eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " attached file,"پْيَاسْ جْوَانِتْ " technology,"تُكْنُولُوجْيَا " ring once or twice without answering,"تَلْ " television,"تَلْفْزَة " "televised, television (adjective)","تَلْفَزِي " "to call, phone (past singular masculine)","تلْفِن يتلفِنْ " "phone, telephone","تَلِفُونْ " telegram,"تِلْڨْرَامْ " drilling,"تَنْقِيبْ " تو,"neon tube light " تُوبْ نَايُونْ,"Twitter " تْوِيتِرْ,"walkie talkie " "تِيلْكِي وِلْكِي,GSM (text message"," cell phone) " ج س م,"facebook “like” button " "جَامْ,device"," walkie talkie " "جِهَازْ,digger"," excavator " حَفَّارَة,"busy line (on phone) " خَطّ مَشْغُولْ,"typewriter " دَاكْتِيلُو,"drone " دْرُونْ,"frequency (radio) " ذَبْذَبَاتْ,"Radio " رَادْيُو,"stereo casette player " رَادْيُو كَاسَاتْ,"Radio " رَادْيُونْ,"Alarm clock " رَافَايْ,"RAM " "رَامْ,to grow tame"," calm (past singular masculine) " رَامْ,"Robot " "روبو,kitchen hand appliance"," mixer " روبو,"horsepower " زايْلَة,"horse " زايْلَة,"satellite " "سَاتِيلِيتْ,scanner"," scan " سْكَانَارْ,"skype " "سْكَايِپْ,Earphones, headphones, hearing aid"," stethescope " "سَمّاعَةْ,charge, power"," battery life " شَارْجْ,"home stereo " شَانْ سْتِيرْيُو,"he downloaded " شَرْجَى,"to put money on your phone (past singular masculine) " شَرْجَى,"satellite " صاتاليت,"rocket " صَارُوخْ,"to call over the interphone (past singular masculine) " طْلَبْ عَلْ الأَنَتَرْفُونْ,"to attach (to an email) (past singular masculine) " عْمَلْ بْيَاسْ جْوَانْتْ,"fax machine " فَاكْسْ,"Viber (smart phone app) " فَايْبِرْ,"land line " فِيكْسْ,"Vicks vaporub " فِيكْسْ,"burned (as in CD) " قرافيا,"Cassette tape " كَاسَاتْ,"Camera (phone camera or web cam) " كَامْ,"Kalashnikov " كْلَاشِينْكُوفْ,"Keyboard " كْلَافْيَا,"CD drive " لَاكْتُورْ سَادَا,"لَكْتُورْ آَمْ بَا تُرْوَا " "digger, excavator","مَاكِينِةْ الحَفْرْ " "frozen, not working","مِتْبَلَنْتِي " microphone,"مَصْدَحْ " password,"مُو دْ بَاسْ " social network,"مَوْقَع الِإجْتِمَاعِي " to ring (telephone) (past singular masculine),"نُوقِزْ " home phone line,"هَاتِفْ قَارْ " of or relating to the telephone,"هَاتِفِيَّةْ " Huawei (Chinese telephone company),"هْوَاوِي " "patch, fix for a computer/satellite connection","پاتش " "to freeze up, quit working (past singular masculine)","تِپْلَنْتَا " antenna,"أونتان " phone,"تاليفونْ " computer,"أُرْدِينَاتُورْ " elevator,"أسُنْسُورْ " "to encode, block with a password (past singular masculine)","شَفِّرْ " "computers, information technology","إعْلَامِيَة " earbuds,"إكُوتَارْ " electronic,"إلِكْتْرُونِي " "computers, information technology","أنْفُورْمَاتِيكْ " inventor,"أنْفُونْتَارْ " ipod,"آيبُودْ " iphone,"آيفُونْ " walkman,"بَالَادُورْ " telegram,"بَرْقِيَّة " bluetooth,"بْلٌوتٌوثْ " "to lock, set a password (past singular masculine)","بْلُوكَى " inbox,"بْوَاتْ " can (of soda),"بْوَاتْ " "solution, fix for a computer problem, especially satellite TV","پَاتِشْ " satellite,"پارابول " "cell phone, mobile phone","پُرْتَابِلْ " plasma television,"پْلَازْمَا " plasma,"پْلَازْمَا " "tactile, touch (screen)","تَاكْتِيلْ " sound technician,"تَاكْنِيسْيَانْ الصُوتْ " telephone,"تَالِيفُونْ " "to be charged, powered up (past singular masculine)","تْشَرْجَي " air conditioner,"مُكَيِّفْ " air conditioner,"كْلِيمَاتِيزُورْ " anti-spyware,"مُكَافَحَةْ التَجَسُسْ " camera,"مُصَوّْرَةْ " camera,"كَامِيرَا " "compact disk, CD","كُومْبَاكْتْ دِيسْكْ " computer,"كُومْبْيُوتِرْ " "to connect, get online (past singular masculine)","كُونِيكْتَى " "connected, online","كُونِكْتَى " "hack, security breach","كْرَاكْ " Facebook,"فَايْسْبُوكْ " "application, app","أپلِيكَاسْيُونْ " "pirated, hacked","مَقَرْصَنَةْ " "software language, programming language","لُغَةْ البَرْمَجِيَّاتْ " microphone,"مِيكْرُو " "cell phone, mobile phone","مُوبِيلْ " "mobile phone, cellular phone","هَاتِفْ جَوَّالْ " internet,"نَاتْ " password,"كِلْمَةْ سِرّْ " phone,"هَاتِفْ " "cell phone, mobile phone, laptop computer","مَحْمُولْ " software,"لُوجِسْيَالْ " the web,وَابْ