eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " to catch something contagious (past singular masculine),"تِعْدَى " "Obstructed, to have stomach pain","تعسر " to be constipated (past singular masculine),"تعصم " "short nap, cat nap","تَعْسِيلَة " "stomach closes up, be constipated","تْعَصِّمْ الكِرْشْ " "to cause reflux, stomach acid (past singular masculine)","تَعْمِلْ الجَايِرْ " to cause diabetes (past singular masculine),"تَعْمِلْ السُّكِّرْ " to cause kidney stones (past singular masculine),"تَعْمِلْ الكَالْكَارْ " "to make one sick, gross out (past singular masculine)","تْعَيِّفْ " "to gurgle (stomach), growl (past singular masculine)","تغروت " to tighten up due to pain or lack of space (past singular masculine),"تْغَصْوِرْ " "to be twisted, sprained (past singular masculine)","تِفْصَعْ " to burp (past singular masculine),"تْقَرَّعْ " "to vomit, throw up (past singular masculine)","تْقَيَّأْ " "something annoying, headache","تَكْسِيرْ رَاسْ " "back, posterior","تَلَانِي " to be very sweaty (past singular masculine),"تْلَبِّطْ " vaccination,"تَلْقِيحْ " "to turn on the bed (due to sickness), writhe (past singular masculine)","تْلوّى عَلْ الفَرْشْ " to pretend to be sick (past singular masculine),"تْمَارِضْ " to cough up phlegm (past singular masculine),"تْنَخِّمْ " phlegm,"تَنْخِيمَة " "to breathe in clean air, enjoy the air (past singular masculine)","تْنَسِّمْ " "to be bloated, gaseous, expand, swell (past singular masculine)","تنفخ " "very slim, skinny (lit. “If you blow on him, he’ll fall over.”)","تُنْفَخْ عْلِيهْ إطِيحْ " "to breathe, take in air (past singular masculine)","تْنَفِّسْ " artificial respiration,"تَنَفُّسْ إصْطِنَاعِي " to breathe with difficulty (past singular masculine),"تْنَفِّسْ بِالسِّيفْ " "to wear the body out, harm it (past singular masculine)","تْهِدْ البْدَنْ " "to be rubbed raw, to have a rash (past singular masculine)","تْهَرَّى " "to become very weak, to break easily (past singular masculine)","تْهَشْهِشْ " to digest (past singular masculine),"تْهَضِّمْ " to have a pregnancy craving (past singular masculine),"تْوَحّْمِتْ " died at birth,"تَوفَّاتْ فِي الوْلَادَة " "to die, pass away (past singular masculine)","تْوَفَى " "toxic, poisonous","تُوكْسِيكْ " drug addict,"تُوكْسِيكُومَانْ " "pressure, tension, blood pressure","تُونْسْيُونْ " Tuberculosis (TB),"تِيبَارْكِيلُوزْ " breast,"ثَدِي " gap between teeth,"ثَلْجَة " hunger,"جَاعْ " to breathe with difficulty (past singular masculine),"جْبِدْ النْفَسْ بِالسِّيفْ " to breathe in air (past singular masculine),"جْبِدْ الهْوَاءْ " "to stretch, straighten hair (past singular masculine)","جْبِدْ شَعْرُو " to splint (past singular masculine),"جَبِّرْ " "to cast, make a plaster (past singular masculine)","جبّس " forehead,"جْبِينْ " smallpox,"جِدْرِي " Surgeon,"جَرَّاحْ " surgery,"جِرَاحَة " Scabies,"جْرَبْ " "microbe, bacteria, germ","جُرْثُومَة " "injury, cut","جُرْحْ " to injure (past singular masculine),"جْرَحْ " "significant injury, deep cut","جُرْحْ بَلِيغْ " "injured person, casualty","جَرِيحْ " body,"جِسْمْ " skin,"جِلْدْ " "really skinny, skin and bones","جِلْدْ عَلَى العْظَمْ " relating to skin,"جِلْدِي " stroke,"جَلْطَة " "a big or ugly mouth, someone whose speech is profane","جَلْغَة " skull,"جُمْجْمَة " "fetus, baby in womb","جَنِينْ " respiratory system,"جِهَازْ التَّنَفُّسِي " to become thin (past singular masculine),"جْوَادْ " to cause someone to starve (past singular masculine),"جَوَّعْ " "starvation, hunger","جُوعْ " he has diarrhea,"جُوفُو تِجْرِي " hereditary things,"حَاجَاتْ وِرَاثِيَّة " eyebrow,"حَاجِبْ " sense,"حَاسَّة " sense of smell,"حَاسَّة الشَّمْ " pregnant,"حَامِلْ " "bearer, owner","حَامِلْ " "acne, zits","حَبْ الشْبَابْ " "a mosquito bite, acne","حَبَّة " ingrown hair,"حَبَّة مَقْلُوبَة " pregnant,"حِبْلَة " acne,"حْبُوبْ " haircut,"حْجَامَة " Tin Tin haircut (some hair standing up in front),"حْجَامَة تَانْ تَانْ " Travolta haircut,"حْجَامَة تْرَافُولْتَا " Marine haircut,"حْجَامَة مَارِينْزْ " kidney stones,"حْجَرْ الكْلَاوِي " to get a haircut (past singular masculine),"حَجِّمْ " to cut someone’s hair (past singular masculine),"حَجِّمْ " he shaved his hair,"حجَّمْ بِالزِّيرُو " pupil (eyes),"حَدَقَة " to consume pills (past singular masculine),"حَرْبِشْ " pill,"حَرْبُوشَة " heartburn,"حَرْقَة مْتَاعْ القَلْبْ " "to decorate, often with harqous (similar to henna) (past singular masculine)","حَرْقِصْ " to improve the look or sound of something by overlooking certain truths (past singular masculine),"حَرْقِصْ " allergy,"حَسَاسِيَّة " heartburn,"حَسْرَة " "nostalgia, regret, missing the past","حَسْرَة " he put his finger in his nose,"حْشَى صُبْعُو فِي خَشْمُو " to fix your hair (past singular masculine),"حْصَرْ المَشْطَة " "they immunized him, protected him","حَصْنُوهْ " to anesthetise (past singular masculine),"حَطْ البُنْجْ " to poison them (past singular masculine),"حَطِّلْهُمْ الدْوَاءْ " to give them medicine (past singular masculine),"حَطِّلْهُمْ الدْوَاءْ " breast milk,"حْلِيبْ الرْضَاعَة " pregnancy,"حمْل " "weight, burden","حمْل " very tall (informal and can be disrespectful),"حَنْطَاوِيلَة " cheek,"حْنَكْ " somebody who is back to life,"حَيْ مِنْ جْدِيدْ " menstrual blood,"حَيْضْ " sperm,"حَيَوَانَاتْ مَنَوِيَّة " cheek,"خَدْ " "anaesthetise, put under","خَدِّرْ " to deficate (slang) (past singular masculine),"خرا " excrement (slang),"خْرَى " very bad person (slang),"خْرَى " excrement (slang),"خَرْيَة " very bad person (slang),"خَرْيَة " he lost his life,"خْسِرْ حْيَاتُو " a nose,"خْشَمْ " his nose is stuffy,"خَشْمُو مْسَكِّرْ " fertility,"خُصُوبَة " "congenital, from creation","خُلْقِيَّة " nostrils,"خْنَاخِشْ " "snot, mucus","خْنَانَة " disease (usually a contagious disease),"دَاءْ " "to lose consciousness, pass out (past singular masculine)","دَاخْ " he passed out because of hunger,"دَاخْ مِل الجُوعْ " hair straightening,"دَافْرِيزَاجْ " he healed using medicinal herbs,"دَاوَى بِالأَعْشَابْ " he healed using medicinal herbs,"دَاوَى بِالحْشَايِشْ " he healed using traditional medecine,"دَاوَى بِالعَرْبِي " "dizzy, about to pass out","دَايَخْ " dermatologist,"دِرْمَاتُولُوڨْ " drugs,"دْرُوڨْ " "on drugs, drugged, drug addict","دروقا " sleepy mucus in the eyes after sleep,"دِعْمَاشْ " filled with sleepy mucus,"مدَعْمِشْ " the beating of the heart,"دَقَّاتْ القَلْبْ " irregular heartbeat,"دَقَّة زَايْدَة " chin,"دَڨْنُونَة " doctor,"دُكْتُورْ " small boy’s penis,"دَلْدُولَة " blood,"دَمْ " "blood stops running, coagulates","دَمْ يكِفّْ " blood clot,"دَمْ مَحْصُورْ " the bleeding stops,"دَمْ يَحْبِسْ " brain,"دْمَاغْ " intelligent person,"دْمَاغْ " cyst,"دِمَّالَة " he’s bleeding,"دَمُّو يسْرِي " tear,"دْمُوعْ " Bloody,"دَمَوِيَّة " "it made his stomach turn, made him sick","دَوَّرْلُو خْوَاطْرُو " dentist,"دُونْتِيسْتْ " toothpaste,"دُونْتِيفْرِيسْ " medicine,"دْوَاء " iodine,"دْوَاء أحْمَرْ " homeopathic medicine,"دْوَاء رَعْوَانِي " "homemade, homeopathic medicine","دْوَاء عَرْبِي " diarrhea,"دِيَارِيِي " kidney dialysis,"دْيَالِيزْ " "arm, forearm","ذْرَاعْ " Male genitals,"ذْكَرْ مْتَاعُو " x-ray,"رَادْيُولُوجِي " Shaver / Razor,"رَازْوَارْ " Psychiatric Hospital in Manouba,"رَازْي " head,"رَاسْ " "to get back into shape, health (past singular masculine)","رْجَعْ فِي فُورْمَة " "he came back to health, life","رَجْعِتْ فِيه الرُّوحْ " "to help breathe by mouth-to-mouth, CPR (past singular masculine)","رَجَّعْلُو النْفَسْ بُوشْ آ بُوشْ " leg,"رْجِلْ " womb,"رَحِمْ " "vomit, throw up","رَدَّة " to get a filling in teeth (past singular masculine),"رَصِّصْ زَرْصْتُو " "Breast feeding, nursing","رَضَاعَة " "to nurse, breastfeed (baby’s action) (past singular masculine)","رْضَعْ " neck,"رَقْبَة " knee,"رُكْبَة " lungs,"رْوَارِي " "Rheumatism, arthritis","رُومَاتِيزِمْ " body odor,"رِيحَةْ سْنَانْ " body odor,"رِيحَةْ ضَبُّوطْ " saliva,"رِيقْ " "sass, being a smart alec, something inappropriate you don’t like","رِيقْ " he’s really hungry,"ريِقُو سَايِلْ " "he’s very thirsty, tired out","رِيقُو شَايَحْ " he talks a lot,"رِيقُو شَايَحْ " he’s really thirsty and can’t even swallow,"رِيقُو صَابُونْ " he’s thirsty,"رِيقُو نَاشِفْ " he talks a lot,"رِيقُو نَاشِفْ " "tooth, molar","زَرْصَة " Wisdom tooth,"زَرْصِة العْقَلْ " organ transplant,"زَرْعْ الأعْضَاءْ " "to inject, give an immunization (past singular masculine)","زَرَّقْ " his teeth started falling out,"زْرُوسُو بْدَاتْ إطِيحْ " injection,"زرّيقة " to uvulate (past singular masculine),"زَغِرْط " "exhaling, breathing out","زَفِيرْ " "ass, butt (crass)","زْمُنْكَة " Triceps,"زِنْدْ " Alzheimer’s,"زَهَايْمِرْ " midwife,"سَاجْ فَامْ " caesarean (C-section),"سيزَارْيَانْ " "Artificial leg, prosthetic","سَاقْ اصْطِنَاعِيَّة " amputated leg,"سَاقْ مَبْتُورَة " Toxic,"سَامَّة " Sperm,"سَائِلْ مَنَوِي " "forefinger, pointer finger, index finger","سَبَّابَة " sperm,"سْبَارْمْ " premature baby (born at seven months),"سْبُوعِي " "Antiseptic, hydroperoxide","سْبِيريتُو " pharmacy,"سْبِيسِيرِيَّة " hospital,"سْبِيطَارْ " "Mental hospital, psychiatric ward","سْبِيطَارْ المْهَبْلَة " "bandaid, bandage, plaster","سْپَارَادْرَا " spermatozoid,"سْپِرْمَاتُزُوِيدْ " sterile,"سْتَارِيلْ " sterilisation,"سْتَارِيلِيزَاسْيُونْ " belly button,"صُرَّة " "Bundle, something wrapped up with material","صُرَّة " cancer,"سَرَطَانْ " skeleton,"سْكُولَاتْ " tuberculosis,"سُلْ " "spine, backbone","سَلْسُولْ " "to get fatter, gain weight (past singular masculine)","سْمَانْ " "obesity, being overweight","سِمْنَةْ " "tan, being dark-skinned","سُمُورِيَّةْ " "Fat, overweight","سْمِينْ " tooth,"سِنَّة " forehead,"سنطوعة " baby teeth,"سنين حليب " teeth of the donkey: baby teeth that have fallen out,"سِنِّينْ الِبْهِيمْ " teeth of the gazelle: new adult teeth after losing baby teeth,"سِنِّينْ الْغزَالْ " fingers,"صوابع " SOBITEX (drug for nerves),"سوبيتاكس " "cavity, rot (wood)","سوس " "to form a cavity, to rot (past singular masculine)","سوّس " to let your hair grow (past singular masculine),"سيّب شعرو " serum,"سيروم " to shed blood (past singular masculine),"سَيِّلْ الدَمّْ " "to go gray, to have your hair turn white (past singular masculine)","شاب " young man,"شاب " a lot of blood,"شَبْعَةْ دَمّْ " to have labor pains (past singular masculine),"شَدْهَا الحِسّْ " to take medicine (past singular masculine),"شْرَبْ الدْوَاءْ " lots of sweat,"شِرْتِلَّةْ " "to choke on, to have a liquid go down the wrong pipe (past singular masculine)","شْرِقْ " blood vessel,"شَرَيَانْ " hair,"شْعَرْ " nose hair,"شعر الخشم " "white, gray hair","شَعَرْ شَايِبْ " long hair,"شْعَرْ طْوِيلْ " one hair,"شَعْرَةْ " his hair is thin,"شعره خفيف " "his hair is bushy, rough","شعرو حكّاكة " "his hair has become white, gray","شَعْرُو شَابْ " he grew gray from work/stress,"شَعْرُو شَابْ " his hair is short,"شَعْرُو قْصِيرْ " "his hair is fuzzy, wild","شَعْرُو مْفَيِّشْ " to urinate (slang) (past singular masculine),"شغ " "healing, health","شفاء " oral,"شِفَاهِي " lips,"شْفَايِفْ " lip,"شِفَّةْ " action of removing oils from the body,"شْفَطْ " to be healed (past singular masculine),"شفى " to heal (past singular masculine),"شفى يشفي " blonde woman,"شقراء " Migraine,"شقيقة " mustache,"شلاغم " paralysis,"شَلَلْ " neural paralysis,"شَلَلْ دِمَاغِي " to hiccup (past singular masculine),"شْهِقْ " hiccuping,"شَهْقَةْ " "to inhale, breathe in (past singular masculine)","شَهِيقْ " area around the lips,"شوارب " eyebrows,"شوافر " hair in the front of the head,"شوشة " white hair,"شيبة " finger,"صْبُعْ " thumb,"صْبُعْ لِكْبِيرْ " health,"صِحَّةْ " "good physical health, strength","صَحَّةْ أَبْدَانْ " good health,"صِحَّةْ جَيْدَةْ " his health betrayed him,"صَحْتُو خَانِتُّو " healthy,"صِحِّي " epilepsy,"صَرْعْ " bile,"صُفْرَةْ " "yellow hue, look","صُفْرَةْ " baldness,"صْلَاعْ " baldness,"صَلْعَةْ " "sweat, body odor","صْنَانْ " pharmacy,"صَيْدَلِيَّةْ " armpit,"ضَبُّوطْ " "to harm, injure (past singular masculine)","ضرْ " he had sunstroke,"ضَرْبِتُّو الشَّمْسْ " "it took in sun, dried off","ضَرْبِتُّو الشَّمْسْ " "to make skinnier, thinner, weaker (past singular masculine)","ضَعِّفْ " weakness,"ضُعْفْ " he’s so skinny he’s going to die,"ضْعِيفْ بِشْ إِمُوتْ " fingernail,"ضْفُرْ " asthma,"ضِيقْ نْفَسْ " "he was worn out from the sun, had sunstroke","طَابِتْ بِالشَّمْسْ " medical profession,"طِبّْ " Gynecology,"طِبّْ نِسَائِي " medical,"طِبِّي " doctor,"طْبِيبْ " neurologist,"طْبِيبْ أَعْصَابْ " veterinarian,"طْبِيبْ بَيْطَرِي " plastic surgeon,"طْبِيبْ تَجْمِيلْ " nutritionist,"طْبِيبْ تَغْذِيَةْ " dermatologist,"طْبِيبْ جِلْدَةْ " general practitioner,"طْبِيبْ جِنِرَالْ " herbal doctor,"طْبِيبْ رَعْوَانِي " dentist,"طْبِيبْ سِنِينْ " "coroner, medical examiner, forensic pathologist","طْبِيبْ شَرْعِي " pediatrician,"طْبِيبْ صْغَارْ " general practitioner,"طْبِيبْ جينيراليست " ophthalmologist,"طْبِيبْ عِينِينْ " cardiologist,"طْبِيبْ لْقَلْبْ " psychiatrist,"طْبِيبْ نَفْسَانِي " Obstetrician-gynecologist,"طْبِيبْ وْلَادَةْ " to diagnose a sickness (past singular masculine),"طَلَّعْ المَرْضْ " "to grow a belly, get fat (past singular masculine)","طَلَّعْ كِرْشْ " to get ticks (past singular masculine),"طْلَعْلُو القْرَادْ " "circumcision, person who performs circumcision","طَهَّارْ " to circumcise (past singular masculine),"طَهِّرْ " "to pee, urinate (past singular masculine)","طَيِّرْ المَاءْ الصْغِيرْ " "to poop, deficate (past singular masculine)","طَيِّرْ المَاءْ الكْبِيرْ " "he knows, is aware","عَارِفْ " "sterile, unable to have children","عَاقِرْ " on a diet,"عَامِلْ رِيجِيمْ " "handicapped, to walk with a limp","عَايِبْ " "evil person, doesn’t do right","عَايِبْ " "to paralyze, make incapable, stop (past singular masculine)","عَجِّزْ " "to pass on, infect (past singular masculine)","عْدَى " to sweat (past singular masculine),"عْرَقْ " Sciatic nerve,"عِرْقْ الأَسَى " blocked artery,"عِرْقْ مَسْدُودْ " he’s really sweaty,"عَرْقُو شِرْطِلَّةْ " veins,"عْرُوقْ " nerve(s),"عْصَبْ " "Gastroparesis, poor digestion","عْصَبْ فِي لْمِعْدَةْ " muscular,"عَضَلِي " bone,"عْضَمْ " egg,"عْضَمْ " bone,"عَضْمَةْ " egg,"عَضْمَةْ " "member, limb","عُضْوْ " artificial limb,"عُضْوْ إِصْطِنَاعِي " to sneeze (past singular masculine),"عْطُسْ " yell,"عْطُسْ " a sneeze,"عَطْسَةْ " "to get thirsty, thirst (past singular masculine)","عْطَشْ " to donate blood (past singular masculine),"عْطَى الدَّمْ " he has strong bones,"عَظْمُو صْحِيحْ " he’s stubborn,"عَظْمُو صْحِيحْ " to sterilize (past singular masculine),"عَقِّمْ " sterility,"عُقْمْ " sterile,"عَقِيمَةْ " "to walk with a crutch or cane, to limp (past singular masculine)","عَكِّزْ " "to cramp up, be unable to move (past singular masculine)","عِكْشِتْ " "therapy, treatment","عِلَاجْ " "close to death, next to the grave","عَلَى حَافَّةْ لِقْبَرْ " to do push-ups (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ بُومْبَا " to take a nap (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ تَعْسِيلَةْ " to get fatter in the face (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ حْنَكْ " to go on a diet (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ رِيجِيمْ " to take a nap (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ قَيْلُولَةْ " "to get a check-up, to monitor (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ كَشْفْ " to take a great nap (or possibly sleep at night) (past singular masculine),"عْمَلْ نُومَةْ هَايْلَةْ " to go blind (past singular masculine),"عْمَى " blindness,"عْمَى " blind,"أعْمَى " in her monthly period,"عَنْدْهَا الحَيْضْ " in her monthly period,"عندها الراقل " to have epilepsy (past singular masculine),"عَنْدْهَا صَرْعْ " "to have heartburn, stomach acid (past singular masculine)","عَنْدُو الجَايِرْ " he’s athletic and flexible,"عَنْدُو لِيَاقَةْ بَدَنِيَّةْ " he has stitches,"عَنْدُو غْرُزْ " neck,"عُنقْ " to damage the eye (past singular masculine),"عوّر " "sexual parts of the body, to be covered","عَوْرَة " "one-eyed, damaged in one eye","عُورَةْ " outpatient clinics,"عِيَادَاتْ خَارِجِيَّةْ " eye,"عِينْ " evil eye,"عِينْ " cross-eyed,"عِينْ تْصُبْ فِي عِينْ " wart,"عِينْ حُوتَةْ " his eye,"عِينُو " "he wants something, has a desire for something","عِينُو " to have bags under your eyes (past singular masculine),"عِينِيهْ مْحَوْقَةْ " "to get tired, worn out (past singular masculine)","عْيَى " baby powder,"غَبْرَةْ مْتَاعْ صْغَارْ " "impure drugs, things added to them","غَبْرَةْ مَضْرُوبَةْ " glands,"غُدَدْ " "to stitch, give stitches (past singular masculine)","غَرِّزْ " a stitch,"غُرْزَةْ " to gargle (past singular masculine),"غَرْغِرْ " labor pains,"غَصْرَةْ لُولَادَةْ " "to nap, sleep a little (past singular masculine)","غْفَى " "high blood pressure, partially-blocked arteries","غُلْضُ الدَمّْ " pharmacist,"فَارْمَاسْيَانْ " nail polish,"فَارْنِي " bandage,"فَاصْمَةْ " vaccine,"فَاكْسَانْ " "lethal, poisonous","فَتَّاكْ " thigh,"فْخَذْ " bald (may be rude),"فَرْطَاسْ " doctor’s visit,"فَزِيتَا " "visit to the mechanic shop, inspection","فَزِيتَا " to fart (silently) (past singular masculine),"فْسَى " pupil of the eye,"فَصّْ العِينْ " "face, especially ugly face","فَطْشَاطَا " to wean (past singular masculine),"فْطُمْ " mouth,"فَمّْ " a little bit of food (rural),"فَمّْ " "In the ninth month, ready to give birth","فِي التَّاسَعْ " "in bad shape, doing poorly","فِي حَالَةْ " "in bad shape, doing poorly","فِي حْوِيلَةْ " in a wheelchair,"فِي كَرُّوسَةْ " viagra,"فِيَاغْرَا " fitness,"فِيتْنَاسْ " "physique, physical ability","فِيزِيكْ " physics,"فِيزِيكْ " physical ability,"فِيزِيكْ مْتَاعْ بْدَنْ " physiotherapy,"فِيزْيُوتِرَاپِي " midwife,"قَابْلَةْ " she accepts something,"قَابْلَةْ " to check one’s blood pressure (past singular masculine),"قَاسْ الدَّمْ " to check one’s heart rate (past singular masculine),"قَاسْ نَبْضْ " he is on a diet,"قَاعِدْ إِنَقِّصْ فِي المَاكْلَةْ " he is diminishing the amount of food,"قَاعِدْ إِنَقِّصْ فِي المَاكْلَةْ " a person with strong physical ability,"ڨْدَعْ " foot,"قْدَمْ " stomach ulcers,"قُرْح فِي المَعْدَة " ligament,"ڨِرْوِشْ " he’s close to death,"قْرِيبْ إِمُوتْ " flu,"ڨْرِيپْ " the Iris of the eye,"قُزْحِيَّةْ " "fungus, skin disease","قُزْحِيَّةْ " to amputate a leg (past singular masculine),"قَصُّولُو سَاقُو " drop of blood,"قُطْرِةْ دَمّْ " he couldn’t breathe,"قْطَعْ عْلِيهْ النْفَسْ " "back of the neck, nape, back","قْفَاءْ " heart,"قَلْبْ " he has an enlarged heart (medically),"قَلْبُو مَنْفُوخْ " "lots of blood, puddles of blood","ڨِلْتَةْ دَمّْ " they pulled his molars,"قَلْعُولُو زْرُوسُو " he was punished,"قَلْعُولُو زْرُوسُو " it upset my stomach,"قَلْقَتْنِي فِي مِعْدْتِي " "to become infected, have pus (past singular masculine)","قَيْحْ " Cardiologist,"كَارْدْيُولُوقْ " Liver,"كِبْدَةْ " Shoulder,"كْتِفْ " to cough (past singular masculine),"كَحْ " Cough,"كَحَّةْ " testicles (crass),"كْرَارِزْ " legs (rural),"كْرَاعْ " Stomach,"كِرْشْ " Pregnant with twins,"كِرْشْ بُو زُوزْ " "his stomach is going to explode, he ate a lot","كِرْشُو بِشْ تِتِفْلِقْ " He has diarrhea,"كِرْشُو تِجْرِي " "his stomach is growling loudly, he’s hungry","كِرْشُو تْعَيِّطْ " "his stomach is growling, he’s hungry","كِرْشُو تْغَرْوِطْ " he has gas,"كِرْشُو تْنَفْخِتْ " he has bad diarrhea,"كِرْشُو سَبَّالَةْ " legs (rural),"كُرْعِينْ " "frame, skeleton, carcass","كَرْكَاسَةْ " Cramp,"كْرُومْپْ " Neck,"كْرُومَةْ " Heart attack,"كْرِيزْ كَارْدْيَاكْ " to break a bone (past singular masculine),"كَسِّرْ لَعْظَمْ " to crack an egg (past singular masculine),"كَسِّرْ لَعْظَمْ " "it’s very healthy, good for the body","كُلْهَا قُوَةْ " "strong, energetic","كُلْهَا قُوَةْ " He’s full of energy,"كُلُّو إِنِرْجِي " kidney,"كِلْوَةْ " Clitoris,"كْلِيتُورِيسْ " Clinic,"كْلِينِيكْ " "to ice, pack, poultice a wound (past singular masculine)","كَمِّدْ " bump (from a hit on the head),"كَمْفُورَةْ " "to inhale and exhale smoke, to smoke (past singular masculine)","كْمَى " he’s very close to death,"كَهِّبْ عَلْ المُوتْ " Ponytail,"كُو دْشُوفَالْ " "bob cut, pixie cut","كُوبْ كَارَى " diaper,"كُوشْ " disposable diapers,"كُوشْ جُوتَابِلْ " elbow,"كُوعْ " perfume,"كُولُونْيَا " Cologne,"كُولُونْيَا " "weak, pathetic, withered","لَايِثْ " tonsillitis,"لَحْمَاتْ فِي القْرَاجِمْ " beard,"لَحْيَةْ " chin,"لَحْيَةْ " part of his beard is pulled out or his beard is sparse,"لَحْيْتُو مْنَتْفَةْ " "he has a wild, untrimmed beard","لَحْيْتُو هَايْجَةْ " burn on the tongue or skin,لَشْلُوشَةْ