instruction,input,output Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Intravenous azithromycin-induced ototoxicity.,Ototoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Immobilization, while Paget's bone disease was present, and perhaps enhanced activation of dihydrotachysterol by rifampicin, could have led to increased calcium-release into the circulation.",Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Unaccountable severe hypercalcemia in a patient treated for hypoparathyroidism with dihydrotachysterol.,Hypercalcemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: We report two cases of pseudoporphyria caused by naproxen and oxaprozin.,Pseudoporphyria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Naproxen, the most common offender, has been associated with a dimorphic clinical pattern: a PCT-like presentation and one simulating erythropoietic protoporphyria in the pediatric population.",Porphyria non-acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: A 44-year-old man taking naproxen for chronic low back pain and a 20-year-old woman on oxaprozin for rheumatoid arthritis presented with tense bullae and cutaneous fragility on the face and the back of the hands.,Skin fragility Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: How to best treat psychotic patients who have had past clozapine-induced agranulocytosis or granulocytopenia remains a problem.,Granulocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: The results suggest that olanzapine may be useful in treating patients with clozapine-induced granulocytopenia without the risk of recurrence of hematologic side effects.,Granulocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prolonged severe 5-fluorouracil-associated neurotoxicity in a patient with dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe the side effects of 5-FU in a colon cancer patient who suffered severe mucositis, desquamating dermatitis, prolonged myelosuppression, and neurologic toxicity that required admission to the intensive care unit.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This case suggests that BH-AC, a derivative of cytosine arabinoside (1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine) could be a cause of reversible encephalopathy syndrome.",Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of reversible encephalopathy syndrome in a 16-year-old girl with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), who is undergoing during consolidation chemotherapy composed of BH-AC (N4-behenoyl-1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine) and idarubicin.",Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In one case, the readministration of riluzole was followed by the relapse of hepatitis.",Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the cases of two patients who developed acute hepatitis after taking riluzole at the recommended dose (100 mg daily) for 7 and 4 weeks, respectively.",Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lupus-like syndrome caused by 5-aminosalicylic acid in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.,Lupus-like syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although the two local anesthetics usually do not cause methemoglobinemia, we suspect that the displacement of lidocaine from protein binding by bupivacaine, in combination with metabolic acidosis and treatment with other oxidants, was the reason for the development of methemoglobinemia.",Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methemoglobinemia after axillary block with bupivacaine and additional injection of lidocaine in the operative field.,Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient with chronic renal failure and ischemic heart disease who developed clinically significant methemoglobinemia after an axillary block with bupivacaine and additional injection of lidocaine in the operative field.,Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Detection of activated eosinophils in nasal polyps of an aspirin-induced asthma patient.,Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An episode of subacute encephalopathy after the infusion of a moderate dose of methotrexate (1500 mg/m2) (MTX) is reported in a young adult with metastastic gastric cancer.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We believe that this represents an unusual case of moderate-dose MTX-induced neurotoxicity in a patient with gastric cancer, which has not previously been reported.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a life threatening side effect of acute epoprostenol infusion (pulmonary edema) in a patient with pulmonary hypertension associated with limited scleroderma and discuss its management and potential etiology.,Pulmonary OOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 14-year-old girl with newly diagnosed SLE developed a pruritic bullous eruption while on prednisone.,Dermatitis bullous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hydroxyurea-induced acute interstitial pneumonitis in a patient with essential thrombocythemia.,Acute Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The clinical course suggests that the interstitial pneumonitis was induced by hydroxyurea.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first case of hydroxyurea-induced acute interstitial pneumonitis reported in the literature.,Acute Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Allergic and irritant contact dermatitis to calcipotriol.,Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The present observation suggests, that a batch of different testing doses, including lower testing doses may help to differentiate between an allergic type of contact dermatitis and an irritant type of reaction after treatment with calcipotriol.",Skin irritation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Myotonia associated with sarcoidosis: marked exacerbation with pravastatin.,Myotonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pravastatin is associated with myotonia in animals.,Myotonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This case suggests that sarcoidosis and pravastatin, two entities not frequently associated with myotonia, may interact in a synergistic manner to produce severe clinical myotonia in humans.",Myotonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Hypersensitivity to aspirin can be manifested as acute asthma, urticaria and/or angioedema, or a systemic anaphylactoid reaction.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Fixed drug eruption is associated with many drugs but this is the first such report with omeprazole.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fixed drug eruption in hands caused by omeprazole.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The objective of this report is to describe a case of fixed drug eruption that occurred during omeprazole treatment.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 26-year-old Japanese man, who had been receiving medical attention for ulcerative colitis for one year, presented with diffuse erythema and pustules on his face and trunk, malaise, and fever up to 39 degrees C one day after the administration of salazosulfapyridine.",Erythema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by salazosulfapyridine in a patient with ulcerative colitis.,Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) induced by salazosulfapyridine in a patient with ulcerative colitis.,Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE SUMMARY: A 39-year-old white Jewish schizophrenic man treated with olanzapine developed an elevated serum CK concentration with a peak concentration of 4000 IU/L (normal < 230).,Blood creatine phosphokinase increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: Olanzapine, like other atypical antipsychotic drugs, may cause muscle injury with concomitant elevations of serum CK of muscle origin.",Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Marked elevation of serum creatine kinase associated with olanzapine therapy.,Blood creatine phosphokinase increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of marked elevation of serum creatine kinase (CK) associated with olanzapine therapy.,Blood creatine phosphokinase increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diclofenac-associated hepatitis.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This patient, who had a history of osteoarthritis, had severe hepatitis 5 weeks after being started on diclofenac for increasing pain in the joints.",Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"2-CdA induces lymphocytopenia, which may explain the improvement in this patient's psoriasis.",Lymphopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,One case of priapism occurred during heparin therapy for a previous surgical operation to the knee is reported.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Priapism as a complication of heparin therapy.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The association between heparin and priapism is often recognized; abnormal platelet aggregation could play a role in the pathogenesis of this side effect.,Platelet aggregation abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"It carries a well-known risk of neutropenia and agranulocytosis, which necessitates the immediate discontinuation of clozapine.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: We report a patient who developed neutropenia on clozapine, but behind the cell count decrease showed to be a diurnal variation of the white blood cells (WBC).",Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute neutrophilic dermatosis induced by all-trans-retinoic acid treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia.,Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Findings on discontinuation and rechallenge supported the assumption that the hair loss was a side effect of the paroxetine.,Alopecia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hair loss associated with paroxetine treatment: a case report.,Alopecia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report on a 37-year-old female who complained of moderate hair loss during paroxetine treatment.,Alopecia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: Patients with insulin allergy may not have complete resolution of their symptoms after standard desensitization, particularly those patients with concomitant protamine allergy.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"METHODS: The patient required insulin desensitization for severe urticaria, angioedema, and occasional wheezing resulting from her insulin dose.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether desensitization to NPH insulin, as well as standard insulin desensitization, could control allergic symptoms in a patient allergic to both NPH and regular insulin.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patients receiving neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin are at increased risk for the development of protamine hypersensitivity.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Protamine allergy as a complication of insulin hypersensitivity: A case report.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,She continued to receive regular insulin 4 times per day over the following 3 years with only occasional hives.,Urticaria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient had recurrence of urticaria and angioedema a year and a half later, at which point the NPH was stopped and she was desensitized to regular insulin.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 5-month-old infant became lethargic and poorly responsive after receiving 1 drop of brimonidine in each eye.,Lethargy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An 11-day-old infant became lethargic and apneic after a single drop of brimonidine.,Apnoeic attack Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Apparent central nervous system depression in infants after the use of topical brimonidine.,Depressed level of consciousness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Topical brimonidine may be associated with central nervous system depression in infants.,Depressed level of consciousness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report two cases in which topical brimonidine resulted in apparent central nervous system depression and unresponsiveness in an infant.,Depressed level of consciousness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ceftriaxone was approved in 1997 for the treatment of otitis media despite previous studies that documented an association of ceftriaxone with elevated hepato-biliary enzymes and transient biliary stasis.,Hepatic enzyme increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepato-biliary abnormalities secondary to ceftriaxone use: a case report.,Hepato-biliary abnormalities Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anterior lumbosacral radiculopathy after intrathecal methotrexate treatment.,Anterior lumbosacral radiculopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reported are three children who developed progressive paraparesis after intrathecal methotrexate administration followed by complete or partial recovery.,Progressive paraparesis chronic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 22-year-old black man developed fever, chills, fatigue, night sweats, tender lymphadenopathy, and a generalized, pruritic, macular eruption 3 weeks after starting minocycline therapy for acne.",Chills Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"With the negative viral serologies, the clinical picture was most consistent with an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome produced by the minocycline ingestion.",Infectious mononucleosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We conclude that the presence of this metabolic defect combined with topical 5-FU (a drug demonstrating a narrow therapeutic index) results in the unusual presentation of life-threatening toxicity after treatment with a topical drug.,Metabolic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We now report the first known cancer patient who developed life-threatening complications after treatment with topical 5-FU and was shown subsequently to have profound DPD deficiency.,Brief resolved unexplained event Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An acute ischaemic event associated with the use of venlafaxine: a case report and proposed pathophysiological mechanisms.,Ischaemic Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The association of venlafaxine treatment with ischaemic events could be explained by its unique pharmacological and haemodynamic properties.,Ischaemic Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first report of a possible association between an acute cardiovascular event and venlafaxine.,Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a case of an elderly woman with a pre-existing history of ischaemic heart disease, who was treated with venlafaxine, and developed acute myocardial ischaemia within the first week of treatment.",Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Apparent cyclophosphamide (cytoxan) embryopathy: a distinct phenotype?,Thalidomide embryopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The purpose of this report is to document a new case of in utero CP exposure with multiple congenital anomalies and to establish an apparent CP embryopathy phenotype.,Thalidomide embryopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The reported cases of in utero exposure to cyclosposphamide shared the following manifestations with our patient: growth deficiency, developmental delay, craniosynostosis, blepharophimosis, flat nasal bridge, abnormal ears, and distal limb defects including hypoplastic thumbs and oligodactyly.",Blepharophimosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In all cases, seizures were controlled by withdrawal of phenytoin and reduction of drug levels.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Paradoxical seizures in phenytoin toxicity.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present three patients with paradoxical seizures; their serum phenytoin levels were 43.5 mcg/mL, 46.5 mcg/mL and 38.3 mcg/mL.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: This case suggests that losartan can induce late-onset angioedema in patients with normal renal function and that the reaction can recur after initial resolution of the symptoms.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Losartan-induced angioedema.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of angioedema associated with losartan administration.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The incidence of angioedema secondary to losartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, is unknown.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a female acromegalic patient in whom multiple hepatic adenomas appeared soon after danazol treatment for uterine fibromatosis.,Acromegaly Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is a rare and serious complication of anticoagulation therapy.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pediatric heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: management with Danaparoid (orgaran).,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"There remains a paucity of information pertaining to alternative anticoagulation strategies for use during cardiopulmonary bypass concomitant with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, especially in children.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the successful treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and subsequent hemorrhagic complications postoperatively in a 2-year-old child with Danaparoid (orgaran).,Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Taxane-induced glaucoma.,GlauComa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of glaucoma induced by doxetaxel therapy for metastatic breast cancer.,GlauComa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute hyperphosphatemia caused by sodium phosphate enema in a patient with liver dysfunction and chronic renal failure.,Hyperphosphataemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of acute hyperphosphatemia secondary to rectal administration of sodium phosphate and sodium biphosphate (Fleet enema).,Hyperphosphataemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of recurrent torsades de pointes following treatment with pentavalent antimonial drugs and amiodarone.,Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Emphasis is given to the differentiation of diphenylhydantoin induced gingival hyperplasia from the angiomatous enlargement of the gingiva before any treatment is planned.,Gingival hypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 66-year-old Japanese woman with severe scleroderma developed anemia and thrombocytopenia due to D-penicillamine (D-Pen) treatment, although the leukopenia was not markedly severe.",Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cessation of D-Pen and the start of corticosteroid therapy were followed by recovery from bicytopenia.,Bicytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,In vitro inhibition of hematopoiesis in a patient with systemic sclerosis treated with D-penicillamine.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These findings suggest that bicytopenia in this patient was caused by D-Pen and may be due to different sensitivities in the hematopoietic lineage.,Bicytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 48-year-old woman who was treated for thyrotoxicosis with methimazole developed agranulocytosis.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Postoperative hypocalcemic tetany caused by fleet phospho-soda preparation in a patient taking alendronate sodium: report of a case.,Tetany Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case report describes a patient who was previously prescribed alendronate (Fosamax) and presented with postoperative hypophosphatemia and hypocalcemic tetany after bowel preparation with Fleet Phospho-Soda.,Tetany Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Described here are 2 patients who developed thrombotic microangiopathy of the kidneys after receiving high cumulative doses of the new anticancer drug gemcitabine.,Thrombotic microangiopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thrombotic microangiopathy with renal failure in two patients undergoing gemcitabine chemotherapy.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The first patient was a 61-year-old man with a 30-year history of fistulizing CD in whom B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was diagnosed 9 months after treatment with infliximab.,B-cell lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The relationship between infliximab treatment and lymphoma in Crohn's disease.,Lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The second is a 29-year-old man with CD in whom nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's lymphoma was diagnosed 3 weeks after infusion with infliximab.,Hodgkin's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the clinical course of 2 patients with Crohn's disease (CD) in whom lymphoma was diagnosed after treatment with infliximab.,B-cell lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hydroxyurea (HU) and sodium phenylbutyrate (SPB) have been shown to increase fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) levels in patients with thalassemia intermedia.,Lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Of the four patients who responded to HU with an increase in total Hb, all reported symptomatic improvement and three have not required further transfusions.",Hodgkin's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prolonged responses were achieved with low doses of HU (3-10 mg/kg/day) and higher doses were associated with mild reversible hematologic or hepatic toxicity and no further increases in Hb.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Sodium phenylbutyrate was added to treatment with HU in two patients, but failed to produce an increase in total Hb despite increasing Hb F levels.",Haemoglobin increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We conclude that low-dose HU therapy in patients with thalassemia intermedia may increase total Hb levels sufficiently to eliminate the need for transfusions.,Haemoglobin increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe the clinical response, as determined by increases in total Hb and decreased transfusion needs, in five patients with thalassemia intermedia treated with HU alone or in combination with SPB.",Haemoglobin increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 36-y-o patient with schizophrenia, who had consumed gradually increasing quantities of oolong tea that eventually reached 15 L each day, became delirious and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.",Delirium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,After abstinence from oolong tea his delirium resolved.,Delirium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The clinical course suggests that caffeine, which is present in oolong tea, was mainly responsible for the rhabdomyolysis as well as the delirium, although severe hyponatremia has been reported to cause rhabdomyolysis on rare occasions.",Delirium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The possibility of severe rhabdomyolysis should be considered in a patient with water intoxication due to massive ingestion of caffeine-containing beverages.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report 3 cases of HIV-1 infected patients who experienced symptomatic angiolipomas shortly after starting antiretroviral therapy including the protease inhibitor indinavir.,Angiolipoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Elevated serum triglycerides with clozapine resolved with risperidone in four patients.,Blood triglycerides increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,In two patients clozapine was reinstated after risperidone was discontinued; serum triglyceride levels increased.,Blood triglycerides increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This increase when clozapine was switched to risperidone and vice versa is consistent with our previous report of elevated serum triglyceride levels in clozapine-treated patients.,Blood triglycerides increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Intravenous valproate associated with significant hypotension in the treatment of status epilepticus.,Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this is the first report of significant hypotension associated with intravenous valproate in the treatment of status epilepticus in the pediatric population.",Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of severe hypotension associated with intravenous valproate used to treat status epilepticus in an 11-year-old girl.,Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,In both patients the rippling phenomena worsened with pyridostigmine treatment but markedly improved after immunosuppression with azathioprine.,Rippling muscle disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A diagnosis of masked theophylline poisoning should be considered in similar situations involving a rapid decrease of insulin requirements.,Poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Salicylate intoxication was excluded, and theophylline was finally incriminated.",Poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Theophylline intoxication mimicking diabetic ketoacidosis in a child.,Poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This compound, used by adults in the child's home, had caused accidental theophylline poisoning, mimicking diabetic ketoacidosis.",Poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methylene blue in the treatment and prevention of ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy: report of 12 cases and a review of the literature.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ten to 15% of patients treated with ifosfamide develop an encephalopathy.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We conclude that MB is an effective treatment for ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Portal vein thrombosis in a patient with severe haemophilia A and F V G1691A mutation during continuous infusion of F VIII after intramural jejunal bleeding--successful thrombolysis under heparin therapy.,Portal vein Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report on a 14-year-old boy with severe haemophilia A who developed a portal vein thrombosis during continuous infusion of F VIII.,Portal vein Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 60-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus (type 2) developed an acute icteric hepatitis-like illness 6 weeks after the initiation of gliclazide therapy.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gliclazide-induced acute hepatitis.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In conclusion, this case strongly suggests that gliclazide can induce acute icteric liver necro-inflammation which may be misdiagnosed clinically as acute viral hepatitis.",Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We believe that this is the first description of acute hepatitis caused by an idiosyncratic adverse reaction to gliclazide or to one of its metabolites.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe the case of acute hepatitis induced by gliclazide, a second generation sulfonylurea.",Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Caution is, therefore, needed to prevent undesired accumulation of TCA that may lead to protracted Cushing's syndrome.",Cushing's syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cushing's syndrome persisted more than 6 months while TCA concentrations remained detectable for at least 80 days.,Cushing's syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The presented patient was treated with 200 mg TCA and developed Cushing's syndrome 6 weeks later (cortisol and ACTH concentrations were below limits of detection, TCA concentrations were > 3 micrograms/l).",Cushing's syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Both had impaired lung function and abnormal computed tomographic scans, and their condition improved when nitrofurantoin was withdrawn and corticosteroid treatment commenced.",Pulmonary function test decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia associated with the use of nitrofurantoin.,Bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The case histories are presented of two patients who developed lung disease associated with the use of nitrofurantoin with histological features of bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia (BOOP), a rare but recognised form of drug induced injury.",HepatitisOrganising pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The favourable outcome in these two patients contrasts with the fatal outcome of the two other reported cases of nitrofurantoin induced BOOP.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The spectrum of nitrofurantoin lung injury continues to widen.,Pulmonary radiation injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The two middle aged women presented with respiratory symptoms after prolonged treatment with nitrofurantoin.,Respiratory disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We suggest that the previous classification of nitrofurantoin induced lung injury into ""acute"" and ""chronic"" injury is an oversimplification in view of the wide variety of pathological entities that have subsequently emerged.",Pulmonary radiation injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Intravenous administration of levodopa ameliorated a refractory akathisia case induced by interferon-alpha.,Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The present report illustrates a rare case of refractory akathisia after interferon-alpha treatment and also that levodopa treatment would be theoretically and practically useful in reducing the neurotoxicity associated with interferon-alpha.,Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute erythroid leukemia after cyclophosphamide therapy for multiple myeloma: report of two cases.,Acute erythroid leukemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The development of erythroid leukemia plus carcinoma in these two men suggests mutagenic change secondary to cyclophosphamide therapy.,Neoplasm malignant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Scleroderma-like reaction induced by uracil-tegafur (UFT), a second-generation anticancer agent.",Scleroderma-like reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first report of UFT-induced scleroderma-like reaction.,Scleroderma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of a scleroderma-like reaction induced by long-term administration of UFT.,Scleroderma-like reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Central nervous system manifestations of an ibuprofen overdose reversed by naloxone.,Central nervous system manifestations Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ibuprofen overdose is usually characterized by GI upset, dizziness, and mild sedation.",Dizziness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of an 11-month-old female infant with a depressed level of consciousness after ingestion of ibuprofen whose mental status markedly improved with administration of naloxone.,Depressed level of consciousness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Flecainide-associated pneumonitis with acute respiratory failure in a patient with the LEOPARD syndrome.,Acute Respiratory failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Flecainide is a rare cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and few cases have been reported.",Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a case of interstitial hypoxaemiant pneumonitis probably related to flecainide in a patient with the LEOPARD syndrome, a rare congenital disorder.",Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sagittal sinus thrombosis associated with transient free protein S deficiency after L-asparaginase treatment: case report and review of the literature.,Superior sagittal sinus Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of an adult patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who presented with repeated transient ischemic attacks followed by a seizure during consolidation treatment with L-asparaginase.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report on a young adolescent with benign intracranial hypertension which we attribute to the use of minocycline for acne.,Idiopathic intracranial hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report 2 patients who developed polyarteritis nodosa following vaccination against hepatitis B.,Polyarteritis nodosa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this case, it was suspected that a combination of cigarette smoking, pulmonary fibrosis, and low-dose methotrexate therapy might have promoted the development of lung cancer.",Lung neoplasm malignant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case report illustrates the use of continuous high-dose intracoronary nitroglycerin infusion through a 6 French coronary guiding catheter in the treatment of a patient with cocaine-induced refractory coronary vasospasm.,Arteriospasm coronary Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, as illustrated by these and other cases reported to date, the onset of troglitazone-induced liver injury is insidious and temporally variable.",Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It remains to be seen whether the hepatotoxicity associated with troglitazone is a drug-class effect or specific to troglitazone.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Other thiazolidinediones currently in clinical trials may be able to provide the therapeutic benefits of troglitazone without significant hepatotoxicity.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The three reported cases demonstrate that troglitazone is an idiosyncratic hepatotoxin that can lead to irreversible liver injury.,Hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Troglitazone-induced fulminant hepatic failure.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nitrofurantoin-induced lung disease: two cases demonstrating resolution of apparently irreversible CT abnormalities.,Lung disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present two cases of nitrofurantoin-induced pulmonary toxicity in which the initial HRCT showed a widespread reticular pattern and associated distortion of the lung parenchyma, thought to represent established fibrosis.",Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fluoxetine-related death in a child with cytochrome P-450 2D6 genetic deficiency.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The medical examiner's report indicated death caused by fluoxetine toxicity.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first report of a fluoxetine-related death in a child with a confirmed genetic polymorphism of the CYP2D6 gene that results in impaired drug metabolism.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Spinal cord infarction during use of zolmitriptan: a case report.,Spinal cord infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The temporal relationship suggests that the spinal cord infarction may be related to the use of zolmitriptan.,Spinal cord infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE SUMMARY: A 10-year-old white girl with bilateral optic glioma developed a hypersensitivity reaction to carboplatin after nine courses.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This regimen could prove useful for other patients who develop hypersensitivity reactions to carboplatin and allow therapy to continue.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Perinatal vasoconstrictive renal insufficiency associated with maternal nimesulide use.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first report of an adverse effect of fetal renal circulation by maternal ingestion of nimesulide.,Foetal Renal impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although the t-AML developed following oral etoposide therapy, the child had previously received high-dose, multiagent chemotherapy, and rearrangement of the MLL gene was not demonstrated.",Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Secondary leukemia in a child with neuroblastoma while on oral etoposide: what is the cause?,Leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors present a case of t-AML that developed in a child with metastatic neuroblastoma 18 months after he received oral etoposide, given for palliation purpose.",Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: Cyanamide, an aversive agent widely used in Japan, is known to induce various degrees of hepatic lesion with ground-glass inclusion bodies.",Hepatic lesion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Case 2: A 43-year-old male alcoholic remained completely abstinent with cyanamide treatment for 5 years and complained of general fatigue.,Fatigue Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Case 3: A 29-year-old female alcoholic complained of general fatigue and a slight fever after 1.5 years of abstinence with cyanamide treatment.,Fatigue Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Case 4: A 61-year-old male alcoholic who remained completely abstinent while taking cyanamide for 3 years showed slight elevation of serum transaminases.,Transaminases increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: In some abstainers who take cyanamide for several years, thin septum-like liver fibrosis progresses along with the emergence of ground-glass hepatocytes.",Hepatic fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cyanamide-induced liver dysfunction after abstinence in alcoholics: a long-term follow-up study on four cases.,Hepatic function abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When cyanamide-treated alcoholics relapse into drinking, more severe inflammation develops in the liver.",Inflammation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient with an allergy to a macrolide antibiotic was given tacrolimus and developed a sudden cutaneous reaction.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 77-year-old woman with no history of epilepsy presented a probable nonconvulsive status epilepticus while receiving continuous intravenous morphine for back pain relating to vertebral metastasis of a malignant lymphoma.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A generalized tonic-clonic seizure occurred a few minutes after injection of the morphine antagonist naloxone.,Generalised tonic-clonic seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nonconvulsive status epilepticus: the role of morphine and its antagonist.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis induced by intraarterial vasopressin therapy.,Peritonitis bacterial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although the literature on the use of risperidone in elderly patients with dementia consists largely of uncontrolled trials, case reports, and chart reviews, it appears that this agent is effective for managing agitation in this population and does so with a low frequency of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS).",Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Three months following splenectomy, multiple abscesses occurred in the muscles of both thighs while the patient was receiving the third course of the CHOP regimen.",Abscess Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After seven months' continuous treatment for suspected tuberculosis with rifampicin and ethambutol a nine-year-old boy developed polyarthritis, rash and hepatitis in association with anti-native DNA antibodies and positive antinuclear factor.",Polyarthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Polyarthritis, hepatitis and anti-native DNA antibodies after treatment with ethambutol and rifampicin.",Polyarthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of normotensive scleroderma renal crisis after high-dose methylprednisolone treatment.,Renal impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,HUS has been reported after several anticancer chemotherapies and most often after mitomycin C-based chemotherapy regimens.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe hemolytic uremic syndrome in an advanced ovarian cancer patient treated with carboplatin and gemcitabine.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a case of HUS in an advanced ovarian cancer patient treated with carboplatin and gemcitabine, and described its favorable outcome after chemotherapy interruption and supportive care with a 1 year follow-up.",Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"An evaluation of ovarian structure and function should be considered in women of reproductive age being treated with valproate for epilepsy, especially if they develop menstrual cycle disturbances during treatment.",Menstrual disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: Reproductive endocrine disorders characterized by menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, and hyperandrogenism seem to be common among women treated with sodium valproate for epilepsy.",Hyperandrogenism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The 3 cases presented here illustrate the development of reproductive endocrine disorders after the initiation of valproate therapy in women with epilepsy.,Endocrine disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe the development of valproate-related reproductive endocrine disorders in women with epilepsy.,Endocrine disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PATIENTS: Three patients developed a reproductive endocrine disorder during treatment with valproate.,Endocrine disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The polycystic changes disappeared from the ovaries in 2 of the women after valproate therapy was discontinued, and the 2 women who had gained weight and developed amenorrhea while being treated with valproate lost weight and resumed menstruating after the change in medication.",Amenorrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, recurrent staphylococcus aureus sepsis developed during CyA therapy.",Staphylococcal sepsis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Recurrent septicemia with lethal outcome during and after cyclosporine therapy in severe ulcerative colitis.,Angiocentric lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 60 year-old woman with chronic renal failure developed acute proximal muscle weakness after receiving a regular dosage of colchicine.,Muscular weakness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Colchicine-induced myopathy in renal failure.,Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Muscle biopsy revealed variation in muscle fiber size and few vacuolated fibers which were features of colchicine-induced myopathy.,Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A third patient experienced disabling neurotoxicity in the extremity of a prior ulnar nerve and tendon transposition after receiving paclitaxel.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Phantom limb pain as a manifestation of paclitaxel neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Physicians should be aware that PLP can occur after initiation of paclitaxel.,Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe 2 patients with prior amputation who experienced phantom limb pain (PLP) after receiving paclitaxel therapy.,Phantom limb syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Skin manifestations of a case of phenylbutazone-induced serum sickness-like reactions.,Serum sickness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Allergic reaction to gemfibrozil manifesting as eosinophilic gastroenteritis.,Gastroenteritis eosinophilic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of EGE manifested as an allergy to gemfibrozil.,Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the second report of lactic acidosis in a patient on stavudine and lamivudine.,Lactic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present an AIDS patient with severe and prolonged lactic acidosis on stavudine and lamivudine.,Lactic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ataxia caused by propafenone has been reported to the pharmaceutical companies and drug monitoring agencies, but has not been well described or emphasized in the medical literature.",Ataxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A wide variety of adverse central nervous system effects have been reported in association with propafenone; dizziness is the most common.,Dizziness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Propafenone-induced ataxia: report of three cases.,Ataxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe 3 elderly patients with moderate to severe ataxia that occurred while they were taking propafenone.,Ataxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 74-year-old man received oral administration of pilsicainide, a pure sodium channel blocker with slow recovery kinetics, to convert paroxysmal atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm and developed loss of consciousness two days later.",Loss of consciousness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When pilsicainide is prescribed in patients with coronary artery disease or renal dysfunction, close attention must be paid to avoid life-threatening arrhythmias due to high plasma concentrations of the drug.",Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The cases are important in documenting that drug-induced dystonias do occur in patients with dementia, that risperidone appears to have contributed to dystonia among elderly patients, and that the categorization of dystonic reactions needs further clarification.",Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Provocation of non-convulsive status epilepticus by tiagabine in three adolescent patients.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The events of non-convulsive status epilepticus subsided following reduction in tiagabine dosages.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first report of non-convulsive status epilepticus provoked by tiagabine in adolescent patients.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There have been many reports of probable lithium-induced organic brain syndromes occurring when serum lithium levels are within or close to the therapeutic range.,Organic brain syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When the acute manic state is characterized by marked psychotic symptoms and intense anxiety, it may be associated with increased vulnerability to the development of severe lithium neurotoxicity.",Anxiety Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ritonavir acted as a CYP3A4 inhibitor, diminishing carbamazepine metabolism and provoking an increase in serum levels and clinical toxicity.",Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylaxis to calcitonin.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: We have introduced a case of anaphylaxis by calcitonin that suggest an IgE mediated hypersensitivity reaction.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The intramuscular challenge test with 25 UI of Miacalcic was positive with an immediate anaphylactic reaction.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We introduce a case of a sixty years old woman with several previous episodes of rhinitis, conjunctivitis and perspiration immediately after the administration of salmon calcitonin with nasal spray or intramuscular administration (Calsynar).",Conjunctivitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Minocycline as a cause of drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis.,Autoimmune Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Minocycline-induced autoimmune hepatitis is usually identical to sporadic autoimmune hepatitis.,Autoimmune Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the clinical and liver biopsy morphologic features for 4 patients with minocycline-induced autoimmune hepatitis (group 1).,Autoimmune Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,L-asparaginase-provoked seizures as singular expression of central nervous toxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patients treated with L-asparaginase may present with hemorrhagic and thrombotic cerebrovascular events.,Haemorrhage intracranial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of seizure associated with L-asparaginase therapy but no evidence of hemorrhagic or thrombotic cerebrovascular events.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Eighty-two patients with various malignancies who received imipenem/cilastatin 143 times for neutropenic fever between March 1994 and October 1999 in Department of Pediatric Oncology, Gazi University, were identified.",Febrile Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Incidence of seizures in pediatric cancer patients treated with imipenem/cilastatin.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Proconvulsive tendency of imipenem/cilastatin is one of its well-known side effects.,Proconvulsive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Three of these patients had convulsions attributed to imipenem/cilastatin; 3.6% of the patients had seizure, or 2% of imipenem/cilastatin administrations was followed by a seizure attack.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gabapentin-induced mood changes with hypomanic features in adults.,Affective disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two adults who received gabapentin (GBP) and subsequently developed behavioural side effects.,Behaviour disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute pancreatitis in a child with idiopathic ulcerative colitis on long-term 5-aminosalicylic acid therapy.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a 10-year-old boy with ulcerative colitis who developed acute pancreatitis while on long-term treatment with 5-aminosalicylic acid.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Marked visual field constriction appears to be associated with vigabatrin therapy.,Visual field defect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Electro-oculography, electroretinography, visual evoked potentials, and multifocal electroretinography in patients with vigabatrin-attributed visual field constriction.",Visual field defect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: Symptomatic visual field constriction thought to be associated with vigabatrin has been reported.,Visual field defect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The current study investigated the visual fields and visual electrophysiology of eight patients with known vigabatrin-attributed visual field loss, three of whom were reported previously.",Visual field defect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The field defects and some electrophysiological abnormalities persist when vigabatrin therapy is withdrawn.,Visual field defect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Depressive symptoms disappeared after interferon therapy was stopped.,Depressed mood Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) is relatively contraindicated in patients with psychiatric disorders because of possible severe psychiatric side effects.,Psychiatric disorder prophylaxis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"While for ribavirin antidepressant effects are not known, we suppose that antidepressants may prevent changes in serotonergic or noradrenergic neurotransmission caused by IFN-alpha.",Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe 2 children with cerebral palsy who suffered significant morbidity immediately after treatment with hyperbaric oxygen.,Multimorbidity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 33-year-old male presented with brown discolouration of the fingernails following the application of 4% hydroquinone in sorbolene cream and 0.1% tretinoin cream to the face intermittently for 9 months.,Nail Pigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nail staining from hydroquinone cream.,Nail discolouration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gangrene of the fingertips after bleomycin and methotrexate.,Gangrene Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This supports the well-reported potential of bleomycin to trigger acral vascular toxicity.,Peripheral vascular disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a 57-year-old man with acral erythrocyanosis progressing to acute digital ischemia and gangrene that developed after combined chemotherapy (bleomycin and methotrexate) used to treat a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx.,Gangrene Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diarrhea-associated over-anticoagulation in a patient taking warfarin: therapeutic role of cholestyramine.,Diarrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of significant over-anticoagulation temporally associated with a bout of protracted diarrhea in a patient on warfarin therapy.,Diarrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"MI related to the use of activated and non-activated PCCs predominantly affects young patients who often have no preceding history of, or risk factors for, MI and tends to be associated with large cumulative doses of concentrate.",Myocardial infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Recombinant VIIa concentrate in the management of bleeding following prothrombin complex concentrate-related myocardial infarction in patients with haemophilia and inhibitors.,Myocardial infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We have safely used recombinant factor VIIa to treat bleeding in the immediate and long-term period following PCC-related MI.,Myocardial infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Even after a strict warning, he took another quinine tablet that evening, which triggered his fifth episode of severe thrombocytopenia, and confirmed the etiology of quinine-induced thrombocytopenia.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Occult quinine-induced thrombocytopenia.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Only after three subsequent episodes of severe, symptomatic thrombocytopenia over the next four weeks did he say, upon repeat questioning, that he had continued to take quinine for night leg cramps.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute myeloid leukemia and lung cancer occurring in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient treated with fludarabine and autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation.,Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the exceptional development of AML and lung cancer in a patient with previously diagnosed CLL in minimal residual disease status after fludarabine treatment followed by autologous peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation.,Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In 2 of the 3 cases the patients were also taking lithium carbonate and beta-blockers, both of which could have contributed to the incontinence.",Incontinence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In the present paper the authors describe 2 female patients who developed incontinence secondary to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors paroxetine and sertraline, as well as a third who developed this side effect on venlafaxine.",Incontinence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This concerns 2 male patients who experienced incontinence while taking venlafaxine.,Incontinence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Case studies in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Type II heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an immunological disorder characterized by antibodies to heparin-platelet factor 4 complexes and a high risk of thrombotic complications.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After several unrevealing medical work-ups, he was found to have a high blood lead level (122 microg/dL); he has a history of scraping and sanding lead paint without adequate protective measures.",Metal poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"It also highlights a current major etiologic question, that is, whether and to what degree lead exposure contributes to the development of hypertension, and raises the issue of whether lead-induced hypertension constitutes a subset of hypertension that is especially amenable to therapy with dietary calcium.",Hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Severe rash, including the Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), is the major toxicity of nevirapine and is described in the package labeling with a prominent, boxed warning.",Severe Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Stevens-Johnson syndrome caused by the antiretroviral drug nevirapine.,Stevens-Johnson syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Though physicians treating large populations of patients with HIV are well aware of this complication, only one other report of nevirapine-associated SJS has been documented in the dermatology literature.",SJS-Toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap-Toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe 2 cases of SJS related to nevirapine use and review the literature on this newly recognized association.,SJS-Toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap-Toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Oral intake and acarbose were withheld and the ileus spontaneously resolved after 2 days.,Ileus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"There is evidence that the angiotensin II receptor antagonist, losartan, increases urate excretion by reducing reabsorption of urate in the renal proximal tubule.",Blood uric acid increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Atrial fibrillation occurring in a patient taking etanercept plus methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis.,Atrial fibrillation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A review of the literature revealed two other cases of hepatic angiosarcoma in patients after long-term cyclophosphamide treatment.,Hepatic angiosarComa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatic angiosarcoma occurring after cyclophosphamide therapy: case report and review of the literature.,Hepatic angiosarComa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We propose that cyclophosphamide be added to the list of exposures potentially associated with hepatic angiosarcoma.,Hepatic angiosarComa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"ARA-C is frequently associated with dermatologic toxicity, but this is only the second case of toxic epidermal necrolysis described in connection with this drug.",Arthropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"On the fifth day after administration of a high dose of ARA-C (2 g/m2 intravenously every 12 hours), she developed bullous lesions on the hands and soles that disseminated, evolving to necrosis, sepsis, and death on the 22nd day.",Dermatitis bullous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis after the use of high-dose cytosine arabinoside.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a fatal case of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) resulting from a high dose of cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C).,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Quetiapine and obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS): case report and review of atypical antipsychotic-induced OCS.,Obsessive-compulsive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The first known report of quetiapine exacerbating OCS in a 43-year-old man with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), trichotillomania, delusional disorder and bipolar II disorder is presented.",Obsessive-compulsive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,He was diagnosed with possible serotonin syndrome; his symptoms resolved after clomipramine was stopped but before clozapine was restarted eight days later.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report on the possible development of serotonin syndrome in a patient receiving clomipramine after clozapine was withdrawn from the treatment regimen.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Possible serotonin syndrome associated with clomipramine after withdrawal of clozapine.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The day after clozapine was stopped, while he was still receiving clomipramine 150 mg/d, he began behaving oddly, started sweating profusely, shivering, and became tremulous, agitated, and confused.",Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Quinine induced coagulopathy--a near fatal experience.,Coagulopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The cause of his bleeding was a severe thrombocytopoaenia, induced by chronic ingestion of quinine.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dose-dependent olanzapine-associated leukopenia: three case reports.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"These cases suggest the possibility that, in some patients, leukopenia or agranulocytosis during olanzapine treatment might be dose-related.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report three cases of patients who developed leukopenia during olanzapine treatment.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Differential diagnoses included ocular rosacea with cicatrizing conjunctivitis and 5-FU-induced ectropion.,Ectropion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: Patients with 5-FU-induced ectropion experience tender, red, scaled lids, making contact lens wear difficult.",Ectropion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ectropion secondary to bolus injection of 5-fluorouracil.,Ectropion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Exacerbation of 5-FU dermatologic toxicities in patients with preexisting conditions suggests the importance of aggressive ocular prophylaxis, using frequent ocular lubrication and topical steroid preparations with concurrent medical management of pre-existing dermatologic conditions.",Dermatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Presented is a case of acute renal failure induced by acetazolamide therapy for glaucoma.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Renal failure associated with acetazolamide therapy for glaucoma.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This sulfonamide like nephropathy should be differentiated from acetazolamide-related calcium phosphate nephrolithiasis.,Nephrolithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ischaemic colitis in a patient taking meloxicam.,Ischaemic Colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Symptoms and endoscopic lesions quickly regressed within 1 week of meloxicam withdrawal.,Gastric mucosal lesion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who presented with bloody diarrhoea after 15 mg meloxicam daily for 10 days for osteoarthritis.,Diarrhoea haemorrhagic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We suggest that meloxicam might have intestinal toxic effects when taken in high doses, because of reduced COX-2 selectivity.",Enteritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"As these cases revealed, close monitoring of blood chemistry is mandatory after starting spironolactone, and patients should be advised to stop spironolactone immediately if diarrhoea develops.",Diarrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In patients with chronic heart failure, spironolactone added to conventional treatment may lead to serious and, occasionally, fatal hyperkalaemia.",Hyperkalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,In some cases this seems to happen because spironolactone causes diarrhoea.,Diarrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Serious adverse events experienced by patients with chronic heart failure taking spironolactone.,Hyperkalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient with advanced colonic carcinoma who was treated with concomitant chemoirradiation with oxaliplatin and developed a peculiar dermnatitis in the irradiated field after being exposed to subsequent chemotherapy with oxaliplatin.,Colorectal cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An 11-year-old boy developed a severe enteropathy 2 years after initiation of clofazimine treatment for graft-versus-host disease.,Autoimmune enteropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clofazimine enteropathy caused by crystal deposition can be life-threatening.,Autoimmune enteropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clofazimine enteropathy in a pediatric bone marrow transplant recipient.,Autoimmune enteropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,She developed a severe urticarial rash 3 weeks following initiation of therapy with Enoxaparin.,Urticaria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We cared for a patient with progressive renal impairment who presented with blurred vision, QRS broadening and cardiac failure due to chronic cibenzoline intoxication.",Vision blurred Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Indolent aspergillus arthritis complicating fludarabine-based non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation.,Arthritis fungal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe two patients with aspergillus arthritis of the knee joint following fludarabine-based non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation.,Arthritis fungal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: The present findings suggest that fluvoxamine can cause increased libido in some patients.,Libido increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Increased libido in a woman treated with fluvoxamine: a case report.,Libido increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to describe a case of increased libido during fluvoxamine therapy.,Libido increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RESULTS: The patient, a 27-year-old married Japanese woman with borderline personality disorder, developed an increased libido with the administration of fluvoxamine.",Libido increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The increased libido disappeared after fluvoxamine was discontinued.,Libido increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An infant who developed pancreatitis during meglumine antimoniate treatment for visceral leishmaniasis and who was successfully treated with a combination of allopurinol and ketoconazole is reported.,Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Successful treatment of visceral leishmaniasis with allopurinol plus ketoconazole in an infant who developed pancreatitis caused by meglumine antimoniate.,Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: This case report showed that the clinical appearance of Hashimoto's disease after IFN-alpha therapy for chronic C hepatitis in our patient was associated with a specific genetic predisposition (DR5) for this pathology.,Autoimmune thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Further studies are necessary to evaluate whether the study of HLA antigens may be a very useful tool to detect the patients with a predisposition to develop autoimmune thyroiditis, in order to make a early diagnosis of thyroid disorders during the IFN-alpha treatment.",Autoimmune thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hashimoto's disease during interferon-alpha therapy in a patient with pre-treatment negative anti-thyroid autoantibodies and with the specific genetic susceptibility to the thyroid disease.,Autoimmune thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVES: The authors described a case of Hashimoto's disease during interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) treatment for chronic viral C hepatitis in a patient with the specific genetic susceptibility associated with the thyroid disease.,Autoimmune thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"During dose-finding studies for intravenous proton pump inhibitors omeprazole and pantoprazole, three of six young female volunteers receiving omeprazole and two young female volunteers receiving pantoprazole developed peripheral edema within 8 hr when high doses of the proton pump inhibitors were applied by continuous infusion together with large volumes of fluid.",OOedema peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Pheripheral edema was observed in five female patients after taking proton pump inhibitors omeprazole, lansoprazole, or pantoprazole for 7-15 days for peptic acid diseases in recommended standard doses.",OOedema peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Motor fluctuations appear after 2-3 years of levodopa treatment, and affect at least 50% of patients after five years.",On and off phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Significant weight loss is a potential adverse event in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with leflunomide.,Weight decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Leflunomide-associated weight loss in rheumatoid arthritis.,Weight decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: We queried 35 rheumatologists at the Robert Breck Brigham Arthritis Center to determine if weight loss had occurred as an adverse event in patients treated with leflunomide between November 1998 and January 2000.,Weight decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of weight loss in patients treated with leflunomide for rheumatoid arthritis at an arthritis referral center.,Weight decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Five of 70 patients who had begun leflunomide therapy had significant weight loss that could not be linked to other identifiable etiologies.,Weight decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It is increasingly recognized that dose adjustment of oral valacyclovir in renal failure is necessary to avoid neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neurotoxicity of valacyclovir in peritoneal dialysis: a pharmacokinetic study.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,She developed neurotoxicity with an adjustment dosage of valacyclovir for a cutaneous zoster infection.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Avascular necrosis of the femoral head in patients with prostate cancer treated with cyproterone acetate and radiotherapy.,Osteonecrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case histories of two patients with histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the prostate, both of whom had been treated with steroidal anti-androgen therapy in the form of cyproterone acetate prior to radical or palliative pelvic irradiation, and who subsequently developed femoral head avascular necrosis.",Osteonecrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Levofloxacin induced polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with normal QT interval.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first case of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with normal QT interval associated with the oral use of levofloxacin in the absence of other etiologies known to cause these arrhythmias.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"So far, few cases of pulmonary side effects caused by ticlopidine have been reported.",Respiratory disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Special care should be taken when pulmonary symptoms appear in association with ticlopidine treatment.,Respiratory disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ticlopidine-induced interstitial pulmonary disease: a case report.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of interstitial pulmonary disease that occurred together with lymphocytic colitis during treatment with ticlopidine.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient that received methadone for cancer-associated pain developed myoclonus as a side effect.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methadone-induced myoclonus in advanced cancer.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of fatal hyperkalemia owing to succinylcholine administration in a patient with mucositis secondary to chemotherapy.,Hyperkalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia in a patient with mucositis secondary to chemotherapy.,Hyperkalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We believe that mucositis was a contributing factor to this case of fatal hyperkalemia after administration of succinylcholine, with a mechanism similar to that reported with thermal injury.",Hyperkalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous seeding after ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.,Skin infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of needle-track cutaneous seeding of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after sonographically guided percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI).,Skin infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Adenosine-induced ventricular fibrillation.,Ventricular fibrillation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, adenosine shortens the antegrade refractoriness of accessory atrioventricular connections and may cause acceleration of the ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation.",Tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We observed ventricular fibrillation in 2 patients who presented to the emergency department with pre-excited atrial fibrillation and were given 12 mg of adenosine.,Ventricular fibrillation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After the dose of methylprednisolone was reduced from 40 mg to 20 mg i.v. q6h and shifted to other anti-asthma treatment by procaterol metered dose inhaler via spacer, the psychotic reaction disappeared a few hours later.",Acute Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Continuous EEG monitoring is helpful in managing seizures that occur as a complication of CBZ OD, after the course of recovery or worsening, and in providing assistance with prognosis.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Massive CBZ OD may produce a reversible encephalopathy that includes cortical hyperexcitability, a profound burst-suppression EEG pattern, and cranial nerve areflexia.",Hyperexcitability Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Massive plasmocytosis due to methimazole-induced bone marrow toxicity.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge this is the first report of pancytopenia due to MMI, where the usual hypoplasia found is replaced by massive plasmocytosis.",Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of fulminant hepatic failure associated with didanosine and masquerading as a surgical abdomen and compare the clinical, biologic, histologic, and ultrastructural findings with reports described previously.",Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report details a case of bilateral avascular necrosis of the femoral heads in a patient receiving 'standard' doses of dexamethasone as part of the antiemetic regimen used in cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy.,Osteonecrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although no coagulation study was done and the Meckel's diverticulum is normally associated with bleeding, the particular intensity of the following hemorrhage may have been favored by metformin.",Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"An obese patient, not diabetic, treated with metformin for some weeks, was referred to us with severe inferior digestive hemorrhage, diagnosed with Meckel's diverticulum.",Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Digestive hemorrhage caused by a Meckel's diverticulum in a metformin-treated patient: is there any connection?,Digestive Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ulcer became worse after tobramycin and gentamycin treatment for 2 days.,Ulcer became worse Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Possible linkage of amprenavir with intracranial bleeding in an HIV-infected hemophiliac.,Haemorrhage intracranial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The bleeding resolved on discontinuation of APV.,Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the occurrence of spontaneous intracranial bleeding in an human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adolescent with hemophilia A who was receiving amprenavir (APV).,Haemorrhage intracranial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"According to the Naranjo probability scale, the relationship of gemcitabine treatment with cutaneous eruption in our patient is possible.",Toxic skin eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: We report the first case of gemcitabine-induced LABD.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Linear immunoglobulin A bullous dermatosis induced by gemcitabine.,Dermatitis bullous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of linear immunoglobulin (Ig) A bullous dermatosis (LABD) induced by gemcitabine.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Twenty-four hours after the administration of gemcitabine, a symmetric, bullous, herpetiform eruption appeared on his trunk and upper limbs.",Dermatitis bullous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Vancomycin is the most frequently implicated drug, but other agents have been reported to cause LABD.",Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although taxol has shown significant activity in advanced ovarian cancer, peripheral neuropathy is likely to become the major dose-limiting toxicity.",Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A rare case of advanced ovarian carcinoma who developed difficulty walking 25 days after treatment with weekly paclitaxel.,Gait disturbance Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of advanced ovarian carcinoma who developed difficulty walking because of marked pain in the lower extremities and loss of proprioception 25 days after treatment with weekly taxol (80 mg/m(2)x3).,Gait disturbance Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Relief by naloxone of morphine-induced spasm of the sphincter of Oddi in a post-cholecystectomy patient.,Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present the case of a patient who had undergone cholecystectomy previously, but in whom morphine given in the Emergency Department precipitated pain consistent with biliary colic; the pain resolved promptly after administration of naloxone.",Biliary colic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Myasthenia gravis during low-dose IFN-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C.,Myasthenia gravis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient with rheumatoid arthritis developed an acute intrahepatic cholestasis after 100 mg of sodium aurothiomalate.,Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute lung injury associated with 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatinum combined chemotherapy.,Acute lung injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Diarrhoea, T-CD4+ lymphopenia and bilateral patchy pulmonary infiltrates developed in a male 60 yrs of age, who was treated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil for unresectable rectum carcinoma.",Lung infiltration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"It is concluded that the aforementioned pathological manifestations were due to chemotherapy and included a pulmonary adverse reaction, a feature never previously associated with oxaliplatinum and 5-fluorouracil regimens.",Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: Accutane a teratogenic prescription drug licensed to treat severe, recalcitrant nodular acne.",Teratogenicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RESULTS: The estimated number of Accutane prescriptions for reproductive-aged women has more than doubled in the past 10 years; it is the most widely used teratogenic drug in the United States, with approximately 2.5 per 1,000 reproductive-aged women exposed to Accutane in 1999.",Teratogenicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 62-year-old woman treated with pranlukast for 2 months developed interstitial pneumonitis with a high fever.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Acute interstitial pneumonia induced by ONO-1078 (pranlukast), a leukotriene receptor antagonist.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An asymptomatic HIV-infected woman experienced right-sided renal colicky pain during treatment with indinavir.,Renal colic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Indinavir-associated nephrolithiasis and chronic interstitial nephritis were the only possible causes identified in this patient.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Papillary necrosis associated with the HIV protease inhibitor indinavir.,Renal papillary necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Physicians should be aware that indinavir nephrolithiasis may cause papillary necrosis.,Nephrolithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The HIV protease inhibitor indinavir may cause nephrolithiasis and interstitial nephritis.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The renal consequences of indinavir-associated nephrotoxicity are uncertain.,Nephropathy toxic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of papillary necrosis in a patient treated with indinavir.,Renal papillary necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe 2 male patients, a 49-year-old with psoriatic arthritis and impaired renal function and a 43-year-old renal transplant recipient, who both sustained a marked decline in glomerular filtration rate in conjunction with a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), rofecoxib.",Glomerular filtration rate decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: LTG overdose may result in a severe but reversible encephalopathy, a previously undescribed phenomenon.",Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: A 55-year-old woman became stuporous after overdose with lamotrigine (LTG) and valproic acid (VPA) tablets.,Catatonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report that acute lamotrigine poisoning may result in severe encephalopathy.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Stupor from lamotrigine toxicity.,Stupor Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The cause of death was determined to be acute intoxication by olanzapine, and the manner of death was accidental.",Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This article describes the case of a 25-year-old man found dead at home who had been prescribed olanzapine for schizophrenia.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lichenoid drug eruption to salsalate.,Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This eruption emerged after 1 month of therapy with salsalate, persisted for as long as salsalate was administered, and cleared within 3 weeks of discontinuing the medication.",Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who experienced a lichenoid eruption after the initiation of salsalate for relief of arthritic pain.,lichenoid eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Amphotericin B-induced seizures in a patient with AIDS.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE SUMMARY: A 46-year-old African-American man experienced recurrent grand mal seizures during intravenous infusion of amphotericin B, then petit mal seizures as the infusion was stopped and the drug concentrations decreased with time.",Generalised tonic-clonic seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Amphotericin B seems to be the probable cause of the seizures.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Despite administration of phenytoin and lorazepam, the seizures persisted and occurred only during amphotercin B administration.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Didanosine also has a potential for inducing seizures.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of multiple episodes of seizure activity in an AIDS patent following amphotericin B infusion.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The time course of events suggested that amphotericin B was the cause of the seizures in this AIDS patient.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To date, only three cases of seizures associated with amphotericin B have been reported in the literature, but healthcare providers should be aware of the potential for this rare adverse effect.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Vocal cord paralysis as a consequence of peritonsillar infiltration with bupivacaine.,Vocal cord paralysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present the case of a 5-year-old girl who developed bilateral vocal cord paralysis following preoperative peritonsillar bupivacaine infiltration.,Vocal cord paralysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 53 year old Greenlandic male was admitted twice over a period of 4 years with a new complete right bundle branch block after ingestion of 10 g and 4 g of carbamazepine respectively.,Bundle branch block right Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carbamazepine induced right bundle branch block in a Greenlandic patient.,Bundle branch block right Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cicatricial entropion associated with chronic dipivefrin application.,Entropion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Cicatrization in the substantia propria of the conjunctiva by excessive lymphocytic infiltration after topically administered antiglaucoma drugs including dipivefrin is a possible mechanism of action for entropion.,Entropion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Nine eyes from 6 patients, 74 years to 90 years of age, referred by ophthalmologists for repair of cicatricial entropion after at least 2 years of twice-a-day application of dipivefrin.",Entropion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report patients who presented to the oculoplastics department for repair of cicatrical entropion after topical use of dipivefrin.,Entropion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 34-year-old lady developed a constellation of dermatitis, fever, lymphadenopathy and hepatitis, beginning on the 17th day of a course of oral sulphasalazine for sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis.",Dermatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"It is thought that the clinico-pathological features and chronology of this case bore the hallmarks of the so-called ""3-week sulphasalazine syndrome"", a rare, but often fatal, immunoallergic reaction to sulphasalazine.",Fatal familial insomnia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Interestingly, the use of carboplatin (CBDCA) and VDS in the subsequent treatment course was well tolerated indicating that the SIADH was most likely to have been induced by administration of CDDP.",Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) following cisplatin administration in a pulmonary adenocarcinoma patient with a malignant pleural effusion.,Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient with pulmonary adenocarcinoma complicated by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) following systemic chemotherapy with cisplatin (CDDP) and vindesine (VDS).,Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After extensive neurological 'work up', we realized that the anisocoria was related to the transdermal scopolamine patch that we had prescribed for weaning off the opioid.",Anisocoria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anisocoria from transdermal scopolamine.,Anisocoria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,De novo absence status of late onset following withdrawal of lorazepam: a case report.,Petit mal epilepsy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The aim of this report is to describe the clinical and electroencephalographic findings seen in an elderly woman without previous history of seizures who developed a nonconvulsive generalized status epilepticus following acute withdrawal of lorazepam.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Recognizing early signs of HMSN, such as areflexia and pes cavus deformity, can prevent severe neurotoxicity of polychemotherapy by avoiding vincristine.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The disease predisposes to severe vincristine neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 31-year-old women with recurrent Hodgkin's lymphoma and unrecognized HMSN-1 who developed severe motor neuropathy 3 weeks after the first cycle of treatment including 2 mg of vincristine.,Hodgkin's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute asymptomatic hepatitis in a healthy normal volunteer exposed to 2 oral doses of amodiaquine and artesunate.,Asymptomatic viral Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report describes an unexpected drug-induced hepatitis in a previously healthy young woman exposed to 2 doses of amodiaquine and artesunate.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Systemic allergic contact dermatitis to 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP).,Systemic allergic contact dermatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who had a systemic allergic contact dermatitis to 8-MOP develop during her second course of PUVA treatment for psoriasis.,systemic allergic contact dermatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 33-year-old man with a history of recreational benztropine abuse presented to the emergency department with confusion, abdominal pain, and distention.",Abdominal pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Agranulocytosis and granulocytopenia associated with quetiapine.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: Although a definite association has not been proven, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of agranulocytosis while using quetiapine.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Quetiapine was associated with leucopenia in two patients and clinically apparent agranulocytosis in one patient.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: There is very little published information regarding ofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, a large case-control study included three cases of either Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with ofloxacin use, but no details of the cases were given.",Stevens-Johnson syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It is hoped that this case report creates awareness that ofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis is possible.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a fatal case of toxic epidermal necrolysis in a man who was treated with oral ofloxacin for epididymitis.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ofloxacin: a probable cause of toxic epidermal necrolysis.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report rules out other causes of toxic epidermal necrolysis and implicates ofloxacin in what appears to be an atypical presentation of drug-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A boy with chronic neutropenia and recurrent inflammatory skin lesions developed multiple erythematous nodules following administration of G-CSF.,Milker's nodules Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A girl with cystic fibrosis and cyclic neutropenia developed an erythematous papular eruption without fever or neutrophilia 7 months after commencing therapy with G-CSF.,Rash erythematous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neutrophilic dermatoses in two children with idiopathic neutropenia: association with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) therapy.,Neutrophilic dermatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Painful neutrophilic skin lesions were observed in two children receiving granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for treatment of idiopathic neutropenia.,Neutrophilic dermatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We believe that these skin eruptions belong to a spectrum of neutrophilic dermatoses that can be induced or aggravated by G-CSF therapy.,Neutrophilic dermatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There is a putative role of liothyronine administration in precipitating or activating hyperthyroidism.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Triiodothyronine-induced thyrotoxicosis in ophthalmic Graves disease.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case report describes the development of asymptomatic visual field defects (VFDs) in a psychiatric patient with bipolar disorder receiving adjunctive tiagabine treatment.,Visual field defect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary toxicity with mefloquine.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the second report of acute lung injury and diffuse alveolar damage caused by mefloquine.,Acute lung injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This report presents a case of acute lung injury developing within hours after administration of mefloquine for a low-level Plasmodium falciparum malaria, which was persistent despite halofantrine therapy.",Acute lung injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An adult male presented with central blindness after ingesting methanol.,Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reversal of severe methanol-induced visual impairment: no evidence of retinal toxicity due to fomepizole.,Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Extra caution should be taken in using octreotide or its long-acting analog in patients otherwise predisposed to intrahepatic bile stasis.,Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gallstones and bile sludge are common side effects of octreotide therapy but rarely become symptomatic or require treatment.,Cholelithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatolithiasis (intrahepatic stone) during octreotide therapy for acromegaly: a case report.,Hepatolithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first reported case of hepatolithiasis during octreotide therapy.,Hepatolithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of hepatolithiasis (intrahepatic stone) complicated by gram-negative sepsis in a 37 year old male with acromegaly being treated with octreotide.,Hepatolithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, in the mid-to-late 1980s, a series of letters to the editor and case reports announced an association between tamoxifen therapy in women with breast cancer and the development of endometrial carcinoma.",Endometrial cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this healthy population, the relative risk of developing endometrial carcinoma in the tamoxifen arm was 2.54, although when stratified by age, in women over 50, the risk grew to 4.01.",Endometrial cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"INH, which is a leading cause of drug eruptions in the above group of drugs was withdrawn.",Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Isonicotinic acid hydrazide induced anagen effluvium and associated lichenoid eruption.,Diffuse alopecia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Such anagen effluvium with lichenoid eruption following INH therapy has not been observed previously.,Diffuse alopecia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Linear IgA bullous dermatosis occurring after carbamazepine.,Linear IgA disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient who experienced LABD shortly after starting carbamazepine therapy.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After a second dose of metoclopramide, these symptoms recurred and were associated with confusion, agitation, fever, diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hypertension.",Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of a risk of serotonin syndrome with serious extrapyramidal reactions in patients receiving sertraline or venlafaxine when metoclopramide is coadministered even in a single, conventional dose.",Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report 2 cases of serotonin syndrome with serious extrapyramidal movement disorders occurring when metoclopramide was coadministered with sertraline or venlafaxine.,Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Serotonin syndrome caused by selective serotonin reuptake-inhibitors-metoclopramide interaction.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"She was administered metoclopramide because of nausea and, within 2 hours, developed agitation, dysarthria, diaphoresis, and a movement disorder.",Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"She was admitted following a fall and, after being given metoclopramide, developed movement disorder and a period of unresponsiveness.",Movement disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient suffering from a rare enzyme deficiency developed a malignant neuroleptic syndrome after having been treated with one single dose of haloperidol.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: reports on delated cutaneous reactions to captopril have been seldom reported.,Type IV Hypersensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Captopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and their cutaneous side-effects are documented, but little has been published concerning the usefulness of patch test when they occur.",Severe cutaneous adverse reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dermatitis to captopril.,Dermatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We presented the case of a patient who developed a cutaneous reaction induced by captopril with positive patch test.,Severe cutaneous adverse reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 62-year-old Caucasian man with atrial fibrillation who was taking warfarin reported an episode of hematochezia; his international normalized ratio (INR) was 1.74.,Haematochezia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Warfarin-associated bleeding complication saved life.,Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Warfarin-associated bleeding generally is considered deleterious; however, in our patient it unmasked an early stage of colon cancer and thus may have saved the patient's life.",Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of polymyositis with dilated cardiomyopathy associated with interferon alpha treatment for hepatitis B.,Dilated Cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this case, interferon alpha induced polymyositis and cardiomyopathy is diagnosed in a 33-yr-old male patient with history of chronic hepatitis B.",CardioMyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Polymyositis is a rare complication of interferon alpha treatment as a result of immune-modulating role of the drug itself.,PolyMyositis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To treat hepatitis B, interferon alpha was administered until the proximal muscle weakness developed.",Muscular weakness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Aggressive endometrial carcinoma in a breast cancer patient treated with tamoxifen with normal transvaginal ultrasonography.,Endometrial cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since tamoxifen therapy can induce endometrial disorders, surveillance schemes of women taking tamoxifen have been recommended.",Endometrial cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We described a very atypical case of a high stage, high grade endometrial cancer associated with tamoxifen in a 64-year-old woman with a past history of breast cancer.",Endometrial cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Beginning ductopenia was present in two, suggesting that itraconazole might be responsible for the occurrence of prolonged drug-induced cholangiopathy.",Biliary tract disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Itraconazole-induced liver injury presents with a cholestatic pattern of injury with damage to the interlobular bile ducts, possibly leading to ductopenia.",Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatotoxicity related to itraconazole: report of three cases.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: Three patients with apparent itraconazole-induced liver injury were studied.,Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The occurrence of acute hepatitis is best known for ketoconazole.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report on three patients who developed acute liver damage during therapy with itraconazole, and in whom liver biopsy specimens were obtained.",Hepatocellular injury neonatal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We suggest that itraconazole should be added to the list of drugs that may be responsible for a drug-induced vanishing bile duct syndrome.,Vanishing bile duct syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"With itraconazole, hepatotoxic reactions have only very rarely been reported, and histologic data are lacking.",Hepatitis toxic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thrombotic stroke associated with the use of porcine factor VIII in a patient with acquired haemophilia.,Thrombotic Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We have recently encountered a patient with acquired haemophilia who developed a thrombotic left middle cerebral artery distribution stroke while being treated with pFVIII.,Thrombotic Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We speculate that platelet activation induced by pFVIII may have contributed to thrombosis and suggest that pFVIII be used with caution in elderly patients with pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors.,Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous sarcoidosis during interferon alfa and ribavirin treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: two cases.,Cutaneous Sarcoidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There have been more than 20 observations of the appearance or aggravation of this granulomatosis with interferon alfa and more recently with the combination of interferon alfa plus ribavirin.,Chronic granulomatous disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two new cases of sarcoidosis in two patients with hepatitis C virus infection treated with interferon alfa and ribavirin.,Sarcoidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Although mirtazapine offers clinicians a combination of strong efficacy and good safety, we suggest bearing SS in mind when prescribing this drug, especially in frail, elderly patients with underlying chronic conditions.",Systemic sclerosis pulmonary Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DISCUSSION: A review of the cases of SS with implication of mirtazapine as the cause was performed.,Systemic sclerosis pulmonary Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: To document a case of serotonin syndrome (SS) associated with mirtazapine monotherapy, review the previously reported cases of SS associated with this tetracyclic antidepressant, and discuss the possible pathogenic mechanisms leading to this serious adverse drug reaction.",Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe serotonin syndrome induced by mirtazapine monotherapy.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary toxicity secondary to procarbazine.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 64-year-old man presented with proteinuria during postoperative interferon (IFN)-beta therapy against malignant melanoma.,Proteinuria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Minimal change nephrotic syndrome developing during postoperative interferon-beta therapy for malignant melanoma.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,To our knowledge this is the first report that demonstrates histological abnormalities of the glomerulus associated with postoperative IFN-beta therapy for the malignant melanoma.,Glomerular vascular disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of the possible association of thrombocytopenia with lansoprazole and discontinue the drug if thrombocytopenia becomes apparent.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: After exclusion of other causes, the onset of thrombocytopenia after administration of lansoprazole, the resolution of the adverse reaction after discontinuation of the drug, and the fact that no other medicines were introduced during this time frame lead us to believe that this was most likely an idiosyncratic thrombocytopenic response to lansoprazole.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"He was started on oral lansoprazole 60 mg twice daily and, on hospital day 2, his platelet count decreased to 102 x 10(3)/mm(3); on hospital day 3, the platelet count was 36 x 10(3)/mm(3).",Platelet count decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lansoprazole-induced thrombocytopenia.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of thrombocytopenia associated with the administration of lansoprazole.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To date, this is the first reported case of what appears to be isolated thrombocytopenia associated with lansoprazole.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Life-threatening anaphylactoid reaction to amifostine used with concurrent chemoradiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer in a patient with dermatomyositis: a case report with literature review.,Anaphylactoid reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The most common side effects associated with amifostine are nausea, vomiting, hypotension, hypocalcemia and allergic reactions.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient suffered a life-threatening anaphylactoid reaction to amifostine.,Anaphylactoid reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Agranulocytosis during clozapine therapy.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Granulocytopenia and agranulocytosis are considered among the most dangerous adverse effects of clozapine.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The female patient received clozapine in a daily dose of 400 mg, which induced agranulocytosis after 2 months.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The male patient was treated with 225-mg/day clozapine and the time to the diagnosis of agranulocytosis was 6 weeks.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 53-year-old man developed NMS without rigidity while taking olanzapine.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Atypical neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with olanzapine.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE SUMMARY: We report the case of a 31-year-old patient hospitalized due to behavioral alterations and treated with oral zuclopenthixol, an antipsychotic from the thioxanthene family, who developed an acute, painful erection.",Painful erection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Priapism is an uncommon but potentially serious adverse effect of zuclopenthixol that practitioners, as with many other antipsychotics, should be aware of.",Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DISCUSSION: The occurrence of priapism in our patient was related to zuclopenthixol.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To present a single case of zuclopenthixol-induced priapism and a literature review.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Priapism associated with zuclopenthixol.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The capacity of zuclopenthixol to induce priapism is thought to be due to its antagonist activity on alpha-adrenergic receptors.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After identification of the index patient, additional inquiry revealed that the patient's mother was hospitalized previously for overwhelming sepsis associated with metamizole use.",Sepsis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Metamizole, a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent, is prohibited in the United States because of the risk of agranulocytosis but is widely used in Mexico and other countries.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Erythropoietin is beneficial in mitomycin-induced hemolytic-uremic syndrome.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who developed HUS after treatment with mitomycin C (total dose 144 mg/m2) due to a carcinoma of the ascending colon.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Levofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis in an elderly patient.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this case is the first published report of levofloxacin-induced TEN.",Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 31-year-old female developed multiple episodes of grand mal seizures after combination chemotherapy with cisplatin, vinblastine and bleomycin for germ cell ovarian cancer stage Ic.",Generalised tonic-clonic seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Posterior leukoencephalopathy following cisplatin, bleomycin and vinblastine therapy for germ cell tumor of the ovary.",Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After 5 days of treatment with IL-2, the patient developed a hemorrhagic lesion that progressed to toxic epidermal necrolysis, as well as grade 4 pancytopenia.",Hemorrhagic lesion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of cutaneous and hematologic toxicity in a patient treated with IL-2.,cutaneous and hematologic toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with interleukin-2.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A case of anaphylactoid reaction due solely to the use of Gelofusine in a patient with non-haemorrhagic hypovolaemia is presented, with a discussion on the management and the use of allergy identification jewellery.",Anaphylactoid reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gelofusine allergy--the need for identification jewellery.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors describe valproate-induced hyperammonemia and mental status changes in an 88-year-old man, the first known reported case in an elderly patient.",Hyperammonaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Valproate-induced hyperammonemia as a cause of altered mental status.,Altered state of consciousness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Leiomyosarcoma in urinary bladder after cyclophosphamide therapy for retinoblastoma and review of bladder sarcomas.,LeiomyosarComa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The epivodes of NMS occured under treatment with clozapine, risperidone, and amisulpride.",Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 73-year-old woman presented with fever and cough 2 weeks after completing the third cycle of fludarabine for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).,Cough Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fludarabine induced lung toxicity must be considered in all patients who develop unexplained lung disease while receiving fludarabine.,Lung disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Multiple pulmonary nodules: an unusual presentation of fludarabine pulmonary toxicity: case report and review of literature.,Milker's nodules Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case extends the spectrum of fludarabine pulmonary toxicity to include pulmonary nodules.,Milker's nodules Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, four cases of interstitial pneumonitis associated with fludarabine have been reported in medical literature.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Epoprostenol may be associated rarely with severe erythroderma.,Dermatitis exfoliative generalised Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe erythroderma as a complication of continuous epoprostenol therapy.,Dermatitis exfoliative generalised Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of a patient with pulmonary hypertension and undifferentiated connective tissue disease who, after 2 months of treatment with epoprostenol, presented with rapidly progressive erythema, scaling, nausea and vomiting, and fever.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 50-year-old diabetic and hypertensive male patient is reported who had ticlopidine-induced marrow aplasia partially responsive to colony-stimulating factors and corticosteroids, but experienced complete recovery with cyclosporine.",Febrile bone marrow aplasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There is no consensus on the treatment of ticlopidine-induced marrow aplasia.,Febrile bone marrow aplasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ticlopidine-induced marrow aplasia treated with cyclosporine.,Febrile bone marrow aplasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 53-year-old man developed lower leg edema 4 weeks after rosiglitazone was increased from 4 mg once/day to 4 mg twice/day.,OOedema peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 75-year-old man developed bilateral lower leg edema 6 months after switching from troglitazone to pioglitazone.,OOedema peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 77-year-old man developed ankle, hand, and facial swelling 2 weeks after starting rosiglitazone.",Peripheral swelling Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two cases of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia induced by the administration of verapamil against paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Verapamil is widely used for the termination of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) with little proarrhythmic effect.,Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe two cases of PSVT that changed to non-sustained polymorphic ventricular tachycardia after administration of verapamil.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Epsilon-aminocaproic acid and renal complications: case report and review of the literature.,Mydriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a neonate with a seizure disorder who acutely developed pupillary mydriasis secondary to lidocaine overdose.,Mydriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We suggest adding this side effect to the list of untoward effects of lidocaine and to the differential diagnosis of fixed dilated pupils in neonates treated with lidocaine.,Mydriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Myelodysplasia terminating in acute myeloid leukemia in a hairy cell leukemia patient treated with 2-deoxycoformycin.,Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To the best of our knowledge only two previous cases of AML have been linked to treatment of HCL with purine analogs, both with 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine.",Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral administration of low-dose vasopressin for septic shock should be discouraged because of the risk of ischemic skin complications.,Skin ischemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of severe skin necrosis resulting from peripheral intravenous administration of low-dose vasopressin in a patient with catecholamine-resistant septic shock.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Skin necrosis after extravasation of low-dose vasopressin administered for septic shock.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mitomycin-C induced hemolytic uremic syndrome: a case report.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mitomycin-C is used widely in the treatment of malignancies and is associated with serious dose related adverse effects including the occurrence of hemolytic uremic syndrome.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although vasculitis has been reported in the course of hairy cell leukaemia, it has only rarely been reported as the consequence of cladribine treatment.",Vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Systemic vasculitis complicating hairy cell leukaemia treatment with cladribine.,Vasculitis necrotising Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a 73-year-old woman who developed serious systemic vasculitis with associated thrombocytopenia in the course of treatment with cladribine.,Vasculitis necrotising Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug-induced mammary hyperplasias have been reported as rare complications of D-penicillamine and Neothetazone.,Breast hyperplasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gigantomastia induced by bucillamine.,Breast enlargement Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Retrospectively, bucillamine was believed to be the cause of the giant hypertrophy because of its structural similarity to D-penicillamine, which was the subject of an abundance of reports of mammary hyperplasia.",giant hypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report the first case of bucillamine-induced giant mammary hyperplasia.,Breast enlargement Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors describe three families in whom the occurrence of FVS in all the siblings strongly suggests hereditary susceptibility to valproic acid-induced adverse outcome.,Foetal anticonvulsant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The fetal valproate syndrome (FVS) is characterized by distinctive facial appearance, major and minor malformations, and developmental delay.",Developmental delay Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Valproate embryopathy in three sets of siblings: further proof of hereditary susceptibility.,Foetal anticonvulsant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Generalised pustular psoriasis induced by cyclosporin a withdrawal responding to the tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibitor etanercept.,Pustular Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a 50-year-old male patient with a 15-year history of psoriasis including mutilating psoriatic arthritis, in whom the withdrawal of cyclosporin A induced a generalised pustular exacerbation and a aggravation of the joint condition.",Arthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The first case concerns a 70-year-old man who developed severe aplastic anemia 7 weeks after treatment with 500 mg of ticlopidine daily.,Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The second was an 82-year-old man receiving ticlopidine for 2 years when, during a febrile episode, he was found neutropenic with marrow aplasia.",Bone marrow failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ticlopidine-induced aplastic anemia (TIAA) is considered very uncommon.,Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ticlopidine-induced aplastic anemia: two new case reports, review, and meta-analysis of 55 additional cases.",Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When the data of the 57 patients are evaluated, a reversible direct cytotoxic effect of ticlopidine on the pluripotent/bipotent hematopoietic progenitor stem cell is proposed.",Cell-mediated cytotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fixed drug eruption to rofecoxib.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Rofecoxib, used for dysmenorrhea, caused a herpetiform fixed drug eruption predominantly involving the lips with classic clinical and histological findings in a red-brown lesion on the dorsal hand.",Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient who had been treated with large doses of thyroid hormone for several years developed features of secondary hypothyroidism after thyroid hormone withdrawal.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: Gemcitabine has mild renal toxicity, but cases of gemcitabine-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) have been reported.",Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: There are only a few confirmed cases of gemcitabine-associated HUS despite the widespread use of the drug.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gemcitabine-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Mean time between initiation of gemcitabine therapy and onset of HUS was 7.4 +/- 3.5 months, or 21.9 +/- 10.9 doses of gemcitabine.",Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: A case is presented of a 45-year-old woman on prolonged gemcitabine treatment for ovarian cancer who developed HUS and recovered after drug discontinuation.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RESULTS: Including our own patient, a total of 26 cases of gemcitabine-associated HUS were identified.",Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An amiodarone optic neuropathy has been described.,Optic Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Biomicroscopy revealed amiodarone corneal deposits.,Corneal deposits Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE REPORT: Soon after initiation of amiodarone HCl (200 mg/day), a 76-year-old man came to us with symptoms of visual ""shining,"" glare, color vision anomalies, and gradually decreased vision.",Colour vision tests abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Visual changes secondary to initiation of amiodarone: a case report and review involving ocular management in cardiac polypharmacy.,Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"While both amiodarone and digoxin can cause permanent visual changes, the ocular effects are often reversible.",Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Infant twins sustained severe circumoral and pharyngeal burns from a concentrated solution of benzalkonium (Zephiran) chloride prescribed for treatment of candidiasis.,Airway burns Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Long-term treatment with rifabutin may have a reversible and previously undescribed side-effect on retinal function.,Retinal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a young boy with decreased vision possibly due to retinal damage by rifabutin.,Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Retinal dysfunction and anterior segment deposits in a patient treated with rifabutin.,Corneal deposits Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We suggest that objective evaluation of retinal function with electrophysiological methods should be performed in patients with visual disturbance during treatment with rifabutin.,Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A case is presented of a patient who experienced benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation of nefazodone, an antidepressant that inhibits the cytochrome P450 3A4 isoenzyme.",Drug Withdrawal syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of SIADH induced by mizoribin administration.,Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"ADH hypersecretion in relation to plasma osmolality was reversed by mizoribin withdrawal, suggesting that bredinin might adversely induce SIADH.",Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In summary, we report herein the first case of SIADH believed to be an adverse effect of mizoribin, which may therefore needed to be added to the list of drugs which can induce SIADH.",Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a 74-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who developed syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 1.5 months after commencement of mizoribin prescription when his arthritis was improved.,Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The disease-modifying drugs he was taking, cyclosporin and methotrexate, were stopped, and the lymphoma resolved spontaneously without the use of chemotherapy.",Lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute onset of nephrotic syndrome during interferon-alpha retreatment for chronic active hepatitis C.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We herein report this rare case of acute onset of nephrotic syndrome during interferon-alpha retreatment.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 21-year-old man with Tourette's syndrome, pedophilia, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis experienced seizures after receiving therapy with interferon beta-1a.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Seizures and extrapyramidal symptoms in a patient with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta-1a and clomipramine.",Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 68-year-old female patient with advanced ovarian carcinoma collapsed whilst receiving a carboplatin and cyclophosphamide infusion.,Circulatory collapse Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carboplatin hypersensitivity presenting as coronary vasospasm - a case report.,Arteriospasm coronary Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hypersensitivity to carboplatin is a rare but real complication of therapy and should be considered in patients presenting with hyperacute changes on ECG whilst receiving carboplatin therapy.,Electrocardiogram abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 60-year-old white man with chronic bronchitis was noted to develop acute respiratory failure and metabolic acidosis four days after being started on methazolamide (Neptazane) for an ophthalmologic problem.,Acute Respiratory failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Capecitabine was discontinued and the allergic reactions resolved after the woman took diphenhydramine for 1 week.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The use of fluorouracil treatment with careful monitoring can be considered in a patient with mild allergic reactions to capecitabine.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fluorouracil for allergic reactions to capecitabine.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"It was postulated that the allergic reaction was most likely caused by capecitabine or the intermediate metabolites based on the immediate reappearance of symptoms from the rechallenge, pharmacokinetic data, and well-tolerance of fluorouracil.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report the safe use of fluorouracil in a patient with breast cancer who had allergic reactions to capecitabine.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"She developed a generalized rash and itching, sore throat, and dizziness approximately 4 hours after the first dose of capecitabine.",Dizziness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After five and six weeks of continuous oral administration of methylprednisolone, the boys developed steroid diabetes.",Steroid Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reduction of methylprednisolone dosage rather than insulin therapy resulted in better control of glycemia.,Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Contrary to previous recommendations, our experience cautions against the further use of high-dose cytarabine in patients who develop PPE, and is a timely reminder of the potential toxicity of this agent, which is now increasingly being used as first-line treatment in the management of haematologic malignancies.",Palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It has been suggested that PPE caused by cytarabine does not recur with subsequent cytarabine re-challenge.,Palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Recurrent palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia following high-dose cytarabine treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.,Palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a patient with recurrent, increasingly severe episodes of PPE, ultimately complicated by a severe bullous eruption, following successive cycles of high-dose cytarabine for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.",Dermatitis bullous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Atypical endometriosis may act as a precancerous lesion in the process of tamoxifen-induced malignant transformation of endometriosis.,Endometriosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer arising from an endometriotic cyst in a postmenopausal woman under tamoxifen therapy is rare.,Ovarian cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Tamoxifen may cause malignant transformation of endometriosis through atypical endometriosis even in the postmenopausal state.,Endometriosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma arising from an endometriotic cyst in a postmenopausal woman under tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer: a case report.,Ovarian endometrioid carcinoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Clinical, spectroscopic, and imaging abnormalities resolved with discontinuation of metronidazole.",Investigation abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Proton MRS examination demonstrated a persistent lactate elevation during metronidazole treatment.,Lactic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,After nine previous uncomplicated cycles she developed severe anaphylaxis to cisplatin.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylaxis to cisplatin following nine previous uncomplicated cycles.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylaxis to cisplatin is an infrequent life-threatening complication which may occur even in patients who have received prior treatment with cisplatin.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although isradipine has been associated with hepatocellular injury, there are no reports of fulminant liver failure with this agent, and our patient had been treated for >2 years without signs of toxicity.",Hepatocellular injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A second possibility is an interaction between clarithromycin and isradipine, potentially increasing the hepatic toxicity of isradipine.",Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE SUMMARY: A 58-year-old white woman developed fulminant liver failure while being treated with the macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin for pneumonia.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Clarithromycin may be a cause of fulminant liver failure either alone or by inhibiting the metabolism of other drugs.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fulminant liver failure associated with clarithromycin.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a patient developing fulminant liver failure while being treated with clarithromycin for pneumonia.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The most likely cause of liver failure in this patient was, therefore, clarithromycin, which undergoes hepatic metabolism and has been reported to cause fulminant hepatic failure.",Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A paradoxical ocular effect of brimonidine.,Ocular vascular disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Under certain circumstances topical brimonidine can cause paradoxical raised IOP necessitating vigilance in follow-up of patients on topical brimonidine.,Ocular hyperaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: We report an unusual paradoxical effect of brimonidine.,Paradoxical drug reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RESULTS: Brimonidine was observed to cause IOP elevation, confirmed on rechallenge, scoring 8 (strong probability) on an adverse drug reaction probability score.",Intraocular pressure increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although gabapentin withdrawal has been previously reported and usually consists of anxiety, diaphoresis, and palpitations, this is the first reported patient with generalized seizures and status epilepticus secondary to gabapentin withdrawal.",Anxiety Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gabapentin withdrawal presenting as status epilepticus.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although visual hallucinations have not been reported as an adverse effect of this agent, we describe three patients who experienced complex visual hallucinations and altered mental status after zonisamide treatment was begun or its dosage increased.","Hallucination, visual" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Visual hallucinations associated with zonisamide.,Visual Hallucination Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Doxycycline-induced hypoglycemia in a nondiabetic young man.,Hypoglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first case of doxycycline-induced hypoglycemia in a young nondiabetic man.,Hypoglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"For patients who suffer from osteogenic sarcoma and have anaphylactic reactions to MTX, this desensitization protocol will allow these patients to continue with needed therapeutic or palliative chemotherapy.",Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"He had an immediate hypersensitivity reaction during the initiation of the MTX infusion with diffuse urticaria, facial swelling, cough, and chest tightness.",Chest discomfort Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,He was later skin tested to confirm allergy to MTX.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Successful desensitization to high-dose methotrexate after systemic anaphylaxis.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The successful development and implementation of this protocol will have impact on patients who have anaphylactic reactions to MTX but require this medication for specific diseases.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report a case of Balint syndrome with irreversible posterior leukoencephalopathy on MRI following intrathecal methotrexate and cytarabine.,Balint syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a unique case of GTBM in a patient with myeloma following treatment with Melphalan.,Plasma cell myeloma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patients with lymphoblastic lymphoma who had treatment with L-asparaginase and steroid are predisposed to the development of cortical venous thrombosis and may have this syndrome in addition to a dural puncture headache.,Cerebral venous Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Interstitial pneumonitis associated with sirolimus: a dilemma for lung transplantation.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Rapamycin/sirolimus-induced pneumonitis has been described previously in renal transplant recipients, and this report describes a stable heart-lung transplant recipient who developed a pulmonary infiltrate that reversed after ceasing SR therapy.",Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 16-year-old boy developed fever, generalized rigidity, leukocytosis, and increased serum transaminase and creatine kinase levels while receiving treatment with olanzapine and lithium.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Concomitant administration of lithium with olanzapine may place patients at risk for NMS.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in an adolescent receiving olanzapine-lithium combination therapy.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Both 6-MP and AZA are widely used and are known to cause hepatotoxicity in a proportion of patients.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatotoxicity associated with 6-thioguanine therapy for Crohn's disease.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case highlights the need to monitor liver enzymes in patients treated with 6-TG and identifies the need for additional research focused on the mechanism of thiopurine-induced hepatic injury.,Drug-induced Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We believe the temporal association of the abnormal liver enzymes in this patient, in the absence of other offending agents, argues strongly in favor of 6-TG as a cause of liver enzyme abnormalities.",Liver function test abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of significant elevation of serum transaminases in a patient treated with 6-TG for a flare of Crohn's disease.,Transaminases increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Early peritoneal dialysis has not previously been reported for lisinopril induced multiorgan failure.,Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We observed transient panhypogammaglobulinaemia in a patient with neuropsychiatric SLE after treatment with prednisolone and cyclophosphamide.,Hypogammaglobulinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fulminant hepatic failure developed in a 24-year-old black woman who had been treated with propylthiouracil and propranolol for hyperthyroidism.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fulminant hepatitis and lymphocyte sensitization due to propylthiouracil.,Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These observations indicate that submassive hepatic necrosis may result from treatment with propylthiouracil and are consistent with the notion that sensitization mechanisms may be responsible for the hepatic injury induced by this drug.,Drug-induced Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The diagnosis of hypothermia was delayed until it was apparent for several days but resolved with the discontinuation of risperidone and continuation of clozapine.,Hypothermia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This is a case report of subtle, mild hypothermia in a 54-year old female patient receiving risperidone for schizophrenia.",Hypothermia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Akathisia is a relatively rare side effect with the newer atypical antipsychotic agents, particularly clozapine, and is easily misdiagnosed in children.",Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clozapine-induced akathisia in children with schizophrenia.,Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two cases of childhood-onset schizophrenia associated with clozapine-induced akathisia responsive to beta-blocker treatment are described.,Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,After reviewing the literature we suggest the CPM was a complication of lithium toxicity which affected the lateral geniculate nucleus which produced blindness.,Blindness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Central pontine myelinolysis manifested by temporary blindness: a possible complication of lithium toxicity.,Osmotic demyelination syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Antithyroid treatment with propylthiouracil (PTU) resulted in elevated hepatic enzymes and after the 12th week of pregnancy treatment was changed to carbimazole (CBZ).,Hepatic enzyme increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Successful treatment with carbimazole of a hyperthyroid pregnancy with hepatic impairment after propylthiouracil administration: a case report.,Hepatic function abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) may precipitate or exacerbate the occurrence of MPGN.,Hepatic function abnormalImmune-complex membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Minimal change disease in a patient receiving IFN-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus infection.,Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 58-yr-old male patient with essential thrombocythaemia (ET) developed chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) after continuous uneventful treatment with hydroxyurea for 18 yr.,Chronic myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Emergence of Philadelphia positive chronic myeloid leukaemia during treatment with hydroxyurea for Philadelphia negative essential thrombocythaemia.,Philadelphia positive Chronic myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There are no previous reports in the literature about the emergence of CML during treatment with hydroxyurea.,Chronic myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 72-year-old woman with a history of thyrotoxicosis presented with sore throat and fever two weeks after starting carbimazole.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Treatment of carbimazole-induced agranulocytosis and sepsis with granulocyte colony stimulating factor.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present the management of agranulocytosis and neutropenic sepsis secondary to carbimazole with recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF).,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Comeoscleral perforation after pterygium excision and intraoperative mitomycin C.,Corneal perforation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To the best of our knowledge, corneoscleral melting in the first postoperative week after a single intraoperative application of mitomycin C has not been reported.",Corneal perforation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 71-year-old man, who had a history of a previous bullous drug reaction to a sulfonamide, began receiving an ophthalmic preparation that contained sulfacetamide sodium.",Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient received only the ophthalmic sulfonamide, and it was used for one day, but he developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome.",Stevens-Johnson syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The sulfonamides are the best verified drug-trigger for erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.,Erythema multiforme Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus secondary to lithium therapy and was treated successfully with amiloride.",Diabetes insipidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Treatment of lithium-induced diabetes insipidus with amiloride.,Diabetes insipidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Systemic capillary leak syndrome after granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF).,Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor level increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present two cases in which both patients suffered with CLS, which we believe was caused following administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, to our knowledge not described in the intensive care patient previously.",Kawasaki's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"FK506, which began to be administered 12 days earlier, rose to a level of 44 ng/mL (normal range, 10-20 ng/mL) 1 day before neurologic abnormalities began.",Immune-mediated neurological disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rapid identification of speech loss linked to FK506 may be important because reduction or cessation of the drug may be associated with reverse of speech loss.,Aphasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Tacrolimus (FK506), an immunosuppressant, has been associated with mutism in adults after liver transplant.",Mutism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tacrolimus (FK506)-induced mutism after liver transplant.,Mutism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Does the use of insulin in a patient with liver dysfunction increase water retention in the body, i.e. cause insulin oedema?",OOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Soon after introduction of insulin therapy, she developed severe anasarca, including marked peripheral oedema, ascites and pleural effusion.",Ascites Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The induced hyperglycaemia could not be controlled sufficiently, despite a high dose of insulin (> 110 units/day), suggesting the existence of insulin insensitivity and hyperinsulinaemia.",Hyperinsulinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Intrathecal methotrexate-induced acute cerebellar syndrome.,Cerebellar syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who developed acute cerebellar syndrome after prophylactic intrathecal methotrexate administration and recovered spontaneously.,Cerebellar syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia following doxycycline administration.,Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of AILD in an 80-year-old male who presented with a generalized pruritic maculopapular eruption and fever following doxycycline administration.,Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylaxis from isoniazid is a possible side effect to this commonly prescribed antibiotic.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Isoniazid-induced anaphylaxis.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A case is reported in which severe hypocalcemia, with a low plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentration, resulted from the therapeutic use of magnesium sulfate for toxemia of pregnancy.",Hypoparathyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carbamazepine-related hyponatremia following cardiopulmonary bypass.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We discuss the association between carbamazepine and hyponatremia and the causes of hyponatremia after cardiopulmonary bypass.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After 5-ASA was discontinued, the polyneuropathy symptoms recovered gradually.",PolyNeuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sensorimotor polyneuropathy with 5-aminosalicylic acid: a case report.,Peripheral sensorimotor Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This clinical course suggests that the sensorimotor polyneuropathy may have been caused by 5-ASA.,Peripheral sensorimotor Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When SASP was changed to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), his skin eruptions were resolved, however, he developed weakness and atrophy in his right arm as well as progressive worsening of the dysesthesia in his legs and gait disturbance.",Atrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Disseminated cellulitic cryptococcosis in the setting of prednisone monotherapy for pemphigus vulgaris.,Cryptococcosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In both cases, high fever, skin rash, liver dysfunction and atypical lymphocytosis developed 3 weeks after initiating treatment with SASP.",Lymphocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Slow acetylator genotypes as a possible risk factor for infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome induced by salazosulfapyridine.,Infectious mononucleosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two patients with infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome induced by salazosulfapyridine (SASP).,Infectious mononucleosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 45-year-old woman with steroid-dependent Crohn's colitis, successfully managed with maintenance infliximab infusions and methotrexate, developed a lupus-like syndrome eight months after her initial infusion.",Lupus-like syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A lupus-like syndrome associated with infliximab therapy.,Lupus-like syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Infliximab therapy may cause a lupus-like syndrome that is reversible upon discontinuing this agent.,Lupus-like syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report in detail an unusual adverse reaction to infliximab therapy, a drug-induced lupus-like clinical syndrome.",Lupus-like syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), hepatitis C, and interferon alpha (IFNalpha) have all been associated with renal dysfunction.",Renal tubular dysfunction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Despite the underlying hepatitis C, this case represents renal abnormalities consistent with IFNalpha therapy for CML.",Renal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Interferon-alpha-induced focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in chronic myelogenous leukemia: a case report and review of the literature.,Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The renal biopsy showed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, which has only been previously reported in two cases of CML treated with IFNalpha.",Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia following rituximab therapy in a patient with a lymphoproliferative disorder.,Autoimmune haemolytic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The pathophysiological mechanisms remain unknown, although the drug could act through massive cytokines liberation after destruction of CD20 positive cells by rituximab.",B-cell depletion therapy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the first case, to our knowledge, of rituximab-related autoimmune hemolytic anemia.",Autoimmune haemolytic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Early-onset acute transverse myelitis following hepatitis B vaccination and respiratory infection: case report.,Myelitis transverse Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this paper, we report a case of 3 years-old boy who developed acute onset tetraparesia following a viral respiratory infecction and hepatitis B vaccination.",Quadriparesis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although it would be expected that, like other type IA toxicities, diphenhydramine-induced cardiotoxicity could be responsive to hypertonic sodium bicarbonate, this finding is largely unappreciated.",Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diphenhydramine-induced wide complex dysrhythmia responds to treatment with sodium bicarbonate.,Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, because diphenhydramine also exhibits type IA sodium channel blockade, cardiac toxicity is also possible.",Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe 3 cases of diphenhydramine-induced cardiac toxicity that were responsive to bicarbonate.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient with extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma who developed systemic candidiasis after treatment with a cyclophosphamide-based chemotherapy regimen.,Systemic candida Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Stevens-Johnson syndrome in a boy with nephrotic syndrome during prednisolone therapy.,Stevens-Johnson syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of SJS in a 14-year-old male with nephrotic syndrome, who was treated with oral prednisolone for 6 weeks.",SJS-Toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 25-year-old man with a history of mid-borderline (BB) Hansen's disease developing a reversal reaction after starting dapsone and rifampin therapy is presented.,Leprosy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, in order to avoid neuropathic side effects, patients under thalidomide therapy should be monitored every 6 months with nerve conduction studies while taking the drug.",Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After a two-month interruption of interferon administration, natural interferon alpha was given but followed by another episode of the same neurological manifestations.",Diabetic Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Case 1, a 62-year-old woman, developed bilateral optic neuritis with decreased sensation of vibration and increased deep tendon reflex in the lower extremities after a seven-month use of recombinant interferon alpha-2a for chronic active hepatitis C.",Optic neuritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Case 2, a 29-year-old woman, developed bilateral optic neuritis combined with numbness of the lower extremities as well as bowel and bladder dysfunction after a 22-month use of recombinant interferon alpha-2b for chronic myelogenous leukemia.",Optic neuritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Optic neuritis in combination with other neurological signs, simulating multiple sclerosis, should be included in the list of adverse effects of recombinant and natural interferon alpha administration.",Neurological symptom Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Multiple sclerosis-like disease secondary to alpha interferon.,Autoimmune demyelinating disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To describe bilateral optic neuritis that occurred as an adverse effect of recombinant and natural interferon alpha administration.,Optic neuritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute abdomen due to endometriosis in a premenopausal woman taking tamoxifen.,Acute abdomen Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a premenopausal woman who, while having tamoxifen due to a diagnosis of in situ ductal carcinoma, developed endometriosis requiring surgery.",Endometriosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case report of fatal dapsone-induced agranulocytosis in an Indian mid-borderline leprosy patient.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Fatal agranulocytosis in an Indian male receiving 100mg of dapsone daily, hospitalized for mid-borderline leprosy in type I reaction with triple nerve paralysis is reported.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Various case reports concerning dapsone-induced agranulocytosis are reviewed.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Massive pulmonary embolism due to late-onset heparin-induced thrombocytopenia following coronary artery bypass graft surgery: successful treatment with lepirudin.,Pulmonary embolism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Most cardiac surgical patients have had previous exposure to heparin for diagnostic or therapeutic interventions and hence have an increased susceptibility to developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) postoperatively.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute psychosis associated with levetiracetam.,Acute Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A twelve year-old-girl with idiopathic partial epilepsy with secondary generalization, developed acute psychosis 10 days after the administration of levetiracetam.",Acute Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The psychotic behavior resolved completely soon after the discontinuation of levetiracetam.,Psychotic behaviour Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASES: ""A"" was an 8-year-old boy with attention deficit and chronic tic disorder who developed obsessive-compulsive symptoms within 2 weeks of starting risperidone.",Obsessive-compulsive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Obsessive-compulsive symptoms suddenly emerged 10 days after starting risperidone and resolved within 3 days of discontinuation.,Obsessive-compulsive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Risperidone-induced obsessive-compulsive symptoms in two children.,Obsessive-compulsive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Proliferation of abnormal bone marrow histiocytes, an undesired effect of granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor therapy in a patient with Hurler's syndrome undergoing bone marrow transplantation.",Histiocytic sarComa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Possible heart failure exacerbation associated with rosiglitazone: case report and literature review.,Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Enoxaparin-induced generalized exanthem.,Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Only one case of a generalized maculopapular rash with enoxaparin has been reported in Europe.,Rash maculo-papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this is the first case reported in the English literature of a generalized exanthem due to subcutaneous injection of enoxaparin.",Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Behavioral side effects associated with clonazepam may include agitation, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, property destruction, and temper tantrums.",Aggression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This report describes an individual with mental retardation who experienced behavioral exacerbation associated with clonazepam prescribed at 2 mg/day (0.02 mg/kg/day) to treat aggression, self-injurious behavior, property destruction, and screaming, which was measured with a 15-minute partial interval recording measurement method.",Neuropsychological symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cefuroxime-induced immune hemolysis.,Warm autoimmune haemolytic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first case of IHA associated with cefuroxime administration.,Autoimmune haemolytic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After 39 hours on argatroban, the infusion was stopped when minor bleeding was observed with a concurrent activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) of 100 seconds.",Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Argatroban for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in hepato-renal failure and CVVHD.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Argatroban is hepatically cleared and may be the preferred direct thrombin inhibitor in the presence of significant renal impairment, but conversely has prolonged effects in hepatic failure.",Hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of significant hepatic and renal failure with the use of argatroban in a patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) requiring continuous veno-veno hemodialysis (CVVHD).,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Schneiderian first-rank symptoms associated with fluvoxamine treatment: a case report.,"Hallucination, auditory" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient, a 28-year-old man suffering from panic disorder, developed several first-rank symptoms during fluvoxamine administration.","Hallucination, auditory" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This communication describes a patient who developed Schneiderian first-rank symptoms in the course of treatment with fluvoxamine.,"Hallucination, auditory" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This finding suggests that fluvoxamine can precipitate Schneiderian first-rank symptoms in some susceptible patients.,"Hallucination, auditory" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a surprising case of a woman schizophrenic patient treated with clozapine suffering from EPS.,Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hyperpigmentation during interferon-alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus infection.,HyperPigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These skin lesions may be induced or worsened during antiviral therapy with interferon-alpha (IFN).,Yaws of skin Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe two dark-skinned patients who developed hyperpigmented skin and tongue lesions during combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin.,Skin hyperPigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It is concluded that simultaneous administration of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam/piperacillin may cause marked thrombocytosis.,Thrombocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since the thrombocyte count started to increase immediately after initiation and dropped immediately after discontinuation of ciprofloxacin and tazobactam/piperacillin and all other drugs were discontinued already before or were started after the nadir of the thrombocyte count, these two antibiotics were regarded causative.",Thrombocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thrombocytosis under ciprofloxacin and tazobactam/piperacillin.,Thrombocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylaxis after the injection of chymopapain occurs in about 1% of such cases.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Both patients suddenly became hypotensive after injection of chymopapain into a disk.,Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lethargy in a newborn: lithium toxicity or lab error?,Lethargy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The newborn manifested a four day course of lethargy with unexplained high lithium levels in the adult toxic range.,Lethargy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 14-year-old female developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms, rash, fever, leukopenia and positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) two weeks after administration of carbamazepine (CBZ; Tegretol) used against benign Rolandic epilepsy.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carbamazepine-induced systemic lupus erythematosus-like disease.,Lupus-like syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The cases of CBZ-induced SLE reported in the literature were reviewed.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After four months, while receiving RH, he developed painful bilateral gynaecomastia.",GynaeComastia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gynaecomastia is a rarely reported adverse drug reaction due to isoniazid therapy.,GynaeComastia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Isoniazid associated, painful, bilateral gynaecomastia.",GynaeComastia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A patient suffering from heparin-associated thrombocytopenia (HAT), recurrent arteriothromboses, and acute renal failure after treatment with standard heparin is described.",Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"By means of the in vitro heparin-induced platelet activation (HIPA) assay it was shown that standard heparin and the LMW heparins Fragmin and Fraxiparin (Sanofi Labaz, Munich, FRG), as well as the enoxaparine Clexane (Nattermann, Cologne, FRG), all induced platelet activation with the patient's serum.",Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia test Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia: successful therapy with the heparinoid Org 10172 in a patient showing cross-reaction to LMW heparins.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hemodynamic collapse following labetalol administration in preeclampsia.,Shock Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A patient with Parkinson's disease, initially treated with bromocriptine and subsequently with cabergoline, developed progressive pleuropulmonary abnormalities during the latter therapy.",Lung disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Pleuropulmonary changes during treatment of Parkinson's disease with a long-acting ergot derivative, cabergoline.",Lung disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thus cabergoline may cause similar pleuropulmonary abnormalities to bromocriptine.,Lung disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute myopathy with selective degeneration of myosin filaments following status asthmaticus treated with methylprednisolone and vecuronium.,Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Flaccid quadriparesis was noted after discontinuation of vecuronium.,Quadriparesis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This entity is probably related to a combination of high doses of corticosteroids, vecuronium administration and metabolic abnormalities associated with respiratory failure.",Respiratory failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A patient with ulcerative colitis developed skin pigmentation and diffuse pulmonary shadowing without respiratory symptomatology, while taking sulfasalazine.",Lung infiltration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary infiltrates and skin pigmentation associated with sulfasalazine.,Lung infiltration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Sulfasalazine-induced lung disorder is an extremely rare entity which must be considered in all ulcerative colitis patients while on sulfasalazine therapy, despite the absence of pulmonary symptomatology.",Lung disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although an association between exposure to bleomycin and the development of scleroderma has been suspected, few cases are reported.",Scleroderma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Our series of 3 patients supports a causal connection between bleomycin and scleroderma.,Scleroderma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Scleroderma in association with the use of bleomycin: a report of 3 cases.,Scleroderma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the development of cutaneous scleroderma in 3 patients coincident with the use of bleomycin in low cumulative doses of less than 100 U.,Scleroderma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient presented with dilated cardiomyopathy after many years of overusing an adrenaline inhaler.,Dilated Cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dilated cardiomyopathy associated with chronic overuse of an adrenaline inhaler.,Dilated Cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 21-year-old woman suffering from bipolar affective disorder developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with characteristic laboratory findings, 18 months after starting carbamazepine maintenance treatment.",Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although both the spontaneous occurrence of SLE and the psychosis as a sign of CNS involvement of SLE cannot be excluded, SLE could be considered as an adverse effect of carbamazepine.",Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carbamazepine-induced systemic lupus erythematosus.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,SLE receded after withdrawal of carbamazepine and treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of acne fulminans occurring during treatment with 13-cis-retinoic acid for cystic acne.,Acne fulminans Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carbamyl phosphate synthetase-1 deficiency discovered after valproic acid-induced coma.,Coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Valproic acid induced coma is presented in an adult patient without a history of metabolic disease.,Coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Asterixis induced by carbamazepine therapy.,Asterixis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this report we present four patients treated with a combination of different psychotropic drugs, in whom asterixis was triggered either by adding carbamazepine (CBZ) to a treatment regimen, or by increasing its dosage.",Asterixis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We consider asterixis to be an easily overlooked sign of neurotoxicity, which may occur even at low or moderate dosage levels, if certain drugs as lithium or clozapine are used in combination with CBZ.",Asterixis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Encephalopathy and seizures induced by intravesical alum irrigations.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hemorrhagic cystitis is a significant toxic effect of cyclophosphamide therapy.,Cystitis haemorrhagic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Seizure with hyponatremia in a child prescribed desmopressin for nocturnal enuresis.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of hyponatremia associated with a grand mal seizure in a 28 month-old child after intra-nasal desmopressin administration for high fluid intake with nocturnal enuresis.,Generalised tonic-clonic seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case report describes a 38-year-old male in whom SIADH was strongly suspected secondary to Tegretol therapy to control a seizure disorder.,Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Gestational diabetes was no less severe (degree of hyperglycaemia, need for insulin therapy) when associated with norethisterone.",Gestational Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, follow-up revealed that gestational diabetes when associated with norethisterone had a lesser risk of emerging diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance.",Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In a single practice during the 21 years 1971-1991, the incidence of gestational diabetes in pregnancies in which norethisterone was prescribed was 32.4% (22 of 69) in comparison with 7.1% in pregnancies in which the women did not take norethisterone (137 of 1,684) (p < 0.001).",Gestational Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Masculinization of a female fetus occurred in 5 of 39 (12.8%) exposed to norethisterone; all were cases of clitoral hypertrophy not requiring surgical treatment.,Hypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Norethisterone in these 69 pregnancies accounted for 33.3% (5 of 15) cases of clitoral hypertrophy diagnosed in 100,756 consecutive births.",Hypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An adverse reaction to IFN was strongly suspected as the cause of CHF.,Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Multiple myeloma complicated by congestive heart failure following first administration of recombinant alpha-interferon.,Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Sixteen hours after the first administration of IFN, IFN was suspended by the symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF).",Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis mimicking cutaneous vasculitis in a lupus patient: a complication of cyclophosphamide.,Hidradenitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of NEH masquerading as cutaneous vasculitis in a woman receiving cyclophosphamide for lupus nephritis.,Hidradenitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Generalised cutaneous rash associated with ganciclovir therapy has rarely been reported in literature.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Skin rash and splinter hemorrhages from ganciclovir.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Can roxithromycin and betamethasone induce acute pancreatitis? A case report.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE REPORT: We report the case of a 58 year old patient who, after 2 days of treatment with roxithromycin and betamethasone, manifested acute pancreatitis.",Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Renal tubular acidosis secondary to FK506 in living donor liver transplantation: a case report.,Renal tubular acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RTA is one type of nephrotoxicity induced by FK506, and it is reversible in mild cases when appropriately treated.",Nephropathy toxic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Surgeons and physicians should therefore be aware of the potential for RTA to occur with FK506 after any organ transplantation.,Renal tubular acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The mechanism of RTA induced by FK506 has not yet been clearly elucidated.,Renal tubular acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The treatment for acidosis and hyperkalaemia should be started as soon as RTA is diagnosed, and the dosage of FK506 should also be reduced if possible.",Renal tubular acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of RTA secondary to FK506 administration in liver transplantation.,Renal tubular acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 74-year-old patient with idiopathic Parkinson's disease was evaluated for unintended sleep episodes that occurred after long-term treatment with 400 mg/day of L-dopa.,Somnolence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,L-DOPA-induced excessive daytime sleepiness in PD: a placebo-controlled case with MSLT assessment.,Somnolence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors' results suggest that L-dopa may cause daytime somnolence in some patients with Parkinson's disease.,Somnolence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neurotoxicity of intrathecal methotrexate: MR imaging findings.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We attribute the clinical and radiographic findings to cytotoxic edema secondary to intrathecal methotrexate.,Cytotoxic oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of intrathecal methotrexate neurotoxicity manifesting as left arm weakness and aphasia.,Aphasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this article lithium is not discussed, although there are a number of concerns about lithium's potential teratogenicity, and it has been implicated in Epstein's anomaly, a congenital heart defect among infants born to women taking lithium; as with other medications, however, the data have specific limitations.",Ebstein's anomaly Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a case of a 20-year-old woman who ingested 900 mg of glyburide causing refractory hypoglycemia resistant to treatment with intravenous dextrose, glucagon, and diazoxide.",Hypoglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ocular ethambutol toxicity.,Optic Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The most commonly recognized toxic effect of ethambutol is optic neuropathy, which generally is considered uncommon and reversible in medical literature.",Optic Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case and a review of the literature show the severe and unpredictable nature of ethambutol toxicity and its potential for irreversible vision loss despite careful ophthalmologic monitoring.,Optic Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a 43-year-old man who developed signs and symptoms of bilateral optic neuropathy during treatment with ethambutol.,Optic Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The case history and toxicological findings of an infant fatality involving pseudoephedrine, brompheniramine, and dextromethorphan are presented.",Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Early overanticoagulation with acenocoumarol due to a genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P450 CYP2C9.,Coagulation time prolonged Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a young healthy woman who presented an early overanticoagulation when receiving acenocoumarol for a first thromboembolic episode.,Coagulation time prolonged Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Colchicine-induced myopathy in a teenager with familial Mediterranean fever.,Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Colchicine-induced myopathy should be excluded in patients with FMF who present with generalized muscle weakness.,Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: Colchicine, the most important drug in treatment of FMF, can cause myopathy in patients with impaired renal and hepatic function.",Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In our patient, an objective causality scale showed that therapeutic doses of colchicine for FMF were the definite cause of myopathy, even though his renal and hepatic function were normal.",Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of colchicine-induced myopathy in a teenager with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF).,Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Angioedema and dysphagia caused by contact allergy to inhaled budesonide.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a 43-year-old woman who developed sore throat, swelling of the lips and oral cavity and dysphagia, 2 weeks after the use of budesonide spray (Budefat) for treatment of bronchial asthma.",Dysphagia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Infectious toxicity of dexamethasone during all remission-induction chemotherapy: report of two cases and literature review.,Infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the infectious toxicities experienced by the first two patients in our institution treated with dexamethasone (10 mg/m(2)/day for 4 weeks with gradual tapering) during induction according to the dexamethasone arm of BFM 2000 and review the relevant literature that suggests an increased risk of infectious complications with dexamethasone.,Infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who developed NEH on three separate occasions provoked by two different chemotherapeutic agents--cytarabine and mitoxantrone.,Hidradenitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A diagnosis of infliximab-induced lupus was made and the drug treatment was withdrawn.,Systemic lupus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Infliximab-induced lupus in Crohn's disease: a case report.,Systemic lupus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This is the first case, to our knowledge, of onset of prolonged infliximab-induced lupus.",Systemic lupus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Treatment with infliximab is known to produce an increase of autoantibodies (antinuclear antibodies, anti-double-stranded DNA), but not clinical disease.",Double stranded DNA antibody Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe Raynaud's phenomenon with yohimbine therapy for erectile dysfunction.,Raynaud's phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a patient with CREST syndrome (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia) who paradoxically experienced worsening of Raynaud's phenomenon when using yohimbine for ED.",Raynaud's phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After initiation of topical vitamin D3 ointment (20 micro g/g of tacalcitol) 10 g/day for the skin lesions, both the serum level of calcium and urinary excretion of calcium increased gradually.",Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Iatrogenic hypercalcemia due to vitamin D3 ointment (1,24(OH)2D3) combined with thiazide diuretics in a case of psoriasis.",Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The present case is the first report of hypercalcemia induced by vitamin D3 ointment and thiazide simultaneously.,Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We experienced a male patient with psoriasis and hypertension whose conditions were treated with tacalcitol ointment and thiazide, respectively, resulting in hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia.",Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,2-CdA typically causes a long-lasting state of immunodeficiency and the profound influence of this drug on the immune system has raised questions concerning the emergence of secondary neoplasms after its use.,Immunodeficiency Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,2-Chloro-deoxyadenosine induces durable complete remission in Castleman's disease but may accelerate its transformation to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.,Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that: 1) 2-CdA can induce durable complete remission in MCD patients but unfortunately it cannot cure the disease; 2) the possibility that 2-CdA may accelerate the transformation of MCD to NHL cannot be ruled out.",Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since this amount of FAB was insufficient to bind all DGTX present in the serum, cardiac DGTX toxicity (total AV-block) persisted.",Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,All patients had taken phenytoin for variable time periods (range 16-80 days; mean: 40) and were on the medication when the skin lesions first appeared.,Yaws of skin Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy: a report of three patients and review of the literature.,Erythema multiforme Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In conclusion, RSDS is a relevant osteoarticular complication in patients receiving either anticalcineurinic drug (CyA or tacrolimus), even under monotherapy or with a low steroid dose.",Complex regional pain syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome in renal transplanted patients under immunosuppression with tacrolimus.,Complex regional pain syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We now present four cases of RSDS in kidney transplant recipients treated with tacrolimus.,Complex regional pain syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Topiramate may be associated with ciliochoroidal effusion with forward displacement of the lens-iris diaphragm and anterior chamber shallowing, resulting in acute myopia and angle-closure glaucoma.",Acute myopia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mechanism of topiramate-induced acute-onset myopia and angle closure glaucoma.,Acute myopia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"METHODS: In an institutional practice setting, two women, aged 25 and 45, developed acute myopia after starting topiramate for epilepsy.",Acute myopia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Doxycycline-induced photo-onycholysis.,Photoonycholysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of photo-onycholysis in a patient treated with doxycycline for acne vulgaris.,Photoonycholysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A new type of minocycline-induced cutaneous hyperpigmentation.,Skin hyperPigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This fourth type of cutaneous minocycline hyperpigmentation may be a variant of Type I, but based on clinical, pathological and microanalytical differences, appears to be a new entity.",Skin hyperPigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Three distinct types of minocycline-induced cutaneous pigmentation have been described.,Skin hyperPigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two patients with acne vulgaris with a fourth type of minocycline-induced cutaneous pigmentation.,Skin hyperPigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ciprofloxacin-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report here a case of TEN after administration of ciprofloxacin.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 56-year-old Caucasian man who received concomitant chemotherapy and radiation for head and neck cancer developed fever concurrent with the administration of amifostine.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Amifostine-induced fever: case report and review of the literature.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Patients receiving amifostine who develop only fever should be evaluated for an adverse drug reaction, as well as for sepsis and fevers of neutropenia, and it may be necessary to discontinue the drug.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this is the first case report that demonstrates the occurrence of fever with low-dose amifostine therapy without the manifestation of accompanying rash or hypotension.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute interstitial nephritis due to pantoprazole.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After 5 weeks of therapy, she stopped taking pantoprazole due to general malaise.",Malaise Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: To describe what is believed, as of November 4, 2003, to be the first case published in the literature of acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) due to pantoprazole.",Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The Naranjo probability scale suggests a highly probable relationship between AIN and pantoprazole therapy in this patient.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There have been several reported cases of omeprazole-induced AIN.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"It was highly suspected that finasteride was associated with the anterior subcapsular opacity on the lens, and the patient therefore discontinued use of finasteride.",Cataract subcapsular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Propecia-associated bilateral cataract.,Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of Propecia-associated cataract.",Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Scleromyxedema in a patient with multiple sclerosis and monoclonal gammopathy on interferon beta-1a.,Lichen myxoOedematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE SUMMARY: Two children with attention deficit disorder treated with methylphenidate as a simple drug developed fixed drug eruption of the scrotum.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Fixed drug rash induced by methylphenidate is a possible but rare phenomenon.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fixed drug eruption of the scrotum due to methylphenidate.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report two cases of fixed drug eruption induced by methylphenidate.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methotrexate pneumonitis in nonsurgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of pneumonitis following local administration of methotrexate for nonsurgical termination of an ectopic pregnancy.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: The risk/benefit ratio of warfarin therapy changes in the over 75s, when haemorrhagic side-effects become more common.",Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE REPORT: A woman of 80 years, on long-term warfarin therapy presented with an acute dissecting thoracic aortic aneurysm; on investigation the only precipitating factor found was an international normalised ratio of 4.8.",Aortic dissection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Warfarin-associated thoracic aortic dissection in an elderly woman.,Aortic dissection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous vasculitis secondary to ramipril.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Here we report ramipril-induced cutaneous vasculitis in a patient who required steroid therapy to control it.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ramipril-induced cutaneous vasculitis is particularly rare and our case was atypical because the patient had tolerated lisinopril before.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: This is, to our knowledge, the first report of severe myelopathy following accidental intrathecal administration of doxorubicin.",Myelopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neurological improvement and rehabilitation potential following toxic myelopathy due to intrathecal injection of doxorubicin.,Myelopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Evidence of neurological improvement and rehabilitation potential after severe myelopathy due to intrathecal injection of doxorubicin.,Myelopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,STUDY DESIGN: Case report of a 31-year-old woman who presented with toxic myelopathy due to intrathecal administration of doxorubicin.,Myelopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After infliximab treatment, additional sleep studies revealed an increase in the number of apneic events and SaO2 dips suggesting that TNFalpha plays an important role in the pathophysiology of sleep apnea.",Apnea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, clinical recognition of sleep disordered breathing should be taken into account when rheumatoid arthritis patients are to be treated with infliximab.",Sleep apnoea syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hypernatraemia induced by sodium polystyrene sulphonate (Kayexalate) in two extremely low birth weight newborns.,Hypernatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe two ELBW infants affected by hyperkalaemia, treated with Kayexalate, who developed serious hypernatraemia, that has never been reported before in preterm infants.",Hypernatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bull's-eye maculopathy associated with quinacrine therapy for malaria.,Maculopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Low dosages of quinacrine used for malaria prophylaxis can be associated with a delayed, severe maculopathy indistinguishable from chloroquine maculopathy in certain patients.",Maculopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: A patient developed a bilaterally symmetric bull's-eye maculopathy 45 years after taking quinacrine for 18 months as prophylaxis against malaria.,Maculopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The clinical picture was identical to that of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine maculopathy.,Maculopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Cerebral infarcts in a pediatric patient secondary to phenylpropanolamine, a recalled medication.",Cerebral infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) recently has been publicly implicated as a cause of stroke and other neurologic events.,Neuropathic arthropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient developed occipital infarcts and was found to have extremely elevated levels of PPA in his blood and dialysis fluid.,Neuropathic arthropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of stroke after PPA ingestion that occurred 4 months after the recall in an 8-year-old boy on chronic peritoneal dialysis.,Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Central nervous system effects secondary to ciprofloxacin treatment are uncommon and usually consist only of minor dizziness or mild headache, although rare occurrences of seizures and hallucinations have been reported.",Hallucination Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ciprofloxacin-induced psychosis.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DATA SYNTHESIS: A 49-year-old man developed symptoms of severe psychosis concomitant with ciprofloxacin (250 mg bid) treatment.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of ciprofloxacin-induced psychosis and to discuss occurrence rates, risk factors, possible etiologies, preventive measures, and treatment courses for this adverse reaction.",Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Agranulocytosis induced by vancomycin in an ESRD patient on CAPD.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Agranulocytosis is a rare adverse effect associated with prolonged vancomycin therapy, and is potentially serious, especially in end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patient that developed vancomycin-induced agranulocytosis during treatment for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)-associated external cuff infection and pneumonia.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It is very likely that the dexamethasone used in the antiemetic drug regimen contributed to the development of osteonecrosis in these patients.,Osteonecrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Osteonecrosis is a serious side effect of antiemetic treatment with dexamethasone and this serious complication should be incorporated in the current guidelines.,Osteonecrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patients should be informed about the risk of osteonecrosis when taking dexamethasone as an antiemetic drug.,Osteonecrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Development of Peyronie's disease during long-term colchicine treatment.,Peyronie's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However here we reported two patients, presenting with PD during high dose colchicine treatment for familiar mediterranean fever (FMF).",Peyronie's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient developed cholestatic hepatitis while being treated with nitrofurantoin.,Hepatitis cholestatic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A second episode of jaundice followed the intravaginal administration of a mixture of furazolidone and nifuroxime.,Jaundice Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of unintentional overdose of oral pilocarpine tablets that resulted in bradycardia, mild hypotension, and muscarinic symptoms in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome.",Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although combinations of belladonna, ergotamine, and phenobarbital have been used for medical treatment of menopausal symptoms since the 1960s, this is the first known case report of its association with anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome.",Drug reaction with Eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome associated with Bellamine S, a therapy for menopausal symptoms.",Drug reaction with Eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of a previously healthy, postmenopausal woman who developed anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome while taking Bellamine S (belladonna alkaloids; ergotamine; phenobarbital) for hot flashes.",Drug reaction with Eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of heatstroke is reported in a 32-year-old man diagnosed with schizophrenia and on clozapine monotherapy.,Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Heat stroke in schizophrenia during clozapine treatment: rapid recognition and management.,Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gemcitabine-related radiation recall preferentially involves internal tissue and organs.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors also determined that their case of myositis developing in the rectus abdominus muscle of a patient with pancreatic adenocarcinoma was the manifestation of radiation recall, thereby bringing the number of patients who developed radiation recall to gemcitabine and were discussed in the current study to 13.",Myositis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The literature search found 12 cases of radiation recall caused by gemcitabine.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The majority of radiation recall reactions attributed to gemcitabine are reported to affect internal tissue or organs.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cystoid macular edema in a low-risk patient after switching from latanoprost to bimatoprost.,Cystoid macular oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: A 68-year-old man developed intense conjunctival hyperemia and cystoid macula edema after switching from latanoprost to bimatoprost 9 months after cataract surgery in an eye at low-risk for this cystoid macular edema.,Cystoid macular oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report a case of angiographically documented cystoid macula edema occurring after switching a pseudophakic patient from latanoprost to bimatoprost.,Cystoid macular oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An immediate hemolytic reaction induced by repeated administration of oxaliplatin.,Haemolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE REPORT: We report a patient who developed a DAT-positive hemolytic episode after a red cell (RBC) transfusion was delivered during the infusion of her 17th cycle of oxaliplatin.,Haemolytic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although neurotoxicity is a frequent complication of methotrexate therapy, fatal acute neurotoxicity is extremely uncommon, especially in adults.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Clinicians should be aware of the signs and symptoms of neurotoxicity during treatment, as well as predisposing factors that put patients receiving methotrexate at risk for neurotoxic effects.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal acute encephalomyelitis after a single dose of intrathecal methotrexate.,Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The day after methotrexate administration, the patient complained of severe back pain and urinary retention.",Back pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This patient rapidly progressed from mild neurotoxicity to fatal encephalopathy after one dose of intrathecal methotrexate during his third cycle of chemotherapy.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a third case of a 6-week-old infant with Escherichia coli sepsis who received ampicillin and other antibiotics and subsequently developed TEN.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,One patient developed large intramural esophageal hematoma as a complication of heparin therapy.,Oesophageal intramural haematoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Eosinophilic cystitis after bladder instillation with dimethyl sulfoxide.,Eosinophilic cystitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first case of an acute flare of eosinophilic cystitis in a 51-year-old woman after bladder instillation with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for presumed interstitial cystitis.,Eosinophilic cystitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute dystonia during pegylated interferon alpha therapy in a case with chronic hepatitis B infection.,Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this case report, we present clinical and laboratory findings of a case with chronic hepatitis B that developed acute dystonia soon after the first dose of pegylated interferon alpha.",Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Therapy with IFN-alpha may be associated with a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as Parkinsonism, akathisia, seizure, and depressive disorders.",Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient developed restless legs symptoms paralleling the course of interferon-alpha (IFN alpha) therapy for chronic hepatitis C.,Restless legs syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Restless legs syndrome due to interferon-alpha.,Restless legs syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Restless legs syndrome may thus be an adverse effect of IFN alpha treatment.,Restless legs syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Many clinicians appear to be concerned about the potential hepatotoxicity of the opiate antagonist naltrexone (NTX) and this may be one reason why it is not used more widely in treating both heroin and alcohol abusers.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a heroin abuser in whom clinical and laboratory manifestations of acute hepatitis B and C appeared a few days after the insertion of a subcutaneous naltrexone implant.,Hepatic necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sweet's syndrome associated with sargramostim (granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor) treatment.,Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Sweet's syndrome is an acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis that is a known complication of the administration of filgrastim, a drug that causes increased neutrophil proliferation and differentiation.",Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of Sweet's syndrome in association with sargramostim treatment following chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukemia.,Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sudden cardiac death due to hypersensitivity myocarditis during clozapine treatment.,Hypersensitivity myocarditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The autopsy findings and a detailed medical history supported the conclusion that clozapine-induced hypersensitivity myocarditis was the most likely cause of death.,Hypersensitivity myocarditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The case concerns the sudden death of a 29-year-old male during clozapine therapy started 2 weeks before.,Sudden Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Purple glove syndrome, named for its distinctive purple discoloration and swelling of the hands in the distribution of a glove, is an uncommon complication of intravenous phenytoin administration through small dorsal veins of the hands.",Purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The findings were judged to be consistent with soft-tissue injury associated with intravenous administration of phenytoin, also termed purple glove syndrome.",Purple glove syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Our patient was a 72-year-old man with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) who received levodopa and anti-cholinergic drugs and whose head had become almost completely bald.,Alopecia totalis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A patient with monocular open-angle glaucoma had trichiasis, a condition associated with the use of a prostaglandin analog.",Trichiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Increased lash length, thickness, and pigmentation are well-documented side effects of prostaglandin analog glaucoma drops.",Eyelash changes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Trichiasis associated with prostaglandin analog use.,Trichiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Fatal pulmonary fibrosis associated with BCNU: the relative role of platelet-derived growth factor-B, insulin-like growth factor I, transforming growth factor-beta1 and cyclooxygenase-2.",Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary fibrosis is a severe complication associated with bis-chloronitrosourea (BCNU) therapy.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These novel findings may offer specific therapeutic targets in the treatment of BCNU-associated pulmonary fibrosis.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We further used immunohistochemistry (IHC) to examine the relative role of platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in the pathogenesis of BCNU-related pulmonary fibrosis.",Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report here a 26-year-old female with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who died of severe pulmonary fibrosis 81 days after the administration of high-dose BCNU (600 mg/m2).,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dorzolamide-induced choroidal detachment in a surgically untreated eye.,Choroidal detachment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: A 76-year-old woman with primary open-angle glaucoma and no history of ocular surgery developed a choroidal detachment 12 hours after initiation of therapy with dorzolamide eye drops.,Choroidal detachment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We document the abrupt development of an extensive choroidal detachment after initiation of dorzolamide therapy in a surgically untreated eye with primary open-angle glaucoma.,Choroidal detachment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Deepening of lid sulcus from topical bimatoprost therapy.,Periorbital fat atrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In each of the three reported patients, alteration of eyelid appearance with deepening of the lid sulcus was evident as the result of topical bimatoprost therapy.",Eyelid vellus hair changes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lichen planus induced by hepatitis B vaccination: a new case and review of the literature.,Lichen planus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Case report: life-threatening hypoglycaemia associated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, a commonly used antimalarial drug.",Hypoglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this report, we present a case of hypoglycaemic coma associated with SP, an adverse reaction that is likely to be underreported and expected to occur with greater frequency as the use of SP increases.",Hypoglycaemic coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Initial treatment with heparin was substituted with thrombolysis, which resulted in clinical improvement and dissolution of right heart thrombus but was followed by fatal intracerebral haemorrhage.",Cerebral Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Extensive forearm deep venous thrombosis following a severe infliximab infusion reaction.,Deep vein Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here we describe a patient with Crohn's disease who developed a severe infliximab infusion reaction (IIR), complicated 1 day later by severe swelling of the forearm and hand ipsilateral to the site of infliximab infusion.",Infusion related reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The site of thrombosis and the chronological relationship with the IIR implicates a hypersensitivity to infliximab in the causation of the venous thrombosis in this case.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After 3- to 13-month period of therapy without indapamide, glucose levels of all patients decreased and diabetes disappeared.",Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After stopping indapamide, glucose tolerance impairing may be reversed.",Glucose tolerance impaired Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Therapy with indapamide may induce diabetes in essential hypertension patients.,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: To study therapy with indapamide impairing carbohydrate metabolism in essential hypertension patients and achieve earlier prevention, diagnoses and treatment of diabetes induced by indapamide.",Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Possible induction of diabetes by treatment of hypertension with indapamide (with four case reports).,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RESULTS: After 4- to 14-month period of therapy with the combination of indapamide (2.5 mg/day) and fosinopril (10 mg/day) in three patients and 6-month period of monotherapy with indapamide (2.5 mg/day) in one patient, glucose levels of all patients increased and achieve criteria of diabetes diagnoses.",Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Despite a hematologic response in all 3 patients, none of them achieved cytogenetic remission, and all progressed to blast crisis at 7 to 10 months of imatinib therapy.",Blast cell crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In addition to disease refractoriness, rare instances of disease progression from chronic phase to blast crisis during imatinib therapy have recently been anecdotally reported.",Blast cell crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinicopathologic features of 3 patients with CML who rapidly progressed from chronic phase to blast crisis while taking imatinib and to perform a review of the literature.,Blast cell crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Our findings suggest that significant progression of marrow reticulin fibrosis during imatinib therapy can be an indicator for a return or progression of CML and, in some patients with CML, imatinib may promote cytogenetic clonal evolution, resulting in a poor response to treatment.",Bone marrow reticulin fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Progression of chronic myeloid leukemia to blast crisis during treatment with imatinib mesylate.,Blast cell crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Easily reversible hypoxemia and hypotension induced by nimodipine.,Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this paper we report a case of nimodipine overdosage resulting in prolonged hypotension and hypoxemia, which was successfully treated with calcium gluconate.",Hypoxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Refractory hypoglycemia from ciprofloxacin and glyburide interaction.,Hypoglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a case of a diabetic patient taking glyburide who was prescribed ciprofloxacin and developed prolonged hypoglycemia, which persisted for over 24 hours.",Hypoglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Aminophylline hypersensitivity apparently due to ethylenediamine.,Drug hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of ethylenediamine-induced delayed hypersensitivity reaction in a 46-year-old woman who received parenteral aminophylline for an acute asthma exacerbation.,Type IV hypersensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,L-asparaginase-induced severe necrotizing pancreatitis successfully treated with percutaneous drainage.,Pancreatitis necrotising Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Most cases of pancreatitis associated with L-asparaginase toxicity are self-limiting and respond favorably to nasogastric decompression and intravenous hyperalimentation.,Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pancreatitis has been noted to be a complication in 2-16% of patients undergoing treatment with L-asparaginase for a variety of pediatric neoplasms.,Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a pediatric patient with leukemia and a severe, L-asparaginase-induced necrotizing pancreatitis, treated successfully with percutaneous drainage used to flush the infected necrotic parts.",Pancreatitis necrotising Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Disulfiram-induced fulminant hepatic failure in an active duty soldier.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fulminant hepatic failure is a rare complication of disulfiram treatment for alcoholism.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case describes fulminant hepatic failure in a patient taking disulfiram with no previous liver disease and report of being compliant with alcohol abstinence.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Tiagabine overdose causes an unusual array of neurological symptoms, many similar to reported adverse effects during therapeutic use.",Neurological symptom Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A case of sideroblastic anemia is presented in a patient with a left ventricular assist device drive-line infection who was receiving linezolid, an antibiotic used for serious infections with gram-positive organisms.",Sideroblastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"As linezolid has been shown to have hematologic side effects, blood count monitoring is recommended in patients receiving this drug for long-term therapy.",hematologic side effects Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sideroblastic anemia due to linezolid in a patient with a left ventricular assist device.,Sideroblastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Acute renal insufficiency is known to occur in patients who are taking ciprofloxacin, particularly the elderly.",Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ciprofloxacin-induced renal insufficiency in cystic fibrosis.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Multiple mechanisms for ciprofloxacin-induced nephrotoxicity have been proposed.,Nephropathy toxic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two young patients with cystic fibrosis who presented with acute renal insufficiency after 2-3 weeks of oral ciprofloxacin therapy.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sensory neuropathy revealing necrotizing vasculitis during infliximab therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.,Vasculitis necrotising Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe 2 patients with severe erosive rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid vasculitis, respectively, in whom infliximab therapy was associated with peripheral neuropathy due to necrotizing vasculitis in one patient and to progression of preexisting mononeuritis multiplex in the other.",Vasculitis necrotising Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Progressive anemia following combination therapy with interferon-alpha and interleukin-2 in a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.,Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of severe anemia, which responded well to steroid therapy, in a patient receiving IL-2 plus IFN-alpha for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.",Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"An objective causality assessment indicated a probable relationship between clotting abnormality and warfarin administration, although the degree of elevation of the INR was unusual in the light of the daily warfarin dose and duration of its exposure.",Coagulopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Based on the clinical status of the patient, it was suspected that several conditions contributed to the abnormal hypersensitivity to warfarin.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Despite the low dosage of warfarin, international normalized ratio (INR) was markedly elevated from 1.15 to 11.28 for only 4 days, and bleeding symptoms concurrently developed.",Haemorrhage symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In view of our experience in the present case, it should be stressed that close monitoring of coagulation capacity is necessary in critically ill patients in order to avoid fatal haemorrhage after initiating warfarin therapy regardless of the dosage.",Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Unusual hypersensitivity to warfarin in a critically ill patient.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report an allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipient who developed CMV infection refractory to sequential therapy with ganciclovir, foscarnet, and cidofovir.",Cytomegalovirus infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-associated peripheral neuropathy is an uncommon event.,Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"During analysis of 28 patients receiving CAP with concomitant radiation (XRT) for pancreatic cancer (resected or locally advanced), two patients developed signs and symptoms consistent with peripheral neuropathy.",Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Knowledge regarding potential adverse effects of CAP is paramount and dose modification is indicated with development of neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Neurologic symptoms resolved after stopping CAP for 4 weeks in Patient A, with no recurrence after reinitiating CAP alone at 2000 mg/m2.",Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patient A reported right leg weakness (foot drop) during week 4 of CAP-XRT (1600 mg/m2).,Peroneal nerve palsy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patient B developed perioral and upper extremity paresthesias during the fourth cycle of CAP alone (2500 mg/m2).,Paraesthesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Peripheral neuropathy associated with capecitabine.,Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We conclude peripheral neuropathy with 5-FU is rare.,Neuropathy peripheral peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe hypo-alpha-lipoproteinemia during treatment with rosiglitazone.,Hypo HDL cholesterolaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report three patients, all of whom had preexisting diabetic dyslipidemia, who showed a profound reduction in plasma HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein AI levels soon after the initiation of rosiglitazone therapy.",High density lipoprotein decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe leukopenia associated with mild hepatotoxicity in an HIV carrier treated with nevirapine.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report an HIV-infected woman who developed mild leukopenia as the first sign of a nevirapine-related adverse event, which was followed by skin and hepatic toxicity associated with a more severe leukopenia.",Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In all cases, drugs in addition to quetiapine were detected, but in cases #1 and #2, the cause of death was considered to be a quetiapine overdose and the other drugs were not considered to be contributory.",Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These cases were chosen for study because they were all deaths as a result of suicidal ingestion of drugs in which quetiapine was considered a significant factor.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present three cases from the Provincial Toxicology Center of British Columbia, Canada in which suicidal overdose deaths were associated with quetiapine.",Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,After approximately two weeks of sertraline treatment he noted an intense itching sensation in his scalp after eating a piece of chocolate cake.,Pruritus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Itch and skin rash from chocolate during fluoxetine and sertraline treatment: case report.,Pruritus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary lymphohistiocytic reactions temporally related to etanercept therapy.,Lymphocytic infiltration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This report details the pulmonary pathologic findings in four patients with rheumatoid arthritis, who developed new onset of pulmonary signs and symptoms with alveolar infiltrates temporally related to the institution of etanercept therapy.",Lung infiltration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Paradoxical cerebral cortical hyperexcitability following flupirtine overdose.,Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case of a patient with increased cerebral cortical excitability following intoxication with flupirtine, a centrally acting analgesic and antispastic drug.",Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,AIM: Report of a case of a woman patient who developed celiac disease after pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin use for chronic hepatitis C.,Coeliac disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Celiac disease onset after pegylated interferon and ribavirin treatment of chronic hepatitis C.,Coeliac disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"PATIENT AND METHOD: A 34-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C, genotype 3, receiving pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin for 6 months, developed progressive malaise and anemia 6 months after the end of treatment.",Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present two cases of anaphylaxis under anaesthesia where return of spontaneous circulation was refractory to epinephrine, but occurred following the administration of the alpha-agonist metaraminol.",Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this article, we describe another case of subcutaneous changes following repeated glatiramer acetate injection, presented as localized panniculitis in the area around the injection sites, in a 46-year-old female patient who was treated with glatiramer acetate for 18 months.",Panniculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Localized panniculitis and subsequent lipoatrophy with subcutaneous glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) injection for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.,Lipoatrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In a postoperative patient with pre-existent myasthenia gravis, oral verapamil caused a marked exacerbation in myasthenic weakness.",Myasthenia gravis crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In four patients, thrombosis occurred 2-45 days after severe hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) secondary to intensive chemotherapy containing busulfan.",Venoocclusive liver disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PVT during chemotherapy in children is a rare event and appears to be closely related to intensive chemotherapy containing busulfan and to be associated with HVOD.,Venoocclusive liver disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here, we describe a case of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease occurring 4 months after the start of interferon alpha treatment, probably induced by the immunomodulatory effects of interferon.",Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Retinal abnormalities, including retinal hemorrhage and ""cotton-wool"" spots, often occur within the first 8 weeks in the course of interferon therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C.",Retinal exudates Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease occurring during interferon alpha therapy for chronic hepatitis C.,Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute hepatic failure is a rare and potentially lethal complication of propylthiouracil (PTU) use for hyperthyroidism.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After an extensive review of the literature, we believe that this is the first communication of the successful use of amiodarone to control hyperthyroidism in a patient with PTU-induced fulminant hepatitis.",Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Successful treatment of hyperthyroidism with amiodarone in a patient with propylthiouracil-induced acute hepatic failure.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a 20-year-old woman with Basedow-Graves' disease who developed PTU-induced fulminant hepatitis, which progressed to acute hepatic failure with grade III hepatic encephalopathy.",Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis on methotrexate and rofecoxib: idiosyncratic reaction or pharmacogenetics?,Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphoproliferative disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Methotrexate (MTX) is a commonly used second line agent for RA, and there have been several recent reports of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated polyclonal B cell lymphoproliferative disorder in MTX-treated RA patients.",Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphoproliferative disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Previous studies have demonstrated the interaction of MTX and a variety of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with various clinical manifestations including acute renal failure, pancytopenia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver transaminases, jaundice, mucosal ulcerations, and pyrexia.",Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We hypothesize that decreased renal elimination of MTX induced by the COX-2 inhibitor resulted in enhanced hematopoietic toxicity and immunosuppression causing the EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disease.,Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphoproliferative disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBSERVATIONS: We observed aggravation and spreading of a psoriatic plaque when treated topically with the toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 agonist imiquimod.,Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Psoriasis triggered by toll-like receptor 7 agonist imiquimod in the presence of dermal plasmacytoid dendritic cell precursors.,Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since imiquimod induces large amounts of type I interferon production from TLR7-expressing plasmacytoid dendritic cell precursors (PDCs), the natural interferon-producing cells of the peripheral blood, we asked whether PDCs are present in psoriatic skin.",Interferon alpha level increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The exacerbation of psoriasis was accompanied by a massive induction of lesional type I interferon activity, detected by MxA expression after imiquimod therapy.",Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Vision declined after treatment with methylprednisolone, after which fundus examination became consistent with progressive outer retinal necrosis.",Visual acuity reduced Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Allergic side effects of AZA are rare, and reported allergic skin eruptions from AZA are very limited in Japan.",Dermatitis allergic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DLST is a good diagnostic tool for AZA allergy, especially for severe drug allergy cases.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug eruption caused by azathioprine: value of using the drug-induced lymphocytes stimulation test for diagnosis.,Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report AZA-induced drug eruption that developed in two cases of systemic scleroderma with polymyositis.,Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tardive dyskinesia in 2 patients treated with ziprasidone.,Tardive Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Two of our patients developed TD after 23 months and 34 months of ziprasidone monotherapy, respectively.",Tardive Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ziprasidone is an atypical antipsychotic drug that is believed to have a low propensity for inducing extrapyramidal symptoms, including tardive dyskinesia (TD).",Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Asthenozoospermia: possible association with long-term exposure to an anti-epileptic drug of carbamazepine.,Asthenospermia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient was found to have no motile sperm with a normal sperm count, while taking a dose of 400 mg/day of carbamazepine.",Asthenospermia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Scrotal ulceration induced by all-trans retinoic acid in a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia.,Scrotal Ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The ulcer did not respond to antibiotic treatment and healed shortly after withholding ATRA.,Ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the development of scrotal ulcer in a patient with acute promyleocytic leukemia (APL) within 10 days of treatment with ATRA at a dose of 40 mg orally twice daily.,Scrotal Ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of clozapine-induced tonic-clonic seizures managed with valproate: implications for clinical care.,Generalised tonic-clonic seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Following discontinuation of clozapine, she was rechallenged and again was observed to have seizures.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"These findings suggest that clozapine-induced seizures can be successfully treated, that gradual dose titration can reduce the likelihood of further episodes of seizures and that concomitant use of a suitable mood stabilizer/anti-epileptic medication can improve the outcome of treatment-resistant schizophrenia.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of clozapine-induced seizures in a patient with treatment-resistant schizophrenia.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms and pathologic changes of colitis are associated with exposure to rofecoxib.,Colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVES: To describe clinical and pathologic findings in patients noted to develop lower gastrointestinal symptoms when exposed to rofecoxib.,Lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Three patients who developed symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) during rofecoxib exposure are described along with pathology findings.,Inflammatory bowel disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported patient with captopril-induced pemphigus in whom no new lesions developed after subsequent treatment with enalapril.",Pemphigus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of drug-induced pemphigus caused by an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril.",Pemphigus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Neuropathy is a significant side effect of thalidomide therapy, which may limit its clinical use.",Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thalidomide neuropathy in childhood.,Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thalidomide neuropathy is often associated with proximal weakness and may progress even after discontinuation of treatment, in the phenomenon of 'coasting'.",Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thalidomide was withdrawn from world markets in 1961 following recognition of its teratogenic effects.,Teratogenicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report four cases of sensorimotor axonal neuropathy in children aged 10-15 years, treated with thalidomide for myxopapillary ependymoma, Crohn's disease and recurrent giant aphthous ulceration.",Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cerebral edema associated with Gliadel wafers: two case studies.,Brain oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Following are two clinical case reports demonstrating profound cerebral edema associated with implantation of Gliadel wafers.,Brain oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"While the introduction of carmustine wafers (Gliadel wafers) into the tumor resection cavity has been shown to be a beneficial therapy for malignant glioma, it is recognized that clinically significant cerebral edema is a potential adverse effect.",Brain oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cis-retinoic acid (RA) may further increase the risk of developing BMTN.,Meningitis bacterial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It is likely that RA contributed to the deterioration in renal function in these patients.,Renal impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Retinoic acid may increase the risk of bone marrow transplant nephropathy.,Nephropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The occurrence of BMTN in two children treated with RA in our unit is unlikely to be coincidental.,Meningitis bacterial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,He developed a late secondary infection in some sites treated with imiquimod.,Infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 64-year-old man with schizophrenia developed myoclonic jerks when given higher doses of quetiapine.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Quetiapine-induced myoclonus.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of myoclonus induced by quetiapine.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Treatment-related myelodysplastic syndrome after temozolomide for recurrent high-grade glioma.,Myelodysplastic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 44-year-old woman with t-MDS (refractory anemia with excess blasts) following treatment of recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma with temozolomide (TMZ).,Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Typically, drug-induced neutropenia occurs in a patient receiving a semisynthetic penicillin for two weeks or more.",Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Livedo reticularis associated with interferon alpha therapy in two melanoma patients.,Livedo reticularis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These cases highlight the occurrence of livedo reticularis as an uncommon side-effect of interferon alpha treatment.,Livedo reticularis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two patients who developed intense livedo reticularis clearly related to the administration of interferon alpha 2b as an adjuvant therapy for melanoma.,Livedo reticularis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: This rare case of PTU-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis manifested with ototoxicity in combination with systemic involvement.,Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report the case of a young woman with Graves' disease in whom ototoxicity developed because of propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.,Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Propylthiouracil-induced sensorineural hearing loss associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.,Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RESULTS: In a 22-year-old Thai woman with Graves' disease, tinnitus, hearing impairment in the left ear (with progression to the right ear), and vertigo developed after 3 years of therapy with PTU.",Hypoacusis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The hearing impairment and tinnitus were gradually reduced after PTU withdrawal and corticosteroid and azathioprine treatment.,Hypoacusis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anti-tuberculous drugs had been stopped on the 2nd day of therapy due to development of optic neuritis secondary to ethambutol administration at another hospital.,Optic neuritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"During the anti-tuberculous therapy, visual loss can be related to ethambutol toxicity or the tuberculosis infection itself.",Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In addition, ethambutol rarely causes visual loss during the early period or when given at lower doses.",Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Flucloxacillin-induced aplastic anaemia and liver failure.,Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It is well-recognized that flucloxacillin may occasionally result in fatal hepatic injury.,Drug-induced Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a 40-year-old woman who developed fulminant hepatic failure and aplastic anaemia following a course of oral flucloxacillin.,Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Four days after intravenous Zoledronic acid, the patient presented to emergency room with complaints of carpopedal spasm and bronchospasm.",Bronchospasm Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Zoledronic acid-induced severe hypocalcaemia in a prostate cancer patient with extensive osteoblastic bone metastases.,Hypocalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case report describes an adolescent with severe lupus erythematosus who received cyclophosphamide (CY) paired with taste (cod liver oil) and smell (rose perfume) as conditioned stimuli.,Systemic lupus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mucosal pigmentation after oral lichen planus treatment with topical tacrolimus.,Mucosal Pigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The relation between tacrolimus treatment and staining was suggested by the appearance of pigmentation during topical tacrolimus treatment and its clinical disappearance when treatment was stopped.,Pigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first histopathologically documented case of oral mucosa pigmentation after OLP treatment with topical tacrolimus.,Pigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Recently, some studies have also reported association between patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) treated with Methotrexate (MTX) and malignant lymphoma developing.",Lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Risperidone is a frequently used member of a new class of atypical antipsychotics-the serotonin-dopamine antagonists (SDAs)-due to its comparatively high efficacy and low D2/5HT2 binding ratio, which results in a low incidence of extrapyramidal side effects including tardive dyskinesia (TD).",Tardive Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Risperidone withdrawal-related respiratory dyskinesia: a case diagnosed by spirography and fibroscopy.,Respiratory Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors present an elderly patient with mixed dementia who developed TD at multiple sites, (including respiratory dyskinesia [RD], limb dyskinesia, and orofacial dyskinesia) following abrupt withdrawal of risperidone therapy.",Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this study, we report on three individual patients who received BTX-B and who subsequently developed parasympathetic dysfunction of the visual system after injections of BTX-B at remote sites.",Nervous system disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To date, there have been few reports of visual disturbances associated with BTX-B use.",Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Visual system side effects caused by parasympathetic dysfunction after botulinum toxin type B injections.,Nervous system disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Enalapril-induced anemia in two kidney transplant recipients.,Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two renal transplant patients developed anemia during treatment of hypertension with enalapril medication.,Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 74-year-old hypercholestrerolaemic woman taking cerivastatin (0.15 mg/day) for 22 days complained of general muscle weakness and muscle pain.,Myalgia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clearance rates of cerivastatin metabolites in a patient with cerivastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report on a patient who developed acute rhabdomyolysis after taking cerivastatin.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carboplatin hypersensitivity induced by low-dose paclitaxel/carboplatin in multiple platinum-treated patients with recurrent ovarian cancer.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, one patient exhibited severe hypersensitivity reactions including cardiac arrest and apnea, and another four patients developed eruptions, hypotension, and tachycardia soon after administration of CBDCA.",Apnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Our report suggested that CBDCA hypersensitivity was correlated with the total dose of previously administered platinum agents and that CBDCA should be excluded in patients who have received multiple platinum-based chemotherapy, even in platinum-sensitive cases, because CBDCA hypersensitivity can occur even with low-dose CBDCA administration.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report five cases of carboplatin (CBDCA) hypersensitivity after weekly low-dose paclitaxel (60 mg/m2)/CBDCA (area under the concentration curve = 2) therapy in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer receiving multiple platinum-based chemotherapy.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,TREATMENT/OUTCOME: Standard anti-tuberculosis therapy was administered but was complicated by interaction with cyclosporine and drug-induced cholestasis.,Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Chronic fentanyl application induces adrenocortical insufficiency.,Adrenocortical insufficiency acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of a 64-year-old man with secondary adrenocortical insufficiency who has been on a chronic transdermal fentanyl treatment because of sciatic pain syndrome.,Adrenocortical insufficiency acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fluphenazine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a schizophrenic patient.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) associated with fluphenazine in a schizophrenic patient and review the literature related to this condition.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Intraventricular vancomycin-induced cerebrospinal fluid eosinophilia: report of two patients.,Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We propose a mechanism of vancomycin-induced mast cell degranulation and subsequent release of eosinophil chemotactic factor as a cause of CSFE.,Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two cases of cerebrospinal fluid eosinophilia (CSFE) secondary to the intraventricular administration of vancomycin.,Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Successful recovery from interstitial pneumonitis, induced by bicalutamide and leuprorelin acetate given as treatment for prostate cancer.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of interstitial pneumonitis induced by bicalutamide and/or leuprorelin acetate given as therapy for prostate cancer, in which the pneumonitis was successfully managed by steroid treatment.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: In these 3 cases, the unique positive ocular finding was corneal endothelial deposits, which may be related to the use of rifabutin.",Corneal deposits Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Corneal endothelial deposits associated with rifabutin use.,Corneal deposits Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to report on the possible development of corneal endothelial deposits resulting from the use of rifabutin.,Corneal deposits Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: All cases developed corneal endothelial deposits after previous use of rifabutin.,Corneal deposits Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE: A malignant mixed mesodermal tumor was diagnosed in a 64-year-old woman with a bicornuate uterus while she was taking raloxifene for osteoporosis prevention.,Uterine cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: There may be an association between raloxifene and the development of malignant mixed mesodermal tumor.,Uterine cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Malignant mixed mullerian tumor of the uterus in a patient taking raloxifene.,Uterine cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of a women in whom a malignant mixed mesodermal tumor was diagnosed while she was taking raloxifene, which is also a selective estrogen receptor modulator.",Uterine cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Herein we report four patients who underwent liver transplantation and developed neutropenia while receiving MMF.,Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mycophenolate mofetil-induced neutropenia in liver transplantation.,Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The mean time from starting MMF to the development of neutropenia was 4 months.,Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The side effects of MMF, such as bone marrow toxicity, have been reported.",Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A previous review described data on 15 patients who experienced acute hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria following anti-D IGIV administration for ITP or secondary thrombocytopenia.,Haemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with acute hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria following Rh(0)(D) immune globulin intravenous administration for immune thrombocytopenic purpura.,Haemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"That review suggested that patients receiving anti-D IGIV be monitored for those and other potential complications of hemoglobinemia, particularly disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).",Disseminated intravascular coagulation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The purpose of this review is to increase awareness among physicians and other health care professionals that DIC may be a rare but potentially severe complication of anti-D IGIV treatment.,Disseminated intravascular coagulation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This review presents the first case series of DIC associated with acute hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria following anti-D IGIV administration for ITP.,Haemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After the second infliximab infusion, he was found to have a severe transient neutropenia (0.5 x 10(9)/L).",Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug-induced agranulocytosis during treatment with infliximab in enteropathic spondyloarthropathy.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These data indicated that infliximab possibly triggered production of granulocyte and neutrophil autoantibodies with resultant autoimmune agranulocytosis.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, peripheral neuropathy and bone marrow depression led to linezolid withdrawal in seven patients, and neuropathy may not be fully reversible in all patients.",Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Six patients developed peripheral neuropathy and five patients bone marrow depression, blood transfusions were given to three patients and in all five patients bone marrow function normalized after cessation of linezolid.",Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A case of high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, confined into an intrauterine polypoid growth, in a woman with a history of breast cancer who was treated with adjuvant tamoxifen.",Endometrial stromal sarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,High-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma after tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer.,Endometrial stromal sarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In deciding if tamoxifen therapy is warranted, all potentially life-threatening adverse events associated with tamoxifen should be considered, including endometrial adenocarcinoma or uterine sarcoma.",Endometrial stromal sarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After only the third dose of pentamidine, it was noted that the patient's heart rate had decreased to 48 beats/minute.",Heart rate decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although various manifestations of pentamidine-induced cardiotoxicity have been reported, to our knowledge, second-degree heart block associated with this agent has not been described.",Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clinicians should be vigilant when monitoring for cardiotoxicity in patients receiving pentamidine throughout the duration of therapy.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Early-onset pentamidine-associated second-degree heart block and sinus bradycardia: case report and review of the literature.,Atrioventricular block second degree Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Falling backward in two elderly patients taking bupropion.,Fall Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Both patients experienced a previously unreported side effect--falling backward--associated with bupropion use.,Fall Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The knowledge concerning VGB-associated visual dysfunction in pediatric patients, particularly in those who have been exposed to VGB in utero is limited.",Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Vigabatrin-induced visual field defects are at present the most important safety issue in the use of the drug.,Visual field defect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: Interferon (IFN)-associated retinopathy is typically characterized by retinal hemorrhages and cotton wool spots at the posterior fundus, but visual function is usually maintained.",Retinal exudates Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clinical course of macular edema in two cases of interferon-associated retinopathy observed by optical coherence tomography.,Macular oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: During and after IFN therapy, OCT is a useful examination technique for revealing macular edema in patients who have decreased vision.",Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ophthalmologists should be aware of the ocular side effects of IFN therapy and carefully monitor patients for the possible occurrence of hypoalbuminemia and thrombocytopenia.,Hypoalbuminaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The former patient had complained once that his visual acuity had decreased after the termination of IFN therapy, and the latter patient complained twice during IFN therapy that his visual acuity had decreased.",Visual acuity reduced Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"With the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), two patients with IFN-associated retinopathy who had developed macular edema and reduced visual acuity during the clinical course of IFN therapy were observed.",Macular oOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Late development of diabetes mellitus after interferon-alfa and ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C: a case report.,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report the late development of immune-mediated diabetes mellitus after completion of alfa-interferon therapy for hepatitis C in an Asian patient.,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous necrosis after injection of polyethylene glycol-modified interferon alfa.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Cutaneous necrosis as a result of interferon alfa is an infrequent complication with unknown pathogenesis, in which a cutaneous local immune-mediated inflammatory process might be involved.",Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report 5 patients (3 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon alfa-2b in association with oral ribavirin and two patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia) who developed local cutaneous reactions at sites of injection after the administration of weekly subcutaneous injections of pegylated interferon alfa-2b at different doses.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We review the literature on previously reported cases of cutaneous necrosis after injection of standard interferon alfa or pegylated interferon alfa-2b and discuss the different pathophysiologic mechanisms that might be involved.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Potential mechanisms involved in the occurrence of ischemic colitis in patients receiving tegaserod are also discussed.,Colitis ischaemic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tegaserod-associated ischemic colitis.,Colitis ischaemic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe the development of ischemic colitis in a woman who was treated with tegaserod and review the relationship among ischemic colitis, tegaserod use, and irritable bowel syndrome.",Irritable bowel syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 57-year-old man developed chronic, watery diarrhea four weeks after Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy including lansoprazole followed by lansoprazole monotherapy for gastroesophageal reflux disease.",Diarrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lansoprazole-associated collagenous colitis: a case report.,Colitis microscopic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The reported case represents an unusual association between medication with the proton pump inhibitor lansoprazole and the development of collagenous colitis suggesting the importance of evaluation of drug use in patients with microscopic colitis.,Colitis microscopic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,46-year-old woman developed painful ulcers over her lower abdomen in the form of reticulate erythema after injecting interferon beta-1b subcutaneously for multiple sclerosis.,Ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Abdominal wall ulceration and mucinosis secondary to recombinant human interferon-beta-1b.,Ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Itraconazole-related increased vincristine neurotoxicity: case report and review of literature.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nineteen cases of unusual enhanced vincristine neurotoxicity related to itraconazole have been reported in children.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ten days after itraconazole was started, he developed paralytic ileus, neurogenic bladder, mild left ptosis, and absence of deep reflexes, with severe paralysis of the lower extremities and mild weakness of the upper extremities.",Areflexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE REPORT: We report a case of intracerebral hemorrhage occurring in a middle-aged man who suffered from chronic sinusitis and had been ingesting pseudoephedrine daily for one year.,Cerebral haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Only one report links phenylpropanolamine consumption to an intracerebral hemorrhage in a patient with an AVM.,Cerebral haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pseudoephedrine-induced hemorrhage associated with a cerebral vascular malformation.,Congenital cerebrovascular anomaly Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since 1979, over 30 published case reports have documented the relationship between phenylpropanolamine and stroke.",Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is a case of pseudoephedrine-induced intracerebral hemorrhage in a patient with an underlying vascular malformation.,Cerebral haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rapid onset of quetiapine-induced diabetic ketoacidosis in an elderly patient: a case report.,Diabetic ketoacidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of reversible DKA and new-onset DM that developed in a demented patient who was treated with quetiapine for 14 days.,Diabetic ketoacidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary leukostasis secondary to all-trans retinoic acid in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia in first relapse.,Leukostasis syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Eruptive epidermoid cysts resulting from treatment with imiquimod.,Dermoid cyst Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: A 79-year-old woman being treated with imiquimod 5 days per week for a nodular basal cell developed a verrucous plaque over the treatment area after 7 weeks of therapy.,Skin papilloma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The multiple comedones and ruptured epidermoid cysts are newly reported adverse effects of imiquimod therapy.,Acne Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report an unusual case of massive fluoxetine ingestion resulting in neurological and cardiovascular toxicity resulting in death.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatocellular damage following therapeutic intravenous iron sucrose infusion in a child.,Hepatocellular injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The case reported here is of a child given a large dose of intravenous iron sucrose (16 mg/kg) over 3 hours, who subsequently developed features of systemic iron toxicity.",Systemic toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Five personal observations of an acute amnestic episode in younger individuals after intake of clioquinol are described together with three observations from the medical literature.,Amnesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The clinical aspect closely resembled classical transient global amnesia but the episode after clioquinol lasted longer (24 hours to three days) and a more or less extensive retrograde amnesia persisted permanently.,Retrograde Amnesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Transient global amnesia after clioquinol: five personal observations from outside Japan.,Transient global Amnesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In the other patient, a 78-year-old woman, Neisseria mucosa knee arthritis occurred after a single sodium hyaluronate injection.",Arthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,One patient was an 80-year-old woman who was admitted for Staphylococcus aureus knee arthritis after several intraarticular injections of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroids.,Arthritis bacterial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Septic knee arthritis after intra-articular hyaluronate injection.,Arthritis bacterial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute dystonia induced by lamivudine.,Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"ADR induced by drug treatment can be a side effect of treatment with antipsychotic drugs and other drugs; however, there have been no reports of lamivudine-induced ADR in the English literature.",Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report two cases of acute dystonic reactions (ADRs) as a side effect of lamivudine.,Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors think that although lamivudine is widely used and well tolerated, it can cause ADRs, which are reversible after drug withdrawal.",Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pleuropulmonary fibrosis after long-term treatment with the dopamine agonist pergolide for Parkinson Disease.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: To our knowledge, this is the first published case report of an adolescent girl with a mitochondrial disorder and depression who displayed both new-onset psychotic and increased mood symptoms during treatment with risperidone.",Affective disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Risperidone-induced psychosis and depression in a child with a mitochondrial disorder.,Depression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal radiation myelopathy after high-dose busulfan and melphalan chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Ewing's sarcoma: a review of the literature and implications for practice.,Radiation myelopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gemcitabine-induced pericardial effusion and tamponade after unblocked cardiac irradiation.,Pericardial Effusion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gemcitabine therapy has been associated with radiation recall reactions when used in the treatment of carcinoma.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Physicians should be aware of the potential for developing a gemcitabine-induced radiation recall reaction resulting in hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion.,Pericardial Effusion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report four cases of hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion in patients with refractory lymphoma who were receiving gemcitabine, all of whom had a history of mediastinal radiation without subcarinal blocking.",Pericardial Effusion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient with generalized MG was effectively managed with MM but developed CNS lymphoma after 3 years of treatment.,Central nervous system lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Primary CNS lymphoma complicating treatment of myasthenia gravis with mycophenolate mofetil.,Central nervous system lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Primary CNS lymphoma regressed on withdrawal of MM.,Central nervous system lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Baclofen withdrawal: a cause of prolonged fever in the intensive care unit.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Baclofen withdrawal syndrome resulting from underdosing of oral baclofen should be considered as a potential source of prolonged fever in the intensive care unit.,Withdrawal syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient continued to have fever and autonomic instability without evidence of infection which entirely resolved within 24 hours of reinstitution of full preadmission dosing of oral baclofen.,Autonomic nervous system imbalance Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of baclofen withdrawal syndrome resulting from oral baclofen underdosing.,Withdrawal syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After discontinuing captopril and starting systemic steroids, her symptomatology rapidly improved, and her eosinophilia and radiographic abnormalities both resolved.",Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Captopril-induced pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia in an infant with congenital heart disease.,Eosinophilic pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of an infant with complex congenital heart disease who was placed on captopril for afterload reduction following cardiac surgery and subsequently developed pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia.,Eosinophilic pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Can propofol precipitate pancreatitis in patients with Cushing's syndrome?,Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since elevated cortisol levels in Cushing's disease poses a threat for pancreatitis, there is a possibility that patients with Cushing's disease might be more prone to acute pancreatitis following propofol administration.",Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since recent studies have reported no negative interactions with concurrent use, we here report three cases (one case of a prolonged seizure, a serotonin syndrome and a focal seizure) of severe lithium-induced side effects while patients underwent ECT without complications and lithium serum levels were still subtherapeutic.",Partial seizures Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CD20-negative T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma as a progression of a nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with rituximab: a molecular analysis using laser capture microdissection.,B-cell lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Recently, CD20-negative tumors have been described after Rituximab therapy.",B-cell lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 51-year old physically fit woman experienced angio-oedema and hypotensive shock after irbesartan ingestion requiring noradrenaline infusion.,angio-OOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, our report is one of the first on shock and angio-oedema from irbesartan.",angio-OOedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,She died within six weeks of developing congestive heart failure coupled with liver failure due to haemosiderosis despite regular use of desferrioxamine.,Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Transfusion haemosiderosis inspite of regular use of desferrioxamine: case report.,Haemochromatosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"One of the side-effects of intravitreal triamcinolone is the development of cataract, and it is known that cataract extraction can exacerbate macular degeneration.",Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe loss of vision after removal of cataract caused by intravitreal triamcinolone in combination with photodynamic therapy for exudative age-related macular degeneration.,Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rhabdomyolysis caused by tocolysis with oral ritodrine hydrochloride in a pregnant patient with myotonic dystrophy.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rhabdomyolysis has been recognized as a complication of tocolytic therapy with ritodrine hydrochloride.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report here a rare case of ritodrine-hydrochloride-induced rhabdomyolysis in a pregnant patient with myotonic dystrophy.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute myocardial ischemia following accidental intravenous administration of epinephrine in high concentration.,Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a case of acute epinephrine toxicity resulting in acute myocardial ischemia in a young boy with combined variable immunodeficiency syndrome who developed severe allergic reaction to intravenous immunoglobulin, and was subsequently given epinephrine by mistake intravenously rather than subcutaneously.",Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Polysomnographic and pharmacokinetic findings in levodopa-induced augmentation of restless legs syndrome.,Restless legs syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Videopolysomnographic and pharmacokinetic studies with monitoring of plasma levodopa levels demonstrated marked motor hyperactivity during augmentation, with anarchic discharges of motor unit potentials, tonic grouped discharges and flexor spasms, associated with painful dysesthesia.",Muscle contractions involuntary Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The major side effect of infliximab is infection.,Infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report describes a probable case of infliximab-induced membranous nephropathy.,Glomerulonephritis membranous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Linezolid-induced dyserythropoiesis: chloramphenicol toxicity revisited.,Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report here two cases of dyserythropoietic anaemia associated with long-term linezolid use that share striking similarities to chloramphenicol-associated myelotoxicity.,Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A selective association between fluoxetine and extensive, prominent eye movements in nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep was detected, utilizing Fisher's exact one-tailed statistic (p less than 0.00001 for each comparison).",Sleep disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In addition, a 31-year-old man with obsessive-compulsive disorder developed RBD soon after starting fluoxetine therapy, which persisted at PSG study 19 months after fluoxetine discontinuation.",Sleep disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prominent eye movements during NREM sleep and REM sleep behavior disorder associated with fluoxetine treatment of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.,Sleep disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Because of serious side effects of an increase in the QT interval causing torsades de pointes, dofetilide must be initiated with close monitoring of the QT interval in an inpatient setting.",Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes secondary to acute ischemia in an elderly man taking dofetilide for atrial fibrillation: a cautionary tale.,Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report marked QT prolongation and torsades de pointes in a setting of flash pulmonary edema resulting from acute myocardial ischemia in a patient who was being treated with dofetilide for atrial fibrillation.,Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prominent positive U waves appearing with high-dose intravenous phenylephrine.,Electrocardiogram abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"While on a maximal dose of phenylephrine she developed prominent positive U waves, which disappeared with the cessation of the drug.",Electrocardiogram abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatoxicity is a rare complication of SRL therapy and may be connected with some diagnostic and/or therapeutic problems.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sirolimus-associated hepatotoxicity in the kidney graft recipient.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The aim of our paper was to describe hepatotoxicity of sirolimus (SRL) in a kidney graft recipient.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE REPORT: We present a case of a 28-yr-old male who developed a severe case of nephrotic syndrome while being treated for relapsing/remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) with weekly injections of interferon beta 1a.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nephrotic syndrome in a multiple sclerosis patient treated with interferon beta 1a.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,SUBSEQUENT COURSE: The nephrosis resolved almost completely once the interferon was stopped and after immunosuppressive treatment.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This latest (third) report suggests that the safety profile should be reexamined and at least raises the question of potential renal toxicity of interferons in MS.,Nephropathy toxic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Capecitabine-induced multifocal leukoencephalopathy: a report of five cases.,Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report five additional cases of capecitabine-induced multifocal leukoencephalopathy.,Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 56-year-old white woman with a diagnosis of reactive depression developed severe UI after a 30 days' treatment with venlafaxine 75 mg/day.,Urinary Incontinence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report a case of urinary incontinence (UI) that occurred in a woman after administration of venlafaxine.,Urinary Incontinence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Venlafaxine-induced urinary incontinence resolved after switching to sertraline.,Urinary Incontinence Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diagnosis of hypothyroidism during treatment can be difficult because of the common side effects of alpha interferon.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sustained hypothyroidism induced by recombinant alpha interferon in patients with chronic hepatitis C.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thyroid dysfunction has been reported in patients with malignant disease treated with recombinant alpha interferon.,Thyroid disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two cases of hypothyroidism in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with recombinant alpha interferon are reported.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Atrial fibrillation after vardenafil therapy.,Atrial fibrillation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case admitted with a first-detected, symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in a healthy patient after self-medication with vardenafil.",Atrial fibrillation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of infection with Mycobacterium abscessus in a 67-year-old woman receiving infliximab as a component of her therapy for RA.,Mycobacterium abscessus infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DIAGNOSIS: Interferon alpha-2b-induced cardiomyopathy.,Cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reversible cardiomyopathy caused by administration of interferon alpha.,Cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,In this case senna was likely the cause of a subacute cholestatic hepatitis exemplifying again the potential role of herbal related liver injury.,Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Subacute cholestatic hepatitis likely related to the use of senna for chronic constipation.,Hepatitis cholestatic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of senna-induced cholestatic hepatitis which was not diagnosed at presentation.,Hepatitis cholestatic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Based on the history and clinical features, a diagnosis of insulin-induced lipohypertrophy was made.",Lipohypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Insulin-induced lipohypertrophy: report of a case with histopathology.,Lipohypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, the possible in vivo effects of insulin on adipocytes were clearly observed in this case of insulin-induced lipohypertrophy.",Lipohypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this is the first report of insulin-induced lipohypertrophy with detailed histological examinations.",Lipohypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 7-year-old girl developed diabetes mellitus and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after 3.5 years of almost continuous treatment with azathioprine and/or prednisone for idiopathic auto-immune haemolytic anaemia.,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An objective causality assessment suggests that the JHR in our patient was probably related to penicillin.,Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE SUMMARY: A 45-year-old HIV-positive man (CD4+ count 450 cells/mm(3) and history of AIDS-defining illness) presented with JHR after an initial intravenous dose of penicillin G for presumed neurosyphilis.,Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Penicillin-induced Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.,Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient described feeling cold with worsening headache and chills approximately one hour after infusion of the first dose of penicillin.,Chills Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute respiratory distress syndrome after rituximab infusion.,Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"ARDS has been associated with the administration of other monoclonal antibodies, such as infliximab, gemtuzumab ozogamicin, and OKT3 and is believed to be directly mediated by release of proinflammatory cytokines.",Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"ARDS is rarely associated with rituximab infusion for lympho-proliferative disorders, but it should be considered by those administering rituximab, especially when a patient develops severe pulmonary symptoms soon after infusion.",Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Dyspnea, hypoxemia, and pleuritic chest pain occurred within 24 hours of rituximab administration, and there was no other apparent explanation.",Dyspnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Progressive hypoxemia mandated endotracheal intubation 1 week after rituximab administration and led to death 4 weeks after admission.,Hypoxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a 43-year-old man with ITP refractory to steroids and intravenous immunoglobulin who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) after a single infusion of rituximab.,Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Symptomatic hypocalcaemia and renal impairment associated with bisphosphonate treatment in patients with multiple myeloma.,Renal impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report three cases of severe hypocalcaemia associated with i.v. bisphosphonate treatment in patients with multiple myeloma.,Hypocalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gemcitabine-related radiation recall in a patient with pancreatic cancer.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gemcitabine should be added to the list of drugs known to cause radiation recall.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Radiation recall from gemcitabine is rare, but can potentially arise in any site that has been previously irradiated.",Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Radiation recall related to gemcitabine has been reported in lung and breast cancer.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient with inoperable pancreatic cancer who developed gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to radiation-recall related to gemcitabine and review literature.,Gastrointestinal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We suggest discontinuing gemcitabine if radiation recall is observed.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 17-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia developed acute renal failure within 48 h of an intravenous high-dose methotrexate (5 g/m2) infusion.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,High-dose methotrexate-associated acute renal failure may be an avoidable complication.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Methotrexate-associated nephropathy is a rare complication in pediatric oncology, and a review of the literature suggests that exposure to nephrotoxic agents may be a significant but perhaps underrecognized risk factor for its development.",Nephropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Massive prolapse of the urethral mucosa following periurethral injection of calcium hydroxylapatite for stress urinary incontinence.,Urethral prolapse Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors present a case report of a granulomatous reaction leading to urethral prolapse, 3 months after the transurethral injection of calcium hydroxylapatite.",Granuloma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this is the first granulomatous reaction described after calcium hydroxylapatite injection.",Granuloma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE SUMMARY: A 57-year-old female with cardiomyopathy and ""sulfa"" (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) allergy documented as pancreatitis presented with symptoms consistent with pancreatitis after use of furosemide.",Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In addition, while cases of loop diuretic-induced pancreatitis, including furosemide, have been published, the allergic manifestations with both sulfonamide antibiotics and non-antibiotics in our patient suggest possible cross-reactivity between these 2 drug classes.",Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Torsemide appears to also be a part of a long list of agents that can cause pancreatitis.,Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia complicated with massive thrombosis of the inferior vena cava after filter placement.,Vena cava Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"On the 3rd day, an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter was placed with a heparin flush, after which massive IVC thrombosis developed.",Vena cava Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient was positive for antibody against complexes of heparin and platelet factor 4, and was diagnosed as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thrombosis syndrome (HITTS).",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When thrombosis develops during heparin treatment, it is important to suspect HITTs and to assay for the associated antibodies, regardless of the actual platelet count.",Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After gastric-outlet obstruction was recognized in several infants who received prostaglandin E1, we studied the association between the drug and this complication.",Obstruction gastric Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The administration of prostaglandin E1 to neonates can cause gastric-outlet obstruction due to antral hyperplasia.,Gastric mucosal hypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Moreover, treatment with immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine, cisplatin, tacrolimus, and interferon-alpha can induce a condition resembling RPLS.",Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus with thrombocytopenia treated with cyclosporine.,Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of a young woman with SLE and thrombocytopenia, who developed severe perspiration, headache, and seizure after receiving cyclosporine.",Headache Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of exacerbated mania potentially related to an interaction between lopinavir/ritonavir and valproic acid (VPA) and propose a mechanism of action for this interaction.,Mania Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Possible interaction between lopinavir/ritonavir and valproic Acid exacerbates bipolar disorder.,Bipolar disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide, cataract may rapidly develop in eyes that have been intensively treated, topically and systemically, by corticosteroids for several years.",Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Arthritis and bursitis in multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta.,Arthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Our literature review revealed an additional six cases of onset of inflammatory arthritis in MS patients receiving IFN-beta.,Arthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The first patient developed a monoarthritis 2 weeks after initiation of IFN-beta, which persisted during the 14 months of therapy and resolved with discontinuation of the medication.",Arthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present the cases of two female patients diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) who developed inflammatory musculoskeletal manifestations, following IFN-beta therapy.",Inflammation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole-induced aseptic meningitis.,Meningitis aseptic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a 46-year-old African-American man with AIDS who was admitted on two different occasions within three weeks for signs and symptoms of meningitis after using trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX).,Meningitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We reviewed the literature in an attempt to characterize the pattern and predictors of TMP/SMX-induced aseptic meningitis.,Meningitis aseptic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this paper, we report a patient with primary anti-phospholipid syndrome treated by corticosteroid, who developed disseminated nocardiosis.",Nocardiosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Chloroquine-induced bilateral ptosis.,Eyelid ptosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ptosis occurring 24 h after chloroquine therapy, with full recovery 48 h after cessation of chloroquine, has not been described previously.",Ptosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report describes a case of bilateral ptosis induced by chloroquine.,Eyelid ptosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DESIGN: We reviewed the medical records of four patients, who were seen by us between July 2000 and February 2004 for sudden onset of a central neurological syndrome within days of intrathecal MTX.",Immune-mediated neurological disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diffusion-weighted MRI correlates of subacute methotrexate-related neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVES: A delayed stroke-like leukoencephalopathy has been observed in patients receiving methotrexate (MTX) for childhood leukemia.,Cerebrovascular accident-like leukoencephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Our objective is to present a retrospective analysis of the DWI findings in four patients who suffered subacute neurotoxicity after intrathecal MTX.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is a rare case of ARDS associated with lithium intoxication.,Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: The present findings suggest that: (i) amantadine probably exerts its anti-dyskinetic effect by acting on the ""indirect"" pathway; (ii) the pathophysiological mechanisms of subthalamotomy induced dyskinesias may differ from those involved in L-dopa induced dyskinesias; (iii) dyskinesias induced by STN surgery resolve spontaneously as compensatory mechanisms develop.",Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Prior to surgery, levodopa induced dyskinesia had improved (< or = 50%) under treatment with amantadine (400 mg/day, po) in all three patients.",Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A combination of behavioural and cognitive adverse effects is illustrated in this case report of a recurrent triazolam-induced eating disorder.,Eating disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Triazolam-induced nocturnal bingeing with amnesia.,Amnesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although interferon gamma has been implicated in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis, only a few cases of sarcoidosis associated with interferon alpha therapy have been reported.",Sarcoidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Development of sarcoidosis during interferon alpha 2b and ribavirin combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C--a case report and review of the literature.,Sarcoidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) who developed sarcoidosis after the treatment by interferon alpha and ribavirin.,Sarcoidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We suggest that sarcoidosis may develop in chronic hepatitis C patients during interferon alpha and/or ribavirin treatment, and diagnostic tests for this adverse effect should be performed during the follow-ups.",Sarcoidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neutropenic colitis during standard dose combination chemotherapy with nedaplatin and irinotecan for testicular cancer.,Neutropenic colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this paper, we report a case of severe hypercalcemia of immobilization in a 40-year-old hemodialyzed woman treated by cinacalcet HCl for a severe HPTH-II (PTH>1,000 pg/mL).",Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here, we present a case of sirolimus-associated interstitial pneumonitis in a cardiac transplant recipient that resolved completely with withdrawal of the drug and treatment with corticosteroids.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reversible sirolimus-associated pneumonitis after heart transplantation.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two cases of sirolimus-associated pneumonitis have been reported after cardiac transplantation.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An objective causality assessment by use of the Naranjo probability scale revealed that NCSE due to ifosfamide was probable.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE SUMMARIES: Two patients who received ifosfamide-containing chemotherapy developed NCSE.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Among the many presentations of ifosfamide neurotoxicity, clinicians should consider NCSE as a possible explanation for changes in consciousness in a patient receiving this agent.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"NCSE, an epileptic disorder in which typical convulsive activity is absent, has previously been reported in only 4 patients receiving ifosfamide.",Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nonconvulsive status epilepticus due to ifosfamide.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report 2 cases of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) following infusion of ifosfamide.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of intraoperative gelatine-induced anaphylaxis whose diagnosis was delayed as the use of gelatine during surgical procedures was omitted for two times in patient's medical records.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous mycobacterial infection post intravesical BCG installation.,Mycobacterial infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Disseminated tuberculous lesions post intravesical BCG therapy are rare but need to be identified and treated quickly.,Disseminated tuberculosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Some patients develop hypersensitivity rash in response to HCQ.,Hypersensitivity Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Administration of sumatriptan in subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) patients, misdiagnosed as migraine patients, may induce symptomatic cerebral vasospasm with potentially dangerous consequences.",Cerebral vasoconstriction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"METHOD: We describe two patients who presented with diabetic ketoacidosis after treatment with quetiapine and risperidone, respectively.",Diabetic ketoacidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 27-year-old man who had a history of bronchial asthma, eosinophilic enteritis, and eosinophilic pneumonia presented with fever, skin eruptions, cervical lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical lymphocytosis, and eosinophilia two weeks after receiving trimethoprim (TMP)-sulfamethoxazole (SMX) treatment.",Lymphocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first case of TMP-SMX-induced hypersensitivity syndrome associated with the reactivation of a latent viral infection.,Hypersensitivity syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole-induced hypersensitivity syndrome associated with reactivation of human herpesvirus-6.,Hypersensitivity syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report a case of severe corticosteroid-induced glaucoma after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetate in a 34-year-old man without a history of glaucoma.,Glaucoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: A 34-year-old man acquired visual field defects and severe vision loss in both eyes after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone for diabetic macular edema.,severe vision loss Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe steroid-induced glaucoma following intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide.,Glaucoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This treatment has the potential to cause severe vision loss as a result of intractable corticosteroid-induced glaucoma.,Glaucoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Autoimmune thyroid disease is a common side-effect of interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) treatment of viral hepatitis C.,Autoimmune thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Destructive thyrotoxicosis appeared 4-6 months after starting IFN-alpha, followed by Graves' hyperthyroidism within 8 to 11 months.",Graves' disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Hence, hyperthyroidism induced by IFN-alpha could correspond to the first phase of silent thyroiditis, to Graves' disease or to the succession of both.",Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Interferon-alpha-induced hyperthyroidism: a three-stage evolution from silent thyroiditis towards Graves' disease.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We have described three patients with hepatitis C for whom IFN-alpha and ribavirin were prescribed and who developed two successive phases of silent thyroiditis followed by hyperthryroidism relapse due to Graves' disease.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Dipyrone, also known as metamizole, is an analgesic and antipyretic drug that was banned by the United States Food and Drug Administration because of its association with agranulocytosis.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dipyrone-induced granulocytopenia: a case for awareness.,Granulocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who developed granulocytopenia and fever after taking dipyrone and discuss the available literature.,Granulocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Herein, we describe 2 patients who developed unusual CD8+ cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders after treatment with efalizumab and infliximab.",Lymphoproliferative disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 7-year-old with congenital toxoplasmosis who took pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for reactivated chorioretinitis developed fever, severe cutaneous involvement, swelling, abdominal pain and transaminitis, persisting weeks after withholding medicines.",Abdominal pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe sulfadiazine hypersensitivity in a child with reactivated congenital toxoplasmic chorioretinitis.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This case underscores problems in clinical management with sulfadiazine hypersensitivity, potential immunosuppression from corticosteroids and selection of medications for recurrences of toxoplasmic chorioretinitis.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Fatal lung fibrosis caused by paclitaxel toxicity has not been reported In this report, we describe the case of a 62-year-old woman who received six cycles of paclitaxel and carboplatin as combination chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal pulmonary fibrosis induced by paclitaxel: a case report and review of the literature.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Physicians should keep in mind that taxanes such as paclitaxel have the potential to cause pneumonitis and lung fibrosis.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary fibrosis is a complication of paclitaxel therapy that may occur despite treatments with corticosteroids.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this case report, we have described a patient with Crohn's disease who developed subfulminant hepatitis B after the fourth infusion of infliximab due to an unrecognized HBs-antigen carrier state.",Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Subfulminant hepatitis B after infliximab in Crohn's disease: need for HBV-screening?,Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute unilateral total visual loss after retrogasserian phenol injection for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: a case report.,Sudden visual loss Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The visual loss in this patient seems to result from phenol neurotoxicity rather than mechanical compression of the intraorbital optic nerve.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 78-year-old man who had acute unilateral total visual loss after retrogasserian phenol injection for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.,Sudden visual loss Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug induced liver injury secondary to interferon-beta (IFN-beta) in multiple sclerosis.,Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Grade 3 hepatotoxicity (AST and ALT > 5 to 20 upper limit normal) or higher has been observed in as many as 1.4% of MS patients on IFN beta.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Post marketing studies of Interferon-beta (IFN beta) therapy in multiple sclerosis (MS) have demonstrated surprisingly high rates of hepatotoxicity.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report three cases of IFN beta induced hepatitis in MS and discuss the pathology findings and possible mechanisms of drug-induced liver injury.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 55-year-old woman presented an episode of acute urticaria and labial angioedema 60 minutes after ingesting 500 mg of cloxacillin for a skin abscess.,Urticaria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Allergy to cloxacillin with normal tolerance to amoxicillin and cefuroxime.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Several hypersensitivity reactions to cloxacillin have been reported, although IgE-mediated allergic reactions to the drug are rare and there is little information about possible tolerance to other semisynthetic penicillins or cephalosporins in patients with cloxacillin allergy.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cardiac toxicity related to BCNU has not been described well.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Myocardial ischemia associated with high-dose carmustine infusion.,Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Three patients are reported without a history of angina pectoris who had clinical and electrocardiographic evidence of myocardial ischemia during and immediately after BCNU infusion.,Myocardial ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Adverse reaction in a patient with aspirin-induced asthma treated with zafirlukast.,Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of hypereosinophilia related to zafirlukast therapy.,Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Shortly after chemotherapy and an injection of pegfilgrastim, the patient developed poorly defined, rapidly progressive erythema, edema, and pain in his right forearm.",Oedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A few recent individual case reports have suggested that a myasthenic syndrome may be associated with statin treatment, but this association is not well described.",Myasthenic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Statin-associated myasthenia gravis: report of 4 cases and review of the literature.,Myasthenia gravis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report 4 patients who developed symptoms of myasthenia gravis within 2 weeks of starting treatment with a statin drug.,Myasthenia gravis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reactivation of cytomegalovirus probably followed the treatment of Wegener's granulomatosis with corticosteroids and azathioprine.,Cytomegalovirus infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After excluding other causes of long QT syndrome, the HCQ was suspected as the cause of her ventricular tachycardia.",Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Chronic hydroxychloroquine use associated with QT prolongation and refractory ventricular arrhythmia.,Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: The chronic use of HCQ for rheumatic diseases, or as an anti-malarial drug, should be balanced against the risk of developing potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias.",Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of chronic use of HCQ associated with torsade de pointes.,Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The increasing prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and its treatment with metformin might result in more cases of lactic acidosis.,Lactic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe acidosis in patients taking metformin--rapid reversal and survival despite high APACHE score.,Acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Case report: lack of control of diabetes and weight gain in a patient on initiation and rechallenge of therapy with olanzapine.,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The following is a case report analysis intended to draw attention to the need for better care coordination by describing the observed relationship of olanzapine to metabolic changes manifested as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and weight gain.,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient was enrolled in a weight-loss clinic, and his diabetes medications were adjusted.Subsequently, olanzapine was discontinued because of weight gain and uncontrolled diabetes.",Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report a case of traumatic flap dehiscence and Enterobacter keratitis 34 months after LASIK.,Keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Traumatic late flap dehiscence and Enterobacter keratitis following LASIK.,Keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case of a lung cancer patient with bronquiloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) presenting with BOOP after chemotherapy with docetaxel and gemcitabine producing severe respiratory insufficiency, and simulating a progression of the tumor.",Organising pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 65-year-old man on warfarin therapy with a sudden spontaneous onset of sub-conjunctival haematoma associated with bloody tears was assessed in the clinic following a referral from an optometrist.,Epistaxis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An unusual presentation of spontaneous sub-conjunctival haematoma in a patient receiving warfarin.,Conjunctival haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Due to discomfort, diplopia and lagophthalmos, the haematoma necessitated suspension of warfarin therapy and a surgical evacuation.",Diplopia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The sub-conjunctival haematoma in a patient receiving warfarin can pose a significant management challenge.,Conjunctival haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Angioedema and maculopapular eruptions associated with carbamazepine administration.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Angioedema, a rare side effect of carbamazepine, involves vascular leakage in dermis and subcutis mediated by immunoglobulin E and/or bradykinins.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous eruptions occur in 3% of individuals administered carbamazepine.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Cutaneous rashes and eruptions can be caused by many medications, including carbamazepine.",Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a 27-year-old Indian woman who developed maculopapular rash and angioedema secondary to carbamazepine administration.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe adenovirus pneumonia (AVP) following infliximab infusion for the treatment of Crohn's disease.,Pneumonia adenoviral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of severe AVP three weeks following the administration of infliximab for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD).,Pneumonia adenoviral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,First case of ivermectin-induced severe hepatitis.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this is the first case of ivermectin-induced severe liver disease published in the literature.",Hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case of a 20-year-old woman originally from Cameroon who was infected by the L. loa parasite and developed severe hepatitis, identified 1 month after a single dose of ivermectin.",Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE REPORT: We hereby report a case of radiation recall dermatitis and myositis occurring on gemcitabine monotherapy, five months after completing chemoradiation for locally advanced pancreatic cancer.",Myositis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: This is the second case report that describes gemcitabine-induced radiation recall in rectus abdominus muscles after gemcitabine-based radiation therapy.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gemcitabine-induced rectus abdominus radiation recall.,Recall phenomenon Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sporadic rippling muscle disease unmasked by simvastatin.,Rippling muscle disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 53-year-old-man who developed rippling muscle disease (RMD) 2 months after starting simvastatin therapy for hypercholesterolemia.,Rippling muscle disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute coronary syndrome induced by capecitabine therapy.,Acute coronary syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case highlights the possible development of acute coronary syndrome as a side effect of Capecitabine therapy.,Acute coronary syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Acute severe intoxication with carbamazepine is associated with seizures, coma and respiratory depression.",Coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After rechallenge with monotherapy pegvisomant, however, the hepatic enzyme disturbances reappeared within a few weeks, indicating that most likely pegvisomant alone and not the long-acting somatostatin analog or the combination of these two drugs was responsible for this case of drug-induced hepatitis.",Hepatic enzyme increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug-induced hepatitis in an acromegalic patient during combined treatment with pegvisomant and octreotide long-acting repeatable attributed to the use of pegvisomant.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The hepatic enzyme disturbances normalized after discontinuation of pegvisomant.,Hepatic enzyme increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report on a patient with acromegaly who developed severe drug-induced hepatitis during combined treatment with the long-acting somatostatin-analog octreotide and the GH receptor antagonist pegvisomant.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Amphotericin B (AmB) is effective, but its use is limited by toxicity: renal impairment, anaemia, fever, malaise, and hypokalaemia are common.",Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DIAGNOSIS: Severe temozolomide-induced immunosuppression, exacerbated by corticosteroids, with profound T-cell lymphocytopenia and simultaneous opportunistic infections with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, brain abscess with Listeria monocytogenes, and cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma.",Brain abscess Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Listeria brain abscess, Pneumocystis pneumonia and Kaposi's sarcoma after temozolomide.",Kaposi's sarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: Topiramate-induced angle-closure glaucoma (TiACG) is believed to be related to its sulfonamide moiety.,Angle closure glaucoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rapid resolution of topiramate-induced angle-closure glaucoma with methylprednisolone and mannitol.,Angle closure glaucoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Spontaneous splenic infarction associated with sumatriptan use.,Splenic infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Though they are generally considered safe, there have been a few reports of myocardial infarction and stroke associated with triptan use.",Myocardial infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient who developed spontaneous splenic infarction after the use of sumatriptan for the treatment of migraine headache.,Splenic infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute myocardial infarction during high-dose methylprednisolone therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy.,Myocardial infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Except hypothyroidism after radioiodine treatment (euthyroid under substitutional therapy), she suffered from no other diseases.",Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here we present the case of a woman who received high doses of methylprednisolone (1 g iv daily) for active Graves' ophthalmopathy, and developed severe hypertension followed by myocardial infarction on the fifth day of treatment.",Myocardial infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We conclude that myocardial infarction may develop in patients treated with high-dose glucocorticoids for Graves' ophthalmopathy, and increased blood pressure may herald this complication.",Myocardial infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Presented is a case story of a woman with classical rheumatoid arthritis, who during introduction of sulphasalazine (SASP) therapy developed a severe and lasting psoriasis-like skin reaction.",Psoriasis-like skin reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Psoriasis-like skin reaction in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis after sulphasalazine therapy.,Psoriasis-like skin reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Five days after the fourth dose of vincristine, she presented with bilateral ptosis.",Eyelid ptosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Vincristine induced cranial polyneuropathy.,Cranial nerve disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a 5-year-old girl showed recovery of vincristine induced cranial polyneuropathy with pyridoxine and pyridostigmine treatment.,Cranial nerve disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis caused by morphine, confirmed by positive patch test and lymphocyte transformation test.",Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Morphine, an opium alkaloid, frequently causes side effects such as hyperhidrosis and facial flushing, but serious cutaneous adverse drug reactions are seldom observed.",Flushing Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of a man treated with an EGFR-inhibitor (erlotinib) for a cell lung cancer who developed skin manifestations localized in an uncommon area and with an atypical evolution.,Dermatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Olanzapine-associated neuroleptic malignant syndrome.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Allergic contact angioedema to benzoyl peroxide.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Factors that suggested an association between the severe angioedematous reaction and BP topical application include the strong reaction to BP in the patch-test, the temporal relationship, the complete resolution of symptoms after the drug was withdrawn and the absence of other identified explanations.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 35-year-old woman presented with neurotoxicity correlated to an i.v. regimen of 5-fluorouracil as episodes of acute confusional state and abnormalities of symmetrically restricted diffusion in the periventricular white matter and corpus callosum.,Confusional state Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reversible findings of restricted diffusion in 5-fluorouracil neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present the case of a 58-year-old woman who ingested more than 35 g of caffeine in a suicide attempt.,Suicide attempt Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It may cause a severe adverse drug reaction with multiorgan involvement known as dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome.,Hypersensitivity syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome.,Hypersensitivity syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a 21-year-old female patient with dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome.,Hypersensitivity syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylaxis to intrathecal diamorphine.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We believe this is the first report of intrathecal diamorphine causing anaphylaxis.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We highlight two instances of systemic allergic reaction, and discuss the potential side effects of local aprotinin injections in the orthopaedic setting as well as the evidence base for its use.",Drug hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"METHOD: Case analysis of a poly-drug overdose (venlafaxine, topiramate, divalproex sodium, risperidone, and carbamazepine) presenting with mixed SS/NMS features and whose clinical management suggests a practical algorithm for treatment of undifferentiated SS/NMS in critical care settings.",Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Fever and maculopapular rashes appeared at 10 days after phenytoin initiation, and then the drug was discontinued.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Localized purpura associated with lamotrigine.,Purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case study is the second report of localized purpura after prolonged lamotrigine treatment suggesting this may be an atypical lamotrigine-induced drug reaction.,Purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report describes a 13-year-old female with a right frontal high-grade glioma and complex partial seizures who developed localized purpura after 23 months of lamotrigine monotherapy.,Purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute renal failure during lisinopril and losartan therapy for proteinuria.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report describes a case of acute compromise of renal function associated with hypotension in a 7-year-old boy treated with the ACE inhibitor lisinopril and the ARB losartan.,Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia after rituximab therapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.,Organising pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Moreover, these findings suggest that the incidence of BOOP following rituximab therapy may be higher than has been previously appreciated.",Organising pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This is the first reported case of BOOP associated with single-agent rituximab, and along with two other patients we describe, as well as two prior reports of BOOP in NHL patients receiving rituximab-based combinations, strengthens the possibility of a causal relationship.",Organising pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a case of an NHL patient who received rituximab and developed symptomatic, biopsy-proven multinodular bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP).",Organising pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lower extremity arterial thrombosis following sonographically guided thrombin injection of a femoral pseudoaneurysm.,Arterial thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Native arterial thrombosis, though recognized as a severe complication of thrombin injection, has not been well described in the literature.",Arterial thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of successful surgical management of arterial thrombosis after percutaneous thrombin injection of a femoral artery pseudoaneurysm in a 69-year-old woman.,Arterial thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A small number of oxaliplatin-related hemolytic and/or thrombocytopenic reactions have been reported.,Haemolytic anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hemolytic uremic syndrome following the infusion of oxaliplatin: case report.,Hemolytic uremic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present a case of hemolytic-uremic syndrome that developed during the 4th cycle of combination chemotherapy with oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin.",Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"First, a review of the literature produced 41 anecdotic cases of neutropenia or agranulocytosis during treatment with olanzapine (Zyprexa) reported in a total of 24 publications.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neutropenia and agranulocytosis are risks known to occur with phenothiazines and clozapine.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Second, we report a case of neutropenia, which proved to be fatal in a schizophrenia patient receiving olanzapine and thiazide.",Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thus any case of severe neutropenia occurring in a patient receiving olanzapine is alarming to clinicians.,Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a depressive patient who developed mild parkinsonian signs and camptocormia after the introduction of olanzapine.,Camptocormia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Five months after initiating mirtazapine therapy, she developed symptomatic hyponatremia.",Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this case, unlike those previously reported, hyponatremia recurred 5 months after switching from citalopram to mirtazapine, which is believed to be a safe antidepressant.",Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Recurrent hyponatremia associated with citalopram and mirtazapine.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 43-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) had nephrotic syndrome 21 months after starting treatment with interferon (IFN)-beta-1b (subcutaneous administration).,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Because nephrotic syndrome may be induced by IFN therapy, the IFN was stopped.",Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nephrotic syndrome associated with interferon-beta-1b therapy for multiple sclerosis.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Though proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome is a rare adverse effect of IFN-beta-1b therapy, physicians treating MS patients with this agent should pay careful attention to new clinical symptoms and laboratory findings.",Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 70-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea after taking an antihistaminic agent (homochlorcyclizine hydrochloride) for itching.,Dyspnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Acute eosinophilic pneumonia caused by calcium stearate, an additive agent for an oral antihistaminic medication.",Eosinophilic pneumonia acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Therefore, we concluded that this patient's pulmonary disease was caused by calcium stearate, an additive for an antihistaminic drug.",Autoimmune lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Scleritis complicating zoledronic acid infusion.,Scleritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of severe unilateral posterior scleritis associated with zoledronic acid administration that was recognized and treated in a timely manner.,Scleritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Late lethal hepatitis B virus reactivation after rituximab treatment of low-grade cutaneous B-cell lymphoma.,Hepatitis B reactivation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Several such HBV reactivations were reported after combined rituximab and multiagent chemotherapy for B-cell lymphomas.,Hepatitis B reactivation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first case of HBV reactivation occurring during the year following rituximab monotherapy in the absence of any other immunosuppressive factor.,Hepatitis B reactivation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is a case report of fatal cryptococcal meningitis in a child with systemic lupus erythematosus being treated with prednisolone and azathioprine.,Meningitis cryptococcal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An intertrigo-like eruption from pegylated liposomal doxorubicin.,Intertrigo Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This eruption appears to be a distinct cutaneous toxicity of PLD.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a 60-year-old woman who developed erythema and erosions in the axilla and groin while on PLD for breast cancer.,Skin erosion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Herein is reported an unusual case of coexistent warfarin-induced skin necrosis and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia following mitral valve replacement for thromboembolic phenomena associated with marantic endocarditis and bronchial adenocarcinoma.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Warfarin-induced skin necrosis and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia following mitral valve replacement for marantic endocarditis.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Exposure of the fetus to indomethacin by administration of the drug to the mother may cause many side effects, including premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.",Ductus arteriosus premature closure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hypoxia is a predisposing factor for premature ductal closure and often occurs after maternal indomethacin therapy.,Hypoxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Premature closure of the ductus arteriosus: variable response among monozygotic twins after in utero exposure to indomethacin.,Ductus arteriosus premature closure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This selective closure of the ductus arteriosus suggests that the affected twin was predisposed to hypoxia and thus was more susceptible to ductal closure in response to indomethacin exposure.,Ductus arteriosus premature closure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: These cases suggest that moxifloxacin may interfere with the healing of corneal ulcers.,Ulcerative keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Both cases presented here describe corneal ulcers that persisted and showed signs of worsening during weeks of frequent topical dosing with moxifloxacin.,Ulcerative keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe corneal toxicity after topical fluoroquinolone therapy: report of two cases.,Corneal toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by nimesulide.,Acute Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosisatous pustulosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) in a 50-year-old woman that was attributed to the ingestion of nimesulide.,acute Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosisatous pustulosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: Amphotericin B deoxycholate has been reported to produce significant cardiac toxicity, with ventricular arrhythmias and bradycardia reported in overdoses in children and in adults with preexisting cardiac disease, even when administered in conventional dosages and infusion rates.",Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report the clinical course of a woman with cryptococcal meningitis and no previous cardiac disease who developed a fatal cardiac arrhythmia after an acute overdose of amphotericin B and to review its toxicity.,Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Use of the Naranjo probability scale indicated a highly probable relationship between the observed cardiac toxicity and amphotericin B deoxycholate therapy in this patient.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors describe a case of valvular heart disease in a 48-year-old woman receiving benfluorex (150 mg t.i.d. for 8 years) and leading to surgical mitral valve replacement.,Cardiac valve disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Valvular heart disease in a patient taking benfluorex.,Cardiac valve disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The main side-effects of Lp-TAE combined with HT were low-grade fever, localized pain, myelo-suppression and liver dysfunction, but these were transient and eventually disappeared.",Hepatic function abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tacrolimus-induced HUS: an unusual cause of acute renal failure in nephrotic syndrome.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, tacrolimus-induced HUS is a rare cause of ARF in nephrotic syndrome.",Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Liver transplantation for fulminant hepatitis related to nevirapine therapy.,Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a detailed case of fulminant hepatitis induced by nevirapine (Viramune) and treated by liver transplantation.,Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cholelithiasis and thrombosis of the central retinal vein in a renal transplant recipient treated with cyclosporin.,Cholelithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this report, a patient who had undergone a renal transplantation as a result of malignant hypertension, and who was on immunosuppressive therapy consisting of cyclosporin, prednisone and azathioprine, developed thrombosis of the central retinal vein 5 years following the transplantation.",Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The use of cyclosporin has been associated with the development of cholelithiasis in transplant recipients.,Cholelithiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatotoxicity induced by cyproterone acetate: a report of three cases.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Three male patients aged 78-83 years are presented, in whom severe hepatotoxic reactions emerged after CPA administration.",Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE PRESENTATION: Three cases of Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid (CS)-treated patients are reported: an isolated lingual leishmaniasis in a farmer treated with CS for asthma, a severe visceral leishmaniasis associated with cutaneous lesions in a woman with myasthenia gravis, and a visceral involvement after cutaneous leishmaniasis in a man receiving CS.",Cutaneous leishmaniasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Leishmania infantum leishmaniasis in corticosteroid--treated patients.,Visceral leishmaniasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, an association of Ritalin with glaucoma has been reported.",Glaucoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Large dose of methylphenidate may cause cataract and glaucoma.,Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methylphenidate (Ritalin)-associated cataract and glaucoma.,Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of Ritalin-associated cataract and glaucoma.,Cataract Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: We report a typical symptoms of Charles-Bonnet syndrome (CBS) in patients with severe AMD after intravitreal Avastin-injections.,Charles Bonnet syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"PURPOSE: To describe transient structured visual hallucinations in a patient with vascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), following an intravitreal Avastin-injection.","Hallucination, visual" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Visual hallucinations after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab in vascular age-related macular degeneration.,"Hallucination, visual" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of metoclopramide-induced oculogyric crisis in a 16-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis.,Oculogyric crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of oculogyric crisis induced by metoclopramide is described in this paper.,Oculogyric crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, cyclosporine dependency is associated with the risk of nephrotoxicity.",Nephropathy toxic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Quinapril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-inhibitor) and overdose can lead to prolonged hypotension and, less frequently, transient renal impairment.",Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cardiomyopathy after widely separated courses of adriamycin exacerbated by actinomycin-D and mithramycin.,Cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Exacerbations of the heart failure were temporally related to the administration of the antitumor antibiotics actinomycin-D (NSC-3053) and mithramycin (NSC-24559).,Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of adriamycin cardiomyopathy are reviewed, and the possible synergistic effect of other antitumor antibiotics is discussed.",Cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cardiac hypersensitivity and myopericarditis have been reported during long-term treatment with mesalazine.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case of a man, treated with mesalazine for Crohn's disease who developed drug-induced pericarditis.",Pericarditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute drug induced hepatitis due to erlotinib.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE REPORT: We report a case of acute severe hepatitis resulting from erlotinib monotherapy in a patient with locally advanced pancreatic cancer.,Hepatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Acute severe hepatitis though rare is occasionally observed with EGFR inhibitors gefitinib or erlotinib.,Hepatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatotoxicity resolved once erlotinib was discontinued and serum transaminases returned to baseline normal values.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis is a severe complication of systemic heparin therapy.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This experience supports the hypothesis that heparin can be readministered early to patients with heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis, provided antiplatelet therapy is given.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Usefulness of antiplatelet drugs in the management of heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: A clinical diagnosis of fixed drug eruption owing to use of the PDE5 inhibitor tadalafil (Cialis) was made.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Even though only a few cases of this adverse event have been reported in the literature, severe docetaxel-induced pulmonary toxicity needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis when such patients present with respiratory symptoms.",Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal interstitial pneumonitis associated with docetaxel administration in a patient with hormone-refractory prostate cancer.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The case is presented of a 72-year-old man with hormone-refractory prostate cancer and weekly administration of 30 mg/m2 docetaxel who developed subacute interstitial pneumonitis-related pulmonary fibrosis after seven doses and died despite mechanical ventilation and high-dose corticosteroid treatment.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient presented with fulminant microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia within 48 hr of initiating therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.,Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura induced by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in a Jehovah's Witness.,Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura occurring as an allergic response to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole therapy (Bactrim, Septra) in a Jehovah's Witness patient.",Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Juvenile absence epilepsy exacerbated by valproic acid.,Juvenile absence epilepsy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This report describes a case of paradoxical, intravenous valproic acid-induced seizure exacerbation in a child with juvenile absence epilepsy, documented by video-electroencephalography.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute endophthalmitis following intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) injection.,Endophthalmitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Infectious endophthalmitis is a potential complication of intravitreal bevacizumab injection.,Endophthalmitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: Two patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration were treated sequentially with an intravitreal injection of bevacizumab and developed signs of severe but painless infectious endophthalmitis 2 days later.,Age-related macular degeneration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report two cases of acute endophthalmitis following intravitreal bevacizumab injection.,Endophthalmitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary hypertension during lithium therapy: clinical case study.,Pulmonary hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors presented a case of pulmonary hypertension during lithium therapy, while she has been on lithium for 6 years.",Pulmonary hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first report of pulmonary hypertension in an adult patient during lithium therapy.,Pulmonary hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient's arthritis flared after the second infusion of infliximab, which was discontinued.",arthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 32-year-old man with a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus presented with circulatory collapse and deep coma after 9 days of treatment with perospirone hydrochloride, a recently developed atypical antipsychotic agent available only in Japan.",Circulatory collapse Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The risk of new-onset diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with diabetic risk factors who are taking perospirone hydrochloride or other atypical antipsychotics should be kept in mind.,Diabetic ketoacidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal venous thrombembolism complicating imatinib therapy in a patient with metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor.,Embolism venous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The possibility of deep vein thrombosis caused by the compression of the veins by necrotic tumor should be considered in patients with abdominal or pelvic metastases of GIST, including patients treated with imatinib.",Deep vein thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the case of a 50-year-old woman with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who developed status epilepticus shortly after receiving cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Of particular interest in this patient is the fluctuation of the QT interval at a stable dose of methadone, suggesting that a single normal electrocardiogram (ECG) does not guarantee that the patient is not at risk of ventricular arrhythmias.",Electrocardiogram QT interval abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case report of a patient who developed a prolonged QT while being treated with oral methadone for a chronic pain syndrome.,Electrocardiogram QT interval abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"AIMS: To present a case of piloerection after replacing fluvoxamine maleate with milnacipran hydrochloride, and to analyse this effect based on receptor occupancy theory.",Piloerection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The piloerection observed after the replacement of fluvoxamine with milnacipran in this patient appears to have been due to an increase in the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor occupancy by endogenous norepinephrine induced by milnacipran.,Piloerection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Piloerection induced by replacing fluvoxamine with milnacipran.,Piloerection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE PRESENTATION: We report a patient with CF who developed recurrent eosinophilia and severe persistent bronchospasm following repeated administration of preservative-free tobramycin by inhalation, beginning at 16 months of age.",Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Hypersensitivity reaction should be considered in patients who develop recurrent eosinophilia and deterioration of pulmonary function following the use of tobramycin by inhalation or by intravenous administration.,Pulmonary function test decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Inhaled tobramycin solution-associated recurrent eosinophilia and severe persistent bronchospasm in a patient with cystic fibrosis: a case report.,Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The most serious dental side effect of bisphosphonate treatment (particularly when it is administered intravenously) is, paradoxically, osteonecrosis of the mandible or the maxilla represented by exposed nonhealing bone.",Osteonecrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Adverse effects of amiodarone including pulmonary toxicity, hepatotoxicity, aggravation of arrhythmia, and thyroid diseases are well understood.",Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Pancreatitis is a very rare adverse effect associated with the use of amiodarone, and only four cases of amiodarone-induced pancreatitis have been reported in literature.",Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Under the suspicion of amiodarone-induced acute pancreatitis, amiodarone was substituted by propafenone.",Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient who developed acute pancreatitis during amiodarone therapy.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DISCUSSION: To our knowledge this is the first reported case of tuberculous uveitis following treatment with etanercept.,Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tuberculous uveitis after treatment with etanercept.,Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first case of tuberculous uveitis due to etanercept.,Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A complex pattern of melanonychia and onycholysis after treatment with pemetrexed for lung cancer.,Nail pigmentation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Infliximab and its serious adverse effects are discussed, and other cases of osteomyelitis with infliximab use are also reviewed.",Osteomyelitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Osteomyelitis occurring during infliximab treatment of severe psoriasis.,Osteomyelitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Based on the Naranjo probability scale, serotonin syndrome was a probable adverse reaction associated with co-administration of citalopram and fentanyl.",Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE SUMMARY: A 65-year-old patient chronically treated with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram developed confusion, agitation, tachycardia, tremors, myoclonic jerks and unsteady gait, consistent with serotonin syndrome, following initiation of fentanyl, and all symptoms and signs resolved following discontinuation of fentanyl.",Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Healthcare professionals should be aware of the possible development of serotonin syndrome as a complication of initiation of fentanyl and other phenylpiperidine opioids in patients treated with SSRIs.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: To report a case of serotonin syndrome associated with interaction between fentanyl and citalopram, as evidenced by medication history, clinical features and reversal following discontinuation of fentanyl.",Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Serotonin syndrome caused by interaction between citalopram and fentanyl.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Renal failure after high-dose methotrexate in a child homozygous for MTHFR C677T polymorphism.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of an 11-year-old female treated for mediastinal T-cell lymphoma who presented renal failure following the second cycle of high-dose methotrexate (HDMTX).,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Docetaxel induced Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage is the likely cause of this presentation in a patient with no history of eyelid masses in the past.,Meibomian gland dysfunction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Docetaxel-induced Meibomian duct inflammation and blockage leading to chalazion formation.,Chalazion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 71-year male with castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer who was treated with weekly docetaxel for 12 weeks and developed significant eye irritation and dryness during treatment.,Eye irritation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of recall pneumonitis induced by gemcitabine is reported.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After having received gemcitabine on day 1 of the second course, the patient developed dry cough, subfebrile temperatures and dyspnea within 48 h.",Cough Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Gemcitabine-induced recall pneumonitis is a rarely reported phenomenon and should be taken into account even after extended time interval to the previous radiotherapy.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Radiation recall pneumonitis induced by gemcitabine.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: For all patients with vancomycin-induced neutropenia, possible cross-reactivity of teicoplanin should be monitored.",Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, a new episode of neutropenia, with a WBC count of 2.8 x 10(3)/mm3 and ANC of 0.448 x 10(3)/mm3, occurred 11 days after teicoplanin initiation.",Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report teicoplanin-related neutropenia that developed after an episode of neutropenia induced by vancomycin therapy.,Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Teicoplanin-induced agranulocytosis that followed vancomycin-induced agranulocytosis suggests a possible cross-reactivity between the 2 drugs.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous ulceration: an unusual complication of intravenous pentamidine therapy.,Skin ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is a report of a renal transplant patient with Pneumocystis pneumonia who developed chemical cellulitis and ulceration following the extravasation of intravenous pentamidine into the soft tissues of the left hand and forearm.,Cellulitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBSERVATIONS: A 48-year-old woman presented with disfiguring facial edema 10 weeks after she began antiviral therapy with peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C infection.,Face oedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tumor-volume increase at beginning of primary treatment with topical interferon alpha 2-beta in a case of conjunctiva-cornea intraepithelial neoplasia.,Tumour marker increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Flecainide overdose can rapidly result in profound cardiovascular collapse, and is associated with a relatively high mortality.",Circulatory collapse Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Managing cardiovascular collapse in severe flecainide overdose without recourse to extracorporeal therapy.,Circulatory collapse Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ezetimibe-induced acute pancreatitis.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since its FDA approval in 2002, there are no known citations of ezetimibe-induced pancreatitis.",Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Selective estrogen receptor modulator raloxifene-associated aggravation of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.,Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first histologically confirmed case of NASH that was aggravated by raloxifene.,Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of liver damage following treatment with Danazol for fibrocystic breast disease is reported.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatic damage after danazol treatment.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like syndrome associated with the use of lenalidomide.,Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this report, we describe a patient receiving lenalidomide in whom dyspnea, fever, hypoxia, and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates developed.",Lung infiltration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Physicians should be cognizant of this potential complication in patients receiving thalidomide or thalidomide-like drugs who present with fever and pulmonary infiltrates and fail to improve despite treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, the patient's clinical course and workup strongly support a diagnosis of lenalidomide-induced hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like syndrome.",Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Intravitreal triamcinolone may have had an influence on the exacerbation of retinochoroiditis in the posterior pole of the patient.,Chorioretinitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 40-year-old man with advanced HIV infection and Mycobacterium avium complex infection experienced rapid cognitive decline after commencement of ethambutol, and symptoms fully resolved with cessation.",Cognitive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ethambutol toxicity manifesting as acute onset psychosis.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Psoriasis induced by interferon-alpha.,Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Recombinant human interferon-alpha has been used in the treatment of several cancers, but there have been several reports that it may exacerbate psoriasis or trigger off its onset.",Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report four patients, three of whom first developed psoriasis and one who had an aggravation of the condition during treatment with interferon-alpha.",Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 61-year-old man with early diffuse cutaneous scleroderma with myositis and progressive interstitial pneumonia developed generalized erythema with high fever 3 weeks after taking sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim.,Erythema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,INTRODUCTION: We describe the neurointensive care (NIC) management of a patient with severe cerebral swelling and raised intracranial pressure (ICP) after severe sodium valproic acid (VPA) intoxication.,Intracranial pressure increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neurointensive care management of raised intracranial pressure caused by severe valproic acid intoxication.,Intracranial pressure increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bleomycin induced hyperpigmentation with yolk sac tumor.,Pigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The hyperpigmentation was diffuse scattered, flagellate like and linear streaking which was thought to be mainly related to the skin toxicity of bleomycin.",Skin toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a child with yolk sac tumor who developed localized pigmentation after the first course of chemotherapy regimen that included cisplatin, etoposide and bleomycin.",Pigmentation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A cause-effect relationship to capecitabine was suggested due to resolution of headache with capecitabine withdrawal and reappearance with capecitabine rechallenge.,Headache Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: Headaches have been reported as a potential side effect of capecitabine therapy.,Headaches Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Capecitabine-induced headache responding to diltiazem.,Headache Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CCBs should be considered in the treatment of 5-FU or capecitabine-induced headaches.,Headaches Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient developed grade 3 capecitabine-induced headache.,Headache Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We hypothesize that capecitabine-induced headache is vascular in nature.,Headache Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Brugada type electrocardiographic changes induced by concomitant use of lithium and propafenone in patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.,Brugada syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of ST elevation in right precordial leads compatible with type 1 Brugada syndrome following administration of propafenone in a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome who was receiving lithium at concentrations within therapeutic levels.,Electrocardiogram ST segment elevation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We postulate that gastritis caused by dexamethasone, mucositis caused by doxorubicin, and the unique anatomic nature of a Meckel diverticulum may have contributed to this extremely unlikely and previously unreported event.",Gastritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bortezomib-induced paralytic ileus is a potential gastrointestinal side effect of this first-in-class anticancer proteasome inhibitor.,Gastrointestinal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Paralytic ileus in patients undergoing bortezomib treatment has been reported, although a definite attribution to bortezomib administration has not been established.",Ileus paralytic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a myeloma patient who developed severe paralytic ileus during bortezomib therapy, which presented in the context of progressive constipation without other known causes and which regressed promptly with medical management after drug cessation, suggesting a direct causal relationship.",Ileus paralytic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A woman developed delusional parasitosis when taking phenelzine.,Delusion of parasitosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Delusional parasitosis associated with phenelzine.,Delusion of parasitosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Interstitial pneumonitis and alveolar hemorrhage complicating use of rituximab: case report and review of the literature.,Pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The use of rituximab has been uncommonly associated with delayed pulmonary toxicity.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fulminant metoclopramide induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome rapidly responsive to intravenous dantrolene.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of fulminant neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a man aged 70 developing within 12 hours of starting six-hourly intravenous metoclopramide.,Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The clinical symptoms of gastric mucosa foveolar hyperplasia due to long-term PGE1 therapy simulate hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.,Gastric mucosal hypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The results of the ultrasound examination combined with clinical anamnesis allowed diagnosis of gastric mucosa foveolar hyperplasia due to prolonged PGE1 therapy.,Gastric mucosal hypertrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 79-year-old man with ischemic heart disease, chronic atrial fibrillation, chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism, and gout arthritis was hospitalized because of fatigue, myalgia, and leg weakness, shortly after starting treatment with colchicine.",Fatigue Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis is reported.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis is a rare complication, and the postulated mechanisms and risk factors for this severe complication are discussed.",Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Colchicine-induced rhabdomyolysis.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Investigation confirmed the diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis, and discontinuation of colchicine resulted in resolution of clinical and biochemical features of rhabdomylysis.",Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,5-Fluorouracil cardiotoxicity complicating treatment of stage IIB cervical cancer--case report.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Acetic acid is corrosive and may cause vagina bleeding.,Vaginal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Induction of systemic lupus erythematosus by interferon-gamma in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.,systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after 38 months of therapy with recombinant human interferon gamma (rIFN-gamma) was observed in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We assume that rIFN-gamma induced the de novo development of SLE in our patient.,Systemic Systemic lupus erythematosus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bisphosphonate induced osteochemonecrosis of the jaw mimicking a tumour.,Osteonecrosis of jaw Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clozapine-induced eosinophilia and switch to quetiapine in a patient with chronic schizophrenia with suicidal tendencies.,Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug-induced eosinophilia is a non-dose-dependent side effect of clozapine.,Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Occasionally, despite good therapeutic response, clozapine must be stopped due to dangerous side effects such as agranulocytosis.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Metformin-associated lactic acidosis (MALA) is a serious metabolic complication that occurs because of metformin accumulation in patients who become dehydrated or developed acute renal failure.,Lactic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Metformin-associated lactic acidosis precipitated by diarrhea.,Lactic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An apparent link is described between the use of MMF with prednisone to treat pemphigus vulgaris and the development of red blood cell anemia.,Red blood cell abnormality Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Red blood cell anemia in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris induced by the use of mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone.,Red blood cell abnormality Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The dermatology literature heretofore has not noted that anemia is a side effect of patients taking MMF to treat pemphigus.,Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This report suggests that anemia can occur due to MMF, in particular when it is given with prednisone, a side effect well documented in the transplantation literature when the triple combination of MMF, cyclosporine and prednisone is used.",Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A search of the United States Food and Drug Administration's Adverse Event Reporting System identified nine cases of oxcarbazepine-associated angioedema in pediatric patients aged 16 years and younger.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clinical profile of oxcarbazepine-related angioneurotic edema: case report and review.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Oxcarbazepine-associated angioedema manifested by swelling of the face, eyes, lips, or tongue or difficulty swallowing or breathing (or both) is a rare but potentially life-threatening reaction for which early recognition and management are vital.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe in detail the first U.S. case report, of a 4(1/2)-year-old boy who experienced angioedema during treatment with oxcarbazepine.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here we describe another case of VOD occurring after LT, but in which the causative role was played by azathioprine.",Venoocclusive disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,One case of tacrolimus-induced hepatic VOD developing after lung transplantation (LT) has been recently reported.,Venoocclusive disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Carbamazepine hypersensitivity syndrome is a rare, life-threatening condition.",Hypersensitivity syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia developed drug-induced pulmonary toxicity after using low dose oral etoposide.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Because etoposide-induced pulmonary toxicity is an uncommon but serious adverse event, clinicians must be vigilant about the possibility of it, so that the optimal treatment can start as soon as possible.",Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PET scintigraphy of etoposide-induced pulmonary toxicity.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Detection of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody in a patient with L-tryptophan induced eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.,Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The Center for Disease Control has received numerous reports of an eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome related to products containing L-tryptophan.,Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here, we report a case of RFP-induced hypothyroidism without underlying thyroid disease.",Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rifampin-induced hypothyroidism without underlying thyroid disease.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Rifampin (RFP) increases hepatic microsomal enzyme activity, and there are case reports of RFP-induced hypothyroidism, all associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.",Autoimmune thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A patient is described who developed a rapid onset of pulmonary fibrosis following treatment with a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, nabumetone.",Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary fibrosis associated with nabumetone.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Cyclosporine is a potent inhibitor of simvastatin metabolism, and may therefore facilitate simvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis.",Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Discontinuation of simvastatin and cyclosporine resulted in resolution of rhabdomyolysis and normalization of renal function.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Simvastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis following cyclosporine treatment for uveitis.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Generalized lichen nitidus with involvement of the palms following interferon alpha treatment.,Lichen nitidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Here we present the case of a generalized lichen nitidus with involvement of the palms in a patient with hepatitis C after systemic treatment with interferon alpha and ribavirin.,Lichen nitidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It is tempting to speculate that interferon alpha may be involved in the pathogenesis of lichen nitidus.,Lichen nitidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sirolimus-eluting stent thrombosis several years after clopidogrel discontinuation.,Vascular stent thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Treatment of APL in pregnancy is controversial as the use of ATRA has been questioned due to the teratogenic effect of retinoids.,Teratogenicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Interstitial lung disease (ILD) related to therapy with the drug gefitinib has been well reported.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary toxicity associated with erlotinib.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Similar to reports in patients receiving gefitinib, those with pathologic findings of UIP on resected lung specimens or known pulmonary fibrosis may be at particular risk for erlotinib pulmonary toxicity.",Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case and other published evidence should alert physicians to the possibility of fatal erlotinib-induced ILD.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of fatal pulmonary toxicity in a patient with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who received erlotinib.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It has been reported that fluoroquinolone antimicrobials prolong the corrected QT interval but rarely cause torsade de pointes.,Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Torsade de pointes associated with moxifloxacin: a rare but potentially fatal adverse event.,Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,AIM: To report three cases of extensive skin necrosis in cirrhotic patients treated with the vasoconstrictor agent terlipressin (Glypressin).,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Both colchicine and statin therapy may be associated with myopathy, which usually occurs after several months of therapy.",Myopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rapid onset of muscle weakness (rhabdomyolysis) associated with the combined use of simvastatin and colchicine.,Muscular weakness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The concomitant use, however, of colchicine and statin has been associated with the rapid onset of muscle weakness.",Muscular weakness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of a patient with mild chronic renal insufficiency who had been taking simvastatin for over a year and developed acute weakness within 3 weeks after the start of treatment with colchicine for acute gouty bursitis.,Asthenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia as a complication of methotrexate treatment of asthma.,Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Pneumocystis pneumonia should be considered in asthmatic patients taking methotrexate who present with fever, pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxia.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE REPORT: A six-year-old boy with transfusion-dependent beta-thalassaemia developed a unilateral hearing loss shortly after commencing desferrioxamine therapy.,Deafness unilateral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Eleven patients developed infection requiring hospitalization while taking leflunomide including: lower respiratory tract infections (3), cellulitis (2), disseminated herpes zoster (2), probable TB liver (1), abdominal sepsis (1), mycotic aneurysm (1) and gastroenteritis (1).",Abdominal sepsis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 58-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) developed fever, skin eruptions, leukocytopenia, and thrombocytopenia, 3 weeks after treatment with sulfasalazine.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sulfasalazine-induced hypersensitivity syndrome and hemophagocytic syndrome associated with reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus.,Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case illustrates that the hemophagocytic syndrome associated with reactivation of EBV can occur as part of drug hypersensitivity reactions in RA patients taking sulfasalazine.,Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The goal of this study is to describe three patients diagnosed with migraine and epilepsy (both under control) who evolved into status migrainosus after the introduction of oxcarbazepine (OXC), as part of a switch off from carbamazepine (CBZ).",Status migrainosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Uncontrolled headache induced by oxcarbazepine.,Headache Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: A patient with CHF and ESRD developed myoclonic muscle spasms after receiving dobutamine by continuous i.v. infusion.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Myoclonus associated with continuous dobutamine infusion in a patient with end-stage renal disease.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: The occurrence of myoclonus associated with continuous i.v. infusion of dobutamine in a patient with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is described.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reports of colonic perforation as a result of the administration of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol are rare.,Large intestine perforation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We concluded that the colonic ulcer and the sigmoidovesical fistula had been caused by the administration of calcium polystyrene sulfonate and sorbitol.,Large intestinal ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Psychosis in a 12-year-old HIV-positive girl with an increased serum concentration of efavirenz.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report (to our knowledge, for the first time in a child) the emergence of psychosis in a 12-year old white girl with an increased efavirenz concentration and heterozygous gene polymorphism of the CYP2B6-G516T.",Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Mycobacterium marinum infection complicating Crohn's disease, treated with infliximab.",Mycobacterium marinum infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia after adenosine infusion.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of a sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia following adenosine infusion.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Surprisingly, we found that three patients appeared to develop tardive OGC while taking clozapine.",Oculogyric crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tardive oculogyric crisis during treatment with clozapine: report of three cases.,Oculogyric crisis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Metronidazole neuropathy.,Neuropathy peripheral Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two patients are described who developed sensory neuropathy after the ingestion of 30.6 and 114 g metronidazole respectively.,Peripheral sensory neuropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DIAGNOSIS: Sustained ventricular tachycardia possibly owing to thalidomide treatment.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Multiple syncopal episodes started to occur during thalidomide treatment, and a Holter electrocardiogram showed multiple abnormalities, with an episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia.",Syncope Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sustained ventricular tachycardia in a thalidomide-treated patient with primary plasma-cell leukemia.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient developed typical ECM after subcutaneous selfinjection of glatiramer acetate for multiple sclerosis.,Embolia cutis medicamentosa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Embolia cutis medicamentosa following subcutaneous injection of glatiramer acetate.,Embolia cutis medicamentosa Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This case is remarkable since 1) ECM developed after subcutaneous and not after intramuscular injection, 2) the injection was given by the patient himself, and 3) glatiramer acetate can induce skin necrosis as a side effect.",Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although it is difficult to be certain of the direct link of amiodarone on the basis of a single case, it is reasonable to presume that this histopathology is associated with amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism and that involution changes represent the hypofunctional status of this drug-induced disorder.",Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Amiodarone is well recognized as an anti-arrhythmic drug containing a high dose of iodine with considerable potential to cause thyroid dysfunction.,Thyroid disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Histopathology of the thyroid in amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is the first report on the histopathological findings of thyroid tissue from a patient with amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although adverse effects are usually mild, the author reports here a case of leucocytopenia and thrombocytopenia with quetiapine treatment that required its discontinuation.",Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Quetiapine-induced leucopenia and thrombocytopenia.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Amphotericin B-induced cutaneous leucocytoclastic vasculitis: case report.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Palpable purpuric skin lesions on the anterior surface of both legs appeared on the 55th day of amphotericin B treatment.,Purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of cutaneous leucocytoclastic vasculitis in which amphotericin B might presumably be the aetiological factor.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The incidence of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-related cardiotoxicity seems to be dosage and schedule dependent.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Transient asymptomatic bradycardia in patients on infusional 5-fluorouracil.,Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report such a series of patients who had transient asymptomatic bradycardia after being treated with continuous infusion 5-FU.,Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"According to the Naranjo probability scale, the papular eruption was probably caused by methotrexate.",Rash papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The pathogenesis of methotrexate-induced papular eruption in collagen vascular diseases may suggest cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis.,Rash papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DISCUSSION: Methotrexate-induced papular eruption is rarely reported shortly after beginning methotrexate therapy in patients with acute exacerbation of collagen vascular diseases.,Rash papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methotrexate-induced papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis has not been previously reported.,Rash papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methotrexate-induced papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis.,Rash papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of a diffuse papular eruption following treatment of psoriasis with methotrexate injections.,Rash papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pathogenesis of methotrexate-induced papular eruption in psoriasis may involve immune mechanisms other than those of methotrexate-induced cutaneous vasculitis in collagen vascular disease.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ten hours after the second methotrexate injection, the patient experienced a diffuse pruritic papular eruption located mainly on the limbs.",Rash papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Metabolic acidosis induced by acetazolamide.,Metabolic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pericardial hemorrhage due to acetylsalicylic acid in a patient with essential thrombocythemia.,Pericardial haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors describe pericardial hemorrhage, which is related to the use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid in a patient with essential thrombocythemia.",Pericardial haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"From 1996 to 2002 several medications were changed due to their adverse effects: indinavir (renal colic and fever), nelfinavir (cutaneous rash), and efavirenz (nausea and temporary memory loss).",Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Conventional and diffusion-weighted MRI findings of methotrexate related sub-acute neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case demonstrates the value of DWI in evaluation and diagnosis of sub-acute toxic leukoencephalopathy in patients being treated with methotrexate.,Toxic leukoencephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe longitudinal diffusion-weighted MRI findings of sub-acute leukoencephalopathy following methotrexate therapy in a 24-year-old man diagnosed with pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), presenting with right-sided paralysis and aphasia after second consolidation with intrathecal triple-drug therapy given intrathecally.",Toxic leukoencephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,New onset of CD may be considered as an immune-mediated injury induced by etanercept.,Crohn's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,New onset of Crohn's disease during treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis with etanercept.,Crohn's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Typical symptoms of active CD occurred 11, 12, and 26 months after start of etanercept therapy, respectively.",Crohn's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe 3 AS patients treated with etanercept for active AS who developed new onset of CD while AS related symptoms responded well to etanercept.,Crohn's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage is a serious complication of aspirin and clopidogrel (dual) anti-platelet therapy with a high morbidity and mortality.,Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"While doxorubicin was administered, the patient presented thoracic pain and breathing distress due to superior vena cava perforation by the central catheter and subsequent extravasation of the drug into the mediastinum.",Dyspnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe hepatocellular dysfunction following cyproterone acetate therapy.,Hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report 3 patients with severe hepatocellular damage due to CPA therapy, 2 with fatal fulminant hepatitis.",Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,She was treated with acyclovir and subsequently developed VZV antigen-positive zoster.,Herpes zoster Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"According to the Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale, the likelihood that temozolomide was responsible for the adverse drug reaction of fever was probable (score of 6).",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Clinicians should be aware that an erythematous and exfoliative rash may be induced by temozolomide, and be familiar with the pharmacologic and supportive measures necessary for its treatment.",Exfoliative Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Due to the severity of the rash, temozolomide was permanently discontinued.",Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Temozolomide-induced desquamative skin rash in a patient with metastatic melanoma.,Dermatitis exfoliative Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Temozolomide was restarted 2 months later; the patient again developed a fever.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Exfoliative dermatitis secondary to tobramycin sulfate.,Dermatitis exfoliative Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of exfoliative dermatitis clearly linked to intravenous and intraperitoneal administration of tobramycin.,Dermatitis exfoliative Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rituximab-CHOP induced interstitial pneumonitis in patients with disseminated extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Phenytoin toxicity: an easily missed cause of cerebellar syndrome.,Cerebellar syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A diagnosis of trastuzumab-induced pneumonitis was made.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A female patient with HER2 positive, metastatic breast cancer presented with pulmonary infiltrates, and a plural effusion dyspnoea after several months of trastuzumab treatment.",Dyspnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Life-threatening interstitial lung disease associated with trastuzumab: case report.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 30-year-old pharmacist suffered from acute allergic contact dermatitis due to 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-Cl).,Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Allergic contact dermatitis from 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan.,Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Photo-onycholysis caused by olanzapine and aripiprazole.,Photo-onycholysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a woman who developed photo-onycholysis on multiple nails after uptake of olanzapine.,Photoonycholysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage after leflunomide therapy in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.,Pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case of a young man, affected by rheumatoid arthritis who developed a rapid-onset short-of-breath, hemoptysis, and severe weakness, about 2 weeks after the administration of leflunomide.",Haemoptysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hyponatraemia developed after rechallenge with controlled release carbamazepine.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hyponatraemia during low-dose carbamazepine therapy.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis as a much earlier side-effect of carbamazepine administration in a 29-year Nigerian female patient with generalized tonic-elonic seizures.,antidiuresis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In the present paper, we describe two patients with active UC who developed a severe systemic CMV infection during a treatment with an oral microemulsion form of cyclosporine.",Cytomegalovirus infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A short review on imatinib-related hepatotoxicity is also presented.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Imatinib mesylate-related fatal acute hepatic failure in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia and chronic hepatitis B infection.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Up to four percent of patients treated with imatinib may develop hepatotoxicity, which usually resolves with discontinuation of the drug.",Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a 45-year-old Chinese man with CML and chronic hepatitis B virus infection, on imatinib treatment, presenting with herpetic rash and acute liver failure.",Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians treating elderly patients with olanzapine should be aware of the potential for rapidly developing hyperglycemia and monitor such patients accordingly.,Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of rapidly occurring hyperglycemia that occurred in a geriatric patient 3 days after treatment with olanzapine.,Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rapidly developing hyperglycemia during treatment with olanzapine.,Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Subsequently, he developed hyperglycemia (fasting blood glucose 138 mg/dL) that resolved when olanzapine was stopped and recurred (fasting blood glucose 150 mg/dL) after 2 days of rechallenge with olanzapine 2.5 mg twice daily.",Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"There have been numerous case reports of hyperglycemia with olanzapine in the literature, but none reported hyperglycemia within days of initiation of the medication.",Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Adult respiratory distress syndrome after treatment with pegylated interferon alpha-2a and ribavirin.,Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the first case of fulminant adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) associated with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (pegIFNalpha-2a) and ribavirin use for hepatitis C, complicated by subsequent and ultimately fatal sepsis and multiorgan failure.",Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bilateral anterior uveitis associated with clomiphene citrate.,Iridocyclitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report a case of bilateral anterior uveitis associated with ovulation induction therapy using clomiphene citrate.,Iridocyclitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Development of tics in a thirteen-year-old male following atomoxetine use.,Tic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"There are, however, case studies describing patients experiencing recurrences of tics following treatment with atomoxetine.",Tic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 51-year-old man developed type 1 diabetes mellitus following 24 weeks of treatment with recombinant alpha-2b peginterferon plus ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C.,Type 1 diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The clinical course suggested that recombinant alpha-2b peginterferon plus ribavirin provoked type 1 diabetes mellitus, therefore, in patients who are candidates for interferon therapy the presence of pancreatic autoantibodies and the fasting plasma glucose level should be investigated before and during treatment.",Type 1 diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Type 1 diabetes mellitus provoked by peginterferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin treatment for chronic hepatitis C.,Type 1 diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: To describe the occurrence of ocular hypertension in four patients following injection of ranibizumab intravitreally.,Ocular hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Severe and sustained ocular hypertension may occur after intravitreal ranibizumab.,Ocular hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ocular hypertension occurred 1 month after the second ranibizumab injection in patients 1 and 3, and 1 month after the first ranibizumab in patient 2.",Ocular hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Persisent ocular hypertension following intravitreal ranibizumab.,Ocular hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine-induced peripheral vasculopathy.,Peripheral vascular disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report 4 patients, 2 on methylphenidate and 2 on dextroamphetamine who presented with acral cyanosis, livedo reticularis, or Raynaud phenomenon.",Cyanosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Disseminated eruptive giant mollusca contagiosa in an adult psoriasis patient during efalizumab therapy.,Molluscum contagiosum Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 45-year-old psoriasis patient who developed eruptive mollusca contagiosa during an antipsoriatic treatment with efalizumab.,Molluscum contagiosum Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Gastric tumor, endometrial carcinoma and cervical adenocarcinoma in situ were detected after treatment with tamoxifen for breast cancer.",Cervix carcinoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Incomplete posterior hyaloid detachment after intravitreal pegaptanib injection in diabetic macular edema.,Vitreous detachment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report one case of incomplete posterior hyaloid detachment (PHD) following intravitreal pegaptanib to treat DME.,Vitreous detachment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Enalaprilat induced acute parotitis.,Parotitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present here a female patient who developed acute bilateral parotitis within minutes of i.v. enalaprilat injection and recovered within 24 hours of stopping the drug and with symptomatic treatment.,Parotitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a 4-year-old girl who presented with acute bilateral blindness, a focal seizure and hypertension 10 days after commencing oxybutynin to treat enuresis.",Blindness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe symptomatic hyponatremia during sibutramine therapy: a case report.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The known side effects of sibutramine, ie, hypertension and tachycardia, depend on its adrenergic and serotoninergic effects.",Hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of life-threatening hyponatremia associated with sibutramine use in an obese woman.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Our findings reveal that even in patients without a history of seizures, pregabalin can cause a cortical negative myoclonus.",Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pregabalin-induced cortical negative myoclonus in a patient with neuropathic pain.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a patient who, after receiving his first dose of pregabalin to relieve neuropathic pain, presented with a negative myoclonus.",Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Muzolimine-induced severe neuromyeloencephalopathy: report of seven cases.,Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report on 7 patients (2 women, 5 men) with chronic renal failure, who developed under a high dosage of the new diuretic muzolimine (range 240 to 1440 mg per day) fatal neuromyeloencephalopathy.",Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,L-asparaginase-induced posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome during acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in children.,Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The purpose of this article is to present the first case-series of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) associated with L-asparaginase treatment.,Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anastrozole-associated sclerosing glomerulonephritis in a patient with breast cancer.,Glomerulosclerosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Anastrozole may be the causative factor in patients with sclerosing glomerulonephritis.,Glomerulosclerosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Diagnosis of sclerosing glomerulonephritis occurred in this patient during anastrozole use, suggesting a newly defined side effect of anastrozole.",Glomerulosclerosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Renal injury due to anastrozole has not been published in the English literature.,Renal injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"There are major side effects of anastrozole including decrease in both lumbar spine and total hip bone mineral density, increase in the incidence of all bone fractures (especially fractures of spine, hip and wrist), joint disorders and increase in the cholesterol level.",Spinal osteoarthritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We believe that the acute renal failure in our patient was associated with anastrozole.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE SUMMARY: A 61-year-old woman with no apparent risk factors for liver injury developed acute hepatitis one week after the final dose of a long-term course of pulse itraconazole therapy (200 mg orally twice daily, 1 wk on, 3 wk off, for 24 wk) for onychomycosis.",Hepatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged exposure to itraconazole, administered either continuously or intermittently, may precipitate severe and irreversible hepatotoxic events.",Hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal hepatitis after long-term pulse itraconazole treatment for onychomycosis.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report the occurrence of acute cytolytic hepatitis in a patient exposed to pulse itraconazole therapy for 24 weeks and provide a concise review of the literature on cases of itraconazole-induced hepatitis.,Hepatic cytolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Only one case of severe symptomatic hepatitis occurring after pulse therapy with itraconazole for onychomycosis and requiring transplantation has been reported previously.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Intrathecal baclofen can impair sexual function and ejaculation in some patients.,Sexual dysfunction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: A male and a female patient with spasticity treated with intrathecal baclofen were recognized to have sexual dysfunction side effects from treatment.,Sexual dysfunction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sexual dysfunction associated with intrathecal baclofen use: a report of two cases.,Sexual dysfunction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylactic reaction to recombinant insulin-like growth factor-I.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 13 year-old male who developed life-threatening anaphylaxis early in the course of Increlex therapy.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Increasing the olanzapine dosage severely aggravated the symptoms of RLS.,Restless legs syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movements during sleep probably associated with olanzapine.,Periodic limb movement disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The fifth patient exhibited paraesthesia and agitation caused by olanzapine that was misdiagnosed as psychotic agitation.,Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The fourth patient showed RLS symptoms that were initially caused by a 20-mg daily olanzapine dosage and were later mitigated when olanzapine was reduced and ropinirole was administered.,Restless legs syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The second patient exhibited sudden PLMS following olanzapine injection.,Periodic limb movement disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The third patient had been suffering from serious akathisia while on risperidone, and was cured after switching to olanzapine, but thereafter the patient suffered from RLS at nighttime.",Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report five cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMS) that were probably associated with olanzapine.,Periodic limb movement disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Alendronate led to nodular scleritis and rechallenge caused recurrence of scleritis.,Scleritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nodular scleritis following alendronate therapy.,Scleritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To report a case of nodular scleritis following alendronate sodium.,Scleritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two weeks following rechallenge with alendronate sodium resulted in recurrence of his scleritis.,Scleritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In addition, there is a report on prolonged ECT seizure related to ciprofloxacin, which has an epileptogenic property with a similar action to beta-lactam antibiotics.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, tardive seizures in our cases are thought to be related to piperacillin and cefotiam.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute delirium resulting from levofloxacin therapy is an exceedingly rare complication that has been thought to occur more commonly in elderly patients.,Delirium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: The new quinolone derivatives (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin, grepafloxacin, trovafloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin), also called gyrase inhibitors, are known for their potential to cause central nervous system-related adverse effects, including headache, dizziness and insomnia.",Dizziness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here, we describe levofloxacin-induced delirium with psychotic features in a relatively young, otherwise healthy female.",Delirium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Levofloxacin-induced delirium with psychotic features.,Delirium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: A previously healthy 42-year-old woman presented with acute-onset delirium with psychotic features as a consequence of levofloxacin therapy.,Delirium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware that Crohn's disease is a potential novel adverse drug effect of Copaxone.,Crohn's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Development of Crohn's disease in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with copaxone.,Crohn's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Our patient developed Crohn's disease while on Copaxone treatment as a consequence of long-term immunosuppression.,Crohn's disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,She had been on Copaxone 20 mg/day treatment for 2 years when she first exhibited gastrointestinal symptoms.,Gastrointestinal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors present a case study of a mentally healthy man who repeatedly experienced short-lived, obsessional-like suicidal ideas and images after ingestion of the anti-fungal drug ketoconazole.",Suicidal ideation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"During intravenous treatment with terlipressin for recurrent gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, a 50-year-old male with no history of heart disease developed a newly prolonged QT interval and torsade de pointes.",Electrocardiogram QT prolonged Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Terlipressin-induced ventricular arrhythmia.,Ventricular arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Spontaneous nasal septal perforation with antiangiogenic bevacizumab therapy.,Nasal septal operation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This case describes a 52-year-old white woman who developed a spontaneous nasal septal perforation after given the antiangiogenic drug, bevacizumab, for metastatic ovarian cancer treatment.",Nasal septal operation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 37-year-old woman with relapsing invasive vertebral aspergillosis received intravenous VRC and developed angio-oedema 10 days after starting therapy.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Angio-oedema as an unusual tolerable side effect of voriconazole therapy.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Here, we report a case of angio-oedema associated with VRC therapy.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, this is the first report of an angio-oedema associated with VRC.",Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Voriconazole (VRC) has not previously been reported to cause angio-oedema.,Angioedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Multiple seizures after bupropion overdose in a small child.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient experienced hallucinations, agitation, vomiting, tachycardia and seizures after ingestion of 1050 (48 mg/kg) of extended-release bupropion.",Agitation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of pediatric bupropion ingestion resulting in multiple seizures.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methylphenidate-associated enuresis in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.,Enuresis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is a case report of possible association of methylphenidate and enuresis in an 11-year-old boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.,Enuresis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cephalosporin-induced leukopenia following rechallenge with cefoxitin.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Cefazolin was a probable cause of this patient's leukopenia.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of cefazolin-induced leukopenia in a critically ill patient who developed this adverse reaction upon rechallenge with cefoxitin.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Use of the Naranjo probability scale determined the association between cephalosporin use and leukopenia to be probable.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) induced by cyclosporine use in a patient with collapsing focal glomeruloesclerosis.,Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of PRES in a patient with collapsing focal glomeruloesclerosis (collapsing FGS) with complete recovery after withdrawal of cyclosporine (CSA).,Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Stuttering priapism complicating warfarin therapy in a patient with protein C deficiency.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This therapy was also complicated by Warfarin-induced skin necrosis.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a rare case of recurrent (stuttering) priapism in a patient with protein C deficiency while maintained on Warfarin therapy.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient expired after seven cycles of treatment had been completed because of pulmonary fibrosis and the drug toxicity of bleomycin.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE SUMMARY: An 80-year-old white female, followed up at the Memory Clinic for mild cognitive impairment, had been taking propafenone 900 mg/d for >10 years for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without adverse effects.",Cognitive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a possible interaction between propafenone and citalopram, which caused propafenone adverse effects (eg, dizziness, falls) and mimicked coronary artery disease.",Coronary artery disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Three months after starting citalopram, she experienced episodes of chest tightness and dizziness.",Chest discomfort Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware of this adverse reaction when facing similar complex neurologic symptoms in patients who are receiving the antibiotic treatment described here, especially vancomycin.",Neurological symptom Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: To our knowledge, this is the first case report illustrating neuralgic amyotrophy triggered by exposure to the antibiotics vancomycin, tobramycin, and piperacillin/tazobactam.",Neuralgic amyotrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Seizures and transient blindness following intravenous pulse methylprednisolone in children with primary glomerulonephritis.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Two children, 1 with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and 1 with endo-extracapillary glomerulonephritis, presented an episode of seizures and transient blindness at different times after i.v. pulse methylprednisolone (IVPMP) treatment.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Based on the Naranjo algorithm, the adverse reaction observed was probably related to the hydroxyurea treatment (score = 6); however, the hydroxyurea chemotherapy could not be discontinued because of the myeloproliferative disorder.",Myeloproliferative neoplasm Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Both the longitudinal melanonychia and the multiple skin cancers first appeared after approximately 6 months of hydroxyurea treatment.,Nail pigmentation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: We report this case of the concomitant appearance of multiple skin cancers and nail changes associated with hydroxyurea use.,Skin cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hydroxyurea associated with concomitant occurrence of diffuse longitudinal melanonychia and multiple squamous cell carcinomas in an elderly subject.,Nail pigmentation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to report the concomitant occurrence of multiple squamous cell carcinomas and diffuse nail hyperpigmentation associated with hydroxyurea treatment, and to describe a successful therapeutic approach using imiquimod 5%.",Nail pigmentation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient completed a 10-month follow-up, maintaining a complete resolution of the treated skin lesions; however, the development of a painful hand ulcer, possibly associated with the hydroxyurea, and new skin cancers were observed at the last follow-up visit.",Ulcer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Vanishing bile duct and Stevens-Johnson syndrome associated with ciprofloxacin treated with tacrolimus.,Stevens-Johnson syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of a patient with ciprofloxacin-induced SJS and acute onset of VBDS, and reviewed the related literature.",Stevens-Johnson syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 64 year old woman with previous history of coronary stenting five days before was admitted in our institution for intracranial bleeding while receiving aspirin and clopidogrel.,Haemorrhage intracranial Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Disseminated salmonellosis in a patient treated with temozolomide.,Salmonellosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the first case of disseminated salmonellosis in a patient treated with temozolomide.,Salmonellosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ceftriaxone-induced fixed drug eruption: first report.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"FDE from cephalosporins has been rarely reported, and to the best of our knowledge there is no published report of ceftriaxone-induced FDE in the literature.",Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first case of a 54-year-old Turkish woman who presented with ceftriaxone-induced FDE.,Fixed eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: All doctors need to be aware of the need to review the indications for gabapentin use during periods of acute illness, especially with regard to renal impairment.",Renal impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Gabapentin toxicity in renal failure: the importance of dose adjustment.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: This case report outlines a significant type of morbidity due to continued use of gabapentin during an episode of acute renal failure.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis following intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection.,Chorioretinitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: We describe the ophthalmic features and clinical course of two cases of acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis (ASPPC) that developed after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) injection.,Chorioretinitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The fundus picture shown in these cases may be typical of ASPPC after IVTA injection.,Chorioretinitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Two patients with ocular inflammation of unknown origin developed severe chorioretinitis after IVTA injection.,Chorioretinitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although it is difficult to solely attribute intratumoral hemorrhage to aspirin, we have to be careful when prescribing aspirin for patients who have asymptomatic meningioma.",Tumour haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hemorrhage from a falx meningioma after internal use of low-dose aspirin.,Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"On the other hand, aspirin may have promoted the enlargement of spontaneous hemorrhage from meningioma.",enlargement of spontaneous Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Our case is the second one in which hemorrhage from a meningioma may have been induced by aspirin prophylaxis.,Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case in which hemorrhage occurred in an asymptomatic falx meningioma known beforehand, after the internal use of low-dose aspirin for 16 months.",Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute coronary syndromes can be associated with the infusion of rituximab.,Acute coronary syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute coronary syndromes complicating the first infusion of rituximab.,Acute coronary syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of acute coronary syndromes in 3 cases of rituximab infusions.,Acute coronary syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The occurrence of symptoms that could be ascribed to an acute coronary syndrome should always be taken seriously during the first rituximab infusion and investigated aggressively.,Acute coronary syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We reviewed the records of 3 patients with lymphoproliferative disorders who experienced acute coronary syndromes associated with their initial infusion of rituximab.,Acute coronary syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: This report describes a case of a probable interaction between topical econazole lotion 1% and acenocoumarol that resulted in overanticoagulation and a life-threatening laryngeal hematoma in this elderly patient.,Laryngeal haematoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Laryngeal dyspnea in relation to an interaction between acenocoumarol and topical econazole lotion.,Laryngeal dyspnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Adrenal suppression in a fetus due to administration of methylprednisolone has hitherto been rarely published.,Adrenal insufficiency Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Life-threatening adrenal suppression, requiring hydrocortisone supplementation and intensive therapy, was observed and successfully treated in a newborn, whose mother had received high-dose methylprednisolone in late pregnancy.",Adrenal insufficiency Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,High-dose methylprednisolone in a pregnant woman with Crohn's disease and adrenal suppression in her newborn.,Adrenal insufficiency Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 10-year-old asthmatic boy began to suffer from urticarial rash and moderately severe bronchospasm after 8 weeks' treatment with disodium cromoglycate.,Bronchospasm Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Asthma and urticaria during disodium cromoglycate treatment.,Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When DSCG was withdrawn, urticaria vanished and the child remained symptom-free.",Urticaria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After the first oral dose of propranolol, syncope developed together with atrioventricular block.",Atrioventricular block Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Syncope induced by propranolol in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.,Syncope Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Olanzapine-induced hyperglycaemic coma and neuroleptic malignant syndrome: case report and review of literature.,Diabetic hyperglycaemic coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: The main adverse effects of leflunomide consist of diarrhea, nausea, liver enzyme elevation, hypertension, alopecia, and allergic skin reactions.",Dermatitis allergic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Leflunomide-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this report we described a case of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patient who developed thymic enlargement (true thymic hyperplasia), mediastinal lymphadenopathy and pleurisy associated with systemic symptoms under Etanercept treatment.",Lymphadenopathy mediastinal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thymic enlargement in a patient with juvenile idiopathic arthritis during etanercept therapy.,Hyperplasia of thymic epithelium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Oxcarbazepine-induced Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS).,Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This is an image and brief case report of a 13-year-old boy who presented with severe rash and systemic symptoms after starting oxcarbazepine.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,After treatment with a beta-sympathomimetic drug (Partusisten) one fetus developed supraventricular tachycardia.,Supraventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rosaceiform eruption induced by erlotinib.,Rosacea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The aim of this paper is to report the case of rosaceiform eruption induced by erlotinib in an 81-year-old-man and to discuss the pathogenetic role of Demodex folliculorum mites, found in the present patient, using skin scraping.",Rosacea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In patients with methotrexate-induced anaphylaxis, discontinuation of treatment may increase the risk of death due to cancer progression.",Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Management and successful desensitization in methotrexate-induced anaphylaxis.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, we confirm that desensitization may be a safe procedure in patients with cancer who experience methotrexate-induced anaphylaxis.",Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case of a child with metastatic osteosarcoma, who experienced an anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reaction to methotrexate.",Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug-induced fever due to diltiazem.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Drug-induced fever should be considered in patients who have unexplained high temperatures during diltiazem therapy.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, drug-induced fever has not been reported with the use of diltiazem hydrochloride, a commonly prescribed calcium channel blocker.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of congestive heart failure in a child with Wilms' tumor treated Adriamycin is presented and discussed.,Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Radiologic recognition of adriamycin cardiotoxicity.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The role of Adriamycin in the production of cardiotoxicity is reviewed.,Cardiotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carbamazepine-induced Diabetes mellitus.,Diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diabetes Mellitus was observed in a patient given carbamazepine.,Diabetes Mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although heparin-dependent antibodies (HDAs) typically manifest with thrombocytopenia as in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), they may also manifest with preserved platelet counts.",Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clinicians should be cognizant of this possibility and consider a diagnosis of HDAs in patients with ongoing thrombosis who are receiving heparin therapy.,Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Heparin-dependent antibodies and thrombosis without heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Despite these antithrombotic effects, the patient developed repeated venous thromboembolism during treatment with low-molecular-weight heparin.",Embolism venous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Four months after receiving an orthotopic liver transplant, a 51-year-old man was admitted for progressive liver failure and severe hepatocellular necrosis thought to be due to tacrolimus.",Hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Initiation of posaconazole led to clinical improvement until the patient's demise from bacteremic vancomycin-resistant enterococcal peritonitis.,Peritonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Iatrogenic Cushing syndrome after epidural triamcinolone injections in an HIV type 1-infected patient receiving therapy with ritonavir-lopinavir.,Cushing's syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the first case of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individual receiving combination antiretroviral therapy, which included ritonavir, who developed Cushing syndrome with profound complications after epidural triamcinolone injections.",Cushing's syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 22-year-old drug-abuser injected flunitrazepam tablets dissolved in tap water into her left femoral artery and presented with clinical signs of acute ischaemia of the left leg.,Peripheral ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute ischaemia of the leg following accidental intra-arterial injection of dissolved flunitrazepam tablets.,Peripheral ischaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 17-year-old boy with refractory psoriatic arthritis and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency who developed a syringotropic hypersensitivity reaction after 9 months of therapy with infliximab and leflunomide is described.,Sweat gland tumour Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Syringotropic hypersensitivity reaction associated with infliximab and leflunomide combination therapy in a child with psoriatic arthritis.,Sweat gland tumour Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of severe aplastic anemia secondary to treatment with lenalidomide for multiple myeloma.,Aplastic anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although moderate myelosuppression is not uncommonly seen in patients treated with lenalidomide, aplastic anemia has not previously been reported to be associated with this agent.",Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of severe aplastic anemia (AA) that was probably induced by lenalidomide.,Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After cessation of amantadine, the edema resolved, and the endothelial cell densities were 50% of patients being treated for endometriosis.,Hypo-oestrogenic and anaOestrogen deficiencybolic/androgenic side-effects Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The present report describes the first case of acute pancreatitis associated with danazol treatment of endometriosis.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acyclovir neurotoxicity: clinical experience and review of the literature.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acyclovir produces neurologic symptoms that resemble extension of viral infection into the central nervous system.,Neurological symptom Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Systemic disease, most commonly renal dysfunction, preceded all 30 reported cases of acyclovir neurotoxicity.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We discuss our observations in the cases of two patients with acyclovir neurotoxicity and review the findings of all previous reports in the English language literature.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Response of a promethazine-induced coma to flumazenil.,Coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the first case of a patient in a promethazine-induced coma responding to treatment with flumazenil.,Coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Amebic abscess of the spleen complicated by metronidazole-induced neurotoxicity: case report.,Hepatic amoebiasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a patient with a liver abscess due to Entamoeba histolytica, in whom metronidazole therapy (total dose, 21 g over 14 days) was complicated by reversible deafness, tinnitus, and ataxia and who relapsed 5 months later with a splenic abscess.",Ataxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Actinomycin D associated hepatic veno-occlusive disease--a report of 2 cases.,Venoocclusive liver disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There are now reports of liver failure following treatment of childhood cancers with AMD.,Hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Phenylpropanolamine-induced psychosis.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a cae of paranoid psychosis following use of a decongestant containing PPA and summarize the case report literature of psychiatric adverse effects to PPA in which doses were known and stated to be within recommended guidelines.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Although budesonide may be beneficial because of its anti-inflammatory effects, clinicians should be alert to its potential for causing contact dermatitis.",Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Contact dermatitis due to budesonide: report of five cases and review of the Japanese literature.,Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"METHODS: Five cases of contact dermatitis due to budesonide, a nonhalogenated steroid, are described.",Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,RESULTS: Budesonide use can cause contact dermatitis.,Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although other nitrites induce methemoglobinemia, exposure to methyl nitrite during phenylpropanolamine production appears to be a new cause of occupational methemoglobinemia.",Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methemoglobinemia: an occupational hazard of phenylpropanolamine production.,Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,During and after IFN therapy we should consider the possibility of occurrence of IDDM as well as other autoimmune diseases and observe the clinical course carefully.,Type 1 diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Four years after the beginning of IFN therapy, he acutely developed moderate hyperglycemia and severe ketonuria with positive islet cell antibody, and then 28 units/day of insulin injection was started.",Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Occurrence of IDDM during interferon therapy for chronic viral hepatitis.,Type 1 diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of IDDM which occurred during interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis.,Type 1 diabetes mellitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Four patients who manifested symptoms of the antiepileptic drug (AED) hypersensitivity syndrome during therapy with carbamazepine are reported.,Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Recurrent hypotension immediately after seizures in nortriptyline overdose.,Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The use of methotrexate (MTX) has been contraindicated for treatment of severe psoriasis in HIV infection on the basis of six previously reported cases in which MTX appeared to potentiate opportunistic infections and accelerate HIV disease.,HIV infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: This case describes the clinically significant increase of INR in an elderly patient after adding a chemotherapy regimen of levamisole and 5-FU to a previous regimen of warfarin alone.,Prothrombin time prolonged Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, prolongation of 5-FU half-life and an increase in INR have been reported with the concurrent use of 5-FU and warfarin.",Prothrombin time prolonged Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cholestatic liver disease with ductopenia (vanishing bile duct syndrome) after administration of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.,Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"One patient who received clindamycin had liver biopsy findings of marked cholestasis, portal inflammation, bile duct injury and bile duct paucity (ductopenia).",Gallbladder injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The second patient, who developed cholestasis after receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, had marked duct paucity in the liver biopsy.",Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This is the first description, to our knowledge, of ductopenia apparently caused by clindamycin.",Vanishing bile duct syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Three years later, treatment with ampicillin caused another episode of cholestatic hepatitis with cholestasis and duct paucity on rebiopsy.",Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"METHODS: A patient who developed dramatic, permanent vision loss after a 9-month course of treatment with ethambutol and isoniazid for pulmonary tuberculosis is presented.",Blindness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"RESULTS: Ethambutol, and to a lesser extent isoniazid, are both implicated in the development of visually related side effects.",Visual impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,There is documentation of ocular toxicity with ethambutol when administered at dosages generally pronounced as being safe.,Ocular toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Toxic optic neuropathy associated with ethambutol: implications for current therapy.,Toxic optic neuropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Currently the use of zidovudine is one of the few specific measures available, and as a potentially teratogenic and fetotoxic agent, any decision for its use requires evaluation of the potential for fetal damage.",Foetal damage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In a series of 104 cases of intentional or inadvertent use of zidovudine at differing gestations in pregnancy, there were eight spontaneous first trimester abortions, eight therapeutic terminations, and eight cases of fetal abnormality occurring among a total of 88 cases where the pregnancy progressed.",Congenital anomaly Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Zidovudine use in pregnancy: a report on 104 cases and the occurrence of birth defects.,Congenital anomaly Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Celiprolol pneumonitis.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Inadvertent subsequent rechallenge with celiprolol led to recurrence of the pneumonitis, 10 weeks after drug readministration.",Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report on a patient who developed hypersensitivity pneumonitis during treatment with the beta-blocker, celiprolol.",Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ibopamine-induced reversible leukopenia during treatment for congestive heart failure.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reversible leukopenia was documented in an 81-year-old woman treated with adjunctive ibopamine 100 mg t.i.d. for chronic congestive heart failure.,Leukopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Diphenylhydantoin apparently adversely affected both the clinical and biochemical parameters of the acute intermittent porphyria.,Porphyria acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Significant clinical improvement of the porphyria followed withdrawal of the diphenylhydantoin.,Porphyria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 53-year-old male, without any prior history of psychosis, developed schizophrenia 4 days after starting low-dose bromocriptine therapy for a macroprolactinoma.",Schizophrenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Bromocriptine-induced schizophrenia.,Schizophrenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Concurrent acute megaloblastic anaemia and pneumonitis: a severe side-effect of low-dose methotrexate therapy during rheumatoid arthritis.,Anaemia megaloblastic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, we report the first simultaneous occurrence of two side effects of low-dose methotrexate: an acute megaloblastic anaemia and a pneumonitis.",Anaemia megaloblastic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"An 11-year-old boy who was treated with a relatively high dose of methotrimeprazine meleate (Levemepromazine) a phenothiazine antipsychotic drug, was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit suffering from respiratory distress syndrome.",Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The association of phenothiazine overdose and respiratory distress syndrome merits consideration.,Acute respiratory distress syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In two patients, apomorphine remained effective in the morning, but increased the intensity of the dyskinesias in the afternoon.",Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report on three observations of parkinsonian patients with levo-dopa-induced diphasic dyskinesias, who received subcutaneous apomorphine to reduce the duration of abnormal movements.",Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fulminant hepatitis with severe lactate acidosis in HIV-infected patients on didanosine therapy.,Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This prompted us to suspect that ddI might be responsible for fulminant hepatitis in all three AIDS patients.,Hepatitis fulminant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two cases of fulminant hepatic failure in HIV-1-infected patients treated with didanosine (ddI).,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Generalized argyria after habitual use of AgNO3.,Argyria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A case of fluoxetine induced seizures, in a person with Down syndrome, is described.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Seizures associated with fluoxetine therapy are uncommon.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Seizures associated with fluoxetine therapy.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although fluoxetine-induced headache occurred in one patient, the other five reported no side effects at the doses used.",Headache Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Sodium valproate and carbamazepine, antiepileptic drugs that are associated with a relatively low rate of adverse cutaneous reactions, should be added to the growing list of drugs that produce psoriasiform eruptions.",Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present findings from three patients who experienced a psoriasiform eruption apparently due to the antiepileptic agents sodium valproate and carbamazepine.,Psoriasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe diffuse interstitial pneumonitis induced by carmustine (BCNU).,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a fatal case of acute interstitial pneumonitis in a patient treated with carmustine (BCNU) for a brain tumor.,Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 78-year-old man with a transvenous cardioverter defibrillator system developed frequent shocks during oral procainamide therapy.,Phantom shocks Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Electrical proarrhythmia with procainamide: a new ICD-drug interaction.,Proarrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Based on our experience and on previously published data, serum ammonia levels appear to be indicated in all ED patients on valproic acid therapy who present with altered mental status.","Hallucination, visual" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hyperammonemia has been described as a complication of valproic acid therapy but may often be overlooked as a cause of lethargy in the postictal patient who presents to the emergency department.,Hyperammonaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hyperammonemia secondary to valproic acid as a cause of lethargy in a postictal patient.,Hyperammonaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We present the case of a postictal patient with lethargy, hyperammonemia, otherwise normal liver function tests, and a therapeutic valproic acid level.",Hyperammonaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Central nervous system toxicity associated with meperidine use in hepatic disease.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"She received an accidental 450-mg bolus injection of morphine intrathecally and developed hypertension, status epilepticus, intracerebral hemorrhage, and respiratory failure.",Hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mitomycin C (MMC) is an alkylating agent that has been recently associated with the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pulmonary hemorrhage as a clinical manifestation of hemolytic-uremic syndrome associated with mitomycin C therapy.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Pulmonary hemorrhage is an uncommon feature in the HUS, and seems to appear especially in the HUS associated with MMC therapy.",Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe two women who developed HUS after MMC therapy and presented massive pulmonary bleeding.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clonidine-induced bradycardia in patients with spinal cord injury.,Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Possible mechanisms by which clonidine decreases spasticity are described, probable mechanisms of induced bradycardia are reviewed, and specific treatment recommendations for the use of clonidine in spinal cord injured patients are presented.",Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Though hypotension, dry mouth, and constipation are well-documented possible adverse effects, the possibility of clonidine-induced bradycardia is less well recognized and is rare.",Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A high dose of cotrimoxazole induced hyperkalaemia with the elevation of serum creatinine and blood urea, and increased urinary N-acetyl glucosaminase after several days of the drug administration in these patients; one patient became unconscious.",Renal impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by oral therapy of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (co-trimoxazole) is described in 2 elderly Japanese patients with lymphoid malignancy, who developed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and improved.",Hyperkalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hyperkalaemia with renal tubular dysfunction by sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with lymphoid malignancy.,Hyperkalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Five cases (four from the literature and one new case) are presented in which patients unsuspected of having vitamin B12 deficiency developed subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord following nitrous oxide anesthesia.,Subacute combined cord degeneration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Neurologic degeneration associated with nitrous oxide anesthesia in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency.,Congenital neurological degeneration Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patients with vitamin B12 deficiency are exceedingly sensitive to neurologic deterioration following nitrous oxide anesthesia.,Neurological decompensation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: Fluoxetine, a highly specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor, has been reported to cause sexual dysfunction in a minority of patients.",Sexual dysfunction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Captopril-induced bone marrow suppression in two cardiac patients with trisomy 21.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Neutropenia is an infrequent complication following administration of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril.",Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two cases of neutropenia following captopril use in cardiac patients with trisomy 21.,Neutropenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Can magnesium sulfate therapy impact lactogenesis?,Lactation disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"No explanation for this delay was found, other than the possibility that magnesium sulfate treatment impeded lactogenesis.",Delayed onset of lactation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Four days after the initial injection of 3.6 mg of goserelin acetate, severe dyspnea developed due to worsening pleuritis carcinomatosa, which was considered as a flare-up.",Autoimmune disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cerebrovascular complications of L-asparaginase therapy in children with leukemia: aphasia and other neuropsychological deficits.,Aphasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), treated with L-asparaginase are at risk for cerebral thrombosis or hemorrhage because of coagulation protein deficiencies.",Cerebral thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Myoclonus and seizures disappeared after discontinuation of L-dopa and the introduction of valproate sodium (VPA).,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Myoclonus and seizures in a patient with parkinsonism: induction by levodopa and its confirmation on SEPs.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Myoclonus was induced and enhanced by L-dopa, developing into generalized seizures.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We described the occurrence of L-dopa-induced myoclonus and seizures in a case of parkinsonism with its SEPs findings.,Myoclonus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Unintended exposure to acyclovir early in pregnancy, which is not uncommon, may cause excessive maternal and physician anxiety.",Anxiety Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A severe form of exophthalmos resulting from lithium therapy has not been described in the literature.,Exophthalmos Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lithium therapy was discontinued because of poor compliance to the medication and intolerable polyuria.,Polyuria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Regression of thyrotoxic ophthalmopathy following lithium withdrawal.,Endocrine ophthalmopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The case of a bipolar patient who developed thyrotoxicosis with severe exophthalmos while on lithium therapy is described.,Exophthalmos Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The exophthalmos improved dramatically within 72 hours of the withdrawal of lithium.,Exophthalmos Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe abdominal pain in low dosage clofazimine.,Abdominal pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a 41 yr old leprosy patient treated for 10 yrs with clofazimine who underwent laparotomy for severe abdominal pain.,Abdominal pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Amphotericin B overdose in pediatric patients with associated cardiac arrest.,Cardiac arrest Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Amphotericin B overdose can be fatal in children and infants.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hydrocortisone may decrease the incidence of mortality associated with cardiac arrhythmias in children receiving amphotericin B overdoses.,Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,INTERVENTIONS AND RESULTS: Cardiac complications were observed in five pediatric patients who received between 4.6 and 40.8 mg/kg/d of amphotericin B.,Cardiac disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report the first five cases of amphotericin B overdose with secondary cardiac complications in a pediatric population.,Cardiac disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hypertension develops in most patients after transplantation when immunosuppression is based on cyclosporine and prednisone.,Hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Sudden death in an infant from methemoglobinemia after administration of ""sweet spirits of nitre"".",Sudden death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The administration of ""sweet spirits of nitre"" (4% ethyl nitrite CH3CH2ONO in 70% ethyl alcohol) was followed by acute methemoglobinemia and severe anoxic metabolic acidosis in infant twins, Methylene blue administration reversed methemoglobinemia in both, but one twin died from the consequences of hypoxemia.",Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatotoxic effects in a child receiving valproate and carnitine.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,L-Carnitine supplementation has been recommended to prevent the fatal hepatotoxic effects associated with valproic acid.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report on a child with fatal valproate-related hepatotoxic effects despite this supplementation.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case is reported of a 40 year old woman treated with intraventricular IL-2 for leptomeningeal disease who developed progressive cognitive dysfunction.,Cognitive disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Delayed neurotoxicity of intraventricular interleukin-2: a case report.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The potential for progressive brain injury and subsequent disability related to intraventricular IL-2 therapy is discussed.,Brain injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Albeit rare among Western patients, such lithium-associated thyroid dysfunctions appeared to be more likely to occur in Hong Kong Chinese.",Thyroid disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Four Chinese female patients who suffered from manic-depressive disorder and underlying autoimmune thyroiditis developed transient episodes of thyrotoxicosis during maintenance lithium therapy.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lithium-associated transient thyrotoxicosis in 4 Chinese women with autoimmune thyroiditis.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"They seemed to involve multiple aetiological factors, such as autoimmune thyroid disease, the toxic and immunomodulatory roles of lithium and perhaps genetic and dietary factors.",Transfusion-related immunomodulation reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although retinoic acid is well tolerated by the majority of patients with this disease, a potentially fatal complication of this kind of treatment has been reported: ""the retinoic acid syndrome"".",Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: It is probable that foscarnet contributed to the electrolyte disorders and symptomatology in this patient.,Electrolyte imbalance Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DISCUSSION: Electrolyte disorders associated with foscarnet are reviewed.,Electrolyte imbalance Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Foscarnet-induced severe hypomagnesemia and other electrolyte disorders.,Electrolyte imbalance Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of possible foscarnet-induced severe hypomagnesemia and other electrolyte disorders.,Electrolyte imbalance Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient experienced muscle twitches, tremulousness, and anxiety on day 17 of foscarnet therapy.",Anxiety Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Interference with the cortisol axis by the microtubule antagonist, CPH82.",Adrenal insufficiency Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The results clearly demonstrate that CPH82 was associated with suppression of the endogeneous production of ACTH and cortisol with a concomitant paradoxical picture of clinical hypercortisolism.,Hyperadrenocorticism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A variety of movement disorders are known to occur in association with carbamazepine (CBZ) therapy in adults and children, but development of tics has been described infrequently and only in patients with underlying Tourette's syndrome or other movement disorders.",Movement disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Carbamazepine-induced tics.,Tic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In the third child, the tics ceased after CBZ discontinuation.",Tic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These cases demonstrate that CBZ can induce simple motor tics in children.,Tic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report 3 children with epilepsy who developed facial motor tics after initiation of CBZ for complex partial seizures.,Tic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acyclovir-induced neurotoxicity: concentration-side effect relationship in acyclovir overdose.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The observation that neurotoxicity developed with a delay of 24 to 48 hours after acyclovir peak serum concentrations could explain the wide range of acyclovir levels reported in similar cases.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: Repeated blood samples were drawn in a patient with severe acyclovir overdose who developed coma and nonoliguric renal failure.,Coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To investigate the concentration-side effect relationship in a patient with severe acyclovir-induced neurotoxicity and to summarize the information available in the literature about central nervous system side effects due to acyclovir.,Nervous system disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 16-year-old white male with acute biphenotypic leukemia developed evidence of the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome associated with total parenteral nutritional support with solutions containing tryptophan, which were given during his initial induction chemotherapy and also after autologous marrow transplantation.",Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal eosinophilia myalgia syndrome in a marrow transplant patient attributed to total parenteral nutrition with a solution containing tryptophan.,Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome can be associated with parenteral tryptophan administration.",Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient with acute esophageal variceal bleeding developed fatal rhabdomyolysis during treatment with a continuous intravenous infusion of vasopressin.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rhabdomyolysis associated with the use of intravenous vasopressin.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These multiple overlapping factors probably lead to rhabdomyolysis in a minority of patients receiving vasopressin infusion.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nonspecific but significant abnormalities have been described in the infants of women treated with disulfiram in the first trimester of their pregnancies.,Investigation abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although the essential cause of PV is unclear, its onset has occasionally been associated with drug therapy, in particular penicillamine.",Pemphigus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pemphigus vulgaris precipitated by glibenclamide therapy.,Pemphigus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient described in this paper was a 78-year-old diabetic man who developed oral lesions of PV following institution of glibenclamide therapy.,Pemphigus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Piritrexim-induced pulmonary toxicity.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The pulmonary toxicity is probably induced by piritrexim.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a patient with transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis who developed respiratory dysfunction and an abnormal chest x-ray with diffuse interstitial opacities while on chemotherapy with piritrexim, a methotrexate analog.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 12 year old patient with atrial flutter is presented, in whom intravenous adenosine was followed by acceleration of the heart rate to a potentially dangerous arrhythmia.",Tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lymphoma developing in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis taking methotrexate.,Lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The mild immunosuppression that occurs with methotrexate therapy probably places patients with rheumatoid arthritis at added risk of developing lymphoproliferative diseases, but coincidence cannot be excluded.",Lymphoproliferative disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report one case of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a patient, with a 30-year history of rheumatoid arthritis, taking low dose methotrexate weekly over a 10-month period.",Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatotoxicity of paracetamol enhanced by ingestion of alcohol: report of two cases.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The biochemistry of paracetamol hepatotoxicity is outlined and the increased susceptibility of alcoholic patients to the hepatotoxic effects of paracetamol is remarked upon.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two fatal cases of poisoning by paracetamol are described.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of drug-induced Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) on the sole of the right foot in a 71-year-old man, treated for 6 months with corticosteroid therapy (prednisolone 25 mg/day) for pericardial effusion.",Kaposi's sarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute dystonic reaction with low-dose pimozide.,Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This paper reports on a 6.9-year-old autistic male who developed repeated episodes of acute dystonic reactions associated with pimozide administration at the doses of 0.096 mg/kg/day and 0.032 mg/kg/day and 32 hours following pimozide withdrawal, as well as during subsequent thioridazine administration.",Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although there is one case report of cholesterol crystal embolization following t-PA therapy with only extrarenal manifestations (N Engl J Med 321:1270, 1989), this is the first reported case of atheroembolic acute renal failure following t-PA therapy.",Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cholesterol crystal embolization-associated renal failure after therapy with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator.,Embolism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the occurrence of renal failure due to cholesterol crystal embolization following thrombolytic therapy with intravenous recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA).,Embolism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Intravenous haloperidol is generally well tolerated, but multiform ventricular tachycardia has been reported.",Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anterior spinal artery syndrome--a complication of cervical intrathecal phenol injection.,Anterior spinal artery syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We have seen a case of terminal malignant melanoma in which clinical manifestations, indicative of anterior spinal artery syndrome, developed following the injection of 0.3 ml of 10% phenol-glycerine into the cervical subarachnoid space at the C4--C5 level for the control of severe right arm pain.",Anterior spinal artery syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"One patient required nursing home placement and a feeding gastrostomy as a result of the worsening parkinsonism during risperidone treatment, but was able to return home and have the gastrostomy removed after switching from risperidone to clozapine.",Gastrostomy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two of the five patients who worsened motorically also developed encephalopathy during risperidone treatment; the encephalopathy resolved when the patients were switched to clozapine treatment.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Azathioprine can cause severe myelosuppression.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Azathioprine-induced myelosuppression due to thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency in a patient with autoimmune hepatitis.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The azathioprine dose was low (1 mg/kg) and pancytopenia occurred after 56 days therapy.,Pancytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency occurs at a frequency of one in 300 and is associated with profound myelosuppression after a short course of azathioprine.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the first documented case of azathioprine-induced severe myelosuppression due to thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency in autoimmune liver disease.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nabumetone-associated interstitial nephritis.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"She had been taking nabumetone for 6 months, but had discontinued the agent 2 weeks before admission due to progressive edema.",Oedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute myeloid leukemia evolving from essential thrombocythemia in two patients treated with hydroxyurea.,Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this report, two cases of ET which evolved into AL without prior exposure to radiation or alkylating agents, and which were treated with long-term hydroxyurea therapy, are described.",Acute leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prolonged used of hydroxyurea in patients with ET may lead to therapy-associated acute leukemia.,Acute leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, in 1993, a clinical study involving 400 patients on the Thai-Burmese border revealed cardiac effects of antimalarial treatment with halofantrine, including one sudden death after the treatment.",Cardiac disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In the present paper, we discuss the first Japanese vivax malaria patient whose QT interval was prolonged after treatment with halofantrine.",Electrocardiogram QT prolonged Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prolongation of the QT interval observed in a Japanese patient with vivax malaria following treatment with halofantrine.,Electrocardiogram QT prolonged Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The pharmaceutical company producing Halfan has reported 8 cardiac arrests, leading to 6 deaths, when a higher dose than recommended was used, there was recent or concomitant treatment with mefloquine, there was pre-existing prolongation of the QT interval or the patient had a thiamine deficiency.",Cardiac arrest Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Supravenous hyperpigmentation in association with CHOP chemotherapy of a CD30 (Ki-1)-positive anaplastic large-cell lymphoma.,Serpentine supravenous hyperpigmentation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report an unusual pattern of supravenous hyperpigmentation occurring after CHOP chemotherapy.,Serpentine supravenous hyperpigmentation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal tubular acidosis secondary to foscarnet therapy.,Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"No cases of renal acidosis, and only one case of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, has been previously reported as a complication of foscarnet treatment.",Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Our patient developed both nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and renal tubular acidosis with a temporal pattern that demonstrated a link between foscarnet therapy and these abnormalities.,Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection under treatment with foscarnet for CMV retinitis who complained of thirst and polyuria.,Polyuria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Choroidal hemorrhage associated with systemic tissue plasminogen activator.,Choroidal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: The administration of tissue plasminogen activator was responsible for the large extent of hemorrhage and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hemorrhagic choroidal detachment.,Haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To determine the cause of spontaneous choroidal hemorrhage in a 67-year-old man after a myocardial infarction and administration of tissue plasminogen activator.,Choroidal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Accelerated nodulosis during methotrexate therapy for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.,Rheumatoid nodule Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe two patients with rheumatoid factor-positive, polyarticular-onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in whom accelerated nodulosis developed during methotrexate therapy.",Rheumatoid nodule Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A macrophage activation syndrome, possibly related to methotrexate toxicity, developed in a boy with systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.",Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Jaundice induced by streptokinase.,Jaundice Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Only a few reports of overt jaundice are associated with streptokinase.,Jaundice Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although both patients recovered from the colitis after the administration of vancomycin, the first case demonstrated a relapse of the colitis after receiving a subsequent course of the same chemotherapy with cisplatin.",Colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Based on our findings, it is thus concluded that cisplatin may cause C. difficile colitis.",Clostridium difficile colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Both patients were then treated with a carboplatin alternative to cisplatin in the following courses, which resulted in neither a relapse of the colitis nor a recurrence of the malignancies up to this time.",Colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clostridium difficile colitis associated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer patients.,Clostridium difficile colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe C. difficile colitis occurred in 2 patients (6.1%) after receiving cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy for ovarian malignancies.,Clostridium difficile colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence and cause of Clostridium difficile colitis occurring after cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy in ovarian cancer patients.,Clostridium difficile colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient with severe cholestatic jaundice induced by captopril is presented.,Jaundice cholestatic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Patients treated with captopril who develop ""atypical cholangitis"" should be suspected of having captopril-associated liver damage.",Cholangitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Development of nephrotic syndrome in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia after treatment with macrophage-colony-stimulating factor.,Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"It should be emphasized that the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome was observed after the following chemotherapy, including M-CSF, whereas the bone marrow still remained completely remitted.",Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The possibility can be raised that M-CSF accelerated the underlying renal disease in this case through enhancing macrophage accumulation into the glomerulus, leading to the development of nephrotic syndrome.",Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These evolutional changes in both proteinuria and glomerular histology suggest a close linkage between the M-CSF treatment and macrophage-related glomerular injury.,Glomerulonephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) who developed nephrotic syndrome after receiving several courses of chemotherapy, including macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF).",Nephrotic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"On the fifth day of tocolysis with magnesium sulfate, nifedipine, terbutaline and betamethasone, edema developed in both labia.",Oedema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Milk-alkali syndrome induced by 1,25(OH)2D in a patient with hypoparathyroidism.",Milk-alkali syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This article presents a patient with hypoparathyroidism who was treated with calcium carbonate and calcitriol resulting in two admissions to the hospital for milk-alkali syndrome.,Milk-alkali syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After receiving 3 doses of ifosfamide/mesna, she was found to be unresponsive.",Unresponsive to stimuli Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: There was a temporal relationship between the onset of nonconvulsive status epilepticus and initiation of ifosfamide infusion.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: Central nervous system (CNS) toxicity has been described with ifosfamide, with most cases reported in the pediatric population.",Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ifosfamide-induced nonconvulsive status epilepticus.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe a patient with ifosfamide-induced nonconvulsive status epilepticus.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This represents the first report of nonconvulsive status epilepticus induced by ifosfamide.,Status epilepticus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Albendazole-induced pseudomembranous colitis.,Pseudomembranous colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although a few case reports link metronidazole with the development of pseudomembranous colitis, albendazole has not been associated with the development of this condition.",Pseudomembranous colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"While undergoing treatment with albendazole, he developed worsening diarrhea with abdominal pain and fever.",Abdominal pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Oculomotor disturbances associated with 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy.,IIIrd nerve disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The ocular motor disturbances are probably an expression of regional 5-FU neurotoxicity primarily affecting the brain stem.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two patients treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) for disseminated adenocarcinoma of the colon developed cerebellar dysfunction typical of 5-FU neurotoxicity.,Cerebellar syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Assessment of cortisol response was by insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in three cases, by short tetracosactrin test in two, and by low-dose tetracosactrin and 24-hour urinary cortisol/creatinine ratio in one.",Hypoglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,FINDINGS: Six children with growth retardation noted after treatment with high-dose fluticasone propionate were found to have adrenal suppression.,Adrenal suppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Growth and adrenal suppression in asthmatic children treated with high-dose fluticasone propionate.,Adrenal suppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"INTERPRETATION: When high doses of fluticasone propionate are used, growth may be retarded and adrenal suppression may occur.",Adrenal suppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: Growth retardation was observed in six severely asthmatic children after introduction of high-dose fluticasone propionate treatment (dry powder).,Growth retardation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Metipranolol associated granulomatous anterior uveitis: not so uncommon as thought.,Iridocyclitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two case reports of bilateral granulomatous anterior uveitis are described in patients with open angle glaucoma treated with metripranolol 0.6% eye drops.,Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A review of the literature found 11 children and 2 adults in whom intranasal desmopressin was associated with hyponatremia, all of whom experienced seizures or altered mental status.","Hallucination, visual" Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Intranasal desmopressin-induced hyponatremia.,Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When vague symptoms develop during desmopressin therapy, hyponatremia must be considered as part of the differential diagnosis.",Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Within 24 hours of fluid restriction and cessation of desmopressin, her symptoms and hyponatremia resolved.",Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Without other causes for the hyponatremia, she was diagnosed with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, presumably caused by desmopressin.",Hyponatraemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Uveitis during treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection with the combination of rifabutin, clarithromycin and ethambutol.",Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Does acyclovir increase serum lithium levels?,Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Six days after starting acyclovir she exhibited signs of lithium toxicity.,Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case suggests that acyclovir when given intravenously in doses of 10 mg/kg may result in increased serum lithium concentrations.,Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Until additional data are available, if intravenous acyclovir is administered concurrently with lithium, we recommend closely monitoring patients for signs of lithium toxicity and measuring serum lithium levels every second or third day.",Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When measured, the serum lithium level had increased 4-fold during acyclovir therapy.",Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dapsone syndrome in cutaneous lupus erythematosus.,Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe 2 patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus who developed severe dapsone reaction after low dose therapy, with a fatal outcome in one.",Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case is presented which illustrates a probably fatal interaction between minoxidil and a coagulation disorder.,Drug interaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a well-documented complication of lithium use.,Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Potential mechanisms regarding the pathophysiology of lithium-associated CDI are discussed.,Crohn's diseaseI Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The association of central diabetes insipidus (CDI) with lithium use is rare.,Crohn's diseaseI Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"This case emphasizes the importance of the evaluation of lithium-associated polyuria with a direct measurement of plasma vasopressin, interpreted with simultaneous plasma and urine osmolality to secure the correct diagnosis and ensure appropriate therapeutic management.",Polyuria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of lithium-associated CDI and NDI presenting concurrently.",Crohn's diseaseI Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a patient receiving chronic lithium therapy who presented with a transient CDI occurring in the setting of underlying chronic NDI.,Crohn's diseaseI Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE: We report a case of a woman with severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy who has been treated exclusively with recombinant DNA human insulin since the onset of IDDM.,Lipoatrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Jet-injection devices might constitute a helpful method to treat those patients affected by severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy.,Lipoatrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Human insulin-induced lipoatrophy.,Lipoatrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of the administration of insulin by a jet-injector device in stopping and reversing severe human insulin-induced lipoatrophy.,Lipoatrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Improved awareness of and further investigation into the neurotoxic effects of ofloxacin may enhance its safe use.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Seizures associated with ofloxacin therapy.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The renal insufficiency of three patients and the timing of the seizures implicate accumulation of ofloxacin as a contributing factor.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe four patients who had seizures while receiving ofloxacin; no other causes were evident.,Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A patient is described with the characteristic features of phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome (PHS) including fever, erythroderma, tibial and facial oedema, pinhead-sized facial pustules and abnormal liver function tests.",Liver function test abnormal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Systemic corticosteroids in the phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome.,Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient is described who developed a poorly differentiated sarcoma after cyclophosphamide was used to treat his rheumatoid arthritis.,Sarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sarcoma complicating therapy with cyclophosphamide.,Sarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A chronic reaction associated with long-term treatment with nitrofurantoin has also been reported and causes irreversible pulmonary fibrosis.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute pulmonary reactions to nitrofurantoin are an uncommon side effect of therapy and can cause minor or life-threatening pulmonary dysfunction.,Pulmonary fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Despite the known pulmonary side effects of nitrofurantoin, there is no report of this toxicity occurring in pregnant patients.",Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nitrofurantoin-induced pulmonary toxicity during pregnancy: a report of a case and review of the literature.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of respiratory failure occurring in a woman at 16 weeks' gestation who was being treated with nitrofurantoin for a urinary tract infection.,Respiratory failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Less common adverse events to dapsone include the idiosyncratic reactions of leukopenia and agranulocytosis, cutaneous eruptions, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, toxic hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, nephrotic syndrome, renal papillary necrosis, severe hypoalbuminemia without proteinuria, an infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, and minor neurological and gastrointestinal complaints.",Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Methemoglobinemia is another common finding among patients receiving dapsone therapy, but rarely does it result in prominent symptoms other than transient pallor.",Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acetazolamide-accelerated anticonvulsant osteomalacia.,Osteomalacia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Acetazolamide may have accelerated the development of osteomalacia by several mechanisms, including increased renal calcium excretion.",Osteomalacia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Severe osteomalacia was present in two epileptic patients who were under long-term treatment with congeners of phenytoin, phenobarbital, and acetazolamide.",Osteomalacia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The delayed encephalopathy developed 9 and 22 months respectively after the first dose of intrathecal methotrexate.,Encephalopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case histories of identical twin brothers who developed concordant acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the age of 4 years and who later developed leukoencephalopathy and hydrocephalus related to central nervous system prophylaxis by, in the first case intrathecally administered methotrexate and, in the second by intrathecally administered methotrexate and cranial irradiation.",Hydrocephalus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,a 67-year-old man with bipolar disorder developed a Creutzfeldt-Jakob like syndrome during lithium carbonate treatment.,Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lithium-induced Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome.,Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Lithium neurotoxicity should be considered in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease differential diagnosis, serial electroencephalograms being the most valuable.",Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Several cases of lithium-induced Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome have been reported to date; all of them were elderly patients and a half had ""therapeutic"" lithium serum levels.",Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A noninvasive method in the differential diagnosis of vecuronium-induced and magnesium-induced protracted neuromuscular block in a severely preeclamptic patient.,Neuromuscular blockade Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The occurrence of neuromuscular blockade and the resulting potentiation of muscle relaxants during magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) administration is well known.,Neuromuscular blockade Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We also describe a new, noninvasive method to assess magnesium-induced neuromuscular block when curariform muscle relaxant was given simultaneously.",Neuromuscular blockade Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hepatobiliary disorders associated with orally administered terbinafine have rarely been reported.,Hepatobiliary disorder prophylaxis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Terbinafine-induced cholestatic liver disease.,Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a case of prolonged terbinafine-induced cholestatic liver disease.,Cholestasis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A patient with a large hydatid cyst of the left lobe of the liver developed metabolic acidosis following rather liberal use of cetrimide-chlorhexidine solution as a scolicidal agent.,Metabolic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Metabolic acidosis induced by cetrimide-chlorhexidine solution in hydatid cyst surgery.,Metabolic acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An unusual case of Ecstasy poisoning.,Poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a case of poisoning with 3,4-methylenedioxymet-amphetamine Ecstasy that presented with all the features suggestive of a fatal outcome, including a creatinine phosphokinase level markedly higher than any previously reported.",Poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, dermatologists should be cautious about a photosensitivity reaction induced by mequitazine or other phenothiazine-derivative drugs.",Photosensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In addition, an immediate erythematous macule was observed on the photopatch test site of mequitazine directly after UV exposure which was similar to the immediate erythema noted in chlorpromazine photoallergy.",Erythema Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In case no. 2, the pathogenic mechanism seemed to be persistent light reaction preceded by systemic photoallergy, as he had taken mequitazine for 6 months, and there were strong positive photopatch test results with immediate erythema reaction, cross-reaction to promethazine, decreased MED to both UVA and UVB, and persistence of the photosensitivity over a 3-year follow-up period after discontinuation of the mequitazine.",Drug hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Mequitazine seemed to play a part similar to chlorpromazine, and absence of mequitazine-induced photosensitivity may be due to a relatively low dosage of the drug.",Photosensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Two cases of mequitazine-induced photosensitivity reactions.,Photosensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We experienced 2 cases of mequitazine-induced photosensitivity reaction in patients who took mequitazine for their dermatologic problems.,Photosensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Keratitis in methamphetamine abusers.,Keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Methamphetamine's extensive physiologic effects, inconsistent street purity, and multiple routes of administration offer many possibilities for injury to the cornea.",Injury corneal Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Potential causes of methamphetamine-related keratitis can be divided into four categories resulting from (a) direct pharmacologic and physical effects of methamphetamine; (b) the toxic effects of diluting or ""cutting"" agents such as lidocaine and quinine; (c) effects related to the route of drug administration (intravenous, inhalation, smoking); and (d) manufacture-related effects of exposure to unintentional caustic contaminants in the final product.",Keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The increasing prevalence of methamphetamine abuse and the severity of the associated ulcers should alert ophthalmologists to the problem of methamphetamine-related keratitis.,Keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report four cases of severe corneal ulceration in methamphetamine abusers.,Ulcerative keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) may induce liver damage, which in some psoriatics will lead to fibrosis or cirrhosis.",Hepatic cirrhosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that in most patients MTX-induced liver cirrhosis is not aggressive.,Hepatic cirrhosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, continued low-dose MTX led, in spite of normal liver tests, 8 years after the last biopsy to liver failure and death in 1 of our patients.",Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methotrexate-induced liver cirrhosis.,Hepatic cirrhosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Studies performed 10 years ago on 25 patients with MTX-induced liver cirrhosis indicated that this type of cirrhosis was not of an aggressive nature.,Hepatic cirrhosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After therapy for diabetic coma with insulin (containing the preservative cresol) and electrolyte solutions was started, the patient complained of increasing myalgia, developed a high fever and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and lost consciousness.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, other factors or drugs (e.g. cresol) are thought to induce MH.",Hyperthermia malignant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This case supports the assessment that MH and diabetes are associated diseases and that cresol could possibly trigger MH.,Hyperthermia malignant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The use of beclomethasone diproprionate inhaler complicated by the development of an eosinophilic pneumonia reaction.,Eosinophilic pneumonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal intravascular autoimmune hemolytic anemia after fludarabine treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia.,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Physicians should be aware of the risk of severe AIHA in CLL patients with a history of AIHA or positivation of the DAT during previous fludarabine administration, or in case of secondary fixation of complement to the red cell membrane occurring during fludarabine treatment.",Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The occurrence of severe AIHA in CLL patients treated with fludarabine has been reported by several authors.,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) who developed fatal intravascular autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) after fludarabine treatment.,Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"When the patient was treated again with fludarabine nine months later, the DAT became positive with anti-IgG and anti-C3d antiglobulins after the second course of treatment.",Coombs direct test positive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,She had just finished a 3-week course of intravenous tobramycin for bronchiectasis and had an elevated serum tobramycin trough level 1 week before the onset of tetany.,Tetany Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tetany in a child with AIDS receiving intravenous tobramycin.,Tetany Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This pattern is suggestive of renal toxicity due to tobramycin.,Nephropathy toxic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Insulin-induced lipoatrophy in type I diabetes.,Lipoatrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha may mediate the loss and the dedifferentiation of subcutaneous fat tissue in the insulin-induced lipoatrophies of a diabetic patient who presented extensive lesions.,Lipoatrophy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methotrexate is an effective but potentially toxic treatment for psoriasis.,Exposure to toxic agent Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Painful erosion of psoriatic plaques is a less common sign of methotrexate toxicity that may precede evidence of bone marrow suppression.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Well-known signs of methotrexate toxicity include bone marrow suppression and oral and gastrointestinal ulceration.,Myelosuppression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After treatment with cimetidine, there was a rapid deterioration with decreased oxygen saturation and arterial PO2 values.",Hypoxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Caution with use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal bleeding.,Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, given the clinically significant result to the interaction between tolazoline and cimetidine we report, the use of cimetidine in tolazoline induced upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage should deserve more attention.",Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Hypoxemia improved during continuous tolazoline infusion, but gastrointestinal bleeding occurred.",Gastrointestinal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Zolpidem (Ambien), a relatively new nonbenzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic, was involved in the death of a 39-year-old obese male who was being treated for depression and insomnia.",Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Zolpidem tissue concentrations in a multiple drug related death involving Ambien.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Infants are particularly susceptible to chronic nitrate-induced methemoglobinemia because of their low stomach acid production, large numbers of nitrite-reducing bacteria, and the relatively easy oxidation of fetal hemoglobin.",Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After induction of general anesthesia and administration of a standard dose of intravenous esmolol hydrochloride, her cardiac rhythm progressed to asystole.",Cardiac arrest Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cardiac arrest after esmolol administration: a review of acute beta-blocker toxicity.,Cardiac arrest Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Atenolol induced memory impairment: a case report.,Memory impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,His impaired memory was found to be due to the atenolol he was on and he made a complete recovery on withdrawing the beta-blocker.,Memory impairment Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A potential role for renal and hepatic impairment in the observed protracted course of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis is suggested.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Failure of plasmapheresis, corticosteroids and thionamides to ameliorate a case of protracted amiodarone-induced thyroiditis.",Thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis of protracted duration, unresponsive to conventional thionamide therapy, with therapy limited by severe adverse drug reactions.",Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Psychotic disorder associated with isoniazid.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We evaluated a patient who developed a psychotic disorder after 4 months of isoniazid prophylaxis for a positive tuberculosis tine test.,Psychotic disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case report is presented concerning the administration of ketanserin in the treatment of pulmonary vasoconstriction and right ventricular failure following the infusion of protamine in a patient undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and mitral valve replacement.,Vasoconstriction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ketanserin in the treatment of protamine-induced pulmonary hypertension.,Pulmonary hypertension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The reversal of heparin by protamine may cause severe hemodynamic deterioration, characterized by systemic hypotension, pulmonary hypertension, and bronchoconstriction.",Bronchospasm Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A drug addict with staphylococcal endocarditis treated with methicillin, who developed massive proteinuria and acute nephritic syndrome is described.",Nephritic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Focal glomerulonephritis and interstitial nephritis in methicillin-treated, heroin-related infective endocarditis.",Glomerulonephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS/RESULTS: This paper presents a new case of rifabutin uveitis and a review of the various published reports to date.,Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,over the past 3 years there have been several reports of uveitis associated with rifabutin therapy.,Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Uveitis associated with rifabutin therapy: a clinical alert.,Uveitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE DESCRIPTION: A 59-year-old man with known neurocysticercosis developed a large cerebral infarction during praziquantel therapy.,Cerebral infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Large cerebral infarction during praziquantel therapy in neurocysticercosis.,Cerebral infarction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DATA SYNTHESIS: Genetic deficiencies in DPD, the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for 5-FU catabolism, may occur in 3% or more of patients with cancer putting them at increased risk for unusually severe adverse reactions (e.g., diarrhea, stomatitis, mucositis, myelosuppression, neurotoxicity) to standard doses of 5-FU.",Diarrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency: a pharmacogenetic defect causing severe adverse reactions to 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy.,Adverse reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To describe the pharmacogenetic syndrome of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency, which predisposes patients with cancer to potentially lethal adverse reactions following 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based chemotherapy.",Adverse reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The principle treatment for DPD-deficient patients with severe acute 5-FU reactions is supportive care; however, the administration of thymidine potentially may reverse severe 5-FU-induced neurologic symptoms such as encephalopathy and coma.",Coma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 49-year-old man with Crohn's disease treated with prednisone and mesalamine (5-ASA) developed worsening respiratory distress and fever.,Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mesalamine-induced hypersensitivity pneumonitis.,Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mesalamine may cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis in patients with Crohn's disease.,Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Immunosuppression elicited by the extensive administration of prednisolone was suspected for the initiation of the generalized mite infestation.,Infestation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: Colchicine has a known adverse effect on wound healing through its inhibitory effect on tubulin-dependent cell functions and through collagenase activation.,Impaired healing Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: The findings in these two patients suggest that colchicine may delay corneal wound healing.,Impaired healing Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Delay of corneal wound healing in patients treated with colchicine.,Impaired healing Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report on two patients with corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment while the patients were undergoing oral colchicine therapy.,Ulcerative keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors suggest that in patients with corneal ulcers refractory to conventional treatment who are receiving colchicine, cessation of colchicine therapy should be considered.",Ulcerative keratitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fulminant hepatic failure associated with bicalutamide.,Acute hepatic failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 17-year-old female patient who had been taking oral minocycline (50 mg twice daily) for 3 weeks for acne developed an eruption that progressed to an exfoliative dermatitis.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, hepatitis, and dermatitis: a severe adverse reaction to minocycline.",Dermatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Delayed hypersensitivity to flurbiprofen.,Type IV hypersensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Eye movement disorders in bone marrow transplant patients on cyclosporin and ganciclovir.,Binocular eye movement disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We postulate that cyclosporin, possibly together with ganciclovir, can produce transient brain stem or neuromuscular dysfunction with eye movement abnormality in occasional patients.",Binocular eye movement disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSION: While thrombosis has been reported with GnRH-a therapy in men with prostate cancer, its association with treatment in this benign case may have been a consequence of the massive tumor size.",Thrombosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The possible effects of tamoxifen upon the uterus are discussed in this article, in view of reports of tamoxifen associated with endometrial carcinoma and endometriosis.",Endometrial cancer Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Case study: adverse response to clonidine.,Adverse reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Four cases of adverse experiences with clonidine are described.,Adverse reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,In one instance a systemic hypoglycemic reaction resulting in head trauma and confusion ended in an emegency hospital admission following the substitution of acetohexamide for acetazolamide.,Confusional state Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Discontinuation of the itraconazole caused resolution of the drug eruption.,Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis and subsequent drug eruption to itraconazole in a dog.,Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Its overall toxicity is considerably less compared to standard induction chemotherapy; however, it is associated with a high incidence of a potentially fatal symptom complex referred to as ""retinoic acid syndrome."" This report describes a patient with APL who developed the syndrome a few weeks after initiating induction therapy with ATRA despite being treated for hyperleukocytosis.",Adverse event Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Eleven days after initiation of therapy with amiodarone, the patient experienced syncope and was noted to have recurrent episodes of polymorphous ventricular tachycardia.",Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nonsustained polymorphous ventricular tachycardia during amiodarone therapy for atrial fibrillation complicating cardiomyopathy.,Ventricular tachycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The probable proarrhythmic action of amiodarone, although rare, is reviewed along with a discussion of the novel use of intravenous magnesium sulfate therapy.",Arrhythmia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute asthma associated with sustained-release verapamil.,Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although dyspnea associated with verapamil administration has been reported, this is the first report of an elderly asymptomatic asthmatic patient with hypertension who developed an acute asthma attack following sustained-release verapamil administration.",Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Sustained-release verapamil is thought to be the cause of the asthma attack in this patient because she was not taking any other preparations; the symptoms started with the administration of sustained-release verapamil and were relieved after its discontinuation.,Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe a patient with asymptomatic bronchial asthma and hypertension who developed an acute asthma attack after receiving sustained-release verapamil.,Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"She continued taking verapamil for 6 months, then, on her own, stopped all medications including the sustained-release verapamil, and her asthma symptoms disappeared.",Asthma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cephalexin rash in infectious mononucleosis.,Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The ampicillin rash occurring in cases of infectious mononucleosis is well documented.,Drug eruption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The case of a patient with infectious mononucleosis treated with cephalexin who later showed a rash is presented and the previous literature is reviewed.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The rash seen in this patient, who was treated with cephalexin, may be similar to the rash seen with ampicillin treatment of patients with infectious mononucleosis.",Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A possible case of carbamazepine induced pancreatitis.,Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors report a case of acute pancreatitis (AP) occurring in a patient under treatment with carbamazepine (CBZ) for post-traumatic petit mal epilepsy, and review the current literature of drug-induced AP.",Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The evidence of high plasmatic levels of CBZ and the absence of other aetiologic factors lead the authors to conclude that the overdose of CBZ could have represented the precipitating of the episode of acute pancreatitis.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although risk factors for MTX-induced pulmonary toxicity are poorly understood, the presence in 3 out of 5 of our patients of pre-existing lung disease, represented by diffuse interstitial changes on chest X-ray, and mild bronchial asthma in two RA patients and by pulmonary silicosis in the patient with PsA may account for a predisposition to the development of MTX pneumonitis.",Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methotrexate-induced pneumonitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis: report of five cases and review of the literature.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"On the other hand, MTX-induced pneumonitis seems to be very rare in psoriatic arthritis (PsA).",Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Our review of 194 RA patients and 38 PsA patients receiving MTX has identified four RA patients and one PsA patient with MTX-induced pneumonitis, giving a prevalence of 2.1% and 0.03%, respectively.",Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Pneumonitis is emerging as one of the most unpredictable and potentially serious, adverse effects of treatment with MTX.",Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The presence of a lymphocyte alveolitis with a predominance of CD4+ T cells in 3 RA patients and CD8+ T cells with a concomitant increase in neutrophils in another case suggests that immunologically mediated reactions may be one damage mechanism in MTX-induced pneumonitis.,Pneumonitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A retrospective epidemiological study of deaths from hepatic angiosarcoma (HAS) in the U.S. showed that during 1964--74 there were 168 such cases, of which 37 (22%) were associated with previously known causes (vinyl chloride, 'Thorotrast', and inorganic arsenic) and 4 (3.1%) of the remaining 131 cases with the use of androgenic-anabolic steroids.",Hepatic angiosarcoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Recent studies have shown that under experimental conditions ferrous sulfate may reduce the gastrointestinal absorption of orally administered levothyroxine sodium in patients with primary hypothyroidism.,Malabsorption Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient who became hypothyroid while taking ferrous sulfate.,Hypothyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, as the use of hepatitis B vaccination is growing, adverse side effects, including mental nerve neuropathy, should be observed with an increased frequency.",Numb chin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mental nerve neuropathy as a result of hepatitis B vaccination.,Numb chin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although its side effects are few, tamoxifen increases the incidence of proliferative lesions of the endometrium, which theoretically should be preventable with progestational agents.",Endometrial hyperplasia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASES: Two postmenopausal women treated with tamoxifen and progestational agents for breast carcinoma developed uterine enlargement and intermittent spotting.,Postmenopausal haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: The value of multihormonal therapy in breast carcinoma is not established, and the addition of progestogens to tamoxifen may not reduce of developing endometrial lesions, including carcinoma.",Neoplasm malignant Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Thoracoscopic biopsy to confirm metastasis revealed instead fibrotic lesions apparently attributable to bleomycin or cyclophosphamide.,Fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An elderly man with procainamide hydrochloride-induced lupus syndrome had a circulating anticoagulant against factor XI and a biologic false-positive (BFP) test result for syphilis.,Systemic lupus erythematosus syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Circulating anticoagulant in the procainamide-induced lupus syndrome.,Systemic lupus erythematosus syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clinical signs of hypermagnesemia are an uncommon complication following oral administration of magnesium sulfate.,Hypermagnesaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Establishment of diuresis with fluids and IV administration of calcium may provide successful treatment of magnesium toxicosis in horses.,Hypermagnesaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Magnesium toxicosis in two horses.,Hypermagnesaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Overdose of magnesium sulfate in combination with renal insufficiency, hypocalcemia, or compromise of intestinal integrity may predispose horses to magnesium toxicosis.",Hypermagnesaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CASE SUMMARIES: In each case, the patients were treated over 5 years with lovastatin and developed rhabdomyolysis that coincided with the completion of a prescribed regimen of a newer macrolide antibiotic.",Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: The risk of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis due to the potential interaction between lovastatin and azithromycin or clarithromycin should be considered before the concomitant use of these agents.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"DISCUSSION: Rhabdomyolysis is a clinical syndrome resulting from the destruction of skeletal muscle that may progress to renal failure Several drugs have been associated with rhabdomyolysis, including lovastatin, a hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor.",Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that may increase the risk of lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis possibly associated with clarithromycin and azithromycin.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe two cases of rhabdomyolysis in patients taking lovastatin that were precipitated by the use of the newer macrolide antibiotics clarithromycin and azithromycin.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To our knowledge, these cases are the first published reports of lovastatin-induced rhabdomyolysis associated with azithromycin and clarithromycin.",Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These cases were considered unusual in light of the short delay of their onset after initiation of immunosuppressive therapy and their fulminant course: 3 of these patients died of PCP occurring during the first month of treatment with prednisone.,Death Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the specifics of 12 cases of severe hypertension after the intraoperative use of topical phenylephrine, submucosal epinephrine, or both.",Hypertensive urgency Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute leukaemia during tamoxifen therapy.,Acute leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tamoxifen is suggested to be carcinogenic both through direct genotoxic and epigenetic mechanisms.,Carcinogenicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report two cases that developed acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) during tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer.,Acute myeloid leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Relapse in the external auditory canal of acute promyelocytic leukemia after treatment with all-trans retinoic acid.,Acute promyelocytic leukaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cutaneous reactions to propylthiouracil and methimazole occur in 3%-5% of adults.,Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Generalized maculopapular and papular purpuric eruptions are perhaps the most common thionamide-induced reactions.,Rash maculo-papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Propylthiouracil-induced cutaneous vasculitis.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The observation of cutaneous vasculitis during administration of propylthiouracil suggested that clinical awareness of this complication should be of considerable importance.,Cutaneous vasculitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 2-year-old mentally retarded boy with frontal lobe epilepsy presented with an episode that resembled heat stroke during the administration of zonisamide.,Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Children receiving zonisamide should be monitored for oligohidrosis and the development of neurological symptoms associated with an elevation of body temperature.,Neurological symptom Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Heat stroke-like episode in a child caused by zonisamide.,Heat stroke Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute renal failure in a patient receiving treatment with suramin.,Acute Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute renal failure should be recognized as a potential complication of suramin treatment.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Other potential causes of renal failure were not present in our patient and his renal function gradually recovered with the cessation of suramin treatment.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient with metastatic prostate cancer who developed nonoliguric renal failure during treatment with suramin.,Renal failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clozapine induced polyserositis.,Polyserositis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the case of a patient who developed polyserositis (pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, and pericarditis) after being started on clozapine, and whose symptoms remitted upon discontinuation of clozapine.",Pericardial effusion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thirty-six patients with AL received, in a three-month period, 51 cycles of combined chemotherapy which included, in all of them, cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C); among them, along with myelosuppression, five experienced fever, infectious complications, gastrointestinal tract symptoms and severe myalgias.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: We believe this to be the first reported case of rhGH-induced hypercalcemia in an HIV-infected patient.,Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hypercalcemia in an AIDS patient treated with growth hormone.,Hypercalcemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The hypercalcemia responded to discontinuation of rhGH and a single dose of intravenous pamidronate disodium and has not recurred in 8 months of follow-up.,Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a male patient with advanced AIDS who developed hypercalcemia 2 weeks after institution of rhGH therapy.,Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin following multiple uncomplicated courses: a report on two cases.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Two patients with ovarian cancer who had received multiple courses of cisplatin without complications experienced hypersensitivity reactions to cisplatin: one, involving intrahepatic artery infusion, manifested general erythema, dyspnea, and hypotension; the other, involving intravenous infusion, manifested abdominal pain, general erythema, and fever.",Abdominal pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report an unusually short lived and asymptomatic episode of severe cisplatin-induced renal tubular salt wasting in a fit 41-year-old patient with malignant teratoma.,Renal tubular acidosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clinicians should include phenolphthalein in their list of possible causes of drug-induced TEN.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DISCUSSION: Phenolphthalein is the active ingredient in several over-the-counter laxative preparations and has only rarely been reported to cause TEN.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of phenolphthalein-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) in a patient maintained on several other medications more commonly known to be associated with TEN.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Phenolphthalein-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The patient's previous rash and the temporal relation of this event and the ingestion of phenolphthalein, as well as the similarity of this case to other reports, point to phenolphthalein as the cause of TEN in this patient.",Rash Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"During clarithromycin coadministration, four out of the seven patients developed moderate-to-severe toxic symptoms of carbamazepine, such as drowsiness, dizziness, and ataxia, which resolved within 5 days after clarithromycin discontinuation.",Ataxia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"As far as we know, this is the first case report of acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with AZ intoxication.",Gastritis haemorrhagic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We experienced a case of chronic renal failure in a patient suffering from acute hemorrhagic gastritis associated with AZ intoxication.,Gastritis haemorrhagic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In association with this tocolysis, urinary calculus of magnesium ammonium phosphate occurred at 34 weeks gestation.",Calculus urinary Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Magnesium tocolysis as the cause of urinary calculus during pregnancy.,Calculus urinary Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Danazol induced thrombocytopenia.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"On the next day, after a total dose of only 600 mg of danazol, gingival bleeding and purpura occurred.",Gingival bleeding Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We diagnosed this case as danazol induced thrombocytopenia.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It occasionally accompanies the heparin-associated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndrome.,Thrombocytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Skin necrosis is a rare complication of subcutaneous heparin therapy that usually occurs at injection sites.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Skin necrosis secondary to low-molecular weight heparin in a patient with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient with the antiphospholipid syndrome who had skin necrosis develop from low-molecular weight heparin therapy at sites distant from injection sites.,Skin necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of contact dermatitis due to sodium bisulfite in an ophthalmic solution.,Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Therefore, we diagnosed her eruption as contact dermatitis due to sodium bisulfite.",Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of contact dermatitis due to sodium bisulfite in Tathion eye drops.,Dermatitis contact Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute pancreatitis after long-term 5-aminosalicylic acid therapy.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Acute pancreatitis is a known, although rare, complication of mesalamine treatment.",Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A rechallenge, performed in both patients, confirmed the diagnosis of mesalamine-induced pancreatitis.",Pancreatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,These case reports provide evidence that 5-aminosalicylic acid may induce acute pancreatitis after long term treatment.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe two cases of acute pancreatitis that occurred after long term mesalamine therapy for ulcerative colitis.,Pancreatitis acute Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 35-year-old nephrotic man developed acute renal failure with serum creatinine to 1543 micromol/l after a month of therapy with enalapril.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute renal failure with severe tubulointerstitial changes in a patient with minimal change nephrotic syndrome treated with enalapril.,Acute kidney injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Early ritonavir-induced maculopapular eruption.,Rash maculo-papular Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report 2 cases of maculopapular eruption and fever in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) on the 2nd day of first administration of ritonavir, a protease inhibitor.",Pyrexia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Nephropathy caused by methicillin therapy for staphylococcal septicemia.,Nephropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Review of the literature relating to methicillin-induced nephropathy suggests a hypersensitivity origin for this disorder, but immunologic and ultrastructural investigation to date has failed to elucidate pathogenesis.",Nephropathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 25-year-old woman sought medical attention because of iliocaval manifestations of retroperitoneal fibrosis while she was taking methysergide.,Retroperitoneal fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methysergide-induced retroperitoneal fibrosis: successful outcome and two new laboratory features.,Retroperitoneal fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Vitiligo associated with alpha-interferon in a patient with chronic active hepatitis C.,Vitiligo Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of vitiligo that occurred during the second month of interferon alpha 2a therapy for chronic active hepatitis C.,Vitiligo Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case is reported of an elderly woman who developed febrile agranulocytosis several weeks after commencing ticlopidine but who had a favorable outcome after cessation of that drug and treatment with filgastrim.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Agranulocytosis associated with ticlopidine: a possible benefit with filgastim.,Agranulocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Ticlopidine is an oral antiplatelet agent frequently utilized in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease and is rarely associated with severe bone marrow suppression, typically aplastic anemia.",Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Hemodialysis was also shown to reverse ifosfamide-related neurotoxicity.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ifosfamide-associated neurotoxicity was noted within hours of drug administration and improved rapidly following hemodialysis.,Neurotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 55-year-old woman developed symptoms suggestive of hepatitis 12 weeks after first receiving methyldopa for hypertension.,Hepatitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methyldopa-induced liver injury.,Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Such a rapid and relentless progression of methyldopa-induced liver injury is undoubtedly rare, but it may be prevented by careful supervision of patients who exhibit liver function abnormalities early in the course of therapy.",Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute respiratory depression as a complication of nebulised morphine.,Respiratory depression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Approximately 15 min after the first administration of nebulised morphine the patient became markedly bradypneic (respiratory rate: 4-5 bpm), hypotensive (BP 70/40 mmHg), and responded only partially to command.",Bradypnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,PURPOSE: To present a case of respiratory depression following the administration of nebulised morphine.,Respiratory depression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute dystonia with thalamic and brainstem lesions after initial penicillamine treatment in Wilson's disease.,Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"From these data, acute generalized dystonia with brainstem and thalamic lesions may occur in WD patients after an initial d-penicillamine therapy.",Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We reported 3 patients who developed acute generalized dystonia and akinetic rigid syndrome following an initial therapy with d-penicillamine 125-500 mg daily.,Dystonia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Ballistic movements due to ischemic infarcts after intravenous heroin overdose: report of two cases.,Ballismus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Patient 1 presented bilateral ballism 1 week after intravenous heroin injection.,Ballismus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Stroke is an infrequent but recognized complication of heroin addiction.,Cerebrovascular accident Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Two heroin addicts, aged 34 and 19 years, developed ballistic movements after intravenous heroin overdose.",Ballismus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A MEDLINE search identified all the reported cases of hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylaxis to intravenous cyclosporine and tolerance to oral cyclosporine: case report and review.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,BACKGROUND: Hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine are rare.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine are due to Cremophor EL.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Fortunately, a hypersensitivity reaction to one formulation of cyclosporine does not preclude use of a different formulation.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,METHODS: We report a patient who had an anaphylactic reaction during the intravenous infusion of cyclosporine.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanisms involved in hypersensitivity reactions to cyclosporine and determine the feasibility of future cyclosporine use.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The literature search revealed 22 cases of hypersensitivity reaction to cyclosporine.,Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prothipendylhydrochloride-induced priapism: case report.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present the first case of a patient with priapism after oral intake of the phenothiazine prothipendylhydrochloride.,Priapism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The chemotherapeutics, including vincristine, actinomycin D, and epirubicin in case 1 and vincristine and actinomycin D in case 2, were given before the hepatotoxicity developed.",Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We conclude that vincristine and actinomycin D were the cause of this rare from of hepatotoxicity and that chemotherapy for the underlying malignant disease could be given safely after clinical recovery.,Hepatotoxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Because the combination of bleomycin and vinca alkaloids is commonly used for the treatment of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, clinicians should be aware of the risk of provoking acral necrosis in patients who develop Raynaud's phenomenon under chemotherapy.",Necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this report, one patient who developed gangrene after bleomycin and vincristine/vinblastine chemotherapy for AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma and another HIV-infected patient who exhibited symptoms of severe Raynaud's phenomenon related to the same regimen are presented.",Gangrene Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Development of essential thrombocythemia in a patient treated with interferon alfa and pentostatin for hairy cell leukemia.,Thrombocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Second cancers including various types of hematological malignancy have been reported in patients with hairy cell leukemia treated with chemotherapy or interferon alfa.,Haematological malignancy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Effect of beta-blockade on symptomatic dexamethasone-induced hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy in premature infants: three case reports and literature review.,Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"One patient had a lower average heart rate and two patients had lower average mean blood pressure values during propranolol treatment, none of which was clinically significant.",Bradycardia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CASE SUMMARY: A 25-year-old postpartum white woman developed multiple watery stools and abdominal cramping on day 6 of therapy with clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis.,Abdominal pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clostridium difficile toxin-induced colitis after use of clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream.,Clostridium difficile colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: This report indicates clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream as the most probable cause of CDIC due to the temporal relationship between the occurrence of diarrhea and clindamycin administration, lack of concomitant medications, and documentation of C. difficile toxin.",Clostridium difficile colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,DISCUSSION: No published clinical studies in patients receiving clindamycin vaginal cream for bacterial vaginosis have documented C. difficile toxin in stool samples of patients with diarrhea.,Clostridium test positive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of toxin-positive Clostridium difficile-induced colitis (CDIC) after use of clindamycin phosphate vaginal cream.,Clostridium difficile colitis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 54-year-old man developed TEN 4 weeks after beginning lamotrigine for complex partial seizures related to a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Administration of lamotrigine, especially in combination with valproic acid, may lead to the development of TEN.",Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Fatal toxic epidermal necrolysis related to lamotrigine administration.,Toxic epidermal necrolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"To date, eight cases of TEN and one of SJS related to lamotrigine administration have been reported in the literature.",SJS-TEN overlap Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A syndrome of increased affect in response to risperidone among patients with schizophrenia.,Affective disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Six of 13 outpatients with schizophrenia who participated in a ten-week open trial of risperidone had an initial good response to the medication followed by development of intolerable affect, including feelings of agitation and depression and periods of crying and insomnia.",Depression Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The authors suggest that risperidone may increase affect in patients with schizophrenia and that some patients, especially those with anxiety, may have difficulty managing the increase.",Inappropriate affect Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 28 year old white schizophrenic male has been under risperidone monotherapy for about one year when he developed dyskinetic movements.,Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Risperidone-induced tardive dyskinesia.,Tardive Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This report presents a potential case of risperidone-induced tardive dyskinesia.,Tardive Dyskinesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Increased ocular pressure in two patients with narrow angle glaucoma treated with venlafaxine.,Intraocular pressure increased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 61-year-old man developed clinical lupus syndrome with positive antinuclear antibody, positive lupus erythematosus (LE) cell preparation, and diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis following 26 months of procainamide therapy.",Systemic lupus erythematosus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Glomerulonephritis in procainamide induced lupus erythematosus: report of a case and review of the literature.,Glomerulonephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a 76-year-old man who developed an acute blistering eruption following high-dose penicillin treatment for pneumococcal septicaemia.,Dermatitis bullous Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A case of prolonged suxamethonium apnoea successfully terminated by the infusion of a commercial preparation of serumcholinesterase is reported.,Apnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Suxamethonium apnoea terminated with commercial serumcholinesterase.,Apnoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Cardiac arrest associated with sulprostone use during caesarean section.,Cardiac arrest Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We postulate that the bolus of sulprostone resulted in possible coronary spasm that resulted in cardiac arrest.,Cardiac arrest Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Prolonged prostate-specific antigen response in flutamide withdrawal syndrome despite disease progression.,flutamide Drug withdrawal syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Anaphylactic reaction to oral prednisone: a case report and review of the literature.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe the case of a nonatopic 17-year-old girl with bronchial asthma and aspirin intolerance who developed a dramatic anaphylactic reaction to oral prednisone.,Anaphylactic reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"METHODS: Double-blind, placebo-controlled titrated oral challenges with pancreatic enzymes resulted in definite vomiting within 1 to 1.5 hours after challenges with Viokase and Pancrease MT 16, but not with placebo.",Vomiting Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"She was treated with Pancrease MT 16, but had consistent vomiting 1 to 2 hours after administration of enzymes.",Vomiting Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The vomiting occurred on switching to different pancreatic enzymes preparations, ie, Creon 10, Viokase, and Pancrease MT 16.",Vomiting Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Acute valproate ingestion induces symptomatic methemoglobinemia.,Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report for the first time the development of symptomatic methemoglobinemia after an acute ingestion of divalproex sodium (Depakote), resulting in serum concentrations 10 times greater than the therapeutic range.",Methaemoglobinaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In rare cases mitomycin C (MMC) may induce cancer-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and progressive renal failure.",Haemolytic anaemia enzyme specific Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Mitomycin C-related hemolytic uremic syndrome in cancer patients.,Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of MMC-related hemolytic uremic syndrome, and discuss the etiologic parameters, clinical aspects, prognosis and treatment modalities of this severe syndrome.",Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CD4 T-lymphocyte depletion, myelosuppression, and subsequent severe infections are the major side effects of fludarabine phosphate therapy.",Lymphocyte count decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe respiratory syncytial virus pulmonary infection in a patient treated with fludarabine for chronic lymphocytic leukemia.,Respiratory syncytial virus infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report here on a heretofore undescribed respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in a patient with a long-standing history of refractory CLL that was treated with fludarabine phosphate.,Respiratory syncytial virus infection Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Serotonin syndrome induced by transitioning from phenelzine to venlafaxine: four patient reports.,Serotonin syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Although this G-CSF-driven leucocytosis was alarming it did not appear to have adversely affected the patient's prognosis.,Leukocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Leukaemoid monocytosis in M4 AML following chemotherapy and G-CSF.,Leukaemoid reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a patient with M4 AML treated with standard chemotherapy followed by G-CSF who developed marked monocytosis on day 8 of G-CSF therapy.,Monocytosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Case 2 demonstrated after 40 months on chlorambucil the presence of a balanced translocation, t (1;5) (p36;q31) in 90% of the cells.",Autosomal chromosome anomaly Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Chromosome abnormalities after chlorambucil therapy of polycythaemia vera.,Acquired chromosomal abnormality Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Administration of steroid and decreasing the dose of PTU produced a good clinical response and the ANCA disappeared.,Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive crescentic glomerulonephritis associated with propylthiouracil therapy.,Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A teenage girl with crescentic glomerulonephritis had antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) detected after she had received propylthiouracil (PTU) for hyperthyroidism without cutaneous vasculitis.,Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It was concluded that ANCA is closely related to the pathogenesis of crescentic glomerulonephritis and that treatment with PTU appeared to induce ANCA.,Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A drug interaction between zafirlukast and theophylline.,Drug interaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Attempts were made to stop and then restart the theophylline therapy at progressively lower doses; however, with each attempt, the patient's reaction to the drug became more toxic, with serum theophylline levels ranging between 99.9 and 149.9 micromol/L (18 and 27 microg/mL).",Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present the first case (to our knowledge) of a potentially serious drug-drug interaction between zafirlukast and theophylline.,Drug interaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 21-year-old patient developed rhabdomyolysis during his nineteenth week of treatment with clozapine for drug-resistant schizophrenia.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clozapine is speculated to cause rhabdomyolysis in patients with defective calcium-activated K+ channels.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Rhabdomyolysis associated with clozapine treatment in a patient with decreased calcium-dependent potassium permeability of cell membranes.,Rhabdomyolysis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe children and adolescents with chronic hematologic and oncologic diseases who exhibited drug-seeking behavior or anticholinergic symptoms with the use of diphenhydramine.,Anticholinergic syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Excluding other causes, Pentasa-associated pancytopenia was considered.",Pancytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"He developed fever, nausea, diarrhea, and malaise and stopped taking on the third day after commencing Pentasa.",Diarrhoea Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pancytopenia associated with 5-aminosalicylic acid use in a patient with Crohn's disease.,Pancytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report a case of pancytopenia in a 23-year-old man with Crohn's disease who was treated with 5-aminosalicylic acid (Pentasa; Nisshin, Tokyo, Japan) 3.0 g/day.",Pancytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We describe a renal transplant recipient maintained on cyclosporine and prednisone developing Nocardia Asteroides brain abscess.,Nocardiosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Young children undergoing cisplatin chemotherapy are known to be at risk for progressive sensorineural hearing loss.,Deafness neurosensory Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A 47 year-old woman who had a 4-year history of intramuscular pentazocine injections in the lower extremities, developed gradual stiffness and weakness of the lower extremities.",Musculoskeletal stiffness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Caution in longterm usage and early recognition of pentazocine toxicity as a neuromuscular complication are important in order to prevent irreversible drug-induced fibrous myopathy and localized neuropathy.,Muscle fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pentazocine-induced fibrous myopathy and localized neuropathy.,Muscle fibrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In two of these cases akathisia resolved after withdrawal of olanzapine and substitution by a classical or an atypical neuroleptic agent, respectively.",Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Like other atypical neuroleptics olanzapine is considered to show a reduced prevalence of extrapyramidal side effects when compared to classical neuroleptic drugs.,Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,One should therefore be aware of possible extrapyramidal side effects with olanzapine that are reduced compared to classical neuroleptic drugs but not completely eliminated.,Extrapyramidal disorder Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Severe akathisia during olanzapine treatment of acute schizophrenia.,Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report on three patients with acute schizophrenia, who developed severe akathisia during treatment with olanzapine (20-25 mg/d).",Akathisia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Seizures occurred in two patients with probable Alzheimer's disease who were receiving long-term treatment with metrifonate, an irreversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.",Seizure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, 1 eye had vitreous hemorrhage after repeated injections of tPA.",Vitreous haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"However, repeated intracameral tPA injections may cause unwanted complications such as vitreous hemorrhage.",Vitreous haemorrhage Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although praziquantel administration may have been effective in killing the parasite in both patients, we are concerned about the production of marked inflammation as a result of treatment.",Inflammation Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"NMS is a drug-related response to various medications, such as Haloperidol, which the patient was receiving.",Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methimazole-induced aplastic anemia in third exposure: successful treatment with recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.,Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We present a case of a 58-year-old female patient with Graves' disease who developed AA in the third exposure to methimazole (MMI).,Aplastic Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"FSGS induced by Adriamycin (Pharmacia & Upjohn, Columbus, OH) has been observed experimentally in rats.",Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The case demonstrates that hypersensitivity reaction to pranlukast and resultant ATIN is possible, and that periodic urine testing in patients receiving pranlukast should be considered.",Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis induced by the leukotriene receptor antagonist pranlukast.,Tubulointerstitial nephritis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Within 6 months of pranlukast withdrawal, anemia resolved and urinary sediment and renal function normalized.",Anaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 65-year-old woman with angina pectoris presented with syncope after sublingual ingestion of isosorbide dinitrate (5 mg).,Syncope Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Elderly patients for whom nitrate has been prescribed should be warned of the occurrence of hypotension, leading to unconsciousness.",Hypotension Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In a postural challenge test after administration of isosorbide dinitrate (5 mg), blood pressure decreased from 120/67 to 65/35 mmHg, followed by syncope with a sudden decrease in pulse rate from 85 to 60 beats/min.",Blood pressure decreased Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Syncope in a 65-year-old woman after nitrate ingestion.,Syncope Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Three diabetic cases of acute dizziness due to initial administration of voglibose.,Dizziness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We observed 3 diabetic patients with intolerable dizziness followed by nausea and vomiting immediately after an initial administration of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, voglibose.",Dizziness Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Naproxen-associated sudden sensorineural hearing loss.,Deafness neurosensory Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Naproxen is a commonly used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) whose side effects include tinnitus and transient hearing loss.,Tinnitus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,This article reports the case of an otherwise healthy patient who experienced permanent sensorineural hearing loss after a brief course of naproxen and reviews the literature on NSAID-related permanent sensorineural hearing loss.,Deafness neurosensory Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Dental and gingival pain as side effects of niacin therapy.,Gingival pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The cause of these previously unreported side effects of niacin therapy is uncertain but may be related to prostaglandin-mediated vasodilatation, hyperalgesia of sensory nerve receptors, and potentiation of inflammation in the gingiva with referral of pain to the teeth.",Hyperaesthesia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Two 65-year-old white men with coronary heart disease, given niacin therapy for dyslipidemia for 5 months, developed intense dental and gingival pain that was associated with increases in dose and that was relieved with discontinuance of niacin treatment.",Gingival pain Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Although major hazards of treatment of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia with phosphate and calcitriol are secondary hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D intoxication, potassium loss also should be kept in mind.",Hypokalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,High-dose phosphate treatment leads to hypokalemia in hypophosphatemic osteomalacia.,Hypokalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,It was concluded that potassium loss occurred by a non-renal (intestinal) route in phosphate-induced hypokalemia.,Hypokalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Progressive hypokalemia developed during phosphate treatment.,Hypokalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"The mechanism of the decrease in plasma potassium induced by phosphate treatment was investigated in a 24-year-old hypertensive patient with hypophosphatemic osteomalacia, who was the youngest of four patients, belonging to a 23 number kindred of five generations.",decrease in plasma potassium Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG) also decreased and an inverse correlation was found between TTKG and doses of phosphate (r = -0.37; p < 0.02; N = 38).,Hypokalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Alveolar-interstitial pneumopathy after gold-salts compounds administration, requiring mechanical ventilation.",Interstitial lung disease Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The pulmonary toxicity of gold salts is an uncommon cause of life-threatening respiratory failure.,Pulmonary toxicity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report a case of severe respiratory failure due to gold salt toxicity in a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis requiring mechanical ventilation.,Respiratory failure Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"As this relapse coincided with development of a strong delayed-type hypersensitivity response to tuberculin and improved after treatment with the anti-inflammatory agent oxpentifylline, it was probably caused by restoration of pathogen-specific cellular immunity.",Hypersensitivity Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A patient with psoriasis is described who had an abnormal response to the glucose tolerance test without other evidence of diabetes and then developed postprandial hyperglycemia and glycosuria during a period of topical administration of a corticosteroid cream, halcinonide cream 0.1%, under occlusion.",Glycosuria Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A second patient with a similar glucose tolerance test result showed postprandial hyperglycemia when treated similarly with betamethasone valerate cream 0.1%.,Hyperglycaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"After 1 week of nefazodone therapy the patient experienced headache, confusion, and ""gray areas"" in her vision, without abnormal ophthalmologic findings.",Confusional state Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Coadministration of antidepressant agents such as nefazodone, or any other drug that inhibits the CYP3A4 isoenzyme subfamily, should be anticipated to interfere with tacrolimus metabolism.",Drug interaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Interaction between tacrolimus and nefazodone in a stable renal transplant recipient.,Drug interaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We suspect that nefazodone inhibits metabolism of tacrolimus.,Drug interaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,We report the case of intoxication of a 41-year-old female patient suffering from major depression with mirtazapine complicated by severe hypothermia.,Poisoning Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: We report a case of the use of pamidronate for significant hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D poisoning.,Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pamidronate therapy should be considered in patients with hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D poisoning.,Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The patient was initially treated with hydration and furosemide but developed congestive heart failure.,Cardiac failure congestive Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The use of pamidronate for hypercalcemia secondary to acute vitamin D intoxication.,Toxicity to various agents Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report the use of pamidronate for acute, severe hypercalcemia secondary to iatrogenic vitamin D poisoning.",Hypercalcaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A 40-year-old man with a long standing history of rheumatoid arthritis was treated with MTX over a 6 month period and developed an overwhelming hepatic necrosis.,Hepatic necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Methotrexate-induced hepatic necrosis requiring liver transplantation in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.,Hepatic necrosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"MTX-induced hepatic injury and liver enzyme elevations have been demonstrated after treatment of leukemia, gestational disease and during treatment of psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.",Drug-induced Liver injury Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Clinicians should be aware of the possibility that vinorelbine may cause SIADH and possibly hypokalemia.,Hypokalaemia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"CONCLUSIONS: Because of its structural similarity to the other vinca alkaloids, vinorelbine is believed to be responsible for SIADH in our patient.",Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To describe onset of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) associated with vinorelbine therapy for advanced breast cancer.,Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone associated with vinorelbine therapy.,Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Pirmenol hydrochloride-induced QT prolongation and T wave inversion on electrocardiogram during treatment for symptomatic atrial fibrillation.,Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Thus, an immunological mechanism might be involved in the mechanism of pirmenol-induced QT prolongation and T wave inversion on the electrocardiogram.",Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We report on a 56-year-old female who exhibited drug refractory paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, in which marked prolongation of the QT interval and T wave inversion on electrocardiogram was demonstrated reproducibly shortly after the administration of oral pirmenol therapy.",Torsade de pointes Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Disseminated muscular cysticercosis with myositis induced by praziquantel therapy.,Myositis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"We describe a case of disseminated muscular cysticercosis followed by myositis (fever, diffuse myalgia, weakness of the lower limbs, and inflammatory reaction around dying cysticerci) induced by praziquantel therapy, an event not described previously.",Myalgia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Massive subfascial hematoma after alteplase therapy for acute myocardial infarction.,Haematoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Physicians should be aware of the possible association between the use of alteplase and the development of subfascial hemorrhage.,Haematoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The authors report a case of a patient who received alteplase for acute myocardial infarction and developed spontaneous subfascial hematoma without any evidence of direct trauma.,Haematoma Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,The development of cutaneous ecchymosis associated with a sudden fall in hemoglobin after the administration of alteplase should strongly suggest the possibility of diffuse subfascial hematoma.,Ecchymosis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,A fatal case of pancytopenia due to levomepromazine.,Pancytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"A fatal pancytopenia occurred in a patient with an history of depression with hypomanic rebounds, admitted for a manic episode and treated with levomepromazine, diazepam and lithium carbonate.",Pancytopenia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis associated with thyrotropin receptor antibody.,Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Among 12 thyrotoxic patients, a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, who had been taking amiodarone for 4 years, developed thyrotoxicosis with subacute onset, accompanied by transiently positive thyrotropin (TSH) receptor antibody (TRAb), or thyrotropin-binding inhibiting immunoglobulin (TBII).",Hyperthyroidism Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Since amiodarone was first marketed in 1992 in Japan, the incidence of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) has been increasing.",Autoimmune thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"These in vitro findings and clinical course suggest that TRAb/TBII without thyroid-stimulating activity may develop in patients with amiodarone-induced destructive thyroiditis, as reported in patients with destructive thyroiditis, such as subacute and silent thyroiditis.",Thyroiditis Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSION: Lipoid pneumonia as a result of mineral oil aspiration still occurs in the pediatric population.,Pneumonia lipoid Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lipoid pneumonia: a silent complication of mineral oil aspiration.,Pneumonia lipoid Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Our case points to the need for increased awareness by the general pediatricians of the potential hazards of mineral oil use for chronic constipation.,Adverse event Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,An unusual cause of burn injury: unsupervised use of drugs that contain psoralens.,Photosensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Because psoralens sensitize skin to ultraviolet A light, phototoxic reactions are the most frequent adverse effect of this treatment.",Photosensitivity reaction Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"In this article, we present the case of a vitiligo patient who was admitted to our facility with an intense burn after the topical use of 8-methoxypsoralen solution as a suntanning agent.",Thermal burn Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Sunburn may sometimes be a major injury in psoralen users because high doses or inappropriate use of the drug may render the skin extremely sensitive.,Dermatitis allergic Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,CONCLUSIONS: Metoclopramide may cause reversible nonthrombocytopenic vascular-type palpable purpura.,Palpable purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,OBJECTIVE: To report a case of reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura associated with metoclopramide.,Palpable purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Reversible nonthrombocytopenic palpable purpura associated with metoclopramide.,Palpable purpura Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,Lithium treatment was terminated in 1975 because of lithium intoxication with a diabetes insipidus-like syndrome.,Diabetes insipidus Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Eosinophilia caused by clozapine was observed in challenge, preceded by a faster neutrophil production and consecutive decrease (z = 2.27, p = 0.01).",Eosinophilia Map Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) mentioned in text data to their most relevant Preferred MeDDRA terms.,"Eosinophilia has been encountered from 0.2 to 61.7% in clozapine-treated patients, mostly with a transient course and spontaneous remission.",Eosinophilia ,Successful challenge with clozapine in a history of eosinophilia.,Eosinophilia