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0,Need to measure outcome after discharge in surgical audit.,0
1,"Patients were excluded from study participation if they were ineligible for thrombolytic therapy (history of stroke or transient cerebral event in the last six months, major surgery or active gastrointestinal bleeding within the previous two months, organ biopsy within two weeks, cardiopulmonary resuscitation lasting _10 min or resulting in rib fracture, systolic BP gt;200 mm Hg or diastolic BP gt;110 mm Hg), had cardiogenic shock (defined as systolic BP _80 mm Hg in the absence of bradycardia or requiring vasopressors) or had a life-expectancy of less than one year. ",1
2,No cTnI concentration is absolutely diagnostic of acute myocardial infarction because myocardial cell injury can result from other mechanisms. ,0
3,"Examination of nursing practice specifically related to design and implementation of EPR systems should include: (1) characteristics of nurses_ work, i.e., what nurses do in the name of nursing and (2) characteristics of context of nurses_ work, i.e., systems and structures where organized nursing occurs [16]. ",0
4,Statistical methods Analysis was carried out according to the use of ACE inhibitor or aspirin at the screening visit. ,0
5,"The timeliness of electronic and paper-based systems was defined as t3 - t1 and t2 - t1, respectively. ",0
6,"Twelve-month follow-up In all patients, the medical record was reviewed to determine the occurrence either before the index DSE or in the ensuing 12 months of any of the following: MI, CABG, PTCA, death, hypertension, or diabetes. ",0
7,"Consequently, hyperglycemia was defined in the current study as a random blood glucose at admission that was gt;198 mg/dl (11 mmol/l) as per the 2002 and 1998 guidelines of the American and Canadian Diabetic Associations, respectively (23,24). ",1
8,"Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for nonmetastatic breast cancer in Canada, and their associated costs.",0
9,Patients of any age who presented within 12 h of the onset of ischemic chest pain were considered for enrollment if ST segment elevation of at least 1 mm was present in two or more contiguous electrocardiographic leads. ,0
10,"Hence, the definition of a parental history of premature fatal CHD is the same. ",0
11,Increased winter mortality from acute myocardial infarction and stroke: the effect of age,0
12,Death with cardiac dysfunction (cardiac death) was defined as either sudden death presumed to be secondary to dysrhythmia or as death associated with marked left ventricular dysfunction within the preceding six months. ,1
13,"Inclusion criteria for enrollment into the study included: established residence in the Lorraine region, age between 20 and 80 (inclusive), admission to hospital during 1994, diagnosis fo advanced CHF (defined as at least one hospital admission during a one-year period with NYHA class III or IV symptoms of CHF, radiological and clinical signs of pulmonary congestion, and/or signs of peripheral edema, left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]<30% [determined by the technique routinely available in the hospital concerned, mainly echocardiography] or a cardiothoracic ratio [CTR]>60%).",1
14,Patients without symptoms who had high-grade carotid stenosis (_70% diameter reduction) were also considered for CEA. ,1
15,If the referral letter suggested the possibility of one of the study diagnoses the patient was asked to participate. ,0
16,"The diagnosis of flail leaflets was based on failure of leaflet coaptation, with rapid systolic movement of the flail segment into the LA (16,21). ",1
17,"Regarding selection and dosage of antibiotics, this policy follows national guidelines, i.e. that the first choice for patients with septicemia is penicillin or ampicillin in combination with an aminoglycoside [19]. ",0
18,"Information was recorded on individual characteristics, including name, church ward, family relationships, birth date, death date, location of death, and date that the person moved into or out of that church ward. ",0
19,__arge_ MI was pre-specified in the protocol as the development of Q waves or CPK-MB elevation to gt;8 _ ULN. ,1
20,"Further evaluation Evaluation subsequent to immediate treadmill testing consisted of further cardiac studies and/or clinical follow-up, which was attempted in each patient to determine clinical status at 30 days after the immediate treadmill test. ",0
21,"However, because about 50 different significance tests were carried out, there is a very high probability that at least one spuriously significant result will have occurred, and the results should be judged in this context. ",0
22,Most of these cohort members had at least 20 years ofexposure history in their respective towns. ,0
23,"Hospitalizations for AVN occurring at any time after renal transplant, including after graft failure (censored for patient death), were counted in the analysis. ",0
24,An overview of arsenic concentrations in drinking water and source-of-exposure information for the study area were presented in a previous feasibility assessment (18). ,0
25,"The pRV/pLV was also determined indirectly, during postoperative follow-up by using tricuspid valve regurgitation velocity on echocardiography as an estimate of the right ventricular pressure, and directly, by cardiac catheterization in the patients who required interventional cardiac catheterization after stage 3 repair. ",0
26,"Andrulis DP, Beers Weslowski V: Hospital trends and the financing of medical care for AIDS patients. ",0
27,Left ventricular hypertrophy was defined as a ratio of observed to expected LV mass/height ratio exceeding 1.45 (11). ,1
28,They were also excluded if a fasting blood sample could not be drawn within 24 h of the onset of chest pain because the effect of acute MI on lipid levels occurs after this period (12). ,0
29,"In the 40 to 50 age group, breast cancer reported 13 of 446 women of consanguineous and 37 of 633 of non-consanguineous parents (RR = 0.50, Cl 0.27 - 0.93). ",0
30,"In patients who underwent operation or had rupture, the last scan before the event was the final study considered. ",0
31,"Blood samples for hemostatic markers measurement (FPA, F1+2, TAT) were obtained immediately from these patients in the emergency room or coronary care unit within 12 h after the onset of symptoms and before the initiation of any thrombolytic or anticoagulant treatment. ",0
32,"If an ulcer with surrounding hematoma was seen, the lesion was considered a penetrating ulcer. ",1
33,Examples of non-relevant items included type of formula for breat fed infants or type of syringe for diabetics not using insulin. ,0
34,Alternative explanations for the lack of evidence in favor of the treatment hypothesis deal with the historical context within which the antihypertensive programswere introduced andthe differential outreach of such programs among the sociodemographic groups included in this study. ,0
35,"Measurements Serum creatinine Laboratory assessment of serum creatinine was made by a non-kinetic alkaline picrate (Jaffe) method 16 . Participants were stratified into two groups based on serum creatinine, using cut-points that have been validated with inulin clearance 17 . Based on data availability, a serum creatinine of 104 to 146 mol/L in women and 122 to 177 mol/L in men was used to define moderate renal insufficiency, which approximated a glomerular filtration rate of 30 to 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. ",1
36,"Adverse outcomes were correlated with age, gender, surgical procedure, activities, and the American Society of Anesthesiologist s Physical Status (ASA-PS) using receiver operator characteristic curve analysis. ",0
37,"Similarly, because the present exposure status of control infants is less relevant to this investigation than their exposure status when they were the age at which the case infants died, the address where the control infant lived at the time of the case infant s death was sampled, regardless of whether the family of the control infant was still residing there. ",0
38,The lower limit of 45 years was used because POAD interventional procedures are not likely to be performed in younger patients.2 The distribution of groups was based on decade of life increments. ,0
39,"Ultimately, the rates in the 1995 Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) were used, because they were determined to approximate closely the average cost of physician assessments, tests and surgical procedures in Canada. ",0
40,"For prior admission diagnoses, both pneumonia and dementia coefficients were positive for death and negative for SGC. ",0
41,Serum aflatoxin-albumin (AF-alb) adducts were analyzed to provide a measure of exposure. ,0
42,"3 Frick MH, Elo 0, Haapa K, Heinonen OP, Heinsalmi P, Helo P, et al. Helsinki heart study: primary-prevention trial with gemfibrozil in middleaged men with dyslipidemia. ",0
43,"3 ,20 To be accepted for the procedure, the pattern of emphysema on CT had to be severe and heterogeneous. ",0
44,"The primary preoperative imaging method was spiral CT angiography, with three-dimensional reconstructions, including surface shaded renderings and multiplanar reconstructed images. ",0
45,"For patients who underwent exercise as an adjunct to adenosine infusion, low-level treadmill exercise was performed at 0% grade and 1.0 to 1.7 mph. ",0
46,HYPOTHESES TO BE TESTED AND STATISTICAL METHODS The main change expected to result from the new policy was a reduction in the number of antenatal visits to the hospital. ,0
47,"21 Material and methods This article is part of the Israeli Coronary Artery Bypass Graft study, for which every isolated CABG operation in 1994 was eligible. ",0
48,"Methods The cost of a regional adult cystic fibrosis centre serving 119 cystic fibrosis patients, categorised according to four treatment regimens, was determined. ",0
49,Aneurysms of the femoral or popliteal arteries were defined as focal arterial dilations of at least 1.5 times the adjacent normal vessel. ,1
50,Protocol The UKM data obtained at baseline of the long-term prospective study were analyzed to determine the session-to-session variation of the urea kinetic parameters. ,0
51,"End points Prognostic outcomes included cardiac survival, myocardial infarction and admission for unstable angina. ",0
52,"Exclusion criteria included segmental anatomy of {S,L,L} (i.e., solitus atria, L-ventricular loop and L-transposition) prior atrial repair (Mustard or Senning operations) and concomitant atrial and arterial switch operation (__ouble switch_). ",0
53,"As a result, the derived treatment algorithms are based upon the woman s age at the time of diagnosis (less than 50; or age 50 and over). ",0
54,Health service costs included those that incurred during the hospital admission for microwave endometrial ablation and the first two weeks after treatment. ,0
55,"For all women who reported a diagnosis of CHD on a biennial follow-up questionnaire, we requested permission to examine the medical records. ",0
56,"The simpler approach groups procedures with similar expected short-term mortality rates into 6 predefined risk categories, in which category 1 has the lowest risk for death and category 6 the highest (Table 1), and examines mortality separately within each category. ",0
57,Fetal growth and maternal exposure to particulate matter during pregnancy.,0
58,"Data collection Patient variables included demographic information, prematurity (gestational age lt;37 weeks), birth weight, age, weight and body surface area at surgery and associated noncardiac malformations. ",0
59,"Patients undergoing a predischarge evaluation or those recently hospitalized for unstable angina, myocardial infarction or coronary revascularization were excluded. ",0
60,"We compared women booking during these two 12 month periods, both the women whose consultant changed their antenatal care policy (group A) and, to detect trends in care that were independent of the change in policy, women whose consultant maintained routine care throughout (group B). ",0
61,Reinfarction was defined as recurrent chest pain lasting more than 30min with ST segment elevation and either emergency angiographic confirmation of an occluded vessel or recurrent elevation of cardiac enzymes.,1
62,The economic consequences of available diagnostic and prognostic strategies for the evaluation of stable angina patients: an observational assessment of the value of precatheterization ischemia,0
63,Follow-up for bypass graft patency and limb salvage was obtained from a review of the vascular laboratory records and outpatient clinic charts. ,0
64,ACF was defined as a presence of metabolic acidosis (base deficit gt;4) and/or hyperlactatemia (arterial lactate gt;2mmol/l) during the first 24 hours of ICU care. ,1
65,"Study variables The following variables were prospectively recorded by a trained medical investigator at each center: demographic data, history of hypertension, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease, smoking status, previous angina, acute pulmonary edema or cardiogenic shock, ECG changes during admission, presence of severe arrhythmia (defined as the occurrence of at least one episode of sustained ventricular tachycardia requiring immediate medical intervention or ventricular fibrillation), delay from onset of symptoms to first monitoring in an emergency room, hospital stay, exercise test, coronary angiography, PTCA and CABG. ",1
66,Diabetes was defined as fasting blood sugar _140 mg/dl or blood sugar during a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test _200 mg/dl. ,1
67,"CRF for perinatal sepsis were defined as follows: a previous infant with GBS sepsis or GBS urinary tract infection; preterm labour (lt; 37 weeks gestation); prolonged rupture of membranes (PROM, gt; 18 hours); intrapartum fever (see below). ",1
68,"Firstly, patients were asked if they had received therapy or treatment for that problem (drugs or other therapy) and, secondly, they were asked to rate the intensity of the symptom on a 5 point visual analogue scale ranging from 1 (mild) to 5 (excruciating).9 At the end of the interview, patients were asked if they were: very satisfied, satisfied, somewhat satisfied, dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their anaesthetic experience. ",0
69,"Baseline clinical information We collected the following data from patients during a pre-ExECG interview: age, symptoms, medication usage at the time of the ExECG, and other coronary risk factors. ",0
70,"For deceased members, death certificates were requested from the state where the death occurred. ",0
71,"We evaluated changes in CFS classification (partial or total remission, alternative medical or psychiatric diagnoses), CFS case-defining criteria, wellness scores, hours of activities and sleep, and treatments used to reduce fatigue. ",0
72,"The following anatomic variables were recorded: presence or absence of VSD__atients were categorized as having an intact ventricular septum if no VSD or a tiny defect was documented by a preoperative echocardiogram and/or catheterization, and VSD was defined as a defect judged to be sufficiently large to warrant surgical closure at the time of ASO; the presence of multiple VSDs; qualitative assessment of the position of the great arteries relative to each other; right ventricular hypoplasia (defined as tricuspid valve annulus z-score lt;_2 or a non__pex-forming right ventricle), and aortic arch anomalies including interruption, coarctation or arch hypoplasia. ",0
73,Patients with gestational diabetes were excluded. ,0
74,"The choice of techniques and, for immunocytochemistry, the range of antibodies used were compared between each category of final diagnosis. ",0
75,Total dialysate volume was calculated by multiplying the number of transfers by the transfer volume. ,0
76,"Adverse events were defined as follows: 1) death from any cause; 2) cardiac death, defined as sudden, unexplained death or death related to MI, heart failure or arrhythmia without a secondary cause; 3) nonfatal MI, defined as chest pain associated with a positive CK-MB test with return to a normal value; and 4) the need for hospital admission owing to UA (rest or accelerating chest pain associated with CAD determined by either angiography, a positive noninvasive stress test or new ST-T wave changes on the ECG) or heart failure (signs or symptoms of congestion believed to be secondary to cardiac dysfunction). ",1
77,There was a negative association between the risk of death from colorectal cancer and the number of participations in the screening campaigns. ,0
78,"In a prior study in women, we found that cardiovascular risk appeared to increase above a serum creatinine level of 1.2 mg/dL 4 . Studies in men have used serum creatinine cutoffs to define renal insufficiency ranging from 1.4 to 1.7 mg/dL 1,2,5,10,15 . Our current study defined renal insufficiency as a serum creatinine level _1.5 mg/dL in men, and _1.3 mg/dL in women 17 . We also estimated creatinine clearance levels using the Cockcroft-Gault equation, which we standardized for body surface area and used to assess trends in cardiovascular disease prevalence with declining renal function 18 . Other predictor variables included demographic variables [age, sex, race (white, black, other), and education level] and cardiovascular risk factors [history of diabetes and hypertension, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, smoking status (never, current, former), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride levels, alcohol intake, body mass index (BMI), and physical activity (kcals)]. ",1
79,"The product has been promoted with claims that it is a significant step forward in NSAID therapy, prompting the inference that it produces fewer gastrointestinal disturbances than other products in its class.8 Since its introduction, a total of 12 case reports ofgastrointestinal bleeding and/or perforation in recipients of the product were reported to the Netherlands Centre for Monitoring of Adverse Reactions to Drugs (NARD). ",0
80,"Diabetes was defined as the use of insulin, oral hypoglycemic medications, or a fasting glucose level _126 mg/dL. ",1
81,Eight-eight patients underwent orthotopic heart transplantation. ,0
82,"Information was collected in the following categories: demographics; medical history; primary indication for PCI; priority at PCI; therapy before, during, and after the procedure; cardiac anatomy and function; procedural information; and in-hospital outcomes, including death, emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), nonemergency CABG, or new myocardial infarction (MI), defined as chest pain, diaphoresis, dyspnea, and/or hypotension associated with the development of new Q waves or ST-TW__egment changes and a rise in creatine kinase (CK) to at least twice the normal value, with a positive CK-MB fraction. ",1
83,"* From the historical LDS church membership records: name, church ward affiliation, birth date, birth town, birth state, death date, death town, death state, cause of death, church-related events, gender, age, spouse name(s), father s name, and mother s name * From the LDS church census records: date of census, name, and residence at the time of the census Address correspondence to D.R. Lewis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agenicy, NHEERL, Human Studies Division, MD-58A, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 USA. ",0
84,"Septicemia was defined as the occurrence of bacteremia in conjunction with hypotension (systolic blood pressure ,90 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ,60 mmHg) or disseminated intravascular coagulation (decreased fibrinogen and increased fibrin degradation products) documented within 24 hours of the positive blood cultures. ",1
85,Male and female patients aged 18_64 yr and ASA physical status I or II were included. ,0
86,Wilcoxon__ test was used to assess the relationship between ascending aortic atherosclerosis and all dichotomous variables. ,0
87,"Transient ischemic attack was defined as a new neurologic deficit that resolved within 24 hours, and stroke was defined as a new or progression of a neurologic deficit that lasted beyond 24 hours. ",1
88,"To avoid the potential misclassification resulting from antibiotics prescribed for a child in the family, the analyses were restricted to primiparous women. ",0
89,Both groups had toxicitys from treatment monitored and their quality of life and perception of symptom severity assessed. ,0
90,Recurrent ischemia was prospectively defined as reinfarction or test angina with ST segment or T wave changes.,1
91,"Information was collected from a semistructured interview consisting of open ended questions; it included details of the child s birth and postnatal hospital stay, contact with health professionals, and parents perceptions of the roles of community midwife and health visitor. ",0
92,"Survival from the date of echocardiography was obtained by using the Social Security Death Index of all patients (13,14)and was validated at clinical follow-up in 74% of patients in the AVR and control groups. ",0
93,Potential predictors of initiation were identified using Students t-test for continuous variables and chi-square tests for categorical variables. ,0
94,The appearance of new or worsening defects after stress were considered to be defect reversibility. ,0
95,"Ultrasonic methods Ultrasonic epiaortic imaging of the ascending aorta was performed during cardiac surgery in each patient by use of a 7-MHz linear ultrasound transducer (Acuson, Mountain View, California) inserted in a sterile sheath and placed directly over this vessel, as previously described (21,24_26,38). ",0
96,Unweighted regression analyses were examined to determine the SROC curve. ,0
97,Hospital re-admissions with a primary discharge diagnosis of COPD or asthma were identified from Medicare Part A claims for all hospitalizations billed to Medicare using ICD-9-CM codes. ,0
98,An ischemic response was defined by an increase in WMSI _0.22 in the infarct region (homozonal ischemia) or in the noninfarcted region (remote ischemia) in comparison with WMSI during low-dose dobutamine. ,1
99,"They were included in the survey if the admission was for acute asthma, either through the general practitioner or accident and emergency department or directly from an outpatient clinic. ",0
100,"Any organ failure was defined as one or more organ systems failing during a single 24-hour period, and multiorgan failure was defined as the presence of two or more organ system failures during the same 24-hour period. ",0
101,Clinical and laboratory evaluation of the 87 patients was made after each session of ethanol sclerotherapy. ,0
102,Cases were defined as consecutive patients between the ages of 30 and 60 years (inclusive) who were admitted to the coronary care unit of the hospital with a first acute MI. ,0
103,"Patients were routinely treated with intravenous nitroglycerin for at least 24 h, followed by topical or oral nitrates, aspirin (325 mg orally daily) and diltiazem (30 to 60 mg orally four times a day). ",0
104,Patients were divided into three groups solely according to AAA size at initial examination. ,0
105,"Clinical end points The primary end point (i.e., major adverse cardiac events [MACE]) was the combined occurrence of death, non-fatal reinfarction or disabling stroke at 30 days. ",1
106,"The dialysis prescription was carefully checked before, during, and at the end of the three modeled dialysis sessions by the same investigator (W.D.K.). ",0
107,"Starfield, B., Weiner, J.P., Mumford, L., and Steinwachs, D.: Ambulatory Care Groups: A Categorization of Diagnosis for Research and Management. ",0
108,"These preliminary observations are consistent with recent hypotheses for the etiology of IUGR-that initial changes leading to fetal growth retardation may be triggered in early pregnancy, around the time of implantation (9,10). ",0
109,Only variables with a significant (p lt; 0.05) association with TIMI _2 flow were included in the final regression models. ,0
110,"Obesity was defined as body mass index _27.8 and _27.3 for men and women, respectively. ",1
111,ClR was defined as the mean of the urea and creatinine clearances. ,0
112,Place of residence was classified into 28 district health authorities. ,0
113,Piecewise linear regression with unknown and specified breakpoints (16) was also used to identify inflection points for intervals greater than 30 days. ,0
114,"The patients were encouraged not to change their usual dietary habits, and were assured that the dietary record was not meant to check their adherence to the prescribed diet. ",0
115,"The VT diagnosis was based on accepted criteria (10,11)in any child showing at least three consecutive ventricular complexes at a rate clearly faster than the child__ sinus rhythm, and documented on surface electrocardiogram (ECG) or a Holter monitor. ",1
116,"Patients and methods We searched our fetal database for conotruncal anomalies diagnosed in our laboratory between January 1985 through September 1997 and included the following lesions in our study: tetralogy of Fallot, absent pulmonary valve syndrome, double outlet right ventricle, transposition and malposition of the great arteries as well as truncus arteriosus. ",0
117,METHODS Assumptions concerning the breast cancer cost analysis A realistic evaluation of the diagnosis and management of a particular disease requires a number of simplifying assumptions. ,0
118,"Plasma proteins were precipitated with acetonitrile in a 96-well format and the supernatant, with internal standards, was analyzed directly by HPLC/MS. The method had a standard curve range of 5_3000 ng/L using 0.1 mL plasma. ",0
119,"Hypertension was defined as systolic blood pressure _140 mm Hg, diastolic pressure of _90 mm Hg or current use of antihypertensive medication. ",1
120,Only for five infants and one congestive failure patient were the number of visits insufficient to permit conformance with all criteria. ,0
121,"Patients with so-called accelerated ventricular rhythm, defined as ventricular rate only20% faster than the child's concurrent sinus rhythm, were excluded (12).",1
122,"Therefore, the mild and moderate categories were combined into a single category. ",0
123,"For each of these analyses, arbitrary cut-off points of 12 weeks and 26 weeks were used to define different delay groups for comparability with other reported studies. ",0
124,"In infants and children under 18 months of age, infection was defined by either culture of HIV-1 from peripheral blood lymphocytes or two or more positive DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or p24 antigen assays, or the presence of illness meeting the CDC criteria for diagnosis of AIDS. ",1
125,"Significant extra-renal atherosclerosis was present in 451 patients (90%) at the time of operation (Table I), and 78 patients (16%) had diabetes mellitus. ",0
126,Hypertension was defined as a diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg and/or a systolic pressure of more than 160 mm Hg (as measured on admission) and/or current use of antihypertensive drugs. ,1
127,Diagnosis of MI required symptoms consistent with myocardial ischemia with a CK-MB level _8.0 ng/ml and a relative index _4 ([CK-MB _ 100]/total CK). ,1
128,"A total of 22,071 U.S. male physicians, aged 40 to 84 years in 1982, were enrolled. ",0
129,"For completeness in the mortality analyses (discussed later here), in addition to potential risk factors for survival in the ESRD population, such as age, DM, and serum albumin, other important factors known to impact on mortality in the general population were added, such as cholesterol, smoking status, and the presence of cardiovascular diseases. ",0
130,"Drugs were Second cancers after a first cancer in childhood 1886 Table 3 Treatment characteristics for 2949 children who received chemotherapy, and mean number of moles m-2 by type of drug for 2845 patients for whom chemotherapy reconstruction was possible First cancer Chemotherapy All drugs (n = 2845) Electrophiles Topoisomerase II Inhibitors of Spindle inhibitors agents (n = 2050) inhibitors (n = 2132) nucleotide (n = 2438) synthesis (n = 605) Total Reconstruction Mean Mean % Mean % Mean number % Mean number % Mean number (n) not possible number of number of number of of moles m-2 of moles m-2 of moles m-2 (n) agents moles m-2 moles m-2 Ewing s sarcoma 134 2 4.0 71 91 76 83 1.61 5 9.7 83 0.035 Bone sarcoma 94 5 3.1 113 56 29 59 0.55 57 169.9 30 0.026 Soft tissue sarcoma 414 8 2.7 30 64 46 69 0.49 4 9.7 64 0.032 Neuroblastoma 403 18 2.1 23 67 32 35 1.31 2 72.6 65 0.022 Wilm s tumour 701 17 1.8 4 9 42 81 0.18 1 1.1 64 0.031 Central nervous system 184 9 0.6 4 20 14 3 1.00 5 30.3 22 0.027 Bilateral retinoblastoma 56 11 1.7 17 60 28 36 0.21 2 0.2 54 0.012 Unilateral retinoblastoma 32 3 1.4 16 52 31 30 0.07 2 0.3 46 0.014 Hodgkin s disease 286 15 3.0 26 70 36 21 1.88 2 5.6 72 0.097 Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma 407 5 5.8 156 84 41 80 0.82 79 149.1 86 0.030 Others 238 11 1.9 12 40 24 44 0.50 17 12.0 37 0.033 Total 2949 104 2.4 35 48 38 49 0.64 14 115.9 57 0.036 Second cancers after a first cancer in childhood 1887 British Journal of Cancer (1999) 79(11/12), 1884-1893 Cancer Research Campaign 1999 grouped into five classes according to their known mechanism of action in the cell: electrophil agents, spindle inhibitors, inhibitors of nucleotide synthesis, topoisomerase II inhibitors and other drugs. ",0
131,"Additional information is provided in the event of an access revision, dialysis modality termination, renal transplantation or death. ",0
132,"In the United States there are now more than 300 prehospital coronary care programmes.2 Of the many published studies of outcome after prehospital cardiac arrest, most have concentrated on the relation between resuscitation-related factors (such as availability of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation and delay in defibrillation) and survival rather than patient characteristics before the arrest or haemodynamic status after correction of ventricular fibrillation. ",0
133,"Episodes of VT were defined as sustained when lasting gt;30 s, otherwise, they were defined as nonsustained. ",1
134,"BP was measured according to a standard procedure, and hypertension was defined as systolic BP _140 mm Hg and/or diastolic BP _90 mm Hg or current use of antihypertensive medication. ",1
135,"The medical history and limited physical examination allowed determination ofASA-PS (Table 2) [9], an established index that correlates well with adverse perioperative outcomes [10]. ",0
136,Sepsis was defined as any septic event leading to death. ,1
137,Design-Retrospective cohort study of cases of oesophageal carcinoma notified to the Thames Cancer Registry. ,0
138,"conclusion of this run-in period, they were given a history and physical examination and underwent formal pulmonary function testing. ",0
139,Acute renal failure was defined as a rise in the creatinine level above 1.5 mg/dL in patients with a normal baseline creatinine level or a rise in the creatinine level greater than 50% of the patient s baseline. ,1
140,"Each ECG was classified into one of seven categories using a closed question format (40): 1) normal (no electrocardiographic evidence of ischemia); 2) nonspecific (accepted deviation from the norm with the lowest likelihood of ischemia such as an abnormal T-wave axis in lead III or sinus tachycardia); 3) early repolarization variant (elevated takeoff of the ST segment at the J point of the QRS complex greater than 1 mm relative to the isoelectric line, downward concavity of the ST segment and symmetrically peaked T waves often of large amplitude); 4) abnormal but nondiagnostic of myocardial ischemia (prolonged QRS, corrected QT intervals, bundle branch blocks, left ventricular hypertrophy with strain); 5) ischemia or prior infarction known to be old (ST depression more than 0.1 mV measured 80 ms from the J point, inverted T waves more than 0.3 mV or Q waves at least 30 ms in duration); 6) ischemia or prior infarction not known to be old, or 7) suggestive of AMI (ST elevation greater than 0.1 mV measured 80 ms from the J point in two or more contiguous leads, with or without reciprocal ST depressions). ",1
141,"We identified 8,597 potential subjects with HF during the study window who had no prior outpatient visit with an ICD-9 code diagnosis for HF (Fig. ",0
142,7 The surgical procedure or procedures were recorded and subsequently converted into the equivalent International Classification of Diseases (clinical modification) procedure code. ,0
143,"Gastrointestinal and liver disease was defined as a documented history of peptic ulcer disease, active viral hepatitis or unexplained persistent hepatic enzyme elevation, biopsy-proven cirrhosis, diverticulitis, or a history of known cholelithiasis without cholecystectomy prior to transplant. ",1
144,"Treatment algorithms for Stages I, II, and III of the disease were derived by age group (lt; 50 or 50 years old), principally from Canadian cancer registry data, supplemented, where necessary, by the results of surveys of Canadian oncologists. ",0
145,All ECGs in the three studies were read and coded by the same cardiologist (M.K.). ,0
146,"All the patients were considered in the calculation of outcome at hospital discharge, but only those whose status was known at 1 year were included in the calculation of outcome at that time point. ",0
147,"If differences were significant, the periods with the highest and lowest frequency were tested to evaluate differences from the average of all periods combined. ",0
148,"A number of validation sets in diverse community-based samples have tested and extended the use of these models to a more generalizable cohort of patients with symptoms suggestive of coronary disease (including typical, atypical and nonanginal chest pain). ",0
149,"Statistical methods The distributions of categorical variables were compared using Fisher exact test, and the distributions of ordered categorical variables, such as TIMI flow and the year PCI was performed, were compared using the Mantel-Haenszel test for linear trend. ",0
150,Definition of outcome events Major cardiac complications were defined by the occurrence of any of the following: 1. MI after the first 24 h defined by a CK gt;twice the upper limit of normal and peaking after the first 24 h or the development of new Q waves and CKMB index gt;10%; 2. congestive heart failure defined by documentation of a new S3 or crackles after first 24 h or chest radiographic evidence of pulmonary edema; and 3. death. ,1
151,"After the examination of hospital records by an appropriate events committee, hospital readmissions were classified as being related to worsening CHF, other cardiac causes or noncardiac causes. ",0
152,"All patients had symptoms consistent with chronic mesenteric ischemia, and the duration of the symptoms before revascularization averaged 12 months (range, 1 to 36 months). ",0
153,"Hypotension, defined as a decrease in systolic arterial pressure by gt;20% from baseline or to lt;100 mm__g, 6 was treated with i.v. boluses of ephedrine 9 mg as required. ",1
154,"The associations of gender, age at initiation of renal replacement therapy, and the time period of initiation of RRT with outcome were analyzed in the total cohort as well as the LERIC cohort. ",0
155,The 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded on a PPG Midas polygraph at a paper speed of 25 mm/s and an amplitude gain of 1 mV/cm through a band pass filter setting of 0.5 to 40 Hz. ,0
156,The changed protocol was for consultants to see all women at their booking visit and then not again until 41 weeks gestation. ,0
157,"ANOVA was used to identify statistically significant differences among the three study groups for variables with a parametric distribution, and Kruskal__allis was used for urinary iodine excretion, which showed a non-parametric distribution. ",0
158,"Because aspirin use modifies the association of total to HDL cholesterol (TC/HDL) ratio with MI risk (the protective effect of aspirin is more pronounced among those with a low TC/HDL ratio) (16), and to avoid three-way interaction, we estimated the joint effect of fibrinogen and TC/HDL ratio only among those who were assigned to placebo. ",0
159,Relative risks (RRs) of failure to have a complete abortion were calculated by standard methods and the 95% CI using Taylor series approximation. ,0
160,"A considerable number of patients underwent reduction of prolapse of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, including 94 patients who had anterior leaflet resection, chordal plasty, or commissuroplasty. ",0
161,"Urinary tract infection was defined as a urine culture with $50,000 colonies of a single organism with or without symptoms. ",1
162,Postbronchodilator PEFR was measured 20 min after the second of two doses but before the administration of other inhaled medications. ,0
163,"To match records among the CCP and NRMI 2 comparison populations, an iterative program module was developed to identify 6-key, 5-key and 4-key matches. ",0
164,Patients were excluded if they did not have sufficient CK-MB or ECG information either at entry or in the immediate postrandomization phase. ,0
165,"An atypical nevus was defined as having a diameter of 5 mm or more, an irregular or blurred edge and irregular pigmentation. ",1
166,A nondiagnostic test was defined by absence of ECG evidence of ischemia at a heart rate lt;85% of age-predicted maximum. ,1
167,"__ncident_ patient analyses Incident patients were defined as the subgroup of prevalent patients who initiated chronic dialysis between October 2, 1993, and December 31,1993. ",0
168,Alternative analyses modeling the risk of at least one episode of septicemia were done using logistic regression with an adjustment for days at risk. ,0
169,"Other indicators of socio-economic position, use of oral contraception (ever, never), nulliparity (had children, no children) were entered as binary variables, and smoking (never, ex and current, including those who had stopped in the last six months) and hormone replacement (never, ex, current) were entered as dummy variables. ",0
170,"The evaluation results reported later suggest that six is a reasonable and effective number of data points to include, allowing slope changes (and potential drug resistance) to be detected earlier than without the system. ",0
171,"Agreement between interviews and hospital records was low, symptoms being more commonly reported by interview than in the record (for example, headache was reported for 5.80/.417% of patients compared with 0.30/o--3-0% in hospital records). ",0
172,Cerebrovascular accident was defined as an acute neurologic vascular event with focal signs for more than 24 h. Follow-up Followup was performed by telephone interview and query of the Social Security Death Index on all patients enrolled regardless of aspirin resistance status between November 2000 and June 2001. ,1
173,"Intermediate and long-term anatomic patency were defined as a restenosis lt; 50% at the site of PTA, which was assessed by angiography or CDS. ",1
174,"Hospital and clinic charts were reviewed for comorbidities (coronary artery disease, stroke, hypertension, smoking, renal insufficiency [creatinine level gt; 1.5 mg/dL], hypercoagulable state, claudication, previous leg bypass graft, previous carotid endarterectomy [CEA], steroid use, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]), size of AAA, time in hospital, type of operation performed, complications of operation, time in intensive care unit (ICU), residence at discharge, residence at last follow-up, and walking status (fully ambulatory, assisted ambulation, or nonambulatory). ",1
175,"Once guideline adherence concepts were identified in the CMS and JCAHO quality measures, a review of HIPAA-mandated coding systems plus LOINC and SNOMED CT was initiated to determine if the identified guideline adherence concepts had corresponding representation (e.g., exact matches) in one of these coding systems. ",0
176,Postoperative myocardial infarction (MI) was defined by new Q-waves in 2 or more precordial leads on the postoperative 12-lead electrocardiogram. ,1
177,The criterion for left ventricular dysfunction was wall motion index (WMI) _1.2 corresponding to an ejection fraction (EF) _35%. ,1
178,"This coding procedure has previously been shown to have good interrater reliability 12 , and its content validity is derived from the qualitative research upon which it was based 10 . Treatment decision, noted from the transcripts and confirmed from medical records, was used to divide patients into two groups: surgery (hysterectomy or endometrial ablation) and conservative management or no treatment. ",0
179,Evaluating a policy of reduced consultant antenatal clinic visits for low risk multiparous women.,0
180,"Back pain may be due to positioning during surgery, prolonged lack of movement, or poor hospital beds and tingling or numbness may be due to malpositioning of the limbs, poorly positioned intravenous drips, and, rarely, as a sequel to nerve blockade by a local anaesthetic technique. ",0
181,Subjects without known diabetes who did not have a glucose tolerance test were classified on the basis of their fasting glucose alone. ,0
182,1: BIrthbplace of 19 Indian children with non-insulndependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). ,0
183,"Because all patients not on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors at hospital discharge had undergone previous therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors either during or before hospitalization, the timing and location of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor discontinuation were also recorded. ",0
184,Methods to achieve a reduction in amputation rates among patients with PVD are available today. ,0
185,"METHODS Patients and dialysis treatment All patients participated in a Dutch long-term, prospective multicenter study on dialysis efficiency and protein intake. ",0
186,"An appropriate decision was defined as a decision to perform a skull x ray examination or not or to admit or not, consistent with recorded indications or lack of recorded indications. ",0
187,Similar analyses were performed to determine independent predictors of cardiac rehospitalization and recurrent angina. ,0
188,"Because 40% of patients undergoing HD had more that one type of vascular access reported in the first six weeks after the start of dialysis treatment, vascular access was classified according to a hierarchy of perceived highest risk of septicemia (temporary cathetergt; permanent central venous cathetergt; goretex or bovine graftgt; native fistula; Table 4 ). ",0
189,"Secondary endpoints included all-cause mortality or MI at 10 days, events related to left ventricular dysfunction (LVD) [ie, composite endpoint of cardiac-related mortality, MI, cardiogenic shock, congestive heart failure (CHF), and life-threatening arrhythmia] at day 36 and at 6 months, refractory ischemia at day 36, and peak creatine kinase with muscle and brain subunits (CK-MB) levels measured to assess the extent of infarction. ",1
190,"Revascularization procedures (as defined as the first of either bypass surgery or angioplasty) were assessed until one year after MI in order to allow for appropriate post-MI risk stratification and waiting times (14,15). ",0
191,"The definition of coronary artery disease (CAD) included a history of treated angina, a clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI), any coronary revascularization procedure, or the presence of _50% stenoses in any of the three major coronary arteries or their larger branches by angiography. ",1