eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " "ksad, depressed","تَعِيسْ " "to be pathetic, to induce pity (lit. “When you look at him, you say, (past singular masculine)’Mercy!’”)","تُخزِرْ تْقُولْ اللُّطْفْ " "to be angry, mad (past singular masculine)","تْغَشِّشْ " "to be bothered, annoyed (past singular masculine)","تْقَلَّقْ " "to be arrogant, prideful (past singular masculine)","تْكَبِّرْ " "to be angry, grow frustrated (slang: bad connotation) (past singular masculine)","تْكَرِّزْ " "person who is always insulted, made fun of, mocked","تْكَرْكِيرَة " "something that bothers, annoys, angers (bad connotation)","تَكْرِيزْ " "to be tired emotionally, worn out, lack hope (past singular masculine)","تْمَرْمِدْ " "being tired emotionally, worn out, lacking hope","تْمَرْمِيدْ " He gets angry easily (lit. “Touch him and listen to his noise.”),"تْمِسُّو تَسْمَعْ حِسُّو " "to become angry, mad (past singular masculine)","تْنَرْفِزْ " "becoming angry, mad","تْنَرْفِيزْ " to stand up and sit down out of surprise (past singular masculine),"تَنْفَضْ " "apathy, leaving things the way they are, not taking a position","تَهَاوُنْ " to stand up and sit down out of surprise (past singular masculine),"تْهَزْ وْتِنْفَضْ " "to calm down, go down (past singular masculine)","تِهْفِتْ " "to be comforted, to not worry, to be assured (past singular masculine)","تْهَنَّى " "to be patient, not get angry, calm down (past singular masculine)","توَسَّعْ البَالْ " "unsatisfied with his life, totally fed up","تِيقْرْ " "shy, timid","تِيمِيدْ " "he hurt her heart, feelings","جْرَحِلْهَا قَلْبْهَا " "emotions, feelings","جَوَارَحْ " raptors,"جَوَارَحْ " "shy, embarassed","حَاشِمْ " mental state,"حَالَة ذِهْنِيَّة " emotional state,"حَالَة نَفْسِيَّة " "to embarrass, ashame (past singular masculine)","حْرِجْ " sadness,"حُزْنْ " sad,"حْزِينْ " to feel guilty (past singular masculine),"حَسْ باِلذَّنْبْ " felt regret,"حَسْ بِالنْدَمْ " felt himself alone,"حَسْ بْرُوحُو وَحْدُو " to feel emptiness (past singular masculine),"حَسْ بْفَرَاغْ " to feel pain (past singular masculine),"حَسْ بُوجِيعَة " "to empathize, feel for someone (past singular masculine)","حَسْ بِيهْ " "he felt abandoned, left alone","حَسْ رُوحُو مْهَمِّلْ " sensitive,"حسّاس " very sensitive,"حَسَّاسْ عَلِّخِرْ " jealousy,"حُسْدْ " to be jealous (past singular masculine),"حْسِدْ " to be ashamed of yourself (past singular masculine),"حْشِمْ عْلَى رُوحُو " "to ashame, embarrass someone, make someone do what is right (past singular masculine)socially","حَشْمُوهْ عْلَى رُوحُو " "Contempt, disdain","حُڨْرَة " enthusiasm,"حَمَاسْ " a Palestinian militant group (Hamas),"حَمَاسْ " "tenderness, graciousness","حِنِيَّة " "tender, gracious, kind","حْنِينْ " "to make somebody anxious, worried, make pain worse (past singular masculine)","حَيِّرْ " anxiety,"حِيرَة " very agitated,"خَايْضْ " afraid,"خَايِفْ " he became mad,"خْرَجْ مِنْ عَقْلُو " "a feeling of uneasiness (usually after eating something unhealthy, or after taking a very crowded bus)","خْوَاطرُو دَايْرَة " feel comfortable,"خُوذْ رَاحْتِكْ " to frighten (past singular masculine),"خوّف " fear,"خُوفْ " depression,"دابراسيون " depressed,"دابريما " depressed,"دَاپْبْرَاسَا " "he is frustrated, confused","داخل بعضه " hopeless,"دَازِيسْپَارَى " he is feeling angry,"دْجَاجْ لَكْحِلْ دَايِرْ بِيهْ " "to get very angry, unable to control oneself (past singular masculine)","دْخَلْ فِي الحِلَّة " he made him crazy,"دَخِّلْ فِي مُخُّو غُولَة " "he became very angry, went wild","دْخَلْ وْ خْرَجْ فِي الحِلَّة " he is becoming very confused,"دْخَلْ وْ خْرَجْ فِي الحِلَّة " "he has a short temper, always gets angry","دَمُّو سْخُونْ " "to turn bad, hate (past singular masculine)","دْوَان " he’s always angry,"دِيمَا عْلَى أعْصَابُو " "he’s always longing for something (cigarette, hookah, etc.)","دِيمَا مْحَشِّشْ " "to humiliate, embarrass, shame (past singular masculine)","ذَلْ " a deadly feeling of guilt,"ذَنْبْ قَاتِلْ " to calm down (past singular masculine),"رَاضْ " to become more calm than before (past singular masculine),"رَاضْ عَلَى قْبَلْ " "satisfied, happy with","رَاضِي " "satisfied with his condition, accepting","رَاضِي بِالوَضْعْ " "calm, at peace, satisfied","رَايِضْ " serene/placid,"رَايَقْ " "acceptable, ok","رَايَقْ " "to have the same fond feelings for something, grow nostalgic (past singular masculine)","رَجَّعْلُو الحَنِينْ " "to give up, grow weary (past singular masculine)","رَخْ " "to relax, calm the nerves (past singular masculine)","رْخِفْ الأَعْصَابْ " he terrified him,"رَعْبُو " he shook with fear,"رْعُشْ مِلْ الخُوفْ " "to desire, want, long for (past singular masculine)","رْغَبْ " a desire to do something,"رَغْبَة " "to scare, terrorize (past singular masculine)","رَهِّبْ " "fear, terror","رَهْبَة " "dreadful, very scary, terrorizing","رَهِيبْ " "awesome, fear-inspiring","رَهِيبْ " "to scare, terrorize (past singular masculine)","رَوَّعْ " "to relax, calm down (past singular masculine)","رُولَاكِسْ " "to relax, calm down (past singular masculine)","رُولَاكْسِى " "apathetic, cold-blooded (crass)","زَعْكَة بَارْدَة " "to humiliate, mock, insult (past singular masculine)","سَخْسَخْ " "to be pitiful, to cause someone to pity (past singular masculine)","سَخِّفْ " "to pity someone or something, feel sympathy (past singular masculine)","سْخِفْ عْلِيهْ " "pleasure, happiness","سُرُورْ " "Humiliation, insults, beating","سْطَاكَة " Happiness,"سَعَادَة " "sentimental, sappy","سونتيمونتال " sensitive,"سُونْسِيبِلْ " "to desire, lust after (past singular masculine)","شتهى " "to encourage, strengthen, cheer, root for (past singular masculine)","شَجَّعْ " she made him angry,"شَعِلْتُّو " feelings,"شعور " good feelings,"شعور باهي " bad feelings,"شعور خايب " strong feelings,"شُعُورْ قْوِيّْ " mutual feelings,"شعور متبادل " "emotional, sensitive","شعورية " "passion, desire, love for something","شَغَفْ " "to feel pity for, have compassion on (past singular masculine)","شفق " "pity, mercy, compassion","شفقة " "to enjoy other’s misfortune, schadenfreude (past singular masculine)","شماتة " "to get really angry, be furious (past singular masculine)","شَنَّعْ " "a state of anger, lots of people angyr at the same time","شنعة " "to enjoy, have a good time (past singular masculine)","شاخ " "older man, elder, respected man","شاخ " to make somebody enjoy himself (past singular masculine),"شَيَّخْ " "joy, enjoyment","شِيخَة " "old woman, female sheikh","شِيخَة " "funny, humorous person, always laughing","ضَحَّاكْ " to make someone laugh (past singular masculine),"ضَحِّكْ " things were so bad he could only laugh,"ضْحَكْ مِلْ هَمّْ " "he laughed from his heart, naturally","ضْحَكْ مِنْ قَلْبُو " dishonest laugh/smile,"ضَحْكَةْ صَفْرَاوية " "to encourage, cheer up (past singular masculine)","طَلَّعْ المُورَالْ " "it made him frustrated, angry","طَلّعْلُو رُوحُو " "to be at peace, not worry, be comforted (past singular masculine)","طْمَانْ " "tranquility, peace of mind","طُمَأْنِينَةْ " "to desire, be greedy for (past singular masculine)","طْمَعْ " "to reassure, comfort, put at rest (past singular masculine)","طَمِّنْ " "to discourage, make sad (past singular masculine)","طَيَّحْ المُورَالْ " "he scared him, discouraged him","طَيَّحْلُو المَاءْ فِي رْكَايِبو " "to get frustrated, angry (past singular masculine)","طِيقِرْ " "something shameful, embarassment, losing face","عَارْ " emotional,"عَاطِفِي " "to be disgusted, grossed out (past singular masculine)","عَافْ " "to grow angry, mad (past singular masculine)","عَاقِدْهَا " having fun,"عَامِلْ بُونْ كِيفْ " having fun,"عَامِلْ جَوْ " to enjoy something (past singular masculine),"عَامِلْ عْلِيهْ بُونْ كِيفْ " to live in terror (past singular masculine),"عَايِشْ فِي رُعْبْ " disgusted,"عَايِفْ " disgusted with himself,"عَايَفْ رُوحُو " people disgust him,"عَايْفِينُو لَعْبَادْ " "to love, adore, be passionate about (past singular masculine)","عَشَّقْ " "passion, love, adoration","عْشَقْ " "always angry, hot-headed","عَصَبِيَّةْ " "to have fun, a good time (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ بْلَازِيرْ " "to have a great time, enjoy (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ بُونْ كِيفْ " "emotions, feelings","عَوَاطِفْ " woman’s name,"عَوَاطِفْ " his eyes filled with tears,"عِينِيهْ زَغْلَتْ بِالدْمُوعْ " to be jealous (past singular masculine),"غَارْ " to raid (past singular masculine),"غَارْ " small cave,"غَارْ " "to get angry, to add to someone’s anger (past singular masculine)","غَزِّلْ " "anger, frustration","غَزُّولْ " to make someone angry (past singular masculine),"غَشِشُّوهْ " "anger, wrath, fury","غْضَبْ " "to get angry inside, start to churn (past singular masculine)","غْلَى مِنْ دَاخِلْ " "deep sadness, to be bored, bothered","غُمَّةْ " lack of oxygen,"غُمَّةْ " "to cry, grieve over something (usually death) (past singular masculine)","غَوِّثْ " happy,"فَارِحْ " "to get mad, frustrated, bored (past singular masculine)","فَدّْ " boredom,"فَدَّةْ " asthma,"فَدَّةْ " "to annoy, bother, frustrate (past singular masculine)","فَدِّدْ " "to annoy a lot, really frustrate (past singular masculine)","فَدُّو فِي رُوحُو " to be happy for someone (past singular masculine),"فْرَحْ لِفْلَانْ " "happy for himself, pleased with himself","فَرْحَانْ بْرُوحُو " happy with his life,"فَرْحَانْ بْعِيشْتُو " "to pour out one’s heart, share everything (past singular masculine)","فَرَّغْ قَلْبُو " to scare (past singular masculine),"فَزَّعْ " "to feel scared, come running (past singular masculine)","فْزَعْ " great fear,"فَزْعَةْ " "to unleash one’s anger on someone, spill everything out (past singular masculine)","فَشّْ غِيضُو " "to lose feelings, no longer feel (past singular masculine)","فْقِدْ الِإحْسَاسْ " to lose self-confidence (past singular masculine),"فْقِدْ الثِّقَةْ فِي رُوحُو " to lose patience (past singular masculine),"فقد الصّبر " "blood boiling out of anger, extreme anger","فَوَرَاْن دَمْ " he gets angry easily,"فِيسَعْ مَا يَتْنَرْفِزْ " he becomes aggressive or angry very quickly,"فِيسَعْ مَا يَتْهَزّْ وْ يَتِنْفَضْ " he gets angry easily,"فِيسَعْ مَا يْدُورْ بِيهْ دْجَاجْ لَكْحِلْ " to say hurtful things (past singular masculine),"قَالْ كْلاَمْ جَارِحْ " he’s bored/tired of work,"قَالِقْ فِي لْخِدْمَةْ " he woke up scared,"قَامْ خَايِفْ " "he woke up scared, terrified","قَامْ مَرْعُوبْ " "he woke up scared, surprised","قَامْ مَفْجُوعْ " to tear things apart out of anger (past singular masculine),"قلِبْ الأَرْضْ " her heart was broken,"قَلْبْهَا تْقَطَّعْ " "he’s sensitive, soft, kind","قَلْبُو رْهَيِّفْ " "he has a weak heart, can’t handle certain things","قَلْبُو ضْعِيفْ " "he’s not sensitive, has no feelings","قَلْبُو عَلْ يْمِينْ " "he has a heart of stone, he’s harsh","قَلْبُو كِلَحْجَرْ " "his heart is dead, he’s merciless, he doesn’t care about others","قَلْبُو مَيِّتْ " "he feels guilty, is remorseful","قَلْبُو يَحْرِقْ فِيهْ " "to disturb, bother, annoy (past singular masculine)","قَلِّقْ " "being disturbed, bothered, annoyed","قْلَقْ " they bothered him with their calls,"قَلّقُو فِيهْ بِالتَّلِفُونْ " someone who gets bored easily,"قْلُوقِي " "someone with desire, heart, passion","ڨْلَيِّبْ " "satisfied, content","قَنُوعْ " "to be boring, nothing happening, no money (past singular masculine)","ڨَيِّنْ " "Boredom, nothing going on, state of not having money","ڨِينْيَا " "he’s tired of life, really angry","كَارِهْ رُوحُو " "Unpleasant person, annoying person","كَازِي " "desiring something, lusting after something","كَالِحْ " to get angry (crass) (past singular masculine),"كَرِّزْ " "to get angry, frown (past singular masculine)","كَشْبِرْ " "to laugh, smile big (past singular masculine)","كَشِّخْ " "you get goosebumps, are scared","لْبَدَنْ يِتْزُولِفْ " to grow pale from fear (past singular masculine),"لَخْلِخْ " he got on his nerves,"لْعَبْلُو عَلَى أَعْصَابُو " "to be comfortable with, enjoy (past singular masculine)","لْقَى رَاحْتُو مَعَ " "eagerness, desire, ambition","لَهْفَةْ " "fun, good time","لَهْوْ " he died angry and frustrated with life,"مَاتْ مَقْهُورْ " "not funny, annoying, bad","مَاسِطْ " "I’m done, can’t take it anymore","مَاعَادِشْ إِنَجِّمْ " he can’t control himself anymore,"مَاعَادِشْ إِنَجِّمْ إِشِدْ رُوحُو " "stand agape, mouth open","مْبُوشِي " "locked, closed up","مْبُوشِي " "enthusiastic, excited, motivated","مِتْحَمِّسْ " "confused, worried","مِتْحَيِّرْ " worried for/about him,"مِتْحَيِّرْ عْلِيهْ " having a good time on your own (slang),"مِتِسْكَنْتِي " surprised,"مِتْفَاجِأْ " "feeling good, happy, having a good time","مِتْفَرْهِدْ " "anxious, bothered, annoyed, not well","مِتْقَلِّقْ " "content, at ease, happy, satisfied","مِتْهَنِّي " "missing, longing for something or someone","مُتْوَحِّشْ " savage,"مُتْوَحِّشْ " "missing one’s country, home","مِتْوَحِّشْ بَلَادُو " missing someone,"مِتْوَحِّشْ فُلَانْ " "enjoying each other’s company, spending time together","مِتْوَنْسِينْ بِبْعَضْهُمْ " "unsettled, can’t calm down because wants something or is waiting for something","مْذَبْذِبْ " "nervous, butterflies in stomach","مَرْبُوثْ " "comfortable, at ease","مِرْتَاحْ " "to bother, annoy (past singular masculine)","مْرِجْ " "annoyance, disturbance, something bothersome","مَرْجَةْ " "scary, frightening","مُرْعِبْ " "scared, frightened","مَرْعُوبْ " "scary, frightening","مُرْهِبْ " relaxed,"مْرُولَاشِي " relaxed,"مْرُولَكْسِي " stressed out,"مِسْتْرَاسِي " "not satisfied, pleased","مِشْ عَاجْبُو " feelings,"مَشَاعِرْ " "troubled, under stress","مُضْطَرِبْ " "presurred, under stress","مَظْغُوتْ " "he’s heartless, has no feelings","مَعَنْدُوشْ إِحْسَاسْ " furious with him,"مْغَلْغِلْ عْلِيهْ " depressed,"مُكْتَئِبْ " "very sad, dejected","مْكَرِّبْ " "annoying, bothersome (crass)","مُكْرِزْ " "angry, annoyed","مْكَرِّزْ " "unfriendly, annoying, unlikeable","مْلاَيَكْتُو رْزِينَةْ " "grateful, thankful","مَمْنُونْ " "mad about something, crazy about it, in love with","مَهْبُولْ بْحَاجَةْ " unsatisfied,"مَهُوشْ رَاضِي " "he’s not content, isn’t grateful for what he has","مَهُوشْ قَنُوعْ " she doesn’t care,"مَهِيشْ مْعَدْلَةْ " "not set, not wound up, not tuned","مَهِيشْ مْعَدْلَةْ " "in good spirits, feeling good","مُورَالْ طَالِعْ " in low spirits,"مُورَالُو طَايَحْ " "very low spirits, feeling awful","مُورَالُو فِي الزِّيرُو " "regretting the past, rueful","نَادِمْ عَلِّي فَاتْ " "disgruntled, vengeful","نَاقِمْ " to scratch one’s face out of grief or mourning (past singular masculine),"نْدِبْ " he regretted the day…,"نْدِمْ عَ النّْهَارْ إِلِّي " he regretted what he did,"نْدِمْ عَلِّي عَمْلُو " "indignation, vengence, revenge, hatred","نِقْمَة " angry with someone,"هَازْ خَشْمُو " "oh, expression of emotion, regret","هِيهْ " "angry, mad","وَاجِمْ " his face reddened from anger or shame,"وِجْهُو تْلَوِّنْ " his face became yellow from surprise or fear,"وِجْهُو صْفَارْ " he is out of patience,"وْفَالُو الصَّبْرْ " "to be disgusted, shiver from disgust (past singular masculine)","تزولف " "to spasm, go wild, get very angry (past singular masculine)","تْشَنِّجْ " under pressure/stress,"تحت الضّغط " "feelings, emotions","إحْساسْ " he’s pulling out his hair (grief),"إنًتِّشْ فِي شَعْرُو " "aversion, hatred","بُغْظْ " "to go crazy, lose it (past singular masculine)","إخْتَلْ " "to be hungry for, desire, yearn for (past singular masculine)","إشتهى " "to mourn, weep for a deceased person (past singular masculine)","إنَوَّحْ عَلْ المَيِّتْ " "to calm down, settle (past singular masculine)","تْرَيِّضْ " "to rejoice, be glad (past singular masculine)","ابْتَهَلْ " "to invoke, request, ask for, pray (past singular masculine)","ابْتَهَلْ " to calm his nerves (past singular masculine),"إبَرّدْ أَعْصَابُو " "he feels weird, not on his game","إحِسْ رُوحُو دْرَا كِيفَاشْ " he feels fine,"إحِسْ رُوحُو لَابَاسْ " feeling comfortable,"إحْسَاسْ بِالرَّاحَة " strong feelings,"إحْسَاسْ قْوِي " to embarrass (past singular masculine),"حَشْم " "he’s embarrassed, ashamed of himself because of what he’s done or asked for","إحَشْمُو عَلَى رُوحُو " "to touch a tender spot, rekindle sad feelings (past singular masculine)","حَيّرْلُو مْوَاجْعُو " "to make someone crazy, wild (past singular masculine)","خَرِّجْ مِالعْقَلْ " "to be depressed, stressed out (past singular masculine)","دَاپْريمِي " "to cause to faint, amaze (past singular masculine)","دَوّخْ " "it makes him angry, causes diabetes","إرَكَّبْلُو السُّكِّرْ " "to make someone angry, get someone to do something stupid through (past singular masculine)anger","رَكِّبْهَالُو " to calm oneself down (past singular masculine),"رَكَّحْ رُوحُو " "to miss, long for (past singular masculine)","إسْتَاحِشْ " "to relax, remove stress, take care of oneself, improve one’s looks (past singular masculine)","إسْتِجْمَامْ " "to enjoy, delight in (past singular masculine)","إسْتَحْلَى " being ashamed of oneself,"إستعار من روحو " "to have a good time, be comfortable (past singular masculine)","إسْتْكُوزَا " they shared in his joy/happiness,"إشَارْكُو فِي فَرْحْتُو " "to humiliate, mock (past singular masculine)","شَلْك " "to tell on, embarrass, let someone’s secret out (past singular masculine)","شهّر " "to give someone a surprising, unexpected beating (past singular masculine)","أعْطَاهَالُو لا تَقْرَا لَا تِكْتِبْ " to yell out of anger (past singular masculine),"كِشْ " "to calm, soothe (past singular masculine)","كَلْمِي " "calm down, think carefully, don’t rush","إكُونْ مِنِّكْ لَعْقَلْ " "to be interested in, care about (past singular masculine)","إهْتَمْ " to calm someone (past singular masculine),"هَدِّي " "to show surprise, raise one’s eyebrows (past singular masculine)","هِزْ حْوَاجْبُو " "to panic from, be scared of, imagine (past singular masculine)","هَلْوِسْ مِنْ " strong emotion,"إيمُوسْيُونْ قْوِيَّة " "he’s dying for that, he really wants it","بَاشْ إمُوتْ عَلَى حَاجَة " boredom is killing him,"بَاشْ إمُوتْ مِالقْلَقْ " "he couldn’t care less, it doesn’t matter to him","بَايَعْهَا بْلِفْتَه " "he grew tired, shaken","بَدْنُو تْخَلْخِلْ " "he’s super happy, walking on the clouds","بِشْ إطِيرْ مِلْ الفَرْحَة " he’s going to die of happiness,"بِشْ إمُوتْ مِلْ الفَرْحَة " "always laughing, smiling, welcoming people","بَشُوشْ " "hatred, animosity","بُغْضْ " "to hate, abhor (past singular masculine)","بْغَضْ " "hater, one who abhors","بُغْضِي " "determined, motivated, reaches for a goal","بْڨَلْبُو " to cry from joy (past singular masculine),"بْكَى مِلْ فَرْحَة " "pleasure, happiness","بْلَازِيرْ " "to impress, shock, amaze (past singular masculine)","بَهِّتْ " happiness,"بَهْجَة " "humiliation, embarassing situation","بَهْذْلَة " outrage/scandal,"بَهْذْلَة " it totally humiliated him,"بَهْذَلُّو بْحَالْتُو " to grow very angry and to go wild and evil (past singular masculine),"تَأَبَّطَ شَرْ " "to itch, entice, cause a strong desire (past singular masculine)","تَاكِلْ فِيهْ " "to die from laughter, laugh loudly (past singular masculine)","تبربس بالضحك " to be embarassed (past singular masculine),"تِحْرِجْ " "buzzed, having a good time, state of being out of one’s mind","تَخْمِيرَة " "intimidation, frightening, scaring","تَخْوِيفْ " "to relax, calm down (past singular masculine)","رَتَّحْ " "to relax the nerves, calm stress (past singular masculine)","رَتَّحْ الأَعْصَابْ " "to relax the nerves, calm down, loosen up (past singular masculine)","تِرْخِفْ الأَعْصَابْ " "to be terrified, really scared (past singular masculine)","تِرْعِبْ " "entertainment, good time","تَرْفِيهْ " "tranquil, calm, at peace","تْرُنْكِيلْ " "to get goosebumps, to be disgusted or scared by something (past singular masculine)","تْزُوغِبْ " "to be encouraged, motivated to do something (past singular masculine)","تشجّع " encouragement,"تَشْجِيعْ " "to please, be enjoyable (past singular masculine)","شَرَّهْ " "to have a spasm, go wild out of anger (past singular masculine)","تْشَنِّجْ " "to burn, grow hot inside from anger (past singular masculine)","شْوَي " "to please, give a good time, put into a drunken or high state (past singular masculine)","شَيَّخْ " "funny, makes one laugh","ضَحِّكْ " "misery and happiness, good times and bad times","تَعاسَة وْ سَعَادَة " "to sympathize, empathize (past singular masculine)","تْعَاطِفْ " "someone who loves fun, a good time","جوّيست " feeling,"حَسْ " "boring, silly, dull","كُبِّي " "angry, mad","مِتْغَشِّشْ " "angry, mad","مْنَرْفِزْ " "calmness, quiet","هُدُوءْ " "calm, quiet","كَالْمْ " "to calm down, quiet something (past singular masculine)","كَالْمى " calm,"هَادِي " "sad, burdened, worn out with cares","مَهْمُومْ " "under stress, under pressure","مَظْغُوطْ " "happiness, joy, delight","فَرْحَةْ " "depression, hopelessness","كَآبَةْ " "despair, lack of hope","يَأْسْ " "scary, frightening, spooky","مُوحْشَةْ " "white with fear, drained of blood","مْلَخْلِخْ " "scared, shocked, surprised","مَفْجُوعْ " "emotion, feeling","عَاطْفَةْ " "enjoying, having a good time","مِتْمَتَّعْ " "feelings, emotions","أحَاسِيسْ " "angry, frowning","عَبُوسْ " "fun, enjoyable","فِيهَا جَوّْ " "happiness and misery, good and bad","هْنَاءْ وْشْقَاءْ " "happy, joyful","فَرْحَانْ " "good time, joyful time","وَقْتْ سْعِيدْ " "easily angered, hot-headed","مَعَنْدُوشْ الهَوَى وِينْ يَدُورْ " "hateful, jealous, angry with","مْغَلْغِلْ " to have a feeling or attitude towards something (past singular masculine),"يَكٌنْ " "to not care about life, live how one wants (past singular masculine)","مَا عْلَابَالُوشْ بِالدِّنْيَا " to not care (past singular masculine),"مَا يْهِمُّوشْ " "to no longer have feelings, be hard (past singular masculine)","مَاعَادِشْ إِحِسّْ " he can’t stand her,"مَيْهَضْمْهَاشْ " "comfortable, good, at ease","هْنِيَّةْ " Hniya (woman’s name),"هْنِيَّةْ " hysteria,"هِسْتِيرْيَا " "I don’t care about him, he doesn’t matter to me","يِدُّو " impatience,"فَارَغْ الصَّبْرْ " "in a good mood, having a good time","مِتِّسْكُوزِي " "to abhor, totally hate (past singular masculine)","نْقِمْ عَلِيهْ " "hot head, gets angry easily","مُغْشَاشْ " jealous,"مِغْيَارْ " "living in fear, always afraid","عَايِشْ فِي خُوفْ " to lose patience (past singular masculine),"فْقِدْ الصَّبْرْ " to make angry (past singular masculine),"غَشْش " to make someone angry (past singular masculine),"نَرْفِزْ " "nervous, stressed","مِتْوَتِّرْ " "angry, hot-headed","نَرْفُوزِي " "nervous, bothered, worried","مُنْفَعِلْ " "nervous, bothered, worried (crass)","كَرُّوزِي " unsatisfied with life,"مَهُوشْ رَاضِي عَلَى عِيشْتُو " "obsession, phobia","هَاجِسْ " "extreme obsession, phobia","وِسْوَاسْ " heartache,"وْجِيعَةْ لْدَاخِلْ فِي القَلْبْ " "spirit, morale","مُورَالْ " strong feelings,"مَشَاعِرْ قْوِيَّةْ " "to be fearless, to be brave (past singular masculine)","كُورِجْ " "worrying, bothersome",مُقْلِقْ