eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " "in, on, to","فِي " "on, about, against","عَلَى " "from, since","مِنْ " "who, that (relative pronoun)","إلِّي " "what, that","مَا " first half of negation,"مَا " "to say, speak (past singular masculine)","قَالْ " future marker,"بَاشْ " "I, me","أنَا " no,"لاَ " "at, for, with","عَنْدْ " "With, by, at","مَعَ " to be (past singular masculine),"كَانْ " "of, belongs to, has to do with, from","مْتَاعْ " "All, each, every","كُلْ " you (singular ),"إنْتِي " to come (past singular masculine),"جَا " "there is, there are","فَمَّا " now,"تَوَّا " that,"هَاذَا " "to go, walk (past singular masculine)","مْشَى " "to count on, depend on (past singular masculine)","عَمِّلْ " "hey, you, oh","يَا " "to introduce, make known (past singular masculine)","عَرِّفْ " "to want, love (past singular masculine)","حبّْ " "until, even","حَتَّا " something,"حَاجَة " "to say, tell story, talk about (past singular masculine)","حْكَا " "to be able to, allowed to, can (past singular masculine)","نَجِّمْ " what,"شنوا " "as, when, like","كِي " to see (past singular masculine),"شَافْ " "chief, boss","شَافْ " "to get someone to smoke, do drugs (past singular masculine)","كَيِّفْ " to cool/heat a room (air conditioner) (past singular masculine),"كَيِّفْ " "to facilitate, make appropriate/possible (past singular masculine)","كَيِّفْ " "a lot, much, many, very","بَرْشَة " "not, negation","مِشْ " "he, it","هُوَ " one,"وَاحِدْ " because,"خَاطِرْ " "his benefit, for his sake","خَاطِرْ " mother,"أُمْ " to find (past singular masculine),"لْقَى " "spirit, breath","رُوحْ " Go!,"رُوحْ " nothing,"شىء " here is…,"هَاوْ " to become (past singular masculine),"وَلَّى " son,"وِلْدْ " "to begin, start (past singular masculine)","بدى " "this is important, don’t forget, this is true","راهو " she or it,"هِيَ " "good, ok, all right","بَاهِي " God,"االله " "to serve, work for (past singular masculine)","خْدِمْ " brother,"خُو " to enter (past singular masculine),"دْخَلْ " yes,"إيْ " "but, yet","أَمَّا " after,"بَعْدْ " Man,"رَاجِلْ " the last,"آخِرْ " "a little, some, a few","شْوَيَّا " that,"أذَاكَا " "like, as","كِيمَا " to go out (past singular masculine),"خْرَجْ " "to sit, stay (past singular masculine)","قْعَدْ " Tunisia,"توْنسْ " woman,"مَرْأَةْ " "sense, meaning","مَعْنَى " time,"وَقْتْ " how,"كِيفَاشْ " problem,"مُشْكِلْ " "slave, servant","عْبِدْ " who,"أشْكُونْ " somebody,"أشْكُونْ " to listen (past singular masculine),"سْمَعْ " story,"حْكَايَة " people,"نَاسْ " father,"بو " friend,"صَاحِبْ " always,"دِيمَا " "must, has to be","لَازِمْ " "to allow, to leave (past singular masculine)","خَلَّا " he took,"خْذَا " Omar (man’s name),"عُمَرْ " before,"قْبَلْ " "year, school grade","سَنَةْ " some,"بَعْضْ " a house,"دار " a year,"عَامْ " "God, the Lord","رَبِّى " "Sir, Mr.","سي " "either, or","إمَّا " word,"كِلْمَةْ " "big, large, old","كْبِيرَ " "discourse marker expressing hearer’s knowledge, speaker’s frustration","تي " day,"يُومْ " "job, work, service","خِدْمَة " better,"خِيرْ " "blessing, something good","خِيرْ " why,"عْلَاشْ " daughter,"بِنْتْ " day,"نْهارْ " we,"أحْنَا " feeling,"حَسْ " to live (past singular masculine),"عَاشْ " to bring (past singular masculine),"جاب " "not, negative marker","مُوشْ " "why are you, what’s the matter with you?","شْبِيكْ " head,"رَاسْ " "name, noun","إسْمْ " "like that, that way","أكَا " "also, too","زَادَا " "still, not yet","مَازَالْ " "then, as a result, so (intuitive result)","يَاخِي " money,"فْلُوسْ " Dad,"بَابَا " "one time, once","مَرَّة " "mister, sir","سَيِّدْ " master,"سَيِّدْ " sitting down,"قَاعِدْ " doing something currently,"قَاعِدْ " new,"جْدِيدْ " morning,"صْبَاحْ " "Tunisian, Tunisian person","تُونْسِي " to return (past singular masculine),"عَادْ " to visit a sick person (past singular masculine),"عَادْ " "go, get out of here, go ahead","بَرَّا " two,"زُوزْ " "to teach, instruct (past singular masculine)","قَرَّى " "to hold, take, pick up (past singular masculine)","هَزّْ " "about, to do with","عَنْ " to come back (past singular masculine),"رْجَعْ " more,"أكْثِرْ " hour,"سَاعَة " hour,"سَاعَة " the first modern secondary school in Tunisia (near Kasba),"صَادْقِيَّة " "near, close to, next to","بَحْذَا " to add (past singular masculine),"زَادْ " to explain (past singular masculine),"فَهِّمْ " for no reason,"أكَّاكَا " like that,"أكَّاكَا " "it was ok, not great","أكَّاكَا " right,"حَقْ " life,"حَيَاةْ " Hayat (woman’s name),"حَيَاةْ " "to hold, grab (past singular masculine)","شد " wedding,"عِرْسْ " "hand, arm","يِدْ " place,"بْلَاصَة " where,"وِينْ " "to put, place (past singular masculine)","حطْ " if,"إذَا " "limit, end","حَدّْ " person,"حَدّْ " alive,"حَيْ " "to reach, arrive (past singular masculine)","وْصِلْ " "to buy, purchase (past singular masculine)","شْرَى " we,"نَحْنَا " Yasser (man’s name),"يَاسِرْ " to see (past singular masculine),"رَا " to eat (past singular masculine),"كْلَا " "to write, edit, compose (past singular masculine)","ألِّفْ " "clay used for making skin smooth, brighter","طفَلْ " four,"أرْبْعَةْ " bullet,"بَالْ " girl,"طُفْلَةْ " "relation, relationship","عَلَاقَةْ " in front of,"قُدّامْ " between,"بِينْ " "to open, turn on, begin (past singular masculine)","حَلْ " really small or young (cute),"صْغَيَّرْ " type,"نَوْعْ " "country, hometown","بْلَادْ " "brain, mind","مُخّْ " "to oblige, force, require (past singular masculine)","لْزِمْ " right,"صْحِيحْ " "life, the world, everything","دِنْيَا " month,"شْهَرْ " "full, complete, perfect","كَامِلْ " "to no longer have feelings, be hard (past singular masculine)","مَاعَادِشْ إِحِسّْ " one hundred,"مْيَا " here,"لَهْنَا " existing,"مَوْجُودْ " "subject, matter","مَوْضُوعْ " to catch something contagious (past singular masculine),"تِعْدَى " eye,"عِينْ " evil eye,"عِينْ " "take, here is","هَاكْ " divorce,"طْلَاقْ " "let’s, come on","هَيَّا " "to speak, talk (past singular masculine)","تْكَلِّمْ " to give (past singular masculine),"عْطَى " car,"كَرْهْبَةْ " that,"هَذَاكَا " sister,"أُخْتْ " "private, personal","خَاصْ " heart,"قَلْبْ " to play (past singular masculine),"لّعَبْ " night,"لِيلْ " "one, thing, person","وَحْدَا " five,"خَمْسَة " "worker, employee","عَامِلْ " "to change, transform (past singular masculine)","غَيِّرْ " for example,"مَثَلًا " door,"بَابْ " how much,"قَدَّاشْ " "to start, begin, commence (past singular masculine)","بْدَا " "to watch, view (past singular masculine)","تفرّج " "illegal marriage, but not anti-Islamic","عُرْفِي " "to judge, rule, sentence (past singular masculine)","حْكَمْ " "to sleep, fall asleep (past singular masculine)","رقد " twenty,"عِشْرِينْ " there,"غَادِي " Coffee,"قَهْوَةْ " "coffee shop, café","قَهْوَةْ " face,"وْجْهْ " action (usually negative connotation),"عَمْلَةْ " clothes,"لِبَاسْ " logical but not intuitive result,"مَالَا " "to do something, to get up, stand up (past singular masculine)","قَامْ " welcome,"مَرْحْبَا " sometimes,"سَاعَاتْ " "to live, dwell (past singular masculine)","سْكِنْ " "to show, indicate (past singular masculine)","ظَهِّرْ " breath,"نْفَسْ " "Where are you?, How are you?","وِينِكْ " donkey,"بْهِيمْ " "idiot, stupid person","بْهِيمْ " to laugh (past singular masculine),"ضْحَكْ " "to hit, beat (past singular masculine)","ضْرَبْ " "to spend time, to eat lots (slang) (past singular masculine)","ضْرَبْ " "film, movie","فِيلِمْ " "to enlarge, to grow (past singular masculine)","كَبِّرْ " hair,"شْعَرْ " "to die, pass away (past singular masculine)","مَاتْ " to sell (past singular masculine),"بَاعْ " one dinar,"دِينَارْ " health,"صِحَّةْ " "habit, tradition","عَادَةْ " ten,"عَشْرَةْ " that,"أَن " "atmosphere, weather, ambience","جّو " family,"عَايْلَةْ " familial,"عَايْلِي " "team, crew","فَرِيقْ " Dog,"كَلْبْ " to forget (past singular masculine),"نْسَا " to drink (past singular masculine),"شْرَبْ " to go up in price (past singular masculine),"غَلَّا " lying,"كِذْبْ " "what a, how","مَلاَّ " here,"هُونِي " God willing,"إنشاالله " bad,"خَايِبْ " "to go back home, return (past singular masculine)","رَوَّحْ " "street, avenue","شَارِعْ " Arab,"عَرْبِي " one million,"مَلْيُونْ " one thousand dinars,"مَلْيُونْ " "quickly, fast, hurry up","فِيسَعْ " to be afraid (past singular masculine),"خَافْ " "good, great","مْلِيحْ " "that’s enough, stop, quit","يِزِّي " "to stay, remain (past singular masculine)","بقى " neighborhood,"حُومَة " "point of view, opinion","رَايْ " six,"سِتَّة " to marry (past singular masculine),"عَرِّسْ " "father, dad","وَالِدْ " when,"وَقْتَاشْ " "there you go, there something is","أهَوْكَةَ " difficult,"صْعِيبْ " "strict, tough","صْعِيبْ " "fine, doing well, good","لَابَاسْ " "alone, on his one, single","وَحِيدْ " Wahid (man’s name),"وَحِيدْ " first,"أوّل " could I ask you something?,"بالله بِشْ نِسْهْلِكْ " "for God’s sake, please","بْرَبِّي " neighbour,"جَارْ " "is it true?, really?, maybe, perhaps","زَعْمَة " "up or above, on top of","فُوقْ " court case,"قَضِيّةْ " to go down (past singular masculine),"هْبَطْ " "like that, that way","هَكَّا " "to switch, change (past singular masculine)","بدّل " "to try, attempt (past singular masculine)","حَاوِلْ " Hannen (Tunisian woman’s name),"حَنَانْ " doctor,"طْبِيبْ " world,"عَالَمْ " "to finish, continue (past singular masculine)","كَمِّلْ " player,"لَاعِبْ " the first,"لُولْ " food,"مَاكْلَةْ " she isn’t,"مَهِيشْ " of course,"بِالطْبِيعَة " "picture, image","تَصْوِيرَة " Tunisians,"تْوَانْسَة " natural,"طَبِيعِي " "hello, hi","أهْلَا " revolution,"ثَوْرَة " "condition, situation","حَالَة " "terrible situation, how bad","حَالَة " Mr. President,"سيادة الرئيس " water,"مَاءْ " "phone, telephone","تَلِفُونْ " to forgive (past singular masculine),"سَامَحْ " "straight ahead, direct","طُولْ " length,"طُولْ " "precious, important, beloved, dear","عْزيزْ " important,"مُهِمّْ " clean,"نْظِيفْ " "yeah, uhuh","آهْ " "ooh, missing the old times","آهْ " "sentence, PHR","جُمْلَة " "prison, jail","حَبْسْ " political party,"حِزْبْ " to stay awake (past singular masculine),"سهر " "party, evening fun","سَهْرِيَّة " "picture, image, photo","صُورَةْ " normal,"عَادي " "specific, given","مُعَيِّنْ " "far, away, distant","بْعِيدْ " "education, discipline, politeness","تُرْبِيَة " milk,"حْلِيبْ " to accept (past singular masculine),"قبِلْ " he is going out,"خَارِجْ " market,"سُوقْ " "to pass on, infect (past singular masculine)","عْدَى " "to step, move forward (past singular masculine)","قَدّمْ " to develop (past singular masculine),"قَدّمْ " "to present, introduce (past singular masculine)","قَدّمْ " "but, yet","لَكِنْ " "elected, chosen","مُنْتَخَبْ " national team,"مُنْتَخَبْ " "incomplete, lacking, missing","نَاقِصْ " hey,"هَا " "the beginning, the first of","أَوّلْ " eight,"ثْمَانْيَة " a group,"جْمَاعَة " "education, studies","قْرَايَةْ " successful,"نَاجِحْ " text,"نَصْ " clear,"وَاضِحْ " "to imagine, think (past singular masculine)","تصوّر " to get your picture taken (past singular masculine),"تصوّر " truth,"حْقِيقَة " to think (past singular masculine),"خمِّمْ " doctor,"دُكْتُورْ " "to mean, intend (past singular masculine)","قْصَدْ " to go toward (past singular masculine),"قْصَدْ " "you didn’t, negation of “you”","مَاكِشْ " "to shorten, lessen (past singular masculine)","نَقِّصْ " if,"إنْ " under,"تَحْتْ " television,"تَلْفْزَة " Love,"حُبّْ " "dear, beloved","حْبِيبْ " "to calculate, add up (past singular masculine)","حْسِبْ " thought,"حْسِبْ " "sweet, delicious","حْلُو " "nice, beautiful","حْلُو " he turned,"دَارْ " a house,"دَارْ " "beneath, without","دُونْ " expensive,"غَالِي " "valuable, significant","غَالِي " "to purchase, buy, go shopping (past singular masculine)","قْضَى " "one piece, one of, one item","كَعْبَةْ " "to talk to, speak to (past singular masculine)","كَلِّمْ " time period,"مُدَّةْ " "to become ill, sick (past singular masculine)","مْرُضْ " married,"مَعَرِّسْ " "to take off, remove (past singular masculine)","نَحِّي " here,"هْنَا " condition,"حَالْ " opening,"حَالْ " to be present (past singular masculine),"حْضَرْ " to be ready (past singular masculine),"حْضَرْ " the aunt (mother’s sister),"خَالَة " "to have cooked, be ready to eat (past singular masculine)","طَابْ " tomorrow,"غُدْوَةْ " "to have fun, welcome, treat well (past singular masculine)","فْرَحْ " to write (past singular masculine),"كْتِبْ " ball,"كُورَةْ " "attorney, lawyer","مُحَامِي " "coach, manager","مُدَرِّبْ " "soon, I’ll go do that","آتَوّا " less,"أقَلْ " "human, person","إنْسَانْ " "only, one, just","بَرْكْ " "to hope for, hope (past singular masculine)","ترجّى " "to ask for, beg (past singular masculine)","ترجّى " "regional offices, branches, regionalism","جِهَاوِيَّاتْ " fifty,"خَمْسِينْ " price,"سُومْ " Chafik (man’s name),"شَفِيقْ " "compassionate, merciful person","شَفِيقْ " "to wonder, like, be amazed (past singular masculine)","عْجَبْ " "perhaps, maybe","يُمْكِنْ " "you plural, y’all","إنْتُومَة " exactly,"بالضَّبْطْ " "municipality, town hall","بلديّة " "to train, work out, practice a sport (past singular masculine)","ترانى " "to behave, act, take action (past singular masculine)","تصرّف " to pull (past singular masculine),"جْبِدْ " "to close, close partially (past singular masculine)","رَدْ " "to answer, react (past singular masculine)","رَدْ " "to vomit, throw up (past singular masculine)","رَدْ " question,"سُؤَالْ " "to call, ask for (past singular masculine)","طْلَب " "therapy, treatment","عِلَاجْ " "operation, action","عَمَلِيَّةْ " "thought, idea","فِكْرَة " "Card, credit card, playing cards","كَارْطَةْ " book,"كْتَابْ " "to multiply something, increase (past singular masculine)","كَثِّرْ " "to wear, put on (past singular masculine)","لِبِسْ " metro,"مِتْرُو " sick,"مْرِيضْ " "dead, deceased","مَيِّتْ " paper or leaf,"وَرْقَة " better,"أحْسِنْ " "administration, office, management","إدَارَةْ " "Oh, oh no","أوهْ " card,"بِطَاقَة " "desk, office","بيرو " to remember (past singular masculine),"تْفَكِّرْ " week,"جِمْعَة " Friday,"جِمْعَة " conversation,"حْدِيثْ " protectors,"حُمَاةْ " "to turn, turn around (past singular masculine)","دورْ " to drive (past singular masculine),"سَاقْ " "leg, foot","سَاقْ " "to close, turn off (past singular masculine)","سَكِّرْ " "to give over, hand over (past singular masculine)","سَلِّمْ " "to greet, say hi (past singular masculine)","سَلِّمْ " summer,"صِيفْ " against,"ضِدّْ " "to repeat, do something again (past singular masculine)","عَاوِدْ " "feast, vacation","عِيدْ " respect,"قْدَرْ " destiny,"قْدَرْ " respectful distance,"قْدَرْ " old,"قْدِيمْ " "one moment, just a moment","لَحْظَةْ " "miss, ma’am","مَادَامْ " "place, area","مَكَانْ " "normal, no problem","نُورْمَالْ " "cop, police","بُولِيسْ " room,"بِيتْ " history,"تَارِيخْ " second,"ثَانِي " clothes,"حْوَايِجْ " things,"حْوَايِجْ " fifteen,"خْمُسْتَاشْ " gold,"ذْهَبْ " seven,"سَبْعَة " to fall (past singular masculine),"طَاحْ " small piece,"طَرْفْ " Ali (man’s name),"عْلِي " there,"غَادِيكَا " same,"فَرْدْ " gun,"فَرْدْ " close,"قْرِيبْ " "to seek, look for, search for (past singular masculine)","لَوِّجْ " Maroua (woman’s name),"مَرْوَى " "straight, level","مِسْتْوِي " "known, popular","مَعْرُوفْ " law,"قَانُونْ " give me,"هَاتْ " patriotic,"وَطَنِي " Walid (man’s name),"وَلِيدْ " white,"أبْيِضْ " yesterday,"بارح " Ines (woman’s name),"إينَاسْ " free,"بْلَاشْ " from the family of,"بني " girl,"بِنِيَّة " "to die, pass away (past singular masculine)","تْوَفَى " judge,"حَاكِمْ " police,"حَاكِمْ " "to pay, give a salary (past singular masculine)","خَلْص " "to save, rescue, get out of a tough situation (past singular masculine)","خَلْص " "to comfort, tell someone “May God have mercy on him” (past singular masculine)","رحّم " athlete,"رِيَاضِي " luck,"زْهَرْ " easy,"سَاهِلْ " "young person, handsome","شباب " "to not sleep all night, pull an all-nighter (past singular masculine)","صَبَّحْ " to greet someone in the morning (past singular masculine),"صَبَّحْ " "to repair, to fix (past singular masculine)","صَلَّحْ " "to be always with someone, something (negative connotation) (past singular masculine)","عَابِدْ " flag,"عَلَمْ " "to teach, educate (past singular masculine)","عَلِّمْ " "to pass by, go on (past singular masculine)",فَاتْ