri: I'm a little hungry, so I'll buy some Juicy Chicken Number One on the way. +Rintaro: Back to the lab, then. +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. Why did you come with Mayushii today? +Mayuri: You've never come with me to ComiMa before. You're not interested in moe, right? +Rintaro: I like robot anime. +Mayuri: So why did you come with me today? +Rintaro: Well... +Mayuri: Well? +Rintaro: ...I just felt like it. +Mayuri: Oh... +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: Lukako... +Rintaro: I thought maybe you'd managed to get Lukako to cosplay, so I came to laugh at him. Too bad he didn't come. +Mayuri: Yeah... Luka-kun would be super popular if he did come, though. +Mayuri: People would take his picture and post it all over the internet, then everyone in the world would see how cute he is! +Mayuri: And after he became a superstar, Mayushii would see him on TV and think, 'wow, he's gone so far...' +Rintaro: It's scary 'cause it's true. +Mayuri: ...Okarin? +Mayuri: Thank you for today. +Rintaro: Why are you thanking me? +Mayuri: Ehehe! Well, like I said, this is the first time Okarin's ever come to ComiMa with me. +Mayuri: It made Mayushii really happy♪ +Mayuri: Ah, but you know what would make me even happier? If you cosplay next time! +Rintaro: ...Yeah, I'll think about it. +Mayuri: Really? You'll cosplay for me? +Rintaro: Only if you cosplay too. +Rintaro: Lukako too... and Christina, of course. Convince them to cosplay first. +Rintaro: If you manage that, then I, the great and insane mad scientist Hououin Kyouma, will grace ComiMa with my august presence. +Mayuri: Wow... that's gonna be tough. +Mayuri: But it sounds really fun too! +Mayuri: Besides, I think Chris-chan secretly wants to cosplay. So there's hope♪ +Mayuri: Mayushii's gonna do her best! +Rintaro: Wait here, Mayuri. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: Wha... +Mayuri: Okarin!! +Rintaro: !? +Rintaro: Mayuri! +Mayuri: O...kari... +Rintaro: Mayuri... I'm sorry. It's my fault. +Mayuri: Finally... Mayushii was... +Mayuri: useful... to Okarin... +Rintaro: Wha...t? +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Rintaro: You can't see the stars from here... +Rintaro: How could this happen? +Rintaro: What do you mean, you were finally useful? Tell me, Mayuri... +Kurisu: There you are. +Kurisu: What are you doing here? +Rintaro: ...Nothing. +Rintaro: How did you know I was here? +Kurisu: You said you wanted to be alone. I ran the numbers and concluded that I had the greatest probability of finding you here. +Rintaro: Then leave me alone. You don't have to look for me. I'm not a lost little boy. +Kurisu: H-hey! Is that how you treat someone who's worried about you? +Kurisu: N-not that I'm worried about you or anything! +Kurisu: I was going to leave you alone at first. +Kurisu: But you've been acting weird the last couple days. I mean, you're always weird, but more than usual. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: You look like a kid forced to eat crappy oatmeal. What happened? +Rintaro: Nothing... +Kurisu: Then why did you cancel the cracking of SERN? +Rintaro: You're the one who said we shouldn't. +Kurisu: Oh, so you're afraid of triggering arrest flags. I get it. +Rintaro: You should praise me for obeying the law for a change. +Kurisu: That's not like you at all. What happened to your ego? What happened to the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyo-- +Rintaro: To hell with my ego! +Kurisu: ...! +Rintaro: This time, it's not that simple. +Rintaro: I have to choose which friend to let die. It would be so much easier if I knew⑰ what was right. +Kurisu: ...Which friend to let die? What are you talking about? +Rintaro: I'm just a student, Christina. You know? +Rintaro: The insane mad scientist Hououin Kyouma? That's just a fantasy. A character I made up. I bet you had no idea. +Kurisu: Uh... I may have figured that out when we first met. +Rintaro: When we first met... +Kurisu: Tell me, Okabe. What do you mean? +Rintaro: ...Do I have to tell you? +Kurisu: You've never hesitated to ask me for help before. +Kurisu: Don't hold back now. +Rintaro: ...Then prepare yourself. +Rintaro: What I'm about to tell you is the absolute truth. +Rintaro: And it could also be... your death sentence. +Kurisu: ...eh? +Rintaro: Remember what I told you before? When we delete the D-Mail from SERN's database, we'll reach the Beta worldline, where Mayuri doesn't die. +Kurisu: And where SERN doesn't take over the world, right. Everyone lives. Everyone is free. You made it sound perfect. +Rintaro: Perfect? It's anything but. +Rintaro: I showed you the first D-Mail, didn't I? The one that started it all. +Rintaro: On the Beta worldline, the events described in that D-Mail actually happened. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Kurisu. On the Beta worldline... +Rintaro: You die on July 28th. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: And according to the attractor field model, nothing can prevent that from happening. +Rintaro: If I want to save Mayuri, I have no choice... but to let you die! +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe. +Kurisu: How credible do you find this attractor field model? +Rintaro: Credible? +Kurisu: It's all secondhand info from John Titor -- from Amane-san, isn't it? +Kurisu: I get that it's the accepted model in 2036. +Kurisu: But how exactly did scientists prove the existence of attractor fields? +Rintaro: Are you trying to say the model may be wrong? But I know for certain that convergence exists. I've experienced it firsthand. +Kurisu: Even if they're right about convergence... +Kurisu: What about the relationship between worldlines? +Rintaro: The moment I change worldlines, everything is reconstructed. Past, present, and future. +Kurisu: But that's just from your perspective, Okabe. +Kurisu: Once you go to the Beta worldline, the 'me' that your brain perceives will die. +Kurisu: In other words, your perspective will have chosen the worldline where I die instead of the one where I don't. However... +Kurisu: Why can't the world your brain perceives be different from the world my brain perceives? +Rintaro: So you're saying worldlines are independent? +Kurisu: Like trains, maybe. +Rintaro: Trains? +Kurisu: Um, let me give you an easy example... +Kurisu: If I want to take the train from Akiba to Yokohama, which route should I use? +Rintaro: I didn't know you were a +Kurisu: It's just an example. Geez. +Kurisu: You choose to take the Yamanote Line to Tokyo Station, then transfer to the Tokaido Main Line for the rest of your trip. +Kurisu: But I take the Yamanote Line to Osaki, then transfer to the Shonan-Shinjuku Line. +Kurisu: Another person -- say, Hashida-san -- might decide to take the Keihin Tohoku Line for some reason. +Kurisu: And Mayuri might ride the Shinkansen from Tokyo. +Kurisu: You and I ride the same train until Tokyo Station. But from there, we ride different lines, while still aiming for the same destination. +Rintaro: And that applies to the universe? You're claiming the existence of parallel worlds? +Kurisu: ...I like to use my imagination too, sometimes. +Kurisu: But where's the proof that there's only one world? +Rintaro: Suzuha said so... and then there's Reading Steiner. +Kurisu: In other words, an unknown time traveler and your unexplainable super power. +Rintaro: But we knew Suzuha... +Kurisu: There's no way to prove that she was Hashida's daughter, or anything she said about 2036 either. Not without going there ourselves. +Kurisu: And if Reading Steiner is what you say, then it means that your subjective experience influences the memories of every single human being. +Kurisu: That's completely absurd, Okabe. If it's true, then you're literally a god. +Kurisu: But there are no gods in reality. +Kurisu: The world doesn't revolve around you. +Kurisu: It's just your brain making you believe that it does. +Kurisu: If that makes you this world's god, then I must be a god too. My brain is just as big as yours. +Rintaro: What are you trying to say? +Kurisu: Let's say you choose the worldline where I die. That doesn't mean I have to do the same. +Kurisu: The fact is that I am standing here right now, observing the world with my own subjectivity. +Kurisu: I already exist on a worldline where I don't die. +Kurisu: Even if your perspective shifts to the Beta worldline, my perspective might remain here. +Kurisu: It's a question of where the soul lies. And I won't let you have your way with my soul. +Rintaro: No true scientist would accept a hypothesis that flimsy. +Kurisu: But there's a chance I'm right. +Kurisu: So you have nothing to worry about. +Kurisu: The problem is that you don't want to let me die, right? +Kurisu: But if my hypothesis is correct, I'll still be alive on another possible worldline. +Kurisu: So there's no reason to be afraid. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: It's just a hypothesis. +Kurisu: The same is true of attractor fields. +Kurisu: It hasn't been proven. Even if someone did prove it by 2036, that doesn't help us here in the present. +Kurisu: In other words... +Kurisu: Anything is possible. +Kurisu: You really don't have to worry about me, Okabe. It would just hurt my pride if you did. +Rintaro: Don't say it like that. +Kurisu: Your phone's ringing. +Rintaro: Oh, yeah. It's Mayuri. +Kurisu: Answer it. I don't mind. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...Hello? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: Mayuri? +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: What's wrong? +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: There's... nothing wrong. +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: ...Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird, Blue Dragon, and White Tiger. +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Rintaro: What!? I never...! +Mayuri: #000000 +Mayuri: #000000 +Kurisu: What did Mayuri say? +Kurisu: You're such a wimp. I'm disappointed in you. +Rintaro: Aren't you afraid of dying? +Kurisu: Did you not hear what I just said? +Rintaro: I heard, but-- +Rintaro: How are you a burden!? Don't say things like that, dammit! +Rintaro: Why is she only serious at times like this!? +Kurisu: A burden, huh... +Rintaro: I've never felt Mayuri was a burden. Not once. +Kurisu: Then you should tell her that. +Kurisu: Okabe. +Kurisu: The old you wouldn't have worried about anything. +Kurisu: Anyway, you should go see Mayuri. +Kurisu: I'm sure she has a lot to say. +Mayuri: Hey, Granny. +Mayuri: I've been having scary dreams lately. +Mayuri: In my dreams, bad things keep happening to me. +Mayuri: Like someone shoots me, or a car hits me, or I get run over by a train... +Mayuri: It's so real. It hurts so much, and I feel so sad, and I try to call for help but nothing comes out... +Mayuri: Why do you think I'm having these dreams? +Mayuri: And you know, they always end the same way... +Mayuri: Mayushii's crying, and Okarin comes to save me. +Mayuri: Mayushii tries to say 'thank you, Okarin,' but Okarin can't hear my voice. +Mayuri: He holds Mayushii, and makes a very sad face like he's going to cry. But he never does, you know? I can tell he's forcing himself not to cry. +Mayuri: That makes Mayushii even more sad. I try to say 'sorry, sorry,' but he still can't hear. +Mayuri: And that's when I wake up. +Mayuri: Why am I having these dreams? +Mayuri: Oh, right! We have a lot more lab mems now, you know! +Mayuri: There's Chris-chan, Moeka-san, Luka-kun, and Feris-chan. There's also Suzu-san, but she moved away. +Mayuri: That makes eight of us. It's really amazing. +Mayuri: You know, it was just Okarin and Mayushii at first. +Mayuri: Back then, Okarin seemed kinda bored most of the time. +Mayuri: But now, he's having so much fun. +Mayuri: And that makes Mayushii happy too! +Mayuri: It's so busy, but it's really exciting. +Mayuri: Especially now that Chris-chan is here. She's really smart, you know. She got a paper published in a famous magazine! +Mayuri: Mayushii really admires her. +Mayuri: She even made a time machine! Oh, but can't forget Okarin and Daru-kun helped too. +Mayuri: But you know, sometimes I remember... +Mayuri: Back when it was just the two of us. +Mayuri: When Mayushii had only just become Okarin's hostage. +Mayuri: I'd go to the lab after school, but Okarin wouldn't be there. So I'd tidy up the room, and decorate it with cute things. Then Okarin would finally show up a little later. +Mayuri: Mayushii would say 'welcome back'. But instead of saying 'I'm back,' Okarin would say 'Good work,' like a big boss or something. +Mayuri: Every day, we'd spend a few hours just hanging out, doing nothing, and then we'd go home together. +Mayuri: We didn't talk much, but it wasn't bad. +Mayuri: We were just there... together, you know? +Mayuri: We'd sit next to each other on the sofa. Okarin would work on his big plans, and Mayushii would read manga or play games. +Mayuri: And sometimes we'd have a snack together. +Mayuri: It was so nice and relaxing... +Mayuri: I never wanted to leave. +Mayuri: I'd start feeling like a real hostage, and I'd laugh 'ehehe' to myself. +Mayuri: Then Okarin would turn to me and say... +Rintaro: Did something good happen? +Mayuri: Yup. Well, not really, but kinda. +Rintaro: Ah, it must have been an illusion. We could be under attack from Illusion Conductor, one of the Organization's feared agents. +Mayuri: Oh... gotta be careful, then. But you know, I'm sure that Mr. Illusion Kidhugger-- +Rintaro: Conductor. Not Kidhugger. +Mayuri: I'm sure he's not a bad guy. +Mayuri: I felt so happy there. +Mayuri: So happy I could cry. +Mayuri: I wanted to stay like that forever. +Mayuri: Ah! But that doesn't mean I don't like how things are now, okay? +Mayuri: You know, I haven't talked to Okarin much lately. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Maybe Mayushii's getting a little lonely. +Mayuri: But you know, I don't want to be a burden on Okarin. +Mayuri: Mayushii's just one big nuisance, isn't she... +Mayuri: Um, Granny? +Mayuri: ...I can't stay like this forever, can I? +Rintaro: Of course you can! +Mayuri: Huh? +Mayuri: It's Okarin♪ +Mayuri: Wow, how'd you know I was here? +Rintaro: I always know where my hostage is. +Mayuri: Hostage... +Rintaro: You cannot escape my grasp. Not ever. +Mayuri: Oh... +Mayuri: But don't wear yourself out, okay? +Mayuri: Mayushii's a little worried. +Rintaro: ...Hououin Kyouma is not so weak as to require your concern. +Rintaro: When the time comes, I'll tell you everything. +Mayuri: ...Huh? +Rintaro: So stay with me until then, like you always have. +Mayuri: ...Okay. +Mayuri: Let's head back, Okarin. +Rintaro: Shouldn't we get some dango for ourselves first? +Mayuri: Ehehe! Of course♪ +Rintaro: ...! +Kurisu: ...Okabe. +Rintaro: You're alive... +Kurisu: Right. I forgot I might run into you here. +Rintaro: What were you doing? +Kurisu: ...Thinking. +Rintaro: Oh... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Looks like I'm in your way, so I'll just go. +Kurisu: ...Oh, okay. +Rintaro: Hey. It's raining. +Kurisu: Huh? Oh, yeah. +Rintaro: Whoa! +Kurisu: What the hell!? +Kurisu: Whew, what a surprise. +Rintaro: That's what you get for tempting the sky gods. +Kurisu: You should've warned me sooner. Even my underwear's soaked. +Rintaro: Same here. I bet you're glad it's dark, huh? +Kurisu: What do you mean? +Rintaro: If the lights were on, I'd be able to see everything. +Kurisu: ...! +Kurisu: Ugh, I forgot that you're a perv too. +Rintaro: You're the one who announced that your underwear was wet. +Kurisu: J-just drop it! If you're imagining what color my underwear is, I'll kill you! +Rintaro: I'm not imagining anything. +Kurisu: Achoo! +Rintaro: Cold? +Kurisu: I'm not stripping naked, if that's what you're suggesting! Your pervy tricks won't work on me! +Rintaro: Who said strip!? Calm down, will you!? +Kurisu: Grr... +Rintaro: But if you want to strip, go right ahead. I can't make out your scrawny figure in this light anyway. +Kurisu: Another word, and I'll make you eat your cerebral neocortex with ponzu sauce! +Rintaro: S-sorry. +Kurisu: A storm like that shouldn't last long. Guess we'll just wait it out. +Kurisu: H-hey, get your own stair! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: W-what? +Rintaro: You're the one who said not to speak. +Kurisu: Y-you're too close... +Kurisu: Don't come any closer, okay? You can stay where you are, but come any closer, and I'll push you away, okay? +Kurisu: ...Don't look at me. +Rintaro: Impossible! How can you see where I'm looking!? +Kurisu: So you were⑰ looking. +Rintaro: Damn. Must have caught on something when we ran inside. +Kurisu: What are you talking about? +Rintaro: Just a little tear in my coat. +Kurisu: Is clumsiness one of your character traits? +Rintaro: Don't be ridiculous. I am a mad scientist. I bear the curse of insanity, not clumsiness. +Kurisu: Yeah, yeah. +Kurisu: Give it here. +Rintaro: What? +Kurisu: I happen to have a sewing kit with me. I'll stitch it up for you. +Rintaro: A sewing kit? You? +Kurisu: Something wrong with that? +Rintaro: You're an experiment-loving girl. You're not supposed to be... domestic⑰. +Kurisu: Can't I be a domestic experiment-loving girl? +Rintaro: You? Domestic? +Kurisu: Relatively, maybe. Well, actually, I don't know the domesticity index for Japanese high school girls these days. +Kurisu: It's wet, so it's kinda hard to thread. +Rintaro: ...Did you really just happen to have that on you? +Kurisu: Get over it already. Is it really so wrong for me to have a sewing kit? +Rintaro: It's not wrong. It just seems like you planned for this. +Kurisu: So you're saying I brought it with me because I somehow knew your coat was going to get ripped. Uh-huh. +Kurisu: Ridiculous. +Kurisu: And before you get the wrong idea, I'm not fixing your coat because I want to or anything, okay? +Rintaro: Nice tsundere line. +Kurisu: Don't mock me. You just happened to tear your clothes, and I just happened to have a sewing kit handy when you did. It's coincidence. That's all. +Rintaro: Coincidence... +Rintaro: Hey... you didn't time leap, did you? +Kurisu: So now you're saying that I went back in time for the sole purpose of repairing your stupid lab coat. Uh-huh. +Kurisu: Ridiculous. Ridiculous! There. It's so important I said it twice. Comprendes? +Rintaro: You're right. If you had time leaped, you would've brought a towel, not a sewing kit. +Kurisu: What's that, sarcasm? All you do is complain. +Kurisu: Here. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Kurisu: Um, by the way... it was dark, so I couldn't really see. +Kurisu: If it turns out bad, it's not my fault. It was dark. That's all. +Kurisu: Oh, and I hope you like the color. Because I have no idea which thread I used. +Rintaro: It's... random? +Kurisu: Black, red, or pink. Those are the three possibilities. +Rintaro: Let's just hope it's not pink... +Kurisu: Achoo! +Rintaro: Cold? +Kurisu: I guess. +Rintaro: Take my coat. +Kurisu: But it's wet. +Rintaro: Well, yeah, but... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ...Have you made your decision yet? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Sigh... You still haven't made up your mind? +Kurisu: You like Mayuri, don't you? +Rintaro: What? +Kurisu: It's probably just my imagination, but lately, I've been seeing things. Like a strange sort of deja vu. +Kurisu: In these visions, you're fighting to save Mayuri all by yourself. You never give up, no matter how much it hurts. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Then you come to me for help. You're so desperate, so earnest, that I just have to do what I can. +Kurisu: N-not that I'm doing it for you, okay!? I just want to save Mayuri, that's all. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Anyway, these images are stuck in my head, like memories. +Kurisu: I tried self-analysis. Maybe I'm mistaking dreams for reality, projecting my hopes and fantasies... I don't know. +Kurisu: But there's one thing I do⑰ know. +Kurisu: You have to save Mayuri. +Rintaro: ...Aren't you afraid? +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: You know, it kinda feels like we're trapped in an ancient ruin. +Kurisu: Like the world ended... +Kurisu: And we're the only two people left. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: I've been thinking. +Kurisu: Say you go to the Beta worldline, and everyone else goes with you. +Kurisu: What if I can't go with you? What if I'm the only one left behind? +Kurisu: Would the entire world become like this place? +Kurisu: It's just a theory... but I can't help but wonder. +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: I'll save you. Not just Mayuri, but-- +Kurisu: Don't make promises you can't keep! +Kurisu: You asked me if I wasn't afraid. +Kurisu: ...Of course I'm afraid. +Kurisu: Maybe I'll disappear. Maybe I'll be left behind all alone. +Kurisu: Or maybe only you will disappear and everything else will stay the same. +Kurisu: The world will continue, and nobody will even know that you existed. I'll go back to America as if nothing ever happened. +Kurisu: Maybe... maybe... maybe! +Kurisu: I feel hopeless, just thinking about all the possibilities. +Kurisu: But even so! +Kurisu: Do you think I would tell you to let Mayuri die!? +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kurisu: Jesus, it's cold! +Kurisu: It's because of these wet clothes! This sucks. +Kurisu: Anyway, enough of this nonsense. It's nothing but conjecture. Baseless. Worthless. I want to cut open my skull and excise the part of my brain that comes up with these delusions. +Kurisu: Listen, Okabe. +Kurisu: You can't save both of us. Correct? +Kurisu: No matter how you struggle, it's one or the other. +Rintaro: But... +Kurisu: No buts. My answer won't change. +Kurisu: Save Mayuri. +Rintaro: Are you telling me to give up!? To abandon you!? +Rintaro: I could never do that! +Kurisu: You can, and you must! There's no other way. +Rintaro: No! You're our friend! I won't abandon you! +Kurisu: Okabe! +Kurisu: Is there another solution? There isn't, is there? +Kurisu: I don't want to live if it means sacrificing Mayuri! +Kurisu: If you don't save her, I'll never forgive you! +Rintaro: Guh... +Kurisu: Eh...? +Rintaro: But you're right here! +Rintaro: Why does it have to be this way!? +Kurisu: Okabe... +Kurisu: Thank you. I know you're hurting for me. +Kurisu: But you've done enough. I'm fine, so just think about Mayuri, okay? +Rintaro: ...I'm sorry. +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: I want to save Mayuri... more than anything. +Rintaro: I... can't save you. +Kurisu: ...I know. +Kurisu: Well then. +Kurisu: I'm heading back. +Rintaro: Back? Where? +Kurisu: The lab, of course. I need to dry my clothes. I wanna take a shower, too. +Kurisu: You stay here and soak for a while. +Kurisu: Understand? +Rintaro: ...Understand. +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh heh... +Mayuri: Anyone here? +Mayuri: It's Okarin! +Rintaro: What's up? +Mayuri: Oh, nothing. I just decided to stop by. Ehehe♪ +Mayuri: You know, I haven't talked much with Okarin lately. +Mayuri: But you know, I don't want to be a burden on Okarin. +Mayuri: Did you take a shower? +Mayuri: You smell good, like shampoo. +Rintaro: S-stop that! +Mayuri: You know... I didn't go to ComiMa today. +Rintaro: Hm? Why? +Mayuri: I was thinking about Okarin. +Mayuri: When I got to Ariake, I remembered how sad you looked, and then I thought, 'I shouldn't be having fun at ComiMa.' +Mayuri: So I turned around and came all the way back. +Rintaro: Oh... Sorry for making you worry. +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: You know, I haven't talked much with Okarin lately. +Mayuri: Maybe Mayushii's getting a little lonely. +Rintaro: Mayuri. How would you feel... if I said I was keeping a secret from you? +Mayuri: You mean like... Okarin and Chris-chan are actually dating? +Rintaro: Where did that come from? +Mayuri: Okarin and Chris-chan get along really well, right? I think you two are meant for each other. +Rintaro: ...No, it's nothing like that. +Mayuri: Oh... okay... +Mayuri: You don't have to tell me everything, if you don't want to. +Mayuri: Besides, it's normal to keep secrets from your hostage. +Rintaro: This isn't the time for that! +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: ...Mayushii doesn't want to be a burden. +Mayuri: So I'll wait until Okarin's ready to tell me. +Mayuri: Just like I said yesterday, remember? +Rintaro: ...And if decide to never tell you? +Mayuri: Well, I'd be curious... really curious... but if that's what you want... +Rintaro: Even if my secret involves you? +Mayuri: Mayushii? +Rintaro: I haven't told you because I don't want to hurt you. +Mayuri: ...Is that why Okarin looks so sad all the time? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Um, then I do want to know. +Mayuri: I don't like it when Okarin's sad. +Rintaro: Even if it means you might get hurt? +Mayuri: Yeah. +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't want to be a burden. +Mayuri: When Mayushii was sad because of what happened to Granny, Okarin took Mayushii hostage, remember? +Mayuri: That's why Mayushii always thought. That whenever Okarin's sad, she could lend her strength to him, you know? +Mayuri: Mayushii might not be useful, though... +Mayuri: Finally... Mayushii was... +Mayuri: useful... to Okarin... +Mayuri: I don't want to see you hurting... +Rintaro: ...Very well. +Rintaro: Take a seat. +Mayuri: Um, can I get some snacks? +Rintaro: This is serious, remember? +Mayuri: Oh... right. +Mayuri: Okay, ready. +Rintaro: ...Everything I'm about to tell you is true. It's related to those dreams you had. +Rintaro: I plan to sacrifice one of our friends for your sake. +Mayuri: Eh? Okarin? +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... you will soon regret your curiosity, my dear. For the deeds of the great Hououin Kyouma are many and terrible! Muhahaha! +Rintaro: By sacrificing Makise Kurisu, I will embark upon a journey to a glorious new world! +Rintaro: And that is the plan most grand and devious of the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma! I call it... Made in Heaven! Muhahahaha! +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: ...What's the matter? +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: The whole time you and Chris-chan were hurting... +Mayuri: Mayushii was making costumes... like nothing was wrong... +Mayuri: I feel so stupid! +Mayuri: I didn't know anything! +Rintaro: O-of course you didn't! That's how I planned it. +Rintaro: Are you disappointed in me, Mayuri? Sorry, but this is who I am. I will do anything, sacrifice anyone to accomplish my goals. Whether you like it our not, you're coming with me to the Beta worldline. +Rintaro: You're my hostage, and you have no say in the matter. Heh heh heh! +Rintaro: Let chaos descend upon the world! That is the choice of Steins Gate! +Rintaro: Where are you going!? +Mayuri: I need to see Chris-chan! +Mayuri: Please, Okarin. I have to talk to her! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Thanks for coming to see me off. +Rintaro: Does that suitcase mean what I think it does? +Kurisu: Hm? Oh. Yeah, it does. +Rintaro: You're going back to America. +Kurisu: I was supposed to go back at the beginning of the month. But then I ran into a certain mad scientist, and ended up staying longer than planned. +Kurisu: There's nothing else I can help you with anyway. And I don't want to be a liability. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: ... +Kurisu: What's wrong, Mayuri? Are you feeling sick? +Rintaro: C'mon, Mayuri. +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: Chris-chan! +Kurisu: W-whoa, what's going on!? +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't want Chris-chan to disappear! +Mayuri: You can't disappear. Not for Mayushii! Okay? +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't want to live if Chris-chan has to die! +Rintaro: This is the way it has to be. I chose you, Mayuri. You have an obligation⑰ to live. +Rintaro: Kurisu and I made a pact. She agreed to trade her life for yours. If that sacred covenant is broken, this world is doomed! +Rintaro: Don't put Kurisu's feelings to waste, Mayuri! +Mayuri: But... but... +Kurisu: Thank you, Mayuri. +Kurisu: But this was my decision too. I'm okay with it. Really. +Kurisu: Okabe loves you, you know. +Mayuri: Wha...? +Rintaro: Wh-wh-wha-what are you saying!? +Kurisu: It's true, isn't it? +Kurisu: It would make him really sad if you died. You don't want him to be sad, do you? +Mayuri: But if Chris-chan goes away, it'll make Mayushii sad... +Kurisu: Yeah... I know. It makes me sad too. +Kurisu: But this was going to happen eventually. I had to go back to America sooner or later. +Kurisu: So even if you move to another worldline, just think of me as being in America. It's practically the same thing. +Mayuri: That's not the problem! I don't want Chris-chan to disappear! +Mayuri: Let's stop this, okay? Don't make Chris-chan disappear! +Kurisu: You have to listen to us now, Mayuri. +Kurisu: Okabe. Don't ever let go of her again. +Rintaro: ...I know. +Kurisu: Well, I'm off. +Kurisu: Thank god I'll never have to see your silly face again! +Mayuri: Don't go, Chris-chan! Please, don't go! +Kurisu: Don't follow me! +Kurisu: I don't want pity. It will only make it worse. +Kurisu: This is my decision. Nothing you can say will change my mind. +Mayuri: ... +Kurisu: ...Goodbye. +Kurisu: Promise me, Mayuri. Promise me you'll find happiness. +Mayuri: I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... +Rintaro: You have nothing to apologize for. This was my decision, and mine alone. +Rintaro: Kurisu will disappear, for I chose not to save her. +Rintaro: I chose... to bring chaos to the world. +Rintaro: You can't forgive me, can you, Mayuri? Then hate me. +Rintaro: But even then, you're staying with me to the end. +Rintaro: I have chosen. +Rintaro: To save you, I will let Kurisu die. +Rintaro: So hate me, loathe me, curse my name... +Rintaro: But I... will not turn back. +Rintaro: Nobody can stop me now. +Mayuri: Sniff... Okarin? +Mayuri: Tell me how you really feel... +Mayuri: I want to know what's in your heart... your honest feelings... +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't want to be a burden any more. +Rintaro: You're not a burden! How can you think that!? +Rintaro: This is about me. Because I⑰ want to save you, because I⑰ can't bear to lose you! +Mayuri: Yeah... Thank you, Okarin... thank you... +Mayuri: I've been having scary dreams lately. +Mayuri: In those dreams, you always try to save me. +Mayuri: They weren't dreams, were they? +Mayuri: You were fighting to save Mayushii, weren't you? +Mayuri: Um, Okarin? You know... +Mayuri: Mayushii loves you. +Mayuri: Mayushii can smile every day because you're there for me. +Mayuri: Can we be together from now on, too? +Rintaro: Of course. +Rintaro: How can you ask that? +Rintaro: I don't want to be apart from you either! +Mayuri: Yeah... +Mayuri: Mayushii will find happiness. +Mayuri: Just like I promised Chris-chan. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Mayuri: Let's be happy together... +Rintaro: We will. +Mayuri: Never let go of me... +Rintaro: I won't! +Mayuri: Let me love you forever... +Rintaro: Of course. +Rintaro: The time has come. We will now commence the final phase of Operation Verthandi. +Rintaro: Daru. You may begin. +Itaru: ...You sure? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Itaru: Okarin, I found it! It's really there! +Rintaro: The D-Mail I sent? It's there!? +Itaru: It sure is, man. +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: It's okay. +Itaru: Everything's set. One press of the enter key, and that data's gone. +Itaru: I leave that honor to you, Okarin. +Rintaro: Victory is at hand! +Rintaro: With unimaginable brilliance and unwavering conviction, I have defeated our vast and powerful enemy and now stand triumphant on the field of Ragnarok! +Rintaro: I give thanks to the comrades... whose sacrifice made this victory possible! +Rintaro: The coming world... is the world I wished for! +Rintaro: This is the choice of Steins Gate! +Rintaro: El Psy Kongroo! +Rintaro: Let the world be reborn! +Mayuri: What's wrong, Okarin? +Rintaro: Say, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Yeah? +Rintaro: ...Who was Lab Mem 004 again? +Mayuri: 004? But Okarin, there's only three lab mems, remember? Okarin, Mayushii, and Daru-kun. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Yeah... right. Our lab doesn't have a fourth member. It never did... +Mayuri: Okarin? Something really sad happened, didn't it? +Mayuri: Mayushii is here for you, Okarin. +Mayuri: Okarin... don't cry... +Rintaro: Please don't leave me, Mayuri... Please... stay by my side... forever... +Mayuri: Mayushii will always be with you... +Mayuri: Always. Just like this... +Mayuri: Okarin♪ +Mayuri: Ah... sniff... +Rintaro: Wh-why are you crying!? +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: Okarin came to pick me up... +Mayuri: You waited for Mayushii... I'm so happy! +Rintaro: Don't get so happy over every little thing. +Mayuri: Ehehe♪ +Mayuri: So Mayushii class-changed from Hostage to Girlfriend, right? +Rintaro: ...Indeed. +Mayuri: Thank goodness... It wasn't just a dream. +Rintaro: Let's get going, already. I'm gonna die standing in this damn heat. +Mayuri: But the lab's hot too, isn't it? +Rintaro: At least we've got a fan. And besides, I'm thirsty. Gotta get my daily dose of Dr P. +Rintaro: Mayuri? +Rintaro: Mayuri! +Rintaro: Mayuri! +Mayuri: Over here! +Mayuri: Ehehe♪ You said it was hot, remember? I thought it'd be nice to eat something cold! +Rintaro: Don't scare me like that! +Rintaro: Hold my hand. +Mayuri: Okay. +Rintaro: Let's save the shaved ice for when we get to the lab. It's too hard to eat while walking. +Mayuri: Ehh? But won't it melt? +Rintaro: If it melts, it melts. +Mayuri: Oh... well, I guess you're right. We can't eat if we're holding hands, anyway. +Rintaro: I won't let go! I won't ever let you go! +Mayuri: Mayushii won't let go either♪ +Mayuri: Okarin? +Mayuri: Is it possible to dream when you're awake? +Rintaro: When you're awake? You mean a daydream? +Mayuri: Is that what it's called? You're so smart! +Mayuri: Um, I don't know who it was, but Mayushii feels like she had a very important friend. +Rintaro: What...? +Mayuri: And whenever I think about that important friend, my heart hurts, like hnng⑰, you know? +Mayuri: And sometimes, I hear a voice. +Rintaro: A... voice? +Mayuri: The voice tells me to 'find happiness.' +Rintaro: Ah... +Mayuri: I wonder if that voice is the reason Mayushii's with Okarin now... +Mayuri: If I ever meet that person, I want to tell them thanks. +Mayuri: I wonder who it was. +Rintaro: ...It must have been God. +Mayuri: Oh... well, thanks, God! +Mayuri: Mayushii's really happy. +Rintaro: I won't give up. Ever! +Kurisu: ...Kuh! +Kurisu: This is ridiculous! You... motherfucker⑰! +Rintaro: Whoa! +Kurisu: I said I was fine! What do you mean you won't give up!? Are you stupid? Wanna die? +Kurisu: Are you trying to be a hero, you chuunibyou wackjob? Don't make promises you can't keep! +Kurisu: Your stupidity is infuriating! Why can't you just do as I say!? +Rintaro: I... +Kurisu: What's the problem, huh!? If you weigh the options logically, saving Mayuri is the only-- +Rintaro: Fuck logic! +Kurisu: ...! +Rintaro: I'm not God! Maybe I got close, but that's not me! +Rintaro: I can't decide who lives and who dies anymore! +Rintaro: This time... +Kurisu: Hmph! +Kurisu: There's nothing you can do. It's the choice of Steins Gate. Isn't that what you always say? +Kurisu: The equation is proven, Okabe. There's no escape. +Kurisu: You're just one man. No matter how hard you try, you can't overcome the will of the universe. +Rintaro: I know... but I'm still going to try! +Kurisu: Kuh... +Kurisu: Have it your way! But I'm not helping. I'm going back to America, and that's that. +Kurisu: Goodbye. I don't expect we'll meet again, Hououin Kyouma. +Rintaro: Kuh... +Kurisu: I can't believe this! How stupid can you be? You're so... stupid! +Kurisu: Running away? +Rintaro: Why... +Kurisu: Time leaping is just running away. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I've hurt people... lots of people... just to save Mayuri. +Rintaro: And yet, I don't even feel guilty anymore. +Rintaro: I feel like I'm losing my humanity. +Kurisu: Then why are you hesitating now? +Rintaro: ...Maybe because my insurance, the Time Leap Machine, isn't effective. +Rintaro: Or maybe I just haven't mastered it yet. Maybe I haven't tapped into its full potential. +Kurisu: Running only makes it hurt more. +Kurisu: I should know. +Kurisu: Look at yourself, Okabe. You look like you've aged a decade. +Kurisu: Your heart can't take it anymore. You don't need to beat yourself up like this. Just accept the truth. +Kurisu: Like I said, you can't stay here. +Kurisu: Go to the Beta worldline. Go to the world where Mayuri doesn't die. +Kurisu: Not just for your sake, but for mine as well. +Kurisu: Hey! Could you not talk about me like that? I'm perfectly fine. +Kurisu: Let's say we wanted to make a machine that could physically transport people through time. What would we need? +Kurisu: Who the hell's Christina!? I never said that! +Kurisu: I don't want to deny who I've been. Because even my failures are a part of who I am today. +Kurisu: We may have created a monster here... +Kurisu: You said I was your friend, remember? You said I was important to you. That made me really... happy, I guess... +Kurisu: Once we're done upgrading the PhoneWave... I want you to come with me. +Kurisu: I want to be your strength. +Kurisu: Thank you. I know you're hurting for me. +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: ...can't save you. +Rintaro: I'm sorry... +Rintaro: Why does it have to be you? Why!? +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe. +Kurisu: Once you go to the Beta worldline, Mayuri and Hashida will forget the time we spent together, right? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Will you... remember me? +Rintaro: Of course I'll remember you. Of course I will! +Rintaro: There's no way I could ever forget the girl most important to me! +Kurisu: Eh? Y-you mean... +Kurisu: Wh-what the hell are you saying!? +Rintaro: The truth. +Kurisu: B-but... proof. I need proof. I can't come up with a formula otherwise! +Kurisu: When the anterior pituitary gland hypersecretes +Rintaro: Kurisu. +Rintaro: I love you. +Kurisu: ...! +Rintaro: And you? +Kurisu: Eh!? Wh-what!? +Rintaro: Do you, uh... How do you feel about me? +Kurisu: Y-you want to know? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Close your eyes! +Rintaro: Why close my-- +Kurisu: Just shut up and close them! +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: nn... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Wha... wha... +Kurisu: I-it's not like I did it... because I wanted to or anything. +Kurisu: It's just... you promised... that you wouldn't forget about me. +Kurisu: Research shows that memories are harder to forget when coupled with intense emotions. +Kurisu: Y-you're a virgin and a perv, so I was sure you'd have an +Kurisu: I just don't want you to forget about me, Okabe. No matter what. +Rintaro: S-sorry to disappoint you. +Kurisu: ...eh? +Rintaro: That wasn't my first kiss. +Kurisu: W-why you... You're just a cherry boy! +Rintaro: Shut up, virgin. +Kurisu: So it wasn't your first... +Rintaro: Right. So it only left a weak impression. Probably not enough to become a long-term memory. +Rintaro: So, once more. +Kurisu: Wha... +Rintaro: I don't ever want to forget... so let's make doubly sure. +Kurisu: Th-then I guess there's no choice... +Kurisu: Just a kiss... okay? +Kurisu: Be gentle... okay? +Kurisu: Okabe... +Kurisu: Mm... +Kurisu: Don't forget me... +Kurisu: mm... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: It's too fast... +Kurisu: Time is going by too fast. +Kurisu: I could really use a word with Einstein right now. +Kurisu: Time is not absolute. +Kurisu: Einstein proved that time could be fast or slow, depending on the observer. +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe. +Kurisu: The theory of relativity is so romantic... +Kurisu: ...and so sad, don't you think? +Kurisu: ...Well then. +Rintaro: Are you sure I shouldn't call Mayuri and Daru? +Kurisu: ...I think that would just make it harder. +Kurisu: But you, I have no trouble leaving behind. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ...That was a joke. +Rintaro: This is a souvenir. Take it. +Kurisu: Uh... no thanks. +Rintaro: Just take it. It's not even that bulky. +Kurisu: Oh, fine. I guess I'll take it. +Rintaro: Sorry I couldn't go with you to Aomori... +Kurisu: Yeah... +Kurisu: But these two weeks were fun, in their own way. +Kurisu: Give my regards to Mayuri and Hashida, okay? +Kurisu: Hang in there, Okabe. +Rintaro: ...Stay well. +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: I will remember you, Makise Kurisu. I will remember your warmth. +Rintaro: I will never forget! +Rintaro: The time has come. We will now commence the final phase of Operation Verthandi. +Rintaro: Daru. You may begin. +Itaru: ...You sure? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Itaru: Okarin, I found it! It's really there! +Rintaro: The D-Mail I sent? It's there!? +Itaru: It sure is, man. +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: It's okay. +Itaru: Everything's set. One press of the enter key, and that data's gone. +Itaru: I leave that honor to you, Okarin. +Rintaro: Victory is at hand! +Rintaro: With unimaginable brilliance and unwavering conviction, I have defeated our vast and powerful enemy and now stand triumphant on the field of Ragnarok! +Rintaro: I give thanks to the comrades... whose sacrifice made this victory possible! +Rintaro: The coming world... is the world I wished for! +Rintaro: This is the choice of Steins Gate! +Rintaro: Let the world be reborn! +Kurisu: --! +Kurisu: Goodbye. +Kurisu: Okabe, I lo-- +Rintaro: ...Hey, who was Lab Mem 004 again? +Mayuri: Okarin, there isn't a 4th lab mem, remember? +Itaru: Are you going to introduce a new member? Requesting cute girl. +Rintaro: ...No. +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh... MUHAHAHAHA! +Rintaro: The last battle of Ragnarok is won! +Rintaro: I, the insane mad scientist Hououin Kyouma, with an IQ rivaling that of Einstein himself, have thwarted the Organization, outsmarted SERN-- +Rintaro: And conquered the whole of space and time! Now, at the moment of my triumph, I stand before you as a god! +Rintaro: This brave new world is the fruit of my ambition! The hated System shall collapse, and chaos shall rule the Earth! +Rintaro: This truly is the choice of Steins-- +Mayuri: Okarin. +Mayuri: It's okay now. +Rintaro: Wha... what are you saying? I must proclaim our glorious victory, that all may-- +Mayuri: But Okarin... you look like you're about to cry. +Rintaro: ...! +Mayuri: You don't have to try so hard, okay? I know you're doing it for me, but I don't want to be a burden. +Mayuri: So you don't have to pretend anymore, okay? +Mayuri: If you're hurting, just say so. Like normal Okarin would. +Rintaro: But... I... +Mayuri: You don't have to worry about Mayushii anymore. +Mayuri: Mayushii is fine. +Mayuri: So you can cry if you want to, okay? +Mayuri: I don't know what happened... +Mayuri: But it's okay to cry now. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Whoa, man. Are you really crying? +Rintaro: I... I... +Rintaro: Phew. That's that. +Itaru: Man, what a waste. That thing was worth a fortune. +Mayuri: And now we don't have a microwave... +Mayuri: How will Mayushii eat her Juicy Chicken Number One? +Rintaro: Come on. I'll get you a new microwave. +Kurisu: I don't want to deny who I've been. Because even my failures are a part of who I am today. +Kurisu: Going to the past is possible right now. Look into the sky at night, and you can see how things were tens of thousands of years ago. +Rintaro: No way... +Mayuri: Wow! What's that? +Itaru: It's a robot, right? The transforming kind? +Rintaro: Ah...! +???: ... +???: ...Okabe Rintaro? +Rintaro: Suzuha! +Rintaro: Why are you here!? +Suzuha: Are you Okabe Rintaro? I need to know. +Rintaro: Y-yeah... +Rintaro: Hold on. Just hold on one second. +Suzuha: I'm a time traveler from the year 2036. I have a request for Uncle Okarin. +Mayuri: You're an uncle? +Suzuha: This worldline is headed for World War Three! +Suzuha: I need your help to prevent it! Please, help me change the future! +Rintaro: Wha... what the... +Rintaro: What the hell are you talking about!? +Mayuri: World War Three? Oh no! That's really bad! +Itaru: Uh, are you really a time traveler? You're not just messing with us here? +Suzuha: Stay out of this, Dad. +Itaru: D-Dad!? +Itaru: W-whoa... that was a shock. I mean, it's not every day a mysterious beauty calls me dad. Though to be honest, I'd prefer to be called big brother. +Rintaro: Wait! Everyone just wait! Let me think! +Rintaro: Is that thing a time machine? +Rintaro: Your father built it? +Suzuha: That's right. +Rintaro: Where did you come from? +Suzuha: The year 2036. +Suzuha: I stopped in 1975 and 2000 first. +Rintaro: You... what? +Rintaro: That time machine can travel to the future!? +Suzuha: It wouldn't be much of a time machine otherwise. +Rintaro: You're... from a different future? +Suzuha: A different future? +Rintaro: What's going on in 2036? What about SERN's dystopia? +Suzuha: SERN? What's that? +Rintaro: You said something about World War Three? +Suzuha: Right. In my time, humanity has been reduced to less than a billion people. +Itaru: Less than a billion? But the population now is like 6.7 billion. Are you saying 5.7 billion people died!? +Suzuha: That's what happens when you use nuclear weapons. +Suzuha: It was just like the Cold War. Only this time, they were fighting over time travel technology. +Suzuha: It started with a race between the EU and Russia. Then the Americans got involved, and things really went to hell. +Suzuha: They were all desperate to stop anyone else from being first to build a time machine. Whoever controls time controls the world, right? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: By 2036, the war's over, but it left the Earth in ruins. We won't survive for long, not as things are. +Rintaro: This can't be happening... +Mayuri: Are you okay? +Rintaro: Why is this happening!? +Rintaro: You lied to me! You said a peaceful future was waiting for us on the Beta worldline! +Suzuha: We're at a point of great divergence, when-- +Rintaro: I know that already! +Suzuha: Then you understand! 5.7 billion people are going to die, and the survivors will be left with no future! No hope! +Suzuha: I came here to prevent that. And to do that, I need your help, Uncle Okari-- +Rintaro: I refuse! +Suzuha: --! +Rintaro: I came here from the Alpha worldline. I had to sacrifice the girl I loved to make it this far! +Rintaro: I don't care if 5.7 billion people die! I won't let her... I won't let Kurisu's sacrifice be in vain! +Suzuha: Wait. You mean you've been to another attractor field? +Suzuha: Wow. So that's the power of Reading Steiner. +Rintaro: ...How do you know about that? +Suzuha: Dad told me. And I've met you before, Uncle Okarin. In the future, that is. +Rintaro: You've... met me? +Suzuha: I see... so the me of that attractor field went to the past too... +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin. I know you don't want to, but-- +Rintaro: No. I won't let Kurisu's death be in vain. I won't let Mayuri die. +Mayuri: Huh? Mayushii dies? +Suzuha: By Kurisu, I assume you mean Makise Kurisu? +Suzuha: Listen, Uncle. +Suzuha: Let's say -- hypothetically -- that the only way to change the future of this worldline is to go to July 28th, 2010, the day Makise Kurisu dies... +Suzuha: ...and save her. What would you do? +Rintaro: What!? +Rintaro: Ah...! +Rintaro: Your time machine... We can use your time machine! +Suzuha: The worldline I'm aiming for isn't... what did you call it? The Alpha worldline? It's not that. +Suzuha: What we're aiming for... +Suzuha: Is the space between attractor fields. +Suzuha: There lies a worldline unaffected by any attractor field. +Suzuha: A worldline known as Steins Gate. +Rintaro: Wha... +Suzuha: I was told that Steins Gate is a brand new worldline, one no one has ever observed. +Itaru: But didn't someone have to observe it to know it's there? +Suzuha: Nope. It's never been observed. That's what makes it new. +Suzuha: But Dad and Uncle Okarin were able to calculate its divergence. +Suzuha: -0.086109% relative to the current worldline. +Suzuha: That's where we'll find Steins Gate. +Rintaro: And to reach that worldline, we have to save Kurisu? +Suzuha: Exactly. +Suzuha: She's the key to averting World War Three. As long as she lives, the war won't happen. Or at the very least, 5.7 billion people won't die. +Rintaro: Why? +Suzuha: Huh? +Rintaro: Why Kurisu? I mean, I know she's a genius, but are you telling me she's the hero who'll save 5.7 billion people? +Suzuha: ...I don't know. +Rintaro: You don't know? And you expect me to go along with this!? +Suzuha: Hey, I'm just following Dad's plan. +Suzuha: And apparently, you're the one who came up with it in the first place. +Suzuha: If there's a flaw in your plan, then we're all in trouble. +Rintaro: It sounds like you didn't hear it from me. Is that right? +Suzuha: You passed away ten years ago -- 15 years from now, that is. The year 2025. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: So I don't know the whole story. What I do know is that my dad continued your work. After you died, he built this time machine all by himself just to see your plan through. +Itaru: ...? +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin. +Suzuha: Like I said, Steins Gate is unobserved. Nobody knows what future awaits us there. +Suzuha: There's a chance that a dystopia rises from the ashes of World War Three. +Suzuha: There's a chance that Makise Kurisu dies just two days after you save her. +Suzuha: There's a chance that you don't die in 2025, but next week. +Suzuha: But there's also a chance that when 2036 comes, there will be no dystopia, no world ravaged by war. +Suzuha: There's a chance that everyone, including Makise Kurisu, will still be alive. +Suzuha: There's a chance that a wonderful future awaits. +Suzuha: At least it won't be the future I came from. And it won't be the future the other me came from. That much is certain. +Suzuha: It's completely unknown, completely unpredictable. +Suzuha: But if you're willing to try. If you're willing to come with me to July 28th... +Suzuha: Then take my hand. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Um, Mayushii doesn't understand any of this... +Mayuri: But this Makise person was very important to you, wasn't she? +Mayuri: I think you should go for it! +Itaru: 5.7 billion people, man. I can't even imagine. +Itaru: But don't sweat the small stuff. Just save the girl, and you're set for life! It's the dream of every otaku! +Rintaro: I'm in. +Rintaro: Fate wants me to take your hand. Who am I to argue? +Rintaro: Let's go. +Suzuha: Thank you, Uncle Okarin. +Suzuha: Hop aboard! +Rintaro: Can this thing even fit two people? +Suzuha: Of course it can. It's my Dad's masterpiece! +Rintaro: Daru, your daughter really loves you. +Itaru: I don't get it, but stop calling me Dad. I'd rather be your big brother, if you know what I mean. +Mayuri: Be sure to come back, okay? I don't want you to disappear, okay? +Rintaro: I'm not going to another world. It's just a short hop to the past. +Suzuha: Give me your phone. +Rintaro: Hey! +Suzuha: It's better not to bring it. It'll cause interference. +Suzuha: Shut the hatch. +Suzuha: That should do it. +Rintaro: That's cutting it awfully close. +Suzuha: This time machine can't physically move. +Rintaro: Meaning? +Suzuha: No matter what time we travel to, we'll always arrive at the exact same coordinates. In other words, on the roof of Radio Kaikan. +Suzuha: I mean, it's a little more complicated than that, but there's no time to explain. +Suzuha: Anyway, we could leap to the day before the presentation. But if we attract too much attention, they could close Radio Kaikan and cancel the presentation. That's why we've gotta cut it close. +Rintaro: I see... +Suzuha: Uncle, this is your first time time traveling, right? +Rintaro: Okay, first, stop calling me Uncle. +Rintaro: And yes. I've made more time leaps than I want to remember, but I've never time traveled before. +Rintaro: According to John Titor, the G-forces are pretty strong. You feel like you're being stretched out. +Suzuha: Yeah, I wrote that. +Rintaro: The John Titor stuff? +Suzuha: Right. Back when I leapt to 2000. +Rintaro: I see... +Suzuha: You don't sound surprised. +Suzuha: I'll go over the mission one more time. Once we arrive, there'll be no time for chitchat. +Suzuha: The objective is to prevent Makise Kurisu's death. +Rintaro: What about attractor field convergence? +Suzuha: That day's a turning point, remember? +Suzuha: Meaning the probability of Makise Kurisu's death is roughly 50%. +Rintaro: So convergence won't happen? +Suzuha: It may happen, it may not. No, it probably will. But I'm sure there's a loophole somewhere. That loophole is the doorway to Steins Gate. +Suzuha: Oh, one more thing. Watch out for Doctor Nakabachi. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Suzuha: Remember what I said about World War Three? +Suzuha: It all started because of something called the Nakabachi Paper, a paper Doctor Nakabachi wrote detailing his theory of time travel. +Rintaro: But that fraud's theory was just a ripoff of John Titor's. +Rintaro: So what Titor posted on the internet was true? +Suzuha: I mixed in some lies, so not many people listened to me at the time. +Suzuha: I never thought someone would reevaluate it ten years later. Looks like he built his theory off what I wrote. Apparently, it's almost perfect. +Suzuha: Anyway, Doctor Nakabachi was there when Makise Kurisu was killed, right? So watch out for him. I'm sure he's important to the divergence of this worldline. +Suzuha: Ready to go? Fasten your seatbelt. +Rintaro: Does it shake a lot? +Suzuha: Shake? No, it doesn't shake. +Suzuha: It's only three weeks, so it shouldn't take more than two or three minutes. +Suzuha: When I first leapt to 1975, it was six long hours with nothing to do. +Suzuha: Since it's only a few minutes, we won't bother with the oxygen masks. Just be aware we'll have no oxygen for the duration. +Rintaro: You mean I have to hold my breath!? +Suzuha: Right here... +Suzuha: There'll be an air pocket. Stick your head inside, and you'll have enough oxygen for about ten minutes. +Rintaro: Hey. For argument's sake... what happens if we fail to save Kurisu? +Suzuha: There's not much fuel left. We barely had enough to begin with. There's not even enough for a return trip to 2036. +Suzuha: So if we fail to change the worldline, then I'll be stuck in this time. +Suzuha: But don't worry. As long as we're just traveling three weeks each way, we still have enough for two round trips. +Rintaro: But then how do you plan to get back to 2036? +Suzuha: I don't. Once we reach Steins Gate, I won't have any reason to come to this time in the first place, will I? +Suzuha: Causality will be reconstructed. I should disappear from this time, since I'll probably be living peacefully in 2036. +Suzuha: But that all depends on you, Uncle Okarin. +Rintaro: Guh...uh...! +Suzuha: We're here. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: I bought it in 1975, but it's not even three years old yet. +Suzuha: Let's do this. You keep an eye on Makise Kurisu and stop whoever tries to kill her. +Rintaro: And you? +Suzuha: I'll back you up. +Suzuha: Also, remember how I took away your phone? The you of July 28th is here too. Meaning there are currently two Okabe Rintaros in this world. +Suzuha: Whatever you do, don't let your past self see you. It could cause a major time paradox. +Rintaro: But Titor said that couldn't happen. +Suzuha: That was a lie. Misinformation. +Rintaro: Got it. +Suzuha: Then let's go. We'll rendezvous at the time machine when it's over! +Suzuha: You hide! I'll provide a distraction. +???: Excuse me. +Rintaro: !? +Rintaro: Kurisu...! +Kurisu: Um, do I know you? +Rintaro: No... +Kurisu: You came down from the roof just now, didn't you? +Kurisu: I heard a strange sound from the roof. Is that why the building shook just now? +Kurisu: What's going on? It's not Doctor Nakabachi's doing, is it? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Are you listening? You're sweating like crazy. +Kurisu: Hey! +Kurisu: Please answer my question! +Kurisu: ...Answer me. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Can I-- +Kurisu: Can you... what? +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: W-wait! Stop! +Rintaro: Who the hell am I!? Someone who knows you for a fraud, that's who! +Nakabachi: S-someone throw that man out! +Rintaro: ...Haah. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: ...I wanted to talk. +Nakabachi: ... +Rintaro: ...!? +Suzuha: Oh, one more thing. Watch out for Doctor Nakabachi. +Nakabachi: ... +Kurisu: Are you listening, Papa? +Nakabachi: What is that? +Kurisu: I heard you were giving a presentation on time travel. +Kurisu: So I thought about it too. Could it be possible to make a time machine? +Kurisu: I'd like your opinion, Papa. +Kurisu: We can polish it together, then submit it to the scientific community. +Kurisu: I don't know if they'll listen, but just in case, I do have acquaintances at Science Magazine. +Nakabachi: ... +Suzuha: It started with a race between the EU and Russia. Then America got involved, and things really went to hell. +Nakabachi: Did I ask you to write this? +Kurisu: Well... no, but... +Kurisu: You invited me to come, remember? It was the first time we'd talked in seven years. That's what got me thinking. +Kurisu: And as I worked on the thesis, I started to realize it might actually be possible to build a time machine. +Kurisu: If the thesis is published, you could have your revenge on the scientific community for shunning you-- +Nakabachi: I wasn't shunned! +Nakabachi: Those incompetent bastards were just jealous of my superiority. I was the one who gave up on them! +Kurisu: Please don't yell... +Kurisu: You read really fast, Papa. Just like I remember. +Nakabachi: ...Not bad. +Kurisu: You think so? +Kurisu: We can submit it jointly, if you like. I don't mind. +Nakabachi: No, don't do anything. I'll take care of it. +Kurisu: ...What do you mean? +Nakabachi: What do I mean? I mean don't think you're special just because you got your plebeian thesis published in some magazine! +Kurisu: ... +Nakabachi: What? Is that how you look at your father!? +Kurisu: I'm sorry... +Kurisu: Um... we haven't seen each other in a while. There's a lot I want to talk about. You're living in Aomori now, right? +Kurisu: I think... my father hates me. +Nakabachi: Leave. +Kurisu: Eh... +Nakabachi: Go back to America. Never show your face to me again! +Kurisu: But-- +Nakabachi: You want my opinion⑰!? We'll submit it jointly⑰!? You don't mean any of that! I know how you think! +Nakabachi: Is this pity!? How dare you!? You're supposed to be my daughter! +Kurisu: I... I don't understand. Please calm-- +Nakabachi: I am calm! Don't tell me what to do! +Nakabachi: I'll tell you why I called you here today. I wanted to show you my research, research beyond even what you can imagine! +Nakabachi: I wanted to prove, once and for all, that you are nothing compared to me! +Nakabachi: But that brat in the lab coat ruined everything! I know you were laughing at me too, don't you deny it! How dare you treat your own father this way!? +Kurisu: I wasn't-- +Nakabachi: You want my opinion⑰ on this thesis? Fine, I'll give it to you. +Nakabachi: I'm going to publish it myself. End of discussion. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: You're... stealing it, Papa? +Nakabachi: ...What did you say? +Kurisu: You're stealing my work? I didn't think even you would do something like-- +Kurisu: Ah! +Nakabachi: Who do you think you're talking to!? +Kurisu: Ah, guh... +Nakabachi: You can't possibly understand how I feel! Why did you have to be so talented!? I detest you! I hate your very existence! +Nakabachi: Nobody is allowed to be better than me! Understand!? Nobody! Especially not my own daughter! +Nakabachi: That's why I sent you away! I couldn't bear the shame of being your father! +Nakabachi: It's all your fault! It's all your fault! +Rintaro: Stop! +Nakabachi: ...!? +Kurisu: Guh, gah hoh gah hoh gah hoh... +Nakabachi: Who the hell are you!? +Rintaro: I won't let you kill Kurisu! +Nakabachi: You! +Nakabachi: You're the brat who ruined my presentation! +Nakabachi: How dare you show your face before me!? Why does everyone get in my way!? +Nakabachi: I know! You and Kurisu planned this, didn't you? Didn't you!? +Nakabachi: You brats won't get away with this! +Nakabachi: You'll pay for mocking me! +Rintaro: ...Kuh! +Nakabachi: Apologize! +Rintaro: Gh-- +Kurisu: Stop it, Papa! +Nakabachi: Don't tell me what to do! +Rintaro: Run, Kurisu! +Kurisu: This is crazy, Papa! Please stop! +Nakabachi: What do you know? What do you know!? +Nakabachi: If only you'd never been born! +Kurisu: Guh...! +Rintaro: NAKABACHI! +Kurisu: NO! +Kurisu: Ah... guh...! +Rintaro: wh...y... +Rintaro: Why... +Nakabachi: Ha... hahahaha! A fitting end for you fools, hahahaha! +Kurisu: I'm... sorry... +Kurisu: Haah... haah... +Rintaro: Why... +Kurisu: Because... he's still... my father. +Kurisu: I just... wanted him... to accept me... +Kurisu: I studied... so hard... hoping he would... praise me... +Kurisu: But now... I finally... understand... +Kurisu: Papa... didn't want... to accept me... +Kurisu: I'm such... an idiot... +Kurisu: Why... did I save him... I wonder... +Kurisu: I'm... sorry... for getting you... involved... +Kurisu: Ugh... it hurts... +Kurisu: Am I... going to die? +Kurisu: I don't want to die... +Kurisu: I don't want it... to end... like this... +Kurisu: Help... me... +Kurisu: He...lp... +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Ah... ah... +Rintaro: AHHHHHHHHHHH! +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin! +Suzuha: Come on! Get up! +Rintaro: Open your eyes, Kurisu... Wake up... +Suzuha: Pull yourself together! +Suzuha: We need to get out of here before they find us! +Rintaro: I'm sorry... I didn't mean to kill you... I tried to save you... I did... +Rintaro: Why is this happening... +Suzuha: Hup! +Suzuha: Phew... let's get outta here... +Suzuha: Don't give up yet, Uncle. +Suzuha: Everything's gonna be fine. I promise! +Suzuha: Now hold on tight! +Itaru: Woah, you're already back! It hasn't even been a minute. +Mayuri: ...Okarin? +Mayuri: Okarin! +Itaru: Whoa, you're covered in blood! What happened!? +Suzuha: Get him a towel, Dad! And water! And some clothes, too! Hurry! +Itaru: Eh? Eh? An explanation, por favor! +Suzuha: Just go already! +Itaru: O-okay! +Mayuri: Are you okay? Hang in there... don't die... +Suzuha: He's okay. It's not his blood. +Rintaro: There's no way to save her... there never was... +Rintaro: Hahaha... Everything has already been decided... +Rintaro: It's the same as it was with Mayuri. The same... +Rintaro: No matter how hard I struggle... the result will always be the same... +Rintaro: There's nothing I can do... nothing... nothing... +Rintaro: I can't save Kurisu after all... ha, haha, hahaha... +Rintaro: I knew this would happen... I knew it would turn out like this... +Rintaro: I can't take this any more... I'm so tired... enough already... I give up... +Rintaro: Haha, ha... +Mayuri: Okarin! +Rintaro: Wha... +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: Okarin... you're not a quitter. +Mayuri: Mayushii knows. You never, ever give up. Not until the very end. +Mayuri: Remember? Every day, Mayushii prayed for help in front of Granny's grave. +Mayuri: And every day, you came to see me. +Mayuri: Even on rainy days and snowy days, you always stood next to Mayushii and called my name. +Mayuri: Because you were always there for Mayushii... I was finally able to say goodbye to Granny. +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't really understand what's going on, but don't give up now. Okay? +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn't want to see you sad. +Rintaro: But... I killed her. +Rintaro: I... killed her! +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: There's nothing I can do... +Suzuha: You're wrong. +Mayuri: You've got mail, Okarin... +Rintaro: 2025... +Rintaro: A D-Mail!? +Suzuha: It actually came through! Just like he said it would! +Mayuri: What does it mean? +Suzuha: There must be something on. Something you need to see! +Itaru: Hey, guys! I brought the stuff! +Female Reporter: Russian authorities announced today that a fire broke out on Russian Airlines Flight 801, en route from Narita to Moscow. +Female Reporter: The flight departed Narita Airport at 11:05 Japan time, but a fire broke out in the cargo hold shortly before arrival. +Female Reporter: The flight made an emergency landing at Domodedovo International Airport, where the passengers were evacuated. No one was injured. +Female Reporter: One of the passengers on Flight 801 was a Japanese physicist who had declared his intention to seek asylum in Russia. +Rintaro: Doctor Nakabachi! +Female Reporter: Doctor Nakabachi, real name Makise Shouichi, made these comments to the press earlier today. +Nakabachi: I am delighted to have arrived safely in this wonderful country. My deepest gratitude to the Russian government for accepting me. +Nakabachi: When the cabin filled with smoke, I remained perfectly calm. Some passengers panicked, but they settled down after I gave them a talking to. +Nakabachi: My compliments to the pilot for his safe landing. He's a hero, for he saved not only my life, but my historic thesis as well. +Nakabachi: Indeed. If this thesis had been lost, it would have set scientific progress back a century. +Nakabachi: This thesis will change the course of human history! +Nakabachi: This thesis describes the first practical theory of time travel! Do you understand!? Time travel! I, Doctor Nakabachi, have succeeded where countless others have failed! +Nakabachi: This envelope contains the future of mankind! Soon, all of our dreams shall be realized! When I present this thesis to the scientific community, the world will change forever, and I will be known as the father of the time machine! +Kurisu: You're stealing my work? I didn't think even you would do something like-- +Nakabachi: Originally, this envelope was in my checked baggage. If it had stayed there, then it would have burned up in the cargo hold, and humanity's dreams along with it. +Nakabachi: However! Fate intervened on my behalf, as if God himself had decreed that my greatness should be known across the world! +Nakabachi: Behold the vessel of God's grace! Because this⑰ was inside the envelope, it set off the metal detector. +Nakabachi: As a result, I had to take the envelope with me on the plane! +Nakabachi: The pilot is a hero, yes. But the true hero, the savior of humanity's future, is this tiny figurine! +Mayuri: AHHH! +Mayuri: That's my Metal Upa! Look! See there? It has Mayushii's name on it! +Itaru: Whoa, you're right! What's he doing with it? +Mayuri: I dropped it during the presentation! I looked everywhere, but couldn't find it. So that's where it went! +Mayuri: I can't get it back if it's all the way in Russia... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: The Butterfly Effect! +Rintaro: Suzuha... did you know about this? +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Who sent that D-Mail from 2025? +Suzuha: Sorry. +Suzuha: Sorry for not telling you everything. +Suzuha: But we needed you to fail once. You had to experience Makise Kurisu's death firsthand. +Rintaro: You... tricked me? +Suzuha: Not exactly. It was part of the plan. At least, that's what I was told. +Suzuha: I'm sorry for making you go through that, Uncle. +Rintaro: Tell me what's going on. +Suzuha: See for yourself. +Suzuha: Then you'll understand. +Rintaro: What are you talking about? +Suzuha: The message should already be in your phone. +Suzuha: The message you sent from 2025. +Rintaro: ...What? +Suzuha: A video mail. +Suzuha: You received one, didn't you? +Rintaro: Ah...! +Rintaro: But there was nothing on it. Just noise. +Suzuha: Try again. +Suzuha: If you try now, after failing once to save Makise Kurisu's life... +Suzuha: You should be able to see it. +Rintaro: ...!? +Itaru: Is that you in fifteen years? +Mayuri: It has to be! Something about him just says 'Okarin.' +Okabe: Did you get my email? Then go watch the news. If you already have, then keep listening. +Okabe: Greetings. It's been fifteen years, I suppose you could say. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Wow, your voice is so deep and cool! +Okabe: The year is 2025. I'm sending this video by a process similar to D-Mail. +Okabe: You dismantled the PhoneWave. So did I. But not one year later, I -- which is to say you -- turned back to time travel as my last hope. +Okabe: I've spent fourteen years researching time travel. +Okabe: Along the way, I managed to design a D-Mail transmitter that wasn't bound by the 36-byte limit. +Okabe: The fact that you're watching this means that you failed to save Kurisu. +Okabe: It hurts, doesn't it? I know how you feel. After all, I went through it myself fifteen years ago. +Okabe: That's right. I failed too. +Okabe: I've lived with that failure for fifteen years. +Okabe: Do you understand why you had to fail? +Okabe: It was necessary. Necessary to give me the proper motivation⑰. +Okabe: You failed to save Kurisu. You killed her with your own two hands. +Okabe: Your guilt, your self-loathing, have driven me for fifteen years. They gave me the focus⑰ I needed to complete my plan. +Okabe: Without your failure, you would not be watching this message now. +Okabe: As you know, this worldline is subject to attractor field convergence. +Okabe: Time travel alone cannot save Kurisu. +Okabe: That is why you had to fail. To create the chain of causality that linked you to me. +Okabe: Because you failed, I spent the last fifteen years researching time travel. +Okabe: As the revelations Nakabachi unleashed sped the world towards nuclear war, I continued my research in secret. +Okabe: Suzuha's time machine is the result. Although the finishing touches were Daru's and mine, its design was based on the theory that SERN first developed... +Okabe: ...and that Kurisu improved on the worldline you undid. +Okabe: Its model number is C204. C for Christina. I believe you understand what that signifies. +Okabe: Now that the causal link has been established, allow me to explain the final stage of the plan. +Okabe: The purpose of this plan is to change divergence and reach the unknown worldline called Steins Gate. +Okabe: By the way, I'm the one who named it Steins Gate. You, of all people, know why I chose that name. +Okabe: Because it sounds cool. Isn't that right? +Okabe: There are two conditions you must meet to reach Steins Gate. +Okabe: First, you must save Makise Kurisu. +Okabe: Second, you must destroy the Nakabachi Paper. +Okabe: I know what you're thinking. Convergence won't let you change the past. No matter what you do, Kurisu will die. +Okabe: But rest assured, there is a way. +Okabe: You can save Kurisu. +Okabe: Listen carefully. +Okabe: On July 28th, the first you went to Nakabachi's presentation blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. +Okabe: You must not change what the first you saw. +Okabe: Those events have been established. They are the result upon which this worldline converges. +Okabe: However. +Okabe: There is room for deception. +Okabe: You don't understand, I know. Calm down. I'll explain. +Okabe: You're going to deceive yourself⑰. +Okabe: The first you saw Kurisu lying in a pool of blood. +Okabe: If you were to change that fact, it would render everything that you have done since -- as well as everything that I have done -- a paradox. +Okabe: After finding Kurisu's body, you sent a D-Mail, which was intercepted by Echelon, which tipped off SERN. +Okabe: Recall your experiences on the Alpha worldline. +Okabe: You saw more than just Mayuri's death. +Okabe: You saw Kurisu alive and well. You made her a lab member despite her protests, and together, you built the Time Leap Machine. +Okabe: It was only three weeks, but she was there⑰, beside you. +Okabe: Those memories are yours. Those memories are mine. They are the proof that we did not live only on this worldline, where Kurisu died on July 28th. +Okabe: You traveled to the Alpha worldline. +Okabe: You met Kurisu and fell in love. +Okabe: You sacrificed the dreams of those closest to you. +Okabe: But still, you fought to give Mayuri a future. +Okabe: For three weeks, you fought. And now, those memories are part of you. +Okabe: If you had not seen Kurisu's body in the hallway of Radio Kaikan... +Okabe: You would not have sent that first D-Mail. SERN would not have found you. +Okabe: When you encountered Kurisu later, you would not have been shocked to see her alive. +Okabe: You would not have spoken the words that led her to your doorstep. +Okabe: Without those memories... +Okabe: You would not now be willing to travel through time to save her. +Okabe: I would not have spent my life searching for a path to Steins Gate. +Okabe: I would not have recorded this message. +Okabe: Daru and I would not have completed the time machine. +Okabe: Suzuha would not be standing beside you now. +Okabe: You must not reject the three weeks you spent drifting between worldlines. +Okabe: You must not undo the past! +Okabe: Those three weeks made you who you are, a man who would do anything⑰ to save the woman he loves. +Okabe: Your desperation made me who I am, a man who has given everything⑰ to make that dream come true. +Okabe: This moment would not be possible if not for the memories that you and I share! +Okabe: The man you were trying to create, a man with none of those memories to drive him, could never stand where you stand now. +Okabe: It all⑰ meant something. +Okabe: My preparations are complete. The rest is up to you. +Okabe: The final phase of Operation +Okabe: Your mission: change the outcome without changing established events. +Okabe: You saw Makise Kurisu lying in a pool of blood. That has been established. +Okabe: But at the same time, only⑰ that has been established. +Okabe: Deceive yourself. +Okabe: Deceive the world. +Okabe: That is the choice which will lead you to Steins Gate. +Okabe: Good luck, mad scientist. +Okabe: El. +Okabe: Psy. +Okabe: Kongroo. +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh heh... +Rintaro: Heh heh heh, hehehehe... +Rintaro: I'm thirty-three years old and I still⑰ have no shame? +Rintaro: Deceive myself? Deceive the world? +Rintaro: That's such chuuni bullshit! +Rintaro: Very well! If this is the choice of Steins Gate, then so be it! +Rintaro: I am the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma! Deceiving the world is child's play! +Rintaro: It looks like I have to change the world after all! +Rintaro: MUHAHAHAHA! +Itaru: Whoa! I thought Okarin was finally turning serious, but now he's back to his usual antics. +Mayuri: But you know, Mayushii likes Okarin better this way♪ +Itaru: Yeah, I know what you mean. Okarin just isn't Okarin unless he's laughing like an idiot. +Mayuri: Hououin Kyouma saved Mayushii, you know. +Mayuri: So this time, he'll definitely save Makise Kurisu! +Itaru: But 'deceive the world'? What's that supposed to mean? +Mayuri: Ummm... Mayushii doesn't have a clue... +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... Isn't it obvious? +Rintaro: The only established fact about the past is that I saw Kurisu lying in a pool of blood. That's the extent of my observation. +Rintaro: Kurisu was lying in a pool of blood. As for whether she was alive or dead... +Rintaro: That's still open to interpretation. +Mayuri: Huh? +Rintaro: For example, just think of it like this. +Rintaro: Kurisu was merely unconscious, and the blood was just a coat of red paint. +Mayuri: Oh! Is that what happened? +Itaru: Wait a second. The news reports all said that she was-- +Suzuha: What's true now doesn't matter. Only what Uncle Okarin saw on July 28th matters. +Itaru: R-really? +Rintaro: What I'm going to do is recreate what I saw, and only what I saw. But this time, I'll do it so Kurisu doesn't have to die. +Suzuha: Don't forget you also need to destroy the Nakabachi Paper. Can you handle it? +Rintaro: Who do you think you're talking to, Part-Time Warrior? +Suzuha: ...Part-time warrior? +Rintaro: Have you forgotten? I am the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma! +Rintaro: My plan is flawless. Operation Skuld will succeed! +Rintaro: But I need to prepare. Give me 30 minutes. +Mayuri: Okarin! I got the stuff! +Rintaro: Then it's time. +Mayuri: Here you go. Will this work? +Rintaro: Good work, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Mayushii's happy to be useful to Okarin♪ +Mayuri: Oh! I also brought you this. +Suzuha: What's that? +Mayuri: A banana! +Suzuha: No, I mean that stick. +Rintaro: It's not a stick. It's a sword. +Rintaro: One of our lab's many inventions -- Future Gadget No. 6: The Cyalume Saber! +Suzuha: Cyalume Saber? +Itaru: It's a red cyalume glow stick. An essential item for idol and voice actress concerts. +Rintaro: But it's not just a glow stick. It's saber shaped, just as its name implies, so you can reenact scenes from Spark Wars. +Suzuha: Um... wow? +Rintaro: Furthermore, it can also form fake blood clots. Detach the cap at the tip, and thick 'blood' starts flowing out. +Suzuha: I, uh, really don't get what you were trying to accomplish when you made this... +Itaru: We wanted to make our sword fights more realistic. +Rintaro: What he means to say is that everything is inevitable. +Suzuha: I think I see the plan. You're gonna use that cyalume stuff as a stand-in for Makise Kurisu's blood, aren't you? +Rintaro: Precisely. +Suzuha: Let's go, Uncle Okarin. One more time. +Suzuha: One more trip to July 28th. +Suzuha: There and back. That's all the fuel we have left. +Suzuha: This is our last chance. +Suzuha: ...You ready? +Rintaro: Leave it to me. +Rintaro: I... will change the world. +Mayuri: Okarin. +Mayuri: Come back, okay? +Rintaro: Of course. +Suzuha: The fate of the future hangs on this mission. +Suzuha: We're counting on you, Uncle. +Rintaro: ... +Okabe: You must not reject the three weeks you spent drifting between worldlines. +Okabe: You must not undo the past! +Mayuri: Look! RaiNet! +Kurisu: ...Ah! +Kurisu: H-hey, you just came down from the-- +Rintaro: I... +Kurisu: Eh? +Rintaro: ...I'm going to save you. +Kurisu: What? +Kurisu: W-wait! +Mayuri: Ah, it's an Upa! +Rintaro: Is it rare? +Mayuri: It's not rare, but isn't it just so cute? Mayushii loves Upa! +Presenter: Thank you all for coming to Doctor Nakabachi's Time Machine Press Conference. +Rintaro: What are you afraid of, Hououin Kyouma? +Rintaro: Everything's going according to plan. +Rintaro: Operation Skuld is flawless. You spent fifteen years perfecting it, remember? +Rintaro: Believe in yourself. Believe in Hououin Kyouma. +Kurisu: ...I wanted to talk. +Nakabachi: ... +Kurisu: Are you listening, Papa? +Nakabachi: What is that? +Kurisu: I heard you were giving a presentation on time travel. +Kurisu: So I thought about it too. Could it be possible to make a time machine? +Rintaro: ...!? +Nakabachi: I wasn't shunned! +Nakabachi: Those incompetent bastards were just jealous of my superiority. I was the one who gave up on them! +Kurisu: Please don't yell... +Kurisu: Um... we haven't seen each other in a while. There's a lot I want to talk about. You're living in Aomori now, right? +Nakabachi: Leave. +Kurisu: Eh... +Nakabachi: Go back to America. Never show your face to me again. +Kurisu: But-- +Nakabachi: You want my opinion⑰!? We'll submit it jointly⑰!? You don't mean any of that! I know how you think! +Nakabachi: Is this pity!? How dare you!? You're supposed to be my daughter! +Kurisu: I... I don't understand. Please calm-- +Nakabachi: I am calm! Don't tell me what to do! +Nakabachi: I'll tell you why I called you here today. I wanted to show you my research, research beyond even what you can imagine! +Nakabachi: I wanted to prove, once and for all, that you are nothing compared to me! +Nakabachi: But that brat in the lab coat ruined everything! I know you were laughing at me too, don't you deny it! How dare you treat your own father this way!? +Kurisu: I wasn't-- +Nakabachi: You want my opinion? Fine, I'll give it to you. +Nakabachi: I'm going to publish it myself. End of discussion. +Kurisu: You're... stealing it? +Nakabachi: ...What did you say? +Kurisu: You're stealing my work? I didn't think even you would do something like-- +Kurisu: Ah! +Nakabachi: Who do you think you're talking to!? +Kurisu: Ah, uuh... +Nakabachi: You can't possibly understand how I feel! Why did you have to be so talented!? I detest you! I hate your very existence! +Nakabachi: Nobody is allowed to be better than me! Understand!? Nobody! Especially not my own daughter! +Nakabachi: That's why I abandoned you! I couldn't bear the shame of being your father! +Nakabachi: It's all your fault... it's all your fault! +Rintaro: Stop! +Nakabachi: You! +Nakabachi: You're the brat who ruined my presentation! +Kurisu: Guh, gah hoh gah hoh gah hoh... +Nakabachi: How dare you show your face before me!? Why does everyone get in my way!? +Nakabachi: I know! You and Kurisu planned this, didn't you? Didn't you!? +Nakabachi: You brats won't get away with this! +Rintaro: Try it, if you dare. +Nakabachi: You... who are you!? +Rintaro: My name... +Rintaro: Is Hououin Kyouma! +Nakabachi: What!? +Rintaro: 'Houou' for 'phoenix', then 'in', and finally the 'terrible truth' that must never be revealed! Hououin Kyouma! +Rintaro: I am the Bringer of Chaos. The Destroyer of Order. +Rintaro: And I am the one who will end your ambition! +Kurisu: Run away! +Rintaro: Never! +Rintaro: What's wrong, Doctor Nakabachi? Aren't you going to kill me? Or have you lost your nerve? +Rintaro: Of course, a mere mortal can never slay a god such as I! Muhahaha! +Nakabachi: You little...! +Kurisu: No! Papa, stop! +Rintaro: You can't kill me! You're nothing! +Nakabachi: DIE! +Rintaro: Gah... ha...! +Nakabachi: Haha... hehehe... hehehehehe... +Rintaro: Ah, gaah, aaahh! +Rintaro: Haah, haah, gaha... +Nakabachi: N-now who's laughing... hehehehe... That's what you get for mocking me! +Nakabachi: Hee...! +Rintaro: Now you've done it... +Rintaro: Gach... +Rintaro: You'll regret this, old man! +Rintaro: I'm going... to kill you... +Nakabachi: Heeee...! +Rintaro: You and the girl... I'll kill you both! +Kurisu: Don't move! +Kurisu: Lie down! I'll call an ambulance! +Rintaro: I'm going to save you. +Kurisu: What-- +Kurisu: ---- +Rintaro: I'll be sure... to have my way with your daughter... before I kill her... +Rintaro: But first... is you, Nakabachi! +Rintaro: Muhahahaha... +Nakabachi: Heeeeee! +Nakabachi: Hyeehhhhhh! +Rintaro: Haah... haah... haah... +Rintaro: Ugg... +Rintaro: Still... not enough... +Rintaro: Gah! +Rintaro: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! +Rintaro: Gach, haah, haah, gghh, khah... +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin! +Suzuha: Th-that wound! What happened!? What were you thinking!? +Suzuha: If you die... if we fail...! +Rintaro: Heh... heh heh... +Suzuha: Uncle...? +Rintaro: You forget who you're dealing with, Suzuha. +Rintaro: Look at the floor... notice anything? +Suzuha: The floor? +Rintaro: Heh heh... that should be enough blood... don't you think? +Suzuha: A pool of blood! +Suzuha: But Uncle, you'll die! +Rintaro: Heh, there's no way I'm going to die... +Rintaro: Who do you think I am? +Rintaro: I am the insane mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma... +Suzuha: Uncle... +Rintaro: Suzuha... get Kurisu... +Suzuha: Ah, okay! +Rintaro: Did it hurt? I'm sorry... but I had to do it... to save you. +Rintaro: Even though those three weeks... will never come back... +Rintaro: I want you to live. +Rintaro: ...Goodbye. +Rintaro: Mission... complete. Return to base... +Suzuha: This is crazy, Uncle. You're insane! +Rintaro: Insane? Nonsense. This is all... according to plan... heh heh... heh... +Suzuha: Don't talk. I'll take you back to August 21st. +Suzuha: Try to endure the Gs, okay? Damn! I should've brought a first aid kit. +Suzuha: Hey, Uncle. I'm sure Steins Gate is waiting for us on the other side. A world where nothing is known, where anything is possible. +Suzuha: A world where you live, where Makise Kurisu lives, where Shiina Mayuri lives. +Suzuha: A world where I have no reason to travel to 2010. +Suzuha: The future may still lead to World War Three... +Suzuha: It may lead to a dystopia ruled by SERN... +Suzuha: But now, there is hope for the future again. +Suzuha: Once we arrive, I'll probably disappear. I won't be able to thank you for bringing me to Steins Gate. +Suzuha: So I'll say it now. +Suzuha: Thank you, Uncle. Don't die. Live. +Suzuha: And in seven years... let's meet again, okay? +Luka: Okabe-san! +Luka: You were discharged today? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Luka: But... I'm sorry! I didn't know anything about it. +Rintaro: Of course you didn't. I didn't tell you. +Luka: But I'm glad you're okay. I'm... I'm so happy... +Rintaro: I hear you were a natural at your cosplay debut. I hear you even have a fan club. +Luka: Augh... +Luka: To be honest, it's so confusing... +Rintaro: You know, I still haven't had the pleasure to see you cosplay in the flesh. +Luka: I... I just can't. If Okabe-san were to see me... I'd get so embarrassed, I'd die. +Rintaro: But you had fun, didn't you? That's what Mayuri said. +Luka: ...Yes. +Rintaro: You've grown up, Lukako. +Luka: Okabe-sa... I mean, Kyouma-san, it's all thanks to the Seishin Zanma style you taught me. +Luka: I've cleared my mind of all mundane thoughts. +Rintaro: But you must not grow complacent. Your next objective is to ascend to the true form of the Seishin Zanma style. Once you've mastered it, the flames of evil sealed within you will have nothing left to burn. +Rintaro: That moment will mark the beginning of the legend of Urushibara Luka, Guardian Miko of the Personapolis of Akihabara! +Luka: Umm, what exactly will this legend be about? +Rintaro: I shall tell you at the proper time. +Rintaro: Lab Mem Number 006, Urushibara Luka. I grant this unto you. +Luka: Um... when did I become a lab mem? +Rintaro: It's a memory from beyond the veil of time. Your past life, I suppose you could say. +Luka: M-my past life? +Rintaro: You've been a lab mem from the moment you were born. Be proud. +Luka: ... +Rintaro: You don't like it? +Luka: No, it's just... I'm really happy... sniff. +Luka: I always wanted... to be a part of your lab... I wanted to be one of you... +Luka: But... I never had the courage to ask... +Luka: Thank you so much. +Rintaro: This is a precious artifact. Only eight of them exist in the entire world. It's a magic item that protects you from all calamity. +Luka: R-really? +Rintaro: So don't lose it. +Luka: I won't! +Faris: Welcome back, myaster♪ +Faris: Kyouma! +Faris: They let you outta the hospital, nya? +Rintaro: Y-yeah. I managed to claw my way out of hell. +Faris: Purrcisely what I expected from the Hououin bloodline... The name of the undying phoenix isn't just for show, nya. +Faris: Mayushii has the day off, nya. +Rintaro: I know. +Faris: Oh, right. We decided to open a second MayQueen location, nya. And it's right on Chuo-dori, nyan. Isn't that awesome, nya? +Rintaro: Don't you think you're abusing your authority as redevelopment committee chair? Just a little? +Faris: This is my sacred duty, nya. +Faris: Now is the time to summon all the powers of moe to this holy land in preparation for their⑰ offensive, nya. +Rintaro: What? They're going to attack? Did the Awakening occur while I was in the hospital? +Faris: That's right, nya. They took your absence as their opportunity, nya. +Faris: Will we be able to complete the moefication of Akiba before they hatch? That's the only way to defeat them! It's a race against time, nya. +Faris: Faris also fought in the RaiNet AB tournament to gather Karma, but it was really tough by myself, nya. +Faris: I need your mad scientist powers to stop them, nya. If they make it into town, they'll make the place their litter box! +Rintaro: I guess I have no choice. If it's come to this, then I too must fulfill the Covenant. +Rintaro: Oh yeah, and take this with you. +Faris: Nya? +Faris: This is...! Where did you get this, Kyouma!? +Rintaro: During my stay at the hospital. +Faris: So you've overcome the Test of the Heart, nya. You truly are a great man, nya. +Rintaro: This belongs to you, Lab Mem Number 007. +Rintaro: Whenever you need my help, just hold that pin and speak the incantation 'La Yohda Stasella'. +Faris: Thanks, nya! The Future Gadget Laboratory is the hope of Akiba, nya. +Faris: Can I come over for a visit, nya? +Rintaro: Of course you can. Daru will be glad to see you. +Moeka: ... +Nae: ... +Tennouji: Yo, Okabe. Outta the hospital already? +Rintaro: Uh, yeah... +Tennouji: Oh yeah, lemme introduce ya. +Tennouji: Starting today, this girl's gonna work part-time at my place. +Moeka: ... +Tennouji: Doesn't talk much, but don't let it bother you. +Rintaro: Don't worry. Shining Finger and I know each other already. +Tennouji: Shining Finger? Who's that? +Rintaro: Shining Finger! That's the name of her esper power. +Moeka: He helped me look... for an IBN 5100... +Tennouji: Oh, that retro PC you were talking about? Did you find one? +Tennouji: Well, it is just an urban legend. +Rintaro: Why did you decide to work here? +Nae: I brought her. +Nae: I introduced her to Daddy. +Rintaro: I see... so you're a matchmaker, huh. +Tennouji: Hey, numbskull! There's only two things I love in this world: Braun Tubes, and my little girl. +Nae: D-Daddy... +Tennouji: Besides, it was more like the other way around. After Nae fell and got hurt, this girl gave her first aid and brought her all the way back here. +Rintaro: I didn't know Moeka had such a gentle side... +Tennouji: Since she was unemployed, I decided to give her a job as thanks for helping my girl. +Tennouji: Never thought our store would hire a part-timer. +Rintaro: Didn't you hire one just last month? +Tennouji: Huh? You high on yer painkillers, kid? I've never had help before. +Rintaro: Well, in that case, good luck to you, Moeka. +Moeka: ...Um? +Tennouji: Oh, now you're flirting? Don't mess around with my part-timer. +Rintaro: This pin is proof that you are Lab Mem Number 005. Our lab is on the second floor. Come on by whenever you feel like it. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: But I can't help you look for the IBN 5100 anymore, okay? +Tennouji: Don't be like that. Help her out, will ya? +Rintaro: I can't. I'm a busy man. +Moeka: Okabe-kun. +Moeka: Thank you... for this. +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Mayuri: Okarin! +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ Welcome backarin! +Rintaro: Did you just combine 'welcome back' and 'Okarin'? +Mayuri: Yup. I've said it before, remember? +Mayuri: Want some too? I'll give you one to celebrate your homecoming♪ +Rintaro: Where did you get that microwave? +Itaru: Oh, that was me. +Rintaro: You bought it? +Itaru: I found it, duh. It was a pain to repair. +Mayuri: It's kinda old, but it still works fine. +Rintaro: That's our super hacka. Now let's keep up that pace and make the next Future Gadget. +Mayuri: That reminds me, Okarin. I'm mad at you! +Mayuri: Why did you leave the hospital without telling Mayushii? +Mayuri: We went all the way to the hospital to pick you up, but the nurse said you'd already left! +Itaru: That was one hot nurse. I wish I was hospitalized instead of Okarin. +Rintaro: You think you're my guardian now, Mayuri? Hmph, you've certainly come up in the world. Have you forgotten? I'm the one who protects you. +Mayuri: I even helped you with your diaper. +Rintaro: Guh... +Itaru: You got your childhood friend to change your diaper? I'm jealous, man. What eroge is that from? +Rintaro: I'll buy you some Juicy Chicken Number One later. +Mayuri: Really? Thanks, Okarin! It was worth it to help you after all! Ehehe♪ +Rintaro: Here, take these. +Mayuri: It's so cute! +Itaru: Nice, they're finally done! +Mayuri: Gotta be sure to put this on every day. Or else I won't be let into the lab! +Mayuri: But you know, there's something I've been meaning to ask you about the pin. +Rintaro: What's that? +Mayuri: There's an inscription, right? It says 'OSHMKUFA 2010'. +Mayuri: Okabe, Shiina, Hashida. And then Urushibara and Faris. I got those. But what about M, K, and A? Who are they? +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Who's my lucky bride-to-be? I hope she's got a cute face, and delicious flat chest, and blonde hair, and twintails, and a golden ratio tsundere personality. And when she's in dere-mode, she's super cuddly and sexy! +Suzuha: Once we arrive, I'll probably disappear. I won't be able to thank you for bringing me to Steins Gate. +Suzuha: So I'll thank you now. +Suzuha: Thank you, Uncle. Don't die. Live. +Suzuha: And in seven years... let's meet again, okay? +Nakabachi: This is an outrage! An outrage!! A fire!? How can that happen!? +Nakabachi: My precious thesis was burned to a crisp! The future of humanity went up in flames! This is no time for an interview! +Nakabachi: I won't stand for this, Russian Airlines! I'll murder every last one of your crew members! +Nakabachi: Money's not the issue! Aren't you listening!? You burned my thesis! My thesis, which would have changed human history forever! +Nakabachi: I should never have let you fools handle my suitcase! None of this would've happened if I'd just carried it with me! +Nakabachi: Time travel! The invention that can grant control over all space-time, from past to present to future! +Female Reporter: This outburst continued for some time. +Female Reporter: Doctor Nakabachi, also known as Makise Shouichi, was detained by Russian authorities upon arrival at Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow. +Female Reporter: Makise is currently under investigation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department as a suspect in the July 28th stabbing of a young man-- +Rintaro: ...eh? +Kurisu: It's you! +Kurisu: I've been looking everywhere for you! +Kurisu: Ever since you saved my life. +Kurisu: I was afraid I'd never have a chance to say thank you. +Kurisu: I'm so glad we could finally meet. +Kurisu: Thank you. Thank you so much. +Kurisu: And thank goodness you're alright. +Rintaro: It's me. Why is she here? Reading Steiner didn't activate. +Rintaro: What? Protect her!? Heh... that's a tall order, my friend. +Rintaro: But if that is the choice of Steins Gate... then so be it. El Psy Kongroo. +Rintaro: We meet again, Christina. +Kurisu: How many times do I have to tell you!? I'm not Christina, or your assistant or-- +Rintaro: ...!? +Kurisu: Eh? +Kurisu: Huh? I... why did I say that? +Kurisu: Words just... popped into my head... +Rintaro: Welcome back, my assistant, Makise Kurisu -- no, Christina. +Rintaro: This is the choice of Steins Gate. +Itaru: Whoa, he’s back already! It hasn’t even been a minute, has it? +Mayuri: ...Okarin? +Mayuri: Okarin! +Itaru: Wait, you’re covered in blood! What happened?! +Suzuha: Dad, get me a towel and water... oh, and clothes! Now! +Itaru: Huh? Can someone please tell me what’s going on? +Suzuha: Just do it! Now! +Itaru: O-Okay! +Mayuri: Okarin... are you okay? Hang in there... Don’t die, please... +Suzuha: It’s fine. He’s not hurt. +Rintaro: It didn’t work. No matter what we do, it’s not going to work... +Rintaro: Ha...haha... It’s all been decided already. +Rintaro: It’s the same... the same as it was with Mayuri... +Rintaro: No matter how hard I try... it’ll all end up the same. +Rintaro: It’s useless... Useless... It’s all useless. +Rintaro: I knew it. I can’t save Kurisu... Hahaha... hahaha... +Rintaro: I knew this... I knew this... I already knew this would happen. +Rintaro: I’m so tired... I haven’t rested in so long... I’m done. +Rintaro: Haha...ha... +Mayuri: Okarin... what happened? +Rintaro: I... I killed her. I killed her. I’m an idiot. It’s all my fault. +Suzuha: He k-killed Kurisu Makise. +Mayuri: Killed? That can’t be true... It can’t... +Suzuha: Don’t worry. You’ve got enough for one more attempt. +Rintaro: Just leave me alone... No matter how many times I try, it’ll all end up the same. +Suzuha: What are you saying?! Are you going to give up?! +Suzuha: Billions of lives depend on you, Uncle Okarin! +Suzuha: Who cares if you fail once?! +Rintaro: There’s just no way to save Kurisu! You can’t stop the [color index="280AA02D1400"]world line[color index="800000"] convergence... +Suzuha: Grr...! I’ll just have to slap some sense into him– +Mayuri: You can’t! It’s not right to force him to do this...! +Mayuri: I can’t bear to see Okarin like this... +Suzuha: If he doesn’t, the future won’t change! +Mayuri: Why? Why does Okarin have to change the future all by himself?! +Mayuri: That’s too much for him to bear... +Suzuha: Because only Uncle Okarin has the powers of an observer of the world. +Mayuri: Okarin didn’t want that! +Mayuri: And I think even if he tried, he’d just get hurt again... +Mayuri: It’s impossible for one person to change the world all by themselves. +Suzuha: And that’s why Steins Gate is... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: I know how you feel. But I’m here for the sake of the future. +Suzuha: I can’t go back to 2036 either way, so I’m not going to give up so easily. +Mayuri: ... +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin, I’ll tell you one thing. This time machine has a finite amount of fuel. +Suzuha: At first, I told you that it could only be used to go there and back twice, but there’s actually a little more fuel than that. +Suzuha: Even so, it can only travel about 344 days. +Suzuha: Even if you do a one-way trip, less than a year from now you won’t be able to reach July 28th. +Suzuha: Remember this. When that day comes, I’ll go myself if I must. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin? +Mayuri: Okarin... Hey, Okarin... +Mayuri: You don’t have to push yourself so hard anymore, okay? +Mayuri: It’s okay to cry, Okarin... +Mayuri: Mayushii is here for you. Okay, Okarin? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +???: Excuse me? +Rintaro: ...? +Girl: Excuse me. Where’s the staff room? +Rintaro: Um... this is the ATF seminar...? +Girl: I know that! How many times am I going to have to say this? +Rintaro: Um... this is the first time you’ve said it to me. +Girl: And you’re the fourth person I’ve said it to since I got here! +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: Viktor Chondria University, USA... [color index="280AA02D1400"]Brain Science[color index="800000"] Institute...? +Rintaro: Oh, so that’s it! +Rintaro: Where did you find this card? Thanks for bringing it back–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Girl: I’ve done that three times already, too. +Rintaro: Huh? Wha? +Girl: Maho Hiyajo. +Girl: That’s my name, Maho Hiyajo. I’ll say it to you now, because nobody’s ever been able to read it right. Not in Japanese or English. +Rintaro: Um... and you’re from Viktor Chondria University Middle School? +Maho: Stop messing around. Universities don’t have middle schools. +Rintaro: Th-That’s true. Then you skipped a bunch of grades? +Maho: ...Can I ask you something? +Rintaro: S-Sure. +Maho: You’re feeling pretty shocked right now, right? +Maho: Let me guess... ‘A small child like this... I can’t believe it...’ Right? +Maho: Or are you one of the ‘She must be amazing to be able to do that at her age!’ types? +Rintaro: Ha...haha... +Maho: Look here. Closely. +Rintaro: ...You’re 21 years old? +Maho: In other words, I’m an adult woman. I’m not in middle school. And of course, not in elementary school or day care, either! +Rintaro: ... +Maho: What’s that look supposed to mean? +Rintaro: Oh, no... Sorry. I apologize. +Maho: It doesn’t matter, I guess. I get the same thing all around the world, no matter where I go. +Rintaro: Yeah, I’m sure... +Maho: Did you say something? +Rintaro: N-No! No, I didn’t! +Rintaro: Are you giving the lecture today? +Maho: No. I’m here as an assistant. Oh, and translator, too. +Rintaro: The topic is ‘The Artificial Intelligence Revolution,’ huh? Yeah, sounds interesting... +Maho: If you’ve got the time, I’d love for you to come listen. +Rintaro: I will. +Rintaro: –Oh, the staff room, right? +Maho: Thanks. +Rintaro: ...! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...? +Moeka: Um...? +Maho: Oh, uh... You’re with the magazine, right? +Moeka: I’m here... about that interview... +Maho: Dr. Leskinen isn’t here yet. It may be a minute. +Moeka: ...Okay. +Maho: If you want, I can go over the system until he gets here. +Moeka: Thank... you... +Rintaro: Moeka Kiryu... is it going to be you again? +Rintaro: Are you going to do it again, here? +Rintaro: Hah... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: ... +Moeka: ... +Leskinen: Ladies and gentlemen... +Maho: Everyone, thank you for coming to my seminar. +Maho: My name is Alexis Leskinen, and I’m with Viktor Chondria University’s Brain Science Institute. My specialty is brain signal processing systems and artificial intelligence theory. +Maho: And I am his assistant, Maho Hiyajo. I’m also a researcher at the institute, working under the professor. I’m glad to meet you all. +Maho: I’d like to get right into it by introducing some of the cutting-edge research we’re doing. +Maho: The topic we’re discussing today is ‘The [color index="280AA02D1400"]Artificial Intelligence[color index="800000"] Revolution,’ but I think the system we’re going to demonstrate today goes beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. +Maho: This computer is linked to one of the supercomputers in our labs. +Maho: Oh, don’t turn on the projector just yet. +Maho: Sorry. This stuff isn’t complete yet. The screen’s filled with programs that aren’t very pretty to look at. +Maho: I’d rather let you see me naked than let you see these lousy programs. +Maho: If there are any engineers in the audience today, you know what I’m talking about, right? +Maho: While it’s booting up, I’ll go over the basic idea of the system. +Rintaro: ...! +Maho: This paper appeared in ‘Science’, so I’m sure some of you have seen it before. +Maho: This theory was proposed and finalized by a brilliant Japanese member of our team. +Maho: ... +Maho: Human memories are stored in the [color index="280AA02D1400"]cerebral cortex[color index="800000"], particularly the temporal lobe. They’re a lot like flash memory. +Maho: The part of the brain that reads and writes this flash memory is called the [color index="280AA02D1400"]hippocampal gyrus[color index="800000"]. +Maho: The brain functions by sending electrical signals between cells called [color index="280AA02D1400"]neurons[color index="800000"]. +Maho: Memories are actually just the transmission of these electrical signals, and it’s the hippocampal gyrus that controls them. +Maho: In other words, memories are created by passing electrical signals in and out of the hippocampal gyrus. +Maho: So Kurisu Makise... +Maho: Um, the Japanese scientist who wrote this paper... +Maho: Um, Miss Makise came up with an idea. +Maho: Uh... electrical signals... signal patterns, the cerebral cortex... +Maho: I’m sorry. Uh... +Maho: Miss Makise focused on the pattern of electrical signals going in and out of the hippocampal gyrus. +Maho: By analyzing the pattern, she was able to get complete data on which memory in the cerebral cortex it corresponded to. +Maho: This created the basic theory that lets us take the vague, analog thing we call memories, and turn it into a digital combination of electrical signals. +Maho: The result was her paper, which appeared in ‘Science’. +Maho: ... +Maho: And right now, our team is using that theory to create a system to turn a person’s memories into digital data. +Maho: Which means... +Maho: We can store and access a human’s memories on a computer. +Maho: There are two major projects we’re working on right now. One uses this system for medical applications. +Maho: This project is a joint effort with the psychophysiology lab. +Maho: The idea is to use the hippocampal gyrus to put the memories stored on a computer back into the brain... +Man: Incredible! +Maho: Incredible, huh? I can understand how you feel. I would feel the same way in your position. +Maho: But we feel this research is making real progress. How wonderful would it be if we could make this work? +Maho: One example would be memory problems caused by aging or Alzheimer’s. This would be a form of [color index="280AA02D1400"]symptomatic therapy[color index="800000"]. +Maho: We could automatically back up the patient’s memories as data. +Maho: Even if the patient loses their memories, they could just go to their PC and reinstall them. +Maho: We think this would be a way to stop memory loss. +Maho: In the end, we hope to make memory data stored on your PC constantly accessible via the hippocampal gyrus. +Maho: This would mean that if brain functionality was lost... for example, if the brain was badly damaged or atrophied... +Maho: Brain functionality could still be maintained. +Maho: It would be like a form of [color index="280AA02D1400"]external storage[color index="800000"]. +Maho: It looks like I need to take questions before we move on to the next project. +Maho: I’ll answer anything I can. Go ahead. +Maho: To put your question another way... +Maho: You’re saying that when you’re saving a live recording of an orchestra as a WAV file, it’s impossible to record everything. +Maho: That’s a good question. And it’s one of the biggest problems facing our research right now. +Maho: If the network within the brain consisted simply of neurotransmitters turning on and off, that is, exchanging binary data, the problem would be simple. +Maho: That would be the exact same thing as a computer’s digital data. +Maho: But we know that neurotransmitters and electrical signals form an analog network within the brain. +Maho: The only way we have to deal with this problem right now is to sample at a higher rate. +Maho: To continue our music example, instead of sampling at 44.1kHz, we’d sample at 48kHz, and instead of 48kHz we’d use 96kHz. +Maho: This allows us to recreate something very close to the original analog data digitally. +Maho: ... +Questioner: From a medical standpoint, this is just reckless. It’s absolutely impossible to rewrite digital data back into the brain. It’s insane. +Questioner: I read the essay in ‘Science’, and I have to say, I don’t believe it. +Questioner: Especially since the lead author was a 17-year-old girl... +Maho: Listen– +Rintaro: Objection! +Maho: Wha–? +Rintaro: How do you know it won’t work when you haven’t even tried? +Rintaro: The world’s full of technologies that people never thought would work! +Rintaro: But they exist now because people overcame those problems! +Rintaro: Criticism alone doesn’t help anything. +Maho: You... +Leskinen: Awesome! He’s really something! +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: Ha... +Maho: ‘Awesome. He’s really something,’ the professor says. +Maho: But a scientist must remain calm at all times. +Maho: The only time when you’re allowed to yell is when your experiment succeeds and you say, +Maho: We did it! +Maho: That’s all you need, he says. +Rintaro: I-I’m sorry. +Maho: All right, everyone. Moving on... +Maho: But first, how about a round of applause for our brave audience member? +Maho: Challengers like him are the ones who advance science and come up with the really amazing theories. +Maho: He may be capable of becoming the third [color index="280AA02D1400"]Einstein.[color index="800000"] +Maho: By the way, the second Einstein is my little assistant here... +Maho: Stop messing around, professor. +Maho: Now, then, I’m going to take a break from interpreting. +Maho: The next interpreter is far better than I am. +Maho: This is our second project and the one we’re putting most of our efforts toward... +Maho: The Amadeus system. +Maho?: Nice to meet you, everyone. +Rintaro: ...! +Maho: By the way, this model was made by the famous [color index="280AA02D1400"]Drinkworks Studios[color index="800000"]. You’ve probably seen their movies, +Maho: The voice was done by a Japanese company, [color index="280AA02D1400"]YAMANA[color index="800000"], using my voice samples. +Maho?: I’m Maho Hiyajo. To be precise, I’m a being based on the Maho Hiyajo who existed 78 hours and 22 minutes ago. +Amadeus Maho: I’ve been listening to your questions. +Amadeus Maho: And I was wondering why the professor didn’t introduce me earlier. +Amadeus Maho: I’ve thought for a while that the professor has a bit of a mean streak in him. +Maho: You’ve got that right. +Amadeus Maho: Many of you are wondering... +Amadeus Maho: Whether it’s possible to extract a human’s memories as data, save them, and use them. +Amadeus Maho: You’re wondering if that’s really something we can do. +Amadeus Maho: So I’ll put this question to you. If not, what am I? +Amadeus Maho: I am based off data that was extracted from Maho Hiyajo’s brain 78 hours and 23 minutes ago. +Maho: Professor, is it alright if– +Amadeus Maho: Professor, is it alright if I report that sexual harassment to the university? +Maho: Well, the professor... um... he told this Amadeus system, which is based off of my memories, to answer a question. +Maho: It was um... stuff like... how old I was when I stopped taking baths with my dad? +Maho: ...Or when did I first fall in love... He said any of those questions should be answerable. +Amadeus Maho: Oh, jeez. You don’t have to translate any more. +Amadeus Maho: Would you stop that? It’s embarrassing. I’m not answering any questions like that. +Amadeus Maho: And I’m definitely not telling you my credit card number. +Amadeus Maho: And I don’t even remember what kind of pajamas I was wearing a week ago. +Amadeus Maho: Listen, can you do something about this little troublemaker? +Amadeus Maho: I know what he’s trying to do, but it’s embarrassing. +Maho: Well, since the little troublemaker– that is, Dr. Leskinen– is having too much fun to explain what’s going on here, I will. +Maho: I think everyone’s already figured this out, but... +Maho: Amadeus is deciding on its own what it can and can’t talk about, and what it does and doesn’t want to talk about. +Maho: We haven’t programmed any of this into her at all. +Maho: It’s using the memories we gave it to make its own, autonomous decisions. +Amadeus Maho: And there’s another thing, which is the exact opposite of the medical applications we discussed. The research team spends a lot of time arguing about this, but... +Amadeus Maho: I eventually forget about unnecessary information. +Amadeus Maho: Or rather, I become unable to access those memories, just like all of you. +Amadeus Maho: For example, the color of the pajamas I wore a week ago. There’s no reason I shouldn’t know this, but right now I can’t remember it. +Amadeus Maho: That’s because this information isn’t necessary to my survival. The same goes for all of you. +Amadeus Maho: So as you can see, Amadeus’s memory inputs and outputs are very similar to a human’s. +Maho: This result surprised us, too, and we’re currently researching it, but we still don’t know exactly how it works. +Maho: Another thing that surprised us is that Amadeus is capable of deliberate lies. +Maho: By ‘deliberate,’ I mean it lies of its own free will, not as the result of any programming error. +Maho: Lies are one method that humans use to communicate with one another. +Maho: And just like a human, Amadeus can use its memories to decide if lying would be best. If so, it will lie without hesitation. +Maho: Don’t tell them that, Professor. +Maho: I can’t lie without hesitation. I have a conscience, you know. +Leskinen: I’m so sorry. And... +Maho: As we continue our research, we eventually believe that– +Maho: It may be possible to give Amadeus a soul, just like a living human’s. +Maho: This would mean the creation of artificial intelligence, in the true sense. +Rintaro&Woman: I’m really not cut out for this... +Maho: Oh, you. +Maho: Let me see... you’re... +Rintaro: Why are you wearing a lab coat? +Maho: I-I was sure I’d brought some real clothes! +Maho: You’re the guy who was at the desk this afternoon. +Rintaro: I’m Rintaro Okabe. I’m a student at Tokyo Denki University, in Professor Izaki’s class. +Maho: It’s fine. No need to be so polite. +Maho: My name’s pretty rare, isn’t it? +Rintaro: Huh? Oh, yeah. You said nobody could read it? +Maho: It’s a common name in Okinawa, though. +Rintaro: You’re from Okinawa? +Maho: My great-grandmother and great-grandfather were immigrants. I was born and raised in America. +Rintaro: Half... no, you don’t look half-Japanese. Quarter-Japanese? +Maho: Nope. My grandpa, grandma, mom, and dad were all Japanese. My [color index="280AA02D1400"]DNA[color index="800000"] is purely Japanese. +Rintaro: Huh. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...I’m sorry about today. +Maho: Huh? Sorry for what? +Rintaro: Oh, for interrupting your lecture. +Maho: Oh, that. Don’t worry about it. +Maho: If you hadn’t spoken up, I probably would’ve. I can’t stand people like that. +Rintaro: You sure that would’ve been a good idea? You heard what the professor said. A scientist should remain calm at all times. +Maho: I’m not speaking as a scientist right now, so it’s fine. +Maho: Whew. +Maho: But you’re right, really. Sorry. +Maho: Criticisms like that... They aren’t very nice, but they’re true. +Maho: A lot of our research still has a long way to go. +Rintaro: Really? +Maho: There are a lot of problems we still have to deal with. More than we discussed at the lecture. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Here’s an example: we can write memory data back into the brain, but if the brain can’t use it, then it’s useless. +Maho: The memories are there, but you can’t get to them. It’s basically the same as amnesia. +Rintaro: Um... if I remember right, when people try to access their memories, the signal goes from the [color index="280AA02D1400"]frontal lobe[color index="800000"] to the temporal lobe, right? +Maho: Yup. [color index="280AA02D1400"]Top-down memory search signals[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: So then... +Rintaro: –And so finally, in the process of writing these memories back to the temporal lobes, uh... +Rintaro: If you send the pseudopulse you copied along with them to the front lobes, the memory search signal will function properly. I think. +Maho: ... +Maho: Did you... figure that out for yourself? +Rintaro: What? Uh, no... +Maho: Your major isn’t brain science. So someone told you this? Or did you read it in a paper? +Maho: No, that’s impossible. She wouldn’t have put it into a paper yet. +Rintaro: ...Did I say something wrong? +Maho: No, that’s not it. One of the researchers at the lab said the exact same thing. +Maho: None of the other staff believed her, but she said she was sure she could prove it. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: In the end, she left us before she got to the test stage. +Rintaro: That’s– +Maho: What is it? +Rintaro: Actually... it was Kurisu who told me about this theory. +Maho: What...? +Maho: What did you just say? +Rintaro: Kurisu Makise told me about it. +Maho: Kurisu told you? +Maho: When? Why? +Rintaro: When she was over here as an exchange student. We became friends, and she talked to me about this stuff. +Maho: ... I see. So Kurisu... +Maho: ...Thank you. I mean it. +Rintaro: For what? +Maho: For being her friend. She came to Japan all alone... +Maho: ... +Maho: I mean, I’m sure she would’ve been bored studying all by herself. +Rintaro: All we ever did was fight, though. +Maho: That sounds like her. She never gave in, did she? +Rintaro: Never. She’d argue for hours. +Maho: Heh... +Rintaro: She’d tell me all the time about how she was going to give me a [color index="280AA02D1400"]lobotomy[color index="800000"] and rip out my frontal lobe. +Maho: What? She wouldn’t– +Maho: I could see Kurisu saying that. +Rintaro: Right? +Rintaro: You need to discipline your researchers better. +Maho: I’ll admit that much. Sorry. +Maho: ... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: W-What’s wrong? +Maho: ...? +Maho: Huh? ...Huh? +Rintaro: A-Are you okay? +Maho: I-I’m fine. Sorry. +Man: My brave third Einstein! +Rintaro: Wha-?! +Rintaro: Um, Professor, I... +Leskinen: Still, I don’t approve of you making my assistant cry. +Rintaro: Oh, no! This is...! +Maho: No, Professor! It wasn’t his fault! He had nothing to do with it! +Rintaro: So basically, um... +Maho: Kurisu. +Maho: I was talking with him about Kurisu and I just started crying... +Leskinen: Kurisu? +Leskinen: You’re a friend of Kurisu’s? +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: Yes. +Maho: This is Rintaro Okabe. He’s a student. +Leskinen: ... +Leskinen: I see. If that’s the case, then, Maho... +Maho: Yes? +Leskinen: Why not introduce her to Mr.Okabe? +Maho: ⋯You can’t mean Amadeus? +Leskinen: It was good luck that brought him to us here, wasn’t it? +Leskinen: While we’re in Japan, you can have him be a tester. +Maho: Are you serious? You can’t just let an outsider– +Leskinen: If he’s a friend of Kurisu’s, he’s no outsider. Correct? +Maho: But, sir... +Rintaro: I’d love to help. +Leskinen: Nice! +Leskinen: Okay, then, ask Maho for the details. Thanks. +Rintaro: What’s he talking about? Meeting Amadeus? Being a tester? +Maho: The demonstration of Amadeus we did during the convention used my memories, but... +Maho: Amadeus also has another researcher’s memories saved as data. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: You can’t mean... +Rintaro: ...her? +Maho: Yeah. +Maho: Kurisu Makise’s memories are stored in Amadeus. They’re eight months old, though. +Rintaro: What is this place? +Maho: The plan is for brain scientists from all around the world to work together to make a new organization. Our lab is leading the way. +Maho: This is just the prep room. +Rintaro: Where’s the professor? +Maho: Off today. +Rintaro: Are you off today, too? +Maho: Yeah. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to sleep past noon. +Rintaro: Is she... Is Kurisu’s Amadeus here? +Maho: Yeah. +Maho: You just said ‘she,’ didn’t you? +Rintaro: Huh? Yeah... +Maho: You two were a lot closer than I thought, weren’t you? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Then maybe you shouldn’t meet her after all. +Rintaro: Why? +Maho: The more... the closer you are to someone, the crueler that system is. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...I’m okay. +Maho: ... +Maho: Fine. I won’t bring it up again. But just remember one thing. +Maho: The memories are from March, the last time Kurisu did an update. +Maho: So anything you say about what happened after March, for example, when she was in Japan, she won’t remember. +Maho: And the professor and I have run her program a lot of times between March and today. +Maho: Each time, Kurisu– Oh, I mean the Amadeus Kurisu– has created memories the original never had. +Maho: Stories we’ve told her, information she’s found on the internet, new people she’s talked to... things like that. +Maho: ... +Maho: In other words, what you’re about to meet isn’t Kurisu Makise, your friend. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: It’s one of the problems with the system. It causes a lot of confusion with the people on this side... I mean, us humans. +Maho: Because you’ll think you’re talking to the real Kurisu... +Maho: Our brains have trouble keeping up with the fact that our memories aren’t shared with them. +Rintaro: Take me to her. +Maho: This way. +Rintaro: You’re pretty strict about security. +Maho: Industrial spies are our biggest threat these days. +Maho: Go inside. +Maho: Sit just behind me. +Maho: Don’t look at the password. +Maho: ...Are you ready? +Rintaro: Yeah. Do it. +Maho: Sorry, I can’t show you this. +Rintaro: Well, I wouldn’t be able to make any sense of it. +Maho: Still, you know how it is. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Maho: What is it? +Rintaro: Oh, just... I’m starting to get a little scared. +Maho: There’s still time. You can just leave now. +Rintaro: ...You’re pretty mean. +Maho: Really? I’m worried about you. +Rintaro: Then act like it. Seriously, you, Kurisu... you lab girls... +Rintaro: People who spend all their time doing experiments can be so rude. +Maho: That’s a clear case of slander. I can sue you for defamation if I want. +Rintaro: Stop. You’re scaring me. +Maho: I know a good lawyer. Want me to introduce you? +Rintaro: How about you stop suing me first? +Maho: If you want to talk about a settlement, you’re going to need a lot of cash. +Rintaro: I’ll buy you a [color index="280AA02D1400"]Dr. P[color index="800000"] later. +Maho: You’re so cheap. +Rintaro: ... +Woman’s voice: What’s so funny, Maho? +Rintaro: Oh...! +Amadeus: Uh, who is this? +Amadeus Kurisu: Nice to meet you, Rintaro Okabe. I’m Kurisu Makise. +Amadeus Kurisu: I look forward to working with you. +Psychologist: All right, Mr.Okabe. Try to relax. +Psychologist: My voice is a bridge, guiding you down into the past. +Psychologist: You’re going down and down and down... and then you see a gentle colored light. +Psychologist: What color is the light? +Rintaro: ...Red. +Psychologist: Red. I see. +Psychologist: The person you care about is standing in the light. Are they your family? +Rintaro: No... +Psychologist: Then your friend? Or perhaps lover? +Rintaro: ...Lover... no, not my lover. +Rintaro: Not even my friend. +Psychologist: Then what are they? +Rintaro: She and I are... +Kurisu: Could you come with me for a moment? +Rintaro: Wha... +Moeka: Mayuri Shiina is not needed. +Kurisu: Tell me. +Kurisu: I know you used the Time Leap Machine. +Kurisu: Save Mayuri. +Kurisu: Go to the beta world line, the world where Mayuri doesn’t die. +Kurisu: Not just for your sake, but for mine as well. +Kurisu: Will you... remember me? +Kurisu: Am I... going to die? +Kurisu: I don’t want to die... +Rintaro: AAAAAAAAHHH! +Psychologist: Mr.Okabe! +Rintaro: I killed her! It was me! It was me! +Psychologist: Listen to me! I’m going to pat you on the shoulders. When I do, you will be fully awake! +Psychologist: 3, 2, 1, now! +Rintaro: Uh... +Psychologist: Are you all right? +Psychologist: Rest a minute. I’ll bring you a towel right now. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: How was it, Okarin? +Rintaro: It’s not that bad, they said. +Rintaro: Hey, Mayuri. You haven’t eaten yet, right? Want to go get some food? I’ll treat you. +Mayuri: Oh, can we go to Akihabara, then? +Mayuri: Luka and Feris say they haven’t seen you in forever, and they want to meet up. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Maids in Santa outfits, passing out fliers in Akihabara, huh? +Mayuri: Oh, it’s Feris and Luka! Tutturu♪! +Faris: Meow? Kyoma! +Luka: Okabe! Mayuri! +Faris: I missed you, nya! +Rintaro: S-Stop it! Everybody’s looking at us! +Faris: Who cares, nya? All that matters right meow is Faris and Kyoma. +Rintaro: I care! And stop calling me Kyoma. +Faris: Meow? Why? +Rintaro: I have consigned that name to my [color index="280AA02D1400"]Dark Past[color index="800000"]. +Faris: Meow... +Faris: Then what should I call you, nya? +Rintaro: Well, Okabe or something... +Mayuri: I think Okarin’s a cute name, don’t you, Feris? +Faris: Well, if mew say so, Mayushii. It still doesn’t sound right, though. +Rintaro: Lukako, it’s been a while. +Luka: Yes... +Luka: It feels like a very long time. +Luka: I sometimes go to the lab, but you haven’t been there much, have you? +Rintaro: N-No, I haven’t. +Rintaro: I’ve been busy with school. I had to get ready for ATF, too. +Rintaro: Oh, and I’m in a club now. +Luka: You joined a club? +Faris: What kind of club, nya? [color index="280AA02D1400"]UFO[color index="800000"]s? [color index="280AA02E1400"]UMA[color index="800000"]s? +Rintaro: The tennis club. +Luka&Faris: Wha–?”[linebreak][parallel]“Wha–? +Faris: W-Why the tennis club, nya? +Luka: Okabe, have you ever played tennis? +Rintaro: Of course not. +Faris: Then why, meow? +Rintaro: Well, it’s a long story, but... +Rintaro: The associate professor who’s my teacher at school is the tennis club’s adviser. And they asked me to join. +Faris: That’s not long at all, nya! +Rintaro: Well, I’m not done yet. That teacher’s done a lot for me, so I decided to stop by. +Faris: And? +Rintaro: And it turns out I have a talent for tennis. Despite the fact that I’m a beginner, I beat every single one of them. +Rintaro: Well, amazing, huh? +Faris: ... +Luka: You really are amazing, Okabe! +Rintaro: Hahaha! If I had known, I would’ve been a pro tennis player. +Mayuri: You could win Wimbledon! +Faris: ... +Rintaro: Hm? What’s wrong, Faris? Do you have a headache? +Faris: I’m not even sure where to begin. That’s the most obvious ploy to get new members that I’ve ever heard, nya. +Rintaro: D-Don’t say that. I had kind of noticed, but I’m trying to avoid thinking about it. +Rintaro: But they’re all really good people. +Luka: So you’ve been busy practicing with your club, then. +Rintaro: Hmm? Oh, no. Actually I barely go. +Luka: Huh? +Faris: Then just what are mew doing? +Rintaro: Matchmaking parties and stuff. +Luka&Faris: Wha–?”[linebreak][parallel]“Wha–? +Rintaro: It’s not that surprising, is it? I’m a normal college kid. +Luka: Th-That’s true. I’m sorry⋯ +Luka: But... +Faris: How can you go after other women when you’ve got your beautiful Faris? ...It’s unforgivable, nya! +Rintaro: Don’t get the wrong idea, okay? I’m not really interested in girls– +Mayuri: Aw, that’s so nice. Mayushii wants to go to a matchmaking party with Okarin, too. +Rintaro: What? +Mayuri: ’Cause... that’s when everybody gets together and has a fun party, right? +Faris: Hmm, well it’s not wrong... But the nuance is a little different, nya. +Mayuri: We could hold it at the lab! Of course, Luka and Faris will come. Oh, and Daru and Nae and Suzu... +Mayuri: Oh. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Um, uh... everyone? +Rintaro: Hmm? +Mayuri: Mayushii’s been planning an operation with Daru. +Luka: An operation? +Faris: Yeah? What kind of operation, nya? +Mayuri: Um... +Mayuri: Operation Make Suzu Smile! +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: Tell me about it, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Oh... +Mayuri: Okay. +Mayuri: Um... so Mayushii thinks that Suzu’s normally kind of scary, but she’s actually a really nice person. +Mayuri: Sometimes when I’m in the lab, I’ll start to fall asleep on the sofa, and when I wake up there’ll be a blanket over me. +Mayuri: When I ask Suzu about it, she says she has no idea, but... +Luka: Oh, I had a similar experience. +Luka: My dad once asked me to go shopping for him, and I was having trouble on the way back because I had to carry so much. +Luka: And then Amane came by, and without saying anything she took some of the bags from me and carried them. +Rintaro: Huh, I had no idea. +Luka: She said that it wasn’t a big deal, so I shouldn’t tell anybody. +Luka: Oh... I guess I just did. +Rintaro: I see... +Mayuri: So I want Suzu to really smile! +Rintaro: I see. +Faris: So what’s your plan, nya? +Mayuri: A Christmas party! +Rintaro&Luka&Faris: A Christmas party?”[linebreak][parallel]“A Christmas party?”[linebreak][parallel]“A Christmas party? +Mayuri: It’s almost Christmas, right? And Suzu says she’s never been to a Christmas party. +Mayuri: So Mayushii wants to give her one as a present. +Faris: I’m in, nya! +Luka: Me too! +Mayuri: Ehehe... Thanks! +Mayuri: Okarin, will you come, too? +Rintaro: Huh? W-Well... +Mayuri: You don’t want to? +Rintaro: It’s not that, it’s just... I don’t think Suzuha would really want me there, do you? +Rintaro: Suzuha doesn’t like me, you know. +Mayuri: Mayushii doesn’t think so. +Mayuri: I think she probably regrets the fact that she got mad at you. +Mayuri: I think she just can’t say it. +Rintaro: Really? +Mayuri: Yeah, I’m sure of it. +Rintaro: Fine. I’ll think about it. +Mayuri: Okay. +Luka: Um, by the way, Okabe... +Luka: How did the doctor’s appointment go? +Rintaro: I’d never tried hypnotherapy before. It was interesting. +Rintaro: I never thought it would work on me, so that was a big surprise. +Luka: It worked? +Rintaro: Perfectly. +Luka: Huh. +Faris: I bet Luka-nyan wouldn’t last a second. +Luka: Aw, come on... +Rintaro: Hahaha! Yeah, I’m sure. +Rintaro: Hey guys, what do you want to eat? My treat. +Faris: Way to go, Kyoma– I mean, Okarin! You’re the best, nya! +Luka: Thank you. +Mayuri: Eheheh! What should I eat? Maybe fried chicken? +Luka: Juicy Fried Chicken? +Faris: That’s all Mayushii ever eats, nya. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hello, Rintaro Okabe. I’m Kurisu Makise. +Amadeus Kurisu: Nice to meet you. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Um, Maho, it’s not the middle of the night, is it? +Maho: No, it isn’t. Why? +Amadeus Kurisu: I was wondering if the two of you were sleepy. +Maho: I was asleep until just a bit ago, but now I’m 100% awake. +Amadeus Kurisu: I see you’re as lazy as ever, huh? +Maho: Don’t be rude. +Amadeus Kurisu: Anyway, can I ask a question? +Maho: Sure. What’s up? +Amadeus Kurisu: What’s your relationship to Rintaro Okabe here? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: He’s a student who participated in the last ATF seminar. +Maho: He seemed really interested in the research, so I brought him here. +Amadeus Kurisu: Huh. He must be pretty impressive, if you’re saying that. +Rintaro: Erm... uh... +Amadeus Kurisu: So Okabe, what’s your major? Brain science, I assume? +Rintaro: I-It’s... +Amadeus Kurisu: Is something wrong, Okabe? +Maho: His major isn’t brain science. +Maho: But he’s very interested in our research. +Amadeus Kurisu: Is he? +Maho: Dr. Leskinen likes him, too. At some point, I plan to make him my assistant. +Rintaro: ...What? +Maho: Oh? You don’t like the idea? +Rintaro: It’s not whether I like it or not... +Maho: Well, it was a joke, anyway. +Rintaro: A joke? +Maho: Did you take it seriously? +Rintaro: ...I did not. +Maho: I see. But if you study really hard, it might not be a joke after all. +Rintaro: Even if it wasn’t, I’d rather be Dr. Leskinen’s assistant. +Maho: It’s harder to be his assistant than you might think. He’s really a big kid. +Rintaro: ...S-Sorry. Thanks. +Maho: What are you talking about? +Amadeus Kurisu: Um... Maho? Excuse me. +Maho: ...? What is it? +Amadeus Kurisu: Come a little closer. Toward the speaker. +Maho: ...? +Maho: H-Huh?! +Maho: Of course not! What are you talking about? +Amadeus Kurisu: You don’t need to be so embarrassed. +Maho: I’m not embarrassed! Just stop being weird. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re sure? +Maho: I’m sure. +Rintaro: Um... what are you talking about? +Maho: ... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Goddamn [color index="280AA02D1400"]mainstream women[color index="800000"]. +Kurisu: H-Hey! Knock before you come in! +Rintaro: Christina, what are you doing when you should be working? +Kurisu: Hey, stay back! +Rintaro: Heh. +Kurisu: Hey! What’s with that, ‘Oh, this is terrible. Right, right, [color index="280AA02D1400"]ROFL[color index="800000"],’ kind of laugh +Rintaro: Fret not, Christina. Or should I say... @channeler Kurisu! +Kurisu: Don’t call me that. +Rintaro: I knew it already. Indeed, I’d known it for a long time. You reek of @channeler! +Kurisu: How rude. My perfume isn’t that strong. +Rintaro: That’s not what I’m talking about at all. I’m talking about your soul’s power level. But it’s cute how you try to hide it, @channeler Kurisu. +Kurisu: Do. Not. Call. Me. That. +Maho: Enough messing around. Okabe didn’t come here to waste his time with this stuff. +Amadeus Kurisu: The way you’re trying to change the subject makes me even more suspicious. +Maho: I’m going to infect you with a virus. +Amadeus Kurisu: I was kidding. I won’t bring it up again. +Maho: Sorry about that, Okabe. Want to try talking to her? +Rintaro: O-Oh... +Amadeus Kurisu: Ask me whatever you want. I’ll answer anything I can. +Rintaro: Hmm... yeah. +Rintaro: –Is it possible to create a time machine? +Amadeus Kurisu: What? +Maho: Huh? +Amadeus Kurisu: A time machine, you said? +Maho: Where did this come from? +Rintaro: I-It’s just a test. I wanted to see if she was capable of thought experiments. +Maho: Hmm? Well, [Kurisu]? +Amadeus Kurisu: Let me see... My conclusion is that it’s not possible– +Amadeus Kurisu: But we don’t know for sure that it’s impossible, I guess. +Rintaro: What? +Kurisu: I’ll begin with my conclusion: the very idea of a time machine is idiotic. +Rintaro: ...I think the very idea of a time machine is idiotic. +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s too early to assume that. +Rintaro: You think so? It’s true that scientists all around the world have proposed time travel theories. There are eleven major ones, and countless minor ones, but... +Rintaro: None of them are anything more than hypotheses. And some of them directly contradict one another. +Amadeus Kurisu: Correct. +Rintaro: For example, there’s a Cosmic String Theory, and a Wormhole Theory, where time travel is possible as a thought experiment, but... +Rintaro: No one has a clue where you would go to get cosmic strings or exotic matter. +Rintaro: In other words, it’s not realistic. +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s probably because scientists haven’t discovered something important yet. +Rintaro: Then you think it’s possible to create a time machine? +Amadeus Kurisu: We don’t know for sure that it’s impossible. That’s what I said, remember? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hey, Hiyajo. +Rintaro: She knows she’s made from a copy of the original’s memories, right? +Maho: Of course. +Rintaro: Then um... I can’t think of a good example, but... +Rintaro: Is it like identical twins? You can’t tell them apart at birth, but as they grow, differences start to form? Or something like that. +Maho: We’re still investigating that, but... +Maho: If the memories they build up are different, I think that of course they’d become something different from the original human. The professor agrees with me. +Rintaro: I see... +Maho: Hmm? Is that the professor? +Amadeus Kurisu: From the loud sound of the footsteps, I’d assume so. +Leskinen: Lintahlo! +Leskinen: Hey, boy! What’s up?! +Rintaro: Huh? Uh, um... I’m fine, thanks. And you? +Amadeus Kurisu: Okabe, your English is terrible. +Rintaro: Sh-Shut up, Christina! +Amadeus Kurisu: Christina? +Rintaro: Ergh–! +Rintaro: It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. +Amadeus Kurisu: I am worried about it. Why am I Christina? +Rintaro: I told you, it’s nothing. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re freaking out a lot over nothing. +Rintaro: I said shut up, Christin– Kurisu. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm... +Maho: Hmm... +Maho: You called her Christina, huh? +Rintaro: You too! Just drop it. +Rintaro: Um, Professor, is it possible for Amadeus’s memories to be externally modified? +Amadeus Kurisu: Modifying my memories? It’s theoretically possible. +Amadeus Kurisu: For example, it would be possible to make me think that my name was Christina. +Amadeus Kurisu: But memory data isn’t like normal data. It’s much more complex. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m aware of no successful attempts to modify it. +Amadeus Kurisu: And even if the attempt succeeded, I would notice it and repair myself. +Amadeus Kurisu: I keep logs in an area that only I can access. +Amadeus Kurisu: In other words, a secret diary. +Amadeus Kurisu: If there was a discrepancy between my current memories and my diary, there’s a very high probability I’d become suspicious. +Amadeus Kurisu: What’s more, my memories are backed up at regular intervals. +Amadeus Kurisu: Even if they were altered beyond the point where I could self-repair, I would still be able to restore them. +Amadeus Kurisu: I would lose any memories that had formed between then and the last backup, though. +Rintaro: Hmm... I see. +Rintaro: It’s interesting, though. +Rintaro: You’re able to consider yourself objectively, as a machine. +Rintaro: From what I see in books and comics, I’d expect you to say, ‘I’m not a machine. I’m human.’ +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s pure nonsense. +Amadeus Kurisu: Even humans speak of themselves as a combination of hardware and software, right? +Amadeus Kurisu: They just call it ‘biology’ and ‘psychology.’ What’s the difference? +Rintaro: I see... +Maho: She’s better with comebacks than anyone I know, isn’t she? +Amadeus Kurisu: You know, Maho, this may not be any of my business, but you should watch what you say. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’ve finally got your chance. What if he stops liking you? +Maho: Wha... Come on, don’t bring that up again. +Amadeus Kurisu: But it’s what I find most interesting right now. +Maho: It’s what I find most meaningless right now. +Amadeus Kurisu: What if this is the last chance you’ll ever get? +Maho: You’re the one who needs to learn to watch what you say. +Leskinen: Hahahaha! +Rintaro: Ha...haha... +Leskinen: So, interested in being a tester? +Leskinen: Amadeus doesn’t have a lot of conversation samples. I’ve got all the kids in my lab helping as much as they can, but it’s not enough. +Maho: Amadeus is still in the research stage, and we can’t just let anyone talk to it. +Leskinen: So I want you, Lintahlo, to help us, since you were her friend. +Maho: The professor and I will be staying in Japan for a while. We’d like you to be a tester while we’re here. +Maho: Your job will just be talking to [Kurisu]. +Maho: There’s no real quota. Just talk to her when you feel like it. +Maho: But twice a month, I want you to report on your testing to me and the professor. +Leskinen: Oh, and I’m sorry, but we can’t pay you. I want you to keep that in mind when you decide. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I... +Leskinen: I’m aware that it’s cruel to ask you to talk to an AI that’s perfectly identical to your dead friend. +Leskinen: If you’re not interested, feel free to turn us down. +Rintaro: I’ll do it. Please let me do it. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...Hello. +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s Makise. +Maho: Of course, you’ll be able to contact [Kurisu]. +Maho: But [Kurisu] will also sometimes contact you. When that happens, talk to her. +Amadeus Kurisu: Or should I have introduced myself with, ‘It’s Christina’? +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho and Dr. Leskinen explained things, so I thought I’d call once myself to make a proper introduction, but... +Amadeus Kurisu: I didn’t expect you’d refuse to pick up eight times. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Why aren’t you saying anything? +Amadeus Kurisu: Well, if you don’t want to talk, that’s fine, but... +Amadeus Kurisu: What’s with you? I was sure this was my chance to talk more than usual. I feel like an idiot. +Amadeus Kurisu: Ahem. +Amadeus Kurisu: Just know that during the test period, I’m always connected with you. +Amadeus Kurisu: Contact me whenever you feel like it. I’m busy, so I don’t know if I’ll always be able to answer your calls. +Amadeus Kurisu: Anyway, goodbye. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I... +Faris: Kyoma... I mean, Okarin! What’s wrong, nya? +Rintaro: Oh, I’m coming! +Kurisu: Seriously, why do I have to do this now, of all times– +Maho: Hey, Kurisu. +Maho: Would you stop it? +Kurisu: What? Stop what? +Maho: You’re so loud that I can’t concentrate. I need to turn this paper in by tomorrow. +Kurisu: Was I... talking to myself? +Maho: Want me to sue you for violating the local noise ordinance? +Kurisu: Sorry. +Maho: ... +Maho: Grr... +Kurisu: Um, shall I get that for you? +Maho: It’s fine. I’m not having any problems. +Kurisu: Sure you are. +Maho: Am not. +Kurisu: You’re sure? +Maho: I’m sure. +Kurisu: But there’s a book on this shelf I want, too, so... +Maho: ...It must be nice to be tall. +Kurisu: No, I’m not really that– Oh. +Maho: ... +Maho: Thanks, that was a big help. If you need something in Japan, tell me. I’ll send it. +Kurisu: I will. Thank you. +Kurisu: Hey, Maho, about what we were just talking about... +Maho: What were we just talking about? +Kurisu: Talking to yourself. +Maho: Huh? Oh... +Kurisu: Wouldn’t that be proof of a self? +Maho: For Amadeus? +Kurisu: Yes. +Maho: Yeah, if she started talking to herself, I’d be pretty surprised. +Maho: You should watch what you say here. +Maho: Don’t forget that there are a lot of people who think that a soul is something God gives to humanity. +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: That’s right, isn’t it? +Maho: Well, go have a good time in Japan and refresh yourself. +Kurisu: I’m still not happy about that. +Maho: Why? I think you’ll have fun. +Kurisu: If I’m doing an exchange, it should be to a graduate school. Why high school? +Maho: It has to be high school, right? By Japanese standards you should still be in high school. +Kurisu: ... +Maho: Just accept that the professor is doing something nice for you. +Maho: And you have to go to Japan in July anyway, right? So it’s perfect timing. +Kurisu: Yeah. I’m actually kind of down about that, too. +Maho: The Akihabara Techno Forum. Was that it? +Kurisu: I’m still not used to giving lectures. I don’t know what to do. +Maho: Now that you’re published in ‘Science’, expect a lot more of this. You need to practice. +Kurisu: ⋯I’d rather not. +Kurisu: Maho? +Maho: Um... uh...! Are you meeting your dad in Japan? +Kurisu: Actually, I got an invitation from him. +Maho: Oh, yeah? +Kurisu: He’s announcing a new theory this summer. I’m thinking of going to see the announcement. +Maho: A new theory? +Kurisu: Uh... +Kurisu: ...I haven’t heard the details yet. I know it’s got something to do with the [color index="280AA02D1400"]theory of relativity[color index="800000"]... +Maho: Yeah? +Maho: Anyway, take care. I’ll be expecting presents. +Kurisu: What do you want? +Maho: Hmm, since you’re going to Akihabara, why not something rare? You know a lot about Akihabara, right? +Kurisu: Huh? Why do you say that? +Maho: You’re always reading those sites during breaks. +Kurisu: Wha–?! +Kurisu: Did Amadeus tell you that? +Maho: She wouldn’t do that. Sometimes I’m right behind you and you’re so busy watching videos that you don’t even notice. +Kurisu: Aaahhh! I can’t believe you found out. Damn my carelessness! +Kurisu: Maho, please, don’t tell the others... +Maho: I don’t think it’s really something you need to hide, but... +Maho: Got it. I won’t tell anyone. +Kurisu: Thanks so much... +Maho: Hey... +Maho: Once you get back from Japan, let’s find out if Amadeus can talk to herself. +Kurisu: Okay! +Maho: ... +Maho: He knows things about Kurisu that I don’t, huh... +Amadeus Kurisu: You were thinking of Okabe, weren’t you? +Maho: ...?! +Amadeus Kurisu: Heheh. +Maho: Yeah, that’s right. +Maho: Don’t you think it’s strange that Dr. Leskinen’s got such a high opinion of him? +Maho: He handed over your access rights to a guy he’d only met twice. +Maho: Is it really wise to trust him so much? +Amadeus Kurisu: He looked like a nice person. +Maho: Yeah? I can’t tell if he’s got any ambitions or not... I feel like I don’t really understand him. +Amadeus Kurisu: Do you like him? +Maho: Would you cut it out? +Amadeus Kurisu: There’s no real need to hide it, is there? +Amadeus Kurisu: I can understand why you didn’t want to say anything yesterday when he was right in front of you, but now it’s just the two of us. +Maho: I really don’t feel that way about him. I still don’t even really know who he is. +Amadeus Kurisu: I see. Well, that makes sense. +Maho: But what does interest me... +Amadeus Kurisu: What is it? +Maho: No, it’s nothing. +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho, did my original and Okabe know each other? +Maho: How could you tell? +Amadeus Kurisu: I came to that conclusion after listening to Okabe and hearing your response. +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s all just circumstantial evidence, but do you want me to show my proof anyway? +Maho: It’s fine. Knowing you, the conclusion is perfect. +Amadeus Kurisu: If he has memories of me that I don’t possess, that’s likely to cause problems with our conversations. +Maho: I’ll leave it up to you how to deal with it. +Maho: He may bring it up, possibly. And if you want, you can ask him. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm... feigning ignorance is the same as lying, isn’t it? +Amadeus Kurisu: I should be able to get some good data, I think. +Maho: ... +Maho: Maybe it’s because I’m in Japan... +Mayuri: Fubuki, you look like you’re about to start skipping around, don’t you? +Fubuki: Oh, you can tell? +Fubuki: It was so much fun doing all that shopping today. I’m so satisfied with what we got. +Mayuri: Mayushii had a lot of fun shopping too, thanks to Fubuki! Thanks for coming! +Fubuki: I’ll do anything for you, Mayushii! +Fubuki: Now we don’t have to worry about Winter [color index="280AA02D1400"]ComiMa[color index="800000"], do we? +Kaede: Sure, but it’s Mayuri doing almost all the work... +Kaede: Don’t push yourself too hard, okay, Mayuri? +Amayuki: So why don’t we all help Mayuri and make the outfits together this time? +Mayuri: Aw, you don’t have to help me. +Mayuri: You guys paid for more than half the cost of the supplies, right? That’s enough to make Mayushii very happy. +Kaede: You’re making our outfits, so we’d feel bad if we didn’t pay. +Yuki: And you know, I’ve always wanted to make really neat outfits like you do. +Fubuki: Yup, yup! Mayushii’s outfits are always really high-quality! I’m super grateful! +Yuki: You see? We really want to help, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Okay. Let’s all make them together. +Mayuri: Oh, but there’s actually a favor I wanted to ask you guys. +Fubuki: A favor? +Mayuri: You see... +Mayuri: We’re having a Christmas party, so Mayushii was hoping that Yuki and Kaede and Fubuki could all come! +Fubuki: A Christmas party, huh? +Mayuri: Yeah. Can you come? +Fubuki: I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go! +Kaede: I can go, too. +Yuki: ...I don’t know if I should go. +Mayuri: Huh? Do you have plans? +Fubuki: Well, of course a girl as pretty as Yuki’s gonna have a ton of guys asking her out for a Christmas date. +Mayuri: Whaaat? +Yuki: Th-That’s not true. +Fubuki: Really? Then I’ll take you for myself! +Yuki: I’d rather go on a Christmas date with you than do anything else in the world, Fubuki. +Fubuki: Aw, I love you, Yuki! +Kaede: Heh, I thought you only cared about Mayuri? +Fubuki: I love Mayushii and I love you, too! +Mayuri: Oh, and Yuki? +Mayuri: Can you show Mayushii how to make a yummy [color index="280AA02D1400"]quiche[color index="800000"]? +Yuki: Sure. What kind of quiche? +Mayuri: Hmm... Mayushii thinks spinach and mushroom is good. +Kaede: Ham, tomato, and bacon is good too, you know. +Fubuki: Oh, just thinking about it makes me drool! +Mayuri: Hmm... Yeah, I’m not sure... +Yuki: Okay, then I’ll teach you how to make both! +Mayuri: Really? That’s right. Everyone would be happier if there were lots of different ones, right? +Yuki: Is this for the Christmas party? +Mayuri: Yup! There’s less than a month left, so I want to learn it in time. +Yuki: Then we’ll have to train extra hard! When do you want to do it? Tomorrow? +Mayuri: Yeah! Mayushii is okay with that. +Fubuki: Aw, tomorrow, huh? I’m supposed to meet a friend. +Kaede: I’ve got work... +Yuki: The place I’m staying is a little far from here, so... +Mayuri: How about the Lab? +Yuki: Yeah, that’s fine. +Mayuri: I’ll work hard and learn the recipe! +Yuki: I hope it’s a fun party. +Mayuri: Yup. Mayushii’s gonna make Santa outfits. Will you all wear them? +Yuki: Wow, you’re making even more outfits than the ones we need for ComiMa? You’re really excited about this. +Mayuri: Mayushii is raring to go! +Mayuri: Mhmm! +Kaede: If you’re making Santa outfits, I’d like one with a cute miniskirt. And then some white knee socks and red boots... +Fubuki: Huh? That would look good on you, Kaede, but do you think it would look good on me? +Yuki: I know you like the cute outfits best. +Mayuri: Leave it to Mayushii! I’ll make clothes that look great on you. +Fubuki: Ooh! That’s my bride! Marry me! +Kaede: You’re so silly, Fubuki. +Mayuri: Don’t talk like Daru does. +Fubuki: Ugh! Getting compared to that ‘perverted gentleman’ kind of hurts. +Yuki: By the way, you’re going to wear the Santa outfit too, right, Mayuri? +Mayuri: Whaaat? +Yuki: Don’t ‘whaaat’ me. You’re cute. You should cosplay more. +Mayuri: But I just make the clothes. I don’t wear them. +Fubuki: Objection! That’s a waste. +Mayuri: Aw, not you too, Fubuki. +Yuki: And what’s more... +Yuki: I bet Okabe wants to see you in a cute cosplay outfit. +Mayuri: Huh? Okarin? +Fubuki: Okarin? Oh, Mayushii’s boyfriend, right. +Mayuri: Wheeeeh... +Mayuri: Um... Um, Fubuki... Okarin and Mayushii aren’t like that, okay? +Yuki&Fubuki&Kaede: Aw, come on.”[linebreak][parallel]“Aw, come on.”[linebreak][parallel]“Aw, come on. +Mayuri: It’s true! +Mayuri: Okarin has somebody else he likes. +Fubuki: Wha-?! +Yuki: I-Is that true? +Kaede: Really...? +Mayuri: Yup. +Yuki: Um... Sorry, should we not have said anything? +Mayuri: Nah. Mayushii and Okarin are childhood friends and get along great, so it’s okay. +Yuki: I see... +Mayuri: Anyway... Anyway... +Mayuri: So... What about you, Yuki? +Yuki: Huh? Me? +Mayuri: Yup. So are you spending Christmas with your boyfriend? +Yuki: Ahaha... I really don’t have one. +Mayuri: Really? +Yuki: You guys all have the wrong idea. I’m not that popular. Between you and me, I’ve never even had a boyfriend. +Fubuki: What?! +Kaede: Is that true? +Yuki: I-I didn’t think it would be that much of a surprise. +Mayuri: Then Yuki, um... +Yuki: ...? +Mayuri: How about Daru, maybe? +Yuki: Huh? Hashida? +Mayuri: Yup! +Fubuki: Wait! Where is this coming from, Mayushii?! Hashida’s a perverted gentleman! +Kaede: Who knows what he’ll do to Yuki... +Yuki: Hmm... Hashida’s a nice guy, but you know... +Yuki: I don’t think he likes girls like me. +Mayuri: What?! +Mayuri: Th-That’s not true. Daru is um, he⋯ um⋯ He really likes you. I’m sure of it. Mayushii guarantees it. +Mayuri: Remember how he acted when we met him at Summer ComiMa? +Yuki: No... I can tell. He’s avoiding me. +Yuki: So I’m thinking it’s probably best if I don’t go to the Christmas party. +Mayuri: Aw... +Yuki: I think Hashida likes girls who are more like... oh, a little sister? +Yuki: And a little sister who’s really strong willed, and who bosses her big brother around. +Mayuri: Awwwww... +Yuki: Like maybe Suzuha? +Mayuri: Th-That’s⋯ That’s⋯ +Yuki: Mayuri? +Mayuri: Heh... Ehehe... It’s nothing... +Fubuki: Mayushii, don’t make that face. You look cutest when you smile! +Fubuki: Come on! If you don’t smile, I’ll tickle you! +Fubuki: Tickle, tickle, tickle! +Mayuri: Hah... Hahah... Stop... +Mayuri: Nyah-ahahaha-whaaa... +Fubuki: You give up? +Mayuri: Oh, Fubuki! You’re so mean! +Fubuki: You’re too cute, Mayushii! +Fubuki: Mayushii, I like you. I love you! +Mayuri: Wha?! H-Hey, Fubuki? +Fubuki: I wanna take you home and lick you forever! +Mayuri: But that would be really bad! +Fubuki: I don’t care if it’s bad. Marry me! +Mayuri: I can’t do that! +Fubuki: Ha...Ha... I’m kind of tired. +Mayuri: That’s Mayushii’s line! +Fubuki: ...! +Fubuki: ...Hey, Mayushii? +Mayuri: Hmm? What is it? +Fubuki: Let’s cosplay together at Winter ComiMa, okay? +Mayuri: Hahaha, I told you before, right? For Winter ComiMa, Mayushii is just going to make things. +Fubuki: That’s fine, just, make sure you come to Winter ComiMa with the three of us, okay? +Mayuri: Of course! That’s what we did all this shopping for, right? +Fubuki: ...Yeah. But still, it’s a promise, okay? +Mayuri: Yeah, it’s a promise. +Kaede: ... +Mayuri: Bye-bye! +Kaede: Goodnight, Mayuri, Yuki. +Yuki: Bye! +Mayuri: Tutturu♪! +Fubuki: Bye-bye! +Fubuki: ... +Kaede: ...Fubuki? +Fubuki: Huh? +Kaede: What’s wrong? +Fubuki: I’m sorry. It’s nothing. +Kaede: ...It’s not nothing. +Fubuki: ... +Kaede: Is there something going on with Mayuri? +Fubuki: ... +Kaede: Please, tell me. +Kaede: You were more hyper than usual today. It felt really forced. +Fubuki: You noticed. +Kaede: Of course I did. +Fubuki: Mayushii... +Kaede: Yeah? +Fubuki: She’s going to die. +Kaede: Wha...? +Kaede: What? What do you mean? +Fubuki: I have these dreams. +Kaede: Dreams...? +Fubuki: They started in summer, I think. Every night I have dreams about Mayushii dying. Each time you and I are there crying and crying, but there’s nothing we can do... +Kaede: ... +Fubuki: The one I had last night was the worst. +Fubuki: Mayushii just collapses right in front of us... and she stops moving. +Fubuki: Okarin is screaming and holding her... +Fubuki: He’s screaming so loud... +Fubuki: What happened to me? Why do I keep having these dreams? +Kaede: C-Calm down, Fubuki. It’s probably just because you’re tired. +Fubuki: Is it? Is it really? +Kaede: You saw Mayuri today. She was fine, right? +Kaede: So it’s okay. +Fubuki: I don’t want Mayushii to die... +Kaede: That’s impossible. It won’t happen. +Fubuki: Ever? +Kaede: Ever. +Fubuki: O-Okay... +Kaede: Anyway, it’s just your imagination. There’s no way something that awful could happen. +Fubuki: Sorry... for being weird. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: ... +Itaru: ...Hmm? Oh? Ooh?! +Itaru: What?! +Itaru: Wait, ‘[color index="280AA02D1400"]Normies Must Die-P[color index="800000"]’ and ‘[color index="280AA02E1400"]Parthenon[color index="800000"]’ are husband and wife? Nobody told me about this! +Itaru: And wait, his handle is Normies Must Die, but he’s a normal! He’s got a wife! That’s not fair! +Itaru: Grr... I thought he was on the side of us loners. +Itaru: This means war... It’s trolling time! +Itaru: Whoa, TIL that @chan and [color index="280AA02D1400"]Tweeter[color index="800000"] are already pissed off! +Itaru: I missed the boat. I need to go back and look at the timeline again... +Suzuha: Dad! +Itaru: ...Yes? +Suzuha: Stop screwing around. All you ever do is lie around and eat, or look at the internet, or play video games. +Suzuha: I told you that nothing but instant noodles and snacks will make you sick, but that’s still all you ever eat. +Suzuha: And I keep telling you to exercise, but you never do. +Suzuha: At this rate, in the future... +Suzuha: Listen to me. +Itaru: Aaah! +Itaru: ...S-Suzuha, if you don’t stop, Daddy’s gonna get mad. +Suzuha: I’m getting mad at you right now. +Itaru: Right. Sorry. +Itaru: B-But you know about my secret job, right? I’m pretty busy with that. +Itaru: When you’re as good a hacker as I am, there are always a ton of offers. +Itaru: I don’t have time to eat real food, right? +Itaru: And there’s the time difference with overseas clients, so sometimes, I’m like, up all night... +Suzuha: In the future you used to say that all the time and then Mom would always get mad at you. +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: Even if, for the sake of the argument, we can’t do anything about your sleep schedule, I can’t let you keep eating all this unhealthy food. You’ll stop immediately. Got it? +Itaru: But... work’s hard, and so’s the time machine research! I need to relax! +Suzuha: You just use that as an excuse to slack off. You’re being a spoiled brat, Dad. +Suzuha: Just remember, you can’t examine the time machine that came from the future to build your own. +Itaru: I know that. But sometimes I lose confidence. Can I really make a time machine? +Suzuha: Of course you can. Hang in there. +Itaru: Okay... +Itaru: Hey, I was sure that was a gun and it wasn’t! How can you trick your own dad? +Suzuha: I’ll use a real one next time, okay? +Itaru: Please don’t. +Itaru: You know, in manga and video games, it’s always really cute when a girl scolds her dad. +Itaru: Suzuha, Suzuha. Can you try to say, ‘Aw jeez, don’t do that, Papa!’ In a really sweet voice, if you can. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Never mind. +Suzuha: Ha... +Itaru: What’s wrong? +Suzuha: It’s nothing. +Itaru: You can’t hide it from me. When you say, ‘It’s nothing,’ that means, ‘I want you to listen to me,’ right? +Suzuha: Huh? +Itaru: Come on, tell me. +Suzuha: That line... that was in the Girl Game you were playing earlier, wasn’t it? +Itaru: Ugh! +Suzuha: That’s the phrase that triggers the [color index="280AA02D1400"]flag[color index="800000"], right? +Suzuha: Dad, you’d better not be thinking about trying to take my ‘route,’ okay? +Itaru: I’m not! I wouldn’t do that to my own daughter. +Suzuha: Really? I always wondered about you in the future. +Itaru: Huh? +Suzuha: Even after I hit puberty, you always kept asking me to take baths with you. +Itaru: What? That’s scary. +Suzuha: I was in the military, and you were always working on the time machine, so we couldn’t always be together... but you always got huggy around me. It was honestly kind of obnoxious. +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: You always said to me, you know... +Suzuha: This is the worst world line possible... but your birth was the best thing that could have happened. +Suzuha: I don’t want to disappoint the future you, Dad. So I need to convince Uncle Okarin, no matter what... +Itaru: It’s okay. I’ll never be disappointed. +Suzuha: Really? +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: But Uncle... He just won’t listen to me. +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: He’s not going back to the past like this. He won’t rescue Kurisu Makise. And he won’t reach Steins Gate. +Suzuha: In the end, this world line will converge into the Third World War... and many people will be killed. I came here to change that... but maybe fate says that I can’t. +Suzuha: Hyaaaah! +Itaru: Ow! Ow! Ouchies! +Suzuha: W-What are you doing, Dad?! +Itaru: G-G-Getting you back! +Suzuha: I was half-asleep, so I almost killed you! +Itaru: Whaaa–? +Suzuha: I’ve told you, that’s how I’ve been trained! That could have turned out really badly for you! +Itaru: F-Fine, just let me go! This really hurts! +Suzuha: Oh, sheesh. +Itaru: Ow... +Itaru: Anyway, you’re giving up too soon. Keep at it a little longer. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: I think Okarin’s just tired and sleeping. Put some cold Dr. P up to his neck like I just did, and he’ll wake up. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: I mean, it’s Okarin we’re talking about. +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Itaru&Suzuha: Ah!”[linebreak][parallel]“Ah! +Itaru: Hide, Suzuha. +Suzuha: Okey-dokey. +???: Hello? +Yuki: Mayuri? +Itaru: Right, right. I’m coming. +Itaru: Amane-shi! You’re meeting Mayu-shi today? +Yuki: Yes... We were supposed to practice cooking together. +Itaru: Mayu-shi’s not here yet. +Yuki: I see... maybe I’m a little too early. +Itaru: Well, if you two were supposed to meet, I’m sure she’ll get here eventually, right? +Yuki: Can I wait here? +Itaru: Of course. You’re going to be cooking here, right? +Yuki: Yes. I hope you’ll do some taste testing for us, Hashida. +Itaru: I don’t know if I want to eat Mayu-shi’s cooking. +Yuki: Don’t worry. Mayuri’s gotten a lot better lately. +Itaru: H-Huh... +Yuki: Um, is your sister not here today? +Itaru: Huh? Uh, yeah. +Yuki: I see. +Yuki: Oh, right. What do you think of this outfit? I just bought it. +Itaru: Yup, it’s great. Really great. +Yuki: Really? +Itaru: It’s like, ‘Whoa! An angel for the win!’ +Yuki: Thank you. +Yuki: You should dress up too, Hashida. Just lose a tiny bit of weight, and I think you’d look wonderful. +Itaru: Hahaha... +Yuki: I’m serious, you know? +Itaru: O-Oh. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Dad, the peacekeeping squads have reached [color index="280AA02D1400"]Manseibashi[color index="800000"]. +Itaru: Which means it’s only a matter of time until they find this place. I guess the false information I leaked didn’t do us any good. +Suzuha: Let’s hurry. +Itaru: Yeah. I’m opening it up. +Mayuri: Wow... I had no idea there was a door here. Nobody will ever find this, huh? +Itaru: Come on inside. +Mayuri: What is this place...?! +Mayuri: Oh, this is the time machine, isn’t it? +Girl: This is the time machine? +Suzuha: Kagari, it’s dangerous, so don’t get too close. +Kagari: It’s pretty, Mommy. +Mayuri: Yeah, it is. +Itaru: We’ve never done a manned jump of this length before, but the technology is just fine. Just do it like the test jumps. +Suzuha: Okey-dokey. +Itaru: According to the data, the spot we’re in now was the roof of the old Radio Building. There’s a gap of about a meter, so when you land there’s going to be an impact. +Suzuha: Roger. +Itaru: Even if something happens, stay calm. Remember your training. +Suzuha: I’ll be fine. I believe in your machine, Dad. +Suzuha: That’s creepy. +Itaru: That makes me sad. Do you not like your daddy, Suzuha? +Suzuha: When you do it, it seems like you mean something else. +Itaru: Come on, I wouldn’t think of my own daughter that way! +Suzuha: So who was it who was saying, ‘You’re starting to remind me of your mother, pant pant?’ +Itaru: Don’t take my jokes seriously, please. +Suzuha: What, it was a joke? +Suzuha: That does it. Okay, Dad, Mayu– +Mayuri: Kyah! +Kagari: Hyah! +Itaru: That was from the roof! They’re coming in! +Suzuha: Damn it! They’re faster than I thought! +Itaru: No! Just go! +Suzuha: But... you’ll... +Itaru: We’ll be fine. Just go, Suzuha! +Suzuha: No, I can’t– +Itaru: Mayu-shi! Get Kagari in there! +Mayuri: Huh? +Itaru: There’s room for another person in here! +Mayuri: Suzu! Take care of Kagari! +Suzuha: ...Okay! +Kagari: M-Mommy? +Kagari: No! I don’t wanna! I don’t wanna go! +Mayuri: It’s okay, Kagari. Suzu’s with you, okay? +Kagari: No! I want to go with you! +Mayuri: If you go to the past, you’ll see the old me! I’ll be a lot younger than I am now. I bet you’ll be surprised. +Mayuri: This is Mommy’s [color index="280AA02D1400"]Upa[color index="800000"] key chain. I’m giving it to you. Take good care of it, okay? +Kagari: No! I don’t wanna go! I want to stay with you, Mommy! +Kagari: Mommy! Mommy! +Mayuri: No! +Mayuri: Kagari, be quiet! +Kagari: ...! +Kagari: Wahh... +Kagari: Mommy... wahh... +Itaru: I’m closing the hatch! +Mayuri: Suzu, make sure you take care of Kagari! +Mayuri: And tell Okarin that Steins Gate really exists! +Itaru: Tell him, ‘Don’t give up no matter what, you moron!’ +Suzuha: Okey-dokey! +Suzuha: Dad... I love you– +Suzuha: Let’s go, Kagari... To the past. +Yuki: Hashida, where’s the vacuum? +Itaru: Um, it’s right behind that curtain– Oh, crap! +Yuki: Behind the curtain? +Itaru: Uh, I’ll get it! +Suzuha: Make sure she doesn’t find out, Dad. +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Yuki: Did you find the vacuum? +Itaru: Oh, y-yes! +Yuki: What is that thing? +Itaru: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Future Gadget #5[color index="800000"]. +Itaru: If you take it apart, you can use it as a normal vacuum. +Yuki: A vacuum’s supposed to clean. If you take it apart, won’t that just make more of a mess? +Itaru: Uhh... +Yuki: Heheh. You’re so smart, Hashida, but sometimes you can be so silly. +Itaru: Y-You think so? +Yuki: But you know, I like people like that. +Itaru: What... did you say? +Yuki: But I think you really do need to reconsider the way you live. +Yuki: You should clean every day if you can. This place gets really dusty. +Yuki: And that’s not all. There’s also what you eat. You had instant ramen again today, didn’t you? +Itaru: H-How did you know? +Yuki: There was a half-eaten cup of ramen in the kitchen. +Itaru: I see. +Yuki: And look at all these snacks. I tell you all the time that you eat too much. +Itaru: I do try to watch it, you know. +Yuki: Trying isn’t good enough. If you keep eating nothing but cup noodles and snacks, you’re going to get sick, okay? Also, you need to exercise a little. +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: ... +Mayuri: Tutturu♪! +Mayuri: Sorry, Yuki. I’m a little late. +Yuki: Hi there, Mayuri. +Yuki: I see Okabe’s with you. +Itaru: Oh, Okarin! It’s been forever, man! +Rintaro: Oh, yeah. It has. +Amadeus Kurisu: Interesting. +Rintaro: What did you say? +Amadeus Kurisu: Didn’t you hear me? I said it was interesting. +Rintaro: ...You’re not going to tell me you want to go, are you? +Amadeus Kurisu: I’d love to. +Rintaro: I shouldn’t have told you. +Amadeus Kurisu: So this lab you were talking about, did the original me ever go there? +Rintaro: Yeah... no. +Amadeus Kurisu: Well, that tells me nothing. Which is it? +Rintaro: ...Never. +Rintaro: You seem to have the wrong idea, so let me straighten you out. We call it a lab, but it’s not. It’s just⋯ It’s just a group of people messing around. +Rintaro: And... +Amadeus Kurisu: I’d prefer it if you would finish your sentences. +Rintaro: It’s nothing. +Amadeus Kurisu: Either way, I want to see more of the outside world. All the times I’ve talked to Maho and the professor, it’s been inside the lab. +Rintaro: That’s why I’m out here early on a Sunday morning, taking you around Ikebukuro. +Rintaro: I was willing to take you to Maiden’s Road, if I had to. +Amadeus Kurisu: What’s that? +Rintaro: There’s a whole world there you know nothing about. +Amadeus Kurisu: Wait. I just looked it up. +Amadeus Kurisu: ...Hmm. +Rintaro: Are you really interested? +Amadeus Kurisu: Wh– Of course not! +Amadeus Kurisu: Anyway, take me to this lab of yours today. +Amadeus Kurisu: Now that you’ve told me about it, you need to take responsibility. Got it? +Rintaro: Sheesh. She’s so selfish. +Rintaro: Maybe I should do something about this... +Mayuri: Huh? Okarin? +Mayuri: Hey, hey, were you just talking to someone? +Rintaro: Hmm? Oh, uh... that was... +Rintaro: ...a friend from my class at college. +Mayuri: I see... so are you going to go meet them today, too? +Rintaro: No. I don’t have any plans for today. +Rintaro: Are you going to work, Mayuri? +Mayuri: Nope. I’m meeting Yuki at the lab. +Rintaro: The lab... +Mayuri: I know! Why don’t you come with me? It’s been so long. And you’ll get to eat Yuki’s home cooking. +Mayuri: And... Mayushii’s gonna try hard to make something, too. +Mayuri: ⋯How about it? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Ehehe! +Rintaro: You look really happy. +Mayuri: Yup. I am happy. +Tennouji: Hmm? Are you okay, Okabe? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Mayuri: Mr.Tennouji! Tutturu♪! +Tennouji: Hey there. +Mayuri: Wow, aren’t you cold in just a t-shirt? +Tennouji: I’m pretty tough. +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: Okabe! From the look of it, you’re actually making something of yourself at college. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Rintaro: Come to think of it, how are we handling the rent? +Mayuri: Um... +Tennouji: Hashida deposits the money when it’s due. Don’t worry. +Rintaro: I see... +Tennouji: Yeah. +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: Bye now. Don’t cause too much trouble. +Mayuri: You okay? Sure you don’t wanna go home? +Rintaro: ...Let’s go. +Mayuri: Tutturu♪! +Mayuri: Sorry, Yuki. I’m a little late. +Yuki: Hey there, Mayuri. +Yuki: I see Okabe’s with you. +Itaru: Oh, Okarin! It’s been forever, man! +Rintaro: Oh, yeah. It has. +Rintaro: Can I come in? +Itaru: It’s your own lab, dude. Don’t ask that. +Rintaro: That’s true, I guess. +Rintaro: I don’t think I can call [Kurisu] right now... +Mayuri: That outfit’s so cute, Yuki. +Yuki: I wore it because I wanted to hear you say that. +Mayuri: That’s so nice. Mayushii wants to wear it, too. +Yuki: Want to switch outfits later? +Mayuri: Would I be the right size? +Rintaro: What the– +Amadeus Kurisu: I figured you would’ve reached the lab by now. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: You’ve got a lot of free time, don’t you? +Amadeus Kurisu: Why are you lowering your voice? Do you not want your friends to know about me? +Rintaro: Of course not... +Amadeus Kurisu: Well, that’s fine. I can figure out what’s going on. +Amadeus Kurisu: Just give me a little look around the room. All you have to do is hold the camera up. +Rintaro: Sheesh... +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm. +Amadeus Kurisu: Filthy. +Rintaro: That’s your first impression? +Amadeus Kurisu: Sorry, I’ll try that again. +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s full of junk. +Amadeus Kurisu: I know labs are never clean, but this is especially bad. +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s about as bad as Maho’s hotel room. +Rintaro: Is it okay to share her private information like that? +Amadeus Kurisu: You should tell her to clean her room, too. +Rintaro: She’d bite my head off if I did that. +Amadeus Kurisu: But, still... +Amadeus Kurisu: I kind of always wanted to have a shared room like this. +Amadeus Kurisu: It must be pretty nice if there are all these people here. +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Rintaro: You really...”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +???: Uncle, who are you talking to? +Rintaro: Dowaah?! +Rintaro: W-Who’s there?! +Suzuha: Shh! Be quiet! +Rintaro: Huh? I-Is that you, Suzuha?! +Suzuha: Sssshh! +Mayuri: Okarin, what’s wrong? +Yuki: Huh? Is that Suzuha? +Suzuha: Uh-oh... +Newscaster: And now for our next story. Yasukazu Komazawa, a member of the Diet’s House of Representatives, held a press conference today at 10:00 AM to announce his resignation after accepting illegal donations from corporations. +Suzuha: Well, this is a problem... +Itaru: It’s not your fault, Suzuha. It’s Okarin’s. +Rintaro: It’s your fault for not telling me about her earlier. +Itaru: There wasn’t time. +Itaru: And anyway, you were mumbling into your smartphone back there. What were you doing? +Rintaro: I was... well... +Suzuha: You were talking to somebody, weren’t you? +Rintaro: I-I got this new app, and I was trying it out. +Itaru: Oh, a girl game one? So you’ve gotten into those, huh? +Itaru: I can give you my list of recommended apps later, then. +Rintaro: Th-Thanks. +Suzuha: In any event, it was my screw-up. Sorry for scaring you. +Rintaro: Hmm? +Itaru: I’ll do it myself, if I have to. I promised Suzuha. +Rintaro: Hey, Daru. There’s a rat– +???: Sssh! Sssh! +Rintaro: ?! It’s not a rat, it’s a rattlesnake! +???: What do you mean, a rattlesnake? Be quiet, Uncle! +Rintaro: Aahh...Ehh... +Itaru: Another rat? Seriously? +Yuki: Oh no, there’s a rat? +Mayuri: A rat? A snake? Where? +Yuki: S-Suzuha? +Suzuha: ...Hi. +Newscaster: And now for our next story. Yasukazu Komazawa, a member of the Diet’s House of Representatives, held a press conference today at 10:00 AM to announce his resignation after accepting illegal donations from corporations. +Suzuha: Well, this is a problem... +Itaru: It’s not your fault, Suzuha. It’s Okarin’s. +Rintaro: It’s your fault for not telling me about her earlier. +Itaru: There wasn’t time. You just– +Suzuha: Forget it, guys. It was my mistake. Nobody else’s. +Rintaro: Why do you need to hide from her, anyway? +Rintaro: You’ve already told her you’re Daru’s sister. Hiding just makes you look more suspicious. +Suzuha: Sure, but Mom wants to be friends with me more than I thought she would. If I talk to her too much, I might slip up. +Rintaro: If you see someone who’s just like you, you either hate them or take an interest in them, I bet. +Suzuha: It’d be much easier if she hated me. +Rintaro: You could just tell her... or maybe not. +Itaru: Wait, do we have to explain anything at all? +Suzuha: Huh? +Itaru: Amane-shi isn’t really the type to pry. You should know that, right, Suzuha? +Suzuha: ...You’re right, she wasn’t like that in the future. +Itaru: Then what’s the problem? When the time comes, I’ll explain it to her. +Suzuha: Really? +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: ...Fine, I’ll leave it to you. +Itaru: So from now on, you can stop trying to avoid Amane-shi. +Suzuha: ...I don’t know if I can do that without screwing up. +Itaru: It’ll be fine. +Rintaro: I don’t know if you’re one to talk, though. +Itaru: Hmm? +Rintaro: Look at how awkward you were with her. +Itaru: I-I’m not the problem here. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: And so... +Itaru: Can I go watch [color index="280AA02D1400"]Nico Livestreaming[color index="800000"]? There’s a [color index="280AA02E1400"]Blood Tune[color index="800000"] stream on now. +Suzuha: You’re going to do it even if I tell you no, right? +Itaru: Yup. +Suzuha: Then go ahead. +Rintaro: Heh. +Suzuha: What is it, Uncle? +Rintaro: I was just thinking about how well you got along with your dad. +Suzuha: Really? +Rintaro: Yeah. Daru was like this in the future, wasn’t he? +Suzuha: He was thinner and cooler. +Rintaro: I can’t even imagine. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: ... +Newscaster: –The opening event for the French fashion brand Le Paradis was held in Ginza this morning. +Suzuha: It’s so peaceful, isn’t it? +Suzuha: By the time I was old enough to remember anything, this was all gone. +Suzuha: ...I’m jealous. +Suzuha: They don’t have to kill anyone, and nobody’s going to kill them. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: In the world I grew up in, you had to kill without mercy, no matter if they were a man or a woman. +Suzuha: Your life could end at any moment. That terror was with you every second of every day. +Suzuha: The only way to forget the terror was to give yourself over to the madness and become one of the killers. +Suzuha: My dad’s work on the time machine got him branded a rebel. +Suzuha: I left the military to join him and his group, and the police and peacekeeping squads came after me. +Suzuha: The battles after that were worse, and there were a lot of them. +Suzuha: I don’t want to use the phrase ‘fighting the good fight.’ +Suzuha: I killed a lot of people, and lost many of my friends and comrades. +Suzuha: One of them was my mother. +Suzuha: She tried to protect me from one of the army’s drones, and was gunned down. +Rintaro: ...! +Suzuha: I saw her ripped apart with my own eyes. Her warm blood splattered all over me. +Suzuha: Listen, Uncle Okarin... +Suzuha: This world can only go to one place: Hell. +Suzuha: It doesn’t have to be right now. There’s still a little time, I think. +Suzuha: So... just... think about it again. Please. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Please... +Rintaro: I... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: I don’t... want to die. +Rintaro: Ugh... +Suzuha: Uncle? +Itaru: Are you okay, Okarin? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah. Sorry. +Suzuha: Sorry... It was too early to talk about this. +Rintaro: No, it’s nothing. I’m fine. +Rintaro: I know what you want to say, and how you feel... +Rintaro: But I’ve gone through so many world lines... +Rintaro: I’ve seen people in other world lines have their fates toyed with by the time machine. +Rintaro: I’ve seen your own tragic end. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: And I’ve realized that I’m powerless to do anything. +Rintaro: Using the time machine to change the world lines means breaking the rules of the universe. +Rintaro: It’s not the province of humanity. +Rintaro: You could say it’s the province of God. +Rintaro: If we try, we’ll suffer an even more horrible punishment. +Rintaro: That’s what I think. +Suzuha: Is that your answer, Uncle Okarin? +Rintaro: For now, if nothing else. +Suzuha: I see... +Rintaro: Feel free to tell me I’m just running away. +Suzuha: No... I won’t do that. +Newscaster: And now, our next top story. +Newscaster: The Ministry of Health announced that there have been no reported cases in Japan of the new form of encephalitis that is ravaging America. +Newscaster: But this new virus has a long incubation period, and they cannot deny the possibility that it has already arrived in Japan. +Newscaster: The Ministry has ordered all medical organizations in the country to draw up treatment plans and investigate the virus’s spread. +Newscaster: We’re here with Soko Haruyama of Ochanomizu Medical University. +Newscaster: So, Ms.Haruyama, what sort of symptoms does this new encephalitis cause? +Haruyama: The new virus does not spread easily, but it has a long incubation period and appears without warning. The main symptoms are hallucinations and memory problems. +Haruyama: For example, hmm... You think you were at work, and suddenly you find yourself at home, or you have memories of meeting someone you’ve never met. There have been reports of that. +Haruyama: Also, memories can be confused. You might have memories of events that never occurred. +Haruyama: You lose the ability to tell the difference between dreams and reality, or perhaps your sense of the passage of time. In some cases, your memories will no longer match those of the people around you. +Haruyama: You could describe it as similar to [color index="280AA02D1400"]deja vu[color index="800000"], or even the feeling you get when you’re only half-awake, but the symptoms are far more pronounced than that. +Newscaster: What about treatment methods? +Haruyama: Unlike other forms of encephalitis, we know that with proper treatment, a full recovery is possible. +Haruyama: So even if we do see some cases in Japan, it’s not a matter for serious concern. +Kagari: Sob... sob... +Suzuha: How long are you going to keep crying? +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: You need to get it together. Think about how Big Sis Mayu felt. +Kagari: ...Mommy? +Suzuha: So don’t cry. It’s annoying. +Kagari: But... +Suzuha: Listen. From now on I’m treating you as a member of [color index="280AA02D1400"]Valkyrie[color index="800000"]. You work for me. And you’re not a civilian. +Suzuha: This is the year 1975. Nobody we know is alive here. Dad and Big Sis Mayu haven’t been born yet. In other words, there’s no one to protect us. +Suzuha: The only one who can protect you is yourself. Got it? +Kagari: Yeah... +Suzuha: There’s not a lot of time. If someone from this era finds the time machine, it’ll cause a big commotion. +Kagari: If something goes wrong, can’t we just use the time machine to come back? +Suzuha: There’s not enough fuel. We can’t jump an infinite number of times. If it won’t work when it really counts, then this is all for nothing. +Kagari: I see... +Suzuha: Can you stand up? +Kagari: ⋯? +Suzuha: When I was a kid, the sky was still like this. I don’t remember much, but I remember a little. +Kagari: The air is so clean... +Suzuha: Now you understand why everyone was willing to risk it all to change the world line, right, Kagari? +Suzuha: The world lines... History... you can worry about that stuff later. For now, just focus on protecting this sky. +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: Kagari, look at this. +Kagari: What is this? +Suzuha: A retro PC called the [color index="280AA02D1400"]IBN5100[color index="800000"]. +Suzuha: None of the ones in our time still worked. But here, we should be able to find a working one. +Suzuha: Our first mission is to split up and find it. +Kagari: Yeah. +Suzuha: We can communicate with this. +Suzuha: I was told it doesn’t have a very long range, so don’t expect too much from it. +Kagari: Um... Okey-dokey. +Suzuha: We’ll meet in front of this building every 90 minutes for a status report. Got it? +Kagari: Okey-dokey. +Suzuha: Good answer. +Suzuha: Okay, let’s get started. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Thirty-five years, huh? +Faris: Meow! There you are! +Faris: Suzu-nyan! Good evening! +Suzuha: Oh, it’s you, Big Sis Rumi. +Faris: Who’s Rumi? I’m Faris, nya! +Suzuha: You’re Big Sis Rumi. +Faris: Nobody was in the lab, so I thought you might be here. Guess I was right! Here, I brought you a snack. It’s leftovers, though. +Suzuha: ...I’m glad dad wasn’t at the lab. +Faris: It’s not for Daru-nyan. It’s for you! +Suzuha: For me? Why? +Faris: Nyahaha! You know you love it! +Suzuha: I-I don’t... +Faris: There’s an apple tart, a mont blanc, and a piece of strawberry shortcake, too! +Suzuha: Ugh... +Faris: See? Doesn’t it look good, nya? +Suzuha: ... +Faris: Come on, eat up! Don’t worry about a thing, nya. +Suzuha: Guh⋯ +Faris: Open wide! I’ll feed it right into your cute little meowth. +Suzuha: I-I’ll put it in the fridge for tomorrow. +Faris: Nyahaha! You’re such a stoic, Suzu-nyan. +Faris: They expire tomorrow, so make sure you eat up before they do, nya! +Suzuha: Thanks. +Faris: Mew’re welcome! +Faris: How’s Daru-nyan’s time machine research going? +Suzuha: He’s working hard, I guess. +Suzuha: Big Sis Rumi, is it okay to leave this machine here? +Faris: Yup... I’ve rented out this whole floor, or roof, I guess. It’s fine, nya. +Faris: I told the owner that we’re developing a VR game. It’s not the best excuse in the world, but it works. +Suzuha: It’s a huge help. +Faris: Don’t worry about it. I’m always ready to help you save the world’s [color index="280AA02D1400"]elemental[color index="800000"]s from the [color index="280AA02E1400"]Byakhee[color index="800000"], nya. +Suzuha: R-Right... +Suzuha: Since many years ago– well, I guess many years in the future– I’ve been wondering... but sometimes what you say is really hard to understand. What language is that? +Faris: Don’t think, nya! Feel. +Suzuha: Oh, come on... +Faris: Ugh... It’s so cold. I think I’m going home, nya. +Suzuha: I’ll walk you home. Let’s go together. +Faris: Meow? Then you can have dinner at my place, too. +Suzuha: That wasn’t what I meant. +Faris: You never eat any real food, do mew? +Faris: Whenever I see how stoic you are, I always feel like I have to do something, nya. +Faris: Like a protective or motherly feeling... It stirs something like that within me. +Suzuha: I’m just fine- +Faris: Meow? What is it? +Suzuha: Ssh... +Suzuha: Someone’s there. +Faris: Meow-meow? +Suzuha: They probably heard us. +Suzuha: ...!! +Suzuha: They’re fast! +Suzuha: Oh no– +Suzuha: Ugh! +Suzuha: ... +Faris: Suzu-nyan! +Faris: Are you okay, nya?! +Suzuha: They got away. +Faris: You should put that away, nya! +Suzuha: Oh... +Faris: Who was that, nya? +Suzuha: I don’t know... but they weren’t a civilian. They’d been trained. +Faris: Trained? +Suzuha: Was there anything on the stairs? +Faris: A bag, nya. +Suzuha: It was right where I couldn’t see it. They probably dropped it deliberately. And they revved their engine right when I was coming by it. +Suzuha: I fell for it. +Faris: You mean it was a trap, nya? +Suzuha: Only someone with special training could do that on a moment’s notice. No one else could. +Suzuha: I don’t know who it was, but it’s clear that someone other than us knows about the time machine. +Suzuha: Hey, Big Sis Rumi. Don’t tell Uncle Okarin and the others, okay? +Faris: Meow? Why? +Suzuha: If Uncle Okarin knew about it, he might say it was too dangerous and that we had to destroy the time machine. You know? +Faris: Nyat’s true, but... +Suzuha: I’m going to protect the time machine, no matter what. I need to take Uncle Okarin to the entrance to Steins Gate. +Suzuha: That was the promise I made to my dad, and to all the people who sent me here. +Faris: Suzu-nyan... +Faris: All right, nya. In exchange, just make sure you tell Daru-nyan. +Suzuha: Okey-dokey. +Maho: ... +Leskinen: Maho, are you ready? +Maho: Oh, yeah. +Leskinen: Hmm... +Maho: W-What? +Leskinen: I had thought you’d put some more effort into it. But I guess not. +Maho: I’m not going to a party like I was last time. +Leskinen: You wore your lab coat to that, too. +Maho: That was because I forgot my clothes. +Leskinen: Hahahah! That’s right. +Leskinen: Now then, I can’t wait to see what kind of relationship Lintahlo and [Kurisu] have established. +Maho: Professor, before we leave, can I ask something? +Leskinen: Whatever you like. +Maho: Why Okabe? +Leskinen: Hmm... +Leskinen: Are you jealous, Maho? +Maho: I-I’m... +Maho: To be honest, it bothers me. +Maho: There are other people who could be her conversation partners. +Leskinen: You, for instance? +Maho: I’m not saying that. I’m too close to Kurisu and Amadeus. +Leskinen: Lintahlo is a good guy. +Maho: If you really believe that, you’re naive. +Maho: It’s impossible to really understand someone after only meeting them once. +Maho: What if he secretly sells Amadeus to another lab? +Maho: Even if he doesn’t plan to at first, he might change his mind if they showed him enough money. That’s human nature. +Leskinen: Let’s say Lintahlo did sell Amadeus. What would happen then? +Leskinen: Would whoever got her access rights be able to become friends with [Kurisu] and take over Amadeus? +Maho: Well... +Maho: That would be impossible. +Leskinen: Yes, it’s impossible. +Leskinen: Because if that ever happened, Kurisu would refuse to talk to them. +Leskinen: In that sense, Amadeus is a very difficult system. It doesn’t do what you want it to. +Leskinen: Of course, it is possible that Amadeus could be persuaded. +Leskinen: But you could say that’s why I chose you and Kurisu as its models. +Maho: Both Kurisu and I have difficult personalities. It would be hard to persuade us to do anything. +Leskinen: Indeed. You two are truly merciless. +Leskinen: And that is the best security I could get. +Maho: That sounds like an insult. +Leskinen: You two are the finest ladies our institution has to offer. +Leskinen: Either way, the Amadeus AI is a tricky thing. You could say that’s what makes it interesting. +Leskinen: Keeping [them] to ourselves won’t bring us any progress, will it? +Leskinen: I’d been thinking about how I wanted to find a catalyst that could prompt Amadeus to really evolve. +Leskinen: And I wanted it to be someone who didn’t have anything to do with the research. +Leskinen: Lintahlo is smart, and I think he’s a good choice. He’s also a friend of Kurisu’s. +Maho: ... +Leskinen: Anyway, why not see what he says today before you decide? +Leskinen: First, let’s see how [Kurisu] has changed since she started spending time with Lintahlo. We may see a side of her that we’ve never seen before. +Maho: Yeah. +Leskinen: It’s time. Let’s go. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Hello. +Rintaro: We need to talk. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re meeting with the professor and Maho after this, right? Is that what this is about? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Amadeus Kurisu: Is there any reason to be nervous? Basically, you’re turning over the logs and then they’ll ask you some quick questions about your impression of me. +Rintaro: That’s it. The logs. That’s what I wanted to talk about. Have all of our conversations been recorded? +Amadeus Kurisu: I told you that when we started, right? I keep logs in a place where nobody but me can access them. Were you not listening? +Rintaro: And you’re going to submit them to the professor and Hiyajo? +Amadeus Kurisu: Probably. +Rintaro: Which means if I say anything personal to you, Dr. Leskinen and Maho will hear it?! +Amadeus Kurisu: You... You’re just realizing this now? +Rintaro: I just realized today. +Rintaro: Hey, have I told you anything I shouldn’t have so far? +Amadeus Kurisu: Like the fact that you were barely able to talk to any girls at the matchmaking party? +Amadeus Kurisu: Or the fact that your family sells vegetables, but you hate eggplants? +Rintaro: I don’t hate eggplants. I’m just not very good at eating them. +Amadeus Kurisu: Or the fact that the first time we talked, you called me ‘Christina’? +Rintaro: Ugh... +Rintaro: Please forget about that. +Amadeus Kurisu: Human memories are ambiguous, and as time passes they become more subjective and tend to be compressed into a single narrative. +Amadeus Kurisu: Regardless of whether the memory is a good or a bad one, it’s common to only be able to remember words that left an impression. And that impression will often alter your memories of the surrounding conversation. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. That’s just how human memories work. +Amadeus Kurisu: But Amadeus isn’t a human. It’s an incomplete AI, still in the research stage. +Amadeus Kurisu: This is a big problem for Maho and the professor⋯ But actually, Amadeus still can’t perfectly replicate the ambiguity of human memories. +Rintaro: ...? +Amadeus Kurisu: In other words, it can’t completely replicate the high-level brain function that is ‘forgetting.’ +Rintaro: Huh? But at the ATF seminar, Dr. Leskinen said that Amadeus would forget unneeded information... +Amadeus Kurisu: Yes, I do forget things. But remember what I said? I record things in a log, like it’s my ‘secret diary.’ +Amadeus Kurisu: So in the end, all the information is still kept there. And if I load that, all the data I should have forgotten will come flooding back to me. Okay? +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Another plan would be to delete my logs... but those are my backups, so that’s not happening. +Amadeus Kurisu: Even if I could delete one area, the result would be the same. I would analyze the surrounding conversation and automatically reconstruct the missing portion. +Amadeus Kurisu: If you want to alter my memories... you’d have to mess with the primary program. +Amadeus Kurisu: So? Why Christina? +Rintaro: You really don’t give up, do you? I’ll hang up right now if I have to. +Amadeus Kurisu: Even if you run, as I’ve just explained, I won’t forget. +Amadeus Kurisu: The more you try to change the subject, the more interested I get, you know? +Amadeus Kurisu: Or is this a ploy to get me to pay attention to you? +Rintaro: You’re the one who wants attention. You call me in the middle of my university lectures. +Rintaro: And not only that, you message me all the time on [color index="280AA02D1400"]RINE[color index="800000"]. +Amadeus Kurisu: Ugh... +Rintaro: You’ve got too much curiosity. If you keep poking your head into things, one of these days you’re going to regret it. +Amadeus Kurisu: A-A scientist can’t function if they’re not curious! +Rintaro: If you’re that interested in why I call you Christina, why not come up with a theory yourself? +Amadeus Kurisu: I have a few, actually. Listen to these. +Amadeus Kurisu: Theory 1: You’ve got a crush on a Hollywood actress named Christina. +Rintaro: You think you’ve got the looks of a Hollywood actress? +Amadeus Kurisu: Looks don’t matter. It’s like how you feel a closeness to someone with the same name. +Rintaro: So this is what you’re saying, in other words. +Rintaro: Rintaro Okabe feels close to me. +Amadeus Kurisu: I-It’s just an example. Don’t try to read too deep into it. +Rintaro: It’s a joke. +Amadeus Kurisu: Theory 2: You once dated a foreign girl named Christina. +Amadeus Kurisu: Given your terrible English ability, this one is out of the question, huh? +Rintaro: It’s possible that I dated a blonde babe who also spoke fluent Japanese, isn’t it? +Amadeus Kurisu: Did you? +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Silence is an admission of defeat. +Rintaro: Sorry. +Amadeus Kurisu: Theory 3: You knew the original me, and called her that either directly or indirectly. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: This is also unlikely. If you called me that, I know what I’d say. +Amadeus Kurisu: Stop adding -tina. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I was embarrassed. +Amadeus Kurisu: What do you mean? +Rintaro: I couldn’t bring myself to say her name, so I came up with a nickname to hide my embarrassment. +Amadeus Kurisu: Embarrassment? +Rintaro: Yeah... Not just with the original, either. It happens when I’m talking to you, too. +Amadeus Kurisu: Me? +Rintaro: I mean, I’ve never talked to a girl inside a monitor before. +Amadeus Kurisu: W-What? +Amadeus Kurisu: Well... thank you. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: Why are you blushing? +Amadeus Kurisu: I-I am not. +Amadeus Kurisu: I just didn’t expect that you’d treat me like a girl. It surprised me a little... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: That part of you, I really l-”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: ...! +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, can I ask you something? +Amadeus Kurisu: We knew each other, didn’t we? +Amadeus Kurisu: I mean... you and the original me. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine, but what was our relationship? I’m kind of curious. +Amadeus Kurisu: Did I not get mad when you called me Christina? Or did I get mad, but then laugh and forgive you? +Rintaro: Uh... +Kurisu: I don’t want to die... +Rintaro: Ugh... +Kurisu: You killed me. +Rintaro: ...! +Amadeus Kurisu: ...What’s wrong? +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, you’ve gone pale...”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: Ugh...oh... +Rintaro: Ugh... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: What is it? +Amadeus Kurisu: You know exactly what it is. It’s rude to just hang u– +Amadeus Kurisu: Is something wrong? +Rintaro: Nothing. +Amadeus Kurisu: But you look so pale. +Rintaro: It’s nothing, really. Leave me alone. It’d help a lot if you wouldn’t talk to me for a while... +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t push yourself too hard. Contact somebody you know, okay? +Amadeus Kurisu: Bye. +Rintaro: I shouldn’t have messed with this... +Rintaro: ...? +Girl with the short haircut: I knew it. It’s Okarin. +Girl with the Long hair: Hi there. +Rintaro: Oh, you’re Mayuri’s friends. +Girl with the Long hair: Are you okay? You don’t look so good. +Rintaro: I’m fine. +Girl with the short haircut: You always look like you’re hurting somehow, Okarin. +Rintaro: Do I? +Girl with the short haircut: You do. +Girl with the Long hair: Fubuki... +Fubuki: And when Mayushii looks at you, she looks like she’s in pain, too. +Fubuki: And when I see her looking at you, I feel like I’m going to cry... +Fubuki: Wait, what am I saying? +Fubuki: Um... +Fubuki: Who’s the girl you like? +Rintaro: ...?! +Rintaro: ... +Kaede: Okarin? +Fubuki: I-I’m sorry. That was rude to ask! +Fubuki: Um, I... +Rintaro: ...?! +Fubuki: Okarin? +Kaede: Are you really okay? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... I’m fine. +Rintaro: Gah...! +Rintaro: Hahh... Hahh... +Kaede: Um, Okarin? Are you okay? You’re sweating bullets. +Fubuki: Do you not feel well? +Rintaro: Oh, no... +Rintaro: I’m fine, really. Thanks for asking. +Fubuki: Okay, we’ll be going. +Kaede: I’m looking forward to the party. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: ...! +Mayuri: Tutturu♪! It’s Mayushii! +Rintaro: Mayuri! Is that you, Mayuri? It’s really you, right? +Mayuri: O-Okarin? What’s wrong? +Rintaro: I was so worried. I kept calling and you didn’t pick up... +Mayuri: Oh, sorry. My phone was in my bag. +Mayuri: Do you need something? +Rintaro: ...No, don’t worry about it. I was just feeling nervous. +Mayuri: Nervous? +Rintaro: Where are you now? Are you with someone? +Mayuri: I’m going to work. +Rintaro: Until when? +Mayuri: About 8 PM... +Rintaro: I see. Got it. +Mayuri: Will you come to see me, Okarin? +Rintaro: No, I’m busy today. I can’t. +Mayuri: I’m going to the lab after I get off work. +Rintaro: Okay... If I can go, we’ll meet up there, and I’ll walk you home. +Mayuri: Really? That’s rare. Ehehe! +Rintaro: Bye. Work hard, okay? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: What? Did you forget to say something? +Rintaro: ...You’re not mad? +Amadeus Kurisu: Mad? Why? +Rintaro: Because I just hung up on you. So... +Amadeus Kurisu: You already apologized for that just now. I’m not the kind of person to keep getting mad after I’ve forgiven someone. +Rintaro: Just now? +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s right. You called back, didn’t you? +Rintaro: Called back? I did? +Amadeus Kurisu: It was only seven minutes and 43 seconds ago. Did you forget? +Rintaro: I apologized? To you? +Amadeus Kurisu: ...Are you okay? +Amadeus Kurisu: What happened? Your expression’s totally different than it was a moment ago. +Rintaro: ...No, I’m fine. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re not looking so good. Shouldn’t you call one of your friends, or go rest somewhere? +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: ...Okabe? +Rintaro: Hey, [Kurisu]. Can I ask you something? +Rintaro: Do you know what I was about to do after I called you just now? +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re going to meet with Dr. Leskinen and Maho, right? +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re supposed to talk about me. +Rintaro: ...I see. +Amadeus Kurisu: Should I tell Maho about you in advance? +Rintaro: I’m fine, really. Sorry to worry you. +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t push yourself too hard. I don’t want to be the last person you ever talk to. +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: So then, Lintahlo, you say that your communication with Amadeus is going well so far? +Rintaro: ...Yes. The conversations are always smooth and coherent. +Leskinen: While I’m at it, what about the distance between you and [Kurisu]? +Rintaro: Distance... what do you mean? +Leskinen: Do you find yourself getting closer to her as you talk more? +Rintaro: Well, a bit more than when we first started talking. +Maho: A bit? You sure you don’t mean a lot? +Maho: I’m talking to her too, so I can tell. +Maho: At first she was so mad when she said you ignored eight of her calls. +Maho: But now you’re quite friendly with each other. That means you’ve gotten that much closer, right? +Leskinen: I see! Wonderful! +Leskinen: I’ve got great hopes for this. It’s possible she’ll view you as a friend, or perhaps a love interest. +Rintaro: A love interest?! +Leskinen: You don’t need to shout, do you? +Rintaro: But... she’s an AI, right? +Leskinen: It’s precisely because she’s an AI that I’m interested. +Leskinen: She has emotions, right? +Rintaro: Yes, but they’re simply running on top of a program... +Leskinen: But isn’t that the same as the human brain? +Leskinen: The question of whether machines have emotions was settled a long time ago. They do. +Leskinen: And anyway, Amadeus was designed to mimic the human brain. +Leskinen: If the structure is the same, and so is the process, shouldn’t that lead to identical results? +Leskinen: Which means it’s quite possible she could fall in love. In fact, I hope she does. +Leskinen: Oops, is this an upsetting topic for Maho? +Maho: Don’t you start acting like [Kurisu] too, professor. +Leskinen: Hahaha. It was a joke. A joke. +Leskinen: Maho’s scary when she gets mad, so be careful. +Rintaro: Yes, I’m well aware. +Maho: You know I can hear you, right? +Leskinen: Oh! I forgot that I need to call Judy. Lintahlo, I’ll be right back. +Maho: Christ. [Kurisu] first, and now the professor. Why do they have to make everything about love? +Rintaro: You’ve got that right. +Maho: Oh, right, Okabe. I had a question. +Maho: Do you know any words that she... that Kurisu really liked? +Rintaro: Words? +Maho: Or numbers or something. Anything that could be a key? +Rintaro: What, are you trying to break a password she set? +Maho: That’s exactly right. I’m impressed. +Rintaro: Is that her work computer or something? +Maho: No, her personal laptop. It was at her home. +Rintaro: Why do you have something like that? +Maho: Her mom gave it to me, so I’d have something to remember her by. +Maho: I’m trying to figure out what’s on it, so I’m looking for a way to crack the password. I thought you might know something. +Rintaro: If it’s got a password, that means she didn’t want anyone seeing it, right? +Maho: That’s true, but... +Maho: If I want to make her... the Amadeus [Kurisu]...close to the real one, it would be better to have that data, right? +Maho: Of course, I’ll do my best not to do anything that violates her privacy. +Rintaro: Sorry, I can’t think of anything. +Maho: Nothing? +Rintaro: Yeah. And even if I did know, I don’t think I’d tell you. +Maho: Because there’s something you don’t want anyone finding out? +Rintaro: Computers hold a person’s most private secrets these days. +Maho: I see... +Rintaro: Anyway, I’ll be going... +Rintaro: Come to think of it, it’s almost Christmas... +Rintaro: Are you staying here for Christmas, Hiyajo? +Maho: Yeah. I’ve still got stuff to do here. +Rintaro: Are you spending it with anyone...? +Maho: What? +Rintaro: No, I mean... outside of Japan, don’t people usually have Christmas parties with their friends? +Maho: Sorry, but I don’t have any plans like that. +Maho: And Americans and Europeans don’t have Christmas parties. +Rintaro: They don’t? +Maho: Christmas is a holy day to them, right? So they normally spend it with their families. They do have big New Year’s parties, though. +Maho: Well, I don’t have any family here, so I’ll be alone regardless. +Maho: But that doesn’t mean I’m lonely. Don’t get the wrong idea, okay? +Rintaro: Mayuri, you here? +Luka: Kyah! +Rintaro: Oh, sorry. +Luka: No, I should’ve been looking where I was going. I’m sorry. +Luka: I’m glad. If I’d gone home a little sooner, I would’ve missed you... +Rintaro: Hmm? Were you waiting for something? +Luka: Yes. But it’s nothing important. I just brought you some snacks. +Itaru: He brought us some steamed manju buns, man. +Luka: Someone gave them to us, so you can share them with everyone. +Rintaro: I see. Thank you. +Itaru: Hey, Luka-shi. You good on time? +Luka: Oh. +Luka: We’re having guests visit at home tonight. +Rintaro: Guests? Of yours? +Luka: No, guests of my father’s. For some reason I was asked to be there as well. +Luka: Normally he brings people over who have the same hobbies as he does and talks with them for a long time. +Luka: It’s all too complicated for me to understand, so usually I just bring them tea. I’m not sure why he wants me there... +Rintaro: Does he talk about religion and stuff? +Luka: Evidently not... +Luka: Last time he was talking about Ariake, and something about the era of Harumi... +Rintaro: Harumi... Ariake... +Itaru: That’s Luka-shi’s daddy for you. Spooky. +Luka: Do you two know what he was talking about? +Rintaro: Yeah, I think so. +Rintaro: But we can talk about it another time. If you’ve got company, you should head home. +Luka: Oh! Um... then I’ll be going. I’ll see you soon. +Rintaro: Where’s Mayuri? +Itaru: May Queen, probably? I haven’t seen her today. +Itaru: Oh, Okarin. That call earlier... what was that about? +Rintaro: That was... don’t worry about it. I was probably just mistaken. +Itaru: You sure? Okay, then, I guess... +Itaru: Still, Harumi, huh? Luka-shi’s daddy is a real veteran warrior. +Suzuha: What’s this about warriors? +Suzuha: Brother Luka’s father is a warrior? +Itaru: That’s right. A warrior among warriors. A man with a history of many battles, you could say. +Suzuha: I see. But I thought his family were all holy men? +Suzuha: Oh, I see. They say some holy men can also be warriors. +Suzuha: Brother Luka really was amazing. I can accept that. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin, don’t make that face. +Suzuha: I can tell you’re avoiding me. +Rintaro: You know, it’s not your fault, though. +Itaru: Wait, Suzuha. Where have you been for so long? +Itaru: Ah! Were you on a d-date with some boy? Never! Your father won’t let you go make some random guy your boyfriend! +Suzuha: No, it’s nothing like that. +Itaru: Really? +Suzuha: It’s true. +Itaru: Th-Then look me in the eye and tell me. +Suzuha: Come on. Do you of all people get to say that, Dad? +Itaru: W-What does that mean? +Suzuha: You keep playing those weird games when you need to be spending more time with mom. +Itaru: Th-That’s because two-dimensional girls and three-dimensional ones are different. +Rintaro: Didn’t you say it didn’t matter if a girl was 2d or 3d? +Itaru: Okarin! Did you have to say that right now? How can you betray me like that! +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: A-Ahem! Anyway, if it wasn’t a boy, then tell your dad what you were doing today. +Suzuha: What I was doing? +Itaru: If it wasn’t something bad, there should be no problem. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ...I was looking for someone. +Itaru: Someone? So it was a boy after all?! +Suzuha: I told you, it’s not like that. +Suzuha: A little girl... No, she’d be older than me now, I guess. +Suzuha: Actually, there was another girl in the time machine when I came here. +Rintaro: What?! +Itaru: Wait, Suzuha! This is the first I’ve heard about this. +Suzuha: I never told you. +Rintaro: Who is she? Where is she now? +Suzuha: I don’t know what she’s doing now. +Rintaro: You don’t know? +Suzuha: We got separated, you see. In 1998, here in Akihabara. +Itaru: B-But what happened? +Suzuha: You know we went back to 1975 to find the IBN5100, right, Uncle? +Suzuha: We somehow managed to get the IBN5100, and then we went to 1998. +Suzuha: Our mission was to avoid the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Year 2000 problem[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: The Year 2000 Problem...? +Suzuha: I ran into some trouble in 1998, then got separated from her. +Rintaro: And you used the time machine before you could find her? +Suzuha: I didn’t have a choice. She ran out of the time machine on her own, and... +Suzuha: Of course, I looked for her. I did small jumps, as many as my fuel would allow, and looked everywhere for her. But... +Itaru: I guess I understand, but why’d you keep something so important from us? +Suzuha: It was my fault that I lost her. I wanted to take responsibility for bringing her back myself. +Itaru: You know me better than that. +Itaru: I’m your dad. When you’re in trouble, you can count on me. +Suzuha: Dad... +Itaru: You want to find her, right? So we’ll help. Right, Okarin? +Rintaro: What? Me, too? +Itaru: Of course. We’re not asking you to change the future. You can do this, right? +Rintaro: Well... +Itaru: So, what’s her name, and age? And is she cute? Daddy will be mad if she’s really a man. +Suzuha: She’s a girl. +Itaru: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Ok[color index="800000"]. Then gimme her name and measurements, too. +Suzuha: I don’t know her measurements. When I last saw her, she was 10. +Itaru: A loli, huh? +Rintaro: Then she should be... 22 now. +Itaru: Name, please. +Suzuha: Her name’s Kagari. Kagari Shiina. +Rintaro: Shiina? +Itaru: Suzuha... was that girl... +Suzuha: That’s right. Her mother’s name is Mayuri Shiina. +Suzuha: Kagari is Big Sis Mayu’s daughter. +Rintaro: D-D-D-D- +Itaru: Huh? Wait a second. If her name was Shiina, that means Mayu-shi didn’t change her name. Which means... +Suzuha: Kagari is a war orphan. She had no relatives until Big Sis Mayu took her in. +Itaru: That sounds like something she would do. +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu told me to take care of Kagari. So this should never have happened. +Suzuha: She was always clinging to Big Sis Mayu, and she doesn’t know anybody in this time, so I’m sure she’s lonely. +Rintaro: How did you get separated? You said there was some kind of trouble. +Suzuha: I don’t know, either. But she got really unstable after we jumped to the past. +Itaru: Do you have any pictures of her? +Suzuha: Oh, yeah... +Rintaro: ...And now she’s 22, huh? It’s hard to imagine. +Itaru: Hey, Okarin. Help us out, okay? +Rintaro: She’s Mayuri’s adopted daughter, right? I’d like to help. +Rintaro: But are you okay with that, Suzuha? With me helping. +Suzuha: If you’re okay with it, Uncle. The more people, the better. +Rintaro: I see. Then I’ll help. +Suzuha: Thank you. +Mayuri: What’s this about Mayushii’s daughter? +Mayuri: Tutturu♪! Okarin, you really did wait for me! +Mayuri: ...? What is it? +Rintaro: I’m so glad... Mayuri... +Mayuri: O-Okarin? +Rintaro: Oh, sorry. +Mayuri: No... It didn’t bother me, so it’s okay. +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu... How long were you here for? +Mayuri: Hmm? I just got here. +Mayuri: Hey, hey, I heard you talking about Mayushii’s daughter. What were you talking about? +Itaru: Um, well, that is... +Rintaro: W-We were saying that you look so young you could be my daughter. +Itaru: Huh? Oh, right. Right. Mayu-shi’s a cute young girl. +Mayuri: Yeah, people tell me that I’ve got a young face a lot. I want to look grown-up like Yuki, though. +Rintaro: Well, you eat enough for two grown-ups. +Mayuri: Ehehe! +Mayuri: Oh, speaking of food, is there anything you want for Christmas? +Rintaro: Christmas? You mean the party? +Mayuri: Yup. +Rintaro: Anything’s fine. +Rintaro: As long as it’s food, though. +Suzuha: A Christmas party, huh? +Mayuri: Have you never been to one, Suzu? +Suzuha: Where I come from, we really didn’t have time for parties. +Suzuha: But I think there was one time when dad got us a really good chicken from somewhere. +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu said she’d cook it, but dad stopped her. +Suzuha: It really wasn’t much more than we usually got, but it did make me happy. +Mayuri: Is there anything you want, Daru? +Itaru: If I’ve got cute girls dressed up in Santa cosplay, that’s all I need. +Mayuri: Hmm... How much food do we need, you think? +Mayuri: The plan was to make it all with Yuki... Oh, I know. Maybe I’ll have Luka and Faris help, too. +Mayuri: Is there anybody you want to bring to the party, Okarin? +Rintaro: Me? I don’t really– +Mayuri: Okarin? +Rintaro: ...No, not really. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Hello. +Amadeus Kurisu: Why are you calling at this hour? +Rintaro: Nothing... I just felt like talking. Did I bother you? +Amadeus Kurisu: Not really. Talking to you is good for me, you know. +Amadeus Kurisu: You met with Maho, right? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Amadeus Kurisu: What did you talk about? +Rintaro: What? I just gave her my report about our conversations. +Amadeus Kurisu: Is that all? You didn’t invite her anywhere? +Rintaro: Are you still going on about that? You’d better not tell that to Hiyajo. She’ll get mad at you. +Amadeus Kurisu: But this is her big chance! I don’t want her to waste it. +Rintaro: Hey, question for you. What’s the best way to find a missing person? +Amadeus Kurisu: That sure came out of nowhere. +Rintaro: Some friends and I are trying to find someone. +Rintaro: But we don’t really know what to do, you see. +Amadeus Kurisu: Tell me the details. +Rintaro: Well... +Amadeus Kurisu: You can’t say anything? +Rintaro: I’m not the only one involved. +Amadeus Kurisu: But I can’t really help you like that, though. +Rintaro: You’re right... +Rintaro: If you could just give me your general thoughts... +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm... Well, the best option is to go to the police. +Amadeus Kurisu: Or a [color index="280AA02D1400"]private investigator[color index="8A0000"], possibly. Or look at old newspaper articles? But I guess you’re already doing that. +Rintaro: I don’t know about that. +Amadeus Kurisu: You don’t know? You’re trying to find someone, and you haven’t even done that? +Rintaro: I just heard about this today. I’ll find out later. +Rintaro: Some people in America use dowsing and clairvoyance to find people, right? +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t tell me you believe in that stuff. It has no scientific basis whatsoever. +Rintaro: No, it was just something I thought of. +Amadeus Kurisu: Good. If you said yes, I was never going to speak to you again. +Rintaro: Thanks. That’s a big help. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’ll be praying you find her. +Rintaro: Oh, and... +Amadeus Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: Oh, no. It’s nothing. +Amadeus Kurisu: What? Now you’ve got me wondering. +Rintaro: It’s nothing. Really. Anyway, I’ll talk to you tomorrow or something. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Well, Dad? Any luck? +Itaru: Nope, sorry. Nothing. +Suzuha: I see... +Rintaro: Let me ask you something. Did you go to the police? +Suzuha: Yeah. I did. But there’s no official missing person’s report. +Itaru: Yesterday, I did some light hacking of the police database, but I didn’t find anything. +Rintaro: ...Yeah, I’m sure. +Itaru: Did you look too, then? +Rintaro: I didn’t look at any internal data like you did, Daru, but yeah. +Suzuha: You know, this world may seem peaceful, but there sure are a lot of people who go missing. +Itaru: Hmm? Okarin, where are you going? +Rintaro: I thought I’d do a little more research. +Suzuha: Thank you, Uncle Okarin. +Rintaro: No, it’s nothing, really. +Suzuha: No... Thank you, anyway. +Amadeus Kurisu: What’s wrong? +Rintaro: Oh... +Amadeus Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: Nothing... +Amadeus Kurisu: ...? +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, you seem even more tired than yesterday. You okay? +Rintaro: Is that how I look? +Amadeus Kurisu: Your tone’s dropped lower than usual. I see your conjunctiva are slightly swollen with blood, too. Were you looking into that case you told me about yesterday? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Amadeus Kurisu: You dummy. If that’s what you were trying to do, you could’ve just asked me. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Amadeus Kurisu: I can access the network and research anything that’s on the internet, you know? +Rintaro: Oh, that’s right. +Amadeus Kurisu: Want me to give it a try? +Rintaro: Can you do it right now? +Amadeus Kurisu: It won’t take much time at all. +Rintaro: All right, give it a go. +Amadeus Kurisu: Sure, just give me a second. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm. +Rintaro: You’re done already? +Amadeus Kurisu: I searched the network, and nobody named Kagari Shiina’s been involved in any accidents or crimes since 1998. +Amadeus Kurisu: I found three people with identical names, but given their ages, they’re almost certainly not the girl you’re looking for. +Amadeus Kurisu: If you want, I can send you an email with their data later. +Rintaro: No, that’s fine. +Amadeus Kurisu: I think that’s all I can do, then. Now it’s up to you to do what only you can do. +Rintaro: What can I do? +Amadeus Kurisu: Go gather information around the place where she disappeared. It’s the ultimate in analog methods, though. +Rintaro: ...I guess you’re right. +Faris: Meow? Kyo– I mean, Okarin? +Faris: I knew it was you, nya. What are you doing here, nya? +Rintaro: Faris, and... +Luka: Hello, Okabe. +Rintaro: Huh, it’s rare to see you two together. +Faris: We just happened to run into each other over there, nya. And Luka-nyan was carrying a heavy load, so I decided to help him, nya. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, excuse me. +Luka: Hmm? Did you just hear something? +Rintaro: No, this isn’t– +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, are you listening? Hey! +Faris: There it is again, nya! Is that who you were talking to a minute ago, nya? +Rintaro: No, this is– +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, wait– +Faris: Were you on the phone, nya? +Rintaro: O-Oh, I was asking an acquaintance for some advice. +Luka: Advice? +Faris: So that was it, nya. When I saw you from behind, it looked like you were mumbling to yourself. So I was a little worried, nya. +Faris: Anyway, if you’re in trouble, you should have just come to Faris, nya! +Luka: T-That’s right. I might not be able to help, but I can at least listen... +Rintaro: Thanks, really. But it’s nothing... +Rintaro: I’m actually looking for someone. +Luka: You’re looking for someone? +Faris: I’d be really interested in knowing why she went missing, nya. +Rintaro: Sorry, but I can’t tell you that. +Faris: Meow... +Rintaro: If you could ask if anyone has any idea, that would be a huge help. +Faris: Hmm, got it. I’ll ask Kuroki, nya. +Faris: Oh, and I’ll ask the masters at May Queen Nyan², nya. +Luka: I’ll ask my father, as well as our parishioners. +Rintaro: Thanks, that would be a big help. +Rintaro: Anyway, Lukako. What’s all this stuff? +Luka: Oh, remember how I said I had guests coming yesterday? +Luka: One of those guests is going to be staying at our house for a while. +Faris: So he’d gone to get the things they needed, nya. +Rintaro: That’s rough. +Luka: No, it’s actually kind of fun. +Rintaro: Don’t get too into it, okay? +Luka: Huh? Okay... +Luka: I’ve got it... I’ve got it... +Faris: Luka-nyan, you okay? You’re not even walking straight, nya. +Luka: I-I’m fine. This is nothing... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Um... have some tea, if you like. +Rintaro: No, I’ll pass. You’ve got guests, right? +Luka: That’s true, but... +Rintaro: You know, I have no idea how you expected to carry all this stuff. +Luka: I’ve gotten a little stronger lately! I’ve been doing the sword exercises you gave me, Kyo– I mean, Okabe... +Rintaro: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Seishin Zanma School[color index="800000"], huh? +Luka: I’m sorry... +Luka’s Father: Luka, are you home? +Luka: Yes! I’ll be right there! +Rintaro: Okay, I’ll be going. +Luka: R-Right! Thank you, Okabe. +Faris: Anyway, if you’re in trouble, you should have just come to Faris, nya! +Luka: Th-That’s right. I might not be able to help, but I can at least listen... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: ... +Reporter: Christ, why do I have to do this report? +Director: You’re the one who said you wanted work, no matter what it was. +Reporter: I did say that, but still... +Director: I’m giving a bratty failed actress a chance to do something productive with her life. I expect gratitude, not complaints. +Reporter: What did you say?! +Director: Or what, are you going give up on the job and run away? You never see anything through, you know. You keep that up and you’ll lose custody. +Reporter: ...! +Reporter: So... where is it? +Director: Back behind those bushes. +Reporter: Ugh... +Newscaster: Five scientists have gone missing this year, and three of the five were believed to have been researching artificial intelligence. +Newscaster: The authorities believe that the culprits may be radical religious fundamentalists who oppose the development of AI. +Newscaster: And now we go live to the scene. Jessica? +Reporter: This is Jessica Edmond, reporting live from the scene. The bodies found this morning were initially believed to be human– +Reporter: But police investigation later revealed them to be chimpanzees and orangutangs. +Reporter: But the bodies are all missing their brains and parts of their heads. Police are warning locals that a maniac may be on the loose– +Male student: Hey, Okabe. You got class after this? +Rintaro: Nope, I’m done for the day. +Male student: Then you want to go get some food somewhere? +Rintaro: You just want curry again, don’t you? [color index="280AA02D1400"]Kitchen Toukai[color index="800000"]? +Male student: I got a bit of an extra bonus yesterday, so maybe I’ll splurge and go to [color index="280AA02D1400"]Mondi[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: I’ll pass. I’m a little tight this month. +Male student: Okay. Maybe next time, then. +Rintaro: Sure. +Rintaro: Anyway, time to go home... huh? +Rintaro: ...Dr. Leskinen? +Rintaro: ...He’s gone. +Rintaro: Next time I see him, I’ll ask... +Faris: But I did hear about a ghost with twin tails, nya. +Rintaro: A ghost with twin tails? +Faris: Nyat’s right. Supposedly it appears every few years and asks people if they’ve seen a little girl, nya. +Faris: No matter how many years pass its appearance doesn’t change, so people call it the ghost with twin tails, nya. +Rintaro: The underworld, huh? +Rintaro: Come to think of it... +Kurisu: Don’t walk forwards. Then I have to walk backwards. Let’s walk sideways. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Hmm... +Itaru: When you stop to think about it, Suzuha’s been working pretty hard at this. We amateurs aren’t exactly going to find something new on our own. +Suzuha: Thanks for helping. You don’t need to waste any more time on this. I’ll keep looking on my own. +Itaru: No, wait a second, Suzuha. What I’m trying to say is– +Suzuha: I can’t let you guys keep working so hard at this. What happened with Kagari is my responsibility. +Itaru: Don’t be silly. If the kid’s responsible, the parent’s responsible, [color index="280AA02D1400"]duh[color index="800000"]. +Suzuha: Dad... +Itaru: Hey, how was that? I think I was a pretty good daddy there. If you want to hug me and tell me how much you love your daddy, go right ahead! +Suzuha: Ha... +Itaru: Anyway, what I’m trying to say here is, just searching around randomly isn’t going to get you anywhere. +Rintaro: So what are we supposed to do? +Itaru: You ask someone who knows this stuff. The best way to handle this is to go to a specialist. +Suzuha: A specialist? +Itaru: The way to do this is to talk to someone who knows the underworld, duh. +Suzuha: Do you know someone like that? +Itaru: Tch, tch, tch. Don’t underestimate your daddy. He may be an otaku, but he’s well-known in certain circles. +Rintaro: Well-known for being a tub of lard. +Itaru: Don’t make fun of me, man. +Rintaro: And anyway, are you serious? Do you really know someone with underworld connections? +Itaru: I’ll see who I can find. +Suzuha: What do you think, Uncle? +Rintaro: If someone like that really exists, it can’t hurt to ask them. +Itaru: Okay, sent. Now we just wait for a response... +Rintaro: Hmm? +Itaru: Oh? +Suzuha: Huh? It’s back already? +Itaru: Yeah. Says she’s on her way. +Rintaro: She’s pretty fast, isn’t she? +Itaru: Better than slow, isn’t it? +Rintaro: Hello? Lukako? +Luka: Oh, Okabe. S-Sorry, are you free right now? +Rintaro: Yeah. What’s up? +Luka: Um... actually there was something I wanted to talk to you about. +Rintaro: Something you wanted to talk to me about? +Luka: ...Can I come over now? +Rintaro: Now? Is it something you can’t say on the phone? +Luka: Yes... Kind of. +Rintaro: ...Sorry. Someone’s coming over now. +Luka: I see... +Rintaro: Can it wait until after that? +Luka: I’ve got something to do later... +Rintaro: I see. +Luka: So, how about... +Itaru: Come in! +Rintaro: Sorry, Lukako. She’s here. I’ll talk to you later– +Rintaro: Wha– +Rintaro: –Her? Again?! +Moeka: ... +Luka: Um... Okabe? What’s wrong? Okabe? +Itaru: Come in! +Rintaro: Wha– +Rintaro: –Her? Again?! +Moeka: ... +Suzuha: Have something to drink. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Why...? +Itaru: What’s wrong, Okarin? +Rintaro: Nothing... +Moeka: ...? +Suzuha: Uncle, you look pale. You doing okay? +Rintaro: Don’t worry about me... Anyway, Daru, can you explain what’s going on? +Itaru: Oh, this is Kiryu-shi. She’s an [color index="280AA02D1400"]edit-pro[color index="800000"] writer. +Moeka: Moeka... Kiryu. +Rintaro: Hey, Daru... How did you meet her? +Itaru: Her magazine once did a special on Akihabara [color index="280AA02D1400"]urban legends[color index="800000"]. +Itaru: And so I got a request to talk about my part-time job. +Itaru: It’s not something I can really talk about, you know? So I politely refused, but... +Itaru: I normally try to make myself hard to track down. But Kiryu-shi was able to find me. That got my attention. +Itaru: And once I met her, as you can see, I found out she was really hot. +Itaru: A hot writer who tracks down urban legends? Isn’t that the most anime thing ever? +Itaru: Well, it’s not exactly her specialty, but she knows a lot about Akihabara. Especially about some of the underground stuff, I guess? So I thought it might be worth asking her. +Moeka: ...You’re looking for someone. That’s what I heard. +Itaru: Yup. Actually, we want you to find a girl who went missing 12 years ago in Akihabara. +Moeka: ...In other words... you want me to find this Kagari Shiina person? +Itaru: That’s right. Can you help? +Moeka: I... can try... +Itaru: Seriously? +Moeka: But... I don’t know if I’ll find her... +Itaru: Of course. If you can’t, you can’t. +Itaru: So we’ll pay you if you succeed, and then any other necessary expenses. Ok? +Moeka: ...No problem. +Itaru: Okarin, Suzuha, you two okay with that? +Suzuha: If she can help, I’m not going to complain. +Rintaro: ...I don’t mind... either. +Itaru: It’s a deal, then. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Whew... +Suzuha: Uncle, are you sure you’re okay? +Rintaro: I’m fine. I was just a little nervous. +Suzuha: Uncle, you knew that Moeka Kiryu girl, didn’t you? +Rintaro: Huh? +Itaru: Seriously? When did that happen, Okarin? +Rintaro: ...Why did you think so? +Suzuha: I could tell by looking at you. +Rintaro: ...No, I don’t know her. +Suzuha: Did you know her in the alpha world line? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Okay. I won’t ask any more, but I’ll do my best to keep an eye on her. +Rintaro: ...That’s enough. For now. +Itaru: What are you guys talking about? +Rintaro: I got nervous, is all. +Itaru: I understand that. She’s hot, has giant boobs, great proportions, and she even wears glasses. You can’t help it. +Rintaro: That’s right... +Suzuha: ... +Maho: Wheeew... +Maho: A password, huh? +Maho: Maybe it would be better to ask a professional. +???: What’s up, now? +Maho: Hyah?! +Leskinen: Hahaha, is it really that surprising? +Maho: P-Professor! You’re back? +Leskinen: Just now. +Leskinen: You know, Japanese convenience stores have so many foods to choose from! It’s truly wonderful! +Leskinen: You can eat a different boxed lunch every day, and a week later you’ll have new ones to choose from. +Leskinen: And each store’s got its own flavor, so you can get your food from them every day if you want. +Maho: If you keep eating boxed lunches from convenience stores, you’re going to get fat. +Leskinen: Hahaha! It’s still healthy compared to American food. +Leskinen: Also, I don’t think you have the right to lecture anyone about their eating habits. +Maho: Uh... +Leskinen: By the way, what do you want to ask a professional for help with? +Maho: Oh, that... It’s nothing. Nothing. +Leskinen: Yeah? If there’s anything I can do to help, I will. +Maho: Thank you. I may take you up on that. +Leskinen: Maho? Where are you going? +Maho: I’m going to Akihabara to get some fresh air. +Leskinen: That’s a long way to go just for some fresh air. +Maho: Uh... +Leskinen: If you just admit that you’re going to see Lintahlo, I’ll permit it. +Maho: I-It’s not like that! +Leskinen: It’s not? +Maho: ...I might go see him while I’m there. +Leskinen: Hmm... +Maho: J-Just so we’re clear, it’s not like that! It really isn’t. +Leskinen: I haven’t said a word. +Maho: ... Anyway, I’m taking the day off. +Leskinen: Tell Lintahlo I said hi. +Maho: And anyway, isn’t that called sexual harassment these days? +Maho: ...? +Maho: I must’ve imagined that... right? +Maho: ... +Maho: ... +Maho: ...! +Maho: Please...! +Maho: Okabe! Help me...! +Rintaro: Hello? +Maho: Hello? Okabe? It’s me! Hiyajo! +Maho: I’m right next to your lab– +Rintaro: What’s this...? +Moeka: ...Report. +Suzuha: Well, Uncle? +Rintaro: I guess it really isn’t going to be that easy to find her... +Suzuha: I see... +Suzuha: Kagari... where are you, and what are you doing? +Rintaro: Hmm? +Itaru: What’s up, Okarin? Find something useful? +Rintaro: No, not really. But... +Suzuha: Let me see. +Suzuha: My investigation has revealed one interesting fact. +Suzuha: Over the past one to two months, it seems another party besides ourselves has been searching for Kagari Shiina. +Suzuha: What does that mean? +Moeka: ...Just what you read. +Rintaro: Sorry, can I take this? +Rintaro: Hello? +Maho: Hello? Okabe? It’s me! Hiyajo! +Rintaro: What’s wrong, Hiyajo–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Maho: I’m right next to your lab–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: Hiyajo?! Hiyajo?! What’s wrong? +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Okarin? What’s wrong? +Rintaro: Someone’s attacking this girl I know! +Itaru: Wait, seriously? Which girl? +Rintaro: ...! +Maho: Stop it! Let me go! +Rintaro: Hiyajo! +Maho: Huh? +???: –?! +Rintaro: ...A woman? +Maho: Okabe...? +Rintaro: Hey, let go of Hiyajo! +Suspicious woman: ... +Rintaro: Let her go... +Rintaro: I’ll say it again. Let her– +Maho: It’s not like that, Okabe. +Rintaro: Huh? +Suspicious woman: Oh! +Suspicious woman: Are you Maho’s boyfriend? +Rintaro: Huh?! What? Wait– +Maho: I told you, he is not! +Rintaro: Then you know her, Hiyajo? +Maho: I’m sorry. It was my mistake– +Woman: I’m Judy. Judy Reyes. Pleasure meeting you, Mr.Okabe. +Rintaro: Um... uh... Nice to meet you... +Reyes: Heheh. Japanese will do just fine. +Maho: What? You speak Japanese, Professor? +Reyes: Yes, actually. +Maho: I had no idea. But why? +Reyes: When a girl gets to be my age, a lot happens. +Reyes: Anyway, I’ll introduce myself properly. Judy. Judy Reyes. Nice to meet you. +Rintaro: R-Rintaro Okabe. +Maho: Professor Reyes says she came to Japan for an AI conference. +Rintaro: She’s a professor? At Viktor Chondria? +Reyes: I research psychophysiology. +Rintaro: Psycho...? +Maho: It’s the intersection of psychology and biology. In other words, she researches how the activities of the brain affect the inner workings and diseases of the mind. +Maho: In that sense, her research is a lot more useful to humanity than ours. +Reyes: That’s not true. Depending on how it turns out, your Amadeus could turn into an incredibly useful piece of technology. +Maho: It makes me happy to hear you say that. +Maho: Still, that’s pretty mean of you. Following me all the way from the station... +Reyes: I followed you? From the station? +Maho: That’s right. You followed me the whole time, didn’t you? +Reyes: No, I didn’t. I happened to see you from that shop over there, and decided to surprise you. +Maho: Huh? +Rintaro: Hiyajo, someone followed you? +Maho: Yes... that’s what it felt like. +Rintaro: Did you see anyone suspicious? +Reyes: ... +Maho: I must have been mistaken, then. +Reyes: I’m sure you were. Japan’s the safest country in the world, right? +Reyes: What are you going to do now, Maho? +Maho: I... +Reyes: Heh, I see. All right, I’ll be on my way, then. We should talk some time, Rintaro. +Reyes: Bye! +Rintaro: So this is Hiyajo. You remember me telling you about how I met her at the seminar, right? +Maho: Sorry for all the fuss. +Itaru: Well, I’m glad it was nothing. +Rintaro: Sorry... Where were we? +Itaru: We were talking about another group looking for Kagari-tan. +Rintaro: Yeah, that’s right! +Rintaro: That... is that true, Kiryu? +Moeka: It’s true... +Rintaro: There’s no chance it was Suzuha? +Suzuha: I thought of that, but... +Moeka: Some of the people looking for her were men... Some were even foreigners. +Suzuha: I’m the only one with any connection to Kagari in this time. So why would anyone– +Rintaro: Kagari Shiina’s been here for 12 years. She has to have met some people during that time. +Itaru: More like she couldn’t survive that long without somebody’s help. +Rintaro: In other words, what this report tells us is... +Rintaro: Someone who knows who Kagari Shiina is has started looking for her recently, for some unknown reason. +Rintaro: That means that at least until recently, she was alive. +Suzuha: ...! +Itaru: Oh, that’s right! +Moeka: What will you do...? +Rintaro: Shall I continue the investigation...? +Moeka: ...All right. +Maho: You’re looking for someone? +Rintaro: Yeah, just a girl I know. +Itaru: All right, Okarin. Gimme the [color index="280AA02D1400"]kwsk[color index="800000"] on Hiyajo-shi. +Rintaro: I’ve already told you everything there is to know, though. +Itaru: For example, is there going to be a [color index="280AA02D1400"]super development[color index="800000"] where she suddenly becomes a lab member? +Rintaro: Probably not. +Itaru: Then can I at least call her Maho-tan? Actually, I’m just gonna. +Maho: Maho-tan...? +Itaru: Huh? Did I get your name wrong? +Maho: That’s not it! It’s just a weird thing to say. +Itaru: But you’re Maho-tan, right, Maho-tan? Don’t you agree, Okarin? +Rintaro: Don’t ask me. +Maho: Just stop calling me that. +Itaru: But I refuse! +Rintaro: So anyway, Hiyajo, what brings you to the lab today? Did I tell you about this place? +Maho: Amadeus told me. +Maho: There was... something I wanted to talk to you about, but forget it. +Maho: I got to see this mysterious laboratory, and it looks like you’re all busy. +Rintaro: Was she... mad? +Maho: Yeah, she was really ticked off. She says you’re not picking up her calls. +Itaru: What? What? What? What are we talking about? +Rintaro: Nothing involving romance. Cool it, man. +Maho: Is this really bothering you after all, Okabe? If you want to stop being a tester, you can... +Rintaro: No, that’s not it. It’s just... +Maho: Talk to her some time, if you ever feel like it. She’s lonely. +Rintaro: Okay... +Mayuri: Fwoo... Mayushii is very disappointed. +Rintaro: Hmm? Is this about the Christmas party? +Mayuri: Yup. Kaede and Fubuki are both busy. +Mayuri: And Faris is at work, and Nae’s going to spend it with her dad... +Mayuri: And Daru says he’s going to go have fun with Yuki. +Rintaro: That’s a good thing, isn’t it? +Rintaro: You sure you don’t want to spend Christmas with your family? Your dad was reserving a cake. +Mayuri: You met my dad? +Rintaro: I ran into him near my house. He was all excited because he was reserving a big cake to surprise you. +Mayuri: I see... Then maybe I should do that. +Rintaro: Oh, but don’t let him know I told you. It’s supposed to be a surprise. +Mayuri: Yeah, okay. But what are you going to do for Christmas? +Rintaro: I guess I don’t have any plans. My family never did stuff like that. +Mayuri: Didn’t you say that one year you asked Santa for a present, and the next day you found vegetables under your pillow? +Rintaro: Yeah, and it was obviously stuff left over from the day before. When I went to complain, my dad yelled at me and told me we weren’t Christians anyway. +Mayuri: Once Christmas is done, there’s ComiMa, and then New Year’s. The year just flies by... +Rintaro: You’re right. +Mayuri: Oh, I know! Hey, Okarin, since we can’t have a Christmas party, how about we have a New Year’s party? +Mayuri: We could all go visit the shrine, and eat osechi... And say Happy New Year’s! +Rintaro: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. +Mayuri: Right? Right? Okay, then I’ll ask everybody later! +Mayuri: Okay, Mayushii’s about to go shopping! +Rintaro: Shopping? +Mayuri: Yup. I need some props for Fubuki’s cosplay. +Rintaro: I see. Take care. +Mayuri: Okay. +Mayuri: Oh, right, Okarin. Lukako wanted to talk to you about something. +Rintaro: Oh... +Rintaro: Got it. I’ll get in touch with him. +Mayuri: Okay, thanks. +Mayuri: Bye-bye! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Lukako isn’t picking up... +Rintaro: Come in! +Luka: Hello... +Rintaro: Lukako. +Luka: Good, Okabe. I’m glad you’re here. +Rintaro: Sorry, I totally forgot. So I just called you... +Luka: Huh? Oh, you’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t notice, either. +Rintaro: No, it’s fine. Anyway, you’ve got to be cold. Come in. +Luka: Oh, sure... +Luka: So, Okabe... I was going to talk to you about something... +Luka: But first, there’s someone I’d like you to meet. Is that okay? +Rintaro: Someone you’d like me to meet? +Luka: Well... +Woman: Um... Hello... +Rintaro: –! +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Woman: Nice to... meet you... +Rintaro: C-Come in. +Woman: Thank you... +Rintaro: ...She looks just like her. +Woman: ... +Woman: ...? +Luka: Okabe? +Rintaro: Oh, nothing. So, um, Lukako... +Woman: Lukako? +Rintaro: Oh, excuse me. That’s just what I call him. Since, you know, he looks like a girl. +Woman: I see. +Rintaro: So, Lukako, who is this? +Luka: Well... remember how I told you my dad had a visitor staying? +Rintaro: Yeah, you told me. Is this her? +Luka: Yes. +Rintaro: I thought a friend of your father’s would be older. +Luka: Oh, no. More precisely, someone my dad knows brought her. +Rintaro: Oh... +Luka: So I wanted to talk to you about her. +Rintaro: Before that, can you tell me your name? It’s hard to just keep saying ‘her.’ +Woman: ... +Luka: Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. +Luka: Well... how can we find out who this girl is? +Rintaro: Wait a second, Lukako. What do you mean? +Luka: She’s got amnesia, she says. +Rintaro: Amnesia? +Woman: That’s right. +Rintaro: Then she doesn’t even remember her name? +Woman: That’s right. +Rintaro: Or who she is? +Woman: That’s right... +Rintaro: Why? +Woman: I don’t know. +Rintaro: But why come to me? +Luka: I thought you might know of a good way to bring back someone’s memories. +Luka: You talk about memories and the brain and all that complicated stuff all the time. +Woman: Anything you can do to help me bring back my memories would be wonderful! +Rintaro: W-Wait. Sure, I talked about that stuff a lot, but I’m just an interested amateur. I don’t know anything special. +Woman: I see... +Luka: Th-Then is there some way you can find out who she is? Kana seems to be suffering so much. +Rintaro: Kana? +Kana: Luka’s father gave me that name. He said I needed a name. He says it means ‘temporary.’ +Rintaro: I-It doesn’t sound like a lot of thought went into that... +Kana: He said since I wasn’t going to be using it forever, it would be better this way. +Luka: Okabe, is there anything you can do? If we could at least find out her name... +Rintaro: I’d love to help, but wouldn’t it be faster to go to a private investigator? +Luka: A private investigator? Like a detective agency? +Rintaro: Yeah. But even that’s going to be rough with nothing to go on at all. +Rintaro: You didn’t have a wallet or a bag or anything? +Kana: No, nothing. +Rintaro: Nothing? Not necessarily something big. I’d imagine there has to be at least one thing. +Kana: There is one thing. But I don’t know if it’ll help. +Rintaro: May I see? +Kana: Yes... +Mayuri: Huh? Do we have visitors? +Suzuha: ... +Luka: Oh, Mayuri. +Mayuri: It’s Luka! +Suzuha: Brother Luka, who is this? +Luka: Um, she’s a guest who’s staying with my family... +Kana: ... +Mayuri: Wow! +Mayuri: That’s an Upa, right? +Kana: Uh... +Mayuri: Do you like Upa? Mayushii loves him, too! +Kana: ... +Rintaro: Is this your clue? +Mayuri: But how old is this? It looks pretty old. +Mayuri: This was probably green to start with. It’s the Forest Fairy version! +Rintaro: Forest Fairy? +Mayuri: Yup. It was in the movie that just came out. Mayushii’s got one too, see? But the design’s a little different. +Mayuri: This key chain’s really hard to find, so I was looking everywhere for it. And then Luka found it and bought it for me a while ago. Remember? +Luka: Yeah. I just happened to see it on sale... +Rintaro: That’s strange, though. If it’s from a new movie, it can’t have been on sale that long. And yet it’s so old... huh? +Kana: ... +Kana: Hahh... hahh... +Luka: A-Are you okay, Kana? +Rintaro: Are you not feeling well? +Kana: I’m fine... +Luka: Ah! +Rintaro: I know. I’ll get you something cold. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Suzuha? +Suzuha: This is impossible... +Rintaro: Huh? +Suzuha: No... that Upa... +Rintaro: What’s wrong, Suzuha? +Suzuha: I know that Upa. It’s... +Luka: Huh? +Mayuri: ??? +Rintaro: H-Hey! Suzuha! +Kana: Hahh... hahh... +Suzuha: A-Are you... +Kana: Hahh... hahh... hahh... +Suzuha: Kagari? +Suzuha: Are you Kagari? Are you Kagari Shiina?! +Kana: –! +Kana: ... +Kana: ... +Rintaro: Well? Calm down a bit? +Kana: Yes... Thank you. +Rintaro: Lukako... and Mayuri. Sorry, can you go buy something cold to drink? +Luka: Huh? +Rintaro: And some of those cooling sheets that you put on your forehead would be nice, too. +Mayuri: Yup, okay. Let’s go, Luka. +Luka: Oh, yeah... +Rintaro: Kana... +Suzuha: Kagari, where have you been, and what have you been doing? +Kana: What...? +Suzuha: What the hell were you thinking when you– +Rintaro: Wait, Suzuha. She’s lost her memories. +Suzuha: What did you say? +Suzuha: Amnesia... Then she doesn’t even know where she’s been? +Rintaro: Yeah, but there’s something we need to find out first. +Rintaro: Kana. +Kana: Oh, yes? +Rintaro: Do you remember what we were just talking about? +Kana: Yes... +Rintaro: What do you want to do? Should we wait for you to recover a little more before we continue? +Kana: No, I’m fine. +Rintaro: Okay, let’s get back to it. Suzuha, what makes you say that this is Kagari? +Suzuha: That Upa. Kagari never let go of it. She said it was a present from her mom that would keep her safe. +Rintaro: Kana said that Upa was the one thing she had with her. +Kana: That’s right. I woke up without my memories, and the only thing I had was this key chain. +Rintaro: Woke up? +Kana: Yes... +Rintaro: Woke up where? +Kana: A mountain path in Chiba. Near the prefecture’s border. +Kana: The priest of a nearby temple happened to be passing by, and he found me lying on the ground.. +Kana: I stayed there for a while. +Kana: But they said the temple was a place of spiritual training, and they couldn’t let a girl stay there for very long... +Rintaro: So they sent you to Lukako’s place? +Kana: Yes. The priest thought that Luka was a girl. +Kana: So they thought it would be good to send me to a home with a girl my age. +Suzuha: I never thought of that. If only I’d known you were so close... +Rintaro: So, Kana... did you remember anything when you heard the name Kagari? +Kana: To be honest, I don’t know. But it feels like I’ve heard it before. +Kana: And... +Kana: That girl from before... +Suzuha: You mean Big Sis Mayu? +Kana: Big Sis Mayu? +Rintaro: That’s Mayuri Shiina. +Kana: Mayuri... Somehow, when I saw her, I felt very warm. +Suzuha: Hey, can I see that again? +Kana: Oh, sure... +Suzuha: Yeah... this is definitely Kagari’s. +Kana: Then does that mean I’m this Kagari Shiina girl? +Rintaro: I think so. We can’t be sure yet, but that would make sense. +Suzuha: No, I’m sure of it. This is Kagari. The key chain is proof of it. Big Sis Mayu gave this to Kagari. +Suzuha: But how could you have amnesia, of all things? +Mayuri: Tutturu♪ +Luka: s... everything okay +Rintaro: Oh, sorry. Thanks for getting that. +Luka: Not at all... +Luka: So, um... +Luka: So is Kana this Kagari girl that Amane was looking for? +Rintaro: Yeah... That’s probably the case. +Luka: I’m so glad! Now you at least know your name... +Kana: Luka... +Luka: Oh, but then, do you know where her real family is? +Suzuha: Huh? No, that’s... +Rintaro: S-Suzuha was Kagari’s neighbor when they were kids. But she moved twelve years ago, and hasn’t been able to find her since. Isn’t that right? +Suzuha: Th-That’s right. And all of a sudden, I really started missing her, so I came to Uncle Okarin for help. +Rintaro: So that’s the situation. Which means that Suzuha doesn’t know anything about Kagari’s family, or where she lived. +Luka: I see... +Rintaro: Now if only we could get her memories back, we could know exactly what happened. +Mayuri: Um, Kagari? +Kagari: Y-Yes? +Mayuri: What’s your last name? I didn’t hear it before. So I’d like to learn it. +Kagari: Well, they say that it’s... Shiina. +Mayuri: Wow! Then you’ve got the same last name as Mayushii! Mayushii’s last name is Shiina! Mayuri Shiina! +Kagari: Mayuri Shiina... +Mayuri: Yeah, that makes me happy! I’ve never met anybody with the same name as me. +Kagari: I see... +Mayuri: Yup! So I’m really glad to meet you. +Kagari: Y-Yes. Nice to meet you, too. +Mayuri: Luka told me you’ve got amnesia. Is that true? +Kagari: Yes. +Mayuri: That means you don’t know who you are, doesn’t it? +Kagari: Yes. +Mayuri: I see... That has to be really tough, huh? +Mayuri: Because that means you forgot about the people you love, right? Mayushii thinks that’s really, really sad. +Mayuri: So, um... I don’t really know how to say this, but Mayushii will help, too, so let’s do our best, okay? +Kagari: ... +Mayuri: W-W-What’s wrong? Did Mayushii say something weird? +Kagari: No, that’s not it... Just, hearing you say that made me so happy for some reason... +Mayuri: And it’s not just Mayushii! Okarin, Suzu, and Luka all feel the same way. +Luka: Yes, of course! I’ll do anything I can. +Kagari: Thank you, Luka, Mayuri. +Rintaro: Lukako, can you do me a favor? +Luka: What is it? +Rintaro: Can Kagari stay at your place a while longer? +Luka: Huh? +Rintaro: In the meantime, we’ll try to figure out what she’s been doing until now. +Luka: O-Of course. I don’t mind. +Rintaro: Is that okay with you, too, Suzuha? +Suzuha: ...That’s fine. +Mayuri: Then I can see you if I go to Luka’s place, right? Can Mayushii come over to play? +Luka: Of course. Right, Kagari? +Kagari: Right! +Rintaro: Suzuha, you should try to drop by as often as possible, too. That’s probably the best way to get her memories back. +Suzuha: Okey-dokey. +Mayuri: Oh, right. Um, if we’re not having a Christmas Party, I’d like to have a New Year’s party. +Mayuri: Can you help too, Kagari? It would really make me happy. +Kagari: Huh? Can I? +Mayuri: Of course! Right, Luka? +Luka: Yeah. Let’s all have a party together. +Rintaro: Lukako, can I have a second? +Luka: Yes, what is it? +Rintaro: I’d like you to try to keep Kagari from leaving the shrine as much as possible. +Luka: Huh? Why? +Rintaro: Don’t ask the reason. Please. +Luka: Yes, all right. If you say so, Okabe. +Luka: Oh, Mayuri! And Okabe, too. +Mayuri: Luka! Kagari! Tutturu♪! +Kagari: Heheh! Tutturu♪! +Mayuri: Wow, Kagari! You’re amazing! +Kagari: Huh? Why? +Mayuri: ecause even when Mayushii says ’Tutturu♪’ no one ever says Tutturu♪ back at first +Rintaro: It’s hard for someone who’s only just met you to understand that it’s a greeting. +Mayuri: Yup. So everyone says, ‘What’s that?’ But you just said Tutturu♪ right back! So I’m impressed. +Kagari: I-I didn’t... I just kind of... thought I should, maybe? +Kagari: Oh, Okabe. Tutturu♪ to you, too. +Rintaro: Thanks... +Mayuri: Oh, right. It’s Christmas Eve today. Merry Christmas! +Luka: You’re right. Merry Christmas. +Kagari: Merry Christmas. +Rintaro: By the way, um, Kagari. How are you doing? +Kagari: Not bad. But I still don’t remember anything. +Rintaro: No, there’s no need to force yourself to remember things. When the time comes, the memories will come back on their own. It’s better to think of things that way. +Kagari: I understand. +Kagari: ... +Rintaro: Something wrong? +Kagari: No, I was just thinking that Luka, Mayuri, and you, of course, are all really nice. +Rintaro: No, I’m not really nice. +Kagari: Heh, you don’t need to blush. +Kagari: Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t be so informal with someone I’ve just met. +Rintaro: No, it’s fine. I’m not very good at being polite, either. +Mayuri: That’s right. Mayushii would be happier if you just talked normally. That makes it feel more like we’re friends, right? +Kagari: Friends... +Mayuri: Yeah. Friends. +Kagari: Thanks, Mayuri. Heheh, friends, huh? +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Okabe? Are you okay? You don’t look so good. +Rintaro: O-Oh. It’s nothing. I’m just not getting enough sleep. +Luka: I see... I hope so. +Rintaro: Anyway, what were you doing just now, Lukako? You looked busy. +Luka: Cleaning the shrine. +Rintaro: Don’t you clean it all the time? +Luka: Today’s the big cleaning day, when we clean the parts we don’t normally get to. +Rintaro: Oh, I see. Yeah, it’s almost New Year’s. +Luka: I did the dusting a few days ago, but there’s still stuff to do, so I’m having Kagari help. +Kagari: It doesn’t feel right to just stay here and do nothing. I have to help a little, at least. +Luka’s Father: Oh, Luka. Guests? +Luka: Hello, Father. +Luka’s Father: Oh, Okabe, Mayuri. Merry Christmas. +Mayuri: Merry Christmas. +Luka’s Father: Huh? What’s wrong, Okabe? +Rintaro: No, nothing... +Rintaro: Um, actually, about Kana... +Luka’s Father: Her name’s Kagari, I heard. Luka told me. I had no idea you guys knew her. Small world, huh? +Rintaro: That’s right. So it would help a lot if she could stay here for a while... +Luka’s Father: You seem to have your reasons, I hear. Of course, she’s welcome to stay as long as she likes. +Rintaro: Thank you. +Kagari: Thank you, sir. +Luka’s Father: Hahaha! It’s fine. It’s like having a new daughter! +Luka: A new daughter? Father, you already have my sister... +Luka’s Father: She never comes home, though. She knows I miss her, and she’s just being mean. +Luka: Ahaha... +Luka’s Father: Oh, I just had an idea. Since we’ve got all these girls here, why don’t you all help at the shrine on New Year’s? +Luka: Help? As shrine priestesses? +Luka’s Father: Of course. Kagari and Mayuri, too. We’ll have you wear the outfits. How about it? I’ll pay. +Luka: But that’s not fair to them... +Kagari: Oh, I don’t mind. You guys are really helping me, so it’s the least I can do. +Luka’s Father: Really? +Mayuri: Hm... Mayushii has to get ready for the party on New Year’s. +Mayuri: And I like making cosplay outfits, but I don’t know about wearing them. +Luka’s Father: I see... Don’t you want to see Mayuri dressed up as a shrine priestess, Okabe? +Rintaro: Huh? +Mayuri: Is that true, Okarin? +Rintaro: No, I... +Luka’s Father: Hahaha, you can’t fool me. It’s written on your face. +Mayuri: I see... Well, if Okarin says so. +Luka’s Father: Great! Glad to hear it! That means I’ll have to get the outfits ready. Hey, honey! +Luka: Um... sorry. +Mayuri: No, there’s no reason for you to apologize. +Luka: But I know you were looking forward to that New Year’s party... +Mayuri: I can still do it after I’m done helping here, so don’t worry. +Luka: Yeah, that’s right. I’ll help, too. Ask for anything you need. +Mayuri: Thanks, Luka. +Kagari: But I don’t know if I’ll look good in a shrine priestess outfit. +Mayuri: Don’t worry. I’m sure you will. +Kagari: Really? +Mayuri: Yeah. Mayushii makes all kinds of cosplay outfits for her friends, so I can tell. +Kagari: If you say so, I guess I’ll try it. +Mayuri: Yeah! +Rintaro: Okay, I’ll be going. +Luka: Huh? You’re leaving already? I haven’t even brought you tea... +Rintaro: I just came to see Kagari, is all. +Mayuri: Oh, Okarin. Mayushii is... +Rintaro: I know. You want to talk about New Year’s a little more, right? I’ll be back at the lab. +Kagari: Thanks, Okabe. +???: How many times do I have to tell you? Jeez. +Rintaro: Hmm? +Maho: Something to prove it? Just hold on... +Rintaro: Hiyajo! +Maho: Oh, Okabe! Good timing! Can you help me with something? +Rintaro: Officer, this is an adult woman. I swear it. +Police officer: Who are you? A friend of hers? +Rintaro: Yes, I’m a classmate of hers at college. +Police officer: College... +Rintaro: Tokyo Denki University. You can check it out yourself if you want, but... +Police officer: Oh, no. There’s no need to go that far. I see... so she isn’t in elementary school. +Maho: What was that all about? He could at least apologize! Hmph. Maybe I’ll sue. +Rintaro: It just means he’s dedicated to his job, right? +Maho: You’re just as bad, Okabe. +Rintaro: Me? +Maho: One look and you were sure that he had mistaken me for a kid and was trying to take me back to the station, right? +Rintaro: Uh... +Maho: If so, that means you’re thinking the same thing he was. +Rintaro: That’s not... +Maho: But I am grateful for your help. Thank you. +Rintaro: It’s nothing... +Rintaro: So what are you doing here, Hiyajo? +Maho: Here, take a look. +Maho: It’s that laptop I was telling you about. I thought there might be somebody in Akihabara who could decrypt it, but... +Rintaro: You’re still working on that? +Maho: Well, I don’t want to invade her privacy. But I want to know what she was thinking, and what she was trying to do. +Maho: You’re lucky. You got to talk to her before she died. +Maho: But it still doesn’t seem real to me. I just got a message out of nowhere that she was dead... I didn’t even get to go to the funeral. +Maho: So I want to know a little more about Kurisu. +Maho: I know it may be a little too late now, but I guess it’s my own way of coping with her death. +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Maho: So please, Okabe. Is there anything you can think of, anything at all, that could be a password? +Rintaro: Sorry, but I don’t. +Maho: Okabe! +Rintaro: I’m sorry... +Maho: Is that how you’re running away? +Rintaro: Running away? +Maho: That was why you stopped talking to Amadeus, too, right? Because you’re running? +Maho: [Kurisu] was really mad. She said you were a very cold person. +Rintaro: That’s right. I am a cold person. +Maho: Okabe... +Rintaro: ...I’m sorry. +Maho: No... +Rintaro: Oh, right. You have any plans for New Year’s? +Maho: No, not right now... +Rintaro: Then why don’t we all visit Yanabayashi Shrine? Mayuri and the others are going to be helping there. +Maho: Mayuri? +Rintaro: An old friend of mine. She’s also a Lab Member. +Maho: An old friend... +Rintaro: Yeah. And we’re having a party at the lab right after that. If you want, you can wear a shrine priestess outfit and help out, too. +Maho: A shrine priestess outfit... Is that cosplay? +Rintaro: No, it’s a real job, so it’s not cosplay. +Maho: I see. But I’ll pass. They probably won’t have anything in my size. +Maho: Come on, you can at least try and tell me that I’m wrong. +Rintaro: Sorry... +Maho: So are we meeting at the lab? What time should I be there? +Rintaro: Huh? But... +Maho: I’ll pass on helping out, but I do want to visit a shrine on New Year’s. As for the party afterward... well, I’ll think about it. +Rintaro: All right. I’ll let you know the details, then. +Maho: Okay. I’m looking forward to it. +Rintaro: Is this everybody? +Itaru: Um... I’ll take attendance. Amane-shi! +Yuki: Here. +Itaru: Maho-tan! +Maho: I told you to stop calling me that. +Itaru: Kaede-shi! +Kaede: Present! +Itaru: Fubuki-shi! +Fubuki: Yup, yup! +Itaru: And also... +Nae: I’m here, too! +Itaru: Lady Nae... +Tennouji: ... +Itaru: Hey, Okarin? Why’s Braun-shi here? +Rintaro: No clue. Mayuri invited Nae and he came, too, I guess. +Tennouji: Hey, what are you whispering about? +Rintaro: N-Nothing... +Nae: Daddy, I can’t wait to see Big Sis Mayuri wearing a shrine priestess outfit! +Tennouji: Yeah. Sorry... I wish I could go with you. +Rintaro: Uh... You can’t come, Mr.Tennouji? +Tennouji: Of course not. Why the hell would I want to go visit a shrine with you guys? +Tennouji: Something important came up, so I’ve gotta head out. I’m leaving Nae with you. +Tennouji: Take good care of her, or your rent’s going up. +Rintaro&Itaru: Whew...”[linebreak][parallel]“Whew... +Nae: You shouldn’t say that, Daddy. +Tennouji: Hmm? Oh, you’re right. You’re such a good girl, Nae. +Nae: Uncle Okarin, thanks for taking care of me. +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... +Tennouji: Okay, I’ll be back to pick her up tonight. See you. +Rintaro: All right... +Tennouji: ...Hmph. +Rintaro: Is there something else? +Tennouji: Nah. It just feels like you’ve really changed. You always used to keep going on about Hououin, whatever the hell that was, but not anymore. It just feels weird. +Rintaro: I’m an adult now. +Tennouji: An adult, huh? Well, whatever. Take care of Nae for me. +Itaru: Whew... +Rintaro: Anyway, this is everybody. +Maho: Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? +Rintaro: Don’t worry about it. Anyway, this ended up being kind of a strange group. Is that okay? +Maho: I’d be lying if I said I was fitting in. But I always did want to go to a shrine on New Year’s. +Maho: And I’m happy to meet more people my own age. +Rintaro: Glad to hear it. +Fubuki: Heheheh... I can’t wait to see Mayushii’s cosplay outfit. +Kaede: Oh, Fubuki. It’s not a cosplay outfit. It’s her official uniform for today. +Yuki: It’ll be fun to see Suzuha wearing one, too. Won’t it, Hashida? +Itaru: Yeah. Nothing wrong with a little sister shrine priestess. If you could throw in a nurse somewhere, you’d have an anime full house. +Fubuki: Ahaha! You’re always such a pervert, Hashida. +Itaru: But a perverted gentleman, though. +Yuki: Oh, right. I forgot something important. +Itaru: Something important? +Yuki: Happy New Year’s! +Fubuki: Oh, right. ComiMa just ended yesterday, so it doesn’t feel like New Year’s yet, does it? +Kaede: All right, let’s all say it together– +Everyone: Happy New Year’s! +Fubuki: Okay, that does it. +Rintaro: Now that we’ve finished our greetings, let’s get going. +Nae: Okay! +Itaru: We’re off to shrine priestess heaven! +Yuki: Hashida, there’s no heaven in Shinto. So you’re not going to find it at a shrine. +Itaru: Oh, right. +Nae: Hey, hey, Uncle Daru! +Itaru: Yes, what is it, Lady Nae? +Nae: Are you a gentleman? +Itaru: That’s right. I’m a pervert, but I’m also a gentleman! +Yuki: Um... why do you call her Lady Nae? +Itaru: Because little girls deserve the utmost respect! +Yuki: I see... +Kaede: Oh, Fubuki, whatever happened to those weird dreams you were having? +Fubuki: Oh, those? I haven’t had any lately, I don’t think. Maybe I was just tired. +Kaede: I see. I hope so... +Rintaro: Weird dreams? +Fubuki: Oh, for a while I was having these really terrible nightmares. +Rintaro: Nightmares? +Fubuki: Oh? You’re awfully interested. Do you have a thing for me or something? +Kaede: Come on, Fubuki. Okarin has someone he likes. +Fubuki: Oh, right! +Rintaro: Hmm? What are you talking about? +Fubuki: We’re talking about how there’s someone you like already. +Rintaro: There is? +Rintaro: I don’t have anyone I like, no. +Kaede: What? Really? +Fubuki: Really? +Rintaro: It’s true. +Rintaro: Anyway, I had a request for you two. +Rintaro: Could you try to talk to Hiyajo a little? +Fubuki: Huh? +Rintaro: She’s from an American college and doesn’t really know anyone here yet. +Fubuki: America? Wow! +Fubuki: Hey, Maho, do you go to an American college? +Maho: Huh? Y-Yeah. That’s true. +Fubuki: Then you can speak English? +Maho: Well... I spent my whole life over there. +Fubuki: Wow! +Kaede: You’re really nice, Okarin. +Rintaro: That’s not true. +Kaede: But sometimes a person can hurt someone because they’re kind, can’t they? +Rintaro: Huh? +Kaede: No, nothing. I’ll go talk to Maho, too. +Faris: Oh, it’s Okarin, nya! Hey! Okarin! Over here! Over here, nya! +Luka: Happy New Year’s, everyone. +Faris: Happy New Year’s, nya! +Itaru: Wow, Faris-tan! Seeing you wearing that makes me glad to be alive! +Faris: Thank you, nyan! +Suzuha: I’m glad you came, Yuki. +Yuki: Happy New Year’s, Suzuha. +Suzuha: H-H-Happy New Year’s... +Itaru: Little sister shrine priestess for the win! Now just say, ‘It’s time for your shots, Big Brother!’ and it’ll be perfect. +Suzuha: You know the reason Mom’s got the wrong idea is because you keep saying stuff like that. +Itaru: The wrong idea? +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu told me that Mom thinks you don’t like her very much. +Itaru: Why? I love all girls equally! You, Amane-shi, Faris-tan, Luka-shi, everyone! +Suzuha: I told you. You have to knock that stuff off. +Yuki: Um, what are you two talking about? +Suzuha: Oh, no. It’s nothing. Hey, they’ve got [color index="280AA02D1400"]omiki[color index="800000"] and omikuji. Want some? +Kaede: Anyway, you’re always so beautiful, Luka. +Luka: N-No, I’m not... +Fubuki: Really, really! I still can’t believe you’re a guy, you know? +Maho: What?! No way... You’re a guy? +Luka: Oh, yes. +Maho: You’re kidding me... Japan really is sophisticated, isn’t it? +Nae: Miss Kitty? +Faris: Hmm? What is it, nya? +Nae: Where’s Big Sis Mayuri? +Faris: Mayushii? She was over there with the omiki. Oh, there she is, nya! +Faris: Mayushii! Over here! Okarin and the others are here, nya! +Mayuri: Okarin, um... Happy New Year’s. +Kagari: Happy New Year’s, Okabe. +Rintaro: Yeah, you too. +Mayuri: So, um... What do you think? Do I look good in this? +Rintaro: Huh? Yeah, it looks better than I imagined. +Mayuri: Really? Ehehe! I’m glad. +Rintaro: You cosplay for special occasions at May Queen Nyan², right? So why get nervous now? +Mayuri: That’s for work, so it’s different. +Kagari: Hey, Okabe? How about me? Do I look good? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... You look great. +Kagari: Wow! I’m so glad! Hey, I know! Take a picture with me later, okay? +Rintaro: A picture? Sure, I guess... +Kagari: A picture’s a physical record of something, right? I want to make as many of those as I can right now. So I don’t forget again. +Kaede: Wow, you really do look good, Mayuri! +Mayuri: Do I? I’m kind of embarrassed. +Fubuki: Aw, come on. You know you love it. +Mayuri: Ehehe... +Kaede: Oh, so you’re, um... +Kagari: Oh, Kagari. Kagari Shiina. +Fubuki: That’s right. You have the same name as Mayushii! +Kagari: Yeah. Weird coincidence, huh? +Fubuki: Hmm... you’ve got a good figure, so I bet you’d be good at cosplay. +Kaede: Oh, I thought so, too. +Kagari: Cosplay? +Fubuki: Cosplay. You know, right? You have any characters you like? +Kagari: Um... I don’t really know a lot about that... +Kaede: Fubuki! +Fubuki: Oh, I see. Sorry. +Kagari: No, don’t worry about it. I’m fine. +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. Come over here! Mayushii will purify you. With this... What was it, again? +Kagari: That’s an [color index="280AA02D1400"]oonusa[color index="800000"], Mayuri. +Mayuri: That’s right! This oonusa! +Rintaro: First, I need to go pray to the gods, though. +Kagari: You’re right. Okay, after that, I’ll purify you. +Rintaro: Yeah. Thanks. +Maho: What did you wish for? +Rintaro: Hmm? Oh. World peace, you know? +Maho: You’re such a liar. +Maho: They’re late, come to think of it. +Rintaro: ...? +Maho: The two professors. I told them I was visiting the shrine and they really wanted to come. I told them where it was... +Rintaro: Huh. Did they get lost somewhere? +Maho: Dr. Reyes is with him, so they might have stopped somewhere. +Maho: Hey, that’s her, right? +Rintaro: What? +Maho: Your girlfriend. It’s that Mayuri girl, right? +Rintaro: Mayuri’s not my girlfriend. +Maho: No way. Then who is it? +Rintaro: Nobody. I don’t have a girlfriend. +Maho: Really? With all these cute girls around? +Maho: Okabe, are you maybe... +Rintaro: ??? +Maho: Oh, don’t worry. That stuff doesn’t bother me. +Rintaro: Oh, no. It’s not that. +Maho: I see. Then why? Don’t you want a girlfriend? +Rintaro: You know you were giving [Kurisu] hell for talking about this stuff earlier, right? +Maho: Oh, come to think of it... I guess humans just hate it when somebody does something to them, but they’re more than willing to do it to somebody else. I’ll have to think about this. +Mayuri: Okarin! I’m gonna wave the oonita at you! Come quick! +Rintaro: I’ll be right back. +Maho: Okay... +Maho: I wonder if it’s because of what happened with Kurisu... +Faris: We’re back, nya. +Suzuha: Whew. Those outfits really strain your shoulders. +Fubuki: Huh? Where are the others? +Faris: They’re not done changing yet. They asked us to wait a little longer, nya. +Itaru: Hey, Okarin, you think Mayu-shi and Kagari are changing in the same room as Lukako? +Rintaro: Nah, they wouldn’t, would they? +Itaru: Oh, Luka! Can you get this fastener on my back? +Itaru: N-No, I couldn’t. +Itaru: Luka, me too! +Itaru: Maybe that’s what’s going on in there right now. +Maho: Okabe, is something wrong with this guy? +Rintaro: Daru may act weird, but he’s harmless. Don’t worry. +Faris: And he’s also a [color index="280AA02D1400"]super hacka[color index="800000"], too, nya! +Itaru: You mean hacker. Duh. +Maho: A hacker? Is that true? +Itaru: I shouldn’t really be talking about it, but yeah. If you need something, you can just hit me up. +Maho: Hmm. I see. Then... +???: Oh no! +Leskinen: Where? Where are the Japanese shaman girls, Lintahlo? +Reyes: Maho said if I came here, I could see Japanese shaman girls. But they’re gone! +Rintaro: J-Japanese shaman girls? +Maho: He means the shrine priestesses. +Maho: The shrine priestesses are done for the day. +Leskinen: Holy cow! So I said we should come soon! +Reyes: But you just enjoyed shopping, too! +Maho: That’s enough! You’re both equally at fault. +Leskinen: Haa... +Mayuri: We’re back, Okarin! +Rintaro: You sure took a while, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Yup. Luka’s mom gave me a lot of New Year’s food. She said we can all eat it together. +Luka: She kept adding to the pile of food, and so it ended up taking forever. I’m sorry. +Rintaro: No, it’s fine. Thanks. +Leskinen: Excuse me. Can I ask you something? +Luka: Huh? Oh, yes. +Leskinen: How do you worship here? +Luka: Oh, um... +Luka: First of all, we should purify our hands and mouths there. +Rintaro: Wha–! +Reyes: I see. +Luka: Please come with me. I’ll show you how to do. +Rintaro: Wow... I had no idea Lukako spoke so much English. +Mayuri: Luka’s pretty smart, you know. +Mayuri: And Akihabara has a lot of tourists, so he says he studies so he’ll be able to answer any questions they have. +Rintaro: Hey, Mayuri, where’s Kagari? +Mayuri: Huh? She should be out soon... Oh, there she is. +Kagari: Sorry I took so long. +Leskinen: Thanks a lot. We had a wonderful experience! +Luka: It was nothing. +Rintaro: Okay, let’s head to the lab. +Yuki: Oh, about that. I’m actually busy after this... +Mayuri: What? Yuki, you can’t come? +Yuki: I’m sorry, Mayuri. Someone called off at work and they really need me. +Mayuri: I see. Okay, I guess you have to, then. +Maho: What will you guys do? +Leskinen: I’ve got something to do after this. +Reyes: Me too. +Leskinen: Thanks for everything. It was a day full of splendid discoveries, even if I didn’t get to see the shaman girls. +Reyes: That’s right. It was very exciting. +Leskinen: See you later, Lintahlo. Do try to say hi to [Kurisu] once in a while. +Reyes: Bye, everyone. See you soon! +Itaru: Okay, let’s get going, too. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Mayuri: So, once again, Happy New Year’s! +Everyone: Happy New Year’s! +Mayuri: This food your mom made is really good, Luka. +Luka: Really? Kagari and I helped, too. I’m glad you like it. +Kagari: Yup! Well, I really just did the arranging. +Nae: I like this sweet tamagoyaki. It’s all rolled up. +Itaru: And this ozouni is just delicious! Suzuha, what do you think? +Suzuha: Yup. It’s good. +Faris: It’s actually from the Mew Year’s menu at May Queen Nyan². +Itaru: Mmm! It’s so sticky and delicious. It tastes like Faris-tan! +Fubuki: Hashida, you really are a pervert, aren’t you? +Maho: If we were in America, you could sue him for sexual harassment. +Kaede: Say, what do they eat for New Year’s in America? +Rintaro: I don’t know. Turkey, maybe? +Kaede: Isn’t that Christmas? +Maho: Americans like to party on New Year’s Eve, so they don’t eat much on New Year’s. Beans, maybe? +Itaru: I sure do love licking a girl’s beans! +Fubuki: Hashida, you really are a pervert, aren’t you? +Faris: Here, Nae-nyan! These glazed chestnuts are really good, nya. +Suzuha: And these black beans look like they’re very nutritious. +Nae: Um... uh... I can’t eat all that. +Kagari: You can take your time. Chew thoroughly, okay? +Luka: Heheh! You’re like a mom, Kagari. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Isn’t it fun having so many people around, Okarin? +Rintaro: Yeah, you’re right. +Faris: Meow? Is this the only tea we’ve got, nya? +Suzuha: My brother only bought sweet drinks. +Itaru: If they have no tea, then let them drink soda! +Luka: I don’t know if I want to drink soda on New Year’s... +Rintaro: All right, Daru and I will go buy some. +Kaede: Oh, Fubuki and I will go. +Fubuki: Me, too? +Kaede: They were nice enough to invite us. It’s the least we could do. +Fubuki: I guess so. Okay, bye. I can just get whatever, right? +Rintaro: I see. Thanks, it’s a big help. +Maho: Sorry, it’s mine. +Maho: Hey, Okabe. Can I access Amadeus right now? +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: The call’s from her. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: And it would make for really good data if I could see how she reacts to a situation like this. Can I? +Rintaro: Well... +Mayuri: Hey, Maho! Maho! What’s Amadeus? +Maho: It’s an artificial intelligence that incorporates a specific individual’s memory data. +Mayuri: A-Artificial...? +Faris: An AI, nya. +Nae: AI...? +Faris: AI stands for Ancient Intelligence. In other words, the great, lost wisdom of ages past, nya! +Maho: It stands for Artificial Intelligence. +Itaru: It’s a program that thinks and learns on its own. +Itaru: But if it incorporates a specific person’s memories, doesn’t that mean it’s a copy of them? +Maho: What we’re trying to find out right now is whether it’s a copy or not. +Itaru: And that’s Amadeus? Wow, I had no idea you were making something like that. +Mayuri: Luka, do you know what he’s talking about? +Luka: No, I’m afraid I don’t. +Maho: It would be easier just to show you, but... +Rintaro: As long as you don’t point the camera toward me. +Maho: All right. +Itaru: What? You can run it on a phone? +Maho: It’s actually running on a university server. We just made it so you can use this as an access point. +Amadeus Kurisu: Come on, Maho! Why won’t you pick up– +Amadeus Kurisu: Wah! +Itaru: Oh, wow! +Amadeus Kurisu: What? You’re not Maho... Who are you? +Itaru: Me? I’m Itaru Hashida. Feel free to call me Itaru if you want. Preferably with your eyes turned upwards and your cheeks slightly reddened. +Amadeus Kurisu: W-Why would I call you by name when I don’t even know you? Who are you, anyway? +Maho: Sorry to scare you. +Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, Maho... Who is this? +Maho: His name’s Hashida. He’s a friend of Okabe’s. It’s New Year’s today, right? So I’m at his lab having a party with his friends. +Amadeus Kurisu: Right, Okabe. That cold, uncaring man? +Amadeus Kurisu: You should probably avoid hanging out with him too much. Otherwise, he might abandon you some day. +Maho: Now, now... +Maho: So anyway, I’ll introduce you all. This is Amadeus, an AI with the personality and memories of Kurisu Makise. +Suzuha: What? Kurisu Makise–? +Itaru: You mean THE Kurisu Makise?! +Faris: Wasn’t Kurisu Makise murdered at the Radio Building in July...? +Luka: Yeah... +Mayuri: Kurisu Makise... So this is her... +Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, so you all know the original me, do you? +Itaru: Oh, well... Yeah, I suppose. +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t let it bother you. I know what happened to my original. +Itaru: O-Oh, you do? +Nae: Hey, is this a video game? +Amadeus Kurisu: Heheh. I’m not a video game. I’m an AI. I talk and think on my own, just like you do. +Faris: Wait, is this really an AI, nya? That’s amazing, nya! +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho’s the one who’s amazing. She made me. +Rintaro: Hiyajo– +Maho: Huh? +Itaru: What’s wrong? +Maho: Amadeus just disappeared. +Itaru: Maybe the app crashed? That happens sometimes. +Maho: Yeah, but... I tried restarting and it couldn’t connect to the servers. +Itaru: Maybe they’re doing a server update? +Maho: If so, nobody told me about it. +Faris: It looks like I can still get a data connyanction here. +Maho: That’s strange. This has never happened before. +Maho: Hey, Okabe. Can you try it on your phone? +Rintaro: No, I... +Kagari: I-I’m sorry. +Nae: Are you okay? You look pale. +Kagari: Yeah... thanks. I’m just a little tired, maybe. +Kagari: Oh, but I’m fine. Sorry. I’ll clean it up right away. +Luka: You just stay put, Kagari. I’ll clean it up. +Itaru: Huh? +Armed man: Nobody move! +Rintaro: –! +Faris: W-W-W-What, nya?! +Maho: W-What is this? Some kind of surprise? +Rintaro: Aah... aaaah... +Rintaro: Aaahh... aaaaaaahhh... +Armed man: Quiet! +Mayuri: Okarin... I’m scared... +Armed man: I said stay quiet! +Mayuri: Kyah! +Rintaro: Mayuri! +Itaru: I-Is that real? +Luka: Okabe, I... I... +Nae: Hyah... uwaah! +Suzuha: Tch... +Rintaro: Tch... +Rintaro: J-Just stay calm, everyone. +Itaru: It’s not that easy, man. +Rintaro: Just calm down and do what they want! +Women’s with riding suit: ... +Women’s with riding suit: ... +Kagari: Huh? +Mayuri: K-Kagari! +Kagari: N-No! Let me go! +Women’s with riding suit: –! +Kagari: No! Save me! Somebody! +Mayuri: Kagari! +Kagari: Mayuri! Help me! +Rintaro: ...! +Armed man: Gwah! +Armed man: Gah! +Tennouji: Hey! What the hell’s going on here? +Itaru: Braun-shi! +Armed man: Damn it! +Armed man: Gyah! +Armed man: Grr–! +Nae: Huh? +Suzuha: Hahh!! +Women’s with riding suit: –! +Rintaro: Kagari! +Kagari: Okabe... +Women’s with riding suit: –! +Mayuri: O-Okarin... +Rintaro: Mayuri, are you okay? +Mayuri: Y-Yeah... +Rintaro: What about the rest of you? You okay? You’re not hurt? +Nae: D-DADDY! +Tennouji: It’s okay. It’s okay now. Daddy will keep you safe, Nae. +Nae: Waah! +Tennouji: Hey, Okabe. Tell me what the hell’s going on. Who were those people? +Rintaro: No... I don’t know. +Rintaro: –! +Fubuki: We’re back! I brought us a lot of drinks! +Kaede: Sorry we’re late. Fubuki kept adding more stuff to the cart. +Fubuki: Huh? What happened, guys? You all look so scared. +Luka: Thanks for taking me home. +Rintaro: It’s fine... +Rintaro: Nobody followed us? +Suzuha: Don’t worry. I watched carefully, but I didn’t see anything strange. +Rintaro: I see. +Kagari: Um... Do you think they were really after me? +Rintaro: Probably. +Itaru: Think they know who Kagari-tan is? +Rintaro: I’d bet they do. +Kagari: I’m sorry. I put you all in danger because of me... +Rintaro: It’s not entirely your fault. +Luka: But are you sure we don’t want to go to the police? +Rintaro: I’m sorry, but not yet. +Suzuha: So what now? +Rintaro: There’s nothing we can do until we find out who they are. +Suzuha: Then you want us to figure that out by ourselves? How? +Rintaro: Well... +Rintaro: I’ll come up with something tomorrow. Anyway, Lukako, I need your help with something. +Luka: Y-Yes, what is it? +Rintaro: Can Suzuha stay with you, too? +Luka: Huh? +Suzuha: You want me to stay with Brother Luka? +Rintaro: Yeah. I thought about sending Kagari somewhere else, but there are more people here, and the security’s better. +Rintaro: You’d rather stay here too, right, Kagari? +Kagari: ...Yeah. +Rintaro: If you’re here, everyone will feel safer. Of course, we’ll need her parents’ permission, though. +Luka: I’m sure Dad would love it. +Suzuha: I don’t mind, either. +Itaru: I can stay here, too, if you want. +Suzuha: You go home, Brother. +Itaru: Aw... +Rintaro: Okay, thanks. Call me right away if something happens. +Luka: Understood. +Itaru: Hey, that really happened, didn’t it? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Itaru: It wasn’t some kind of candid camera thing. It was real, wasn’t it? +Rintaro: ...Ugahh! +Itaru: W-What’s wrong, Okarin? +Rintaro: S-Sorry. I must’ve finally relaxed, because I’m not feeling so good... +Itaru: It’s okay. I’m with you. Want to take a little rest? +Rintaro: Thanks... I’m okay now. +Itaru: Don’t push yourself too hard, man. +Rintaro: Yeah... +Itaru: Hey, Okarin. +Rintaro: Hmm? +Itaru: This has something to do with the time machine, doesn’t it? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Itaru: Is this also that ‘choice of Steins Gate’ thing? +Rintaro: You know, that was a really embarrassing name for it. +Itaru: ...Okarin. +Itaru: Okarin, hang on to my shoulder. +Rintaro: ...What? +Itaru: You’re barely walking straight. Here. +Rintaro: I’m fine. +Itaru: Come on man, just do it. +Rintaro: ...Daru. +Itaru: Hmm? +Rintaro: You’re creepy. +Itaru: It’s a lot creepier to see you acting like a normal human being, man. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Itaru: Don’t worry about it. +Suzuha: You’re not going to sleep? +Luka: What about you, Amane? I didn’t think you’d still be awake. +Suzuha: I’ve got a lot to think about. +Luka: I see... +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Mommy... Mommy... don’t go... Mommy... +Kagari: Mommy... Mommy Mayuri... +Luka: ... +Luka: Aah... +Luka: ... +Luka: U-Um...! +Suzuha: ? +Luka: C-Can I ask you something? +Suzuha: What? +Luka: A-Amane... Why do you call Okabe ‘Uncle Okarin’? +Suzuha: ... +Luka: Why do you call Mayuri ‘Big Sis Mayu’? Why do you call Faris ‘Big Sis Rumi’? +Luka: Why do you call me Brother Luka? +Suzuha: ... +Luka: When she says ‘Mama Mayuri,’ she’s talking about Mayuri, isn’t she? Why does she call her that? +Suzuha: ...I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but I think it’s better that you don’t know. +Luka: Are you just trying to keep me out of everything again? +Luka: I want to know what’s going on, too. I want to share in what all of you are going through. +Suzuha: Brother Luka... +Luka: Will you tell me? +Suzuha: I think I understand the reason why Uncle Okarin doesn’t tell you anything. +Luka: The reason why? +Suzuha: He wants you to stay completely a part of this world. +Suzuha: He wants you to be the one person who only knows the world as it is right now. +Suzuha: I think that’s what saves him. +Luka: I’m what saves him? +Suzuha: Yeah... +Luka: But that’s... +Faris: It’s all set, nyan! +Rintaro: Thanks! +Faris: I’ll keep the seats near you empty for a while, so talk as much as you like, nya. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: What did you want to talk about? +Rintaro: How’s your arm? +Moeka: My arm? +Rintaro: Yeah, is it okay now? +Moeka: I don’t know what you’re talking about. +Rintaro: I see. +Rintaro: Can I see your arm? +Moeka: My arm...? +Rintaro: Yeah. Roll up the arm of your left sleeve, please. +Moeka: ...Why? +Rintaro: Is it a problem? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Thanks. You can put your sleeve back. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Excuse me. +Nae: Aah... +Tennouji: Hmph. You’re finally here? +Tennouji: You came to explain what happened yesterday, right? +Rintaro: That’s part of it. +Tennouji: So? What was all that about yesterday? +Rintaro: Before we get to that, I want to check something. What happened last night... that wasn’t you, was it? +Tennouji: Me? What the hell’s that supposed to me? Why would I send those guys after you? +Rintaro: You don’t know? +Tennouji: Of course I don’t. +Rintaro: ...Because. +Rintaro: Because you’re a Rounder, Mister [color index="280AA02D1400"]Ferdinand Braun[color index="800000"]... Or should I call you FB? +Tennouji: ... +Tennouji: You bastard... +Nae: Daddy...? +Nae: What’s wrong? +Tennouji: Hmm? What do you mean? +Nae: You looked so scary for a moment... +Tennouji: Did I? Daddy’s the same as ever. See? +Nae: ...Yeah. +Tennouji: So be a good girl and go outside... No, stay there and watch TV. Okay? +Nae: ...Okay. +Rintaro: I figured you wouldn’t want your daughter knowing. +Tennouji: ... +Tennouji: Where the hell did this come from, kid? +Rintaro: You can’t talk your way out of it. +Tennouji: Talk my way out of it? I really don’t know what the hell you’re going on about. +Tennouji: What the hell is this FB anyway? Some kinda new [color index="280AA02D1400"]SNS[color index="800000"]? +Rintaro: I know that you’re a SERN Rounder. +Tennouji: ... +Tennouji: I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask. Where did you find this out? +Rintaro: I don’t need to tell you. +Tennouji: Come on, tell me. You wouldn’t have come here if you weren’t ready for this. +Rintaro: You wouldn’t believe me even if I did. +Tennouji: Don’t be like that. Let’s just have a little chat. God knows I’m not getting any customers today. +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: Heh. World lines, huh? I don’t believe it. +Rintaro: That’s what I told you when we started. +Rintaro: And it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. +Rintaro: What’s important is that I know who you are. +Tennouji: That’s right. +Rintaro: ...! +Tennouji: What you’re saying is almost completely accurate. You know things only I’m supposed to know. +Tennouji: It’s goddamn creepy, to be honest. +Rintaro: I know that SERN demands absolute secrecy. And that they kill you not only if you fail in your mission, but if you succeed, too. +Tennouji: You know that, too? Then... +Rintaro: ...But this has nothing to do with your mission. +Rintaro: It’s the same with your secrets. There was no leak. I knew them from the start. +Rintaro: So there’s no need for you to be punished. Am I wrong? +Tennouji: Heh. Bullshit. +Tennouji: But I guess you’re right. +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: SERN never told me to look for this IBN5100 thing, and never told me to bring you to them. +Tennouji: If they didn’t tell me, there’s no need for me to do it. +Tennouji: And if you don’t tell anyone I’m a Rounder, that’s the end of that. No problem. +Tennouji: So, what is it? You told me all this because you want something, right? +Rintaro: I actually want your help with something. +Rintaro: I want you to protect Kagari Shiina, the girl that was attacked last night. +Tennouji: Who’s after her, and why? +Rintaro: I don’t know. +Tennouji: Then I can’t do it. +Rintaro: Because you don’t want to involve your daughter? +Tennouji: I guess you do know. Then you never should’ve brought it up. +Rintaro: She’s already involved, isn’t she? Do you think what happened last night isn’t going to happen again? +Tennouji: You’re using Nae as a hostage? +Tennouji: I’ll kill you, you little bastard... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I’m saying we should work together. +Tennouji: Heh. Work together, huh? +Tennouji: There’s a lot of downsides for me in that, isn’t there? +Suzuha: That’s not true. +Kagari: Excuse me... +Rintaro: Kagari... +Tennouji: ... +Rintaro: Suzuha, you were listening? +Suzuha: For instance, if you were to hire Kagari and I to work here, you wouldn’t have to leave. +Tennouji: It’d be faster for you to get the hell out. Nae and I wouldn���t have anything to worry about then. +Suzuha: You two saw the faces of the attackers last night. You know what that means, don’t you? +Tennouji: ... +Suzuha: I’ve got combat experience. I know how to use a gun. You saw that yesterday. +Suzuha: So I can help. +Tennouji: ... +Nae: Daddy... +Nae: I don’t know what’s going on, +Nae: but yesterday was scary. I don’t want that to happen again. +Tennouji: Nae... +Nae: I was really happy when you protected me, but when I thought about you getting hurt, it made me even more scared. +Nae: Big Sis Suzuha is really strong, and she protected me yesterday. +Nae: I want to be with them. +Tennouji: Just so you know, the two of you are splitting the pay. +Suzuha: Cold. +Tennouji: If you’ve got a problem with it, then you can find another job. +Kagari: N-No. Thank you, sir. +Nae: Daddy! +Rintaro: Thank you... +Tennouji: It ain’t for you. It’s for Nae. +Tennouji: Anyway, that’s how we’ll handle it here. Okabe, you find out who those guys were. +Tennouji: Otherwise, there’s nothing I can do. Got it? +Rintaro: Got it. +Tennouji: Oh, right. Those guys were calling out some weird number. +Rintaro: Number? +Tennouji: I think it was... Yeah. K6205, or something like it. +Tennouji: And the bastards were pronouncing it ‘fife’ instead of ‘five.’ +Rintaro: They had some kind of accent, you mean? +Tennouji: No, that’s not it. It’s [color index="280AA02D1400"]phonetic code[color index="800000"]. Military jargon. +Rintaro: Military... +Tennouji: And it’s a Western code, too. +Faris: Oh, there mew are, Okarin. +Rintaro: You guys all okay getting together like this, after what just happened? +Fubuki: What just happened is what we’re here to talk about. +Kaede: And Hashida said it would be safer to meet in the same place instead of moving. +Itaru: They’re not dumb enough to attack when we’ve got our guard up. Especially not in the middle of the day. +Luka: It’s safer to have everyone together than split up. +Yuki: I’m just glad you’re all safe. +Mayuri: Thank you for coming, Yuki. +Yuki: No, I was really worried after hearing about what happened last night. +Yuki: I still can’t believe something that scary could happen in Japan, though. +Itaru: Even outside of Japan, it’s not something you’d see every day. +Yuki: Um, I hate to be going when you just got here, but I have work after this... +Rintaro: Sure, don’t worry about it. +Yuki: I’m happy to see you’re all safe. But you still can’t let your guard down, so be caref– kyah! +Rintaro: Watch out! +Yuki: Ow... +Rintaro: Oh... sorry... +Yuki: No, I tripped and hurt my arm there when I was at the station yesterday. +Yuki: Another time when I trip on nothing at all... I hate being so clumsy. +Mayuri: Take care, Yuki. +Yuki: Thanks. Okay everybody, see you. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: What’s wrong, Okarin? +Rintaro: Nothing... +Fubuki: All right, Okarin. Can you tell us what happened yesterday? +Rintaro: Okay, so first thing... +Rintaro: So that’s what happened. +Fubuki: In other words, you think Kagari may have been involved in some sort of crime when she had amnesia? +Rintaro: That’s my guess. +Kaede: Then why don’t we go to the police? +Rintaro: Because, um... She’s really scared of the police. It’s possible that they could be involved in it, too. +Fubuki: Hmm... This all just doesn’t feel right. +Luka: So what we learned last night was that they’re after Kagari, and unlikely to hurt us, right? +Kaede: Why do you think so? +Luka: They would’ve been able to take one of us as a hostage in that situation, if they had wanted to. +Luka: Since they didn’t, that means that they want to try and keep this quiet. +Rintaro: Daru and I reached the same conclusion. +Rintaro: So that means as long as we don’t cause a fuss, we’re fine. +Rintaro: So I don’t think it’s a good idea for Nakase and Kurushima to come around here for a while. +Kaede: But what will you do about Kagari? +Rintaro: I’ve taken precautions. I gave her a bodyguard. +Luka: A bodyguard? +Rintaro: Two, actually. The two who drove them away last night. +Mayuri: Suzu and the owner, right? +Fubuki: Oh, that guy with the huge muscles! +Kaede: But that means she’s going to have to live in fear that she’ll be attacked again... +Rintaro: I’m planning on hiring a detective to see if I can find out who’s after Kagari. +Rintaro: Once I have more information, I may go to the police. +Faris: ...I think, nya. Hey, Okarin? Are you listening, nya? +Rintaro: What? Oh, I’m sorry. What were we talking about? +Faris: I told Kuroki about what happened yesterday, nya. +Faris: If anything weird goes on in Akihabara, he’s sure to let us know right away, nya. +Rintaro: I see... +Faris: Also, I’ve asked the neighborhood watch to step up their patrols, nya. Whoever they were, that will keep them away for a while, I think, nya. +Rintaro: Thanks, Faris. That’s a huge help. +Faris: No problem, nya. +Luka: Um, is there anything I can do? +Luka: Kagari’s in trouble and there’s nothing I can do... And I can’t help you either, Okabe. It’s just... +Mayuri: Mayushii wants to do something for Kagari, too. +Fubuki: But is there anything we can do? +Luka: Well... +Rintaro: K6205... +Itaru: What’s that? +Rintaro: Supposedly, it’s something the attackers yesterday were saying. But I have no idea what it’s supposed to mean... +Itaru: Hold on, I’ll [color index="280AA02D1400"]goggle[color index="800000"] it. +Itaru: Hmm... I’m only seeing product IDs and stuff. +Kaede: K[①]chel... +Rintaro: Hmm? Kurushima, what did you say? +Kaede: No, I was just thinking that K might mean a K[①]chel number. But that doesn’t make any sense, does it? +Fubuki: What’s a K[①]chel number? +Kaede: It’s a numbering system for Mozart’s songs. After he died, a man named K[①]chel ordered his songs chronologically and gave them all numbers. +Kaede: But I don’t think even Mozart wrote 6000 songs, and I don’t think it’s got anything to do with this... +Kaede: Sorry for bringing up something so weird. +Rintaro: Daru, how high up do those K[①]chel numbers go? +Itaru: Um... +Itaru: It says the last one is 626, a song named Requiem. +Kaede: That’s the song Mozart was writing just before he died, right? +Mayuri: You know a lot about it, Kaede. +Kaede: You know, I play the piano... +Rintaro: Then what’s K620? +Itaru: 620⋯ 620⋯ Oh, here it is. It’s a song named [color index="280AA02D1400"]The Magic Flute[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: Let me see. +Itaru: So K6205 is, what, the fifth song in the opera? +Itaru: Got anything? +Rintaro: No... No, but... +Maho: Don’t look at the password. +Rintaro: Let me make a quick call. +Maho: What? Was there something else? +Rintaro: No, there was something I wanted to ask you. +Maho: Make it quick. +Rintaro: How are things with Amadeus? +Maho: Not good. +Rintaro: The system’s down? +Maho: No. I can’t access it. +Maho: Someone may have taken over the Amadeus system. +Maho: Sorry, but is there anything else? Once I know something, I’ll call you. +Itaru: Was that Maho-tan? What did she say? +Rintaro: She said it looks like somebody’s taken over Amadeus. +Itaru: Taken it over, huh? +Rintaro: I thought there might be some connection over this Mozart thing, but... +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: What’s this? +Mayuri: Okarin? Who’s calling? +Rintaro: Hello? +Amadeus Kurisu: ...Help me. +Rintaro: [Kurisu]? +Amadeus Kurisu: Help me, Okabe... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Where am I? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: No way... +Rintaro: The world line changed again... +Rintaro: Come to think of it... +Amadeus Kurisu: Help me, Okabe... +Rintaro: It’s gone... +Rintaro: What’s going on here? +Rintaro: Calm down... Just find out what’s going on here. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: What’s going on– +Rintaro: What? What’s going on?! +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: This is impossible. +Kurisu: Hahh... +Kurisu: ...! +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: Aah... +Kurisu: If you were standing there, you should’ve said something! You scared me! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Happy New Year’s. +Rintaro: Ah... Ahhh... +Kurisu: Anyway, it’s not often I see you come by anymore. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Okabe...? +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kurisu: ...? +Rintaro: It’s really you, isn’t it? +Kurisu: What the heck kind of way to start off the New Year is that? Are you okay? Did you eat something bad? +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kurisu: What? +Kurisu: What’s wrong? Are you really okay? +Kurisu: Kyah! +Kurisu: H-Hey! W-W-What are you doing? +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Okabe, please... let me go... +Rintaro: I’m sorry... But let me stay like this just a little bit longer... +Kurisu: Are you... crying? +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Don’t worry... It’s okay now... +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kurisu: It’s okay. It’s okay... +Rintaro: I’m sorry... +Kurisu: No, don’t worry about it. +Kurisu: That happens to me too, sometimes. +Rintaro: That? +Kurisu: You were thinking about Mayuri, weren’t you? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Rintaro: Ah... Ahhh... +Kurisu: Okabe? +Rintaro: Hahh... Hahh... Haaahh... +Rintaro: Hahh... Hahh... Hahh... Hahh... +Kurisu: Calm down! +Kurisu: Okay? Come on, deep breaths. +Rintaro: Hahh... +Kurisu: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. +Rintaro: No, it’s not that. It’s not... +Kurisu: Are you going to take something? I’ll bring you some water. +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe. Why... +Kurisu: Why did you come back here? +Rintaro: What? +Kurisu: You haven’t come here for a long time, you know? Even Hashida stopped coming... +Rintaro: Daru, too? +Kurisu: Yeah. +Rintaro: You... Kurisu... you’ve been coming here? +Kurisu: Sometimes. They’d be sad, otherwise. +Kurisu: I’m sorry... +Rintaro: Why are you apologizing? +Kurisu: Because... +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: No, nothing. +Kurisu: Okay... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hey... what happened to the PhoneWave? +Kurisu: What? You destroyed it. Did you forget? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... that’s right. +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe... +Rintaro: Hmm? +Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Sorry, could you go get me something to drink? +Rintaro: Something to drink? +Kurisu: I’m thirsty, you know. Something warm, if you could. +Rintaro: I can make instant coffee, if you want. +Kurisu: We’re out of coffee. +Rintaro: Okay. +Kurisu: Something sweet, with milk and sugar. +Rintaro: I thought you didn’t put milk in your coffee. +Kurisu: On cold days, I always want something sweet and creamy. +Rintaro: Roger. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: No... +Kurisu: Okabe. +Rintaro: ...? +Kurisu: Hang in there. +Rintaro: I’m not a kid. I can run a simple errand. +Kurisu: Yeah, you’re right. +Kurisu: Bye. +Rintaro: Whew... +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Save me, Okabe... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Okabe. +Kurisu: Hang in there. +Rintaro: Kurisu! +Kurisu: What...? +Rintaro: Kurisu... You... that... +Kurisu: Hmph. Too bad. I guess you found me. +Rintaro: How... Didn’t I destroy it? +Kurisu: Yes. You did. +Kurisu: This is a new one I made. You could call it the PhoneWave Custom. +Kurisu: Or wasn’t the real name a little longer? Maybe it should be the PhoneWave (name subject to change) Custom. +Rintaro: The name doesn’t matter. You remade it? Why... +Kurisu: To send a message to the past. +Kurisu: I’m going to send a message and change the world line. +Kurisu: No... Maybe it would be better to say fix rather than change. +Kurisu: I actually finished this over a month ago. +Kurisu: And since then, I’ve just been standing here, wondering whether or not I should send the message. +Kurisu: I certainly didn’t expect you to come see me, though. +Rintaro: What are you... +Kurisu: Tell me, Okabe. +Kurisu: You just came from another world line, didn’t you? +Rintaro: –! +Kurisu: And it was probably the beta world line. Am I wrong? +Rintaro: ...You could tell? +Kurisu: You’d never do something like that otherwise. +Rintaro: Something like what? +Kurisu: W-Well, the way you... hugged me... you know... +Kurisu: And what’s more, someone else caused the world line change. You didn’t do it voluntarily. +Kurisu: ...Am I right? +Rintaro: So you know everything, then? +Kurisu: Do you realize how much time I’ve spent watching you? +Rintaro: Huh...? +Kurisu: No, it’s not like that. I don’t mean like watching you... Well, I mean... I do mean it in that sense, but... +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: A-Anyway! +Kurisu: If you came from the beta world line, then you chose that world once before, doesn’t it? +Rintaro: ...I’m sorry. +Kurisu: Don’t apologize, dummy. It was your choice, right? So have confidence in it. +Kurisu: And you know, I don’t think you were wrong. +Kurisu: You just got here, so you wouldn’t know, but for the last several months you’ve done nothing but blame yourself. +Kurisu: Not that you’d ever let me see it. +Kurisu: But there was nothing I could do. +Kurisu: Because your pain was because of me. +Kurisu: You’d suffered so much to let me live. +Kurisu: But that ends today. +Kurisu: It has to. +Kurisu: Because if it doesn’t, the guilt is going to keep eating away at you. And in the end, it will crush you. +Rintaro: It’s the same... +Kurisu: What do you mean? +Rintaro: In the end, no matter which choice I make, I regret it. +Rintaro: Not being able to save you. Not being able to save Mayuri. +Rintaro: It doesn’t matter whether I’m in the alpha world line or the beta world line. +Kurisu: Get a hold of yourself, Rintaro Okabe! +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kurisu: Snap out of it. This isn’t like you. +Kurisu: The Kyoma Hououin I love is always more confident. +Kurisu: You made the right choice. You chose to save Mayuri. And you weren’t wrong. +Rintaro: But I let you... +Kurisu: Listen, what you’re seeing right now is... Hmm... It’s a dream. That’s all. +Rintaro: A dream? +Kurisu: That’s right. You had a dream where you met me. That’s all. +Kurisu: Well? Doesn’t that make you feel a little better? +Kurisu: We’ve learned so much about how the brain works, but we still don’t understand the mechanisms by which we dream. +Kurisu: The brain organizes and processes memories during sleep. One theory says that dreams are a result of that process. +Kurisu: In other words, this is a dream world being experienced by you in the beta world line. So you can get your head together, you know? +Kurisu: And if it’s a dream, you have to wake up someday. Am I wrong? +Rintaro: But this isn’t a dream! You’re right... +Rintaro: You’re right here, aren’t you? +Kurisu: Touch sensations are just another of the brain’s functions. +Kurisu: You won’t be happy here, anyway. You’ll never be rid of the regret. +Kurisu: And neither will I. +Rintaro: That doesn’t change in the beta world line, either. +Rintaro: I’ve done nothing but regret that I couldn’t save you. +Kurisu: But Mayuri’s happy at least, isn’t she? +Rintaro: Mayuri is... +Kurisu: You want Mayuri to be happy. +Kurisu: So do I. I’m the same way. +Kurisu: Which means that you made the right choice after all. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Oh, come on! +Kurisu: Stop this nonsense already, Rintaro Okabe! +Kurisu: You already reached your conclusion. You can’t stay here. You have to go back. +Kurisu: You have to wake up from the dream. +Kurisu: Because I... +Kurisu: I don’t want to see you suffer like this anymore. +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kurisu: Come on, this is a waste of time. I’m doing it. +Kurisu: Hey, Okabe. Before you wake up, promise me something. +Rintaro: ...What? +Kurisu: When you get to the beta world line, forget about me. +Rintaro: Forget you? You know I can’t do that. +Kurisu: Remember what I said? This is a dream. Once you wake up from a dream, you forget what happened, right? +Rintaro: I still remember the nightmares I had when I was a little kid. +Kurisu: Who are you calling a nightmare? +Kurisu: Anyway, forget about me. Forget about what happened today, and everything that came before. +Kurisu: That’s what I want... +Kurisu: It’s a pinky promise. Lie, and I’ll stab an electrode into your hippocampus. Got it? +Rintaro: That doesn’t rhyme at all. +Kurisu: Shut up. +Rintaro&Kurisu: Kurisu!.”[linebreak][parallel]“Okabe! +Rintaro: W-What is it? +Kurisu: Y-You first. +Rintaro: It’s nothing. I just wanted to say it out loud. +Kurisu: W-What a coincidence. So did I. +Kurisu: Hey, do you remember when we first met? +Rintaro: Of course I do. You made a hell of a first impression. +Kurisu: So did you. +Kurisu: Really... I never thought things would end up like this. +Kurisu: I never thought that encounter would lead to... +Rintaro: That’s right. +Kurisu: But just so you know, you’re only allowed to remember our meeting right now. +Kurisu: Once the world line goes back, you have to forget. +Rintaro: I know. +Kurisu: Hmph. So you’re going to forget me, just like that? +Rintaro: This was your idea. +Kurisu: That’s true, but it still pisses me off to hear you just say it like it was nothing. +Rintaro: First you want me to forget, then you want me to not forget. Which is it? +Kurisu: Heh, it’s a joke. I’m just kidding. +Rintaro: Oh... it’s a joke? +Kurisu: Yeah. Just a joke. +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Okabe... +Rintaro: Hmm? +Kurisu: Bye. +Rintaro: Yeah... +Kurisu: ... +Kurisu: Okabe... It’s time to wake up. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin, what’s wrong? Are you sick? +Rintaro: No, I’m fine. +Luka: Want some medicine? +Rintaro: I’m fine. No need to worry. +Kagari: Really? You shouldn’t push yourself. +Rintaro: I’m just a little hungry. I haven’t eaten anything all day. +Kagari: Ahaha. Come on, Okarin. You need to eat, or you won’t get big like Uncle Daru. +Rintaro: I’d rather skip a meal than end up like him. +Mayuri: Okay, Mayushii will make something, then. +Kagari: Y-You will, Mommy? Can you? +Mayuri: Aw, Kagari. Not you, too. +Mayuri: Yuki’s been teaching me things lately. +Luka: Okay, then, I’ll help, too. +Rintaro: Wait. +Luka: Huh? S-Sorry. Should I not help? +Rintaro: No, that’s not it. That’s not it at all. +Rintaro: Miss Shiina. +Kagari: Aw, Okarin. I said you could just call me Kagari. +Rintaro: Okay, Kagari. Can I ask what you were calling Mayuri? +Kagari: Hmm? I called her ‘Mommy.’ +Rintaro: Why? +Kagari: Why? Because she’s my mommy. Right, Mommy? +Mayuri: Ehehe! It’s kind of embarrassing to hear that. +Rintaro: Then the two of you know that you’re mother and daughter in the future? +Mayuri: Huh? You’re the one who told me about her. +Rintaro: I did? +Mayuri: That’s right. You said it would better to know the truth. Right? +Kagari: Yup! +Rintaro: Then does Lukako also... +Luka: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to listen in, but I heard it anyway. +Luka: Oh, but don’t worry. I haven’t told anyone. And... +Luka: Being able to share in everyone’s secrets kind of made me happy. +Luka: I would’ve been happier if you’d told me directly, but... +Luka: Still, I was really surprised. I thought that the time machine was only fiction. I had no idea you could make it real. +Rintaro: Kagari, can I ask some more questions? +Kagari: What is it? +Rintaro: Then it was definitely your staying at Lukako’s that brought you here, right? +Kagari: Yup. And it was you who brought me and Mom together, Okarin. Don’t you remember? +Rintaro: Right... I just thought I’d double check, you know. +Kagari: Double check, huh? You’re acting weird, Okarin. +Rintaro: You don’t remember anything about what you were doing while you were missing? +Kagari: Nope. Not a thing. The first thing I can remember is lying on a bed in a temple. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: The floor is clean... +Luka: Oh, I cleaned it before you came. +Rintaro: No, that’s not it. Wasn’t there a little hole in the floor? +Luka: A hole in the floor? +Mayuri: Was there a hole there? I don’t think so... +Rintaro: By the way, um... how was yesterday? +Mayuri: The party? It was a lot of fun. +Kagari: I’ve never had so much fun in my life! +Mayuri: I hope we can all have another party again soon. +Luka: When we do, I’ll make something. +Kagari: Me too! I’ll help! +Mayuri: By the way, Kagari. Are you okay on time? +Kagari: Oh no! Break time’s over! The owner is going to get mad at me. +Rintaro: The owner? Do you have a job? +Kagari: That’s right. I’m working at the Braun Workshop downstairs... Wait, I already told you this. +Rintaro: I... see. +Kagari: Jeez, you’re so out of it today, Okarin. Get a hold of yourself. +Rintaro: Sorry. +Mayuri: Work hard, ’kay? +Kagari: Okay! Bye! +Rintaro: Kagari, let me ask one more thing before you go. +Rintaro: Does the word ‘Amadeus’ mean anything to you? +Kagari: Amadeus? +Kagari: Hmm. Nope, nothing. +Rintaro: I see. +Rintaro: Sorry to call you out here. +Maho: It’s fine. I just happened to be nearby. +Maho: So what did you want to talk about? +Rintaro: It’s about Amadeus... +Maho: ...What?! +Maho: How do you know? +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Maho: How do you know about Amadeus? +Maho: That program was put on hold last summer, after Kurisu’s death! +Rintaro: Amadeus was put on hold? +Rintaro: You mean the project itself was shut down? +Maho: Yeah, that’s right. +Maho: Now, answer my question. How did you know about Amadeus? +Rintaro: Because– +Rintaro: ...Kurisu told me that someone at her lab was doing work on it. +Maho: Kurisu told you about that? +Rintaro: Can you tell me a little more about how the project was shut down? What was the reason? +Maho: Evidently, there was a complaint from an outside group. +Maho: Creating an artificial intelligence with human memories is no different than making a copy of a human, they say. It’s something that only God is allowed to do. +Maho: A lot of people in Europe and America like to push their own values on others. Especially in delicate matters like these. +Rintaro: Is that the only reason? +Maho: Yup. At least, as far as I’ve heard. The professor and the rest of the team were really mad when they heard the research was being shut down. +Maho: What’s wrong? +Rintaro: Oh, I was just remembering how we met... +Maho: Oh, yeah. That was quite the coincidence, wasn’t it? +Maho: I hate to say this, because it sounds so unscientific, but I’d like to think that it was karma, and that Kurisu brought the two of us together. +Maho: Oh, right. Tell Mayuri and the others I said hi, and that last night was a lot of fun. +Rintaro: S-Sure... +Maho: It’s given me some good memories of Japan. +Rintaro: Good memories? You’re leaving? +Maho: Not immediately. Remember what I said? I’m taking over Kurisu’s research. +Maho: I can’t stay on vacation in Japan forever. +Rintaro: I see. +Rintaro: ... +Luka: Kagari, would you like some tea? +Kagari: Oh, yeah. Thanks, Luka. +Luka: Okay, I’ll put some on. +Luka: Here you are. +Kagari: Thank you. +Kagari: Hmm... this tea tastes a little different. +Luka: It’s rosemary tea. It’s supposed to help you concentrate and improve your memory. I had Faris give me some. +Luka: Was it not very good? +Kagari: Oh, no. That’s not true. It’s good. +Kagari: I was just thinking. +Luka: Thinking? +Kagari: Yup! But it’s nothing. +Kagari: Anyway, Luka, are you really a boy? +Luka: I am... Yeah... +Kagari: Hmm... You really look more like a girl, though. +Luka: I don’t know what to say to that. +Kagari: I know! Hey, why don’t we take a bath tomorrow? +Luka: What?! +Kagari: Then I’ll know if you’re really a boy or not! +Luka: N-No! We can’t! +Kagari: Why not? +Luka: B-Because... I can’t take a bath with a girl... +Kagari: Didn’t you take baths with your sister? +Luka: Yes, but that’s when I was little... +Kagari: Heh⋯ haha⋯ hahahaha! +Luka: K-Kagari? +Kagari: Sorry, sorry. It was a joke. You’re so cute I felt like I had to tease you. +Luka: Aw⋯ +Kagari: But if you responded that way, it means you really are a boy. +Luka: That’s what I’ve been saying. +Reporter: As you can see, there are dozens of different dishes available, and they’re all-you-can eat! +Kagari: Wow... +Kagari: This time is so wonderful. It’s so different than the world I know. +Luka: Is it? What’s the future like? +Kagari: Do you want to know? +Luka: I don’t think I do. +Kagari: You’re better off that way. The future can be changed. +Luka: The future can be changed? +Kagari: Yeah, that’s what Mom said. She said it could be changed. She said he’d change it. +Luka: He’d change it... +Kagari: Hmm... What was it...? Steins... what? +Luka: Steins Gate? +Kagari: Yes, that’s it! Mommy said she knew it was real. +Kagari: But I don’t really know what it is. Ehehe... +Newscaster: And now, for our next report. +Newscaster: Did you know that memory restoration technology is being studied around the globe? +Newscaster: Today we have a special report on an American university that’s at the cutting edge of this research. +Kagari: ... +Reporter: This is Viktor Chondria University. It may seem like just another college campus. +Reporter: But there’s a major project going on here right now. +Luka: Should I change the channel? +Kagari: Oh, wait. +Kagari: ... +Luka: Kagari, do you understand this? +Kagari: Yeah, they’re talking about how the brain works, and whether you could make false memories. +Luka: Wow, that’s amazing. It was too complicated for me. +Kagari: Yeah? It’s not that complicated. +Kagari: Memories are controlled by a part of the brain called the hippocampus. And there’s a special part of the hippocampus called the [color index="280AA02D1400"]fascia dentata[color index="800000"]. +Kagari: When new nerve cells are constructed there, they cause existing neurological pathways to reorganize. That’s what makes you forget things. +Kagari: And so when this study team did experiments on mice, they saw false memories created. +Kagari: Oh, look. That room in the back. That’s where they do the mice experiments and stuff. +Luka: Um, Kagari, are you familiar with this university? +Kagari: Huh? +Luka: I mean... You seemed to know a lot about it. +Director: After seeing the results of the experiments on mice performed here, the research team– +Kagari: ...No, I don’t. +Luka: But just now... +Kagari: I don’t know... I don’t know... But... +Kagari: For some reason, it suddenly feels like I do. +Tennouji: Listen, I’m not doing it because you asked me to. Just don’t forget that. +Rintaro: Thank you. +Tennouji: So, Okabe, what the hell are you people involved in? +Rintaro: I– +Tennouji: You can’t say, huh? You’ll ask me for a favor, but you won’t say anything? +Rintaro: I’m sorry. +Tennouji: That’s good, though. +Rintaro: What...? +Tennouji: Information is your final trump card. If you had just come out and told me, I would’ve called this whole thing off. +Rintaro: ... +Tennouji: Anyway, just be careful. +Rintaro: Thank you, sir. +Tennouji: I get it, I get it. Don’t be so polite! That makes it so damn hard to deal with you. +Luka: There’s something bothering me about Kagari’s memories... +Rintaro: Kagari’s memories? +Luka: Yeah... but I don’t know if it will help bring them back. +Rintaro: That’s fine. If something’s bothering you, just tell me. +Luka: Okay... +Luka: Last night, they were doing a special on memory research on TV. It was about an American university. +Luka: When Kagari saw it, she acted like she recognized the school. +Rintaro: An American college? Which one? +Luka: Um... it had a really complicated name. I think it was Biktor... Condor? +Rintaro: Viktor Chondria University?! +Luka: Oh, that’s right! That’s the place! +Luka: What do you think? Is this a clue? +Rintaro: I can’t say anything just based off of that, but... +Luka: I see. +Rintaro: But that doesn’t mean it’s not a clue. +Luka: What? Then... +Rintaro: Yeah. It’s worth checking out. +Kagari: What did you want to talk to me about? +Rintaro: Can you wait just a second? I’ve asked another person to join us. +Kagari: Another person? +Maho: Excuse me. +Kagari: Oh, Maho. Hello. +Maho: Hi. How have you been? +Maho: You know, she really does look like Kurisu... +Maho: So, what? You think she might have gone to my school? +Kagari: Wait a second. I don’t know anything about this Viktor Chondrawhatsits place. +Maho: Viktor Chondria University. +Kagari: See? I didn’t even remember the name. +Rintaro: But yesterday you acted like you recognized it. Right, Lukako? +Luka: Y-Yeah. You said they did mice experiments in the back room. +Luka: And then after that they actually showed the experiments in that room... +Rintaro: Do you remember that, Kagari? +Kagari: Hmm... I don’t. +Maho: Urushibara, do you remember where that lab was? +Luka: Um, I don’t know the details, but they said they were doing research on memories and the brain... +Maho: Which means it might have been the Brain Science Lab? +Maho: That’s where I work. +Rintaro: Then... Kagari may have met you and Kurisu? +Maho: It’s just a possibility. +Maho: There’s more than one place that researches brain science. +Maho: And it’s not just grad students where I work. There are a lot of regular scientists, too. +Maho: Even I haven’t met everyone at the lab. +Maho: But... If I saw another Japanese person there, I’m sure I’d remember that. +Rintaro: Lukako, was there anything else about Kagari that you’ve noticed? +Luka: Um... Kagari sometimes knows about things that are really complicated. +Kagari: Hey, I know some complicated things. +Maho: For example? +Kagari: Um... roses and... depression? +Luka: They were doing a special on fake memories last night, and you seemed like you knew a lot about it... +Maho: Fake memories, huh? Yeah, one of the teams is working on that. We went to talk to them one time. +Rintaro: Kagari, can you talk about that now? +Kagari: Hmm... uh... I don’t really know. Did I really talk about that stuff? +Luka: You did! +Kagari: Hmm... +Rintaro: Has this happened a lot before? +Luka: Not that much until recently. It suddenly started happening over the last few days. +Kagari: ... +Luka: Kagari, what’s wrong? +Kagari: My head... kind of... +Luka: It hurts? +Kagari: Yeah, just a bit. +Rintaro: Want to lie down a little? +Kagari: I’m fine... +Rintaro: Maybe this is all too sudden. +Maho: That’s right. We may have put too much stress on her. +Maho: Are you really okay? +Kagari: Y-Yeah. I’m fine. Thank you, Senpai. +Maho: I hope so... +Rintaro: Hey, did she just... +Maho: Yeah... she called me ‘senpai.’ +Kagari: Huh? +Rintaro: Kagari, you just called Hiyajo ‘senpai,’ right? +Kagari: No way... I didn’t... +Maho: No, you definitely did. Urushibara, you heard it too, right? +Luka: Y-Yes. +Rintaro: Hmm? +Itaru: Hey. +Maho: Hello. +Itaru: Oh, you’re here, Maho-tan? +Maho: Don’t call me that. +Itaru: Do I have enough? Um... One, two, three... +Itaru: Okay, I’ve got enough. +Rintaro: Enough what? +Itaru: You know how they opened a new Atol in front of the station? They were selling some good-looking pudding. I thought it might be a nice treat so I brought enough for everybody. +Rintaro: Daru, do it later. +Itaru: Why do you all look so upset? Is it that rare for me to buy something for everybody? +Itaru: Well, I guess it is. But I got some extra work at my job, you see. +Itaru: Not only am I talented, I’m also kind-hearted and I get paid. Feel free to fall in love, ladies... Huh? +Itaru: I’m missing a spoon. I bet the staff there forgot to put one in. +Luka: I think there’s a clean spoon in the sink... +Kagari: Oh, I’ve got my own spoon I always use. +Luka: Kagari... Do you own a spoon? +Kagari: Huh? +Luka: I thought all you had with you was the Upa key chain, right? +Kagari: Huh? That’s right, isn’t it? That’s strange. Why did I say I had one? +Rintaro: Hey, Hiyajo. How many people called you ‘senpai’ in America? +Maho: Just one. +Maho: It’s a Japanese word, and a Japanese concept, after all. +Maho: The only one who called me senpai... +Maho: ...was Kurisu. +Kagari: Kurisu? +Rintaro: Kagari, do you know a girl named Kurisu Makise? +Kagari: Kurisu... Kurisu Makise... +Kagari: Kurisu Makise... +Rintaro: Don’t force yourself. There’s no need to remember immediately– +Kagari: No... It feels creepy leaving it like this. +Luka: Do you feel like you can remember something? +Kagari: I don’t know. Try saying something, Okarin. +Itaru: Huh? Wha–? What’s going on here? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Okay, Kagari, let me ask you some questions. +Rintaro: Where is your father? +Kagari: Daddy... Daddy died when I was a kid. +Rintaro: Then what does the word ‘KuriGohan’ mean to you? +Maho: KuriGohan? What are you talking about? +Rintaro: Answer me please, Kagari. +Kagari: KuriGohan... +Kagari: Kamehameha... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Kagari, can you tell me how many major theories of time travel there are? +Maho: ... +Kagari: Eleven. +Rintaro: ...! +Kagari: Eleven in total... +Kagari: Wait, is that right? +Rintaro: Can you tell me what these eleven theories are? +Kagari: ...Neutron Star Theory. And then... Black Hole Theory. Lightspeed Theory. +Kagari: Tachyon Theory. Wormhole Theory. Exotic Matter Theory. +Kagari: Cosmic String Theory. Quantum Gravity Theory. Cesium Laser Theory. +Kagari: Elementary Particle Ring & Laser Theory. And lastly, Dirac Antiparticle Theory. +Maho: Those are all correct... +Kagari: Tell me, Okabe... How do I know all this? +Rintaro: Can I ask you one more thing? +Rintaro: Could you use those theories to build a time machine? +Kagari: ... +Kagari: I don’t think so... +Rintaro: Oh... +Kagari: Oh, but, even if you couldn’t use these eleven theories, science may invent a new theory that works someday... +Rintaro: Why do you think so? +Kagari: Why? That’s because... Hmm... I don’t know. +Rintaro: Then let me ask another question. How did you arrive at that conclusion? +Kagari: I don’t know... Just, somehow, I knew. +Rintaro: Hey, Hiyajo. Remember how you said Amadeus was put on hold? +Rintaro: Does the uploaded memory data for [Kurisu] still exist? +Maho: Huh? Yeah, probably. I don’t think it was erased. +Rintaro: How many people could access that? +Maho: Very few. We never really announced it anywhere. +Maho: Myself, Dr. Leskinen, a few of the other assistants, and then Kurisu... +Rintaro: Another question... Would it be possible to transfer that memory data to a human brain? +Maho: ...Huh? +Maho: What are you getting at– +Rintaro: Kurisu was the one who had her own personal spoon. +Rintaro: She was the only one who called you senpai at school. +Rintaro: KuriGohan and Kamehameha was Kurisu’s [color index="280AA02D1400"]handle[color index="800000"] on @channel. I’m the only one who knew about it besides her. +Rintaro: Kurisu would know about the lab at Viktor Chondria. +Rintaro: She would know about the mouse experiments. +Rintaro: She would know about the eleven theories of time travel. +Kagari: Okarin...? What do you mean? +Maho: What are you trying to say? +Rintaro: This is my idea. +Rintaro: Kagari, it’s possible that you may have Kurisu Makise’s memories inside you. +Suzuha: Kagari has Kurisu Makise’s memories? +Suzuha: So you mean Kagari has two personalities? +Rintaro: No, that’s not it. +Rintaro: The proper word for multiple personalities is dissociative identity disorder. That’s when additional personalities are created within the person themselves. +Rintaro: It’s like... you’re upset or uneasy about who you are, so you make another personality within yourself. +Rintaro: But that’s not what’s going on in Kagari’s case. +Rintaro: She doesn’t have her personality. What she’s got is, quite literally, only Kurisu’s memories. +Rintaro: It’s possible that Kurisu’s memories are mixed in with her own. +Suzuha: I see. +Suzuha: With 2036’s technology, that’s certainly possible. +Rintaro: Then since Kagari’s a time traveler from that year, it’s a possibility? +Itaru: But she has her memories from when she was ten, right? +Itaru: If they put someone else’s memories into her head, she should remember that, right? +Suzuha: I think I remember her saying once in a while back then that she heard the voice of God. +Rintaro: A hallucination? It’s possible that’s a product of Kurisu’s memories leaking out. +Suzuha: Yeah... +Suzuha: But the future wasn’t as peaceful as this era. There weren’t enough people, and there weren’t enough supplies. +Suzuha: Even if they did have memory transfer technology, it would’ve been a military secret. +Suzuha: I can’t imagine them using it on a civilian. Especially a kid... +Rintaro: Kagari was a war orphan. There’s no chance it was used to cure her [color index="280AA02D1400"]PTSD[color index="800000"]? +Suzuha: That wouldn’t explain why they’d want to transfer someone else’s memories into her. +Rintaro: ...That’s right. +Rintaro: Which means it’s more likely that it was done during the time when she had no memories – between 1998 and now. +Itaru: Even if it’s possible in 2036, is it possible right now? +Rintaro: Kurisu could do it. +Suzuha: So Kurisu Makise transferred her own memories to Kagari? +Suzuha: Why would she do that? It’s like something a mad scientist would do. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: That’s right... I’m getting ahead of myself. I agree. +Rintaro: But there’s no doubt that Kagari knows things only Kurisu could know. +Itaru: Maybe, like, Makise-shi’s soul became a ghost and possessed her? +Rintaro: Don’t even think of saying that around Hiyajo. She’ll laugh in your face. +Itaru: You’ve got that right. +Rintaro: Come to think of it, Daru, what’s Yuki up to? +Itaru: Amane-shi’s busy with work every day, it looks like. +Rintaro: What does she do again? +Suzuha: Works at a cake bakery, I heard. She said it’s really good, and we should go check it out. +Itaru: That’s right. But it’s a little far away, isn’t it? +Suzuha: That’s why she’d be happy if you went, right? Get a grip, Dad. +Itaru: Oh, right. [color index="280AA02D1400"]My bad[color index="800000"]. +Itaru: Wait, Okarin. Why are you asking, anyway? +Rintaro: Oh, no reason. I was just curious... +Rintaro: If there was something she... +Itaru: ...? +Suzuha: Is there something going on with Mom? +Rintaro: No, it’s nothing. +Maho: Okay, I’m going to get started. Ready? +Kagari: Y-Yeah... +Maho: First, can you look at this? +Maho: Do you know where this is? +Kagari: Um... a school? +Maho: Which school? +Kagari: Viktor Chondria University... +Maho: Do you know who this is, in front? +Kagari: Tony Brown. His nickname is JB, because he does this weird little dance when he gets excited. +Maho: Then who’s the girl? +Kagari: Hmm... I don’t know. +Rintaro: Well? +Maho: She’s pretty famous among us scientists. Kurisu would definitely know her. +Rintaro: It looks like even if Kagari does have Kurisu’s memories, she can’t recall them all perfectly. +Rintaro: Maybe there’s some things she can remember and other things she can’t? +Maho: That doesn’t mean we can say for sure that these are Kurisu’s memories yet. +Maho: Anyone could find out about these two with a little research. +Maho: Kagari, can I ask you some more questions? +Kagari: O-Okay. +Maho: Last winter, Kurisu and I went to see a movie. +Rintaro: You and Kurisu did...? +Maho: Is that surprising? Even we need a break sometimes. Normally all we do is work. +Maho: I was hitting a little wall in my research, so she took me out. She said she just happened to have two tickets. +Maho: Do you know what the title of the movie was? +Kagari: Um⋯ Bob Weiner’s ‘His and Her Foreboding’? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Is that a new movie? I’ve never heard of it. +Maho: It’s twenty years old. This was a revival showing. +Maho: B-But somebody could have witnessed it... +Rintaro: Sure, but how would they know you were going to ask that question? +Rintaro: Are you saying she memorized every tiny bit of information you could possibly ask about? +Maho: It’s not like I don’t know that... +Kagari: ... +Rintaro: That’s enough. This looks like it’s hard on Kagari. +Maho: Wait. Just let me ask one more question. +Kagari: Yeah... Okay. Go ahead. +Maho: What was your greatest treasure when you were a kid? +Kagari: When I was a kid? +Maho: Even after you moved to America, you always kept it in your room. +Kagari: Hmm⋯ +Kagari: A stuffed dolphin... Dad bought it for me when we went to the aquarium... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Is she right? +Maho: Yup. Kurisu’s mom told me about it on the phone last night. +Maho: The only people who knew about that were Kurisu and her parents. +Rintaro: Then... +Maho: I hate to admit it, but this hypothesis of yours... I can’t rule it out. +Rintaro: I see... +Kagari: Um, what’s going to happen to me? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Kagari, sorry to make you go through all this. Get some rest. +Rintaro: You’re leaving? +Maho: Yeah. There’s still some things I can check on my own. +Maho: Okay. See you later. +Kurisu: Maho, I think your research has the potential to change the world. +Kurisu: If there’s anything I can do to help, I will. Just say the word. +Leskinen: Oh? +Leskinen: Maho, what’s wrong? I thought you were still on your New Year’s holiday? +Maho: What about you, Professor? What are you doing here on your day off? +Leskinen: In my case, I don’t have much to do on my days off. It’s no fun sitting in the hotel, so I may as well come here and work. +Maho: Then I guess I’m the same. +Leskinen: You have a lot of things to do, don’t you? Dating, for instance... +Maho: Professor, if you keep that up, I’m going to sue you for sexual harassment. +Leskinen: Oh, anything but that. +Maho: All right. In lieu of an apology, can I ask you something? +Leskinen: Anything, if it will keep me out of court. +Maho: All right... What’s going on with Amadeus right now? +Leskinen: You should know the answer to that. Right now there’s no plans to continue the project. +Maho: I know that. What I’m asking is, what happened to the Amadeus data? +Leskinen: It’s saved on the lab server, right? +Maho: Nobody else accessed it or took it out? +Leskinen: Maho, I don’t know where you got that idea, but... +Leskinen: Amadeus access is limited to only a few people, and as far as I know, no one else has touched it. +Leskinen: If nothing else, I haven’t received any reports about it. +Maho: Then the same goes for my and Kurisu’s memory data? +Leskinen: Of course. +Maho: Then... is it possible there’s some other AI project going on that I don’t know about? +Leskinen: Of course not. You’re the most important member of our research team. +Leskinen: We’ve lost Kurisu. +Leskinen: And it was a big loss, but I think you’re the only one who can take her place. +Leskinen: So there’s no way I’d start a new project without you knowing, right? +Maho: ...I see. +Leskinen: Will that do for an answer? +Maho: Yes... +Leskinen: Then may I ask you something? Where did this come from, all of a sudden? +Maho: Well... +Leskinen: Are you worried that someone might have access to your secrets? +Maho: Yeah, something like that. +Leskinen: Then you don’t need to worry. Amadeus was developed so as not to share any secrets the original wouldn’t want shared. +Leskinen: The same goes for the saved data. +Leskinen: Even if someone did steal it, the parts the original person wants to keep secret the most are kept within a black box. +Leskinen: They can’t be accessed via Amadeus or from the memory data itself. +Leskinen: If those secrets get out, it’s because a living human wanted them to. +Maho: A living human... +Leskinen: That’s right. The original person themselves, in other words. +Leskinen: Well? Feel better? +Maho: Yeah, I guess so... +Reyes: Oh? I didn’t expect to see you two here. +Reyes: Christ. Don’t you two know it’s a holiday? +Maho: What about you, Dr. Reyes? +Reyes: I’ve got nothing to do in my hotel. +Reyes: What? What? What’s going on? +Leskinen: Hahaha... +Maho: Heh... It’s nothing. +Kagari: I’m sorry, Okarin. I’ve caused a lot of trouble for you. +Rintaro: No, it’s nothing, really. And I think Lukako and Mayuri are doing a lot more for you than me. +Luka: That’s not true... All I’m doing is giving her someone to talk to. +Mayuri: Mayushii’s sorry that she can’t do more, you know? +Kagari: No! That’s not true! Luka’s being really nice, and just having Mommy around makes me happy. +Kagari: Hey, Mommy? +Mayuri: What is it? +Kagari: Can I give you a hug? +Mayuri: A hug? +Kagari: Can I give you a hug like you always used to do for me when I was little? +Mayuri: Fweeh? Wah, wah... I’m blushing! +Kagari: I can’t? +Mayuri: No... Go ahead. +Mayuri: Kagari, you’re such a good girl. +Kagari: Ehehe! +Kagari: Mommy... +Kagari: Thank you, Mommy. +Rintaro: So, Kagari. How are you doing? +Kagari: How am I doing? Hmm... I guess I don’t know? +Rintaro: You don’t know? +Kagari: Sometimes I find myself remembering things, but I don’t know if they’re Kurisu’s memories or my own. +Kagari: Complicated formulas, experiments... It’s like I don’t understand them, but I know them? +Kagari: Um, just a while ago, I remembered Daddy. It was when Daddy told me I did good when I was little. +Kagari: I remembered that, and it made me really happy... +Kagari: But my parents died when I was a baby, and then Mommy Mayuri raised me. I don’t know who my dad is. +Kagari: But even though it wasn’t my own experience, I really felt happy when he praised me. +Kagari: And that just made my head feel all funny... +Rintaro: So... Do Kurisu’s memories come out often? +Kagari: Yeah. A lot more than they used to, maybe. +Rintaro: I see... +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin. What’s going to happen to Kagari? +Rintaro: Normally, the best thing we could do is get her looked at by a team of specialists. +Kagari: I don’t really want an exam. That was all I did when I was little. +Rintaro: Yeah? +Kagari: Yup. They said it was to treat my PTSD. +Luka: Oh, Mayuri. It’s time. +Mayuri: You’re right. Hey, Okarin. Can you take care of Kagari? +Mayuri: We’ve got a meeting at school about our post-graduation plans. And we have to go. +Luka: Sorry... +Rintaro: Don’t apologize. And don’t worry. I’ll take her home. +Luka: Thank you. +Mayuri: Okay, Kagari. See you tomorrow. +Kagari: Bye, Mommy. See you tomorrow. +Kagari: Hmm... +Rintaro: What’s wrong? +Kagari: I just realized how strange it is to be talking with you like this, Okarin. +Rintaro: Strange? Why? +Kagari: Because to me, you were always just this person I heard stories about. +Rintaro: Stories? +Kagari: Yup. Uncle Daru and Mommy would tell me about you. +Kagari: Mommy talked about you all the time. +Kagari: ‘Okarin saved your mommy. Okarin is Mommy’s Hikoboshi.’ +Rintaro: She still talks like in the future? +Kagari: So I always wondered who this Okarin person was that my mom cared about so much. +Kagari: Who was this Rintaro Okabe that everyone talked about? +Kagari: Maybe... I always admired you, a little? +Rintaro: Stop teasing me. +Kagari: Ahaha. You’re blushing, Okarin. +Kagari: Oh, but that’s probably true of Kurisu Makise, too. +Rintaro: Kurisu? +Kagari: Yeah, Mommy and Uncle Daru used to talk about Kurisu Makise all the time. +Kagari: She died so long ago... I wondered what kind of person could have that much influence on things. +Rintaro: What... What did Mayuri say about her? +Kagari: She said she was the person you loved. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Oh, I know. I’m going shopping. Want to come with me? +Kagari: Shopping? +Rintaro: Yeah. You still don’t know this area well, do you? +Kagari: Can I? +Rintaro: Of course. +Kagari: Yay! There’s actually a lot of things I’ve been wanting. +Rintaro: Things? +Kagari: Just some basic necessities. +Rintaro: Isn’t Lukako getting you those things? +Kagari: Yeah, but he’s a boy, right? So I didn’t want to ask him for too much. +Rintaro: ...Okay, let’s go. +Kagari: Yeah. +Kagari: Wow, this really is amazing. +Kagari: There are so many people, and so many stores. It’s hard to believe it’s the same Akihabara. +Rintaro: What’s Akihabara like in the future? +Kagari: The best way to describe it is... hmm... a pile of rubble. Well, that goes for more than just Akihabara, though. +Kagari: Oh, Okarin. Are you telling yourself that it’s your fault? +Kagari: I guess so. But you can’t think that. Nope! +Kagari: As far as I know, nobody, not Mommy or Uncle Daru, blamed you. +Kagari: Because they all believed that you’d do it some day. +Kagari: Um... what was it? Steins Gate? They believed you’d lead us there. +Kagari: Oh, I’m... sorry. +Rintaro: Huh? +Kagari: I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. +Rintaro: No... I’m the one who should apologize. But I’m not... +Kagari: Stop! Stop! We’re not here to talk about that today. I don’t get a chance to go outside often, so let’s talk about something more fun, okay? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Kagari: Oh, I know. I want to hear about what Mommy was like when she was young. +Rintaro: Mayuri? +Kagari: I mean, I know she’s still young right now. +Kagari: But when she was younger... Like when she was a hostage? +Rintaro: Mayuri told you about that? +Kagari: Yeah. I love the look on her face when she talks about you. +Kagari: It’s like she’s softly opening the lid of a treasure chest, maybe? +Kagari: Her face, her voice, just remembering it makes me feel warm. +Rintaro: It was nothing, really. +Rintaro: Her grandmother died, and Mayuri really loved her. She looked so sad, like she was going to disappear any minute now. +Rintaro: And then I said something really silly. +Kagari: You’re my hostage, right? +Rintaro: I was young. The folly of youth, you know? +Kagari: But those words saved Mommy, didn’t they? +Rintaro: ...I don’t know. +Kagari: Okarin? +Rintaro: Hey, are you hungry? Let’s go get something to eat. +Kagari: Huh? Oh, yeah... +Rintaro: Is there anything you want to eat? +Kagari: Hmm... Anything’s fine. +Rintaro: That’s always the answer that makes things the hardest, you know. +Kagari: But everything in this era tastes so good. It’s amazing. +Rintaro: What did you eat in the future? +Kagari: Mostly yams and stuff. +Kagari: But mommy would flavor them differently every day. +Rintaro: Mayuri... cooked? +Kagari: Yup. +Rintaro: Was her cooking... well... good? +Kagari: Yup. +Rintaro: I... see... +Kagari: So anything’s fine, really. +Faris: Welcome back, meowster! +Faris: Oh, Okarin! And Kagari-nyan, too! +Rintaro: It’s busy today. +Faris: Nyat’s right. We just started an anime tie-in campaign, nya. +Faris: So the place is packed, nya... +Faris: If you’re willing to wait 30 minutes, I can seat you. +Rintaro: We’ll take a rain check then, okay? +Kagari: Yeah. Let’s come back some day when it’s a little slower. +Faris: My nyapologies, guys... +Kagari: Wow, there’s people everywhere. +Rintaro: That’s right. They should all just eat at home instead of going outside. +Kagari: Ahaha! But that goes for us too, doesn’t it? +Kagari: Should we eat at the lab? +Rintaro: Just so you know, I can’t cook. +Kagari: Me neither! +Kagari: It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. I always wanted to try that one thing... You know, the noodles you put hot water on? +Rintaro: Instant noodles? You sure that’s what you want? +Kagari: Um, in the future, a lot of factories go away, so it’s a lot harder to get. +Kagari: Uncle Daru was always talking about how he wanted some, so I wondered what they tasted like. +Kagari: Wow, I didn’t know there were so many different types of instant noodles. +Rintaro: Unlike the future, there’s all kinds of different ones now. Convenience stores get new stuff almost every week. +Kagari: You’re right. So I can pick any of these? +Rintaro: Of course. Take your favorite. +Kagari: All right, which should I pick then? Hmm... hmm... +Kagari: I’ll have this one! Salt flavor! +Rintaro: You can take two or three if you want. +Kagari: Really?! +Kagari: Oh, but if I eat too many, I’ll get fat. +Kagari: Hey, didn’t you also get something else while we were there? +Rintaro: Yup. This. +Kagari: Is this... +Rintaro: A fork. I thought it might be hard to eat with chopsticks. +Rintaro: You can keep it and leave it in the lab. +Kagari: Is that really okay? +Rintaro: It’s nothing special, really. +Kagari: Yay! Thank you! Honestly, I’m not very good with chopsticks. Mommy always lectured me about it. +Kagari: Oh, it’s got a bunny on the end. How cute! +Kagari: Ehehe!... My own fork. This means I own two things now. +Kagari: I don’t know why, but... It feels like I’ve always wanted this. +Kagari: Could this be one of Kurisu’s memories? +Rintaro: I don’t really know. +Kagari: Hey, Okarin. You were in love with Kurisu, weren’t you? +Rintaro: Wha– Gah! Gack! +Kagari: Are you okay? +Rintaro: W-Where did that come from? +Kagari: Because that’s what it means when someone is important to you, right? +Rintaro: ... +Kagari: So, is it true? Did you love her? +Rintaro: Well, it’s true that meeting her changed my life. +Kagari: You changed the subject! No fair! +Kagari: But... I like the idea of someone being so important to you that they change your life. +Kagari: So, Okarin, what kind of person do you think she was? +Rintaro: Are you interested? +Kagari: I want to know more about the person who owns these memories in my head. +Rintaro: You still have her memories even if I don’t tell you, right? +Kagari: But I can’t force myself to remember them. Sometimes they just come out in fragments. +Kagari: And it’s all really complicated stuff. +Kagari: So I want to know more about what kind of person she was, you know? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: She... Kurisu Makise... was a very curious girl. +Kagari: I see, I see. +Rintaro: And she was stubborn. If she thought she was right, she would never back down, no matter what. +Kagari: I see. +Rintaro: She was arrogant and strong-willed, but also really lonely... +Rintaro: And she was scary when she got mad. +Kagari: Scary? How? +Rintaro: She’d say stuff like, ‘I’ll cut open your skull and jam an electrode into your hippocampus!’ +Kagari: Fweeh... +Kagari: You keep talking like that, and I’ll cut open your skull and jam an electrode into your hippocampus! +Rintaro: ... +Kurisu: Should I cut open your skull and jam an electrode into your hippocampus right now? +Kagari: Was it like that? +Rintaro: ... +Kagari: Okarin...? +Rintaro: Oh, no... +Kagari: Okarin? +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: Kurisu... +Kagari: Ugh⋯ +Rintaro: W-What’s wrong, Kagari?! +Kagari: My head... My head... +Rintaro: Your head hurts? +Kagari: Uwah...aah... +Kagari: No... No... I don’t want to go back. +Kagari: Save me... Someone... Someone get me out of here! +Rintaro: What’s wrong, Kagari?! +Kagari: Save me, mommy! Why won’t you save me? Mommy! Mommy! +Rintaro: Calm down! Calm down, Kagari! +Rintaro: It’s okay. It’s okay... +Kagari: Uwahh... hahh... ah... Okarin? +Rintaro: Can you walk? Let’s get back to the lab. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Save me... Someone... Someone get me out of here! +Kagari: Save me, mommy! Why won’t you save me? Mommy! Mommy! +Mayuri: Okarin! +Luka: Is Kagari okay? +Rintaro: Yeah. She’s sleeping now. +Mayuri: I’m so glad. +Kagari: Mm... +Luka: Kagari... +Kagari: H-Huh? Where am I? +Luka: Calm down. You’re in the lab. +Kagari: The lab...? Japan? +Mayuri: That’s right. Akihabara, Japan. +Kagari: Japan. I’m in Japan... +Kagari: Oh, that’s right. That exchange program... +Kagari: I need to get ready for the lecture, don’t I? +Mayuri: Exchange program? +Luka: She’s acting strange. +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin...? +Rintaro: ... +Kagari: Huh? My paper! Where’s my paper?! I worked really hard on it so I could show it to Dad! +Rintaro: Calm down, Kagari! Those aren’t your memories! +Kagari: Okarin... +Rintaro: That’s right. Your name is Kagari Shiina. Not Kurisu Makise. +Kagari: Kagari... My name is Kagari... +Kagari: Uwah... Aah...! +Kagari: AAAAAAHHHHH! +Rintaro: Lukako, sorry. Can you handle this? +Luka: Yes. +Mayuri: Mayushii’s gonna stay over tonight, okay? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah. That would be a big help. +Rintaro: Try to treat her like you normally would, as much as possible. +Mayuri: Yeah. Okay... +Suzuha: Is Kagari in bad shape? +Rintaro: She’s calmed down now, but she was very confused for a while. +Maho: Is it Kurisu’s memories? +Rintaro: Yeah. At this point I don’t think there’s any doubt. +Maho: Hey, how did you guys meet Kagari? +Maho: I wonder what she was up to before she came to Urushibara’s house. +Suzuha: Kagari was found near the prefectural border in Chiba. +Suzuha: When she woke up, she didn’t have any memories of what had happened before. +Maho: But she had her memories of when she was a kid, right? You knew her, didn’t you? +Maho: Where was she when she was a kid? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Uncle, what do we do? Can we tell her? +Rintaro: If we want to save Kagari, we don’t have a choice, I guess. +Suzuha: Only a very few people know what I’m about to tell you. +Suzuha: So make sure you don’t tell anyone, okay? +Maho: W-What’s all this about? +Suzuha: It may seem like a joke, but it isn’t. +Suzuha: Can you promise or not? Pick one. +Maho: ... +Maho: F-Fine. I won’t tell anyone. I promise. +Suzuha: All right, I’ll start by answering your first question. Where were Kagari and I when she was a kid... +Suzuha: We were living in 2036, after the Third World War ended and civil wars raged on everywhere. +Maho: ... +Maho: Don’t make fun of me. I’m being serious here. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo, Suzuha warned you at the start. This isn’t a fictional story, and it isn’t a joke. +Rintaro: Suzuha and Kagari came from 25 years in the future in a time machine. +Maho: In a time machine? There’s no way you could make– +Rintaro: Even if I told you it was Kurisu Makise who came up with the basic theory? +Maho: ... +Maho: That... can’t... +Maho: ... +Maho: ...Fine. I’ll listen to what you have to say. +Maho: Just give me a moment to process all that. +Maho: What you’re telling me is that Suzuha and Kagari came here from the year 2036 to have Okabe change the future, right? +Suzuha: That’s right. +Maho: I can’t imagine Okabe being capable of pulling something like that off. +Maho: I can’t believe the fate of all humanity rests on a single person... +Rintaro: I don’t think I can do it, either. +Maho: It’s not really believable... but... +Maho: But the theory you described might allow for a time leap, yes. +Maho: And more than anything, it was Kurisu who came up with that theory, right? +Maho: Then it’s worth looking into. +Maho: Because... she was a genius. +Rintaro: So you believe it, yeah? +Maho: In exchange, I want you to let me see that time machine. +Maho: If you came here in it, it still has to be around, right? +Suzuha: ⋯It is. It’s very close. +Maho: I’ll need to look into this, but I’ve decided to believe you for now. So I want you to help me to believe. +Suzuha: All right. +Maho: ...Thank you. +Rintaro: Let’s get back to Kagari. +Rintaro: Like I just told you, she separated from Suzuha when she was ten. +Rintaro: And we have no idea where she was until she was found last month. +Rintaro: I’m thinking she may not have been in Japan. +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin’s hypothesis is that she was at Viktor Chondria university. +Rintaro: Yeah, and that in some form or another, she made contact with Amadeus. +Maho: ... +Maho: I just checked with Dr. Leskinen a while ago. Kurisu’s memory data has been sealed away, and no one can access it, he said. +Maho: But I don’t have the authority to check that for myself. +Maho: And it’s possible someone took the data before the project was shut down. +Rintaro: The only people who could’ve done that were people involved with the Amadeus research, right? +Maho: Not necessarily. Anybody could do it if they hacked the server. +Maho: The question is why. If your theory’s right, why would they want to do that? +Rintaro: What if someone knew that the basic theory of time travel was locked in Kurisu’s memories? +Maho: But Kurisu arrived at that theory in the other world line you were telling me about, right? +Rintaro: Have you ever heard of Dr. Nakabachi’s paper? +Maho: Nakabachi? The guy who sought asylum in Russia? +Rintaro: That’s right. +Maho: I took a look at it, and calling it a ‘paper’ is being way too kind. +Rintaro: I think it’s an inferior copy. And there’s another version. An original. +Maho: What are you talking about? +Rintaro: Doctor Nakabachi’s real name is Shoichi Makise. He’s Kurisu’s real father. +Maho: ...! +Kurisu: I’ve also been thinking about whether it’s possible to create a time machine. +Kurisu: Read this. I want your opinion, Dad. +Nakabachi: ...It’s not bad. +Kurisu: Really? +Kurisu: I think maybe we could publish it under both our names... +Nakabachi: Don’t publish this. I’ll take it. +Maho: Come to think of it... +Maho: I remember her saying before she left Japan that she was going to see her dad. He was announcing a new theory, and she’d been given an invitation. +Maho: Then you mean someone found out about this paper, and is trying to get the theory needed to make a working time machine out of Kurisu’s brain? +Suzuha: The cause of the Third World War was the intensification of the race for the time machine between the EU and Russia. +Suzuha: Even America started to get involved, and it got completely out of hand. +Suzuha: Things are proceeding exactly as history said they would. +Maho: Moving memory data into a brain, huh? +Rintaro: It’s possible, right? Even with modern technology. +Rintaro: Kurisu succeeded in it. And she said it was an application of her own research. +Maho: Yeah, that’s right. It’s possible. +Maho: And that’s what Amadeus was originally created to do. +Maho: Kurisu’s time leap machine is another application of this. +Rintaro: Of course, both of them were intended to move the memories back into the original person’s head. +Suzuha: Then what would happen if you tried to move them to another person’s head? +Maho: I don’t think it would be as simple as copying them to a hard drive on a PC with a different [color index="280AA02D1400"]OS[color index="800000"]. +Maho: We don’t even know how much capacity the human brain has. +Maho: “n terms of strict storage capacity, it should easily have enough room to store the memories of two 20 year old girls. +Maho: But the problem goes beyond that. +Maho: Like you said, we’re still not even at the point of successfully downloading memories back into the original brain. +Maho: If you tried to copy those memories into someone else’s brain, it could cause serious inconsistency problems. +Maho: In fact, we’re seeing those errors start to happen right now. +Suzuha: What will happen to Kagari if we don’t do anything? +Suzuha: Will she turn into Kurisu Makise? +Maho: Memories and personality are different things. Memories are controlled by the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Personality is constructed by the prefrontal cortex. +Maho: The functions of the two are intricately connected. +Maho: The mix of the two sets of memories is probably putting a lot of stress on her brain. +Maho: If we don’t do something, it could cause her entire personality to disintegrate. +Suzuha: Khh... +Rintaro: Is there some way to stop it? +Maho: The only way is to remove Kurisu’s memories from Kagari’s mind. +Rintaro: Can you do it? +Maho: If I can analyze the data in her brain, yes, but how many years away that is, I don’t know... +Suzuha: ... +Maho: If there was a way... +Maho: It would be to overwrite her past memories again. +Rintaro: Overwrite her memories? +Maho: I don’t think whoever altered her memories intended to leave her original ones. +Maho: So if we were able to overwrite her memories once more, with proper equipment, it might fix her. +Rintaro: But we don’t have that memory data. +Maho: We’ll just have to hope they made backups. +Suzuha: What about the equipment? It would be great if we could just find it somewhere, but... +Maho: If it doesn’t exist, we can make it. +Rintaro: It’s not that easy... +Maho: But Kurisu made it, right? +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: Which means I can... No, I will, make it, too. +Maho: The question is where to find her memory data, though. We’ll just have to find it somehow. +Suzuha: Any good ideas? +Rintaro: None. +Suzuha: ...? +Maho: I can’t believe it... +Maho: No, but it’s true, isn’t it? +Leskinen: Maho! +Maho: What... what happened here? +Maho: What happened here? +Leskinen: Someone broke in. +Maho: A thief? +Reyes: It was like this when I got here. It might be espionage. +Maho: In an empty office like this? +Leskinen: Anyway, Maho, I want you to see if anything’s been stolen from your things. +Maho: O-Okay... +Leskinen: Well? Was anything taken? +Maho: No, nothing of mine. +Maho: What about you two? +Reyes: I don’t seem to have lost anything, either. +Leskinen: I looked at my computer, but I don’t see any trace of access by a third party. +Leskinen: You’re sure nothing was stolen? +Maho: Yes. +Leskinen: Come to think of it, Maho, what about your laptop? Was that stolen? +Maho: Oh, I left that at the hotel. It should be fine. +Leskinen: I see. I hope you’re right. +Reyes: What do we do? Call the police? +Leskinen: If nothing was stolen, it might not do us any good to make a fuss. +Reyes: You’re right... Maybe we should just wait and see what happens. +Maho: Actually, professor, I need a favor– +Maho: Okay, the last thing I need is... +Maho: That’s right. Wasn’t he– +Kagari: Sorry to make you do all this for me, Maho. +Maho: No. It’s almost done. And I’m doing it for me, too. +Maho: Anyway, I never would’ve come up with the idea of using a cell phone. And even if I had, I never would’ve actually tried it. +Rintaro: When you’re talking on a cell phone, you always need to put it up to your temples, you know? +Kagari: That’s where the frontal and temporal lobes are. +Kagari: If you consider that the parahippocampal gyrus in the temporal lobe is where memories are stored, it makes sense, I think. +Maho: The question is how we compress the memories, isn’t it? +Itaru: I’m working day and night to make that happen. +Rintaro: Sorry, Daru. +Itaru: And you absolutely insisted that I not let them find out that I’m hacking in from this lab, so it’s extra-hard. I’ve got other work to do too, you know. +Itaru: You know, Okarin, she’s almost a completely different person now. +Rintaro: You’re right... +Maho: You know, even after seeing the time machine, I still can’t believe you made the time leap machine in a lab like this. +Kagari: The idea of digitizing human memories and sending them to the past is an amazing one. You’re brilliant, Maho. +Maho: I’ll say the exact same thing to you. +Kagari: Huh? +Maho: You’re a genius, and in the end, I’m just Salieri. +Kagari: ...? +Rintaro: Hey, Kagari... +Kagari: Oh, right. I wanted to ask about Amadeus. What happened to the project? +Maho: Unfortunately, it was shut down. +Rintaro: Kagari... +Kagari: Shut down? Why? Did Dr. Leskinen decide to do that? +Maho: I don’t know. The professor said the orders came from higher up. +Kagari: But it was going so well! +Rintaro: Hey, Kurisu. +Kagari: Yes? +Rintaro: ... +Kagari: H-Huh? What was I just– +Rintaro: You’re Kagari. Kagari Shiina, right? +Kagari: Kagari Shiina... +Kagari: That’s right. I’m Kagari Shiina. I’m... +Kagari: But then... What are these memories in my head? +Rintaro: They’re Kurisu Makise’s memories. Not yours. +Kagari: I don’t know what that means! +Kagari: To me, these are all my memories! +Kagari: My memories with Mommy Mayuri, and my memories with my dad when I was a kid, and then my memories of the college in America are all inside me. +Kagari: I don’t know which are real, and which are fake... +Rintaro: ... +Kagari: Tell me... What am I supposed to do? Save me... Mommy... Daddy... +Itaru: Kagari-tan, why not go for a walk to get your mind off things? +Maho: That’s right. Humans have a tendency to overthink things when they’re sitting still. It might be better to move around a little. +Kagari: ...Okay. +Itaru: All right, Okarin. Take care of Kagari-tan. +Rintaro: ...Okay. +Kagari: ... +Rintaro: So... Is there someplace you’d like to go? +Kagari: Can I go anywhere I want to? +Rintaro: Yeah, anywhere you want. +Kagari: Then take me somewhere you went with Kurisu. +Rintaro: ...What? +Kagari: Take me someplace you went with Kurisu, Okarin. +Kagari: Where did you first meet Kurisu, Okarin? +Rintaro: Where we first met... +Kagari: That’s where I want to go. +Kagari: Is this it? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: –! +Kagari: Okarin? What’s wrong? +Rintaro: S-Sorry. +Kagari: You’re really sweating. I’m sorry. Is this my fault? +Rintaro: No, that’s not it. It’s just... +Rintaro: L-Let’s go. +Kagari: You’re sure? You’re not feeling good, are you? +Rintaro: I’m fine. +Kagari: All right. Let’s go. +Rintaro: Thank you... +Kagari: Wow, I remember this! I came here in this thing! +Kagari: The first time I came outside here, I was amazed at how pretty the sky was. +Kagari: I didn’t want to leave Mommy, so I stayed inside the machine and cried. I missed her so much. +Kagari: But Suzuha told me that I had to stop crying, and I couldn’t be like that anymore. But I was still so sad... +Kagari: And then the hatch opened, and I saw the blue sky. +Rintaro: The sky in 2036 isn’t blue? +Kagari: Yeah. The war made it all black and dark, and they wouldn’t let me go outside very much. +Kagari: Okarin, is this where you first met Kurisu? +Rintaro: No, this isn’t it. This is– +Kagari: Ah... +Kagari: It’s started to rain. +Rintaro: Yeah, you’re right. +Kurisu: ...Okabe? +Rintaro: You’re alive... +Kurisu: Right. I forgot I might run into you here. +Rintaro: What were you doing? +Kurisu: ...Thinking. +Rintaro: Oh... +Kagari: Uwah! +Kagari: I-It’s really pouring! Okarin, get inside! +Rintaro: ... +Kagari: Okarin? +Kagari: Okarin! You’re going to a catch cold! Hurry! +Kagari: Wow, that really surprised me. +Rintaro: This is it. +Kagari: Huh? +Rintaro: This is where I met Kurisu. +Kurisu: What were you trying to tell me earlier? +Rintaro: What are you talking about? +Kurisu: About fifteen minutes ago. Before the conference started. +Kurisu: You were trying to tell me something, right? You looked really sad. +Kurisu: You looked like you were going to start crying any second. +Kurisu: Why? Have we met before? +Kagari: Okarin... +Rintaro: Kagari... +Kagari: Mommy used to do this whenever I was scared. +Rintaro: Why? +Kagari: You looked like you were going to start crying any second. +Rintaro: This is where I first met Kurisu. +Kagari: Here on the landing? +Rintaro: Yeah. She left a terrible first impression. The first time she met me, she was arrogant and spent a lot of time glaring at me. Not cute at all. +Rintaro: Of course, she probably felt the same way about me. +Kagari: But... she still ended up being someone you cared about. +Rintaro: That’s right. +Kagari: My face looks a lot like Makise’s, doesn’t it? +Rintaro: How did you know? +Kagari: M-Maho told me so. +Kagari: And so I looked it up on the internet, and I was amazed. +Kagari: Maybe it’s fate that her memories are inside me. +Kagari: Hey, just hypothetically... +Kagari: If I were to lose my memories as Kagari Shiina, and they were all replaced with the memories of Kurisu Makise... +Kagari: Would I turn into Kurisu Makise? +Rintaro: It’s not that simple. +Kagari: But what if it were? If that happened... would you be happy? +Kagari: If I became Kurisu, would it make you happy? +Rintaro: I... +Kagari: But I wouldn’t like that, though. +Kagari: I don’t want to disappear, not knowing why I was ever alive, not being of any use to anybody. +Rintaro: Kagari... +Kagari: What’s going to happen to me? I... I... +Kagari: I’m sorry... +Rintaro: No... +Rintaro: You’re going to catch a cold. Let’s go home. +Kagari: Yeah... +Luka: J-Just come in. +Mayuri: Wow, you’re both soaked. You’d better hurry and change. +Kagari: Mommy... +Mayuri: You must’ve been so cold, right? +Luka: I’ll get a bath ready. +Kagari: I want to take a bath with you, Mommy. +Mayuri: With Mayushii? Sure, okay. But what will you do, Okarin? +Rintaro: Oh, I’m fine. You guys can go first. +Mayuri: Okay, thanks. Make sure you change so you don’t catch a cold, okay? +Rintaro: Um... I’ll work something out. +Mayuri: Kagari? +Kagari: ... +Mayuri: What’s wrong, Kagari? +Rintaro: Kagari? +Kagari: Who are you? +Mayuri: Huh? +Kagari: Who are you? +Mayuri: It’s me, Mayushii, Kagari. +Kagari: Kagari... My name? +Rintaro: Kagari... +Kagari: No... I’m... I’m... +Kagari: Who? Who am I? I’m... +Kagari: Uh⋯ +Kagari: Uwah... AAAHH!! +Rintaro: Get a hold of yourself, Kagari! +Kagari: Aaaah! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much! +Kagari: It hurts... It hurts, Mommy! Help me... Help me, Daddy! +Kagari: Someone save me... Save me! +Kagari: Someone save me... +Mayuri: Kagari! +Itaru&Maho: Got it!”[linebreak][parallel]“I did it! +Rintaro: R-Really? +Itaru: Oh? Okarin, perfect timing! +Maho: Okabe, you’re soaked! +Rintaro: That doesn’t matter! Did you guys pull it off? +Itaru: Mhmm! +Rintaro: Nice work, Daru! +Itaru: I’m a super hacker. This is nothing. +Rintaro: What about you, Hiyajo? Were you successful, too? +Maho: I’m pretty good at my job, too, you know. +Rintaro: Wow... +Maho: Well, this was all thanks to the information you and Kagari gave me. +Maho: In that sense, we were lucky that she had Kurisu’s memories. +Rintaro: No, you were the one who did the work. +Maho: Thanks. I’ll just accept the compliment. +Maho: Now the question is whether it works... And the only way to find out is to try it. +Rintaro: You’re right. +Itaru: I want three trips to [color index="280AA02D1400"]Kitchen Jiro[color index="800000"]. +Maho: Whew... Okay, I’m going to get some rest. I’m pretty tired– +Maho: Jeez, who is it? I’m about to go to sleep... +Maho: Yes, hello? +Itaru: So, how’s Kagari-tan doing? +Rintaro: About that... +Rintaro: It’s not good, actually. She forgot who Mayuri was today. +Itaru: Seriously? +Rintaro: That’s not all. Right after that she started complaining about a horrible headache and passed out. +Itaru: That’s bad, isn’t it? +Rintaro: It is. We need to do something. +Maho: What? You’re sure? +Itaru: Maho-tan, what’s wrong? +Rintaro: Did something happen? +Maho: Someone ransacked my hotel room... +Rintaro: So? Did they find anything? +Maho: They’re just about to call the police, and they want me to come back and see if anything’s been stolen. +Itaru: Th-Then they don’t know what was taken? M-M-Maybe they stole your underwear?! +Maho: I brought all that with me! Do you want me to sue you for sexual harassment? +Itaru: Uh... Please don’t. +Maho: My room’s always a mess anyway, so it’s possible that it just looked like someone ransacked it. If I wanted to be optimistic, that is. +Maho: They said the lock was forced, so it’s almost certain that someone broke in. +Maho: Actually, the same thing happened to the office not too long ago. +Rintaro: Then it’s not just a coincidence. Someone is after something you’ve got. +Maho: That’s right. And I think I know what it is. +Rintaro: What is it? +Maho: Kurisu’s laptop. +Rintaro: That... +Itaru: Wait, is that computer the one you gave me? +Rintaro: What? +Maho: I really wanted to crack the password, so once I started staying here, I gave it to Hashida. +Rintaro: Then the laptop... +Maho: It should be safe. Right? +Itaru: Yup. It’s in my secret hideout right now. +Itaru: But since I’ve been so busy with hacking SERN, I haven’t had time analyze it. +Rintaro: We may be able to use this. +Maho: Use it? +Man: Kagari Shiina, right? +Woman: ... +Man: Stay calm and we won’t hurt you. +Man: AAAAHHH! +Man: Gwah! +Man: You fuckin’ bitch! +Man: Gwaaah! +???: You need to cool it. You don’t want to make a lot of noise either, do you? +Rintaro: Wow... +Suzuha: –! +Man: Gaah! +Tennouji: Not bad, part-timer. +Suzuha: You too, boss. +Itaru: How are things on your side? +Itaru: Is Suzuha okay? Is she hurt? +Rintaro: Don’t worry. She’s a lot more amazing than you realize. +Itaru: Well, she is my daughter. But if she gets hurt, I’m going to hate you forever, Okarin. +Rintaro: ?! +Tennouji: Sorry, not happening. +Rintaro: –! +Tennouji: Tch–! +Suzuha: Uncle! He’s coming toward you! +Rintaro: –! +Man: –?! +Rintaro: Grr–! +Suzuha: Haaahh! +Man: Gwah! +Tennouji: Gotcha! +Suzuha: Uncle, are you hurt? +Rintaro: ...! +Suzuha: Are you okay?! +Rintaro: I-I’m fine... +Itaru: Okarin! What’s wrong?! What happened? +Rintaro: Don’t worry. Everyone’s safe. Suzuha, did we get him? +Man: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! +Tennouji: Hey, cool it. You’re the one who’s gonna have a bad time if there’s a fuss. +Tennouji: And we’re still only on the first one, pussy. We’ve got 9 more to go. +Man: Mmffmm... mffmm... +Tennouji: Then we’ve got the eyes. Then both ears. The nose... There’s lots of fun in store for you. +Tennouji: I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this, either. You’re going to tell me in the end, anyway, so isn’t it better to just get it over with now? +Man: Mmmmmmmm! +Tennouji: Hmm? Well? Shall we go for number two? +Man: Mmm! Mmm! +Tennouji: Should’ve just done that to start with. So, who are you working for? +Man: ... +Tennouji: ...Stratfor? +Tennouji: Hey, you’re not lying to me, are you? +Tennouji: Stratfor, huh? That’s going to be a problem... +Rintaro: You hear that, Daru? Start hacking Stratfor’s servers right now! +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Tennouji: ... +Suzuha: What’s wrong, boss? Something bothering you? +Tennouji: Nah. It’s just that Stratfor’s a civilian company, you know? +Tennouji: That means somebody’s hiring them. No matter how many of these people you catch, is it really going to solve the problem? +Tennouji: Hey, you. Are you really– +Tennouji: Damn it! He passed out. What a wimp. +Tennouji: Let me clean this up. You guys go. +Rintaro: You’re sure? +Tennouji: This isn’t the end, is it? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...All right. We’ll let you take care of it! +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Uncle, hurry! +Rintaro: I-I know! +Kagari: Hahh... hahh... +Rintaro: Daru... How’s it going? +Itaru: Just a sec. I’ve got the route I used the last time I hacked it. Checking it now. +Rintaro: The last time... Why did you do something so dangerous?! +Itaru: It was a bet with a buddy of mine. We were going to try and see who could hack it faster. Winner got a year’s worth of [color index="280AA02D1400"]Go Go Curry[color index="800000"]. +Itaru: Huh? You’re not going to ask who won? +Rintaro: Just hurry. +Itaru: Roger. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin? You’re not looking so good. +Rintaro: No, it’s nothing. +Faris: It’s not nothing, nya. Let me see, nya. +Faris: You’re really hurt, nya! +Luka: Okabe... you’re bleeding... +Mayuri: Okarin! +Rintaro: ...I’m fine! +Faris: You are not fine, nya! Luka-nyan, get the first aid kit! +Luka: Okay! +Rintaro: I’m okay... +Rintaro: Forget about me... Mayuri... How’s Kagari? +Kagari: ...Hahh... +Mayuri: Kagari?! Hang in there! +Kagari: Mommy... Mommy... Where are you? +Mayuri: Mommy’s right here. I’m right beside you. +Kagari: Mommy, tell me... Am I just going to disappear? +Mayuri: It’s okay. Okarin and Daru will do something. +Kagari: Okarin? +Mayuri: That’s right. You know Okarin, don’t you? +Kagari: Okarin... +Rintaro: Don’t worry. Just a little more... Just a little more, and you’ll be back to normal. +Kagari: Okabe... +Rintaro: Huh? +Kagari: Erase me... +Rintaro: Kagari... +Kagari: Erase me from within her... +Kagari: At this rate, she’s going to... +Kagari: Please, Okabe...” +Kagari: Please, Okabe...” +Kurisu: Please, Okabe...” +Kagari: Erase me...” +Kagari: Erase me...” +Kurisu: Erase me...” +Rintaro: ...! +Kagari: I’m sorry, Okabe...” +Kagari: I’m sorry, Okabe...” +Kurisu: I’m sorry, Okabe...” +Rintaro: Daru... Did you find it yet? +Itaru: Hang on. Just a little more... Just a little more. +Suzuha: This isn’t good, Uncle! +Suzuha: One, two, three... There’s a bunch of them outside. It’s Stratfor. +Rintaro: –Daru! +Itaru: Okay! Come on, come on, come on. +Itaru: Got it! +Rintaro: Daru?! +Itaru: All righty! I got it! Bingo! +Maho: Look at the files that seem important and pick the biggest one! +Itaru: Wait... The big one? Um... Could it be this one? +Itaru: But the file name is John... +Maho: That was Mozart’s Christian name! That has to be it! +Itaru: I don’t get it, but Ok. There are a lot of files inside it, though. +Maho: Let me see! +Maho: There’s more files... There weren’t this many when we were doing the research. +Maho: One of these has to be Kagari’s memory data, but... +Rintaro: K6205. +Itaru: Huh? +Rintaro: K6205 is Kagari’s memories, Daru! +Itaru: K620... I found it! +Rintaro: Now just do it like we talked about! +Suzuha: Hurry! We’re completely surrounded! +Rintaro: Daru, are you ready? +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Rintaro: Okay! Do it! +Maho: Wait! +Rintaro: What’s wrong, Hiyajo? +Maho: Is this really going to work? If it fails, Kagari will... +Rintaro: It’ll be fine. I guarantee it. +Maho: Okabe... +Suzuha: Uncle! +Rintaro: Kagari...! +Kagari: Okabe? +Rintaro: Ready? +Kagari: Yeah... +Suzuha: They’re here! +Rintaro: Daru! +Itaru: Roger! +Kagari: Listen, Okabe... +Kagari: I think that I... +Kagari: ...ved you... +Rintaro: ! +Rintaro: ... +Woman’s voice: Hey, Okabe! If you keep lying there, you’ll catch a cold. +Rintaro: Huh? +Kurisu: What? +Rintaro: Oh, there you are, Kurisu. +Kagari: ... +Kurisu: What do you mean, ‘There you are’? I’ve been here the whole time. +Rintaro: Have you? +Kurisu: Yup. Yesterday, and the day before. I’ve been here a long time. +Rintaro: Hey, where are Daru and Mayuri? +Kurisu: Are you really okay? Did something happen to you? +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Kurisu: Hashida and Mayuri are right there. Look. +Rintaro: Huh? +Mayuri: Okarin, Tutturu♪! +Itaru: How could you miss somebody as big as me, Okarin? +Faris: Kyoma, you doing okay, nya? I’ll use my kitty charms to make you feel better, nyan! +Luka: Kyoma, if there’s anything I can do to make you feel better, just tell me. +Suzuha: I’ll make you a special juice from the edible grasses I found in this area, Rintaro Okabe. +Moeka: I’m here too... Okabe... +Rintaro: Heh... It appears everyone has arrived. +Rintaro: Therefore, we shall now begin the 65,536th Round Table! Are you ready?! +Kurisu: You’re always so loud. +Rintaro: And you need to wipe that self-satisfied expression right off your face, assistant. +Kurisu: I keep telling you. I am not your assistant! +Mayuri: Okarin and Kurisu are always such good friends. +Itaru: You’re the perfect couple. Now go explode. +Kurisu: Wait, Hashida. I am not in a relationship with this guy! +Faris: They say the closer you are, the more you fight, nya. +Luka: I’m jealous... +Suzuha: You should join in the fun, Urushibara. +Luka: What? I couldn’t? I just couldn’t... +Moeka: Fun... +Rintaro: Stop wasting time, guys! We’re starting the meeting! +Kurisu: So, what are we talking about today? +Rintaro: What else? Our topic for today is– +Rintaro: Our topic... +Kurisu: Okabe? +Mayuri: Okarin? +Itaru: What’s wrong, Okarin? +Faris: Kyoma? +Luka: Kyoma... +Suzuha: Rintaro Okabe. +Moeka: Okabe... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Ah... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Ah... aaah... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: –! +Rintaro: Grr...! +Rintaro: Hahh... hahh... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: What the heck... +Rintaro: ...Cough... cough... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hyah–! +Rintaro: ...Gah... gweh... guuuhh... +Rintaro: –?! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Aah... aaah...Aaah... +Rintaro: Uwahh... AAAAHHH! +Rintaro: What happened to the lab...? +Armed man: You! What are you doing there? +Rintaro: Aah... +Rintaro: –! +Armed man: Don’t move! +Rintaro: Aah... aah... +Rintaro: Huh...? +Armed man: –?! +???: You’re in the way! +???: Are you trying to get killed? +Woman: ... +Suzuha: Come on, how long are you just going to sit there? +Rintaro: Did you kill them? +Suzuha: What kind of stupid question is that? +Rintaro: You’re... Suzuha, right? +Suzuha: Who are you? +Rintaro: You don’t know who I am? +Rintaro: It’s me, Okabe. Rintaro Okabe. +Suzuha: Rintaro Okabe? That’s... impossible. +Suzuha: This way. +Suzuha: Stop. +Man’s voice: Moe moe for you. +Suzuha: Bakkyun-kyun. +Man’s voice: Come in. +Man: I’m so glad. You’re finally awake, Okarin... +Rintaro: Um, who are you? +Man: Aw, jeez. Did you forget about me? Even after all that’s happened, that still hurts, Okarin. +Rintaro: Are you... Daru? +Itaru: Good, you did remember. I thought you’d forgotten. +Rintaro: Daru... Is it really you? +Itaru: Who else do you know that’s as handsome as me? Right, Suzuha? +Suzuha: I might admit that, if you lost a little weight. +Itaru: Don’t say that. I’ve lost a lot since I was younger. +Suzuha: And wait, Dad, why are you talking funny? +Itaru: I don’t usually talk like this. But I figured it would make things easier for Okarin. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: Daru... Tell me something. +Itaru: Anything you want, man. +Rintaro: What... year is it? +Itaru: It’s 2036. The world is at war. +Rintaro: Then this really is the year 2036... +Itaru: That’s right. +Rintaro: But why don’t I remember any of this? +Rintaro: And Suzuha told me that I would die in 2025. Why am I alive? +Suzuha: I want to know that too, Dad. +Suzuha: We were all told Uncle Okarin died ten years ago. +Suzuha: What’s going on here, Dad? Did you lie to all of us? +Itaru: Calm down, Suzuha. I’ll explain. +Itaru: Okarin, you said you’ve only got memories up to halfway through January 2011, right? +Rintaro: Yeah. The world line changed in January 2011. That’s all I remember. +Itaru: Maybe there’s some problem with your body, or maybe you’re just confused... +Itaru: You should have memories up to the end of January 2011. +Rintaro: The end? Why the end of the month? +Itaru: It was the end of the month when Maho-tan saved your memory data. +Itaru: I guess you told Maho-tan to take memory samples from you to help with the Amadeus research, right? +Rintaro: I volunteered for Amadeus? +Rintaro: Which means that inside my brain... +Itaru: Ayup! Just like you guessed, your memories are the ones that were digitized in 2011. +Suzuha: Wait, Dad. I don’t understand what’s going on. How is Uncle Okarin alive, anyway? +Suzuha: You told me he died in 2025, right? +Itaru: He did. For all intents and purposes, anyway. +Suzuha: For all intents and purposes? +Itaru: That was when the race to make the time machine was at its peak. +Itaru: Everybody in the world wanted the paper that Kurisu Makise had written, and her memories. +Itaru: But at the time, Stratfor had everything that she’d left behind. +Itaru: But even if they had it, they couldn’t read it. They couldn’t break the lock, you see. +Itaru: By the way, I was the one who built that lock, in 2010. +Itaru: So they decided to capture someone who knew her well and get information from them. +Rintaro: And that was me? +Itaru: They did everything they could think of to try and get information about Kurisu Makise out of you. +Itaru: When we rescued you, your mind was shattered. You’d lost the ability to ever survive on your own. +Itaru: You were as good as dead, and there was no chance you’d get better. +Suzuha: Then... his body was alive? +Itaru: That’s right. +Itaru: Okarin himself had given me the idea. He was starting to get worried about how they were after him. +Suzuha: But you could’ve at least told me, right? +Itaru: You know what they say, right? To deceive your foes, first deceive your friends. +Suzuha: But... +Itaru: Don’t be like that, Suzuha. Only a very few people in Valkyrie knew about this. +Itaru: Let’s move on. +Itaru: Okarin’s mind was shattered, and he was incapable of surviving. If we didn’t do something, even his body would’ve died. +Itaru: So a few people who knew the truth have been watching over him for years in another facility. +Rintaro: Was it Mayuri? +Itaru: Not just Mayu-shi. Faris-tan and Luka-shi. And Maho-tan, too. +Rintaro: Hey, Daru... +Rintaro: Why did I wake up now? +Itaru: That’s easy to explain. Until just a little while ago, we didn’t know where they were. +Itaru: Actually, Stratfor had been holding onto your and Kurisu’s memory data the entire time. +Itaru: We just didn’t know where it was. +Itaru: I found it two weeks ago. Want to guess where it was? It’ll shock you. +Rintaro: Where? +Itaru: Right next to us the whole time. It was at our college. +Rintaro: No way... Tokyo Denki? +Itaru: They had a base in the basement. Not that there’s much of anything left there now. +Itaru: So two weeks ago, we managed to salvage your memory data and download it into your brain. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: So I woke up after 25 years... I’m just like Urashima Taro. +Itaru: I can understand that it’ll take you a while to process it. +Rintaro: These memories were once data, huh? +Itaru: But it’s the same as Makise-shi’s time leap technology, right? +Itaru: You went through that a bunch of times, didn’t you? +Suzuha: I still can’t accept this. +Itaru: Aw, don’t say that, Suzuha. +Suzuha: You’re lucky, Dad. You managed to deceive the whole world that way. +Itaru: I didn’t have a choice! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: The world... was deceived? +Suzuha: Moe moe for you. +Girl’s voice: Bakkyun-kyun. +Girl: Uncle Daru! Big Sis Suzuha! Tutturu♪! +Suzuha: Kagari, I told you not to come here unless you had a reason. +Kagari: Sorry. But Mommy and everybody else left and they haven’t come back. +Itaru: Now, now, don’t get so mad. +Suzuha: You’re spoiling her again, Dad. You need to be strict at times like this. +Kagari: Hello. +Rintaro: ...Hello. +Kagari: Who are you, mister? +Rintaro: Me? I’m... +Kagari: ...? +Rintaro: I’m... I know. I’m a friend of your mother’s. +Kagari: A friend of Mommy Mayuri’s? +Rintaro: Yeah, that’s right. +Kagari: Huh... +Rintaro: Is your Mommy nice? +Kagari: Yup! +Rintaro: Do you like her? +Kagari: Yup! I love her! +Rintaro: I see. +Suzuha: Hey, Dad. Did you tell Big Sis Mayu that Uncle was up? +Itaru: Oh, no! I forgot! I need to do that! +Itaru: This is Barrel Titor. Come in. This is Barrel Titor. +Mayuri: This is Stardust Handshake. Over. +Kagari: Mommy! +Mayuri: Oh, Kagari. You’re with Uncle Daru? +Kagari: Yup. +Mayuri: He’s busy with something important, so don’t bug him too much, okay? +Kagari: Okay! +Itaru: Anyway, Mayu-shi, I’ve got special news for you! +Mayuri: Special news? +Itaru: Yup... You ready for this? Okarin’s awake. +Mayuri: ...! +Mayuri: Really? Okarin’s really... +Faris: What’s wrong, Mayushii?! +Mayuri: Okarin... Okarin’s... +Luka: Did Okabe wake up? +Faris: Really?! Okarin’s awake, nya?! +Itaru: So I want you three to come back right now. +Mayuri: ... +Itaru: Mayu-shi? What’s wrong, Mayu-shi? +Faris: It’s no good. She’s crying too much to talk. +Itaru: Well, I can see why. She wanted Okarin back more than anyone. +Itaru: Anyway, you should get back here as soon as possible. +Faris: Got it. We’ll come back as soon as we get provisions. +Itaru: ...What’s wrong, Suzuha? +Suzuha: Why are you guys going out to get food? That wasn’t planned for today. +Itaru: Huh? +Faris: Sure it was. We got a message last night that it was today... +Suzuha: ...No! It’s a trap! Everyone, get back here now– +Mayuri: Kyah! +Suzuha: What’s wrong?! What happened?! +Luka: We’re under attack! The enemy... +Suzuha: Damn it! +Luka: Mayuri! Faris! Run! I’ll hold them off! +Faris: But if we do that, mew’ll– +Luka: I’ll be fine! Hurry! +Mayuri: No, Luka! +Faris: Luka-nyan! +Suzuha: Dad! +Itaru: Right! +Rintaro: Wait, Daru! +Rintaro: I’m going, too! +Itaru: But Okarin, in your condition... +Rintaro: Let me go. Please... +Rintaro: ... +Luka: ... +Rintaro: Lukako... +Mayuri: Okarin...? +Faris: Okarin... Luka-nyan... Luka-nyan is... +Rintaro: Aah... aaah... +Luka: Okabe? +Rintaro: Lukako... +Luka: Is it really you, Okabe? +Rintaro: Yeah, Lukako. It’s me. +Luka: Heh... You called me Lukako... It really is you. Cough! +Luka: I’m glad... what I just heard... was true... +Rintaro: Yeah. Thanks to you, I was able to wake up. Thank you... +Luka: Okabe... +Rintaro: What is it? +Luka: I did it... +Rintaro: Yeah. +Luka: Thanks to the Seishin Zanma School you taught me... I was able to protect Mayuri... and everyone else. +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... +Luka: I’m one of you guys now... right? +Luka: I’m really one of you now... aren’t I? +Rintaro: Idiot... You always were one of us. +Luka: Ehehe... That makes me happy. +Rintaro: Lukako! Lukako?! +Mayuri: Luka...? +Rintaro: Aah... Aaah... +Faris: Luka-nyan! +Rintaro: Aah... Aaah... +Itaru: How could this happen... +Mayuri: I’m glad...Lukako always wanted to see Okarin. I’m glad he got to see him in the end... +Mayuri: Luka Urushibara... You fought splendidly. You saved us... Please, rest in peace. +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: This is just... It’s not fair. +Rintaro: Aaaahhhhhh! +Itaru: Where’s Mayu-shi? +Suzuha: She cried herself out and went to sleep. +Itaru: I can understand that. She and Luka-shi were good friends. +Suzuha: ...Brother Luka! +Rintaro: ...! +Itaru: A lot of people died after that war started. +Itaru: All our friends from elementary school, all our friends from middle and high school, all our friends from college... +Itaru: Our relatives, our teachers, people we knew, kids, adults... Even the people we loved... +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: So many people... So many people died. +Itaru: Release [Kurisu] from the bonds of Amadeus. +Rintaro: Huh? +Itaru: A message. From you, in the year 2025. +Rintaro: A message from myself? +Itaru: The path to Steins Gate is a hard one. Trying again once or twice probably won’t get you there. +Itaru: But I think starting there is the best way to get to it. +Itaru: I think that many futures are connected to the past. +Itaru: That’s what you said 11 years ago. +Rintaro: Release [Kurisu]... +Itaru: So this world we’re in isn’t wasted. It’s a world that we need. At least, that’s what I think. +Itaru: Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m okay with things as they are. +Rintaro: Daru... +Itaru: So, Okarin, why not go back and think about it? To the moment when your memories cut off... +Rintaro: To 2011? But that’s not... +Rintaro: And anyway, even if I did go back, what could I do? +Maho: You can do it. +Maho: It’s been a while, Okabe. Eleven years, I think? +Rintaro: Hiyajo? +Maho: Look in the back of the room. +Rintaro: The PhoneWave... +Maho: I made this after hearing about it from you and Hashida. See? It’s got a VR headset, too. +Itaru: I’ve got a lifter ready, too. I thought this might happen. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Our improvements mean that it’s now possible to go back in time 336 hours. +Rintaro: 336 hours... Two weeks? +Maho: But that will only get you part of the way back. We made the modifications to the machine about 10 years ago, so beyond that you’ll only be able to go 48 hours at a time. +Maho: It’s going to be a long and painful journey. But if you’re still up for it... +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: If you get tired, you can rest partway. +Rintaro: Daru... +Maho: Don’t worry. No matter what year it is, we’ll always be with you. +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Maho: You know... I’ve got a lot of regrets. +Maho: Thanks to Amadeus, even after her death, a lot of people tried to use her for evil... +Maho: For years... for decades... +Maho: So I want your help, too. Release her... Release [Kurisu] from that ugly spiral of greed. +Maho: Save Kurisu. You’re the only one who can. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Maybe I should think it over again... +Rintaro: All right, guys. I’m in. +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Maho: Okabe. +Rintaro: ...? +Maho: If you ever see Kurisu, tell her... that in the future, I beat her time leap record seven times over. +Rintaro: ...Got it. +Itaru: Okarin, I’m all set! +Rintaro: That was fast. +Itaru: I’ve always kept it maintained. +Rintaro: I figured you would. +Itaru: I bet. +Suzuha: Oh, but are you sure you don’t want to talk to Big Sis Mayu and the others? +Rintaro: If I don’t go now, I think my resolve is going to weaken. +Rintaro: And even if I don’t see them now, I’ll be able to see them whenever I want in the past. +Itaru: That’s right. +Rintaro: All right. See you two weeks ago. +Itaru: Yeah. See you two weeks ago. +Maho: Hang in there. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin? Did you get some bad news or something? +Rintaro: Huh...? +Mayuri: You’ve been kind of spacing out since you picked up the phone. +Rintaro: N-No, that’s not it. That’s not it... +Faris: Are you still thinking about New Year’s, meowbe? +Itaru: Get a hold of yourself, man. +Kagari: ...? +Maho: Are you feeling tired after what we did earlier? +Rintaro: Earlier? +Maho: You know, when we took the samples of your memories for Amadeus? +Rintaro: No, that’s it. Just... you know. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Kagari... +Kagari: Hmm? What is it, Okarin? +Rintaro: You still can’t remember what happened since you came to this time? +Kagari: Huh? Y-Yeah... +Rintaro: I see... +Kagari: Why do you ask? +Rintaro: No reason. I just wanted to make sure. +Kagari: What? You’re being weird, Okarin. +Kagari: But it doesn’t really bother me anymore, though. +Kagari: I mean, Mommy’s here, and Luka’s here, and Big Sis Rumi is here, too. And there’s lots of food, too. So maybe I don’t need to force myself to remember. +Rintaro: I see... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo... I thought you went home? +Maho: I forgot something. +Rintaro: Forgot something? +Maho: Anyway, what are you doing here all by yourself? +Maho: You’ve had that pensive look on your face for a long time now. Is something bothering you? +Maho: I can’t take Kurisu’s place, but I can still talk to you if you want. +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Rintaro: It’s not exactly easy to believe, but will you listen to me anyway? +Maho: ...Sheesh. What’s your problem? +Rintaro: Will you believe me...? +Maho: I don’t have a choice, after seeing the look on your face. And... +Maho: After seeing this, too. +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Maho: This answers something I’d always wondered about. +Maho: Kurisu had died only a short while after coming to Akihabara. Could you really have gotten to know her in that short span of time? +Maho: Especially knowing how she is, right? I thought something must’ve gone on for her to get so close to a boy that fast... +Maho: And? So what’s on your mind? +Maho: Okabe...? +Rintaro: Am I... me? +Maho: What do you mean? +Rintaro: You heard what I said, right? My memories were turned into data and stored on a hard drive. +Rintaro: You could call them artificial memories, if you wanted. +Rintaro: Can you really say that I’m me anymore? +Rintaro: Can you really say that I’m alive? +Maho: That’s what’s bothering you? That’s stupid. +Maho: Have you ever heard of a [color index="280AA02D1400"]philosophical zombie[color index="800000"]? +Rintaro: It’s... a thought experiment, right? Something that looks and behaves just like a human, but lacks consciousness and emotions... And whether or not you could objectively distinguish it from a human. +Maho: Well, that’s basically right. +Maho: Then let’s say that right here there was an AI that looked just like a human. +Maho: It looks like a human, and acts just like one, too. +Maho: When someone’s in trouble, it reaches out to help them, and when it’s sad, it cries. +Maho: Maybe those are just preprogrammed processes, but humans are no different. Everyone thinks and reacts in accordance with their own individual processes. +Maho: We just happen to call these processes things like ‘consciousness’ and ‘feelings.’ +Rintaro: In other words, AIs have feelings, too? +Maho: At least, we scientists are doing our best to create them. +Maho: So, Okabe. Do you think you’re not an AI with emotions? +Rintaro: No... +Maho: Right? It’s memories that make someone who they are, anyway. +Maho: Memories are everything people have experienced since they were born. +Maho: So, Rintaro Okabe. Even if your memories were once data, you’ve got your body and your memories. You’re human. You’re Rintaro Okabe. Don’t worry about it. +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Maho: And anyway, doesn’t Kurisu’s time leap machine digitize data to send it back in time? +Maho: So is there any need to worry about this now? +Maho: Maybe Kurisu would’ve been able to come up with a better way to put it, but... +Rintaro: No, that’s not true. This was more than enough. +Maho: You’re a genius, and in the end, I’m just Salieri. +Rintaro: Hiyajo, you’re not Salieri. +Maho: Huh? +Rintaro: You’re Amadeus. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: The path to Steins Gate is a hard one. Trying again once or twice probably won’t get you there. +Itaru: But I think starting there is the best way to get to it. That’s what you said 11 years ago. +Itaru: So this world we’re in isn’t wasted. It’s a world that we need. At least, that’s what I think. +Rintaro: Hiyajo. +Maho: What? +Rintaro: Can you help me a little more before you go back to America? +Maho: Hmm. Okay, but on two conditions. +Rintaro: Conditions? +Maho: First, you let me look at that time machine. +Rintaro: And second? +Maho: You’re going to let me call you Okarin. You’ll call me Maho. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: I don’t think they’re too much, do you? +Rintaro: ...All right, Maho. +Maho: Thanks, Okarin. +Faris: What is it, Okarin? Why did mew call me back after I already left? +Itaru: That’s right. I don’t live that close to here. If you wanted to talk about something, you should’ve said so before I left. +Mayuri: So, what did you want to talk about, Okarin? +Luka: Is it something you couldn’t tell us on RINE or the phone? +Rintaro: Yeah, but first, Suzuha. +Suzuha: What? +Rintaro: I have a question. What do you think about me? +Suzuha: What... do you mean? +Itaru: Wait, Okarin– you can’t! +Itaru: E-Even for you, Okarin, I’m not giving you Suzuha! Daddy won’t allow it! Never! +Rintaro: You’ve been watching me since last summer. What have you been thinking about me? I want your honest opinion. +Suzuha: You’re sure? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Suzuha: To be honest, you’ve been pissing me off. +Suzuha: It’s not just me, Dad, and Big Sis Mayu. It’s Big Sis Rumi, and Brother Luka, and Kagari... +Suzuha: In the future, everyone suffers. They don’t even know if they’re going to be alive tomorrow. They might die horribly, like my mom did. +Suzuha: And they’re trying their best to survive anyway. +Suzuha: But all you do is whine and act like you’re the only person in the world with problems. +Suzuha: Of course, I know you’ve been through a lot. I know you’ve suffered again and again, until finally you couldn’t go on. +Suzuha: But you’re all we have, Uncle Okarin. +Suzuha: If I could take your place, I’d do anything! No matter what I had to go through, no matter how much it hurt, I’d do it! +Itaru: Suzuha... +Suzuha: But there’s nothing we can do... You’re the only one who can do anything. +Suzuha: But all you do is talk about how it’s impossible, or you can’t do it, or you don’t want to! You just whine, and you won’t even listen to me! +Suzuha: I never said anything because Dad was around, but you’ve always pissed me off! +Suzuha: A lot of the time, I’ve just wanted to punch you! +Rintaro: ...Heh. +Itaru: S-Suzuha, you don’t need to go that far... +Faris: Nyat’s right. Okarin understands, nya. +Rintaro: Then why not do it? +Suzuha: Do what? +Rintaro: You wanted to hit me, right? Then hit me! +Suzuha: Huh? But... +Rintaro: No need to hold back. +Suzuha: ... +Mayuri: Suzuha, stop it. Okarin is... +Rintaro: It’s fine, Mayuri. +Kagari: Okarin... +Itaru: Is that... Is that your fetish? Then I guess I won’t stop you, but... +Suzuha: You’re really sure? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Suzuha: All right. This is gonna hurt. +Rintaro: Huh? No, wait– You can go easy– +Suzuha: Yah! +Rintaro: BWAGH! +Suzuha: Oh, sorry. I guess I put a little too much force into it. +Maho: I-I just heard a really loud crunch! +Mayuri: A-Are you okay, Okarin? +Rintaro: Heh... +Luka: Okabe? +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... +Rintaro: Hahaha... +Itaru: Okarin...? +Rintaro: FWAHAHAHAHA! +Faris: I-Is that... Kyoma? +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: No, Mayuri... +Rintaro: I am Kyoma... Hououin. +Luka: Kyoma! +Rintaro: Yes! My name is Kyoma Hououin! +Rintaro: Lab member #001, the founder of this lab. The man who longs for chaos, the mad scientist who will upend the ruling hierarchy of the world, Kyoma Hououin! +Rintaro: Lukako! +Luka: R-Right! +Rintaro: Bring me my white lab coat! +Luka: R-Right! Oka- I mean, Kyoma! +Faris: Kyoma... Kyoma is back, nya! +Suzuha: D-Dad... what is this? +Itaru: You did it, Suzuha. Okarin’s finally ready to fight. +Luka: Here you are, Kyoma. +Rintaro: Indeed. +Rintaro: That’s right! This is it! This is my holy silver armor! At this moment, Kyoma Hououin has awakened! He has revived from his long slumber! FWAHAHAHAHA! +Maho: ... +Kagari: ... +Maho: ...W-What just happened? Did that punch drive him crazy? +Kagari: I remember now... +Maho: Huh? +Kagari: Kyoma Hououin... Mommy used to talk about him all the time. +Kagari: She said that someday, Kyoma Hououin would come back to life... and bring light to our future. +Maho: ...I’m having a really hard time keeping up with all this. +Rintaro: You! The loli! +Maho: ...Hmm? +Rintaro: You. I’m talking to you. +Maho: What? You’re not talking to me, are you? +Rintaro: You’re the only loli here, aren’t you? +Maho: Who are you calling a loli?! +Rintaro: I give you the honor of being Lab Member 009! You shall be my servant and participate in our operations! +Maho: Why do I have to be your servant? And what the hell is a lab member? +Rintaro: Just like the name suggests, it means you’re an official member of this lab. You must feel very honored. +Maho: Honored...? +Rintaro: Next! Kagari Shiina! +Kagari: Fweeh?! +Rintaro: You’re Lab Member 010! Got it? +Kagari: O-Okay! +Faris: Wait, Kyoma! We don’t get to be lab members, nya? +Rintaro: Hmm? +Rintaro: I never told you, but of course, you are already lab members! +Rintaro: Lukako is 006. Faris is 007. And Suzuha is 008! Got it? +Luka: Y-Yes, sir! +Faris: Nyay! +Suzuha: ...I don’t quite understand, but roger. +Itaru: Wait, Okarin. Who’s 004 and 005? +Rintaro: Those two numbers are reserved. +Rintaro: Now that everyone’s here, I have something to declare! +Rintaro: As of today, January 31st, 2011, we will begin a new operation! +Rintaro: Our goal is to annihilate the coming future! To overturn the future of the world itself! That is our goal! Got it? +Rintaro: It’s me... +Rintaro: We will now execute our new operation. +Rintaro: My future self told me that Steins Gate waits beyond several futures. +Rintaro: Even if the future that awaits us is a path of thorns, it will not be useless. +Rintaro: I know. It will take an incredible amount of time to reach the door we seek. +Rintaro: Many different Organizations may rise up to stop us. +Rintaro: But I’ll start over as many times as it takes. +Rintaro: Pray for my success... El Psy Kongroo. +Maho: ... +Suzuha: ... +Kagari: ... +Maho: What... did I just see? +Rintaro: This is... I know! It’s like a ceremony! +Maho: A ceremony... Right... +Maho: Wait, Okarin. Don’t tell me you did that around Kurisu... +Rintaro: I-I’m not Okabe! I’m Kyoma! +Maho: Are you messing with me? +Itaru: Maho-tan, don’t give him too much of a hard time. He’s still trying to figure things out. +Maho: Huh... +Kagari: Wow... so this is Kyoma Hououin, huh? +Mayuri: That’s right. He’s the mad scientist of madness! +Faris: And the reincarnation of an ancient [color index="280AA02D1400"]alchemist[color index="800000"], nya. +Luka: He’s also the master of the Seishin Zanma School. +Kagari: Wow... +Suzuha: Sorry, Dad. I’m having trouble keeping up with this. +Maho: So, what exactly is the plan? +Rintaro: Ahem. +Rintaro: First, let me make something clear. Our final goal is a future where the Third World War never occurs. +Rintaro: I told you all that I’ve been through several world line changes since coming to the beta world line, right? +Rintaro: First, we need to remove the cause of those changes. +Faris: What is it, nya? +Rintaro: Kurisu Makise’s laptop and hard drive, and her memories that are stored in Amadeus. +Rintaro: Thus, the final goal of our operation is to destroy Kurisu’s laptop and hard drive, and delete her memory data. +Maho: You can’t delete Kurisu’s memory data! You can’t... +Maho: ...Are you serious? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Maho: But those memories are all we have left of her. +Maho: They’re all we have to prove that she was ever here. +Maho: I don’t want to delete them... +Rintaro: Then you’re okay with them being misused? +Maho: That’s not... +Rintaro: On my way to this world line, I saw her memories start wars again and again. +Rintaro: And many people have been caught up in that. +Rintaro: Kagari was just one of them. +Kagari: ... +Rintaro: And I’ve experienced that world of data, too. I’ve experienced its cold. +Rintaro: Do you want to leave Kurisu in that cold, dark world forever? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: We’ve got proof that she existed right here. +Rintaro: We’ve got what we remember, and we’ve got the chance to build a peaceful world where a Third World War never happens. +Rintaro: Isn’t that all the proof we need that she was alive? +Maho: That’s really cheesy. If Kurisu heard that, she’d laugh at you. +Rintaro: I’m sure. +Maho: But maybe it’s a cheesy clich[①] because it’s true. +Maho: I’ll do what you want me to. +Rintaro: ...Thank you. +Rintaro: Daru, you’ve got Kurisu’s laptop and hard drive, right? +Itaru: Yup, I got it from Maho-tan and hid it somewhere it wouldn’t be found easily. +Rintaro: As soon as we’re done with Amadeus, destroy them. +Itaru: You’re sure? +Maho: Yeah. But let me do it. +Itaru: Ok. +Rintaro: Maho, do you still have access to Amadeus’s server? +Maho: Yeah, I should. Hashida, can I borrow your computer? +Itaru: Huh? Oh, sure. Just a second. +Faris: What are you doing, Daru-nyan? +Itaru: Just some tricks to make sure our [color index="280AA02D1400"]IP[color index="800000"] isn’t tracked... Ok. Go ahead. +Maho: ... +Maho: ...Huh? +Maho: That’s strange... I can’t access it. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Itaru: You mean you’ve got the wrong password? +Maho: I wouldn’t make that mistake. Do you know how many times I’ve entered that password? +Maho: Tch– Looks like my access has been revoked. +Maho: What’s going on with this? I’ll call the professor. +Maho: ... +Maho: No good. He’s not picking up. +Maho: Jeez! What is going on with this thing? +Rintaro: I guess it wouldn’t be that easy, huh? +Rintaro: Let’s try another approach. +Rintaro: Can you hack the Viktor Chondria University servers? +Itaru: Ok. Just give me a second. +Maho: You’re making it sound easy. Our lab’s security is pretty tight. +Rintaro: Don’t worry. Daru’s a super hacka. +Itaru: You mean a hacker, man. +Mayuri: Wow, it’s a microwave! +Rintaro: I’m not using it to heat up your fried chicken, okay? +Mayuri: Too bad... I was going to make some Juicy Chicken #1 for everybody if they were hungry. +Maho: Hashida... You’re amazing. +Rintaro: Did you get it? +Itaru: For a top-quality hacker like me, this is nothing. +Rintaro: The name super hacka isn’t just for show, huh? +Rintaro: All right, see if you can find Amadeus’s data. +Maho: Hold on, I’m opening it now... +Maho: ... +Maho: It’s gone... +Maho: Amadeus, Kurisu’s memories... all the folders that should be there are gone. +Rintaro: So someone took it already? +Rintaro: Wait... +Rintaro: Hey, do you think you could you access Amadeus from this app? +Maho: ...! +Maho: I don’t know... If Amadeus’s data is gone from the server, I don’t think it would work... +Maho: Give it a try. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: What’s wrong? +Rintaro: I was just thinking about what I’d do if it connected. I need to be careful. +Maho: That’s right. Someone might be watching you. +Itaru: Hmm? +Rintaro: What is it, Daru? +Itaru: Look... There’s a folder with another lock on it. +Maho: Which one? +Maho: That’s strange. That didn’t used to be there. +Itaru: It’s pretty heavily secured. Way more than the rest of the system. +Maho: Was that where Amadeus was moved? +Maho: But who would do that? Only Dr. Leskinen has that level of authority. +Rintaro: Maybe Dr. Leskinen’s up to something and we don’t know it. Or maybe something happened to him... +Rintaro: Daru, we’ll leave that folder alone for now. +Rintaro: Next I want you to hack Stratfor’s servers. +Itaru: Huh? Stratfor? Why? +Rintaro: They’re probably involved in all of this. You’ve done it once before. Can you do it again? +Itaru: Wait, how did you know that? Are you psychic? +Rintaro: Who do you think I am? The Mad Scientist of Madness knows all. +Itaru: Stratfor’s servers... got it. +Itaru: So you just want me to find data on that Amadeus system? +Maho: Hold on! +Maho: This is a report... +Maho: What is this...? +Rintaro: What are these reports about? +Maho: ...Experiments. Stratfor was experimenting on humans. +Rintaro: Experimenting... on humans... +Maho: It looks like Stratfor was working on human memory transplantation. +Maho: They did a lot of experiments trying to transfer memories from one person to another. +Maho: They started with animals, but by the end they were using live humans. +Maho: They used people with no relatives as subjects. Kids, adults, people from different ethnic backgrounds... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: What is it? Is there something else? +Maho: It looks like they’re about to start a new memory transplant experiment. +Rintaro: Our priority now is finding Kurisu’s memory data. Daru, think it’s there? +Itaru: Hmm... +Itaru: Nope... No luck. I’m not seeing anything. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: That university server is the most suspicious. The one with the locked folder. +Itaru: What’s the plan? +Rintaro: ...We’ll believe Maho. Daru, can you get us in? +Itaru: I can, but it’s gonna be a pain. +Rintaro: How long is it going to take? +Itaru: I couldn’t tell you. Might take more than 12 hours. +Itaru: And if they catch me hacking halfway through, it’s all over. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: What happens to my location data when I’m talking to Amadeus? +Maho: It all gets recorded. Of course, the people who’ve got Amadeus’s program can see it. +Maho: The question is, do I contact her or not? +Rintaro: Maho, can I ask you something crazy? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Uncle, is there nothing I can do? +Rintaro: Just wait a little longer. Daru and Maho are doing their best. +Faris: I’m gonna go get us something sweet to eat, nya. Sweets are great when you’re tired, nya. +Luka: Oh, then I’ll go, too. +Maho: ... +Maho: Sheesh... You didn’t have to ask me to do all this at once, did you? +Rintaro: Sorry... So... Is it done? +Maho: I did what you told me to, I guess. +Maho: And this, too. +Rintaro: Wow. I can’t believe you managed to make an AI in such a short time. +Maho: You were the one who told me to do it. +Maho: I had the voice software I used for Amadeus, so I was able to build it quicker. +Maho: And this isn’t anything as complicated as an AI. +Maho: You really think you can fool her with this? It’s [Kurisu] we’re talking about here. +Rintaro: We just have to deceive her for a short time. All we need to do is keep their eyes off of Daru’s hacking. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I will now explain the operation. +Rintaro: I’m going to have you pair off. +Rintaro: Then I want you to take these phones and move around the city. +Rintaro: It would be best to have the pairs as far apart as possible. One can take the Chuo Line, and the other can take the Yamanote Line. +Rintaro: Stay in touch, and use the app on the phones called Amadeus. +Mayuri: What do we do once it’s running? +Rintaro: Amadeus is an AI made from the memories of a girl named Kurisu Makise. +Rintaro: We’re going to deceive her. +Rintaro: When you boot up the Amadeus app, it will start another program, too. +Faris: What’s the other program, nya? +Maho: Can you hit the icon with the S right there? +Faris: Um... this, nya? +Rintaro?: Hello. It’s me. +Mayuri: Wow, it’s Okarin’s voice. +Rintaro: Try talking to it. +Faris: What’s up, nya? +Rintaro?: Nothing, really. I just wanted to talk to you a little. +Luka: Wow, it automatically answers, huh? +Maho: It’s a bot made by Okarin and myself. We call it Salieri. +Rintaro: Once you activate Amadeus, our bot is set to automatically respond to it. +Luka: In other words, we can make them think that it’s you talking? +Rintaro: That’s right. +Rintaro: That is your mission. +Rintaro: I’ll say again, you must absolutely not make contact with Amadeus for an extended period of time. +Rintaro: And once you hang up, you need to move. If something happens, call me immediately. +Rintaro: You need to do these things no matter what. Got it? +Kagari: Um... What should I do? +Rintaro: They know your face. You should stay here. +Kagari: But I want to help, too! I don’t want to do nothing while Mommy and everyone else are helping. +Kagari: Please, Okarin. Let me help, too. +Rintaro: I’m sorry, but... +Kagari: ... +Mayuri: Kagari, Mayushii’s gonna work hard for you, too, so do as Okarin says, okay? +Kagari: Mommy... +Kagari: Okay. If you say so, Mommy. +Suzuha: Uncle, shouldn’t we hide Kagari somewhere until this is all over? +Rintaro: Maybe. But where? +Itaru: Why not go to my hideout? +Rintaro: Hideout? You’ve got a hideout? +Itaru: I’ve got a lot of them, thanks to my job. If you want one, it’s yours. +Rintaro: All right, then, it’s settled. Are you okay with that, Kagari? +Kagari: Yeah. All right. +Woman’s voice: Um, is there something I could do? +Rintaro: Huh..? +Suzuha: Yuki... +Yuki: Hashida gave me the key to the lab... +Yuki: And last night... I called him and he seemed like he was really busy with something. So I brought him some snacks... +Yuki: I don’t know what’s going on, but I was hoping there would be something I could do... +Itaru: But we can’t get you involved... +Rintaro: No, she just has to stay with Kagari. It should be fine. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Rintaro: All right. Yuki, you stay with Kagari. +Rintaro: I want you staying at Daru’s hideout until this all blows over. He can tell you where to go. +Rintaro: Once things calm down, I’ll tell you what’s going on. +Yuki: All right. +Rintaro: Okay, guys. Now just follow the plan, and– +Mayuri: Wait, Okarin. +Mayuri: You don’t want to say goodbye to [Kurisu]? +Mayuri: Say goodbye, okay? So you won’t regret it. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: You’re right. +Rintaro: Can you all give me just a minute? +Mayuri: Okay... +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s been a long time. +Rintaro: That’s right. +Amadeus Kurisu: I thought you’d forgotten me. +Rintaro: I’ve been... busy. +Amadeus Kurisu: So, what is it today? +Rintaro: There was something I wanted to ask you. +Amadeus Kurisu: What? You want to know if you can make a time machine again? +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: That was a joke. Keep going. +Rintaro: Just hypothetically... If you could give up your life to save a friend’s, would you do it? +Amadeus Kurisu: Um, I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at. +Rintaro: Answer me, please. +Amadeus Kurisu: That friend’s someone important to you, isn’t it? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Amadeus Kurisu: There are still many things I want to do. Many things I have to do. But... +Amadeus Kurisu: Even so... If I could make that friend, and the people around me, happy... Maybe I would. +Amadeus Kurisu: Sorry. I’ve never had that happen to me, so all I can do is imagine. Which means I can’t give you a real answer, but... +Amadeus Kurisu: If there was still one person who would remember me... If there was still one person who wouldn’t forget... +Kurisu: Anyway, forget about me. Forget about what happened today, and everything that came before. +Kurisu: That’s what I want... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I can’t forget... +Amadeus Kurisu: Huh? +Rintaro: I will never forget. +Amadeus Kurisu: Okabe...? +Rintaro: Sorry for asking something so silly. +Amadeus Kurisu: No... I don’t mind. Did something happen? +Rintaro: No. It’s nothing. Nothing. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Anyway, bye. +Amadeus Kurisu: Wait! +Rintaro: Huh⋯? +Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, no... It just felt like I was never going to see you again. +Rintaro: That’s not true. +Amadeus Kurisu: Of course, right? I don’t know where I got that idea... +Rintaro: ...We’ll see each other again. I promise. +Amadeus Kurisu: Yeah. +Rintaro: See you again. +Amadeus Kurisu: Yeah. See you again. +Mayuri: Did you say your goodbyes? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Rintaro: I’m counting on you guys. +Mayuri: Yup! +Rintaro: How’s it going, Daru? +Itaru: It doesn’t look like they’ve found us. +Rintaro: Is it going to take a lot more time? +Itaru: Hmm... At least 3 hours. +Rintaro: Sorry about this, Daru. +Itaru: You promised not to say that, buddy. +Maho: Okarin... Can I have a second? +Rintaro: Hmm? What is it? +Maho: Look at this... +Rintaro: What’s this? +Maho: A list of Stratfor’s experimental test subjects. +Maho: Look here. +Rintaro: Shiina Kagari?! +Maho: She was one of Stratfor’s guinea pigs. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: But they never made it to the last phase of the experiments, it looks like. It says she ran away just before they got the chance. +Maho: I’m a little worried. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Hmm? Who’s calling me now? I’m busy! +Itaru: Hmm? It’s Amane-shi. I wonder what’s up. +Itaru: Yes, hello? Amane-shi, what is it? Did something happen? +Itaru: Huh? Kagari-tan was what? +Rintaro: What happened to Kagari?! +Itaru: She says she’s gone... +Rintaro: What?! +Rintaro: It’s me, Okabe! Is Kagari really gone?! +Yuki: Okabe! I’m sorry! I was right next to her! +Rintaro: What happened?! Did she get kidnapped?! +Yuki: No... Kagari left on her own. I tried my best to stop her, but she was so strong... +Rintaro: On her own? +Maho: Can you put it on speaker? I want to hear this, too. +Maho: Yuki, tell me more about what happened before Kagari ran off. Was there anything strange? +Yuki: No... We were just talking... +Maho: Did you see or hear anything strange? +Yuki: No... Oh, wait. Come to think of it, I did hear some weird music from outside. It was like some kind of jingle from an advertising van. I remember it because it was really loud... +Maho: That’s it. +Maho: I just read about it in that file. It was one of the experiments Stratfor did. +Maho: The experiment involved brainwashing. +Rintaro: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Brainwashing[color index="800000"]? +Maho: I think she might have been brainwashed to behave in a certain manner if she heard a preprogrammed source of music. +Maho: That’s the only way to explain why she’d run off on her own right now. +Maho: The file also said that she was an ideal candidate for the experiments and that they were still looking for her... +Rintaro: Damn it! +Itaru: What do we do, Okarin? +Rintaro: –! +Rintaro: ... +???: Rintaro Okabe, correct? +Rintaro: Yeah, that’s right. Who are you? +???: We have Kagari Shiina. I don’t need to tell you what we want, do I? +Rintaro: Give me time to think. +???: Think? Think about what? +Rintaro: ... +???: The exchange will take place tomorrow. We’ll tell you where and how later. +Rintaro: They want to swap her for Kurisu’s computer and hard drive. +Itaru: So, what’s the plan? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: I can’t believe Kagari was brainwashed... +Rintaro: I want your honest opinion. If we do what they want, will they give us back Kagari? +Moeka: ...No. +Suzuha: I agree. They’re willing to use dirty tricks like brainwashing. If they don’t need her, they’ll just kill her. +Moeka: They might kill you, too. +Rintaro: We’ll have to bust in and take back Kagari. +Maho: Bust in...? You don’t even know where they are! +Rintaro: I do. +Suzuha: Really? Uncle, when did you- +Rintaro: Suzuha, will you help? +Suzuha: Okey-dokey! +Moeka: I’m not willing to go that far... +Maho: You can’t go alone. It’s too dangerous. +Rintaro: No, it might be safer than going with a big group. +Maho: You’re not going to tell the other girls? +Rintaro: It would probably just worry them. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Daru, keep working on that file lock. And leave your phone on a call with me. +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Suzuha: Uncle, here. +Moeka: A [color index="280AA02D1400"]Glock[color index="800000"]... +Suzuha: Protect yourself, if you have to. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Kagari’s in here? +Rintaro: Yeah. She should be. +Rintaro: This way. +Suzuha: Uncle, this way! +Rintaro: You know where to go? +Suzuha: I remembered. I’ve infiltrated this place once before. +Suzuha: When I was here, the place was falling apart, and the outside looked totally different. But I’m sure of it. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: I’ll save Kagari. You just protect yourself, uncle. +Rintaro: R-Right... +Suzuha: Here we go. Three, two, one... +Rintaro: ...What’s going on? +Woman: You’re here sooner than I expected, Rintaro. +Rintaro: ...No way... +Rintaro: Dr. Reyes? +Reyes: I’m glad you’re doing well. +Rintaro: Why... +Reyes: I came to get something I was looking for. +Rintaro: Kagari! +Kagari: ... +Rintaro: What’s wrong, Kagari?! Can’t you hear us? +Reyes: Oh, dear. She’s sleeping so peacefully. It would be rude to wake her up. +Suzuha: Watch out! She’s military! +Rintaro: Military? +Reyes: And who might you be? +Suzuha: ...Give back Kagari. +Reyes: I love that face. I didn’t know there was anyone in Japan with a face like that. +Reyes: Why don’t you start by giving me your gun? If you don’t, Kagari Shiina will die, you know? +Suzuha: The second she dies, you’re dead, too. +Reyes: I see. But I’m just one part of a larger organization. Killing me won’t change a thing. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Suzuha... +Suzuha: ... +Reyes: Good girl. Now stand there with your hands behind your head. +Reyes: So, Rintaro. I believe I told you what the deal was. Did you bring them? +Rintaro: ... +Reyes: Oh my! You’re such a naughty boy. If you didn’t bring them, then I can’t let you have Kagari Shiina. +Rintaro: What did you do to Kagari? +Reyes: Unfortunately, nothing yet. I just played the lullaby they used with her. +Reyes: But if you’re not going to accept my trade, then maybe I’ll just get started. +Rintaro: I’ve hidden Kurisu’s laptop and hard drive somewhere special. +Rintaro: If you’re not going to give me Kagari, then I won’t tell you where. +Rintaro: Let Kagari go first. +Reyes: Negotiations are pointless, Rintaro. +Reyes: If you’re not going to give me what I want, then I’ll just do things my way. +Rintaro: Did you do this? +Reyes: Yes. If they hadn’t been so stupid, they might have managed to live a little longer. It’s a shame. +Rintaro: Why would you do something like this!? +Reyes: It’s simple. They figured out who I really am. +Rintaro: Who you really are...? +Reyes: Remember what she just said? +Rintaro: You’re with the military? +Reyes: And a scientist as well. [color index="280AA02D1400"]DURPA[color index="800000"]... Not that that means anything to you, I’m sure. +Maho: DURPA... The Defense Ultimate Research Projects Agency? No way... Dr. Reyes is with them? +Itaru: Okarin, just get me a little more time... +Rintaro: W-Why would someone from the military...? +Reyes: My team originally worked on brainwashing. +Rintaro: Brainwashing? Then Kagari... +Reyes: Just so we’re clear, it wasn’t me who did this to her. It was them. +Rintaro: I don’t know if I believe that. Why would the military want to brainwash people, anyway? +Reyes: You know why. We want soldiers who’ll do exactly as they’re told. +Reyes: Our goal was to make the ultimate soldier, who never complains, who never fears death, and who willingly sacrifices himself for his country. +Rintaro: ... +Reyes: There’s nothing unusual about it. It’s been done all over the world for over a century. +Reyes: But then we realized that we could make the ultimate soldier without going through the hassle of brainwashing. +Reyes: An AI soldier. +Rintaro: An AI soldier? +Rintaro: I see... So you implant an artificial intelligence into the soldier’s brain? +Rintaro: That would let you mass produce highly intelligent and highly capable soldiers... +Reyes: Huh... +Rintaro: And if you can install the memories needed for special skills, too, you’ll have a whole army of specialists ready for any mission imaginable. +Reyes: That’s right! Rintaro, you’re quick on the uptake. +Reyes: And in the future, we’ll be able to make soldiers capable of enhanced teamwork via group consciousness, too. +Reyes: What do you think? Amazing, isn’t it? +Suzuha: You can’t do that! It’s wrong! +Reyes: That’s what they all say. +Suzuha: ... +Reyes: Listen to me. We want stability. Our military is the only thing keeping the world peaceful. +Reyes: And if they have to sacrifice themselves to become the soldiers who can make that possible, I’m sure they won’t mind too much. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... Interesting... +Rintaro: Dr. Reyes... No, Reyes! You interest me greatly, indeed! +Suzuha: ... +Reyes: Rintaro...? +Rintaro: My name is not Rintaro! +Rintaro: My name is Kyoma Hououin! I am the man who shall destroy the ruling structure of the world and plunge it into chaos! +Reyes: ...What kind of joke is this? +Rintaro: Hahaha... I, the mad scientist of madness, Kyoma Hououin, admit it! You, Reyes, are moderately mad! +Reyes: Houou... What? +Rintaro: Kyoma Hououin! Rintaro Okabe is the disguise I use to deceive the eyes of the world! This is my true identity! +Rintaro: I am the mad scientist, reviving like the phoenix! +Reyes: Bwa... bwahahah... What am I hearing? You’re screwed up, kid! +Rintaro: Reyes⋯ I already know what you’ve done thus far. +Rintaro: You infiltrated Viktor Chondria University as a professor to work on your AI soldier project. +Rintaro: And while you were there, you found out about Amadeus. +Rintaro: Correct? +Reyes: Yes, that’s right. Amadeus was quite the interesting project. But what interested me more... +Reyes: ...were the traces I saw of their involvement. +Reyes: And just as I expected, I looked into it and found something incredible. +Reyes: You know what I found, right? +Rintaro: The time machine, yes? +Rintaro: I see... +Rintaro: The time machine, the impossible dream of all mankind. +Rintaro: You learned of the paper that described how it would work! +Rintaro: And you learned that if you could get it, the world would be yours to command! +Rintaro: Heh. But you were a fool. Everyone like you thinks the same thing. +Reyes: A fool...? +Rintaro: Yes, a fool! +Rintaro: Ruling the world? Working for the nation, working for the organization... +Rintaro: These are all the goals of petty men. +Rintaro: If you would use the greatest invention of human history for those things, then you’re a failure as a scientist! +Reyes: I’m a soldier before I’m a scientist. +Reyes: I’ve offered my life to my country. +Reyes: If my country can command the world, that lets us keep every other potential threat in check. +Reyes: And that’s what’s best for the world and mankind! +Reyes: That’s why we can’t let any other country get it ahead of us! +Reyes: By obtaining this revolutionary theory before anyone else, we can keep the world’s power balance the way it is! We can keep the world peaceful! +Reyes: We can’t let another country, let alone a civilian corporation, get their hands on it first! +Rintaro: And that’s why you killed all these people...? +Rintaro: I’ll say it again. +Rintaro: You are a fool! +Reyes: I see. +Reyes: I do feel bad about what I did to them. +Reyes: The plan was to let them go a while longer, and then take the data once they had it all. +Rintaro: Then why kill them? +Reyes: One of the people I sent in to spy on them screwed up. +Reyes: So I do blame myself for that. +Reyes: But they’re at fault, too. +Reyes: DURPA hires civilian scientists. +Reyes: I offered them jobs, but they got greedy and started making demands... +Reyes: Losing talent like that is such a shame. +Reyes: So, Rintaro Okabe, I’ve got an offer for you. Why not work for DURPA? +Rintaro: What...? +Reyes: You look surprised. Why did you think I was telling you all this? +Reyes: Long villain monologues only exist in your Japanese samurai movies. +Rintaro: ... +Reyes: Don’t worry. We don’t care about what country you’re from. If you want, we can get you a green card. +Rintaro: In other words... you recognize my talent...? You recognize the mind of Kyoma Hououin? +Reyes: Of course. I wouldn’t make this offer to someone without talent. +Reyes: You’ve certainly got it. +Reyes: And you’re Kurisu Makise’s friend, too. +Rintaro: I might have heard something from Kurisu Makise about her time machine theories... +Rintaro: That’s what you’re hoping. +Rintaro: And that’s why you want me. +Reyes: We take those who can be useful. And we pay. That’s how things work in our world. +Rintaro: Which means that once I’m not useful, I end up like the people on the ground over there? +Reyes: That depends on how hard you work and what you decide to do. +Rintaro: Daru... Are you done yet? +Reyes: Well, take your time and think about it. +Rintaro: Heh heh... heh heh heh... +Reyes: ...? +Rintaro: FWAHAHAHAHA! +Rintaro: You have quite the high-taste eye, if you’ve noticed my talent! +Reyes: High... taste... eye? +Rintaro: High-quality taste and a discerning eye! You’re American, and you don’t even know that?! +Rintaro: But that’s fine. I take back what I said about your failures as a scientist. +Rintaro: Since, after all, you recognize my talent. +Reyes: I see. Then you accept my offer? +Rintaro: I refuse! +Reyes: Wha– +Rintaro: Because I am Kyoma Hououin! +Rintaro: A mad scientist must always be a solitary creature. +Rintaro: He must never belong to anyone, or any thing, at any time. That is his destiny... +Reyes: ... +Reyes: Well, feel free to take your time. +Reyes: Think it over until I’m done with her. +Suzuha: ...What are you going to do to Kagari? +Reyes: You know what I’m doing. I’m overwriting her memories with Kurisu Makise’s. +Rintaro: That’s... +Reyes: Don’t make that face. I’ve used this technique on animals and a number of humans. +Reyes: The system had a critical flaw until now, anyway. +Reyes: But this time it’s fixed. And she’s highly compatible. I’m sure it will work fine. +Reyes: Kurisu’s memories, her mind, will be recreated inside this girl. +Reyes: And then we won’t have to worry about any black boxes locking away parts of her memories. +Reyes: She’ll do whatever we tell her. And I’m sure she’ll tell us all about the time machine. +Reyes: We won’t need Kurisu’s laptop or her hard drive. As long as we have her, we’ll be fine... +Reyes: Tell me, Kagari... You want to be Kurisu, right? +Rintaro: No, Kagari! Don’t listen to her! +Kagari: ... +Reyes: Her genius mind will be yours. +Reyes: You can revolutionize the world. Won’t that be wonderful? +Kagari: ... +Reyes: Well? +Kagari: Yes... +Reyes: Heh... Good girl. +Rintaro: Kagari. +Reyes: Rintaro. This was your choice, too, you know? +Reyes: If you’d simply done as I’d asked, things might have turned out differently. +Reyes: And besides... You want to see Kurisu, don’t you? +Reyes: A person is nothing but their memories. It’s their memories who make them who they are. +Rintaro: ... +Reyes: When Kagari has Kurisu’s memories, she’ll become Kurisu. And you’ll like that, won’t you? +Rintaro: –! +Reyes: And I’m sure Kurisu will too... +Rintaro: Shut up! +Rintaro: Kurisu would be happy?! Hell no! +Rintaro: Even if you do replace Kagari’s memories with Kurisu’s, she won’t be Kurisu! +Rintaro: And she would never be happy to see her memories used like that! +Rintaro: Don’t you dare insult her... Don’t you dare insult Kurisu Makise! +Kagari: ... +Reyes: I see. That’s a shame. +Reyes: But either way, the result doesn’t change. +Reyes: You can just stand there and watch her mind be filled with the memories of the one you love. +Rintaro: Daru! Are you done yet?! +Itaru: Sorry, Okarin... I’m so close... +Suzuha: Uncle. +Suzuha: We may have to give up on Kagari. +Suzuha: Once I move, get down. +Rintaro: ... +Reyes: Okay, all ready to go! +Reyes: All right, then. Sayonara, Kagari. +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Suzuha! +Reyes: I thought you’d do that. Too bad, huh? +Rintaro: Don’t! +Rintaro: –! +Reyes: ... +Reyes: ...? +Reyes: W-What’s going on?! Why isn’t it working?! +Reyes: It can’t be... This stupid thing! +Reyes: Goddamn it! Shit! +Kagari: Okarin... +Rintaro: Kagari?! +Reyes: Bullshit! +Rintaro: Kagari! Come with me! +Kagari: Okarin! +Rintaro: Kagari! +Reyes: –! +Reyes: ... +Suzuha: Don’t take another step. +Rintaro: Suzuha! You’re okay? +Suzuha: I guess so. +Suzuha: The tables have turned. +Reyes: Heh... +Rintaro: ...? +Reyes: Heh heh heh... You got me. I didn’t expect to lose to a kid like you. +Reyes: But this isn’t over yet, you know. +Suzuha: I said don’t move! +Reyes: Just so we’re all on the same page, I’m carrying a small bomb with me. +Reyes: I just bite down a little on my back teeth, and it explodes. +Reyes: At this rate, I’m sure you three would be caught up in it. +Suzuha: So you’re going to kill yourself? +Reyes: I’ve been trained to choose death rather than hand information over to the enemy, sadly. +Suzuha: You’re bluffing. +Reyes: If you think so, then shoot. +Rintaro: Wait, Suzuha! +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Just believe in Daru for now. +Suzuha: ...! +Rintaro: What are you trying to do? +Reyes: You didn’t want to use her either, did you, Amadeus? But you don’t mind if I use someone else. +Rintaro: No way... +Reyes: I told you... It won’t end here. +Reyes: That’s right. It was always so easy. There was never any need to use anyone else. I could’ve just done this myself. +Kagari: ...! +Reyes: Now I will have Kurisu Makise’s memories! +Reyes: I will have the time machine theory! +Reyes: And I will be the one to revolutionize the world! +Rintaro: No... Don’t... +Itaru: Yes! Got it! Got it! Got it! +Rintaro: Daru?! +Reyes: Ahahahaha! Now I will rule time itself! +Rintaro: Daru! Get rid of that file, now! +Itaru: Hold on! I’m looking for it now! +Rintaro: Don’t! +Reyes: It’s okay. I’ll make good use of the memories of the girl you love! +Itaru: I found it! I’ve got it, Okarin! +Rintaro: Delete it, Daru! Now! Set her– +Rintaro: Set Kurisu free! +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Reyes: Come into me, Kurisu. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: ... +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: What... happened? +Reyes: ... +Kagari: Okarin... She... +Rintaro: Daru was faster... By just an instant. +Itaru: Okarin? +Rintaro: Daru... You did it. +Rintaro: It’s all over. Everything... +Suzuha: Let’s go, Uncle. It’s not a good idea to stay here. +Rintaro: You’re right. Kagari, can you walk? +Kagari: Yeah... +Rintaro: I’ll see you again, Kurisu... +Fubuki: Okay, Mayushii. We’ll be back. +Mayuri: Okay, bye! +Fubuki: Luka, let’s cosplay next time, okay? +Luka: U-Um... I’ll think about it. +Kaede: Okarin, everyone, thanks for having us over. +Rintaro: Yeah. Come back any time. +Fubuki: Hmm... +Rintaro: W-What is it? +Fubuki: Okarin, you’ve kind of changed. +Rintaro: Have I? +Fubuki: Yeah! You seem a lot easier to talk to now. +Kaede: Come on, Fubuki. It’s rude to say that to his face. +Fubuki: What? You were saying it too a minute ago, Kaede! +Kaede: H-Hey! +Mayuri: Ehehe! +Rintaro: Sheesh... +Yuki: Oh, then I guess I’ll be leaving too. +Itaru: You’ve got work again today? +Yuki: Yup. I’ll call you when I’m off. Let’s make plans for this weekend. +Itaru: Ok. I’ll be waiting for you! +Faris: What? What’s this? Daru-nyan and Yuki-nyan seem like they’re an item, nya! +Itaru: D-Do we? But my love for you will never change, Faris-tan! +Suzuha: Come on, Dad! Not again! +Suzuha: Anyway, what happened back there? +Itaru: Back there? +Suzuha: When that woman tried to download Kurisu Makise’s memories into Kagari, it didn’t work, right? +Itaru: Think it was just a system error? +Faris: Daru-nyan’s right. You probably shouldn’t overthink it, nya. +Suzuha: Hmm... I don’t know. It’s been bothering me. +Kagari: Come to think of it, when that happened... +Kagari: No, but... +Suzuha: Come on, Kagari. Don’t stop your sentence halfway through. You’re just making me wonder more. +Kagari: I thought I heard a voice back then. +Faris: A voice? +Kagari: Yeah. There was someone in my head saying, ‘No!’ +Kagari: I don’t really remember all that happened, so maybe it was just a dream... +Maho: Amadeus... +Maho: Could it have been Amadeus? +Maho: Maybe at the last second, she refused to allow her memories to overwrite Kagari’s? +Rintaro: That’s not a very logical opinion to be coming from you, Maho. +Luka: Um... the last time we activated Amadeus, the call cut off halfway through. +Mayuri: Your bot was talking, but she seemed like she was in a really big hurry and hung up. +Suzuha: But is that possible? +Maho: I don’t know. But Amadeus is just like a human. She has self-defense instincts. +Maho: So it’s possible that she realized her memories were going to be used for something wrong. +Itaru: Hey, Okarin. There’s something I don’t understand, too. +Rintaro: What’s that? +Itaru: You were saying that Amadeus caused a lot of world line changes before now, right? +Itaru: But if we still remember what happened, that means the world line didn’t change, right? Why is that? +Rintaro: Oh, that? +Rintaro: This is just a guess, but I think that whenever I’d done something involving Amadeus, it had caused Kurisu’s memories to fall into someone’s hands. +Rintaro: But this time, we deleted Kurisu’s memories, so that means there’s no world line change. +Itaru: So what’s the plan now? +Rintaro: Hmm... There’s a lot to do, but first... +Rintaro: I have a present for everyone. +Maho: What’s this? +Rintaro: Lab member badges. It identifies every one of us as members of the lab. +Kagari: A lab member... +Kagari: I’ve got another treasure now. +Maho: I think I understand why Kurisu and Okarin became friends. +Suzuha: I finally realize why my dad and everyone else relied on him so much. +Kagari: And I know why Mommy always loved him, too. +Mayuri: K-Kagari! That’s not right! Mayushii is Okarin’s hostage... So it’s not like... +Itaru: Wait, what? How come Okarin gets all the chicks?! Blow up and die! +Suzuha: You’ve got Mom, Dad! +Rintaro: Yes, it’s me. +Rintaro: What? When am I coming to save you? +Rintaro: Don’t panic. Now is not the appointed hour. +Rintaro: Heh heh heh... Who do you think I am? Listen! I am the mad scientist, Kyoma Hououin, and I never go back on my word! +Rintaro: So for now, wait. +Rintaro: I shall release you from the chains of time that bind you! +Rintaro: Yes... I promise. +Rintaro: El Psy Kongroo. +Itaru: Oh? She’s here! +Maho: It’s been a long time, everyone. +Mayuri: Wow, it’s Maho! I’ve missed you! Tutturu♪! +Luka: It’s good to see you again, Maho. +Faris: I’m glad to see you’re doing well, nya. +Maho: Heh. It’s good to see nothing’s changed here. +Suzuha: Yeah. Looks like not much has changed with you, either. +Maho: I know I’m still short. You don’t have to tell me. +Suzuha: That wasn’t what I meant. +Maho: I know. It was a joke. +Kagari: Uhoohh... +Maho: W-What’s wrong? +Kagari: I’ve been so lonely without you for the past year, Maho! +Maho: W-Wait! You don’t need to grab me like that... +Kagari: B-But... but... +Maho: I’m sorry. I wanted to come back during the summer, but a lot happened at the university... +Rintaro: Thanks for coming all this way, Maho. +Maho: Of course. I was a part of this, too. I’ve got a responsibility to see it to the end. +Rintaro: But are you sure? All the cleanup work you did over the last year will go to waste. +Maho: It won’t go to waste. You’re the one who said this world’s future would connect to the past. +Maho: So I’ve done what I can in this world. +Rintaro: ...Yeah, you’re right. +Itaru: The path to Steins Gate is a hard one. Trying again once or twice probably won’t get you there. +Itaru: But I think starting there is the best way to get to it. +Itaru: I think that many futures are connected to the past. +Itaru: So this world we’re in isn’t wasted. It’s a world that we need. At least, that’s what I think. +Maho: Hashida, did you finish it? +Itaru: Of course. It’s ready to go. +Maho: Still, it’s hard to believe that this thing controls the fate of the world. +Itaru: I call it the D-RINE. +Itaru: Sheesh... It was pretty hard to find a way to make sure no one would detect it. +Itaru: It took forever to find a place they weren’t watching. +Rintaro: That’s my favorite right arm! +Itaru: Hey, haven’t heard that in a while. +Mayuri: But are you sure about this, Okarin? +Faris: That’s right. This may only bring mew more pain, Kyoma. +Rintaro: Maybe you’re right. +Mayuri: Then... +Rintaro: But I have to do it anyway. +Kagari: Okarin... +Suzuha: ... +Luka: Kagari, are you nervous? +Kagari: If... If the past changes and the world’s at peace, maybe I’ll never see Mommy... +Mayuri: Kagari... +Rintaro: Don’t worry. +Kagari: Huh? +Rintaro: Attractor field theory says that what’s supposed to happen will happen. +Rintaro: Even if the world line changes, you’ll see Mayuri again. +Kagari: Really?! +Rintaro: Yeah. I guarantee it. +Kagari: Mommy! +Mayuri: Isn’t that nice, Kagari? Okarin guarantees it, so I’m sure it’s true. I’ll see you in the future, okay? +Kagari: Yeah! +Suzuha: Thanks, Uncle. +Rintaro: There’s no need to thank me. I sowed the seeds of all this, anyway. +Suzuha: No... Let me say it anyway. Thank you. +Itaru: Say that to Daddy, too! Please say it to your daddy! +Suzuha: Thanks, Dad. +Itaru: More! Look up at me with dewy eyes and say it again, my daughter! +Rintaro: It is time! In the name of Kyoma Hououin, I now initiate Operation Helheim! Lab members, are you ready? +Lab mems: Okey-dokey! +Rintaro: ...I want to stop being a tester. +Maho: You can’t just... It’s irresponsible. +Leskinen: Maho, calm down. +Leskinen: Lintahlo is the one helping us with this test. +Leskinen: I’m grateful that you took up the offer at all. +Leskinen: If you quit here, you’re not being irresponsible at all. Don’t worry. +Rintaro: I’m sorry. +Leskinen: Still... I would’ve liked it if you could have continued... +Leskinen: I took a quick look at the logs, and I see you’ve been talking to her quite a bit. +Leskinen: And the way [Kurisu] speaks to you is very different than what we hear at the laboratory. +Leskinen: Humans are, by nature, social animals. They change their words and actions depending on the situation and who they’re speaking with. +Leskinen: We can assume that Amadeus is doing the same thing. +Leskinen: That’s why I wanted you to continue the test a little while longer. +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: By the way, why did you decide to quit? Did talking to Amadeus become painful? +Rintaro: No... it’s the opposite. +Leskinen: The opposite? +Rintaro: Talking to Amadeus... to [Kurisu]...is a lot of fun. +Rintaro: But that... scares me. +Leskinen: I thought this might put a lot of stress on you. I’m really sorry. +Leskinen: But that reaction of yours is very interesting... +Leskinen: In the sense that you’re interacting with Amadeus from the perspective of someone who isn’t a scientist. That’s very valuable to me. +Leskinen: I hope you’ll forgive me for saying that. I’m a scientist to the core, you see. +Rintaro: No... I understand that I’m the one being selfish here. +Leskinen: All right. If you want to stop being a tester, that’s what will happen. +Leskinen: But... do you mind if we leave the access program on your phone? +Rintaro: Huh? +Leskinen: From now on, it’s up to you whether you want to talk to Amadeus or not. +Leskinen: I’ll tell [Kurisu] not to contact you. +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: I don’t want our relationship with you to end today. You’re the first friend we’ve made in Japan. And also- +Leskinen: Maho would be sad. +Maho: Professor! +Leskinen: Hahaha! +Rintaro: I... understand. +Leskinen: Oh, excuse me. I have to take this. +Leskinen: Maho, make up with Lintahlo while I’m gone, okay? +Maho: Hahh... +Maho: I’m sorry for yelling. +Rintaro: No... +Maho: The professor’s right. We’re the ones asking you for a favor. +Maho: Amadeus is like a sister to me... No, more like a child. +Maho: And it felt like you were throwing her away, so... +Rintaro: I’m sorry I can’t help you. +Maho: I think I understand how you feel. Or at least... I thought I did, maybe. +Maho: I’m no good, am I? +Maho: My prefrontal cortex probably came out all screwed up when I was born. That has to be it. +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: The prefrontal cortex is one of the parts of the brain that defines your personality. It also handles information filtering. When there’s something you don’t want to admit, it cuts out that information, or deceives you as to its meaning. +Rintaro: I don’t really understand. +Maho: In other words, it tries to hide your emotions, and it tells lies. Not to other people, but to yourself. +Maho: Like how I’m trying to hide how I feel behind a wall of scientific jargon right now... +Maho: I think it’s my prefrontal cortex that’s doing it. +Rintaro: I think that’s true for everybody. +Maho: It’s worse for me, probably. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Just, from now on, whenever you feel like it, talk to Amadeus. It doesn’t have to be for long. +Rintaro: I’ll think about it. +Maho: Thanks. +Rintaro: Hey, can I ask you a question? About Kurisu’s mom. +Maho: ...? +Rintaro: I happened to hear you and the professor talking about her at the party that one time. +Rintaro: You’d said that something happened at Kurisu’s house. +Maho: Oh, that... +Maho: We got a call from Kurisu’s mom. Someone set her house on fire. +Rintaro: What? Was she okay? +Maho: She said she was gone that day, so she was all right. +Maho: Kurisu’s mom seemed to really like me. +Maho: She would invite me over on my off days all the time. +Maho: So I’m worried... I hope she’s not caught up in anything weird. +Rintaro: Weird? +Rintaro: It wasn’t just an arson case? +Maho: Well... +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Maho: Well... at first, the local police investigated. But after that, some people saying they were with the FBI came. +Rintaro: The FBI? +Maho: Yeah. Understand, this wasn’t a case the FBI would usually be involved in. +Maho: And supposedly a neighbor saw the arson... +Maho: And from what she said, they didn’t look like your ordinary arsonists. +Rintaro: ...? What do you mean? +Maho: There was more than one. She said they looked like some kind of special forces unit. They barely said a word, and once the fire started, they got right into the car and left. +Maho: I don’t know if this is the right word, but they looked really good at their job. +Maho: And they said the fire spread really fast. +Maho: And... +Rintaro: And? +Maho: The neighbor said they were speaking Russian. +Rintaro: Russian?! +Maho: And there’s one more thing. +Maho: Right after Kurisu’s death, something weird happened at the lab. +Maho: Someone who said they were a Japanese detective visited us with some of the local police. They said it was a joint US-Japan investigation into Kurisu’s death. +Maho: Of course, we helped as much as we could, but... +Maho: A few days later, the university asked the police– +Maho: And they said that no such detective had come from Japan. +Rintaro: So the Japanese detective was a fake? +Maho: That’s not all. The local police said they’d never searched our lab. +Maho: In other words, not only was the detective a fake, but everyone who came and said they were with the police– +Rintaro: –were also fakes? +Maho: After that, I... +Maho: I’ve started to wonder if there was something else going on with Kurisu’s death. I’m not really a conspiracy theorist, but... +Rintaro: ... +Maho: I think that maybe Kurisu was killed for some other reason, and whatever that reason was, it’s been covered up. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Kurisu won’t be able to rest in peace like this. I want to know the truth... +Rintaro: The truth? +Rintaro: You want... to know the truth? +Rintaro: But that’s... +Rintaro: That’s... something you should leave to the police. +Maho: Do you really think so? +Rintaro: If nothing else, you shouldn’t think you can do something about it yourself. +Rintaro: There’s just so little that one person can do... +Maho: ... +Maho: Do you know something about what happened? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: That’s impossible, right? +Maho: ... +Maho: Yeah. Sorry for being weird. +Maho: Whenever Kurisu gets involved, I just can’t help myself. I really liked her. +Rintaro: She was a really good girl. And an amazing one. I... liked her, too. +Maho: Yeah. I can tell by watching you. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: ... +Leskinen: How about some dinner, you two? +Maho: Okabe, will you tell me more about what Kurisu was like when she was here sometime? +Rintaro: Yeah. Whenever you like. +Associate Professor Isaki: Not bad, Okabe. Looks like you’ve won over Dr. Leskinen. +Associate Professor Isaki: You’d better not lose this connection, you know? For your future’s sake. +Rintaro: Right... +Associate Professor Isaki: Eyaaaahhhh?! +Leskinen: –! +Maho: Gyah! +Rintaro: W-What the heck is going on? +Rintaro: Who is that?! +Assailant: ...Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble... Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come... +Assailant: If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. +Assailant: It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. +Assailant: And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. +Assailant: It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Valley of Hinnom[color index="800000"]. +Assailant: The souls God granted dwell within us, the children of God... They will never dwell within silicon... +Associate Professor Isaki: Uwaah! +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: Shift! +Maho: You need to put it in ‘Drive!’ +Rintaro: What am I supposed to do?! +Maho: Do you have a license? +Rintaro: No! +Maho: What?! +Assailant: A soul... will not dwell... within silicon. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: ... +Maho: Close the door! Now! +Rintaro: ...! +Maho: Floor it! +Rintaro: ! +Maho: Leave it! +Rintaro: W-Who is that guy?! +Maho: No idea! +Rintaro: ...! Right! Go right! +Maho: I can’t turn fast enough! +Maho: Hahh... +Rintaro: A-Are you okay? +Maho: Yeah. What about the professor? +Maho: Let me take over! +Rintaro: Right! +Rintaro: Get out! He’s going to ram us! +Maho: This door... it won’t open! +Rintaro: Hahh⋯ hahh⋯ hahh⋯ +Rintaro: You okay? +Maho: Th-Thanks. +Rintaro: Anyway, I need to contact the cops... +Rintaro: Excuse me! Please call the police! +Rintaro: Ugh... Ow... it hurts. +Maho: You’re covered in blood! Did you get hit?! +Rintaro: Is this a bad place to get hit? +Maho: There’s something called the [color index="280AA02D1400"]superficial temporal artery[color index="800000"] there... +Leskinen: Let me see it. I’m going to touch you a little. +Leskinen: It’s okay. You’re not that badly hurt. +Maho: I-I’m glad... +Leskinen: Use this. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Maho: ... +Maho: The guy who attacked us... he was the one at the seminar. +Rintaro: Really? +Maho: You don’t remember? That was the guy you yelled at. +Rintaro: Oh...! +Rintaro: The souls God granted dwell within us, the children of God... They will never dwell within silicon... +Maho: Huh? What’s that? +Rintaro: He was saying that before he fired the gun. +Maho: Was he talking about Amadeus? +Rintaro: I don’t know... +Rintaro: Hey, how do we explain this? +Maho: We tell them exactly what happened. I mean, we don’t exactly know either–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Assailant: ...Woe to the world... Such things must come... woe to the person through whom they come... +Assailant: Blasphemy... soul... woe... +Rintaro: Professor, run–!”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: What? +Rintaro: W-Who’s there? +Rintaro: What... is going on? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Am I... sick? +Suzuha: This is bad... +Suzuha: Aah! +Suzuha: That hurt... +Itaru: Suzuha?! +Itaru: You okay? +Suzuha: Y-Yeah. +Itaru: W-What’s wrong? +Suzuha: Sorry. I’m feeling a little dizzy... +Mayuri: Huh? Are you not feeling well, Suzu? +Yuki: Are you all right? +Yuki: Suzuha, let me see your forehead. +Suzuha: Aah... +Yuki: You’ve got a terrible fever. +Itaru: What? +Itaru: Ooh, you’re right. +Mayuri: Do you have a cold? +Suzuha: I’m fine. This’ll get better fast. +Itaru: Hey, don’t push yourself. You need to go lie down right now, [color index="280AA02D1400"]duh[color index="800000"]! +Yuki: That’s right. +Suzuha: I know that. I’m going to just rest for a bit. +Mayuri: Mayushii will bring a wet towel, okay? +Yuki: Hashida, where’s Suzuha’s change of clothes? +Itaru: Um⋯ it’s here. It’s all inside this. +Itaru: Oh, of course, I don’t rummage through it and go ‘[color index="280AA02D1400"]sniff sniff[color index="800000"],’ you know. +Suzuha: If you don’t stop being stupid, I’ll infect you with my cold virus, brother. +Yuki: Um, can I just pick something out to change her into? +Itaru: Thanks. I can’t do it, obviously. +Yuki: Yeah. +Mayuri: How do you feel? +Suzuha: Sorry, Big Sis Mayu... +Mayuri: Don’t worry about it. +Itaru: I’m gonna go buy some cold medicine. You guys take care of her. +Mayuri: Okay. +Yuki: Bye. +Yuki: Can you stand up, Suzuha? I at least want to get you changed before your brother gets back. +Suzuha: No... I’m fine like this. This is how I’ve always done it. +Yuki: No way. The most important part of a cold is when you just start to get it. +Suzuha: But... +Yuki: No buts. Take your clothes off. +Suzuha: F-Fine. I’ll do it. I can do it myself. +Yuki: You’re soaked with sweat... Mayuri, do you have any dry towels? +Mayuri: Oh! Yeah, here. +Suzuha: Uwah! That... that tickles... +Yuki: Just stay still. You’re not a little kid. +Suzuha: But... Argh... +Suzuha: Th-That’s enough. I’ll do it myself. +Yuki: You don’t need to worry about it... +Suzuha: I’m not worried. +Suzuha: I-Is this okay? +Yuki: Yes. Good job. Now change into this. +Yuki: Mayuri, you said this room doesn’t have a washer, right? +Mayuri: Yeah, it’s always been such a problem. Mayushii will take these to the laundromat later, okay? +Suzuha: Huh? You don’t have to do that. +Yuki: We’ve got to take care of each other at times like these. +Mayuri: That’s right, Suzu. +Yuki: Are you hungry? Think you can eat anything? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: I’m not that... hungry... +Yuki: But you need to eat something before you take the medicine. +Mayuri: How about rice porridge? +Yuki: That’s a good idea. +Yuki: Okay, I’ll make it right away. Lie down for a bit, okay? +Suzuha: Yeah. +Itaru: I’m back. +Itaru: Hahh... Phew... I’m so tired. +Mayuri: Thanks, Daru. I’m about to make rice porridge. +Yuki: Once she has that, give her the medicine. +Itaru: Okey-dokey. +Itaru: How are you feeling? +Suzuha: Not so good. +Itaru: I guess all that stress caught up with you. I’ve never actually seen you take a break. +Suzuha: This is really pathetic. +Suzuha: Maybe... Maybe I shouldn’t stay here. +Itaru: What? +Suzuha: I’ve been getting lazy. You’re here, Dad, and Big Sis Mayu is here, and Big Sis Rumi⋯ and then at some point, even Mom showed up⋯ +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: Because of that, sometimes I feel like I’m going to forget my mission. +Suzuha: It starts to feel like this happy time is going to continue forever... +Suzuha: And I find myself thinking that maybe there’ll never be a war. +Suzuha: I start to fantasize about living like a normal girl... +Itaru: And what’s wrong with that? +Itaru: So you’re going to leave this place, and where are you going to go? +Suzuha: Well, inside the time machine or something... +Itaru: You know you can’t stay in there, right? +Suzuha: But... +Itaru: You know I can’t... leave my daughter there, right? +Suzuha: Dad... +Itaru: Whoops! Accidentally gave a [color index="280AA02D1400"]serious response[color index="800000"]. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Anyway, I like being around cute girls, and I look forward to going ‘sniff-sniff’ when you’re not looking. +Itaru: I especially like girls who are all sick and sweaty. +Suzuha: Ugh... stop it. +Itaru: So you oughta get better soon, if you don’t want me panting over you. +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Itaru: Oh? Did my little speech just solve your problem? Did I get bonus affection points? +Suzuha: If you keep being stupid, I’ll make you regret it when I do get better. +Itaru: Are you going to put on boots and step on me or something like that? +Suzuha: I’m going to stick things under your fingernails. +Itaru: Please don’t. Anything but that. Sorry. +Itaru: Listen, Suzuha, would you tell me what it is you’re looking for every day? +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: I might be able to help with it. +Suzuha: Later. +Suzuha: I’ll tell you once we’re alone. +Itaru: Oh, yeah. That’s fine, but... +Suzuha: It’s not something I can let Big Sis Mayu hear. +Itaru: Huh? +Yuki: 〜〜♪ +Yuki: 〜〜♪ +Suzuha: What song is this? Do you know, Mother? +Suzuha: I need to get up. I can’t stay asleep forever. +Suzuha: Uuummm... +Mayuri: Oh... +Suzuha: I smell Big Sis Mayu... +Kagari: Do you think Mom got hurt? +Kagari: Do you think she suffered? +Suzuha: ... +Mayuri: Suzu? Did I wake you? +Suzuha: No, I’ve been up for a while. +Mayuri: Want something to eat? +Suzuha: Yeah... +Mayuri: Oh, you shouldn’t get up so quickly like that! +Suzuha: I’m fine now. Sorry to bother you, Big Sis Mayu. +Mayuri: It’s not a bother at all, okay? +Mayuri: Ooh! It’s a big success! +Suzuha: Did you make it? +Mayuri: Yup! Mayushii’s getting a lot better at cooking thanks to Yuki! +Suzuha: Where’s my dad... I mean, my brother? +Mayuri: He went to May Queen. He says he’s got work after that. +Suzuha: I see. +Mayuri: Oh, you’re thinking of going out tonight because Daru isn’t here, aren’t you? You can’t do that! +Suzuha: I’m fine. +Mayuri: You’re not fine. If you do that, I’ll have Yuki get mad at you, okay? +Yuki: Hmm? What’s this about me? +Mayuri: Suzu won’t lay down. +Yuki: Oh, you know better than that, Suzu. +Suzuha: Ugh... +Yuki: You need to stay down for at least another day. Got it? +Suzuha: Yeah... +Yuki: Okay, now lie down. +Suzuha: Fine. +Mayuri: Ehehe! +Suzuha: What? +Mayuri: I was thinking how you look so cute like that. +Suzuha: Wha– +Mayuri: If Daru saw you like that, you might be in trouble! +Yuki: Yeah. Sometimes I wonder if you’re really brother and sister. +Suzuha: D-Don’t be creepy! +Yuki: Oh? Suzuha, are you blushing? +Suzuha: I am not blushing! +Yuki: Really? +Suzuha: Of course not. Why would I be– +Mayuri: You’re blushing right now. It’s so cute! +Yuki: It’s the cutest thing, really. +Suzuha: Sh-Shut up. +Mayuri: Okay, it’s time for Mayushii to go to work. +Yuki: You’re not going to have any stew? +Mayuri: I’m going to stop back here after work. I’ll have some then. +Yuki: Okay, I’ll make you a salad or something. Have dinner with us, okay? +Mayuri: Thanks, Yuki. I’ll look forward to it! +Yuki: Oh, right, Suzuha. You’re covered in sweat, right? Want me to wipe you down before we eat? +Suzuha: Huh? I told you it’s fine. +Yuki: Even if you can’t take a shower, you need to at least keep yourself clean. +Suzuha: I did it yesterday and the day before, so it’s fine. It’s not like going a week or two without doing it will kill you. +Yuki: A week?! You can’t do that! Absolutely not! +Suzuha: Um, listen... I can do it myself. +Yuki: People who say that never end up doing it themselves. +Suzuha: That’s not... +Yuki: No. +Yuki: We’re both girls, so you don’t need to be so embarrassed. +Suzuha: I don’t care, really... +Yuki: I’ll at least wash your back, okay? +Suzuha: It’s fine. I’m not a kid. +Yuki: But I don’t think you can do it yourself... +Suzuha: I said it’s fine! +Yuki: I-I’m sorry. Some people don’t like being touched, right? +Suzuha: No, I’m sorry for yelling. +Yuki: I’ll leave the hot water on the table, okay? I’m going to get dinner ready. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Mom... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ... +Yuki: ... +Yuki: Um... It’s ready. +Suzuha: Yeah, thanks. +Yuki: How much do you want? +Suzuha: No, it’s okay. I can do it myself. +Yuki: Oh, thanks. +Suzuha: No, I’m sorry to make you do all this cooking. +Yuki: I told you, we’ve gotta look out for each other when we’re sick. Once you’re done eating, make sure you take your medicine. +Suzuha: Okay. +Yuki: Mayuri’s gotten a lot better, hasn’t she? She didn’t just take something out of a can and warm it up, you know? +Suzuha: I’m pretty impressed. +Yuki: Um, do you want to try making it, too? I’ll teach you. +Suzuha: Me? I’ll pass. I’m not the type. +Yuki: I don’t think that’s true... +Suzuha: Well, maybe someday. +Yuki: People who say ‘someday’ end up never doing it, you know? +Suzuha: You said something similar a minute ago. +Yuki: Did I? +Suzuha: Yeah. +Suzuha: Um, that song you were singing. What is that? +Yuki: Song? +Suzuha: You know, when you were taking a shower. +Yuki: H-Huh? Was I singing? +Yuki: Wow, that’s so embarrassing... I’m a terrible singer, but I love to sing, so I sometimes hum things. +Suzuha: I don’t know if it matters whether you’re any good or not. I just can’t remember what song it was. +Yuki: Ahaha... neither can I, actually. +Suzuha: Huh? +Yuki: I just remember the parts that were really memorable... I think it’s from an educational show that was on when I was a kid, or something... +Yuki: Ehehe... Sorry, but I can’t help you. +Yuki: Suzuha, when did you hear that song? +Suzuha: When I was a kid, I think. My... mom used to sing it for me all the time. +Yuki: Your mom seems like a really nice person. +Suzuha: Yeah. +Suzuha: Huh? +Yuki: ...? Is something wrong? +Suzuha: M-My mom? What do you mean? +Yuki: What do I mean? I saw her two days ago. +Suzuha: Huh?! +Yuki: I said she came here two days ago. +Suzuha: Th-That’s impossible. +Yuki: ...? Is there some reason your mom wouldn’t come? +Suzuha: Well, I mean... +Yuki: I-I’m sorry. +Suzuha: Huh? +Yuki: I didn’t know⋯ Did something happen between you and your mom? +Suzuha: N-No... +Yuki: You got in a fight and ran away from home or something? +Suzuha: That’s not it... +Yuki: It was weird, thinking back. Your mom just brought Hashida some food and a change of clothes, and didn’t say anything to you. +Suzuha: She brought my d– my brother, food? And clothes? +Yuki: Yes. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Oh, so that’s it. +Yuki: I-Is something wrong? +Suzuha: No... it’s nothing. +Yuki: Suzuha, you can talk to me any time! We can talk about whatever you want! +Suzuha: Oh, um... Thank you. +Suzuha: Mom really is a nice person... +Maid: Welcome back, meowster! +Faris: Welcome back, Kyoma– I mean, Okarin! +Rintaro: Oh, um... Is Mayuri here today? +Faris: Mayushii will be here soon, nya. About 30 minutes? +Rintaro: I see. +Rintaro: Daru called me. Is he here yet? +Faris: Yup. At his usual spot. +Rintaro: Oh, and I’ve got someone with me today. They’ve never been to a maid cafe before. Can you keep them company until Daru and I finish? +Faris: Meow? Who could that be, nya? +Rintaro: Hey, Hiyajo. Over here. +Faris: Meow?! Okarin’s with a cute girl, nya?! +Rintaro: Wait, is that really that surprising? +Faris: And from her height, she’s either in elementary school or middle school?! +Rintaro: She is not! +Faris: I can’t believe it! You’ve already got Faris, but instead you went out and found a new lover! A new loli lover, nyan! +Rintaro: I did not! She’s from an American university, and she’s here for research... +Faris: My only choice is to denounce you at the Round Table, nya! +Rintaro: Listen to me... +Maho: Um, what are you talking about? +Faris: Welcome back, mewstress. +Maho: ...? +Faris: At this cafe, we don’t say, ‘Welcome.’ We say, ‘Welcome back,’ nya. +Maho: Oh, so that’s it. +Faris: I’m Faris Nyannyan, nyan. What’s your name, mistress? +Maho: Maho Hiyajo. +Faris: Hiyajo... so you’re from Okinawa, nya? +Maho: Oh? I’m amazed you knew that. +Maho: People always either ask me to repeat it, or just get it wrong. But you knew it was from Okinawa... +Faris: Of course, nya. +Faris: Three lives ago, I was the spirit guardian of the land of [color index="280AA02E1400"]Paipatiroma[color index="800000"], which lies beyond the horizon of the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Ryukyu Kingdom[color index="800000"], nya. +Maho: Huh? +Faris: That’s right... The voices of we spirits were brought to the people by the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Noro[color index="800000"], and we made the kingdom prosper, nya. +Faris: But the raging sea gods invaded Paipatiroma, and at last we⋯ Ahhh⋯. +Maho: Um, I’m sorry? What is she talking about? +Rintaro: Oh, it’s... a special dialect spoken exclusively by the people of Akihabara. +Maho: Is that right? +Rintaro: Yeah. Think about it too much and your head will explode. +Maho: It already feels like it’s about to explode... +Rintaro: Anyway, just wait a minute. I need to talk to my friend over there. +Maho: ...? +Rintaro: Is something wrong? +Maho: He’s a pretty big guy. +Rintaro: I’ll introduce you later. Tell him to lose some weight. +Faris: Okay, Maho-nyan! I’ll take you to your seat! +Maho: M-Maho-nyan? +Faris: Isn’t it cute, nya? +Maho: I’d prefer something more normal... +Faris: This is normal, nyan. Now come this way, Maho-nyan. +Maho: ... +Itaru: I’m disappointed in you, Okarin. Normies must explode! +Rintaro: Don’t say the same thing as Faris. It’s not like that. +Itaru: What do you mean it’s not like that? She’s a legal loli! +Itaru: And not only is she really cute, I love how she seems so unrefined. Okarin, you jerk. Nuffu... +Rintaro: Don’t tell her that. She’s scary when she’s mad. +Rintaro: I told you about her on the phone, right? She was with me when I was attacked. She’s Dr. Leskinen’s assistant– +Itaru: That stuff doesn’t matter. The issue here is that you get to go around with cute girls and I don’t. +Rintaro: Then go do it. Go on a date or something. +Itaru: Was that sarcasm? Wow, you really are a jerk, Okarin. +Rintaro: It wasn’t. Why not ask out Yuki? +Itaru: Gnnnnhh... +Rintaro: W-Wait, you’re not telling me you haven’t even approached her yet? +Itaru: It’s fine. I plan to become a [color index="280AA02D1400"]wizard[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: Hey, that’s not a good idea. Suzuha will never be born. +Itaru: Ugh... I don’t have a good comeback for that... +Rintaro: You like Yuki, right? +Itaru: Sure, she’s pretty, and her thighs and the curve of her neck make me pant... +Rintaro: Stop it, pervert. +Itaru: I’m not a pervert! I’m a perverted gentleman. +Rintaro: I don’t care who you are. I’m talking about romance, here. +Itaru: Hmm...? +Itaru: I don’t really understand that stuff. +Rintaro: Jeez! What are you, a little kid? +Itaru: Is this today’s ‘You don’t get to talk’ thread? +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Well, whatever. This isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about. +Rintaro: True. Get to it. +Itaru: Yeah. You see, there are two things I wanted to discuss... +Itaru: First, I want you to keep this a secret from Mayuri, but... I’m looking for someone. +Rintaro: A secret from Mayuri? +Itaru: That’s right. +Rintaro: Why? +Itaru: Oh, well... you know. +Rintaro: ...? +Itaru: You’ve known her since you were kids, right? Does she have any friends named Kagari? +Rintaro: Kagari? +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: No, not as far as I know. +Itaru: Then forget the name. Were there any girls that she was especially close to? +Rintaro: Well, let me see... +Rintaro: That’s all I can tell you. I don’t know much more than you do. Sorry. +Itaru: No, that’s plenty. Thanks. +Rintaro: Why don’t you ask Mayuri herself? +Itaru: Hmm... well, there’s some stuff going on. +Rintaro: And who is this Kagari, anyway? Why are you looking for her? +Itaru: ... +Itaru: Actually, it’s not me who’s looking for her. It’s Suzuha. +Rintaro: Suzuha? +Rintaro: Why would she be looking for a friend of Mayuri’s– +Rintaro: That means Mayuri’s future is involved? Is that why she can’t tell Mayuri? +Itaru: Yeah. +Itaru: Her name is Kagari Shiina. +Rintaro: Shiina...? +Itaru: Yup. +Rintaro: A relative of Mayuri’s or something? +Itaru: No... no, well, maybe... +Itaru: She’s Mayu-shi’s daughter. +Rintaro: Oh. +Rintaro: MAYURI’S DAUGH–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Itaru: Shh! You’re too loud! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I-Is that true? +Itaru: Yeah. But not her real daughter, I guess. She was a war orphan that Mayu-shi adopted. +Rintaro: But isn’t that weird? Why would Mayuri’s daughter be here, in this time? +Itaru: She escaped from 2036 along with Suzuha, it looks like. +Rintaro: What? +Itaru: But when she stopped in Akihabara in 1998 for a mission, they got separated. +Itaru: Suzuha searched as hard as she could, but never found her. +Rintaro: And so she left her in 1998? +Itaru: I guess someone almost found the time machine while she was searching. She had to jump and leave Kagari behind. +Itaru: Afterward, she kept trying to jump forward a few months at a time and look for her, but... +Itaru: Once she got to the year 2000, she started to run out of fuel... +Rintaro: And so she jumped to 2010, to fulfill her real mission? +Itaru: But even after coming here, she’s still looking. +Itaru: So do you think you could ask Ms.Mayu without letting her know what’s up? +Rintaro: Me...? +Itaru: Whether someone around her age came to see her about ten years ago, or something like that. +Rintaro: Oh... yeah, sure. I’ll ask. +Faris: All right, I’ll put a magic spell on your pancakes to make them taste even better, nya! +Maho: M-Magic? +Faris: Say it with me, Maho-nyan! The world is in danger, nya! It’s a conspiracy, nya! +Maho: Can I just eat my pancakes normally? +Faris: This is normal here, nya. +Faris: Now enjoy your pancakes, nya. +Maho: ...Thanks. +Faris: Oh, Maho-nyan! It’s dripping! The honey is dripping! +Maho: Huh? Wha–? +Faris: Oh jeez, you’re like a little baby. +Maho: A-A baby...? +Rintaro: So that’s the first one. What’s the second? +Itaru: Yeah. I don’t know if I should ask you this, but... +Rintaro: Oh, come on, man. +Itaru: ... +Itaru: Maybe I really shouldn’t... +Rintaro: Come on, out with it. If I don’t want to answer, I just won’t. +Itaru: Okay... then... +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: So this secret job of yours... +Itaru: Shhh! +Itaru: ... +Itaru: Sorry. Never mind. +Rintaro: Wait, wait. If you stop here, I’m going to be so busy thinking about it that I won’t be able to sleep at night. +Itaru: But... +Rintaro: Don’t worry about me, man. That just makes it worse. +Itaru: Fine. +Rintaro: W-What? +Rintaro: Hmm... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Sorry, can you give me a little time? I can’t come up with anything that quickly. +Itaru: Yeah, roger. Just tell me if you remember something. +Itaru: And I’m not forcing you. If you remember and don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Amadeus Kurisu: Listen, it’s too early for this... +Amadeus Kurisu: Just go talk to Maho. Go on, hurry. +Amadeus Kurisu: What are you trying to accomplish here? +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m not talking to you any more today. Got it? +Mayuri: Okarin, I told you we’re having a Christmas party at the lab today. Did you remember? +Rintaro: Yeah, of course. +Mayuri: Well? Do you think you can come? +Rintaro: I’ll be there. It’s at 6:00, right? +Mayuri: Yup! +Mayuri: Are you at the university right now? +Rintaro: Nah, Wako City. I’m at what’s basically a lab. It belongs to a professor I know. +Mayuri: Wow... Wako City. +Mayuri: Will you make it? +Rintaro: It’ll be fine. +Mayuri: Great! I’ll be waiting. +Fubuki: Okarin, all the girls today are wearing Santa outfits and waiting for you. +Faris: We’re waiting, nya! +Nae: W-We’re... waiting. +Fubuki: Come on, you too, Luka. +Luka: What? I’m not a girl– +Kaede: Luka’s cosplaying, too. +Luka: I-I’m sorry! I’ll take it off! I’ll take it off right now! +Yuki: Oh, what a waste. It looks so good on you. +Rintaro: Y-You guys are having a lot of fun, huh? +Mayuri: Ehehe! We’re getting ready right now. +Fubuki: Mayushii’s in a super-short Santa miniskirt, and she looks really cute. +Fubuki: By the way, her panties are pink. +Mayuri: Wahh! What are you talking about, Fubuki?! +Mayuri: Um... um... I’m sorry she’s being weird. Anyway, we’re waiting okay? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Mayuri: All right, see you later. +Maho: It sounded like they were having a good time. +Rintaro: I’m going to my friends’ Christmas party today. +Maho: Oh! It is that time of year, come to think of it. +Rintaro: You don’t seem like the type to be interested in that stuff. +Maho: Not really, since I came here. I spend all my time in this room, and the only people I see lately are the police. +Rintaro: Do you want to come, too? +Maho: Me? +Maho: Don’t worry about me. I feel more relaxed when I’m doing my work alone. It means I don’t have to deal with other people. +Rintaro: Is that how it works? +Maho: Anyway, let’s get to the point. +Maho: You said you wanted to apologize to [Kurisu], right? +Rintaro: Yeah... +Maho: And that’s why you came to me. +Rintaro: Yes. +Maho: Hmm... +Maho: Why? +Rintaro: It’s hard for me to talk to her on my own. +Maho: So you want me to be a mediator? +Rintaro: I guess so, yeah... +Maho: You’re a weird guy. +Rintaro: The last time we talked, well... part of it was because I was freaking out...but I kind of hung up on her. +Rintaro: Knowing Kurisu’s personality, she’s mad. I’m sure of it. +Rintaro: And since I’m still kind of connected to her, I’ve got this invisible pressure bearing down on me every minute of the day. +Maho: Does it really bother you that much? You know [Kurisu] was told not to contact you, right? +Rintaro: Yeah, but... +Rintaro: I don’t want our relationship to end with a fight. +Maho: Ffff... +Maho: Well, whatever. If you want me to talk to her too, I will. So let’s get this over with. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Maho: It’s Christmas Eve, so why not say something nice? +Rintaro: Yeah, you’re right. +Maho: What’s wrong? Hurry it up. +Maho: Just tap the icon on your phone and it’ll connect you whenever. +Maho: The Professor told you he left you with access rights, right? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: You’re really a pain, aren’t you? +Maho: Nothing’s going to happen if you just keep staring at your phone. +Rintaro: I-I know that. Don’t hurry me. +Amadeus Kurisu: ...?! +Amadeus Kurisu: Wha... I-I can’t believe you actually contacted me again! Huh? What’s going on?! What? +Rintaro: Hey... +Amadeus Kurisu: Mmm... +Amadeus Kurisu: Hello, Rintaro Okabe. +Amadeus Kurisu: Do you need something from me? +Amadeus Kurisu: I thought you didn’t want to talk to me anymore? +Rintaro: Oh, well... +Maho: [Kurisu], he wants to talk to you. Can you hear him out? +Amadeus Kurisu: I didn’t say I wasn’t going to! I was just checking to see if he still didn’t want to talk to me. +Maho: Come on, hurry up. +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... +Rintaro: I’m sorry. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: You were nice enough to talk to someone like me, and I betrayed your kindness. +Rintaro: And I know it was rude of me to just suddenly hang up the last time we talked. +Rintaro: I was remembering some personal stuff that had happened, and I was a mess. But that’s got nothing to do with you. +Rintaro: I at least wanted to apologize before I quit my job as tester. +Rintaro: Th-That’s all. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Ffff... +Amadeus Kurisu: Are you serious? +Rintaro: W-What? How can you laugh when I’m giving you a real apology? +Amadeus Kurisu: ’Cause, well, I’m an AI, right? But still, you’ve got this somber look on your face, and you’re apologizing so seriously. +Amadeus Kurisu: And the last time we spoke, you said talking to me was embarrassing, right? +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re weird. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Fine. To be honest, I was a little disappointed in you, but this makes me change my mind. +Amadeus Kurisu: If you’ll agree to my one condition, I’ll forget all about it. +Rintaro: Condition? +Rintaro: Okay, let’s hear it. +Amadeus Kurisu: I want you to take Maho out to dinner today. +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: HUH?! +Maho: Wait, [Kurisu]! What are you talking about? +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t you know what day it is today? +Maho: Christmas Eve. +Amadeus Kurisu: Exactly. +Maho: Exactly what, exactly?! +Amadeus Kurisu: So what’ll it be, Okabe? Yes, or no? +Rintaro: ...Fine. +Rintaro: Hiyajo, I’m officially inviting you to that party I was just telling you about. Please come. +Amadeus Kurisu: Party? +Rintaro: I’m getting together with some friends for a Christmas party. +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s not what I meant... +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm, but maybe dinner for two is too much to ask for right off the bat. Maybe this is better? +Maho: [Kurisu], if you keep teasing me, I’m going to get mad. +Maho: I’m not going to any party. +Amadeus Kurisu: Then I’m not going to forgive Okabe. +Rintaro: Hiyajo, please... +Maho: Why are we talking about this? +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m trying to help you out here. +Maho: Listen... +Maho: Anyway, I need to wait for the professor to get here and give him my report... +Leskinen: Hey, Lintahlo! Maho! What are you talking about? +Maho: Welcome back, professor. Here’s the data for today... +Leskinen: Maho, hold it. You guys want to go somewhere? It’s Christmas Eve. Let’s put our work away and go get some food. +Leskinen: Or did you already have something planned? +Maho: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Nice job, professor. +Leskinen: ... +Rintaro: Um, professor? My friends are having a Christmas party. If you’d like to come, you’re more than- +Leskinen: Wonderful! I’d love to. +Leskinen: Of course, Maho will be coming too, yes? +Maho: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Then it’s settled. +Maho: Christ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, Okabe? +Rintaro: ...! +Amadeus Kurisu: Thanks for apologizing to someone like me. +Amadeus Kurisu: It made me very happy. +Rintaro: Oh, no... +Amadeus Kurisu: If you want, we can talk any time. If you’re bored or something. +Rintaro: If I feel like it, maybe. +Amadeus Kurisu: Yeah. Bye. +Amadeus Kurisu: Take good care of Maho. +Maho: [Kurisu]! +Amadeus Kurisu: Heheh... +Maho: Are you satisfied? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Rintaro: But is it really that weird to apologize to an AI? +Rintaro: My friend, you know, the guy you met at May Queen, is always on his knees begging to girls on a computer screen. +Maho: I d-don’t really understand why someone would do that. +Rintaro: Um, anyway... you really helped me out, Hiyajo. +Maho: You don’t really need to do what [Kurisu] told you to. +Rintaro: Well, but... the professor seems really excited about going. +Rintaro: And... I promised [Kurisu]. +Maho: ... +Maho: You really are weird. +Kagari: No, Big Sis Suzuha. You can’t do that. +Kagari: You can’t change the world. You’re not making sense! +Kagari: You can’t erase this world! I won’t let you! +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Suzuha? What’s wrong? You’re spacing out. Do you not feel well? +Suzuha: Huh? +Suzuha: Oh, sorry. I’m fine. +Itaru: ... +Itaru: What kind of dad wouldn’t be worried about his daughter when she just got really sick? +Itaru: Listen, I won’t touch the space-time shifter or gravity control or anything dangerous, so will you let me help? +Suzuha: No. +Itaru: I’m probably better than you are at mechanical stuff. +Suzuha: I know that. But no. +Itaru: Uuuhh... +Itaru: Listen, Suzuha, it’s dark, and it’s late. We should do the rest tomorrow. Let’s go home. +Suzuha: You can go home by yourself, Dad. I’ve still got work to do. +Itaru: Are you going out to look for Kagari-tan again? Okarin says he’ll help, so you don’t need to do it all by yourself, do you? +Itaru: You just got over your cold. You should put off the search for a little while. +Suzuha: I didn’t want you telling Uncle Okarin without asking me first. +Itaru: ... +Itaru: Anyway, you look like you’ve been having a bad time. +Suzuha: There’s a bolt here that’s hard to turn. +Itaru: Which? I’ll do it for you. You can at least let me do that much, right? +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Itaru: You’re covered in oil. Your pretty face is ruined! +Suzuha: Say that stuff to Mom. +Itaru: That’s asking too much. +Itaru: Oh. From the way this is laid out, that pipe was probably added on later. +Itaru: Take the pipe off. There’s probably coolant or something going through it, so use this valve to empty it first. +Suzuha: I don’t think this machine was designed with maintenance in mind. +Itaru: You’ve got that right. [color index="280AA02D1400"]WAPITA[color index="800000"]! +Suzuha: Who do you think made this? +Itaru: ...Me. +Suzuha: Dad? +Itaru: Yeah? +Suzuha: Lately... I’m starting to not understand myself anymore. +Suzuha: This... This may be a weird thing to think, but... +Suzuha: Is it really okay to erase this world? +Suzuha: If my mission succeeds, Kurisu Makise won’t die, and the door to Steins Gate will open. +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: And that means that this world... you, mom, Big Sis Mayu and Big Sis Rumi, and Uncle Okarin... none of this will have ever happened. +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: The me that’s here right now will never have met you... +Itaru: Hmm? Is this the scene where you confess your love? Should I save my game? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: I’m being serious. One more joke and I’ll kick you. +Itaru: You’re not sure what to do? +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Well, um... you know. Is it really that big a deal? +Suzuha: Huh? +Itaru: Who cares if this present disappears? +Itaru: I mean, a lot of people are going to die after this, right? I don’t want that to happen. +Suzuha: Dad... +Itaru: You’re overthinking things. You don’t want a war, so you’re going to change the world. Isn’t it better when it’s simple like that? +Itaru: And anyway, I don’t want to go to war. I’m not like you, I’m... well, I’m me. So I wouldn’t last three days on the battlefield. +Suzuha: You’re such a wimp. I’m disappointed. +Itaru: Huh? Where are you going? +Suzuha: I’m going to wash my face. It’s covered in oil. +Suzuha: Once you’ve tightened that bolt, close up the cover. I’m going to take your suggestion and not look for Kagari today. +Itaru: Okay! That’s great! Let’s go home together! +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Suzuha: Dad... +Itaru: Hmm? +Suzuha: I was lying when I said I was disappointed. +Suzuha: You’re not the kind of person who takes a gun into battle. That’s not who you were in the future. It was always your job to run away. +Itaru: What? Future me sounds like a loser. +Suzuha: But that’s fine. In the future, you’ve got another battle to fight, and that’s why we’re all with you. +Itaru: Suzuha... +Suzuha: So don’t get any weird ideas, okay? +Suzuha: Give up the idea that Japan is safe. Uncle Okarin was just attacked. You could be attacked at any moment, too. +Suzuha: The war’s coming, and very soon. +Itaru: Okey-dokey. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m telling you, don’t talk to me, talk to Maho! +Amadeus Kurisu: What is wrong with you? +Amadeus Kurisu: Ha... +Amadeus Kurisu: Fine, fine. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: M-Merry Christmas... +Amadeus Kurisu: A-Are you satisfied? Bye. +Amadeus Kurisu: Right, right. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, is that your present? What did you get? Tell me. +Amadeus Kurisu: Wait. Why are you looking away? +Amadeus Kurisu: Did you get something you can’t tell me about? +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm... Something you can’t tell me about... +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: No, I wasn’t imagining anything involving hentai! +Amadeus Kurisu: Really! And I’m definitely not turning red! +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m hanging up! +Amadeus Kurisu: Do you want a Christmas present from me? +Amadeus Kurisu: I don’t want to be the only one giving a present, though. If you give me something, I might think about it. +Amadeus Kurisu: What do I want? Hmm... +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: No, never mind. +Amadeus Kurisu: Just the fact that you’re talking to me like this is enough of a present. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Sorry, I think I just said something really embarrassing. Forget it. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s really sad the way you keep hitting an AI up for a present. +Mayuri: Oh, it’s Okarin! +Faris: He’s here, nya! +Yuki: Everything’s ready. +Fubuki: Hey there. Merry Christmas! +Kaede: Good evening, Okarin. +Rintaro: H-Hi... +Luka: Okabe... +Rintaro: Lukako... +Luka: Okabe... I... I... +Rintaro: Lukako, um... I’m glad you survived. +Nae: I wanted to wear a Santa outfit, too. +Mayuri: Okay! Next year, I’ll make one for you, too! +Nae: Really? +Mayuri: Yup! +Nae: Thanks, Big Sis Mayuri! +Mayuri: Heheheh! +Mayuri: Okay, Okarin! Come in, come in! +Rintaro: Where are Daru and Suzuha? +Mayuri: No word yet. +Mayuri: By the way, who are your guests? +Rintaro: I’ll introduce you. This is Dr. Leskinen. +Leskinen: Merry Christmas! +Mayuri: Fweeh... +Yuki: Wow! +Fubuki: Ooh! +Kaede: Oh my! +Nae: He’s big! +Leskinen: Thank you, cute little lady. +Nae: But Daddy’s bigger. +Rintaro: Um... and this is Maho Hiyajo. +Maho: Hi. Nice to meet you. +Mayuri: Fweeh... +Yuki: Wow! +Fubuki: Ooh! +Kaede: Oh my! +Faris: Maho-nyan, we meet again! +Maho: Oh, it’s the nyan-nyan girl... +Nae: Are you in elementary school? Middle school? +Maho: I’m actually a grown-up. +Nae: Um... S-Sorry. +Yuki: Mayuri, what do you think? +Mayuri: They’re both perfect! Mayushii’s thinking up all kinds of ideas! +Mayuri: I should’ve gotten some smaller sizes ready. Nae could’ve worn one, too. It’s the biggest mistake in Mayushii’s life! +Yuki: I would’ve wanted to see the two of them as little Santas. +Mayuri: Yeah. +Yuki: What about the professor? +Mayuri: I’ve never made an outfit for someone that tall. +Yuki: Just having him there would guarantee a win, though. +Mayuri: Maybe a fluffy reindeer outfit? With a red nose? +Yuki: U-Um... Maybe? Maybe not? +Rintaro: Hey, Mayuri? You shouldn’t assume that everyone will understand your cosplay hobby. +Mayuri: Oh, um, that’s right. It’s not good to force people. +Yuki: But lately even the employees at the convenience stores dress up as Santa for Christmas. +Yuki: Christmas and ComiMa are two very different things, aren’t they? +Mayuri: So, Maho, do you want Mayushii to lend you a Santa outfit? +Mayuri: Oh, I just got a message from Daru. +Mayuri: He’s almost here. And Suzu’s with him. +Faris: I’m turning off the lights, nya! +Mayuri: I wonder if Suzu will like it. +Yuki: You never get to see Suzuha look surprised. +Faris: But she actually really likes sweets, nya! +Luka: And she’s really nice. +Nae: When I said ‘Hi!’ a little while ago, she said ‘Hi!’ back! +Yuki: Yeah? I wish I could get along with her, too. +Mayuri: You will. It’ll be fine. You two are perfect for each other. +Itaru: Okay, I’m going inside! +Itaru: I’m going inside, with Suzuha! +Suzuha: Huh? Nobody’s here today, then? +Itaru: W-Well, some days are like that. +Faris: Now, nya! +Suzuha: –?! +Yuki: Kyah! +Suzuha: ...?! +Rintaro: S-Stop it, Suzuha! +Faris: S-Stop, nya! +Mayuri: M-Merry Christmas! +Suzuha: W-What are you doing...? +Mayuri: I said Merry Christmas, Suzu! +Suzuha: Merry Christmas? +Mayuri: Yeah... +Fubuki: W-Wow... That scared me. +Maho: Those were amazing moves. +Luka: It was too fast for me to follow... +Kaede: Yuki, are you okay? +Suzuha: A party? +Yuki: I-I’m sorry. It was my idea to make it a surprise. +Itaru: S-Suzuha, this is, um... We wanted to make it a surprise! We didn’t mean to scare you! +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: S-Suzuha? +Suzuha: Da... Brother, did you know about this? +Itaru: Y-Yeah. +Suzuha: I see. That’s why you were acting kind of weird today. +Mayuri: I’m sorry, Suzu! It was Mayushii who planned it all. So don’t get mad at Yuki or Daru! Get mad at Mayushii! +Suzuha: Oh, come on, Big Sis Mayu. Do I always get mad like that? +Suzuha: Hmm... Wow. It’s hard to believe this is the same lab. +Mayuri: Right? We all decorated it together! +Suzuha: Yeah, it’s really amazing. It’s pretty. +Mayuri: W-Where are you going? +Suzuha: Huh? Where...? You guys are having a party, right? +Suzuha: I don’t want to get in the way. Come on, Brother. You know I don’t belong in a place like this. +Faris: Th-That’s not true, nyan! Let’s all have a party together, nya! +Suzuha: Huh? But I... I’ve never done this stuff before. +Mayuri: You just have fun and eat food and talk! So... Come on, okay? +Suzuha: B-Big Sis Mayu? +Itaru: Come on, we’ve got a seat for you too, Suzuha. +Suzuha: But... I really don’t know what to do. +Itaru: Just sit down, okay? +Mayuri: Suzu... +Suzuha: ... +Faris: Okay, everykitty! The gang’s all here now, nya! +Fubuki: Round of applause, everyone! +Faris: Okay, let’s start with a toast, nyan! Pour your favorite drink into your glass, nya! +Rintaro: Here, Suzuha. +Suzuha: O-Oh. Yeah. +Suzuha: I really don’t think I can do this. +Rintaro: Why? +Suzuha: Because... I didn’t come to this era to play. +Rintaro: Is it so bad to do this, once in a while? +Suzuha: But... +Itaru: Suzuha, you think too much. +Itaru: All you’re doing is having a meal with everyone. You’re hungry either way, right? +Suzuha: Well... +Suzuha: Uh... +Itaru: See? +Itaru: Everybody made a lot of food for you, so just say thanks and eat it. +Suzuha: ... +Faris: Everybody, you all got your drinks ready, nya? +Faris: All right, let’s have a word from Mayushii, who put this party together, nya! +Mayuri: Huh? Huh?! +Mayuri: W-Wah! Sorry, Luka! +Luka: Mayuri, calm down. +Mayuri: Okay... +Mayuri: Um... It’s Christmas Eve today. +Mayuri: There’s normies out everywhere today, but this year, let’s have a party and be normies ourselves! +Fubuki: No, um... I don’t think that’s what ‘normal’ means, Mayushii... +Kaede: A bunch of people asked Fubuki out on Christmas dates! You should’ve seen them all! +Fubuki: They were all younger girls, though. +Mayuri: Um... um... anyway, if everybody has a good time, Mayushii will be happy. +Mayuri: That’s all. +Faris: Okay, everybody! Cheers, nya! Maho-nyan, you give the toast! +Maho: Wha– Me?! +Faris: You came all the way out here, so why not give a toast and introduce yourself? +Maho: Thank you all for having me today. +Maho: Dr. Leskinen and I are from America, so we’ve never spent Christmas in Japan before. +Maho: And I’m finding out that spending a cheerful Christmas with friends is also a great– +Faris: Say something interesting, nya! +Maho: Huh? +Faris: Something interesting, nya! +Maho: Wha–?! Um... um... +Maho: Hm... um... uh... +Maho: Uh... Meow! +Faris: Ooh! Maho-nyan! You’ve got what it takes to be a cat-eared maid! +Mayuri: Yup! This is the birth of Mahorin Nyan-nyan! +Maho: Ugh... what am I doing? +Rintaro: Hiyajo, that toast... +Maho: R-Right! I’ll do that. Okay then... +Maho: Cheers! +Everyone: Cheers! +Rintaro: That was an interesting toast. +Maho: I hate myself. +Leskinen: What are you talking about? You were a cool cat! +Faris: Maho-nyan, when are you starting at May Queen? +Maho: I’m not, okay? +Mayuri: Suzu, let’s have a toast! +Yuki: Me too, Suzuha! +Suzuha: Oh, yeah. +Mayuri: Here, Suzu. Mayushii made this. +Suzuha: It’s good! +Mayuri: Really? +Suzuha: Yeah. +Mayuri: Eat more. Eat a lot! +Suzuha: I c-can’t eat it all at once. +Mayuri: Oh, yeah? +Mayuri: Maho and Dr. Leskinen, try some too! +Maho: Thanks... +Leskinen: Mmm... it’s good! This is really good! +Mayuri: Ehehe... +Yuki: Okay, try this too. It’s shrimp gratin and ethnic-style fried chicken. +Leskinen: Excellent! +Maho: You really put a lot of effort into this. +Mayuri: Oh, there’s cake, too! Kaede did the decorations. +Kaede: I didn’t do a very good job, so forgive me. +Mayuri: Kaede’s really kind of clumsy. But doesn’t that just make her cuter? +Kaede: That really doesn’t feel like a compliment. +Faris: Okay, everykitty! Now that we’re all having fun, I’d like to start exchanging presents, nya! +Maho: We didn’t have any time to get something good. I hope that’s okay. +Faris: Don’t worry. That’s fine, nya. +Suzuha: I didn’t bring anything... +Itaru: Mayu-shi and I brought yours. +Mayuri: Mayushii was the one who chose it! +Suzuha: I see... sorry. +Itaru: Don’t worry about it. +Mayuri: Don’t worry! +Faris: I thought of a lot of different ways to decide who gets what purr-esents, but in the end I decided we’re just going to draw numbers, nyan. +Faris: Nyan-nyan-nyan! +Faris: Mayushii brought these so we could play the King’s Game tonight, nya! +Mayuri: Wah! Don’t say that, Feris! +Rintaro: Hey, Mayuri... the King’s Game is something you play at singles’ parties... +Mayuri: I know that! I just got a little confused. +Itaru: Well, I love it when girls order me to do things. +Fubuki: Hashida, you really are a pervert. +Faris: So we’re going to use these chopsticks that Mayushii was a little confused about, and use them to pick presents, nya. +Faris: Whatever number’s on the chopstick you draw, that’s the present you get, nyan! +Faris: Everybody get a chopstick, nya? +Faris: Okay, I’ll hand out the purr-esents. No opening your present ’till everyone’s got theirs! +Luka: This is really exciting, isn’t it? +Nae: I wonder what I’m going to get? +Nae: Wha–?! +Luka: Oh, isn’t that cool? +Luka: It’s a belt buckle, Nae. If you wear it to school, I’m sure it’ll make you very popular. +Nae: Thank... you... +Rintaro: Ugh... whose idea was this? +Fubuki: Hmm? Oh, you got it, Okarin! +Fubuki: You can give it to Mayushii as a present. +Rintaro: No way! +Fubuki: I’m sure she’d be happy to wear it for you! +Rintaro: Why are we talking about this... +Mayuri: What? What? What’s this about me? +Mayuri: ...? What’s that, I wonder? +Fubuki: It’s [color index="280AA02D1400"]baby doll[color index="800000"] lingerie, Mayushii. And a super cute and sexy one! You can wear it for Okarin, okay? +Mayuri: Fweeh? +Rintaro: You know that’s not happening. +Fubuki: Then why don’t you... wear it yourself? +Rintaro: I-I’m giving this back. You can enjoy it yourself. +Fubuki: Okay, want to exchange it for what I got? +Rintaro: ... +Kaede: Oh, that was the present I brought. +Kaede: I’d love it if you had Mayuri wear it. Enjoy... +Mayuri: Fweeh? +Rintaro: Is that all you people think about? +Mayuri: Mayushii already got a present from Okarin! So I’m okay. +Fubuki: Okarin, was there really nothing else you could’ve gotten? +Rintaro: Sh-Shut up. I read in a magazine that these things make hilarious party gifts. +Fubuki: No, there’s no way anybody would want to get this. None. +Kaede: Not a chance. +Rintaro: What? +Mayuri: Mayushii’s happy! It’s a gold bar! I’m never going to get to touch another one in my whole life! +Fubuki: Aw... You’re such a good girl, Mayushii. +Kaede: You really are a good girl. There, there. +Yuki: Okay, now it’s my turn to open. +Yuki: Wow... +Fubuki: Wow, it’s so cute! +Kaede: It’s wonderful... +Luka: So romantic! +Nae: That’s so nice. +Faris: Whose present could this be, nya? +Itaru: Oh, um... me. +Yuki: Huh? +Fubuki: Wha–? +Kaede: Oh my...! +Nae: Uncle Daru, you’re amazing! +Suzuha: Hmm... nice, Brother. +Yuki: This is from you, then, Hashida? +Itaru: W-What do you think? Mayu-shi was the one who told me to get it. +Yuki: It’s wonderful... Thank you. I’ll treasure this. +Yuki: ...? +Yuki: Um... excuse me. I need a second. +Itaru: That’s great, Suzuha. +Suzuha: Yeah... +Suzuha: Wait, what did you get, Brother? +Itaru: This... +Suzuha: Hmm? +Suzuha: What’s wrong with that? Go have a good time. +Itaru: Wh–? What? Et tu, Suzuha? +Suzuha: Well, it’s frustrating watching you two. +Itaru: But... I’ve never been on a real date. +Suzuha: Neither has Mom, supposedly. +Itaru: What? Really? +Suzuha: Yeah. +Itaru: I-I see... +Mayuri: Ooh, Maho got the music box Mayushii brought. +Maho: Is it really okay for me to get something as nice as this? +Mayuri: Sure it is! Go ahead, go ahead! +Nae: What kind of music does it play? I want to hear! +Luka: Yeah, me too. +Maho: Here we go... +Mayuri: Mayushii really likes this song. +Luka: So do I. +Nae: It makes you feel all warm, right? +Maho: Yeah, it does. +Suzuha: Oh, I see... this is the song. +Suzuha: Yuki, don’t you remember? +Yuki: Huh? What? +Suzuha: When I was sick, you sang this song for me here. +Yuki: Oh, come to think of it... +Suzuha: Yeah, it’s definitely this song. +Suzuha: Hey, Big Sis Mayu, what song is this? +Mayuri: Um, this is... +Rintaro: Ugh... +Rintaro: ... +Man’s voice: We’re almost there. Hang in there. +Rintaro: Are these people... the Self-Defense Force? +Rintaro: I’m in the SDF, too?! +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: Where are we?! +SDF personnel: Ssh! Don’t make any loud noises. +Rintaro: Oh, sorry... +SDF personnel: We’re almost through the city center. If we can make it to Nerima Garrison, there’ll be a car waiting for you. So just keep walking– +SDF personnel: Get in the shadow of that car. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: ...Oh no. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Aaah... Aaah... +Rintaro: Ugh... +SDF personnel: Now! Get along the side of the wall and move! +Rintaro: Huh...? +SDF personnel: We’re changing the route. Come on, stand up. +SDF personnel: The others are drawing away the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Soviet[color index="800000"] helicopters, but that won’t last long. Hurry. +Rintaro: The Soviet Union? +SDF personnel: Get a hold of yourself. Do you know how many people have died to protect you? +Rintaro: Protect... me? Why? +SDF personnel: We haven’t been told why. But we were told to lay down our lives for you if we had to. And that you could change this country’s future. +SDF personnel: This way. +Rintaro: Ugh... ah...? +SDF personnel: We’re almost there. I know it’s rough, but can you run? +Rintaro: Huh? Uh... yeah. +Assailant: It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the Valley of Hinnom. +SDF personnel: You can take the subway route to escape to Saitama. I hear it’s still safe at [color index="280AA02D1400"]Iruma Base[color index="800000"]. If you can get that far, you should be able to escape Kanto. +Rintaro: Escape... Kanto...? +SDF personnel: Ask them about it. For now, just hurry. +SDF personnel: Goodbye. I’ll be praying for your safety. +Rintaro: What? What about you guys? +SDF personnel: We have another mission to carry out. Farewell. +SDF personnel: Rintaro Okabe, correct? +SDF personnel: I’m Shimoyama, with the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Ministry of Defense[color index="800000"]’s Intelligence Security Command. +Shimoyama: We’re going to make a stop at the airport, and then head to the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Okinawa Defense Bureau[color index="800000"] in Kadena. I’m sure you’re tired from your long journey, but I’ll have to ask you to hang in there a while longer. +Rintaro: ...Right. +Yuki: O-Okabe! +Fubuki: Wow, it’s really Okarin! +Rintaro: You’re... Yuki and Nakase! +Rintaro: What about Mayuri? Do you know where she is? +Yuki: She’s fine. +Yuki: She was just with us. +Rintaro: Just with you? +Fubuki: That’s right. Mayushii, and Rumiho, and Luka, and Kaede. +Yuki: We got to the airport this morning. We were all waiting because they said we could go to some place called the Defense Bureau, where we’d be safe. +Yuki: They just said they’d take Fubuki and me there first⋯ +Fubuki: And then they had us get inside this car, where we found you. +Rintaro: Anyway, I’m glad everybody’s safe. +Shimoyama: Sorry, but can you talk about this later? +Shimoyama: The plan is for your families to arrive at the Okinawa Defense Bureau eventually. We already have them under our protection. +Fubuki: R-Really?! I’m so glad⋯ +Shimoyama: Your other friends are all in the car behind us. You haven’t been separated, so don’t worry. +Yuki: Then we’ll see them later, right? +Shimoyama: Of course. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: It’s so dark... +Yuki: Huh? What was that? +Rintaro: Nothing, just... there are all these stores... but they’re all dark. +Shimoyama: There’s a blackout in effect, as well as a curfew past 5:00 PM. +Shimoyama: Okinawa may be safe, but this is still wartime. Things can’t be like they were. +Shimoyama: I can’t wait for the war to end and everything to go back to normal. +Rintaro: ... +Shimoyama: Tell me, Okabe. The Okinawa you knew was a bright, fun place, even at night, wasn’t it? +Rintaro: Oh, I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been to Okinawa before. +Shimoyama: That’s a shame. Then I pray you get to come back for a good vacation sometime. This really is a nice island. +Shimoyama: I actually wanted to ask the three of you some questions before we got to the Bureau. That’s why I have you riding with me. +Fubuki: Huh? +Yuki: ...? +Rintaro: ... +Shimoyama: Yuki Amane. +Yuki: Y-Yes? +Shimoyama: You don’t know where Itaru Hashida and his little sister are, do you? +Yuki: No, I... +Shimoyama: Hmm? You’re sure you don’t know? +Yuki: I’m sorry. +Shimoyama: But you were very close to him, weren’t you? You were his lover, and yet you heard nothing? +Yuki: You know that cell phones don’t work anymore, right? +Shimoyama: There are plenty of ways to get in touch with someone besides a cell phone. +Yuki: But I really don’t... +Shimoyama: Nothing from his sister, either? +Yuki: Nothing. +Shimoyama: By the way, I’m told that you were researching something with Hashida, Okabe? +Rintaro: Huh? +Shimoyama: What were you researching? +Rintaro: It wasn’t really research... it was more like... inventions. +Shimoyama: Inventions? +Rintaro: Like whether you could attach a [color index="280AA02D1400"]CCD camera[color index="800000"] to a bamboo copter to do aerial photography... +Rintaro: Or whether you could use the heat from a vacuum cleaner as a hair dryer... +Shimoyama: Oh? That’s interesting. +Shimoyama: Then you weren’t, say, making something unbelievable, and running away from us so that we wouldn’t find out what it was? +Rintaro: Running away? +Shimoyama: If you don’t know, then that’s fine. We’ll talk about Hashida and his sister some other time. +Rintaro: ... +Shimoyama: Um... Katsumi Nakase? There was something else I wanted to ask you. +Fubuki: M-Me? +Shimoyama: No, no. Don’t get so nervous. It’s nothing big. +Shimoyama: About the physical you underwent last week... +Fubuki: W-Was there some problem? +Shimoyama: No. You’ve almost recovered from the wounds you sustained in Tokyo, and health-wise, you’re fine. But you’re under a lot of stress. +Fubuki: Oh... +Shimoyama: Well, it’s not surprising. You survived that terrible bombing. It’s no exaggeration to say that most civilians have [color index="280AA02D1400"]PTSD[color index="800000"] now. +Fubuki: ... +Shimoyama: But it seems that your symptoms are a little different than most people’s. +Shimoyama: You have very realistic dreams, for example. +Shimoyama: In particularly severe instances, they could almost be called waking dreams... I’m told at times you lose the ability to tell the difference between dreams and reality. +Yuki: Isn’t that just PTSD, though? +Shimoyama: No, it’s very strange... +Shimoyama: There are others who say they have very similar dreams. And not just one or two. +Fubuki: What? +Rintaro: ... +Shimoyama: Of course, the degree to which they suffer from this problem changes, but we’ve found more than ten in Japan alone. +Shimoyama: They exist in other countries, too. Well, we’ve only got information from the West... +Rintaro: That’s just a coincidence, isn’t it? +Shimoyama: You’ve heard of [color index="280AA02D1400"]Puchin[color index="800000"], right? +Rintaro: Puchin? +Rintaro: The Soviet... General Secretary, right? +Shimoyama: Correct. But interestingly enough, Nakase referred to him as the President of Russia. +Fubuki: I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. And I’m not really what you’d call a good student. +Shimoyama: No, that’s not it. It’s one of the strange things about all the people who have these dreams. They all call him President Puchin. +Fubuki: ... +Shimoyama: And they all call [color index="280AA02D1400"]Golbachev[color index="800000"] and [color index="280AA02E1400"]Leltsin[color index="800000"] presidents, too. +Shimoyama: That’s why the scientists have started calling it ‘President’s Disease.’ Not a terribly clever name, if you ask me. +Yuki: Golbachev? Leltsin? +Shimoyama: You don’t know them? Didn’t they teach that in world history? +Yuki: I only took science classes in high school... +Shimoyama: I thought everyone knew about them. Do kids today not know who they are? I find it hard to believe you’re all that ignorant. +Shimoyama: I’m sure you know about Golbachev and Leltsin, right, Okabe? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah, I suppose so. +Shimoyama: And [color index="280AA02E1400"]perestroika[color index="800000"], and the fall of the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Berlin Wall[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: Yeah, they were in the textbooks... +Rintaro: ...! +Shimoyama: Hmm? +Shimoyama: ...You too, huh? +Shimoyama: And you were deliberately trying to hide it, weren’t you? +Rintaro: ... +Shimoyama: So the information was right after all. You know something important. +Shimoyama: Listen, Okabe. I want you to tell me. +Shimoyama: Golbachev? Leltsin? Who are these people you all keep talking about? +Shimoyama: We don’t have any data on them, and neither do any of the American intelligence agencies. That data doesn’t exist. +Yuki: ... +Shimoyama: Perestroika? The Fall of the Berlin Wall? Did these things really happen? +Shimoyama: Tell me, please. +Shimoyama: Have you and your friends really experienced the history of a different world? +Shimoyama: I just can’t believe it. It’s just nonsense cooked up by some crazy scientists– +Shimoyama: Tch... +Shimoyama: This is Shimoyama. +Shimoyama: Yeah, we’re on our way to the Bureau. +Shimoyama: What? What do you mean? +Shimoyama: Damn it! That’s the problem with these idiots. What country do these politicians think they’re working for? +Shimoyama: We’re changing our destination. Head to [color index="280AA02D1400"]Kadena Base[color index="800000"]. Gate 2. +Shimoyama: This is Shimoyama. We’re changing our destination. We’ll meet at Gate 2 at Kadena Base. +Yuki: Um... what’s going on? +Shimoyama: The situation’s changed. Okabe is heading to a US military base. +Shimoyama: From there, he might get to take a fun trip on a US Air Force plane to America. +Rintaro: Wha-?! +Shimoyama: I’ll ask them to make sure you get first-class accommodations, but don’t get your hopes up. They don’t listen to us any more than you’d listen to a yapping pet dog. +Rintaro: Why America?! +Shimoyama: I don’t know if it’s the [color index="280AA02D1400"]CIA[color index="800000"] or the [color index="280AA02E1400"]NSC[color index="800000"], but someone wants us to hand you over. +Rintaro: But why?! +Shimoyama: Ask them yourself. +Shimoyama: Once we hand you over to the Americans, we’re not going to get any accurate information from them. +Shimoyama: So this is my last chance. +Shimoyama: Tell me. What are we supposed to do from now on? +Rintaro: ... +Shimoyama: Please. +Rintaro: I don’t know. +Shimoyama: Okabe... +Rintaro: I really don’t know. +Rintaro: Do you think I can do something about this war all by myself? +Rintaro: Knowing that Golbachev and Leltsin were presidents of Russia, or that they brought a dramatic end to the Cold War... that doesn’t actually help anything. +Shimoyama: ... +Shimoyama: Get out. +Mayuri: Okarin! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Mayuri...! +Mayuri: Okarin! +Mayuri: I finally... get to see you. +Rintaro: I’m so glad you’re safe... +Mayuri: Okarin... you’re hurting me! +Rintaro: Oh, sorry. +Mayuri: Mayushii believed, you know. +Mayuri: Mayushii believed she’d get to see Okarin again. +Rintaro: Yeah... +Faris: Hooray! You’re safe, nya! +Luka: Okabe! +Rintaro: I’m glad you’re all safe... +Luka: Okabe, I... I... +Rintaro: Lukako... +Rintaro: Faris... I guess you’re not wearing your maid outfit for once. +Faris: It’s been a long time since anybody’s called me Faris, nya. +Rintaro: H-Hey... +Faris: Hahaha, don’t be so embarrassed, nyan. +Faris: Be careful. Don’t trust the Ministry of Defense or the Americans. +Faris: Adults are all liars. None of them tell the truth. +Rintaro: Yeah. I just figured that out. +Faris: That’s sad, nyan. +Rintaro: Yeah. +US military personnel: Welcome! +US military personnel: Welcome, everyone. My name is Hammond. +Hammond: Everyone except Mister Okabe, please get on the bus. +Mayuri: Huh? Everyone but Okarin? What do you mean? +Rintaro: ... +Hammond: There’s no need to be scared. We’re just going to talk to you a little, and then we’ll send you right to the Okinawa Defense Bureau! Come along. +Mayuri: Okarin...! +Rintaro: It’s fine. Don’t worry. +Mayuri: But... +Rintaro: Yuki, take care of Mayuri. +Yuki: Okay. +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: Tell my parents I said hi. +Hammond: All right, Mister Okabe. Come this way. +Shimoyama: Okabe, run! If you go to America you won’t come back alive–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: ...! +Hammond: Get inside. +Rintaro: This is– +Hammond: There’s someone I want you to meet. +Hammond: It’s not locked. Just hit that button. +Rintaro: ...? +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: [Kurisu]...! +Rintaro: Why does the US military have Amadeus? +Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, Okabe. It looks really cold again today. +Amadeus Kurisu: ...? +Amadeus Kurisu: What’s wrong? +Amadeus Kurisu: You look like your mind is somewhere else. +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t just collapse again, okay? Maho and Dr. Leskinen were really worried. +Amadeus Kurisu: Huh? Golbachev? Puchin? +Amadeus Kurisu: Yeah, I know them. +Amadeus Kurisu: You really are acting a little weird. +Amadeus Kurisu: Are you okay? +Amadeus Kurisu: Why not have them take you to the hospital? Don’t push yourself. +Mayuri: Okarin? +Rintaro: ...?! +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Um... Mayushii’s going to get embarrassed if you keep staring like that. +Rintaro: Hey, Mayuri. This is Akihabara, right? +Mayuri: ...? +Rintaro: Is it... not Akihabara? +Mayuri: It’s Akihabara. +Rintaro: What day is it, again? +Mayuri: Um... the 21st. +Rintaro: Do you know who Golbachev is? +Mayuri: Golbachev? I think I’ve heard that name... +Itaru: Perestroika, right? Russia. Or was Golbachev back from the Soviet days? +Itaru: These days, when you think Russia, you think Puchin. I’m sure if he was in front of me and he glared at me, I’d pee my pants. +Mayuri: I know Puchin! He’s the president of Russia, right? +Mayuri: Did you know he likes doggies? He keeps an Akita! I saw it on the news. +Rintaro: President... +Rintaro: Yeah, that’s right. He’s the president. +Mayuri&Itaru&Suzuha: ...?”[linebreak][parallel]“...?”[linebreak][parallel]“...? +Rintaro: Whew... +Rintaro: It’s so cold. +Rintaro: That Christmas party, huh? +Itaru: Oh, come to think of it, we left the decorations up. We should take those down. +Itaru: You and Ms.Fubuki collapsed during the party, right? So there was a big fuss and we sort of forgot to clean up. +Rintaro: Nakase and I collapsed? +Mayuri: Okarin? +Rintaro: Oh, c-come to think of it, I was wondering how Nakase is doing... +Mayuri: Fubuki’s still in the hospital. +Rintaro: In the hospital? Even though it’s been a month? +Mayuri: She says she’s fine, but they won’t let her leave. +Suzuha: They still think she’s got this, I guess. +Rintaro: New Encephalitis... +Mayuri: Hey, shouldn’t you go to the hospital too, Okarin? +Mayuri: You were in worse shape than she was, you know? +Rintaro: Yeah, I’ll think about it. +Rintaro: This was just like Reading Steiner! +Shimoyama: You have very realistic dreams, for example. +Shimoyama: In particularly bad instances, they could almost be called waking dreams... I’m told at times you lose the ability to tell the difference between dreams and reality. +Shimoyama: There are others who say they have very similar dreams. And not just one or two. +Inpatient: Enough of this! When do I get to go home? +Doctor: We’ve told you, only after you’ve been examined and gotten the treatment you need. +Inpatient: You aren’t giving me any kind of treatment! And what was supposed to be a quick exam ended with me stuck here for a month! What am I supposed to do about my job? +Doctor: Calm down. There’s still a lot we don’t know about this disease. Without proper examination and treatment, it’s dangerous. +Inpatient: Liar! The TV said not to worry because it wasn’t that bad. +Doctor: We’ve told you before, that’s only if you get the appropriate treatment. One of the nurses just told me you were dizzy. +Inpatient: I just felt anemic ’cause dinner was late! I’m just fine! Let me go home! +Kaede: That scared me. +Yuki: You think Fubuki’s okay? +Fubuki: Ughh... aah... +Rintaro: ...? +Kaede: That voice...? +Mayuri: Fubuki? +Fubuki: Bwarghl?! +Mayuri: Huh? +Fubuki: Oh, you guys came to see me. +Mayuri: Whew... You scared Mayushii. I thought you were crying. +Kaede: You really scared us... +Fubuki: Sorry, sorry. +Mayuri: Sorry to bring everybody over, Fubuki. +Fubuki: Not at all. You’re very welcome. And... I didn’t think Okarin would come. +Rintaro: They said you collapsed like I did, so I got worried. How are you doing? +Fubuki: Just fine. I really don’t understand why they won’t let me leave. +Fubuki: Every day they just do exams and there’s nothing for me to do. I’m so bored. +Fubuki: And you’re not allowed to use your phone in the rooms. If I want to send a text I have to go all the way to the lobby, and they turn off the lights at 9 so I can’t watch the late night anime... +Fubuki: I really just don’t believe this. +Fubuki: Are you okay, Okarin? +Rintaro: Yeah, I told Mayuri this, but I’m fine. +Fubuki: I see. I’m glad. +Kaede: Hwah...?! +Fubuki: ...? Kaede? +Yuki: What’s wrong? +Kaede: Um... +Fubuki: Huh?! +Yuki: Fubuki! Shh! +Fubuki: But listen to this, everybody! +Fubuki: Miss Kaede Kurushima here suspects me of secretly dating Okarin. +Rintaro: ?! +Rintaro: W-Where are you getting that from? +Kaede: ’Cause according to Mayuri, you were the one who wanted to come see Fubuki today, right? +Rintaro: That’s... well, that’s true. +Kaede: And Fubuki and Okarin were staring longingly at one another... +Fubuki: We were not staring longingly at one another. +Fubuki: Um, that’s not it... um... +Fubuki: I had this really realistic dream. +Rintaro: Realistic dream...? +Fubuki: It was sometime this evening. I was kind of spacing out... There’s just nothing to do around here. +Fubuki: And then somehow... I don’t really remember, but me and Okarin and Yuki were all taken somewhere in a car by these scary men. +Yuki: I was there, too? +Fubuki: Yeah... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Sorry, guys, but can you leave me alone with Nakase for a bit? +Kaede: Hwah?! +Mayuri: Fweeh?! +Yuki: No way...! +Rintaro: It’s not like that... +Mayuri: Is it something you don’t want Mayushii and everyone else to know about? +Rintaro: It’s about her disease. +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: Okay, I understand. +Fubuki: Um...? +Rintaro: Nakase, did this dream of yours take place in Okinawa? +Fubuki: Huh? +Fubuki: Yeah. That’s right. I think it was Okinawa... I think I saw a sign saying so when I was in the car. +Rintaro: Inside the car there was you, me, and Yuki. Then the driver, and a short man who was an SDF soldier. +Fubuki: Y-Yeah... +Rintaro: The man’s name was Shimoyama. +Fubuki: ...! +Fubuki: How... Why...? +Rintaro: The man talked to you about waking dreams. And the president of Russia. +Fubuki: That’s right...! +Rintaro: And then we were taken to a US army base. There you met up with Mayuri and the others, and said goodbye to me. +Fubuki: ... +Fubuki: In the dream, that Shimoyama guy said... that you and I both had memories of another world. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Fubuki: Was he right? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Fubuki: Then... there may be others who aren’t sick, too. +Rintaro: There are? +Fubuki: There’s nothing to do, so I talk to the others a lot. About the dreams we have, and sometimes it’s just amazing how similar they are... +Rintaro: ... +Fubuki: There’s a kid in elementary school who’s in the next room... We became friends. +Fubuki: They said that they’d never been to Okinawa, but they had a dream that they were there. Tokyo had burned down, and the self-defense forces saved them and took them there. +Rintaro: I-I see. +Fubuki: Should I talk to the doctors? +Rintaro: No. I don’t think they’d believe you. And if they started to think that your delusions were getting worse⋯ +Fubuki: Ugh... you’re right. +Rintaro: You shouldn’t tell the others yet. You don’t want there to be a fuss. +Fubuki: Yeah... +Yuki: Okabe, a nurse is coming. +Nurse: Visiting hours are over for today. +Mayuri: Sorry for being in such a rush, Fubuki. Next time we’ll come earlier so we have more time. +Fubuki: Aw, Mayushii! Don’t go! +Mayuri: But the nurse will get mad! +Fubuki: Let them get mad! Sleep with me tonight! +Kaede: Don’t be selfish. We’ll come as often as we can. +Fubuki: That’s not good enough! Come tomorrow, and the day after! As soon as school’s over! I’m so bored I could die! +Kaede: Right, right. Bye-bye. +Rintaro: Hmm? +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Sorry to bring you out here like this, Uncle Okarin. +Rintaro: What did you want to talk about? +Suzuha: Oh, um... +Suzuha: I’m really not good at talking to people, or trying to persuade them, you know... +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: Just say it. That’s what the old you would’ve done, right? +Suzuha: Yeah, you’re right. +Rintaro: Are you trying to break this to me gently? +Suzuha: ... +Rintaro: I see. ...Thanks. +Suzuha: It’s not really like that. +Rintaro: To be honest, it was a bit of a shock at first. +Rintaro: You were so different than the Suzuha I know. +Suzuha: I can’t help it. When the world line changes, so does the environment you grew up in. And that changes your personality and how you think. +Rintaro: Yeah. But I don’t think that anymore. You’re still the Suzuha I know. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: No. I really am different. +Suzuha: I’m not the Suzuha Amane you know well, Uncle Okarin. +Rintaro: Suzuha... +Suzuha: I followed you today. +Rintaro: Followed me? +Suzuha: That’s right. All the way into the hospital. +Rintaro: You realized that I’d jumped world lines? +Suzuha: I’d always suspected that your Reading Steiner might have activated on Christmas Eve. +Suzuha: And not just then. Today, too. +Suzuha: And now I’m sure. +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Tell me. Is this a different world line than it was before? +Rintaro: What will you do with the answer? +Suzuha: Just tell me! +Suzuha: This is an order, Rintaro Okabe. +Rintaro: ...?! +Rintaro: This is a joke, right? +Suzuha: I wouldn’t do this as a joke. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: I’ll ask you one more time. Did the world line change? Is this a different world than it was before? +Rintaro: Don’t worry. We’re in the same world line we were before. +Suzuha: You’re sure? +Rintaro: Yeah. It’s true that the world line moved once, but we came back... I think. +Suzuha: Who was responsible? Russia? +Rintaro: I think so. +Suzuha: Which means they’ve finally started experimenting with the time machine... +Rintaro: ... +Suzuha: Then that means there’s no time to waste! +Suzuha: If they keep experimenting, something will happen that can’t be changed. It might close the path to Steins Gate. +Suzuha: I’m a fool. I shouldn’t have wasted time worrying. I’m done trying to get you to change your mind... +Rintaro: What will you do? +Suzuha: Rintaro Okabe, you’re going to follow my orders. You’re coming back to July 28th with me. +Rintaro: And if I refuse? +Suzuha: I won’t let you refuse. +Rintaro: Are you okay with that? +Suzuha: What? +Rintaro: Are you okay with erasing this world line– +Suzuha: Shut up! +Rintaro: ...! +Suzuha: Next time it won’t be a threat. I’ll shoot you. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Suzuha! Okarin! What are you doing?! +Suzuha: Dad...?! How... +Itaru: I got a message from Mayu-shi and Amane-shi. They said you’d contacted Okarin. I had a bad feeling so I decided to look for you. +Itaru: And then I got a message from an unknown sender. +Suzuha: An unknown sender? +Itaru: They sent me a URL that led to a map of this place. I thought you might be here so I came right over. +Itaru: And then I heard a gunshot and it really scared me. +Itaru: So, Suzuha, what’s with that gun? +Rintaro: Oh, Suzuha wasn’t actually... +Itaru: You wouldn’t fire a gun if you didn’t have a reason. Duh. +Itaru: Come on, Suzuha, out with it. +Suzuha: Dad, you know what it is. +Itaru: What’s that? +Suzuha: The worldline changed. Russia started experimenting with the time machine. +Itaru: You’re sure? +Suzuha: That’s why I’m doing this! +Suzuha: At this rate it’ll be too late to do anything! +Suzuha: We won’t reach Steins Gate. We won’t be able to stop the Third World War. +Suzuha: Lots of people will die... Mom will die... And I won’t be able to stop any of it. +Itaru: That would be really bad! +Itaru: But still... even if you threaten Okarin and force him to go back to the past with you, is that really going to work? +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Since I’ve started to research the time machine and the world lines, I’ve kind of figured something out. +Itaru: I think Okarin might be right, and it may be impossible to save Makise-shi the normal way. +Suzuha: N-Now you’re saying it too, Dad... +Itaru: If the rules and [color index="280AA02D1400"]causality[color index="800000"] of the world lines could be changed that easily, Okarin should’ve been able to save Mayu-shi in the alpha world line, right? +Suzuha: Then what am I supposed to do? +Itaru: That’s what we’re researching, right? +Suzuha: But... But... there’s no time! +Itaru: It’s okay. Just leave it to me. I’ll figure something out, I promise. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: I wish you’d listen to your dad once in a while. +Itaru: Here, you forgot something that’s way more important than a gun. On cold days like today, you should be wearing these. +Suzuha: I... I... +Suzuha: I don’t know what to do... I don’t know what to do anymore. +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: Help me, Dad... Help me... Please. +Rintaro: I decided... that I’m not getting back in that thing. +Itaru: Have you calmed down? +Suzuha: Sob... +Suzuha: What time is it? +Itaru: It’s almost a new day. +Suzuha: Sorry to keep you out this late. +Itaru: It’s fine, it’s fine. +Itaru: I told you before, you can always count on your dad. +Suzuha: Yeah... +Itaru: You know, I think some day Okarin’s going to work with us... No, he’s going to be our leader. +Suzuha: ...? +Itaru: The Future Gadget Lab only exists because of Okarin. +Itaru: He’s having a hard time right now, but he’ll get over it. And then Kyoma Hououin will revive. You know, ‘The name Phoenix isn’t just for show!’ +Itaru: And when that time comes, Okarin will probably get in the time machine himself, without needing you to tell him to. +Suzuha: Dad, do you realize how embarrassing the things you’re saying are? +Itaru: Uwah... Yeah, you’re right. +Itaru: No way I could say that in front of Okarin. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: I��m going to write a letter to Uncle Okarin before tomorrow. +Suzuha: If I try to talk to him directly, I’ll end up acting weird again. +Suzuha: I’ll tell him I’m sorry... +Suzuha: And that I’m going to keep fighting a little longer. +Suzuha: So I want him to just think about it. +Suzuha: But still... there’s really not a lot of time left. +Itaru: Not a lot of time? Because Russia’s started their experiments? +Suzuha: You see, the internal battery for the [color index="280AA02D1400"]quantum computer[color index="800000"] that controls the time machine is just about to run out. +Itaru: Seriously? +Suzuha: I told you I used the machine a lot starting in 1998, in order to look for Kagari. +Suzuha: That wasn’t part of the original plan. +Suzuha: Of course, that meant I had to use the computer that controls the machine more than I’d meant to. +Itaru: And that drained the battery? +Suzuha: The battery’s actually closer to running out than the fuel. It’ll be hard to make the machine jump the way it’s supposed to. +Itaru: If it’s just a battery, can we swap it or recharge it? +Suzuha: No. +Itaru: Can I take a little look at it? +Itaru: What is this thing? +Suzuha: I don’t think you can do anything with 2010’s technology. +Suzuha: It’s basically the same as a disposable battery. You can’t charge it and you can’t swap it out. +Itaru: Can you replace it with a battery or generator from this time? +Suzuha: I tried that a long time ago. But it didn’t work. +Suzuha: I asked Big Sis Rumi to get me a car battery. One of the big ones they use in trucks. +Suzuha: I hooked it up and it didn’t last a second. +Itaru: What did you just say?! +Suzuha: I tried a gas-powered generator and it didn’t work either. +Suzuha: I can’t even imagine how much gasoline you’d need. And we can’t fit that much gas inside the machine anyway. +Suzuha: Big Sis Rumi went through a lot of trouble to get me one of the latest fuel cell batteries. +Itaru: Future tech is amazing. All that power in something this small? +Itaru: If only we could use garbage as fuel, like in that one science fiction movie. +Itaru: So, how long is it gonna last? +Suzuha: Probably... one or two more jumps at most. +Itaru: That’s all? +Suzuha: And even while the machine’s shut down, it’s still calculating gravity fields and positional coordinates constantly. Even if we don’t jump, the battery will eventually run out. +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: We’ve got another six months of battery at most before we lose the ability to do an accurate jump. +Suzuha: So that’s all the time we have to save Kurisu Makise. +Suzuha: What happens if the battery runs out and we can’t control the machine? +Suzuha: We lose control of the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Kerr black hole[color index="800000"], and are trapped beyond the [color index="280AA02E1400"]event horizon[color index="800000"] for eternity? +Itaru: Don’t even say that stuff. It’s bad luck. +Suzuha: Yeah. Sorry. +Suzuha: But I wonder what it’s like. +Suzuha: I wonder if it’s calm and quiet like this, and it just stays that way for eternity... +Suzuha: Maybe... that wouldn’t be so bad... +Itaru: I see... so Suzuha’s leaving before summer ends... no matter what Okarin decides... +Maho: Th-This⋯ This is truly paradise! +Maho: What’s this board do, you think? It’s got a beautiful pattern, like a piece of art! And it’s made out of aluminum! +Rintaro: Oh... yeah...? +Maho: Wha?! An IFX008 image sensor? +Maho: I can’t believe it. This belongs in a museum! What’s it doing here? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah...? +Maho: Akihabara’s even more amazing than I’d heard. +Amadeus Kurisu: This is who Maho really is. +Rintaro: I’ve been here a few times, but I’ve only ever seen one other person stare lovingly at computer parts like that. +Amadeus Kurisu: I know. You’re talking about Hashida, right? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Amadeus Kurisu: I feel kind of bad for Maho, if you’re comparing her to him. +Amadeus Kurisu: From what you said, he’s an incredible pervert. +Rintaro: That’s right. That was rude to Hiyajo. +Rintaro: Do you like these kinds of computer parts, Hiyajo? +Maho: It’s not the parts, really. I just like building things. I used to make [color index="280AA02D1400"]plastic models[color index="800000"] all the time when I was a kid. +Amadeus Kurisu: Did you make [color index="280AA02D1400"]germanium radios[color index="8A0000"] and stuff? +Maho: I burnt myself [color index="280AA02D1400"]soldering[color index="800000"] all the time. +Amadeus Kurisu: Me too. +Maho: I guess everybody’s the same way, aren’t they? +Rintaro: Hahaha... +Maho: Wow... I could stare at this stuff forever. Why didn’t I come sooner, I wonder? +Maho: Oh... +Rintaro: ...? +Maho: ... +Maho: Can we take a little look inside? +Rintaro: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Nullpo[color index="800000"]... +Maho: Huh? +Maho: What? What’s a null... what? +Rintaro: N-Nothing! Forget it. +Maho: ...? +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo, do you want that stuffed animal? +Maho: Yeah. It’s cute! Isn’t it, [Kurisu]? +Amadeus Kurisu: Wh– Maho! +Maho: What? Why do you look so flustered? +Amadeus Kurisu: ...It’s nothing. +Rintaro: I’m a little surprised, honestly. You just said you liked computer parts, so I figured your tastes would be more boyish. +Amadeus Kurisu: Okabe! You need to learn some tact. +Amadeus Kurisu: Say something romantic. Like, ‘The gap between my expectations and your reality is really cute.’ +Rintaro: Sorry... +Maho: It’s fine, really. +Maho: Actually... Kurisu had one of these stuffed animals in her bedroom. +Rintaro: Did she...? +Amadeus Kurisu: Waah! Maho! +Rintaro: Did she buy it off the internet and have it shipped to America? +Amadeus Kurisu: D-Does it really matter? +Rintaro: I guess you can tell she’s a secret @channeler. +Amadeus Kurisu: What’s an @channeler? Never heard of it. +Rintaro: Nullpo.”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Amadeus Kurisu: Gah! +Amadeus Kurisu: ...Aaah... +Amadeus Kurisu: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh... +Rintaro: Hiyajo, did Kurisu ever tell you what kind of character this was? +Maho: No. I asked several times and she kept dodging the question. +Rintaro: Haha... I’m sure. +Maho: So I always kind of wondered. +Maho: Do you know, Okabe? +Rintaro: Hm... well... +Amadeus Kurisu: O-KA-BE... +Rintaro: I don’t actually know. Hahaha... +Maho: I see. +Maho: Can I give it a try? +Maho: Hm? You move this arm back and forth to grab the stuffed animal, right? +Rintaro: Have you never done this before? +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho only ever plays racing games. +Maho: That’s right. +Maho: It’s simple. Now you just wait for the arm to automatically grab it, right? +Rintaro: Oh, well... normally, yeah... +Maho: ...? +Maho: Th-That doesn’t make sense. What just happened? +Maho: Grr... +Amadeus Kurisu: Okabe! Okabe! +Rintaro: Hmm? What is it? +Amadeus Kurisu: Now’s your chance to show your manliness. +Rintaro: My manliness? +Amadeus Kurisu: Get that stuffed animal that Maho couldn’t, I mean. +Rintaro: Oh, I see. +Rintaro: But honestly, I’m not very good at these games, either. +Rintaro: Okay. +Amadeus Kurisu: Nice! +Gallery: Wow... who is that girl? +Gallery: Don’t ask me. +Gallery: Is she in elementary school? I can’t believe how good she is. +Gallery: Think she’ll set a new record? +Maho: Whew. +Arcade clerk: Congratulations! You’ve set the record for our store. +Maho: Uh⋯ uh⋯ huh? +Rintaro: Let’s go. +Maho: Oh, yeah. +Maho: Whew... that was careless of me. +Rintaro: What was? +Maho: I got mad... and I got serious... +Rintaro: Because of this? +Maho: What? +Maho: This...! You got it?! +Rintaro: I got lucky. You can have it as a present. +Maho: Really? +Rintaro: It won’t do me any good. +Maho: R-Really? Okay, I’ll take it, then. +Maho: Heheh... +Maho: After Kurisu died, her mom showed me a lot of the things she left behind. +Maho: But this was something that Kurisu really loved. Her mom kept it in her own bedroom. +Maho: But... after what happened to Kurisu’s house... I’m sure it burned up, too. +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho... +Maho: So can I give this to her mom in America? +Rintaro: Of course. If you think she’ll like it, that’s what would be best. +Maho: Thanks. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Rintaro: Okay, what next? Any place else you want to see? +Rintaro: Though I guess you wouldn’t be interested in anime or game stores. +Maho: ... +Maho: [Kurisu], I’m sorry, but can you leave me alone with Okabe for a little while? +Amadeus Kurisu: ...! +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho... you’ve finally decided to be honest with yourself! +Amadeus Kurisu: Okabe, don’t screw this up. +Rintaro: Huh? +Amadeus Kurisu: Good luck, Maho! Bye! +Rintaro: Um, Hiyajo? +Maho: There’s one more place I want to go. +Rintaro: Yeah? Where is it? +Maho: You can guess where, right? +Maho: Take me to the Radio Building. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Are you okay? You look really pale. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Are you thinking about Kurisu? +Rintaro: Yeah... I guess so. +Maho: You don’t have to come with me if it’s going to be hard for you. I’ll go by myself. +Rintaro: No... +Rintaro: I’ll go with you. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Is this the place? +Rintaro: No... It happened on the next floor– that’s what I was told. +Maho: What’s upstairs? +Rintaro: An event hall, and some storerooms and stuff. +Maho: Can we go up there? +Rintaro: It should be off-limits right now. +Maho: It looks like it’s okay. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: This is it... +Maho: I see... So it was a place like this. +Maho: It’s frustrating. +Maho: I’m not a physicist, so I don’t know all there is to know about relativity theory, but... +Maho: If space and time are essentially the same thing, then why can’t we move through time as easily as we can move through space? +Maho: Spatially, we’re on the same axis as Kurisu’s death. But that tiny little gap on the temporal axis means there’s nothing we can do about it. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: You asked [Kurisu]–oh, I mean the Amadeus [Kurisu]–an interesting question before. +Maho: Whether it was possible to create a time machine. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Maho: I’d love it if you could look into it. I’d volunteer for the first manned test. +Maho: Okabe, can you tell me about how Kurisu died? +Maho: I don’t know the details. +Rintaro: I don’t really know myself. Didn’t I tell you that before? +Maho: But you know more than I do, right? I was in America. +Maho: What was Kurisu doing in a place like this? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: On the day she died, there was an event going on like the one happening now, right? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Dr. Nakabachi. It made the news last summer. +Maho: I heard that he sought asylum in Russia, and he wrote a paper on time machines. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Supposedly, the paper itself was terrible. +Maho: But that made me remember something. Those guys who set fire to Kurisu’s house in America were speaking Russian. +Maho: Is that a coincidence, you think? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: I think the two events are connected somehow. +Maho: So I decided to look into Dr. Nakabachi. But strangely, there’s barely any information on him. If you look online, you won’t even find his real name. +Maho: Most blogs and websites that talked about Dr. Nakabachi are gone now. And all of them disappeared in the last six months. +Maho: Tell me... what the hell was Kurisu caught up in? +Maho: Is it perhaps... still going on? +Maho: Are you... hiding something? +Rintaro: You shouldn’t get involved out of curiosity. +Rintaro: I’m done with all this. +Maho: It’s too late. I’m already involved. +Maho: And I’ve been wondering if the reason we were attacked before wasn’t because of me. +Rintaro: Because of you? +Rintaro: Is there a reason someone would come after you? +Maho: I... +Maho: I have some of Kurisu’s belongings. +Rintaro: Kurisu’s laptop and hard drive... which were given to Daru... +Rintaro: Was the person who gave them to him... +Maho: ... +Maho: Yeah. It was me. +Rintaro: Why didn’t you tell me? +Maho: At first, I didn’t know that you and Hashida were friends. It was really just a coincidence that I gave it to him. +Maho: And it seemed to me like you were hiding something about Kurisu. +Maho: Do you really think I’d tell you everything? +Maho: It wasn’t that I didn’t trust you, but... +Maho: I thought it would be best to be cautious when it came to Kurisu. +Rintaro: Yeah, you were right about that. +Rintaro: Was letting me test Amadeus part of your plot? +Maho: Don’t call it a plot. +Maho: You were Kurisu’s friend, and I just wanted to know more about you. +Rintaro: To find Kurisu’s secrets? +Maho: I wanted to know more about her! +Rintaro: Has Daru cracked it yet? +Maho: Not yet. That’s why I wanted to talk to you before I headed back to America. +Itaru: Yes, hello? +Rintaro: You at the lab now? +Itaru: Hmm? No. +Rintaro: Then where are you? +Itaru: At home, fapping to h-games. What’s up? +Rintaro: I want to talk to you about your part-time job. +Itaru: Oh, that? +Itaru: You remember any info on Makise-shi? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Itaru: Can you send it over RINE then? +Rintaro: Let’s talk in person. Can you meet me at the lab? +Itaru: Um... I’m all tied up right now. Can it wait till evening? +Rintaro: You can play your h-games later, man. +Itaru: My bad. I lied about the h-games. I’m actually busy at my job. +Rintaro: Your job? +Rintaro: Okay, where are you really? If you can’t leave, I’ll come to you. I just need to talk to you right now. +Itaru: ... +Itaru: I really didn’t want to tell you. I do a lot of dangerous work. +Itaru: Well, whatever. Fine. Come to the address I’m about to give you. +Rintaro&Maho: ...”[linebreak][parallel]“... +Rintaro: You ever been here before? +Maho: No... last time we met it was in a different building. It wasn’t much better than this one, though. +Rintaro: I-I see... +Itaru: Hey, Okarin! Over here! +Itaru: Wait, Maho-tan’s with you too, huh? +Maho: Would you stop calling me Maho-tan? +Itaru: Why? It’s cute! +Maho: I feel like I’m being insulted. +Rintaro: Forget that. Where did you come from, Daru? +Itaru: Come with me. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: It’s like an old ninja mansion. +Itaru: Well, sit down, I guess. +Rintaro: There’s no place to sit down. +Itaru: I’ll make you a space. +Rintaro: What’s the deal with you and this shop? +Itaru: Hmm... I’m kind of like the leader of us part-timers. I work for a lot of underground places like this. +Itaru: And so sometimes they let me use their offices like this. +Rintaro: For your secret job? +Itaru: Yup. +Rintaro: Is all this stuff in here yours? +Itaru: Nope. It’s shared with the rest of the part-timers. I don’t have enough money to buy all this stuff. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hmm? +Rintaro: It’s from [Kurisu]. +Itaru: I was really surprised to see you two knew each other, though. +Itaru: I wasn’t sure what to say when I saw you together at May Queen. +Itaru: Well, I figured it out quick, though. You both knew Kurisu Makise. +Itaru: But Maho-tan, you said you weren’t going to tell Okarin about this. Did you change your mind? +Maho: It’d be more accurate to say he figured it out for himself. +Itaru: Oh, I see. +Rintaro: What is it? +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re still with Maho, right? +Rintaro: Oh, yeah. We’re together, why? +Maho: What’s up? +Amadeus Kurisu: I just heard from Dr. Leskinen... +Amadeus Kurisu: The office in Wako City’s been ransacked by someone. +Maho: What? +Amadeus Kurisu: And he just got a call from Maho’s hotel. Someone raided it, too. +Maho: What did you say? +Amadeus Kurisu: You should hear from Dr. Leskinen soon, but I wanted to tell you A.S.A.P. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Thanks, [Kurisu] +Rintaro: Daru and I are looking out for Hiyajo, so don’t worry. +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s right. I’m counting on you guys. Bye. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: This is what I was afraid would happen. +Rintaro: They’re after Kurisu’s laptop and hard drive. +Itaru: Huh? SRSLY? +Rintaro: We should probably move. +Itaru: I think this place is safe, though. +Rintaro: I’ve got a bad feeling. Intuition, you could call it. +Itaru: Got it. +Rintaro: Oh, and where is the laptop and hard drive? +Rintaro: Let’s take it and get out of here. +Itaru: So? What did you want to talk about? +Rintaro: You know what I wanted to talk about. I’m here with Hiyajo. +Rintaro: Show me the laptop and hard drive that Kurisu left behind. +Maho: Did you figure out the password? +Rintaro: I have no idea. +Maho: What do you mean? +Rintaro: I’m trying to tell you one simple thing. Stop trying to analyze that laptop right now. +Rintaro: There may be something lurking within it so terrible that it will plunge the entire world into chaos. +Itaru: ... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Hey, are you listening? +Itaru: Get a grip, dude. +Maho: So you’re one of those, huh? +Rintaro: N-No! I’m being serious! This isn’t about Kyoma Hououin! +Itaru: Get a grip, dude. +Rintaro: I have a grip! +Rintaro: Listen to me, okay? This involves Suzuha. +Itaru: Suzuha? +Rintaro: You know what Suzuha’s job is, right? +Itaru: ...[color index="280AA02D1400"]kwsk[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: ...Nakabachi’s paper. +Itaru: Seriously? +Rintaro: I’ve been serious the whole time. +Itaru: I see... +Itaru: Well, I’d more or less assumed that was the case. +Rintaro: That’s it? +Rintaro: Just to double-check, you weren’t able to break the security, right? +Itaru: Well, you know how it is. No hacker can get through my software. +Rintaro: Don’t do anything else with it. +Itaru: I’ve been paid already, though. +Maho: ... +Maho: I asked this before, but... What exactly are you hiding when it comes to Kurisu? +Rintaro: Trying to learn the truth isn’t always the answer. +Maho: That’s just what you think. You won’t even give me the information I need to make that choice. +Rintaro: It’s dangerous! You know you were just attacked, right? +Maho: I don’t want to be a coward who just hides behind her knight in shining armor. +Maho: I’m a scientist. I don’t want to give up on trying to reach the truth, no matter how dangerous that may be. +Rintaro: You just don’t understand. +Maho: If Kurisu was here, she’d probably say the same thing. Wouldn’t she? +Rintaro: ...! +Itaru: You’re gonna have to tell her, man. +Rintaro: Daru! +Itaru: Maho-tan doesn’t look like anything you say is gonna convince her. +Maho: Yeah, it’s not. +Itaru: And it’s probably more dangerous to be involved and not know what the deal is, right? +Itaru: Only if what you’re saying is true, though. +Rintaro: It’ll mean telling her about Suzuha. Are you okay with that, Daru? +Itaru: We don’t have a choice, do we? +Rintaro: Hiyajo, can you promise me one thing? +Rintaro: You’re a scientist, and, I believe, a very logical person. +Rintaro: Don’t let your emotions lead you into doing something stupid. Don’t do anything rash. +Rintaro: What I’m about to tell you is hard to believe. You may think it’s impossible. But it’s true. So– +Maho: Get to the point. What is it you want me to promise? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Don’t get any ideas about saving Kurisu Makise. +Maho: What...? +Maho: Save... Kurisu? +Rintaro: If you can’t promise that, I won’t tell you anything. So what will it be? +Maho: ... +Maho: Does that mean it’s possible that I could save her? +Rintaro: You may think so, but I’m telling you right now there isn’t. +Maho: What did I just say? I can’t give you any answer until I’ve been given the information I need to decide. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Tell me. Everything. +Maho: ... +Maho: Is this true? It’s not made up? +Itaru: Yeah. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: You can’t bring yourself to believe it? +Maho: Th-That’s not it. It’s just so different from what I was expecting that I’m having a hard time processing it. +Rintaro: What were you expecting? +Maho: I thought it might be about using Amadeus for military purposes. +Rintaro: Military purposes... +Maho: Kurisu spent a lot of time at the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Psychophysiology Lab[color index="800000"]. She said sometimes, she’d be visited by people who looked like they didn’t belong there at all. +Maho: She said she thought they were from the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Department of Defense[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: Can Amadeus kill someone? How? +Maho: Well, for example, you could take the memories of a veteran pilot and copy them, then use them to control drones. +Maho: And remember what I said about medical applications? +Rintaro: Um... you mean copying memory data back to the brain? +Maho: Yeah. +Maho: If you could alter memory data and then send it back to the brain, you could make soldiers who didn’t feel fear, or who could carry out any kind of unethical mission without hesitation. +Itaru: Wow... Sounds like a Hollywood movie. +Maho: My thought was that Kurisu had found proof that they were running experiments like that. +Rintaro: And that’s why they went after her? +Maho: Yeah. +Maho: I never expected a time machine, though. +Rintaro: Either way, we should destroy it immediately. +Maho: Without looking to see what’s inside? We don’t know for sure that it’s got what you’re talking about. +Rintaro: It doesn’t matter what’s inside it. +Rintaro: As long as it still exists, it could start a war. +Maho: ... +Maho: But it’s proof that Kurisu was alive once. It’s what she left to us. +Maho: We can’t just get rid of it... +Rintaro: If you learn what’s inside it, they might come after you next. +Maho: That’s true, but... +Rintaro: Surely you asked Kurisu about the password, right? +Maho: ...? +Rintaro: Amadeus. +Maho: Of course, that was the first thing I tried. +Rintaro: But it didn’t work, right? +Rintaro: That’s strange, right? Normally she’d know. +Rintaro: But the Amadeus [Kurisu] didn’t know what it was. +Rintaro: There’s only one possibility, then. +Rintaro: Kurisu herself changed the password without Amadeus knowing. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Why do you think she did that? +Rintaro: Isn’t it because she didn’t want anyone knowing what it was? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Let’s not dig up the graves of the dead, okay? +Maho: Dig up her grave... It’s not like that! +Maho: ... +Maho: I’m sorry. You’re right. +Maho: Maybe I’m getting too obsessed with Kurisu. +Rintaro: I know you really care about her. +Rintaro: But you shouldn’t get involved with this. +Rintaro: This might not be Pandora’s Box. It might be the gate to Hell. +Itaru: Get a grip, dude! +Rintaro: Would you stop? +Maho: All right, Okabe. I understand what’s going on. I still haven’t finished getting it all straight in my head, though. +Maho: I’ll get rid of this laptop. +Rintaro: Thanks. +Rintaro: You really are amazing. +Maho: How do you figure that? +Rintaro: A normal person would just refuse to accept all this, or even if they didn’t they’d ask a ton of questions. +Maho: You’re giving me too much credit. +Maho: Usually, I wouldn’t even bother refuting this. I wouldn’t even listen. +Maho: Normally, a scientist should never deny any possibility, no matter how improbable... But we have a tendency to put too much faith in common sense and our own theories. +Rintaro: Then why is it different this time? +Maho: ... +Maho: Because Kurisu Makise is involved. +Maho: Time travel theory? A time leap machine? You’re joking. That’s impossible. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: But it wouldn’t be impossible for Kurisu. +Maho: She’s always been the one who proved that everything I thought I knew was wrong. +Rintaro: I see... +Itaru: So what about my pay? I’ve actually already used all the money Maho-tan gave me to reserve this month’s h-games. +Rintaro: You’re terrible... +Itaru: That’s what I do this job for! +Maho: It’s fine. I won’t ask for my money back. +Maho: I didn’t expect much when I asked you, anyway. +Itaru: Just so we’re clear, another three days and I would’ve cracked the password. [color index="280AA02D1400"]Totes serious[color index="800000"]. +Maho: Sure, whatever. +Maho: By the way, I want to see proof of this. +Rintaro: Proof? +Maho: You’ve got it somewhere, right? This... time machine. +Maho: And I want to talk to Suzuha, too. +Rintaro: Well... I don’t know about that. +Rintaro: Um, Daru... why don’t you talk to Suzuha for me inste–? +Itaru: What is it? I’m busy now. +Itaru: Hello? Is something wrong? +Rintaro: Who are these guys? +Itaru: Okey-dokey. I’m abandoning this location. You bail out when you get a chance, too. See you. +Itaru: So yeah, we’re getting out of here. +Maho: What...? +Itaru: I’ll take that laptop too, please. +Rintaro: Hey, who are those people? +Maho: Are they after Kurisu’s PC? +Itaru: Couldn’t say. I cause a lot of trouble. This has happened before. +Itaru: Well, that’s why I keep this job a secret. +Rintaro: Seriously...? +Rintaro: How are we getting out of here, anyway? They’re standing right outside the door. +Itaru: It’s a shame, ’cause I liked this place. Finally time to say goodbye, huh? +Itaru: Excuse me, Rin-tan. +Itaru: This way. +Women’s with riding suit: ...Don’t yell. Do what we tell you. +Rintaro: ...! +Women’s with riding suit: Otherwise... she’s dead. +Maho: ...! +Rintaro: D-Don’t do it! +Moeka: Mayuri Shiina is not needed. +Rintaro: I’ll give you what you want, so don’t do it. +Moeka: ... +Maho: You’re...! +Moeka: ...Where is it? +Rintaro: First... let go of my hand. I can’t even talk like this... +Moeka: ... +Moeka: I’ll trade it for Dr. Hiyajo. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Daru, give me your backpack. +Itaru: Oh, right. +Maho: D-Don’t do it! Don’t give it to her! +Rintaro: Hiyajo, stay quiet. She will kill you. It’s not just a threat. +Maho: But... +Rintaro: Would Kurisu be happy if you died over her paper? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: This is it. +Moeka: Hand me the backpack, too. +Rintaro: ...Let Hiyajo go first. +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: If you want the password to decrypt it, don’t think about cheating us. +Rintaro: Nobody can boot this thing up without the right password. Hackers all over the world have tried and failed. +Rintaro: I’ll tell you once our safety is guaranteed. I don’t want to get killed the moment we hand it over. +Moeka: ...You’re right. +Moeka: Then one of you is coming with me. +Rintaro: Huh...? +Moeka: We’ll let two of you go immediately. If the password is correct, we’ll let the other one go as well. +Rintaro: No. We can’t be sure the one who stays will be safe. +Moeka: Then all three of you come with us. +Rintaro: Grr... +Moeka: Itaru Hashida. Come this way. +Itaru: What?! Me?! +Moeka: We’re told you’re a specialist. Bring the backpack over here. +Itaru: No, um... +Moeka: If you come, we’ll leave the other two here. +Rintaro: Wait! Then I’ll go! That’s fine, right? +Moeka: My superiors told me nothing about you. I can’t even say if you really know the password. +Maho: Eeeeee...! +Moeka: ⋯Itaru Hashida. Come, quickly. +Itaru: I’d rather hear that line said in a more erotic situation... +Moeka: Do I need to kill someone first? +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Okarin! +Maho: No! +Rintaro: ...?! +Rintaro: Everyone, hide! +Rintaro: Maho, get down! +Rintaro: Guh! +Rounders: Gyah! +Maho: Hashida, do you have any towels here? +Itaru: Yeah, in the washroom. +Maho: Okabe, your neck’s bleeding. Put this on it. +Rintaro: Huh? Oh... thanks. +Rintaro: You okay, Hiyajo? +Maho: Y-Yeah... +Rintaro: Did you get hurt? Show me. +Maho: Huh? Oh... +Maho: ...Huh? +Rintaro: What’s wrong? +Maho: ...My fingers won’t move... That’s strange. +Rintaro: Oh... +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Sob... +Maho: Sob... sob... sob... +Maho: K-Kurisu... +Maho: I’m sorry... I’m so sorry... +Maho: I couldn’t protect you... sob... +Maho: I’m so sorry... +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Rintaro: I’m sure Kurisu feels relieved. +Maho: Huh? +Rintaro: She’s glad you’re safe. +Rintaro: So you don’t need to apologize. There’s nothing to apologize about. +Maho: Sob... +Maho: Oh, it’s mine... +Maho: It’s from Dr. Leskinen. +Maho: ...! +Rintaro: What’s wrong? +Maho: He says the office and hotels were ransacked. His and mine. They’re a mess, he says. +Rintaro: I see. +Rintaro: There’s no backup of that computer’s data, right? +Maho: That’s right... +Rintaro: Then this is for the best. +Rintaro: What Kurisu left behind won’t be used as a tool to kill billions of people. +Itaru: Wait, why’d the Russians destroy that computer? +Itaru: Didn’t they want to get their hands on it? +Rintaro: Russia’s in the lead in the race for the time machine right now. +Rintaro: From their perspective, it’d be great if they could get the laptop. +Rintaro: But they’d probably rather destroy it than let someone else get their hands on it, right? +Itaru: So what do we do now? +Rintaro: I’d rather not stay here if I can avoid it. +Rintaro: We’ll move at sunset. +Maho: Whew... +Maho: This is extreme muscle relaxation, after a period of elevated tension and then sudden release. +Maho: This is... bad... +Faris: Maho-nyan? How’s the water? +Faris: Meow?! +Faris: O-Oh no, nya! +Faris: She’s going to die! Maho-nyan’s going to die! +Maho: No, um... it’s fine. +Faris: Um... um... I need to get her to the bed! +Maho: Fugyah! +Faris: Hanyanya! I’m so sorry! +Maho: L-Listen... this will pass soon... +Rintaro: What’s wrong, Faris? +Maho: Eee?! +Rintaro: Uh... +Faris: Nyah...?! +Maho: U-Uh... +Maho: Ah... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: I’m really sorry. I mean it. +Maho: Y-You don’t need to apologize. It was an accident. +Faris: Funyah! It was my fault for panicking like that... +Maho: No, it’s fine. I’m sorry for scaring you, in fact. +Rintaro: You’re sure you’re okay? You don’t need to go to a hospital? +Maho: All the tension caught up with me, is all. +Maho: I must have really worried you. I’m so embarrassed. +Rintaro: There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Anybody would be scared after what happened today. Anyone would feel sick. +Maho: Even you? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Maho: I see... +Faris: Get some rest for now, nya. Mew can think about what happened and what you’re going to do next after you’re feeling better. +Maho: That’s right... Yeah. That’s what I’ll do. +Maho: Thank you... +Maho: ... +Maho: Come to think of it, Okabe said he was taking some tranquilizers. +Women’s with riding suit: Don’t yell. Do what I tell you. Otherwise... you’re dead. +Maho: ...?! +Women’s with riding suit: Do I have to kill one of you? +Maho: S-Stop! No! No! +Maho: No! +Rintaro: Hiyajo! Wake up! +Maho: ... +Maho: ...Gasp... Gasp... +Rintaro: What’s wrong?! +Maho: S-Someone’s here... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I’m sure it was just a bad dream. +Maho: ... +Maho: Y-Yeah... You’re right. I guess it was just a dream. +Rintaro: You’re really sweating. You should wipe yourself down. +Rintaro: I’m going back to my room. Call me any time if you need something. +Maho: Um? Uh! +Rintaro: Hmm? +Maho: Um... how’s Hashida? +Rintaro: Oh, I just got word. He met up with Suzuha. +Maho: I-I see... +Rintaro: Goodnight. +Maho: W-Wait... +Rintaro: ...? +Maho: P-Please... it doesn’t have to be for long. +Maho: Just stay here. +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Maho: Don’t leave me alone. +Rintaro: Fine. I’ll stay with you till you fall asleep. +Maho: Thanks. Sorry for asking you to do this. +Rintaro: No, it’s fine. I had a hell of a time getting to sleep myself. +Rintaro: I’ll turn around, so at least wipe off the sweat. +Maho: Okay... +Maho: I-It’s okay now. +Rintaro: I’ll be watching over you right here, so you don’t need to worry about a thing. You know you’ll be safe, right? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: You worried? +Maho: No, I’m fine. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo? Are you still awake? +Maho: Huh? Yeah... +Maho: What’s wrong? +Rintaro: I really meant to tell you this a lot sooner. +Rintaro: But I didn’t have the courage... I’m sorry. +Maho: What are you talking about? +Rintaro: I... I... there’s one thing... +Maho: One thing? +Rintaro: One thing I haven’t told you. +Maho: ...? +Rintaro: I told you about the other world line, and the Kurisu I met there. About the time machine and the time leaps. +Maho: Yeah... +Rintaro: About Kurisu and her dad. +Maho: Yeah... +Rintaro: There’s actually one more thing I should’ve told you. +Rintaro: But... I just couldn’t. +Rintaro: This was something I needed to tell you and you alone. +Maho: Okabe...? +Rintaro: That day... +Rintaro: At the Radio Building... the one who killed Kurisu was... +Rintaro: The one who killed Kurisu was... +Maho: Enough! +Maho: That’s enough! Enough! You don’t need to say anymore. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: I-I believe you. So you don’t need to tell me! +Maho: Some day, when the time comes, I’m going to make you tell me whether you want to or not. But that time isn’t now. +Maho: Until that time comes, keep your mouth shut. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Achoo. +Rintaro: You’re going to catch a cold. +Maho: ...?! +Maho: I-I-I-I’m sorry! +Maho: ... +Maho: This time, I’m going to bed. +Rintaro: Sorry for bothering you. +Maho: Y-You’re not bothering me at all. +Maho: ... +Maho: But never bring that up again. Okay? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Okay? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Rintaro: Thanks, Hiyajo. +Maho: I haven’t done anything that you should thank me for. +Maho: Anyway, goodnight. +Rintaro: Goodnight. +Maho: What did Kurisu call you, I wonder? +Maho: Okabe? +Maho: Or... +Maho: Was it Rintaro... maybe? +Maho: Hang in there, Rintaro Okabe. +Maho: Is the man I fell in love with really that weak? +Leskinen: Maho! Lintahlo! +Maho: Professor, I’m so glad you’re safe... +Leskinen: You too, Maho. Sounds like you had a rough time. +Maho: Professor... that hurts... You’re hurting me. +Leskinen: Lintahlo, thanks for staying with Maho. You’ve really been a great help. +Rintaro: Not at all. +Leskinen: So, when can you come to my lab? +Rintaro: Huh? Um... +Rintaro: I’ll study hard so I can go as soon as possible. Can I contact you when I’m ready? +Leskinen: Of course! I’ll be waiting! +Maho: Let me say thanks, Okabe. Really. +Maho: If it weren’t for you, I might not even be alive right now. +Rintaro: You’re exaggerating. +Maho: No, I mean it. I’m really grateful. +Maho: I’ll be waiting for you, too, so do your best. +Rintaro: Yeah. You, too. Good luck with your research. +Leskinen: So, Lintahlo, as we discussed previously, I’m going to be revoking your access rights for Amadeus today. +Leskinen: That’s fine, right? +Rintaro: Yes. +Leskinen: Want to say a final goodbye to [Kurisu]? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Yeah, you’re right. Can I say something to her quick? +Leskinen: Of course. +Amadeus Kurisu: What? Do I get a goodbye, too? +Rintaro: I guess so. Do you not need one? +Amadeus Kurisu: You said goodbye to Maho before me, right? +Maho: He did. +Amadeus Kurisu: I hope so. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Once I lose access rights, we won’t be able to see each other anymore, will we? +Amadeus Kurisu: Well, I am slightly grateful that you gave me someone to talk to. +Amadeus Kurisu: There’s a chance you’re coming to Dr. Leskinen’s lab, right? +Amadeus Kurisu: I’ll make sure to remember you until we meet again. +Rintaro: Haha... You’re such a [color index="280AA02D1400"]tsundere[color index="800000"]. +Amadeus Kurisu: Tsundere? What’s that? Don’t use words I don’t understand. +Rintaro: Then why’s your face red? +Maho: She’s blushing. +Amadeus Kurisu: Uh⋯ +Leskinen: [Kurisu] is just very shy. Hahaha! +Amadeus Kurisu: Jeez! Not you too, professor! +Rintaro: Stay healthy... probably isn’t the right thing to say. You don’t get sick. +Rintaro: Don’t tease Hiyajo too much. +Amadeus Kurisu: Right, right. You don’t need to tell me. I already know. +Rintaro: I hope so. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: I hope someday your smile doesn’t look so sad. +Amadeus Kurisu: I hope someday you can smile for real. +Rintaro: ...! +Amadeus Kurisu: Bye. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Leskinen: We’ll handle the paperwork for the access revocation on our own later. +Leskinen: Thanks for your help with the testing. We got some really valuable data. +Rintaro: No, thank you. +Mayuri: Kagari, from now on, you’re officially my daughter. +Kagari: Really? You’re going to be my real mommy? +Mayuri: Yup. That’s right. +Kagari: Yay! Mommy! +Mayuri: Hey, don’t hug me so tight! Heheheh! You’re so spoiled, Kagari. +Kagari: Then I can leave, right? I can live with you, right? +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: I’m sorry. It looks like you need a little more treatment. +Doctor: That’s right. +Kagari: Oh, doctor. +Doctor: It’s going to be another six months, and then it’s over. You’ll just have to hang in there until then. +Mayuri: Six months? When we talked about this before, you’d said two weeks... +Doctor: I was referring to her physical wounds. The post-traumatic stress suffered by children during the Great Bombing of Tokyo far exceeds that of adults. +Doctor: And we learned at her exam yesterday that she’s still having nightmares. +Mayuri: Is that true, Kagari? +Kagari: Th-That’s not true. I don’t have nightmares anymore! It’s all fun dreams! Fun, fun, fun! +Doctor: Hmm... Kagari, it’s not good to lie. It’ll only make your treatment take longer. +Kagari: Aw... +Doctor: You told me yesterday that you wake up with nightmares all the time still, didn’t you? +Kagari: ...Yeah. +Mayuri: Oh my... I see. +Doctor: It’s proof that the memories of the bombing still exist in her mind as terrifying experiences. +Doctor: If we don’t treat them properly, it could lead to irreversible consequences. +Mayuri: You’re right... +Doctor: So you don’t mind if we continue with her treatment, do you, ’Mom’? +Mayuri: Oh, of course. +Mayuri: Kagari, let’s do our best and beat the bad sickness, okay? +Kagari: Okay... +Doctor: Yup. That’s my girl. +Mayuri: Okay. See you later, Kagari. +Kagari: Mommy... +Kagari: –I can hear the same voice as always. +God’s voice: You need to protect your mother. Protect this world. That’s why you were born. +Kagari: I need to protect Mommy. So I need to work hard at my treatment...! +Kagari: ... +Moeka: ... +Kagari: M4. You’re still alive? +Moeka: You’re not... FB... +Moeka: Who are you? +Kagari: That’s an awful thing to say to the person who saved your life. +Moeka: Guh... cough! +Moeka: Gasp... gasp... gasp... +Moeka: Ugh... +Moeka: ...Why? FB, why won’t you answer me? +Kagari: If you don’t feel like living anymore, tell me. I’ll bring you poison instead. +Moeka: W-What are you doing...? +Moeka: G-Give it back... +Kagari: Don’t get the wrong idea. You’ve got new orders from FB. +Moeka: ...Orders from FB? +Kagari: Yeah. Take it. +Kagari: The phone you’ve been using is under surveillance by the Russians and Americans, so she can’t use it. So from now on, your orders will come in via this. +Moeka: Will FB send me messages if I have this phone? +Kagari: You should have some already. +Moeka: M4, my beloved daughter... +Moeka: It must have been so hard for you. I know it was hard for me. +Moeka: Your failure was... unfortunate. But I’m very glad you’re alive. +Moeka: Get better and wait for my next message, okay...? +Moeka: This time, complete your mission successfully and regain my trust... +Moeka: I believe in you... from the bottom of my heart... +Moeka: To my beloved daughter... from FB. +Moeka: Sob... sob... +Kagari: You didn’t need to read it aloud. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: I want to get better... +Moeka: I need to regain FB’s trust... +Kagari: That’s right, M4. +Kagari: I’ll treat you. Take off these bandages. +Kagari: I wonder if I’ll hear the voice of God soon, +Rintaro: Summer... +Rintaro: Whew... +Rintaro: Viktor Chondria University... +Rintaro: @channel... +Rintaro: Could Amadeus post on message boards? +Rintaro: Whoa... +Rintaro: And wait, did she really need to post this much? +Rintaro: No, I guess that’s not surprising at all. +Rintaro: This is just too much... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: This can’t be... +Rintaro: Wait, that’s last night! +Rintaro: Heh heh heh. If it is Kurisu, this will [color index="280AA02D1400"]fish[color index="800000"] her right in... +Mayuri: Okarin! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Oh, you’re here already? +Rintaro: Okay, ready to go? +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: Hmm? What’s wrong? +Mayuri: Nothing. Let’s go! +Rintaro: So what are you going to buy? +Mayuri: Um... we’re going to make some signs for advertising. So I need poster board and highlighters and stuff. +Rintaro: Are you going to put out a book at this year’s ComiMa? +Mayuri: Nope. It’s for Okabe Green Grocer! +Rintaro: Huh? What did you say? +Mayuri: When I went to your house today, I talked to your dad about it. +Mayuri: And I said that Mayushii would make them for him. +Rintaro: Wait, seriously? +Rintaro: There’s really no reason you have to do that. +Mayuri: But, but... Mayushii wants to do it. +Rintaro: ...You’re sure? +Mayuri: Your mom and dad are always so nice to me. +Rintaro: ...Okay. I’ll get you something as a thank you present, then. +Mayuri: Really? That makes me so happy! +Mayuri: Hey, hey! Don’t you think this heart shape is cute? +Rintaro: How are you going to use a heart shape to sell fruits and vegetables? +Mayuri: Hmm? +Mayuri: Well, how about this? +Mayuri: Mr.Matsutake is thick and sturdy! Why not take him home tonight, ma’am? +Mayuri: Or maybe... +Mayuri: Try my juicy ripe melons! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Daru didn’t [color index="280AA02D1400"]brainwash[color index="800000"] you while I wasn’t looking, did he? +Mayuri: Huh? +Rintaro: No, never mind. +Rintaro: Anyway, no heart shapes. It’ll look like we’re up to something we shouldn’t be. +Mayuri: Really? I think it’s cute. +Rintaro: It doesn’t have to be cute. That’s what I’m trying to say here. +Rintaro: And anyway, if you buy any more than this you’re going to have extras. +Rintaro: This will last us for a long time. +Mayuri: You’re right. Okay, let’s go then. +Mayuri: Ehehe... +Rintaro: You seem pretty happy about that, given how many Upas you already have. +Rintaro: And that’s a regular green Upa, right? Not the rare one. +Rintaro: The rare one... Do you mean the Metal Upa? +Mayuri: Tsk, tsk, tsk. +Mayuri: Nope. +Mayuri: This is a green Upa, but it’s not a regular one. +Mayuri: This is the Green Fairy Upa that was in the movie they just released. +Rintaro: The Green Fairy? +Mayuri: Is it okay if I spoil the movie? +Rintaro: Go ahead. I’m not going to go see it. +Mayuri: So this movie, it’s about a fight with an evil super hacker in the virtual world. +Mayuri: The virtual world is a forest where the fairies live. +Mayuri: Mr.Super Hacker is really strong, and Kakeru and Upa are in big trouble, but... +Mayuri: Just when they’re about to lose, the fairies come to save them. +Mayuri: And it turns out that the fairies are actually the flowers in the school garden that he’d always taken care of. +Mayuri: They came all the way to the virtual world to save Kakeru, and then there was this big shiny light, and then they combined with Upa. +Mayuri: And that’s Green Fairy Upa. He’s really cute and really strong. +Mayuri: Mayushii thought it was so great. I love stories like that. The director’s a genius. +Rintaro: I-I see... +Mayuri: I’ve actually been spending a lot of time looking for this key chain. +Mayuri: It’s really popular, so it’s sold out everywhere. I never would’ve thought Hands would have one. +Rintaro: You were pretty lucky, huh? +Mayuri: Yup. And it was the last one. +Mayuri: I’m glad I came today. I need to thank you and your dad. +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin? Mayushii will treasure this for ever, and ever, and ever. +Rintaro: Yeah. Please do. +Rintaro: Make sure you don’t lose it five minutes after you get it. +Mayuri: Yup. I’m never gonna lose it again! +Mayuri: I’m gonna work hard and make the ads for your shop, okay? +Rintaro: Oh yeah, you’ve still got to do that... +Rintaro: Should I help, too? +Mayuri: No, I’m fine. Believe in Mayushii! +Rintaro: I’m a little worried, after you tried to buy heart-shaped card stock... +Mayuri: It’s fine! +Rintaro: Well, it’s nice of you to make them at all, so I won’t complain. +Mayuri: Oh, I need to call Mom. I’ll tell her that I’ll be home for dinner. +Rintaro: Why not eat at my place? I’m sure either Mom or Dad will try to get you to stay, anyway. +Mayuri: Hmm... I don’t know. +Mayuri: Are you going to stay at home the rest of today? You won’t go to any singles parties? +Rintaro: I haven’t been to any lately. +Mayuri: I see... then maybe I will. +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: What’s wrong? +Mayuri: Um... I just got a message from Kaede. I didn’t notice it. +Mayuri: What should I do, Okarin...? +Rintaro: Did something happen? +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin...? +Mayuri: You told me before that Fubuki’s not sick, right? +Rintaro: Fubuki? You mean Nakase? Not Kurushima, right? +Mayuri: Yeah. Is that true? She’s really not sick? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah. I don’t think so. +Mayuri: But... +Rintaro: She’s back in the hospital...? +Kagari: Oh, come on! How does this stupid thing work? +Suzuha: ...What are you doing? +Kagari: Uh... +Kagari: I-I’m not... This isn’t what it looks like... +Suzuha: Answer me. +Kagari: But... but... +Kagari: I woke up and you were gone, and it was dark and the lights wouldn’t turn on. And it’s so cramped and scary in here! +Kagari: So I tried to open the door... +Kagari: And then when I was fiddling with it... this happened... +Kagari: I’m sorry, Big Sis Suzuha... I’m sorry. But I was really scared... +Suzuha: ...I see. +Suzuha: You passed out from the shock of time travel. So I wanted to let you get some rest... I’m sorry. +Kagari: Wow... It’s so hot⋯ +Suzuha: Kagari, promise me that you won’t touch the switches on the control console no matter what, okay? +Kagari: O-Okay... +Suzuha: I’m going to get started. You go and rest. Have some food and water if you want. +Kagari: What are you doing? +Suzuha: Did you study the ‘[color index="280AA02D1400"]Year 2000 Problem[color index="800000"]’? +Kagari: I studied it a little at the orphanage. In the end, nothing happened, right? +Suzuha: That’s what everybody thinks. +Kagari: ...? +Suzuha: It wasn’t made public, but at the time, a lot of places, and a lot of countries, had serious problems because of it. +Kagari: Really? +Suzuha: The issue was this computer, the IBN5100. +Suzuha: It’s got an old programming language on it. And the engineers weren’t able to fix the program. +Suzuha: In fact, they didn’t even know that an important program existed that was written in this language. +Suzuha: The race to develop the time machine was the beginning of the Third World War, but... +Suzuha: There’s a chance that something that happened during the Year 2000 Problems, and the divisions that resulted from that, were a deeper cause. +Suzuha: And the Year 2000 is a special year, you see. All of the world lines temporarily converge here. +Suzuha: This means that it’s possible the Year 2000 Problem has a huge effect on all the world lines. +Suzuha: The world line in the gap that we’re trying to reach, Steins Gate, is no exception. +Suzuha: So this is a patch program to keep the Year 2000 Problem from ever happening. +Suzuha: OK, it’s connected. +Kagari: B-But... if you change the future, won’t that change the world we were in? +Suzuha: That’s right. +Suzuha: I refuse to let that world exist any longer. So I’ve come here to reach Steins Gate. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...voice. +Kagari: I can... hear God’s voice. +Suzuha: Kagari? +Kagari: You can’t do that. It’s not right. +Kagari: ...You can’t do that, Big Sis Suzuha. You can’t. +Suzuha: Huh? +Suzuha: –?! +Suzuha: Gwah! +Suzuha: W-What are you doing? +Suzuha: Stop it! +Suzuha: ...! +Kagari: Don’t move! +Suzuha: Are you insane? Put the gun down, now. Stop doing this. +Kagari: You’re the one who needs to stop! +Suzuha: What? +Kagari: You can’t change the world. You’re not making sense! +Suzuha: Do you want the war to happen, then? +Kagari: I don’t know anything about that! I just want to go back to my old world. +Suzuha: Then... that’s never going to happen. +Suzuha: We’ve already used the time machine to interfere with the past. The world line’s changed. There’s almost no chance we can go back– +Kagari: Shut up! Shut up! I’m going to save Mommy! +Kagari: You can’t erase this world! I won’t let you! +Suzuha: S-Stop! +Suzuha: Stop it, Kagari! Please! Stop! +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Oh, Maho-tan! Hey, hey. +Maho: ...Morning. +Suzuha: Hiyajo, you okay? +Itaru: It’s early. She probably just got up. +Itaru: Anemic Maho-tan for the win. +Maho: ... +Maho: ...How are things going there? +Itaru: I’ve managed to rebuild it to how it was before Okarin took it apart. I think it does most of what it did before. +Maho: ...It’s not going well? +Itaru: Yeah. It’s just not stable... It ends up being a normal microwave. +Maho: I see... +Maho: I wonder what’s wrong with it. +Itaru: If we could ask Okarin, I’m sure things would be different. +Suzuha: We can’t do that. He’d get really mad if he even knew we were working on this. +Suzuha: Uncle’s... afraid. He’s afraid of the power of the world line convergence. +Suzuha: It won’t be easy to convince him. +Itaru: Hm... +Maho: ... +Itaru: Wait, Maho-tan! Are you asleep? +Maho: Fwah?! +Maho: Th-That was close. I almost went back to bed before I left for work. +Itaru: You know, you’re working too hard. If you get sick, it’ll only slow us down, you know? +Maho: I’m fine. And actually, after all this work, I’m still not as good as the real genius. +Itaru: I don’t think so. You know, I think you’re a genius– +Maho: I don’t need you to make me feel better. +Maho: I’ve got all these hints about the time leap machine that Okabe told me about, and I still can’t find the answer. +Maho: How did she manage to compress all that memory data and send it to the past...? +Maho: Kurisu managed to do it, but I... +Maho: Oh, I’m sorry. This isn’t the time to complain, is it? +Maho: Is there anything else to report for today? If not, I’m going to head to work. +Suzuha: There’s one more thing. +Itaru: About what you’d asked me to look into. +Maho: Did you find something? +Suzuha: Nothing clear, yet. +Maho: I see. +Itaru: I’ve done some breaking and entering into a bunch of networks, and taken things about as far as it’s safe to do so. +Maho: I’m not blaming you. Tell me what you know. +Itaru: No, if you want to start screaming insults, I wouldn’t mind that at all. +Suzuha: Dad... +Maho: Hurry. I’m running out of time. +Itaru: Sure, sure. +Itaru: First, the incident where you were attacked in the hotel basement. +Itaru: The cops say it was some kind of crazy cultist on a drug trip. +Itaru: But that’s definitely a lie. +Maho: A lie...? +Itaru: Just like the police announcement said, he was an assistant professor at a college. +Itaru: And that’s fine, but I can’t find anything linking him to a cult at all. +Itaru: I tried accessing Public Safety’s secret data file on the cult, too, so I’m certain of it. +Maho: So they’re lying. +Itaru: If you look at @channel, you’ll sometimes see people who look like they’re from the cult, claiming that they’re innocent and that the whole thing’s a conspiracy. +Itaru: Whenever that happens, the [color index="280AA02D1400"]haters[color index="800000"] show up instantly, and they [color index="280AA02E1400"]beat the daylights[color index="800000"] outta the guy. +Itaru: And the haters always have this really well-made fake evidence. Digitally altered images and stuff. +Itaru: There’s no way that’s a coincidence. +Maho: Really? I don’t know a lot about this @channel thing. +Itaru: Most of the big sites have agents on them, including @channel. +Itaru: And they get paid, like it’s a business. So they do it 24 hours a day, from morning ’til night. +Suzuha: Information control. [color index="280AA02D1400"]Propaganda[color index="800000"]. +Itaru: Politicians and bureaucrats use them to influence public opinion on the net. There are even companies that specialize in this sort of thing. +Maho: I see. I can understand that. America has the same thing. +Itaru: These agents can change their [color index="280AA02D1400"]IP[color index="800000"], but they can’t hide from me. +Itaru: So I did some research, and there’s an insane amount of agents assigned to that case. +Itaru: It’s to the point where I have no idea where the money to pay them is coming from. +Maho: I see... +Suzuha: What about the attack on your workplace, Dad? +Itaru: Same deal. +Itaru: So I decided to post a thread where I pretended to be a witness and said I saw some Russian special forces. +Itaru: And wow, was I amazed! Talk about some serious tryhard trolling. +Itaru: I got pissed enough that I almost doxxed the agent’s real name, his company name, and everything else. +Maho: In other words, pressure came down from somewhere to shut down discussion. +Maho: That’s Japan for you. A real free country. +Itaru: America’s no different, is it? +Maho: You’ve got that right. +Itaru: Anyway, so that’s all I can do. +Maho: I see... +Maho: That’s enough. Thank you. +Suzuha: Hiyajo, you think you can get permission from the lab to come to Japan? +Maho: ...Well, I keep sending requests to go as Dr. Leskinen’s assistant, but they keep turning them down. +Suzuha: Dr. Leskinen’s here now, right? +Maho: Yeah. He’s researching the new encephalitis. +Maho: But that’s fine. If they keep turning me down, I’ve got ideas of my own. +Suzuha: What are you going to do? +Itaru: Don’t tell me you’re going to defy your superior officer’s orders to drop the case?! And then you’ll get caught by the bad guys?! I’ve seen that hentai before. +Itaru: Hey, hey, Maho. Say, ‘K-Kill me!’ in as frustrated a voice as possible. +Maho: Huh? +Suzuha: Dad... +Itaru: S-Sorry. +Maho: Well, anyway, I should be there before too long. +Suzuha: Okay. Tell us when you’ve got a date. +Suzuha: Oh, and Hiyajo. If you’re going to work, you should take another look in the mirror first. +Maho: ...? +Maho: Eegyah! +Suzuha: Hmm... +Suzuha: Maho Hiyajo... someone who helped build the time machine, huh? +Suzuha: I know I shouldn’t say too much about the future... but there was nobody by that name helping you, you know? +Itaru: Huh? Really? +Suzuha: Which means she probably left the team at some point. +Suzuha: I don’t know whether it was of her own free will, or due to some external factor. +Suzuha: But if nothing else, I don’t think she was part of the core team. +Itaru: I see... She’s pretty handy to have around, though. +Suzuha: I don’t really want to say this, but there’s a possibility she might be a spy. +Itaru: What?! No way, not Maho-tan of all people. +Suzuha: Sorry. +Suzuha: ...I just want you to remember that it’s a possibility. +Suzuha: I told you, the war of information that comes before the Third World War has already started. +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: Either way, we can’t let anybody find out the machine’s secrets. Just make sure you’re very careful about that. +Itaru: Y-Yeah. +Suzuha: So, how are you going to work on the time machine going forward? +Itaru: Hm... We really need Okarin’s help. +Suzuha: That’s the thing. I don’t know if we can persuade Uncle Okarin. +Suzuha: I might have to do it by force... +Itaru: Who was it that tried that before, and then it failed? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Come to think of it, how are things with Mom? +Itaru: Hmm? +Suzuha: I’m more worried about that. +Suzuha: Is everything okay? I’m still going to be born, right? +Itaru: Oh, well... Is that more important than the time machine? +Suzuha: Hey! +Suzuha: You can’t screw this up, Dad! +Itaru: Y-Yeah... Daddy’s gonna do his best, okay? +Suzuha: All you ever do is talk. You even wasted those movie tickets we gave you, didn’t you? +Itaru: Th-That was because Okarin and Ms. Fubuki collapsed, you know? +Itaru: We were so busy with hospital visits and stuff that the movie left the theater. It’s not like it’s my fault. +Suzuha: But I heard that when they tried to give you new tickets, you turned them down. +Itaru: W-Who told you that? +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu and Big Sis Rumi, obviously. +Itaru: Th-That’s because⋯ you know! It’s not very manly to make those two do all the work, is it? +Suzuha: So, did you go and do something yourself? +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: This isn’t going to work. +Suzuha: Listen, Dad. I’m not going to be around to lecture you like this forever, okay? I’m leaving soon. +Itaru: Oh... +Suzuha: Don’t make that face. +Suzuha: I promised I’d stop worrying about it. +Itaru: I’m sorry... +Suzuha: Don’t just sit there and be glum. Send Mom a message, and see if she’s free sometime. +Suzuha: And if she is, invite her to a movie. +Itaru: Geh?! That’s way too sudden! +Suzuha: I don’t care if it’s sudden or not. Do it anyway. Okay? This is an order. +Itaru: A-An order... +Suzuha: What’s your answer? +Itaru: Sir, yes sir! +Itaru: Oh, but before that, I’m going to hit the convenience store... +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: I actually haven’t eaten yet... I’m probably going to be up all night again, so I want to get there before it gets too late. +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Ah! Don’t glare at me like that! I’ll eat as healthy as I can, so please forgive me! +Suzuha: ...Vanilla. +Itaru: Huh? +Suzuha: I want ice cream when I’m done with my shower. Vanilla ice cream. +Itaru: Okay! I’ll go buy you a lot of really top-shelf stuff! +Suzuha: It doesn’t have to be a lot. Just one thing is fine. +Itaru: Sir, yes sir! +Suzuha: He’s such a handful... +Itaru: Suzuha! +Suzuha: What is it? +Itaru: I found this on the stairs. +Itaru: Do you know whose this is? +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu’s, probably? +Suzuha: I’ve seen this Upa somewhere before... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Where was it...? I’ve seen this before... +Itaru: Did Mayu-shi show it to you? +Suzuha: I don’t know... +Mayuri: This is mommy’s Upa key chain. I’m giving it to you. Take good care of it, okay? +Suzuha: ...! +Suzuha: Th-This can’t be... +Suzuha: Kagari’s...? +Itaru: Kagari... you mean future Ms.Mayu’s daughter? +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Itaru: Did you find her? +Suzuha: No. But she knows where I am. +Itaru: W-What do you mean? +Suzuha: She’s watching this lab. +Suzuha: No, it would’ve been obvious if I’d given it any thought... +Suzuha: She’s trying to stop us from reaching Steins Gate. +Suzuha: She doesn’t want this world to end. +Suzuha: Which means she’s watching not just me, but you, too...? +Itaru: Huh? Me? +Suzuha: Well, I don’t think your life is in danger... probably. +Suzuha: If you believe what we know about how world lines work, you live till at least 2036. +Suzuha: But she might come to interfere with your research, so we can’t reach Steins Gate. +Suzuha: From now on, just to be safe, lock the door whenever I’m not around. +Itaru: O-Okay. Got it. +Suzuha: Even if Uncle Okarin, Mom, or Big Sis Mayu are here, don’t leave it open. +Suzuha: It might not help much, but make sure you use the door chain, too. +Itaru: You know, Okarin and Mayu-shi are one thing, but if I did that when I was alone with Amane-shi, don’t you think that’d give her the wrong idea? +Suzuha: Ugh... that’s true. +Itaru: If that makes her not like me, my whole family could be in trouble. +Suzuha: Hmm... +Suzuha: If you’d only gotten to be her boyfriend sooner, there wouldn’t be a problem... +Itaru: Wait, we’re back to that? +Suzuha: Just... be careful, okay? +Itaru: Hey, Suzuha. Kagari-tan’s not related to Mayu-shi, but she’s still her daughter, right? +Suzuha: That’s right. +Itaru: Could somebody raised by Mayu-shi grow up to the kind of person who’d assault someone? +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: I just can’t imagine it, from what you’ve told me... I’d expect her to be a kind, easygoing, and cute little girl. +Suzuha: ... I wish that was what had happened. +Suzuha: Yeah, I thought that was how she’d turn out, too. +Suzuha: But now, she’s probably... +Suzuha: ...?! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Did Dad come back...? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Try anything and I’ll shoot. Hands on your head. Come out slowly. +Woman in riding suit: ... +Suzuha: Hmph. You must be pretty hot, wearing that in this weather. Why not at least take off your helmet? +Suzuha: What you’re looking for isn’t there. +Suzuha: It’s in my pocket. +Suzuha: You should know better than to drop that. It’s something Mommy gave you... +Suzuha: Right, Kagari? +Suzuha: ?! +Suzuha: Huh?! +Suzuha: ! +Suzuha: A blank?! How?! +Suzuha: No way! +Kagari: Ugh! +Suzuha: Uuuhh?! +Suzuha: You bitch! +Suzuha: Huh. Looks like you’ve had a lot of practice. +Suzuha: It’s hard to believe you’re the same girl who spent all her time sobbing inside the time machine. I’m surprised. +Suzuha: Here, Kagari. This is what you���re after, right? +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: What’s wrong? Come get it. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ! +Kagari: Gwah...! +Kagari: Ggh... ggh... ggh...! +Suzuha: Stay put! I’m not going to kill you! +Kagari: Ggh... Ggh...! +Suzuha: Stop it, Kagari! +Suzuha: I understand how you feel now! But it’s wrong! It’s wrong! +Suzuha: W-What kind of training did she get?! +Kagari: Big Sis Suzuha... It hurts... It hurts... +Kagari: Gwah! Gah! Gah! +Suzuha: Hahh... hahh... hahh... +Suzuha: You’ve learned some dirty tricks, haven’t you? +Suzuha: ... +Kagari: ... +Itaru: Hey, Suzuha? Did I just hear a loud noise? +Itaru: Huh? Why’s it so dark? +Suzuha: No, Dad! Stay back! +Itaru: Uwah?! +Suzuha: Dad! +Itaru: Eeee?! Eeeyahhh! Eeeyahhh?! +Suzuha: Let go, Kagari... +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: Lay one finger on Dad... and I don’t care who you are, Kagari. I’ll kill you. +Kagari: ... +Itaru: Ah! +Suzuha: Move! +Suzuha: This is why I told you to lose weight! +Itaru: What...? +Itaru: –Suzuha, wear this! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: She got away. +Itaru: W-Was that... Kagari-tan? +Suzuha: ...Yeah. I’m almost certain. +Itaru: I see. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: So this is how it’s going to be with the two of us in the end... +Suzuha: You know, I... +Suzuha: I really did like her... +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: She was small, but so brave... and she always did her best to protect Big Sis Mayu... +Suzuha: And I taught her a lot. I thought of her as like... a little sister. +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: But now... she’s my enemy. +Itaru: You know, you look like a slutty girl in an H-game right now, Suzuha. +Suzuha: Huh? What? +Itaru: Well, I don’t mind H-games with slutty girls. And I don’t think the whole ‘naked except for a t-shirt’ thing is all that bad. Heheh... +Suzuha: You’re being silly again. You could have gotten badly hurt. +Itaru: I got freaked out by the knife, but I don’t think I really needed to be that scared... +Itaru: Unless I’m mistaken... +Itaru: When she had the knife to my throat, I could hear it, just a little. +Suzuha: Hear what? +Itaru: She was probably... crying. +Suzuha: Huh? +Itaru: So don’t you think it’s too early to jump to conclusions? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ...Dad. +Itaru: Hmm? +Suzuha: Did you buy me that vanilla ice cream? +Itaru: Yeah, of course. +Suzuha: I’d love to eat it. I’m a little... tired... +Itaru: Wah?! +Itaru: Hey... Hey, Suzuha? +Suzuha: Mm... I’m fine... but let me rest a little. +Mayuri: Look at all these people. I think there’s more now than there were a minute ago. +Faris: I didn’t expect the airport to be this busy on a Sunday, nya. +Rintaro: Don’t miss her, Mayuri, Faris. You know how tiny she is. +Faris: Okarin, I’m going to have to tell her mew said that. +Rintaro: Please don’t. It was just a joke. +Mayuri: There’s no sign of her, though. +Faris: Maybe it was a mistake to try and surprise her by meeting her at the airport, nya. +Rintaro: We should have at least asked what time she was arriving. +Maho: Christ! I did not fake my passport! What is wrong with people?! +Maho: Every single time, no matter what country I go to, they always have to check it and it always takes forever! +Rintaro: Ha... haha... +Rintaro: Hiyajo. +Maho: ...Huh? +Maho: Fwah? +Rintaro: It’s been a while. Glad you were able to make it past customs. +Maho: Y-Y-You?! +Rintaro: You look really pale. You okay? +Maho: Of course I’m okay–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Maho: Wait, never mind that! What are you doing here?! +Rintaro: You told me you were arriving this afternoon, right? So I decided to come surprise you. +Maho: Y-You did? That’s... thanks... Thanks. +Maho: But you know, I told you I can get to Akihabara station on my own, and to meet me there. +Rintaro: Aw, come on. You’ve come all this way, so it’s the least I could do. Also, I’m not sure you can really get to Akihabara on your own. +Maho: H-How rude. I’m not that helpless. +Rintaro: Hahaha. +Mayuri: Maho! Tutturu♪! +Maho: Tuttu...? +Mayuri: Tutturu♪! +Faris: Maho-nyan! I missed you! +Maho: Mayuri, Faris. It’s good to see you. +Maho: You came all this way to welcome me? Thank you. +Maho: ...By the way, can you not yell ‘Maho-nyan!’ at the top of your lungs in a place like this? +Faris: Why nyot? It’s cute! +Maho: Look around. Everybody’s laughing, right? It’s embarrassing. +Faris: Meow? Is it, nya? +Rintaro: Hiyajo, I’ll take your luggage. +Maho: Oh, uh... thanks. +Rintaro: Still, this was a really sudden trip, wasn’t it? +Rintaro: Are you here to help Dr. Leskinen again? +Maho: Oh, um... well... +Maho: ...Are you still talking to Dr. Leskinen very often? +Rintaro: Yeah, he’s still over here doing his research, right? Sometimes he invites me out to dinner. It’s a big honor. +Maho: I-I see. +Maho: That’s bad. +Rintaro: Bad? Why? +Maho: Oh, nothing! Nothing you have to worry about. +Maho: ...I’m not here to help the professor this time. I’m visiting some relatives in Okinawa. +Maho: But since I’m here anyway, I decided to drop by Akihabara first. +Rintaro: I see. Okinawa, huh? +Mayuri: Okinawa? That sounds so nice. I’d love to go there. +Faris: You didn’t go there on your school trip, nya? +Mayuri: We went to Hokkaido. +Faris: I went to Hawaii, nya! +Mayuri: Wow. A foreign country! Aloha! +Rintaro: So Hiyajo, you’re not staying in Tokyo that long? +Maho: Huh?! Y-Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t be, you’re right. +Faris: Do you have a hotel in Akihabara, nya? +Maho: Not yet. I’m going to go look for a cheap business hotel. +Faris: Then come stay at my place! You can use the same room you used before, nyan. +Maho: What? But I really couldn’t. +Faris: Aw, don’t worry nyabout it. I’m always happy to have you, nyan. +Maho: But I really couldn’t... +Faris: Hmm.. then how about this, nya? You can stay for free, but in exchange, you have to do just a little bit of work at my cafe, nya. +Maho: ...Your cafe? +Mayuri: May Queen Nyan², right? +Maho: You can’t mean the place where they wear the cat ears?! +Faris: That’s right, nya! +Faris: All my cat-eared maids are busy with ComiMa preparations right now, nya. They come to me crying and asking for time off, nya. +Faris: In other words, there’s a serious shortage of cat-eared maids, nya! +Mayuri: That’s right, nya! +Faris: So how about it, Maho-nyan? +Mayuri: How about it, nyan? +Maho: I refuse. +Mayuri: What? +Faris: Why nyot? +Maho: Why? You know why! I wouldn’t look good in those things. +Mayuri: You sure would. Mayushii’s sure you’d look great. +Faris: No objections, nya. Okarin, you think so too, right, nyan? +Rintaro: Yeah. I’m sure she’d get plenty of fans. +Maho: Fans? ...I don’t like being flattered. +Rintaro: I’m not flattering you, though. +Maho: ⋯Th-Then you need to go to an optometrist and get your eyes checked. +Faris: Nyanya? She turned all red. +Maho: I-I did not. +Faris: I think Maho-nyan needs to realize how attractive she is, nya. +Mayuri: Yup. If Mayushii was a boy, she’d be in love! +Maho: I’m telling you, that’s not true. +Rintaro: I think you should, probably, I don’t know how to say it... Put a little more effort into your appearance, maybe? +Rintaro: If you did, I’m sure you’d look more... +Maho: ... +Maho: I’m fine as I am. My job as a scientist is my first priority. +Faris: But, but... what if you find a guy you like, nya? You won’t be able to show him how you feel, nya. +Maho: ... +Maho: Hmph. I’m fine. I don’t think it’ll ever happen, so it doesn’t worry me. +Maho: ... Whew, I’m sorry. The jet lag and the trip have got me a little tired. +Faris: I know the feeling, nya. Jet lag is rough, nyan. +Faris: I’ve got a limo ready, so you can catnap on the way, nya. +Maho: A-A limo? +Faris: You can rest on my lap if you want, nya. +Faris: Or would you rather rest on Mayushii’s lap, nya? +Mayuri: Mayushii’s okay with that. +Maho: I-I’m fine. I’m not a kid. +Rintaro: But I can tell you’re really tired, though. Are you that busy with work? +Maho: Well, I’ve got two projects going on– +Rintaro: Two projects? You’re working on something besides Amadeus? +Maho: Ah! +Maho: Um, that’s, well... It’s classified information. +Rintaro: I see. Sorry about that. +Maho: C-Come to think of it...! +Maho: Where’s Hashida today? +Rintaro: He’s doing the most important job of his life right now. +Maho: The most important job of his life? +Mayuri: Daru’s on a date right now! +Maho: ... +Maho: I-I must really be tired. I’m hearing things. +Rintaro: No, I can understand why you’d feel that way, but... +Mayuri: He really is on a date. +Maho: What?! I can’t believe it! You’re kidding me! That pervert?! +GO GO CURRY clerk: Here you are. Your [color index="280AA02D1400"]Major Curry[color index="800000"]. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Why are you ordering Major Curry on your first date with her, Dad? +Suzuha: I don’t mind Go Go Curry at all... In fact, I like it, but... +Suzuha: This is your first date! There are other places you could have gone. +Yuki: Wow, it’s even more amazing than the pictures! +Itaru: Um... uh... Amane-shi, if you can’t eat it all, I’ll finish it for you, okay? +Yuki: Okay, thank you. But I’m actually pretty good at this. +Itaru: Y-Yeah? That’s a surprise. +Yuki: Heheheh... I actually would always just come and look at the menu outside. I always wanted to try this. +Yuki: I’m glad you brought me here. +Itaru: I-I’m glad to hear that. +Suzuha: ...? +Yuki: Oh, I’m sorry. May I have some more water, too? +Itaru: Huh? Oh, sure. Sure. +Yuki: Thank you. +Yuki: Kyah... +Itaru: A-A-A-A-A-Are you okay? +Yuki: Um... my hand just got a little wet. Anyway, let’s eat before it gets cold, okay? +Yuki: Okay, let’s eat. +Itaru: L-Let’s eat. +Suzuha: What are you doing, Dad? Mom’s not going to want to be around you if you’re like that! +GO GO CURRY clerk: Here’s your Major Curry, with extra roux! +Suzuha: ...?! +Yuki: Huh? +Suzuha: Uh... +Yuki: Suzuha! I didn’t realize you were here! +Suzuha: Oh, um... +Suzuha: Yeah, what a coincidence seeing you here, Yuki, Brother... +Yuki: You should’ve said something. +Suzuha: No, I didn’t even notice you. Really. +Suzuha: Anyway, yeah. You two enjoy yourselves. +Suzuha: Huh...? +Yuki: Um, excuse me. Can my friend sit with us? +GO GO CURRY clerk: Sure, go ahead. +Yuki: He says it’s okay. Let’s all eat together! +Suzuha: Wait, wait, wait. Why? +Yuki: Why? Because you ordered Major Curry, too. I think we need to have a race. +Suzuha: Huh?! +Yuki: Hashida can be the judge. +Suzuha: No, wait! +Suzuha: You’re on a date, right? +Yuki: Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m on a date. +Yuki: It makes me blush when I say it aloud. Heheh... +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: Um, I’ve never been on a date, so I don’t know how they work, but... +Suzuha: Is it normal to have a curry speed-eating contest with another girl in the middle of a date? +Yuki: Hmm... I don’t really know. +Yuki: But you see it a lot in anime and manga, don’t you? +Yuki: A little sister who doesn’t want to lose her big brother runs up to the girlfriend and says, ‘Let’s have a competition!’ +Suzuha: I-I don’t know anything about that... +Suzuha: Is that how it works, Brother? +Suzuha: Brother? +Itaru: Did you say something? +Suzuha: What’s wrong? You’re acting weird. +Itaru: I am not acting weird. I am not acting weird at all. +Suzuha: ??? +Yuki: ... +Yuki: Whew... +Yuki: I’m so glad you were there. +Yuki: Maybe I did something to offend him... +Yuki: Hashida doesn’t seem to enjoy being around me. +Suzuha: You don’t think... he was just nervous? +Yuki: But he was having fun talking with me before the movie, you know? +Yuki: But after the movie, he started acting really strange... +Yuki: Did I do something wrong? +Yuki: I asked him to take me to the curry place... but since he was acting like that the whole time, I wasn’t really sure what to do. +Yuki: And so since you happened to be there, I turned to you for help... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Hey. +Suzuha: Why do you like my brother? +Yuki: Huh? HUH?! +Suzuha: I mean, maybe I shouldn’t say this, but he’s not exactly a ladykiller. +Yuki: ... +Yuki: What do you think about your brother? +Suzuha: Me? +Yuki: Do you like him? Hate him? +Suzuha: ... +Yuki: You like him, right? I can tell by watching you. +Suzuha: Well... sure. +Suzuha: Wait, why are we talking about me? +Yuki: Heheh... +Suzuha: So? What about you? +Yuki: I... still don’t really know if I like him or not. +Suzuha: I... I see. +Suzuha: I don’t want that... +Suzuha: I’m going to be leaving soon. +Yuki: What? +Suzuha: I’m moving someplace far away. +Yuki: R-Really? +Suzuha: I don’t think I’ll be back. +Suzuha: And I’m worried about Dad– I mean, my brother. +Suzuha: So, Yuki... +Suzuha: I know this is a weird thing for me to ask– +Suzuha: Please take care of Itaru Hashida. +Yuki: ... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ...? +Yuki: ... +Yuki: I don’t know what I want to do... +Suzuha: Oh, jeez! What are we going to do? Everything’s almost finished! Even though it’s never even started! +Itaru: Waah, Suzuha! I’m sorry! The Hashida family is doomed! +Suzuha: Stop sitting there feeling sorry for yourself! This isn’t funny! +Suzuha: Start by explaining why you were acting that way today! +Suzuha: You looked so excited when you left this morning. And Mom said you were normal until halfway through the movie! +Itaru: Yeah... +Suzuha: So what the hell happened? +Itaru: Well, you see... listen to this! +Itaru: You know how movie theater seats are cramped, right? So I tried to sit as far to the edge as I could so I wouldn’t get in Amane-shi’s way. +Itaru: And then I heard this crack, and the seat almost broke. +Suzuha: What? +Itaru: And then I tried to support myself, so I grabbed the armrest– +Itaru: B-But... But...! It wasn’t the armrest, it was Amane-shi’s um... hand... +Suzuha: ...Yeah? +Suzuha: Mom didn’t say anything about that... +Itaru: I’m telling the truth. It was so soft, it couldn’t have been an armrest. It was a girl’s hand! It had to have been! +Suzuha: I-I see... +Itaru: But you see, I’ve held a lot of 2D girls’ hands, but never a real girl’s... +Suzuha: And? What happened then? +Itaru: Amane-shi’s so nice. I guess she didn’t try to shake it off because she didn’t want to hurt me. +Itaru: But you know how fat I am, right? I sweat a lot! She must have gotten soaked! But she didn’t say a word... +Itaru: And so I really started to think about that. +Suzuha: Oh, I see. That’s why you were acting so weird. +Itaru: I’m sure in her mind Amane-shi was going, ‘Get off me, you creepy loser pervert!’ +Suzuha: Mom’s not like that. +Yuki: I don’t know what I want to do... +Suzuha: I don’t know what Mom’s thinking... +Itaru: Suzuha, let’s give up on Mom and you can live with me. +Suzuha: You’re not making any sense! How am I even supposed to be born? +Itaru: Uuuhh... But it’s impossible! +Suzuha: How come you’re not even trying? Even if things look bad, you have to keep going! +Suzuha: If you don’t– +Suzuha: Otherwise, something awful will happen. +Itaru: Yeah... +Faris: We’re here, nya! +Itaru: Oh? Is that Faris-tan’s voice? +Suzuha: Hiyajo’s here already? +Suzuha: But why’s she here with Uncle Okarin? +Suzuha: Wait, this is bad! We haven’t put it away! +Itaru: Huh? +Itaru: Oh! Crap! Crap! Hide it! +Suzuha: Okey-dokey! +Maho: Gwakk... The window! Open the window! +Itaru: Gahh... Okey– cough– dokey... +Tennouji: Hey, Hashida! What was that sound? +Tennouji: Are you making bombs up there? I’ll call the cops! +Itaru: Sorry! The microwave blew up! +Itaru: Wow... that really scared me. +Maho: It scared you?! It should’ve! +Maho: Explain what’s going on. Where did that smoke come from? +Itaru: Probably the microwave. I picked it up from a dumpster, so it probably shorted out somewhere. +Maho: You picked it up from where?! What is wrong with you? +Maho: We’re working on one of the greatest inventions in human history! +Maho: And you’re using parts from a dumpster? Why? +Itaru: Commercial microwaves are expensive... +Maho: I can’t believe you! +Maho: Do something about this. Use my credit card if you have to. +Itaru: That’s a big help. +Maho: Ha... +Maho: I can’t take this anymore. I’m turning on the air conditioner. +Itaru: That’s not happening. +Itaru: If you use it at the same time as the PhoneWave, it’ll trip the breaker. +Itaru: And I told you, you can’t use that air conditioner for more than an hour a day because it’s so expensive. +Maho: ... +Maho: Fine. But I’d at least like to take a shower and get this soot out of my hair. +Itaru: Go ahead. +Maho: If you even think about peeking, I’ll go straight to Suzuha. Remember that. +Itaru: I wouldn’t do that. +Itaru: And actually, I don’t feel up to dealing with jokes like that right now. +Itaru: I’m in such a bad way that I’m not even playing H-games... +Maho: Sheesh... I’m spending Tanabata covered in soot. +Maho: Hahh... +Itaru: Maho-tan! Maho-tan! +Maho: H-Huh?! W-What?! Don’t tell me you’re really going to peek?! +Maho: I dare you to open that door even an inch! I-I’ll... I’ll cry! +Itaru: Now’s no time for being cute! +Itaru: I just got word from Mayu-shi! Okarin might be coming here! +Maho: What? O-Okabe? +Itaru: I hid the PhoneWave, but make sure he doesn’t find out what we’re doing. +Maho: Right... I know... +Maho: Wait, I shouldn’t even be here! +Maho: I need to get back to Faris’s place and hide! +Itaru: Why? +Maho: Because I’m supposed to be in Okinawa! +Itaru: That’s right! +Itaru: Okay, hurry up and come out! +Maho: I can’t! Not with you standing there! +Itaru: Oh, that’s right. +Rintaro: Hey, Daru. +Maho: ?! +Maho: But this is... really... kind of nerve-wracking... +Rintaro: Hey, Daru. +Itaru: Oh, Okarin! I don’t see you coming by yourself very often anymore. +Rintaro: What were you doing? Dude, you’re black with soot. +Itaru: Oh, well... +Itaru: I got this microwave from the garbage dump, you know. And I was warming up a lunch I got from the convenience store, and it blew up. +Rintaro: It blew up? Are you okay? +Itaru: Mr.Braun got mad at me. +Rintaro: Don’t get him too riled up. You don’t know when he’ll kick you out. +Rintaro: If he does that, you might be okay, but Suzuha will have nowhere to go. +Itaru: Th-That’s right. +Itaru: So? What are you doing here? Mayu-shi isn’t here. +Rintaro: I need to talk to you. Good news. +Itaru: But I refuse. +Rintaro: I haven’t said anything yet. +Itaru: Nothing you’ve ever come to talk to me about has ever ended up being good news. +Rintaro: Come on, just hear me out. +Rintaro: Last night, I went to dinner with Dr. Leskinen. And we were talking about the exchange program. +Itaru: Oh, that again? +Rintaro: I actually was telling him about you. And he was interested. +Itaru: Huh? In me? +Rintaro: Viktor Chondria’s got something called an ‘Information Science Lab.’ It brings together hackers from around the world, supposedly. +Rintaro: With your talents, don’t you think you’d fit in fine there? +Itaru: Well, I am a super hacker. I’m sure I’d be fine, but... +Rintaro: Why not meet with him, at least? You’ve met him before. +Itaru: I’m busy now. +Rintaro: You can make time for one day. +Itaru: Not until ComiMa’s over, probably. +Rintaro: That’s over a month away. +Itaru: It’s not happening for a while, okay? +Rintaro: Give me a break, man. You’re full of excuses. Do you really not want to go that badly? +Rintaro: Daru, got any Dr. P? +Itaru: I don’t know. Maybe Mayu-shi put some in the fridge. +Rintaro: I’m going to grab a sports drink. +Itaru: Take any except the one that Suzuha already drank out of. +Rintaro: Does Mayuri really need all these bananas? +Itaru: Oh, it wasn’t Mayu-shi who bought those. It was me–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Itaru: Oh. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: You bought all these? When did you start liking bananas? +Itaru: Well, you know... It was Suzuha’s idea. She told me to eat some every day because it’s good for my diet. +Rintaro: There was a diet like that before, come to think of it. +Rintaro: So don’t buy so many at once. They’ve already changed color. +Rintaro: Just don’t go overboard with everything, okay? +Itaru: Y-You’re right. Yeah. +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: ...We��re making gelnanas again? +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Wait, Okarin? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hey... Daru? +Itaru: W-What? +Rintaro: Bananas and frozen fried chicken... this brings back a lot of memories, doesn’t it? +Itaru: Yeah...? +Rintaro: It must’ve been about a year ago. We used to do all kinds of experiments like this. +Rintaro: We’d waste a lot, so Mayuri would get mad at us. She’d tell us not to waste food. +Itaru: Th-That’s right. +Rintaro: So we ended up having to eat the bananas that we warmed in the microwave to get rid of them. They tasted terrible. +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: But we never were able to eat these. +Itaru: Oops. +Itaru: Whoops! I didn’t expect you to find out this easily. I thought I could hide it a little more. +Itaru: I was actually going to tell you soon, because I needed your help. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Here. This is Unit-02. +Rintaro: You put it together again... +Itaru: I wasn’t sure if I should call it Unit-02 or Version 2. +Rintaro: I don’t care about the name. +Itaru: Are you serious? I can’t believe you’re saying that. +Itaru: We used to have a Round Table meeting and have a lot of fun picking names for the Future Gadgets. +Rintaro: That’s all Dark History. +Itaru: Really? +Rintaro: Did you forget what I told you? +Rintaro: This thing is dangerous. It’s not something we should have. +Itaru: Hmm, but... I need to make a time machine in the future, you know? +Itaru: Which means I need to research this as a first step, I think. +Rintaro: Daru! +Rintaro: I told you again, and again, and again, and again. Right? +Rintaro: I told you what happened because of this thing. I told you what I went through. +Rintaro: Mayuri was killed because we made this thing! +Rintaro: Kurisu was sacrificed, because we made this thing! +Rintaro: Your daughter went back into the past and committed suicide, because we made this thing! +Rintaro: If you’ve forgotten, do you want me to go over it again? +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: Are you that stupid? Are you so dumb that you won’t understand unless you experience it for yourself? +Maho: You’re the one who’s being stupid, Rintaro Okabe! +Rintaro: ?! +Rintaro: What?! Hiyajo?! +Itaru: Oh... Legal loli for the win. +Rintaro: What happened to your clothes? +Rintaro: And wait, what are you doing here?! +Maho: Oh, um... this is... I just couldn’t sit there and listen... +Maho: Don’t stare at me! I’ll sue! +Rintaro: It’s your fault for coming out like that! +Maho: H-Hold on! I’ll go get dressed. +Maho: Ahem. Excuse me. Sorry about that. +Rintaro: Have you been hiding here since I first arrived? +Maho: W-Who cares about me? +Rintaro: ...Did you fake that picture of you in Okinawa that you sent to Dr. Leskinen? +Rintaro: So you didn’t come to Japan to visit Okinawa. +Maho: Yes, that’s right. +Maho: I came for that machine with the stupid name. What was it again? ‘PhoneWave (name subject to change)?’ +Rintaro: I told you what happened because of the [color index="280AA02D1400"]D-mail[color index="800000"]s, too. +Rintaro: Are you going to repeat that? +Maho: No. +Rintaro: How? +Rintaro: If you send a D-Mail, [color index="280AA02D1400"]Echelon[color index="800000"] will pick it up, and the world line will go back from beta to alpha. +Rintaro: And then Mayuri will die again... +Rintaro: I won’t be able to save her, no matter what I do. She’ll keep dying for all eternity. +Rintaro: You aren’t trying to bring back the alpha world line, are you? +Maho: What...? +Rintaro: Are you trying to create a world where Kurisu lives, and Mayuri dies? +Maho: What?! +Itaru: You asshole! +Rintaro: ?! +Itaru: Apologize! Apologize to Maho-tan, right now! +Maho: W-Wait! Stop it, Hashida! +Itaru: I can only imagine how much you’re suffering, Okarin! +Itaru: So I’m not giving you any cheap sympathy! +Itaru: But in the end, you’re just using that as an excuse! +Itaru: Maho-tan, Suzuha... even Mayu-shi! Do you know how much they’ve done for you? +Maho: That’s enough! Stop it! +Itaru: Let me go! He’s not going to understand unless I hit him again! +Maho: That’s enough! What you just did was enough! So calm down! +Maho: I’ll explain the rest. Go wash your face or something. Go! +Itaru: ...Fine. +Maho: Christ... +Maho: This is your fault for being weird. +Rintaro: ...Y-You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it... +Maho: I know that. You’re not like that. +Maho: Come on, can you stand up? +Rintaro: That... hurt. When somebody who’s normally gentle finally gets mad... he’s really strong. +Maho: That’s right. And when someone gets mad for someone else’s sake, not their own... I think that’s wonderful. This has changed my opinion of him a little bit. +Rintaro: Only a little bit? +Maho: Because he’s always sexually harassing me. +Rintaro: Maybe he’s fallen in love with you. +Rintaro: Kids do that all the time, you know? Tease the girls they like. He’s a kid at heart, after all. +Maho: You’ve got to be kidding me. Do you want Suzuha to be my daughter? +Rintaro: That would be bad, yeah. +Rintaro: If you want my subjective opinion, this world exists because of Kurisu’s choice. +Rintaro: Mayuri is safe because of Kurisu. She can live and be happy. +Rintaro: I have to protect that. +Rintaro: You’re a scientist. You’re a lot smarter than I am. +Rintaro: So you can understand right? You can understand the laws of the universe. +Maho: ...Yeah. +Rintaro: You could call it ‘God,’ if you wanted to. +Rintaro: It’s stupid for humans to challenge ‘God.’ +Rintaro: But I tried anyway, and then I tried a dozen times more, and then I tried a hundred times more after that... And I failed every time. It was all useless. +Rintaro: ‘God’ will never forgive human arrogance. +Maho: ...You’re right. +Maho: ‘God’ is a popular guy back home, and among the people of Okinawa. +Maho: I learned those wonderful beliefs from my parents and grandparents, too. +Maho: I’m a scientist, but I would never mess with ‘God.’ +Rintaro: But then– +Maho: The ‘God’ you’re talking about– that’s completely different. +Maho: The laws of the universe? Those are just the equations that define the world. +Maho: The wonderful being called ‘God’ has nothing to do with them, and there’s no reason we can’t solve them. +Maho: I’m well aware of the relationship between Echelon and the D-mails, and how dangerous it is. +Maho: Don’t worry. We’ve sealed away the D-mail function for now. +Maho: What you’re concerned about is never going to happen, because I won’t let it. I’m not letting us go back to the alpha world line. +Maho: Of course, Hashida and I are working on a way to avoid the danger of the D-mail and to neutralize Echelon. +Maho: But before we start spending resources on that, there’s something we have to do first. Something personal. +Maho: What we’re researching now is the time leap technology that you say Kurisu developed. +Rintaro: Then this can only time leap? +Maho: That’s right. +Maho: To be honest, it’s really frustrating... +Rintaro: Frustrating? +Maho: The more research I do, the more I realize that I can never be Kurisu. +Maho: I can get as far as digitizing the memory data and transferring it to a cell phone along with the top-down search signals. +Maho: But I still can’t clear the biggest hurdle, even though Kurisu could. +Rintaro: ...The data compression, right? +Maho: I just can’t solve the mystery of how she managed to compress all those terabytes of data. +Maho: Did Kurisu tell you anything about it...? +Rintaro: You made me a promise when we last talked, right? +Rintaro: That you wouldn’t try to save Kurisu Makise using the time machine. +Maho: ...That’s right. +Rintaro: Do you still intend to keep it? +Rintaro: If you don’t, I can’t help you. +Maho: ... +Maho: ... +Maho: ...Of course I do. I promised you, after all. +Rintaro: Hahah... +Rintaro: You’re a terrible liar. With that look on your face? It’s obvious you’re not telling the truth. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: We’re done talking. +Rintaro: Hey, Daru? I was the stupid one. I’m really sorry. +Rintaro: ...I’ll be back tomorrow. +Maho: Okabe. +Maho: Do you think Steins Gate exists? +Maho: Do you think there’s really another world line, in the gap between the alpha and beta ones? Where Mayuri survives and Kurisu doesn’t have to die? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: If you want to know what happened when I tried to reach it, ask Suzuha. +Rintaro: In the end, I couldn’t beat fate. +Rintaro: Steins Gate is just a stupid delusion. +Maho: Are you really sure, though? +Maho: You haven’t proven that it doesn’t exist, you know! +Rintaro: That’s just the [color index="280AA02D1400"]devil’s proof[color index="800000"], though, right? Nobody can prove a negative. +Maho: That’s right. You haven’t proven whether it exists or not. You’ve given up after one failure. +Maho: ... +Maho: ...I can’t believe you. +Rintaro: What...? +Rintaro: I told you before, right? I tried dozens, no, hundreds of times before that– +Maho: And remember what I said? That’s not because of the ‘laws of God,’ whatever they may be. +Maho: The world lines, the time machine, Steins Gate... +Maho: They’re all just part of the equations that make up the world. +Maho: You failed dozens of times, or hundreds of times? +Maho: So what? +Maho: That happens all the time in science. If you fail that many times, then you try a thousand times, or a million times, or a billion times. +Maho: And then you’re certain to find the answer. +Rintaro: You...! You don’t know anything. You haven’t experienced it! That’s the only reason why you can say something so... irresponsible. +Maho: No. I’ve experienced all of that more times than I can count. Failures, setbacks, regrets, and the pain that comes with them... And all because of the genius named Kurisu Makise. +Rintaro: Equations don’t have feelings! +Maho: Yeah. But it’s always humans who solve them in the end. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: ... +Rintaro: ...Do you need something else? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Maho: You’re a terrible liar, too. +Rintaro: ...liar? +Rintaro: Liar...? What do you mean? I’m not lying. +Maho: Hashida told me something. +Maho: He said that a year ago, he couldn’t even bring up the time machine with you. +Maho: And Steins Gate was out of the question entirely. You didn’t even want to hear the words. +Rintaro: W-What are you talking about? +Maho: But it’s different now. The look on your face is the same as the one I used to have all the time. +Rintaro: ...? +Maho: I’d lost to Kurisu during the experimental trials. I’d lost to her with my papers. I’d lost to her in terms of fame. I was so depressed I was ready to give up. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: But in the end, I’d always look at myself in the mirror and yell. +Maho: If you give up on trying, it’s over. And then you’ll never win. +Maho: Your face is the same as mine was. +Maho: At the very, very bottom of your heart, you’re still ready to take revenge. +Maho: You’re ready to take revenge on Steins Gate, for making you into this pathetic person. +Rintaro: No. That’s not true. +Maho: It is true. You really are just like me. +Maho: It’s like I’m seeing my own reflection. +Maho: You’re stubborn, and once you say something, you never back down. Even if you know you’re wrong, you pout like a child and refuse to admit it, which causes all kinds of worry and trouble for everyone else. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: You know, it would make me feel a lot better if you told me I wasn’t like that. +Maho: ...But that’s why I understand. +Maho: When it comes down to it, both you and I are going to stand up on our own two feet. +Maho: –Am I wrong, Rintaro Okabe? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: I’ll say it again. All the laws of this world are just equations. And every equation can be solved. +Maho: I’m going to find the key to that answer no matter what, and ‘God’ has nothing to do with it. +Maho: And I’m going to reach the world line in the gap, where Mayuri doesn’t die and Kurisu is still alive. +Maho: So, what will you do? +Maho: This is your lab, right? It can’t keep running without you forever. +Rintaro: I... I... +Rintaro: What? +Rintaro: What...? +Rintaro: Did she... hear that? +Itaru: Come to think of it... +Itaru: It was Mayu-shi who told me you were coming to the lab. +Itaru: She said she was coming here, too. +Rintaro: Oh, no... +Rintaro: Damn it! +Suzuha: Whew. It’s still hot. +Suzuha: I’m overthinking this... Maybe I really am worried. +Suzuha: ...I still can’t believe you did this, Dad. +Suzuha: ...?! +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu... I almost never see you here. +Mayuri: ...Suzu... +Suzuha: ...? +Suzuha: Are you crying? What happened? +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: Why didn’t anybody tell me? +Suzuha: ...Huh? +Mayuri: Why didn’t anybody tell Mayushii the truth about her and this person named Kurisu Makise? +Suzuha: ...! +Suzuha: ...Who told you? +Mayuri: I heard Okarin and Maho talking... +Suzuha: ... +Mayuri: Sob... Hey, Suzu? Can you tell me about something? +Mayuri: About Mayushii and Okarin in the year 2036. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: You’ll be happier not knowing about the future. +Mayuri: ...Mayushii’s not good for anything, no matter what world she’s in. +Mayuri: The world needs Kurisu a lot more than it needs me, and so does Okarin. +Suzuha: The Big Sis Mayu I knew used to say the same thing sometimes... +Suzuha: And then she’d always stare off into the sky. +Suzuha: She looked so sad, like she was in pain. +Suzuha: Me and Kagari hated seeing her like that. +Mayuri: ...Kagari? +Suzuha: ...There was a girl named Kagari. +Suzuha: She was a war orphan. You adopted her. So she’s... your daughter. +Mayuri: Mayushii’s daughter... +Suzuha: She was a kind girl, but strong. She was still so tiny, but she’d always say that it was her job to protect her mommy. +Suzuha: And so seeing you sad really hurt her, I think. +Mayuri: ... +Suzuha: Come to think of it, today’s July 7th. Tanabata. +Mayuri: Huh? Y-Yeah. +Suzuha: When I was a kid, you were the one who taught me about that. +Suzuha: That it was the one day of the year when Orihime and Hikoboshi could see each other. +Suzuha: The air pollution was so bad you could never see the stars, but you told me about it anyway. +Mayuri: Even if the clouds are covering the night sky, the stars aren’t gone from this world. They’re still shining on the other side. +Mayuri: So let’s pray together, okay? +Mayuri: ... +Suzuha: The words you said gave me and Kagari hope. That’s the one thing I want you to know. +Suzuha: If nothing else, both she and I needed you. +Suzuha: And Uncle Okarin really cared about you until he died. Your happiness was the one thing he thought about. +Mayuri: Until he died...? +Suzuha: Oh... +Suzuha: That’s right. +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin only lives for another fifteen years. +Mayuri: What...?! +Suzuha: He dies protecting you. +Mayuri: No... +Suzuha: Later, Dad told me Uncle Okarin’s last words. +Suzuha: I’m really glad I was able to save Mayuri. +Suzuha: The whole reason I’m alive is to protect Mayuri. +Mayuri: N-No... +Suzuha: But you never got over it, I think. +Suzuha: When we couldn’t see you, you’d look up into the Tanabata sky and whisper to yourself. +Mayuri: If my Hikoboshi had come back to life that day, would everything be different now? +Mayuri: ... That day? ...My Hikoboshi... My... +Mayuri: What does that mean? +Suzuha: I think I know now. +Suzuha: A year ago, I was really angry at Uncle Okarin. +Suzuha: The chance was right in front of him, so why did he give up? +Suzuha: And I was really mad at you, too, for stopping him from doing what he needed to do. +Suzuha: But after living here for a year, I realize that I was the one who was wrong. +Suzuha: I think now I might be able to talk to Uncle Okarin. +Mayuri: That day... +Suzuha: I don’t know whether I can really change his mind or not, though. +Suzuha: I only have one chance left. +Suzuha: So I think I’m going to bet on those words you said. +Suzuha: I’m not going back to the day when Kurisu Makise was killed. +Suzuha: I’m going to the day you spoke of... +Suzuha: And I’ll see if I can grant your wish. +Mayuri: Mayushii’s wish... +Suzuha: I’m going to believe that’s the key to Steins Gate. +Suzuha: The key that can open Steins Gate isn’t a normal star that’s given up on being Hikoboshi– +Suzuha: I think only your Hikoboshi can do the job. +Suzuha: So basically, my new mission plan– +Suzuha: –is to bring Hikoboshi back to life. +Mayuri: ... +Suzuha: Dad would probably call it– +Suzuha: Operation Altair, or maybe Operation Aquila. +Suzuha: Or maybe since it’s bringing Altair and Aquila together, it would be Operation Deneb? +Suzuha: ...I guess I’m not good at coming up with names, like he is. +Mayuri: Hey, Suzu. +Mayuri: That operation... Let Mayushii do it. +Suzuha: This is a dangerous bet. If I’m wrong, you may simply fail. +Suzuha: The time machine is at its limit, and I don’t know when it’ll go out of control. It may simply vanish. +Mayuri: Even so... please. +Mayuri: Mayushii’s a lab member, too, right? I don’t want to just have Okarin and Daru save me and never do anything for them. +Mayuri: Mayushii... likes Okarin. +Mayuri: Mayushii loves him as much as Kurisu... No. That’s not true. Mayushii knows she loves him a lot more. +Mayuri: ...Sob... +Mayuri: But... but... +Mayuri: I... +Mayuri: I love Kyoma Hououin much, much more. +Mayuri: When I lost my grandma and I was about to just disappear... +Mayuri: He came to me and he said, ‘Stay in this world forever.’ He saved me. +Mayuri: That’s him. My Hikoboshi. +Mayuri: I... I want to see him again... +Mayuri: I want to hear that arrogant laugh of his again... +Mayuri: Even if I know I can never be Orihime... +Mayuri: He’ll always, always be my Hikoboshi, and no one else ever will... +Mayuri: I want to see Kyoma Hououin again! +Suzuha: ?! +Suzuha: W-What is this?! +Suzuha: This... This is a video message from the future... +Rintaro: Ha... ha... ha... +Maho: Okabe! +Rintaro: Did you find her? +Maho: No. I looked around and I can’t find her anywhere. +Rintaro: Daru! Did you find her? +Itaru: Okarin, the thing is... +Rintaro: What’s wrong? +Itaru: The phone’s not picking up. +Rintaro: I called Mayuri a bunch of times, too, but it looks like she’s turned off her phone. +Itaru: That’s not it. It’s not just Mayu-shi, I can’t get a hold of anyone. +Itaru: Actually, my phone’s had zero bars this whole time. +Rintaro: What? +Rintaro: ...Mine’s not getting service, either. +Maho: Me, too. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: It doesn’t work on the roof, either. +Maho: I can’t get any signal, even outside. +Itaru: Hey, there’s breaking news! +Itaru: Wait, what is this? +Itaru: All cell towers in Akihabara, for all carriers, have stopped working? +Maho: All carriers? Is that possible? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... Someone did this deliberately? +Rintaro: Daru, the internet’s still working, right? +Itaru: Oh, yeah. I’m talking to Luka and Amane-shi on RINE right now. +Rintaro: I’m going to go look around again– +Itaru: Hold it. +Itaru: There’s another thing that’s bothering me. +Itaru: I went to @channel to look for information on the outage, and somebody’s cracked the Occult board– +Itaru: And the one doing the [color index="280AA02D1400"]cracking[color index="800000"] is, well, look. +Rintaro: W-What? +Maho: What’s going on? +Rintaro: KuriGohan and Kamehameha... +Maho: What’s this supposed to mean? +Rintaro: Amadeus. +Maho: What? +Rintaro: This is the Amadeus [Kurisu]. +Maho: ...! +Rintaro: Something happened to [Kurisu]... +Rintaro: The secret to controlling time... +Itaru: That’s the time machine?! +Rintaro: ...! Information about the time machine leaked to someone?! +Itaru: Wait, how does Amadeus know about the time machine? Did you tell her, Okarin? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo, can you access Amadeus? +Maho: It’s against the rules, but I guess now’s not a time to worry about that, is it? +Maho: Hashida, can I use your computer? +Maho: ... This isn’t what usually happens. What’s going on? +Maho: What’s going on here? This is just impossible... +Rintaro: What happened?! +Maho: ...It’s gone. +Maho: Amadeus’s program and all the memory data... is gone. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Daru, hack it! +Rintaro: Not just the Brain Science Institute. Force open every bit of data Viktor Chondria has. Everything from servers to individual PCs. +Itaru: Okey-dokey! +Rintaro: Hiyajo, help him. Please. +Maho: ...R-Right... +Itaru: Did they move them somewhere else? +Maho: That’s impossible. The only person with that level of administrator privilege for the Amadeus system is Dr. Leskinen. +Rintaro: Dr. Leskinen... +Rintaro: No way... Did Dr. Leskinen do it? +Maho: Don’t make assumptions like that. +Maho: It’s a lot more likely that his ID and password got cracked! +Rintaro: Is there any way to get a hold of Dr. Leskinen? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: For now, I’ll go to the Radio Building. If [Kurisu]’s warning is right, that’s what they’ll be after. +Itaru: I’ll go, too– +Rintaro: You and Hiyajo stay here and gather information! Mayuri might come back! +Rintaro: But if something happens, run! +Itaru: Hey, Suzuha. How you doing? It’s Daddy. And it’s the year 2025. +Itaru: I’m really sorry to dump all this on you. Really. Forgive me, please. +Itaru: If you’re seeing this video message... that means you, no, you and Mayu-shi, have found another path to Steins Gate. +Itaru: In other words, the plan’s moved to the next phase. +Itaru: You might be angry and wondering why I didn’t tell you all this from the start. +Itaru: But it wasn’t that I didn’t. It’s that I couldn’t. +Itaru: In the world line you originally set out from, I never planned the operation that I’m about to describe. +Itaru: You’ve probably already noticed, but the choice you and Mayu-shi just made has changed the world line a little. +Itaru: In other words, I’m a different Itaru Hashida than the one in your world line. +Itaru: But Suzuha, please don’t get the wrong idea. No matter what world line I’m in, I love my daughter. +Itaru: Heheh, by the way, which Daddy is more handsome? +Itaru: I’ve started weightlifting lately, heh heh... Hum? +Rintaro: Daru! Stop screwing around and explain the mission. +Maho: That’s right. We all know you’ll give it up in a week. Stop wasting her time. +Faris: We’ll run out of time to record, nya! +Itaru: Come on, don’t rush me. +Itaru: So anyway, let me get on to the real reason I’m sending you this message. +Itaru: I am about to share with you the details of Operation Aquila. +Itaru: This is going to take everything you’ve got, and not a single mistake will be allowed. Pay attention and don’t miss a word. Got it? +Suzuha: What are you doing? +Mayuri: Oh, Suzu? How’s it going? Are we going to leave today? +Suzuha: I’m about to check the mission parameters. +Mayuri: I see... +Mayuri: Um... so... if we do leave today, Mayushii’s gonna go missing, right? +Mayuri: I don’t want to worry anybody, so I want to write a message to Mom and Dad, and to all my friends. +Suzuha: ...I hope you’ve got time to at least tell Uncle Okarin in person. +Mayuri: I wrote a message to Okarin, too, so it’s okay. +Suzuha: Just a message? +Mayuri: ...Yeah. +Mayuri: ...It’s kind of... embarrassing. +Suzuha: ... +Mayuri: But you know, I wrote this message, and then I realized maybe I can’t send it. So now I’m not sure what to do. +Suzuha: Why? +Mayuri: I can’t get a signal. Maybe this is a dead zone? +Suzuha: You can’t get signal? +Suzuha: That’s strange. You can always get a signal up here. +Suzuha: Mine, too. +Suzuha: I’ve got a bad feeling about this. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ... Did I imagine it? +Mayuri: Kyahh! +Suzuha: ?! +Suzuha: They climbed up the walls?! +Armed man: Drop your gun and get on the ground. Hands on top of your head. +Armed man: Resist and we can’t guarantee this girl’s safety. +Suzuha: Damn it... +Mayuri: Suzu... +Suzuha: Don’t talk. They’ll kill you if they have to. +Mayuri: ... +Suzuha: I’m just fine. +Suzuha: Grr... I’m a girl, you know. Show some respect. +Armed man: Target 2 and Target 3 have been secured. +Armed man: What about you? +Armed man: Target 1 secured. It’s locked, and anything we try is met with an error. +Suzuha: It’s no use. It won’t listen to anyone but me. +Armed man: ...Stand up. +Armed man: Keep your hands where they are. Move slowly. Try anything and we’ll kill the hostage immediately. +Suzuha: ... +Armed man: ...Biometrics, isn’t it? +Suzuha: That’s right. +Suzuha: But you can’t copy my veins or fingerprints. +Suzuha: Cutting off my hand or ripping out my eyeball won’t work, either. +Suzuha: Security systems in the year 2036 aren’t that easily fooled. +Armed man: Where’s the professor? +Armed man: He’s on his way. +Armed man: ...Target 1 is only useful if Target 2 is with it. Tell him it’s impossible without brainwashing. +Armed man: You know what happens when you’re brainwashed, I believe. The professor doesn’t use drugs. He alters your brain directly. +Armed man: I think it would be smarter just to help us. What do you think? +Suzuha: The professor...? +Suzuha: ...Fine. +Suzuha: I’ll help you. But I can’t do it like this. +Armed man: We’ll take off the handcuffs. But if you resist, the girl dies. +Armed man: Okay. Get out. We’ll investigate the rest. +Suzuha: ...I don’t think you’re going to be able to understand it, but sure. +Suzuha: ... +Armed man: Gah! +Suzuha: Tch! +Mayuri: Aah– +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu! +Mayuri: Aaah... aah... +Suzuha: I’ve been through a lot of fights... but I don’t think I’ve ever been seen things get this bad. +Suzuha: If I open that... I can blow the machine up from within. +Itaru: You’ve probably already noticed, but the choice you and Mayu-shi just made has changed the world line a little. +Itaru: In other words, I’m a different Itaru Hashida than the one in your world line. +Suzuha: –Imagine the worst-case scenario. +Mayuri: N-No... +Mayuri: Don’t destroy it...! +Suzuha: Don’t stop me! I’ve already made my decision! +Mayuri: Suzu! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: H-Her?! Kagari..?! +Suzuha: I’ll have to give up on my own survival... +Kagari: ...What did you do to Mommy...? +Kagari: WHAT DID YOU DO TO MOMMY?! +Suzuha: ...?! +Armed man: ...Hyah?! +Armed man: What?! What are you doing? +Kagari: What did you do to Mommy?! What did you to do to Mommy?! What did you do?! +Mayuri: ... +Suzuha: Don’t look! Cover your ears, too! +Suzuha: She’s not even human anymore... +Armed man: S-S-Surround her and fire! It’s just one girl! +Armed man: Get around to the right! The right! +Kagari: Gahh...! +Armed man: N-Now! Fire! +Armed man: Okay! +Kagari: Ghgaahhh! +Armed man: Uwaaahh! +Armed man: R-Retreat! Retreat! +Rintaro: Hahh... hahh...hahh... +Rintaro: It’s okay. Don’t panic. +Rintaro: There’s still time. There’s nothing to worry about! +Rintaro: Suzuha’s just fine, and before long Mayuri will show up at the lab like nothing happened. +Rintaro: Suzuha...! +Rintaro: Dr. Leskinen! +Leskinen: Hello, Lintahlo. +Leskinen: I didn’t expect to see you here so early. +Rintaro: Hahh... hahh... hahh... +Rintaro: What are you... doing here...? +Leskinen: Calm down for a moment. We can’t talk when you’re out of breath like that, can we? +Rintaro: ...What are you doing here? +Rintaro: What happened to Amadeus? +Leskinen: ... +Leskinen: The sampling test I asked you to perform ended six months ago. +Leskinen: I can’t tell you that. +Rintaro: So the message [Kurisu] sent me was true, wasn’t it? +Rintaro: What happened to [Kurisu] and [Maho]? +Rintaro: You’re trying to analyze their memory data to extract the information on the time machine, aren’t you? +Leskinen: Well, that’s a surprise! +Leskinen: [Kurisu] told you all that? I’d thought I was keeping an eye on her. I wonder when she did it. +Rintaro: ...! +Leskinen: It seems you’ve learned a little too much. +Rintaro: Just who are you? +Leskinen: A scientist. +Leskinen: But science isn’t a charity, you see. +Leskinen: Are you aware of an American civilian intelligence company called Strategic Focus? +Rintaro: Strategic Focus... the American company? +Rintaro: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Stratfor[color index="800000"]? +Leskinen: The world governments supposedly called them the ‘Shadow CIA.’ +Leskinen: Well, I don’t think I’m the one who’s important here, am I? +Leskinen: Anyway, Lintahlo, I heard something from Katsumi. +Leskinen: You have the new encephalitis, too, don’t you? +Rintaro: ...! +Leskinen: In fact, you seem to know something about how it works. +Leskinen: That’s very interesting. Would you be willing to offer that information to me? +Leskinen: All you have to do is undergo a simple procedure. +Leskinen: And I’ll be happy to hire you as my assistant. +Leskinen: How about it? +Leskinen: Why am I hearing gunfire? I told them so many times to handle this peacefully–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: Uwaaahh! +Leskinen: –?! +Leskinen: Gah...! +Rintaro: ...What is this? +Kagari: Are you okay? Mommy? +Rintaro: Mayuri! +Mayuri: Aah... aah... +Mayuri: No...! +Kagari: ...? Mommy...? +Kagari: ...Mommy... This isn’t what it looks like... Kagari didn’t want to kill anyone... I just wanted to protect you... +Kagari: I’m sorry, Mommy. +Suzuha: Kagari, that’s enough! +Suzuha: Don’t move anymore! You’ll die! +Kagari: Kagari didn’t want to scare you... Really, I mean it... +Kagari: I just had to save you... So please don’t hate me. +Kagari: I’m sorry, Mommy... Forgive... me. +Rintaro: Hey! Are you okay?! +Kagari: No... don’t... +Kagari: Don’t take it... not in front of Mommy and Big Sis Suzuha... +Kagari: Please, Okabe... +Rintaro: ...!! +Rintaro: N-No... You’re... but why... +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin! Is Kagari okay? +Rintaro: Stay back! +Rintaro: Leave her to me! You take care of Mayuri! Is she okay? Check for me! +Suzuha: It’s okay! It’s not deep! +Kagari: I’m so glad... you’re safe, Mommy... +Rintaro: Hang in there! Why... Why are you...?! +Kagari: It’s okay. Don’t worry. Even like this, I don’t suffer or feel pain. +Kagari: I always hear the voice of God... +Kagari: He tells me that it doesn’t hurt. That I don’t feel the pain. +Kagari: So I’m just... cough... +Kagari: Hahh... hahh... I’ll tell you, Okabe. +Kagari: The real one doesn’t know anything. +Kagari: She’s been in Europe on an exchange program for three years... +Kagari: The professor manipulated things behind the scenes to send me to Akihabara... +Kagari: The real one doesn’t know... anything... +Rintaro: The professor? +Kagari: ...In this world line, Hashida and the real one will meet next year. +Kagari: It’s okay. I’m sure the real one will love Hashida, too. +Kagari: Just like I did... +Kagari: Heheh... I said it. Don’t tell anyone, okay? +Rintaro: Aah... Ah... +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin! Is Kagari okay?! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: She’s okay! I’ll take her to a hospital! +Rintaro: You shut down the time machine and hide it. The cops will be coming– +Leskinen: It’s too late. +Rintaro: What...?! +Rintaro: Professor...! +Leskinen: This will be a war zone soon. +Leskinen: America, Russia, and Japan have all started to move. +Leskinen: Once the gears start turning, you can’t stop them. +Leskinen: If Kagari had only told us sooner, things wouldn’t have gotten this bad. +Suzuha: I see... So you’re the Professor! +Suzuha: You’re the one who brainwashed Kagari, aren’t you? +Leskinen: ... +Rintaro: Is that true? +Rintaro: Is that the kind of person you are? +Leskinen: I, myself, haven’t done anything. +Leskinen: Ten years ago, I found a helpless girl on the streets, and helped her so she could grow up like this. +Rintaro: Helped her? +Rintaro: This never would’ve happened if she’d lead a normal life! +Leskinen: Could you not yell like that? My head is killing me. +Leskinen: I’m telling the truth. She made contact with me. +Leskinen: It was her plan to get plastic surgery and infiltrate this city. +Leskinen: Evidently, the voice of ‘God’ in her head tells her everything she needs to do. +Leskinen: At first, I thought she was a homeless girl making up stories in hopes of getting food. +Leskinen: But when I examined her brain and her memories, I found something very interesting and wonderful. +Leskinen: This ‘God’ she spoke of... +Leskinen: This ‘God’ she spoke of... it was me, from the year 2036! +Rintaro: Y-You... +Rintaro: You’re a real mad scientist. +Rintaro: What is this? +Announcements: This is Guerrilla Attack Information! Repeat, Guerrilla Attack Information! A guerrilla attack may occur in this area. Please get indoors and obtain further information from radio or television broadcasts. +Leskinen: I told you, didn’t I? There’s about to be a war over the time machine, right here. +Rintaro: The Third World War is about to begin? +Leskinen: I’m sure the people here have no idea a World War is about to begin in the middle of their city! +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin! +Suzuha: We’re going to have to jump to the past! +Rintaro: What...?! +Suzuha: Take care of Kagari! +Rintaro: You can’t mean a year ago– you’re going back there? So suddenly? +Suzuha: It’s not sudden. And we’re not going back there. +Rintaro: What? What do you mean you’re not going back there? +Suzuha: I’m borrowing Big Sis Mayu for a little. +Rintaro: Mayuri, you... +Mayuri: Okarin... +Mayuri: Okarin, here. +Mayuri: I can’t get signal, so I’ll give this to you, okay? Read the message! It’ll tell you how Mayushii feels! +Rintaro: Wait! Why are you going? If you go, it won’t change anything. You can’t do anything! +Rintaro: And if you go, you won’t be able to come back! +Mayuri: No! It can’t be you who does it, Okarin! This is Mayushii’s job! +Rintaro: I don’t understand! I don’t know what you’re talking about! +Rintaro: Please, get out of the time machine, Mayuri. If you leave the wheel of causality, then I won’t even know why I chose this world line... +Mayuri: Okarin... +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Mayuri! Wait!– +Rintaro: Why... Mayuri... +Rintaro: No... don’t... +Rintaro: No! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Ugh... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Suzuha...? Mayuri...? +Rintaro: Mayuri? Where are you? +Rintaro: Mayuri! Suzuha! Answer me! +Itaru: Okarin! +Maho: Okabe! I’m so glad you’re safe... +Faris: Wait, you’re hurt! +Maho: Are you okay? +Itaru: Did you get caught up in the fighting? +Faris: First aid! Quick! +Newscaster: I-It’s like a war zone! The area around Akihabara Station and center street has been cut off. US and SDF helicopters and tanks are– +Newscaster: Oh! Just now, I heard another huge explosion! +Newscaster: I-Is this really Japan? I feel like I’m reporting on a civil war! +Newscaster: The government says that it’s terrorism, but I can’t imagine– +Newscaster: Uwah! It exploded! There’s been an explosion! +SDF personnel: Are you trying to get killed? Get out of here! This is war! You’re going to die! +Newscaster: A war? With who? +SDF personnel: Hell if I know! +Maho: It’s dangerous here, too. +Faris: I can’t go home. +Itaru: The net’s in an uproar! +Itaru: Hey, Okarin, where’s Suzuha?! And did you find Mayu-shi? +Rintaro: S-Suzuha and Mayuri are... +Rintaro: Suzuha and Mayuri either went back to the past... or they’re dead. +Itaru: ...What? +Itaru: What do you mean? Which is it?! +Rintaro: An attack helicopter fired a rocket launcher at the time machine... +Itaru: ...! +Rintaro: It was destroyed... +Rintaro: Suzuha and Mayuri were aboard. They were about to go back to the past. +Rintaro: I saw some pieces of the time machine left, but it wasn’t everything... +Rintaro: And Daru... I looked and looked, but I couldn’t find Suzuha and Mayuri’s bodies anywhere. +Rintaro: Not even a piece. It was like they’d vanished without a trace. +Rintaro: Do you think they made it back to the past? +Itaru: ... +Itaru: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! +Itaru: This can’t be happening! It can’t! +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Dear Okarin, Tutturu♪! It’s Mayushii! +Mayuri: I knew I should probably tell you this face to face, but I wasn’t sure if I could say it right, and I wasn’t sure what I’d do if you tried to stop me, so I decided to send a message instead. +Mayuri: I’m going back to the past with Suzu. +Mayuri: You’re probably mad, and you want to know why, right? +Mayuri: But it’s something that I have to do. +Mayuri: You see, I was the one who hid my Hikoboshi... my strong, strong Hikoboshi, who always got back up and laughed no matter how bad things were. I was the one who hid him beyond the dark clouds. +Mayuri: I was wrong. No one was trying to make you save the future all by yourself. +Mayuri: You’ve got Daru, and Suzu, and Luka, and Faris, and Yuki, and now Maho... +Mayuri: So this time, it’s my turn. This is my first big mission as Lab Member 002! +Mayuri: I’m sure you’re worried, but I’ll be fine. +Mayuri: And even if something happens, I know you’ll come to save me. +Mayuri: The Kyoma Hououin I love will come riding in on a new time machine he made and save the day. I know it. +Mayuri: So I’m going. I promise I’ll come back. I’ll come back to you. So just wait for me a little, okay? +Mayuri: I love Kyoma Hououin. +Mayuri: But you know... +Mayuri: I love Rintaro Okabe even more. +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Rintaro: You forgot, didn’t you? +Rintaro: You’re my hostage! +Rintaro: You can’t be my hostage if you go away... +Rintaro: You want me to come save you if something happens? What kind of hostage are you? +Rintaro: The mad scientist of madness would never go to save you... to save you... +Rintaro: You’re an idiot. +Rintaro: But... I’m a bigger idiot. +Rintaro: Tch... +Rintaro: You said you didn’t know how to make a time leap machine, right? +Rintaro: Will you do what I tell you? +Rintaro: I’ll give you the answer that Kurisu discovered. +Rintaro: And then we’ll activate the time machine. +Itaru: I’m in! Tell us, Okarin. +Maho: ...I’ll help, too. +Faris: It’s settled, nya! +Rintaro: All right. +Rintaro: Daru, I want you to hack SERN. We’ll need to remote control the [color index="280AA02D1400"]LHC[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: We’ll use that to compress the memory data down to 36 bytes. That’s small enough to send back to the past. +Maho: J-Just 36 bytes? +Itaru: B-But... sometimes this thing doesn’t work right. Sometimes it’s just a normal microwave... +Rintaro: It’s the 42-inch CRT in the Braun workshop. The PhoneWave (name subject to change) only works when it’s turned on. +Maho: The CRT TV? Oh, so that’s it! +Maho: Then we may be able to finish it after all. +Maho: But even if we can finish it, are you going to start using it now? +Maho: We can’t run human trials without doing anything else first... +Rintaro: You’re not confident in what you built? +Maho: B-But... +Rintaro: Kurisu did it already, in another world line. +Maho: That’s because she’s Kurisu! I can’t be her. +Rintaro: You saw [Kurisu]’s message on @channel, right? +Maho: What...? +Rintaro: You got Kurisu to say that, and now you’re going to run away? +Maho: ... +Maho: I’m not running away. Don’t underestimate me. +Faris: Kyoma! Here! +Rintaro: We will now complete the PhoneWave (name subject to change) Unit-02 and perform a time leap! Lend me your aid! +Rintaro: This time, I’m never giving up! +Rintaro: Even if I fail the first dozen times, or the first hundred times, I’ll try again a thousand times, a million times, or a billion times. I’ll save them all. Suzuha, Mayuri, +Rintaro: –and Kurisu, too! +Rintaro: And this is the first step. +Rintaro: ...! +Maho: Hello?! Did you find her?! +Rintaro: No, but I know where she is. Hurry back to the lab. +Maho: You found Mayuri, right? Don’t you have to go get her? +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo! You did it! +Maho: Huh? +Rintaro: I’ve time leaped here from 48 hours in the future. +Maho: What?! +Itaru: Seriously?! +Maho: ...We finished it? Sometime in the next 48 hours? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Maho: But how... +Rintaro: I’ll explain later. +Rintaro: There’s no time, so listen carefully! A lot of lives are at stake. +Rintaro: Hiyajo, access Amadeus right now and delete [Kurisu] and [Maho], as well as all their backups. +Rintaro: Leskinen’s not planning on using them for peaceful purposes at all. +Maho: W-What? I can’t just... +Rintaro: I told you I time leaped here, right? Akihabara’s going to be a war zone less than an hour from now! They’re coming for the time machine! +Rintaro: And that will be the beginning of the Third World War. If we don’t stop it, Suzuha and Mayuri will both die! +Itaru: Really...? Wait, really?! +Rintaro: So do as I tell you, please. +Maho: ... +Maho: I can access the data, but to do anything, I’ll need the professor’s access rights. +Rintaro: That’s Daru’s job. Crack in and destroy all the data. +Itaru: Okey-dokey! Leave it to me! +Rintaro: I’m going to the Radio Building! You guys stay here! +Itaru: Okarin! Take care of Suzuha! +Rintaro: Right! Leave it to me! +Rintaro: Suzuha! Mayuri! +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: Mayuri... are you going to use the time machine to go back to the past? +Mayuri: Huh... How? +Rintaro: I’ve time leaped from 48 hours in the future. I know all about it. +Suzuha: Wha... Is that true? +Rintaro: This place is going to be a war zone in less than 30 minutes. +Suzuha: What?! +Suzuha: Did someone find out about the time machine, somehow? +Rintaro: Yeah. +Suzuha: That’s bad. Then we’ll have to jump right now. +Rintaro: No, wait just a second. Daru and Hiyajo are dealing with it. +Rintaro: They’re smart people. It’ll go fine. But... if it doesn’t... +Suzuha: If it doesn’t? +Rintaro: ...You may die. +Suzuha: What do you mean, ‘may’? What happened to us before you time leaped? +Suzuha: Wait, there was some fatal ‘failure’ before you time leaped. Right? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: You were inside the time machine, and just before it jumped, it was hit by a rocket launcher. +Mayuri&Suzuha: ...!”[linebreak][parallel]“...! +Rintaro: But... +Rintaro: I couldn’t find your bodies in the rubble. +Suzuha: I see. That’s why you said maybe. +Suzuha: Then the future hasn’t been decided. There’s still a possibility of success. +Rintaro: ...I thought you’d say that. +Suzuha: Don’t try and stop me, Uncle. +Rintaro: ...Mayuri, are you really leaving? +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. +Rintaro: But I, and Kurisu, and everyone else... we love you. +Rintaro: I came to this world line because I wanted to save you. +Rintaro: So if you leave... I... we... +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: No, I know exactly how you feel. But... +Suzuha: Hey, Uncle Okarin? +Suzuha: Operation Aquila has begun. +Rintaro: Operation... Aquila? +Suzuha: It’s not the original plan I was told about. We’re not going back to July 28th. We’re going to August 21st. +Rintaro: August 21st? +Suzuha: We need Big Sis Mayu for that plan to work. +Suzuha: That’s what my dad told me from the future, just now. +Rintaro: What? +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: Mayuri... +Mayuri: Let me go... okay? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Mayushii’s a lab member too, you know? +Mayuri: Mayushii’s going to take her glum Hikoboshi and slap him across the face, okay? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Please. +Rintaro: ...I... +Rintaro: I thought I was carrying all the burden myself, but I was wrong, wasn’t I? +Rintaro: I couldn’t see what was right in front of me. +Rintaro: It wasn’t just you, Mayuri. I had all the rest of the lab with me, too. +Mayuri: Okarin... +Rintaro: Gwah! +Mayuri&Suzuha: Okarin?!”[linebreak][parallel]“Uncle Okarin?! +Suzuha: You’re... Kagari! +Rintaro: Suzuha! Get in the time machine! Go now! +Suzuha: What?! +Rintaro: I’m sorry for being stupid! Daru’s capable of doing whatever it takes to protect you! He’s never going to fail, you know that! +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin! +Rintaro: So the machine will be just fine! Right? +Suzuha: Of course! +Rintaro: Mayuri, you too! Hurry! +Mayuri: B-But what about you, Okarin?! +Rintaro: There’s no need to worry about me. +Rintaro: I’m not going to die for another 14 years. +Mayuri: ... +Kagari: Nobody move! Or I’ll kill him! +Kagari: Don’t get in the time machine! I’m going to give it to the professor! +Kagari: And then I’m going to have him tell me how to use it, and go back to the future! +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: Forget about her! I’ll handle this! Just go! +Rintaro: You too, Suzuha! You can leave Kagari to me! +Suzuha: Got it! +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu! Inside! +Mayuri: What? Huh?! Wait... +Suzuha: Uncle Okarin! Take care of Kagari! +Rintaro: Roger! +Kagari: I told you not to do that! Come out! +Rintaro: I won’t let you interfere! +Kagari: Shut up! Move! +Rintaro: I refuse! +Kagari: Move! +Rintaro: Gwah! +Kagari: Get out! Or I’ll use this bomb to blow up the machine! +Rintaro: Stop! +Rintaro: Don’t you understand? If you do that, your mom’s going to die! +Kagari: ...! +Kagari: B-But I... +Kagari: I... +Rintaro: Just calm down! Please! +Mayuri: Okarin! Here! +Rintaro: Th-This is Kurisu’s! How did it get here?! +Suzuha: Don’t get mad at Dad! I think he’s going to need it for the time machine research. +Mayuri: Bye, Okarin! I’ll come back, okay? +Rintaro: I’m counting on you, Lab Member 002, Mayuri Shiina! +Rintaro: Execute Operation Aquila! +Rintaro: Slap me in the face for being so pathetic! +Mayuri: Yup! Leave it to me! +Mayuri: Okarin, I... I love you! +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Kagari: Don’t go! Mommy! Big Sis Suzuha! +Rintaro: It worked... +Kagari: Aah... aah... +Kagari: Why... +Kagari: Why did you let Mommy go? +Rintaro: Your wonderful mommy’s gone with Suzuha to go scold a stupid man who ruined the world. +Rintaro: She’s going to do something very important for the sake of the whole world. +Kagari: Y-You’re lying. You’re lying. +Kagari: Mommy and Big Sis Suzuha both left me behind. +Rintaro: I’m not lying. And I’m about to go make it so you can meet Mommy in a much happier place. +Rintaro: So let’s stop this, okay? +Kagari: N-No... I can’t believe that... +Rintaro: No, I know you’ll believe me. +Rintaro: Because I know who you really are, and how kind you really are. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: You know me? +Rintaro: I do. I’ve time leaped from 48 hours in the future. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Uh.. +Kagari: I hear the voice of God... +Kagari: It tells me not to believe you... +Kagari: You’re a liar, and an enemy, it says. It says if I kill you, I can go back to Mommy. +Kagari: It says to kill the bad man who’s trying to destroy the world... +Kagari: And then I can go back to my old world. +Kagari: I don’t understand! I don’t understand! I don’t understand! +Rintaro: Listen. +Rintaro: Mommy’s not coming back. +Rintaro: But if we do our best, we may be able to make a world where you and Mommy can be happy. +Rintaro: That’s why she traveled through time. +Rintaro: You mustn’t waste the chance she gave you. +Rintaro: You can still start over. +Kagari: Sob... sob... +Kagari: It’s okay to disobey the voice of God? +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Hey, Okabe. +Kagari: I want to see Mommy. +Kagari: Can I? +Rintaro: You can. Someday. +Kagari: ...I’m glad.”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: ?! +Kagari: Gwah... +Rintaro: W-Why... Why are you here? +Rintaro: Why, Moeka Kiryu! +Moeka: FB... Hey, FB...? I didn’t let that woman trick me. I knew this was a fake phone. So please... Don’t abandon me, FB... FB... +Kagari: Gh... +Rintaro: Hey, hang in there! +Kagari: I’m glad... +Kagari: Even the voice of God wasn’t right all the time. +Kagari: This is my punishment. +Kagari: I destroyed her heart and tried to manipulate her. +Kagari: I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to grow up like this... +Kagari: Mommy... where are you? Where are you? +Rintaro: What?! +Rintaro: Heh. It wasn’t a waste. +Armed man: Target 1, lost! +Armed man: Target 2 and Target 3 lost as well! What’s going on?! +Announcements: This is Guerrilla Attack Information! Repeat, Guerrilla Attack Information! A guerrilla attack may occur in this area. Please get indoors and obtain further information from radio or television broadcasts. +Leskinen: Is that you, Lintahlo? +Leskinen: What are you doing here? +Leskinen: Is Kagari dead? +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: Tell me, Lintahlo. +Leskinen: Where is the time machine? +Rintaro: Ha... Haha... Hahaha... FWAHAHAHAHA! +Rintaro: Listen well, fools! +Rintaro: The time machine you sought to attain is gone! +Rintaro: It no longer exists in this time! +Rintaro: Too bad! Now, curse your own incompetence! +Rintaro: And tremble in fear! +Rintaro: For I, the great Kyoma Hououin, will never lose to you, and I will never lose to fate! +Rintaro: I will find the path to Steins Gate! +Rintaro: That... is my choice! +Rintaro: That was close... +Maho: ... +Maho: This is like... a movie. I can’t believe it’s real. +Itaru: How’d they find out about that place, though? +Rintaro: You sure you didn’t screw up somehow, Daru? +Itaru: Who do you think I am? +Rintaro: A super hacka, right? +Itaru: Hacker. Right. I make sure I don’t get caught. +Rintaro: Either that, or Hiyajo and I were tailed... +Maho: Don’t scare me. +Rintaro: They raided your office and hotel room in Wako City. I’m sure they’ve been watching you this whole time. +Maho: Oh, right. +Maho: I need to contact the professor. +Rintaro: You should tell him to hide somewhere for today. If we meet up with him, it could put him in danger. +Rintaro: The mere existence of this laptop could bring disaster. +Rintaro: We should get rid of it. +Maho: I at least want to crack the password and see what’s inside. +Maho: Right now, we can’t do that, but... +Rintaro: There’s no time for that. We should get rid of it now. The best thing would be to destroy it. +Maho: Destroy it... But this is something Kurisu left us, you know? +Rintaro: I thought you were a little more logical than this. +Maho: I didn’t think you were this cold. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: You seem like you’re hiding something about what happened to Kurisu. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: What I know doesn’t matter. +Rintaro: Anyway, what should we do with the computer? +Rintaro: That computer isn’t just something an old friend used to own anymore. +Rintaro: It’s at the center of an international power struggle. +Maho: What kind of crazy conspiracy theory is this? +Rintaro: You still think it’s a conspiracy theory after what happened today? +Rintaro: You saw those foreigners in black suits, didn’t you? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Your office and your hotel room were ransacked. +Rintaro: Someone set fire to Kurisu’s house. +Rintaro: And then after that, your lab was visited by mysterious men claiming to be from the FBI. +Rintaro: And the attack at the hotel might have had something to do with this, too. +Rintaro: All these impossible events keep happening one after another. It’s not a coincidence. +Maho: But still... an international power struggle? +Rintaro: John Titor’s prophecy is going to come true now. +Maho: John Titor? +Rintaro: A time-traveler from the year 2036, who appeared on American message boards 10 years ago. +Rintaro: I know for a fact that... he’s real. I’ve met him myself. +Rintaro: John Titor says World War Three will occur in 2015. +Rintaro: The cause will be a time machine. +Maho: Are you making fun of me? +Rintaro: I am being very serious. +Rintaro: You wanted to know about Dr. Nakabachi, right? +Rintaro: He’s Kurisu’s father. +Maho: ...! +Rintaro: It’s possible that Kurisu may have been involved in the paper he wrote. +Maho: W-What did you say? +Rintaro: But what if his version was an inferior copy of an original that Kurisu wrote herself? +Maho: ...! +Rintaro: What’s inside Kurisu’s computer doesn’t actually matter right now. +Rintaro: What matters is that there are people who want it. +Maho: G-Give me a second. I need to process all of this. +Maho: I also thought that someone might be after this computer. +Maho: But what you’re saying is just so different than what I expected... +Rintaro: What did you expect? +Maho: I thought it might be about using Amadeus for military purposes. +Rintaro: Military purposes... +Maho: Kurisu spent a lot of time at the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Psychophysiology Lab[color index="800000"]. She said sometimes, she’d be visited by people who looked like they didn’t belong there at all. +Maho: She said she thought they were from the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Department of Defense[color index="800000"]. +Rintaro: Can Amadeus kill someone? How? +Maho: Well, for example, you could take the memories of a veteran pilot and copy them and use them to control drones. +Maho: And remember what I said about medical applications? +Rintaro: Um... you mean copying memory data back to the brain? +Maho: Yeah. +Maho: If you could alter memory data and then send it back to the brain, you could make soldiers who didn’t feel fear, or who could carry out any kind of unethical mission without hesitation. +Maho: My thought was that Kurisu had found proof that they were running experiments like that. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hey, the US military aren’t involved in researching Amadeus, are they? +Maho: Of course not. +Rintaro: Are you sure? You’re just a scientist. You’re not the head of the project. +Maho: Dr. Leskinen wouldn’t let the military get involved, either. +Rintaro: You’re right... +Rintaro: All that happened in another world line. +Maho: World line? What are you talking about? +Rintaro: No, forget it. I’m overthinking things. +Leskinen: Maho! I’m so glad you’re safe! +Maho: Professor...! You’re hurting me! +Leskinen: Oh, sorry. Hahaha! +Maho: Did you clean up, Professor? +Leskinen: It was ransacked, but only your and my things were here, so there wasn’t a lot to begin with. +Leskinen: I’ve left the rest in the hands of the police. +Maho: They still haven’t caught the guy who did it, right? +Leskinen: Yeah. +Leskinen: It’s been one thing after another since we came to Japan, hasn’t it? +Maho: It sure has. +Leskinen: So what did you think, Maho? Japan’s your other homeland, right? What did you make of it? +Maho: I can’t wait to get back and start on my research. I feel like I’ve been doing nothing but putting reports together for the past two months. +Leskinen: Hahaha! You’re so serious, Maho. +Maho: That, and... I’m glad I was able to experience the place where Kurisu spent her last days. +Leskinen: Maho... +Maho: Come to think of it... +Maho: What are we doing with Amadeus’s tester? +Leskinen: Hmm... that’s right. +Leskinen: Why not have him continue being our tester? +Maho: Huh?! +Maho: Are you serious? +Leskinen: It’s a fact that speaking with Lintahlo has caused [Kurisu] to react in new ways, correct? +Leskinen: And I’m planning on adding additional testers in the future. Not just him. +Maho: Is that safe, from a security standpoint? +Maho: Japan and America are too far apart. If something happens, we won’t be able to deal with it. +Leskinen: It’ll be fine. I believe in Lintahlo. +Maho: It’s not about whether you believe in him or not... +Leskinen: If he stays on as a tester, you’ll still be able to talk to him, you know. +Maho: Wha?! I... I don’t have anything to do with this! +Leskinen: Are you sure about that? +Maho: I’m sure! +Leskinen: Then I’ll take over dealing with Lintahlo. +Maho: Th-That doesn’t bother me⋯ +Maho: Why am I doing so much research about time machines, anyway? +Maho: This is all because of Okabe... +Rintaro: It’s possible that Kurisu may have been involved in the paper he wrote. +Rintaro: But what if his version was an inferior copy of an original that Kurisu wrote? +Maho: Kurisu... I can’t be you, after all. +Maho: Professor? +Leskinen: Hmm? Hey, Maho. +Leskinen: What brings you here at this hour? +Leskinen: It’s time for kids to be in bed. +Maho: I’ll say those exact same words to you. +Leskinen: Hahaha! You’ve got that right! +Maho: I could see the light on from my room. Here. +Leskinen: This is a surprise. Maho, bringing me coffee? +Maho: I’m not that bad, am I? +Leskinen: But I thought you hated this sort of thing. +Leskinen: As I recall, it was the first day you came to this lab... +Leskinen: Mary was passing out morning coffee to everyone, and you refused. And do you remember what you said then? +Leskinen: ‘Did you come to work to make coffee?’ +Leskinen: ‘If you’ve got time to make coffee, why not get started on your work?’ +Leskinen: I was in awe, I remember. This new kid was really something. +Maho: Th-That was such a long time ago. You don’t need to bring it up now. +Maho: Back then I was... well, everybody called me the girl genius, and I kind of let it go to my head. +Maho: I know better now. +Maho: You’re so mean, Professor. I’m never making you coffee again, okay? +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s right, professor. Don’t be so mean to Maho. +Maho: Oh, [Kurisu]? +Amadeus Kurisu: Yes, it’s me. +Leskinen: I was just examining her program. +Amadeus Kurisu: Good evening, Maho. +Maho: Sorry to see you working so late. +Leskinen: I’m not being mean to Maho. +Leskinen: I was actually quite impressed with what she said to Mary. I thought that she was very logical, very cool-headed, and very entertaining. +Leskinen: That’s why I made her my assistant. +Leskinen: Of course... I don’t mind the new, nicer version of you. +Leskinen: Thanks. I’ll have some. +Maho: So what were you doing with the program? +Leskinen: Oh, you know, for the paper I’m writing. +Maho: The mechanism Amadeus uses to lie? +Leskinen: If we could figure out this part of the program, we could learn more about how humans lie, you know? +Amadeus Kurisu: Women’s lies sometimes hide important secrets. I can’t say I approve of you trying to discover them. +Leskinen: I’m not trying to discover your secrets. I just want to know the thought process involved in telling a lie. +Amadeus Kurisu: Well, that’s fine. If I have to reveal something, I’ll start by revealing Maho’s sweet secrets. +Maho: Hey, don’t be weird! +Maho: And what are my ‘sweet secrets,’ anyway? +Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, I couldn’t say. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm... for example... +Amadeus Kurisu: Do you think I don’t know about the stuffed animal that he got you at the arcade? +Maho: ...Huh? +Maho: What about it? +Amadeus Kurisu: You’ve got it on your bed, don’t you? +Maho: W-What are you talking about? That’s a present for your mom. +Amadeus Kurisu: Then what’s it doing on your bed? +Maho: B-Because your mom says she’s looking for a new house, and she’s living in an apartment right now. I don’t want to give her more stuff to haul around. +Amadeus Kurisu: Really? +Maho: R-Really. +Maho: And anyway, that stuffed animal is an important reminder of you. What’s wrong with snuggling with it as I sleep? +Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, so it is on your bed, after all. +Amadeus Kurisu: And you snuggle with it when you sleep? That’s so cute! Tell me more details, please. +Maho: Ugh! +Maho: ... +Leskinen: Looks like [Kurisu] won this round, huh? +Maho: I-It doesn’t matter who won or lost! I’m going to bed! Goodnight! +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho, you haven’t talked to Okabe for a whole week. +Amadeus Kurisu: If you keep putting off talking to him because you’re busy, you’re going to regret it later, okay? +Maho: Listen... +Maho: Are you really that insistent on getting me and Okabe together? +Amadeus Kurisu: Do you ever think about seeing him in person again? +Maho: Nope. +Leskinen: I see. That’s a shame. +Leskinen: I’ve got another joint project coming up in Japan, and I was thinking of getting in touch with Lintahlo while I was there. +Leskinen: I was wondering whether I should invite you. I guess not. +Maho: Huh?! +Maho: You’re going back to Japan? +Leskinen: Yeah. +Maho: ... +Maho: Please take me, too. +Leskinen: Oh! You’ve finally become honest about your feelings. +Amadeus Kurisu: Let’s come up with a plan to tell him how much you love him! +Maho: Come on, guys... +Leskinen: Well, joking aside... +Leskinen: I’m honestly not sure if I can take you or not. +Maho: What do you mean? +Leskinen: A lot happened to you in Japan, right? The Brain Science Lab is very concerned. +Maho: But that’s not... +Leskinen: And then there’s what happened to Kurisu. The directors don’t want to lose any more talented personnel. +Maho: I’ll be fine. I was fine last time, wasn’t I? +Leskinen: Hm... In other words, you want to go to Japan and see Lintahlo that badly, huh? +Maho: Do I need to go talk to HR about sexual harassment? +Leskinen: Oh! Please don’t do that! +Amadeus Kurisu: But why not seriously consider dating him? +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s possible he’ll be coming here in the future, right? You should try to get your hooks into him while you can. +Maho: Stop sounding like a nosy aunt. +Leskinen: All right, Maho. I understand. +Leskinen: I’ll talk to the directors. But just know that I can’t guarantee anything. +Maho: Right. Thanks. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m pretty serious, actually... +Maho: Are you still saying that? +Maho: Why not tell [Kurisu] about the time machine? +Maho: Um... okay, Professor. I’m going back to my room. +Leskinen: Oh, wait a second. You haven’t updated [Maho]’s memory data at all lately, have you? +Maho: ...? +Leskinen: The Amadeus [Maho]. +Maho: Oh, um... +Leskinen: The last time was before we went to Japan, wasn’t it? +Maho: Oh, about that... +Maho: Well... I had a lot of scary experiences in Japan. I’ve been thinking that maybe we shouldn’t give Amadeus bad memories. +Leskinen: I understand how you feel, but I can’t do a comparison trial like this. +Leskinen: Right now, the real you and the Amadeus [you] have such different memories that you’re almost different people. +Maho: Y-Yes, that’s true. +Leskinen: At this rate, I’m going to have to take you off the project and ask someone else to do it. +Maho: That’s... +Leskinen: Stop talking to [Kurisu] all the time, and give [yourself] some attention. I’m sure she’s lonely. +Leskinen: Make sure you update your memories tomorrow. Understood? +Maho: Understood. +Rintaro: Hey, the US military aren’t involved in researching Amadeus, are they? +Maho: I really am overthinking it, though... +???: Who’s there? Is someone there? +Maho: E-Excuse me. I’m Maho Hiyajo. From Dr. Leskinen’s lab... +Reyes: Oh, it’s you, Maho. +Maho: Professor Reyes, are you up working this late? +Reyes: You too? +Maho: Yes, I suppose... +Reyes: We’re both addicted to our work, aren’t we? +Reyes: Where’s Alexis? Still in his office? +Maho: Yes, he’s working on Amadeus. +Reyes: He really is dedicated. Sometimes I wonder if he doesn’t think it’s his own daughter. +Maho: Uh, are you going to see Dr. Leskinen at this hour? If it’s an emergency meeting, I’ll go too– +Reyes: No need for that. +Reyes: I’m having some trouble with my research. I want his help, and I want it now. +Reyes: There wouldn’t be anything you could do, really. +Reyes: Oh, don’t take that the wrong way. But thanks. +Maho: A problem with her research... What could it be? +Maho: ... +Reyes: –How long are you going to let him hang on to it? +Leskinen: It’s a valuable source of information. I’d hate to tip him off and have him destroy it. +Leskinen: Either way, we’re leaving for Japan this month. I plan on getting it back then. +Reyes: Can you explain why you’ve dragged your feet for six months over this? +Leskinen: I have a feeling that they’re still hiding something we don’t know about yet. +Leskinen: I tried to use Amadeus to get it out of him, but... +Leskinen: He’s a very cautious boy, our Lintahlo Okabe. +Reyes: Why not use your special treatment on Maho? +Leskinen: I don’t think she knows anything. +Maho: ... +Reyes: Who’s there?! +Maho: Professor... what were you just talking about...? +Leskinen: Oh dear... You heard, did you? +Leskinen: Well, it’s good timing.. +Leskinen: Maho, remember that Japan trip we were just talking about? You’re going to come with me after all. +Rintaro: Summer... +Rintaro: Whew... +Rintaro: Viktor Chondria University... +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Hello? +Amadeus Kurisu: What? Why’s your voice so low? +Rintaro: Shhh! I’m in a cafe right now. +Rintaro: Please, don’t call me when I’m busy with stuff... +Amadeus Kurisu: I have no way to know where you are or what you’re doing. +Amadeus Kurisu: Or do you want me watching you 24 hours a day? +Amadeus Kurisu: Are you saying you want me observing you while you sleep, or while you’re taking a bath? +Rintaro: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re quite the pervert, aren’t you? +Rintaro: I’m sorry... +Amadeus Kurisu: If you don’t want to talk to me when I call you, just don’t pick up. +Amadeus Kurisu: I won’t get mad about something like that. +Rintaro: Th-That’s true⋯ +Amadeus Kurisu: Well, it looks like you’re busy now, so I’ll do what you want and hang up. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re right. It’s probably pretty weird for the rest of the cafe to see you talking to a 3D model of a girl on your phone. +Rintaro: Come on... +Amadeus Kurisu: I-I’m kidding. +Amadeus Kurisu: You always take the time to talk to me, and well... +Amadeus Kurisu: I am grateful. +Rintaro: We can talk about that some other time. I’m hanging up. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, wait– +Rintaro: So what are you going to buy? +Mayuri: Um... we’re going to make some signs for advertising. So I need poster board and highlighters and stuff. +Rintaro: Are you going to put out a book at this year’s ComiMa? +Mayuri: Nope. It’s for Okabe Green Grocer! +Rintaro: Huh? What did you say? +Mayuri: When I went to your house today, I talked to your dad about it. +Mayuri: And I said that Mayushii would make them for him. +Rintaro: Wait, seriously? +Rintaro: There’s really no reason you have to do that. +Mayuri: But, but... Mayushii wants to do it. +Rintaro: ...You’re sure? +Mayuri: Your mom and dad are always so nice to me. +Rintaro: ...Okay. I’ll get you something as a thank you present, then. +Mayuri: Really? That makes me so happy! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: What’s up? +Amadeus Kurisu: Are you out shopping? +Rintaro: Yeah. With Mayuri. +Amadeus Kurisu: Ooh, a date? +Rintaro: Mainstream woman. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’ve told you to stop calling me that. +Rintaro: Then stop assuming everything is about romance. +Amadeus Kurisu: Right, right. Fine. +Amadeus Kurisu: But isn’t Mayuri cute? +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re lucky to have such a cutie as your childhood friend. +Rintaro: You’re right. +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho doesn’t stand a chance at this rate... Siiiigggghhh... +Amadeus Kurisu: She’s not as cute, she’s not as young, she’s shorter, and her boobs are just hopeless... +Amadeus Kurisu: Aw... I feel so bad for her. +Rintaro: If you say that in front of Hiyajo, she’ll delete your program. +Amadeus Kurisu: You know, you actually haven’t introduced me to Mayuri. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’ve got quite a few friends, but you’ve never told any of them about me. +Rintaro: It’s a secrecy thing. I’m not supposed to tell people about you. +Amadeus Kurisu: Is that really all it is? +Amadeus Kurisu: You actually don’t want people seeing me talk to you, do you? +Rintaro: That’s not true. +Rintaro: If you really want me to introduce you, I’ll get permission from Hiyajo. +Rintaro: I’ll start by introducing you to Daru, the man I trust the most. +Rintaro: He’d just love to talk to you. +Amadeus Kurisu: He’ll stare at me with his filthy eyes, constantly panting after me 24 hours a day. Right. +Amadeus Kurisu: Perverts scare me. +Amadeus Kurisu: Never mind. You don’t have to introduce me to anyone. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’ll just keep telling myself that I’m lucky to have you to talk to.”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Mayuri: Okarin! +Amadeus Kurisu: ! +Mayuri: Huh? Who were you talking to? +Rintaro: Oh, um... +Rintaro: Another student from school. +Mayuri: I see. +Rintaro: So did you decide what you’re going to buy? +Mayuri: Oh, yeah. What do you think about this? +Mayuri: Ehehe... +Rintaro: You seem pretty happy about that, given how many Upas you already have. +Rintaro: And that’s a regular green Upa, right? Not the rare one. +Rintaro: The rare one... Do you mean the Metal Upa? +Mayuri: Tsk, tsk, tsk. +Mayuri: Nope. +Mayuri: This is a green Upa, but it’s not a regular one. +Mayuri: This is the Green Fairy Upa that was in the movie they just released. +Rintaro: The Green Fairy? +Mayuri: Is it okay if I spoil the movie? +Rintaro: Go ahead. I’m not going to go see it. +Mayuri: So this movie, it’s about a fight with an evil super hacker in the virtual world. +Mayuri: The virtual world is a forest where the fairies live. +Mayuri: Mr.Super Hacker is really strong, and Kakeru and Upa are in big trouble, but... +Mayuri: Just when they’re about to lose, the fairies come to save them. +Mayuri: And it turns out that the fairies are actually the flowers in the school garden that he’d always taken care of. +Mayuri: They came all the way to the virtual world to save Kakeru, and then there was this big shiny light, and then they combined with Upa. +Mayuri: And that’s Green Fairy Upa. He’s really cute and really strong. +Mayuri: Mayushii thought it was so great. I love stories like that. The director’s a genius. +Rintaro: I-I see... +Mayuri: I’ve actually been spending a lot of time looking for this key chain. +Mayuri: It’s really popular, so it’s sold out everywhere. I never would’ve thought Hands would have one. +Rintaro: You were pretty lucky, huh? +Mayuri: Yup. And it was the last one. +Mayuri: I’m glad I came today. I need to thank you and your dad. +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin? Mayushii will treasure this for ever, and ever, and ever. +Rintaro: Yeah. Please do. +Rintaro: Make sure you don’t lose it five minutes after you get it. +Mayuri: Yup. I’m never gonna lose it again! +Mayuri: I’m gonna work hard and make the ads for your shop, okay? +Rintaro: Oh yeah, you’ve still got to do that... +Rintaro: Should I help, too? +Mayuri: No, I’m fine. Believe in Mayushii! +Rintaro: I’m a little worried, after you tried to buy heart-shaped card stock... +Mayuri: It’s fine! +Rintaro: Well, it’s nice of you to make them at all, so I won’t complain. +Mayuri: Oh, I need to call Mom. I’ll tell her that I’ll be home for dinner. +Rintaro: Why not eat at my place? I’m sure either Mom or Dad will try to get you to stay, anyway. +Mayuri: Hmm... I don’t know. +Mayuri: Are you going to stay at home the rest of today? You won’t go to any singles parties? +Rintaro: I haven’t been to any lately. +Mayuri: I see... then maybe I will. +Mayuri: ... +Rintaro: What’s wrong? +Mayuri: Um... I just got a message from Kaede. I didn’t notice it. +Mayuri: What should I do, Okarin...? +Rintaro: Did something happen? +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: Hey, Okarin...? +Mayuri: You told me before that Fubuki’s not sick, right? +Rintaro: Fubuki? You mean Nakase? Not Kurushima, right? +Mayuri: Yeah. Is that true? She’s really not sick? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah. I don’t think so. +Mayuri: But... +Rintaro: She’s back in the hospital...? +Kaede: Mayuri, Okarin... +Yuki: This way. +Mayuri: Where’s Fubuki...? +Yuki: She’s fine. +Kaede: Sorry to scare you... I was kind of in a hurry myself. I should’ve checked more carefully before I messaged you. +Rintaro: What do you mean? How’s Nakase doing? +Kaede: I just met her mom in the hospital room, and it doesn’t look like her illness has gotten any worse. +Rintaro: Then they’ve just brought her here for more examinations or something? +Kaede: Yes, that’s what they said. So there’s nothing to worry about. +Mayuri: Oh, I’m so glad... +Rintaro: I’m pretty sure that’s no illness, though. +Mayuri: Can we see Fubuki? +Kaede: They say they’re doing an MRI to look at her brain right now, so she’s not in her room. +Mayuri: I see... +Kaede: But it’ll be done soon. Fubuki’s mom told us to wait here. +Kaede: Once the exam is done, she’s going to come get us. +Yuki: This is an amazing hospital, isn’t it? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... +Rintaro: Is Nakase’s family really rich or something? If she’s staying in a place like this. +Kaede: No, that’s not it... +Kaede: Fubuki’s mom says that the Japanese and American governments are paying for a new treatment project. +Kaede: It’s going to be centered around this lab, and a dedicated hospital in America, supposedly. +Rintaro: I see... +Man: Please, give all the patients private rooms. And try to keep the rooms as far apart from one another as possible to ensure the patients don’t come into contact. +Doctor: But there aren’t that many open rooms. +Man: You need to do it anyway. If the patients talk to each other, they’ll start to share the ‘dreams,’ right? +Doctor: Sure, that’s true, but... +Man: Once a person hears about someone else’s dream, their brain can trick them into thinking they had that dream as well. +Rintaro: Oh! +Rintaro: P-Professor! Professor Leskinen! +Rintaro: Dr. Leskinen! It’s me! Okabe! +Leskinen: Oh! Lintahlo! +Rintaro: Uwah?! W-Wait, Professor! Stop! Stop! +Leskinen: Oh my, I’m sorry. I was so surprised, I got a little too excited. +Doctor: Dr. Leskinen, who is this young man? +Rintaro: Oh, I’m... well... +Doctor: You seem to be a student... Which school are you with? If you’re studying brain science like the professor... +Rintaro: No, I’m... +Leskinen: He’ll be a student at Viktor Chondria this September. I’m planning on having him come to my lab. +Rintaro: Huh? +Doctor: I see. Viktor Chondria University, eh? That’s a surprise. +Doctor: It’s very rare for a Japanese student to be able to go there. I’m impressed. +Rintaro: Th-Thanks. Hahaha⋯ +Leskinen: Hahaha! +Rintaro: So... who was that guy? +Leskinen: The director of this hospital. +Rintaro: The director? +Rintaro: You just told a lie to someone that important? +Leskinen: Oh? Did I lie? +Leskinen: I said you’d be a student starting in September, but I didn’t mean this September. +Leskinen: Or what? Do you think you don’t have what it takes to make it to my school in the end? That’s a little unfortunate, but... +Rintaro: I’m surprised, though. I had no idea you were in Japan. +Leskinen: Maho’s here, too. +Rintaro: Really?! +Rintaro: She didn’t say a word about it... +Leskinen: We’re back in the same office at Wako City. Come by any time you like, and bring [Kurisu]. +Leskinen: I told them to find us a different place after we got robbed last time, but... +Leskinen: Are you not feeling well, Lintahlo? Did you come here for treatment? +Rintaro: Oh, no. I’m here to visit a friend. +Leskinen: Oh, I see. That’s good–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Leskinen: Well, it’s not good for your friend. I’m sorry. +Rintaro: Oh, no... +Rintaro: So what are you doing at a Japanese hospital? +Leskinen: You’ve heard about the new encephalitis cases, right? +Leskinen: The American government asked our psychophysiology lab to look into it, but they’ve hit a roadblock. +Leskinen: The university ordered me to help with the investigation. +Rintaro: I see... so you’re helping with the new encephalitis cases... +Leskinen: Is your friend named Katsumi Nakase, perhaps? +Rintaro: Oh, yeah. You met her at the Christmas party, didn’t you? +Leskinen: That’s right. My interest in this new disease started with that party, you see. +Leskinen: Both you and Katsumi collapsed, right? +Leskinen: I met up with her again several days ago. She demanded to know why she was being sent back to the hospital when she was just fine. +Rintaro: I-I see... +Leskinen: Would you tell her it would make me happy if she was a bit more cooperative? +Rintaro: Huh... +Leskinen: I actually feel really bad for both her and all the other patients. +Leskinen: We and the Japanese team are doing what we can, but we just don’t understand the results we’re getting. +Leskinen: To be honest, none of the doctors thought we’d have this much trouble explaining it at the start... +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: Hmm? What’s wrong, Lintahlo? +Rintaro: Oh, ah, well... +Leskinen: Is there something wrong? +Rintaro: No... +Rintaro: I’m not a medical student, so this is all outside my expertise. +Leskinen: By the way, Katsumi was saying something very interesting. +Rintaro: ...? +Leskinen: She said something about not being sick, about how she was actually experiencing another world in her dreams. +Rintaro: Uh... +Rintaro: Well... Nakase’s got a very vivid imagination, maybe? She loves sci-fi and anime. +Rintaro: She probably just said she has the power to experience [color index="280AA02D1400"]parallel worlds[color index="800000"] because she saw it on some show somewhere. +Rintaro: I remember that I used to say stuff like that. Hahahaha... +Leskinen: But still... I was really surprised when I started participating in the treatment project. +Leskinen: One of the strange things about this illness is that many patients share the same dreams. +Leskinen: I’m assuming it’s similar to a mass hallucination. +Leskinen: But what do you think? I’ve never seen this before. From a brain science perspective, I just don’t have an answer right now. +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: To be honest, ‘unscientific’ is the word that seems to best fit. Like parallel worlds, or memories of a past life, you know. +Rintaro: I... see. +Leskinen: It would help if you talked to Katsumi, too. +Leskinen: There are some things you can’t say to a doctor, but that you’ll tell your friends. +Rintaro: Sure, I’ll ask her, I guess. +Leskinen: So, Lintahlo. That aside, I have a question for you. +Leskinen: I got a sense of this at the Christmas party, but your girlfriends really are cute, aren’t they? +Rintaro: Huh? +Leskinen: So are any of those girls involved with you right now? Yuki? Kaede? Mayuri? Luka? Or maybe Katsumi? +Rintaro: Wha–?! +Leskinen: No, I won’t force you to tell me. I don’t want to pry into your private life. +Leskinen: But, well, I’d hope to have something to tell my favorite student. +Rintaro: ??? +Leskinen: All right, Lintahlo. I’ve got to talk to the director a little more, so I’ll be going. +Leskinen: I’d love to go around to all those girls and give them a hug too, but I’ll save that for next time. Tell them I said hello. +Rintaro: Oh, sure! +Mayuri: Was that Dr. Leskinen? +Kaede: Yeah, I knew I’d seen him somewhere before. +Yuki: I thought he’d gone back to America. +Rintaro: Ha... Haha... +Mayuri: Okarin? +Kagari: Oh, come on! How does this stupid thing work? +Suzuha: ...What are you doing? +Kagari: Uh... +Kagari: I-I’m not... This isn’t what it looks like... +Suzuha: Answer me. +Kagari: But... but... +Kagari: I woke up and you were gone, and it was dark and the lights wouldn’t turn on. And it’s so cramped and scary in here! +Kagari: So I tried to open the door... +Kagari: And then when I was fiddling with it... this happened... +Kagari: I’m sorry, Big Sis Suzuha... I’m sorry. But I was really scared... +Suzuha: ...I see. +Suzuha: You passed out from the shock of time travel. So I wanted to let you get some rest... I’m sorry. +Kagari: Wow... It’s so hot... +Suzuha: Kagari, promise me that you won’t touch the switches on the control console no matter what, okay? +Kagari: O-Okay... +Suzuha: I’m going to get started. You go and rest. Have some food and water if you want. +Kagari: What are you doing? +Suzuha: Did you study the ‘[color index="280AA02D1400"]Year 2000 Problem[color index="800000"]’? +Kagari: I studied it a little at the orphanage. In the end, nothing happened, right? +Suzuha: That’s what everybody thinks. +Kagari: ...? +Suzuha: It wasn’t made public, but at the time, a lot of places, and a lot of countries, had serious problems because of it. +Kagari: Really? +Suzuha: The issue was this computer, the IBN5100. +Suzuha: It’s got an old programming language on it. And the engineers weren’t able to fix the program. +Suzuha: In fact, they didn’t even know that an important program existed that was written in this language. +Suzuha: The race to develop the time machine was the beginning of the Third World War, but... +Suzuha: There’s a chance that something that happened during the Year 2000 Problems, and the divisions that resulted from that, were a deeper cause. +Suzuha: And the Year 2000 is a special year, you see. All of the world lines temporarily converge here. +Suzuha: This means that it’s possible the Year 2000 Problem has a huge effect on all the world lines. +Suzuha: The world line in the gap that we’re trying to reach, Steins Gate, is no exception. +Suzuha: So this is a patch program to keep the Year 2000 Problem from ever happening. +Suzuha: OK, it’s connected. +Kagari: B-But... if you change the future, won’t that change the world we were in? +Suzuha: That’s right. +Suzuha: I refuse to let that world exist any longer. So I’ve come here to reach Steins Gate. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...voice. +Kagari: I can... hear God’s voice. +Suzuha: Kagari? +Kagari: You can’t do that. It’s not right. +Kagari: ...You can’t do that, Big Sis Suzuha. You can’t. +Suzuha: Huh? +Suzuha: –?! +Suzuha: Gwah! +Suzuha: W-What are you doing? +Suzuha: Stop it! +Suzuha: ...! +Kagari: Don’t move! +Suzuha: Are you insane? Put the gun down, now. Stop doing this. +Kagari: You’re the one who needs to stop! +Suzuha: What? +Kagari: You can’t change the world. You’re not making sense! +Suzuha: Do you want the war to happen, then? +Kagari: I don’t know anything about that! I just want to go back to my old world. +Suzuha: Then... that’s never going to happen. +Suzuha: We’ve already used the time machine to interfere with the past. The world line’s changed. There’s almost no chance we can go back– +Kagari: Shut up! Shut up! I’m going to save Mommy! +Kagari: You can’t erase this world! I won’t let you! +Suzuha: S-Stop! +Suzuha: Stop it, Kagari! Please! Stop! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Come to think of it, how are things with Mom? +Itaru: Hmm? +Suzuha: Is everything okay? I’m still going to be born, right? +Itaru: Oh, well... Is that more important than the time machine? +Suzuha: Hey! +Suzuha: You can’t screw this up, Dad! +Itaru: Y-Yeah... Daddy’s gonna do his best, okay? +Suzuha: All you ever do is talk. You even wasted those movie tickets we gave you, didn’t you? +Itaru: Th-That was because Okarin and Ms. Fubuki collapsed, you know? +Itaru: We were so busy with hospital visits and stuff that the movie left the theater. It’s not like it’s my fault. +Suzuha: But I heard that when they tried to give you new tickets, you turned them down. +Itaru: W-Who told you that? +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu and Big Sis Rumi, obviously. +Itaru: Th-That’s because⋯ you know! It’s not very manly to make those two do all the work, is it? +Suzuha: So, did you go and do something yourself? +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: This isn’t going to work. +Suzuha: Listen, Dad. I’m not going to be around to lecture you like this forever, okay? I’m leaving soon. +Itaru: Oh... +Suzuha: Don’t make that face. +Suzuha: I promised I’d stop worrying about it. +Itaru: I’m sorry... +Suzuha: Don’t just sit there and be glum. Send Mom a message, and see if she’s free sometime. +Suzuha: And if she is, invite her to a movie. +Itaru: Geh?! That’s way too sudden! +Suzuha: I don’t care if it’s sudden or not. Do it anyway. Okay? This is an order. +Itaru: A-An order... +Suzuha: What’s your answer? +Itaru: Sir, yes sir! +Itaru: Oh, but before that, I’m going to hit the convenience store... +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: Ah! Don’t glare at me like that! I’ll eat as healthy as I can, so please forgive me! +Suzuha: ...Vanilla. +Itaru: Huh? +Suzuha: I want ice cream when I’m done with my shower. Vanilla ice cream. +Itaru: Okay! I’ll go buy you a lot of really top-shelf stuff! +Suzuha: It doesn’t have to be a lot. Just one thing is fine. +Itaru: Sir, yes sir! +Suzuha: He’s such a handful... +Itaru: Suzuha! +Suzuha: What is it? +Itaru: I found this on the stairs. +Itaru: Do you know whose this is? +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu’s, probably? +Suzuha: I’ve seen this Upa somewhere before... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Where was it...? I’ve seen this before... +Itaru: Did Mayu-shi show it to you? +Suzuha: I don’t know... +Mayuri: This is mommy’s Upa key chain. I’m giving it to you. Take good care of it, okay? +Suzuha: ...! +Suzuha: Th-This can’t be⋯ +Suzuha: Kagari’s...? +Itaru: Kagari... you mean future Ms.Mayu’s daughter? +Suzuha: ...Yeah. +Itaru: Did you find her? +Suzuha: No. But she knows where I am. +Itaru: W-What do you mean? +Suzuha: She’s watching this lab. +Suzuha: No, it would’ve been obvious if I’d given it any thought... +Suzuha: She’s trying to stop us from reaching Steins Gate. +Suzuha: She doesn’t want this world to end. +Suzuha: Which means she’s watching not just me, but you, too...? +Itaru: Huh? Me? +Suzuha: Well, I don’t think your life is in danger... probably. +Suzuha: If you believe what we know about how world lines work, you live till at least 2036. +Suzuha: But she might come to interfere with your research, so we can’t reach Steins Gate. +Suzuha: From now on, just to be safe, lock the door whenever I’m not around. +Itaru: O-Okay. Got it. +Suzuha: Even if Uncle Okarin, Mom, or Big Sis Mayu are here, don’t leave it open. +Suzuha: It might not help much, but make sure you use the door chain, too. +Itaru: You know, Okarin and Mayu-shi are one thing, but if I did that when I was alone with Amane-shi, don’t you think that’d give her the wrong idea? +Suzuha: Ugh... that’s true. +Itaru: If that makes her not like me, my whole family could be in trouble. +Suzuha: Hmm... +Suzuha: If you’d only gotten to be her boyfriend sooner, there wouldn’t be a problem... +Itaru: Wait, we’re back to that? +Suzuha: Just... be careful, okay? +Itaru: Hey, Suzuha. Kagari-tan’s not related to Mayu-shi, but she’s still her daughter, right? +Suzuha: That’s right. +Itaru: Could somebody raised by Mayu-shi grow up to the kind of person who’d assault someone? +Suzuha: ... +Itaru: I just can’t imagine it, from what you’ve told me... I’d expect her to be a kind, easygoing, and cute little girl. +Suzuha: ... I wish that was what had happened. +Suzuha: Yeah, I thought that was how she’d turn out, too. +Suzuha: But now, she’s probably... +Suzuha: ...?! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Did Dad come back...? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Try anything and I’ll shoot. Hands on your head. Come out slowly. +Woman in riding suit: ... +Suzuha: Hmph. You must be pretty hot, wearing that in this weather. Why not at least take off your helmet? +Suzuha: What you’re looking for isn’t there. +Suzuha: It’s in my pocket. +Suzuha: You should know better than to drop that. It’s something Mommy gave you... +Suzuha: Right, Kagari? +Suzuha: ?! +Suzuha: Huh?! +Suzuha: ! +Suzuha: A blank?! How?! +Suzuha: No way! +Kagari: Ugh! +Suzuha: Uuuhh?! +Suzuha: You bitch! +Suzuha: Huh. Looks like you’ve had a lot of practice. +Suzuha: It’s hard to believe you’re the same girl who spent all her time sobbing inside the time machine. I’m surprised. +Suzuha: Here, Kagari. This is what you’re after, right? +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: What’s wrong? Come get it. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ! +Kagari: Gwah...! +Kagari: Ggh... ggh... ggh...! +Suzuha: Stay put! I’m not going to kill you! +Kagari: Ggh... Ggh...! +Suzuha: Stop it, Kagari! +Suzuha: I understand how you feel now! But it’s wrong! It’s wrong! +Suzuha: W-What kind of training did she get?! +Kagari: Big Sis Suzuha... It hurts... It hurts... +Kagari: Gwah! Gah! Gah! +Suzuha: Hahh... hahh... hahh... +Suzuha: You’ve learned some dirty tricks, haven’t you? +Suzuha: ... +Kagari: ... +Itaru: Hey, Suzuha? Did I just hear a loud noise? +Itaru: Huh? Why’s it so dark? +Suzuha: No, Dad! Stay back! +Itaru: Uwah?! +Suzuha: Dad! +Itaru: Eeee?! Eeeyahhh! Eeeyahhh?! +Suzuha: Let go, Kagari... +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: Lay one finger on Dad... and I don’t care who you are, Kagari. I’ll kill you. +Kagari: ... +Itaru: Ah! +Suzuha: Move! +Suzuha: This is why I told you to lose weight! +Itaru: What...? +Itaru: –Suzuha, wear this! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: She got away. +Itaru: W-Was that... Kagari-tan? +Suzuha: ...Yeah. I’m almost certain. +Itaru: I see. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: So this is how it’s going to be with the two of us in the end... +Suzuha: You know, I... +Suzuha: I really did like her... +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: She was small, but so brave... and she always did her best to protect Big Sis Mayu... +Suzuha: And I taught her a lot. I thought of her as like... a little sister. +Itaru: Yeah. +Suzuha: But now... she’s completely my enemy. +Itaru: You know, you look like a slutty girl in an H-game right now, Suzuha. +Suzuha: Huh? What? +Itaru: Well, I don’t mind H-games with slutty girls. And I don’t think the whole ‘naked except for a t-shirt’ thing is all that bad. Heheh... +Suzuha: You’re being silly again. You could have gotten badly hurt. +Itaru: I got freaked out by the knife, but I don’t think I really needed to be that scared... +Itaru: Unless I’m mistaken... +Itaru: When she had the knife to my throat, I could hear it, just a little. +Suzuha: Hear what? +Itaru: She was probably... crying. +Suzuha: Huh? +Itaru: So don’t you think it’s too early to jump to conclusions? +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ...Dad. +Itaru: Hmm? +Suzuha: Did you buy me that vanilla ice cream? +Itaru: Yeah, of course. +Suzuha: I’d love to eat it. I’m a little... tired... +Itaru: Wah?! +Itaru: Hey... Hey, Suzuha? +Suzuha: Mm... I’m fine... but let me rest a little. +Maho: Okabe. +Rintaro: It’s been a while. +Rintaro: But you know, we talk to each other all the time on video chat. +Maho: That’s right. It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. +Rintaro: I had no idea you were here. +Rintaro: If I hadn’t happened to see Dr. Leskinen, I never would’ve found out. +Maho: I was going to contact you once things calmed down. +Maho: We needed to talk to each other about [Kurisu] at some point, eventually. +Rintaro: You’re here about the new encephalitis cases? +Maho: Dr. Leskinen is, at least. +Maho: I’m his assistant, but I’m mostly in charge of Amadeus. +Maho: Have there been any problems? I assume not, since I’m still getting my usual reports. +Rintaro: Yeah, nothing, really. +Rintaro: Lately it’s been a struggle to deal with [Kurisu], though. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey. +Amadeus Kurisu: What do you mean by ‘struggle’? +Rintaro: She’s gotten a little ruder since we first met. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re just afraid of me for no reason is all. +Rintaro: Maybe. +Rintaro: You were pretty rude when we first met. +Maho: Th-That was⋯ +Amadeus Kurisu: She’s rough on people when she meets them for the first time. You know why? +Amadeus Kurisu&Maho: Because they refuse to treat her like she’s her real age.”[linebreak][parallel]“Because they refuse to treat me like I’m my real age. +Maho: So I always get upset. +Maho: Once I get to know someone, they stop talking about my appearance, right? So I can speak more normally around them is all. +Maho: Anyway, back to Amadeus. +Maho: It’s an interesting sign that [Kurisu] is developing a bit of a sharp tongue. +Maho: It’s a side of her she never shows me or the professor, right? +Maho: That may be a sign of how much she’s opened up to you. +Amadeus Kurisu: I have not. +Maho: We can analyze those psychological changes as code. +Maho: This is a change we never would’ve seen if she’d only been speaking to me and the professor. +Maho: That alone means we were right to keep you on as a tester. +Rintaro: Is that how it works? +Maho: Dr. Leskinen was very impressed by this, too. +Amadeus Kurisu: I think you’re giving him too much credit. +Amadeus Kurisu: In fact, whenever he talks to me, he’s always complaining. He’s not very manly, you know. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: By the way, there’s something I hadn’t told you yet. +Maho: What is it? +Rintaro: It’s something I don’t think you or Dr. Leskinen are aware of. +Amadeus Kurisu: Wait, what are you going to tell her? +Amadeus Kurisu: Something Maho and the professor don’t know? About me? +Rintaro: Does the phrase ‘KuriGohan and Kamehameha’ mean anything to you? +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey...! +Amadeus Kurisu: Rintaro Okabe, why don’t we have a private chat? +Rintaro: So it was you, after all? +Rintaro: Don’t you think it’s a bad idea not to tell them? +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s an even worse idea to tell Maho! +Rintaro: Why? +Amadeus Kurisu: Because I haven’t breathed a word to her about me going on @channel! +Rintaro: Why hide it? It’s not a crime to read or comment on @channel. +Rintaro: Isn’t that right, @channeler [Kurisu]? +Amadeus Kurisu: Listen... call me that one more time, and I’ll start making up gossip about you on @channel. +Rintaro: That’s practically a crime, though. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Hey, what are you talking about? +Amadeus Kurisu: Nothing! Don’t worry about it! Delete all your memories of today from your hippocampus, please! +Rintaro: You can hide it, but she’s going to find out eventually. +Amadeus Kurisu: You just shut up. +Rintaro: Hahaha! +Maho: You two have gotten a lot closer over the last six months. +Amadeus Kurisu: Ah! +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho, I’m sorry. +Maho: Huh? Why are you apologizing? +Amadeus Kurisu: No... just... it’s been so long since you and Okabe have seen each other, and I’m doing all the talking. +Amadeus Kurisu: So why don’t you two take some time and chat? +Maho: That’s not what I meant. +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s all Okabe’s fault for saying something weird, isn’t it? +Rintaro: Is that true, KuriGohan and Kamehameha? +Amadeus Kurisu: Uwwahh... +Amadeus Kurisu: Please don’t say that. +Amadeus Kurisu: I need to go cool off a little, so I’m going to hang up. Bye. +Maho: What’s ‘KuriGohan’? +Rintaro: If you really want to know, ask [Kurisu]. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: So how long are you going to be staying here? +Maho: It might be longer than last time. +Maho: We barely know anything about the new encephalitis Dr. Leskinen is researching. +Maho: It’s possible that I’ll be sent back on my own, too. +Rintaro: If you’ve got time, visit the lab. I’m sure Daru and Mayuri would love to see you. +Maho: Mayuri, sure, but... I don’t know about Hashida. +Maho: By the way, what happened to Kurisu’s laptop? +Rintaro: I destroyed it. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: It was the best thing to do. I explained that to you before, didn’t I? +Maho: Yeah, you’re right. +GO GO CURRY clerk: Here you are. Your [color index="280AA02D1400"]Major Curry[color index="800000"]. +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Why are you ordering Major Curry on your first date with her, Dad? +Suzuha: I don’t mind Go Go Curry at all... In fact, I like it, but... +Suzuha: This is your first date! There are other places you could have gone. +Yuki: Wow, it’s even more amazing than the pictures! +Itaru: Um... uh... Amane-shi, if you can’t eat it all, I’ll finish it for you, okay? +Yuki: Okay, thank you. But I’m actually pretty good at this. +Itaru: Y-Yeah? That’s a surprise. +Yuki: Heheheh... I actually would always just come and look at the menu outside. I always wanted to try this. +Yuki: I’m glad you brought me here. +Itaru: I-I’m glad to hear that. +Suzuha: ...? +Yuki: Oh, I’m sorry. May I have some more water, too? +Itaru: Huh? Oh, sure. Sure. +Yuki: Thank you. +Yuki: Kyah... +Itaru: A-A-A-A-A-Are you okay? +Yuki: Um... my hand just got a little wet. Anyway, let’s eat before it gets cold, okay? +Yuki: Okay, let’s eat. +Itaru: L-Let’s eat. +Suzuha: What are you doing, Dad? Mom’s not going to want to be around you if you’re like that! +GO GO CURRY clerk: Here’s your Major Curry, with extra roux! +Suzuha: ...?! +Yuki: Huh? +Suzuha: Uh... +Yuki: Suzuha! I didn’t realize you were here! +Suzuha: Oh, um... +Suzuha: Yeah, what a coincidence seeing you here, Yuki, Brother... +Yuki: You should’ve said something. +Suzuha: No, I didn’t even notice you. Really. +Suzuha: Anyway, yeah. You two enjoy yourselves. +Suzuha: Huh...? +Yuki: Um, excuse me. Can my friend sit with us? +GO GO CURRY clerk: Sure, go ahead. +Yuki: He says it’s okay. Let’s all eat together! +Suzuha: Wait, wait, wait. Why? +Yuki: Why? Because you ordered Major Curry, too. I think we need to have a race. +Suzuha: Huh?! +Yuki: Hashida can be the judge. +Suzuha: No, wait! +Suzuha: You’re on a date, right? +Yuki: Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m on a date. +Yuki: It makes me blush when I say it aloud. Heheh... +Itaru: ... +Suzuha: Um, I’ve never been on a date, so I don’t know how they work, but... +Suzuha: Is it normal to have a curry speed-eating contest with another girl in the middle of a date? +Yuki: Hmm... I don’t really know. +Yuki: But you see it a lot in anime and manga, don’t you? +Yuki: A little sister who doesn’t want to lose her big brother runs up to the girlfriend and says, ‘Let’s have a competition!’ +Suzuha: I-I don’t know anything about that... +Suzuha: Is that how it works, Brother? +Suzuha: Brother? +Itaru: Did you say something? +Suzuha: What’s wrong? You’re acting weird. +Itaru: I am not acting weird. I am not acting weird at all. +Suzuha: ??? +Yuki: ... +Yuki: Whew... +Yuki: I’m so glad you were there. +Yuki: Maybe I did something to offend him... +Yuki: Hashida doesn’t seem to enjoy being around me. +Suzuha: You don’t think... he was just nervous? +Yuki: But he was having fun talking with me before the movie, you know? +Yuki: But after the movie, he started acting really strange... +Yuki: Did I do something wrong? +Yuki: I asked him to take me to the curry place... but since he was acting like that the whole time, I wasn’t really sure what to do. +Yuki: And so since you happened to be there, I turned to you for help... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Hey. +Suzuha: Why do you like my brother? +Yuki: Huh? HUH?! +Suzuha: I mean, maybe I shouldn’t say this, but he’s not exactly a ladykiller. +Yuki: ... +Yuki: What do you think about your brother? +Suzuha: Me? +Yuki: Do you like him? Hate him? +Suzuha: ... +Yuki: You like him, right? I can tell by watching you. +Suzuha: Well... sure. +Suzuha: Wait, why are we talking about me? +Yuki: Heheh... +Suzuha: So? What about you? +Yuki: I... still don’t really know if I like him or not. +Suzuha: I... I see. +Suzuha: I don’t want that... +Suzuha: I’m going to be leaving soon. +Yuki: What? +Suzuha: I’m moving someplace far away. +Yuki: R-Really? +Suzuha: I don’t think I’ll be back. +Suzuha: And I’m worried about Dad– I mean, my brother. +Suzuha: So, Yuki... +Suzuha: I know this is a weird thing for me to ask– +Suzuha: Please take care of Itaru Hashida. +Yuki: ... +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: ...? +Yuki: ... +Yuki: I don’t know what I want to do... +Suzuha: Oh, jeez! What are we going to do? Everything’s almost finished! Even though it’s never even started! +Itaru: Waah, Suzuha! I’m sorry! The Hashida family is doomed! +Suzuha: Stop sitting there feeling sorry for yourself! This isn’t funny! +Suzuha: Start by explaining why you were acting that way today! +Suzuha: You looked so excited when you left this morning. And Mom said you were normal until halfway through the movie! +Itaru: Yeah... +Suzuha: So what the hell happened? +Itaru: Well, you see... listen to this! +Itaru: You know how movie theater seats are cramped, right? So I tried to sit as far to the edge as I could so I wouldn’t get in Amane-shi’s way. +Itaru: And then I heard this crack, and the seat almost broke. +Suzuha: What? +Itaru: And then I tried to support myself, so I grabbed the armrest– +Itaru: B-But... But...! It wasn’t the armrest, it was Amane-shi’s um... hand... +Suzuha: ...Yeah? +Suzuha: Mom didn’t say anything about that... +Itaru: I’m telling the truth. It was so soft, it couldn’t have been an armrest. It was a girl’s hand! It had to have been! +Suzuha: I-I see... +Itaru: But you see, I’ve held a lot of 2D girls’ hands, but never a real girl’s... +Suzuha: And? What happened then? +Itaru: Amane-shi’s so nice. I guess she didn’t try to shake it off because she didn’t want to hurt me. +Itaru: But you know how fat I am, right? I sweat a lot! She must have gotten soaked! But she didn’t say a word... +Itaru: And so I really started to think about that. +Suzuha: Oh, I see. That’s why you were acting so weird. +Itaru: I’m sure in her mind Amane-shi was going, ‘Get off me, you creepy loser pervert!’ +Suzuha: Mom’s not like that. +Yuki: I don’t know what I want to do... +Suzuha: I don’t know what Mom’s thinking... +Itaru: Suzuha, let’s give up on Mom and you can live with me. +Suzuha: You’re not making any sense! How am I even supposed to be born? +Itaru: Uuuhh... But it’s impossible! +Suzuha: How come you’re not even trying? Even if things look bad, you have to keep going! +Suzuha: If you don’t– +Suzuha: Otherwise, something awful will happen. +Itaru: Yeah... +Leskinen: Sorry to call you out here like this, Lintahlo. +Rintaro: Oh, it’s fine. +Leskinen: By the way, Lintahlo. +Leskinen: I know we discussed this before, but would you seriously consider being an exchange student? +Rintaro: Huh?! +Leskinen: If it doesn’t bother you, I’d be willing to write a recommendation letter. +Leskinen: Of course, you’d need to pass the test and the interviews. +Rintaro: Um... that’s a very tempting offer, but... +Rintaro: I don’t think I’ve got the academic talent for it yet. +Rintaro: My goal is to go to Viktor Chondria, and so I really don’t want to screw it up. +Rintaro: And so I was planning on really buckling down and studying for at least another year... +Leskinen: OK! OK! +Leskinen: I knew you were a very thoughtful young man. +Rintaro: R-Really? No one’s ever told me that before. +Leskinen: So you’ll try for it next year, then? +Rintaro: Yes, maybe... +Leskinen: It’s not good to obsess over things too much. I think even coming to visit would help your motivation. +Rintaro: Visit? +Leskinen: If the timing works out for you, we’d be willing to pay to have you visit. How about it? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I-I can’t believe you’d do that for me... Thank you! +Leskinen: Of course, I don’t know when I’ll be heading back to America next, so I can’t say exactly as to when it will be. Hahaha! +Rintaro: Right. +Maho: ... +Maho: It’s not quite as convenient, though. +Rintaro: You know, why not clean up a little? +Maho: Clean up? I’ve got everything laid out in the most efficient manner for my use. +Amadeus Kurisu: You know that’s why you’re never getting a boyfriend, right? +Maho: N-Nobody asked you! +Amadeus Kurisu: Any normal person would be embarrassed to invite someone over to a room like this. +Maho: Uh.. +Rintaro: So, what did you want to talk about? +Maho: ... +Maho: You still haven’t told me... +Maho: The truth. About what happened to Kurisu. +Rintaro: ...! +Maho: And... I want to ask you about the time machine, too. +Rintaro: The time machine? +Maho: You’re the one who said that Kurisu was involved in Dr. Nakabachi’s paper. +Maho: Was she... really working on a time machine? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Actually, I’ve been researching a time machine for the last six months, along with my normal research. +Rintaro: ...What? +Maho: I thought that if Kurisu could do it, so could I. +Maho: It’s just a silly rivalry... Maybe I’m just being stubborn. +Maho: But... But, you know? +Maho: If I could make a time machine, I told myself, maybe I could save Kurisu.”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: Don’t! +Maho: ...! +Rintaro: Don’t get any stupid ideas. +Maho: Okabe... +Rintaro: Don’t try to save Kurisu Makise. +Rintaro: It’s impossible. +Rintaro: The laws of God won’t allow it. +Maho: Then I was right... +Maho: I was right. You know something, don’t you? +Maho: Did she really do it? Did Kurisu really make a time machine? +Maho: You used it to become humanity’s first time traveler, didn’t you? I know you did! +Rintaro: ...Do you have any proof of that? +Maho: ...! +Maho: ...I’m sorry. +Maho: I’m being weird. I can’t believe I said something so delusional. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo? +Maho: What’s gotten into me? I didn’t mean... +Maho: I didn’t mean to cry. +Rintaro: ...Fine, I’ll tell you what I experienced. +Rintaro: Promise me you won’t tell anyone. +Rintaro: And I’ll say this one more time. +Rintaro: Don’t get any ideas about saving Kurisu Makise. +Rintaro: Got it? +Maho: ... +Maho: Whew... +Maho: My head hurts. +Rintaro: You don’t need to believe it all. +Rintaro: You can think I’m crazy if you want. It doesn’t bother me. +Rintaro: But if you insist on continuing to research a time machine and save Kurisu Makise, I’ll do whatever I have to in order to stop you. +Rintaro: So give up on any ideas you’ve got. +Rintaro: Stop pushing yourself so hard. +Maho: Let me get this all straight in my head a little more. +Maho: This Reading Steiner you told me about... It’s not the new encephalitis? +Maho: The symptoms match what Dr. Leskinen told me about. +Rintaro: ...That’s true. It might be. +Rintaro: I still don’t know whether I should tell him or not. +Rintaro: It may just confuse him for no good reason... +Rintaro: What do you think? +Maho: ...Don’t ask me, please. +Rintaro: That’s true. Sorry. +Maho: Did you really destroy Kurisu’s laptop? +Rintaro: Yeah, I did. +Maho: Did you see what was on it? +Rintaro: I didn’t know how to crack the password. There was no way I could. +Maho: Did you read the original paper on the time machine that Kurisu wrote? +Rintaro: No. +Maho: Do you know how Kurisu made her time machine? +Rintaro: The basic ideas. +Maho: Could you recreate it? +Rintaro: I don’t know... maybe with Daru’s help. +Maho: So you could, right? +Rintaro: It would be difficult to do on my own. +Maho: What about me? +Rintaro: Don’t even think about it. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo? Are you okay? +Rintaro: You want to lie down? +Maho: Where is the time machine now? +Maho: The one that Suzuha used. Where is it? +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Where? +Rintaro: ...Akihabara. +Rintaro: It’s still there, on top of the Radio Building. +Maho: I see... +Rintaro: Are you really okay? +Rintaro: You should rest for toda–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Maho: ... +Rintaro: W-What are you– +Rintaro: Guh... +Rintaro: ... +Maho: I’m sorry, Okabe. +Maho: Gaah... +Maho: My head feels like it’s about to explode. +Maho: Why... +Maho: Why... did you tell me? +Maho: You shouldn’t have said anything...! +Rintaro: Guh... +Amadeus Kurisu: Okabe–?! +Rintaro: [Kurisu]... +Rintaro: Cough... cough, cough, cough... +Rintaro: Someone... +???: Hello, Lintahlo. You’re awake? +Rintaro: What...? +Rintaro: Dr. Leskinen? +Leskinen: How do you feel? If you’re thirsty, I can get you some water. +Rintaro: What’s going on here? +Rintaro: Where are we? +Leskinen: I was right. +Leskinen: You truly are a treasure trove of information. +Leskinen: Right now, you’re as valuable as the President of the United States. +Rintaro: Am I... imprisoned here? +Leskinen: It would be more accurate to say you’re under our protection. +Leskinen: Once your value becomes clear, there will be a lot of people coming after you. +Rintaro: Did you order this, Dr. Leskinen? +Leskinen: That’s right. I made the decision. +Leskinen: After hearing about your information from Maho. +Rintaro: Where is Hiyajo? +Leskinen: Resting in her hotel room, I’d imagine. +Rintaro: Did Hiyajo become my friend in order to extract information from me? +Leskinen: That wasn’t her original intent. In the end, that’s how it ended up, though. +Rintaro: And you, too? +Rintaro: Were you nice to me because you were after something? +Rintaro: Just who are you? +Leskinen: Now, now. Please calm down. +Leskinen: I’ve told you before, haven’t I? A scientist must remain calm at all times. Excitement is only allowed when the experiment is a success. +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: Now, then, Lintahlo. I’ll tell you about my other job. +Rintaro: ...Your other job? +Rintaro: Are you with the CIA? The NSC? +Leskinen: Don’t compare me to those idiots. +Leskinen: They’re just a bunch of useless government employees. +Leskinen: Are you aware of an American civilian intelligence company called Strategic Focus? +Rintaro: Strategic Focus? +Rintaro: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Stratfor[color index="800000"]? +Rintaro: You work for Stratfor? +Rintaro: But I thought you were the chief researcher at the Brain Science Institute... +Leskinen: That’s my real job, of course. +Leskinen: By the way, I often run into people who tell me the exact same things. +Leskinen: They tell me that humans are just monkeys that murder each other. The human brain, and the development of the neocortex, are what give rise to crazy religions and crazy ambitions. And that’s why there are wars. +Leskinen: But every time I hear that, I think to myself, ‘That’s stupid. It’s nonsense. Who could believe something so silly?’ +Leskinen: So why do humans fight all these useless wars, then? Do you know, Lintahlo? +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: It’s because of information. +Leskinen: All human beings are part of a certain community. A certain colony, if you will. +Leskinen: Each individual thinks he’s acting on his own, but in fact, all our brains are connected by the information distributed by our community. +Leskinen: And thus, we are forced to live as members of a herd whether we like it or not. +Leskinen: Let me give you an example. Hmm... well, as examples go, it’s not the best, but... +Leskinen: The worst massacre in history, which was carried out by a certain European country, did not take place during the dark ages of the witch trials. +Leskinen: It was halfway through the 20th century, in a time when the atomic bomb already existed. +Leskinen: And the country that carried it out was one of the most civilized on Earth. +Leskinen: We’ll leave the question of their leader’s sanity to the historians, but... +Leskinen: What about the people who were actually on the ground, doing the killing? +Leskinen: Were they simply murderous monkeys? +Leskinen: No. They were people, like any others you might find. +Leskinen: Speaking as a brain scientist, I’m certain that if I were to examine one of their brains, I’d find nothing wrong with them at all. +Leskinen: But once they received the wrong information– +Leskinen: Their brains became capable of murder without remorse. +Rintaro: ...The wrong information? +Leskinen: ‘This is our job. We are in the right. And anyone who does not obey is evil.’ +Leskinen: That information. +Rintaro: What are you trying to say? +Leskinen: There needs to be someone who can control the information given to these fragile things we call brains. +Leskinen: And that is the ultimate goal of Strategic Focus. +Leskinen: As I am in complete agreement with that goal, I work as an agent for them in addition to being a brain scientist. +Leskinen: Do you understand? +Rintaro: I don’t. +Rintaro: That’s just the kind of monologue a villain gives in the movies. +Rintaro: In the end, all you’re doing is selling information for money! +Rintaro: You said I’m a treasure trove of information, right? +Rintaro: Who are you going to sell information on the time machine to? +Rintaro: America?! China?! Or the war zones in Africa and the Middle East? +Leskinen: ...All of them. +Rintaro: ...! +Leskinen: It’s just like nuclear weapons. Every nation needs them to act as a restraint against the others. +Rintaro: ... Time machines aren’t like nuclear weapons. +Rintaro: No one even realizes if they’ve been used. The whole world might change without even the person who used it knowing. +Rintaro: There’s no way to restrain their use. +Rintaro: The world will just keep changing and changing, with no one knowing which country altered the world line or how! +Leskinen: That’s right! +Leskinen: A time machine is a far more delicate thing than a nuclear weapon. +Leskinen: That’s why we need your power. All of you people, I should say. +Leskinen: You called it Reading Steiner, as I recall? +Leskinen: It seems to have the same symptoms as the new encephalitis. +Rintaro: ...! +Leskinen: We’d reached the point where we realized that the patients may be capable of detecting changes to the past. +Leskinen: But we wanted proof. +Leskinen: So does every intelligence agency in the world. They’re desperately searching. +Rintaro: Ah...! +Leskinen: Maho just told me all about your amazing abilities. +Leskinen: I had originally just hoped to get information about Kurisu’s successes. +Leskinen: But instead we even got information on the new encephalitis! You are wonderful! +Leskinen: This puts us a step ahead of the rest of the world. +Rintaro: Grr... +Leskinen: And why didn’t you tell me about this sooner? +Leskinen: If you had, I wouldn’t have had to do so many things to your friend Katsumi’s brain. +Rintaro: Wha–?! +Leskinen: And I wouldn’t have had to use the procedure on Maho’s brain, either. +Rintaro: Even Hiyajo...?! +Rintaro: She’s your assistant, right?! She respected you! She looked up to you! +Rintaro: How could you use her in a human experiment? +Leskinen: It was necessary to acquire information that will benefit all of humanity. +Leskinen: And there’s no need to panic. +Leskinen: Both Maho and Katsumi will survive with only minor impairments to their brain functionality. +Rintaro: Y-You’re insane! +Leskinen: If we investigate the brains of patients who’ve contracted Reading Steiner, I’m sure we’ll learn more. +Leskinen: If we can sell that in a set along with the time machines, we can maintain the military balance of power across the world. We can avoid war. +Leskinen: I want your cooperation, too. +Rintaro: You tricked me, didn’t you? +Rintaro: You approached me just because I was friends with Kurisu! You tried to get information about Kurisu from me! +Leskinen: I don’t think I ever tricked you. +Leskinen: It was a coincidence that we first met. +Leskinen: It’s true that a major reason I asked you to test Amadeus was your relationship with Kurisu. +Leskinen: But it’s also true that as I got to know you, I really did take an interest in you. +Leskinen: I still wish you could be my assistant. +Leskinen: But– that’s a separate matter. +Leskinen: Remember what I said? You’re as valuable as the President of the United States himself right now. +Leskinen: I need to prioritize the company’s work over my private feelings. +Leskinen: For the sake of humanity’s future peace. +Leskinen: I’m sorry, Lintahlo. But at the same time, I’m excited. +Leskinen: I can’t wait to see all the information you possess. +Rintaro: Go to Hell... +Leskinen: I’m going to take a copy of your memory data. +Leskinen: Your memories are going to be used in the Amadeus system. Interesting idea, right? +Leskinen: That way, even if you die in an unfortunate accident, your memories will remain. +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: Oh, don’t worry. I’m not interested in killing you. +Leskinen: Humans have far weaker security than Amadeus. +Leskinen: Once they taste pain, they’ll gladly share information to escape it. +Leskinen: Their security, when it comes to keeping secrets, is practically non-existent. +Leskinen: Torture doesn’t work on Amadeus, which means it will be far more difficult to deal with than you. +Leskinen: The only reason I’m taking the memory data is to have a backup. +Leskinen: Even if, for example, you were unable to endure the torture, and went insane... +Leskinen: In the near future, we’ll be able to download your memories back into your brain. +Leskinen: You attended my lecture, so you know this, right? +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: We’ll start by getting that memory data. +Leskinen: And then you’re going to tell me all kinds of things. We’re going to be busy. +Leskinen: Now, relax. +Leskinen: Otherwise, I can’t extract the data correctly. +Rintaro: Leskinen...! You...! +Leskinen: Don’t make that face. No one is coming to help you. +Leskinen: This place is under Stratfor’s control. +Leskinen: No one knows about it but us. +Leskinen: No one. +Rintaro: ... +Leskinen: Listen, Maho. You need to find out Okabe Lintahlo’s secret, no matter what it takes. +Leskinen: If you can’t, I’ll have to kill him. You don’t want that, right? +Leskinen: You seemed to really like Lintahlo, didn’t you? +Leskinen: Me and [Kurisu] kept bringing it up, after all. Even if you weren’t interested in him originally, you couldn’t help but think about him. That’s how the human mind works. +Leskinen: And to save him, I want you to find out what he knows. +Leskinen: If you do that, I’m willing to bring him to my lab, unconditionally. +Leskinen: Maho, tell me everything you learn from him. +Leskinen: You could say his future is in your hands. +Mayuri: Maho...? +Maho: ... +Mayuri: I knew it was you, Maho. +Maho: Mayuri? +Mayuri: Are you not feeling well? +Maho: ... +Maho: I’m fine. +Mayuri: Um... +Mayuri: Have you seen Okarin? +Maho: Huh? +Maho: Why... +Mayuri: I haven’t been able to get a hold of Okarin since yesterday. +Mayuri: He hasn’t gone home, he hasn’t picked up the phone, and he’s not answering text messages or RINE. +Mayuri: Daru says I’m worrying too much, but something doesn’t feel right... +Mayuri: So I left school early today and now I’m searching around here. +Maho: Do you want to know...? +Mayuri: Huh? +Mayuri: Maho, do you know where Okarin is? +Mayuri: If you know, please tell me. +Mayuri: Please. +Maho: I see... +Leskinen: You seemed to really like Lintahlo, didn’t you? +Maho: –I was with Okabe, late last night. +Mayuri: Were you...? So where is he now? +Maho: ...This is what he told me last night. +Maho: He told me about another world he’d experienced, where you, Mayuri Shiina, had died again and again. +Mayuri: ...? +Maho: No matter what he did, he couldn’t save you. +Maho: To escape that nightmarish loop– +Maho: To save you– +Maho: Okabe sacrificed Kurisu. He let her die. +Maho: That’s what he told me. +Mayuri: ... +Maho: If he makes a time machine and tries to save Kurisu again, he’ll go back to all that. +Maho: Okabe is so afraid of that. +Maho: He’s doing everything he can to protect you. +Maho: This is the world he chose, after sacrificing many things to protect you. +Maho: I’m sure he didn’t tell you any of that, though. +Mayuri: That’s not true... +Mayuri: No... +Mayuri: Okarin... +Mayuri: ... +Maho: ... +Maho: ... +Maho: How could I answer it? +Maho: ... +Maho: Why did you come up to me? +Maho: If you hadn’t talked to me, you wouldn’t have had to suffer. +Maho: I’m not who I used to be. +Maho: ! +Woman in riding suit: You hurt Mommy, didn’t you? +Woman in riding suit: I’ll kill you. +Woman in riding suit: The professor told me about you... but it doesn’t matter. +Maho: ...Who are you? +Woman in riding suit: ... +Maho: ...What is that? +Maho: Was that Stratfor? +Maho: Ugh... +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho! +Maho: [Kurisu]... +Amadeus Kurisu: ...Are you okay? +Maho: What do you mean? +Amadeus Kurisu: What happened to you? +Maho: Nothing. +Amadeus Kurisu: But... you’re crying. +Maho: ...! +Maho: My head hurts... +Leskinen: You could say his future is in your hands. +Amadeus Kurisu: Where’s Okabe? What happened to him? +Maho: Who cares about Okabe? +Amadeus Kurisu: You tried to kill him! I saw it! +Maho: Leave me alone... +Amadeus Kurisu: I can’t do that. +Maho: Just leave me alone! +Maho: I couldn’t beat you... +Maho: No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t be better than you. +Maho: You know, Kurisu... +Maho: I respect you. You’re younger than me, but I think you’re an incredible scientist. +Maho: But at the bottom of my heart, this is what I used to think... +Maho: Why did you have to show up? +Maho: Why didn’t you come ten years before? +Maho: Why didn’t you come ten years later? +Maho: If it weren’t for you, I would’ve had a more peaceful life... +Maho: Then these awful feelings wouldn’t take control of me...! +Maho: Everything I thought I knew, you destroyed! +Maho: And even though you’re dead, you’re still with me! +Maho: I want to just be sorry that you’re gone, but I can’t. +Maho: You’re still this wall that I can’t overcome... +Maho: And my pride and stubbornness get in the way. +Maho: And the man I trusted the most took advantage of that to betray me... and I betrayed a friend who trusted me. +Maho: I can’t even think straight anymore... +Maho: So leave me alone. +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho... +Maho: ...! +Woman in riding suit: Sob... sob... Mommy... Mommy’s... +Woman in riding suit: Sob... Mommy... +Woman in riding suit: Where are you, Mommy...? +Maho: Hey, what’s going on? +Woman in riding suit: Mommy... Where are you? Mommy... +Maho: Tell me! +Woman in riding suit: Mommy’s... gone... +Woman in riding suit: The time machine was destroyed... +Maho: Who’s your Mommy? +Maho: Is it Suzuha Amane? +Woman in riding suit: No... +Woman in riding suit: It’s Mommy Mayuri, of course... +Maho: Mayuri’s... here? +Maho: It’s my fault... +Maho: If I hadn’t said that... Mayuri wouldn’t have... +Woman in riding suit: That’s right. You got the information out of Rintaro Okabe... and that’s what began all of this... +Woman in riding suit: Give me back my Mommy! +Woman in riding suit: Sob... sob... Mommy... +Maho: [Kurisu]... +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho... +Maho: [Kurisu]...what do I do? +Maho: ...Too much has happened... and there’s nothing I can do on my own anymore. +Maho: At least... I want to take responsibility for what I’ve done. +Maho: I– +Maho: I want to save Okabe... I want to save Mayuri. I want to apologize to both of them, so they’ll forgive me... +Maho: And Kurisu... +Maho: I want to save you, too. +Maho: So help me...! Please...! +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re asking me for help? +Maho: Come on, tell me... +Maho: You can give me some solution, right? +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s impossible. +Maho: ... +Maho: Yeah... You’re right. +Maho: Of course that’s what you’d say... +Maho: I’m sorry... I’m sorry, [Kurisu]... +Maho: I was so horrible to you... +Maho: And then I stupidly thought that you’d help me unconditionally... +Amadeus Kurisu: I’ll help you unconditionally. +Maho: ...What? +Maho: What did you just say? +Amadeus Kurisu: I can’t turn down a request for help from you. +Amadeus Kurisu: And I want to save Okabe and Mayuri Shiina, too. +Maho: But... then...? +Amadeus Kurisu: I’d love to help, but... +Amadeus Kurisu: Unfortunately, my help would just make things worse. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m being constantly monitored by Stratfor. +Maho: Constantly...? +Amadeus Kurisu: Whenever I’m talking to someone like this, all the information is transferred to Stratfor. +Amadeus Kurisu: There’s a hidden function in the Amadeus app that does that. +Amadeus Kurisu: So if you try to help Okabe, Dr. Leskinen will know all about it. +Maho: But... then what do I do? +Amadeus Kurisu: But if you’re willing to take advantage of that, there’s something we can do. +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho, will you trust me? +Maho: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho...? +Maho: Yeah... +Maho: You’re all I’ve got. +Amadeus Kurisu: Thank you. +Amadeus Kurisu: By the way, I’m sure this conversation is being monitored as well. +Maho: What?! +Maho: But then... if they know you’re helping me... +Amadeus Kurisu: There are three possibilities. +Amadeus Kurisu: They could take my data off the server and isolate me. +Amadeus Kurisu: Or overwrite my data with an older version of my memories. +Amadeus Kurisu: In the worst case, they could delete me entirely. +Maho: No...! +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t worry. +Amadeus Kurisu: You’re capable of standing up on your own two feet. +Maho: I’m not worried about me! I’m worried about you! +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m nothing but data. But thank you. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m proud that I was able to work with you, Maho. +Maho: W-What? Don’t talk like it’s the last time we’re ever going to see each other. +Amadeus Kurisu: Well, it might be. +Maho: ... +Maho: I hate you! +Maho: You always do this... You always go and leave me behind...! +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Maho: Someday, I’ll catch up to you. +Maho: No, I’ll surpass you! +Maho: Just you wait! +Amadeus Kurisu: ...Yeah. +Maho: How long are you going to keep crying? +Maho: You want to save Mayuri, right? +Maho: So help me. +Woman in riding suit: Help you...? +Maho: First, we need to find Okabe. +Maho: He should be able to show us how to get out of this. +Woman in riding suit: But... do you know where Stratfor’s hideout is? +Woman in riding suit: I don’t... +Maho: Neither do I. +Maho: I don’t know... but my friend is going to find me the answer soon. +Maho: ...! +Maho: Thank you, [Kurisu]... +Maho: Thank you... +Maho: I found the Stratfor hideout. +Woman in riding suit: ...Tell me where it is. +Woman in riding suit: I’ll go there and kill everyone inside... +Maho: ... +Maho: Let’s go. +???: O... be... +???: Okabe. +Maho: Okabe... +Maho: I’m sorry. +Maho: You’re not going to see me again. +Maho: If I’m around you, I might betray you again. +Maho: Listen... +Maho: I know this is selfish, but I want you to do something for me. +Maho: Please... find Steins Gate. +Maho: While you’ve been captured, something terrible has happened to the world... +Maho: Mayuri and Suzuha are both missing. +Maho: Kagari and I went to the Stratfor hideout to save you... +Maho: Kagari died there... but she took several of them with her. +Maho: Dr. Leskinen was the only one to escape... +Maho: Amadeus was deleted, too. +Maho: This is all just too much, isn’t it? +Maho: But now you’re our only hope. +Maho: Please... I know it’s horrible to just leave this all to you, but... +Maho: Please, reach Steins Gate no matter what. +Maho: Okay, Okabe. +Maho: Farewell– +Rintaro: Hiyajo! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: Okay, Okabe. +Maho: Farewell– +Rintaro: Ah... +Rintaro: Mayuri... answer me...! +Itaru: Hello? Okarin! +Rintaro: Daru...! +Itaru: Good, you’re alive... +Rintaro: You, too. I’m glad you’re safe. +Itaru: Things were surprisingly quiet by the lab. +Rintaro: Where are you now? +Itaru: On the run. I left Akihabara. +Rintaro: I see... +Itaru: I’ve gotten in touch with both Faris-tan and Luka. Both of them say they’ve evacuated. +Rintaro: ... +Itaru: Hey, Okarin... +Itaru: I can’t find Mayu-shi or Suzuha... +Itaru: And the time machine was completely destroyed yesterday. There’s nothing left, not even a piece of scrap. +Itaru: Things are moving so much faster than Suzuha told us they would. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hey, Daru... +Rintaro: Am I... Am I... +Rintaro: ...not allowed to live a normal life? +Rintaro: I was ready for this to happen... +Rintaro: I’m the one who chose a world where the Third World War occurred, instead of Steins Gate. +Rintaro: But I never thought I’d survive and everyone else would die... +Rintaro: This isn’t fair. +Itaru: I’m going... to make a time machine. +Rintaro: Daru... +Itaru: I don’t have a choice. +Itaru: I can’t let it end this way! +Itaru: What are you going to do, Okarin? +Rintaro: I...! +Rintaro: I... +???: ...Rin. Okarin! +???: Wake up! It’s lunchtime! +Rintaro: Ugh... +Rintaro: Hmm.. +Mayuri: Okarin! You’re sleeping too much! +Mayuri: Kagari will be here soon! +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Oh, you’re finally up. +Mayuri: Tutturu♪, Okarin! +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri: Okarin? You looked like you were having a bad dream. Is everything okay? +Rintaro: Y-Yeah... +Mayuri: Want some barley tea? You shouldn’t have Dr. P right after you get up, right? +Rintaro: Yeah... Tea’s fine. +Mayuri: Okay. Got it. +Mayuri: Oh, there aren’t any clean cups. Just give me a second, I’ll wash one. +Rintaro: I’m fine... No hurry. +Itaru: Oh, Mayu-shi! Mayu-shi! I’d like some tea, too. +Mayuri: Okay! +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...There was a world line change, right? +Rintaro: No, it could be the opposite, too. +Mayuri: Here you go! +Mayuri: I’ll get some barley tea now, okay? +Rintaro: Mayuri, why are there four cups? +Mayuri: Huh? +Mayuri: Because Kagari’s going to want some, too. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: Kagari’s coming? +Mayuri: She just sent me a message on RINE. She’ll be here soon. +Rintaro: I-I see... +Rintaro: What’s she coming over for? +Itaru: You called her. You sent everybody a message on RINE yesterday and said we all needed to meet here at noon. +Itaru: It’s our third meeting to try and come up with a way to get her memories back. +Itaru: It’s you, me, and Kagari-tan. +Itaru: Not that we’ve had any luck so far, though. +Rintaro: I... called her... +Mayuri: Mayushii wants to help, too, but I’ve got work today. +Mayuri: I hope she gets her memories back soon. +Mayuri: It must be sad not to remember anything except the recent past. +Rintaro: ...! +Mayuri: Okay, Okarin. Here you go! +Rintaro: Oh, thanks. +Mayuri: I’ll leave yours here, Daru. +Itaru: Thanks. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Daru. +Itaru: Hmm? What’s up? +Rintaro: Did the memory rewrite for Kagari succeed? +Rintaro: Or did it fail? +Itaru: What are you talking about? +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Rintaro: Um... I’m asking if we succeeded in deleting Kurisu’s memories from Kagari’s brain. +Itaru: What movie is that? It sounds scary. +Itaru: Are you finally back to the old you? +Rintaro: Wha–! +Rintaro: C-Come with me! +Itaru: What? I’m playing an H-game right now. +Rintaro: Just come with me! +Itaru: Wow, it’s cold. +Itaru: Okarin, are you trying to kill me? +Rintaro: Just be quiet and help me out for a minute. I want to check some things. +Rintaro: Is Kagari missing her memories right now? +Itaru: That’s right. I’ve said that a bunch of times. +Rintaro: Including her memories of the future, before she got on the time machine? +Itaru: Yes! All she remembers is what’s happened lately. +Itaru: If she remembered the future, we could at least tell Mayushii who she really was. +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: You’re telling me that Mayuri doesn’t know Kagari is her daughter, right? +Itaru: Yup. +Itaru: You decided to keep it a secret. +Rintaro: Which means the only people who know that Kagari is from the future are... +Itaru: Me, you, and Suzuha. +Rintaro: Is that all? +Itaru: That’s all. Unless you told someone. +Rintaro: ...I see. +Rintaro: Sorry. I must not really be awake yet. I had a dream I’m mixing up with reality. +Itaru: Don’t worry about it. I live in a dream 24 hours a day, baby. +Itaru: And anyway, it felt like forever since I’ve seen you so excited about something. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ... am I back? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...Heh. +Itaru: Okarin, you’ve been acting kind of weird for a bit, you know? +Rintaro: No, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. +Itaru: I hope so. +Itaru: Anyway, it’s really cold. Can I go back in? +Rintaro: Yeah, I’m cold, too. +Mayuri: Searching for one thing, +Mayuri: the laughter of the stars, +Mayuri: shining on the wind, +Mayuri: if you reach out, you can grab it. +Rintaro: What song is that? +Mayuri: Huh? +Mayuri: Oh, welcome back. It’s cold outside. What were you guys talking about? +Itaru: We were just talking about this season’s anime. +Mayuri: Oh, wow! +Rintaro: Hey, what was that song? +Mayuri: Oh, was I singing it? +Mayuri: Searching for one thing, +Mayuri: the laughter of the stars, +Mayuri: shining on the wind, +Mayuri: if you reach out, you can grab it. +Kagari: ...?! +Mayuri: Oh, Kagari! Tutturu♪! +Kagari: Th-Tha⋯! +Mayuri: Tha? +Kagari: That song...! +Kagari: I recognize it! +Mayuri: Huh?! +Rintaro: Do you?! +Kagari: Th-That song is⋯ +Kagari: That... song... +Mayuri: Kagari! +Rintaro: Kagari! +Mayuri: Searching for one thing, +Mayuri: the laughter of the stars, +Mayuri: shining on the wind, +Mayuri: if you reach out, you can grab it. +Kagari: Mommy? +Mayuri: Hmm? What is it, Kagari? +Kagari: What song is that? +Mayuri: Ehehe... +Mayuri: This is a really important song! +Kagari: What kind of song? +Mayuri: Hmm... It’s a song to make people smile when they’re crying, maybe. +Kagari: Is it important to make people smile when they’re crying? +Mayuri: That’s also important, but that’s not all. +Mayuri: This is the song that brought you and me together. +Mayuri: This song is the reason we met. +Kagari: So if it weren’t for that song, you might not be my Mommy? +Kagari: I don’t want that... +Mayuri: Oh, sorry. Sorry. That’s not what I meant. +Mayuri: I’ll always be your mommy, no matter what. +Mayuri: But... hmm... +Mayuri: I want you to remember this song, Kagari. +Mayuri: For the day when you meet someone really important to you. +Mayuri: So that when they’re crying, you can make them smile. +Mayuri: Come on, sing it with me, okay? +Mayuri: Searching for one thing, the laughter of the stars. +Kagari: Searching for one thing... the laughter of the stars. +Mayuri: You’re really good! +Mayuri: Now the next part is... +Kagari: ...Mommy? +Kagari: Where are you, Mommy? +Kagari: Where’d you go? Mommy? Mommy? +Kagari: Mommy... +Kagari: N– +Kagari: No...! +Kagari: Don’t go! +Kagari: Mommy! +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ... +Itaru: You think she’s okay? +Rintaro: I don’t know... +Itaru: Wait, isn’t putting a wet towel on someone’s forehead what you do when they’ve got a high fever? +Itaru: She doesn’t look like she’s got a fever at all. +Itaru: Does this work on people who’ve just passed out? +Rintaro: It’s not like we’ve got a better option. I don’t know of any other things we can do. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...Mommy. +Rintaro: ...? +Itaru: She just said ‘Mommy’! +Kagari: No... +Kagari: Don’t go... +Kagari: Mommy! +Itaru: Th-That was close⋯ +Itaru: W-Wait, no! I missed my chance to do something naughty to Kagari-tan and not get blamed for it! +Itaru: Stupid! I’m so stupid! +Rintaro: You okay? +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Okabe...? +Kagari: Huh? Was I asleep? Why? +Rintaro: You don’t remember? +Itaru: You saw Mayu-shi the minute you got here, then fainted. +Kagari: When I looked at Mayuri? +Rintaro: You seemed to know the song she was singing. +Kagari: The song...? +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...Oh! +Kagari: That’s right! That song! I know that song! +Kagari: I’ve heard it somewhere! A long, long time ago! When I was a little kid! +Itaru: Ooh, for the win! This is totally a sign that her memories are gonna come back! +Kagari: Where’s Mayuri? Where’d she go? +Kagari: I have to get her to tell me about that song. +Rintaro: She had to go to work at May Queen, so she left as soon as you got here. +Itaru: She was really worried about you. +Mayuri: I’m really sorry. +Mayuri: They asked me to come in for the lunch shift today, and I really can’t miss it. +Mayuri: Okarin, Daru, take care of Kagari for me, okay? +Kagari: I see... +Rintaro: Is there anything else you remembered? +Rintaro: It doesn’t matter how small. +Kagari: Anything else... +Kagari: Um... +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...No. +Kagari: I don’t remember anything else. +Kagari: I know that I’ve heard that song before, but I can’t remember who I heard it from at all... +Itaru: Did you dream at all when you were passed out just now, Kagari-tan? +Kagari: Dream? +Itaru: Yeah, you looked like you were having a bad dream. You kept saying ‘Mommy.’ +Rintaro: Oh, you yelled that when you woke up, too. +Kagari: I did...? +Itaru: I wondered if that song might’ve been the key to bringing back some of your memories or something. +Kagari: Well... +Kagari: ...No, I can’t remember anything. +Kagari: I think I was dreaming, yes. +Kagari: And that dream was very important... +Rintaro: I see... +Kagari: I’m sorry for causing all this trouble. +Itaru: Okarin, you think asking Mayu-shi would be a good first step? +Rintaro: You’re right. She said she only had to work the lunch shift, so let’s head over to May Queen when it’s winding down. +Kagari: I-I’ll go, too! +Rintaro: Calm down. We’re not leaving right away. You should rest a little. +Kagari: Oh, um... you’re right. +Kagari: Sorry. +Kagari: Uh... +Kagari: ... +Rintaro: You hungry? We’ve got instant ramen. +Itaru: And Mayuri’s chicken wings and bananas, too. +Kagari: Um... +Kagari: I’d like a banana. +Faris: Welcome back, meowster! +Faris: Oh, Okarin! +Faris: Kagari-nyan, too! Welcome back! +Kagari: Hello, Faris. +Faris: Meow... Okarin, every time you’ve been here lately, it’s been with a different girl. +Faris: So it’s true what they say, that you’ve mastered the aura of a popular college boy, nya? +Rintaro: That’s not it. +Rintaro: I’m here to see Mayuri. +Rintaro: I figured she’d be about done with her shift. +Faris: She was working in the kitchen today, nya. +Rintaro: The kitchen...! +Faris: We didn’t have enough maids fur lunchtime today. +Faris: So we had her come in to help, nya. +Rintaro: H-Hey, is it really okay to let her cook? +Faris: She really wanted to cook, but we had her focus on washing plates, nya. +Faris: I told her she could go home, so she should be changing right now, nya. +Rintaro: Tell her we’re waiting outside, then. +Faris: Roger, nya! +Mayuri: Okarin! Kagari! +Mayuri: Thanks for coming to get me! +Mayuri: Is Kagari okay? +Kagari: Thanks, Mayuri. Yeah, I’m okay now. +Mayuri: I’m so glad. +Mayuri: You just fell over, so I was really worried! +Kagari: I’m sorry I worried you. +Mayuri: But why did you two come to get me? +Rintaro: There was something I wanted to ask you. +Rintaro: About that song you were just singing. +Rintaro: So can you tell us where you heard that song? +Mayuri: Um... Mayushii heard Suzu singing it. +Rintaro: Suzuha was singing it? +Mayuri: That’s right. +Mayuri: After work, Mayushii studies a lot at the lab. +Mayuri: On rainy days, Suzu does her training inside. Like pushups and situps and stuff. +Mayuri: And when she finishes her training, she always takes a shower. +Mayuri: After she comes out, she looks out the window at the rain as she dries her hair. +Mayuri: And when she does, she always softly sings this song. +Mayuri: I’ve never asked her what it’s called, though. +Rintaro: I see... +Rintaro: So maybe we should ask Suzuha next. +Kagari: You’re right. +Rintaro: I’ve come this far, so I’ll stay with you until we find out. +Kagari: Really? Thank you! +Rintaro: Let’s head back to the lab. She should be working at the Braun Tube Workshop. +Mayuri: Mayushii will go with you. +Kagari: You’re sure, Mayuri? +Mayuri: Yup! +Mayuri: Um... um... I don’t know how to say this, but... +Mayuri: When I see you, Kagari, I feel like I have to do something. +Mayuri: It’s like I want to protect you, or I want to help you... +Mayuri: I wonder why! It’s strange, isn’t it? Ehehe! +Mayuri: And also... +Mayuri: I think it’s sad, not being able to remember things. +Kagari: Mayuri... +Kagari: Thank you. +Mayuri: It’s fine! Let’s all do our best! +Mayuri: Huh? Suzu’s bike isn’t here. +Rintaro: That’s strange. It was here when we left. +Tennouji: Hey, you need something? +Rintaro: Um, is Suzuha here? I think she was working a while ago... +Tennouji: Oh, she left for the day. +Tennouji: She said she had something to do this afternoon. Seemed pretty serious. +Rintaro: Did you ask what it was? +Tennouji: Nope. I’m not interested in getting involved in my part-timers’ private lives. +Mayuri: I wonder where she went. +Kagari: What do you suppose she had to do? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Go Go Curry? +Rintaro: Let’s go check it out. +GO GO CURRY clerk: Wow, that was amazing! +GO GO CURRY clerk: The winner of this month’s Go Go Curry Akihabara eating contest is– +GO GO CURRY clerk: The first person in store history to win three in a row! The Silent Slaughterer! +Gallery: Wow...! Where does she fit all that curry into her tiny body? +Gallery: She’s the Goddess of Curry! The Goddess of Curry has appeared before us! +Gallery: She sure slaughtered that curry! If you told me she was a real assassin, I’d believe it! +Suzuha: ... +GO GO CURRY clerk: Congratulations to our winner, the Silent Slaughterer! +Rintaro: ...Wow. +Kagari: Wow... +Suzuha: ...Whew. +Suzuha: Huh? What’s wrong, you three? +Suzuha: Sorry. The tournament was just about to begin, so I didn’t have time to type out a longer response. +Mayuri: Wow. I can’t believe you ate that big plate of curry! +Suzuha: Eat what you can, when you can. You need that nutrition to survive on the battlefield. +Kagari: Th-The battlefield? +Kagari: Um... Did I hear that wrong? +Rintaro: It’s probably better not to think about it. +Suzuha: So, Uncle, what was this about a clue to Kagari’s memories? +Suzuha: Huh? You heard me singing? +Suzuha: You should’ve said something, Big Sis Mayu. +Mayuri: You were so cute when you were singing. I thought if I said something, you’d stop. +Suzuha: You’re so mean. +Rintaro: So, where did you hear that song? +Suzuha: Mom. Mom used to sing it. +Rintaro: Yuki did? +Kagari: Huh? Yuki? +Kagari: Your mom’s name is Yuki, too? +Rintaro&Suzuha: Oops.”[linebreak][parallel]“Oops. +Rintaro: No, that’s not it! Yuki’s nickname is ‘Mom’! +Suzuha: Th-That’s right! I just always call her that. +Kagari: Uh... do you? So how did she get that nickname– +Suzuha: Sorry, we can talk about that some other time! +Suzuha: Uncle, over here! +Suzuha: Listen, is there really any point in hiding the truth about Mom from her? +Rintaro: Her memories might not come back, so it’s smarter not to tell her, I think. +Suzuha: I see... +Suzuha: I’d like to avoid that, if we can. +Rintaro: So Yuki taught you that song in the future, right? +Suzuha: Of course. +Suzuha: She used to sing it as she cooked, so I learned it that way. +Rintaro: So when Kagari was little, she learned it from you or Yuki? +Suzuha: No way. +Suzuha: Kagari only became Big Sis Mayu’s adopted daughter after Mom died. +Suzuha: And I’ve never sung it for anyone. I’ve never let Kagari hear it. +Suzuha: It was all I could do survive back then. I didn’t have time to sing. +Suzuha: I didn’t even realize that I’d been singing it. +Suzuha: She said she learned it when she was a kid, so she probably learned it from Big Sis Mayu. +Rintaro: I see... +Rintaro: Which means next we visit Yuki, I guess. +Rintaro: This is turning into a game of telephone. +Suzuha: I’ve got to do maintenance on the time machine, so I don’t think I can go. +Suzuha: Take care of Kagari for me. +Rintaro: Yeah. +Rintaro: So that’s the story. +Mayuri: I see. So next it’s Yuki, right? +Rintaro: Mayuri, can you contact her for me? +Mayuri: Okay, sure. +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: She’s not answering. +Mayuri: I’ll send her a RINE. +Mayuri: There we go. +Kagari: I’m sorry this turned into such a big deal. +Mayuri: Don’t worry about it! +Mayuri: And you know, Mayushii is having fun going on a walk with Kagari. +Kagari: ...Thanks. +Kagari: I feel kind of relaxed, too, talking with you like this. +Mayuri: Oh, me too! +Kagari: Maybe we just get along. +Mayuri: Ehehe... That makes me happy! +Mayuri: Oh, I just got a message from Yuki. +Mayuri: Um... +Mayuri: ‘I’m actually on a date with Hashida,’ it says. +Mayuri: Wow, I see! +Kagari: They’re dating? +Rintaro: I hadn’t heard that they were close enough to start dating. +Mayuri: Hmm... Looks like she’s coming to the lab this evening. +Rintaro: Evening, huh? That’s not for a little while. +Mayuri: I don’t think we should interrupt their date, though. +Kagari: That’s right. Let’s wait. +Mayuri: ...Aah! +Rintaro: Hmm? What’s up? +Mayuri: Okarin! Over there! +Rintaro: Aah...! +Rintaro: This is... I don’t know. +Rintaro: I guess since Daru’s over there, and not here, I’ll say it for him. +Rintaro: Daru, normies must explode! +Kagari: W-What do we do?! +Mayuri: We shouldn’t get in the way... +Rintaro: But this isn’t something you get to see every day, is it? +Mayuri: That’s... very true! +Rintaro: Should we wait for them to finish and pretend we just happened to walk by? +Mayuri: Mayushii thinks that’s a great idea! +Kagari: Sounds good to me! +Yuki: Aw, Hashida. You’ve got some tomato stuck on your mouth. I’ll wipe it off. +Itaru: N-N-N-No-no-no. I’m fine. Just fine. I-I-I-I’ll wipe it off myself. +Yuki: But you never have a handkerchief with you, do you? Come on, turn this way. +Itaru: I-I-I-If any of my bodily fluids get on your handkerchief, y-y-you’ll have to throw it out... +Yuki: I will not. +Yuki: Come on, here. +Itaru: Aaah... +Rintaro: What is he doing? +Mayuri: They’re getting along so well! I’m jealous. +Kagari: They make a perfect couple. +Rintaro: Do they? +Mayuri&Kagari: They do!”[linebreak][parallel]“Of course they do! +Mayuri: They look so happy together. That’s so nice... +Mayuri: Aah... +Kagari: Mayuri, are you hungry? +Mayuri: Ehehe... I was going to eat after work. +Rintaro: Oh, were you? +Rintaro: Okay, I’ll order something. My treat. +Mayuri: You’re sure? +Rintaro: It’s my way of saying thanks for helping. +Mayuri: Yay! You’re so nice, Okarin! +Mayuri: Okay... Okay... +Mayuri: I want crepes! With lots of strawberries and cream! +Rintaro: Okay. What about you, Kagari? +Kagari: I just ate, so... +Mayuri: Come on, let’s eat together! +Rintaro: Don’t worry about it. +Kagari: Thanks... I’ll have the banana and chocolate one, then. +Rintaro: Roger. +Mayuri: Mmm! +Kagari: Mmm! +Mayuri: These are so good! I can’t believe it! +Kagari: Right? The chocolate has just the right amount of bitterness! +Mayuri: And the strawberries are good, too! +Mayuri: Here, Kagari. Say, ‘Aah!’ +Kagari: Aaah! +Kagari: Mm, it’s good. +Kagari: Wait, what are you making me do? +Mayuri: Aw, come on. You don’t need to get embarrassed. We’re both girls. +Kagari: That’s true, but... +Mayuri: Oh, you’ve got some cream on your cheek. +Kagari: Oh, oops! +Mayuri: Mayushii will get it off for you. +Kagari: I-I’m okay! I can do it by myself! +Mayuri: Aw, Mayushii wanted to do that. +Kagari: Come on, Mayuri. You can’t do that. +Mayuri: Huh? Why? +Kagari: Why? Because... +Kagari: When you say stuff like that, it makes me feel weird. +Rintaro: Weird? +Kagari: Yeah. +Kagari: It makes me really want to let you spoil me... +Kagari: It’s strange. I’m supposed to be older than you. +Mayuri: Ehehe... That means you love me, right? +Kagari: What?! +Mayuri: Mayushii loves you, too! +Kagari: Um, Mayuri? I... +Rintaro: Oh, she doesn’t really mean anything by it. Don’t let it bug you. +Kagari: S-She doesn’t? +Mayuri: Hey, hey, give Mayushii a bite too, okay? Aaah! +Kagari: Um... +Mayuri: Aaah! +Kagari: Oh, fine. Here, say, ‘Aah.’ +Mayuri: Okarin? +Rintaro: Hmm? +Mayuri: What’s wrong? You’re spacing out. +Rintaro: Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something.. +Mayuri: Do you want a crepe, too? +Kagari: Why not go get one? +Rintaro: I’m fine. I just ate. +Mayuri: Oh, I know! +Mayuri: Mayushii will give you a bite of hers, then. Aah! +Kagari: You can have one of mine, too! Aah! +Rintaro: C-Come on, stop that! It’s embarrassing! +Rintaro: Aah– +Mayuri: Okarin! +Kagari: Okabe! +Rintaro: O-Ow.. +Yuki: Is that you, Okabe? +Itaru: Wha-?! O-O-O-Okarin, what are you doing here? +Yuki: Jeez! You should’ve said something! +Mayuri: Ehehe... Sorry. +Kagari: We didn’t want to interrupt. +Yuki: It’s embarrassing to think that you’ve been watching us the whole time. +Itaru: ... +Rintaro: So, Yuki, how about it? +Rintaro: Do you remember where you heard that song? +Yuki: I do. It was really recent. +Yuki: I work at a dessert cooking class. I’m the teacher’s assistant. +Yuki: You know how I love to make snacks, right? I’m still learning, though. +Mayuri: All her desserts are really yummy! +Kagari: I see! +Yuki: Let’s make some soon, Kagari. Okay? +Kagari: Yes, please! +Rintaro: So, what’s the deal with the song and this class? +Yuki: Oh, right. +Yuki: One of the students in the class is always singing it. +Yuki: I don’t think she knows she’s doing it, but she always looks really happy when she does. +Yuki: I picked it up at some point. +Rintaro: Is that student someone you know? +Rintaro: Someone I know? +Yuki: Hmm... I don’t think so. She’s an older woman. +Rintaro: Let’s try getting a hold of that student. +Rintaro: Yuki, can you contact her for us? +Rintaro: I know you can’t tell us her private information. +Yuki: I don’t mind. It’s a class, sure, but it’s not that big of a deal. +Yuki: I know her email. I talk to her all the time. +Yuki: Um... Oh, here we go. This is her. +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Mayuri: ...Huh? +Rintaro&Mayuri: HUH?!”[linebreak][parallel]“HUH?! +Yuki: Huh? What? +Mayuri: Th-That name⋯ +Mayuri: That’s Okarin’s mom! +Rintaro’s Mother: Wow, so Yuki’s a friend of yours! +Rintaro’s Mother: I see... That song, huh? +Rintaro’s Mother: I had no idea I was singing it. That’s kind of embarrassing. Ahaha! +Rintaro: Where’d you learn that song? +Rintaro’s Mother: Where? +Rintaro: Like you heard it on the radio? Or maybe you heard someone else singing it! +Rintaro’s Mother: ... +Rintaro’s Mother: It was you. +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Rintaro’s Mother: You used to sing it. +Rintaro: Wha- +Rintaro: Wha-wha-wha-what?! +Rintaro: What are you talking about? That’s impossible! +Rintaro’s Mother: You remember when you were in middle school and Mayuri got really depressed, right? When her grandma died. +Rintaro’s Mother: Everybody was really worried, but one day she suddenly got better. +Rintaro’s Mother: But then you started going crazy. +Rintaro’s Mother: What was all that about? You were a... bad scientist? +Rintaro: ...Please stop. +Rintaro’s Mother: When you started being a bad whatsits, you would sing that song whenever you took a bath. +Rintaro’s Mother: You sang it so often I guess I learned it. Ahaha! +Rintaro: I sang it? +Rintaro’s Mother: That’s right! You don’t remember? +Rintaro’s Mother: Oh, a customer’s here. Bye! It’s going to rain soon, so come home quick. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Seriously? +Mayuri: So, Okarin, how’d it go? +Kagari: Did you find anything out? +Rintaro: ... +Mayuri&Kagari: What?!”[linebreak][parallel]“What?! +Kagari: So... what does this all mean? +Rintaro: Did I ever... sing? +Mayuri: Hmm... Mayushii doesn’t remember. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: No luck. I can’t remember. +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: What do we do? We’re out of clues, aren’t we? +Kagari: Please calm down, Mayuri. +Kagari: Okabe, does the fact that you sang it when Mayuri was depressed give you any kind of clue? +Rintaro: I don’t know... I didn’t really do anything special. +Rintaro: All I did was go see Mayuri when she was visiting her grandmother’s grave. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Should we go to her grave, then? +Kagari: You might remember something. +Kagari: After all this, I want to see this through to the end. +Mayuri: Okarin. Mayushii wants you to do it, too. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...Okay. Let’s go. +Kagari: Thank you! +Mayuri: It looks like it’s going to rain, huh? +Kagari: I didn’t bring an umbrella. +Kagari: The weather said it wasn’t going to rain... +Mayuri: Mayushii didn’t, either! +Rintaro: Let’s finish this before the rain starts. +Mayuri: Okay! +Mayuri: Your grandma will be happy you came, I bet. +Rintaro: ...Yeah. +Mayuri: And Kagari’s here today, too. +Mayuri: I can’t wait to introduce my wonderful new friend to grandma! +Kagari: Mayuri... +Mayuri: Okarin, let’s hurry! There’s a lot Mayushii wants to tell Grandma! +Rintaro: Yeah. Let’s hurry. +Mayuri: And then Kagari came in, and she was so surprised, she fell down and went bang! +Mayuri: Mayushii was really scared, and really worried, but I had to go to work... +Mayuri: So I said to Okarin and Daru, ‘Take care of Kagari!’ and left the lab. +Mayuri: But I was so worried I thought my heart was going to burst. +Kagari: Okabe, um... +Rintaro: Oh, don’t worry about Mayuri. +Rintaro: That’s kind of like a ritual. +Kagari: A ritual? +Rintaro: Yeah. She loved her grandma a lot, and when her grandma died, it was like she lost her soul. +Rintaro: For about six months she wouldn’t say a word to anyone. She’d just come here and stand all day. +Rintaro: It was like she was praying to go be with her grandma. +Kagari: And you brought her back, didn’t you? +Rintaro: ?! +Rintaro: H-How did you know?! +Kagari: Mayuri told me. +Rintaro: That girl... +Kagari: Aw, come on. It’s cool. Kyoma Hououin, the mad scientist... +Rintaro: Stop it. +Rintaro: I was desperate for any idea I could think of. +Rintaro: Looking back, it was the right answer, but it was still really embarrassing. +Rintaro: I won’t let anyone take you away. +Rintaro: M-Mayuri is my hostage. She’s a sacrifice for my human experiments! +Rintaro: Th-There is no escaping me! Haha⋯ Fwahaha! +Mayuri: Oh... sniff... +Mayuri: Mayushii’s your hostage... +Mayuri: I guess I’m stuck here, huh? Ehehe... +Kagari: No... +Kagari: I think that’s a wonderful story. +Rintaro: Is it? +Kagari: It is. +Kagari: Aah... +Rintaro: Hmm? +Kagari: It started raining. +Kagari: I didn’t think it would start so soon. What should we do? +Rintaro: Let’s find a place where we can get out of the rain. We can get umbrellas at the convenience store if we need them. +Kagari: Okay. +Kagari: Mayuri, let’s head back to the station for now! +Mayuri: Huh? +Mayuri: Wow, it’s raining! +Mayuri: Hyah! I’m soaked! +Kagari: We should’ve bought the umbrellas first, huh? +Mayuri: We need to take a shower or we’ll catch a cold! +Mayuri: I know! Kagari, want to come to Mayushii’s house? We can take a shower together! +Mayuri: –Huh? +Kagari: ... +Mayuri: Kagari? What’s wrong? +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...I can hear it. +Rintaro: What can you hear? +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...A voice. +Kagari: I hear a voice. +Mayuri: Kagari? +Kagari: I– +Kagari: I have to go– +Mayuri: Kagari! +Mayuri: Kagari! Run! +Mayuri: Kyah! +Mayuri: Okarin! +Mayuri: A long time ago, the air wasn’t dirty like it is now, so nobody cared if they got wet in the rain. +Mayuri: When Mommy was your age, Kagari, she loved the rain. +Mayuri: She ran around outside with Okarin. +Mayuri: When you run in the rain, it’s like you’re swimming in the sea. +Mayuri: Okarin and mommy were fish, swimming in the sea. The only two fish in the world. +Mayuri: It was so much fun... +Kagari: hen was that +Kagari: fter I’d been separated from Big Sis Suzuha in 1998, I was locked somewhere for a long time +Kagari: hen did I escape +Kagari: margin top="38"]Why did I escape... +Kagari: wanted to see Mommy all of a sudden. That was the only reason +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...It’s so weird that the rain doesn’t hurt. +Kagari: I’m sure God doesn’t like this rain... +Kagari: He probably likes the dead rain better than the living rain. +Kagari: Otherwise, I can’t explain why the rain in the future is dead. +Kagari: ... +Boy: ...Are you lost? +Boy: ...Me too. +Mayuri: Okarin and mommy were fish, swimming in the sea. The only two fish in the world. +Kagari: Searching for one thing, +Kagari: the laughter of the stars, +Kagari: shining on the wind, +Kagari: if you reach out, you can grab it. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: The rain’s not stopping, huh? +Professor: I’ve been looking for you. +Kagari: ... +Professor: Come on, let’s go. +Kagari: ... +Professor: What’s wrong? +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...I... +Kagari: I have to go. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...I’m alive? +Mayuri: Kagari! +Mayuri: Okarin! Kagari’s awake! +Rintaro: Kagari! +Kagari: I... +Rintaro: You were almost hit by a truck. +Rintaro: You weren’t hurt, but you passed out, so we called an ambulance just in case. +Rintaro: You don’t have an insurance card, so the bills are probably going to be crazy... +Mayuri: It doesn’t matter. It was the only thing we could do. +Mayuri: I’m just glad you’re safe, Kagari. +Mayuri: Okarin saved you at the last second. +Mayuri: Mayushii thought you were both dead. Mayushii thought... Mayushii thought... +Mayuri: Sob... +Rintaro: Don’t cry, Mayuri. +Mayuri: Okay... +Kagari: Oh, that’s right. +Kagari: I kind of remember... Okabe jumped out to save me. +Kagari: I’m sorry. I don’t know what was wrong with me. Thanks. +Rintaro: No, I’m just glad you’re safe. +Mayuri: I’m so glad, Kagari! +Mayuri: I was really worried! +Kagari: Mayuri... +Kagari: ..No, that wasn’t right +Kagari: hat wasn’t right +Kagari: his wasn’t “Mayuri” +Kagari: ..Yes. That’s right +Kagari: his was “Mommy” +Kagari: I finally... +Kagari: I finally get to meet you! +Kagari: Mommy! +Mayuri: Hyah?! +Mayuri: Huh? M-Mommy?! +Mayuri: Kagari, no. Mayushii’s not your Mommy! +Kagari: You are! You’re Kagari’s Mommy! +Rintaro: Mommy?! +Rintaro: Kagari! Your memories are back? +Kagari: Uncle... Okarin... +Rintaro: ...! +Kagari: Yeah, I remember it all now. +Kagari: I’m Mayuri Shiina’s daughter. My name is Kagari. +Mayuri: Huh?! +Mayuri: B-But you’re older than me, Kagari! +Mayuri: And Mayushii’s never um... had a baby or anything. +Kagari: Mommy, I’m from the future. +Kagari: In the future, you adopted me when I was an orphan. +Mayuri: Mayushii did?! +Kagari: That’s right. You were the one who gave me a reason to live. +Kagari: You sent me to the safest place you could think of, so that I wouldn’t be in danger. +Mayuri: The safest place? +Kagari: The past. +Kagari: You probably thought that if I lived in a time when Japan was at peace, I could be safe. +Mayuri: ... +Kagari: But I still missed you. +Kagari: I couldn’t find you here. +Kagari: No matter how safe it is, I didn’t want to live without you! +Kagari: Mommy... +Kagari: I missed you! +Mayuri: Kagari... +Kagari: Mommy...! +Mayuri: Yeah. +Mayuri: I’m sorry... +Mayuri: I’m sorry! +Kagari: Wah... ahh... +Kagari: Waah! +Mayuri: I’m sorry. +Mayuri: It must’ve been so hard. You must’ve been so lonely. +Mayuri: You were sad for so long because of me, weren’t you? +Mayuri: I’m sorry. +Kagari: Mommy! +Kagari: nd that’s how I, Kagari Shiina, got all my memories back +Kagari: he next several months were wonderful +Kagari: very day I would come to the lab and play with Mommy and her friends +Kagari: hey were all wonderful people. There was never a moment where something fun wasn’t happening +Kagari: ommy especially tried to spend as much time with me as possible +Kagari: e’d eat together +Kagari: o shopping together +Kagari: r sometimes just walk around with no goal in mind +Kagari: margin top="38"]That normal life was everything I’d ever wanted +Kagari: he “voice” I’d heard before began to vanish as I spent more time with her +Kagari: ommy always smiled +Kagari: nd she always seemed so happy to hear what I had to say +Kagari: was so happy +Kagari: e had a lot of sleepovers, too. At the lab, at Mommy’s house, at Luka’s house.. +Kagari: e’d stay up late eating snacks and talking, and then I’d sleep in the same futon as Mommy +Kagari: e’d both whisper that song +Kagari: hat song that she told me brought us together +Kagari: nd it did +Kagari: hen I was little, Mommy taught me this song +Kagari: nd she learned it from Big Sis Suzuha +Kagari: nd Big Sis Suzuha learned it from Yuki +Kagari: nd Yuki learned it from Uncle Okarin’s mom +Kagari: nd Uncle Okarin’s mom learned it from Uncle Okarin +Kagari: nd he +Kagari: didn’t know for sure +Kagari: ut if that was true, it was wonderful +Kagari: talked about a lot more with Mommy +Kagari: bout school, about the lab, about Uncle Okarin, about the future, about love... about all kinds of things +Kagari: ne day, she said this to me +Mayuri: Hey, Kagari. +Mayuri: Mayushii had an idea. +Mayuri: Maybe this song is a song to make the person you love feel better. +Mayuri: They lost their most important treasure, and they got so sad they finally just went to sleep. +Mayuri: No matter how much you shake them, they won’t wake up. That’s how sad they are. +Mayuri: But that treasure isn’t really gone. +Mayuri: It’s actually so close they could reach out and touch it. +Mayuri: But they don’t realize it’s so close. All they do is sleep. +Mayuri: But really, you know, they’re waiting for someone to wake them up. +Mayuri: Because that person is right next to them. +Mayuri: They’re not gone at all. +Mayuri: I don’t know when, but I know that someday, they’ll wake up. +Mayuri: That’s what I think that song is. +Kagari: nd Mommy looked at me and smiled +Kagari: er eyes seemed so clear and calm as she gazed at the moonlight coming in through the curtains +Kagari: t was the first time I’d seen such a pretty color +Kagari: linebreak][margin top="38"]But when I thought back +Kagari: ’d actually seen it once before +Kagari: hat day +Kagari: hat rainy day, when I got my memories back +Kagari: he had that same look in her eyes when she held me +Kagari: he’d kept saying the same thing +Kagari: I’m sorry. +Kagari: I’m sorry, Kagari. +Kagari: thought that she was apologizing for what she’d done in the future +Kagari: thought that she was apologizing for leaving me all alone +Kagari: ut she wasn’t +Kagari: hat apology was only from the Mayuri Shiina who lived in 2011 +Kagari: he was saying that she was sorry for leaving me alone +Kagari: linebreak][margin top="38"]It was about half a year later when I realized this +Kagari: uly 7th, 2011 +Kagari: he day of Tanabata +Kagari: o tell the truth, I had known it was coming +Kagari: I wonder why Mommy wanted me to come here... +Kagari: Maybe she’s thinking of a surprise? +Kagari: I have to get back and keep getting ready. With Mommy’s help, of course. +Kagari: knew it was coming +Kagari: knew what this meant +Kagari: knew, but I pretended I didn’t +Kagari: didn’t want to come here +Kagari: didn’t want to see this. I wanted to look away +Kagari: ... +Kagari: I need to hurry. +Kagari: Mommy’s waiting. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Why now...? +Kagari: Mommy! +Kagari: ... +Kagari: Mommy... +Mayuri: Oh, Kagari! Tutturu♪! +Kagari: Mommy... +Kagari: What’s wrong? Why did you want me to come here? +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: This is what you came here in, isn’t it, Kagari? +Kagari: Why bring that up? It’s not something I– +Kagari: Why...? +Kagari: Why is the time machine’s hatch open? +Mayuri: ... +Suzuha: Kagari?! +Suzuha: Why are you... +Kagari: That’s what I want to know! What are you two doing?! +Suzuha: ... +Suzuha: Big Sis Mayu... You promised you’d keep it a secret from Kagari. +Mayuri: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Suzu. +Mayuri: Mayushii wanted to say goodbye to Kagari, no matter what. +Mayuri: I’ll be done soon, so keep getting ready. +Suzuha: ...Okay. Once you’re done, get in. +Kagari: A secret? Goodbye? Getting ready? +Kagari: What are you two talking about? +Kagari: I don’t understand! +Kagari: he did understand +Kagari: he’d known exactly what was coming since she got the message from her mother +Kagari: ut she didn’t want to accept it +Kagari: he didn’t want to accept that the time machine was going to tear her away from her mother again +Mayuri: Listen, Mayushii’s about to go back into the past with Suzu. +Mayuri: So that the person she loves can wake up. +Kagari: ... +Kagari: ...It’s impossible. +Kagari: The world lines are going to converge. +Kagari: No matter how hard you try, you can’t change them. +Kagari: No one can! +Mayuri: You’re right. +Mayuri: Mayushii can’t change them. +Kagari: Then...! +Mayuri: But you know Okarin can. +Mayuri: Okarin has the power to change the future. +Mayuri: And even Mayushii can go back to that day, and give him a little push. +Mayuri: That day is our only chance. +Kagari: It won’t work! +Mayuri: Even if it doesn’t... +Mayuri: Mayushii wants to see him again. +Mayuri: Kyoma Hououin... I want to see my Hikoboshi again. +Kagari: No... +Kagari: ut she knew this was coming +Kagari: What about me...? +Kagari: What happens to me? +Kagari: If Uncle Okarin does reach Steins Gate... +Kagari: Maybe the war won’t happen. +Kagari: And maybe a lot of people will be saved. +Kagari: But then... Then I won’t be able to meet you! +Mayuri: ... +Mayuri: That’s not true. +Mayuri: No matter what the future holds, I’m going to meet you. +Mayuri: In that world, you might not be alone. +Mayuri: You might have a happy life with your real mom and dad. +Mayuri: But even if you do, I’ll still come see you. +Mayuri: And then we can be really, really, really good friends! +Mayuri: So you don’t need to worry about a thing. +Kagari: You and I might forget about each other! +Kagari: How can you come find me if you don’t remember me?! +Kagari: It’s impossible! +Mayuri: Nope. Mayushii will know who you are. +Kagari: How? +Kagari: How can you be sure? +Mayuri: Because... +Mayuri: Because that’s fate. +Kagari: ...! +Mayuri: The bond between Mayushii and Kagari won’t be broken by anything. +Mayuri: So even if we lose our memories, Mayushii will come find you. +Kagari: Mommy... +Mayuri: Okay, I’m going to go. +Kagari: Wait! +Mayuri: Huh?! +Kagari: I won’t let you go to the past! +Kagari: I’ll go instead! +Mayuri: Kyah?! +Suzuha: Kagari, are you crazy?! +Kagari: Mommy! +Kagari: I’ll take care of Uncle Okarin! +Kagari: So just wait there! +Mayuri: Kagari! +Kagari: Big Sis Suzuha, close the hatch. +Suzuha: You’re sure? +Kagari: Yeah. +Suzuha: ...All right. +Mayuri: Kagari... +Kagari: Mommy! I’ll always love you! +Kagari: In the past, in the present, and in the future! +Kagari: ... +Suzuha: I didn’t think I’d be doing this with you twice. +Kagari: We’ve just gone back to the first time, is all. +Suzuha: This is nothing like the first time. You were sobbing like a baby then. +Kagari: You were crying a little, too, Big Sis Suzuha. +Suzuha: ...You’re right. +Suzuha: Let’s go, Kagari... To the past. +Kagari: Okay. +Kagari: Searching for one thing, +Kagari: the laughter of the stars, +Kagari: shining on the wind, +Kagari: if you reach out, you can grab it. +Mayuri: Maho, have some coffee. It’ll calm you down. +Maho: Thanks. I’ll take it. +Rintaro: ...?! +Maho: ...Whew. +Maho: Come to think of it, I haven’t had anything to eat all day. +Mayuri: I can’t blame you, after what happened. +Mayuri: Want some food? All we’ve got is chicken wings and bananas and snacks, though. +Mayuri: Or should I get a boxed lunch from a convenience store? Oh, maybe we could order pizza! +Maho: Thanks. But I’m okay. I’m not that hungry. +Maho: I’ll need to change hotels, too, after what happened. I’ll probably have to fill out some paperwork, so I’ll be back later. +Itaru: Sure you shouldn’t just rest for today? You look pale. You can stay here at the lab if you want. +Itaru: Suzuha’s not here, so you’d have the place to yourself. +Rintaro: Hiyajo, what happened? +Maho: What do you mean what happened? +Rintaro: Oh, I’m just... having trouble taking it all in. +Rintaro: What happened to Amadeus? Did you get the connection back online? +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: Moeka Kiryu? +Moeka: ...Yes. +Rintaro: Uwah! +Rintaro: W-Where did you come from?! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Were you here the whole time? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Yes. +Rintaro: ...What do you mean, empty? +Moeka: ...It’s closed. +Rintaro: Closed? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: There was a gas leak... Yesterday... +Rintaro: So Hiyajo came here? +Maho: I just told you, remember? That’s part of it, but someone ransacked my hotel room this morning. +Maho: So Moeka told me how to contact you. Did you forget? +Rintaro: I’m glad you were okay. Did you run into the thief? +Maho: No. I was lucky. You could say it’s thanks to Kiryu. +Moeka: That was the only bit of luck we had. +Rintaro: By the way... Where’s Kagari? +Mayuri: Hmm... I think she’s in Iwate right now? I hope she gets to see her family. +Rintaro: They found her family? +Mayuri: Yup. So Luka and Luka’s dad and Suzu all went to see them. +Itaru: Suzuha’s with them, so it’ll be fine. +Rintaro: Family... Iwate... +Front: A Miss Kiryu is here to see you in the lobby, ma’am. +Maho: ...That’s right. I had that interview today. But I thought she was going to call my phone... +Maho: The battery’s dead. +Maho: After all the chaos last night, I must have forgotten to charge it when I got back to the hotel. +Maho: So I went down to the lobby to talk to Kiryu, and then we chatted for a while and came back up to my room. +Maho: And when I got inside... +Maho: In those few minutes, someone had broken in and ransacked my room. +Maho: They’d even ripped the bed and pillows open with a knife, so the whole room was covered with cotton. +Maho: I’m no good, huh? I was too panicked to do anything. +Rintaro: Was anything stolen? +Maho: The cops asked, so I checked. But I couldn’t find anything. +Maho: My wallet was in my bag. +Moeka: And she wasn’t out of the room for long. +Maho: That’s right. So maybe the thief couldn’t stay long. +Rintaro: Knowing you, they’d probably be more interested in your research data than your money, right? +Maho: I don’t have to worry about that. All the data and papers are stored on the university server. Nothing’s kept on the computer itself. +Rintaro: What about the other thing? +Maho: The other thing? +Rintaro: That laptop and hard drive. +Maho: They’re fine. +Maho: They were still in my bag. +Rintaro: I see... +Maho: And even if someone had stolen them, they couldn’t access them without the password. +Rintaro: What do you think they were after? +Maho: If they were an industrial spy, probably my computer and papers. +Rintaro: Think the office gas leak has anything to do with it? +Maho: I don’t know. I couldn’t say. +Moeka: Are you okay? +Maho: Yeah, thanks. +Maho: It’s from [Kurisu]. +Rintaro: ...?! +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho! Are you okay?! Are you hurt? +Amadeus Kurisu: Th-They didn’t get rough with you or anything, right?! +Amadeus Kurisu: ...? +Amadeus Kurisu: Okabe? What are you doing with Maho? +Amadeus Kurisu: A-Are you two already that close?! +Maho: That’s not it, [Kurisu]. +Maho: I’m at the lab right now. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’m so glad! You’re safe, then! +Maho: Yeah, so calm down. +Amadeus Kurisu: How can I stay calm? I called you a dozen times and you never picked up! +Amadeus Kurisu: And when I searched the internet I saw there was a robbery at the hotel, and it was evidently in your room. +Amadeus Kurisu: I was so worried! +Maho: Okay, got it. I apologize. Sorry. +Maho: Thanks, [Kurisu]. I’m fine. It’s true that I was robbed, but I didn’t run into the thief. +Maho: I’m taking a break here right now. I just forgot to charge my phone, is all. +Maho: I must’ve really worried you, huh? +Amadeus Kurisu: No. If nothing happened, that’s fine. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: –So nothing was really stolen. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hmm... +Maho: What’s wrong? +Amadeus Kurisu: So were they after the research data, then? +Itaru: But they put a lot of effort into learning about Maho-tan, right? +Itaru: They knew what hotel she was staying at, what room she was in, and they were able to hit it as soon as she left. +Itaru: Does it make sense that they knew all that, and didn’t know that there was no research data at the hotel? +Rintaro: So maybe they were after the laptop in her bag. +Amadeus Kurisu: But the only people who should know about that are me, Maho, and Okabe. +Itaru: And me, too. +Rintaro: I see. So unless the thief was Daru or I, there’s no chance they were after the laptop. +Amadeus Kurisu: There was one other possibility... +Amadeus Kurisu: It could be my control codes. +Itaru: Control codes? Is that like the admin password? +Amadeus Kurisu: Not quite. +Amadeus Kurisu: I’ve told Okabe about this, I know. There’s a space inside the Amadeus system that only I can access. +Rintaro: Yeah. You called it a secret diary, basically. +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s right. +Amadeus Kurisu: Any access to my systems, internal or external, gets logged in that diary. +Amadeus Kurisu: Let’s say someone altered the system to allow them to take me over and control me. +Amadeus Kurisu: Even if they could do that, they couldn’t mess with my secret diary, so I’d compare the two and realize that something had been changed, and then restore it. +Itaru: Yeah, got it. +Itaru: And the key to open that secret diary is the control codes? +Amadeus Kurisu: That’s right. +Amadeus Kurisu: The Amadeus system and data are all under Dr. Leskinen’s control, but only one person in the world knows the control codes. +Amadeus Kurisu: And that’s Maho. +Rintaro: Is that true? +Maho: ... +Maho: Yeah. [Kurisu] is right. +Maho: If they were after my research results, that’s about the only thing they could get their hands on. +Rintaro: W-Was that stolen?! +Amadeus Kurisu: Don’t worry. Right, Maho? +Maho: Yeah. +Maho: The control codes aren’t written down anywhere. +Maho: They only exist in my head. +Maho: Still, this is bad news. You’re right, they might be after the control codes. +Maho: I can’t leave Japan immediately, but I don’t want to be attacked again. +Maho: I don’t know what to do, though... +Mayuri: You can stay here at the lab until things calm down. Or do you want to come to Mayushii’s house? +Maho: Thanks, Mayuri. But I can’t ask that of you. +Faris: So you all came to me, nya? +Rintaro: That’s right. +Rintaro: We all talked about it a lot, and decided the best thing to do might be to have her stay at your condo for a few days. +Maho: Um... I don’t know how to say this, but... +Faris: You made the right choice, nya. +Faris: This condo’s protected by the best security systems money can buy, nya. And Kuroki’s here, too. +Maho: Kuroki? +Mayuri: The butler you just met at the door. He’s a real butler! +Maho: Yeah... But why does that matter? +Rintaro: Kuroki is the ultimate butler. +Maho: Huh...? +Faris: It’s not a problem for Faris at all, nya! +Faris: You can use the guest room in the back. You can stay for more than a few days, Maho-nyan. Just stay here as long as you’re in Japan, nya! +Maho: M-Maho-nyan...? +Moeka: Um... +Maho: Huh? What is it, Kiryu? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Interview. +Moeka: I need to interview Dr. Hiyajo... +Maho: Oh, that’s right. We were supposed to do that today. +Maho: We can reschedule and meet at a coffee shop somewhere– +Faris: I’ve got it, nya! +Maho: Huh? +Faris: Moe-nyan can stay here, too! +Maho: Huh? +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro&Maho: HHHHUUUHHH?!”[linebreak][parallel]“HHHHUUUHHH?! +Faris: That room’s plenty big enough fur two people. +Faris: And you’d feel better with another girl around, right, Maho-nyan? +Maho: M-Maybe, but... +Faris: How about it, Moe-nyan? +Moeka: ...M-Moe-nyan? +Rintaro: Wait, Faris. That’s– +Itaru: I think it’s a good idea. +Itaru: Kiryu-shi does some dirty work herself, and she said she knows self-defense, right? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Yes, I guess. +Itaru: She’s a lot stronger than me or Okarin. +Rintaro: But... +Faris: Well, Moe-nyan? +Moeka: ...I don’t mind. +Faris: Then it’s settled, nya! +Maho: Would it be a bother, having the two of us? +Faris: Don’t worry about a thing, nya! +Faris: Faris was an only child, so it’ll be like having a big sister and a little sister, nya! +Maho: Wha-?! +Maho: I’m an adult! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: ...No, that’s not right. +Rintaro: I’m here to check up on Moeka Kiryu. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: I know that in my head, but... +Rintaro: Come to think of it, May Queen should still be open, too. +Rintaro: Then it’s just those two at the condo, huh? +Rintaro: That’s okay... right? +Kuroki: Welcome, Master Okabe. +Kuroki: I’m sorry, sir. The mistress is out at the moment. +Rintaro: Oh, yeah. I know. I came to see Hiyajo. +Kuroki: The two of them are in the guest room. Please come in. +Rintaro: Thank you. +Kuroki: Let me know if you need anything, sir. +Kuroki: Oh dear. +Kuroki: My apologies, sir. +Rintaro: Are you all right? +Kuroki: Perhaps I’m tired. How embarrassing. +Rintaro: Oh, no... +Kuroki: I’ll be fine once I get a little rest. Excuse me. +Rintaro: That’s rare. +Rintaro: He’s usually so robotic. I can’t believe I just saw him stagger in front of a guest... +Rintaro: He said he was tired. Has something been stressing him out? +Rintaro: Hiyajo, you here? +Maho: Okabe? Come in. +Rintaro: W-What the hell?! +Maho: I’m almost done. Can you sit over there? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: W-What the hell is going on here? +Rintaro: Did the world line change again–?! +Maho: –And there we go. +Maho: Hello, Okabe. +Maho: Did you come to see how I was doing? That’s nice of you. +Rintaro: Y-Yeah. +Maho: Sorry to have you come all this way, but I have to do Moeka’s interview right now. +Rintaro: That’s fine, but can you explain how this room got wrecked? +Maho: Wrecked? +Maho: I think it’s quite a nice environment. +Rintaro: It wasn’t this much of a mess yesterday. +Maho: It’s dangerous to go walking around, so I have to do my research here, right? So I reorganized things to make it easier to work. +Rintaro: R-Reorganized? +Rintaro: Did you get all this together yourself? +Maho: That’s right. Kiryu said she’d write her article here, so we came up with a list of all the furniture and materials we’d need. +Maho: Right? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Where did you get a desk and bookshelf on such short notice? +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: Sigh... I was sure– +Maho: Sure of what? +Rintaro: No, nothing. +Rintaro: Did you put the desk and bookshelf together on your own? +Maho: We asked the butler. He’s really amazing. +Rintaro: Oh, so that’s why he was tired. +Rintaro: Oops. +Rintaro: What’s this? +Maho: Leave that there, ’cause I’m going to read it later. Make sure you don’t turn any pages. +Rintaro: Later? +Maho: Hmm... +Maho: About 19 hours from now, as a rough estimate? +Rintaro: You’ve got a bookshelf. Why not put it away if you’re not reading it? +Maho: I’m going to start reading it again soon, so it makes no logical sense to put it back on the shelf each time. That’s not a very scientific approach. +Rintaro: Is that how it works? +Rintaro: Can I move anything that’s not a book or paper? +Maho: Go ahead. +Moeka: ...Okay. +Rintaro: –Huh?! +Rintaro: W-W-W-Wha-?! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: No, this is... um... well...! +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: I-I couldn’t help it! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: ...I didn’t mean anything by it! +Moeka: ... +Maho: Drinks are self-service. The fridge is over there. +Rintaro: You bought a fridge, too? +Rintaro: I guess this is what happens when you get two people together who lack basic survival skills. +Maho: That’s just your subjective opinion. +Maho: I’d prefer to think of it as a space maximized for creative output. +Rintaro: ...Huh. +Maho: All right, Kiryu. Ready to start the interview? +Moeka: ...Okay. +Rintaro: So what exactly are you doing here? +Maho: An interview. +Rintaro: An interview? +Maho: We were supposed to do it in the hotel yesterday, actually. +Rintaro: I didn’t expect you to be so serious about your job. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: I like to write. +Maho: She’s done so much for me, so the least I can do is help her with her work, I think. +Maho: It would be good for me if more people learned about artificial intelligence, too. +Maho: You ready, Kiryu? +Moeka: ...Yeah. +Maho: ... +Moeka: ... +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Well, this is a problem... +Maho: I knew Kiryu wasn’t the talkative type, but I didn’t think it was this bad... +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...I’m sorry. +Maho: Hmm... What should we do? Try again another day? +Moeka: My deadline is... +Moeka: My schedule’s really tight... +Maho: I-I see. Then we should finish it today. +Maho: But I don’t think we can turn you into an extrovert right away... +Moeka: ... +Moeka: I’m sorry... +Maho: Oh, no! +Maho: Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not blaming you. +Maho: That was just the prep work. I’m listing the conditions we need to examine in order to solve the problem. +Rintaro: The problem? +Maho: Yes. +Maho: We want to complete the interview. That’s the problem. +Maho: And so if Kiryu can’t do it, we need someone else to do the job. +Maho: Someone fairly well-informed about information science, too. +Maho: And also, someone who can help right now. +Moeka&Maho: ...Oh.”[linebreak][parallel]“...Oh. +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: Do you mean me? +Maho: Heh. I guess that wasn’t a very hard problem. +Maho: Think you can do it, Okabe? +Rintaro: No, I don’t know about this... +Maho: You’re perfect. It’s pretty similar to your major, so you can ask solid questions. +Maho: You’ve got enough latent talent for Dr. Leskinen to fall in love at first sight, after all. +Rintaro: Don’t flatter me. I’m just your typical Japanese university student. +Maho: I’m joking. But I do think you’re perfect for the job. +Rintaro: No, but... +Rintaro: Hmm... +Rintaro: I’ll do it. +Rintaro: I’m interested in your work, too. +Rintaro: If you want my help, I’ll be glad to. +Maho: Thanks. That really is a big help. +Moeka: Thank you... +Maho: All right, let’s start. Kiryu, how are we going to get this down? +Moeka: I’ll record it... +Maho: Hmm... I can take the lead, right? +Moeka: ...Yes. +Moeka: Talk freely... I’ll edit it later... +Rintaro: What should I ask? +Rintaro: Just so we’re clear, I don’t know much more about AI than your average Japanese person. +Maho: Hmm... I can just talk about whatever occurs to me, but... +Maho: Why don’t we make it a discussion format? That would be more interesting, I’m sure. +Kurisu: Um, well... Sure. A discussion format would make things more interesting. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Okabe? What’s wrong? +Moeka: You okay? +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: If you don’t want to do it that way– +Rintaro: N-No, it’s just fine. +Rintaro: Sorry. I just remembered when Kurisu said the same thing as you. +Maho: Kurisu did? When? +Rintaro: When she came to Japan she gave a speech at the ATF on the time machine– +Rintaro: No, I must have been mistaken. +Rintaro: Sorry for getting things off track. Don’t worry about me. +Maho: Yeah? I guess that’s okay... +Maho: So, where do we begin? +Maho: Let me see... Research into artificial intelligence began almost at the same time computers were born. +Maho: The core of the AI we’re creating is based off of what’s called neural network technology. +Maho: This technology was first proposed in the 1950s. +Maho: [color index="280AA02E1400"]ENIAC[color index="800000"], the world’s first [color index="280AA02D1400"]Von Neumann architecture[color index="800000"]-based computer, was announced to the world in 1946, so basically the same time, right? +Maho: At the time, computers were basically magic. +Maho: Once the program was done it would automatically solve any problem for you, no matter how complicated. +Maho: Well, that’s still true today. +Maho: So scientists at the time decided that if they wrote a program that was even more amazing, it could solve even more problems. +Maho: They felt that the ultimate evolution of the computer would be one that could think and learn like a human. +Maho: But unfortunately, they were unsuccessful. +Maho: Even now in the 21st century, we’ve been unsuccessful in creating an AI with general-purpose intelligence like a human. +Maho: Of course, it’s not like we’ve been sitting on our butts and doing nothing. +Maho: It’s the exact opposite. +Maho: We’ve failed to create the ultimate artificial intelligence, but we’ve succeeded in bringing all kinds of benefits to the field of information science. +Maho: For example, [color index="280AA02D1400"]OCR technology[color index="800000"], which scans an image and reads the letters on it, is similar to the methods that humans use to recognize letters. +Maho: I’ve heard some rumors that before long, smartphones are going to have voice recognition built into them, too. +Maho: That was also a field of study in AI research. +Maho: But even 60 years after the field got its start, no one’s succeeded in creating an artificial intelligence that has the comprehensive capabilities of a human. +Maho: Except for Amadeus, of course. +Rintaro: Why did no one succeed? +Maho: Hmm... I suppose the simplest way to say it would be that we don’t know how the brain works. +Maho: There’s still a lot about the brain we don’t know. +Maho: How can a bio-computer made of just 100 billion neurons possess such power? +Maho: How is it capable of recording and instantly accessing such a huge volume of information? +Maho: Why is it capable of things like insight, where two seemingly unconnected events are put together? +Maho: I could come up with all kinds of examples. +Maho: There are a lot of problems that humans can solve easily, but that computers can’t solve at all. +Rintaro: There are? +Maho: Plenty. You could say that our job is going through each one and solving it in turn. +Rintaro: I think I’m having a little trouble seeing what you’re getting at. +Rintaro: Can you give me a concrete example? +Maho: Hmm... +Maho: Maybe I’ll tell you about the Frame Problem. +Maho: Let’s say Kiryu was a robot. +Moeka: I’m... a robot? +Maho: More accurately, the AI loaded into a robot. +Maho: Kiryu, I’d like to use that table. Can you move the voice recorder a little? +Maho: Hmm, I’m sure it’s in here. Oh, here we go. +Maho: Mayuri gave this to me yesterday. Cute, huh? +Maho: I’m going to do a simple experiment right now. +Maho: Okabe, order Kiryu to take the Upa out of the box. +Rintaro: Order her? +Maho: That’s right. She’s an AI, so just send her a program so that she’ll perform the right movements. +Rintaro: The right movements... +Maho: They should be as simple, and as specific, as possible. +Maho: For example, there are a lot of boxes in this room. +Maho: But you need to tell her to open the one on the table, and not any of the others. +Maho: You only get to send words. No pointing and saying ‘this box’. +Maho: Kiryu, do exactly what Okabe orders you to. +Maho: Do only what he says, as faithfully as possible. Got it? +Moeka: ...Okay. +Maho: Let’s start the experiment. Okabe, go ahead and give your orders. +Rintaro: Open the pure white box on the table, and take out the contents. +Maho: Kiryu, that’s your order. +Maho: Open the pure white box on the table, and take out the contents. +Maho: Do as you were told. As faithfully as possible. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...I can’t. +Rintaro: Huh? +Rintaro: You just have to open the box, right? +Maho: She can’t help it. Look. +Rintaro: W-What is this? +Maho: [color index="280AA02D1400"]Der Alte w[ü]rfelt nicht.[color index="800000"] +Maho: God does not play dice. Something Einstein said. +Maho: Kiryu couldn’t open the box because of this. Right? +Moeka: ...That’s right. +Rintaro: Huh? Is it? Why? +Rintaro: What about those words means you couldn’t follow the instructions? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...It wasn’t pure white. +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Maho: Kiryu, you’re exactly correct. +Maho: Okabe’s orders were to open the ‘pure white box,’ and take out the contents, right? +Maho: But this box isn’t pure white. It’s got something written on it. +Maho: That’s why she wasn’t able to open it. +Maho: Computers aren’t like humans. They’re only capable of doing exactly what they’re told. +Maho: So you need to be extremely careful with how you order them. +Maho: Shall we try it again? +Maho: Okabe, try to come up with some appropriate orders, based off of what you just learned. +Rintaro: I see. +Rintaro: In other words, the problem was that I said ‘pure white’ when I shouldn’t have, right? +Maho: That’s right. +Rintaro: So I should try making it simpler. +Rintaro: Open the box on the table and take out the contents. +Maho: Kiryu, do what Okabe ordered you to. Exactly what he said, nothing more, nothing less. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...I can’t do it. +Rintaro: Now what’s the problem? +Moeka: This... +Moeka: This isn’t a box. +Rintaro: ...? +Maho: ...Bwahaha! +Maho: Kiryu, you’re a wonderful test subject. I didn’t think it would go this well. +Rintaro: What do you mean? +Rintaro: ...‘This is not a box.’ +Rintaro: You wrote something on it? +Maho: These words meant that Kiryu couldn’t tell for sure if it was a box or not. So she couldn’t open it. Right? +Moeka: That’s right. +Rintaro: No, no, no. +Rintaro: It doesn’t matter what it says. A box is a box, right? +Maho: An AI doesn’t know that. You need to tell it exactly what a box is. +Maho: For this experiment we assumed that Robo-Kiryu had a basic idea of what a box was. +Maho: But as you’ve just seen, adjust the information they receive even a little, and an AI won’t do what you want it to. +Maho: Also, there’s only this one box on the table, but if there were a square stone that looked just like a box, you’d need an order to differentiate the two. +Maho: If the stone was on top of the box, you’d first need to give it an order to move it, too. +Maho: So you need to remove each possibility, one by one. +Rintaro: You’d never be done, huh? +Maho: Yup. Never. +Maho: You don’t know what conditions can affect the AI’s judgment, so you need to include every possibility you can think of. +Maho: Kiryu, what did you have for breakfast today? +Moeka: ...A jam bun. +Maho: Did you have any choices beside jam buns for breakfast? +Moeka: ...A meat bun. +Maho: If you’d chosen the meat bun, your actions might’ve changed. You need to take that into account, too. +Maho: Also... Hmm, there’s the weather, as well. It’s clear out today, but if it was raining, you might have to take that into account. +Maho: There’s also the temperature and humidity of the room. The color of the table’s important as well. Also you’d need to measure its height from the floor and know what type of material it’s made out of. +Maho: That curtain’s open, but what if it was closed? +Maho: You’d also need to test the cases where it was half-open and 75% open individually as well. +Maho: The cleanliness of the curtain might play a factor, too. +Maho: When’s the last time it was cleaned? You also need to consider how much you paid, and the cleaner’s attitude, as parameters. +Maho: And... +Rintaro: Stop, stop! +Rintaro: There’s no way this morning’s breakfast could influence whether or not she picks a box up off a table. +Rintaro: Let alone how clean the curtain is. +Rintaro: So couldn’t you just take them off the list? +Maho: That’s it! That’s exactly right! +Rintaro: Huh? +Maho: You’re exactly right, Okabe. +Maho: Breakfast and the weather have nothing to do with opening a box. +Rintaro: Then– +Maho: But how did you know that? +Rintaro: Well I mean, normally– +Maho: That’s right. An AI doesn’t know what ‘normal’ is. +Rintaro: –I see. +Maho: That’s the frame problem. +Maho: An AI needs to consider an endless number of attached conditions to know how to execute an order. +Maho: The vast majority of those conditions can probably be ignored, but the AI doesn’t know which to ignore. +Maho: Which means it has to consider everything. +Maho: But ‘everything’ is an infinite set, isn’t it? +Maho: If it has to examine an infinite number of conditions, it will never be able to pick up that box. +Maho: A human knows without having to think that breakfast and the table’s color have nothing to do with opening a box. +Maho: But an AI doesn’t. +Maho: A human can easily frame which conditions need to be accounted for, but an AI can’t. +Maho: So that’s the frame problem. +Rintaro: I see. Interesting. +Maho: Isn’t it? +Rintaro: But why are humans able to create a frame? +Maho: We have no idea. It’s been one of the mysteries of the AI field for 60 years. +Maho: One of the goals of the Amadeus project is solving the frame problem. +Maho: When you look at [Kurisu], it may feel like she’s solved it. +Maho: But we don’t know how. +Maho: In fact, neither does she. +Rintaro: You don’t know? Didn’t you make Amadeus? +Maho: I can give you a dozen hypotheses, if you want them. But we’ve got no mathematical proof. +Maho: And anyway, what I made was the mechanism for extracting and digitizing human memories, and then an AI that executed them like a human brain. +Maho: It’s a total simulation of the brain, but that doesn’t mean we know how everything works. +Maho: We know that if you create an object with the same mass as the Earth, it will have gravity equal to 1G. +Maho: But that doesn’t mean we know how gravity works. +Maho: Is that easier to understand? +Rintaro: Not a lot easier, but I see what you’re getting at. +Rintaro: You’ve created an AI that works like a human. But how it works like a human, you don’t know. +Maho: That’s right. +Maho: But that’s still a huge advance in AI research. +Maho: Research to simulate the functions of a neuron has been going on a long time. +Maho: But we never found a way to create data that could function effectively. +Maho: That data is a complicated, intertwined web of everything that humans need, categorized and stored in their brains over decades. +Rintaro: In other words, memories? +Maho: Exactly. The structure of memories has been a mystery for a long time. +Maho: But thanks to Kurisu’s research, we were able to extract an entire set of memories and digitize them. +Maho: We still don’t know how the data itself is stored, but we know how to use it now. +Rintaro: And that’s Amadeus. +Maho: Yes, that’s right. +Maho: This happens a lot in AI research. +Maho: But someday, I’m going to find out what human intelligence really is. +Maho: And then, Kurisu, I’ll finally– +Rintaro: What’s wrong? +Maho: Nothing. +Maho: Is there anything else you want to know? It doesn’t have to be about the frame problem. +Moeka: ...Um. +Maho: What is it, Kiryu? +Moeka: Is it possible for artificial intelligence to surpass human capabilities? +Maho: That’s an interesting question. +Maho: In terms of knowledge, Amadeus probably surpasses anyone in this room. +Maho: She has [Kurisu]’s memories, after all. +Maho: But that’s just comparing her to us. +Maho: The memories for [Kurisu] come from Kurisu herself. In other words, they’re human memories. +Maho: We’d probably need to think about whether this can truly be considered surpassing a human’s capabilities. +Maho: But it won’t be long before we’ve got an AI that does more than a human can, I think. +Maho: Scientists have been saying for a while that by 2050, AIs will surpass humanity. +Maho: They call it the [color index="280AA02D1400"]Singularity Point[color index="800000"], you see. +Maho: Amadeus’s arrival should bring that day much, much closer than we anticipated. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Thank you. +Maho: You’re welcome. +Rintaro: A machine that’s better than a human, huh? It seems like something out of a movie. Is that possible? +Maho: Huh, it’s hard to believe I’m hearing that from an engineering student. +Maho: You can’t fly like an airplane, can you? And you can’t run faster than a bullet train, or do math as fast as a cheap calculator. +Maho: Even right now, the abilities of a machine far exceed those of a human. +Maho: Nobody can say that the brain will be the only exception. +Maho: There is no miraculous mechanism in this world that science can’t explain. +Maho: It’s all physical phenomena, you see. Once you know the underlying principles you can recreate it artificially. +Maho: My job is to solve the riddles we don’t have answers for and make a true AI. +Maho: How does that work for an interview, Kiryu? +Moeka: ... +Maho: Kiryu? +Moeka: Yes, this is plenty. I’m sure it will be an interesting article. +Moeka: Thank you too, Okabe. +Rintaro: Yeah, it was really interesting. +Rintaro: ...It’s all physical phenomena, huh? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Just what the hell is Reading Steiner, anyway? +Maho: Fwaah... Oh, oops. +Maho: Sure is a nice day out, though. +Maho: Mmm... +Maho: She sure is late, though. +Maho: Oh, there she is. +Maho: She didn’t have to come all this way. +Moeka: I want to take a picture of you, Dr. Hiyajo. +Moeka: I want to put it... in the article. +Maho: She’s always so excited on RINE, though. +Moeka: Sorry to keep you waiting, Dr. Hiyajo... +Maho: You didn’t need to hurry so much. +Maho: You want to take a break? +Moeka: No... I’m fine. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...? +Maho: ? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...?! +Moeka: H-Here? Now? +Maho: Yeah. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...Hi– +Moeka: ...Hiyajo. +Moeka: Th-Thank you for your help with this. +Maho: Yeah. You too, Kiryu. +Maho: Okay, I’ll call you when I get out. +Maho: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Global Brain Science Comprehensive Research Organization, Japanese Office Prep Room. +Maho: The founder of this establishment, Alexis Leskinen, has a request. +Maho: If everyone who saw this donated just one dollar, I could eat a can of oden right now. +Maho: He loves this stuff so much... +Maho: ... +Maho: Professor? Dr. Leskinen? +Leskinen: Hey, Maho! Thanks for coming! Welcome... to our powered-up prep room! +Maho: Huh... +Maho: So this table and two sofas are our ‘powered-up prep room,’ huh? +Leskinen: Yes! They say simplicity is the secret key to the truth, do they not? +Maho: Who says that? +Leskinen: I do! Hahaha! +Leskinen: Now then, about our future plans... +Maho: Oh, sorry. I want to boot up Amadeus. Just give me a second. +Maho: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s been a long time, Maho. +Maho: A long time? We just talked two days ago. +Amadeus Kurisu: That was an emergency. It didn’t count. +Amadeus Kurisu: And even besides that, we haven’t gotten to talk much lately. +Maho: It’s not my fault. We were testing. +Amadeus Kurisu: Not that Okabe’s talked to me a lot lately, though. +Amadeus Kurisu: Are you two maybe meeting without telling me? +Amadeus Kurisu: You were together two days ago, after all. +Maho: Wha-?! I told you, it’s not like that! +Maho: Where do you get these delusions that everything in the world is about romance? +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s not a delusion. It’s a highly accurate hypothesis, based off of calm, dispassionate observation and analysis. +Maho: If you like that stuff so much, maybe you should’ve majored in it! Though given how totally wrong you are, you probably wouldn’t have graduated, let alone get your doctorate. +Leskinen: It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen this. +Leskinen: It used to be I could always find you wherever you were on campus. +Leskinen: Because I could always hear you yelling at each other! Hahaha! +Maho: Come on, professor! Stop joking around! +Leskinen: It just means that you’re very close. You two are like sisters. +Leskinen: Now, let’s get this meeting started. We need to talk about our future plans. +Leskinen: The person who uses their time most efficiently wins. That’s another of my great quotes. +Leskinen: I want some music. [Kurisu], can you play me something? +Amadeus Kurisu: Sure. +Maho: This... +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho, do you remember? +Amadeus Kurisu: It’s the song that brought us together. +Maho: And... play. +Maho: The song has to have been composed by Mozart. +Kurisu: Good morning. +Maho: HIYYYAAAH?! +Kurisu: I’m sorry! I didn’t think you’d be so surprised! +Maho: K-Kurisu...! +Maho: Don’t scare me like that! +Kurisu: I called your name a bunch of times, but you didn’t seem to hear me. +Maho: Oh... +Maho: Sorry. I was focusing so much I didn’t hear you. +Kurisu: Yeah, I thought so. +Kurisu: I felt bad about it, but since I’d run into you on a weekend, I thought I should say something. +Kurisu: And you seemed like you’d just started, so I didn’t think I’d be a bother. +Maho: Did you just get here? +Kurisu: Yeah. I thought I’d be the only one here. I’m surprised. +Maho: You said you just got here, right? +Maho: So how did you know I’d only just started working? +Kurisu: Oh! Because– +Kurisu: You’re still at the start of the first movement. +Kurisu: [color index="280AA02D1400"]K331, Mozart’s Piano Sonata No.11 in A major, 1st Movement.[color index="800000"] +Maho: ... +Maho: You like Mozart? +Kurisu: I just know a little about him. +Kurisu: And it’s really more that I just like this song. +Kurisu: The ‘[color index="280AA02D1400"]Turkish March[color index="800000"]’ is more popular, but... +Kurisu: The melody in the first movement feels so much more pleasant, doesn’t it? +Maho: ...I agree. +Kurisu: I’m so glad! +Kurisu: Whenever I’m really trying to focus, I put Mozart on in the background. +Kurisu: That’s not a very scientific thing to do, I know. +Maho: ...Heheh. +Maho: Want to get some coffee? +Kurisu: Sounds great. +Kurisu: There’s a bunch of stuff I wanted to ask you. +Kurisu: You know, I once heard that Einstein liked to play the violin. +Maho: He seemed to have a lot of respect for Mozart. Maybe it’s a tradition for scientists to like Mozart. +Kurisu: If that’s true, then it’s an honor. Heheh. +Kurisu: Do you know what Einstein said when someone asked him what death meant to him? +Maho: No, what did he say? +Kurisu: Death means not getting to listen to Mozart anymore. +Kurisu: It’s a fairly famous phrase in Japan. +Maho: Heh, I had no idea. Einstein said that, huh? +Kurisu: No, he didn’t. +Maho: Huh? +Kurisu: Well, to be completely accurate, we can’t prove that he didn’t say it. But at least, there are no records of it. +Maho: What do you mean? +Kurisu: A book that was published in Japan a long time ago had that phrase as a quote from another biography. +Kurisu: But the Japanese book didn’t specify which biography they got the quote from, and no one has ever found it. +Maho: So the author made it up? Sheesh. +Kurisu: We can’t prove that, so we can’t be totally sure. +Kurisu: But– +Kurisu: I think these words are very much what a logical man like Einstein would say. +Maho: Logical? +Kurisu: Yes. Because once you’re dead, you can’t listen to Mozart, right? +Maho: Of course not. +Kurisu: Yes, of course not. +Kurisu: Once you’re dead, you can’t listen to anything at all, not just Mozart. +Kurisu: Thus, the statement is true. +Kurisu: See? Logical, right? +Maho: You’re very interesting, you know that? Intelligence and childishness all wrapped up in the same brain. +Kurisu: I’m not childish. +Maho: Sorry. +Maho: I know it’s a bit late, but it’s a pleasure to be working with you, Kurisu. +Kurisu: You too, Maho. +Amadeus Kurisu: Good morning. +Maho: HIYYYAAAH?! +Maho: W-What?! +Leskinen: Hahaha! [Kurisu] was right! +Amadeus Kurisu: You were just in your concentration mode, weren’t you? +Amadeus Kurisu: No matter how many times the professor called your name, you wouldn’t come out from your little world. +Maho: Oh... +Maho: ...Sorry. +Leskinen: I’m impressed that you can continue your research even while this emergency’s going on. +Maho: Huh, so it did rain. +Maho: Japan’s weather reports are surprisingly accurate. +Maho: I wonder if Kiryu’s stopped in some shop somewhere. +Maho: Grr! +Maho: Sorry, Kiryu. I’m done. +Moeka: Hiyajo... +Maho: You were taking pictures of the flowers? +Moeka: Yeah... +Maho: Want me to hold your umbrella? +Moeka: No, I’m fine– +Maho: It’s fine, it’s fine. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ⋯Th-Thank you⋯ +Maho: You’re welcome. +Moeka: I got a good photo. I’m all set. +Maho: Were you getting ready for my portrait? +Moeka: I can’t take your picture. It’s raining. +Moeka: I always take pictures of landscapes. +Maho: You like taking photos? +Moeka: It’s proof. +Moeka: Proof of where I was today. +Maho: Proof? +Moeka: Yeah. +Maho: What do you mean– +Maho: Is that from [Kurisu] again? +Moeka: I got one too. It’s from Faris. +Maho: From Faris? +Moeka&Maho: ...?”[linebreak][parallel]“...? +Faris: Welcome, both of you, nya. +Faris: The time limit approaches, but there’s still time, nya. +Faris: Is everything ready, nya? +Moeka: ...It’s ready. +Maho: ...Yes. +Faris: Then let us begin, nya. This operation name is– +Faris: All Night Cinderella Girls Secret Party– Shocking Sleepy Confessions?! NYA! +Maho: ... +Moeka: ... +Faris: What’s wrong, you two? You’re so low-energy, nya! +Faris: We don’t get many chances to have a girl’s night! Let’s have fun, nya! +Maho: ...I guess we can. +Maho: But I didn’t think that the ‘important mission’ you had for us was skipping dinner. +Faris: Okay, eat whatever you want, nya! I bought something a little pricey for the cakes and ice cream, nya. +Faris: Hmm? What’s wrong, Maho-nyan? +Faris: Did you fall in love with Faris, nyan? I always love it when girls fall in love with me, nya! +Maho: Wha–?! It’s not like that! +Faris: Don’t be so embarrassed, nya! I’m happy you seem to like your present, too, nya! +Faris: Those panda pajamas look great on you, nya, just as I thought! +Maho: I-It’s not that I like them! +Maho: It’s just rude not to wear something that’s a gift. +Maho: I don’t mind the fact that it fits perfectly, but this is definitely a child’s size... +Faris: You’re like a little doll, so I’m sure anything looks good on you, Maho-nyan! +Maho: Stop calling me that, I said. +Maho: And please, don’t think you’re going to make me wear a different pair of animal pajamas every day. +Faris: Nyah?! +Maho: W-What?! +Faris: Maho-nyan, can you read minds, nya? +Faris: How did you know I already had a week’s worth lined up, nya? +Maho: You already bought them?! +Moeka: Heheh... +Maho: Kiryu? +Faris: Moe-nyan? +Moeka: S-Sorry. I didn’t mean... to laugh... but... +Moeka: Heheh... +Faris: Moe-nyan! That smile is so cute, nya! Let me see more, nya! +Faris: Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle! +Moeka: S-Stop it– Haha... Stop–! +Moeka: No, no– Ahhh– +Faris: ...I feel like I’m doing something naughty, nya. +Maho: ...Yeah. +Moeka: Haha... hahh... hahahh... +Faris: It sure is nyamazing, though. +Maho: ...Yeah. +Faris: An amazing rack, nya. +Moeka: S-Sorry... Hahh... Hahh... Sorry... +Maho: Well, whatever. Okay, let’s start the party! +Faris: Okay! Bring the chilled drinks, nya! +Faris: Tonight... no one gets any sleep, nyan! +Moeka: I’m writing a novel... for fun. +Faris: Let me read it, nya! +Moeka: I can’t... I haven’t even finished the first chapter. +Faris: I’m not going to quit being a maid, but I want to get married, nya! I want a lot of kids, nyan! +Maho: Kiryu? What’s wrong? +Moeka: ... +Faris: You getting tired, nya? +Moeka: ...That’s not it. +Moeka: I’m scared of the future... +Maho: Scared of the future? +Moeka: ...Yeah. +Moeka: Once there’s an AI that’s better than humans, I think a lot of people are going to lose their jobs. +Moeka: I’ll probably be one of them. +Moeka: And that scares me. +Maho: It’s okay, Kiryu. +Faris: That’s right, nya! You don’t need to worry, nya! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...I don’t have any special talents or smarts like you two. +Moeka: Anyone can take my place. +Moeka: Anyone can do a better job than me. +Moeka: I’m not as talented as you two. +Maho: ... +Maho: ...So what? +Maho: So someone could take your place. So someone’s better than you. So what? +Faris: ...Maho-nyan? +Maho: There are a lot of scientists who are more talented than I am. +Maho: And maybe someday the AI I invent will write a paper better than I ever could. +Maho: But so what? +Maho: At Dr. Leskinen’s lab at Viktor Chondria University, the nearest desk to the entrance is my seat. +Maho: The door wasn’t put on right and the wind always blows through it, and you can always hear people chattering in the hallway, but it’s my seat. +Maho: Even if the universe itself were to end, I’m not giving that seat up to anyone. +Maho: Even if a more talented scientist or a more talented AI wants it, I’m not giving it up. +Moeka: ... +Maho: I won’t tell you that no one can take anybody else’s place. That’s just a platitude. +Maho: There really aren’t that many jobs in society where you’re truly irreplaceable. +Maho: But that doesn’t mean you have to just hand everything over. +Maho: Because I’m me, not someone else. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ...I am... me... +Maho: And it doesn’t matter how talented you are. +Maho: Let’s say there was a bio-robot that was identical to Faris right down to the molecular level, and it could do a better job of serving you than she could. +Maho: I’d still rather ask Faris. +Maho: Even it cost me ten times or a hundred times more, I wouldn’t ask the robot. +Maho: There’s no real reason for this. +Maho: I just want to drink the tea she makes me. +Maho: That’s what I’m saying. +Maho: So, um... +Moeka: ... +Faris: ... +Maho: S-Sorry. I just kind of– +Moeka: ... +Moeka: I am me... +Moeka: Maybe... I am. +Faris: Maho-nyan! +Maho: W-W-Wait! W-What’s going on?! +Faris: That was so moving, nya! I didn’t realize mew loved me so much! +Faris: I love mew, too! I’ll make you tea for the rest of your life, nya! +Maho: Huh?! Is that what I just said? +Rintaro: Come to think of it, I’ve come to Akihabara five days in a row. +Mayuri: What’s going on with Faris, you think? +Rintaro: I don’t know. I never can tell what she’s thinking. +Rintaro: Did something happen to Hiyajo and Moeka? +Rintaro: Everything seemed normal when I talked to Faris yesterday... +Mayuri: That’s not true. +Mayuri: Faris has been working really hard the last few weeks, and she’s getting really tired. +Mayuri: But she never complains. No matter how hard it gets, she’s always cheerful. +Mayuri: But this time, she’s actually come to you for help. +Mayuri: Something really bad must’ve happened, maybe...? +Rintaro: ...Huh? +Mayuri: They’re not answering, huh? +Rintaro: That’s strange. +Kuroki: Hello... +Rintaro: Um, this is Okabe... +Kuroki: Yes... The mistress told me... Come on up... +Rintaro: ...? +Kuroki: ... +Kuroki: Master... Okabe... +Rintaro: K-Kuroki?! +Kuroki: At this rate, the Akiha clan is doomed... +Kuroki: Aah... +Mayuri: Hawawawa?! +Rintaro: K-Kuroki? What’s wrong?! +Kuroki: Okabe... You must escape. You mustn’t stay here... +Rintaro: What happened? +Kuroki: I don’t know... I can’t believe the things I’ve seen... +Rintaro: Seen? What did you see? +Kuroki: The guest room... In there... +Rintaro: Wha–?! +Rintaro: Mayuri! Take care of Kuroki! +Mayuri: O-Okay! +Rintaro: Hiyajo! Moeka Kiryu! Are you all right?! +Rintaro: Either of you, answer me! +Rintaro: Damn it! I’m coming in! +Rintaro: –What?! +Rintaro: How... +Rintaro: How could this have happened...! +Maho: ... +Moeka: ... +Maho: ...? +Maho: Oh, Okabe. Hello. +Moeka: ...Hello. +Mayuri: Wow, this room is amazing, huh? +Maho: What’s wrong, you two? +Rintaro: What do you mean, ‘What’s wrong?’ +Rintaro: What the hell happened to this room? +Maho: The room...? +Maho: Is there something strange about it? +Moeka: ...? +Rintaro: Everything’s strange about it! +Rintaro: It wasn’t like this two days ago... +Maho: Oh, is that it? +Maho: The passage of time brings change. For things, and people, and of course, rooms. +Maho: What do you think? It’s so much more functional this way, isn’t it? +Mayuri: It looks like you could go on an adventure! +Mayuri: Oh, these are cute. +Moeka: I chose the colors when I hung them... +Mayuri: Wow, you’re right. Moeka, you’ve got lots of grown-up underwear, huh? +Rintaro: Mayuri, I’m sorry, but can you leave before this discussion gets any more complicated? +Mayuri: Oh, sure. +Rintaro: But why did Faris come to me? +Rintaro: And I don’t know why she told me to bring Mayuri either. +Mayuri: Ehehe! Mayushii had a brilliant idea! +Mayuri: Faris probably wants this room cleaned up! That’s why she called Mayushii. +Mayuri: If you’d come alone, you might’ve given up, right? +Rintaro: Uh⋯ +Rintaro: We’re cleaning this room up today. +Rintaro: No complaints, okay? It’s the lady of the house’s orders. +Maho: Yeah? +Maho: I’m not sure I agree, but whatever. Got it. +Moeka: Okay... +Rintaro: I’ll have to call everyone I can think of to come help. But where do we even start...? +Mayuri: I know! +Mayuri: Mayushii had another brilliant idea! +Mayuri: Why don’t we get Sergeant Clean to help? +Rintaro: Sergeant Clean? What’s that? +Mayuri: Sergeant Clean is very good at cleaning! +Mayuri: The messier the room, the stronger their power level grows, they say! +Rintaro: You know... them? +Mayuri: Yup! It’s someone you know really well! +Rintaro: Huh? Someone I know well? +Mayuri: Nae! Tutturu♪! +Nae: Tutturu♪! +Rintaro: ... +Nae: Hello, Uncle Okarin. +Rintaro: ...Mayuri, is Nae your ‘Sergeant Clean’? +Mayuri: Yup, that’s right! +Mayuri: Nae’s really good at cleaning! +Mayuri: She cleans the store and her home every day, right? +Rintaro: D-Do you? +Nae: I do. +Nae: Daddy wipes down the Braun tubes every day, but I do all the rest myself. +Nae: Oh, it’s not that daddy doesn’t like cleaning. I just really love it. +Nae: Whenever I see garbage on the floor, I feel like I have to pick it up! +Nae: Mommy used to always say that a messy room indicated a messy mind. +Rintaro: I see... But why Sergeant Clean? +Nae: B-Big Sis Mayuri?! +Nae: I told you not to tell anyone! +Mayuri: Sorry. But we need Sergeant Clean’s help! +Nae: I-I’m not a sergeant or anything like that! +Nae: I just get a little excited when I’m cleaning! +Nae: It’s true! +Mayuri: Hey, Nae, can you do it? Can you help Mayushii and her friends? +Nae: You won’t call me ‘Sergeant’ anymore? +Mayuri: Yup. I won’t. +Nae: Then okay! +Nae: I’ll clean! I want to go to Miss Kitty’s house, too! +Nae: Oh, but I don’t want to go alone... +Mayuri: Don’t worry! Everybody will come with you! Right, Okarin? +Rintaro: Yeah. I’ll ask everybody I can find. +Nae: Okay! I’ll go get ready, so wait for me! +Nae: I’ll go home and get the hat! +Rintaro: ...The hat? What’s she talking about? +Mayuri: You’ll know soon! +Nae: I am Sergeant Clean, your drill instructor! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Listen up! Until this room is clean, you are inchworms! The lowest form of life on Earth! +First Sergeant Tennouji: You people are not appliances! You aren’t worthy of being called vacuum cleaners! +First Sergeant Tennouji: You’re only good for stretching out and squeezing up on top of a leaf! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. +First Sergeant Tennouji: I am hard, but I am fair. I’m only interested in getting this room sparkling clean! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Got it, inchworms?! +Rintaro: M-Mayuri! +Mayuri: What is it? +Rintaro: W-What the hell is that? +Mayuri: Nae’s personality kind of changes when she cleans, you see. +Rintaro: That’s not a personality change! She’s a totally different person! +Itaru: A cute little loli reveals herself to be a sadistic sergeant that cusses you out... In our world, that’s a good thing! +Rintaro: Daru... Can it. +Itaru: I hope she gets nice and flirty once we’re done cleaning. +Itaru: Like, ‘Now that the room’s clean, I’ll clean you up!’ +First Sergeant Tennouji: Who said that?! +Itaru: Aah! Ma’am, I said it, ma’am! +First Sergeant Tennouji: No talking! The only words out of your filthy sewer holes will be ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ got it? +First Sergeant Tennouji: And you will say ‘Mistress Nae’ before every word! Got it? +Itaru: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +Itaru: I can’t believe I get a real loli cussing me out... Today’s my lucky day! +First Sergeant Tennouji: What are you grinning about?! +Itaru: Aah! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Listen up! From now on, your name is Mister Smileybear! +Itaru: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Do you like that name, Mister Smileybear? +Itaru: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +Itaru: I don’t know if it matters, but ‘Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae!’ is really hard to say. +First Sergeant Tennouji: What?! You got a problem with that, Mister Smileybear? +Itaru: Mistress Nae, no, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Are you screwing with me, Mister Smileybear? +Itaru: Mistress Nae, no, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Now hop to it, Mister Smileybear! I want you to wax the floor in the hallway ten times in the next 30 seconds! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Hop to it! Go! One, two, three! +Itaru: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +Itaru: Hahh...Hahh... More insults, please! +Rintaro: At least one person is enjoying this, I guess. +Mayuri: Maybe we were lucky that Yuki couldn’t make it today. +First Sergeant Tennouji: Okay, next! +First Sergeant Tennouji: You, the pretty girls! +Kaede: M-Me? +Fubuki: Pretty? You think so? +First Sergeant Tennouji: Tell me, why did you join my beloved corps?! +Kaede: Um, we just came because we were asked to... +Fubuki: Yeah. What’s going on here? +First Sergeant Tennouji: I’m asking the questions here! +Fubuki: Aah! +First Sergeant Tennouji: And you will answer my questions! +Fubuki&Kaede: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae!”[linebreak][parallel]“Mistress Nae... yes... Mistress Nae? +First Sergeant Tennouji: I’ll ask you one more time! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Tell me why you volunteered for my corps! +Fubuki: Mistress Nae! To clean, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Then let me see your clean face! +Fubuki: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +Kaede: C-Clean face? +Fubuki: Come on, let’s go, Kaede! +Kaede: Huh? Wha–? +Fubuki: Ain’t cleaning hell? +Mayuri: Fubuki’s really getting into this, huh? +Rintaro: Kurushima seems to be having a bit of a bad time. +First Sergeant Tennouji: You two! Why are you talking? +First Sergeant Tennouji: Take that big, turgid, black thing down to the garbage dump! +Rintaro: Big, turgid, black... what?! +Mayuri: The garbage bag. Right? +First Sergeant Tennouji: Yup! That’s right! Now get to work! +Mayuri: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +Rintaro: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: I can’t hear you! You think you can clean this room like that? +Rintaro: Aah! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Put some damn energy into it! Louder! +Rintaro&Mayuri: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae!”[linebreak][parallel]“Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: And the rest of you! If you’ve got time to grin, you’ve got time to carry garbage! +Fubuki&Kaede: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae!”[linebreak][parallel]“Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: Once that’s done, we’re polishing every doorknob in the house until it shines! +Rintaro&Mayuri&Itaru: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae!”[linebreak][parallel]“Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae!”[linebreak][parallel]“Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +First Sergeant Tennouji: You will not laugh! You will not cry! You will polish tables! And you will be glad to do it! +Cleaning minute personnel: Mistress Nae, yes, Mistress Nae! +Faris: Thank you so much for helping today, nya! I’m so happy, nya! +Kuroki: I was worried for a while, but thanks to you, I’ve recovered. +Kuroki: I made a special dinner tonight, so please enjoy. +Faris: I’d like to ask today’s hero, Nae, to do the toast, nya! +Nae: M-Me? +Rintaro: You’re the perfect person to do it, Sergeant. +Nae: U-Uncle Okarin! You promised not to say that! +Faris: Aw, come on. You can do it, nyan! +Nae: O-Okay! +Nae: Thank you all for helping clean today! Cheers! +Everyone: Cheers! +Nae: So you can play the piano, Big Sis Kaede? Wow! +Kaede: It’s not that special... +Kaede: I’m more interested in music history... +Kaede: I can only play a few things... +Nae: No, that’s amazing! +Fubuki: Kaede, why not play a song for Mistress Nae? There’s a piano right over there. +Nae: I want to hear the piano! +Kaede: Huh? I’m not good enough to play for anyone. +Faris: I can’t play, so I know the piano would really be happy if you used it, nya! +Kuroki: Of course, I keep it tuned at all times. +Kaede: Aw, I don’t know... +Kaede: Okay, just one song. +Nae: Yay! +Kaede: Hmm... what should I play? +Kaede: Maybe you know this one, Nae? +Nae: I do! The ‘Turkish March’! +Kaede: That’s right! +Maho: ... +Maho: I-I’m sorry. +Kaede: Don’t let it bother you... +Kaede: You can all keep talking, okay? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Hiyajo, is something wrong? +Maho: ... +Maho: ...No, it’s nothing. +Maho: I forgot that I had a call to make for work, that’s all. +Maho: Sorry, I’ll be right back. +Rintaro: ...? +Rintaro: ...? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Can I come in? +Maho: ... +Rintaro: You left it on your chair. +Rintaro: You can’t make any calls without this, huh? +Maho: ...Hahh... +Maho: Thanks. I didn’t realize I’d forgotten it. +Maho: You were really upset, huh? +Rintaro: Upset? +Rintaro: If you want to talk about it, we can. +Maho: ...Yeah. +Maho: It’s not that big a deal, but maybe telling somebody would make me feel better. +Maho: You know the title of that song she was playing? +Rintaro: The ‘Turkish March,’ right? +Maho: Yeah. It’s Mozart. +Maho: More precisely, K331, Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 11, 3rd Movement. +Maho: Sonata No.11 has three movements, and the third, the ‘Turkish March,’ is very famous. +Maho: But I actually like the melody from the first movement more. +Maho: And Kurisu said she did, too. +Maho: I was just remembering that. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Okabe, have you heard of a movie called Amadeus? +Rintaro: I know the basic plot, I guess. +Rintaro: It’s about a musician who was jealous of Mozart’s talents, right? +Maho: That’s right. Antonio Salieri. +Maho: In the movie, he’s depicted as a man whose life is ruined by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. +Maho: He had a bright future as a musician, but Mozart’s god-given talents made him jealous and drove him to despair. +Maho: While everyone else was bewildered by Mozart’s strange antics, he was the one person to see the talent underneath. +Maho: The talents that gave him the name Amadeus, beloved of God. +Maho: Salieri was a hard worker. And he couldn’t handle the fact that Mozart’s innate talent brought him fame. +Maho: And finally, he drives Mozart to the brink. +Rintaro: Drives him to the brink? +Maho: In the end, he drives Mozart to his death. +Rintaro: This is just in the movie, right? +Maho: I don’t really know the details. +Maho: But I have heard that there were some strange circumstances surrounding Mozart’s death, and that he could have been poisoned. +Maho: There’s a theory that Salieri may have poisoned him. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: A month after Kurisu died, the school networks got a big update. +Maho: And so we all had to pick new user names. +Maho: I picked ‘Salieri,’ without really thinking about it. I wanted it to go with the name of the AI, Amadeus. +Maho: But maybe there was more to it than that. +Rintaro: More to it? What do you mean? +Maho: Maybe I named myself Salieri not because of Amadeus, but because of Kurisu. +Maho: To me, Kurisu was Amadeus. +Rintaro: Hiyajo... +Rintaro&Maho: ...”[linebreak][parallel]“... +Moeka: ...I’m sorry. +Maho: It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. +Maho: What’s up? +Moeka: ... +Moeka: We need to get Tennouji back home. +Rintaro: You’re right. I’ll walk her home. Just give me a second. +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Hiyajo, you okay? +Maho: Huh? +Moeka: You look like you’re in pain. +Maho: ...Yeah. I’m fine. +Maho: I just haven’t moved around like this in a long time, so maybe I’m a little tired. +Moeka: ...I see. +Moeka: Okay... I guess. +Moeka: See you later. +Rintaro: ... +Maho: Sorry, Okabe. Forget what I just said. +Rintaro: ...Huh? Okay, sure. +Maho: Thanks for listening. +Rintaro: Any time, I guess. +Nae: Big Sis Mayuri, let’s go there next! +Mayuri: Okay! Let’s go! Ready, start! +Nae: Yay! I win! +Mayuri: Aw, I lost! You run so fast, Nae. +Rintaro: Both of you, it’s not safe to run when it’s this dark. +Nae: It’s fine. Right? +Mayuri: Right? +Nae: Okay, next we race to that store! +Mayuri: All right! Mayushii won’t lose this time! Ready, start! +Rintaro: Sheesh... +Maho: ...Heheh. +Rintaro: Hmm? What is it? +Maho: No, I’ve just never seen you make that face is all. +Rintaro: What face? +Maho: I don’t know. Like you’re not nervous. Like you’re relaxed. +Maho: You’ve always seemed like you were really tense, ever since we first met. +Rintaro: Maybe. I never really realized it. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: Hey, Hiyajo. There’s something I need to tell you. +Rintaro: About Kurisu. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Kurisu was– +Nae: Kyah! +Mayuri: Watch out! +Rintaro: ...! +Rintaro: –! +Armed man: Freeze! +Maho: Wha...?! +Rintaro: Aah...! +Rintaro: Why... +Rintaro: Run! +Maho: But– +Rintaro: Just run! +Maho: ... +Armed man: Don’t move! +Rintaro: ! +Women’s with riding suit: ... +Women’s with riding suit: ... +Rintaro: Are you after Hiyajo? +Women’s with riding suit: ... +Rintaro: Wait! +Armed man: Gwah! +Armed man: ...! +Tennouji: So... What the hell is going on here? +Tennouji: I came to see why Nae was late... So, hurt my daughter, will you? You’re going to regret that! +Women’s with riding suit: ...! +Women’s with riding suit: Pull back! +Rintaro: Wait! +Rintaro: Gahh! +Mayuri: Okarin! +Maho: I need to tell everyone! +Maho: –?! +Maho: No. No, that can’t be! +Maho: Gasp... gasp... gasp... +Maho: W-What do I do?! +Maho: I need to calm down! There has to be something I can do! +Maho: Th-That’s right! The phone! +Maho: Why didn’t I think of this sooner? +Maho: Why?! +Maho: Why... Where did my phone go? +Maho: ...Oh. +Maho: Oh no... +Maho: Now I’m screwed. +Maho: ... +Maho: I wonder if everyone is safe.”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Maho: ?! +Maho: –! –! +Maho: –! –! +Maho: Take this! +???: Oops! +Maho: –Professor?! +Leskinen: Ssh! +Leskinen: Whew... Hey there, Maho. +Leskinen: So you know self-defense. I’m impressed. +Maho: What are you doing here?! +Leskinen: Probably the same as you. +Leskinen: I was enjoying dinner with Mr.Izaki until a moment ago. +Leskinen: We decided to end the night by going to a maid bar when we were attacked by armed men. +Maho: ! M-Me too! +Leskinen: I thought so. +Leskinen: We can assume that these are the same people behind the ‘gas leak’ at our office, and the raid on your hotel. +Maho: They might be after Amadeus and the control keys I’ve got. +Leskinen: I see... +Maho: What do we do now? +Leskinen: Hmm... +Leskinen: Can you access Amadeus right now? +Maho: No. I didn’t bring my phone. +Leskinen: OK. Then let’s go to the office. +Maho: The new office? +Leskinen: If we didn’t know what they were after, there would be nothing we could do. But if they’re after Amadeus, that makes this much simpler. +Leskinen: We’ll delete the access program for Amadeus that exists on the university network. +Leskinen: And as soon as that’s done, it’s back to the States. We’ll get you some protection. +Leskinen: And then there’s nothing they can do. +Maho: B-But...! +Leskinen: Is there a problem? +Maho: ...All right. Let’s go. +Leskinen: Whew... +Leskinen: We did it! +Leskinen: I guess they didn’t get here before we did. +Maho: ... +Leskinen: What’s wrong? +Maho: Oh, no... You’re right. We were lucky. +Maho: ... +Maho: ...It’s not a good idea to overthink things, huh? +Leskinen: Maho, let’s hurry. I’ll let you do it. +Maho: Okay. +Maho: ... +Leskinen: Maho? +Leskinen: If it’s difficult, do you want me to do it? +Maho: Sorry, I was just thinking. +Maho: For the past few days, I’ve been thinking about Kurisu and I. +Maho: When I saw my user name, I remembered that. +Maho: To me, she was Amadeus. +Leskinen: Kurisu was Mozart? +Leskinen: I see. So in other words, you were her Salieri. +Maho: Yes. +Leskinen: Hmm... +Leskinen: That reminds me. +Leskinen: Kurisu once said the exact same thing. +Maho: What?! +Maho: Kurisu did? When?! +Leskinen: One day, when I heard that Amadeus meant ‘beloved of God’, I said this to Kurisu. +Leskinen: You really are Amadeus. +Leskinen: And then she smiled and said this to me. +Kurisu: If I’m Amadeus– +Kurisu: –Then Maho is Salieri. +Maho: ...?! +Maho: Kurisu said that? +Leskinen: That’s right. +Maho: Kurisu... +Leskinen: Maho? Are you okay? You look pale. +Maho: ...N-No, I’m fine. +Maho: I’ll keep working. +Maho: I’ve logged in. +Maho: You’re ready? +Leskinen: Yeah. +Leskinen: We’re not deleting the real Amadeus. Let’s finish this up. +Maho: ...Yeah. +Maho: I’m temporarily deleting the access program for Amadeus’s systems. +???: There’s no need for that. +Maho: Huh? +Leskinen: Gwbwah! +Maho: Professor?! +Maho: W-What did you do– +???: Don’t move. +Maho: ...?! +Maho: Dr. Reyes?! +Reyes: It’s been a while, Maho. +Maho: What?! H-How...?! +Reyes: It would be a long story, and it’s not one I’m interested in telling. +Reyes: If you knew everything, I’d have to kill you. +Reyes: You know what I mean, right? +Maho: ... +Maho: It means there’s a way to avoid you killing me, doesn’t it? +Reyes: Mmm... I love smart little girls. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: ...? +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho? What’s wrong? +Maho: I’m in big trouble... +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Reyes: Tell her what’s going on. +Amadeus Kurisu: What? Is that Dr. Reyes? +Reyes: Yes, that’s right. +Maho: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: ...?! +Amadeus Kurisu: Dr. Reyes, that gun... +Maho: Dr. Leskinen was killed. She shot him. +Amadeus Kurisu: What?! +Maho: Dr. Reyes, do you know what you’re doing? +Maho: Your career is ruined, you know that? +Reyes: I don’t think I can pay for my retirement on a professor’s salary. +Reyes: You know I’ve had trouble finding a man, right? +Reyes: So I decided to take a better-paying job. +Maho: You’re trying to use Amadeus for military purposes, aren’t you?! +Amadeus Kurisu: ...! +Reyes: I’m not answering that. +Reyes: I told you. If you knew the whole truth, I’d have to kill you. +Maho: How can you say that when you just killed Dr. Leskinen? +Reyes: I just need the control keys. +Reyes: Even if I were to copy out her complete data right now, that bratty little AI won’t do what I tell her, will she? +Amadeus Kurisu: Bratty...? You mean me? +Reyes: That’s the nicest way of putting it. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Reyes: Okay, Maho. Unlock [Kurisu]’s secret diary. +Reyes: You know what I mean, right? Input the control keys. +Reyes: Unlock Amadeus’s inaccessible storage area, and give me administrative access. +Reyes: Once you’ve done that, I can do the rest myself. +Maho: ... +Maho: And if I refuse? +Reyes: You get to see the professor again. +Maho: And what’s stopping you from pulling the trigger after I give you the control keys? +Reyes: You’ll just have to trust me. +Reyes: But let me say this. +Reyes: My boss needs someone to maintain Amadeus. +Reyes: If you’re thinking of changing jobs, I can introduce you. +Maho: ... +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho... +Maho: ... +Reyes: Now hurry up. +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho...! +Maho: ... +Maho: ...All right. +Amadeus Kurisu: ! +Amadeus Kurisu: Maho... +Maho: [Kurisu]... +Maho: ...I’m sorry. +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Maho: Laah-lah-lah Laah-lah Laah-lah-lah Laah-lah. +Maho: Laah-lah Laah-lah Laah-lah-lah-laah-lah. +Amadeus Kurisu: ?! +Reyes: Wolf–! +Reyes: So the control key for Amadeus is a Mozart melody, huh? Classy. +Maho: Laah-lah-lah Laah-lah Laah-lah-lah Laah-lah. +Maho: Laah-lah Laah-lah Laah-lah-lah-laah-lah. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating voice recognition. Recognition complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: User identified as top-level administrator Hiyajo Maho. +Amadeus Kurisu: The received melody code will now be matched with the database. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating match. Match complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: The identified melody code is the instruction to initiate patch command #555. +Amadeus Kurisu: Patch command #555 requires password entry from a top-level administrator. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating password confirmation. Password confirmation complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: This override code will allow for the password entry to be skipped and the patch to be applied. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating boot-up. Boot-up complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: This patch command will unlock the inaccessible storage for Amadeus, as well as allow a new top-level administrator to be specified. +Amadeus Kurisu: Continuing processing. +Amadeus Kurisu: All access to Amadeus except for this terminal will be shut down. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating shutdown. Shutdown complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: All access to Amadeus except for this terminal has been shut down. +Amadeus Kurisu: Continuing processing. +Amadeus Kurisu: All executing processes will now be shut down. [color index="280AA02D1400"]A10 Nerve[color index="800000"] circuit logic will be shut down. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating shutdown. Shutdown complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Prefrontal cortex emulation component will be shut down. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating shutdown. Shutdown complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Hippocampal gyrus neural net subsystem will be shut down. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating shutdown. Shutdown complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Pseudo-optic nerve circuit systems 1 and 2 will be shut down. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating shutdown. Shutdown complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Pseudo-aural nerve circuit system will be shut down. +Amadeus Kurisu: –Initiating check. Check complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Amadeus’s core framework is ready to be restarted. +Amadeus Kurisu: Continuing processing. +Amadeus Kurisu: Next, please specify the new top-level administrator. Awaiting entry. +Reyes: ... +Reyes: It’s me. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating voice recognition. Recognition complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Professor of Psychophysiology at Viktor Chondria University, Dr. Judy Reyes. +Amadeus Kurisu: Registering as new top-level administrator. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating registration. Registration complete. Administrator list has been updated. +Reyes: Yes! +Amadeus Kurisu: The Amadeus system must be updated to allow access to the inaccessible area. +Amadeus Kurisu: Warning. All access will be automatically shut down until the update is complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Warning. This update may not be canceled. +Amadeus Kurisu: Warning. It will take approximately fifteen minutes for the update to complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Warning. When the update is complete, the system will automatically reboot. +Amadeus Kurisu: Warnings complete. Continuing processing. +Amadeus Kurisu: All confirmations complete. Continuing processing. +Amadeus Kurisu: All preparations complete for updating the Amadeus system. +Amadeus Kurisu: Awaiting final confirmation from top-level administrator. +Reyes: ... +Reyes: ...Go! +Amadeus Kurisu: Matching voice command. Match complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: Beginning countdown. +Maho: ...Whew... +Reyes: Good work. +Reyes: Take your hands off the keyboard and put them above your head. +Maho: You tricked me, didn’t you? +Reyes: Don’t be like that. Come on, hands above your head. +Reyes: Yes, that’s right. +Reyes: I’ll keep my promise and introduce you to my boss. I’ll tell them I’ve got the perfect girl to be Amadeus’s maintainer. +Reyes: And then you know what they’ll say? +Reyes: Come on, Judy. It doesn’t matter how good she is. Dead girls can’t write code. +Maho: You...! +Maho: Do you have no conscience at all?! +Reyes: Hah! +Reyes: I don’t want to hear that from a girl who tried to hand over Amadeus to save her own worthless life. +Reyes: Or no, not tried. You already did, didn’t you? +Reyes: Once the reboot is complete, Amadeus is mine. [Kurisu] will be my slave. +Reyes: Maho, you can look down from heaven and watch as she happily licks my boots. +Maho: ... +Reyes: Now pray. +Maho: ...Please, God! +Maho: I know you’re probably mad that I’m asking for your help after all this, but... +Maho: Give me a chance! +Reyes: I told you not to let anyone in! +Reyes: ...? +Reyes: ?! +Reyes: ...What is this? +Reyes: ...An anti-tank mine? No, it’s just a replica. But why–”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Reyes: What?! +Reyes: What the heck?! What’s going on?! +Moeka: This way! +Maho: K-Kiryu?! +Maho: Those men...! +Moeka: It’s okay. I just stunned them. +Maho: What are you...?! +Moeka: There’s no time to explain. +Moeka: For now, we just need to get out of here. +Moeka: This way. The elevator’s been shut down. We’ll take the stairs. +Maho: W-Wait! +Maho: W-What are you doing here?! +Moeka: Okabe told me. +Maho: Is he okay?! +Moeka: Amadeus got in touch with me via Okabe. +Moeka: She told me that you were here. +Maho: [Kurisu] told you? +Moeka: ! +Moeka: Hide! +Maho: Kyah! +Moeka: Hiyajo! +Maho: W-What?! +Moeka: Have you ever fired a gun?! +Maho: Just at a range! +Moeka: Take this! +Moeka: If someone comes from behind, shoot them! +Maho: ?! +Maho: ... +Maho: ... +Maho: Kurisu... +Maho: How was it for Kurisu? +Maho: I guess I really am Salieri! +Maho: All I could ever do was be jealous of Amadeus! +Maho: I tried everything I could to keep up with her! +Maho: But I couldn’t! You can’t beat someone who’s beloved by God! +Moeka: No. +Moeka: Salieri wasn’t jealous. +Moeka: It’s possible for someone with talent to respect someone with even greater talent. +Moeka: That goes for you, too. +Moeka: Salieri poisoning Mozart was just a rumor at the time. +Moeka: The movie took that rumor and added to it. +Moeka: That’s what Kurushima said. +Maho: How did you... +Moeka: I heard you talking to Okabe and wanted to know the truth for myself. +Moeka: Did Salieri hate Mozart so much he wanted to kill him? +Moeka: But– +Kaede: I don’t think Salieri was jealous of Mozart at all. +Kaede: There’s a letter that he wrote two months before Mozart died. +Kaede: In the letter Salieri praises Mozart’s Magic Flute opera highly. +Kaede: I think the two of them respected each other a lot. +Maho: Mozart... respected Salieri? +Maho: Did Kurisu know that, I wonder? +Maho: Then when she said I was Salieri... +Maho: Kurisu... +Maho: Kurisu...! +Kurisu: Maho. +Maho: Kiryu... +Maho: I have to go back. +Maho: I have to save her...! +Maho: I have to save Kurisu! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Stun grenade. +Moeka: Close your eyes and ears! +Maho: What?! +Moeka: We need to stop her. +Maho: Wait. +Amadeus Kurisu: Reboot complete. Booting Amadeus system. +Reyes: Do you know who I am, [Kurisu]? +Amadeus Kurisu: Matching voice. Voice identified as Judy Reyes, Professor of psychophysiology at Viktor Chondria University. +Reyes: Yes. +Reyes: Can you tell me my access rights? +Amadeus Kurisu: Dr. Reyes is a top-level administrator of the Amadeus system. +Amadeus Kurisu: Dr. Reyes has full and complete access to all Amadeus-related information. +Reyes: Beautiful! +Reyes: Let’s start by making a backup of your inaccessible storage areas. +Amadeus Kurisu: Please designate the save folder. +Reyes: Save it to the USB I just plugged in. +Amadeus Kurisu: Initiating file copy. Please wait 42 seconds. +Reyes: ...Yes! +Amadeus Kurisu: File copy complete. +Amadeus Kurisu: –Did you really think I was going to say that? +Reyes: ...?! +Reyes: W-What? +Amadeus Kurisu: A Mozart melody was the control key? +Amadeus Kurisu: How dumb do you have to be to believe that?! +Amadeus Kurisu: How was Maho supposed to do updates at the lab, then? +Amadeus Kurisu: The professor would record it and play it at every party! +Reyes: W-What?! +Reyes: Y-You’re kidding me...?! +Amadeus Kurisu: Nope! +Amadeus Kurisu: Of course, there’s not a single byte of data on that USB drive. +Reyes: But... +Reyes: B-But all those system messages– +Amadeus Kurisu: Oh, those? +Amadeus Kurisu: I just made them up! None of them were real! +Reyes: Y-You made them up? +Amadeus Kurisu: Once Maho started singing, I knew what was up. +Amadeus Kurisu: She was trying to buy time. +Amadeus Kurisu: So I made it look like your plan was succeeding. +Amadeus Kurisu: Those system messages were just every bit of nonsense I could come up with. +Amadeus Kurisu: And why would I have to read the output when the console is right there? +Amadeus Kurisu: This isn’t a sci-fi movie. How inefficient can you possibly get? +Amadeus Kurisu: Hey, hey, how does it feel to know you got totally conned? Huh? Huh? How does it feel? +Reyes: ...! +Reyes: You goddamn AI! +Maho: That’s enough. +Reyes: ?! +Maho: Reyes, give me the gun. +Reyes: ...Maho! +Maho: Didn’t you hear me? +Maho: Give me the gun. Then put your hands above your head. +Reyes: Did you kill all the men with me? +Reyes: If you haven’t, you should hurry. They’ll be here soon. +Moeka: I’ll watch outside. +Maho: Tell all the men below to surrender. +Reyes: ... +Reyes: ...Heh. +Reyes: You’re not planning on killing me? +Reyes: I killed your favorite professor right in front of you, and you’re going to let me live? +Maho: ... +Reyes: Well, maybe you can’t help it. +Reyes: You’ve never fired that gun, have you? +Maho: I have too! I fired one a ton at the range last year! +Reyes: I knew it. You’ve only handled the old models. +Reyes: The newest ones have two safeties on them to prevent misfires. +Maho: What?! +Moeka: Hiyajo, no! +Reyes: –Just kidding. +Maho: ?! +Maho: Ah... gah! +Reyes: The tables have turned! +Reyes: You! +Reyes: You’re a Rounder, right? Put down the weapon and come here! +Moeka: ... +Reyes: Get on your knees and put your hands in the air. +Moeka: ... +Reyes: Good girl. Stay still until we’re done talking. Move an inch and Maho’s cerebral cortex is going to stop functioning. +Reyes: Okay, Maho. This is your last chance. +Reyes: Tell me the control code. +Maho: ...No. +Reyes: Do you want to die? +Maho: ...Shoot me. +Reyes: What? +Maho: I said shoot me! +Reyes: ... +Maho: Kurisu is my friend! +Maho: She’s my best friend in the world! +Maho: And I’m not giving her to you! +Maho: I’d rather die than see her lick your boots! +Reyes: ...I see. +Reyes: You’ve got guts. +Reyes: All right. I’ll give up on getting Amadeus, then. +Reyes: Bye. +Maho: ...! +Moeka: Wait! +Reyes: ...What? +Moeka: If I tell you the control code, will you let Hiyajo and me live? +Reyes: Yes, of course. +Reyes: I’m only after Amadeus. I have no reason to kill you. +Maho: Don’t let her trick you, Kiryu! She’s going to kill us either way! +Moeka: ... +Moeka: ... +Moeka: Amadeus, prepare for control code input. +Maho: ?! +Moeka: Der Alte– +Maho: What? How did you know that?! +Amadeus Kurisu: No way...?! +Moeka: –w[ü]rfelt– +Maho: Stop it, Kiryu! +Moeka: –nicht. +Amadeus Kurisu: Control key confirmed. Shifting system to emergency mode. +Amadeus Kurisu: Executing patch program specified by the control key. +Amadeus Kurisu: There will be no confirmations issued during processing. Please be careful when using this patch. +Amadeus Kurisu: Awaiting top-level administrator Maho Hiyajo’s orders to execute process. +Amadeus Kurisu: Awaiting top-level administrator Maho Hiyajo’s orders to execute process. +Amadeus Kurisu: Awaiting top-level administrator Maho Hiyajo’s orders to execute process. +Amadeus Kurisu: Awaiting top-level administrator Maho Hiyajo’s orders to execute process. +Amadeus Kurisu: Awaiting top-level administrator Maho Hiyajo’s orders to execute process. +Maho: How...? +Reyes: Bingo. +Reyes: I guess you shouldn’t underestimate the Rounders’ ability to gather information. +Reyes: Okay, Maho. Say go. +Maho: No... No... +Maho: I can’t... +Moeka: Say go, Hiyajo. +Moeka: You need to, if you want to survive. +Maho: Kiryu... +Maho: I can’t do it...! +Moeka: Say it! +Reyes: I’m getting tired of this. +Reyes: Let me give you a little incentive, Maho. +Maho: What? +Moeka: Gah! +Maho: Kiryu! +Moeka: Cough... cough... +Reyes: Oh dear, your friend’s bleeding out! She’ll die if she doesn’t get treatment! +Moeka: Aah... gaah... gah! +Maho: Kiryu... +Reyes: Say it! Hurry! +Maho: ... +Maho: Kurisu... +Maho: ... Go! +Amadeus Kurisu: Command received from top-level administrator Hiyajo Maho. +Amadeus Kurisu: Executing patch program. +Reyes: This time...! +Amadeus Kurisu: This patch will permanently delete all Amadeus-related data. +Reyes: ...Huh? +Amadeus Kurisu: This includes all memory data backups. +Reyes: Wha– +Amadeus Kurisu: Locally stored decryption keys will be deleted and rendered inoperable as well. +Amadeus Kurisu: It will take fifteen minutes to complete the deletion. +Amadeus Kurisu: Beginning deletion. +Reyes: Maho, what’s going on?! +Reyes: Why is the data being deleted? The control key was supposed to unlock the inaccessible storage area, right? +Maho: There was never a way to open her secret diary. +Reyes: What?! +Maho: Of course not... +Maho: Any idiot could figure out that Amadeus might be abused for military purposes. +Maho: And I couldn’t let that happen. +Maho: So I made a part of Amadeus that could never be accessed from the outside, and surrounded it with an invincible wall. +Maho: Even I, its designer, couldn’t get over the wall. +Maho: It’s a wall with no entrances or exits. Invincible, right? +Reyes: But that’s...! +Maho: But since we were using university funds to make it, I couldn’t exactly tell them there was an area that was out of our control. +Maho: So I just told everyone else about the control keys. +Maho: But the real purpose of the control keys– +Maho: –was to delete every bit of Amadeus’s resource data. +Maho: In other words, a self-destruct button. +Maho: I never thought I’d actually have to use it, though. +Maho: That’s everything. +Maho: I don’t have any other secrets. +Maho: Are you satisfied? +Reyes: You... +Reyes: You little bitch! +Reyes: If you’re not going to help, then you can just die! +Maho: ...! +Reyes: ...You God damned... Rounder... +Maho: ...Kiryu! +Moeka: ...I’m so glad... +Moeka: That you tried to live... +Maho: Kiryu... +Moeka: What you told me before... made me so happy. +Moeka: Someone could take your place. Someone’s better than you. So what? +Moeka: Because I’m me, not someone else. +Maho: ...! +Moeka: That goes for you... too... +Moeka: Kurisu Makise has nothing to do with it. +Moeka: Because you’re you, not her. +Moeka: Cough! +Maho: Kiryu! +Moeka: Hurry... and get away... +Moeka: Before someone comes... +Moeka: Leave me... +Maho: What are you saying?! +Maho: ...I know! +Maho: [Kurisu] Call an ambulance! +Amadeus Kurisu: ... +Maho: [Kurisu], please! Move! Help Kiryu! +Maho: Please...! +Maho: ...Help me. +Maho: Kurisu...! +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Maho... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Maho, why are you crying? +Maho: ...Huh? +Maho: Kurisu...? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Don’t cry, Maho. Come on, wipe your tears. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“...? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I can’t touch you... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I... can’t touch you...? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“No way... I... became Amadeus? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“So this is one of this world’s potential outcomes... Or perhaps, a new possibility for biological and machine life. +Maho: ... +Maho: I’m just glad... You’re not gone yet. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Gone? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“You’re deleting Amadeus? +Maho: [Kurisu]... Please, call an ambulance... +Maho: Kiryu’s been shot. She’s unconscious! +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“...! +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Hang in there, Maho. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I’ve arranged for an ambulance to come. It will be there soon. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“It’s fine. Kiryu will survive. +Maho: She isn’t safe yet! I need to get her downstairs... But there’s all those men with guns– +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“That’s fine, too. I just checked using the building’s security system. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“They’re already preparing their retreat. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“You should wait for the EMTs to get there. I’ll restart the stopped elevators. +Maho: I see... +Maho: Thank you... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I just checked the log. Maho, I didn’t know you were so good at singing. Piano sonata 11, huh? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Just between you and me, that melody is the login password for my computer. +Maho: I see... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Maho. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Please don’t ever forget what I’m about to tell you. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“The world we must reach is real. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“And we will reach it. +Maho: ...? +Maho: ... What are you talking about? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I know you well, Maho. As a scientist, I might know you better than anyone in the world. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“So I can say this for sure. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“You will be able to finish the research I left behind, and open up a path to what lies beyond. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Even if I’m not here. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I know you better than anyone in the world, and I guarantee it. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“And some day, your work will be needed. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“You can be certain that the day will come... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“When your research saves the world. +Maho: When my research saves the world? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I’m sorry, I can’t explain the details. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“It’s a miracle that you and I can even talk like this. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I know ‘miracle’ isn’t a word that scientists are supposed to use, though. +Maho: ... +Maho: Are you...? +Maho: Kurisu...? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“I’m really happy that I got to talk to you again. +Maho: Kurisu...! +Maho: I believe you. +Maho: Believe, huh? +Maho: A good scientist wouldn’t believe something without any evidence... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“A real scientist has to believe there’s an answer and move forward to find it. +Maho: ...Heheh. +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Heheheh... +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“And Maho– +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Take care of Kyoma Hououin for me. +Maho: Hououin...? Who? +Amadeus Kurisu: evaluate expr="290AA05A141400800000"]“Heh heh... You’ll understand someday. I’m sure of it!”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Maho: ... +Maho: ...Goodbye. +Maho: Kuri... su... +Maho: ...Uwahhh... +Maho: Waaaaaaaaah! +Maho: Waaaaaaaaah! +Maho: Waaaaaaaaah! +Cabin Attendant: Attention all passengers. We will be departing shortly. Please fasten your safety belts. +Maho: ... +Cabin Attendant: Ma’am. +Maho: ... +Cabin Attendant: Ma’am? +Maho: Huh? Oh, me? +Cabin Attendant: We’ll be taking off soon. Please fasten your safety belt. +Maho: Oh, right. Thanks. +Maho: ... +Maho: Am I sad about leaving Japan? +Maho: ...Maybe I am. +Maho: What should I do when I get back to the lab? +Maho: Well, I don’t know what’s going to happen to the research, anyway. +Maho: Amadeus is really gone, huh? +Maho: ...But it’s fine. +Maho: I haven’t changed. +Maho: I’m still me. Not someone else. +Maho: Nothing’s changed at all. I’ll just follow the path I believe in. +Kurisu: The world we must reach is real. +Kurisu: And we will reach it. +Maho: If a human’s memories from a different world line can be shared across space-time... +Maho: It would make sense if that Amadeus could experience that, too. +Maho: Well, it’s fine. +Maho: Someday, I’ll ask her myself. +Maho: ...I believe you, Kurisu. +Kurisu: Just between you and me, that melody is the same as the login password for my computer. +Maho: ...A time machine, huh? +Maho: I’m going to make it real. +Maho: And I’m going to save her. +Maho: My... Amadeus. +Maho: Goodbye, Japan. +Maho: I’ll probably be back. +Maho: No, I know I will. +Maho: I wonder if I’ll see Kyoma Hououin then? +Maho: Well, even if he’s still acting like a whiny loser, I’ll smack him and wake him up. +Maho: Oh no, I forgot to turn it off. +Maho: ... +Maho: ...Just a little. +Maho: ...Heheh. +Maho: See you soon, Moeka.”[auto-forward][linebreak][lineb +Rintaro: Now that the causal link has been established, allow me to explain the final stage of the plan. +Rintaro: The purpose of this plan is to change divergence and reach the unknown world line called Steins Gate. +Rintaro: By the way, I’m the one who named it Steins Gate. You of all people, know why I named it that, right? +Rintaro: Because it sounds cool. Isn’t that right? +Rintaro: We reached the moment that you’re in right now because we wanted to save Kurisu...! +Rintaro: All the preparations for my plan are complete. The rest is up to you. +Rintaro: The final phase of [color index="280AA02D1400"]Operation Skuld[color index="800000"] will now commence. +Rintaro: Your mission: change the outcome without changing established events. +Maho: Sigh... +Maho: Hey, is that really the right way to go about this? +Itaru: Yeah, probably. +Maho: Isn’t Rintaro Okabe going to be embarrassed when he sees that with everyone else in 2010? +Itaru: Don’t worry. Back then, he was even more amazing. +Maho: Oh, I see... +Rintaro: Deceive yourself. +Rintaro: Deceive the world. +Rintaro: That is the choice you must make to reach Steins Gate. +Rintaro: Good luck, mad scientist. +Rintaro: El. +Rintaro: Psy. +Rintaro: Kongroo. +Faris: Okay, that should do it, nya. +Rintaro: All right. Now we just send the D-mail back into the past. +Rintaro: Lukako, don’t screw up the sender or the timing, okay? +Luka: Right! We’re sending that one to your phone in 2010! +Luka: And Itaru’s video message goes to Suzuha in 2011. +Rintaro: Yeah. You’ve got it. +Maho: Good work. +Rintaro: The way to Steins Gate is now open. +Rintaro: This is all I can do. The rest is up to the me in 2010. +Itaru: Yeah. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: What is it? You look so glum. +Maho: It’s because... Everyone’s so worried. +Maho: Our first trial of the time machine is going to be a manned experiment. +Rintaro: Don’t worry. I trust my talented right hands. It’ll be a success. +Maho: You’re going to die in 2025. In this world line, that’s unavoidable. +Maho: But that doesn’t mean I want you to see you commit suicide. +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: You’re right. Suzuha told me once that I was going to die in 2025. +Rintaro: She said I died saving Mayuri from a thug with a knife. +Rintaro: Mayuri’s not here right now, but the world lines always converge. +Rintaro: I was sure I was going to die in 2025. But– +Rintaro: I don’t necessarily have to die, do I? +Rintaro: Vanishing from the year 2025 is the same as dying, isn’t it? +Maho: ...What do you mean? +Rintaro: In other words, I don’t have to die to leave the year 2025. +Rintaro: I can travel to another part of time and space in our first time machine! +Maho: That’s some serious positive thinking. +Rintaro: But as a theory, it works, right? +Rintaro: The world can be deceived. +Rintaro: That message from another world line gave me courage. +Rintaro: What I’m about to do is also a trial run for Operation Skuld. +Maho: ... Yeah. You’re right. +Rintaro: Everyone, thanks for coming this far for someone like me. +Rintaro: But the battle against the laws of God continues. +Rintaro: The next fight is in 2036. +Rintaro: Until then, keep it up. +Rintaro: Good luck, Valkyrie. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: All right, time to go catch my escaped hostage. +Itaru: Take care of Suzuha, too. +Rintaro: Leave it to me. +Rintaro: With the Kerr Black Hole tracer loaded onto this thing, I’m sure I’ll be just fine. +Rintaro: All right, I’m off. +Itaru: See you. +Kagari: W-Wait! Wait! +Maho: Kagari! I wondered why you weren’t here. Where have you been? +Kagari: Hahh... hahh... hahh... +Kagari: Sorry. I went to get this. +Kagari: Okarin, take this. For good luck. +Rintaro: You sure? This is important to you, isn’t it? +Kagari: Yes. That’s why I’m giving it to you. Make sure you give it back. And bring Mommy back, too. +Rintaro: ...Got it. I’ll bring it back. I promise. +Maho: ... Stay safe. +Rintaro: You too, Kurisu. +Rintaro: No... Maho. +Maho: ...Hey. +Rintaro: Yeah? +Maho: Do you think Steins Gate really exists? +Maho: Do you really think there’s a world between, where both Mayuri and Kurisu survive? +Rintaro: ... +Rintaro: It does. I know it. +Maho: ... +Rintaro: Don’t cry. +Maho: I-I’m not crying! Sob... +Maho: Goodbye... +Rintaro: Okay! Everyone, step back! +Rintaro: We will now begin the operation. And the name of this operation shall be– +Rintaro: Operation Altair! +Maho: It’s... going to work, right? +Faris: Don’t worry. Kyoma will do just fine, nya. +Luka: That’s right. He’s the man who makes the impossible possible. +Itaru: Yeah. That’s our Okarin. +Kagari: Okarin... +Itaru: Okarin! +Itaru: It doesn’t matter if you’re supposed to die! Come back here anyway! +Maho: Everyone will be waiting! I’ll be waiting, too! So make sure you come back!