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Thank you.
My son was recently diagnosed and I want to do whatever I can to support and help him. His current teacher also has ADHD and has been wonderful. I’m hopeful for my son. | 1 |
Omg. Yes, I didn’t realize how close this was to the obsession-compulsion cycle. | 0 |
I love how our positive way is to laugh of ourselves and say fuck it. We accept our shit and life with that but it feels so good to be able to laugh and know that there is lots of people feeling tge same.
ADHD exitation is great, and founding people that struggle like yourself and have your same isues is a beautiful excitement. Thats not toxic positivity, thats the positive part of the shit. | 1 |
I am really, really struggling with the sudden change in what's right. My family always mocked me for my compulsions and now they're on at *me* to wash my hands more. My medication isn't giving me the buffer anymore. | 0 |
i was just unconciously procrastinating doing homework thank you | 1 |
thank you bro but not rn lol. tryna waste time in the bus otw to school | 1 |
Walmart has a 14 oz. jar of Advanced Healing Ointment for dry cracked or irritated skin. No fragrance. Put it on at bedtime.
I take Lexapro for depression and it is said to help OCD. There is a sub r/Lexapro | 0 |
Thank you for this, this is a reminder for me to my partner with ADHD. I do my best to remember and take things in a different perspective. Thank you. | 1 |
I bought the book "at last a life" a few weeks ago and it's completely changed my view of anxiety and how to live with it. I'm certainly not 100 yet but I'm a lot closer since reading. | 0 |
Sorry but you can't just blame ADHD for this... start holding yourself accountable. You are only a victim of your own actions. Nothing else. Sorry it sounds harsh but I do love you <3 | 1 |
Yeah I’ve found it’s best to have an easy Obsession/worry cause if you clear that then it seems a worse one could easily fill the gap. | 0 |
I am not ashamed to say that I am using the first paragraph to help with my application for accommodations for college. | 1 |
If I feel like I didn’t pronounce one of my family members name right during a prayer I have to start all over again,otherwise I’ll think something bad will happen. | 0 |
Really great way to put it.
I'm sure everyone will agree it's near impossible to describe how frustrating it is to want to do something and not be able to get there. You end up trying many approaches, like a plane trying to land in a storm :) | 1 |
I'm really sorry ... Don't beat yourself up because of the procrastination, it's not gonna solve anything. Thanks for sharing | 1 |
Why are you calling me out literally a day after talking with an engineer about engineering stuff omfg | 1 |
I guess the problem is I can't really tell where my rationality starts and OCD ends, or where OCD starts and I end. I can't even make out if my compulsions to help others are OCD or me, or whether my personality is 99% OCD and 1% me, or if there's even a me. I know that must sound weird, but I have no ability to differentiate whether my thoughts are OCD or not OCD aside from when the OCD is causing me to feel adrenaline coursing through my veins in response to not doing a compulsion. Only then can I truly tell it's OCD, which makes me feel confused, as I usually end up going "...ah, so the past few things I thought I was doing of free will were actually all completely OCD, great... am I even a human?"
Probably doesn't help with me researching my other disorder (autism) and knowing autism kind of comes with the inability to understand your emotions and communicate effectively. It's not like there's a different voice, or it's referring in third person, or it feels foreign. This is my conscience demanding things of me, and OCD feels as natural as one's own thoughts. I have no ability to tell if what I am thinking of doing is, say, because I want to do it, or because OCD wants me to do it, because the voice that is protecting me from bad things and the voice that is my OCD is exactly 100% the same in every facet, except that one is hurting me slowly and accidentally and the other is hurting me directly and accidentally. | 0 |
Well when he’s old and having health problems just tel him to get out of his head and do what you need to do. Who cares about the plaques in your brain or in your arteries. Just will yourself out of shit like Alzheimer’s and atherosclerosis. | 1 |
Same thing happened to me, except instead of a retainer, it was the title to my car that my dad threw out. It was in the bottom of three garbage bags in the garbage can in the garage waiting to be taken out to the curb. I had left it on the table because I wasn't sure where to keep it yet as I had just been to the DMV, and my dad decided to clean up the house that same day. | 1 |
Watching this I kept thinking “girl, click the pen. Click the fucking pen!!!”
I have issues. | 0 |
i feel so worthless because of it. seriously, i feel like i cant handle shit | 0 |
Hey man, I know this post is 12h old and so I doubt you’ll see this, but I see you man. I spent my whole life struggling trying to figure out wtf was wrong with me. I pushed myself to emotional breaking points over and over and over again. I enlisted in the Navy with my girlfriend and we were married while in together, I did 7 years and the whole time I pushed myself at the absolute limit even when I didn’t have to, constantly wondering what the hell is broken in me. I’m 31 years old now, and I was diagnosed with ADHD 2 weeks ago. Why was I diagnosed? Because my wife was diagnosed a month ago and when she shared with me what ADHD ACTUALLY manifests as, I was blown away. I’m now one week into medication and being mindful of the actual condition I (we) have and it’s been one of the best weeks of my life. My wife and I will be celebrating 8 years of marriage this summer and I believe it will be the best year so far, as we happily raise our (likely ADHD) little boy. You’re not alone, you’re not a freak. Some of us don’t know for a long ass time and it’s not a kids thing. I was addicted to nicotine for 12 years and didn’t realize I had these symptoms until I went clean. You’ve got friends here and we’re all just figuring this out together.
TL;DR: I’m an elder millennial and I just found out I have this shit so it’s ok, we’re here, don’t get discouraged. | 1 |
I very interesting meme. This does say about how we spend time, and what is the best method to use it. | 0 |
Say hello to new consistent schedule borne out of a sense of obligation to not get your family memebers sick. Woot woot. | 1 |
I’ve had a nightmare of a week as well - dealing with this stress on top of my school digging in its heels about midterms operating as normal has been actual hell. I have an anxiety disorder and the ADHD and I’m sure many of you can imagine how my kind of brain would be dealing with all this covid19 bs. Studying for me has been 30 minutes of my mind going “coronacoronacoronacoronacorona” until I finally process the single line of text I’ve been staring at on my screen. I unsurprisingly probably failed my midterm this morning, and subsequently spiraled.
This feels like ass :( we out here bro, hopefully we can be support for each other. | 1 |
When I was in middle school and my dad would help me edit/revise my essays he used to say that it’s like I “sprinkle commas all over the essay randomly” lol | 1 |
I save money doing grocery shopping online and picking it up or having it delivered. I know I'm paying more for the groceries I'm getting, but I buy WAY less random stuff and junk food so overall I spend less. | 1 |
I get these types of questions on Quota all the time. So ridiculous. Has to be a translation issue 🤦🏽♀️ | 0 |
The only think that is kind of working for me was switching from a digital clock to an analog one. Seeing the numbers always made me anxious about being late or deciding I didn’t have enough time for it. I even managed to get a watch with no numbers at all, just hash marks where the hours should go. Its done leagues for my time management. Still not great, but its better than what it was. | 1 |
its sad that i can relate to everything i see on this sub. adhd is fucking hell. | 1 |
There's an app called Freedom that's helped me out a LOT with this.
It basically lets you block whichever apps you designate on a timer that you set. Whenever I think "okay I need to do something else" I'll just set it for an hour or 2 and force myself off my phone. It's led to much more interesting uses of my time.
I highly recommend checking it out. | 1 |
I am struck by this comment. My bf has adhd (untreated, diagnosed in early childhood, no follow up) and I joined this sub to try to gain insight into his world. He is supremely frustrated when I bring up problems for discussion. He translates comments, discussion points, problems, and attempts to communicate and compromise into deep, personal criticisms and rejections. Says he can’t make me happy no matter how hard he tries (i feel the same - he’s very critical and angry about it) and now he’s so frustrated that he doesn’t even want to try any more. My question to OP is honest and genuine. Why is this feeling you describe about disappointing people your whole life something you hang on tour adhd? What would that be an explanation? How can I be more supportive and constructive for my bf? All advice welcomed. Thanks. | 1 |
I think that my ocd really took off on its own when I was little and was told this. Like don’t say or think anything you don’t want to happen... yo that messed me up. While I do get what they mean, the literal statement is like a useless nonsensical torture sentence for those of us with ocd and little to no control over intrusive thoughts. | 0 |
Happened to me yesterday at work. A coworker wouldn't shut up over something that triggers my OCD and wanted to talk only TO ME about it. Had a rough time after when I got home. | 0 |
I feel this. My brain, like most adhd folks, thinks in a mess of bullet points. Complete sentences, who dat?? I do have a bit of advice for important convos you can plan for, which is the minority, but still. Plan it out. Dump your thoughts into an outline and then heavily edit it together to a coherent narrative. Keep it as bullets, but put in a logical order. And then practice the edited version outloud, repeatedly. You'll get familiar enough with the flow to naturally add in the transitions and shit. | 1 |
It must be a universal experience among ADHD sufferers. When I was in elementary school I was as frustrated as everyone else — my parents, my teachers — at why, despite gifts, I could not pull it together no matter how much I wanted to. This was way before the concept of attention deficit disorder was even a gleam in a therapist’s eye. I remember trying to sleep at night around age eight thinking that someday a doctor or maybe a coroner would find I had a steel plate stuck in the middle of my brain. Why else would an idea or an attempt start in one part of my mind never reach the finish? But it wasn’t until I had a middle school daughter that ADHD began to be recognized. | 1 |
No worries, sorry to hear what you're going through also. It's not easy having OCD thoughts.. but we'll get through it. All the best. | 0 |
Dude, thank you so much for posting this. I have this same problem as well and my parents don't get it either. | 0 |
Sometimes I go all Detroit gangbanger on that shit. Works 99% percent of the time | 0 |
I've always felt there was something different about me. When I was growing up, my mom had several health and psychology textbooks in the house from studying to be an LPN. I used to skim them, look at pictures, study diagrams, read some parts. I knew that many mental disorders can be inherited. My mom has been diagnosed with several. Bipolar, depression, PTSD, etc. Every time I found out about one of her diagnoses, I'd look it up to see if it fit. Nothing ever fit quite right. It wasn't until I was 24, with a newborn, spending a lot more time at my mom's house because I was an exhausted single parent, that she had mentioned she had ADHD. What? There's no way. You're definitely not hyperactive. You can pay attention to things. Then I researched. And it hit me. This is it. This is what's different about me. It explains SO MUCH. Imagine how much better I could have done in school. I could have graduated college by now.
I'm 28 now. I tried to get diagnosed once. The psychologist told me that he didn't think I had ADHD and that ADHD wasn't really a disorder on its own, it was really just secondary to other disorders. He said I was just an overwhelmed single mother. I knew he was full of shit. But it still felt like wasted effort.
I have yet to try to get diagnosed again.
I'm coping the best I can. My house literally looks like a tornado ripped through it. I've amassed so much stuff trying to fill a void from when I moved into my college apartment in 2011 to when I had my son in 2016. Then when my son came, baby stuff, then toddler stuff. There are toys everywhere. I've realized I don't need stuff to make my house a home. But it's a huge, nearly insurmountable task to declutter it all. I work about 36 hours per week. I'm in school (AGAIN, 3rd time's the charm right?) to finally try to get a bachelor's degree so I don't have to work as a restaurant manager for $12.50/hour. I'm about 40 lbs. overweight, and for the first time it's starting to slowly, but steadily increase. I'm tired all the time.
I know WHAT to do. I hold so much knowledge (from hyperfocus research sessions) about decluttering and organizing and about nutrition and fitness that I could be a professional organizer or a dietitian or whatever. I just have a hard time forcing myself to DO. I'm trying little by little. But my goodness is it discouraging.
I didn't really mean to write a novel, and I don't really need advice or encouragement. I guess OP's post struck a chord in me and I just needed to vent to people who understand. | 1 |
Yes. This rule also applies to sleeping. If I get up to do anything once I lie down and get settled in (which is difficult enough) I’m not getting my “sleepy” back and will probably end up doing something else until 3am | 1 |
I feel this in my soul. I have small bits of contamination OCD with certain things but that’s by far my usual theme. I’m still not worried about me feeling contaminated that much but I feel like everything everywhere is and I can’t even fix it with a compulsion idk how to explain it | 0 |
Personally I use Voice Note on my iPhone to record every single school lecture.. there’s just some days I can’t pay attention or I’m too tired.. and sometimes I can’t take notes for 3 hours without my hand feeling like it’s gonna fall off and die.. instead.. in my notes I right the general topic / subject every few minutes and the time that correlates with it in my voice note recording.. this way when I need to go through my notes I can just immediately find the exact subject matter in the recording and listen to what the teacher said without having to write everything down all the time | 1 |
If you desire to be good, begin by believing you are wicked. -Seneca :/ | 0 |
oh yessss, everyday since the day i turned 18 and i probably felt it before too and just don’t remember | 1 |
My wife and I (and most likely our son, but time will tell) are both ADHD and only recently diagnosed in our late 20s/early 30s after nearly 8 years married. Stuff like this makes us laugh so hard realizing that if we’d been plugged into these communities we could have avoided so many misunderstandings, arguments and just confusion. | 1 |
Oh god, my dad told me the “everyone has a bit of OCD” before he realized how severe my disorder actually was. | 0 |
Can you say If thus is OCD or not, I’ve seen it many times before | 0 |
I tend towards clutter even though I have OCD. I think part of it for me is a need to check every single thing before throwing it away, making sure it doesn’t contain personal information, or something like that.
It makes me wonder if people don’t believe me about having OCD because the general view is it is that it’s all about order, cleanliness, etc. | 0 |
Definitely not trash!
I FELT your art, right away. I understand... | 0 |
Yes, I call it my OCD thought of the day, because for that day it’s the most important mystery to solve, until the next day…. | 0 |
Oh wow this is accurate. Or on some days it's that edgy 10-year-old boy trying to think of the worst possible thing to say just to make someone mad... :/ | 0 |
omfg i need this posted once a day everyday lmaoo. what a lifesaver | 1 |
Now, I wouldn't take my word as verified truth; but I wouldn't be surprised to see universities creating a 'covid forgiveness' program for those who got fucked this semester.
Can't say it's *guaranteed* to happen, just saying it would likely be in the collective colleges' best interests to do so, in an attempt to 'smooth out' whatever outliers this year will provide to everyone's performance graphs/spreadsheets/whatever. | 1 |
I wish I had an award to give this post because I feel this so much. I used to write multiple novels a year when I was homeschooled and had enough time. I got through a second draft AND full edit except for the last 3 chapters and then I started college and I just cannot pick it up again.
I love to sing and play piano. I want to do something with music so bad. I also started learning ASL and French and want to finish learning so so bad.
It's kind of painful to be honest because I just don't buy anything hobby related anymore because I know it'll be a waste when I inevitably give up / forget. | 1 |
That is freaking brilliant. Just reading it and thinking through the metaphor made me feel calmer. Thank you so much for sharing it | 0 |
I’m right there with you- i leave a million small things on a to do list that never gets done.. even if i start it I’m like fuck i have other things to do… its 10x worse trying to get through nurse practitioner school , my teachers think I’m dumb and wonder how i even got into the program. | 1 |
This. Me. For the last two weeks. I'm finally coming out of the fear, but my God, it's been tough. | 0 |
So true. The more you ask for reassurance the more you spiral out of control. | 0 |
No matter how much I do, my brain will always tell me I’m a bad person.
Give away all your money , brain says you’re just doing it so people think you’re not bad.
Do something nice for someone but make sure no one else knows, brain says nothing you do can make up for the bad.
Sometimes it’s just easier to not fight it and just accept that I will always think I’m awful. Nothing will ever be enough. | 0 |
I would suggest tough love doesn't work on anyone outside of a group setting. Even If it does motivate someone to get a task done the likely emotional blowback, either internally or externally isn't worth it. | 1 |
Hm, idk, I disagree somewhat. Before I was diagnosed and before I did all the work that ERP entails, I think I liked my OCD. OCD was my friend through thick and thin, it protected me from dangerous stuff and we shared so much together. I never questioned my OCD, I just did what it asked, it was my accepted reality. This was not healthy behaviour, and saying OCD is a good thing in your life is definitely insensitive to people who struggle through hell. But if liking having OCD was a diagnostic criteria I might not have been properly diagnosed. Or like, it is to an extent, but a lot of the work I did leading up to diagnosis and treatment was to understand how it was indeed a problem, and a problem that can be fixed. | 0 |
Congrats! Keep doing it! Yeah! You got this! I'm so happy to read OP and repliers are working so hard! | 0 |
Ugh this reminds me of Sidgeir, I think he is just as killable as Nazeem. Fuck that guy. | 0 |
There's a website where you can get an accountability partner. Maybe schedule studying at normal class time? | 1 |
I want you all to know that it does get better, I promise. Just hang on in there | 0 |
Hey that’s me! Even if the topic is something I know inside and out I’ll ruin it by making connections in my head and then going back to explain it is just impossible.
I’ll just repeat myself a lot and it sounds like I’m beating a dead horse. Like a painter who uses buckets instead of a brush to show their painting | 1 |
Wait till you drive through a hole on the road and you’ll start wondering if you ran someone over by accident and if you keep driving you’ll think it’s a hit and run and police will find you and put you in prison and you’ll have your life ruined. So you turn back to see if anyone is laying on the road. | 0 |
For me it’s when OCD sneaks up on me after a good hour | 0 |
So. True.
I just moved a dentist appointment to 8:30am on Saturday rather than tomorrow after work, like a reasonable person might.
Nope. I’ve handled my limit and I’m not up for anything more. The dentist can have Saturday morning then I get my weekend back after that. | 1 |
As long as it takes
If it means so much youl keep coming back
Eventually youl get there
Same for me and sketching
My sketches are pretty good but many aspects need alot of work and shading is just the bubonic plague never go anywhere near it
Other aspects are improving and eventually I'll hopefully bottleneck and or improve that much I have more creativity to desire improve shading and ultimately more stimulating a task and build momentum .
Break the mould find your own meaning whatever it is | 1 |
This filled my heart with warmth and love, and it seems as though you’ve touched many hearts by writing this. Thank you so much! What a beautiful soul you have.
Also, I’m deeply sorry for your loss xxxx | 1 |
Lol tell me about it. My top artist and song are one I got really fixated onto and just listened to over and over for a couple days straight back in the spring. I haven't really thought about it since. | 1 |
Your ocd looks so happy, I hope through exposure you can make it more miserable. :) | 0 |
I don't suffer from ADHD (or, at least, I haven't been diagnosed), but I almost never ever feel the need to eat yet I end up consuming food just because I know it's good for my health | 1 |
I have a very small compulsion that kind of signals to me that my meds are starting to not work. First time I realized what it was though.
Its wild.
however, it does feel like this. | 0 |
'' Don’t interact with your thoughts, watch them.''
This one really hits home, I need to tell myself this more often. | 0 |
then your ocd jumps obsessions and it’s like “nah that one was stupid but THIS one though...” | 0 |
That actually used to be one of my techniques. I would say "fuck ocd!" Over and over to myself trying to convince myself I dont need to do my rituals.... while sti ensing up taking that extra step or whatever anyways. OCD sucks, there is no med that cures it. Best I've found is a med that helps improve my overall mood and helps keep me stable. If you haven't yet, try Clomipromine(?) It works pretty well imo. | 0 |
Thank you! You have given this mom valuable insight into my son’s head as our family waits hours for the “shower” process. | 1 |
FUCK! You are right, it's almost 1 a.m.! I slept 4 hours the last two days and I had a workload of a ridiculous nature and a job that requires me to be mentally active a 4:40 in the morning (but end the active phase of my work early, then I had 7 reports of a particular analytical nature to write, and you better believe I stretched all this with checking up on my new inconsequential fixation).
Anyway, I'm also sorry to not have read your what you wrote, but this message will help me find it tomorrow. If I came here and started writing, it's because I was touched by the headline. I wish everyone a good Sunday.
EDIT: I read your post my dude or dudette (I'm too engaged again to scroll back up and read your name. I'll probably edit later. Fuck... what did you say that touched me. WHY CAN'T I TYPE WITH MY MIND like directly fufucufuc.
Edit 2: I have calmed down and went up to get information. OK! JOE! Fuck I should have called myself WSB_ADHD that would have been a good name. Wait let me register the account. I'll be back.
Edit 3: Ok I would have to logout, I already got lost in the tabs but I'm back. I don't want to copy paste this anywhere so WSB_ADHD is perhaps still available, any takes? ALL IN $GME TO THE MOON. Together we have momentum! Ok so anyway, talking to yourself. I consulted with myself and my housemate did a wellness check. Everything good I said, thinking to myself "Well done". I never talked to myself I am going to try. I'm half diagnosed after suspicion and I found this community here and I just started and I decided I'll go right in and just be myself right? I've been reading left and right and I even saw a stream of a guy with ADD and I thought that there are others like me! Or sameish, or round in different ways (i.e. not square, that's how I see some people opposite from me)
FUCK IT'S 1 A.M.!!!!
Hahahahaha my housemate recommended me to listen to a .. fuck what did she call it... zen music youtube meditation playlist or something. Is it true that I could learn superpowers, like laser beam my mindfire after it? I'm really new to this. I tried medication made me a square and I'm already very happy, somehow, through this pachinko of life
Good night everyone. I think sleeping would be wise. | 1 |
There was a period in high school where I couldn’t walk past one of those pull down fire alarm things without my brain being like “pull ittttttt”. Stupid ass brain trying to get me in trouble. I never did pull it thankfully but I had a rough couple of months having to walk past the many fire alarm things every day. | 0 |
Hands normally = a natural grassland
Hands over-cleaned = a empty wasteland
Hands not cleaned enought = a dump | 0 |
I am interviewing for a internal job posting and I’ve had four interviews. I cannot function before them. I will get nothing done. Yesterday’s and today’s started before 9 which made me happy then I had one at 12…kill me. I want them all first thing in the morning. But 4 down, 3 to go. | 1 |
I like that a lot!
I'm not a tattoo person, but I've been wanting something like an incomplete/ imperfect circle on my wrist for a while now, and then I recently learned the significance of the semicolon and wanted that too. I really like the idea of combining them like this. Thanks for sharing! | 0 |
Saw this as I'm coming down from a really bad compulsion attack. I handled it really well, considering, but seeing this made such a difference and gave me a deep sense of calm. Thank you. | 0 |
Same! I've done that all my life even before I had OCD symptoms. | 0 |
for me when I get a task that I just don't want to do it won't get done ill just lay on my desk for a minute and then think about doing it. | 1 |
What a cool idea! I’d love to see more people depict their OCD/mental ailments in the form of visual arts. | 0 |
i set a reminder and then it reminds me and i’m like “SHUT UP REMINDER IM BUSY GLUEING PLASTIC GEMS TO MY FACE” | 1 |
Replace "committed war crimes" with "murdered a hobo" and "heaven" with "Canada", and that's me right there! | 0 |
I’ve kinda got this, I just can’t fall asleep until my bladder is completely empty. I’ll wait for hours until I get the tiniest urge to pee and then I use the bathroom and go to bed. If more than 30 minutes pass I do it all over again. | 0 |
Are anyone’s ocd in there dreams almost worst then real life I have vivid dreams were I’m freaking the shit out and I wake up with my heart racing I’ll ocd can fuck off | 0 |
I work in history too! I don’t have a masters haha, but I’m so proud of you!!!!!! | 0 |
Ugh, I've been looking for a new job but I have to share my screen sometimes for work (working from home) and I have this momentary panic if I'm showing my tabs in my browser to give away that I'm looking for a different job. 🙃 the joys. | 0 |
Before coming on here I completed 2 hw assignments after 2 days of being very unproductive so I feel relieved and I am scrolling with NO anxiety! 😊 | 1 |
when i had my theorie driving lessons online i always almost fell asleep after an hour. it was horrible. and i often got really tired at school too. | 1 |
OCD is a living hell, but for the sake of understanding I'll give my two cents as to why they might want it for some reason
It could be that they have a very low opinion of themselves and what they want isn't really OCD but just something to add to their identity or who they are to make them seem more unique when they look in the mirror. I only say this bc I think I have the same issue. Kinda weird because I already have OCD though so it's like it acts like some sort of weird twisted balance | 0 |
Positive reinforcement Definitely works better for me.
I found that most of the people/employees I’ve come across,ADHD or not, it gets the job done better than negative reinforcement. If one should use negative reinforcement they should do so in the form of positive Criticism. I Have found that positive criticism is the best way to get on same level. I communicate the approach to any Individual before i go and list negatives and positives.
Apologies for bad grammar and punctuation and spelling:) | 1 |
Explains why I always write unnecessarily long paragraphs as well. | 1 |
Subsets and Splits