eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " "inquiry, investigation","إسْتِعْلَامْ " "information, criminal intelligence","إسْتِعْلَامَاتْ " residential census,"تِعْدَادْ سَكَنِي " "to be executed, to receive capital punishment (past singular masculine)","تِعْدِمْ " "to violate the law, transgress the law (past singular masculine)","تعدّى ع القانون " to infringe property rights (past singular masculine),"تْعَدِّي عَلْ المِلْكِيَّة " "to amend a law, change an article in the law (past singular masculine)","تَعْدِيلْ فَصْلَ مِنَ القَانُونْ " "notarization, official recognition of signature","تَعْرِيفْ بِالِإمْضَاءْ " "to be oppressed, be under harsh rule (past singular masculine)","تِقْمَعْ " "to gather together, form a coalition (for purpose of attacking, competing) (past singular masculine)","تْكَتْلُو " "to rebel, mutiny, commit insurgency (past singular masculine)","تمرّد " "the passing of rule, government","تَمْرِيرْ الحُكْمْ " Gender discrimination,"تَمْيِيزْ بِينْ الجِنْسَيْنْ " stamp (fiscal or postal),"تِنْبْرِي " inauguration,"تَنْصِيبْ " "to be exiled, cast out (past singular masculine)","تِنْفَى " "law enforcement, execution","تَنْفِيذْ القَانُونْ " execution of a request,"تَنْفِيذْ بَعْدَ الطَّلَبْ " "revision of the law, amending","تَنْقِيحْ القَانُونْ " "to crown, make king or queen (past singular masculine)","تَوِّجْ " "arrest, detention","تَوْقِيفْ " "preventative arrest, detention","تَوْقِيفْ تَحَفُّضِي " "power of attorney, procuration","توكيل " "to assume power, take power (past singular masculine)","تْوَلَّي السُّلْطَة " to take the throne (past singular masculine),"تْوَلَّي العَرْشْ " theocratic,"تِيُوقْرَاطِي " He was convicted of the crime,"ثَابْتَة عْلِيهْ التُّهْمَة " revolution,"ثَوْرَة " armed revolution,"ثَوْرَة مُسَلْحَة " counter-revolution,"ثَوْرَة مُضَادَّة " revolutionary,"ثَوْرِي " to bring witnesses (past singular masculine),"جَابْ الشْهُودْ " to bring a bailiff to the house (past singular masculine),"جَابْ العْدُولْ لِلْدَارْ " harem,"جَارْيَة " spy,"جَاسُوسْ " front (political or in war),"جَبْهَة " forehead,"جَبْهَة " The Popular Front: political party,"جَبْهَة الشَّعْبِيَّة " "criminalize, penalize","جَرِّمْ " a crime,"جُرْمْ " crime,"جْرِيمَة " war crime,"جْرِيمَة حَرْبْ " horrific crime,"جْرِيمَة مُشْنْعَة " a hearing,"جَلْسَة إسْتِمَاعْ " reconciliation hearing,"جَلْسَة صُلْحِيَّة " republican,"جُمْهُورِي " Republic,"جُمْهُورِيَّة " democratic republic,"جُمْهُورِيَّة دِيمُقْرَاطِيَّة " "Royal Suite, presidential rooms","جَنَاحْ مَلَكِي " felony,"جِنَايَة " nationality,"جِنْسِيَّة " "sexuality, sexual","جِنْسِيَّة " "the occupation army, colonist army","جُنُودْ الإحْتِلَالْ " "regional offices, branches, regionalism","جِهَاوِيَّاتْ " "Espionage-related matters, spying","جَوْسَسَة " a prison where suspects are kept,"جِيُورْ " "fighting, making war","حَارِبْ " fighting under the banner of a belief or idea,"حارب تَحْتْ لِوَاءْ " "personal security, body gard","حَارِسْ شَخْصِي " judge,"حَاكِمْ " police,"حَاكِمْ " state of alert,"حَالَةْ تَأَهُّبْ " state of emergency,"حَالَة طَوَارِئْ " "prison, jail","حَبْسْ " "to occupy, colonise, take over (past singular masculine)","حْتَلْ " someone who helps people illegally emigrate,"حَرَّاقْ " war,"حَرْبْ " civil war,"حَرْبْ أهْلِيَّة " cold war,"حَرْبْ بَارْدَة " "Wafa Movement, Tunisian political party","حَرَكَةْ وَفَاءْ " Deprived of his civil rights,"حِرْمُو من الحُقُوقْ المَدَنِيَّةْ " "freedom, liberty","حُرِيَّة " political party,"حِزْبْ " Tahrir Party: Islamist party,"حِزْبْ التَّحْرِيرْ " Democratic Party,"حِزْبْ دِيمُقْرَاطِي " political party,"حِزْبْ سِيَاسِي " Partisanship,"حِزْبِيَّة " "someone who supports a political party, used to refer to Ben Ali’s RCD party","حِزْبِيسْتْ " according to the law,"حَسْبْ القَانُونْ " they locked him up for questioning,"حْشَاوَهْ فِي الجِيُورْ " civilization,"حَضَارَة " "Your Honor, term of respect for judge","حَضْرَة القَاضِي " rights,"حُقُوقْ " copyrights,"حُقُوقْ المُؤَلِّفْ " Human Rights Activist,"حْقُوقِي " sentence (in court of law),"حُكْمْ " "to judge, rule, sentence (past singular masculine)","حْكَمْ " Self-rule,"حُكْمْ الذَّاتِي " "death sentence, capital punishment","حُكْمْ بِالإعْدَامْ " ruling based on equality,"حُكْمْ بِالمُسَاوَاةْ " parliamentary ruling,"حُكْمْ بَرْلَمَانِي " he sentenced someone,"حْكَمْ عْلِيهْ " life-time ruling,"حُكْمْ مَدَى الحَيَاةْ " Absolute rule,"حُكْمْ مُطْلَقْ " Hereditary rule,"حُكْمْ وِرَاثِي " government,"حْكومَة " "temporary, interim government","حْكُومَة مُؤَقْتَة " governmental,"حُكُومِي " alliance,"حِلْفْ " electoral campaign,"حَمْلَة إنْتِخَابِيَّة " he protected his country,"حْمَى بلادو " to stand up in respect in front of the national flag (usually while hearing (past singular masculine)the national anthem),"حَيَّا العَلَمْ " to masturbate (ironic way of speaking) (past singular masculine),"حَيَّا العَلَمْ " the political map,"خَارْطَة السِّيَاسِيَّة " a loser of war,"خَاسِرْ الحَرْبْ " "he betrayed his country, to commit treason","خَانْ بْلَادُو " traitor,"خَايِنْ " "he did not respect a rule or law, violate","خْرَقْ " "to penetrate, infiltrate (past singular masculine)","خْرَقْ " the State treasury,"خَزِينَة الدَّوْلَة " خُمَيْنِيِّينْ,"betraying one’s country " خِيَانَةْ الوَطَنْ,"high treason " خِيَانَة عُظْمَى,"the interior ministry " داخليّة,"a Turkish title given to the governors of their Regencies in North Africa during the period of the Ottoman empire " دَايْ,"diplomatic " دِبْلُومَاسِي,"diplomacy " دِبْلُومَاسِيَّة,"people who were part of/followed Ben Ali’s party or Bourguiba’s old party " دْسَاتْرَة,"constitution " دُسْتُورْ,"constitutional " دُسْتُورِي,"someone who followed Ben Ali’s party " "دُسْتُورِي,to inaugurate"," dedicate (past singular masculine) " دَشّنْ,"to pay retribution (past singular masculine) " "دْفَعْ تَعْوِيضْ,to pay ransom"," pay bail (past singular masculine) " دْفَعْ فِدْيَة,"dictator " "دِكْتَاتُورْ,state"," nation " "دَوْلَة,patrol (police"," etc.) " دَويرِيَّة,"dictatorship " دِيكْتَاتُورِيَّة,"resignation " دِيمِسْيُونْ,"democratic " دِيمُقْرَاطِي,"democracy " "دِيمُقرَاطِيَّة,office"," bureau " دِيوَانْ,"anthology of poems " دِيوَانْ,"customs " دِيوَانَة,"customs agent " دِيوَانِي,"Sovereign " ذَاتْ سِيَادَة,"capitalistic " رَأْسْمَالِي,"capitalism " رَأْسْمَالِيَّة,"police campaign to catch criminals or to put young men into the army " رَافِلْ,"Official Journal in which legal and commercial announcements are printed " رَائِدْ الرَّسْمِي,"a man of state " رَجُلْ دَوْلَة,"a man of politics " رَجُلْ سِيَاسَة,"to accept peace (usually by force) (past singular masculine) " رْضَخْ لِلْسِلْمْ,"to take fingerprints (past singular masculine) " رَفْعْ البَصَمَاتْ,"The hearing was adjourned " "رُفِعَتْ الجَلْسَة,to round up"," catch people (especially for military service) (past singular masculine) " رَفِّلْ,"to handcuff somebody (past singular masculine) " رَكَّبْلُو المُنُوتْ,"Wanted by the police " رُوشَارْشَا,"presidency " رِئَاسَة,"presidential " "رئاسيّ,Prime Minister"," head of the government " رَئِيسْ الحُكُومَة,"station director " رَئِيسْ المَحَطَّة,"Police chief " "رَئِيسْ المَرْكِزْ,Speaker of the House"," head of Parliament " "رَئِيسْ مَجْلِسْ النُوَّابْ,Head Judge"," head of court " رَئِيسْ مَحِكْمَة,"injection used for the death penalty " زُرِّيقَة الهْوَا,"prison cell " زِنْزَانَة,"Zine Abiddine Ben Ali " "زِينْ العَابِدِينْ بِنْ عْلِي,to imprison"," put in prison (past singular masculine) " سْجِنْ,"prisoner " سَجِينْ,"Prisoner of war " "سَجِينْ حَرِبْ,Secrecy"," confidentiality " "سِرِيَّة,Robbery"," armed robbery " "سَطُو,Mister President"," Your Excellency " سَعَادِةْ الرَئِيسْ,"Embassy " سْفَارَة,"ambassador " سَفِيرْ,"to withdraw charges (past singular masculine) " "أسَقّْطْ الدَعْوَة,weapons"," arms " سْلَاحْ,"Sultan " سُلْطَانْ,"King of high society/refined music " "سُلْطَانْ الطَّرَبْ,Power"," authority " سُلْطَة,"Supervising authority " سُلْطَةْ الِإشْرَافْ,"Executive authority " سُلْطَة تَنْفِيذِيَّة,"Sultanate " سَلْطْنَةْ,"they gave him up to the enemy " سَلْمُو لِلْعَدُوّْ,"senator " "سِنَاتُورْ,sovereignty"," rule " سيادة,"Mr. President " "سيادة الرئيس,Policy"," politics " سِيَاسَة,"politician " سِيَاسِي,"Mr. President " سيّدي الرئيس,"to gain control over an area (military) (past singular masculine) " سَيْطَرَة عَلْ الذَّخِيرَة,"to participate in a war (past singular masculine) " شارك في الحرب,"police " شُرْطَةْ,"military police " "شُرْطَة عَسْكَرِيَّة,technical"," forensic police " "شُرْطَةْ فَنِيَّةْ,to legislate"," make laws (past singular masculine) " شَرَّعْ,"to give consent to something (past singular masculine) " شَرَّعْ,"the law (usually the Islamic law) " "شَرْعْ,legitimacy"," legality " شَرْعِيَّةْ,"populist " "شعبوي,flame of uprising"," revolt " شعلة الإنتفاضة,"riot " شغب,"to hang (execute) (past singular masculine) " شنق,"the act of hanging " شَنْقْ,"the act of hanging up " شنقة,"false testimony " "شْهَادَةْ زُورْ,to testify"," give witness (past singular masculine) " شْهِدْ,"he testified to the truth " شْهِدْ بِالحَقّْ,"he gave false testimony " شهد بالزّور,"national martyr " شَهِيدْ الوَطَنْ,"the tribal chief " شيخ القبيلة,"communist " شيوعي,"communism " شيوعية,"they requisitioned all his property " "صَادِرْولُو أَمْلَاكُو,they endorsed"," ratified the law " "صَادْقُو عَل القَانُونْ,spy, plant"," snitch " صَبَّابْ,"he stopped the enemy’s attacks " صَدّْ هَجَمَاتْ العَدُوّْ,"to vote for (past singular masculine) " "صَوِّتْ,the voice of the law"," power of the law " صَوّتْ لِقَانُونْ,"socialist " "صُوصْيَالِيسْتْ,social"," kind person " صُوصْيَالِيسْتْ,"censored " صُونْصُورَا,"officer " ضَابِطْ,"non-commissioned officer " "ضَابِطْ صَفّْ,unlawful, illegal"," against the law " ضِدّْ القَانُونْ,"tax " "ضَرِيبَةْ,tyrant"," despot " طَاغُوتْ,"anything that becomes an idol or is worshipped " "طَاغُوتْ,tyrannical, despotic"," powerful person " طَاغِي,"tyranny " طَاغْيَةْ,"he demanded his rights " طالِبْ بْحَقُّو,"to enact a state of emergency (past singular masculine) " طَبَّقْ قَانُونْ الطَوَارِئْ,"according to the law " "طِبقاً لْقَانُونْ,to rule, be a dictator"," totally control (past singular masculine) " "طْغَى,they asked for a ceasefire"," truce " طَلْبُو هُدْنَةْ,"customs " عَادَاتْ,"the royal family " "عَايْلَةَ المَالْكَة,royal family"," ruling family " "عَايْلَة حَاكْمَة,notary"," lawyer " "عَدْلْ إِشْهَادْ,bailiff"," executionary lawyer " "عَدْلْ مُنَفِّذْ,police"," justice " "عَدْلِيَّة,notary"," person who signs marriage contracts " عْدُولْ,"to serve a jail term (past singular masculine) " عَدَّى رَبْطِيَّةْ,"throne " عْرِشْ,"to grant all powers (past singular masculine) " عْطَاهْ جَمِيعْ الصَلَاحِيَاتْ,"to give someone her rights (past singular masculine) " عْطَاهَا حَقّْهَا,"to dress well out of respect for the place/person/event (past singular masculine) " عْطَاهَا حَقّْهَا,"to grant the kingly ring (past singular masculine) " عْطَاهَا خَاتِمْ العَهْدْ,"to grant political asylum (past singular masculine) " عْطَاوَهْ اللُّجُوءْ السِيَاسِي,"to give a judgment (past singular masculine) " عْطَى جُوجْمُونْ,"Notarized contract " عَقْدْ مُوَثَّقْ,"to call the cops on someone (past singular masculine) " "عِلْمُو عْلِيهْ,mayor of small town, neighborhood leader"," police informant " عُمْدَة,"to have a revolution (past singular masculine) " عْمَلْ ثَوْرَةْ,"to keep a patrol (past singular masculine) " عْمَلْ دَوْرِيَّةْ,"to form an austerity policy (past singular masculine) " عْمَلْ سِيَاسَةْ التْقَشُّفْ,"he has executive authority " عَنْدُو السُلْطَةْ التَنْفِيذِيَّةْ,"globalization " عَوْلْمَةْ,"independence day " عِيدْ الإِستِقْلَالْ,"Revolution Day " Day of Evacuation (when France left Binzerte),"عِيدْ الجَلَاءْ " republic day,"عِيدْ الجُمْهُورِيَّةْ " youth day,"عِيدْ الشَّبَابْ " Arbor day,"عِيدْ الشَّجْرَةْ " Throne Day (Morocco),"عِيدْ العَرْشْ " Women’s day,"عِيدْ المَرْأَةْ " "treason, betrayal","غَدْرْ " "fine, fee","غْرَامَةْ " fascist,"فَاشِيسْتْ " to open an investigation (past singular masculine),"فَتَحْ تَحْقِيقْ " term of office,"فَتْرَةْ الحُكْمْ " "to execute, carry out the law (past singular masculine)","فْرَضْ لْقَانُونْ " anti-terrorist squad,"فرقة مكافحة الإرهاب " "to adjudicate, rule between (past singular masculine)","فْصَلْ بِينَاتْهُمْ " armed Tunisian groups that fought against France during French colonization,"فَلَّاقَة " to lead a revolution (past singular masculine),"قَادْ ثَوْرَةْ " to lead an armed attack (past singular masculine),"قَادْ هُجُومْ مُسَلَّحْ " judge (in court of law),"قَاضِي " "knockout punch, fatal","قَاضِي " "court room, hearing room, meeting room","قَاعَةْ الجَلْسَةْ " "to protest, submit a protest (past singular masculine)","قَدِّمْ إِحْتِجَاجْ " "strike, protest","قْرَافْ " Prime Minister’s offices in Tunis,"قَصْبَةْ " shin,"قَصْبَةْ " "palace, headquarters","قْصَرْ " governmental headquarters,"قْصَرْ الحُكُومَةْ " high court,"قَصْرْ العَدَالَةْ " presidential palace,"قْصَرْ رِئَاسِي " judicial field or sector,"قَضَاءْ " court case,"قَضِيّةْ " "spy, informant","قَفَّافْ " consul,"قُنْصِلْ " consulate,"قُنْصُلِيَّةْ " "sovereign, all-powerful","قَهَّارْ " Invasive forces,"قُوَّاتْ الِإجْتِيَاحْ " Police forces,"قُوَّاتْ الأَمْنْ " Opressive forces,"قُوَّاتْ غَاشْمَة " Anti-terrorist forces,"قُوَاتْ مُكَافَحَةْ الِإرْهَابْ " "Snitch, spy","قَوَّادْ " "Snitching, spying","قْوَادَةْ " Police,"قُوّة عَامَّة " "Nation, powerful/well-known family","قَوْمْ " Caesar,"قَيْصَرْ " to handcuff (past singular masculine),"كَبِّلْ " Unified block/front,"كُتْلَةْ مُوَحّْدَةْ " The throne,"كُرْسِي العَرْشْ " "to catch, especially for the police, apprehend (past singular masculine)","كَرْفِطْ " prison yard,"لَارْيَا " "asylum, refugee status","لُجُوءْ " political asylum,"لُجُوءْ سِيَاسِي " they cancelled the follow-up/investigations,"لْغَاوْ التَّتَبُّعَاتْ " to cancel/annul a contract (past singular masculine),"لْغَي العَقْدْ " "bylaw, internal regulations","لِنظَامْ دَاخِلِي " authorization,"لُوتُرِيزَاسْيُونْ " bailiff,"لُوسِي " "allied, in an alliance","مِتْحَالْف " belonging to a political party,"مِتْحَزْبِينْ " "to withhold something, especially vote (past singular masculine)","مِتْحَفِّضْ " "demonstrator, protestor","مُتَظَاهِرْ " legal counsel at a company,"مِتْكَلِّفْ عَدْلِي " "red-handed, in the act","مِتْلَبِّسْ " personal affairs law,"مَجَلَّةْ الأَحْوَالْ الشَخْصِيَّةْ " naturalized citizen,"مْجَنِّسْ " maintaining state institutions,"مُحَافْظَة عَلَى مُؤَسَّسَاتْ الدَّوْلَة " "the law, legal field","مُحَامَاةْ " coup attempt,"مُحَاوِلَةْ إِنْقِلاَبْ " "protestor, demonstrator","مُحْتَجّْ " "detained, held for questioning, in custody","مُحْتَجَزْ " "banned, illegal","مَحَجِّرْ " preliminary court,"مَحْكْمَة إبِتِدَائِيَّة " administrative court,"مَحْكْمَة إدَارِيَّة " district court,"مَحْكِمْةْ النَّاحِيَةْ " military court,"مَحْكْمَة عَسْكَرِيَّة " "judicial ruling, sentence","مَحْكُومِيَّة " "civilian, civil","مَدَنِي " "decree, resolution","مَرْسُومْ " lots of police are out,"مْرَفِّلْ " police station,"مَرْكِزْ الشُّرْطَةْ " judicial police station,"مَرْكِزْ الشُّرْطَةْ العَدْلِيَّةْ " the democratic process,"مَسَارْ دِيمُقْرَاطِي " Ratification of a law,"مُصَادْقَة عَلَ قَانُونْ " "demonstration, protest","مُضَاهْرَةْ " on a hunger strike,"مُضْرِبْ عَنِ الطَعَامْ " in conformity with the law,"مُطَابِقْ للقَانُونْ " "the first lady, president’s wife","مَعَالِي حَرَمْ سِيَادَةْ رَئِيسْ الجُمْهُورِيَّةْ " they didn’t give her her rights,"مَعْطَهَاشْ حَقَّهَا " "tariff, fee, tax","مَعْلُومْ " queen,"مَلِكَة " "ownership, property rights","مِلْكِيَّة " "filled with fines, charges","مِلْيَانْ بِالخْطَايَا " full of sins,"مِلْيَانْ بِالخْطَايَا " kingdom,"مَمْلَكَة " governmental organization,"مُنَظْمَةْ حُكُومِيَّةْ " "ruling over, controlling, totally dominating","مهَنّْدْ " it’s not an official copy,"مَهِيشْ كُونْفُورْمْ " citizen,"مُواطِنْ " handcuffed,"مُونُوتَى " followers of Jamal Abdanasser (former Egyptian president),"نَاصِرِي " the official spokesman,"نَاطَقْ الرَّسْمِي " "resistance, struggle, fight for something","نِضَالْ " Nidhal (man’s name),"نِضَالْ " alimony,"نَفْقَةْ " he finished his term of leadership,"نْهَى فَتْرَةْ الحُكْمْ " public prosecution,"نِيَابَةْ عُمُومِيَّةْ " he escaped from prison,"هْرَبْ مِلْ حَبْسْ " to deprive someone of his rights (past singular masculine),"هْضَمْلُو حْقُوقُو " "legislature, legislative body","هَيْئَة تَشْرِيعِيَّة " entourage,"وَافِدْ " to provide evidence (past singular masculine),"وَرَّى الأَدِلَّةْ " "will and testament, commandment, advice","وْصِيَّة " ceasefire,"وَّقِفْ إِطْلَاقْ النَّارْ " end of an invasion,"وْقِفْ الِإجْتِيَاحْ " "they arrested him, detained him","وَقْفُوهْ " "entourage, procession","وَكْبْ " "he authorized them, gave them the right","وَكِّلْهُمْ " he fed them,"وَكِّلْهُمْ " swearing on the constitution,"يَمِينْ دُّسْتُورِي " "to be nominated, voted in, become a political candidate (past singular masculine)","تْرَشَّحْ " visa,"فِيسَا " terrorism,"إرهَابْ " "municipality, town hall","بلديّة " interrogation in Gorjani,"إسْتِنْطَاقْ فِي القُرْجَانِي " populist socialism,"إشْتِرَاكِيَّة الشَّعْبِيَّة " police summons,"إستدعاء للمركز " he was thrown in jail,"تحشى في الحبس " "to condemn, charge with (past singular masculine)","إتّهَمْ " "to witness, give testimony (past singular masculine)","إستشهد بشهود " Free National Union political party,"إتِّحَادْ الوَطَنِي الحُرْ " someone who follows the Baath Party,"بَعْثِي " "cooperative, socialist agricultural program","تَعَاضُدِيَّة " they protested,"إحتجّو " socialism,"إشتراكيّة " to finish the term of office (past singular masculine),"أَنْهَى فَتْرَةْ الحُكْمْ " independence,"إسْتِقْلَالْ " "to protest, demonstrate (past singular masculine)","إحتج " "to elect, vote for (past singular masculine)","إنتخب " "to fight for one’s country, do acts of patriotism (past singular masculine)","نَاظْلُ " to be released from prison/jail (past singular masculine),"إخَرْجُوهْ مِلْ الحَبْسْ " "procedures, follow-up, investigation","تَتَبُّعْ " "to double cross, be a traitor, spy for the enemy (past singular masculine)","تجسس لحساب العدو " elections,"إنتخابات " "to ally with, start an alliance (past singular masculine)","تْحَالِفْ " colonialism,"إستعمار " legislative,"تَشْرِيعِيَّة " "province, region","إقليم " independence,"إسْتِقْلَاليّة " "under his authority, rulership","تَحْتْ الهَيْمْنَة مْتاعُو " Tunisian General Labor Federation,"إتِّحَادْ العَامْ التُّونُسِي لِلْشُغْلْ " convention,"إتِّفَاقِيّة " judicial procedures,"إجرَاءَاتْ عَدْلِيّة " legal procedures,"إجْرَاءاتْ قَانُونِيَّة " protest,"إحْتِجَاجْ " peaceful protest,"إحْتِجَاجْ سِلْمِي " census,"إحْصَاءْ " to violate or break the law (past singular masculine),"خَالِفْ القَانُونْ " "to mitigate, lessen a punishment/sentence (past singular masculine)","إخفّفْلُو فِي الحُكْمْ " taxes,"أدَاءَاتْ " to take the presidential oath (past singular masculine),"أَدَّى اليَمِينْ الجُمْهُورِي " "unregistered land, public property","أرْضْ عَل الشْيَاعْ " privately-owned land,"أرْضْ مِلْكْ خَوَّاصْ " "to patrol, look for people, look for army inscriptions (past singular masculine)","إرَفْلُوهَا " terrorist,"إرْهَابِي " interrogation,"إسْتِجْوَابْ " "intelligence officials, informants","إسْتِخْبارَاتْ " to bring witnesses (past singular masculine),"إسْتَشْهِدْ " "to be a martyr (for the country, for religion) (past singular masculine)","إسْتَشْهِدْ " "occupation, colonialism","إسْتِعْمَارْ " "to use, wield a veto (past singular masculine)","إستعمل الفيتو " referendum,"إسْتِفْتَاءْ " "interrogation, questioning","إسْتِنْطَاقْ " "to settle in a land, take over a land, commandeer (past singular masculine)","إسْتَوْطِنْ " "settlement, land grabbing, colonizing","إسْتِيطَانْ " to surrender oneself (usually to the police) (past singular masculine),"سَلْمْ نَفْسُو " prisoner of war,"أسِيرْ حَرْبْ " socialist,"إشْتِرَاكِي " public works (especially in Middle East),"أشْغَالْ عَامَّة " public works,"أشْغَالْ عُمُومِيّة " juvenile prison,"إصْلَاحِيَّة " strike (protest),"إضْرَابْ " hunger strike,"إضْرَابْ جُوعْ " general strike,"إضْرَابْ عَامْ " "sit in, protest","إعْتِصَامْ " to stage a sit in (past singular masculine),"إعتصم " "execution, death penalty","إعْدَامْ " "to execute, put to death (past singular masculine)","أَعْدِم " "war declaration, proclamation of war","إعْلَانْ الحَرْبْ " "death certificate, announcement of death","إعْلَانْ وَفَاةْ " old honorific title used in Ottoman Empire,"آغَا " Aghlabids: Arab dynasty of emirs,"أغَالْبَة " to assassinate (past singular masculine),"إغْتَالْ " assassination,"إغْتِيَالْ " lawyer,"آفُوكَا " "to boycot, ban (past singular masculine)","إقَاطَعْ " house arrest,"إقَامَة جَبْرِيَّة " ambassador,"أُمْبَاسَادُورْ " emperor,"إمْبْرَاطُورْ " nation,"أمَّة " "judicial ruling, court ruling","أمْرْ قَضَائِي " presidential security,"أَمْنْ رِئَاسِي " the Umayyads,"أُمَويّونْ " prince,"أمِيرْ " princess,"أمِيرَة " "prohibited, banned, against the law","أنْتَارْدِي " "popular uprising, revolution","إنْتِفَاضَة شَعْبِيَّة " "to organize a march, protest (past singular masculine)","إنَظِّمْ مَسِيرَة " coup d’etat,"إنْقِلَابْ " military coup,"إنْقِلَابْ عَسْكَرِي " "a supreme order, order from the top","أورْدِرْ مِلْ الفُوقْ " "condemnation, conviction, verdict","إدَانَة " "Pecha, old Tunisian king during Ottoman reign","بَاشَا " "bro, friend, man","بَاشَا " police van,"بَاڨَا " Bey (king during Ottoman Empire),"بَايْ " "inspector, detective, investigator","بَحَّاثْ " parliament,"بَرْلَمَانْ " parliamentary,"بَرْلَمَانِي " national identity card,"بِطَاقَة التَّعْرِيفْ الوَطَنِيَّة " "clause, article (in law)","بُنْدْ " "Habib Bourguiba, first president of Tunisia","بُورْقِيبَة " "cop, police","بُولِيسْ " police in uniform,"بُولِيسْ بِالزَّيْ " The White House,"بَيْتْ الأَبْيَضْ " "judge’s office, quarters","بِيرُو القَاضِي " propaganda,"پْرُوپَاڨَانْدَا " The Pentagon,"پَنْتَاغُونْ " politics,"پوليتيك " postponing of court hearing,"تَأْجِيلْ الجَلْسَة " taxes,"تَاكْسْ " exchange of prisoners (in war),"تَبَادُلْ أَسْرَى " judicial proceeding,"تَتَبُّعَاتْ عَدْلِيَّة " "he was proven guilty, was convicted","تِثْبِتْ عْلِيهْ الإِدَانَة " "to break the law, transgress the law (past singular masculine)","تجاوز القانون " "Democratic Constitutional Rally - RCD, Ben Ali’s old party","تَجَمُّعْ الدُّسْتُورِي الدِيمقْرَاطِي " someone from the RCD party,"تَجَمُّعِي " "alliance, agreement","تَحَالُفْ " to make an alliance against (past singular masculine),"تْحَامَى " "under occupation, colonial rule","تَحْتْ الِإسْتِعْمَارْ " "under the control, domination of","تَحْتْ الهَيْمْنَة " "popular movement, people’s demonstration","تحَرُّكْ شَعْبِي " partisanship,"تَحَزُّبْ " "to be jailed, put in prison, behind bars (past singular masculine)","تحط وراء القضبان " investigation,"تَحْقِيقْ " "actualization, realization","تَحْقِيقْ " "to be ruled by, controlled by, sentenced (past singular masculine)","تِحْكَمْ " "to be governed by, under the rule of (past singular masculine)","تْحَكِّمْ " arbitration,"تَحْكِيمْ " amending the law,"تَحْوِيرْ القَانُونْ " to plead (past singular masculine),"تْرَافَعْ " "license, permit",تَرْخِيصْ