eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " blanket,"بَطَّانِيَّة " wrap,"بَطَّانِيَّة " to sweep (past singular masculine),"كْنُسْ " (air) conditioning,"تَكْيِيفْ " cleaning,"تَنْظِيفَة " wash,"تَنْظِيفَة " flashlight,"تورش " torch,"تورش " screwdriver,"تورنوفيس " curtain rod,"تِيجْ " terrace,"تِيرَاسْ " dresser,"تِيرْوَارْ " lamp,"ثْرَيَّة " chandelier,"ثْرَيَّة " ceiling light,"ثْرَيَّة " basin,"جَابْيَة " outside sink,"جَابْيَة " neighbour,"جَارْ " close neighbor,"جَارْ السَّاسْ " good friend,"جَارْ السَّاسْ " squeegee,"جَبَّادَة " mattress,"جَرَّايَة " large clay pot,"جَرَّة " pipe (water),"جَعْبَة " bleach,"جَفَّالْ " to lay tiles in the house (past singular masculine),"جَلِّزْ الدَّارْ " tiles,"جْلِيزْ " to furnish a house (past singular masculine),"جَهِّزْ الدَّارْ " of or relating to neighbors,"جُورَا " plaster,"جِيرْ " whitewash,"جِيرْ " to whitewash/plaster the roof (past singular masculine),"جَيّرْ السْطَحْ " paint,"دُهْنْ " apartment building guard,"حَارِسْ العِمَارَة " the edge of the table,"حَافَّةْ الطَّاوْلَة " rope,"حْبَلْ " wire,"حْبَلْ " clothesline,"حْبَلْ مْتَاعْ الشْرِيطَة " to iron clothes (past singular masculine),"حَدِّدْ لَحْوَايِجْ " "garden, yard","حديقة " a (plastic) carpet,"حْسِيرَة " rug,"حْسِيرَة " to set the table (past singular masculine),"حَضِّرْ الطَّاوْلَة " to make the bed (past singular masculine),"حَضِّرْ الفَرْشْ " to scrub clothes (past singular masculine),"حَكْ الحْوَايِجْ " to wipe the floor with a brush (past singular masculine),"حَكْ القَاعَة بِالبْرُوصْ " loofah sponge,"حَكَّاكَة " brillo pad,"حَكَّاكَة " steel wool,"حَكَّاكَة " can,"حُكَّة " jar,"حُكَّة " plastic jar,"حُكَّة پْلَاسْتِيكْ " big cup/mug for water,"حَلَاّبْ " someone who figures things out quickly,"حَلَاّبْ " picks up on people,"حَلَاّبْ " knows what they’re going to do,"حَلَاّبْ " "hut, simple house","حُوشْ " basin,"حُوضْ " wall,"حيطْ " he turned on the faucet,"خَدِّمْ العُصْفُورْ مْتَاعْ المَاءْ " "wardrobe, closet","خْزَانَة " pottery,"خَزَفْ " comb,"خَلَّاصْ " "toll collector, person who collects tickets","خَلَّاصْ " to clean using a rag (past singular masculine),"خَيِّشْ " "to wipe the floor with someone, totally ridicule (past singular masculine)","خَيِّشْ " a rag for cleaning,"خِيشَة " something or someone who is useless,"خِيشَة " "thread, string","خيط " to sew (past singular masculine),"خيّط " apartment,"ابَارْتُومُونْ " a house,"دار " a traditional Tunisian house,"دَارْ عَرْبِي " house built by a construction company called Essnit,"دَارْ مْتَاعْ السْنِيتْ " bottle,"دَبُّوزَة " long simple needle,"دَبُّوسْ " a small bottle,"دْبِيبْزَة " "a step, stair","دَرْجَة " "degree, point","دَرْجَة " stairs,"دْرُوجْ " to knock on the door (past singular masculine),"دَقّْ البَابْ " doll,"دُمْيَة " duplex,"دُوپْلَاكِسْ " "sofa, couch","دِيفُونْ " brand name of liquid soap,"دِينُولْ " ground floor,"رَا دو شو سا " "electric heater,","رَازِيسْتُونِسْ " electric resistor,"رَازِيسْتُونِسْ " squeegee,"رَاكْلَاتْ " "blender, mixer, grinder","رَحَّايْ " "blender, mixer, grinder","رَحَّايَة " "bubbles from soap, suds","رَغْوَة " shelf,"رَفْ " to twitch (with the eyes) (past singular masculine),"رَفْ " "to remodel, rebuild, fix up, repair (past singular masculine)","رَمِّمْ " curtain,"رِيدُو " "Carpet, rug","زَرْبِيَّة " table leg,"سَاقْ الطَّاوْلَة " bathroom,"صالْ دُوبَانْ " "faucet, tap","سَبَّالَة " broomstick,"سْبِرْكَة " sponge,"سْپُونْتَاكِسْ " studio apartment,"سْتُودْيُو " recording studio,"سْتُودْيُو " pen,"سْتيلُو " umbrella,"سْحَابَة " cloud,"سْحَابَة " heater,"سَخَّانْ " wardrobe,"سدَّة " Hair dryer,"سِشْوَارْ " roof,"سْطَحْ " "pail, bucket","سْطَلْ " sponge,"سْفَنِجْ " ceiling,"سْقَفْ " central section of Arab house,"سْقِيفَة " scotch tape,"سْكُوتِشْ " knife,"سِكِّينَةْ " dull knife,"سِكِّينَة حَافْيَةْ " bread knife,"سِكِّينَةْ خُبْزْ " Sharp knife,"سِكِّينَةْ مَاضْيَةْ " ladder,"سَلُّومْ " saucer,"سُوتَاسْ " "wall, fence","سُورْ " wall paint,"سورفاسور " "to mop, clean the floor with water (past singular masculine)","سَيَّقْ " chair,"شاز " "armchair, adirondack chair","شَازْ لُونْقْ " window,"شِبَاّكْ " to hang something with clothespins (past singular masculine),"شدها بالشكاكل " to be hanging on by a thread (past singular masculine),"شدها بالشكاكل " clothesline,"شْرِيطَةْ " sponge,"شيفونة " "bag (plastic, canvas, etc.)","شكارة " clothespin,"شكّال " barrette (for woman’s hair),"شكّال " a candle,"شَمْعَةْ " "chimney, fireplace","شْمِنِيَّةْ " drill,"شنيول " "boiler, water heater","شوديار " "tasks, errands, jobs to get done","شور " heater,"شوفاج " water heater,"شُّوفُّو " "rag, old towel","شوليقة " to dry clothes (past singular masculine),"شَيَّحْ لَحْوَايِجْ " soap,"صَابُونْ " green soap,"صَابُونْ أَخْضِرْ " musk soap,"صَابُونْ إِمَسِّكْ " "hall, living room","صَالَة " living room,"صَالُونْ " bowl,"صَحْفَةْ " plate,"صْحَنْ " folding ladder,"صَرَّافَة " "floor, level","طَابِقْ " table,"طَابِلْ " bottlecap,"طَابُّو " stool,"طَابُورِيَّةْ " "large cup, small pitcher","طَاسَةْ " "brain, mind","طَاسَةْ " "floor, level","طَاقْ " last floor,"طَاقْ لِخِّرْ " table,"طَاوْلَة " a dinner table,"طَاوْلَةْ مْتَاعْ مَاكْلَةْ " dish,"طْبَقْ " to fold clothes (past singular masculine),"طْوَى حْوَايْجُو " "to fill with a cup, small pitcher (past singular masculine)","عَبَّى بِالطَّاسَةْ " to vacuum (past singular masculine),"عَدَّى لَسْبِيرَاتُورْ " handle,"عُرْوَةْ " crass insult,"عُرْوَةْ " "simple room, shed, cottage, small dwelling","عِشَّةْ " to wring wet clothes (past singular masculine),"عْصَرْ لِحْوَايِجْ " apartment building,"عْمَارَةْ " to furnish a house (past singular masculine),"عَمِّرْ الدَّارْ " to decorate (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ دِيكُورَاسْيُونْ " to clean the house (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ مَينَاجْ " broomstick,"عُودْ سْبِرْكَةْ " to thread a needle (past singular masculine),"عَيِّنْ الخِيطْ " "sieve, collander","غُرْبَالْ " Tunisian family name,"غُرْبَالْ " washing machine,"غَسَّالَةْ " to wash (past singular masculine),"غْسَلْ " to wash one’s clothes (past singular masculine),"غْسَلْ حْوَايْجُو " "laundry, washing","غَسِيلْ " large bottle for rosewater,"فَاشْكَةْ " tiles on a wall,"فَايُونْسْ " pottery,"فخُّارْ " mattress or rug,"فْرَاشْ " blanket,"فَرَّاشِيَّةْ " single bed,"فَرْشْ بُو بْلَاصَةْ " double bed,"فَرْشْ بُو بْلَاصْتِينْ " "baby bed, crib","فَرْشْ مْتَاعْ بِبِّيَاتْ " "foldable bed, pack n play","فَرْشْ يِتِطْوَى " fork,"فَرْشِيطَةْ " broomstick,"فُرْكَةْ " oven,"فُرْنْ " refrigerator,"فْرِيجِيدَارْ " freezer,"فْرِيڨْو " plunger,"فَنْتُوز " fan (blows air),"فُنْتِيلاَتُورْ " a small cup for coffee or tea,"فِنْجَانْ " felt pen,"فُوتِرْ " "sofa, couch","فُوتُويْ " oven,"فُورْ " towel (for public baths),"فُوطَةْ " pane of glass,"فِيتْرْ " veranda,"فِيرَانْدَا " garage,"ڨَارَاجْ " "grass, yard","ڨَازُونْ " bathroom,"قَاعَةْ الِإسْتِحْمَامْ " drawer,"قْجَرْ " rounded clay pieces for roofs,"قَرْمُودْ " product for cleaning toilet/sink,"ڨْرِيزَا " "large bucket, usually previously a paint can","ڨِصْدْرِيَّةْ " toilet bowl,"قَصْرِيَّةْ " "large dish or bowl, used for couscous or for bathing","قَصْعَةْ " basket,"قُفَّةْ " "larger ceramic dish/bowl for couscous, etc.","قَلَّالَةْ " frying pan,"قَلَّايَةْ " large wardrobe,"ڨْلَصْ " "pencil, marker, crayon","قْلَمْ " a traditional small Tunisian cup for tea,"كَاسْ طْرَابِلْسِي " large pot,"كَاسَارُونَةْ " "wax paper, paper","كَاغِتْ " bowl that holds coals/embers,"كَانُونْ " lighter/burner on a stove,"كانون متاع الغاز " oven/container for hookah coals,"كَانُونْ مْتَاعْ وْلَعْ " hose,"كَاوَتْشُو " roll of red thread,"كُبّْ أَحْمِرْ " Chairs,"كْرَاسِي " "pot for cooking couscous, any pot with holes for steaming","كَسْكَاسْ " "hallway, corridor","كُلْوَارْ " Traditional Tunisian carpet,"كْلِيمْ " Couch,"كَنَّابِي " "painting, picture, something framed","كْوَاتْرُو " dressing table,"كْوَافُوزْ " to lock the door (past singular masculine),"كَوِّبْ البَابْ " lock,"كُوبَةْ " plastic hose,"كَوَتْشُو " Kitchen,"كُوجِينَة " "hut, simple house","كُوخْ " remote control,"كُومُونْدْ " nightstand,"كُومِيدِينُو " "duvet, cover","كُووَاتْ " LED bulbs,"لَادْ " she is taking care of the house,"لَاهْيَةْ بِالدَّارْ " sink (in kitchen or bathroom),"لَفَابُو " to gather the laundry after it’s dried (past singular masculine),"لَمّْ الشْرِيطَةْ " large wooden ladle,"لُوشْ " unclear,"لُوشْ " to plaster a wall (past singular masculine),"لَيَّقْ " measuring tape,"ماتر ريبون " "caulking, filler for cars or walls","مَاسْتِيكْ " "dishes, cookware","مَاعُونْ الكُوجِينَةْ " landlord,"مَالْكَةْ " thick needle,"مِبِّرْ " homemade,"مْتَاعْ دَارْ " belonging to the family,"مْتَاعْ دَارْ " a pillow,"مْخَدَّةْ " chimney,"مْدَخْنَةْ " "housewife, homemaker","مْرَا فِي الدَّارْ " mirror,"مْرَايَةْ " "large, cheaper rug","مَرْڨُومْ " "clothespin, safety pin","مَسَّاكْ " drain,"مَسْكُوكَةْ " kitchen,"مَطْبَخْ " hammer,"مَطَرْقَةْ " mattress,"مَطْلَا " dishes,"مَعُونْ " tools,"مَعُونْ " spoon,"مَغَرْفَةْ " wooden spoon,"مَغَرْفَةْ لُوحْ " scissors,"مْقَصْ " "chair, seat","مَقْعِدْ " microwave,"مِكْرُو أُونْدْ " iron (for clothes),"مَكْوَى " "hallway, aisle","مَمْشَى " tablecloth,"مِنْدِيلَةْ مْتَاعْ طَاوْلَةْ " towel,"مَنْشَفَةْ " furniture,"مُوبِلْ " mosquito net,"مُوسْتِيكَارْ " lower-quality carpet,"مُوكَاتْ " "small table, coffee table","مِيدَةْ " "electric mixer, blender","مِيكْسُورْ " "chimney fire, fire in fireplace","نَارْ الشْمِينِيَّةْ " doorbell,"نَّاقُوزْ " to hang out clothes (past singular masculine),"نشر لحوايج " to ring a doorbell (past singular masculine),"نَقِّزْ " "middle of house, hall","وِسْطْ الدَّارْ " small living room,"وِسْطِيَّةْ " "bottom half of steaming set, large pot","بُرْمَة " large claw hammer,"مَاسَّةْ " baseboard (wood or marble),"بْلِينْطَة " "to get the house in order, clean up (past singular masculine)","تْرِيقْلِ الدَّارْ " "stove, burner","كَانُونْ مْتَاعْ الغَازْ " carpet,"بِسَاطْ " plastic tarp,"بَاشْ (بلاستيك) " to decorate the house (past singular masculine),"زَيِّنْ الدَّارْ " sewing needle,"إبْرَة مْتَاعْ خْيَاطَة " "jug, pitcher","إبْرِيقْ " sponge,"إپُونْجْ " odorizer spray/hanging: Air Fraiche,"آرْ فْرَاشْ " "wardrobe, closet","أَرْمْوَارْ " vacuum cleaner,"أسْپِيرَاتُورْ " to set the table (past singular masculine),"إڨِدْ الطَّاوْلَة " "glass, cup (rural)","آمْبَة " lightbulb,"أمْبُوبَة " powdered soap brand,"أُومُو " door,"بَابْ " door with chain lock,"بَابْ بِالبْلوكِيسْ " entrance door,"بَابْ لُونْتْرَا " large bath towel,"باشْكِيرْ " "bathtub, bath, big container","بَانُو " "bucket, jug, container","بِدُونْ " teapot,"بَرَّادْ " shutters,"بِرْسْيَانْ " balcony,"بَرْكُونْ " "tray, platter","بْلَاتُو " stage,"بْلَاتُو " apartment building,"بَلَاصْ " "lock, deadbolt","بْلَجْ " "hallway, entrance","بَهُوْ " gate,"بَوَّابَة " mailbox,"بْوَاتَالَاتِرْ " "knob (door, lock)","بُوبِينَة " room,"بِيتْ " bathroom,"بِيتْ البَانُو " freezer,"بِيتْ الثَّلْجْ " small room on the roof,"بِيتْ السْطَحْ " wash room,"بِيتْ الصَّابُونْ " "guestroom, living room","بِيتْ الضْيُوفْ " "dining room, kitchen","بِيتْ الفْطُورْ " "living room, sitting room","بِيتْ القْعَادْ " bedroom of the parents,"بِيتْ النُّومْ " "guestroom, living room","بِيتْ ضْيَافَة " "large clay jar, vessel","بتِيَّة " plastic jug,"بِيدُونْ " water jug,"بِيدُونْ مْتَاعْ مَاءْ " "scalpel, carver, knife","بِيسْتُورِي " napkin,"پَاپْيَا سَارْفِيَاتْ " tissue,"پَاپْيَا مُوشْوَارْ " cupboard,"پْلَاكَارْ " door,"پُورْتْ " French windows,"پُورْتْ فُونَاتْرْ " nightstand,"تَابْلْ دُونْوِي " carpet,"تَاپِي " furnishing,"تَاْثِيثْ " to lay tiles (past singular masculine),"تزلّز " bed,"فَرْشْ " chair,"كُرْسِي " "coffee spoon, teaspoon","مْغَرْفَةْ مْتَاعْ قَهْوَةْ " "cup, glass, mug","كَاسْ " freezer,"كُونْجِيلَاتُورْ " gutter,"مِيزَابْ " "napkin, cloth","مِنْدِيلْ " hanger,"مِعْلَاقْ " house,"مَنْزِلْ " key,"مِفْتَاحْ " knife handle,"يِدْ السِكِّينَةْ " match (for lighting a fire),"وْقِيدَةْ " tiles,"كاَرْلَاجْ " villa,"فِيلَا " to wash the dishes (past singular masculine),"غْسَلْ المَاعُونْ " "watch (time-keeping piece), clock tower",مُنْقَالَةْ