eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " "pestil, pounding instrument","مِهْرَاسْ " inedible,"مَهِيشْ مْتَاعْ مَاكْلَةْ " mustard,"مُوتَارْدْ " fruit season,"مَوْسِمْ الغَلَّةْ " "dying of hunger, starving","مِيتْ بِالجُّوعْ " dying of thirst,"مَيّْتْ بِالعَطَشْ " "half-baked, not fully cooked","نَاقِصْ طْيَابْ " "to nibble, take a small bite (past singular masculine)","نَتِّشْ " "a nibble, small piece","نَتْشَةْ " "to ripen, mature (past singular masculine)","نضُجِ " "to clean a fish, prepare it for cooking (past singular masculine)","نَظِّفْ الحُوتْ " mint,"نَّعْنَاعْ " "to bite, chew on, eat seeds (past singular masculine)","نَڤِّشْ " nectar,"نِكْتَاْر " pit,"نَوَاةْ " nutrition,"نُورِيتُورْ " give me a sip,"هَاتْ نَعْمِلْ رَشْفَةْ " come eat with us,"هَايْ بِسْمِ اللَهْ " piece of meat without fat or bones,"هَبْرَةْ " "he jumped on the food, started eating verociously","هْبَطْ عَلْ مَاكْلَةْ " dish made with cows’ feet,"هَرْقْمَةْ " cake sold on the streets,"هَرِيسَةْ لُوزْ " meal,"وَجْبَةْ " honey-soaked dessert in spiral shape,"وِذْنِينْ القَاضِي " "mixed, thicker yogurt","يَاغُرْتْ مَمْزُوجْ " "to become mature, ready, ripe (past singular masculine)","يُنْضُجْ " salt,"يُودْ " pine nuts,"بُنْدُقْ " early fig,"بِيثْرْ " to swallow (past singular masculine),"بْلَعْ " Tris (type of Said chocolate),"تْرِيسْ " "to ferment, prove (yeast, alcohol) (past singular masculine)","تْخَمِّرْ " "to forget oneself, be in a trance (past singular masculine)","تْخَمِّرْ " "pantry, storage room","بِيتْ المُونَة " "pantry, storage room","بِيتْ العُولَة " "to gulp down, swallow without chewing (past singular masculine)","بْلَعْ بَلْعَانْ " clear Boga soft drink,"بُوڨَا بِيضَة " to filter water (past singular masculine),"رَشَّحْ المَاءْ " food that isn’t red or cooked with tomatoes/harissa,"أَزْعِرْ " give me a sip/gulp of water,"أَعْطِينِي نَعْمِلْ جُغْمَة " kiwi,"أفُوكَا " "espresso, strong coffee without milk","آكْسْبْرَاسْ " fast train,"آكْسْبْرَاسْ " well-pressed espresso,"آكْسْبْرَاسْ بْيَانْ سَارَا " "meal, food","أُكْلَة " fat around the tail in an animal,"اللِيَّة " weak coffee with extra water,"آلُونْجَا " "weakened, stretched out","آلُونْجَا " salad made of boiled carrots,"أمِّكْ حُورِيَّة " omelette,"أُمْلَاتْ " pineapple,"أنَانَاسْ " pear,"أنْجَاصْ " "enjoy your meal, bon appetit","أيَّا صَحَّا لِيكْمْ " white part of a bagette on the inside,"بَابَة الخُبْزْ " chamomile,"بَابُونْجْ " "beet, beetroot","بَاتْرَافْ " bar/restaurant,"بَارْ رُسْتُورُونْ " baguette,"بَاڨَاتْ " orange (fruit),"بُرْدْڨَانْ " bulgur,"بُرْغُلْ " Thompson oranges,"بُرْڨْدَانْ طُمْسُنْ " dish like couscous,"بَرْكُوكِشْ " Tunisian vegetable soup often served to sick people,"بْرُودُو " "broccoli, cauliflower","بْرُوكْلُو " appetizer,"بِرِيتِيفْ " Tunisian wrapped egg/potato/tuna/etc.,"بْرِيكْ " dish with brik and other foods,"بْرِيكْ الدَنُّونِي " brioche (type of pastry),"بَرْيُوشْ " fennel,"بِسْبَاسْ " to sprinkle with fennel seeds (past singular masculine),"بَسِّسْ " "cookies, biscuits","بِسْكْوِي " "cookies, biscuits","بِسْكْوِيتْ " "shake with grains and nuts, mixed with milk and oil","بْسِيسَة " Tunisian cookies,"بَشْكُوتُو " very easy,"بَشْكُوتُو " to toast (past singular masculine),"بَشْمِطْ " loquat,"بُصَعْ " onion,"بْصَلْ " potato,"بَطَاطَا " stuffed potato,"بَطَاطَا مِحْشِيّة " "cantelope, melon","بَطِّيخْ " "buffet, cafeteria","بُفَا " baklava,"بَقْلَاوَة " legumes,"بُقُولْ " to drink a little water after being really thirsty and dry (past singular masculine),"بَلْ رِيقُو " someone who eats or consumes a lot of something,"بَلّاعَة " "dry, early, yellow/red date","بْلَحْ " "donuts, fried sugary cakes","بَمْبَلُونِي " coffee grounds,"بُنْ " meatball,"بْنَادَقْ " "delicious, yummy, good","بْنِينْ " yogurt dessert for kids (Petit Suisse),"بُوتِي سْوِيسْ " "cream dessert, mousse","بُوزَة " cider-flavored pop,"بُوقَا سِيدْرْ " "sweets, candy","بُونْبُونْ " eggplant,"بِيتِنْجَانْ " beef steak,"بِيفْتَاكْ " paprika,"پَاپْريكَا " "pastries, bakery","پَاتِيسُورِي " potassium,"پُتَاسْيُومْ " "flat, dish, plate","پْلا " pizza,"پِيتْزَا " pizzeria,"پِيتْزَارِيَّا " tabil (North African spice mixture),"تَابِلْ " "the oil’s rising, it’s done cooking","تَاقِفْ عَلَى زِيتْهَا " "really tasty, delicious, you eat your fingers with it","تَاكْلْ عْلَاهَا صْوَابْعِكْ " tea,"تَايْ " red tea (black tea),"تَايْ أَحْمِرْ " green tea,"تَايْ أَخْضِرْ " "to slice, cut in slices (past singular masculine)","تْبَرِّجْ " "to dress inappropriately, not modestly (woman) (past singular masculine)","تْبَرِّجْ " to be kneaded (past singular masculine),"تْعَجِّنْ " "to be crunchy, have a crunch (past singular masculine)","تِتْقَرْمِشْ " to be realy cute (young children) (past singular masculine),"تِتْقَرْمِشْ " snack,"تَحْرِيشَة " to cook till the point that food becomes red (past singular masculine),"تَحْمِيرْ " fermentation,"تَخْمِيرْ " "tart, pastry","تَرْتِينْ " "to sip, take a small drink (past singular masculine)","ترشف " herbal tea,"تْرُنْجِيَة " slice,"تْرُونْشْ " "Tunisian dish with vegetables, eggs, etc.","تَسْتِيرَة " "to be boiled, cooked in water (past singular masculine)","تِسْمَطْ " "to fill, satisfy, sate hunger (past singular masculine)","شَبَّعْ " "to filter, purify (past singular masculine)","صَفِي " ham,"جُومْبُونْ " "heel, end of a baguette","قَعْمُورَة " trunk of a tree,"قَعْمُورَة " American coffee: dark in large mug,"قَهْوَةْ آمَارِيكَانْ " "Apla, Tunisian apple-flavored pop","آپْلاَ " "feast, banquet","مَأْدَبَةْ " round bread,"طَابُونَةْ " "breakfast, lunch","فْطُورْ " breakfast,"فْطُورْ صْبَاحْ " "breakfast, lunch (diminutive)","فْطَيِّرْ " "cafeteria, stand-up café","كَافِيتِيرْيَا " cappuccino,"كَابُوسَانْ " caviar,"كَافْيَارْ " type of chewing gum,"عِلْكَةْ " Coca Cola,"كُوكَا كُولَا " fruit cocktail,"كُوكْتَالْ " cocoa,"كَاكَاوُو " "to have cooked, be ready to eat (past singular masculine)","طَابْ " cooking,"طَبْخْ " "cream, custard","كْرَامْ " "custard, crème pate","كْرَامْ بَاتِيسْيَارْ " "dinner, supper","عْشَاءْ " evening prayers,"عْشَاءْ " "donut, frycake","يُويُو " famine,"مَجَاعَةْ " Fanta (orange soda),"فَانْتَا " fast food,"فَاسْتْ فود " fava beans,"فول مْدَمِّسْ " "I finished my meal, my dish, my food","كَمِّلْتْ صَحْنِي " flavor,"نُكْهَةْ " "from the tree, fresh","مِ الشَجْرَةْ " "to feed, give food (past singular masculine)","وَكِّلْ " good cook,"طَبَّاخْ مَاهِرْ " grapes,"عْنِبْ " "tea leaves, tea grounds","حْشِيشَةْ " green pepper,"فِلْفِلْ أَخْضِرْ " hamburger,"هَامْبُورْغِرْ " to eat a ton (past singular masculine),"مَيَرْحِمِّشْ مَعَ المَاكْلَةْ " honey,"عْسَلْ " "Tunisian dish with eggs, tomatoes, peppers, etc.","كَفْتَاجِي " "Tunisian dish with stale bread, a hot broth, and eggs","لَبْلَابِي " lasagna,"لَازَانْيَا " lentils,"عْدَسْ " lunch time,"وَقْتْ الغْدَاءْ " mango,"مَانْقَا " red pepper found especially in Tunisia and used in many foods,"هَرِيسَةْ " give me something to drink,"أعْطِينِي شَرْبَا " meal,"وَجْبَةْ غِذَائِيَّةْ " buttermilk,"لْبَنْ " milkshake,"مِيلْكْ شَايْكْ " mineral water,"مَاءْ مَعْدَنِي " Tunisian dish made of boiled down powdered leaves,"مْلُوخِيَّةْ " "mutton, lamb","لْحَمْ عَلُّوشْ " nutritious,"مُغَذِّي " "pasta, noodles","مَقْرُونَةْ " "jam, paste","مَعْجُونْ " pepper,"فِلْفِلْ " mint,"نَعْنَاعْ " pork meat,"لْحَمْ حَلُّوفْ " "red pepper, paprika","فِلْفِلْ أَحْمِرْ " restaurant,"مَطْعِمْ " rose water,"مَاءْ وَرْدْ " salt,"مِلْحْ " sandwich,"كَسْكْرُوتْ " strawberry,"فْرَازْ " stuffed pepper,"فِلْفِلْ مِحْشِي " sweet couscous with sugar and fruits,"مَسْفُوفْ " hors d’ouevre,"مُفَتَّحَاتْ " Tunisian meal with onions,"مِرْمِزْ " square-sized pasta,"نْوَاصِرْ " vegetarian,"نَبَاتِي " vegetarian,"فِيجِيتَارْيَانْ " water,"مَاءْ " yoghurt,يَاغُرْتْ