en,hmr "bait, to bait",Cha (n) the weeded or cut grasses kept aside (jhum),Cha (n) "lost, not gain",Cha (v) "to send for it, to give or send a message",Cha (v) "a burr, a variety of grass plant",Chabet (n) key,Chabi (n) a chopping board or wood,Chaden (n) waste or spent (of time) on one specific purpose,Chai (adv) "tongs, pincers, tweezers",Chaiche (n) "to wrestle, to struggle; to play with or to tire out animal (cow, buffalo or mithun)",Chaih (v) a Hmar Changsan sub clan,Chaileng (n) "desire, long for, to like, to want to eat, to be fond of (eatables)",Châk (v) "desirable, attractive",Chak um (adj) an anchor (made of iron),Chakai (n) "an edible fern plant, bracken (Pteridium)",Chakawk (v) to lose everything,Chakawt (v) "extreme lost, greatest or biggest lost",Chakawt rawt (adv) name of a variety of jungle fowl,Chakcha (n) "a necessity, a requisite, essentials, needs",Chakkhai (n) name of tribe,Chakma (n) "lust, longingness, desire",Chakna (n) not the normal strength or position,Chakvak (adj) "affix denoting the masculine gender; the forehead, the brow",Chal (n) a species of bamboo,Châl (n) a term meant to describe the anger and desperate temperament when one’s lover move out with another,Chal ki sa (adj) "derived from a Hindi term which mostly means clever, cunning, etc",Chalak (adj) "name of a wild plant (elephant foot yam) almost similar to arum and the tuber, stem and buds of only the ‘male’ plant is edible albeit with certain specific and intricate process (‘female’ plant bears arum like flower and has no leaves and is called ‘telkawng’; ‘male’ plant has leaves spreading like umbrella and bears a potato-like fruit at the base of the leaves)",Chaldawng (n) to over-owe or impose by one’s commanding presence,Chaldel (v) "to be popular, prominent, etc",Challang (v) "a long forehead, bald forehead",Chalngal (adj) "the patriarch, the strongest and most prominent male member (of a family, group, etc)",Chalngeng (n) a term used to call those peoples who apply vermilion on their foreheads (esp Hindus),Chalrang (n) to dismiss or settle a case or dispute,Chalrem (v) the wall lizard,Chalru (n) the name of a species of bamboo also known as ‘chatte’,Chalte (n) name of a species of wild pear,Chalthei (n) "a young boy, young male animals",Chaltuoi (n) champ,Cham (adj) "to stay, to remain in a place over a day or night, to sojourn",Châm (v) with no choice left,Cham lovin (adv) "to remain in a place over a day and night, to sojourn",Châmbang (v) "repeatedly, again and again",Chamchi (adv) name of fruit (citrus family),Champara (n) anniversary,Champha (n) champion,Champion (n) "lot, portion, luck, share",Chan (n) "to cut up, to slice up",Chan (v) "to watch for, to waylay, to lie in wait, to lie in ambush",Chàn (v) "to lose (as by death, fire, raid, etc), to be deprived of",Chân (v) a share,Chan chin (n) "to go well with one, a good share",Chan thra (v) a Hindi originated word for beans,Chana (n) "a portion, share, a lot",Chanai (n) "story, tiding, news, account, history",Chanchin (n) newspaper,Chanchinbu (n) news,Chanchinthar (n) "gospel, good tidings, good news",Chanchinthra (n) "right (side), opposite of left; the long feathers of a bird's tail or of porcupine",Chang (n) "to change into, to become, to receive as a share or portion",Chang (v) "hard, (not soft), ripe, mature, to be hard; one’s well being",Chang (adj) "a joint (as of fingers, bamboo, etc), a verse of a song or poem or the Bible; trap, a snare",Cháng (n) "move, to be in motion",Chàng (v) "occasional, sometimes",Cháng (adv) "a little, slightly",Cháng cháng (adv) "occasionally, sometimes",Cháng chángin (adv) a Bible text one chose for a sermon or discourse,Chang thlang (n) "right side, right hand site",Chang tieng (n) "potash, lye potassium bicarbonate",Changal (n) a Hmar’s indigenous curry cooked with sodium bicarbonate (juice extracted from ashes of the hearth in the traditional form) and fermented pork,Changal Hme (n) a spoon used for measuring ‘changal’,Changal thlakna (n) name of edible wild plant,Chângchaldâwn (n) "to use as an excuse, to make it as an excuse for",Changchawi (v) the name of a variety of cane,Changdam (n) the month of October,Changer (n) name of a variety of wild banana,Changhrat (n) name of wild bird,Changkak (n) "the name of a weed with sticky flowers which adhere to one’s clothes, etc",Changkalrit (n) "to be better (after being ill), to be in better position, well-off",Changkang (v) "advanced, above average",Changkang (adj) a type of trap,Changkawl (n) name of a species of bird,Changkawrdawk (n) a wooden pole place on the lower most area of a jhum so as to prevent loose and fertile soil to slip down or from being carried away by rain water,Changkham (n) same as ‘changkham’,Changkhang (n) stag moss,Changkor (n) a compartment of wet paddy field,Changkuong (n) a long knife used for cutting the edge of ‘changkuong’,Changkuong chem (n) a variety of wild edible banana,Changlong (n) "a species of rice, used for making beer and spirits.",Changman (n) name of a variety of wild banana,Changnal (n) name of a species of bird,Changpânva (n) "a worm, a moss",Changpat (n) straw after harvest,Changpawl (n) a jhum covered with stubble or straw after harvest,Changpawl (n) rats of ‘changpawl’,Changpawl mazu (n) a rat which is usually found more at ‘changpawl’,Changpawl mazu (n) name of a variety of wild banana,Changpui (n) a Hmar clan,Changsan (n) name of a pretty bird with a shrill cry,Changsen (n) a variety of Hmar indigenous bird trap set on tree branches,Changthleng (n) well-off,Changtlung (adj) a Bible verse selected on a Sunday’s school chapter to be recited and learnt ‘bye-heart’ by the congregation,Changvon (n) a shooting range,Chanmari (n) "a loss, lose",Channa (n) "share, portion",Chanpuol (n) "to be unlucky, unfortunate",Chansie (v) "fair share, portion",Chantawk (n) situation or position which the ‘super being’ decided for one,Chantawk khuo rel (phrase) to be contend with one’s share or situation or status or position,Chantawka lungawi (adv) "half, half-way",Chanve (n) "allotment, a portion, quota, a share",Chanvo (n) the cut trees and shrubs for jhum that were left to dry by sunshine,Chap (n) a Hindi originated term for sandals,Chapal (n) "the time when the cut trees and plants of jhums are being dried before they are burn, spring season",Chapchar (n) "proud, haughty, arrogant, boastful, uppish",Chapo (adj) "to proud with, to be proud with, on which one is proud",Chapopui (n) the name of a tree,Char (n) "exactly, only that",Char (adj) to lift something by the hand with the arm straight and in perpendicular with the shoulder,Char (v) "to stick, to keep, to detain, to keep hold of",Chàr (v) in a smooth and fast pace (a tlan char char = he run smooth and in a fast pace),Char char (adv) a Hindi term for a refine wood of four by four inches in size and about 16 feet in length,Châr-châr (n) "to detain, to keep on hold",Charchil (v) "directly, immediately, when",Charin (adv) "glue, gum, paste",Charna (n) "a Hmar dish, a form of cooking meat",Chartang (n) "to snap, to break (as a rope)",Chat (v) "to cease, stop, etc",Chât (v) "dry, parched, to dry, to be dry, (human body), etc",Chât (adj) "to discontinue for a time, a break",Chatlak (v) "without a break, to be continuous",Chatlak loin (adv) "the stage when one fall flat after heavy or too much drink of wine or alcohol; to die, to breathe one’s last",Chatthla (adj) "eternity, everlasting",Chatuon (n) "eternal life, everlasting life",Chatuon hringna (v) "forever and ever, from the beginning, from time immemorial, eternally",Chatuonin (adv) "weak, to be exhausted, to be tired out, fatigue",Chau (v) "only, alone, merely, just",Chauh (adv) to be in complete breakdown and with nothing left to say or do,Chaurau ek thai (adv) "to be helpless, in wilder with none to be on one’s side",Chavai (v) prescribe (by doctor),Chaw (v) a deriding or disparaging remark on someone receiving a blow (pain or punishment),Chaw (adj) forenoon,Chawhma (n) a distance reachable by foot before noon,Chawhma lam (n) afternoon,Chawhnung (n) "to carry, to draw (water); to pay a fine or tax",Chawi (v) "when one can no longer bear a child, a post menopause",Chawibang (n) worship of the Holy Ghost,Chawibiek (v) to lift up,Chawikang (v) "to nurture, to help in making grow",Chawilien (v) "to exalt, to promote, to glorify, to magnify, to honour",Chawimawi (v) "exaltation, honour, glorification",Chawimawina (n) "to lift up, to raise high",Chawisang (v) to impose or levy a tax,Chawitir (v) to praise or exalt too much,Chawivûng (v) chalk,Chawk (n) buy; to stir,Chawk (v) "often, always, frequently",Chawk (adv) to rub off,Chawkbo (v) "to stir up, to cause a disturbance",Chawkbuoi (v) to level,Chawkcham (v) "to disturbed, to destroy beyond redemption",Chawkchawrawi (v) to stir up and disturb,Chawkchen (v) "to cause disturbance, to throw into confusion or disorder",Chawkhnawk (v) a Hindi originated word of chowkidar,Chawkidar (n) to mix together,Chawkpawl (n) "to arouse, awake",Chawkphur (v) a small piece of woods used to light the bigger ones,Chawkrawl (n) "to mix up, to blend; to balance or equalise",Chawkruol (v) to provoke and put others at loggerhead,Chawktuo (v) yeast,Chawl (n) "to rest, to give up, to discontinue",Chawl (v) a rest house,Chawlbuk (n) to refresh oneself by resting,Chawlhadam (v) a traditional Hmar village waiting area on the road to jhum fields,Chawlhmun (n) a week,Chawlkar (n) rest time,Chawllawk (v) resting place,Chawllawkna (n) a Hmar Ngente sub clan,Chawlngawng (n) "rest day, the Sabbath, Sunday",Chawlni (n) "to be hardened, callous, unmoved, etc",Chawlol (adj) "to leave off, to retire from, to discontinue",Chawlsan (v) "to feed, to tend, to support, to nurture; to jump",Chawm (v) name of a species of bird,Chawmanai (n) a panicky situation when one suddenly faces problem,Chawmchawrok (adj) to be entirely dependent on others for one’s support,Chawmhlawm (v) to jump over,Chawmhlen (v) to support a person for life,Chawmhlum (v) to rear up,Chawmlien (v) sponsorship,Chawmna (n) to feed and fatten,Chawmthau (v) "sponsor, one who feed or support",Chawmtu (n) cotton roll ready for spinning,Chawn (n) the calf of the leg or hand; poetical term for ‘arm’,Chawnban (n) to join or take part in a festival or feast,Chawngchen (v) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chawnghau (n) a Hmar Ngente sub clan,Chawnghawi (n) a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Chawnghekte (n) a sub clan under Banzang clan of Hmar Darngawn,Chawnghmunte (n) the cobra,Chawngkor (n) "the evening star, the Venus",Chawngmawi (n) a type of traditional Hmar marriage almost similar to child marriage,Chawngmolak (n) a Hmar Biete sub clan,Chawngngo (n) a variety of wild tree,Chawngpereng (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chawngsiekim (n) a pre-Christian era Hmar folk goddess believed to have control over all wild animals,Chawngtinler (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chawngtuoltu (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chawngvawr (n) the sparrow,Chawngzawng (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chawnkhup (n) a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Chawnnel (n) a sub clan under Hmar Lawitlang Sungte,Chawnsim (n) a sub clan of Hmar Lusei,Chawnzik (n) "immediate, to close, instant",Chawpchil (adj) "immediate, to close, instant",Chawplechil (adj) backside of a Hmar traditional house,Chawr (n) those living in the back side of one’s house,Chawrhai (n) a raised platform on the backside of a Hmar house,Chawrsong (n) "big bowl used in kitchen for washing, etc",Chawtol (n) "you, thee, to you, for thee",Che (prn) "move, shift",Che (v) a surprise exclamation,Che! (intjn) "to move, to act",Chechang (v) "to romp, to play",Chei (v) "to tidy, to make or put tidy, to repair",Chei (v) "to repair, to mend",Chei thar (v) a surprise exclamation,Chei! (intjn) to repair or tidy up a house,Cheibawl (v) "to beautify, to adorn",Cheimawi (v) decoration; an item used to decorate something,Cheimawina (n) a wooden fork like object used for crushing paddy in wet paddy field,Cheiruong (n) the small intestine of an animal,Chek (n) "to chop (with an axe), to hoe, to split wood with an axe",Chèk (v) cheque,Chek (n) "to oppress, to persecute",Cheksawl (v) "oppression, persecution",Cheksawlna (n) "to catch hold of, to hold, to grasp, etc",Chel (v) something to hold on (like railings in a stairway),Chelbân (n) use or utilise to the extreme level,Chelek (v) "rail, railing, which one can hold and rely on it",Chelfung (n) "detain, to detain",Cheltang (v) "chopper, a bill-hook, dao, knife",Chem (n) to disconnect or destroy someone’s source of livelihood; to inflict mental injury to someone,Chem boa lu la (phrase) one’s interest areas or fields where one is more proficient,Chem fena zawng (n) a slanted knife,Chemlukuoi (n) a big knife,Chempui (n) a sword,Chemsei (n) a murderer or adulterer who submit himself to the village chief so as to escape from revenge by the victim party,Chemsen Suok (n) a Hmar folk hero,Chemtattepu (n) a small knife,Chemte (n) to be as high as,Chen (adj) "up to, as far as",Chen (prpn) "live, to live",Chêng (v) a rupee,Chêng (n) a symmetrical shape,Chêng (adj) "to stay on and on, to remain forever",Cheng zing (v) to be with someone continuously for some period of time,Chengchil (v) the name of a tree with very sour edible fruit,Chengkek (n) "a remote place, a far-flung area",Chengker (adj) a very far-off and secluded area,Chengkerkâr (n) "a bitter gourd, karela",Chengkha (n) the name of a water snail,Chengkol (n) place of living,Chêngna (n) poetical term for gun and weapons,Chengrang (n) "cut with scissor, to clip, to clamp",Chep (v) "small, cramped for room, to be small, etc",Chêp (adj) "to cut off, to prune",Chep bong (v) to cut (cloth) into two halves,Chep thlêr (v) the name of a squirrel,Chepa (n) name of noisy insect,Chêpchêp (n) to squeeze on,Chepde (v) "to forge, to sculpture",Cher (v) "thin, lean, to be thin, etc",Chêr (adj) chair,Chêr (n) the name of a trap which crushes its catches between two logs,Cherep (n) name of a tree,Cherpui (n) cherubim,Cherub (n) "manner, behaviour",Chet dan (n) "works, actions, deeds",Chet zie (n) "you, to you, from you, for you (plural)",Cheu (prn) "salt; clan, caste, family; seed, sperm",Chi (n) "kind of, sort of, species",Chi (adv) a jar to keep salt,Chi bur (n) "one family, kinsmen, kith and kin",Chi le kuong (n) "to be at a loss what to do, to get excited or confused, to lose one's presence of mind, to be in a panicky situation",Chiai (adj) a simple Hmar curry (mostly vegetables) with just salt added in it,Chial hme (n) "shaking of hands, salute, hail",Chibai (v) "to salute, to shake hands, to worship (God), greetings",Chibai buk (v) of one particular clan or tribe,Chibil (adj) "exactly, actual",Chie (prn) "to put in water, etc., to soak, to dip",Chie (v) to soften by soaking or dipping (in liquid),Chie hnip (v) "to immerse, to soak",Chie pil (v) "hard, with one's might, vehemently",Chiem (adj) "correct, proper, clear, plain",Chieng (adj) "evidently, certainly, clearly, correctly, plainly",Chieng takin (adv) "to grumble, murmur, complain",Chier (v) "to keep on complaining, grumbling",Chierinthluok (v) "to mark, to remember",Chik (adj) "to spurt out (liquid) spotted; to cut open (bamboos) and split them for matting, to pit, to dent, to chip, etc",Chik (v) "careful, unabridged",Chîk (adj) a cake of salt,Chikhawn (n) a salt spring,Chikhur (n) carefully,Chîktakin (adv) saliva,Chil (n) "to pinch, to pin down",Chil (v) "crashing or thrashing with leg, to tread out ‘as grain’, to stamp",Chìl (v) swallowing of one’s saliva which goes the wrong way and makes one choke or catch one’s breath,Chil inthal (v) to spit through the teeth,Chilchik (v) foam (of mouth),Chilphuon (n) to spit through the fingers,Chilpik (v) salivating by seeing edible items,Chilput (v) "water brash, excess accumulation of saliva in the mouth",Chilriel (n) a kind of water-brash with copious flow of saliva,Chilriel (n) to spit,Chilsak (v) limestone,Chilung (n) a Hmar Ngurte sub clan,Chiluon (n) "to collapse, to fall down",Chim (v) "to submerge, to crowd round, to overflow",Chîm (v) to be a nuisance,Chim um (adj) "to trouble, to interrupt",Chîmbuoi (adv) "to die out (as a race, etc), to become extinct",Chimit (v) "to submerge, to crowd round, to overflow",Chîmpil (v) name of a tribe,Chin (n) entangle,Chin (adj) "since, as far as",Chin (prp) "small, tiny, little",Chîn (adj) limit,Chin lem (adj) "petty, insignificant, small",Chin tham (adj) "from the time, since, from",Chinah (adv) "lime, cooked lime pasted on betel leaf and eaten along with nut",Chinai (n) limestone,Chinai lung (n) all about,Chinchang (n) to know all about,Chinchang hrie (v) "one is in the know how, a well-informed person",Chinchang hrie mi (n) "guard, look after (esp animals)",Ching (n) "barren, impotent, childless, to be barren",Ching (adj) "habit, practice as a habit",Chîng (v) "to plant, to sow, to be in the habit of using",Chîng (v) "more than others, bigger or higher than the rest",Chingchihlip (adj) the name of a large black spider,Chingchip (n) "destroy, make it as problematic",Chingpen (v) the name of a large owl,Chingpirinu (n) a Hindi originated term for sugar,Chini (n) "limit, perimeter",Chinlem (adj) to have limit,Chinlem nei (adv) limitless,Chinlem neilo (adv) to finely cut small items by the mouth,Chip (v) "finely, in small pieces, to powder",Chip (adj) the name of a small bird,Chîp (n) "to shut, to close (as a cut, mouth, etc)",Chîp (v) "thorough, detail, minute",Chipchier (adj) "minutely in detail, thoroughly",Chipchier takin (adv) name of a species of bird,Chîprâng (n) "of the same clan, family",Chipui (adj) mud,Chir (n) a term used to woo chickens,Chir chir (n) "a bog, swamp, muddy",Chirdup (n) mud,Chirhak (n) "mud, mire, muddy",Chirhdiek (n) to be in complete disarray or delirium mostly due to alcohol,Chiri (v) name of a Hmar kindred (unau-suopui) tribe settled in Manipur,Chiru (n) "very small, very little (in size), very tiny",Chite (adj) expression of the smallest or tiniest (in size),Chite maimawng (adv) little by little,Chite te in (adv) "very small, very little, very tiny (in size)",Chiterek (adj) "posterity, a descendant",Chithla (n) "ancestor, forefather",Chithlatu (n) "sugar, sweets",Chithlum (n) "every, all",Chitin (adj) every tribe and nation,Chitin-hnamtin (n) "to prick, to stab",Chiu (v) "to dig a hole, to dig, to hoe",Cho (n) to challenge,Cho (v) to stir,Chok (v) "to stir up, to cause a disturbance",Chokbuoi (v) to level,Chokcham (v) to disturb thoroughly,Chokchawrawi (v) "to cause disturbance, to throw into confusion or disorder",Chokhnok (v) "to arouse, awake",Chokphur (v) to mix together,Chokpol (n) a small pieces of wood use to light the bigger ones,Chokrol (n) "to mix up, to blend",Chokruol (v) to provoke and put others at loggerhead,Choktuo (v) yeast,Chol (n) a Hmar Ngente sub clan,Cholngong (n) the wall lizard,Cholru (n) a poetical term for alcohol or ‘zu’,Choltui (n) to join or take part in a festival or feast,Chongchen (v) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chonghau (n) a Hmar Ngente sub clan,Chonghawi (n) a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Chonghekte (n) a sub clan under Banzang clan of Hmar Darngawn,Chonghmunte (n) a Hmar Ngente sub clan,Chonghoi (n) the cobra,Chongkor (n) "the evening star, the Venus",Chongmawi (n) a type of traditional Hmar marriage almost similar to child marriage,Chongmolak (n) a Hmar Biete sub clan,Chongngo (n) a variety of wild tree,Chongpereng (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chongsiekim (n) a pre-Christian era Hmar folk goddess believed to have control over all wild animals,Chongtinler (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chongtuoltu (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chongvawr (n) the sparrow,Chongzawng (n) a Hmar Zote sub clan,Chonkhup (n) a Hmar Thiek sub clan,Chonnel (n) a sub clan under Hmar Lawitlang Sungte,Chonsim (n) a sub clan of Hmar Lusei,Chonzik (n) "immediate, to close, instant",Chopchil (adj) "immediate, to close, instant",Choplechil (adj) name of a Hmar kindred (unau-suopui) tribe settled in Assam,Chorei (n) name of a Hmar kindred (unau-suopui) tribe settled in Manipur and Barak valley areas of Assam,Chothe (n) to stir up strife or a quarrel between two parties,Chotuo (v) chow/chowmein,Chou (n) kitchen,Chouka (n) "a type of chair made of bamboo, cane and animal skin, etc",Chouki (n) "to claim, to snatch up (as goods when house is on fire)",Chu (v) "that, which, who; the, this, that",Chu (prn) that much,Chu chen chu (adv) "that, this",Chu chu (prn) "about that matter, with regard to that",Chu chungchang chu (n) "besides, moreover, in addition to that",Chu naw khom chu (conj) to selfishly or greedily acquire all one can for oneself,Chuhel (v) "to bite (as a snake), to peck, to peck up; putting a dot when writing",Chuk (v) a large species of cockroach,Chukchu (n) to join together,Chuktuo (v) a joint,Chuktuona (n) a jhumland of the previous year,Chul (n) "to become old, to fade",Chul (v) to stroke tenderly,Chûl (v) to level on the brim of a container,Chûlcham (adj) "therefore, hence",Chuleiin (adv) to be on friendly term with,Chûlnel (v) "to punch, to strike with the fist",Chum (n) the pole in a roof going lengthways on the top of the rafters,Chûm (n) "fat, chubby, to be fat, chubby",Chûm (adj) the name of a brass griddle,Chumchi (n) "then, and so, (used to introduce a sentence)",Chun (prpn) if,Chun (conj) poetical term for mother,Chun (n) poetical term for mother and father,Chun le zuo (n) "top, up, upper",Chung (adj) "looked up upon, to regard highly of",Chung en (v) "God, the Almighty",Chung Pathien (n) "to woe, to be sad, to be burdened, to be in dire strait",Chung pik (v) "upper, higher up",Chung tieng (adj) "on, above, upon",Chungah (prpn) "about of, concerning, regarding",Chungchang (prpn) an elevated floor house – a typical Hmar traditional house style,Chungchawi in (n) the split bamboo on the roof a traditional Hmar house,Chungdal (n) "upper, higher",Chunghnung (adj) "uppermost, most high",Chunghnungtak (adj) "flying creatures, birds, insects, etc",Chungleng (n) "woes, anguish, misery",Chungpikna (n) poetical term for mother,Chunnu (n) "faded, old looking, to fade (as a flower)",Chuoi (adj) a species of immortelle,Chuoi lo (adj) name of flower,Chuoilo par (n) poetical term for visit or drop by,Chuon (v) "the lower part (of a village, jhum, etc)",Chuonchung (n) a chicken comb,Chuong (n) "to get on top of, to be on top of, to sit upon, to mount, to ride, to embark, etc",Chuong (v) the left over; without an owner,Chuong (adj) "plural form of that or this; those, these",Chuong (prn) "if so, if that is the case",Chuong a ni chun (conj) "like that, in that manner",Chuong ang bok chun (adv) "that so much, such a large number",Chuong zozai (adv) "so, so then, therefore, etc",Chuongchun (conj) those,Chuonghai chu (prn) to reach,Chuongkai (v) clitoris,Chuongkilik (n) "the lower part (of a village, jhum, etc)",Chuonhnuoi (n) the lungs,Chuop (n) "puckered, wrinkled, creased, to be puckered",Chuor (adj) "dumb, dull, silly, slow in understanding things",Chut (adj) "in there, at that place, thereunto",Chutaka chun (adv) "from thereon, since then, from that place",Chutaka inthok chun (adv) the one from there,Chutaka mi chu (adv)