Update column descriptions for BeetleMeasurements CSV and add placeholder for sample image from group images.
Browse files
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Escape underscores ("_") with a "\". Example: image\_RGB
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<!-- Provide a longer summary of what this dataset is. -->
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[More Information Needed]
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<!--This dataset card
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### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
@@ -117,32 +117,39 @@ Describe data files
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Ex: All images are named <img_id>.png, each within a folder named for the species. They are 1024 x 1024, and the color has been standardized using <link to color standardization package>.
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### Data Fields
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[More Information Needed]
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- `
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- `scalebar`: Pixel coordinates of the ruler/scalebar in the image.
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- `
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- `individual`: Integer. The beetle in the image to whom the measurements refer. Awaiting confirmation of how they are counted.
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- `structure`: Whether the measurement applies to the length or width of the elytra (`ElytraLength` or `ElytraWidth`, respectively).
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- `
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- `coords_pix`: Pixel coordinates of the line marking the length or width of the elytra (green or purple --confirm which is which). Note that the lines are more than one pixel wide, which is why these coordinates form a rectangle.
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- `dist_pix`: Float. The length or width of the elytra (indicated by `structure`) as measured in pixels.
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- `dist_cm`: Float. The length or width of the elytra (indicated by `structure`) as measured in centimeters using the scalebar (
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- `scientificName`: Scientific name of the specimen (`<Genus> <species>`). There are
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- `
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- `siteID`: String. Identifier for the site from which the specimens were collected. There 30 different site IDs.
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- `
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- `plotID`: Identifier for the plot from which the specimens were collected (`<siteID>_<plot number>`). There are 144 different plots from which specimens were collected.
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- `user_name`:
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- `
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- `genus`: Genus of the individual (generated by taking the first word in the `scientificName`).
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- `individualID`: Unique identifier for the beetles (based on the assumed uniqueness of the `PictureID`), generated from `PictureID` (minus the `.jpg`) plus `_<individual>`. There are 11,104 individuals photographed and annotated.
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- `file_name`: Relative path to image from the root of the directory (`<group_images>/<pictureID>.jpg`); allows for image to be displayed in the dataset viewer alongside its associated metadata.
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**TODO:* Make metadata file for viewer once we have segmented images too:
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- `individualID`: ID of beetle in the individual image (matches `individualID` in `BeetleMeasurements.csv`). This is a unique identifier for this CSV.
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- `pictureID`: Name of the group image (`<sample-barcode>.jpg`, though sometimes it's `<NEON_sampleID_>`.jpg). Unique identifier for the 577 _group_ images, not for dataset. (Matches `pictureID` in `BeetleMeasurements.csv`.)
@@ -154,7 +161,7 @@ Ex: All images are named <img_id>.png, each within a folder named for the specie
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### Data Splits
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<!-- Provide a longer summary of what this dataset is. -->
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[More Information Needed]
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<!--This dataset card was generated using [this raw template]( and further altered to suit Imageomics Institute needs.-->
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### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
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Ex: All images are named <img_id>.png, each within a folder named for the species. They are 1024 x 1024, and the color has been standardized using <link to color standardization package>.
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|Image of _Carabus goryi_ beetles from sample A00000046094.|
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### Data Fields
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[More Information Needed]
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- `pictureID`: Name of the image (`<sample-barcode>.jpg`, though sometimes it's `<NEON_sampleID_>`.jpg). Unique identifier for the 577 _group_ images, not for dataset. There are 11,104 individual beetles. All individuals in a single image are from the same location and are the same species.
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- `scalebar`: Pixel coordinates of the ruler/scalebar in the image.
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- `cm_pix`: Integer. The number of pixels in a centimeter on the scalebar.
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- `individual`: Integer. The beetle in the image to whom the measurements refer. Awaiting confirmation of how they are counted.
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- `structure`: Whether the measurement applies to the length or width of the elytra (`ElytraLength` or `ElytraWidth`, respectively).
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- `lying_straight`: Whether or not the beetle is "straight" in the image (`Yes` or `No`). Further guidance on this term's meaning would be helpful.
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- `coords_pix`: Pixel coordinates of the line marking the length or width of the elytra (green or purple --confirm which is which). Note that the lines are more than one pixel wide, which is why these coordinates form a rectangle.
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- `dist_pix`: Float. The length or width of the elytra (indicated by `structure`) as measured in pixels.
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- `dist_cm`: Float. The length or width of the elytra (indicated by `structure`) as measured in centimeters using the scalebar (`dist_pix/cm_pix`).
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- `scientificName`: Scientific name of the specimen (`<Genus> <species>`). There are 78 different species among 36 genera, though another 10 individuals are only labeled to the genus (or subgenus) level. The 17 individuals in `PictureID` `MOAB_001.S.20180724.jpg` are missing the scientific name label (they are all the same species). These labels were provided by NEON.
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- `NEON_sampleID`: NEON identifier for the sample (576 unique IDs), prefixed by the `plotID`.
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- `siteID`: String. Identifier for the site from which the specimens were collected. There 30 different site IDs.
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- `site_name`: Name of field site from which the specimens were collected. There are 43 different field site names. -- These lack consistency, and will be updated using the site codes.
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- `plotID`: Identifier for the plot from which the specimens were collected (`<siteID>_<plot number>`). There are 144 different plots from which specimens were collected.
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- `user_name`: Zooniverse username of person annotating the elytra length and width information (there were 3 annotators).
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- `workflowID`: Integer identifier for the workflow used...?? There are 5.
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- `genus`: Genus of the individual (generated by taking the first word in the `scientificName`). There are 36 unique genera labeled.
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- `species`: Species of the individual (generated from the word(s) following the `genus` in the `scientificName`). There are 78 unique species labeled.
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- `individualID`: Unique identifier for the beetles (based on the assumed uniqueness of the `PictureID`), generated from `PictureID` (minus the `.jpg`) plus `_<individual>`. There are 11,104 individuals photographed and annotated.
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- `file_name`: Relative path to image from the root of the directory (`<group_images>/<pictureID>.jpg`); allows for image to be displayed in the dataset viewer alongside its associated metadata.
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**TODO:* Make metadata file for viewer once we have segmented images too:
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- `individualID`: ID of beetle in the individual image (matches `individualID` in `BeetleMeasurements.csv`). This is a unique identifier for this CSV.
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- `pictureID`: Name of the group image (`<sample-barcode>.jpg`, though sometimes it's `<NEON_sampleID_>`.jpg). Unique identifier for the 577 _group_ images, not for dataset. (Matches `pictureID` in `BeetleMeasurements.csv`.)
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|**Figure 1.** Sample image of beetles with green and purple lines to indicate the measurement used for the elytra length and width, respectively. The red line marks the pixels for 1cm.|
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### Data Splits