# Train/val/test sets as 1) dir: path/to/imgs, 2) file: path/to/imgs.txt, or 3) list: [path/to/imgs1, path/to/imgs2, ..] path: LVIS_Fruits_And_Vegetables # dataset root dir train: images/train # 1000 train images (relative to 'path') val: images/test # 7221 val images (relative to 'path') test: images/test # 180 Manually labeled test images names: 0: almond 1: apple 2: apricot 3: artichoke 4: asparagus 5: avocado 6: banana 7: bean curd/tofu 8: bell pepper/capsicum 9: blackberry 10: blueberry 11: broccoli 12: brussels sprouts 13: cantaloup/cantaloupe 14: carrot 15: cauliflower 16: cayenne/cayenne spice/cayenne pepper/cayenne pepper spice/red pepper/red pepper 17: celery 18: cherry 19: chickpea/garbanzo 20: chili/chili vegetable/chili pepper/chili pepper vegetable/chilli/chilli vegetable/chilly/chilly 21: clementine 22: coconut/cocoanut 23: edible corn/corn/maize 24: cucumber/cuke 25: date/date fruit 26: eggplant/aubergine 27: fig/fig fruit 28: garlic/ail 29: ginger/gingerroot 30: Strawberry 31: gourd 32: grape 33: green bean 34: green onion/spring onion/scallion 35: Tomato 36: kiwi fruit 37: lemon 38: lettuce 39: lime 40: mandarin orange 41: melon 42: mushroom 43: onion 44: orange/orange fruit 45: papaya 46: pea/pea food 47: peach 48: pear 49: persimmon 50: pickle 51: pineapple 52: potato 53: prune 54: pumpkin 55: radish/daikon 56: raspberry 57: strawberry 58: sweet potato 59: tomato 60: turnip 61: watermelon 62: zucchini/courgette