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重症及危重症新型冠状病毒肺炎患者会在短时间内进展为急性呼吸窘迫综合征,无创或有创正压通气支持将是重症和危重症治疗的重要手段,有助于提高新型冠状病毒肺炎的临床救治率,降低重症患者的病死率。 | Patients with severe and critical COVID-19 will develop into acute respiratory distress syndrome in a short time. Noninvasive or invasive positive pressure ventilation will be important means for those patients, which will help to improve the clinical cure rate and reduce the mortality. |
良好的气道管理对提高呼吸支持效率,减少并发症,促进康复具有重要意义。 | Effective airway management has a great significance to improve respiratory support, reduce complications, and promote rehabilitation. |
结果 PMNE各组和NaF组ΔDMD均显著低于DDW组(P<0.05),且8%
PMNE组和12%PMNE组ΔDMD组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),均显著低于4%PMNE组,高于NaF组(P<0.05)。 | RESULTS The ΔDMD values in all PMNE groups and the NaF group were considerably lower than the ΔDMD in the DDW group (P<0.05). The ΔDMD values of the 8% and 12% PMNE groups had no difference (P>0.05), both of which were lower than the ΔDMD in the 4% PMNE group and higher than that in the NaF group (P<0.05). |
扫描电镜见PMNE组牙本质小管不全暴露,小管开口程度明显小于DDW组,大于NaF组。 | The opening degrees of the dentin tubule in PMNE groups were significantly less and smaller than the opening degree in the DDW group and were larger than that in the NaF group. |
8%PMNE即可达到较好抑制脱矿的效果。 | PMNE has the potential to prevent caries, and 8% PMNE can effectively inhibit dentin demineralization. |
方法 | Methods |
采用前瞻性随机对照研究,将 2016 年 1 月—2018 年 10 月收治且符合选择标准的 120 例单侧胫骨骨折患者( AO 分型 A、B、C 型各 40 例),同类型骨折患者以 1∶1 比例随机分为研究组(20 例,3D 打印辅助 MIPO)与对照组(20 例,传统 MIPO)。 | A prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted. The 120 patients with unilateral tibial fracture who met the selection criteria between January 2016 and October 2018 (40 patients in each of AO types A, B, and C) into the trial group (20 patients, 3D-MIPO) and the control group (20 patients, traditional MIPO) at ratio of 1∶1. |
相同骨折分型研究组与对照组患者性别、年龄、骨折部位等一般资料比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 | There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05) in gender, age, fracture site, and other general information. |
术后 1 周内行 CT 扫描并测量双侧胫骨旋转角,计算患侧与健侧的差值,以差值绝对值超过 10° 者定义为胫骨旋转不良。 | The bilateral tibial rotation angles were measured on the CT images within 1 week after operation, and the difference of tibial rotation angle between affected and unaffected sides was calculated. The tibial malrotation was defined when the difference exceeded 10°. |
比较各型胫骨骨折患者经两种技术治疗后胫骨旋转程度和胫骨旋转不良发生率。 | The degree of tibial rotation and the incidence of malrotation between the two groups in different types of tibial fractures were compared. |
结果 | Results |
术后 1 例发生感染,经换药抗炎治疗后好转;均未出现内固定物松动、移位等并发症。 | Postoperative infection occurred in 1 case, and improved after the dressing change and anti-inflammatory treatment. No complications such as loosening and displacement of internal fixation occurred. |
术后 A 型患者双侧胫骨旋转角差值两组间比较差异无统计学意义(t=0.559,P=0.580),B、C 型患者对照组双侧胫骨旋转角差值均显著大于研究组(P<0.05)。 | There was no significant difference in the difference of bilateral tibial rotation angles between the two groups in type A fractures after operation (t=0.559, P=0.580); while in types B and C fractures, the differences of bilateral tibial rotation angles in control group were significantly higher than those in trial group (P<0.05). |
相同类型骨折患者中两组胫骨旋转类型分布比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 | There was no significant difference in distribution of internal or external rotation between the two groups in types A, B, and C fractures (P>0.05). |
A 型患者两组均无胫骨旋转不良发生,B 型患者胫骨旋转不良发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P=1.000),C 型患者对照组胫骨旋转不良发生率显著高于研究组(P=0.044)。 | No malrotation occurred in type A fractures, and there was no significant difference in the incidence of malrotation between the two groups in type B fractures (P=1.000). The incidence of malrotation in control group was significantly higher than that in trial group in type C fractures (P=0.044). |
结论 | Conclusion |
对于 A 型胫骨骨折,3D 打印辅助 MIPO 与传统 MIPO 抗胫骨旋转不良效果相当;对于 B、C 型胫骨骨折,3D 打印辅助 MIPO 抗胫骨旋转不良效果明显优于传统 MIPO,且骨折类型越复杂,优势越显著。 | 3D-MIPO has the same anti-malrotation effect as traditional MIPO for type A tibial fracture, but for types B and C tibial fractures, the anti-malrotation effect of 3D-MIPO is significantly better than that of traditional MIPO. The more complex the fracture type is, the more significant this advantage is. |
结果 T与厚度之间呈指数关系,随着厚度的减小T值明显升高;TP值随试件厚度减小而升高,接近于直线关系;CR值随试件厚度减小而降低,接近于直线关系。 | RESULTS TP increased, whereas CR decreased, with decreasing thickness. Moreover,
T increased with decreasing thickness, and exponential relationships were found. |
不同厚度试件的T、TP、CR,除釉质瓷1.2 mm组与1.0 mm组的T值无统计学差异外,其余各组结果之间均有统计学差异。 | Two-way ANOVA showed statistical significance between T and thickness, except between T and the 1.2 mm and 1.0 mm enamel porcelain groups. |
3项指标的变异系数(CV)无统计学差异。 | No difference was found among the coefficient variations (CV) of T, CR and TP. |
TP与T、CR与T之间均为指数关系,拟合优度分别为0.951和0.939,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 | Curve fitting indicated the existence of exponential relationships between T and CR and between T and TP. The values for goodness of fit with statistical significance were 0.951 and 0.939, respectively (P<0.05). |
颧上颌复合体(ZMC)骨折是颌面部最常见的骨折类型之一,除了面部凹陷、复视等临床症状外,还常常因损伤邻近的眶下神经导致患侧下睑、颧面部、鼻、上唇皮肤及黏膜的感觉异常。 | Zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) fracture is a common type of maxillofacial fracture. In addition to facial depression and diplopia, paresthesia of the lower eyelid, malar regions, nose skin, upper lip skin, and mucous membranes occurs because of infraorbital nerve injury. |
本文对眶下神经损伤的解剖基础、ZMC骨折中眶下神经损伤的诊断和评估、治疗及预后进行综述。 | This article reviewed the anatomy, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and prognosis of ZMC fracture-related infraorbital nerve injury. |
探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者血清基质金属蛋白酶-3(MMP-3)水平及其在鉴别疾病活动与合并肺部感染中的意义。 | The purpose of this study is to investigate the matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) levels in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and its significance in identifying disease activity and pulmonary infections. |
入选住院SLE患者122例,其中SLE合并肺部感染者21例,合并关节炎者16例,合并肾炎者26例,合并血管炎者10例;另选健康对照者23例。 | A total of 122 SLE patients were enrolled, including 21 with pulmonary infections, 16 with arthritis, 26 with nephritis, 10 with vasculitis, and 23 healthy controls. |
检测所有受试者血清MMP-3、C反应蛋白(CRP)、血清淀粉样蛋白A(SAA)、触珠蛋白(HPT)水平。 | Serum MMP-3, C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), and haptoglobin (HPT) levels were measured in all subjects. |
结果显示,SLE合并肺部感染者[(230.10±44.92)μg/L]、关节炎者[(140.20±20.76)μg/L]、肾炎者[(155.40±23.36)μg/L]血清MMP-3水平高于单纯SLE者[(91.74±10.47)μg/L]。 | The results showed that the levels of MMP-3 in SLE combined with pulmonary infections [(230.10±44.92) μg/L], arthritis [(140.20±20.76) μg/L], nephritis [(155.40±23.36) μg/L] were higher than those in SLE only [(91.74±10.47) μg/L]. |
SLE合并肺部感染者血清MMP-3、CRP[(1.99±1.03)mg/L]、SAA[(92.19±23.93)mg/L]、HPT[(1.42±0.18)g/L]水平高于SLE无肺部感染者[MMP-3为(115.40±8.93)μg/L;CRP为(0.44±0.13)mg/L;SAA为(38.79±8.98)mg/L;HPT为(0.88±0.06)g/L]。 | The levels of MMP-3 [(210.30±45.71) μg/L], CRP [(12.11±5.21) mg/L], HPT [(1.57±0.23) g/L] in active SLE combined with pulmonary infections were higher than those inactive SLE without pulmonary infections including MMP-3 [(124.00±15.22) μg/L], CRP [(7.76±2.96) mg/L], HPT [(0.89±0.09) g/L]. |
提示SLE疾病活动与合并肺部感染时血清CRP、SAA水平升高,血清MMP-3水平在SLE合并肺部感染时升高,因此血清MMP-3联合CRP可能协助鉴别SLE疾病活动与合并肺部感染。 | It suggests that the levels of CRP and SAA are elevated in active SLE with pulmonary infections. Serum MMP-3 in combination with CRP may assist in differentiating from SLE pulmonary infections. |
资料来源: CL、WOS、PubMed、CNKI、CBM、VIP 和 Wan-fang DATA。 | DATA SOURCES CL, WOS, PubMed, CNKI, CBM, VIP and Wan-fang DATA. |
综述方法: 数据库建立之日起到2017年9月,我们搜索了个性化气压止血带应用效果的相关研究。 | REVIEW METHODS We searched studies on the application effect of individualized pressure of pneumatic tourniquet from the establishment date of the databases to September 2017. |
使用Cochrane Handbook5.1.0(Higgins,2011)中推荐的质量评估方法来评估研究的质量。 | Study quality was assessed using the quality evaluation method recommended in the Cochrane Handbook 5.1.0 (Higgins, 2011). |
个性化压力设置策略可提供较低的膨胀压力(四项研究),改善止血效果(六项研究)并降低相关并发症的发生率(八项研究)。 | The individualized pressure setting strategy can provide a lower inflation pressure (four studies), improve haemostatic effect (six studies) and reduce the incidence of related complications (eight studies). |
通过测量患者的收缩压和四肢周长,设置压力可能是最小和最有效的压力。 | And the setting pressure might be a minimum and efficiency one, by accessing the the systolic blood pressure and limb circumferences of the patient. |
然而,应更加关注如何统一个性化压力设置策略。 | However, greater attention should be focused on how to unify the individualized pressure setting strategy. |
同时,需要更新制造商的使用说明书。 | Meanwhile, the instructions for use from manufacturers need to be updated. |
因此,建议严格按照CONSORT标准进行大样本多中心高质量随机对照试验。 | Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a large-sample multi-centre high-quality randomized controlled trial in strict accordance with the CONSORT standard. |
干燥综合征(SS)是一种以淋巴细胞增殖和进行性外分泌腺损伤为特征的慢性、系统性自身免疫病。 | Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocyte proliferation and progressive exocrine gland damage. |
在我国,SS的规范化诊断和治疗落后于其他常见的风湿性疾病,如类风湿关节炎和系统性红斑狼疮。 | In China, standardized diagnosis and treatment for Sjögren's syndrome lags behind other common rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. |
中国医师协会干燥综合征协作组联合口腔科和眼科专家,在借鉴国内外诊治经验和指南的基础上,制定了《原发性干燥综合征诊疗规范》,旨在规范SS诊断中关键指标(如血清抗SSA抗体和唇腺病理学)的检测和解读、建议采用公认的疾病活动度指标评价疾病、规范局部和全身受累患者的合理诊治。 | Based on the evidence and guidelines from China and other countries, Chinese Sjögren's Syndrome Collaborative Research Group together with stomatologist and ophthalmologist developed Standardization of diagnosis and treatment of primary Sjögren's syndrome. The purposes are: (1) to standardize the detection and interpretation of key indicators for the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome, including serum anti SSA antibody and labial gland pathology; (2) to suggest using widely accepted disease activity index in evaluation of the disease; (3) to standardize rational management for Sjögren's syndrome patients with topical and systemic diseases. |
方法 用SLM技术制得63个10 mm×10 mm×2 mm钴铬合金试件块,随机分9组(n=7),采用不同Al2O3粒度(A1=50 μm,A2=100 μm,A3=150 μm)和不同压强(B1=0.2 MPa,B2=0.4 MPa,B3=0.6 MPa)进行喷砂处理。 | METHODS A total of 63 specimens of Co-Cr alloy fabricated by SLM were prepared and randomly divided into nine groups (n=7). Each group was treated with different powder particles (A1=50 µm, A2=100 µm, and A3=150 µm) and pressures (B1=0.2 MPa, B2=0.4 MPa, and B3=0.6 MPa) in sandblasting. |
每组随机选取一个试件进行扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察,其余试件上瓷后用万能测试机测定试件的金瓷结合强度并观察其断裂模式,运用SPSS 17.0软件分析数据。 | One sample was randomly selected from each group for microstructure observation by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Ceramic was fired at the center of the specimens. Metal-ceramic bonding strength was measured with universal testing machine. Results were statistically analyzed with SPSS 17.0 software. |
不同粒度Al₂O₃喷砂组间剪切强度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),不同压强喷砂组间剪切强度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),不同颗粒和不同压强对剪切强度的大小有交互作用(P<0.05)。 | The particle factor of Al₂O₃ and the pressure factor of blasting showed statistical significance (P<0.05). An interaction was observed between the factors of particle and pressure (P<0.05). |
剪切实验后,全部试件均为混合断裂模式。 | Mixed fracture mode of all specimens was observed after the shear strength test. |
如何更好地了解两种雇佣类型护士的状况,找到提高护理队伍服务水平的有效方法,已成为医院管理人员和护理管理人员需考虑的重要问题。 | It has become critical for hospital administrators and nursing managers to understand better the state of two groups of nurses and to find an effective method to improve the service level of the nursing workforce. |
方法: 采用组织伦理氛围量表和护士服务行为量表对350名中国护士中的298名(85.1%)进行调查。 | METHODS Chinese nurses (298 of 350 [85.1%]) were interviewed using the Ethical Climate Scale and Nurses' Service Behaviour Scale. |
采用描述性统计、验证性因素分析、相关系数(Pearson)、双尾t检验对数据进行统计分析,并通过逐步多元回归分析检验所提出的假设。 | Data were analysed statistically using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation coefficients (Pearson), two-tailed t-test and stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. |
使用SPSS和AMOS来分析数据。 | Data were analysed using SPSS and AMOS. |
方法: 在2013年11月至2014年9月期间,工作人员作为随机抽取的瑞典疗养院居民(4,831人)的代理评分员,完成了“32项老年人健康状况评估量表”。 | METHOD Staff members completed the 32-item TOPAS as proxy raters for a random sample of Swedish nursing home residents (N = 4,831) between November 2013 - September 2014. |
期间进行了可靠性分析、探索性因素分析和基于项目反应理论的分析。 | Reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and item response theory-based analysis were undertaken. |
采用统计和理论分析系统地确定了需削减的项目。 | Items were systematically identified for reduction using statistical and theoretical analysis. |
相关试验、均值比较和模型拟合评价证实了量表的等价性。 | Correlation testing, means comparison and model fit evaluation confirmed scale equivalence. |
结果: “32项老年人健康状况评估量表”中的心理测量特性令人满意,并确定了量表中需削减的项目。 | RESULTS Psychometric properties of the 32-item TOPAS were satisfactory and several items were identified for scale reduction. |
拟议的简表显示出与原量表高度的内部一致性(α = 0.90)和强相关性(r = 0.98),同时保持项目因素结构和项目难度的多样性。 | The proposed short-form TOPAS exhibited a high level of internal consistency (α = 0.90) and strong correlation (r = 0.98) to the original scale, while also retaining diversity among items in terms of factor structure and item difficulties. |
简表显示出测量居民健康状况的良好有效性和可靠性,提供了一种具有增强功能的可行性措施,用于疗养院促进健康的老年护理研究、评估和护理规划。 | The short-form TOPAS indicated sound validity and reliability to measure resident thriving, providing a feasible measure with enhanced functionality for use in aged care research, assessments and care planning for health-promoting purposes in nursing homes. |
肝移植作为终末期肝病最有效的治疗手段,术后往往会出现早期移植物功能不全。 | Liver transplantation is the most effective treatment for end-stage liver disease, and early graft dysfunction often occurs after surgery. |
肝移植术后早期肝功能不全已成为肝移植术后的并发症之一,严重影响移植物和患者生存。 | Early liver dysfunction after liver transplantation has become one of the complications after liver transplantation, which seriously affects the graft and patient survival. |
因此,减少其发生可作为改善肝移植术后受体预后的重要手段。 | Therefore, reducing its occurrence can be an important means to improve the prognosis of recipients after liver transplantation. |
现就肝移植术后受体早期肝功能不全的定义、影响因素、预后、预测模型等研究进展作一论述,以期为更好地防治移植术后早期肝功能不全,进一步提高肝移植手术成功率,改善患者预后提供有效参考。 | This paper discusses the research progress on the definition, influencing factors, and prognosis and prediction model in order to provide better prevention and effective reference for improving the success rate and prognosis of early liver dysfunction in recipients after liver transplantation. |
艾滋病(AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的一类传染性极强、蔓延速度快、病死率高的传染性疾病,是我国公众健康及传染病防治中的一个难题。 | Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The disease is highly infectious, quickly spreads, and has a high fatality rate. Hence, it is a major concern in public health, and an important subject in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. |
口腔诊疗工作的特征,使口腔医疗机构/口腔科成为HIV/AIDS职业暴露的重点部门,医务人员面临较高的HIV/AIDS职业暴露风险。 | The medical staff of stomatological departments, which handle the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases, are at particularly high risk of occupational exposure to HIV/AIDS. |
本研究对HIV/AIDS的流行状况及传播途径、HIV/AIDS患者口腔病变、口腔医疗机构HIV/AIDS职业暴露及职业防护的现状进行综述。 | This study summarizes the HIV/AIDS epidemic status, disease transmission routes, oral lesions in HIV/AIDS patients, occupational exposure, and occupational protection in stomatological departments. |
目的: 评估心理干预措施在减少有发育障碍儿童青少年的家长的压力、抑郁和焦虑方面的效果。 | AIMS To evaluate the effectiveness of psychological interventions in reducing stress, depression and anxiety among parents of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. |
资料来源: 对7个电子数据库(CINAHL、CENTRAL、EMBASE、ProQuest博硕士学位论文、PsycINFO、PubMed以及Scopus)进行了检索,检索时间:各数据库的起始时间至2018年12月。 | DATA SOURCES Seven electronic databases (CINAHL, CENTRAL, EMBASE, ProQuest Dissertation and Theses, PsycINFO, PubMed and Scopus) were searched from each database's point of inception to December 2018. |
综述方法: 采用考昆偏倚风险工具进行了质量评估。 | REVIEW METHODS Quality appraisal was conducted using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool. |
使用Review Manager 5.3对数据进行了分析。 | Data were analysed using Review Manager 5.3. |
对于证据的总体质量,采用建议分级评估、制定与评价系统进行了评价。 | The overall quality of evidence was evaluated using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation system. |
结果: 本次评价共纳入18项研究。 | RESULTS A total of 18 studies were included in this review. |
对其中11项研究进行了荟萃分析;对其余7项研究进行了叙述性总结。 | Eleven studies were involved in a meta-analysis and the remaining seven studies were summarized narratively. |
荟萃分析发现,心理干预措施在干预后短时间可显著降低家长的压力,但是,在3至6个月时间后效果并不明显。 | The meta-analysis found that psychological interventions significantly reduced parental stress at postintervention but not at 3-6 months' postintervention. |
医护专业人员可以提供各种心理干预措施,供家长选择。 | Healthcare professionals can offer varied psychological interventions for parents to choose from. |
政策制定者可以为家长参加干预措施提供便利,确保其费用负担能力。 | Policymakers can ease accessibility and affordability for parents to attend interventions. |
但是,并没有确凿的证据可以证明心理干预措施在减少家长抑郁和焦虑方面的效果。 | Inconclusive evidence was found for the effectiveness of psychological interventions in reducing parental depression and anxiety. |
医护专业人员应确保在提供干预措施时将相关知识传授给家长。 | Healthcare professionals should ensure that knowledge is transmitted to parents when delivering their interventions. |
世界各地的政策制定者应确保有发育障碍儿童青少年的家长能够参加干预措施,为其提供便利,确保其费用负担能力。 | Policymakers worldwide should ensure that parents of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities can attend interventions by making them accessible and affordable. |
同时也检验了道德责任的作用。 | The role of moral responsibility was also examined. |
建议护士每年接种流感疫苗,但香港护士的疫苗接种率很低。 | Nurses are recommended to receive influenza vaccination annually. However, the rate of vaccination among nurses in Hong Kong is low. |
方法: 在2017年1月至3月期间,对214名护士进行了调查。 | METHOD A survey was conducted among 214 nurses between January - March 2017. |
结果: 接种过流感疫苗、上一流感季节接种过流感疫苗和打算下一流感季节接种流感疫苗的人员分别占64.5%、29.0%和23.3%。 | RESULT The prevalence of having ever received influenza vaccination, having received influenza vaccination in the last influenza season and having intention to receive influenza vaccination in the coming influenza season were 64.5%, 29.0% and 23.3% respectively. |
多元逐步逻辑回归结果表明,对流感疫苗接种好处的认识和对同事建议的接纳与较高的流感疫苗接种率相关。 | Results from multiple stepwise logistic regressions showed that perceived benefits of influenza vaccination and having received recommendations from colleagues were associated with higher chances of having ever received influenza vaccination. |
流感易感性认识、对流感疫苗接种好处的认识和对道德责任的认识与上一流感季节较高的疫苗接种率相关,而对流感疫苗接种障碍的认识与较低的几率相关。 | Perceived susceptibility of influenza, perceived benefits of influenza vaccination and perceived moral responsibility were associated with higher chances of having received influenza vaccination in the last influenza season, whereas perceived barriers of influenza vaccination were associated with lower chances. |
此外,对流感易感性的认识和对流感疫苗接种好处的认识与下一流感季节较高的疫苗接种率相关,而对障碍的认识与较低的几率相关。 | Furthermore, perceived susceptibility of influenza and perceived benefits of influenza vaccination were associated with higher chances of having the intention to receive influenza vaccination in the coming influenza season, whereas perceived barriers were associated with lower chances. |
道德责任认识的调节作用不显著。 | The moderating effect of perceived moral responsibility was not significant. |
小干扰RNA(siRNA)主要参与RNA干扰,通过靶向HBV转录的mRNA并对其进行降解来阻止基因翻译。 | Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is mainly involved in RNA interference for stopping gene translation by targeting and degrading HBV-transcribed mRNA. |
通过对siRNA进行化学修饰、结合使用和改进其传递体系,可增强siRNA的靶向性和稳定性。 | Targeting and stability in siRNA can be enhanced via chemical modification, combination use and improved delivery system. |
JNJ-3989(ARO-HBV)、ARB-1740作为耐受性良好、明显降低HBsAg水平的siRNA药物已进入临床研究。 | Clinical studies have identified JNJ-3989 (ARO-HBV) and ARB-1740 as well-tolerated siRNA drugs, which significantly reduce HBsAg levels. |
现主要阐述siRNA抑制HBsAg表达的机制、siRNA靶向性和稳定性的提高以及相关的临床前和临床研究。 | This article expounds the main mechanisms of siRNA in inhibiting HBsAg expression, improving target and stability as well as relevant preclinical and clinical studies. |
方法: 选择《护理合作伙伴参与》模式作为理论框架。 | METHODS The model of Care Partner Engagement was selected as theoretical framework. |
八个病例将包括一名住院的老年人、一名家庭护理员和一名病房护士。 | Eight cases will comprise an older adult hospitalized a family caregiver and a ward nurse. |
他们将在两家医院的两个整形外科病房进行非概率抽样。 | They will be recruited with a non-probability sampling on two orthopaedic surgery wards in two hospitals. |
参与者的半结构化访谈将被录音。 | Semi-structured interviews with participants will be audiotaped. |
将收集社会人口统计数据。 | Sociodemographic data will be collected. |
这些数据、研究人员现场笔记和访谈记录将受制于案例内部和案例之间的专题分析。 | These data, researcher field notes and interview transcripts will be subjected to within- and across-case thematic analysis. |
区域伦理委员会于2018年8月批准了该研究草案。 | Regional ethics committee approved the study protocol in August 2018. |
目的 | Objective |
评估壳聚糖-聚乳酸-聚乙醇酸共聚物[poly(lactide-co-glycolide),PLGA]双壁微球在体外持续缓释具有生物活性的 NGF 的可行性。 | To evaluate the feasibility of the chitosan-poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) double-walled microspheres for sustained release of bioactive nerve growth factor (NGF) in vitro. |
方法 | Methods |
应用乳化-离子交联方法制备包埋 NGF 的、具有不同三聚磷酸钠(sodium tripolyphosphate,TPP)交联浓度[1%、3%、10%( W/ V)]的壳聚糖-PLGA 双壁微球,同时制备包埋 NGF 的 PLGA 微球。 | NGF loaded chitosan-PLGA double-walled microspheres were prepared by emulsion-ionic method with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) as an ionic cross-linker. The double-walled microspheres were cross-linked by different concentrations of TPP [1%, 3%, 10% ( W/ V)]. NGF loaded PLGA microspheres were also prepared. |
通过光镜、扫描电镜、激光共聚焦显微镜观察双壁微球的表面及内部形态,并行双壁微球的粒径分析和红外光谱分析。 | The outer and inner structures of double-walled microspheres were observed by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, respectively. The size and distribution of microspheres and fourier transform infra red spectroscopy (FT-IR) were analyzed. |
取包埋 NGF 的 PLGA 微球或 1%、3%、10%TPP 浓度交联的包埋 NGF 的壳聚糖-PLGA 双壁微球(分别设为 A、B、C、D 组),于不同时间点行体外微球降解率测定、微球中 NGF 缓释率检测;以未包埋 NGF 的壳聚糖-PLGA 双壁微球缓释液(设为 A1 组)作为对照,比较 A1、B、C、D 组体外微球缓释液中 NGF 的生物活性[以缓释液中具有阳性轴突延长反应的大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤(PC12) 细胞百分比表示]。 | PLGA microspheres with NGF or chitosan-PLGA double-walled microspheres cross-linked by 1%, 3%, and 10%TPP concentration (set as groups A, B, C, and D respectively) were used to determine the degradation ratio of microspheres in vitro and the sustained release ratio of NGF in microspheres at different time points. The bioactivity of NGF (expressed as the percentage of PC12 cells with positive axonal elongation reaction) in the sustained release solution of chitosan-PLGA double-walled microspheres without NGF (set as group A1) was compared in groups B, C, and D. |
Subsets and Splits