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The Republican president assumed he was helping the industry at the expense of the environment – a trade-off Trump was happy to make since he rejects climate science anyway. | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/auto-industry-trump-youre-going-the-wrong-way-emissions | msnbc | environment | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | O presidente republicano presumiu que estava ajudando a indústria às custas do meio ambiente – uma troca que Trump ficou feliz em fazer, já que rejeita a ciência climática de qualquer maneira. | [] |
Though the indictment of a woman for her own pregnancy loss is unusual in Alabama, it is not unusual for prosecutors to charge people with murder even if they never killed anyone. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/06/28/alabama-prosecute-marshae-jones-pregnant-woman-who-shot/1600459001/ | usa-today | abortion | center | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Embora a acusação de uma mulher por sua própria perda de gravidez seja incomum no Alabama, não é incomum que os promotores acusem pessoas de assassinato, mesmo que nunca tenham matado ninguém. | [] |
Ingraham began the exchange by noting American graduates’ salaries have been suppressed by the flood of foreign graduates. | https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2020/01/12/donald-trump-we-dont-have-enough-foreign-workers/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | immigration | right | No agreement | No agreement | ['flood'] | Ingraham começou a conversa observando que os salários dos graduados americanos foram suprimidos pela enxurrada de graduados estrangeiros. | ['enxurrada'] |
The tragedy of America’s 18 years in Afghanistan has been a stubborn refusal to admit the Afghan government is incapable of standing on its own, no matter how much money is poured into it, how much training its troops are given, or how many of its battles American soldiers fight. | http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/breitbart/~3/EReXUAKj_UQ/ | breitbart | international-politics-and-world-news | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['tragedy', 'stubborn'] | A tragédia dos 18 anos dos Estados Unidos no Afeganistão tem sido uma recusa obstinada em admitir que o governo afegão é incapaz de se manter sozinho, não importa quanto dinheiro seja investido nele, quanto treinamento suas tropas recebam ou quantas de suas batalhas Soldados americanos lutam. | ['tragédia', 'obstinada'] |
The justices threw out a challenge from gun rights groups. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/supreme-court-gun-rights-case_n_5ea6eb53c5b6a30004e59f35 | msnbc | gun-control | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Os juízes lançaram um desafio de grupos de direitos de armas. | [] |
A review of his posts in online message boards revealed he wanted to plant neo-Nazi propaganda inside Nevada middle and high schools. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/10/white-supremacist-las-vegas-guilty-plea-conor-climo/4717616002/ | usa-today | white-nationalism | center | Biased | Entirely factual | ['plant'] | Uma revisão de suas postagens em painéis de mensagens online revelou que ele queria plantar propaganda neonazista nas escolas de ensino fundamental e médio de Nevada. | ['plantar'] |
After the airstrike that killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani, there were reports that U.S. Customs and Border Patrol detained dozens of people at the Blaine, Washington, port of entry over the weekend. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/01/07/customs-and-border-patrol-deny-reports-detained-iranian-americans/2830330001/ | usa-today | immigration | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Após o ataque aéreo que matou o general iraniano Qasem Soleimani, houve relatos de que a Alfândega e a Patrulha de Fronteira dos EUA detiveram dezenas de pessoas no porto de entrada de Blaine, Washington, no fim de semana. | [] |
Investigators believe parents would use falsified records so their children could attend schools that would otherwise require all students to be vaccinated, Dart told WBBM-TV. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/14/illinois-doctor-van-koinis-may-have-faked-vaccination-records-sheriff/4759104002/ | usa-today | vaccines | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Os investigadores acreditam que os pais usariam registros falsificados para que seus filhos pudessem frequentar escolas que, de outra forma, exigiriam que todos os alunos fossem vacinados, disse Dart à WBBM-TV. | [] |
Politicians have no business directing or defining patriotism — especially when their rhetoric sounds like 1950s-era Soviet sloganeering. | https://thefederalist.com/2017/01/24/trumps-national-day-patriotic-creepy/ | federalist | white-nationalism | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['sloganeering'] | Os políticos não devem dirigir ou definir o patriotismo - especialmente quando sua retórica soa como slogans soviéticos da década de 1950. | [] |
Despite repeated setbacks, Smart made history as the first American to reach No. 1 in the world in saber fencing and later was on the silver-medal winning U.S. team in the 2008 Olympics. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/stay-close-pbs-film-spotlights-race-adversity-black-man-s-n1111351?cid=public-rss_20200106 | msnbc | sport | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Apesar dos repetidos contratempos, Smart fez história como o primeiro americano a alcançar o primeiro lugar no mundo na esgrima de sabre e, mais tarde, integrou a equipe americana vencedora da medalha de prata nas Olimpíadas de 2008. | [] |
Trump's decision to remove the troops near the Turkish border has allowed Turkey to lodge an attack on U.S. Kurdish allies who helped in the fight against the Islamic State terrorist group, also known as ISIS. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/10/16/trumps-syria-expected-condemned-house-vote/3992184002/ | usa-today | international-politics-and-world-news | center | No agreement | No agreement | [] | decisão de Trump de retirar as tropas perto da fronteira turca permitiu à Turquia lançar um ataque contra aliados curdos dos EUA que ajudaram na luta contra o grupo terrorista Estado Islâmico, também conhecido como ISIS. | [] |
Last week, Ankara broke the 2015 agreement with Brussels in which it would stop the illegal flow of migrants through Turkey in exchange for money and continuing EU accession talks, and opened the gates which resulted in thousands of migrants amassing on the near-east country’s land border with Greece. | https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/03/05/hungary-vows-it-will-protect-europe-illegal-mass-migration-again/ | breitbart | immigration | right | Biased | No agreement | [] | Na semana passada, Ancara quebrou o acordo de 2015 com Bruxelas, no qual interromperia o fluxo ilegal de migrantes pela Turquia em troca de dinheiro e da continuação das negociações de adesão à UE, e abriu os portões que resultaram em milhares de migrantes se acumulando nas terras do país do Oriente Próximo. fronteira com a Grécia. | [] |
In the wake of the El Paso shooting, in which 22 were killed and 24 injured, the discovery of a racist manifesto that may be linked to the shooter has pushed white supremacist ideologies into prominence. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/08/05/amazon-sells-white-supremacy-books-el-paso-shooter/1922484001/ | usa-today | white-nationalism | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Após o tiroteio em El Paso, no qual 22 morreram e 24 ficaram feridos, a descoberta de um manifesto racista que pode estar ligado ao atirador deu destaque às ideologias da supremacia branca. | [] |
Ohio's Down syndrome abortion ban and similar proposals around the country have triggered emotional debate over women’s rights, parental love, and the trust between doctor and patient. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/down-syndrome-abortion-fight-ohio-takes-legal-twists-n1155276?cid=public-rss_20200311 | msnbc | abortion | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | A proibição do aborto devido à síndrome de Down em Ohio e propostas semelhantes em todo o país desencadearam um debate emocional sobre os direitos das mulheres, o amor dos pais e a confiança entre médico e paciente. | [] |
Like many Americans also crippled by student loans, Brewster’s been making sacrifices since she graduated: She put off her wedding for two years and once she and her husband, Ryan, finally got married in November 2018, they decided they couldn’t afford a honeymoon. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/01/25/election-2020-democrats-focus-student-loan-debt-do-voters-care/4562079002/ | usa-today | student-debt | center | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['crippled'] | Como muitos americanos também prejudicados por empréstimos estudantis, Brewster tem feito sacrifícios desde que se formou: ela adiou o casamento por dois anos e, quando ela e o marido, Ryan, finalmente se casaram em novembro de 2018, eles decidiram que não podiam pagar uma lua de mel. . | ['ela'] |
Just a few weeks later, our divided leaders were taken by surprise by the pandemic, and bickered on cable news, asking why nothing was done sooner. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/13/pollak-democrats-pushed-impeachment-while-coronavirus-spread/ | breitbart | coronavirus | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['bickered'] | Apenas algumas semanas depois, nossos líderes divididos foram pegos de surpresa pela pandemia e brigaram nas notícias da TV a cabo, perguntando por que nada foi feito antes. | ['brigaram'] |
Thousands of fetal remains that were found at an abortion doctor's suburban Chicago garage last year were buried Wednesday at an Indiana cemetery. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/13/indiana-abortion-doctor-mass-burial-held-fetuses-found-illinois-home/4746998002/ | usa-today | abortion | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Milhares de restos fetais que foram encontrados na garagem de um médico de aborto no subúrbio de Chicago no ano passado foram enterrados na quarta-feira em um cemitério de Indiana. | [] |
President Donald Trump urged lawmakers in his State of the Union address to put new limits on abortion, but partisan division in the U.S. Congress means the Supreme Court likely will set the agenda on the divisive issue, as it has for decades. | null | reuters | abortion | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O presidente Donald Trump instou os legisladores em seu discurso do Estado da União a colocarem novos limites ao aborto, mas a divisão partidária no Congresso dos EUA significa que a Suprema Corte provavelmente definirá a agenda sobre a questão divisiva, como tem feito por décadas. | [] |
Ankara launched a cross-border attack against Syria’s Kurds on October 9 after the United States announced a military pullout from the north of the war-torn country. | https://www.breitbart.com/news/kurdish-fighters-withdraw-from-besieged-syria-town/ | breitbart | international-politics-and-world-news | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Ancara lançou um ataque transfronteiriço contra os curdos da Síria em 9 de outubro, depois que os Estados Unidos anunciaram uma retirada militar do norte do país devastado pela guerra. | [] |
For a lazy narcissist like Trump, that must have been a life-altering realization: Hollywood fakery can make even the biggest idiot appear smart and capable. So he has spent the entire presidency, which he thinks of more as a fake TV job than a real one, using photo-ops, pep rallies and other stunts to try to shape an image of himself as sharp and tough, an image that runs totally counter to reality. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/bunker-boy-trump-thinks-he-can-edit-reality-like-tv-show/ | alternet | trump-presidency | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['lazy', 'narcissist', 'fakery', 'idiot', 'fake', 'totally'] | Para um narcisista preguiçoso como Trump, essa deve ter sido uma percepção que mudou sua vida: a falsidade de Hollywood pode fazer até o maior idiota parecer inteligente e capaz. Assim, ele passou toda a presidência, que considera mais um emprego falso na TV do que real, usando operações fotográficas, comícios estimulantes e outras acrobacias para tentar moldar uma imagem de si mesmo como afiado e durão, uma imagem que corre totalmente contrário à realidade. | ['preguiçoso', 'narcisista', 'falso', 'idiota', 'falso', 'totalmente'] |
Just off the top of my head, CNN is already filled with useless and uninteresting Never Trump deadwood. | https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/01/15/nolte-cnn-hiring-john-kasich-another-never-trump-payoff/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | gun-control | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['useless', 'uninteresting', 'deadwood'] | Apenas de cabeça, a CNN já está cheia de inúteis e desinteressantes Never Trump deadwood. | ['inúteis', 'desinteressantes', 'desinteressantes'] |
The White House did not respond to requests for comment. The White House has defended Miller in previous statements to media, raising Miller’s Jewish background in that defense. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/after-stephen-miller-s-white-nationalist-views-outed-latinos-ask-n1096071 | msnbc | white-nationalism | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | A Casa Branca não respondeu aos pedidos de comentários. A Casa Branca defendeu Miller em declarações anteriores à mídia, levantando a origem judaica de Miller nessa defesa. | [] |
When carrying a firearm, you have the ultimate power of force in your control. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/08/06/7-reasons-people-concealed-carry/?utm_source=The+Federalist+List&utm_campaign=9fdea2288f-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-9fdea2288f-83924449 | federalist | gun-control | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['ultimate'] | Ao carregar uma arma de fogo, você tem o poder supremo da força sob seu controle. | ['o'] |
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern last month said she’s baffled by America’s failure to pass stricter gun laws, despite the wave of mass shootings that have taken place across the country over the last few decades. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mick-mulvaney-virginia-beach-shooting_n_5cf3d5b7e4b0a1997b6bf26c | huffpost | gun-control | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | A primeira-ministra da Nova Zelândia, Jacinda Ardern, disse no mês passado que está perplexa com o fracasso dos Estados Unidos em aprovar leis mais rígidas sobre armas, apesar da onda de tiroteios em massa que ocorreram em todo o país nas últimas décadas. | [] |
Ocasio-Cortez used this weekend’s news cycle to continue highlighting the evils of wealth inequality, and to draw attention to serious policy fixes for the problem. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/01/alexandria-ocaio-cortez-is-absolutely-right-there-shouldnt-be-any-billionaires/ | alternet | middle-class | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['evils'] | Ocasio-Cortez usou o ciclo de notícias deste fim de semana para continuar destacando os males da desigualdade de riqueza e para chamar a atenção para soluções políticas sérias para o problema. | ['males'] |
The second side is represented by lenders, who – in my view – do little to assess an individual’s ability to repay a student loan. If a student borrows to enroll in a program, limits placed on amounts borrowed are quite high when federal and private loans are combined. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/02/a-college-president-explains-why-student-debt-is-a-disaster/ | alternet | student-debt | left | Non-biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | O segundo lado é representado pelos credores, que – a meu ver – fazem pouco para avaliar a capacidade de um indivíduo pagar um empréstimo estudantil. Se um aluno toma emprestado para se matricular em um programa, os limites impostos aos valores emprestados são bastante altos quando os empréstimos federais e privados são combinados. | [] |
For far too many on the left, chaos is the point. Destruction is the goal. They prefer the unknown madness that lies ahead to whatever is still managing to (barely) hold us together in the present. | https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/06/divisive-insurrectionists-have-brought-the-nation-to-the-brink-of-chaos/ | federalist | elections-2020 | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['chaos', 'madness', 'barely'] | Para muitos da esquerda, o caos é o ponto. Destruição é o objetivo. Preferem a loucura desconhecida que se avizinha ao que quer que ainda consiga (mal) nos manter unidos no presente. | ['caos', 'loucura', 'ainda'] |
Worth noting, however, is that Democrats have also been notably two-faced on gun control. | https://thefederalist.com/2019/02/21/facts-mass-shootings-support-gun-ownership-not-gun-control/?utm_source=The+Federalist+List&utm_campaign=e01eef4417-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-e01eef4417-83843357 | federalist | gun-control | right | Non-biased | No agreement | ['notably'] | Vale a pena notar, no entanto, que os democratas também foram notavelmente duvidosos no controle de armas. | ['notavelmente'] |
In practical terms, Trump wants to make the transition from dramatically curtailing refugee admissions to effectively ending refugee admissions. | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/would-the-trump-admin-effectively-halt-the-us-refugee-program | msnbc | immigration | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['dramatically', 'curtailing'] | Em termos práticos, Trump quer fazer a transição de reduzir drasticamente as admissões de refugiados para acabar efetivamente com as admissões de refugiados. | ['drasticamente', 'reduzir'] |
Victorina Morales, an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala, told reporters in a conference call on Tuesday that she was allowed to work at the resort after she submitted a fraudulent Social Security number and green card, which she alleges her supervisors knew were phony. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/31/state-union-undocumented-trump-national-worker-attend/2731605002/ | usa-today | immigration | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Victorina Morales, uma imigrante indocumentada da Guatemala, disse a repórteres em uma teleconferência na terça-feira que foi autorizada a trabalhar no resort depois de apresentar um número fraudulento de Seguro Social e green card, que ela alega que seus supervisores sabiam que eram falsos. | [] |
Trump, who has sparred back and forth with the teenage climate activist Greta Thunber, made the comments in a press briefing just before he was about to depart the annual World Economic Forum meeting in the Swiss ski resort. | https://www.reuters.com/article/davos-meeting-trump-thunberg/davos-trump-says-he-would-have-loved-to-have-seen-greta-thunberg-speak-idUSS8N29P0BS | reuters | environment | center | No agreement | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['sparred'] | Trump, que brigou com a adolescente ativista climática Greta Thunber, fez os comentários em uma coletiva de imprensa pouco antes de deixar a reunião anual do Fórum Econômico Mundial na estação de esqui suíça. | [] |
It would indeed be out of character for the Trump administration to take any firm stand against criminalizing homosexuality, since Trump — despite his campaign promises that he would live and let live — has been one of the most LGBTQ-hostile presidents in modern politics. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/02/watch-trump-is-completely-baffled-when-asked-about-his-own-policy-to-fight-anti-homosexuality-laws/ | alternet | gender | left | No agreement | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | Seria realmente fora do personagem o governo Trump tomar qualquer posição firme contra a criminalização da homossexualidade, já que Trump - apesar de suas promessas de campanha de que viveria e deixaria viver - tem sido um dos presidentes mais hostis a LGBTQ na política moderna. | [] |
The ADL report represents a sobering warning about the reach of white supremacist groups, which can take advantage of the efficiency and anonymity provided by social media to disseminate their ideology with little fear of backlash. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/14/white-supremacy-propaganda-increasing-mainstream-violence/4755150002/ | usa-today | white-nationalism | center | Biased | No agreement | ['sobering'] | relatório da ADL representa um alerta sério sobre o alcance dos grupos supremacistas brancos, que podem aproveitar a eficiência e o anonimato fornecidos pelas mídias sociais para disseminar sua ideologia com pouco medo de reação. | ['sério'] |
That has led to fears that gangs could exploit undocumented migrants already in the country for cheap labor, an established but illegal practice known as “caporalato” that one United Nations expert has called a form of modern slavery. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-slavery-trfn/italys-lockdown-labor-crunch-sparks-fears-of-mafia-exploitation-idUSKBN2222MO | reuters | coronavirus | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Isso levou a temores de que as gangues pudessem explorar migrantes indocumentados que já estão no país para obter mão de obra barata, uma prática estabelecida, mas ilegal, conhecida como “caporalato” que um especialista das Nações Unidas chamou de uma forma de escravidão moderna. | [] |
The 2010s saw the U.S. economy achieve its longest-ever expansion, with notable milestones such as 110 months of uninterrupted job gains and an unemployment rate near a half-century low becoming easy bragging points for politicians and economists alike. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy-decade/from-opioid-deaths-to-student-debt-a-view-of-the-2010s-economy-in-charts-idUSKBN1YZ0AS | reuters | student-debt | center | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['bragging'] | A década de 2010 viu a economia dos EUA atingir sua expansão mais longa, com marcos notáveis, como 110 meses de ganhos ininterruptos de empregos e uma taxa de desemprego quase baixa em meio século, tornando-se motivos fáceis de se gabar para políticos e economistas. | [] |
Closing the gender pay gap is not rocket science – even though recently graduated female rocket scientists earn 89 cents on the dollar to their male peers. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/01/heres-why-women-still-earn-a-lot-less-than-men/ | alternet | gender | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['rocket', 'science'] | Fechar a disparidade salarial entre os sexos não é ciência de foguetes – embora as cientistas de foguetes recém-formadas ganhem 89 centavos de dólar por dólar para seus colegas do sexo masculino. | [] |
President Donald Trump in an interview on Tuesday mocked former Vice President Joe Biden for continuing to wear a mask. The president pointed to a speech that Biden gave on Tuesday about race relations, where the former vice president removed his mask. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/03/trump-joe-biden-feels-comfortable-with-a-mask-on-i-think/ | breitbart | elections-2020 | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | presidente Donald Trump em uma entrevista na terça-feira zombou do ex-vice-presidente Joe Biden por continuar usando uma máscara. O presidente apontou para um discurso que Biden fez na terça-feira sobre relações raciais, onde o ex-vice-presidente tirou a máscara. | [] |
The transgender effort to suppress any recognition that men and women are different and complementary would not matter except for the movement’s political alliance with wealthy progressives and radical feminists who wish to destroy the political power of the male-and-female family. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/21/transgenderism-a-mans-penis-can-be-a-female-penis/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | gender | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['wealthy', 'radical'] | O esforço transgênero para suprimir qualquer reconhecimento de que homens e mulheres são diferentes e complementares não importaria, exceto pela aliança política do movimento com ricos progressistas e feministas radicais que desejam destruir o poder político da família masculina e feminina. | ['ricos', 'radicais'] |
The beauty routine for prominent women who work and live under the eye of a camera can include not just haircuts, but hair color, highlights, lowlights, Keratin treatments, blowouts, braids, manicures, pedicures, facials, eyebrow waxes, eyelash extensions. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/10/the-real-scandal-behind-aocs-haircut/ | alternet | gender | left | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | A rotina de beleza para mulheres proeminentes que trabalham e vivem sob o olhar de uma câmera pode incluir não apenas cortes de cabelo, mas cores de cabelo, luzes, luzes baixas, tratamentos de queratina, escovas, tranças, manicure, pedicure, tratamentos faciais, ceras de sobrancelha, extensões de cílios. | [] |
Cuomo has been championed by the mainstream media for his response to the coronavirus pandemic in New York City, but his state-wide response to nursing homes deserves anything but the glowing praise he’s received. | https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/22/janice-dean-tragic-loss-exposes-andrew-cuomo-failed-response-coronavirus-nursing-homes/ | federalist | coronavirus | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['championed', 'glowing'] | Cuomo foi defendido pela grande mídia por sua resposta à pandemia de coronavírus na cidade de Nova York, mas sua resposta em todo o estado aos lares de idosos merece tudo, menos os elogios que recebeu. | ['o', 'de'] |
Sen. Elizabeth Warren's radical immigration plans involves decriminalizing illegal immigration, increasing legal immigration, and ending all detention of illegal aliens, minus those deemed to be “a flight or safety risk.” | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/11/warren-immigration-plan-decriminalize-illegal-immigration-end-detention-of-border-crossers/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | immigration | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['illegal', 'aliens', 'deemed'] | Os planos radicais de imigração da senadora Elizabeth Warren envolvem a descriminalização da imigração ilegal, o aumento da imigração legal e o fim de todas as detenções de estrangeiros ilegais, menos aqueles considerados “um risco de fuga ou segurança”. | ['descriminalização', 'e', 'considerados'] |
And while states like Massachusetts—among others—automatically cancel debt if a borrower dies or becomes disabled, New Jersey has chosen a different path, encouraging students to buy life insurance to cover their debt and take co-signers off the hook in the event of a tragedy | https://www.alternet.org/2016/07/nj-forces-mom-pay-sons-student-loans-murder-does-not-meet-threshold-loan-forgiveness/ | alternet | student-debt | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | E enquanto estados como Massachusetts - entre outros - cancelam automaticamente a dívida se um mutuário falecer ou ficar inválido, Nova Jersey escolheu um caminho diferente, incentivando os alunos a comprar um seguro de vida para cobrir suas dívidas e tirar os co-signatários do gancho em caso de uma tragédia | [] |
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would become the first U.S. leader to attend the March for Life, one of the nation’s largest anti-abortion protests, in person later this week. The move is likely to be seen as an attempt by the president to appeal to his evangelical base at a time of fierce political turmoil. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-march-for-life_n_5e2915eac5b6779e9c2d87af | huffpost | abortion | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | presidente Donald Trump disse na quarta-feira que se tornaria o primeiro líder dos EUA a comparecer pessoalmente à Marcha pela Vida, um dos maiores protestos antiaborto do país, no final desta semana. A medida provavelmente será vista como uma tentativa do presidente de apelar para sua base evangélica em um momento de intensa turbulência política. | [] |
A push by Virginia Democrats to loosen restrictions on late-term abortions is erupting into a fierce partisan clash as video of a legislative hearing goes viral. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/30/virginia-late-term-abortion-debate-loosen-restrictions-goes-viral/2723449002/ | usa-today | abortion | center | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['clash'] | Uma pressão dos democratas da Virgínia para afrouxar as restrições aos abortos tardios está se transformando em um violento confronto partidário quando o vídeo de uma audiência legislativa se torna viral. | ['pressão'] |
In Spain, hundreds of thousands of women, wearing purple and raising their fists, took to the streets of cities around the country calling for greater gender equality. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-womens-day/gender-equality-rights-on-agenda-on-international-womens-day-idUSKCN1QP18R?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews | reuters | gender | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Na Espanha, centenas de milhares de mulheres, vestindo roxo e levantando os punhos, saíram às ruas de cidades de todo o país pedindo maior igualdade de gênero. | [] |
Radical Virginia Citizens Defense League has organized a rally in Richmond for January 20, and the event is already attracting out-of-state pro-gun folks, including a potential horde of white nationalists. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/01/pro-gun-protesters-actively-yearning-for-a-civil-war-set-their-sights-on-virginia/ | alternet | gun-control | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['horde'] | A Radical Virginia Citizens Defense League organizou um comício em Richmond para 20 de janeiro, e o evento já está atraindo pessoas pró-armas de fora do estado, incluindo uma horda potencial de nacionalistas brancos. | ['horda'] |
An illegal alien has been charged with enticing a 13-year-old girl through social media and raping her in Madison County, Alabama. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/03/illegal-alien-charged-with-enticing-raping-13-year-old-girl-in-alabama/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | immigration | right | Biased | No agreement | ['illegal', 'alien'] | Um estrangeiro ilegal foi acusado de seduzir uma menina de 13 anos através da mídia social e estuprá-la no Condado de Madison, Alabama. | ['ilegal', 'estrangeiro'] |
A divided federal appeals court on Tuesday rejected Planned Parenthood’s constitutional challenge to an Ohio law depriving the organization of state funding because it performs abortions, handing a victory to anti-abortion advocates. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-abortion-ohio/appeals-court-says-ohio-may-withhold-planned-parenthood-funding-idUSKBN1QT23V?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews | reuters | abortion | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Um tribunal federal de apelações dividido na terça-feira rejeitou o desafio constitucional da Planned Parenthood a uma lei de Ohio que priva a organização de financiamento estatal porque ela realiza abortos, dando uma vitória aos defensores anti-aborto. | [] |
As the United States women’s national team clinched their fourth World Cup title on Sunday, fans across New York City gathered at local watering holes and match parties, striking an optimistic tone about the future of the women’s game. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-soccer-worldcup-fans/americans-optimistic-about-womens-sport-after-world-cup-triumph-idUSKCN1U20RD?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews | reuters | sport | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Enquanto a seleção feminina dos Estados Unidos conquistava seu quarto título da Copa do Mundo no domingo, torcedores de toda a cidade de Nova York se reuniram em bares locais e festas de jogos, adotando um tom otimista sobre o futuro do futebol feminino. | [] |
The doctors note that continuing abortions – some of which are likely to develop complications – place greater stress on a healthcare system that is under tremendous pressure at the current time. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/26/planned-parenthood-sues-texas-governor-over-abortion-ban-during-coronavirus-outbreak/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | abortion | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['tremendous'] | Os médicos observam que os abortos contínuos – alguns dos quais com probabilidade de desenvolver complicações – colocam maior estresse em um sistema de saúde que está sob tremenda pressão no momento atual. | ['tremenda'] |
Poll workers and technicians reported issues with the new machines at more than 40% of polling locations in Philadelphia during last November’s election, according to the records reviewed by Reuters. Problems included touchscreens that were hypersensitive or that froze; paper voting receipts getting jammed in the machines; and panels opening on some machines to expose the equipment’s electronic controls, the records show. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-pennsylvania-machines-ex/exclusive-philadelphias-new-voting-machines-under-scrutiny-in-tuesdays-elections-idUSKBN23828J | reuters | elections-2020 | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Funcionários e técnicos eleitorais relataram problemas com as novas máquinas em mais de 40% dos locais de votação na Filadélfia durante a eleição de novembro passado, de acordo com os registros analisados pela Reuters. Os problemas incluíam telas sensíveis ao toque que eram hipersensíveis ou que congelavam; recibos de votação em papel atolados nas máquinas; e abertura de painéis em algumas máquinas para expor os comandos eletrônicos dos equipamentos, mostram os autos. | [] |
Trump, who has been critical of the Iraq war, in a tweet called Powell “a real stiff.” Powell is the latest former top military officer to rebuke Trump in the wake of sweeping mass protests aimed at fighting racial injustice spurred by the May 25 death of an unarmed black man in Minnesota. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-powell/colin-powell-endorses-joe-biden-for-president-idUSKBN23E0JK | reuters | elections-2020 | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Trump, que tem criticado a guerra do Iraque, em um tweet chamou Powell de “um verdadeiro duro”. Powell é o mais recente ex-alto oficial militar a repreender Trump após protestos em massa que visam combater a injustiça racial provocada pela morte de um negro desarmado em Minnesota, em 25 de maio. | [] |
The president and his Republican brethren made all kinds of predictions about what would happen if their tax plan passed, and each of those predictions – from job creation to growth rates to the fiscal impact – turned out to be wrong. | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/team-trump-claims-be-gearing-tax-cuts-20 | msnbc | middle-class | left | Biased | No agreement | ['brethren'] | O presidente e seus irmãos republicanos fizeram todos os tipos de previsões sobre o que aconteceria se seu plano tributário fosse aprovado, e cada uma dessas previsões – da criação de empregos às taxas de crescimento e ao impacto fiscal – acabou se revelando errada. | ['irmãos'] |
Many people in politics and media are still not used to female power, and Pelosi’s novel position, while creating some pointless problems for her, also gives her some surprising advantages. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/01/how-nancy-pelosi-is-using-trumps-sexism-against-him-and-totally-owning-him/ | alternet | gender | left | Biased | No agreement | ['pointless'] | Muitas pessoas na política e na mídia ainda não estão acostumadas com o poder feminino, e a nova posição de Pelosi, embora crie alguns problemas inúteis para ela, também lhe dá algumas vantagens surpreendentes. | [] |
A Gallup poll reports that women are still more likely to do laundry, clean the house, do grocery shopping, prepare meals, wash dishes and make decisions about furniture and decorations – even among younger generations who are reportedly more egalitarian as ever. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/14/gender-equality-millennial-men-still-dont-do-laundry-house-cleaning/4748860002/ | usa-today | gender | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Uma pesquisa da Gallup relata que as mulheres ainda são mais propensas a lavar roupa, limpar a casa, fazer compras, preparar refeições, lavar pratos e tomar decisões sobre móveis e decorações – mesmo entre as gerações mais jovens, que são supostamente mais igualitárias do que nunca. | [] |
The trio ended up on the wet, slippery wall after smugglers abandoned them. | https://www.foxnews.com/us/border-patrol-san-diego-border-wall-rescue-stuck-smugglers?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20foxnews%2Fnational%20%28Internal%20-%20US%20Latest%20-%20Text%29 | fox-news | immigration | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O trio acabou na parede molhada e escorregadia depois que os contrabandistas os abandonaram. | [] |
And most egregiously, in what will surely be viewed as one of the most ill-advised stunts in presidential history, the Trump Administration had federal security forces use tear gas and projectiles to vacate Lafayette square by force of arms so Trump could make a show of walking over to St. John’s Church and posing awkwardly with a bible held upside down. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/trump-thought-brutalizing-protesters-would-save-him-he-was-wrong/ | alternet | elections-2020 | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['egregiously', 'ill-advised'] | E o mais flagrante, no que certamente será visto como uma das manobras mais imprudentes da história presidencial, o governo Trump fez com que as forças de segurança federais usassem gás lacrimogêneo e projéteis para desocupar a praça Lafayette pela força das armas, para que Trump pudesse fazer uma exibição de caminhando até a Igreja de St. John e posando desajeitadamente com uma bíblia de cabeça para baixo. | ['mais', 'imprudentes'] |
While emphasizing he’s not singling out either party, Cohen warned about the danger of normalizing white supremacist ideology. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/14/white-supremacy-propaganda-increasing-mainstream-violence/4755150002/ | usa-today | white-nationalism | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Embora enfatize que não está destacando nenhuma das partes, Cohen alertou sobre o perigo de normalizar a ideologia da supremacia branca. | [] |
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell shredded a House Democratic anti-corruption proposal on Wednesday over a provision that would make going to the polls a national holiday. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/30/mitch-mcconnell-rips-democrat-plan-make-election-day-federal-holiday/2728121002/ | usa-today | elections-2020 | center | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['shredded'] | O líder da maioria no Senado, Mitch McConnell, destruiu uma proposta anticorrupção democrata da Câmara na quarta-feira sobre uma disposição que tornaria a ida às urnas um feriado nacional. | ['um'] |
Omar believes USA Powerlifting is discriminating against males who identify as transgender women, based on the “myth” that they have a “direct competitive advantage” over biological females. | https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2019/02/06/ilhan-omar-wants-usa-powerlifting-investigated-banning-biological-males-competing-womens-events/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | sport | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Omar acredita que o USA Powerlifting está discriminando os homens que se identificam como mulheres transexuais, com base no “mito” de que eles têm uma “vantagem competitiva direta” sobre as mulheres biológicas. | [] |
We speak with Varshini Prakash, founder of the Sunrise Movement, a youth-led climate group that has occupied and lobbied at congressional offices, risking arrest to demand adoption of the Green New Deal and bold climate leadership. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/01/the-sunrise-movement-warns-pelosi-your-actions-on-climate-fall-inexcusably-short/ | alternet | environment | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Conversamos com Varshini Prakash, fundador do Sunrise Movement, um grupo climático liderado por jovens que ocupou e fez lobby em escritórios do Congresso, arriscando a prisão para exigir a adoção do Green New Deal e liderança climática ousada. | [] |
White nationalism-fueled violence is on the rise, but FBI is slow to call it domestic terrorism. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-nationalism-fueled-violence-rise-fbi-slow-call-it-domestic-n1039206 | msnbc | white-nationalism | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['nationalism-fueled'] | A violência alimentada pelo nacionalismo branco está aumentando, mas o FBI demora a chamá-la de terrorismo doméstico. | [] |
Over the past few decades, RFK Jr.’s famous name has helped him get in the door to talk to important people, and it probably isn’t long before the person who is all jacked up to meet a Kennedy realizes the guy is totally cray-cray. | https://thefederalist.com/2017/01/12/no-anti-vaxxer-robert-kennedy-jr-wont-trumps-vaccine-czar/ | federalist | vaccines | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['totally', 'cray-cray'] | Nas últimas décadas, o nome famoso de RFK Jr. cray-cray. | ['o'] |
Paul Whelan, the former U.S. Marine held in Moscow on spying charges, had online contact with more than 20 Russians with military backgrounds, an analysis of social media shows. | http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/worldNews/~3/UZ6lsTlof2I/former-u-s-marine-held-for-spying-had-russian-contacts-with-military-backgrounds-idUSKCN1P41XF | reuters | international-politics-and-world-news | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Paul Whelan, o ex-fuzileiro naval dos EUA detido em Moscou por acusações de espionagem, teve contato online com mais de 20 russos com antecedentes militares, mostra uma análise das mídias sociais. | [] |
What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few years. | https://thefederalist.com/2016/05/23/how-anti-white-rhetoric-is-fueling-white-nationalism/ | federalist | white-nationalism | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['strange'] | O que é novo é a acusação direta dos brancos como raça. Isso aconteceu por meio de uma estranha transformação retórica nos últimos anos. | ['estranha'] |
Many pointed out at the time of the Park Police’s first statement denying use of “tear gas” was obviously misleading. But Trump and his right-wing defenders jumped on it. Most prominently, Federalist writer Mollie Hemingway wrote a piece, shared by the president, accusing the media of falsely reporting that tear gas was used, even though the crowd was exposed to gases and compounds that clearly caused tears and severe irritation. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/trump-claimed-no-tear-gas-was-used-on-white-house-protesters-now-a-us-official-that-was-based-on-a-mistake/ | alternet | trump-presidency | left | No agreement | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Muitos apontaram na época da primeira declaração da Polícia do Parque negando o uso de “gás lacrimogêneo” que era obviamente enganoso. Mas Trump e seus defensores de direita pularam em cima disso. Mais proeminentemente, a escritora federalista Mollie Hemingway escreveu um artigo, compartilhado pelo presidente, acusando a mídia de relatar falsamente que gás lacrimogêneo foi usado, embora a multidão tenha sido exposta a gases e compostos que claramente causaram lágrimas e irritação severa. | [] |
CTE is a degenerative brain disease that has been found in former players of North American football , soccer, hockey, rugby union and others exposed to repeated head injury. | https://www.foxnews.com/sports/brain-disease-cte-found-in-2-australian-rugby-league-players | fox-news | sport | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | CTE é uma doença cerebral degenerativa que foi encontrada em ex-jogadores de futebol americano, futebol, hóquei, rugby union e outros expostos a lesões repetidas na cabeça. | [] |
So conservative activists are turning to their favorite weapons — bad faith and distraction — to advance an agenda of gender inequality. | https://www.alternet.org/2019/04/republicans-want-to-make-sex-discrimination-legal-and-theyre-moving-fast/ | alternet | gender | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['bad', 'faith'] | Assim, ativistas conservadores estão se voltando para suas armas favoritas – má-fé e distração – para promover uma agenda de desigualdade de gênero. | [] |
The legislation ends criminal penalties for self-abortion and – in the case of an unborn baby who is the victim of a homicide – defines “person” as “a human being who has been born and is alive.” | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/07/hillary-clinton-joins-ny-gov-andrew-cuomo-in-push-for-very-late-term-abortions/ | breitbart | abortion | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | A legislação acaba com as penas criminais para o autoaborto e – no caso de um feto vítima de homicídio – define “pessoa” como “um ser humano que nasceu e está vivo”. | [] |
And if we look at a subset of guns which the left loves to deride - rifles, for instance - then a clearer picture about gun deaths is quickly visible. | https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/03/30/monty-python-john-cleese-mocks-americans-for-buying-guns-during-virus-crisis/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | gun-control | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['deride'] | E se olharmos para um subconjunto de armas que a esquerda adora ridicularizar - rifles, por exemplo - então uma imagem mais clara sobre as mortes por arma de fogo é rapidamente visível. | ['ridicularizar'] |
While the workaday majority of Americans continue to be mired in our low-wage economy, the precious few at the tippy top soared out of sight in 2019. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/01/here-are-the-dirty-secrets-of-how-the-rich-become-the-uber-rich/ | alternet | middle-class | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['mired', 'tippy-top'] | Enquanto a maioria dos americanos do dia a dia continua atolada em nossa economia de baixos salários, os poucos preciosos no topo sumiram de vista em 2019. | ['atolada', 'topo'] |
This is also true for students snookered into matriculating at sketchy for-profit colleges, which offer almost no marketable skills or career preparedness to justify the cost. And it further describes recent college graduates who, through an accident of timing, entered the real world during the Great Recession and its aftermath, finding it difficult to obtain work in their field of study. | https://www.alternet.org/2013/06/why-student-loans-are-even-bigger-sham-you-know/ | alternet | student-debt | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['snookered', 'sketchy'] | Isso também é verdade para os alunos que tentam se matricular em faculdades com fins lucrativos, que quase não oferecem habilidades comercializáveis ou preparação para a carreira para justificar o custo. E descreve ainda recém-formados que, por um acidente de tempo, entraram no mundo real durante a Grande Recessão e suas consequências, encontrando dificuldades para obter trabalho em seu campo de estudo. | ['um'] |
Proposals to restructure repayment programs or dip into retirement accounts don’t prevent students from taking out dangerous amounts of student loans in the first place. | https://thefederalist.com/2020/01/23/americans-need-to-stop-hurrying-young-people-into-student-debt-slavery/ | federalist | student-debt | right | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Propostas para reestruturar programas de reembolso ou mergulhar em contas de aposentadoria não impedem os alunos de contrair quantias perigosas de empréstimos estudantis em primeiro lugar. | [] |
The demonstrators were protesting against Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s trade restrictions against South Korea and spotlighting the century-old dispute over Imperial Japan’s use of forced labor in Korea that underlies the current economic and diplomatic crisis. | https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/07/29/japan-south-korea-conflict-plays-chinas-hands/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | international-politics-and-world-news | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Os manifestantes protestavam contra as restrições comerciais do primeiro-ministro japonês, Abe Shinzo, contra a Coreia do Sul e destacavam a disputa centenária sobre o uso de trabalho forçado pelo Japão imperial na Coreia, que está por trás da atual crise econômica e diplomática. | [] |
Letters from GOP members of Congress and national pro-life leaders to the White House and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week asserted Democrats are attempting to exploit the coronavirus pandemic for the purpose of advancing their party’s pro-abortion agenda. | null | breitbart | abortion | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['asserted'] | Cartas de membros do Partido Republicano do Congresso e líderes nacionais pró-vida à Casa Branca e à Food and Drug Administration (FDA) na semana passada afirmaram que os democratas estão tentando explorar a pandemia de coronavírus com o objetivo de promover a agenda pró-aborto de seu partido. | ['afirmaram'] |
Former Australia Prime Minister Kevin Rudd ripped Donald Trump’s botched handling of the coronavirus pandemic in a new op-ed, describing the U.S. president as a “quack apothecary” for hyping unproven cures | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kevin-rudd-donald-trump-coronavirus-handling_n_5eb3d30dc5b6526942a266d1 | huffpost | trump-presidency | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['ripped', 'botched'] | O ex-primeiro-ministro da Austrália, Kevin Rudd, rasgou o tratamento mal feito de Donald Trump com a pandemia de coronavírus em um novo artigo de opinião, descrevendo o presidente dos EUA como um “farmacêutico charlatão” por promover curas não comprovadas | ['rasgou', 'rasgou'] |
Like the costly and controversial Green New Deal, which Booker co-sponsored in the form of a Senate resolution, Booker’s plan aims to address both climate change and economic inequality. | https://www.foxnews.com/politics/booker-unveils-3-trillion-plan-for-climate-change-creating-environmental-justice-fund?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20foxnews%2Fpolitics%20%28Internal%20-%20Politics%20-%20Text%29 | fox-news | environment | right | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Como o caro e controverso Green New Deal, que Booker co-patrocinou na forma de uma resolução do Senado, o plano de Booker visa abordar tanto a mudança climática quanto a desigualdade econômica. | [] |
U.S. President Donald Trump is open to negotiations on another possible stimulus bill amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, but not the one put forward by House of Representatives Democrats, a White House spokeswoman said on Thursday. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-congress/trump-is-open-to-more-coronavirus-stimulus-but-not-democrats-plan-white-house-idUSKBN22Q2K6?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews | reuters | coronavirus | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, está aberto a negociações sobre outro possível projeto de lei de estímulo em meio à nova pandemia de coronavírus, mas não o apresentado pelos democratas da Câmara dos Deputados, disse uma porta-voz da Casa Branca na quinta-feira. | [] |
Violence against women has plagued Mexico for years and the many killings of women drew international attention when they spiked in the 1990s, about the time of the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement and of an increase in Juarez of manufacturing plants known as maquiladoras. | https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/shooting-death-young-woman-activist-returns-spotlight-femicides-juarez-mexico-n1120811?cid=public-rss_20200124 | msnbc | gender | left | No agreement | Entirely factual | [] | violência contra as mulheres assola o México há anos e os muitos assassinatos de mulheres chamaram a atenção internacional quando aumentaram na década de 1990, na época da assinatura do Acordo de Livre Comércio da América do Norte e de um aumento em Juarez de fábricas conhecidas como maquiladoras. | [] |
In a September executive order, President Donald Trump gave states and local governments the right to reject refugees, but instead of saying no, most state and local officials have blindsided the administration by opting in, according to two former officials familiar with the matter. | https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/blindsiding-trump-most-republican-governors-have-agreed-accept-refugees-n1113556?cid=public-rss_20200110 | msnbc | immigration | left | Biased | No agreement | ['blindsided'] | Em uma ordem executiva de setembro, o presidente Donald Trump deu aos estados e governos locais o direito de rejeitar refugiados, mas, em vez de dizer não, a maioria das autoridades estaduais e locais pegou o governo de surpresa ao aceitar, de acordo com dois ex-funcionários familiarizados com o assunto. | ['surpresa'] |
Those filings are expected to show that Sen. Sanders, the so-called democratic socialist, made millions from book sales. | https://www.foxnews.com/politics/warren-releases-tax-returns | fox-news | middle-class | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['so-called'] | Espera-se que esses registros mostrem que o senador Sanders, o chamado socialista democrático, ganhou milhões com a venda de livros. | [] |
Mafia exploitation of immigrants on farms in Italy is likely to rise as the coronavirus lockdown brings chronic labor shortages, the government and labor rights groups have warned. | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-italy-slavery-trfn/italys-lockdown-labor-crunch-sparks-fears-of-mafia-exploitation-idUSKBN2222MO | reuters | coronavirus | center | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | A exploração da máfia de imigrantes em fazendas na Itália provavelmente aumentará, já que o bloqueio do coronavírus traz escassez crônica de mão de obra, alertaram o governo e grupos de direitos trabalhistas. | [] |
Despite saving millions upon millions of lives, vaccines have been meet with skepticism by a small but growing faction of conspiracy theorists. And Donald Trump, "human megaphone that is the president of the United States," has only made matters worse by supporting an "alternative vaccine schedule." | https://www.alternet.org/2017/06/john-oliver-desperately-tries-talk-some-sense-anti-vaxxers-its-too-late/ | alternet | vaccines | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | Apesar de salvar milhões e milhões de vidas, as vacinas foram recebidas com ceticismo por uma pequena, mas crescente facção de teóricos da conspiração. E Donald Trump, "megafone humano que é o presidente dos Estados Unidos", só piorou as coisas ao apoiar um "calendário alternativo de vacinas". | [] |
After threatening Iran in a series of tweets hours earlier, Trump seemed eager to lower tensions. | https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/01/03/qasem-soleimani-death-how-trump-arrived-order-kill-iran-general/2786880001/ | usa-today | international-politics-and-world-news | center | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Depois de ameaçar o Irã em uma série de tweets horas antes, Trump parecia ansioso para diminuir as tensões. | [] |
President Donald Trump says that voting by mail is “horrible” and “corrupt” because the “tremendous potential for voter fraud” helps Democrats win elections. But county-level election supervisors in his home state of Florida — where he recently cast a vote for himself, by mail — disagree, and are doing everything they can to ensure this crucial swing state can hold a safe election during the coronavirus pandemic. | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/florida-2020-vote-by-mail_n_5ea329fdc5b6f963981475e6 | huffpost | elections-2020 | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | O presidente Donald Trump diz que votar pelo correio é “horrível” e “corrupto” porque o “tremendo potencial de fraude eleitoral” ajuda os democratas a vencer as eleições. Mas os supervisores eleitorais em nível de condado em seu estado natal, a Flórida - onde ele recentemente votou em si mesmo, pelo correio - discordam e estão fazendo tudo o que podem para garantir que esse estado crucial possa realizar uma eleição segura durante a pandemia de coronavírus. | [] |
A federal visa program allowing international students to work at firms in the United States after graduation appears to have been exploited by fake companies providing false employment verifications, according to an NBC News/NBC Bay Area investigation. | https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/thousands-foreign-students-u-s-student-visas-may-have-worked-n1109286?cid=public-rss_20200102 | msnbc | immigration | left | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Um programa de visto federal que permite que estudantes internacionais trabalhem em empresas nos Estados Unidos após a formatura parece ter sido explorado por empresas falsas que fornecem verificações falsas de emprego, de acordo com uma investigação da NBC News/NBC Bay Area. | [] |
Chinese state media outlets have been bursting with criticism for President Donald Trump during the current round of riots, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also tossed a few bricks at former President Barack Obama and his Democrat Party, needling them for doing little about racial issues and touting China’s efforts to care for its poor and disenfranchised as vastly superior to the Democrats’ half-hearted socialism. | https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/06/02/chinese-state-media-dings-obama-and-democrats-for-years-of-negligence-of-race/ | breitbart | elections-2020 | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['half-hearted'] | Os meios de comunicação estatais chineses têm explodido em críticas ao presidente Donald Trump durante a atual rodada de tumultos, mas o Partido Comunista Chinês (PCC) também jogou alguns tijolos no ex-presidente Barack Obama e seu Partido Democrata, alfinetando-os por fazerem pouco sobre questões raciais questões e divulgando os esforços da China para cuidar de seus pobres e desprivilegiados como muito superiores ao socialismo indiferente dos democratas. | [] |
The white supremacists and other far right extremists are super-gun-owners, they are armed to the teeth, and law enforcement is understandably reluctant to get them het up. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/05/here-are-the-top-6-reasons-why-police-are-cracking-down-on-black-protesters-while-treating-white-reopeners-with-kid-gloves/ | alternet | gun-control | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['armed', 'to', 'the', 'teeth', 'super-gun-owners'] | Os supremacistas brancos e outros extremistas de extrema direita são donos de superarmas, estão armados até os dentes e a aplicação da lei está compreensivelmente relutante em intimidá-los. | ['armados', 'e', 'os', 'dentes'] |
Donald Trump, who was pro-choice in the not-too-distant past and never fit the mold of a far-right culture-war crusader, has taken a keen interest in abortion rights lately. | http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/targeting-abortion-rights-trump-unveils-domestic-gag-rule | msnbc | abortion | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['crusader', 'culture-war'] | Donald Trump, que foi pró-escolha em um passado não muito distante e nunca se encaixou no molde de um cruzado de guerra cultural de extrema-direita, ultimamente tem demonstrado grande interesse pelo direito ao aborto. | ['cruzado'] |
Like many Never Trump screeds, Will’s criticisms are cloaked around the Republican party. His real issue, however, is with Trump voters. He blames the party for nominating Trump and stocking Congress with “invertebrates whose unswerving abjectness has enabled his institutional vandalism…” But if pro-Trump Congressmen are “invertebrates,” what does that make the Americans who voted for them? | https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/05/end-trump-presidency-not-a-chance/ | federalist | trump-presidency | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | Como muitos discursos de Nunca Trump, as críticas de Will são camufladas em torno do Partido Republicano. Seu verdadeiro problema, no entanto, é com os eleitores de Trump. Ele culpa o partido por nomear Trump e abastecer o Congresso com “invertebrados cuja abjeção inabalável permitiu seu vandalismo institucional…” Mas se os congressistas pró-Trump são “invertebrados”, o que isso faz dos americanos que votaram neles? | [] |
Student debt increased by a whopping 107 percent between 2009 and 2019. Americans now owe $1.6 trillion in education loans. Policy wonks and politicians respond by concocting flashy plans that hardly solve the debt crisis. | https://thefederalist.com/2020/01/23/americans-need-to-stop-hurrying-young-people-into-student-debt-slavery/ | federalist | student-debt | right | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['wonks', 'concocting', 'flashy'] | A dívida estudantil aumentou 107% entre 2009 e 2019. Os americanos agora devem US$ 1,6 trilhão em empréstimos para educação. Os especialistas em política e os políticos respondem com planos chamativos que dificilmente resolverão a crise da dívida. | ['a', 'chamativos'] |
Haqqani claimed the Taliban are just looking for a round of free and fair elections, laughably pretending the murderous Islamist extremists would cheerfully accept losing and head back to their caves in peace if the Afghan people reject them. | http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/breitbart/~3/EReXUAKj_UQ/ | breitbart | international-politics-and-world-news | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['claimed', 'laughably', 'murderous'] | Haqqani afirmou que o Talibã está apenas procurando por uma rodada de eleições livres e justas, fingindo que os extremistas islâmicos assassinos aceitariam alegremente a derrota e voltariam para suas cavernas em paz se o povo afegão os rejeitasse. | ['extremistas', 'aceitariam', 'assassinos'] |
Coronavirus truthers ignorantly believe that the mainstream media, Democrats, liberals, progressives and Never Trump conservatives have been exaggerating the threat of COVID-19. | https://www.alternet.org/2020/04/how-the-coronavirus-pandemic-shows-that-christian-white-nationalism-is-a-much-greater-threat-to-the-us-than-radical-islam/ | alternet | white-nationalism | left | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | ['truthers', 'ignorantly'] | Os verdadeiros do coronavírus acreditam ignorantemente que a grande mídia, democratas, liberais, progressistas e conservadores do Never Trump têm exagerado a ameaça do COVID-19. | ['verdadeiros', 'verdadeiros'] |
Working-class Americans, like those who make up the majority of South Bend residents, have secured the largest wage hikes in the nation compared to all other economic demographic groups — a direct result of Trump tightening the labor market. | https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/07/fact-check-buttigieg-falsely-claims-trump-turns-his-back-on-middle-class/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+breitbart+%28Breitbart+News%29 | breitbart | middle-class | right | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | Os americanos da classe trabalhadora, como aqueles que compõem a maioria dos residentes de South Bend, conseguiram os maiores aumentos salariais do país em comparação com todos os outros grupos demográficos econômicos – um resultado direto do aperto de Trump no mercado de trabalho. | [] |
Thunberg lambasted business and political elites gathered at WEF Tuesday for not doing enough to tackle climate change, warning that time was running out. | https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ivanka-trump-praises-greta-thunberg | fox-news | environment | right | Biased | Entirely factual | ['lambasted'] | Thunberg criticou as elites empresariais e políticas reunidas no WEF na terça-feira por não fazerem o suficiente para combater as mudanças climáticas, alertando que o tempo está se esgotando. | [] |
The governor even increased the state's corrections budget to handle what he expects to be a higher number of incarcerations due to new gun laws. | https://www.foxnews.com/politics/the-reinvention-of-ralph-northam-scandal-scarred-guv-woos-the-left-with-focus-on-guns-race | federalist | gun-control | right | Non-biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | [] | O governador até aumentou o orçamento correcional do estado para lidar com o que ele espera ser um número maior de prisões devido às novas leis de armas. | [] |
Trump has publicly taken aim at Germany – even threatening last year to impose tariffs on foreign cars sold in the U.S. – over trade deficits. | https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/trump-trade-war-target-europe-paul-krugman | fox-news | international-politics-and-world-news | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Trump mirou publicamente na Alemanha – até mesmo ameaçando no ano passado impor tarifas sobre carros estrangeiros vendidos nos EUA – devido aos déficits comerciais. | [] |
The hot new idea to tax America’s rich is a wealth tax, which – although designed to target the wealthiest taxpayers – could end up eventually hurting middle-class families. | https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/middle-class-americans-worry-wealth-tax | fox-news | middle-class | right | Biased | Expresses writer’s opinion | [] | A nova e quente ideia de tributar os ricos da América é um imposto sobre a riqueza, que – embora projetado para atingir os contribuintes mais ricos – pode acabar prejudicando as famílias de classe média. | [] |
Former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt on Monday rebuked President Donald Trump’s fumbling response to the coronavirus pandemic, suggesting the United States would not be facing “catastrophe” if former President Barack Obama were still in office | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/steve-schmidt-barack-obama-donald-trump-coronavirus_n_5eba5909c5b68f80c04c89a5 | huffpost | trump-presidency | left | Biased | Somewhat factual but also opinionated | ['rebuked', 'fumbling'] | O ex-estrategista republicano Steve Schmidt repreendeu na segunda-feira a resposta desajeitada do presidente Donald Trump à pandemia de coronavírus, sugerindo que os Estados Unidos não enfrentariam uma "catástrofe" se o ex-presidente Barack Obama ainda estivesse no cargo. | ['repreendeu', 'ainda'] |
Members of the German Green Party have proposed that so-called “climate refugees” should be allowed to move to the country and receive a German passport upon their arrival. | https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/12/18/german-greens-propose-giving-passports-all-climate-refugees/ | breitbart | environment | right | Non-biased | Entirely factual | [] | Membros do Partido Verde Alemão propuseram que os chamados “refugiados climáticos” pudessem se mudar para o país e receber um passaporte alemão na chegada. | [] |
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