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[Member](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member) 2. [Grow Your Savings](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member/savings) 3. i-Sayang #### i-Sayang Contribute To Your Wife's Retirement Savings​ i-Sayang is an initiative introduced by the government that allows the husband (contributor) to transfer the 2% employee share contribution received from the employer to the wife's (recipient) EPF account.​ # Who Can Apply ### Eligibility Of The Husband (Contributor) ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/Warganegara.png/eade32b3-4bb4-885b-adba-5cfaa8aaf8d8?download=true) Malaysian or non-Malaysian​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/EPF%20Member.png/e9091d38-0eff-c589-092e-181bf9916555?download=true) EPF Member​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/Below_75Y.png/36e78548-237e-afbe-854f-bb195b091299?download=true) Below 75 years of age​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44038/i-Sayang.png/ce6c2d26-0818-af77-3f6d-194b4f511db7?download=true) Marriage that has been registered under Malaysian Law​ ### Eligibility Of The Wife (Recipient) ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/Warganegara.png/eade32b3-4bb4-885b-adba-5cfaa8aaf8d8?download=true) Malaysian​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/EPF%20Member.png/e9091d38-0eff-c589-092e-181bf9916555?download=true) EPF Member​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/Below_75Y.png/36e78548-237e-afbe-854f-bb195b091299?download=true) Below 75 years of age​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44038/i-Sayang.png/ce6c2d26-0818-af77-3f6d-194b4f511db7?download=true) Marriage that has been registered under Malaysian Law​ Features ![icon card](/documents/20119/44038/i-Sayang%202Percent.png/bdd5a1bc-22ab-c607-40ed-3514b2120e81?download=true) Transfer of 2% employee share contribution received from the employer to the wife’s EPF account.​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44038/Calender%20Payment.png/c8147140-3d99-18b8-b1ab-ecc972d09efd?download=true) The application is made voluntarily by the husband, and the transfer occurs automatically each month when an employer contribution is credited to the husband's EPF account.​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44038/Rejected%20Document.png/48bcf86e-11d3-4df5-3200-e39e5df6b876?download=true) The transfer of this contribution cannot be cancelled unless the wife divorces or dies.​ How To Register For i-Sayang? ![icon card](/documents/20119/44050/EPF%20Member.png/e9091d38-0eff-c589-092e-181bf9916555?download=true)  i-Akaun (Member)​ The husband can register i-Sayang via i-Akaun (Member) by following the i-Sayang Registration User Guide.​ ![icon card](/documents/20119/44056/Institution.png/a50289e3-9a5a-6d67-298d-c74a6639cc0d?download=true) EPF Offices Visit any EPF office. Fill in and bring i-Sayang Application Form – KWSP 16G (SY).​ ![icon card](/documents/d/guest/sst-icon?download=true) Self Service Terminal (SST) Prepare MyKad for i-Sayang registration at any SST. [Download KWSP 16G (SY) Form](/documents/20119/44359/Borang%20Permohonan%20Pendaftaran%20i-Sayang%20-%20KWSP%2016G%20%28SY%29.pdf/2d913b6d-5c59-046a-d1a0-7d992a10cdfe) [Login To i-Akaun (Member)](https://iakaun.kwsp.gov.my/portal/member/login) [Registration User Guide](/documents/d/guest/easy-guide_panduan-pengguna-pendaftaran-i-sayang-i-akaun-en) ## Forms * [Borang Permohonan Pendaftaran i-Sayang - KWSP 16G (SY)](/documents/d/guest/kwsp-16g-sy-_permohonan-pendaftaran-i-sayang-pemindahan-caruman-ahli-_v20240228) * [Borang Permohonan Penghentian Pemindahan Caruman i-Sayang - KWSP 16G (SY-P)](/documents/d/guest/kwsp-16g-sy-p-_permohonan-penghentian-pemindahan-caruman-i-sayang_v20240228-1) # Frequently Asked Questions * General Questions * Questions Related To Registration * Questions Related To Cancellation * Other Questions #### General Questions View Frequently Asked Question ## i-Sayang (General FAQ Accordion) ### Are there any supporting documents I need to provide for i‑Sayang registration?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) No. If you and your wife meet all the requirements, then you're eligible to register.​ --- ### Can The husband (contributor) apply more than 2% of the i-Sayang contribution to the wife's (recipient) account? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Unfortunately, no. Currently, i-Sayang contribution transfer is limited to 2% only.​ --- ### Can the wife apply to transfer her EPF contribution to the husband’s EPF account? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) No, the wife cannot transfer her EPF contributions to the husband’s (contributor) EPF account because i-Sayang initiative only allows the transfer of contribution from the husband’s (contributor) EPF account to the wife’s (recipient) EPF account. --- ### Can I cancel my i-Sayang registration?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) i-Sayang registration which has already been approved regrettably cannot be canceled without any reason. Husband can only cancel it if divorce occurs, or the wife passes on.​ ​**Note**: In the event of divorce or wife’s passing, the husband has to go to the nearest EPF branch to cancel the registration. Any delay in informing this matter to the EPF will result in the continuous transfer of the husband’s contribution to the wife’s EPF account.​ --- ### How is the 2% i-Sayang contribution from employee share calculated?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) The formula for calculating the transfer of 2% from employee share contributions is calculated as follows: ![](/documents/20119/0/i-Sayang%20Calculation%20EN.png/68e8c7ca-f55c-9b09-948a-d631b301642e) Example: a) Husband's wages: RM2000.00 b) Employee share statutory rate: 11% c) Employee share contribution amount: RM220.00. (RM2,000 x 11%) The transfer amount is: RM 40.00 --- ### How is the 2% transfer amount from the husband to the wife calculated when the husband contributes more than the statutory rate (Voluntary Excess)?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) The 11% employee share contribution amount will include the Voluntary Excess amount (additional (%) contribution chosen by the member). Therefore, the amount transferred to the wife's account will also include the husband's Voluntary Excess amount. Example: ![](/documents/20119/0/EN_i-sayang%20calculation_19092023.png/78f30692-c57d-3fbb-999c-ef1707aca273) a) Husband's wages : RM2000.00 b) Employee share statutory rate : 11% c) Additional Contribution Rate (VE) : 3% d) Total share of husband's employees : 11%+3% = 14% e) The employee share contribution amount is RM280.00 (RM2000.00 x 14%) f) The transfer amount is : RM 51.00 --- ### Is the contributor (husband) of i-Sayang eligible to receive any special incentives?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Not eligible. --- ### Is the recipient of i-Sayang (wife) eligible to receive any special incentives? ​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) There is no special incentive given to the contributor (husband) and recipient (wife). --- #### #### Questions Related To Registration View Frequently Asked Question ## i-Sayang (Registration FAQ Accordion) ### How is the i-Sayang registration application performed? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) The i-Sayang registration application is performed voluntarily by the husband (contributor) through below channels: i. i-Akaun (Member); OR ii. Self Service Terminal (SST) ; OR iii. Nearest EPF with the completed i-Sayang Registration Application Form - KWSP 16G (SY) --- ### How can the husband (contributor) register i-Sayang online? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) The husband (contributor) can register i-Sayang via i-Akaun (Member) by following the i-Sayang Registration User Guide. --- ### Where can the husband (contributor) obtain the i-Sayang Registration Application Form - EPF Form 16G (SY)? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) The i-Sayang Registration Application Form - KWSP 16G (SY) can be found on the KWSP website. --- ### Can the wife register i-Sayang or represent the husband to register i-Sayang?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Unfortunately, no. i-Sayang registration can only be done voluntarily by the husband.​ --- ### Can the husband and wife check the i-Sayang registration status?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Only the husband can check i-Sayang registration through i-Akaun (Member).​ --- ### Can the i-Sayang registration be made for other than the wife?​ ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Registration is for legal wives registered under Malaysian law only. The husband is responsible for any inaccuracy of the wife's (recipient) information.​ --- #### #### Questions related to Cancellation View Frequently Asked Question ## i-Sayang (Cancellation FAQ Accordion) ### Can the husband (contributor) cancel i-Sayang contribution via i-Akaun? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Unfortunately, no. i-Sayang contribution cancellation process can only be done at the EPF Counter as the husband (contributor) has to submit supporting documents.​ --- ### How long does the cancellation of the i-Sayang contribution take? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) The i-Sayang contribution cancellation takes a month after the request is made. --- ### What are the supporting documents required during i-Sayang cancellation process? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Supporting documents required for the i-Sayang cancelation process are as follows:​ i. Divorce Certificate; OR ii. Wife's (recipient) Death Certificate​ --- #### #### Other Questions View Frequently Asked Question ## i-Sayang (Other FAQ Accordion) ### When will i-Sayang contributions transfer be credited to the EPF wife’s EPF account? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) i-Sayang contributions transfer will be credited to the wife’s (recipient) EPF account within one (1) day after the husband (contributor) receives his employee share contribution. The transfer also depends on the latest balance of the husband’s (contributor) account according to the sub account when the contributions transfer is made. --- ### Can the husband reclaim i-Sayang contributions credited to the wife's EPF account if there's a delay in reporting the divorce or wife's passing to the EPF? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) No. The husband must report to the EPF about the divorce or wife's passing immediately. --- ### Can the husband reclaim the contributions that have been transferred to the wife’s EPF account? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) No, the husband cannot reclaim the contributions that have been transferred to the wife's EPF account. --- ### Does the husband have to get consent from the wife to register i-Sayang? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) No, because this initiative is for the husband to voluntarily transfer the 2% contribution to the wife's EPF account. --- ### How does the EPF divide the i-Sayang contribution of 2% into the wife's Akaun Persaraan, Akaun Sejahtera, and Akaun Fleksibel? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) The EPF divides the i-Sayang contribution of 2% into the wife's accounts by crediting 75% into Akaun Persaraan, 15% into Akaun Sejahtera, and 10% into Akaun Fleksibel. --- ### Can civil servant husbands or wives in the retirement service scheme register for i-Sayang without risking government shares that must be returned later? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Yes, because no risk will occur as the transfer is based on the employee's shares and does not involve the employer's shares. --- ### Is it allowed to have different account types (Shariah or Conventional) for the husband and wife in the i-Sayang contribution transfer? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Yes. The difference in the account type (Shariah Savings or Conventional Savings) between the husband and wife does not have any implication to the transfer of the i-Sayang contribution. --- ### Why is the i-Sayang contribution limited to 2% only? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Over 80% of EPF members have a salary of RM5,000 or less. The starting rate of 2% allows for majority of husbands, who are EPF members, the opportunity to provide their wives with long-term savings and income security that is currently enjoyed by EPF members. However, the husband can make additional contributions to the wife’s EPF account through the voluntary contribution channel. --- ### Do the employers need to separate the contribution for the employees who register i-Sayang? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) No. The employers just need to make contributions as usual. The separation of contributions will be done by the EPF through the transfer of contributions from the husband's account to the wife's account. --- ### Is the i-Sayang contribution transfer amount displayed in the husband's and wife's annual EPF statement? ![back chevron](/documents/d/guest/more-1) Yes, the i-Sayang contribution transfer amount is displayed in the husband's and wife's EPF statement which can be checked through i-Akaun (Member). --- #### Related Articles These articles might inspire you ## Asset Publisher [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![iSayang Contribute Wife's Finances](/documents/20119/44167/Article+7+-+iSayang.png/b8f978fa-3344-4759-bb50-49ee1a50ea2b?t=1702010645649) PERSONAL FINANCE How Can You Contribute To Your Wife's Finances?](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/w/article/ensuring-wife-future) [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+15+-+EPF+Nominations.jpg/0e83e453-0ecf-b179-ffb8-f2c992526985?t=1708658117335) ACCOUNT EPF Nomination: Why is it Important?](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/w/article/epf-nomination) [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+17+-+Simpanan+Shariah_New.jpg/55adb65b-cbad-8291-1925-e1794d6784d4?t=1709776397211) PERSONAL FINANCE Make Simpanan Shariah Your Choice of Retirement Planning](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/w/article/simpanan-shariah-retirement) [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44167/Article+24+-+Financial+Milestone_small.png/923bdf3b-d96f-7fa1-3a35-9841f1fddbd8?t=1720274907679) PERSONAL FINANCE Financial Milestones To Achieve Before Turning 30](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/w/article/achieve-money-goal) [![text icon](/documents/d/guest/iconcontainer-2) ![](/documents/20119/44467/Article23_Cover.webp/7370fdee-3a17-f6c4-c4c9-5b7151613c01?t=1719488587084) PERSONAL FINANCE Getting The Most From Your EPF Akaun Fleksibel](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/w/article/how-to-use-akaun-3) Hidden ![](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/o/kwsp-theme/images/Arrow-main.png) Take control on your financial future. ![](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/o/kwsp-theme/images/app-download.png) ![](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/o/kwsp-theme/images/logo-main.png) Member ## Menu Display * [Register As A Member](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member/overview) * [Grow Your Savings](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member/savings) * [Financial Life Stages](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member/life-stages) * [Home Ownership](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member/house-withdrawal) * [Health Protection](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member/healthcare) * [Manage Your EPF Account](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/member/account-centre) Employer ## Menu Display * [Introduction](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/employer/introduction) * [Employer Responsibilities](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/employer/responsibilities) * [Online Platform](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/employer/online-platform) * [Employers Education Programme](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/epf-learning-campus) Corporate ## Menu Display * [About Us](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/about-us) * [News & Highlights](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/news-highlights) * [Investment](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/investment) * [Business Partners](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/business-partners) * [Careers](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/careers) * [Procurement](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/procurement) * [EPF Learning Campus](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/epf-learning-campus) * [Whistleblowing & Anti‑Fraud](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/anti-fraud) * [Connect With Us](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/connect-with-us) * [Scam & Alerts](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/corporate/news-highlights/scam-alerts) Others ## Menu Display * [Terms & Conditions](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/terms-and-conditions) * [Privacy Policy](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/privacy-policy) * [Security Policy](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/security-policy) * [Disclaimer](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/disclaimer) * [Online Security Tips](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/security-tips) * [Other Links](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/other-links) * [Forms](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/forms) * [Resource Centre](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/resource-centre) * [Achievements](https://www.kwsp.gov.my/en/others/achievements)