eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " "compensation, payment","تَعْوِيضْ " "to get a little money with simple, ad hoc jobs (past singular masculine)","تَفْتِفْ " "to retire, take retirement (past singular masculine)","تْقَاعِدْ " "laziness, procrastination","تَقَاعِسْ " "to be formed, shaped, trained (past singular masculine)","تْكَوِّنْ " "training, apprenticeship","تَكْوِينْ " professional training,"تَكْوِينْ مِهْنِي " "to get a salary, earn (past singular masculine)","تُوشَا " "to be employed, hired (past singular masculine)","تْوَظِّفْ " "to be assigned, to be given a task (past singular masculine)","تْوَكّْلْ " "to rely on, depend (past singular masculine)","تْوَكّْلْ " management,"جَاسْتْيُونْ " manager,"جَاسْتْيُونَارْ " inventory,"جُرْدْ " "wages, due, what you’ve earned","جَزَاءْ " he loves his job,"حَبْ خِدْمْتُو " barber,"حَجَّامْ " beautician,"حجّامة " smith,"حدّادْ " "someone who sells silk, silk vendor, works with silk","حْرَايْرِي " "craft, trade","حِرْفَة " "craftsman, tradesman","حِرَفِي " good management,"حُسْنْ التَّسْيِيرْ " to attend a meeting (past singular masculine),"حْضَرْ اجْتِمَاعْ " Milkman,"حْلَايْبِي " "carrier, porter","حَمَّالْ " somebody who does many different jobs or tasks at the same time,"حوكي وحرايري " baker,"خَبَّازْ " "to strain, overwork (usually eyes) (past singular masculine)","خَبِّلْ " "worker, hard worker","خَدَّامْ " unskilled manual worker,"خَدَّامْ حْزَامْ " house servants,"خَدَّامَة مْتَاعْ الدَّارْ " to work on pottery (past singular masculine),"خْدِمْ الفُخَّارْ " "to make a machine work, turn on a machine (past singular masculine)","خَدِّمْ المَاكِينَة " he worked at night,"خْدِمْ بِاللِّيلْ " he had many jobs,"خْدِمْ بَرْشَا خْدِمْ " "he worked under, for","خْدِمْ تَحْتْ…. " his job wasn’t very good,"خْدِمْ خِدْمَة مَا هِيَّاشْ " he worked a half-day,"خْدِمْ شْطَرْ نْهَارْ " he worked in order to meet his children’s need,"خْدِمْ عَلى الصغار " "he worked hard, really well","خْدِمْ عْلَى قَاعْدَة " he worked a half-day,"خْدِمْ مِي تُونْ " "he worked hard, really wore himself out","خْدِمْ وْ كْلِتْ " he worked full-time,"خْدِمْ وَقْتْ كَامِلْ " he worked full-time,"خْدِمْ وَقْتْ كُومْبْلَا " "job, work, service","خِدْمَة " any honest job is respectable,"خِدْمَة النْهَارْ مَا فِيهَا عَارْ " a company hired him,"خَدْمِتُّو شَرِكَة " household servant,"خْدِيمْ " he retired,"خْذَا الرُّوتْرَاتْ " he took an advance,"خْذَا تَسْبْقَة " he took vacation,"خْذا كُونْجِي " he took a position,"خْذَا مَوْقِفْ " he took a day off,"خْذَا نْهَارْ كُونْجِي " potter,"خَزَّافْ " he lost his job,"خْسِرْ خِدْمْتُو " a shopkeeper who sells vegetables and fruits,"خَضَّارْ " to be payed (past singular masculine),"خْلُصْ " he got payed a daily income,"خْلُصْ بِالنْهَارْ " he was well-paid,"خْلُصْ مْلِيحْ " someone who works in an agricultural land and receives the fifth of the total,"خَمَّاسْ " tailor,"خَيَّاطْ " company’s house,"دّارْ مْتَاعْ الشَّرِكَة " to find a job (past singular masculine),"دَبِّرْ خِدْمَة " job,"دْجُوبْ " to install electricity (past singular masculine),"دَخِّلْ الضَوْ " to install plumbing (past singular masculine),"دَخِّلْ المَاءْ " "to pound, hammer a nail (past singular masculine)","دَخِّلْ المِسْمَارْ " he got into the field,"دْخَلْ فِي المَجَالْ الجَوِّي " painter,"دَهَّانْ " "lots of work, hard work","دَهْكْ " to paint (past singular masculine),"دْهِنْ " dancer,"دُونْسُورْ " "active person, hard-working, capable, brave","دِيڨُرْدِي " decorator,"دِيكُورِيسْتْ " salary,"رَاتِبْ " radiologist,"رَادْيُولُوقْ " receptionist,"راسابسيونيت " shepherd,"رَاعِي " shepherd of the flock,"رَاعِي غْنَمْ " astronaut,"رَائِدْ فَضَاءْ " May God help you (in your work),"رَبِي إعِينِكْ " a person who works with marble and shapes it,"رْخَايْمِي " human resource manager,"رِسْبُونْسَابِلْ رُوسُورِسْ أُومَانْ " dancer,"رَڨَّاصْ " someone (usually on foot) who sells used goods,"رُوبَافِيكْيَا " retirement,"رُوتْرَاتْ " retired,"رُوتْرَاتَا " office director,"رَئِيسْ الدِيوَانْ " butcher,"جزّار " colleague,"زَمِيلْ " official Uniform,"زَيْ رسْمِي " supervisor,"سورْفَايُونْ " salary,"سَالَارْ " gross salary,"سَالَارْ بْرُوتْ " salaried,"سَالَارْيَا " switchboard operator,"سْتُونْدَارْيستْ " magician,"سَحَّارْ " "server, waiter","سِيرْفُورْ " secretary,"سِكْرِتِيرَة " "Knife for slaughtering, butcher’s knife","سِكِّينَةْ ذْبِيحَةْ " "superior, boss","سوباريور " welder,"سودور " one session (half day of work),"سييونس اونيك " to give up your job (past singular masculine),"سيب خدمتو " "curriculum vitae, resume","سيرة ذاتيّة " welder’s flame,"سيف اللحام " secretary,"سيكريتار " to have a hardworking rhythm (past singular masculine),"شاد ريتم قوي " he saw a job offer,"شَافْ أُوفِرْ دُومْبِلْوَا " conductor,"شاف دوركاستر " foreman,"شاف شانطي " head chef,"شَافْ كْوِيزِينْيْا " a very good chief/boss,"شاف و عليه الكلام " partnership,"شَرَاكَةْ " "communion, fellowship (Christian)","شَرَاكَةْ " company,"شَرِكَةْ " "industrial company, manufacturing company","شَرِكَةْ صِنَاعِيَّةْ " "to work, have a job (past singular masculine)","شغل " "work, job","شُغْلْ " "to get really tired from hard work, to exhaust yourself (past singular masculine)","شقى يشقى " salaried employee,"شَهَّارْ " salary,"شَهْرِيَّةْ " "unemployed, jobless","شُومُورْ " conference room,"صَالْ دُو كُونْفِرُونْسْ " staff room,"صَالْ مْتَاعْ البَارْسُونَالْ " "goldsmith, jeweler","صَايْغِي " "shoemaker, cobbler","صْبَابْطِي " They paid his salary,"صَبُّولُو الشَهْرِيَّةْ " a great craftsman,"صْنَايْعِي " "workmanship, craft","صَنْعَة " company,"صُوسْيَاتَا " "hunter, fisher","صَيَّادْ " cook,"طَبَّاخْ " working class,"طَبَقَة شَغِيلَة " miller,"طَحَّانْ " "mercenary, terrible person who sells himself (crass)","طَحَّانْ " "to kick out, expel, fire from work (past singular masculine)","طَرِّدْ " scientist,"عَالِمْ " astronomer,"عَالِمْ فَلَكِي " day laborer,"عَامِلْ يَوْمِي " "slave, servant","عْبِدْ " boss,"عَرْفْ " "hard work, sweat of one’s brow","عِرْقْ جْبِينْ " "guard, watchman","عَسَّاسْ " night watchman,"عَسَّاسْ اللِّيلْ " member of the board of advisors,"عُضْوْ مَجْلِسْ المُسْتَشَارِينْ " membership,"عُضْوِيَّةْ " organic,"عُضْوِيَّةْ " "owner of grocer, larger corner store","عَطَّارْ " "deanship, leadership of labor union","عِمَادَة " he gave a presentation,"عْمَلْ إِكْسْبُوزَى " to make a commitment or contract with a company (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ أُونْقَاجْمُونْ مَعَ شَرِكَةْ " to go to a conference (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ كُونْفَارُونْسْ " they organized a committee,"عَمْلُو كُومِيتَهْ " "he gets a bonus (at work), you get extra","عندو بونوس " he has extra money on his phone,"عندو بونوس " "he has a meeting, date","عَنْدُو رُونْدِي فُو " "maid, janitor","فَامْ دُو شُومْبِرْ " veterinarian,"فِتِرِينَارْ " nurse,"فِرْمْلِي " someone who makes ftira (fried unleavened dough),"فْطَايْرِي " farmer,"فَلَّاحْ " success,"فَلَّاحْ " "to farm, work a farm (past singular masculine)","فَلَّحْ " to do something without following any logic or having a plan (past singular masculine),"فَلَّحْ " fishing boat,"فْلُوكَةْ مْتَاعْ مَصْيِدْ " "beautician, makeup artist","فِيزَاجِيسْتْ " mechanic,"ڨَارَاجِيسْتْ " bodyguard,"ڨَارْدْ كُورْ " waiter,"ڨَارْصُونْ " "to receive payment, collect a salary, take, get (past singular masculine)","قْبَضْ " "to catch, apprehend (past singular masculine)","قْبَضْ " to collect one’s salary (past singular masculine),"قْبَضْ الشَّهْرِيَةْ " to resign (past singular masculine),"قَدِّمْ دِيمِسْيُونْ " "to strike, not work (past singular masculine)","ڨَرِّفْ عَلْ خِدْمَة " "someone who works with bronze, gets rid of rust","ڨْزَادْرِي " "middle man for farmers, agricultural wholesalers","ڨَشَّارْ " conference center,"قَصْرِ المُؤْتَمَرَاتْ " café waiter,"قَهْوَاجِي " "official, employee","كَادِرْ " Career,"كَارْيَارْ " quarry,"كَارْيَارْ " tough work that doesn’t pay well,"كُرْفِي " "lazy, specially at work or at school","كَرْكَارْ " He hated his job,"كْرَهْ خِدْمْتُو " "to do poor work, do something quickly and get rid of (past singular masculine)","كعْوِر " Cook,"كُوجِينِي " "committee, board, contingent","كُومِيتَا " accountant,"كُونْتَابْلِي " "inspector, supervisor","كُونْتْرُولُورْ " "employee at café who works the counter, barrista","كُونْتْوَارِيسْتْ " physical therapist,"كِينَا " milk man,"لَبَّانْ " "metal worker, smith","لَحَّامْ " plumber,"لَحَّامْ صِحِّي " "to weld metal, solder (past singular masculine)","لْحِمْ لَحْدِيدْ " "to try hard, work at with desire (past singular masculine)","لْهِفْ " mathematician,"مَاتِيمَاتِيسْيَانْ " retired,"مَاخِذْ التَّقَاعُدْ " machinist,"مَاشِينِيسْتْ " "errand, job, task","مَأْمُورِيَّةْ " anesthesiologist,"مُبَنِّجْ " "supervisor, overseer","مُتَابِعْ " "someone who follows, keeps up with","مُتَابِعْ " "an expert in a field, someone who knows a lot about a given subject","مِتْبَصِّرْ " "perseverance, hard work","مُثَابْرَة " "board, council","مَجْلِسْ " to have worked hard (past singular masculine),"مَحْرِثْ " "liontamer, snake charmer","مُرَوِّضْ " "nanny, someone who takes care of kids","مُرَوّْضَةْ مْتَاعْ صْغَارْ " "responsible person, in charge of","مَسْؤُول " "manager, director","مُسَيِّرْ " photographer,"مُصَوِّرْ " taking summer vacation,"مْصَيِّفْ " "steward, flight attendant","مُضَيِّفْ " househelper,"مُعِينَةْ مَنْزِلِيَّةْ " "shoemaker, cobbler","مَلَّاخْ " "meeting, forum","مُلْتَقَى " "production, result, crop","مُنْتْجَةْ " "professional, vocational","مِهَنِي " historian,"مُؤَرِّخْ " maintenance worker,"مُوَظِّفْ صِيَاَنْة " "temporary, interim","مُؤَقَّتْ " "the owner, the big man, the head honcho","مُولَا المُولْ " mechanic,"مِيكَانِيكْ " sculptor,"نَحَّاتْ " copper smith,"نَحّاسْ " to weave (past singular masculine),"نْسِجْ " "to give someone a job, a position (past singular masculine)","نَصِّبْ " work system,"نِظَامْ العَمَلْ " labor union,"نَّقَابَة " "exploration, drilling","نَقِّبْ " "working days, business days","نْهَارَاتْ الخِدْمَةْ " "to do poor work, cause trouble at work (past singular masculine)","هْلِكْهَا فِي الخِدْمَةْ " subsidiary body,"هَيْئَة فَرْعِيَّة " managing director,"هَيْئَة مُدِيرَة " "to hire, employ, utilize (past singular masculine)","وَظِّفْ " "he has a full schedule, he’s very busy","وَقْتُو مِلْيَانْ " "to quit working, stop providing services, resign (past singular masculine)","وَقِّفْ الخِدْمَة " "to bring in a crop, gather it together (past singular masculine)","يِجْنِي الصَّابَة " "workforce, labor, labor costs","يَدْ عَامْلَة " agricultural workforce,"يَدْ عَامْلَة فِلَاحِيَّة " "to work slowly, be lazy (past singular masculine)","يدْرِيبِلْ " to dribble a ball (past singular masculine),"يدْرِيبِلْ " "to hold a meeting, to take place (past singular masculine)","إنْعَقَدْ " to be given tenure at work (past singular masculine),"تْرَسِّمْ " work interview,"أنترتيان " retirement,"أنترات " "postman, mailman","بُوسْتَاجِي " "builder, construction worker","بَنَايْ " professionalism,"إحْتِرَافْ " lighting director,"إلي لَاهِي بِالِإضَاءَة " "to roll up (one’s sleeves), start to work (past singular masculine)","شَبِّرْ " "to resign, quit (past singular masculine)","بطّل " "to gather the harvest, bring it in (past singular masculine)","جْنَى الصَّابَة " "desk, office","بيرو " "to provide for, provide a living for, live off (past singular masculine)","إستقات " "work, effort, what’s needed to be done","بْلَلْ و شْيَاحْ " "they’re forcing him, pushing him to resign","إلِزُّو بَاشْ يَسْتَقِيلْ " "useful at work, helpful","تُصْلَحْ فِي الخِدْمَة " "to resign, quit work (past singular masculine)","إستقال " partnership agreement,"إتِّفَاقيَّة شَرَاكَة " workshop,"أتُولِيَا " "leave, time off work","إجَازَة " specialist,"إخِصَّائِي " "to pay, give a salary (past singular masculine)","خَلْص " "to save, rescue, get out of a tough situation (past singular masculine)","خَلْص " "sous chef, assistant cook","آدْ كوِيزِينيَارْ " "to go somewhere for work, go on a business trip (past singular masculine)","دَاپْلَاسِي " "administration, office, management","إدَارَةْ " business management,"إدَارَةْ الأَعْمَالْ " "administrative, of or relating to the office","إدَارِيَّ " "to manage, direct, oversee (past singular masculine)","دِيرِيجِي " "to resign, quit work (past singular masculine)","دِيميسْيونِي " "handicrafts, artisanal work","أرْتِيزَانَا " beautician,"إسْتَاتِيسْيَانْ " astronaut,"أَسْتْرُونُوتْ " "to make one’s living, live off (past singular masculine)","إسْتَقَاتْ " resignation,"إسْتِقَالَة " "to manage, direct (past singular masculine)","سَيِّرْ " "to work, be employed (past singular masculine)","إشْتَغَلْ " "to fire, kick out, expel (past singular masculine)","طرّد " "to fire, get rid of, discharge, sack (past singular masculine)","أقَالْ " "to be lazy, not work hard (past singular masculine)","إكَرْكِرْ " to drag (past singular masculine),"إكَرْكِرْ " "presentation, exposition","إكْسْبُوزِي " expertise,"إكْسْپَارْتِيزْ " specialist in lighting techniques,"أكْلِيغَاجِيسْتْ " electrician,"إلكترسيان " time table,"أُمْپْلْوَا دِي تُونْ " "production, output","إنْتَاجْ " "agricultural production, output","إنْتَاجْ فِلَاحِي " anthropologist,"أنْتْرُوپُولُوڨ " retired,"أنْتْرِيتِي " "selling things on the streets, being an (illegal) street vendor","إنْتِصَابْ " engineer,"أنْجَانْيُورْ " "merger, integration","إنْدِمَاجْ " "to merge, be integrated, combined (past singular masculine)","إنْدَمَجْ " optician,"أوپْتيسْيَانْ " worker,"أوفْرِيَا " businessman,"أومْ دَافَارْ " pastry cook,"بَاتِيسْيَا " psychologist,"بِسِيكُولُوقْ " sailor,"بَحَّارْ " "lazy, doesn’t want to work","بُخْلِي " "lazy, doesn’t want to work","بْخِيلْ " business,"بِزْنِسْ " "jobless, unemployed person","بَطَّالْ " unemployment,"بْطَالَة " "to quit one’s job, resign (past singular masculine)","بَطِّلْ الخِدْمَة " glass worker,"بِلَاّرْجِي " plumber,"بْلُومْبِيَا " banker,"بَنْكَاجِي " "guard, gatekeeper","بَوَّابْ " botanist,"بُوتَانِيسْتْ " "gatekeeper, guard","بُورْتْيَا " "maid, cleaning lady","بُونْ " painter,"بَيَّاضْ " "seller, vendor","بَيَّاعْ " office,"بِيرُو " director’s office,"بِيرُو المُدِيرْ " biologist,"بْيُولُوجِيسْتْ " "staff, employees","پِرْسُونَالْ " professional,"پْرُوفَاسْيُونَالْ " "premium, bonus","پْرِيمْ " psychiatrist,"پْسِيكْيَاتِرْ " coffee break,"پُوزْ كَافَا " "guard, guardian, post","پُوسْتْ دُوڨَارْدْ " tailor,"تَارْزِي " to be promoted (past singular masculine),"ترقّى " promotion,"تَرْقْيَة " "management, leadership","تَسْيِيرْ " "employment, operating","تَشْغِيلْ " archaeologist,"عَالِمْ آثَارْ " "field, area of study, domain","مَجَالْ " astronomy,"عِلْمْ الفَلَكْ " board of directors,"مَجْلِسْ الِإدَارَةْ " cameraman,"كَامِيرَامَانْ " carpenter,"نَجَّارْ " carpentry,"نْجَارَةْ " "committee, board","لَجْنَةْ " "janitor, cleaning lady","كُونْسْيَارْجْ " "supervision, oversight","كُونْتْرُولْ " "dribbling, ball handling","كُونْتْرُولْ " "to stop working, quit (past singular masculine)","وْقِفْ عَلْ الخِدْمَةْ " dedicated to work,"مِتْفَانِي فِي العَمَلْ " "director, boss, leader","مُدِيرْ " to dissolve a partnership (past singular masculine),"فَضْ شَرَاكَةْ " engineer,"مُهَنْدِسْ " factory,"مَعْمِلْ " "training, apprenticeship","فُورْمَاسْيُونْ " to find a job (past singular masculine),"لْقَى خِدْمَةْ " "to go on strike, to strike (past singular masculine)","عْمَلُّو قْرَافْ " headquarters,"مَوْقَع ِإجْتِمَاعِي " social media site,"مَوْقَع ِإجْتِمَاعِي " vacation from work,"كُونْجِي " "jobless, out of work","فِي الشُّومَاجْ " inspector,"مُفَتِّشْ " day off of work,"نْهَارْ كُونْجِي " "lighting engineer, lighting specialist","مُهَنِدسْ الِإضَاءَةْ " to look for work (past singular masculine),"لَوِّجْ عَلَى خِدْمَةْ " to give a presentation (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ إِكْسْبُوزَا " mechanic,"مِيكَانِيسْيَانْ " "meeting room, board room","قَاعَةْ الِإجِتِمَاعَاتْ " "mineralogist, metal scientist","مِينَارُولُوجِيسْتْ " miners,"عُمَّالْ المَنَاجِمْ " "nothing to do, jobless","لَا خِدْمَةْ لَا قِدْمَةْ " nurse,"مُمَرِّضْ " "on vacation, off work","مْكَنِّجْ " professional’s office,"كَابِينَا " "perfect, ideal employee","مُوَظِّفْ مِثَالِي " profession,"مِهْنَةْ " professional,"مُحْتَرِفْ " "herder, rancher, animal husbander","مُرَبِّي مَاشْيَةْ " "to report, to give a report (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ رَابُورْ " "to resign, to turn in one’s resignation (past singular masculine)","قَدِّمْ إسْتقَالْتُو " "tender, offer for a job","مُنَاقْصَةْ " restaurant owner,"مُولَى الرِسْتُورُونْ " "worker, employee","عَامِلْ " coordinator,"مُنَسِّقْ " apprentice,"أپْرُونْتِي " "job, work, function, role, purpose",وَظِيفَة