# Kazakh Speech Commands Dataset **Paper:** [Speech Command Recognition: Text-to-Speech and Speech Corpus Scraping Are All You Need](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10601292) **Repository:** [https://github.com/IS2AI/Kazakh-Speech-Commands-Dataset](https://github.com/IS2AI/Kazakh-Speech-Commands-Dataset) **Description:** The dataset contains 3,623 utterances for 35 commands. The utterances were saved in the WAV format with a sampling rate of 16 kHz. The dataset was collected from 119 participants (62 males, 57 females) from different regions of Kazakhstan. |ID| Command (en)|Command (kk)|# samples| |--|--------|--------|---| |1| backward | артқа | 113 | |2| forward | алға | 112 | |3| right | оңға | 106 | |4| left | солға | 104 | |5| down | төмен | 102 | |6| up | жоғары | 104 | |7| go | жүр | 101 | |8| stop | тоқта | 107 | |9| on | қос | 101 | |10| off | өшір | 105 | |11| yes | иә | 110 | |12| no | жоқ | 107 | |13| learn | үйрен | 108 | |14| follow | орында | 104 | |15| zero | нөл | 105 | |16| one | бір | 107 | |17| two | екі | 99 | |18| three | үш | 107 | |19| four | төрт | 97 | |20| five | бес | 104 | |21| six | алты | 101 | |22| seven | жеті | 103 | |23| eight | сегіз | 103 | |24| nine | тоғыз | 100 | |25| bed | төсек | 97 | |26| bird | құс | 96 | |27| cat | мысық | 97 | |28| dog | ит | 102 | |29| happy | бақытты | 101 | |30| house | үй | 107 | |31| read | оқы | 105 | |32| write | жаз | 105 | |33| tree | ағаш | 104 | |34| visual | көрнекі | 100 | |35| wow | мәссаған | 99| **Citation:** ```bibtex @INPROCEEDINGS{10601292, author={Kuzdeuov, Askat and Nurgaliyev, Shakhizat and Turmakhan, Diana and Laiyk, Nurkhan and Varol, Huseyin Atakan}, booktitle={2023 3rd International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (RAAI)}, title={Speech Command Recognition: Text-to-Speech and Speech Corpus Scraping Are All You Need}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={286-291}, keywords={Accuracy;Speech coding;Virtual assistants;Speech recognition;Data collection;Benchmark testing;Data models;Speech commands recognition;text-to-speech;Kazakh Speech Corpus;voice commands;data-centric AI}, doi={10.1109/RAAI59955.2023.10601292}} ```