eng,tun Karim (man’s name),كَرِيمْ "artist, musician",فَنَّانْ Karim (man’s name),كَرِيمْ "generous, kind, noble",كَرِيمْ group,مَجْمُوعَةْ information,مَعْلُومَاتْ "match, game",مُقَابْلَةْ "area, zone",مِنْطْقَةْ renaissance,نَهْضَة Islamic political party,نَهْضَة number,نُومْرُو truly,بِالحَقْ "to send, emit (past singular masculine)",بْعَثْ between,بِينَاتْ "God bless, how amazing, that’s great, wow",تْبَارْكْ الَلْه experience,تَجْرْبَة "temptation, test",تَجْرْبَة "to learn, to understand (past singular masculine)",تعلّم "trust, confidence",ثِقَة "association, sports club",جَمْعِيَّة wall,حيطْ "a cause, reason",سْبَبْ a person,شَخْصْ to thank (past singular masculine),شكر "to paint, photograph, draw (past singular masculine)",صَوِّرْ to earn money (past singular masculine),صَوِّرْ to divorce (past singular masculine),طَلِّقْ "phrase, expression",عِبَارَةْ "evening, late afternoon",عْشِيَّةْ lamb,عَلُّوشْ paternal uncle,عَمّْ "(old French) franc, millime",فْرَنْكْ someone,فُلَانْ how much,قَدَّاهْ culture,ثَقَافَة "University, college",جَامْعَة to praise (past singular masculine),حْمِد "spoiling, to give whatever someone wants",دْلَالْ medicine,دْوَاء "to let go, leave, leave alone (past singular masculine)",سَيِّبْ "hall, living room",صَالَة "way, manner, path",طَرِيقَةْ mouth,فَمّْ a little bit of food (rural),فَمّْ kilogram,كِيلُو "until, to",لِينْ engaged to or married to,مَاخِذْ "then, so (non-intuitive result)",مَاكْ "how sweet, beautiful, cute",مَحْلَى "director, boss, leader",مُدِيرْ full,مْعَبِّي "good player, good athlete",مْلاَعْبِي Moncef (man’s name),مُنْصِفْ "in-law, father-in-law",نْسِيبْ "to support, come behind (past singular masculine)",نْصَرْ "middle, center",وِسْطْ "to finish, run out (past singular masculine)",وْفَى "to be faithful to, complete, keep one’s promise (past singular masculine)",وْفَى "relatives, in-laws",أنساب still,بَاقِي "show (TV), plan",بَرْنَامِجْ "to go away, move away, distance oneself (past singular masculine)",بْعِدْ "to make something wet, wet (past singular masculine)",بَلْ to run (past singular masculine),جْرَى "present, ready",حَاظِرْ "to know, have knowledge (past singular masculine)",دْرَى maybe,رُبَّمَا "rubbish, trash, garbage",زِبْلَة time,زْمَانْ thief,سَارَقْ "theft, robbery",سِرْقَة roof,سْطَحْ "voice, sound",صُوتْ "mistake, sin",غَلْطَة "Strength, power",قُوَّةْ chair,كُرْسِي game,لُعْبَةْ Mohammed,مُحَمِّدْ "excellent, superb",مُمْتَازْ "to come down, descend (past singular masculine)",نزل to matter to him (past singular masculine),تْهِمُّو "that way, like this",أكّايَا "place, stain",بقعة "tired, fatigued",تَاعِبْ preparation,تَحْضِيرْ "to meet, get to know someone (past singular masculine)",تعرّف third,ثَالِثْ "there, over there",ثَمْ a small shop,حَانُوتْ movement,حَرْكَة a touristic region in Tunisia,حَمَّامَاتْ "Thank you, God; praise God; good",حَمْدُ للّه afraid,خَايِفْ news,خْبَرْ bread,خُبْزْ "to relax, rest (past singular masculine)",إرتاح Ramadan fasting,صْيَامْ رُمْضَانْ marriage,زَوَاجْ "good, how are you, ok, fine",سَا فَا premature baby (born at seven months),سْبُوعِي Said (man’s name),سَعِيدْ Slim (man’s name),سْلِيمْ personality,شَخْصِيَّة "important person, celebrity",شَخْصِيَّة light,ضَوّْ "tall, long",طْوِيلْ fight,عَرْكَةْ love and respect,عِزَّةْ Aimed (man’s name),عِمَادْ "to replace, substitute, repay (past singular masculine)",عَوِّضْ "difference, distinction",فرْقْ video,فِيدْيُو story,قِصَّةْ "reasonable, logical",مَعْقُولْ teacher,مُعَلِّمْ citizen,مُواطِنْ flowers,نَوَّارْ sleep,نُومْ "kids, children",وْلِيدَاتْ or,أو "beach, sea",بْحَرْ "belongs to, part of, under",تَابَعْ "definition, explanation",تَعْرِيفْ three,ثْلَاثَة "side, aspect",جَانِبْ "public, audience, fans",جُمهورْ "freedom, liberty",حُرِيَّة "part, session, portion, percentage",حِصَّةْ "dialogue, conversation",حِوَارْ Khalid (Tunisian man’s name),خَالِدْ "to come, arrive (past singular masculine)",خْلَطْ "to provide, figure out, find a solution (past singular masculine)",دَبِّرْ chickens,دْجَاجْ minute,دْقِيقَة blood,دَمْ "to raise, rear (children or animals) (past singular masculine)",ربّا alcohol,شْرَابْ beverage,شْرَابْ Thank you,شكرا salary,شَهْرِيَّةْ "good, well-behaved, does good things",طَيِّبْ to cook (past singular masculine),طَيِّبْ "opportunity, chance",فُرْصَةْ "accepting, ok with",قَابِلْ cat,قَطُّوسَةْ pretty woman,قَطُّوسَةْ a little bit,قْلِيلْ poor,قْلِيلْ wearing,لَابِسْ the past,مَاضِي congratulations,مَبْرُوكْ Mabrouk (man’s name),مَبْرُوكْ owner,مُولَى to show (past singular masculine),وَرَّى Red,أحْمَرْ "basis, foundation",أسَاسْ "to elect, vote for (past singular masculine)",إنتخب more important,أهَمْ "except, unless",إلَّا package,بَاكُو "a region, side, area",جِهَة "to look, stare (past singular masculine)",غْزَرْ lesson,دَرْسْ "intelligent, smart",ذْكِيّ colleague,زَمِيلْ to use (past singular masculine),إسْتَعْمِلْ Sliman (man’s name),سْلِيمَانْ "to enjoy, have a good time (past singular masculine)",شاخ "older man, elder, respected man",شاخ "to resemble, look like (past singular masculine)",شَبَّهْ to complain (past singular masculine),شْكَى to spend money (past singular masculine),صْرَفْ "pressure, stress",ضَغْطْ to consider (past singular masculine),إعتبر number,عْدَدْ old woman,عْزُوزَة hello,عَسْلَامَةْ "mentality, way of thinking",عَقْلِيَّة Aicha (woman’s name),عَايْشَةْ "wrong, not true",غَالِطْ strange,غْرِيبْ foreign,غْرِيبْ empty,فَارْغ "pointless, worthless",فَارْغ period of time,فَتْرَةْ "happy, joyful",فَرْحَانْ where,فِينْ strong,قْوِيّْ clothes,لِبْسَةْ "in agreement, of one mind",مِتْفَاهِمْ reconciliation,مُسَامِحْ "person who is tolerant, forgiving",مُسَامِحْ "poor thing, poor, weak",مِسْكِينْ "call, calling",نِدَاءْ "proportion, percentage",نِسْبَةْ meeting,إجْتِمَاعْ Olfa (woman’s name),أُلْفَة "Baji (last name, man’s name)",بَاجِي to cry (past singular masculine),بْكَى "difficulties, tragedies",بْلَا investigation,تَحْقِيقْ "actualization, realization",تَحْقِيقْ "to answer, respond (past singular masculine)",جأوِبْ "to try, experiment (past singular masculine)",جرّب newspaper,جَرِيدَة Hassin (man’s name),حْسِينْ to dream (past singular masculine),حْلِمْ "worker, hard worker",خَدَّامْ "condemnation, conviction, verdict",إدَانَة "walk, round, tour",دُورَة rice,رُوزْ Zaineb (woman’s name),زَيْنِبْ "to be silent, quiet (past singular masculine)",سْكِتْ "commodity, goods. Merchandise",سِلْعَةْ "health to you, greetings, cheers",صَحَّا a hit,ضَرْبَةْ it seems that he…,ضْهُرْلُو "to help, assist (past singular masculine)",عَاوِنْ Aysam (man’s name),عِصَامْ scientific,عِلْمِي to joke around (past singular masculine),فَدْلِكْ "breakfast, lunch",فْطُورْ educated,قَارِي bus,كَارْ "cup, glass, mug",كَاسْ meat,لْحَمْ "he would like to, wants to,prefers",مَاذَابِيهْ court,مَحْكْمَةْ Muslim,مُسْلِمْ responsibility,مَسْؤُولِيَّةْ machine,مَاكِينَة death,مُوتْ "to transport, move (past singular masculine)",نَقِّلْ goal,هَدَفْ crescent (moon),هْلَالْ "teacher, professor",أُسْتَاذْ that one who,أكلّي to idolize (past singular masculine),ألّهْ America,أمريكْيَا prince,أمِيرْ high school diploma and its test,بَاكْ "declaration, announcement",بْيَانْ eighty,ثْمَانِينْ turkish bath (the Turkish variant of the Roman bath),حَمَّامْ to lose (e.g. game) (past singular masculine),خْسِرْ to kidnap (past singular masculine),خْطَفْ "to make it, arrive, do something successfully (past singular masculine)",خْطَفْ "clothes, things, stuff",دْبَشْ things,دْبَشْ "state, nation",دَوْلَة Rap / Hip Hop music,رَابْ to cook an egg for a short period of time (past singular masculine),رَابْ "rest, comfort, ease",رَاحَة "to focus, center on, concentrate (past singular masculine)",رَكِّزْ Report on TV,رُوپُورْتَاجْ Russian,رُوسِي sports,رِيَاضَة "decoration, beauty",زِينَة Zina (woman’s name),زِينَة to ask (past singular masculine),سْإِلْ "to steal, rob (past singular masculine)",سْرِقْ "shape, form",شكْل vocalization in Arabic script,شكْل a show,شو to believe (past singular masculine),صَدَّقْ begging (on street),طُلْبَةْ "to scare, surprise (past singular masculine)",فْجَعْ "virtue, being good and upright",فَضِيلَةْ pepper,فِلْفِلْ "gas, natural gas",ڨَازْ "tribe, people group",قَبِيلَة channel (television or other),قَنَاةْ "Snitch, spy",قَوَّادْ night,لِيلَة "to act, play a role (past singular masculine)",مَثِّلْ "comfortable, at ease",مِرْتَاحْ "done, taken care of, going well",مْرِيقِلْ future,مُسْتَقْبِلْ "club, team",نَادِي "what’s with that, oh boy, exclamation of surprise",وُوهْ "once, as soon as",دُوبْ "poor, humble, simple",زَوَّالِي "to welcome, receive (past singular masculine)",إسْتَقْبِلْ Sfax,صْفَاقِسْ "welcome, come on in",أهْلَا وَ سَهْلَا dry,شَايِحْ evil,شَرْ honesty,صَرَاحَة zero,صْفِرْ box,صُنْدُوقْ "fund, office",صُنْدُوقْ table,طَاوْلَة "games, rounds",أطْرَاحْ "circumstances, conditions, situation",ظُرُوفْ honey,عْسَلْ bone,عْضَمْ egg,عْضَمْ "to make a mistake, err (past singular masculine)",غْلَطْ bed,فَرْشْ "to disturb, bother, annoy (past singular masculine)",قَلِّقْ cash,كَاشْ mom,مَامَا society,مُجْتَمَعْ "pretty, beautiful",مِزْيَان closed,مْسَكِّرْ "harsh, not open-minded",مْسَكِّرْ "project, business venture",مَشْرُوعْ "position, belief",مَوْقِفْ "to escape, run away (past singular masculine)",هْرَبْ news,أخْبَارْ yellow,أصْفَرْ "origin, root",أصْلْ Hello (answering phone),ألُو "please, for God’s sake",بالّاهِي "really, honestly",بالرَّسْمِي "jobless, unemployed person",بَطَّالْ "tray, platter",بْلَاتُو stage,بْلَاتُو little girl,بنّوتة to smoke (past singular masculine),تْكَيِّفْ heartburn,حَسْرَة "nostalgia, regret, missing the past",حَسْرَة "to improve, make better, ameliorate (past singular masculine)",حَسِّنْ "allowed, approved in religion",حْلالْ fish,حُوتَة uncle (mother’s brother),خَالْ mistake,خَطَأ bottle,دَبُّوزَة "a clue, proof",دَلِيلْ file,دُوسِي "calm, at peace, satisfied",رَايِضْ "to win, earn, gain (past singular masculine)",رْبَحْ despite,رُغْمْ Rim (woman’s name),رِيمْ marriage contract,صْدَاقْ marriage contract signing party,صْدَاقْ to travel (past singular masculine),سَافِرْ "already, done, that’s it",سَايَا "The Protector, I hope you’re fine",سَتَّارْ "to get out of a problem, figure it out, take care of it (past singular masculine)",سَلَّكْ "wall, fence",سُورْ politician,سِيَاسِي window,شِبَاّكْ "popular, well-liked, of the people, folk",شعبي north,شَمَالْ Chawki (man’s name),شوقي "a place, region, side",شِيرَة "classy, chic",شيك Sadek (man’s name),صَادَقْ "to endorse, legalize (past singular masculine)",صَادَقْ "trustworthy, honest person",صَادَقْ to be patient (past singular masculine),صْبَرْ hospital,سْبِيطَارْ to export (past singular masculine),صَدِّرْ "to hunt, fish (past singular masculine)",إصطاد "old currency (millime), money, small amount of money",صُورْدِي capital,عَاصْمَةْ emotional,عَاطِفِي "grandmother, grandma",عْزِيزَةْ Aziza (woman’s name),عْزِيزَةْ "Dear, beloved",عْزِيزَةْ "flaw, mistake, shame",عِيبْ "to yell, shout, cry (past singular masculine)",عَيِّطْ "to win, be victorious (past singular masculine)",فَازْ nurse,فِرْمْلِي to think (past singular masculine),فَكِّرْ to remind (past singular masculine),فَكِّرْ "art, music",فَنّْ forum,فُورُومْ loan,قَرْضْ classroom,قَسِّمْ "palace, headquarters",قْصَرْ black person or thing,كَحْلُوشْ Liar,كَذَّابْ to rent (past singular masculine),كْرَى Couscous,كُسْكْسِي "as if he were, it’s like",كَيِنُّو thousand,ألْفْ one dinar,ألْفْ "different, not the same",مُخْتَلِفْ "trainer, someone who gets you ready",مُعِدّْ factory,مَعْمِلْ motorcycle,مُوتُورْ temporary structure or base,نَصْبَةْ "system, government",نِظَامْ "psychological, psychiatric",نَفْسِي "effect, impact",أثَرْ twelve,أثْنَاشْ "problem, little issue",إشْكَالِيَّة "originally, to begin with",أصْلًا the majority,أغْلَبِيَّة to bless (past singular masculine),بَارِكْ pass (sports),بَاسْ "bucket, jug, container",بِدُونْ unemployment,بْطَالَة to meet (past singular masculine),تْقًابِلْ thirty,ثْلَاثِينْ grand father,جَدْ "all, together",جْمِيعْ basil,حْبَقْ "to respect, honor (past singular masculine)",إحترم barber,حَجَّامْ "forbidden by religion, wrong",حْرَامْ mathematics,حْسَابْ "bill, check (restaurant, store)",حْسَابْ "tender, gracious, kind",حْنِينْ line,خَطّ during,خِلَالْ the businesses and institutions of the private sectors,خواص the interior ministry,داخليّة Religion,دِينْ official,رَسْمِي "to throw, launch, toss (past singular masculine)",رْمَا oil,زِيتْ "Herdsman, shepherd",سَارَحْ "daydreaming, thinking of something else",سَارَحْ seventy,سَبْعِينْ "cock, rooster",سَرْدُوكْ salad,سْلَاطَةْ "to facilitate, make easy (past singular masculine)",سهّل Sousse,سوسة "Policy, politics",سِيَاسَة "cinema, theater",سِنِيمَا "good person, good reputation, well-respected",شْرِيفْ popularity,شَعْبِيَّةْ "certificate, diploma",شْهَادَةْ Muslim testimony,شْهَادَةْ Saleh (man’s name),صَالِحْ "righteous, good",صَالِحْ "the press, journalism",صَحَافَةْ healthy,صِحِّي "queue, line",صَفْ page,صَفْحَةْ "weak, skinny",ضْعِيفْ to fly (past singular masculine),طَارْ "to practice, apply (past singular masculine)",طَبَّقْ weather,طَقْسْ just,عَادِلْ Adel (man’s name),عَادِلْ to sweat (past singular masculine),عْرَقْ "brain, thinking, logic",عْقَلْ the opposite,عَكْسْ bad luck,عَكْسْ refrigerator,فْرِيجِيدَارْ farmer,فَلَّاحْ success,فَلَّاحْ agriculture,فْلَاحَة pornographic films,فْلَاحَة standing or awake,قَايِمْ "to do, take care of (past singular masculine)",قَايِمْ to break (past singular masculine),كْسَرْ Truck,كَمْيُونْ vacation from work,كُونْجِي "to weigh, measure with cup (past singular masculine)",كَيِّلْ tongue,لْسَانْ "calculated, recorded",مَحْسُوبْ "so what?, I know and don’t care",مَحْسُوبْ "output, performance",مَرْدُودْ center,مَرْكِزْ "favor, something helpful",مْزِيَّةْ to touch (past singular masculine),مَسْ "to inhabit, torture (evil spirit) (past singular masculine)",مَسْ average,مُعَدِّلْ grades in school,مُعَدِّلْ "components, ingredients, elements",مُكَوْنَاتْ stadium,مَلْعَبْ "employee, government employee, staff, official",مُوَظِّفْ star,نِجْمَةْ "to advise, to consult (past singular masculine)",نْصَحْ situation,وَضْعِيَّة to promise (past singular masculine),وَعْدْ "better, doing better",أبْرِكْ strike (protest),إضْرَابْ media,إعْلَامْ African,إفْرِيقِي possibility,إمْكَانِيَّة Italy,إيطَالْيَا faith,إيمَانْ Iman (woman’s name),إيمَانْ "speechless, agape",بَاهِتْ "hero, main character, champion",بَطِّلْ Bizerte (city in northern Tunisia),بِنْزَرْتْ Bouzid (last name),بُوزِيدْ "with or without, no problem",بُوزِيدْ "taxi, cab",تَاكْسِي "to discuss, speak, talk (past singular masculine)",تحدث "to have improved, gotten better (past singular masculine)",تحسّن to be opened (past singular masculine),تْحَلْ training,تَدْرِيبْ "to be named, called (past singular masculine)",تْسَمَّى tourist,تُورِيسْتْ mountain,جْبَلْ serious,جِدِّي "collective, shared",جَمَاعِي letter,جْوَابْ "in any case, so, anyway",حَاسِيلُو "trash dumpster, bin",حَاوْيَة free,حُرْ "to collect, gather, earn (past singular masculine)",حَصِّلْ "to scratch, rub against (past singular masculine)",حُكْ candy,حَلْوَى