idx,sentence,label | |
0,"Participants consented to a medical record review which included abstraction of total glycated hemoglobin levels obtained at the enrollment visit, completed a self-administered questionnaire and self-collected a vaginal swab. ",0 | |
1,"In British centres, patients with retinoblastoma were not included because they were the subject of a specific study (Hawkins et al, 1996). ",0 | |
2,Methods: This study included all adult inpatients of St. Vincent s Hospital and Medical Center who had documented pneumococcal pneumonia between December 1998 and October 1999. ,0 | |
3,"The average cost per fraction of radiation therapy of $138 Canadian included the salaries and benefits of all staff involved in the radiation treatment programme, as well as the depreciation of radiotherapy equipment, the capital cost of the construction of the radiation treatment facilities and administrative costs (Earle et al, 1997). ",0 | |
4,"Anemia was defined as serum hemoglobin !130 g/L in men, and !120 g/L in women 21 . Albuminuria was defined as the presence of _0.3 g/L of albumin by urinary dipstick. ",1 | |
5,All other discharges were classified as __ural._ Discharges were classified as __eaching_ if they occurred at a hospital listed as a primary or affiliated institution of an accredited internal medicine or family practice residency program according to the American Medical Association__ directory of postgraduate medical training programs (16). ,0 | |
6,"Patients were given 740 MBq of technetium-99m__abeled human serum albumin (Nihon Medi-Physics, Nishinomia, Japan). ",0 | |
7,"Then differences in the rate of septicemia between HD and PD patients were examined in multivariate analyses (Poisson regression) adjusting for age, gender, race, education, insurance status, region of the country (as defined by ESRD network), the presence of DM, serum albumin, hematocrit, and the presence of a neoplasm. ",0 | |
8,"Ischemia was defined as persistent ischemic chest pain after reperfusion therapy or recurrent symptoms with ST-segment changes, new heart failure, murmur or creatine kinase re-elevation. ",1 | |
9,"Prescription of beta-blocker, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, and statin therapy was determined at hospital discharge. ",0 | |
10,"Additional outcomes analyzed were clinical events (all-cause death [death], cardiac death, nonfatal MI and a composite end point of death or nonfatal MI). ",0 | |
11,"For example, if the index individual reported that the maternal grandmother of an index individual had died from breast cancer and this could not be verified in the cancer register, the mother and all siblings of the index individual were included in the analysis of high-risk women with one FDR or second-degree relative with breast cancer other than the index woman (Fig. ",0 | |
12,We previously reported the influence of compliance on the reduction in coronary risk in subjects receiving pravastatin (12). ,0 | |
13,"Clinical characteristics include a primary diagnosis, the level of non-cardiac disability, and the patient__ ACC/AHA classification. ",0 | |
14,Inpatient medication payments were contained within inpatient facility payments and could not be analyzed separately. ,0 | |
15,Ascertainment and confirmation of end points Cases of nonfatal myocardial infarction were reported on questionnaires mailed to participants every six months. ,0 | |
16,"Nonfatal stroke was defined as a typical neurologic deficit, either sudden or rapid in onset, that lasted gt;24 h and was attributed to a cerebrovascular event. ",1 | |
17,"Over a 6-month period, each consecutive admission was included in the study. ",0 | |
18,"Patient confidentiality was ensured with removal of all patient identifiable information, including scrambled identifiers, after linkage. ",0 | |
19,"PLSS section boundary Residential parcels Almonds Grapes Apples Kiwi Pistachios Plums Field crops N 0 0.5 1 2 Miles 0 0.5 1 2 Kilometers Orchards and crops Shafter uncertainty, we decided to combine these crop categories into a class of field crops, assuming that for a reported pesticide application on a specific field, truck, grain, or pasture crop in a PLSS section, all areas with these crop designations were equally likely application sites. ",0 | |
20,Predicting psychiatric admission rates.,0 | |
21,Gender differences and normal left ventricular anatomy in an adult population free of hypertension A cardiovascular magnetic resonance study of the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort,0 | |
22,Additional prespecified analyses were all-cause mortality and adherence to HF guidelines developed by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (16)and the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (17). ,0 | |
23,"Arterial hypertension was diagnosed according to the World Health Organization criteria, systolic blood pressure _160 mm Hg, and/or diastolic blood pressure _95 mm Hg, or if antihypertensive treatment was being prescribed. ",1 | |
24,"Outcome was considered __ad_ if the patient had died during hospitalization, was nonambulatory, or was discharged to a long-term care facility. ",0 | |
25,"Therefore, death by peritonitis was categorized as a __omplication of treatment_ and not as an __nfection._ Determinants of mortality. ",0 | |
26,This group was scheduled to receive two doses at least 2 months apart. ,0 | |
27,"Definitions __tent failure_ was defined as either death, myocardial infarction (MI) (episode of typical chest pain, new pathological Q waves or creatine kinase rise gt;3 times the upper limit of normal [gt;240 U/l] with concomitant increase of the MB isoenzyme) or angiographically documented stent vessel occlusion. ",1 | |
28,"Individuals whose EBT results triggered further cardiovascular testing, including functional testing or angiography, were excluded from the final analysis. ",0 | |
29,"We assessed the agreement between fetal echocardiographic definition of the great artery relationship to the underlying ventricular mass, the great artery orientation, the location of associated ventricular septal defects as well as the presence or absence of ventricular outflow tract obstructions with the other diagnostic modalities. ",0 | |
30,"All patients underwent a similar regimen of pulmonary rehabilitation at the Medical Center, beginning immediately following hospital discharge. ",0 | |
31,"An introductory letter was first sent explaining the study, followed by a telephone interview about a week later. ",0 | |
32,"Stroke Stroke was defined as transient or permanent neurologic impairment and disability due to vascular causes, including episodes lasting lt;24 h which were regarded as transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). ",1 | |
33,Subjects and methods Patients admitted to the coronary care unit (CCU) with proven or suspected acute myocardial infarction were considered for the study if they developed ventricular tachyarrhythmias of one or more of the following types: i) > 5 ventricular premature contractions per minute; 2) paired ventricular premature contractions; 3) multifocal ventricular premature contractions; 4) R on T ventricular premature contractions; and 5) ventricular tachycardia defined as 3 or more ventricular premature contractions in sequence at a rate exceeding IOO a minute. ,1 | |
34,"During the procedure the anaesthetist noted on the data collection form, the patient s course and therapeutic regimen as well as any adverse events that may have occurred. ",0 | |
35,"Inclusion criteria and enrollment On admittance to hospital, patients presenting with a history and/or symptoms compatible with the diagnosis of advanced CHF were screened and registered prospectively by the attending investigator-physician and subsequently investigated by trained research nurses using a structured questionnaire. ",0 | |
36,"In addition, we noted any evidence of the nine somatic conditions most frequently cited in published studies of high primary care utilization in patients with emotional conditions, including insomnia, headaches, migraines, back pain, abdominal pain, vertigo, chest pain, excessive sweating, and excessive itching [19,20]. ",0 | |
37,Sepsis was considered to be present when positive blood cultures were documented with or without elevated temperature _ 38C and/or presence of hypotension. ,1 | |
38,"Azathioprine was given at 1 to 2 mg/kg/day after transplantation, with the dose adjusted to maintain a white blood cell count 4,000 to 6,000/mm3. ",0 | |
39,The amount of hospitalization that could result from these chemotherapy complications was extracted from Statistics Canada s POD. ,0 | |
40,Logistic regression was used to identify the characteristics associated with the use of oesophagectomy and the variables associated with perioperative mortality among those who underwent oesophagectomy. ,0 | |
41,"Blood gas analysis was performed using a Corning 278 pH/blood gas analyser (Medfield, MA, USA). ",0 | |
42,"Despite maximal medical management, all patients were markedly symptomatic. ",0 | |
43,Renal disease was identified as a preoperative creati- nine level greater than 2.0 mg/dL. ,1 | |
44,"In this case, reduced systolic function was defined as LVEF lt;40% or a qualitative description of moderately or severely reduced systolic function. ",1 | |
45,13 Strokes were defined as the presence of a clinical neurologic deficit beyond 24 hours. ,1 | |
46,High blood cholesterol level was defined as a total cholesterol value equal to or more than 250 mg/dl.,1 | |
47,"If no coagulation abnormality was found, anti__itamin K therapy was maintained for 6 months. ",0 | |
48,We compared observational resource use and cost between two strategies: 1) use of direct catheterization to 2) initial stress myocardial perfusion imaging followed by selective catheterization in patients who were clinically high risk and those with evidence of ischemia on initial noninvasive imaging techniques. ,0 | |
49,"Cardiovascular events included myocardial infarction, unstable angina with concomitant ischemic ECG changes, coronary artery surgery or angioplasty, sudden cardiac death, congestive heart failure requiring hospitalization, stroke and transient ischemic attack. ",1 | |
50,"Therefore, children who were seen only once contributed only one data point, whereas children with repeat visits contributed two to four data points (mean 2.2). ",0 | |
51,"When a new drug enters the market, it is likely that the first patients to receive the medication are those not responding well to previously available drugs. ",0 | |
52,"Age (y) 80 Contralateral occlusion 66 MI lt;6 months 11 Reoperation 29 NYHA class III/IV angina 16 Neck radiation 3 Canadian class III/IV CHF 4 High lesion 53 Steroid/oxygen COPD 4 Creatinine level gt;3 13 NYHA, New York Heart Association; CHF, congestive heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ",0 | |
53,"Coronary heart disease was diagnosed by at least one of the following criteria: (1) previous admission for documented myocardial infarction, not later than three months before the study started (elevated creatine kinase level and electrocardiogram changes); (2) a clinical history of symptoms consistent with angina confirmed by a positive exercise stress test result; or (3) significant positive results on coronary angiograms (stenosisgt; 50% for 1 of the 3 major vessels) or on thallium scan (defining fixed or reversible perfusion defects). ",1 | |
54,"Total cholesterol and triglycerides were estimated by enzymatic methods (cholesterol oxidase/peroxidase-aminophenazone for cholesterol, glycerol phosphate oxidase/peroxidase-aminophenazone for triglycerides) on an automated system using standard kits (Boehringer Mannheim Gmbh). ",0 | |
55,"In addition to the comparisons of patients without operation or rupture, patients who underwent operation, and patients who had rupture, a forward-looking piecewise exponential model was also used to evaluate risk factors for rupture, as has been described in detail previously. ",0 | |
56,"The manufacturers lower limits for muscle injury for the CK MB and myoglobin assays were 5 m g litre_1 and 70 m g litre_1, respectively.",1 | |
57,"Accesses were excluded when (1) the cephalic vein was transposed instead of the basilic vein, (2) an axillary artery was used, (3) dialysis was discontinued before access success could be evaluated (within 3 months), or (4) patients were lost to follow-up. ",0 | |
58,"Diabetes was defined on the basis of a nonfasting blood glucose level _11.1 mmol/liter, a fasting blood glucose level _7.8 mmol/liter, or the use of insulin or an oral hypoglycemic agent. ",1 | |
59,Inclusion required a follow-up of each individual child of gt;1 year; shorter follow-up periods were only considered for inclusion in case the affected child had died. ,0 | |
60,"The kit included a cold pack to keep the specimens cool (but not frozen) until receipt at Channing Laboratory the following morning, when they were aliquoted and stored at _80C. During storage, no specimen thawed or warmed substantially. ",0 | |
61,"Inclusion criteria Male or nonpregnant, nonlactating female patients older than 18 years were eligible for study inclusion if they were scheduled to undergo elective PTFE grafting including at least one end-to-side anastomosis of a PTFE graft to the common femoral artery and could undergo heparinization during the period of arterial occlusion. ",0 | |
62,"Control subjects were randomly selected from participants who met the matching criteria of age (1 year), smoking habit (current, past or never smoker) and time from randomization in six-month intervals. ",0 | |
63,"Polysplenia syndrome was suspected when the patient hod sinfle-ventricle anatomy and one or more of the following types of cardiac defects: \) an interrupted inferior vena 1992 by Ihe Americar, College orCardiolagy cava with azygos vein continuation. ",0 | |
64,"Mortality through December 31, 1996 was determined by a probabilistic match of the regional registry to the National Death Index (US Department of Health and Human Services) (20,21)using some combination of name, social security number, date of birth, gender, date last known alive and state of last known residence. ",0 | |
65,"Assuming a 3-h paclitaxel infusion yields the same survival advantage as the 24h infusion did in the randomized trial, paclitaxel/cisplatin is a cost-effective improvement over standard etoposide/cisplatin for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. ",0 | |
66,Chronic renal insufficiency was defined as creatinine clearance less than 80 mL/min/1.73 m2. ,1 | |
67,G-CSF was given at the dose of 5 Mug/kg-1 day-1 days 3-5 of each week. ,0 | |
68,"All inhabitants of a suburb of Rotterdam, aged 55 years and over, were invited (response 78%). ",0 | |
69,"The following were classified as high-risk criteria in the ET: 1) a positive clinical and/or ECG response at any time, with a heart rate lt;120 beats/min, or when the response occurred during the first two stages of the Bruce protocol; 2) ST-segment depression _1 mm, persisting _6 min in the recovery phase or present in five or more leads; 3) ST-segment depression _2 mm at any level of exercise; 4) ST-segment elevation (not in lead aVR) in the non__-wave leads; 5) a sustained decrease in systolic blood pressure during progressive exercise; 6) the presence of ventricular tachycardia; and 7) Duke index _10. ",1 | |
70,"Definitions Several definitions were used in this study: major bleeding was defined as any bleeding requiring a blood transfusion; major vascular events were defined as any vascular repair, arteriovenous (AV) fistula, pseudoaneurysm, femoral nerve injury or retroperitoneal hemorrhage; minor bleeding was defined as a decrease in hemoglobin concentration gt;3 g/dl, not requiring a blood transfusion; minor vascular injury was defined as a femoral hematoma gt;6 cm, not requiring transfusion or vascular repair. ",1 | |
71,"Table I High-risk criteria NASCET/ACAS exclusion 10,11,13 ARCHeR inclusion Anatomic Prior carotid endorterectomy Prior carotid endorterectomy Radiation therapy to neck Radiation therapy to neck High lesion Spinal immobility Stoma Contralateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis Medical Age greater than 80 y Contralateral CEA within 4 mo Contralateral occlusion Two or more of the following: Uncorrected gt;2-vessel coronary artery disease Unstable angina Unstable angina Surgery needed within 30 d Myocardial infarction within 6 mo of visit Myocardial infarction within 30 d Symptomatic congestive heart failure Severe left ventricle dysfunction (ejection fraction lt;30%) Significant valve disease Lung, liver, or renal failure Undergoing dialysis Listed for organ transplantation Uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes mellitus Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus Protocol Tandem lesion higher than bifurcation Stenosis less than 30% or artery occluded Unable to consent Other lesion that could cause symptoms Previous cerebrovascular accident with profound deficit Contralateral symptoms within 45 d Nonhemispheric symptoms Major surgery within 1 mo Atrial fibrillation Cancer with lt;50% 5-y survival Aspirin allergy or active ulcer Warfarin sodium use High-risk factors defined by variables that would have excluded patients from NASCET or ACAS or included patients in ARCHeR (see text). ",1 | |
72,"Time course of respiratory decompensation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a prospective, double-blind study of peak flow changes prior to emergency department visits",0 | |
73,"Patients were eligible for inclusion if they were greater than 18 years of age, planned to be continuously enrolled in HD therapy at the same dialysis clinic throughout the duration of the study, and agreed to participate with monthly pharmacist visits. ",0 | |
74,"Children are less prone to bacteremia, and exclusion of children gives a more homogeneous age distribution. ",0 | |
75,Influence of partides or other associated air pollutants on fetal growth in early gestation is one of several possible expl anions ofthese results. ,0 | |
76,The location and scope of health care services provided over a 90-day period were used to define three levels of relapse management. ,0 | |
77,"For F1+2 and TAT measurement, 9 mL venous blood was mixed carefully with 1 mL sodium citrate solution (0.11 mol/liter). ",0 | |
78,Three hundred and three subjects had received 745 psychotropics prescriptions and 56 cases of hip fracture were found. ,0 | |
79,"MATERIALS AND METHODS All patients admitted and treated in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Children s Hospital between April 1, 2000 and March 31, 2001 with invasive infections (meningitis, bacteremia, pneumonia, septic arthritis, cellulites, peritonitis, and so forth) attributable to S. pneumoniae were included in this study. ",1 | |
80,"Perinatal drug exposure was confirmed with a positive toxicology report in the child s medical chart, the mother s admission, or the referring physician s or agency s report. ",0 | |
81,Our laboratory has confirmed that the cut-off value for cTnI in the diagnosis of myocardial muscle cell injury is 0.1 m g litre_1. ,1 | |
82,(n) (n) radiotherapy Typea of fractions Mean radiation dose in Gy DosimetryDosimetry rx low Cobalt rx high e-(n) Cible Brain Thyroid BreastsDigestive not possible energy (n) energy volume tract possible (n) (n) (n) (tumour) (n) Ewing s sarcoma 141 1 26 114 4 89 30 17 26 74 1.8 2.8 5.6 7.1 Bone sarcoma 74 0 10 64 0 53 12 3 23 67 0.3 2.7 8.0 5.4 Soft tissue sarcoma 390 51 41 298 40 207 38 55 20 62 5.4 5.7 3.1 6.2 Neuroblastoma 317 0 15 302 66 168 29 54 16 34 2.3 3.5 5.5 8.4 Wilm s tumour 599 1 19 579 135 373 105 7 19 35 0.6 2.7 7.2 11.9 Central nervous system 604 9 19 576 86 383 145 89 29 74 25.3 6.2 2.0 3.9 Bilateral retinoblastoma 79 8 2 69 3 18 23 34 21 52 10.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 Unilateral retinoblastoma 36 2 1 33 5 12 1 16 24 49 8.6 2.2 1.6 1.4 Hodgkin s disease 342 1 19 322 24 147 179 31 24 61 3.3 23.4 11.1 13.4 Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma 274 2 8 264 25 204 46 19 17 42 14.6 7.0 3.1 5.1 Others 253 21 22 210 29 153 46 24 23 66 5.1 9.4 4.9 12.2 Total 3109 96 182 2831 417 1807 654 349 22 55 8.6 7.0 5.1 8.1 aPatients may have been treated with more than one type of machine. ,0 | |
83,Preterm births (lt; 37 weeks gestation) were excluded from analysis because of the differences in factors affecting fetal growth (16). ,1 | |
84,(3) Late deceleration _ a visually apparent gradual decrease (defined as onset of deceleration to nadir _30 s) in the fetal heart rate with return to baseline associated with a uterine contraction. ,0 | |
85,"The hypertensive groups in stages II and III were merged, and thus four groups were considered: low BP (lt;119.4 mm Hg), reference group (119.4 to 139 mm Hg), high BP stage I (140 to 159 mm Hg), and high BP stages II and III (_160 mm Hg). ",1 | |
86,"Two hundred and eight patients who were being considered for orthotopic liver transplantation were excluded, as were 12 patients who died from noncardiac causes while hospitalized, two patients who had orthotopic heart transplantations, and 13 patients who had a PTCA within the six months prior to dobutamine stress testing. ",0 | |
87,"The screening test was provided free of charge by primary care physicians over a 4-month period, then posted to persons who had not consulted a general practitioner during this period, with a reminder letter after a month to non-responders. ",0 | |
88,"A stenosis was deemed significant if the gradient across the lesion was 10 mm Hg at rest, if the gradient across the lesion was 15 mm Hg after the administration of 30 mg of papaverine, or if the angiographic catheter caused occlusion or near occlusion of the artery as it crossed the lesion. ",1 | |
89,Comparisons among treatment groups of the proportion of subjects hospitalized were made using chi-square statistics and corresponding confidence intervals (CI) for risk ratios. ,0 | |
90,"Our analysis includes only female breast cancers which are invasive (not in situ) and assumes that there are no major differences in the therapeutic approaches used for different tumour Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for nonmetastatic breast cancer in Canada, and their associated costs BP Will1, C Le Petit1, J-M Berthelot1, EM Tomiak2, S Verma2 and WK Evans2 1The Health Analysis and Modelling Group, Statistics Canada, 24-Q, R. H. Coats Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OT6, Canada; and 2The Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre, Cancer Care Ontario and the University of Ottawa, 501 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8L6, Canada Summary In an era of fiscal restraint, it is important to evaluate the resources required to diagnose and treat serious illnesses. ",0 | |
91,A _2-fold increase in CK-MB above the upper limit of normal (10 ng/ml) irrespective of total CK in the absence of new Q waves in the electrocardiogram was considered to indicate a non__-wave infarction. ,1 | |
92,1 Estimated survival free from valve-related morbidity 10 years after aortic valve replacement with the CE or SJ prostheses as a function of patient age (year). ,0 | |
93,"Readmission for CHF was determined by searching the same data set for subsequent hospitalizations occurring before December 31, 1995 for each individual who qualified for inclusion in the study. ",0 | |
94,Other comparisons of follow-up data in the various outcome groups are shown in Table I. Table I Follow-up of 50 patients with chronic type B dissection No rupture or operation (n = 31) Rupture (n = 9) Operation (n = 10) All patients (n = 50) Time (mo) Median Range Median Range Median Range Median Range From acute dissection until first follow-up CT scan 8.3 2.1-90.6 8.6 4.9-74.2 5.9 2.8-13.1 8.2 2.1-90.6 From acute dissection until last CT scan* 45.1 3.7-117.1 37.4 4.9-87.3 13.9 2.8-88.9 37.4 2.8-117.1 From last CT scan until last follow-up_ 12.5 2.9-74.3 7.0 2.0-14.8 2.3 0.4-23.6 10.2 0.4-74.3 From first follow-up CT scan until last follow-up 46.9 12.9-112.1 26.8 3.9-57.4 12.2 0.9-106.5 39.5 0.9-112.1 *Last CT scan refers to last CT scan in this study. ,0 | |
95,Risk associated with pregnancy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,0 | |
96,"The DC General Hospital pediatrics department provides a gamut of outpatient services through its pediatric emergency room; medical, well baby, and adolescent clinics; and various subspecialty clinics. ",0 | |
97,"Because we were interested in septicemia acquired in the outpatient setting, we limited the outcome variable to patients with a primary diagnosis code of septicemia. ",0 | |
98,"The variables included in the USRDS standard analysis files (SAFs), as well as data collection methods and validation studies, are listed at the USRDS web site, under Researcher s Guide to the USRDS Database, Section E, Contents of all the SAFs (Standard Analysis Files), and published in the USRDS ( ",0 | |
99,Patients who died during their index admission were excluded from this analysis. ,0 | |
100,The biochemical profile diagnostic of AMI consists of a typical rise and fall of total CK above twice normal values within 24 h of presentation and CK-MB higher than twice normal values. ,1 | |
101,"Typically, approximately half of the upper lobe was resected in patients with upper lobe disease. ",0 | |
102,Hazard ratios were estimated relative to a baseline category; increasing values of the hazard ratio indicated an increasing risk of death. ,0 | |
103,These are all the patients who survived at least 6 months after initial nonoperative treatment of type B dissection and in whom the rate of growth of the aorta during the chronic phase of type B dissection therefore could be calculated. ,0 | |
104,If the confidence intervals around the standardised rate did not include the value 100 then the difference in rates between the practice and all practices combined was considered significant. ,0 | |
105,People were censored from the cohort if/when they started on systematic treatment. ,0 | |
106,Yes No skull x ray examination / no admission Appropriate Inappropriate management management Categorisation of decisions Skull x ray examination / admission Inappropriate management No No skull x ray examination / admission Appropriate management easily accessible were selected. ,0 | |
107,W mm before and 2.37 mm after angioplastyThe length uf ihe stenosis is determined by curvature analysis and is depicted by two vertical lines. ,0 | |
108,"Exclusion criteria included prior myelodysplasia, myeloproliferative disease, or chemotherapy-related leukemia. ",0 | |
109,"Baseline characteristics for the two groups of patients are compared in Table 1.The only significant difference between groups (except age) was the increased incidence of an en argcd hean, syncope and New York Hean Association functional class 11] and IV in the Ttll. PreoperalrecCteira iclerislicsofd beTwoPBtient Groups EMYein (n-44> 6510 75 Yon(B 131 pVihie Alr) 123 703 <0,WI MihlMleMi Z7 30 MS NtwYoikHonAssocinlloil K 36 <0.11 chain ta IV hEviaul nyocudU inhicdm 20 7 0.0(6 Oaeranpndyiluialon 23 NS Dilbacimflliloi 7 i NS ItnilllBlBdeKr 4 NS Wic-mOoac, 1 NS PllhH.mnyin.ulfcinc 7 NS NEIIIIlllWI.lflUllKl 3 NS Avow kail lizc W 118 457 115 NS ( BSAI Nomlheilliiie _a 0.1)12 Aortic itt.rBiBI * y NS Milialtacaiiielence l NS (alOdRaH) CoacMBilmlCABC 22 29 NS 11B2 16 16 NS S3 7 13 0-27 InienilninmuyilKiy 9 22 0.13 StiMfAyttmi 77 NS Sypc 44 25 0.033 Dynmi I! ",0 | |
110,"In this expression, K/V is calculated as (spKt/V)/Td expressed in h_1. Computation of eKt/V from actual postdialysis rebound In order to estimate the equilibrated BUN (Ceq) based on the observed postdialysis rebound at 60 minutes, the Runge-Kutta algorithm was used to obtain curve-fit solutions to the double-pool, variable-volume (dpvv) model [23] based on the prehemodialysis, posthemodialysis, and post + 60 minutes hemodialysis BUNs. ",0 | |
111,"Second, the crude (or unadjusted) association between patient factors and the risk of septicemia over a seven-year period following the initiation of dialysis was examined using Poisson regression. ",0 | |
112,Follow-up for residence history for the purpose of estimating exposure to drinking water arsenic was provided by LDS church censuses. ,0 | |
113,"For those who died after 1992, the 1990-1992 death rates for either the cancer or noncancer cause of death were applied. ",0 | |
114,The 98 inpatients in group 2 were emergency admissions to the receiving medical unit who did not have a primary cardiac diagnosis. ,0 | |
115,Methods Study identification Two online searches of the National Library of Medicine MEDLINE database were performed using the PubMed search engine. ,0 | |
116,"Total costs were calculated by summing the costs of all noninvasive tests, catheterization and cardiac hospitalizations. ",0 | |
117,"The birth registry information provided categorical information on the mother s smoking during pregnancy (no, yes, smoked after the first trimester, quit during the first trimester, no information). ",0 | |
118,Hospital care for children and young adults in the last year of life: a population-based study.,0 | |
119,"These criteria have recently been modified (5), but the modifications were not used in the present study. ",0 | |
120,Patients with a discharge diagnosis of gallstones from 1977 to 1989 were identified from the Danish National Registry of Patients and followed up for cancer occurrence until death or the end of 1993 by record linkage to the Danish Cancer Registry. ,0 | |
121,We defined left ventricular enlargement (LVE) in subjects 16 years of age or older as a left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (LVEDD) gt; Framingham 97.5 percentile standard (13). ,1 | |
122,"For HD patients, information was collected on up to two types of vascular access in use (native arteriovenous fistula, gortex graft, bovine graft, permanent central venous catheter, and temporary catheter) and reuse of dialyzers in each patient. ",0 | |
123,"Before and after periods (from 1 February to 31 May) were chosen in 1987, before distribution of the guidelines, and 1990, at the time of the earlier postal questionnaire, such that we would be studying the accident and emergency records at a time of reported receipt and use of the guidelines. ",0 | |
124,"This report describes the cost of diagnosis and initial treatment of nonmetastatic breast cancer in Canada, assuming current practice patterns. ",0 | |
125,Changes in ankle brachial index in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects in the general population,0 | |
126,Hypertension was defined according to the WHO definition as: systolic blood pressure160 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure 95 mm Hg and/or currently under antihypertensive drug treatment.,1 | |
127,"Intra-LV asynchrony was defined as a value of intra-LV electromechanical interval above 40 ms (mean value + 2 SD), with a statistical alpha risk of 0.05. ",1 | |
128,Patient characteristics and treatment factors were those obtained at the start of ESRD. ,0 | |
129,Images were recorded on -inch videotape using a commercially available VHS video recorder for each stage of stress. ,0 | |
130,Multivessel disease was defined as _75% stenosis in more than two major epicardial coronary arteries. ,1 | |
131,The difference between the rate of consultation for the chronic bronchitis population and the background probability yielded an estimate of the excess probability of GP consultations in patients with chronic bronchitis. ,0 | |
132,"Additionally, 18% of admissions from HM03 were excluded because they were erroneously coded with a discharge diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. ",0 | |
133,"This does not imply that clinicians should not treat hypertensives with antihypertensive agents, but, from a public health perspective, it does support the idea that we cannot rely on mass treatment of hypertension to bring about the greatest declines in stroke mortality. ",0 | |
134,"Myocardial infarction was defined as 1) development of new abnormal Q waves (Minnesota Code) not present at study inclusion (baseline); and 2) an increase of creatine kinase (CK) of more than twice the upper limit of normal and an abnormal level of CK-MB isoenzyme, measured routinely at screening and 6 and 12 h after the intervention and where clinically indicated. ",1 | |
135,Several additional analyses were included that evaluated estimated medical therapy costs as well as varying costs by the extent of perfusion abnormalities. ,0 | |
136,"Patients with so-called accelerated ventricular rhythm, defined as ventricular rate only _20% faster than the child__ concurrent sinus rhythm, were excluded (12). ",1 | |
137,The remaining 64 patients (mean age 67 years; range 29 to 88 years) form the basis of this study. ,0 | |
138,The Student ttest was used to identify significant differences in numerical variables; categorical variables were analyzed by chi-square tests. ,0 | |
139,"Cause-of-death codes that were in question were submitted to a second nosologist at the National Center for Health Statistics (Research Triangle Park, NC), who verified the coding of the first nosologist. ",0 | |
140,"Initial cases were performed with general anesthesia, but spinal anesthesia was used predominantly in the last 100 cases. ",0 | |
141,"The preoperative health status of each patient was determined with the American Society of Anesthesiologists Departments of Community Health Sciences and Anesthesia, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Marsha M Cohen Department of Anesthesia, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada Peter G Duncan Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Toronto, Canada Donald P DeBoer Correspondence to: Dr M M Cohen, Clinical Epidemiology Unit (G-106), Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, 2075 Bayview Avenue, North York, Ontario M4N 3M5, Canada Accepted for publication 7 September 1994 137 Cohen, Duncan, DeBoer physical status score, which rates patients on a 1 to 5 scale from healthy (1) to not expected to survive the operation (5). ",0 | |
142,A second report will describe the lifetime costs of treating all stages of breast cancer. ,0 | |
143,"Conclusions-Anaesthesia services are typically neglected in studies of hospital quality, yet patients express considerable anxiety about anaesthetic care. ",0 | |
144,Thirty-eight (4.5%) patients with immediate neurologic deficit and 26 (3.0%) patients who died during surgery or immediately thereafter were excluded from the study. ,0 | |
145,"The OCMAP program (23), adapted to a nonoccupational cohort, was used to compare the observed number of deaths with the expected number of deaths generated from death rates from the white male and white female general population of Utah within a given underlying cause of death category. ",0 | |
146,"Clinical assessments of health status as measures of susceptibility or potential for the threat of poor health outcomes included two dichotomous measures of body mass index[14] (i.e., overweight: 25 kg/m2 lt; BMI lt; 30 kg/m2; obese: BMI 30 kg/m2) and an ageand gender-weighted chronic disease score (CDS) [15] based on the presence or absence of 29 specific comorbidities determined from pharmacy dispensing data. ",1 | |
147,Results-The median number of guidelines variables recorded for all study periods ranged from 7 to 9 out ofa possible maximum of 27. ,0 | |
148,"Controls were also excluded if their 12 lead ECG showed pathological Q waves, ST segment deviation, T wave inversion, bundle branch or atrioventricular block, tachyarrhythmia (other than isolated atrial ectopic beats) or chamber hypertrophy. ",0 | |
149,The progression of clinically important retinopathy is defined as a change of at least two steps from baseline measurements. ,0 | |
150,"Four common CGP were defined: CGP1 = normal, with normal W/L ratio and VM; CGP2 = arterial remodeling, with increased W/L ratio with normal VM; CGP3 = arterial hypertrophy, with increased W/L ratio and increased VM; and CGP4 = arterial hypertrophy with dilation, with normal W/L ratio and increased VM. ",0 | |
151,"Once selected, each subject underwent the following screening for the three proximate or immediate causes of stroke: a modified duplex scan by a registered vascular technician, an EKG rhythm strip, and a blood pressure measurement. ",0 | |
152,McNemar s test was used to compare the patients responses with the data in the hospital record to determine which was superior in elucidating symptoms. ,0 | |
153,Study protocol Initial patient care conformed to Advanced Cardiac Life Support recommendations for the evaluation and treatment of patients with suspected MI. ,0 | |
154,"Subjects with complete Medicare data were similar to subjects excluded due to incomplete Medicare data with regard to age, race, income, and residential subjects. ",0 | |
155,"Subjects were excluded from further evaluation if any of the following conditions or treatments applied to them: terminal illness; radiation therapy or chemotherapy; severe orthopedic or arthritic problems requiring joint replacement, braces, cane or walker; severe joint disease or pain or limp; claudication secondary to vascular disease or spinal stenosis; amputation of lower extremities; visual acuity worse than 20/50 or visual field defect on examination; history of findings consistent with neurological diseases that impair sensory and/or motor function (Parkinson__ disease, stroke, and so on); history of transient ischemic attacks or seizures; arrhythmia on resting electrocardiography (bradycardia below 45 beats/min; narrow QRS tachycardia over 120 beats/min; wide QRS tachycardia over 100 beats/min; frequent premature ventricular contraction; secondand third-degree heart block); symptomatic orthostatic hypotension (_20 mm Hg drop in systolic BP [SBP] with accompanying complaints of dizziness upon rising by history or examination); or regular usage of sedatives, tranquilizers, hypnotics, butyrophenones or tricyclic or atypical antidepressants. ",1 | |
156,Parental history of premature CHD death was defined as positive if the father died from CHD before age 60 and the mother before age 70. ,0 | |
157,"Finally, the independent association of treatment factors (type of vascular access and reuse of dialyzers) with hospital-managed septicemia was examined, controlling for the potential confounders listed earlier here. ",0 | |
158,"If the wall motion in at least one segment deteriorated by at least one grade compared to the rest wall motion, the SE was considered positive for ischemia.",1 | |
159,Coronary artery disease (CAD) was defined as the presence of significant disease by angiography or evidence of a previous myocardial infarction. ,1 | |
160,"15 Bucknall, Robertson, Moran, Stevenson Table 1 Details ofpatients in three study groups 1983 1985-6 1989 No 101 85 133 Median age (years) 48 40 40 No(%) men 43 40 29 No(%) non-smokers 52 55 47 Median hospital stay (days) 5 5 4 Median period of poor asthma 3 2 3 control, when recorded (days) phylline, and oxygen); (c) supervision (peak flow charting, assessment of inhaler technique, and repeat blood gas analysis); and (d) discharge and review arrangements (drugs on discharge and outpatient review plans). ",0 | |
161,"We also modelled the regimens with paclitaxel 135 mg m-2 + cisplatin administered as an outpatient by 3-h infusion, as clinical data suggest that this is equivalent to 24-h infusion. ",0 | |
162,"Therefore, the majority of the patients identified for inclusion in the study were patients who had graft survival of greater than three years, exhausted ESRD Medicare coverage, and were required to reapply for ESRD Medicare coverage. ",0 | |
163,A random ageand sex-stratified sample was selected from voting lists in 42 out of the 43 administrative districts in Belgium. ,0 | |
164,"For the traditional binary classification (ischemic vs. nonischemic), an ischemic etiology of HF was defined as the presence of any epicardial coronary vessels with _75% stenosis or any history of MI or coronary revascularization (either percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting). ",1 | |
165,Analyses examined the relationship of these risk factors at baseline (onset of ESRD treatment) to subsequent outcomes. ,0 | |
166,"Surface ECGs and tracings of VT episodes, also requested for all patients, were reevaluated by the authors for decision of exclusion of patients in a blinded fashion. ",0 | |
167,Forty-three pregnant women were recruited from the maternity unit/obstetric wards at Guy s and St Thomas Hospital. ,0 | |
168,There were no strokes or other thromboembolic events. ,0 | |
169,Patent branches involved in the dissection process or perfused from the false lumen were not considered compromised. ,0 | |
170,In the 1985-6 audit we identified patients each day who were admitted with asthma or wheezing illness in a non-smoker but observed that in only 85 patients was acute asthma (83) or asthma with bronchitis (two) recorded on the discharge summary. ,0 | |
171,"Significant coronary artery disease was defined as _50% stenosis of the left main coronary artery or _70% stenosis in a major coronary artery, its branches or a bypass graft. ",1 | |
172,These assessments of variability were restricted to 22 of the 28 patients who had at least two modeled dialyses (total of 102 dialysis sessions). ,0 | |
173,Left main coronary artery disease was defined as _50% stenosis in the left main coronary artery. ,1 | |
174,"Samples for cardiac marker assays (creatine kinase and its MB fraction) were obtained at 8, 16, and 24 h post-PCI or until hospital discharge, whichever occurred first. ",0 | |
175,Baseline investigations Renal function was estimated by three calculations: the serum creatinine level in mol/L 11 ; the Cockcroft-Gault formula inmL/min [(140 age) * body weight/(creatinine * 72) * 0.85 if female] 6 ; and Levey s prediction equation inmL/min [170 * (creatinine)-0.999* (age)-0.176* (urea)-0.170* (albumin)+0.318* 0.762 if female] 7 . The Cockroft-Gault and Levey s formulas were both expressed per 1.73m2 body surface area 12 . ,0 | |
176,The influence on survival of delay in the presentation and treatment of symptomatic breast cancer.,0 | |
177,"In all event-specific survival analyses, data were censored at the time of death if the patient had not previously suffered a neurologic event. ",0 | |
178,A subject was classified as having impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) if the PPBG was 7.78 mmol/l (140 mg/dl) and <11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) and the FBG was <7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl); impaired fasting glucose (IFG) was diagnosed if the FBG was 6.1 mmol/l (110 mg/dl) and <7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl).,1 | |
179,Long-term outcome after biologic versus mechanical aortic valve replacement in 841 patients,0 | |
180,"The cost of one fraction of radiotherapy was based on a study performed at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre, based upon 1995/96 costs. ",0 | |
181,"The signs for both respiratory malignancies and age are positive for the 30-day death model, but negative for the SGC model. ",0 | |
182,"Coronary bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty was not identified as a cardiac event, and patients were censored at the time of these procedures. ",0 | |
183,Approximate 95% CI for the differences in rates of these outcomes were calculated from the mean differences 1.96 standard error (SE). ,0 | |
184,"Events occurring on POD 1 through 7 were recorded and included fever (temperature gt;39 C), hypoxia (SaO 2 lt; 92 mm Hg), need for pressors or inotropes, hematocrit lt;30%, serum sodium gt;150 or lt;130 mEq/dL, serum potassium gt;6 or lt;3 mEq/dL, glucose gt;300 or lt;60 mg/dL, and elevations in serum creatinine over preoperative values. ",1 | |
185,"External validity was evaluated by comparing baseline data, process and outcome of care in all patients 65 years and older in NRMI 2 and CCP without matching at either the patient or hospital-level (unmatched comparison). ",0 | |
186,"On discharge from the hospital, each patient received a patient diary to continue daily pain assessments. ",0 | |
187,"Chemotherapy was started 24 h after the discontinuation of GCSF and according to the schedule summarised in Table 1 provided that the absolute granulocyte count was higher than 1000 mm3, the platelet count was higher than 50 000 mm3 (without a decreasing trend), and any other grade 3 or 4 toxic effects had resolved. ",0 | |
188,Prescription characteristics All seniors registered with the Alberta Health Care Insurance received subsidized prescriptions with Alberta Blue Cross. ,0 | |
189,The proportional mortality from ischaemic heart disease was considerably higher in North Karelia (40%) than in Kaunas (28%). ,0 | |
190,"Analysis of variation and determination of the number of measurements To determine the session-to-session variation in the repeated measurements of the UKM variables and the day-to-day variation in dietary intake, the within-subject coefficient of variation [CV; CV = (sd/mean) _ 100%] was calculated from the available measurements. ",0 | |
191,Summed difference scores lt;2 were considered as no ischemia; 2 to 4 = mild ischemia; 5 to 8 = moderate ischemia; and gt;8 = severe ischemia. ,0 | |
192,"Eligible case subjects were all patients aged 40 years or younger first diagnosed between 1 July 1983 and 1 January 1989, with histologically confirmed in situ or invasive breast cancer and all patients aged 55-64 years first diagnosed between 1 March 1987 and 31 December 1989 with histologically confirmed in situ or invasive breast cancer. ",0 | |
193,Patients were randomly assigned on a 1:1 basis to surgical treatment of the defect or to continued medical surveillance. ,0 | |
194,"Of 64 420 patients initially identified from the Danish National Registry of Patients, 4244 (6.6%) were excluded because of death during the first year of follow-up, leaving 60 176 patients for the study. ",0 | |
195,"Aspirin use was identified in patients prescribed single-ingredient aspirin formulations, combination drugs containing aspirin (excluding those medications indicated for acute analgesia), various antiplatelet aspirin alternatives such as ticlopidine and clopidogrel, and anticoagulants. ",0 | |
196,"Baseline data collected include patient demographic information (age, gender, race), socioeconomic information (for example, insurance status just before the start of ESRD and education), laboratory data (for example, serum albumin, hematocrit), comorbid disease (for example, prior diagnosis of DM, neoplasm, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease), and dialysis modality (HD or PD). ",0 | |
197,"To explore the simultaneous effects of perioperative characteristics on early death, variables that were significant at the 0.1 level in univariate analysis were included in a multivariate logistic regression model. ",0 | |
198,Patients with non__-wave acute myocardial infarction (elevation of the creatine kinase [CK] level above twice the upper limit of normal) were excluded. ,1 | |
199,Hypertension was defined as a history of a systolic blood pressure gt;160 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure gt;90 mm Hg. ,1 | |
200,Hypertension was defined as having a systolic BP _140 mm Hg or a diastolic BP _90 mm Hg or being on antihypertensive drugs. ,1 | |
201,"Three categories of pre-existent disease-namely, angina, prolonged severe chest pain, and electrocardiographic ischaemia-were defined in a standard manner. ",0 | |
202,"Ventricular arrhythmia was either ventricular tachycardia, a run of 7 ventricular premature depolarizations at a rate greater than 120 beat min 1, or the occurrence of greater than 30 ventricular premature depolarizations per hour. ",1 | |
203,A Hickman catheter infection was denoted as either a local erythema at the exit site with purulent drainage positive for a single or p redominant organism or inflammation (including re d n e s s and tenderness) at least 1 cm or more up the line from the exit site or at any other point along the tract with an associated positive blood culture in the absence of a positive local site culture. ,1 | |
204,"We did not classify use of a medication that was likely to cause symptoms when a good alternative was not available as an ME. All signals were classified as either excluded, ADEs, ADE/MEs, and potential ADE/MEs. ",0 | |
205,"of patients (%) speciation by biochemical methods: COz requirement, urease activity, and growth on basic fuchsin and thionin symptoms dyes. ",0 | |
206,A medical history was taken and clinical examination was performed. ,0 | |
207,The costs associated with tamoxifen hormonal therapy were obtained from the pharmacy departments of the Ottawa Civic and General hospitals. ,0 | |
208,"The primary end point was in-hospital death, recurrent myocardial infarction, or recurrent ischemia requiring angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). ",0 | |
209,"From the randomly selected HPFS controls, 61% agreed to participate, and 81% of those completed the collection. ",0 | |
210,We also compared the use of lipid-lowering agents and antithrombotic agents in patients with associated coronary or peripheral arterial disease and the use of anticoagulation in patients in atrial fibrillation (AF). ,0 | |
211,"Because the interaction between ACE inhibitors and aspirin may be confined to patients with heart failure, a subgroup analysis of patients with heart failure was carried out. ",0 | |
212,"Noncardiovascular hospital admissions were analyzed under the trial categories of malignancy (including lymphoma, myeloma and malignant melanoma but excluding minor skin cancers), psychiatric diagnoses, trauma and other causes. ",0 | |
213,"Patients with acute MI had two of three criteria: chest pain lasting gt;30 min, rise and fall of creatine kinase with MB fraction gt;4% and new pathologic Q waves of gt;0.04 s duration (16). ",1 | |
214,The independent predictors of cardiac catheterization were defined by developing a multivariable logistic regression model estimating the use of angiography as a dichotomous outcome. ,0 | |
215,"In order to calculate the kappa coefficients, self-reported mixed skin colour was collapsed with light mulatto and dark mulatto. ",0 | |
216,Hypercholesterolemia was treated with pravastatin and acipimox. ,0 | |
217,"Low cardiac output syndrome was denned as the need for intniaortic balloon pumping or prolonged (>24 h) need of inotropic drugs, or both. ",0 | |
218,"Intraoperative exclusion criteria included a complicated intraoperative course, cardiopulmonary bypass time exceeding 3 hours, or insertion of an intra-aortic balloon pump. ",0 | |
219,"Cardiovascular diagnoses included a history of severe and/or uncontrolled hypertension (defined as repeated systolic blood pressures gt; 160 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressures gt; 100 mm Hg), a history of hypertension that was treated with medications, any history of ischemic heart disease, congenital heart disease, intrinsic valvular disease, history of cardiotoxic chemotherapy or radiation therapy involving the chest, or with moderately severe obesity defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 kg/m2. ",1 | |
220,Study outcome Reinfarction was defined as recurrence of clinical symptoms (or new electrocardiographic changes) and new elevation of creatine kinase (CK) or CK-MB within 30 days after hospital admission. ,1 | |
221,"Of the invasive cancers, over 769,000 were diagnosed among parents and 166,000 among offspring. ",0 | |
222,"All patients who underwent ASO for TGA or DORV between January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1996 were included. ",0 | |
223,"Once the patient had survived the acute episode of dissection without surgical intervention, operation after an initial consultation for a now chronic type B dissection was usually recommended if the aneurysm exceeded 5 cm in maximal diameter or appeared to be expanding rapidly, if the patient reported continuing pain, or both. ",0 | |
224,"Patients who had no evidence of structural heart disease or whose disease was sufficiently mild not to require specific therapy (e.g., aortic stenosis treated by valve replacement) were included. ",0 | |
225,"7 Postoperative pulmonary dysfunction was defined as positive pressure mechanical ventilation for more than 7 days, and hepatic dysfunction was defined as a lactate dehydrogenase level of more than 500 mg/dL and either a total serum bilirubin level of more than 3.0 mg/dL or a serum transaminase level of more than 200 mg/dL. ",1 | |
226,Time-to-failure curves were compared with log-rank tests for (1) total mortality (death) and (2) first complication or death across the entire follow-up period. ,0 | |
227,"Medications The daily cost of outpatient medications prescribed to manage symptoms during a relapse episode (e.g., amitriptyline, baclofen) was included in the cost estimates derived for each level of management. ",0 | |
228,"Background characteristics of the recipients are included in Table 1. Donor data We recorded donor demographic characteristics, arterial blood gas analysis, x-ray reports, and preremoval bronchoscopic results collected from United Network for Organ Sharing records. ",0 | |
229,"In order to include any hospitalization for preoperative tests and procedures, and to incorporate readmissions associated with surgical complications, all hospital admissions up to 30 days prior to, and 60 days after the admission date for surgery, were included in the length of stay calculations. ",0 | |
230,Significant CAD was defined as _70% lumen narrowing of a major epicardial artery or its branches. ,1 | |
231,"The principal exclusion criteria were previous MI or coronary revascularization, angina pectoris requiring hospitalization within the previous 12 months and life-threatening noncardiac illness. ",0 | |
232,The duration of a relapse episode also varies and may last up to several months[6]. ,0 | |
233,Analysis was thereafter focused on patients treated with ACE inhibitors with and without aspirin. ,0 | |
234,Patients with chronic systemic disease of any kind were also not eligible for the study. ,0 | |
235,Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction as a predictor of the first diagnosed nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in 840 elderly men and women,0 | |
236,We examined articles to see if the authors named a primary outcome variable. ,0 | |
237,Follow-up All patients were prospectively followed for an average of 2.5 1.5 years for the date and occurrence of cardiac death as a primary end point. ,0 | |
238,"The diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was based on a history of prolonged ischemic chest pain, characteristic electrocardiographic changes and elevation of cardiac enzymes.",1 | |
239,"An MI was considered present at enrollment if the creatine kinase (CK)-MB level was above normal (and _3% of total CK) for samples at 0 h (baseline) or 8 h after enrollment, or both. ",1 | |
240,The association between the four categorical measurements of severity of atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta and the continuous variables was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). ,0 | |
241,"In this regard, a retrospective cohort study was conducted to determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) and the risk for NIDDM among Koreans. ",0 | |
242,"We excluded non-CHD-related deaths by subtracting the estimated number of CHD-related deaths from the total number of deaths taken from Canadian life tables.24 Estimation ofrecurrent CHD events We estimated the annual risk of secondary CHD events (sudden death, fatal MI, nonfatal MI and congestive heart failure [CHF]) using recurrence rates from the Framingham study.28 We assumed that patients experiencing primary coronary insufficiency had the same risk of a secondary event as those with primary MI.29 We combined the primary and secondary events in each year after immigration to estimate the prevalence of CHD events necessitating admission to hospital. ",1 | |
243,Adequacy of evolving national standardized terminologies for interdisciplinary coded concepts in an automated clinical pathway,0 | |
244,These assumptions are that: all patients in Canada have equal access to diagnosis and treatment; only diagnostic tests essential to the diagnosis of breast cancer are included and treatment patterns are representative of current `standard Canadian practice. ,0 | |
245,For the others the standard anatomical dimensions of the French population corresponding to the same sex and age were used. ,0 | |
246,A second cTnI concentration of 0.5 m g litre_1 was chosen for reference only because local experience demonstrated that this had the greatest diagnostic efficiency for acute myocardial infarction (84% sensitivity and 95% specificity).,1 | |
247,"The diagnosis of UA was made when typical chest pain occurred in any of the following presentations: 1) progressive angina (i.e., increase in the number of angina pectoris attacks or progressive decrease in physical exertion in the last month); 2) angina at rest (i.e., ischemic-type chest pain at rest of less than 20-min duration); 3) prolonged angina (i.e., ischemic-type chest pain lasting more than 20 min); and 4) variant angina (i.e., ischemic-type chest pain at rest with ST-segment elevation). ",1 | |
248,"Renal failure was defined as an increase in serum creatinine of at least 2.0mg/dl during the sepsis episode if creatinine was below 1.5mg/dl at baseline, or an absolute increase of 1.0mg/dl or more if baseline creatinine was at least 1.5. Liver failure was defined as present if total bilirubin was 2.0mg/dl or greater, and either the alkaline phosphatase or a transaminase level was greater than twice normal, in the absence of confounding disease. ",1 | |
249,tp < 0 05 in direction contrary to expected effect of guidelines. ,0 | |
250,We also included sudden deaths (defined as death within 1 h of onset of symptoms; 12.3% of fatal CHD). ,1 | |
251,Cellulitis was defined as a localized erythema and swelling associated with either a positive aspirate or biopsy culture for an organism other than coagulasenegative Staphylococcus or a positive blood culture (or two positive blood cultures when the organism was coagulasenegative Staphylococcus) in the absence of a positive local culture. ,1 | |
252,Relationship of glucose and insulin levels to the risk of myocardial infarction: a case-control study,0 | |
253,"Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy was tested using a score recently developed in our laboratory (Perugia score), which requires positivity of _1 of the following three criteria: SV3+ RaVL gt;2.4 mV (men) or gt;2.0 mV (women), left ventricular strain, a Romhilt-Estes score of _5 points (15,16). ",1 | |
254,"Statistical analysis In order to estimate the expected number of cancers, by sex, 5-year calendar period and 5 years of attained age, we used data from the Danish Cancer Registry (Parkin et al, 1992). ",0 | |
255,"Diagnostic, staging, treatment and survival data were obtained from several Canadian provincial breast cancer registries, including the Northern Alberta Breast Cancer Registry (1971- 1988), the Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation (1985-1992), the British Columbia Cancer Agency (1989-1994), as well as a special staging study by the Manitoba Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation and the Manitoba Medical Services Foundation of all breast cancer cases diagnosed in 1990 (Sloan and Nemecek, 1995). ",0 | |
256,"Statistical analysis Initially, the demographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors were compared among subjects with and without renal insufficiency, using the t test and chi-squared tests where appropriate. ",0 | |
257,Age was defined as the subjects_ age at the time of medical examination. ,0 | |
258,Methods: A decision-analytic model was developed to estimate costs and effects (weeks with heartburn symptoms and quality adjusted life years [QALYs]) for each strategy. ,0 | |
259,"Renal dysfunction included patients with creatinine concentration greater than 2.0, patients receiving hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, or patients who had received a kidney transplant. ",1 | |
260,Recurrent DVT was defined as an extension of thrombus or development of new thrombus in a previously unaffected vein segment detected by ultrasound scan or venography. ,1 | |
261,Prolongation of the corrected QT interval (_440) in the resting ECG excluded patients from evaluation for the present study. ,0 | |
262,SOURCES OF DATA Management of pregnancy and outcomeDetailed and complete information about all deliveries in this hospital is recorded on the computerised Oxford Obstetric Data System. ,0 | |
263,"The POHEM model assigned diagnostic work-up, treatment, disease progression and survival characteristics to each individual in these cohorts and tabulated the costs associated with each. ",0 | |
264,"A diagnosis of stroke was made if the patient had a new neurologic deficit lasting more than 24 h, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans were available in the majority of cases. ",1 | |
265,"__ecurrent ischemia_ was defined as clinical symptoms associated with either new electrocardiographic ST segment or T wave changes, hypotension, new murmur, CK-MB elevation or necessity for urgent repeat PTCA or CABG. ",1 | |
266,Selection of risk factors for septicemia was guided by our review of the literature and clinical knowledge. ,0 | |
267,"Due to the nature of dialysis treatment, neither the nephrologist nor the patient was blind for the assigned treatment. ",0 | |
268,Chest pain was classified according to the four categories of Diamond (21). ,0 | |
269,"Methods Patient population All patients who had a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) at Duke University Medical Center between July 1, 1997, and December 31, 1998, were eligible for this study. ",0 | |
270,Definite hypertension was defined by systolic BP _160 mm Hg or diastolic BP _95 mm Hg or a clinical history of hypertension requiring an antihypertensive medication. ,1 | |
271,"Management Standardized protocols for the assessment and treatment of breast cancer were used within the unit throughout the study period, although these evolved over time. ",0 | |
272,Only those referred specifically for evaluation of the presence of coronary disease and who did not have a history of prior myocardial infarction or coronary arteriography were considered. ,0 | |
273,"2 With the patient interview as the source of the information, the rate of each symptom was determined (per 1000 anaesthetics) as well as the proportion of patients who reported the symptom as being severe (visual analogue scale score of 3 or more) or having been treated for that symptom. ",0 | |
274,The diagnosis of Q-wave MI was determined by ECG criteria of a 2-step Q-wave change as defined by the Minnesota code. ,1 | |
275,"Age-specific rates for women, men, and both were calculated for each interventional procedure by using the Ontario age-stratified and sex-stratified population for the relevant year as the denominator. ",0 | |
276,The values of BMI were categorised according to the recommendations from WHO (1997) regarding the classification of BMI in adults: Underweight BMIo18.5 Normal range BMI 18.5-24.9 Overweight (without further consideration to defined subgroups) BMI X25.0 Annual BMI change was calculated as the difference between the two BMI measurements divided by observation time in years ((BMI-2 a BMI-1) yearsa1). ,1 | |
277,The potential relationship between clinical features of HCM and disease-related morbidity during pregnancy was investigated in patients evaluated at the participating centers either shortly before or within five years of their pregnancy. ,0 | |
278,"For a total of 14,697 patients with an established diagnosis of coronary artery disease screened for inclusion in the BIP study, mortality follow-up was available and they constituted the population in the BIP registry. ",0 | |
279,"Patients-3273 patients first registered with carcinoma of the oesophagus during 1985-9, 789 of whom were excluded because of incomplete data, leaving 2484 (7599%) for further analysis. ",0 | |
280,Wasting was defined according to the 1987 CDC classification system for children (14). ,0 | |
281,"To provide the opportunity to both develop risk scores and test their validity within a single data set, all patients were randomly assigned to either a derivation subset or a validation subset. ",0 | |
282,Hyperlipidemia was reported by the physician and determined by a serum cholesterol value gt;240 mg/dl (6.2 mmol/l) or current antihyperlipidemic treatment. ,1 | |
283,"However, in the absence of Canadian data, the rates of primary CHD events such as sudden death, fatal MI, coronary insufficiency and angina were calculated from the age and sex distribution of CHD events in the United States, as determined by Hartunian, Smart and Thompson27 with the use of data from the Framingham study. ",1 | |
284,"Finally, patients with catecholaminergic VT (13), defined as occurrence of syncope due to polymorphic VT during exercise, were also not eligible for the present study. ",1 | |
285,The two surgeons then scored the questionnaire independently; each allocated a score of zero to all response categories considered normal and scores to all other categories in proportion to their perceived contribution to severity. ,0 | |
286,We randomly selected 236 of the 315 physicians identified. ,0 | |
287,"Seventy-two of these patients were discharged before they could be invited to participate, and 47 were deemed ineligible because of language barriers, use of azathioprine suspension, or care setting (for example, nursing home). ",0 | |
288,"In this study pertussis was defined as cough for 7 days or longer and one or more of the following criteria: (a) positive pertussis culture, (b) isolation of B. pertussis from a family member whose cough began within 28 days of the onset of the episode studied (before or after), (c) significant rise in PT IgG, and (d) significant rise in FHA IgG. ",1 | |
289,"The aspirin component of the trial was terminated on January 25, 1988, principally because of a 44% reduction in the incidence of first myocardial infarction among the aspirin group. ",0 | |
290,"We defined AMI as either an elevation of the creatine kinase-MB fraction level (gt;5%), an elevation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels above normal with reversal of isoenzymes (LDH1gt;LDH2), or the presence of at least two of the following criteria: chest pain during the prior 48 h, a twofold elevation in creatine kinase, and diagnostic electrocardiographic changes (ST-segment elevation or new Q waves). ",1 | |
291,"Articles Fetal Growth and Maternal Exposure to Particulate Matter during Pregnancy Jan Deimek, Sherry G. Selevan,2 Ivan Benes,3 Ivo SolanskY and Radim J. Srim1 1Laboratory of Genetic Ecotoxicology, Regional Institute of Hygiene of Central Bohemia and Institute of Experimental Medicine, Prague, Videniska, Czech Republic; 2National Center for Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA; 3District Institute of Hygiene, Teplice, Czech Republic Prior studies reported an association between ambient air concentrations oftotal suspended partides and S02 during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes. ",0 | |
292,"Enrollment evaluations included complete physical examination, 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), standard laboratory assessment, and total creatine kinase (CK) and CK-MB isoenzymes. ",0 | |
293,"CALCULATED PARAMETERS FEV, and VC were converted to percent predicted according to the methods of Crapo (14). ",0 | |
294,The original weights from the Pryor model were tested to assess their fit in the current series. ,0 | |
295,"2, 5 Follow-up intervals Many patients underwent more than the 2 follow-up studies considered in the tables. ",0 | |
296,"Patients included in the program had symptomatic (gt;50% diameter) or asymptomatic (gt;80%) carotid recurrent stenosis after previous CEA; symptomatic (gt;50%) or asymptomatic (gt;80%) primary carotid stenosis with a history of radiation to the ipsilateral neck; and symptomatic (gt;50%) or asymptomatic (gt;80%) primary carotid stenosis with one or more medical comorbidity, including coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty or bypass grafting within the 6 months before carotid intervention, history of congestive heart failure (CHF), current ejection fraction less than 30%, steroid-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or measured forced expiratory volume in 1 second less than 30% of predicted. ",0 | |
297,"Definitions HCM In each patient, the diagnosis of HCM was based on the two-dimensional echocardiographic identification of a hypertrophied and nondilated LV (wall thickness _15 mm in adults, or the equivalent, relative to body surface area, in children) (21)in the absence of another cardiac or systemic disease capable of producing a comparable magnitude of LV hypertrophy (19). ",1 | |
298,"The two sets of scores were then averaged and resealed to yield total scores between zero and 100; zero is reserved for patients with no evidence of varicose veins and 100 for patients ticking the most severe response to each question (for example, In the last two weeks my varicose veins caused me pain or ache for more than 10 days; severe ankle swelling; and to wear support stockings every day ). ",0 | |
299,"In event-free patients, those without operation or rupture, the most recent scan was compared with the initial follow-up study if 6 months of uneventful follow-up could be documented. ",0 | |
300,Subacute and/or acute thrombosis was defined as the angiographic documentation of a complete occlusion (TIMI flow 0 or 1) or the angiographic documentation of a flow-limiting thrombus (TIMI flow 1 or 2). ,1 | |
301,"Major ischemic complications were defined as chest pain with new electrocardiogram (ECG) changes, Q-wave and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction, repeat PTCA, stent placement for acute abrupt closure and CABG during the same hospital stay. ",1 | |
302,"Since this method is primarily undertaken to assess uniformity of risk among strata, model fitting was also tested by fitting models to a 70% random sample of the study population, and then running the same model for the remaining 30% of the population to test for agreement. ",0 | |
303,Borderline hypertension was defined by systolic BP _140 but lt;160 mm Hg or diastolic BP _90 but lt;95 mm Hg. ,1 | |
304,"Early stage (Stages I and II) breast cancer represented 87% of all incident cases, with 77% of cases occurring in women 50 years. ",0 | |
305,"Preoperative and perioperative factors examined were weight loss, neoadjuvant therapy, smoking history, timing of smoking cessation relative to the operation, alcohol use (defined as _4 oz/d or its equivalent), hypertension, congestive heart failure, angina, prior myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; defined as a disease requiring chronic bronchodilator use), prior cardiothoracic surgery, prior cardiac surgery, prior thoracotomy, procedure performed, mediastinal lymph node dissection, and intraoperative transfusions (defined as the use of any blood products intraoperatively). ",0 | |
306,Characteristics of the parents summarized in Table 1 were evaluated for inclusion in the model. ,0 | |
307,Analysis of nursing notes was stopped when no more new phrases were found__or each subject category this occurred when the nursing notes of around 15 patients had been analyzed. ,0 | |
308,"A new MI was defined as a clinical event, electrocardiogram (ECG) changes and a creatine phosphokinase (CPK) rise to greater than or equal to twice normal levels with positive isoenzymes. ",1 | |
309,Categorical variables were described using proportions and analyzed using the _2 test. ,0 | |
310,"Data on risk factors, comorbidities, history of cardiac disease and of CHF, as well as data regarding hospitalizations for CHF during the previous 18 months, were recorded. ",0 | |
311,Clinical and angiographic characteristics of the study groups are listed in Table 1. A history of previous myocardial infarction (MI) had been diagnosed based on typical chest pain lasting for more than 30 min with ST-T segment deviation on a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram and an increase in creatine kinase to at least twice the normal upper limit. ,1 | |
312,The average age of the patients was 71.0 years for angioplasty patients and 71.4 years for bypass surgery patients. ,0 | |
313,Patients were defined as having acute renal failure if their baseline creatinine level was less than 2.0 mg/dL and their maximum creatinine level exceeded 2.5 mg/dL. ,1 | |
314,"Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was defined as the patient requiring an inhaler or steroid treatment, or home oxygen dependency. ",0 | |
315,The determination of the time elapsed since acute dissection and the determination of whether the false lumen of the dissection was still patent was made by an experienced cardiothoracic surgeon on review of the patient s chart and the CT scans. ,0 | |
316,"The ten remaining communitybased primary care practices enrolled in the study included family practice (4), internal medicine (5) and obstetrics (1). ",0 | |
317,"To compare admission rates with respect to underlying risk of coronary events, participants were categorized according to quartiles of baseline five-year untreated risk of definite CHD death or nonfatal MI. ",0 | |
318,5 Finalising the questionnaire for clinical use Questions were included in the definitive questionnaire if they satisfied at least two of the following three criteria: all response categories ticked by less than 800/o of patients; a significant coefficient within one of the important factors; and an item-total or relevant item-factor correlation above 0 2. Finally we checked that Cronbach s alpha for the resulting questionnaire exceeded 0 5 the criterion that needs to be satisfied when comparing groups of patients.2 VALIDATING THE QUESTIONNAIRE Criterion validity is the extent to which a new measure is correlated with established measures of the concept under study. ,0 | |
319,"Open and double-blind dalteparin treatment On admission, the patients were initially treated with either subcutaneous dalteparin or APTT-adjusted standard heparin infusion. ",0 | |
320,Atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta is an independent predictor of long-term neurologic events and mortality,0 | |
321,"Diagnosis of myocardial infarction was based on a consistent history, ECG changes and cardiac enzyme level elevations. ",1 | |
322,"Hypertensive group stages I and II were merged, and three groups were considered: low BP (lt;74.5 mm Hg), reference group (74.5 to 89 mm Hg), and high BP (_90 mm Hg). ",1 | |
323,"At diagnosis of diabetes, patients were considered to have microalbuminuria if their urine albumin was in the range of 50 to 299 mg/L at their first two measurements. ",1 | |
324,"Non-cardiac morbidity included: renal failure (defined as a twofold rise in creatinine over baseline), cerebral vascular accident, pneumonia, sepsis (defined by positive blood cultures) and anemia requiring blood transfusion.",1 | |
325,"Clinical diagnosis of BrOb was defined by moderate to severe obstructive ventilatory defects: forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) lt;70% and FEV1/forced vital capacity lt;80% of the predicted value [7,8] along with typical changes on high-resolution computed tomography. ",1 | |
326,"For the current analysis, we excluded men who reported a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (n = 101) and those who reported having diabetes diagnosed before turning 30 (n = 57). ",0 | |
327,"This is logical, since respiratory malignancies and age both increase the probability of death from heart attacks, but both may reduce the likelihood of an SGC. ",0 | |
328,Questions that did not contribute significantly to any of these important factors were considered for rejection. ,0 | |
329,Marked left ventricular systolic dysfunction was defined by low contractility (a stress-velocity index gt;2 SD below normal) and depressed fractional shortening (_25%) as measured by echocardiography (15_17). ,1 | |
330,The potential impact of a small increase in the proportion of hypertensiveswith controlled hypertension will be much larger in a group with a high prevalence of hypertension compared with a group with a low prevalence ofhypertension because a larger proportion of the population will have become exposed to antihypertensive treatment. ,0 | |
331,Medical records were reviewed by the End Points Committee without knowledge of treatment assignment. ,0 | |
332,"Finally, patients with catecholaminergic VT (13), defined as occurrence of syncope due to polymorphic VT during exercise, were also not eligible for the present study.",1 | |
333,"The surgeon recorded objective outcome values, data about previous incontinence surgery, the identity of the surgeon, whether the incontinence procedure was combined with vaginal surgery and data about complications. ",0 | |
334,COMPARISON WITH THE GENERAL POPULATION A random sample of 900 members of the general population selected from the electoral registers for Aberdeen served as a comparison group. ,0 | |
335,The date on which patients were first prescribed antidepressant medication during the study period is termed the index prescription date (IPD). ,0 | |
336,"The distribution of patients with normal (>55%), moderately impaired (35% to 55%) and severely impaired (<35%) rest left ventricular function at hospital discharge and at 6 weeks was similar for patients with and without antecedent angina. ",0 | |
337,"Review of complications of angioplasty reported within the 1st 24 h of the procedure revealed llBt more patients with than without antecedent aneina had n-occlusion of the infarct-rdaled artery (5.7% vs. 2.2%, p = O.S08) or reinfarcdon (6.1% vs. 2.4%, p 0.007) (Fig. ",0 | |
338,"For sites using selected hospitals, completeness of reporting was estimated collectively for persons diagnosedwithAIDS atthe selectedhospitals. ",0 | |
339,"Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was defined as a fourfold rise in antibody, CMV inclusion body or positive culture.",1 | |
340,"Categories of low, medium, high and very high risk were defined by categorizing the prognostic index and simplified risk score into quartiles based on the study sample. ",0 | |
341,Tables3 and4presentthepatientrisk factorssignificantlyrelatedto adverseoutcome in a logistic regression analysis. ,0 | |
342,Cineangiograms were recorded at 60 frames/s through a lens with a focal length of 135 mm and with an X-ray field of 15 cm. ,0 | |
343,"For women, the base year included costs of prevalent hip and spine fractures, which were estimated by an iterative process. ",0 | |
344,"We excluded countries in which no workers were classified as exposed to SO2 , as well as workers with unknown SO2 exposure status. ",0 | |
345,"From the respondents, a stratified random sample of adults was selected to undergo full clinical examination. ",0 | |
346,"Acute Response Evaluation The change in FEV1, FVC, and dyspnea score at the time of initial follow-up was determined for all patients whose initial follow-up visits were within 1 year of surgery. ",0 | |
347,Main outcome measures-The number of clinical responses to factors arising from the antenatal booking history according to method of taking the history. ,0 | |
348,Main outcome measures-The analytical quality of the immunoturbidimetric myoglobin assay and a comparison between the myoglobin assay and creatine kinase and creatine kinase MB for diagnostic sensitivity and performance. ,0 | |
349,"Cyclosporine dose was adjusted according to renal function and serum cyclosporine level, which was maintained at the trough level of 300 to 500 ng/ml during the first 3 months after transplantation and 200 to 300 ng/ml 1 year after transplantation. ",0 | |
350,"In this comparison we attempted to evaluate whether or not differences in patient identification procedures would result in differences in baseline demographic, patient presentation, process of care and outcome calculated in each database. ",0 | |
351,Patients in group 1 were from the following diagnostic groups: major postoperative vascular surgery (n 9); major postoperative maxillofacial/ENT surgery (n 9); elective oesophagectomy (n 9); major emergency general surgery (n 35); primary cardiac diagnoses (n 9); primary respiratory failure British Journal of Anaesthesia Noble et al. ,0 | |
352,"The codes used were 428.0, 402.91, 404.93, 428.1, 402.11, 398.91, 404.91, 404.13, 402.01, 404.03, 404.11, 404.01 and 428.9. This method of case selection defined a group of patients whose primary diagnosis was CHF, irrespective of procedures performed. ",0 | |
353,"A CTFC _40 was used to identify patients with depressed reperfusion, as opposed to patients with a CTFC lt;40, as described previously (11). ",1 | |
354,"In this derivation set, we evaluated by visual inspection the association of the continuous variables with the outcome to check for assumptions of linearity. ",0 | |
355,"Parameter estimates from the nonlinear regressions were used to calculate the changes in costs of initiating treatment for depression with other antidepressants in comparison with bupropion SR. For instance, to calculate the cost difference of initiating patients on fluoxetine vs. bupropion SR, we first obtained average total predicted payments for all study patients, assuming that the entire sample was started on fluoxetine, by using the formula: Next, we assumed that the full sample was started on bupropion SR and obtained the average total predicted cost by setting the value of the fluoxetine dummy in the above formula to zero. ",0 | |
356,"Pain was considered to be present if the patient reported chest, back, neck, or abdominal pain at follow-up visits. ",0 | |
357,"Of the 729 records (94%) with sufficient information available to verify MI, 85% had MIs that met the study criteria. ",0 | |
358,"These include reliability, three groups was in the blood pressure levels. ",0 | |
359,"Other than excluding patients with congenital or valvular heart disease, patients with underlying active inflammatory disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus and malignancy, all non-diabetic CAPD patients were included into the study. ",0 | |
360,Perioperative cardiac complications were defined as occurring within 30 days of surgery or during the hospital admission. ,0 | |
361,Coordinators attend a half-day training course and are provided with a reference manual that includes case report form field definitions and examples of correct responses. ,0 | |
362,"Relative contraindications included age gt; 75 years, severe anxiety, severe depression, or CO2 retention with resting Paco 2 gt; 55 mm Hg. ",0 | |
363,Statistical significance was defined as p lt; 0.05 for all analyses. ,0 | |
364,An example would be a previously undetected ASD in a patient with Ebstein anomaly that would have been visualized by the surgeon during routine inspection of the atrium before tricuspid valve repair and thus did not change the surgery. ,0 | |
365,"The prevalence of chronic bronchitis is taken from a large national study of GP consultations, and this information allowed us to identify our population of interest [1]. ",0 | |
366,Definitions Myocardial infarction was defined as new Q-waves on the electrocardiogram or elevation of CK or CK-MB. ,1 | |
367,0 The coefficient of variation for analytic reproducibility of the measured concentrations ranged from 2-1%to 10-9%.7 The cataract cases were identified by linking the data from the health examinations with the Finnish hospital discharge register kept by the National Board of Health. ,0 | |
368,"In the model, a cohort is followed as it transitions from a healthy state to a healthy, fracture, or dead state, using 1year cycles. ",0 | |
369,"Ofthese, approximately 34 000 patients had only received a single prescription for an NSAID during this period, making their consumption of NSAIDS ambiguous. ",0 | |
370,Complete heart block was defined as a third-degree atrioventricular block when no atrial activity was conducted to the ventricles (16)and a ventricular rate of _50 beats/min. ,1 | |
371,"Statistical analyses We used logistic regression analyses to estimate the prevalence odds ratios (POR) of congenital abnormalities, preterm birth (gestational age lt;37 weeks), and low birth weight (lt;2500 g) associated with penicillin V exposure, adjusted for maternal age, birth order and smoking. ",1 | |
372,Local anesthetic (1% lidocaine) was infiltrated at the access site. ,0 | |
373,"ACR levels of 34 g/mol or more were defined as __vert_ albuminuria, corresponding to 300 mg albumin/g creatinine or more. ",1 | |
374,"The diagnosis of myocardial infarction was established in the presence of characteristic symptoms, typical pattern on ECG and elevated cardiac enzymes, or by the appearance of a definite new wall motion abnormality on echocardiography, MRI or left ventricular angiography, in association with changes in ECG. ",1 | |
375,"Subclinical CVD was defined for subjects without prevalent CVD at baseline as: ankle-arm index (AAI) _0.9, common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in upper quintile (gt;1.20 mm), maximum carotid stenosis _50%, major ECG abnormality (ventricular conduction defect, major Q-wave abnormalities, left ventricular hypertrophy, isolated ST-T wave abnormalities, atrial fibrillation, first degree AV block, or left ventricular ejection fraction borderline or abnormal (20). ",1 | |
376,"The following variables were correlated with the presence or absence of PPE and wound infection: gestational age, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension (Davey and MacGillivary s definition),7 gestational diabetes mellitus,8 previous cesarean sections, fetal distress, perinatal mortality (anteparturn, intrapartum, and postpartum death), postpartum anemia (hemoglobin level of less than 10 g/dl), an Apgar score of -lt;3 at minute and -lt;7 at 5 minutes, and instrumental delivery by forceps or vacuum extraction. ",1 | |
377,"Patients were ascribed to one of three groups: probable wound infection, non-specific wound pain and slight discharge, or miscellaneous. ",0 | |
378,"Complete remission was defined by meeting all of the following criteria: normal bone marrow morphology with lt;5% blasts, resolution of previously abnormal cytogenetics, no evidence of extramedullary leukemia, and an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) _500/L and platelet count _140,000/L. Additionally, organ function needed to be adequate, as demonstrated by the presence of the following: bilirubin lt;1.5 mg/dL, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase less than twice the upper limit of normal, creatinine lt;2.0 mg/dL, cardiac ejection fraction _40%, and a carbon monoxide diffusion capacity gt;50%. ",0 | |
379,"After discharge from the hospital, MI was defined by the occurrence of new Q waves in two or more contiguous electrocardiographic leads or an elevation of creatine kinase or its MB isoenzyme to more than twice the upper limit of normal. ",1 | |
380,"Samples found to be repeatedly reactive were subjected to specific antibody neutralization (HBsAg Confirmatory, Abbott Laboratories), a previously described in-house immunoblot assay for anti-HIV9 or recombinant immunoblot assay (HCV RIBA-I, Ortho Diagnostics Systems), as appropriate. ",0 | |
381,Failure of thrombolysis was defined as continued chest pain with ST segment elevation more than 120 min after the initiation of thrombolytic therapy. ,1 | |
382,"British Hypertension Society grading is determined by the percentage of differences _5, _10 and _15 mmHg, the device needing to obtain grade A/B for both systolic and diastolic measurements to be recommended (Table 2) . Furthermore, criteria set by the AAMI require the mean to be within 5 mmHg and the standard deviation to be within 8 mmHg for recommendation. ",0 | |
383,"Therefore, as in the study by Silber and colleagues [1], this validation sample describes the natural history of neutropenia. ",0 | |
384,"To assess whether the management of asthma had improved over the period of study results were analysed by x2 testing for discrete variables with Yates s correction for small numbers, when appropriate, and t tests for numerical data. ",0 | |
385,"An IUGR birth was defined as one whose birth weight fell below the 10th percentile, by gender and gestational week, for live births in the Czech Republic (1991-1993) (17).",1 | |
386,"Among the 3013 other patients, dose estimation was not possible for 182 patients due to insufficient information, radiotherapy outside of a study treatment centre or irradiation of arms for which the positioning was unclear (Table 2). ",0 | |
387,"These were calculated using a Cox proportional hazards survival model incorporating smoking, diabetes mellitus, nitrate consumption, angina pectoris, family history of CHD, widowhood, age, diastolic blood pressure and total/HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol ratio, as previously reported (13). ",0 | |
388,"All diagnosis types (including most responsible diagnosis, primary diagnosis, secondary diagnoses, and complications) are requested, and charts are reviewed. ",0 | |
389,"Cardiogenic shock was defined as maximal systolic pressure lt;90 mm Hg for at least 30 min, unless treated with inotropes or intra-aortic balloon pump insertion, or pump failure as manifested by a cardiac index lt;2.2 liter/min per m2 and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure gt;18 mm Hg. ",1 | |
390,"To assess the significance of differences between means of continuous variables, among the matched pairs, we used the paired ttest procedure. ",0 | |
391,"Patients did not undergo angioplasty if they appeared unlikely to benefit from angioplasty: if the infarct-related vessel was small, contained a stenosis of less than 70% or could not be identified. ",0 | |
392,"Variables we abstracted included patient sex, age, race (African American, white, other), smoking history (never, previous, current), history of diabetes, access type (prosthetic graft, simple AVF, or venous transposition AVF), and history of previous access. ",0 | |
393,"Approximately two thirds of the women scoring .30would be expected to meet diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder.29 For descriptive purposes, the observed CES-D means for each cohort overall and by selected characteristics are provided at the outset (Table 2). ",0 | |
394,The Utah BVR assisted in the coding ofall death certificates according to the ICD-9 (17). ,0 | |
395,"Our institution is a tertiary care facility dealing with all kinds of gynaecological care from assisted reproduction (180 IVF cycles per year) to outpatient (950 operations) and major surgery (1020 patients each year), including a gynaecological oncology service, and it is part of a general hospital complex having a surgical/medical intensive care unit. ",0 | |
396,"Recoarctation was defined when the arm-leg blood pressure difference was greater than 20 mm Hg or if a gradient of more than 25 mm Hg was noted by means of transthoracic echocardiography, the presence of a diastolic tail to the continuous wave Doppler signal in the descending aorta, or both. ",1 | |
397,"The diagnosis of hypertension was based on JNC VI criteria 12 as a blood pressure _140 mm Hg systolic, _90 mm Hg diastolic, or the current use of anti-hypertensive drug treatment. ",1 | |
398,"Names of potential subjects were gathered from the logs of the Emergency Department (ED) and Urgent Care Clinic, pharmacy printouts of prescriptions for albuterol, records of patients on home oxygen, and appointments to Chest Clinic. ",0 | |
399,Design Retrospective analysis of audit data recorded by the Medical Data Index (MDI) computer system for all patients undergoing emergency appendicectomy in one year; subsequent analysis of their hospital notes and notes held by their general practitioners for patients identified by a questionnaire who had consulted their general practitioner for a wound complication. ,0 | |
400,"All MIs were reviewed and classified by the Central Classification Committee; a creatine kinase-MB fraction (CK-MB) exceeding normal or, if no CK-MBs were available, a total CK greater than twice normal was considered evidence of infarction (1). ",1 | |
401,"The SCr was higher by definition in group R2 (median, 2.6 mg/dL) than in group R1 (median, 1.5 mg/dL), but more patients in group R2 also had a history of congestive heart failure (CHF; P =.01), coronary artery bypass surgery (CAB; P =.044), or diabetes mellitus (P =.01). ",0 | |
402,"Methods A few potentially contaminated homes were identified by reviewing limited notes found in the applicator s home, but the majority of the potentially contaminated sites were identified through self-report from residents to local health officials. ",0 | |
403,"In summary, in this population of 1666 ICU patients ventilated for gt; 48 hours, we have demonstrated that clinically important gastrointestinal bleeding is associated with a significant increase in attributable mortality (full range of RRs, 1-4) and length of ICU stay (approximately 4-8 days). ",0 | |
404,We calculated odds ratios for each pollutant in relation to asthma hospitalization after adjustment for three weather conditions: daily maximum and minimum temperature and average relative humidity. ,0 | |
405,The mean pressure was calculated according to the following formula: [systolic pressure + 2(diastolic pressure)]/3. Values were obtained from either the sole office visit during which blood pressure was recorded or the most recent office visit during which blood pressure was recorded. ,0 | |
406,This study suggests that people with IHD and accompanying CHF and/or ARR constitute a sensitive subgroup in relation to the effects of criteria ambient air pollutants associated with motor vehicle combustion. ,0 | |
407,"Postoperative data included length of mechanical support and ventilation, cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital lengths of stay, the need for early reoperation and mortality. ",0 | |
408,"Methods Study design The LIPID study enrolled 9,014 patients with an acute MI or hospitalization for unstable angina between 3 and 36 months before study entry. ",0 | |
409,"Clinical events, including death, predischarge HF (presence of new symptoms of dyspnea and/or edema, with one or more of ventricular gallop rhythm, pulmonary crepitations, elevated venous pressure and/or radiologic evidence of left ventricular failure) and later readmissions for HF (similarly defined), were recorded for a mean follow-up period of two years. ",1 | |
410,Simultaneous aortic replacement and renal artery revascularization: The influence of preoperative renal function on early risk and late outcome,0 | |
411,"On-site chart abstraction was used to collect information about medical utilization, including mental health treatment, drug therapy, and diagnoses. ",0 | |
412,"Each vessel studied was assigned a score from 0 to 3 on the basis of the tightest degree of stenosis present in the vessel, according to the reporting standards of the Joint Vascular Societies Council. ",0 | |
413,"Transmyocardial laser revascularization was performed through a left anterolateral thoracotomy without cardiopulmonary bypass using an 800-W CO2laser (The Heart Laser, PLC Medical Systems, Inc., Milford, Massachusetts). ",0 | |
414,"For most patients who were asymptomatic, CEA was performed if there were at least 80% stenosis of the ICA or 60% to 79% stenosis of the ipsilateral ICA in the presence of an ICA occlusion on the contralateral side. ",0 | |
415,To determine statistical significance we calculated the 95% confidence intervals for each risk factor in the model. ,0 | |
416,Patients received intravenous sedation consisting of 0.075 - 0.2 mg midazolam/kg. ,0 | |
417,"However, it was also deemed of interest to compare survival from onset of symptoms in all patients (n = 115). ",0 | |
418,"These tests were performed in the laboratory of Dr. Kimberling using established markers for the PKD-1 and PKD-2 genes 4 . During their two-day hospital stay, the children had multiple blood pressure measurements obtained (mean 14, range 2 to 20); these were taken on the dominant arm with an automatic device (Dynamap; Critikon, Inc., Tampa, FL, USA) in the sitting position using a cuff appropriate for the child s upper arm circumference. ",0 | |
419,"2) cTn-I gt;0.6 ng/ml and/or cTn-T gt;0.03 ng/ml, which correspond to the lowest levels with lt;10% imprecision or coefficient of variation for these assays (16). ",0 | |
420,"First, before primary antibodies were added, the slides were preincubated for ten minutes at room temperature with blocking-biotin system (Dako, Trappes, France). ",0 | |
421,"In Jackson, 46% of eligible subjects participated; approximately 65% participated in the other three centers. ",0 | |
422,Preterm births (<37 weeks gestation) were excluded from this analysis because of the differences in factors affecting fetal growth (15).,1 | |
423,"Inquiry 27:225-233, F Beebe, J., Lubitz, J., and Eggers, P.: Using Prior Utilization Information to Determine Payments for Medicare Enrollees in HMOs. ",0 | |
424,The primary hypothesis of the study was that intensive blood pressure control would prevent the development and/or progression of diabetic nephropathy. ,0 | |
425,"The diagnosis of an AMI was made based on the presence of at least two of the following three criteria: 1) chest pain suggestive of myocardial ischemia lasting 30 min or longer, 2) enzymatic evidence of acute myocardial necrosis, as demonstrated by a rise in creatine kinase levels with the creatine kinase isoenzyme__yocardial band (CK-MB) fraction being greater than 5%, 3) new electrocardiographic change which included development of Q waves or ST/T changes lasting 48 h or longer. ",1 | |
426,"The previously correlation between serum VEGF levels and platelet count (Banks et al, 1998; FuhrmannBenzakein et al, 2000) prompted us to measure VEGF concentration on either plasma or serum in 30 unselected CLL Binet stage A patients. ",0 | |
427,"In patients with bilateral disease, the clinically worse limb was considered for all analyses, each patient thus was included only once in the calculations. ",0 | |
428,"Based upon an estimated standard deviation of 91 min for the time from EMS arrival to fibrinolytic, a sample size of 340 patients and at least as many controls was calculated to provide 99% power to detect a difference of 30 min. ",0 | |
429,Heart rate recovery was defined as the difference between heart rate at peak exercise and 1 min into a recovery cool-down period; a value of _12 beats/min was abnormal (8). ,0 | |
430,"After termination of the dialysis, the venous needle remained inserted, and postdialysis blood samples were drawn after flushing of the venous line. ",0 | |
431,"The groups of children studied were all those aged 2 years or 5 years on the first day of the quarter analysed (an average of 6600 and 6400 children, respectively). ",0 | |
432,The effects of pravastatin on hospital admission in hypercholesterolemic middle-aged menAppendix West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study,0 | |
433,"obstructive pulmonary disease or renal dysfunction), type of prosthesis, a history of preoperative coneestive hean failure, concomitant coronary artery bypass surgery, concomitant aortic reeureitation, radiologie hean size and cardiac rhythni. ",0 | |
434,"For breast cancer, therapeutic options are dependent upon the stage of the disease at presentation, the age and menopausal status of the patient, and the hormone-receptor status of the tumour. ",0 | |
435,"SPARCS is an agency of the New York State Department of Health which, by law, incorporates information or all patients hospitalized in acute care facilities from various sources including the uniform bill and uniform discharge abstract submitted by hospitals. ",0 | |
436,Two departments which had attendance registers to enable identification of subjects and where accident and emergency medical records were All cases of head injury Indication for skull x ray or admission ,0 | |
437,Monitoring and recording patients discomfort clearly need to be improved if the quality of anaesthesia is to be properly evaluated. ,0 | |
438,"Among the postmenopausal women, those who consumed, on average, 27 g of alcohol/d experienced an odds ratio (OR) of 1.76 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.14-2.71] for ER-positive/PR-positive breast cancer relative to women who reported no alcohol consumption. ",0 | |
439,Patients were randomly selected for this study from the national population of ESRD patients in the Medicare ESRD registry using a two-stage cluster sampling procedure. ,0 | |
440,Life-table analyses36 were used to examine outcome related to single characteristics. ,0 | |
441,Process of care was determined by searching the principal procedure code and up to 14 secondary procedure codes for each patient. ,0 | |
442,"The Marmara region, a densely populated and highly industrialized area, is located in the northwestern part of the country, and includes some major cities, such as Adapazari, Glck (the epicenter of the disaster), Kocaeli, Yalova, stanbul, and Eski_ehir, with a total number of inhabitants of approximately 20,000,000 7 . All of these cities are situated close to the North-Anatolian Fault Zone, which has been the location of many catastrophic earthquakes during the last century 8 . In the affected cities, many multistory buildings completely collapsed during the primary event, while multiple aftershocks following the initial shock caused a complete collapse of many of the partially destroyed buildings. ",0 | |
443,Each encounter was coded by the physician at the time of consultation with up to 11 diagnosis codes. ,0 | |
444,"One other patient was excluded because time interval between the initial surgery and the restaging procedure was more than six months, and another patient was excluded because of insufficiency of data for analysis. ",0 | |
445,Eligible patients with N1 disease were offered neoadjuvant therapy on protocol. ,0 | |
446,Study outcomes The average scores of patients on each of the 8 scales of the SF-36 were used for descriptive comparisons between subgroups of patients. ,0 | |
447,Atropine was given intravenously at the discretion of the clinician conducting the test when the heart rate response appeared to be inadequate. ,0 | |
448,"To obtain estimates of 10-year survival free of valve-related morbidity in selected age groups where several groups contained fewer than 10 patients, log curve fitting was used 16 (Fig. ",0 | |
449,"MATERIALS AND METHODS Study subjects Initial cohort was established in 1991 and is for an ongoing study on the risk factors for chronic diseases, including hypertension and diabetes in Seoul, Korea. ",0 | |
450,The short-term postoperative improvement was defined as the FEV1 measured closest to 6 months following surgery. ,0 | |
451,"Indeed, in our cohort, all patients were younger than 15 years old at the time of irradiation, and thus the time since first cancer and the attained age were too closely related. ",0 | |
452,The research nurse also reviewed the patient s hospital record after the interview to determine the occurrence of adverse events as recorded by ward staff. ,0 | |
453,"For example, ifa physician had a mean score based on only two patients which was greater than the overall mean x, and another physician had the exact same mean score based on 10 patients, the standardized scores would be such that the ten-patient physician would have a more positive standardized score than the two-patient physician; similarly, if these same two physicians had equal mean scores which were less than x, then the ten-patient physician would have a more negative standardized score than the twopatient physician. ",0 | |
454,"The category for cardiovascular disease was expanded to four categories (ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, and other heart disease). ",0 | |
455,"The recipient characteristics (age, gender, body weight, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol level, triglyceride level and viral infection), donor characteristics (age, gender, preexisting coronary artery disease and allograft ischemic time), rejection episodes, medications and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) match were recorded. ",0 | |
456,"The normal ranges of these hemostatic markers in our laboratory from 16 healthy control subjects matched for age and sex with the cardiac patients were: 4.3 0.3 ng/mL for FPA, 0.9 0.1 nmol/liter for F1+2 and 1.5 0.3 ng/mL for TAT. ",0 | |
457,"The ultrasonic images were evaluated for the presence of atherosclerosis by two observers blinded to the clinical data, as follows: 1) normal aorta (no intimal thickening), 2) mild atherosclerosis (<3 mm intimal thickening without intimal irregularities), 3) moderate aortic atherosclerosis (intimal thickening 3 mm, with diffuse irregularities and/or calcification) and 4) servere atherosclerosis (>5 mm intimal thickening and one or more of the following: large protruding or mobile atheromatous debris, ulcerated plaques and/or thrombi).",1 | |
458,"That is, while not having CHF explicitly listed in the chart, these patients received ICD-9-CM codes and had the cardiac substrate and associated findings to support the presence of CHF. ",0 | |
459,"We defined an IUGR birth as birth weight below the 10th percentile, by sex and gestational week, in the general Czech population. ",1 | |
460,"In the analyses, these categories were examined as dummy variables (medium vs. low, high vs. low) so that a dose-response relationship was not imposed on the initial analyses. ",0 | |
461,"Myocardial infarction was defined as elevation in creatine kinase (CK) greater than 2_ normal, and elevation of MB isoform. ",1 | |
462,"Recurrent ischemia was defined as rest angina or ischemic symptoms _5 min with ST-segment depression, T-wave inversion, or both with no cardiac enzyme elevation. ",1 | |
463,NUMBER OF CLINICAL RESPONSES The numbers of actions carried out by staff in each medical category were analysed by the X2 test for each intended method of history taking (table I). ,0 | |
464,Revascularization procedures were performed on 16 patients either by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (n = 13) or coronary graft bypass surgery (n = 3) at a mean time of 12 days after the onset of myocardial infarction. ,0 | |
465,Diagnoses were coded according to the International Classification of Diseases 8th Revision (ICD 8) and procedures according to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Revision 4 Coding (OPCS 4). ,0 | |
466,"Because the definition of unstable angina in the guidelines is based on the accurate distinction of unstable angina from nonischemic chest pain syndromes, we required demonstration of underlying coronary artery disease (gt;70% stenosis), exercise-induced ischemia (gt;1.5 mm ST segment depression or reversible defects on nuclear images or echocardiography) or CK-MB detection above the upper limits of normal (5 ng/dl) but below the threshold for AMI (5 to 10 ng/dl) to be classified as angina. ",1 | |
467,Between January and June 1990 leftover blood from samples obtained from newly admitted patients for determination of the complete blood count was collected from Monday to Friday each week. ,0 | |
468,"1886 F de Vathaire et al British Journal of Cancer (1999) 79(11/12), 1884-1893 Cancer Research Campaign 1999 each participating centre were included. ",0 | |
469,Controlled hypertension was defined as office BP lt; 140/90 mm Hg. ,1 | |
470,"Initially, this model is estimated using all observations and it includes indicator variables for treatments with sertraline and paroxetine (with fluoxetine as the reference category) as explanatory variables. ",0 | |
471,"Carotid artery stenosis was graded based on results of the carotid artery ultrasound performed in the longitudinal and cross-sectional axes, as previously described (39,40): 1) insignificant or no disease (luminal narrowing 50%), 2) moderate disease (luminal narrowing > 50% but < 80%), 3) severe disease (luminal narrowing 80% but 99%) and 4) complete occlusion.",1 | |
472,Invasive pneumococcal infections: a clinical and microbiological analysis of 53 patients in Taiwan,0 | |
473,"The objective of the BHDPP, which was part of the WHO European Collaborative Trial (33), was to study the effect of a multifactorial intervention program for prevention of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a population of middle-aged working men (34). ",0 | |
474,"According to a national survey (46), NIDDM prevalence in individuals gt; 65 years old is higher among African Americans and Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic whites, ranging from 10.9% for non-Hispanic white males 65-74 years old to 29% for Mexican-American females 65-74 years old. ",0 | |
475,"Information was collected on the use of the feedback report, recognition of problem pathogens or excessive use of specific antimicrobial agents, and specific practice changes. ",0 | |
476,"The criteria for selection were initiation of chronic maintenance dialysis for ESRD in 1986 or 1987, Medicare-entitlement for dialysis services, no transplantation as initial renal replacement therapy, and treatment at a dialysis facility that was within one day of travel of the ESRD network office. ",0 | |
477,"The mothers were asked if the health visitor had offered them advice on three specific issues: immunisation, infant feeding, and child care for example, clothing and hygiene. ",0 | |
478,Telithromycin 800 mg once daily for seven to ten days is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for community-acquired pneumonia,0 | |
479,"We excluded patients with renal failure (serum creatinine level _176 mmol/l) or hepatic damage, with obvious present or past CAD, stroke (including transient ischemic attacks [TIA]), congestive heart failure or arrhythmia. ",1 | |
480,"To more clearly define expected cost savings in the nuclear imaging patients, a multivariate linear regression model was used to estimate costs including pretest clinical risk as well as cardiac outcomes. ",0 | |
481,"Data validation To validate coding for PAOD surgical procedures, 300 discharge abstract records from the CIHI database with ABS codes and a hospital code indicating Sunnybrook and Women__ College Health Science Centre, a major teaching hospital in Toronto, were randomly selected over the study period. ",0 | |
482,"The data were collected by using a structured questionnaire which included information on: (i) sociodemographic characteristics; (ii) gynaecological and reproductive history; (iii) medical history (including autoimmune and chronic diseases and benign thyroid disease); (iv) family history (including thyroid disease and cancer); (v) habitual diet (frequency of consumption of 13 dietary items into one of the following six categories: never, occasional - few times a year, 1 - 3 times per month, 1 day per week, 2 - 4 days per week, or 5 - 7 days per week); and (vi) clinical and histopathological information (abstracted from the records of the cancer registry and KCCC). ",0 | |
483,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was considered present if the patient reported shortness of breath on even mild exertion or had been reported to have significant lung disease on the basis of previous examinations of pulmonary function or other tests. ,1 | |
484,"Period 1971-1972, 1973-1974 The World Health Organisation Heart Attack Register criteria 0 were used for the registration of acute myocardial infarction events both in North Karelia and in Kaunas. ",0 | |
485,Obesity was defined as a BMI higher than 30 kg/m2; overweight was considered as a BMI between 27 and 29.9 kg/m2 23 . Renal insufficiency was defined as a SCr higher than 1.4 mg/dL together with a CCr lower than 70 mL/min/1.73 m2. ,1 | |
486,"Smoking and cardiovascular outcomes in dialysis patients: The United States Renal Data System Wave 2 Study 1 , 2 1 The interpretation and reporting of the data presented here are the responsibility of the authors, and in no way should be seen as an official policy or interpretation of the United States government. 2 See Editorial by Orth and Uehlinger, p. 1580.",0 | |
487,"The perceived health of patients with varicose veins, as measured by the SF-36, was significantly lower than that of the sample of the general population adjusted for age and a lower proportion of women. ",0 | |
488,The process of identifying these factors was similar in all multivariable analyses. ,0 | |
489,"Analyses were conducted overall and within strata defined by menopausal status, obesity, and exogenous hormone use. ",0 | |
490,The total cumulative dose of prednisone was not available in the USRDS. ,0 | |
491,"Symptom intensity (pain, bleeding) was measured using the Mann__hitney U test. ",0 | |
492,"Study population Men and women who were at least 18 years old were eligible for inclusion in the trial if they had ischemic discomfort lasting 30 min or longer within the prior 12 h and exhibited ST-segment elevation _0.1 mV in two or more contiguous limb leads or _0.2 mV in two or more contiguous precordial leads, or new left bundle branch block on a 12-lead ECG obtained in the field. ",0 | |
493,"A matched number of patients identified as HPA-1a positive were randomly selected, consented and recruited as controls, and cord blood platelet counts were determined on their infants at birth. ",0 | |
494,"To address the issue of change in baseline variables over the follow-up period, in selected analyses, we assessed the relationship between risk factors and early (within the first 6 months of onset of dialysis) versus late outcomes (after the first 6 months). ",0 | |
495,"Before 1998, resistance to 184 International Journal of Infectious Diseases / Volume 7, penicillin was identified according to the criteria of the US National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, using penicillin disks. ",0 | |
496,"Definitions Suspected intrapartum or puerperal genital tract infection-oral temperature gt; 38C with no other identifiable source or unusual abdominal pain or late postpartum hemorrhage, all -lt; 50 days postdelivery. ",1 | |
497,Patients were excluded if they had ECG appearance of multifocal atrial tachycardia at presentation or more than one mechanism for tachycardia. ,0 | |
498,"The simplified cancer registry staging system was used to classify the tumour stage into the categories local (meaning confined to the organ of origin), local extension or nodal or distant metastases, or both, and not known. ",0 | |
499,"A diagnosis of QWMI was accepted when Q-waves with a duration of 0.04 s or more and an amplitude equal to or greater than 25% of the R wave in that lead, as well as a typical pattern of evolutionary changes in the ST segment and T waves, appeared in two or more contiguous leads in serial ECGs with or without a typical clinical history or serum enzyme elevations. ",1 | |
500,Stress images were compared with the rest images. ,0 | |
501,"The groups were treated with: Cost-effectiveness of paclitaxel plus cisplatin in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer CC Earle and WK Evans Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre, University of Ottawa and Cancer Care Ontario, 501 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1H 8L6 Summary The aim of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of combination chemotherapy with paclitaxel/cisplatin, compared with standard etoposide/cisplatin in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). ",0 | |
502,"Procedures were performed by one surgical group (RM, RF, MM) with patients in the lateral decubitus position. ",0 | |
503,"__ossible CES_ was defined if patients had only renal dysfunction referring to a post-catheterization serum creatinine gt;1.3 mg/dl and an increase of creatinine level by gt;50% from the baseline value two weeks after the procedure without skin lesions (11,15)(Table 1). ",1 | |
504,"Epidemiology Inputs The epidemiology inputs included population size, mortality rates, and fracture incidence rates. ",0 | |
505,"Methods Patients and treatment From October 1987 to June 1998, we had performed 92 cases of heart transplantation at the National Taiwan University Hospital. ",0 | |
506,We used two separate logistic regression models (Statistical Analysis System [SAS] PROC LOGIST) to estimate the probability of 30-day death for each case. ,0 | |
507,"Volume 107, Number 5, May 1999 * Environmental Health Perspectives 360 Articles * Drinking water arsenic in Utah: a cohort mortality study period for most cancers to become manifest and an exposure to drinking water with 50 ppb arsenic or higher will yield a cumulative arsenic exposure of 1,000 ppb-years. ",0 | |
508,"Among patients without cholecystectomy, the risks at 5 or more years of follow-up were significantly elevated for cancers of liver (SIR = 2.0, CI = 1.2-3.1) and gallbladder (SIR = 2.7, CI = 1.5-4.4) and near unity for cancers of extrahepatic bile duct (SIR = 1.1), ampulla of Vater (SIR = 1.0) and pancreas (SIR = 1.1). ",0 | |
509,"We excluded 284 patients because the severity of TR was not reported, resulting in a study sample of 5,223. ",0 | |
510,"The diagnosis of HCM was later based on the echocardiographic finding of a nondilated hypertrophic left ventricle in the absence of diseases known to cause ventricular hypertrophy (1,2). ",1 | |
511,"Reinfarction was defined as recurrent chest pain lasting gt;20 min with either new ST segment elevation, emergency angiographic confirmation of a reoccluded vessel or recurrent elevation of cardiac enzymes. ",1 | |
512,We defined mild RI as a SCr value of 136 to 265 mol/liter in men and 120 to 265 mol/liter in women. ,1 | |
513,"A number of validation sets in diverse community-based samples have tested and extended the use of these models to a more generalizable cohort of patients with symptoms suggestive of coronary disease (including typical, atypical and nonanginal chest pain). ",1 | |
514,"Materials and Methods Methods for patient selection, preoperative analysis, surgical procedures, and follow-up studies for patients undergoing bilateral LVRS in this clinical program have been described previously. ",0 | |
515,"Individuals with a primary diagnosis of learning disability or dementia, or those aged less than 15 years at time of discharge were excluded. ",0 | |
516,"Secondary recurrent stenosis was defined as a treated segment with a duplex classification of stenosis 60% or greater after additional percutaneous interventions.12 Response in patients with hypertension was defined as follows11: __ured_ hypertension was normotension, that is, diastolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg and systolic blood pressure less than 140 mm Hg, without medications; __mproved_ hypertension was normotension, that is, diastolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg and/or systolic blood pressure less than 140 mm Hg, with the same or fewer medications, or diastolic blood pressure 15 mm Hg below baseline with the same or fewer medications; __o effect_ was no change or inability to meet these criteria for cure or improvement of hypertension, and was considered a treatment failure. ",1 | |
517,Minor stroke was defined as a transient cerebral ischemia; major stroke as a persistent cerebral ischemia. ,1 | |
518,One case with Marfan syndrome had successful combined heart transplantation and resection of dissecting aortic aneurysm of ascending aorta and aortic arch. ,0 | |
519,Equipment and procedures in our laboratory conform to standards set by the American Thoracic Society (13). ,0 | |
520,"A patient was considered a smoker if he or she had ever smoked, and we did not try to ascertain which patients were continuing to smoke despite having been advised to stop. ",0 | |
521,"4. CooperRC, StamlerJ, DyerA, Garside D. The decline in mortality from coronary heart disease, USA, 1968-1975. ",0 | |
522,The pretest probability of coronary disease was defined using the probability of disease from 12 variables (2_4). ,0 | |
523,TSI includes several hundred cost centers; these cost centers were consolidated into 18 departmentlevel cost centers to analyze the main drivers of costs in patients with renal dysfunction. ,0 | |
524,"Reinfarction was defined as: 1) recurrent chest pain or ischemic symptoms _30 min and recurrent ST-segment elevation, new Q waves or new left bundle-branch block; 2) total creatine kinase (CK) at least twice the upper limit of normal and gt;25% or 200 U/mL over the previous value, with an elevated CK-MB level; or 3) a rise in CK-MB above the upper limit of normal after it had reverted to the normal range. ",1 | |
525,"Clinical outcomes including bleeding complications were assessed to seven days or hospital discharge, whichever occurred first. ",0 | |
526,"These criteria were converted to computer queries that we used to create the list of cases or candidate ADEs, which we call signals (Appendix A). ",0 | |
527,"The diagnosis of acute MI required a history of typical chest pain lasting at least 20 min, a standard 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG) showing ST elevation of 2mm or more in two or more contiguous leads and subsequent evolution of cardiac enzymes.",1 | |
528,"Methods Population This study included 1,257 subjects (age 25 to 74 years) who were randomly sampled from North Glasgow and had attended the Third Glasgow Monica Risk Factor Survey in 1992. ",0 | |
529,Methods Study population Patients with one or more syncopal attacks were diagnosed as having unexplained syncope if no cause was found after a standard diagnostic evaluation. ,0 | |
530,We included a second model that provided insight into estimated costs for annual medical therapy. ,0 | |
531,"Cellulosic (cuprophan, cellulose acetate) and noncellulosic (polysulfone, polymethylmethacrylate, and polyacrylonitrile) membranes were employed in IHD patients. ",0 | |
532,Optimistic expectations and survival after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,0 | |
533,The incremental value of nuclear testing was determined by calculating the change in global chi-square after having added the nuclear variables to the pre-scan information with respect to the detection of silent ischemia (logistic regression model) and with respect to prognosis (Cox model). ,0 | |
534,Variables chosen for comparison were those included in both databases and were predefined based on previous studies evaluating outcome in AMI patients. ,0 | |
535,"Since 1995, we have used rabbit antithymocyte globulins for induction therapy. ",0 | |
536,"A stroke was defined as any neurologic impairment of motor, sensory or cognitive function that persisted >24 h, or was associated with death within 24 h, and that could not be explained by other neurologic (ie, dementia, head trauma), and/or medical (ie, metabolic abnormalities, drugs) etiologies; and a TIA as neurologic impairment that resolved within 24 h, and was unexplained by other neurologic and/or medical etiologies.",1 | |
537,The average response rate to the supplementary questionnaire in all three cohorts wasgt;90%. ,0 | |
538,"Acute MI was defined as two of the following: angina, electrocardiographic changes, or elevated enzyme levels (creatine kinase, creatine kinase-myocardial band isoenzyme). ",1 | |
539,Strategies are required to ensure effective implementation of guidelines. ,0 | |
540,The multivariate model of mortality was tested for goodness of fit according to the Hosmer-Lemeshow method.17 P lt; .05 was considered statistically significant in all final analyses. ,0 | |
541,"Myocardial infarction was defined as the presence of at least two of these criteria: prolonged angina gt;30 min; total creatinine kinase elevation gt;2 times the upper limit of normal as confirmed by creatine kinase-MB fraction isoenzyme elevation; electrocardiogram evidence of infarction, defined as ST-segment elevation of at least 0.1 mV (measured 0.2 s after the J-point) in two contiguous leads; or new significant Q-wave of gt;0.04 s duration or having a depth greater than one-fourth of the corresponding R-wave amplitude, or both. ",1 | |
542,"At the time of study entry, other not low risk (1) clinical indicators were similar in patients with and without antecedent angina. ",0 | |
543,"In women, age standardised total mortality was lower in North Karelia (350 (95% CI 312-388)) than in Kaunas (440 (95% CI 413 to 467)). ",0 | |
544,"In addition, virtually all patients presented symptomatically during this period, whereas more recently a significant number of patients have presented via the NHSBSP. ",0 | |
545,Prophylaxis for hypersensitivity reactions consisted of dexamethasone 8 mg i.v. 1 hour and promethazine 50 mg i.v. plus ranitidine 50 mg i.v. 30 minutes before paclitaxel administration. ,0 | |
546,"All patients were initially treated with oxygen, intravenous nitroglycerin, aspirin and intravenous heparin (given as a 10,000-U bolus). ",0 | |
547,Transfers to another acute care hospital where the receiving hospital also identified heart failure as the primary reason for admission were identified through linking the study population and the inpatient discharge abstract during 1994_1995 to 1999_2000. ,0 | |
548,Any model involving time would also face the problem that no time of event is available for electrocardiographically defined myocardial infarction. ,0 | |
549,"Hypertension stage was defined following current guidelines (6) as stage I (SBP of 140 to 159 mm Hg or DBP of 90 to 99 mm Hg); stage II or greater (SBP _160 mm Hg or DBP _100 mm Hg); isolated systolic hypertension, stage I (SBP of 140 to 159 mm Hg and DBP lt;90 mm Hg) and isolated systolic hypertension, stages II to III (SBP _160 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure lt;90 mm Hg). ",1 | |
550,This study was not designed to test a single hypothesis but rather to explore whether the groups differed in the aspects detailed above. ,0 | |
551,"The remaining 73 patients, who represent our study group, received simultaneous RA revascularization because of uncontrolled hypertension, deteriorating renal function that was associated with either severe (gt;70%) RA stenosis or at least 50% stenosis of the RA supplying a solitary functioning kidney, or both. ",0 | |
552,Concomitant medications and procedures were left to the discretion of the treating physician. ,0 | |
553,"The data set of candidate predictor variables was much larger for those with prior episodes, because any diagnosis or procedure occurring on a prior episode clearly occurred before the index episode and therefore was admissible as a potential risk predictor. ",0 | |
554,"Peritonitis was diagnosed on white blood cell count openface gt; 100 in the dialysis effluent, with or without a positive culture 20 . An exit site infection was diagnosed as exudate and redness around the exit site with or without positive culture 21 . Statistical analysis Values are expressed as means standard deviations. ",1 | |
555,"Hence, a total of 8,145 records from the BHDPP study population were eligible for inclusion. ",0 | |
556,Thus data analysis first addressed the following question: __ere characteristics of patients undergoing mitral valve repair similar to those of patients undergoing replacement?_ Lack of similarity necessitated use of methods specific for nonrandomized comparisons. ,0 | |
557,"During the study period, the hemodialysis prescription had to remain unchanged. ",0 | |
558,All angioplasty patients had adequate vascular access in the form of femoral venous and arterial cannlas before cardiac arrest. ,0 | |
559,"All patients fulfilling these criteria in Table 1 General characteristics of the cohort of 4400 3-year survivors of a first cancer in childhood First cancer Patients Mean year of first cancer Mean age at Mean Type of the first cancer treatment treatment Females first cancer follow-up (%) (years) (years) Rt, no Ct (%) Ct, no Rt (%) Rt + Ct (%) Ewing s sarcoma 148 1976 36 9 12 9 5 86 Bone sarcoma 143 1977 42 12 12 23 37 29 Soft tissue sarcoma 588 1974 45 6 15 17 21 49 Neuroblastoma 566 1975 50 2 15 16 31 40 Wilm s tumour 816 1973 47 3 16 11 24 62 Central nervous system 722 1972 51 7 16 59 1 25 Bilateral retinoblastoma 82 1978 49 1 12 29 1 67 Unilateral retinoblastoma 59 1977 45 3 13 25 18 39 Hodgkin s disease 374 1975 35 10 13 23 8 68 Non-Hodgkin s lymphoma 456 1977 28 8 12 9 39 51 Others 446 1975 51 7 15 28 25 28 Total 4400 1974 45 6 15 24 20 47 Rt, radiotherapy; Ct, chemotherapy. ",0 | |
560,The criteria used for the diagnosis of AMI were elevation of creatine kinase MB fraction in conjunction with a clinical presentation and/or electrocardiographic evidence consistent with a diagnosis of AMI. ,1 | |
561,Swan-Ganz catheter use and mortality of myocardial infarction patients.,0 | |
562,"Separate multivariate models, adjusted for relevant baseline characteristics listed in Figure 3, were used to assess changes in SF-36 physical and mental summary component scores, and the independent relationship of treatment and AF recurrence with QoL. ",0 | |
563,"Environmental Health Perspectives * Volume 107, Number 5, May 1999 359 Articles * Lewis et al. * Current vital status was provided by the LDS church (these records are updated by the church on a weekly basis) * From the LDS Ancestral File (LDS, Salt Lake City, UT), the International Genealogical Index (LDS), and the Social Security Death Index (LDS): date ofbirth and place ofdeath * From the death certificates: death date, death town, death state, underlying cause ofdeath, and other causes ofdeath * From the Utah Health Department (Salt Lake City, UT): information on the duration ofresidence in the community, and coding ofthe underlying cause of death according to the International Classification ofDiseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes (17). ",0 | |
564,"In 1995, a primary publication concerning only patients treated with radiotherapy alone (de Vathaire et al, 1995), dealt with 1055 patients and 26 solid SMN. ",0 | |
565,Rejection was defined as biopsy-proven pathologic finding and clinical event leading to specific immunosuppressive intervention. ,0 | |
566,"Analyses were performed (1) using only hemoglobin and hemoglobin2 as independent variables and (2) using hemoglobin and hemoglobin2 plus the additional covariates age, race, gender, diabetes, BMI, albumin, missed treatments, and URR. ",0 | |
567,The questions concerning nasal symptoms had been specifically designed for a previous study [9]. ,0 | |
568,"Age-specific population data for men and women aged 50 through 99 years in Florida from 2000 through 2025 were obtained from a census publication [14], which accounted for all forms of in-migration, outmigration, and mortality. ",0 | |
569,Dose estimation was not performed for the 96 patients who received brachytherapy. ,0 | |
570,"Although we could have simply compared the crude SGC procedure rate at any given hospital with its SMR, we instead developed an SPR An SGC procedure is an event that canbe counted,just as deaths can be counted. ",0 | |
571,"TB is diagnosed by bacteriological culture or histological evidence of granuloma with caseafication necrosis or clinical findings consistent with active TB (fever, sputum, malaise, fatigue, loss of apetite, weight loss, night sweats) and full course of chemotherapy is indicated for these patients. ",1 | |
572,"Also, diagnoses were recorded on only about half of the billing records. ",0 | |
573,"Data collection Patient variables included demographic information, prematurity (gestational age lt;37 weeks), birth weight, age, weight and body surface area at surgery and associated noncardiac malformations. ",1 | |
574,Here the nursing notes of patients who were discharged from the obstetric units of a Korean tertiary teaching hospital prior to March 2000 were analyzed. ,0 | |
575,"The staging classification used was as follows: stage I - operable disease with pathologically negative axillary nodes; stage II - operable disease with pathologically positive nodes; stage III - locally advanced, inoperable disease; stage IV - metastatic disease at presentation. ",0 | |
576,"Condition after successful defibrillation-left ventricular failure or pulmonary oedema, cardiogenic shock (systolic blood pressure < 80 mm Hg with peripheral circulatory shutdown), coma on admission to hospital. ",1 | |
577,"Several results from this process included: a) weights for the regression equation derived from the Pryor model were similar to the current patient series; b) calculated risk by the clinical index was linearly related to the rate of cardiac death (similar results as in the developmental set), and c) we compared the original clinical risk to several possible revised scores for the index by the concordance index for a Cox model estimating cardiac death (Cox indices similarly ranged from 0.71 to 0.76). ",0 | |
578,Only patients with an intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay longer than 24 hours were included. ,0 | |
579,"Characteristics specific to the probands were having a previous diagnosis of primary breast cancer or of ovarian cancer, and of having bilateral breast cancer. ",0 | |
580,"Methods Study population Between January 2000 and June 2001, patients admitted to coronary care units with a clinical diagnosis of UA were included in the study if they fulfilled the following criteria: a) class III-IV angina beginning in the last 2 months (new onset angina) or previous stable angina increasing in frequency, duration of pain or occurring at lower threshold (progressive angina); b) last episode of pain at rest or at minimal exertion occurring in the previous 48 hours and lasting more than 10 minutes. ",0 | |
581,"Person-years were calculated from January 1, 1971 until the diagnosis of prostate cancer, death, or end of follow-up (December 31, 1989), whichever occurred first. ",0 | |
582,"R4*) Include/Exclude matches BMC Health Services Research 2003, 3 Page 3 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes) QTools has two particular strengths: it is being developed for all three EMRs and it can be distributed as a runtime version that will run predefined extractions with a minimum amount of effort from the general practitioner. ",0 | |
583,"Weight, height, and waist and hip circumference were determined for each subject; waist circumference was measured at the narrowest diameter between the costal margin and the iliac crest, and hip circumference was measured at the greatest diameter over the glutei. ",0 | |
584,Respiratory decompensation was defined as an episode of dyspnea or wheezing which: 1. was sufficiently severe to require emergency outpatient treatment or hospitalization; 2. was attributed to increased airflow obstruction by the attending ED physician and 3. was treated with nebulized bronchodilators and/or corticosteroids.,1 | |
585,Perivalvular leak was defined as moderate or severe aortic regurgitation not the result of prosthetic dysfunction. ,1 | |
586,"In particular, urinary incontinence was defined as answering __es_ to the following question: __ave you had any involuntary urinary loss during the last month?_; overactive bladder without urinary incontinence was defined by answering __es_ to one or two of the following questions: __n average, do you urinate more than eight times a day and/or more than once during the night?_ and __ave you any urgency symptoms?_, but answering no to the question: __ave you had any involuntary urinary loss during the last month?_ If a women answered yes to all the three questions, she was considered to have urinary incontinence, the type being determined from the answer of the questionnaire proposed by Wein and Rovner 7 and Abrams and Wein 8 (i.e. stress, mixed and urge incontinence). ",1 | |
587,"Whenever possible, repeated spirometry was performed at least once at Chapman Medical Center within 3 months of surgery, but subsequent spirometry data were obtained from the referring site. ",0 | |
588,"A multiple variable Cox proportional hazards model was developed to assess the impact of CRLimit relative to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for time to event after controlling for age, ejection fraction, presence of coronary artery disease, systolic blood pressure, sodium, and creatinine. ",0 | |
589,"To determine whether to assess predictive factors as continuous, ordinal or categorical variables, we examined their relationships with the primary outcome, death or MI at 42 days. ",0 | |
590,"Six categories of variables were considered: (1) socioeconomic and demographic background (age, gender, education, marital status, employment, income); (2) clinical features (blood pressure, duration of treatment, number of doses per day); (3) clinician communication (previous inquiry by clinician regarding medicinal adherence) (4) health beliefs (perceived effectiveness of treatment and susceptibility to adverse health outcomes); (5) health status (SF-36 indices); and (6) social support (a summary score derived from the 9-item support inventory). ",0 | |
591,"2,5 In addition, a single trained and experienced technician unaware of the fates of individual patients redigitized the scans from almost all participants in the study to ensure accuracy and consistency of measurements because the presence of a false lumen may complicate assessment of the outline of the aneurysm in cases of dissection. ",0 | |
592,"In both treatment groups, intravenous heparin was administered for 3 to 5 days. ",0 | |
593,"More procedures late in gestation were performed as a result of high risk indications, and therefore, all women with an invasive procedure after 20 weeks of gestation were excluded (13 amniocentesis, 0 chorionic villus sampling). ",0 | |
594,Oliguria was defined as urine output of _400 ml/day. ,1 | |
595,Accuracy of prenatal echocardiographic diagnosis and prognosis of fetuses with conotruncal anomalies,0 | |
596,"In classifying the number of diseased vessels, a left main stenosis _50% was regarded as equivalent to two-vessel disease. ",1 | |
597,"A significant stenosis of the left main coronary artery was counted as two-vessel disease if the left coronary was non-dominant and as three-vessel disease if dominant, as well as left main disease. ",1 | |
598,"In addition, surgical procedures were recorded and classified according to the Danish Classification of Surgical Procedures and Therapies (Danish National Board of Health, 1986). ",0 | |
599,"Additionally, data were collected on drive-line infection, which was defined as any infection that (1) was detected by the positive cultures obtained from the drive-line exit site and (2) required treatment with antimicrobial agents. ",1 | |
600,"The model always included age (four categories: 40 - 49, 50 - 59, 60 - 69, 70 - 79). ",0 | |
601,The chronologically first hospital admission during 1995 for each patient was considered the index admission (or discharge). ,0 | |
602,"b. We decided to keep only the 3-year survivors in the analysis, rather than 2-year survivors as in the previous publication, because the British patients were 3-year survivors c. About a year of average follow-up was added. ",0 | |
603,Death certificates were requested from other states where cohort members died. ,0 | |
604,"Ascertainment of chronic kidney disease and anemia At baseline, each participant was asked to fast for 12hours and then undergo a physical examination in which blood samples were collected. ",0 | |
605,"CV deaths included ischemic heart disease, stroke, aorto-iliac disease, congestive heart failure, and sudden deaths, defined as witnessed deaths that occurred within one hour after the onset of acute symptoms, with no evidence that violence or accident played any role in the fatal outcome. ",1 | |
606,Measures of health included symptoms of asthma and of bronchitis assessed using questions from the American Thoracic Society Questionnaire (17). ,0 | |
607,"The gestational age (GA) in weeks was estimated by gynecologists using each woman s prenatal history log (her maternity card), which included her reported last menstrual period (LMP) plus data on prenatal visits, ultrasound measurements, etc. Prenatal care began early for most women: 93% began prenatal care and had an ultrasound examination in the first trimester of pregnancy. ",0 | |
608,Hypertension was defined as a persistent resting blood pressure exceeding 140 mm Hg (systolic) or 90 mm Hg (diastolic). ,1 | |
609,"12 Dates of diagnosis and death were obtained from the cancer registry, which obtains information both from clinical records and from the NHS Central Register. ",0 | |
610,Prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography in predicting cardiac events in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease,0 | |
611,"[8-10] Prescription drugs dispensed are identified by National Drug Code (NDC), American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS) therapeutic category, brand name, and chemical name [11]. ",0 | |
612,"In order to contrast variation between practices for different diagnostic groups, we need a measure of variability that takes account of differing mean rates. ",0 | |
613,"Medications were classified similar to that previously reported[11,19] as follows: anemia (erythropoietin, iron), renal bone disease (calcium or aluminum salts, sevelamer, vitamin D analogs), cardiac (any agent used for hypertension, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, arrhythmia), cholesterol-lowering (niacin, fibric acid agent, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor), endocrine (any agent used for diabetes, thyroid disorders, menopause), anti-infective (including antiviral), antithrombotic (agents that may affect platelet function or prolong coagulation), psychotropic (antidepressants, antipsychotics), gastrointestinal (histamine-2 receptor antagonist [H2RA], proton pump inhibitor [PPI], promotility agents, laxatives), vitamins, analgesics, antipruritics, and other (agents with a prevalence of less than 10%). ",0 | |
614,"Bacteremia was defined as the occurrence of one or more blood cultures positive for any org a n i s m , re g a rdless of associated symptoms. ",1 | |
615,"We omitted three patients for whom mortality could not be confirmed, and excluded those considered to have a terminal illness (chart-documented as unlikely to live past six months) or metastatic cancer, because the focus of their treatment may not have been targeted toward a survival benefit. ",0 | |
616,"Medicare data were used to identify subjects with OA, RA, and no arthritis diagnosis. ",0 | |
617,Percent of agreement was defined as the proportion of agreement plus the proportion of those who did not agree divided by the total number of matched patients. ,0 | |
618,Hospitalization was defined as high intensity management of a relapse. ,0 | |
619,"A subject was classified as having diabetes if they reported a history of diabetes, or if the fasting blood glucose (FBG) or postprandial blood glucose (PPBG) was 7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) or 11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) respectively (11).",1 | |
620,"For these data to be compared with those reported by other investigators, 24,25 graft stenoses were defined and categorized into three distinct subgroups based on the first DUS-detected (index) lesion as follows: (1) normal (PSV lt; 200 cm/s, Vr lt; 2.0); (2) intermediate stenosis (200 cm/s lt; PSV lt; 300 cm/s, 2.0 lt; Vr lt; 4.0); and (3) critical stenosis (PSV gt; 300 cm/s, Vr gt; 4.0). ",1 | |
621,"Hypertension, diabetes, number of risk factors, history of myocardial infarction, history of revascularization, rate__ressure product during stress testing, ischemia on the stress ECG, left ventricular ejection fraction, and SDS were incorporated into this model. ",0 | |
622,"2 pressure can be defined as abnormal remains a major Using the Remler device, Waeber et al found that only issue. ",0 | |
623,"For instance, in department 1 the proportion of appropriate x ray examinations rose significandy after distribution of the guidelines (from 61% (202/330) to 73% (305/417)) and appropriate decisions on whether to x ray or not also rose (from 65% (340/522) to 72% (435/608)). ",0 | |
624,Atherosclerotic plaques were defined as irregular intimal thickening (at least 2 mm thick). ,1 | |
625,The temporal distribution of deaths was tested for homogeneity with a chi-square goodness of fit (9). ,0 | |
626,"Actually, this study demonstrated that the FPG cutoff value separating normal and diabetes was 110 mg/dL and that for IGT and diabetes was 117 mg/dL 214 NEW ADA CRITERIA IN THE KOREAN POPULATION : FAS TING BLOOD GLUCOSE IS NOT ENOUGH FOR DIAGNOSIS OF MILD DIABETES ESPECIALLY IN THE ELDERLY by cumulative distribution curve analysis (Figure 1). ",1 | |
627,"Data collection Because the overall follow-up period began on the date of right heart catheterization (time zero), all clinical, demographic, radiographic, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records within three months before cardiac catheterization; otherwise, the studies were repeated. ",0 | |
628,Early reperfusion was assumed to have occurred (95% probability of correct classification) if there was both a myoglobin peak within seven hours and a creatine kinase peak within 16 hours after the onset of chest pain. ,1 | |
629,"Subjects were considered to have DM if they had any of the following conditions: receipt of insulin or oral hypoglycemic medications before admission; outpatient visits, including a diagnosis of DM on two occasions; or a previous inpatient stay with a discharge diagnosis of DM. ",0 | |
630,"In this randomized trial (CARPORT), a noncategorical approach was used, and restenosis was defined as a loss of _0.72 mm in the MLD from post-PTCA to six-month follow-up. ",1 | |
631,Results-281(76%) patients (mean age 45-8; 76% female) and 542(60%) of the general population (mean age 47-9; 54% female) responded. ,0 | |
632,"High-volume NSGCT was defined by the presence of at least one of the following criteria: at least two sites of nonpulmonary visceral metastases, an extragonadal primary tumour, a serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level higher than 10 000 mIU ml71, or an alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) higher than 2000 mIU ml71. ",1 | |
633,"For example, 507 patients who had both a temporary catheter and a native fistula in the baseline period were classified as having a temporary catheter, and 198 patients who had both a goretex or bovine graft and a native arteriovenous fistula in the baseline period were classified as having a goretex/bovine graft. ",0 | |
634,"An intent to treat analysis was performed, which included all patients with known outcomes. ",0 | |
635,Patients with a prior MI and cancer were subsequently excluded from analyses. ,0 | |
636,"Left ventricular systolic dysfunction was defined as EF lt;0.32, which is significantly lower than the 2.5th percentile. ",1 | |
637,We hoped to achieve a false positive rate less than 10% and a time benefit ofat least two weeks in the two treatment group. ,0 | |
638,"The characteristics of these patients were typical of individuals who have AAAs (Table I).The patients underwent a preoperative work-up that included abdominal ultrasonographic scan or computed tomographic scan, carotid duplex scan, and lower extremity arterial Doppler scan studies. ",0 | |
639,"Among participants without prevalent cardiovascular disease, subclinical cardiovascular disease was defined by abnormal results from the AAI, common carotid IMT, and echocardiography testing. ",1 | |
640,"2 For this analysis all the interim scans (between the first follow-up and last CT scan) were used, and patients who subsequently underwent operation were included as free of rupture until their penultimate scans because they could be documented to have been free of rupture for all earlier intervals. ",0 | |
641,"Patients not receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors at hospital discharge were then grouped on the basis of the reasons for nonuse as documented in the medical record: CRLimit (symptomatic hypotension, progressive renal insufficiency, or hyperkalemia), adverse effects (cough-other; all other reasons), and unable to be determined from the written record. ",0 | |
642,Women who underwent hysterectomy without oopherectomy were considered estrogen status positive if they were under the age of 50 and without symptoms of estrogen deficiency. ,0 | |
643,"Other than excluding patients with congenital or valvular heart disease, patients with underlying active inflammatory disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus and malignancy, all non-diabetic CAPD patients were included into the study. ",1 | |
644,"The provision of information and practical advice on how to recognise early symptoms, what to expect from treatment and how to manage existing problems were considered. ",0 | |
645,"The data were taken from the Fresenius Medical Care (North America), Inc. [FMC(NA); Lexington, MA, USA] patient statistical profile (PSP) system that has been described previously 7-10 . A major subset of these data was the subject of an earlier report that compared different methods for estimating an SMR 6 . The data abstraction techniques are discussed therein. ",0 | |
646,Cardiac disease was defined as either a documented history of myocardial infarction or angiographically proven stenosis of _70% of at least one coronary artery. ,1 | |
647,"Men were considered to have confirmed type 2 diabetes if any of the following criteria were met: 1) one or more classical symptoms (excessive thirst, polyuria, unexplained weight loss, hunger, or pruritus) plus a fasting plasma glucose level of _140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l) or a random plasma glucose level of _200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l); 2) at least two elevated plasma glucose concentrations on different occasions (a fasting level of _140 mg/dl or a random level of _200 mg/dl and/or a concentration of _200 mg/dl after _2 h of oral glucose tolerance testing) in the absence of symptoms; or 3) treatment with hypoglycemic medications (insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents). ",1 | |
648,"POLICY ON ANTENATAL CARE Before 1 August 1985 standard antenatal care for low risk multiparous women booking for shared care entailed a booking visit between 10 and 16 weeks gestation and two or three further visits in the third trimester, with all other care being given by the primary care team. ",0 | |
649,For key decision making variables the presence or absence of penetrating injury was least likely to be recorded (-0 1%) and that of loss of consciousness most likely ( >75%). ,0 | |
650,More than 70% had attained the age of 60 years at the end of the follow-up period or by the time they were deceased. ,0 | |
651,"Furthermore, given the relatively low risk of death and lack of censoring in this study population (complete follow-up on all patients), Cox regression is not more efficient than logistic regression (32), and logistic regression allows reporting of odds ratios (ORs) that are easily interpretable. ",0 | |
652,"Sudden death was defined as death within 1 h of development of new symptoms, and progression in heart failure was defined as hospital admission for heart failure, death resulting from progressive heart failure, or heart failure necessitating open-label ACE inhibition. ",1 | |
653,The economic outcomes included total cost = diagnostic cost (including all noninvasive and invasive testing) + follow-up cost (including cardiac hospitalizations through three years). ,0 | |
654,Methods Patients Information on all 1995 New York State hospital discharges assigned International Classification of Diseases_9__linical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes indicative of CHF in the principal diagnosis position were obtained from the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) database. ,0 | |
655,"In this context, angina was defined as exertional chest pain or discomfort alleviated by rest or nitroglycerin, and stroke was defined as a focal neurologic deficit lasting more than 24 hours. ",1 | |
656,Patients with multiple lesions in the same or different vessels were eligible if all lesions met enrollment criteria. ,0 | |
657,"For patients with missing values for categorical variables, a category of unknown was created and these patients were included in the Cox models. ",0 | |
658,Some UAMC patients in our study were discharged to home care before completion of antibiotic therapy and received the remainder of their FN treatment through home care. ,0 | |
659,"The cardiac surgical procedures performed in these patients included: coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in 1,472 (75.2%), valve repair or replacement in 224 (11.5%) and CABG and valve surgery in 261 (13.3%). ",0 | |
660,"Valve-related morbidity was considered to be any hemorrhage, thromboembolism, aortic valve reoperation, or endocarditis. ",0 | |
661,"Independent variables included age, sex, diabetes, pre-dialysis clinic attendance and length of attendance, history of ischemic heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, heart failure, malignancy, and chronic lung disease, residual creatinine clearance at dialysis initiation, and kt/v, albumin and hemoglobin at the time of QOL assessment. ",0 | |
662,The cost per patient of a single cycle of chemotherapy was calculated for each country. ,0 | |
663,Determinants of depressive symptoms in the early weeks after miscarriage.,0 | |
664,"Significant myocardial ischaemia was defined as ST segment depression of 2 mm or more below, or elevation of at least 3 mm above baseline at 60 ms after the J point and persisting for more than 1 min. ",1 | |
665,"For each survey, an ageand gender-stratified random sample of 2,000 subjects aged 25 to 64 years was selected in both provincial cities of Ghent and Charleroi. ",0 | |
666,"For symptomatic recurrences of genital lesions, dates of onset and healing of lesions were recorded. ",0 | |
667,Diagnosis-based risk adjustment for Medicare capitation payments.,0 | |
668,"Ischemic heart disease was defined by the presence of at least one of the following: history of acute myocardial infarction (MI; with at least two of the following signs: typical chest pain lasting more than 20 min, Q-wave MI on EKG, significant cardiac enzyme elevation), typical angina with ischemic signs on resting EKG and/or exercise EKG and/or thallium scan, significant coronary artery narrowing on coronary angiogram, history of coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). ",1 | |
669,We obtained the primary survival and resource utilization data from a large three-arm randomized trial comparing: paclitaxel 135 mg m-2 by 24-h intravenous (i.v.) infusion + cisplatin; paclitaxel 250 mg m-2 by 24-h i.v. infusion + cisplatin + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF); and standard etoposide/cisplatin in patients with stage IIIb or IV NSCLC. ,0 | |
670,"To evaluate the relative significance of some prognostic factors, the multiple regression model of Cox was applied . The set variables analyzed were as follows: stage according to Rai staging (0 vs I - II) , LDT (512 vs 412 months), absolute lymphocyte count (520 vs 4206109/l), LDH (5425 vs 425 U l71), b-2 m (52.89 vs 42.89 mg l71), sVEGF (5203 vs 4203 ng ml71). ",0 | |