eng,tun english_text,"tunisia_text_en_alpabet " to be thrown in prison (past singular masculine),"ترمى في الحبس " legislation,"تَشْرِيعْ " "sentencing, ruling in a court case","تَصْرِيحْ بِالحُكْمْ " to vote for someone (past singular masculine),"تصوتلو " "application of the law, execution","تَطْبِيقْ القَانُونْ " "to protest, hold a protest (past singular masculine)","تْظَاهِرْ " "police search, investigation","حَمْلَةْ تَفْتِيشْ " proof of innocence,"دَلِيلْ بَرَاءَة " undercover police officer,"سِيفِيلْ " "secret agent, spy","عَمِيلْ " "army, military","عَسْكِرْ " to demand one’s rights (past singular masculine),"طْلَبْ حَقُّو " labor union,"وِدَادِيَّةْ " "attorney, lawyer","مُحَامِي " "authentication, approval","مُصَادْقَةْ " to void a law (past singular masculine),"لْغَى القَانُونْ " to void a contract (past singular masculine),"قَصّْ عَلْ الكُونْتْرَا " candidate,"مِتْرَشَّحْ " Childhood Court,"مَحْكَمَةِ الطُفُولَةْ " communist,"كُومِينِيسْتْ " prisoner of war camp,"مُعَسْكَرْ إِعْتِقَالْ " confiscation of property,"مُصَادَرَةْ أَمْلاَكْ " foundational assembly,"مَجْلِسْ تَأْسِيسِي " court,"مَحْكْمَةْ " The Honored Court,"هَيْئَةْ المَحْكْمَةْ " Court of Appeal,"مَحْكَمَةْ الإِسْتِئْنَافْ " "Court of Cassation, Supreme Court","مَحْكَمَةِ التَّعْقِيبْ " courtroom,"قَاعَةْ المَحْكْمَةْ " Criminal Court,"مَحْكَمَةِ الجِنَايَاتْ " Crown Prince,"وَلِيْ العَهْدْ " "protest, demonstration","مَسِيرَةْ " "path, where one is going in life","مَسِيرَةْ " "protest, demonstration","مُظَاهْرَةْ " Deputy in Parliament,"نَائِبْ فِي البَرْلَمَانْ " double agent,"عَمِيلْ مُزْدَوَجْ " patriotic duty,"وَاجِبْ تُجَاهْ الوَطَنْ " "elected, chosen","مُنْتَخَبْ " national team,"مُنْتَخَبْ " exempt from prosecutions or procedures,"مُعْفَى مِنَ التَتَبُعًاتْ " exiled,"مِنْفِي " fascist,"فَاشِي " "for the sake of the nation, for the country","فِي سَبِيلْ لْوَطَنْ " General Secretary,"كَاتِبْ عَامْ " government headquarters,"مَقَرّْ الحُكُومَةْ " "governmental, public, of the state","لِيطَاتِيكْ " governor,"وَالِي " "guardianship, custody","كَفَالَةْ " "guarantee, promise, bail","كَفَالَةْ " handcuffs,"مِنُوطْ " writer or granter of the will,"مُولَى الوْصِيَّةْ " His Excellency the President of the Republic,"مَعَالِي سِيَادَةْ رَئِيسْ الجُمْهُورِيَّةْ " human rights activist,"نَاشِطْ حُقُوقِي " human rights organization,"مُنَظّْمَةْ حُقُوقِيَّةْ " national anthem,"نَشِيد وَطَنِي " "arrested, being held by the police, in custody","فِي لْوُقُوفْ " "intelligence officials, informants","مُخَابَرَاتْ " state security forces,"قُوَّاتْ الأَمْنْ الدَّاخِلِي " to jump off of (past singular masculine),"نَقِّزْ مِنْ فُوقْ " justice,"عَدَالَةْ " justice,"عَدْلْ " king,"مَلِكْ " Kremlin,"كْرِمْلِنْ " law,"قَانُونْ " "to lease, sign a rental contract (past singular masculine)","عْمَلْ عَقْدْ كِرَاءْ " legal,"قَانُونِي " legal,"لِيقَالْ " legal jurisprudence,"فِقْهْ قَانُونِي " legally,"قَانُونِيَّا " legislative amnesty,"عَفْوْ تَشْرِيعِي " list of voters,"قَائِمَةْ النَّاخِبِينْ " minister (government),"وْزِيرْ " Minister of Foreign Affairs,"وْزِيرْ الشُّؤُونْ الخَارِجِيَّةْ " ministry (government),"وْزَارَةْ " monarchy,"مُونَارْشِي " Nazi,"نَازِي " fascism,"فَاشِيزْمْ " "to negotiate, deliberate (past singular masculine)","نِيقُوسَى " NGOs,"مُنَظَّمَاتْ غَيْرْ حُكُومِيَّةْ " Nida Tounis political party,"نِدَاءْ تُونِسْ " official spokesman,"نَاطَقْ رَسْمِي " "pact, charter","مِيثَاقْ " Parliament,"مَجْلِسْ النُّوَابْ " Parliament (old term),"مَجْلِسْ الأُمَّةْ " patriotic,"وَطَنِي " patriotism,"وَطَنِيَّةْ " "nation, country","وَطَنْ " "peace pact, agreement","مُعَاهَدَةْ سَلَامْ " penalty,"عُقُوبَةْ " personal affairs judge,"قَاضِي الأَحْوَالْ الشَخْصِيَّةْ " police inspector,"مُفَتِّشْ شُرْطَةْ " police uniform,"كِسْوَةْ البُولِيسْ " "presidential motorcade, entourage","مَوْكِبْ رِئَاسِي " press secretary,"مِتْكَلِّفْ بِالإِعْلَامْ " detainment center,"قَفَصُ الِإتِّهَامْ " public prosecutor,"مُدَّعِي عَامْ " regional council,"مَجْلِسْ جِهَوِي " embassy representative,"مُمَثِّلْ عَنْ السِّفَارَةْ " extreme right,"يَمِينْ مُتَطَرِّفْ " "royal,kingly","مَلَكِي " secret agent,"عَمِيلْ سِرِّي " Secretary of State,"كَاتِبْ دَوْلَةْ " "sentenced, charged","مَحْكُومْ " identity card for police officers or army personnel,"كَارْطْ دُو سَرْفِيسْ " "to sign a peace pact, agreement (past singular masculine)","وَقْعُو إِتِفَاقِيَّةْ سَلَامْ " "judicial board, council","مَجْلِسْ قَضَائِي " "syndicate, union","نَقَابَةْ " "system, government","نِظَامْ " defense lawyer,"مُحَامِي الدِّفَاعْ " "to deny someone’s rights, to deprive someone (past singular masculine)","مَعْطَاوْهُوشْ حَقُّو " "treaty, agreement","مُعَاهْدَةْ " "truce, ceasefire","هُدْنَةْ " under arrest,"فِي حَالِةْ إيقاف " Unesco,"يُونِسْكُو " "high-ranking attorney with greater powers, works for state",وَكِيلْ الجُمْهُورِيَّة