govgis_nov2023 /
joshuasundance's picture
import asyncio
import json
import os
import random
import uuid
from glob import glob
from typing import AsyncGenerator, Optional
import aiofiles
import nest_asyncio
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from motor.motor_tornado import MotorCollection
from pymongo.server_api import ServerApi
from pyproj import CRS, Proj, Transformer
from pyproj.exceptions import CRSError
from shapely.errors import GEOSException
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
async def safe_insert_many(collection: MotorCollection, documents: list[dict]) -> None:
if len(documents) > 0:
# Attempt to insert the documents
await collection.insert_many(documents)
except OverflowError:
# If an OverflowError occurs, split the batch
if len(documents) > 1:
mid = len(documents) // 2
# Recursively attempt to insert each half
await safe_insert_many(collection, documents[:mid])
await safe_insert_many(collection, documents[mid:])
# Handle the case where a single document is too large
raise ValueError(
"A document exceeds the maximum BSON size or dtype conflict.",
def create_uuid(input_str: str) -> str:
# Consistent random UUIDs based on input string
return str(
uuid.UUID(bytes=bytes(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(16)), version=4),
def validate_coordinate(lon: float, lat: float) -> tuple:
Validate and adjust the longitude and latitude values to ensure they are within the valid range.
lon (float): Longitude value.
lat (float): Latitude value.
tuple: Validated and potentially adjusted (longitude, latitude) pair.
# Adjust longitude and latitude values to their valid range
if not -180 <= lon <= 180:
lon = min(max(lon, -180), 180)
if not -90 <= lat <= 90:
lat = min(max(lat, -90), 90)
return lon, lat
def reproject_to_4326_and_convert_to_geojson(
bbox: dict,
) -> dict:
Reprojects a bounding box from EPSG:102100 (3857) to EPSG:4326 and converts it to GeoJSON.
bbox (dict): A dictionary containing the keys 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax', and 'spatialReference'.
dict: A GeoJSON object representing the reprojected bounding box.
# Define the source and destination coordinate systems
def get_src_proj() -> Proj:
sr = bbox["spatialReference"]
for wkid in ["latestWkid", "wkid"]:
if (sr_wkid := sr.get(wkid)) is not None:
for authority in ["EPSG", "ESRI"]:
return Proj(f"{authority}:{sr_wkid}")
except CRSError:
if (sr_wkt := sr.get("wkt")) is not None:
return Proj(CRS.from_wkt(sr_wkt))
raise ValueError("no spatialReference found")
src_proj = get_src_proj()
dst_proj = Proj("epsg:4326")
transformer = Transformer.from_proj(src_proj, dst_proj, always_xy=True)
# Extract coordinates
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox["xmin"], bbox["ymin"], bbox["xmax"], bbox["ymax"]
# Transform the coordinates
xmin_trans, ymin_trans = validate_coordinate(*transformer.transform(xmin, ymin))
xmax_trans, ymax_trans = validate_coordinate(*transformer.transform(xmax, ymax))
# Create a polygon from the transformed coordinates
# Ensure that the polygon is closed by repeating the first point at the end
coords = [
(xmin_trans, ymin_trans),
(xmax_trans, ymin_trans),
(xmax_trans, ymax_trans),
(xmin_trans, ymax_trans),
(xmin_trans, ymin_trans),
if len(set(coords)) < 3:
raise ValueError("invalid extent")
polygon = Polygon(coords)
# # Convert the polygon to GeoJSON format
geojson = {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [list(polygon.exterior.coords)],
return geojson
keepkeys = {
async def process_metadata(
metadata: dict,
additional_fields: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> dict:
additional_fields = additional_fields or {}
# Process metadata and add any additional fields
processed_md = {
k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k not in ["folders", "services", "layers"]
processed_md["original_id"] = processed_md.get("id", None)
processed_md["id"] = processed_md["hash"]
del processed_md["hash"]
processed_md = {k: v for k, v in processed_md.items() if k in keepkeys}
if "extent" in processed_md:
if (
(extent := processed_md.get("extent")) is not None
and extent.get("spatialReference") is not None
and not any(
str(v).lower() in {"nan", "none", "null"} for v in extent.values()
processed_md["extent"] = reproject_to_4326_and_convert_to_geojson(
except (ValueError, GEOSException, CRSError):
del processed_md["extent"]
# print(extent, e)
del processed_md["extent"]
return processed_md
def get_type(layer: dict) -> str:
return layer.get("type", "unknown").lower().replace(" ", "_").strip()
async def read_data(jsonfiles: list[str]) -> AsyncGenerator[dict, None]:
# Async generator to yield file content one by one
for f in jsonfiles:
async with, "r") as infile:
content = await
yield json.loads(content)
# Modified process_server function
async def process_server(server: dict, layers_collection: MotorCollection):
server_services = server.pop("services")
server_md = await process_metadata(
"url": server["metadata"]["url"],
"hash": create_uuid(server["metadata"]["url"]),
layer_tasks = []
for service in server_services:
service_md = await process_metadata(
"url": service["url"],
"hash": create_uuid(service["url"]),
"server": server_md,
for layer in service["metadata"].pop("layers"):
task = asyncio.create_task(process_layer(layer, service_md))
layers_md = await asyncio.gather(*layer_tasks)
await safe_insert_many(layers_collection, layers_md)
# Modified process_layer function
async def process_layer(layer: dict, service: dict) -> dict:
# Embed service metadata into layer
layer_md = await process_metadata(
"url": layer["url"],
"hash": create_uuid(layer["url"]),
"service": {**service},
return layer_md
async def main() -> None:
output_dir = os.path.abspath("/home/appuser/restgdf_api/lab/output_tryagain")
jsonfiles = glob(os.path.join(output_dir, "*.json"))
client = AsyncIOMotorClient(
db = client["govgis-nov2023-slim-spatial"]
layers = db.layers
# Process each server concurrently
async for server in read_data(jsonfiles):
await process_server(server, layers)
if __name__ == "__main__":