Health Withdrawal - KWSP Malaysia * [Skip to Main Content](#main-content) [![](](/) ## Menu Display [Member]( [Login ![](/documents/d/guest/profile-main11)]( ![](/documents/d/guest/more) ![](/documents/d/guest/chev-left)[Back](#) [![](/documents/d/guest/register) Register As A Member How To Register And Benefits Of Becoming A Member]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-money) Grow Your Savings Mandatory Contribution & Voluntary Contribution, i-Saraan, i-Invest, i-Sayang, i-Suri]( [![](/documents/d/guest/leaf-1) Financial Life Stages Akaun Fleksibel, Education, Hajj, Age 50, Age 55/60 & More Than RM1 Million Withdrawals]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-health) Health Protection Members Protection Plan, Critical Illness, Fertility Treatment & Incapacitation Withdrawals]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-home) Home Ownership Choices Of Housing Withdrawals]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-account-centre) Manage Your EPF Account Manage Account & Account Closure]( [Employer]( [Login ![](/documents/d/guest/profile-main11)]( ![](/documents/d/guest/more) ![](/documents/d/guest/chev-left)[Back](#) [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-users) Introduction Obligation To Contribute]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-eye) Employer Responsibilities Registration | Responsibilities | Update & Compliance]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-money) Online Platform Convenience At Your Fingertips]( [Corporate]( [Login ![](/documents/d/guest/profile-main11)]( ![](/documents/d/guest/more) ![](/documents/d/guest/chev-left)[Back](#) [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-eye) About Us Who We Are & What We Do]( [![](/documents/d/guest/document-2) News & Highlights Get The Latest News]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-graph) Investment Investment Information And Performance]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-variant15) Careers Be part of our team]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-document) Procurement Apply For Tenders Or Submit Quotations]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-buildings-landmarks) EPF Learning Campus A Centre Of Excellence For Social Security]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-human) Business Partners Check The Latest Lists]( [![](/documents/d/guest/property-1-variant14) Connect With Us We Are Here To Help]( - [![](/documents/d/guest/frame-9780-1)](#) ## Search Bar Search Bar ![](/documents/d/guest/button) ![](/documents/d/guest/button-1) #### Suggestions : ## Asset Publisher [![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+13+-+Retirement+for+Gig+Workers.png/07a403cf-58f4-2e92-c2e4-4c3ad013209b?t=1702010646323)]( CAREER Unlocking Financial Freedom in the Gig Economy [![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+8+-+EPF+Housing+Withdrawal2.png/2178c92e-14ac-8209-c6fd-b7e851e7b78e?t=1706581132599)]( HOUSING Now Everyone Can Own a Home with EPF [![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+2+-+Healthy+Lifestyle+new.png/34abd03a-7a27-f1db-70b7-79e2da6385fa?t=1706756903601)]( LIFESTYLE Being Healthy: What It Means To You ## Language Selector EN EN BM [![](](#) [![](/documents/d/guest/profile-main11)](#) ![](/documents/d/guest/hamburger-menu11) ## Health Withdrawal ![](/documents/d/guest/banner-member-health-critical-webp?download=true) ## Breadcrumb 1. [Member]( 2. [Health Protection]( 3. Critical Illness #### Health Withdrawal Supporting You & Your Family Through Medical Needs Medical advancements have extended lifespans and improved the quality of life for many. However, healthcare costs remain a major financial burden. ​​To help members facing medical challenges, the EPF allows partial withdrawals from Akaun Sejahtera. These withdrawals can be used to cover the costs of approved illnesses, healthcare equipment, and fertility treatments. Who Can Apply ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/Warganegara.png/eade32b3-4bb4-885b-adba-5cfaa8aaf8d8?t=1701084664960&download=true) Malaysians & Non-Malaysians ![icon card](/documents/20119/44056/Age%20below%2055.png/f483adce-f195-9b00-187a-03c3eea0e5c8?t=1701084609706&download=true) Below 55 years of age ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/Account%202.png/2583fa68-6514-92d2-4536-4bf129336eb4?t=1701084665492&download=true) Have savings in Akaun Sejahtera Additional Requirements ![icon card](/documents/d/guest/myidaman-icons-11?download=true) Medical costs are not fully covered by employer ![icon card](/documents/d/guest/myidaman-icons-1-5?download=true) Illness/ medical aid equipment are approved by the EPF \* ![icon card](/documents/20119/44053/MyIdaman%20Icons-2.png/780eb38f-72d7-bd49-8eaa-cafa1655daaa?t=1701084624450&download=true) Not receiving alternative treatments \*All medical equipment and/ or medication prescribed for use by doctors (in writing) is eligible for health withdrawal and subject to ilnesses, approved by the EPF. Who Is Eligible To Be Funded * Yourself * Your spouse * Your children (biological, adopted, step) * Your parents (biological, adopted, step, in-laws) * Your siblings (biological) What's Covered ## Critical Illness - What's Covered ### Cardiovascular System ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Arrhythmia Requiring Device Insertion (Pacemaker/Defibrillator) * Cardiomyopathy/Heart Failure * Congenital Heart Disease * Constrictive Pericarditis * Coronary Artery Disease/Ischaemic Heart Disease * Heart Attack/Myocardial Infarction * Heart Block Requiring Surgical Intervention/Pacemaker/Battery Implant * Heart Valve Replacement/Valvular Heart Disease Requiring Replacement * Peripheral Vascular Disease * Surgery to Aorta/Diseases of the Aorta Requiring Surgery ### Endocrine/Medical ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Epilepsy & Movement Disorders Requiring Deep Brain Stimulation or Surgery * Guillain-Barré Syndrome Requiring * Morbid Obesity or Obesity with Multiple Medical Complications and Life Threatening Requiring Bariatric Surgery * Pituitary Tumors * Sepsis with One or More Major Organ Failure * Type 1 Diabetes with Criteria for Insulin Pump Therapy ### Gastroenterology/Hepatology ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease * Chronic Liver Disease * Fulminant Viral Hepatitis * Pulmonary Hypertension ### Genitourinary System ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Congenital Urinary Abnormalities Requiring Urgent and Major Surgical Intervention * Chronic Kidney Disease/Failure * Medullary Cystic Disease * Renal Calculi Requiring Surgical Intervention ### Hematology ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Aplastic Anaemia * Haemophilia (Moderate to Severe - Factor Activity <5%) * Hematological Malignancies – Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma (Acute or Chronic Leukemia Diagnosed by Physician * Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation * Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) - Thrombocytopenia Refractory to Convention Steroid Treatment (1st Line Treatment) * Lymphoma * Myeloproliferative Disorders Requiring Blood Transfusion and/or Chelating Agents * Thalassemia Major Requiring Chelating Agent ### Nervous System ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Alzheimer's Disease * Apallic Syndrome * Benign Tumor Of Brain * Cerebral Palsy * Coma * Encephalitis * Loss Of Speech * Major Head Trauma * Meningitis * Motor Neuron Disease * Multiple Sclerosis * Muscular Dystrophy * Paralysis * Parkinson's Disease * Poliomyelitis * Stroke * Total Permanent Disability ### Ophthalmology ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Advanced Diabetic Eye Disease - Diagnosed by Specialist * Age Related Macular Degeneration (Armd)/Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy (PCV) * Blindness * Cataract Requiring Surgery (Intraocular Lens – IOL) * Corneal Disorders Requiring Corneal Surgery (Corneal Transplant) – Diagnosed by Specialist * Enopthalmic Socket - Diagnosed by Specialist * Glaucoma Requiring Surgery with Glaucoma Implant * Retinal Vascular Disease - Diagnosed by Specialist ### Orthopedic ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Gangrene/Necrotizing Fasciitis Requiring Amputation * Knee Injury Requiring Surgery/Implant/Graft * Osteoarthritis Requiring Surgery/Implant * Prolapse Intervertebral Disc with Significant Neurological Deficit Requiring Surgery * Shoulder Injury with Instability/Function Compromised Requiring Surgery/Implant/Graft * Spinal Stenosis with Significant Neurological Symptoms/Deficit Requiring Surgery * Unstable Spine Fractures/Trauma Requiring Surgery and Implant/Rehab Equipment ### Respiratory System ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Bronchiectasis * Chronic Lung Disease * Lung Fibrosis * Obstructive Sleep Apnea * Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension * Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) / Emphysema ### Under 16 Child Illnesses ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Congenital Diseases Requiring Medical or Surgical Intervention Treated by Specialist Intellectual * Impairment Due to Accident or Sickness * Leukemia * Severe Asthma ### Mental Illness ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Bipolar Mood * Major Depression * Schizophrenia ### Musculoskeletal System ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Major Organ Involvement * Systemic Sclerosis/Scleroderma with Functional Impairment and/or Major Organ Involvement * Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Arthritis of any joint with Deformities requiring Surgery/Orthosis ### Rheumatology ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * Ankylosing Spondylitis Active Disease with Functional Impairment and/or Disability * Chronic Tophaceous Gout with Functional Impairment and/or Disability * Psoriatic Arthritis Active Disease with Functional Impairment and/or Disability * Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Arthritis of any joint with Deformities requiring Surgery/Orthosis ### Other Diseases ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) * AIDS/HIV * Deafness * Loss of Independent Existence * Major Burns * Major Organ Transplant * Terminal Illness ### Cancer ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) All stages View More Categories * Individual withdrawal * Joint withdrawal with approved family members What You Can Withdraw Tab 1 * Individual Withdrawal * Joint Withdrawal Actual medical cost\* OR Entire savings in Account 2 (whichever is lower) Applied amount OR Applicant's entire savings in Account 2 OR Balance treatment cost after deducting the amount withdrawn by other applicants (whichever is lower) *\*If the medical cost has been partially covered by the member’s/ patient’s employer, you may only withdraw the remaining balance of the medical cost that was not covered.* Payment Options #### Payment to Member * If medical costs have been paid #### Payment to Local Medical Institution * If medical costs are still outstanding What You Need * MyKad OR Original Identification Document * Bank passbook/ Savings account statement/ Current account statement/ Verification letter of account holder’s details from Bank/ Account holder’s details * [Form KWSP 3 (Pindaan)](/documents/20119/44767/Form_KWSP_3_Pindaan.pdf/f56418fe-57e2-3184-3a59-5593e20920e7?t=1704610330127) – for mail submissions/ failed thumbprint verification * Outpatient Bill/ Final Bill AND Original Receipt from Medical Institution (if payment has been paid) * Confirmation letter from the member’s and/ or approved family member’s employer stating the medical cost coverage (if applicable) * [Medical Report - Critical Illness LPP-1](/documents/d/guest/laporan-perubatan-penyakit-kritikal-lpp1-apr2020-fillable-pdf?preview) * Proof of relationship between applicant and patient (If the applicant is not a patient) Note: [Form KWSP 9D (AHL)](/documents/d/guest/form_kwsp_9d_ahl_bm) & Copy of identification documents/ MyKad is required for submission via mail or representative. Additional Documents Required #### Local Medical Institutions **1. Proof of illness** Original medical report from the medical institution **[View Medical Report Sample - Critical Illness LPP-1](/documents/d/guest/laporan-perubatan-penyakit-kritikal-lpp1-apr2020-fillable-pdf)** Complete with the patient’s details of illness, effects if left untreated, medical institution’s stamp, attending doctor’s signature, stamp, designation and discipline (not more than one year from the date of withdrawal application). --- **2. Proof of Payment** Actual medical bills AND Original payment receipts issued by the medical institution (for reimbursement) Not more than one (1) year from application date and if the payment receipt is not in the applicant's name, an authorisation letter from the payer is required. --- **3. Proof of Identity** Patient's Identification documents\* \*If the applicant is not the patient --- **4. Employer's Letter of Confirmation** Sponsorship confirmation letter from applicant's / patient's employer (if employed) | Patient | Employment Status | Employer's Letter of Confirmation | | --- | --- | --- | | i) Member | Employer | Member | | ii) Children | Mother/ Father Employed | Mother's AND Father's | | iii) Husband/ Wife | Husband/ Wife Employed | Patient's AND Spouse's | | iv) Parent | Children/ Mother/ Father Employed | Applicant's/ Mother/ Father's | | v) Siblings | Employed | Patient's, Applicant's AND Mother's/ Father's | --- **5. Proof of Relationship\*** Marriage Certificate/ Birth Certificate/ Adoption papers from the National Registration Department (if adopted) Whichever is applicable \*If the applicant is not the patient --- **6. [Appendix Billing/ Invoice and Payment Receipt](/documents/d/guest/lampiran_a2_format_lampiran_resit_pengeluaran_kesihatan_08082019-pdf?preview)** --- **7. [Letter of Payment Confirmation on Treatment Cost and Authorization to apply for withdrawal](/documents/d/guest/surat_kebenaran_pembayar__pengeluaran_kesihatan_08082019-pdf?preview)** --- #### Overseas Medical Institution **1. Proof of illness** Original medical report from the medical institution **[View Medical Report Sample - Critical Illness LPP-1](/documents/d/guest/laporan-perubatan-penyakit-kritikal-lpp1-apr2020-fillable-pdf)** Complete with the patient’s details of illness, effects if left untreated, medical institution’s stamp, attending doctor’s signature, stamp, designation and discipline (not more than one year from the date of withdrawal application). --- **2. Proof of Payment** Actual medical bills AND Original payment receipts issued by the medical institution (for reimbursement) Not more than one (1) year from application date and if the payment receipt is not in the applicant's name, an authorisation letter from the payer is required. --- **3. Proof of Identity** Patient's Identification documents\* \*If the applicant is not the patient --- **4. Employer's Letter of Confirmation** Sponsorship confirmation letter from applicant's / patient's employer (if employed) | Patient | Employment Status | Employer's Letter of Confirmation | | --- | --- | --- | | i) Member | Employer | Member | | ii) Children | Mother/ Father Employed | Mother's AND Father's | | iii) Husband/ Wife | Husband/ Wife Employed | Patient's AND Spouse's | | iv) Parent | Children/ Mother/ Father Employed | Applicant's/ Mother/ Father's | | v) Siblings | Employed | Patient's, Applicant's AND Mother's/ Father's | --- **5. Proof of Relationship\*** Marriage Certificate/ Birth Certificate/ Adoption papers from the National Registration Department (if adopted) Whichever is applicable \*If the applicant is not the patient --- **6. [Appendix Billing/ Invoice and Payment Receipt](/documents/d/guest/lampiran_a2_format_lampiran_resit_pengeluaran_kesihatan_08082019-pdf?preview)** --- **7. [Letter of Payment Confirmation on Treatment Cost and Authorization to apply for withdrawal](/documents/d/guest/surat_kebenaran_pembayar__pengeluaran_kesihatan_08082019-pdf?preview)** [Medical Report Sample - Critical Illness LPP-1](/documents/d/guest/laporan-perubatan-penyakit-kritikal-lpp1-apr2020-fillable-pdf?preview) [Apply For Manual Withdrawal](/documents/d/guest/form_kwsp_9d_ahl_bm) ## Healthcare Protection - PM\_IR (Critical Illness) ### Payment Methods ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) **Local Payments** * Full payment in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) will be credited to your account (*If you hold an active account with our panel bank and your identification number matches the bank records*) * If payment to your account is unsuccessful, you will be issued a Bankers Cheque **Overseas Payments** * Full payment will be made via Foreign Demand Draft in the currency of your choice (*If your preferred currency is included in our list of approved currencies*) * Full payment will be made via Foreign Demand Draft in US Dollars (*If your preferred currency is not available on our approved list*) --- ### Important Reminder ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) **1. Certify your documents** Ensure ALL copies of documents have been certified and acknowledged by the authorised persons. (Complete with name, designation and official stamp except for copies of documents which require certification by an EPF officer) [Authorised Persons](/en/corporate/business-partners) **2. Double check your panel banks** Refer to the list of EPF panel banks for direct crediting of payment into member’s account [EPF Panel Banks](/corporate/panel-institutions) **3. Submit to EPF** Send your completed submissions at your nearest EPF Office or mail it to the EPF. [Find EPF Near You](/corporate/connect-with-us) **Post to EPF:** JABATAN PENGURUSAN TRANSAKSI Menara KWSP No.1 Persiaran Kwasa Utama, Kwasa Damansara, Seksyen U4, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor. --- Related Articles These articles might inspire you ## Asset Publisher [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+14+-+Work+Life+Balance.png/5b310582-cb59-a8ca-7936-e81faaee384e?t=1702010646427) CAREER The Realities of Work-Life Balance]( [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44467/Article23_Cover.webp/7370fdee-3a17-f6c4-c4c9-5b7151613c01?t=1719488587084) PERSONAL FINANCE Getting The Most From Your EPF Akaun Fleksibel]( [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+11+-+Emergency+Savings.png/57fd0387-8590-5d84-9e86-29365c2bb09d?t=1702010646016) PERSONAL FINANCE Emergency Fund: Why You Need One]( [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+2+-+Healthy+Lifestyle+new.png/34abd03a-7a27-f1db-70b7-79e2da6385fa?t=1706756903601) LIFESTYLE Being Healthy: What It Means To You]( [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+19+-+Healthcare+Planning.png/21d85f6b-f524-b43a-7e9d-aa05d4cae18e?t=1712216682635) LIFESTYLE Managing Health Expenses: Getting to Know EPF’s Health Withdrawal Facility]( Hidden ![]( Take control on your financial future. ![]( ![]( Member ## Menu Display * [Register As A Member]( * [Grow Your Savings]( * [Financial Life Stages]( * [Home Ownership]( * [Health Protection]( * [Manage Your EPF Account]( Employer ## Menu Display * [Introduction]( * [Employer Responsibilities]( * [Online Platform]( * [Employers Education Programme]( Corporate ## Menu Display * [About Us]( * [News & Highlights]( * [Investment]( * [Business Partners]( * [Careers]( * [Procurement]( * [EPF Learning Campus]( * [Whistleblowing & Anti‑Fraud]( * [Connect With Us]( * [Scam & Alerts]( Others ## Menu Display * [Terms & Conditions]( * [Privacy Policy]( * [Security Policy]( * [Disclaimer]( * [Online Security Tips]( * [Other Links]( * [Forms]( * [Resource Centre]( * [Achievements](