eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " "of theater, acting","تَمْثِيلِيَّة " theater,"تْيَاتْرُو " jazz,"جَازْ " Jiha: traditional Arab comedic figure,"جْحَا " artistic people,"جْمَاعَةْ البُوزَارْ " Rastafarians,"جْمَاعَةْ الرَّاسْتَا " Musical choir,"جَوْقَة مُوسِيقِيَّة " traditional story of Omi Sissi,"حْكَايَة أمِّي سِيسِي " Kufic (oldest form of calligraphy),"خَطّ كُوفِي " clay hand drum,"دَرْبُوكَة " hand drum with small cymbals (similar to the bendir),"دُفْ " "musical sounds/terms for rhythm (one/and, two/and)","دُمْ تَكْ " Ali Douaji (Tunisian writer),"دُّوعَاجِي " Ding dang dong (from the song “Frére Jaques”),"دِينْڨْ دَنْڨْ دُونْڨْ " someone with a good ear for music,"ذَوَّاقْ فِي المُوسِيقَى " Rap / Hip Hop music,"رَابْ " to cook an egg for a short period of time (past singular masculine),"رَابْ " rapper,"رَابُورْ " report,"رَابُورْ " Reggae music,"راڨا " "refrain, chorus","رُوفْرَانْ " Rock (music),"رُوكْ " Rock n’d Roll,"رُوكْ آنْدْ رُولْ " Rocker,"رُوكُورْ " "Romance, Romance movement, Romanticism","رُومَنْسِيَّة " "to recite, tell a story (past singular masculine)","رْوَى " "someone with a good taste, aesthetic taste","رَيَّاقْ " rythmic,"رِيتْمِيكْ " musician who plays the zoukra (reed instrument),"زَكَّارْ " reed instrument,"زُكْرَة " Saxophone,"سَاكْسُوفُونْ " "show, event, spectacle","سْپِكْتَاكِلْ " to record an album (past singular masculine),"سَجِّلْ ألْبُومْ " a traditional Sufi musical style and group,"سْطَنْبَالِي " "sketch, short theatre play","سْكَاتِشْ " script,"سِكْرِيپِتْ " to listen to music (past singular masculine),"سْمَعْ مُوزِيكَا " "cinema, theater","سِنِيمَا " soprano,"سوبرانو " filmmaker who sets up scenarios,"سِينَارِيسْتْ " poet,"شَاعِرْ " poetry,"شِعْرْ " French song,"شونسون فرونساز " "theatre, room in cinema","صَالَةْ مْتَاعْ سِنِيمَا " harmonious voices,"أصوات مِتْنَاسِقة " "dissonant sound, off-key voice","صُوتْ نَشَازْ " to film a movie (past singular masculine),"صَوِّرْ فِيلْمْ " sol (the note G),"صُولُو " drummer (large canvas drum with mallet),"طَبَّالْ " to drum (past singular masculine),"طَبِّلْ " to praise a leader (past singular masculine),"طَبِّلْ " "drum (actual drum, or eardrum)","طَبْلَةْ " enjoyment from good music,"طَرَبْ " "to make a clicking, tapping noise with shoes (past singular masculine)","طَقْطَقْ بِالصَّبَّاطْ " "instrumentalist, musician","عَازِفْ " "far from, not like something, don’t practice it","عَازِفْ " "to produce excellent art, literature, or any other performance (including (past singular masculine)sports)","عْبُرْ " adjust a lute/oud,"عَدِّلْ العُودْ " to tune a guitar (past singular masculine),"عَدِّلْ الڨِيتَارْ " "Arabic poetry rules, forms","عَرُوضْ " to play a musical instrument (past singular masculine),"عْزِفْ " Tunisian singer,"عْلي إرْيَاحِي " "to make music, study music (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ مُوزِيكَا " "traditional band, usually with dancers, at wedding","عَوَّادَةْ " "singing, song","غْنَاءْ " a song,"غْنَايَةْ " music,"غنى " a band or musical group,"فِرْقَةْ " traditional musical group,"فِرْقَةْ فُلْكُلُورِيَّةْ " "art, music","فَنّْ " "art of speech, way of speaking","فَنْ الخَطَابَةْ " "folk art, music (especially mizoued)","فَنّْ شَعْبِي " "folk artist, musician (especially mizoued)","فَنَّانْ شَعْبِي " vocalist,"فُوكَالِيسْتْ " folklore,"فٌولِكْلٌورْ " "science fiction, fantasy","فِيكْسْيُونْ " violin,"فْيُولُونْ " violent,"فْيُولُونْ " violinist,"فْيُولُونِيسْتْ " music band,"ڨْرُوبْ مْتَاعْ مُوزِيكَا " "of a poem, poetry","قَصِيدْ " "goal, purpose, intent","قَصِيدْ " poem,"قَصِيدَةْ " Guitar,"ڨِيتَارْ " Clarinet,"كْلَارِينَاتْ " Classical,"كْلَاسِيكِي " bass (instrument),"كُونْتِرْبَاسْ " music concert,"كُونْسَارْ مْتَاعْ مُوزِيكَا " conservatory,"كُونْسِرْفَاتْوَارْ " to compose a song (past singular masculine),"لَحِّنْ " "tune, melody","لَحْنْ " Lifi Lifi (title of old song),"لِفِّي لِفِّي " artist’s/newsie hat,"مَارْسَايَازْ " French national anthem,"مَارْسَايَازْ " traditional Tunisian music with the oud,"مَاوفْ " Bardo national museum,"مُتْحَفْ الوَطَنِي بِبَارْدُو " "to act, play a role (past singular masculine)","مَثِّلْ " someone who plays the mizoued (bagpipes),"مَزَاوْدِي " mizoued band,"مْزَاوْدِيَّةْ " Tunisian bagpipes,"مِزْوِدْ " theater,"مَسْرَحْ " Carthage theater,"مَسْرَحْ قَرْطَاجْ " scene,"مَشْهِدْ " singer,"مُغَنِّي " treble clef,"مِفْتَاحْ الصُّولْ " Egyptian singer,"مَكَّاوِي " epic,"مَلْحْمَةْ " historic epic,"مَلْحْمَةْ تَارِيخِيَّةْ " music,"مُوزِيكَا " "varied, diversified music","مُوزِيكَا مِتْنَوْعَةْ " music is in his blood,"مُوزِيكَة تِجْرِي فِي دَمُّو " "piece of traditional music, influenced by Andalusian music","موَشَّحْ " traditional flute,"نَّايْ " comedy star,"نَجْمْ الكُومِيدْيَا " "to be dissonant, out of tune, off key (past singular masculine)","نَشِّزْ " "tune, melody","نَغَمْ " musical scale,"نُوتَة " "to practice, prepare for concert (past singular masculine)","يْبَرّفْ " "hand drum, similar to tambourine","بِنْدِيرْ " the opera,"أوپِيرَا " "rehearsal, practice","بْرُوفَا " literature,"آدَابْ " "writer, author","أَدِيبْ " to heat up a bendir drum so it sounds better (past singular masculine),"سَخِّنْ البِنْدِيرْ " to heat up a darbouka drum so it sounds better (past singular masculine),"سَخِّن الدَّرْبُوكَة " to keep rhythm for someone (past singular masculine),"شِدْلُو المِيزَانْ " "short story, novella","أقْصُوصَة " musical instrument,"آلَة مُوسِيقِيّة " "to write, edit, compose (past singular masculine)","ألِّفْ " electronic music,"آلِكْتْرُو ميُوزِكْ " "song sung by young children (“one, two, three, sunshine”)","آنْ دُو تْرْوَا سُولَايْ " "intellectual, cultured","أنْتَالَاكْتُويَالْ " "tune, melody","أنْغَامْ " Angham (woman’s name),"أنْغَامْ " opera,"أوپَارَا " to play the bendir (drum) (past singular masculine),"بَنْدِرْ " "to brown-nose, be the boss’ pet (past singular masculine)","بَنْدِرْ " mizoued music: traditional bagpipes,"بُو مْزِيوِدْ " Bob Marley,"بُوبْ مَارْلِي " piano,"بْيَانُو " pianist,"بْيَانِيسْتْ " poem,"پُووَامْ " theatre,"تَايَاتْرْ " "masterpiece, treasure","تُحْفَة " "tune, melody, song","تَرْنِيمْ " fine arts,"تَشْكِيلِيَّة " actress,"مُمَثّْلَةْ " African music,"مُوزِيكْ أَفْرِيكَانْ " "artist, musician","فَنَّانْ " female traditional dancers,"عَوَّادِي " "anthem, chant, hymn","نَشِيدْ " classical music,"مُوسِيقَى كْلاَسِيكِيَّةْ " composer,"مُلَحِّنْ " "composer, producer (music)","كُومْبُوزِيتُورْ " concert,"كُونْسَارْ " cancer,"كُونْسَارْ " country music,"كَانْتْرِي " "creator, artistic person, creative person","مُبْدِعْ " "theatrical director, scene setter","مِيتُورْ أُونْ سَانْ " "dissonant, out of tune","نَشَازْ " Eastern music,"مُوسِيقَى شَرْقِيَّةْ " "music fan, music lover","مَغْرُومْ بِالمُوزِيكَا " festival,"مَهْرَجَانْ " flamenco,"فْلَامِنْكُو " flute,"فْلُوتْ " harmonica,"هَارْمُونِيكَا " hip hop,"هِيبْ هُوبْ " Kalthoum (last name of famous singer),"كَلْثُومْ " karaoke,"كَارَاوُكَا " king of folk music,"مَلِكْ الَفنّْ الشَّعْبِي " "melodic, has a nice sound to it","مِلُودِيكْ " modern music,"مُوسِيقَى عَصْرِيَّةْ " "nickname of an Egyptian actor, Farid Chawki","وَحْشِ الشَّاشَةْ " "directing, editing of a movie","مُونْتَاجْ " municipal theatre (downtown Tunis),"مَسْرَح لْبَلَدِي " museum,"مَتْحِفْ " Museum of Carthage,"مَتْحِفْ قَرْطَاجْ " music,"مُوزِيكْ " music,"مُوسِيقَى " "composition, editing of music","تَلْحِينْ " musical,"مُوسِيقِيَّةْ " musical comedy,"كُومِيدِي مُوزِيكَالْ " "painting, piece of art","لَوْحَةْ " producer,"مُنْتِجْ " director,"مُخْرِجْ " folk proverb,"مَثَلْ شَعْبِي " "musical piece, performance","مَعْزُوفَةْ " "singer, classic singer","مُطْرِبْ " "theater play, sketch","مَسْرَحِيَّةْ " theatrical,"مَسْرَحِي " "melody, tune","نَغْمَةْ " traditional song,"غُنَّايَةْ مِ التُّرَاثْ " violin,"كَمَنْجَةْ " "choral, choir","كُورَالْ " actor,مُمَثِّلْ