eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " traditional calendar period,"بُوعَزْرَة " "to grow strong, turn into a storm (past singular masculine)","تَعْصِفْ " snow,"ثِلْجْ " It’s harvest time,"جَا وَقْتْ الجَنِي " January,"جَانْفِي " drought,"جَفَافْ " جَمْرَة المَاءْ,"جَمْرَة الهْوَاءْ " June,"جْوَانْ " one of the traditional seasonal periods,"حْسُومْ " "autumn, fall","خْرِيفْ " December,"دَاسُمْبُرْ " the arrival of autumn/fall,"دْخُولْ الخْرِيفْ " the arrival of spring,"دْخُولْ الرْبِيعْ " the arrival of winter,"دْخُولْ الشْتَاءْ " the arrival of summer,"دْخُولْ الصِّيفْ " "tornado, storm","دَوَّامَة " a hundred dinars,"دَوَّامَة " spring,"رْبِيعْ " "windy day, lots of wind","رَيَّاحِيَّة " wind,"رِيحْ " "whirlwind, tornado","زَوْبْعَة " season,"سَازُونْ " seasonal,"سَازُونِيَا " September,"سِبْتُمْبَرْ " heat,"سْخَانَة " hot,"سْخُونْ " extremely cold weather,"سْقُنْطْرِي " season,"سيزون " seasonal worker,"سيزونيا " Chabbat (February in the Middle East),"شَبَّاطْ " "winter, rain","شتاء " he started wearing winter clothes,"شَتَّى " month,"شْهَرْ " extreme cold,"صْقِيعْ " hail,"صْقِيعْ " "arthritis, swelling caused by cold","صْقِيعْ " "summer-like, of summer","صَيَّافِي " summer,"صِيفْ " fog,"ضْبَابْ " "foggy, unclear","ضْبَابَةْ " weather,"طَقْسْ " storm,"عَاصْفَةْ " sandstorm,"عَاصْفَةْ رَمْلِيَّةْ " "storm that carries with it mud, dust","عْجَاج " rain and sun at the same time,"عِرْسْ الذِّيبْ " the hottest part of the afternoon,"غَرْغُورْ لْقَايْلَةْ " rain,"غَيْثْ " cloudy,"غَيَّمْ " season (weather or academic),"فَصْلْ " floods,"فَيَضَانَاتْ " "to measure the heat, temperature (past singular masculine)","قَاسْ السّْخَانَةْ " drought,"قَحْطْ " cold days at the end of February,"ڨِرّةْ العَنْزْ " the rain stopped,"قَصِّتْ الشْتاءْ " autumnal noontime,"قْوَايِلْ الرُّمَّانْ " Rainbow,"قَوْسْ قُزَحْ " solar eclipse,"كُسُوفْ " Climatology,"كْلِيمَاتُولُوجِي " period in December with warm nights,"لْيَالِي البِيضْ " period in January with cold nights,"لْيَالِي السُّودْ " May (the month),"مَايْ " thundering,"مْرَعّْدَةْ " cloudy,"مَسَحّْبَةْ " foggy,"مْضَبِّبْ " rain,"مَطَرْ " windy with dust and dirt,"مَعَجْعَجَةْ " Richter scale,"مِقْيَاسْ رِشْتِلْ " "fogginess, mold","نَدْوَة " "conference, symposium","نَدْوَة " "to cause humidity, make moldy (past singular masculine)","نَدَّى " a period that comes immediately after the arrival of spring,"نُزُولْ جَمْرِةْ التْرَابْ " holiday,"نْهَارْ عُطْلَةْ " rain (regional),"نَوْ " "strong wind, the wind’s strong","هْوَاءْ طَايِرْ " "the air’s not flowing, it’s stuffy","هْوَاءْ مْسَكِّرْ " "there’s air flow, it’s fresh","هْوَاءْ يْدُورْ " "air, airflow, breeze","هْوَاءْ " the middle of the year,"وِسْطْ العَامْ " "cold, cold weather","برد " the nights and days are of equal length,"إسْتِوَاءْ اللَّيْلْ وَالنَّهَارْ " "to become desert, dry up (past singular masculine)","تَصَحُّرْ " "to sprinkle, rain lightly (past singular masculine)","تبخنس " to thunder (past singular masculine),"رَعِّدْ " the beginning of the hottest part of the summer (mid-July),"أوِّلْ أَوِسُّو " "tropical, on the equator","إسْتِوَائِي " April,"أفْرِيلْ " the intervening days between winter and spring,"الحْسُوْم " "erosion, cutting away of land via water","إنْجِرَافْ " volcanic eruption,"إْنِفجَارْ بُرْكَانْ " August,"آُوتْ " hottest period of summer (mid-July to mid-August),"أوِسُّو " "whirlpool, swirl, big hole","بَالُوعَة " the tide is coming in,"بحر قدّم " "to rain lightly, drizzle (past singular masculine)","بَخْنَاسْ " hail (precipitation),"تَبْرُورِي " "to peal, as thunder (past singular masculine)","رَعِّدْ " tsunami,"تْسُونَامِي " "February, by the European calendar","فْرَايِرْ العَجْمِي " period of very cold nights,"لَيَالِي السُّودْ " climate,"مُنَاخْ " February,"فِيفْرِي " flood,"فَيَضَانْ " November,"نُوفُمْبِرْ " "overcast, cloudy","مْغَيِّمْ " Richter scale,"مِقْيَاسْ رِشْتِرْ " season,"مَوْسِمْ " "weather broadcast, forecast","مِيتِيُو " "weather broadcast, forecast",نَشْرَةْ جَوِيَّةْ