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AskReddit/erye2hv | c4ta1u | What profession was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke? | Teaching. Teachers used to be highly respected. Now, a teacher gets the joy of watching 30+ kids for the majority of the day, only to get shat on by some ungrateful parent because little Johnny got in trouble for putting gum in Susie's hair and how dare you tell them how to parent their own little Johnny. | 17 |
AskReddit/cnx8tm6 | 2takwv | Which television or movie actor/actress has completely captured the essence of their character down to the last detail? | There are a lot of great characters played by great actors but I think other great actors could portray those characters just as well. The one that stands out as completely unique to the actor is Kramer played by Michael Richards. | 169 |
explainlikeimfive/cd3rn8w | 1pmd1w | How do noise cancelling headphones work? | They contain microphones that "listen" to the environment, and send a signal to the speakers in the headphones that are 180 degrees out of phase with those sounds. That is, they are the "opposite" of each other. If they do that quickly enough, and at the right volume level, the two sounds mostly cancel out. This doesn't work all that well for some sounds (like human speech), but for things like the hum of airplane engines it can do a pretty good job. | 22 |
AskReddit/cgo1435 | 22loe7 | What did 'that weird person' do at your school? | Every school had/has the one girl that's absolutely obsessed with horses. It didn't help that she was also obsessed with me. EDIT: To the people asking if I'm a horse, neigh. EDIT 2: To the people asking if I'm hung like a horse, y'all are weird. | 4,137 |
AskReddit/evw95e4 | clm9so | What was your favorite thing you read, learned, or did in English class? | My grade 12 English summitive was very nice. It was a oral presentation on the most important lesson you learned from all of highschool. It was all very emotional. Someone came out as gay, another told everyone about their struggles with cancer, etc. Very memorable. | 2 |
askscience/cn8gmqt | 2qq4b8 | Why do red and green light combine to look like yellow, but the music notes C and E don't combine to sound like D? | Light doesn't mix by directly adding the colors, it triggers different receptors in the eye (Specifically, red, green, and blue). Your brain interprets red+green to be yellow, because it activates those receptors the same way actual yellow light would. In the ear however, you have a more continuous sense of what a sound is, so you can tell the difference between C+E and D. However, if you play sounds that are a given frequency apart, you will get an 'extra' sound at this frequency from the interference. For example, if you played a tone of 1000Hz, and 1440Hz, you'd also hear a 440Hz (A), from the interference. | 13 |
AskReddit/c20x41q | i4vft | What was the worst/scariest driving mistake that you've ever made? | I had just gotten my license and was with a car full of friends. We were on a main road and I took the wrong entrance to the restaurant we wanted to go to, instead was in the lot of a card shop. Instead of pulling back out onto the main road and driving 10 meters to get into the restaurant entrance, I thought I'd be funny and impress my friends and drive OVER the median. The exhaust pipe fell off. Not so funny or impressive. | 3 |
askscience/che7wp4 | 256hfo | What causes the black smoke (or vapor) to appear after a nuclear blast hits an object? | The blast causing this is extremely hot, causing very rapid burning of whatever it hits, thus the smoke. You may notice most smoke coming from very flammable surfaces in that video you linked, and the house that gets hit is obviously engulfed in flames after the initial blast hits. Flashing something like that into flame takes a tremendous amount of energy. | 2 |
AskReddit/eo8i35w | bqx30j | What did you do as a kid that you sometimes think about at 3 AM? | As a kid, I would always wake up in the middle of the night and make the shadows shift into things until I'd fall back asleep, usually at 3 am or so. Honestly as an adult looking back, it was kinda creepy lol. I was an odd child | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/ci1jni8 | 27jmh3 | Why is Tesla given such a hard time to be able to sell their cars? | So I'm an attorney and I do a fair amount of dealership and franchise law. Traditionally many states passed laws that created a three level system of the distribution: manufacturer sells to distributor, distributor sells to the retailer, who sells the products. There are other variations of this, such as a two level system where the manufacturer sells to the retailer who then can sell to the consumer. The reason for these laws is because back in the day, states were concerned that manufacturers, who were generally bigger and more national, would have disparate power in comparison with distributors/dealers, who were generally smaller and more local. So states started passing these laws mandating certain things, including banning manufacturers from simply bypassing the various levels of distribution and selling straight to consumers. In essence, it's a protectionist legal system that is trying to shield distributors or dealers from being in a situation where they invest $100 million into building a distribution/dealership network and the manufacturers all say "umm, never mind we don't need you." Tesla is getting caught in these laws. They want to sell direct without going through an intermediary, but many laws specifically require auto companies to go through some sort of dealership process. It's like this in other industries, for example, the alcoholic beverages industry. Annheuser Busch is not allowed to simply sell straight to consumers. EDIT: Thanks for all the feedback on this, I can't respond to all comments and it looks like some others have contributed some knowledge I wasn't aware of. I will say in my personal opinion these types of protectionist laws are not a good thing anymore, they seem to impede a lot of development and keep the manufacturers tied to sometimes awful dealers. Also, note that these rules do not necessarily apply in all industries, only certain ones. Motor vehicles typically are depending on the state. | 2,694 |
AskReddit/ded89v5 | 5ww0uw | What's your story of someone getting "owned"? | My great grandfather had a huge farm and a big family to tend to the crops. One day, while selling his crops in the farmers market, he came across a slave trader. He traded 2 kilogrammes of grain for a slave and he owned the slave. | 3 |
AskReddit/d3a0m1g | 4jvub4 | What is something that you have access to, that you shouldn't? | My last job was in a hospital, surgical services. They accidentally gave me doctors lounge access, normally restricted to, you guessed it, physicians only. Snuck all my friends in the department some incredible snacks and leftover breakfast and lunch. | 6 |
AskReddit/drcmz4a | 7k9ou0 | What are some things that smell better than it tastes? | I visited Scotland this past spring and we toured Edinburgh Castle. I walked into the distillery and it smelled better than most anything I've ever smelled. But I hate the taste of liquor, so I took a deep sniff and walked out. | 2 |
AskReddit/c0n3cm2 | bjgkm | What else is there to do on the Internet besides Reddit? | Rule 1 of Reddit: Everything worth doing on the internet can be done by following links on Reddit. Rule 2 of Reddit: If you find something worth doing on the internet not linked on Reddit, post the link on Reddit. | 59 |
AskReddit/dx8ehq2 | 8bohe6 | What YouTube channel is great to binge? | The Great War. Super awesome channel if you like history. They have been covering WW1 week by week since the 100th anniversary of the start of the war, so you really get a full grip of the war as you progress further in the timeline. Not to mention, since most episodes are about 10 minutes, and there are 52 weeks in a year, that's a lot of content to binge! | 3 |
AskReddit/em7t96u | bjg7hh | What was the most memorable rage quit moment you remember? | The ones that concern me lately are the videos of people rage 'quitting' on FIFA Ultimate Team.not necessarily just rage quitting out of a match but people getting so angry that they then discard (permanently delete) all of their valuable, hard earned/bought players. If a game is doing that to you, take a break man. | 2 |
AskReddit/c6ttpyd | 12byyg | How would you describe The United States of America to someone who had never heard of it? | I doubt that I could. I doubt someone who's never heard of the USA could speak english, and english is the only language that I can speak (with the exception of a few Spanish phrases about food, beer, and construction). So, I would sit them down on the couch and let them watch me play GTA IV while occasionally pointing at the screen and saying "America." | 2 |
AskReddit/e3gu5c8 | 93ye6n | Do you believe once you start using chapstick, your lips become accustomed to it and become dry when you don’t use it? | Kind of. But also some chapsticks (not all) actually include an ingredient designed to dry your lips out over a longer period of time, meaning then you’ll have to use more chapstick. Not sure where I heard this but I’ll look for a source | 9 |
explainlikeimfive/diwmj51 | 6h8c05 | Why is the Canadian government selling companies and firms such as Norsat to China? | The government is not selling Norsat; the government is allowing Norsat to be taken over. Generally speaking, the government wants to be consulted (for various purposes) when companies larger than a certain size are merged or outright purchased. They want to ensure that monopolies are not being created, that the consumer is going to be safe, that kind of thing. This is very true in industries like telecommunications and aviation, things that the government regulates very heavily. It also has a softspot for "sexy" industries like aerospace because the jobs are high-quality, high-wage, skilled jobs that create "prestige" for the government and the country at large. Norsat is one of these. It is further complicated by the fact that it is in the satellite communications industries, so the US military is concerned that they are doing business with a company that the Chinese now own. With that said, the government is allowing the takeover because it wants to improve relations with China.eventually leading to free-trade of some sort. And they want money. | 9 |
explainlikeimfive/dmxbcna | 6zqpjf | Why does slice cheese get mold faster than shredded cheese? | Pre-Shredded cheese is usually surface coated with cellulose (wood pulp) and Natamycin which is is an anti-mold agent. Block cheese will have an exposed surface once you cut into it, thus the increased mold production.I think. | 4 |
AskReddit/czt6n8m | 44uqtx | Why is there no other history months associated with every other pigment or race/nationality? | This isn't the most poetic way to say it, but racism sells. Ratings, storylines, outrage can all be found in racial/national argument. The media tries to bring up other cultures and bestow a spotlight to them, but they fail. The reason you know about black history month is because it can be used to create controversy and ratings, therefore it is successful and you hear all about it. | 2 |
AskReddit/eb77g1k | a3lot8 | What would the world be like if humans were asexual creatures? | Am I correct in assuming you mean asexual as in the biological version meaning humans can essentially self replicate rather than having to mate? If so, we'd probably still be hunter-gathers, because innovation, conquest, and exploration all have a sexual component that I'm not sure could be accomplished with curiosity alone. | 2 |
AskReddit/ctky53y | 3f1zy6 | What should you ALWAYS do naked? | Being birthed. doing it naked avoids a lot of unnecessary and potentially confusing questions. You pop out in a tux and everyone thinks you're some kind of living, special Monopoly card. | 3 |
AskReddit/coat6p8 | 2uqutx | How do you explain ISIS to young kids, and how do they feel about the atrocities being recorded for the world to see? | I don't explain ISIS to my kids. They are too young and can learn about it when they are older. I was traumatized by news events as a child and was scared of hijackers every time I flew. I don't want my kids to be scared of terrorists yet. When they are about 13, I will let them watch the news and will discuss it with them. | 6 |
AskReddit/dkcc45c | 6nuq1s | What has been your favorite vehicle you've ever owned? | I've only had three vehicles in my life and each had positives associated with it. 2001 PT Cruiser (Touring edition): Awkward shape, horrible turning ability (I almost failed my driver's test because it couldn't make a three-point turn on the narrow street I was driving on). But it was definitely unique looking and stood out. 2007 Hyundai Elantra: Probably my favorite. Had a hatchback which let me fit a surprising amount and variety of items in it. It just looked good too. Well, until a bird flew into the grill, which messed it up a bit (but not enough to be worth getting repaired). 2002 Kia Optima: Best features are the V-6 engine for good acceleration, and I got it dirt cheap after the Elantra started to become too much of a hassle to keep up; $3000 and only 22,000 miles on it. It was already a decade old; the little old lady I bought it from only used it to drive to church and the grocery store. Unfortunately it's had some issues due to its age. It also doesn't look great because I'm not willing to invest in a paint job for a car I'll likely replace in a year or so. | 3 |
Ask_Politics/dlsrz9b | 6uht6o | Can a referendum/congress make a law passed via referendum/congress only changeable via referendum/congress? | Assuming your talking about American politics and specifically the Federal government, no. The reason is, the Constitution lays out the process for passing legislation and it requires all binding legislation to be passed by a majority in both houses and signed by the President to become law. There is no mechanism in the Constitution to pass anything by referendum and even if it were legal for Congress to allow a law to allow for a referendum in some form, they could not prevent Congress from passing another law to overturn one or both of your proposed laws. The Supreme Court has even struck down pass mechanisms that sought to work around the normal process, such as having committees of Congressman/Senators who had powers to strike down or approve executive actions. Similarly, Bill Clinton briefly had a line item veto, before that was also struck down. So Congress can't simply change the legislative process. Tl;dr: Congress cannot prevent itself from overturning its own laws. | 2 |
askscience/chv1gbv | 26vend | Why is uncoated glass fiber so brittle? | The Young's modulus of the glass is almost certainly the same for both coated and uncoated fibers. Even fairly large changes in glass composition don't lead to a large change in modulus. First, we'll look at what causes glass to break. The answer to this is crack propagation. Cracks can propagate from flaws on the surface or a place where stress is placed on a material. I'd like to point out that "strength" is not a true property of a material - it is influenced by things like sample shape, geometry, flaws, and environment. If you place a coating on a glass surface, this can reduce the size of flaws that form on the surface and increase the measured strength. Another huge factor in crack propagation in glasses is moisture. We call this fatigue in the glass world. Water in a crack will cause Si-O-Si bonds in the glass network to break. The equation is Si-O-Si + H2O = Si-OH + HO-Si. When you strain a material and the crack propagates, when it reaches a critical size, it leads to failure. Moisture in the crack causes it to propagate faster and therefore a material breaks at a lower strain. The coating will mostly eliminate this fatigue effect. If a fiber is coated, water cannot lead to the higher rate of crack propagation, and the material is able to be strained more before the glass fails. Long story short, two things: a coating does reduces the introduction of new surface flaws prevents moisture from reaching the already present flaws. For more information, I recommend looking into two-point-bend studies of glass fibers. There are papers out there that discuss the effect of coatings, humidity, strain rate, and much more on the failure strain and what causes some glass fibers to break more readily than others. Edit: clarified a sentence | 3 |
AskReddit/ewdz9gy | cnum5s | How do you feel about a law that would require people above the age of 69 to have to do a driving test annually or be certified by a medical professional to be fit to drive if they want to keep their driving license? | First off, NICE Secondly, I think this is a great idea in theory, but I don't know how well it would work in principle. Rather, I think people should be educated around 70 how they could effect other road users and by how far their senses have lessened over the years. This would only really work if they make up the decision themselves to stop driving unless they truly feel like they can drive. Maybe have a test or 2 first and then an education about what I said above, and then they can continue. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/cqm4g1i | 33ldyq | How did Marijuana become stigmatized and largely illegal in the early 20th century when its international use prior to that is well-documented? | Basically the head of a newspaper agency starting propagandizing that marijuana would induce acts such as "making white women sleep with negros" and making statements like "dirty Mexicans smoke it and go insane." These claims were put forth and used as evidence for congress to make marijuana an illegal schedule 1 (zero medical value) drug. Harry J Anslinger (newspaper owner) then went on to head the DEA and cage people for smoking a tree. Let's not forget that in the 30s the government put out their own propaganda called "Hemp for Victory" which displayed all the various textile uses for hemp. And finally, please let us reflect on the alcohol prohibition and how it led to figures like al Capone getting power. IN MY OPNINION if you support marijuana prohibition, then you retroactively support alcohol prohibition and all the crime that comes with it. | 8 |
AskReddit/ej6jtfe | b4gm7k | How much cycling is enough for muscle gain? | If your explicit goal is muscle gain, actually riding a bike is a terrible way to go about it. It'd suggest lifting a In general and high resistances on a cycling machine for more targeted training. | 7 |
AskReddit/cijkdcp | 29cdzc | Why do you own a gun? | My family owns a ton of guns. Probably over 50. Almost all are from my grandfather's collection. My father has a few of his own for sport, and one or two for protection. Its not like we live in an unsafe neighborhood, however we had a serious issue with theft a few years back at my grandfather's house. Never had one instance of theft there in the 160 years the farmhouse was standing and then out of the blue we had a group of teenagers who thought they could prey on an elderly couple. | 9 |
AskReddit/dlpw51j | 6u4htv | What is the Citizen Kane of video games? | Well, a game that defined a whole genre. Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, Wolfenstein 3-D, etc. All of these spawned first clones of the original, but then actually unique games that analyzed the mechanics of the original and expanded upon them. Unless you're asking for games that have incredible depth despite being incredibly old, that's something else. | 4 |
AskReddit/epj2w3o | buxnju | What is something that happened to you when you was young that you can still remember? | Well I’m not very old but for some reason I can vigorously remember the day I met my best friend. It was the very first day of preschool and he was playing with the dinosaurs(I loved them) and I went over to talk and we’ve been best friends ever since. We joke that we just happened to be the two fish in the bottom of the barrel lol. But it worked out perfectly | 2 |
AskHistorians/crbxkqx | 369das | What was the situation in the Pacific Theater before the dropping of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WW2? | In August 1945, the overall strategic situation of Japan was dire. The Japanese had pretty much lost air superiority throughout the remaining territory it held (SE Asia, NE China, Taiwan, Korea) and the home islands. In the home islands themselves, the situation is quite bleak. Allied bombers and fighters had pretty much free range over Japanese territory. Fighter aircraft from Iwo Jima and Okinawa have already started to make free ranging sweeps over Japan itself, attacking targets of opportunity. The B-29 fire raids destroyed a large proportion of Japanese cities and burned out major metropolitan areas. The destruction of Japan's transportation network also precipitated a wider economic collapse. Japan in August 1945 has also lost naval superiority and the Allied blockade has cut Japan off from its overseas territories. Allied submarines are already ranging in the Inland Sea and aerial mines have made blockade running risky and choked Japan's waterways. The loss of naval superiority is exemplified by the Allied surface bombardment of Japan in July-August by battleships and cruisers. The few floating Japanese ships like the Nagato were non-operational and unable to respond to an Allied task force cruising off its shores. The remaining airplanes in the Home Islands were being husbanded for major operations as Japanese fuel reserves are at critical levels and ersatz fuels could not fill this gap. Outside of the Home Islands, Japan's armies in SE Asia were still intact, but it had lost Burma to the British and the Allied blockade had cut the Japanese off from spare parts and ammunition. Japan's strategic reserve, the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, has seen some of its best units shipped away into the Pacific and the Ichi-Go Offensive in China, and a lot of its units were under-strength, ill-trained and poorly equipped to face a Soviet invasion. In spite of all of this, there were only a few signs that Japan was going to capitulate. Existing Japanese forces collapsed in the face of Allied pressure despite sometimes fierce resistance. The near total military domination over Japan was an apparent fact to many in 1945, the central question for Allied policymakers was translating this superiority into a Japanese surrender. | 15 |
AskHistorians/cwm0s3u | 3r8vug | When and why did armies stop being accompanied by musicians? | In Rick Atkinson's Army at Dawn, there are are references to highlander regiments using bagpipes in the WW2 African campaign. "A scots officer reported that his Highlanders had stopped carrying bagpipes into battle because the pipers were invariably hit and pipes themselves had grown too dear, at 80 pounds a set." | 3 |
AskReddit/eczs1a7 | abe748 | What video game would be fun if it weren't for that one bullshit game mechanic? | The game is already fun, but Batman: Arkham Knight would've been so much more fun if they dialed back the amount of Batmobling you needed to do if you wanted to finish or 100% the game. | 6 |
askscience/dyjyexe | 8hg2b7 | How is antimatter stored? | I actually used to work for Dr. Allen Mills. who is an antimatter scientist. You need to have very high vacuums, like 10^-10 + Tor. In addition, you must use magnetic traps. Even then you can only store antimatter for like 300 seconds or so. And only charged antimatter like positrons and antiprotons. I am not sure for antihydrogen, which is electrically neutral. But I surmise it must be polarized before it is stored. In reality most antimatter isn't stored for later use. There is no such thing as an antimatter safe or freezer. It is mostl trapped and accumulated to get really high densities, since dense antimatter has a higher chance of working with certain types of experiments. | 137 |
AskReddit/cw2tbae | 3p3exa | What is the most ridiculous thing someone you know believes in? | I have a friend who believes that dinosaurs are made up. I know, lots of religious people believe this, but here's the weird part: this person is not using this to deny evolution or the idea that the earth is billions of years old -- they seem okay with both of those ideas -- just that, specifically, dinosaurs couldn't have existed and are therefore just a big conspiracy. It's an idea that's on a little ridiculous island all its own and that somehow makes it much more ridiculous. | 9 |
AskReddit/dgshmw7 | 67qqaf | What is biggest deuce you have ever taken? | Fall of 2007. I was in seventh grade, and we had been on a trip for five days. During those five days I didn't go once, but as soon as I came home I dropped that biggest, thickest, longest, hardest log in my life, and the record still stands. | 2 |
AskReddit/c9ascvt | 1bwoye | In the unlikely scenario of a mass nationwide conscription/military draft , Do you think Women fit for service should be drafted without gender bias? | In the unlikely scenario that a mass nationwide draft is needed, a large amount of dead is probably safe to expect. This means every woman will be needed at home reproducing. It would be incredibly retarded of any country to waste their most valuable resource: women on being soldiers, so NO, women should never be drafted, ever. (This is pretty much the reason for why women arent soldiers historically, it's simply whats best for men, women and the nation) | 2 |
AskReddit/eky76yn | bdhulr | What are some useful shopping tips? | When food shopping, check the price per per ounce. A lot of times the "cheaper" option is actually just the lighter option and the slight more expensive version is actually more cost effective. | 3 |
AskHistorians/cytrgvm | 40f2a6 | How did the crips and bloods started fighting? | The Bloods were specifically created with the intention of fighting against the Crips. The Crip alliance (the Crips & Bloods are alliances/associations of street gangs rather than being two obvious groups) was increasingly powerful/numerous following its creation and was becoming a threat to rival local gangs like Piru, Brims, Lanes etc. who did not want to become a part of it. These gangs banded together and formed their own alliance as a means of better fighting back against the Crips, which became the Bloods. Even though the "Crips vs Bloods" concept is very popular in pop culture, for the most part the most common enemy for a Crip gang in L.A during the 80s and 90s was another Crip gang. Both L.A Crips and Bloods are/were divided into different smaller alliances of gangs that are at odds with each-other and oftentimes a beef between two Crip alliances would supersede any beef the gangs might have with neighboring Bloods. | 75 |
AskReddit/dts16uo | 7vg8l9 | What's the saddest thing that happened to an old school friend you don't see anymore? | Dude fell down into a small creek, hit his head, and got knocked out, face down in the water. His dad found him the next morning. The saddest part was his dad found him. Can't even imagine finding your only child dead. The saddest thing for me personally was he was probably the fourth or fifth person to die that year. And wasn't the last. | 20 |
AskReddit/c2mduys | kqhdc | What's the most badass thing you've ever done? | I don't think of it as the most "badass" thing I've ever done, but it is by far my proudest moment. Back story: I was dating a guy who wasn't exactly the most attractive guy in the world, but he treated me really well and made me laugh. He was kind of a nerdy guy and had serious self confidence issues. Well we were at a party and he was close by talking to another group of people when I girl I had just met said, "Gosh, there are just no cute guys here. Look at that guy (obviously gestures towards my boyfriend, who notices she is clearly talking about him)" I looked at her straight in the eye and said "That's my boyfriend" to which she rolled her eyes and said, "Well you can do better." To this day, I still don't know what came over me but without hesitation or thought I threw my entire drink (A full "red party cup" of beer) in her face. I said nothing else, smirked, and walked away. My boyfriend at the time said he had never felt better about himself in his entire life. To make matters worse, it was a Halloween party, so everyone knew it was the "Statue of Liberty" that threw her drink in a girl's face. | 358 |
AskReddit/cjwi60w | 2e6h3g | Do you think it's fair to pay disabled workers less then minimum wage because they may not complete there work as fast as other more able workers? | The fact that this is in the public debate shows how messed up and callous America/Republicans/Liberals have become (circle whichever you find most appealing). If there really is a negative impact on companies hiring disabilities (debatable) for production/ minimum wage type jobs then perhaps the government could/should provide a supplement/incentive to companies to offset potential loss in productivity. It's good for companies, good for people (finance and mental health wise) and is cheaper for the government than paying full disability pensions (assuming you guys have that?) edit: I realised I just assumed that this referred to America without evidence. But it seems like a fairly safe bet. | 2 |
AskReddit/dgg9icu | 667gk3 | What's your idea for a movie ending that would've made a popular movie 100x better? | Honestly, I think SPECTRE would have been a nearly perfect Bond movie if it had ended at Blofeld's base in Africa. The finale in the skyscraper just felt tacked on and overblown. It definitely felt like a misguided attempt to outdo Skyfall at that point. | 9 |
AskReddit/c86spdz | 17maax | When an awkward silence occurs, what do you usually say to break it? | When I'm with people I want to be with, there are never any awkward silences. If we stop talking, I take a moment to appreciate the silence. There's nothing wrong with it. When I'm with my friends, we're usually always talking about something, and if I'm with a girl, I just look at them and give them a slow smile to show that I'm happy to be with them. | 12 |
AskReddit/et9jnoe | cam4we | What unwritten rules would be much more helpful if written down? | No unmasking capes. No releasing information that can reasonably lead to the identity of capes being revealed by a third party. No targeting capes outside of costume, especially not in their private residences. No targeting families and friends of capes. No murder or rape while in costume. No targeting hospitals, orphanages, schools, religious institutions, and similar public service buildings involving the sick, elderly, and/or children. The Endbringer Truce begins at siren and stops after the Endbringer has left and the rescue workers have arrived. Other S-Class Truce rules follow the same. See Slaughterhouse for more details. If you get the reference, you win a cookie. | 2 |
AskReddit/ccperz0 | 1o75if | What can high schoolers do to prepare for College? | School: Start learning to be a better writer. Know that your classes will still feel as pointless as high school the first few years, but the higher you get to your major-related classes, the more relevant they will seem. Don't skip a lot of classes. Remember that you'll probably change your mind about what you want to do, and that's okay- don't equate your life to your career. You have to study and work a lot harder than you did in high school. Be organized! Get a planner. Starting off at a smaller school will probably be more helpful- for your wallet and your grades. Your core classes will be much smaller at a smaller school, which will help your learning immensely. Look up professors on or the equivalent before signing up for his or her class. College Life (Partying): Get a better alcohol tolerance. Remember to keep your GPA higher than your BAC at all times. Make sure you know where you're sleeping before you start a night of partying. Make sure you can get there safely. Seriously- don't drink and drive. Try to avoid scheduling Friday classes. That has made my college life much more enjoyable. College Life (Living): Living on your own is an awesome feeling as first. If possible, meet your possible future roommates. It's important that you're compatible, although remember you don't have to be friends as long as you're civil. Be healthy! Ramen noodles and freezer pizzas are inevitable, but go to the gym every now and then. Join a fitness class and go with friends. That way it's fun, and you've got people to motivate you to go. Have fun! College is the time of your life with the best balance between freedom and responsibility. | 2 |
AskReddit/cmf6we7 | 2nnk4u | What villain is misunderstood? | Uchiha Madara. He just wanted the killings and bloodshed to end. Born in a broken system, he felt he could bring difference to the world. Mislead by a far greater pathetic evil, he truly was misunderstood and mislead. | 7 |
AskReddit/e5mxyj2 | 9e8hsk | What commercial from your childhood has the most nostalgia? | So, idk if you know that commercial or even the product: Fritt had a commercial where a weird, animated character eats a bite of it and the changes into a basketball and scores dribbling itself with its own hand. I remember I was actually a bit scared to eat the stuff when I was a kid because I didn't want to turn into a ball (didn't stop me, though). Idk, it feels a bit nostalgic looking back to when a dumb commercial was one of the most unsettling things about life. Plus, I haven't seen a commercial of them in ages, even though Fritt stripes are still being sold; so definitely nostalgic childhood memories. | 3 |
AskReddit/c8irxky | 18x5yp | What is the most outrageous lie you have ever told? | I told my former mother-in-law that we trained pet monkeys to ride the baby horses so we could start training them for the race track earlier. She believed me. | 2 |
AskReddit/cb4xnen | 1ij2th | What is the most gut wrenchingly terrifying nightmare you have ever had? | When I was in the 4th grade I had a dream that a demon possessed me and I violently killed my entire family, the thing I remember most was smashing my brothers head in with the dishwasher door. After I had that dream I couldn't sleep for days because I was afraid if I went to sleep it'd actually happen (it didn't). It is still very vivid and terrifying 9 years later. | 2 |
AskReddit/e6kek3n | 9ikkmr | What is a thing that you thought you would never like, but years later you started loving it ? | The gym. Up until about two years ago I thought the idea of me in a gym was laughable. I started replacing my nights of partying with going to the gym instead and overtime it has become an integral part of my life that I am both very proud of and excited to see what lies ahead in the future. | 2 |
AskReddit/ewujcvx | cq8hy3 | How do you stay positive and have hope despite living in such a depressing world? | On the grand scale this world might be depressing. But in -my- world, like my home, family, friends, job, etc. not everything is as bad. We laugh, we have fun, and I have a roof over my head and three meals a day. I don't make lots of money nor do I have the latest gatchets. But I am healthy. It is the small things that matter. | 2 |
AskReddit/cdii97a | 1r112h | Where's the safest place to be in the U.S. if it were ever to be invaded by a foreign country? | Which country is invading? I mean, if it's Italy or Mexico or some country like that then I'm not going anywhere. My neighborhood would probably be friendlier than it is now and the dinnertime smells will be better than the endless nights of grilled hamburgers my neighbors make all the time. | 2 |
AskReddit/duh46yk | 7yjnha | Which Musician would sing the worst National Anthem? | T-Pain (or best National Anthem?) EDIT: Absurd amounts of autotune is implied. He actually is quite talented in a live setting, but just imagining the national anthem sung with the vocal effects is hilarious. | 2 |
AskReddit/dremjft | 7ki88r | What's the worst wedding you've ever been to? | My cousin's husband's family had to cancel a wedding the night before the ceremony. The bride had gone off her psych meds and hadn't told anyone. She ended up in crisis intervention at the ER. My cousin and her husband were furious after paying to fly across the country for this. Mainly be cause they were making almost the same trip a month later to move their daughter out of her dorm. | 2 |
AskReddit/e795mti | 9lsp4f | What is the most surprising thing you learned about a close friend years after first meeting them? | My best friend apparently has been invited to dance in the Macy’s Day Parade twice but turned it down to stay with family. She just mentioned it once in casual conversation and I was so surprised and proud! | 4 |
explainlikeimfive/c9iizd1 | 1con59 | How did police narrow down suspects for the Boston Marathon bombing, and find them? | They knew the bomb was inside of a black backpack because the bag was found shredded up at the scene. They start looking at people in pictures with black backpacks matching the one they found. They look to see whether or not the people in the pictures with that bag still had the bag after the explosions. They look for other suspicious things. Ie two guys with same back pack seeming to be in cahoots. | 5 |
AskReddit/dbwalo7 | 5ljz6c | Why do you believe your religion? | I believe my religion, Buddhism, is a method of inquiry that only presupposes that suffering is a problem which requires a solution. In that regard it has many tools, which are self-evident in their effectiveness to those who practice them, such as meditation. What I mean when I say I'm a Buddhist changes because my understanding of the subject evolves, but I'm often shocked at how often I find myself coming to the same conclusions, falling into the same realizations that Buddhists from different cultures and time periods all seem to have held as valid themselves. | 2 |
AskReddit/dlasuzo | 6s89g1 | What do you do to go to bed early after being a night owl for too long? | Slowly go to bed earlier. So say you stay up until 2am. The next night try to go to bed anytime before 1. Then the next night, before 12. Eventually start going to bed at whatever time you need to go to bed to get 8 hours of sleep | 2 |
AskReddit/dfh2hal | 61t7ez | What's your best 'I told you so' moment? | My friend asked me for advice for her crush and she went against everything I said. I even told her what would happen if she did what she wanted to do, and they really did happen. Every time she watched the situation unfold accordingly to my words, I gave her that "I told you so" look. | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/eacq8a5 | 9zxh9m | Where does the iron inside an apple come from? | Iron is actually vital to most forms of life due to its incorporation into many proteins as a prosthetic group - In humans, the most known iron containing protein is haemoglobin, but many another proteins contain this element - plants need iron to produce chlorophyll which is vital for photosynthesis, and will also contain the Cytochrome C protein in their mitochondria which is vital for them to respire and produce energy, just to name 2 examples. To answer your question about how they get hold of iron, it's actually because iron is quite a common element - obviously, deposits that can be excavated and utilised by humans are rarer, but soil also contains low levels of Ferric Oxide which is what is taken up by plants and can then be utilised to make iron containing products. Note that the amounts of iron required by and present in plants are absolutely tiny, so this is usually completely sufficient but some gardeners do still choose to supplement their soil with Ferric Oxide. TL;DR Every cell in a plant will contain iron (apples included). They get it from the soil. | 4 |
AskReddit/d981xkq | 59fes5 | How and where do you think is Jesse Pinkman right now? | Went to Alaska and became a humble fisherman and raises a family. He has a son that convinces him to hire a ghost writer to write the book "Heisenberg a Jesse Pinkman story" which he makes millions that he uses to make a charity foundation for the victims of Meth related crimes. | 14 |
AskReddit/eezghur | ajx0ik | What's a random act of kindness from a stranger that you'll never forget? | When I was a kid a stranger gave me a quarter to play an arcade game that I was pretending to play. As a poor kid who wasn't otherwise been able to, it really stuck with me after all these years. It only took 25 cents to make a lasting impression. | 4 |
AskReddit/eq4z4qc | bx9872 | What movie have you watched the most? | You guys are going to think i’m joking but i’ve literally watched The Bee Movie every day for about 2 and a half years when i lives with my little cousin. I was quoting the entirety of the movie but i don’t think i could do it now, it was around 2013 | 2 |
AskReddit/cajo61b | 1gfdmv | What's the stupidest cooking mistake you've ever made? | When I was in high school, my mom kept a bottle of cheap wine in the kitchen to add to food when cooking. I thought this was "sophisticated", so I started sneaking it into my ramen and pretending it was good. Then I got an even better idea- I raided the liquor cabinet and tossed a shot of Jack Daniel's into a batch of ramen. Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. | 4 |
AskReddit/cdow6e2 | 1rn2vv | What story do you love telling? | My UFO story. I've posted this before but like the title say I like telling this story. I was 12 watching High School High with my brother and my friend. My parents had gone out and left us with my uncle who was asleep upstairs. We paused the movie and gave my friend some money to go to the corner store about 2 minutes away because they had glass bottled cokes. About 20 minutes later and he hadn't shown up. I wondered what took him so long so I stepped outside to see if he was coming. As soon as I did, probably about 50 or more feet directly above me, I saw the bottom of a spinning UFO. It had about 12 or so spinning lights. I stood there in awe for about 10 seconds until I realized wtf I was watching. At that point I called my little brother out to see it. He came running out and asksd me what it was. I said I didn't know. Then in the snap of a finger it just went about 60 feet (at the same height) to my right over my apartments parking lot. I ran towards it barefoot because I didn't want to lose sight of it. As soon as I got under it the thing just zoomed straight over these other apartments and into the sky in another snap of a finger. I will never ever forget that speed. Its what made it real for me. That UFO truly changed the person I was. | 2 |
AskReddit/c5f6svx | wp1je | What's your craziest concert experience? | Had some guys infront of me lay out some white stuff on their arm and then proceed to snort it, offered me some and I willingly almost complied, if it wasn't for my friends pulling me back. Or so I've been told, I remember nothing of this. And that basicly sums up ALL my concert experiences. | 2 |
AskReddit/dsr66jz | 7qqjtz | What is the best order to watch Star Wars? | You watch it in the order they were released. this is literally the only movie series where people debate the order in which to watch it and I can never understand why. Like should I watch Harry Potter 3, 5, 2, deathly hallows part 1, 6, 1, deathly hallows part 2? | 4 |
AskReddit/c52hzmy | v98y0 | Do men as a gender have it better than women? | Personally, I'm glad I'm not male. 1) I wasn't circumcised as a child. 2) I will never have to worry about child support. Divorces will always be in my favor. 3) I would probably never be found guilty of domestic violence, even if I actually was guilty (I would never do anything like that, though). 4) Never have to worry about the draft, no matter how big a war we get into. Of course, this is just for our society. In the middle east, men have it better, no question. I'm not saying women don't have their serious issues here too, but those issues above make me glad I'm not male. | 3 |
explainlikeimfive/cxf7blq | 3uik5k | Why do people struggle so much to wake up in the morning? | Not everyone does. Your brain keeps track of time, it sort of has a biological clock in it. Only, it doesn't work exactly the same for everyone. There are people who are called 'larks' (early risers) and people who are called 'owls' (night people). Larks have a 'biological clock' of, say, 23 hours and owls of 25 hours. So, for an owl, the day is always too short. It's harder for an owl to get to bed early, because they still have some day on their 'clock' left. But, in the morning, when it's time to get up, their 'clock' says that they should still be sleeping. It's basically behind real time. Similarly, a lark has had enough day come the evening and is too tired to stay awake and has had plenty of time to rest come the morning. Also, it changes according to your age. Children are typically early risers. Teenagers in general struggle to get up in the morning. Adults, less so, but it varies from person to person (I'm definitely an owl), depending on their 'clock'. Senior people tend to be early risers again. So, if you have trouble getting out of bed, just wait a few years. It might change. Or, if you're an adult and still have trouble, just accept that you're an owl. | 2 |
AskReddit/e6911hw | 9h4kzi | What was the biggest thing you got away with? | Not my story, but a friend of mine's. He stole a ps4. Lemme explain. He took a ps4 in a huge shop and waited to go through the beeping machine thingy at the same time as a woman. Since it's such a big thing, and he didn't hid it, it made the woman seem suspicious, not him. That's how he got a ps4 for free. | 2 |
AskReddit/e6u97d8 | 9ju2kg | Why does milk go bad when it is not refrigerated but stays fresh in a cow that is not refrigerated? | under normal conditions, there isnt any foreign bacteria in the cows mammary glands, and once it is out of the cow, it is introduced to new bacteria. The cow can get an infection however, which can spoil the milk while it is still inside the cow | 5 |
askscience/c3o5cfv | pbw0k | Are there different centers in the brain for primary and secondary languages? | It depends on a couple of factors. 1) The age of acquisition. Brain plasticity changes at ages ~4 and ~10 reflect alterations in our ability to pick up new languages. Languages acquired later in life tend to be more easily disrupted by things like epilepsy. 2) Usage. As in your friend's case, usage of one language predominantly can deprioritize another, making it easier for the indexing processes that allow us to develop a lexicon to favor one language over another. As to your description of these disparities as "centers", I would not not characterize them as such. Rather, related pathways in language areas of the brain compete, and usage/age of acquisition can influence the thresholds needed to activate and retrieve information about a particular language. The "centers" are the same, essentially (even in sign language), but the "ease of activation" differs based on the variables listed above. | 4 |
AskReddit/c49zdxy | rzan3 | Do you believe in love? | My friend is a nurse and she told me she had an elderly female patient who was dying. She walked into the patient's room in the middle of the night, and tripped over an elderly man laying on the floor. Turns out he was her husband and he was laying on the floor so he could still hold her hand. They had been married more than 60 years, and he didn't want her to wake up in the night and think he wasn't still there. What else but love would make an elderly man sleep on the floor, just so her could hold his dying wife's hand? | 5 |
AskReddit/cju82h4 | 2dy4xj | What do you do with $17,000 you just inherited? | Invest invest invest. If I had $17,000 I didn't see coming, i'd probably throw 3/4 of it in a mutual/low risk fund, and play around with high risk high reward with the other quarter of it, but that's just me. | 2 |
AskReddit/dw5zup5 | 86ljcn | What are some things you would do if you were President of the United States? | On any issues at all with NO limitations?! Let's see.A national ID card and that you could only be registered to VOTE in ONE state, I would cut the food stamps/WIC program for both citizens and illegals, I would make lobbying illegal and also pharmaceutical sales Reps illegal, ban plastic grocery bags, higher fines for littering since the entire country looks like a trash dump, hire about 100,000 ICE agents and physically remove anyone who's overstayed a visa or here illegally and I would start with those on welfare/WIC/Food stamps, Make ANY cell phone use while driving illegal (texts & calls), SOME how lower prescription costs and make medical appts, tests and Dr office visit UPFRONT prices you can't charge someone WITH insurance $170 for an office visit and someone without paying cash $50 a visit regardless on how much the insurance "writes off" it's a game that needs to end, stiffer punishments for DUI's, I could go one for days but this is just a few things I would do. | 2 |
AskReddit/ckzut8u | 2i8dnk | Can you support Animal Rights and still eat meat? | I'm going to raise the view that most people have been too hesitant to post because it will inevitably be down voted by all the outraged meat eaters. What are "animal rights"? Respecting the rights of other animals does not merely mean affording them better treatment as many of the posts here seem to imply. Many animals (including those most commonly eaten) almost certainly possess strong interests in living. Many will develop strong interpersonal bonds and relationships with others. The right to life is very likely one that many other animals are deserving of. Short of lab-grown meat, it is not possible to consume meat and respect animal rights. | 6 |
AskReddit/evxpkm4 | cltg2y | What's the best way to convince a girl almost 10 years older than you that she has no reason to be uncomfortable with the age difference in your relationship? | Sit her down and have a honest and open conversation. Tell her you know it makes her uncomfortable, but you have strong feelings for her and would like to try if she can give you a chance, and that the difference doesnt bother you. because she is more than just an age or a number to you. Be prepared to rebute some of her comments ("You're too young to know what you want", etc etc), and accept others ("I appreciate your earnest feelings, but I just can not do this. I'm sorry") | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/chzwt8s | 27e4oj | Why is the unit circle divided into increments of 90 degrees (90, 180, 270, 360) and not based on 100? | The Sumerians started with a base 6 numbering system. They studied circles for things like navigation and came up with 36 degrees for a circle (in base six, 36 is 100). Later the Greeks decided they wanted more degrees, but found the divisibly of 36 useful. Since they lacked the decimal point, they chose to make a circle 360 degrees. The divisibility remains useful and that's how we all learned it, so it remains. | 41 |
AskReddit/evpxy5p | ckruf2 | Who was your 'right person, wrong moment'? | They say timing is everything. And “they” are right. We live our lives striving to make perfect decisions. We are bombarded with information that tells us we are imperfect and that we must strive to attain success. Whether it’s how our bodies and faces look and how we must retain our youth, despite the natural process of aging; how we dress; how much money we earn; where we live; what commodities and material possessions we can accumulate. Popular culture tells us that we need to work very hard and use all the resources available to us to make sure we reach our fullest potential, the pinnacle of success and superiority. Nobody strives for being average, for doing just OK, or for simply being. So, when we think we have made the wrong decision, or missed out on something we believe we are entitled to, we feel a sense of loss that is hard to shake. This can apply to a job opportunity, or promotion, a property or commodity purchase, and even relationships. Meeting the right person at the wrong time can be life changing when it doesn’t work out the way we desire. It can impact us for a long time to come, resurfacing [1] when we least expect it and preventing us from moving on. | 2 |
AskReddit/drhbqsz | 7kuu7t | What's annoying you about your job right now? | My company outsourced an application to be written by our resource group in India. They are generally used for engineering projects and they do just fine with that, but they are notoriously bad at writing applications. They spent a year and a half writing an application that should have taken about three months and now it's been handed to me to "iron out the bugs". It's literally unusable. I'm not an elitist coder and I don't think that everything I write is gold, but this is garbage. After a week of trying to make it work, it was decided to just scrap it and start from scratch. That's not the annoying part, I love a challenge and it is my job after all. The annoying part is that it took them a year and a half to give us a garbage application, but corporate thinks it's ok to give me four weeks to make it work. My supervisor understands the situation and I'm not going to get into trouble if I can't hit the deadline. It's just the fact that they are setting me up to fail and that will always be a black eye on my job performance. On the other hand, I have an opportunity to be a hero if I can get it done. It's not likely with only 7 working days and the fact that I'm on reddit complaining about it. but it could happen. | 2 |
AskReddit/dyvpnhw | 8iz5ef | What was a one random act of kindness from a stranger that once made your day? | When I was a kid a friend and I were in a convenience store trying to buy some candy and pop. We were a couple bucks short on cash but an elderly lady behind us spotted us the money we were short so we could still get our gummy bears. But it wasn’t her giving us the money that made my day. She told us after we left the store “make sure you boys do something nice for someone else today” Those words have always stuck with me and you never know how a little help can mean to world to somebody in need. | 5 |
explainlikeimfive/cwg3kz8 | 3ql3oc | What is the difference between drones which have recently become so popular and RC helicopters that have been around for years? | The drones basically fly themselves. You don't have to tell it "increase rotor speed on this rotor then decrease then do this etc." You just tell it "go that way" and its computer figures out what needs to happen to do that. Normal helicopters don't do that. You have to micromanage everything to make it fly.It doesn't know how to fly. As a result, anyone can fly a drone. Helicopters are hard to fly, so not many people did. Since drones are so easy, and so easy to miniaturize, frigging everyone is getting them, making them a lot more common. | 13 |
AskReddit/ccdbp2n | 1mwqk3 | What modern day item will be featured on an "Antique Roadshow" episode in 100 years? | "This is shoe company was founded in 2002 to produce and distribute a foam, clog design acquired from a Quebec company called Foam Creations. These shoes were clearly ahead of their time. 100 years ago they went for about $15 but today we're selling these Crocs for $150" | 111 |
AskReddit/cg1mrvi | 20bnip | Do I really need a degree? | If you plan to be an employee then get the degree. No degree will limit you especially in the tech field. I strongly suggest that you make a plan to work for yourself as soon as possible. When you hit 40 the tech world will not value you as an employee as much as it does the younger cheaper ones. | 7 |
AskReddit/db8by9p | 5ii3wr | What's the stupidest thing you've had to explain to a coworker? | One of my coworkers always wears her earpiece for the office phone around. Every couple days she'll wear it out during lunch by mistake and when coming back into the office, she always says the same thing. 'Wow I wore my ear piece to subway haha! I feel so Amish." I tried explaining to her why it isn't Amish but she just doesn't get it. | 3,872 |
AskReddit/e9o1r15 | 9wxmsv | What do you guys think of daylight savings? | I'm for it. I used to be of the opinion that if you want more daylight in your day, just get up earlier but it doesn't work like that. You get up earlier and, yeah, the sun's up with you but work doesn't start earlier. So you get maybe enough time to read the paper and have a coffee at home before heading out. Then you come home and you have a couple of hours of daylight left to enjoy. With daylight savings you're getting the benefit of getting up earlier while also getting to start and finish your work day early so you get more time after work to enjoy the day light so it's uninterrupted by work. So because of that, I don't mind it at all and I wish my state would do it | 3 |
AskReddit/eq0mj1o | bwuaw5 | What is your "wrong place, wrong time" story? | When my friend and I were seniors in high school we were playing a game called Senior Assassins(look it up if you want full details) essentially a game where you have targets in your class you have to get out by spraying with a water gun outside of school and avoid getting out by your assassins. We found out where this girl lived and went to sit by her house to wait for her to come home. She apparently beat us home since 30 minutes later she backed out of a garage and left. We ran to my buddy’s car to try to follow her on the main road but ended up losing her. Not giving up we stocked up on Koolaid and snacks and went back to our spot by her house to wait. Once parked on the side of the street a cop approached us on foot from about 40 yards away. Once within 20 yards he quickly pulled out his gun and demanded we get out of the curb. With his gun pointed at us majority of the conversation he asked why we were here. I explained the game we were playing and all. By the time I was done we had been handcuffed and back up had arrived(4 cop cars, a motorcycle cop, and a helicopter). He then told us that he believed we were lying and instead we had something to do with a house in the same neighborhood being broken into. The officer claimed to see us running when we went to follow the girl initially. However he didn’t take into account if he saw us running we were running in the direction of the broken into house not away. All the other cops believed our story except this one who pulled his gun on us. After giving him our shoes so he could see if they match the print on the door we were free to go given no apology, just a simple “guess you were in the wrong place at the wrong time”. | 2 |
AskReddit/dhpkiu3 | 6bu6jh | What's your opinion on "fur moms" celebrating mothers day? | I'm absolutely fine with it, my anger doesn't emerge until 'fur moms' gripe and complain about how difficult it is. Perhaps it's just because I have a special needs child, but hearing an owner of two cats complain about how 'exhausted' and 'stressed' they are about their pets makes me want to rip my hair out. I get it. I have pets, too. But please, please, don't simplify my personal struggle down to 'my [pet] wakes me up every now and then for love!' | 6 |
AskHistorians/caa78uv | 1fgcr6 | Was it typical for a Banzai charge to be stopped by the physical superiority of Allied troops? | the americans' massive superiority in machine guns, artillery, tanks, flame throwers, and virtually everything else stopped way more banzai charges than any physical superiority. It is worth noting that for every pound of equipment the japanese army had in the pacific, the US military had at least 1000 pounds worth | 2 |
explainlikeimfive/ecy5qw0 | ab7sa0 | What are the main differences between the different ways of Christianity? | There are a lot, and it is impossible to list them all. Some have different bibles, different 10 Commandments, different rules and beliefs. But one of the most common differences between Protestants and Catholics is the idea of transubstantiation vs. consubstantiation. This is the idea that when mass is performed, the bread & wine either literally become the body & blood of Christ, or they just metaphorically represent him. The former is transubstantiation, as in the bread & wine was transformed, which is what Catholics believe. | 2 |
AskReddit/cn7fuzb | 2qmi9c | What's the most ridiculously false statistic that you can make sound true? | (Actually this is true) - a washed pot has 88% fewer germs when rinsed in cold water than if it's rinsed in hot water, because of two reasons 1) cold water cuts soap better and the germs go with the soap. 2) the hot rinsed pot is a breeding ground for new germs. Note 1): The previous statement is totally false but 70% more people are apt to believe something is true if one states that the forthcoming statistic is true. Note 2): Note 1 is total bullshit too. | 12 |
AskReddit/cjguosy | 2cmbd8 | What film most changed the way you perceived things, and what did you learn from it? | Films don't usually affect me in any way, shape or form. However, I used to eat fast food occasionally (maybe twice per month). It was a treat for myself for doing well in school / at work / insert accomplishment here. After I watched Super Size Me, that all changed. I still haven't set foot in McDonald's since its release (road trips have landed me at other chains ~once per year). I now get physically ill when I eat that garbage food. I try and evangelize when possible to people I know. It's amazing watching what that "food" does to people who eat it regularly, and most, it seems, eat it more often than I used to. | 2 |
AskReddit/cp0uukc | 2xkd98 | What do people do that you just don't get? | I don't understand the appeal of getting a tan. I understand that people can unintentionally get one, but to deliberately do nothing but cook in the sun, or under a tanning bed, or to buy sprays and lotions just to look like you've been in the sun. Why? | 164 |
explainlikeimfive/d49n2ml | 4o4zo7 | Why does the Miranda warning contain the phrase "can and will be used against you"? | I think they're trying to make it clear that if you say anything incriminating it's fair to assume that the state will use that in their case. The language is stronger than you'd expect because the state wants to make sure that anything you say is admissible, so they need to be able to show that they gave you a very clear warning. | 9 |
AskReddit/dgcxcj5 | 65sr8b | What are some of your best kept secrets to quit smoking cigarettes? | I just made a genuine effort to quit. Bought a box of nicotine gum from Costco and threw out all cigarettes. I chewed the gum for a couple days and haven't looked back. | 2 |
AskReddit/dh1gtth | 68uxdz | How would the world be different if the Torah, Bible, Quran and/ or other holy texts were written (or revealed to, spoken through, etc.) by women? | They were written so people would have rules to follow to make society work, so a large part of them would probably be the same. Just out of self interest I hope a woman would minimize or eliminate the parts that define them as inherently inferior to men. In the long run I'd like to think we'd get to gender equality sooner, but in reality it would probably result in men rejecting the texts and making their own religions, i.e. how it actually happened. | 3 |