Hypatia’s birthday is somewhere between 350 and 370 AD; a range of dates indicating great uncertainty, to be sure, but original sources that old are hard to come by, especially from a city as turbulent and violence-torn
Hypatia’s birthday is somewhere between 350 and 370 AD; a range of dates indicating great uncertainty, to be sure, but original sources that old are hard to come by, especially from a city as turbulent and violence-torn as the Alexandria of her day. The day of her death is better known, sometime in March of 415 AD. Since the latter date is more precise, we’ll break with our birthday remembrance tradition here and celebrate the memory of Hypatia in the month of her tragic and violent death instead of on the date of her birth. She was a mathematician, astronomer, teacher, and philosopher who wrote commentaries on important works in geometry and astronomy with her father Theon, likely contributing original work of her own. Hypatia was a Neoplatonist, a philosophy with mystical overtones which posits that everything derives its being from the One, an ultimately conscious yet nonmaterial, non-spacial entity which is the pure ideal of everything that is. She was a scholar and teacher in a field and in a male-dominated world, and historians from her day to ours emphasize her extraordinary talents and her femininity with a nearly equal mix of awe and bemusement. So let us remember and honor Hypatia for her great contributions to human knowledge and to the history of women’s liberation, living proof that women are equals in intellect and courage. And let us also remember her sad death as a cautionary tale against those who inflame popular sentiment to seize power for themselves. Hypatia met her death at the hands of a Christian mob caught up in the anti-pagan hysteria of the day; Alexandria itself was caught up in a power struggle between civic and religious authority. The mob of extremists who dragged Hypatia from her carriage, torture and kill her with roofing tiles, and defile her body are inspired by their partisanship with theocratic bishop Cyril to kill this pagan philosopher, this mathematician and astronomer (then often equated with sorcerer), this woman who dared teach men, this friend of Cyril’s rival Orestes, civic leader of Alexandria. According to Hypatia scholar Micheal Deakin, “Cyril was no party to this hideous deed, but it was the work of men whose passions he had originally called out. Had there been no [earlier such episodes], there would doubtless have been no murder of Hypatia.” From a certain millionaire we all know* who rose to power whipping up populist support throughout his presidential race with extremist racial and religious rhetoric, back to Hypatia’s time and beyond, power-hungry opportunists plead innocence from the very violence they inspire. Yet it appears hard to justify that plea when reason and the lessons of history plainly reveal the nearly inevitable results of fomenting sectarian strife. Extremism in the defense of liberty or anything else is a vice** because of the way it drives away reason and sympathy, and after all, nothing is as liberty-destroying as mob violence and death. * ‘What If Trump Wins?’ by Jeet Heer in New Republic, Nov 24, 2015 ** in refe
By 1874, the Cheyenne living on the reservation in Oklahoma were starving. They could have helped provide for themselves by hunting but the Army had been directed to stop them from leaving their reservation. The following year they did manage to escape
By 1874, the Cheyenne living on the reservation in Oklahoma were starving. They could have helped provide for themselves by hunting but the Army had been directed to stop them from leaving their reservation. The following year they did manage to escape the reservation. Once away from their hated confines, they proceeded to pillage and murder. To his credit, General Pope declared “It is inhuman to compel Indians to remain at the agencies on their reservations slowly starving to death.... In other words, the military forces are required to compel these Indians to starve to death quietly or be killed if they are not willing to do it.” Also that year, Tall Bull and his Cheyenne warriors, disregarding the Treaty of 1868, raided the Pawnee, killing 15 men and raping five wome
Working with chemical systems calls for risk analysis and data management. Assets, many of which were built between the late 1970s and early 1980s, are key in performing complex processes. Failing assets result in higher costs and in
Working with chemical systems calls for risk analysis and data management. Assets, many of which were built between the late 1970s and early 1980s, are key in performing complex processes. Failing assets result in higher costs and in delays. Accurate risk estimates require data which is not readily available. At the same time, the amount of information available in the organisation is diminishing. How can this tide be turned? Pressure on costs is high – stakeholders want to get the most out of assets. The longer the investment in a new system can be delayed, the better. Decisions to keep systems in operation longer are assessed against the safety risks involved. Merely focusing on cost reduction or improving availability is not sufficient; optimising processes, digitisation and the use of new technologies tend to be more rewarding. Strategic challenges in the chemical industry include: - Obsolescence of assets; - Pressure on budgets; - Growing complexity of processes; - Incomplete datasets; - Knowledge drain. Making assets smarter The greatest gains are to be made by making critical assets smarter. The use of sensors and other Internet of Things (IoT) technologies makes it more difficult to improve the saf
Optimism is learned behaviour. Behaviours that come naturally are those we’ve practised over a long period of time. Here are a few key pointers to help you become more optimistic of a positive future: DECIDE WHETHER YOU’RE AN
Optimism is learned behaviour. Behaviours that come naturally are those we’ve practised over a long period of time. Here are a few key pointers to help you become more optimistic of a positive future: DECIDE WHETHER YOU’RE AN OWL OR A LARK – Notice which time of the day you do your best work and engineer to set that time aside for the most important things. If you’re someone who burns the midnight oil and who relies on the alarm to get you up in a morning then deciding to go for your daily run at 5:30am isn’t going to be sustainable. You’ll be doing well if you manage two mornings in a row let alone a full week and I should know! Failing at the first hurdle (which you put there by the way) will cause you to feel bad about yourself and reinforce any natural pessimism. Starting your day like this is debilitating and you’ll likely find the day going downhill from there. Get your days going with something you feel good about, however small. It’ll feel like a win and you’ll be encouraged to build some momentum and get more done in the day, maintaining that feel good feeling. CREATE A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT – An old tutor of mine used to say that she did her best thinking during the ‘Godly hour’. That sounds way too early for me but I have since learned that my best ideas come between waking up and getting up. So, I factor in some extra time to think when setting my alarm. Take the time to create an environment supportive of you being in a creative frame of mind. Don’t worry if you are only able to do this for small pockets of time. Even once in the day maybe more than you are managing right now and you might be surprised at the results. Remember life is a series of small decisions and small steps so just keep moving forward, one step at a time. EXPERIMENT – Having achieved the first two steps, play around with what you have learned. How long do you need to come up with genuinely useful ideas? How quickly do you need to act on them before they are lost forever? Remember that you don’t have to act on every idea you have. Identify the ones with legs and experiment. There will no doubt be many different ways to get the job done. REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS – consider what practical adjustments you could make. Which elements are working well and where are you dragging your heels? What needs to change for you to believe those ideas are important enough to follow up on? If something isn’t turning out the way you planned then don’t be afraid to change tack or even can the idea altogether. Focus on the things that are making a difference and reassess the situation from there. BE CONSISTENT – How easily can you sustain the new behaviour? Successful individuals know what works for them and they apply those principles consistently. The new behaviours become routine; something they do without further thought. It’s important to make sure you can consistently apply any changes you make; that your actions are sustainable. That way you avoid reverting back to old habits which clearly weren’t working for you in the first place! If you’re making excuses about not following through on an idea then you’re still missing a piece of the jigsaw. Consider whether a great idea is simply that and not something you will ever pursue if you are being honest with yourself. Or maybe it is something you’re excited about but you’re going about it in the wrong way. Whatever the hold up, make it your business to find out because only then will you act and we need to take action to get better results. Moreover, taking action makes us feel important and believing your actions matter is how the brain learns optimism. From a place of feeling optimistic anything is possible. Suddenly, that unmet career aspiration moves within reach. Which great idea could you act on today?
Cycling is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, not only for form of fun or exercise, but as a less expensive and more environmentally conscious way to commute to work. According to one statistic, in the 20 years between 1990
Cycling is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, not only for form of fun or exercise, but as a less expensive and more environmentally conscious way to commute to work. According to one statistic, in the 20 years between 1990 and 2009, bike commuting in the US rose by 64%. However, while cycling is becoming increasingly popular, drivers often stereotype cyclists as angry and irresponsible. There is some truth to this belief – cyclists often yell at drivers who com too close, bang on their hood, or zoom around cars in traffic – but it is equally true that drivers also yell at cyclists, come too close, or put everyone on the road in dangerous situations with reckless or distracted driving. A report from the United Kingdom showed that many drivers believe cyclists should not be on the road, because drivers could not empathize with non-drivers. There was also a belief that cyclists were selfish for going slowly and not moving out of the way, even if the road was too dangerous or narrow for the motorist to pass. Cyclists need protection from aggressive drivers, and until recently, this protect consisted of only lights, reflective gear, helmets, and hand-signals. When accidents happened, it was a battle of he-said-she-said. When cars hit cyclists, even if no one was seriously injured, cyclists rarely remembered the license plate number or make and model of the vehicle, and drivers never stuck around to exchange insurance information. And bikes have no identifying plate numbers, so drivers had no recourse against unsafe bikers. A new trend in bicycle safety is emerging. Small cameras attached to bike helmets, or worn on a cyclist’s head, can capture the entire accident in a clear digital format, which helps prove who was at fault, and even who was involved. Evan Wilder, a cyclist highlighted in a New York Times article recently, used his helmet camera to catch the dangerous driver who hit him while he was commuting to work. Mr. Wilder was able to look through the footage of his accident frame by frame, and found a clear picture of the car’s license plate number. The driver was charged with leaving the scene of an accident. Mr. Wilder says that the camera is not just a good deterrent for drivers – it helps him make safer choices, too. “I know my actions before and after some event are going to be recorded if I’m the one being a jerk,” he told the Times. Gary Souza, also interviewed by the NY Times, used his camera to ward off a physical altercation. Mr. Souza had crossed in front of a car to make a turn, and the driver got out of his car to confront the cyclist. Instead of yelling back, Souza pointed to his helmet camera. “I said, ‘Don’t be stupid,’ … He quickly ran back to his car. I’m certain I avoided a couple blows.” In an interview with the Fraser Coast Chronicle, Jan Swanepoel says he uses his helmet camera like a form of insurance – “you get it but you hope you never have to use it.” “The other day I had a truck passing me and he just started coming closer and closer and almost ran me off the road,” he said. The tiny cameras were originally marketed for skiers, snowboarders, kayakers, BMX bikers – anyone who wanted to document their extreme sport. But, as the cost of the cameras falls below $200, more and more cyclists are able to afford them, and use them to not only capture a beautiful view of their city, but to keep themselves safe. David Behroozi, quoted on the Cascade Bicycle Club’s blog, says, ““They are great to use as a black box for evidence.” The cameras have so far proven very useful for general road safety. Not only are cyclists assured they have legal recourse, but their own aggressive behaviors will be equally recorded, and therefore they make safer decisions. Perhaps, with this unbiased digital third party, the war between cyclists and drivers will come to a peaceful resolution. If you are unsure of your rig
This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) Adobe Authorware (previously Macromedia Authorware, originally Authorware) was an e
This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) Adobe Authorware (previously Macromedia Authorware, originally Authorware) was an elearning authoring tool with its own interpreted, flowchart-based, graphical programming language. Authorware was used for creating interactive elearning programs that could integrate a range of multimedia content, particularly electronic educational technology (also called e-learning) applications. The flowchart model differentiated Authorware from other authoring tools, such as Adobe Flash and Adobe Director, which rely on a visual stage, time-line and script structure. Authorware was originally produced by Authorware Inc., founded in 1987 by Dr Michael Allen. Allen had contributed to the development of the PLATO computer-assisted instruction system during the 1970s that was developed jointly by the University of Illinois and Control Data Corporation. CDC, where Allen was Director of Advanced Instructional Systems R&D, invested heavily in the development of an expansive library of interactive "courseware" to run on the PLATO system. PLATO courseware was developed in a unique programming language called TUTOR, which provided structures unique to learning interactions, such as answer judging and branching. TUTOR programmers were able to build powerful scripted systems that included simulations and games. However, despite the intent to create a special-purpose programming language usable by educators, and the decades of work that went into it, the TUTOR language was not easy to learn. Authorware started as a system aimed at addressing the problems in TUTOR. Originally titled Course of Action (CoA), it was a Macintosh-only program, but produced runtime programs for both the Mac and DOS. Authorware came later and produced DOS runtime versions until the release of the first Microsoft Windows version. Authorware used a visual interface with icons, representing essential components of the interactive learning experience. "Authors" placed icons along a “flowline” to create a sequence of events. Icons represented such components as Display—put something on the screen, Question—ask the learner for a response, Calc—perform a calculation, read data, and/or store data, and Animate—move something around on the screen. By simply placing the icons in sequence and adjusting their properties, authors could instantly see the structure of program they were creating and, most importantly, run it to see what learners would see. On-screen changes were easy to make, even while the program was running. It was generally known in the Authorware development community that version 8.0 was in production prior to the merger between the two companies, with 4 beta versions released to external testing shortly before the merger was completed. Among several other features intended for the new version, the ability to publish to Flash's SWF (ShockWave Flash) was at the top of the list. Once production shifted to Adobe's off-shore development facility in Bangalore, India, the free-flow of information that had been enjoyed between Macromedia's engineering team and its beta testers was curtailed. On Friday, 3 August 2007, after several years of keeping the development community in limbo, Adobe finally announced its plans to discontinue development of Authorware. Usage and features Authorware's distinctive style revolved around a central icon: the Interaction Icon. The structure of the authoring environment encouraged rich interaction; complex user feed-back was not only possible but somewhat suggested by the software, rather than suggesting the usual media diffusion. This Interaction Icon allowed various forms of user feedback (move object to, along a line, click an object or hot-spot; plus the usual text-entry, keypress, etc.) The original strength in education of Authorware could be linked to its roots in pedagogical models based on constructivist views. Authorware programs could be distributed as stand-alone executable files, or over the web which required a proprietary Authorware Web Player. Adobe also distributed free stand-alone players for Mac and Windows. Use in eLearning Authorware was particularly well suited to eLearning content, as it included highly customizable templates for Computer-based training and web-based training, including learning assessment tools. Working with these templates, businesses and schools could rapidly assemble multimedia training materials without needing to hire a full-fledged programmer. Intuitively named dialog boxes took care of input and output. The flow chart model made the re-use of lesson elements straightforward. Being both AICC- and SCORM-compliant, Authorware can be used to deliver content via any Learning Management System that supported AICC or SCORM. In Adobe's lineup of authoring tools, Adobe Captivate eventually became the flagship product. Authorware was officia
Exactly what are Tooth Implants? Oral implants are metal posts or frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone below your gums. Once in place, they enable your dentist to mount replacement teeth onto them. How do Tooth Implants Work
Exactly what are Tooth Implants? Oral implants are metal posts or frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone below your gums. Once in place, they enable your dentist to mount replacement teeth onto them. How do Tooth Implants Work? Since implants fuse to your jawbone, they supply steady support for artificial teeth. Dentures and bridges mounted to implants won’t slip or shift in your mouth– a specifically important benefit when eating and speaking. This secure fit helps the dentures and bridges– in addition to individual crowns placed over implants– feel more natural than traditional bridges or dentures. For some people, normal bridges and dentures are simply not comfortable and even possible, due to sore spots, bad ridges or gagging. In addition, common bridges must be connected to teeth on either side of the space left by the missing tooth. A benefit of implants is that no surrounding teeth have to be ready or ground down to hold your brand-new replacement tooth/teeth in place. To receive implants, you need to have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. You need to also devote to keeping these structures healthy. Meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental sees are important to the long-term success of dental implants. Implants are usually more pricey than other methods of tooth replacement, and many insurance providers typically cover less than 10 percent of the costs. The American Dental Association thinks about two types of implants to be safe. - Endosteal Implants– these are surgically implanted directly into the jawbone. Once the surrounding gum tissue has actually healed, a second surgical treatment is had to connect a post to the initial implant. Lastly, a synthetic tooth (or teeth) is connected to the post-individually, or organized on a bridge or denture. - Subperiosteal Implants– these consist of a metal frame that is fitted onto the jawbone simply listed below the gum tissue. As the gums heal, the frame ends up being fixed to the jawbone. Posts, which are connected to the frame, protrude through the gums. As with endosteal implants, synthetic teeth are then installed to the posts. To learn more on dental implants you can call ORMSBY DENTAL at 801-407-9956.
Is it possible for a possum to devour a kitten? On a typical day, a possum will not consume a kitten. Possums are timid, shy, and avoid conflict. Their meals include both plant and animal materials, although they
Is it possible for a possum to devour a kitten? On a typical day, a possum will not consume a kitten. Possums are timid, shy, and avoid conflict. Their meals include both plant and animal materials, although they will not intentionally seek and kill a kitten. They will kill and consume a kitten only if there is nothing else available to eat. Possums are hostile against cats. Opossums do not hunt cats or other bigger animals, although they will fight them if trapped or if they are vying for food. By consuming nuts, berries, fruits, and grapes, opossums devastate household gardens. Possums sleep in a variety of locations. >> Opossums in Virginia are nocturnal (most active at night). They spend the day sleeping in a den formed by a hollow tree or an abandoned rodent tunnel. Will A Possum Kill A Cat – RELATED QUESTIONS Do wild cats and possums get along? Opossums and cats get along very well since they are non-threatening and non-aggressive. They are gentle animals that want food and shelter just like everyone else and are widely welcomed. Are possums a beneficial addition to the household? Opossums are omnivorous and useful to people since they do minimal harm and eat pest insects, snails, and slugs. Among the several advantageous characteristics of opossums are the following: Keeping communities free of cockroaches, rats, and mice. Which animal preys on possums? Large owls, fox, coyotes, wolves, and bobcats all hunt on adult possums. Frequently, though, the young are preyed upon by a large number of predators. Can cats get leptospirosis? Leptospires are spread by direct or indirect contact. Cats get infected mostly via eating on natural reservoir hosts, such as rodents. Additionally, cats might be exposed to the urine of cohabiting dogs. Transmission by contact with water is less common in cats. What predator is responsible for the deaths of cats? Cougars, wolves, and coyotes are all large predatory creatures that feed on cats. Additionally, numerous tiny creatures chase cats for food, including eagles, snakes (venomous and constrictors), hawks, and owls. Additionally, although certain dog breeds may seek cats for food, domesticated dogs seldom do so. What entices possums to congregate in your yard? They are drawn to your yard when there is an abundance of food, so keeping food leftovers in your waste will undoubtedly attract them. Typically, these animals are drawn to odorous and overflowing trash cans, to any containers left outside, or to exposed compost piles. When do possums emerge? Because opossums are nocturnal, sleeping during the day and emerging at night, the likelihood of a tiny kid coming into touch with an opossum is remote. Opossums like dark, isolated areas to sleep. Possums hide in a variety of locations within a home. Opossums seek sanctuary in attics because they are warm and dry. Many homeowners who live in or near forested regions discover opossums in their attics, which may be a frightening discovery. It is critical to inspect for potential access points around your house to guarantee that no opossums return in its place after the opossum is eliminated. Where do possums spend their days? Behavior. Generally solitary, opossums avoid contact with one another unless during the late winter mating season. They are nocturnal and spend their days in hollow tree trunks, rock crevices, behind brush piles, or in burrows. What are possums’ pet peeves? Possums despise the odors of naphthalene and ammonia, yet both are prohibited in the majority of states in the United States. This is because they are poisonous and have the potential to harm the soil. Nonetheless, there are several totally legal repellents you may use. Possums deter rats, correct? Although opossums are considered a nuisance in certain locations with dense populations, they offer natural pest management. According to the National Wildlife Foundation, they hunt and consume mice, rats, and cockroaches, as well as snails, slugs, and other garden pests. How can I keep predators away from my outdoor cats? Provide cats with escape routes. In places devoid of trees or open space, install “cat posts”—long pieces of wood (four inches by four inches or corner posts) that protrude at least ten to twelve feet from the ground. Cats, but not coyotes, can scale them. Elevate feeding stations out of reach of coyotes—but not of cats. How can I keep possums out of the house where my cats live? I discovered that utilizing bright solar motion spot lights deters raccoons and opossums. Since installing them, I have not had one. They still attempt to come around on occasion, but the strong ligh
Family Violence Initiative COMPENDIUM OF PROMISING PRACTICES TO REDUCE VIOLENCE AND INCREASE SAFETY OF ABORIGINAL WOMEN IN CANADA – COMPENDIUM ANNEX: DETAILED PRACTICE DESCRIPTIONS INTERACTIONS WITHIN COMMUNITIES Healthy Relationships: Children and Youth - Program name: Walking the Path Together Alberta Council of Women's Shelters (ACWS) - Target Group: Girls and Boys between the ages of 6 and 8. - Contact Name: The program started in July 2009. It is still on-going but ends on June 30, 2012 – as it was a 3-year pilot project. The Alberta Council of Women's Shelters is trying to get an extension of the program. - Goals & Objectives: To end the intergenerational cycle of violence with the children, so that when they grow older, they're not accepting violence in any of their relationships or as part of their lives; and to increase their appreciation and sense of pride of their First Nations heritage - Traditional/Indigenous ways: The program focuses on a traditional Indigenous philosophy to achieve its goals. The staff are trained using Medicine Wheel teachings, talking circles and there is an inclusion of Elders as mentors. The workers in the community are called Eagle Feather workers and they report to the women's shelter Executive Directors (EDs) in their communities. - Components of program: The program is designed to teach young girls and boys not to accept violence in their relationships with other children, siblings, and caregivers. There are also life skills and domestic abuse workshops available through women's shelters offered to adult women. The workers in the program report directly to the Executive Directors of their communities. Program direction is arrived at through consensus of the stakeholders (program directors, workers and the community involved in the program). When a woman comes into a shelter, a danger assessment tool is used to rate the risk of lethality in her situation. People can be certified to deliver this assessment, and it's a part of the program's process to ensure the safety of women and the workers; since workers do home visits, take children to events like powwows, visit with parents, and accompany clients on other appointments. The program works to ensure that all staff are safe too. - Services/How they work: Services are provided on site at the facility. Funding provided by the Department of Justice Canada; the Department of Public Safety's National Crime Prevention Centre; and the Alberta Safe Communities Innovative Funds (SCIF) Relationships and Stakeholders - Involvement of Target Groups: Community directors plan their activities and involve women and men as to what workshops they administer, and program workers go into the communities and meet with participants to receive their feedback. Some shelters establish very good working relationships with schools, the RCMP, and child welfare but every community is different. The program works closely with all the communities that are their program partners. The Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC); Ermineskin Women's Shelter Society (Maskwaci); Bigstone Cree Nation Women's Emergency Shelter (Wabasca); Paspew House Women's Shelter (Fort Chipewayan); Sucker Creek Emergency Women's Shelter (Enilda); and the Eagle's Nest Stoney Family Shelter (Morley); the Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System. - Other relationships: John Hopkins School of Nursing, Baltimore, who created the danger assessment tool used in all the women's shelters in Alberta. Details of Program Evaluation No evaluation has been completed. - Highlights of Evaluation Findings: - Measures of Success: The program's success is measured against the ability of clients to make better life choices once services have been provided to them. Children in the program have left gangs, returned to school and become involved in sports. Parents have overcome their addictions and become stronger caregivers. Difficulty in building a partnership with Child Welfare Services. Things to Know to Replicate - Replication Advice: The program is considered replicable. Networking and collaboration among other agencies is needed to ensure th
Food allergies in dogs: Vet's guide to symptoms and treatment Food allergies in dogs can cause constant itching – here’s what to do about it If your dog has been an itchy mess during all seasons of the year, it is possible
Food allergies in dogs: Vet's guide to symptoms and treatment Food allergies in dogs can cause constant itching – here’s what to do about it If your dog has been an itchy mess during all seasons of the year, it is possible that a food allergy is to blame. Skin problems are one of the most common reasons why dogs are brought to the veterinary clinic every year and many pet owners are all too familiar with their dog’s constant licking and scratching. Although food allergies are much less common in dogs than pet food ads would have you believe, they are still a significant cause for concern. It’s worth considering the best dog food for allergies if your vet has diagnosed your pet with the condition. Food allergies can leave your dog’s skin itchy, red, irritated, and uncomfortable, and can also lead to digestive problems such as diarrhea, flatulence, and weight loss. If you suspect that food allergies may be affecting your pup, read on to learn more about this important canine condition and what you can do to help your dog. - Chicken allergy in dogs: A vet's guide - Four common allergies in dogs - Three common food allergies in pets What is a food allergy? A food allergy, better defined as an “adverse food reaction”, is an abnormal response to the ingestion of a particular food or food additive. The body incorrectly identifies the food molecules as an antigen, or a threat, and mounts an immune response against them, leading to symptoms like itchy skin or diarrhea in dogs. Food allergies most often develop after prolonged exposure to one type of food. In dogs, the most common food allergens are beef, chicken, lamb, and wheat. Allergies to soybean, milk, eggs, corn, walnuts, and possibly peanuts have also been reported. Dogs that have developed an allergy to one type of food may also develop allergies to additional foods in the future. Symptoms of food allergies in dogs Food allergies most commonly affect the skin in dogs, and one of the most common symptoms of food allergies in dogs is itching, often occurring year round. Dogs with food allergies may also have recurrent skin infections, hair loss from frequent scratching or licking, and pustules, crusting, or excoriations of the skin. Many dogs with food allergies also have ear infections, often recurrent. However, other conditions, such as Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD) can also present with the exact same symptoms, so it is important not to self-diagnose your dog with food allergies based on appearance alone. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, it is essential to see your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Gastrointestinal symptoms of food allergies in dogs Although skin symptoms are the most common manifestation of food allergies, some dogs do display gastrointestinal symptoms, or a combination of both skin and gastrointestinal symptoms. Dogs with gastrointestinal symptoms typically display signs such as diarrhea, increased number of defecations in a day, flatulence, vomiting, drooling, weight loss, and abdominal discomfort. As with skin symptoms, these gastrointestinal symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, so it is important to see your veterinarian if you notice any of these signs or suspect your dog may have food allergies. Your veterinarian will help you take the appropriate steps to diagnose your dog with food allergies. Diagnosing food allergies in dogs Although many companies claim to offer blood, saliva, or hair sample tests to diagnose food allergies, none of these tests are actually reliable. The only way to accurately diagnose food allergies is by performing an elimination diet trial. This involves putting the dog on a strict diet based on either a novel protein – something the dog has never had before – or a hydrolyzed protein, in which the proteins are broken down into smaller fragments. The dog must eat this diet and no other foods or treats for a minimum of 8 weeks. If the patient’s symptoms have improved during the 8 week diet trial, then a diet challenge is performed. This involves reintroducing the dog’s original diet to see if the symptoms return. If the symptoms return within 14 days of restarting the original diet, the patient is diagnosed with a food allergy. Treating food allergies in dogs Unfortunately, there’s no cure for food allergies in dogs, and no simple pill to fix the problem, either. If your dog is diagnosed with food allergies, he will need to eat a special diet for the rest of his life. In some cases, it is possible to identify which specific foods the dog is allergic to by performing diet challenges with different ingredients. In most cases, we never know for sure exactly which ingredients the dog is allergic to. These allergic dogs are treated by feeding a prescription veterinary hypoallergenic diet for the rest of the dog’s life. This decreases or often even eliminates the symptoms of food allergies, allowing the patient to live a normal, comfortable life. Over the counter diets claim
Posted: November 7th, 2016 APA style paper A written summary of the clinical experience on OR unit during open surgery – appendectomy with everything done proper way without any complications The written summary is to include the student’s thoughts and
Posted: November 7th, 2016 APA style paper A written summary of the clinical experience on OR unit during open surgery – appendectomy with everything done proper way without any complications The written summary is to include the student’s thoughts and observations 1. Describe how the nurse prepares a patient for surgery or endoscopic procedure, including physical, psychological, and legal aspects. 2. Observe the care of the individual during the operation or procedure and determine the nursing priorities for the observed patients. 3. Identify the roles of the nurse in each phase of the perioperative or endoscopic period. 4. Describe the measures used to promote safety during the perioperative or endoscopic period. Including specific measures to protect the patient during the procedure. 5. Assist with the immediate care of the patient in the PACU or post procedure, if allowed. A description of the type of surgery b. Identification of two nursing diagnoses that apply to the patient c. Describe the role of the circulating nurse d. Describe the role of the scrub tech, if in the OR. e. Describe the type of anesthesia administered to the patient and the patient’s response to the anesthetic f. Describe the use of sterile technique in the operating room g. Discuss how the dignity and privacy of the patient is maintained Place an order in 3 easy steps. Takes less than 5 mins.
Read below for answers to the top frequently asked questions about pediatric dentistry. - Is nitrous oxide (laughing gas)safe? - What is so important about baby teeth anyway if they just end up falling out? - What type of
Read below for answers to the top frequently asked questions about pediatric dentistry. - Is nitrous oxide (laughing gas)safe? - What is so important about baby teeth anyway if they just end up falling out? - What type of toothpaste should my child be using when brushing his or her teeth? - Should I be flossing my child’s teeth? - My child grinds his teeth at night. It’s so bad, I can hear it from the other room. What do I do? - My child is extremely active in sports. Should she wear a mouth guard? - Why is fluoride important for my child’s teeth? - How often should my child be seen for cleanings and checkups? - When will my child get her first baby tooth? When will she start losing baby teeth and growing permanent teeth? - Are you a pediatric dentist near me? Q: How often do x-rays need to be taken on my child? A: How often x-rays are taken depends on the individual needs of each patient. Because x-rays provide information that can’t be seen from a visual exam alone, they allow the dentist to track development as well as detect tooth decay. Generally speaking, we will attempt a child’s first x-rays around the age of 3-5 years. X-rays tell us when cavities are starting to form in between the teeth before we can see them on a visual exam, giving the Pediatric Dentist the opportunity to be one step ahead! X-rays are typically taken every 1-2 years, depending on your child’s previous cavity history. Q: Is nitrous oxide (laughing gas) safe? A: Yes. Nitrous oxide is a colorless and odorless gas which is inhaled through a rubber breathing mask that sits over the patient’s nose. It is often the perfect adjunct to other forms of pain relief and anxiety management, which is why is it commonly used in the dental office. When on nitrous oxide, the patient is still awake and responds normally to conversation. All vital signs remain stable and there is no significant risk of losing protective reflexes (like the ability to cough). The amount of nitrous oxide delivered to each patient can easily be adjusted by the dentist and can be quickly turned on and off. Once turned off, the patient is allowed to breathe 100% oxygen, and the nitrous oxide is flushed out of the patient’s lungs almost instantaneously. Q: What is so important about baby teeth anyway if they just end up falling out? A: Yes, baby teeth do ultimately end up falling out, but they serve many important functions until they are lost. First and foremost, baby teeth are important for eating and chewing. In addition to making any smile a happy and beautiful one, baby teeth also help in speech development. Perhaps most important of all, baby teeth reserve space for the developing permanent teeth growing below the surface and help guide them into the proper place for eruption. If baby teeth are lost before the permanent teeth are ready to erupt, the teeth that are already in the mouth can drift into a different spot and the permanent teeth that will eventually grow in can get off track and wind up in the wrong spot or stuck. This can lead to additional orthodontic work (often braces) later on for your child. Q: What type of toothpaste should my child be using when brushing his or her teeth? A: There are so many types, flavors, and brands of toothpaste out there, it’s important to find one that your child actually likes. We encourage all patients to use toothpaste that has fluoride in it to help strengthen the enamel. Because we are expecting most young children to swallow the toothpaste, the amount of toothpaste you are using is actually the most important part. For children less than 2 years, we recommend just a “smear” of toothpaste, equal to the size of a grain of rice. For children 2-5 years, we recommend a “pea-sized” amount. Once children are able to spit at the sink, you can bump up the amount of toothpaste applied. Q: Should I be flossing my child’s teeth? A: If your child’s teeth are touching (meaning no gaps in between their teeth), then yes, you should be flossing. Flossing helps remove food debris, eliminates cavity-causing plaque, and helps protect gums from gingivitis and gum disease. We recommend trying both the hand-held flossers with the little plastic handles and traditional floss to see what works best in your hands. Q: My child grinds his teeth at night. It’s so bad, I can hear it from the other room. What do I do? A: Don’t worry. Grinding is extremely common in children and has few negative effects on a growing child. The reasons why children grind varies from person to person. The good news is most children outgrow this grinding phase as they get more permanent teeth. If you’re extremely worried, talk to us about it at your next visit, and we will check to make sure there have been no detrimental effects that have occurred to your child’s teeth or jaw joint. Q: My child is ex
Domino is a game where players take turns to add dominoes to a platform. The player with the most number of pips on his or her tiles wins. Various domino games have different rules. The game of dominoes was
Domino is a game where players take turns to add dominoes to a platform. The player with the most number of pips on his or her tiles wins. Various domino games have different rules. The game of dominoes was first invented in Italy during the 18th century. It was later brought to France and Britain by French prisoners of war. In the mid-18th century, the game began to become a fad in France. Traditionally, European dominoes are made from bone or dark hardwood. The backs are usually blank. This may be done as a decorative feature. Some domino sets are made of mother of pearl oyster shell or silver lip ocean pearl. There are also dominoes that are painted or decorated. However, most are not. To play a game of dominoes, the first player draws one tile from a set of six. These are then placed face down on the table. They must be in a certain way so that the number of pips on both ends of the chain match. Before playing, the next player must put one of the ends of the domino against part of the first tile. This is sometimes called the chicken foot. When a player plays a domino with the same number on both ends, it is referred to as “stitched up.” Before the players begin, they must agree on a target score. For example, if there are six players, the first person to reach the target will win the game. A number of rounds can be played until a predetermined point limit is reached. After the points are tallied, the winner is decided. Usually, the game involves giggling and shouting. The first player lays the chosen tile in the middle of the table. Another player takes the next turn, which is either to the right or left of the 6-6 tile. If the first player chips out, he or she is done with the game. Each player takes a turn, and tries to make the tower as stable as possible. Depending on the game, the first player makes the decision by drawing lots or by determining by the weight of his or her hand. Normally, the game starts with a platform of 3 or 4 dominoes. One player moves the tiles in a random fashion. Players take turns adding more tiles to a line, or in the case of a domino game, a whole row. Until one player knocks out his or her opponent, the player in the other position can rap the table and block the opponent’s play. Once a player knocks out an opponent, he or she can lay the tiles on the platform. The second player then chooses a tile, which is typically a high double. He or she then adds it to a line, and the rest of the tiles are laid out in an alternating pattern, creating the picture on the back of the domino. Doubles are counted as one or two, depending on whether they are positioned on the same side of the chain as the player. Alternatively, they may be positioned cross-ways across the end of the chain.
Captive Imagination: Early American Captivity Narratives and the Citizen of Democracy Near the end of her famous 1682 Indian captivity narrative Mary Rowlandson poetically testifies, “When others are sleeping mine eyes are weeping.”
Captive Imagination: Early American Captivity Narratives and the Citizen of Democracy Near the end of her famous 1682 Indian captivity narrative Mary Rowlandson poetically testifies, “When others are sleeping mine eyes are weeping.” In a time of rejoicing for her “restoration” she pauses to observe a fissure in her smooth repatriation to Puritan society. Such moments are not uncommon in the thousands of North American narratives about the capture and captivity of whites by Indians. Captivity narratives were popular in Early America with Rowlandson’s story alone yielding five editions by 1720 and fifteen by 1800. They wielded substantial influence over the development of American literature and identity. With the vast majority of extant captivity narratives by or about women, Puritan propagandists offered them as evidence of the menace Indians posed to white womanhood. Such narratives have served to cement racial identities and divisions as well as to reassert gender hierarchies through the common tropes of “redemption” and “restoration.” Alternatively, captivity narratives have been cast as religious testimonies of spiritual triumph. Despite this pattern of politicized manipulation, the narratives themselves remain, and they offer glimpses of critical cultural exchange between English settlers and Native Americans. Far from self-explanatory factual chronicles, captivity narratives exhibit pronounced social ambivalence. The experiences described kindle the captive consciousness irreversibly, and thus enable the imagination of a more mutable relationship between self and society. What, for instance, is the precise content and contour of Mary Rowlandson’s weeping wakefulness? What specifically has she awakened
Foreign exchange reserves Foreign exchange reserves are stockpiles of foreign currencies held by governments. Foreign exchange reserves are exactly that - stockpiles of foreign currencies held by governments. For many countries, especially in the emerging markets, the official foreign exchange
Foreign exchange reserves Foreign exchange reserves are stockpiles of foreign currencies held by governments. Foreign exchange reserves are exactly that - stockpiles of foreign currencies held by governments. For many countries, especially in the emerging markets, the official foreign exchange reserves are both a major national asset and a crucial tool of monetary and exchange-rate policy, particularly in countries vulnerable to financial crises. In many emerging markets, for example, a devaluation of a country's currency raises the cost of imports (and hence causes inflation) and of paying back debt denominated in foreign currency. With a large stockpile of reserves, a country's central bank can buy up its own currency in the foreign capital markets, helping to maintain its value. Large reserves are therefore considered to be an indication that a country's economy is capable of relative stability. There is some debate about how much a country should hold in its reserves. Critics say that holding a lot of reserves is costly - the money could be put to better use making real investments in the economy, such as building roads. Others point out that this cost is nothing compared to the cost of a currency crisis should reserves get depleted.
TRaNSforM working definition of open-mindedness Co-ordinating partner United Kingdom Open-mindedness engenders a willingness to question current thinking and practice, to be receptive to emerging possibilities, to share ideas and to consider differing perspectives
TRaNSforM working definition of open-mindedness Co-ordinating partner United Kingdom Open-mindedness engenders a willingness to question current thinking and practice, to be receptive to emerging possibilities, to share ideas and to consider differing perspectives. It is a willingness to learn about difference, and treat each person as an individual in a way that can ultimately reinforce behavioural understanding of culture. Listening to different opinions and explanations carefully and sincerely without prejudices. Open-mindedness is a mind that is open to revising firmly held views on the basis of evidence and having a respect for the opinions of other people, as well as understanding and comprehending their opinions. Open-mindedness within health care relates to the ability to draw attention away from social conditions and power differentials that underlie health inequalities. Open-mindedness in nursing is to have few or no stereotypic beliefs about cultural differences. It expresses the tolerance of the person for different approaches and sensitiveness for their own mistakes. In this dimension, the individual takes the opinions of other people into consideration as well, while making any decision. Whatever is strange should be regarded and evaluated not as a threat, but as enriching and enlightening. Explanation from partners Open-mindedness in nursing is to have less or none stereotypic beliefs about cultural differences (Hello et al, 2006) Open mindedness in health care relates to the ability to draw attention away from social conditions and power differentials that underlie health inequalities (Jenks, 2011). Open-mindedness in nursing is a requirement for autonomy and the ability to be committed to a view but open to the possibility that it may be wrong. Open-mindedness is a mind that is open to revising firmly held views on the basis of evidence (Riggs, 2010). Being “open-minded" is a willingness to learn about difference, and treat each person as an individual in a way that can ultimately reinforce behavioural understanding of culture (Sellman, 2003). Open-mindedness means that you and the field can spell out new ideas that can mean the end of basic principles, underlying ways of thinking, canons and dictums that you and the field take for granted (Mahrer, 2007). It is vital to perceive others as different and as the same – something that is ruled out by both hierarchical ordering and universal equality. Whatever is strange should be regarded and evaluated not as a threat, as something that brings disintegration and fragmentation in its train, but as enriching in the first place (Beck and Grande, 2007, p.71). Open-mindedness engenders a willingness to question current thinking and practice, to be receptive to emerging possibilities, to share ideas and to consider differing perspectives (Cegarra-Navarro and Cepeda-Carrión, 2008) In Germany, the term open-mindedness (Offenheit) is predominantly found in the context of professional relationship, empathy and teamwork and considered to be a major part in the relationship process, particularly emphasising intercultural and interdisciplinary teams. It is of particular importance in the “new understanding” of culture, pointing at its dynamic and process character (Kunze, 2011, pp.16). Regarding nursing professions, Domenig (2007) describes transcultural competence as “the ability to perceive and understand individual realities (Lebenswelten) in a particular s
What to Do if You Have an Anxiety Attack Have you ever had an anxiety attack and didn’t really know how to handle it? Anxiety attacks, also known as anxiety, panic, or panic attacks, are episodes of fear, anxiety, or
What to Do if You Have an Anxiety Attack Have you ever had an anxiety attack and didn’t really know how to handle it? Anxiety attacks, also known as anxiety, panic, or panic attacks, are episodes of fear, anxiety, or intense discomfort that cause a series of physical and psychological symptoms. These include palpitations, breathing difficulties, fear of losing control or going crazy or even dying. In this article, we offer you some ideas on what to do if you suffer an anxiety attack. It’s important to try and stay calm, find a safe place, and, above all, to focus on your breathing (or an external object, to decentralize your attention). An anxiety attack is defined in the DSM-5 as the sudden appearance of intense fear/discomfort that reaches its maximum expression in minutes. During this time, four (or more) symptoms occur. These include palpitations, sweating, tremors or shaking, feelings of suffocation, chest pain or discomfort, etc. Antonio Cano Vindel is a Professor of Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid and president of the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress. He states that anxiety attacks are ‘ extreme emotional reactions of alarm that produce fear’. This type of crisis is related to moments of stress or traumatic events. However, not all anxiety attacks are triggered by an identifiable cause. In other words, they can arise in times of calm as well as stress. What to do if you have an anxiety attack Keep in mind that an anxiety attack will, sooner or later disappear. However, in the meantime, you can take small actions so that the fear and anguish you feel are reduced and disappear sooner. Keep in mind that the initial goal is to get you to stop thinking about your symptoms. Therefore, try to breathe slowly and focus your attention on elements other than your symptoms and thoughts. 1. Breathe calmly At this point, you don’t have to breathe very deeply. You just need to control your breathing. This process is usually automatic. However, what you’re doing is regulating it in a way that’s opposite to how it would be automatically regulated in the face of a real threat. You can try the following: Inhale the air for two or three seconds. Hold it for two or three more and exhale progressively. You’ll soon see how repeating this exercise allows you to control your breathing. Consequently, it gradually reduces your symptoms of anxiety. “Feelings come and go, like cloud
As the snow melts, it’s time to prepare for the busy spring gardening season. Here are some tips to follow before spring is fully upon us. One of the key things to do in the garden during winter is mulching. Mulching helps
As the snow melts, it’s time to prepare for the busy spring gardening season. Here are some tips to follow before spring is fully upon us. One of the key things to do in the garden during winter is mulching. Mulching helps to protect plants from harsh weather conditions and keeps the soil from freezing. It is important to use organic mulch, such as leaves, straw, or wood chips, to prevent the soil from becoming compacted. Another important task to complete in winter is to prune trees and shrubs. This will help them to grow healthy and strong in the spring. Pruning should be done right after the leaves fall from the trees, as this will make it easier to see which branches need to be cut. Compost Your Soil In addition to the tasks mentioned above, other things can be done in winter to help prepare the garden for the spring. One is to add compost to the soil. Compost helps to improve the structure of the soil, while also adding nutrients that help plants to grow. Another is to cover any flower beds with a layer of straw. This will help to keep the soil from freezing and protect the plants from the weather. Clean Up Your Flower Beds When the weather starts to warm up in the spring, you should remove straw and other debris from your flower beds. This will allow the soil to warm up and start to grow. Once the soil is warm, it is time to start planting. The best time to plant flowers and vegetables is early in the morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler. By preparing the garden in winter, gardeners can ensure that they will have a beautiful landscape to enjoy in the spring. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you prepare your garden for the spring.
- What is Meant by Foundation of a Structure? - Why Should Structures have Sound Foundations? - Types of Foundation Building Materials - Properties of Good Foundation Building Materials - How to Choose the Right Foundation Material for Your Structure? - General Design
- What is Meant by Foundation of a Structure? - Why Should Structures have Sound Foundations? - Types of Foundation Building Materials - Properties of Good Foundation Building Materials - How to Choose the Right Foundation Material for Your Structure? - General Design Requirements for Foundations - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What is Meant by Foundation of a Structure? Whenever a structure is to be built on ground, its construction cannot simply begin from the ground level. The reason being that firstly, the natural ground is uneven and offers little friction and secondly, the structure will not remain stable for a long time and any lateral force will topple it or overturn it about its base. Therefore, it is important to construct a substructure below the ground level and strength it such that it not only imparts stability to the superstructure but also makes it capable to bear the applied loading. This substructure of a building is termed as its foundation. Foundations of buildings need to be strong and durable and they should be capable of bearing the applied pressure. Depending upon the intensity of applied loading, we have different types of foundations made from different building materials. Apart from the structural design of foundations, the type of material you choose is an important decision to make. Most of the buildings have shallow foundations made from concrete or masonry. However, for large projects, a detailed site investigation and a very strong foundation base are necessary. Why Should Structures have Sound Foundations? Imagine constructing a wall or column on the ground without making provision for its foundation. Even if you embed the column or wall a few feet below the ground level, the structure’s loading will punch it deeper into the ground. This is because the contact dimensions of wall or column are very less and once the structure is brought to serviceability, the increased pressure due to less contact area will cause them to punch into the ground. Therefore, the basic concept of a foundation is to provide an enlarged area underneath your superstructure (wall, column, etc.). The enlargement of the base area of a wall or column reduces the contact pressure between the foundation and soil. This prevents excessive settlement and shear failure. It is important for buildings and other structures to have a sound foundation for the following reasons; - A sound foundation ensures the safety and stability of structure and will prevent it from collapsing, tilting, overturning, sliding or other failure types that tend to decrease the serviceability of the structure. - A sound foundation also ensures that the building or structure will remain standing and functional for its service life. - It also helps protect the building from environmental hazards such as earthquakes, flooding, high lateral wind forces, etc. - A good foundation helps prevent structural damage caused by settlement, cracking, etc. - Sound foundations also maintain the value of the building over time. Any building that has a poor or weak foundation will end up in failure in case of unanticipated circumstances. Types of Foundation Building Materials Concrete is the most widely used foundation material for all types of foundations, be it a shallow foundation or deep foundation. The relative proportions of various ingredients of concrete (cement, sand, crushed stones, water) can be varied to produce concrete foundations of different strengths and load-bearing capacities. The foundations made from concrete may or may not be reinforced. Raft or mat foundations are heavily reinforced and used when either the neighboring soil is weak or the applied pressure is very large. In addition, concrete is also an excellent material for deep foundations such as piles, caissons, etc. that are also reinforced with steel and extend to a greater depth below the ground. The purpose of deep foundations is to bear heavy loading as in case of a bridge, flyover, etc. The use of concrete is various shallow foundations has made it a versatile foundation material. In this case, either spread foundations, strip foundations, or strap foundations may be provided. In case of spread foundations, a concrete pad is placed underneath the columns that extend into the ground and rest on the pads. For small structures, the concrete pads are made from lean concrete (without any reinforcement) and depending upon the dimensions of the column, the shape and size of the pad is designed. Strip or continuous concrete foundations made from concrete are provided underneath walls and extend along the length of the wall. The wall can either be a masonry wall or a concrete wall. Strap foundations are also made from concrete and comprise two spread foundations connected by a strap beam. This is used to prevent overturning if load on any one of the spread foundations is heavier than that on the other. Precast concrete blocks laid in mortar can also be used a foundation material. Concrete slab-on-grade foundation consists of pouring concrete directly onto the ground and this foundation type may be preferred for warmer climates. Similarly, you may also design a poured wall foundation. In this type, concrete in poured to form walls that act as foundation. Masonry or brick foundations are very common for residential buildings and are mostly used for structures not subjected to heavy loading. They are strong and durable and provide good insulation. Masonry foundation is generally provided in layers and the foundation area increases as we move in the downward direction. These types of foundations are not preferred for massive structures and in areas that are prone to earthquakes or other seismic events. Well-graded and well-compacted soil may or may not be made from a fill material can also be used as a foundation material. The properties of the soil are to be considered carefully because all the structures we build over the Earth’s surface, the pressure eventually gets distributed to the soil. I
People with kidney issues can get a kidney transplant from a donor. People with heart issues can get a heart transplant from a donor. People with liver issues … Well, you get the picture. People with type 1 diabetes have “pancreas
People with kidney issues can get a kidney transplant from a donor. People with heart issues can get a heart transplant from a donor. People with liver issues … Well, you get the picture. People with type 1 diabetes have “pancreas issues.” More specifically, they have issues with the endocrine, or insulin-producing, function of the pancreas because their immune systems have destroyed the islet cells (even more specifically, the beta cells of pancreatic islets) that produce this vital hormone. Transplantation using donor islets has been available for a while now. Several type 1s have had the procedure and are living free of insulin injections for more than a decade. One of the shortcomings, however, is that there has always been a limited supply of islets because there has been a shortage of pancreas donors. BMP-7: Offering a new hope DRI scientists now have new research that might be the solution to the cell shortage. They have successfully turned non-insulin producing cells of the pancreas into insulin-producing cells. As published in the December 2015 issue of Diabetes, the DRI used an FDA-approved agent called bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7). It was the first time that HUMAN non-endocrine pancreatic tissue (NEPT) was “reprogrammed” to respond to blood glucose without the use of genetic manipulation. This new, non-invasive way of reprogramming cells may increase the limited supply of islets for transplantation into people with type 1 diabetes. Even better, it may even allow patients to regenerate their own insulin-producing cells, alleviating the need for a transplant altogether. A Clearer Path to the Clinic BMP-7 is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for clinical use, and its history as a regenerative agent is distinguished. In the past, BMP-7 has been used to form bone and cartilage. In fact, as far back as December 2003, the American Journal of Physiology reported that BMP-7 improved kidney function in mice that were in kidney failure. So if it worked for the regeneration of bone, cartilage and kidney function, why not for the production of insulin-producing cells. Right? “We thought it would perhaps improve the results that we were getting using another method. It was surprising to observe that BMP-7 did induce the conversion by itself, and without the need for anything else,” says Juan Dominguez-Bendala, MSc, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor and head of the DRI’s Pancreatic Development & Stem Cell Laboratory. “At that point, we hypothesized that BMP-7 could be inducing resident progenitors within the human pancreas. We tested this second hypothesis, and it turned out to be correct.” He added, “BMP-7 and small molecules that act like BMP-7 are already in clinical use for a variety of conditions, making the path to the clinic an easier one from a regulatory perspective.” “If we could reactivate these stem cells within the pancreas of the patient, while administering [accompanying] treatments to prevent the autoimmune response that caused the disease in the first place, we would be allowing the pancreas to heal itself,” says Dr. Dominguez-Bendala. The use of a clinically approved product like BMP-7 to achieve this goal, coupled with what so far appears to be an excellent safety profile, made using BMP-7 a no-brainer for clinical translation in people with type 1. DRI Director Camillo Ricordi, M.D., touts BMP-7’s safety profile and its ability to allow DRI researchers to work on targeted delivery to the progenitor cells that can be converted into islets. “It would be like smart-bomb technology,” says Dr. Ricordi. “Not to destroy, but to selectively target only the cells that can become new insulin-producing cells.” Making Good Use of Discarded Tissue About 98 percent of the pancreas consists of exocrine (or non-endocrine) tissue that produces enzymes for digestion (acinar) and collects those secretions (ductal). The remaining tissue consists of “endocrine” cells (A.K.A. islets) which are composed of alpha cells (which release glucagon), beta cells (which release insulin) and delta cells (which inhibit the release on glucagon and insulin). Non-endocrine pancreatic tissue (NEPT) is highly adaptable, and can be turned into other cell types or tissues. Additionally, it is not a primary target of autoimmunity (the immune system
Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. Those containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, system tools, software libraries, such as Python
Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. Those containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, system tools, software libraries, such as Python, FSL, AFNI, SPM, FreeSurfer, ANTs, etc. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in. Important: You don't need Docker to run Nipype on your system. For Mac and Linux users, it probably is much simpler to install Nipype directly on your system. For more information on how to do this see the Nipype website. But for Windows user, or users that don't want to setup all the dependencies the
Applied Research in Classroom Dr Peter Verkoeijen (Associate Professor, Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Thursday, 25 October 2018 @ 2:30pm | Scrymgeour
Applied Research in Classroom Dr Peter Verkoeijen (Associate Professor, Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Thursday, 25 October 2018 @ 2:30pm | Scrymgeour Building, 4.34 BOOKING REQUIRED! Book your space now! Research in cognitive and educational psychology has resulted in the identification of various effective learning strategies. These learning strategies promote the development of meaningful knowledge structures, which support not only memory for learned materials but also and more importantly – domain-specific reasoning, problem solving, critical and creative thinking. An important question for education researchers is therefore how instruction should be designed to make sure that students use these learning strategies in real-life educational settings. In this presentation, I will give you examples of field experiments that I have conducted together with teachers to address this question. Furthermore, I will discuss the challenges associated with encouraging students to employ effective learning strategies. About the speaker: Dr Peter Verkoeijen is Associate Professor of cognitive and educational psychology at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is also professor of applied sciences of the Brain and Learning research group, which is affiliated with the Learning and Innovation Center of Avans University of Applied Sciences. Peters research interest focuses on effective learning strategies and on how these strategies can be used in classroom practice to enhance understanding and performance. He has extensive experience in designing, coordinating, supervising and co
Boykin Spaniels are renowned for their hunting abilities, but their intelligence and pleasant temperament make them just as good family companions. Boykins are medium-sized spaniels, typically between Cocker Spaniels and English Springer Spaniels in
Boykin Spaniels are renowned for their hunting abilities, but their intelligence and pleasant temperament make them just as good family companions. Boykins are medium-sized spaniels, typically between Cocker Spaniels and English Springer Spaniels in proportion. Origin and History The Boykin Spaniel is originally linked to a banker named Alexander White. There was a small, stray spaniel-type mixed breed walking near his church in the early 1900s. White kept the small dog, naming him Dumpy, and quickly noticed his aptitude for retrieving. Dumpy was sent for further training with White's hunting partner, Lemuel Boykin. Dumpy became an exceptionally talented hunter and served as the foundation upon which the breed was developed. The Boykin is one of the few breeds developed solely in United States during the 20th century. They're also one of the newest breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), having acquired full status in 2009. This breed is often confused with the Cocker Spaniel, but there are notable differences between the two. Boykins have a unique appearance that distinguishes members of the breed, and once you know what to look for, you will be able to tell these dogs from other spaniel varieties. The Boykin Spaniel's head is similar to that of any other spaniel; rounded with a relatively long muzzle. The tail is typically docked to between 3 and 5 inches, per the breed standard. The Boykin is larger than the Cocker Spaniel, and has smaller, higher-set ears and long, wavy hair. The Boykin's muzzle is straighter and isn't as furry. Boykin Spaniels stand between 16 and 18 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 35 to 40 pounds on average. The waterproof coat is curly or wavy, but a smooth coat is acceptable. Boykins are solid-colored, with chocolate, liver, and brown hues, with a splash of white on their chests on rare occasions. Their eyes are also dark in color, with brown or amber tones being the most common. Boykin Spaniels have a temperament similar to that of most other spaniels. They are smart, eager to please, and energetic. They have the versatility of English Cocker Spaniels and thrive in almost any living situation if their activity requirements are met. If you don't hunt, exercise might be as simple as taking a daily stroll or playing fetch in the yard. Boykins have tremendous stamina and would gladly go for a jog or hike any day. Boykins do not do well being left alone for lengthy periods of time, due to their exceptionally devoted personality. Boykins who are left alone frequently or who are expected to live in outdoor kennels can become stressed and lonely, exhibiting separation anxiety in the form of destructive chewing, digging, and excessive barking. These spaniels aren't difficult to train. They are exceptionally smart and eager-to-please. They're quick to obey commands and behave properly. Despite being easy to train, it's important to start as soon as they arrive home to get them off to a good start. Early socialization can also assist them in learning how to socialize with dogs, cats, and people. The Boykin Spaniel is a work
The scoop With increased pressure on supply chains from COVID-19, food systems are seeing a shift toward local-purchasing. For environmental purposes, maintaining local food supplies post-pandemic will be crucial. Support farmers markets, food hubs, and
The scoop With increased pressure on supply chains from COVID-19, food systems are seeing a shift toward local-purchasing. For environmental purposes, maintaining local food supplies post-pandemic will be crucial. Support farmers markets, food hubs, and community-supported agriculture. Ride the wave toward more resilient and sustainable food systems. Things to know - Large-scale and complex food systems buckled under the unpredictability and immeasurable pressures of a global pandemic - Millions of pounds of food products lost across the US - Grocery stores are dealing with food shortages - Consumers are shifting to purchasing locally and local farmers face an increased demand for local food - We need resilient and sustainable food systems even after the pandemic - How to support local and shop small: - Farmers’ Markets - Community Supported Agriculture Programs - Food Hubs Bottom line Eating local should not be expensive or exclusive. You can buy local food based on w
64. Mortimer Graves, " Congress Helps American Libraries to Discover the Spherical World, " ACLS Newsletter 19 ( January 1968 ) : 3. 65. Louis A. Jacob, " South Asian Collections, " Farm
64. Mortimer Graves, " Congress Helps American Libraries to Discover the Spherical World, " ACLS Newsletter 19 ( January 1968 ) : 3. 65. Louis A. Jacob, " South Asian Collections, " Farmington Plan Newslet- ter ( May 1970 ) : 37. Author: Ralph D. Wagner In 1942 an advisory board to the Library of Congress drafted a proposal for a national program of cooperation among research libraries, aimed at acquiring "at least one copy of every book published anywhere in the world, which might conceivably be of interest to a research worker in America." Each participating library would acquire books in its assigned subject areas, catalog them, and send cards to the National Union Catalog. And thus was born the Farmington Plan, which began operation in 1948 under th
Hackers are going to town on municipalities in California and across the country. Municipalities are popular targets for cybercriminals because most have a variety of services on their websites that requires city residents to share credit card information, addresses and other
Hackers are going to town on municipalities in California and across the country. Municipalities are popular targets for cybercriminals because most have a variety of services on their websites that requires city residents to share credit card information, addresses and other personally identifying information. Even with the prime data cities store, they often don’t have adequate security solutions in place to prevent ransomware attacks. What Can Happen When a City is Attacked When a city’s IT network is compromised, it creates potentially life-threatening chaos for city residents and employees. An attack can knock out 911 and first responder services, leaving citizens in crisis while cities frantically work to recover. With downtimes often spanning more than a week, citizens are prevented from paying utility bills, applying for building permits and requesting necessary city services. For example, earlier this year, Lodi city employees received ransomware emails with attachments that looked like invoices. The ransomware disabled the city’s phone lines, including the police department’s emergency and non-emergency lines and the public works emergency line. It also affected financial data systems like the city’s payment system. While the city opted not to pay the demanded $400,000, they did have to rebuild their systems from backups. Why Cities are Being Attacked As public-sector organizations, city governments, counties and police departments often lack the resources or ability to prevent ransomware attacks. Because they are governed by elected officials with public funds, the process to implement proper security solutions can often be bureaucratic and slow. Economically, a ransomware attack on cities creates havoc. Cities have an abundance of data spread across multip
Rosacea 05 - 2021 Rosacea: More than just redness End the stigma and feel the change with Kleresca® Rosacea Awareness Month is an opportune time to spread awareness, education, and treatment
Rosacea 05 - 2021 Rosacea: More than just redness End the stigma and feel the change with Kleresca® Rosacea Awareness Month is an opportune time to spread awareness, education, and treatment options. We believe in continuing to educate society about the facts around rosacea for a few reasons. Of course, we want more people to actively seek help if they experience rosacea symptoms. But we also want those without rosacea to know about this skin condition in order to eliminate judgement and unsolicited, and potentially hurtful, comments. First, let’s start with some basics about rosacea. Subtypes, as classified by the National Rosacea Society Expert Committee: Subtype 1: flushing, persistent redness, vascular lines Subtype 2: Persistent redness, swelling, bumps and pimples, burning sensation Subtype 3: Thickening and enlargement of skin, normally in the nose area Subtype 4: Eye irritation, burning sensation and red eyelids • Persistent redness • Visible blood vessels • Burning and stinging sensations • Elevated red patches on the skin • Dry appearance • Swollen areas • Ocular manifestations (most common in Subtype IV) • Skin thickening or enlargement (most common in Subtype III) • Anxiety and stress • Spicy foods • Sun exposure Check here for a more complete list of triggers.
- New research suggests that higher ocean temperatures and coral bleaching are also triggering rapid behavioral shifts in reef fish. - Over the course of two years, an international team of researchers spent more than 600 hours underwater observing butterflyfish, a species that
- New research suggests that higher ocean temperatures and coral bleaching are also triggering rapid behavioral shifts in reef fish. - Over the course of two years, an international team of researchers spent more than 600 hours underwater observing butterflyfish, a species that is considered a key indicator of coral reef health, both before and after a global coral bleaching event in 2016. - The researchers found that aggressive behavior had decreased in butterflyfish by an average of two thirds, with the biggest behavorial changes observed on reefs where bleaching had killed off the most coral. New research suggests that coral bleaching triggers rapid behavioral shifts in reef fish. Higher ocean temperatures caused by global warming are the leading cause of the mass bleaching events that have hit many of Earth’s coral reef systems in recent years. Research has shown that some reefs are losing the ability to bounce back from repeat disturbances, and now there’s evidence that the reefs themselves are not the only part of reef ecosystems that are subject to more long-term effects due to coral bleaching. Over the course of two years, an international team of researchers led by Dr. Sally Keith of Lancaster University in the UK spent more than 600 hours underwater observing butterflyfish, a species that is considered a key indicator of coral reef health. In a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change last week detailing their findings, Keith and team write that while mass coral bleaching events are known to cause population declines in reef fish, their impacts on behavior are more poorly understood. The research team applied principles of behavioral theory and community ecology to their observations of 5,259 encounters between individuals of 38 different Chaetodon (butterflyfish) species on 17 reefs across the central Indo-Pacific region, including in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, and Christmas Island. These observations were recorded both before and after the global coral bleaching event that hit reefs in the region in 2016, and the researchers say they show that bleaching-induced mass mortality of corals can cause significant changes in the behavior of coral-feeding fishes. “We observed that aggressive behaviour had decreased in butterflyfish by an average of two thirds, with the biggest drops observed on reefs where bleaching had killed off the most coral,” Dr. Keith said in a statement. “We think this is because the most nutritious coral was also the most susceptible to bleaching, so the fish moved from a wel
Amino acids supplements Amino acids (or amino acids) are theprimary structural unit of proteins. We can therefore imagine amino acids as bricks that, joined by a glue called peptide bond, form a long sequence that gives rise to a protein
Amino acids supplements Amino acids (or amino acids) are theprimary structural unit of proteins. We can therefore imagine amino acids as bricks that, joined by a glue called peptide bond, form a long sequence that gives rise to a protein. In protein synthesis only twenty of the different amino acids that exist in nature (currently over five hundred) are involved. From a nutritional point of view, these amino acids can be divided into two large groups: essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids Essential amino acids are defined as those amino acids that the human body is unable to synthesize in sufficient quantity to meet its needs. For the adult there are eight and more precisely: phenylalanine, isoleucine, lysine, leucine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. During the period of growth, a ninth, histidine, should be added to the eight mentioned above, in consideration of the fact that in this period the demands for this amino acid are higher than the synthesis capacity. Semi-essential amino acids Cysteine and tyrosine are considered semi-essential amino acids, as the body can synthesize them from methionine and phenylalanine. Are defined conditionally essential amino acids (arginine, glycine, glutamine, proline and taurine) those amino acids that play a key role in maintaining homeostasis and body functions in certain physiological situations. In some pathological conditions these amino acids may not be synthesized at a rate sufficient to meet the real needs of the body. Amino acids, sport and athletic performance The amino acids most commonly used by athletes are BCAAs (branched chain amino acids), amino acid pools (various combinations of amino acids) and specific amino acids, such as arginine. Arginine is assuming considerable importance as a precursor of nitric oxide because of its many functions in cellular activity, in the transduction of biological signals and in immune defence. Liquid Amino Acids Amino acids and liquid amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that your body uses to build muscle. They are also important for the proper functioning of your body's cells and organs. The main sources of essential amino acids include meat, dairy products and legumes. Liquid amino acid supplements, then amino acids in liquid form offer a quick and convenient solution to getting your daily amino acid needs while avoiding consuming excessive amounts of calories. Amino Acid Pool Supplements Amino acid pools are combinations of specific amino acids, then amino acids combined together to achieve a complete or goal-specific amino acid profile. It is no exaggeration to say that amino acids are the foundation of all life on Earth. The molecular building blocks of proteins and amino acids are essential for many basic functions of life and the body. In addition to their essentiality in assembling proteins for both collagen (an important connective tissue) and muscle tissue, amino acids play a key role in a wide range of bodily functions. They are required for the production of certain neurotransmitters, as well as enzymes for food digestion and many other biochemical processes including detoxification, production of genetic materials and hormones, and much more. The amino acids and proteins they make up account for about 75 percent of the dry weight of the human body! Specific Amino Acid Supplements In this section we present the various common amino acids in isolated form. Composed primarily of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, amino acids assemble into various sequences to create different proteins. In addition to their essentiality in assembling proteins for both collagen and muscle tissue, amino acids play a key role in a wide range of bodily functions. They are required for the production of certain neurotransmitters, as well as enzymes for food digestion and many other biochemical processes including tissue repair, detoxification, production of genetic material and hormones, and much, much more. The amino acids and proteins they make up account for about 75 percent of the dry weight of the human body. Despite the almost infinite number of possible variations and over 500 classified amino acids, all organisms on Earth rely on the same 20 amino acids for life. All amino acids begin with a "backbone" consisting of a central carbon atom (C), an amine group (-NH2), a carboxyl group (-COOH), and a hydrogen atom. Any subsequent atoms or groups are called side chains or R-groups. These side chains determine the individual identity of each amino acid. The individual amino acids are then linked into peptides and assembled into various structures to form proteins. There are actually 22 comm
At the start of April, the Supreme Court ruled in a high-profile case on the issue of taking a child out of school during term time. A year previously, Jon Platt took his youngest daughter out of school for seven days to go on a
At the start of April, the Supreme Court ruled in a high-profile case on the issue of taking a child out of school during term time. A year previously, Jon Platt took his youngest daughter out of school for seven days to go on a family holiday to Disneyland Florida during term time without permission. He was fined as a result. Having refused to pay the fine, Mr Platt won his case at Isle of Wight Magistrates Court, which held that he had “no case to answer” because of his daughter’s high attendance in school. However, the case ended up in the Supreme Court, which considered whether or not Platt committed an offence by failing to ensure that his daughter “attended school regularly”, as required by section 444(1) of the 1996 Education Act. The court overturned the Isle of Wight decision, ruling that “regularly” did not mean “evenly spaced” or “sufficiently often” but instead “in accordance with the attendance rules.” What is the law on school attendance? - All schools must maintain admissions registers and all schools except boarding schools must have an attendance register. A school will authorise an absence if: - The child is too ill to attend and the school accepts this as valid - The parent gets advance permission of the school e.g. for a holiday, religious observation - The child has been excluded Parents face being issued with a fixed penalty notice if children do not attend school in accordance with its rules - The child is on study leave - The child has a medical or dental appointment - The child is being educated off-site In addition to where a school has given permission, there are a number of allowances made under the law when a child can be absent. These include absence for sickness; for a religious observance; because they have no fixed address or because the child doesn’t live within walking distance of the school and the local authority has failed to discharge its duty to make travel arrangements. Schools must regularly inform the local authority of any pupils who are regularly absent from school, have irregular attendance, or have missed 10 school days or more without the school’s permission. The rules are different in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and for independent and private schools, which must monitor attendance but have their own policies and procedures. What are the limitations on taking holiday? Schools used to have the discretion to allow up to 10 days’ term-time holiday each year in “special circumstances”. However, the rules for state schools in England were tightened in September 2013. To take a child out of school during term time, their parent must make an application to the head teacher in advance (as a parent the child normally lives with) and head teachers can only give permission for term-time absences in “exceptional circumstances”, such as visiting seriously ill family, attending a close family member’s funeral or if a family member is in the Armed Forces and returning from operations. What sanctions can be put in place? Parents can be issued a fixed penalty notice by the school, local authority or police, for their child’s non-attendance. The penalty is £60, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days. If this is not paid, the local
All Photos and information from the Carleton Place and Beckwith Heritage Museum Annie Elexey Duff was born in Carleton Place in 1871. Her early life was spent at “Oreno Villa”, the family homestead at
All Photos and information from the Carleton Place and Beckwith Heritage Museum Annie Elexey Duff was born in Carleton Place in 1871. Her early life was spent at “Oreno Villa”, the family homestead at Duff’s Bay on the 11th Concession of Beckwith. The Duff family was the last family to have logging rights on the Mississippi. She studied painting and fashion design in New York City in the late 1890’s and spent time working there for Vogue Magazine. For reasons unknown she returned home to live with her sister Denysa. Annie and spent her time painting and taking photographs. Her work depicts rural life in Ontario and includes scenic landscapes, scenes of hunting, camping, family life and wildlife. She was known for hiding in greenery with food in her hands to order to attract the birds! I had no idea she took photographs too, and she worked at the photographic firm of S.J. Jarvis in Ottawa during the last decade of the 19th century. She was an eccentric woman with long red hair and loved wearing her favourite purple dress. I loved the fact that she wore a fur stole no matter how warm it was outside. No one can recall how much of her work sold. When her parents died the girls were left the family homestead. The National Gallery of Canada holds much of Annie’s original works and she is credited as the first Canadian female to portray maternity in “Woman by the Sea”. In 1976, the National Gallery of Canada purchased Duff’s Temptation, Sin, and it’s Antidote (Adam and Eve) and Woman by the Sea to add to its Canadian collection. Most of Duff’s works remain in private collections and the majority of her paintings and photographs captured rural life in Ontario at the turn of the 20th century. Anna died in 1956. DUFF Annie Elexey x b.1873 – Carleton Place, ON d.1956 – Photo from Annie Duff Website Photos and info from the Carleton Place and Beckwith Heritage Museum
When it comes to disaster preparedness, the key elements are preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. The first step is to develop a plan, which should include identifying safe places within the home. Disaster planning also includes becoming trained in first aid
When it comes to disaster preparedness, the key elements are preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. The first step is to develop a plan, which should include identifying safe places within the home. Disaster planning also includes becoming trained in first aid. It is also important to identify the best evacuation routes. Mitigation is a process in which we attempt to lessen the impact of disasters. The goal is to reduce the losses associated with disasters and the suffering caused by them. We also hope to minimize the number of disasters that occur, since fewer disasters will need resources. The primary goal of mitigation is to reduce the loss of life and property during a disaster. Mitigation can take the form of structural and nonstructural measures. Structural mitigation measures include raising building elevations and clearing areas around structures. Nonstructural mitigation measures can include adopting or changing building codes. Planning for mitigation involves developing and implementing plans for reducing risk. Developing these plans will help to protect life and property and make disaster response operations more effective. Planning for mitigation also involves conducting emergency exercises, developing evacuation plans, and evaluating the community’s resources. In addition to disaster preparedness planning, organizations should also take steps to reduce the impact of disasters on the local economy and community. This may include revising zoning, building codes, and land-use management, and strengthening public infrastructure. This will help to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries, and will help the community recover from the disaster. Mitigation is the first step in disaster recovery planning. It is crucial to eliminate ongoing hazards and stabilize areas that may be high flammability risks. Mitigation can be difficult to implement, as it takes time. New Orleans, for example, is still recovering from Hurricane Katrina, and some parts of the city are not fully recovered. Mitigation plans are governed by regulations and can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations. The code can be found at Title 44, Chapter 1, Part 2. Mitigation plans can be implemented by local, state, and tribal governments. These plans should contain mitigation strategies that protect lifeline systems. Recovery and mitigation are closely related. The former involves immediate efforts to get businesses and communities up and running again, while the latter requires more extensive planning and action to mitigate the effects of more severe disasters. In addition to mitigation, communities should also invest in economic development capacity building, as it is the key to diversification and achieving new resources and partnerships. During the recovery phase, a community needs to access a range of public and private resources to overcome the long-term economic hardship. Disaster preparedness should be a priority for any organization, no matter how large or small. Disasters can happen anytime and without warning, so it’s important to be prepared. This means knowing how to evacuate and where to find essential items. It also means becoming trained in first aid and emergency medical care. In addition to this, disaster supply kits should be updated and checked every three months, and water and food should be replaced. Preparedness plans and exercises should be conducted to develop plans for responding to emergencies. The goals of emergency preparedness are to minimize the loss of life, minimize the damage to property, and enhance disaster response operations. The key elements of emergency preparedness are preparedness plans, emergency communications systems, evacuation plans, and emergency exercises. The effectiveness of your preparedness plan depends on how well you implement each phase, and the quality of the information you have available to help you prepare for disasters. Disaster preparedness plans should be implemented in partnership with community organizations. Public participation is crucial for emergency management. Many organizations may not face this kind of emergency for several years, so it’s important to involve the community in disaster preparations. You should also have a plan in place for training your employees. While prevention is essential, disaster preparedness isn’t a one-time event; it’s a lifelong process. Creating a disaster plan involves planning, training, evaluating, and corrective action. In preparation for disasters, you can engage with your community in disaster exercises, which reinforce your training. You can also implement an all-hazards education campaign to educate the community about how to cope with disasters. Preparedness plans must also incorporat
Siddartha Rodrigo Clúa & Javier Gavín Balda Cal Simó was built in 1965 to house the workers of the Puigneró factory in Sant Bartomeu del Grau. After the closure of the factory
Siddartha Rodrigo Clúa & Javier Gavín Balda Cal Simó was built in 1965 to house the workers of the Puigneró factory in Sant Bartomeu del Grau. After the closure of the factory in 2003, these 70 dwellings experienced a gradual loss of inhabitants to a minimum of 8 currently occupied houses. With 62 empty houses (more than 66% of the locality), nowadays the building appears as an oversized structure for the town and its demand. The work shown here is based on the understanding that there is a cheaper way of intervention than rehabilitation, which is partial demolition. Even though being aware that this implies a loss of built volume, a strategic subtraction can entail an added value on the remaining structure resulting in a higher economic performance. In this sense, we understand that a strategic demolition on the most structurally compromised points enables to sponge the total volume improving key issues of the building such as accessibility or habitability. The privileged position of the building facing the landscape, the need of intervention on the structure in the back of the building, the poor state of the attached constructions… invite to develop a more intense intervention on the back of the volumes. We understand that in order to compete with the existing housing offer in the locality, it is necessary to generate substantial improvements in the lighting and ventilation of these dwellings. With this, 4 strong demolition operations are carried out on strategically selected points aiming to substantially correct the building’s problems while carrying contained operations in the rest of the volume. Once the surplus of built volume has been identified, the project aims to add value to the infrastructure through subtraction. Location: Sant Bartomeu del Grau, Spain University: Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès Semester: Master Project Teaching: Roger Sauquet - Pablo Garrido
How SCADA Systems Help Water Treatment and Wastewater Plants The beauty of modern plumbing is that when we turn on our faucet, we can reasonably expect freshwater to come pouring out. There are few places left in the country that are untouched by
How SCADA Systems Help Water Treatment and Wastewater Plants The beauty of modern plumbing is that when we turn on our faucet, we can reasonably expect freshwater to come pouring out. There are few places left in the country that are untouched by the advancements and regulations of public water. So when the Washington Post published an article in 2016 about researchers finding unsafe levels of industrial chemicals in the drinking water of 6 million Americans, wastewater treatment plants and water management services took notice. The report cited in the Post article found that “194 of 4,864 water supplies across nearly three dozen states had detectable levels of the chemicals.” Of those water supplies, 66 services had at least one sample that exceeded the EPA’s recommended safety limit for two types of chemicals. That ratio might not seem like a high number, but 66 water services affect six million Americans, so it’s clearly not a small issue. Water treatment plants and water usage facilities can do their part by making sure their monitoring equipment is up-to-date and as accurate as possible. While SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems are more commonplace in modern operations, an updated version exists and is proving to a more reliable and better solution: a cloud-based SCADA system. A cloud-based SCADA system allows water management plants to not only monitor levels of specific chemicals and toxins but to have precise records accessible from anywhere. No longer are digital read-outs only available at a fixed point on the SCADA unit. Instead, any manager or operator who needs data can access it from their own satellite- or WIFI-enabled device. In the contaminated water study, the EPA sought to mitigate the ramifications until stricter guidelines could be drawn up. When it comes to healthy drinking water, Americans don’t want to waste time in the bureaucratic process of defining regulations. Unfortunately, Congress mandates that before the EPA imposes new limitations on the nation’s water utilities, it has to prove that there is a meaningful opportunity to improve public health. It is a long, arduous proce
Conjuring the Chimera Identity is based on difference, extrapolated into separations of race, gender, class and species. In art it leads to stylistic differentials and exclusions. By definition we lose something. Given that we
Conjuring the Chimera Identity is based on difference, extrapolated into separations of race, gender, class and species. In art it leads to stylistic differentials and exclusions. By definition we lose something. Given that we face major environmental challenges, we need to rethink our assumptions. Religious and social conditioning initiated many taboos. Humans see themselves as conscious, sentient beings separate from animals. They imagine a teleological process leading towards perfection or salvation. Theories of evolution share this myth with faith-based initiatives. Descartes famous statement: “I think therefore I am” provokes me to ask: What is consciousness? Do we think and where does the self come from? There are a lot of assumptions underlying our cultural beliefs. What is the true nature of reality and individuality? How do animals fit in? Descartes defined consciousness and the unconscious, giving us the mechanical metaphor. The brain is perceived to be of substantive matter but the mind is considered to be immaterial (Dualism). Thus the mind activates the brain, which causes the body to act like a machine. The mind was immaterial and linked to God. He also considered animals to be devoid of feeling and thought. Humans have language, which animals lacked, implying they lacked reason. Only beings endowed with a mind and soul are rational, thus animals could not have a soul. They cannot experience hunger, thirst or pain but produce squeals of pain merely as a mechanical response. Descartes assumes that behind the thought there must be a thinker. Neurologist Antonio Damascio’s book Self Comes To Mind considers how we fabricate our own conscious minds: “Consciousness is the result of adding a self function to mind that orients the mental contents to one’s needs and thus produces subjectivity. The self function is not some know-all homunculus but rather an emergence, within the virtual screening process we call mind, of yet another virtual element: an imaged protagonist of our mental events.” What is consciousness then? Philosopher David Chalmers recognizes that consciousness cannot be quantified and therefore, scientifically measured. It exists beyond the brain. He suggests that it can help us to understand our quantum reality. Scientist Dr. Robert Lanza presents Biocentrism: Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death. He thinks that the entire thing is just in our heads. It only exists when we observe it and he extrapolates this to the universe, asserting it is consciousness that gives rise to everything, not the big bang. Clearly, nobody really knows. Unfortunately, we are locked into the Newtonian idea of space, object and time. We use this system because it seems to be objective reality. We observe objects in space and absorb interpretations of the data. However, quantum theorists have made astounding assertions about reality being both particle and wave, with the subjectivity of the “observer”, which is actually a detecting device, predicting the outcome. The double slit experiment sees the interference wave effect transformed into particles if a detector monitors the slit. It nevertheless points to a deficit in our cultural language that we cannot accommodate ambiguity and contradiction. Things are exclusive as black or white, yes or no, never inconclusive. Cultures like the Kalahari Bushmen or the Australian Aborigines have no problem reconciling alternative versions of reality. They see experiential reality as part of an overall Dreamtime or Spirit- world. Animals and environment are part of the extended “spirit-self”. Logically, art is a biological expression of the body/mind complex because it is part of our matrix of seeing. Other animals will also project a matrix of seeing to satisfy their ends. To claim human superiority, because of manifestations like reason and art, is extremely arrogant. It is to ignore the strong forces which surge through all life in subliminal form and for which we have no language. The shape that our culture takes is informed by the same energies that compel small fish to swim in formations creating the illusion of a larger fish. My Primal paintings challenge because they transgress cultural norms and evoke aspects like bestiality. Bizarre narratives with hybridized animal/humans provoke thought. They are tragicomic, in that they deal with life and death, or existential issues, but with humour. Rethink uses August Rodin’s famous statue, The Thinker, floating ambiguously, with a hamadryas baboon head reminiscent of Albert Einstein. The Chimpanzee in the background observes and “apes” the Thinker’s pose. Bonobos are complex animals that use sex as currency for social interactions. The female sex organ is external, very prominent and prehensile. Their society is matriarchal, benign and very tolerant of diversity. The animals gaze at the viewer. They communicate their sentience and question the vie
Course Description: The course examines risks, threats, and countermeasures to secure data, personnel and hardware. This involves facility creation and selection concerns, facility access control methods, and safety issues. Course Objectives: Recognize basic threats to an
Course Description: The course examines risks, threats, and countermeasures to secure data, personnel and hardware. This involves facility creation and selection concerns, facility access control methods, and safety issues. Course Objectives: Recognize basic threats to an organization's physical security and identify the security mechanisms used in securing an enterprise environment. Identify the security mechanisms and strategies used to protect the perimeter of a facility. Identify the appropriate physical security mechanisms to implement in a given scenario. Identify the appropriate mechanisms and controls for securing the inside of a building or facility. Select the most appropriate intrusion detection technology for a scenario.
IN FOCUS: The Assault of William Green In the Spring of 1975, the city was facing severe budget problems and as a result, Mayor Coleman Young decided to layoff several hundred police officers. That decision, however, created another
IN FOCUS: The Assault of William Green In the Spring of 1975, the city was facing severe budget problems and as a result, Mayor Coleman Young decided to layoff several hundred police officers. That decision, however, created another challenge for Young’s administration. Young had, since his election, been working to make the police department better represent the demographics of Detroit as a whole by using affirmative action policies to hire more black and female officers. The problem was that police layoffs had traditionally been determined by officer seniority. In order to avoid erasing the progress he had made on the integration of the police department Young exempted some black and female officers from being laid off. Young's decision to keep his affirmative action gains intact at the expense of m
If you haven’t heard about blockchain technology or artificial intelligence (AI) — arguably the most influential phenomenon in computer science, finance, and business right now — it’s probably time to get out from under that rock you’re under. Blockchain technology is
If you haven’t heard about blockchain technology or artificial intelligence (AI) — arguably the most influential phenomenon in computer science, finance, and business right now — it’s probably time to get out from under that rock you’re under. Blockchain technology is the future and if you don’t want to be left in everyone else’s dust, you need to get updated. What is exactly blockchain? First it has emerged with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009. This form of technology allows digital information to be exchanged without any external users or middlemen. A digital ledger (or blockchain) records all economic transactions. And although these records are not controlled by a single entity, they are accessible to all users and easily verified. The use of decentralization reduces the risk of corruption and hacking and makes blockchain transactions more secure. However, the benefits of blockchain can extend way beyond cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, such as enhancing cybersecurity, streamline financial operations, improve advertising and marketing, provide better healthcare and so on. It is an undisputable technology of how the world will be moving forward. Just as the internet disrupted virtually all facets of human life in the early 2000s, expect blockchain to do the same in the next few years. Not withholding the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a computer that can ‘think” for itself – a wide-ranging tool that enables us to more effectively integrate information, analyze data, and use the resulting insights to improve decision-making. Extraordinary advances in AI happen every day. For instance, robots and driverless cars are becoming increasingly common. These technologies will make most people better off over the next decade. They are driving a new wave of economic progress, solving some of the world’s most difficult problems and providing solutions to some of the most profound challenges in human history. Bitcoin has gone from $4,000 to $12,000 over the past five months. Many experts believe that the main reason is the huge dollar mass that the US Federal Reserve has thrown into the market to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By diversifying their portfolios, investors invested some of this money in real gold and digital gold, which have shown steady growth in recent months. Another part went where it was intended, to the stock market. But if bitcoin showed an increase of 200%, the gold rose in price by a little more than 30%, and the S&P500 index barely crossed the 50% mark. In the United States, the main cryptocurrency has surpassed the shares of leading American companies in popularity, losing only to Tesla Elon Musk. Boeing took the third place in views. The total capitalization of the crypto market changed slightly over the week, falling from ¬$370 billion to $366 billion. The Bitcoin Fear & Greed Index is in the last quarter of the scale for the fourth week and has even grown slightly — from 78 to 81 points. This suggests that the decline in the pair from $ 12,470 to $ 11,600 did not satisfy the market and it remains overbought. Digital life is augmenting human capacities and disrupting eons-old human activities. Code-driven systems have spread to more than half of the world’s inhabitants in ambient information and connectivity, offering previously unimagined opportunities, wide-ranging possibilities; that computers might match or even exceed human intelligence and capabilities on tasks such as complex decision-making, reasoning and learning, sophisticated analytics and pattern recognition, visual acuity, speech recognition and language translation. AI has the potential to transform many sectors such as information technology, telecommunications, finance, transportation, traffic management, health care, education, criminal justice, defense, banking and agriculture. To realize its full potential, governments need to create public policy that fosters AI innovation while mitigating unintended societal consequences. We at AIX investment Group have been using for the last couple of years, emerging algorithm-driven artificial intelligence (AI) in our trading activity, that resulted in returns set above market expectations, benefiting our client’s base at large. Today, we reach out to you and offer the opportunity to take advantage of this proven success.
In part one [Nov. 18, 2010 issue], we saw what often happens when low iron is initially missed in a woman with low energy. When a CBC doesn't show anything out of the normal ranges (especially hemoglobin and
In part one [Nov. 18, 2010 issue], we saw what often happens when low iron is initially missed in a woman with low energy. When a CBC doesn't show anything out of the normal ranges (especially hemoglobin and hematocrit), a possible iron problem is often not pursued. When serious disease is ruled out, the relieved patient is instructed to watch her stress, exercise more and sleep longer. Unfortunately, when iron is low and not replaced, patients crave carbohydrates (especially sugars) and use them along with caffeine to combat fatigue caused by a lack of oxygen. The result is the development of vicious cycles that, while enabling a person to make it through the day, lead to a cascade of continued misunderstanding, misdiagnosis and mismanagement of conditions that appear to be primary when, in reality, they are secondary reactions to low iron. Vicious Cycle 1 The consumption of extra calories over normal requirements to combat fatigue leads to weight gain. Additional body weight increases fatigue in the same way one would tire carrying a backpack all day. Greater fatigue leads to energy conservation, meaning fewer calories are burned during activities of daily living. Less activity makes weight gain even easier. Vicious Cycle 2 The addition of caffeine or additional caffeine (especially later in the day) to get through the day often subtly reduces sleep quality. (There are caffeine-sensitive people who easily make this connection, but average responders often don't realize their tossing and turning at night is due to an extra serving or two of caffeine 6-10 hours earlier.) Reduced sleep quality increases fatigue and reduces activity, which leads to weight gain. Vicious Cycle 3 When a woman is constantly tired and gaining weight, she feels unattractive and unhappy. Add in sleeping problems and it's a recipe for depression. In fact, if a person feels fat, ugly and tired, it's hard not to be depressed. The best natural treatment for depression - vigorous exercise - can't be employed with deficiencies in both sleep and iron. A sound sleep is another great treatment for depression. Even if caffeine is not a problem, low iron can disrupt sleep by causing itching and twitching at night. Pruritus and restless legs syndrome are both symptoms of insufficient iron. Treatment is often a combination of medications for depression and sleep. Neither addresses the actual problem, and both may lead to side effects. Food for Thought None of this means the "fatigue and female" combination should automatically receive an iron recommendation. Nor does it mean that other deficiencies or conditions can't cause fatigue, because they can. And using caution when recommending iron is absolutely prudent. Too much iron can promote heart disease, cirrhosis, liver cancer, diabetes and arthritis. However, I believe the emphasis in school involving the pro-oxidant potential of iron coupled with a bombardment by supplement companies of a plethora of products to raise energy causes DCs (and other nutritional practitioners) to overlook borderline iron deficiency. In fact, I have read articles in this publication about supplements to treat low energy that didn't mention iron, even though low iron is the number-one (by a wide margin) nutritional cause of fatigue that can be treated with a supplement. So, the next time a female patient complains of low energy or fatigue, simply ask them the following: - Do you have periods? - How much red meat do you eat? If she has regular periods and generally avoids red meat, does she have a deficiency of co-enzyme Q10, L-carnitine, B complex or magnesium? Maybe. What about a problem with her thyroid, adrenals, food intolerance or hormonal imbalance? It's possible. But, if this woman enters my office and I rule out serious disease, medication side effects, and/or sleep deficiency, I don't look for evidence that her iron is low; I look for evidence that it is not low. Click here for previous articles by G. Douglas Andersen, DC, DACBSP, CCN.
Your IP address Most of our modern devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, home appliances, etc.) connect to a local network using the router, both physically via Ethernet cable and wirelessly via the WiFi standard. Each of these devices is
Your IP address Most of our modern devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, home appliances, etc.) connect to a local network using the router, both physically via Ethernet cable and wirelessly via the WiFi standard. Each of these devices is assigned an IP address in the local network and also has access to the Internet via a public IP address. What is an IPv4 address? IPv4 addresses are a number made up of four octets, i.e. four groups of numbers separated by dots. These octets can have as possible values a number ranging from 0 to 255. The public IP address unequivocally identifies our router on the Internet and, therefore, all the devices that are using it to access the Internet. IP stands for Internet Protocol, and is a protocol used for data communication over a network of combined packets. Can I know what my IP is? Of course! On this page you can see what your IP is. Just scroll up to find out what your current public internet ip is. If you want to know what is your local IP you can see it in Windows by pressing the Windows+R key and typing cmd.exe, and once a window opens type "ipconfig /all". If on the other hand you use linux or android, simply open a console and run the command "ip a" or "ifconfig -a". Is it possible that I am sharing my IP with other people? Yes, IP addresses are limited and there are practically no free blocks anymore. That is why some ISPs have to share one IP between several users. This is called CG-NAT which stands for "Carrier Grade NAT". Do I need to know what my IP is? In principle it is not something that every user needs, however you will need to know your IP if you intend to host a service such as a game server or a web server on it. What is a dynamic or static IP address? An IP address can be dynamic or static. A static IP address is one that will not change over time. A dynamic IP address, however, will be reassigned to another device from time to time, usually when the router is rebooted or when its grant expires. Local network IPs are usually dynamic and are obtained through a protocol called DHCP. Public IPs are also usually dynamic and are obtained either via DHCP or PPP. Providers usually charge extra for having a static IP service. What is the difference between IP address and MAC address? There are quite a few differences, first of all MAC addresses operate at a lower layer than IP addresses. Each device has a MAC address that in many cases cannot be modified. This address is 48 bits, as opposed to IPv4 which is 32 bits. The MAC address of your devices will not be seen on the Internet, only on your local network. The OID, or the first three blocks of a MAC address can help us to know the manufacturer of the device. MACs communicate with each other through a protocol called ARP. How
Foreign policy and defense According to abbreviationfinder, Panama is a nation in North America. Its capital city is Panama City. Panama’s foreign policy since independence in 1903 has been characterized by the economic and strategic importance of the Panama Canal as
Foreign policy and defense According to abbreviationfinder, Panama is a nation in North America. Its capital city is Panama City. Panama’s foreign policy since independence in 1903 has been characterized by the economic and strategic importance of the Panama Canal as well as its relationship with the United States. On January 1, 2000, in accordance with previous agreements, Panama took over control of the canal area. The United States then also abandoned its military facilities and took home the last soldiers. However, Americans still have the right to intervene if the channel’s neutrality is threatened. The United States is still the largest customer in the channel and the most important trading partner. Panama and the United States also cooperate in the fight against drug smuggling and money laundering. Much of the cocaine that comes to the United States from South America takes its way across Panamanian territorial waters. - Countryaah: Overview of business holidays and various national observances in Panama for years of 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025. Panama has long demanded extradition dictator Manuel Noriega extradited from the United States, as he was convicted of murder in his home country (see Modern History). However, when Noriega served his sentence in the United States in 2007, he remained in prison there, as France also requested him extradited. In early 2010, Noriega was extradited to France where he was sentenced to prison for using money from Colombian drug cartels to buy property in France. In December 2011, Noriega was eventually extradited to his home country where he died in May 2017, aged 83 years. Central American cooperation Relations with the rest of Central America are generally good. Panama is a member of the regional cooperation organization Sica. However, in accordance with an election promise, Ricardo Martinelli’s government, which took office in 2009, withdrew from the Central American Parliament (Parlacén), a political sub-body to Sica. Many consider Parlacén as an ineffective haven for corrupt politicians seeking prosecutorial immunity. However, since the country’s highest court annulled the resignation, the National Assembly voted in early 2013 for Panama’s re-entry into the Parlacén. Panama has long belonged to the small number of countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan instead of China, in exchange for investment and aid. But China is a major trading partner and one of the main players in the trade in the free zone in Colón, and in June 2017, it was announced that Panama has now established diplomatic relations with Beijing and thus broken with Taipei. Cooperation with Colombia Colombia is also an important trading partner and the two neighboring countries signed a free trade agreement in 2013. The relationship was occasionally disturbed by the armed conflict in Colombia which sometimes spilled across the border. Despite the peace agreement signed in 2016 between the Colombian government and left-wing guerrilla Farc, the situation remains unstable in the border region due to drug smuggling and organized crime. When Noriega was overthrown in 1989, Panama followed neighboring Costa Rica’s example and abolished the military. By law, the country must not have regular forces. Security is managed by a national police force and a special unit responsible for both maritime and air surveillance. FACTS – DEFENSE Army: male (2017) Military expenditure’s share of GDP: 0.0 percent (2017) Military spending’s share of the state budget: 0.0 percent (2017)
Project Overview/Background: The state budget determines the priorities of the state government for the next fiscal year. The Governor will propose a budget in his state of the state address. Following the address, the legislature will hold public hearings on the budget.
Project Overview/Background: The state budget determines the priorities of the state government for the next fiscal year. The Governor will propose a budget in his state of the state address. Following the address, the legislature will hold public hearings on the budget. Departments will present the details of the Governor’s budget proposal. PACs and counties will offer testimony in support of budget proposals which benefit their interests. Joint Committees will then form their own proposals for the budget and offer them to the body as a whole. The Calendar Committee is made up of the leadership of the House and the Senate. During the joint committee proposal process explained above, the Calendar Committee will meet separately and determine the rules and procedures of their respective houses. These rules and procedures include how bills will be introduced and debated, who wil
USA History / Mr.Saindon Monday, March 27 to Friday, March 31 Countdown to The Civil War Students will understand how a variety of events compounded to create the boiling tensions leading into the Civil War. Harriet
USA History / Mr.Saindon Monday, March 27 to Friday, March 31 Countdown to The Civil War Students will understand how a variety of events compounded to create the boiling tensions leading into the Civil War. Harriet Tubman and the Abolitionist movement What was the Underground Railroad and how did it operate? The Civil War 1. Compare/contrast/analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Union and Confederacy. 2. Compare/contrast the goals and strategies of the Union and Confederacy. 3. Evaluate major events of the Civil War. 4. Be able to explain what happened at Gettysburg One of the most important and least understood processes in American government is how we elect a president. This process was created by the founders of our country and is articulated in Article II of the United States Constitu
Нашли опечатку? Выделите ее мышкой и нажмите Ctrl+Enter Название: Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosophical, Ethical and Theological Perspectives (Cam
Нашли опечатку? Выделите ее мышкой и нажмите Ctrl+Enter Название: Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosophical, Ethical and Theological Perspectives (Cambridge Astrobiology) Автор: Bertka C. Where did we come from? Are we alone? Where are we going? These are the questions that define the field of astrobiology. New discoveries about life on Earth, the increasing numbers of extrasolar planets being identified, and the technologies being developed to locate and characterize Earth-like planets around other stars are continually challenging our views of nature and our connection to the rest of the universe. In this book, philosophers, historians, ethicists, and theologians provide the perspectives of their fields on the research and discoveries of astrobiology. A valuable resource for graduate students and researchers, the book provides an introduction to astrobiology, and explores subjects such as the implications of current origin of life research, the possible discovery of extraterrestrial microbial life, and the possibility of altering the environment of Mars.
Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A bridge is made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap -- these two or more anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth
Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A bridge is made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap -- these two or more anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth -- and a false tooth/teeth in between. These false teeth are called pontics and can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.
29 Nov How important is tongue scraping to overall oral health? How important is tongue scraping to overall oral health? James L. Ratcliff, Ph.D., CEO, Rowpar Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the makers of the CloSYS brand of tooth
29 Nov How important is tongue scraping to overall oral health? How important is tongue scraping to overall oral health? James L. Ratcliff, Ph.D., CEO, Rowpar Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the makers of the CloSYS brand of toothpaste, mouthwash and oral spray ( The short answer is “very.” To explain, we need first to step back a bit and look at the mouth. The inside of the mouth is coated with biofilms – slippery, slimy mixtures of sugary materials, sulphur compounds, and bacteria – that attach to the tongue, cheeks, teeth and gums. The biofilm that attaches to teeth, for example, is called “dental plaque.” Each biofilm is different, so biofilms on the tongue have a different mixture of bugs and gunk than those attached to the teeth. Biofilms harbor bacteria, viruses and fungi that may infect tissues and cause disease, so disrupting and removing biofilms is important. And the tongue is an important muscle: it helps you speak, chew, swallow, taste and sense texture, so like other muscles, you want to keep it in shape! Just as tooth-brushing mechanically gets rid of biofilm on the teeth and gums; tongue-scraping helps get rid of biofilm, bacteria, fungi, and viruses embedded in the tongue. Using a mouthwash regularly helps wash away biofilm from the cheeks, gums, teeth and tongue. Scraping the tongue mechanically helps remove biofilm from the tongue. Mouth-rinsing complements rather than replaces tongue-scraping. Tongues dry out. Dry tongues are susceptible to infection and allowing them to be even more of a home for sulfur compounds, a primary source of bad breath. So, when you scrape your tongue, you get rid of biofilm and bacteria. But to do a thorough job, it is best to bath the tongue (along with the rest of the mouth) with a mouthwash to rinse away residual matter and sanitize the surfaces. If you have “dry mouth,” your tongue is dry too. By slowly arching your tongue toward the roof of your mouth and making a clicking sound, you normally produce saliva. Saliva is nature’s mouth rinse. It helps bath the tongue, slowing the process of biofilm formulation and keeping the tongue moist. Using oral rinses and sprays can sanitize the tongue too and help keep it moist. So, scraping your tongue not only is good oral hygiene, ranking right up there with brushing and flossing, but it also can help prevent bad breath and dry mouth, particularly when followed by a mouth rinse or oral spray. If your mo
|[ < ]||[ > ]||[ << ]||[ Up ]||[ >> ]||[Top]||[Contents]||[Index]||[? ]| Every Emacs command has a name that you can use to run it
|[ < ]||[ > ]||[ << ]||[ Up ]||[ >> ]||[Top]||[Contents]||[Index]||[? ]| Every Emacs command has a name that you can use to run it. Commands that are used often, or that must be quick to type, are also bound to keys--short sequences of characters--for convenient use. You can run them by name if you don't remember the keys. Other Emacs commands that do not need to be quick are not bound to keys; the only way to run them is by name. See section AD.4 Customizing Key Bindings, for the description of how to bind commands to keys. By convention, a command name consists of one or more words, separated by hyphens; for example, manual-entry. The use of English words makes the command name easier to remember than a key made up of obscure characters, even though it is more characters to type. The way to run a command by name is to start with M-x, type the command name, and finish it with RET. M-x uses the minibuffer to read the command name. RET exits the minibuffer and runs the command. The string `M-x' appears at the beginning of the minibuffer as a prompt to remind you to enter the name of a command to be run. See section E. The Minibuffer, for full information on the features of the minibuffer. You can use completion to enter the command name. For example, you can invoke the command forward-char by name by typing either M-x forward-char RET M-x forw TAB c RET forward-char is the same command that you invoke with the key C-f. You can run any Emacs command by name using M-x, whether or not any keys are bound to it. If you type C-g while the command name is being read, you cancel the M-x command and get out of the minibuffer, ending up at top level. To pass a numeric argument to the command you are invoking with M-x, specify the numeric argument before the M-x. M-x passes the argument along to the command it runs. The argument value appears in the prompt while the command name is being read. If the command you type has a key binding of its own, Emacs mentions this in the echo area, two seconds after the command finishes (if you don't type anything else first). For example, if you type M-x forward-word, the message says that you can run the same command more easily by typing M-f. You can turn off these messages by setting Normally, when describing in this manual a command that is run by name, we omit the RET that is needed to terminate the name. Thus we might speak of M-x auto-fill-mode rather than M-x auto-fill-mode RET. We mention the RET only when there is a need to emphasize its presence, such as when we show the command together with following arguments. M-x works by running the command execute-extended-command, which is responsible for reading the name of another command and invoking it. |[ << ]||[ >> ]||[Top]||[Contents]||[Index]||[? ]|
Future Aspects of Climate Change If our annual emissions of billions of tons of carbon dioxide do not significantly decline, the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will continue to rise. Our food supply, water resources, infrastructure, ecosystems, and even
Future Aspects of Climate Change If our annual emissions of billions of tons of carbon dioxide do not significantly decline, the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will continue to rise. Our food supply, water resources, infrastructure, ecosystems, and even our own health will be impacted by these changes. Future changes will be influenced by numerous factors. stabilization of the climate targets an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases Natural factors that affect the climate, such as volcanic activity and variations in the sun's intensity, as well as natural climate-related processes (e.g., changes in ocean circulation patterns) To better comprehend these problems and predict future climate changes, scientists use computer models of the climate system.
TEST YOUR NERD KNOWLEDGE: November 9, 2021 Here’s a review of this eek’s questions: - What is the name of the supercomputer that recently defended its title as the world’s fastest supercomputer
TEST YOUR NERD KNOWLEDGE: November 9, 2021 Here’s a review of this eek’s questions: - What is the name of the supercomputer that recently defended its title as the world’s fastest supercomputer? - Who is the Victorian mathematician widely regarded as the “First Computer Programmer?” - What did IBM engineer Alan Shugart invent in 1971? And here are the answers: - The Fugaku supercomputer, developed by Fujitsu and Japan’s national research institute RIKEN, recently defended its title for the third year in a row as the world’s fastest supercomputer, beating competitors from China and the U.S. Today’s supercomputers are around 20 million times more powerful than a smartphone.Fujitsu has been an innovator in the tech industry since 1935. RIKEN celebrated a “Century of Discovery” in 2017, having been at the forefront of progressive and innovative scientific endeavors since 1917. - Ada Lovelace was born in England in 1815. She was the daughter of Annabella Byron and Romantic poet Lord Byron but exhibited skills for math and science similar to those of her mother at an early age. Lovelace’s opportunity for infamy came when she met Charles Babbage, the renowned mathematician who would become her friend and mentor. Together they worked on the project known as the “Analytical Engine,” a hulking machine with thousands of cogwheels that could perform more functions with greater accuracy. Lovelace served as its key interpreter. The calculations and algebraic patterns that Lovelace contributed were, of course, credited to numerous male engineers. Her findings were described as, “the science of operations, as derived from mathematics, and therefore a science of itself, having its own abstract truth and value.” - Alan Shugart was intimately involved in every important juncture of the computer storage industry for more than four decades. Over that time, computer storage systems shrank from monsters the size of large washing machines to compact boxes that fit in the palm of the hand. Shugart started at IBM in 1951 and left in 1972 to start his own company. The first Shugart floppy held 100 KBs of data. Shugart was born in Chino, CA in 1930 and led a fascinating life, both in and out of the technology industry. He died in 2006 at the age of 76.
Worksheet based on Algebra - Interpreting Expressions. Good in class as a worksheet for review; working together in groups during whole class teaching or for independent homework. Worksheet – Interpreting Expressions Subject Math — Expressions and Equations
Worksheet based on Algebra - Interpreting Expressions. Good in class as a worksheet for review; working together in groups during whole class teaching or for independent homework. Worksheet – Interpreting Expressions Subject Math — Expressions and Equations Grade Level Grades 6-8 Resource Type Handout More from this Contributor Addition and Subtraction Facts to Five Study Cards Handout, Lesson Plan | Grades K-2
Singh Grewal, M.D. In the United States alone, approximately 1.3 million patients suffer myocardial infarction (heart attack) each year and at the present time, a North American man has a 20%
Singh Grewal, M.D. In the United States alone, approximately 1.3 million patients suffer myocardial infarction (heart attack) each year and at the present time, a North American man has a 20% chance of suffering either a myocardial infarction or sudden death before the age of 65 years. The cause of heart attacks in most of these patients is hardening of the arteries secondary to cholesterol deposits inside the muscular wall of the arteries eventually leading to calcium deposits and causing obstruction to flow resulting in decreased blood supply and oxygen supply to the heart muscle when it needs more under stress or with increased physical activity. Results of decreased oxygen supply to a segment of heart muscle for several minutes can cause heart attack which means a portion of the heart muscles dies with the heart attack. To date, no single cause which initiates arteriosclerosis has been identified; however, several contributing factors called risk factors for coronary artery disease have been identified from epidemiologic studies. Here we will discuss about the risk factors in your background or life style that may put you at risk for coronary artery disease and what you can do to control them and thus play an active part in preventing a heart attack. Some risk factors you cannot help ‘‘and therefore cannot change.” Doctors call these modifiable risk factors. If you have these risk factors, you are more likely to develop coronary artery disease; - If you have close blood relatives who have heart at
The first function of oil-immersed transformer oil is insulation, and the insulation strength of transformer oil is much higher than that of air. The insulating material is immersed in oil, which improves the dielectric strength and protects it from moisture. 2
The first function of oil-immersed transformer oil is insulation, and the insulation strength of transformer oil is much higher than that of air. The insulating material is immersed in oil, which improves the dielectric strength and protects it from moisture. 2. Heat dissipation The second function of transformer oil is to dissipate heat. Transformer oil has a large specific heat and can be used as a coolant. The heat generated during the operation of the transformer can cause the oil close to the iron core and the winding to expand and rise due to heat, and through the upper and lower convection of the oil, the heat is dissipated through the radiator to ensure the normal operation of the transformer. 3. Arc suppression The third function of transformer oil is arc suppression. On the on-load tap changer of oil circuit breakers and transformers, arcing occurs when the contacts are switched. Transformer oil has good thermal conductivity. Under the high temperature of the arc, a large amount of gas will be decomposed and a large pressure will be generated, which improves the arc extinguishing performance of the medium and makes the arc extinguish quickly. For more information about oil-immersed transformer oil, you can check this article: Transformer Oil Properties Post time: Jan-20-2022
OSLO, Norway, June 9 (UPI) -- A large meteorite struck in northern Norway this week, landing with an impact an astronomer compared to the atomic bomb used at Hiroshima. The meteorite appeared as a ball of fire
OSLO, Norway, June 9 (UPI) -- A large meteorite struck in northern Norway this week, landing with an impact an astronomer compared to the atomic bomb used at Hiroshima. The meteorite appeared as a ball of fire just after 2 a.m. Wednesday, visible across several hundred miles in the sunlit summer sky above the Arctic Circle, Aftenposten reported. Peter Bruvold, a farmer, said he happened to be out in the fields with a camera because he was tending a foaling mare and he photographed the fireball. "I saw a brilliant flash of light in the sky, and this became a light with a tail of smoke," Bruvold said. "I heard the bang seven minutes later. It sounded like when you set off a solid charge of dynamite a kilometer (0.62 miles) away." The meteor struck a mountainside in Reisadalen. Knut Jorgen Roed Odegaard, the country's leading astronomer, said he expects the meteor to prove to be the largest to h
Tree pruning is much more than trimming a branch here or snipping a twig there just for the look of it. The activity helps get rid of weak, overgrown, damaged, diseased, and insect-infested branches. In addition to giving
Tree pruning is much more than trimming a branch here or snipping a twig there just for the look of it. The activity helps get rid of weak, overgrown, damaged, diseased, and insect-infested branches. In addition to giving your trees a more polished look, tree pruning helps boost the overall health of the plants. Each time you prune your trees, you are basically investing in their long and healthy life. If you are new to tree pruning, you may not be very familiar with the tree pruning cost. In this guide, we will help you figure out the amount of money you need to have at hand when you decide to invite tree pruners over to your place. Professional Tree Pruning Cost The average tree pruning cost is approximately $429. Most people, however, may have to part with anywhere between $180 and $681 to cater for the pruning of a single tree. Although tree pruning will eat into your funds, it is a crucial part of keeping your trees both strong and healthy. If you ignore tree pruning, your trees will end up growing too dense – his will keep the sunlight from reaching the inner branches and rainwater from reaching the roots. The tree won’t get enough water and since its inner branches cannot access sunlight, photosynthesis won’t be possible. While the tree may appear lush on the outside, it will be dying from the inside. Tree Pruning Cost Factors The tree pruning cost varies depending on a wide range of factors. The factors include: - Tree size - Tree location - Tree type - Tree health Factors Influencing Tree Pruning Timing 1. AestheticsPruning is an ideal way of improving the appearance of your tree. The need to have aesthetically appealing trees on your compound may affect the tree pruning timing. 2. SafetyIf your tree features broken or dead branches, you may want to get rid of the branches before they fall on someone or cause any damage to your property. If tree branches grow too close to utility lines (say, power lines), they could be a risk to you and your family. If the branches start obstructing your vision while you are driving, they could increase the potential of an accident. Scheduling tree pruning as soon as possible can help you eliminate all these risks. 3. HealthIt is possible to fix numerous tree health problems via pruning. For example, you can cut a diseased part off the tree before the disease starts spreading. Expert tree pruners recommend that tree pruning be conducted when the tree is not growing actively (while the tree is dormant). Different trees will have varying dormant and growth periods. Unless the tree is posing a risk or it has a health complication that can be solved via pruning, wait for the dormant season before pruning the tree. Tree Pruning Cost for Large Trees Compared to small trees, large trees require more work during pruning. They have more branches which are usually more difficult to reach because of the tree’s width and height. All this tells you that large trees may cost you more money than the small to average trees. To prune trees whose height exceeds 60 feet, you should expect to pay an average of $800 – $1000. This price is largely dependent on the number of trees you want to be pruned and their location. Note: Extremely tall
Build Your Own City Lesson Plan Activity. The students have to plan their own future city acording to a list of requirements, it´s a creative task for pairs. Gather the students and read the book the little house. Have your sociology students design
Build Your Own City Lesson Plan Activity. The students have to plan their own future city acording to a list of requirements, it´s a creative task for pairs. Gather the students and read the book the little house. Have your sociology students design their own cities during a unit on social change and population. City by design national building museum this lesson was created as a supplement to the city by design program at the national building museum. Build your our city/town map clipartthis map making clipart set is a great tool for students to design their own town or city, use for coding.
America was founded on the principle that all are created equal and that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. Is that what it does? Do we really have a democracy? As you probably know in mid-January the US Senate
America was founded on the principle that all are created equal and that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. Is that what it does? Do we really have a democracy? As you probably know in mid-January the US Senate was unable to pass critical voting rights legislation. No Republican voted in favor of this legislation, as well as two notable Democrats.. Frances Moore Lappe´ takes a closer look at the decline of our so-called democracy with numbers that reflect lack of trust in government and how we rank among other democracies. It’s a pretty grim report. Take a look: Voter turnout tells us a lot about trust in government. "Through the '50's and '60's, more than 60 percent of our eligible population voted. But from 1972 on, turnout stayed mainly in the 50th percentiles. Then, 2020 turnout jumped to 67% likely due to Trump's controversial presidency. Comparatively, in recent nationwide elections, the U.S. comes in a sad 30th out of 35 nations within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. At the top? Australia and Sweden where 80 percent of citizens of voting age vote." She explains that representation inequity, gerrymandering, the electoral college, voter suppression and money in politics are responsible for this poor ranking. Read her article here. Here are excerpts from another sobering article on the state of American democracy: Read "The Republican Party is Succeeding Because We Are Not a True Democracy" by Jedediah Britton-Purdy. "Jan. 6 and the four years before it were a forcible reminder that democracy is a task, not a birthright. Having rediscovered that we must take democracy seriously, we should now put it first in our politics.... Democracy matters not because there is something magical about 50-percent-plus-one in any given vote but because it gives people the power to decide how they will live together. If we don’t claim that power, the market, a court or a minority government will always be pleased to take it off our hands.... Democracy, when it works, puts the ultimate political power in the hands of the people who work, worry and wish they could promise their loved ones more than they can. It gives us back a bit of our world." One more thing: It appears that the only way the Republicans believe they can win elections is by voter suppression and gerrymandering. Doesn't say much for what they stand for, does it? And we’ve always thought we were the model of democracy for the world! If we want a true democracy we must do something about it. We must do democracy. Back to Blog
The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. I watched a hilarious sitcom the other day called 30 Rock, about an extremely attractive man who constantly received special privileges due to his
The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. I watched a hilarious sitcom the other day called 30 Rock, about an extremely attractive man who constantly received special privileges due to his looks. At restaurants, someone would always pick up the check for him. He was welcomed into exclusive events without tickets, his ridiculous ideas were always met with praise, and no matter what he did, he never got anything but accolades. When his female friend tried to tell him about all of his unearned privileges, he didn’t believe it. She called his sense of unreality and privilege the “bubble.” At the end of the episode, he finally did open his eyes and recognize that he lived in a bubble—but he definitely didn’t want to give up his privilege and live in the “real” world. I saw the show as a metaphor about the many wonderful people, who happen to be white, and who don’t realize that they too live in a type of symbolic bubble of racial privilege. Believing in equality, they think society has leveled the racial playing field, but I don’t think that’s true. Instead I see many disparities, especially as they affect black people. I say that as a white woman who has started to explore and understand the cultural privileges of my own skin color. Yes, it is theoretically possible to reach the same attainments from wherever you started in life, no matter your race. However, if you were raised in a prosperous community, it’s going to be a whole lot easier to reach these goals than if you were raised in a disadvantaged neighborhood. Equal is not necessarily the same. We all know that racial and economic privilege has its perks—better opportunities, better nutrition, better neighborhoods, better community facilities and amenities. Access to quality education tops the list, and because that quality education isn’t available to everyone, it keeps the less fortunate out of the loop of higher paying jobs, funding for homes and the chance to advance in life. Beyond all that, white people will never be subjected to racism due to the color of their skin. Much more than just a word, racism affects how one is treated every day. Whites in the bubble can never know how debilitating it is to be looked down on, maligned and in the worst cases, persecuted, all over skin color. The Baha’i teachings ask white people to recognize that privilege and “make a supreme effort” to get past it: Let the white make a supreme effort in their resolve to contribute their share to the solution of this problem, to abandon once for all their usually inherent and at times subconscious sense of superiority, to correct their tendency towards revealing a patronizing attitude towards the members of the other race, to persuade them through their intimate, spontaneous and informal association with them of the genuineness of their friendship and the sincerity of their intentions. – Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 40. So how do we burst that white privilege bubble? Acknowledging that it exists is a start. We can realize that the bubble exerts tremendous influence over people’s lives. We can work toward educating those around us, so that the collective consciousness is raised. If you encounter those who peacefully speak out about white privilege, don’t take it as a personal attack. Here are a few innovative ways the issue is being addressed: - At Appalachian State University a campus bulletin board recently featured fliers from the “Check Your Privilege” campaign started by professors at the University of San Francisco. It listed many of the privileges enjoyed by white men, the upper economic classes and others. As might be expected, a backlash occurred from whites that didn’t want to acknowledge that any privilege existed. Admittedly, many do not want to think that they are not open-minded in their thinking—but no matter how uncomfortable it makes us, white privilege, to one degree or another, is a fact. - My daughter, a teacher, volunteers her time to teach Baha’i Sunday school. In a recent class she spoke to the children about equality and fairness, taught them an important Baha’i quote about justice, and showed them this graphic to facilitate awareness: - A group of Baha’is in St. Louis, Missouri have started a project called Dysfunctionalware. Their m
Union Minister Jitendra Singh has launched India’s first saline water lantern, which uses sea water to power the LED lamps. The Minister of State for Science and Technology launched the “first-of-its kind lantern named Roshini” during a
Union Minister Jitendra Singh has launched India’s first saline water lantern, which uses sea water to power the LED lamps. The Minister of State for Science and Technology launched the “first-of-its kind lantern named Roshini” during a visit to SAGAR ANVESHIKA, a coastal research vessel operated and used by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, a PIB release on Saturday said. “Dr Jitendra Singh has launched India’s first Saline Water Lantern which uses sea water as the electrolyte between specially designed electrodes to power the LED lamps,” it said. He was quoted as saying that the lantern will bring “ease of living to the poor and needy, particul
Lifestyle Health Why It's Important to Get Kids 5 to 11 Vaccinated for COVID — and What Parents Need to Know PEOPLE Health Squad pediatrician Dr. Elizabeth Murray answers everything from the potential side effects to allergies to why this is "
Lifestyle Health Why It's Important to Get Kids 5 to 11 Vaccinated for COVID — and What Parents Need to Know PEOPLE Health Squad pediatrician Dr. Elizabeth Murray answers everything from the potential side effects to allergies to why this is "an incredibly safe vaccine" for kids By Julie Mazziotta Julie Mazziotta Twitter Julie Mazziotta is the Sports Editor at PEOPLE, covering everything from the NFL to tennis to Simone Biles and Tom Brady. She was previously an Associate Editor for the Health vertical for six years, and prior to joining PEOPLE worked at Health Magazine. When not covering professional athletes, Julie spends her time as a (very) amateur athlete, training for marathons, long bike trips and hikes. People Editorial Guidelines Published on November 5, 2021 12:38 PM Share Tweet Pin Email A child getting vaccinated. Photo: Getty After months of waiting as pediatric COVID-19 cases soared, Pfizer's vaccine is now officially available for kids aged 5 to 11. The approval was a landmark moment in the fight against the pandemic, with nearly all Americans now eligible for a vaccine that will protect them against the often-deadly virus. And while there is a large portion of parents who will immediately get their children vaccinated, recent polling has found that around one-third are hesitant, and another third do not intend to vaccinate their kids. Here, PEOPLE Health Squad pediatrician Dr. Elizabeth Murray, a specialist in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Child Health Advocacy, shares what parents need to know about the vaccine and why it's important to get this age group protected against COVID-19. Young kids typically don't get severely sick if they contract COVID-19 — so why should 5- to 11-year-olds get vaccinated? "While children have, in general, had less severe illness than adults, their lives have definitely been impacted by COVID-19," Murray says. "Many thousands of children have been hospitalized and children in this age group have died from COVID-19 during the pandemic. Children also do spread the disease so anything we can do to lessen the illness, the better off we will be." Plus, she adds, "it's also important to know that MIS-C, the severe post-COVID illness seen in children, is most common in this age group." 8-year-old Carter Giglio after getting his first dose at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C. Children's National Hospital How well has Pfizer's vaccine been tested and reviewed in kids aged 5 to 11? "Very well! It's also important to remember that the research doesn't stop. There is on-going monitoring done via a number of groups to continue to look for any signs of safety concerns," Murray says. "Parents are encouraged to register their vaccinated children in the V-safe program so that they can record any side effects or health concerns. I did this for my 12-year-old and it was very simple. You (the parent) receive periodic text messages asking how your child is feeling. It takes less than a minute." Pfizer Says Its Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective in Preventing COVID in Kids Aged 5 to 11 Should kids expect to have side effects? "The side effect profile was pretty similar to that seen in older children. The most common being a sore arm, then muscle aches and fever," she says. "It is important to know that there were no serious adverse side effects seen in the 5-11 year age group." Are allergies a concern? "This is a very simple vaccine in terms of ingredients and it is incredibly rare to be allergic to any of the components," Murray says. "The consent form goes through some allergy questions for the parent to review before the vaccine is given." RELATED VIDEO: Unvaccinated TikToker Who Died of COVID Spent Last Days Urging Followers to Get the Vaccine This dosage is smaller than the one for people 12 and up — what should parents do if their child turns 12 in between doses? "Don't worry! The recommendation is to receive the dose based on age," she says. "However, the EUA also states that if a newly 12 year old receives the lower dose as their second dose, that will be okay." What Parents Need to Know Now That Kids Aged 12 to 15 Are Eligible for
Good morning, tamariki mā! is the second fully translanguaged children's book and also created by the Translanguaging Aotearoa team. The text moves fluidly between te reo Māori and English in
Good morning, tamariki mā! is the second fully translanguaged children's book and also created by the Translanguaging Aotearoa team. The text moves fluidly between te reo Māori and English in a way that builds children's vocabulary in both languages. The text was constructed based on real life communication and scientific linguistic principles. This book also includes real-life lessons on the importance of personal responsibility, grounded within a Māori cultural context." Good morning, tamariki mā! e-book
One of the greatest challenges in health care today is dealing with the coexistence of multiple chronic conditions, which is called multiple comorbidities. An increase in the number of chronic conditions correlates with an increase in the number of inappropriate hospitalizations.
One of the greatest challenges in health care today is dealing with the coexistence of multiple chronic conditions, which is called multiple comorbidities. An increase in the number of chronic conditions correlates with an increase in the number of inappropriate hospitalizations. Self-management, or taking care of your multiple chronic conditions, can be challenging because recommended activities for one condition may be made difficult because of another condition. Chronic medical conditions include, but are not limited to, asthma, diabetes, cancer, chronic bronchitis, congestive heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, depression, emphysema, hypertension and. Without effective treatment chronic conditions may lead to disability. The incidence of chronic disease has increased as mortality rates have decreased. It is estimated that by 2030 half of the population of the USA will have one or more chronic conditions. Chronic care is complex in nature because it extends over a prolonged period of time, requires input from a diverse set of health professionals, various medications and possibly monitoring equipment. As time passes, chronic conditions can worsen and become advanced chronic conditions. Patients can become seriously ill and may be at risk for a life-threatening clinical event because they have a serious life-limiting medical condition. This may include advanced frailty. Examples of advanced chronic conditions include: Patients with advanced chronic conditions coupled with frailty are at highest risk for recurrent hospitalizations, worsening frailty, diminished functional status in everyday life and ultimately, mortality. These individuals deserve to be offered the opportunity to learn about and complete a MOLST. Frailty is a common clinical syndrome in older adults that carries an increased risk for poor health outcomes including falls, disability, hospitalization, and mortality. It results from aging-associated decline in reserve and function across multiple physiologic systems such that the ability to cope with every day or acute stressors is comprised. A frail individual has a weak grip, low energy, low physical activity, walks slowly, and may have unintentional weight loss. Frailty is a clinically recognizable state of increased vulnerability resulting from aging-associated decline in reserve and function across multiple physiologic systems such that the ability to cope with every day or acute stressors is compromised. A frail person has trouble performing activities of daily living because of weakness or fatigue. Frail individuals are vulnerable to acute illness due to low activity level. Frailty is a marker for worsening health status. The Clinical Frailty Scale is used to help identify people in the five categories of people who have advanced chronic conditions and/or advanced frailty and should consider using MOLST: Healthy people are NOT appropriate for MOLST and should complete an advance directive and have a discussion with family and loved ones. Likewise, patients who have a chronic condition or multiple chronic conditions but have a long life expectancy are not appropriate for MOLST. Patients who are receiving post-acute care in a skilled nursing facility may or may not be appropriate for MOLST. They should be screened to see if they fit any of the categories of patients who should consider MOLST. It is critically important to understand health status and prognosis as part of preparing for a thoughtful MOLST discussion, and share as you begin a thoughtful MOLST discussion. Submit your email address to receive New York's MOLST Update. The MOLST Update is a Newsletter dedicated to providing up-to-date information on advance care planning, MOLST and eMOLST.
Muhammad Ali was, unquestionably, one of the greatest fighters of all time – if not the best. But, unbeknownst to many, it seems that he believed that being the greatest meant showing love toward the least. Join Henry
Muhammad Ali was, unquestionably, one of the greatest fighters of all time – if not the best. But, unbeknownst to many, it seems that he believed that being the greatest meant showing love toward the least. Join Henry Flowers IV as he explores Muhammad Ali’s remarkable teachings on what it means to selflessly love your fellow brother and sister. Flowers uses Muhammad Ali’s lesson to delve into the Love Them Both mentality, where both the child and the mother are w
Bitcoin mining is the foundation of the Bitcoin organization. Miners give security and affirm Bitcoin transactions. Without Bitcoin miners, the system would be assaulted and broken. Bitcoin mining is done by specific computers. The role of miners is to secure the system and
Bitcoin mining is the foundation of the Bitcoin organization. Miners give security and affirm Bitcoin transactions. Without Bitcoin miners, the system would be assaulted and broken. Bitcoin mining is done by specific computers. The role of miners is to secure the system and to process each Bitcoin transaction. Miners accomplish this by tackling a computational issue which enables them to chain together blocks of transactions (henceforth Bitcoin’s popular “blockchain”). For this, miners are compensated with recently made Bitcoins and transaction expenses. You May Also Read: Can Blockchain Technology be Hacked? What is Bitcoin Mining? There are many aspects of Bitcoin mining, and we’ll go through them here. They are: - Issuance of new bitcoins - Affirming transactions Mining Is Used to Issue new Bitcoins: Traditional money forms – like dollar or euro- – are issued by national banks. The national bank can issue new units of cash whenever they feel that it will enhance the economy. Bitcoin is extraordinary. With Bitcoin, miners are compensated new at regular intervals. The issuance rate is set in the code, so miners can’t deceive the framework or make bitcoins out of nowhere. They need to utilize their figuring capacity to create the new bitcoins. Miners Confirm Transactions: Miners incorporate transactions sent on the Bitcoin network in their blocks. A transaction should be marked as secure and completed once it is incorporated into a block. When a transaction has been incorporated into a block, it is formally installed into Bitcoin’s blockchain. More confirmations are better for bigger installments. Miners Secure the Network: Miners secure the Bitcoin network by making it hard to attack, change or stop. The more the miners’ mine, the safer the system is. The best way to invert Bitcoin transactions is to have over 51% of the system hash control. Dispersed hash control spread amongst a wide range of miners protects Bitcoin. You May Also Read: A Beginner’s Guide to Verge Cryptocurrency What Are Bitcoin Mining Pools? Mining pools enable miners to get more regular mining payouts. By joining with different miners in a pool, it allows miners to discover blocks, as often as possible. How do mining pools help? By joining a mining pool, one offers their hash rate to the pool. Once the pool finds a block, they get a payout in light of the percent of hash rate added to the pool. How to Mine Bitcoins? M
Weekly Writing Memo: Writing TruthPosted: August 3, 2016 Filed under: Screenwriting, Uncategorized, Weekly Writing Memo, Writing, Writing Tips | Tags: Books, Fiction, Screenwriting, Writing, Writing Process Leave a comment
Weekly Writing Memo: Writing TruthPosted: August 3, 2016 Filed under: Screenwriting, Uncategorized, Weekly Writing Memo, Writing, Writing Tips | Tags: Books, Fiction, Screenwriting, Writing, Writing Process Leave a comment One of the things that is distinct about great writing is that it delivers a truth. This doesn’t mean the narrator or characters have to tell the truth, but it does mean that the writing has to be true to the story. Even if your characters or narrators are liars, their actions and their words have to be true to who they are. There are three main ways stories tell the truth: Truth of Story For a story to read realistic, it has to stay true to itself unless the writer has a very big reason to write it another way. However the events of your story happen, they have to be the true way they would happen and not forced for the writer’s preference. For example, in the Harry Potter novels, people had to die whether JK Rowling liked it or not. If she let everyone survive through all of the conflict within the novels she would be lying to her audience for the sake of a happy ending. In wars, people die, and without that death the story is a lie. Whatever type of story you are writing, you have to stay true to the type of story. People die, couples break up, families are torn apart, and bad things happen. You can’t protect your characters and your audience by lying to them. If you do, the story will lose its depth and worth, and the audience will know it. Truth of Character Characters in stories have to stay true to who they are. If they behave out of character for the sake of progressing the plot, then the character will often lose the audience. The audience is not dumb and they know when the writer is manipulating a character for the sake of the plot. You can’t force your characters to go where you want them to. Every action has to be justified by your characters motivations. By staying true to your characters, you are strengthening your plot and your story, and your audience will buy into your story more. Finally, every story has a big truth to it. In Harry Potter the truth was that people die, good has to make sacrifices to defeat evil, and that evil can be an alluring force that turns good people bad. I’m sure there are others, but these are some of the big truths and themes that the Harry Potter stories bring out in their telling. So what are your story’s truths? What is your story saying about the world? Whatever it is, make sure it is truth and not wishful thinking or a fairytale unless you are doing it deliberately. A lot of children’s stories will have morals that aren’t always true, such as “good always triumphs.” These kinds of stories when given to adult audiences don’t work as well because adults generally know that they aren’t true for how the world works. By telling the truth about the world to your audience, you are creating a story with more depth. Of course, what is true for some is not true for all, but write the truth the best you can. The purpose of all this is to say that you can’t lie to your audience. Your audience is buying into your story, and if you lie to them they will know and they will almost always be disappointed. You can have characters and narrators that lie, but you the writer cannot lie. Whatever you do, do it with purpose, and with truth, and if you do that, your story will be the better for it. Robin Conley offers great writing advice most Wednesdays on Writing to be Read. If you just can’t wait until next week to find out more, you can pop into her blog, Author the World, for more tips, or a weekly writing prompt.
Enjoying an almost mythical reputation in Indian, it is said that the Amla berry came from the first tree to appear on Earth. These days it has gained a following throughout the world as a "superfruit." The bitter-sweet,
Enjoying an almost mythical reputation in Indian, it is said that the Amla berry came from the first tree to appear on Earth. These days it has gained a following throughout the world as a "superfruit." The bitter-sweet, but aromatic and tangy fruit are almost spherical, quite smooth, and greenish-yellow in colour with 6 vertical stripes, ripening to orange-brown in the autumn. Each fruit produces only one seed, hence the high price. It is a small to medium-sized most attractive tree with a crooked trunk and spreading branches, and greyish-green bark that peels off in flakes. The unusual flowers are greenish-yellow or pinkish with six segments, male and female flowers being carried separately on the same branch. These seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and should be sown into a well-drained, sandy compost at any time of the year, and covered thinly with sand or grit and kept moist. Keep at between 20-25 degrees C. Seeds sometimes germinate within 4 to 6 weeks although some may take very much longer so please be patient. Plant out in the open ground in warmer countries or in a large container elsewhere. Common name:Indian gooseberry, Phyllanthus emblica Packet Content:5 (Approx)
WhatsApp[email protected]Get PriceGet Quotation Manganese is one of the most important components in the production of steel. It is added to the steel to form an alloy that improves the strength and toughness of the steel. The addition of manganese
WhatsApp[email protected]Get PriceGet Quotation Manganese is one of the most important components in the production of steel. It is added to the steel to form an alloy that improves the strength and toughness of the steel. The addition of manganese to steel also helps to increase its resistance to corrosion, making it more durable and longer-lasting. Steel production is one of the largest applications of manganese, accounting for over 90% of the world’s manganese consumption. Manganese is used as a catalyst in the production of several chemicals, including fertilizers, dyes, and pigments. It is also used in the production of ceramics and glass, where it helps to improve the hardness and durability of these materials. Manganese is used in the construction industry as an alloying element in the production of stainless steel. The addition of manganese to stainless steel helps to increase its resistance to corrosion, making it an ideal material for use in construction, particularly in coastal and marine environments. Manganese is used in the electronics industry as a component of certain alloys, which are used in the production of electronic components such as capacitors and transistors. These components are essential for the functioning of a wide range of electronic devices, including smartphones, computers, and televisions. Manganese is an essential component in steel production and is used for several industrial applications. It is, therefore, crucial to have efficient machinery to process manganese ore into the desired form. Raymond mill is a common choice for manganese ore grinding, as it has stable performance, high efficiency, and low energy consumption. Raymond mill is a grinding mill that uses a cylindrical rotating device to crush and grind materials. The grinding roller swings outward and presses closely upon the grinding ring due to the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the grinding table. The materials are fed into the mill through a feeder and fall onto the grinding table where they are crushed and ground by the grinding roller. The manganese ore is first crushed and then ground to the required particle size by the Raymond mill. The crushed ore is then conveyed to the storage bin and fed into the grinding chamber of the Raymond mill through a feeder. The grinding roller swings outward and presses closely upon the grinding ring due to the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the grinding table. The manganese ore is ground between the grinding roller and grinding ring and is pulverized into powder. The powder is then collected by the powder concentrator and is sent to a storage bin. Advantages of Using Raymond Mill for Manganese Ore Processing High Efficiency: The Raymond mill has a high grinding efficiency, which can effectively increase the grinding speed and reduce the grinding time. Energy Saving: The Raymond mill has a low energy consumption, which can effectively reduce the operating costs of the mill and improve the overall economic benefits. Stable Performance: The Raymond mill has a stable performance and is not easily affected by external factors, which can ensure the continuous and stable operation of the mill. Easy to Operate: The Raymond mill is simple and easy to operate, and its maintenance is also very convenient, which can effectively reduce the maintenance time and cost. The Raymond mill is an efficient and practical machine for manganese ore grinding. Its high efficiency, low energy consumption, stable performance, and easy operation make it a suitable choice for manganese ore processing. If you are in need of a Raymond mill for your manganese ore processing, you can contact a reliable manufacturer for more information and a quote. We have jaw crushers, impact crushers, cone crushers, sand makers and so on. Mon - Sun, 0:00 - 24:00 24h Online Service
Temperament of Different Ages In addition to the congenital temperament, we also have the temperament of age, which means that people’s body takes different states at different ages. These states are divided into four periods of time: 1. Growth
Temperament of Different Ages In addition to the congenital temperament, we also have the temperament of age, which means that people’s body takes different states at different ages. These states are divided into four periods of time: 1. Growth and development stage: The growth stage is from birth to 15 years old. During this period, the growth of the body reaches perfection and the heat and moist dominate on the body. In fact, during this period, the temperament is hot and moist, and this does not mean that, for example, a person who is twenty years old has a warm and moist congenital temperament. But it means that this age has more heat and moisture than the ages before and after it, although this person may have a cold temperament, like phlegmatic people. 2. Youth stage: From the beginning of 15 years old to 30 or finally 40 years old is called youth stage, which means that a state of stagnation occurs on the body, and growth and development have decreased compared to the first stage. This stage is the period of prevailing heat and dryness, which means that heat and dryness increase in the body. 3. Adulthood or old age stage: which starts from the age of 40 to the age of 60, during this period, growth and development are completely stopped, and the body slowly declines and the physical strength gradually decreases. But the strength is not completely weakened. This stage is cold and dry. Although there is a difference of opinion among the Tabibs (old traditional Persian doctors) in this regard that this period is cold and dry or cold and moist. 4. Degeneration or senility stage: which is from the age of 60 until the end of life. This stage is the period of obvious and severe weakness. In this period c
The Dollar Smile Theory is an important concept for traders working with USD pairs. Have you ever thought about the fact that it seems like the U.S. Dollar rises both in times of economic boom and in times when the economy is in shambles
The Dollar Smile Theory is an important concept for traders working with USD pairs. Have you ever thought about the fact that it seems like the U.S. Dollar rises both in times of economic boom and in times when the economy is in shambles? This is because of the unique position of the USD as the world’s reserve currency. It can rise regardless of how the overall economy is doing. One way to think about this is to pretend that there are two types of U.S. Dollar: - The domestic U.S. dollar – This one rises and falls with the U.S. economy just like any other currency would. - The international U.S. dollar – This one is linked to the U.S. dollar used for international trade and to fund safe investments like U.S. Treasuries and Bonds. The international U.S. dollar would rise when the markets are volatile. However, the domestic U.S. dollar would rise when the markets are strong in the United States. There aren’t actually two different types of U.S. dollars floating around out there, but it is useful to think of it this way to understand why the U.S. dollar does what it does in various market conditions. What is the Dollar Smile Theory? This is a funny-sounding one, isn’t it? That’s how it goes in the forex market sometimes. The Dollar Smile Theory was created by Stephen Jen, a former economist for both the International Monetary Fund and Morgan Stanley. The Dollar Smile Theory assumes that the U.S. Dollar tends to strengthen when the U.S. economy is extremely strong or extremely weak. It is only when the U.S. economy goes into a holding pattern of sorts that the dollar loses some of its strength and value. Explaining the Dollar Smile Theory The theory relies on two major assumptions: - If the U.S. economy significantly outperforms economies around the world, then the U.S. dollar will also strengthen along with it. - If markets are chaotic and volatile, then the rush to safety pushes the U.S. dollar higher as well. In this case, traders are switching to a “risk-off” mentality when they purchase more U.S. dollars as a safe haven bet. In this theory, there are three main scenarios for how things work out for the USD. Scenario 1: USD Increases Due to Fear The U.S. dollar may increase because all of the other market participants are worried about other investments available to them out in the world. They start to see other markets as too risky, and they begin to push their money into the U.S. dollar as it is seen as a safe haven when other markets are shaky. All of that extra investment money coming into the USD pushes it higher than it otherwise would be. Scenario 2: USD Decreases Due to Weak Internal Economy The U.S. dollar may decrease due to a weak domestic economy. It is not completely immune from being shaken up when the domestic economy (aka the economy in the United States) takes a tumble. It is possible that increased interest rates in the United States might also take the dollar down a peg. To look at how the USD might do during a period of economic uncertainty in the United States, it is important to think about how the U.S. economy is doing relative to the rest of the world. If the U.S. economy is particularly weak compared to the rest of the world, then the Dollar Smile Theory suggests that the USD will decline in value. However, it is all about that relative balance between the U.S. economy and other economies around the world. Scenario 3: USD Increases Because of Economic Growth When the U.S. economy catches on fire and is like a rocket ship to space, then the U.S. Dollar is also likely to increase in value. There is seemingly nothing that can hold it back in this scenario. All of the factors are shaping up just right for the USD to go much higher against other currencies. People in the United States are experiencing growth in their domestic economy, and that fuels more strength in the USD. This is the second scenario in which the USD strengthens in the Forex market. The question that so many people have when it comes to the Dollar Smile Theory is if it holds in real market conditions. Right now, only time will tell. There are instances when it has seemingly panned out exactly as predicted, but it is not a guarantee that this will continue in the future. Theories about the market tend to come and go, but it will be interesting to see how this one continues to play out under various market conditions. It is simply not clear enough at this time to say with complete confidence which way it will ultimately go. Is a Strong Dollar a Pro or a Con? It sounds like a strong dollar would always be a positive thing, but that isn’t necessarily true. There are pros and cons to a strong dollar, and it is worthwhile to examine what those are. The price of imports to the U.S. is decreased when the dollar is strong. It also makes international travel less expensive for Americans traveling abroad. When the dollar is strong, U.S. consumers get the good end of the deal. They can save money on the things that they buy, including the things that they buy that are imported. Non-US consumers have a rougher time of it when the dollar rises in value because they have to pay more for things in the United States.
Antarctic fish have tailored over millennia to outlive within the freezing temperatures of the Southern Ocean. Nonetheless, in doing so, they’ve misplaced their capacity to develop at charges seen of their hotter water cousins, even when they’re now held
Antarctic fish have tailored over millennia to outlive within the freezing temperatures of the Southern Ocean. Nonetheless, in doing so, they’ve misplaced their capacity to develop at charges seen of their hotter water cousins, even when they’re now held on the similar water temperature, a brand new research suggests. The analysis, carried out by scientists on the College of Plymouth and the British Antarctic Survey, targeted on two species — the Antarctic spiny plunderfish (Harpagifer antarcticus) and the shanny (Lipophyrs pholis), often known as the widespread blenny. The Antarctic fish consumed round 20% much less meals than the species from temperate waters and grew at about half the speed, even when the 2 ecologically comparable species had been held on the similar water temperature. These new findings present that fish dwelling at Antarctic water temperatures have drastically elevated the quantity of mobile equipment they must make proteins — however nonetheless cannot make proteins on the similar fee as hotter water species — whereas the charges at which polar and temperate fish break down protein could be very comparable In flip, this implies in Antarctic fish the power to translate new proteins into bodily development has been drastically diminished. Consequently, the researchers say, it appears doubtless that an evolutionary trade-off for with the ability to survive at polar water temperatures has been a drastically diminished capacity to develop as effectively, or quickly, as hotter water fish. In flip, this has necessary implications for publicity to predation and what number of years it’d take to succeed in sexual maturity. Revealed in Royal Society Open Science, the research is the primary of its variety to evaluate how Antarctic fish make and retailer protein as development in comparison with these from temperate waters. It additionall
Hips are ball-and-socket joints that connect the legs to the torso. The hip joint is one of the largest and most important joints in the human body. It allows for a wide range of motion, including walking, running, and jumping
Hips are ball-and-socket joints that connect the legs to the torso. The hip joint is one of the largest and most important joints in the human body. It allows for a wide range of motion, including walking, running, and jumping. The hip joint is also a weight-bearing joint, which means it supports the weight of the body. The hip joint is made up of two bones: the femur (thigh bone) and the pelvis. The femur is the longest bone in the human body, and it fits snugly into a rounded socket in the pelvis called the acetabulum. The acetabulum is lined with a smooth layer of cartilage that allows the femur to move smoothly within the socket. The hip joint is held together by a network of strong ligaments and muscles. The ligaments provide stability, while the muscles allow for movement. The major muscles that attach to the hip joint are the gluteus Maximus (buttocks), the hamstrings (back of the thigh), and the quadriceps (front of the thigh). The hip joint is a very strong joint, but it is not indestructible. Overuseuse, injury, and certain medical conditions can all lead to hip pain or dysfunction. When the hip joint is not working properly, it can cause a great deal of discomfort and limit a person’s ability to move freely.
Multitasking seems like a must to keep up with your workload and the everyday demands of your life. This can be especially true if you work from home because you are constantly exposed to the needs of both your work and home life. There are
Multitasking seems like a must to keep up with your workload and the everyday demands of your life. This can be especially true if you work from home because you are constantly exposed to the needs of both your work and home life. There are many common misconceptions about the effectiveness of multitasking while working. Here are some of the common myths about multitasking: Feeling Accomplishment Means You’re Making Progress This is a powerful myth. Multitasking often gives a false sense of accomplishment, leading you to believe that you are getting a lot done, even if this isn’t true. One way to make sure your getting quality work done instead of falling for a false sense of accomplishment is to focus on one project at a time. Give all your effort and concentration to a singular project and complete it before shifting to a new project. Switching Tasks Saves Energy Believing this myth can waste a lot of your time and, ironically, your energy. When you switch between two different tasks, it takes your brain time to adjust to the new task. This causes a delay in your work and a drop in productivity every time you choose to shift tasks. Even taking a short glance at your inbox while working on another task can greatly slow down your brain’s momentum. A good remedy for this is to minimize the number of times you have to shift between different tasks by staying focused on one task as long as possible. Multitasking Has No Effect on Work Quality For some work tasks, this may be true. There may be mindless tasks at your work that can be accomplished effectively while multitasking. However, most projects that require complex thought cannot be done as well while multitasking. For projects that require a lot of thought, make sure to set aside a specific time to carry them out to avoid multitasking. Think about these things next time you are tempted to multitask to help you to become a more effective and efficient worker.
147 year old war photography Some 200 historic black-and-white images from the American civil war are published in the new book, “Historic Photos of Chickamauga Chattanooga” by James A. Hoobler. The book follows “Histor
147 year old war photography Some 200 historic black-and-white images from the American civil war are published in the new book, “Historic Photos of Chickamauga Chattanooga” by James A. Hoobler. The book follows “Historic Photos of Gettysburg” and is part of a planned series. “It’s the most traumatic event in American history — the only time we went to war with ourselves and the only time when part of the country has been invaded, conquered and militarily occupied.” The
Understanding HIPAA Compliance by Bridget.Giacinto, on May 12, 2015 11:32:10 AM Prior to the establishment of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) there was no generally accepted
Understanding HIPAA Compliance by Bridget.Giacinto, on May 12, 2015 11:32:10 AM Prior to the establishment of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) there was no generally accepted standard for protecting health information. The establishment of HIPAA and the privacy and security rules that accompany it, were developed in an effort to improve the access, portability and protection of patient health records for the healthcare industry. As technological advancements have made it possible to go digital with health records, Congress has recognized the need to create national standards by which to protect this information. This movement away from paper processes in favor of electronic data transactions has brought about this need for establishing security and privacy standards. Thus, a critical component of these HIPAA Rules were designed to implement safeguards for data protection, and the appropriate access and use of that information. Guidelines were put in place to ensure that all entities that handle medical data take the necessary measures to ensure the security of patient data. As there are hefty fines for non-compliance, it’s important to fully understand which entities are required to adhere to these HIPAA Rules. There are three covered entities: healthcare providers, health plans, and heath care clearinghouses. - Healthcare Providers – Any provider that engages in electronic transactions of health information (e.g., Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Psychologists, Clinics, Nursing Homes, Pharmacies) - Health Plans – Any plan (individual or group) that provides or pays the cost of health care (e.g., Health Insurance Companies, Company Health Plans, HMOs, Government Health Programs like Medicare or Medicaid) - Healthcare Clearinghouses – An entity (public or private) that processes non-standard health information for another entities into a standard format (i.e., standard electronic format or data content), or vice versa. There are two compliance rules that covered entities should be aware of: The Privacy Rule and the Security Rule. The Security Rule applies only to Electronic Protected Health Information (EPHI), whereas the Privacy Rule applies to Protected Health Information (PHI), which could include electronic, oral or paper form. - The Privacy Rule – Set of standards for who has access to Protected Health Information. - The Security Rule – Set of standards for ensuring that only those who should have access to Electronic Protected Health Information actually have access. These covered entities are required to protect the privacy and security of protected health information by following HIPAA compliance standards. The Privacy Rule protects all “Individually Identifiable Health Information,” which includes all health information for past, present, or future health care (physical or mental health) of an individual (including payment-related provisions for health care) that contain information that can be used to identify the individual. The Security Rule protects a subset of the Privacy Rule, which includes all individually identifiable health information that an entity creates, saves, maintains, accesses or shares in electronic form. This information is referred to in the Security Rule as “Electronic Protected Health Information.” The HIPAA Security Rule lays out three types of safeguards required for compliance: Administrative, Physical and Technical. These safeguards are put in place to maintain the “confidentiality” of electronic protected health information (e-PHI). One of the first steps that medical practices (and all covered entities) should perform is a risk assessment. This is considered part of the Administrative Safeguards provision in the security Rule and allows covered entities to determine which security measures are reasonable and appropriate, and which areas in need to change. A risk analysis involves looking at the current policies, systems, security safeguards, and backup and recovery processes to highlight areas of potential risk in light of the HIPAA standards and guidelines. An important part of this process involves assigning a designated security official who is officially responsible for documenting, developing, implementing and continually maintaining appropriate security policies and procedures to address these risks, and providing appropriate and reasonable security protections going forward. HIPAA requires that covered entities develop a contingency plan (also a part of the Administrative Safeguards) for both data backup and disaster recovery. This contingency plan must document how the organization will continue operations in the event of a data loss. Your plan should outline how data can be retrieved and accessed in an emergency, outage, or data loss scenario as well as how you intend to restore your data in the event of a disaster. Since a backup is only as good as your ability to restore from it, testing your backups should be included in your testing procedures. Data backup software is a critical part of every organizations data protection and disaster recovery plan, but for covered entities it is vital to maintaining HIPAA compliance. NovaBACKUP Corporation is one such company offering highly scalable and flexible backup software that is 100% HIPAA compliant for organizations who are required to protect data under the HIPAA act. For more information on creating a contingency plan, check out this how-to contingency plan that meets HIPAA security standards. HIPAA security standards require covered entities to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic health information. HIPAA specifically requires healthcare entities t
Where Can Leaders Vent? Leaders have situations which are frustrating at work. The higher you go in an organization, the less acceptable it is for leaders to display a bad attitude or poor interpersonal skills. Therefore, a leader must be highly selective about when
Where Can Leaders Vent? Leaders have situations which are frustrating at work. The higher you go in an organization, the less acceptable it is for leaders to display a bad attitude or poor interpersonal skills. Therefore, a leader must be highly selective about when, where and which topics they choose to vent about. What is venting? Venting is an emotionally charged expression. At work, the perceived need to vent could emerge as a response to something happening in the leader’s environment. This “something” may be deemed by the leader as threatening, and threats can initiate an acute stress response. As leaders, we need to know what to do when feeling this way – as the dangers of perceived threats are not necessarily real. There are many effective techniques to “put the brakes” on stress. These include deep breathing, mantra meditation, visualization exercises, yoga, and tai chi. (Understanding the stress response, Harvard Health Publishing accessed 4/4/22) When we put some distance between the threat and our response, we can consider if venting is in order. Were we actually threatened? Is there a threat to the organization? What timetable for response is appropriate? Is it our role to respond? Sometimes it is important to respond and by switching off our fight or flight response, we can organize our thoughts and make a proper action plan. Leaders may choose to vent directly to their boss if the topic is a critical one that they need help sorting out and addressing. This can be useful but, there is a risk of overusing this path. In particular, leaders are sometimes surprised that utilizing an “open door” or a “vent to me only” policy can end up working against them come performance review time if their boss decides to label the venting sessions as “negativity” or “a bad attitude.” It is recommended to be selective about what you choose to vent to your boss about and to spend some time arranging your thoughts in advance. Another choice of where to vent may be a trusted peer who is at your level in the organization. For this choice you need to be careful about having absolute confidence in the person and be sure that they know their role: to only listen. People in general struggle to listen without giving advice, and they may start advising on things you have no intention of following up on – which could reflect poorly on you. The best suggestions for where to vent are a journal or a professional coach. The reason being that both of these can help you organize what is important to you in a situation and make a plan to follow up, as desired. You can review your journal to understand trends over time. When using a coach, part of their role is to bring themes and patterns of behavior to your attention, which is an incredible benefit. The least recommended place to vent is with family or friends. Why? Because they have similar challenges in their workplaces and, a
One of the key components of a machine tool is the spindle; the machine could have a perfect structure and guide-ways, but if the spindle axis moves, the work-piece will present geometrical form errors. Through the years several methods have been
One of the key components of a machine tool is the spindle; the machine could have a perfect structure and guide-ways, but if the spindle axis moves, the work-piece will present geometrical form errors. Through the years several methods have been developed to characterize spindle axis motion from crude run out tests, to several contact and non-contact methods using LVDT’s, inductive probes and capacitance probes. Today the most accepted method uses a master target and capacitance probes instrumented and connected to a personal computer where all the calculations are made. This modern axis motion measuring instrumentation is capable of sub-micron resolution and accuracy. This equipment mostly finds its place in air bearing and hydrostatic spindle research and manufacturing, since the machines where these are used require ultraprecision components. While this may be true, modern spindle axis motion measuring is also a valuable resource for the Super Precision® machine tool manufacturers. The information acquired from these measurements can help in finding spindle defects and their sources. It can also identify if certain assembly process changes have a positive or negative impact. In the following paragraphs it will be shown how the measurement of spindle axis motion provides valuable advantages to the Super Precision® spindle manufacturer. Purpose of Measuring Spindle Axis Motion The part roundness is determined by a test cut performed on the completed machine. At this point the spindle has been assembled on the machine, where several covers and support systems have been installed. If the spindle does not meet the required specification, it will be rejected and several hours of assembly time are wasted. This creates the need for a spindle quality performance test. For a Super Precision® turning center the roundness should be under 0.50µm (20µin). The manufacturing process to achieve this roundness has been established and for the most part is stable. Nevertheless if a nonconforming spindle is detected before it can be installed on the machine, unnecessary waste is avoided. Measuring the roundness of the spindle requires a source of driving power, a work-holding device for the sample part and a guiding system for the tool. Supplying all these elements for a spindle which is not installed on the machine tool is impractical, cumbersome and can introduce additional errors to the roundness measurement. Taking these factors into consideration, i
What you need to know about digestive health It is likely that you suffer from, or have suffered from, some type of digestive disorder –irritable bowel, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, gas, and things
What you need to know about digestive health It is likely that you suffer from, or have suffered from, some type of digestive disorder –irritable bowel, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, gas, and things too gross to mention. You are not alone. Over 100 million Americans have digestive problems. The number three and seven top selling drugs in America are for digestive problems costing us billions and billions of dollars. There are more than 200 over-the-counter remedies for digestive disorders, many of which, most unfortunately, can create additional digestive problems. Visits for intestinal disorders are among the most common to primary care doctors. That’s not even the worst news. Most of us do not recognize or know, including most of your doctors, that digestive problems wreak havoc over your entire body leading to allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, rashes, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia, cancer and more. Having a healthy stomach means more to you than just not being annoyed by a little bloating or heartburn! It is central to your entire health. It is connected to everything that happens in your body. That’s why I almost always start helping people treat chronic health problems by fixing their stomach. Later I will tell you how to find out if you have a problem with your stomach and how to create a healthy digestive system. First let me explain why your stomach's health is so important. The health of your stomach determines what nutrients are absorbed and what toxins, allergens and microbes are kept out, and therefore it is directly linked to the health of your complete body. Intestinal health could be defined as the optimal digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. But that is a big job that depends on many other factors. For example, the bugs in your gut are like a rain forest – a diverse and interdependent ecosystem. They must be in balance for you to be healthy. There are 500 species and 3 pounds of bacteria in your stomach; it’s a huge chemical factory that helps you digest your food, produces vitamins, helps regulate hormones, excrete toxins and produce healing compounds that keep your stomach healthy. Too many of the wrong ones like parasites, yeasts or bad bacteria, or not enough of the good ones like lactobacillus or bifid bacteria can lead to serious damage to your health. Many diseases that seem totally unrelated to the stomach, such as eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, rashes, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia, cancer and more are actually caused by stomach problems. By focusing on healing your stomach you can get your true health back. Feeling more youthful than ever before, especially if you’re over 40 years old. Your entire immune system, and your body, is protected from the toxic environment in your stomach by a very thin cell layer. This thin layer covers a surface area the size of a tennis court—but it’s basically containing a sewer full of rotting food if food is not eaten properly. If that barrier is damaged, you will get sick and create an overactive immune system, producing inflammation throughout the body. Then there is your second brain, your stomach nervous system. Yes, you have a second brain, which is as important for directing your bodily functions as the one in your head. Your stomach, in fact, contains more neurotransmitters than your brain. It’s highly wired back to your brain and messages are always traveling back and forth. When those messages get altered for any reason in any direction, your health will suffer. And in the midst of all of this, your stomach must breakdown all the food you eat into its individual components, separate out all the vitamins and minerals and shuttle everything across that one cell thick layer into your bloodstream for you to stay healthy. Even in a perfect world, our stomach has a hard time keeping things balanced. But in our world there are many things that knock our digestive system off balance. What are they? Our low fiber processed flour, high sugar, processed food, nutrient poor, high calorie, high fat diet that makes all the wrong bacteria and yeast grow in the stomach leading to a damaged ecosystem. Overuse of medications that damage the stomach or block normal dige
What could be getting in the way of your child's growth. I’ve always thought that planting and sowing seeds are two of the easiest parts of gardening. And by easiest, I mean it’s really hard for me to mess those up.
What could be getting in the way of your child's growth. I’ve always thought that planting and sowing seeds are two of the easiest parts of gardening. And by easiest, I mean it’s really hard for me to mess those up. But the more I learn about seeds and sprouts and bulbs, I realize that I can either set them up well to grow or I can ruin them before they have time to take root in the ground. Whether you’re putting seeds or plants into the soil, the way you do so is remarkably important. Too deep and the seed suffers; too shallow and the roots are threatened or the seed washes away. "A seed, though not active, is a tiny living thing. It contains the embryo of the future plant, which is not changing or developing: it is dormant. The common idea is that the seed "sleeps" until it gets what it needs to wake up. Growth is triggered by particular events in the environment. Details of the triggers are known for some, but not all, seeds. Rain, fire, ground temperature, are examples. When a seed germinates ("wakes up"), it begins to grow into a little plant called a seedling. It uses the soft fleshy material inside the seed for nutrients (food) until it is ready to make food on its own using sunlight, water and air. Most seeds germinate underground where there is no sunlight. The plant does not need the nutrients in soil for a few days or weeks, because the seed has all the things it needs to grow. Later, though, it will begin to need sunlight. If there is sunlight, the plant will use it to grow healthy…If the plant does not get enough light, it will eventually die. It needs light to make food for itself when the reserve in the seed runs out." How often do we refer to our children as some sort of “seed” or “sprout?” While fitting in many ways, the more I’ve learned about sowing and planting new, young growth, the more I’ve realized the vital role that parents/caregivers/teachers/mentors/elders play in a child’s life. This little life can grow with the basic care and attention, but what will it grow into? Regardless of whether you are a parent of your own child(ren), a prospective parent, a guardian, or an influential part of a child’s life, let’s consider how we can promote the best growth in younger ones. What kind of elements in your child’s environment are already prompting healthy growth? What needs to be added and/or removed from the environment? What “nutrients” (strengths, positive characteristics, etc.) does your child already possess? What could happen if those aren’t encouraged and begin to stagnate or deteriorate? How could you be gentler and more attentive to your child’s growth? And what would it take for your child to grow even more? With you and for you, Photo from Write a comment
The Crypto currency bitcoin is like a dollar; neither has any intrinsic value of its own. However, when the dollar is backed by the trust of a federal government it's becomes legal tender. Bitcoin is based on the decentralisation of trust,
The Crypto currency bitcoin is like a dollar; neither has any intrinsic value of its own. However, when the dollar is backed by the trust of a federal government it's becomes legal tender. Bitcoin is based on the decentralisation of trust, and no single entity controls it. The best thing about bitcoin is that monetary policy is inherently coded within in it, so protecting it from inflation. However, there are some concerns regarding the misuse of bitcoin in illegal activities. It has both pros and cons, and time will tell whether it's digital gold or fool's gold.
Filter Press Releases by Topic Release date: 6/2/2016 Seven principles of healthy homes for National Healthy Homes Month Washington, DC — As National Healthy Homes Month begins, NeighborWorks America urges people to apply the following seven
Filter Press Releases by Topic Release date: 6/2/2016 Seven principles of healthy homes for National Healthy Homes Month Washington, DC — As National Healthy Homes Month begins, NeighborWorks America urges people to apply the following seven principles of healthy homes. Incorporating these changes can improve your health and save money. 1. Keep your home dry. Prevent water from entering your home through leaks in roofing systems or poor drainage, and check your interior plumbing for leaks. And remember, most basement water issues are related to poor gutters, downspouts and foundation grading; correcting these issues will go a long way towards reducing moisture in the home. 2. Keep your home clean. Control sources of dust and contaminants, creating smooth and cleanable surfaces, reducing clutter, and using effective wet-cleaning methods. Using a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) vacuum helps keep dust contained and reduces the amount of dust you inhale. Also, use safe and effective cleaning products such as those that are unscented, biodegradable, non-toxic and have no or low VOCs (volatile organic compounds). 3. Keep your home safe. Store poisons out of the reach of children and ensure they are properly labeled. Secure loose rugs and loose blind cords. Keep children's play areas free from hard or sharp surfaces. Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and since housing codes vary on whether alarms must be hard-wired, battery powered or both, regularly check the batteries. 4. Keep your home well ventilated. Good ventilation is vital to your family’s health and comfort. It’s most important to ventilate your bathroom and kitchen to remove hot, moist air and contaminants from those rooms. All vents should circulate air outside of the home. 5. Keep your home pest-free All pests look for food, water and shelter. Using IPM (Integrated Pest Management) techniques helps get rid of pests long term and reduces short- and long-term environmental and health hazards. IPM techniques include actions such as sealing cracks and openings throughout your home; storing food in pest-resistant containers; and removing hiding places and shelter, both inside and outside the home. 6. Keep your home contaminant-free. Reduce lead hazards in pre-1978 homes by fixing deteriorated paint. Test your home for radon, a naturally occurring dangerous gas that enters homes through soil, crawlspaces, and foundation crack. Install a radon removal system if levels above the EPA action-level are detected. 7. Keep your home well maintained. Inspect, clean and repair your home routinely. Make minor repairs before they become big problems. Use lifecycle thinking when doi
What is Black Soldier Fly Larvae and Why We Use Them in Our Products Updated: Jun 16, 2021 Written by: Tanys Franz, B.Sc & Inna Shekhtman Help Give Wings to This Sustainable
What is Black Soldier Fly Larvae and Why We Use Them in Our Products Updated: Jun 16, 2021 Written by: Tanys Franz, B.Sc & Inna Shekhtman Help Give Wings to This Sustainable Option More and more of us are exploring how we can reduce our carbon footprint on this planet. We are choosing more efficient modes of transportation, recycling more, buying sustainably produced clothing, shopping more local, and reducing the amount of meat we eat. Our food choices for both ourselves and our pets also have a significant impact on both health and environment. In fact, according to recent studies, food production accounts for over 26% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. So it is time to think outside the box when it comes to the way we feed our furry family members and we believe that insects can be part of a natural solution as a nutrient-dense, biologically appropriate and safe alternative. Is My Pet's Diet Really A Problem For The Environment? Raising livestock is one of the largest contributors of pollution and global warming emissions. While the majority of animal protein is produced for the human industry, about 20% is consumed by our pets according to recent studies . And as we try to feed our pets better with fresh food diets and human grade ingredients, it likely has the opposite effect on the health of our environment, with more animals being raised to accommodate this change. There is some data to suggest that free-range animals are better for the planet and that farmers can use regenerative agriculture methods to create environmental neutral operations. While we hope in time that more farms will adopt these natural farming practices, however today this represents a marginal percentage of the farming industry insufficient for commercial requirements. So if you are purchasing a commercial pet food, even one that uses ethically raised animals, your pet is part of the environmental load! So imagine if we could even reduce that by 20%! For beef, that would mean a reduction of 730 kg of greenhouse gases per year. What Is Black Soldier Fly Larvae? (BSFL) The black soldier fly (not to be confused with the common house fly), Hermetia illucens, is native to Ame
By the late nineteenth century, Spiritualism, a religious movement that promised communication with the dead through spirit mediums, had attracted a broad range of prominent followers like the American suffragist Victoria Woodhull, the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace
By the late nineteenth century, Spiritualism, a religious movement that promised communication with the dead through spirit mediums, had attracted a broad range of prominent followers like the American suffragist Victoria Woodhull, the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, and the beloved creator of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle. Although the Spiritualist movement did not offer any formalized religious belief beyond its commerce with spirits, its protean nature would come to accommodate very elastic physical evidence of life beyond the grave. Such material demonstrations would also offer female mediums a unique form of agency that reached beyond the political ends and religious goals of the Spiritualist séance room. On or about 1894, communications from the spirit world changed with the emergence of ectoplasm, a term invented by Nobel laureate and French physiologist Charles Richet. It was an often glutinous substance that emerged from va
Is Your Knee Motionally Challenged? How many times have you experienced knee pain as you squat down to pick something up or walk down steps? As we get older, knee pain is more common and it can range from annoying to debilitating.
Is Your Knee Motionally Challenged? How many times have you experienced knee pain as you squat down to pick something up or walk down steps? As we get older, knee pain is more common and it can range from annoying to debilitating. What may be causing this pain? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common knee disorder affecting over 32 million adults in the United States. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the end of your bones wears down over time. You will frequently hear people call it the wear and tear disease…meaning they have worn out their joints, but this is not exactly correct. OA is a disease of the entire joint - there is breakdown of the cartilage but there are also bony changes of the joints, deterioration of tendons and ligaments, and various degrees of inflammation of the joint lining (called the synovium). All of these changes cause the affected bones to get bigger and you may start to experience joint instability, a decrease range of motion, swelling, stiffness, a cracking or grinding noise with joint movement, and pain. How likely are you to get OA of the knee? The lifetime risk of developing OA of the knee is about 46%! You have almost a 50-50 shot of developing knee OA! What can we do to prevent OA or at least delay the onset? Some factors that contribute to the development of OA such as age (as age increases, risk increases), gender (females are more likely to develop OA) and genetics (individuals who have family members with OA are more likely to develop it themselves) are out of our control. The good news is that there are three modifiable risk factors for OA: joint injury or overuse, occupations that require repetitive knee bending, and obesity. Preventing injury. Preventing injuries can help you to avoid OA later in life. Injuries such as falls, sport collisions, work requirements, or even a car accident all can contribute to knee OA. Individuals with a history of knee injury are 3–6 times more likely than those without knee injury to develop knee OA. We can help prevent injury by strengthening the muscles surrounding the joint and by participating in balance training to prevent falls. Reduce repetitive stress. Some occupations require a lot of bending and lifting which can place a lot of undue stress on the joint if the activity is performed incorrectly. Learning to properly flex the knee will help to reduce stress to the joint. When performing knee flexion (bending the knee), press your knees outward, avoid letting them cave towards each other. To perfect this movement, incorporate leg abduction exercises into your exercise routine. Leg abductions can be done while seated in a chair, with a resistance band around your thighs. Hold onto the chair and press your knees outward, stretching the resistance band, and then bring your legs slowly back together. Weight management. Maintaining a healthy weight will help to reduce the stress placed upon the knee joint. Individuals who maintain a healthy weight are less likely t
Cambridge City, Indiana facts for kids Quick facts for kids Cambridge City, Indiana Location of Cambridge City in Wayne County, Indiana. |• Total||1.02 sq mi (2.63 km2)| |•
Cambridge City, Indiana facts for kids Quick facts for kids Cambridge City, Indiana Location of Cambridge City in Wayne County, Indiana. |• Total||1.02 sq mi (2.63 km2)| |• Land||1.01 sq mi (2.61 km2)| |• Water||0.01 sq mi (0.02 km2)| |Elevation||935 ft (285 m)| |• Density||1,735.38/sq mi (669.92/km2)| |Time zone||UTC-5 (Eastern (EST))| |• Summer (DST)||UTC-5 (EST)| |GNIS feature ID||431999| Cambridge City is a town in Jackson Township, Wayne County, in the U.S. state of Indiana. The population was 1,870 at the 2010 census. Cambridge City was laid out and platted in 1836. The community was named after the city of Cambridge, in England. The Cambridge City post office has been in operation since 1835. Cambridge City experienced growth when the Whitewater Canal was extended to that point in 1846. Situated along the historic National Road (U.S. Route 40), Cambridge City is currently a prominent destination for antique seekers. The Cambridge City Historic District, Conklin-Montgomery House, and Lackey-Overbeck House are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Cambridge City is located at 39°48′47″N 85°10′15″W / 39.81306°N 85.17083°W (39.812996, -85.170812). According to the 2010 census, Cambridge City has a total area of 1.02 square miles (2.64 km2), of which 1.01 square miles (2.62 km2) (or 99.02%) is land and 0.01 square miles (0.03 km2) (or 0.98%) is water. |U.S. Decennial Census| As of the census of 2010, there were 1,870 people, 785 households, and 514 families living in the town. The population density was 1,851.5 inhabitants per square mile (714.9/km2). There were 893 housing units at an average density of 884.2 per square mile (341.4/km2). The racial makeup of the town was 98.5% White, 0.2% African American, 0.5% Native American, 0.3% Asian, 0.1% from other races, and 0.5% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.9% of the population. There were 785 households, of which 33.5% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 45.1% were married couples living together, 14.6% had a female householder with no husband present, 5.7% had a male householder with no wife present, and 34.5% were non-families. 29.2% of all households were made up of individuals, and 12.6% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.38 and the average family size was 2.90. The median age in the town was 39.8 years. 24.5% of residents were under the age of 18; 7.6% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 24.8% were from 25 to 44; 26% were from 45 to 64; and 17% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the town was 48.8% male and 51.2% female. The town celebrates its history and heritage during the second weekend in each September during the annual Canal Days festival, which commemorates the importance of the Whitewater Canal to the formation and growth of Cambridge City in the 19th century. Just south of I-70, Cambridge City is home to the Indiana Gateway Industrial Park which is home to Taconic Biosciences, Dot Foods and Sugar Creek Packaging Co. (replacing Really Cool Foods which closed in December 2011). Cambridge City has two schools: an elementary school and a middle/high school that serve the surrounding areas. - Western Wayne Elementary School - Lincoln Middle/High School The town has a lending library, the Cambridge City Public Library. - Alice Williams Brotherton (1848-1930), writer - Larry Crockett (1926-1955), Indy car driver - Sol
Insects, bugs, creepy-crawlies. You either love them or hate them, but one thing is for sure – they are everywhere. Throughout their 480 million years of existence, insects have evolved to thrive in almost every niche imaginable,
Insects, bugs, creepy-crawlies. You either love them or hate them, but one thing is for sure – they are everywhere. Throughout their 480 million years of existence, insects have evolved to thrive in almost every niche imaginable, from the extremely hot Saharan desert (e.g., Saharan silver ants), to the wet aquatic environments (e.g., dragonfly nymphs, water striders), and to the dismay of many people, inside our residences and even on our very own bodies (e.g., cockroaches, ants, fleas, bed bugs). No wonder Arthropoda is the most diverse animal phylum on Earth, and insects have amassed an incomprehensible amount of bioengineering feats in order to thrive in their habitats. Scientists have begun to unravel the mysteries of how insects function in an effort to advance science and technology through “insect-inspired” applications. As an insect enthusiast, a PhD student, and a guest writer for Blogionik, I will discuss the concept of insect-inspired Biomimetics using original research articles and my personal research discoveries. To kick-off this series on insect-inspired Biomimetics, I will highlight some examples of insect ingenuity from glasswinged butterflies, Saharan silver ants, and tenebrionid desert beetles, along with their potential applications in material and polymer science. Glasswinged butterflies can’t lie – you see right through them! Greta oto are a type of butterfly that have transparent sections on their wings, supposedly to confuse predators when they are flying. One could also envision their wings acting as a different type of camouflage, kind of like a semi-Invisible Cloak, because full invisibility is just unfair. Now, for a surface to be “transparent,” it must have low reflection; a perfectly invisible surface would have 0% reflection (so all the light goes straight through). Common clear glass has reflection of ~8%, which is why you can see ghostly reflections of yourself when you look through the window, or why we have scenic landscapes called “mirror lakes.” Greta oto wings, on the other hand, have been shown to have total reflection of 2% over broad viewing angles. Other insects have transparent wings too, like some hawk moths, dragonflies, and cicadas. Studies have shown that regularly-packed even-sized nano-”hairs” are responsible for this phenomenon, and researchers have already synthesised Biomimetic silicon surfaces with low reflectance. What’s cool about glasswinged butterflies and Siddique et al’s paper is that these butterflies’ wings use randomly sized and spaced nanostructures to produce similar optical properties. So insects weren’t satisfied with one method of transparency – they evolved multiple ways of utilising low reflection to avoid predation. And that’s what makes insects fascinating to study: They are so prolific and have been existing for so long that they possess a myriad of solutions to one problem. In this case, glasswinged butterflies and their anti-reflective wings can inspire advancements in man-made surfaces, from solar cells with higher light capture rates to anything that relies on low-reflective glassware, like camera lenses, optical sensing, and imaging instruments. Who knew being hairy makes you cool? Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to wear shiny 80’s silver disco jacket and toil away under the Saharan sun? Well, if you want inspiration, look no further than the Sahara silver ants, Cataglyphis bombycina. These tough critters live in one of the hottest places on sweet Mother Earth, and scavenge on other insects that have succumbed to the heat. They forage in temperatures of up to 70°C, and while their bodies run much hotter than humans (typically 48 to 51°C), they too can succumb to the he
A new proof-of-concept from IBM Research could give field scientists access to a digital sommelier’s palate, even when they’re taste testing wastewater for hazardous contaminants. Dubbed the Hypertaste, this prototype device will allow researchers to perform
A new proof-of-concept from IBM Research could give field scientists access to a digital sommelier’s palate, even when they’re taste testing wastewater for hazardous contaminants. Dubbed the Hypertaste, this prototype device will allow researchers to perform sophisticated liquid chemical analysis across a variety of compounds and without the need for complex lab equipment. Electrochemical sensors (the fancy name for electronic tongues) tend to be either lightweight and portable but only calibrated to detect a single chemical or huge(ly expensive) stationary pieces of machinery capable of detecting a wide array of component compounds. The Hypertaste however operates in the space between them. Read more at engadget
Remnants of ancient stars are sometimes kicked out of the galaxy. The Milky Way is a gargantuan graveyard. Stars are born, burn out and die, but they don't just vanish — and the galaxy is haunted by their corpses. Mass
Remnants of ancient stars are sometimes kicked out of the galaxy. The Milky Way is a gargantuan graveyard. Stars are born, burn out and die, but they don't just vanish — and the galaxy is haunted by their corpses. Massive stars in the Milky Way that died billions of years ago went supernovaand morphed into two types of objects. With their outer layers blasted away by the force of the explosion, the cores that were left either entered the afterlife as extremely compact neutron stars or collapsed in on themselves and formed black holes. What remains of these ancient stars is known by scientists as the "galactic underworld" that has kept most of its secrets buried in the dark until now. After virtually rewinding time to see how and when these early stars were born, lived and died, researchers have finally created the first digital map of the galactic underworld. They were able to do so by analyzing observations of dead stars scattered in the galaxy, such as neutron stars and black holes, and figuring out when they were born and how they evolved. What they found was a sprawling necropolis three times the Milky Way's current height. What took so long to envision the galaxy’s catacombs? The nascent Milky Way, in which these early stars lived, appeared drastically different to the galaxy we see today, so much so that even its spiral arms had not yet fully unfurled. Such unfamiliar territory made it confounding to even guess where to search for hidden black holes and neutron stars, as opposed to younger ones, which are scattered across the Milky Way's current shape. Created by astronomer David Sweeney and his colleagues at the University of Sydney, the new map reveals not only where the bones of these old stars could be hidden, but also that about a third of the remnants lying around have either already been or are on their way to being ejected from the galaxy. Supernovas explode with immense but random amounts of energy that can accelerate dust and gas to millions of miles an hour. Where higher or lower amounts of energy will be generated is almost unpredictable. The research team found it especially difficult to figure out the energy involved in each burst of a supernova. If the star ejects gas and dust in an area where it is releasing more force, it will be sent flying further than neighboring gobs of star stuff. (Image credit: Sidney University) The research team found that entire neutron stars could have been kicked out of the galaxy. Black holes can also trek through space as rogue black holes, so it is not impossible for them to be flung into the void. "Now that we know where to look, we're developing technologies to go hunting for [these objects]," Sweeney said in a statement(opens in new tab). "I'm betting that the 'galactic underworld' won't stay shrouded in mystery for very much longer." The research is described in a paper published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(opens in new tab).
In this article, I’m going to be explaining as simply as possible how Web Hosting Bandwidth (sometimes mentioned as Data Transfer) works, and I’ll also try to answer all the questions that might come to mind when thinking about Bandwidth for
In this article, I’m going to be explaining as simply as possible how Web Hosting Bandwidth (sometimes mentioned as Data Transfer) works, and I’ll also try to answer all the questions that might come to mind when thinking about Bandwidth for your websites. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be Transmitted between users (Website Visitors) and a Server concurrently. It is measured in terms of MB/s (Megabyte Per Second). But most Hosting companies express Bandwidth in terms of GB/s (Gigabyte Per Second) to simplify things. You can think of Bandwidth as a file transfer When you upload your website files on a web hosting server and configure it to go live, each time a person visits any part of your website (index.html or some inner page), an HTTP request is sent over to your server to fetch a copy of the file/page to be served on the visitor’s browser.
Meg’s Mini Books By Definition: A book is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages bound together and protected by a cover. The intellectual content in a physical book need not be a composition
Meg’s Mini Books By Definition: A book is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages bound together and protected by a cover. The intellectual content in a physical book need not be a composition, nor even be called a book. Books can consist only of drawings, engravings or photographs, crossword puzzles, or ‘cut & create ephemera’. By Definition: Mini denoting a miniature version of something Combine these 2: Meg’s Mini-Books are, therefore, made 6” high or less ie. 1/2 of a sheet of cardstock. They are much easier to make than large journals & also more economical. On top of that, they are lots of fun & very forgiving. A new type of paper Collection has been designed especially for these mini books: - A pack of 10 papers 8.5x11” (high-quality 300dpi, JPG format) containing: 4 background papers & 6 papers full of cut & creates in the same tones of the background papers. The cut & creates have been sized to fit the mini- books. The first 2 of these collections are: 1.Periwinkle - Pantone’s color of the year 2022 - a fabulous color between purple & blue. #M530 2.Vintage - a favorite collection of shades of browns, beiges & blacks. #M531 The mini books can also use up those smaller pieces of cardstock, patterned papers & tea dyed papers. Cover: 12” x 6” For a 1” spine - score 5.5” from each side For a 1.5” spine - score 5.25” from each side Signatures: 12” x 5.5” each will have a 0.5” spine Score 5”, 5.5”, 10.5” - leaves 1” to either cut off or fold in for tucks 7.5” x 3.75” with 0.25” scores in the center Smaller Mini Books: 8.5” x 4.5” with 0.5” spine 7.75” x 3.75” All measurements are Widths x heights (except spines) Have fun with these Mini Books - use different textures, colors & cardstocks
The Food and Agriculture Organisation has warned that the Russian invasion of Ukraine threatens the supply of staple crops. In a nutshell The world is facing a potential food crisis due to the threatened supply of staple crops as a result of the war in Ukraine,
The Food and Agriculture Organisation has warned that the Russian invasion of Ukraine threatens the supply of staple crops. In a nutshell The world is facing a potential food crisis due to the threatened supply of staple crops as a result of the war in Ukraine, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has warned. The UN body said food prices were already high before Russia invaded due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the additional strain of war in Ukraine could be disastrous. Wheat prices were already rising before the invasion of Ukraine - they’ve been on the rise since the second half of 2020. However, wheat prices have hit record highs in recent days as have other staple foods such as sunflower oil and barley. Ukraine supplied 12 per cent of global wheat before the war and was the world’s biggest producer of sunflower oil. At least 50 countries depend on Russia and Ukraine for 30 per cent or more of their wheat supply. The decrease in food supply will lead to an increase in costs for producers and that price is likely to be put onto the consumer. However, it will be poor countries that will bear the brunt of these price increases, many of whom are already struggling financially and will not be able to outbid richer countries for wheat and other staple foodstuffs. The chief economist at the FAO, Maximo Torero, told The Guardian, that the number of chronically ill people could go up significantly if the war continues - especially as poorer nations have yet to recover from the economic shock brought on by Covid-19. “Food systems were able to be more resilient in 2019, though they struggled at the beginning,” said Torero. “Stocks were very high at the beginning of Covid-19, there was the capacity then to respond to the shock. But having Covid-19 for two years has weakened the resilience of food systems.” The war in Ukraine poses several threats to food security which will be felt across the world as both Russia and Ukraine are major food exporters. Even if the war is resolved quickly, the knock-on impacts on just this year's yield will increase food insecurity. The Independent reports that the German agricultural giant Bayer AG is pulling its business out of Russia, like so many others have done, in response to the country's invasion of Ukraine. The Russian coal and fertiliser billionaire Andrew Melnichenko also warned of a global food crisis yesterday, Reuters reports.
Leveraging Social Informatics to Improve Collaboration Technology has revolutionized the way we work, and as a result, organizations have been forced to re-evaluate how they leverage their technology tools and resources. In order to maximize productivity, it’s
Leveraging Social Informatics to Improve Collaboration Technology has revolutionized the way we work, and as a result, organizations have been forced to re-evaluate how they leverage their technology tools and resources. In order to maximize productivity, it’s important for companies to understand social informatics and how it can be used to foster collaboration. From understanding usage patterns and cultural contexts that influence technology use, all the way to leveraging technological infrastructure for unified user experiences, social informatics provides valuable insights into how best to utilize technology tools for productive collaboration. What is/are Social Informatics? Social informatics is an interdisciplinary analysis of usage patterns of technology tools and resources in order to better understand why certain usage patterns persist. It focuses on understanding how different generations interact with new technologies and how those interactions shape our future generations’ use of technology tools. Web analytics are also part of social informatics as they provide insight into how users interact with websites, applications, or other digital services. Social Informatics is the study of information and communication tools in cultural and institutional contexts, with a focus on collaboration. Specifically, it looks at how people use information to work together. The field of social informatics has its roots in sociology and anthropology, but also draws on concepts from computer science and information science. Social informatics research investigates the design and use of information and communication technologies in social contexts, with a particular focus on how these technologies can support or augment collaborative work. The goal of social informatics research is to understand the impact of information and communication technologies on individuals, groups, and organizations, and to develop design principles for creating effective and usable technologies that support social interaction. Social informatics covers everything from web analytics to understanding why and how patterns of usage persist. By understanding the patterns of usage, social informatics can help organizations improve their collaborative processes. For example, if analysts see that a particular team is using a lot of email to communicate, they can suggest ways to improve the team’s communication site or process so that email isn’t needed as much. In this way, social informatics helps organizations work more efficiently by understanding and improving upon the way people use information to collaborate. Additionally, the study of human-computer interaction (HCI) is a relatively young field that emerged in the 1970s. Since then, it has grown rapidly, becoming one of the most important research areas in the field of computer science. HCI can be broadly defined as the study of how people interact with computers. It encompasses a wide range of research disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, psychology, and business. The goal of HCI research is to better understand how people use computers, and to design systems that are more user-friendly. In recent years, HCI has become increasingly important as the use of computers has become more widespread. With the growing popularity of mobile devices and other technologies, HCI is poised to play an even more important role in the future. The shift from one generation to another brings about changes in technology habits. One of the most significant differences between Millennials (born 1981-1996) and Generation Z (born 1997-2012) are the speed at which they adopt new technologies and the level of engagement they have with them. Millennials are more likely than older generations to embrace new technologies quickly while Generation Z has been exposed to digital media since a young age so they are more comfortable engaging with these technologies. As a result, this generation is more likely to use multiple devices simultaneously while Millennials tend focus on one device only. This can have a profound effect on organizations as they must keep up with changing habits in order to remain productive. As our world becomes increasingly digital, understanding social informatics is becoming more important. The way we communicate, interact, and relate to each other has changed dramatically over the past decade, and this trend is only going to continue. By understanding social informatics, we can gain insight into how the next generation of our workforce will interact with each other and with technology. This knowledge can help us to design better systems, to improve communication and collaboration, and to anticipate and solve problems before they occur. In a rapidly changing world, those who understand social informatics will be well-positioned to create solutions that meet the needs of a constantly evolving society. Organizations Responding To Changing Habits Organizations need strategies that incorporate collaboration and user experience into design processes, analyze user behavior for improving tools, leverage technological infrastructure for unified user experiences, train employees in using collaborative practices that leverage technology tools, allocate resources towards technologies that support productive collaboration, and develop strategies that boost employee engagement through technology usage. All these elements combined will help organizations stay up-to-date with changing habits while fostering active collaborations within their workforce. Understanding social informatics helps organizations maximize their productivity by understanding how different generations interact with new technologies and how those interactions shape our future generations’ use of technology tools. Companies should focus on incorporating collaboration and user experience into design processes; analyzing user behavior; leveraging technological infrastructure for unified user experiences; training employees in using collaborative practices; allocating resources towards technologies that support productive collaboration; developing strategies that boost employee engagement through technology usage; and staying up-to-date with changing habits while fostering active collaborations within their workforce. By implementing these strategies based on social informatics knowledge gained from studying usage patterns across different generations, organizations can ensu
“I practice gratitude every day.” “I’m grateful for my life.” “I have a new boyfriend/house/car/etc., because I’m grateful.” “I am grateful for our friendship.” These are all expressions of gratitude. But they’re just words. While
“I practice gratitude every day.” “I’m grateful for my life.” “I have a new boyfriend/house/car/etc., because I’m grateful.” “I am grateful for our friendship.” These are all expressions of gratitude. But they’re just words. While “thanks” is something we hear nearly every day, we rarely see expressions of gratitude put into practice on any sort of regular basis. Expressions of gratitude Some examples of expressing gratitude include: ~saying thank you on more than just social media, eyeball to eyeball ~showing someone you value them by returning a favor ~taking care of others ~taking care of yourself ~celebrating that for which you are grateful ~sharing your bounty with others ~honoring your good fortune by paying it forward ~acknowledging the role others may play in your abundance ~performing random acts of kindness Doing more than just speaking theoretically about gratitude will deepen and expand its benefit in our lives. Sometimes we don’t see a physical manifestation of the benefits of being grateful, but those benefits are there … in our bodies, affecting our health and wellness. I’m not going to spew out the numbers and percentages about heart rates, blood sugar levels, or stress levels. You’ve heard them before. What’s important is to really let it sink in: Practicing gratitude every day can make you happier and healthier. It’s easy to complain about unhearing doctors, medical costs, chronic pain, or anxiety. But why not try exercising a consistent expression of gratitude by trying one of the examples above? Doing so changes the chemical structure of our brains, chasing stress away and making us kinder, more patient, more appreciative. Name a medicine that does all that! Seeing the power of something so simple as acknowledging the abundance in our lives can be hard. Sure, we can talk about all the good we have when chatting with friends, or as a way to make it look like we’re not bragging about something wonderful that happens to us. “Yes, I’m truly grateful that I made space in my life for a new loving partner,” or “I got that new car because every day I wrote in my gratitude journal that I was grateful for my old clunker.” Sound familiar? It’s called humble bragging. Many of us know the power of a regular practice of meditation. For me, it’s about letting go of the monkey mind. But you hardly ever hear anyone say, “Yes, my new job is just fabulous, and I’m glad that meditation brought it to me.” Look at Gratitude Differently If we don’t brush and floss, our teeth will fall out. If we don’t drive the speed limit, eventually we’ll receive a very expensive ticket. While there are no dire outcomes of failing to outwardly acknowledge our gratitude, the results can be just as catastrophic. Put another way, spending the same amount of time being grateful as we do brushing and flossing, does benefit us and does amplify the well-being in all aspects of our lives. In addition to remembering that gratitude resides within us, expressing that gratitude in a more physical way, like saying “thank you” in person or like paying it forward, keeps a stronger sense of appreciation at the forefront of our lives. Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash
The History of the Stasi East Germany's Secret Police, 1945-1990 Translated from the German by David Burnett The East German Ministry for State Security stood for Stalinist oppression and all-encompassing surveillance. The “
The History of the Stasi East Germany's Secret Police, 1945-1990 Translated from the German by David Burnett The East German Ministry for State Security stood for Stalinist oppression and all-encompassing surveillance. The “shield and sword of the party,” it secured the rule of the Communist Party for more than forty years, and by the 1980s it had become the largest secret-police apparatus in the world, per capita. Jens Gieseke tells the story of the Stasi, a feared secret-police force and a highly professional intelligence service. He inquires into the mechanisms of dictatorship and the day-to-day effects of surveillance and suspicion. Masterful and thorough at once, he takes the reader through this dark chapter of German postwar history, supplying key information on perpetrators, informers, and victims. In an assessment of post-communist memory politics, he critically discusses the consequences of opening the files and the outcomes of the Stasi debate in reunified Germany. A major guide for research on communist secret-police forces, this book is considered the standard reference work on the Stasi and has already been translated into a number of Eastern European languages.
Sometimes your pet may consume objects that cannot pass through the gastrointestinal tract or be digested. Unfortunately, it is animal nature to be curious about objects outdoors or inside that are small, and this can occasionally lead to accidental ingestion. Your pet may also
Sometimes your pet may consume objects that cannot pass through the gastrointestinal tract or be digested. Unfortunately, it is animal nature to be curious about objects outdoors or inside that are small, and this can occasionally lead to accidental ingestion. Your pet may also mistake objects as food that are not digestible. This can include toys, string, rocks, or any small items they can ingest. It’s important to take preventative measures to avoid obstructions in your pet by keeping close watch over them when they are outside or playing to ensure that there aren’t any small objects they can swallow. Toys should be monitored and replaced regularly if they are starting to fall apart or shed any material. These objects being swallowed can cause complications such as toxicity or poisoning, infection, and inflammation or obstruction in the digestive tract or abdominal lining. A pet who has swallowed a foreign object may show the following symptoms: Objects that are made out of materials such as lead or zinc can also be toxic when they are swallowed and absorbed into the body, so it is important to call your vet immediately if you think your pet may have swallowed a foreign object. Treatment for this condition will vary depending on what was ingested, how it was ingested, when it was ingested, and the symptoms of your pet. Your Anaheim vet will likely first perform some initial blood work, such as a complete blood count (CBC), serum chemistry, and a urinalysis that might rule out other conditions and detect whether poison is an issue..Sometimes the object will be passed naturally without complication, but some cases may require surgery.Your vet will perform a physical examination and other tests in order to determine what the safest treatment is for removing the object. Options for removal include the following: Endoscopic retrieval: This involves inserting a camera through the mouth and down the esophagus of the animal so that the vet can see where the object is and remove it. It is minimally invasive and doesn’t require much recovery time. Thoracic surgery: This is more invasive than an endoscopy, but may be necessary if the foreign object is past the esophagus. This treatment will require a significant amount of recovery time with stitches and potentially antibiotics. Gastrotomy: This surgical method may be required if the object is in the stomach and will require significant recovery time with stitches and potentially antibiotics. Enterotomy: If the object has passed through the intestines, the gastrointestinal tract may need to be opened in order for it to be removed. This will require significant recovery time with stitches and potentially antibiotics. Natural Passing: If the object is determined to be of very little danger to your pet, it may be passed naturally so long as you monitor your pet closely for any signs of complication. At Brookhurst Animal Medical Center, your family’s well-being is our top priority. State of the art equipment and an experienced staff to give you the best care. Schedule an appointment
Thanks to Devon for sending in his great Arduino project! Very cool! Check out more info on his blog here. It’s an old telegraph sounder seated in a wooden resonator. Underneath it, I’ve added a small board with
Thanks to Devon for sending in his great Arduino project! Very cool! Check out more info on his blog here. It’s an old telegraph sounder seated in a wooden resonator. Underneath it, I’ve added a small board with electronics so that the telegraph can tap out messages from Twitter. Electrical telegraphs were invented in the 1800s to communicate quickly across long distances. Devices were physically connected by wires between stations, and operators tapped out messages in Morse code on a small, paddle-like device called a key. The sounders tapped out those messages, so one could hear the code spaced between the taps of the sounder. The small black cans in the image are covering coils of wires. When a current goes through the coils, they act as electromagnets, and pull down the black tab above them. That movement brings down the armature, a clacking noise is heard. When the current stops, the black tab is released, the arm raises, and another contact is hit to make another noise. Locally, a historic roundhouse is being renovated. As part of that process, those behind the renovations have also been exploring the expansive history of railways, roundhouses and the related technologies and effects
While no evidence has been found that sugar causes or even helps cancer grow, it may contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle that increases cancer risk. For instance: - Too much sugar may contribute to weight gain and obesity, one of the most significant lifestyle risk
While no evidence has been found that sugar causes or even helps cancer grow, it may contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle that increases cancer risk. For instance: - Too much sugar may contribute to weight gain and obesity, one of the most significant lifestyle risk factors for developing cancer. - Research suggests that diets high in added sugars tend to be low in essential nutrients, including calcium, vitamin A, zinc and fiber. A healthy diet is considered key to helping reduce cancer risk. “While we don’t recommend avoiding all types of sugars, there are healthy ways to satisfy a craving for something sweet,” says Kara Sonntag, Registered Dietitian at Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA). “For example, fruits have sweet flavors and provide important health benefits in the forms of antioxidants and phytonutrients, both of which are known to be associated with cancer risk reduction.” Read more explore the differences in various types of sugar and what role, if any, sugar plays in cancer from Cancer Treatment Centers of America. About Cancer Treatment Centers of America® Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA) is a national network of five hospitals that serves adult patients who are fighting cancer. CTCA® offers an integrative approach to care that combines advancements in genomic testing and precision cancer treatment, surgery, radiation, immunotherapy and chemotherapy, with evidence-informed supportive therapies designed to help patients physically and emotionally by enhancing their quality of life while managing side effects both during and after treatment. Stay up to date on all things CTCA! Be sure to follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube or call the VIP Line at 800.227.3207 for more information.
Justice in a changing climate The climate crisis, how governments respond to it and how this response impacts on the most marginalized are among the most pressing international issues going forward, and yet leadership on this issue is lacking. All these responses – or the
Justice in a changing climate The climate crisis, how governments respond to it and how this response impacts on the most marginalized are among the most pressing international issues going forward, and yet leadership on this issue is lacking. All these responses – or the failure to respond – will bring with them transitions at multiple scales that hold the possibility to create or exacerbate inequalities and injustices. They also hold the potential to transform society to a more resilient, just and equitable future. This project will bring together three complementary initiatives designed to explore the intersections of justice and climate change by connecting and mobilizing the leadership and voice of groups that face critical threats from climate change or climate action. The first component will generate lessons about how to connect Indigenous knowledge and worldviews about justice to national adaptation plans in Chile and Peru, with links to Bolivia and Paraguay. The second component leverages a major window of opportunity to integrate questions of inclusion and rights into Bangladesh’s national strategy on planned relocation from climate change, and therefore to support transformational outcomes for vulnerable populations experiencing climate-induced relocation. The third component will capitalize on the global reach of the climate and development knowledge network to empower local groups and communities to effectively advocate for just and inclusive climate action in Africa, South Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, and will broker these voices at the global level. This initiative will explore local perspectives of justice and refine our understanding of feminist climate justice. Members of the three initiatives will be convened at key moments during the project to share perspectives and co-develop lessons, with a view to informing a larger research agenda on justice in a changing climate in the Global South. This project will increase the capacities of key actors across three continents to identify more equitable, inclusive and rights-based climate action. The project will connect active networks of key actors capable of linking efforts to scale inclusion, equality and rights through climate action from the community to the global level. As an exploratory project, it will also result in tested approaches to protect rights and resolve competing priorities of climate action that ensure equality and inclusion for marginalized groups.
A friend on my FB today shared a link relating to a personal diary of a government official, where he recorded personal accounts of treaty negotiations. Click here to read the article. This article is the essence of what I have been trying to say to
A friend on my FB today shared a link relating to a personal diary of a government official, where he recorded personal accounts of treaty negotiations. Click here to read the article. This article is the essence of what I have been trying to say to people around me relating to First Nations and the Canadian Government and their use of the term “fiduciary.” The part in the article that sticks out to me is, “ The government thinks it has the final say. These treaty diaries suggest otherwise.” Sometimes when I read an article about the lack of government consultation with First Nations and their resources, sometimes I see the word “fiduciary.” This word is used in a sense that the government has a fiduciary relationship with the First Nations. First Nations leaders sometimes say: “But the government and the First Nations have a fiduciary relationship!” A fiduciary relationship is one where it involves trust, one with a beneficiary and one with a trustee when looked up in a regular dictionary. However, last year, I did some further research into the term fiduciary and what outlines the power one has over another. What I found: as a fiduciary, one can make decisions that they see best fit for the non-fiduciary. This meaning (in simplest way possible): if the government thinks it knows what is best for the First Nations, they can and will make that decision without their consent because they have the “power” based on that they think they know what is best and it is in the best interest for the fiduciary (because as a fiduciary they have a le
Basel Convention plastic waste amendments: Impacts on Canadian recycling industry On January 1st, 2021, the Basel Convention’s plastics waste amendments became effective in Canada. These new rules arising from the amendments place controls on certain types of
Basel Convention plastic waste amendments: Impacts on Canadian recycling industry On January 1st, 2021, the Basel Convention’s plastics waste amendments became effective in Canada. These new rules arising from the amendments place controls on certain types of plastic waste shipped between Convention Parties. This will make global trade in plastic waste more transparent while also ensuring that its management is safer for human health and the environment. The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is the most comprehensive global environmental treaty on hazardous and other wastes. The Convention was put in place to control the international movement of hazardous waste; including materials such as used lead acid batteries, waste pickle liquor, and used chemicals to name a few. It aims to protect human health and the environment from the potential negative impact of the generation, management, international movement and disposal of hazardous wastes and other waste (for example waste collected from households and non-hazardous plastic waste). The Convention has been in effect since 1992, and the Government of Canada is an original signatory. The plastic waste amendments put in place controls on the international movement of plastic wastes that have limited recycling options or are more difficult to recycle; including dirty or contaminated plastics (for example: residues remaining in containers, or presence of other wastes collected from households), halogenated plastics, as well as plastic waste consisting of more than one polymer. For a list of plastic wastes subject to the amendments, please visit the Basel Convention’s Plastics Amendments question and answer page. It is important for Canadian exporters, and those shipping out of Canadian ports to note that many types of plastic wastes require a permit for export to countries that are a Party to the Basel Convention. These new amendments do not affect shipments between Canada and the United States, as the new requirements do not apply to plastic waste, or household waste trade between the two nations. However, this is only the case if the final destination of the shipment is either Canada or the United States. These changes will likely have impacts on everyone involved in the supply chain, including on collectors or processors who may have to adjust how materials are collected, sorted, and processed to find markets. Canada implements the Basel Convention’s plastic waste amendments through the Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Materials Regulations (the Regulations). Under the Regulations, controls have been in place for years for exports of plastic waste to specific countries. While the Basel Convention’s plastic waste amendments introduce new controls on p
This paper describes a practical approach for the fabrication of highly visible interference color images using sol-gel ink technique and a common desktop inkjet printer. We show the potential of titania-boehmite inks for the production of optical heterostructures
This paper describes a practical approach for the fabrication of highly visible interference color images using sol-gel ink technique and a common desktop inkjet printer. We show the potential of titania-boehmite inks for the production of optical heterostructures on various surfaces, which after drying on air produce optical solid layers with low and high refractive index. The optical properties of the surface heterostructures were adjusted following the principles of antireflection coating resulting in the enhancement of the interference color optical visibility of the prints by as much as 32%. Finally, the presented technique was optimized following the insights into the mechanisms of the drop-surface interactions and the drop-on-surface coalescence to make it suitable for the production of even t
Eri Silk is often referred to as Peace Silk. This is because it is spun rather than reeled, due to the way the silkworm makes the cocoon*. Technically it’s possible to spin the silk without stifling (i
Eri Silk is often referred to as Peace Silk. This is because it is spun rather than reeled, due to the way the silkworm makes the cocoon*. Technically it’s possible to spin the silk without stifling (i.e. killing) the pupa, hence it is a “peaceful” way to harvest silk. True Peace Silk is called “Ahimsa Silk”, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “without injury or harm”. Is Eri Silk actually harvested without stifling the pupa? Rarely. In other words, there is very little Ahimsa silk produced, and what there is is very expensive. In the countries that grow Eri silk, often in poorer rural areas, the pupae are a valuable protein source in the peoples’ diets. It is high quality, inexpensive, and easy to produce. (This is also true of other species of silk, where the cocoon is harvested.) Without this protein source, people would need to raise other forms of protein, often with greater detriment to the ecology and environment. Often economically disadvantaged silk producers earn more from the protein-rich pupae than from the silk. In fact, Eri silk is like virtually all food crops – only enough of the live cocoons are kept to produce the next generation. They’re the “seed providers” for the next crop. Another important part of the silk life cycle story is that the moth, if allowed to emerge, does not have the ability to eat; it doesn’t have the necessary digestive parts. Its sole purpose is to mate and lay eggs before dying. The moth rarely lives more than 3 or 4 days. The entire life cycle, from hatching to natural death, is about 8 weeks, with the moth representing 4 days of that time. *The Eri silkworm spins a cocoon with a hole at one end. It also spins intermittently rather than continuously. The result is