license: mit
Explore data
Articles and Pages Format.
article_id: id of article.
url: path to article{view article path}
article_data: Store all pages in article. Each page will store content of medical cases (paragraphs, figures) and some related questions.
- title: title of page.
- authors: authors' name.
- date: posted date.
- content: list of paragraph text corpora.
- figures: a list of captions and image_url links for figures.
- pagination: information about pagination.
- questionnaire: related questions asked in this page.
- markdown: A condensed markdown version created from content field and figure field.
questions: a list of questions asked in article_data (the same "questionnaire" field in article_data).
Questions Format
- questionId: id of question.
- questionText: Question text shown for user.
- ...
- choices: a list of choices
- choiceText: choice text shown for user.
- choiceId: id of choice.
- correct: true / false, true means this choice is the answer to question otherwise it is not.
- ...