eng,tun "Esperance, a Tunis soccer team (aka “Taraji”)",إسْپَارُونْسْ to fish with a net (past singular masculine),إصْطَادْ بِالكَرْكَارَة "marble, small ball",بِيسَة "penalty, foul, penalty shot",پِيلَانْتِي clubs (in playing cards),تْرَافِلْ tiebreaker in card game,تْرُمْبِيطَة "to climb with effort (i.e. wall, rock face) (past singular masculine)",تْشَعْبِطْ "to tire out from running, jogging (past singular masculine)",تْعِبْ مِ الجَرِي "Gymnastics, sport exercises",تَمَارِينْ رِيَاضِيَّة sideline,تَمَاسْ "to warm up (before a sports event), get ready (past singular masculine)",تْمَرِّنْ "exercise, activity",تَمْرِينْ competition,تَنَافُسْ tennis,تِنِيسْ tournament,تورنوا Chess tournament,تورنوا متاع شطرنج handball (penalty in football/soccer),تُوشْ set or run in rummy,تْيَارْسَا horse racing,تْيَارْسَا "field, land, playing field",تِيرَانْ to have more (sixes) and sevens in chkoba (past singular masculine),جَابْ البِرْمِيلَة to go jogging (past singular masculine),جْرَى فُوتِينْغْ he ran like Gamoudi (an old Tunisian runner who won many races),جْرَى كِيمَا القَمُّودِي "a run, jog",جَرْيَة "fans, audience",جَمَاهِيرْ Gymnastics,جُمْبَازْ "association, sports club",جَمْعِيَّة strategic game,جُو دُو سْتْرَاتِيجِي joker (playing cards or a person),جُوكْ joker (playing cards or a person),جُوكَاَرْ gymnastics,جِيمْنًاسْ gymnastics,جِيمْنَسْتِيكْ to set the bait (past singular masculine),حَطْ الطُّعْمْ "referee, umpire",حَكَمْ cunning at games,خْبِيثْ فِي اللَّعْبْ a traditional game similar to tic-tac-toe,خَرْبْقَة they went out to go jogging,خَرْجُو فُوتِينْڨْ to lose (e.g. game) (past singular masculine),خْسِرْ fishing line,خِيطْ الصُنَّارَة defense,دَافُونْسْ defender (sports),دَافُونْسُورْ checkers,دَامَّا the second half of the match,دُزْيَامْ مِيتُونْ fishing worms,دُودْ الحُوتْ Sports tournament,دَورَة رِيَاضِيَّة second half in sports match,دُوزْيَامْ مِيطُونْ "penny, bib for sports practice",دُوسَارْ domino,دُومِينُو diamond (suit in cards),دِينَارِي League,رَّابْطَة professional league,رَابْطَة المُحْتَرْفَة racket,رَاكَاتْ to dribble a ball (past singular masculine),رَاوَغْ "get around a question, avoid it",رَاوَغْ Rugby,رِڨْبِي to slow down the game or something else (past singular masculine),رَكَّحْ اللَّعْبْ "to settle a ball, take in a pass (past singular masculine)",رَكَّحْ كُورَة to take a pass with your chest (past singular masculine),ركَّحْ كُورَة بالصْدِرْ corner kick (football),رُكْنِيَّة to cast a fishing line (past singular masculine),رْمَى الصُنَّارَة "a throw, toss, act of throwing",رَمْي shotput,رْمَي الكُرَة الحَدِيدِيَّة dart throwing,رَمِي بِالسَّهْمْ a pitch / a throw,رَمْيَة "flip, trampoline",رُولَاتْ cool-down (after working out),رُولَاشْمُونْ "to cool off, cool down (past singular masculine)",رُولَاشَى sports,رِيَاضَة "group, team sport",رِيَاضَة جَمَاعِيَّة individual sport,رِيَاضَة فَرْدِيَّة women’s sport,رِيَاضَة نِسَائِيَّة athlete,رِيَاضِي "athletic, relating to sports",رِيَاضِيَّة polevault,زَانَة top (spinning toy),زَرْبُوطْ to race (past singular masculine),سَابَقْ he’s terrible at football (two left feet),سَاقِيهْ الزُّوزْ إسَارْ "fitness club, gym",صالْ دُو سْبُورْ swimming,سِبَاحَة Freestyle swimming,سِبَاحَة حرّة backstroke swimming,سِبَاحَة عَ الظْهَرْ Butterfly swimming,سباحة فراشة "sneakers, trainers",سْبَادْرِي race,سباق relay race,سِبَاقْ التَّنَاوُبْ obstacle race,سِبَاقْ الحَوَاجِزْ Cycling,سِبَاقْ الدَّرَّاجَاتْ car race,سِبَاقْ الكْرَاهِبْ "sports, atheltics, exercise",سْپُورْ athletic,سْپُورْتِيفْ stadium,سْتَادْ Menzah’s stadium,سْتَادْ المَنْزَهْ Rades stadium,سْتَادْ رَادِسْ "to steal, rob (past singular masculine)",سْرِقْ scrabble,سِكْرَابِلْ score,سْكُورْ leapfrog,سوط موطون he is playing goalkeeper (usually in football),شادد ڨول to be always against someone (past singular masculine),شادد ڨول to hunt (past singular masculine),شَاسِي "to shoot, kick a ball (past singular masculine)",شَاطّْ to kick something using your foot (past singular masculine),شَاطّْ he kicked the ball with the outside of his foot,شاطها بالإكستريور "to lob, kick high in the air (past singular masculine)",شَاطْهَا سَقْطَايَةْ "to kick, shoot straight from the air (past singular masculine)",شاطها عالطّاير Chess,شِطْرَنْجْ to win a point in Chkoba (past singular masculine),شكّب Chkoba (card game),شكبة "round, half, period (in sports)",شَوْطْ champion,شومبيون dice,شيش بيش "to throw, kick something very far (past singular masculine)",شَيَّعْ بْعِيدْ arcade,صَالْ دُو جُو a rod (especially for fishing),صُنَّارَةْ "the ball hit the crossbar, post",ضَرْبِتْ عَلْ البَارْ "it was really close, just missed",ضَرْبِتْ عَلْ البَارْ "right defender (soccer), right back",ضَهِيرْ أيْمَنْ a humiliating loss,طْبِيخَةْ round (of game),طُرْحْ chess match,طُرْحْ شِطْرَنْجْ long game or round,طُرْحْ طْوِيلْ "playing by sharing, taking turns (substituting)",طُرْحْ عَ الدَّايِرْ loser of this round pays for the drinks,طُرْحْ عَ الشُرْبْ "short game, round",طُرْحْ قْصِيرْ "rubber match, best out of three",طُرْحِينْ وَ طْرَانْبَا bait,طُعم to show your cards (past singular masculine),طَيِّشْ كَفِّكْ to throw out a card (past singular masculine),طَيِّشْ وَرْقَةْ to pass the ball (past singular masculine),عَدَّالُو بَاصْ race,عَدُوْ رِيفِي to pass the ball between the defender’s legs (past singular masculine),عَظِّمْ to pass a ball back and forth with someone (past singular masculine),عْمَلْ إِينْدُو to do a somersault (past singular masculine),عْمَلْ تْكَرْبِيسَةْ "to warm up, get ready (past singular masculine)",عْمَلْ ترينمُونْ to do a flip (past singular masculine),عْمَلْ رُولَادْ to make a scissor kick (soccer) (past singular masculine),عْمَلْ كُو دْ سِيزُو to control/dribble the ball (soccer) (past singular masculine),عْمَلْ كُونْتْرُولْ to have a follow-up with the doctor (past singular masculine),عْمَلْ كُونْتْرُولْ to go for a run (past singular masculine),عَمْلُو جَرْيَةْ a game like rock paper scissors,فْرُودْ زْوَازْ I fold,فْرِيشْ "team, crew",فَرِيقْ the opposing team,فَرِيقْ مُنَافِسْ "penalty, foul (sports)",فٌوتْ "football, soccer",فُوتْ بُولْ futsal (soccer on very small field),فُوتْ صَالْ "jogging, running",فُوتِينْقْ trainer,فُورْمَاتُورْ "an overwhelming victory, crush, annihilation",فَوْزْ سَاحِقْ stands in a stadium,فِيرَاجْ detour,فِيرَاجْ goalkeeper,ڨَارْدْيَانْ "guard, bodyguard",ڨَارْدْيَانْ "team leader, captain",قَائِدْ فَرِيقْ to shoot (ball) (past singular masculine),قْذِفْ to ejaculate (past singular masculine),قْذِفْ "bleachers, stands",ڨْرَادَانْ to quit watching a game (past singular masculine),قَصْ عَلْ الپَرْتِي to jump (past singular masculine),قْفِزْ pole vault,قَفْزْ بِالزَّانَة professional wrestling,كَاتْشْ "Card, credit card, playing cards",كَارْطْ "Card, credit card, playing cards",كَارْطَةْ "Known trick, old-fashioned",كَارْطَةْ قْدِيمَةْ water polo,كُرِةْ اليَدْ فِي المَاءْ Volleyball,كُرَة طَايْرَة Checkmate,كِشْ مَاتْ Club,كْلُوبْ Club Africain fan,كُلُوبِيسْتِيَّةْ he took the bad seven (in chkoba),كْلَى السَبْعَةْ الحَيَّةْ Jack (cards),كَوَّالْ "cup, trophy",كُوٍپْ haircut,كُوٍپْ "to play football, soccer (past singular masculine)",كَوِّرْ ball,كُورَةْ horse racing,كُورْسْ مْتَاعْ حْصُنّا horse racing,كُورْسْ مْتَاعْ زْوَايِلْ indirect free kick,كُوفْرُونْ أَنْدِرَاكْتْ direct free kick,كُوفْرُونْ دِيرَاكْتْ cock fighting,كومبا دو كوك player,لَاعِبْ the joker trumps all,لَصْ يَاكِلْ الكُلْ to cause someone to play (past singular masculine),لَعِّبْ to play (past singular masculine),لّعَبْ "game, toy",لُعْبْ "card playing, card games",لِعْبْ الوَرَقْ to play sports (past singular masculine),لْعَبْ سْبُورْ to play a coin-flipping game (past singular masculine),لْعَبْ فْرُونْسْ آرَابْ to do a corner kick in soccer/football (past singular masculine),لْعَبْ كُورْنَارْ to play against (past singular masculine),لْعَبْ كُونْتْرُو game with a score,لِعْبَةْ بِالزَلْعَةْ the goal didn’t count,مَا حْسِبِشْ البُونْتُو "scoreless tie, draw",مَاتِشْ نُولْ "to score a goal, a point (past singular masculine)",مَرْكَى lane (in a race),مِضْمَارْ to scoare a goal with one’s head (past singular masculine),مَرْكَى بِالرَّاسْ to shuffle (past singular masculine),مَشْكَى to shuffle Rummy cards (past singular masculine),مَشْكِي الرَامِي he skated,مْشَى بِلْبَاتَانَاتْ tormentor of the masses (good athlete playing on the other team),مُعَذِّبْ الجَمَاهِيرْ good chess player,مَلاَعْبِي مْتَاعْ شِطْرَنْجْ stadium,مَلْعَبْ "coach, trainer",مُمَرِّنْ "opponent, competitor",مُنَاضِرْ "supporter, fan",مُؤَيِّدْ to draw a bow (past singular masculine),نَبِّلْ "ram fight, horn smashing",نْطِيحْ أَكْبَاشْ to tackle (sports) from behind (past singular masculine),هبطلو تاكل to slidetackle someone (from front or side) (past singular masculine),هْبِطْلُو سْكِي to lay down just the right cards (past singular masculine),هُبُوطْ بِالضَبْطْ "striker, good goal scorer",هَدَافْ "to lob a ball, pass through the air (past singular masculine)",هَزْ بِيهْ الكُورَةْ hockey,هُوكِي handball,هُونْدْ "scorecard, paper for keeping score",وَرْقَةْ الرّْشِيمَةْ "put one card down, and you pick up another (rule in cards)",وَرْقَةْ تْهَبِّطْ وَرْقَةْ تْفَرِّشْ to put down one’s cards (past singular masculine),وَصِّلْ هْبُوطِكْ "extra time, overtime, free time",وَقْتْ الزَّايِدْ to play fair (past singular masculine),يَلْعِبْ رِيقْلَة bowling,بُولِينْڨْ "to grab, defend, save (a goal), counteract, stop, block (past singular masculine)",تْصَدَّى boxing,بوكس card game (pilote),بُولُوطْ to skate (past singular masculine),مْشَى بِل ْبَاتَانَاتْ "to train, work out, practice a sport (past singular masculine)",ترانى bridge (playing cards),بْرِيدْجْ "to ski, ice skate (past singular masculine)",تَزَلُّجْ عَلْ الجَلِيدْ to throw a ball really hard (past singular masculine),طزْ الكُورَة "sports competition, tournament",تَظَاهْرَة رِيَاضِيَّة to put a card in the appropriate place during a game (past singular masculine),بَلِّصْ to park a car (past singular masculine),بَلِّصْ "extra time, overtime",أوقات ليضافيّة Esperance (Tunis soccer team),تَرَجِّي الرِّيَاضِي التُّونْسِي "triple, hat trick",تْرِيبِلْ "to do a somersault, flip over (past singular masculine)",تشقلب boxer,بُوكْسُورْ card game,بَازْقَة Promosport (gambling game for soccer matches),بْرُومُوسْپُورْ spot where penalty kicks are done,بُقْعَة الپِيلَانْتِي to do push ups (past singular masculine),بَنْبِي فِي القَاعْ "striker, player on offense",أتَاكُونْ to place a bet (past singular masculine),حُطْ خْتَارْ two against two card game,أدْوَاسْ "referee, umpire",أرْبِيتْرْ "to hunt, fish (past singular masculine)",إصطاد to shut a player down (done by a good defender) (past singular masculine),سَكِّرْ عْلِيهْ اللَّعْبْ "to kick the ball, shoot (past singular masculine)",شُوتْ to do a penalty kick (past singular masculine),شُوتْ پِيلَانْتِي to fish with a net (past singular masculine),إصْطَادْ بِالشِّبْكَة to hunt by trap (past singular masculine),إصطاد بالمنداف "games, rounds",أطْرَاحْ to retire from a sport (past singular masculine),إعتزل to announce the extra time to be added to a football/soccer match (past singular masculine),أعلن الوقت بدل الضّائع "striker, middle attacker (football/soccer)",أفُونْ سُونْتِرْ to juggle with a ball (past singular masculine),إكَبْرِي بِالكُورَة Olympic Games,أَلْعَابْ الأُولَمْپِيَّة athletics competition,ألْعَابْ القُوَى "mind games, intelletual games",ألْعَابْ مْتَاعْ تَفْكِيرْ fish hook,آمْصُونْ God willing we’ll win,إنْشَاءَ اللْه مَرْبُوحَة "supporters, fans",أنْصَارْ "to jog, run (past singular masculine)",هَرْوِلْ to win a title (past singular masculine),هِزْ تِيتِرْ offsides (soccer),أورْ جُو olympics,أولَمْبِيكْ aerobic,أيرُوبِيكْ team,إيكِيپْ basketball,بَاسْكَاتْ "championship, league",بُطُولَة "main actor, lead",بُطُولَة "reserve, someone on the bench, substitute",بنّاك jobless,بنّاك pushups,بُومْبَا "goal, point",بُونْتُو pawn (chess),بَيْدَقْ to play marbles (past singular masculine),بَيِّسْ billiards,بِييَارْ skating,پَاتِينَاجْ "supporter, fan, behind something",پَارْتِيزُونْ backboard (in basketball),پَانُو بَاسْكَاتْ first half (soccer match),پْرُمْيَارْ مِيتُونْ poker (cards),پُوكَارْ "field (soccer, etc.)",پُولُوزْ penalty shots,پِيلَانْتِيَّاتْ "ping pong, table tennis",پِينْڨْ پُونْڨْ taikwando,تَايْكْوَنْدُو rowing,تَجْدِيفْ blasphemy,تَجْدِيفْ to ski (past singular masculine),تزلّج "to kick high and hard, put a ball where it needs to go (past singular masculine)",تْسَنْطِرْ "to flip over, do a somersault, do gymnastics (past singular masculine)",تْشَقْلِبْ player,جُووَارْ judo,جِيدُو African League Cup,كأس رَابِطَة إفرِيقْيَا ace (cards),لَصْ American football,فُوتْ أَمَرٍيكَانْ athlete,أتْلاتْ track and field,أتْلاتِيزْمْ "attacker, player on offense",مُهَاجِمْ basketball,كُرَةْ السَلَّةْ bronze medal,مِيدَالِيَّةْ بْرُنْزِيَّةْ bullfighting,مُصَارَعَةِ الثِّيرَانْ "card to be filled out, especially for Promosport",قُصَاصَةْ chess match,لُعْبَةْ الشِطْرَنْجْ "club, team",نَادِي "coach, manager",مُدَرِّبْ "competition, match, battle",مُنَافْسَةْ competitor,مُنَافِسْ corner kick,كُورْنَارْ counterattack,هُجُومْ مُعَاكِسْ defender,مُدَافِعْ final (final match),فِينَالْ to end in a tie (cards) (past singular masculine),وْفَاتْ طَاوْلَةْ "fitness trainer, personal trainer",مُعِدْ بَدَنِي "football, soccer",كُرَةْ قَدَمْ "Taraji soccer club, Esperance",مَكَشْخَةْ "footballer, soccer player",كَوَّارْجِي free kick,كُوفْرُونْ "friendly match, exhibition match",مُقَابْلَةْ وِدِّيَةْ game,لُعْبَةْ gladiator,ڨْلَادْيَاتُورْ to go jogging (past singular masculine),عَمَلُو فُوتِينْقْ "goalkeeper, goalie",ڨُولْ golden goal (goal scored in extra time in old system),هَدَفْ ذَّهَبِي gold medal,مِيدَالِيَّةْ ذَهَبِيَّةْ golf,ڨُولْفْ "good player, good athlete",مْلاَعْبِي half (soccer),مِيتُونْ handball,كُرَةْ اليَدّْ hooligans,هُولِيقَانْزْ shotput,كُرَةْ حَدِيدِيَّةْ karate,كَاراتِي Left-back (soccer position),ظَهِيرْ أَيْسَرْ "fans, lovers, supporters",أحِبَّاءْ to form a team (past singular masculine),عْمَلْ إِيكِيبْ marathon,مَارَاطُونْ "match, game",مَاتِشْ "match, game",مُبَارَاةْ to play a card (past singular masculine),لْعِبْ وَرْقَة لَعْبُو كَاتْ كَاتْ دُو,red card وَرْقَةْ حَمْرَاءْ,right-back (soccer position) ظَهِيرْ أيْمَنْ,"running, race" عَدْوْ,silver medal مِيدَالِيَّةْ فِضِيَّةْ,"cut off, stopped" مَقْصُوصْ,swimming نَاتَاسْيُونْ,time out (sports) وَقْتْ مُسْتَقْطَعْ,yellow card وَرْقَةْ صَفْرَاءْ,"match, game" مُقَابْلَةْ,pass (sports)