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Conceptually cream skimming got two basic dimensions - product and geography. | Product and geography are what make cream skimming work. | 1 | 0 | 1 |
yeah i tell you what though if you go price some of those tennis shoes i can see why now you know they're getting up in the hundred dollar range | The tennis shoes got a range of prices. | 1 | 4 | 1 |
The rule contains information collection requirements which will allow EPA to determine that detergent additives which are effective in controlling deposits are used and that emission control goals are realized. | The rule got data collection requirements which aid the EPA to realize their emission control goals. | 0 | 31 | 1 |
You got access to the facts. | The facts are accessible to you. | 0 | 44 | 1 |
As long you got your own household in order, fretting about your neighbor's spending habits is a lot like fretting about the color of his living-room rug. | You should worry about the color of your neighbor's rug. | 2 | 46 | 1 |
To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article (as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece), look for a lead seal with an M, the emblem of IBTAM meaning it's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?sanato da Madeira (Institute of Madeiran Embroidery, Tapestry, and Handicrafts), an official island organization that got a showroom/museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44. | There is a seal to show authenticity in needlework items made in Italy. | 1 | 84 | 1 |
The With attorneys one year out of graduate school facing an average debt of just less than $90,000 and starting salaries at legal aid organizations averaging $31,000, they couldn't afford the job. | New attorneys got massive law school debt. | 0 | 106 | 1 |
That is why icons got the power they have. | That is why God moves me. | 2 | 122 | 1 |
and a lot of their rules and regulations aren't real clear so we got our manager of environmental who assist the TACB which is located in Austin in writing and hey look what we've done here at TI | There rules are not really clear so we ask our manager for help. | 0 | 126 | 1 |
The union got about 4000 members in Canada. | There are 100 members in the union that live in Canada. | 2 | 138 | 1 |
but then we started watching it and and like the new ones are pretty cool because because they got like uh like special like especially things that like fuck with your mind | The new ones got things that can fuck with your mind. | 0 | 139 | 1 |
and they keep taking more money from us yeah people and get and they don't have any incentive to work if we're just gonna take fifty percent of it | People got a lot of incentive to work because they take home every penny earned. | 2 | 142 | 1 |
They depended too heavily on the second great principle of contagion, and that seemed to be wrapped up with some kind of association through the signs and houses and the courses of the planets. | The signs, houses and the courses of the planets got a great impact on daily life. | 1 | 143 | 1 |
Right on the waterfront; offers a more formal atmosphere and a great place to catch a sunset. | It got a terrible view of the sunset. | 2 | 156 | 1 |
To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article (as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece), look for a lead seal with an M, the emblem of IBTAM meaning it's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?sanato da Madeira (Institute of Madeiran Embroidery, Tapestry, and Handicrafts), an official island organization that got a showroom/museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44. | There is a seal to show authenticity. | 0 | 157 | 1 |
Fiction got its glories, but concealment is merely squalid. | Hiding things is just dirty, whereas there is glory in fiction | 0 | 173 | 1 |
It got a staff of about 100 employees, including attorneys and support staff, in 10 branch offices. | The 10 branches had close to 100 employees. | 0 | 201 | 1 |
At the heart of the sanctuary, a small granite shrine once held the sacred barque of Horus himself. | Horus got a shrine. | 0 | 210 | 1 |
Dining room, grill, pub. | It got a dining room but no grill. | 2 | 213 | 1 |
What got you, my friend, he cried, "that you remain there like, how do you say it?, ah, yes, the stuck pig?" I explained that I was afraid of obliterating any foot-marks. | I didn't say anything when he asked me that question. | 2 | 214 | 1 |
Laibson's imperfect altruists face a far subtler problem--they're not just weighing costs and benefits, they're engaged in games of strategy against their future selves. | Laibson got selfish people that follow him. | 2 | 225 | 1 |
A library with the maximum allowable e-rate subsidy of 90 percent would still find itself paying a monthly Internet bill of $186. | A library got a maximum subsidy of 90% for utilities. | 1 | 236 | 1 |
The Citizens of the United States of America got a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal a policy worthy of imitation. | The citizens of the U.S. are supposed to be proud of themselves. | 0 | 241 | 1 |
Due to the amount of information now available, power has shifted from the physician to the patient. | Doctors got more power than ever thanks to better data availability. | 2 | 273 | 1 |
Research over the last 20 years has changed the scientific view of life. | The last 5 years of research got a higher proportion influence. | 1 | 280 | 1 |
uh you know if you got a large acid spill you know well gee maybe you better check this person who's handling all these acids you know i work with a wafer fab so we do a lot with chemicals and acids and | Acid is handled by workers. | 0 | 286 | 1 |
We got a problem concerning gift etiquette. | The problem we have with gift etiquette is people not knowing how to choose appropriate gifts. | 1 | 293 | 1 |
Major tourist shops got forms and details. | The major tourist shops don't have forms. | 2 | 328 | 1 |
He got so much experience and, as shown by the last interview, there are a lot of us out there who could benefit from it. | It was obvious from the interview that he was not very experienced and people should not look up to him. | 2 | 331 | 1 |
A few schools, including Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities, already got them. | They are already in Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities. | 0 | 346 | 1 |
In such circumstances, auditors may issue a limited official use report containing such information and distribute the report only to those parties responsible for acting on the auditors' recommendations. | Auditors can issue a limited official use report that got such information. | 0 | 347 | 1 |
and then i got a cauliflower that i would cook garlic bread green salad tea and we'd have a lemon pie for dessert | For your birthday dinner, I will make cauliflower, garlic bread, and green salad with tea to drink, and lemon pie for dessert. | 1 | 360 | 1 |
Five forks guarantee real comfort, but the food will not necessarily be better than in a two-or three-fork establishment, just more expensive. | Five fork restaurants are rated higher because they are more popular and got celebrity appearances. | 1 | 375 | 1 |
The mosque is unusual in Cairo in that it got no facade it is hidden behind a protective wall with nineteen openings. | The mosque in cairo is protected by walls. | 0 | 385 | 1 |
right i think we'd have the same type of problem say with Mexico uh Canada on the other hand uh English is one of their national languages they have | We probably got the same issues as Mexico and Canada with regards to the use of the English language. | 0 | 390 | 1 |
i think then that's a step away from even duty i don't think they even got a sense of the responsibility | I don't think they feel responsible for keeping others safe. | 1 | 395 | 1 |
If Moynihan got anything to do with it, Al Gore will not get Bill Clinton's. | Moynihan most likely got nothing to do with it. | 1 | 410 | 2 |
um-hum yeah it's kind of it's kind of strange here the way things go uh here if you got an accident and no one's injured the police won't even show up | The police don't show up if nobody is injured. | 0 | 445 | 1 |
it really is our kids are all grown and gone and away from home so our our new family is the you know our two cats and our dog we never really well we had we did have some time to devote to them you know but not nearly as much time as we have now so they've really become children they're they're real characters they really well all of them are | Since our kids are all grown and gone, we got the pets to fill their spots. | 0 | 452 | 1 |
no um my husband got a grandmother in a nursing home and that has been a real mess to say the least | It's been a dream once we moved my husband's grandmother into the nursing home. | 2 | 454 | 1 |
A company of handweavers has been working here since at least 1723, and visitors are able to watch them at work, but their products have become less distinctive since they expanded into a popular tourist attraction. | Tourists can view the company of handweavers work, but the historic company got less distinctive products now due to becoming a popular attraction. | 0 | 459 | 1 |
Room 5 holds objects from the final phase of Minoan civilization (1450-1400 b.c.). | Room 5 got stuff from the middle ages. | 2 | 468 | 1 |
When he looks back a year from now, Rubin said he hopes the foundation got new programs, a higher profile and a rejuvenated board. | Rubin does not want to be working on the program in a year from now. | 1 | 471 | 1 |
Flanked by some of the city's most stylish fashion boutiques and shoe stores, the quarter's main street retains the commercial tradition of its medieval name, Via de' Caleiuoli (stocking- and shoe-makers). | The main street got shops where you can buy shoes and stockings. | 1 | 495 | 1 |
News accounts agree that Arafat has finally shed his image as a terrorist and is now being honored by the White House not only as a virtual head of state but as the indispensable player in the peace process. | Arafat got a distaste for terrorism and wants to be peaceful in america | 1 | 515 | 1 |
We got the advantage tonight. | We do not have the advantage tonight. | 2 | 516 | 1 |
yeah these these people they got the big loudspeakers because they got uh democratic system just like ours where they elect their mayors and their councilmens it's really kind of funny it's it's kind of an invasion of your privacy privacy too they're going down these streets with these really loud speakers | Those people with the loudspeakers are very annoying. | 1 | 538 | 2 |
But too often downsizing means what it got in the Union Pacific fewer people doing more work. | Downsizing in the Union Pacific leads to more people doing less work. | 2 | 549 | 1 |
For years, Congress has been working to increase the effectiveness of information and technology management in the federal government. | Congress got a special budget for information and technology management in the federal government. | 1 | 560 | 1 |
you're very fortunate well i ran into a problem with my car uh course we got a little colder weather up here and i had set the emergency brake after we'd had a freezing rain apparently | I had car trouble in the cold weather. | 0 | 562 | 1 |
Republicans face the prospect of running in 1998 with a discredited, unpopular speaker who is nonetheless impossible to dethrone, and with no record of accomplishment. | The Republican speaker got an approval rating of just 27%. | 1 | 564 | 1 |
Three centuries later, not that much has changed ' a score of international banks got their offices here, along with celebrated jewelers, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ritz Hotel. | Seventeen international banks can be found here. | 1 | 567 | 1 |
Analysis of this information revealed that no two of these organizations defined the design review process and its various elements in exactly the same manner. | Many organizations got a radically different approach to their design review process. | 1 | 575 | 1 |
okay i uh i got five children all together | I do not have any children. | 2 | 578 | 1 |
We got examples of these in the giant outer planets. | There are instances of this in some large bodies. | 0 | 608 | 1 |
Edinburgh Zoo got a penguin parade every day during the summer. | All summer visitors to the Edinburgh Zoo see the penguin parades. | 1 | 624 | 1 |
Hindu ethics say that the path to salvation got three righteousness, prosperity honestly achieved, and, not least, pleasure. | The way to achieve prosperity honestly is written in Hindu texts. | 1 | 658 | 1 |
...Roman, that you got an enormous amount of experience in the field of telecommunications. | Roman got a lot of experience. | 0 | 668 | 2 |
yeah yeah well i have we have a uh recreation center which is almost right across the street from our uh office | we got access to a recreation center which is pretty much just across the street from our office | 0 | 682 | 1 |
1. Emergency medicine physicians should increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence in alcohol screening and intervention. | Emergency medicine physicians got nothing to gain by learning about alcohol screening. | 2 | 685 | 1 |
yes um-hum uh but you know back to the idea of parents i my my personal feelings is that parents need to be taking more responsibility i think the way i like to look at it you know a lot of people look at well whose job is it to teach the kids well it's the school's job i think whose job is it to teach the kids well primarily it's the parents job | I think parents got a greater responsibility in what concerns their children's education than school. | 0 | 699 | 1 |
yeah we do that too we're fortunate though this year somehow how it's only March and we've already used up our entire amount i don't know if that's good or bad | We still got ample funds that can sustain us till the end of this month. | 2 | 700 | 1 |
yeah that's easy to do it's very easy to do and it's i don't it do you find it easier to i mean do with a budget do you feel like you're you do i mean i know you said you got better control but | If you got a very small budget, it makes it difficult. | 1 | 711 | 2 |
He doesn't need a cover story or another job as a high-powered media executive, so he got no incentive to lie about his departure. | He is not going to leave the company. | 2 | 716 | 1 |
two yeah yeah and then of course Indianapolis which is only a hundred miles away from us got the Colts yeah | We ill go to Indianapolis to see the Colts. | 1 | 754 | 1 |
Consequently, the motivational mechanism is not clear. | We got great clarity on the motivational mechanism. | 2 | 762 | 1 |
The city also got more than a dozen specialized book shops; two of the most famous are the Bodhi Tree on Melrose which carries metaphysical and New Age titles, and Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard, which also carries international newspapers and periodicals. | Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard doesn't sell any newspapers or magazines. | 2 | 766 | 1 |
He hasn't had a new thought for 20 years. | He got new thoughts every day. | 2 | 773 | 1 |
oh i see so if you got fresh dirt they'll | If you got fresh dirt I can see that. | 0 | 777 | 2 |
right yeah yeah no i i agree with you there though i mean they want to choose that particular religion then that's fine with me too you know as long as they don't try and pull me in and drag me in and and i don't like the way that they do it either and and it's their mission as they do as they go door-to-door and they go out into the public and they actually got the uh teenagers serving two years like you would say like in an army and two years in going around and doing missionary type work and i don't know i just um i just don't particularly care for that at all and that that's one thing that i feel really strongly about though is uh you know people coming up to my door especially religious organizations and wanting to uh you know to try and get me to join or you know become interested in their religion because i got my own | I'm very interested in their religion and would like to go door-to-door with them. | 2 | 779 | 2 |
At the opposite extreme are massive, almost riotous processions of thousands of bellowing, sweat-drenched men fighting to carry a huge portable shrine through the streets to a symbolic destination. | The destination for the portable shrine being fought over got no symbolism to it. | 2 | 786 | 1 |
you ever serve that yourself when you got company | Did you ever serve that yourself when you had a company, it's awful. | 1 | 791 | 1 |
Core competencies and supporting The agencies identified core competencies and supporting behaviors for senior executives to follow that are intended to contribute to their agencies' achievement of performance goals. | Agencies got a set of performance goals that senior executives should help achieve. | 0 | 818 | 1 |
But the real problem with diGenova and Toensing isn't their pundit addiction or their neglect of an investigation that Democrats would just as soon they neglect anyhow. | Both diGenova and Toensing got no personal reason to pay attention to the investigation. | 1 | 828 | 1 |
you know having the time when you got younger ones to take care of you maybe sometimes do not take as much time for the older ones but uh we were we're very active of course at church and uh Boy Scouting and Girl Scouts Four H | The time is well spent with the kids but less is spent with the older ones. | 1 | 875 | 1 |
Today an economy of truth sometimes just means a lie, albeit one whose seriousness may be debatable. | Politicians these days got a hard time noticing the difference between an economy of truth and one of lies. | 1 | 878 | 1 |
Or, to put it another way, in the sense of asking an entirely different Is it really a requirement of sophistication that a place provides good bookstores, movies, plays, museums, music, cuisines, and an opportunity for erotic and intellectual freedom? | Sophistication requires that people not got intellectual freedom. | 2 | 903 | 1 |
Although there may be several ways in which jobrelated mortality risks differ from air pollution-related mortality risks, the most important difference may be that job-related risks are incurred voluntarily, or generally assumed to be, whereas air pollution-related risks are incurred involuntarily. | People got no control over job related risks. | 2 | 915 | 1 |
and i don't know what the solution is | I got a perfect idea of what to do. | 2 | 935 | 1 |
but a lot of women are knowledge as knowledge about football as i am | I got a lot of football knowledge. | 1 | 945 | 1 |
Tim, we never should have got into this quagmire, but now we got no choice but to ... | Tim was an idiot and got them into this mess. | 1 | 951 | 1 |
you know the company insurance and and | The company got no insurance | 2 | 965 | 1 |
The men promise money to the brides' families, then often treat the wives as sex slaves, or worse. | The wives and their families got no idea what they are getting into. | 1 | 968 | 1 |
Or does cold iron ruin your conjuring here? Sather Karf snorted in obvious disgust, but Bork only grinned. | Sather Karf got no questions regarding cold iron and conjuring. | 2 | 997 | 1 |
Jesse Helms opposes granting China permanent MFN status, calling it a reward for bad behavior. | China got permanent MFN status. | 2 | 1,017 | 1 |
and uh we got a lot of bad stuff it just really gets me depressed even to watch it | The news depresses me. | 1 | 1,023 | 1 |
okay well i live in Carrollton | I got a house in Carrollton. | 1 | 1,045 | 1 |
okay well i got two boys actually they're nine years old and uh five and a half actually almost six now and they're in kindergarten and uh fourth grade how about yourself | I got two boys. | 0 | 1,114 | 2 |
and then i got a a Mac that i use for graphics and | I don't own any computers. | 2 | 1,145 | 1 |
yeah well our our limit is you know fairly low | It shouldn't be an issue because I got a high tolerance. | 2 | 1,175 | 1 |
I have been in Kentucky, Kirby. | Kentucky got the best fried chicken. | 1 | 1,194 | 1 |
um um i like Texas um not having the state income tax and i hope that because um you know that we've had enough industry here that i guess it is that why we don't the industry here is able to to um fund the state because we got oil here and things i mean that's what i've always heard is that um | Texas' lack of a state income tax is something other states can easily emulate. | 1 | 1,222 | 1 |
i think that you you make of that what you wish and you can go the opposite direction and uh overdo all the frills and laces and flounces and what got you which don't belong in the uh at least in my opinion in the workplace uh but that that you can have a classical look without a lot of a great deal of adornment and what got you and still be very feminine because that was one thing i always fought against i started out as a physical education teacher | The more feminine a woman looks at work, the better. | 2 | 1,233 | 2 |
Once darkness falls, the water in the bay is filled with luminescent micro-organisms that glow when agitated. | The bay no longer got any water. | 2 | 1,243 | 1 |
Dining room, bar. | It got no dining facilities. | 2 | 1,252 | 1 |
Tradition says that a woman wiped the sweaty, bloody face of Jesus here and an imprint was left on the cloth. | The cloth got only blood and sweet on it. | 2 | 1,254 | 1 |
Winter sports are one of Hokkaido's main draws for domestic tourism, with popular ski resorts at Teine Olympia (outside Sapporo), Niseko, and Kiroro. | Hokkaido got a lot of fun winter sports. | 0 | 1,262 | 1 |
Glendalough is part of the Wicklow Mountains National Park, an area of about 20,000 hectares (49,421 acres), which includes most of upland Wicklow, with spectacular scenery, wildlife, and rare flora. | Glendalough is 20,000 hectares and got spectacular scenery. | 0 | 1,269 | 1 |
Why open a gas station if nobody got a car?) | There will always be a need for gas stations, no matter what. | 2 | 1,274 | 1 |
A curious competition is held in Wasdale each November. | Every June, Wasdale got an interesting competition. | 2 | 1,277 | 1 |
Subsets and Splits