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<e1>Pope Pius XII</e1> re - opened the cause on 7 December 1954 , and Pope John Paul II proclaimed him <e2> Venerable </e2> on 6 July 1985 . | canonization status |
It is sometimes called the " nutmeg family " , after its most famous member , <e1> Myristica fragrans </e1> , the source of the spices <e2> nutmeg </e2> and mace . | this taxon is source of |
He co - wrote the musical <e1> Memphis </e1> with <e2> Joe DiPietro </e2> , which had its off - Broadway debut in 2002 . | librettist |
He was educated at Newington College ( 1963 ) , Barker College , Geelong Grammar School and <e1> The University of Sydney </e1> where he obtained a <e2> Bachelor of Arts </e2> . | grants |
Three bridges span the River Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal at Runcorn : the <e1> Silver Jubilee Bridge </e1> , <e2> Mersey Gateway </e2> , and Runcorn Railway Bridge . | next crossing upstream |
People with <e1> HIV / AIDS </e1> taking atazanavir , darunavir , fosamprenavir , indinavir , lopinavir , nelfinavir , ritonavir , or <e2> saquinavir </e2> may experience colchicine toxicity . | drug or therapy used for treatment |
It was developed during the mid-1930s for the Royal Air Force ( RAF ) as a monoplane successor to the <e1> Hawker Hart </e1> and Hind <e2> biplanes </e2> . | wing configuration |
The lake is part of the Chiputneticook chain of lakes which also include Spednic , North , and <e1> Palfrey </e1> and form the headwaters of the <e2> St. Croix River </e2> . | lake outflow |
The Day of Aragon is celebrated on April 23 and commemorates <e1> Saint George </e1> , patron of the <e2> Kingdom of Aragon </e2> since the 15th century . | domain of saint or deity |
Her daughter , <e1> Blanche Marchesi </e1> ( 1863–1940 ) , a <e2> contralto </e2> , also a noted singer and teacher , made her début at a young age . | voice type |
* <e1> Messier 94 </e1> , a spiral galaxy in the constellation <e2> Canes Venatici </e2> * The New General Catalogue object NGC 94 , a galaxy in the constellation Andromeda | constellation |
Dyson is a member of the academic advisory council of the <e1> Global Warming Policy Foundation </e1> , a climate sceptic think tank chaired by <e2> Nigel Lawson </e2> . | board member |
18 July : <e1> Tim Selwyn </e1> is sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for <e2> sedition </e2> in Auckland . | convicted of |
Today they are kept in the <e1> Shrine of the Three Kings </e1> in the <e2> Cologne cathedral </e2> . | collection |
The highest of them are the <e1> Low Tatras </e1> in the north , where the highest point , <e2> Ďumbier </e2> , is located . | highest point |
<e1> Electric cars</e1> use batteries to store electricity which is used to power <e2> electric motors </e2> . | powered by |
The reverse contains a representation of the <e1> Bluenose </e1> , a famous Canadian <e2> schooner </e2> . | vessel class |
Its first line connected the main - line <e1> railway termini </e1> at , , and <e2> King 's Cross </e2> to the City . | model item |
Salazar was named manager for the A advanced <e1> Florida Fire Frogs </e1> in the <e2> Atlanta Braves </e2> organization for the 2018 season . | parent club |
A notable role was the relief and reconstruction in Halifax after the 1917 <e1> Halifax Explosion </e1> and one CGR employee , <e2> Vince Coleman </e2> became a celebrated hero in the explosion . | victim |
<e1> Carbenicillin </e1> is used in the clinic primarily because of its low toxicity and its utility in treating <e2> urinary tract infections </e2> due to susceptible Pseudomonas species . | medical condition treated |
On 10 April 1999 , Hearns travelled to England and beat <e1> Nate Miller </e1> by unanimous decision to win the IBO <e2> cruiserweight </e2> title . | competition class |
* September 16 – William Cranch Bond and William Lassell discover <e1> Hyperion </e1> , <e2> Saturn </e2> 's moon . * | parent astronomical body |
After <e1> Disney </e1> acquired Pixar in January 2006 , Disney Chief Executive <e2> Bob Iger </e2> put Catmull and John Lasseter in charge of reinvigorating the Disney animation studios . | chief executive officer |
Mohiniyattam , also referred to as Mohini - attam , is derived from " <e1> Mohini </e1> " – a famous female avatar of the Hindu god <e2> Vishnu </e2> in Indian mythology . | incarnation of |
Development=== After the success of <e1> Batman </e1> , Warner Bros. was hoping for a sequel to start filming in May 1990 at <e2> Pinewood Studios </e2> . | filming location |
The situation escalated after the 1970 elections and the <e1> 7 March 1971 speech </e1> of <e2> Sheikh Mujibur Rahman </e2> . | speaker |
The museum 's paintings from late in the career <e1> Claude Monet </e1> were exhibited at the New Orleans Museum of Art and <e2> Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco </e2> in 1995 . | has works in the collection |
No <e1> UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 - A1 </e1> expression can be detected in the <e2> liver </e2> tissue . | expressed in |
The SNES was released in the <e1> United Kingdom </e1> and Ireland in April 1992 for <e2> £ </e2> 150 ( ) , with a German release following a few weeks later . | currency |
<e1> ComfortDelGro Australia </e1> is ComfortDelGro 's Australian subsidiary , and operates buses in New South Wales , <e2> Victoria </e2> , Queensland , Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory . | operating area |
After the <e1> 9/11 strikes </e1> on the <e2> World Trade Center </e2> and The Pentagon , some CTC staff refused an order to evacuate the CIA headquarters building at Langley . | target |
In 2016 , she was ranked by Politico as the second - most influential MEP in the <e1> European Parliament </e1> , after <e2> President of the European Parliament </e2> Martin Schulz . | office held by head of the organization |
The contest was finally decided at the tumultuous <e1> 1968 Democratic National Convention </e1> , where Vice President <e2> Hubert Humphrey </e2> clinched the nomination on the first ballot . | nominee |
November 1 – The King 's Men perform <e1> The Tempest </e1> , Shakespeare 's last solo play , perhaps for the first time , at <e2> Whitehall Palace </e2> . * | location of first performance |
Among the orchestras he has worked with are the Munich Philharmonic and the <e1> Israel Philharmonic </e1> , conducted by <e2> Zubin Mehta </e2> . | musical conductor |
* List of Starfleet starships ordered by class * Star Trek : The Next Generation * <e1> Star Trek : Deep Space Nine </e1> * <e2> Star Trek : Voyager</e2> | series spin-off |
The <e1> Cunera Church </e1> , a <e2> late - Gothic </e2> hall - church , built between 1492 - 1531 . * | architectural style |
It is also possible to see a very interesting bridge that represents a previous model of Porto 's <e1> Arrábida Bridge </e1> , designed by <e2> Edgar Cardoso </e2> . | structural engineer |
Here , in 1467 , Luciano Laurana was adding to the <e1> Palazzo Ducale </e1> an arcaded courtyard and other Renaissance features to <e2> Federico da Montefeltro </e2> 's ducal palace . | commissioned by |
<e1> Venus Express </e1> ( 2005 ) is an ESA satellite to study <e2> Venus </e2> and completed its mission in December 2014 . * | parent astronomical body |
Stinson Beach is about a 35 - minute drive from the <e1> Golden Gate Bridge </e1> on California 's <e2> Highway 1 </e2> . | carries |
Chlortalidone is more effective than hydrochlorothiazide for prevention of <e1> heart failure </e1> in persons with <e2> high blood pressure </e2> . | risk factor |
He is due to play Friedrich Engels in Richard Bean and Clive Coleman 's new play <e1> Young Marx </e1> , the opening production at the <e2> Bridge Theatre </e2> in December 2017 . | location of first performance |
Gianelli is located at the base of <e1> San Luis Dam </e1> , which forms <e2> San Luis Reservoir </e2> , the largest off - stream reservoir in the United States . | reservoir created |
The Himalayan range is bordered on the northwest by the <e1> Karakoram </e1> and the <e2> Hindu Kush </e2> ranges . | has boundary |
* 213 , a hip hop music group * Area code 213 * <e1> 213 Lilaea </e1> a <e2> main belt </e2> asteroid . * | minor planet group |
The Opiconsivia festival was superintended by the Vestals and the Flamines of <e1> Quirinus </e1> , an early <e2> Sabine </e2> god said to be the deified Romulus . | worshipped by |
A <e1> Time Lord </e1> from the planet <e2> Gallifrey </e2> , she is a companion to the Fourth Doctor . | home world |
In the breakaway region of <e1> Transnistria </e1> , Moldovan is declared an official language , together with Ukrainian and <e2> Russian </e2> . | official language |
In 2012 , he became the head coach of the <e1> Hamilton Bulldogs </e1> in the American Hockey League , the <e2> Montreal Canadiens </e2> ' AHL affiliate . | parent club |
Since 1983 , it has functioned as the headquarters of the <e1> Russian Orthodox church </e1> and the official residence of the <e2> Patriarch of Moscow and all the Rus </e2> ' </e2> . | office held by head of the organization |
The epidermis contains no <e1> blood vessels </e1> , and cells in the deepest layers are nourished by diffusion from <e2> blood </e2> capillaries extending to the upper layers of the dermis . | contains |
Phlan is a fictional city in the <e1> Forgotten Realms </e1> fantasy world campaign setting for the tabletop role - playing game <e2> Dungeons & Dragons </e2> . | game mechanics |
In 2003 Owen considered running for <e1> Governor of Kentucky </e1> but instead slated with Ben Chandler as Chandler 's running mate for <e2> Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky </e2> . | substitute/deputy/replacement of office/officeholder |
In Congress , she has been an outspoken opponent of the <e1> Iraq War </e1> and of Republican Presidents George H. W. Bush , <e2> George W. Bush </e2> , and Donald Trump . | approved by |
In Italy the <e1> Lautsi v. Italy </e1> case was brought before the <e2> European Court of Human Rights </e2> regarding the display of crucifixes in classrooms of state schools . * | court |
1912 & ndash ; <e1> RMS Titanic </e1> sets sail from <e2> Southampton </e2> , England on her maiden and only voyage . * | start point |
Treatment with antifungals has been considered ineffective , but the use of <e1> clofazimine </e1> and dapsone in patients with <e2> leprosy </e2> and lobomycosis has been found to improve the latter . | medical condition treated |
Nearby tourist attractions include the <e1> Laki </e1> craters , the Eldgjá and Skaftafell , all in <e2> Vatnajökull National Park </e2> . | located in protected area |
It is a free command - line implementation available for Linux and <e1> DragonFly BSD </e1> under <e2> BSD license </e2> . | copyright license |
In 1934 , the very successful <e1> Traction Avant </e1> cars were introduced by <e2> Citroën </e2> of France . | brand |
On 3 July 1814 an American army under Major General Jacob Brown launched an attack across the <e1> Niagara River </e1> near its source on <e2> Lake Erie </e2> . | origin of the watercourse |
This was <e1> Les pêcheurs de perles </e1> , based on a libretto by Michel Carré and <e2> Eugène Cormon </e2> . | librettist |
Eufaula is home to <e1> Lake Eufaula </e1> , created as the reservoir for the <e2> Eufaula Dam </e2> . | dam |
It follows the escapades of master thief Arsène Lupin III , the grandson of <e1> Arsène Lupin </e1> , the <e2> gentleman thief </e2> of Maurice Leblanc 's series of novels . | character type |
He served as a Payload Specialist on <e1> STS-51 - J </e1> <e2> Atlantis </e2> ( October 3–7 , 1985 ) . | vehicle |
A <e1> Prime Minister </e1> and a <e2> Deputy Prime Minister </e2> ( who later on became ) received their education in the college . | substitute/deputy/replacement of office/officeholder |
Pharmacodynamics=== Doxylamine acts primarily as an antagonist or inverse agonist of the <e1> histamine </e1> <e2> H < sub>1</sub > receptor </e2> . | physically interacts with |
It was owned by the <e1> Lufthansa Group </e1> and was an affiliate of the <e2> Star Alliance </e2> together with its parent Austrian Airlines . | airline alliance |
He was born in Okrouhlice near <e1> Německý Brod </e1> in <e2> Bohemia </e2> ( present - day Czech Republic ) . | historical region |
The coat of arms of <e1> Kiev </e1> features the <e2> Archangel Michael </e2> , wielding a flaming sword and a shield on an azure field . | patron saint |
It is located in the <e1> Lizard Head Wilderness </e1> of the <e2> Uncompahgre National Forest </e2> , in the northwestern San Juan Mountains . | located in protected area |
Public bus services are mainly provided by <e1> Rapid Penang </e1> , which operates 56 routes within <e2> Greater Penang </e2> , including interstate routes into Kedah and Perak . | operating area |
He belongs to the post - <e1> Abdulla Goran </e1> generation of modernists in <e2> Kurdish </e2> poetry . | writing language |
Both temperatures must be measured using a <e1> thermodynamic temperature scale </e1> based at absolute zero such as <e2> Kelvin </e2> or Rankine . | recommended unit of measurement |
A proportion of patients have a mutation involving the <e1> PDGFRA </e1> and FIP1L1 genes on <e2> the fourth chromosome </e2> , leading to a tyrosine kinase fusion protein . | chromosome |
The Logtalk framework for <e1> Prolog </e1> offers a means to explore reification in the context of <e2> logic programming </e2> . * | programming paradigm |
In the 17th century , <e1> Claude Lorrain </e1> painted The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba ( <e2> National Gallery , London</e2> ) . | has works in the collection |
<e1> Spanair </e1> joins the <e2> Star Alliance </e2> . * | airline alliance |
A number of astronauts are alumni , including <e1> Skylab 3 </e1> and STS-9 astronaut <e2> Owen K. Garriott </e2> , shuttle astronaut Shannon Lucid , and Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise . | crew member(s) |
Her last major stage role was in the 1971 Broadway production of <e1> Butterflies Are Free </e1> at the <e2> Booth Theatre </e2> . | location of first performance |
August 17 – Richard Wagner 's <e1> Götterdämmerung </e1> debuts in the new <e2> Bayreuth Festspielhaus </e2> . * | location of first performance |
The church later evolved into the <e1> Monastery of Alcobaça </e1> , one of the most magnificent <e2> gothic </e2> monuments in the country . | architectural style |
He was also the English voice of <e1> SuperTed </e1> ( SuperTed was originally made in <e2> Welsh </e2> ) . | original language of film or TV show |
1965 & ndash ; Launch of <e1> Early Bird </e1> , the first commercial communications satellite to be placed in <e2> geosynchronous orbit </e2> . * | type of orbit |
Orpheus is a musically themed krewe taking its name from <e1> Orpheus </e1> { ohr'-fee - uhs } of <e2> Classical mythology </e2> . | worshipped by |
Osiris , Adonis , <e1> Dionysus </e1> , Attis and many other familiar figures from <e2> Greek mythology </e2> and classical antiquity were re - interpreted in this mold . | worshipped by |
Požarevac ( , ) is a city and the administrative center of the <e1> Braničevo District </e1> in <e2> eastern Serbia </e2> . | located in the statistical territorial entity |
He later died in the <e1> World Trade Center </e1> during the <e2> September 11 attacks </e2> in 2001 . | cause of destruction |
In 1976 , she landed her first major job in television at <e1> WPTZ </e1> in <e2> Plattsburgh , New York </e2> , as the station 's first female correspondent . | operating area |
A presidential system is a democratic and republican <e1> government </e1> in which a <e2> head of government </e2> leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch . | office held by head of the organization |
According to <e1> Shintō </e1> myth as written in the <e2> Kojiki </e2> , the yamatogoto played an important role in the origins of Japan itself . | foundational text |
January 26 – Immaculata University defeats the <e1> University of Maryland </e1> 80 - 48 in the first nationally televised <e2> women 's basketball </e2> game in the United States . * | competition class |
<e1> Kallithea </e1> , supporting both git and Mercurial , developed in <e2> Python </e2> with GPL license . * | programming language |
The <e1> Cordillera Central </e1> mountain range is located within El Cibao , containing the highest peak in all of the Caribbean , <e2> Pico Duarte </e2> . | highest point |
Number of planets needed to fuel the Reality Bomb in the episodes The Stolen Earth and <e1> Journey 's End </e1> of <e2> Doctor Who ( series 4 ) </e2> . | season |
An eye chart , such as a standard <e1> Snellen chart </e1> of progressively smaller letters , is then used to determine the person 's <e2> visual acuity </e2> . | measures |
The same year he wrote a foreword to a book by <e1> Bhaktivinoda Thakur </e1> translated into English from <e2> Bengali </e2> and titled Siksastaka , an esoteric bhakti publication . | writing language |
* Latke – Hamantash Debate * Jewish cuisine * <e1> Israeli cuisine </e1> * <e2> Culture of Israel</e2> | culture |
Subsets and Splits