eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " prayers done before sitting in the mosque,"تَحِيَّة المَسْجِدْ " interpretation of the Quran,"تَفْسِيرْ القُرْآنْ " "Islamic thinking, philosophy","تَفْكِيرْ إسْلَامِي " "godliness, piety","تَقْوَى " "pious, godly, religious","تَقِي " "to reveal spiritual forces, spirits (past singular masculine)","تْكَشِّفْ عَلىَ العْبَادْ لُخْرَى " "to recite, quote (especially Quran) (past singular masculine)","تْلَا يَتْلُو " "to do ablutions, to wash before prayer in the mosque (past singular masculine)","توضّى " to do ablutions or purify oneself with a special rock (past singular masculine),"تْيَمِّمْ " allowed by religion,"جَازْ شَرْعًا " Mosque,"جَامَعْ " El Azhar Mosque in Cairo,"جَامَعْ الأَزْهَرْ " Zeitouna Mosque in Tunis,"جَامَعْ الزِيتُونَة " pre-Islamic era of ignorance,"جَاهِلِيَّة " "Powerful, almighty","جَبّارْ " "tribute, required payment (often tied to Sharia law)","جِزْيَة " To repeatedly insult God or others,"جَلْجِلْ " to speak quickly without stopping (past singular masculine),"جَلْجِلْ " Hijra and Takfir group; an Islamic extremist group,"جْمَاعَة الهِجْرَة وَ التَّكْفِيرْ " "demon, spirit","جِنْ " the ambiance of the Eid,"جَوّْ العِيدْ " someone who’s made the pilgrimage to Mecca,"حَاجْ " to go on pilgrimage to Mecca (past singular masculine),"حَجّْ " to go on pilgrimage to Karbala (Shiite) (past singular masculine),"حَجْ إِلَى كَرْبَلَاءْ " veil,"حِجَابْ " an authentic Hadith in islam,"حَدِيثْ صَحِيحْ " Hadith whose authenticity is unclear,"حَدِيثْ ضَعِيفْ " a Hadith received in Jerusalem,"حَدِيثْ قُدُسِي " Hadith which is basically authentic,"حَدِيثْ قَرِيبْ مِنَ الصَّحِيحْ " well-known and respected Hadith,"حَدِيثْ مِتْوَاتِرْ " Hadith of Mohammed,"حَدِيثْ نَبَوِي " "forbidden by religion, wrong","حْرَامْ " a small book in which there are Quranic verses or others for spiritual protection,"حِرْزْ " "to change the meaning, corrupt (past singular masculine)","حَرِّفْ " "a religious music group that comes to chant the Quran over a new house, party, etc.","حِزْبْ اللّطِيفْ " "the one who judges, takes accounts (God)","حْسِيبُو " Islamic civilization,"حَضَارَة الإسْلَامِيَّة " "musical group that sings at holy men’s sites, celebrations","حَضْرَة " to put a hand of Fatima up (past singular masculine),"حَطْ خُمْسَة " "allowed, approved in religion","حْلالْ " beautiful woman in paradise (Islamic context),"حُورِيَّة " he left Islam,"خْرَجْ مِن الِملَّة " he left the group and became someone else,"خْرَجْ مِن الِملَّة " the Friday speech of an imam at a mosque,"خُطْبَة الجُمْعَة " Islamic caliphate,"خِلَافَة إسْلَامِيَّة " he relied on God (usually when the person cannot do anything),"خَلَّاهَا عَلَى رَبِّي " he made him live eternally in paradise,"خَلّدو فِي الجَنَّة " caliph,"خَلِيفَة " a Tunisian name,"خَلِيفَة " a veil,"خِمَارْ " hand of Fatima,"خُمْسَة " Satan (who whispers and lies to people),"خَنَّاسْ " Muslim brotherhood,"خْوَانْجِيَّة " ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria),"دَاعِشْ " he entered paradise,"دْخَلْ الجَنَّة " "he entered paradise, the kingdom","دْخَلْ المَلَكُوتْ " he entered hell,"دْخَلْ لِلْجَحِيمْ " "a prayer, request","دُعَاءْ " he prayed for the forgiveness of someone else’s sins,"دْعَالُو بِالمَغْفِرَة " he prays so that someone else might receive mercy,"دْعَاوْلُو بِالرَّحْمَة " dogmatic,"دُغْمَائِي " dogmatism,"دُغْمَائِيَّة " "the afterlife, another life","دُنْيَا الأُخْرَى " invoke God,"ذْكَرْ رَبِّي " The twelveth and final month of the islamic calendar,"ذُو الحَجَّة " the eleventh month in the Islamic calendar,"ذُو القَعْدَة " New Year’s day in the Muslim calendar,"رَاسْ العَامْ الهِجْرِي " رَبِيعْ الأَوَّلْ,"رَبِيعْ الثَّانِي " "to read, chant the Quran or another holy book (past singular masculine)","رَتِّلْ " "cursed, evil (descriptor of Satan in Quran)","رَجِيمْ " "to deny a belief, reject religion (past singular masculine)","رْفَضْ الإيمَانْ " "Islamic healing method/magic for exorcism, etc.","رُقْيَة شَرْعِيَّة " "to bow to God, usually in prayer (past singular masculine)","رْكَعْ " Ramadhan,"رُمْضَانْ " visited a saint (saint’s tomb),"زَارْ الوَلِي الصَّالَحْ " "holy man, Sufi’s tomb","زَاوْيَة مْتَاعْ صُوفِيَّة " "party, feast at holy man’s tomb","زَرْدَة " Irreligious,"زِنْدِيقْ " "to worship, to bow down (past singular masculine)","سْجِدْ " "bowing down, prostration","سَجْدَة " one of the pilgrimage activities (walking between two springs),"سَعي بَيْنَ الصَّفَا وَ المَرْوَا " "Peace, mercy and blessings from God","سَلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ الله وَ بَرَكَاتُه " "Salafist, extremist","سَلَفِي " Salafism,"سَلَفِيَّةْ " "Salafi Jihadism (extremism, terrorism)","سَلَفِيَّة جِهَادِيَّة " "Salafism by words alone, theoretical salafism","سَلَفِيَّة عِلْمِيَّة " "by the name of God, in God’s name, protect us","سْمِلَّهْ " "Sunni, path of Mohammed","سُنَّةْ " Surah (in Quran),"سورة " Polytheism,"شِرْكْ " Islamic law,"شَرِيعَة " "to light two candles in the Saint’s tomb, visit the saint (past singular masculine)","شعّل شمعتين في قبر الولي " to state the Muslim testimony (past singular masculine),"شَهِّدْ " martyr,"شَهِيدْ " Shiite (a branch of Islam),"شِيعَة " to fast (past singular masculine),"صَامْ " to fast without eating breakfast (past singular masculine),"صَامْ عَ الشَّايَحْ " disciples of the Prophet Mohamad,"صَحَابَة " prayer for guidance,"صَلَاةْ الِإسْتِخَارَةْ " "prayer without heart or understanding, to be seen by people","صْلَاةْ التِبِّيبْ " funeral prayer,"صَلَاةْ الجَنَازَةْ " funeral prayer for person whose body isn’t present,"صَلَاةْ الجَنَازَةْ عَلْ غَائِبْ " Eid prayers,"صْلَاةْ العِيدَيْنْ " Group prayers,"صْلَاةْ جَمَاعَةْ " Prayers for rain,"صْلَاةْ الِإسْتَسْقَاءْ " extra prayers,"صَلَّاوْ النَّوَافِلْ " pray for mercy for someone,"صَلَّاوْ عْلِيهْ " minaret,"صُمْعَةْ " "right, true, right path","صْوَابْ " fasting,"صْيَامْ " voluntary fasting,"صِيَامْ تَطَوَّعْ " Ramadan fasting,"صْيَامْ رُمْضَانْ " he was hit with the evil eye,"ضَرْبُو بْعِينْ " "shrine, holy grave","ضَرِيحْ " he asked God for mercy to get married,"طْلَبْ بَرْكَةْ رَبِّي بَاشْ إِعَرِّسْ " "to die, go to God (past singular masculine)","طْلَعْ لْرَبِّي " mid-day Muslim prayers,"ظُهْرْ " not fasting during Ramadan (negative connotation),"عَازِقْ " Achoura (Muslim traditional day),"عَاشُورَاءْ " his dossier was sent to the Mufti,"عَدَّاوْ وُرَاقُو لِلْمُفْتِي " "religious custom, ruling, tradition","عُرْفْ ديني " not fasting during Ramadan,"عَزْڨُو " love for God,"عِشْقْ الذَّاتْ الِإلَاهِيَّةْ " "demons, evil spirits","عْفَارِتْ " "imps, poorly behaved kids","عْفَارِتْ " to hang a fishtail (for protection from the evil eye) (past singular masculine),"عَلِّقْ بَعْبُوسْ حُوتَةْ " understanding of Islam or Islamic law,"عِلْمْ الفِقْهْ " a visit to the Islamic holy site in Mecca (not official hajj),"عُمْرَةْ " to do a Sufi concert (past singular masculine),"عْمَلُّو حَضْرَةْ " "amulet, small Quran worn around the neck","عَنْدُو حِصْنْ " "feast, vacation","عِيدْ " Eid al-Fitr,"عِيدْ صْغِيرْ " Eid al-Adha,"عِيدْ كْبِيرْ " to do a purifying wash after having committed a significant sin (past singular masculine),"غُسْلْ " First Surah in the Quran,"فَاتْحَةْ " "name for God (the Opener, provider)","فَتَّاحْ " they stepped over the fish the seventh day after their wedding,"فَحْجُو عَلْ الحُوتْ فِي السَّابَعْ " someone eating during fasting time,"فَطَّارْ " (Islamic) jurisprudence,"فِقْهْ " old sufi sect,"قادِريّة " to wake up to pray the optional midnight prayers (past singular masculine),"قَامْ اللِّيلْ " the direction toward Mecca,"قِبْلَةْ " Qu’ran (the holy book of Muslims),"قُرْآنْ " a ritual consisting of giving supernatural power to water by reading Quranic verses,"قْرَاوْ عَلْ المَاءْ " "Koraich, the tribe of Muhamad","قُرَيْشْ " Quranic school for children,"كُتَّابْ " "Sunna, the books about the prophetic traditions","كْتَابْ سُنَّة " "infidels, unbelievers","كُفَّارْ " "disbelief, apostasy","كُفْرْ " "to not believe, apostasize (past singular masculine)","كْفَرْ " "to not believe, apostasize (past singular masculine)","كْفَرْ بِالِإيمَانْ " demon-possessed,"لَابْسُو جِنّْ " "forbidden, banned, unlawful meat","لْحَمْ حْرَامْ " permitted meat,"لْحَمْ حْلاَلْ " Islamic conquests,"لْفَتْحْ الِإسْلَامِي " to make or teach to say the Muslim testimony (past singular masculine),"لَقْنُوهْ الشَّهَادَةْ " He died a martyr,"مَاتْ شَهِيدْ " he’s married to a genie,"مَاخُو جِنِيَّةْ " "banned, forbidden food","مَاكْلَةْ مُحَرّْمَةْ " he doesn’t practice religion,"مَاهُوشْ بَرَاتِيكُونْ " he doesn’t do what I tell him to do,"مَاهُوشْ بَرَاتِيكُونْ " wears the veil,"مِتْحَجِّبْة " religious,"مُتَدَيِّنْ " "following the Shia doctrines/ways, Shiite","مِتْشَيْعِينْ " pious,"متّقي " "taboo, prohibited, banned","مُحَرّْمَةْ " Quranic teacher of children,"مِدِّبْ " "religious, wearing the hijab","مِدَّيْنِينْ " someone who turned back to polytheism during the early days of Islam,"مُرْتَدْ " possessed with an evil spirit,"مَسْكُونْ " inhabited,"مَسْكُونْ " "nominal Muslim, not practicing","مُسْلِمْ بِالِإسْمْ " he went on the pilgrimage to Mecca,"مْشَى لِلْحِجْ " "person who prays, religious person","مُصَلِّي " circumcised,"مَطَهِّرْ " Mecca,"مَكَّةْ المُكَرَّمَةْ " atheist,"مُلْحِدْ " "unclean, ceremonially unclean","مَنْجُوسْ " "cursed, hit by evil eye","مَنْفُوسْ " "wearing the niqab, fully covered","مُنَقْبَةْ " Mohammed’s birthday,"مُولِدْ " Magog,"مِيجُوجْ " "to request, ask, pray (past singular masculine)","نَاجَى " "to make unclean, to pollute (past singular masculine)","نَجِّسْ " sacred text,"نَصْ مُقَدَّسْ " Hud (prophet),"هُودْ " "passage, group of verses (usually from the Quran)","وِرْدْ " "saint, traditional holy person","وْلِىّْ " someone who follows the Wahabi path,"وَهَاّبِي " strict path of Islam,"وَهَّابِيَّة " curse using religion and God’s name,"يَاعَنْ دِينْ رَبِّكْ " curse using religion and God’s name,"يَاعَنْ دِينْ رَبّْ مُحَمِّدْ " to have an early breakfast before fasting begins during Ramadan (past singular masculine),"يِتِسْحِرْ " "judgement day, end of the world","يُوم لَقْيَامَة " "to pray for, ask for mercy for deceased person (past singular masculine)","ترحم عليه " "to wash, typically before prayers (past singular masculine)","إغْتَسَلْ " the Creator,"بَارِىءْ " "to be godly, pious (past singular masculine)","إتّقى " the Islamic conquest,"فَتْحْ ِإسْلَامِي " "pious, godly, good woman","عَفِيفَةْ " "Mohammed’s vision of heaven, being taken up to heaven","إسْرَاءْ " relative of the prophet,"أهْلْ البَيْتْ " to ask God for guidance before doing something (past singular masculine),"إستخار ربّي " God,"االله " "sect of islam (found in Ghardaia, city in Algeria, and in Jerba)","أبَاضِيَّة " "temptation, test (often from God)","إبْتِلَاءْ " "everyone, all people (said in prayers)","أجْمَعِينْ " commemoration of Mohammad’s birth,"إحْيَاءْ ذِكْرَى المَوْلِدْ النَّبَوِي الشَّرِيفْ " "judgment day, the last day, the after life","آخْرَة " the Muslim Brotherhood,"إْخْوَانْ المُسْلِمُونْ " "he prays, but is bad towards people: hypocrite; he does what he’s supposed to do but causes lots of problems","أدَّى الفَرِضْ وْ يُنْقِبْ لَرِضْ " small prayer book for day and night,"أذْكَارْ اللّيْلْ و النَّهَارْ " to make the call to prayer (past singular masculine),"أذّنْ " the pillars of Islam,"أرْكَانْ الِإسْلَامْ " to consider simple or easy (past singular masculine),"إسْتَسْهِلْ " to ask God for forgiveness (past singular masculine),"إسْتَغْفِرْ " to wash one’s private/intimate parts (usually before praying) (past singular masculine),"إسْتَنْجَى " Islam,"إسْلَامْ " Islamic,"إسْلَامِي " Sufi sect found especially in Egypt,"إسْمَاعِيلِيَّة " primary principles of religion,"أصُولْ الدِّينْ " to convert to a different religion (past singular masculine),"إعتنق دين " actions of Mohammed,"أعْمَالْ الرُّسْل " Acts of the Apostles (Bible),"أعْمَالْ الرُّسْل " to wash away one’s impurity from something wrong/unclean before (past singular masculine)praying,"إغتسل " breaking of the fast during Ramadan,"إفْطَارْ " they held the post-breaking of the fast prayers in Ramadan,"أقامو التَرَاوِيحْ " atheism,"إلْحَادْ " Oh God (beginning of prayer),"اللَّهُمَّ " imam,"إمَامْ " time of going back to fasting after the night is over,"إمْسَاكْ " "grabbing, holding on to","إمْسَاكْ " God willing,"إنشاالله " Sunni Muslims,"أهْلْ السُّنَّة وَ الجَمَاعَة " "holy man, saint","أوْلِيَاءْ الله الصَّالِحِينْ " sign or miracle from God,"آيَة الله " Ayotalllah (Iranian leader),"آيَة الله " "heresy, something newly created","بِدْعَة " mythological horse Mohammed rode on,"بُرَاقْ " to say “in the name of God” (past singular masculine),"بَسْمَلْ " after dinner or the evening prayers,"بَعْدْ العْشَا " "after evening prayers, do whatever you want","بَعْدْ العَشَاءْ أَفْعَلُ مَا أَشَاءْ " "to distance someone from sin, turn someone from sin (past singular masculine)","بَعْدُو عَلْ الحْرَامْ " someone who practices his faith,"پْرَاتِيكُونْ " "someone who fears God, repents, pious","تَايِبْ " "to chant, read a holy book (past singular masculine)","تَرْتِيلْ " to leave the faith (past singular masculine),"ترك الإيمان " "ablutions, washing before prayers","وُضُوءْ " "Islamic legal opinion, pronouncement","فَتْوَى " Gog and Magog,"يَجُوجْ وْ مَجُوجْ " "belief, doctrine","مُعْتَقَدْ " "good person, believer","نَفْسْ مُومْنَةْ " "sect, path","مَذْهِبْ " to eat during fast times or Ramadan (past singular masculine),"عْزَڨْ " of the pilgrimage (A.H.),"هِجْرِي " holy place,"مَكَانْ مُقَدَّسْ " "major sins, serious sins","كَبَائِرْ " mosque,"مَسْجِدْ " "mufti, Islamic leader of a country","مُفْتِي " Muslim,"مُسْلِمْ " "mystic, Sufi","مُتَصَوِّفْ " "niche, shrine","مِحْرَابْ " "serious sin, major mistake","فَاحْشَةْ " paradise,"فِرْدَوْسْ " "pious, godly","مَتَّقْ " polytheist,"مُشْرِكْ " prayer time,"وَقْتْ صَلاَةْ " "prohibited, banned","مُحَرِّمْ " religious beliefs,"مُعْتَقَدَاتْ دِينِيَّةْ " "forbidden act, serious sin","مُنْكَرْ " worship of (intangible) idols,"عِبَادَةْ الأَوْثَانْ " toilet in mosque,"مِيضَةْ " "unbeliever, infidel","كَافِرْ " Muslim full veil,"نِقَابْ " veiled,مُحَجِّبْة