"I, my, me",Ka (prn)
opening of the mouth,Ka (v)
from me,Ka kuoma inthok (prn)
"to me, with me, along with me",Ka kuomah (prn)
mine,Ka ta (prn)
mine,Ka ta (prn)
exclamation,Ka tei! (intjn)
a sudden cry or remark of expressing surprise or strong emotion or pain,Ka tei! (intjn)
cabinet,Kabinet (n)
a syringe like play things of young boys,Kachik (n)
"a spot, a spot in river bank adjacent to a village",Kai (n)
"anything which facilitates climbing a tree, stairs, crossing a river; to be infected with, to catch or get (a disease from someone else) by infection; to attend school",Kai (v)
"a blot, a blotted spot",Kaidum (n)
prawn,Kaikuong (n)
to be indecisive and begin from the start again and again,Kaikuongpa rorel (v)
the kingfisher,Kaikuongral (n)
"a ladder, stairs",Kailawn (n)
name of a Hmar kindred (unau-suopui) tribe settled in Tripura,Kaipeng (n)
a term used by Hmars of NC Hills to call the Kacharis or Dimasas,Kairi (n)
a collective work style in traditional village jhum works,Kaisan (n)
inviting neighbours and friends for one’s jhum or other jobs,Kaisan fiel (n)
"to be promoted, to attend higher rank or position",Kaisang (v)
promotion,Kaisangna (n)
Caesar,Kaisar (n)
the steps leading up to a Hmar house,Kaitren (n)
the bend of the leg behind the knee,Kaiza (n)
"to lend a helping hand, to support",Kaiza veng (v)
"an attendant, a companion on a journey, a supporter, one who looks after another's interests",Kaiza vengtu (n)
sapling,Kak (n)
"split, rent, branch or fork (of a tree)",Kâk (adj)
"consequence, effect",Kakhawk (n)
a variety of wild tree,Kakphek (n)
a variety of wild tree,Kaksawk (n)
"a measure, a conical heap of rice the apex of which will be level with the tips of a man's fingers when standing with the arm raised high above the head",Kakzawn (n)
"the kidneys, a kidney",Kal (n)
"lock, to lock; to oppose, to contradict, to act contrary to",Kal (v)
"to walk, to take step",Kal pen (v)
"to march, a march, marching",Kal rem (v)
the joints of the two human limbs below the private parts,Kalak (n)
to move forward,Kalchawi (v)
rafters under the roof of a house running lengthways and lying immediately above the kalkhang,Kaldung (n)
calendar,Kalendar (n)
"trend, way, mode, manner, style, way of doing",Kalhmang (n)
rafters under the roof of a house running breadthways and lying immediately below the kaldung,Kalkhang (n)
to fasten a door so as to prevent one from going out,Kalkhum (v)
calculator,Kalkulator (n)
fare (of a public transport),Kalman (n)
stilts,Kalthret (n)
"the mouth, speech, conversation, talk, speech; a bank, a shore",Kam (n)
"to set a trap; to support from underneath, to prop up, to prevent rolling by wedging",Kam (v)
savory or pleasant to the mouth,Kam inden (adj)
to open the legs,Kam ka (v)
"to rebuke, to scold, a word or two",Kam khat (v)
with one’s whole might and power,Kam petin (adv)
name of wild plant,Kamantri (n)
a variety of wild tree,Kamatrek (n)
"anything eaten between meals, light refreshment",Kamcherek (n)
speaking forcefully,Kamchim na (n)
shirt (derived from a Hindi term of ‘kameej’),Kamis (n)
"to give hint, to give some clue",Kamkeu (v)
"scold, rebuke",Kamkhat (v)
"to help, to stand by or up for",Kamki (v)
campaign,Kampen (v)
see ‘kamcherek’,Kamram (n)
"to gossip, to be talkative, to divulge a secret",Kamtam (adj)
to smack the lips,Kamtep (v)
"we, our, us",Kan (prn)
"to visit, to pay a visit to",Kan (v)
"to step over, to cross over",Kân (v)
"dry, to decrease, to evaporate, to dry up",Kang (adj)
"burn, to burn",Kàng (v)
"to be raised off the ground, to be lifted off the ground",Káng (adj)
to burn down,Kang ral (v)
"to char, to burn, charred, burned",Kang ut (v)
a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Kangbur (n)
to dry up and cease to flow,Kangchat (v)
a name given to various kinds of hats or helmets,Kangdar lukhum (n)
"the crane, the saras",Kanghlai (n)
name of a thorny and poisonous plant usually found in the aftermath of a burnt jhum,Kanghling (n)
to clear a piece of forest after the undergrowth has been burnt and make it as an extended jhum without any further burning,Kanghreng (v)
"a fire, outbreak of fire",Kangmei (n)
"firemen, fire brigade",Kangmei threltu (n)
a species of domesticated big duck,Kangnga (n)
puffed rice cake popular in Manipur,Kangpuok (n)
the part of forest that is partially burnt out in a jhum fire,Kangsat (n)
name of a climber with dreadful thorn,Kangthrai (n)
a variety of wild tree,Kangtrek (n)
a time between the burning and the springing up of the first seeds,Kangvar (adj)
a rain that falls during ‘kangvar’,Kangvar ruo (n)
"the portion extended for jhum as it was partially burnt, a piece of forest cleared for jhum after the undergrowth has been burnt down",Kangzeu (n)
drug (mostly the poppy plant),Kani (n)
cancer,Kansar (n)
cancel,Kansel (v)
the fork of the legs,Kap (n)
"to gag, to wedge open",Kap (v)
"to fire (a gun), to shoot at",Kâp (v)
to shoot and hit the target,Kap fuk (adv)
to shoot and miss the mark,Kap threl (v)
steel,Kapathir (n)
"to shoot dead, shot dead",Kaphlum (v)
the space between the legs,Kapkar (n)
to wedge open straight (to the limit),Kapmar (v)
"a gag, a wedge",Kapna (n)
a child’s popgun made of bamboo,Kappup (n)
captain,Kapten (n)
"a worry, a trouble, anything which troubles or worries the mind or which occupies or haunts or gets on the mind",Kaput (n)
"the name of a trap (tiger, bear) which releases a spear or pointed bamboo or fires a gun",Kar (n)
"to lever, to paddle with a stern oar, to wriggle about, to row; to secure or demand on certain conditions or by distrait",Kar (v)
"to step, to pace, to stride",Kâr (v)
"car; between, the space between, the place between; week (the short form of ‘chawlkar’)",Kâr (n)
"far off, to be far from each other (v), to be separated by long distance",Kar hla (adj)
"between, in between",Karah (prpn)
expressing pain or sympathy,Karei (intjn)
curfew,Karfiu (n)
"a lever, an oar",Karfung (n)
"while, whilst, during the interval",Karin (adv)
far off from each other,Karinkik (adj)
the place or between interval,Karlak (n)
"between, in between",Karlakah (prpn)
in no time,Karlovin (adv)
carpenter,Karpentar (n)
carpet,Kârpet (n)
"alternately, in between",Karthlak (adv)
cartoon,Kârtun (n)
cartridge,Kartut (n)
custom,Kastom (n)
"cut, to cut, deduct; to stumble, to hop, to jump",Kat (v)
sulphur,Kât (n)
the walking leaf insect,Katchat (n)
a measurement of land of approximately 2880 square feet or 0.0661 acres and which is in vogue among Hmars of Assam,Katha (n)
catholic,Katholik (n)
"to cock a gun, to force or pull open, to open or be open (as the legs, earth, cut, etc.)",Kau (v)
to fully cock (as gun),Kau hni (n)
to half cock (a gun),Kau khat (n)
council,Kaunsil (n)
the shell of a turtle/tortoise,Kaw (n)
not straight,Kaw (adj)
"membrane, skin (as inside of egg, etc)",Kawda (n)
a variety of wild tree,Kawdorawi (n)
"crooked, bent, to be crooked, etc, a bend",Kawi (adj)
"crookedly, circuitously",Kawitakin (adv)
the sickle,Kawite (n)
bald,Kawk (adj)
"scold, reprimand; to point, to point at",Kawk (v)
"pointless, valueless, meaningless",Kawk bo (adj)
"crossed, in the form of a cross",Kawkal (adj)
an edible fern plant,Kawkcha (n)
"to introduce, to point out",Kawkhmu (v)
"indication, sign (road)",Kawkhmuna (n)
a term used to refer to Burmese (Myanmarese); the horizon,Kawl (n)
"nearby, adjacent, neighbouring, vicinity",Kawl (adj)
licking the outer parts or surface (as done by a dog on a bone),Kawl (v)
"shackled, handcuffed",Kawl bun (v)
the name of a yellow silk,Kawl eng (n)
"zodiacal light, also the light in the sky before sunrise and after sunset",Kawl éng (n)
"vicinity, surroundings",Kawl vel (n)
one’s assignment or job done from morning daily,Kawla ni suok tiem (phrase)
"near, close to, adjacent by",Kawlah (prpn)
a species of edible plant (akin to ‘vaianthur’),Kawlanthur (n)
the sweet potato,Kawlbahra (n)
"the early morning, dawn when the horizon lights up",Kawleng (n)
cholera,Kawlera (n)
"keeping with, having it, safeguard",Kawlh (v)
"fierce, ferocious, wild (like a dog)",Kawlh (adj)
name of a species of hornbill,Kâwlhau (n)
the name of species of hornbill,Kawlhawk (n)
"nearby, neighbouring, close to",Kawlhnai (adj)
"a large knife, a sword",Kawlhnam (n)
to fence with sword,Kawlhnam invai (v)
"bold with plenty of nerve, robust",Kawlhrawng (adj)
lightning,Kawlinlep (n)
sweet potato,Kawlkai (n)
the horizon,Kawlkawdong (n)
"the horizon, the utmost bounds of the earth",Kawlkil (n)
"to the uttermost part of the earth, up to the horizon",Kawlkil chenin (adv)
a species of turtle the shell of which is not hard like other species,Kawlnêm (n)
a sun risen from the horizon,Kawlnisuok (v)
"lightning, an electric",Kawlphe (v)
electric lamp,Kawlphe khawnvar (n)
"torchlight, electric light",Kawlphemei (n)
horizon,Kawlrâwn (n)
the name of a species of bird,Kawlrit (n)
the bar in a Hmar woman handloom situated immediately in front of the weaver with which she kept the warp taut and to which the ends of the ‘pheivon’ are attached,Kawlsake (n)
"aggressive, hostile, rough",Kawlsen (adj)
guava,Kawlthei (n)
the amur falcon; poetical term for ‘vakawl’,Kawlva (n)
an expression of a very far distance to the point of a horizon and where even the birds could not reach,Kawlvalengsam (n)
wearing on the head rounded way (like a piece of cloth),Kawm (v)
"an ear of maize on the cob, shell, pod, the stock (of a gun), the cover (of a book)",Kawm (n)
betel nut and leaf eaten with lime,Kawm kuva (n)
command,Kawman (v)
commandant,Kawmandan (n)
commander,Kawmandar (n)
"to be self-willed, disobedient, obstinate, stiff-necked, perverse, rebellious",Kawmaw (adj)
"to pick a quarrel, to aggress, to intentionally be obstinate",Kawmaw bawl (v)
"the aggressor in a quarrel, etc",Kawmaw bawltu (n)
blanket,Kawmawl (n)
rain drops falling from the roof of a house,Kawmfar (n)
committee,Kawmiti (n)
the space or alley between two houses,Kawmkar (n)
"a shell of a crab, tortoise, turtle",Kawmkawraw (n)
rain water from the roof of a house,Kawmtui (n)
"a shallow valley, the saddle of a hill, a pass",Kawn (n)
"waist, the waist",Kawng (n)
spraining the waist,Kawng her (v)
lumbago,Kawng na (adj)
"in every respect, in all respect",Kawng tinah (adv)
"in every way, in every respect",Kawng tinreng (adv)
"regarding, concerning, about",Kawngah (prpn)
"to have some useful part, to be of use",Kawngaw nei (adj)
"the waist, the loins, the hip region",Kawngbawr (n)
belt woven around the waist,Kawngchun (n)
a type of Hmar traditional marriage wherein the boy has to earn the girl by staying and working and the girl’s house for a set period of time and took the girl to his home without paying bride price,Kawnghlaw (n)
a variety of fish,Kawnghram (n)
"belt, a girdle, a belt",Kawnghren (n)
name of a bird,Kawngkawipatawt (n)
name of insect,Kawngkawirit (n)
the name of a large land snail or the shell of the same,Kawngkawrawi (n)
a man or woman basket made to carry paddy or small items,Kawngphui (n)
"useful, effective",Kawngro suk (adj)
"useless, ineffective",Kawngro suk lo (adj)
a woman basket made to carry firewood paddy or large items,Kawngvar (n)
"indigent, poor",Kawnkaw (adj)
"to combine, to double",Kawp (v)
copy,Kawpi (n)
to be in even number,Kawpkim (n)
one’s mate or partner,Kawppui (n)
"drain, drainage",Kawr (n)
thin,Kawr (adj)
"the layers or rings in the stems of plantains and similar trees, the sheath of maize cobs",Kawr (n)
name of edible wild plant,Kawrannêl (n)
corrupt,Kawrap (v)
corruption,Kawrapson (n)
corona virus,Kawrawna vairas (n)
"coat, an overcoat",Kawrchung (n)
an overcoat,Kawrfuol (n)
corridor,Kawridawr (n)
"to be hollow, a hollow, hollow",Kawrong (adj)
"vacant, unoccupied, empty",Kawruok (adj)
the term used to refer to Bengalese or mainland Indians who are mostly thin and tall,Kawrvai (n)
door,Kawt (n)
"having nothing left, court",Kawt (adj)
"the name of a tree, the bud of which is edible, snowflake aralia",Kawtebel (n)
"door, a doorway, a gateway",Kawtkhar (n)
the frame of a door,Kawtkhar bieng (n)
the doorway,Kawtkhar bul (n)
"near the doorway, at the door, at the threshold",Kawtkhar bulah (adv)
"the gatekeeper, janitor",Kawtkhar vengtu (n)
street,Kawtthler (n)
"a foot, a leg, wheel",Ke (n)
to sprain the foot by accidentally stumbling,Ke bil (v)
at the feet,Ke bulah (adv)
"to walk, to go on foot",Ke in (v)
a footstool,Ke innghatna (n)
to lift up the foot,Ke khai (v)
"to take step, to walk, foot fall, to move forward step by step",Ke pen (v)
ankle joint,Ke ring (n)
"a door mat, a scraper",Ke tatfaina (n)
"by foot, to go on foot, to walk",Kea fe (v)
the heel,Keartui (n)
"to be lame, a lame person",Kebai (n)
"legless, a lame person",Kebul (adj)
the second toe,Kechal (n)
the tip of the toe,Kehmor (n)
"I, myself",Kei (prn)
to pull (by hand using rope),Kei (v)
"epilepsy, convulsion",Kei (adj)
mine,Kei ka ta (prn)
to pull or drag into a stooping or bending position,Kei kun (v)
"to wake, to help one rise, to cause to rise",Kei tho (v)
the leopard,Keiarasi (n)
"to lead, to guide, to conduct",Keihruoi (v)
"leader, guide, conductor",Keihruoitu (n)
by me,Keiin (prn)
"I, me, myself",Keima (prn)
"we, our, us",Keini (prn)
ours,Keini ta (prn)
to distort or twist,Keipeng (v)
name of a variety of weed,Keiperek (n)
"to unfurl, to spread out, stretch out",Keiphar (v)
a big tiger,Keipui (n)
bamboo matting plated on the cross,Keisawi (n)
"to abbreviate, to shorten",Keitawi (v)
"a leopard, a panther",Keite (n)
"to tear, split, rip up",Keithler (v)
"to lead, to guide, to conduct",Keithruoi (v)
"leader, guide, conductor",Keithruoitu (n)
a Hmar Lungtau sub clan,Keivom (n)
a black panther,Keivom (n)
"to separate (as cotton, long hair, etc), to pluck (such things as maize, grass for brooms, rushes, reeds, etc)",Kêk (n)
cake,Kêk (n)
"a boot, a shoe",Kekok (n)
"pants, trousers",Kekor (n)
"short pant, half pants, knickers",Kekorbul (n)
"underwear, innerwear",Kekorte (n)
"long pants, trousers",Kekortluon (n)
a goat,Kel (n)
"a fence, a barrier",Kel dai (n)
"the shriek voice, the highest pitch voice",Kel rawl (n)
the middle toe,Kelai (n)
the name of a parasitic creeper,Kelbu (n)
a he goat,Kelchal (n)
a variety of wild tree,Kelchalpabawk (n)
the cogs on the rollers of a cotton ginning machine,Kelki (n)
a Hmar Changsan sub clan,Kellu (n)
the name of plant with white flowers,Kelnabe (n)
a she goat,Kelpui (n)
the red tree cat,Kelral (n)
a kid,Kelte (n)
the little appendages which grows on the necks of certain goats,Kelthri (n)
the over crushed rice,Kem (n)
"to get or take at the same time, at the same time",Kem (v)
"the ankle, malleolus",Kemit (n)
to give space,Ken (v)
"the short form of ""keiin"" (by me)",Ken (prn)
"to take, to bring, to hold, to have with one or upon one's person",Keng (v)
"to oversee, to look after",Kengkaw (n)
holding something on the armpit,Kep (v)
to do anything for another at the same time as doing it for one's self,Kêp (v)
the toes,Kepar (n)
the foot,Kepha (n)
the sole of the foot,Kephah hnuoi (n)
the name of large moth,Keptuom (n)
the big toe,Kepui (n)
"to hollow out, to make a hole or hollow, to carve",Ker (v)
"calf, the big and thick portion of the leg (backside) below the knee",Kerai (n)
to hollow out,Kerkuo (v)
cashew nuts,Kesu nat (n)
"an insect with many legs, a species of millipede, centipede",Ketaminu (n)
the small toe,Kete (n)
"the fourth toe, second smallest toe",Kete u (n)
name of one of the eight dances performed during Sikpui festival,Ketet lam (n)
kettle,Ketli (n)
"to force or pull open, to force an opening through, to hatch (as eggs)",Kêu (v)
"that, which, who, that, that by you",Kha (prn)
bitter,Kha (adj)
"here, there!",Kha (intrjn)
"that long, that much",Kha chen kha (adv)
"that, that by you",Kha kha (prn)
"from there, from thereon",Kha taka inthok khan (adv)
"there, there in that place, there near you",Kha taka khan (prn)
Chinese lard seed,Kha ûm (n)
"those, those near you",Khanghai kha (prn)
climbing wattle (senegalia pennata),Khanghmuk (n)
a species of tree,Khangra (prn)
a species of creeper plant with flower,Khangsen (n)
to blink (as eye),Khap (v)
"to prohibit, to restrain",Khap (v)
the span from thumb to the tip of middle finger,Khâp (n)
the name of a species of caterpillar,Khâpdien (n)
prohibition,Khapna (n)
"to shut, to close, to shut off, to present",Khar (v)
"to buy wholesale, to buy the whole",Khar (v)
"the congeal on the surface, the thin coating on the surface of milk",Khar (n)
name of a Hmar kindred (unau-suopui) tribe settled in Manipur,Kharam (n)
"to confine totally, to lockdown, to seal off or shut out completely",Kharkhip (v)
"to shut from outside (with something or someone) inside, to shut the door in order to prevent one from going out",Kharkhum (v)
"one, full, to be full, to be filled",Khat (adj)
"far apart, to be far apart, occasionally, at long intervals, seldom",Khat (adv)
"a grasshopper, a locust, a cricket",Khau (n)
"stiff, inflexible, strong (as the current of a river)",Khauh (adj)
"strongly, sternly",Khauh takin (adv)
cockroach,Khauhlang (n)
a small basket-like vessel made from the stem of bean leaves,Khauhlang bawm (n)
a species of small cockroach,Khauhrieng (n)
the name of a flowering tree with red blossoms,Khaukhim (n)
a species of edible locust,Khaukhuop (n)
a species of locust,Khauluzum (n)
a bitter gourd,Khaum (n)
a species of locust,Khaunam (n)
"katydid, a species of locust",Khaunurieng (n)
the name of a species of grasshopper,Khauphar (n)
"leisurely, without any seriousness, foolishly light-hearted",Khauphar thawveng (adv)
the name of a tree with red blossoms and hairy banana-like fruit growing in clusters,Khaupui (n)
the name of a species of locust,Khausanghar (n)
the name of a species of grasshopper,Khausathubur (n)
the name of a species of grasshopper,Khausazuk (n)
the name of a small green cricket,Khauser (n)
the name of a species of grasshopper,Khausiksil (n)
the big grasshopper,Khauthrikthri (n)
"to spear, to throw as a spear",Khaw (v)
"to make (a booth, or temporary house)",Khaw (v)
an expression to do something with all seriousness,Khaw he (phrase)
dry or unusually dry weather,Khaw inthral (n)
a remote village,Khaw kilkhawr (n)
"to spend (as money or time), to sell",Khaw ral (v)
a new village,Khaw thar (n)
a Hmar clan,Khawbung (n)
a sub clan of Hmar Thiek Vankal,Khawbuol (n)
mild cough and fever,Khawbur (adj)
a she demon or ghost believed to be big and curly haired and also believed to suck the blood of chicken,Khawchom (n)
to shift and settle in a new village,Khawchuon (v)
the annual ritual performed for all the new born babies in a pre-christian era Hmar society,Khawduop (n)
"stormy looking, rainy-looking",Khawdur (adj)
light of the world,Khaweng (n)
"to become daylight, to break (as day)",Khawfing a chat (v)
"daylight, the first break of dawn",Khawfingchat (n)
"to be spoiled, naughty, spoilt, wicked, bad",Khawhlo (adj)
"naughtiness, wickedness",Khawhlona (n)
"sight, vision, power of sight, ability to see",Khawhmu (n)
outskirt of a village,Khawhnawm (adj)
"afterwards, belatedly, late",Khawhnung (adv)
"providential occurrence, a nature’s retribution",Khawhrawng (n)
"demon, devil spirit",Khawhri (n)
"demon, devil spirit, malignant spirit",Khawhring (n)
"to have the evil eye, one believed to having devil spirit",Khawhring nei (n)
"to tame, to domesticate, (flowers or animals)",Khawi (v)
"domesticated, tamed",Khawingam (adj)
"to skin off, to peel off",Khawk (v)
echo,Khawk (n)
a fellow villager,Khawkhat (n)
"to cross (as the legs, etc), to fold (as the arms)",Khawkher (v)
machine,Khawl (n)
"to store up, to stock, to accumulate",Khawl (v)
a typescript,Khawl ha (n)
printing with a machine,Khawl sut (n)
street,Khawlai (n)
where?,Khawlai am (adv)
the common street,Khawlai dung (n)
"anywhere, nowhere",Khawlai khawm (adv)
"roaming around, to go for a stroll",Khawlai leng (v)
a child born out of wedlock,Khawlai nau (n)
somewhere or the other,Khawlaia mani (adv)
whence?,Khawlaia mi am (adv)
"short form of “khawlai am”, where? at what place? (also used as an interjection)",Khawlam (adv)
"somewhere, in a certain place, somewhere or other",Khawlam a ni (adv)
"narrow, constricted (thought and belief, etc)",Khawlbing (adj)
a Hmar clan,Khawlhring (n)
"troublesome, tiresome, bothersome",Khawlkham (adj)
"accumulate, to store up",Khawlkhawm (v)
"to gather up, to collect and store",Khawlkhawm (v)
a Hmar Faihriem sub clan,Khawlum (n)
"also, too, as well, even (conjn) also, and",Khawm (adv)
"to put or gather together, together",Khawm (adv)
"although, though, even if",Khawmin (conjn)
an evil spirit believed to be harsh upon human even to the point of taking them away,Khawmu (n)
carried away by “khawmu” which mostly refers to those who go to the jungle alone and got lost,Khawmu chawi (n)
land (in contradistinction to water),Khawmuol (n)
the land crab,Khawmuol ai (n)
use to refer to someone who is active and energetic,Khawmuol ai ang (phrase)
a species of great lizard,Khawmuol awle (n)
the land wagtail,Khawmuol chiprang (n)
a scorpion,Khawmuol kaikuong (n)
wet or rainy weather,Khawmuol sie (adj)
continent,Khawmuolpui (n)
a solid mass,Khawn (n)
to collect together,Khawn (v)
the bamboo pipe used to sip or drink pot wine,Khawn (n)
"an elder, a minister of the chief",Khawnbawl (n)
the senior most minister of the chief,Khawnbawl upa (n)
"to strike with a force, beat up with a force",Khawng (v)
"stiff, strong, inflexible, rigid, paralysed (of human)",Khawng (adj)
someone’s looks and behavior,Khawnghat (v)
name of edible wild fruit,Khawnghma (n)
"to leap with a single leg, to hop on one leg",Khawngkhawbai (v)
"a candle, a lamp, a lantern",Khawnvar (n)
to light a lamp,Khawnvar sit (v)
kerosene or any other mineral oil,Khawnvartui (n)
"enough, sufficient, adequate, to eat and have a full stomach",Khawp (adj)
"a tributary village, a small outlying village, a hamlet",Khawper (n)
"big town or cities, principal village where the chief lives",Khawpui (n)
"to double up (as a leaf to form a drinking cup), to curl up, doubled up or turned over at the edge, curled up",Khawr (v)
a Hmar Faihriem sub clan,Khawral (n)
"a deserted village, a deserted place",Khawram (n)
chorus,Khawras (n)
"useful, functional, to be of value",Khawro kuoi (adj)
"to manage, to carry on live",Khawsa (v)
rich and prosperous,Khawsa thei (n)
the east,Khawsak (n)
"to carry on, to live life",Khawsak (n)
"mode, manner or way of living",Khawsak dan (n)
"towards the east, eastward",Khawsak tieng (adv)
"mode, manner of living",Khawsak zie (n)
where one settles and conduct oneself,Khawsakna (n)
"lonely, desolate, forlorn",Khawsawt (adj)
to lessen the loneliness of someone,Khawsawt hnem (v)
that which lessens the loneliness of someone,Khawsawt hnemna (n)
the house of mourning,Khawsawt in (n)
to comfort someone who feels lonely due to death of their near and dear ones,Khawsawt lengpui (v)
"lonesome, forlorn",Khawsawt um thlak (adj)
to make matter worse after all the bad situation,Khawseng hri hri (adv)
a pre-Christian Hmar ritual wherein fire in every hearth is put off and a particular leaf furled at the entrance of each house. Another leaf was furled on the main entrance of the village to signal that no outsider is allowed to enter the village on that solemn day,Khawser (n)
rainy weather,Khawsie (n)
"fever, cold, malarial fever",Khawsik (n)
"severe sickness, typhoid",Khawsikpui (n)
a small village,Khawte (n)
to establish a new village,Khawthar sat (v)
one part of the different materials used in traditional Hmar hand weaving,Khawthei (n)
clear weather,Khawthieng (adj)
"evening, nightfall, night, darkness",Khawthim (adj)
the west,Khawthlang (n)
western,Khawthlang tieng (adj)
vintage point for viewing surrounding areas,Khawthlirna (n)
a general census,Khawtiempui (n)
"everywhere, to or in every village",Khawtin ah (adv)
the village society,Khawtlang (n)
"to be melancholic, a hypochondriac, pensive reflection of the past with no particular individual or thing on the mind",Khawtlang lunglen (n)
the village priest,Khawtlang Thiempu (n)
the beginning of age of human civilization,Khawtrotrim (n)
"fellow villagers, fellow citizens, indigenes",Khawtuol (n)
"an indigene, an original settler, indigenous person",Khawtuol mi (n)
to remain awake all night,Khawvar (v)
"early dawn, daybreak, day, daylight",Khawvar (n)
to sit up all night with especially sick persons or a family with death body,Khawvar pui (v)
an expression of things that are not in large groups but scattered like stars in the early morning,Khawvar tieng arasi ang (phrase)
the world,Khawvel (n)
a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Khawzawl (n)
name of the many pre-Christian god of the Hmars; the tree shade temporarily installed in front of the house of a Hmar warrior (anchongpa) who performed a particular ritual of feeding the whole village folks,Khawzing (n)
"to peel, to remove the cover",Khe (v)
a Meitei and Hindi heartland dish of varieties of vegetable and meat soup,Khechri (n)
"to prick as a blister, to pick out or dig out (as a thorn)",Khei (v)
to be prick or hurt by someone’s word (mentally),Khei (v)
to uncover,Khek (v)
"to shout, to cry",Khêk (v)
"to defer, to hoard, to save for the future, etc",Khêk (v)
to pierce through,Khel (v)
"lie, a lie, a false alarm",Khêl (n)
to play (games),Khèl (v)
"farther, beyond",Khêl (adj)
"to clean, to scrap clean",Khel fai (v)
to tell a lie,Khel hril (v)
to accuse falsely,Khela intum (v)
"liar, one given to lying",Khelhlip (n)
a constant liar,Khelhril hrat (adv)
playing area,Khelmuol (n)
a Hmar Pakhuong sub clan,Khelte (n)
playground,Khelzawl (n)
"on or from the side, sideway",Khem (adj)
"to kick out behind, to hammer in (as a nail), to nail",Kheng (v)
"encircling with the leg, a young man enticing a girl",Kher (v)
"spin (of cotton), gnaw or eat or bite (by squirrel, rat or worms)",Kher (v)
"especially, particularly",Kher (adv)
particularly specially,Kher kher (adv)
name of tree the plank of which is usually used for making oars,Kheraval (n)
"to be strict, particular, strictly, particularly",Khermei (adj)
variety of wild tree,Kherseu (n)
a small spoon made for scooping ‘sathu or sithu’ - a Hmar traditional fermented pork or sesame,Khete (n)
a spoon for scooping cooked rice,Khethlei (n)
that up there,Khi (prn)
that up there,Khi khi (adv)
from there up above,Khi taka inthok khin (adv)
up there,Khi taka khi (adv)
"erect, upright, to get erected",Khieng (adj)
plural form of ‘khi’; those up there,Khieng khi (adv)
poetical term for a woman getting married,Khiengawi (n)
a traditional hand-woven man’s strap bag,Khiengkawi mansa (n)
a sub clan under Hmar Lawitlang Sungte,Khiengte (n)
"by chance, accidentally",Khiet (adv)
"a Hindi originated word of giving something to someone free-of cost, a treat",Khilai (v)
"to bind, to put on the head (as a turban)",Khim (v)
"there, up there above (ending words)",Khin (adv)
"to oppose, to take side against, one side (having another corresponding side)",Khing (v)
"odd (without a mate), one sided",Khingbai (adj)
both hands,Khinghni (n)
with both hands,Khinghni in (adv)
the collar bone,Khingkhang ru (n)
one hand,Khingkhat (n)
"half, a half",Khingphel (n)
"a defendant or plaintiff in a law case, a fellow",Khingpui (n)
"the other side, the opposite side or direction",Khingtieng (n)
on either or both sides,Khingtieng khingtieng (adv)
"an opponent, one on the opposite",Khingtu (n)
a Hmar Khawlhring sub clan,Khintung (n)
"a scab, to scab",Khir (n)
"hard to bear (as pain), difficult (to accomplish, to say, etc)",Khir (adj)
"arduous, difficult, hard, burdensome",Khir (adj)
difficult or hard,Khirkhan (adj)
"to tie, to bind",Khit (v)
a mound (of a hill),Kho (n)
the upper side of hilly road,Khobak (n)
"to skin off, to peel off",Khok (v)
"narrow (minded), isolated mind",Kholbing (adj)
"also, too, as well, even",Khom (adv)
"also, and",Khom (conjn)
"although, though, even if",Khomin (conjn)
to collect,Khon (v)
"to be stiff (as leg, neck, cloth, etc), inflexible, rigid, paralyzed (of human)",Khong (adj)
the name of a tree the wood of which is used to make charcoal for gunpowder and the fruits eaten,Khonghma (n)
"petty collections levied on villagers which first appears in the mid-20th century when eggs, fowls etc are collected from villagers to please visiting govt officials",Khontesep (n)
"to have a feeling of fullness in the stomach, to be sufficient, to be enough, sufficient, adequate, to eat and have a full stomach",Khop (adj)
Christmas,Khrismas (n)
Christ,Khrista (n)
cross,Khros (n)
that down there,Khu (prn)
"smoke (as fire), to emit smoke",Khu (n)
that down there,Khu khu (adv)
to comb,Khui (v)
to involve with,Khukpui (v)
deliver,Khul (v)
a Meitei originated term for the first (of the day),Khulang khang (n)
a whooping cough,Khulhip (n)
"to have a whooping cough, to be infected with whooping cough",Khulhip invoi (v)
a bed,Khum (n)
"to carry on the head, to wear (as a hat), to put on (as a hat), to cover",Khum (v)
"over, to surpass, to eclipse",Khùm (prpn)
"to put in, to imprison",Khum (v)
upon,Khúm (prpn)
to be bed ridden with illness,Khum betna um (v)
a bed bug,Khumfat (n)
"parsley, celery",Khumhoi (n)
"the bed, on the bed",Khumllaizawl (n)
the bed of the father in a house,Khumpui (n)
a sub clan under Hmar Thiek Pakhumate,Khumsen (n)
a sub clan under Hmar Thiek Pakhumate,Khumthur (n)
which denotes something on the downside,Khun (adv)
"serious, deep, profound, thoughtful, thorough, careful",Khûn (adj)
"thoroughly, seriously",Khuntakin (adv)
"a village, country; weather; spirit",Khuo (n)
"to itinerate, to go from village to village, to go all over a village",Khuo fang (v)
unconscious,Khuo hrie lo (adj)
a fellow villager,Khuo khat (n)
"the village on the other side, one from another village",Khuo ral (n)
a bee,Khuoi (n)
to hunt for bee and take the wasps or nest,Khuoi lak (v)
harvesting a bee,Khuoi tuk (v)
a variety of bee,Khuoieng (n)
a variety of bee,Khuoifung (n)
"a boil, an abscess",Khuoihli (n)
the hard piece in the centre of a boil,Khuoihli zang (n)
bee wax,Khuoihlu (n)
to be stung by bee,Khuoiin bel (v)
a large bee,Khuoimu (n)
a species of large bee,Khuoingal (n)
name of a variety of bee,Khuoisunin (n)
a bee larva,Khuoite (v)
a variety of bee,Khuoithingawn (n)
honeycomb,Khuoithlar (n)
a variety of wild tree,Khuoitukthing (n)
a variety of bee,Khuoiva (n)
calm after noisy situation,Khuoiva benthlak (adv)
a variety of bee,Khuoivanriel (n)
honey,Khuoizu (n)
"a drought, a long spell of hot rainless weather",Khuokheng (n)
"to keep, to detain, to hinder, to restrict",Khuokhir (v)
restriction,Khuokhirna (n)
not native,Khuol (n)
a type of Hmar traditional dance,Khuol lam (n)
"a rest-house for strangers, a dak-bungalow",Khuolbuk (n)
"a citizen, a subject or subjects of a chief",Khuoletui (n)
"false rumour, hearsay",Khuolthuthang (n)
false rumours that spreads fast like a body wound pierced by a hen,Khuolthuthang le ar pan chuk (phrase)
"to travel, to journey",Khuolzin (v)
a traveller,Khuolzinmi (n)
to crow (as a cock),Khuong (v)
a drum,Khuong (n)
those kind of (down there),Khuong ang khu (prn)
a house cricket,Khuongbai (n)
name of a variety of insect,Khuongchirit (n)
those things or persons (down there),Khuonghai khu (prn)
name of tree,Khuonghlang (n)
a creeping wild plant which can be used as rope,Khuongkhau (n)
a species of rice,Khuongmam (n)
drummer or song leader,Khuongpu (n)
a big drum,Khuongpui (n)
a Hmar Pakhuong sub clan,Khuongpui (n)
one who chant the lyrics of a song for others to follow,Khuongpuizailak (n)
poetical term for rain,Khuongruo (n)
"evenly, in total unison",Khuongruol (adj)
the name of an ant,Khuongruong (n)
a small drum,Khuongte (n)
the name of a tree,Khuongthing (n)
a variety of wild tree the fruit of which is edible and also often use for baids in bird traps,Khuongthli (n)
to tie a cloth or leaf over the mouth of a pot or vessel,Khuongtuom (v)
a drum stick,Khuongvuokna (n)
the early dawn,Khuontevik (n)
"the first cockcrow of the morning, early morning",Khuontir (n)
a poetic name of God,Khuonu (n)
"tie, to tie (with rope); to dam up",Khuop (v)
"settle, to settle",Khuor (v)
"a hole, a cavity",Khuor (n)
"a hole, a hollow, a cavity (in the earth)",Khuorkhuruom (n)
the name given to the ‘God of good luck and fortune’ by indigenous pre-Christian Hmar,Khuovang (n)
"that is bounded by nature, that has natural boundaries such as streams, etc",Khuovâng rî kham sa (phrase)
expression of a pretty girl,Khuovang te ang (adv)
"mole, a mole in human skin",Khuovangsinsie (n)
the knee,Khup (n)
"shut, close",Khup (v)
to place upside down,Khup (adj)
to live to see one’s great grand children,Khup hni hmu (v)
knocked kneed,Khup intuo (adj)
to live to see one’s grandchild,Khup khat hmu (v)
to live to see one’s great great grandchild,Khup thum hmu (v)
"knock-kneed, to be knock-kneed",Khupintuo (adj)
to shut close with someone or something in it,Khupkhum (v)
"the patella, the knee cap",Khuppawi (n)
a sub clan under Hmar Lawitlang Varte,Khuptong Valte (n)
"a hole, a pit, a cavity",Khur (n)
an abyss,Khur mongbo (n)
a deep hole,Khurkhawruom (n)
an abyss,Khurkhawruom mongneilo (n)
a cave regarded to be wherefrom the Komrem peoples originated,Khurpui (n)
the one down there,Khutaka khu (prn)
down there,Khuva khu (adv)
horn,Ki (n)
"key, tune",Ki (n)
"near and dear ones, families",Ki le kau (n)
name of a species of parrot,Kiawt (n)
"the barb (of an arrow, spear, fish hook)",Kibar (n)
kidnap,Kidnap (v)
"to lessen, reduced, to decrease",Kiem (v)
"to vacate, to give space, to make way",Kien (v)
"to vacate, to give space, to make way",Kieng (v)
"to depart from, to leave",Kiengsan (v)
"to knock by the finger roll (door), to hit by the backside of finger",Kik (v)
"crooked, having twists and turns",Kikawi (adj)
corner,Kil (n)
"to stamp, to hit upon (with small particle)",Kil (v)
"eat, partake (poet)",Kîl (v)
"square, four cornered, to have four cornered",Kil li nei (adj)
"a triangle, triangular in shape",Kil thum nei (adj)
"every corner, everywhere",Kil tin (adv)
every nook and corner,Kil tin kil tang (phrase)
"to stamp something (on a wall, etc), to button",Kilde (v)
"remote area, far flung place",Kilkhawr (adj)
a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Killaite (n)
"a clip, a pin",Kilna (n)
"to entertain, to partake with",Kilpui (v)
"complete, all present",Kim (adj)
"complete, entire, full of",Kim biei (adj)
incomplete,Kim lo (adj)
in full,Kimchang (adj)
"fully, completely, entirely",Kimchang takin (adv)
"completely, complete in all respect",Kimthlapin (adv)
"end, finish",Kin (adj)
"to freeze, that gets frozen, that turn into ice, opposite of melt",Kîng (v)
curly (hair),Kir (adj)
"return, give back",Kîr (v)
"to go back, to return",Kir nawk (v)
to send back,Kir tir (v)
the elbow,Kiu (n)
"to bend the arm, making a sharp angle at the elbow assumed to be threatening by Hmars",Kiu khawr (v)
the kiwi fruit,Kivi (n)
name of bird,Kiwi (n)
club,Klap (n)
"call, to call, to summon",Ko (v)
"a mound, raised ground, the brow of a hill or incline",Ko (n)
a pet name,Ko duotna (n)
to call on one side,Ko hran (v)
to call together,Ko khawm (v)
to call back,Ko kir (v)
to call out from,Ko suok (v)
to send for a person,Ko tir (v)
"church, the church",Kohran (n)
"cracked, starred, to be cracked, etc",Koi (v)
name of a Hmar kindred (unau-suopui) tribe settled in Manipur,Koireng (n)
a large basket made by split bamboo or cane,Kok (n)
tumbleweed,Kokbong (n)
fiddle head fern,Kokchadawn (n)
a tree fern,Kokpui (n)
"keeping with, having it, safeguard",Kol (v)
"ferocious, savage, to be ferocious, etc (like a dog); bald, bare",Kol (adj)
to be in chain,Kol bun (v)
"to be under suspension, to spend one’s period of punishment",Kolawk (adj)
"a pen, a pencil",Kolom (n)
the bar in a Hmar woman handloom situated immediately in front of the weaver with which she kept the warp taut and to which the ends of the ‘pheivon’ are attached,Kolsake (n)
name of a Hmar kindred (unau-suopui) tribe settled in Manipur,Kom (n)
"miserly, stingy, mean, to be miserly, etc",Kom (adj)
pierce by the hand,Kom (v)
derived from a Hindi term of blanket,Komol (n)
company,Kompani (n)
compound,Kompaun (n)
compensation,Kompenseson (n)
complaint,Komplen (v)
name of a conglomeration of Kom and its sister tribes of Manipur,Komrem (n)
the passage frequented by animals,Kong (n)
"ways and means, the usual way, a definite order",Kong le lam (n)
"in every respect, in all respect",Kong tinah (adv)
"in every way, in every respect",Kong tinreng (adv)
"regarding, concerning, about",Kongah (prep)
"manner, style, pattern, mode, etc",Konghmang (n)
method,Konglam (n)
a variety of rice,Konglawng (n)
"to be useful, to be of use",Kongro suk (v)
a Hmar Ngente sub clan,Kongte (n)
"poor, needy, destitute, indigent",Konkaw (adj)
"poverty, destitution, indigence",Konkawna (n)
constituency,Konstituensi (n)
contest,Kontes (v)
control,Kontrawl (v)
contract,Kontrek (adj)
"to stick to, to be attached, to adhere",Kop (v)
"to combine, to double, a pair",Kop (v)
a variety of small grass,Kopbel (n)
to be in even number,Kopkim (n)
to be in odd number,Kopkim lo (n)
one’s mate or partner,Koppui (n)
to stick firmly to something else (a wall),Kopthap (adv)
a Hindi originated term for hinges of a door or window,Kopza (n)
"a small valley, a ravine, drain or drainage",Kor (n)
thin,Kor (adj)
"coat, an overcoat",Korchung (n)
an overcoat,Korfuol (n)
the term used to refer to Bengalese or mainland Indians who are mostly thin and tall,Korvai (n)
"door, a doorway, a gateway",Kotkhar (n)
the frame of a door,Kotkhar bieng (n)
the doorway,Kotkhar bul (n)
"near the doorway, at the door, at the threshold",Kotkhar bulah (adv)
"the gatekeeper, janitor",Kotkhar vengtu (n)
"the gallery, the brink, the edge",Kotlang (n)
"one who always speak but not do, one with words but no action",Kotlang ‘A’ team’ (n)
the entrance to a village,Kotsuo (n)
a street,Kotthler (n)
crown,Kraun (n)
cross,Kraws (n)
cricket,Kriket (n)
Christmas,Krismas (n)
Christ,Krista (n)
crystal,Krustal (n)
qualify,Kualifai (v)
quality,Kualiti (n)
quarantine,Kuarantîn (n)
a stone quarry,Kuari (n)
quarter,Kuartar (n)
quota,Kuata (n)
a Hindi originated term for ‘go-down’ or storehouse or store room,Kudam (n)
quintal,Kuintal (n)
to hit with finger roll,Kuk (v)
to shriek,Kuk (v)
"to be meticulous, particular in all respect",Kukal (adj)
name of Thadou speaking dominated and influenced conglomeration of tribe,Kuki (n)
"a stockade, a fort, a wall round a village, to fortify, to stockade",Kul (n)
a blockhouse,Kulbing (n)
"to be worn out, done up, spent, exhausted",Kulcho (v)
"a Hindi originated term for coolie, manual labourer",Kuli (n)
"scrupulous, strict, meticulous, etc",Kulmut (adj)
a female evil spirit whose domain is believed to be passed through by the spirits of those who died on their way to ‘mithi khuo’ (the abode of departed spirits). The evil spirit is also believed to prefer woman whom she will enslave and torture in a miserable way before letting them go on. The human spirits also have to go through a high and dangerous cliff just before reaching ‘mithi khuo’. Trampling upon slippery rocks on their passage could lead to a high fall on the deep gorge. It was then also believed that their ‘first lovers’ who had gone ahead would rescue them from such terrible situation by holding them on their hands.,Kulsamnu (n)
"year, age",Kum (n)
a variety of wild tree,Kûm (n)
next year,Kum nawk (n)
the new year,Kum thar (n)
"a good year, a year of plenty or prosperity with good harvest",Kum thrat kum (adj)
every year,Kum tin (adv)
"yearly, annually",Kum tinin (adv)
"to be perennial, to be permanent, everlasting",Kumhlun (adj)
for all times to comes,Kumkhawtluong (adj)
"always, at all times, eternity, eternal",Kumkhuo (n)
"for all time, forever",Kumkhuoa din (adv)
corrupted term of ‘company’ which is a term given by the Hmars to (emperor) Queen Victoria,Kumpinu (n)
the whole year,Kumpui linglet (n)
"all years to come, forever",Kumtluong (adj)
a variety of flower,Kumtluong par (n)
"throughout the year, all year round",Kumtluonin (adv)
"a bud, to bud, beginning to form in the bud (as rice)",Kumum (n)
"a hundredth year, a century",Kumzabi (n)
"to stoop, to lean or bend forward",Kûn (v)
"a plant, a tree, the trunk of a tree, the stem of a plant",Kûng (n)
a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Kungate (n)
"stubble, short stumps of bamboos, etc",Kunghmui (n)
"the main stem, the main",Kungpui (n)
"a hole, a burrow; nine",Kuo (n)
"to put the hand on the shoulder of another, to put the arm round the neck or waist",Kuo (v)
outlet,Kuohlet (n)
"drooping, to pull down towards one (as a bough), to bend",Kuoi (v)
"a hooked stick, a crook",Kuoikim (n)
"to bend, to pull down towards one (as a bough)",Kuoikur (v)
"a tobacco pipe, a smoking pipe",Kuoite (n)
"a coil (as of rope), to make into a cylinder, to coil, to be winding, to be bent",Kuol (adj)
"enclose, to enclose",Kuolkhum (v)
"near, adjacent, neighbouring, nearby, vicinity",Kuom (adj)
from,Kuoma mi (prpn)
"nearby, close to, adjacent to",Kuomah (adv)
"to, with, along with",Kuomah (prpn)
"a coffin, the main holder",Kuong (n)
"the stem, the stalk",Kuong (n)
to hold in the arms,Kuongkuo (v)
quorum,Kuoram (n)
quotation,Kuoteson (n)
"to bend down, to droop",Kûr (adj)
"to bury the face in the hands, to put the hand to the face or head (as when in perplexity or sorrow), to hang the head",Kurinkuk (n)
"molasses, raw sugar, gur",Kurtai (n)
the hand,Kut (n)
"festival, a feast",Kût (n)
"to clap the hand, clapping",Kut ben (v)
a knuckle,Kut chang (n)
the ends of the fingers,Kut hmor (n)
marriage,Kut insui (n)
to hold the arms and refuse to extend hands,Kut kuongkuo (v)
the hands and legs (to lean on),Kut le ke (n)
one who is given to strike at someone with no rhymes and reason,Kut le lawk nei lo (n)
something done accidentally,Kut pal (n)
raising the hand,Kut phar (v)
to shake the hand,Kut thin (v)
"to crack the knuckles, to sprain the wrist",Kut ul (v)
"to beckon, to give signal to stop",Kut zap (v)
"in the hand, at hand",Kutah (adv)
a hand glove,Kutbawm (n)
"empty handed, possessing nothing",Kutbengthek (adj)
the point or first finger,Kutchal (n)
showing the point finger as a sign of warning,Kutchal inhmu (v)
something brought in as a present,Kutchawi (adj)
a beggar,Kutdaw (n)
a wayside beggar,Kutdaw mi (n)
the work of one’s hand or something which signals somebody’s hand or work,Kuthnung (n)
to beckon,Kutin hûi (v)
to whistle using the fingers,Kutkawi mut (v)
"a petty thief, to be given to stealing, one who is prone to stealing petty things, a likely thief",Kutkem nei (v)
the middle finger,Kutlai (n)
thimble,Kutlukhum (n)
a finger,Kutpar (n)
the palm of the hand,Kutpha (n)
a measurement equal to the width of the hand,Kutpha bawk (n)
the thumb,Kutpui (n)
wrist,Kutring (n)
empty-handed,Kutruok (adj)
ring,Kutsebi (n)
"manual worker, a labourer, a craftsman",Kutsinthawmi (n)
"handmade, handiwork",Kutsuok (adj)
the little finger,Kutte (n)
the ring finger,Kutte u (n)
"subjected to every kind of indignity such as slapping, pushing, beating",Kutthaknulna (n)
being crafty,Kutthemthiem (adj)
"to beat, to assault",Kutthlak (v)
"the fist, to clench the hand",Kuttum (n)
a person incapacitated (or too old) to work and who has no one to support him or her,Kuttuolleisam (n)
"a sign given by the hand, to make gesture using the hand",Kutzaizir (n)
palmistry,Kutzie (n)
"to be skilled in palmistry, one skilled in palmistry",Kutzie en thiem (n)
handwriting,Kutziek (adj)
"the areca palm and nut, the betel nut",Kuva (n)