eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " "impermaeable, water-proof, water-proof jacket","أمْپَارْمِيَابْلْ " "to undress, strip (past singular masculine)","تعرّى " "any wrap for head (especially in south, countryside)","تَقْرِيطَة " t- shirt,"تِيشُورْتْ " "clothes, outfit","حْوَايجْ " traditional robe for men,"جِبَّة " jibba made of special material,"جِبَّة خَمْرِي " traditional jibba,"جِبَّة عَرْبِي " old clothes,"جْرُودْ " traditional North African robe,"جَلاَّبَة " traditional Sudanese and Egyptian robe,"جَلَّابِيَّة " leggings,"جُوكِينْڨْ " "a jog, run","جُوكِينْڨْ " tight trousers for girls,"جِيسْتْكُورْ " "vest, coat","جِيلَا " a vest,"جِيلِيَّة " "put on, wearing","حَاطّْ " "wearing really nice clothes, dressed up","حَاطِتْ الحَطَّة " wearing a wig,"حَاطِتْ پَارُوكْ " the sound of women’s high heels,"حِسْ الطَّالُونْ " someone who’s always well dressed,"حْطَايْطِي " nice clothes,"حَطَّة " "apparel, good looks, clothing","حُلَّة " clothes,"حْوَايِجْ " things,"حْوَايِجْ " "The clothes you wear before going to sleep, pyjamas","حْوَايِجْ النُّومْ " tight clothes,"حْوَايِجْ ضِيْقَة " sewn clothes,"حْوَايِجْ مْطَرْزَة " a ring,"خَاتِمْ " traditional silver bracelet for women,"خُلْخَالْ " undershirt,"خَلْعَة " "clothes, things, stuff","دْبَشْ " things,"دْبَشْ " Jeans,"دجين " sleeveless T-shirt,"دِيبَارْدُورْ " dress,"رُوبَّا " traditional clothes,"لباس تَقْلِيدِي " overalls,"سَالُوپَاتْ " belt,"سَانْتُورْ " shoes,"صبّاط " "nightie, negligee","سِتْرِينِڨْ " "pants, trousers","سِرْوَالْ " Arab trousers (loose pants),"سِرْوَالْ عَرْبِي " silk trousers,"سِرْوَالْ قَمْرَايَة " traditional wrap worn by older women,"سِفْسَارِي " a traditional costume for men,"سْكَافَنْدْرِي " "underpants, underwear","سْلِيبْ " bra,"سوتيان قورج " buttoned shirt,"سوريّة " "fez, felt red hat","شَّاشِيَّة " neck-warmer (old- fashioned word),"شان (على الشتا) " slippers (footwear),"شلاكة " flip flops,"شلاكة بو صبع " shorts,"شورت " shirt,"شُومِيزْ " gold necklace formerly worn by the Bey,"شيشخان " his shoes hurt him,"صَبَّاطْ ضَارْبُو " "hightops, shoes that reach the ankles","صَبَّاطْ نُصْ قَصْبَةْ " sandals,"صَنْدَالْ " "bathrobe, gown","صُورِيَّةْ نُومْ " jewelry,"صْيَاغَة " to start wearing summer clothes (past singular masculine),"صَيِّفْ " high heels,"طَالُونْ " "uniform (school, work, etc.), apron","طَبْلِيَّةْ " "cap, hood","طَرْبُوشَةْ " headband (worn by older men in countryside),"طَقْرِيطَةْ " "to strip, take off clothes (past singular masculine)","عَرَّى " "to take off a lid, reveal the truth (past singular masculine)","عَرَّى " to hem (past singular masculine),"عْطَفْ " to turn (past singular masculine),"عْطَفْ " a hem,"عَطْفَةْ " button,"فِلْسَةْ " scarf,"فُولَارَةْ " "jacket, coat","فِيسْتَةْ " a type of thin cloth used for traditional clothes,"ڨَاطِيفَةْ " wooden sandals for the public baths,"قُبْقَابْ " bow (e.g.in girl’s hair),"ڨُرْبِيطَةْ " traditional long coat,"قَشَّابِيَّةْ " to buy nice clothes (past singular masculine),"قَشِّشْ " "traditional robe, like jibba","قْطِيفَةْ " traditional dress,"قُفْطَانْ " "type of traditional robe, often worn by traditional music band, with pants","قَمْرَايَةْ " Gloves,"ڨْوَانْدُوَاتْ " nightie,"ڨُونِيلَّا " "traditional hat, often worn by Jews","كَبُّوسْ " Coat,"كَبُّوطْ " fur coat,"كَبُّوطْ بِالفُورُورْ " Tie,"كْرَافَاتْ " Bowtie,"كْرَافَاتْ بَابِيُونْ " cleats,"كُرُومْبُونْ " "Cap, baseball cap","كَسْكَاتْ " Traditional clothes,"كِسْوَةْ " to put a turban on one’s head (past singular masculine),"كَشِّطْ " Scarf,"كَشْكُولْ " Socks,"كْلَاسِطْ " One sock,"كَلْسِيطَةْ " put a patch on it,"كُمْبِرِيسِيهَا " suit (men’s clothing),"كُوسْتُومْ " collar,"كُولْ " overalls,"كومبينازون " wearing,"لَابِسْ " "fashionable person, someone who knows how to dress well","لَبَّاسْ " clothes,"لِبَاسْ " "to clothe, dress (past singular masculine)","لَبِّسْ " "to wear, put on (past singular masculine)","لِبِسْ " to wear clothes (past singular masculine),"لْبِسْ حْوَايِجْ " clothes,"لِبْسَةْ " working clothes,"لِبْسَةْ الخِدْمَةْ " "exercise clothes, sportwear","لِبْسَةْ سْبُورْ " "party clothes, fancy clothes","لِبْسَةْ سْوَارَى " clothes for going out,"لِبْسَةْ مْتَاعْ خَرْجَةْ " tongue of shoe,"لْسَانْ السَبَّاطْ " eyeglasses,"لُونَاتْ " frameless glasses,"لُونَاتْ سُونْ كَادِرْ " prescription glasses,"لُونَاتْ مْتَاعْ نْظَرْ " protective glasses/helmet,"لُونَاتْ مْتَاعْ وِقَايَةْ " woman’s swimsuit,"مَايُو " tightened (clothes),"مْحَزِّقْ " tight (clothes),"مَحْزُوقْ " "glasses with thick frames, coke bottle glasses","مْرَايَاتْ قَاعْ دَبُّوزَةْ " prescription eyeglasses,"مْرَايَاتْ نْظَرْ " glasses,"مْرَيّاتْ " wearing winter clothes,"مْشَتِّي " dark dress worn by women in the south,"مَلْيَةْ " the latest fashion,"مُوظَة لِخْرَا " "fashion, style","مُوضَةْ " moccasin,"مُوكَاسَانْ " "to take off one’s clothes, undress (past singular masculine)","نَحَّي حْوَايْجُو " "shoe, especially a type of sandal worn with traditional jibbas","نَعْلْ " to soak clothes in water (past singular masculine),"نَفَّخْ الحْوَايِجْ " "to shake out clothes, clean them off (past singular masculine)","نْفَضْ لَحْوَايِجْ " the quality of the cloth,"نَوْعِيَّةْ القْمَاشْ " "nice clothes, good-looking outfit","هِنْدَامْ لَايَقْ " earring,"بُوكْلْ " earring,"بَلُّوطَة " outfit (clothes),"أنْسُومْبِلْ " "balaclava, ski mask","بَالْ مَاسْكَا " bracelet,"بْرَاسْلِي " to click/clack like wooden shoes or heels (past singular masculine),"بَرْتَقْ " funny hat,"بَرْطَلَّة " he got all dressed up,"بَرْقِشْ رُوحُو " traditional wool coat,"بَرْنُوسْ " protective gear,"بْرُوتَاجْ " cami (undershirt for women),"بْرُوتَالْ " high boots worn with uniforms,"بْرُوتْكَانْ " earrings,"بْلَالِطْ " traditional men’s white slippers,"بَلْغَة " coat (older word),"بْلُوزَة " "coat, jacket","بْلُوزُونْ " someone who wears old clothing that doesn’t go together,"بُوبَرْتَلَّه " boots,"بُوتْ " muscle shirt,"بُودِي " bra,"بُوسْطُو " winter cap,"بُونَا " pyjamas,"بِيجَامَا " beret,"بِيرِيَّة " "pants, trousers","پُونْتَالُونْ " heels (high heeled shoes),"تَالُونْ " "to dress well, look elegant (past singular masculine)","تْأَنَّقْ " "she takes care of herself, dresses well","تِتِلْهَى بْرُوحْهَا " "it becomes her, fits her, looks good on her","تْجِي عْلِيهَا " "t-shirt, sweater","تْرِيكُو " "cap, baseball hat","كَاسْكَاتْ " digital watch,"مُنْقَالَةْ دِجِيطَالْ " "dressed, wearing","مِدْرِيسِي " "helmet, hard hat","كَاسْكَا " "hoodie, shirt or coat with hood","كَابُوشْ " hat with wide or full brim,"مَظَلَّةْ " sewing machine,"مَكِينَةْ مْتَاعْ خْيَاطَةْ " shirt collar,"كُولْ مْتَاعْ سُورِيَّةْ " sleeve (shirt),"مُونْشْ " tight (especially clothes),"مَحْزُوقَةْ " "outfit, set that goes together","كُومْبِينِزُونْ " sunglasses,"لُونَاتْ مْتَاعْ شَمْسْ " "shirt, t-shirt","مَرْيُولْ " leggings,"كَالْسُونْ " nice clothes,هِنْدَامْ