eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " he felt dizzy,"لَعْبِتْ عْلِيهْ الدُّوخَةَ " shoulders,"لَكْتَافْ " "contacts, connections","لَكْتَافْ " "to breathe heavily, heave (past singular masculine)","لْهِثْ " tonsils,"لُوزَاتْ " "physical endurance, fitness","لِيَاقَةْ بَدَنِيَّةْ " "between life and death, close to death","مَا بِينْ حَيَاةْ وَ مُوتْ " "he has no energy, is not able to","مَا عَنْدُوشْ جُهْدْ " he’s too fat to go through the door,"مَا يْدَخْلُوشْ بَابْ " he has no strength left,"مَابْقَالُوشْ جُهْدْ " to die from a disease (past singular masculine),"مَاتَ بِسْبَبْ المَرْضْ " "he died from hemmorhaging, internal bleeding","مَاتْ مِنْ جُرْتْ النَّزِيفْ " "he has the flu/a cold, caught wind","مَاخِدْ هْوَاءْ " he never gets sick,"مَاهُوشْ مِمْرَاضْ " "deaf, can’t hear","مَايَسْمَعِّشْ " "cut off, missing, amputated","مَبْتُورْ " "fat, overweight, chubby","مْبَطْبِطْ " extremely tired,"مَبَيِّلْ " light-headed,"مِتْرَهْوِجْ " "unwell, tired, a little bit off","مِتْزِيلِفْ " "scabies, sores","مِجْرَابْ " testicles,"مْحَاشِمْ " "on pills, on drugs","مْحَرْبِشْ " craving (especially tobacco),"مَحَشِّشْ " emasculated,"مِخْسِي " "someone who always has a stuffy, runny nose","مِخْنَانْ " mucused (eye),"مْدَعْمِشْ " hit/injured in the head,"مَدْمُوغْ " gallbladder,"مْرَارَةْ " "to become ill, sick (past singular masculine)","مْرُضْ " chicken pox,"مَرْضْ الحُمْرَةْ " kidney disease,"مَرْضْ الكُلَى " "simple, non-serious disease","مَرْضْ خَفَّافِي " "simple, non-serious disease","مَرْضْ خْفِيفْ " the disease killed him,"مَرْضْ قْضَى عْلِيهْ " congenital disease,"مَرْضْ وِرَاثِي " always sick,"مُرْضِي " "satisfied with water, not dry or thirsty","مِرْوِي " sick,"مْرِيضْ " still strong (despite advanced age),"مِزَّالْ شَادْ رُوحُو " he hasn’t reached puberty yet,"مِزَّالْ مَا بْلَغِشْ " "extremely skinny, scrawny, skin and bones","مَسْبُوعْ " "to have a cold, the flu (past singular masculine)","مِسْتَبْرِدْ " "small clinic, dispensary","مُسْتَوْصِفْ " to massage (past singular masculine),"مَسِّدْ " lower back,"مِسْلَانْ " "really skinny, scrawny","مَسْلُوتْ " in shape,"مَسَنْتِرْ " "cut with a knife, leaving a scar","مَشَلِّطْ " paralysed,"مَشْلُولْ " intestine,"مُصْرَانَةْ " epileptic,"مَصْرُوعْ " yellowish (color of sick person’s face),"مِصْفَارْ " harmful to one’s health,"مُضِرّْ بِالصِحَّةْ " "disabled, handicapped","مُعاقْ " stomach,"مِعْدَةْ " wrist,"مَعَصِّمْ " "crick in one’s neck, out of place","مَعْنُوزْ " "nutritious, healthy","مغذّي " suppository,"مَفْتُولْ " "virile, especially sexually","مْفَحِّلْ " joint,"مَفْصِلْ " extremely tired,"مْكَبْكِبْ " "still sleepy, dizzy after having woken up","مْكَخْوِرْ " microbe,"مِكْرُوبْ " microscope,"مِكْرُوسْكُوپْ " arm (crass),"مَكْسُورَةْ " wrist,"مَكْوَعْ " "sickly, weak constitution","مِمْرَاضْ " pupil of the eye,"مَمُّو " stimulants,"مُنَشْطَاتْ " "sleeping pill, sleep-inducer","مُنَوِّمْ " "depressant, something that calms the nerves","مُهَدِّأْ " "he’s not physically ready, not in shape","مَهُوشْ حَاضِرْ فِيزِكْمُونْ " menopause,"مُونُوبُوزْ " thermometer,"مِيزَانْ السّْخَانَةْ " "in the postpartum period, staying home after having a child","نَافِسْ " "competing, opposing","نَافِسْ " malnutritioned,"نَاقِصْ تَغْذِيَةْ " "near-sighted, has poor eyesight","نَاقِصْ نْظَرْ " "tired, short on sleep","نَاقِصْ نُومْ " to sleep (past singular masculine),"نَامْ " "drowsiness, fatigue","نُعَاْس " "to feel sleepy, tired, get drowsy (past singular masculine)","نْعِسْ " naphthalene (medicine),"نِفْتَالِينْ " freckles,"نْمَشْ " eyes (negative connotation),"نْوَاضِرْ " blood type,"نَوْعْ الدَّمْ " my sleep is interrupted/choppy,"نُومِي مِتْذَبْذِبْ " my sleep is interrupted/choppy,"نُومِي مِتْقَطَّعْ " "to age, get very old (past singular masculine)","هْرِمْ فِي العْمُرْ " he died,"هَزْ رَبِّي مْتَاعُو " he died in birth,"هَزْ رَبِّي مْتَاعُو كِيفْ جَاتْ تُولِدْ " to digest (past singular masculine),"هَضِّمْ " to digest (past singular masculine),"هْضِمْ " it harms the ears,"هْلِكْ الوِذْنِينْ " hallucination,"هَلْوَسَةْ " having prescribed,"وَاصِفْ " Wasef (man’s name),"وَاصِفْ " pain,"وْجَعْ " face,"وْجْهْ " pain,"وْجِيعَة " cravings of a pregnant woman,"وْحَمْ " "to cry out, often due to pain (past singular masculine)","وَحْوَحْ " "his ears are huge, like a satellite dish","وِذْنِينْ كِي البَارَابُولْ " tumor,"وَرَمْ " to throb (past singular masculine),"وَزْوِزْ " medical prescription,"وَصْفَةْ طِبِيَّةْ " natural childbirth,"وْلَادَةْ عَرْبِي " difficult birth,"وْلَادَةْ مِتْعَصْرَةْ " she had a C-section,"وِلْدِتْ بِالعَمَلِيَّةْ " "he has a bad fever, he’s burning up","يِقْلي بالسْخَانَة " to groan out of pain (past singular masculine),"أنّ " "he has a body of steel, he’s really strong","بَدْنُو حْدِيدْ " "fat, chubby","بُطِّى " "he’s dehydrated, really thirsty","بَدْنُو فْرَغْ مِلْ المَا " she’s having her period,"عَنْدْهَا الرَاقِلْ " "he’s weak, empty","بَدْنُو فَارَغْ " "to weaken, grow weaker, lose weight (past singular masculine)","تْضَعِّفْ " "vaccinated, immune","مْلَقْحَ " surgery ward,"بلوك " "first aid wrap (for wrists, ankles)","بُونْدَاجْ " anesthesia,"بنّج " "belly, gut","بَطْنْ " infection,"أنْفَاكِسْيُونْ " she’s waiting to give birth to a boy,"تِسْتَنَّى فِي طْفُلْ " "his body is weak, he is in poor health, he has a weak constitution","بَدْنُو خَايَخْ " to have a seizure (past singular masculine),"تصرع " "to be poisoned, contaminated (past singular masculine)","تْسَمِّمْ " "clavicle, collar bone","تَرْقُوَّة " "to have difficulty in childbirth, have labor pains (past singular masculine)","تِتْعَصِّرْ فِي الوِلَادَة " "the body is getting weaker, he’s getting older","بدن بدا إيطيح " "butt, behind (impolite)","تْرِمْ " hepatitis,"بُو سْفِيرْ " "to amputate, cut off (past singular masculine)","بَتْرْ " "to fill up, saturate, sate hunger (past singular masculine)","تْشَبَّعْ " "to let a wound heal, dry up, to drain of blood (past singular masculine)","إشَيَّحْ الدَّمْ " very fertile,"جَيَّابَة " "she can have kids, is fertile","تْجِيبْ الصْغَارْ " "to grow dizzy, light-headed (past singular masculine)","ترهوج " "it’s harmful to one’s health, to one’s body","تْضُرْ بْصَحَّة الأَبْدَانْ " abdominal muscles,"أبْدُومَانْ " "leprous, leper","أبْرِسْ " thumb,"إبْهَامْ " "to grow weary, tired (past singular masculine)","إتْهَدْ " to feel tired (past singular masculine),"حِسْ بالتْعَبْ " he feels tired,"إحس رُوحُو تَاعِبْ " it makes your muscles grow,"حِلْ المُوسْكِلْ " adrenaline,"أدْرَانَالِينْ " addiction,"إدْمَانْ " medicine for headaches,"آدُولْ " "to breast feed, nurse (past singular masculine)","رَضَّعْ " "fatigue, tiredness","إرْهَاقْ " asthmatic,"أَزْمَاتِيكْ " aspirin,"أسْپِرِينْ " to get a cold (past singular masculine),"إسْتَبْرِدْ " "of or relating to an emergency, ER","إسْتِعْجَالِي " "to inhale, breathe in (past singular masculine)","إسْتَنْشَقْ " "to fall into a coma, to have a seizure, to have a panic attack (past singular masculine)","إستَنْقِطْ " "to stop breathing, block breathing (past singular masculine)","سِدْ النْفَسْ " "to loosen up one’s muscles, go for a walk (past singular masculine)","سَرَّحْ فِي سَاقِيهْ " "to diagnose, identify, determine (past singular masculine)","شَخِّصْ " to do an autopsy (past singular masculine),"شَرْحُو الجُثَّة " "injury, casualty","إصَابَة " minor injury,"إصَابَة طَفِيفَة " "rehabilitation, therapy","إعَادَة تَأْهِيلْ " handicap,"إعَاقَة " "to have blood drawn, to do blood analysis (past singular masculine)","عَدِّي عَالدَّمْ " symptom,"أعْرَاضْ " "lame, walks with a limp","أَعْرِجْ " inflammation,"إلتهاب " "to body build, work out (past singular masculine)","مَّسْكِلْ " life expectancy,"أمَلْ الحَيَاة " paracetemol painkiller,"آنالڨونْ " "analysis, blood test","أنَالِيزْ " antibiotic,"أنْتِيبْيُوتِيكْ " antidote,"أنِتِيدُوتْ " tonsilitis,"أنْجِينْ " nurse,"أنْفِرْمِيَا " swine flu,"إنْفْلِيوَنْزَا الخَنَازِيرْ " bird flu,"إنْفْلِيوَنْزَا الطيور " "infirmary, nursing station","أنْفِيرْمُورِي " "he lost his appetite, he’s no longer hungry","إنْقَطْعِتْلُو الشَّاهْيَة " anesthesia,"أنِيسْتَازِي " anemia,"آنِيمِي " anemic,"أنِيمِيكْ " "pain, longings, missing something, groans","آهَاتْ " O+ blood type,"أو بُوزِيتِيفْ " O- blood type,"أُو نِيڨَاتِيفْ " autopsy,"أوتُوپْسِي " "orthopedist, bone doctor","أورْتُوپَادِيسْتْ " prescription (doctor),"أُورْدُونُونْسْ " ambulance,"أومْبِيلٌونْسْ " "echography, sonogram","إيكُوڨْرَافِي " "hemorrhage, internal bleeding","إيمُورَاجِي " "inside, belly","بَاطِنْ " body,"بْدَنْ " "he’s really weak, emaciated","بَدْنُو مْهَتِّكْ " "he’s empty, weak, fragile","بَدْنُو وَافِي " "physical, bodily","بَدَنِيَّة " "built, ripped, strong","بْدَيِّنْ " "stretcher, gurney","بْرَانْكَارْ " leprosy,"بْرَصْ " flu,"بْرُودَة " prostate,"بْرُوسْتَاتْ " bronchitis,"بْرُونْشِيتْ " "breasts, boobs","بْزَازِلْ " "saliva, spit","بْزَاقْ " "to get sick, feel bad from eating too much (past singular masculine)","بْشِمْ " eyesight,"بْصَرْ " stomach,"بَطِّنْ " "sun stroke, fatigue from the sun","بَڨْلَة " bacteria,"بَكْتيرْيَة " throat,"بَلْحُوحْ " phlegm,"بَلْغِمْ " "puberty, adolescence","بُلُوغْ " "hospital wing, surgery ward","بْلُوكْ " "to anesthetize, put under (past singular masculine)","بَنِّجْ " "bandage, wrap","بُنْدَاجْ " "to get a bad cold, bronchiti (past singular masculine)","بَنْطِتْ " blood bank,"بَنْكْ الدَّمْ " "really fat, has big cheeks","بُو حْنَكْ " someone with a big nose,"بُو خْشَمْ " chicken pox,"بُو زُڨَّارْ " muscle cramp,"بُو عْوَاجْ " "someone with a big stomach, chubby","بُو كِرْشْ " diphtheria,"بُوخَنَّاقْ " raw/sensitive skin between the toes,"بُوذُبِّيحْ " ovary,"بُوَيْضَة " to be kept overnight in the hospital (past singular masculine),"بَيِّصْ " "to grow tired, run out of energy (past singular masculine)","بَيِّلْ " parasite,"پَارَازِيتْ " wrist,"پْوَانْيَا " puberty,"پُوبَارْتَا " thermometer,"تَارْمُومَاتِرْ " "tired, fatigued","تَاعِبْ " "a little tired, worn out","تَاعِبْ شْوَيَّة " blood donation,"تبرع الدم " "to be healed, get better (past singular masculine)","تبرى " "to be put under, be given anesthetized (past singular masculine)","تْبَنِّجْ " "tough to digest, handle","تِتِهْضَمْ بِالسِّيفْ " unlikable person who’s difficult to deal with,"تِتِهْضَمْ بِالسِّيفْ " to crave something (pregnant woman) (past singular masculine),"تِتْوَحِّمْ " "to get injured, hurt (past singular masculine)","تِجْرَحْ " to cause diarrhea (past singular masculine),"تْجَرِّي الكِرْشْ " to have a stroke (past singular masculine),"تِجْلَطْ " to give birth to a child (past singular masculine),"جابت صْغِيرْ " "to give birth, bring into the world (past singular masculine)","جابت لِلْدِّنْيَا " "to conceive, get pregnant (past singular masculine)","تِحْبِلْ " "to increase appetite, make one hungry (past singular masculine)","حِلْ الشّاهْيَة " "he got sick with a number of diseases, got really sick’","تْحَيْرِتْ عْلِيهْ لَمْرَاضْ الكُلْ " "state of being stuffed, really full","تُخْمَة " to be wounded in the head (past singular masculine),"تدمغ " someone with Down’s syndrome,"تْرَازُومِيكْ " to get heavier (past singular masculine),"تَرْزَانْ " to have a medical device installed (past singular masculine),"تركّب لاپَارِي " "to sweat, transpire (past singular masculine)","تْرُنْسْبِيرَى " "to grow woozy or dizzy, close to faining, lose one’s balance (past singular masculine)","تْرَهْوِجْ " "to scrape oneself, tear off the skin (past singular masculine)","تزلع " "to get a cold shiver, feel like you’re about to get sick (past singular masculine)","تْزِيلْفْ " "throbbing, aching pain","تْسْطِيرْ " "to have no appetite, not be hungry, to have your appetite ruined, be (past singular masculine)grossed out","تْسَقِّمْ " diagnosis,"تَشْخِيصْ " autopsy,"تَشْرِيحْ " "to be fractured, have a small break (past singular masculine)","تشعر " "dialysis, blood purification, cleansing","تَصْفِيَة الدَّمْ " AIDS,"سِيدَا " immunity,"مَنَاعَةْ " anemia,"فَقْرِ الدَّمْ " arterial pulse,"نَبْضِ الشَّرَايِينْ " "barren, not fertile","عَجْرُودَةْ " "birth,birthing process","وْلَادَةْ " birth,"مِيلَادْ " "to bleed, bleed out a lot (past singular masculine)","نْزِفْ " "bleeding, hemmorhaging","نَزِيفْ " blood type,"فَصِيلَةْ الدَّمْ " "to help give birth, assist at birth (past singular masculine)","وَلِّدْ " C-section,"وْلَادَةْ قَيْصِرِيَّةْ " cholera,"كُولِيرَا " cholesterol,"كُولِسْتِرُولْ " "clinic, doctor’s office","عِيَادَةْ " "close to death, at death’s door","عَلَى أَبْوَابْ المُوتْ " contagious,"مُعْدِي " to die during an operation (past singular masculine),"مَاتِتْ فِي العَمَلِيَّةْ " difficult birth,"وْلَادَةْ صْعِيبَةْ " "disease, sickness, illness","مَرْضْ " "put under, on anesthesia, drugged","مَخَدِّرْ " ear,"وْذِنْ " "good eater, has a good appetite","وَكَّالْ " epidemic,"وَبَاءْ " Fervex (cold medicine),"فَرْفَاكِسْ " "fitful sleep, not deep sleep","نُومْ مِتْقَطَّعْ " hemorrhage,"نَزِيفْ دَمّْ " "hand, arm","يِدْ " his arm is amputated,"يَدُّو مَقْصُوصَةْ " his arm is asleep,"يَدُّو رَقْدِتْ " to have anemia (past singular masculine),"عَنْدُو فَقْرْ الدَّمْ " headache,"وْجِيعَةْ رَاسْ " migraine,"مِيقْرَانْ " hormone,"هِرْمُونْ " hospital,"مُسْتَشْفَى " "bacteria, virus, communicable disease","عَدْوَى " "internal bleeding, hemmorhaging","نَزِيفْ دَاخْلِي " malaria,"مَالَارْيَا " marrow,"نُخَاعْ " "microbe, bacteria","مِيكْرُوبَةْ " person with Down’s Syndrome,"مُنْقُلْيَانْ " muscle,"مُوسِكْلْ " operating room,"قَاعَةْ العَمَلِيَّاتْ " pharmacy,"فَرْمَاسِي " plague,"طَاعُونْ " premature birth,"وْلَادَةْ مُبَكّْرَةْ " rabid,"مَكْلُوبْ " private clinic,"مِصَحَّةْ " "shape, physical readiness","فُورْمَةْ " skeleton,"هَيْكِلْ عَظْمِي " "strong body, tough","كُوسْطُو " "injured, casualty","مُصَابْ " "labor pains, pains of childbirth","وْجَايِعْ لُولَادَةْ " tongue,"لْسَانْ " "to treat, heal (past singular masculine)","عَالِجْ " virus,"فِيرُوسْ " vitamin,"فِيتَامِينْ " "weak, skinny","ضْعِيفْ " "wounded, hurt, injured","مَجْرُوحْ " "bump (from strike) on head, swelling, black eye, etc.",بَوط