eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " cash,"إسْپَاسْ " "coin, change","بْيَاسَة " "to go to the cashier, counter (past singular masculine)","تْعَدَّى لِلْكَاسَة " "price, charge, fee","تَعْرِيفَة " "to cover, pay for (past singular masculine)","تْغَطَّي " "to be very stingy, tight with money (past singular masculine)","تْقَرْنِطْ بَرْشَا " "installment, payment","تَقْسِيطْ " to cost (past singular masculine),"تْكَلِّفْ " "price, cost","تَكْلْفَة " "financing, finance","تَمْوِيلْ " "development, growth, investment","تَنْمِيَة " "prosperity, wealth","ثَرَاءْ " wealth,"ثَرْوَة " "to value, calculate, recognize worth (past singular masculine)","ثَمِّنْ " Géant (supermarket in Tunis),"جَايَانْ " allowance,"جِرَايَة " someone who keeps himself from spending much money,"حَازَقْ رُوحُو فِي المَصْرُوفْ " a small shop,"حَانُوتْ " customer,"حَرِيفْ " he took account of his cash / papers,"حْسِبْ أَوْراقُو " to set a price for services (past singular masculine),"حْسِبْ هْبُوطُو " he figured out what he would lay down (rummy),"حْسِبْ هْبُوطُو " "to collect, gather, earn (past singular masculine)","حَصِّلْ " to put on sale (past singular masculine),"حَطْ لِلْبِيعْ " a shopkeeper who sells nuts and other things,"حَمَّاصْ " money (informal),"حْنَيْنَاتْ " "a shopkeeper who sells fish, fishmonger","حَوَّاتْ " paid,"خالص " pure,"خالص " he hid the money,"خَبَّى الفْلُوسْ " he got a loan,"خْذا قَرْضْ " he received a money order,"خْذَا مَانْدَا " he lost his possessions,"خْسِرْ أمْلَاكُو " he lost a lot of money,"خْسِرْ بَرْشَا فْلُوسْ " "destitution, poverty","خَصَاصَة " "poor, doesn’t have much","خْصِيصْ " he does not have any self esteem,"خْصِيصْ " "charge, fee, fine","خْطِيَّة " he payed,"خلِّصْ " the businesses and institutions of the private sectors,"خواص " he became someone who has money,"دَارِتْ فِي يِدُّو الفْلُوسْ " accounting department,"دَائِرَةْ المُحَاسَبَاتْ " he entered the bakery,"دَخِّل لِلْكُوشَة " oven,"دَخِّل لِلْكُوشَة " "a currency (Morocco, etc.), dirham","دِرْهَمْ " to become very rich (past singular masculine),"دَزْ الفْلُوسْ بِالرُّكْبَة " distributor,"دِسْتْرِيِبيتُورْ " "Foreign money (dollars, Euro, …)","دُفِيزْ " one dinar,"دَنُّوسْ " five millime coin,"دُورُو " Dollar,"دُولَارْ " "brand name, good brand","دُومَارِكْ " "cash dispenser, ATM","ديستريبتور " one dinar,"دِينَارْ " "he’s poor, lost everything","رَاسُو عِرْيَانْ " remuneration,"رَامُونَارَاسْيُونْ " "to become healthier, gain weight (past singular masculine)","رَبَّا صَحْتُو " to win/earn lots of money (past singular masculine),"رْبَحْ بَرْشَا فْلُوسْ " to reduce the price (past singular masculine),"رَخِّصْ " cheap,"رْخِيصْ " "person who doesn’t live by principles, embarasses himself by his actions, no dignity","رْخِيصْ " "to cause a loss, cost you something (past singular masculine)","رْزَى " "to mortgage, put up collateral (past singular masculine)","رْهَنْ " "poor, humble, simple","زَوَّالِي " "humble, poor, simple","زَوَّالِي عَلَى رُوحُو " two small coins (next to nothing),"زُوزْ صُورْدِي " price,"سِعْرْ " the worst goods in the market,"سْقَاطَة " "to be low, worthless, terrible person (past singular masculine)","سْقَاطَة " "commodity, goods. Merchandise","سِلْعَةْ " "New Items, goods","سِلْعَةْ جْدِيدَةْ " "bad goods, merchandise","سِلْعَةْ خَايْبَةْ " "very bad goods, worthless merchandise","سِلْعَةْ زْبَالَةْ " "the best goods, top notch","سِلْعَةْ مَمُّو " "contraband, smuggled goods","سِلْعَةْ مُهَرْبَةْ " "to loan, lend (past singular masculine)","سَلَفْ " borrowing or loaning,"سْلَفْ " "loan, small amount of money to be lent","سُلْفَةْ " "broker, real estate agent","سَمْسَارْ " to take commission for being a middle man (past singular masculine),"سَمْسِرْ " minimarket,"سوبرات " supermarket,"سُوپَارْ مَرْشَا " "to market, sell (past singular masculine)","سوّق " market,"سُوقْ " Weekly market,"سُوقْ أسْبُوعِيَّة " price,"سُومْ " the price is very high,"سُومْ طَالَعْ بَرْشَا " the price is reasonable,"سُومْ مُسْتْحَبْ " mall,"سونتر كومرصيال " to take care of the bill (past singular masculine),"سَوَّى وَضْعِيَّةْ الفَاتُورَةْ " brand name,"سِينْيَا " "to sign, signal (past singular masculine)","سِينْيَا " "grocery cart, pull cart","شاريو " "to buy, purchase (past singular masculine)","شْرَى " to buy from someone (past singular masculine),"شْرَى مِنْ عَنْدُو " to pay for someone else (past singular masculine),"شْرَى مِنْ عَنْدُو " "act of purchasing something, purchase","شَرْيَةْ " "misery, poverty","شقاء " piggy bank,"شقّاقة " how much does it cost?,"شنوا سومها " the chief of merchants (very old fashioned word),"شَهْبَنْدِرْ التُّجَارْ " shop,"شوب " shopping,"شوبينڨ " "five, five dinar coin","شِينْكُو " "bag, purse","صَاكْ " product sold in bulk (not packaged),"صَبَّةْ " to sign (past singular masculine),"صَحِّحْ " "to rectify, fix, correct (past singular masculine)","صَحِّحْ " he signed a contract,"صَحَّحْ كُونْتْرَا " to export (past singular masculine),"صَدِّرْ " to get change (money) (past singular masculine),"صَرِّفْ " to conjugate a verb (past singular masculine),"صَرِّفْ " to spend money (past singular masculine),"صْرَفْ " to spend without thinking (past singular masculine),"صْرَفْ مِنْ غِيرْ مُخّْ " to print currency (past singular masculine),"صَكّْ عُمْلَةْ " traditional handicrafts,"صِنَاعَاتْ تَقْلِيدِيَّة " industry,"صِنَاعَةْ " "to tighten the belt, spend less, get serious (past singular masculine)","صَنْتِرْ " money (older word),"صْوَارِدْ " to earn a lot of money (past singular masculine),"صَوِّرْ بَرْشَا فْلُوسْ " "old currency (millime), money, small amount of money","صُورْدِي " sale,"صُولْدْ " to get lots of money (past singular masculine),"ضْرَبْ الدَزَّةْ " "deposit, downpayment","ضْمَدْ " to dress a wound (past singular masculine),"ضْمَدْ " "to lose your fortune, wealth, money (past singular masculine)","ضَيَّعْ ثَرْوْتُو " a small amount of money,"طَرْفْ فْلُوسْ " rich man,"طَنْطْخَةْ " "to win a lot of money, earn a lot (past singular masculine)","طَيَّحْ بَرْشَا فْلُوسْ " to lower the price a little (past singular masculine),"طَيَّحْ شْوَيَّا فِي السُّومْ " to spend way too much (past singular masculine),"طَيِّشْ فْلُوسُو " year without sales,"عَامْ سُونْ صُولْدْ " has a savings account,"عَامِلْ دَفْتِرْ إِدِّخَارْ " to become rich (past singular masculine),"عَبّى مْكْتوبُو بالفْلُوسْ " "deposit, downpayment","عَرْبُونْ " عَشْرَلَافْ,"money (slang) " "عَطّْ,corner grocer"," larger corner store " عُطْرِيَّةْ,"freezing of assets " عُقْلَهْ,"to make contact (past singular masculine) " عْمَلْ كُونْتَاكْتْ,"currency " عُمْلَة,"to give someone a good price (past singular masculine) " "عَمْلُو سُومْ,he’s really wealthy"," there’s a lot of food to eat " عَنْدُو الخِيرْ بْزَايِدْ,"he has a lot of money " "عَنْدُو بَرْشَا فْلُوسْ,to replace, substitute"," repay (past singular masculine) " "عَوِّضْ,to pay indemnity, repay"," pay damages (past singular masculine) " عَوَضْلُو الضَرَرْ,"expensive " "غَالِي,valuable"," significant " غَالِي,"chamber of commerce " غُرْفةْ تِجَارِيَّةْ,"to go up in price (past singular masculine) " "غَلَّا,rich"," well-off " "غْنِيْ,to become richer, stronger"," tougher (past singular masculine) " "غَوِّلْ,bill"," charge " "فَاتُورَةْ,has no money"," bankrupt " "فَالِسْ,to deliver"," distribute goods (past singular masculine) " "فَرَّقْ سِلْعَةْ,(old French) franc"," millime " فْرَنْكْ,"duty free shop " "فْرِيشُوپْ,to cancel"," tear up a contract (past singular masculine) " "فَسِّخْ الكُونْتْرَا,to empty a shop"," leave a shop (past singular masculine) " فضَّى لِمْحَلْ,"extreme poverty " فَقْرْ مُدْقَعْ,"to go bankrupt (past singular masculine) " فْلِسْ,"he’s rich " "فْلُوسُو بَرْشَا,money"," diminuitive form " "فَلَيْسَاتْ,to spend money wildly"," splurge (past singular masculine) " "فَنْدَقْ,rich"," well-off " "فِي سْرَاهْ,display case"," shop window " فِيتْرِينَةْ,"fiscal " فِيسْكَالْ,"to set the price (past singular masculine) " فِيكْسَى السُّومْ,"finance " "فِينُونْسْ,it has value"," is beneficial " "فِيهْ مَنْفْعَةْ,statutes"," articles of association/incorporation " قَانُونْ أَسَاسِي,"Tax office " قْبَاضَةْ,"to loan (past singular masculine) " قَرِّضْ,"loan " قَرْضْ,"wholesaler " "ڨْرُوسِيسْتْ,something to do, stuff to buy"," shopping " "قضْيَة,an economic leap forward"," development " قَفْزَةْ إِقْتِصَادِيَّةْ,"small shop that only sells cigarettes " ڨُمْرِڨْ,"to file for bankrupcy (past singular masculine) " "قَيِّدْ فَلْسَةْ,profit value"," amount " "قِيمَةْ الأَرْبَاحْ,cashier"," cash register " كَاسَةْ,"loofa " كَاسَةْ,"To buy on credit " كَرْدَى,"rich people of the country (crass) " كْرُزْ لِبْلَادْ,"Subleasing " كَرْيَةْ مِنْ تَحْتْ كَرْيَةْ,"Credit " كْرِيدِي,"Purchase order " كْمَانْدَا,"commander " كْمَانْدَا,"to order (past singular masculine) " "كْمَنْدَى,extremely tight with money, stingy"," Scrooge " "كَمُّوشَةْ عَلْ لِفْلُوسْ,National health insurance of Tunisia"," CNAM " كْنَامْ,"Smuggling " كُنْتْرَا,"price " كُومِيسْيُونْ,"to make a fortune (past singular masculine) " كَوِّنْ ثَرْوَةْ,"account " "كُونْتْ,he’s very rich"," healthy " "لَابَاسْ عْلِيهْ بَرْشَا,to waste money"," spend a lot of money (past singular masculine) " لَوَّحْ فْلُوسْ,"he’s poor " "مَا فِي حَالُوشْ,he has tons of money and property"," such that he doesn’t know where some of it is " مَا يَعْرِشْ عَلَى طَرْفْ خْلَاهَا وِينْ,"he has nothing but the clothes on his back " "مَا يَكْسَابْ فِي الدِّنْيَا كَانْ حَوَايْجُو,all he has is God"," he’s very poor " مَا يَكْسَابْ كَانْ وِجْهْ رَبِّي,"market " مَارْشِي,"central market " "مَارْشيِ سُونْتْرَالْ,rich, well-off"," has lots of properties " "مَارْكَانْتِي,state of being rich"," well-off " مَارْكَنْتِيَّةْ,"financial " مَالِيَّة,"treasure chest " "مَالِيَّة,cursed by poverty"," he’ll always be poor " "مِبْلِي بِالفَقْرْ,in debt"," having borrowed something " مِتْسَلِّفْ,"accounting " مُحَاسْبَة,"economic oversight " "مُرَاقْبة إقْتِصَادِيَّة,income"," prize " "مَرْبُوحْ,bribed"," paid off " مُرْتَشِي,"large amount of money " "مُرْشَانَةْ,old personality"," mentioned in popular folk songs " مُرْشَانَةْ,"the market is getting better " مَرْشِي طَالَعْ,"distribution center " مَرْكِزْالتَّوْزِيعْ,"someone owes him money " "مَرْهُونْ,counterfeit"," falsified " "مُزَوِّرْ,in debt"," owing someone something " "مُسَالْ,supporter"," sponsor " "مُسَانِدْ,beneficiary"," someone who gets something out of a matter " مِسْتَنْفَعْ,"buyer " "مُشْتَرِي,Scrooge"," cheap " "مِشْحَاحْ,project"," business venture " مَشْرُوعْ,"exporter " مُصَدِّرْ,"spending money " مَصْرُوفْ,"factories " "مْعَامِلْ,transactions, interactions"," relations " مُعَامَلَاتْ,"financial transaction " "مُعَامْلَةْ مَالِيَّةْ,having good luck"," swimming in money " "مَعَوّْمَةْ,store, supermarket"," department store " مَڨَازَانْ,"headquarters " "مقَرْ,achievements"," acquisitions " "مُكْتَسَبَاتْ,rich, well-to-do"," has earned a lot " مْكَوِّنْ,"to own (past singular masculine) " "مْلِكْ,millime"," one thousandth of a dinar " مِلِّيمْ,"millionaire " "مِلْيُنَارْ,poor"," having nothing " مْنَتِّفْ,"free zone " مِنْطْقَةْ حُرَّةْ,"whatever the price " "مَهْمَا كَانَ الثَمَنْ,to finance"," fund (past singular masculine) " مَوِّلْ,"owner " مُولَى,"landowner " "مُولَى لَرْضْ,he always helps the poor"," generous " "مَيْخَلِهَاشْ بِالزَوَّالِي,living in misery"," poverty " "مِيزْرَا,absolute misery"," poverty " "مِيزِيرْيَا زَرْقَةْ,he isn’t stingy"," generous " "مَيْشِدِّشْ الفْلُوسْ,he knows nothing but money"," cares only about it " "مَيَعْرِفْ شَيْ مَعَ لِفْلُوسْ,output"," production " نَاتِجْ,"gross domestic product (GDP) " نَّاتِجْ القَوْمِي الخَامْ,"rich people " "نَّاسْ إِلِي لَابَاسْ عْلِيهِمْ,wealthy people"," people living easy life " نَاسْ عَايْشَةْ,"people of high class " نَاسْ هَايْ,"the same social class " "نَفْسْ الطَّبَقَةْ الإِجْتِمَاعِيَّةْ,to decrease spending"," expenses (past singular masculine) " "نَقِّصْ فِي المَصْرُوفْ,growth"," development " نُمُو,"economic growth/development " نُمُو إقْتِصَادِي,"to post something on line to sell it (past singular masculine) " هَبِّطْهَا عَلْ الأَنْتِرْنَاتْ بِشْ إِبِيعْهَا,"he is out of money " وْفَاتْ فْلُوسُو,"to stop the meter (past singular masculine) " "وَقِّفْ كُونْتَارْ,rich people"," high class people " وْلَادْ بُمْ بُمْ,"he went bankrupt " وَلَّى فَالِسْ,"wholesaler " يْبِيعْ بالجُمْلَة,"interest (at a bank) " أنتاريس,"to invest (past singular masculine) " أنفستى,"to spend a lot without thinking (past singular masculine) " "فَنْدق,to swell"," get higher through inflation (past singular masculine) " تْضَخِّمْ,"they’re sold really cheaply " بَاعُو بْزُوزْ صُورْدِي,"wallet " پُورْتْ فُويْ,"binder " "پُورْتْ فُويْ,under the table, by bribe"," without taxes " تَحْتْ الطَّاوْلَة,"ألْفينْ " "to spend wildly, to waste money without thinking (past singular masculine)","بَعْزَقْ " "to save up, collect (past singular masculine)","إدّخر " to borrow (past singular masculine),"تْسَلِّفْ " annual income statement,"تَصْرِيحْ عَلَى الدَّخْلْ السَّنَوِي " "to be bought, purchased (past singular masculine)","تِشْرَى " to invest (past singular masculine),"إستثمر " to be sold in bulk (past singular masculine),"بَاعْ بالجُمْلَةْ " "to exchange, trade (past singular masculine)","بَادِلْ " "to beg, ask for money (past singular masculine)","إمِدْ يِدُّو " "cheap, just a dinar","بُودِينَارْ " "project, business venture","پْرُوجِي " inflation,"تَضَخُّمْ مَالِي " euro (currency),"أُورُو " economic downturn,"إنْكِمَاشْ إقْتِصَادِي " "showcase, store window","فِيتْرِينَا " "to beg, ask for money (past singular masculine)","تْسَوِّلْ " "signing, conclusion of a contract","إبْرَامْ " tax (outdated),"إتَاوَة " "certificate of payment, of clearance","أتَسْتَاسْيُونْ دُو بَايْمُونْ " to set the price (past singular masculine),"حَدِّدْ الثَّمَنْ " he spent a lot of money: credit card upon credit card,"حُطْ كَارْطَا تْحُكْ فِي كَارْطَة " to reduce its value (past singular masculine),"حِطِ مِلْ القِيمَة مْتَاعْهَا " to make a profit (past singular masculine),"حَقَّقْ أَرْبَاحْ " to open a bank account (past singular masculine),"حِلْ كُونْتْ " "to save money, hide it under the mattress (past singular masculine)","إخَبِّي تَحْتْ رَاسُو " "to use, invest one’s money (past singular masculine)","خدّمْ فْلُوسُو " savings (account),"إدِّخَارْ " bill (at a restaurant),"أَدِسْيُونْ " "to make extra money, invest one’s money (past singular masculine)","دَوِّرْ الزِّيرُو " to pay the electricity bill so the power comes back on (past singular masculine),"رَجَّعْ الضَّوْ " to pay the water bill so the water comes back on (past singular masculine),"رَجَّعْ المَاءْ " cheaper,"أرْخِصْ " multi-billionaire,"أرْشِي مِلْيَارْدَارْ " "he has a ton of money, he stuffs it in containers","رُصْ فِي الفْلُوسْ رَصَّانْ " investment,"إسْتِثْمَارْ " reimbursement for expenses,"إسْتِرْجَاعْ المَصَارِيفْ " to become rich (past singular masculine),"إسْتَغْنَى " "to no longer need, to consider unnecessary or below you (past singular masculine)","إسْتَغْنَى " importation,"إسْتِيرَادْ " traditional markets,"أسْوَاقْ العَرْبِي " "reasonable prices, good prices","أسْوَامْ مَعْقُولَة " "expensive prices, really high prices","أَسْوَامْ نَارْ " insurance,"أسُورُونْسْ " "to boast of one’s wealth, be proud of it (past singular masculine)","شَبْرِشْ بِفْلُوسُو " "to spend a lot of money, spend wildly (past singular masculine)","إشَنْدَقْ " "publicity, advertisement","إشْهَارْ " tangible and intangible value of a commercial property,"أصْلْ تِجَارِي " "advertisements, commercials","إعْلَانَاتْ " "to lower the price, make a discount (past singular masculine)","أعْمْلِلنَّا رُومِيزْ " "to offer a sale, propose a sale (past singular masculine)","إقترح البيوع " economy,"إقْتِصَادْ " market economy,"إقْتِصَادْ السُّوقْ " economy and management (course in school),"إقْتِصَادْ وْ تَصَرُّفْ " the food industry,"أڨْرُو آلِيمُونْتَارْ " export,"آكْسْبُورْ " economy,"إكُونُومِي " economist,"آكُونُومِيسْتْ " thousand,"ألْفْ " one dinar,"ألْفْ " two thousand,"أَلْفِينْ " two dinars,"أَلْفِينْ " owners,"إمَّالِي " import,"أمْپُورْ " "to give alms, give to a beggar (past singular masculine)","مِدْ حْوِيجَة لْرَبِّي " supplies,"إمْدَادَاتْ " to amend a contract (past singular masculine),"نَقَّحْ عَقْدْ " statutes of a company,"بَاتيندَة " "bazaar, market","بَازَارْ " "negotiating, haggling over price","بَاعْ و شْرَى " "wholesale, in bulk","بالجُمْلَة " "profit, earnings","بَانَافِيسْ " bank,"بَانْكَا " "rich, well-to-do","بُرْجْوَازِيَّة " to offer someone money (past singular masculine),"بروبوزى عليه فلوس " "market, bazaar","بَزَارْ " can you lower the price for us?,"بِشْ تْنَقْصِلْنَا فِي السُّومْ " tip (e.g. at restaurant),"بَقْشِيشْ " bank,"بَنْكْ " "shop, boutique","بُوتِيكْ " wallet,"بُورْتْ مُونَا " "well-to-do, rich","بُورْجْوَازِي " stock market,"بُورْصَة " a sale,"بِيعَة " "bad deal, bad sale","بِيعَة مْقَطْعَة " balance sheet,"بِيلُونْ " "check up, review","بِيلُونْ " "commercial, advertisement","پِيبْلِيسِيتَا " "trader, business person","تَاجِرْ " insurance,"تَأْمِينْ " health insurance,"تَأمِينْ عَلَى المَرَضْ " commercial exchange,"تَبَادُلْ تِجَارِي " to donate one’s money (past singular masculine),"تبرع بفلوسو " "trade, commerce","تِجَارَة " bank transfer,"تَحْوِيلْ بَنْكِي " to pay (past singular masculine),"خَلِّصْ " "to save, rescue out of a problem (past singular masculine)","خَلِّصْ " illegal trafficking,"تْرَافِيكْ " "advance, deposit","تَسْبْقَة " "he has a hole in his pocket, spends a lot, can’t hang on to money","جِيبُومَنْقُوبْ " "to purchase, buy, go shopping (past singular masculine)","قْضَى " "bankrupt, has no money","مْفَلِّسْ " "benefactor, donor","مِتْبَرِّعْ " bill (to be paid),"فَاتُورَةْ الِإسْتِخْلَاصْ " billionaire,"مِلْيَرْدَارْ " budget,"مِيزَانِيَّةْ " "cargo, goods","كَارْقِيزُونْ " "cargo, goods","كَارْقُو " Carrefour (large French department store),"كَارْفُورْ " cash,"كَاشْ " business competition,"كُونْكِيرُونْسْ " consumer,"كُونْسُمَاتُورْ " consumer,"مُسْتَهْلِكْ " in contractual relationship,"مِتْعَاقِدْ " "to pay an advance, deposit for a hall (usually for wedding) (past singular masculine)","عَرْبِنْ عَ الصَّالَةْ " rights to a company and its location,"فُونْ دْ كُومَارِسْ " "free, at no cost","مَجَانِي " high class,"طَبَقَةْ رَاقْيَةْ " high class,"هَايْ كْلاَسْ " industrial,"صِنَاعِيَّةْ " industrial complex,"مُجَمَّعْ صِنَاعِي " insurance fund,"صُنْدُوقْ تَأْمِينْ " gross domestic product,"نَّاتِجْ الدَّاخِلِي الخَامْ " "to have no money, be bankrupt (past singular masculine)","يِفْلِي " to be valuable (past singular masculine),"عَنْدُو قِيمَةْ " kiosk,"كُشْكْ " "landowner, landlord","مَلَّاكْ " "to make an offer, make a bid (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ آبَالْ دُوفِرْ " "life, cost of living","مَعِيشَةْ " Lira (currency),"لِيرَةْ " living in poverty and difficulty,"عَايِشْ فِي الهَمّْ " landlord,"مُولاَتْ الدَّارْ " gold coins,"لْوِيزْ " "to make a profit, earn money (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ بِنِفِيسْ " money transfer,"مَانْدَا " money,"فْلُوسْ " monopoly,"مُونُوبُولِي " "scrooge, careful with money, tightwad","يِدُّو مَيْدَخِّلْهَاشْ لْجِيبُو " poor,"فْقِيرْ " poverty,"فَقْرْ " "price, cost","كُلْفَةْ " properties,"مُمْتَلَكَاتْ " of or relating to real estate,"عَقَّارِي " real estate,"عَقَّارِيَّةْ " receipt,"كِيتُونْسْ " rent,"كْرَاءْ " "revenues, income","مَدَاخِيلْ " "rich, doing well, has an easy life","مَيْسُورْ " street vendor,"نَصَّابْ " social class,"كْلَاسْ سُوسْيَالْ " expenses,"مَصَارِيفْ " "store, place, area","مْحَلْ " "larger store, department store","مَغَازَانْ " standard of living,"مُسْتَوَى المَعِيشَةْ " "tight-fisted, scrooge","يِدُّو دِيمَا مْسَكْرَةْ " "trade, commerce","كُومَارْسْ " "business person, dealer","كُومِرْسُونْ " "to illegally import, to traffic in (past singular masculine)","هَرِّبْ " "deposited money, saved money at the bank","وَدِيعَةْ " "someone who wastes, spends a lot","مُبَذِّرْ " let’s agree on the price first,"نِتْفَاهْمُو فِي السُّومْ السَّاعَةْ " monetary,نَقْدِي