diff --git "a/KitKat.json" "b/KitKat.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/KitKat.json" @@ -0,0 +1,143176 @@ +{ + "name": "XitXat", + "version": 1.0, + "stats": { + "total": 950, + "domains": { + "allotjament": 90, + "banca": 120, + "menjar_domicili": 80, + "comerc": 119, + "lloguer_vehicles": 67, + "transports": 95, + "assegurances": 120, + "ajuntament": 120, + "clinica": 59, + "telefonia": 80 + } + }, + "xats": { + "allotjament": [ + { + "id": "ed3f7ae9-baaf-46ed-b51f-e3b4344d05ac", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 1#", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f6e03e25-3064-4c48-ab4c-e0b681cf0963", + "text": "Hola, bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c2e1ff7-9e92-4793-82dc-ef8827529723", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0da068ee-be48-4423-840a-bf9cb2b098f6", + "text": "Voldria reservar una de les vostres cases rurals per una setmana, durant el Nadal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "cases rurals", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "una setmana", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Nadal", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94b0703c-b3e0-422f-b331-05f42614b10a", + "text": "Perfecte. Em podria dir els dies exactes que voldria reservar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65f9dba6-900a-4980-bb59-0f65e811f817", + "text": "Doncs del 22 al 27, si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "22", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "27", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a173632-4200-412a-96f5-9792dc85ced7", + "text": "de Desembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "de Desembre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2518a3d-6030-4f97-b968-22570abb3b27", + "text": "És clar. Vol una reserva pel 22 al 27 de desembre, doncs. Ara mateix comprovo la disponibilitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35acb50a-3a6b-4d78-92ff-889bd359221a", + "text": "Està de sort. Hi ha disponibilitat per aquestes dates. Tenim una casa al Montseny per 270€ tots aquests dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b988f30-8261-4c90-8d2a-47731b8ea33e", + "text": "Ah si, perfecte. Té WiFi la casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "WiFi", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35de075d-072e-4316-883f-3ac316c8d03f", + "text": "La casa disposa de Wifi a tota la instal·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6c33879-d949-456d-b772-da50c19f6f6f", + "text": "Vol reservar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "726a674a-1e64-4a41-aa94-ca94e64c67de", + "text": "Si, gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2dacca86-88c0-4c63-9312-1180e337bfef", + "text": "Com puc fer el pagament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23d503bc-7012-465e-a12f-78eba9066618", + "text": "Per fer el pagament pot fer-ho directament a les nostres oficines o pot soll·licitar el pagament amb targeta directament ara. Què vol fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ad4b3d9-1845-4481-b3d9-fa6c43d94b4e", + "text": "Doncs millor el faig a les oficines. Fins quan puc passar-me?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "oficines", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Fins quan", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a4152e4-9d36-4652-9fca-86e6fd2b437f", + "text": "Pot passar per les nostres oficines fins una setmana abans de la seva estància. En el vostre cas seria el dia 15 de desembre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd01cc76-e02d-46c9-bfba-80ba375fbdcb", + "text": "Perfecte, passaré demà passat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cff8d22c-078b-4735-ad80-eb28940e1a99", + "text": "Molt bé. Em pot dir el seu nom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f3ddda5-6e35-4ac4-b349-6ce5beef75f4", + "text": "Mariano Benitez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mariano", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Benitez", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aaafcfac-b5c7-41da-9da6-5dd83152a052", + "text": "Molt bé, Mariano. L'esperem a les nostres oficines, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "767c6e0b-f06d-4e53-a5b9-1be44a833858", + "text": "Gràcies bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "249f7411-0931-461f-9be3-5326ea9d4ec3", + "text": "Gràcies per la seva confiança en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "661f2cbf-3e9f-4e92-8a62-ad48923489b8", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 2#", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "36df36de-83e4-46e0-85ef-c915e7bc10db", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c5b16d3d-b36a-4074-8920-c3d0e445f2b5", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dbe8dcd-5c17-4385-af8b-fd89aed14a76", + "text": "Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e6f495a-d8cf-49cf-8728-1d74c492c1d9", + "text": "Voldria saber si l'hotel té televisió a totes les habitacions", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel ", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "televisió a totes les habitacions", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35f18f1f-b354-4276-9c84-72e2c6dbd54e", + "text": "Ara mateix li ho miro.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64825151-2c06-42d4-acb9-7e64b13a45d6", + "text": "L'hotel té televisió de pantalla plana. També té altres serveis com Netflix o Amazon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1055b89c-69c0-4dd8-b850-a10e4f2b276d", + "text": "I totes les habitacions ho tenen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "totes les habitacions", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61d77c35-9524-48fc-bc44-006304f95793", + "text": "Sí, totes les habitacions tenen televisió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe20f6d0-1f3a-4bb7-adf9-3ab46a31f1cc", + "text": "Perfecte, faré la reserva online doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47304575-6d4e-4a63-9f13-ccc6ad5825fa", + "text": "Es pot, no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47bc0837-b0c0-4aab-9714-4bffc3bf6bf2", + "text": "Sí, cap problema. Pot fer-ho directament a través de la web o bé directament amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6328dd14-60c8-4f1c-b1b8-2e2416cd8f1a", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ed8c314-e55e-4519-9547-ad5fe6a36399", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7dcc01f1-00e9-4bbe-87c6-f7d4d0fceb57", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc9b4bf8-7e9c-4007-ace7-4d70b6683c37", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 3#", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3bce9d24-3385-4cf5-ab6f-4e4d1576dadf", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f9402010-8248-470f-aa12-e4192e71b800", + "text": "Molt bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b96096e9-d115-4f11-b133-4b05081bdcee", + "text": "Us volia preguntar com funciona el pàrquing de l'alberg", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "alberg", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "pàrquing", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce36033f-e16a-428d-8c1b-6f245487d4fa", + "text": "Està aprop, o s'ha de caminar una mica després d'aparcar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aprop", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72369b5d-7e36-4f55-a559-085b12594072", + "text": "Per accedir al pàrquing primer ha de contactar amb recepció. Li donaran una targeta per a poder-hi accedir. El seu cost és de 10€ al dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7caef9a-7a81-4bb0-ad38-6ebbfa7e8a7e", + "text": "El pàrquing està a prop de l'alberg, a tan sols 5 minuts a peu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "491f8aff-f53b-4753-a40e-4258b85addd7", + "text": "Vale, he de contactar just quan arribi, o abans?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "contactar just quan arribi", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3ab32f3-5050-4a2b-8d59-fe98a888ccce", + "text": "Pot contactar quan arribi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dab4040-00a1-49e3-9143-9aac7a685111", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72581a60-006c-417a-bb61-12c403ecfa13", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f194cd2c-63fb-47f0-b5e3-15ab34c22fa4", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 4#", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2e4f2931-1801-4825-9d77-8bb9eb2536c3", + "text": "Hola, us contacto per fer una reclamació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02efa3e3-1523-4107-ab1c-abdf200b71c3", + "text": "Sentim molt que hagi tingut problemes. Ens pot indicar per què vol fer una reclamació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d87f7232-a1ec-4c72-a042-a6250b032562", + "text": "L'apartament que hem llogat estava brut només arribar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "brut", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "931052d8-1f53-44a8-a593-2ba6fe2bdfd1", + "text": "Sentim que la neteja no hagi estat del seu gust. Ens pot enviar algunes fotografies, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5053c633-c507-49e5-b961-c074df0d02b6", + "text": "Si, a on les envio?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "486c45ea-363f-406f-b84f-966fd0c7120f", + "text": "Pot enviar-les per aquí mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f74d8ee-c74f-47d3-a2ba-647d65224c45", + "text": "D'acord, ja estan enviades. Les has rebut?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63e21f5b-a0de-4fe6-a386-4e14a803f749", + "text": "Sí, moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d603d7a-7244-4061-a67e-002aea467443", + "text": "Em pot indicar el seu nom i data d'allotjament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee738dab-1df7-4288-8dc7-2deb9c063154", + "text": "Si, Alba Hernandez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Alba", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernandez", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a782dd68-9b6c-4aa2-a01e-d2deecd68220", + "text": "I just hem entrat avui al pis, 25 de Novembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "25 de Novembre", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87138bf2-b4a1-4505-9a8c-5a571a302eeb", + "text": "Perfecte, Alba Hernández. Reclamació feta.\n\nMotiu de la reclamació: neteja deficient.\n\nData d'allotjament: 25 de novembre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e945c50a-1d3c-46ab-ac42-ca3c7825aec2", + "text": "Ok. I vindrà algú a netejar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "netejar", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0caf51a2-395a-4919-a49b-f22b809adf0c", + "text": "Sí, ara mateix li enviem el servei de neteja.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecaa2aa7-dab4-4e04-b947-25079b4eeea4", + "text": "Ok. Cap a quina hora arriben?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "766fd4c5-ca2f-4b26-a689-b2ecbb9be942", + "text": "En 10 minuts més o menys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46d392f2-03c8-47c0-b401-95d094d4e7d2", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b619eb98-b7b5-48bf-8d06-48cf3475204e", + "text": "Adeu gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f76a38ac-97eb-4c0d-ae83-69996125e042", + "text": "Moltes gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "625fa5dc-cc7c-41d6-8994-b42d40c8082f", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 5#", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f1c52704-0633-49d5-8604-f5b0435f7e0c", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6477556-f299-43e1-93e7-1f033df59993", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88af1c8d-86b0-4540-a412-401052241ad3", + "text": "Voldria parlar amb un representant humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b98e0d36-ec08-45e9-943b-bcc35ed58430", + "text": "Sobre quin tema voldria parlar?\n\n-Allotjament\n-Reclamació\n-Reserves\n-Dubtes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bce1fc9-5ebb-49cc-b56b-fc027639db13", + "text": "Sobre allotjament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "allotjament", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28c3ea14-5a1e-43be-964e-86a4dd619fd4", + "text": "Molt bé, perfecte. Buscant un agent humà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e3481e3-8c55-4a0e-900e-c0302db9e6d6", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "be550b3b-b399-4529-9d19-b0c4a3e0476f", + "text": "Hi ha molta espera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "espera", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4d39bf9-9326-433f-b2e0-39b6f3de6ea4", + "text": "Ara mateix el temps d'espera és de 5 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d3b3732-e42f-4e77-82fe-29a56f8592ee", + "text": "Vale ja m'està bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ed19512-7b6d-44a9-9d22-f0e3ec73d710", + "text": "Adeu gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "11ce311f-ff16-43d7-a075-222f613c00f5", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d10bc896-ced5-4576-981d-9a90fba3e5e7", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 6#", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "15bbf86f-81a7-49ac-8aae-7a794cc6aef5", + "text": "Bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01c85a53-1913-4272-a7d3-feb3c542b6f9", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7b01a8d-83a4-4871-8d15-ec2f972f8f2f", + "text": "Voldria fer una reserva al vostre hotel per l'any que vé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "l'any que vé", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7338b8f6-68f8-45dc-847e-5a27bd19bc59", + "text": "Es pot, o és massa aviat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b30f54b3-3725-4531-8d2d-f9614956f5ec", + "text": "Per quines dates voldria reservar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7213e233-7709-4a5a-946f-b3882dde6974", + "text": "Doncs seria pel Juny de 2022", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Juny de 2022", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05910b98-d242-446e-a37f-fe011de1e8c4", + "text": "del 3 al 11", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "3", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "11", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6101f93-127d-4beb-93a2-5b13fd237f6e", + "text": "Pero les dates podrien canviar lleugerament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d73103a5-edbe-4896-ac83-ffb9d0bd7ae1", + "text": "Per poder reservar pel 3 a l'11 de juny de 2022 necessitaria reservar a partir del gener de 2022. Vol establir un recordatori?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85081598-67aa-4ede-8de2-cdc789a2804d", + "text": "No ho puc fer ara, per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "62ab6b43-d081-424d-a5ff-fed637d882ea", + "text": "Ho sentim molt. La nostra política d'empresa no ens permet fer reserves amb més de 6 mesos d'anticipació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a42ee628-cf96-4ce2-a3b4-ed613f325e85", + "text": "Vale bueno, fes-me un recordatori doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "recordatori", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3b2620e7-32f1-40d5-bc0d-27cb9034d841", + "text": "Molt bé, perfecte. Per quan vol establir el recordatori?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81663d04-be64-4063-97b1-3059f251ae8b", + "text": "Doncs l'abans possible. Al Gener mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Gener", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d555b982-b641-4bdb-b7fd-f65e5e9ff2fc", + "text": "Em pot indicar el dia, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8c90595-7893-4751-a088-48a1e0ac40fe", + "text": "Doncs no ho sé, el dia 2 de Gener per exemple. Al migdia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "2 de Gener", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Al migdia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59ed0d1c-7fb7-486c-96e4-ea5bafbb6d05", + "text": "A les 12 del migdia li va bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb26a725-2316-4727-b52a-7aadd74e669e", + "text": "Si, vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a64972c0-0594-41be-a1fd-0ef7945f0954", + "text": "Perfecte. Recordatori establert.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ba4a210-2da6-4323-80d2-05d169771807", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 7#", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "28a9929f-813f-4075-a8d4-49af7896ffc6", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4cebb49-767e-4756-bc97-ee92001dd244", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "907366ff-91f2-4569-92e2-28713e881c22", + "text": "Vull demanar un canvi d'habitació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5aef16b-022d-4ed7-a23f-d404367e9d66", + "text": "Em pot dir el motiu, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96b543d7-322e-4337-a2ca-d56bf4131a98", + "text": "Quan vaig fer la reserva la vaig demanar amb vistes al mar, i em van dir que s'ho apuntarien", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "la vaig demanar amb vistes al mar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7104b613-5bde-4aaf-a0e8-9d47617a28d3", + "text": "I l'habitació té vistes al pàrquing i al carrer!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "l'habitació té vistes al pàrquing i al carrer", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b24bdf67-d856-48e5-b570-7cfb80999c07", + "text": "Motiu anotat. Ara mateix li consultem la disponibilitat de les altres habitacions amb vista al mar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f9324b6-7e68-42b9-958e-967e92124083", + "text": "Ok, m'espero no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "65503052-3bb0-4127-8f28-16d8a6a5c165", + "text": "Esperi un moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71f92cad-250d-459d-8412-cd03a98af8fa", + "text": "Hi ha una habitació disponible amb vistes al mar a la 6a planta. Vol sol·licitar el canvi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15bb8b2b-4266-4f5a-bcdd-370945f4c402", + "text": "Si, si puc canviar avui si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b9a944a-c35f-408d-bac2-cc066e8c8173", + "text": "Sí, ara mateix li fem el canvi. Em pot indicar el seu nom i número de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18526b27-e61c-4959-a8f2-5cf9790f316e", + "text": "Si, Cristian Morales", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Cristian", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Morales", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd48d9c9-67c7-421b-a18b-a9ca2ca2a79a", + "text": "Número de reserva 399232361", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "399232361", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1be02299-8170-4292-a648-17ae2112e2bc", + "text": "Moltes gràcies, Cristian. L'habitació s'ha de netejar primer, l'avisarem quan estigui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "744bb3d1-f765-4757-b47a-b1fd216b5f92", + "text": "D'acord, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7fb2eb7b-4706-4bdb-91fd-762042f7abdd", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fe6ea87d-29ba-4655-8022-02b186c16431", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "660270b7-21a1-4545-843e-a76ed7943a99", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 8#", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3165523c-c86f-484d-a50d-f7bb7aac1549", + "text": "Hola necessito llogar un pis a Girona per tot un mes, i potser més temps", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "pis", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "un mes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e04ad1b7-b94a-4543-a1db-3fecd665b97d", + "text": "Pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c67ade1-f3c3-48ff-ad95-854c03e568ef", + "text": "Em pot dir per quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4daa432-c844-49b8-a48c-587d9000b632", + "text": "De l'1 al 31 de Març", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "1", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "31 de Març", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9dc0813a-3ea5-4d02-a673-d03e9b1ff05e", + "text": "I potser m'hauré de quedar més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "54ab88a4-33fa-46dc-b8ea-87a9e345e4ca", + "text": "Pot fer una reserva ara i ampliar-la en cas de necessitar-ho. Només necessita comunicar-ho una setmana abans de deixar l'allotjament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ca2e77d-23c3-4721-b7c8-1c2db421a9f0", + "text": "Ah perfecte, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a6a2deb-0404-4a9c-be07-30ef53c12388", + "text": "Com puc fer la reserva llavors?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a5a601e-59d3-4891-afed-d908d839388e", + "text": "Primer necessitem el seu nom i DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fd2db4a-73e3-42d8-b924-2c7bd86f821f", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f78cb30e-155f-40ed-8688-29737e61824f", + "text": "Joan Mateu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb930e55-510c-4490-b1fa-3e2c7d433d5a", + "text": "DNI número 34150228-L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34150228-L", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60019835-e426-4208-973d-dd092e0a287f", + "text": "El seu nom és Joan Mateu i el DNI és 34150228-L. Correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92d35049-8543-4e04-b621-2a88eafa1b53", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5be8ea1e-d870-471a-983b-6c5dc1218c0c", + "text": "Perfecte. Tenim ara mateix un pis a Girona de 60m2. Vol reservar-lo per aquestes dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecff49f2-1ccd-4245-8059-6397adae7a5b", + "text": "Si, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a1587133-eab0-4cda-9af2-a41e908d831c", + "text": "Molt bé. Com vol efectuar el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cfd01fe-dd42-4df3-87ac-ec62fe22886f", + "text": "El preu és de 400€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22a83f99-fd59-43ca-bbcb-695a25ef2357", + "text": "El puc fer directament en persona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "en persona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39fb7746-eda0-414d-b90c-095112c3cb1c", + "text": "Quan arribi, o una mica abans, potser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f501e03-b004-41f5-9143-0da35992d8be", + "text": "El pot fer en persona el dia d'arribada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dde85cf4-53b2-46ae-9800-07efa70ca04d", + "text": "Perfecte. 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Cancel·lant reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c44df8b7-f10c-4f4e-af76-79442025d525", + "text": "He de fer alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8532fe79-1f0a-4bac-8dd4-3984c2f5ba9f", + "text": "Estem cancel·lant la reserva. No necessita fer res més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f25f5958-9287-4113-906d-260edf06ac88", + "text": "Reserva cancel·lada. Els diners dipositats se li tornaran a la targeta utilitzada per fer la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82d42593-9b92-4fe9-a75a-6c6421507499", + "text": "Ok gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b3812e2-a59b-4cfb-aab4-2a2b488a07ae", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f2df0ec-326c-41e8-99f4-067294faac02", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva confiança.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f58d97ff-c98a-4ba0-a614-ea1e8c921093", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 10#", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2e049220-f88b-4854-b2cb-c5dd8f60a80d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47a666e1-5180-473e-8ff0-6a31abb53648", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3aea1e1f-00b6-4cb8-b097-fce77e332ffc", + "text": "Necessito canviar les dates de la reserva, per l'AirBnB que vaig reservar. Pero el propietari no em contesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "dates", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "AirBnB ", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e872bc4-9c1d-4467-80aa-a47585aad5bd", + "text": "Necessitem el número de reserva per fer la consulta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "055b68fa-e073-423f-aae2-e6e8b79243ae", + "text": "4579B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "4579B", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14525b5c-a085-4b71-9420-586c4fc1052d", + "text": "Perfecte. Tenia una reserva per la setmana que ve a nom de Montserrat Guifré Salvado. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a52b10c-a2e2-41d0-9dcc-b91bd45d11ce", + "text": "Si, aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a33d9558-539b-4f65-ad8f-977bd63fa986", + "text": "Perfecte. Per quan vol efectuar el canvi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96318384-96d9-45dc-a337-de9012409980", + "text": "Necessito moure la reserva per una setmana més tard", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "una setmana més tard", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "40d96bf5-4246-4532-90ad-42a952577a25", + "text": "Perfecte. Em pot dir les dates exactes, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7a6e44d-8826-4a13-89e9-1975e9d07431", + "text": "Si, pel 27 d'Octubre fins el 4 de Novembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "27 d'Octubre", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "4 de Novembre", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82f18b3c-85b4-4fda-b322-68161ced090b", + "text": "Perfecte. El cost és el mateix. Vol utilitzar la mateixa targeta que va incloure en la primera reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6baef0e-0331-4433-bc61-e5279a7bf02d", + "text": "Si, la teniu apuntada oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e800a07-099b-49d4-8bcb-f8ab37f9f3c1", + "text": "Sí. La seva targeta és 3456 6789 6547?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2accfdc-bc87-4bfb-86c5-4bfa94fd95c4", + "text": "Exacte, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc0d7d33-a4e7-4b7e-a36a-b91abe0f4b2b", + "text": "Necessiteu res més per fer el canvi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c5a742fb-1a37-47a7-b8ff-0654206a469f", + "text": "Perfecte. Això és tot. Modificació efectuada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67b93b18-e0db-4181-beda-8ff65e6d57b4", + "text": "Perfecte, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f3b6714-4117-4699-8072-80753dcc3509", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0ebd91f-c0bd-43d5-86fc-ab97a8819707", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5ea75ab-b40f-46e2-a3e6-3b9644b0bcf7", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d40eb7f0-fe56-4eb9-8a90-739a997edb79", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7d83af46-47bd-4b2a-b024-c8c556e8c2df", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "57bed9d4-2cfe-4f96-980c-9f75befb5498", + "text": "Voldria saber l'ubicació dels vostres hotels a Andalusia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ubicació", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotels", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Andalusia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c7676fe-a907-4530-aae1-ccce54c200ca", + "text": "És clar. Tenim hotels a Granada, Sevilla, Lanjarón i Almería.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "753bf4e5-751c-47a2-9282-642225a0f049", + "text": "Vale. Doncs vull reservar per Granada i Almeria. Farem un tour i passarem per aquestes dues ciutats", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Granada ", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Almeria", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2329854-f3b9-4eff-aa79-a54d58f37260", + "text": "Som 6 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d56a1ff-a50d-4260-8b24-4595861d14a2", + "text": "D'acord. Perfecte. Per quines dates voleu reservar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f985be80-667d-47a6-b372-45f4f274650d", + "text": "Doncs a Almeria estarem del 6 a l'11 de Febrer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Almeria", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "11 de Febrer", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "73866df9-2480-4a10-8a3b-245a673810de", + "text": "I a Granada del 12 al 15", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Granada", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "15", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "486c3dcf-17be-46be-9ac7-e07d4623805e", + "text": "Molt bé. Tenim dos hotels disponibles per aquestes dates. El d'Almeria té un cost de 300€ i el de Granada un cost de 140€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b49a55b-df30-46e1-a20c-5d28fb5d2b1d", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a7d2f7d-4747-40c6-af91-fea8d6816457", + "text": "Per persona? O per tots 6?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Per persona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per tots 6", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f9790a0-0e96-4464-8404-97b80f4de431", + "text": "Per tots 6.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0668f2ac-606a-4df0-8e81-146bfa3d53b5", + "text": "Perfecte. Podem fer el pagament directament alla?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "alla", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc327c7a-3f9b-40f8-8c9b-bf3cae1404c1", + "text": "Sí, cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b44ef8e-e15a-4a51-aa1d-e31e04e2c5fe", + "text": "Vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e13f7976-9ec1-4aa5-b263-5199c4816f8a", + "text": "Si gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "748443af-734a-4b7e-ad52-babfa530dc1e", + "text": "Doni'm un nom si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ba47788-abed-404c-a736-1af7448b1558", + "text": "Albert Badal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Albert", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Badal", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4cffa8c3-44e6-4acd-9b3a-f2b3c2c4d077", + "text": "Molt bé Albert. Reserva confirmada. Podrà fer el pagament directament a l'hotel quan arribi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0727b16a-302b-4884-bc37-02607abedb55", + "text": "Molt bé gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0f183c70-759e-499c-b1df-dc542d8a5d35", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28c83449-11cb-4e3e-8fd6-777391f00f48", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2eb2db07-b4b5-402f-8808-5524e2a301bd", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber si puc reservar un dels vostres Bungalows a nom d'una altra persona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "Bungalows", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "a nom d'una altra persona", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71672dbb-6579-42a6-bac5-18f4c0b10e69", + "text": "Per reservar un Bungalow en nom d'una altra persona necessitem el seu DNI i el de la persona beneficiària.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d8879ea-2c65-40c8-b935-396ae6ce2ff6", + "text": "Ah vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b104aca5-1add-46ab-8ba1-5afe1073f454", + "text": "Un segon que li pregunto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "85c59383-eaa4-4e53-b474-4c8a95a26a09", + "text": "El meu és 59011477-D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "59011477-D", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "542667fc-71be-43b4-a9f7-796577796756", + "text": "I el d'ella és el 479255700-N", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "479255700-N", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db22e894-19fe-420e-bb84-c365ed0901e0", + "text": "Perfecte. Com es diu la persona beneficiària?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "266e0fa1-0052-40f8-a2e0-7d0e48a53c2a", + "text": "Gina Murray", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Gina ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Murray", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f65581d-1f94-49b9-af45-038a58788208", + "text": "Perfecte. Per quines dates s'allotjarà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9295ce81-33c3-4fcc-ba83-3bb48fa2fde8", + "text": "El cap de setmana del 14 al 16 de Juny", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "14", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "16 de Juny", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8507182-73e8-44d4-95f4-942eefb98a00", + "text": "Molt bé. Qui pagarà la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a55fbad1-c9d7-4e33-b107-60f42d363f8d", + "text": "Ella mateixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9e54b9ef-f4f0-404e-adb9-102211280566", + "text": "Ho pot fer online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b0c60925-875c-44fe-b738-7ba8ab8883ad", + "text": "Perfecte. Pagarà a l'hotel?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4acac923-c638-4104-90ba-381a9f6afd4b", + "text": "Si es pot fer online millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7d81dd1-820a-4cce-9773-8da06b9f8a36", + "text": "Molt bé. Doni'm el seu número de targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1816aab6-3684-47af-b8e9-76fd02484f3c", + "text": "Ara no el tinc. Es pot fer online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f51bd33-93fd-4319-a271-0b185a11170e", + "text": "Directament a la pàgina web, no per aquí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2b960d2-7c51-4ee7-aa14-c3d6baba1a13", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Cap problema. Sap com accedir a la web?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0be0c345-a050-4a8a-be5f-db7f19542125", + "text": "Si, crec que si gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "347826d8-980a-40bc-aba6-33f9d22c87ab", + "text": "Perfecte. Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5e5adec-5e88-4c5d-9d85-b8493f371185", + "text": "No, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "29f43c00-7898-4278-a3cb-1b66a32f95dc", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "005f2112-9d62-43be-aab8-660fa530e79c", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c49930b-0432-418d-8e86-d69fceac2947", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "00a41a70-4e22-4a47-b391-c2034c97dd1c", + "text": "Hola, bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a0ce5c4-cd8c-4fa7-a812-f9a21289431f", + "text": "Hola, com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "218d2ebb-4c77-4906-a37b-4e47e58d9e09", + "text": "Us contacto perque acabo de veure que m'heu cobrat dues vegades per la reserva de l'apartament que vaig reservar la setmana passada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "cobrat dues vegades", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78513d17-9af7-4b21-a737-b745683bcf5a", + "text": "Sento les molèsties. Em pot dir el número de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3aa9ee78-295e-4004-883a-84f664322467", + "text": "5002GXA", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "5002GXA", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9df1a274-a6df-4b74-b2c8-d51667e919ef", + "text": "Perfecte. Sembla que hi hagut un error. Em pot confirmar que la seva targeta és la 6547 7654 8644?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f916ae31-ffaa-46a2-96d9-a843021a1f20", + "text": "Si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e03c1b02-7e4c-4ea5-9599-f518c9361c18", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara li tornarem els diners a aquesta mateixa targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7eefae7f-a778-45e0-8a01-86f156336c11", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3542d0da-aab5-47fe-af9e-62bedcb962b3", + "text": "No, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dfe640ef-938e-4792-8fbe-8efb05a53a2b", + "text": "Quants dies trigara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quants dies", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75354939-9ccd-4002-9549-0d1c52381b4a", + "text": "En un parell de dies màxim tindrà els diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "880797b1-3b31-4a62-b5f5-9032566b352c", + "text": "Ok gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5873f89f-0700-4ed1-bda8-98c6e4b2d9b8", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4327c2b-ac40-40b9-90c9-d4fad42158e9", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c44bf4cd-94a0-49fc-a353-cb734672e0e6", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2bbf16a7-f914-4977-a234-371905045ce1", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c41d1424-0ea8-4154-ae05-f3017fa2ab2b", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8fb0714-f6fd-4b62-9a82-4dc826f0c732", + "text": "Tenim una reserva amb vosaltres i volia saber si es pot afegir una persona més a l'habitació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "una", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16f74e76-69bf-4c4e-ae45-346b6e88fa5e", + "text": "Sí, cap problema. Si em confirma el número de reserva podem fer el canvi. Li cobrarem 10€ per la gestió. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d794695-04e4-445c-8214-816d322970c6", + "text": "Si, vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eff20799-d1dc-44e6-8bb0-6ba11924fbe6", + "text": "El numero és 100356771248625", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "100356771248625", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f8208db-fe8f-4d5f-9598-3f82bcf2db68", + "text": "Perfecte. Veig que la reserva era per l'hotel Catalonia de Barcelona pel dies 26-30 de novembre. Correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00892ae6-307d-415f-86e1-1aaf9e2d4c4d", + "text": "Si, per 3 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a0ed28b8-9153-4227-a994-e271789520ed", + "text": "I ara serem 4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f903655d-0869-4044-8e4a-b2f19695709f", + "text": "Sera una habitació amb 4 llits, o dos dobles? O com funciona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "4 llits", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "dos dobles", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23324360-fcf8-4e3e-8558-30e40f427cb8", + "text": "Serà una habitació amb dos llits dobles. Li sembla bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2f92370-b429-4760-aa36-6d0927ab6385", + "text": "Si pot ser un doble i dos d'individuals?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "un doble", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "dos d'individuals", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f29a8499-872b-4533-996e-4eb48c2177ca", + "text": "Les altres dues persones son dos menors", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5ddb179-1efa-443a-a61a-89820fd1ac3d", + "text": "Esperi un segon, si us plau. Estic consultant la disponibilitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b312ab05-099a-46d3-85eb-6f6597528c23", + "text": "D'acord espero", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "97e0e603-8efa-4b01-b40d-85df09336ec2", + "text": "Hi ha una habitació amb un llit doble i dos individuals disponible. Vol que els efectuem el canvi i allotjar-se a aquesta habitació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd49ce72-f4dc-45c4-8dd3-0bca553ecff2", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ed231a0-22ca-4186-8b3e-b718a751af72", + "text": "Té el mateix preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3bd42c8-3b81-4349-8b85-75ed70906221", + "text": "Sí, només s'afegirien els 10€ addicionals per la gestió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e42cbad-af88-422e-b282-9dd7aa48a557", + "text": "D'acord perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "597298bc-97fd-4ffa-ad76-20c5d62b03ff", + "text": "Canvi efectuat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dd61189-2185-421e-87d5-7106c3c53ff4", + "text": "Merci, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a84f53e-62ff-4e61-821f-019d591dacf6", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "938accf9-a5c1-42f8-be64-3dd5725eeda1", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0d574160-5619-4639-9ea3-7ead1ddea05b", + "text": "Bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5abce5cd-cd4d-4608-b7a7-f826afcab171", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54257133-e31a-41e5-a6fa-5f7ced905df5", + "text": "Encara no he rebut el correu de confirmació de la reserva, i fa molts dies que la vaig fer ja", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no he rebut el correu de confirmació", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44a5c620-ce39-4245-837e-1236ef184a9f", + "text": "Hi ha algun problema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0cb962a7-41b3-4d58-8348-8d4c64044d15", + "text": "Disculpi les molèsties. Quin és el número de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44a3068b-9324-44e8-a48b-b65027c25c98", + "text": "Un segon ara et dic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a5c4ef2-700e-4a18-aa37-9b93e659077e", + "text": "03496782309HYP", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "03496782309HYP", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00eb6ca9-8e4b-4ff2-b8dc-9778da60dd7e", + "text": "Perfecte. La reserva sembla efectuada correctament. Vol que li enviem un correu confirmant la reserva altre cop?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d179b60-b238-4c64-9102-038ac4004b9b", + "text": "Si, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4856f6a5-3874-46a7-ae16-ddd624bbf1e5", + "text": "Em pot dir un correu, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2112335-ba5a-43d6-8dac-dab95f352776", + "text": "carles.moreno@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "carles.moreno@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39c2d48f-7e3e-425a-a336-7d1ba5e5152f", + "text": "Perfecte. Acabem d'enviar-li un correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e2968f7-3b53-4e6c-86a3-5df93f7041aa", + "text": "Si, ja el tinc gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1915514b-30e0-4ef9-9ca7-8bcca8eb7349", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "545af702-3a00-44a8-bd80-15bfe69d9e7b", + "text": "Moltes gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c82f321-9f52-4dbe-b63b-2601ff109dba", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "427e2154-fb18-45b7-adf9-3c01205d703a", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f9fa84c-ae9f-48d6-800b-344bc0659bf7", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "766922b1-4c76-46bc-b0cb-b2a46e7ba5ee", + "text": "Volia saber si es poden fer pre-reserves", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pre-reserves", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1877654c-e9b6-4e7b-9aeb-78ec188884d3", + "text": "La nostra empresa accepta prereserves sí. Quan es fa una prereserva no és necessari pagar fins una setmana abans.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd860ec5-a0fc-47a1-8dc2-fa392f28e365", + "text": "Ah perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fcfa1447-417e-4120-968e-8b3ab967f4fc", + "text": "Per quan vol fer una prereserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78f0e293-1e73-46d8-beb3-d5a37c4bd22d", + "text": "Doncs si, vull fer una pre-reserva per el dia 22 d'aquest mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "22 d'aquest mes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3cc741c3-adff-4355-877b-b3305ac1fe12", + "text": "Perfecte. A quin dels nostres hotels vol allotjar-se?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4aaf569e-c42c-4322-9198-d2bfbc67175a", + "text": "El que estigui més aprop de l'estació d'Atocha a Madrid", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aprop de l'estació d'Atocha", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e9daeae7-567a-4355-8d05-e9b017042b70", + "text": "Molt bé. L'hotel més proper és l'hotel Cinco Jotas, de tres estrelles. El cost final es pagarà a l'arribar i seran 100€. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "827111c9-5032-4171-9d95-f5640a266751", + "text": "Val si, continuem", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa2231e0-ca54-4fce-9fc2-2850fda8eb11", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessitaré el seu nom per fer la prereserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96641037-0c7c-49c3-8c0e-02d475f2fb4d", + "text": "Si, Paloma Jimeno", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paloma", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Jimeno", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea609dfb-18d7-4be5-9a45-c77b82bd6d7b", + "text": "Molt bé. Pre-reserva confirmada pel 22 de novembre a l'hotel Cinco Jotas.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "414c7011-c8f2-40a0-ad47-3140794f2385", + "text": "Gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7cece6f-a07e-4203-a28c-b7f38abfc592", + "text": "Adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd2d6229-0157-43b8-938e-25a644c0098e", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e530184-9695-40f5-b9b8-8582e1be2f34", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "99b5798e-bff1-4b60-b1cd-245a061316c6", + "text": "Hola, us contacto perque estic intentant fer una reserva a la pàgina web pero quan intento fer el pagament, no em deixa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pagament", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19029c44-06e2-4eb4-aff7-2dbbf9283a85", + "text": "Hola. Moltes gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres. Sento que tingui problemes. Vol fer la reserva per aquí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea9fbba5-ba39-4d07-ace1-a0daf26779cb", + "text": "Vale si, si es pot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ea667727-c5f0-46f9-b444-3f3f273b49b6", + "text": "Sí, cap problema. Només necessitem el seu nom i DNI i dades de pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f1701d2-c7d3-4c63-9da8-a6079f7f016a", + "text": "Vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb06781f-bd11-4eab-b216-93b1b44d2161", + "text": "Gustavo José Valenzuela", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Gustavo José", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Valenzuela", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f10ed4f-a0d2-44db-ac93-cb6e8e5caad1", + "text": "el DNI es 379091255", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "379091255", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd10ae45-802a-4add-88be-65109c56b180", + "text": "i la lletra la B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "B", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9eae486-799e-41fc-bf28-f2d42d37bd56", + "text": "Perfecte. Per quan vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12f2f105-216a-462b-8a6c-0b88c1a3edc0", + "text": "Doncs per aquesta setmana, pel dijous si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dijous", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "909875d0-a366-4ef5-9ebb-d7b44d42ac1c", + "text": "D'acord. Reserva pel 26 de novembre. Quantes persones sereu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10ef388f-7e2b-4c9a-9735-267a426445c7", + "text": "Som 2", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9ee692e-9b11-47c0-acdc-8be56b0b7446", + "text": "Molt bé. El preu és 64€. Vol continuar amb el pagament o vol pagar més endavant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e7e2760-825f-4e4e-8303-05043c578202", + "text": "Doncs ara mateix em va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3e7b3f9-564d-486e-a2e5-17f6adbb9438", + "text": "Perfecte. Digui'm el seu número de targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fde15bf4-870d-4a90-92cf-bba2df0aa36c", + "text": "Si, a veure un segon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4322f33-bc69-4a35-b7da-ed3da01c4f1c", + "text": "4568723857105726", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4568723857105726", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "958e6ab3-4bb7-4812-86d6-b030ef380087", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies. Ara mateix li efectuem la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2335cf02-11c9-4b8f-8867-9db44a0ebf34", + "text": "Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "24b83fd1-15be-44c8-87e8-0f069bb71726", + "text": "Necessito fer alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c37d389-0258-45a9-8488-8f947aa89f86", + "text": "Res més. Això és tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de8077b2-ef5b-4865-84fe-3dcff1e84478", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1009e4bf-32f9-4131-a01b-9fc534d961db", + "text": "D'acord gràcies adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3123396-45bb-43ef-8d28-e31310f5821a", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4fbb2529-c4ec-49c1-8ad7-a48d5378b26c", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fce91133-c781-45d4-bf0d-8a0079edac83", + "text": "Bon dia, com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "940a06c7-f1b2-4b44-b740-c649d6a1ed88", + "text": "La setmana passada vam estar a l'hotel, i ens vam deixar una maleta petita a l'habitació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ens vam deixar una maleta petita", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac115d82-f84f-4254-b9e2-990960a951fd", + "text": "Em pot descriure la maleta, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f764e9a6-9267-44a1-9685-ffddb6d406be", + "text": "Si, es una maleta de mà de pell marró", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "maleta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "de mà de pell marró", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d66822f8-9da1-45d1-a1a2-8f9184d0445b", + "text": "Amb rodes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Amb rodes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0cba3ad3-94ff-4e94-b8d5-63ba7c53a719", + "text": "de la marca Samsung", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "Samsung", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "801a1317-067a-43ad-ab05-1f368aac5e53", + "text": "Acabo de consultar la llista d'objectes perduts i hem trobat una maleta marró amb rodes. Ara li enviarem una fotografia. Si us plau confirmi que és la seva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "950c80e6-7116-49f9-bcbe-b126f9c3d5b8", + "text": "Aquí té la fotografia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16a5c515-0593-459f-922d-04c63aab511d", + "text": "Si, és aquesta!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "607b392c-85c7-4187-9145-01e6cc5f3f69", + "text": "Que bé que l'heu trobat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd517b82-8062-4e23-80a0-88c345a4c58d", + "text": "Perfecte. Vol que li enviem o vindrà a buscar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04ad8d59-67f6-463e-8ab8-9d756b5594de", + "text": "Ah doncs si la podeu enviar, m'aniria genial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6874619e-d331-4eb4-bcb1-5cd7c1d3643a", + "text": "Té algun cost?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9aa06744-2bea-409c-a694-52cba1c60327", + "text": "No té cap cost. La tarifa d'allotjament inclou la possible pèrdua d'objectes i el seu enviament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ea973d9-12b9-4ae6-baa9-6ab383325885", + "text": "Ah molt bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "828127a8-581b-49e2-88b2-344c0679256e", + "text": "Doncs si, envieu-m'ho a la meva adreça de Barcelona si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b24e924-76ce-4b2d-bf01-bf8c10296a1f", + "text": "No sé si la teniu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b3246845-5afa-4849-b035-44d9707abf45", + "text": "Molt bé. Ens pot confirmar l'adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55d4865e-0814-476b-bc40-e68d2bda907d", + "text": "Almansa 71", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Almansa 71", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3877c2a8-f81f-460d-9e7b-18fdf02c366b", + "text": "escala B, 3r 2a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "escala B, 3r 2a", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "464210b0-7a21-4510-9061-00b63beb4ea0", + "text": "Perfecte. Li enviarem a carrer Almansa, 71, escala B, 3r 2a.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e91c071-37fc-4961-8df0-a675b429854c", + "text": "La tindrà en un parell de dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b4a5c2d-d150-4f12-80a6-747485903f21", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e47d444b-c10d-4ae7-bb57-fe0c89f4a38a", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dee8514a-61e9-431b-bf64-96021c977390", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df842b83-5cdf-4ba6-9bf2-a0da1ba2fe79", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "99fa72e4-70ca-424f-9af1-61b85dafb899", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96e913e7-9929-4174-af9b-848e98b6d867", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53a17407-a749-4aab-a678-988b0ff26f83", + "text": "Volia preguntar si puc fer dues reserves en dues dates diferents", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dues reserves", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ffad230-19aa-49d8-abf6-ec220489c5af", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Em pot dir les dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60dcec2b-24f8-4bf0-8324-a82a1bfa1f78", + "text": "Si, seria primer per la setmana que ve, del dimarts al divendres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "dimarts", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47ff33fa-cde2-4d3b-9908-782b18004a44", + "text": "I després pel Gener, del 15 al 21", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Gener", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "15", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "21", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bb0c833-22aa-4090-9f31-81ba94374613", + "text": "Molt bé. Digui'm el seu nom i DNI si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b19c6285-6ab3-421a-be4e-cc506f339068", + "text": "Si, em dic Iria Ayerbe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Iria", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ayerbe", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d58fc8d3-d43b-417a-a173-2d3b5e55ca4b", + "text": "I tinc NIE, és el Y335099851", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "NIE", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "Y335099851", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "90d93103-8d97-4325-92c8-b0582805b6e8", + "text": "Molt bé. El NIE també serveix. Vol pagar online o directament quan arribi als hotels?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fd65a88-1285-4a96-ba8f-cf0b680cc3e9", + "text": "Doncs a l'hotel si pot ser millor gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba044e7d-b139-4d6c-aabe-378397ac202f", + "text": "Molt bé. Reserva confirmada. Quedem a l'espera del pagament, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b17b26c-4c0e-4de4-8be1-086ebd655b18", + "text": "Adeu merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b82db649-5110-4c90-a34e-d0f1f01aca3f", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af3d0e57-38b2-4a6e-a28c-52ec91b9ab2a", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "afd29a7a-7dc3-426e-9d99-bc3cb400c80b", + "text": "Hola bones, necessito sol·licitar una cancel·lació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e85521b5-2679-4b2f-9f1c-66dd6c060330", + "text": "Però la reserva era per demà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b16a91f1-1884-4035-a4bd-89eb16bc82d4", + "text": "Doncs no sé si hi ha alguna penalització", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "penalització", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb023537-eba8-4ad9-85f9-09003a775dc9", + "text": "Molt bé cap problema. Amb menys de 24h d'antelació només se li tornarà el 20% de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "495e480a-f5f1-4cf1-a9f6-7d794e702008", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01ca5209-f8c3-4fc2-8c29-e76d2c8df8d5", + "text": "Només torneu el 20%?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "df32f553-84b3-4fb4-8af8-75f2a50c1578", + "text": "Ufff bueno, ok si seguim", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "50142f8f-32db-4df5-b392-b0d7d4749e67", + "text": "Sí, només el 20%. Vol continuar doncs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f208276a-e0ca-4ff9-8f92-8a000c956fdd", + "text": "D'acord si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5b8db432-a6eb-4abf-9729-772a653a0a28", + "text": "Digui'm el seu número de reserva, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71d1a046-2a2c-4454-b220-3cadb393035a", + "text": "3096YN", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "3096YN", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "485e6dd4-31e4-4d5c-a4ed-203e6d4d63b2", + "text": "Molt bé, perfecte. Efectuant la cancel·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5eb82ef-433e-4b53-97da-753af4d5ece1", + "text": "Vale. Ja esta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "132b7b0c-c959-4be5-b703-9983007b6062", + "text": "Sí, el 20% se li tornarà en un període màxim de 48h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dcd40bd4-eddd-4504-9ddf-cca61c3fed56", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2e68167e-6006-433f-8ef3-be618c34902e", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db6a15eb-8d58-4be5-8c68-bf267ec7d4d1", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7aaf8058-db36-469a-ab41-08ef1291791f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "40aa6c5e-526e-4462-aad6-7d6e8b2e63d2", + "text": "Bon dia. Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b53623c9-87de-431b-9703-6026778437e7", + "text": "Bon dia, volia anar a Girona el proper cap de setmana i voldria llogar dues habitacions", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "proper cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dues habitacions", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c0917c0-2662-4219-b40e-c76cb5a9d002", + "text": "Per a quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b71dcbf8-4798-4a55-8675-06cca0adb787", + "text": "4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f09b0a6e-fda6-4330-9390-0dc2319b8c4f", + "text": "Quin és el seu pressupost màxim per nit?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07ab1498-7e67-4b71-ad6b-c77cd3a53b9b", + "text": "Uns 100€ per habitació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "100", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb30c062-3915-4c40-96f0-9162bc4fbb84", + "text": "Voldríen habitació d'hotel o apartament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a2787ac-2700-4238-8988-8042501a872b", + "text": "D'hotel si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f4e427af-e023-4533-8ea8-a38b41214a4d", + "text": "Són 4 adults?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c919997-231d-4b1c-aa23-886beb1169e1", + "text": "2 adults i dos nens", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "2 adults", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55ea7888-f409-4bf0-be08-5592496abaa4", + "text": "Li recomanem l'Hotel Palau de Bellavista Girona by URHS. Pot saber-ne més aquí https://www.urhbellavistagironahotel.com/es/", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df2313b0-fc29-4688-bbd1-dfc88e6e4562", + "text": "Gràcies, ara el miro!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a84a312f-967b-4e75-9796-7d143dbde1c4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "83faf893-4e7a-4e9d-a46f-64bbaaf06bef", + "text": "Volia confirmar que la meva reserva t�� pensió complerta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "pensió complerta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "060b7bdb-9796-4a3b-acc3-10753a164033", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu DNI i el codi de reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7f5e9ba-cfda-4ac8-b75d-6ca5757117ce", + "text": "12333673S, codi:12470", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "12333673S", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "12470", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f4c5621-c1aa-4720-8738-f8e01cb7b529", + "text": "Segons consta aquí, només tenen inclòs l'esmorzar. Voldría fer que sigui pensió completa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9245c919-8078-4901-be27-3635551a4163", + "text": "Sí, si us plau. Quant més costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3b1432a4-7afd-45d5-a4f8-3a35da9663d3", + "text": "17€ per persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "015c2853-d2db-4cd1-9e3d-3fe62d139d58", + "text": "Hi ha alguna oferta? Em sembla massa...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f80856e-68d2-402f-b2d4-037d2b716a9c", + "text": "Si ho contracten online serien 12€ per persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc885e54-79a8-4e49-b3cb-854779807567", + "text": "Perfecte, llavors, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01e47585-d73f-4ed8-97c0-b6685a0efa62", + "text": "D'acord, se li cobrarà directament a la targeta que consta a la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "867b3c5f-f54e-4772-8f02-7f193fcae2b3", + "text": "D'acord i gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c801b62e-9f9a-450b-8338-034227024034", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "14e5f446-77aa-429c-9ac0-98e95c22f6a3", + "text": "Voldria saber si el vostre hotel té habitacions per setmana santa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "habitacions", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "setmana santa", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8de7c9cd-adea-49a6-b928-76c4889591d3", + "text": "Per a quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd640983-0b61-4980-8e6b-a9ed65a5598e", + "text": "Dues", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "Dues", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29f50f0e-7f5f-401c-b9c4-3cf8f1370fe9", + "text": "Quantes nits voldrien?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c8a976c-1193-472b-ba22-f0efe3b96124", + "text": "5 nits", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "5", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a43e1bbb-fabf-42f7-92cb-3458aa57393c", + "text": "Tenim disponible una habitació doble del 15 al 20 d'abril per 145€/nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6424a2a3-daed-40f8-9dcb-7856264692ec", + "text": "I no teniu res més barat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més barat", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1dd8c43a-ac20-4a35-88f2-a3c29f22674a", + "text": "Tenim una habitació amb lavabo compartit per 90€ la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d52c790d-a5c6-4933-87df-ee2de158326e", + "text": "Em sembla millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de9bf26c-e6ee-41bf-a529-6eca7be0f03c", + "text": "Doncs la voldria reservar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03321aca-a6cb-4630-951b-6c684a8c2df9", + "text": "A nom de qui voldria fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce3b4f73-87e2-42c5-9242-cbdf1363cbf1", + "text": "Paco Fernandes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paco", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fernandes", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed4ada6f-49ef-40dd-958b-9f1bf78e1e39", + "text": "Em podria facilitar un correu electrònic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55ce4f8b-8b6f-48a2-849f-ca32a3f10789", + "text": "pfer@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "pfer@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4db03954-7591-48cb-aca5-0f304a401abb", + "text": "Ja consta la seva reserva. Li enviarem una confirmació al correu proporcionat. Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88891a69-64d3-4b04-b730-af7fb7249f17", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a8ce6db3-9ad8-4c94-8642-8db4f4f18a8a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c856c944-021d-4bf6-86d9-12fef60615dc", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber si accepten gossos al seu hotel", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "gossos", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba7da2f8-151a-44bf-b5c9-5010a6cd0b70", + "text": "Malhauradament no n'acceptem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c680aa1-be21-4c95-b3f4-c3c28f88b264", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "255075f9-4bcf-4e33-ab26-767185cd9adc", + "text": "Sap si hi ha algun altre hotel a prop que n'acceptiN?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7929ac5-6782-4dc7-becc-2a29a34671fb", + "text": "Tenim una casa rural on poden anar amb gossos. Els interessaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b273245d-2d53-40c6-89fa-d3760771f81a", + "text": "Sii", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14659867-1124-47e8-86e4-2559ae1f4868", + "text": "Per a quantes persones és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1594a5c8-2c82-4160-98a6-29e8e9188996", + "text": "3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "3", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61b45efc-5a8a-49b6-be45-02bbf045de22", + "text": "Quines dates els interessen?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "05695767-142f-4667-9c73-1f5e914abcb0", + "text": "Doncs al Nadal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "al Nadal", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b53bde4-bed0-4380-af92-02c9af07dc87", + "text": "Podríen trucar al 973 387 001 per fer la reserva si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9790bea5-9956-4064-844e-8f14c4f48b4f", + "text": "Clar! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5d3c7b7e-3596-450c-af31-9221c9e33a30", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e940bfdf-e10f-4de6-8d06-664c04fedd59", + "text": "Bon dia, he vist que tenen una habitació anomenada Presidencial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "habitació anomenada Presidencial", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63a8e2d9-9c27-4691-8578-5724094899ea", + "text": "Què té d'especial?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aeae8431-e60f-477e-af94-85a834584d75", + "text": "Té un jacuzzi i inclou pensió completa a l'habitació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7744bf5c-5f47-4f5c-9abb-1af11b4d300d", + "text": "Interessant, quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a0a216a4-be9d-46f4-8019-bc11d685f196", + "text": "180€ la nit dels caps de setmana, 145 entre setmana.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe153098-6e5a-4296-83fc-a87503b8d3fa", + "text": "Doncs la voldria reservar per un divendres i un dissabte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "un divendres i un dissabte", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e20f4f91-a7f3-4367-93f4-b4c0a91d08db", + "text": "A nom de qui fem la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e936255-de0d-4a2b-bed5-aabcce699ff6", + "text": "Manolo Fernandez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Manolo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fernandez", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9c6ce2b-28eb-4c60-a77c-62d9973222ba", + "text": "Per a quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a848ec8a-ad3e-44e3-aeb7-06f7a7ebe14f", + "text": "Doncs, podria ser aquesta setmana o la vinent?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquesta setmana o la vinent", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18a28d2f-d4a7-4140-8fec-604b067c6855", + "text": "Quina data exacta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89d169fc-5310-4928-be71-0db76428b302", + "text": "Qualsevol, mentre sigui divendres i dissabte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "divendres i dissabte", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db7a2175-f628-4678-bc64-77cca6661886", + "text": "10 i 11 de desembre, per 180 la nit, per a dues persones.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87f6e6d4-090f-432b-95e8-1a2c2e418d19", + "text": "D'acord, confirmo la reserva!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e3b2df8-b000-4c10-b0a6-2be7b69ba553", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5f907e0b-571c-4ff8-acc9-eda856c3e8a5", + "text": "Voldria saber quins son els preus durant la temporada baixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preus", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "temporada baixa", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2653ce25-c751-4d84-b4b1-ad93e872fb4e", + "text": "He estat mirant la plana web i no surten aquests preus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c17656c6-a845-4f0c-868b-9c7e7368ac28", + "text": "És lloguer de temporada, durant temporada baixa tanquem l'establiment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5999fb01-1975-433e-8a71-93415c83565f", + "text": "Mm doncs quina llastima, perque estava molt interessat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6854111c-06e2-49b2-bf14-263bbdf28d14", + "text": "Quan torneu a obrir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f077e213-b426-4a6b-8d13-5a0998995289", + "text": "De maig a octubre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38daf3bc-3bf2-4420-8257-5c878de5a53a", + "text": "Doncs a l'octubre ens agradaria anar que aquella zona ha de ser preciosa a la tardor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "octubre", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "379a2ecf-dc30-48a7-bf64-509e7857d513", + "text": "Hauria de fer la reserva a través de la pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c43de7d-6f1b-4896-901b-8e1bd2c547a9", + "text": "Quina és?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e1e658d1-a44c-4ba6-8fed-cff419460a5c", + "text": "http://canbaladia.com/ca/", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5f811b9-1932-427e-9280-f3f2f00b6d3d", + "text": "Gràcies, ara la faig!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3138b627-1ac0-4fae-a723-5e7b276dddfb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fcdbbd96-ef28-4ea1-b76d-b8e76de4c7f9", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ccaa635-ec1d-486f-93ab-6aae8f73a3d4", + "text": "Bon dia, crec que vaig perdre el meu anell a la habitació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "vaig perdre el meu anell a la habitació", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9b3e993a-5c81-420b-ae93-8cba1a9e4fad", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu nom i cognom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "594f0154-f8e3-4c2c-842c-8a97e67f43f4", + "text": "Joana Ruiz", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ruiz", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78b7574a-8b50-4b1e-902f-1aeefcbbc49a", + "text": "Quina és la referència de la seva reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23a2c1bd-7da4-4412-ab2f-59d58eef92a9", + "text": "08979", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "8979", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4579f87f-6b83-47cf-b29a-d777c0330e80", + "text": "Efectivament, tenim a la nostra secció d'objectes perduts un anell del 21/05/2021.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "300dff51-381b-4b8c-81b3-1ac18a7b61de", + "text": "El podria anar a recogir en una setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8492613f-236b-412c-8f82-95651aed1f16", + "text": "He de portar alguna cosa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "48ed57c8-1e88-4e23-8ed1-e8e3df7d002c", + "text": "Sí, el seu DNI i la seva reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79713dfb-a014-4cc4-aa06-5dda54520ce7", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13c12215-c89c-4e60-bb71-8f87184134d7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c8501d9d-73a0-4cd2-9155-e77d666c9d5c", + "text": "Hola:) Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "920ebf91-5935-4dfa-af13-5bf8a72af9f0", + "text": "COM POT SER QUE TINGUEU LES HABITACIONS TAN BRUTES!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "HABITACIONS TAN BRUTES", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81d96e49-1250-4201-86a4-9b6f5c4149e5", + "text": "Lamento sentir això. Quina és la teva habitació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bfaa0ac1-39d1-4f94-87d8-f08cdbe8cc92", + "text": "La 123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "123", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4112e2c-3ff2-4931-bd89-6b9558be8d8b", + "text": "Em pots dir el teu número de reserva i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a8173b8-71bf-4992-bfe4-8a8815ee266f", + "text": "01274", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "1274", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29f17a28-6be4-4d2a-b35e-90ffb776ef87", + "text": "I el meu DNI 34127086W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34127086W", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf5e955b-4bfe-4075-9822-0730798b25e8", + "text": "Segons el nostre registre la teva habitació va ser netejada abans de que hi accedís.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fec94b60-d3ee-4bea-ad6e-ba73ab030551", + "text": "DONCS JA ET DIC JO QUE NO", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94138784-d1fe-4cc5-940a-4d7db1516bac", + "text": "Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e66b675-5f7c-42bf-b59a-75728f42059f", + "text": "És igual, deixaré una mala review a tripadvisor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "476ab7b1-ddcf-4d11-9bd6-9c55604e77d5", + "text": "Lamento que la teva experiència no hagi sigut agradable. Que tinguis un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57b9a229-400d-4abf-981c-6dca0bbf04a0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "28cb5f4e-0bf2-4f26-8702-e79283aae21e", + "text": "Bona tarda. Amb que el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab12fab4-6790-4543-86f5-463a27c5aeba", + "text": "Bon dia, m'agradaria coneixer quin es el protocol COVID de l'hotel?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "protocol COVID", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56638967-2c22-412f-9940-cb17cdbce696", + "text": "Actualment es requereix l'ús de la mascareta en tot moment als espais comuns, així com l'ús de gel hidroalcohòlic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1109658-b962-4240-80d3-b4c623ad75ba", + "text": "El personal de neteja té algun protocol especific?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "personal de neteja", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "protocol especific", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2a4d95e-dbc8-422c-9c51-11a27e0a8c0b", + "text": "Es realitzen desinfeccions abans de l'entrega de les habitacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f9c21d4f-fc27-4f3c-9a86-d40edb33ac84", + "text": "I utilitzen mascareta i guants en tot moment?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mascareta", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "guants", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21f9d92f-036e-4282-8900-ac624de264ce", + "text": "Sí, en tot moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0fd9e177-dbc4-452b-861f-c01f5a4a9509", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f20bfe25-8915-472c-bd58-59f50a9a9d35", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8df9694e-e17a-426f-9b2c-f416e474d58b", + "text": "No, això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c937b502-f663-44da-9032-7f472a7bb4cd", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "515904e4-54f1-4dd1-b2c3-8a3cb56b5442", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "47e6178e-1be9-4c8c-b4f5-94959efa7f09", + "text": "Bon dia, com pot ser que la recepcionista no parlés ni català ni castellà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "la recepcionista no parlés ni català ni castellà", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad0e6c3e-ef6a-479b-8033-c8192cf2f784", + "text": "Bon dia. Em pot dir a quin establiment fa referència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59cfc96d-8e24-4f1f-85ca-94b08c16d8fa", + "text": "A l'hotel a Sant Antoni", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sant Antoni", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e94a6555-8333-41c7-9aac-b957f65516f3", + "text": "Quin dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "251a03b4-1797-49e9-9ee0-be1f43bc12ad", + "text": "Fa dos dies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Fa dos dies", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f4cffc05-1aab-49e8-b69f-b4532621b7f2", + "text": "Al mati", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Al mati", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19453b68-eed7-4579-be8d-00d0c26ca324", + "text": "Contactarem l'establiment per informar de l'incident i prendrem mesures.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d01a1848-881f-42c1-be96-5160e64b080e", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d999850d-df50-47dd-9165-19fec6872271", + "text": "No m'havia passat mai i no ho puc entendre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5896ed3f-5866-4c80-97a1-2beeee9fe335", + "text": "Lamentem que hagi tingut aquesta experiència. Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2c5e51b-96e6-4383-98f2-8ace3e27726a", + "text": "De res i bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8558702a-7a45-4aa7-aa10-ffdaeb0e8ea5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bc22db3f-47c1-42f3-a692-b2922bfd2413", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria reservar una habitació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "66089788-a29d-4029-8632-4441dad49c88", + "text": "Per quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6759730b-4f12-487f-855d-665ac3dc70c5", + "text": "Una nit el dia 17", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "17", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "Una nit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "625f78f8-7bac-43ca-bcfa-27a3a9efd7a6", + "text": "Per a quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36ddee50-05b1-4435-abfe-005ea32480a7", + "text": "Per dues!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "dues", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86329f68-7cac-4a62-a5ed-ed8d7e053dd9", + "text": "A nom de qui vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb445468-7826-405e-bc83-d4fc2cef28f2", + "text": "Paco Martinez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paco", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Martinez", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72e08042-4eba-4de7-b93c-3e2b32f72896", + "text": "Em pot dir un correu electrònic per enviar-li la confirmació de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c6f7643-fde6-4073-af71-d154bff1c96b", + "text": "aaroc@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "aaroc@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8569fe3b-9941-4233-be2d-3aa47f90ff0b", + "text": "Ja s'ha desat la seva sol·licitud. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "64b64c3b-d0ae-4461-b4b4-b6d5dd19ca53", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "02955344-976e-48a7-85da-7feece97b879", + "text": "Bon dia, és l'hotel Sagrada Familia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel Sagrada Familia", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "befdcc69-777f-41c6-a355-3f88374223ac", + "text": "Sí. En què el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99ea203c-0293-4662-9836-d7b6e21b2991", + "text": "Doncs voldria una habitacio amb vistes a la Sagrada Familia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "vistes a la Sagrada Familia", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f27e19c-e40d-431e-b3aa-43f3664c71ba", + "text": "Per quins dies?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a615b689-bfdb-4810-8abe-d1a48b1e572b", + "text": "Entre el 12 i el 16 d'agost", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "16 d'agost", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84b2a264-7626-4081-acb8-4396a00b8a93", + "text": "Per quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "536712a7-413e-4237-8b1d-4ebcc02280eb", + "text": "4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "346ee460-b96d-47c6-a044-749c0a423435", + "text": "A nom de qui vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8491ec8-dcf1-45aa-915f-6f8991c73816", + "text": "Joan Puig", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9799de0-a66e-43e1-9a32-ec6009075764", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu correu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34a110d6-8579-4dc9-9fd8-e2ab1c87d371", + "text": "jpuig@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jpuig@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c4148de-cb9d-4d0d-9997-c70b30e2159e", + "text": "Ja s’ha tramitat la seva reserva. El pagament es realitzarà al propi hotel a la seva arribada. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02fdfb9a-cfb8-404e-9120-65217aaa8f8a", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3611ca8c-aa4c-4f86-bb50-d940fa99dc96", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dbd07f25-1a17-4f82-a8ef-86bb56a0e912", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber si la setmana vinent tenen disponible alguna casa rural", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "casa rural", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef656bd9-9711-4523-b32f-267d1aaf7de0", + "text": "Bon dia. Per a quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4eb46fea-a521-44db-b75d-bb0ed6d8bdd4", + "text": "Per 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e564b55-c49f-46a4-b96b-34944ad8d16e", + "text": "Hi ha disponible una casa a Calafell per 80€ per cap de dijous a diumenge.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91da4f75-48ef-41ae-b79e-48121739d6b0", + "text": "La volem reservar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b9c877ac-adcb-4e02-b3a9-bf7ea9c4642d", + "text": "Què cal fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "04e8d258-5039-4752-be6d-d548bd19f38a", + "text": "Cal fer una paga i senyal del 30% de l’import total i proporcionar els DNIs i noms i cognoms de tots els assistents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a95e9d2d-210f-4702-a4fc-69296584c89b", + "text": "Em podeu dir el nombre de l'iban i fem ara el pagament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "iban", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e230dbad-8d36-4adf-8fd1-64f97e280375", + "text": "ES1301821683450201688145", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4bea555-a6fa-41ae-92fd-c0d828260d10", + "text": "Fet!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eb44cb85-6c56-4375-989a-d35c3a5fd566", + "text": "Cal alguna cosa més de nosaltres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1d1e795-c985-4b8f-928a-88bd65135901", + "text": "Un correu electrònic per tal d’enviar la confirmació de la reserva un cop adjunteu els comprovants i els DNIs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f294b96-e245-4274-9ff2-cef0bc53d250", + "text": "aaatra@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "aaatra@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06a28355-e157-4d4d-8fde-c31d424ae5d9", + "text": "DNIs: 12342859A, 17934133B, 17495435C, 94249352D, 82641514E, 28414197F, 14846925G, 14701426H, 01482528I, 47295834J, 62486549K, 95270533A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "12342859A", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "17934133B", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "17495435C", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "94249352D", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "82641514E", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "28414197F", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "14846925G", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "14701426H", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "01482528I", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 103 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47295834J", + "Start_char": 105, + "End_char": 114 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "62486549K", + "Start_char": 116, + "End_char": 125 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "95270533A", + "Start_char": 127, + "End_char": 136 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9445cde2-f2e3-41a9-8eb0-03607ea96805", + "text": "Queda registrada la vostra reserva. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0bce37cb-489c-450d-9c82-8e3272ce7f60", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "83521698-f972-4a9d-9df0-a930f11cf3e8", + "text": "Bon dua, voldria saber si la piscina funciona pel covid?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "piscina", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "covid", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60f52801-01f7-4948-a697-ce5f084911c7", + "text": "Malauradament la piscina està oberta només del maig al setembre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0ece802-93ee-4fbd-96dd-b1028f056fc7", + "text": "Ho sé, voldriem anar al juliol :)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "juliol", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96c30c96-fdc4-4510-8191-88fb9cc0775a", + "text": "Però voldriem saber si pel tema del covid remandrà tancada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "covid", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49977f1d-b6fb-4990-8f44-d763ee09aa83", + "text": "En aquest cas disposa d’ambdues piscines, l’exterior i la climatitzada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1b6d675-7842-413e-8cfb-d7b34fb89268", + "text": "Mil gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "881ea4ef-a538-4328-829e-5367a7fa0dc2", + "text": "Només volia saber si les piscines estarien obertes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4ad7168-7c2f-4949-a35e-329200a76b06", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a6b6c2f-28b9-41f4-823a-5df37fb1fd4a", + "text": "No, això és tot per ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7f2e83d-764e-4bae-8c0d-fe22136efbe5", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "107fd938-15e1-4f60-bfcf-5d527a719f1c", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5180e4cd-8d54-44ab-b030-eaaa5049906d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "26b4af60-888e-4f83-b667-babf213891bc", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria llogar un bungalou a Palamós", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "bungalou", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Palamós", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef4d9966-66b4-472d-be57-1dde1c3575a1", + "text": "Per a quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "726b773d-cc46-4aee-bc45-3cab3d45717c", + "text": "3 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "3", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dacddd90-156b-4532-8204-df9020dc1290", + "text": "Per a quins dies?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9542edcf-08e8-4bc7-8bf3-506be0887099", + "text": "Pel pont de desembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Pel pont de desembre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b21356c2-f2eb-45e3-a909-8410e4986efa", + "text": "Tenim disponible un bungalou per 144€ la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91770615-a6d6-4468-ad6f-9b12b51f07f7", + "text": "Perfecte, com el puc llogar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "24bc6312-eb2f-4aca-88ac-db8f75acfe8e", + "text": "Li puc fer jo ara mateix si m'indica les seves dades. A nom de qui vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e36bd6f9-4d5f-446b-8845-54eb57eef559", + "text": "Joan Rubí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rubí", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0074347-aed3-4e94-b893-84d3d2229910", + "text": "A quin correu vol rebre la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50ecec2d-a061-4d54-985f-d1df7c8ebcab", + "text": "jr@yahoo.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jr@yahoo.es", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb674674-81f6-4458-9928-ed9df04b2e8e", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres, rebrà el correu de confirmació en els propers minuts amb els detalls de l'allotjament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ee88848-6241-45e6-8745-f541508177c9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f6625f55-7975-4374-8e4a-bb2782db6ac6", + "text": "Voldria reservar una habitació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5c119f1-f475-48cc-a5d2-bfb2097e808e", + "text": "Per a quines dates la voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e97ef0a-d606-4cd0-a8cc-7596009c7ff6", + "text": "Doncs un cap de setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "un cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "31f40fe3-f2a9-4d5b-83eb-cd4ea8bff8df", + "text": "Per a quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b12a1b89-b55c-4a4a-94a6-01a791c7d109", + "text": "Però estava interessat en saber si teniu plans de parella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "plans de parella", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c13b48b0-170d-49d8-a816-c76c895b274e", + "text": "Per a dues persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "dues", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d40fa57c-a7f9-4e2e-be3e-4f190961b45a", + "text": "Per al cap de setmana de Sant Valentí tenim un pack de cap de setmana amb Cava i esmorzar a l'habitació per 299€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a68a6d6-ac9a-4f4c-9fb8-8e4b8cc56615", + "text": "Ens agradarïa molt!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ca0fb79-6960-4c7a-8f44-5f3c946d1ed7", + "text": "A nom de qui vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d195368a-2ddb-4688-9b32-db88ca2f0873", + "text": "A nom de Joan", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "244c336e-fde2-4dae-a7cc-fdf215186fb5", + "text": "Quin és el seu cognom? I el DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1521049a-f8ca-4e88-a98e-5e6d81befacd", + "text": "Garcia. 31253790Q", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Garcia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "31253790Q", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce52fca5-8d4c-49c4-a073-ead5b6693a8b", + "text": "On voldria rebre la confirmació de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4cc66db-aea1-4ccb-994b-d75d15f04fbc", + "text": "Al correu garcia@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "garcia@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "216ec809-cb7b-4b3b-9d0a-828d60a05445", + "text": "D'acord, ja hem fet la reserva. Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d203242e-858f-4a0b-a4d3-51a367e95bd7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2946e8fd-7ca7-42a7-aa7e-2ea813eec4e1", + "text": "Voldria saber que inclou la millor habitació de l'hotel", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la millor habitació", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d40e378-5509-455d-b370-867ed0113f0c", + "text": "Gaudiu de la extraordinària amplitud d'una suite de dos dormitoris WOW. Sortiu a la terrassa privada i gaudiu de la vista panoràmica de Barcelona i el Mediterrani. Delecteu-vos amb la posta de sol sobre una platja ondulada des dels seients, les cadires reclinables i la banyera d'hidromassatges a l'aire lliure del lounge.\n\nPassi pel bar inspirat a Gaudí, on tots els refrescos i miniatures alcohòliques són gratuïts; s'apliquen càrrecs a ampolles de mida mitjana i completa. Reanimeu-vos amb la nostra cafetera Nespresso i tetera. L'esmorzar se serveix a la vostra habitació per sol·licitud.\n\nTransformeu l'ambient del dia a la nit amb la il·luminació decorativa de la paret inspirada en el traçat dels carrers de la ciutat. Acostiu-vos al llit circular que gira per inspirar-te amb diferents perspectives a través de les finestres del pis al sostre envoltants. Els coixins retraten persones tan icòniques com Gaudí, Dalí i Santa Eulàlia. Cada habitació disposa del seu propi televisor amb pantalla plana de 55 polzades.\n\nRefresqueu-vos amb els sis articles de tocador de cortesia del nostre Spa al bany de grans dimensions i la dutxa amb capçal de pluja o banyera independent. Poseu-vos glamurós a les seves millors gales a l'armari amb vestidor.\n\nEls clients de la suite WOW poden utilitzar el servei de planxa de fins a sis peces per dia sense càrrec. El personal per estacionar WHEELS(SM) també és gratis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adcf8dea-3d8e-436e-9775-c9b9b15ab3ae", + "text": "I quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "135161d7-f161-4310-888e-43e868197d74", + "text": "2.595€ la nit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6bf4fb14-1842-435c-b758-d87f6cf00d02", + "text": "I quin és el preu en temporada baixa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "temporada baixa", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81101747-010e-4b80-8e5c-13f2348c0c62", + "text": "El preu d'aquesta habitació no canvia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81e9f052-6eea-4aea-b4f5-8b562019eb0a", + "text": "Doncs no estic interessat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45009548-acf1-42de-8545-438107f02789", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "741e2908-0b16-4f4d-bf2f-c23128ebee84", + "text": "No, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f099dc87-8d3e-44e6-854f-a86bae42733d", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "638a3fe9-ef30-47c4-91f3-36daf2b527ac", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "949de169-692c-4a76-a438-172305ab18ab", + "text": "Vodria saber si hi ha un servei de recollida d'equipatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "recollida d'equipatge", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0b224c9-662d-4e1f-89ad-6ace8ffbe43b", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu número de reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43e12f08-f9ed-4000-864a-f9496a16cd0c", + "text": "019", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "19", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71acd238-f392-4a39-93d6-3039af713f84", + "text": "No està inclòs el servei de recollida d'equipatge en la seva reserva, el voldria contractar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "edc5cee7-3492-42e4-ac40-8d232fc0f8b4", + "text": "Doncs sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a6cc1dd-f50c-4386-b732-f3bff4eabaea", + "text": "Quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5d820976-8676-415a-90e4-2ffd5719dbf7", + "text": "14€/persona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4680c702-9097-40b9-9f3e-1007879ccbcc", + "text": "Llavors no m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9a8aa65e-1c9f-4b68-8cdf-df299f8c4f88", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5ace266-845d-4f71-9f18-ee71a3e1143d", + "text": "No, amb això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10284251-e15d-4f1e-8388-df6b1b642567", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75913d4b-c8cd-485b-85f5-75d4d6b82e02", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8307bcd5-df2f-470b-80c8-24d8449b1740", + "text": "Vodria fer una reserva d'un apartament a Sabadell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc40e8c7-7f0a-4c9e-91ce-f7fad7e6ad61", + "text": "Per a quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e5b9a93-d4cc-44d2-ac8f-5041c7c7b1bb", + "text": "La primera setmana d'agost, entre el 3 i el 9", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "La primera setmana d'agost", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "3", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5b39826-745e-4dee-a0c8-356181baf51e", + "text": "Per a quantes persones?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "980d0e3a-525b-4592-9ef0-1020e222a190", + "text": "4 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ec5b09a-95c6-475a-a072-e27822040650", + "text": "Disposem d'un apartament per 65€ la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "048948f6-8142-4b7f-bffd-4ae8d40c7ef1", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "71b3d277-198f-4a9f-afd7-14368da57194", + "text": "Necessiteu alguna informació més per part meva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3869db6-660c-475d-bb45-78563d3619e6", + "text": "El nom i cognom i el DNI de la persona titular de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db8ff33d-68f0-40ce-9368-d43b0510b193", + "text": "47156380E, Antoni Minguell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47156380E", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antoni", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Minguell", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c95c7a22-070f-46d6-a8b7-818a773eeff6", + "text": "A quin correu vol rebre la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d752868-756e-41da-892a-7182cf196a69", + "text": "aminguell@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "aminguell@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8e2c8e9-4886-467c-a6ab-3ac1952667ba", + "text": "Queda registrada la reserva, moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42815ecf-45b5-47de-ada5-0da4f1ab51e5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c46837d1-fb8f-43c4-986a-373bbb27e5ce", + "text": "Bon dia! Vam llogar una habitació amb pensió complerta, però voldriem saber si el menú és vegetarià", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "menú és vegetarià", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "822631ca-0486-4ec4-9ab1-1a128b2674d0", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu número de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f3e66bb-c683-406e-905b-368d80814200", + "text": "1dadv54", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "1dadv54", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "729f09ef-c681-4267-aafc-c33f197af8d9", + "text": "Al nostre hotel tenen accés al buffet i aquest disposa d'opcions vegetarianes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb14d510-47b7-4b87-83fd-98f25bade5ca", + "text": "Genial, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "95d0a9db-dfa0-4b04-b2a2-cc9e6e8da61b", + "text": "Llavors no cal fer res escial?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b40660d-4cdc-46c7-8aab-810805bab87c", + "text": "Afegiré com a nota que són vegetarians per assegurar que hi ha varies opcions aptes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34661030-92fd-4014-a55d-1cce369f3afd", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d1db75fe-a3e5-44bc-bcd3-1dba8b080778", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7dd5775f-ccdf-41da-9f59-5137beabf472", + "text": "Això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d717f2f-0011-4e29-a01c-b501dfaf3206", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cbd41b9a-9222-4e85-b821-de9479ca7dd4", + "text": "Bon dia, com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2a8cee1-ec6b-4914-a8f1-e30297e26bce", + "text": "Bon dia! Voldria fer una reserva d'habitació a la Costa Brava, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "habitació", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la Costa Brava", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb5876ec-eefd-4d1c-9d8c-fe40adc7bec8", + "text": "D'acord, tenim un hotel a Blanes i un altre a Cadaqués. Quin t'interessaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c816c12-e5ef-4a05-ab8c-dd29ac852479", + "text": "Doncs el de Cadaqués! Seria per a 2 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cadaqués", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb44bc34-50c6-4e17-a474-95dd886a47a2", + "text": "D'acord. Per quines dates seria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33c8e7d1-dacf-4555-bb68-6568476acc8d", + "text": "Doncs per a l'estu aquest, del 20 al 25 d'agost.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "20", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "25 d'agost", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e688f5f-ef46-4fe9-b2a5-a1af0776ba79", + "text": "Vull reservar ja ara.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "reservar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a431173-48d9-47e8-a251-26fe5badeb38", + "text": "Entesos. Com estàs reservant amb molta antelació els preus són molt econòmics. Tens disponible una habitació estàndard per 40 euros la nit amb esmorzar inclòs, o l'habitació premium, que surt per 90 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85796d11-bf72-4361-b5eb-71708b94d5d5", + "text": "Doncs mira, la premium, que només farem aquestes vacances.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "premium", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6443aa72-1c46-4c8d-bd36-d585dbdcf742", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaré el teu nom i el teu DNI i un correu electrònic on rebràs la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54ff52e5-1e8f-4579-970e-38e167217159", + "text": "Em dic Laia Rafecas Montsant", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rafecas", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Montsant", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61e04e25-a5db-43b5-a000-68da3ce4e428", + "text": "El meu DNI és 77454365R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77454365R", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59285036-eaba-4d98-991e-a3518c5c5534", + "text": "Entesos, Laia. El pagament el pots fer un cop arribeu a l'hotel. En uns instants rebràs la confirmació amb totes les dades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "367b7d67-dcb3-414b-8167-989d32d3fa6d", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed7fc840-cdbe-4180-b17b-04240018063c", + "text": "D'acord. Podeu enviar confimació a rafecas.87@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "rafecas.87@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "43c7c844-d3b8-4405-af68-ad48ebdfaeea", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d26f166-243a-4ea6-b729-22058930b68e", + "text": "Entesos, moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6cd99d0-b0eb-42cc-869b-ed5c00f5245a", + "text": "Que tinguis un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6299ede1-2490-484e-bf15-dfbc7f9ee914", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ddbf4853-4694-4b17-a251-c2825663df17", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1831d24f-76d1-4bed-8f3f-a7f05ff89028", + "text": "Hola! Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53e3265b-953a-4beb-885a-768a0f3b4036", + "text": "sí, necessito modificar unes dates d'una reserva. em pots ajudar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "dates", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da96638e-55a2-4f4d-83d1-3468d3bd268d", + "text": "Cap problema. Em pot indicar el seu nom i el número de la reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "faf8127e-a57e-4390-be34-63ec29efeede", + "text": "El número que em van donar és 44564. lareserva la vaig fer a nom de Joan Masdeu Casals.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "44564", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Masdeu", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "693ebed5-1b4c-43fc-bf2d-655d006e3e1e", + "text": "Entesos. Es tracta d'una reserva per a 4 persones entre el 10 i el 15 de maig, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67ac6303-6d9d-42c5-a056-6fd86c54627b", + "text": "sí, és aquesta. la vull del 12 al 16 de maig al final", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "16 de maig", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7ec8588-548f-45d4-8c7b-ff35fef17bbd", + "text": "D'acord, és possible fer el canvi i el preu segueix sent el mateix. Ara li arribarà un correu amb les dates modificades a l'adreça que ens va donar quan va fer la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4237988a-4fde-42eb-99f2-a5ed34e13100", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b97ce56-c3e4-4cda-b7a7-6a24c6384eb4", + "text": "sí, em pots dir quan juga el Barça quest cap de setmana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23e642bf-135d-4a07-8670-5ff71634016c", + "text": "Disculpi, no disposem d'aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a849d11-815a-42fd-a45c-466a40c9df57", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92a5ca8e-05ef-4b53-8e67-b8a9848b1125", + "text": "no, aleshores ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a92058ef-a1c9-4ed0-99e9-ed7fa154638b", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ade17282-a267-4ae3-8c41-f6e39271a8e7", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a64c83a-3fc6-4c2c-b3bc-4fa4ef2fa657", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7a66bf06-47be-4936-bf41-ee2737befce4", + "text": "Bona tarda! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d45ec6f-8eeb-4876-8487-69cebf0e805a", + "text": "Bona tarda, vaig fer reserva a l'Hotel Lluna Plena però no trobo l'adreça, que no surt bé al GPS. Quina és?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "Hotel Lluna Plena", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "553abdc8-c401-4460-931a-3e31cf05e858", + "text": "L'Hotel Lluna Plena està situat al carrer Escoles 23, a La Jonquera.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "509cd002-514f-45dc-8d67-18d476504a7b", + "text": "Ah, d'acord! al GPS marcava una altra cosa, el carrer del costat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4b7fbd0-e72e-45e1-b297-e4ab4e5d8b89", + "text": "una cosa rara, no sé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d4a697a-8620-465f-86c2-edaf30e423b6", + "text": "Bé, han estat construint en els darrers anys en els carrers del costat, potser és aquest el motiu. Però veuràs que és de fàcil accés i un cop arribis a la localitat està senyalitzat, no té pèrdua.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c54ce2e-1ba1-48a2-b6ab-77c5c6c58611", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a3465ffa-db39-4596-9cee-42cd690ceb56", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6dbb1ff7-18af-4538-8fec-aac943a4892d", + "text": "sí, vam reservar habitaicó doble, però he vist que també hi ha apartaments. Ens el recomanaries?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "apartaments", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c9f05e4-f311-43c3-9cfe-cd3ae93418cf", + "text": "Els apartaments tenen una cuina i un menjador, per la qual cosa els recomanaria si teniu la intenció de cuinar o de passar-hi més estona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3ad93ff-4555-4312-8426-469b8e994cb8", + "text": "mmm... doncs potser sí que prefeririem cuinar, es que seguim dietes específiques i potser millor. Podem reservar apartament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "reservar apartament", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a69237b6-d287-4dae-9d6a-1ec38aa45e49", + "text": "Entesos, en aquest cas necessitaria el número de la reserva, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cba933e3-c276-4208-862e-cec00a9478a3", + "text": "Sí, és el 44334", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "44334", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06e1c3e6-7985-42e7-acca-db6d2f777cc7", + "text": "D'acord. Ens queda només un apartament lliure i el preu passaria de 35 euros la nit a 50. Estàs d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53d6d61d-6ec7-4f26-99c0-dfde750931fe", + "text": "si, cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96b043df-2a89-4948-afae-219dbc49da7f", + "text": "Doncs fem el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17ed8d67-66a5-405a-add9-37b47edcec59", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c73ee652-7639-4858-b31b-8beb9c950f29", + "text": "no, ja estaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35939664-0698-4158-bbf3-ef8dbfe5154e", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a93f90a2-e44c-4574-b5d7-3efe3d528f91", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "063f9a8d-e71f-4de6-84cc-5b9d5a7a4775", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dbb88903-8bb8-4c04-8ce7-8075fd7d3e3a", + "text": "Bon dia! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0447ad8f-fe80-466b-95f4-2b0f1d7ad0ce", + "text": "Bon dia. Vull cancelar una reserva que vaig fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45464d94-cab0-4f6f-947d-42a6bb64f0f7", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el seu DNI i el número de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a6571c7-6ef6-4eba-b7d0-5e52a877f8f0", + "text": "es 77342276S. el numero es 33421", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77342276S", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "33421", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9403dda2-921f-4183-a5e4-b28fa2cedb3b", + "text": "Entesos. Es tracta d'una reserva a nom de Martí García i és una habitació doble reservada entre els dies 4 i 9 d'abril. És correcte aquesta informació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbf92e79-0e59-499d-8452-8b74562040d1", + "text": "si, es aixo. necessito cancelae", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "645b89d7-cc87-4b0f-af6d-22b2fb6020d1", + "text": "D'acord. Procedim a fer la cancel·lació que en aquest cas no tindrà cap cost, ja que encara no havia abonat l'import. En uns instants li arribarà un correu a la seva adreça amb totes les dades de la cancel·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c427ebdb-dbae-48c2-b1db-1132eba4bb50", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2324086a-a01e-43a3-8cc4-a4fcc3a75dd4", + "text": "d,acord. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "12d06b03-b40a-4a58-a920-852f66fd4e67", + "text": "si, a quina hora plegues xatbotN", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e2afd2e8-d203-4051-bcdc-785a2bc7f15a", + "text": "Pot posar-se en contacte amb nosaltres en qualsevol moment del dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8723de21-677f-4287-878a-7606acbcf00c", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26a42cdd-4e31-4dc1-add0-68affb212516", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a0b9d4d-7904-42e4-8b97-b6e2c06cc4bb", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dff2e7fd-916a-4a06-94bb-c8c9203cc3f8", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f2e49d00-4459-4220-9edc-cd01ef0edbfb", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8fa1b27b-5191-43da-8e70-673ef76b45cc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9450df72-4fad-4830-ab34-54329dac9ca5", + "text": "Bona nit! Digues-me què puc fer per tu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd8d724f-6bc9-4491-99e9-ed6b54812886", + "text": "hola, vull modificar nom de reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "nom", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e77ab143-c3f5-4f7f-bf31-499c537461ab", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaré les dades de la reserva. Indica'm si us plau el nom actual amb què s'ha fet i el número de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f89f638-4c10-46c2-9281-4f9de27d36d2", + "text": "si, vaig reservar a nom de Manel Dueñas. la reserva es 765434", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Dueñas", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "765434", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82cb90ab-414d-4f54-9c6c-3dde85743644", + "text": "D'acord. Vas reservar una habitació triple amb esmorzar inclòs la nit del 8 al 9 de març, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6dfa5735-0d6e-4590-b33d-91c9bb90521d", + "text": "correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d1e25ec-834b-4262-afe9-cff31275e202", + "text": "voldria canviar a nom de Laura Casals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8761f70-0101-440e-8771-5e162aaf62fb", + "text": "Entesos. Fem el canvi. Vols que t'arribi la confirmació del canvi a la mateixa adreça de correu o la vols canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19cef6e6-8525-4036-9920-8bd6593347f9", + "text": "no, millor a casals.l79@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "casals.l79@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf9f8855-5c0a-45d6-a3df-f888aa5633b6", + "text": "D'acord, ara ho enviem. Ho rebràs en uns instants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85137fce-4326-4c61-9def-de4defb68c49", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a2cd5520-aa79-485a-981b-e19725310021", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a50be433-9933-4f36-86c3-9d0c19d3fe46", + "text": "no aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d44801dd-a83d-4579-bb9f-8e8d5b62f23e", + "text": "D'acord, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a03c6c8-85e9-4726-b54e-47a2d8ec466b", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a5a7b50-89df-4103-81e4-4b0865b9b758", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bdc9bf6c-b3c1-4828-9e46-1848458e2e63", + "text": "Bona nit. Quina gestió necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31173fde-e838-42e2-9571-56ff751db349", + "text": "hola, si, que vam arribar ahir a l,hotel i no hi havia habitacio ens va dir el recepcionista. i teniem reserva. vam haver de dormir al hall...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "dormir al hall", + "Start_char": 125, + "End_char": 139 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "766d770e-d577-4e22-bc6c-e72dec069cdc", + "text": "Sento molt aquesta situació, li demanem disculpes en nom de l'hotel. Vol posar una queixa formal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94aab1e1-c3a8-43b9-bf61-acc0cdc0cf54", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ecd8b92-63fd-418a-a06e-eba9318879e3", + "text": "em sembla molt fort aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a941bb99-9a71-4fed-a6cb-edab33941992", + "text": "Entesos, té tota la raó. Indiqui'm un número de telèfon i en uns minuts es posaran en contacte amb vostè per poder realitzar la reclamació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59dd725e-61ec-4865-a04e-ae10260ff9a9", + "text": "si, es aquest. 664323432", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "664323432", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8ed2d00-2ba4-4a52-a5eb-07a90e4be6ca", + "text": "En uns minuts es posaran en contacte amb vostè per poder oferir-li una solució. Li demanem disculpes de nou per aquesta situació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4b21426-5fe7-491d-8891-fec8c8e8204c", + "text": "Necessita ajuda en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99da7389-e473-424a-8f84-f20771ac03f4", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cbcd2994-4723-4661-a78c-62f6f56fbcaa", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e3e3719-eaa1-4e13-9542-c54bc78641a2", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f590d31-4ebc-4292-98af-020f5844c70a", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3c024da-6fec-430c-822f-239ff4ac26e8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1003f869-38a4-4969-b373-d34598450fed", + "text": "Hola! Quin és el motiu de la teva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23d88636-c6e7-446e-b1e5-18c1c3cce391", + "text": "vull saber si el vostre hotel te servei d,habitacions", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "servei d,habitacions", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7288047b-909c-4e28-9011-22e8b1bd323b", + "text": "Sí, tenim servei d'habitacions però no és un servei 24 hores. L'horari és de 06:00 a 22:00.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8392e1d-1704-459b-8793-f515a8c6fb1b", + "text": "ah perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0f289aea-95b4-4713-b175-38ad3c7d24f9", + "text": "i te cap cost addicional?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8efc89bb-2692-4551-afb2-0b704fb0e869", + "text": "No, és un servei gratuït. Només té un cost superior en cas que demanis cap plat al restaurant. En aquest cas, els preus els pots trobar a la carta que tenim a totes les habitacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d923ffc-afe9-4c6d-85ab-a5f562acec92", + "text": "ah entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "65c7ea06-1ff7-48fe-b029-064f2e6af14d", + "text": "i aixo com es paga? al checkout?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "al checkout", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12e82e42-2180-4aa7-b048-f0a559bbf880", + "text": "Exacte. Un cop deixes l'hotel es cobren totes les despeses i totes les consumicions que hagis realitzat durant la teva estada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecf7d2f0-b97a-49db-a418-5ab32f7849ca", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad971b10-2974-43a5-b412-fb30b27deab9", + "text": "em pots posar un cafe?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1a5a7f0c-b90d-427f-85b4-f2bd81371399", + "text": "Ho sento, no puc atendre aquesta petició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1da89c49-49e1-43e5-94f6-25f55774631b", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "602256b9-99f2-4e4c-b622-68142aaec65d", + "text": "ok . dons res mea", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a309e9e-0bc9-45d7-92a9-a8e7b5bebfd4", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96fdb0c2-3689-4787-980a-6729bdd3cb65", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25cfd9be-411c-4f77-a41c-9874a8c200ea", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "18fb5a48-15c8-41ce-adab-3b61787f22cb", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40efa66c-c44a-43d8-a3bb-1bea0bc90cbc", + "text": "hola, si vam llogar el servei de sauna amb la reserva pero volem anular al final", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sauna", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "beb5b506-c5b5-4bd1-8d73-5c0c560472cd", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el codi de la reserva que vas fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "888e2bcd-70c1-4cfb-95b0-b5bf35a0f843", + "text": "es 33445", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "33445", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "859703d3-e142-4764-ad4f-cbf084178ccc", + "text": "D'acord. La reserva està a nom de Miquel Grau i inclou una habitació premium per a dues persones entre el 5 i el 8 de maig. M'ho pots confirmar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "934ee812-2604-43df-a8ca-9089689c8923", + "text": "si aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5d7c89e9-f34d-4020-af8d-27d016ad18d3", + "text": "volem cancelar sauna", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cancelar sauna", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "48b95255-27b4-43cb-a345-99226b886b70", + "text": "Entesos, fem la cancel·lació de la sauna. Es tracta d'un servei amb un cost de 60 euros per persona, per la qual cosa el preu final de la reserva serà finalment de 130 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d4e1887-152f-4fa8-ab04-1592b560c31c", + "text": "vale, va be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "31f88d16-5eab-497d-ba0d-d49a96f005a3", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "48fb791b-64ab-416d-8654-e6cfd9fef465", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03847d46-b52f-4c36-b97b-307e12d787b1", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "39e25825-2a6c-4123-a5c9-f0370cc26a18", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b185eafb-0f91-4176-9e91-b3292be38a1d", + "text": "De res, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24bdb049-7d47-484d-bc40-b53925f1aedc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6685affe-dff8-42c4-922e-9e201fedf720", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12fb3b47-6360-4fc2-a457-faf852a38b3e", + "text": "em podeu dir quin telefon te la recepcio del hotel?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telefon", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "recepcio", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9304f74-30c2-4ef8-b16e-d9693eab1dfb", + "text": "Sí, el telèfon de la recepció és 93567895. És un telèfon 24 hores, l'atendran en qualsevol moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "354cd998-8776-4c01-9581-c1a3605a8837", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "172e4aad-9a17-40fa-9289-bdb8b62ec4b4", + "text": "merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f9adcbc2-7ec1-41c3-844b-07c68c290c3c", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "445ed431-f8ec-4360-b547-01bbead50831", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7199cbd7-bde9-4db8-99c0-043852c93821", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "385d35eb-bf8f-4d85-8d70-253b323ab795", + "text": "Entesos, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e0490f8-b1ef-4f89-b620-e631a0119aea", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d34f33e-a2a6-4cfd-8452-abff296a734e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "90bec22b-49d1-4ba1-a0fa-23dd5a1c2b5b", + "text": "Hola! Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df35c7c1-5c8d-477c-a5ea-87fbab4f8d02", + "text": "si, vaig tramitar reserva pero no m,ha arribat encara confirmacio. em pots dir com esta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "confirmacio", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04465299-5935-4077-8a1c-2092b3b1f68a", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el teu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94abb251-1b7a-43e6-9644-363a107af359", + "text": "em dic Joan Solà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Solà", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f06f7e7-06a1-4ff4-b0d1-e4a846efda77", + "text": "Entesos, Joan. Quin va ser el correu electrònic que ens vas donar quan vas fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3d5ba65-06fa-467c-bdd0-f82ede49c879", + "text": "aquest: sola.joan77@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joan77@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cdc8bd02-4bd4-47c9-bf19-1155f473bdc4", + "text": "D'acord, la reserva ja està confirmada. És una habitació per a quatre persones entre els dies 6 i 10 de març. Ara t'enviarem la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b7543fb-d7d8-4475-8c5d-22d454480e27", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6903138-7c2b-43a3-af7e-a7a705f5e657", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b50357f0-53a2-4c5e-b934-73a70fe43266", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49eaa58a-9653-4505-bb5b-5f18589c2aaf", + "text": "no, ja esta. merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f4b45d1-d29b-4dfc-8dd6-59755a83dc5e", + "text": "D'acord, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2845d282-5961-456e-9c23-2d5b0a3fcbfd", + "text": "adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc9f9de2-f1a7-4b30-9a3c-126b94bd2b26", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4af0ce4a-6be2-40b6-ab8c-d7fcf7f35453", + "text": "Bona tarda, quin és el motiu de la teva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "944214c4-a9bb-4e72-b0e3-f094d9d58e5b", + "text": "Hola. no puc pagar per l,aplicatiu. em dona error. poso numero i es penja al fer transaccio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no puc pagar per l,aplicatiu", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "error", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "594d3fe1-2b7d-4370-b958-93e492962579", + "text": "D'acord. Estàs intentant fer el pagament d'una reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23a36619-44f2-46c8-be02-df9454e7a338", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc8b9db0-f449-42e8-8f36-a340cda9565e", + "text": "Bé, et puc cobrar l'import amb la teva targeta o el teu IBAN. Necessitaré primer el codi de la reserva i el teu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae6aa2ff-4f25-4f23-b209-92417eb649bb", + "text": "el codi es 33432", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "33432", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f551737b-1386-4dfa-b1fa-cf41a98eba4f", + "text": "el dni es 77654342F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654342F", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96993a60-e81d-4b56-9e14-15552440e429", + "text": "D'acord. És una reserva a nom d'Anna Torres d'una habitació doble i té un preu total de 250 euros, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ef99341-ff85-45cf-8cf7-2f9e474bd843", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a9bbcdc6-8c92-4958-ab2c-7d0a6e3b91d8", + "text": "Entesos. Voldràs pagar aquest import amb targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62b9c5f3-2ab3-438e-9e83-56b9c1240dc4", + "text": "si, va be targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d36b80b7-d56c-4f03-b407-71b5bfd3c017", + "text": "Doncs necessito el número de la targeta, el nom del titular i la data de caducitat, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70c60084-8a27-4a47-a0cb-b8ea4da17932", + "text": "es aquesta: 4456 4456 4422 3456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4456 4456 4422 3456", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e36b4df-0103-4561-9390-e218d82d4c71", + "text": "el nom es Martí Costa Sala. data 04/25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Costa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sala", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "04/25", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2d6d00e-e199-4821-bb7a-2a36cf6cf557", + "text": "D'acord, ara fem el càrrec. T'arribarà un correu de confirmació un cop s'hagi realitzat la transacció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1a572e3-562d-4487-8c85-fc647b0c854c", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33d64161-15c1-4a95-8ead-acbea8dc2c5e", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "df265e0e-8648-496c-a310-1fdea6864e4f", + "text": "n aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "749a05a8-57b2-4546-af69-2d328399c49a", + "text": "Molt bé, bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "855c7dbb-bc7e-4a01-9d22-268029a3d598", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b26e7feb-75f3-462d-acce-69b601cd0d8e", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "570ef5a4-a171-4c39-a5d2-a40532c3f0da", + "text": "cancelae reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dc7d16d8-b6c8-4516-80e6-183269d62de1", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el seu DNI i el número de la reserva que vol cancel·lar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3060777e-c829-4b82-9bcf-1addc2ae62ba", + "text": "si 77654432R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654432R", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec50bcde-eeac-4ffe-8ea8-09ed22486a8e", + "text": "D'acord, i quin és el número de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1648e35-5a8c-4e5e-9918-de1f9d36bddf", + "text": "es 43355", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "43355", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e5a8835-7689-4832-9b47-f7f89eba9852", + "text": "La reserva és a nom de Javier Bonet i estava confirmada una habitació doble entre el 15 i el 17 d'abril, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11390b8c-13f6-46b6-87df-935505e40ec4", + "text": "si aixo es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0cde010-8b89-46f0-8aaa-aa8b65e8e924", + "text": "Entesos, cancel·lem doncs aquesta reserva. Li arribarà en uns instants un avís de la cancel·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b97c5f51-3d66-408c-9a36-ed64c056ba50", + "text": "El puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ce707c7-30a4-4823-8354-c8eb04468389", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "06bcd35b-6b6b-401e-a58a-14b3ceeff7f6", + "text": "em pots mirae vols per dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "50e1155b-837f-4ca9-84ba-fac1e90ff786", + "text": "Disculpi, no podem satisfer aquesta petició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b404474d-6f7a-4c50-942e-0af35528604a", + "text": "El puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83236fc5-5707-4f8c-bf83-1f2a1f1bb47b", + "text": "jolin, no serveixes per a res bot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "89a1848b-d5c1-4a78-bd5f-a32f539cdbdb", + "text": "res mes adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "842acf33-a3ea-449d-a995-6c1f66f8e2e6", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8695358c-742f-4694-835b-1b491aff965e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b58106a7-5427-41be-8c7f-b56f53e67e19", + "text": "Bona nit! Amb què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5dfcbf7e-052f-4dd3-955a-76ec0055ffac", + "text": "vull reservar una habitacio al maresme. tambe vull deixar-ho pagat . es pot fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "habitacio", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "maresme", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "deixar-ho pagat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "867ba47d-aa1b-4d8a-8e5a-c52079a16a31", + "text": "D'acord. Sí, la reserva es pot deixar pagada. Per a quantes persones seria la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d57c89b-2401-439d-8610-bedb64a7976c", + "text": "per a 2", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd53f9a0-3cbf-4e4e-93e5-c3254b03eb3e", + "text": "Entesos. I en quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50edd059-4526-43be-b71e-22084a62c8bc", + "text": "del 14 al 20 de juliol si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "14", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "20 de juliol", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f6515c8-b3d6-4a6c-b3cd-c092b98f8e63", + "text": "D'acord. Tenim disponible una habitació per un total de 234 euros i una altra de qualitat superior per un preu de 320 euros. Quina voldries reservar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e743f52-3b7e-4a4a-8686-f9b6b6111b59", + "text": "la superior si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "superior", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4aff09a-3c9d-47f7-a493-a1e3f0086692", + "text": "si, dni 77343654E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c70f15a6-37df-4237-bd64-0a81f956f32e", + "text": "la targeta es 4467 4456 4432 2234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "020e6342-7986-4d13-9875-6c6ae3ff2447", + "text": "caducitat 5/24", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2e470f8-0d5d-4689-a5ef-28bfddcef2dc", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaré el teu nom i el teu DNI i les dades de la targeta amb què pagaràs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7285e503-5b1a-49dd-82ef-56e5300f5a9c", + "text": "si, dni 77343654E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77343654E", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0611f173-c5ad-4adb-aff6-5e45bdfb74d2", + "text": "la targeta es 4467 4456 4432 2234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4467 4456 4432 2234", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dcb1e497-3d55-4547-a88e-a54995f43ddf", + "text": "caducitat 5/24", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "5/24", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d9aaad3-214e-4413-a589-3773eb931ded", + "text": "Quin és el nom del titular?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8de212e0-0719-4737-a018-1d7e326e4b3a", + "text": "Maria Canals Suriol", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Canals", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Suriol", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34829733-897d-46cb-a40a-4ebdd3cba421", + "text": "Molt bé. En darrer lloc necessitaré una adreça de correu electrònic on poder enviar totes les dades de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2fc4382-9475-4836-b661-de681cea069a", + "text": "es aquesta: suriol.87@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "suriol.87@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7253c437-271b-4d47-a886-557704bfdcd1", + "text": "Entesos, t'arribarà en uns minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc37d0f4-ac17-4cff-a508-06159c3e0d58", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2b51de8-5fed-4acb-b221-376efdc7c832", + "text": "genial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "664ac23b-784e-451a-b8db-18de10fea1c2", + "text": "no, ja esta tot gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec6a1458-d7fd-404f-8125-b6fb4cd8e823", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "010bef3b-3d0f-4848-b295-ecde1b3639f5", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cbddccbd-a610-4669-8c87-592628576bd9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9a464bb1-ee37-4824-afd5-3bddc93fb7c4", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5db0fd9d-e42e-4eb8-b44c-9256884eab18", + "text": "Hola, vull info sobre el jacuzzi, com funciona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "jacuzzi", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b10610d8-ae9a-47a1-afc0-72a1fc810ac8", + "text": "És un servei que pot contractar encara que no sigui hoste de l'hotel i ho pot fer des d'aquí mateix. Les tarifes són de 10 euros per hora i es pot accedir en qualsevol moment. En cas que vulgui contractar algun massatge pot consultar la llista de preus des del nostre web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e4ba795-386c-45de-aa69-daa0b565f503", + "text": "ah genial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "714ab7e0-4e04-4c67-80e5-04afc6f2d13a", + "text": "puc contractarlo ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "19c05d0e-e869-4bee-a787-a1e613115d6e", + "text": "Sí, necessitaré que em digui el seu nom i el dia que hi vol anar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b772dbd-a608-433c-bd5d-60fef6673230", + "text": "em dic Pol Costa Sastre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Costa", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sastre", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9daa37bb-733c-4636-a308-24ad84a56ceb", + "text": "D'acord. Quin dia voldria reservar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c572cad6-68cb-4105-8a4a-e19fcd72dcec", + "text": "del 12 al 20 de març", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "20 de març", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af45bbd1-2346-42e2-b4d0-5b90b1192472", + "text": "D'acord. Voldrà usar el jacuzzi tots aquests dies?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6aa8120c-76a4-424c-8be3-6cb11979e159", + "text": "si si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dfa77277-5306-4746-9e0b-2bebe0e6f77d", + "text": "Entesos, fem la reserva. Pot pagar amb targeta ara o fer-ho un cop arribi a l'hotel.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "caa7684a-1bd0-48d0-9ac8-c5860aec84ff", + "text": "vull pagar ara. pero prefereixo parlar amb un agent . pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3245735c-b309-42aa-97cd-821c44fa1f9e", + "text": "Entesos. Indiqui'm un número de telèfon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a6bd794-3b89-4ac3-b4f8-33aa27151836", + "text": "es aquest: 665765345", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665765345", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75e05c94-5968-4e4d-bb0e-a023f285baee", + "text": "Molt bé, ara es posarà en contacte amb vostè un dels nostres agents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b55add2f-2ef3-4fe7-96ad-20b947d8118c", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eddc9632-40a9-44a9-840b-8deaab9c0047", + "text": "perfecte, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a1c55914-e15d-4cc0-9301-bb1b0ab6517c", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6816b27-adde-4bbc-8aff-1fead6f1bb22", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "be20c425-07cd-4ed0-a50b-7f760d18b41c", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1a6778f-ea38-4552-8d6a-38062da091ce", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d2d132af-ee2a-4fa0-b6dc-a38c1dcadbb8", + "text": "Hola! Com puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "564c96a9-1b26-4181-9d93-72188e64218f", + "text": "vaig fee reserva l,altre dia pero no recordo dates. me les pots dir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dates", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4111a61c-09fd-4f0a-9a1c-6cc279f41630", + "text": "Cap problema. Quin és el codi de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82667505-253f-4f01-806e-1256aa85c93e", + "text": "45332", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "45332", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aad7633e-2e1a-46d7-acc0-93e5a1c08058", + "text": "La reserva és a nom de Tamara Torrens i es tracta d'una habitació doble amb esmorzar entre els dies 13 i 16 de maig.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ed8779e-b688-4de1-bac8-41a0c90ff8d9", + "text": "aixo es si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f9398a02-0f14-4777-bb4e-5cff76e8b765", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bd2c0dd-0778-4ce0-b661-b40f6a4bea5f", + "text": "em pots dir quin temps fara dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7f7aa563-8c50-4f6d-8eff-3b7c3203ec6a", + "text": "Disculpa, no et puc informar d'això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a8af872-5280-43c3-af77-0234e12d6896", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d8cc698-762a-4615-aecb-6fdccc44a1c2", + "text": "ok. no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9cb533a5-3c94-4e9f-9d5c-0afa574125c0", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ae43a852-e6ab-421c-8626-5c9c63286862", + "text": "molt bé, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95f48acd-b00b-4a61-99e5-d4e6a805bda5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a46a0ed7-4a6f-4b82-b0a8-88612be9fce4", + "text": "Bon dia! Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d08b5d0-26ec-4ce9-a869-9253aeaf2c5a", + "text": "hola mira que vaig donar malament correu crex. potser per aixo no arriba la reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "382b9cbc-2e2b-4144-8ee9-f02321a060cd", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'm el seu nom i el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "946e442d-7b51-4237-934e-f14b01eca396", + "text": "es 77543654U", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77543654U", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2fa42b41-7ebc-4f97-88c4-6fb08158292d", + "text": "Joan Masdeu Companys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Masdeu", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Companys", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1b67bce-76cf-4713-8d74-66ace2e240ce", + "text": "És una reserva que va fer la setmana passada i el correu que tenim apuntat és joan.mc@gmail.com. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "490392a6-7e5b-4f16-92b3-5c32f293302c", + "text": "si. aquest no es. es joan.mc77@gmail.com. faltaven els numeros", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joan.mc77@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db9c7d95-11da-4c87-a142-dca0d6c09c2b", + "text": "D'acord. Actualitzem aquestes dades i tornarem a enviar el correu de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d304c94-2147-412d-beb3-3b5e0a429e6c", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98b050b5-3d98-4dc7-8cd3-b9f95179ff1b", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f2caf1b8-eae4-42b1-a0c3-ce852d5bf7fe", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45de0944-2586-4e77-8bbf-20683ef6a452", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb86a3f1-30a5-4fae-a2f0-b0fd04d2fead", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e700470d-114a-47c6-bced-021f6e36c891", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "af83430c-35b6-48c9-b2b5-865699d8d79e", + "text": "Hola! Digues-me com et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba81e43d-8eb0-4431-a82d-7a564ea9a2f6", + "text": "si, vaig reservar hotel a Calella i tambe apartament a Cadaques. Volia saber quin era el total de tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_summary_of_transaction", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Calella", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cadaques", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21a2269c-409f-4c90-929d-24bb9fdb237a", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el nom amb què vas fer aquestes dues reserves?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c0d97ce-f8b6-43fa-818f-4d03b04b610b", + "text": "Paco Castells", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paco", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castells", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0872ce08-a4a5-4bf7-a330-f148af5c7ee9", + "text": "D'acord. La reserva número 3456 inclou una habitació individual per una nit i la reserva de l'apartament, amb número 5674, és per a 5 nits. El preu total és de 540 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1efcebac-82ca-4621-9536-bced252ec7d8", + "text": "ah! ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "20e8e49f-6a13-40f2-83f5-cfe1977a57ad", + "text": "i aixo com es pot pagar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "85db1d63-b4b4-4e93-af16-253d7473cdad", + "text": "Ho pots fer en els establiments corresponents o ara amb targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8272e03d-10a3-402e-accd-885c3c5cb59b", + "text": "vale, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4ba5225-3e85-4f06-ad7a-a668f5f14d2f", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e86a6fe4-da59-45d9-9355-4e868a1a458d", + "text": "dema hi ha bon cinema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a9aecfa-2487-47ff-b6e2-89b08bd6edbf", + "text": "No et puc ajudar en aquest cas.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c475664d-80b2-455c-898b-10f394fcbab7", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ead9b190-2fa4-4b70-b961-a95fcb15f8e0", + "text": "pero jo vull saber,ho", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9098a0a5-6f3e-4aa0-9cc6-e48fa9c5db80", + "text": "No tenim aquesta informació, disculpa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "342437a6-ddc5-4c88-83f8-2fdfeb127b75", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ece1e9f0-7945-4bec-a113-95b4a8e5c4ea", + "text": "merda de xartbot! adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d27dd33-6cf4-4921-9c6d-be5497c66239", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da627336-2bb8-4fab-a0fb-fb61b73cf332", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5b6ff88b-254e-4457-a9a1-22e3af65cddd", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c84a0a5a-e41c-4f17-b18d-8be5c597d212", + "text": "Necessito modificar unes dates", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "dates", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d2034f92-bf35-4157-8672-fe867978947f", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el número de la reserva que vols modificar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ab108c6-f84a-4379-95be-835b639fed32", + "text": "es la 44543", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "44543", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d61efcf4-bc62-4012-83ca-b89771a92f61", + "text": "Aquesta és una reserva a nom de Mariana Valls, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d2155f2-2b06-45e2-915e-55070079ad20", + "text": "sí, és aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7fdcc35a-22ec-4563-8f0e-06842da5817c", + "text": "Entesos. Les dates que vas confirmar són del 5 al 8 de març. Per quines dates ho voldries canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c55b860-5eb4-483a-83af-fbb000405953", + "text": "voldria del 6 al 7 de març", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "7 de març", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e8f5348-3394-4374-bb43-663dacebdc2d", + "text": "D'acord, fem el canvi. Es tracta d'un període més curt per la qual cosa la tarifa es reduirà, el total serà de 120 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4518f19f-8721-415f-a050-3555a7c68120", + "text": "d'acord, va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "67dda724-1529-4d51-82cd-dcff9a841446", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7020f2e7-d6c5-40da-81e5-436c9d857bca", + "text": "quin temps farà demà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8cc3dc56-1500-445e-bc5f-5058733d5c37", + "text": "No tenim informació sobre això, disculpa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "187d2638-b4ee-4401-b536-15498105f975", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a08107b7-2ce1-4b19-ae40-7076d944e99e", + "text": "doncs res mes gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cfc32ca0-5865-494a-bd6d-1c6d3847de1a", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1de07b36-233e-4259-93ea-9b5a1b708568", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e50c4b7-3111-4c34-a042-df18bd9f8a8d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9d8b98e1-13c6-4fb8-a907-79507cf6003f", + "text": "Hola! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "458ed3ea-a7c5-45ae-992d-fecc1e714404", + "text": "vull cancelar reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0456363c-f2f9-4f6d-a713-831544c3f324", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas necessitaré el codi de la reserva i el número de DNI de la persona que la va fer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0887d01e-55c3-4479-b633-cec6a10c3700", + "text": "el codi es 66544 i el carnet es 77444385R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "66544", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77444385R", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6b47053e-e34b-4ce2-a301-b7e7e5c71eac", + "text": "La reserva està a nom de Cèlia Vilardell i és un apartament amb capacitat per a quatre persones entre el 6 i el 10 d'abril, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25883afb-5c4e-440e-b160-6ff097176cec", + "text": "sí, es aquesta. necessito cancelar perque al final no podem anar-hi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1061e083-f41b-40f1-a666-5ebd532fe613", + "text": "Entesos. Fem la cancel·lació. El primer pagament que van fer serà retornat íntegrament al compte de la targeta que van usar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c42e1528-0cbd-4c6d-9ed4-9ccc976b2d4a", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "89a28457-860c-4075-81c5-1358ef4ada00", + "text": "Puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14a8dfb8-5037-41dc-9240-4b9ddd5cd8b8", + "text": "no ja estaria totgracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dec7c6e4-8f28-4db3-aaa3-4da115856fca", + "text": "Entesos, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4a5855b-a9c7-4e0e-a8fb-61e7477cf5a5", + "text": "adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ca1de9e-4ce8-4033-bd54-719d08db6ae5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1df96ad2-b436-480a-b864-f56bbbfb6ce2", + "text": "Bona nit! Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe0bfc3f-bb11-4c8c-b0f9-9430c055ebf5", + "text": "quant cotsta una habitacio triple ?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "habitacio triple", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28494862-070d-4831-82ba-4b85011a70ed", + "text": "L'habitació triple més econòmica que tenim té un preu de 78 euros per nit. Tenim una altra opció, l'habitació Deluxe, que té un preu de 150 euros per nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c17ea745-3711-4ca4-a6f2-b4b6867045c8", + "text": "ah! esta bé. i hi ha esmorzar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "esmorzar", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "357424dc-4933-42d4-ad2a-7166bb8fb0b5", + "text": "Sí, el servei d'esmorzar sempre està inclòs en les nostres tarifes d'habitacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75f6d52f-9388-4328-9496-2b70ccb29bc0", + "text": "ah que be.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23b2d1f5-8891-4c74-8435-777a666aa910", + "text": "i per fer el pagament, nomes es pot amb targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19806a47-3dc3-4a8c-8053-8befd07dc4f6", + "text": "Si fas una reserva pots pagar immediatament amb targeta o, si ho prefereixes, directament en el nostre allotjament quan arribis, on podràs pagar amb targeta i amb diners en efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97f4d033-fb47-4cf7-9630-f654ec5ea05d", + "text": "entesos gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bbbe0b82-40e4-4958-8d52-602bb5e65f72", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fa4a30f-5cf1-439e-8f60-3772bc595fa4", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e9d10811-bb00-4be6-bc14-7dfd6bbcf1a9", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis bona nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "880f12e5-0ead-4f02-aa3d-0c79ff0764f4", + "text": "bon nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1345e5e5-2324-43b7-aa74-e9fa9dea0ede", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4e7a2ca5-fb2c-4483-9500-a500b239348e", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4cf5732-2800-4143-a5d5-6a5ac5f46bf4", + "text": "vaig fer una reserva pero no recordo quin nom vaig deixar. m'ho pots dir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nom", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87c6a449-23e0-42af-868a-074e273605e9", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaré que em diguis el codi de la reserva i que m'indiquis també les dates que vas reservar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b26bac4-4836-446e-9786-efa037508978", + "text": "no recordo el codi tampoc. les dates eren crec del 20 al 26 de juny", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "20", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "26 de juny", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e72d68e8-6abd-44f7-8ef7-3dd6a638a109", + "text": "D'acord, però necessitaré un poc més d'informació per poder trobar la reserva. Recordes el número de telèfon o el correu que vas indicar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d774f276-46e1-4c84-afd6-59e1f096d300", + "text": "el telefon crec que era 665765433", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665765433", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f84eb90-2d12-4ced-b377-d95659999cdd", + "text": "Amb aquestes dades que m'has donat tenim una reserva d'una habitació doble sense esmorzar, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af58bfd7-587e-4c74-bf7f-67e6d48f76fc", + "text": "si, es aquesta . a quin nom era?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b9a3169-635f-4546-a82c-cf97ea2e535e", + "text": "Aquesta reserva està a nom de Jaume Pons.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d598ab93-de5d-4b15-ba26-40056b0f3d78", + "text": "ah ok. i es pot canviar? vull que estigui a nom de Laura Vinyals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "nom", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vinyals", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5fb3a98-bee1-4510-9d21-f1aee6bcca55", + "text": "Es pot fer el canvi, però m'hauràs d'indicar també quin és el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "669a147e-ce94-41cc-ac78-d6f1f7941399", + "text": "es 77332876V", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77332876V", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae176577-d3e5-44b7-9980-c28b6934f457", + "text": "Entesos, ja hem actualitzat aquestes dades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "357894eb-0806-42fe-84a6-e0ccc9b9b6c7", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28195e22-cf03-4007-8008-f9a374427b71", + "text": "quines pelis fan dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b84fb7f8-2c0f-439c-b32e-36e13a9afcde", + "text": "No tenim aquesta informació, disculpa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73c52c28-ff1b-4719-8571-72b8094aa3bd", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6693714-498f-4726-9cc2-d93211a040e5", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5f4fc27-0458-4f9d-97fa-424047b33a08", + "text": "Molt bé, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "356d0a9e-fc84-4778-b624-984280975d17", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fafbfdd0-e298-4622-9299-3aff1c14dea6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0c53ca3c-1016-4e7b-a7a2-40aba69b8409", + "text": "Hola! Com el/la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "606d9966-332d-4c20-ba6a-e89e0f2ad44e", + "text": "voldria factura d'una estada que vaig fer el mes passat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "el mes passat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93f2cf46-8ca1-47bc-941d-855720a84bbb", + "text": "Entesos. Em pot dir el seu nom i el seu DNI per poder localitzar la reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fbdadc8-e546-4c76-8f09-0c73e5acd1ad", + "text": "es Joan Castells. amb DNI 77224432Sç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castells", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77224432S", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4611160-4901-4538-807f-017148d28341", + "text": "Fa referència a la seva estada entre el 6 i el 10 de desembre, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cbf57d2-5a3c-47e2-960e-7fdf01e099a4", + "text": "si e s aquesta . necessito factura", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8e820c59-8ded-4bac-9764-794b68a62820", + "text": "D'acord, en aquest cas necessitaré les seves dades fiscals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae230631-4d5a-4409-b4b5-a989eca3ae0f", + "text": "el nif es B77484939", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nif", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "B77484939", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f044ffe-c04d-48b9-8468-b83d323cc16d", + "text": "Ens faria falta també el nom de l'empresa i l'adreça fiscal, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73ae1933-1de2-49f9-b7c3-7e48fcd6efc4", + "text": "es diu Transmar S.L. i es carrer Mestrol, 4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Transmar S.L.", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Mestrol, 4", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d177afdf-05b3-4b8b-a3a0-5443d0a04fdd", + "text": "Entesos. Em podria indicar també una adreça de correu electrònic on poder enviar la factura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c77d5c3b-1eb2-43ec-81d0-35bd053290b3", + "text": "es transmar@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "transmar@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34b18c1d-a18f-498c-b571-c55f9246cf4a", + "text": "D'acord, un cop estigui feta l'enviarem aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08738a82-fc2d-4f6c-ac5e-d3775912a127", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e59e2eb-9748-4f06-902e-1f27cd122505", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "743c4e05-3251-4770-a392-4665ffb744d0", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "87ded03d-5cea-4145-95ed-718e38366bbb", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d29f9651-d137-4efb-b03c-812dbcbbbd71", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a80343b2-3536-4d69-acf2-a77721f882f2", + "text": "Hola! Et puc ajudar d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94528721-f2ee-4f4e-867c-45ddfdbf017e", + "text": "vull reservar per al proper mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "proper mes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00160556-9ad4-4020-831f-e989f5a26a37", + "text": "D'acord. Quin tipus d'habitació seria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f01477e-a2c6-4ffb-a459-40bcfd185639", + "text": "habitacio de 4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "habitacio", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f95fcbe-9c2d-46d2-8edb-10e47c21583a", + "text": "D'acord, i per quines dates en concret seria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "903ff49e-1ef6-47c6-9777-e0fbb6085a3a", + "text": "del 10 al 30 d'abril", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "10", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "30 d'abril", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91b75631-ce28-4647-a2c7-f0cff1549b67", + "text": "D'acord. En aquestes dates només tenim disponible un tipus d'habitació per a quatre persones, i el seu preu és de 120 euros per nit. Aquesta tarifa no inclou servei d'esmorzar, si t'interessa el preu és de 10 euros per persona i dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09fc40e2-a3eb-4ef6-95ad-7a490e364829", + "text": "ah entesos. i l'habitacio doble quant val?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "habitacio doble", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11bfe2d3-ed9b-4a7b-ab80-83145cbbe1c9", + "text": "El preu de l'habitació doble és de 65 euros per nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf05bbf3-6b0a-40c2-8610-05d3b2791096", + "text": "entesos. bueno reservo la triple", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "triple", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "522fa36e-f76c-4eeb-afac-91bd86ddae9d", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el teu nom i DNI i un correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea165b03-9531-4874-ac7b-4971fb4ee69a", + "text": "puc millor parlar amb algú per telèfon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5048df1-23b9-4772-993e-fcd7725c097f", + "text": "No hi ha cap inconvenient. Indica'm un número de telèfon on poder contactar amb tu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d3838af-3d51-468a-bb32-c55d6b154ccf", + "text": "és 665434543", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665434543", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad7c8c95-df13-4c01-9557-7dac0d9664f9", + "text": "Molt bé, en uns minuts es posaran en contacte amb tu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5202610a-5b84-4fa4-983d-ceb62048ccfe", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1a8ac94-f1a7-4d74-af33-a3f101561201", + "text": "d'acord graciees", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ae3f1c4c-abe8-4ec2-a47c-92095b7f89ac", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9df45808-d6d4-4c0d-8eda-b1858800e81a", + "text": "no ja esta gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "473c7bbc-7c99-47af-b02c-75ab784f1039", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fbb6fbd-c1f9-4230-8357-f91f7df01236", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18979f1c-dcf1-4ef2-be1b-38edd046c431", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c4de45c4-5a81-4e36-8549-76abff4cbd6f", + "text": "Hola! Necessites alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fba202dc-3da8-4e9c-aafd-5dca9172a961", + "text": "vull canviar tipus habitacio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "tipus habitacio", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d06d8c8-125c-4885-9b12-cce9725c90a0", + "text": "Entesos, m'hauràs d'indicar el teu nom i el codi de la reserva que vols modificar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2082c7c3-b476-4139-8471-8dfd041c88a6", + "text": "em dic Martí Mas. la reserva era 55433", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mas", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "55433", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e208162a-396d-429b-a90c-c8baef5bfef0", + "text": "D'acord, Martí. La reserva inclou una habitació doble entre el 15 i el 20 de maig, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba653d2e-c6b4-4e96-941f-5f392454eabe", + "text": "si es aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "621e08cf-7858-429a-9b77-bc1d33d4d284", + "text": "Quin canvi volies fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db7eb40c-ca48-4501-abc0-858974b751a7", + "text": "vull canviar a habitacio individual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "habitacio individual", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd7a9855-5e16-4b6e-9c51-58eca66a4cc0", + "text": "Canviem l'habitació doble per una habitació individual, d'acord. El preu en aquest cas serà de 60 euros la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "165f24c1-f4e2-4a1b-a4f0-2b20f79c2121", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4081ad2-afb2-401e-a8a5-adc2b57026f0", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "498ad60a-b90a-4429-952d-41ec56653dbb", + "text": "quins vols hi ha a paris dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "89472489-c479-4db7-9d45-935ba85cc341", + "text": "Ho sento, no et puc ajudar amb aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09377878-a90a-441e-8cd9-342d6cf59a9f", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1613e8f3-df4f-40a4-b65d-db47a246b9e9", + "text": "coi de xatbot, no res mes, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "306b254b-fed9-46aa-8bc5-57504035fb44", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e96dcbd1-02fc-4f51-a60e-756dcb92181a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1d344d25-43e6-43b1-ba40-0ba9c110e3dc", + "text": "Hola, com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3960bcde-394b-4567-af68-d92b2f329bfc", + "text": "bon dia, mira que vam arribar l'altre dia a l'hotel i estava tancat. vam trucar i ningu contestava. vam haver de reservar en un altre lloc i fins lendema no vam poder contactar. ens vam quedar sense dormir on haviem reservat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "hotel i estava tancat", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "vam haver de reservar en un altre llo", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 137 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63f8ae4d-8757-49b2-8d50-d467804df1a5", + "text": "Li demano disculpes per aquesta situació. Estem reformant l'hotel i vam tenir problemes amb el programa de reserves, que deixava reservar quan no estava disponible.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f26a8579-1bdc-4b0e-b474-e8485228973d", + "text": "vaja! i com s'arregla? torneu els diners?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "29da6af9-4519-4361-9886-8d1a0b4c39f1", + "text": "Sí, indiqui'm si us plau el número de la reserva i el seu nom i farem el reemborsament de l'import de forma immediata.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08401327-aba2-4383-ac42-4ede064a7ab6", + "text": "el numero de reserva es 554323 ,a nom de Laura Costa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "554323", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Costa", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d3a8351-1769-4b52-a470-d6082a71de3b", + "text": "Entesos. El reemborsament es realitzarà en el compte de la targeta que ens va donar per fer el pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70ee03c8-d6d2-4b7a-8c24-41bbc7082140", + "text": "d'acord, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c39a011-86d1-457a-84bf-732997ef3a07", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa5b536b-9897-409c-8cd8-9291fbea186c", + "text": "no, ja esta gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c59102b1-0ab9-48fe-880c-94139da2b346", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "663e25ad-b4db-4193-908a-6de822b31db5", + "text": "bo n dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d6087e3-ff12-4fa3-a982-b0e49844716d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "195f59ca-a38d-4693-b71d-9a2a62789971", + "text": "Bona tarda! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "089506fe-abe1-407a-816e-ea8f621a47b4", + "text": "si mira estic aqui a recepcio i no puc pagar amb targeta. diuen que no els funciona be el datafon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no els funciona be el datafon", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "888f8d9a-8c09-436e-8fd9-bbf4e918e23f", + "text": "D'acord. En cas que no tinguis cap altra opció, pots fer el pagament amb targeta des d'aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "703268e6-9d26-44b1-8a25-9e6ccc927026", + "text": "ah ok doncs si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4885d50-fd05-4fcc-86ee-90495ed8484c", + "text": "En aquest cas, necessitaré el codi de la reserva i les dades de la targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6ad05ca-148d-46a2-aea3-0321827fe4bd", + "text": "el codi es 774FD2, i la targeta es 4443 4454 4433 3334", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "774FD2", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4443 4454 4433 3334", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "741561cd-5ce4-4269-95e3-824950a2af66", + "text": "D'acord, només faltaria el nom del titular de la targeta i la data de caducitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9463194c-02b5-4271-a932-9d64178f5d35", + "text": "es Ramon Mata i la caducitat es 04/22", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ramon", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mata", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "04/22", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4eff3d72-aaf8-4f0a-a9f8-9ebbeb47da2e", + "text": "Molt bé, procedim a cobrar l'import. T'arribarà un correu amb totes les dades de la confirmació del pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ffa7fbc2-6773-4033-96e7-7f449aaacae1", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21ca8c15-8b75-4831-89da-fa72f6fc956f", + "text": "quins idiomes saps?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e5fc8184-317e-421e-be2a-c8a329f6c6e4", + "text": "No podem donar informació sobre això, ho sento.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "380b093f-6e09-469a-95d7-e3d82a276f1b", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2607be6d-ec83-4e9a-8925-b54340f8a6b9", + "text": "no ja esta gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "931eb0bc-a5c0-421a-89ba-b184c8c231a4", + "text": "D'acord, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d3fb2b61-0855-4dd8-b686-c99dbbfcedf3", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d46165e-ce38-4fa7-8826-44cd0f773d03", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "191d4a88-0cdf-4095-903e-ad513fb862c4", + "text": "Hola. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "369d3cbd-c830-4622-8cbd-24cb05d5197e", + "text": "quin es el millor hotel per anar a girona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "girona", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47c61595-6c52-48d1-a65e-e0070c6859bf", + "text": "En el nostre grup d'hotels tenim dos establiments a la ciutat de Girona i tots dos compten amb una gran qualitat i uns serveis excel·lents, per la qual cosa ambdós són recomanables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47a479d5-c338-49d7-bda9-b707ef8a31b1", + "text": "tenen alguna diferencia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "diferencia", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ede6a7f1-15b5-465e-907f-68f820764efe", + "text": "La única diferència és la ubicació. Un està situat a la zona del centre de la ciutat i l'altre, amb unes instal·lacions més modernes, està a la zona de l'Eixample.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04d5d3d4-91ee-48bf-a7d0-5322f96ebd6a", + "text": "ah! i quines de les dues ubicacions em recomanes¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ubicacions", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5fe3103-43c5-4d86-8208-44f6d254e3c6", + "text": "En cas que sigui el primer cop que visita la ciutat recomanaria que la seva estada fos a l'hotel del centre, ja que aquesta ubicació li facilitarà la visita als espais i a les zones amb més història de la ciutat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ff5be8c-ddef-44e5-9a36-db34783dda6a", + "text": "ah ! i l'hteo del centre te piscina?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "l'hteo del centre", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "piscina", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc30a1de-f14e-42d8-9ff4-4d3fb1c8302f", + "text": "Sí, tenim una piscina que està oberta entre els mesos d'abril i octubre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e15e9d8-79a1-45b7-8dbd-ccb5d0266270", + "text": "ah ok fantasatic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d0281bf-10c7-4c7b-a4ca-7257b78d7d0e", + "text": "Necessita ajuda en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11361cfc-65f3-4cbc-8d8c-f06d8a6343f0", + "text": "vll contractar una assegurança de vida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "720b00fe-1cf0-4c48-ba48-7b835d213828", + "text": "No podem satisfer aquesta petició, disculpi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d13f0b5-b4bc-42d2-8083-31981f79df76", + "text": "maleit xatbotç1", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f92700fa-44b4-46bd-9f55-c85d69a7d5b5", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6f5541dd-804b-4828-8031-b3a4c2cdd947", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4ee1bd7-c11e-408d-8fa5-48cef32c1484", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0cd549f1-dddb-4648-999c-db38144b17a0", + "text": "Hola! Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2f0b973-2eea-4152-a13d-5368473dcfb7", + "text": "necessito modificar reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cd5ff573-afdf-4163-b433-3665cbcf1444", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el codi de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de49cc55-aecc-48e0-b77a-8a414b5ae9b2", + "text": "es el 45RT43", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "45RT43", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "698892f0-b8ed-4ac0-a10a-94ee1d157604", + "text": "És una reserva a nom d'Ester Abat, i es tracta d'una habitació individual entre el 5 i el 8 d'abril, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c675bf59-afff-4bf8-9549-4de0c5510700", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dafbf060-fde4-4792-aee9-0e116edab7d4", + "text": "vull canviar hotel, a un de 3 estrelles", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "3 estrelles", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e2af416-5a0b-404c-af65-473a547b0925", + "text": "Tenim opció de fer un canvi per un hotel d'aquesta categoria a Begur, la mateixa localitat, però el preu s'incrementarà. En aquest cas, et puc oferir una habitació individual per un preu de 70 euros la nit. Estàs d'acord amb el canvi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3cf195a0-b83b-42a6-b2e9-d949fa9f736a", + "text": "vale si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64dde9b1-2812-49e6-91d0-643a7bfb6dab", + "text": "Entesos. T'arribarà un correu de confirmació amb les dades d'aquesta nova reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1e91a0f-7f8e-49b4-a51d-780557509ddb", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4107a77-034e-4b98-8395-63e2456543a8", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f2b4b6be-50c6-4eb3-9138-c9d52655f931", + "text": "D'acord, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "953353a6-61d8-4ba4-94ba-91ae9ebdced0", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "54fd5fd0-9fc1-48b3-886e-43bc3202496f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "387ccc6d-d675-4b6a-a8ff-bb053de3e923", + "text": "Bona tarda. Puc ajudar d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8b11043-0e82-4f6d-86d6-a0aa731d66be", + "text": "a quin carrer esta l'hotel Pujades?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "carrer", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel Pujades", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "352177e0-10cb-458d-8837-978cecd0e13a", + "text": "L'hotel Pujades està situat al carrer Aragó, número 23", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "093f2040-eaee-4268-9a39-57e237a23fbb", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c88171e-8a12-4b9c-8102-0ac23a293d2a", + "text": "i quins serveis vaig rezervar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4e2c582-4095-41aa-96d2-2d3430740a72", + "text": "Per poder consultar els serveis que va reservar necessitaré ell codi de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc65fdb3-3496-4043-b5b9-a7a9b1cf611e", + "text": "es 443256Y", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "443256Y", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08a3a813-b5cc-43a4-9ef6-9e677fd11b5f", + "text": "D'acord. Va reservar el servei d'esmorzar tots els dies de la seva estada i també un massatge.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fffed5fb-a5c5-494a-8c23-242569ef7b92", + "text": "pk vull cancelar nassatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "nassatge", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01cf412c-059c-4ac2-aa00-20393b4fbe94", + "text": "Entesos, fem la cancel·lació del massatge.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67bf3022-eaa0-4dbf-b29c-a52214e6ea81", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be4b4e80-04d2-4e3b-9366-14dc76808807", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e403678-08bb-4311-8d75-2e71e4605274", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53b8234a-c235-4874-819c-1fd3f946ab9b", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3d8b279-e53e-428a-a7bf-72b73a959a3a", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f01daf5-f7c6-43be-8524-2e24edfdac06", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f1047335-dd40-4be2-b87f-2cab1fe3801b", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ccaed504-aa5d-4fad-8be9-6e7bd606d70f", + "text": "necessito pagar reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a90988ba-4b4c-4e56-b16c-f6120610b77c", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el teu nom i el número de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46c7b370-7452-449f-ad40-5ea914d57c30", + "text": "em dic manel roca. dni es RR4ED3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "manel", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "roca", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "RR4ED3", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6aff9c32-fcd1-404c-9916-9725b8eb46ab", + "text": "Entesos, Manel. Voldràs pagar amb targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cedac0d7-f44e-46cb-a102-5dd706c12262", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "475a89f6-652e-41b9-a6df-3bb47436c78e", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito les dades de la targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a7d7412-a37a-4415-bbee-39d088e7c889", + "text": "es 4456 6678 44327 44768", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4456 6678 44327 44768", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e4b424c-9e67-4c62-9cd0-d56971f6370b", + "text": "Quina data de caducitat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b732e3e-b74e-43e6-873e-184513720187", + "text": "06 709", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "06 709", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4143a8a6-63e8-40ea-ab9a-7718dd09bc4c", + "text": "06/25ç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "06/25", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "835865d0-c763-40fa-8c51-254cd589858b", + "text": "Entesos, ja fem el càrrec. T'arribarà un missatge de confirmació un cop es faci el pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76dfaddf-63f1-4e15-9707-7568912f7fb6", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c29a0c3-4ff9-4720-8953-c9a29826111b", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b098346-83b5-4997-8bc1-2d485d46b2ea", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "731a53c1-772b-4b84-842e-64c98a974b8e", + "text": "Molt bé, que tinguis un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12fd876a-c027-44db-962c-51bbc4eb134b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "719ded7f-f0b4-4102-9739-6accc36ace7a", + "text": "Hola! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c08412fa-1f09-45a7-b5cf-58f4c5fc0b20", + "text": "es pot pagar amb transferencia bancaria la reserva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "transferencia bancaria", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "576523ba-0ce1-42ba-91e7-c2f8d2c03dc2", + "text": "Sí, es pot pagar a través de transferència bancària, amb targeta o amb efectiu un cop arribi a l'hotel.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "727f2bd8-7b73-4a97-98b7-192aac976d6f", + "text": "ok, ipuc pagar ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07c50174-ed7e-4126-80cb-8ab46cce6cbc", + "text": "Sí, m'haurà de donar les dades de la seva targeta o del seu IBAN per poder fer el càrrec.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43bf35e4-ebff-467e-b728-04b168c0f91b", + "text": "ok dons s ES66009002096123432554355", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES66009002096123432554355", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0e86609-0f2d-44b5-a2cf-4b5c6922e968", + "text": "Entesos, i quin és el nom del titular?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27987a84-6bdc-4ce0-a716-e881c54f4b27", + "text": "Felip Masdeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Felip", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Masdeu", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "009d20ea-8122-4507-95f4-1334b8acd67f", + "text": "D'acord. Pot tardar uns dies en veure reflectit el càrrec en el seu compte, però li arribarà un correu de confirmació un cop s'hagi realitzat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31f1e885-f10f-4dec-a22d-44e965c1902b", + "text": "El puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52209aec-d180-4a27-a19b-bc7ae6b8157e", + "text": "quina es la millor musica pop?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "595947ae-f608-483d-96af-92fecbe972cc", + "text": "Disculpi, no puc respondre aquesta qüestió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8df53b4f-9feb-4373-8e54-ee81c1e2cd63", + "text": "El puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a218e2f5-42ff-4802-a588-d159a1fe5201", + "text": "coi de xatbot¡¡", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "172c93b1-e220-4284-bca2-1a6f0ee65d47", + "text": "ja no et vull adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41c86e04-00da-44f1-b215-3ada88fce4a1", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8fda4aa1-b7e9-4235-bbee-761997574036", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "03377b6b-4e37-4adb-b31c-7a2bca146927", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2062270c-aea2-4b45-8cad-b62465843611", + "text": "vull afegir una persona mes a la reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir una persona", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07316ed5-2200-4d8f-84f9-aa2e6c0efdef", + "text": "Indiqui'm el codi de la reserva i el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16ceff0d-3390-4d25-8b1b-cd44c725120f", + "text": "es 77321765T. el codi es 34RE3W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77321765T", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "34RE3W", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "efe44fd5-12c0-4b96-b779-a3efbb704a9d", + "text": "Entesos, és una reserva per a dues persones a nom d'Elisa Alsina, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8702ed3-ec8d-4eb5-9e5b-ff61057fa647", + "text": "si, vull afegir una persona mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41cdb8b0-44c6-45f5-abc8-5a4fa9fcc6ec", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el nom i el DNI d'aquesta persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7bc3a86-83d5-47a2-bf8b-bafbf8fa9eb2", + "text": "es diu Pol Segur Alsina. el carnet es 77543765E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pol", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Segur", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Alsina", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77543765E", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68a3d68d-e2c3-4a42-b8d6-46dcea28800f", + "text": "Molt bé. L'habitació que havien contractat és doble, però té capacitat per a tres persones, per la qual cosa afegirem un llit supletori.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "838543a5-8c99-46ce-8697-de09a5f43a6c", + "text": "D,acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "22afd544-47c7-4e41-a859-6a46341bc104", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c09943a-8ce9-4eb9-b106-1401f0595f33", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43f18eb4-a427-404c-80e8-2a8d3505c8f3", + "text": "D'acord, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98ad1bdc-97ea-4c07-9eda-b2a30460aceb", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5592cc1b-92e3-4e0f-a896-88b3512d250c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 73#", + "número": 73, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "58d4ff48-603d-44cb-8669-7c50562d28c6", + "text": "Hola! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a739d4bc-8f01-4e1b-9434-c083b5e38ee2", + "text": "vull comprovar si es va fer be una reserva que vaig fer.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "158220cc-be87-405c-b745-fc126f4bf69d", + "text": "Entesos, necessito el DNI i el correu electrònic de la persona que va fer la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6510ed80-8634-4c17-bb37-edd983c191aa", + "text": "es 77543234Y. el correu es joan.santacana@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77543234Y", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joan.santacana@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf6ddc22-2869-4d78-a48c-976a322c8407", + "text": "La reserva està confirmada. Vas contractar una habitació individual amb servei d'esmorzar entre el 4 i el 6 de maig.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98ad5a9a-7026-4804-9106-a8fd471d3f19", + "text": "ah! i em pots dir si era una habitacio que donava al carrer, amb balco,?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "al carrer", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "balco", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "26ff63a4-5662-40e3-9439-093eb475cf82", + "text": "És una habitació amb balcó però amb vistes al pati interior.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "700b95f6-557a-4ce6-8559-8a8efc863dc7", + "text": "ah i no hi ha habitacio amb balco al carrer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "balco al carrer", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60012c62-85da-4148-96a2-2c66ee6c0414", + "text": "Sí, en tenim de disponibles, però el preu és més elevat. Les habitacions amb vistes al carrer tenen un preu de 60 euros la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e7b87ad-e6d4-413b-8588-f84d9e36d548", + "text": "ah! bueno aleshores es ihual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0233628-c68d-4b36-8a53-b54947166608", + "text": "Necessites ajuda en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f537470c-51d6-40fd-9746-21e4bedc6002", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6f64cd9-aaa5-4bd5-9776-d2729740fdb2", + "text": "gracies, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3189d7d4-e29c-490e-ad76-78259a49e5dd", + "text": "D'acord, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "697661f6-90b4-43db-b607-9986c9141134", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 74#", + "número": 74, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8700fbbe-d150-4dcc-8dac-45a0eb0c3925", + "text": "Bon dia, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46183766-b9d0-40f6-91a9-dbde2ee3e070", + "text": "vull cancelar una reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da6003bc-86e9-495c-824d-3c2cbc0d5dce", + "text": "Digui'm quin és el número de la reserva i el nom de la persona que la va fer, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8560e956-39e5-40d7-9a4e-8b53aea34cb2", + "text": "es 55R4TE. a nom de Laia Matas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "55R4TE", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Matas", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e305412-36f2-4889-b0d3-701ad23974ee", + "text": "És la reserva d'un apartament per a quatre persones a Cadaqués entre el 3 i el 8 d'abril. M'ho pot confirmar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60565b9f-e6b0-4b76-9197-33318735f6ed", + "text": "si, es aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba95e840-2e0f-45f4-8abc-4873f1fab4d8", + "text": "Em pot indicar quin és el motiu de la cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ef547db-e832-4f5a-a716-565462188398", + "text": "es que al final no podem anar-hi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "no podem anar-hi", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef429ed0-16ab-4fe3-abef-885c4ba0401c", + "text": "Entesos, en uns instants enviarem un correu de confirmació amb tots els detalls de la cancel·lació i els diners del primer pagament s'abonaran en la seva targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20d3a703-ea8c-47d9-b6c2-3620a894941c", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1676760-5ac8-409c-9b93-99b56cb1405f", + "text": "d'acord gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b964aeda-a6c5-4562-87fb-406899bb4c27", + "text": "em pots mirar si hi ha rebaixes avui a Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab40038f-cc5b-43af-abaf-4fcf338c4904", + "text": "Disculpi, no puc atendre aquesta petició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c5d3d3e-8cac-4cad-9cfc-6bc77e12e259", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5a51b6b-cabd-48b6-a4a9-cb55d9b81795", + "text": "entesos, doncs res mes. adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6176c0c-9db6-47e8-a108-b5fe6d0f9ff1", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29d90990-00f5-4b24-a73b-0d959e424e71", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f4b0b974-289b-4564-831e-594fecb12e35", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dbf28b5-5339-4df8-a359-737b9ab8ae2e", + "text": "quins hotels hi ha per anar a Girona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotels", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3652efb6-d67c-4079-9137-644d7067f002", + "text": "De la nostra cadena d'hotels a Girona trobaràs el Palace I, que està situat a la plaça de l'Ajuntament, i després el Palace II, que està situat al carrer de les Flors.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2941dfe0-288e-402b-91a4-71e582418b55", + "text": "ah! i de quantes estrelles son?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "estrelles", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63907ec3-3d35-4178-b318-3f517e5f4702", + "text": "Tots dos són de 3 estrelles.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66a3f8a4-e075-4299-bbff-27bf23ed04c0", + "text": "entesos. i quins serveis tenen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9913b54-8d1e-46ac-b90f-b4292a7661c9", + "text": "S'ofereix servei d'esmorzar, servei d'habitacions i en el cas del Palace II, aquest també inclou una zona de balneari.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d8afe70-7342-4ba3-8a3d-43d7e5191477", + "text": "ah!! i es pot pagar en efectiu o només targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "efectiu", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ced71ae8-709d-4038-99c3-4ac34660ccf2", + "text": "A la recepció dels hotels es pot pagar de les dues formes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e80c40cf-308c-4842-a881-1dcee1b311b4", + "text": "ah, perfecte, doncs gracies per la informació. reservarem segurament d'aquí uns dies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0bd7d450-1bce-443a-bce0-e10516ff29f9", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f9c0b1f4-81a5-4ba2-b13d-f0be3214f10c", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe7c7061-9542-4e3b-bdf8-9fadffa1b650", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot. gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a414f92e-875d-4167-87dc-5ae7a103d823", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "439818d0-15ff-48e9-ac6f-efe0b4ec8f99", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44961d2f-76a4-4a59-88ab-ad9c97383074", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "869d382a-1e06-42bc-8a80-0a2a2dc46c07", + "text": "Bona nit. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d83f0ec-5d9d-4545-9010-7a8be219556b", + "text": "reservar un apartament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2f3b990-74d7-4e2d-b728-a2427336bed2", + "text": "Per a quantes persones vol l'apartament i en quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53fd62ee-8040-47e2-b5f1-99e9d466f3fc", + "text": "per a 4 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d04b1a40-08b5-474b-8199-2ee9e62f3b86", + "text": "D'acord, i en quines dates voldria reservar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01d68493-8eef-4e6c-abdc-2bb6796f9a60", + "text": "doncs del 20 al 23 de juny", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "20", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "23 de juny", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "712cf44c-f1c8-4020-99d4-6767af4b3ebd", + "text": "Entesos. Tenim un apartament per a 4 persones situat al centre de Sitges i té un preu de 60 euros la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0cc01831-6250-4169-8485-c35d999e7a7f", + "text": "ah! i que inclou aquest preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "972947bf-9aa2-4170-82d7-878c0d67c018", + "text": "Aquest preu és en total entre les quatre persones, i inclou totes les despeses de l'apartament, que són aigua, llum i gas, i també la connexió wifi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "566ec4bc-8b84-4095-b969-40b43aa4eb79", + "text": "ah esta bé. doncs vull reservar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a85079d0-89a3-45fb-bd41-5cfd766c90b9", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el seu nom complet i el DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0d29a61-3694-43a0-aa5e-3b312aa18af2", + "text": "es 77223876G. El nom es Robert Casals Mestres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77223876G", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Robert", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Mestres", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9dd1215-2bba-49d3-936b-1fcc0e52aa42", + "text": "Entesos. Em pot indicar també un correu electrònic per poder enviar-li la confirmació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "190f0998-47dc-4c77-8254-28989d12f9fc", + "text": "si, es casals.robert77@hotmail. com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "casals.robert77@hotmail. com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "426cd1f7-6abc-4d16-9cc5-59e242345d2f", + "text": "En uns minuts rebrà un correu un cop s'hagi confirmat la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8a12261-cd2b-45f5-bd77-ab965ff65a6a", + "text": "d'acord, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32f676e9-ff88-4abc-9988-dc5e2d712c1f", + "text": "Puc ajudar-lo d'alguna altra forma?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46593b0d-7811-4138-8556-85ad670646e0", + "text": "si, puc parlar amb algú? es per saber sobre una cancelacio, que no em van tornar els diners", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "940f9ab1-4e92-4b0b-bb02-1dbaac8410fe", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm un telèfon per poder contactar amb vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4444f149-a016-4786-b41a-bf19b1aa960d", + "text": "es 665484354", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665484354", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39262434-9e72-4192-9056-6975a497b7e7", + "text": "Entesos, ara es posaran en contacte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec6e5155-a39f-45ba-86a0-c4718aceefe3", + "text": "Puc ajudar-lo d'alguna altra forma?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "846c6740-8cf8-4780-a4f5-e38bd798368d", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c071ab9-1f1a-43d9-ae07-f9f6c1de4693", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a83229bb-0195-4415-8e47-4455f9e3eca4", + "text": "De res, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ce2ee51-3844-41ff-bb61-8d08cd66aa58", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c1647c6a-5edd-4d16-bc65-06d69e6655f3", + "text": "Bon dia! Com puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88a91e1b-3364-4924-a8be-ce2b0441b125", + "text": "si, ens han robat a l'habitacio i no se que podem fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ens han robat a l'habitacio", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "210132cb-ddbb-4096-904e-bab760c65bc0", + "text": "Entesos, en aquest cas heu de fer una denúncia i comunicar-ho a l'hotel. Indica'm el codi de la teva reserva i l'habitació, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "444b1ed7-ff0b-4978-9f6e-bacd7c585c4f", + "text": "el codi es TR45E3. era una habitació doble.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "TR45E3", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81a72d11-1c48-4c46-b116-ce3ea42698fd", + "text": "Entesos, saps més o menys sobre quina hora s'ha produït el robatori?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60b0e9d1-5a4c-4ab5-86be-103f0bd083b3", + "text": "no ho se... potser quan vam sortir ahir a sopar, vam estar unes quantes hores fora.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "sopar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebfe3e86-d1cb-4f0b-bf88-042c5538e4a4", + "text": "D'acord. Us recomano que aneu a la recepció i denuncieu la desaparició de tots els objectes que heu trobat a faltar. Allà us indicaran quins passos heu de seguir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b9a39a2-6d14-45f6-9323-af3bd3c8bf34", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6126a52c-4820-4aef-8d17-99096a19e5f3", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "965d346c-d3de-4609-abb4-ca7c33cb3703", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acc8db52-3255-48de-b70b-8c40bebed546", + "text": "no, ja estaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd7516c7-a41b-47bf-9af4-bca93a7ec3b6", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c54edae4-bc8c-4296-9e4f-a7820bbf488a", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "246c7f9d-0e6d-4274-9237-7c1e99cc05ea", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f4dc8211-f929-4ba2-9984-e1b1243393a2", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "812805cf-605e-4f54-a27c-4eb53bf8e7d2", + "text": "vull modificar el tipus d'habitacio d'una reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "tipus d'habitacio", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1dbbc7aa-e0d3-455e-8764-c92cfbac2020", + "text": "Indiqui'm el seu nom i el codi de confirmació de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f826fce-4937-4f58-9073-133d7664fdd8", + "text": "es Martí Torrada. Codi es RT45DE", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torrada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "RT45DE", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e06c5fd8-c53f-48d1-bbdb-1940000e4d8c", + "text": "es Martí Torrada. la reserva es RT5432F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torrada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "RT5432F", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3a3368d-2261-4e94-95c8-54154766bcdb", + "text": "Entesos, en aquesta reserva va confirmar una habitació doble entre el 5 i 9 de maig, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2c8b659-af55-4ecd-9eb1-d1e66f6db331", + "text": "si, aixo es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9ff0b42e-aeda-4a7b-bb5c-0942dccae62b", + "text": "I quin canvi voldria fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "642460db-c426-4897-a157-ced154b1e74f", + "text": "vull una habitació triple", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "habitació triple", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8da4d4ac-bc12-443d-85a6-a8b3e896d27e", + "text": "D'acord, en tenim de disponibles. El preu per nit passarà a ser de 79 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d129bf7-8ef4-44a3-8b27-22cbb220b759", + "text": "d,acord, va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a2140446-588d-4ea0-9e02-91ab6285337d", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f540fcd-747a-48e6-8103-4e7b94cf812f", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "466dcba0-a456-4535-8f71-0b7f00af89e0", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d5b5df4e-764a-4848-95b3-2f08a7faa2e2", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b9b53c0-f10b-4978-947c-78b9bfa8a22c", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6707e2a-cfd9-441c-8172-4abd3572a67b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 79#", + "número": 79, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7ec8616c-438e-424a-a9a1-95fc67479d0b", + "text": "Hola! Necessites ajuda amb alguna gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72ed4ea8-7a64-47d8-a4aa-ed04bd28f9c0", + "text": "puc parlar amb el senyor Torrens, es el cap de recepcio de l'hotel on estic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "senyor Torrens", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3562e1e-e4a3-406a-b405-9aaecf5da778", + "text": "D'acord, pots posar-te en contacte amb ell a través del seu correu torrenshotel@gmail.com o per telèfon, al 678976453.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "545e8b2e-b04f-4601-a606-a61ef7ed06a0", + "text": "d'acord, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7ef70cad-6dd6-43ce-a933-9f61317d35b2", + "text": "El seu horari és de 9 a 18 hores, fora d'aquest horari no et podrà atendre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0eed0670-1378-40dd-9217-856b5b07cade", + "text": "ok, gracies. de tota manera, tu saps si puc pagar amb transferència bancària al fer el checkout?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "transferència bancària", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "031847d9-47f4-4b11-a0e9-930e9debf6b0", + "text": "Sí, és preferible fer el pagament amb targeta o en efectiu, però també tenim aquesta opció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "438d064e-eb23-4418-96d0-f806f0a01dab", + "text": "entesos, gracies per la informacio. aleshores puc trucar a aquest telefon que em deies no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telefon", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99fb4dab-80b3-4b80-b3f4-c8acc7cc55f3", + "text": "Sí, pots trucar tu mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "becfcf0d-df54-4bef-9d37-9b495e36eabd", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1858105a-36be-486d-a7b2-20d6cfa47be1", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "610c4747-a4b9-49c7-ad3c-fd52bc32eb37", + "text": "no, ja esta tot, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba1b8290-b5ae-4df1-96cd-aa7a94a1fad7", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4853f0f7-52bb-4cd9-8d94-cfdfa8884c89", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "957bfdb0-cd25-4465-86ee-5a811f784130", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5b9b97e5-f677-4665-afdc-fc5dd0a1aa9f", + "text": "Hola! Puc fer alguna cosa per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdaa6c9d-3c5a-4f09-b191-325dcd1e6ecc", + "text": "bones, vull saber quant es el total que he d'abonar quan marxi de l'hotel. ç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_summary_of_transaction", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5f6255ec-65f8-4e33-9568-d7878cee1c99", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el codi de la reserva que va fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84ceb137-7a15-4df7-9a41-79cf71a03249", + "text": "es RE324QX", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "RE324QX", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11d674a7-0f70-48db-9703-b8fb16345baf", + "text": "És vostè Tomàs Climent i va fer la reserva d'una habitació doble entre el 25 i el 30 de març, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6261f6d4-cc14-4db3-8983-dbbb2be4f552", + "text": "si, aixo es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "243509fd-483c-4a83-8f95-ce5ba64bcc49", + "text": "Entesos. El total que haurà d'abonar quan marxi és de 230 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2bbe866-672d-44ee-908a-bb9ea6b29a36", + "text": "ok, I a que correspon el total?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3abf9d6b-ed96-4b42-88ff-b0426583f918", + "text": "El total inclou l'habitació i el servei de mitja pensió que va contractar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d09e546c-e5df-4e6b-a39e-bf3be126df1b", + "text": "d,acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "62a263dc-c07c-4d47-b3ed-45cd15943888", + "text": "Puc ajudar-lo en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b189ce75-1756-480b-a67c-a8183c9f725b", + "text": "quin temps fara dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98293c9e-2739-4809-bd43-6a013b82da5e", + "text": "No tinc aquesta informació, disculpi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7c38e71-30df-4d9f-a565-7b54d674235b", + "text": "Puc ajudar-lo en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c7a5aa7-47a7-400e-a192-65aa4aaa3819", + "text": "ok. no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "886da759-862a-4552-9802-6b9f2231fb16", + "text": "Entesos, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0bfbc43-76d4-440a-b70b-2a3d652620c3", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "918bb386-04dd-4c12-aabf-8226a1e373ee", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 81#", + "número": 81, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c07dc5dd-d544-4658-844e-baca371bac6b", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2646db6f-2957-44e9-b53a-ed0cbfe910c4", + "text": "Bon dia. Mira he d'anar amb uns companys de feina a Girona per fer una reunió i necessitem un hotel per una nit i amb sala de reunions", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "sala de reunions", + "Start_char": 118, + "End_char": 134 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6958bdc2-e42a-4e51-906c-2e2207dca180", + "text": "Entesos. Per quines dates seria la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73b858f7-9ce1-43d0-9b96-da124061543e", + "text": "Seria el 23 i 24 de novembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "23", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "24 de novembre", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d252438e-17b2-4569-a073-9afca0eff791", + "text": "D'aquest any?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc6fe5ac-1517-4651-96db-bf2862d1da0c", + "text": "Sí sí i tan", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d1920ea-e9fc-4470-85b9-3b749ede8df6", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs per a aquestes dates tenim dues habitaciones dobles, dos llits. És el que busques?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3140f6f5-4392-4e91-92f5-a6b281fececc", + "text": "va bé això, pero no en teniu una altra lliure? Esque saps que passa, en principi serem 4 però n'hi ha un que hauria de venir també i no se si podrà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 87, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "un que hauria de venir també ", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 131 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d722580-f9c0-4a40-bbe4-6607bce02ef9", + "text": "Deixa'm tornar a mirar. També hi hauria l'opció d'una habitació triple. Una doble i una triple.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7ad7131-e951-4466-900b-92dbc410db0d", + "text": "ah doncs mira sí, o sino també es podria posar un altre llit a una habitació doble?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "un altre llit a una habitació doble", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d2fe291-5d3b-4eb4-8882-6c14f6276016", + "text": "També. Amb un cost addicional. Tot i que es un llit supletori.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf3ca2c8-8cda-4aee-a9a3-322457bc2b6b", + "text": "Ah d'acord, dons fem això. I la sala de reunions estaria disponible tot el matí, l'hem de reservar o com va això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sala de reunions", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4505c445-1e4f-4d95-8d72-01c026819aee", + "text": "Sí, s'ha de reservar. Quantes persones hi assistiran?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19d0c55b-84d8-44c3-9aa3-529b723d086d", + "text": "doncs serem els que ens quedem allà id esprés han de venir d'aquella altra banda, doncs mira serem 15 crec jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "15", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "662ea80a-3297-468f-a86f-4914e6783c07", + "text": "D'acord. Necessites que hi hagi alguna disposició específica de les taules?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8ba4456-1494-4209-b8d0-9481f376ae00", + "text": "ara mateix no t'ho se dir, qualsevol cosa ja em diran i t'ho comento si fa falta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "679fae75-3a1e-49bf-8808-4a224dfa1d59", + "text": "que t'anava a dir també, el preu com quedaria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_summary_of_transaction", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14af1ebf-7fa5-4def-9f81-075b79571fe1", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2694ab8-41fb-4237-b728-e6ad68acbce8", + "text": "El preu, depèn. Vols servei de càtering? Necessites projector?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6f8f427-8b71-4e87-98b2-d65c3e6bc2db", + "text": "Si mira projector farà falta segur", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "projector", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fac54ecd-fdc7-4f7c-9f01-1405301981cf", + "text": "catèring no, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "catèring", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c317322-43fc-4a61-8b80-b4182238a14f", + "text": "D'acord. I quantes hores vols llogar la sala?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c707d447-3241-45c9-83b5-1af202667d4b", + "text": "Tot el matí, de les 9 a les 14 necessitarem", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "de les 9 a les 14", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de37405f-c5e0-4215-a8af-5613e6da2db0", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas el preu serà de 80 euros: lloguer de sala + lloguer de projector", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35a624d6-5d3f-43e6-9b86-3430084fed1b", + "text": "Vale genial i les habitacions a quant puja?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_summary_of_transaction", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "habitacions", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "abd2773b-d25e-4efd-9725-ac586795b789", + "text": "Les dues habitacions dobles amb el llit addicional tindrien un cos per nit de 50 euros i 60 euros (aquest és el preu de la del llit supletori)", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3140a44b-287e-461f-b711-4b1103d1614b", + "text": "d'acord, doncs si si amb el llit addicional", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "504592f2-fd4b-4e8b-8d06-ebbfad0f1795", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitarem una targeta i un nom per fer la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4392efb8-ee45-45a9-89bc-2350674903a0", + "text": "Doncs el meu mateix, soc el Miquel Mas Tur i la targeta 4009 7634 2415 5325", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mas", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Tur", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4009 7634 2415 5325", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6aea081-646e-413e-b457-0c6a505477b5", + "text": "D'acord. Farem una preautorització ara i procedirem a fer la reserva. Et recordem que pots cancel·lar la reserva sense cost fins a 24 hores abans. Si es cancel·la després no hi ha opció de retornar cap quantitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17436f7e-d035-4d23-8313-5d72f47bd2e0", + "text": "Ah d'acord d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "81081253-eb40-4b8c-a962-63b0e2f0118c", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "afcb03b0-f25e-499b-b2b2-4ee084039bb8", + "text": "res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f301f70-08d0-43ac-9dc2-e10fd6a412d9", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23c6eab7-f59a-41f8-a2a2-3a9e31bb70f1", + "text": "Vinga adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29a043bd-d67e-4380-997c-70829e769272", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 82#", + "número": 82, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d35bd880-717d-4d1e-8760-c8ee548af91f", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34948aa9-b07b-4f6a-a720-380d23e974bb", + "text": "Hola mira els meus fills i jo volem anar a esquiar i com l'any passat ens vam quedar sense poder anar i vull fer amb temps, volia fer la reserva de l'hotel ja", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94fbb10c-75d2-421b-a0d8-5193465cd1cb", + "text": "Cap problema. Per quan voldria reservar exactament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2c19fb5-6c83-4953-a7b1-e4df4036d945", + "text": "Pel febrer, la primera setmana volem anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "febrer", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "primera setmana", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1d87ab7-adfd-4cb1-82cf-9b48faa524d1", + "text": "Entesos. Per a quantes persones és la reserva? 3?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92164c7d-eb75-42c8-8a10-f25cdad51876", + "text": "Si, exacte som tres persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "tres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1aedef5-8881-4ecc-958a-0dea12b51b26", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs per a aquestes dates encara tenim habitacions. Pot escollir. Vol una habitació triple o prefereix una individual i una doble?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8eaa55f1-f085-4d37-90fe-a321df9a4b5e", + "text": "No no, vull la triple que els nens encara no són molt grans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "triple", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5d0085a9-0b77-4785-b6d5-594f27eb86d3", + "text": "Molt bé. Aleshores vol reservar de l'1 al 6 de febrer, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d0e68c5-c514-4886-8120-30d55b3e2d40", + "text": "Si, aquestes dates i també volia saber a veure si podem pagar directament a l'hotel", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a l'hotel", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8b133cb-518c-491b-9e13-2d1f898af9d9", + "text": "Sí, pot pagar a recepció quan arribin, tant a l'arribar com després, quan marxeu. Ara només necessitem una targeta com a garantia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc77b211-9bc6-4590-890a-a016d2a94fc8", + "text": "ah molt bé, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e05250e-166d-4129-8ff8-e7e717df2f4b", + "text": "et dono la meva espera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f34dd11-145a-4a54-a0f5-ad0664f17b5b", + "text": "És 8700 6743 5677 4321, i la titular soc jo Ester Bartomeu Ribas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "8700 6743 5677 4321", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ester", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Bartomeu", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ribas", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63afec43-1dc9-4987-8871-3cba84a1dc37", + "text": "Perfecte. Doni'm un correu electrònic per enviar la confirmació de la reserva, que haurà de presentar quan arribi a l'hotel", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d68fd3b-22e4-46d7-b1f6-e8053f3aef9f", + "text": "ah entenc, el meu correu és bartomeue@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "bartomeue@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c4d46acd-ecdc-41e3-9706-90fd02f86e1b", + "text": "D'acord. Rebrà un correu amb la confirmació de la reserva en uns minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1df1008-59f7-499f-9857-83057fdd7a1e", + "text": "Això és tot. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94e1db7b-dd26-43e6-bb44-70ca2f523daa", + "text": "Ja està tot, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d8644e3c-08e1-4a3d-9058-ba892bd342ea", + "text": "Entesos. Que tingui un molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd26820b-e60f-4fd6-895f-4553623e5999", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98c52834-fdae-453c-b6aa-fe03bb7fdf87", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 83#", + "número": 83, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e6053872-4d16-4493-9f42-65ec96ba47ca", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ba56a5b-ebcd-46a8-9b03-5e22a8c0cbe4", + "text": "Ei, mira vaig a l'estiu a Mallorca amb una amiga i anem curtes de pasta, havia vist aquest hostal, podem fer ja la reserva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ca1b4350-10cd-46b2-abdb-820fa6a5a7a1", + "text": "Per quan seria la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2aa58b47-729f-44c6-8571-3baf2fe98d27", + "text": "Volem anar a l'agost, quan sigui més barat, no tenim unes dates concretes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "agost", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52ddaa1e-c396-41b9-a60a-857ec55feed3", + "text": "D'acord. El que passa és que necessitaria saber les dates per saber la disponibilitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "380e5755-b966-4496-a2ad-a913a861e5b0", + "text": "Doncs posali que arribem el 5 mateix i uns die sper allà, doncs del 5 al 10", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "5", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "10", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7aef4359-f3d2-417a-9496-a0d0188b8d88", + "text": "Entesos. En aquestes dates tenim disponibles habitacions dobles, amb balcó o sense balcó. Les primeres són una mica més cares.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f265a5e4-0ace-4847-b5ab-2b81f7ee5895", + "text": "Doncs sense balcó, si allí anirem a dormir i poca cosa més. I el preu quin seria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "sense balcó", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9190d34c-51ad-448a-b6f3-3e678758fc12", + "text": "Entesos. El preu és de 30 euros la nit si voleu les que tenen bany privat. Si no, hi ha habitacions dobles amb bany compartit al corredor, per 20 euros la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0792368c-92bc-44bc-928c-0ce0232dafbb", + "text": "Ah, és econòmic, doncs mira si, aquesta amb bany privat m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "bany privat", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f575673f-5934-4f67-bc04-b379ce7afbbb", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores sereu 2 persones, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14c1bc3b-82a0-45d1-b068-3441aa383d93", + "text": "si si, dos!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f9cdf3a2-3335-42d2-8774-85b761822372", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs ara necessitem una targeta per garantir la reserva, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca582844-67be-4f01-971d-ae5215768eed", + "text": "Vale, et dono la meva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7adc2cfe-dd78-4fb7-8a63-c2947ae1f700", + "text": "És 5436 7689 3423 5434", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "5436 7689 3423 5434", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c115d38-0a48-451d-b7dc-1df0d29979a1", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara necessitem un correu electrònic per poder enviar la confirmació de la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f0af4cd-89c3-4532-a7f6-6c0c2c9d7984", + "text": "Si clar, sandrap@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "sandrap@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0f1a26d-9eeb-4e9d-ada1-e333494a7c1c", + "text": "Sí, ja estaria tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "340bca0d-df0b-42e6-9b81-32ca1f1347f3", + "text": "D'acord. En breus minuts haurieu de rebre el correu amb la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d81deee6-7cc9-4a7b-8c74-262986b4fc45", + "text": "doncs entesos, així ja ho tenim tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "87c2b76c-2335-4a8f-96a0-ddee09c0caaa", + "text": "Sí, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "672e4a22-b609-46d9-bc26-22ad549a6c15", + "text": "Necessiteu alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cef79ca-0410-48c5-bc75-305627de954d", + "text": "genial, doncs gràcies, ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d0979ba-c4a4-405c-bbd1-4d675725b1ce", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5a43d6ef-7578-4d93-a9e0-e28a52c7133d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 84#", + "número": 84, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "be3509c5-65fb-4a9a-8178-2226502166de", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03cceda9-fa19-4806-a0b0-8171916703e1", + "text": "Hola, vull celebrar el meu aniversari amb els meus amics a una casa rural, quines teniu? tenim tots cotxe així que m'és un poc igual on sigui", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "casa rural", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98a85e8a-4293-4c78-b6e9-cc15464d3d4f", + "text": "A quina zona vol celebrar el seu aniversari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cdd2cfa-6c1e-4715-862b-f6448e975251", + "text": "Crec que per la cerdanya m'agradaria, que és molt bonic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la cerdanya", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d5a9957-998a-467a-b7a5-85221e7c0993", + "text": "D'acord. Per a aquesta zona tenim una casa rural, de dues plantes, amb jardí i dos balcons.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9adb63a4-7f5d-4d72-b891-678e7b36bcd7", + "text": "I quantes habitacions té aquesta casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quantes habitacions", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "daf1f8dc-cf3c-4113-af1f-4057193c42eb", + "text": "en té 4", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18db157e-0c6f-47f8-87eb-c669de522895", + "text": "Ah d'acord i està disponible per anar el pont de desembre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "pont de desembre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52b0ac24-88f9-4bb4-a3bc-9f9127113296", + "text": "Sí, de moment està disponible. Vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d23eaaf4-7149-4cc6-9955-3cbe10ce58e5", + "text": "Doncs si si, ara mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d14dbd7-e492-489b-b20f-4031ad66f22a", + "text": "D'acord. Per a quantes persones és la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da972cfc-87dd-43e5-aa7b-997b09e410d4", + "text": "Serem 6 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05a543de-be36-4978-9a08-ae7e76e654dd", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitem ara una targeta per garantir la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1be6fc8a-6368-4c49-bb07-e8b739fc71af", + "text": "Si, mira el número és 5786 4323 6782 9877 i el titular soc jo, Martí Ramon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "5786 4323 6782 9877", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ramon", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "871081cb-e35e-41cb-98a3-bcc82ee9a5ae", + "text": "Entesos. Em podria indicar un correu electrònic per enviar la confirmació de la reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ab833cd-d54b-4987-9751-18e9cf8c13bf", + "text": "Si clar, la podeu enviar aquí a martiramon@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "martiramon@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88396fec-4f5d-404a-a52a-cd72b24fbaa3", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs ja està feta la reserva. Ha de rebre una confirmació en uns moments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23eeef1b-fe3a-403f-9695-4e2478cf1413", + "text": "D'acord, mira sí ja ho tinc tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2003e50-ce82-4e37-9edc-99c4faf4a30b", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7aa1c1f9-7cff-4474-928f-a3801d7fb4d4", + "text": "res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c3769318-3c84-4a2f-848f-e2271944686b", + "text": "Entesos. Que tingui bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "43301a70-9b5f-404b-974f-13a00f4429e7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 85#", + "número": 85, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4d6595a2-f229-4abc-8a89-f18480d8a016", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "441c6f54-f6ec-4c73-87eb-88df4dcc80a9", + "text": "Hola, soc professora d'un grup de 6 de primaria i volem anar a Port Aventura amb la classe, quines opcions teniu d'allotjament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Port Aventura", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "allotjament", + "Start_char": 115, + "End_char": 126 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f32e7dec-a557-4880-bc6a-0581565def8b", + "text": "Per a aquella zona tenim un hotel de tres estrelles i un de dues estrelles", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92ef3b90-c55f-427f-aacf-d0344ce62b8d", + "text": "quines diferències hi ha? quin dels dos creus que està millor pels nens?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "diferències", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51671e8d-0f7d-4111-8eff-9146c4516535", + "text": "El de tres estrelles sempre és millor, clar. Les habitacions i els banys són més grans i l'esmorzar és més complet. També està més a prop del parc d'atraccions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5e415bd-2e5a-43dd-9405-bf1daacfa3dc", + "text": "vale i a veure quin preu té aquest, que haurem d'agafar el que s'adapti més al pressupost que ens han dit els pares", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7f645797-9822-44bf-8afa-a069e9e161c4", + "text": "Aquest costa 50 euros la nit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22a86bcf-1611-44bb-bf18-65cdaae1b992", + "text": "D'acord, doncs està bé, perquè anem dos nits i vam pactar uns 110 €", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef83c185-a2fa-4bc3-b5aa-9bc92e67793f", + "text": "Entesos. Procedim a la reserva de l'hotel de tres estrelles, doncs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d17c6775-0900-4de4-a555-c3a7a6fd7d1c", + "text": "Si si, pot ser del 6 al 8 de març de 2022?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "8 de març de 2022", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3a1ca3e-6f2e-4ba3-a204-22b584fd1682", + "text": "Sí, encara hi ha disponibilitat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39c0145d-f3b0-4df3-ba18-626107778a69", + "text": "D'acord doncs si em pots fer la reserva, necessitarem 10 habitacions si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "10 habitacions", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed35cd1a-099f-4cbc-83c3-d9adffea2892", + "text": "Entesos. Tot habitacions dobles?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2977609c-5bc9-45fb-9ad1-394e04709e72", + "text": "Si, dobles!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e33b76d9-7f5d-429a-87a0-63233e3455f0", + "text": "D'acord. Fem la reserva. Necessitarem alguna targeta com a garantia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20767dbb-ff72-4db6-9335-01b98b33bd4a", + "text": "D'acord, mira és número és 5673 4524 9876 5436", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "5673 4524 9876 5436", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1fa4a8c2-d29d-43ea-89dc-3e40cc786486", + "text": "necessitarem també factura, és possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ff828095-f65a-4bf1-83cf-bbb1fea84357", + "text": "Molt bé. Farem una preautorització a aquest número de targeta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9265713e-6587-483e-874c-9ed248d1487e", + "text": "Sí, és possible. Ens has de donar les dades i quan facis el check-out podran lliurar-te la factura", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9f0744e-57c4-4dd7-876f-40538b455fb4", + "text": "D'acord, us dono ara les dades, esque ho demanen de l'escola, o ja ho faig tot quan arribem a l'hotel?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "quan arribem a l'hotel", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42057c58-898e-47ac-942b-d53de8f9c7bd", + "text": "Com vulguis. Si ens els dones ara ja les tenim. També pots donar-les quan arribis a l'hotel.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cfe32d4-6fa6-4e31-b99a-2205f4904359", + "text": "D'acord, bueno us les dono ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66d8d009-f31a-4208-8261-23b7edab1abb", + "text": "És el col·legi Marià, que està al carrer de Tamarit número 45, a Reus.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "col·legi Marià", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de Tamarit número 45, a Reus", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8bff1d55-4497-4e0b-9cf2-20e200af0a38", + "text": "D'acord. Quin NIF té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03ed045e-3966-4765-9020-f8dabf3264a4", + "text": "És B-35675426", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "B-35675426", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b31c982-1548-4bd5-9852-23fd4988f30e", + "text": "D'acord. Cal ara que ens indiquis un correu electrònic per enviar la confirmació de la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1393d2ad-cf43-43e5-8bc5-b9a7d590e742", + "text": "Et dono el de l'escola, es escola@maria.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "escola@maria.com", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7129a563-720a-4741-acc9-59cce9d94042", + "text": "D'acord. Enviem la confirmació. L'has de rebre en pocs minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "858992b6-84cd-4951-900e-bfc31557120b", + "text": "Voleu llogar algun mitjà de transport per anar de l'escola a l'hotel i viceversa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90f35324-2183-40b1-b476-97c53a2f849f", + "text": "D'acord. Ah no merci, això ja ho farem amb la companyia de busos que usem sempre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "199bf5d2-463b-4f3c-93d5-8084e82549c2", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c67606b-6074-4102-81ca-1eb3a102a187", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4d3aa4c-d128-4499-9cb7-3f093f7c69b1", + "text": "Crec que ja ho tenim tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e16590d0-00fc-4851-8ff2-8b5fbd5a3ca2", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "891cbee4-7be5-404e-be27-eb1a2808e196", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce3d202e-cb95-4303-ae89-2251445363de", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 86#", + "número": 86, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5f572291-2a32-499a-87a7-fd718158a49e", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79f73604-c396-4d58-9f4e-7374e81c0e71", + "text": "Hola, bon dia, vull anar amb la meva parella a Empúries i ens volem quedar per allà un parell de dies. Ens interessa aquest apartament d'una habitació que oferiu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Empúries", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "apartament", + "Start_char": 124, + "End_char": 134 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "d'una habitació", + "Start_char": 135, + "End_char": 150 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "495f54cb-db8f-49ba-a6a8-1d29f15a1d9c", + "text": "Sí. Es refereix a l'apartament que hi ha prop de la platja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bed739e8-4a4e-4138-ba20-9fe2d350b533", + "text": "Aquell, sí que sembla molt acollidor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "19eb4bce-ea2d-42e7-8cd5-dc94895234e3", + "text": "Cap problema. Per quan vol fer la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3af59889-e8f4-4b3a-a4ea-e5bc9b4786fc", + "text": "Seria pel gener, entre el 24 i el 29 que és quan tindré vacances", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "gener", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "24", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "29", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c4d263b-7e16-4d79-a759-b163b2aa7797", + "text": "D'acord. Bé, aleshores és temporada baixa. Està lliure ara mateix. L'apartament tindria un preu de 30 euros la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7bb5889-3c56-4b23-a7ea-5b882e5c0dc5", + "text": "Sí, ah doncs genial, i puc fer la reserva ja?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a943917e-6f3e-4d9b-99c4-46101248d5f2", + "text": "Sí, pot reservar aquí mateix. Necessitaré un nom per fer la reserva. És per a dues persones, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "322660e4-81e7-44a4-abc8-b4e4f12fc766", + "text": "D'acord, soc la Júlia Amat i si serem dos persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Amat", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "dos", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0967c094-53cc-4cea-bb87-4d0083af3ff8", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara em cal una targeta per garantir la seva reserva, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "516c50cf-0902-457c-9f37-5d9f32a1b72f", + "text": "A veure el número és 6438 6345 6453 9876", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "6438 6345 6453 9876", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "189bd9fb-f3ef-4acf-ae69-0b224d9e954e", + "text": "I quina caducitat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a259bc9f-ce38-4953-be2d-b7a0c07b3a14", + "text": "mmm és 04/25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "04/25", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1032a450-b1ba-4082-9c96-518460ceecae", + "text": "Entesos. Farem una preautorització. D'altra banda, necessitem un correu electrònic per enviar la confirmació de la seva reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1da81f5f-50e0-4b13-86b0-921813a452f4", + "text": "vale, ho podeu enviar al meu si us plau. És julia.amat@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "julia.amat@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc8a9480-465b-4f40-917c-f7c37ea6353b", + "text": "D'acord. Ha de rebre un correu amb la confirmació en uns minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39ed4004-7bee-4b2b-876a-ba83cd3045fb", + "text": "Vol llogar algun cotxe per anar per la zona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd222089-86a3-4e36-9e48-8eda01d128e5", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. No en necessitarem, anirem amb el nostre fins allà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e802142-5564-4ac8-b454-deb538d4dd2f", + "text": "D'acord. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ceb717fb-32c9-4c18-900c-fca909ebfbd4", + "text": "Per ara, això és tot, adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "83221b41-def8-47fd-9ec6-d69bee0c5848", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c159563-c57d-437e-a3be-30f9705070c7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 87#", + "número": 87, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "30bca180-16bd-4212-9c9e-d044034bc612", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3445b336-a546-4c23-bda7-b6088ffe8bfa", + "text": "Hola! mira vaig a vielha en dos setmanes, viatjo sola i vull conèixer un poc la zona, era per reservar una habitació d'AirBnb", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "vielha", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "en dos setmanes", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "sola", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "habitació d'AirBnb", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 125 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be4b0ac1-99b2-41d6-a3e3-0652b4268715", + "text": "Cap problema. Quin és el teu pressupost?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6d1cc50-fc61-41ed-b1e6-718601085041", + "text": "Doncs seran dos nits i com a màxim em volria gastar 100 euros en total", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "dos nits", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "100", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd305441-5d64-41ab-b7fc-1e6d8bcffcc8", + "text": "Molt bé. Quines dates exactes viatjaràs a Vielha?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3e48acd-54f1-493d-9159-093f2dd3835f", + "text": "Hi vaig del 20 al 22 d'aquets mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "20", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "22 d'aquets mes", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "90a1bdd8-e2d0-4993-9e3c-9ffbd6b32ed6", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs per a aquestes dates hi ha una habitació en un pis al costat de l'església", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b6f5147-f4cd-4eae-a9a7-a3cce480865c", + "text": "ah molt bé, es cèntric veig, no? i el preu com es quedaria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f796ffb6-1452-43f9-8f21-659a9274c83f", + "text": "Sí, és al centre. El preu seria de 50 euros la nit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbed0726-b50b-41ab-b489-23660df49889", + "text": "D'acord, perquè alguna cosa un poc més econòmica no teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més econòmica", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2f91a79-d72b-4906-a207-f9f059c3504a", + "text": "Als afores hi ha una altra opció. És un pis també. Per 25 euros la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70785599-8688-4576-88fc-5d0c6006f13f", + "text": "Ah vale, i aquest per arribar al centre té bona combinació de transport?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "transport", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "647fa4fe-e831-4e75-bbd8-a75377eb8c28", + "text": "Per arribar al centre has d'agafar el cotxe. No està molt lluny.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b33a528-5f0f-40a6-9fc6-6f722139b4ed", + "text": "Bueno doncs mira res, es que no aniré amb cotxe, vull reservar la que està al centre, si su plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "centre", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78994a9f-5449-4ad9-8079-bb55a63d972b", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito un nom per fer la reserva i una targeta per garantir-la, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af5d5e40-900e-4266-aad7-10e554e5a1ad", + "text": "Val doncs soc l'Alba Torrens i la targeta que tinc és 4538 9765 4532 7654", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Alba", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torrens", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4538 9765 4532 7654", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca5ceb7f-42d0-433a-959f-5e3b17907334", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm la caducitat de la targeta també, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd8b2f9a-9166-402b-b38f-c336b0f1f98b", + "text": "Si és clar, és 11/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "11/23", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "588ff86e-71df-4ea0-a6dc-83c2d9664a76", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara necessitaré un correu electrònic per enviar-te la confirmació de la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "624582ca-83e1-48b4-a16f-506d1b2774d6", + "text": "Aquest mateix alba40@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "alba40@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c58ac7e-68ac-47d9-afeb-61af4965d1ec", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs ja tens feta la reserva, Alba. Rebràs un correu electrònic amb la confirmació en pocs minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ccf412e-9726-4f47-affd-e5e93fd31471", + "text": "D'acord, doncs gràcies per l'ajuda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26e7940a-f444-418d-acba-b334dd26c931", + "text": "De res. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e2d34d4-09ec-45c1-8676-d207f279d06a", + "text": "ja està tot, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "42f6ebdc-b8f0-4411-bcc0-e778411f3cb2", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3186ba3e-55da-464a-9804-bd9b339ff0b8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 88#", + "número": 88, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d6359bc1-1485-4c3d-8710-2e54adac87de", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b91c26a5-c6b5-47b9-81c0-87c24e21fdc4", + "text": "Bon dia, l'altre dia vaig fer una reserva en aquest hotel, i eren dues habitacions dobles més el paquet aquest que inclou activitats d'aventura, però uns amics es volen afegir, teniu una habitació més disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "uns amics es volen afegir", + "Start_char": 150, + "End_char": 175 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4899667a-7f3a-4c6d-8b5a-df8580a36966", + "text": "Per a quines dates vàreu reservar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7012ab5-567f-4a0b-a8a7-b7303a4991f0", + "text": "És del 12 al 15 de desembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "15 de desembre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aaa6bb21-7b0b-48b0-bd4e-326b171e85e1", + "text": "D'acord. Per a aquestes dates ens queda una habitació triple disponible.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ed39374-6446-4258-a753-5acf9788e626", + "text": "Ah bueno i és molt més cara que la doble, esque només són dos persones més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més cara", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00551bd1-3740-410d-8e8a-ffc512c06f0e", + "text": "Sí, és una mica més cara. Ara per ara només tenim aquesta opció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c460247-d17f-437b-9fac-22330ccacdfe", + "text": "Bé, d'acord, i per quan sortiria al final?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8cafce17-4c61-48de-8d2b-705b15339010", + "text": "de preu vull dir", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1725a862-47a4-4291-9f53-86c788d5938d", + "text": "L'habitació triple costa 60 euros la nit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be3c9505-76cb-4c7a-aac1-72235aecd3d6", + "text": "D'acord, doncs vinga si. I això ho podeu afegir en la mateixa reserva que ja vaig fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir en la mateixa reserva", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98ce7b10-22f0-41ff-9671-6c816abaca85", + "text": "Sí, ho podem incloure tot junt. Quin és el número de reserva que us vam donar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4db325d-c5c8-45ab-a3d9-292c16685cd8", + "text": "Perfecte. Mira és el número aquest del correu de confirmació, no? És 76432", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "76432", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52a5adbc-e7b7-42f9-8c22-ab8b643182c8", + "text": "Sí, és aquest. Està a nom de Laia Gandia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a10e663-c808-4fd7-a295-247a2730f99e", + "text": "Sí, correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f068a78-8607-4a70-b648-b4e9e785b96a", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs afegim en aquesta reserva l'habitació triple. Enviem la nova confirmació a gandia90@gmail.com?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79f4ffd0-9eb2-4ac7-8aec-fff3f2929973", + "text": "Si, per favor, aixi ja ho deixo tot enllestit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "08dd92bc-96f0-4301-8ece-ccd3a8da3975", + "text": "Molt bé. En pocs minuts us enviem la nova confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db8329a8-fa28-4f92-9f4e-53838fe1bbd5", + "text": "Necessiteu alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2a4cd60-c4bd-4a24-b966-b56eb4e785f4", + "text": "Doncs gràcies! Res més, que vagi bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ca7220b3-c796-4c8c-8163-ff0b22131d8c", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb682df9-7e48-46bd-aa9b-255ab4417bb9", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "79d7b779-f000-4c39-80f5-59341ccd08c3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 89#", + "número": 89, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "969a5cad-3749-4a32-bbb8-bac17275917d", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a532df8e-9881-4be6-a4ed-057ab93a1015", + "text": "Hola com va, mira que l'altre dia vaig fer la reserva d'una habitació i em vau demanar una targeta de garantia per fer la resreva i fins aquí tot bé. Però que m'han avisat ara que no funciona, no entenc perquè, això ja ho paralaré amb el meu banc. Com ho faig, puc donar-te un altra targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "un altra targeta", + "Start_char": 274, + "End_char": 290 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32750256-eae6-4ef6-a376-c9ebba6ca55c", + "text": "Cap problema. Ens pots indicar el número de reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e56773f7-007e-4722-9779-97558d74a6bf", + "text": "Sí, és el 435652", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "435652", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f64b97ad-a1f3-4011-b737-f2a98c10665e", + "text": "D'acord. Hi ha una reserva d'una habitació del 13 al 20 de desembre, a nom de Carles Puigverd. És aquesta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5cb72430-b69e-4df8-acce-5ac186448ef5", + "text": "aquesta si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "15e3589b-76e6-4ba8-a047-503f0b35b8da", + "text": "a veure com ho arreglem això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "04ae52b4-3116-4cb3-807f-483b40325186", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs ens has de donar una altra targeta per garantir la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a807b33-223c-4321-adcc-18d63310160f", + "text": "Mira aquesta que segur que va. El número és 8754 3425 4356 5342 i la caducitat 06/22", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "8754 3425 4356 5342", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "06/22", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1af5662-f85d-43ce-adb0-ab0688917364", + "text": "Entesos. Farem una nova preautorització. Si no et diem res és que tot està correcte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02f2ba0a-0326-4c45-b81c-9ca0eafc1eb5", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da841472-4f3a-48de-aee2-341a0c7d2806", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs gràcies eh, que quan he vist això m'he asustat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec07d86f-b776-45dc-96c3-2c6805d73ed1", + "text": "res més, això era tot, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2eb86bd7-3bd1-4fe2-bdbf-4023da05fc9c", + "text": "Que tinguis bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5457ce22-1292-4dc9-8527-789acbe7b3fa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 90#", + "número": 90, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9ff1c444-22e8-4f74-912c-56ab2965e413", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70e8fc4b-9f86-41ec-8b29-b46dadb4f953", + "text": "Hola bon dia, havia fet una resreva per aquest cap de setmana era una habitació doble, però hem tingut un problema familiar i no podem marxar. Puc cancel·lar-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fbbec28e-1a5b-407e-9483-0a0b1b9a5d80", + "text": "Quin és el número de reserva que té, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7c9f1e8-e027-4bb5-9dc7-d75f784d3c8b", + "text": "EL número és 23454 i era l'habitació més sopar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "23454", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94bf9850-be87-4aa2-a8fe-4fe6667fa0c3", + "text": "Molt bé. La reserva estava a nom de Clara Castany? Del 10 al 15 de març del 2022?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f47fe23-3a2b-43dc-810d-e822d19d9a57", + "text": "Si si soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0e38417-7f8a-47f6-96c3-514c634a3fb6", + "text": "D'acord. Bé, com que encara falta molt no hi ha cap cost per cancel·lar. Cancel·lem doncs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f98564a1-6218-42bf-bd70-f50ce8ac85d4", + "text": "Ah donc genial, si si, ho vull cancelar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "89faf1f6-1b65-4cba-9fe2-662fd5898d3c", + "text": "Molt bé. Enviarem un correu electrònic amb la cancel·lació. El correu és castany.clara@hotmail.com?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e2f9fd6-3ef4-4c4d-943c-36ad8922ca02", + "text": "D'acord, doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "041f4a4f-6e5b-4f66-9ef6-6a65cb5a0b70", + "text": "De res. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22ea9c31-74e3-4a53-b0f4-b5e325f550b2", + "text": "res més, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1cadba1-6e9c-456b-a885-fae20ad4d7b9", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ff1fa61-9f6d-4ad3-9bed-ff2d8c9dc5c4", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + } + ], + "banca": [ + { + "id": "b8887c93-db2a-4ba0-a679-c3f45149b97b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 1 #", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d67c3e5c-22d0-4aee-92e3-58881cfb6be5", + "text": "Bon dia, com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23f737b6-2878-4f6b-885a-b7998d219381", + "text": "Bon dia. Voldria activar uan targeta de crèdit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de crèdit", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02f58523-7889-4f50-8266-7ddf5ed51c3f", + "text": "D'acord, necessito el seu nom complet i el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a5992251-56c6-4434-ac51-88813cfefc55", + "text": "I tant. És el 77122968N. em dic Jordi Santacanaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77122968N", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebf12678-9db5-44d3-b51b-8f059a616ed9", + "text": "Entesos Jordi, i quin és el segon cognom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbf97a87-bada-4a80-8d09-ff86a24f2a70", + "text": "Santacana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Santacana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89e51f49-fd91-4ec9-9f3e-9489cac9e942", + "text": "D'acord. Ja tens el teu PIN, veritat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d6eb01c-9e4b-4126-9513-d918a8ca51d3", + "text": "No, no tinc targeta. vull tenir-ne una . només tinc compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1f490bd-b586-46b9-bf6f-c350b667dcf5", + "text": "D'acord, disculpa. Doncs ara fem la sol·licitud i t'enviarem la targeta al teu domicili. L'adreça que apareix en el teu compte de client és carrer Gran, número 53, 2º1ª, Terrassa, És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1bb66d7d-d52b-4bcd-9a7d-26c0da4c5546", + "text": "sí, és aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e19fc4a4-1d60-436c-be54-b12e91271e28", + "text": "Entesos, pot tardar una setmana. Si no t'arribés, pots tornar a contactar amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa6fcb48-1790-46ac-86b8-abd7c1e6aa21", + "text": "D'acord. merci!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a171bce4-cb8c-426f-b197-36ccd3fe6d5b", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6135abd-c661-43f8-a7a2-85efa2ac2f6a", + "text": "no ja esat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba18ca4b-1bf8-4ef7-88c6-a7b61596baf6", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bec180b6-0579-4303-94ff-4567928ba867", + "text": "ok. bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c315202b-03d9-4b38-97a6-25af88ed219c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 2 #", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3f24cc11-132f-49b2-88f2-bb437b6cbb5b", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6671496-5f87-47b9-a375-6a6435c24f8f", + "text": "Bon dia. vull fer una transferència bancaria. pot ser ?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferència bancaria", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8eea2c85-9a02-496e-86e3-a1d28962ce94", + "text": "Entesos. Puc guiar-lo i mostrar-li els passos que ha de seguir per realitzar la transferència des del seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e220d25e-9891-4a4a-acd5-195fcb0e2cff", + "text": "ah si? doncs d'acord. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a1dede53-b503-493c-b1d0-4f62aecda471", + "text": "Sí. Ja ha entrat al portal amb el seu usuari i contrasenya?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa882c50-fe8c-48ff-b1c9-037c94c3a139", + "text": "doncs.. no quin és?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "853d90a9-8367-4ac6-86d5-35b04fd943e4", + "text": "Bé, el seu usuari és el seu DNI i la contrasenya és el PIN que li van donar un cop es va fer client del banc. En cas que no el tingui, en podem demanar un de nou.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3e0aac9-d0ac-42ad-aa8b-b272c45e9224", + "text": "ah! ok.. a veure... si, suposo que es aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a25a24fe-f1d8-43c7-84de-c13c1f8e0db0", + "text": "i aleshores com segueixo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2e9a5eae-3259-4ef2-a3a5-1ec7cb7c7c9c", + "text": "Un cop ja ha aconseguit entrar, veurà que a la part de sobre hi ha una pestanya que posa \"transferències\". Ha de clicar a sobre i a continuació emplenar totes les dades que li demana el sistema: la quantitat de diners, el número de compte al qual vol fer la transferència i el nom del titular d'aquest compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31ed40c0-1727-4dfa-87ec-f06923762299", + "text": "ah! ok entesos. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "193904f6-3957-4fcc-bfcb-823759594561", + "text": "Quan hagi fet la transferència li hauria d'aparèixer la confirmació de la transacció, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d1d6575-9415-463f-9b5a-4cde78631875", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26064c47-5543-42fd-994c-899bc399cb91", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "95001569-c69f-40fe-a64b-a7e123b52467", + "text": "Necessita ajuda en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e837097e-2833-4ec4-bdce-312fe44608db", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b0a74f3-0f70-4349-8383-d0d307fc987d", + "text": "Entesos, adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfa59cd0-5078-4405-b21f-41df40630ab1", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8abe000-6d79-4ea5-bf75-6c9bfebc0d5c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 3 #", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d8b99210-c7b1-4413-b00e-e7cfc3def321", + "text": "Bona tarda. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a62d8bb2-093e-42bd-84e9-13229809306b", + "text": "hola. voldria ingressar uns diners", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ingressar uns diners", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "571d0b4a-515c-4453-b87f-7faeaa4fbb64", + "text": "D'acord, són diners en efectiu? En aquest cas, hauràs de realitzar aquest tràmit des d'un caixer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "321e38cd-feb9-464e-b4f1-32527f95e889", + "text": "d'acord. com ho faig?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ecc705c-8a50-46b3-adf4-ae2f7af9bf8b", + "text": "Doncs has d'anar al caixer més proper, i allí hauràs de seguir les instruccions que t'indicaran de quina manera fer-ho. T'identificaràs amb la teva targeta i el teu PIN i, a continuació, hauràs de prémer la pestanya \"fer un ingrés\". Hauràs de seleccionar l'import de diners que ingressaràs i, després, introduir-los en el caixer. Un cop el caixer hagi fet el recompte t'apareixerà en la pantalla la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c55ed689-2649-492a-a6f2-a8689910f1ad", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e204f009-0975-4e10-ab73-316b221cb175", + "text": "Si em dius la teva localitat et puc indicar quins són els caixers més propers.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33da1528-c051-4aad-8492-c0b83a2a5de4", + "text": "doncs visc a Palfrugell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Palfrugell", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "060c7f96-b300-4923-a1ba-f0540250b134", + "text": "Palafrugell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Palafrugell", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de602ba7-a4d4-40bc-9b5f-e4514d95adf4", + "text": "A Palafrugell trobaràs les nostres oficines centrals al carrer de Torres i Jonama, 23. També trobaràs un caixer automàtic disponible les 24 hores al carrer de les Torretes, 45.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb3ca86b-d384-43ed-a9df-66de922828b6", + "text": "D'acord. gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "07567f58-3fa2-41ba-aabb-a763ea8fafd7", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4980fdcf-1ded-4d74-9728-573e25a7cf11", + "text": "no, ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "831bef62-37e7-493d-a2e0-041d86d1b4a4", + "text": "D'acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c35d061-4996-4ff3-a8c4-8abf57a238b4", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "697e6bb9-2527-4e83-8e79-5c5568500219", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 4 #", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b1ab24a2-8292-4cea-86f7-bfa65ddfe2b9", + "text": "Hola! Digues-me en què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75d27a02-b143-42a6-8964-996bc31bd3f1", + "text": "Bon dia. v oldria obrir un fons d'inversió.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fons d'inversió", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60657fd2-8587-45c9-8cae-0c4094d85812", + "text": "Entesos. T'interessa algun en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bd316db-9f59-4413-9daf-a541e94b5948", + "text": "teniu un amb un interès del 10 per cent. pot ser ?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "interès", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "10 per cent", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea8b0a77-08d7-4f79-bfbe-aa7359515c29", + "text": "Correcte. Es tracta d'un fons d'inversió d'emissors europeus en la seva majoria i de renda variable. Ets ja client del nostre blanc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9378f89c-0f1a-4fc6-9d0a-65393a564e56", + "text": "sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5f49e56a-af5d-411c-9293-3401b7ecbf92", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs necessitaré les teves dades per poder fer el tràmit. Digues-me el teu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d90b76d9-02e9-4b00-b5ca-ff654a99bdfd", + "text": "sí, es el 77345324G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77345324G", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57988dbb-5f1a-4ad6-ab77-b198433f2f36", + "text": "D'acord, Jaume Portet Mas, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a9857ae-3104-45fd-9d5b-1e133ceecff2", + "text": "sí, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "761d94cd-bcd0-4909-a849-2ef572a85fea", + "text": "Entesos, ja he fet la contractació. Des del teu compte personal podràs anar controlant les teves inversions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6eb9da9-92e8-4906-9b9f-3706a5a79a6d", + "text": "molt be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32ca0319-0bae-49bf-9439-a89cc477a9ea", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a8252d0-d2f6-43dc-b03c-4b93f4f4f7bf", + "text": "no, ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "22429b7f-b9fe-40c7-afb5-c34d5766a8e3", + "text": "Entesos, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91541076-4c63-4a8f-9bb6-d091faca4b76", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81451971-8256-4567-bd1c-df34d362ee90", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 5 #", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1aaeadf6-4b5e-4774-be74-796c932d210c", + "text": "Bon dia, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "987363c0-c82e-4e3c-917f-f645a84ccc0d", + "text": "bon dia, voldria cancel·lar un compte si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea643dcf-a1b8-4148-8c8d-b472d4ef0cbe", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'm el seu nom i cognoms i el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46f19b0d-3458-401d-b959-12816588c4a3", + "text": "77564432F i el nom es Manel Farragut", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77564432F", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Farragut", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9daca757-a0ee-43ee-a845-1a37e2edd986", + "text": "Entesos, Manel. El compte que vol cancel·lar és ES20 6543 0987 34 20 342456234, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b3ef3f8-feee-4f5a-850a-f682b7f9140f", + "text": "sí, es aquest mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a61b802-0be7-4178-914a-7e6a2c1f1089", + "text": "D'acord, li explico. Primer haurà de treure o transferir a un altre compte tots els diners d'aquest compte per poder cancel·lar-lo. En aquest moment ja podrà fer la cancel·lació, es pot posar en contacte amb nosaltres un altre cop i l'ajudarem o, si ho prefereix, ho pot fer vostè amb el seu usuari i contrasenya.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe3c6c85-3d51-48c1-9360-cb43cba6989b", + "text": "d'acord. em pots indicar usuari i contrasenya? no recordo ara ..", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "usuari i contrasenya", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c432f39-0915-48f5-8795-a09cfbe614f9", + "text": "L'usuari és el seu DNI sense la lletra i la contrasenya si no la recorda pot sol·licitar-ne una de nova des de la pantalla que li apareix quan inicia sessió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36bab836-b2f4-44bc-a320-5782386111b4", + "text": "ah ok! perfecte. doncs provo així , gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3889122-1fde-480b-ac30-2e099b075b08", + "text": "Entesos, el puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a700a6b3-feb0-47a3-8dfa-e5b8e43f4943", + "text": "no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3f7ff48-a4e2-4b5e-88c5-b6e1050fccd9", + "text": "Molt bé, que tingui bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "033249e3-f021-4b2b-bd91-58bc17e2ac9f", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "717f31eb-45a4-4e2b-88f1-d9d545edc657", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 6 #", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c7fd151b-491f-47d3-99d0-618a05448b5f", + "text": "Hola, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f6b8dc8-bbf1-4c10-be56-bfbb6e5679e8", + "text": "Hola, voldria obrir un compte . pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c68c15d-cb82-42b3-bc6a-231b12a4dd20", + "text": "D'acord, necessito primer les teves dades: el teu nom complet, DNI i data de naixement.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5a13dbd-e5c3-4d77-97b6-32da4f381041", + "text": "El meu nom és Martí Palau. El carnet és el 77654384R. Vaig neixer el 10-06-79", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Palau", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654384R", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "10-06-79", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f2a73df-d74a-4d84-89a3-5dae7e9dd162", + "text": "Entesos. En aquest cas et podria oferir un compte que inclou targeta de dèbit i sense cap comissió durant els primers dos anys. Per continuar amb el tràmit també m'hauràs d'indicar un número de telèfon de contacte i un correu electrònic, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75cc1ccf-7f10-43d3-9691-62cd0537f1c9", + "text": "ah, ok. doncs m'interessa. el número és 665485433. el correu és palau.palau79@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665485433", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "palau.palau79@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "476f2ce7-e6d8-4799-b8b1-41f0dc943224", + "text": "Molt bé, Martí. Doncs benvingut, ja he donat d'alta totes les teves dades. Ara t'arribarà un correu de confirmació i un SMS perquè puguis acabar de configurar el teu usuari i la teva contrasenya de la banca digital. Per últim, m'has d'indicar la teva a adreça postal i un cop estigui tot llest t'enviarem la targeta de dèbit a casa teva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0e66ebf-e41b-442e-99e9-b5d4a6608eca", + "text": "sí, l'adreça es carrer joan III, 4, cinquè priemra", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer joan III, 4, cinquè priemra", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e79a49ef-3688-47cb-8cd8-00840fee0a39", + "text": "primera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "primera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ca476dc-2dfe-4761-b4ac-58b8a1aa287d", + "text": "Doncs ho apunto. Com ja t'he dit podràs acabar de configurar el teu compte amb les dades que t'arribaran al correu. Si tens qualsevol dubte estem a la teva disposició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3ccbc44-fa29-43aa-838a-bfacc3b13c51", + "text": "d'acord. ara m'ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "34c27bfb-5195-4dd7-b2ad-7a920fa5a2e0", + "text": "Entesos, et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "181db07f-8498-43ab-a218-bd2cffe7bcbf", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1c3cf0c6-c69c-4d6c-b1f0-80d99b67cb47", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed0074d4-8094-4677-92b0-73694cf51e72", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b67ae069-aac0-4fad-8a43-5e7121546c3d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 7 #", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b7364cd1-c97c-4c63-a39c-5826b2b52155", + "text": "Bona tarda, com puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3cc9d5f5-679f-4b5d-a1ba-5dab9813450e", + "text": "hola bon dia voldria afegir a una altra persona al compte d'estavli que tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir a una altra persona", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'estavli", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9ee75a7-f721-4987-b04c-c1ac42f36a53", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el teu nom i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca53362b-21d6-4cde-a802-2a0ea46e9416", + "text": "em dic marc ventura i el dni es 77654384R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "marc", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "ventura", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654384R", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9be9e1be-8ffd-4f86-a099-9d4d865c5ce4", + "text": "Entesos, Marc. Veig que tens dos comptes oberts amb nosaltres, em pots dir quin és el compte en què vols afegir una altra persona, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23d99529-727a-4172-ae99-cf4c1804565e", + "text": "el corrent, on tinc la nomina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "el corrent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "on tinc la nomina", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1fdea167-8dba-4b15-9144-b46a3e5b8e50", + "text": "D'acord. Ara necessito les dades de la persona que vols afegir: nom i cognoms, DNI, un telèfon de contacte i correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19ab6abb-f39e-4708-89d5-f1200d02d0bd", + "text": "es diu eulalia margarit, 7745326R. telefon es 654348594. el correu es margarit78@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "eulalia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "margarit", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "7745326R", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "654348594", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "margarit78@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d077fb33-bd88-436c-90dc-403a10b617da", + "text": "D'acord, i el segon cognom quin és? Em sembla també que falta un número al DNI, me'l pots repetir, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90f8260d-8ef4-4b1c-8e7b-a954b1f796c9", + "text": "Margarit. 77454264R, disculpa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Margarit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77454264R", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29620d85-415e-41da-af5c-b210b9630392", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. Ja està feta la gestió. Se us informarà als dos per correu electrònic del canvi de dades. La nova usuària haurà de crear-se una contrasenya per poder entrar en la banca digital i el seu nom d'usuari se li comunicarà de forma confidencial a través d'un missatge al mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9147f141-0d6e-42d4-950e-40e83d18d123", + "text": "d'acord. perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a325f620-247f-4472-af7e-dc7516faf668", + "text": "Tens cap consulta més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6342393f-5844-42d8-b074-7f6e5624b4bb", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76049290-c5fc-454c-8c39-f5c5cdbf7d9b", + "text": "Entesos, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2034932c-9fbe-4257-970e-af3321cf89dd", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e06aacce-96f4-4988-8f24-9afed35f43b8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 8 #", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "99b5ae7c-a683-4750-8554-c97fd063ce1f", + "text": "Hola! Què podem fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81b2a101-3336-48b2-980f-e2c078887044", + "text": "Bon dia, necessito saber si puc tenir targeta de crèdit, quins son els limits?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de crèdit", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "limits", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8085544d-17a9-42d7-bf40-32ae0f019812", + "text": "Els límits venen determinats pels seus ingressos i els diners que té en el seu compte, en tots els casos és possible tenir una targeta de crèdit, però els límits seran variables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "305b69ab-6eb8-4efa-a1f6-03a4c987f264", + "text": "quins son els limits?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "limits", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e1615fb-9214-487d-8aa5-86412a65c451", + "text": "Si em pot dir el seu nom i el seu DNI, podré comprovar el seu compte i fer un càlcul aproximat de quins podrien ser els seus límits. En definitiva, el límit de la targeta és la quantitat màxima de diners que pot gastar cada mes usant la targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f42ef4d9-4614-447a-a5b1-698f9d17764d", + "text": "si em dic Marta Casals. El DNI es 77654345", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654345", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b42b4558-8d47-4727-b8fc-2d498d661163", + "text": "ai, si. es la E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "E", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f9d5c9dc-f340-4388-93a8-828fcffcca66", + "text": "D'acord, Marta. Em pot dir la lletra del DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b0ee3c4-1109-4aaa-9a29-003349eb1664", + "text": "sí es la E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "E", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f609718c-ccfa-4834-af55-55bea959cd94", + "text": "D'acord. Segons els seus ingressos el límit màxim que podem establir actualment és de 3000 € mensuals. En cas que variés el seu compte considerablement, es podria revisar i canviar en qualsevol moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e0381e6-44a0-4023-b4bf-f17b058899d5", + "text": "entenc. doncs puc fer aquesta targeta si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fcbdad15-e1bd-4e3d-977f-f988271ecd7b", + "text": "Sense cap problema, la podem enviar físicament a casa seva. Em pot facilitar la seva adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c69b504-9f63-4321-99ce-fc5b768c6769", + "text": "sí, es marta.casals77@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marta.casals77@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51b46841-62a2-4d73-92b8-6831cf3f89e2", + "text": "Disculpi, necessito la seva adreça postal, per poder enviar-li la targeta que acabem de fer a casa seva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d1c60f5-a99b-44de-b712-0bdc2f1f06a0", + "text": "ah! doncs es carrer del Mig, 43, 2n-3a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer del Mig, 43, 2n-3a", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e169664-388a-42c7-b594-3d7c8fa751d6", + "text": "Entesos, li arribarà en uns dies. Quan realitzi la primera compra s'activarà la targeta de forma automàtica.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d95beb12-66a6-4e3f-953f-bb40369d7f5f", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ea86582-6f0e-4ddf-a169-4f5d5c6a8425", + "text": "La puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1653c9f-a944-4c90-baf9-b132565752f4", + "text": "no aixo es tot gracies !", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d71b267f-5efa-42b3-9bc0-af6274fbd83a", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8e46937-f7bc-41f4-b8a9-3c0456fbdde4", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2d34f893-8eb9-4311-af67-f170ba5a2d74", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 9 #", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ff931010-3e00-4d2e-97e2-7dd15627a2d0", + "text": "Hola, què és el que necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a244aca-1308-401f-a854-144ff6222f87", + "text": "Hola, si, puc ingressar uns dinerd?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ingressar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a423f277-4f95-4ca3-9ded-3589d1d78a78", + "text": "Si el que vols és ingressar uns diners en efectiu ho hauràs de fer en una de les nostres oficines o a través d'un caixer automàtic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0ac744c-e383-409a-88e8-84c351fca831", + "text": "D'acord. i quins caixers hi ha a la conca de barbera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "caixers", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la conca de barbera", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98066823-cfdb-4f09-9354-909594888b4c", + "text": "A Solivella trobaràs al carrer Tomàs Tarragó una de les nostres oficines, amb horari de 9 a 14. I a Sarral i a Forès també hi trobaràs oficines en diversos punts i caixers automàtics.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "569a1749-b51b-4290-b7ec-aa6116a8e892", + "text": "perfecte. i quina quantitat maxima he de treure?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quantitat maxima", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52875cbf-5cfc-423a-9d6a-daff5342f3fb", + "text": "perdo. vull dir quina quantitat maxima puc treure¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quantitat maxima", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e3534df-c527-430d-b284-fd1fa5189b57", + "text": "Tant si necessites ingressar diners com treure'ls des d'un caixer automàtic tenim un màxim de 1.000 € al dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1b696cf-bcbb-4f79-b3af-093e8f78d73a", + "text": "entesos. esta be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "88920f24-3c95-430c-b14c-2394c642f366", + "text": "Necessites ajuda amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f77625b1-b672-4866-9bc8-e346d227e4cd", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d83cb545-542b-463d-a1ca-f5ef2cad5521", + "text": "Entesos, adéu bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "421a7c23-2f55-45fe-9d80-f949ec574ffd", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c894aee-48b0-4039-96c3-d2071f3920e4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 10 #", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ef4361b3-539e-46de-b0c7-862a529b246b", + "text": "Hola! Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "05bbb458-f398-4c1a-abcd-659ab4766c7c", + "text": "hola!!! puc mirar l'estat d'un compte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "mirar l'estat d'un compte", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8fe6d2c3-b650-4f44-8b61-8c1b21d37b22", + "text": "I tant. Digues-me el teu DNI i un número de telèfon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d65956c1-23b5-48af-9f7f-881976eb71b2", + "text": "si, es el 77556324E.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77556324E", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d639475-cc58-4a47-9f44-cd9c9ed0edc5", + "text": "D'acord, em falta també un número de telèfon per fer la comprovació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97ebcf6e-4b97-4356-ae04-46125aeaf587", + "text": "doncs.. aquest: 665432743", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665432743", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "769d148f-26df-45ec-85cb-8a14b4f692aa", + "text": "Entesos, Marta Agustí Coll, veritat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad99e59e-19d6-43aa-95db-0da1a79ff8cc", + "text": "Si, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e37dd8eb-f32f-4db7-9f79-8af29678beaa", + "text": "D'acord, Marta. Quin dels dos comptes que tens vols mirar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58b44538-a555-49af-b3bf-dcc133f1655d", + "text": "el corrent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "el corrent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3b09cdfc-a137-468f-b46f-8610bec286ba", + "text": "D'acord. Aquest mes has tingut un total de deu moviments, entre aquests, tot despeses i un ingrés. El total del compte actualment és de 10.7673,89 €. Si ho prefereixes et puc enviar un informe detallat de l'estat del compte per correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba3f292a-4d93-482e-8ca6-a68be1650380", + "text": "entesos. i em pots dir quin és el darrer moviment? es una despesa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "darrer moviment", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "despesa", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82b7c2dd-336d-4672-9fa3-5a59f3dfbf2a", + "text": "Sí, és una compra en un supermercat per un valor de 56,87 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17aee3d3-9baf-4d30-89b9-5f030bcef4e5", + "text": "d'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99341820-fec0-4e7e-92be-b91685893d80", + "text": "Si em dius quina és la teva adreça de correu electrònic et podré enviar l'informe.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59f4891c-9b31-4642-98ea-2af4b5d67b80", + "text": "mm.... vale. mira, es marta.coll@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marta.coll@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc6e4bb3-29c5-4850-9d3e-4b76e1ec901f", + "text": "Molt bé, ja t'ho he enviat, t'hauria d'arribar en uns minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6325f0e7-2b9b-4a94-8f2c-c5cc27a9f9d1", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b58c9550-4de9-4564-911b-a96ab942345c", + "text": "ok gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cca05679-8c45-4cc3-8cbf-6e92b5d8177c", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f74bc24d-024b-46f8-9b04-8e1c6b18b37c", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec4d6952-4061-4b59-a321-dc00bc47ec10", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e267464b-78b9-4ecd-a8b1-cf0cdc8964cc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 11 #", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b0692022-c76d-4a58-90e9-bf066c44c948", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7050443-7a9f-4bda-9dda-fce6b993eae5", + "text": "Hola! podria fer una transferencia entre comptes¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferencia entre comptes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7da5822f-0a59-4ac4-a40c-72effd5ee21d", + "text": "Jo directament no puc, l'hauria de derivar a un dels meus companys de banca. Tot i això, jo puc indicar-li quins són els passos que ha de seguir per fer la transferència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84e37707-6825-4695-8d34-077eebe9ee21", + "text": "i com ho puc fer jo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "07796212-37ea-4fe6-8e1f-45c75a5fedd9", + "text": "Ha d'entrar en el seu compte d'usuari amb el seu DNI i la contrasenya, això ho té a mà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85a6ee6e-bd87-4b68-822d-cb838fbf65f5", + "text": "mm... ok. la contrasenya on la trobo?ç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "contrasenya", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0990e73f-4dff-4462-b84d-57acc38b3095", + "text": "La contrasenya l'ha de crear vostè des de la pàgina principal, quan inicia sessió. Pot triar la que vostè vulgui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eaae50b4-5bd7-42d6-97dd-5daecb5fa0d6", + "text": "ah!! d'acord. i quina es la pagina web¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pagina web", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b53535ff-d051-4749-bf9b-352a518cffd1", + "text": "És la pàgina del banc, veurà que la part dreta apareix una pestanya amb el nom de \"banca digital\". Ha de prémer a sobre i li apareixerà una nova pantalla on podrà crear la contrasenya.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97f4464b-8e05-49d9-b64d-ff9a3aa3229d", + "text": "entesos. crec que ho he entes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49b0abb8-929a-426a-b562-5856a1e611c4", + "text": "Molt bé. Un cop ja tingui les dades per poder entrar veurà que li apareixeran les dades de tots els seus comptes. En cas que vulgui fer una transferència entre dos dels seus comptes haurà de triar l'opció \"fer transferència entre dos dels meus comptes\". A continuació, només haurà d'indicar l'import i confirmar la transacció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "071cac89-7703-463d-9fe3-da80f1a17d34", + "text": "d'acord . moltes gracies per la informacio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5cc2c3fd-3456-4fc9-99fa-3c6021f1ae5e", + "text": "A vostè. Necessita ajuda en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d1c0f18-e5ab-4235-bc54-d9b01c88a692", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c69a952a-0bcd-4485-9c8f-ba3cd03b003d", + "text": "D'acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "864390a8-a9ba-4064-a991-3187346dfefe", + "text": "bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "357d5354-2633-4b71-af62-efb379fd4150", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 12 #", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ecf93b00-d7a0-4b59-b09a-f0bd537dc898", + "text": "Hola, et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "725a67ea-3b7d-423e-a764-45e2e24e7d6f", + "text": "hola! em pots anul·lar un rebut que tinc domiciliat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "rebut que tinc domiciliat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f63c6eef-728a-4a71-9fae-218c11984bb3", + "text": "Cap problema, em pots dir el teu nom complet i el DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87f3a217-f1cb-4a16-9fc9-e4542fed45f0", + "text": "em dic Mateu Campanar . el DNI es 77654328", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Campanar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654328", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "774ee4d8-fd58-43ec-ac25-ccd729f9114b", + "text": "D'acord, Mateu. Quin és el rebut que vols retornar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7369c00b-e667-429e-a1d9-6a2bc4d28134", + "text": "si, es un d'interrnet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "d'interrnet", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f4827d9-3e6c-4e48-b13c-44e1a57a913c", + "text": "Entesos. Es tracta d'un rebut per un import de 29,99 €, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85e838e5-0a66-4dcb-ab04-44e1497b1778", + "text": "si, es aquet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e7c39ed7-b5ab-45f9-8e3a-b3a1917e5c5a", + "text": "D'acord. Tens activada la banca digital, per això, per motius de seguretat, ara t'arribarà al mòbil una notificació que hauràs de confirmar. Un cop ho hagis confirmat la transacció ja s'haurà realitzat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "102f947a-38f9-4e74-88e5-c2eccbdac49c", + "text": "entenc. d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c02518de-03a8-452b-8635-744c5aa31ea4", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4322fe9-aa55-46e9-8a37-295666857178", + "text": "no, ja estaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45dd13aa-625d-41c6-b177-f1fa951ffa32", + "text": "Entesos, que tinguis bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d569df7-62f2-44c1-92dd-247d4add0ca9", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "606ef456-f4d9-494a-ad8b-4facd35ec531", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 13 #", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f426b31-e3f5-4a07-8cc6-446ea06b1b25", + "text": "Hola, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa253f84-8e12-45ab-9004-60047c93285e", + "text": "hola! voldria cancel·lar un rebut. crec que m'han cobrat dos cops", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "rebut", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "cobrat dos cops", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "46c234d3-08a3-46cd-b1c1-1f5d90d60439", + "text": "Ara ho comprovem. Necessito el teu nom i cognoms i DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1df24aa8-3344-4186-9fef-0e81b4f9d1d7", + "text": "em dic Monica Planas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Monica", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Planas", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50a3f385-1bbf-4e37-b840-424a1749a1df", + "text": "Entesos, em pots dir també el DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e619b978-cecf-4b21-9f6b-2c5889b61b74", + "text": "ah si, es el 77654348W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654348W", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09f3e47f-75dd-4330-9a17-422caabaccba", + "text": "Entesos. En el teu compte veig d'aquesta setmana dos rebuts idèntics de la companyia de llum, per un import de 59,56 €. Tot i això, la companyia et va ingressar l'import d'un d'aquests rebuts uns dies més tard. Per aquest motiu, entenc que ja s'ha solucionat. Si ho prefereixes et puc enviar un extracte de l'operació per correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ed8f3e6-352e-498f-a44f-59e4a602b531", + "text": "si, si em pots enviar millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ff58aacb-fd59-41ea-bde9-722815f39e00", + "text": "Em pots dir una adreça de correu electrònic, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddb2ca3c-9017-4500-af6f-969679b306e9", + "text": "si, es marta.marta80@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marta.marta80@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b638cb3-296c-4ad0-a300-8e278d1a8134", + "text": "D'acord, ja t'ho he enviat tot, t'hauria d'arribar en uns instants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "495adea2-e9b3-4171-8734-671e3b63357f", + "text": "perfecte. gracies!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "97ae76f8-2068-4995-97b9-b84f8ad431e5", + "text": "Necessites res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b58c2671-097a-475d-a664-28890548275a", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "66bec4bb-0e16-437c-8da6-17d6fe544579", + "text": "Entesos, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02995bb1-7bb9-47b4-9bf5-70e433ef8f6a", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "38998546-9eb0-4b28-a04a-4ef237326c9c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 14 #", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3e0a4d73-8e75-4f8d-8cc7-3654310c958c", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "709961e5-cdd6-4e7b-be80-d350c588d5d1", + "text": "hola, puc fer una altra targeta? he perdut la que tenia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "perdut", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8626ada3-e9d9-400e-ab79-e0e77f594b9e", + "text": "Cap problema, primer haurem de cancel·lar la seva i després podrem demanar-ne una nova. Digui'm, si us plau, el seu DNI i el seu nom complet per poder entrar en el seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28b2c557-c44e-437a-af39-07ffbb378a6f", + "text": "d,acord . em dic jordi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "jordi", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8cb1c13f-6ced-4c51-a099-7dce57609563", + "text": "D'acord, Jordi. Necessitaré també els seus cognoms i el DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bae2697f-4cbd-4d10-8492-7f2e54da092c", + "text": "ah si, son castany soldevila. el dni es 77432156S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "castany", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "soldevila", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77432156S", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf085a64-600c-4bd5-ab5a-2ac8bb38db28", + "text": "Entesos, senyor Castany. He comprovat que és usuari de dues targetes, una de crèdit i una altra de dèbit. Quina de les dues és la que ha de cancel·lar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b30a7f4d-efc4-40a8-b632-c61f56f3cce3", + "text": "la de debit. i fer una nova", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la de debit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fer una nova", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2517acff-ffd3-4f7c-9b76-ad58422eba45", + "text": "D'acord, ja està cancel·lada. Ara en demanarem una de nova. Vol que li enviem a casa seva per correu postal o prefereix passar a buscar-la per una de les nostres oficines?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bad39b4e-a113-4951-b741-160e3c5ebf12", + "text": "quina oficina hi ha a Matadepera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Matadepera", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bcccdc9c-d47c-4e3e-914a-5de22ec25f7b", + "text": "Tenim una oficina al carrer de l'Olivar, 56. Puc enviar-la allà i la pot passar a buscar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30cf88fd-2c3b-4640-8064-f21dc08c54e8", + "text": "d,acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41e69f16-5344-4d4c-9fe7-5ef500a74ace", + "text": "Podrà passar a recollir-la en una setmana. Si no pogués, no es preocupi, la hi guardaran allí els meus companys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9551c122-5c5d-4c04-91d9-61936d15a5b9", + "text": "d'caord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4398c62c-7f9c-40db-977c-bf0aa7b335bc", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7efdde49-cdee-469f-9592-7bd6fff59c79", + "text": "no ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a5217306-406c-4d9e-a83a-53b3b7f56aa8", + "text": "D'acord, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c0068df-3ea1-4167-bb6a-8e347c028880", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b7c9891-8c0c-47df-9775-a92a564f414a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 15 #", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "48184570-e439-4ca1-97dd-ef8361b7aa28", + "text": "Hola! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1674397c-344e-401b-9796-fbd8b5ec185e", + "text": "Hola, puc demanar un prestec¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "prestec", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d29ed98c-9f24-4534-a3a2-bceef9280501", + "text": "És possible. Tenim l'opció de demanar un préstec personal de fins a 10.000 € sense comissió d'obertura que podràs tornar en un termini màxim de 24 mesos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fda93dce-cb20-40b6-89c1-a6f5f6e98d47", + "text": "d'acord. i hi ha interes¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "interes", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fdae333-a7b7-4476-8d4b-19a57a1abd8a", + "text": "Sí, té un interès del 3,75 %", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b1dc961-110b-4374-8c82-6bcbd37df5eb", + "text": "entenc. i que he de fer per solicitar el prestec", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "723203b4-8a20-4c52-96b5-7981001cf863", + "text": "Ho has de fer a través del teu compte de banca digital. Trobaràs una pestanya amb el nom \"préstec personal\", on hauràs d'anar a l'opció de contractar i emplenar totes les teves dades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b043f337-e57c-4add-bb59-e5626d7c4d36", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "861d39d3-a76a-479b-ba2e-dfad22abc8de", + "text": "Si ho prefereixes, també pots trucar al telèfon 93456231, és d'atenció al client. Des d'allà també et podran realitzar el tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5585d80f-372b-420a-8d65-21017f57a511", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a63b3a44-76ca-4707-b832-c9a2f60b69b5", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67244059-2e0f-4ae0-af54-bc6a44e8c974", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fbd1a80c-25fd-4c31-b3e2-1bbf28bdee74", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d547f9d1-d0c4-4cd9-b979-350276065dca", + "text": "bon di", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5fb2483a-024b-4cfb-bb86-4b8fd1e88ca8", + "text": "a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93e3f614-b514-4451-ba41-4a2039c2d830", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16 #", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "46a3fa62-ed5f-4e63-b2ba-b29ef2f8a935", + "text": "Hola. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "370e7464-81aa-443c-9b95-e2bfcafa2a6f", + "text": "hola, vull obrir un compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b95779a2-c450-42e4-b6cd-6c6c973c6da9", + "text": "Entesos. Ets ja client del banc? Tens altres comptes amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bea93378-f656-4072-813d-6ca058a117fb", + "text": "si tinc un compte corrent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a587963-e8ef-417a-ae37-a9373c5042a8", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs només necessitaré el teu nom complet i DNI, les altres dades ja les tenim.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7195c5d8-f0fd-4a62-b59b-7f58aaee2927", + "text": "d'acord. em dic Marc Castells", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castells", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a7ff749-dc02-4b5f-94a2-2bba91398e88", + "text": "Em fa falta també el segon cognom i el DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "294beb3a-77fd-47da-986b-a7d0af5bb601", + "text": "es aquest: 77234321Q", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77234321Q", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a22a1ab5-9272-492c-9dd7-9a3e30f783b3", + "text": "el meu cognom Castells", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castells", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f746cac9-8264-42d5-98b6-8de65faf8192", + "text": "Entesos, Marc. Quin tipus de compte és el que vols obrir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61f44e88-a794-4937-a01a-e2383f74dafe", + "text": "un d'estalvi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "d'estalvi", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39abc84e-3315-4a36-a998-865af2ed49c1", + "text": "D'acord, no tindràs cap comissió durant els primers 2 anys i les teves dades seran les mateixes que tens en el teu altre compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2cde3833-ba10-4d76-af09-becd16e0bebd", + "text": "entesos. i no hi ha un compte d'estalvi sense comissio?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sense comissio", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3619e27a-f9db-475a-ab0f-5fed2fd2626f", + "text": "En el teu cas no. Només tenim comptes sense comissió per a menors de 30 anys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f60eaf75-dd68-497f-ba23-bad9cd462c78", + "text": "entenc. i com puc obrir el compte¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47703c13-40af-403c-87af-843e90518e94", + "text": "Puc obrir-lo jo ara mateix, és un procés molt ràpid.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c43822a8-44d7-4f33-9d42-4ea0d62c05f8", + "text": "d'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d056ff8b-4673-46e9-8817-1f5b3201dd25", + "text": "Doncs ara faig les gestions. En uns minuts podràs entrar en la teva banca digital i comprovar que ja està tot llest.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c28cf5e-30c0-45f1-a6fc-1fb231177b9a", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f5eec18-163f-4788-9099-81a05d422145", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03f072e5-0c0f-4589-9db6-2006eeca6267", + "text": "no ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "055fe1ec-40a9-4809-8609-c7e7fda1813b", + "text": "D'acord, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49ca3739-2e63-401a-97a8-6a92ba9fe87f", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2e029c6-bc83-4683-b2d8-775ecd6b3385", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17 #", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d0185856-5352-49ff-af36-1a293052cb47", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a73f5741-1ccd-4bca-917c-cdc2919f83f6", + "text": "hola, voldria saber quin es l'horari de l'oficina de Sant Pere de Ribes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sant Pere de Ribes", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01a358d7-b44c-4e08-be2c-7d03b3cb93b6", + "text": "L'horari és de matins de 09:00 a 13:30 hores. Aquest horari és el mateix de dilluns a dissabte. Només obrim les tardes dels dijous de 16:00 a 20:00 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2bd3542-2551-40bb-8c4c-c241e1560f10", + "text": "entesos. i es poden feer qualsevol gestio¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "qualsevol gestio", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19579abd-1ea7-4038-9a4b-1abe63c2b7b6", + "text": "Sí, podrà realitzar qualsevol gestió. A més, també tenim un caixer disponible fora de l'oficina, que es pot usar fora de l'horari i on podrà fer altres gestions com ara ingressos i també treure diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3a7ccfa-cb5d-48e8-99f5-dd86cf991fdb", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c03cbe8-f3a4-4aae-b560-a4bb01346a7d", + "text": "Ha de fer alguna gestió en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0983286f-591a-4e8a-bb07-c89c01f90d62", + "text": "no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d16833a-444a-4bed-9de5-8ea5f1bc3bc5", + "text": "Entesos, qualsevol cosa es pot tornar a posar en contacte amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a98cc63-e8eb-4625-8987-ef8e48e272c7", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a825792-7df8-4252-8365-0d8801a0bb15", + "text": "Adéu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe869015-b4ba-4c45-8d4d-d5258bb52a3f", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4cacfcef-be15-4372-95fa-0c43b204a0e3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18 #", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2ca7d196-d4ee-4c7d-8fe8-61fa24c33613", + "text": "Hola! Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09b18644-544f-4b93-b856-503423c10389", + "text": "bon dia. puc fer un ingres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ingres", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6f46ce2-1e69-427f-b08d-4efb8fa58fe7", + "text": "A través de la banca online es poden fer transferències de diners del seu compte. En cas que vulgui ingressar diners en efectiu ho haurà de fer des d'una de les nostres oficines o a través d'un caixer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f99bfe9-5630-4a85-9f99-68e26eb02b39", + "text": "son uns diners que tinc en efectiu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "en efectiu", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd906e3c-351d-44c5-b3ec-5d121b12b3ed", + "text": "D'acord, doncs en aquest cas haurà d'anar personalment a una de les nostres oficines o fer-ho a través d'un dels caixers automàtics.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd11b7e4-7318-40d0-ac48-f9d9659e8ef1", + "text": "entesos. quins caixers hi ha a valencia¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "caixers", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "valencia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc9518b9-c669-4a4d-9897-9604c4c05aef", + "text": "A València en trobarà a diversos punts. A l'Estació Joaquim Sorolla trobarà un caixer i després tenim altres oficines al carrer Escultor Piquer, 10 i al carrer d'Alemany, 6.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61a56229-fa21-4586-9186-85628725d787", + "text": "perfecte, la de l'estacio em queda a prop", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b0b09c5-cb92-4be2-b1f6-a719ccdbc283", + "text": "Entesos, allí l'atendran i podrà fer l'ingrés.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0b14d17-a90d-4ef7-806a-0f38c499fc43", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1508962e-7339-42ce-985d-242fad2271b0", + "text": "no ja estaria tot gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d735346-ef86-4b9f-a499-e4f746c51ad9", + "text": "De res, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1660ce97-9308-4c80-91df-20d516d40786", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "caea3ea1-1d9c-471c-953e-6bc29cc1f644", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19 #", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d61b42e1-7ac9-4c2a-9804-cc2ab8f51e49", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4b0c9a68-6204-4931-a879-f2451e5665b1", + "text": "hola! em pots mirar si tinc un ingres de passat dimarts? estic pendent de rebre'l", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ingres", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "passat dimarts", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00d10d65-f4c5-4f90-946e-a083136d89c1", + "text": "Entesos. Si em pots dir el teu nom i cognoms i DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79212759-8d3a-4eb9-8218-64c6dc901335", + "text": "Em dic Manel Coma", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Coma", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9fd195a3-980e-4373-be9c-ef91ccde618e", + "text": "El meu carnet es el 77654384", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654384", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e6fa25c-5f1c-4214-89b1-9a82a092c4f9", + "text": "D'acord. Faria falta també la lletra del DNI, si us plau,", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c374158-f727-4e7e-891b-55a59bcec8c9", + "text": "perdo, es la G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "G", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a2510d3-3bd6-4c18-9077-3860d82192e3", + "text": "Entesos. L'ingrés el vas fer des d'un dels nostres caixers?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f532ecb0-d43d-47da-a062-36ff3de3b487", + "text": "no, me l'ha de fer una persona. vaig donar numero de compte, el corrent que tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "me l'ha de fer una persona", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0130b3f0-3c45-421e-bf84-f66c64003852", + "text": "D'acord, però eren diners en efectiu entenc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "731a3b0a-c3f5-492a-8584-8f649512244a", + "text": "no, no, m'hna de fer transferencia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferencia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81dece09-1a54-48c2-b533-6c98068425de", + "text": "es per sabrer si ja ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "576a9ae3-33bc-46e4-ad5c-3aba6f51c1f2", + "text": "Ah, entesos, disculpa. A veure, aquí apareix una transferència internacional que et va arribar el dimarts per un import de 125 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e843d24d-558d-46b8-8aa0-a0ca2fbf039c", + "text": "si, es aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "77ba2ea0-c407-4282-ab40-930d41ffeeee", + "text": "D'acord, doncs sí, està feta i tot correcte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "067f3b00-e4f2-479e-857e-e3c75f8b209f", + "text": "perfecte doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3b05b4bd-e445-442e-834a-35dd234982d1", + "text": "Necessites alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dec1d7f0-7d89-4842-b560-7910c83f0352", + "text": "no , aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23073a28-a5cd-4297-8304-e7b9bcf9cea1", + "text": "Molt bé, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d748c76a-bbd7-4e3a-9572-bbdbf4e05477", + "text": "adéu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "023afb31-de89-49f7-90d9-ecec4d3b6749", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20 #", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7b7c0206-5762-4c63-9f6c-2fa5fda53c0a", + "text": "Bona tarda. Digues-me en què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09c784cb-9164-46a3-94b9-4ce22305401a", + "text": "hola. m'han ditque puc fer pagaments pel mobil. pero no se com funicona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pagaments pel mobil", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98c165ce-efe5-454f-ad14-906e30c883b2", + "text": "Sí, és possible. Primer de tot has de tenir instal·lada l'aplicació de la banca digital, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30c4a738-29c5-4e13-b5ca-551761cffd00", + "text": "d'acord. si, la tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "803fbf1c-5384-4c82-95f8-79448c9e316f", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs has d'entrar en aquesta aplicació i prémer el botó \"targeta digital\". Automàticament s'activarà la targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "798e980e-5edb-4c59-b642-8b00723b064d", + "text": "entesos. i ambaixo puc pagar amb el mobil?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3dfff714-ea83-458d-9ec9-54e746efafa3", + "text": "Sí, quan vagis a pagar només hauràs d'obrir la targeta digital que hauràs activat i amb això ja podràs pagar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab3de30b-97be-4d42-b0fe-10a56e6cee45", + "text": "perfecte doncs!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f454f5b5-f7c2-43b1-a314-1570982e64f4", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdc7552e-ec19-4543-9da4-713232f51d90", + "text": "no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f721174a-6bc6-406f-9397-595cbe4ecd9c", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4710f979-ffa8-4e3f-b2f2-ba0f1334f957", + "text": "molt bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5300a3a-0f2d-4be8-a90a-f6b5e623d03a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6a95972b-38de-4e52-b85d-6f25479010e5", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "46e54f93-88f4-4c46-8054-db31b253e84b", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb0b9eeb-bde5-44d8-b6b6-5dee7530d102", + "text": "Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef17582b-c2c7-4cc1-bf65-332080489b66", + "text": "Volia activar el meu compte de banca online", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "activar", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte de banca online", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "746b0a97-9df8-4689-a478-a2e28365f987", + "text": "Però no veig on fer-ho", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ea521c2-c803-4461-9abd-5df16b9460e3", + "text": "Per tal d'activar el seu compte de banca online, només ha d'accedir a la web i anar a 'Registrar banca'.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b7ce118-8e1d-4f3f-9ca7-df6ee856db4b", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9951666e-d02a-42d0-91c6-90c24f36c4b9", + "text": "Em demana el nom d'usuari i contrasenya", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nom d'usuari i contrasenya", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1499ce1-f451-4e0b-b315-c86384f63744", + "text": "Com els aconsegueixo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "11572a7c-7252-4f07-9807-e8ebb0fe2a6d", + "text": "Per aconseguir l'usuari i contrasenya el seu agent de la banca li hauria d'haver proporcionat prèviament aquestes dades. Vol que li demani un nou usuari i contrasenya?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "294a4942-cc55-4a51-bb36-8e894caa1c4b", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6af509e-1b66-400c-97b5-7e0bbf2aeb7f", + "text": "Ara no les trovo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0b64e81-a832-4e67-a5c3-5e98b1a1998a", + "text": "El seu nou usuari i contrasenya són els següents:\n\nUsuari: banca007\nContrasenya: 674883939MFB", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58c6654c-1389-4832-aefd-08b46bf56f99", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "51bc3817-5770-4ab7-871e-02211021ca60", + "text": "De res. Digui'm si té problemes per activar el compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0aa7fba7-0091-4c33-b2ef-fbea656f4703", + "text": "No, tot bé, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dcd94f02-78bd-406c-8c4c-49ccf9227d9f", + "text": "Adeu, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f8c0ef9e-4b4d-4a4b-9bea-49305928c62a", + "text": "Perfecte. Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "735d1b0f-e85f-47fd-b8d3-15c172f8a6ba", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1c0cb51f-233f-4f4e-9708-66fe6cb3bbb1", + "text": "Bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e1841fb7-dfac-44e4-bb0b-197d32589ecc", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb4bbbf2-5c66-428f-8303-b3885a600ab1", + "text": "Truco per sol·licitar una targeta de dèbit virtual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de dèbit virtual", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27605f56-21d2-489b-9fa7-7c418d8105f7", + "text": "Molt bé. Per sol·licitar una targeta de dèbit virtual necessitem el seu nom i cognom i DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f291869-8ec2-4496-bc38-2b4bf097e526", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9768d83-b6bf-4d4b-a597-fd3a39899f68", + "text": "El meu nom és Cassandra Hernán", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Cassandra", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernán", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d25b02b-f2d2-480a-a214-ed7aa1132d09", + "text": "I el meu DNI és 58034445N", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "58034445N", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc5e6309-4534-4955-a2f3-a2d58e225c98", + "text": "Les dades són:\n\nCassandra Hernán\n58034445N", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a5db6b8-388c-467c-a0db-4f082280a111", + "text": "Ha tingut més targetes prèviament amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9690bc52-b7ac-4f80-9e9d-ca06003a7123", + "text": "Sí, tinc una targeta de dèbit i una de crèdit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f2069ff-704c-4ff0-af3d-74c8f8667064", + "text": "Perfecte. Vol traspassar diners d'alguna d'aquestes targetes a la nova?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1e98376-a996-4002-a87b-cbf5bbe6f6e0", + "text": "No, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4c953c7-82d8-4514-b21a-7469dda55a63", + "text": "Ho puc fer online més endavant?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "més endavant", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "453610f8-b2ab-47e9-af1a-699183462cfc", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90fa4fac-40e1-40fe-9d99-d2d29df75007", + "text": "Sí, es pot fer més endavant. Només has d'entrar a 'Gestionar les meves targetes' i et sortirà l'opció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1a5f1a1-b95f-400d-aab1-2a0c7fadc194", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e2aca136-d3dc-4e13-a4eb-5e0384aaa7d8", + "text": "He de fer alguna cosa més per activar la targeta virtual?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta virtual", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37b0b221-eb25-4bab-a2c6-afa65066c6ae", + "text": "La targeta ha estat creada amb èxit. Per activar-la necessita accedir a 'Gestionar les meves targetes' per poder-la activar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cddb260-6b91-47aa-b361-2e740cff44a5", + "text": "Si té problemes per activar-la digui-ho.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27f50d71-6275-4b92-83a4-dfa4e72ab352", + "text": "No, ja està, tot bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e5d1505b-327c-40a5-9e9c-6b54651bc938", + "text": "Gracies, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9d89ccc8-3dc9-41e8-a513-c8ca47cd631c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "22b105fc-860b-4b94-b86f-f4fbbf529347", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "369a7027-9916-4ab4-9b35-be89142d944f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7afc33e1-cb9e-43e3-8cb7-0383321f0b91", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4452301-d34c-41a5-b773-da4a8027a336", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c7e1032-c60b-41f0-b462-f15c8af4b320", + "text": "Voldria contractar un compte d'estalvis si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'estalvis", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "920c141c-6942-48a0-af9d-18a066af2273", + "text": "És clar. Podria dir-me si ja té un compte amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1491a67-d9fe-4f7e-9841-b99b764c1506", + "text": "Sí, tinc un compte des de fa tres anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0dabd2b1-03f8-4378-965e-e8c56b839a53", + "text": "Perfecte. Voldria utilitzar les mateixes dades d'usuari per aquest compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5986cfe-1a78-4cd5-b3e3-5f0dfc1c2ca7", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c994a8ba-1e5d-4e6a-988d-e9abade770b3", + "text": "Perfecte. Em podria dir el seu número de compte per a poder realitzar la còpia de les dades?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b0d3fca-7f5f-4067-8f3b-6ea026e1d801", + "text": "Sí, un segon que ho miro", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10048fb1-99ce-45a5-be5f-8109dee620b7", + "text": "ES13 2090 1461 88 0356732559", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES13 2090 1461 88 0356732559", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f31ebee-544b-4d70-9203-fd37046deef8", + "text": "El seu compte és ES13 2090 1461 88 0356732559, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2a4ce0d-fb68-4aac-b0e1-47d81140f432", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4389280a-30c5-4f97-a727-dc763a3c641e", + "text": "Perfecte. Vol un compte d'estalvis mensual o anual?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "890da3de-1353-4e19-8a12-188a70565939", + "text": "Anual, sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Anual", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e91ea26-e768-46dc-9076-dd7c52ed268e", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7682894-497a-41f7-8e97-bdf126844021", + "text": "Quants diners vol que se li transfereixin al compte anualment?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd534de2-910d-4bb7-ac24-807633bde06c", + "text": "Un 15% del meu sou anual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "15%", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sou anual", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5d21c53-1646-4380-bc5e-a67368dd9c48", + "text": "Perfecte. Compte creat. Anualment se li transferirà el 15% del seu sou.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15c080f1-bdeb-4720-ac15-ce27e932de52", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37940a33-b8f9-44b3-8d63-a36e526cf5e4", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6eb0617d-171e-4ab5-8317-ca8ed477e265", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d14f062-082d-42e9-a970-75c2f485d109", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8e91fa9a-7f6c-4d9e-9b3a-3ca213f611c5", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b06b5da3-878c-42f5-86c3-11b2e6ca3fc9", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23925e25-3774-4328-a397-8bf8fde18b7e", + "text": "Vull reportar el robatori de la meva targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "robatori", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8489f785-6af4-41ef-8f55-53cbb9024ec8", + "text": "És una targeta de crèdit o de dèbit?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a4c4352-f98d-4911-a3c8-66ab334b4f7f", + "text": "De crèdit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "De crèdit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bf78d53-3d2c-4c2b-bf84-40b6b4d59390", + "text": "Gràcies per informar sobre el robatori d'una targeta de crèdit. Vol anul·lar la seva targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8111af81-4a51-42ef-96b1-b3e7c971e211", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ca9f6dd4-bd55-4998-ad01-c9a7df00a979", + "text": "D'acord. Escrigui el seu número de targeta i el nom del titular, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e547693c-eedc-4608-a408-d0ab002ac2b5", + "text": "Sí, el nom és Berta Andrade", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Berta", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Andrade", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1cdf737-be5b-4a70-9dff-ddc1501f93f7", + "text": "I el numero de targeta és 4573 4562 5643 9173", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4573 4562 5643 9173", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18ddca84-d56c-405d-9c05-5ff93918c44d", + "text": "Berta Andrade amb número de targeta 4573 4562 5643 9173, d'acord. Ara mateix se li anul·larà la targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "595ad02d-17b4-4045-9c38-9cfc9f17c5d6", + "text": "Ok gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f2e50fbb-b26e-4d81-9358-059cafa83172", + "text": "Targeta anul·lada. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ecb2998-6e03-4054-99bb-6d9d3a6154f2", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "090a9400-7855-4e1b-86fd-fd8128e72367", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e32b16f2-725d-4cc0-bd07-1663599c1cc5", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e97c338-7793-4df3-9bd3-ef7ee5a5f468", + "text": "Necessita ajuda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "baab981a-510b-4614-90a0-ef953ac28ad1", + "text": "Sí, em sembla que he fet un pagament online per error i voldria cancelar-lo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pagament online", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9ed1c92-5a7c-4318-be51-f4abf7e28ead", + "text": "A través de quin compte ha fet el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62b2913b-8fc6-427c-8bbe-b0c6be3455ea", + "text": "El meu compte corrent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "El meu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76e1682b-2604-4480-b7f3-d85cf03fd0d7", + "text": "Escrigui el seu número de compte corrent, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cf812a9-8756-48a1-952c-b8516bcdafe0", + "text": "187599064", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "187599064", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9bb46a22-2712-4cd4-885b-482935f3a48f", + "text": "Necessites l'IBAN també", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "IBAN", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c28eed8b-452e-42d3-a5b7-ec76cd26583b", + "text": "O no cal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4c53265-c2e7-46f1-80b0-14e4ce1e8a6a", + "text": "L'IBAN ens podria ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e814bcb-a585-48f5-a70a-206b757ccc75", + "text": "Sí, es el ES21 2024 6783 10 187599064", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 2024 6783 10 187599064", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11e04ea8-bc60-4b3b-b388-b93da1744513", + "text": "ES21 2024 6783 10 187599064, d'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c87875c9-eb0c-4591-9ecc-f1c789fa4a24", + "text": "Sí, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd16fa70-738a-485e-8019-9417fcc9a9f8", + "text": "L'últim pagament realitzat és d'avui, 21 d'octubre a les 18:00. És aquest el pagament que vol cancel·lar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8e3c71c-9caf-4ff3-91a9-56f70ff71eec", + "text": "Sí, exacte. Em podries confirmar la quantitat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quantitat", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59bcce69-cee8-47da-a7f0-d6f01902e065", + "text": "L'import d'aquest pagament és de 60€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78e64fce-a106-410b-a03d-c8c6cfdf9d93", + "text": "Sí, és aquest el que vull cancel·lar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "447baff7-4f88-4fd1-80cc-9117fc9f7482", + "text": "Perfecte. S'acaba de sol·licitar la devolució de l'import. Li arribarà un SMS amb la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "091713f6-2a1f-4b71-b6b8-d806933800bb", + "text": "Ok, t'he de donar algun codi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "codi", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35579d8f-09ca-4486-a07e-a77d880100f2", + "text": "Escrigui aquí el codi que rebi per SMS per qüestions de seguretat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "451d023c-6bb1-45e2-b7f8-102cbeabbeec", + "text": "Ok és el 4061FY", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "4061FY", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0f8f953-7890-41b7-9267-7b729d573f47", + "text": "Perfecte. Devolució acceptada. Gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84358de8-46de-4822-94ca-015d5f0614f6", + "text": "Això és tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4552d16-c097-44c2-8bf5-85ec9b1faa09", + "text": "Sí, això és tot. Gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df9d13bb-b0dd-488f-a302-8f14b4247114", + "text": "Adeu gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6910c69-9011-4419-90d3-f0f6c45fa87c", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49f798d3-ddb7-4021-8df3-8528c838c4b7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "04c259ab-1b14-4a93-8ed0-171907657ae1", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5d9d26e9-dec7-44b7-8225-72a8f922e057", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda. Necessita ajuda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b62d66e-ce25-41a8-93b5-b66652074097", + "text": "Sí, volia més informació sobre els vostres plans d'inversió", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "plans d'inversió", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "643750e7-cb31-41c5-b608-ae5245d7b3d4", + "text": "Molt bé. Tenim diversos plans d'inversió: per a socis de la banca, per a persones majors de 65 anys i per autònoms. Quin pla li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "924ffc4e-6b95-404b-9172-dfd32b7e800e", + "text": "Ah doncs el d'autònoms m'interessaria molt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "el d'autònoms", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab85e7af-051f-46d6-a832-abe36154c1da", + "text": "D'acord. Molt bé. Aquest pla d'inversió per autònoms té les següents condicions:\n\n- S'han de tenir uns ingressos mensuals de 700€ mínim.\n\n- Necessitarà aportar la seva documentació d'autònom per a val·lidar-li.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b8d2b6a-8095-4634-8368-9d2db70e1979", + "text": "Perfecte, els meus ingressos son superiors a 700 euros", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5041769b-47fc-4135-b9ee-bf078a0ce609", + "text": "Doncs quina documentació necessiteu per contractar el plà ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc9c4b0e-7a9d-4b7f-961d-4cbdcf264e82", + "text": "La documentació que necessitarem és:\n\n- La declaració de la Renda\n\n- El model 305 complimentat.\n\n-Les factures de l'últim més per demostrar els ingressos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bce77b2a-e49d-40a4-8310-b432e91d33e0", + "text": "Ok, a on us ho puc enviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9a9f7753-156f-48c4-8816-41eb8b2d0191", + "text": "Pot adjuntar la seva documentació en el següent enllaç:\n\nhttps://banca-formularis.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "013d5871-95a2-451d-a506-9c0a572718db", + "text": "Ok, ja ho he fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0f2493a-301f-4b80-9ded-9928d93b2aac", + "text": "Necessiteu alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76bd555d-c5ab-42c4-b093-86051055bdbd", + "text": "No, això és tot. Li arribarà un correu amb les instruccions d'activació del seu pla en les pròximes hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18cc0639-2f58-464d-b986-1a1de318608d", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c893b8d0-52c6-4128-b311-0101fc7ebc29", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3ffdba1-0b53-4fa8-b140-e48f0305897c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b87d0ac2-cddb-4174-a571-3dd693db8d8c", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf08bea8-505d-4b43-8e68-6dc2d8e5c3db", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2e49d5bc-de75-41cd-8b68-5cd4afbca5f1", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "24ea7f42-dbce-48e3-bb3a-d85039c2b5b2", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b934469b-cb28-47e3-92ac-c3cdbe28e938", + "text": "Voldria preguntar si teniu alguna assegurança de la llar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança de la llar", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a7e1976-56cb-4716-acee-5e7356b041bd", + "text": "És clar. Tenim l'assegurança Llar +Segura. El seu preu és de 200€ anuals. Vol sol·licitar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a4b2a7a-04d4-425e-a8ef-d8299a00b09a", + "text": "Sí, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c8c3c14-f4f5-4222-9dd2-ef59c8956078", + "text": "Què he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "37ce88d4-7f9a-47c2-b49f-e77405057605", + "text": "Per a sol·licitar la seva assegurança Llar +Segura només ha d'entrar en el següent enllaç i complimentar el formulari:\n\nhttps://www.bancaixa-assegurançallar.com/sol·licitud", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c68f7b78-c1dd-432b-897d-0c65108d0642", + "text": "Acabo de fer-ho", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e881111e-6cbd-4f84-b4e3-18fbe5db574d", + "text": "Rebrà un correu electrònic amb el codi. Quan el tingui escrigui'l al xat i li activarem l'assegurança.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30e777d9-7b1d-4b91-b3eb-b9a105b41802", + "text": "Sí el codi és 7800124", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "Sí el codi és 7800124", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39d8167a-03cb-4d14-b47a-a7fd26e3437f", + "text": "Codi 7800124 acceptat. Ja pot disfrutar de l'assegurança Llar +Segura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da98aa78-3841-45e1-b185-fca14924565c", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "37d741b2-dbfb-4d6c-bfe7-ecddf44494ac", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b8edc338-4678-42a3-8114-4142c85480e8", + "text": "Gràcies, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e56d769b-3543-4bf6-8870-85ff88068805", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "33d2b5c0-d5f8-4904-90b9-7471a2f4d423", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "90faa036-1488-43ce-8e93-8a554c8d01a9", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b39cc8e2-be65-4be1-be37-b6f99cd5d10d", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c143a14-bff8-4d9a-ac5b-970ee3b71abc", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7b22105-de34-4f60-9766-69bdb96c2806", + "text": "Voldria tancar tots els meus comptes amb el vostre banc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tots els meus comptes", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a701f882-dc4f-4a7d-9041-16afec6aedf2", + "text": "Per quin motiu vol tancar els seus comptes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b3da56d-b819-466a-9bbd-75c15ef5f624", + "text": "No estic satisfeta i vull canviar de banc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "No estic satisfeta i vull canviar de banc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2b86753-4f7b-4fb2-97ec-c6832160299b", + "text": "Em sap greu que el nostre banc no hagi complert les seves expectatives. Ara mateix sol·licitem el tancament dels seus comptes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "efa38639-93ca-4dea-87a5-8e205f11bf94", + "text": "Ok, necessiteu alguna informació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "84a1d1f0-40d1-4f2e-80fd-2479080c94aa", + "text": "Em pot dir els números de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a399017-58d7-413a-be78-fca545f993b9", + "text": "Sí, en tinc dos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "431b18ce-237d-4971-a844-86932bfca5e8", + "text": "Digui'm els dos números de compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70a3e48c-7562-47d0-9d30-40a08742cd6e", + "text": "El meu compte corrent és ES12 9070 1277 05 759274912", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte corrent", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES12 9070 1277 05 759274912", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09a123e5-f261-40fb-b216-f4b055ed7f20", + "text": "Compte corrent anotat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c911ad1-f688-4b7e-8fe4-e7a70cc42a53", + "text": "I el compte d'estalvis és el ES23 6609 5284 22 592840295", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'estalvis", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 6609 5284 22 592840295", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "946cb1f3-4a91-4112-934b-a49b47ee650f", + "text": "Compte d'estalvis anotat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3303bfab-0121-464c-94bb-3cdc3fda0440", + "text": "Estar segura que vol anul·lar els següents comptes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cadb5f7-7a2e-4f3f-bb4b-e6441f1700dd", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c81a179d-3c9b-46f6-90b5-c0ddd23c7ee8", + "text": "D'acord. Tràmit efectuat. A continuació rebrà un SMS amb un enllaç. Només ha d'accedir a l'enllaç per confirmar la seva identitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "792347f8-791a-4330-809a-b6a76842a3ed", + "text": "Ja ho he fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8271087e-7c3e-4015-98bb-dcea1097cc25", + "text": "Els seus comptes haurien d'estar anul·lats.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a8f608d-c998-470a-a3e5-c4ca99d4b1f5", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38d36143-06c8-4af4-aee5-7abd1b2bdf29", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1316ca4b-b51f-422a-8478-e8e19be9e0fa", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6fa7952-c3d7-4618-996e-e381175f684f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f4cc8fb6-abb6-4fd4-8c5d-6a77c435c595", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "604a1165-21ec-4e5e-be4e-7c034c782628", + "text": "Hola, com va?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d526abcd-b464-4d1d-a1c0-3a7c30c12b0d", + "text": "Vull parlar amb un representant humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "afb6a69e-e66f-4b88-8e06-dc14d19ea55e", + "text": "Jo soc com un representant humà. No em falta intel·ligència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ad87bdd-b79d-45b5-ae6b-836a5f2dd90a", + "text": "Prefereixo parlar amb un representant humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "73017baa-58e7-46b6-9866-8e71b3c52449", + "text": "Em pots passar amb un agent real?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40bf577f-05b9-463c-bfbf-3be5583cf541", + "text": "D'acord, com vulgui. Ara mateix li passo a un agent humà. Sobre quin tema voldria parlar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b478b559-7de1-43c0-836e-fe5991612eba", + "text": "Vull preguntar sobre dues coses. Vull obrir un compte de banca online, i després crear una targeta virtual amb límit de despeses", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte de banca online", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta virtual amb límit de despeses", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 128 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf9732bd-075c-4b7b-90ae-14578fa6f043", + "text": "D'acord. Buscant un agent disponible per parlar sobre obrir un compte de banca online i crear una targeta virtual amb límit de despeses.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67748e81-238d-4812-aaa0-be3d55e3bfc6", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c3069b3-fe91-400c-adc5-08483f0c9fec", + "text": "Quedo a l'espera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f81c3e1b-2a03-4a36-85a2-1851609f10ae", + "text": "S'ha trobat un agent disponible. Vol que la redirigeixi amb l'agent humà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5aca1c33-6e54-4e9a-85e5-e7f59195ca04", + "text": "Sí, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3927d6b4-b1a2-48a4-87ea-98741fc08c51", + "text": "Redirigint amb l'agent humà. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc7947ec-adc4-4dc8-960b-ad1ce9b4048c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "999e0e2a-47d7-4d19-9f5f-f37533167002", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "aba0dea8-a43f-414d-8116-748e757791b1", + "text": "Bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "217f88ac-d4ea-4e52-aeb6-86e8b4ad92dc", + "text": "Hola, molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd8535d1-60af-4f5e-a7d7-910260732c09", + "text": "Voldria incrementar les mesures de seguretat de la meva banca online", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "incrementar les mesures de seguretat", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "banca online", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14af393f-9b21-4017-9ed8-f15110c25f53", + "text": "D'acord. Vol vincular la seva banca online a un número de telèfon? Si vincula la seva banca online amb un número de telèfon, sempre que vulgui entrar haurà de posar la contrasenya i després verificar la seva identitat amb un codi que rebrà al telèfon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2dd7fa3a-d91f-40ea-8452-34fd84ce6a10", + "text": "Sí, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "05a79165-3ae6-441a-9e5c-de731bfd1cc4", + "text": "D'acord. Em pot dir el seu DNI i el número de telèfon que vol associar al compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "353bbe9d-031c-4b19-be49-638f053016c6", + "text": "Sí, el meu DNI és el 28041553-G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "28041553-G", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df48a148-55a9-4ee5-b4a7-761a980eaeee", + "text": "DNI acceptat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bdf043b-c066-4f4e-a08e-4e755461cc4c", + "text": "I el meu telèfon és el 617220469", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "617220469", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a8da0b30-22ce-42e4-8c97-05cbd32abae6", + "text": "Telèfon acceptat. Sol·licitant la verificació de dos passos pel compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebcadf88-67d5-4e37-8413-dd97f5214684", + "text": "Vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "30456508-15c9-49b7-b704-5aea8155458c", + "text": "El seu telèfon  617220469 s'ha vinculat al seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be8bf491-dab1-4a22-8d76-aa6bf3d7bd42", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "727f562e-01cc-49d3-9df7-ac99fdd6cbfb", + "text": "Ja esta tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a009313-c9e1-4275-aacf-93138c741c78", + "text": "Sí, ja està tot. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd7f4ecb-a11d-41bc-a158-bff838b7c41b", + "text": "No, res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3758540-b2b1-4692-a0b6-61deddf0d94b", + "text": "Adeu gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8c550bf3-f6c9-422d-9cf8-64b484c20aee", + "text": "Adeu.\n", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49aae71f-de4a-4859-b530-d539eda1d585", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "17dfb52a-5883-4e77-bc27-b8f0f36cb223", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ba84d9d-a388-43c0-bf2d-80ec4213007e", + "text": "Bona tarda, volia demanar una segona tarjeta de dèbit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "segona tarjeta de dèbit", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da5acca4-5f6f-4a78-8ed9-be3957cb655c", + "text": "És el titular del compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39fa448f-10a9-42a9-ac76-3c5bb404c545", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "87d02ab7-57aa-4ef0-9820-83add850131c", + "text": "Podría proporcionar el seu nom d'usuari i DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7613fe95-e2ca-4340-93e9-c2082d3e89fa", + "text": "És clar! El meu DNI és 123987W i l'ID 1234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "123987W", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "1234", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86e89159-b6e2-46d7-ba59-f0a7f1308afd", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. Pel fet de ser titular d'una targeta de la nostra companyia, té dret fins a 3 targetes addicionals. Vol seguir amb el procés?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3083977-d107-4658-bc83-cd00dccbb951", + "text": "Si!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bf0d787e-3efd-4c7b-9471-e306f14f034e", + "text": "Rebrà la targeta en 24-48h al seu domicili. El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49590236-ddee-4e55-a366-3e7a3001ab7a", + "text": "Moltes gràcies, això ha sigut tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7362a945-0ac7-4b66-a35f-249f403b08c9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0f2fd5f2-dcc8-4223-8900-73aeb61a5f35", + "text": "Bon dia, volia fer una transferencia a un altre banc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferencia a un altre banc", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "afcdaabd-b0a8-474a-8722-2d7d724a2c13", + "text": "Bon dia. Quin és el seu número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e2c35e7-4f74-4411-8f47-d03459e589e4", + "text": "És ES03 1234 783 1297", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES03 1234 783 1297", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2161790f-82b8-4265-86a1-b33506d3f376", + "text": "Vol fer la transferència del compte corrent o del compte d'estalvis?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5df650d5-84ac-4620-828f-237b8a128fdf", + "text": "Des del compte corrent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte corrent", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca21dabe-5fff-46b9-bc5e-9a5a57965f1f", + "text": "A quin número de compte vol realitzar la transferència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca21f098-80aa-479f-b5a7-ce4bfb3fcb1b", + "text": "Al ES03 1235 782 1893", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES03 1235 782 1893", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ba7a551-ef44-4a99-8885-c55139dd2f7f", + "text": "Quina quantitat vol transferir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd00effc-744a-48be-8879-31f38b04c8a4", + "text": "50€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "50", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d019760a-f5ba-4714-b8c4-8f1d3c7bd87b", + "text": "Vol realitzar una transferència urgent? Suposa un pagament d'1%. Les transferències gratuïtes arriven als 3 dies als comptes d'altres bancs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f80c083-b2e3-4af1-b93e-3028eca283df", + "text": "No cal que sigui urgent.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "671ae0e2-1dc5-4d73-a22c-a1223f526c6f", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99463e20-133b-4761-b58f-2748f3ba2bca", + "text": "Sol·licitud rebuda. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd8e73b6-1928-4a7c-9a3d-8096a97ddc15", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d62a9d1d-0e71-480a-8094-cf640cd037d7", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ec66d44-44ce-4f46-9f1e-c16c649d1a29", + "text": "Hola! Soc una mica nou amb les tecnologies, i volia fer-me bizum. Com funciona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bizum", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8666eb6-9aa3-4272-a977-5e6d5bc0ab92", + "text": "Bon dia. Em podria facilitar el seu nom i DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee48b3c6-00af-4bd4-9f5c-950e4cf135ee", + "text": "El meu dni és 123456X i em dic Pere Rodriguez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "123456X", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rodriguez", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe9e13c5-1c25-4996-8856-2ab6103ffd37", + "text": "D'acord. Té instal·lada la nostra app al seu telèfon mòbil?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1baaac4-42a1-4bd2-b8b6-dd7f03129cc0", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ddf1a14-f47a-44d6-93bb-ce354c30f9f3", + "text": "Disposa d'un número de mòbil activat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6bfccb52-0737-4c21-975f-27b51134a658", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c37e3d2-5feb-452e-86a8-9a8cccc24bc4", + "text": "Ha d'accedir a l'apartat de Bizum de l'aplicació i associar el número de telèfon i el compte per tal d'enviar i rebre diners via Bizum.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f7fbfc4-09bc-4385-9030-a34e149463df", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva resposta. Ho he pogut fer sense problemes!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84a8696d-7b7e-4f34-83d0-ea26a82aac31", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3ebe9bea-1583-486f-bc4e-be284532b884", + "text": "Volia demanar un prèstec de 5000, pero no se si amb la meva situació financera em serà possible", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "prèstec", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "5000", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28527b33-e6d0-4be0-b558-4ca63b11d932", + "text": "Bona tarda. Em podria facilitar el seu nom, cognom i DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f7aa2b6-733c-4a68-92cf-cc6909c6c967", + "text": "Sí, Paco Hernandez Gonzalez i DNI 001293Z", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paco", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernandez", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gonzalez", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "001293Z", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b528027a-e74a-486b-8317-5ae70299fb60", + "text": "Em podria dir quins ingressos anuals té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2d02acb-de6a-4913-a301-76d4a7d0e7ac", + "text": "15000 l'any passat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "15000", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "l'any passat", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28d31428-fdb0-465e-9d65-c6aff1dbb2b2", + "text": "Per a què voldria el prèstec?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c6287f3-d052-4d0c-9077-607b03c7d1a6", + "text": "Per comprar una moto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "comprar una moto", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ecfba10-97bb-4581-bf12-4f5c1573b6e2", + "text": "Quina edat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7edc56db-08b9-42cf-ab6f-48fb75bb959f", + "text": "32 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "32", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ba48ab0-df1f-4f28-8d5d-ff3910a2e179", + "text": "Estudiarem la seva sol·licitud i el contactarem al telèfon que consta a les seves dades personals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c908e6cc-6450-41bb-b414-e55051bf74d0", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7220c0c6-0fe8-48ea-b136-4dae2f699cdc", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32a06c92-6fa4-4c63-b67e-cac6bcebb372", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3759d410-bb6c-454a-8dea-518584d59174", + "text": "Hola, bones! Volia sol.licitar una hipoteca amb la meva parella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "hipoteca", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "amb la meva parella", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6edb7a02-7884-485c-b47f-66a2836d81df", + "text": "Bona tarda. Em podria dir el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d945e36-a584-4846-9296-22fddf5309b7", + "text": "Sí, el dni és 1234567C", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "1234567C", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa9ae430-54e3-428d-b982-1b3a40539e52", + "text": "Quins ingressos familiars tenen?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13e16d98-aa50-470d-9008-70df31d972df", + "text": "Doncs en total tenim un sou de 2000 entre els dos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "2000", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "adaa32fa-d6e9-4b06-9fbf-774ddd9f60f1", + "text": "Quina és la quantitat de la hipoteca?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e2c2bbc-aef8-43d2-93d2-3d90478410f6", + "text": "180000 €", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "180000", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f97c901c-849c-4903-9542-70aca8e8efc1", + "text": "En quant de temps la voldrien fraccionar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e477e9a-3ec0-49a5-bf40-060dd1eb3ace", + "text": "25 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "years_num", + "text": "25", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9b6aca1b-8a96-484a-b330-e24fdc0f5638", + "text": "Per tal de revisar la seva sol·licitud, caldria que ens envieu per correu la documentació necessària: nòmina dels 3 últims mesos i els DNIs dels titulars.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df964488-525a-4005-acd5-087e4dac593d", + "text": "Quin és el vostre correu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a185662-982a-46f2-962b-7a2fc42f42b8", + "text": "helpdesk_bankia@gmail.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b81e8a4d-656e-45ff-9751-3bff3e31de8f", + "text": "Ja he enviat la documentació, cal alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94594636-694e-4e2c-af36-6eaaefcebbb7", + "text": "No, rebrà resposta en 48-72h. Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "211eaf07-37ca-4fc5-8836-481be147d961", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "799d8f6d-20c8-4972-a13a-856bb0f9d124", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "151c911d-6b81-42ed-89c6-5c22bdd1431b", + "text": "Volia saber si el banc em permet operar amb criptomonedes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "operar amb criptomonedes", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0bc022e5-2434-4710-80c8-3a2eb88856b5", + "text": "Malhauradament, el nostre banc no inclou aquesta opció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fb99ffb-c3a5-40c4-95b6-7e6c479a6293", + "text": "I podria fer una transferència dels meus diners a bitcoins?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferència", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "bitcoins", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd75a96d-79f4-4da5-a31a-8c09a00d925b", + "text": "No s'inclou aquesta opció a les nostres transaccions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf736e41-5062-4a76-8114-30fc7446478e", + "text": "Llavors, per pasar part dels meus diners a criptomonedes, hauria de treure primer els meus doners fora del banc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "criptomonedes", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85a8b031-e126-4242-be35-f4c06b5d9668", + "text": "Així és.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3f5bc18-2503-4646-a9ba-0361dc6c04c0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la info!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df0c0d6a-d7bc-46af-a7d9-c8df89b2ec82", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e1394588-1c9e-46a0-aa73-f045ecab7dd4", + "text": "Volia crear un compte d'inversions", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'inversions", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78a90465-c457-4eb6-83ed-5362ae659b3b", + "text": "Quins pasos he de seguir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c02bf386-76ef-4e18-b046-6bcd0b8f03b2", + "text": "Té un compte amb el nostre banc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c99c6257-ebe0-4325-b456-d6df67952e69", + "text": "sÍ", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7bed00dc-bc12-4911-9586-c61f8934e3ce", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu nom i cognoms i el DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df8d6dcb-5b3b-4dc7-970d-5ad5c533ea2a", + "text": "Antonio Perales Minguelez 123456Z", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antonio", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Perales", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Minguelez", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "922193b1-5d97-4693-87b3-932ae9bdc845", + "text": "Quin és l'objectiu del seu compte d'inversions?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6a89ec2-655d-4ad8-abbf-d0f80da42be9", + "text": "doncs volia invertir en companyies de l'IBEX 35", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "companyies de l'IBEX 35", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "836da1d5-fac1-4268-9e95-c074863388bc", + "text": "Quins ingressos anuals té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbda7c07-ca74-4f43-aa74-1d04b7fb2d7b", + "text": "Doncs tinc uns ingresos de 120.000€ l'any", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "120.000", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fcdb8b06-f44a-466c-9ae1-779d7f90dddc", + "text": "D'acord. Els nostres companys revisaran les seves dades i el trucaran per tal de comunicar-li els passos següents. El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d31ab075-9e1a-4932-81d1-4d8f8e005c85", + "text": "Cap cosa més. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44627cd9-e7fb-4edc-b9b2-03e5b83f85a5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ee91e26b-8871-48f6-b2c0-6875dea5891d", + "text": "Volia esborrar el meu compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19cb648d-5d16-41a1-a00a-cd2541372d2c", + "text": "Bon dia. Em podria dir el seu nom d'usuari si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "604e120d-1535-401a-a57a-58d306a13bb5", + "text": "Joan Maragall", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Maragall", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e27bd0a3-5ec5-4126-8e12-0c35b18e226e", + "text": "Quin és el motiu de cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6edafa37-0509-4a44-a5e6-1fbc6aa972cd", + "text": "Doncs es un compte que fa molt que no utilitzo i m'he fet comptes més nous on he disposat els meus diners", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "fa molt que no utilitzo", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea276af6-dd4f-400e-9b1e-5037b9846a13", + "text": "Per tal d'esborrar el compte cal que ho confirmi per trucada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6005a334-ccfe-46f4-9c7c-5124ffaa1c8f", + "text": "D'acord! A quin número he de trucar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "número", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5cfb9287-f0cb-4962-ad6f-2dd80aad1898", + "text": "El trucarem nosaltres si ens facilita un número de contacte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2be7eefa-b9e5-4793-862b-f176b7981d45", + "text": "701897174", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "701897174", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c5c87e6-2d08-4e4a-83bf-23f3c240e0c6", + "text": "D'acord. Rebrà una trucada en breus moments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "974faf8e-d825-4248-9051-7d208a706f40", + "text": "Ja he rebut la trucada. Gràcies i bona nit!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7cca5a4-aebd-46eb-b9b2-db8dfe0043c2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f1c411a8-4b43-4bf4-bf95-dad8083d80a5", + "text": "Volia fer-me una guardiola per emmagatezar cada mes 20€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "guardiola", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "20", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "cada mes", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc0276f0-1f4f-4b4b-8b4c-0f064b17887d", + "text": "Com ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a910174-f882-4b34-b196-ffd36327bf9c", + "text": "Disposa d'un compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c46f36b1-a3ef-46c9-b02f-c6df0247a837", + "text": "sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f0cebcfd-dc68-4e4b-abf5-5c8b45a7cc3f", + "text": "Corrent o d'estalvis?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "316f9e4a-13b0-4f9a-bdef-d838f12d06ec", + "text": "Estalvis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Estalvis", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09f42ef5-be4d-4988-9f69-7bb189828cd5", + "text": "Voldría programar la transferència de 20€ del seu compte corrent al compte d'estalvis cada mes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b2a8794-40ec-470c-92d1-42a4607753f9", + "text": "Exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f78934b5-e01c-494d-ac13-05c9158c2b44", + "text": "Quin dia voldria que es faci?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c66b323c-df40-49ac-ad28-eb4f75ace518", + "text": "el dia 1 de cada mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "el dia 1 de cada mes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1161e76-1b15-428f-a50e-6f63c2c07eb0", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud i començarà a partir de l'1 del següent mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72382e07-f62d-49aa-a1f0-e02c77299d43", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "81cfe5d3-1761-4d9a-a6a5-b5ce65e412c5", + "text": "Volia fer-me un compte, però per operar nomñes online. Teniu alguna tarifa per pagar menys comisions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "nomñes online", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "menys comisions", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad3321a9-5a2f-49a2-8479-534b0255dc16", + "text": "Tenim una opció que no té comissions i és 100% online.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "033cecf8-364d-48a9-9b19-e9f57d1439fd", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d53b2fb2-c87c-4a84-b60f-4ceba367adce", + "text": "Com la podria demanar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e639c4a0-e54a-4d03-a438-00d7ceba4095", + "text": "Es totalment on-line així que hauria d’anar a aquest enllaç i fer la sol·licitud https://www.bbva.es/general/landings/captacion/revolucion-selfie.html?cid=ref:com:oth:spain---cuentas-cuenta_online-open-:cuentaonline_scbrefresh-prf::::::1x1:track:helpmycash:", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a84bf53-3cac-47a5-8b19-08811dab4160", + "text": "I per tramitar incidències, també seria online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "incidències", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5be6b0e4-8217-4493-a98b-c0b149278740", + "text": "Sí, tot i que també pot fer-ho a través de l’aplicació del banc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6308c5f-ccec-4249-bdc4-e1b2cf10cfc3", + "text": "La app del banc la puc d'esccaregar des de Play Sotre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "app del banc", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Play Sotre", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "329936ce-fcbe-4a08-9d10-16c1ceecb49f", + "text": "Sí, té l’enllaç a la pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4bb542b8-c3b2-44f3-ab07-690fc70ce933", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "287c66d3-ec2c-4ee2-8fa8-660ef7a99464", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8ac8af05-857b-4640-bdf4-41cdbef1c525", + "text": "Bon dia, volia fer-me un compte per la meva filla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "la meva filla", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5e74e11-c8b7-488d-a16d-47a920d73e86", + "text": "Em podria proporcionar el seu nom i DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "493d83d6-39d8-4e01-871a-45beb7c50294", + "text": "Antoni Aragonès, 1839246Z", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antoni", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Aragonès", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "1839246Z", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d21ea95-34d6-4c21-acf1-db27db070895", + "text": "Quina edat té la seva filla?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b999fb4f-f605-40b4-8b03-d54371d25296", + "text": "12 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3ea76239-f287-4ad9-8a6c-f859c8293426", + "text": "En aquest cas, vostè seria el titular del compte fins que ella faci 18 anys, està d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fb63f1a-4fc3-40db-98ab-435fcdfa69d4", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f95967d7-ff63-46b9-8ac8-5331a749f826", + "text": "Em podria proporcionar les seves dades, si us plau? Nom, cognoms, DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29acc5dd-8aaf-4cd0-8dba-0e07ec29faa1", + "text": "Joan Miquel Oliver, 1397976S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan Miquel", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Oliver", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "1397976S", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "874ce659-fa20-4252-bc52-209a723a290f", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud i es tramitarà l'alta del nou compte. Rebrà una confirmació del tràmit per correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d22345b6-cfca-4b3e-96e4-5c42140166c0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5d53c8ee-6020-48fd-bbab-1ce1b3c8cd5f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "44f599f0-9b18-4aed-8ed5-78ffbf3ac74a", + "text": "Bona tarda, volia canviar de domicili de Tàrrega a LLeida, com puc fer per canviar la meva agència?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar de domicili", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Tàrrega", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "LLeida", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar la meva agència", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2373e440-dc48-4cf8-8f19-e139237f33d2", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d1d23d3-25d7-458c-a155-0c0326bf173e", + "text": "37245481Q", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "37245481Q", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a84ba2cb-5797-4bfb-980c-b8c3cd7b5469", + "text": "Quina és la seva direcció anterior?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27c00fdd-31c0-4da2-a2a6-a22e107e2e36", + "text": "Carrer santa Mònica, 19", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer santa Mònica, 19", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd82ae24-9f23-4d99-bc1b-f5df0eadd967", + "text": "Quina és la nova direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c6adf5e-e5a7-40e4-a758-92738d29f048", + "text": "Av. Prim, 143, LLeida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Av. Prim, 143, LLeida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ece7aa8f-d652-4647-be94-b946cf75dd7e", + "text": "La seva adreça ja està actualitzada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99bd20b3-e8b4-4e46-87cc-d54172518d31", + "text": "MOltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e976ebd2-ed80-4940-9f7e-c0db06f82ba1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "11107079-d76e-45f7-bddf-e87460dd2c80", + "text": "Volia mudar-me a un altre pis, però encara estic pagant la meva hipoteca, hi ha alguna manera per canviar de domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "hipoteca", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar de domicili", + "Start_char": 98, + "End_char": 117 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8dbce35d-a74a-4e1f-bfdf-49e2841d49da", + "text": "Em podria facilitar el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c47b2fc5-20e9-43c4-a670-1575d699b84e", + "text": "382471A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "382471A", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13d23a87-f651-4ae1-8b40-32ded30c97a6", + "text": "Els fitxers del nostre sistema estableixen que té una permanència de 3 anys que encara no ha finalitzat. Malhauradament hauria de seguir pagant-la fins exhaurir el periode.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "471de0ec-6102-4329-91bd-f7666e8913ac", + "text": "D'acord, i al cap d'aquests tres anys em podria canviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f31c6473-37f8-440c-b1f4-05a953f05266", + "text": "Sí, aleshores podria sol·licitar-ho.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ca71c5c-71c5-4e96-8f05-8672064a9835", + "text": "D'acord, i no hi ha cap altre alternativa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "alternativa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21e1ab05-a6ee-4a31-84f2-3ef3cca22971", + "text": "Podría contactar amb el seu agent per tal de discutir altres opcions més ajustades al seu perfil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77a92e55-d679-4f64-8643-51d94d516908", + "text": "Pot proporcionar-me el contacte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d552f08-a664-4486-8326-cb2b66fdbc08", + "text": "Si accedeix a la seva àrea privada de la pàgina web pot consultar qui porta el seu fitxer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60457925-6863-4023-9ea8-0c515d2db80a", + "text": "Gràcies! Doncs ho miro!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35994c50-0879-4f02-a0e9-3daa58d9ad1d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e919095d-e27c-4e1c-9bf8-38e958dff548", + "text": "Volia demanarr una beca universitaria de la caixa per fer el meu doctorat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "beca universitaria de la caixa", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "doctorat", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bb502cd-bab5-46a5-a8d1-b1153e4a820f", + "text": "Ha residit més de 12 mesos a Espanya o Portugal els últims 3 anys?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecb940bb-8408-43e0-8712-9c0b0ba9171c", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "987d5514-a07b-4bf1-aa78-63fa41830d9a", + "text": "Aleshores pot aplicar a les beques INPhINIT Retaining.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6773336-d33d-4363-ad7c-9419a1663b2c", + "text": "Quina documentació necessito per sol.licitar-les?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffd20e21-9289-4c03-ae7a-3ecb63ce92ac", + "text": "Ha de fer la sol·licitud a través de https://fundacionlacaixa.org/es/becas-doctorado-inphinit-convocatoria.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e044e4b-2fc4-4b1e-b628-1acbc4268034", + "text": "Però el tràmit es pot fer amb el dni o necessito més coses?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2c7c6d28-da73-4b4c-bc35-47161b11bd13", + "text": "A la pàgina web pot trobar tota la informació detallada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3459b93-53a3-4cdb-8ae6-4e58c2b0bf06", + "text": "Gràcies, quin és l'últim dia per fer el tràmit?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "últim dia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a55f5da-602a-4da2-85ae-5e51d285db5c", + "text": "Ara mateix la convocatòria està tancada des del 25 de febrer de 2021.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85ca3a51-1b3b-4d72-9b3c-d386bffac10b", + "text": "Ouch, gràcies igualment!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f1c900f-a35f-4c5c-adc2-d89046954620", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "61dccba8-1c8b-4b5d-98b8-66bbbfae395a", + "text": "Volia crear un compte d'estalvi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'estalvi", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed71e4d9-f638-4c5d-82e3-cb452623f46a", + "text": "Disposa d'un compte amb la nostra companyia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6540313b-9dde-4190-8f70-543177eda760", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dec79380-26e1-4ca8-8c2b-531453225839", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom d'usuari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "586b9cef-43a2-4a8e-9ecb-d312fa80e8a1", + "text": "eric3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "eric3", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d30168b-9e9f-4945-8302-757b015d315c", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83cc0a52-472e-4dc3-89a9-61901ef7cf2d", + "text": "3476281X", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "3476281X", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f38a58a-df26-4960-9297-114a13a2d32f", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva sol•licitud. El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa4abf38-b413-4810-912c-3bc9aaf776c3", + "text": "Bueno, volia afegir 50€ de forma automàtica a aquest compte fins arribar a 1500€, és possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "afegir", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "50", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "de forma automàtica", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "fins arribar", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "1500", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb6e6f7d-631b-4a4f-91c2-e260b20a466d", + "text": "Quin dia vol que es realitzi la transferència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4025d32-eac3-4be2-a278-2f2478d28f35", + "text": "El dia 1", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "1", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95d6c9bd-f25e-41a3-9232-0cea8bd7d32b", + "text": "La primera transferència es farà l'1 de desembre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7780c82b-8252-4316-9788-0c280f7fdf5b", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b809ccb-9bc7-45f4-9a9c-cd3849d3efc3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cdaf261f-d878-4e3f-9d99-debcd83b8aeb", + "text": "Volia saber si bizum és de pagament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bizum", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "de pagament", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47a7e70c-15d6-4753-b98a-0276f6848e8a", + "text": "No, pot fer servir bizum si disposa d'un telèfon amb internet, un compte bancari i l'app del banc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6697e92e-f953-4b8c-9163-3468fd243911", + "text": "Mm no tinc l'app del banc, cal que faci un tràmit específic per fer-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "app del banc", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "31173b5f-3f7b-482b-bc19-55c95df0b44a", + "text": "Pot descarregar l'app a través de l'enllaç que hi ha a la nostra pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4dc910a7-4a21-4d75-83e0-6707cf4b0cac", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16a0cf8e-4015-471d-b9ea-0d6ff82eb306", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7670c634-d23b-41b3-bcf8-5eeb14c0bb07", + "text": "He perdut la cartera, voldria deixar de fer anar la tajeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "He perdut la cartera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tajeta", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "320e9570-4c85-4bc0-900d-3d3615d45f9a", + "text": "Em pot proporcionar el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80cf7d4d-fd86-4086-9d94-a781bb088abd", + "text": "682442H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "682442H", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "939e0bbf-8ca8-4ca3-a8b1-fdd064577c7c", + "text": "Vol pausar-la o donar-la de baixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "817b71ce-cc05-4a95-b74b-b88d607ecee8", + "text": "Donar-la de baixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01aec7fc-eee2-4c45-9658-2a9b59aac5d1", + "text": "Voldría demanar un duplicat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfd8cb6b-62ea-4092-ad66-e95d354939ce", + "text": "Sí si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cc25431c-5d01-4452-a293-6f43de157724", + "text": "M'enviaran la tarjeta a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviaran", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7dceb9d7-9ec1-4e12-8bc9-07e53cd6868f", + "text": "Sí, rebrà la targeta en un marge de 2 setmanes al seu domicili.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1db37c11-54cd-407a-8426-f58f362001a3", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2d2fd78d-ecaf-4977-a54b-20d614caf7ae", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a3c55fb2-4e30-4516-89ef-caea7c1aca3e", + "text": "Fa uns dies que la app no em funciona correctament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "app", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em funciona correctament", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3edf91b-da1c-409c-8a8f-50aebe4949ac", + "text": "Quin és l'error que registra?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0a12ff7-6ca9-4c47-8daf-96e8257e82b8", + "text": "No em deixa consultar el crèdit que tinc al compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "No em deixa consultar el crèdit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "944b1020-e3e2-4369-9f38-d283995f1af9", + "text": "Em pot facilitar el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58369f39-5980-4ca0-8549-7472300fd2ae", + "text": "982659A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "982659A", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58947309-4f43-4bc0-9dea-dc6b3d899e4e", + "text": "Segons el nostre registre vostè ha intentat accedir varies vegades amb un codi incorrecte. Valdria regenerar el seu codi per tal de tornar a tenir accés?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c82d53f0-31ee-4f3b-87ca-048b8891a321", + "text": "Sí, quin és el codi correcte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "codi correcte", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffe12102-cd94-4a24-a1c6-dcc4d036d6db", + "text": "Aquesta informació és confidencial. Cal que regeneri el codi a través de l'apartat \"He oblidat la contrasenya\" omplint la informació pertinent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00f91e40-d648-47be-925c-c421cb7822ef", + "text": "D'acord, quan funcioni una altra vegada, rebré algun avís al telèfon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "avís al telèfon", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7eacbeb5-641b-4aa4-ad7c-582bff6cc3f6", + "text": "Així és.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a4652fd-461f-4806-9858-7aef7f09d97e", + "text": "Gràcies llavors!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c07722b-3266-47b3-8c32-29e770f8ece0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d4dbc5f0-0ba9-4217-91ca-3fa71fe6dc16", + "text": "M'he equivocat fent una transferència, hi he enviat una quantitat de diners més gran de la que volia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferència", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "he enviat una quantitat de diners més gran de la que volia", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebc555e8-040b-408d-a1d0-843decef02dc", + "text": "Quan ha realitzat la transferència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3cc1ca3-a3b5-4c9e-8f4f-63b34664ea13", + "text": "Fa uns minuts", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Fa uns minuts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac32ebc3-30c6-48ee-b0c3-7de6abb51e38", + "text": "Ha sigut en línea, per telèfon o a l'oficina?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "924ea49d-334b-4eff-afa2-c06f20fc610a", + "text": "Ha sigut a travès del mòvil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "a travès del mòvil", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88ea18fa-01e2-416f-84ab-e8c40c19f2de", + "text": "Ha sigut a un banc diferent al seu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5eeb80bb-520f-4224-807a-3801096f1617", + "text": "Sí, a la caixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94ac8616-3351-4ef6-9c9a-d510c1bc19af", + "text": "Podría donar el codi de la transferència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1caf8a5-3959-49be-b990-f8543335503e", + "text": "Sí, 497402", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "497402", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6bdc301-971b-4e70-907f-bf9abc570f3e", + "text": "D'acord, es cancel·larà la seva transferència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b34d14cf-774e-41a0-892b-6cebeec3c319", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58388540-15d0-4fc2-8283-7aa2829b2b3f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4a741b68-85b2-463d-8a4a-dc86cb0c0b92", + "text": "Volia fer una transferència a un altre compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferència a un altre compte", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "510f9fda-8456-4ea0-8dc1-060eec3583e3", + "text": "A quin compte voldria fer la transferència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "056d8d8e-60db-4f8a-a4f1-2422a403a937", + "text": "Al compte ES 01 9182 1831 13933", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES 01 9182 1831 13933", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e83899a7-e0f9-4e10-a3e5-22ef5c55615a", + "text": "Quina quantitat vol enviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60831338-52da-4ed8-8f52-86ebb12e875d", + "text": "125€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "125", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e118b3d-a716-4c86-9790-9a474cb3b22d", + "text": "Vol fer una transferència inmediata o programada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30b1bd38-6003-4eaa-981c-da0d7399af00", + "text": "Programada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Programada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4b15a930-7520-470a-9ad6-70529fabbd96", + "text": "Per a quin dia i hora?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76dae610-d81c-4298-8403-05ea1e4f1aa6", + "text": "Pel dia 13 a les 9.00", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "13", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "9.00", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05cf88bb-c8c6-4d06-8c0f-1f3ca6124e5a", + "text": "Ja està registrada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83fc558f-09c2-42d3-a162-cb321f0bf65d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c00c668a-62a1-4746-956a-2e63abdb0569", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9ef80274-e97b-478d-b99a-0be767c820a6", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a11496f2-ffb4-45d2-9646-f03815cdc813", + "text": "Com puc obrir un compte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b8bf8a6-3d8e-464c-8301-8e9dd57a41a6", + "text": "Si ja és client nostre, ho pot fer per aquí o a la nostra pàgina web. Si encara no té cap servei contractat amb nosaltres, hauria de dirigir-se a les nostres oficines", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "761ed0aa-305c-4d52-8618-4834804ad95f", + "text": "Encara no tinc cap servei contractat. Quin horari teniu a les oficines?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficines", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58e1ae87-f562-468f-82a8-78d10b10fb2d", + "text": "De 10 a 14h i de 16h a 20h", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f115679-8f4e-4a86-8d1b-4ec01cdb1c4c", + "text": "Tots els dies laborables", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1a18f85-4ddb-403b-a837-e065bf3a368f", + "text": "I per poder contractar un servei amb vosaltres què necessiteu? Així ja ho porto.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6354e952-59b1-4706-b922-b3d996c42215", + "text": "Haurà de portar el seu DNI o passaport, res més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ee5b0b3-55fd-43ee-bd87-ec492d94b9b7", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte. I puc anar-hi sense cita, oi'", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sense cita", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a0c152e-2108-42d7-b42d-2f9d7fcf191e", + "text": "Sí, pot anar-hi en els horaris que li he indicat més amunt.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6a18167-553b-4bc4-a9a7-2b2ba0853dc5", + "text": "Perfecte. Això faré, doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da99aac4-f324-47fb-9cb5-8230e96dd852", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec27b9be-7e98-499a-9a9b-e8ac9f43e1ee", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b3e6ce1-dee6-4165-8cb6-d85d3225eab2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dfd98189-810b-4ef4-9920-9ae27c2ee494", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab2754cd-048e-4184-91f7-3736a4781714", + "text": "Bona tarda, quin és el motiu de la seva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f8b38ff-629c-4d17-8cb0-938efcc3c20d", + "text": "Vaig fer-me un compte el mes passat però m’estan cobrant i em vau dir que era gratis.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m’estan cobrant", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eca4edc9-ce01-489d-aa42-aab06a236ff8", + "text": "D'acord, em pot facilitar el seu nom i número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e97dcbb4-be0a-40f0-8472-1745d8f052fc", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Joaquim Vives Puig i ES34 5677 4325 4323 2345 4567", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joaquim", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 5677 4325 4323 2345 4567", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "371fd099-c396-41c6-b4fd-3a80375f569b", + "text": "Molt bé Sr. Puig, veig que hi ha hagut un error, i no s'ha enregistrat l'oferta a la que vostè es va apuntar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca5f31df-5458-463d-a80c-6784858c6c5b", + "text": "Desseguida li tornarem els diners i no se li començarà a cobrar fins l'any que ve", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09a4d51a-a42a-4991-a832-92456dd323f1", + "text": "L'any que ve ja em cobrareu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "L'any que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70f45973-9e7f-457a-9fbc-1273a97e7487", + "text": "Sí, l'oferta inclou un any gratuït i despres es cobra com un compte normal.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d8b6c6e-cb98-4622-b361-dc12ced8af21", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e8285600-06a4-42f5-b8c1-161596837c32", + "text": "Ostres, això no ho sabia. I quant em cobrareu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quant", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f984e056-970a-4b82-8644-33791f782750", + "text": "La mateixa quantitat que havia pagat ara per error", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da57a12c-1401-40c1-a059-f206726b64cb", + "text": "Que és la quota habitual", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a45775a-24f3-49c5-9e1b-3359ccdc6b1d", + "text": "Ah, d'acord. Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "217bc667-7694-4a45-855d-9cff627e1afd", + "text": "A vostè. Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de360c64-e5a3-419c-a8f1-9d3b679212b5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "533e6583-d16f-4260-a47e-59497c3a8ad9", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "502a32b3-faa0-4092-a209-997c4026a070", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecfedf60-d6a0-49f1-ba04-69502955d8bd", + "text": "Vull fer una transacció de diners.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transacció de diners", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "48623b10-3f7c-45b6-98b8-1e1cd1a350d7", + "text": "Vol fer una transferència bancària? O de quin tipus de transacció es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdaf854b-d4c4-47aa-8c87-455fb60cd331", + "text": "Sí, una transacció bancària.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec622b4f-5844-4da2-88b3-b8fe2eb6ea29", + "text": "Vull transferir diners", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferir diners", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f9d5c006-87f4-411a-9c51-c45fda2a90ae", + "text": "D'acord, indiqui'm quin és el compte d'origen i de destí, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd0e1ff2-54bb-4227-a66f-227f2266e801", + "text": "Sí, el d'origen és ES34 6543 5432 5677 4433 4321 i el de destí és ES34 5675 4333 5678 2213 4546", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 6543 5432 5677 4433 4321", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 5675 4333 5678 2213 4546", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f7bdaf5-f236-46f0-b395-7765bb425949", + "text": "Molt bé, i quina quantitat vol transferir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0304a7e-97d7-421b-880b-f5b517c3eacd", + "text": "Vull transferir 50€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "50", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b937c978-c872-4dd7-929c-784412c85ece", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ja esta feta la transferència. Rebrà un SMS de confirmació al número associat al seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99c1445d-1519-4dea-9c23-0d1266a90e27", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4df04168-5a08-419a-be7f-5982bd56bc91", + "text": "Perfecte. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0fe1d9d6-4477-413e-8962-31c86c96cd49", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77aad6a0-191b-49a3-abe9-6360ee1fe825", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e179dcd9-d641-46fa-b487-9b3bac47c3e0", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc09f286-556e-4bcc-93ff-546e41d5ef97", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8471a32-dbf3-4942-944d-8fd9b79c1038", + "text": "Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "003d3119-19e8-430d-8440-e1abf4ee0b0c", + "text": "Tancar compte bancari.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte bancari", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57dba072-5db6-42ff-86b7-cf82dd2653e6", + "text": "Vol tancar el seu compte bancari amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2979549c-019b-459b-9c20-55ca519724bf", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cf0e56d4-d1a8-4ad3-9aa9-37b508eb8058", + "text": "D'acord, em pot facilitar el seu nom i cognoms, i el seu DNI si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0b733f7-82ab-475c-8776-8a0fdffca9ee", + "text": "Sí. Ana García Fernández i 47654568F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ana", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47654568F", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1cd95d2-df81-436e-81af-2fb9a85b271e", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. García, veig que només té un compte amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "082abbeb-16f7-4f09-83fb-55941e72eecd", + "text": "Sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e59e408-aafe-4cd1-8171-bab85aa03477", + "text": "Desseguida procedim a tancar el compte. Em pot indicar a quin correu electrònic vol que li enviem els documents de cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5170779f-2008-48e7-93f7-5fb15e7feab7", + "text": "A agarcia@gmail.com si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "agarcia@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f22a051a-597f-401e-9778-cae596b19a0b", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja hem tancat el seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93a836f0-f58f-4b14-9b2e-b5f2066167d9", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d175804-78b3-481e-97eb-b6ad58ac510a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8b18c373-24c3-4afd-ba32-b3342736d11d", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ed77fee-280d-4b1a-aa27-60d4e988df95", + "text": "Bon dia, gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34c84f1e-082b-4c0f-b429-3a02d8e9f5bc", + "text": "Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fde6ef47-4e74-4167-b2ae-3c4e90a27711", + "text": "Nou compte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6fd8da68-e34f-426a-b7db-15b1274f6049", + "text": "Vol obrir un compte amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad0dcffa-4213-46d6-93ff-80382796703b", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0da94e50-405b-4a0e-80a7-e5a893166191", + "text": "Molt bé, ja és client nostre?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c461615-f143-4cdf-92ea-1f571108a2ad", + "text": "Sí, fa 1 any que ho soc.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "years_num", + "text": "1", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "508b68d0-20ed-4d06-b6f5-0e305ab24a11", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte. Necessito el seu DNI per trobar el seu expedient, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d00be160-42fe-44f0-bca2-42d1c754657c", + "text": "47890734R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47890734R", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e5a9da8-9913-4008-b1b6-da3abea048a4", + "text": "Molt be, Sr. Olivares, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e76ce4e9-b29e-436a-84fe-066dfc336417", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "654963ba-0003-4605-83ee-fc3db024c686", + "text": "Molt bé, i quin tipus de compte vol obrir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84c25a35-8aeb-4755-9e4d-48c7d701bb62", + "text": "Un compte corrent.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte corrent", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b0ce1646-2cbb-4f7a-9846-c00f052bb734", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ja li hem afegit un compte nou al seu nom. Rebrà un correu electrònic amb els detalls a l'adreça associada al seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d170e3fe-42d7-478d-8a31-1d8eae58e0b4", + "text": "Perfecte. Genial.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d03209f4-7232-4862-b793-03c9a8e1ec67", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ce05c55-16ff-43ab-a92e-180d795af771", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6a942526-16ac-4216-b794-3fe23ea5d0e6", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f779b326-283f-4371-aced-b819f3674240", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8504cc20-7ad7-49ea-b0fa-40ab23316e52", + "text": "M’han robat la targeta de crèdit.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "M’han robat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de crèdit", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4b90441-16ce-4f45-b0d8-e49c5f7cdb51", + "text": "D'acord, quan ha tingut lloc el robatori?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e4fb2c6-935e-4f01-a0a2-3543e96ab0e1", + "text": "Avui a les 10 del matí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "10 del matí", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f075659-d3e6-48e8-91f2-cce0c0d047d3", + "text": "Molt bé, digui'm el seu DNI i nom complet si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59eb9763-6d55-40c3-b063-4d34244874cd", + "text": "32456432A i Ramón Sabater Salvador", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32456432A", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ramón", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sabater", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Salvador", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49f5132f-efad-4fba-821a-56fecddb2ee5", + "text": "D'acord Sr. Sabater. Veig que no s'han efectuat compres o retirat diners en efectiu des del moment del robatori. Desseguida procedim a cancel·lar la seva targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61f09cf9-c147-4cc9-94b3-ed4dad2661f7", + "text": "Vol que li demanem una altra?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20fe82d6-8a25-4077-ae1e-6868e6e5ff31", + "text": "Si, sí us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "06190c55-21d5-45b5-9dc5-067725a7d689", + "text": "Molt bé, la rebrà a casa en 2 dies laborables", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92979872-eef4-4046-848b-b8de1a739dfc", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38c7ad79-77ac-424b-a712-dc010b89af27", + "text": "Perfecte. No, això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a68c558e-f5ad-4e35-8d76-67d12d506d56", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "100be3df-5d0d-4be9-83d1-18a1eb7db97f", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec9b8760-38c8-4f00-a53e-81ea54f62a36", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "defe638a-db98-4851-8c32-60c6f5d6451f", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9ee67736-9716-44f3-9785-a5c96b025bea", + "text": "Hola què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2fd09bb2-2031-466a-9278-7ad41c4874ed", + "text": "M’esteu cobrant una comissió excessiva per mantenir el compte corrent.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "comissió excessiva", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte corrent", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a4c3cab-3ec6-4acb-80d4-e1d1010f52e6", + "text": "D'acord, doni'm el seu DNI si us plau, per fer les comprovacions necessàries", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2e6accc-4e3f-4645-86f4-64af20e7ff6e", + "text": "21678857G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "21678857G", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe314329-ecc8-4ecd-8e21-057cda171b89", + "text": "Molt bé, no es retiri si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f47fdae9-2854-4426-aaa6-786dc77c84ad", + "text": "La comissió de manteniment és la tarifa estàndard que cobrem a tots els nostres clients. No veig res inusual al respecte. Potser la confusió és degut a que ara mateix té domiciliat el seu deute amb la Seguretat Social en aquest compte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1332abf0-7f92-411b-b093-79e41460ed66", + "text": "I puc treure la domiciliació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "treure la domiciliació", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24157506-a6bf-42ec-a041-7da536455ae2", + "text": "Aixo ho ha de gestionar directament amb la Tresoreria de la Seguretat Social", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb80d374-4d5a-48da-899a-861704d0eed4", + "text": "Quines més tarifes teniu? Potser m'interessa alguna.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarifes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3611f33-638a-4a35-8daa-676f513f106a", + "text": "A quines tarifes es refereix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "079f7320-7ae3-452e-b9d2-dba9e1465660", + "text": "A les tarifes que cobreu per mantenir els comptes correu. O en teniu de gratuits?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "comptes correu", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gratuits", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "851deed0-75f4-49b6-ae55-1465ba41dadf", + "text": "Les tarifes de manteniment son estàndards per a tots els nostres clients, i depenen de l'antiguitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "879cbdae-92f8-4d83-92ac-3dfe32644fc2", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d41315dd-3c44-47ed-94f3-64158bf16cbc", + "text": "Ah entenc. Vale, res més. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23f62f03-d7b8-49f9-a30d-6bbc96332300", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3adce113-bd0d-4ceb-97fb-afb92d57179b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bff4fcdb-7895-4102-ba37-30f5d3469691", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0900056e-b07a-4567-b842-18432b930fe2", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d5f29cbc-e6dc-4bb8-99e7-755e7db068bf", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86012913-a6f8-4b97-9107-6aea85c60a2b", + "text": "Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02157a0f-8e97-4ec4-a0b2-4eee4f98de8e", + "text": "Vull parlar amb el meu gestor bancari.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el meu gestor bancari", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "050dfd73-3d37-4b07-98bd-c60f1a4ecf76", + "text": "D'acord, per contactar amb el seu gestor ha de trucar a les seves oficines o contactar-lo per correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90845f09-f85c-42c9-abb6-402cfda26c3b", + "text": "I on puc trobar el seu correu electrònic?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "48a0d25f-9553-42a9-bc68-042f0b7db59f", + "text": "No disposem d'aquesta informació. Però segurament pot trobar-la a la pàgina web de les seves oficines habituals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75ede50b-9a4e-4b8a-8345-b2752d218371", + "text": "D'acord, em pot dir la pàgina web de l'oficina de Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6023a713-7163-4f9c-86cd-5b3ebef2f481", + "text": "www.lacaixa.cat/oficines/barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a64a0d3c-66e6-4b4b-bb1a-c0c78523d325", + "text": "D'acord. Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5d9ba3f1-7763-49ea-bc0c-a19ac3ec9710", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43f83b60-7833-4fa4-9d5b-a91bf57f5f2a", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0981d149-959b-4973-a188-3f00e5818e99", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5e3fb15a-56a8-4afc-bce9-966e136f24d1", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "df7c7ff3-f520-43b5-b9d0-4f7b478d3ce8", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe5d2a86-da6f-48bb-ae17-b3d451bd6eb8", + "text": "Vull crear un compte negoci, ja que m’he fet autònoma.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte negoci", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e517686a-169c-459c-abd7-19d0ce09c902", + "text": "Molt bé, li podem obrir un compte negoci aquí mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e83812f-eb9c-4509-85a4-b7a94171f9d1", + "text": "És client nostre, o seria el seu primer compte amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a5c03ba-88ab-468a-9ece-f33fc38fbcc3", + "text": "Soc client vostre.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "343134ca-0dca-4a6b-a318-6fd76815c897", + "text": "Molt bé, doni'm el seu DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e0ef782-da81-4b47-8e10-094635e4274e", + "text": "34665465F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34665465F", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dde51a6d-a754-46ad-a273-e4928e562bfa", + "text": "I el seu nom complet si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4eef3f9f-37fb-4bf5-9597-d58b833afe65", + "text": "Ricard Codina Sánchez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ricard", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Codina", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sánchez", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac9e92d3-91b7-47d3-aa28-7116c9c30fae", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. El compte de negoci estarà només al seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dff04576-526e-470f-a0ef-8cc7f1547ad6", + "text": "Sí, només al meu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "09617d29-0f76-45e0-bc47-a1a097c65e3e", + "text": "D'acord, en aquest cas només necessitem que signi els documents que li enviarem", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ade5b69-1a11-4c09-b4e2-fd7e3af413eb", + "text": "Indiqui'm un compte de correu electrònic si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9b40e5b-1b09-438a-9689-2c0d967c35f0", + "text": "Sí, és clar. ricard@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "ricard@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "496a3719-79b9-4723-8714-73b5de5bb227", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs només necessitem que els torni signats per activar el compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d0933b7-0d4a-40a8-b88c-6f5a373a8917", + "text": "D'acord perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bcde5450-9327-4635-bdb0-3ee29289929a", + "text": "Ja us els he enviat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f40ada4a-6bb4-48fc-9095-92afd3e32a84", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja ha estat activat el seu compte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec0315a2-c9a2-44ea-b6ad-596cef1423da", + "text": "Voldría alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3489191a-19ca-4838-b41f-666d84946354", + "text": "No, això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b3b4f71-1776-4d2b-96cd-74a818d0e2b2", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "625ba097-02b1-46a3-803e-f314cf04f706", + "text": "Molt bé, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27cfe26d-2295-4f6b-8546-f7e5187d8d67", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae02e764-19e8-4c91-8ce5-70fdc090ec84", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "da57380d-014c-4c55-81ee-973889138079", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "28bf2ce7-ab5d-4d32-898b-2821c6dd6576", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5430b03-2903-4648-ac34-fb1cbaf8ce67", + "text": "Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cf498e7-ebe6-4bd8-92a8-d9b54a91cefb", + "text": "Quins beneficis té el compte de negocis? Soc autònoma i no sé si em pot beneficiar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "beneficis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte de negocis", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd97c457-38b3-4ab4-a186-8a7c1d1d4d2b", + "text": "Es vostè autònom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2961afcc-8e1f-4124-b22d-fbcfd4b20865", + "text": "Si ho soc.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "daae4ff4-697f-438e-9525-c01f4b79c331", + "text": "Amb un compte de negocis per autònoms podrà gestionar tots els seus pagaments i rebuts des de casa i sense costos adicionals, podrà pogramar transferències i anàlisis de despeses gratuïtament, i podrà accedir a préstecs amb interessos molt reduïts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e8cdfcc-caad-4700-b6b4-e6854df6d83c", + "text": "Sembla interessant. I té algun cost aquesta targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "112d17c1-15b4-4d2e-a965-68edde4547dc", + "text": "Tè un cost únic de 24,49 Euros anuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eeff914f-fed1-4140-b5ae-21333b72c010", + "text": "D'acord, doncs el vull.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35f3e926-f932-4ed3-8938-62ed1723ecc6", + "text": "Molt bé, per contractar-lo pot dirigir-se a qualsevol de les nostres oficines, o trucar al 93 401 78 78", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5e6ee0f-ad14-4489-a98f-7f662f9e2fa0", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs aleshores aniré a una de les vostres oficines demà.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57b9f2a5-9163-418d-9b43-575b996ca3d0", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d9cd890-1b79-410b-8d07-4bc713f9fc8e", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "743999a7-6933-4cc5-b0f0-dabd76bfca5b", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0111d36b-380f-40c4-a841-a2c51fd7b753", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "33b6b003-3ff3-4bda-aa67-b88673fe9409", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f7c7975-f0d1-45ae-9f33-bd79ec65cf35", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b063b81f-1aa3-40c2-873f-218ce73793f2", + "text": "Acabo de veure que he fet una transacció amb la targeta que no reconec.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transacció amb la targeta", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no reconec", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60770379-eeed-4ec9-abe1-266b056f49f5", + "text": "D'acord, té la targeta amb vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2754dbac-061b-4910-92ba-85e8c6e12ab7", + "text": "Sí, la tinc.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c3597290-e76c-4b67-887b-a89d7bca8a60", + "text": "D'acord, indiqui'm el seu numero de compte si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31f1ff49-4b96-4a96-a566-aa76b9db1164", + "text": "És clar. ES34 4565 4321 1275 3456 3456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 4565 4321 1275 3456 3456", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5604340b-fc25-40cf-b262-3e9150359557", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Quan s'ha produït aquesta transacció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7547c0f-67f4-4f99-b3dd-1c0974f6ebdc", + "text": "Ahir a la nit.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Ahir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "a la nit", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08eb3c75-f1c6-4d0b-a7e5-c46be87822aa", + "text": "Molt bé, i recorda la quantitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3820e45-006e-4861-9206-f37efd15757c", + "text": "Uns 200€ eren", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "Uns 200", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39d382e5-cb41-40d4-8ec3-d5226800aa44", + "text": "Molt bé, veig que ahir a les 22.13h va rebre la domiciliació de la seva assegurança de cotxe, per una quantitat de 198€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94eda306-0dcf-4575-b670-bd1d0ec80db8", + "text": "Pot ser que es refereixi a aquesta transacció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30a9ac82-b0a2-4afa-a8b1-6788a81a01cb", + "text": "Ah, potser sí que és aquesta transacció. No m'enrecordava.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec9fc457-8549-4238-b2ac-4813a08a9a23", + "text": "Podem bloquejar la seva targeta, però sembla una transacció legitima", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1bb5ecb-71e4-4e4c-9769-b884152fa584", + "text": "Sí, no fa falta doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "61b4b6a1-6454-439c-8bc0-802d47bda714", + "text": "Gràcies per comprovar la transacció.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b402343a-025a-418a-9d04-0b7968efe07b", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "475f1c45-951f-4e20-ae97-2e27a6bda545", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54beab37-46b0-476b-9516-f2de308a74ae", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "815c92a3-4b19-4482-a6e9-5e04c566a3de", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a83f61d2-de15-44e6-903c-5b290c9b0f5b", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7f103e05-cab6-48a7-853c-e350975b55a3", + "text": "Bon dia, com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42eba462-8d43-469c-b97a-2e8b50eec30f", + "text": "Canviar titular targeta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "Canviar titular", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10bda890-7d2f-416f-9a72-e721bbe52efa", + "text": "Desitja canviar el titular del seu compte corrent?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aaba3ff4-fe8f-450c-9a80-956f73ab973a", + "text": "Sí, això mateix.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2e1ece34-5c42-4c98-8496-c860cdd51019", + "text": "Pot afegir fins a tres persones al seu compte, però si vol canviar de titular, hauria de tancar el compte i obrir-ne un altre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbc4f6e0-e6e8-473c-a2bd-7cd65c39d8ac", + "text": "D'acord, doncs vull afegir una persona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir una persona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78699723-58a9-4bc6-bea4-5fdd640ec2a2", + "text": "Molt bé, indiqu'm el nom i DNI de la persona que vol afegir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "337f5431-f6ac-4413-b4f6-1a3852ac6a76", + "text": "Josep Tarradelles García\n47334567F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Tarradelles", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47334567F", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2024313d-cb65-4ace-99e4-1b0d52d8fdd5", + "text": "Molt bé, ja hem enregistrat el nou usuari del seu compte. Només necessitem que el Sr. Tarradelles signi el document que li enviarem. Doni'm la seva adreça de correu electrònic si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e386bf6-f240-462e-8e42-2f656ce923e5", + "text": "La seva adreça és jtar@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jtar@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c9aa087-4987-4364-a9d6-617d090a3404", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem enviat els documents", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fb092ba-0b32-4abf-9d1d-8becb954575a", + "text": "Puc ajudar-la amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bdce315-53b6-46dd-9e44-130461f8ca77", + "text": "Ja està tot. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32a3b5ba-69a6-4947-921c-e42036975ce6", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9a05ab3-5a12-432c-a7b5-04646e6a8687", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1bf833aa-5c9b-4ff4-8ecc-1b4593d4739f", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a70f790-43dd-4152-ae84-9537d0c4de2c", + "text": "Bon dia, quin és el motiu de la seva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97823d9e-1bc8-44df-9c97-f7353ab1895a", + "text": "Vull sol·licitar divisa per a l’estranger.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "divisa", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c6359bb-8346-4d48-b3a2-d80694944cbf", + "text": "D'acord, per quina divisa vol canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b05d4322-1fc0-45dc-aff7-cfca500b4336", + "text": "Vull corones daneses.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "corones daneses", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f7b2112-a753-4f99-b3af-4b0d3fe2a193", + "text": "D'acord, i quina quantitat d'Euros vol descanviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "57a5071d-6ada-4a6a-8989-aeac31481315", + "text": "Voldria 400€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "400", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16e39c54-96cc-47b7-a34f-53ee600c9c05", + "text": "Molt bé, li podem oferir un canvi de 7,44 Krone per Euro", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f06b4782-1753-459b-bc21-68a891f98e95", + "text": "La quantitat total serien 2976 Krone", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3ed1120-e3d4-4718-a7d7-42620cca4fbd", + "text": "D'acord, sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e66d1e7-ad61-4bfd-b483-eb944b692096", + "text": "On ho hauria de recollir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "12b8dc4f-b832-4c50-9c25-9e058e113710", + "text": "Indiqui'm la seva oficina de preferència, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7f0b1dc-06f9-42df-9f75-d763507dad58", + "text": "La del Carrer Mallorca de Barcelona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Carrer Mallorca", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5478b7fd-44a5-46c1-bb5f-75e8816f4724", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja hem fet la sol·licitud. Pot passar a buscar-ho a partir de demà", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b947a3da-4d78-448c-85ff-1bb409fc23f1", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fab0a1fb-ddac-4df3-996b-68de36c0c8f7", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies per tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "671d162b-5c1d-45b0-be4c-3019de0b874d", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4470c280-ebec-4dec-a5da-7e31c74a8574", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "df2e5d3a-5cc5-4306-b510-c455c628d002", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35520431-ffa9-468f-ac6a-204497b68321", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1a10924-6330-4d7a-b635-b6cbdaa11442", + "text": "Em podeu dir les ubicacions de les vostres oficines?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficines", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3756a3e8-1986-4561-b260-edaa7f602322", + "text": "Pot consultar totes les adreces a la nostra pàgina web: www.lacaixa.cat/ontrobarnos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83eca6be-8621-4436-b0c8-e53c9c99c4d5", + "text": "Perfecte. I quin és l'horari d'atenció al públic?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari d'atenció al públic", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f868467-5952-4790-9bd4-915ecb948044", + "text": "Totes les nostres oficines obren de 10h a 14h i de 17h a 21h, de dilluns a divendres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "973eed7c-8760-429c-b5a0-b43bdefef546", + "text": "Excepte els dies festius", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df40d2b6-280f-460e-b45a-0f03157340c2", + "text": "Perfecte. Si vull anar-hi es necessita cita prèvia o no fa falta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita prèvia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61d9773b-76fc-4936-8943-9c0ca0e29db9", + "text": "Si no necessita parlar amb un representant en concret o demanar un préstec, no cal que demani hora", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f78cdb0-8e93-46ef-bdc2-2ff802541b77", + "text": "Vale, perfecte. Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b2f21eb-2011-4d54-9069-957bf51d3d24", + "text": "A vostè per contactar amb nosaltres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d82e6d4d-6b69-433f-a4df-7dc857efc87b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6ddd4dff-da3f-44c7-bcc0-2f76ab84cb2e", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab18157c-7cd7-4045-88a1-56c9fe6c05d0", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41d33124-fdc4-4cbf-8da9-9691eb6ce194", + "text": "Quins tràmits es poden fer a través de la banca online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tràmits", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "banca online", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd53be0a-c4f5-4961-aa11-1c737a6273e2", + "text": "Pot fer tots els tràmits, excepte sol·licitar una hipoteca, modificar els termes de la seva hipoteca, o demanar un préstec de més de 20.000 Euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2ec2752-f4ec-4886-b04c-58cd89420cce", + "text": "I puc fer un préstec de 3000€, doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "préstec", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "3000", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "555e6ab3-e6e2-4f0f-9b66-2b451a28e58f", + "text": "Sí, pot sol·licitar un préstec online de fins a 20.000 Euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c3c0398-a630-44c5-b375-eb6885620424", + "text": "Doncs en vull un de 3000€ doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "3000", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe93446f-89fc-48cb-b88c-89ada1810875", + "text": "Molt bé, pot fer-ho a través de la seva Banca Online", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dc4abeb-193a-43d9-9012-d3293fe357f6", + "text": "Puc ajudar-la amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e0d634c-c0c0-47dc-965b-eeecc8f55d77", + "text": "D'acord. Res més. Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "21ef4863-a139-4d2e-b7a9-c5d16685711c", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b95d8bb8-3447-4cb7-a96e-e12ffe0fb717", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "00701506-d8b1-48e1-a11f-4996e900a759", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e498cac-a730-4ad3-81f7-4a2c1ebb713c", + "text": "Bona tarda, l'atén el Bot, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebeece4f-a0dc-4e77-bd71-e1d99515d681", + "text": "Quins són els caixers més propers a la meva ubicació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "caixers", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "meva ubicació", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ba9d234-1326-4fa6-bc68-de71f455b051", + "text": "Indiqui'm el seu codi postal, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f36d409-e343-4f8e-a206-b679679719b1", + "text": "12005", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "12005", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc8a4c4f-12d0-47d0-abdc-f004c869fa27", + "text": "Veig que hi ha dos caixers en aquesta zona, un al carrer del Pou número 9, i l'altre al carrer Ample número 77", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8dbc1b28-c690-4247-9304-9bcb7d4d51b1", + "text": "I aquests caixers tenen també oficina per a altres tràmits?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2ed2454-f824-4bc6-bed0-5691e5fa1f4d", + "text": "Només el caixer del carrer Ample", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "300c2384-d3fe-4e4c-9dfc-b4c87eb78525", + "text": "D'acord, doncs aleshores m'hi passaré demà.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a239c846-f43e-468d-9d34-6d3f888694e1", + "text": "Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e2ca77f-0bfb-4d63-a322-bd53a54fa966", + "text": "A vostè, necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c3b6214-c54d-4149-a8a6-85a09a0a4668", + "text": "No, això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ebbc05a-a79d-4ba0-aa50-200abe816535", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "99f7fa03-3f6d-4aaa-9ec0-b1f4d6d2412e", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6181a3fc-d849-4efb-be69-94c001f5b4fd", + "text": "Bon dia, gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres. Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "640946c6-e89c-4faa-a088-c1fcbc35836a", + "text": "Em podeu dir el secret per fer-me rica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d2824e8e-fc8f-4c4f-ac50-f82cc3765527", + "text": "Disculpi no entenc la seva consulta. Com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "edf282f2-7958-4ca8-89f1-c26eee13045c", + "text": "Que vull saber com puc obtenir diners sense fer res.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d8514e85-c4d8-464c-ac7c-71558f396977", + "text": "Disculpi, no la podem ajudar amb aquesta consulta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e2f0024-2e9b-4ad0-b5e0-1e53e16b44cd", + "text": "Ostres, una banca online no em pot ajudar a obtenir diners? Quina decepció!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "00a3e5e6-cd62-4522-9dc1-80c3349c228f", + "text": "Puc fer alguna altra cosa per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3c406fe-a3d7-44b7-86f1-4023fcff7b02", + "text": "És igual. SI no és fer-me rica no vull res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9268db4-a744-4b9c-8ee0-f45a7c829da5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d4569e8b-214d-46df-b387-e873650eaf7a", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ed69145-e3a8-4998-8cc1-a8c5937158c6", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e45335da-147c-4a6b-82e4-6160ca37efe1", + "text": "Sembla que no puc accedir a la vostra aplicació. Em diu que la contrasenya és incorrecte però sé que l’estic posant bé.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no puc accedir a la vostra aplicació", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "contrasenya és incorrecte", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b72f9b1f-119b-4f61-b3ad-a3c101b77fb3", + "text": "Disculpi les molèsties. Em pot indicar el seu nom i DNI si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41f537fd-54c4-4522-a8c9-d90b3233da68", + "text": "Ana Garcia Fernández\n45654389R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Garcia", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45654389R", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f54eef7-53a0-4b04-b36e-08209da6cb8d", + "text": "Necessita alguna dada més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "58faecbf-cddc-463d-83d7-72b2c49d1eb2", + "text": "Sembla que es pot tractar d'un problema tècnic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60963679-5579-4bbe-88b6-ff04cd287c48", + "text": "Ha intentat accedir des d'un altre navegador?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9dde8d9e-243b-481e-90d3-9b9bbbc45daa", + "text": "Sí, però em diu el mateix.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b756b69e-a5fb-4ba2-96b4-74e275df06d9", + "text": "D'acord, notificarem a l'equip tècnic de l'incidència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d9a8d1b2-b086-4a0c-81ca-2953861a5a78", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d9048fe-bebf-45d2-90c2-55619ac40fdd", + "text": "A vostè, i disculpi les molèsties", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b6468d8-d684-4d1f-a7b7-664f1aa1048c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "894942e1-ebeb-412e-b951-4491ff214023", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "af0877ff-2bc4-446e-abd5-a691523bf7aa", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88847db1-dcfb-4d17-895f-7fec10849eff", + "text": "Com puc sol·licitar el carnet jove?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet jove", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94d6a436-33e2-4ba4-9aa4-81767e2a7bc7", + "text": "Pot sol·licitar-lo per aquí, trucant al 93 450 33 33, o via la nostra app", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36b91c3a-be5e-4247-8e18-8a8c1af015e4", + "text": "Vull sol·licitar-lo per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8e0f896-c4f6-4536-b647-05fac37167ba", + "text": "Molt bé, necessitaré el seu nom complet, DNI o NIE, data de naixement, i l'adreça on està empadronada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a0e5437-8eca-47ec-b8ac-2661719695fd", + "text": "Mónica Flores Valls\n34567643D\n21/02/1978\nCarrer Diputació 22, 1r 4a (Barcelona)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mónica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Flores", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567643D", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "21/02/1978", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Diputació 22, 1r 4a (Barcelona)", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65c59338-edca-4bee-b514-ccfbfd76b2a4", + "text": "Molt bé, vol que li enviem el Carnet a aquesta adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2099dbbd-0d32-4c88-b316-7ba777bb6598", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ed57c00-62a2-43dd-b054-6055a216538d", + "text": "Té algun cost?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f04629c-80c5-43c6-9862-ff41aa27069c", + "text": "No, és gratuït", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b44673c5-79eb-4e90-9bdc-6a2bd433cee1", + "text": "Genial! I quan la rebré?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a24a754d-78f0-455d-a7f9-a3b5d0060d8b", + "text": "En 2 o 3 dies laborables", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31c9aa2c-acc9-4295-8089-39442b9d368c", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d238cf1d-89d1-462e-b4b5-d79b6e849860", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f139dad-143e-4e76-bea7-4ddfd93a7079", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "981fdb02-69e1-4edc-82aa-4abab89436fd", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a037540-2f26-4ea1-bf41-38dc905f8769", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ed7a080-e73b-4c6d-8033-528327fd3de1", + "text": "La targeta se m’ha desmagnetitzat. Què puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "desmagnetitzat", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a5eb983-2541-4919-aef2-4d9b4f368313", + "text": "D'acord, podem sol·licitar un duplicat de la seva targeta. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ced423ad-4e5c-44a8-aa8e-21f957a35d23", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1a7d60a-ae9f-4ea4-a07f-90ba425c5507", + "text": "Molt bé, indiqui'm el seu nom i DNI per poder accedir al seu expedient si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "593e4cea-8f23-443d-80c9-3fe16936919b", + "text": "Judith Contreras Vives\n12345623K", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Judith", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Contreras", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "12345623K", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "305615c8-c5ae-49f6-8124-a0084fdcd40c", + "text": "Molt bé, Sra. Contreras. Ja hem sol·licitat el duplicat de la seva targeta. Per motius de seguretat haurà de tallar la targeta antiga per la meitat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04bd9d24-4269-4357-bbf3-2223519fd0aa", + "text": "A quina adreça vol que li enviem la targeta nova?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3938fcc6-a8c0-4bea-9972-85e3c3d16cfe", + "text": "D'acord. Ho faré. Envieu-me-la a Carrer Buenos Aires 23 2n 3a (Barcelona)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Buenos Aires 23 2n 3a (Barcelona)", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "140cf852-7256-4098-a2e7-48b161de66bb", + "text": "D'acord, la rebrà en un màxim de 5 dies laborables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75bf226b-b7f9-4169-b536-842018146463", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "957673a4-83ca-49df-8f54-4baea26910da", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "473064f5-40ea-4620-a0b4-0c08ec0a1207", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b5c8a315-da58-430b-a58b-3ef097825a67", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bcfc9591-87d1-4508-9a94-8c87e81665d9", + "text": "Bona tarda, quin és el motiu de la seva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6157dd49-4155-4ccd-84d6-6e12c78a311c", + "text": "Quines opcions de comptes corrents teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "comptes corrents", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "74345771-67a4-4ffe-a8c3-5309cc88ad95", + "text": "Pot obrir un compte corrent personal, col·lectiu, o corporatiu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88dada93-0a64-4edb-9762-f85abb9a41ec", + "text": "Com funciona el col·lectiu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "col·lectiu", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b77805b0-a840-444e-aba6-5f1b54759d52", + "text": "Un compte corrent col·lectiu és compartit per dos o més beneficiaris", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd7a1f90-221b-45d4-847a-20fb4f8ae716", + "text": "Doncs vull sol·licitar-ne un.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a084d97-66ce-47fa-a581-f14f115aced2", + "text": "Molt bé. És client nostre?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff6a5733-07e1-4ba8-9668-5924b3433235", + "text": "Sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ef3045e-be79-4aad-a442-431e8389d6a0", + "text": "Molt bé, en aquest cas necessitaré el nom i DNI de tots els beneficiaris del compte que vol obrir", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4b36db2-d8bd-400d-8329-9e556acbd5a2", + "text": "Només serà una persona més. Es diu Javi de la Vera Fernández i el seu DNI és 56432456X", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Javi", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "de la Vera", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "56432456X", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9dc94ca6-60aa-40de-9014-8baae0672981", + "text": "Necesito el DNI de tots els beneficiaris del compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab2d87ab-8380-4fd0-b55f-87ebc2bf5803", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d64cbc76-d0e9-4d1a-b814-626aaf946aac", + "text": "Ah, sí. El meu nom és Ana María Rico García i el meu DNI és 23456712A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ana María", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rico", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23456712A", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ab5c6e5-fe97-41dd-abdc-524f88ad0871", + "text": "Molt bé, ja ha quedat enregistrada la seva sol·licitud.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17b71b20-6b18-4d2b-9c57-6646a3c3d2d5", + "text": "El compte estarà actiu en 2-3 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99ff8c26-6e32-4752-836f-2b0250261a8b", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a95edb1-a7e5-45aa-9282-0778150e0b0e", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94e7d09d-ec6e-49f6-9f1a-bc82851712f7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "605eee82-beae-403d-bd59-d95720732daf", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fe709107-61d6-457b-9f27-3709581a63ef", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5beee141-041b-4b01-834f-83dc1071655a", + "text": "On puc trobar les ofertes del carnet jove?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet jove", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a99e18b2-3e86-41ae-b30d-3b26519c24d4", + "text": "Pot trobar tota la informació sobre les nostres ofertes a www.bankinter.es/clientesprivados/ofertas", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87fc3914-eb9d-4ba7-8564-78345672469d", + "text": "O trucant al 901 250 250", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "506e1ff9-469e-49fa-9efa-1f6e93e78158", + "text": "I si vull utilitzar un descompte del carnet jove, que haig de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet jove", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "314e0e55-5463-4f1f-af42-ebffa524c414", + "text": "De quin descompte es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec7bf53c-0103-4b33-9c19-bc386a75338d", + "text": "del 2x1 en el cinema.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "2x1 en el cinema", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "675326c7-fd69-482a-bf87-b62657413267", + "text": "Entenc. Per fer servir el Carnet Jove per a accedir a ofertes i descomptes, només ha de mostrar la seva targeta de Carnet Jove i DNI a l'establiment", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a459d26-1071-4284-977a-7d8708a1bcb5", + "text": "Genial! Gràcies per l'ajuda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a94a6b76-619c-44fc-ba62-f9e65ba5fa20", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a93bfe1-843b-41d7-a03c-c28a1552ddb2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 73#", + "número": 73, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "351e87c0-63ae-410d-a43a-42a6d82d28d3", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a32f0e59-41e6-4f6a-b9e6-1d4ee8a2a6c2", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f6cc5db-43e5-4b13-836c-cc67fecad389", + "text": "Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6798949-508d-4bbb-80bb-558f1cab5eac", + "text": "Vull anul·lar el meu compte amb vosaltres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47bd1d60-1db0-4ff9-81f0-ec033d6fe85f", + "text": "D'acord, em pot indicar el motiu de la seva cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7bbbbba2-0ed1-4cc7-82b7-5d30a9787ce6", + "text": "Sí, he trobat una oferta més barata a una altra banca.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "oferta més barata a una altra banca", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0aa85105-c90f-449b-9074-70e6a273377a", + "text": "Sentim que no estigui satisfeta amb els nostres serveis. Doni'm el seu nom complet si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4df09ae6-8c67-4b4d-86ea-339df8811c3b", + "text": "El meu nom és Clara Peris Clavé.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Clara", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Peris", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Clavé", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b5a7cef-903d-48e5-99df-c3abd58ce1cd", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Peris, quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "615beadf-f005-4a2d-9388-6c2da4a392b4", + "text": "El meu DNI és 43234589F.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43234589F", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99d12fb7-ed11-4ea2-a6ed-486241baa418", + "text": "D'acord. Ja hem sol·licitat l'anul·lació del seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf3353e3-be9b-4e5c-8ff8-f0e14998cc25", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fcafb0ba-3c01-48f3-a31c-82fbbcce4c33", + "text": "Això és tot. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "05206daf-b5c6-43f4-a133-28688bc1bd9d", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ceceab4a-369e-4c57-89ce-002a9f0df8d5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 74#", + "número": 74, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "08d815e7-ba81-45c1-bab3-3dc7cec644f1", + "text": "Hola bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2464e68-8256-4eac-a93c-849dd008d5af", + "text": "Bon dia, què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3be93703-295f-4f93-9926-5047a8ed1bae", + "text": "Vull canviar les dades de la targeta bancària.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta bancària", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f23bb3ee-5aab-4b26-b224-cebf39f25bce", + "text": "Quines dades voldria canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e9e6800-8844-45cc-8666-65a6bdd4a208", + "text": "Voldria canviar el nom del titular.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "nom del titular", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b33a04b8-93d6-4c44-8eb9-d5bbd8fcca77", + "text": "Per canviar el nom del titular, hauria de tancar el present compte i obrir-ne un de nou", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "436142f3-2922-427d-a7d8-52a546e62ee2", + "text": "D'acord. vull fer-ho.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dfd66e48-d86e-4bd5-a417-79914f005411", + "text": "Molt bé, quin és el seu nom, DNI i número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2f03ee4-462a-41f3-a61f-e5eae469f6f0", + "text": "Rebeca Salvador Santos\n43567690A\nES34 5676 5674 3234 1234 5697", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rebeca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Salvador", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Santos", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43567690A", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 5676 5674 3234 1234 5697", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9224f692-8096-4b7c-a3df-bac316682cea", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Salvador, ja hem fet l' anul·lació del seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "793c4c84-e83e-4e7d-a5d8-0fcba14030fa", + "text": "Genial. Ara necessita les dades del nou titular, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nou titular", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51de436d-54d1-4206-8db9-49a6b9bcd931", + "text": "No es pot obrir un compte a nom d'una altra persona. Ho haurà de fer el beneficiari en persona a qualsevol de les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74c4d541-c5be-4c4c-b0cc-6df9f8f899dd", + "text": "Ah, vale. Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ce4e98b4-bb5b-49ea-afae-c47f3b1de741", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e00a957-ea09-461e-8754-819e541c14a6", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09df4ebc-12ca-454d-ace5-bd6dbfb8d724", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ec9e924b-f168-4a4d-8e47-4c02cfab52bf", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6241ad81-8a7b-4e60-8df0-800e33fb9a95", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0aec89a-c914-4329-9a72-f72ae2ab3c56", + "text": "Vull queixar-me.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "518f6b16-a7fe-402f-afd2-8334cd941d1a", + "text": "Sentim que hagi tingut una mala experiència amb nosaltres. Quin és el motiu de la seva queixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c19e1073-d853-4f14-b8bb-793a3157fd86", + "text": "L’altre dia vaig anar a una de les vostres oficines i el personal no em va atendre bé.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficines", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "el personal no em va atendre bé", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3b77614-8c4c-477b-ae1a-6146815fbd94", + "text": "Li demanem disculpes per la seva mala experiència. Em pot indicar a quina oficina va anar, i qui la va atendre?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adf72b79-3c18-48c2-8011-da9aeba08291", + "text": "Sí. Vaig anar a l'oficina del Carrer Mallorca de Barcelona. I em va atendre un tal Darío.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Carrer Mallorca", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "Darío", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ad296cc-f98f-4052-8a76-a9583efec46b", + "text": "Molt bé, ja hem pres nota de la seva queixa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56dd3df1-b0c5-45d9-9287-4bd2158cd3bb", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b04432aa-4a38-4533-947b-464ac8ded2fa", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies per tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1410454a-3b82-4367-a8fa-9c93c97e4845", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f49c970-d71b-470a-b794-86dca9355fb4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3f8b5bd7-e542-4c2f-a957-73e62b68c154", + "text": "Bon dia, com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6e10943-339a-4789-9359-6b5e348f0434", + "text": "Vull fer transferencia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "361ed779-fe77-4126-919f-626318dc8232", + "text": "D'acord, necessitaré el teu nom i número de compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d516f8f6-538b-4f6d-a7ac-f6bbe4c286a5", + "text": "El nom es Marc Torres. El numero es ES23 23 1233 4322 2345734652", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 23 1233 4322 2345734652", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1d06fb3-c0df-4046-b5be-b17894371f2c", + "text": "Entesos, Marc. I a quin número de compte vols fer la transferència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cdffd3a-7795-441a-a292-9adb9cca271b", + "text": "A aquest: ES23 23 3343 3456 3456327458", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 23 3343 3456 3456327458", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "67494b8f-651f-4dd1-8d3d-bf353bf50c6a", + "text": "D'acord. Només ens faltaria el nom del titular del compte i la quantitat de diners que vols enviar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b701600-4aa9-4e79-aa63-b5c5674e5ffd", + "text": "es Laia Ramos. I son 300 euros", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ramos", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "300", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6fbb326-684d-4a7a-89a9-9480c540e83b", + "text": "D'acord. T'arribarà una notificació a través de la banca digital un cop s'hagi realitzat el tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c72ae138-a3b6-46b1-abdd-4f23ae3afeb1", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "422c22d6-0e54-4b0b-8893-4f5b4415ae30", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "be27b438-eddf-4dee-aca2-4eb5af768dc1", + "text": "em pots dir quan obre el quisoc de la cantonada demá?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a03aa916-df68-4f1c-b739-0951f8723468", + "text": "Ho sento, no et puc donar aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "984588fd-ffc4-436c-908d-bd5de53bb3ec", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03a56ea6-a663-4c76-96dc-192327545c3b", + "text": "jolin, coi de xatbot. no dius res! adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0f6f7c30-1ed0-416e-a08a-9a9d5db0a3ac", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b9652c9-b3d3-481b-8acc-048845fb4d19", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d520778d-9614-4981-8ba7-bd0a75f03b07", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a80f7970-be2a-41e7-971b-a1ef923eb2c4", + "text": "em pots mirar els ultims rebuts d,aquest mes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ultims rebuts", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5a2cb09b-9caa-46b3-9185-707a1e94aad6", + "text": "Cap problema, indiqui'm el seu nom i el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14a387fd-4295-43ed-8541-eca896fdd5dc", + "text": "es Marta Parts. carnet 77233765R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Parts", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77233765R", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50eb9b95-954b-4f4b-b750-599cfe466012", + "text": "Els últims rebuts que apareixen són el de la llum, per un import de 45, 30 €, i el de l'aigua, per un import de 59 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64353bea-55f9-4199-bd41-6b5c6f4d3c5c", + "text": "ah ok, gracies. i hi ha internet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "internet", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16b2ad34-cf75-47c3-8b73-d1568893408e", + "text": "Aquest encara no s'ha cobrat aquest mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e475e0c0-2bf0-4e70-9cae-839d6ebb2e39", + "text": "Necessita fer alguna gestió més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17e3bf49-2f73-49f3-b92d-c7314257c23e", + "text": "ah, ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ccf3fdc0-6da1-4ced-b6fb-6630edc14b7e", + "text": "no, ja esta doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56e822d8-4a2f-4383-a445-22dde7d0024b", + "text": "Bon Dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a482639f-4eef-4059-bc41-694c32e6ed32", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc4e85ea-3123-4d34-8a5f-394294528b05", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8b8d25a2-af64-4466-b371-ebdd4113f9b9", + "text": "Hola! Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f229231-c643-463c-8e1c-52cce8dbddff", + "text": "Vull cancelar compre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compre", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "641a9b06-a11b-4108-84f8-84f4584cb109", + "text": "Indica'm el teu nom complet i el DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b40720b1-cdcf-454c-a4c3-bf3a30bf430a", + "text": "Raimon casals. carnet 77234456T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Raimon", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "casals", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77234456T", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dab77803-0944-440f-8cac-32533b0ac5c8", + "text": "D'acord. Ets el titular de dos comptes, quin és el que vols cancel·lar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50514a8f-8523-4fbc-94ea-57148469fd45", + "text": "el que te tambe Laura Cantó", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Cantó", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1aba57c-15ef-4849-abb3-9ecda5eee4df", + "text": "Entesos, en aquest cas necessitarem també l'autorització de l'altra persona. Pot enviar una autorització firmada per correu electrònic o ho podeu anar a qualsevol de les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49560d6b-2448-421d-bd72-139b33a8df7e", + "text": "ahno sabia. ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "87068c31-54e9-4dee-8712-93702e59818f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "945445be-4a98-4c7d-a6e5-c33a83321e05", + "text": "no, ja estaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef69c000-2a6d-4ac2-8743-afb7e192633b", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec1fa062-08b2-4a16-82b4-671016eeb718", + "text": "adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3bad5de2-25a0-4be2-b1e8-af910bc1b6f7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 79#", + "número": 79, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "458c5945-70c4-44de-8191-caf11f8e3041", + "text": "Bona tarda, digues-me com puc ajudar-te.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b902df4-7671-4f82-8ebc-2a01c672a2d1", + "text": "vull modificar dades compte si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f0e3f7b-5617-46e3-ab4f-7744463a7372", + "text": "Entesos, quin és el teu nom i el número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0106cfe-64f5-44a0-879f-39bfec347a00", + "text": "Marc Roura. Número ES23 33 2346 1273 2345765380", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Roura", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 33 2346 1273 2345765380", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b9552f9-f681-41a1-8bf2-3ca50827f780", + "text": "Quines són les dades que vols modificar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47de542c-114f-4dee-8e51-f3da60ecf6e1", + "text": "Doncs vull afegir algu mes al compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir algu mes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4569e7a6-1df2-4b1f-a503-8b0ffd4fc4c9", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas necessito nom complet i DNI d'aquesta persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31767777-3a42-4888-be2a-0ed010dc599b", + "text": "Es Monica Capdemon. 77654342W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Monica ", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Capdemon", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654342W", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71969311-3fd0-4541-b4ef-6299dfec8d31", + "text": "Molt bé, en uns instants t'arribarà al correu electrònic el nou contracte amb aquestes noves dades i l'haureu de retornar signat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68f6299e-de65-451c-b9e1-ce1398f1b469", + "text": "D'acord. Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "be2228c2-015a-42d7-ac33-860429d32857", + "text": "Puc fer res més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc2944e3-1a00-414e-8f27-b5326f063fe1", + "text": "quin temps fara dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3656404f-7f36-4d74-84ac-646b2a40a347", + "text": "No et puc respondre aquesta pregunta, disculpa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "750f027f-b7d2-47b7-aca0-6f04f40ba51a", + "text": "Puc fer res més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbf7dfa9-1ad0-48dc-bb04-d6ca9cc18003", + "text": "ok, doncs res aleshores", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ad8c58b-b324-4175-8ac6-4d5a3b96ad4f", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cd647d5-abf2-4d2d-93e4-a334817a1ce0", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1be9ebdf-93e4-48d6-aa18-637a3dc7ebfb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8fce0337-b3b7-45ae-9672-ce97d47495e4", + "text": "Hola! Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8211514-c4a7-42b0-a9b3-8598d1548381", + "text": "hola vull pagar un rebut", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "rebut", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e2cd282-d32f-4023-8ab6-5b67fe291c2c", + "text": "Entesos, indiqui'm el seu DNI i el seu nom complet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89963dc6-ef6c-4134-84a4-b921152f3c20", + "text": "77543765G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77543765G", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5db4dc6e-2994-4d43-9da7-c98d920ba841", + "text": "Ana Mitjans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mitjans", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12a6dac9-9875-4d17-92b3-768aa2fe210d", + "text": "I quin és el seu segon cognom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77f2e4bd-6dc5-4a78-9d29-d868d15ad78b", + "text": "es Mitjans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Mitjans", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b88b538f-3351-48de-b6e4-bd8fb7759053", + "text": "no, perdo, Sants", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "812bc1f8-2f76-4faf-94a1-4afc701ad592", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el rebut que vol pagar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbac6737-c08f-48c6-b2c1-61da12450ae9", + "text": "El de la llum. es que no el tinc domiciliat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "El de la llum", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b013a47-5e51-46c4-95b8-39695fddc529", + "text": "Entesos, el darrer rebut de la llum amb data de 15 de gener té un import de 45 €. És aquest?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c08b0776-1abc-4fcd-9fb3-0fd982e8c477", + "text": "si, es aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14139704-498c-4b8f-bd04-ceed72b59dd0", + "text": "bueno, ara he de pagar un altre import", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "un altre import", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3c2621d-3ec3-4dcb-831c-36255f5470a3", + "text": "Quin és l'import que ha de pagar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dfb7087-cdea-4e0a-88b5-1a68eae89a68", + "text": "33, 50", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "33, 50", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2bf1a7bb-1efb-475b-bcc5-50c50a724651", + "text": "Entesos, procedim a fer el pagament. Li arribarà una notificació per confirmar el tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "675d9fad-4fcc-4235-a4de-00dc8a990a75", + "text": "Puc ajudar-la d'alguna altra forma?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b7f7220-116b-40ae-8eae-546c9f4c551a", + "text": "Molt bé. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b26480b8-91ce-465d-b24a-0bf27e09c9a2", + "text": "No,ja estaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ed75c716-62dd-4102-b6f6-cdc328dcb021", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a427ba1-5cc9-48fd-b3da-749a3279fc22", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b6c7948-6943-49a9-8643-b774be27659a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 81#", + "número": 81, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a854aa53-174f-4762-9ed7-b584d3f8c164", + "text": "Bon dia! Quina gestió necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ee26920-2667-4f11-b1a2-4237803fa3d1", + "text": "Vull obrir nou compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b17fd17c-d4bd-4343-b435-8f5c09be0e90", + "text": "D'acord. Les dades que necessito en primer lloc són el teu nom i el teu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fb8dd5f-176c-4c84-9da6-16a12a1cc4cb", + "text": "Pep Vila. El DNI és 77221765G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pep", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vila", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77221765G", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ef6cb25-4714-4b3b-960b-32624dc40adb", + "text": "D'acord. Voldries obrir un compte d'estalvis, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c89f0a2-24d4-47aa-bcd4-112d3a94c3f0", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7269bbe4-3310-4d9c-b990-56509774427d", + "text": "Entesos, també necessitaré un correu electrònic i un telèfon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "301c542f-1f05-4a46-bdeb-8c7a2de4a9da", + "text": "Es vila.vila@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "vila.vila@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f59e04e9-b4af-4940-a0de-96b377547f41", + "text": "Molt bé, i un número de telèfon de contacte, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53d7fab8-04d0-463d-b085-8d7b80cfcb76", + "text": "664543764", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "664543764", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c854fd08-11fb-42a4-8a7b-570600359c77", + "text": "Entesos, ara t'enviarem el contracte definitiu per correu. Després l'hauràs de signar i retornar-lo amb una còpia adjunta del teu DNI imprès.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "249e7b08-4511-42b2-a1bd-e6c234d04aef", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1deda1b8-5f1d-420a-b944-8c7c6fd3660d", + "text": "Perfecte. Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0aa8ce76-27b9-4d66-ac81-efe6c1874afb", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf3c3666-d146-42c8-a5c7-19f4e28c1921", + "text": "No, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "339a20b7-299e-49ff-97fc-7bfcfd091c8c", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e29dff4-d96c-49a4-8171-f8f2b2881e14", + "text": "D'acord, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "900ef671-1cc2-4616-b831-91949593d278", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e4806af-33bb-4f60-b51b-5b99463cc01d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 82#", + "número": 82, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fb38a183-6535-4cc8-86ab-95163afcb381", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1eee4344-43b9-40f4-8237-0ddea172de60", + "text": "l,altre dia el caixer se,m va menjar la targeta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "caixer", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "se,m va menjar la targeta.", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49094390-635c-4ed9-a366-baf493a9c818", + "text": "Entesos. Va cancel·lar la targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a5ed3c6a-ec89-4b56-8046-c817025a3af3", + "text": "doncs no mira.. es pot fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0bc734f7-cb04-4d33-a9c8-a4c851e27324", + "text": "Sí, primer haurem de cancel·lar aquesta targeta per poder enviar-li una de nova. Indiqui'm el seu nom i el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8aea5a05-4861-41fb-9bfd-e6a606d10286", + "text": "Em dic Monica Freixas. carnet 77122876E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Monica", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Freixas", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77122876E", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f13b7a3b-5326-4523-834f-c791fcc81ad4", + "text": "D'acord. Fem la cancel·lació i demano una nova targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5295bd4-4122-40d1-b9bf-b759b1b5835e", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "426038a2-9efe-498d-8a71-67ece0c4f733", + "text": "Li arribarà a la seva adreça, em pot confirmar que és carrer Planes 45, 2-1?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb58e999-d13d-42c6-8248-72e6303b1651", + "text": "sí, es aquest carrer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3938238a-6d47-47e3-b160-c0a1519a2948", + "text": "Molt bé, li arribarà aquesta setmana.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7a58b49-ca94-43ec-83c6-b94ab7b3dad6", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "456da1e1-11a6-4026-a596-e7db126ec621", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a6bb07d-b37b-43d7-a07e-0299786b681a", + "text": "No, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3f93386-6de4-42a6-b5e4-f508beaf92c1", + "text": "Molt bé, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c726b09d-f4cc-4d6b-8833-c1cec55faf8a", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4199f01-fe8e-4f4b-a07b-dd66b2db489b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 83#", + "número": 83, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80bd0ab1-6007-4b79-ae79-15eafd3abde8", + "text": "Bona tarda! Com puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "169acb58-0967-48e9-95fb-6ef00dcdedf1", + "text": "si, mira vull cancelar la targeta de credit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de credit", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05107ef2-095d-4a6b-94b6-13dcce0223aa", + "text": "Entesos, quin és el teu nom i el teu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "caf89728-b946-4f8a-b9c1-503c7b7c33de", + "text": "Em dic Joan Castells. Carnet 77453456U", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castells", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77453456U", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e881dc1d-5f20-4905-8ddb-e0d602ba02a6", + "text": "D'acord, Joan. Queda cancel·lada aquesta targeta, t'arribarà una notificació amb la confirmació del tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22fe2a50-019d-4462-83cc-f351473a47a7", + "text": "Entesos. Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ebdb1366-9ae8-480d-b587-943b0401aae6", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "188803b5-708e-4aa2-aa9e-051402dffb6f", + "text": "Quin temps farà demà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "55d92a0e-a1b1-4ff0-a93a-8ad5e716983f", + "text": "Ho sento, no tenim aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e319a513-a7c7-4e43-b3e2-e2e7bafcd89f", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d261093d-4bf4-451a-8e83-a4a7ac1449c7", + "text": "doncs ja esta doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "933e9d0e-d0f7-47ea-b9fd-f15f33b382ac", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "258cc7e0-1c0a-45e2-a852-a9be4ce2132c", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8dace4cf-839e-43a4-b433-5ec944a64d05", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 84#", + "número": 84, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "03cf4bc9-ded0-46d5-9a27-66ca5ff7fb8a", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el/la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c346d54a-a1fa-4373-b99b-18524374a6c3", + "text": "m'agradaria saber quina és la sucursal més propera a Reus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sucursal", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Reus", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a0b5cdc2-50f2-4e18-9ca8-c78588f7fa23", + "text": "A Reus tenim dues sucursals. En trobarà una a la plaça Maragall i una altra al carrer Gran, 67.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ed72a72-5d6e-4fc8-97b5-327836730996", + "text": "ah entesos. i podria parlar amb el Sr. Mata, es el director de la sucursal de plaça Maragall", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "Sr. Mata", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "64bf1121-9600-4189-84db-ee0580f8590b", + "text": "Pot enviar-li un correu electrònic a l'adreça mata@bancamaragall.es o trucar entre les 10:00 i les 16:00 al telèfon 689563425 i ell l'atendrà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86e5c90f-06ec-440c-ba71-179a9b1831b6", + "text": "ah perfecte. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d7ffe1ee-2a82-4efe-b609-10dd15a1fdae", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19414d14-a30b-4eb5-b9a6-0199a7cf70af", + "text": "De moment ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bbc0bbed-be12-41c7-b197-788b5904fe81", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "afde6c67-efa6-4652-9222-c0707127c32f", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c89a858-c22d-4792-87f4-42f18d014225", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 85#", + "número": 85, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6c7f6e3d-55cb-42ed-a966-3e3e128255ec", + "text": "Bona tarda, et puc ajudar d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2c90d92-c1e3-4a41-8adf-2789cb1b5c80", + "text": "quin tipus de compte d'estalvis em recomanes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'estalvis", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95fb7ff8-6b3f-462a-957f-ea20e864fee0", + "text": "Bé, pot variar segons diversos factors. Si ets una persona menor de 30 anys et recomanaria el compte +, ja que no té cap comissió. En canvi, per a persones de més de 30 anys aquesta ja tindria una petita comissió anual.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "491f47fb-6620-4396-91ac-1534e308e1a9", + "text": "jo tinc 32, aleshores la segona opcio m'aniria millor, no¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "32", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "segona opcio", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "287b9191-0d95-4f60-b882-b08a21db71bc", + "text": "Exacte, en aquest cas et recomanaria l'altra opció, que no té cap comissió durant els primers 5 anys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa2cce0b-69f4-47a6-9133-6de4624b9edf", + "text": "ok. i com es pot sol·licitar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ecd7179b-95f7-4925-acc2-d1f0c440fbcf", + "text": "Pots sol·licitar-ho ara i retornar els papers signats per correu electrònic, o fer-ho directament en qualsevol de les nostres sucursals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53033304-b7d0-488c-9ea9-f3fa7e906765", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1f899ee-282b-429a-9193-7e282918d56a", + "text": "Puc ajudar-te d'aguna altra manera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5348d95b-d745-49f8-9306-d9be0e8826e4", + "text": "no, ja estaria doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "840d6706-a8a1-495c-9029-02240b9fb707", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02c654b9-cd86-46f3-8e0f-bf6c92f46fc1", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a5c2f63-83d0-4106-a0dc-c68d4fd2ffb0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 86#", + "número": 86, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "38738fff-c762-4d4d-8386-3b95fdb793b2", + "text": "Hola, com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "812f4838-2f69-4960-aca4-6365627e3e5e", + "text": "l'altre dia vaig solicitar obertura d'un compte. voldria saber com van els tramits", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9dc22d4-85aa-484b-b54e-54d80d7c826a", + "text": "Entesos, indiqui'm el seu nom i DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aaf00e7e-15ba-44c2-9e0f-8d8f5195315a", + "text": "Es Mateu Santacana. Carnet 77654345J", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Santacana", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654345J", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f115cd5-1d9c-4d23-be79-24afd198afc5", + "text": "Ahir vam rebre la documentació que ens va enviar per correu electrònic amb el contracte firmat. Per aquest motiu, en unes hores ja estarà operatiu el seu compte i podrà realitzar operacions a través de la banca digital.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "377d879d-c8d9-4940-a488-f5f4265037d5", + "text": "ah! entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a061a2d2-735c-4e08-8f69-790b5a715f64", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d55f00a7-c289-45c0-8f5d-530a991ebe8d", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d1d9910-3f48-4fdb-aaa3-0bce398ddda8", + "text": "D'acord, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ffb9d39f-10e7-4402-ac26-88bddc548a33", + "text": "Bon diaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7fa3957-91ed-4765-a49e-a3859b3a2d5e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 87#", + "número": 87, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "19cae5ad-9f49-4c01-9c54-83c4ce8d172c", + "text": "Hola, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6606091-f9ce-4f32-a638-37cf89249fb8", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber quines son les darreres transaccions del me ucompte si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "darreres transaccions", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "me ucompte", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37e23a2f-374d-46c6-9f6a-713f8a563131", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el teu nom i el teu IBAN?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "daf6f661-668b-41f7-b2c4-1213c06442e0", + "text": "es Monica Castellà. el numero es ES23 76 5437 5467 4563218765", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Monica", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castellà", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 76 5437 5467 4563218765", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10c3969e-a624-498f-b7c8-bd89fb31ea25", + "text": "D'acord, entre les darreres transaccions es troba una compra de supermercat de 56, 70 €, una compra d'electrònica de 120 € i els rebuts d'aigua i internet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "098c1c68-7428-43ad-b6b1-462d9a396e0e", + "text": "entesos, gracies. i pdria parlar amb un agent? es per fer una consulta sobre fons dinversio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fons dinversio", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f2f4b30-1de7-4731-8beb-6784d7be27a0", + "text": "Cap problema. Indica'm un número de telèfon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9eee95f6-1a0d-462f-93db-672a01369d46", + "text": "665876456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665876456", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "771af083-60e5-48b6-9746-8b340d6883b4", + "text": "Entesos, es posarà en contacte amb tu un agent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5919c5cd-235a-4b16-8bbb-13561795bb78", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c11bedac-f71d-40ca-82d0-e1d455246dbd", + "text": "enteoss", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "67e4ead4-df4b-4b3d-a3f3-badeab49277b", + "text": "quina es la millor forma d'arribar a Irlanda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "61f58ff6-1e9d-486a-a4ca-33df751e2e61", + "text": "No puc donar-te aquesta informació, disculpa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ab5368d-3ec8-462d-a14f-716b5a44b868", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42e99568-0712-4c7b-a3ef-5fc51de02eac", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a012414-4218-4c27-b2a7-2cf5825ead66", + "text": "doncs ja estaria aleshores", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8684e0cb-625d-42b6-8729-50efff2912b3", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5056a9ff-2622-4b69-952b-16659a8ba355", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "344d2ea3-5570-4315-bc02-ccf9ee8c5c0f", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a46ecc9f-8399-4687-8ee5-497caa9ef350", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 88#", + "número": 88, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "daf24633-57d0-43cf-b595-c54850011a7b", + "text": "Bon dia, digui'm com puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97f3dec0-5abd-4abb-a2fb-9953e8486ee4", + "text": "si mira que volia pagar l'altre dia i al supermercat no va passar al datafon. i m'ha passat tambe altres cops en altres establiments. potser no esta be la targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no va passar al datafon", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 76 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 155, + "End_char": 162 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5cb42f5b-ea96-4128-81a8-314005e1e206", + "text": "És molt possible que la targeta estigui defectuosa. En aquest cas, n'enviarem una de nova.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66cf79aa-653f-4560-bc6a-221c03d42108", + "text": "On vol que li enviem la nova targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5c3874c-0956-4ac0-9765-919ee846a54e", + "text": "ah podria ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab5dd231-9a7a-4382-ba86-7f31890839fb", + "text": "doncs aquí: carrer Molí Vell, 55, 2-2, a Tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Molí Vell, 55, 2-2, a Tarragona", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8200e5c7-ebbc-4384-ba39-fa16f6e4f2be", + "text": "D'acord, rebrà una notificació un cop l'enviem i procedim també a cancel·lar la targeta defectuosa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0d0a58a-2f6a-4860-a42c-f06a27988fca", + "text": "Entesos, moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d516951e-13c4-4dba-9559-90732d71ae23", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebd28eb8-a13b-4380-8ebe-b2275f9f794b", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96e331c1-1e30-4a5b-88e6-d9f0565811c0", + "text": "D'acord, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7bf6f766-cbd0-43ef-bd91-18b55bf01e01", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75decff4-e00b-4255-85e2-250a973c8ff8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 89#", + "número": 89, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ab7ac64c-7ae5-403e-a445-d1bccb92a8e9", + "text": "Hola, digues-me com et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2069c533-3c10-4f60-b331-d810c1a856c1", + "text": "vull afegir algu al compte d'estavlivas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir algu", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'estavlivas", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c22e12b5-7a10-4688-8984-abaf352ff76a", + "text": "D'acord. Per afegir una altra persona aquesta ha de donar el seu consentiment i signar uns documents o també es pot fer directament en alguna de les nostres sucursals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb9b7e51-69ec-43b9-b597-0fe00bc3e8e1", + "text": "Per fer-ho telemàticament necessitaré primer el teu nom i el número de compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73f82478-d96c-4063-918a-0804baf65cd8", + "text": "ok, telematicament va be. es diu Roc Ventura. El numero es ES23 34 4532 4532 6765487683", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Roc", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ventura", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 34 4532 4532 6765487683", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3e26924-3192-4fde-80e5-3d9981061186", + "text": "D'acord. Ara necessitaré també la seva adreça electrònica per poder enviar-li els papers que haurà de retornar signats per finalitzar el tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf1cd1bb-70e5-48b9-90b5-612ad40a4aa6", + "text": "entesos. es aquesta: miquel.callus72@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "miquel.callus72@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14e8a945-69fb-4959-b84e-f59259a3232e", + "text": "D'acord, quan rebem la documentació de nou ja podrà usar el compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02a7733d-64a4-414d-87ef-9b9e02366a28", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1a3c08c-cd5a-4d5e-bf98-b4b7ab9caf2c", + "text": "enteoss", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1688693e-c7f9-4443-8039-5e7aefddd9bc", + "text": "quina és la millor manera de cuinar el bacallà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "91b72ba6-eadc-45c0-8379-584e275d392d", + "text": "Disculpa, no tenim aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "021d2a80-c1c9-48f4-971f-15733ea0f3eb", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7d635cc-ea2e-45f1-b233-e0b1b62aceb2", + "text": "coi de xatbot! no respons res. ves a pastar! adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5804d933-d928-4b32-8ce5-1d11335ba736", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa0bbad1-d545-41d8-9f7a-80ed4efa8343", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 90#", + "número": 90, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e6622e21-db58-42da-bc74-d4d474c3b1b1", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44d32b41-0274-4bc9-afbd-957467a8b32a", + "text": "vull activar una targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "activar una targeta", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9865f1e2-2bc1-472a-ab7e-3a9495508292", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el seu nom i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "398141be-cc6c-4e84-bdb3-98a995bc906e", + "text": "Em dic Jaume Basté. el carnet es 77654345O", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Basté", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654345O", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12d1a1cb-ad09-4c0a-8c53-7893bc1d6b9e", + "text": "Vol activar la targeta que està associada amb el compte ES21 3456 7898 89 142536786, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52524c56-164b-4dfd-8bd0-fd021fd9780a", + "text": "si, aquesta seria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7aa46fcf-8914-4035-9a8d-dfcbcb9afbbe", + "text": "D'acord, ja la té activada i la podrà usar en qualsevol establiment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "272b0e54-f5cc-4b99-9308-046ae8594ad6", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4114d0b9-b4ec-4674-81f9-c7863043331b", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef39df63-9ca4-4a3a-bef1-de1ab0d71dae", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot doncs gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bdcf534c-0027-492c-a9dd-851332fae87c", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39150abb-44ad-4eef-a370-a0cd43058953", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d3b141c-b915-4d7f-a850-d877773b9470", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 91#", + "número": 91, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "be087fd8-a97f-4880-86d2-319d3bc18625", + "text": "Bona tarda, et puc ajudar d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df7abeb0-6071-485b-b1c1-a513bb30c517", + "text": "l'altre dia vaig anar al banc i crec que no em van actualitzar be la llibreta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "banc", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em van actualitzar be la llibreta", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1959a796-90f0-4e7a-a72f-05231cb43624", + "text": "D'acord, em pots dir quin és el teu nom i el compte en què haurien d'apareixer aquests canvis?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e73e2ad-f4c5-4329-a06d-c960674d7462", + "text": "Em dic Rosa Sants. es que vaig anar en persona i no se, diria que havien d'haver cobrat un rebut pero no hi es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea373e08-1895-46c7-a2ec-679968b38498", + "text": "Bé, aquí ens consta que el darrer moviment en el seu compte va ser el cobrament del rebut de l'aigua.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82cc0ef2-fb62-4f5b-9680-6a67c85fa4eb", + "text": "ah doncs si que es va cobrar. doncs a la llibreta fisica no hi es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "a la llibreta fisica no hi es", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5235939d-a207-43a7-9e5d-d59818b6cc5e", + "text": "Cap problema, quan tornis a passar pel caixer o per alguna sucursal la llibreta s'actualitzarà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a91d447-42c5-4633-bc3f-dbe623c64fd3", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a8e2bb5-320a-4b5a-ac8b-80ea80e3f14e", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7af62cca-1ac2-482c-a97a-d0b64f16fb20", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a87f3ef-d252-4c10-9b52-f80d7f36ec7c", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b08c2bc-4b52-4fbb-a544-3fac253dc91d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "488fb771-1d76-4913-8244-bf0bbd958128", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 92#", + "número": 92, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "09ff37b5-2238-4434-87b2-2f24728efd71", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30137ffb-c909-4991-8055-830c5529205c", + "text": "Bon dia. vull pagar un rebut. puc fer-jho per aqui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "rebut", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aqui", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4aa63fc-cc27-48b9-aae9-4b09b35a765c", + "text": "Sí, ho podem fer nosaltres o també ho pot fer vostè directament a través de la banca digital.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6f4666f-cbea-4c62-a903-d6fd5510a48c", + "text": "ah molt bé. puc pagar ara doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "79b648c2-efbf-4f3f-a2b1-f8950b1de2db", + "text": "Sí, necessitaré el seu nom complet i DNI i el número de compte des d'on vol pagar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1a9c98a-abea-46b1-a40f-fa84d9d2ec80", + "text": "es 77456543T. El nom és Pau Casals Rumió", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77456543T", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Rumió", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ef789d1-c49f-421b-91d9-280ad6d3e89a", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el rebut que vol pagar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2659d241-3cc8-44a5-b9c8-40cef421223f", + "text": "el dpinternet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "dpinternet", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3aa03183-b7eb-4b50-a31f-5f4cdeae7c58", + "text": "D'acord, el que té un import de 39 €, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8b87931-e4ba-4a2a-8c6b-e74b5f5fa6d3", + "text": "si aquest gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41162470-7fba-46f3-8118-1d03bf0fe2d1", + "text": "Molt bé, ja hem fet el pagament, li enviarem un correu amb la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60c586c1-5c19-40f0-9e50-8fa76504ca20", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc116a71-c9bc-44b6-b515-b40b19fd7d5c", + "text": "entesos gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "58415230-3c3e-4bfb-aa49-a75225192d32", + "text": "quina es la millor pelicula per veure aquest cap de setmana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f6db170c-210f-4d09-a9b8-222f51b7264e", + "text": "No puc respondre aquesta qüestió, disculpi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4566d0d0-7505-46f0-ab85-e2b34e22953b", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd906524-0ed1-4def-800e-8cd02e9e7f52", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f3e416c-fc56-4610-a831-0799696e74e0", + "text": "doncs ja esta tot gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "50e5c917-8573-46fc-ac86-7e4fda4486b4", + "text": "Molt bé, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e463989-5736-4576-b1ce-614b390d8b63", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 93#", + "número": 93, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ba2bcf2f-d07a-4582-b4ba-c87dab101572", + "text": "Bona tarda! Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "766dbc17-f941-4d3e-ae70-1b5708e05bed", + "text": "si es que he vist un cobrament que crec que es un eerror. es pot mirar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "un cobrament que crec que es un eerror", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5acb12a-a9db-4308-9634-3e2b1a50abfb", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el teu DNI i l'IBAN?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce2daccc-c512-4a88-b32e-d18adaf7c116", + "text": "es Yolanda Díaz. IBAN es ES23 34 3452 3356 8765487640", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Yolanda", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Díaz", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "ES23 34 3452 3356 8765487640", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "064ddb19-e106-4fab-8dff-e5ceb8aac886", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el pagament que has fet que no és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fb9ba9a-1b0c-48e4-a91c-08791b4f9ce5", + "text": "no se hi ha un importa estrany, amb un concepte estrany. jo no he pagat res d'aixo. podeu mirar d'on ve?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "hi ha un importa estrany, amb un concepte estrany", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "450ea9a9-8198-480d-a24b-9ee562b3e4a5", + "text": "Sí, hi ha cobrament per un import de 45 € que ha estat cobrat per una entitat estrangera. El que podem fer és retornar aquest pagament si tu no l'has fet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4890d88-7c71-4a68-bc65-d0d8a6c40700", + "text": "si si usplau. es u nerror aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "095b81b1-4378-4819-8c69-90f87b8a6445", + "text": "D'acord. Ja t'hauria d'aparèixer en el compte la devolució d'aquests diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ccecc532-d367-48fa-8427-58e1cc96adf5", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97c44d19-d004-4680-a4b7-f8d159e76e1c", + "text": "entesos gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba70e837-1e1a-4cf8-8156-b08e6d6109d4", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f7fc7de6-8e38-4c45-a72e-24f7ac54d603", + "text": "D'acord, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc5b7f6e-df32-4eea-9531-5a22575e1e35", + "text": "ädeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccf06b90-5cca-4b16-aa4d-621959f3717b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 94#", + "número": 94, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d982624f-5005-4e1a-9b17-84b1955ba571", + "text": "Hola! Puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c39669cf-d3e6-4f88-a9c9-65be99a643de", + "text": "vull cancelar una transferencia que vaig fer ahir", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferencia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd09c96f-180e-4c20-b599-b7e441db8ec2", + "text": "Entesos, quin és el número de compte des d'on va fer la transferència i quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1bdce9d4-eff5-4d42-9ba6-85f566f7436c", + "text": "el DNI és 77564345E i la transferència es va fer des del compte corrent qeu tinc, ES23 45 4543 4543 5675894080", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77564345E", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 45 4543 4543 5675894080", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf25e552-e4d2-4ec3-a863-ccabaa29fdb6", + "text": "D'acord, l'import és de 110 €, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce56c678-d72e-4c64-8702-4eec89af3a80", + "text": "si es aquesta tarnsacccio, anuleu siu splau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "31b312df-4e8b-405d-a3af-bfe2c9360407", + "text": "Entesos, aquesta transferència encara no ha arribat al seu destinatari, per la qual cosa és possible anular aquest tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4dc9995-b6df-48f5-bc2a-6c0b1e73c670", + "text": "En uns minuts ho veurà reflectit en el seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2889386c-603c-408e-83fd-9bfa095c4231", + "text": "entesos gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f850be3b-579f-4ece-913b-71e6183b8767", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74d04bfe-ac44-4f9e-9048-11ddb469b873", + "text": "quin es el millor dsti turistic aquest estiu 2022 ?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc03f429-efe1-41cb-8057-699b4c8f065b", + "text": "No podem respondre aquesta pregunta, disculpi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e846818-c119-4288-bc6c-dd11ba8a554b", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12b6462c-1a59-4730-a98e-88a3bf80a785", + "text": "collons! maquina dels nassos ! no serveixes per a res! adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ea728cf5-8aef-43dd-a13e-a36349f5a9da", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bdbeb46-a6a0-4719-937f-cda761552cf1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 95#", + "número": 95, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "717141b1-70f6-48aa-b2ea-d211b60b4c94", + "text": "Hola, quin tràmit necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a777d507-224d-4715-a83c-956afa920899", + "text": "si mira l'altre dia vaig fer un pagament i vull saber si em podeu enviar comprovant", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pagament", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "comprovant", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b69df8f9-845d-428a-96fd-91ded9837d6b", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el teu DNI i el compte des d'on vas fer el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7909e2b9-6ec3-4dd9-ba9f-a16c4234f603", + "text": "el carnet es 77324654T. El compte era ES23 34 5643 4576 4321564789", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77324654T", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 34 5643 4576 4321564789", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "635f8ba1-4b24-402e-b52e-3050e74193b3", + "text": "Molt bé, de quina transacció és que necessites un comprovant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a9ed2d3-5d67-4b4e-bef9-606bf570702a", + "text": "del pagament d'una fiança", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pagament d'una fiança", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d20c971f-7ce8-4856-a533-d07414eb6756", + "text": "Aquest pagament es va realitzar el dia 6 de gener, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24dc0740-f6e1-472e-8f74-386aa91f67d4", + "text": "si , es correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2913d696-a73b-4dd7-a933-b49d80a3728e", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm un correu electrònic on poder enviar el comprovant.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a9c566c-30b5-4b35-afb0-6403d1b5f922", + "text": "es aquest: marc.carbo78@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marc.carbo78@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "31d1ec46-2e6e-429f-abb7-1b02b28513c7", + "text": "En uns minuts rebràs el comprovant.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c475dfbb-e336-45ab-90af-e5c65479f3fa", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e687b025-6655-4ae2-9873-97a798073dae", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03a41eff-68eb-45af-80df-da099975cc8f", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f3528af-b4c2-4d39-9ec0-a1ea700c962d", + "text": "De res, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "add33d35-d105-43b2-8277-dc6560968da2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 96#", + "número": 96, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "52c6e725-b6c4-4f4e-b8b0-b233998f06ec", + "text": "Bon dia, puc fer alguna cosa per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "129055c9-dd06-45ae-8809-303ddf1a70f2", + "text": "em pots dir quina es la comissó que pago quan fag transferencies?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "comissó", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transferencies", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "366c98ea-025a-4ad8-988a-d3174465129f", + "text": "Si es tracta d'una transferència a una altra entitat nacional no té cap comissió, però si es tracta d'una transferència internacional aquest tràmit té una comissió del 0,7 %.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71d41941-d874-4e1d-86d1-80f78968e6ed", + "text": "ah, entesos. bé, bé. i quin és el límit qeu tinc a la targeta de credit?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "límit", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de credit", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4e5d795-d171-47bc-a6c2-3aea44b181c9", + "text": "El límit de pagaments diaris de la targeta de crèdit és d'un màxim de 1.000 euros, però cada persona pot establir el seu límit dins d'aquests paràmetres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98dc1574-c06c-4e49-b52e-db72a17f73c1", + "text": "ok. i en el meu cas quin tinc posat ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quin tinc posat ara", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d11fb5e1-f277-473b-8f2f-d7537c085e49", + "text": "Si em diu el seu DNI i el número de compte ho podré mirar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2bc7e172-abfd-4943-a234-caeee629389d", + "text": "el carnet es 77454344G. el compte es ES23 45 5643 4543 4536576897", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77454344G", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 45 5643 4543 4536576897", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e1c4d11-48cd-4dc1-a40d-365928d1def2", + "text": "D'acord. En la seva targeta vostè té un límit de 500 € al dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f36bc3b5-c55e-4684-8360-8b3fb0b27794", + "text": "ah entesos.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "460388a1-49cb-4c02-8463-15cd3c818a79", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42e90d2f-cdbb-4fc4-afb7-bfde7aa1e466", + "text": "ja estaria tot, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "befe092b-7d14-44c5-a2a3-3fdf811b89c4", + "text": "De res, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8830fd3-7b6f-49bd-aeb3-3c7c67561ae2", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed302949-2ce1-4f80-8257-8ab1058fa2a1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 97#", + "número": 97, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "41dc7000-481f-49bc-a960-3afff18fd8a3", + "text": "Bon dia, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59dfa256-645a-4359-abcf-e4a8c7580f92", + "text": "em pots dir quan sabré l'autorització de la hipoteca que vaig demanar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "autorització", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "hipoteca", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1dfaf4ec-9fef-468c-be21-cc11041abfe5", + "text": "Indica'm el teu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3241d466-1565-4c2a-9c1b-4b389b11a0b8", + "text": "es 77122675L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77122675L", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a2e97c6-3b4b-4245-8a4f-4a3db037a9d9", + "text": "Ets la Paulina Torrens, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84e33553-f95f-4423-8c63-a51b448a2593", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45db2cb3-345c-44e5-b856-46b28e54bb2f", + "text": "Veig que el procés està avançat, la setmana vinent rebràs una resposta definitiva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c33ba5f-725b-4b16-a810-fc7ef8bc9fbc", + "text": "entesos es que necessito saber si l,han aprovada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49a94ced-9b44-45cb-8fb9-1f3120bbac83", + "text": "No puc accelerar més el procés, però et confirmo que la setmana vinent rebràs una resposta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d23fa414-0778-405c-bc7b-df06a8aa74a1", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fe2e7f3-78e4-488f-824a-2f3c4daa2516", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3996b434-dd6c-4293-bc07-0e3f777b5b1b", + "text": "quin temps fara dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "160d4df5-7c4a-45a7-9b5f-ecf3f95d5676", + "text": "No tinc aquesta informació, disculpa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e5cd615-e29f-434a-b5af-3586dbfb055f", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7235e222-b840-427f-a28e-8da61ba7f451", + "text": "no ja esta doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d778cb3-0be5-4d7e-88df-a5aaf1886682", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14854efd-e9b5-40bd-af0b-22a7e20a243f", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e24241d9-b3ba-4fb4-a2ca-5d988f2ae172", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 98#", + "número": 98, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b6bbc8f0-eb58-486e-9a1b-85b9309ae574", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9791fe33-6d32-4595-ad16-258d35750d8a", + "text": "vodlria treure les targetes qeu tinc en compte corrent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targetes", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b52e13be-ac03-406b-aecb-90f0398a4477", + "text": "D'acord, vol cancel·lar-les?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "190480d1-8dcf-4b3d-a527-62ad770b4b46", + "text": "si si usplau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b6d005c-a008-4718-a9dd-0834a88fef27", + "text": "Indiqui'm el seu nom i el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8346c8a8-bafb-4b20-a530-4ae26bf75f0c", + "text": "Em dic Marta Prat. el carnet es 77343234G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Prat", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77343234G", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dab98a69-8c2f-4566-b225-0e0f50d81309", + "text": "D'acord, té dues targetes vinculades al seu compte corrent. Vol cancel·lar les dues, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a55e93f1-deff-433a-97b9-75be927968de", + "text": "si aixo es gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c75de81-a824-43c7-af8e-62dc78f22f9e", + "text": "D'acord, ja estan cancel·lades, li arribarà una notificació al mòbil i al correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ebbcb89-5ab6-4a66-91e9-968cc2e84424", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "afc42e89-08cd-4d14-87f6-950b500ebdce", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b34cb436-effa-4e05-8d2b-001e3b243369", + "text": "no, ja estara docns gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ceb3642-4906-496d-9479-aa3ef4e08a18", + "text": "De res, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "140aaa53-389f-460c-98fc-a79d0b14580c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 99#", + "número": 99, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "27fc7ae7-662f-4dcb-a096-a6ae4863cf96", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d1171fc-cd60-408f-afd1-c64ddffab5ab", + "text": "hola vull teure d omiciliacio de la companyia de telefon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "d omiciliacio de la companyia de telefon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eacdc618-cf36-4f0e-9429-564982e95a3b", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el teu DNI i el número de compte en què ho tens domiciliat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24741977-08f3-4ce3-b245-f2cd3514aeff", + "text": "es 77454454E i el número és ES23 45 4543 4567 7685967890", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77454454E", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES23 45 4543 4567 7685967890", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6da0760a-1e6b-4ebc-92c5-b1e60146b874", + "text": "D'acord. El darrer rebut que vas pagar de la companyia va ser el passat 20 de desembre, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d949e6cd-587d-4b52-8bf4-0656ac1686e3", + "text": "si aixo es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "195c62bc-e998-4a9e-88c4-4e3e8820ddba", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs ja no tens el pagament domiciliat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eefd81cf-b473-49cb-8dc8-faf088c16700", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3c3123c-c9aa-41ca-bdc6-6b5a7fded189", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "860c2110-32ec-4883-9a41-2f4cbe359cba", + "text": "no, ja esta tot aleshores", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "937606d0-1948-4f88-87d4-325d48a3f0e0", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00bfe74d-d161-44e4-be97-641f68d4c5f3", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53a01813-6635-4798-84e3-1eef1db9fa3f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 100#", + "número": 100, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3a2b45c3-abf2-4aa2-8137-4f931ddd61ea", + "text": "Bon dia, puc ajudar-te d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0eabbbc1-d6dc-4e07-99c4-c8d2bcccc5da", + "text": "vull saber quines son els darrers abonaments el compte qeu tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "darrers abonaments", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff765400-ea63-4dab-835d-87e7396406ce", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el teu DNI i el número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ae1cd6e-9840-46ae-b7c1-227079199eaf", + "text": "es 77122432E i el numero es ES23 34 3421 3454 6547856978", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5993011d-90dc-4edd-af6c-19745fc98de4", + "text": "D'acord. Els darrers abonaments que s'han cobrat són d'un compte de Netflix i un altre en del diari El País.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c2ee9a7-e960-4c5f-9d53-43fa8290310d", + "text": "d'acord. i hi ha cap ingrés d'una empresa de telecomunicacions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ingrés d'una empresa de telecomunicacions", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9bc5a18-ba7c-454e-b543-a8dd5a41fcd0", + "text": "Aquest mes no hi ha cap ingrés encara.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbcf06e9-dba2-418b-bf5f-49cc48e81eb5", + "text": "enteosso", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ee8adfe7-a6b8-4899-b3ff-214c84aaa2c0", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d14faa52-605a-4353-812e-f6561c095363", + "text": "ja estaria tot doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76a4f2b9-a282-4974-8ff2-c7b255633df3", + "text": "D'acord, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7760a3fe-cc01-4f7a-8ea1-1e47daec3428", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8923b77d-82af-4cd8-906e-024a029a2e78", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 101#", + "número": 101, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "54be0427-9756-4042-8261-3017867bda84", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d0c1dde-28c2-40f5-8fa2-a5c35a9a65c6", + "text": "Bon dia, l'atén el Zen. Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44289aff-a220-4ec1-915e-2319dc2a18b4", + "text": "Com puc fer una tarjeta de crèdit?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarjeta de crèdit", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "081a6462-e491-41f5-8aa0-6aa4447e5be1", + "text": "Vol sol·licitar una targeta de crèdit nova per al seu compte corrent, o vol obrir un compte nou?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dcf06f6-e89f-402b-a8fd-266e4749cb98", + "text": "Vull una targeta de crèdit nova.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de crèdit nova", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e99f9d6d-f1d2-45ba-a458-9d91e02e9d16", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'm el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fb0345c-fcfe-4694-bdf5-f3af90003035", + "text": "El meu nom és Rodrigo Soto Vives i el DNI és 34567823-D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rodrigo", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Soto", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567823", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8408abde-30bb-4407-9861-c2b404ae3d49", + "text": "Gràcies Rodrigo. Vol una targeta física, o virtual?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e4e1af7-f9e0-4650-88ce-2fbb142efae6", + "text": "Una virtual.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "virtual", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cab0a9b8-674e-42de-9ee6-8e0b22d3fa10", + "text": "Perfecte. En aquest cas només necessitarem que ens confirmi la seva identitat contestant a algunes preguntes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ebd1d2c-b446-4c9d-9bf8-280425f0a48f", + "text": "Em pot dir la seva data de naixement?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a8dc5ac-b328-40cd-8687-acbded6ee909", + "text": "Vale, d'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2bc3aca6-25f5-4a73-ac94-1585684c7bca", + "text": "27/12/92", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "27/12/92", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3e0f14f-a97c-466c-90fa-e05c2a2a68f1", + "text": "Correcte. Quina és l'oficina bancaria a la que esta associat el seu compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19069ae0-4cb3-4496-b95e-e54ec7d5bf7c", + "text": "LaCaixa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "LaCaixa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82d8751d-eee3-40eb-9909-4ddfe58613ac", + "text": "A on es troba la seva oficina de LaCaixa més propera, a on va obrir el seu compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3b791b2-24f3-459f-b3ec-4c259c146a60", + "text": "A Barcelona, al carrer Pau Clarís.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "carrer Pau Clarís", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5059788-76c1-463f-8a35-04b426c70234", + "text": "Molt bé. A on vol que li enviem la seva targeta virtual?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5bb336a3-c7fb-4d50-91c1-3d968f0680df", + "text": "Al correu si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff547cb4-c299-486f-9f33-fd41ee068b56", + "text": "A quin correu vol que li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3cc35c2b-993b-452d-886d-198cf48edb3b", + "text": "A ss@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "ss@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ddcc241-795a-4471-af96-95345c369ba0", + "text": "D'acord, de seguida rebrà tota la informació al seu correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de4d6ca2-fbfe-463a-8775-432829fa65fd", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "255ba1ff-41da-4d83-80b9-1985972d4ff1", + "text": "Puc ajudar-lo amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56c7ff6f-d67d-414d-80ff-a8c0868861fa", + "text": "Res més, gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "41ff78d5-f2d8-4687-a05c-e993e450fd96", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 102#", + "número": 102, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9f2bee92-ae44-4dde-b5ce-d75c91b2cf18", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "487f6a43-5f7e-4506-aa2f-3105119e7a00", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f736d19-9086-4107-a3b5-7c65642518ec", + "text": "Quines ofertes teniu per a renovar el compte d'estalvis?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte d'estalvis", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "687ae889-6321-4ce0-8ea1-8ecb17ce8b2f", + "text": "Tenim un compte d'estalvis sense comisions per a clients que han estat amb nosaltres 5 anys o més", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d300761e-8931-4db0-9230-c36116ec26b8", + "text": "Jo he estat 6 així que puc oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "years_num", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3cf56f06-93d6-49a2-ba0a-b65aaa91e516", + "text": "Si, pot qualificar per aquesta oferta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7244c29-64c3-48a2-8b79-b2377e7f687e", + "text": "Perfecte. Vull fer-ho.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "662915e8-86f8-4574-a9ab-f814dc3b3204", + "text": "Molt bé, doni'm el seu nom per poder consultar la seva fitxa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94a9232a-ba3a-418c-9725-8ced387cb5d9", + "text": "Laia Monforte Delgado.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Monforte", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Delgado", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "196d6d4b-a2c5-4762-9e49-ce382aff13be", + "text": "D'acord. El seu DNI si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef8371dc-4ddd-4157-9388-3a2b553dce02", + "text": "El meu DNI és 34567823-A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567823-A", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ea2aef0-5b1a-430a-9ee2-69419b7618b6", + "text": "Per contractar el compte d'estalvis, necessitem que signi uns documents. És un document interactiu, així que ho pot fer online, al link que li enviarem al seu correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67812193-9982-45bf-9cc8-1c6d5004a007", + "text": "Vale genial. Rebut!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9aefb6a-6501-414b-89bf-904274f294cf", + "text": "Un cop estiguin signats, rebrà un correu de confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25217d48-6eda-42b4-be6c-27df5945aef0", + "text": "Els he signat i he rebut el correu. Ja el tinc creat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "378a9ea2-e846-4084-a75d-6706e686b5c9", + "text": "Si, ja ha estat aprovat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d6eee4c-4d20-417d-9860-be1ec54146ec", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "39d409e4-9d6a-4145-919a-a56a427ac37d", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa7bc7c9-8a81-413a-9888-21349ec90c74", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 103#", + "número": 103, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "90f16a7e-6d45-4269-8732-7cc416a0b915", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4d8ac06-1738-44fe-9d81-589e12a8666d", + "text": "Vull cancel·lar una targeta perquè m'han robat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "m'han robat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1336669e-c31a-4fc3-b423-e601298a5b86", + "text": "Bon dia. D'acord, quan s'ha produït el robatori?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df1eae6d-2e7e-4128-a8e1-8ecbdd351a8a", + "text": "Ahir a la tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Ahir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "607ff7a1-54cb-4206-a96e-d9067d297379", + "text": "Doni'm el seu nom i DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8941ed06-8449-4561-b583-63fcbee40ca7", + "text": "Rosa Blasco Ordoñez. \n34567832S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blasco", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ordoñez", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567832S", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d43ebb62-f293-43bd-908c-7315a0967b1e", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Blasco. Ha vist si hi ha hagut despeses o pagaments que no reconeix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ed8cd4c-cff7-46d7-b4bc-3b34054b7281", + "text": "Ho he mirat i tot sembla normal per sort.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e8d85fd-446a-4da2-9cd1-f343abfead2c", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol que cancel·lem la targeta de forma permanent, o temporal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "019ac23b-967d-49e5-b7e3-3b9c55cf36a1", + "text": "De forma permanent, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "De forma permanent", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f4c917a-5713-4004-aa3a-99ebe4e22693", + "text": "Molt bé, rebrà un SMS al seu mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33c76e13-31d9-44de-a6b1-b026398b4319", + "text": "Em pot dir el codi que li han enviat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e91003ad-e61b-4a21-9f8c-3240b599aa68", + "text": "Perfecte. El codi és 3455", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "3455", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ee3c645-2de0-40c1-b272-44130cef59cc", + "text": "Molt bé, ja ha quedat cancel·lada la seva targeta. Li enviarem una de nova a la seva adreça, pot trigar entre 10 i 15 dies en arribarli.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ef02840-109b-40cc-9ad2-569846f0ab74", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f586fc4-d842-416c-ae48-c631147c4363", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94e7c3ee-6d2f-42b6-8abc-5e3604ebe25a", + "text": "Adeu gràcies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a019912d-69e0-4e05-82ec-70e7d0674b90", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 104#", + "número": 104, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7d26b907-3343-4ab5-9930-4171713e989a", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cc0e4d4f-5c47-43a9-85db-c800493f58bd", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67ba9b2e-afbc-42a7-9e6d-5c8f5fba4a7b", + "text": "Teniu assegurances de viatges en la vostra banca?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurances de viatges", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae47996f-15ac-48f4-9490-422480e054cf", + "text": "Si, tenim una assegurança de viatges amb diferents nivells de cobertura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67e4e519-f265-4179-a536-2b3bc5cbe025", + "text": "I quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c9919bb7-01f6-462d-96de-55312b154a86", + "text": "Si vol l'assegurança Bàsica, té un preu de 69.99 euros al més. L'assegurança Premium té un cost de 79.99 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d78055b8-eb14-4b90-a626-1310e6a82ab9", + "text": "Vull la bàsica.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bàsica", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15a9b96a-47d5-4e9c-b583-d057a6830663", + "text": "D'acord. Com voldrà pagar les mensualitats?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a5e070f-44ff-4f60-8436-6c6ea3cdd3a2", + "text": "Vull domiciliar-ho al meu compte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "domiciliar-ho al meu compte", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dac05153-0e1f-4785-ba2e-6354e03bf71e", + "text": "Perfecte. A partir del més que ve se li domiciliaran els pagaments al compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1f51e81-b9bd-46c0-aea9-c6c9faf81bc2", + "text": "Vale, perfecte! Necessiteu res més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1635638d-ac72-41d4-861a-b5e6401c0633", + "text": "Només necessitem que ens confirmi el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7a3372e-d6f8-4150-9dcc-ec8e007c13a4", + "text": "El meu DNI és 23456723-A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23456723-A", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ad5e54f-48d9-4356-9fbc-508cb122c10d", + "text": "Perfecte, Sra. Menendez, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ce0d6ad-a1dc-4ff8-9092-beadfb0219ed", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f55234a9-5df3-4738-a508-db31eba5c3a9", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja ho té contractat. Gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e83d52f-68fd-4d8f-adb9-264e3b749560", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b3666c5-0348-408d-9146-680d1b7218ef", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 105#", + "número": 105, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cae6cb41-6575-46a9-89f9-d6c3752eefa6", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "750432f0-b091-4788-a770-fb1f98a48a00", + "text": "Bon dia, parla amb la Silvia, quin és el motiu de la seva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8104d1b2-bc60-4279-82bb-8421582661a8", + "text": "Vull modificar el titular d'una targeta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "titular", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e722e1e7-9bb7-4454-a654-cc97de461f84", + "text": "Molt bé, quin és el seu nom per poder-me dirigir a vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2007d9f-96df-47ae-a08a-f4c9d8e9953c", + "text": "El meu nom és Maria Simón Pérez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Simón", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Pérez", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53c0dc58-82a4-4bd7-bf46-6d5b1204d3fb", + "text": "D'acord Sra. Simón. És vostè la titular actual de la targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e3d8c36-032b-4730-b083-b4b78cc0c572", + "text": "Sí, exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cdbd3333-cf8c-44c8-800f-51d562ff3787", + "text": "I quin canvi voldria realitzar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a4d5176-40fd-4f0b-9cc8-f246c5f47083", + "text": "Voldria modificar el titular. Ara seria Marta Pérez Palacios la titular.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "titular", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pérez", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Palacios", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5928002-8567-4770-88af-5bce71e3c447", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el DNI de la nova titular?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e247838-e140-44d1-83d4-4f03c00b748c", + "text": "El DNI és 32456790-V", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32456790-V", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1e464e6-6e79-43f6-84c5-8546308315fd", + "text": "D'acord, necessitarem la signatura de la nova titular a un document de consentiment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51aa57c6-a453-40a0-afd9-84714907e9ff", + "text": "A on li podem enviar el document?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f2a6288-04b3-4a16-af98-ea3566ea0db9", + "text": "Podeu enviar-me'l a mperez@outlook.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "mperez@outlook.es", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3cb059ba-9915-4520-9f6b-ba9c145b2fe1", + "text": "Molt bé. Tant bon punt estiguin signats, seran efectius els canvis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d4dbee2-0170-4350-94c5-83a81418f744", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad214ab9-5650-4e34-b334-129b710899ed", + "text": "Perfecte. Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "62deef81-881c-4093-8691-30ec467e43a1", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ff1108c-2141-42f0-afb8-b6370f16fd59", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f4c57396-5b2c-4e20-a0ad-b47dbc4529b5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 106#", + "número": 106, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "67a3eb9a-1cb3-41dd-bf28-ddc1ef43d23f", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "093f278f-96dd-4d51-8801-6db01ff20a08", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a4dbcd4-c05c-456a-983e-a5f83ed418ea", + "text": "Vull consultar el saldo del meu compte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "saldo ", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7ea58b0-dbb3-4a09-b44a-6daf671f2d20", + "text": "Molt bé, doni'm el seu nom complet si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ce11059-034d-40be-9cd4-059279f8bce2", + "text": "És clar. Maria Simón Rodríguez.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Simón", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Rodríguez", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2ead01a-215a-45b7-80b8-13ee328b3e1a", + "text": "I el seu DNI si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83abfe60-e986-4487-badd-02b389dfea4d", + "text": "El meu DNI és 45678623F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678623F", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15caea73-6b1b-4e42-8c35-75f5f2119df7", + "text": "D'acord. Podem enviar-li la informació al seu correu, o dir-li quin és el seu saldo per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b93d3c46-2329-410c-ad89-0a957b46c17c", + "text": "Vull que m'ho digueu per aquí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96665154-c3bd-4e7c-b273-71f2a4b8f256", + "text": "El seu saldo és de 2783,91 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f32406e-93ac-4f15-bb23-87aa88e06ac9", + "text": "Genial. Puc fer sempre que vulgui la consulta, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99b7729d-b2d2-442d-a574-4ceebb275f0b", + "text": "Si, pot consultar el seu saldo per aquí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48fe221a-b2dc-4ec4-ae82-b126a014b7e3", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ee792f31-deea-4a91-ab7c-5fe645ad144b", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2d25bc9d-9817-4b02-acc3-dbf9c74149b5", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5d254d4a-0120-4e91-83cf-75c70245a4de", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 107#", + "número": 107, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c6b758f5-7561-4668-b94a-a542c1fd0d6e", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41905b35-8697-43b8-909e-16074b1ed558", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4ce406a-386c-478c-94a0-49d47fe85ed8", + "text": "Quins serveis oferiu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39322216-f161-4ebc-b235-efc952fe7208", + "text": "Té un compte amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fcc8a939-6a09-4a9c-857e-6051246ecd57", + "text": "Sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "013ced21-5fbe-4a04-a063-29db2a33b48c", + "text": "Doni'm el seu nom i DNI per consultar els serveis que li podem oferir, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8586c141-3ef5-4c05-a616-9e6115899457", + "text": "Cristina Blasco Peris. 347899623S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Cristina", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blasco", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Peris", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "347899623S", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bee62af-dcad-4ec3-a089-11a7c84ce292", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Blasco, li interessaria demanar un crèdit, o contractar una assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e711479-a85e-4336-81c1-99aa523380b1", + "text": "Una assegurança.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dffd1a18-d122-4dfa-a1f1-0157faf06cdf", + "text": "Quin tipus d'assegurança voldria contractar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97023110-f93b-4397-8b51-3d5c86f0eadc", + "text": "Una de viatges si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "de viatges", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87dc62dc-9595-436b-878d-c02cb0f3b9cb", + "text": "D'acord. Tenim una assegurança de viatges per un cost de 24.99 euros al mes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a0b7478-1615-4d7c-8f63-d3a823fadb83", + "text": "I què inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "què inclou", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "31575a52-d8b9-44ba-b62d-0479930ca938", + "text": "Inclou assegurança mèdica a l'estranger, i recuperació de vols en cas de cancel·lació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5be0c95a-b81f-4307-86bf-a1cc07ebd0b4", + "text": "M'interessa. Com la contracto?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4597e5dc-3a44-4a5b-9dee-eb3e6c4eedd7", + "text": "Ho pot contractar a la seva oficina bancaria més propera, o trucant al 93 303 33 33", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "532d9be8-938e-4d46-b96d-5c5ca243acdd", + "text": "Vale, genial.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23421ed2-0c18-4f49-9628-ff041dc061d3", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c604d810-05f6-4991-99fe-3373e93abbd1", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bbbb7068-17fa-4c7a-95b7-0d746cf7d4e4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 108#", + "número": 108, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "864da2b1-aac9-4f4b-bc56-8b6a11e8d8d5", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4cfdd13a-4555-40c5-9180-274b0649a522", + "text": "Bon dia, l'atén el Sam, com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f580099e-f5da-4418-b4b4-49e30b517db5", + "text": "Vull un compte compartit amb una altra persona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compte", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "compartit", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c56cde07-1c35-46a9-aea3-5374164ca213", + "text": "D'acord. Té un compte amb nosaltres ja, o voldria obrir-ne un de nou?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22d9a4ee-c748-4489-b77d-310d85f0dd68", + "text": "Amb vosaltres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Amb vosaltres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed61a81c-a734-4ea6-8642-0ec8c500f526", + "text": "Té un compte amb nosaltres ja, o voldria obrir-ne un de nou?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e19d212-83f9-4f1b-be5f-6092fcef3385", + "text": "Tinc un compte amb vosaltres ja.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "compte amb vosaltres", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "accb6dda-1f3f-4d50-95da-41c33b588196", + "text": "Molt be, digui'm el seu nom i DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7877588-98d0-4d3b-b42e-f695c85e1561", + "text": "Antonio Resines Blasco. 34788523D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antonio", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Resines", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Blasco", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34788523D", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ec57968-5cc1-489c-bfa9-ee16104108f9", + "text": "Molt bé, Sr. Resines. Doncs necessitarem el nom i DNI de la persona que vol afegir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2db575b-9e93-4de2-8fee-e237335ebaea", + "text": "Rubén Resines Vives 23894923S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rubén", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Resines", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23894923S", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "38c49feb-9f36-44bb-900d-a6e2f0ec0fb4", + "text": "Molt bé. Doni'm una adreça a on puguem enviar-li la targeta si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "161eea76-9d98-4e98-b9cc-2ff1bde59c26", + "text": "Carrer Tramuntana 21, 3r 4a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Tramuntana 21, 3r 4a", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8dfd079a-720e-44ff-8a36-8a591bc06325", + "text": "D'acord, ho rebrà en uns dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17cd9068-5963-46ea-87a8-a390117ab962", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e0a204b-d938-4ff1-914e-0d29dbefa47f", + "text": "Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c5ad10e6-5c2b-40d3-901c-8517c41d2b38", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b4b68d1-6cb3-4e2d-abe7-9cd9189dd2b9", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "684f1d76-9933-4a03-b431-8058117e0f4c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 109#", + "número": 109, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4e9bd3d4-0917-4aef-ab70-bcf9f57b2107", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e76d589-c99b-48ae-beb2-93a184edafc6", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6d9afe9-385d-4d6d-9684-bc922d182d9a", + "text": "Targeta negocis.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Targeta negocis", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8daebb26-4309-4ab5-9cb7-894c1d83270f", + "text": "Vol contractar una targeta Visa per al seu negoci?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1dc6716a-d23c-44fc-b66a-32cdcbe57073", + "text": "Sí, això mateix.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f89c11d5-ec31-46c4-a77d-045693d194cb", + "text": "Molt bé. Té un compte d'empresa amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac6ffdd3-eb4a-4bc3-b2a6-b50324f997ab", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6fa75b0-5729-4a50-a7e7-6ac866679600", + "text": "D'acord. Doni'm el seu número de compte si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ccc935f0-b8e0-457a-92cb-ffd72ba48794", + "text": "2345 5678 6889 5433", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "2345 5678 6889 5433", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ff92af7-6302-4f0c-bc88-bd3576e5a2db", + "text": "Molt bé. A quina adreça vol que li enviem la targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf9f2fd4-b9ff-4256-b634-757068cc193d", + "text": "A Carrer Marina 30, 2n 3a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Marina 30, 2n 3a", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d4d14ff-4177-42a9-967f-2d4bbb0f0f98", + "text": "Molt bé, la rebrà en uns dies a aquesta adreça. Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "555787f0-e35c-4c28-b31b-90f4bc144da5", + "text": "Perfecte. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b9156927-eb04-46d9-ab1a-e64f31247da1", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3c7231fa-8c32-45dc-afba-850d25863a04", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "146478f7-e082-4027-ab44-1ca9599b6663", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 110#", + "número": 110, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "517bb2ac-3ca7-490c-819b-ce2db2ed3ec5", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f0713b51-f25f-40fe-8181-1a52eb0a73c6", + "text": "Vull sol·licitar el carnet jove", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet jove", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7cc0f71e-5ca5-4186-b065-d58229c87df1", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "452bfe5d-efae-430d-b368-7ab8e09c6de7", + "text": "D'acord, indiqui'm el seu nom, DNI i data de naixement, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e13cfd4-00c9-42d8-9857-f240505a090a", + "text": "Rosa Móstoles, González. 45789643D i 23/12/1991", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Móstoles", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "González", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45789643D", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "23/12/1991", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "abca0ad6-f924-408f-a37a-3bf0ca900e1a", + "text": "Molt bé. Tingui en compte que el Carnet Jove és vàlid fins als 30 anys, i en base a la seva data de naixement, només podrà gaudir dels beneficis durant dues setmanes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a40da633-19cb-4ef2-99df-ceda06f5e3ae", + "text": "No s'havia ampliat als 31?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "31", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c7fcc1c-6281-4c1a-9191-53b76b848c29", + "text": "No, la data límit son els 30 anys", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36390d23-a653-4ede-a07e-796d33dd6123", + "text": "I no hi ha cap manera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de0a26a0-2c85-464d-a1ae-e76279bb27f1", + "text": "Pot contractar el Carnet si vol, però deixarà de ser efectiu al Desembre del mateix any que compleixi 30 anys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ba82011-9384-4f26-9d9c-912cfb07403b", + "text": "D'acord, vale. No el vull ja. Hauria de ser per més temps.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45332d84-86c2-4d5f-98d8-63b3d8e85383", + "text": "Que tingui molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fb8ceb5-60f9-4d9c-9caf-d2d0d18992f5", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3be47ec5-dbe9-4872-9572-e4fbce6b8446", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 111#", + "número": 111, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "170934e3-4e78-422a-8e13-4531ed788f88", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9e5f587c-5b9d-4b85-aecd-2d48e9d6c92b", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2e4c464-3b62-4b29-af5f-e1ef518294e8", + "text": "Vull que em feu una casa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6e21ff2-d7b5-4181-980b-cb5f3b561fff", + "text": "Disculpi, no entenc la seva sol·licitud.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "57a56794-913f-4a62-94c9-77e7162db757", + "text": "Que vull que feu una casa. No és tan difícil.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2663c57-dfb4-4d51-bbe1-5b3d59926464", + "text": "Està contactant amb una entitat bancària. No oferim serveis de construcció", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bca22e1f-0050-49d0-98fa-62454c85b5e7", + "text": "Però sé que ho podeu fer tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17721140-4e0f-47cf-8d65-e18b3e4d510e", + "text": "Disculpi però s'equivoca d'entitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3226bbb-7e90-4fa9-88b2-3bc6c62d49f7", + "text": "Aleshores no ho podeu fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e63c052c-e80b-4323-a938-cfc6cd28541f", + "text": "No, no oferim aquest servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2195efa-019d-4659-933d-f91fef7165e9", + "text": "Doncs vaja. Doncs jo pensava que em farieu una casa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "93e0e82c-650f-4aaf-85e1-612ae2fb3237", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1c7abd94-492f-4944-a8ee-aa666448d6b1", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8ef3665-8327-499c-8e6d-69a57e3a665e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 112#", + "número": 112, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9977b114-bf00-48e9-a99e-348abb4210c1", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c682db88-54ff-47e7-8472-be95dd0a44a0", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01467eee-bfe0-42a6-b2b0-f2cabb5ada8e", + "text": "Quines tarifes teniu per fer-me el VIA-T?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "VIA-T", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1637a471-81a6-4782-885f-5b8611c33fc6", + "text": "Tenim una promoció per fer-se el Via-T per només 15€/any. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c038511-467b-4628-bf9e-22a24d687b83", + "text": "Sí, si us plau!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d5518726-1f6d-4204-b76d-89e15cd780b5", + "text": "D'acord. Té un compte amb LaCaixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "067dd68c-5f20-4b09-8d8e-8520cb9ac4f9", + "text": "Sí, tinc un compte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b485fd9e-9d2a-4e4c-8a30-d402feb81dfb", + "text": "Què necessiteu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a079d49-9ad3-4ab2-9077-a2c8bbfb65aa", + "text": "Necessitem el seu nom, numero de compte i DNI o NIE.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f8724be-9ad2-42d9-95c4-4319e5d5b6f5", + "text": "Laia Salvador Contreras\nES13 6778 6777 4322 7899\n34677898A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Salvador", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Contreras", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES13 6778 6777 4322 7899", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34677898A", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d716727-a35d-436e-bedb-a65f6b3d45b9", + "text": "Molt bé. El seu número de telèfon, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d9e05de-d414-4a8c-a5ba-c56d378130b0", + "text": "645 43 56 13", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "645 43 56 13", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a80b287b-8934-441a-86e8-6d61364ed33c", + "text": "Molt bé, rebrà un SMS de confirmació amb un codi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cab7758b-c3a4-4ef7-811d-28a089d36edf", + "text": "Rebut.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a1e1b782-44c9-4a54-ad3a-7f5aac357b73", + "text": "Quin és el codi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c76685a-855a-4562-942e-553ea2d82c10", + "text": "6578", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "6578", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1348223d-ab05-4357-8405-1b8cf7d6fc2d", + "text": "D'acord Sra. Salvador. Ja li hem contractat el Via-T. Només s'ha de descarregar l'app i pot començar a fer-lo servir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "823b3ea1-c93c-47ed-adc3-5daa0173c3d8", + "text": "Genial.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "342f5a16-19ce-4288-b94e-6d4411762d75", + "text": "Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd104ab7-c52a-488b-a81a-e866092a69aa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 113#", + "número": 113, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fa58cdd3-3f0c-4175-8490-0466f973ba97", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72a70dfb-735a-4cd3-8ea6-e688aae45c54", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5da6b0d-93c4-4082-aa89-72d5627742e2", + "text": "Quins prèstems podeu oferir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "prèstems", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e1b530d-86cf-44fa-952f-e2bd29deaa70", + "text": "Tenim préstems personals, d'estudis i d'hipoteca.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c90be706-7404-48ba-bc7f-65faf244d6d9", + "text": "M'interessa el d'hipoteca.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "hipoteca", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "052df193-ba9f-4ba7-af95-160a104d0e6e", + "text": "Molt bé. Per contractar-la pot demanar hora per aquí, però s'haura de dirigir a la seva oficina més propera per finalitzar el tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dfbd499-da65-4527-9245-ab18b194da86", + "text": "D'acord. Vull demanar hora.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "demanar hora", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71dcbc63-4e63-4b09-8117-4fc71669b1ee", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92a04588-c39d-46f3-ab75-0593c385d880", + "text": "12890", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "12890", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dad11238-9058-4ece-a85d-85d4ceba54a5", + "text": "Molt bé, l'oficina més propera a vostè és al Carrer Fontanella, 16", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0bbdcb6f-f980-43f7-a0d2-2afbf9c230bf", + "text": "Vol demanar hora per allà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da4567ee-e509-4d59-8327-6998255408c2", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b95e50b5-ace0-456f-ae21-ff66254edf30", + "text": "Molt bé, digui'm el seu nom si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a88620f-5c80-49ad-884c-64d394f58243", + "text": "Roberto Vega Pla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Roberto", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vega", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Pla", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5fd7f9e7-f481-4c61-a023-6c275d0e5061", + "text": "Molt bé Sr. Vega. Li va bé per demà passat a les 9.30h del matí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c03daf9-40d8-42c7-92be-c9dfccae1999", + "text": "Sí, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9ddb13c4-1c59-4775-a311-7b37f959181b", + "text": "Ja té hora, doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa567b7f-0685-4954-9891-d35fda102e0d", + "text": "Genial, gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "420d0dc6-c0bf-4163-bb68-f48a229289a5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 114#", + "número": 114, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ed275fe1-bd82-4b3e-bb7f-8e7847293014", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "931a8974-ccf8-4d63-b9c2-297050c52fc8", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a9dc972-948e-4787-a2bf-43293974cb50", + "text": "Oferiu ajudes socials?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajudes socials", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66f50d73-470a-4fda-b2d2-d3f1a8cfbc9c", + "text": "LaCaixa ofereix ajudes a la recerca científica i la investigació social.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dde9f641-a1f9-4ee2-8410-827b38a8ea7a", + "text": "M'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1241cb58-f0ea-4e61-ab9e-2c2b22ff1e58", + "text": "Què haig de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1f94f54-9e02-4989-a7de-0495150f0134", + "text": "Pot consultar el procés de participació a la nostra pàgina web www.obrasociallacaixa.cat/convocatories", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e61bd88e-dfed-4ab8-b9f6-c8ae20a9ae25", + "text": "I no puc fer-ho per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37dbf1e6-8eb5-413c-b3ed-9dded0bc51be", + "text": "El procés de participació té varies etapes i requereix la presentació de documents, i per tant no es pot fer per xat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b47d6a22-3c4c-4f0d-9793-5e93d6cbcafc", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores per la web hauria de funcionar bé imagino.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1254476e-e4bb-49c1-8855-5e2b41c7c7cc", + "text": "Si, a la web podrà fer tot el procés", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "039a1a19-0ffe-4b34-a760-a003aba96f59", + "text": "Necessita més informació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8549e908-4bf2-4125-ac61-6a5708417e9b", + "text": "No, ja està tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d015b5c8-c2ee-4a96-b05a-193c959b59a4", + "text": "Gràcies per l'ajuda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b97462c1-bad0-402a-89f9-15a58d98a499", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da4dea59-27bc-4955-a08d-bfd18288c749", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 115#", + "número": 115, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2b36f124-2caa-4d38-81c0-4a283a5018c2", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "78e0f7bf-36ca-4c4f-a34a-68d05df169c9", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8a2fcdf-7a25-4637-bdc1-d48ba7a69445", + "text": "Tinc una targeta negocis i em cobreu 15€ cada mes i no hauria de ser així. Compleixo tots els requisits.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta negocis", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "em cobreu 15€ cada mes", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b43ed22b-b3c3-4a74-b45a-292bd7f297d8", + "text": "Indiqiui'm el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau, per poder consultar el seu cas.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e10e6a1a-c9a7-4dea-b6c5-45b98b763683", + "text": "El meu nom és Lucía Hidalgo Hinojosa. DNI 47345389R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Lucía", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hidalgo", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Hinojosa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47345389R", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eb58b126-9046-4c3f-9228-88d6453938a9", + "text": "Molt bé Lucia. Veig que li estem cobrant 15€ al més per la seva targeta per l'assegurança de negocis que va contractar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f55378c7-9f14-4a87-93c5-5d022ea7cede", + "text": "Sí, però em vau dir que si tenia uns ingressos mínims de 700€ mensuals no em cobrariíeu res.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ingressos mínims", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "700", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b1b3bef-b4b0-480b-ab0f-e89f5070f18f", + "text": "Segons la nostra informació, els seus ingressos mensuals no superen els 700€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbea9515-b7d5-40ca-a9ee-35a8db2b0258", + "text": "Com que no? Si cobro 1000€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "give_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "1000", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a816631-8c75-4bab-88a7-ca27dc1fe268", + "text": "No ens consta aquesta informació, però podem actualitzar-la", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53ed4a8a-ae35-437c-a3e3-3766c6098e43", + "text": "Doni'm el seu número de DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3552b7be-ddb8-4504-bb2b-89f91377e84c", + "text": "Sí, si us plau. 34678943S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34678943S", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8973b8f4-09e8-46a8-aa98-5aaedc6d8290", + "text": "Molt bé. Sr. Hakim, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2782aaf0-8da1-4a99-a429-c4eff4e247a1", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f401949-450b-452b-81c8-88b869bc336f", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitem que ens envïi l'última declaració de la renda al correu empresas@bbva.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dabc8154-5d30-4b79-9672-9e5ac22a6080", + "text": "D'acord, ara us ho enviaré.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fad96cb6-d984-4e86-981c-f6d3961795df", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3dae3c1c-151d-45dc-a34f-c7ac313af24c", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b687d800-c4c9-46fb-afc1-64c4a92fea77", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 116#", + "número": 116, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "220e6ce5-4bf1-4fb8-b81e-1772e7432da1", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3c38162c-ff85-4efb-9d2b-f301c059ddf7", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb587101-a058-4d78-9779-0e622d3744f1", + "text": "Vull fer una transferència.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_transfer", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "68624f6e-d509-4178-ac64-b89ccda21d4f", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol fer-la a un compte de Banco Santander, o d'un altre banc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc01f036-1798-4a59-a2b4-781ca96ad89f", + "text": "A Banco Santander, sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Banco Santander", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c26558d-b9fb-473f-a600-e776a708fdef", + "text": "Digui'm el seu número de compte si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32120f08-ad35-4c66-aa8a-7421cef86191", + "text": "El compte és ES12 3356 2345 7889", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES12 3356 2345 7889", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dfc8aa41-ab03-4bc4-95f5-bcc9f5f9ca83", + "text": "D'acord. A quin compte vol fer la transferència, i per quina quantitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8493a2f9-5cec-415b-9eec-d2bd47806924", + "text": "A ES12 4566 2345 3221 2346\n900€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES12 4566 2345 3221 2346", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "900", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f3a6b9e-b86a-4a53-8c55-4ee4ce3a3562", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitem que confirmi la seva identitat, doni'm un número de telèfon a on puguem enviarli l'SMS de confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb1edb99-66b2-44f8-8911-9363e77be759", + "text": "678 56 57 81", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "678 56 57 81", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "330b1249-7971-4f10-9c81-2b3c7c5f1827", + "text": "Molt bé, quin codi ha rebut?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a688a58-9e23-4aa9-afb8-0bd9000baa06", + "text": "3456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "3456", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ffff398-48ce-4a4b-9b97-ffc6747576b7", + "text": "Perfecte. Ja s'ha realitzat la transferència", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c4f36e5-e0a9-47a8-83d9-83e87fca47ec", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b55cace6-21a3-4e57-9da3-882315aea409", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 117#", + "número": 117, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9475d3e2-4ef8-4fdb-9878-ca3ca78cd78d", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5cc6e741-7cf0-43ce-a37f-e4f4c68a848c", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc8ef7bd-7f78-4e6d-a61b-6690b778854d", + "text": "On puc consultar les oficines més properes de LaCaixa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficines", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més properes", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "LaCaixa", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7196a42-c722-494b-b34d-12de0600edcb", + "text": "Ho pot consultar a la nostra pàgina web www.lacaixa.com/oficines/barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e1aae7c-140f-4d77-9c19-7d3438330669", + "text": "O li podem dir per aquí l'oficina més propera a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73787774-ae42-4283-936d-6c3aeea02465", + "text": "Vull que m'ho digueu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "m'ho digueu", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35459f48-1d04-45dd-a329-4341017d52c9", + "text": "Quin codi postal vol consultar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50434756-6124-4e98-bd04-fb138ef71489", + "text": "0869", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "0869", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "520449a5-45e8-4fb7-b403-fe8ee074953e", + "text": "El codi postal ha de comptar amb 5 números", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "508d75d2-d752-4b49-8f2b-b6fbd749f74e", + "text": "Ho sento. És 08691", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08691", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "245403ae-2abb-43fd-8f6c-c52db29e60c8", + "text": "L'oficina més propera a aquest codi postal és al Carrer de Josep Verdaguer, 158", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7469ada-1dcf-422e-902d-80ace084b46d", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e9059d1-7e80-43f0-9aaf-28cbc6ac2d46", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a0f0699-4630-4337-9f0f-e2aeda02d24f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 118#", + "número": 118, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "01239ef7-0539-436e-8ec5-ba1ec20f7f19", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ba9f361-c061-4f6a-9bbc-0fa0e2069553", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a5ece83a-3696-4ff1-9cc1-c71729230401", + "text": "Assegurança de viatges.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0633ae10-670b-4f91-91ca-693d93360ff9", + "text": "Indiqui'm el seu nom i el motiu de la seva consulta, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54d43b66-294e-4da7-b400-8e008cfb4da7", + "text": "Rosa Soto Vives i vull contractar una assegurança de viatges.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Soto", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança de viatges", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0cfc220c-2ad6-4f92-879a-4483f0dae040", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Soto.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7faa4657-bfa0-409f-bd9d-dd09c2dbe480", + "text": "Doni'm el seu número de compte per poder-la localitzar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd6d2b11-816b-49de-b3d1-0cd5b93ac6bc", + "text": "ES45 4566 5677 5678 6788", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES45 4566 5677 5678 6788", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5fb7c907-5d32-4369-9851-8e7fef00023c", + "text": "D'acord. Quin tipus de cobertura voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdd3aca4-e15a-47c0-81c8-8d55941f9429", + "text": "La total si pot ser.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "total", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f908efb6-50c9-4f1c-9ba5-45563531af6b", + "text": "Quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec8956ca-3ed7-4f6c-ba8d-a222d9a66cb8", + "text": "Serien 35€ al mes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c017469-9e49-4da4-8c0e-583934b0f3aa", + "text": "D'acord, sí. La vull.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2829eb44-0c40-43e4-b2d0-2f11d6f55ef2", + "text": "Vol que li domiciliem al seu compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56534ffe-dbf4-4bd0-a78a-f03e1e827d7b", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5041a411-e07f-4471-a66c-cb3b89076290", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs rebrà la primera quota el mes que ve.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c73480b-7f9b-4e50-a0b0-daca51f66000", + "text": "Haig de fer res més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "425d1af1-ff21-4e75-b5aa-8a543ae70281", + "text": "No, ja esta. Gràcies per confiar en nosaltres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca9986cc-7861-4903-8f30-ce422812a67e", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe39247c-57c7-40a5-a3df-cfac0b2edefa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 119#", + "número": 119, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cf6b10d2-50d9-4a15-be57-6a75b887c767", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8e8ace49-59f1-4365-9ad2-2b0d0dc7e2e5", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38435a6c-0a20-4e1a-b72f-8b9d773df3fb", + "text": "M'esteu estafant, cada mes em treieu 100€.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "cada mes em treieu 100€", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5db72a42-c289-4c65-b03e-7919c1355501", + "text": "Digui'm el seu nom per poder-me dirigir a vostè, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4be6b8b-c380-415f-b017-2c973dc952fa", + "text": "Maria.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "41565d56-9bdf-4019-ba11-6654ef9de501", + "text": "Gràcies Maria. Quin és el número de compte del qual se li ha retirat aquesta quantitat mensual?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b24bbb12-1bab-4c1d-8e75-ac1f43989720", + "text": "ES35 5677 5677 7778 5433", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES35 5677 5677 7778 5433", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc9800fc-37dd-4821-863e-660efe46aacb", + "text": "D'acord. Mantingui's a l'espera mentra consulto el seu cas, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d172d7e9-bf32-4fe3-8f8e-b2f3c089e6d2", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd6647dd-e2ad-4750-888b-70c4298c7bf4", + "text": "He consultat el seu cas, i veig que li hem cobrat una mensualitat de 100€ per l'assegurança de malaltia que va contractar fa un any.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df7d2e1c-c518-4242-9139-7f6a38a2748e", + "text": "Encara està activa? Doncs vull cancel·lar-la", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "30fc01ef-099f-4adb-9f91-969d3a8dc212", + "text": "D'acord. Per cancel·lar-la necessitem que signi uns documents que li enviarem al seu correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "951dd2cd-3dbf-40f4-a1fc-75a9c3d1e343", + "text": "A quina adreça li podem enviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8633398-1038-4926-b39c-f801723375d0", + "text": "A mmaria@outlook.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "mmaria@outlook.es", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77735212-3d16-45b3-8db5-fd4c35f88ded", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem enviat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4d2f8f8-161e-4cdc-84ba-98e3b8471b9c", + "text": "Rebut. Us ho envio per correu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1eed6ab5-4187-4128-af7f-f72e44e029fe", + "text": "Ho pot enviar al correu des d'on li hem enviat els documents, i posar el seu número de compte al cos del correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a583b62d-7975-4019-93ad-57f46abed211", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte. Ho faré.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4fca9b9a-dda0-4eb4-8b1e-17989709b433", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cea1751a-0ef2-42d7-ba6a-f28edc9369bd", + "text": "Gràcies, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2fd1ae4a-bd64-43a2-9849-39afa903d3cb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 120#", + "número": 120, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "043a7247-da0f-4bcf-a964-7b30855f7591", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2db84864-33e6-4f38-ab00-7bb5e5869bcc", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b26d634a-c5fe-4ae1-946d-17c36d524424", + "text": "Vull que borreu totes les meves dades.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dades", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c57351fd-8f87-4738-b9ac-01824eb42117", + "text": "A quines dades es refereix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2426997d-5110-471d-8c1c-9deb6e8adc44", + "text": "A totes. No vull estar més amb vosaltres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "totes", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc5096d9-c5be-48af-86f5-a86a9a33a2c9", + "text": "Vol cancel·lar el seu compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f442148a-85a4-4492-b5c5-4d95a6128bb1", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b9b12736-3ac1-48e8-924a-d320d152726c", + "text": "Em podria dir el motiu de la seva cancel·lació, si és tant amable?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8b7b892-bdb3-49a6-b1b3-5583a3f23668", + "text": "Sí, he trobat una millor oferta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "he trobat una millor oferta", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f3cd49ec-b588-40b6-bb92-ec7e9664555b", + "text": "D'acord. Em pot donar el seu nom i DNI per poder cancel·lar el seu compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a25e3f1-c596-42a9-928c-e1022f01ae5d", + "text": "Mireia Lorenzo Garcia i 23456790A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mireia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Lorenzo", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Garcia", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23456790A", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8690faed-8a87-4892-8854-00f266f48e56", + "text": "Molt bé. El seu compte ja ha estat cancel·lat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3711b7e-7441-4713-a150-cadd431a88e3", + "text": "Ja està tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "058474a9-7db3-409b-b469-10a5043b7f4f", + "text": "Si. Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd69de8c-8d3a-4fef-9faf-c3b68ad24798", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59915ba6-c6aa-41df-8ffb-f9f164566b3a", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4fba772-66ea-4c35-bd13-609f43163e44", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + } + ], + "menjar_domicili": [ + { + "id": "6d65bba9-eb4a-4cae-8413-1e2ce98d21c1", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 1#", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7b94cba3-7031-4874-9a47-9cbe5d5b1e5d", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5385dd4c-f9f1-4f8b-88e7-e245aa364f2a", + "text": "Tinc una comanda amb vosaltres però esta trigant molt en arribar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b8a062d-231f-4ea8-91da-56622eeb189d", + "text": "Fa quanta estona l'ha realitzat, la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d1b509c-1699-43df-95d8-732b035e0269", + "text": "Fa uns 40 minuts", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Fa uns 40 minuts", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1c97353-8478-41dc-99ef-22ceae966c45", + "text": "Em podria dir l'adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2995ee19-0055-4125-8b49-f43a4e7129f7", + "text": "Si, es Castillejos 43", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Castillejos 43", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9cdb771c-2a18-4e84-b6a8-294b98385cf4", + "text": "a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f5f9d05-1242-44b4-9204-ffa7a7db866f", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva resposta. Em podria dir el número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "893cf6ea-e9da-4db3-b7e3-fbbf0f4771fd", + "text": "Si, un segon que miro", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c92b3367-f9ba-4a33-a6ba-144e19d4cb90", + "text": "És el 4577091", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "4577091", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c99c3cb-118e-4c1b-a6f8-ce969925f8eb", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. S'està comprovant la comanda. Un segon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66990ffb-fab7-466a-9c21-ae440045c6ac", + "text": "Vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ca7a01f8-d35c-47e3-8a62-763609c7fcfc", + "text": "La comanda sembla que no ha sortit del restaurant.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f306cde-225f-4355-b109-9dda8765704c", + "text": "En vol realitzar una altra o prefereix una devolució dels diners?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc025688-d781-4524-a2be-a5c07205984f", + "text": "No, prefereixo que em torneu els diners si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e9b6716a-e04f-4125-bc2d-515c0dce14e7", + "text": "D'acord. Ara mateix es processarà la devolució. Aquest procés no hauria de trigar més de 10 minuts. En cas que no es faci efectiva la devolució, si us plau digui-ho.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "812fa833-c6e4-48ef-a32f-3dd5b2300984", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cfa72059-dec6-4b86-909c-7d61285ca48c", + "text": "Moltes gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "482ff885-66eb-4ec9-b6ab-700bbf2629ea", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d114b4f-2861-4933-b3a4-87ae2b17b66a", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 2#", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "47532d6a-6684-4de1-aba4-1e6be68a6180", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "015591b8-ddf5-436d-b0bc-266c16bf4da1", + "text": "Hola, en què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a25506b-ec7b-4305-91c4-859ef865111c", + "text": "Voldria fer una comanda a domicili si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c10c918f-cea2-4e78-b9c7-966bff1ab0e9", + "text": "Perfecte. Em pot, si us plau, dir què és el que vol demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "239216e0-908f-4095-b2fa-2876de860ba5", + "text": "Si, voldria una pizza Margarita tamany familiar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una pizza Margarita", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "tamany familiar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b20927a6-9800-439d-b573-31d65ac4a5c3", + "text": "i dues coca-coles", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dues coca-coles", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e294d43b-f1d8-4089-9bcf-3779a0c52511", + "text": "Ah no perdona, enlloc de dues coca-coles, voldria una coca-cola i un Nestea", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una coca-cola", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un Nestea", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76ecc6cd-4bbb-4e4b-a30f-c44ec1ed2fdf", + "text": "Molt bé, perfecte. Moltes gràcies per la seva comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09de472f-adc6-4b3f-85f9-5b67768dc313", + "text": "Em pot dir la seva adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be96e2ff-67d9-467f-8ac4-84f80436530f", + "text": "Carrer Girona 459", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Girona 459", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "286a57da-89ba-4e01-8abc-95a8be9e1e8c", + "text": "primer tercera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "primer tercera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad8dae91-7fd3-4a31-834d-00e8934caba5", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Aleshores Carrer Girona 459 primer tercera. És l'adreça correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5390436-b868-4f10-bffd-51e9c701a5e9", + "text": "Si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b5b6bb66-6878-4253-a5a4-51ab51b52d4d", + "text": "D'acord. Prefereix pagar amb efectiu quan arribi la comanda o amb targeta en aquest moment?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2085657-7826-41eb-9ac8-ed2e6ba42e5b", + "text": "Millor en efectiu si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "en efectiu", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f62f9275-f63a-4c98-aa80-283db40eca0b", + "text": "Cap problema. Aleshores s'efectuarà el pagament en el moment de l'entrega. És això correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc0e584b-daf3-4625-9825-81efcdf3a83c", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f3395413-b80f-4328-8282-66f4d82696a0", + "text": "D'acord. Ens permet l'ús del seu telèfon de contacte si hi hagués cap incidència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdfce60f-7c8b-4732-8855-ba411ab418c9", + "text": "Si, vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40938fe4-3f85-4110-8b27-a8720bc905d4", + "text": "És el 670947367", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "670947367", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "321d1feb-43d1-4eda-9598-104f7ed4ff28", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Ara mateix enviarem un repartidor a Carrer Girona 459 primer tercera.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f22860de-9f42-4907-a92e-cbabf58e7e7c", + "text": "La comanda trigarà aproximadament 30 minuts. Qualsevol incidència ens ficarem en contacte amb vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2350a7dc-51d5-49b8-8371-de1b49f455f3", + "text": "Ok gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d19ae3c-1eb5-46d9-bdd4-7e86ffd009a5", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12bc5ce0-e98a-4c61-8c14-beabe1a0cbc7", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 3#", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0d45181e-6f3d-4703-9098-4406227c63e0", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d7e4bc3-dc60-4984-b5ca-c2e34945c964", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad564e88-dfef-405f-97d9-26ae594124e3", + "text": "Volia preguntar si teniu arroç tres delicies?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "arroç tres delicies", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71487878-7e86-4db0-a28e-e35c5fdd836e", + "text": "Gràcies per la vostra pregunta. Ara mateix no queda arròs tres delícies però tenim arròs amb verdures. Li interessaria demanar arròs amb verdures en comptes d'arròs tres delícies?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6314b54e-0ee3-4f67-aeb7-59f0168d72f3", + "text": "Vale, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "735dcd20-6bdc-448b-bc8f-4f62ca66a289", + "text": "No porta carn, no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "carn", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81f466df-510b-4c53-b583-d78b3c652ae3", + "text": "Aquests són els ingredients de l'arròs amb verdures: col, arròs, salsa de soja, xampinyons, bròquil i pastanaga.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aff03509-1543-40bd-8025-f44d5bcab35c", + "text": "Ok perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e486ebb3-da58-419d-841b-c19f2810d746", + "text": "Doncs si, voldria una porció mitjana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "porció mitjana", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3e80220-4a58-4582-b976-eeacd3716ed2", + "text": "I de postres que teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "postres", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f76caddd-587d-45bb-8bd9-1375e96b3e52", + "text": "Molt bé. Afegida una porció mitjana d'arròs amb verdures a la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9804e8e-e630-48bb-b93a-b569875b9f3e", + "text": "De postres tenim el següent: flam d'ou, tiramisú, meló, gelat de llimona, gelat de coco, mochi", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f89c6a70-aa58-47e3-a374-cc997cc43d2a", + "text": "Perfecte doncs afegeix també una porció de mochi, i un tiramisú", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una porció de mochi", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un tiramisú", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3bd667d-a0a5-4a75-9e65-373f5ee0ed08", + "text": "Res més, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "794c5890-9a7b-4785-9b68-b2df3cfdca49", + "text": "D'acord. Afegits els postres a la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be62553c-28ea-4917-b661-71d871e56193", + "text": "La seva comanda és, doncs: una porció mitjana d'arròs amb verdures, un mochi i un tiramisú. És això correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c91bb8fa-4ad4-4ed9-9b63-dbc803da560c", + "text": "De fet, posa'm dues raccions d'arroç millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dues raccions d'arroç", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d10763e9-3a8b-46f9-9bbc-12747c3c75f8", + "text": "Però la resta és correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98d04d52-2283-4ef9-aa67-cc03475aaa22", + "text": "Comanda modificada. La seva comanda és: dues racions d'arròs amb verdures, un mochi i un tiramisú. És això correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c21d0af1-bc71-41e4-b657-e604c26b8975", + "text": "Si és aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "87cc3416-f876-4a25-a1a8-02fe412f2d27", + "text": "Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e091556-29d0-472a-8c04-f9cb5b5c6e8c", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. A on vol que li enviem la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13d0eed8-1829-4da3-a3ba-29d07cbc1514", + "text": "Al carrer Argullos numero 11", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Argullos numero 11", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bea6888c-01f4-48f4-8b28-3d74f8cb5699", + "text": "planta baixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "planta baixa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a0514b7c-0482-4a83-b48d-20865b93e411", + "text": "Perfecte. Em confirma que vol que li enviem la comanda al carrer Argullos número 11 planta baixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "873035b1-d875-4301-8190-43d96b998d39", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "149ed841-41ff-4332-b929-c2ca5db02ce5", + "text": "D'acord. Ara mateix li enviem un repartidor a l'adreça que ens ha indicat. No hauria de trigar més de 20 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f956643-05cf-4890-989c-fe9dc127561a", + "text": "Perfecte merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "15979549-a868-42e6-9b08-d49661a0d8b4", + "text": "Merci.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb3101a2-dd84-4668-918a-31b95af64bde", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 4#", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "67e73994-6fdb-424d-8cbd-6c7ddbe640be", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6fb9ff36-3b1c-42f7-bde4-8fcebcb7b2f6", + "text": "Encara esta la cuina oberta per fer una comanda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cuina oberta", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bfe9e85-2401-4f87-8a20-506515b41f45", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00b5946f-df5c-403e-b44e-b2f679750022", + "text": "Sí, encara tenim la cuina oberta. Els nostres horaris són de 9:00 h a 23:00 h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a72aca8e-ed73-4f06-a8a3-26bc0c380fb6", + "text": "Perfecte, doncs voldria dues hamburgueses Tex Mex", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dues hamburgueses Tex Mex", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "41f0aa9f-57a6-482c-bc83-fd67cda6d2ee", + "text": "Amb menú, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "menú", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d498472a-6a31-45d1-bdcd-d9abaeff1164", + "text": "D'acord. Dues hamburgueses Tex Mex doncs i menú. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ef1eeae-4f22-46dd-95dc-5583aac22af4", + "text": "Si gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd60076d-07af-4a9a-8190-381b380fe3c8", + "text": "Voldria alguna cosa més? Què voldria per beure? Una coca-cola o una fanta de llimona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "960438d2-ff11-4daa-9289-daf9a19901d5", + "text": "No, ja esta tot gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3cbb353b-fc48-46b5-a073-ee17d05f26dd", + "text": "El menú inclou una beguda i un complement. Tenim de begudes coca-cola o fanta de llimona. De complements tenim patates deluxe o mozzarella sticks.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da1cf019-fec4-46f2-acf6-d0b792006d77", + "text": "Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70d23df0-8f8d-44a3-a621-f4c16355ac3b", + "text": "ah ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c09b4301-f316-4299-a71b-7aeeabdc910f", + "text": "doncs llavors un menú amb fanta de llimona i patates deluxe, i l", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un menú amb fanta de llimona i patates deluxe", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4925ac41-1905-4af6-85a5-2b32e6b56371", + "text": "I l'altre amb coca-cola i mozarella sticks", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "l'altre amb coca-cola i mozarella sticks", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e12f4555-1ab4-446a-ac55-be569db70bfb", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores vol dos menús Tex Mex. Un amb fanta de llimona i patates deluxe. L'altre el vol amb coca-cola i mozzarella sticks. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "879cbe20-b8e0-4c8b-a07c-a3c0e238e788", + "text": "Exacte si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5ac23f68-6536-490c-ab3c-a60344f79891", + "text": "D'acord. Comanda anotada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "909a495b-e18b-43c9-b161-5031bc4b2ae5", + "text": "Quin mètode de pagament vol utilitzar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23f36ba2-cc97-41df-b166-5a0d29ed17d3", + "text": "Amb tarjeta per favor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "tarjeta", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08fb8003-a4df-4d4b-89c8-a4ede15a7f9f", + "text": "D'acord. Pagament amb targeta habilitat. Accedeixi el següent link per realitzar el pagament:\n\nhttps://texmexhousegrill-comandes.pagament.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27af9315-a64c-4e9d-89ad-c4284f491533", + "text": "OK, ja ho he fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a2c47337-a844-44d6-88f0-0fa19407eb1b", + "text": "Comprovant que el pagament s'hagi realitzat correctament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a6b676b-76b3-4547-a7d0-1ac82e135378", + "text": "Pagament acceptat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de5f78b7-669a-44bb-9221-6821e2199cad", + "text": "El seu número de comanda és 0838463839.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ef2f4f8-8a55-4c77-8f8b-ae30de09fe97", + "text": "d'acord gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "54a571a1-656b-498a-ac9d-63aedd588674", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9707fbea-543e-4197-b11f-31f5f591bf69", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 5#", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bd28385a-4b82-4f07-9136-1e4fcb79981b", + "text": "Hola bon ida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b64f0c1-db9b-4d6d-b528-abce28119ba1", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "216aaa56-00f1-4ac5-b258-3f41a7c010dc", + "text": "Vola demanar dos cafes amb llet grans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dos cafes amb llet grans", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42376239-218d-4475-87c7-8990f33bcf95", + "text": "Un croissant de xocolata, i un bikini", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "Un croissant de xocolata", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un bikini", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c0fcece-8569-452f-98cb-5fe7780ed768", + "text": "D'acord. Vol dos cafès amb llet grans, un croissant de xocolata i un bikini. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2040a510-9152-46d6-b45f-39492934c82f", + "text": "Si, es aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1cb3b863-889e-4de5-bd70-2a69e62e39b2", + "text": "Molt bé. Pot indicar-nos una adreça d'entrega per la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88bed85e-d411-4018-a83f-12c3f31517ec", + "text": "si, és un bloc d'oficines", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "bloc d'oficines", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1d0b55a-764b-4832-ad08-da6cf19dcc99", + "text": "a passeig Maragall 112", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "passeig Maragall 112", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11b47997-7fd0-4cfa-a405-15137b222c90", + "text": "bloc B, quart primera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "bloc B, quart primera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "414dd5c5-282b-4bd1-9f32-58639e424056", + "text": "Vol que realitzem l'entrega a passeig Maragall 112 bloc B, quart primera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51cdd9d9-6336-4074-9ae9-8741d1b9a31c", + "text": "Si si aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "903a41c1-b47d-4967-bf0c-674d811e4257", + "text": "Ens pot dir el seu nom, si us plau, per poder efectuar-li l'entrega?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10affa91-f7fd-43f4-92f6-85f62fe93734", + "text": "si, Marina Gomez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Gomez", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2cdb743-8d18-417f-a14e-37e930bc00a1", + "text": "D'acord. El seu nom és Marina Gomez, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ac91e91-86da-42ff-ac93-fb5295c9d240", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "20c2a9a8-8c2b-4737-89e6-83e1f36036ab", + "text": "D'acord. El seu número de comanda és 087. Pot consultar l'estat de la comanda a https://elcafedetotalavida-lamevacomanda.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6e79c72-c2e9-47a4-94de-00b0e12aef16", + "text": "Perfecte merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "78f6a44b-43f4-440e-8900-b55b00a130cb", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dae314c9-51d3-4229-bbae-5c5072fd4deb", + "text": "Merci a vostè. Ha estat un plaer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "54aa7f4b-3c05-4307-9a0e-a5046282e50f", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 6#", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9bd5ca49-d460-41c6-83ff-ba0ad8ced8f9", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d7a4a00-3a9e-42bf-9779-b33c26868209", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dcaec564-e81d-4ea2-b89b-176555744394", + "text": "Voldria fer una comanda per aquesta nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eb862a85-b089-4391-a6da-d111efed192b", + "text": "El menu de sushi de 36 peces", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "El menu de sushi de 36 peces", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df002118-2a78-45e2-9473-925464389544", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per fer una comanda amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44cd5da1-2efe-4bb7-a66d-b2a1960bb4ad", + "text": "i el menú de 8 makis de tonyina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "el menú de 8 makis de tonyina", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1b50adc-37b1-4817-8454-295448ebe4e5", + "text": "Vol un menú de sushi de 36 peces i un menú de 8 makis de tonyina?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e9c4e0f-e309-4d1b-a072-21792ae66875", + "text": "Si exacte, per aquesta nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a393e65-d8fe-4f30-be99-2af004e5b8cd", + "text": "D'acord. Vol algun complement amb el menú? Tenim gyozes, okonomiyaki i edamame.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47e9cdbf-c691-4cd7-a9e2-c338fd0764eb", + "text": "Ah si doncs una raccio d'edamame", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una raccio d'edamame", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a637fb1-66e4-4096-ad3b-fdd9eaee9123", + "text": "Ració d'edamame afegida a la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7d9d579-427c-489c-a98d-93d552a311ec", + "text": "A quina hora voldria la comanda per aquesta nit?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5748bd24-6bd4-4296-a7d9-ea6ae9fda863", + "text": "Per les 9.30 si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "9.30", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22185d1a-1068-434a-a499-4972e9082dc0", + "text": "Vol la comanda a les 21:30 h de la nit?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7076001-6142-4dd0-a644-a5189271b5f2", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4bd28904-6280-46d7-8040-16c84e9c3baf", + "text": "Comanda anotada a les 21:30 h de la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e36dd9f-16fc-4a75-8dfc-2c60f76c6ed7", + "text": "Resum de la comanda: menú de sushi de 36 peces, un menú de 8 makis de tonyina, ració d'edamame.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "464c00f9-a91b-43c4-bda0-1c7cd0e27431", + "text": "És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2aed7d9f-8877-4428-af7b-05b6a0708678", + "text": "Ok gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b79ec7f3-819d-47cc-90f2-2b7b5f1d1334", + "text": "Si tot correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8846197-09d1-45cf-8040-c5aeedbb6c2b", + "text": "Indiqui una adreça, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a11d0c3-b455-49ad-b08b-4cb57b36e20b", + "text": "Via Augusta 254, segon primera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Via Augusta 254, segon primera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7cbb5e49-826e-47e7-ae7d-b40e988a33e5", + "text": "La comanda es realitzarà a Via Augusta 254, segon primera.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "542831b0-eb71-42bd-a7e1-965d8fb3156d", + "text": "Ara mateix enviem un repartidor.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21022225-3a1d-423d-a91f-90db1d88b308", + "text": "Molt be gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "317ef46d-2726-4672-82c9-687058652f3f", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "962bc1da-488c-40d4-8acc-8fd238a7364d", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per comptar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8a0358c-daa5-4881-94a9-95ec62cee9e2", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 7#", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2f52a7fe-fc67-4e59-9c26-c935abaaf860", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c62d808-fc7f-4707-ae97-4a7b0e54ef4d", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2a82625-4e8d-46ba-8a40-532f67dd1a59", + "text": "Volia preguntar si feu pedidos a domicili per Santa Coloma?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Santa Coloma", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82402c80-1fb8-49b7-9a0c-2ab82e059c0c", + "text": "Actualment el nostre restaurant entrega a domicili a Santa Coloma. Vol realitzar una comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "881bf229-f54f-4e49-8dfb-cbc697c0fe0d", + "text": "Si, una pizza napolitana i una vegetariana si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una pizza napolitana", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una vegetariana", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "403be4a4-f794-4d1d-bdda-6928b2fe737b", + "text": "al carrer Can Borras 31", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "give_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Can Borras 31", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4da7630-313e-417a-8d43-eda0a8ddd9ac", + "text": "Vol una pizza napolitana i una pizza vegetariana al carrer Can Borràs 31?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adf1704e-ef22-4bf9-95ae-79730226a9e0", + "text": "Si sisplau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "61ae3639-a4dc-4e6a-b9ef-9b558971dfae", + "text": "D'acord. Comanda anotada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "794dbed8-324f-40a9-b5ba-4a8853c8b7b2", + "text": "Vol alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0205c2da-c9c0-435c-8255-c6e28f2a2828", + "text": "Gràcies, quan triga més o menysÇ", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan triga", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50add754-bb72-4409-8b78-5cea018c63cf", + "text": "L'entrega s'hauria d'efectuar en els pròxims 30 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "deaa6a90-114d-4679-8224-7487dba9f4ee", + "text": "Molt be gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "172c7565-fcad-432d-a093-1b082277ffa4", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "54866d62-53ae-4b23-9da6-ff021d13ed10", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 8#", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f7cc3a83-4142-4a2a-80e6-5a8ff6c00919", + "text": "Bona nit, volia fer una comanda a domicili", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "a domicili", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a0709af-df2f-4895-89d6-09e5407add73", + "text": "Bona nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4a798de-6072-4747-93d5-c64970a77441", + "text": "Què voldria demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6545546-c426-49bd-9a65-35f7ac5255a2", + "text": "El costellar de xai amb salsa barbacoa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "El costellar de xai amb salsa barbacoa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "678642fb-150f-4740-8a5a-2aad817bacd0", + "text": "i una hamburguesa de pollastre amb patates tamany gran", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una hamburguesa de pollastre amb patates tamany gran", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "376bc556-3b90-4fc8-bbe0-c6cbbded342c", + "text": "Vol una costella de xai amb salsa barbacoa i una hamburguesa de pollastre amb patates grans?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdfab548-5cde-4daf-beb0-79e4ec1f1f70", + "text": "El costellar, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2420185a-23eb-4950-aa9a-18098bdead91", + "text": "D'acord, moltes gràcies per la seva comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "424faba0-bd15-4ec1-91a4-5fa72b059dee", + "text": "Digui una adreça per a enviar-li la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "193e6158-1cd5-4950-aaf3-c3dd41c3814e", + "text": "L'adreça és carrer Enric Granados 87", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Enric Granados 87", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c304473-f91c-4ff0-9d3c-fc950560bac1", + "text": "L'adreça és la següent: carrer Enric Granados 87", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "719dd3a2-503f-4be6-a7d1-a83ba74548aa", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "048978ff-f047-4566-8a19-e94d970b9724", + "text": "D'acord. Comanda confirmada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "960ff45f-3490-4109-940d-02bd1ea6d1df", + "text": "Gracies, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db22fa21-d17c-437f-95b5-848fc0fd23a2", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva confiança en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a98dd320-bd64-4050-a32e-5b200b382779", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 9#", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "16b5d7ed-9ec2-4ebb-84a1-e0c000439c8f", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "16a29428-ab33-45de-8dcb-27c6ea28086c", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4db88a19-70a8-4563-8bf8-3d0af840e055", + "text": "Volia preguntar el preu de la racció gran d'espaguetis a la carbonara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "racció gran d'espaguetis a la carbonara", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35e44954-92fb-44ee-862a-072d197c3cf2", + "text": "El preu de la ració gran d'espagguetis a la carbonara és de 14,50€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0b86aa1-3198-4e16-92b6-381f9682d6db", + "text": "Vale doncs una racció d'espaguetis a la carbonara i una de gnoccis amb salsa de tomaquet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una racció d'espaguetis a la carbonara", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una de gnoccis amb salsa de tomaquet", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42eacda1-dfd0-43fb-aded-8cb673b825e1", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores vol demanar una ració d'espaguettis a la carbonara i una ració de gnoccis amb salsa de tomàquet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84efb550-fd07-41c5-9cdf-d2eb98ed7e0f", + "text": "Si aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14960486-ff13-4425-8d88-33e6d57dafd3", + "text": "Tot seria 28,50€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3cac6441-b58d-4849-bcc3-c6a0fddd7cec", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0bed173-96d7-4d62-85c6-073d766f4eb8", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4fd27e0e-a797-46c9-a13c-8b6a916984c9", + "text": "Doncs preferiria pagar en efectiu si pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "en efectiu", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87e09cb5-6a96-43c5-b81e-32091c51142a", + "text": "Es pot pagar amb efectiu en aquest establiment. El pagament es farà en el moment de l'entrega.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9644f00e-5a4e-4df5-8421-8b062fa659d8", + "text": "Molt be gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4aec26fb-7cd3-42a9-9f63-dff95dd3623f", + "text": "Bona nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad786826-8def-4ace-b8fe-bc4ccb9077e2", + "text": "Bona nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6871e96-e794-4647-854b-45dab30d0401", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 10#", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e0a97034-5c64-44ab-8d6f-9c3f66b65c3a", + "text": "Bon dia, esteu oberts ja?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oberts", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b563d08-8f22-457f-a906-554e030282fd", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6eb8a359-fa05-4a59-98b0-c1a0b28d6312", + "text": "Estem oberts. El nostre horari és de 9:00 h a 22:00 h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "308757cf-40cc-42a1-a674-dd2718b388b1", + "text": "Vale perfecte doncs voldria un espresso gran amb gel, i un entrepà de pernil dolç i formatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un espresso gran amb gel", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un entrepà de pernil dolç i formatge", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fad7adfd-f6f3-4df9-bd27-3c3993cdf719", + "text": "Ens confirma que vol un espresso gran amb gel i un entrepà de pernil dolç i formatge?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d9065ce-7cee-4bd9-82ed-29eea64d795b", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57a46109-b5dc-49c0-9456-1da0deca3db1", + "text": "D'acord, molt bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63acd3a4-c7c5-42f4-b35c-cfca94dffc5f", + "text": "De quina mida vol l'entrepà? Tenim petit, mitjà o gran.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce034b9f-6f49-40bd-810f-9ad306f5b9c3", + "text": "Gran, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "Gran", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d183a75-9ae5-450c-b28a-136765f9587f", + "text": "D'acord. Anotat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7bd2f4b5-ee1c-4473-89d8-a26a565ee0fb", + "text": "Perfecte, puc pagar amb targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b981cd0-9cb5-4233-a989-37cd3b696e9f", + "text": "Sí, es pot pagar amb targeta. Només ha d'accedir a la següent pàgina web i completar el formulari:\n\nhttps://espressohouse.pagaments.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39467583-65b4-4606-9daa-b6f04dc58934", + "text": "Ok, ja he completat el pagament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bfc7dd7d-c3ed-4bca-bf52-a57ca8c68aa9", + "text": "D'acord. El pagament ha estat acceptat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e71c9820-4e88-450f-bca6-79c9d63a9a26", + "text": "Escrigui el seu nom i l'adreça d'entrega per finalitzar la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fcdebef2-183c-47ac-bb42-b44fd1939fb7", + "text": "Si, és Julià Albrich", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Julià", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Albrich", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "943d3cb1-fbe4-453b-8867-d102e394380d", + "text": "Passeig d'Argentina numero 9", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Passeig d'Argentina numero 9", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36708ff3-2722-4967-93c3-c56be91d7902", + "text": "D'acord. El seu nom és Julià Albrich i l'adreça és Passeig d'Argentina número 9.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa8aa8c1-b8dd-456d-bba0-ed09c5f462e3", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "921e25a8-432a-457f-a52e-cbf41a28ff1b", + "text": "D'acord. Comanda realitzada correctament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cf4d69c-3383-4af8-a567-82f2157b89e9", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a863d7bd-e0ec-43b8-8a06-8c22151355e7", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "175bde1b-e337-4228-b7a4-ea0ff86625c5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c7ae938e-0071-467a-bd5d-74bc85ecc0ee", + "text": "Bon dia, haviem demanat unes begudes, les podem cancel·lar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e472ed84-8a55-49eb-9139-3d1fa1f72448", + "text": "Bon dia. Quin és el seu codi de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72864ce8-5d6b-42a7-9aa7-5c7cce91fd47", + "text": "El meu número era el 703", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "703", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70054f30-9676-4215-888c-3e901127c739", + "text": "La seva comanda ja ha sortit del restaurant així que malauradament ja no es podria cancel·lar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84193099-4f4e-4c6c-b157-447217494d62", + "text": "I puc retornar la comanda d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a9d166e-eceb-4cf3-986a-952717d45c73", + "text": "No, les begudes no es poden retornar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "343d97a5-249f-4d58-9033-e4f2efe30e74", + "text": "Llavors res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f4f3e9c-5126-4bef-9714-08e30d7efa48", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68a8ee29-11f9-4637-96c5-cafc8caa7681", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03edf55d-7bce-4121-bfb4-574f4ad5d481", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "faeda915-0b75-4c20-aeaa-e7d46a5a823d", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "104ee49f-0bf1-4b59-b7d3-40c26ea16cd0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8864bd63-2bfc-48a8-95ca-753060ae02d8", + "text": "Hola, voldria saber quines formes e pagament hi ha", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0c30c40-3d50-4563-ac5f-24eb18be1a7a", + "text": "Pot pagar en persona amb efectiu o targeta, i si és a domicili amb targeta només.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6821c428-6121-47a5-a747-64d2b47c876d", + "text": "I amb bizum no es pot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "bizum", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a6ea417-66e8-4bad-8d02-cde5912179be", + "text": "No, no disposem d'aquest servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04f4d88e-8cc0-411e-9e79-9950ac0dfa0b", + "text": "I tampoc es pot pagar amb PayPal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "PayPal", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e605d22-3e04-40c7-8b62-181226f4dbe1", + "text": "Tampoc. Té alguna pregunta més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdcecb8d-c44d-49c7-b98c-2711ac1f1375", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "630fc95b-b2f1-496c-ba29-cb71779ddbe1", + "text": "D'acord. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d18647c7-c760-4c23-8981-f054d393027c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e54811ab-1b27-4bf1-a38d-03676946dae8", + "text": "Volia demanar unes hamburgueses per emportar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "hamburgueses", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "per emportar", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cec6dd92-56fb-47ff-aa77-25a6d76e849e", + "text": "Quin tipus d'hamburguesa voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2ca6caf-102a-4146-bc93-a66d5e81ac4a", + "text": "4 normals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "4 normals", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2167030-9d17-46e9-99df-ab41b395383b", + "text": "Alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2a8fe30-fae7-410c-aeb4-51bcec30f605", + "text": "Vull saber el cost de la comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_summary_of_transaction", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "895f469a-35dd-4975-b490-d54b5355a74f", + "text": "El cost és de 49€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0220d89-3627-4084-a7e6-c7a463cc5f0a", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f2fce1a-b2d5-4b60-a219-de7391a126b7", + "text": "Voldría demanar alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "845013fb-0302-4499-af73-dc0b57141883", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "488c4520-3173-4e82-a8f1-b03d47bf314b", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dfcd322d-7e65-41b4-9c04-a9df3dc1b417", + "text": "Voldrà fer el pagament en persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd28c793-543e-4a52-8500-3974b9ae3d1a", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "82718e8a-3af1-4317-a9d9-bdb5a3cc8ff2", + "text": "D'acord. En persona només es pot fer el pagament amb targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d008eb3-850b-4e44-99a4-100fea859d7f", + "text": "Doncs amb targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b3dd8bf-3224-4324-88ff-1d3789035407", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrada la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b21cfc2-e4cb-44b4-9794-25091fb44d7c", + "text": "Gràcies.Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2fa32cb5-c94b-4017-ab11-5554662d89e4", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7178ceae-c653-4122-a5d2-e2fbd9e7f2f4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7cb8c51a-7b1b-4e9a-b9e7-286ef102de5e", + "text": "Hola! He vist que porten menjar a domicili, voldria saber més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1b4dff6b-35a7-4472-a80a-2473713f10d4", + "text": "Sí, som un restaurant de menjar mediterrani que fa entrega a domicili.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44ae92f4-8e16-4351-aed2-f85dce84d6f7", + "text": "Però voldria saber com ho puc fer? Teniu una app o així?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "app", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3febdb7-a369-4efa-bf2c-6155a7732638", + "text": "Es pot fer per aquí, trucant o per la pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "749ee7e7-ddc8-47b2-973c-2333fccc8bd8", + "text": "D'acord! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "62e38ddf-5016-437a-a5a6-806ffe7a79f3", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "029790aa-d83f-4d08-ba2c-ef09e4828173", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "84c0cf79-c95b-4d26-8823-e517cc479414", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85d4d0e6-d4a1-44b2-b003-215cceefe177", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7ece7075-ca9f-49a6-a8ec-7370c089c288", + "text": "Bon dia! Com pot ser que no tingueu cap opció vegetariana a la carta??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cap opció vegetariana", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b1d2e9c-34d6-49cf-b1af-2fb95f841cc5", + "text": "Es poden modificar totes les hamburgueses canviant-la per una vegetariana per 1€ més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "248f1b90-cf80-4974-8f6f-3174660a4e3d", + "text": "Doncs no havia vist la opció a la carta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "58780ac9-aae9-41b8-99dc-cde4ee834625", + "text": "Tot i així em sembla una falta de respecte que siguin més cares", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3802da5f-a7ef-46e2-9c44-3726c3f886cb", + "text": "Voldría fer una comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f08e427-b72d-42e4-aafc-8446e08aaa33", + "text": "Sincerament no. Bona nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abce423d-0000-4c02-bcc3-fa92dbdd5155", + "text": "Bona nit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e736aed-0b67-4209-80a3-8fc0b514ad6d", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2103efa5-a9e9-4451-baee-bf8691f5d39d", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98ed2d29-11ce-4f7f-95ae-82863b7f58ec", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25dabfc8-ca91-4f17-9200-5e2b0b805ae4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ae240bd2-bafe-4404-9498-e45d6ede561b", + "text": "Bon dia, haviem demanat una comanda a una adreça, però hem anat a casa d'un veí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "change_shipping_address", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d7f705a7-70aa-40e4-a071-8fef8d839cf2", + "text": "Hola. Quin és el seu codi de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "345078c5-ccbd-4b08-9614-49444736992f", + "text": "El codi 5412963", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "5412963", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0ac9af8-bacd-4e91-9b9c-8f9ace3f7498", + "text": "Quina és la nova adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ab44462-5158-4042-aeb1-45255e5867bf", + "text": "Som al mateix edifici, però al 7è 1a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "mateix edifici", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "7è 1a", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5d96992-edab-41ca-a543-25b0ead4535f", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrat el canvi. Alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4434885f-e0a1-45f8-867b-33d1e0722124", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cbba5e5c-587b-413a-87d1-61e9be86600f", + "text": "D'acord. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c666bdeb-d451-4826-b413-a9953a14fa58", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37f8775a-4901-4efd-ac60-0b4654478537", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3a8571f0-42f8-459b-afd4-1038fa987242", + "text": "Bon dia, volia saber l'estat de la meva comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "309c257e-4b79-42a4-8616-287f3de006ed", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cb71934-b62c-4caf-9d65-203c822dd248", + "text": "El codi és 898", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "898", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb58aa75-0c36-44b6-a1ec-eb6a6cd19f46", + "text": "La seva comanda està cuinant-se.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "add926be-4767-45ea-a09d-91b09c20ab57", + "text": "Quanta estona queda per arribar a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quanta estona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6747fde-6900-4601-a863-c5db4d17f992", + "text": "L'hora d'entrega aproximada és a les 16.40h", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e7e28eb-359a-4810-a16f-3630edaacf66", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4995cf66-ce87-45bd-983c-3d4bad76d6cd", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d1b4893-dc32-4006-9c1e-4daeaf208a5e", + "text": "Res més!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0a3434b-9909-4013-b18f-6e991afe8e9c", + "text": "D'acord. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59163604-cf11-410c-ab20-7df53f9df7d0", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "577ffd63-2504-43bc-8046-355065cbd67a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4beeda87-ff0c-437a-9d07-a28272ce989a", + "text": "Bon dia, volia demanar menjar indi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9565f781-e95b-4a2b-8348-5937685d7548", + "text": "Quins productes de la carta voldrien?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86907e8f-b584-4143-8d5e-c3fc9a6e0811", + "text": "Doncs 4 samosa, okra i hummus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "4 samosa", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "okra", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "hummus", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75ab48b3-b490-41dd-a8fb-c6498c2bb9aa", + "text": "Quina és la direcció d'entrega?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b0b88d8-0527-493c-829f-f3a579317415", + "text": "Carrer de Santa Maria, 24 manresa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer de Santa Maria, 24 manresa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7edb5256-c1d8-49d6-b8f8-e79110a50e4a", + "text": "Volen coberts?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c4c3b21-ecdd-44df-842b-1cc9e6a7f622", + "text": "Siii", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db0d241b-2896-4130-b87d-cbd03fa9924e", + "text": "Quantes unitats?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1796c34-e14c-47a9-a62b-9e75653bc3ac", + "text": "Per tres persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "tres", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "920a36ae-1bc4-4ede-9282-d265250321a2", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5dab3794-38be-4068-99dc-c3f7f4004b55", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fecbd216-fbcb-4bde-b2c4-b5991648f8a0", + "text": "A nom de qui seria la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f775a93-6e36-4945-a6fa-d8f8e1a36d57", + "text": "Josep", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63db1a31-a1a5-41da-aa05-cad1d8236820", + "text": "D'acord. Moltes gràcies per la seva comanda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abbf8dbe-e9d0-44f9-8746-fb924ce8bc86", + "text": "De res! Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "743a52ed-042f-491a-acd7-e3bd8033146a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4962f7f3-d765-400b-9f31-7ce9ca33fcc1", + "text": "Bon dia, havia demanat una capsa de verdures per a casa, però la vull cancel·lar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ee9d561b-2619-4996-b73c-8ab91eab5d9b", + "text": "Quin és el seu número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "189c66ed-75dc-431a-aeb6-c6bbb4e8b785", + "text": "123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f686c1e8-ba35-470a-8090-f03b120992cb", + "text": "Quin és el motiu de cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fccaac0-453e-459e-af94-87dcecdc5064", + "text": "Es massa car per mi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "massa car", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2d28fa4-f611-41f5-993f-1f70d7478bcd", + "text": "D'acord. Queda cancel·lada la seva comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e03c57e-f277-44ad-9c11-3bcf5819ce10", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "92fe5c68-8934-4f8a-bdc1-dc16f7de79e9", + "text": "Gràcies. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30d9de5f-1345-4041-9edb-b63a1a6cab2a", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e889ab7a-62db-4331-b374-bd6f5e39d1de", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "eb673c8f-b3b9-4ab9-a162-d687b0b3d688", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria canviar la forma de pagament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "forma de pagament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5d07bca-68c1-426d-8bb9-7b56bd1702c0", + "text": "Quin és el seu número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30709268-3d7f-491c-bfc0-a56f20442ff3", + "text": "42", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "42", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc6111f5-b941-4494-bc65-e6347e351dd2", + "text": "Quina forma de pagament voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aca4ca43-f983-41bd-bbed-f59a46da39ac", + "text": "Doncs per bizum", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "bizum", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "310e028e-c6e3-4354-9425-daf3493a7b6b", + "text": "No disposem d'aquesta opció de pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31a1182a-9cc9-4381-817c-ccd93da60976", + "text": "I amb targeta??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34d80c39-b21e-47fb-b842-b4e1d063bd30", + "text": "Sí, de dèbit o de crèdit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a8f8a64-c9cd-479f-9382-f6c142c1472d", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35ffdac6-bd26-4f42-9991-0e7605a1c1a6", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53541904-bccc-43dc-b8e4-97a8799c9708", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6308fb8d-424e-43ff-a312-b32f4564851d", + "text": "D'acord. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b2ca6f1-ac49-4711-8c9f-035491f7ee43", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5a48c66-65de-4923-9b2a-cfd499db026a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "255dc0a1-a79a-4cba-be87-99536fd0a9e5", + "text": "Bon dia. Què volia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e88fba26-9e9a-4276-954a-ee17b6de62fc", + "text": "Hola , si puc demanar una hamburgesa amb extra de formatge?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una hamburgesa amb extra de formatge", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9b278815-8fc4-4b98-86f5-b3f98e2bd002", + "text": "Sí, quina volia, la de pollastre o la vegetariana?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b853ca7c-0f5a-4dd9-b0f8-f119f3b5c18f", + "text": "la vegetariana, que no menjo carn jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "la vegetariana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21c5752a-8c5e-4638-b609-65a0f8ad512f", + "text": "D'acord, aquesta inclou enciam i tomàquet també. És aquesta que vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53db9e2a-8b39-48fe-8508-081f96ebf959", + "text": "si, aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e031ecb9-cc11-49e2-be66-2cafa25c2d61", + "text": "Entesos, per acabar la comanda m'ha de dir la seva adreça, si us plau, i el seu nom.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93be1233-0962-4cdc-ad7b-1d52fe6bcb82", + "text": "sí, es carrer Joanot, 16, 4-1. Em dic Mateu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Joanot, 16, 4-1", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f28cb52-d17d-426f-b0c1-8fa9ac1e230d", + "text": "Molt bé, Mateu. Cap a quina hora voldria que fos l'entrega?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acb2983d-95e2-4faf-849f-338210ca07a8", + "text": "al més aviat, el que trigueu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "al més aviat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b6a637f-2ce2-40cc-a946-312ee98aba8c", + "text": "D'acord, doncs arribarà entre les 13:00 i 13:15.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2325a979-227b-4c22-8b57-564a50838e50", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b08361a-e01a-4562-89ba-6415064d5be3", + "text": "gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ffa0e271-f18b-4b3e-9c2a-6b9f38d5ed8b", + "text": "Vol alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f257f1e-8b10-4604-b58f-9ee78efc4c8e", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3436b645-1fca-460d-9c9e-d5a7f6014f2d", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7d63a31-1750-4058-b7e3-9325b0c10167", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "745011c9-5b2b-44e2-afa0-fe119847a896", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0cc2d8e1-8a74-4cba-9a88-1dadf467e77b", + "text": "Hola. Amb què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0dfc446-75d1-4ec3-8077-dca3c01b3423", + "text": "Hola , sí es per demanar un plat combinat , el numero 553 de la carta online", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "el numero 553 de la carta online", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a6d5dbf-3a5f-4444-93ab-f7a6b7ca1765", + "text": "D'acord. Aquest és el que inclou patates fregides, un ou ferrat i arròs, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9a28851-56f1-4f62-921c-0608fd3b26c6", + "text": "si aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4723ca3-973b-4bc3-944c-6290f635fc20", + "text": "D'acord. Vols incloure també una beguda o postres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59ade5d1-eeee-4954-9e7d-0a83a4a03020", + "text": "Sí, una beguda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "beguda", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "453fbee3-35c3-4849-8375-a41c5de2677d", + "text": "Tenim aigua, coca-cola, fanta o cervesa. Què voldries?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "946f7bf4-3c7a-403d-b9de-6297a3d549dd", + "text": "donc saigula si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "aigula", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f33e7a93-5172-447e-93ea-764f730a530a", + "text": "Entesos. El total són 12 €. Ho pots pagar ara o quan arribi el menjar a casa teva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01eff201-9d47-4ca1-9aa1-7768c8446bfc", + "text": "doncs ja pago al repartidor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "al repartidor", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55adb310-f7bf-4175-94d8-9de5cbdef65b", + "text": "D'acord, si em dius la teva adreça, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb52448a-e157-454c-9cfe-7500b9ce3740", + "text": "sí, es carrer Dos de Maig, 44, 2-1", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Dos de Maig, 44, 2-1", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6ebec18-0104-47da-8ebc-80809b331952", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs la comanda arribarà en una mitja hora més o menys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77909f0a-88a8-4b5a-a9d7-afb760014e90", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "062fa149-cd25-42cf-a654-f9ebd4017069", + "text": "no aixo es tot. gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef08fd7f-230a-4a6d-b8fd-5c6dff14f86b", + "text": "D'acord, adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7c14bfb-8c25-477e-b266-1874031a6f40", + "text": "adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e927b297-f1eb-4009-b896-5770c5292e88", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "771c4376-ff01-4899-a667-0d051c789d5c", + "text": "Hola, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4336ef81-a321-4464-98f9-435a1a9d01b6", + "text": "Vull canviar una comanda que he demanat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2db0f7a0-53bc-4477-a438-2d400227836b", + "text": "D'acord, em pots dir el teu nom i el que havies demanat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73ca8261-b5b3-430a-927c-0fd67442cb4e", + "text": "Sí, he demanat un entrepa amb bacon i formatge i vull canviar-lo per un wrap de carn amb salsa de iogurt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un entrepa amb bacon i formatge", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "un wrap de carn amb salsa de iogurt", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c93e5e2b-6134-47c5-afd9-8d5715300ee5", + "text": "D'acord, com veig que encara no havien preparat la comanda ho podem fer. Només això, no vols incloure res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ed361c0-ccef-477b-85eb-7bb40f4d572a", + "text": "No aixo, la resta era cervesa i un flam. aixo igual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1530ec15-0e84-4066-bc2d-674e017a91f3", + "text": "D'acord. El preu ha variat 2 €, hauré de fer un càrrec d'aquest import en la targeta que ens has donat abans.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fff76855-0766-4361-a454-518c64aa56ea", + "text": "D'acord, cap problmea", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a1c70aa-cac9-4466-83f7-28a91ac902a8", + "text": "Molt bé, potser tardarà la comanda un poc més en arribar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd439ed8-a36c-4fb1-ad50-32a8dc93a345", + "text": "Necessites alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "117aaae9-7e31-438c-b6a3-1e7796490330", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b614894-84d7-4637-b101-3dbe27e8756e", + "text": "D'acord, adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8779d7b-67de-4821-962a-cca1907bbd6e", + "text": "Adéu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a65e3f1-da9e-49bb-831d-adbb928a3b92", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2f4434c5-57f8-4531-9d00-341df97e2305", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fca68cc-7c8c-4a0b-919e-8e71be6e53b3", + "text": "Vull demanar el menú A444", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "el menú A444", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61949564-4a08-4bd6-9273-a7fb2d85a440", + "text": "D'acord, aquest inclou l'hamburguesa amb formatge i patates fregides, una beguda que pot triar i un brownie. Quina beguda voldrà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56cc1f88-35fc-45d1-a3e9-00c1b80ef00e", + "text": "si, es aquest. vull un sprite de beure", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un sprite", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf69792d-c74a-4009-b720-8f1c45fd0c65", + "text": "D'acord, ho apunto.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "caf0417e-11eb-4308-8ea2-a930b0f5c4b5", + "text": "gracies. quan trigueu en portar-lo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "142faad8-29ea-46a0-9f9f-748ae08d6332", + "text": "Tardarem entre 45 minuts i una hora.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fcd2115-ca87-45cd-b718-2fda1ef39f30", + "text": "Li sembla bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "322394fd-c792-446e-b799-19aabe0071f0", + "text": "D'acord. cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "936073cf-f5c7-46e3-9e87-997ecd58aaf3", + "text": "Entesos. En total seran 16,70 €. Ho vol pagar ara en targeta o després al repartidor en efectiu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af83c829-7e98-4863-b907-f32b9c2787cc", + "text": "puc pagar ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a22ce4e6-6148-4161-b2ca-1c505e8d2a17", + "text": "D'acord, doncs necessito el número de la seva targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee89ada7-79c6-4bbb-a795-5014bc77eb0b", + "text": "sí ,es 4433 4321 4565 4321", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4433 4321 4565 4321", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a08eb552-0a4f-4fec-9990-cf7c272067a2", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ja està tot llest. Vol alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6619ed7-c3db-4aae-ad4b-79319d217936", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fd22833d-d4e1-4428-8eab-201155a06b41", + "text": "Entesos, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3c87583-8563-4e5a-bcd3-dc3e83b186c7", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2870b8c0-1176-4459-ae0b-ef2841582066", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ae31d7ff-e37f-4840-8244-c3228f0e2ea9", + "text": "Bona nit. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fc64712-6591-46cf-87a7-85c4e734e95c", + "text": "Voldria afegir una cosa mes a la comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e6890e73-f020-42b9-a704-bd0fd8be4aef", + "text": "D'acord. Em pots dir el número de comanda que apareix en la confirmació de la comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4e1a627-1be6-45ae-84b7-c029ae69de7a", + "text": "Sí, ss el RTE342", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "RTE342", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2dbdd1e-54f8-46d9-a938-04f3260ee5fe", + "text": "Entesos, ets la Marina, oi? En aquesta comanda tens dues pizzes i dues aigües. Què més vols afegir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c528c8f4-d9ee-4564-bcd4-cd03aff3dbd5", + "text": "si, vull un danonino", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un danonino", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17e5d5b4-1816-43aa-8985-ab9f442dd5e0", + "text": "Entesos, ja ho he afegit en la teva comanda. Veig que has triat l'opció de pagar directament al transportista. En aquest cas, la comanda passa a tenir un import de 22,35 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f08b9f92-f3c0-42e0-9116-f53aeb9a1e54", + "text": "d'acord. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da4c3cdf-dca9-452d-99ba-88aec96f82cd", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab1ba446-f76d-4424-a7f0-862ba8f10600", + "text": "No, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "91571b23-45f3-402c-b671-52a7d314af62", + "text": "Entesos, doncs adéu i bon profit!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "354de49c-dbc8-441f-9d75-cf42f140510e", + "text": "gracies. adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bfc333c-b2ad-4ab1-ac8b-eeb52db07a69", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d40256a8-e9fa-40bb-8fc7-84872a5f089b", + "text": "Hola! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c945658-c416-4c91-aff1-b133d893b41a", + "text": "Hola. voldria preguntar quan triga la comanda. Fa mitja hora que espero", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan triga", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f0814c6-b7c7-4351-ad6e-2a6e9a0ba777", + "text": "Doni'm el número de la comanda o el nom amb què ha fet la compra, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "efe7d883-e37a-4ee1-8c20-5316e2e6e8d7", + "text": "Si, em dic Marc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "653b8965-2d5d-48c3-ac7d-553c59deb3ee", + "text": "Em pot dir també els cognoms, Marc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7d6926e-a8e1-4be1-9218-6083745cbd3e", + "text": "Ai, si. Castany Robles", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castany", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Robles", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12e9770a-ba2a-43b8-bf89-064206f90541", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. Estic comprovant el seguiment, ens han notificat els repartidors que en un dels carrers del centre hi ha hagut un petit accident que ha endarrerit el lliurament de totes les comandes. Tot i això, ja està solucionat, en uns 15 minuts rebrà el seu menjar, li preguem que disculpi les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cceddd2-aa4a-471f-a72e-99c736684661", + "text": "ah! entenc.no passa res. espearé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1b39f2f-a224-4c6e-8f6e-dca435184cf1", + "text": "Entesos, puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6c35a6d-e9d1-401f-b2cb-0e8e3b7774da", + "text": "aixo es tot.es que m'estranyava que no vingues ja", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b1e1d0d-8cc3-4f50-8195-50538fff63a5", + "text": "Ho entenc, li demano disculpes un altre cop.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df566783-769f-4ae1-94e9-ffa561ebaac0", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f48a70d-c6e9-49e5-8593-33ddff4c1d0e", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13961398-7bfb-47be-b27d-16a2f93e2120", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a499fe20-dec6-4dd2-ae20-38bfac31f99d", + "text": "Bona tarda, digues-me amb què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee6cd89f-bbf2-4e9e-adf6-d28c58afd0ad", + "text": "Hola! Quins horaris teniu per demanar menjar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fbed269d-09fe-49df-95dd-f20fe6d468a8", + "text": "El nostre horari de matí és de 12:00 a 16:00 hores i el de tarda/ nit de 19:00 a 23:30 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cf8e111-ca8e-4726-bfec-f1d5b96da1f7", + "text": "ah vale. i puc demanar aqui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "aqui", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68832094-3252-43c5-af43-6078d9e03dcd", + "text": "Sí, cap problema! Què posem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "204de915-5f9a-4213-b960-727aac4413c6", + "text": "Vull el menu que teniu de pollastre i patates. Tambe amanida i una cervesa gran.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "el menu que teniu de pollastre i patates", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "amanida", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una cervesa gran", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8418c35d-913d-4750-896f-08793b0e3dda", + "text": "D'acord. Vols l'amanida de formatge de cabra o la de tonyina?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "caec79e1-de02-4d12-83fe-b850a1629a00", + "text": "doncs l de formatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "de formatge", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9246cefe-b66c-496a-b708-9aaa2ad5f60b", + "text": "Entesos. Em pots dir el teu nom i cognoms, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26f23539-6a2a-4a54-bc81-3b45eef7a295", + "text": "em dic Maria Coma", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Coma", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dabc8337-23c9-4555-bf62-ae250f1f9a3b", + "text": "D'acord, Maria. L'import total és de 20,50 €. Ho pots pagar ara o al repartidor en efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "595f588e-841a-450c-8ff4-bc6e1431306a", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ce22afab-ccd4-4f14-b008-17172e95bc43", + "text": "Ho voldràs pagar al repartidor?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67a5d260-da86-48d3-8ccc-27a6328cd204", + "text": "Si, no hi ha problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f09cf04d-24f8-4512-848d-ecaa2681c1be", + "text": "Entesos, ho deixo apuntat. Tardarà entre 30 minuts i una hora.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17dbed6c-e767-4c3d-a077-0e3eeae2b4f9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c20ee707-1f9d-41d6-a35d-db0c7f153652", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5c98ef89-58f0-4777-87f7-e7294bfc0845", + "text": "et dic l'adreça?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "l'adreça", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "263cc4a4-7ad0-47be-bb64-1900fc280b17", + "text": "Sí, disculpa, pensava que ja la tenia aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd6ab07f-f025-4eb0-a66a-a0fdd6bbb3fb", + "text": "Carrer Masnou, 23, 2n-1a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Masnou, 23, 2n-1a", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa96c604-2e75-442e-bd14-a761437d633e", + "text": "D'acord, ara ja sí que ho tenim tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2c9ac48-4ef7-4da1-a98d-24fe486b4f66", + "text": "genial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f92d345-eed8-426f-a6c0-347d9b3cd7a4", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c736478d-54c8-4898-8fa3-c75e1960cbaf", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a38e961-9331-42a5-b7e0-3f5d31304020", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0489e4cb-1246-4e7e-8594-5ed6bd791647", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a58c2dc4-51e3-4f39-a271-7dfeedc9719d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "66551e1b-1f1c-4abd-b720-a34b8f5543fc", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0444f25e-33fc-48b9-8924-e1f0cd6a09bb", + "text": "Hola! Em pots dir quines opcions de menjar teniu diferents els cap de setmana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quines opcions de menjar teniu diferents", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "els cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99d8e480-55f6-4a5f-8e7c-268e58a4ccc6", + "text": "Els caps de setmana fem menús especials per dinar; en tenim un amb pollastre i un plat de pasta, i tenim un altre menú vegetarià que inclou una amanida i una hamburguesa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94a82376-240f-40d4-be38-3acc5fdaac5b", + "text": "ah esta be. doncs vull el vegetaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "el vegetaria", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e9cc6da-e35e-4168-8d9a-caf66c696549", + "text": "D'acord, vols afegir begudes o postres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "868e3bf6-4530-485d-903d-ca0bcac9398b", + "text": "doncs una cocacola si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una cocacola", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9307235f-4078-4b4e-a6da-63a9302aa97d", + "text": "Entesos, el preu total serà de 16,50 €. Necessito el teu nom i la teva adreça, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e9d7e4a-0a9c-43d0-a9d6-7cc7b3938f87", + "text": "em dic Arnau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Arnau", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b91598d0-a176-42d0-8d41-dad4d175de29", + "text": "es avinguda de la Pau, 12, baixos A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "avinguda de la Pau, 12, baixos A", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd603c20-7bf8-4f5d-b8aa-0e0f6bf3624b", + "text": "D'acord, Arnau. Vols fer el pagament ara?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ed0de70-718d-4595-9a5d-642e28aabbbb", + "text": "Si, vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f37be1d-e6b6-4a92-acff-33b779f571f0", + "text": "Entesos, doncs necessito el número de la teva targeta i la data de caducitat, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e6cadb8-2b10-4a59-bb2b-622f1bcd6e43", + "text": "es 4454 3345 2343 5643", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4454 3345 2343 5643", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ce83456-0e3d-4e41-b267-fef263f0f61c", + "text": "La caducitat es 4/25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "4/25", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5bc2a85-7e6e-424a-ba4d-5494d7795e32", + "text": "D'acord, ara t'arribarà el càrrec.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb0230b8-ee3e-44a4-8451-45c4406df4cc", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb881e0d-8e9b-454c-8871-bec5b9802f4e", + "text": "Ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a0fee156-2f97-4498-987f-88ee1821b1c7", + "text": "Entesos, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "550b0b1b-660c-4d41-9ebe-b9bd272d5ee4", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f4029da-1a3a-4303-b935-299fcfeb0a3d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "434d4f30-d583-44c0-9fac-ef444f58f19f", + "text": "Bon dia! Què volies?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e2191b4-4f6d-49dc-955b-9e46486a2340", + "text": "vull reclamar. M'han portat el menu pero em falta un plat de pasta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "falta un plat de pasta", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86efc3a9-f88c-49f9-8520-9d7a14a9f249", + "text": "Entesos, em pots dir el número de la comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c3b5d6b-4c19-45ce-aca5-f329a683d80d", + "text": "es 543TRD", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "543TRD", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b75a44ae-63f2-4075-bf20-7dca4f2fc312", + "text": "D'acord, eren dos plats de pasta amb salsa bolonyesa, les begudes i les postres. Em comentes que només t'ha arribat un dels plats de pasta, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ff06cb6-60d0-4b0b-994a-202775837eb9", + "text": "exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7f3093cc-9427-4bd5-8954-fa2ef0340e4e", + "text": "D'acord. En primer lloc, et demanem disculpes. El que podem fer és portar-te el plat de pasta que et falta o tornar-te els diners d'aquest plat que no t'ha arribat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8446f311-0d00-4174-b812-3148a39583b9", + "text": "si si podeu portar el plat..", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar el plat", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bbf404fd-05ca-4a3c-b348-57d95e4fd671", + "text": "I tant, ara mateix t'ho enviem. En uns 30 minuts arribarà a l'adreça que ens has donat, carrer de Cuba, 34, 2º1ª.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d49c9d7-e766-4d7f-92ca-a1fbcf2d7505", + "text": "Si es aqui", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7191e10b-ca14-42ed-ab84-642710d2c71d", + "text": "Entesos. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97253527-75a6-4c83-9d0e-aae01f578717", + "text": "doncs no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cce56c9d-ea4c-469f-b7df-7dc3dd67de71", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33a35c64-0b2b-4c7c-b1e5-e6a12ef6c934", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5da383c4-3f76-4793-ba58-3ad19f7e53fc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "837acb39-8a3b-45ef-bcc3-49d5c5918238", + "text": "Hola! Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a10e0ee5-bdb5-4606-bdba-fd38f362de15", + "text": "cancelar comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40776b8a-4a07-40f1-a309-c21eb4a88cbf", + "text": "Entesos, necessito el número de referència, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d917c064-d9ea-4b54-8d7d-a15bafbc0f0b", + "text": "es R34E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "R34E", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85e394dc-c4df-463a-aff4-9aa6bdc9c21f", + "text": "D'acord. Em sap greu, però aquesta comanda ja ha sortit de les nostres instal·lacions i el repartidor l'està portant a casa seva. En aquest cas, ja no podem cancel·lar-la.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76ab509b-027b-4482-a1ba-963a973a1cee", + "text": "vaja. pero ja no vull menjar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59190d4d-5666-4113-a332-6f270308ce4d", + "text": "Ho entenc, però ja no podem cancel·lar-ho, s'ha preparat el menjar i ja no podem tornar els diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73a970d5-2b3e-4c37-91ec-b8afe3b0e546", + "text": "entenc.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c3defd2b-9141-4fda-ace6-ccd0e64f98b8", + "text": "Disculpi per les molèsties que això li pot ocasionar. En uns minuts arribarà la comanda a casa seva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc53564e-0590-4721-92d9-d52804b98cb4", + "text": "D'acord.ja mirare que fem doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "88510c5b-dbcc-431d-923c-69af6d0b169a", + "text": "Entesos. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e1caa78-1ffa-411e-957d-096644e7731f", + "text": "No, era aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9512efaa-1932-48b4-ac7b-3da9c3e09533", + "text": "D'acord, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5e91254-64c4-4588-95a3-c2fa10fa801e", + "text": "deuuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89ef932f-4bf2-4dda-86dd-5c4bbaae5cf4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1669ab03-568b-41bc-823c-12bb7445e685", + "text": "Bona nit. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bfee92c7-de24-45e9-9d56-3a711ae7e7f8", + "text": "Vull encarregar un entrepa de pernil salat i una pizza quatre estacions sisplau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un entrepa de pernil salat", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una pizza quatre estacions", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bad1686-df02-498c-83d3-5ec13a1c77eb", + "text": "D'acord. Quina pizza volies, petita, mitjana o familiar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59cd9739-8a4e-4026-93af-fd7192046d1e", + "text": "la mitjana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "la mitjana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d8bdc5ad-f824-47e1-8b8b-b66faf6dfcaf", + "text": "D'acord. Vols afegir alguna cosa més en la teva comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c6ea8a6-8bf5-4484-92b4-878f4c3595f1", + "text": "un gofre i un gelat de nata", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un gofre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un gelat de nata", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3518d637-51ac-41e8-a653-266e6d43ac41", + "text": "D'acord. No vols cap beguda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c3d3cee-b81a-4545-8960-7f473b1b0838", + "text": "dues aigues per favoe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dues aigues", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e08c02d8-10c2-400a-aac4-e57e825edca7", + "text": "Entesos. Digues-me el teu nom i la teva adreça, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f1a0d9b-7f41-4651-a090-625e565c4aba", + "text": "em dic Ramon. visc al carrer Aribau, 44, 3er 4a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ramon", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Aribau, 44, 3er 4a", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45025c23-012a-45bc-8b5c-baf19a81a88f", + "text": "Ho apunto. El preu és de 32,70 €. Ho vols pagar ara?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3769642f-132e-4eb0-b425-4fea6d80af63", + "text": "despres millie", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "despres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb0f4eda-6a68-426a-be21-d36c7ce2080f", + "text": "D'acord. Podràs pagar en targeta o en efectiu. La comanda tardarà una hora com a màxim.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23961313-2be3-4cee-8a3f-87870b29ce56", + "text": "pwefecre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "51fe57c4-80d0-4e6f-8c92-603c7859381f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29801068-7293-4e4f-b800-6f8298b831b4", + "text": "ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "46823cc6-51b8-4b8d-9d67-60fba5266122", + "text": "D'acord, bona nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2722f126-808f-4600-a192-c24baa020e79", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "92a78341-c9f1-4f4b-aec7-16041cdcfcb9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a86d98f5-3f6d-4308-948a-bb41f055be90", + "text": "Hola! Com et podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11df675d-c157-47a0-bd79-6cd495a641f4", + "text": "modificar comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41951fa0-e8ba-4472-a707-2b58b5601121", + "text": "D'acord. Em pots dir el número de confirmació de la comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6a70d60-d63e-428b-90b8-72468338bd29", + "text": "es RE32W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "RE32W", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0dbbdc64-2894-47ab-9407-3124a9f63dd2", + "text": "D'acord. Què és el que volies canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61f671e1-b3c9-49d1-bf35-4bac514a4763", + "text": "quan triga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan triga", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36cf3e81-de21-4845-8708-a3c07950e26a", + "text": "La comanda tardarà entre 45 minuts i una hora.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdaeebeb-3cbd-4c8f-82aa-157c628fe660", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abfaf95c-65bc-4ebc-866d-0773f1b957d1", + "text": "Encara no l'hem preparat. Vols modificar o afegir alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41b2f4a6-5d4e-4c39-a2c2-9eee45ed9696", + "text": "perfecfe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f109385a-fc48-4a3e-99c8-e14a9e5ede57", + "text": "res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb275256-d0f1-4ba9-bc88-accf827529eb", + "text": "D'acord. Necessites res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "780fdc23-ca87-43c9-b991-240acf2cd11c", + "text": "no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f6c1cf3-3bf3-4296-a877-72852e16160d", + "text": "ja estaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d32e4f54-d3d0-4a08-ba2c-f33d52f952b3", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e9daec7-5872-4a1e-9cda-8cdeebf3638e", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85e40ff6-5b33-4908-9c04-681703eb2fe8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "99470c7f-7796-4864-8e49-0045125a29c1", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5bb14f45-8a6a-4b76-bb84-84ed08a935e2", + "text": "demanar menjar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "88aa1028-2280-468a-9e5e-545844c05795", + "text": "D'acord. Què volia demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "070135b7-92fb-4f97-af43-9c5bab6f9910", + "text": "vull un menu delicies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un menu delicies", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "108c9fd2-8f67-4afe-83c4-01b4f9ced40d", + "text": "Entesos. Aquest menú inclou un pla d'arròs i de segon tonyina. Vol afegir alguna cosa més a la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c011a648-2452-4046-87b6-66788bf32169", + "text": "vull afegir un flam", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un flam", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f76f953f-e3cd-4b11-93df-29be8485b495", + "text": "Entesos. Vol una beguda també?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41fe0617-811b-4347-aa28-0cb8b702dd5a", + "text": "una fanta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una fanta", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "812e2a29-1924-4876-abd1-8bb2fa08f90e", + "text": "D'acord. Em pot dir el seu nom i la seva adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86e0a11d-01dd-40e6-8ecd-e5536e499117", + "text": "em dic Joa a .sala", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joa a", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "sala", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6cc8ccc-cd7b-4f0e-9d2a-c3a4591fbf9d", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito també la seva adreça si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe4c1c18-3ef7-40ff-8b2e-a16791b5ad6d", + "text": "es avinguda Casp, 17 4rt 5e", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "avinguda Casp, 17 4rt 5e", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1dbf292a-0aa5-4a65-89aa-844a1b08e426", + "text": "Entesos. A quina hora vol que fem l'entrega?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "095dd94d-e912-4abb-8bcb-c1252ab56ef1", + "text": "a les 8 del vespre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "8 del vespre", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b8cc771-2ea2-4e5b-a4bf-cf0c543e5c9e", + "text": "D'acord. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99d30f6b-6d14-490c-98fb-8052f3128015", + "text": "aixo seria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7373ddff-1b23-490d-b690-c4dd63db258f", + "text": "Entesos, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06cd6713-e975-4936-967a-062041d26d8f", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "480d3c7e-21ce-46dc-9fc9-ed4c735b5658", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5684a8b2-7557-4102-8690-a3963626969c", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5346a5cb-d9e2-4e7e-b9aa-4bfe2c9af26b", + "text": "quanta estona trigueu en servir menjar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quanta estona trigueu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68c7f43b-94b6-47dc-bf5b-c09476f00c63", + "text": "Tot depèn del lloc de l'entrega, normalment tardem entre 30 minuts i 1 hora en fer les entregues.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b96ad56a-2a52-482f-92e2-98d7fc8c4035", + "text": "D'acord. Visc a Lleida. Quan trigarieu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce2c296d-f6d3-4657-b57e-a8f11c150513", + "text": "A Lleida tardaria segurament uns 45 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "188348b5-554a-43e5-8201-d695bdbae741", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e923a489-2e58-4380-9588-1e55ca58bd6d", + "text": "vull demanar un combinat. el de verdures amb truita i pit de pollastre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un combinat. el de verdures amb truita i pit de pollastre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3317d167-8842-40fa-8c7e-debef35ac49d", + "text": "Entesos. Vols afegir cap extra a la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4bfffac2-0e63-458f-99ab-5d8f3153b532", + "text": "si salsa de iogurt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "salsa de iogurt", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d80fcec3-bff0-472c-9586-0c490cec5abc", + "text": "D'acord, i alguna beguda voldràs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8dccb676-55af-4b5b-80de-2278983ec3ad", + "text": "si, vull una fanta llimona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una fanta llimona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c00789e9-470d-443f-a13e-670b3bab4801", + "text": "D'acord. Em pots dir la teva adreça i un nom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39f93172-64ba-426a-bb5b-3c3aaf5c3b85", + "text": "em dic Carla Samts", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carla", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Samts", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30d9b526-aa5e-494b-8fa7-c0a8e991bc00", + "text": "Sants", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ea37c43-d196-4051-8799-011d50258b15", + "text": "Adreça es carrer cantic, 4, 1er 3a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer cantic, 4, 1er 3a", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c135b8e-ed1f-4e59-b7ea-aaf4723b5dcb", + "text": "Molt bé, Carla. L'import total és de 15,80 €. Pots pagar directament al repartidor amb targeta o amb diners en efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ef0e836-d3e4-432c-b867-1cb8b5aab4e0", + "text": "ok pago al repartidor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "al repartidor", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d9378d75-2e07-415e-bb03-c4ea3d35f199", + "text": "D'acord. Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d13ac4f-c1ee-4255-be65-fb0bc08541fb", + "text": "ja esta merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "78861730-462d-42fa-954b-c85df7078faf", + "text": "Molt bé, que tinguis bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7773d54d-58fc-4360-a4c0-1c4d0746a38e", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2eb9ea8a-02fa-4d05-ab35-74421e19ca45", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ffc3841a-3520-4e4e-bf80-c398ad6523be", + "text": "Bona nit. Què volia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "638ad44b-68d6-42b3-a3b0-c292f003a7e1", + "text": "hola pots revisar que he demanat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "revisar que he demanat", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f77294b8-a072-44fb-ad9f-333296fb137f", + "text": "Entesos. Em pot dir la referència de la seva comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "060ef471-b96e-4094-814c-ecafc12e95a2", + "text": "es 34F4S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "34F4S", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bbc8459-f147-4f6a-adee-2f5ba0caaefb", + "text": "D'acord. Es tracta d'un menú per a dues persones que inclou una truita de patates per compartir i una coca de salmó i una altra de formatge. També té dues aigües.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdbf5640-d55e-460b-b3ec-2d7f2cf904b4", + "text": "ok. puc afegir un pastis de formatge?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un pastis de formatge", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49d7d3c1-d1a3-49d5-952b-585ad48f27b0", + "text": "Cap problema. En vol afegir només un o dos?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44029de2-5192-4197-96d1-13c57a17965c", + "text": "dod", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "dod", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36e5939d-22e9-4500-b0d2-09f9bb1dba93", + "text": "dos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "dos", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80bb7709-c318-488d-86b7-3b54775cfbcf", + "text": "D'acord. El preu d'això és de 8 €. Puc fer el càrrec en la mateixa targeta amb què ha pagat el menú o, si ho prefereix, ho pot abonar al repartidor.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "765025e8-f076-4a38-abec-6a5ecbc32a25", + "text": "ok. fes el carrec", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carrec", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "557339da-d8fb-465f-b53f-5be31a7aa683", + "text": "Entesos. La comanda arribarà en una hora a casa seva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e1e523f-10ba-4c65-8674-118bf23693b2", + "text": "ok gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cb5f6932-c905-40bc-ab9c-9db259cdd093", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7c8b962-30b2-4aed-9a5f-c15d6d9fd563", + "text": "ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "24601b49-834d-47e3-9e51-eabf6910dd10", + "text": "D'acord, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cc36301-a9df-418e-8b5e-d1ad6e6dfed2", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "48171db7-fa15-46e5-a5d5-a766864eed32", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "04d721e8-50b2-446b-aa65-fb6786d9b34d", + "text": "Bon dia. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "507e0ca4-4cbc-4bd7-b840-c2e6b6c54fc5", + "text": "Vull fer un canvi d'hora d'entrega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canvi d'hora d'entrega", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2e89c1c-41b5-43dd-b911-58c51d9be43a", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito saber quina és la comanda, em pots dir quin és el número de confirmació, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0735e5a-aa02-4ed4-b219-60063a0c1a6c", + "text": "es RE34S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "RE34S", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4bc34f66-ef64-4d36-b9a0-0205d8da80fe", + "text": "D'acord. La comanda inclou un entrepà de tonyina i una pizza de pernil, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "797d087f-1490-4c60-a912-f5edd96f4f7e", + "text": "si es aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7f05cbcb-221f-4e98-b9bb-d5d9388b4fcd", + "text": "D'acord. L'entrega d'aquesta comanda estava programada a les 13:00 hores. A quina hora vols que l'entreguem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aadbf5b6-49c0-4ff9-b6e9-59c82b7edb66", + "text": "a les 18 hores si usplau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "18 hores", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0759c873-3564-4bbf-bc24-c5cb8a68b56d", + "text": "Entesos, fem el canvi. Per confirmar, l'adreça d'entrega és carrer Neopàtria, 23, 5è 2a, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d884f4a4-99b2-438f-a524-1e4e8059d8f0", + "text": "si es aqui", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63611f60-d867-49e2-904c-3199b36b15da", + "text": "D'acord, puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c544d56-d093-4895-ba07-c043e66a4f3e", + "text": "nl ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b77437c1-581a-4d41-ab96-c5a8fbe041b2", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cac51a23-23a9-4d9f-99cf-d0ef63da8305", + "text": "que vagi be!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21ea09d9-3f08-468c-b537-0c339917dd38", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cfab0dd3-d809-4e59-8d5b-780ea0bb2803", + "text": "Bona tarda! Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc09fd93-e1af-446d-9989-62aaa00df5f9", + "text": "vull demanar un menu gegant. hamburguesa, patates i gelat de xocolata", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "menu gegant", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1fe663d6-54a9-4b40-a216-32bc0427b9cb", + "text": "D'acord, aquest menú inclou també una beguda, quina vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5de3ad22-312b-40a3-8493-30b114c3601d", + "text": "fanta llimona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "fanta llimona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "894197d5-7106-40e1-8b94-ad601bef4219", + "text": "D'acord. I com prefereix el punt de la carn? Al punt, poc feta o molt feta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa1cd9e6-9b39-4276-ae62-18f998273ff6", + "text": "al punt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "al punt", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c23ceeed-4de2-4c9d-89b7-3b4659521ed7", + "text": "Entesos. Vol afegir alguna cosa més al menú?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b75ba7d0-4648-4c80-aed6-60804db62c91", + "text": "un cafe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un cafe", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f33abd4a-94ee-450c-acfd-313c8dec9d1d", + "text": "D'acord. El preu total és de 25,65 €. Vol pagar ara en targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0ca4b55-9c86-4267-b2f8-f447d77c3f54", + "text": "vale si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7d516e03-b91a-4f1f-87b4-5ffa94249f9b", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el número de la targeta i el seu nom complet, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4b3e83e3-9019-4843-90d2-c866e8374a22", + "text": "soc el Ruben Saumeu Roca", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ruben", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Saumeu", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Roca", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1fd4ef10-6d46-41e9-a68b-67475b85bcec", + "text": "el numero es 4455 5545 3322 4433", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4455 5545 3322 4433", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4fbb2421-4aa7-4ecd-ab93-b978c0fcb77c", + "text": "Em pot donar també la data de caducitat, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25e1c090-b3f9-4733-8ab1-b49c9696a136", + "text": "ah si es el 06/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "06/23", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c9f42f3-d8b7-48e9-b0f1-b5cff9abff2f", + "text": "D'acord. Per acabar, necessito la seva adreça també.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8eacd7d5-16fd-44cb-8b85-1a5f468d0646", + "text": "carrer antic, 22, 4rt 3a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer antic, 22, 4rt 3a", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65d7ca59-7c49-4678-b0c0-2f49b24059b9", + "text": "Entesos, ja està tot. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3677e793-6c09-490e-8052-ece3725afb74", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "95af5dc9-7187-48f0-81c3-a9e5a2acf3ef", + "text": "D'acord, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a176dbe-6afe-40f3-9de3-372f68304933", + "text": "que vagi be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "874f9bd5-eb6b-421c-ac3b-df83f219008d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8419391a-dc5b-4345-9eff-69fe7edc9675", + "text": "Hola, com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0c877c9-8bae-4272-a5d7-a940c87bb088", + "text": "puc saber fins quan serviu els caps de setmsna,?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "fins quan serviu els caps de setmsna", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99669111-9f16-4c7c-8aa8-5408899454a0", + "text": "Els caps de setmana el nostre horari d'entrega a domicili és de 12:00 a 23:00 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1d33a1d-5ca5-45df-ac6d-42cb2c48cf9f", + "text": "ok. doncs vull demanar un menu infantil i una fideua", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un menu infantil", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una fideua", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e2f27ae-8d10-469c-90cc-eaa52dc01736", + "text": "D'acord. La fideuà per a quantes persones la vols? És per a dues persones mínim.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2443b90-8f59-4a0e-aa56-b7a895ecb856", + "text": "4 perspnes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6243505-bde2-4bc6-a648-3bf5e7386d29", + "text": "D'acord. Vols afegir alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f886610-1f3a-4603-80cb-e99996816e74", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1a060747-31b5-44a4-8703-a842aade107b", + "text": "D'acord. Em pots donar un nom i l'adreça per fer l'entrega, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb46cb3b-3386-45d7-89e3-e4aff564292d", + "text": "em dic Martina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28ad2bde-9b97-4919-9870-480aaa751323", + "text": "adreça es carrer Nicolau, 2, 3er 1a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Nicolau, 2, 3er 1a", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e432927-25a5-4efd-968e-29d660fa178f", + "text": "D'acord, Martina. El preu és de 56,89 €. Com ho voldràs pagar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fd161ba-88bb-419f-9631-a12993dab023", + "text": "pago al repaetidor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "al repaetidor", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cdb0a46c-0be9-4f39-b309-1c50569b87f5", + "text": "D'acord. Puc ajudar-te en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2bed8fcf-104e-49e2-a4df-85f9886de4d4", + "text": "ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cbb48676-902c-44c4-ac30-53ab98c778bb", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d608dbc3-2b3c-421e-8d87-71779adfb8ed", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f6309eb-aff6-405f-a0e7-cdd5be5093b5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "39b893a9-1d00-4cc5-b4f2-57908bef98bc", + "text": "Bona nit, què volia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8053dac-6a86-488c-a3b6-1a8cce4a59bd", + "text": "reclamr comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2da371b8-3969-4df3-b886-9eb3ade5e5a3", + "text": "D'acord. Què és el que li ha passat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab1685fd-dc4f-4d4f-aa2a-f36b1865fef4", + "text": "falta el plat de cigrons", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "falta el plat de cigrons", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16679357-19f5-4a20-8e7f-cbb0d9c7c4f0", + "text": "Entesos, em pot dir quin és el número de comanda que li hem donat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "547d9c8d-8761-4d96-8c50-b0e8f20136dc", + "text": "no recordo .. pero era Joan Rafols Mestre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rafols", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Mestre", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2084ae0f-ab30-4807-bfd5-c3516dfae922", + "text": "D'acord, Joan, he trobat la comanda. El total de l'import és de 45,30 €, és aquesta comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fffe64d-757d-4814-8c36-11926f7caf32", + "text": "so", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "acc5538d-e197-453f-b5f1-5a4be25d242c", + "text": "si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d09d69f-5b65-4c0e-bf7a-13021bc3f3e3", + "text": "Entesos. Disculpi les molèsties per aquest incident. Vol que fer el reemborsament o prefereix que li portem el plat que falta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "787b9b8e-2dd9-4e15-bf1d-6f744b511d4f", + "text": "reembprdsment", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9be6b62a-5e33-48b0-9851-067f4a2b50b8", + "text": "D'acord, ara mateix ho faig. Em pot donar una adreça de correu electrònic, si us plau? D'aquesta manera, li arribarà la confirmació del reemborsament al correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "538d189a-d882-4d83-825a-3b839d813e21", + "text": "es rafols.rafols@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "rafols.rafols@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a27e63ea-117a-446d-9c6d-4a2a334a32e6", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ara li arribarà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0655157-0e97-4788-9ae1-2977760d1307", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ae401fe7-4c60-48c2-a4fd-04fefd03dae1", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5bc5e077-98de-4e5f-ae68-25cfa0b02221", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f40ee5c7-cb19-4e08-bed1-4840e1e67587", + "text": "Molt bé, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d186bcb1-36f6-46b5-ba57-31cda84269d6", + "text": "bona nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c739336-320a-443f-863d-38ab677b2c67", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "96882b93-ccee-4a0a-9b59-ff3458e117e7", + "text": "Hola! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7f6d748-66ef-4c48-9484-9b1098ec9932", + "text": "vull canviar adreça d'una comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "change_shipping_address", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d2a81697-bb71-4db2-936e-579763692bc0", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el número de la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5e0f327-5659-4394-b49a-62e8973e80dd", + "text": "es RE33D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "RE33D", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bef35575-13f9-4ff4-aa91-6c5f00b78fe1", + "text": "D'acord. És una comanda de 45 € que estava programada a les 14:00 hores al carrer Burriana, 34, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4197d093-9dcb-4840-af3c-dbede2315f83", + "text": "es aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec4192b0-063a-4f0b-88f4-c80fccbc786d", + "text": "Entesos, és possible fer el canvi. A quina adreça vols que ho enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b3add11-6879-4441-b4b0-0a95436ff03f", + "text": "es a carrer Migdia, 12. 3er 1a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Migdia, 12. 3er 1a", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d9420e87-3e0e-429b-b9a9-f480cb6842bc", + "text": "D'acord, ja està fet el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "151aa53b-282a-42f3-abf9-ed6dad611731", + "text": "genial. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8272ee54-60bd-4ea3-b244-bbd344130a7c", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f3ebe26-4124-45d2-a7d0-80e716d90cf4", + "text": "Doncs no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f38da259-11af-4073-9ba7-28756a7f10b4", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbe5355c-2ed9-40b4-85cf-0754b07b5f43", + "text": "a reveuree", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2cef964a-e3fb-49e9-83c1-63803b74a0a3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d012e1ce-1791-4ce9-8439-06c188cf824a", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "639a46c9-d75e-4d7a-960f-33bead4d0ad3", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37fa560f-617d-4a84-887d-abac048cf16c", + "text": "Volia saber si la vostra botiga té menjar a domicili.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "menjar a domicili", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c5f0060-f2a6-456e-b02a-fabd62f9399b", + "text": "Si, el nostre restaurant fa enviaments a domicili a Barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ec55a7b-cea5-406b-b7cd-f4bd6e377d05", + "text": "Genial!! I com puc demanar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7ae2641-c7b0-4a66-9d99-e43598a511c0", + "text": "Pot fer la comanda per aquí, o a la nostra app", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49ef8a08-53c9-46b9-8642-5b3f08c7584c", + "text": "Com la puc fer per l'app?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per l'app", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f809d4a-3fc9-4ba3-90f8-955ef7de45a0", + "text": "Si ja té l'app al seu telèfon, només ha de fer clic als articles que vol afegir a la cistella, i després fer el pagament amb targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22783258-5552-4a0f-a14c-1e47ddc386e2", + "text": "No tinc l'app. Em podeu enviar un link per descarregar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviar un link per descarregar-la", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "269dc884-7eca-469e-b34d-0caaf4df2867", + "text": "Si, un moment", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66264446-2970-422f-b886-a2c788136b8a", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "198b6dcd-39c1-4e0b-bb79-53318319ce81", + "text": "www.appstore.com/restaurantsmanila", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "745a7e7c-e54a-4445-b737-444fb19d25dc", + "text": "Genial. La descarrego, demano i ja està, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e8707e0-ca92-40b9-9cee-f0fca3f92b50", + "text": "Si, exacte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34b820ba-b4ed-4124-b1f0-f835526501c4", + "text": "Puc ajudar-la amb res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73cc563c-c9c2-4370-8bc2-a193ed75aa61", + "text": "Genial. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4578835d-69b7-4128-b816-b4b2b0d86726", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a4a382d-1eb9-484f-8e19-f1c65a919967", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a610fda6-5e46-42b0-a8ee-526d9346711b", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a18cf4b-14aa-4c58-8066-bf899605d9a9", + "text": "Voldria demanar menjar a domicili.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6aa6abce-6c03-403c-947f-68047a9e18d5", + "text": "Bon dia, quins plats voldria demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3138f654-a067-4221-a585-b612f29703ce", + "text": "M'agradaria una cheeseburguer, amb patates dobles i una aigua.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una cheeseburguer, amb patates dobles", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una aigua", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf76808c-d1dd-4700-b3f1-72af2d84f2bf", + "text": "D'acord. Cheeseburger amb ració doble de patates i una aigua. La vol freda o natural?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cb8e939-2d37-4995-8e2a-9d802d425e2f", + "text": "Sí, això mateix. La vull freda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "freda", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2d475ff9-1a51-4dae-aab8-1e984ac21f7a", + "text": "Perfecte. Doni'm una adreça a on enviar-li la comanda, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f01e5fe-d147-4b5a-98a5-3d4252e52d4c", + "text": "Carrer de Mallorca 21, 3r 4a, Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer de Mallorca 21, 3r 4a, Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "040c267a-0b6f-4767-ba67-83713f92740c", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol que li envie'm la comanda ara, o la vol programar per després?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86b3584f-e27f-43a4-8bd0-7260ea187df4", + "text": "Ara, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Ara", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9761dff2-18dd-43d8-8050-9f51b683164e", + "text": "Molt bé, ja l'hem enregistrat. Li arribarà en 30 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b78da3a5-86c3-4bae-8d9e-d62dabc166e3", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8b63171-e1cc-4070-a7e3-20561311f2d6", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c028893-0756-4c12-8fa5-3a77a44d6e76", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4d24efa0-770b-4733-84db-390f16872a5e", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0df084f-d1ea-452f-9458-943b58f36b7f", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef95317a-1ab5-4791-81e6-e093dc40f085", + "text": "Fa una estona que he demanat menjar a domicili i no ha vingut ningú.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "25acf264-c1fb-4b49-9339-af728f8972e6", + "text": "Disculpi les molèsties. Em pot dir el seu nom i l'adreça per on ha fet la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff8b7dbd-305b-41f1-844c-87d9062325dc", + "text": "Sí és clar. Marisol Plaza Campos. I Avinguda de Paralel 3, 2n 3a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marisol", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Plaza", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Campos", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avinguda de Paralel 3, 2n 3a", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3aa8da09-1f53-4dec-862f-65c21fccfda5", + "text": "D'acord Sra.Plaza. Veig que el repartidor ha tingut un problema amb la moto, i ha hagut de donar-li la comanda a un altre repartidor.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c03b9b4c-a2ab-4590-ab17-e0b275f550f2", + "text": "Està en camí i ho tindrà en uns quinze minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c12d15f2-2cf7-460d-9ca0-9937072123c3", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies! Esperaré.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1631a92-3dd0-4a80-a8d5-17457dccf321", + "text": "Per compensar-la per les molèsties, li enviarem un val de descompte per la seva pròxima comanda amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13df0bf9-0e8b-4775-9ee0-12d76e827966", + "text": "Si em facilita un adreça de correu electrònic, li enviaré ara mateix", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8743c5f-f41b-4677-a50a-3820afbcd023", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies pel detall. L'adreça és plaza@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "plaza@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d1fc2f5-aa9f-4c2a-a9a9-e072a44a79e4", + "text": "Ja la té, gràcies a vostè i disculpi les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1723d5cb-cec2-4bb0-9750-667b6e6129b7", + "text": "Genial. Rebut, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab2522d6-38e9-4451-a503-cf5603388db5", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a97c26b7-9de8-4c1a-863d-e429a92ed16b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c3a2c6f-2953-457b-b3dd-f4dd83f97864", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "838bba77-b4e4-4f3f-9b3a-a4269b69ac00", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43cb1bcc-5f30-4853-91d6-3370d8c7e1b9", + "text": "Vull cancel·lar una comanda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6dc7751-5c82-4746-b3b4-5a8babec709e", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "914a1899-c142-47bb-99ab-0ac561cece20", + "text": "D'acord, em pot donar el número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf53995c-927f-4919-a8b9-bce5c0f3717e", + "text": "El número és 4648589392", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "4648589392", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5d73fbde-c148-4837-8a4a-c7de917aba95", + "text": "Gràcies. Veig que ha fet la comanda fa una hora", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "230f0a25-c114-4b70-840d-fc39b08777f9", + "text": "És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d62f250-34b8-4643-bc5e-2a8c287b3c87", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "804c8ded-d52a-4a87-9020-29d946f71cd9", + "text": "Desafortunadament, com que fa força estona que ha fet la comanda, ja l'hem iniciat i no es pot cancel·lar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f89bd4d-6a4d-469d-b605-be4aada63bd4", + "text": "Però és que ja no el volem. No pots fer-hi res?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b55a5a96-96aa-408a-8ba4-7a5df5c3c3c6", + "text": "Si la cancel·lem en aquests moments, haurem de cobrar-li la meitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7fd3d44-19fc-4aed-a899-7bcc8fc3b98a", + "text": "Ets un xatbot, no entens que no ho vull?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "85745ef9-f2a6-4332-a20d-a359438646a9", + "text": "He entès que no vol la comanda. Però com li he dit, ja l'hem iniciat perquè l'ha fet fa una hora. Per aquest motiu només li podem reemborsar la meitat dels diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c71c23c7-8115-4312-96d9-aad39c0ea275", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca392db3-20ed-4ee0-b7f9-28ae678f1b60", + "text": "No vull res. És igual. Feu el que vulgueu. Jo la comanda no la vull.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4f42895-8488-48ec-b5b5-4bf0cb9cc4f1", + "text": "Vol que li reemborsem la quantitat corresponent?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9733169f-2661-4b08-822e-8dc5a26a4ea2", + "text": "És igual. Ja m'ho menjaré, però no pot ser que no torneu tots els diners. Quina vergonya!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "30a33e39-b741-40cc-9e4f-6c46ebe9e8ac", + "text": "La nostra política de cancel·lació és de fins a 15 minuts després de fer la comanda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fcadaf7-5e46-4390-bf46-aeaebc489d26", + "text": "Llavors vol que li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88fa16df-526c-4e39-a56c-9473e567d9ed", + "text": "Sí, envieu-me'l. Quin remei, si no em tornareu tots els diners.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a2a9eff8-4f71-416c-b12b-8782fec19cd2", + "text": "D'acord. Ho rebrà en uns 20 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b667d12b-25f3-4b48-8630-7b2f4d0c2444", + "text": "Vale. Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "445585ce-380e-4e0a-9d73-0ae1de51c196", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2667ee0-a69f-4f73-b59e-7361b576a3fa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "df846145-f169-405e-aa34-13d3f525fe4b", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7811e346-1e49-46c6-be08-f1b4864bc9f4", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55f5388c-c9e6-42f4-a2e8-2f9338649342", + "text": "He demanat fa 30 minuts una comanda i l'acabo de rebre però us heu equivocat de comanda. Jo havia demanat una pizza peperoni i és de quatre formatges la que he rebut.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "us heu equivocat de comanda", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab762f33-a406-4332-bc90-dcb2574ff238", + "text": "Bon dia, disculpi les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44b6ecb9-762a-4761-8ab5-5cee66566846", + "text": "Em podria donar el seu nom, adreça i número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc4bbb87-9d6f-4398-a420-36f574b74a2d", + "text": "Sí, clar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f3d4ec9-7490-438f-b625-3901e9bc8832", + "text": "Rosa Blasco Navarrete. Carrer Tramuntana 30, 1r1a, Barcelona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blasco", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Navarrete", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Tramuntana 30, 1r1a, Barcelona", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9785e9bc-31a1-4fbc-94a7-c1f01bd8e291", + "text": "74748484949", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "74748484949", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e782b4d-b76f-415b-b0d6-2635d1f964e0", + "text": "Gràcies Sra. Blasco.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da2773ab-f659-4c7f-b2ec-9e0e8a788c02", + "text": "Ara veig quin ha estat el problema. Desseguida li enviarem una pizza peperoni a l'adreça que m'ha indicat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b954daa5-f332-4068-86e8-dc7d6e08ef03", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e717e21-8fab-4325-b6dd-c505a399c3b9", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04b24a74-c0fc-49b5-99b0-c2af0ff03090", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b117c32-a576-4d9d-b368-1e13e26d5f14", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b771e80c-e3a3-4473-982f-2af580186ae9", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "980cc43b-106c-49fb-9fea-6439a0c4368c", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad8c0b31-af19-44aa-849d-cc380960bcf6", + "text": "Vull modificar la meva comanda. Encara hi soc a temps?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64edafad-c8c0-4399-b8dd-e0a67f58bebc", + "text": "Desseguida li confirmo. Em pot donar el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9161fdd8-bf92-437b-94a5-7e815e1f21a7", + "text": "Sí, és clar. 4858959550", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "4858959550", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4bdee9ff-29ab-4a2e-a1d0-a9f5f4277cf3", + "text": "Molt bé, veig que acaba de fer la comanda fa 5 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e98401c-5add-4e73-b8f9-03feb32d709c", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a95573f-4376-4588-93e6-df7091ac656e", + "text": "Doncs sí que podem realitzar canvis, i se li cobrarà o tornarà la diferència en el preu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6a76b5b-3178-435f-9164-fbd72b00ca91", + "text": "Vale, perfecte. Et dic el que vull modificar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8717f3c2-8915-4fed-8b1b-95ea486e35bf", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25d16052-545b-40b2-b2dd-960237674546", + "text": "Vull canviar l'amanida de pasta per una amanida de burrata i també vull afegir uns grissini.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "l'amanida de pasta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una amanida de", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "uns grissini", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "acb19b28-3b13-416f-952e-4d7f57d8cc78", + "text": "Perfecte cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f3dcd7f-d00d-4b33-a213-d69941e81804", + "text": "Ja ho hem apuntat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c7732c2-7f00-4387-9080-d8e688010209", + "text": "Vol canviar o afegir res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e7c9f5f-f86c-48ef-ac8a-ac7156008d63", + "text": "Perfecte. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dc87e6c2-e381-47db-a325-bae04a2c124e", + "text": "Doncs el preu no ha canviat, així que ja estan fets els canvis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "489141f1-d924-41d3-be40-886139c77d97", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23cdef43-064a-43d6-b1e3-2c110d1e5e14", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bef008af-a1e1-4e53-895c-4859e4a862ac", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "266c1527-fac8-4f4b-814a-8f9da0c3dfe0", + "text": "Bon dia, l'atén la Carla, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bca8166f-bdd1-4988-94d0-df467d2406a4", + "text": "Anul·lar comanda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6003e91-ab38-4305-aeab-274f780c6877", + "text": "Vol cancel·lar la seva comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e586084b-900e-48e3-8db6-1aaaf2686e89", + "text": "Sí,exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8e4697d8-5102-4d4f-9c63-61d0f2970ccc", + "text": "D'acord. Doni'm el número de comanda i el seu nom complet si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42e32d08-cfc1-4b5f-a10b-b50e64bd258d", + "text": "El número de comanda és 4957594040 i el nom és Graciela Esteve Holguín.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "4957594040", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Graciela", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Esteve", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Holguín", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77949e15-1d4a-47cc-8bd1-2834d2e34aa8", + "text": "Gràcies. Desseguida cancel·lem la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "558cedba-0f01-4003-a7fd-21370afc8ab4", + "text": "Em pot dir com vol que li realitzem el reemborsament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "972ecf65-a1e6-4364-9bf5-9a7943f4a48b", + "text": "Vull utilitzar la mateixa targeta amb la que vaig pagar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a73082ad-6175-42d4-8b78-c5516c171e43", + "text": "Molt bé, de seguida rebrà el reemborsament. Ja està cancel·lada la comanda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cd89cf2-379e-40b0-bb53-4b2fb2352ef8", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "edd06ce8-9097-48fa-a6a5-07e01fb2287c", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a286472e-2e1a-473f-9031-7aa5c189a25b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0b6448bf-2bbb-4567-a3e7-cc3c2e2f855f", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec7a93ce-767f-4e02-85b0-8a0c1f1b43fd", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33927cfc-9b90-4167-94df-51b2c90263a3", + "text": "Vull queixar-me del servei de menjar a domicili.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57702ca2-f16f-4067-80a8-a574665ec376", + "text": "Sentim que no estigui satisfet amb els nostres productes. Em pot dir quin és el problema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8106fd0e-b436-4d10-96b0-715c0722f00d", + "text": "Quan ha vingut el repartidor ens ha tractat molt malament. Ens ha insultat i tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el repartidor", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ens ha tractat molt malament. Ens ha insultat i tot", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5c0eb8a-65e7-4f77-a53b-fed109a04ad6", + "text": "Li demanem disculpes per la seva mala experiència. Ens pot indicar el número de comanda, per a que puguem identificar al repartidor?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9df68a0b-73fb-4a7d-94ad-917c8e38e786", + "text": "El número és 57489493.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "57489493", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f473537-295e-4887-8d44-e16f6cfa86dd", + "text": "D'acord, ja hem pres nota de la seva queixa. Per compensar-lo li retornarem els diners d'aquesta comanda. Vol que li retornem a la targeta, o en forma de saldo per la pròxima comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4e24e63-9136-4b5e-a4c2-6bfc0ac833c5", + "text": "En forma de saldo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "saldo", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf8e05f4-3868-4fcf-b8c0-646149d417b8", + "text": "Ja li hem afegit 15.76 euros de saldo al seu compte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bcd63dc6-751b-4e52-9456-3cc96323f694", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d17dbc64-64a7-405a-a686-6c2e5c66f2bc", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "604dc96f-2752-4fe9-a819-80d323c9d622", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "53d73327-fb45-4fcd-b865-3ae5577fc01f", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d941f569-5cda-4156-affc-71d330e63fed", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b7381c5-aae3-4959-9781-27edb945ad5e", + "text": "Vull revisar la meva comanda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_summary_of_transaction", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3695a68c-ea06-4eb5-a2c9-4544472b226c", + "text": "Cap problema, indiqui'm el número de comanda i el seu nom si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c8b7e3e-2027-4177-a355-bc7207c3667f", + "text": "48389393748 i Laia Delgado Salvador.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "48389393748", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Delgado", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Salvador", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8fb8b32c-94db-4d26-8ddb-bf53d28c8589", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs veig que ha demanat dues Coca-Coles, un arròs tres delícies gran i una porció mitjana de pollastre amb bambú i bolets", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "814e4dfb-9fab-483c-9953-bb1092cef9ff", + "text": "Vale. Puc modificar encara la comanda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "68991baa-d729-4589-873e-554337503fb7", + "text": "Si, la pot modificar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77088a51-f3a9-4006-8416-5ed94983ab90", + "text": "Doncs vull afegir una Coca-Cola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una Coca-Cola", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c48a216f-6cfb-4e01-92c2-30e624bc65c7", + "text": "Vol tres Coca-Coles en total, doncs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdb021a9-d029-4384-9974-316b08742e69", + "text": "Sí,exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fdba3dcb-b7cd-4416-95aa-1efa0112b90a", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem afegit. Vol pagar la diferència al repartidor, o li cobrem a la targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50820b47-9b79-43d2-a824-d4b1266d937a", + "text": "Al repartidor.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "Al repartidor.", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb56d6d3-3b25-4891-9e26-d664da1483c5", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja li hem guardat els canvis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7022f0f7-1579-41ea-8990-75578cabb922", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1de20b31-2603-44f8-a9cf-61212ba09a74", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a87762c6-c9b5-411f-9955-02b3b6b14992", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "93fd67d1-8799-4085-8c58-45a50001dec8", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9164415a-9a92-4ba1-b583-c94410b1cf48", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d90f1459-c377-4d09-b2e6-b6854bec7603", + "text": "Teniu carta per a menjar a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "carta", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "54360651-4e4c-498e-b478-adb3c5e4bef8", + "text": "Si, pot trobar la nostra carta a la nostra pàgina web, o li podem enviar al seu correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbd06a84-cfb1-40f6-a3d5-b9a132bd32d6", + "text": "La vull al meu correu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63bebbd9-acb6-4d7a-ace2-dd0ce970bffa", + "text": "Molt bé, a quina adreça de correu li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d9de93e5-0abc-4ac7-a896-9492897fafec", + "text": "A gracia.a@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "gracia.a@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9881366-9927-46c8-8e89-40b10db05604", + "text": "Ja li hem enviat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15679623-7bf6-41e7-b742-b99429ead1f3", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4df9d407-d309-4c4a-9955-85890c45fca0", + "text": "Rebuda! Per demanar ho puc fer per alguna app?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "app", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0991f2c-022c-4632-9d69-5e21a7dd4536", + "text": "Si, ho pot fer per Glovo, Uber Eats o Deliveroo", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd9ebb52-a2f1-4873-9c6f-28bca172473b", + "text": "Genial. Ho faré així doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e9cf00ca-cc13-4499-9769-73801565126d", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc58a897-a0c7-47d0-84f2-d90a88338044", + "text": "Res més! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "922206ea-2b31-4d70-9b6a-96d529608323", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a54d4d0a-5b3c-4dba-91f0-3d0ed5b80a1f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "524e8a4e-9eb1-490d-b520-5f951010ea7e", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a9c6885a-d951-4d0b-8ea8-de07a4fb9536", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d33075c5-a5b3-46a1-9e7e-3519450180ab", + "text": "He fet una comanda però no he rebut la confirmació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "confirmació", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc55fc18-32cd-49ca-a4dc-5a8f5d326119", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'm l'adreça a la que ha fet la comanda, i què contenia si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0b82028-5e93-4830-a5fe-3749dc436b46", + "text": "Era a carrer Tramuntana, 40, 2n 3a i era una hamburguesa doble amb formatge, una coca-cola i unes patates deluxe.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Tramuntana, 40, 2n 3a", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una hamburguesa doble amb formatge", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una coca-cola", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "unes patates deluxe", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d9c0ece-b4e8-4363-b34e-e46fd4315a32", + "text": "D'acord. Si, hem rebut la comanda i està en camí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b9db85c-49eb-49d7-ac88-cf905e487985", + "text": "Li tornarem a enviar la confirmació al seu mòbil, si vol", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a24a2d5-0255-4f41-802a-156b031c1bdf", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dfa321e6-7310-4f88-8e1c-eba10680ca73", + "text": "A quin número de telèfon li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70a74a26-7e97-447e-a0b8-e911b13bf067", + "text": "654 76 34 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "654 76 34 12", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2494ec75-0efa-4144-925b-dd5b29c260ee", + "text": "Molt bé ja li hem enviat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e1b9308-68d1-4827-adb3-a49ebe90a90d", + "text": "Rebut.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cf767f08-88e3-4dd7-a882-7fd12f752c1e", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "837dbe7d-f638-4875-a98c-452bcff96b84", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4e781346-1b17-4542-94b8-176215b2ca32", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bc5aeac4-a00d-472f-bb5c-8a9ce6acf6cf", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd3f12c4-4fb8-49c6-a265-78e74c470614", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfe2582e-9a65-4baf-87dc-7485f4e5c3d7", + "text": "Veneu electrodomèstics?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8096a53-d725-4039-a96e-70fca98e3404", + "text": "No, som una cadena de restaurants i no venem aquest tipus de productes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7a08eaa-9310-418c-bdba-524c674deaf7", + "text": "I tampoc en veneu de cuina? Res?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a282b768-5ef4-4564-941a-ead4e1218e1a", + "text": "En aquests moments oferim un obridor d'ampolles de regal al comprar una ampolla de vi Priorat, però es tracta d'una promoció temporal", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b258d84-215f-4e32-9a60-41bfbbbd3684", + "text": "No és un electrodomèstic, això. Ja podríeu vendre altres coses.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59beb08b-ea41-464a-832a-b3b2898833c9", + "text": "Som una cadena de restaurants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fac87d6e-05ea-468b-a181-dcecc4cc71a3", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b18186f0-d9f9-48d6-b8dc-8f9dde341f05", + "text": "Molt bé, ja us ho fareu. No vull menjar doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "52c2c7da-9b8e-4944-834e-0bc2284553db", + "text": "Que tingui bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c2687e9-3f0e-4059-8a69-c47f14bab867", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ab59f3b6-6a06-4b18-a064-7402f1874dd2", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b2bd72f-a2ab-4d2e-9b87-d4441831184d", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1ceb147-3484-44f4-80be-4cbeb8aac96f", + "text": "He demanat menjar a domicili, i fa 10 min que m'heu trucat per dir-me que no podreu portar-me el menjar. Vull que em torneu els diners.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'heu trucat per dir-me que no podreu portar-me el menjar", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2f22132-ade3-4fdd-b76c-e6efabebcbf9", + "text": "Sentim molt les molèsties. Desseguida li farem un reemborsament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93e7a937-062e-458a-b198-995ec51aeea1", + "text": "Sí. Què necessiteu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bb145cd5-d55c-4937-8fb3-e3a8b4072531", + "text": "Vol que li tornem els diners a la targeta, o li donem un val per la seva pròxima comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1210fc3b-a2ac-4b15-8210-0c369df657e2", + "text": "Vull que em torneu els diners.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b7dbd5e9-3eca-487f-8a8f-2723849e5444", + "text": "D'acord. Doni'm el seu número de targeta per confirmar si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1af78f89-6612-428b-87e9-c76cbd5e062b", + "text": "El meu número és 6464 4567 5677 2114", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "6464 4567 5677 2114", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60d1f25c-77a8-400d-a2f9-9bbc74eb97d9", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem tornant. Ho tindrà al seu compte en un període d'entre 2 i 5 dies laborables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f085869-0e87-4d53-b1c7-e3b9d491ff26", + "text": "Vale, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f9bd207-202c-40e8-bb68-fd0a6ede16db", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b97f3645-1ae3-4fc9-9ebb-5def929b01b5", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e08027d-2c94-4a25-911c-8a5c74da2c60", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80007d38-a842-4628-935f-a96462bff47b", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9d6dcabf-2a8a-46fa-b2d1-8e648756f8a3", + "text": "Quin és el vostre horari d'entrega a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "entrega a domicili", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4e292133-d821-421e-9663-5dd6a04a814a", + "text": "Fem entregues de 10 del matí a 23h de la nit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72bf3dfd-2b8d-4195-9f4b-a2ccfefaa2df", + "text": "I puc programar la comanda en aquestes hores?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "programar la comanda", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8974c947-11b0-4326-a7f3-6b82f29e876e", + "text": "Si, la pot programar per aquí o a la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2db7c5eb-6432-4eca-986b-f91559784459", + "text": "I quina és la vostre web perfer comandes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "web", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52b883c0-bad4-4236-bb6f-9fe58f9b9697", + "text": "La nostra web és www.restaurantsavinyo.cat/comandes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df0a1ad1-e424-4402-aa81-c3a3b7a8f4a7", + "text": "Vale. Només poso la meva comanda aquí i simplement li dic que vull programar, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d8e3991d-18f4-40fe-89df-f76272b8a26f", + "text": "Si, ho pot fer per aquí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c4a7da1-796d-47dd-9fc9-a065e2a14bf1", + "text": "Què vol demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da81466c-d3b5-48e0-afd0-65f471c0ff82", + "text": "Doncs vull demanar un Poke de tonyina amb sèsam.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un Poke de tonyina amb sèsam", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00b505b4-676a-43a3-a549-348d338190d6", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol arròs integral o blanc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08df03ef-039e-4d63-a092-107f25eee128", + "text": "Integral.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "Integral", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a633c1a-4c7f-4574-883a-bbfa2eea0a82", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol afegir alguna verdura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51262793-97b2-494f-985f-4521ed06c9a2", + "text": "Sí, pastanaga.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "pastanaga", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66838728-c39d-422a-a4c4-0720efe7231b", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34c8a68a-9288-4844-bd18-7a07759d10ce", + "text": "Vol alguna beguda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4850d420-f0f2-4aac-a8fc-f1903c7af064", + "text": "Una aigua.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "Una aigua", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3107d920-d314-487f-8cb5-15bb7e87d98b", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs serien 14.55 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b90c9d4-8e6f-4584-ac78-06bbc51a5ff3", + "text": "Com vol fer el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b26f03b-4106-4f2f-b9a8-db3d358ad16f", + "text": "Amb targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77bfa39c-246f-4ae7-985d-ccdae1af7a6a", + "text": "D'acord. Em pot donar el seu número de targeta si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34f5b4d2-efd1-4439-b6c0-c39560a142d0", + "text": "Clar. És 5446 6544 6543 8875", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "5446 6544 6543 8875", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05b17575-24e9-4dd6-94bd-65f56bbf79cc", + "text": "La data de caducitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38a06c50-f49f-49df-8281-cd12092384a1", + "text": "12/09", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "12/09", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eda2981f-5077-4683-9461-ae75685d7526", + "text": "Vull corregir-la", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "54ea623c-4c6c-49e3-bf0d-834dc7b8a96f", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecb805d2-c555-4f00-897c-c90436b5cfb1", + "text": "12/12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "12/12", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4f469c3-5ffc-41ab-94ff-689e5d959dd7", + "text": "I el codi de seguretat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1cbc7adc-ae1c-4cdc-970d-829c99278698", + "text": "543", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "543", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a946449-77c6-4847-a68f-b966f4cf374c", + "text": "Molt bé, ja s'ha efectuat el pagament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf1fe9f2-0074-46df-b61d-4c2787cb64b0", + "text": "A quina adreça li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e707787-038f-4f57-bc7c-5bff575ebbe0", + "text": "A Carrer Pau Clarís 21, 3r 4a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Pau Clarís 21, 3r 4a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1ff341d-bbee-461a-978f-ae20e36b9d72", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15642a1b-686b-455a-a7a9-b85f7711d52e", + "text": "Li arribarà en uns 15 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68181a33-2893-45b7-ba25-7864af3c1a20", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32ee8c04-6feb-4a66-a347-949d32e4b42d", + "text": "Que tingui molt bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cba22620-a625-4276-9723-15cf6181d3f0", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9efc3947-75e3-439f-bd14-8113aaa34658", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "00d02fa9-d5c3-42d7-b2e2-e7f02b194f9d", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "324a71e9-5a51-47b3-97fa-aa5391b19ae9", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "638441a7-4956-483e-8ca0-77a47efac7a9", + "text": "Programar comanda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "271f367e-b88f-468a-9b4c-5730f197c5b4", + "text": "Vol fer una comanda amb nosaltres, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11e0d4b5-ad0e-48b0-b5ae-71fcb6cac44c", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5cf6139c-bf82-43f6-a0db-292b51910311", + "text": "Com puc fer-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1346dd6-2170-43f5-8211-b1efcf42602a", + "text": "Només m'ha de dir quins articles vol demanar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "955cc209-b500-4abc-92ff-64b6c0591596", + "text": "Vull un burrito tex mex i una quesadilla de formatge.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un burrito tex mex", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una quesadilla de formatge", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e328c0f-41a3-4c8e-b102-cd7e03caed03", + "text": "Molt bé, vol afegir algun complement al burrito o a la quesadilla?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3474c89-9f26-4073-871e-984939f99464", + "text": "Vull un extra de guacamole al burrito.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "extra de guacamole al burrito", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4af977fb-330e-4e27-af0b-613a34417735", + "text": "D'acord. Vol alguna beguda o snack?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1beae928-373f-4e72-8cc8-2d74ef0e54c8", + "text": "No, això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9166ff97-61a8-4f44-9d1a-c597299cf605", + "text": "Molt bé. A quina adreça li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26d3bbae-5813-41e1-994c-1ccd85e5ece1", + "text": "A Carrer Mallorca 10, 1r 1a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Mallorca 10, 1r 1a", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "454529fb-3af9-42bc-aa41-8890bb90916d", + "text": "I com vol fer el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b20d6d8d-678c-44ab-84d2-867888063b5b", + "text": "Pot ser quan vingui el repartidor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "repartidor", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10a3bc8b-f1e4-4de5-ac3f-58e207542b59", + "text": "Si, pot pagar en efectiu. Però només podem garantir canvi per bitllets de fins a 20 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a32ce5bb-abe2-481a-9c1e-390dd7418f93", + "text": "Vale, cap problema.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b0100eea-27dc-4707-a6d8-0e8a958edd46", + "text": "Gràcies per fer la seva comanda amb nosaltres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af29f0fc-13e4-4ca5-ba9e-756d8c371249", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c9c1504-7da4-40e4-82d0-45e7ee320344", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "28fb98fb-177e-4aee-bd71-ca90395ddc92", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a8613c6-9cc5-4142-89b1-8a1688b10938", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d51bae2e-5b82-4850-957c-855c72b0068c", + "text": "Quines ofertes teniu per a menjar a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ofertes", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5fd5266a-1cef-4491-a938-d2511a477a38", + "text": "Si demana de 12h a 13h del migdia, l'entrega és gratuïta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dddfecb-4310-47f2-915d-11a195a044d2", + "text": "Ostres, que bé! Vull demanar per les 13h aleshores.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "13h", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55d94fb7-6b2d-401b-acf8-8d75c0e3ec59", + "text": "Molt be, què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f009c764-d91b-4275-bdd6-c7782397f26f", + "text": "Doncs un hotdog amb ceba i mostassa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un hotdog amb ceba i mostassa.", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ee19fbf-2732-499d-a958-8b647c563a81", + "text": "Molt bé, vol alguna beguda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3ad6304-ee3a-4204-a5d6-e4083464b33e", + "text": "Una Pepsi, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "Una Pepsi", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "937fb3fb-26f6-4e94-94a0-ca578229ab51", + "text": "D'acord, alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "958b0bc6-cdef-4e98-97fd-4765f6aed21a", + "text": "Sí, vull un brownie de postre.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un brownie", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f72fd16a-429e-41bc-99bd-53fbf15eb1a6", + "text": "Doncs seran 19,76€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad5ff534-c6d5-4157-b499-539b9f611cd6", + "text": "Genial. Puc pagar amb targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc2b2df5-89dc-4d68-a5ab-c1d9c86822b0", + "text": "Si, es pot pagar amb targeta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19f42126-f067-43d4-9a06-b2cecb3a2558", + "text": "Vull fer-ho, doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0594b77e-50c0-4b9b-9923-bdded4546cc5", + "text": "Indiqui'm el número de la seva targeta si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6bdff584-0c19-4cc3-83c1-cc0d5c09cbfb", + "text": "3445 3456 4332 7378", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "3445 3456 4332 7378", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "502d73cb-b898-4585-b846-3e8d15a0e779", + "text": "La data de caducitat i codi si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4da57c21-bcfe-4a31-8b3a-19cf8891c7af", + "text": "23/23 i 234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "23/23", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "234", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83207ff6-fda8-4a1e-bef2-46fd03f1c7e1", + "text": "Perdó, 13/23 i 234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "13/23", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "234", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "20a6cd31-c822-4b0d-9ae3-a0278827ee1f", + "text": "La data de caducitat és un mes i any", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "993168ca-6c80-4507-984f-27c61fc35197", + "text": "La que m'ha donat no és correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "641a5743-dbd8-4c3c-bea6-60279eae5026", + "text": "Aleshores és 01/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "01/23", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9219b259-d07f-4dc7-ae82-304e34bd6d00", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc0c15a4-f420-4712-960b-f302f2ffeae2", + "text": "Li enviem la comanda a la mateixa adreça que l'últim cop?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e90e82a1-906c-41cb-bfa4-6d09ac2b08c5", + "text": "Sí, si us plau. A la mateixa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94f92d21-03e9-4b74-8966-0db9dc2ccfb8", + "text": "Perfecte, ja estem processant la seva comanda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d373a166-31f8-45fe-a93f-c75760d86fe0", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78e3e1d5-de0a-42f3-97d0-2835c7fd1bfb", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4443fc5-bd07-4e35-817d-000d5c4e1dfe", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "79fd219b-929e-4833-b53c-121b51e0060d", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c9c50cf-ed6d-4585-85d4-3b2d8470bac1", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4dfca87d-052d-4ae1-9722-abba71106c67", + "text": "A quines ubicacions podeu portar menjar a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ubicacions", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a88fb6f3-75f5-46c5-bb0f-2fb0d37e40ac", + "text": "Repartim a tot Barcelona, Sant Adrià del Besos, Santa Coloma de Gramenet i Badalona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "175acb74-95fc-4fe5-bc63-ed4eb9280c4b", + "text": "I no repartiu a Alella?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Alella", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e2fb22e-29df-4537-b585-5966fb1d7b8e", + "text": "No, no arribem a Alella", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "57372b67-3ef0-4227-a3f6-e2d28073c9d7", + "text": "I hi ha algun restaurant de la cadena que arribi a Alella?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "algun restaurant de la cadena", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95f0d57a-722e-4b1b-ae5c-692682f9a2d1", + "text": "Si, un dels nostres restaurants fa entregues a Alella, però haurà de fer la comanda amb ells directament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98be47ed-2b6f-4107-91cf-47698c046d6b", + "text": "Teniu el seu contacte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "contacte", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4fbcb455-5c08-4c36-b131-4e43ca5c3b73", + "text": "Si, pot trucar al 95 791 20 20", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e4900d5-1e42-433e-80f0-5aa34e27fcdc", + "text": "I no tenen xat per demanar a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "xat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd7ca07b-d94b-44f2-9940-cb4bac02ce11", + "text": "Pot trobar el xat a la nostra pàgina web, fent clic al restaurant que li quedi més aprop", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37f5df7b-87c9-4f97-b275-16d131507996", + "text": "Vale, l'he trobat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a5652441-b1ed-4529-ad9d-5348de48a0bf", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a54c6c3c-0554-4eb4-b36d-46b14fd95bdd", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce309f80-b886-4924-a940-ebbc0663e005", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "502ca87f-9dcf-46d1-bd4e-0c3d2e4bd65b", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f50f275-aeb6-4d0c-b446-c5766534af1c", + "text": "Bon dia, què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ee173c9-3327-4e8c-ae6b-c3488c5d56ec", + "text": "Quina és la vostre pol·litica de cancel·lació de comandes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pol·litica de cancel·lació de comandes", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac09cfb2-f9ac-4f99-aa82-49d36374e69f", + "text": "Pot cancel·lar la comanda fins a 15 minuts després d'haver-la realitzat si l'ha fet immediata, o fins a 2 hores si l'ha encarregat per més tard.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66b45e11-8008-480b-99a5-c21a570135d2", + "text": "I en cas de voler cancel·lar-la quins serien els passos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "52bb7a9c-bdb0-43e9-a123-11c2ad0b63ae", + "text": "Ho pot fer per aquí, o a la nostra app", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91982de0-3758-41f9-814e-4c0585d1c3a8", + "text": "I quina és la vostre app?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "app", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ec9576a-7257-4356-a0cc-db3e66e48f61", + "text": "RapEat, la pot descarregar a l'app store o Google Play", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23e593a0-8f40-4bb4-ab71-2c5b4322b292", + "text": "Vale, genial. Ho tinc en compte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1bc97db-a20b-4c9e-a53b-81c3fb10ec18", + "text": "Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e53ae84a-6d37-4f77-b1be-5b59afce0d57", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35dfb5fe-c6c2-4c7c-8a39-7b66638822a5", + "text": "Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d29820d-f8da-4fbc-b585-19b544dc684d", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar-nos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb4daed7-b1a6-4e08-bb50-7a0ef77077a3", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61aa2d3e-0acf-4dd1-a3a4-ce7237359ec0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cde3b634-6afa-449c-826d-b037bdbe71a0", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c40f9ec3-f62c-4a03-b330-4c9d95f0b384", + "text": "Menjar a domicili.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3674af0b-6a0a-4405-b5eb-87d54919b850", + "text": "Vol fer una comanda de menjar a domicili, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "441b9398-1198-4786-8ffe-6a471a910267", + "text": "Exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "470bf05c-c2eb-442b-b13a-bd5c84147072", + "text": "D'acord. Pot fer la comanda pel xat, a la nostra app, o a la pàgina web. També pot trucar al 933504040", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4553c1c5-a69e-452b-9e09-961552b57c7d", + "text": "Vull pel xat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pel xat", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1413b75-f70c-40f2-bb4b-a45cecf179b6", + "text": "D'acord. Per a quina adreça vol fer la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f0c14032-3151-46cc-a019-41f1a1d725ae", + "text": "Per a Avinguda Carrilet 12, 3r 2a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avinguda Carrilet 12, 3r 2a", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e795c35-c51f-4b2d-8200-39c54073d4be", + "text": "Molt bé. Què voldria demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e0b8ca7-535b-43e1-a96d-5442822d2703", + "text": "Vull unes croquetes de pernil, uns xips de verdures i un salmorejo.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "unes croquetes de pernil", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "uns xips de verdures", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un salmorejo", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f47e594-a73d-430c-b2a7-39080d57db69", + "text": "D'acord. Vol alguna beguda o postres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5085e367-ad76-40b1-a896-7e5fd568194a", + "text": "Sí. Un gelat de llimona de postres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "Un gelat de llimona", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "436bf494-61db-457f-930d-1c3e58b0f60b", + "text": "Vol fer la comanda per ara mateix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f79d1cae-2fc5-45dd-b3bd-7c32f93b74b2", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "91751916-1b51-4ede-8d13-2c294650fd3b", + "text": "Molt bé, ja esta feta. La rebrà aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4513c4b9-e949-4bab-a45a-a7cd88a294be", + "text": "Perfecte. Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4288235e-967e-4937-8eb7-fdd9ae140bc7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "11a2983e-b175-4709-a297-296e3a0a8baa", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab89f205-a124-4ff9-9a17-a739c3b6f030", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ae4a899-d651-4b02-96ca-8b2bf0e5be7a", + "text": "Puc demanar tot el que hi ha a la carta si vull demanar menjar a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tot el que hi ha a la carta", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "314f2224-9e8b-4482-b4a2-4aa2db402703", + "text": "Si, tot i que ara mateix no ens queden Dim Sums de porc i verdures.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71cc9613-c793-4900-a7e2-cdb30a795553", + "text": "Vale, doncs vull unes gyozes de pollastre i un ramen de verdures.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "unes gyozes de pollastre", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un ramen de verdures", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a18f4537-c70c-4876-aa03-2b704eb03b3a", + "text": "D'acord. Vol afegir algun extra?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d46b5b46-f71b-414d-98c4-b4d884899a0b", + "text": "Uns takoyakis potser.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "Uns takoyakis", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b7706c8-4f47-4b36-b768-1acb4a051827", + "text": "De postres i beguda vol alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31d9aaa4-e0e0-40bb-9300-4d35a104f44a", + "text": "No, no vull res.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a350faa2-d854-45e7-8070-457c7ab2cd21", + "text": "D'acord. A quina adreça li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f86a790c-da9b-4707-b424-1c30f4b3338f", + "text": "A Avinguda Diagonal 12, 7a 6a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avinguda Diagonal 12, 7a 6a", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "507775e3-bbea-4bb7-91d6-84cd86a59266", + "text": "D'acord. El cost d'enviament a domicili a la nit és de 4.99 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c21ef8c-1b05-450f-b3f0-14cf4497f43c", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc9ce93f-2ef3-40bf-93c7-17f47ab10a65", + "text": "Sí, vull continuar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3212729b-d569-4e98-9d59-ae110a15156f", + "text": "Molt bé, seran 21.07 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc400db2-ede7-4d0d-bf4e-c903d83ded53", + "text": "Com vol fer el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1713f8f4-32e6-4d94-abc4-fb1bf06eb5a3", + "text": "Perfecte. Vull pagar amb targeta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa6dcc07-ff5a-4da7-b9f3-33512ff55e7a", + "text": "D'acord. Ho pot fer entrant a www.udon.es/pagaments", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a416e243-856d-42e8-a164-4bc1fdbeadb3", + "text": "Perfecte. Fet!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7eeead29-0e14-4936-9dec-3487171a46ed", + "text": "Tindrà la comanda en 30-45 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11c4ece6-d97f-466d-b3a4-a12b5dd6096f", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8441b01a-7a3b-417c-82b9-e0aa04f50e67", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53ade27a-040b-4986-a556-e49a06b3733d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "88460737-e623-48dd-bb74-0e26b3eb3cbb", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc60c6f3-2a10-4477-8099-6df0339abaf6", + "text": "Volia demanar una hamburgesa i unes begudes del mcdonalds", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "mcdonalds", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "26a703ac-372b-469b-8f7d-f20d6c515be6", + "text": "Em podria proporcionar la seva direcció, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d0ae50e-0f25-4d07-8a64-1ca15ff5cf3d", + "text": "Visc a Tarragona, al carrer de la Madriguera, 17", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de la Madriguera, 17", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a49766d0-4ebd-453d-8b24-800125498f47", + "text": "Quins articles de la carta desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b3ced62-20ee-4cae-ba92-71e87accf1a1", + "text": "Doncs volia la mcburger amb formatge fresc i uns mcnuggets", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "la mcburger amb formatge fresc", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "uns mcnuggets", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f74d15b-54ee-41d3-9eef-a075262c663b", + "text": "Quantes unitats?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb89feec-b341-4780-9c3c-0f6df79740af", + "text": "Doncs volia dues hamburgueses amb el menu gran", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dues hamburgueses amb el menu gran", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75b83818-1a7a-4ed7-9959-fda6c5ffe9ae", + "text": "Voldrà estris?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3afec6bb-acbc-4191-b12b-93a7ce88eb51", + "text": "No cal. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "88f31650-8e0b-4674-a292-e6335aa8313d", + "text": "Rebrà la comanda en uns 25 minuts. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cabb140c-fe60-4987-9474-ac1e3d5094be", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4a5e607-2abd-4ba4-bbc1-291c90876dcf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "07d20f74-bb13-497a-8694-2785e8650a09", + "text": "Bona nit, volia saber com hem de pagar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "629cef20-49ed-45d7-8526-319bf9286234", + "text": "Bona nit. S'accepta pagament amb targeta i en efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a1c022f-dd4e-4a08-b370-2b264e04e1c1", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Justament volia fer el pagament amb bizum o amb Google Pay", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "bizum", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "Google Pay", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "daa57cd8-9a67-4d3f-a316-2d9b00544b9a", + "text": "A la botiga es pot fer el pagament amb Google Pay, no obstant, a domicili ha de ser en efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "852757e1-93ae-44c5-9bac-4018bad37c56", + "text": "Vaja... Podriem, per exemple, pagar en efectiu un altre dia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "en efectiu", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "un altre dia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fbe88244-1e45-4571-8006-7293e9ec6d76", + "text": "Malhauradament la nostra empresa no disposa d'aquesta opció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a4eaee3-9391-4320-809e-d567c511dafa", + "text": "I podria pasar un amic a pagar, però ens porten el menjar a casa meva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pasar un amic a pagar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccd08958-eb33-48b4-9f48-784287944540", + "text": "Sí, el pagament previ està disponible a botiga i online.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67e73213-eaf0-47a6-a0ad-6b7eff3b154a", + "text": "D'acord! En aquest cas, pagarem a botiga", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9adff8bf-e455-4583-be0f-b4cc852e43fd", + "text": "El seu número de comanda és el 364128.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fb2616e-0d00-48cf-af03-636cbd064f6e", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1a9a287-19e2-4714-82f6-2ad33f921d9f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8c23a102-fa37-49e0-b8f9-29625ca21756", + "text": "Voliem demar per un grup d'amics. I volíem saber si teniu menjar vegetarià", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "vegetarià", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba771f0d-c092-4d06-8c9b-21aa5ab4f5db", + "text": "Hola! Sí, el nostre restaurant inclou opcions veganes i vegetarianes. Disposeu de la nostra carta a la pàgina web del restaurant.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8afe5653-34ee-48a8-974f-2171d8c6fd73", + "text": "Moltes gràcies! Volia saber si podem pagar per separat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per separat", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f05a6e9a-1eb3-4630-be6f-26d3b1b05355", + "text": "Per tal de pagar per separat cal que vagin a la caixa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5ba6eb0-b17b-42ed-a8bd-f0475cfbbeda", + "text": "Hauriem d'anar presencialment al restaurant?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "presencialment", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "990c12fb-be21-4086-b1d2-1dd0db98b88e", + "text": "Malhauradament, en les comandes de menjar a domicili cal pagar tota la comanda a la vegada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae301757-6361-4062-af12-34ad6ab08393", + "text": "En aquest cas, ho pagarem tot junt i desprès repartirem les despeses", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tot junt", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f3cd729-ad9a-4190-892b-08cb56f1892c", + "text": "Ens podríes proporcionar quant ha gastat cadascú?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quant ha gastat cadascú", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b780d27-6d5f-419a-ba0e-8fdd0eda0414", + "text": "Disposa del tiquet de la comanda amb el preu de cada producte al correu electrònic que ha proporcionat al fer la comanda online.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2834ced-31b0-4a3e-b099-201bcce03954", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c89724b-937d-478b-bbdc-846ca837c771", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "24f9435d-76fc-4f9a-a860-823c18a61a71", + "text": "Bona nit, volia saber si Glovo ens podria portar les begudes d'un lloc i el menjar d'un altre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Glovo", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "portar les begudes d'un lloc i el menjar d'un altre", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc96d96b-06b4-45f3-a59c-6516964dad07", + "text": "Bones. Les comandes de Glovo són de llocs individuals, per tant haurien de fer dues comandes diferents, una per les begudes i una altra pel menjar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb4f671e-ea5c-4830-bbb2-626cf5feb1bc", + "text": "D'acord! Podriem programar la comanda per que arribessin abans les begudes o alhora?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "abans les begudes", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccec0b26-ad0a-4992-bb9c-1afadf48bce5", + "text": "Sí, l'aplicació el permet triar l'hora d'arribada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35051fa4-0d11-46ff-9da8-f2067640f7b4", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "09bd163b-6153-40be-8813-6294ba3f92a9", + "text": "Llavors demanarem les begudes a McDonalds i el menjar al pans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "38f81617-5412-4b91-9e73-f1b965d0ed7e", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2054ae10-154b-4e89-9373-0b3b96d3d747", + "text": "No, això és tot. Farem servir la app", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f982e8db-7fb9-45a8-a1f8-2af12602bcac", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1346e171-fe56-40dd-aa55-886a23ed3f5d", + "text": "Gràcies per la vostra resposta!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d40b3849-0932-44dd-b40d-c0aafc52a30a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0174d622-e228-409c-98ea-f14c8b680a6c", + "text": "Bon dia, voliem demanar sushi i menjar indi per aquesta nit.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d77e602f-81aa-4455-b6f8-debd194153fb", + "text": "Bon dia. Quins articles del nostre menú voldrien?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c495c51-4c3e-405b-8ea3-21e22a855f92", + "text": "Doncs sushi, samosas i Masala Dosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "sushi", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "samosas", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "Masala Dosa", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea92b236-7024-4c13-ae93-87cb892e9b12", + "text": "Quantes unitats?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ff70af2-f8d2-4a4f-90d3-03a70521b146", + "text": "Dues samoses, 5 sushis i un masala dosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "Dues samoses", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "5 sushis", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un masala dosa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ec146ab-dfa6-4baf-a09f-2281596be98c", + "text": "De quina mida serien les samoses? Petites, mitjanes o grans.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fec25bb4-0512-4fdc-8d3b-16b678087ec7", + "text": "Grans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "Grans", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "74433bdd-aba0-4eef-a7f1-d4a8544a6bba", + "text": "D'acord. Em podria dir la seva direcció, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e116dd68-988a-4ea9-a4bf-555a3802aeed", + "text": "Sí, visc a Castelldefels al carrer niu, 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Castelldefels", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer niu, 12", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f910381-52da-48b4-9fd7-8ed82201315c", + "text": "Rebràn la comanda en uns 45 minuts. El pagament ha de ser amb targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2afaf67b-2c02-45c3-b349-0c35491c6b35", + "text": "D'acord! Cap problema!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9b37d2c-feb1-40a1-b790-2452bb737e91", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "078d451c-66f9-465c-acd0-1934541ebc68", + "text": "La comanda està trigant molt en arribar, deia que trigaria 20 minuts, però encara no ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fbf129b4-c82d-4c60-b4b7-588637d77d65", + "text": "Em pot facil·litar el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91580f3b-b92c-49d6-8fd9-52c513e08341", + "text": "Sí, és el 003", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "3", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ac7dc4c-a96d-4153-adc3-64883bc4c799", + "text": "Al sistema consta que la seva comanda ja està en circulació i que es va tramitar fa 16 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac1c58fb-2f12-4a2e-8259-3051862b1347", + "text": "Doncs encara no ha arribat...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "encara no ha arribat", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eeb3edcf-8475-400e-8610-cd27e8158083", + "text": "Potser li ha passat alguna cosa a qui la portava?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9ed188e-75c1-49af-941a-499370d5543d", + "text": "Disculpi les molèsties, esperi un moment mentre comprovem l'estat de la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6aadde1d-8ede-40bf-9b42-96ccd5e08a0e", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0df9123b-3041-4a3e-a4a1-f90b32fca294", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80ccf74e-fde1-4761-a92f-aaa2db1b1bf7", + "text": "Volim demanar unes pizzes, podria ser que la pizza 4 no tingues xampinyons?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "no tingues xampinyons", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6f9e29c-2c03-45d3-8ea4-9c9e796486b9", + "text": "Sí, es poden afegir o treure ingredients.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b5d9843-e2bf-4b4b-bef8-52a8291ca4dc", + "text": "Gràcies! Doncs en aquest cas demanarem la pizza 4 sense xampinyos i una pizza vegetariana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "la pizza 4 sense xampinyos", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una pizza vegetariana", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "637569c3-7d17-4c85-adce-587c2b7217fe", + "text": "Quant trigaria la comanda en arribar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quant trigaria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f207aafb-2343-4808-b510-4c77fab6d7f9", + "text": "Em podria dir la seva direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c90479a-101a-4657-ba1e-56ba27112d6f", + "text": "Sí, carrer santa susana, 18 tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer santa susana, 18 tarragona", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "31e4702c-dee9-4f8d-8775-1f65a2ac9d7c", + "text": "L'arribada seria en uns 25 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e3b9ed3-9747-42ef-abaf-c2f16ad5c42a", + "text": "Gràcies! Quin és el preu total?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_summary_of_transaction", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b290b250-2af2-4995-9b74-3a43dd26505f", + "text": "Serien 16€. El pagament es realitza amb targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed42393b-b521-48e6-a241-42eefb2e3585", + "text": "D'acord i gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a147534-5948-4de2-9f2f-b84cf6949f73", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "387ae729-8d25-44c3-b5ed-ed9371be1d21", + "text": "El menjar ha arribat fred", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ha arribat fred", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2796c31f-deb3-4458-9ece-2de23b0ddfa0", + "text": "Em podria dir la referència de la seva comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08371c9c-530f-40b9-868c-355ff80669b8", + "text": "01923", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1923", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1cf3de3e-b12f-460d-b225-00f1a91b2c4f", + "text": "No consta cap incidència al sistema. Voldría fer alguna reclamació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ec59299-cb21-4a3d-b6dc-e86c32e47857", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3710538d-368b-4963-98d7-cbfee4289311", + "text": "Ha d'omplir un formulari a la nostra pàgina web, a la secció d'atenció al client.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "988da684-b08c-4955-be63-86412945f61b", + "text": "Pot facilitar-me la pàgina wrb?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina wrb", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a35275b7-d9df-43da-adcc-38f166f2fe81", + "text": "https://restaurantwindsor.com/menu/", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7029e4c8-5a05-4a38-b96f-4622706db6be", + "text": "Podria facilitar-me el nom de la persona que ens ha portat el menjar per fer la incidència?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nom de la persona que ens ha portat el menjar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cfad3249-09b9-458b-9c91-028049a0135d", + "text": "Malhauradament, aquesta informació és confidencial pel client.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cab1c419-fef8-4d4e-825b-5a54ad9cad9a", + "text": "En aquest cas, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba74187a-f3a7-43c5-9490-ed14925e50c6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "08b46cf7-60ac-4e88-872e-b3c5ceb7a7c7", + "text": "La app funciona malament, fa molts minuts que ens diu que el repartidor està a 5 minuts, però està congelat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "La app funciona malament", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "926bdfea-ba8b-4ccb-af47-6364a3f50b68", + "text": "Em podria dir quin és el seu número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0a4970f-bb22-41d3-b013-c648038db7b6", + "text": "01923", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1923", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10e3aee8-6117-4bce-a375-0db5278b3b2a", + "text": "Sembla que la comanda ja està a la seva direcció, així que deu ser un error de l'app.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4aefe4f6-f3a9-44c1-98d8-469c4f4fe089", + "text": "Sí, de fet el menja r ens ha arribat fa una estona, però la app encara està mostrant que no ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "el menja r ens ha arribat fa una estona, però la app encara està mostrant que no ha arribat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b85580e-6185-4074-b0c4-faf9adc170c0", + "text": "Ho deiem sobretot pel jove que ha vingut que ha sigut molt amable i semblarà que no ha portat el menjar a temps 😅", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63768bd1-818f-4458-9e8e-4e883bce6027", + "text": "No es preocupi, ja s'actualitzarà quan es desbloquegi. Al sistema consta com a entregat, així que no hi ha problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9feccbfb-6112-499d-890f-8e71ac85d7ef", + "text": "D'acord! Molt amable!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a77bb93b-8780-42d6-9bec-c8bdfa1f905e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "149b20b4-d767-4976-9176-acf53a4545dd", + "text": "Volia demanar una pizza i una amanida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una pizza", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una amanida", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b3ad0ee-edc0-42c4-8904-ab309fdd7a2a", + "text": "Teniu alguna oferta per demanar online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58416c8f-9e36-49f8-a36a-1129f73f874c", + "text": "Sí, avui la pizza mitjana i beguda per 7,99€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63049dad-d492-48a5-9add-b7adc347c009", + "text": "Llavors demnarem dos menus un amb pizza vegetariana i la altra amb una pizza de formatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dos menus un amb pizza vegetariana", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "la altra amb una pizza de formatge", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "31300aae-7586-4be5-bcd3-a3330f1df373", + "text": "I amb una coca cola i un nestea", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una coca cola", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un nestea", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70579cc3-0a4d-4df0-a4e1-493527942112", + "text": "Ho volen a domicili?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8678d006-54dd-468f-916c-8bc3e6476339", + "text": "sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb93b348-a22b-4f07-82fd-2c16f95948c9", + "text": "Quina és la direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e8a902e-dedf-4f74-9832-95011dcc38fb", + "text": "carrer muntaneda 14, Miami", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer muntaneda 14, Miami", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8625a88c-3461-4030-a5fc-fcd38ad6200c", + "text": "La seva comanda queda registrada i la rebrà en uns 25 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d49b0d3-0fcc-4e74-9ee2-1e4847967579", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd0248d4-8d44-4623-b4a4-47328388d428", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "91a202a0-a50a-4a1a-b7a5-ac35484e842c", + "text": "Bon dia, volíem comprar menjar per la nit de Nadal a domicili", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "nit de Nadal", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69f00a30-6c4e-4a4c-9b0a-40a71dcf94d3", + "text": "Serà possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c576fab4-0c9e-4acf-9d0f-00f52c329e63", + "text": "Bon dia. Quins articles de la nostra carta voldrien?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27cd38af-ad7b-4355-ad38-957ce13dd284", + "text": "Voldríem canelons", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "canelons", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08e5ec1e-2e1b-41af-a50c-2f7ac661ff24", + "text": "Quantes unitats?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca288278-43c0-4d8a-a43e-4af6a7058c41", + "text": "16", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "16", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "372b8b95-ac2d-42a9-99d0-ab4467628342", + "text": "Per quan voldríeu la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a1e450e-ad0d-4902-9f45-002c275ea8d6", + "text": "Ens agradaria que el menjar arribés a les 9 de la nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "9 de la nit", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2f71e27-e50e-446b-bb4a-c12de8892ea3", + "text": "Voldríen coberts?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54f52a1e-f1a0-4ca0-ba27-12680e1984c8", + "text": "No cal, ja en tenim a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d063b04-050b-4e6d-a958-8a1a593c96f7", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrada la seva comanda. El pagament és amb targeta en el moment de l'entrega.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "171bc87a-667c-4ba6-be3a-61931aff5718", + "text": "Gràcies per la info!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce353207-f0d1-4a8c-bcc6-6877f79583b7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "63605d23-8499-4041-bfde-f3142264aa9f", + "text": "Hola bon anit, voliem fer una comanda i fer la compra setmanal online, disposen d'aquest servei?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compra setmanal", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bd7bb72-73f9-4da3-abaf-af1e7b54b525", + "text": "Per tal de realitzar la compra setmanal hauría de fer servir la nostra pàgina web. Que voldria demanar per la seva comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06a6eebd-1f88-47c4-8297-74dccd465cdf", + "text": "Doncs voldria comprar tomaquets, xampinyons i fruita", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "tomaquets", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "xampinyons", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "fruita", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c260a82-f5b5-4259-a58f-d353c95e6b91", + "text": "Quantes unitats voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0ee144f-4fd0-4f86-bc08-42f69c586109", + "text": "Doncs un paquet de cada i una bossa de frutes variades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "un paquet de cada", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una bossa de frutes variades", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "508c4fa7-9538-47da-8d53-663811723c7a", + "text": "Doncs un paquet de cada i una bossa de fruites variades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec459627-1b2d-46db-9544-8dd39453e7cb", + "text": "De quina quantitat voldria els paquets?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb1150b6-e8fd-408a-8c75-37df2b73dd0d", + "text": "Els paquets grans, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "grans", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49192b1c-2a5a-4974-9ae8-afca9c558c9d", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ab85382-668c-454b-ae0c-e964d1e34dbd", + "text": "Amb això és suficient. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3094dd3-467d-4aca-ac6f-2be1e0910a42", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 73#", + "número": 73, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2c6a7ec4-6168-420b-a6f7-723614fa7c43", + "text": "Hi ha alguna opció per sol.licitar un cuiner a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cuiner a domicili", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a011e17f-cb8d-492c-8015-25e9999f3803", + "text": "Per quin tipus d'esdeveniment seria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0faf9fee-7274-4db2-9fc9-5dd299eec9f9", + "text": "Per un casament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "casament", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71f21a5d-5ee7-45f4-8975-6fec5cb3d32f", + "text": "Quants comensals hi hauria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf2264f6-261e-484f-8af9-8c2b95288ede", + "text": "134", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "134", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f0a2f57-2935-44cd-8d91-88807b2d2356", + "text": "Per a quin dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb42e12d-a6ee-4688-9813-491e73b9114d", + "text": "El 14 de novembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "14 de novembre", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81691cff-5c99-4827-a577-f6fd5f926c28", + "text": "Disposa d'un pressupost?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1732a64b-7f47-4641-b5b5-8e3f9f6d1bdf", + "text": "Sí, entre 2000 i 3000 €", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "entre 2000 i 3000", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39eede0c-9f89-4138-9201-57e57584a560", + "text": "Els nostres cuiners cobren una prima de 500€ quan son reserves amb menys d'un mes d'antel·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "301d30da-6e32-4046-9df6-f3c3a6df64b0", + "text": "D'acord!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ee42bb9-4d00-4240-ad20-b06ae484aae1", + "text": "Per tal de reservar el servei cal que faci una paga i senyal. Si vol seguir endavant proporcioni un correu electrònic i li enviarem els següents passos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ef81495-8c27-4d1a-8f21-402e07ae8b59", + "text": "anawi.boa@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "anawi.boa@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb68ea45-4180-4948-9a84-7eb356562560", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5800cf9-1be8-4334-964b-8e8f99e419eb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 74#", + "número": 74, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "10e4686a-e31c-4330-9aaf-c53834fc75c4", + "text": "Bon dia, voliem demanar per dinar dos menus grans de la hamburguesa 4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dos menus grans de la hamburguesa 4", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8240fa4-5a5e-4b5a-afc0-a19a636d03dd", + "text": "Quina és la seva direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5363c29-0b8a-4490-b47d-d2253acbbe43", + "text": "carrer santa anna, 13", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer santa anna, 13", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "191360e1-44ea-421c-bf0c-d0dc9eb8de82", + "text": "Girona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c0e7bd7-c990-4206-887e-9d4a7c131346", + "text": "El temps d'arrivada aproximat és a les 19.45.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e80a1ab-4e23-4c77-892e-aac7d88a635f", + "text": "És massa tard, voliem sopar d'hora", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "massa tard", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd9dedb7-9012-40c7-9977-32fc85ed0d22", + "text": "El nostre restaurant obre la cuina a les 19h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23fede11-8fe5-4d94-a630-1908f98cab22", + "text": "I quan tanquen la cuina?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan tanquen la cuina", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7664e318-b90b-44d1-b4cc-d15774a14085", + "text": "A les 23h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a83c56da-f13f-4775-a271-47f4753eaa96", + "text": "En aquest cas, podrieu portar el dinar a les 23 a casa meva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "23", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa meva", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bfa10eec-6f17-406a-94b3-19117a6aca19", + "text": "Sí. Voldrien coberts?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1af68a19-3c62-4498-b91e-de448612fdc6", + "text": "Sí, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4e51361-52c3-497e-923a-b61751e473ee", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0243730e-5d1b-4a11-963a-4582130a2e3d", + "text": "Bones! He vist que la meva demanda s'ha equivocat de dirreció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "change_shipping_address", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3454dafc-8984-435d-ba36-c0ebdb703743", + "text": "Visc al carrer Taronja, 50 i està al número 5", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "change_shipping_address", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Taronja, 50 i està al número 5", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f9c90ce6-bf4d-47f2-964e-c4ca7dc7ad2d", + "text": "Em podria dir el número de comanda si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "756dbb30-9fa0-463a-93d7-27a22b926899", + "text": "289", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "289", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8191b1e8-6716-4d56-834b-2d07ad00b994", + "text": "El repartidor encara no ha sortit de manera que corregirem la direcció i hauria de rebre la seva comanda a l'hora esperada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95f65877-af7b-40af-8c5d-100c9461137b", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26a855fc-9f3e-48cc-b22e-0536e47e3d72", + "text": "Ja que estem, podria demanar unes patates extra?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "unes patates", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "435f9694-8bc6-42f1-af5b-f1cf41cdfe6e", + "text": "La modificació del contingut de la comanda suposaria un canvi en l'hora d'arribada. Vol seguir endavant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a443e7c0-2c0a-44fd-977e-3416d88d6302", + "text": "Sí, cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d38bf79a-85da-484b-8b43-e2e33f3688f6", + "text": "Queda registrat el canvi. Haurà de fer el pagament amb targeta al repartidor.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "514bf740-5874-48b7-a90a-d2da6f0766ce", + "text": "D'acord!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "614db88d-8cfc-42ba-9cd9-1ac29fbf962f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6c82740a-e606-4ce7-beaa-f663e2c9dbde", + "text": "Haviem demanat per menjar a casa meva, però al final anirem a menjar a casa d'un altre amic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "55b02745-4666-4b56-9720-f3c43da409a8", + "text": "Com podem canviar la direcció d'entrega des de l'app?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "change_shipping_address", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "be8505e4-62c4-4a4b-bd91-f47b79097e0d", + "text": "Em pot facilitar el codi de la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b8b4862-4771-46fd-b9b0-6df6f9a978cd", + "text": "és 1234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1234", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce07cacc-01c9-4a2e-b3af-efdb64368123", + "text": "Quina és la nova direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48fa6d87-18dd-418e-8a50-c854e62aa32a", + "text": "carrer Agramunt 13, Agramunt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Agramunt 13, Agramunt", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e9cf2d1-b190-44a3-9f2a-d05479e48291", + "text": "Queda registrat el canvi. Els puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03a4d034-291d-4981-89a2-7cbd8cfb5b6d", + "text": "No, amb això serà suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "89df2e85-9f95-4b5c-b9af-eca1e386b667", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4bb891ad-2740-4e71-a495-91ae36ab9207", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f477766e-fe72-4ae0-8bd7-238506ca5661", + "text": "Ens ha arribat el menjar, però olorava malament i tenia un color estrany", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "olorava malament i tenia un color estrany", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f95acca-30a9-4111-9d24-7add1fb66fbe", + "text": "Vull que em retornin els diners", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c614ec3-e827-4b4c-acd2-77e1fe670caa", + "text": "Em pot dir el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e92f903f-aa78-4e3a-aec4-abe538a12007", + "text": "133", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "133", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ff7da35-8265-4093-819a-89ddd3c39a6d", + "text": "Hauría d'omplir aquest formulari per tal de fer la reclamació i processar el retorn de l'import. http://reclamacion.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c2d1fff-a917-4194-8c8f-b3b04ac0b901", + "text": "Ja he omplert el formulari, però encara no m'han retornat els diners", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "omplert el formulari", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no m'han retornat els diners", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "637d968c-f700-452a-a010-e9ddc4d27128", + "text": "La devolució pot trigar 24-48 hores en aparèixer al seu compte bancari.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b2147df-e6b2-4df9-b6da-321dbe971374", + "text": "Ja han fet més de 48 hores i encara no m'ha arribat la devolució...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més de 48 hores", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09edbea2-4620-478a-b4f0-ab8e4ed4fd65", + "text": "Malhauradament no podem fer res més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "520dda33-2eba-46f4-9740-c35ff9ad5260", + "text": "En aquest cas, vull que sapigueu que no estic gens content amb el servei", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ee13b342-a166-4e27-b69f-5bda3eeeb51a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d64970d8-1205-42af-ad99-33a324ba47be", + "text": "Voliem demanar per sopar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "551add2d-fcf3-4f27-8450-b63aa26fdf56", + "text": "Quins articles de la nostra carta vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7819ea12-53ea-4aff-a42e-adb902c330af", + "text": "Doncs jo voldria un entrepà d'heura, unes braves i un Nestea i els meus amics dos menus 3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "entrepà d'heura", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "unes braves", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "un Nestea", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dos menus 3", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 89 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aabbc1c7-4df3-4a91-a4bb-da8906035fd4", + "text": "Voldríen coberts?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9e4ceca-d6c0-46ff-91f3-215dfd48e982", + "text": "No cal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e941680-ab2b-4161-a128-2c142f834654", + "text": "Quant trigarà en arribar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quant trigarà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d573dfc-28d7-4dde-8361-3701d8fd47d3", + "text": "Quina es la direcció d'entrega?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a22e481-30c1-4a49-9974-35c7c99c1118", + "text": "carrer de la màniga, 243", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de la màniga, 243", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d4c31cf-70af-4d00-84e3-70f25b7cf11b", + "text": "Trigarà uns 15 minuts en arribar la seva comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf2b8d45-7cf5-46c2-ac76-3d963113999a", + "text": "Perfecte! Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f620b38e-269f-48de-902f-35d5e8b6f5a7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 79#", + "número": 79, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4c9b7f19-d8a3-490b-affb-c7e762b5e8a6", + "text": "Bona nit, haviem demanat una hamburguesa sense ceba, però la heu portada amb ceba", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "hamburguesa sense ceba", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "la heu portada amb ceba", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4eb5cf20-8d3f-4c88-8777-a37440e069c7", + "text": "Podríeu portar una altra hamburguesa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "una altra hamburguesa", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bdb63561-93f5-4c64-ab46-1624196ac403", + "text": "Em pots dir el teu número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f5bf604-6893-4924-b085-6196c5e0327b", + "text": "123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8bad9af2-bac3-4481-a3dd-8d4d0a6fd7f5", + "text": "A la comanda consta amb ceba.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c7c169e-c447-48b6-8286-0d1da79eb976", + "text": "En serio? Doncs estem bastant segurs que la haviem demanat sense, pots compartir aquesta comanda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "compartir aquesta comanda", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa51c898-905a-4df8-a17f-a71d578d1aab", + "text": "Tens tota la informació de la comanda al correu que has posat a la app.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b54eaf49-72f2-48c3-92ce-3ef9d62b400b", + "text": "Doncs sembla que ens haviem equivocat nosaltres. Disculpa les molèsties!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8659846-b655-4806-b202-2dcc6edb2ce9", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar-nos!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb22c5f9-c5a6-4c3e-86f1-64ec68b38498", + "text": "De res!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d6624f7-a287-4573-9305-806c8b21331c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "05357d74-4f7e-4323-88a0-af882ad51fdb", + "text": "Volíem demanar menjar, però volíem que arribes a les 22.00", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "22.00", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5f3f477-ccd4-4462-a468-6e1389c85c24", + "text": "Quina és la seva direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7644b3e7-32bd-45ed-85d0-b6226ce5079d", + "text": "carrer formiga, 13", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer formiga, 13", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7867c88-5d44-4781-a9e7-41a7e99c6079", + "text": "Quins articles voldrien per la seva comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d08ffbd4-3ece-4d84-a8d4-d224adf94b55", + "text": "Doncs voldrem 5 samoses, 10 falafel i 3 hummus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "5 samoses", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "10 falafel", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "3 hummus", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d280d3cf-c584-4685-992e-f00c669bd352", + "text": "A nom de qui voleu fer la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b5cc88f-224e-4fba-9188-e58f13efb2be", + "text": "Pere Hernandez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernandez", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db37b543-857c-4614-913a-79dca788d2a9", + "text": "Queda registrada la vostra comanda. Us puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9e1225d-2a51-4168-938a-49079741e7ca", + "text": "Seria possible demanar coberts?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "coberts", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6b0f6316-1166-4124-a2db-0c9a8ef98f0e", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + } + ], + "comerc": [ + { + "id": "e1c46ef1-a064-475a-b882-433990dabbc4", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 1#", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e1c7ff7a-eb2c-4160-b399-b12aeca77626", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d7121257-8f0d-468e-b66b-e724f2323b6a", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "baecbb76-f442-47ab-813b-3586f54b78d3", + "text": "Mira vaig fer una comanda a la vostra botiga fa uns 5 dies, pero encara no he rebut el paquet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "fa uns 5 dies", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77feff94-edba-416f-b981-1551f0d4add3", + "text": "Em pot donar el número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b1acdea-83cf-47ca-b49b-5116d849ae06", + "text": "Sí, és el H923869CP", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "H923869CP", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57573cc5-f289-4f20-af1e-56965c9ce5f0", + "text": "D'acord. Sembla que el paquet es troba a duanes. L'estimació dels paquets retinguts a duanes és de 2 dies addicionals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed561190-f310-4c5b-b60c-da414945398a", + "text": "ah d'acord, doncs quan el rebré?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan el rebré", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "362800d8-b1e5-4cc0-aee6-e2957d604c58", + "text": "El rebrà en 2 o 3 dies com a màxim. Si no el rep en aquest termini contacti amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7694dfc5-eff4-43ed-a6b3-997761058a89", + "text": "Vale així faré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7d04ead3-a236-4105-a5de-064236887d48", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "564f69f0-5bcc-49ac-a3b1-5e719b944f5d", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff4ac8df-6444-4f51-82de-73c4dba0fefa", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 2#", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5a88e598-f0cd-4336-982a-1ef144f4979d", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9a214736-f5a0-4d00-93a1-cc493c97df3a", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7b7d01c-2120-44b4-8acf-73d5e6394a8c", + "text": "Volia saber a on estan les vostres botigues a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06f4fc93-6799-4a5f-aa3f-8e4c4d9b2e9c", + "text": "Tenim botigues a Passeig de Gràcia, Carrer Diputació, Carrer Mallorca i Carrer Pau Clarís.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3dd1acd-0ba9-4500-8e5c-03e16263c73c", + "text": "Ah d'acord, i quin horari tenen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08b42a73-1153-4372-9684-eb7a319f3e71", + "text": "L'horari és de 9.00 del matí a 20.00 de la tarda. Els caps de setmana les botigues estan tancades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43986f3f-be78-4c79-912b-c2cc77a4d876", + "text": "Vale perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b3e529dd-46c0-4478-854d-3050b9ea3d2f", + "text": "Puc entrar a les botigues amb un gos, si porta murrió?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gos", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "murrió", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d064f153-3c9e-46b3-9431-9c3f38b97cf8", + "text": "Sí, si porta murrió no hi hauria d'haver cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c32d2f8-4306-4d77-b67b-05a04a3294bc", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a70ad74-7de2-4a8d-a9e9-c85d152ae36b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2cfedb4b-b689-419d-a326-779ee3599f9f", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eaab5c61-ca02-4a11-a10e-f067c77657fe", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 3#", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ddbe1457-802b-468a-bb3d-61ec5ebc2e09", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9b7717e-a499-4dc9-b777-672208baa7db", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28732df9-d40a-4546-bdbf-79909868f525", + "text": "Vaig comprar uns altaveus a la vostra botiga de Rambla Catalunya fa uns dies, però crec que son defectuosos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "altaveus", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botiga", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Rambla Catalunya", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "defectuosos", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fba1c623-7535-4c9b-9f81-9af702294a69", + "text": "Em pot indicar el problema, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb3aede6-1174-49d5-b5a3-6913772ceece", + "text": "El so és de mala qualitat, com estàtic o metàlic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "so és de mala qualitat", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72b62b93-b3d5-46e5-a627-32bb37c593c3", + "text": "Sobretot els baixos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "els baixos", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "abea500b-4f74-43eb-8f6a-a58d2cd74d80", + "text": "Si vol els pot canviar. Podem tornar-li els diners o enviar-li uns altres altaveus.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "825a9e51-6036-42bb-90fe-44282b499248", + "text": "Si, els vull canviar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3227513a-c6de-4963-91d9-22585edbc8fd", + "text": "He de tornar a anar a la tenda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "tenda", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d8038b81-e18f-4929-a0bf-1af97daf3b2c", + "text": "Pot anar a la botiga o podem enviar-li a casa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cf359de-38b3-4743-ae18-8692c9f1f1c7", + "text": "Doncs millor a casa, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b31245e-bc3c-47de-b5c0-43d2706098a0", + "text": "D'acord. Ens pot indicar l'adreça altre cop, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00b287b6-f526-403a-a7ac-3fd9f330585e", + "text": "Carrer Petritxol 48, 1r 3a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Petritxol 48, 1r 3a", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "333bfcd6-4ae3-4467-ae78-36bf688273ad", + "text": "a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ea059e9-b495-401b-b27e-287ded12681d", + "text": "Li tornarem a enviar els altaveus a la seva casa com ha indicat. Els rebrà en 3 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acb6e20a-6e58-4ee0-a362-448f335046bf", + "text": "Molt bé. Puc donar els altaveus defecuosos al repartidor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "altaveus", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "defecuosos", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "repartidor", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e36e8c9f-511b-476e-beca-0332ca0ad12c", + "text": "Sí. Ell mateix ens els tornarà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e9c30a9-abfa-40d1-8401-faec3496b501", + "text": "Molt bé, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98044a5e-43a0-4806-ab5a-c52e67153452", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "030cca5b-5098-463a-94df-c72250b610ea", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27359f4f-0b4c-4b86-b4ad-8cde750e1efd", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 4#", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2f80aa3a-e57c-475c-80f4-49bf5bcc68d1", + "text": "Bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eb8c6eff-6d81-495c-ab08-d4120ba723d9", + "text": "Vull parlar amb un representant humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1bd5867-93c7-4270-9b25-9a256a2170a7", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "275dec46-c051-4eca-a597-d13067afd6b8", + "text": "Sobre quin tema vol parlar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d795990e-938f-4632-a5cb-08b8d9633a42", + "text": "Vull sol·licitar el fraccionament del pagament d'un portàtil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "fraccionament del pagament", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portàtil", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ac9c171-e988-4685-b40a-c1a7d1afce93", + "text": "En quotes mensuals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "quotes mensuals", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ec47aef-8737-46c9-80a8-5482882291f7", + "text": "D'acord. El temps d'espera dels nostres agents és de 5 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a47d9ff4-992c-4d89-8b60-f8d3e6429a2b", + "text": "Cap problema, m'espero", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9d51d513-8168-4994-9374-05e113096a07", + "text": "D'acord. De seguida un agent estarà amb vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84f1f231-a30b-42a6-b066-7a1a4e9cb8f5", + "text": "Vale gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab2cfd86-0faf-4fca-a5eb-ac5779953d2a", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01b40d80-3b84-425e-89f2-18d4f4dae952", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b66d102-5c99-4461-9a97-5bca6a950fe8", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 5#", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "feebfb77-16c2-46cd-ae19-be8c181935ee", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa1e2b92-c6ff-43d5-b003-203bf3ff1492", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebabccb1-d099-4126-9b3c-75e2e3931a0b", + "text": "Voldria saber si les vostres botigues estan adaptades a persones en cadira de rodes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "adaptades a persones en cadira de rodes", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef727ae3-4d67-45c4-91e1-d07d214592db", + "text": "Totes les nostres botigues estan adaptades per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73ec803f-72d1-4c4c-b87d-8480361cc599", + "text": "Teniu rampes a l'entrada, i ascensors a dins de la botiga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "rampes a l'entrada", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ascensors a dins", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e127694-a40b-4cfc-80f9-94a11745e202", + "text": "La majoria de les nostres botigues són d'una sola planta i totes compten amb rampes d'accés. I les dues que tenen dues plantes tenen ascensors.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b45d1e55-776b-4f59-a6a6-f5d7abc69071", + "text": "Ah vale, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ae5043d9-b5eb-4442-8b33-f12e13ecc09e", + "text": "I preneu mesures pel COVID?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mesures pel COVID", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03615139-fb9c-49d1-be4f-404030a2ec06", + "text": "Sí. Tothom ha de portar mascareta i desinfectem el local cada hora per assegurar una bona higiene.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58744a1f-f01a-435a-b898-b870986e7f04", + "text": "Molt bé, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47c848c3-f3f1-4c96-8113-b725c003df20", + "text": "Doncs res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e300588-5acf-4195-a46b-aa22ed3771f0", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2adecf76-d2d9-4595-9a28-bd08aa2b8eae", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e2257fb-aa28-41b2-95fb-f54a29961966", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 6#", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cc610ed8-20f8-47e2-895a-529237685c91", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a083af2-f975-46ac-86a8-ade5de2a0b97", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ea92210-7407-4487-9dc9-d3c5f75865f0", + "text": "Doncs volia saber si feu enviaments a tot Europa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviaments", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Europa", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18e7a63e-34d7-4638-8ea6-9cbf4d05dec6", + "text": "A on vol que li fem l'enviament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee9a7da8-ea7f-4aa0-a005-7d26b452ee85", + "text": "Doncs volia fer una comanda per internet, pero vist a Suècia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Suècia", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39b6fcb3-643f-4e88-a4d2-01dbfc7707f4", + "text": "Feu enviaments a Estocolm també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Estocolm", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2cad1fd-2545-4602-a551-581f94794a5f", + "text": "D'acord. Sí. Fem enviaments a Suècia. Estocolm està inclòs en els enviaments també.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d909492-6393-4d5d-bd1a-67b14b69e815", + "text": "Perfecte, i hi ha costos addicionals?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1135a16f-7da0-4ab8-a4aa-c417cea748db", + "text": "L'enviament tindria un cost de 5€. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fe06684-7824-429c-86c9-dbb65c5691b4", + "text": "Si, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "488f3fa8-cfb8-45b0-8f4c-7c5550ccb698", + "text": "Molt bé. Digui'm la seva adreça, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f2866a2-35c7-46c3-89b3-7a0829b882d3", + "text": "Si, visc a Hamnagatan 31, 2n 3a, Estocolm", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Hamnagatan 31, 2n 3a, Estocolm", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8e29581-7b5c-4ab4-8a40-6d73b7bc50b7", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'ns el número de la seva targeta de crèdit, si pot ser, per poder efectuar el pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97723efb-297c-4643-84a1-6ca1634cf6fa", + "text": "Ok un moment", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d7b14e5c-4817-4e49-8624-15ae60008af7", + "text": "4929 6141 7796 6445", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4929 6141 7796 6445", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b667d68a-b3de-4f35-8409-4253b267acf1", + "text": "Targeta anotada. Ara mateix rebrà un codi al mòbil. Digui'ns-el i ja estarà tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae364665-1ba1-4430-94a8-0ab553219228", + "text": "Si, és el GN02385", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "GN02385", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7de5ab10-91c6-4c99-916c-2d3fe955a50a", + "text": "Perfecte. Ja està tot", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2754edd8-7517-410f-8727-5e90aa70b31b", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c571fd1f-3fe2-4601-84af-a87f048a6e5b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ed238f6f-e519-42ae-b729-058cf4cd935d", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d571ed3e-ab4c-44ae-8a36-e62f2bc462c7", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 7#", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "06ff7d2c-5cac-4d07-b299-7d5f487afd48", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eba97ae1-730d-454e-bc7a-538c1a644949", + "text": "Hola. Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "540ace4c-9822-4e4b-b5f9-ad436e309e25", + "text": "Vull posar una queixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "61047aef-c6b7-44f4-8cdf-e9456e5d6313", + "text": "Quina queixa voldria posar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17541f86-1ab7-4278-a25a-368bb174ea8f", + "text": "L'altre dia vaig anar a una de les vostres botigues, i el dependent em va atendre molt malament. Va ser molt maleducat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el dependent", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "maleducat", + "Start_char": 109, + "End_char": 118 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14e4a4bb-6443-4221-8d95-30316e6cdb90", + "text": "Sentim les molèsties que això li pugui haver ocasionat. Em pot indicar de quina botiga es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e03b137-6d08-4f55-b80a-54655cb61033", + "text": "Si, es la del Centre Comercial La Maquinista", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Centre Comercial La Maquinista", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5ec9f71-0a8b-49ce-8989-c4af92b455dd", + "text": "D'acord. Ara mateix enviem una notificació a la botiga en qüestió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb420358-89fa-4b89-b59c-047060f6a152", + "text": "Molt bé, i quedara registrada la queixa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "registrada", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15fdc5f5-9022-47a0-9415-3ae8065f8988", + "text": "Sí. Les nostres queixes queden enregistrades en tot moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9455f614-c315-469f-a4d8-028ee93a6a5d", + "text": "Entesos, doncs res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "44518e0b-90c1-4232-a651-ba0fcc322ec0", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "22dac822-7ca2-427e-a186-a769dfe8c277", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c3078c5-cc94-44d2-8f46-00a9365afb04", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 8#", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a8e60734-4419-43f1-9600-c4bdacff84b5", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e2c8dd1-7dbe-41f9-a206-e46eac2b0935", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4474cb53-2c23-44da-a7f4-cb9ffde8893e", + "text": "Estava intentant fer una comanda per l'aplicació, però quan intento fer el pagament, no em deixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "comanda", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per l'aplicació", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "el pagament, no em deixa", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35f53cf9-7082-45b4-af67-461af25ea496", + "text": "Li surt alguna notificació d'error?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63789b3d-160b-4bf6-aa94-026c93fbc343", + "text": "No, només em fa tornar cap enrere a la pantalla anterior", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "em fa tornar cap enrere", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1ce37f5-9e1b-4ac1-9b02-fa773cda255d", + "text": "Si vol pot fer la comanda per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "124f97e7-ed91-4991-b456-111a78d5a32f", + "text": "D'acord si, però tenia molts articles", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6830913e-57f7-469c-ad84-a0f676f97863", + "text": "Te'ls dic tots per aquí, o pots veure la meva comanda al sistema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "la meva comanda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e076b5b0-4a2f-4506-ab4a-c60ee6763c32", + "text": "Té el codi de la comanda que estava fent? Així pot fer només el pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb8b8d28-bcbc-41b7-acd5-9a7b418ca73b", + "text": "Si, és el 2947601285", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "2947601285", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "beae27de-fdf6-4e19-b875-c1219309e557", + "text": "Acabem de comprovar-ho. L'import era 57€?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6a80314-74e8-481c-a0d8-a4a274299089", + "text": "Si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bcce3408-aa34-4e46-a6d0-0469b9daba78", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'ns la seva targeta de crèdit, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "635cfd50-b1e9-4fd0-914f-445720021d65", + "text": "4819 0019 7331 6664", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4819 0019 7331 6664", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91b48fbd-95d6-4286-8a71-4ac3d65503fa", + "text": "D'acord. Ja li hem efectuat el pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e9f44a8-3689-4da9-8899-58168833228e", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da21c1eb-04e8-47ef-82b1-c10fd0fb3cfe", + "text": "Quan rebré el paquet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b903e5fd-2c34-41d2-9320-a064f582b76c", + "text": "El rebrà en un termini de 4-5 dies laborals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a48f8062-4172-436a-8023-32685e5ec225", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "44370dc5-409f-4b95-be7f-df1959ad9649", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a80dbf78-49ab-44b2-b04e-d99362d4b6ee", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e56f2a7b-dde6-4c29-8112-a34340533d50", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 9#", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b9d611ec-a91f-4665-aff8-dfc01e9a1ff8", + "text": "Bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e149f98-d97e-4b00-9e11-97b37b1fe1db", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90ff19b5-61b9-4142-8152-1edaa62bf2f0", + "text": "Voldria saber si us queden existències d'un article que he vist a la vostra pàgina web.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "article", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3128aa5b-c9db-422b-ac64-f9d21913d24b", + "text": "Em pot dir de quin article es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9209f2cd-aa1c-4805-bca0-4f21900b639a", + "text": "Si, és una televisió de la marca LG, el model G1 Gallery Series OLED", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "televisió", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "LG", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "G1 Gallery Series OLED", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4dfa4b73-768b-4250-9783-7669311b2cce", + "text": "Ens queden ara mateix 2 unitats. Vol comprar-ne una?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c8e233e-1d6b-4401-906e-b2790b70ed05", + "text": "Si, la puc comprar per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86a6ac1a-4956-4fb3-99e6-f98ae32927c4", + "text": "Sí, cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "323bfb6d-a336-48ca-a744-3d2eab926d8d", + "text": "Molt bé, què necessiteu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a268dc8b-0717-4c01-a935-788cc9c9d742", + "text": "Necessitem el seu nom i adreça. 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Aquest article té un preu de 890€. Vol fer el pagament amb targeta de crèdit?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd5f9038-5d2b-4cfa-94d6-d75606fdaa54", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec764b64-dccb-4421-8b2a-d6d7874122a9", + "text": "Digui'm el número de targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2758baff-c1eb-4d64-8bc0-5b9e5b7f9975", + "text": "4098 1029 9582 3305", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4098 1029 9582 3305", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f760df1b-449b-4496-a926-ca4e1493f883", + "text": "D'acord. Ja hauria d'estar tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43a3843b-81ba-41ac-9da0-ff031413bc4b", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs quan la rebre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8130cbf-9fc0-4696-b215-444e01cafe5f", + "text": "Ho rebràs en 3-4 dies laborals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99582293-1f3d-45ed-8045-8659c774b5ac", + "text": "Ok gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ee2a79c0-e684-4a6a-8456-51d7dbca2e07", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de5afcf2-4d1f-44d7-b2e9-568faad92dd0", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2b24bf5-5c7a-42f8-939d-4e5b2f24f4bf", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 10#", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ffa38e38-413c-4b99-9082-1f2643cd5427", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57e69ffb-ed43-4536-a753-5b12ae923770", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b815cec0-fbd6-4bd9-9062-8c163f47b542", + "text": "Volia saber si teniu ofertes o descomptes, ara que s'acosten les vacances de Nadal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes o descomptes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "vacances de Nadal", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "502e5a4f-d7d4-4b6c-a934-7431eb8528df", + "text": "Tenim un ordinador i7 a 500€ d'oferta i un disc dur de 5 TB a 20€. Voldria alguna d'aquestes coses?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92edda76-1eae-400c-a25a-f87e1fee03ab", + "text": "M'interessa l'ordinador, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "ordinador", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec1b4b99-6a06-4b3a-a776-9c4f4528e4ba", + "text": "El puc comprar a la vostra pàgina web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da9d16ad-ae06-46d9-896a-c9e0ed79acb6", + "text": "Sí. Està disponible a la pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c1904eb-064e-44ed-811c-2bdd7afddf32", + "text": "Perfecte, i què he de fer per comprar-lo per allà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99c87811-88be-47eb-8c83-ea9d326a8c0d", + "text": "No ho he fet mai...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a48987f-3b55-4642-9cfe-b5baf0f1c64d", + "text": "Simplement ha de buscar l'article en el buscador i afegir-lo al cistell de la compra. Des d'allà podrà comprar-lo fàcilment introduïnt les seves dades bancàries.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "baf996f1-253f-4f04-bfb2-c3acd2d20a9e", + "text": "Ah vale, ja veig on està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef1a5826-a7e4-4b26-b33c-0c3f73d5da79", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d48c81d-33b2-41a9-9441-112c166428c1", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "969aabf0-d6fa-4860-9804-6870ce90ada5", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3873d566-18c8-4f5e-8dbd-bb3bbd46bf27", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c14b86dc-08cf-4069-827e-c31b68516b99", + "text": "Bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d2f39ed5-4767-4857-8ef3-8e10a5027ccc", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "492e7cf8-6336-49d1-8834-d0f116a699de", + "text": "Estic interessada en comprar una rentadora, però voldria pagar-la a plaços", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "rentadora", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "a plaços", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05057091-339c-43ca-8dd6-03de91879913", + "text": "Teniu aquesta opció?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63f4109b-f280-4b1a-9635-ce3bf4a44224", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Pot pagar-la a 3 o a 6 terminis. Quina opció vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c8a3e1d-02f4-474f-a3f6-8e71c5dca05f", + "text": "Doncs a 6 terminis si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "a 6 terminis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b25352e1-7c91-473f-851c-707cd76a49a6", + "text": "De quant serien les quotes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quotes", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f7d08d8-a286-4b7c-a3fb-2333109a21a4", + "text": "De quina rentadora es tracta? Així li podem fer el càlcul aproximat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78c05829-6878-41e9-90ad-e9f721eaba4a", + "text": "Si, és la BEKO WTE 7611 BW", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "BEKO WTE 7611 BW", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7a638e8-d8e0-4075-bdf8-09faffddea36", + "text": "D'acord. Perfecte. Aleshores li sortirà a 120€ cada quota.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1275895e-3cfd-4755-8275-1ed04c3382cc", + "text": "Vale, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8c61bdcf-f645-4814-a7dd-9090a945654d", + "text": "I com faig per contractar-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a91fcb3-620c-44ac-9cc8-5a2aa80c1c94", + "text": "Pot fer-ho a través de la nostra pàgina web www.electrod.es/articles/ambterminis", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "246a1441-a6fb-4452-a376-0cce955aa8d5", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ara ho faig, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1bd8407c-c34b-4159-9a42-d9a939fe94c5", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47d838b6-053c-4cef-81d5-b0032dfe7687", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "263018df-3970-41c3-aaa5-4f93346cf25c", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "207636b4-7662-4383-9399-c541d7d84441", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2cd4854e-7804-412e-9a39-e44294548332", + "text": "He trobat uns quants cupons de la vostra botiga per casa, però no sé si encara son vàlids", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cupons", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18faf028-9205-40f8-949c-79cfdf66fe18", + "text": "Em pot dir el codi dels cupons, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ceab1431-8358-4789-88ce-e54b78eb138b", + "text": "Si, és el 287298346934", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "287298346934", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9d8a4b1-62ca-4f3f-8cd5-2b073e7bf91e", + "text": "D'acord. Els cupons ja han caducat malauradament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f17e1539-0b7e-4fbc-94f7-603561ccdfe5", + "text": "Ah vaja... I no hi ha cap manera de fer-los servir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ac8c228-cab8-4697-b838-5494a74abb6a", + "text": "Malhauradament si els cupons ja estan caducats no podem fer-hi res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50ad67d7-91cf-4ed8-b6b3-a03e51a5d783", + "text": "Ok doncs res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "813110bb-bd10-4cbf-844a-814ddceb9155", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "294ed2c1-199d-4f6a-bf36-4220f8bec266", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce840b44-1675-4266-9925-88f1c3155a01", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c83f7442-f46d-47f0-a474-beee2b309e22", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a61a74b-f3b0-4632-baef-136dabefc26b", + "text": "Hola. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d21e8221-b395-430c-8c20-7a80e0c90cd8", + "text": "Vaig fer una comanda ahir però la vull cancel·lar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "27ec455e-43d4-4a58-8dde-ad0d810c5a4f", + "text": "Em pot dir el número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50c94300-5602-42ac-beb4-97192b597a76", + "text": "És el 928365CHG", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "928365CHG", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "638e1cfd-a9de-4330-b2b3-c3c0974c1fc4", + "text": "D'acord. Veig que la comanda encara no ha sortit dels nostres magatzems, així que no hi ha cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ed003d6-be23-434e-932c-05358dc0b9ae", + "text": "Perfecte! Doncs com la puc cancel·lar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd3d9909-895f-4b9b-887d-f4a45c8b6edb", + "text": "Ho pot fer per aquí mateix. Només ha de confirmar-ho per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "188cb25d-6826-4c1b-b57f-1a98bf865f66", + "text": "D'acord doncs si, confirmo que vull cancel·lar la comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c07efa0-0996-4eac-be5b-e89c55190019", + "text": "Perfecte. Comanda cancel·lada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ff9b004-356e-4d47-9f3e-2d126e788420", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb2a8567-c48b-4884-9d64-9566cc078174", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a92ff9c4-b057-448e-a0df-8c711b684ac9", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "507642fb-9769-4b5d-b45e-01360d0cca06", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "596091d4-0f20-43b8-90c5-d25de1365f0f", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda. Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff0f29ac-d7b8-4853-ae63-0f26c86d9222", + "text": "Si, just ara acabo de fer una comanda, però m'he equivocat amb el mètode de pagament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mètode de pagament", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68201844-f8e8-49a9-9780-227ae62a6cee", + "text": "Quin mètode de pagament ha sel·leccionat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77bd1a7d-913c-421c-85d3-62b920686127", + "text": "Amb targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d61daa3-cf93-4383-a145-5cbda46f1a02", + "text": "Pero m'he equivocat de número", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'he equivocat de número", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d3a20b2-2f38-4211-a552-e75121a494a2", + "text": "Em pot dir el número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d9428f0-18c1-48a2-ae52-734fc497637f", + "text": "ABJ1093756784", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "ABJ1093756784", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88d0d001-2f63-42d2-b4cd-720533f93570", + "text": "D'acord. Veiem que el número de targeta utilitzat és 5664 5673 4563 3454. Quin és el seu número de targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af67068b-ea76-40ea-a176-72ad6987f242", + "text": "4903 7711 0294 6699", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4903 7711 0294 6699", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e59170d8-8205-49a7-8737-9977b1cdbdc1", + "text": "D'acord. Ara efectuarem la modificació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc35cd97-c9f5-4c15-8f9b-f82c2a5ad349", + "text": "Modificació realitzada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e61c736b-f980-4a9a-b71a-fd37b9bfbe0c", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3fb6281a-4176-40f6-851e-3b6460f9dd16", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2559625d-8c69-4f1a-bab3-8436efd4e14b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3ceb7b5-e554-4292-a173-df1c4179e2ff", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "45628d70-b833-41d9-87ca-26b273041a16", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8482ce8-1637-41ed-a684-09b1af304bae", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9dc5f08-6e86-428b-8342-f2147ac0db91", + "text": "Voldria saber quins són els vostres horaris durant les vacances de Setmana Santa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "vacances de Setmana Santa", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d50d584-94ec-4f07-9408-bdc75f2f6a1f", + "text": "Per Setmana Santa estem oberts tots els dies menys el divendres Sant, de 9.00h a 18.00h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "221c5dba-03cf-4841-8df6-51a9a1f3bce6", + "text": "D'acord, i teniu alguna oferta o descompte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta o descompte", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44a10c84-df49-4ad8-af15-f3a8f40b2c9c", + "text": "Tenim un descompte del 20% en tots els electrodomèstics durant aquella setmana.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a4c5474-1fd4-4cb8-9846-1b6cf66ca1c0", + "text": "Ah perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e1c184d-3812-4c07-859d-94f448f27a1e", + "text": "I teniu descomptes en productes de la llar també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "productes de la llar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f704036a-92ae-4e65-84cf-42521ff8a638", + "text": "Malhauradament no tenim ofertes en productes de la llar. Només en electrodomèstics.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d19b4bf-9808-4137-81c5-383948743f9c", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96226551-f72a-4b5b-b14c-654ed080c031", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "19084cb1-b390-40ce-9b1e-c7baf26d8666", + "text": "A vostè. Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "892654ea-6295-4c26-a1c5-8f2be2ef5921", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6164725f-7278-492e-a140-8ebb429434cc", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce80b7d6-6ad8-49e7-8913-e2fe4ab98fb5", + "text": "Estava fent una comanda d'uns llibres de text a la vostra pàgina web, però em sembla que s'ha duplicat accidentalment, perquè m'han cobrat dues vegades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han cobrat dues vegades", + "Start_char": 126, + "End_char": 151 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "101fb921-cf82-4230-a26d-62dd3e6770de", + "text": "Em pot dir el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80682a01-29ce-41aa-b79d-1b0644d06e5e", + "text": "És el 103486789257", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "103486789257", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1da29c98-1836-4417-b66b-c700f8bb3931", + "text": "D'acord. Puc veure que s'han fet dues transaccions però en canvi només s'ha realitzat una comanda. Li ha sortit algun error quan realitzava la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2c9cd4e-3d0f-4d88-ac59-2cfefb27221f", + "text": "Si ha sortit, no l'he vist", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db409025-e19f-4f34-ab41-ec2e60f9eeeb", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores podem fer-li la devolució dels diners que se li han cobrat la segona vegada. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f9b758b-b24a-4fd4-9406-678430620e0d", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5662a8c2-a195-4c39-acd9-ecdc77779445", + "text": "D'acord. Acabem de fer-li una devolució a la targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f872688-e15b-4a2d-9268-f8caf810ce46", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc4387db-4c4a-4ac0-8de3-af77093a4903", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cc159ab-0066-4101-9da2-4251ede3c589", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9edba726-2df1-4cef-8e59-e2baff9ca772", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b411c1d4-47c7-4870-bcb8-aec69a176687", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1ebe90c8-e89b-4dc8-9545-34c057866b07", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f50c4059-21db-4691-a267-8bfae2b68678", + "text": "Voldria parlar amb un representant humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "39cc3f81-f488-4532-b072-31afd98f885c", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2842469-f3d9-48c5-87c1-f2894557c8e8", + "text": "Em pot indicar el motiu de la seva consulta, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a02abd22-57eb-46c4-9b5d-c490f83cd209", + "text": "Representant humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ecd29bf4-7a5a-4e7a-9e6b-61aa66a7653d", + "text": "Tenim a representants humans per parlar sobre els següents temes: Compres, cancel·lacions, modificacions a la comanda, queixes. Quina és la seva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b31357b1-e947-4195-b53c-009479f06520", + "text": "Compres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Compres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8ed4517-823c-4ea9-b572-32c40274957e", + "text": "D'acord. El temps d'espera serà d'aproximadament 5 minuts. Vol esperar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aab4d12d-2e2e-40bf-af28-1608c1399722", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab07fda9-2d43-46d6-b09b-78e4c2161205", + "text": "D'acord. Ara mateix li passem amb un agent humà. No marxi, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22c3c9b1-4749-44ba-abcc-aa1525e2e0cc", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02428032-33d7-442c-ac03-4462fa7cf938", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4976971-6b07-46d3-a0da-743f88899c43", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "46ebc5e7-d274-4100-b9be-702675450a2c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f8a438b3-71ef-46d1-b6e8-5e7e615bc9d4", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4515cfe-818d-4ab7-a966-23df0708ac81", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "425f961b-83ba-4ea3-9ec7-75bb356c6179", + "text": "Volia demanar un duplicat de la garantia, per l'ordinador que vaig comprar a la vostra botiga", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "duplicat de la garantia", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "ordinador", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d47af08a-38db-4beb-b7b5-6ce048911d99", + "text": "D'acord. Cap problema. Em pot dir el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f878cce-aab8-46f5-aabc-2d6c82c21288", + "text": "2098934681203", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "2098934681203", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0774722a-7491-4d75-93d7-011e51e53301", + "text": "D'acord. Li podem enviar un duplicat de la garantia per correu. Ens pot dir la seva adreça de correu electrònic, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54c4d939-349f-4323-9c0d-65ded589906b", + "text": "Si, és clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "73568279-d695-432b-94ec-721a68962b09", + "text": "eleonora.carrasco@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "eleonora.carrasco@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1d35213-e296-4f9a-a001-f0354b8e523c", + "text": "Molt bé. Li acabem d'enviar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb97302a-f9c0-4400-8080-5a23b6fcd0bb", + "text": "Si, ja l'he rebut gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0365e71-24c7-4e50-a4d2-4bc8b3487db2", + "text": "Però no veig la data, fins quan és vàlida la garantia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "vàlida la garantia", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95a59207-6e84-4b7e-bd1c-758decfa26a8", + "text": "La garantia és vàlida fins d'aquí 2 anys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0efa1eb8-fab6-4142-92c2-5e90c61e38e9", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "934566fa-c0ad-44bb-ae18-e797c3109bf8", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56a51a20-fc0b-4052-9d62-f05f96510c06", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ff296b5-331a-4708-bf77-1da72e8031b1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9abace32-c053-4824-b014-c0a623bd4b14", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7904d957-2778-4552-ac8e-25f25ab0ed4d", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5773b30-58f6-45f6-9ea0-7e23c39bf85f", + "text": "Voldria saber quins dels vostres productes són ecològics", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "productes són ecològics", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27c09ef1-3ab2-4bd8-8f87-3d6797f64a65", + "text": "Els productes que ara mateix tenim ecològics són: Forquilles d'acer inoxidable, Plats de metall, mocadors de paper reciclat, llet ecològica. Vol fer una comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f6f1bde-693e-4761-9d9d-f70768d5ebe1", + "text": "No, només volia informació, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ec394b2-2626-4e6a-922d-2a1819959fd8", + "text": "I quina és la vostra política mediambiental, a l'empresa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "política mediambiental", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "402b591a-f4db-46c0-aefb-add4aa1deb7a", + "text": "La nostra empresa dona suport a tots els productes ecològics per tal de millorar el mediambient de tot el planeta i beneficiar a les persones i hàbitat de les espècies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13151d48-921d-4294-9d11-718bf89ac179", + "text": "Què vol dir, que dona suport als productes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1b955d00-1473-43cd-b465-a1422ab93b6f", + "text": "La nostra empresa aposta per tot tipus de productes ecològics i per això hem creat una secció dedicada a aquest tipus de productes al nostre web. Pot consultar el preu de tots aquests productes a www.botigaessencial.com/eco", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4020e0c6-b0a6-4b54-8f78-4326d0535555", + "text": "Ah d'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5f3dc793-3620-4ec5-802e-576d46604bd6", + "text": "Doncs ja ho consultaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "255b192b-c27e-4a5b-bd7b-4b4d40dd2eb3", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57ac1d72-7668-4815-9f23-fab701af537c", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9db26cdb-be81-441d-9285-4c12ab1fbb8e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2e9d32cf-0ad9-4a52-8016-8572534495c9", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "95b922e5-a534-406b-b00e-2041dc71287a", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99ea7a5c-6245-44da-ba20-684f096005d1", + "text": "Vaig fer una comanda la setmana passada, que hagués hagut d'arribar en tres dies, però encara no he rebut el paquet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "setmana passada", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d051d7d5-347f-4e10-bfa3-dc70d43b63cc", + "text": "Sentim molt que la seva comanda estigui trigant. Em pot dir el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "229e3595-7828-410f-bc25-f77472f4c1da", + "text": "1034875893465", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1034875893465", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "433491fa-cd5a-473d-8f0e-6119102c5220", + "text": "Hem pogut comprovar que la seva comanda ha tingut un retràs a causa de condicions meteorològiques adverses, però ja hauria d'arribar-li en 3 o 4 dies a partir d'avui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e244ca7-bf5f-4bcd-be41-64a6032a277e", + "text": "3 o 4 dies més??? És inacceptable!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "3 o 4 dies més", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e61a8bd6-e96c-4951-a74d-3edc7c297cb8", + "text": "Sentim molts les molèsties. Si vol podem enviar-li un descompte per la seva pròxima compra amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10abc200-cea9-44d3-8ee9-ef540e553446", + "text": "Doncs si, faltaria més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "91256afc-a236-4ed6-8a03-f133fe16a37c", + "text": "De quant és el descompte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3b8badf0-3010-46e9-ba8d-9fd2b8bc4f13", + "text": "El descompte seria del 10% i simplement hauria de posar el codi que li enviarem quan vulgui realitzar la compra.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ae68fc6-0a61-4146-b69b-9d1e1ea62221", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e28b5f8d-7192-4dbd-946f-7621e90403d8", + "text": "Quin és el codi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "codi", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8547f9f-880a-4d97-99ab-b39985d9d69e", + "text": "El codi que hauria de posar és BOTIGA10", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e66cdee4-4bb3-40c2-b90e-4a4e63144255", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c371e4ae-7f74-4e50-82a9-38cff719c248", + "text": "Doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6628c274-48f0-4347-bae6-1929c286e81e", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b48c0903-264a-4ca1-9ce1-737f5938cbac", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc3ca5b7-4bec-47e4-8217-7a4061431ff9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6efc558f-bc9e-4a47-8b5d-ab34f7b749ab", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "91abf23c-421a-4892-83cc-363f580e81ca", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f59bd0b-f5ef-49a6-92ce-3694188479da", + "text": "Vull cancel·lar una comanda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "05162933-f5bd-480f-9b6d-721477ecfab6", + "text": "D'acord. Em pot dir el número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c84a7dcc-db50-446c-a585-5e4188889435", + "text": "Si és el 083467892698246", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "83467892698246", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2cdaf908-2d40-4e76-a672-3c616cc6d297", + "text": "D'acord. Veig que la comanda ja ha sortit del magatzem. Si la cancel·la ara haurà de pagar un cost extra.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad570ac1-c023-457a-a456-80ac24f73d87", + "text": "Quin és el cost?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4bc1b162-0d85-49c6-9ee6-b16dc49f049f", + "text": "Uns 10€ per la cancel·lació. La resta li tornarem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bae5cb40-fc38-4347-9c31-935b3954dc7c", + "text": "D'acord si, doncs vull continuar amb la cancel·lació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "68d6b114-a5b8-4789-bf33-da5810ebec16", + "text": "Perfecte. El seu número de targeta és 4564 5432 6786 4567?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e1b5e91-d055-434b-95b1-6b9392bef16d", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3c2547d-4a6f-4708-8d84-ef5e6cb2851b", + "text": "Perfecte. Comanda cancel·lada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "192df0ce-7ce6-4c51-a9f9-74299fe457a5", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd39ad51-8a5a-4f53-9bab-d3d187297223", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a5cd24d-108a-4052-bb15-32057903dddf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "82089747-d101-47c0-8fd7-cac2b3f9a0b7", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "29bad3f5-130e-4fa7-9e09-7b81b934732b", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c1dca5a-138b-45c5-ba15-d44e778ab98f", + "text": "Volia saber si teniu alguna aplicació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "aplicació", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7862548-f989-4ed4-a5da-22006f9b873d", + "text": "Sí. Tenim aplicació de la botiga. Pot descarregar-se-la directament des de Google Play. Es diu Botiga Encants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ffed79f-628a-4dcc-aea9-6d91c393f879", + "text": "Ah d'acord, i què puc fer amb la app? Es poden fer comandes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "224450af-95fd-4eb6-a8b6-534de209e841", + "text": "Sí. Amb l'aplicació pot fer comandes i també pot consultar el catàleg i fer el seguiment de totes les seves comandes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81a02157-326c-4c53-a10d-b4af340ecb57", + "text": "I teniu els mateixos productes a l'app que a la botiga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mateixos productes", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5106434-c372-4930-bd45-7359fb7e41ca", + "text": "Sí, exacte. El catàleg és el mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af3b3c81-6b11-4ed2-aefd-45c76fd7690b", + "text": "I els preus també? O és més car comprar per l'aplicació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preus", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "105c24ba-8f34-4d1c-a602-3b0e38f8e070", + "text": "Els preus també però a través de l'aplicació fem més descomptes, així que pot consultar-la de tant en tant per conèixer les millors ofertes de productes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40a02a3e-3874-46ff-8c90-72b08b7557d4", + "text": "Ah perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d1510e35-ce6b-483e-8e74-ff9b2d4874c8", + "text": "Doncs gràcies, adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5447d837-5372-454c-bd12-578b228ef48d", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2e6fae9-aaa8-4a18-b6df-b157fc2bd873", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dc6feaf3-05ea-4acb-9d32-78dd5fdabe29", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6009dc9e-9d7b-4a7b-8965-6594a288b219", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b3fec34-1f64-4ac1-8174-390bdbe1f589", + "text": "Mira vaig comprar un robot aspiradora a la vostra botiga però em sembla que he perdut les instruccions i no sé com programar-lo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "robot aspiradora", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "he perdut les instruccions", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0e2dc51-1201-40c9-9c4f-fa6d37f64ccd", + "text": "Em pot dir de quin model es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "186489d8-446e-40f4-85ad-ef592b2d959c", + "text": "Si, es el CONGA 1090", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "CONGA 1090", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "457b63c8-5f50-42fc-a3d3-1a2b3e987d45", + "text": "D'acord. Està de sort. Tenim les instruccions d'aquest i molts altres productes en format digital. Vol que li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18d4b1af-0284-49f9-a865-0920f3364224", + "text": "Ah si perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4731fba8-f2b2-46e6-b433-f3aa87d7f957", + "text": "Em pot indicar el seu número de comanda per fer-ho constar en el nostre sistema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ae64e26-d12b-45ac-98f8-557bed7af144", + "text": "Si, és el 9834697163475", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "9834697163475", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d2f3b78b-f0a4-424d-b824-1154ce713a3c", + "text": "Perfecte. També necessitarem el seu correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9deeb635-c90e-4106-bb6a-e374f3e15d52", + "text": "Si, envieu-m'ho a tamara.rojas@gmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "tamara.rojas@gmail.es", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2077dd24-3c18-47e2-ac6c-375b9230bd2a", + "text": "D'acord. Li acabem d'enviar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbbc5ca3-ac26-4c47-82b1-f732fa7016f9", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4fd22c33-138d-4c41-baf5-50aa020c104d", + "text": "Si tinc alguna pregunta sobre el funcionament de l'aspiradora, us puc tornar a contactar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8004d18-a93f-4f5e-b1b5-cb7eac61d778", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Pot contactar-nos quan ho necessiti.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39a37611-f8a1-44cf-92a3-bab85849e562", + "text": "Molt bé, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dbd15b1c-5a56-4d45-a43d-e14df4becf9d", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0b5bf28-79c5-4c8a-92ec-89f375a39bde", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12696aae-9633-40ac-8a7e-204d464374e0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7ee5e5fa-cdc2-49e0-9a3a-bdcafdcd11c1", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b8cd848-74cc-4d6d-91ec-c404494c5e51", + "text": "Bon dia. Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "784e648e-17ea-4743-b5ff-7eb5412b764e", + "text": "Si, que em podries dir quin temps farà demà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "88ae2dfd-e73f-4411-9900-7c118e16112f", + "text": "No entenc la seva pregunta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d43d6c09-fd74-442a-a161-817d91ae4dfe", + "text": "Pregunto que si plourà demà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "08f9c620-42ed-4244-8bde-718b50440d60", + "text": "Això és una botiga online. No sabem quin temps farà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d4d0aed-7d4f-4868-be9b-3d353fe6b12a", + "text": "I no m'ho podeu mirar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9d45fbc0-44ea-4b13-80ea-70b75e114352", + "text": "No, ho sento molt. Això és una botiga.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0c3d79f-9e75-4b2c-8555-4c3a18733f00", + "text": "Doncs res, tu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4bfac28f-3ffe-443d-9a6e-0d9698a693eb", + "text": "Tampoc em podeu dir on ho puc mirar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bbeed698-08a1-47ba-a24c-6c1b8c75877b", + "text": "No, ho sento. Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7977b9a-fb5e-40ae-8bb0-4729e32df5e4", + "text": "No, res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6dde2a0f-7ec3-40a8-95eb-1b53d622f68d", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68dd9d46-feb8-4523-be7b-f7f043db18db", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b387cfa5-8ba1-4ad2-8c42-ae4f6dd63ead", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b29f9679-8671-4117-8244-561e634f1104", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eaddb24f-4a32-4879-91e4-b88f40fa5e18", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe032731-d6fe-4809-95e0-6f91590329d0", + "text": "Voldria programar una comanda mensual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "comanda mensual", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d58118c-c1f0-4a0d-8726-e4cae79aae09", + "text": "D'acord. Què vol demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89f9b4b2-7574-4a84-a6f1-064300d64ea7", + "text": "Necessito que m'envieu 40 cabdells de llana (dos de cada color) i tres rotllos de tela blanca de cotó", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "40 cabdells de llana (dos de cada color)", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "tres rotllos de tela blanca de cotó", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 101 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "132b4441-0989-4b88-874b-0925e401f415", + "text": "D'acord. La rebria cada 31 del mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2ca624b-1a2a-4dec-b105-0711dbc49392", + "text": "No, ho necessito abans del dia 5, pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "abans del dia 5", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f1e1530-cd84-4526-9a72-c3bf8c8b8341", + "text": "Si ho vol abans, té un cost superior. En lloc de costar 30€ mensuals costaria 45€. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1eca457-2355-4945-9883-b13b4ed00789", + "text": "Hmm no, doncs porteu-m'ho el 31 i ja m'organitzaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "31", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c6b04ed-75a6-4a58-866d-a0e10ab4a2c9", + "text": "D'acord. Molt bé. Digui'm el seu número de targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdab4d7b-0839-4c40-bf01-a56c546500ae", + "text": "2985 9001 7373 9167", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "2985 9001 7373 9167", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0979b43a-a5a8-4155-992e-45377e5ba2a3", + "text": "La caducitat és 08/25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "08/25", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ddbfc2aa-2ec4-46bf-8c8b-09c9ce83de3c", + "text": "I el codi de seguretat és 990", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "990", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2096b76-1f89-4f2c-9274-0d85fa8c005e", + "text": "D'acord. Ara se li cobrarà el primer import, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88855485-dc55-4927-b38a-c8bb44962f0a", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc3f4b85-6787-4d18-85ef-7a99c915fd16", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a545190-3cda-4590-85bc-e2d8fe17900a", + "text": "Em podeu enviar una factura al meu correu? La necesito pel meu negoci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76351522-32ac-4207-983c-24245879929e", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Digui'm el seu correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0aa8090-6de1-4a5b-8467-2b6a9a608f8f", + "text": "cristina.manzanares@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "cristina.manzanares@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e6d9edd-9da4-424e-b9dd-0cd0e4b17b1e", + "text": "També necessitem el seu nom i CIF.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5bf78c52-ee26-4948-b789-98510f11e7cb", + "text": "Si, Cristina Manzanares Gil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Cristina", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Manzanares", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gil", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ead1ebf-efa6-4ee8-9089-e5ca821d9529", + "text": "I el seu CIF?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f22ba0bc-4a97-466c-be2c-3a1a2f2a69d4", + "text": "Q2826000H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "Q2826000H", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0dd7b880-3648-4ea9-9522-873c255804b9", + "text": "Perfecte. Aviat rebrà la factura al correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abd4f1e9-30a8-45bb-8a3d-e33bf726c780", + "text": "Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "19198414-33ff-45c5-803f-a32a91f02300", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c069a6c6-ed06-4d08-8179-6e27a2f58783", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd7eac4b-0a30-4b3b-8329-0a50aca77e21", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "20e5675c-69d8-4097-999a-859833a2e849", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2dd473d-e4c9-426d-a04c-64ae830a6977", + "text": "Vull saber l'estat de la comanda que vaig fer ahir", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d733061e-8a6f-4efc-ba1d-85a7a76afa2e", + "text": "Indica'm quin número de comanda tens, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21631b8b-5bdf-4787-b004-f989013592fa", + "text": "Sí, és el número 478, i era una samarreta i una mitjons", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "478", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86aa0f45-fed9-4870-b3f0-4c86c4fdf836", + "text": "Entesos. Aquesta comanda està ara mateix en procés d'enviament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1609e4d-4102-44fe-a46f-dbcdd085564e", + "text": "D'acord, i més o menys quan arribarà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan arribarà", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "939b8668-3868-4023-bc1f-cbb1ccbea061", + "text": "En uns 5 dies, aproximadament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "695e950b-189f-42da-9dab-9d8fe50397d4", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d1c25ec-c098-462a-850d-9e66b2152e37", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a362e33-1474-4310-8c62-c3052697b70d", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11889ef5-d90f-4982-912c-18e6f302b51f", + "text": "Quin lloc em recomanes per anar de vacances?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "93d08be9-255b-4a40-9cf4-c59077ac183f", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc ajudar-te amb això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47f2dccd-875e-4aa6-b24f-914c71309641", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "13d8e453-612d-4c5a-a212-69587e6529bf", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be05b1bc-b021-4e17-915d-7434a99adaba", + "text": "res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6896cfd2-f747-4f4c-ab43-113744c7e161", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45db4ec1-6adc-4feb-a31d-081a5b00e602", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ff90661-02c3-4ac0-9aab-de479165498a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "244c5153-443b-4293-8ccb-aa18002b0e34", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02735592-1880-4634-b7e6-3a72aad61ab4", + "text": "Hola, vull comprar el darrer samsung que ha sortit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "darrer samsung", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1052aa21-88d8-4324-82e4-51ee0d3f949b", + "text": "D'acord. M'ha d'indicar primer el nom i cognoms per fer la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64de537b-b29f-483b-94cb-12bddfaada81", + "text": "Soc la Clara Ribas González", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Clara", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ribas", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "González", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c8fbb6f-bc10-43be-9355-e4bdec25431d", + "text": "i es el mobil el que vull", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2844bdf8-85ff-4418-87bf-f9f317705aa5", + "text": "Entesos. Ara m'ha d'indicar un número de targeta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "117881c9-fb11-409e-924c-0bf189f7ea5b", + "text": "si, és 2341 6534 8945 6352", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "2341 6534 8945 6352", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4798933-7aff-4538-b5b6-d14cb323966d", + "text": "Entesos. Finalment, cal que m'indiqui un correu electrònic per enviar la factura i confirmació de la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d393177-9d27-4a3a-9c8b-2cb22647d6b8", + "text": "val, ho podeu enviar a clara.ribas@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "clara.ribas@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e901a0b1-2dfb-4bdf-b22f-95b6296c2a19", + "text": "Entesos. Ho enviarem aquí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3628a7f8-d34a-449a-a9e5-af22c06d2cf5", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6c8f7ac-bff8-4838-bef2-39853d47888e", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e596ce15-6c7d-4c40-b4b8-cceb590e6f70", + "text": "ja ho tinc tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db2cd129-b0dc-4d89-b9b7-e364851a231e", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d31dd9bc-ba05-4232-b468-668fc4ca036e", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2371abf-a7a1-4246-b312-a52e753e3368", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3203abda-c064-4b67-95a3-210a432b1769", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e1dfe1a-a997-474b-b1da-a03b3a603660", + "text": "Hola, necessito una nevera nova, quina em recomanes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "nevera", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d441c72c-d28d-4a90-9e79-c89a2add19be", + "text": "Quina capacitat vols que tingui?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "146f3db9-cc39-460e-a6b3-7c086b829bf1", + "text": "300 litres de capacitat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "300 litres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4887e5bc-a03d-463a-bfb3-cafc051141fa", + "text": "D'acord. Tenim un model de 350 amb congelador i ecològica. Què et semblaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c156b2a6-c7b3-4a68-ac89-02625954998a", + "text": "Ah està bé, quin preu té?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6da8f86-10ef-4804-ab19-6e840f46f64d", + "text": "El preu és de 450 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9784d0d5-b306-48e1-9bc0-bc84d5e1fcc5", + "text": "D'acord, doncs crec que es un bon preu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba66eef1-4f76-4eeb-99ed-e34361e33378", + "text": "com ho puc comprar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "31faf576-d9fc-442d-93d9-ff7f37145980", + "text": "Pots anar físicament a la botiga o fer la comanda per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a12fe2b7-74b1-48de-891e-dbce46c112e1", + "text": "Doncs mira millor anire a la botiga, així la veuré primer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botiga", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ab18292-3454-44df-87e6-8b52cbf473e8", + "text": "Com vulguis", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c744450-e32f-4e0b-8c95-5769b0bb14a7", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4059de97-4dbf-4aa9-b151-04302e04a48a", + "text": "Ja no necessito res més.bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8fc1550-0eb5-47b0-a019-ca2434ccd1f5", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4da9f935-0504-48d4-9222-8d7b904f901b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a8df14e3-6ca9-41e1-a9e1-77b1c2c9a70f", + "text": "Bon dia. Quina gestió vol fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "000cff19-b399-4b8e-acbc-4e0fc324ba3d", + "text": "vaig comprar l'altre dia una rentadora i necessito factura", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "rentadora", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fbdca9fd-8e74-4a49-a477-a30dca5592be", + "text": "Entesos. Quin model va comprar i quin número d'albarà té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abf7f929-5c1c-4cd9-8ac8-960b6a7b14c9", + "text": "El número d'albarà és el 1267 i la rentadora és una Bosch 43", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "1267", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Bosch 43", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f9bbf93b-6168-4d0c-a8c9-b9c46bbec7bd", + "text": "D'acord. A quin nom vol fer factura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6154c2c5-4363-4779-82d2-15acd80124b6", + "text": "Al meu, Martí Pardo Alemany", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pardo", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Alemany", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff927624-7e5b-4e44-bab0-ce79a1554497", + "text": "Entesos. Quina direcció postal cal posar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3112b4b9-030d-4f1e-bac9-0395cf616638", + "text": "És carrer Vinyals, 23, 3-4, Lleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Vinyals, 23, 3-4, Lleida", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2fbaf7cb-d980-4d47-865a-c44412c6258f", + "text": "Ah i el meu DNI és 476345567A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "476345567A", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "67e3b1fe-da77-4515-9a87-1bfc32621e3f", + "text": "Entesos. On vol que li enviem la factura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "deb44a05-c592-422f-9035-923ede1117e8", + "text": "me la podeu enviar a aquesta mateixa adreça que t'he donat si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mateixa adreça", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd98f5cb-f887-4b5d-8ae9-974dda2073cc", + "text": "Entesos, cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f988c4da-1cf3-43f3-97fd-d5296c2d29c9", + "text": "Necessita fer alguna altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "712f7eb2-40b9-41b7-bda6-49d730eb851e", + "text": "Res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abc9bae2-ae1c-42c2-b843-e95b563556ea", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2c8233b-911d-4015-8c76-785cd98554f5", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "104ad2e2-3d92-483a-b768-3ce6a1319063", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a3094b31-092c-4e71-b9fb-bfa5f44c554d", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què vols fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1dca9bc-0b78-4b09-8334-5ffa6a5400b0", + "text": "vull cancel·lar la comanda que vaig fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "768943d8-4dd9-4a5e-8fe7-e1b493652ed0", + "text": "Quin número de comanda és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f3a90f3-9312-4ae4-a0ef-a52635df48a1", + "text": "és la comanda 234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "234", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6033db4a-7fad-4d1d-bc81-6f275fa31a53", + "text": "Entesos. Era una aspiradora?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cc05b93-cea7-496c-8046-15b6247167b1", + "text": "Si, esque n'he trobat una a millor preu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cb22a926-0b10-4555-8355-48378546e717", + "text": "Entesos. Cancel·lem la comanda. Indica'm un correu per enviar-te l'anul·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "093b654f-9bd3-4551-bdbd-a63978fdc7de", + "text": "D'acord, doncs a marta_89@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marta_89@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c66ab71-a62c-4ebd-8507-721bb9ef3115", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7870cee-c5b2-464d-adca-05b563759f5f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab0caea9-48d7-4b3d-81e6-356080504255", + "text": "res més, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4fcdab0c-eef8-4ed3-903c-d701013c2d62", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3803bc0c-0570-4f03-9e1b-6446264e3a27", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "654e08c8-93c8-41b4-86bb-9ea6e0e6f60d", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8759bc67-d81b-431d-9e3a-c36e811ceda2", + "text": "Hola, hi ha un problema amb el pagament d'una compra que vaig fer, me l'heu cobrat dos cops", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "me l'heu cobrat dos cops", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cab659fb-8bba-4fca-a73b-c7523fcc272d", + "text": "Quin és el número de comanda que té, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00f51d5e-642b-4766-8880-1b57cb48dcbc", + "text": "era la comanda 189, ja em va arribar a casa fa uns dies i ara m'adono que al compte està el pagament dos vegades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "189", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "578a994a-061a-4db5-8bc9-3deed64edcc4", + "text": "Molt bé. Sí, efectivament hi ha hagut un error. Retornarem el segon pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "852f9def-10b3-471d-8a6e-f80b8d1305e8", + "text": "D'acord, tardareu molts de dies en fer aixo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tardareu molts de dies", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9b43b559-5cfb-48f4-bde2-49e2aa1ac03c", + "text": "Entre 2 i 3 dies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dcbbb825-b2a2-4749-9d2e-2eb2a2c145fa", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a806508e-7ac6-42fc-abf1-773723361cba", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64db8235-27d8-467b-80eb-3d2663634480", + "text": "Res més, bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f4905f6d-7beb-42d5-9a1d-9876a2a3736c", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecc89183-85ad-4086-8462-884a67b68be3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a4985ee1-40e9-45ec-a8d8-1076a5489554", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d367d6b6-870f-44ea-bedd-7ae1fc52d578", + "text": "Hola, vull canviar l'adreça d'enviament que vaig donar si és possible", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "change_shipping_address", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "093e2d8b-70ba-4f93-a441-f2a73c580398", + "text": "Quin és el número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "57d320cd-0b62-4809-bb1e-7998f73478b7", + "text": "És el 567 i eren uns patins", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "567", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "patins", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac52664e-733a-460f-8a65-e81ea9cfeb99", + "text": "Entesos. Quina és l'adreça nova?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bb2f128-e425-4ff3-a4f8-05e6f0bf8f52", + "text": "És carre Antic número 23 4-2, a la Seu d'Urgell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carre Antic número 23 4-2, a la Seu d'Urgell", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39b6ab37-c021-44e2-a85d-49576ca81b9a", + "text": "Entesos. Canviem a aquesta adreça.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc01660d-e873-411d-84c1-fb30d2e0d464", + "text": "d'acord mercii", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4a2f955-252f-4817-9df6-cc7ecf496e52", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2f5b564-bf55-40bc-ba85-c2e3a826135f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1a902dc-25dc-4a0f-a262-3238f8dd684b", + "text": "Quin dia comença la primavrea?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f3646b7e-16da-414a-8e6e-337f1600a8e9", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e8ce0060-7c90-4efd-b06b-41d64d47bb8b", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eeb8960b-fb45-47eb-a7d6-171e1cbc7c55", + "text": "D'acrd, res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c07dee34-2a8d-41fa-bd23-015a3134d6ac", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2744ccf0-5414-4b06-87c2-ee13da1b8e93", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71993e05-ed41-4750-b934-4421b0233e0b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "691a9bdf-0634-4302-b3c7-d8893384e48e", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió vols fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "475e76cb-1a5a-45f3-a196-a713bf096117", + "text": "Hola, m'havia d'arribar avui la comanda que vaig fer i no ha arribat res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "avui", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no ha arribat", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bde9b3ba-19ab-4e8a-837f-9914f7ae66ce", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbc8a597-3c98-4fbf-9807-357b7512ec89", + "text": "El numero que tinc és 1786", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1786", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6f71489-c40c-44ae-857b-ec9257f430a2", + "text": "Entesos. Ens costa que està en transport. Hauria d'arribar avui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b4504c4-037c-4037-ba0b-91f4beb7f99b", + "text": "D'acord, i mes o menys sobre quina hora?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sobre quina hora", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df534905-3ed7-4b7c-8301-280538b4986d", + "text": "perque clar no estire tot el dia a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1148deff-e4fa-4448-9b38-304a7b73e258", + "text": "No ho podem assegurar, però és probable que cap a les 13 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d337ab81-78b4-41d4-8cbe-d1e8cb422ea4", + "text": "bé, d'acord, doncs esperaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "27ad9bfe-fbca-4eeb-a2a7-ec9b0b7cd9ef", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a4ed709-c61f-4df0-a763-ec4a4c7fcc7f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b165399-9b3d-42aa-8642-ed9c5ecc5d65", + "text": "res més, que vagi bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2917765f-70ca-4830-b28a-c9bcc1e2c400", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2af116cd-a0d7-478e-9d54-3575b008f998", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9d1782a8-ee87-4fe5-962d-42177948c9b1", + "text": "Bon dia. Quina gestió vol fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c118eca-1009-4a58-aea0-3f66c4e382fa", + "text": "Bon dia, com ho puc fer per retornar un article?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "retornar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "article", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e126cb7a-af46-4639-8da4-0be2560d29be", + "text": "Ens ha d'indicar el número de producte i import.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "874dd4e3-e09e-4e24-8161-8e5016f29a08", + "text": "Mira era una cadira que aquí a la factura posa la referència 456839 i té un preu de 55 €", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "456839", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "55", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d08acee1-5f2b-4d3f-8725-1a0ec2286777", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "180f7659-4f39-457a-9662-cfd07bb19e4b", + "text": "Indiqui'ns ara la direcció postal perquè passin a recollir el producte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff15d20c-84b4-4d32-9d45-7e34fe546e46", + "text": "Carrer Coves 34, pis 4-3 i es a Badalona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Coves 34, pis 4-3 i es a Badalona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "406b1fc9-adc1-4edb-ad50-dcebb1aaf3fa", + "text": "Entesos. Un repartidor anirà a recollir el producte. Li retornem l'import a la mateixa targeta que va donar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25846128-e8a0-439b-a610-e09b4af167f1", + "text": "Ah d'acord, si a la mateixa targeta si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d4ce4da-6e29-45a5-87f3-fcbd1022d132", + "text": "Entesos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "598cd580-f36b-4f49-9a42-faeac5f0acc5", + "text": "Necessita fer alguna altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba67d7ae-e1fd-44d8-a5e3-105ad5038263", + "text": "Res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01e28af4-a977-40fc-a245-b2e81f08db44", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a30db00b-f4c6-49d8-ba61-091b770bb4b4", + "text": "adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db23f58e-1ba4-4279-9612-90d7a80a8889", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7d3abe48-ae11-4cf2-a6ba-4699cf38b9fc", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4761ea63-5554-4549-a1a1-25585c8ec262", + "text": "Bona tarda, vaig fer una comanda però no vaig pagar, ho puc fer ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "256b2544-30b3-40c6-ace1-2cf5474a238f", + "text": "Sí, no hi ha problema. Quin número de comanda és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9a1b8ba-ba7b-4ad0-ab29-543e430c3b31", + "text": "val, la comanda és la 3987", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "3987", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7233503-7016-4727-8c8d-98a763123fe1", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin número de targeta tens?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6573e0e9-ab12-4fea-b278-d65a8e3307bd", + "text": "la targeta és 2387 7654 6473 8746", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "2387 7654 6473 8746", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db9b0517-03ee-4711-a125-1d52945b36d3", + "text": "D'acord. I quina és la data de caducitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4b855611-790b-48d6-8f2a-8d5063c00992", + "text": "el 05/24", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "05/24", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "041d31eb-1f49-46c8-acaa-06cd55c34166", + "text": "Perfecte. Procedim al pagament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "273fda39-abda-4c72-836e-6596ce188ba2", + "text": "Vols fer alguna altra cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dee3b6e4-ef87-4b5c-aae7-5a773febd130", + "text": "em vull comprar un pis, quina immobiliària em recomanes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7bbe110-e089-41d5-b667-4c388795aa2e", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "195650f6-78ce-45af-8f32-98514bc6fba6", + "text": "Quina altra cosa necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58706b35-3ba8-4e9a-97e2-b668bec1dcbf", + "text": "Doncs que inutil, adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "015819f5-00d0-41cb-b1a5-c0ab9e11fd2e", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a189aaa0-117f-4a2d-8ece-a997589bbf35", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "21bc01e9-58e1-401b-9f08-0c699d9c6000", + "text": "Bon dia. Què vol fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d3c78454-9cd7-4bf3-8246-40581035c233", + "text": "em pots dir quines compres he fet aquest darrer mes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "compres", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest darrer mes", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1fdadad0-da6b-478e-8230-dda82bd9ee57", + "text": "Sí Quin nom de DNI té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f57b81b5-ed57-4108-b413-d840fbe27ab1", + "text": "El meu DNI és 45678983C", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678983C", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "923d4178-8207-45be-a4ac-c55de98bb818", + "text": "Entesos. Aquest mes ha comprat unes sabatilles (30 euros), una camisa (20 euros) i uns guants 10 euros).", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2803c776-7e21-4652-a2cb-31c120afdd10", + "text": "D'acord, i una jaqueta que vaig comprar de 100 euros o així no ha set aquest mes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "jaqueta", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "100", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "767be8cd-9c30-4b44-9cf3-6e51c3c3b33d", + "text": "Ens costa fa dos mesos que va comprar una jaqueta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4bec120-4dde-434c-afd8-728e9846de9a", + "text": "ah d'acord, volia saber quines havien set les despeses d'aquest mes, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98aba45b-e95d-4e16-bef4-af33bd956f2d", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c947d88d-9b6f-4e21-866e-f035b9702bb3", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0ccdd41-d6ea-494d-a339-8d7b1809a232", + "text": "res més, bon diaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6d36563-d8d4-449e-b34f-773fca05ea6d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dcab25aa-70cf-458a-b8b2-27513272179e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a2f81806-903c-414f-a728-42a154c93b20", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d88762d-6389-48e2-9581-b9d362f2ddc5", + "text": "Hola, vull parlar amb l'encarregada de la botiga de manresa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "l'encarregada de la botiga de manresa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f24902c7-0f1e-4de3-a538-96f7aaf3234d", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el motiu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "375dfd37-3037-4062-af28-cdca6b75e86c", + "text": "Perque volia posar una reclamació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1652148a-51a8-463d-97bf-36a0d1a28b13", + "text": "Entesos. Has de trucar aquí: 93 8901345. És el telèfon de la botiga. Has de preguntar per Carme Vicenç.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e77475b2-8a26-4621-a59c-77752058383d", + "text": "Ah d'acord, que hi és ella al matí o a la tarda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "al matí o a la tarda", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc8b3fed-800b-4e85-bd8f-99aadc0dcd4b", + "text": "Acostuma a ser-hi pels matins.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d85bb04-f716-48a1-82cf-19b5cedb4f5e", + "text": "vale,gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abc1aafc-f3a7-462c-9674-7e91301e563a", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "738185ad-6e80-46cd-8217-c28873701e64", + "text": "Què més necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be99cfc5-c6cf-438d-bbbf-1952b59274ef", + "text": "això era tot, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a90f2f68-3619-4a6d-b83d-b09f12c57a9d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6daa7750-d21e-42f2-b511-f4b8025c0ba2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c8702764-3f31-4fc1-b5f5-4946f65cffa9", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b42152cd-dcdc-4714-b794-f46c92d76a4f", + "text": "mira que m'han avisat que no s'ha pogut fer el pagament de la compra que vaig fer ahir, i volia pagar amb una altra targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no s'ha pogut fer el pagament", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "una altra targeta", + "Start_char": 106, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "20a71204-693a-4c77-9df5-81c94f22edbb", + "text": "Quin és el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6568cf1b-5272-4509-8420-affde20029e3", + "text": "el 4892", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "4892", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc21c76e-213c-42cc-835a-3e5136529514", + "text": "Entesos. Quina és la nova targeta per fer el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5b2cdd1-3c98-4d5a-9c8b-5e2ee3169aa2", + "text": "doncs mira el número és 4589 7623 1526 9384", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4589 7623 1526 9384", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4240edf9-de5b-4865-b877-898427efd679", + "text": "Entesos. Fem aquí el pagament, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13fe66da-67aa-42ed-a594-a11e84aaadc0", + "text": "Si si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5206e775-6d94-428e-a5b1-6630510ed3ee", + "text": "Què més necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "248404b7-0097-444c-bcbf-621245287450", + "text": "res més, que vagi be!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ea6216d1-e1ba-4632-bb99-d641a85fddd5", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bec68877-1335-4fe3-8517-3f922279dc22", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dc5c7ad9-d543-4452-bcc2-308250f01524", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39473b07-026e-4fc7-afc2-9c2af21d91d3", + "text": "Hola, necessito una pantalla d'ordinador", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "pantalla d'ordinador", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8fd0ad07-2053-4b00-81ad-7d9bfb5fe6e5", + "text": "Molt bé. De quina mida la necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2fe02929-2f24-41bf-834e-6a968b1cba8e", + "text": "de 60 pulgades com a maxim", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "60 pulgades com a maxim", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f37bdde-bb60-4216-93ad-879406136ee7", + "text": "D'acord. Vindràs a buscar-la a la botiga o prefereixes que te la portin?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d4a9ce6-ef7c-4d6d-a08b-22513fb205e1", + "text": "que m'ho portin a casa millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "m'ho portin", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81134614-bad4-4eaa-80d7-9c56ba779118", + "text": "En aquest cas necessitem una direcció postal, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0689db73-ac4d-4de5-8b26-4d10203df720", + "text": "Carrer Violeta, 34 2-1, 07834, Figueres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Violeta, 34 2-1, 07834, Figueres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5254145-3da5-4445-a9a4-1b43c5fbbf3c", + "text": "Entesos. Enviarem la pantalla a aquesta direcció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c973006f-a2c9-437b-9760-bb49e86a7b30", + "text": "Només ens queda saber un número de targeta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "beb61775-c271-4450-b147-dad2ec19d799", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d55ffb58-7878-4a54-b81b-19ddc03201f2", + "text": "si, es aquesta 3657 8790 8765 4312", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "3657 8790 8765 4312", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b9784e1-ee14-4130-b1e2-17422db34121", + "text": "Molt bé. I quina data de caducitat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "090fb77f-7a1e-4fa8-a12a-5a3a7aaaebd8", + "text": "04/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "04/23", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c1e62cb-c3f0-4900-a2f0-00ed4e46baa5", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9699c5c-99c5-4e9a-b535-2655583c25d7", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4a06b80-02c0-4c5f-9ba0-271375a45b8c", + "text": "on puc adoptar un gos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6992c540-7021-44ae-956c-5f609ed6ccd9", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3b16722-6747-488f-bcd1-8cfc53cb91cb", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64f06dc7-7150-408c-a2c6-7540f6212be0", + "text": "bueno vale, ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bf339ba1-64b3-4c8d-86b1-9a9ef4a3b7fe", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "19fd0965-f634-4acd-987e-7f53e9ce06e2", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61afa9f3-d673-48f0-97dc-b8a04f29979c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "50686d00-720a-4dc3-b575-ea68d0ab74cd", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "413d559c-c511-4ec5-beb5-29d7f32a21de", + "text": "Hola, es veu que estic subscrit a la vostra newsletter i vull donar-me de baixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "newsletter", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01f79b7b-2bbe-4f29-9e67-5c47b6fcb448", + "text": "Indiqui'm el correu electrònic, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9825fba-3e2a-4bae-af33-3964f326370e", + "text": "jjbonet@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jjbonet@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f382da6-dd75-47d4-af6c-cb392c336032", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, està ara mateix subscrit a la newsletter. Donem de baixa, doncs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35ad6433-b4e8-4ac3-ac12-679368cc0609", + "text": "D'acord. Sí, per favor, esque és molt molest que m'envieu tants de missatges", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4edde4eb-8a39-4eaa-bc52-3dd208ff6c03", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67e4397f-47ac-4f27-bdaa-0c2e9a90ef52", + "text": "Necessita fer cap altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09ff94f6-22c4-493b-9fb5-0d19d15517e6", + "text": "res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9691a791-1e4f-4835-a491-64bc88faee57", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "790c1821-3d71-480c-a9c1-618c12336482", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e0bd904-55a3-4c9a-be38-b9764c724d8d", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0c462a8-1508-4e1e-be43-cd4e14f8129e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1dec692e-dce8-492e-9a91-58d6d62bced4", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "585b5646-d57c-4bdb-967b-6e961fea0b91", + "text": "Hola, m'han arribat les sabates que vaig comprar pero no son les que jo vaig demanar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "sabates", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no son les que jo vaig demanar", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42018480-1275-45ac-aba6-3c0913be46e9", + "text": "Quin número de comanda tens?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "440944c4-c203-499e-bb6b-ad2dc92f52f6", + "text": "El 7653", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "7653", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82d9c8d7-40b6-4075-a5c7-3e2bd9ffae78", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el model que volies?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8c17bf9-a3a4-484d-957f-5ce6349c2f5e", + "text": "Volia unes nike air i m'han arribat unes adidas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "nike air", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "adidas", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a0b1db78-693c-4396-bc5f-e119fcb06e7f", + "text": "D'acord. Farem el canvi, no hi ha problema. Ens pots confirmar la direcció postal, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "471c1542-94c7-4858-9c22-d266a7447ec6", + "text": "val. és plaça gran 6, 1-2, a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "plaça gran 6, 1-2, a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2f439a6-61f9-453a-9acf-187fa05c7bb4", + "text": "Entesos. Enviarem aquí la nova comanda i recollirem les sabates incorrectes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae35443b-0234-4a61-9811-c915d4f3a1d9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91dc9bf3-e3f6-441c-88e9-8c763b4fc05e", + "text": "d'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f53bd6f1-0364-448d-9321-a07f3520265b", + "text": "no, graciies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f05c6d6-f10d-4a45-9bd3-2386b2c585fb", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1a1be9b-e11b-4f61-8cf2-9fdd4a334f68", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2feca08-8f00-4070-9b81-407ff39e0f0a", + "text": "deu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9fe95f2-1f19-4230-bee1-cfbbc8c89308", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9ae7af86-1446-4288-890b-f627689f266e", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9db416c6-894a-4274-90e1-045925ea86ce", + "text": "mira que m'han cancel·lat una comanda que vaig fer l'altra dia, com és això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han cancel·lat una comanda", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f7d9fdb-b1bb-4dec-98b4-33b7dc283543", + "text": "Quin número de comanda és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2365fea-680a-41c6-9432-6ab786d76e9d", + "text": "es la 5672", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "5672", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d39971e-f1cb-4f24-ae4e-747793f72130", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, la comanda està cancel·lada. No entenem per què. Entenem que encara la vol, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e783bae5-8f40-4952-8001-8dcfdc249146", + "text": "si, exacte, esque jo ho ho vaig cancelar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "86eafbd4-d850-4890-89c9-0bb681fbb910", + "text": "Entesos. Ara vol reactivar-la, doncs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f641ed61-554a-4bcf-a4c2-0ab76d3fb6c6", + "text": "si,per favor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "231b498d-d916-421c-ad8b-1f3066998eea", + "text": "Entesos. Reactivem la comanda. L'enviament el vol a la mateixa adreça postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e237815-b56d-45b4-9af6-81c6eb78eb49", + "text": "si, tot igual!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f5afbc2-f013-48ce-9669-5ddaae69b0d8", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a8779e5-20c6-43da-8307-c1fbd4e929e9", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d27c3add-1248-4bb4-b9f6-d498a58c0e88", + "text": "aixo era tot, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e439e2dd-88eb-4b21-942d-fcc1ff7d1128", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24300f32-34db-4586-b671-afa57cc22ba3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9b4ba499-5a13-4e18-93df-99ecc9f66e9c", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bfeb271-328d-41ac-b078-9cc2379641d3", + "text": "Bon dia, volia comprar-me una cinta de correr d'aquestes que teniu, quina em recomanes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "cinta de correr", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6738176-9dd2-4a79-a8a1-e21349dfe612", + "text": "Tenim cintes amb pulsòmetre i sense pulsòmetre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba3cb9e0-614c-4814-ad4b-f94be60cffd7", + "text": "i amb pulsòmetre quin preu tindria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "amb pulsòmetre", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25e3be4c-97e0-4915-b7ca-4ed0f8b23c3c", + "text": "150 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3cdd1b2f-55ca-4cb0-919e-b26301d5539b", + "text": "D'acord i ho teniu a cap botiga aixi la puc anar a provar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d5744a38-9e27-45cb-9f18-727ffcedae95", + "text": "Sí, a la botiga en tenim de mostra. Pot provar-la.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61a32a16-9876-4a17-99b6-ef356327dfb7", + "text": "d'acord, doncs ja em passaré per allí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d329f628-d7e2-4a1e-b1e1-7e8b4d8a8aeb", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c73acfb8-80a7-46d6-a4ac-903137e66de0", + "text": "Necessita alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a813999a-54c2-465d-9e4e-6a8eba64dda4", + "text": "demà farà bon temps?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6a51341-4a8b-4440-b62f-d4172cb1cd8f", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc ajudar amb això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce8418ba-95e1-44c4-aea1-f9fb09251c77", + "text": "Quina altra cosa necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "705a20eb-9eb8-44f8-b5eb-8e536eff00e7", + "text": "vale, no necesito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f031bc6d-3af2-4b86-a420-5b00f57260f1", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e7ab6187-a6f7-495a-9404-9c1db4680f2e", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28d65464-70d9-4180-9993-0e2fa9e6cd33", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9ad740c1-41fb-492f-8be9-31ef6b1bfb95", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ba52e57-bf21-497b-8966-9d2bea6101af", + "text": "Hola, si compro un ordenador hi ha opció de finançar-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "ordenador", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "finançar-ho", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16ed9f94-0e36-46ca-b0cd-6fefeff96015", + "text": "Sí, hi ha aquesta opció. Només hi ha un interès del 2%.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63b8a556-bfa3-4c85-9182-cf1989f956f9", + "text": "D'acord, doncs viu el Lenovo A452", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Lenovo A452", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49aa1a5d-6948-4b71-a968-2a80912760a1", + "text": "Entesos. El vols passar a buscar a la botiga o prefereixes que t'ho enviïn a casa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c29894bc-2d85-401b-b09a-fe5988a12af2", + "text": "prefereixo passar jo per la botiga", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "passar jo per la botiga", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "530e1145-93b1-46d9-8163-8ace42f4fd5d", + "text": "Coneixes la direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ad1900b-4685-46d3-afda-7f658525e6c9", + "text": "si me la pots repetir, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4f1b2e5-60a4-4225-bd84-37e3d58588cc", + "text": "És carrer Maresme, 24, local 1. A Lleida.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbafa567-6617-4dcc-a6da-4f7c8758c6e3", + "text": "D'acord gràcies, I quan puc passar a recollir-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9849313d-8394-4fd1-832d-0592db996c7d", + "text": "Aquest model en concret el tenim en stock, així que des d'avui mateix si vols.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92514e9a-f8cf-47e7-ae15-4e3baf97aab8", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9e57218a-fb2c-49f9-bae9-6e74648ceb94", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "efbac523-5760-4ab2-b4fa-cda7eb038961", + "text": "no, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bdb649c7-cd45-4de2-a86f-738a6fde8973", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cf8f102c-c04b-49f6-b1ff-c2ed175b8982", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2128659b-b340-494d-9b4f-cabd75fadff6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "45341e74-429b-40cb-be22-5b242e5ec527", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd119ffd-1367-4b8e-b801-3c308c8a3a73", + "text": "Vaig comprar una tele Samsung AU1345 però m'agradaria canviar-la per la Samsung 5609A. És possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "tele", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Samsung AU1345", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Samsung 5609A", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a588301b-4248-41e1-b95c-1d0ac076685b", + "text": "Sí, no hi ha problema. Quin número de comanda té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "539f8b19-0daf-479a-a0bb-35b16c88d923", + "text": "el 27834", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "27834", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51304833-60df-43eb-a007-c008899c1c7b", + "text": "Entesos. Era a nom de Maria Gisbert?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbe39b46-3e65-4481-b2f3-9e1ae074aed0", + "text": "si, exacte i em va arribar ahir a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cd38be5b-2c9a-4629-91de-0ebb5d961d79", + "text": "Entesos. Cap problema. Enviarem el nou model i recollirem el que té actualment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4898e352-378f-41fe-842c-882c28e12968", + "text": "L'enviament el fem a la mateixa direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a4ec331-b4fb-4570-9c38-8d35fc5c32d9", + "text": "Entesos, moltes gràcies!! Sí, al carrer Andalusia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94bcabdd-0a18-4190-ac47-43681e94504a", + "text": "Número 20, 2-3?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b668287-a0c1-4f35-816e-2b0d86dd8920", + "text": "Correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e545d62-d2e2-45b4-b248-e6891745b8d9", + "text": "Entesos. Enviem aquí i recollirem l'altre model. Com que fa menys de 10 dies, no hi ha cap cost pel canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "369e5504-0bbb-4d48-8f2f-d93bcac5ef6e", + "text": "ahh perfecte doncs, moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "762cb9d9-cb08-4b78-9cb7-ca608c4c1980", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b128570-1455-4609-b1da-3ebe9e8909af", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a3efae7-ae05-4854-ae07-e416a3dca79b", + "text": "no, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3bb56a8b-849e-4dda-bc37-a7b3cb4de4b0", + "text": "bon diaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1a1b0703-79d0-42f0-a1c2-65d665218c66", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0381202-af4b-48cd-aad2-6dee0487406a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b556c0ad-2789-43c8-ba18-b09fe5a1d525", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82c90854-710a-476f-b8a1-8842aebfd31a", + "text": "Bon dia, volia saber si ja m'heu fet el càrrec de la compra que vaig fer l'altre dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "185fd396-bab4-4e3a-a9aa-6cafd3c64c96", + "text": "Quin és el número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4ad7915-941e-4801-ab6c-1ed36c52a2af", + "text": "si, 3468, i es un rellotge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "3468", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "rellotge", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d2217d5-bf7a-425d-8f56-bc1a57f0daa1", + "text": "Entesos. Era a nom de Martí Cuscó?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbe838ce-965a-4fb5-b18b-8592ceee65cd", + "text": "sii, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ab1860b-0c7d-4de9-9706-21c361141d93", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, el càrrec es va fer ahir per la tarda, a la targeta que ens vas donar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8217381d-110b-4b10-a637-687b0eab0478", + "text": "ah, d'acord, docs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a7597ea-e57f-4ab3-af4a-c7b3240b2777", + "text": "De res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "492792bb-0883-44a8-8a91-1f93232da904", + "text": "esque no podia mirar ara la targeta i necessitava saber", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c106dee-9d01-4972-9652-53a3e49c3bba", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "917d59ad-fe52-486f-b45b-b37113576632", + "text": "res més, adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f5c3ad1-53c1-48c8-b62f-c134f0e1da02", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5fd9d86d-6703-4c8a-bcb0-5abbecb0d24a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c2be407b-a063-4152-9631-a6fa8e6b6000", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8551f0ba-1658-4b6c-a2be-5d401fbe929e", + "text": "Quines botigues teniu a prop de Rubí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a prop de Rubí", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "627ec180-cfeb-45c9-aedd-48e1c8533ffa", + "text": "Hi ha la de la Plaça Tortell, 1; la del carrer Bisbe Santó, 23 i la del carrer Puigdalt, 21.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b2936f9-5978-45db-a820-20097ebb6aec", + "text": "D'acord, i tenen el mateix horari les tres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mateix horari", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef7f52cf-8116-4dca-b36b-c1a5f05732fd", + "text": "Sí, menys la de la Plaça Tortell, que també obre els dissabtes a la tarda. Totes fan horari de 10 a 13 i de 16 a 20 de dilluns a divendres. I de 10 a 14 els dissabtes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48850a43-2f6f-4399-b6b4-5c31db734ba9", + "text": "ah d'acord, gràcies per la informació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cb484eb6-ce0b-4c55-b151-e863f734697c", + "text": "De res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc660640-f8c7-40f1-b2f8-a087233ebf2f", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2a8db37-b0b8-49d3-8210-116788c57614", + "text": "hi ha cap hotel rural bonic per aqui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "44e93d32-dc35-4a67-9713-ea1b7dbe158a", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea12c5c2-7c0b-4a77-b7cd-ddbe01d1adf7", + "text": "Necessita alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b296682-15e6-4bb2-af80-a36be59e8deb", + "text": "D'acord, en aquest cas no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d53d88fc-f42a-4962-b9f9-b7bc240c9a82", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb8c830e-5c59-4f9d-8365-fe69e3c6348b", + "text": "adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23ad4801-78d6-42cf-aca6-e54be12f95d4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "738b7fe5-9248-4019-b748-aeedae67ad79", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0b98045-f85c-480d-bae3-da5a5f060d46", + "text": "Bona tarda, mira que ahir fer una comanda d'una torradora i l'havia d'anar a buscar pero ara prefereixo que me la porteu a casa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "torradora", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "que me la porteu ", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 121 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 121, + "End_char": 127 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "249756bc-6646-4dd6-be86-d8c33fd3a9ff", + "text": "Entesos. Quin número de comanda és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32a45b6f-02e6-4b91-bead-cb501d68175f", + "text": "tinc el 6793", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "6793", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a40b0a4b-8222-4c4e-93be-3dfbdf54e2ca", + "text": "Entesos. Era a nom de Jordi Costa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3fd10cb-1ac4-42ba-8c66-cbab5ac8673d", + "text": "si, jo mateix!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45322349-58d5-4999-9c6e-5e2fe2e363f0", + "text": "Entesos. A quina direcció vol que te la enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d8f4ced-1397-44f2-a41a-59eaa8798fec", + "text": "a l'avinguda espanya, 34, 6-3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "avinguda espanya, 34, 6-3", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22fc318e-3e5c-4f7a-99a2-51bcbb0ad026", + "text": "de l'ampolla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'ampolla", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10802900-48d4-4c1b-bc37-4754bde0d3ed", + "text": "Entesos. Enviarem la torradora aquí, doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4136d5ce-7dd8-4709-be0d-10af4d970f3f", + "text": "Necessites fer cap altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2dddd39-098d-47b1-ae1e-7c2785f3edca", + "text": "D'acord, no necessito re smés", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9780e948-f081-4720-8d50-6f5088890613", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "871eb840-9297-4f22-bd17-fb78dc917b6c", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51e09726-601b-474a-b02f-59277c6bf95f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d8bbfe76-f3d6-41d1-a40a-5f7473d099b9", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d5f85cf-1fc8-4b6e-9fcf-44aaa3d516a6", + "text": "Hola, vaig comprar ahir uns llibres que estaven en oferta pero crec que no em vau aplicar el descompte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "llibres", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "en oferta", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em vau aplicar el descompte", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d4847cd-f3ac-436a-aac1-df6a1ecef102", + "text": "Quins llibres eren?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "145052fd-63bd-491a-a140-a15523a3a670", + "text": "eren uns llibres de text de 3 de primaria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "llibres de text de 3 de primaria", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29dd94a0-58dd-4942-b9bc-d2113d2d7f43", + "text": "Entesos. Quina és la referència d'aquests llibres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e6d9a5f-9906-4910-9138-806bd4a6613b", + "text": "Mira un és 12986524 i l'altre 5367789", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "12986524", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "5367789", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e20187e-0253-4ba8-9117-10690cbc9b19", + "text": "Entesos. I quan va fer la compra?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8b56b82-0ad4-42a4-936b-4383be79ca32", + "text": "just ahir de tarda, pero he vist avui al tiquet que el que em van cobrar no es correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5780025f-ff5f-4c23-bd89-8a2b3fa0c4a3", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, efectivament no hi ha el descompte aplicat. Indiqui'ns el número de targeta per ingressar-li l'abonament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9be8ecd-1d80-4a7c-951b-36f6adebf79c", + "text": "d'acord. ho podeu ingressar a la targeta 34526 7845 34529 8976", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "34526 7845 34529 8976", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "acd3d8c2-e162-42a7-89f5-e9f605668d70", + "text": "Entesos. Farem l'abonament aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fadc4d4a-cd1c-4621-9d52-78d2af0556c5", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5076a81-5be2-49ef-a938-45c35897c0e8", + "text": "gràcies, no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5ea0ab70-45f0-488e-8775-5f424fa50e1c", + "text": "bon diaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e22eb34a-4797-4ffe-bf90-0f95de63205d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ba73f2a-15e6-4404-a4cd-a11919710cd8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7893e8ba-c56a-4fe3-92c7-6f41ac0f8ca3", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bee57be8-9eb7-491e-94f8-ed9f3b0a8b37", + "text": "Hola teniu rentavaixelles?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "rentavaixelles", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c1ab5e6-4b0b-4140-8e94-a46a1de9bf12", + "text": "Sí, en tenim. De quina capacitat el vols?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96ef1d58-c929-4364-a32b-b508f206e6d6", + "text": "mira capacitat no se, pero hauria de ser de 60 cm d'ample", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "60 cm d'ample", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5127fbda-9fa9-486d-b15b-eaeace6edc81", + "text": "D'acord. Tenim dos models, un d'ells és ecològic i per això una mica més car.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0a72112-5663-47bc-a969-9315f9616b10", + "text": "ah vale, i quina diferència de preu hi ha entre els dos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "diferència de preu", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df0b35db-6bb3-4928-9f4d-ac93f09ea710", + "text": "L'ecològic costa 200 euros, l'altre 110.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1de8073b-bd74-4eea-aa4f-46bb28964406", + "text": "Val d'acord, doncs crec que triare l'ecològic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "l'ecològic", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "469f70b6-104c-472d-8a96-f1301a3476f6", + "text": "mel podeu portar a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19671c2e-4277-4458-8fd4-004aa07478d4", + "text": "Sí, no hi ha problema. A quina direcció postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d863d35c-6547-480b-8993-08e6c9514bcd", + "text": "Perfecte, ho podeu enviara a carrer Mitjà, 45, 7-8, 07678 a Mahó", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Mitjà, 45, 7-8, 07678 a Mahó", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "954b1884-e916-4771-9e4c-c58a5eed36b7", + "text": "Entesos. Ho fem així, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8684764-9b7c-4456-81fc-84c2d1dac8f9", + "text": "Cal que ens indiquis ara un mitjà de pagament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e28cb56-4a78-4474-9a63-281fdd8243c8", + "text": "d'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "71bd35ed-2679-4edc-8c2c-7d4c22c366fe", + "text": "vull pagar amb targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "171e91ac-0ea2-423e-bb8c-72d55cd6d630", + "text": "Entesos. Quin número de targeta vols donar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "659b7db3-685a-46e2-b394-66db10138d0e", + "text": "mira és 2376 6798 5134 i la caducitat és 06/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "2376 6798 5134", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "06/23", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5330365c-b928-42c7-b6b6-7e470f7a6857", + "text": "D'acord. Farem el pagament aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32d873bd-0218-4d13-8ee5-ea2efaf5b706", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a59f8a7-a06c-43b2-862b-6588f2278396", + "text": "Finalment, necessites factura? On vols rebre el comprovant de pagament i garantia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e824ab04-9e91-40cd-b210-af0a18732eee", + "text": "no vull factura, si em podeu enviar això per correu la meva adreça es lucas45@gmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "lucas45@gmail.es", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39eec89d-1732-4f14-b428-0205cd9fe9e5", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a607110d-064f-4d81-816e-0eed02f3278f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83cbdf85-975d-42f3-aa49-3a219007b986", + "text": "ja no necessito res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "363a1fbb-9908-4e9c-b527-00cfd1aee1a9", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db2f5569-d1df-431d-a4fa-0b65738306f9", + "text": "Adeu, bon diaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2541230c-2899-4178-b21a-471294475247", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "41581c1d-a348-4cf5-ad25-35c5aa103fe7", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8c7b0652-d79a-43e1-bd7a-a65af69dc05e", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99613f8b-0269-49c9-aa22-d149f13c3429", + "text": "Vaig comprar un ventilador a la vostra botiga ahir i sembla que no funciona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "ventilador", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no funciona", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3c10eb2-43f8-4a97-92c5-dc1fdc2d59f9", + "text": "D'acord, pot descriure el problema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90e31201-4429-40aa-b557-6678c2cf1f3e", + "text": "S'engega al principi? O deixa de funcionar de forma gradual?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbba33c7-272a-4020-956b-663e3fc5d25b", + "text": "Sí. Li dono al botó però no fa res.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ef2a445-e60d-44c9-b054-070b98e7f929", + "text": "No no s'engega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no s'engega", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "187fae60-7403-40d9-bd2c-c7b8e09f8aeb", + "text": "Sentim molt les molèsties. Deu tractar-se d'un problema de fàbrica.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e1a1f69-1ec4-4a77-a9dd-47098dc35c72", + "text": "Per realitzar el retorn, pot portar el ventilador a qualsevol de les nostres botigues", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0dbb4d0-d069-4474-ad31-e97a7723a71e", + "text": "Me'l canviareu, doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "82d7c778-b05e-45c6-9571-c6ce9afc35a1", + "text": "Per fer una devolució dels diners caldrà que porti el tiquet", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a5c3ac12-4470-411a-92c9-bbfc2debbec4", + "text": "Podem donar-li un altre ventilador del mateix model, o tornar-li els diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c650ee2-4c71-42c2-b717-e1fd6654178d", + "text": "Vale, hi aniré. Voldré un altre ventilador.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6676d62a-33e3-4840-8ec5-c2888f06050d", + "text": "D'acord, molt bé. Aquí l'esperem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b11d3db7-c0bb-41ca-9452-f0087042e427", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9cc9a24e-fc98-4057-8e52-505dfb2c768f", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5251474d-c437-440a-bf73-1063abbd8cd3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cc4ef122-abfe-40aa-9079-4217c1d9b6a4", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99eef0d6-3029-455b-b153-a02acc6a2b05", + "text": "Bon dia, gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a06669c6-a054-4220-ba3d-aa600d43bd97", + "text": "Es pot comprar online a la vostra botiga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5381b02a-93b8-4a41-8e4e-284a7fd91017", + "text": "L'atén Mireia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2265684-1626-4438-a6b0-f3ac52df918d", + "text": "Si, pot veure tots els nostres productes i ofertes a www.mediamarkt.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5c2f1ac-2fed-4190-aa69-9f6383ada398", + "text": "Perfecte. Tots estàn a la web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Tots estàn a la web", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "416b9071-0c5b-465f-a1fc-79ba937b186b", + "text": "Si, la nostra web és actualitzada diàriament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37283776-3789-43b3-b210-d3a6fe05eae0", + "text": "Genial! I els preus també són els mateixos, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "els preus també són els mateixos", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "627459ac-b743-4c60-98cb-972e3ed01bbf", + "text": "Si, tots els preus i ofertes son els mateixos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "564459f9-3d34-431b-9f24-0b2df2c7b2ff", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4e38fb9-db9a-440a-9d35-cb7542d4b8f7", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ac06126-98d7-4186-aa21-52eb3d2a6d06", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c0becd93-4267-43d1-b872-47b645c4a769", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03a3b19f-3218-4e92-95a9-24dc5f6a7c37", + "text": "Bon dia què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd064aa8-90d8-458e-b596-23b5e4520539", + "text": "Teniu tablets?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "tablets", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50c56305-e7d7-4bf0-a96d-5e0e9cbc39ab", + "text": "Tenim una àmplia gamma de tablets de varies marques i models", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc2187e1-dc4b-41d3-8e64-9457389d53bc", + "text": "Quina es ven més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quina es ven més", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57600b23-5436-4977-8e01-8d9f394e5782", + "text": "La tablet més venuda d'aquest mes és l'iPad X8", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fef7f81-b570-4a48-90fd-6e438180301b", + "text": "Doncs vull comprar aquest. M'anirà bé per la feina.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7ccf3147-ea38-462e-8db5-d4250de3366a", + "text": "Molt bé. El pot comprar a la nostra pàgina web, o a qualsevol de les nostres botigues depenent de les existències.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e8b55b86-2904-466e-b9de-0647836ccbcd", + "text": "On teniu les botigues?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc71ba6c-712e-48d9-af8b-a01527b24e5c", + "text": "Tenim dues botigues a Barcelona ciutat, al Centre Comercial La Maquinista, i al carrer Puig i Cadafalch 72", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fd8f5b8-4e13-43b7-82a8-c0b7ef9a278c", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a1f8904-51e7-43fc-be88-a790db763949", + "text": "Gràcies per confiar en nosaltres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8b40c9c-f00e-44a8-bd17-a8f8d47e8650", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36b8dd93-f09a-4cb1-be93-81b8cf3776e4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e17cbe6c-c506-47a9-946d-e7b2e73debe5", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6c8caf8-d204-4ad9-b57b-b6bcf7a0dae5", + "text": "Teniu algun producte en oferta avui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "avui", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bee62084-a603-4437-91ee-7226bbaaacd2", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee816fd7-371c-42b8-acaf-578c36082631", + "text": "El nostre producte d'oferta aquesta setmana és el mòbil Xiaomi Redmi Pro T", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5469130e-0776-402c-a656-35e02c262a11", + "text": "A quin preu està?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32cc6c2d-3bd7-4490-85d5-5b370cf9ab31", + "text": "Aquesta setmana l'hem rebaixat de 299 euros a 159 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "270200bf-dabe-4f45-bd86-6b5feaee82dd", + "text": "M'interessa. Puc comprar-lo per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e926c02a-9011-4ece-adec-a424637b7293", + "text": "Pot realitzar la compra a qualsevol de les nostres botigues, o per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a01ba3e5-d4b2-4348-9a93-e17c08fab35d", + "text": "Per aquí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "Per aquí,", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25177af0-3012-4e70-8976-1b9a129430bd", + "text": "Molt bé, doni'm un nom i adreça a on realitzar l'enviament si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75167c58-a28e-4fab-a93e-2bbb6cc20a7a", + "text": "Helena Herreros Pla\nAvda. De Palacios, 11", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Helena", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Herreros", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Pla", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avda. De Palacios, 11", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96d75c93-25b9-4564-adb2-e19ee9448fba", + "text": "Gràcies. Indiqui'm una targeta de crèdit o dèbit amb la que realitzar el pagament si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89279ecc-f1ec-4503-b487-3360db3c8e4b", + "text": "Sí, clar. 5678 7788 7788 7888", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "5678 7788 7788 7888", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66df7181-82b3-4311-bd91-709e3f9c9637", + "text": "La data de caducitat i CSS de la targeta, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7f4565f-78f0-4ca4-892f-ea026f0e80ef", + "text": "12/2024 i 357", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "12/2024", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "357", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba2da659-15a2-44bd-8f0e-cbc68e8bb3db", + "text": "Molt bé, ja s'ha efectuat el recàrrec.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26893735-16f6-499a-8051-a9304180e412", + "text": "Perfecte. Rebut.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e39db748-6c6d-4641-8796-de669cd868a2", + "text": "Rebrà el mòbil en uns dies al seu domicili.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff8bc244-7ef8-47a0-abf5-5323cf8de534", + "text": "Genial.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "70bed20f-419e-4ed0-9cdc-529080a8ebbf", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "476187f1-f7c2-4e79-ac7f-db6379d013b0", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f6232e4-c117-424d-a386-2f440a63493a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9d2a253f-d34c-4a0c-b0d4-9901aece8691", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02085982-b370-40f4-ab9e-e26bc838c6a4", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "702fe7c0-4785-41be-b1eb-439ba7fb73a1", + "text": "Fulla de reclamacions.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Fulla de reclamacions", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23229a28-ccd6-43ac-831d-cee6da4427a3", + "text": "Vol que li facilitem una fulla de reclamacions?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0263b8d7-143c-4de4-98e2-f555f438f722", + "text": "Sí, si us plau. He anat avui a la botiga i m'han tractat malament.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botiga", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han tractat malament", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29ddee60-91f7-4a36-8362-9f9ef1433f8c", + "text": "Sentim molt la seva mala experiència. Si és tant amable, podria donar-me més informació sobre la seva queixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81f60f9c-a7d8-45f1-87c8-6c2910ca8e56", + "text": "Sí. El senyor del mostrador s'ha rigut de mi pel producte que comprava.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "El senyor del mostrador", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "s'ha rigut de mi", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51b1cf6d-81b1-4612-a4ec-79c708b05161", + "text": "Li demanem disculpes en nom de l'empresa. A quina hora ha anat a la botiga?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a14a7829-159e-42b9-9faf-a050c9518b8e", + "text": "He anat a les 12h.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "12h", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c19af527-209e-4ce9-9024-fa89f59b4590", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm si us plau una adreça de correu electrònic a on puguem enviar-li la fulla de reclamacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97f42158-8ea1-45d9-97a0-35312eb30385", + "text": "El correu és lrion@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "lrion@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecbd4cf1-27c9-41ee-b245-33614682e277", + "text": "Molt bé, de seguida rebrà la fulla de reclamacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d7a416b-8b56-4b93-9303-2192f5148174", + "text": "Sentim molt la seva experiència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92433618-63c6-4860-8d69-de8717c06565", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0076cc9f-c452-4093-b727-5488eb4908c7", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "83e04c25-37d5-4c2a-ba48-850111dd1c53", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f905e6c-6546-4931-9b83-0b9fc72a61ea", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b8606905-e0ca-40b9-bdd8-70bad319dd54", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ba4fea6-0779-4fb9-8afc-42bd8de15c2e", + "text": "Bona dia, parla amb el Xavier.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39b5600a-7a69-4bea-9c19-1b5a54225750", + "text": "Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e497f7f-f488-451b-8576-2c5dc4ab7154", + "text": "Com puc contactar amb vosaltres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "contactar amb vosaltres", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f7a981e-77a2-48cf-904f-03d085516b18", + "text": "Pot posar-se en contacte amb nosaltres al telèfon 93 560 40 60, o per el chat de la nostra pàgina web en el que es troba ara mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3c6c715-399c-42ce-8e02-a000cbc28767", + "text": "I en aquest xat resoleu tot tipus de dubtes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "aquest xat", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tot tipus de dubtes", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9433be67-d570-4cc8-a121-c54b42cb6f03", + "text": "Si, ens pot consultar qualsevol dubte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8de47fa6-1b8c-42f6-b96a-d16a8f8fc531", + "text": "Vale. Doncs, a quin preu està l'IPAD pro?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "IPAD pro", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c5d2b61-9581-438b-92c8-0e3ed5ba9b3c", + "text": "L'iPad Pro té un preu de 1099 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7ae6f6a-a2e8-4a9d-aca2-31366885a27c", + "text": "Vale, genial. Només volia saber això. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "78ba8197-8192-4dc8-9213-e9a1c9a0088b", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad6149be-9eb4-48e4-8e46-ae23d8db1f06", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91367fe0-9f54-4239-8f04-5a75f6a2a9d3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ea456b7d-5a85-44e8-8696-8e02bae5daaf", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53d0dfb3-c6de-4729-93d6-4d01bdac808c", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99375458-c915-4615-88cd-dab227f379b5", + "text": "Poden les empreses comprar productes electrònics a la vostra botiga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "empreses", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "90fe2254-a1c7-4a83-8033-7d83ca79c0bb", + "text": "Si, és clar. Pot comprar qualsevol producte amb la targeta de l'empresa i demanar una factura si ho desitja.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cbfc71b-ab6c-4507-aace-7a3bd95247f5", + "text": "Sí. Vull comprar un mòbil per cada treballador.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per cada treballador", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52a0f4ba-9b12-4fa5-917e-41df33e69465", + "text": "De quants treballadors es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1b9c6da-46c2-408a-bc05-2ded4e2e55a8", + "text": "De 15.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "15", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f964f90-48d3-4ed2-a2b8-5779e4db71bd", + "text": "D'acord. Per a comandes grans ho hauria de fer en persona a qualsevol de les nostres botigues.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee7aca7b-661d-4348-b6d6-0ad511a861a6", + "text": "Vale, molt bé. Doncs hi aniré.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ad59055-9d6a-41ff-881d-a0a482093970", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c81120ea-e860-4a87-b21c-14d6d1b13ec6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a6bb9dd0-096b-45ae-b6cd-be37e513b6bf", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c30c6a31-fb06-4561-9965-ef2977f01d9e", + "text": "Bona tarda, l'atén Mario", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "285e12d7-6409-4d5a-b493-d1adae148d88", + "text": "Acabo de comprar un ordinador a través de la vostra web i necessitaria la factura.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "ordinador", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b99eff83-d0e1-4db8-aa9e-760105e22a40", + "text": "D'acord. Pot descarregar la factura des del seu compte de client a la pàgina web, o li podem enviar al seu correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1bd030bf-bea2-44f0-9a03-40ce2bfc0303", + "text": "La vull al correu electrònic.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "serv", + "text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "254232cd-412d-4234-acf1-7fc052bce821", + "text": "Molt bé. Doni'm el seu número de comanda per poder trobar la factura si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae65b113-3f57-4658-8182-28ec5e0bc6f8", + "text": "El número és 457895333", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "457895333", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c75fdaf-f8c3-4912-ba67-972db14ddedc", + "text": "Molt bé. Senyor González, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "424bcde3-6804-4714-9059-b0c6b7c1ceb6", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3938f63-8595-41ee-b341-117279c30ed2", + "text": "Molt bé. A quina adreça de correu vol que li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc1e264b-e201-43b3-865d-6147d532e24c", + "text": "A cgil @gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "cgil @gmail.com", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3a4e8a00-b033-4690-9ba8-6e3e1847dce9", + "text": "D'acord, ja li hem enviat. Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ddab4d3-f92c-4080-90af-be960e45b6a2", + "text": "Res més. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c7fe5c51-f79b-4daf-ba93-9222229e7f3c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "643e8c9f-0318-43a2-bad9-fd5f41a1b3fa", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4cd9df06-d141-4af8-85b5-b52e59387e90", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bf98d37-aed4-4949-896c-dd11e5e99380", + "text": "He fet una compra online i crec que m'heu cobrat de més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'heu cobrat de més", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6f36877-99a4-4a87-85fa-badf7a7f9be7", + "text": "D'acord. Quin article ha comprat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f67edf71-8076-4499-83cd-be68b4a92e80", + "text": "Un Xiaomi Redmi 5.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Xiaomi Redmi 5", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9505506b-034b-4537-ba48-c7de33782445", + "text": "Molt bé, i quina és la quantitat que ha estat carregada a la seva targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f281541-9c30-4de2-829f-8615e2df80cd", + "text": "200€ en lloc de 100€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "200", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50755ea7-b021-42be-907d-341f1aa39514", + "text": "D'acord. Es deu haver duplicat el pagament. Doni'm el número de comanda per poder efectuar el retorn, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22e4ba1f-2c56-4742-8b43-40b5ff30ad4c", + "text": "Sí, clar. 5667543", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "5667543", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ca9a2bf-babc-47fd-a5fb-088f085019a6", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol que li tornem al mateix compte amb el que ha fet el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2687c44-6798-4e38-b8c9-5d18a410ff22", + "text": "Sí, si us plau!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa115518-1ef1-4a6c-afa9-668ec7add1e3", + "text": "Ja l'hem processat. En uns dies el rebrà, depenent del seu banc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "719f495d-9ad9-46df-b7ca-e467cda63ba6", + "text": "Perfecte. Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9809678d-296f-493c-b941-65390dcc27fe", + "text": "A vostè, i disculpi les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7e480bf-8ce3-4539-a45f-325effe3989a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c2f62f05-e8d8-40a7-8ad4-e16931c74077", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40c51000-b681-4cba-a1e1-800e26a86349", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47f1f002-0aad-4bdb-9952-07fe32a6bd47", + "text": "Acabo de fer una comanda però m'he equivocat de producte. Puc cancel·lar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "984ae981-4912-4720-8e00-11fa11f79290", + "text": "Ha realitzat la comanda fa menys de dues hores?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e0783c4-7db6-496f-8a6b-c9d50c18d354", + "text": "Sí, ara mateix.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "39000488-2a51-4efd-8f09-064039de4a45", + "text": "Perfecte, en aquest cas només necessitem el número de comanda i el seu nom complet, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c71aff99-a52b-446f-9a0f-47217ffdd45c", + "text": "545678847\nDarío Roblas Planas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "545678847", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Darío", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Roblas", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Planas", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22dfb6ce-5ba5-4f30-a320-b536f50ef147", + "text": "Ja hem cancel·lat la comanda. El pagament encara no havia estat processat, aixi que rebrà la quantitat en uns minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bc98979-98ee-4f86-af4a-b8e57050cd4a", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b3b4bf66-8d7b-4ed8-bf20-a2a54d3e965e", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53694610-2748-4345-bdf3-cb3b33b954d6", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "efb8878d-c10d-49f8-b979-9c9644b9236a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9d7fc2ce-140c-410d-ae30-32511cc1b29a", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c43fcebf-113d-4c85-9d45-42c6b0425c7d", + "text": "Bona tarda, què podem fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24cd5ad5-7c43-48a9-ab36-019f57eec4ab", + "text": "Vull consultar la ubicació de les vostres botigues.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f343629-a7d0-4108-b573-de656b585d87", + "text": "Tenim 5 botigues a Barcelona ciutat. Pot consultar les adreces a la nostra pàgina web, o li podem indicar la botiga més propera al seu codi postal.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddc8b1bb-20cc-48d2-808a-4eabe0273dd1", + "text": "Perfecte. Quina està més a prop del centre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "més a prop del centre", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44bf19ac-c841-4749-94e4-feb987ee1889", + "text": "Tenim una botiga al Portal de l'Àngel número 9", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21df6041-ec91-47dd-8a50-ab9eca4923fb", + "text": "Oh genial! Aquesta em servirà. Veneu el mateix a totes les botigues?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "el mateix a totes les botigues", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60c5733f-4fa4-4c0e-8d0a-84b245d6d2bb", + "text": "Si, tenim els mateixos productes a totes les botigues, depenent del nivell d'existències.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b26438dc-4ce0-4641-be78-09d7f0e64ddb", + "text": "Genial. Moltes gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f60955f-eb3a-4fd0-a3ac-2ec603a70bd7", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "339ab4df-651d-45f5-a338-08ae549a65b5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3ef51fe8-cc5a-4ff1-8d83-9424fb7c71f6", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ea06756-d6b9-4057-b539-61fbb59779fb", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "57571399-878e-4fd1-9161-d87fbde09c6f", + "text": "Tenim alguna oferta per comandes grans?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "comandes grans", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "943fe812-d54e-4402-9fa9-a2717d7b47f7", + "text": "Depenent del producte, tenim descomptes de fins el 20% per a comandes de 10 articles o més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7ef128e-abd8-401f-a045-efbf6f805b38", + "text": "Si compro ordinadors serveix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "ordinadors", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2aa54c97-1065-4a4f-9e61-70a5feab3420", + "text": "Si, tenim un descompte del 20% en aquest cas.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae2b9deb-fd35-4123-b115-5f1395456724", + "text": "I s'aplica a cada dispositiu o al total?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "a cada dispositiu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "al total", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d93164c-3ca6-4402-959c-3441a373e767", + "text": "Al total", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b08f4d01-d598-4282-9f1e-abe4a0556268", + "text": "Vale, perfecte. Vull fer-ho així doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f818b55-1b8d-4e6b-95fc-11054492b520", + "text": "D'acord. Vol fer la comanda a la nostra pàgina web, o per aquí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3263b6d0-67c2-498d-bb2d-634c9634ba11", + "text": "Per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "Per aquí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3ffad8d-7d4d-4579-bb29-daba5d4c0252", + "text": "D'acord. Quins articles vol comprar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79c896e8-b730-4643-8242-e494b6db1cb6", + "text": "24 Macbooks.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "24 Macbooks", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8bd1cdb3-20db-4eab-b23c-f79fc1fc0a25", + "text": "D'acord. Quin model voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbc21b2f-de70-45ce-bbb4-9011772ad09c", + "text": "Vull el model Pro.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Pro", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b64b8ee0-ad24-4e2f-bc54-2c4a234ea0fa", + "text": "D'acord. Tenim un Macbook Pro Retina del 2018 per 679 euros l'unitat. Li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a32781fa-ab6d-43fc-89bb-92604b02b922", + "text": "Sí, m'interessa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5a830f3-078f-490d-87bf-55c5edc39b82", + "text": "D'acord. Vol 24 unitats del mateix producte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03654c6b-0c50-4c5d-99e0-6f73b9f12c4b", + "text": "Exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "507b9ebb-b67d-4cda-906a-e5a80488f63e", + "text": "En aquest cas li podem oferir un descompte del 35% sobre el total.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0127aaf-0f22-4c69-b0f6-d99faaf080aa", + "text": "Com vol realitzar el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e04f440-207f-443d-9f56-bf8386a37e08", + "text": "Pot ser a la botiga en persona el pagament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "en persona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e838afb2-1d7f-40cb-a78e-6911388ad304", + "text": "Si, pot finalitzar la comanda en persona i podem fer-li una prereserva ara.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0a070f6-bb27-40a0-9167-5143f2fd6c80", + "text": "Vale, perfecte, sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b181fb09-1325-433b-bae7-c93dbf0a0cad", + "text": "Doni'm un nom al qual fer la prereserva, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4286e755-6e7d-4aef-be95-0b1d52e67688", + "text": "Martina Ribes Casals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ribes", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cbcd94eb-1edd-41d4-8436-7bd9e635a374", + "text": "Molt bé, ja esta feta la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c5a6bc7-9d09-46c6-b8fd-f46083951572", + "text": "Pot passar per la nostra botiga qua vulgui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23468182-969e-4982-9e51-3d59cb8b5512", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "73dc4655-ef62-428d-afc0-b7133fdd0fe2", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d772617d-be02-4a2b-b558-c99a07bb839c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "907b87e1-9772-4f18-9d09-57f2e073600a", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "073541b4-7090-40da-a481-7361137560fd", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "218c143c-662c-4973-9f08-ab072ae64412", + "text": "Acabo de comprar un ordinador a la vostra botiga. Com puc saber la garantia que té?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "ordinador", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "garantia", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c443249-b50b-4077-b71e-6c64e624cc8f", + "text": "Tots els nostres productes tenen una garantia mínima de 2 anys", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95a47dc0-f9dc-419d-8ad7-3ef3b623b423", + "text": "I què cobreix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "què cobreix", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1be352a2-c0c1-4180-824d-f6e521f3e695", + "text": "Però pot consultar la garantia del seu producte al tiquet", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c7c5455-8c1a-4b39-b8aa-54a9c178282e", + "text": "Cobreix la reparació en cas d'avaria, i el canvi o retorn del producte en cas de ser defectuos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "029f9550-0a62-4675-855a-71853a87e5e0", + "text": "Genial. I en el tiquet de compra puc consultar la garantia també, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9fdb06e0-98a9-481a-92ba-06caf80a6044", + "text": "Si, exacte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94e1ac87-e290-4130-b855-3716d162dcf8", + "text": "Perfecte. Això és tot. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6cbfc033-c0f3-4d96-9937-441f93481567", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8d7e2263-3f47-4d44-9dbc-4b9d75de2ecc", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "328bad14-3df9-4502-8fc3-9946d2d8d19e", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb0fd843-c59b-4c18-9edb-9a2cc70a16c2", + "text": "Comprar mòbil.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7587034b-0a0f-4b23-8a5e-b4890c55581f", + "text": "Desitja comprar un telèfon mòbil?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed235eb4-5220-4694-93d9-cbcbc765548e", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41855290-79dc-4886-b3e5-ff8df3190122", + "text": "En quin model està interessat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c742eb6c-13a1-4059-910a-ad5459eae7ee", + "text": "El Samsung Fold.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Samsung Fold", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b39ebd01-6d1a-49da-9f7f-077d68035013", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol comprar-lo per aquí o en persona a la botiga?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14da0e1f-5c6d-401f-869d-efbe468bd386", + "text": "En persona a la botiga si pot ser.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botiga", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e266902-72e5-4b99-b61b-7c491a40f143", + "text": "Perfecte. Sap on es troba la nostra botiga?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01c30ada-6870-409d-9fd7-5d5184f18891", + "text": "És la de Passeig de Gràcia, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Passeig de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3a9b2e59-a631-43e0-a581-40b060ddf198", + "text": "Si, exacte. Passeid de Gràcia 166", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f6fdfdd-3fa6-4c5d-a209-ee70038cefd6", + "text": "Genial. Puc anar-hi quan vulgui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "quan vulgui", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d985eada-d2ce-4bfa-badf-50a4ee25e8b6", + "text": "Si, el nostre horari és de 10 del matí a 20h de la tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3dfedb1-bb21-4970-bb51-3f1c28aa13ce", + "text": "Perfecte. Doncs hi passaré. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1498f494-56ec-48e3-bf28-d6369c4737ec", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99784dd8-5f89-4ce2-88a8-512aa4d304a4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ba30ec87-9d63-4b47-a758-bc8398cb3e1c", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b8791423-6595-47db-b9b5-d886ea288b18", + "text": "Bona tarda, què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59cb7c35-3f52-4303-8af4-32122fb48bf7", + "text": "Quina és la vostra política de devolucions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "política de devolucions", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a7c1415-a6f3-4e67-8de0-1cd19561be0c", + "text": "Pot realitzar una devolució fins a dues setmanes després de la compra", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfa18ed9-3f24-4fad-8fe5-d4d64c3c28a9", + "text": "Genial i tornen tots els diners?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tots els diners", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0803c626-cc14-454c-805f-76af03b31437", + "text": "Si, es pot realitzar un retorn si el producte està en perfecte estat i conserva la caixa i el tiquet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "424b28b6-ea17-4800-aa6a-b67ef8125799", + "text": "I en cas de devolució com es faria? Per correu ordinari?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Per correu ordinari", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68a43e08-29d7-48b9-a9c7-4dcad6f4af73", + "text": "Hauria de realitzar la devolució en persona a la botiga.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfb00e37-8f87-4a39-82f8-1e33fd0e72d6", + "text": "Vale, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a791dbb5-c53f-49d6-a974-907bb6469546", + "text": "Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a7f3eaac-f79e-4482-b988-8a5107838323", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e6da850-7b43-4ac6-b161-85a349e8ab0a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b8db67e7-de3e-4371-9d3c-cfa09f012894", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b19b72f-859a-4fe1-952a-9c98e27a2c08", + "text": "Bon dia, l'atén Oliver, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d0da510-008d-43eb-9d13-5a6a4ac6f1d8", + "text": "Vull fer una devolució.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94a7abe2-ec5e-4a5c-aee0-9459ed77ef55", + "text": "D'acord. Ha fet la compra online o en persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a38e36f-7b76-4f35-b8fe-3ea105b924c6", + "text": "Online.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Online", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9d5c045-85fa-4716-93d2-1438846a7b63", + "text": "D'acord. Té el codi de la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5b23e3e-4f87-4453-b7e8-d48247af341e", + "text": "Sí. 67886533", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "67886533", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2bf3273-8b15-4874-9f1f-c68f94642ac2", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol fer el retorn per enviament postal, o en persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71c901a7-2648-4b69-818b-826730b49e5d", + "text": "En persona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "En persona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2dd2bcad-6cca-4819-abbb-59acc59441f4", + "text": "Perfecte, en aquest cas pot anar a fer la devolució quan vulgui i li tornaran els diners a la botiga.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7185b58b-f166-4484-873b-c65372bde053", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "653a1fef-c874-45e9-8890-f2c56479aae2", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "68bbb01b-8deb-4861-98ab-16eeb00f7be2", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66a8fc9e-b61b-4bef-8b8a-07387685bbd6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8bd8db05-5e9b-4a9b-bd4c-e89c6bed6fcf", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a025fad9-7a2b-42dd-9c4f-438e1f72ac54", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5799d2a-9a22-4bb7-80ee-4a5260aabb21", + "text": "Volia comprar una televisió que he vist a la vostra web, però no teniu existències. Puc reservar-la per quan en tingueu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "televisió", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "a la vostra web", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cda29dc1-4762-45d9-b0a2-bb7081ca180e", + "text": "Si, és clar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97e7a807-f4b1-47b3-a9a1-6a70596bf511", + "text": "De quin model es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e16bca4-b209-44d3-bbae-e2ff415a641c", + "text": "De la LG 436", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "LG 436", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e11245b-546f-4af4-8d23-89989cd0957d", + "text": "Veig que ens han d'arribar més existències en uns dies. Vol que li enviem un SMS quan estiguin disponibles?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9eabae61-2570-4c29-8b35-fdb2e74ea1f8", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "be480e0c-6dc0-415e-bbb5-f4e94fd4f1bc", + "text": "Molt bé, a quin número de telèfon vol que li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f136a6d-303b-4ab1-830f-7cca175e98d1", + "text": "Al 645 23 45 15", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "645 23 45 15", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba588505-85bc-4323-a95c-dc6acaf42d85", + "text": "D'acord, ja tenim l'avís programat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eda735f1-31fc-4b48-a6a3-72284317af72", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d37d7083-2a2e-4f96-87ed-4338af56b137", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies. Res més!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f3c58573-4d8a-4ee4-9e01-31c2f2e608d9", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0626bfb-3f72-4379-8d62-1f4d7b080e27", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b7538cb-6404-4352-908a-0396cce2b14a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3b568940-7369-46d3-89c1-7069e4ab13e5", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c31c9fb-9850-44ac-86cf-c8bd6325260c", + "text": "Bona tarda, què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c648ad23-7e03-4f7c-812d-437ed899791a", + "text": "He fet una comanda però vull canviar alguns detalls.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "338ff24a-c9ef-429c-952d-2a29d1995883", + "text": "És clar, cap problema. Em pot indicar el número de comanda i el seu nom complet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b26189ab-636c-4710-bfce-f4d852a6eaff", + "text": "Sí. 54578864 i Maria Fernández Simón.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "54578864", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Simón", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f95b84f-9383-47df-9922-5d3965ca3447", + "text": "Em sembla que hi ha un error amb el número de comanda que m'ha facilitat. No trobo la seva compra al sistema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21d8ad46-a98f-4bb5-b1c5-8f20f8acc0f0", + "text": "Perdona, crec que m'he deixat dues xifres! És 5457886488", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "5457886488", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb47dc77-a2ea-420e-a1a9-62cb925d8e7a", + "text": "Ara sí. Quins detalls voldria canviar, senyora Fernández?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4034783f-2cd2-4925-ba29-b0bdd912b46c", + "text": "He demanat ara mateix un mòbil Xiaomi Poco de color gris però el vull blau al final.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Xiaomi Poco", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "color gris", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "blau", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1a08124-e7a3-4234-acea-a4311798fbf6", + "text": "D'acord. El vol blau clar, o blau metàlic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fb5712a-948d-41ca-ba96-1c21c94a2102", + "text": "Blau clar, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "Blau clar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80832d07-bd81-48f5-b64b-a62ddec41006", + "text": "D'acord. Aquest color té un preu més elevat que el model de color gris, així que se li hauria de cobrar la diferència. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "190d78fc-4e6d-499b-b9e9-30a053b113b3", + "text": "Sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a19ed06-4a12-41d5-84a8-8f07f7fb7f70", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm una targeta a la que fer aquest recàrrec de 21 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9dca58e2-f16a-47e7-8620-7a7aa9ae8d37", + "text": "2345 2345 2334 2334", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "2345 2345 2334 2334", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9b62dd2-83a6-4708-a711-23a43a43600a", + "text": "Em pot indicar la data de caducitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ba5694f-9ca3-43d9-bcbc-b85a082cb82d", + "text": "1/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "1/23", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "811938ab-22a5-458a-baf6-077d03929d49", + "text": "I el codi de seguretat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76a7504f-9157-4d60-b6fa-ed47f16d5d05", + "text": "876", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "876", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f26400ea-e0b1-45f4-84e5-b57a30910e2a", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies. Ja s'han efectuat els canvis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1836feb0-2ad5-4194-bbaa-bb68800b7656", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "06de5f49-c8c3-43f0-aee3-ba03806dfc0a", + "text": "A vostè, bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10b519b1-0f45-4c79-b87f-9fbc0ed14e65", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e3f16c3c-3968-4ec8-b34d-08de762885b0", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "55ddd33c-fdc5-4dfd-9428-8284ea9f8454", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fec63ed9-dcaf-4b60-8fb1-c6bf9743ffec", + "text": "Quins mètodes de pagament accepteu a la vostra web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f080863-7862-4650-b48d-d4ec63349b13", + "text": "Pot pagar amb targeta de dèbit o crèdit, transferència bancaria, PayPal o MoneyGram.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ccd84c8-a9b4-4c5f-9642-bc50fa3c7c22", + "text": "Aleshores es pot utilitzar Paypal per tots els vostres productes o només en alguna sel·lecció?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "Paypal", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per tots els vostres productes", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "583b2e6f-1cb2-4583-bdac-703296dce650", + "text": "Si, pot utilitzar PayPal en tots els nostres productes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "484a9da5-3e47-4d2e-8952-648280e8cba7", + "text": "I en cas de voler utilitzar-lo només haig de sel·leccionar-lo quan se'm requereixi oi? No fa falta configurar res abans?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d7de9a50-78b7-4c14-b96e-b30be0c1becb", + "text": "Si, exactament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76ae017d-172f-4dec-89c2-1d8254a1a20d", + "text": "Perfecte. Crec que ja ho tinc clar. Ho intento!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ecb0d6ba-0838-4b8a-8952-d3dbb4a13b49", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "975fb67b-f77a-45b1-b2cc-594b7b628973", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eacb8651-66fb-4377-b790-864a9c5abb38", + "text": "Res més!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "395209de-8a0f-486c-ba9f-51c04f357729", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7495f235-db7b-4a4f-bafa-04253864c7ed", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dd114273-0c27-4a28-9f68-cc7cd2e50767", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c8f2693-7ac1-4b31-82f0-63f90fa21c28", + "text": "Bona tarda, gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres. Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0483a819-672f-4c76-bbb8-9a7824acd596", + "text": "M'agradaria fer una compra.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d7dd89e-afa2-4c09-b355-a1ab7631df2c", + "text": "En quin article està interessat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e8dd4df0-09e8-4dcd-a66a-ee0957ae1c19", + "text": "En l'Ebook Pro 3000", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Ebook Pro 3000", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7be4f992-fa5a-404a-80f7-6705d6dcdbcc", + "text": "Molt bé, i de quin color el voldria? El tenim en color negre, platejat, daurat, i or rosat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "092cba32-6a2a-4baa-a473-2ee148790450", + "text": "Rosat, si pot ser.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "Rosat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e71e3b29-9c87-4007-ac78-e38c5a19fafe", + "text": "Perfecte, ens queden existències a la botiga. El vol comprar online o en persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "587bcacb-953f-4153-9213-cdfdbdd45cf0", + "text": "Online.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "Online", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2d0fc777-46ab-4933-9773-bc7bdd4dbd6e", + "text": "Molt bé, sap com realitzar la comanda a la pàgina web?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b811543b-4004-4ace-9ec7-070f19d20ff4", + "text": "Sí crec que sí, però em pots passar la pàgina web per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4402d70-749a-4b2a-b5f4-2b41c277d9c0", + "text": "Si, és clar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c76ea813-7d15-472e-8f3a-28d64ff58eeb", + "text": "www.electronicacatalonia.com/comandes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56f91b87-a9c2-48d8-9f71-70215d8f3f67", + "text": "Perfecte. Si tinc dubtes amb qui contacto?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "contacto", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4117107-4800-4e85-bd63-648c31f8c821", + "text": "Pot tornar a contactar-nos per aquí o trucar al 902 355 155", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "69833d91-69b0-4fcb-bc28-e15d636f3734", + "text": "Genial. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7f648ffa-908a-4a70-a472-e4ac75780afe", + "text": "A vostè, bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d6925f7-27dd-46d3-a8f4-caf12d8108ae", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f01f816a-a5d8-4a54-ab04-ffe7fea21298", + "text": "Bon dia. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6ef456d-6ab2-41dc-90c7-f4b4d028e0f1", + "text": "Hola, voldria comprar un mòbil senzill per fer trucades i tenir poques apps, em podrieu fer recomanacions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "senzill", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08b5ec14-8557-47f0-82ea-eb84ec8fcf89", + "text": "Quines característiques voldria? Per exemple, bones fotos...", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1287923f-d77d-4ea7-bad5-0f289f1d9267", + "text": "Això no m'importa gaire, només el vull per trucar i fer anar el whatsapp", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per trucar i fer anar el whatsapp", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "38ba9a44-f15a-46e8-a85f-4fe4ca90c705", + "text": "Quin és el seu pressupost?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1558286-8979-4e83-8d8d-866d7cba9cf1", + "text": "Uns 150€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "150", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f345da5d-5393-4c2c-84e0-c99a49c292a2", + "text": "Si em proporciona el seu correu electrònic li podem enviar varies opcions amb les seves característiques i els seus preus.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "440988df-cd39-4fb9-8b13-c1e71ee34403", + "text": "D'acord pacogonz@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "pacogonz@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28b6d0df-bd24-4d12-843c-b0fb9635d01c", + "text": "D'acord. Revisi el correu i quan tingui una elecció apropi's a la nostra botiga més propera o faci la comanda online.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2819388a-786a-4d1a-a054-5c14b2a02093", + "text": "D'acord, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e84d8a0e-e4a8-4b42-bb25-ab73923a0d2c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f630678d-abf1-46e2-b9a6-cdaeb80ca6d2", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd4f74d8-24f5-4457-acad-60994b4fba18", + "text": "Bon dia, el meu portàtil no em funciona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portàtil", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3cc94126-bbab-4a37-bf7c-777d6d694813", + "text": "Té garantia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0000b315-d6be-4451-b2d0-a1caca6df461", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a094c4e-8e0c-47aa-9335-496afdfadd6b", + "text": "Fa una setmana que el tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Fa una setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e14cc2ae-0a20-412f-8856-4a2de37e5935", + "text": "Podría descriure què li passa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48a91ca8-45c8-4d3d-b7a6-b6591e727319", + "text": "Doncs bàsicament s'ençén, però després s'apaga sense motiu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "s'ençén, però després s'apaga sense motiu", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4e1a745-028e-49f8-bdca-d805fa75fbca", + "text": "Quin dia li aniria bé tenir una cita amb l'equip tècnic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5b9a2df-6a8c-4785-8946-523532fe925e", + "text": "Mm el més aviat possible", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "el més aviat possible", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5ed3d28-bd49-4a2d-bda5-a43fa1e70218", + "text": "Si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98e5cfbf-2b86-469e-86f7-e82b73ab4b24", + "text": "Li aniria bé demà a les 11.30 a la botiga de Passeig de Gràcia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a98daf9b-2d96-45d4-a432-79d2f19815a3", + "text": "Sí, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c98677f-90bc-4644-b48a-08d45f64cfbc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b32a99fe-8005-4ea5-b188-e4da80827f58", + "text": "Hola! Vaig comprar un portatil la setmana passada i voldria saber fins quan tindré garantia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portatil", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "garantia", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f476a43c-c48e-4182-b110-3e818475786c", + "text": "Em podria dir quin model va comprar, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dad2adaa-7827-4cfd-936b-6dad1b2a3e79", + "text": "ASUS 123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "ASUS 123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "011b55c9-3fa8-4b17-afed-0d1832b839d8", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu codi de referència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91ccd637-1e86-4047-81a2-cdc17e7a4829", + "text": "999fhsx", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "999fhsx", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0d54856-57f9-4ce2-9975-0cf15afb2ec5", + "text": "Segons els nostres registres té garantia fins el 23 de novembre de 2022.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df4acc49-795e-4114-8dbb-b697021ca80c", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef1a64e4-85b0-4f2e-bcfd-b3b02fb1ce4f", + "text": "I la podria allargar fins el 2025?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "allargar", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "2025", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d9ce8584-197a-4994-9e09-32a7e32ad07e", + "text": "Malhauradament, la garantia és només 1 any després de la compra, però si tenim assegurança si li interessa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f731349-338f-451e-86f3-946b020e6a6f", + "text": "Doncs sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ac10ca55-31ed-4455-859f-c9b8d4f472b2", + "text": "Quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f28eb816-0af3-4d15-8d61-c4fb63bf9127", + "text": "L'assegurança és 23€/any.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "605ad165-de88-43fa-9809-ffab8ec9cd5f", + "text": "D'acord! Doncs ara la contracto!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1afb30a0-103f-48ae-8e3f-1dffe9681218", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d96871b-3901-4386-8a38-ae95f5a29f3e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 73#", + "número": 73, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "54646f0d-4928-4483-bc6d-992a7a791b3f", + "text": "Voldria comprar uns auriculars iPods 3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "auriculars", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "iPods 3", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccfa28ae-ff92-4cc3-ae4b-2d56dc9b1d0d", + "text": "Quant costen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "954ade25-cb5e-4115-9eb2-80ddc061fbd5", + "text": "189,00€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d27d4259-5dc5-42be-b55a-d83271694ea1", + "text": "Mm i no hi ha cap oferta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8751916-620e-4ce4-bb7b-0fb3b734f4bd", + "text": "Avui pel Cyber Week tenim un 20% de descompte amb el codi 585 a la pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1e14e2c-4393-4e45-b9ac-f37d4975250c", + "text": "Pot dir-me la plana web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "plana web", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9fd0b592-ee29-4f87-960d-b3f8d6c2644d", + "text": "http://pccomponentes.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fbd7a79-58eb-4cbf-a9f1-7a38478b9464", + "text": "Llavors, fico el descompte i ja em sortiran més barats, veritat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9dfe07ce-8686-4115-80fa-6e8c7a8cfe0a", + "text": "Quan arribi a la secció de pagament, posi el codi de descompte a la secció de \"códigos de descuento\" i se li aplicarà automàticament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a17bc6b-5792-4f45-8fe5-a65300f835a2", + "text": "Fet! Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03e7f86d-d0f2-4bc9-a935-e612f890f84d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 74#", + "número": 74, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "30ab105c-c382-4d37-8401-06592892721f", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber si podria comprar bitcoins a la vostra tenda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6f8077e-69b4-4d2a-9514-673653a7d120", + "text": "Ho sentim però no disposem d'aquest servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ee7afc2-c408-4bf5-a721-67a6a203d3d0", + "text": "No...però si sou una empresa electrònica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad855136-f983-4b1d-9d0f-c177bd195ab9", + "text": "I algun llibre sobre aquest tema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "74e2df9a-b937-486d-af9e-033eeefde14a", + "text": "La nostra botiga no inclou monedes digitals ni coneixement sobre aquestes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71ab12f6-54b9-4eb9-9b6b-5f90b00b9a2c", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e217a80-aaee-4357-90a8-a3ff5ad8803d", + "text": "No, estava interessat en aquest tema només", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f640da76-e863-4d5c-bfed-65396a53a588", + "text": "Qu tingueu una bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "569d99b8-8d07-46a1-9c8c-231c7f872a1f", + "text": "Sentim no haver-lo pogut ajudar. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33f5b48c-e09b-43f7-875c-49ce9e14a9cc", + "text": "Bona tarda, cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c400751-a0d9-4887-823d-09adc20274b1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ea52c48a-aebb-472d-9101-544261a40d10", + "text": "Hola, vaig comprar un prtàtil, però no me'l portaven a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "prtàtil", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no me'l portaven a casa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9abdf3f3-d00c-4617-963f-23008e445fed", + "text": "Me'l podrieu portar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "176ccaf0-75ad-491b-9bfb-7e5bfb6b2d6b", + "text": "L'entrega a domicili només està disponible per comandes de més de 499€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c94869e1-6570-4e7e-9c97-ecb60cd3e877", + "text": "Sí, el portàtil em va costar més que 499€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e0d7941-3040-47ef-8a02-8923f896aa65", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f86f747-e5a2-48c8-bbde-774fd24c9f04", + "text": "123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "223b4d41-c51a-4693-8652-77a36afdc252", + "text": "Quina és la seva direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0484c9b3-6467-4901-b8ad-aa6fdd50e38b", + "text": "Carrer Taronja, 36, Vilafranca del Penedés", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Taronja, 36, Vilafranca del Penedés", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98a7ef13-f8b6-4cc9-9090-4164aba296fe", + "text": "Rebrà el portàtil en 48-72h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "988ecb15-c41f-4500-98a9-ff2067f98ae1", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fcdb191e-f483-44fb-8ea2-eb386bade1ee", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2d33d643-ac56-4f6c-a67a-d55367922ef5", + "text": "Bon dia. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "707ad3bd-dfe2-45be-bd60-4f4199190857", + "text": "Volia informació sobre si era millor la xbox o la ps5", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "millor", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "xbox", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "ps5", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93cb2f0b-e96a-4bcd-8863-68ed114b4831", + "text": "Quins aspectes vol comparar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3aacad6-b670-4f67-88bb-1b8c47efc766", + "text": "Disponibilitat de videojocs i quina té les millors característiques", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Disponibilitat de videojocs i", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "millors característiques", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17d84afa-11f4-491c-b208-83b6aa1437ac", + "text": "Els costos de PS5 estàndard £ 449 ($ 499), mentre que la PS5 Digital Edition (DE) costa £ 359 ($ 399). La consola Digital Edition no té una unitat de disc, però és idèntica en tots els sentits a la PS5 estàndard. Aquesta vegada són coses senzilles de Sony.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bab6478f-1794-46ff-b3e6-2f206e3195fb", + "text": "En aquest cas, sembla que la PS5 estàndar és el que més m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "PS5 estàndar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bdb04620-24ec-422d-8ad5-9af8a561e4a6", + "text": "Teniu stock a la tenda de Sabadell?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "stock", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sabadell", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d83b9aae-a8ab-4154-98f7-c532d3f71a30", + "text": "Ara mateix no, però li podria demanar i la podria venir a buscar d'aquí dos dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adb52d08-08ca-43a3-8d6a-3340f29a0052", + "text": "Doncs la aniré a buscar d'aquí dos dies. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "379264ce-1987-4f19-9adc-b5e511499c90", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8f5814e-97b2-44b1-937b-d0b421ded27e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "29d9754f-aa86-4acc-bb53-06714964e4f2", + "text": "Bon dia. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ce81c94-4b9b-40dc-a260-78b1de89f2f5", + "text": "Bon dia, quant trigarà la meva comanda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quant trigarà", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5dbb14d4-0caf-4bd3-bd18-e4ca8b88877b", + "text": "Em pots dir el teu número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "587bb615-a046-4886-9ebc-6a58c675f6b1", + "text": "918", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "918", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c324d332-c945-4424-b551-4ad288eab3fe", + "text": "Segons el nostre registre la teva comanda sortirà ara i hauria d'arribar en uns 15 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88506350-72d6-491f-876f-5b4f4aaec62e", + "text": "D'acord, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a878d601-0d98-400f-8a16-fc1e0e50b8f1", + "text": "Vols alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce995d45-e51d-400c-af95-308203f60e29", + "text": "Seria possible afegir una funda al portàtil?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "afegir", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "funda", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8aa3a77-d0e5-4752-ba9b-d8a9818fef1e", + "text": "Seria una comanda independent a la del portàtil ja que aquesta ja s'ha enviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42a4c7b3-6375-443d-b32d-d43703c4bdd3", + "text": "En aquest cas no cal! Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8b89cda-16ba-4e52-991c-e8ae92ddf3e7", + "text": "Que tinguis un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "818765b3-7364-400f-82c1-38e801cfbb66", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7514a8e9-c742-4e5f-8d76-30149df6a9b4", + "text": "Hola! Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d936a7ec-cdae-4928-81ac-52d881100ea8", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria comprar un portatil de 16 gb de ram i 2 tb d'emmagatzematge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portatil", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "16 gb de ram i 2 tb d'emmagatzematge", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0449580-9a1f-4d7a-b8fc-fb01b1afc1f1", + "text": "És possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "70cbc907-dd30-4691-9b70-7e746a56da74", + "text": "Tenim disponible el CoolBox DeepGaming Exegon Intel Core i7-11800H/16GB/2TB+500GB SSD/RTX 3050/17.3\"", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1227b2c8-e244-41df-8101-b7ecf2cac401", + "text": "Quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "36757954-9fd3-4bad-94ee-67480235061c", + "text": "1.849€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "202e5b6e-173b-4485-a089-c47986daf302", + "text": "Hi ha altres alternatives més barates?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "alternatives més barates", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80284b9a-6224-476c-8d22-d2e0e7bfdab7", + "text": "Gigabyte AORUS 17X XB-8ES6132MP Intel Core i7-10875H/16GB/2TB+512GB SSD/RTX 2070 SUPER/17.3\" per 1614€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aae8135c-aefb-440f-8bbf-e64bc6b126bc", + "text": "Ho sento, son tots massa cars", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f3171de-6367-498e-965b-3b1c2a2ea2e9", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5ad6678a-7e95-4a71-8310-1f03ce2c12f0", + 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"slots": null + }, + { + "id": "611ea031-27be-4d89-84e1-e32316355570", + "text": "I me'l podrien portar a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01155b03-6d70-4598-a892-c13f5e1c0e6c", + "text": "L'entrega a domicili costa 3.99€ si la comanda és de menys de 20€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee30328a-22f0-4158-a41b-f4fe06c5eecf", + "text": "I si vaig a la tenda es gratit recollir-ho alla?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "tenda", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gratit", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6626664e-b784-40a6-a031-4eff039a9c7c", + "text": "Sí, a la botiga és gratuït.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04f76027-71a7-4ece-b8d3-2e88b1301994", + "text": "Doncs el recollire a la tenda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a2e2c6c-2716-4526-8174-22aadc4b97be", + "text": "Bona nit!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "16117e3d-7b69-43bb-a6dd-cd952b4f2724", + "text": "Bona nit!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c2d4c2e-a728-4a4b-b38f-55462860a0c4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9a965ad8-332c-4e89-8016-186a5be76ec6", + "text": "Bon dia, vaig demanar una motixa pel portàtil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "motixa pel portàtil", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1b9811e-f91d-4492-9715-f3ec7d268232", + "text": "I quan la he vista, he vist que es massa petita pel meu portatil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "massa petita pel meu portatil", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa53be4a-3201-47ce-9c38-8d1c73ac2098", + "text": "Hi ha alguna manera de retornar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2a7dfcab-1450-4d7c-93f8-3e5bb2132927", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77060529-0618-4a5a-81e9-84ee8bc2e4b8", + "text": "1f2yht3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1f2yht3", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c660e8f8-eef0-48e0-a3a7-46b1a2728919", + "text": "Té dret a una devolució gratuïta ja sigui portant la funda a la botiga o enviant-la per correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78aa0ae8-0efb-45ee-aeab-cb14089a9fd4", + "text": "A quina direcció la hauria de portar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f5f810b-1210-4b28-b178-c6442fa1391b", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5d37e1a-1db7-4fb5-90a2-4440d5463846", + "text": "08912", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08912", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4427ff0-8d35-4413-b694-dbaafb5ad0df", + "text": "Pot anar a Carrer de Casanova, 2", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a88a1938-b5a9-4169-8d84-a46c7a79435f", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c48dccc-3f55-4cc4-ab32-60c32e6b3a73", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a68c114-d6d3-43c4-945c-0fa24a9d3220", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 81#", + "número": 81, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "418b6838-d2ca-49d3-bf5e-ebef5a82d397", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria encarregar un USB 2.0", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "USB 2.0", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "397a0146-b02f-4f74-a5b0-d13b4552d405", + "text": "Quan el voldria passar a recollir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a8bbe82-748c-4ef7-93d0-94ead89e2ae6", + "text": "Me'l podrien portar a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f75ac903-b06d-4103-bc68-29f01dde6199", + "text": "Hauria de pagar 3.99€ per l’entrega a domicili.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc4b0867-928a-41aa-be41-a809e134871f", + "text": "A partir de quina quantitat me'l porten gratuitament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "A partir de quina quantitat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "porten gratuitament", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be66e6b1-d5ac-4727-bc53-031bc86706fe", + "text": "19.99€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bff946c-bff6-4c9d-a440-e9e83c54d362", + "text": "Mm doncs en aquest cas comprare dos USB per 32€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "dos USB", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "293b4fcb-0088-430c-b60a-87f3c16482b8", + "text": "I així me'ls porteu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc5b03e1-8a30-408b-b895-f573e8700050", + "text": "Quina és la seva adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8187414-d370-484e-8298-6f49b5f61454", + "text": "carrer marta puig, 33, Andorra La Vella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer marta puig, 33, Andorra La Vella", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03b555da-56e2-4138-8536-7202395c8c16", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva comanda, pendent del pagament. Quan realitzi el pagament rebrà la confirmació i la informació de l’entrega a domicili.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0269fd0-e216-499b-adb9-fddd62f67fb8", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47474d7b-7035-4feb-ab53-4190da273a74", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 82#", + "número": 82, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fdb257fe-e9a5-4644-8ed9-c2e1d510e288", + "text": "Bon dia, sembla que els auriculars m'arriben amb retard", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "auriculars", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "retard", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05748a17-d93a-4925-bb22-883c91b2fd97", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu número de comanda, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3b9a456-1de9-4412-86e9-3720f22f64bb", + "text": "999hy6g", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "999hy6g", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "052d3e31-bf43-4a7b-9f9d-b43a73f99ff0", + "text": "Sembla que el transportista no ha trobat a ningú a casa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ea5308a-dbbb-435b-bc02-46c09260a835", + "text": "Quan va venir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quan va venir", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c9af63a-f25a-4701-9468-55fddacd0266", + "text": "Avui a les 10.14", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f08224a-4ebc-4954-9090-d36c4d5befc0", + "text": "Doncs no havia rebut cap avis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8dd08c1b-64c6-4263-ab41-77ed7371cf46", + "text": "Tornaran demà a fer entrega, a menys que prefereixi recollir-lo al punt de recollida.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64d88dad-bc2c-4329-a967-e8943a2d8b20", + "text": "No, demà està bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b26fe567-343d-4a07-8f0c-248d8a7ed0fd", + "text": "D’acord. El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbae8d0a-5eee-4e32-8fb4-358f933759b0", + "text": "No, amb això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2b13db26-6e29-4250-bd8f-f08dddd9f2fd", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ee2f1a4-3bbf-4a2a-809a-cb7094bb385f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 83#", + "número": 83, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e0e9044d-2efd-405f-84d3-5477972311b8", + "text": "Bon dia, vull saber si tindré descompte per fer la reserva d'un videojoc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "videojoc", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3fa6819-3c8d-4ed9-a606-4fcbc6648804", + "text": "En quin videojoc està interessat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c91b286e-106b-4a08-9f38-5e5c2099474d", + "text": "El Final Fantasy 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Final Fantasy 12", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62fae4a6-c62a-4083-94bf-2ee085d36d87", + "text": "Actualment el tenim a 14,95 €", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27e5ba32-ce3e-4724-97b9-6f0bdbb17597", + "text": "Mm doncs el voldria reservar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5ecac2f5-7e1a-4da7-ae56-6958ae939538", + "text": "El voldrà recollir a la botiga?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c574feee-2f95-4b1a-ab7b-9568cd9ee8a6", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0037b2e0-bb34-4df4-8044-6c03e2f35788", + "text": "Em podrien donar info de les botigues a prop d'Olot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a prop d'Olot", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a00a35f3-ecf4-47ca-bf4c-cce6e1226864", + "text": "Carrer Bonaire, 3, 17800 Olot, Girona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34d5ad59-b1d9-44d9-930d-4ce2bcdc9923", + "text": "Doncs em passare a la tenda! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4be8b2c8-a104-4d3a-8b2e-0557904c5e96", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3c8df03-e614-46eb-b1e6-d53e78902e75", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 84#", + "número": 84, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ab35d71e-96d9-4090-ae73-72575d04a1f1", + "text": "Bon dia, saber si avui en dia és millor un mac o un windows", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "millor", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "mac", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "windows", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8e27505-c04e-40c4-bb52-ca98622f762b", + "text": "Per a què faria servir l'ordinador?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bca5ea1f-9ef1-4a22-b07c-6417c9e8d66d", + "text": "Soc programador", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "programador", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e394f590-6ad9-4591-b5aa-04630b70d7ec", + "text": "Al treballar amb MAC OS X, podeu executar tots els principals sistemes operatius a la seva màquina, la qual cosa és un gran avantatge per als programadors. Així mateix, trobareu que hi ha eines només disponibles a Windows, mentre que altres només estan disponibles a MAC OS X.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3d755b7-6f4f-4051-be45-cbbca2cda13b", + "text": "Entenc, en aquest cas, voldria saber si teniu algun mac a la venda ara mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "mac", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ec70e14-eda6-4e8f-b163-6b44821f2305", + "text": "L'Apple MacBook Air (2020) per 1028€ i el MacBook Pro (2020) per 1449€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef38e886-46cb-4c21-a9df-a78031f3c4c8", + "text": "De quina mida son?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mida", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc492ccb-81a1-4c8c-89d4-85f97984e1d9", + "text": "Ambdos de 13.3\"", + 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"# CONVERSA 85#", + "número": 85, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "87a73a87-4046-4be1-b103-da088fa197cf", + "text": "No trobo el mobil Samsung Salaxy 5 a la vostra web", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "mobil", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Samsung Salaxy 5", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a07b0ddd-1193-45ca-b93d-15844e210e25", + "text": "El Samsung Galaxy 5 no es troba en stock ara mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bfc60d86-44c2-4c9a-86d9-3341c23a97b4", + "text": "Quan tornarà a estar en stock?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "en stock", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94c2de77-2eb7-4d0a-b34b-0946bbfabed3", + "text": "Malauradament no disposem d'aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + 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+ }, + { + "id": "8337debd-ef15-4948-8599-5721cdf2db34", + "text": "Lamentem no poder ajudar-lo. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88081832-8c30-4403-a1c9-ee18895b18ea", + "text": "D'acord i bona nit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8f5f59b-96ff-499c-a119-633be944f571", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 87#", + "número": 87, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "da49f903-dc3a-41a4-a62f-e99bf91870aa", + "text": "Voldria reclamar un import", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fd16ca22-3ecb-4d98-b46d-86b1f39e4365", + "text": "Em pot facilitar més informació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3719b5fc-756b-453e-86fa-a5ddf13cc331", + "text": "El preu dels auriculars que he pagat és superior al que surt a la web", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "auriculars", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "superior al que surt a la web", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d7fb6c8a-1b2a-4e98-ac78-11caa89097a1", + "text": "Quin és el seu número de comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a8776c6-6996-4783-b8b2-d8449fb8154a", + "text": "1d2s3d3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1d2s3d3", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c13c69e-45d3-43d8-83b3-8c4f0539dc6a", + "text": "El preu que consta a la web ara mateix és amb el descompte del Cyber Monday. Lamentablement, no aplica a la comanda ja que es va realitzar abans.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9dff06cf-21c8-45d8-930c-32c30e2428a5", + "text": "D'acord, en aquest cas res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3bf2bcde-f351-47ca-89fa-2bb8a18bfd40", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48943e83-9959-4a1f-9119-143202a805f2", + "text": "No, això es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ea70d2e-5b39-4099-aeaa-14a15ca503c2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 88#", + "número": 88, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cb9c8265-4e5b-4577-b6e3-c47563aed7d1", + "text": "Voldria rebre la factura del portatil que vaig comprar la setmana pasada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portatil", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la setmana pasada", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ff1efb7-b388-4ecf-8e37-d02831376b4c", + "text": "Quin és el codi de referència de la seva compra?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5cada565-0888-4bb2-b301-246541f8dce5", + "text": "1jln3fs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1jln3fs", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b76e7a63-fa48-49f3-b064-9a07badcffe4", + "text": "A on vol rebre la factura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3156fb41-5db0-4772-98ca-012d8e404ddb", + "text": "Al carrer de catalunya, 23, Sant Feliu de Llobregat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de catalunya, 23, Sant Feliu de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5687c561-93cf-40eb-8943-25174a8f03ae", + "text": "La rebrà en un marge de 3-5 dies laborables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc3279c2-a733-40d3-b90a-f3ba8d30eecf", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3ef09323-8100-4fc8-9445-14d5d7738a87", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 89#", + "número": 89, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bd9a46ed-995f-4a2b-a973-9b5d7e965de2", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria comprar la ps5. La teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "ps5", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b84e77be-234b-4231-a5a4-34eae84fb6b0", + "text": "He vist que hi ha manca de ps5 per la manca de microxips", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a56b713b-6ca1-4d8c-b008-dc2624ee3939", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c56e6d0-8234-4688-962f-faca605bae0f", + "text": "08042", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08042", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "540ed478-a79a-49d1-b2ec-0a3fcaf64f5a", + "text": "Es troba en stock al MediaMarkt d'Avinguda Diagonal 477.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0bded045-4fdb-4d06-a026-0be67023c3b0", + "text": "La podria reservar i recollir-la aquesta tarda? A nom d'Albert Plana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "recollir", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "aquesta tarda", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Albert", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Plana", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d3d24e7-83ac-4d37-82a0-384e16f41b70", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7298389b-805e-4853-a512-bafaf737a4ec", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fe067acc-6c28-4920-9073-4e1c574cd71f", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f497e77b-d191-4419-b8e6-01afcb184214", + "text": "Això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04b0c022-d255-41c4-91f1-e710a267f421", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 90#", + "número": 90, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f8dd7f2b-340e-4af3-8018-5af6370ea680", + "text": "Bon dia, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "001c5343-67b8-423a-9ac5-b05b462c77b3", + "text": "holaa, vull canviar el portatil que vaig comprar. es que no m'agrada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portatil", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no m'agrada", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5fddf0b-9027-48d2-aa58-780015a50b0d", + "text": "D'acord, necessitaré les seves dades, si és tan amable de dir-me el seu nom i el número que apareix en el rebut de la compra, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36a65ef9-2f87-4749-a844-39b1cd2d80d4", + "text": "si, em dic Manel. el rebut.. el número es aquet: 543RTY", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "543RTY", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1dfc3c63-9888-49b5-8097-7b7d3cfe68ea", + "text": "D'acord Manel. L'ordinador que va comprar és un HP 240 Full-HD, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cec2223-c9e8-4217-9785-8134f7f61df9", + "text": "si, aquest. vull un de la marca toshiba , estava entre aquest i el toshiba tecra A50", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "toshiba", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "tecra A50", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "264e9bb8-8b5f-4ec7-b7ee-9adc7810028f", + "text": "Entesos, és possible fer el canvi. Però primer haurà d'enviar-nos, juntament amb una còpia del rebut, el seu ordinador. Un cop el rebem a les nostres instal·lacions i validem el producte, procedirem a realitzar el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a5af111-a89d-49c8-95be-7ea41c331e36", + "text": "ahhh ok. a quina adreça?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a24e0253-dc5b-4448-9111-d149fa5af513", + "text": "Haurà d'indicar l'adreça següent: Avinguda de Guatemala, nº5.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ddc5dcc-aedf-4af1-bf17-ed52f66e87da", + "text": "ah ok! vale, d oncs ho faix aixi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "251400da-97d8-4093-a059-96d1f67c611c", + "text": "Entesos, Manel. L'avisarem en el moment que el nou ordinador surti de les nostres instal·lacions per concretar una data d'enviament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e90d2cc3-6935-4805-ab07-8596c0e7a1f2", + "text": "ah ok. ara no la puc dir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "483cdb90-8e0a-445a-bbdd-c8015810a089", + "text": "Encara és molt aviat, primer hem de rebre l'ordinador que vol canviar per començar amb el procés.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f0c4e5a-27e3-45e9-b392-2b9a6081079c", + "text": "ok ok. vale doncs ja esta,", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b907d2b-6cd9-4172-9afa-d52d181f7e7f", + "text": "Vol alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f33667bd-7074-48e3-b42e-fdc5024f4194", + "text": "no , ja esta adeu!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "823329d1-81aa-48d7-acfc-da5587438e71", + "text": "D'acord, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af1cd5a7-cbdc-49a2-83d9-3b54269fa97c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 91#", + "número": 91, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cf46db5e-fe67-46a9-b32b-b2677c061e92", + "text": "Hola! Amb què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9941ef3a-c889-47ce-97f3-111d615e860e", + "text": "si, hola vull saber info sobre càmeres digitals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "càmeres digitals", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f0a3740-3bfa-497e-ad08-0e0ccb5bc88f", + "text": "Entesos. Tenim una àmplia gamma de models de càmeres digitals. Quin seria el teu pressupost aproximat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d739c878-21e8-482e-9ea2-d7d87bc895fe", + "text": "vull gastar maxim 150 euros", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "150", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0570dfe7-f0b5-41e9-97d4-5f4fef7215fd", + "text": "D'acord, per aquest preu tenim la Bridge Kodak Pixpro AZ401 per 99 €, la Nikon S9000 per 130 € i la Sony Cybershot SDC per 140 €. Totes tres són de gran qualitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12778aab-2956-4b46-981b-83ec7aaa7326", + "text": "ah!! i aquesta, la sony quines prestacions té?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "sony", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "prestacions", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d53f7b5c-bfa6-4d30-8a34-d19291762f0c", + "text": "La Sony Cybershot SDC és una càmera amb un disseny molt compacte, amb un sensor de 20,1 MP i un objectiu amb zoom òptic. A més, la tenim disponible en negre i vermell i porta sempre un estoig per emmagatzemar-la.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2606f873-3919-4543-acad-3036e45d17eb", + "text": "ah esta molt bé. doncs la vull. vull la negra.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "la negra", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37d87fab-545f-4bbe-8ad2-714823179063", + "text": "Entesos. Necessito el teu nom i el teu DNI i l'adreça on vols que fem l'enviament, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "141733b8-fafc-4064-8275-885cb48caccf", + "text": "em dic Laia Palau. El dni és 77132456G. ho podeu enviar a Carrer Roser, 43, 2n-3a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Palau", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77132456G", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Roser, 43, 2n-3a", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f37c9e05-58cf-4200-a4bd-e765a8366079", + "text": "Molt bé, Laia. Vols fer el pagament ara també?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da210a21-aa84-4dbf-bac9-a15326a78d7f", + "text": "bueno, vale. es pot a terminis?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "a terminis", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9fbcf7fe-81ff-4632-92de-101113fdaa3f", + "text": "En aquest cas no es podria, tenim aquesta opció disponible només per pagaments d'un import superior a 200 €. En cas que ho vulguis pagar ara necessitarem les dades de la teva targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51983e20-4e6b-4d7b-93c3-501af502321a", + "text": "ok, entenc.. d'acord. la targeta és aquesta: 4356 4543 5444 5675", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4356 4543 5444 5675", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc36533e-bbc3-4303-b293-93fce07c3ede", + "text": "Entesos, en darrer lloc em pots donar una adreça de correu electrònic, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "671d8ee0-6823-4ad9-9eb5-721b6630474c", + "text": "si. palau87@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "palau87@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e29f33f-aed6-4f4e-9e8b-6ca535e1e4f5", + "text": "D'acord. Ara t'arribarà la factura de la compra amb totes les dades. Un cop estigui preparat l'enviament, el transportista es posarà en contacte amb tu a través d'aquest mateix correu per concretar el dia i l'hora de lliurament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33511de1-216f-4310-9a5c-31e938e7ce44", + "text": "vale, perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3322e5fc-a22d-42e2-b357-f5b52d2f3ecd", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bd52dce-8418-4910-87d1-f4a84fa988c6", + "text": "no. gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5b5dc4af-63fb-476c-8330-ee8f2c7ab7cd", + "text": "D'acord, adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6419cc49-402d-4463-a96a-92c29c2febe0", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc341c05-8d3e-4d69-8143-c005b3f212ee", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 92#", + "número": 92, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bfa737a5-ae61-47f1-9089-ae666e13ecfa", + "text": "Bona tarda, digues-me amb què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fa39e86-dc9c-4481-8cbb-b4a05d7d6484", + "text": "Bon dia. Vaig comprar una impressora. Tot correcte. El que passa és que necessito que em feu factura. A la botiga no m'ho podien fer.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "impressora", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b67b097-bf6f-47c6-82d0-a66f0eabbcfd", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs necessito que em diguis el teu nom complet, DNI o raó social de l'empresa, l'adreça, i la data en què es va fer la compra, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23033a1b-af77-4eed-9b70-19b518be3c3b", + "text": "Cap problema. Em dic Martí Castany, Frescs Catalans S.L. vaig comprar la impressora la setmana passada. carrer La Múnica, 33, s/n", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castany", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Frescs Catalans S.L.", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la setmana passada", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 102 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer La Múnica, 33, s/n", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 129 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6dc978b-db91-4b8d-af97-c78d8e92632b", + "text": "Sí, Martí, ja he trobat la transacció. Es tracta d'una impressora HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP, per un preu de 1.990 € amb IVA inclòs, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a24f3e5-280f-482d-814e-e664735581e4", + "text": "Correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f2442bca-852a-41d0-99cf-895549a13b63", + "text": "Entesos. A quina adreça de correu electrònic vols que enviem la factura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e5fc850-3334-4a44-85f8-ef1469367e2f", + "text": "La de l'empresa mateix: frescscatalans@info.cat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "frescscatalans@info.cat", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef1e1824-25bc-4658-8b7c-84a0458d0ed5", + "text": "Un cop estigui feta la factura l'enviarem a l'adreça que ens has donat, avui mateix t'arribarà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d048c038-b3be-4734-a93a-604bbc94cdd6", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f6ec485-6a49-4e61-8f2b-5ef822d88c36", + "text": "Vols que t'ajudem en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a3e985d-6e3d-4c07-8b71-33ceef31de91", + "text": "No, ja està.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f386153-dadf-4111-8ba9-9efaba87c7d4", + "text": "Entesos, que vagi bé!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4dcbcb30-d06d-44bd-8568-278bf50a07cd", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0acce69a-4d67-4e2d-b50f-6c590408607a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 93#", + "número": 93, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dd48c355-b5a5-47db-9fc4-94fd6cc7003d", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba13f352-ccc6-4e07-a3f0-25e05f8bed82", + "text": "Sí, vull aquest telefon nou que teniu a internet. el samsung galaxy a52 5g", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "telefon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "samsung galaxy a52 5g", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "afbffca1-cf07-4d3c-b56f-f7fe465cfcca", + "text": "D'acord. És una oferta que està disponible només durant aquesta setmana i en tenim un amb una capacitat de 64G i un altre amb una capacitat de 128G. Quin voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8704a063-dc7d-4c1e-991f-929d89f01bd3", + "text": "ah si? interessant...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43bbe43d-d2ea-4488-a4af-27b572c8a1c2", + "text": "doncs vullel de 64", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "el de 64", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69c3c5bf-5ab3-4069-b876-d42b9b528e2a", + "text": "Entesos. Aquest tindria un preu total de 234 €. Està disponible en color blau, verd, negre i blanc. Quin li agrada més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ac582df-b822-40c4-801b-be680d1b4a4e", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs el blau , si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "el blau", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "333fcc12-e00f-4ae4-8b94-6c6f0c0580dd", + "text": "D'acord. Vol que l'enviem directament o casa seva o prefereix que el portem a un dels nostres punts de recollida?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2afb61ab-198d-4394-a37c-30cd0406fb65", + "text": "ah podeu enviar-ho, sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviar-ho", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45679374-1c2f-42c5-bf6a-aaff84c4336c", + "text": "Entesos, doncs per preparar l'enviament necessitem el seu nom complet i DNI i l'adreça on ho vol rebre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7bd2ea45-6d9d-40d7-ab82-039eac5b2196", + "text": "Sí, és Marta Canals, DNI 77234567V, carrer Maçanets, 33, 3er-1a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Canals", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77234567V", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Maçanets, 33, 3er-1a", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "650f28ac-87f9-4570-b313-cc6150f93a8f", + "text": "D'acord, Marta. Nosaltres fem enviaments en horari de matí i de tarda, quin horari li aniria millor a vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f336cdea-7768-4e1e-acc3-726f8f6c7f44", + "text": "a la tarda millor, a partir de les 5 pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "a partir de les 5", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4cc50f7-ccc8-473f-882a-bf1464b8a559", + "text": "L'horari de lliuraments de la tarda és entre les 16:00 i les 20:00. Entre aquestes hores li podrien entregar en qualsevol moment. En cas que vostè no fos a casa seva, deixarien un avís a la porta perquè pogués trucar i concretar una nova data.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "385d7564-2259-47c0-bc17-1fb0e57414ce", + "text": "ah perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "36574cc5-a9cf-469d-8a0f-6b3d1c212421", + "text": "a les 5 doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "a les 5", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b083474-156d-4aef-99b3-6fb1b9ae928e", + "text": "Entesos, doncs poso l'avís i li entregaran el paquet a les 17:00 hores. Podrà fer el pagament amb targeta o en efectiu en el moment del lliurament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4308ce39-5768-4fd5-9f5c-d5ea51faa2e0", + "text": "ah! i puc pagar ara?ç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6779ee8-a357-40cd-954e-077466af219b", + "text": "Sí, si vol pagar ara necessito que em doni el número de la seva targeta i la data de caducitat si us plau. Li recordo que ha de ser vostè la titular de la targeta que em doni.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "321e7b27-0362-4ef9-94be-a9cb8ce37d12", + "text": "si , cap problema . targeta 4567 5456 4345 5432. caducitat 12/24", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4567 5456 4345 5432", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "12/24", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aee58b94-86b7-4627-a832-c7142c737d2a", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. En uns instants li arribarà l'avís del pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44338ad7-f85f-4bf5-8bfc-7223ab5f6142", + "text": "D'acord, gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7665e6ec-568c-4e6d-8234-56fb39036621", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c93f075-f2d6-4820-8c74-7b3412096e5d", + "text": "no aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0cbd9111-9e13-4984-9198-a30bab70ba68", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "092a12a9-7e08-45eb-91da-b20bbcea037f", + "text": "Bon dia!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fbb41a9-cf6a-4b15-9866-bad0ee907bbc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 94#", + "número": 94, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c521eab3-9b05-47bb-913e-591de9ad54c5", + "text": "Bona tarda, et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d049c20c-ef3e-49b5-a4bb-7b02e9065f97", + "text": "hola, ei miraque m'heu cobrat dos cops!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'heu cobrat dos cops", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e98a7d18-4c64-4304-b89c-6c4db9d21809", + "text": "Per comprovar-ho necessito les dades la teva compra. Em pots indicar quin és el número del rebut i l'import?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0af40b2-e9fe-451d-ab4f-5103b2c3a843", + "text": "sí, mira el rebut es 432FDE i vaig pagar 70 euros, era una batidora multifunció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "432FDE", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "70", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52a575b4-ab45-4bc2-81ef-9ae8cf26862f", + "text": "D'acord, veig que et van fer una factura a nom de Pere Costa, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cc96e69-0d68-4b6a-a77c-1bcf78ede94b", + "text": "Exacte. Pero es que al compte tinc dues vegades 70 euros. crec que hi ha un error", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd27fbae-713a-4146-af8f-a0eb057f5851", + "text": "Entesos. Per seguretat he de validar també el número de la targeta amb què vas fer el pagament. Em podries repetir el número de la targeta que vas usar, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a4c91f3-dfbe-4997-bc6b-5c827d9f383f", + "text": "4444 4543 4543 4322 , es aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4444 4543 4543 4322", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a254281-c298-4ceb-a98b-28c3bb6febcd", + "text": "Correcte. Efectivament, es va fer un cobrament per duplicat. En primer lloc, et demano disculpes per aquest error en nom de tota l'empresa. Procedirem ara a fer la devolució de l'import del segon cobrament en aquesta mateixa targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfa92eb2-b432-4c7b-ad44-3d50fb3cb0fa", + "text": "Entesos, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6f2ff2e-0162-4b14-b5fc-f274154e8af3", + "text": "La devolució dels diners pot arribar a tardar fins a 10 dies, en cas que no t'arribi pots tornar a contactar amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a75a530-b278-4fb1-81b4-b69d0182f6a4", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte dons", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63efa0c9-50f4-4e5d-b560-ee7bd2147e80", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a70d21e9-db4e-4ac4-97c3-976820238af8", + "text": "aixo es tot per ara, mercii", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9f76ba6-e030-4075-b77c-b9cbc060a0ff", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c0e82b7-7db4-4518-88ad-c3d3ae6d6c68", + "text": "bon diee", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d946a048-4eec-45b4-9b4f-fb1cbf544c33", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 95#", + "número": 95, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dcbde2f2-495b-4a86-bbc8-51ba7f05fd39", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40f015a5-5a35-4e80-b04a-2ddc1b3de0a4", + "text": "Hola, sí es que vaig comprar un lenovo , el portatil quest i no se si es pot ampliar la memoria ram", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "lenovo", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portatil", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e75c679-8176-47e2-bd5a-3b2f83279107", + "text": "Entesos. Necessito saber exactament quin model és, em pots dir el número del tiquet que et van fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b446239c-c73e-4fff-9dce-e12054f4ba27", + "text": "es un lenovo thinkbook 13x itg", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "lenovo thinkbook 13x itg", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03567615-b032-40a6-891d-c8b8d1999fec", + "text": "es un lenovo thinkbook 13x itg. el tiquet es 4543EER", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "4543EER", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e878cf8b-e5f5-4c53-9825-3d5832bec431", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas és un dels models més nous, serà possible fer el canvi que necessites. Tot i això, hauràs de contactar amb el departament tècnic, ja que són ells els que s'encarreguen d'això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "121ec8f6-914c-4609-bc43-a9ab1c502c8b", + "text": "ah !", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ebf58b3c-f2cc-4a79-9db6-48def127d667", + "text": "i com ho faig per contactar al departament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "408e5349-65cc-48e6-81ea-1b4613f550e6", + "text": "Pots contactar amb ells a través d'aquesta adreça de correu electrònic: deptecnic@electronica.com. També els pots trobar en una de les nostres botigues a Barcelona, concretament al carrer Balmes 23, allí et podran atendre en persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "839631c1-f065-4279-bc8f-2d213cc27b83", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte. escric aqui", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1bd53af-5ee0-4c59-9f5e-d628ece4261a", + "text": "Entesos. Normalment contesten en poca estona. Ells ja et comunicaran quins passos hauràs de seguir i el preu per fer l'ampliació de la memòria.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e51c1328-4239-45a5-a945-9a40907be92a", + "text": "Molt bé. Perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e2d6a6c-a2c9-4678-a6ef-ab30d153b73b", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53682b6b-0c1d-42b1-98f7-2f92629c027b", + "text": "No, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3bbb9895-2b49-4504-a556-b2445b7f1df9", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2981abbe-e4db-4f8f-9433-eb2488d1dbb9", + "text": "D'acord, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0892115b-e63e-4d91-ac78-61cd3fb5b4ef", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 96#", + "número": 96, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c4d09047-706f-41db-8f42-3bf3e28f26fc", + "text": "Bon dia. El puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ae0eec8-4b34-4efd-a7fc-3935829527c4", + "text": "es que vull posar una queixa. l'altre dia vaig anara una de les vostrs boitigues i molta cua. i despres quan em van atendre, la persona molt mal educada, contestant de males maneres quan li preguntava per un producte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "boitigues", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "molta cua", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 92 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "persona molt mal educada", + "Start_char": 128, + "End_char": 152 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a8b6443-4a14-4ed5-84c1-b9eb201387da", + "text": "Li demano disculpes per aquesta situació. Pot indicar-me en quin dels nostres establiments li va ocórrer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a2db80a-63f6-4068-b92b-8fef5832209d", + "text": "sí, aqui a Begur, la botiga del centre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "centre", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1534ed34-7536-48fb-aa5f-e2f6daf72d5b", + "text": "Entesos, es tracta de la botiga del carrer Alzines, veritat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2430c99c-b522-4678-8029-ae2fed61906c", + "text": "si aquesta. es que molt barroera la noia que em va atendre. no se si anava estressada o que, es que tambe nomes hi havia ella per una cua molt llarga.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5f834f95-a7de-4478-86a9-223cba0ee63a", + "text": "Entenc la situació. Em comuniquen que durant aquesta setmana hi ha hagut falta de personal per diferents motius. Per això, en algun moment puntual no hi havia treballadors suficients per dona una atenció correcta a tots els clients. Tot i això, aquesta situació no es tornarà a repetir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e82fbbfb-bd52-4f50-9dcc-c2ae3b382943", + "text": "collons, doncs es imporatnt que s'atengui be a la gent, que si no us quedareu sense clients", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01a16304-7034-4312-aae8-56a48e30ac25", + "text": "Ho entenc i li podem assegurar que intentarem que no es torni a repetir. Informarem de la seva queixa immediatament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "449750d6-5830-492c-b20e-da4a41aa2e20", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "67872f23-5d37-43ea-84e9-86aa9f41744f", + "text": "Necessita que l'ajudi en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78f13b37-27c1-4ff8-822e-f94fae044a3e", + "text": "no, nomes aixo era", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f992666-5508-4135-bcbb-df5077b46089", + "text": "Entesos, li desitjo que passi molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4028aa8-7362-470f-b539-39476e16996a", + "text": "igualment. a deuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea33652a-270d-4a81-949a-c1f42ce16f75", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 97#", + "número": 97, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7e463b3c-23b9-4577-8e17-a620c3a8e1fa", + "text": "Hola, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d583f922-8d75-4ddb-a914-a375cde4db3b", + "text": "Hola, mira em pots canviar cita d'entrega d'un producte que vaig comprar online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "cita d'entrega", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95d70e3a-71a3-496c-83c5-d3776933e799", + "text": "Cap problema. Em pots dir el teu nom complet i la data inicial d'entrega?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fb38a49-e28e-4c0e-a500-12c1c8b36703", + "text": "soc el Màrius Serra. Si era per entregar dilluns 8 de novembre, a les 11. pero no em va be al final. a verue si es pot canviar pel divendres12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Màrius", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Serra", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dilluns 8 de novembre", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "divendres12", + "Start_char": 131, + "End_char": 142 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c187501-b6f1-427e-bf89-d193f1a95545", + "text": "D'acord, Màrius. Es tracta d'una aspiradora Dyson, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7959d224-92b5-41b0-a6a7-ce654fd7b1a1", + "text": "si. a verure si la poden lliurar el 12 a les 6 de la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "6 de la tarda", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3574390a-bdab-47f8-a795-1e49d0587a24", + "text": "Entesos. A veure, veig al sistema que la teva comanda ja ha sortit del nostre magatzem. En aquest cas, per canviar la data d'entrega hauràs de parlar amb l'empresa de transports.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "034aa7e9-7aec-4212-af28-f8bf20ec59e6", + "text": "vaja..", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a64d8881-c327-4cdc-bd2e-bf4fdb202c11", + "text": "i com contacto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e7ae713-c474-4103-b8cd-9bcb211e3d29", + "text": "Mira, pots trucar al número de telèfon 93452314. El seu horari d'atenció al client és de 10:00 a 14:00 i de 16:00 a 20:00. A més, si no et va bé aquest horari, pots escriure un missatge a l'adreça de correu electrònic transportselectronic@gmail.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2689db4-2eb8-4aff-aeac-f86c7c47ee5d", + "text": "d'acord dons faig aixi a veure", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec81a0a9-7525-46a6-9299-19ba43d77d70", + "text": "Allí t'informaran sobre si és possible o no realitzar el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a4c76b0-7aac-409d-834a-85703a29d48b", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d03a3206-74eb-41a2-bc39-50ed7be8b73d", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f54081c-df74-4eda-bc17-1167ef4040b1", + "text": "no, res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72e1430c-fc3f-465d-8655-6a1a5002eb1c", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc39dff9-ce12-418c-8c9a-c0491d5cc208", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d16aa7d-83ac-4717-a548-bf9566ffb052", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 98#", + "número": 98, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3bf8f3fc-8e8e-4f7d-abdc-c0bb20fd13fd", + "text": "Hola, què podem fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4e8d27e-0e71-44eb-9692-bcfe534d6624", + "text": "Bon dia! Sí, mira es que vaig demanar una rentadora i crec que ha vingut espatllada. no engega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "rentadora", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no engega", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3aeb067-0cca-4c8d-8818-fd6943bf886f", + "text": "D'acord, em pots dir el model i el número de sèrie de la rentadora, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a86414f-e302-4c7d-867d-9a8078b118c6", + "text": "es una balay capacitat 9 kg. el numero serie es: 30KTY33003EF", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "balay capacitat 9 kg", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "30KTY33003EF", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ddb22c95-46a5-4322-8bdd-4c1caa362502", + "text": "D'acord, la compra es va realitzar el dia 28 d'octubre, veritat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94f7f900-de42-4f42-85af-a9a377275356", + "text": "si aquest dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f43dcfbc-b115-4ed3-b814-9192aef0ba8b", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs el que li passa a la rentadora és que directament no engega, o ha identificat cap altre problema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80661fd5-4a06-40a4-a31a-334aed59d4bd", + "text": "no, no va. esta endollada i no arrenca. no se", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no arrenca", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8eec7aed-d85c-465a-83d1-5b5cca24a595", + "text": "Entesos. Ara passaré aquesta incidència a l'equip tècnic. Ells hauran de revisar la rentadora i en cas que estigui espatllada en demanaran una nova. Em podries indicar quin dia t'aniria bé que passessin els tècnics, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e509b841-5b69-4d03-a646-26d3a56e572a", + "text": "Mira, doncs poden venir demà mateix, al matí pot ser? a les 11 o aixi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "11", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b640784f-9963-4e96-9644-1f5160e1452a", + "text": "Em confirmen que tenen un espai lliure a les 11:15, va bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42b430c5-1e04-4def-a99a-66815925702b", + "text": "vale si, va be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "27151c5f-c8f8-4fb0-8984-bfd42d5776ce", + "text": "D'acord. L'adreça que tenim aquí és Carrer Canàries, 23, 4º2ª. Pots confirmar que és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2786ce3c-28f4-44a4-8f56-ef0bcd8140e8", + "text": "si es aquesta, correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "33af242b-1e5e-42a4-ab91-8898b6a3e3fa", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs confirmo la visita als tècnics.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fbdd7a7-0e3d-4ec4-b7e0-2fbf87fa17c4", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdd6f202-4012-4aa5-8f43-c7624f92ba79", + "text": "no aixio es tot, gracies!!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c06a5ef-5f27-45fb-841e-1ba354efb111", + "text": "Gràcies a tu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "90ad0434-22a7-41e5-9406-0a301c93edc6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 99#", + "número": 99, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "26cefefb-3830-41b7-b025-ae288f1306ae", + "text": "Bona tarda, digui'm què és el que necessita.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e3546a9-b260-4db1-839a-ebdb7683626f", + "text": "hola si mira, es que havia de venir el tecnic a instal·lar un calentador elèctric i encara no ha vingut", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el tecnic", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "calentador elèctric", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9cda560f-4806-48c4-86b2-14a0b9e8e1c5", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'm el seu nom i el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbfdf046-5a9f-48de-b93e-42cd03b0bc83", + "text": "Soc la Clara Massanet, el carnet es el 77345432R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Clara", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Massanet", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77345432R", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "64c3a0e7-b2e5-4918-ad6a-6afd44b32af5", + "text": "Molt bé, Clara. S'havia concertat una cita per avui dia 6 de novembre a les 11:00, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "268aa6ff-6f5a-4478-8c71-d477cd12dad1", + "text": "si, pero no ve, no se si ha passat alguna cosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec1df55c-98c5-4ebb-9944-4a007ccfbb6b", + "text": "Aquest matí s'ha produït una avaria en la nostra planta i els tècnics han hagut de venir de manera urgent. Per aquest motiu, s'han endarrerit totes les seves visites. Tot i això, el servei ja funciona de forma normal i passaran durant el dia d'avui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9325e179-cfd0-4630-a150-a6291ef8fb0f", + "text": "ok, i aquina hora?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18cf6cd4-515e-4d04-8d98-e3f5fbbbdd13", + "text": "Em sap greu, però des d'aquí no la puc informar d'això. Haurà de posar-se en contacte amb l'equip tècnic i des d'allà la podran informar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6bbc4770-040d-4f7e-a018-1a795779af61", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d364a9c-ebf0-4a06-b973-539bb8214f79", + "text": "quin és el telefon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telefon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bfaaec9d-ac07-4623-854a-ebe50d235963", + "text": "El telèfon de la centraleta és 873563423.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cd28ef6-ff2e-4494-858b-d83cff51a347", + "text": "ok, truo aqui doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "86f8462b-6c78-495f-9fc1-6ae00a5d90da", + "text": "D'acord. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cd0eecf-e435-4810-a250-d09d87f97572", + "text": "no ja esta graciess", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b6ddeb2-6e6e-4c87-bb47-e50ca4a77169", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f47c3b6-7ba9-472d-b534-4c6edfe1c51c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 100#", + "número": 100, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "943b163e-52b1-4af4-af79-e90db18e2d22", + "text": "Hola! Amb què et podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "487ebd79-fbbd-4740-af4b-96158b62e9bb", + "text": "Hola, si mira estic interessat en una càmera de video, la sony HDR-CX240E FULL HD. quines son les condicions de pagament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "càmera de video", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "sony HDR-CX240E FULL HD", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6877b0a-2747-4056-a900-ed0f17e9b816", + "text": "Molt bé. Aquesta càmera té un preu de 220 €. S'apropa el Black Friday i ja comencem amb els descomptes, així que si decideixes comprar-la avui mateix podries emportar-te aquesta càmera per només 200 €. Si fas la compra a través nostre el pagament s'ha de fer amb targeta i es podria pagar en un termini de 3 mesos i sense interessos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea11447a-c95e-4d1a-94f9-5c68cff4658c", + "text": "ah si?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fce88e69-d58d-4839-b312-7225ce71b740", + "text": "oh! que bé. doncs vinga va, fem l'oferta. hi ha opcio aterminis¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "aterminis", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a8cd63f5-449f-4693-8049-490558dfe140", + "text": "Entesos. És possible fer-ho a terminis, si ho fa en un termini de tres mesos no tindrà interessos, i la quota mensual seria de 66 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8970e7d8-6bc7-4c24-a38b-7f30e06e4a59", + "text": "ah, molt bé. doncs sí vull aterminis, que em va millor. quines dades necessito per fer la comanda¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dades", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16742859-3c19-4c52-9dba-9ed03d4f9f75", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el teu nom i DNI i les dades de la targeta en la qual vols que es faci el càrrec mes a mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee39103c-33bc-45e9-907e-8313a477dda3", + "text": "Mateu Ribas. carnet: 77543214D. la targeta es: 4567 4344 3323 2213", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ribas", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77543214D", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4567 4344 3323 2213", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34c59fa1-6a47-4f77-af7f-88d82b2d0613", + "text": "Molt bé, Mateu. El càrrec es farà el dia 30 de cada mes. Vols recollir la càmera en un dels nostres punts d'entrega o prefereixes que l'enviem a casa teva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4954a11e-ab53-4c2a-8502-c35c71c4896b", + "text": "millor si l'envieu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "envieu", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c290ff82-1452-4d4b-8205-da32fc63a298", + "text": "En aquest cas necessito una adreça, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cfca454-5aee-4a76-a1ca-2e4fa18eb529", + "text": "sí ,mira, es carrer Blanes, 11, 2n-2a, Girona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Blanes, 11, 2n-2a, Girona", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7a45796-a296-4823-8570-8f039231ddf3", + "text": "Ho apunto. Estarà disponible el dia 10 de novembre, t'aniria bé que la portessin aquest dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa95dd66-5ced-4e8c-bbe2-d5950f9c9f40", + "text": "mmm.... a la tarda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "a la tarda", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d67f0f6b-c7ca-4565-9621-74ffb4d70852", + "text": "És possible, a les 17:00 t'aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "babb805e-08b8-4a69-a9c1-7e7255e9224f", + "text": "si, vale, va be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cdf66189-d15d-4cea-a32f-ac6b269e77f1", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ho confirmo.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e40f717-4c9c-4b87-bb25-a2e4fbc4dfd1", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b261b51-56d9-4b78-b8ce-b0514023326e", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4cd79f81-6b3e-4d61-b522-dd3959bf005e", + "text": "Adéu, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37dc5d7a-2ac4-4f36-ae7b-d9e0d2c67b69", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "92ffbd1b-3e03-4c77-b1af-c10ad5656eae", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 101#", + "número": 101, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a717091c-4ccc-468a-bf46-207980376f56", + "text": "Bona tarda, necessites ajuda en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6509664c-b04f-4781-b582-8fe8ea2b96eb", + "text": "hola! mira es que estic subscrit al vostre bulletí i crec que el meu nom esta malament, no és Pera sinó Pere. si ho podeu canviar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "el meu nom", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pera", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 108 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01dceb01-a7da-42be-81a2-0302b99542fe", + "text": "D'acord. Primer hauré de buscar la teva fitxa, em pots dir el número de telèfon o el teu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18191eb1-b4fc-4bba-bc4a-c3dee21c9014", + "text": "sí, el telefon es el 665434578", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665434578", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58ff6411-ec09-4bd7-bf6b-818e3dd589ad", + "text": "D'acord, ja ho tinc aquí. Ja he fet la modificació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce8c8bf5-8b4b-45be-9773-f059241ec97e", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "31d39423-9f31-40e1-8d57-c354a94d8f00", + "text": "Pel que veig ets client des de fa cinc anys, et comento que per clients antics tenim una molt bona oferta de telefonia mòbil, per si t'interessa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df06b50f-54c0-476f-9040-e325a738f711", + "text": "mmm... no pero em pots dir quina botiga tinc mes a prop per la zona de tarragona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botiga", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "tarragona", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8777a58-b63f-4da2-895d-6928e05e41ea", + "text": "I tant, a Tarragona tenim dues botigues, la central es troba al Carrer Joan Miró, 3. L'altra està un poc més allunyada del centre, a la plaça de Ponent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59a2496e-9d62-455b-9e50-2c1f24c36b0a", + "text": "ah perfecte. i quin horari tenen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c96d0c8c-c313-474f-afec-d73366f66b96", + "text": "Les dues botigues tenen el mateix horari, de 09:00 a 20:30.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d57c35bc-bd92-4d3f-9748-334a219afbdf", + "text": "ah ok. perfecte. doncs gracies per la informacio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "707d218e-aa19-4614-b521-7f463e6541ce", + "text": "De res. Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bcf32633-c45f-47a6-af26-25d4b8009bd7", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "235e7542-655a-4107-8c22-93d565f81ca7", + "text": "Molt bé, que tinguis bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "730eac65-194d-4b8c-b58c-46280a53b4e6", + "text": "deuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1eabb04a-8b6c-483f-bf0e-31f86327ae7e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 102#", + "número": 102, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "48901259-606a-44dd-a33b-c471495e185c", + "text": "Hola! Què podem fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b148c86c-c718-4f3a-bc99-1b41c30aede3", + "text": "hola, si, aveure, es que no se com es fa per passar fotos de la càmera digital al portàtil. em pot ajudar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "fotos de la càmera digital al portàtil.", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f4f1952-8c36-4735-aa63-21803f72c63a", + "text": "I tant, digui'm si ho sap quin és el model de la seva càmera, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ef45efb-3861-40f7-aba8-fd6876ea0a94", + "text": "si es una canon evil eosR6", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "canon evil eosR6", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d058e0e3-b07d-4dcd-bf7c-c4f74464592d", + "text": "D'acord, doncs aquest model inclou un cable de color negre, el té a mà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc14ae75-67b2-4a01-82b0-8d42d17c1fd6", + "text": "mmm.. a vore si es verittat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fde967b0-c5ee-4c82-a1ce-bcf02524242e", + "text": "Ha d'estar dintre de la caixa de la càmera. Allí hi ha un compartiment on trobarà un cable, és de color negre i bastant llarg.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83bb0b45-76b1-47ae-a49b-dee9d150fec8", + "text": "vale, si ja el trobo. i aixo que he de fer ? connectar a l'ordinador?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "connectar a l'ordinador", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc6edb7e-2c31-43fc-948d-229a3ab8d987", + "text": "Exacte. Ha de connectar l'USB, que és la part més gran del cable a l'ordinador, i l'altra l'ha de connectar a la seva càmera. Un cop hagi fet això ha de seguir les instruccions que apareixeran a l'ordinador.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "372dd0ec-3470-42d9-ac78-171f0d4f1610", + "text": "a veure... ok vale ja esta. ara em surt una finestra. que dono a obrir fitxers?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "obrir fitxers", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccfdf473-81ac-4ee6-9921-24046c0dbb84", + "text": "Correcte, ha de pressionar aquí i a continuació es descarregaran les fotos en el seu ordinador.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0700c3b0-a0b5-4691-a6fc-f62dcce120be", + "text": "ah! vale i ho poso on vulgui jo no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3699b394-96ef-4cd2-b667-28a40723b8da", + "text": "Sí, el que li recomano és que es faci una carpeta nova i així podrà tenir totes les fotos localitzades en un mateix lloc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b07bd09-59e2-4c8b-8d33-4b7c61005e97", + "text": "d'acord. doncs faig aixi, entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ca020b9-a2e8-4e33-878c-3b6732c44071", + "text": "Molt bé, necessita ajuda en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b780de43-4e9a-46f7-b421-07b79ffdcc97", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bbacd49c-5324-4805-a8c7-5b14dc610ddb", + "text": "D'acord, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "05fc168e-10c5-4c44-89b4-abe48d5ac1d8", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "119b7f65-1378-4442-abc1-0aced696f96e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 103#", + "número": 103, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0b721acd-5248-46d2-bfb8-be0826b4c94a", + "text": "Bona tarda, en què puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea9365e2-573a-4f96-a08f-a920112cb9cc", + "text": "si mira, vull saber si em pots dir com està l'estat d'una comanda que vaig fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a002b5b6-6b9c-4516-b03d-ad0d32891b21", + "text": "D'acord, necessito en aquest cas que em diguis el número de seguiment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2fa1a682-8da7-43db-819b-aee725e95b24", + "text": "sí, es aquest: 55435REWD", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "55435REWD", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b758d248-122b-4994-9f48-378edfe0711d", + "text": "D'acord. Es tracta d'una comanda a nom de Sergi Cardona i és un Smartwatch de Huawei. M'ho pots confirmar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2aacb531-1cce-4be3-a157-e683c63f606e", + "text": "si aixo es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53777a0e-c817-4728-8b0b-7681cea68796", + "text": "quan arriba la comanda? ara com esta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan arriba", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5349c6e8-1e5d-4ed4-8b99-ac39c33e94ed", + "text": "Bé, la comanda sortirà demà del nostre magatzem. No tenim existències i va tardar una setmana. Un cop surti de les nostres instal·lacions, l'empresa de transport s'encarregarà d'això. Però puc assegurar-te que t'arribarà en tres dies com a màxim.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "643df6ad-616c-42ea-8da9-992b1d3c547a", + "text": "d'acord. pots comprovar que l'adreça es carrer Aribau, 13, 2-1? que ara no se si vaig donar-la be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Aribau, 13, 2-1", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b55cb1f-3031-4249-837b-a51fe465713e", + "text": "Està tot correcte. El teu número de telèfon és el 654987564, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08c2032c-f414-4371-aa30-acc80dbb9754", + "text": "si, es aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cf5010cc-2715-41a7-a431-c2860bed245f", + "text": "si no troba el carrer o el que sigui que em truqui el repartidor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "si no troba el carrer o el que sigui que em truqui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el repartidor", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d633e52d-1e9e-4a58-b714-0d57fe81e32b", + "text": "D'acord. Així ho farà, si hi ha cap problema et trucaran.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7fbbc48-fe67-4851-ac1f-2e7b0e782e80", + "text": "d'acord. gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2bf427a4-899b-40bb-9a8b-80d732308fcb", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34956b64-d4cc-469b-a554-5eb03a2cbeff", + "text": "no ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d795087a-8e66-402e-8175-699c49928938", + "text": "D'acord, adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d30e0e7b-e121-4ac8-a9b5-18166c048238", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "048e4308-d75a-4652-bfd3-fbc8ba3fe4ec", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 104#", + "número": 104, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d55a5875-c51a-485e-a163-550399ebae54", + "text": "Hola, com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd023447-e123-401e-b044-9fc619ee07f2", + "text": "Bon dia! podria parlar amb atnecióal client si us plau ?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "atnecióal client", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1f5f171-6828-4448-9d55-b1b64e9754c2", + "text": "Què necessites exactament? T'hauré de derivar a un dels nostres agents, però necessito saber de quina secció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5c3b134-0f85-46ee-840e-5b4978e80c37", + "text": "si, es que vull que em torneu els diners. la torradora aquesta s'ha espatllat en dos dies. o si hi ha garantia que la reparin", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "torradora", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "s'ha espatllat", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "garantia", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 110 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "que la reparin", + "Start_char": 111, + "End_char": 125 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd8d5690-b871-4332-bc0a-a444d8130099", + "text": "D'acord, en aquest cas hauràs de parlar amb el departament de reparacions. Hauran d'avaluar ells l'estat de la torradora, i en cas que estigui espatllada faran el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3530ca8-d63b-4880-be3c-1174a0d3600c", + "text": "mmm... d'acord. i que faig la envio?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0450f057-93be-4cf7-bfd9-801aed657188", + "text": "Pots enviar-la o si ho prefereixes també la poden passar a buscar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4bd6ac6-128c-4f95-96be-9c8a1c6cc029", + "text": "ok, si la envio hi ha cost? perque si no que vinguin clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cb8293ed-9ace-431f-ad35-a0c24a8d55ed", + "text": "En aquest cas, com es tracta d'una reparació no hi hauria cap cost.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eeb98d69-1a9f-467f-ac63-b414e38d53bb", + "text": "ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "526a3ba5-96b4-43c6-ab5b-22e9bdd7477e", + "text": "doncs a quina adreça l'envio?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2263e651-61d6-45f1-9a1f-dd758bbde2ee", + "text": "Entesos. L'hauràs d'enviar a les nostres oficines centrals, al carrer Química, 23.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "201f4508-cdc9-4c37-ae12-9f745922ae95", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4aab098-8eee-4e29-9c6e-85641ef97935", + "text": "T'he d'ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4479e0a-42e9-4904-a9de-9ed5c861bf8f", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4bd48fe2-6443-4d03-a14f-1189bb0cf454", + "text": "Molt bé, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec071556-e281-468f-a620-9c86b6a4cc2e", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6c82b9b-4740-466a-a1e5-2fb43e5b60e9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 105#", + "número": 105, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "09ccab34-6eef-401a-8442-baa477a82a56", + "text": "Bona tarda, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "627af897-a8eb-40a3-aa8b-ddb088c273e6", + "text": "Hola, si mira, es que crec que hi hagut un error. Vaig demanar una càmera SONY RX100 VII i m'han portat una Sony RX100 VI. si podeu fer alguna cosa si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "càmera", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "SONY RX100 VII", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han portat una Sony RX100 VI", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 121 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d983b93-0f51-452d-b351-c534c6f551a4", + "text": "Entesos. Necessitaria el teu nom complet i el teu DNI per comprovar-ho.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d47600cc-84fe-40ba-8f40-0ac42b29f328", + "text": "Sí, em dic Marta Capdevila. DNI: 77343214W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Capdevila", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77343214W", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec519259-7365-48c9-8f31-bc784b8605cf", + "text": "D'acord, Marta. Efectivament la comanda inclou una càmera SONY RX100 VII. Sentim les molèsties que això t'hagi pogut causar. Per fer el canvi pots enviar-nos la càmera que t'ha arribat o passar-te per un dels nostres establiments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "196c43bb-4916-4f89-bf0b-6fb9564e47da", + "text": "d'acord. on sou? si esteu a prop la puc portar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a41855d1-30cd-4d36-a073-0c0d3593a9bf", + "text": "D'acord, som a Sant Andreu de la Barca, concretament al carrer de Catalunya número 12.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ae9ee00-bcc7-4540-959d-eedbb1627258", + "text": "ah, mira, visc a dos carrers enlla. doncs la portare. quin horari teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0bf3cd6c-1f8e-4dd0-a886-270e7c3f27f8", + "text": "Molt bé. El nostre horari és de 10:00 a 14:00 i de 15:00 a 20:00.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22654f9e-0595-43ee-8172-5d0f81a7de11", + "text": "ok, apunto. doncs la porto aqeusat tarda si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e4c0f39-326c-4359-aa64-13698671b90a", + "text": "Entesos, podran fer-te el canvi immediatament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d91c7b3-3699-40de-b8a3-2ac1c77c5e41", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "51eff25f-718a-4169-bd47-1fbfaaaf1442", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebc1f8e2-46aa-4fce-9307-8ec09dc3188b", + "text": "no aixo es tot gracies !", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3321075c-7ae3-4229-84b8-67d17a189f7c", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3a011bb-6ac0-4dc5-bb36-601462ea711e", + "text": "bon dia !", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "667afbd5-ffef-414d-aa49-e4917e4f7b88", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 106#", + "número": 106, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0c022acd-535a-4a31-8e98-0827b3391cd9", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af48692b-f5da-40a6-b710-512b7638ba56", + "text": "bon dia, voldria saber si la televisió que veneu, samsung crystal uhd 2020 es pot instal·lar connectar l'ordinador per veure pel·licules", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "televisió", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "samsung crystal uhd 2020", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "connectar l'ordinador", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 114 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68223cd9-dc26-4310-8e91-a4c920ce075a", + "text": "Entesos. Es tracta d'una televisió relativament nova en el mercat, és possible connectar-la a l'ordinador, però hauràs d'usar un cable especial.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4f26c9d-b26f-46ef-bd40-8b5f70c702e1", + "text": "ah! i quin cable és aquest?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "cable", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c534f37d-eda5-4720-9ab9-c2dac620dd13", + "text": "És un connector HDMI, nosaltres en tenim també, el pots demanar telemàticament o en un dels nostres establiments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce4b7e49-82ae-4490-909f-8f563693cef5", + "text": "D'acord. i quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "87adb72d-367b-4f9d-a729-7f47ca9db214", + "text": "El seu preu és de 8 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6220ea8b-1f46-45aa-9433-325d4f399a8f", + "text": "D'acord. puc comprar-lo ara per aqui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aqui", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb40d518-5823-4c26-a4d8-31320d588333", + "text": "I tant, cap problema. Te'l podem enviar a casa teva i arribaria en dos dies com a màxim.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8307129d-b4fd-4621-aaa0-99b59f956b53", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs pago ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef316a95-27e5-41c7-8bb3-73b8be135373", + "text": "Sí, ho pots fer ara. Si ja has comprat alguna cosa aquí ja tenim les teves dades, si em dius el teu DNI, si us plau ho podré comprovar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52ba9a0a-8b8b-4600-ad88-6a6f9e3ea1a5", + "text": "d'acord. doncs és el 77343215T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77343215T", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb9b9845-de12-4c7c-9a0b-0ada34fb4bc8", + "text": "Entesos, ets el Carles Coll, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0cb9405-393b-4bf3-8e3b-c77e63b4661d", + "text": "si, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4480e0ef-2ad2-4366-91ad-3a60cda30306", + "text": "Vols fer el pagament amb la targeta que ja ens vas indicar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38c647d4-d193-433d-8639-ce81a0d46171", + "text": "mmm.... era la de credit? si es la de credit si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "credit", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7a1036e-2f8f-4b70-8710-9192c22b2c9f", + "text": "Efectivament, és la de crèdit. Doncs ara faré el cobrament dels 8 €. El cable arribarà com ja t'he dit en dos dies, a l'adreça següent: Carrer de les Cases, 34, 5-1. Pots confirmar-me que aquesta informació és correcte, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c358952-a3cf-4518-89ca-8354bfaef83e", + "text": "si, es aquesta. doncs merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1e46607-8bae-473c-bb0e-a3ccdf7d23ed", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42c6325c-132b-4db1-990b-626e1c498bc8", + "text": "no, aixo estot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1fcfe45b-e65e-4811-9b94-87ba97cc0b72", + "text": "Molt bé, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f763efcf-f990-4ca5-9ff6-e875e8852d82", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a96df9fa-3707-4cbd-9418-0d73aed26fdc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 107#", + "número": 107, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fd3790e0-dd8d-44f5-9a58-ad2416f80247", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d89e416-85be-44b5-b7a5-91ca789b6ddf", + "text": "hola, si mira que vaig demanar una fregidora i la vull tornar. esque he vist que en veneu una que no necessita oli", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "fregidora", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b0f5a90-8a65-43a5-be3c-a6c2182608a0", + "text": "D'acord. Em podria indicar el número de sèrie i la data en què va fer la compra, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "965e45d9-4e7f-45d3-865e-768a2249457a", + "text": "si numero serie: 754S3EW456GF . la vaig comprar el dia 29 d'octubre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "754S3EW456GF", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11688846-0232-4a5a-9223-35353c81a02e", + "text": "Entesos, es troba dins els termini per fer devolucions. Es tracta d'una fregidora TRISTAR FR-39, veritat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1426b534-ad35-4f1d-99eb-204efdacd3c3", + "text": "si, i seria per tornar-la si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e59f7e48-2047-4656-afce-7655a8b8264e", + "text": "D'acord. La voldria canviar per un altre model?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e105a4c3-43b3-4fec-a1c2-d52ee4b45478", + "text": "si, per la innsky, que es la que no necessita oli per fregir", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "innsky", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53d1fad8-ad76-4e0e-b01a-e628c2cf721f", + "text": "D'acord, en tenim de dues capacitats diferents. Voldria la de 5 litres o la de 7 litres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13f913d7-debe-4c73-9138-74505274477d", + "text": "5 litres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "5 litres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b57cc7c-13c8-41da-b316-bf45614dd9d5", + "text": "Entesos. Per fer el canvi primer haurem de comprovar l'estat de la fregidora que vol canviar. Com vol fer la transacció, prefereix enviar la seva fregidora o que l'anem a buscar a casa seva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ffecb1d8-c6bb-4b4b-a8e0-959ecd6d7f27", + "text": "poden passar aqui. el carrer és carrer Colom, 23, 5e-6a, Tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Colom, 23, 5e-6a, Tarragona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f42eead5-d810-4c62-969b-046e3d3ba4e8", + "text": "Ho apunto. Podem concertar ja la data si ho prefereix. Estarà disponible el dimarts a les 11:00?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1cdcb31-a527-4329-b248-dc3382677128", + "text": "si ,va be aleshors", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8c1f5b36-d66d-4fa8-b811-cd3b04519795", + "text": "Doncs ho confirmo. Un cop tinguem la fregidora, enviarem a la mateixa adreça el nou model. Es farà el càrrec de la diferència de preu directament en el seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fe50c5c-a5e5-4b23-8fae-3ba67d87b0a5", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f7a535f1-9752-4d02-b10d-cf6beae6c7a6", + "text": "Necessita ajuda en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93c9b566-908a-4b26-9163-35dd58bdae64", + "text": "no ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03a89457-5a0c-4b14-8202-95dd1bb96ae2", + "text": "D'acord, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfc0971d-7594-4c02-bd03-66ed61d5e520", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cdaa9279-51b0-4ce4-8b9f-c16ca9c5704c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 108#", + "número": 108, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1b3a42fe-e867-48c0-8d66-d89dfd1b3947", + "text": "Hola, necessites ajuda en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e75a8f0-c197-44f0-8293-3ea1e4ad3193", + "text": "hola. una consulta. teniu microones amb forn?¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "microones amb forn", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76343131-308e-4f82-8e96-6feae1c59eee", + "text": "Sí, tenim dos models disponibles ara mateix en estoc. El Panasonic NN-DF 383BEPG amb grill i una capacitat de 23 litres, i el Samsung MG23F301TAK, de 25 litres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0191a30a-36a8-4dd6-8605-b1a60d963b0a", + "text": "ah, be. i el de 25 litres quin preu te?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "25 litres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7157711f-6a70-4a3f-adf4-922eb2d05602", + "text": "Aquest té un preu de 250 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0970b279-6ee6-4ec4-a056-5c5230a7b93c", + "text": "i l'altre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "08a3081e-93a4-4e18-a6de-68192f504d13", + "text": "El preu del microones Panasonic és de 210 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5345aa2c-b726-4929-9811-18ac68958c5e", + "text": "entesos. doncs mira compraré el panasonic. amb 23 litres ja en tinc suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "panasonic", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66b4b3ac-43a7-4ccc-83db-67d07f1d1653", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs necessito que em donis el teu nom, DNI i una forma de pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a9be198-26b2-4a10-9a6c-0fb55137624f", + "text": "em dic Laura Mestres. el DNI és 77654321E. pago amb targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mestres", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654321E", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fcbb47a1-a759-4cab-b82b-7e6f61319825", + "text": "D'acord, Laura. Doncs necessito el número de la targeta amb què vols fer el pagament, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48db0490-ae37-4489-a7f3-399b47a07767", + "text": "es el 4332 5564 5543 5432, caducitat10/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4332 5564 5543 5432", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "10/23", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83241dae-1f83-4d50-ae0e-16ba55811f8a", + "text": "D'acord, procedeixo a fer el càrrec. Pots passar avui mateix a recollir el microones per les nostres oficines centrals o, si ho prefereixes, podem enviar-t'ho a casa directament, tot i que t'hauries d'esperar uns dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cff7c359-4d56-4aea-86a9-ebe4747467a3", + "text": "on son les ofiines?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ofiines", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9d01e7a-49e7-4dc0-9449-515d15879913", + "text": "Són al carrer de Pi i Taulet, 17, a Sant Cugat del Vallès.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e778978-7732-4c2f-a0a3-2a1797d949c0", + "text": "ah ok. bueno doncs millor que m'ho porteu perque visc a Lleida. podeu portar-lo al carrer Migdia, 21. és una casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "porteu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Migdia, 21", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02ab48f8-a20c-48cb-a9b2-577a58bb0efa", + "text": "Cap problema. Un cop hagi sortit del nostre magatzem ens posarem en contacte amb tu per concertar una data i una hora concretes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2fb7779a-85e7-4205-b83e-9179e441246e", + "text": "d'acord. que fareu em truqueu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "em truqueu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0abce43b-b316-404f-82f6-a7d24dd468f2", + "text": "Com prefereixis, per trucada o per correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b208fb76-ae4a-486b-a4bf-9eafabb9fdcb", + "text": "ok. doncs si em truqueu millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "em truqueu", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f079aac-c3e8-4c4b-a955-299469afa158", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs si em dones el teu mòbil ho deixo aquí apuntat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc2fba83-e421-4e06-bc72-f14a60838681", + "text": "és el 665432345", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665432345", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98420057-6ab3-47ef-84cf-b28482282a4a", + "text": "Entesos, Laura, doncs així ja ho tenim tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10407ab9-669f-4c4d-98a0-6e2adc741443", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7631b319-1045-4a28-9c0d-78f11898ea8f", + "text": "no res mes gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "973da489-89e3-4614-b8f0-651086da1327", + "text": "Molt bé, adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fc7c261-8cde-4439-a1ba-f2033904b0b3", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "811630e5-7ce1-45ee-8c43-00a580da2faa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 109#", + "número": 109, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a62559a2-2155-46f5-8ab8-cf382b96cf50", + "text": "Hola! Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c6c9410-1b4a-4340-867e-3aadeaea7657", + "text": "hola, si mira, que he fet una comanda, una televisio, pero vaig donar una adreça i no sera aquesta al final. a veure si es pot canviar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "change_shipping_address", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "comanda", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57689741-2b16-4f58-ad3d-e3a5f85f47aa", + "text": "D'acord. He de comprovar primer l'estat de la comanda. Em pots donar el número de seguiment i el teu nom complet, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00115eb2-74cb-4748-b9da-d0feb327c020", + "text": "a veure...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c16ad7a3-7ad0-4717-8f0d-f5b5fbc41ef6", + "text": "es 543RTD. jo em dic Marc Gascó Sala", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "543RTD", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Gascó", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sala", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93e1c646-073f-4db1-90b4-0a934696f25a", + "text": "Molt bé, Marc. La televisió que vas demanar és una LG LED 32\" 32LM6370PLA, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3d40327-b2d8-4388-8191-d161a2d0d959", + "text": "si, correcte. doncs es per canviar adreçaç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "623e5f59-50e9-4609-8a5d-43dab28ef5f7", + "text": "D'acord, és possible, ja que no ha sortit encara del nostre magatzem. L'adreça que ens vas proporcionar és carrer Vallès, 45, 3-1. Quina és la nova adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "039fb6ed-f2d7-40a7-9acc-6d35f8a8d314", + "text": "carrer Matiner, 2, pis pimer tercera, a la mateixa ciutat, Alacant.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Matiner, 2, pis pimer tercera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Alacant", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a45afa0-ac0e-4b8a-a1b9-65d8189774e7", + "text": "Ho canvio, d'acord. La data de lliurament és el 14 de novembre, això ho vols modificar també?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "792a4ab1-c27e-4460-9b04-9750089848d1", + "text": "no el dia esta be, era l'adreça. es que a final la volem en un altre pis. despre,s que t'anava a dir, puc canviar la targeta per pagar? es que em van avisar que la que vaig donar no funcionava", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "targeta per pagar", + "Start_char": 117, + "End_char": 134 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b3e765a-08df-4444-b03e-68cd38825930", + "text": "En aquest cas t'hauré de derivar al departament de finances, són els que s'encarreguen de tot el tema dels pagaments. Pots enviar un correu a l'adreça pagaments@finances.com o trucar en horari de matí al telèfon 93423156.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e11911d-ec48-4bb8-aa0b-f48ed46edbfe", + "text": "ah! ok. no et puc donar a tu el numero nou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "donar a tu el numero nou", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f09f3a8a-7b13-4c62-b619-1850a2fb444a", + "text": "No, perquè jo no m'encarrego d'això. Ells t'atendran de seguida i et solucionaran aquest problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36ba4e72-6629-4861-8e3d-6b0831a3e4f3", + "text": "d'acord... miro aqui doncs. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f8796c3d-b8b0-4d04-98ab-e394f9060050", + "text": "De res. Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c9d79e2-0479-4182-b1e2-203857cc8757", + "text": "no ja estan les dues coses.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eb59e814-9d2e-451c-8954-ccc75e76de9a", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9362cea8-748e-4847-b1c3-f3aed3160dc9", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5a88acb-5108-48d8-8407-d060f66e85f8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 110#", + "número": 110, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8b748564-16bd-46a7-86ec-794191980bc4", + "text": "Bon dia! Benvolgut/da a la tenda online de Tot-e. Si requereix la meva ajuda, estic a la seva disposició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6effd424-5e5a-44bd-86dc-088e514cb635", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9e80c1f4-c506-4e30-a8d3-661260a1f3b5", + "text": "Teniu l'iPhone 13?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "iPhone 13", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0445efc-ea0a-4762-898a-403446b50b82", + "text": "Sí, el tenim. A més, si fa la compra online rebrà una oferta del 5% de descompte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66f79d81-fbeb-4b17-a43c-e297214d5ce5", + "text": "Per quant està?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c607b8ba-c8e4-4962-971b-6c6ba8112d5a", + "text": "El preu de compra amb el descompte es de 1251€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "855eeed6-ccac-4de0-b8d2-e7ce68ac2fe5", + "text": "Inclou assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "assegurança", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13906731-b1e5-4b60-b5c6-05c5f5652abd", + "text": "Si vol afegir una assegurança, el preu d'aquesta és de 50€ l'any.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36923cc4-6c80-4bc6-a066-3fd837753fe4", + "text": "Es podria cancel·lar en qualsevol moment o té compromís de permanència?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Es podria cancel·lar en qualsevol moment", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ec037f1-eca6-4f93-b205-0e74bd8694d1", + "text": "Sí, la assegurança es pot cancel·lar en qualsevol moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d82a47e-12c4-40ca-a548-5a66f5f3dc60", + "text": "Es podria comprar online o hauría d'anar a la botiga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botiga", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1483e3c3-3c76-44f1-88c6-7cb7d3b6799c", + "text": "Teniu l'iPhone 13 pro max negre en stock ara mateix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "l'iPhone 13 pro max", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "negre", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2583be71-f41b-4179-9e35-dcbadf4e792e", + "text": "La compra es online, però podrà recollir la compra a botiga o li podem portar el telèfon a casa. Si desitja que li portem a casa, serà necessari que ens proporcioni la seva adreça i un número de telèfon o un e-mail.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76ddb605-df83-44d3-87d1-9ab68f064514", + "text": "Quant costa el delivery?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "delivery", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af643670-9a93-4c06-b5dc-0dfda2e4cedf", + "text": "Serà gratuït per compres superiors a 50€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55962811-1cbf-423a-a22b-ea4e1be45904", + "text": "Doncs m'agradaria fer la comanda, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8991465d-46d8-4da3-ab64-f8a2a9ed7057", + "text": "Quant triga en arribar a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quant triga", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eddfa565-37c7-4d41-ad48-c52447964b25", + "text": "En aquest cas, segueix el següent enllaç on podrà fer la compra mitjançant la targeta de crèdit:", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31046156-cadc-445c-8c51-5504b65ae4d2", + "text": "https://web.whatsapp.com/hsoiov´ha", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18432700-47ab-4e30-9d74-8b8d597fdd24", + "text": "Fet! Ja he rebut el correu de confirmació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2d37748b-c154-4dad-ac96-f6138e5ae21b", + "text": "Gràcies per confiar en Tot-e!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c4abe94d-a730-4ed5-9e7c-fd0eac320c7a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 111#", + "número": 111, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bf12a4b3-6e59-4acd-aa91-1d98fa1ec178", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dec2eee5-549e-4393-9cb4-d315b8c5647a", + "text": "Bon dia, l'altre dia vaig comprar un portàtil i no em funciona...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portàtil ", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em funciona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c299495-23fb-4860-9d60-eceee701fa00", + "text": "vull un altre noi i que funcioni", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "28ef47ff-2b2a-41a1-8f34-de34a5fc2997", + "text": "nou*", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a0fd833a-d1ce-4635-82ac-ceb14b1d1c5d", + "text": "Em podria facilitar la referència de la compra, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4354945b-bc6b-4f47-856a-e14ede51ded1", + "text": "Clar. El numero es 123455", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "123455", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "575c89bb-239f-4018-958e-959a450961bf", + "text": "Segons les dades registrades la compra es va fer fa dos mesos, cert?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15a017ec-d96f-4486-853b-262e45080712", + "text": "Sí, suposo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "827aa110-04d6-489f-b654-1a8032954fc9", + "text": "Em podria descriure el problema del portàtil?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5a8055b-cc18-4777-85c3-076fa8b626f3", + "text": "No arranca", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "No arranca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a48cb48-aca2-4f99-8dd2-b06428b0f2c2", + "text": "I no s'ha caigut ni res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "684582f3-a60d-4ada-af12-b8b26d821f45", + "text": "per tant, és un problema de fàbrica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "problema de fàbrica", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0baa9da2-e3a5-4e86-b673-841fc6e5b1e3", + "text": "D'acord. Hauría de portar el portàtil a alguna botiga nostra. Em podria dir el seu codi postal per buscar la més propera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b5dc86e-388d-4e22-b3df-0affc28d8856", + "text": "08912", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08912", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76d04a0a-4e2e-4608-9bea-a0a17ee13ed6", + "text": "Podría portar-lo a Josep Carreras Building, Ctra de Can Ruti, Camí de les Escoles, s/n, 08916 Badalona, Barcelona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e1c6fe1-e0f0-44d1-96b7-095af86bdde9", + "text": "Dacord! Gràcies! Anire a aquella oficina :)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b02d957-c09e-48ae-a63e-4ff2eb470181", + "text": "L'horari d'atenció al client és de 9:00 a 13:00 i de 16:00 a 20:00. Truqui abans per tal de demanar cita amb el nostre servei tècnic, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e97b0853-d5f9-462b-9061-b74acc4cff43", + "text": "D'acord! pot proporcionar-me el telèfon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c205abe-389e-49b0-ad77-92d289802372", + "text": "El telèfon de la botiga és el 931 679 874.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6cbcd00-7c7b-43e4-a321-c4f9c6a8db18", + "text": "Durant la trucada doni el codi de referència de la seva compra, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26fc2ae6-622b-4b3e-b5ee-f3d78b397eee", + "text": "D'acord! Trucaré ara. Moltes gràcies i que tingui una bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "00d09868-9081-4331-b23d-55ef3a713277", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar l'atenció al client.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0de4245-9abd-41ee-81ad-e2101278e706", + "text": "De res!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fae8064-887c-49aa-a17a-eedc9bc4e68c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 112#", + "número": 112, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f6c0351f-50a8-478d-9ee8-737652e91ac1", + "text": "Hola, m'agradaria fer una devolució", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1ac6a154-416f-4262-8214-a5b1b9113350", + "text": "Bon dia i benvolguda a la nostra tenda! Li recordem que les devolucions només es poden fer en un període de 15 dies després de la compra o fins a 6 mesos després si hi ha un problema de fàbrica.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbc392fc-9fcd-4237-aad5-02567422d2ef", + "text": "El 15 d'octubre vaig comprar uns AirPods i la veritat és que no estic gens còmoda fent-los servir així que els voldria retornar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "15 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "AirPods", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57ae5809-a31b-49fc-b031-65887f3d134a", + "text": "Puc enviar-los o cal que vagi a tenda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviar-los", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tenda", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "decb75bf-b88e-46e5-82fb-a937c833bdaa", + "text": "En aquest cas és necessari retornar-los a la tenda. No recollim les devolucions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e46ed4e-5b16-411b-9446-c056cf1e4e96", + "text": "No és necessari retornar la compra a la tenda on va comprar el prodcute. Pot retornar la seva compra a qualsevol de les nostres tendes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64f94b57-715d-4372-83d7-d638fd4d524b", + "text": "Quina tenda em queda més aprop?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "més aprop", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f707159a-4ebe-4b76-9445-baabea0efd54", + "text": "El meu codi postal és el 08026.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08026", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b1f85a6-047f-4ae0-99a2-a59b3e55b516", + "text": "La tenda més propera a casa seva és la de La Maquinista. És troba a la segona planta del centre comercial.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f65d5b50-e2c0-4150-94a4-53bb5c7a4306", + "text": "Té més dubtes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "521cdaed-f101-4c72-80fe-5d67326120fa", + "text": "No, moltes gràcies. Que vagi bé la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6854be6-c5f6-419f-90a7-ef27711be88e", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c990a80b-1a38-48a7-ade2-6b92d7987112", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 113#", + "número": 113, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "01d508d1-4843-4ba0-a5b0-0a997509a138", + "text": "Bon dia! Volia saber quin portàtil és millor per fer disseny gràfic amb menys de 1000€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portàtil", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "disseny gràfic", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "menys de 1000", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c24529b1-deb2-4fe5-a9c9-1a103def9aa2", + "text": "Bon dia. Té algun requeriment en ment?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6fee15c-cab4-4dd7-bc96-aed3e596c968", + "text": "doncs tinc entes que la memoria ram és important, i també hauré d'emmagatzemar molts arxius pesats i molts programes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "memoria ram", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df42d021-4e94-4947-a1e2-32302796fff0", + "text": "Per tant, la capacitiat d'emmagatzematge serà important. Estava pensant en comprar-ne un de 500 gb o 1 tb", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "capacitiat d'emmagatzematge", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "500 gb", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8cc9a26d-9797-4c21-8ba4-b452909723df", + "text": "Prefereix alguna marca en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68760b2c-48cb-485d-8cc7-7c190ad4113c", + "text": "Doncs en aquest sentit no tinc cap preferència", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bb3e97c5-f7e8-4e2d-8390-e3d73e538532", + "text": "Em podria facilitar una direcció de correu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a004ac77-3112-4876-a568-5672f0474c79", + "text": "Li enviaré un pressupost amb varis models i les seves característiques basat en les seves necessitats.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2b1f411-4c2e-4410-8911-f0ecd511e0b0", + "text": "Un cop hagi triat podem fer la comanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba3b88a6-cc2e-4a5f-b84a-983cf07ec0d1", + "text": "Sí, el meu correu persoal és joan.villanueva34@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joan.villanueva34@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f86054e-7668-4809-8c29-650d5894ef2e", + "text": "D'acord. Em podria confirmar que ha rebut el document, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8fc99d0-e3e2-4aec-af18-a4e95ab25166", + "text": "Sí, l'he rebut. De tots els models, m'agrada molt el ASUS", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "ASUS", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f39d07a7-a92e-482a-a6f2-0c5ecf4b8b23", + "text": "Me'l podrien portar a casa? Tindria algun cost?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3143f88-c992-415f-a2a5-3f33f2145ca7", + "text": "No, l'entrega és gratuïta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7ddd37f-62e7-49a7-af9e-f4fa3cbfdbdb", + "text": "Si us plau, faci el pagament seguint aquest enllaç i rebrà la confirmació per correu. https://pedidosweb.es/avhdge", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2eee8695-2474-4111-97b3-f8da3be396ea", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb4c3054-fccc-4741-8bcf-da70de8b8efb", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c989c66-3c20-44ee-b05a-1afd791aed1d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 114#", + "número": 114, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "db1af07d-a016-4498-aa1e-0d6c100c2c03", + "text": "Hola! M'agradaria fer un canvi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1ee6e4e-ac1e-450e-9b49-d350c19bcbf0", + "text": "Bon dia, què li agradaria canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "716edcc9-35e4-4d8e-8016-d9051cc7ec63", + "text": "Vaig comprar l'iPhone 11 però ha sortit el 13 i m'agradaria canviar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "iPhone 11", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "el 13", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29dee7ba-7351-48bb-b501-45fe3110a711", + "text": "D'acord! Quant fa que el va comprar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "145615fe-794d-4b29-8c2f-1a80837a68c0", + "text": "El 23 de setembre de 2020", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "23 de setembre de 2020", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "33daa969-190f-48a3-be1a-abe397e48f31", + "text": "D'acord, com fa més d'un any que el va comprar, tenim una oferta especial que permet que comprem el seu telèfon antic i l'hi canviem pel model nou.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bf41903-d262-4e59-87a5-6fdd33cd6284", + "text": "Per quant me'l comprarien?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Per quant", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "feef03fb-08c2-4e05-8f9a-c669abe1afdc", + "text": "Aquesta oferta suposa un descompte del 60% del preu del telèfon nou. Si està conforme hauria de venir a alguna de les nostres oficines i allà farien el tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33bda8d1-a5c8-4657-a526-fe7fd7c2d903", + "text": "Quina seria l'oficina més propera a mi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "l'oficina", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "més propera a mi", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70ccd9bd-3e32-46fb-a894-3f4cca4c7cca", + "text": "el meu codi postal és el 17003", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "17003", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a208180-8563-45c1-a50e-b85922589439", + "text": "https://maps.google.com/apowbivw", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aaa6152e-ef37-4944-9258-df357cf0c692", + "text": "La oficina més propera a casa seva és la de plaça de Sants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c61806c-dc23-46df-abad-d26f230e5bdc", + "text": "Perfecte, m'aproparé demà a la tarda. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2183e0f5-acfc-4a98-8eb9-ce702e2a8c65", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 115#", + "número": 115, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8d86ab72-3797-4bd0-9dc5-cbed26794702", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2bc04a94-a485-43ad-982c-84d189391064", + "text": "Doncs volia un nou equip de música. M'agradaria escoltar millor tant la música com les pelis.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "equip de música", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ed6e121-5e46-4d42-a6ed-00feb2725484", + "text": "Per això m'agradaria que tingues bluetooth per conectar l'aparell a la tele i al ordinador alhora", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "bluetooth", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0cf2b008-b787-4b31-b984-5bb8d5e436ea", + "text": "Quin seria el seu pressupost?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "125c0f40-e145-4d91-be8d-b6ef09d8e074", + "text": "Uns 200€. Vull uns que siguin de bona qualitat, però el més petits possibles.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "200", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "bona qualitat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "petits", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f238ae7-b77f-424b-abfa-34d92fc308b2", + "text": "Ha tingut ja alguna experiència amb algun equip de música previament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d094d6b7-6184-470d-b65c-8ba3493fc047", + "text": "Sí, soc molt fan de la marca Scout. Vaig comprar uns fa molts anys i encara em funcionen bé, però volia uns altres més nous i d'una mica de més qualitat. Aquesta marca està bé, però d'una gama més alta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "Scout", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gama més alta", + "Start_char": 188, + "End_char": 201 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47230238-c11c-4b34-b186-bc33ff4144cd", + "text": "Actualment li recomanaria algun de la marca JBL, ja que són petits i potents amb garantia de qualitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64eaeccb-80d2-48fe-be28-2eb36b255710", + "text": "Doncs, diga'm quin model em recomanes d'aquesta marca i ja el compraria per aquesta web si es pot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "model", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a537265c-03b2-4fac-9826-e53176e53a1a", + "text": "JBL GO seria el mes adequat per les seves necessitats.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44c284e2-e8d3-4bfd-a1f8-a957671e5296", + "text": "D'acord, doncs m'agradaria comprar-lo!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bdd74c67-4c32-4d35-abb2-5ed26cca371e", + "text": "Accedeixi a aquest enllaç i faci la comanda si us plau. https://www.amn.es/JBL-inalámbrico-Bluetooth-resistente-reproducción/dp/B08FB2H6Y4/ref=asc_df_B08FB2H6Y4/?tag=googshopes-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=469267717086&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10955911379052834115&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1005424&hvtargid=pla-1010870626010&psc=1", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c40f9a5-639c-4f13-b2dd-a2b64a055de7", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7b7c306-8847-4666-a776-40af69c31a74", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 116#", + "número": 116, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0bc6371b-8c16-42fe-b3f3-b4c14fd5a586", + "text": "Hola! voldría una nova tele", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "tele", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55ade393-81f4-4953-89ea-eb59c8d29d3c", + "text": "Bon dia, actualment tenim una oferta per un televisor de 56\" a 1.450€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fdeaa28-1c92-447a-9c17-fbaf03a018a2", + "text": "No hi ha algun en oferta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a9f099f-a284-47f3-9022-b32ed79972fb", + "text": "Tenim un altre televisor d'oferta per 789,99€ de 49'.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "383bc3e0-9ad8-4e6c-9625-6a8db028eac8", + "text": "Hauria d'anar en persona a comprar-lo o puc fer la comanda online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "en persona", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a15efade-b410-4269-93fd-6940630ae413", + "text": "Pot fer la comanda online i podem portar la televisió a casa seva si és el que vol.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e551a5f4-6fb1-4c80-a3b0-c278d34447ff", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7906269f-1cbc-4a34-9cfc-806e901d4df3", + "text": "Podria facilitar-me la seva adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a38750e7-d4cb-47ac-8dc3-eeb9bf270a40", + "text": "Sí, carrer Llagostera 23, Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Llagostera 23, Barcelona", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "060c79c4-7976-483b-b1d4-e4a1fa139182", + "text": "Per últim, pot accedir a aquest enllaç per pagar la seva compra. https://www.google.com/webhp?channel=nrow5&client=firefox-b-d", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2552f427-458f-4930-a1e2-44ce8df030b1", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva compra.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99ca691d-61db-4236-a5ab-609431a9d0c8", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab9486d2-05f3-4c3d-980c-6c11dc3e93ba", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 117#", + "número": 117, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2539235a-e6c5-4090-833d-e5907fcfd41b", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2db89917-daac-44ec-bdac-7132ae524647", + "text": "El meu portatil s'ha trencat i volia portar-lo a reparar. La vostra tenda ofereix aquest servei?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "portatil", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "reparar", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2aa15def-ecb3-44dd-96e7-f2f4785552d8", + "text": "Sí. Em podria dir la seva direcció, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2d3cf34-6bc1-43e4-8931-d6c8968a4e24", + "text": "Sí, visc a carrer Salamanca, 34", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Salamanca, 34", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "040ff7e1-3759-44a2-a0f7-c0edd1dfca82", + "text": "Hauría de demanar hora per la botiga del carrer doctor aiguader 15", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44791aef-9640-4d68-a242-64a14e619206", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "694f2bf8-bf54-4499-bb8e-bac053d1fe78", + "text": "Vull saber quin preu aproximat tindrà la reparació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e75f0394-f1fb-4d85-850f-c8b1ea19a018", + "text": "Estic treballant i les icones dels programes es començen a moure.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec79868f-12d7-44cd-873d-ae6aecd951cd", + "text": "El pressupost li faràn a la botiga quan vagi presencialment i mirin el dany.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86e7caf0-f8e8-43ce-8e42-655c3129b03e", + "text": "D'acord!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7352d719-4ed7-4ae5-8348-7a1f78d6cf5d", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3749611-d65f-45ec-b780-f020cdcd9452", + "text": "A vostè. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4abeac31-3758-4a63-807e-cb72224b4e8c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 118#", + "número": 118, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f0e19c0-ad9a-4bb8-a96d-442b39f36c0e", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47ac708f-5178-4c10-bdf6-65c5b591f9a9", + "text": "Vaig comprar un Mac però encara no m'ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "Mac", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "218dcc29-efa7-4f23-8beb-925faa7a6aee", + "text": "Quant fa que el va comprar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b57381fe-8a95-4eb8-9cc3-38d9458f9125", + "text": "A vegades, els productes poden trigar una setmana en arribar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81a60927-72a0-410e-8063-85f2a607a52a", + "text": "Fa ja dues setmanes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Fa ja dues setmanes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8f26e70-aa9a-4947-8d58-c7c60d7a0164", + "text": "Podria dir-me el codi de la comanda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4df55c6f-8ca3-4e91-9a58-a50b1b6f9039", + "text": "Sí 1JK34", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "order_num", + "text": "1JK34", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82af2979-366a-46bf-9420-c88e4b3817dd", + "text": "Un moment, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "485b6315-97d7-41ab-8ea9-df389a420483", + "text": "Sembla que va haver una incidencia amb el transport del seu producte. S'espera que arribi en el període de 5 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10748bcc-6f53-4ab6-827a-8b324a479375", + "text": "Vaja", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4ec3336-f64c-4af9-8ee1-b8de96ce9c42", + "text": "Em retornen l'import de l'entrega a domicili expres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "l'import de l'entrega a domicili expres", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4d0edec-87ad-4485-8b40-e5ac6415801f", + "text": "Sí, pot dir-me el seu número d'IBAN?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10241b79-b479-4aaf-8838-38c55bd5acae", + "text": "ES74 2150 0719 4101 2301 2760", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES74 2150 0719 4101 2301 2760", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89c9c9ca-d95e-488e-a7b6-f13ea25c9dc5", + "text": "En uns minuts hauria de rebre l'import.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d843f030-724b-4d39-b204-8ff5416d725b", + "text": "Rebut. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7be94fc6-12c8-43c9-a820-24e991bd3d5c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 119#", + "número": 119, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "12f86e10-7708-4599-bc14-59300718155a", + "text": "Bona tarda! Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "651b1e8b-88b5-4cf4-ae23-519e003f302b", + "text": "Vull comprar un robot de cuina.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "robot de cuina", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a5b196b-f3e6-40b7-91b1-818b629c6f9a", + "text": "Quin és el seu pressupost?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb501038-a924-463e-83d1-e9decf15c70a", + "text": "Tenia pensat gastar-me uns 100€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "100", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10aa4841-4815-4cb8-9087-d1a99652a86c", + "text": "Però puc gastar-me una mica més si un producte val la pena", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8394f612-cb9f-4dd7-9c24-f2ff16d14ad2", + "text": "Bosch tenen un robot de cuina molt ben valorat. El seu cost és de 168€ i els nostres clients estan satisfets amb la seva compra", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b27c855-335e-425c-b129-6610d1d0c34a", + "text": "Mmm però potser això és una mica massa. Tampoc el vull utilitzar per moltes coses.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1d0798b-c961-4656-b21f-c42532ba9c57", + "text": "Una opció més econòmica seria un altre model de Bosch per 125€. Que en pensa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a63e3633-2282-47a2-b66a-421cd30f5254", + "text": "M'interessa! Me'l poden portar a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "portar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3854a3b8-fd5f-4752-80f4-08017d619a49", + "text": "Si, el servei d’entrega és gratuït.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47946bf3-7735-4e89-923d-0d7086ce5986", + "text": "En aquest cas vull que me'l portin a casa. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c12c799c-19bf-40e1-85ce-4f579d6d073f", + "text": "D’acord. Moltes gràcies per la seva compra.\n", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + } + ], + "lloguer_vehicles": [ + { + "id": "b4aca0e7-8d50-46c9-ad90-c7c733f3dc64", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 1 #", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "93c8d5b2-d090-41af-935d-a57689a0a729", + "text": "Hola, Bon dia. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b56ed4aa-b2d3-4bb9-9712-532900c0b80f", + "text": "Bon dia, mira volia llogar un cotxe aquest cap de setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6b4efb98-fefd-47a6-be6b-234cf68d20c2", + "text": "Em pots ajudar, si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56edd320-bb30-4c0d-9920-097c83afb65f", + "text": "Indica'm el nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd359f39-7d29-446f-9155-b532ac5c1680", + "text": "A veure em dic Pere Bonet Fernández", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pere", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Bonet", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78ead0f4-c010-4fbb-845a-00d016def372", + "text": "Per a quantes persones és el vehicle?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f809e01e-7a04-4492-9356-1464f2df521b", + "text": "Som només dues persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "dues", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0dd9d7dc-c1c9-4dc0-8b6b-adfb98b8f6d5", + "text": "El més econòmic que tingueu si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "El més econòmic", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f28514a5-348e-4831-8288-786a824682fa", + "text": "Dins la gamma econòmica tenim tres models: Seat Ibiza, Kia Picanto o Mini", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "baa955ed-58ac-4690-ac78-f4a37c7c1e80", + "text": "Vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5cc5eea4-b92d-4afd-9a45-a7ef92cb772a", + "text": "I quin d'aquests sortiria més barat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més barat", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1faa7bb-9287-4998-86c6-195fc86e12fe", + "text": "És la mateixa tarifa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01a1cd9c-e25e-4051-b1bf-9dabd86663ce", + "text": "D'acord, doncs qualsevol em va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9bbf538-544d-48a4-bf8d-9572c4369966", + "text": "T'he de donar més dades?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6b87d12-73cc-470d-9c89-8819dab95727", + "text": "Indica'm quin model vols", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4eb92894-6661-44e2-93ea-f5ced42b96de", + "text": "Pues el mini mateix vinga", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "el mini", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ac3f716-2b45-40f8-abeb-ce9736d79446", + "text": "Vols incloure servei de GPS?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "674fb09d-80f9-4738-ae39-7ed80017f9a7", + "text": "No gràcies no fa falta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d209211f-a531-4337-8534-9d8bee171cd8", + "text": "Entesos. Vols incloure una assegurança extra a tota cobertura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99b8ac26-fb74-473d-b9d1-94af407d1a2b", + "text": "Doncs mira això sí que m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3b3f5069-460d-4605-b13a-0eabb5649155", + "text": "Que mai se sap", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "82801860-d0bc-4519-b63c-198ed91a66b3", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "049b5f9a-f7f0-494a-aa5f-4d2e5d383db7", + "text": "Indica'm el nom del segon acompanyant, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "983c0e4d-4c8e-4116-babc-16ccb6b1413e", + "text": "És el meu fill, es diu Joan Bonet Campos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Bonet", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Campos", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0bf5de56-f6d4-461c-9c92-c81fbc701545", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f40d5f57-9033-45d9-a684-7e2a5b48ee01", + "text": "S'ha tramitat la teva petició", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a85af26-9ef2-4f30-8f14-69a3d06cd891", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29e01794-1c6e-44aa-b24c-f36314f92efe", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8501ed30-b7eb-4740-906c-7afcf8b0d147", + "text": "Gràcies per l'atenció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "08f7595e-18fe-4631-8432-91b63e997f4d", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16e824c9-ac08-4b7d-a4b1-02ec6a108662", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 2 #", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "da436c5f-a133-4934-9f57-09467ef84a5f", + "text": "Bona tarda. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b56bf89-6d71-4585-a563-ffa78e148f10", + "text": "Hola, sí. Mira, em pots canviar una reserva que tinc. Havia llogat un cotxe per las etmana que ve i vull per d'aqui 2 setmanes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "s etmana que ve", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 97 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "d'aqui 2 setmanes", + "Start_char": 109, + "End_char": 126 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a459f80a-04ec-4afc-9fa7-b505b5671ce5", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito que m'indiquis el teu DNI i el número de confirmació, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1155b3de-25be-4473-932b-f7a844348128", + "text": "ah, si espera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1991719f-cc81-45a3-846a-af9fb78d4651", + "text": "DNI és 77453216R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77453216R", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "184837c3-c8c6-48fc-b217-0e8696c88a41", + "text": "i el número que m van donar és RT443F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "RT443F", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3480c79c-d809-4794-bcec-6abed484a43a", + "text": "D'acord, la reserva inclou un FIAT 500 de 4 places, i la recollida està programada el 27 d'octubre, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3531ae9-5c21-4bcb-8550-551486f0ecae", + "text": "sí, aixo. doncs vull pel cap de setmana del 30", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "cap de setmana del 30", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18a750ff-5fff-4aaa-bafa-c3e9a4e3b938", + "text": "i al final som 2, que els nens no venen", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97c4c901-8cbc-4fbc-9725-575c4974524a", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs seguim tenint disponible aquest model i la tarifa no varia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc522fef-3524-40c2-a991-9cb95b0669be", + "text": "L'hora de recollida era a les 17:00, la vol modificar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4985014a-db15-4b74-8dbd-913be2d96618", + "text": "ah, perfecte. pero no hi ha una tarifa mes barata per ser 2 ?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa mes barata", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5857ccee-b31b-4c65-8e79-2e5bb2ca58f2", + "text": "Ho sento, amb tan poca antelació no podem fer modificacions en el preu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20d077b2-97fd-47f8-bafc-a425bee032f4", + "text": "ok. bueno. doncs modifica'm la data. l'hora també, a les 18", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "18", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47bfbc9d-b80e-4019-beaf-8d4b4b033eaf", + "text": "Entesos. Ja he modificat la reserva, ara rebràs un nou correu electrònic amb aquests canvis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de173d53-d44b-4c82-9621-9679d50e6e26", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55b43d3e-c25f-4405-b0b2-c88c2c786c54", + "text": "no, jha esta. merci!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "674eecaf-050b-45d6-98c5-b21256aba2cd", + "text": "ah sí ara ha arribat el correu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "09aa849f-2160-44da-bae6-d2a3c809cace", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6700b217-862c-4ff4-bc04-fb31cd51b243", + "text": "gracies, adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08a9cbc5-c69f-489a-875b-89c50470cdbd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 3 #", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "877d5ee5-ec60-422b-a883-763f7685d705", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "992ac0a6-5190-458f-8954-ec6f74a6033c", + "text": "Hola mira estic un poc desesperada, aquesta setmana vaig a Begur i vull llogar una moto, però no trobo cap lloc on en tinguin de disponibles", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Begur", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "699948b9-5b13-4e61-b841-87b400fb2c02", + "text": "En teniu cap vosaltres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6425469-fd98-409f-921f-a56df44fb522", + "text": "Tenim motos disponibles a partir del 23 d'octubre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "235c46c9-1c96-47bf-8f88-575ac7cd1082", + "text": "Uff super bé doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da30d446-1406-4fe4-b3a6-68a038df4dce", + "text": "Quin és el preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "16c06a18-4814-478e-8135-369fee28f8b5", + "text": "Tenim tres tipus de tarifes per a motocicletes. L'econòmica, la regular i la premium", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a99d5c0d-49b9-4248-933d-f0552f3ce657", + "text": "A veure, quina diferència hi ha?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "diferència", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13a98db3-20a0-4a3c-8178-90887c78b4ce", + "text": "Quina em recomanes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64304d3d-e422-4a46-aeea-904515605c41", + "text": "Depenent de la tarifa la motocicleta té més prestacions o menys: major o menor cilindrada, més capacitat de combustible o maleter més o menys gran.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c47b671e-eeba-426f-9542-3db95461b00e", + "text": "Quin tipus de motocicleta prefereixes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96f7f4b2-d1d2-446f-bed1-c044a336d499", + "text": "Ah d'acord, doncs mira no necessito res de l'altre món", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "25e764e3-b947-47e7-b305-2fcddc170961", + "text": "Crec que amb la més bàsica m'anirà bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "la més bàsica", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f862657-1568-40ea-b179-7ed6680df78e", + "text": "Confirmes que vols la tarifa econòmica?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9a54fc3-3b56-4bd2-b2d6-a627e1f324dc", + "text": "Sí sí, ho confirmo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b0f531a-91f5-4d9c-b7c1-923ff8ad88e1", + "text": "Vols incloure servei de GPS?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a03bd870-2027-4e5e-b338-c4209d8cc465", + "text": "Sí per favor! Em perdo sense GPS", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "003fe402-231d-4038-8aef-7ae3f6238cd7", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "526ec08d-63d3-4131-a1a3-4eeafc47914e", + "text": "Vols afegir-hi cascs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5fe5f3e-e046-4217-a724-ef8fdde3ce64", + "text": "Això no fa falta merci, ja en tinc jo un", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e8fdc794-8ea3-4a1a-bc70-42b7e2389f89", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el teu nom i cognoms per a fer la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1433be4a-4eb1-4834-92cb-7659b9d40e5c", + "text": "Sí clar, el meu nom és Júlia Prats Ferrer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Prats", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ferrer", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd7ecf92-3695-4230-bfd1-38ac487f5b86", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara indica'm un correu electrònic per fer arribar-te la confirmació de la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c96e254-f3a4-4311-9009-26354508dddb", + "text": "A veure que ho miro que no recordo com era", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2dcff33c-59b0-4826-9465-35df10023463", + "text": "Vale sí, és juliapf@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "juliapf@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4b6d70da-3452-4022-94f4-7c9773966f10", + "text": "D'acord. En uns instants rebràs un correu de confirmació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c92938f1-6f1e-486e-8f37-591e3aadc7d9", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac53cc79-447f-4dfc-a525-7d66ee775bcf", + "text": "Molt bé, moltíssimes gràcies de veritat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e78d2b9-23e7-4bbf-a939-23972e0ac99e", + "text": "No necessito res més que jo pensi ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e86044dd-d945-480f-9e54-8007a0b2fa93", + "text": "Molt bé. Que tinguis bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a4fe3d5-0b5a-48fd-bca2-2ff1a610b422", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 4 #", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6e525e36-1fbe-45a0-bf04-9645d77c0ae2", + "text": "Hola! Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd958f6f-97e6-4050-8a1c-b72364d0f227", + "text": "bona tarda, mira, sí. Vull cancel·lar una reserva que vaig fer . Una furgoneta per demà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "furgoneta", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3dd1e15c-b17c-4377-bc9e-8115894684d6", + "text": "estava llogada 1 setmana, per fer un servei, que soc autonom", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4db9e928-2e70-4cb9-a5d0-b910a0d14ebb", + "text": "D'acord. Em pots indicar el teu nom per buscar la reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e7dfab3-98e4-41db-acd9-3990e9471074", + "text": "SÍ. És Martí Salaç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Salaç", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2aad15a0-1a3e-4009-b49a-23332a9f3638", + "text": "Sala", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sala", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6805c66-9309-400a-a0c0-b80f1e3d15a9", + "text": "Molt bé, Martí. Ja ho tinc. La recollida era demà a les 12:00 i estava reservada fins al dijous de la setmana vinent, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "286dcb1d-bdc7-496f-8d57-fcfd8647c238", + "text": "sí, sí, i es per cancel·lar. aquell servei ja no el fem.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1bdea0b7-2886-4846-85a4-24cb7a8cbeb4", + "text": "em van dir que finsa un dia abans no hi ha recarrec per cancel·lar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "recarrec", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ffc141c-490a-4a47-93b2-c4e9af5168ba", + "text": "Efectivament. Havies deixat un dipòsit de 50 €. Tot i això, com la cancel·lació s'ha efectuat amb més de 24 hores d'antelació farem la devolució d'aquests diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9d71745-b9dc-43dd-ae16-b4cb205310f1", + "text": "Ingressarem els diners en el compte de la targeta amb què vas pagar, d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f07d98f-7462-4efa-89f2-b0a3a8f17302", + "text": "vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "980e3578-eae4-4a99-8bba-70f4db55481c", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "21be097f-d1ce-4afe-b3ef-79b58143dccc", + "text": "doncs ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ab3c297-cec7-448e-b266-747aeda20d5f", + "text": "D'acord. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "655e9131-ae5a-4ab7-bd95-40f8104ad6ab", + "text": "No, ja esta. gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cf6ac896-6e12-40c7-9459-62b2c1379939", + "text": "Adéu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "296673d0-ad53-4d96-882c-979938867ba3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 5 #", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "224a62e8-74dd-407d-9950-18a94c606f9b", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acec0f75-e9ff-42de-8abc-10ddb80955b1", + "text": "Ei bon dia, t'explico jo tinc menys de 26 anys i em surt més car això de llogar un cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "menys de 26", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cff8fae4-1adf-460f-a50d-1f18313fd168", + "text": "Teniu cap oferta ara mateix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "617daa57-f2c5-4caa-8552-de8bc0d0c359", + "text": "Tens fitxa oberta a la nostra empresa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2e20b07-cb37-4fa2-8603-221be24e119d", + "text": "No, és el primer cop que vull llogar un cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e5c1ff7-abe2-4486-b1ea-1e43d9d9f9ab", + "text": "Ara mateix tenim una oferta amb models de gamma econòmica", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5200cb18-e10f-4639-85e4-a9eb5e38a495", + "text": "Vale, i quina seria la tarifa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a445825-f5af-4490-8c27-c691d766fd7a", + "text": "M'interessaria llogar un cotxe no massa gran i durant dos dies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "no massa gran", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "dos dies", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff3d44af-a93e-4612-abc1-29cc3a40327c", + "text": "Per gaudir d'aquesta oferta has de tenir entre 20 i 30 anys i un mínim d'un any de carnet", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36de888f-a9e6-4de6-a93e-58f6a6696b29", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs mira cap problema, me'l vaig treure amb 19 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b8448a5a-fe9a-4fa7-a59c-df3a66d5c056", + "text": "I ara n'acabo de fer 25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "give_user_information", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "795312b0-ff47-4219-b89c-272604f58799", + "text": "La tarifa seria de 15 euros al dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a15a679-4313-4d69-aad6-219b4beaf44f", + "text": "Confirmes que vols aquesta oferta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1974596-ed80-4353-bbcf-2415b6a0777d", + "text": "Està molt bé de preu la veritat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "acbdbc37-3a28-4314-9833-24a2dbc557f7", + "text": "Sí sí, m'interessa molt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "48d63c5c-7142-4868-b489-0d4fded764b7", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm el teu nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b0aff9d-6ca8-4819-b3c0-6dcc364c2d7b", + "text": "Soc la Carla Colom Tous", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carla", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Colom", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Tous", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e261c58-e45b-4b25-b87e-f1ce049db87d", + "text": "Perfecte. Vols afegir-hi cap acompanyant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c9a1f4e-f6ce-4493-9838-5b1a207d659b", + "text": "No merci, només jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6996b140-c065-47e0-b153-02d7cb81656d", + "text": "Entesos. Digues quin és el teu correu electrònic per enviar-te la confirmació de la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad44030d-f9e3-410b-970e-26fa863ca6da", + "text": "Sí mira, és carlacolom_10@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "carlacolom_10@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "883a81fa-9d0a-4dd2-991f-2e1dddd4bddc", + "text": "Entesos. En aproximadament 1 o 2 minuts rebràs un correu amb la teva reserva confirmada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea5a7a55-8e97-4b3b-909a-b8b4c41ac883", + "text": "D'acord doncs ja està tot fet, no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6dde786-a77c-4f9e-b1b9-5bc29ee883df", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ee2e77a-e275-4e44-86e7-094bb0042324", + "text": "Això es tot, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "471fb3b9-2972-40ed-876b-700a6cddb41e", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "705c47c9-bb62-496f-8507-bd6b95e24565", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 6 #", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e713012f-b4d1-4ca0-a6ee-42838cc5abda", + "text": "Bona tarda. Digues-me en què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e77a02ff-1014-44d8-bba4-cc6694499096", + "text": "sí, mira es que m'ha arribat la factura que em vau fer. pero jo no vaig demanar el servei deGPS. I l'heu cobrat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "GPS", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "l'heu cobrat", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6db1e691-a056-4300-ae3d-0c40f7426716", + "text": "Entesos. Em pots dir el teu nom complet i el número de reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e82c106c-16c5-4337-b9b1-2952593178df", + "text": "sí, mira. És Elisabet Morgada. el número que em vau donar és YT55FF", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Elisabet", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Morgada", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "YT55FF", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30986269-5bcc-4e11-8823-f02d7a94bb5a", + "text": "D'acord, Elisabet. Ja he trobat la reserva. Efectivament, s'ha cobrat el GPS.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdac144e-7df6-4682-96ac-ffe4767b24d5", + "text": "Amb aquest número tenim dues reserves, em podries indicar exactament quines són les dates en concret de la reserva amb la qual has tingut aquest problema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a942ba9-15ae-418f-b11f-d3fc5a21c0c7", + "text": "sí, la del 10 d'aquest mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "10 d'aquest mes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad0f9338-d8fe-46db-959e-389f69c268c4", + "text": "Entesos. Es tracta d'un VW Touran que es va retornar el 13 d'octubre, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a58e0ef-f496-4b52-acd5-3728e086b18c", + "text": "Sí , aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "000ec342-73eb-428f-8767-093849c3f91f", + "text": "Doncs ara procedirem a fer la devolució de l'import del servei de GPS.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad686fe2-e19d-42e9-9427-2f063bd08e7f", + "text": "Necessites que t'enviem una nova factura amb les dades actualitzades?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31e75429-52c1-40ac-b6d9-12130ed4941a", + "text": "vale, sí, que aixi ho tinc per escrit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dde0263e-cbdd-4f21-bdb3-e06fc9929948", + "text": "Molt bé. L'adreça de correu electrònic que tenim a la teva fitxa és elisabetmorgada@gmail.com. L'enviarem aquí, d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "003ad122-af71-4a2d-b18e-a0201826ecec", + "text": "vale, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aaccf26c-28dd-426d-8eb8-a8f8d119cd39", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13c4d90c-0c1f-4fa7-be2f-244f442ccfce", + "text": "no, aixo es tot. gràcies!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1ac96871-52a5-47fc-a4e5-4803cb7f2d59", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a96b5614-a218-48b0-8151-0bd6612ee401", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 7 #", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8a08ba4c-df4a-48b1-8e69-006adbe520e4", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ee4d8e2-4637-4f7c-b0fd-622ea8238150", + "text": "Bones tardes, mira volia preguntar una cosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6664f74-7188-4fb8-a340-62976c265e41", + "text": "Demà he de tornar el cotxe que vaig llogar i l'he de deixar a l'aeroport del Prat, però no sé ni com ho he de fer ni a on", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aeroport del Prat", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03302488-b091-4f12-97c7-b3af4b33a8de", + "text": "Indica'm el teu nom i cognoms i número de reserva, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b16d768-5821-4862-ad70-82d45b6d4ae3", + "text": "Sí clar, el meu nom és Vicent Albó i el número de reserva el 289F4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Vicent", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Albó", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "289F4", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b54e5a6a-64bf-4877-8d37-62b695af5869", + "text": "Entesos. Has llogat un Fiat Panda des del 18/10/21 fins al 22/10/21, per a tres persones. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed310d56-d649-41ad-83b3-4b468b1679b1", + "text": "Sí correcte, és aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3de9cd12-69f7-414c-aeeb-f02f54acd1eb", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el teu número de telèfon", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "626da7c6-e0f1-40ba-89ea-2567c81d2d8b", + "text": "El meu mòbil és el 618764390", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "618764390", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4e503682-d880-4517-8fef-685cf8dd1736", + "text": "Entesos. Estigues pendent del mòbil. Un agent et contactarà en uns minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88bbebe6-4430-4c2e-8865-1c700bab273d", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "653d182c-b41e-428d-bb08-9c8818307eae", + "text": "Ah d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4b7f6e8-475d-4f45-8244-248bec320545", + "text": "No necessito res més, adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ce4fe237-4109-451e-896e-f2d0a64b9097", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5a0d7ce0-86b9-47e2-b7fd-e7f5294fe15c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 8 #", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4985fa18-4338-4ce5-a9d9-4364c440e3bb", + "text": "Bon dia. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52804d64-d5e9-407b-80b6-922f55e1a834", + "text": "sí, mira. Que vaig fer un reserva ahir. Es que em vaig equivocar amb el cognom. Vaig posar Berrero i es Barrero", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Berrero", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "Barrero", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 111 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c068438f-03b0-4294-a3c6-12d31cef620b", + "text": "si es pot canviar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2bbce5ab-19b1-4168-a86f-cfbd3f69998d", + "text": "Entesos. En aquest cas necessito que em digui quin és el telèfon de contacte que va indicar en fer la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab188b29-3e87-4902-a683-9ad5c1b59404", + "text": "sí, es el 665432856", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665432856", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0cabe150-25c1-4957-babb-7700bd9b94ff", + "text": "Molt bé. Es tracta de la reserva d'una furgoneta de 9 places entre el 25 i el 30 d'octubre. M'ho pot confirmar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "715dec71-975d-4cc1-9a6c-84bd61266f76", + "text": "sí, confirmo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de509924-859d-49a0-9532-49b1f13c768b", + "text": "D'acord. El canvi ja està fet, ara rebràs un correu electrònic amb la informació de la reserva actualitzada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "233822bb-e4e8-47f7-a3a4-35e24b1cd8f2", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b0f8c8e-9f4d-488f-bb8f-dcf61bde420e", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da60f329-baa8-43ec-b58b-b4011e114cfe", + "text": "no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "81b9e140-84a7-4817-a22e-dace3eff0e6e", + "text": "gràcies!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f0769e4-c089-45ea-93e2-9dfc880b9fbd", + "text": "adéu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6007da07-c684-4248-b164-5d99235b91da", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c14420fd-7ff5-46b4-93bf-2abb37e62488", + "text": "Que tinguis molt bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5c96d51-cfa9-4dfa-82fe-e08fc341976f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 9 #", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b4a441c9-0932-4636-91ad-2d5f0c656dc5", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b3d2a13-908a-49b8-8f6d-3cd485be0790", + "text": "Hola mira es que avui de matí he recollit una moto que he llogat per uns dies però ara m'he adonat que se m'ha oblidat contractar l'assegurança, ho podria fer ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "assegurança", + "Start_char": 132, + "End_char": 143 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5332e25f-83c2-44ed-a7da-76aa06e7dc98", + "text": "Digues el teu nom i cognoms i el número de reserva, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a398bfb0-da73-4859-8275-f2664881bb8d", + "text": "A veure número de reserva si és el que em van enviar al mòbil és el 865R43", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "865R43", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ede87141-003c-437b-92b9-c3cff6f9c2a6", + "text": "Ah i el meu nom perdona és Andrea Soler Martí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Andrea", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Soler", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0e78d3a-7244-4aba-a68e-af12643bb2d0", + "text": "Has llogat una motocicleta 125cc. del 23/10/21 al 2/11/21. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a62bca4a-32bb-434d-833b-7e09a5eacb03", + "text": "Sí sí és aquesta!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60684215-5b75-4dbc-9d75-b2276205d7be", + "text": "Entesos. Quin tipus d'assegurança voldries? Pots triar entre a tercers o cobertura total", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab4aeed7-cc90-493c-bc5f-c78ecfcbd420", + "text": "La de cobertura total m'interessa, per favor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "cobertura total", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2a04a45-7605-4ddd-9df7-7fffbca40da2", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el teu correu electrònic, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa8f5169-f6eb-41ed-a654-ab9a49091b85", + "text": "Ara mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "685fd377-70d6-4446-8476-e23a9005801d", + "text": "Mira és solerandrea@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "solerandrea@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa2e0392-678d-4810-9b4d-dcd6b952a47f", + "text": "Perfecte. Rebràs un correu amb la modificació de la reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b21ccbfc-66a2-4d4d-95cd-0aa7035f4c76", + "text": "Entesos, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9e404ae3-2790-473c-919d-b1e76c5b6228", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b898320-71a1-4a3c-8d5c-c406ad57a57d", + "text": "Això es tot, adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "73a68cac-4ea6-49ab-ae6c-95f2d9097e90", + "text": "A reveure!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28b0bcb9-8395-4d7d-91a8-f746db8f6530", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 10 #", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c536eb09-f22a-4d70-b50c-5c889e8b8abb", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3cf988d-efc8-47ff-b87f-4325c06a539b", + "text": "sí, mira, em pots informar sobre els preus per llogar una autocaravana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "autocaravana", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c39a03d-9817-487e-bb05-2e3c6bb24767", + "text": "Tenim tres tipus d'autocaravanes, i segons la mida i les prestacions el preu varia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c011250-ad42-4b17-bb9a-dfe77ae4abce", + "text": "En el cas de la més econòmica el preu és de 100 € al dia. En el cas que t'interessi la més gran el preu seria de 160 € al dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fa3bd69-10b8-45fd-b1aa-1b9be50e1c83", + "text": "d'acord. vull la gran", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aa6b0180-6056-4b5d-a709-6e584877af65", + "text": "Entesos. En quines dates la voldria llogar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ee1c25d-6582-48b5-a1b7-d25d8cd85ade", + "text": "sí, del 4 al 10 de novembre de 2021", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "10 de novembre de 2021", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6db7f1ef-0c64-4263-a878-227bd694b88a", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessito el seu nom i cognoms i el DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "45073df6-767d-40fd-804d-69be4306500d", + "text": "sí, el nom és Maite i cognom Llorenç. carnet és 77654384Y", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maite", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Llorenç", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654384Y", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69221140-f98c-4228-9a81-eb674dd7d44d", + "text": "D'acord, ara només ens faltaria un telèfon de contacte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02139521-f790-407f-8169-09929b652c4d", + "text": "és 667548567", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "667548567", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "120789ef-736d-47c1-83cf-65f9fd78cdcc", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60b63ac3-ab50-4d43-af96-dd5063c1a83c", + "text": "Tens alguna altra pregunta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c240d011-d05f-47c0-aec3-54e6fe2824dd", + "text": "Puc afegir GPS?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "GPS", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34e5139e-15f7-4914-85b7-1b685eb8ae8c", + "text": "Sí, en aquest cas la tarifa del GPS és de 30 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2252d50b-cf49-4150-a1f3-211bbb75a3fb", + "text": "vale, doncs tambe la vull", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "553bcd84-3d67-4033-a528-5a5ee7556d84", + "text": "Entesos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bf929e9-ff5d-4a7b-8f86-9cc8f4ff9833", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f43b948-7ac4-4f29-a314-7b890c2ecc19", + "text": "No, ara ja esta. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d52399e1-94dd-4a01-8760-7ecb74f08c2d", + "text": "Molt bé, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd21170b-5587-4592-9f1d-1d9eef52bbc2", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02a0b597-829c-48e4-9195-c4342a748c44", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "48583751-5faa-495b-a727-be6764b64583", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c9ef306-2899-4063-8414-2e1ea465b03e", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ec1bdf9-f851-4951-a23f-d2deb5cc375d", + "text": "Voldria fer una reserva per una furgoneta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "furgoneta", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f814f637-ddd2-4558-a853-ea9d6a2316a2", + "text": "Per 3 dies, del 7 al 10 de Gener", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4887d37-3007-4c73-8f95-9ce99461d4a9", + "text": "Molt bé. Aleshores vol llogar una furgoneta del 7 al 10 de gener, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59c1f04a-730c-46f9-833f-c74c27ce6533", + "text": "Si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9508bbf3-deaf-4fd8-abe7-7dfd5025cc26", + "text": "A quina hora la recolliria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f47e5b9-858e-44d9-9e4c-787299628121", + "text": "A les 9 del matí si esteu oberts", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "9 del matí", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63d6d8c0-49f3-408b-b8df-8d30cb42cffe", + "text": "Aleshores dia 7 a les 9:00 h del matí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31cecf5b-73f8-4648-bfa9-defd1df518f7", + "text": "SI", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f99a6f87-6482-453f-b00c-84d9b17457f5", + "text": "Necessitariem les dades del conductor del vehicle. Nom, DNI i permís de conducció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a7fd567-3039-474b-b911-82d5f9d16f46", + "text": "Ok si, el nom del conductor és Magdalena Padilla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Magdalena", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Padilla", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1385dba2-ce6a-484a-8cdd-55d99d3a5748", + "text": "El DNI és el 49166802W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "49166802W", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2a57685-87b6-49b1-b139-89515088088f", + "text": "D'acord, moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91bda0f8-f13e-47f8-9160-9a51a24ef3b7", + "text": "Seria un total de 200€ pel lloguer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b8a9663-17ab-4424-ade3-ec763141d691", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01ab5ef8-7bbf-4b5c-8027-c3b006576063", + "text": "Vol pagar al recollir el vehicle o amb transferència online?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de163952-3699-4f2b-bd33-1ad6afd6631d", + "text": "Al recollir el vehicle, si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Al recollir el vehicle", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17382ed5-1b86-4004-b722-e037ca8c02cd", + "text": "Anotat. El pagament s'efectuarà al recollir el vehicle. Pot venir-lo a recollir el dia 7 a les 9:00 h a carrer Consell de Cent 24.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3d59ceb-de96-42a5-ae86-ef3188ef08cb", + "text": "Perfecte gracies, fins llavors", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "040b188f-ef1a-4324-a61d-0fdf741b3d48", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a28466b-6846-48db-b656-50e6e760b759", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19577962-11c9-4f1c-8684-4ca8e764de55", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cf11ed74-7b1c-4383-bf66-9cb9714e460e", + "text": "Hola bones, us escric perquè m'agradaria reservar una caravana per cinc dies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "caravana", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4811b69a-4e3c-4d18-acf4-7793843300f2", + "text": "Sería per anar fins a França", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "França", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "543b17ec-9ee2-49b5-b4f3-ec87bfa4b7f2", + "text": "Una caravana per a cinc dies per anar fins a França, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78b41600-1504-411e-a0fd-f62f67328400", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4fb7448d-82c0-4ba3-be1f-e5775e3a4f14", + "text": "Quins dies la voldria llogar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cbc88b3-8844-455e-a894-809ed16f1555", + "text": "Del 21 al 26 d'octubre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "21", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "26 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f25d5998-fb22-40f1-85bd-966614342dae", + "text": "Quin seria el preu total, amb assegurança a tot risc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "total", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "assegurança a tot risc", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "110adb12-8235-4b13-8504-2c7c850b5d67", + "text": "Perfecte. Del 21 al 26 d'octubre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "085d5ce5-0b29-4848-b5ce-0c1d675c5599", + "text": "El preu total amb assegurança de tot risc seria 400€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55ad8cef-6671-437d-b536-3104d7b96975", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs m'agradaria reservar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc88ae16-45ad-497b-8d0c-1c0665a901d7", + "text": "Entri a aquest link i ompli el formulari amb les seves dades personals. \n\nhttps://cotxesdelloguer.pagament.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5c9230a-5491-4bec-94ff-a54ca6f217dd", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f0082ac8-50ec-4ef4-a9b9-ae788eff9768", + "text": "Un cop realitzat un agent es posarà en contacte amb vostè per tancar la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49aa3716-5e84-48e6-914a-279e564231b1", + "text": "Ja he completat les dades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "08e1f88e-015d-4fc2-8ae0-12fe39b38adc", + "text": "Això és tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7758a536-d435-4296-adf0-7df77adc8d5f", + "text": "Perfecte. Aviat rebrà una resposta per part nostre confirmant la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "737fd141-0ead-4351-ab15-6f18b3034770", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d1f7099e-8036-4b51-971f-eda8aec063c5", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "953c95a2-270c-4d74-9f1f-58b9b5f685bb", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58cf2874-3f47-4586-bc34-cf67e7fcf5dc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3325987b-79c2-42d3-a5eb-df0746e17de2", + "text": "Bon dia! Volia informació de la reserva del vehicle que vaig fer la setmana pasada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la setmana pasada", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a62c5b29-8295-439b-b454-24e3e8ae30b2", + "text": "Bon dia. Quin és el seu codi de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4bb33ac3-5467-456f-9eec-cea627e9e8e5", + "text": "El meu codi era el 42", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "42", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35bd2e23-c714-4671-b385-d914d4c554e8", + "text": "Quina informació voldria saber?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29c1c59b-1e58-404f-99c9-e15945aa4de9", + "text": "Fins quin dia tindré el vehicle", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Fins quin dia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e09d4bce-0ea3-4f5f-bcce-9941d2a7f739", + "text": "Fins el 23 de Febrer a les 12h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16a1f977-8146-4fd3-8286-bd00b4a04338", + "text": "D'acord! Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "110e69c4-20b2-43dd-b6bc-3abae013e655", + "text": "Vol saber alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08ceafd3-a6a9-4d8f-995a-f247beaf43ae", + "text": "Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64e3f7a8-9230-418a-95a5-6051a119482e", + "text": "Mercii i bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3b2e7377-3fe6-4a05-a857-a891c2358e3e", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d70d6cfb-d471-492f-8c90-cab80dea0333", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9977dce9-2c3e-4674-a3d7-8bf658ba5467", + "text": "Hola! Tinc un problema a l'hora de fer el pegament per la web", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "pegament per la web", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1db30b4a-e236-424d-9949-5845d0e3ff7b", + "text": "Quin problema té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0dabd48-48f6-4503-a8cb-23f5c01085b6", + "text": "Doncs resulta que no em deixa pagar amb targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em deixa pagar amb targeta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49326165-d7d1-4b96-828f-ee65ff73e645", + "text": "Quin tipus de targeta està fent servir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fdbee95-1a2a-41f0-ac7f-7ab541e827c5", + "text": "Amb la tarjeta meva personal de debit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "tarjeta meva personal de debit", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21d4c350-7cbb-45ef-89c8-117018bdef2a", + "text": "Quin és l'error que li dona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a116eb38-3879-48ba-b346-f5a5e61ea04e", + "text": "La pantalla es congela just abans de finalitzar el pagament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "pantalla es congela", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1fdec39c-9e72-492d-b699-654f65d09f2c", + "text": "Intenti reiniciar el servidor i tornar a començar el procés de pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02988632-2e97-4b0f-8873-e5d33412bfc9", + "text": "D'acord! Ho faré!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "023e1346-0a72-4d73-b177-4ca5a2f2a3b2", + "text": "Ja funciona! Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd2fe379-e6c8-4783-8aeb-0feaf58c19b0", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "450f8234-84cb-4e0a-8017-5ae1ec75ce5a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bf3d962c-a1ca-4aad-9a09-bfc93b765f07", + "text": "Bon dia, he tingut un problema amb el cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9b3f1d19-6674-44be-a901-112a80340f63", + "text": "El fre de mà no funciona gaire bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "El fre de mà no funciona gaire bé", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05686dd7-6e32-451b-a98f-1078a128e729", + "text": "Què ha passat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1da2722-a7fc-4849-94a3-a51140c9d464", + "text": "Res, sembla que no funcionava bé desde que l'he agafat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "desde que l'he agafat", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4674426-f2a4-445a-8b81-ae61c2f81f7d", + "text": "D'acord. L'hauria de portar a l'oficina central i li proporcionarem un altre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dea7ce91-0c04-409b-8d25-bd8809283c8a", + "text": "D'acord! On és aquesta oficina?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a7906b0-bb8f-446a-9c61-45d030630de3", + "text": "On es troba?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "140e0281-ce4f-4eca-b996-937ca24c1f12", + "text": "Visc a Olot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "41b0e11c-4834-4992-ae4e-e5e1ff10cdb1", + "text": "Carrer Dr. Fàbregas, 6, 17800 Olot, Girona és la més propera", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "230be4fa-a67c-49d7-9630-b147f1168ba7", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fea215d7-9d3f-4cd5-a901-8f00450a5971", + "text": "Alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fcc5eaab-a3d1-4154-b62b-d972a399856c", + "text": "Res més!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ce8618c-f149-4860-b887-33e676c32f31", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6b9936f2-bf92-4e4e-9235-b8209611d164", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fde57bda-5903-45c8-b572-e1ad4ac0d13e", + "text": "Vull cancelar la reserva que tenia pel cotxe aquest cap de setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6571d3fe-caf3-4c5f-b1ce-51c6b1e469d7", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef0ff4ec-c876-4835-bfec-6e4f8f9cd7d5", + "text": "12345", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "12345", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e2403c6-001e-4979-82f2-12c36eba88e5", + "text": "El seu marge de cancel·lació gratuïta era fins el 16 de Gener, avui tot i que cancel·li se li cobrarà el servei complert.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20159c63-6c05-43ca-aaad-2be7297d3d22", + "text": "En serio?? Es pel tema del covid...que just ens han confinat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "covid...que just ens han confinat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "680f9dfc-16d4-4972-ae7e-e97c984b1df1", + "text": "No tenien reservada assegurança de manera que no s'inclouen aquestes situacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82777faa-9280-4b07-aa7d-438e8390436b", + "text": "D'acord, però haurieu de ser més comprensius. Hi ha més companyies de lloguer. La propera vegada, aniré a les altres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ebb16a0c-7be3-4b95-84c4-2b81020777cf", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c8b6c5e-1127-4e18-9358-1b414c27740d", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a3b47982-4405-469d-b252-a4da1d05a36b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1c788ecb-fafb-4b55-8710-b2c9f6f4edd0", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "26f24de9-396d-4f36-a581-2b37a2fa72cf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bedcae1f-b9a5-4481-845c-52163bad2195", + "text": "Bon dia! Quin és el cotxe més ràpid que teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més ràpid", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c3a96fa-e646-4d68-9f7b-66db431bfa85", + "text": "MERCEDES-BENZ CLASE A AUT.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f861126d-824e-4fd0-9028-d81c16ca2e64", + "text": "Quant costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "36664b67-2d8e-4c1d-bb12-ecc7e154da97", + "text": "50€/dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b68bd707-64f3-40da-89ee-240be11cdad6", + "text": "És molt car! No m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "692c110a-cec0-4bae-bf16-2079a660edd4", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8ec689f-a3e5-4a7f-9df9-2c5b54e3e993", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64837c1f-d64a-48a3-9d56-5d95c5558dbc", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fcb3ee1-7747-4fca-aeef-93540062035e", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17d86b4c-2dc9-4fa0-91a2-c0b21da1b400", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b6f8ea14-afa3-4dd4-a65d-a8c632166629", + "text": "Voldria canviar el lloguer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "529f388e-d181-4b7c-834f-9076437be661", + "text": "Hola. Quin és el seu codi de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d921f71-0723-473d-8875-b6c8ef94df99", + "text": "El 12312", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "12312", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5202d69f-3a0c-4c17-92d2-3e81fd8b785d", + "text": "Què és el que voldria canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a59bb594-8e3c-4d83-8804-73f011517d32", + "text": "Doncs jo no podré conduir, conduirà la meva parella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "conduirà la meva parella", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6449466f-2893-490a-8d23-bbb9ec035143", + "text": "Quant fa que té el carnet i quina edat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1cf1aeac-03ff-458b-b5cc-11cd3ab7b80d", + "text": "Te 32 anys i diria que uns 5 o més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "32", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "years_num", + "text": "5 o més", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45466af0-2b96-46c1-a90c-b051ea366cf6", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu nom, cognoms i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64512b45-3d89-42a9-95e7-38bace90c8c1", + "text": "Lluís Fuentemilla Gascón", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Lluís", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fuentemilla", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gascón", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "820bce58-46e0-4e55-abd0-9dc8d8ec8015", + "text": "45132719Y", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45132719Y", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52d09818-6ce4-4954-affe-e816371a265c", + "text": "I els de la seva parella, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2524401-b4a4-47e0-8bfa-9f72ff499901", + "text": "Mònica Hernandez Hernandez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mònica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernandez", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Hernandez", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3a9d68d4-3e78-4812-97aa-a0087a335a99", + "text": "45129864X", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45129864X", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a9f1a9a-a53c-4c21-8b77-4f0e7ad8e6c5", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrada la modificació del servei. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "392450ef-847b-4132-8321-5d0f9ff2e974", + "text": "Bona tarda. Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27b71378-625c-47ac-82f1-29972183f1f2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c3817837-ae2b-447e-bbc6-4a1a7c4a1699", + "text": "BOn dia, vull canviar el vehicle que volia llogar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "vehicle", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28a3515f-6fc5-4957-99b3-e8d7d6f9a552", + "text": "Quin és el seu número d reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4824a065-6ade-466a-999d-eac62c95d3cb", + "text": "El 14312", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "14312", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e69a6055-7a0d-404c-8403-a2f5334d727e", + "text": "Quin és el nou vehicle que voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39e7418b-1af5-42ed-bfd5-5898ade53fc0", + "text": "Doncs un 4x4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "un 4x4", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1754c34-3a7f-4e82-934a-a679fde12759", + "text": "La seva tarifa es veu incrementada en 10€/dia, vol seguir endavant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f4f8a5f-b142-4289-b47d-21327a93fa0b", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f281a0a-f837-4d45-a420-9cf9670b71f4", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrat el canvi. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6f49927-aad6-429a-855e-96c7c77b224e", + "text": "Res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f1474b3-6b0a-4700-9324-89debfbb0d32", + "text": "D'acord. Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0352b30d-f803-4c9e-9b33-f1c52a31325c", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0591d740-0fd3-4f8f-8f3b-cce9abd849dd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "38ab27bd-afde-43af-8b9c-df57448cfe16", + "text": "El cotxe ens ha deixat tirat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "El cotxe ens ha deixat tirat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55c212f1-bb69-4e00-b13b-19ed7f112920", + "text": "Necessiteu servei de grua?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62aaf3f9-3c90-45aa-80a2-154d2797e8c2", + "text": "Sí, si us palu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "05c27fb9-b1b9-4551-b9ed-a4dc94e7081c", + "text": "Quina és la seva direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22aa053c-3aa3-466d-8a76-650b1dadffcf", + "text": "3 Carrer Rubina, Fondarella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "3 Carrer Rubina, Fondarella", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c1f7a8c-36c8-49ab-8ead-6d63d8c38553", + "text": "La grua arribarà en 15 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1ee27d2-0923-4338-b60e-23ac954e4afc", + "text": "Quantes persones són? Tenen la opció de tornar amb la grua o en taxi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11689981-0c5d-4744-8f63-addc8382db0a", + "text": "Som 3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "3", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53b78410-ed08-432a-8b51-e7c44ee69e5e", + "text": "Doncs prefereixo amb taxi francament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7750cb4-a254-4210-961c-2d0fb23ea94c", + "text": "D'acord, estarà allà en 20 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d19e78c3-dcf8-472c-9610-ea3e94a4e23b", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec3805bc-e1b0-4825-a53b-4c2290ed5b00", + "text": "Gràcies. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd2f27fa-92aa-41dd-98d5-cc43f0a174f9", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "46157ebd-6570-4fdf-b1bf-c40faf0d4e76", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b7d7ae5b-63ed-4728-9ce2-ba366ef1add3", + "text": "Bon dia! Teniu disponible algun vehicle pel pont de desembre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "pont de desembre", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac3a09f8-183f-4fe9-95e0-b45f3bea8aad", + "text": "Bon dia! Tenim disponibilitat de vehicles, en quin vehicle estava interessat/ada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0be60c34-2ccf-474e-8837-26d2bf938de4", + "text": "Voldria un Seat Ibiza nou", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Seat Ibiza", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89712a23-2c5b-46c3-8e39-bfef8b62acf0", + "text": "El Seat Ibiza del 2021 està disponible a partir de 40€ al dia, segueix interessada en aquest vehicle?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9730b447-ed99-41fd-9c79-13cd29e34e4e", + "text": "Quant costa al dia si es tot risc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "tot risc", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6950ca0-466d-416c-b4d8-5646029d1d97", + "text": "70€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "405b7bc1-6c04-4e19-baee-f20f4aaeeb45", + "text": "Vale!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "afce2268-9625-43fd-a659-325d3f1ce736", + "text": "Podria proporcionar-me el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02c019a9-1615-4d50-907c-9a0264a7534a", + "text": "40562314B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "40562314B", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95ae7269-041b-4842-a46e-beeebbf40df0", + "text": "Pot venir a recollir el cotxe a les nostres oficines o el podem portar a casa seva amb un sobrecost de 30€, està interessada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb8ef0bc-da30-4d48-a289-2bc9dd5d1c56", + "text": "No, ja el vindré a buscar allà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a6f39b6-6139-4751-86fb-af925b7c0736", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "67ef5cff-fb23-4cf4-8da6-00ea70090055", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a12664c4-9ad2-4c4b-b463-8f002db2d635", + "text": "Hola! He tingut un accident amb el cotxe de lloguer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9fae136-006a-4ea7-9c79-6d96472aada9", + "text": "Bon dia, va contractar la assegurança a tot risc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "842cc3a6-88b1-4d78-8d3f-a9c69d591b53", + "text": "Si!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e980ca7d-5adb-4791-a5b4-03e91c41a192", + "text": "En aquest cas, podria dir-me on ha sigut l'accident?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54e18b69-0a82-478d-972a-67a7c72afdd1", + "text": "A la pobla de segur", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la pobla de segur", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83ce2630-906d-4fbe-87c0-72f8e9fbd7c6", + "text": "Necessita assistència tècnica?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2029085b-1da0-4480-856b-70d0cab00858", + "text": "Si, necessito que em vingueu a buscar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8b87b48-f99f-4344-bd4c-cfec9bbb0345", + "text": "Pot dir-me la seva adreça exacta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31171e4b-aafe-48b5-9f49-14e8c3358476", + "text": "Carrer industria 44", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer industria 44", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03d7130f-bd25-42d5-8634-1540f411f913", + "text": "Un segon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20441626-caed-439c-807f-38575ed370fe", + "text": "El servei de taxis ja hauria d'haver arribat, si us plau, confirmi la arribada del taxi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59520194-e5f2-4173-9257-9cfb2bb47966", + "text": "Si ja estic al taxi!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "15c4579e-a2c2-4cc4-bd62-38807c813a19", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82d46d06-5b56-4b82-a3ad-1d4ec29387ae", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ad134e48-53f9-4595-abfb-2eb1205fa347", + "text": "Teniu disponible una furgo per fer mudança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "furgo", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2d302af-6b41-4cd3-a379-39461f1a75cd", + "text": "Bon dia, tenim disponibilitat de servei de mudança amb i sense xofer", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "995e4b88-8dd1-4f9a-99e2-05c1789f400e", + "text": "Sense xofer ja va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "Sense xofer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dedcb9eb-3a50-437e-a8e6-07eab325b6ca", + "text": "La tarifa sense xofer és de 15€ la hora. A partir de quina hora la voldria recollir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8035cea0-9c45-44ba-b0d8-d8272f249745", + "text": "La voldria pel diumenge 21 a les 8 del mati", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "diumenge 21", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "8 del mati", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6832f83-d516-40bb-add7-2296254ee2d7", + "text": "Cap problema. Tenim disponibilitat per aquell dia i hora", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4846b792-b943-4276-b471-a5fde5be03fd", + "text": "Puc afegir un segon conductor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "segon conductor", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51f7c456-0a37-4bb2-9c58-ed8356f7cf8a", + "text": "És clar, amb un preu d'increment de 5€ per hora", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d308bf4-d985-4e77-b202-3a416051f8c5", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6527b186-2e76-433b-b895-8265aef23678", + "text": "D'acord i moltes gràcies per confiar amb nosaltres. És important que porti el seu DNI el diumenge.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d52132dd-a3a5-48b6-98e0-bfe36fe62f8f", + "text": "Perfecte! Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b49539dc-1cd1-4ebf-9630-bbe63368975c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fc5aeea9-1c6c-4897-9077-72b8523aab0a", + "text": "Hola! Hi ha algun problema si sortim d’Espanya amb el cotxe de lloguer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sortim d’Espanya", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "67d70b41-a12c-4662-acd5-68759dc3da8c", + "text": "A quin país voleu viatjar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b9adfb2-2bf7-4d9d-8c9c-760861ec7648", + "text": "A França", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "França", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63aa8593-e235-49ab-b466-16df6a63fad8", + "text": "A França no hi ha problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04c3a784-b100-4e9e-9f8f-7aa0fe023337", + "text": "I a Portugal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Portugal", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a820fdb8-a1cd-4621-8ef3-7fd8e04b8f2e", + "text": "Diguem quin cotxe van contractar i el dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "101cffd9-8280-411f-b680-97963321a640", + "text": "Un Opel Corsa pel 2 de setembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Opel Corsa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "2 de setembre", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04880f5d-09c9-4ea4-8d85-30186a09f5a5", + "text": "L0Opel Corsa amb matrícula 1822 ABC?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92b9b115-d247-471a-9d1d-937d0198edf1", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2fdb04b3-2785-4ee7-a31f-d660c999609b", + "text": "D'acord, ho apuntem. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b36ba8f-7bee-4d35-97ed-ec9365f4b267", + "text": "Gràcies! Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65ec782b-dccc-44bd-b1ff-b86f608b9bb9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "efc31c28-c483-4808-b43d-3586cb4f69f9", + "text": "Hi ha algun descompte per carnet jove?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "carnet jove", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9df90f56-3567-4687-9286-a3616d1e6b30", + "text": "Bon dia, tenim un descompte per carnet jove, però a partir de les 15 hores de fer servir el cotxe", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "407a062d-e344-4760-81eb-214aa76ecb11", + "text": "Com s’aplica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "27b7e378-df72-4dc8-8d95-1bb0b261ba75", + "text": "Si contracta un cotxe durant més de 15 hores, rebrà un descompte del 30%", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f094f89e-5e8c-4b2c-8626-8bd359b54293", + "text": "Voldria contractar-lo ja per d’aquí dos dies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "d’aquí dos dies", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80d6aeeb-8cec-4698-8052-4f8b4fac5f5a", + "text": "Perfecte, quin cotxe voldrà i quantes hores?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2226d6f2-ed2c-4164-b07c-b22384507105", + "text": "Qualsevol per dos dies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Qualsevol", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "dos dies", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c16bb601-e5a0-4b91-bb40-b39d277e641f", + "text": "Mentre tingui calefacció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "calefacció", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "009ae8b9-7bfe-4c4f-a332-d1e8e7035bef", + "text": "D'acord, el més barat és un Ford Fiesta de l'any 2004", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a4ef56a-bfae-4718-a417-baa818141e2d", + "text": "Aquest mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e2c3ca23-da9a-4bcb-98aa-c5ab97864bc9", + "text": "Té un preu de 60€ els dos dies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3905712a-62f7-4ff8-a388-1c2c8b157a2f", + "text": "Amb el descompte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d2616ae-91f7-4c8b-9fe8-c5555c5f9037", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b7ca747-ab5f-489b-8001-f0e9bfb402ac", + "text": "Perfecte:) moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c857c34-061c-46bc-b2ad-c06b490d8f52", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "781e5506-893c-4c41-8e95-5ef4bdf662dd", + "text": "Es possible llogar sense tenir targeta de crèdit?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "sense tenir targeta de crèdit", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "867e4133-b19d-4ba0-b419-05fb4da7dd2f", + "text": "Bon dia. Sí, haurà de pagar amb diners a la oficina abans de la entrega del vehicle", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4bf6b101-ae2e-40d9-aa74-33374a601a2f", + "text": "Amb targeta de dèbit?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta de dèbit", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2015b2cc-b072-4a62-a7b2-ff1795e732f9", + "text": "Cap problema. També pot pagar amb targeta de dèbit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "316cd38d-03c5-48fe-9d5c-646ef03a6987", + "text": "I en efectiu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "en efectiu", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06bba151-f5c4-45a0-8f91-284d03b71359", + "text": "Sí, també pot pagar en efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "581f2b0d-4d4c-441a-ba91-3ea4604e8461", + "text": "Si es amb tarjeta de dèbit ha de ser al meu nom?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "tarjeta de dèbit", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "al meu nom", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb54e04c-901f-4266-a0f3-06106f4fcd66", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34911389-7ce4-43a1-bbcb-38dad83c52b2", + "text": "Vale moltes gràcies per la teva ajuda:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a22b0d2-9997-44e9-afe3-68f301598f53", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "821ce581-db78-4098-90bb-e4c8d1771d9e", + "text": "Hola! Teniu alguna limusina disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "limusina", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91869a08-551e-48a8-a4c4-66e64b8e0df9", + "text": "Sí. Quan la voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80dcf3de-8236-48c0-a982-9e7715f74ade", + "text": "Pel dia del meu aniversari, el 26 de desembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "26 de desembre", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5597edef-869c-4697-9549-939c6f87db8e", + "text": "El dia 26 hi ha una disponibilitat molt alta. El preu és de 60€ la hora", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd0ae838-5497-4f39-8ea0-118a3c439636", + "text": "I per la nit de 85€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4efabdbc-5382-43b8-b0f2-6a0e77a670f4", + "text": "Es amb xofer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "amb xofer", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34cc4295-67a8-4a5f-8171-64a06afba315", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aef3eef3-d3ff-402f-b9c1-9cb0bec800b8", + "text": "begudes i música incloses en el preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "begudes i música", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f897b0a-a841-479f-8380-0b31eec5eb60", + "text": "Sí. Hi ha barra lliure d'alcohol", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3fc83fc-ca52-4a00-a468-0bdfbc3eea40", + "text": "Doncs m’interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f3bc4b7-89ab-49e3-8245-9c0156886263", + "text": "En aquest cas, diguem el seu correu i li enviarem la informació per fer el pagament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f7d60ee-a35f-4858-9073-24c004b340bc", + "text": "Snahffy@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "Snahffy@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f881422-dd52-48f4-b704-ff52a06913a0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies, en uns minuts rebrà un missatge", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39622825-ab3d-4cff-80e5-536dba8932da", + "text": "Perfecte mil gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7bedf195-328f-4697-867f-74fd1b9d3815", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1b698e7e-ea2e-40cd-a82f-7486a8762171", + "text": "Hola! Teniu algun descapotable disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "descapotable", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "800e131e-11dc-46fc-a6a7-c25be84f9b83", + "text": "Bon dia, sí, tenim descapotables disponibles", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85f1d111-7486-4d00-a14e-c343e2dafd65", + "text": "Algun BMW?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "BMW", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ea2f5e8-cc1c-4c9a-94ae-d46a19ac94f6", + "text": "Tenim un BMW 420d disponible", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85274d7a-40cf-4f15-a156-40f447263735", + "text": "Pel dia 31 de desembre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "31 de desembre", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b815de82-d43e-4048-b6a9-83a6b5350692", + "text": "Sí, amb un preu de 300€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "043916a5-8284-40de-acea-77daa7d61908", + "text": "A tot risc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "A tot risc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "802d0bdf-71a2-4385-b2a0-0024f4dd451a", + "text": "Sí, tots els nostres cotxes són tot risc", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0790dc0-20a6-4bdc-8d8d-08d8b9c4da54", + "text": "Que he de fer per reservar-lo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "84195097-ba34-4178-a473-141c8b261fd5", + "text": "Diguem les seves dades, si us plau. DNI i nom complert", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83060b0d-95e7-4b3a-9cc7-3697979ef868", + "text": "46789023K", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "46789023K", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce97824f-7b8b-4173-a131-2f64a1a755ca", + "text": "Judit Vila", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Judit", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vila", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93d771b8-3305-41b5-8c95-c122a1bf985b", + "text": "En aquest cas, ens pot fer un bizum al telèfon: 620981247 indicant el seu nom i DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4dfb9026-c777-4446-b1b5-df91e7b9b0c9", + "text": "Fet!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96896098-8b9a-4c0a-b2eb-a85046a4acac", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f140c3f-aed8-456b-9242-83c597a61e50", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e04f81ed-4216-414f-a01c-6f2db96102ea", + "text": "Hola! El cotxe que he llogat estava molt brut", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "molt brut", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d434e270-090d-4293-926b-817a9a728c64", + "text": "Bon dia, quin cotxe era?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e12dce50-cfcd-4944-987b-8897541d348d", + "text": "Un seat leon del 2013", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "seat leon", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "2013", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebd638ca-0473-42b8-aa06-e23a66bc0885", + "text": "Pot dir-me la matrícula?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f66f4898-957d-4e01-a851-f82f1766d417", + "text": "2512FGD", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "2512FGD", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "123fad65-7990-45c0-a19a-3a49ad136903", + "text": "Un segon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14ac6af8-a984-4b09-8a5e-5b4b6b2dfa5e", + "text": "Veig que el cotxe no es va poder limpiar abans del vostre ús. Disculpeu les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f95dfe2f-c949-4e26-8b68-fdc58495c0e5", + "text": "Cal una compensació econòmica perquè això no pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b07d4d6-09ca-460e-96b2-0251bdb72b49", + "text": "Sí, lamentem les molèsties. Des de la nostra organització li podem oferir un dia gratuït amb alun altre cotxe.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c848a6a-0146-4dde-b7c3-222732261cd3", + "text": "Em podeu enviar el bono o el que sigui per correu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6cab9bc-baab-42fa-ba36-5967b40dcb9a", + "text": "Sí, li enviem un missatge al correu que ens va proporcionar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9cdd842-7280-433d-84d4-dc11e62a1724", + "text": "D’acord! Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6c88597-6355-4f08-8cb4-618e28df3232", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "040b2ab3-b27b-4336-b40f-1d751add83c3", + "text": "Teniu bicicletes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bicicletes", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c88f2ee-dea5-4710-878e-2821af05e312", + "text": "Bon dia, sí, tenim bicicletes per llogar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b30f225-cb00-4adf-af11-5ec6528af7bb", + "text": "A on es podrien recollir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef6dfbba-cc63-4085-b740-d95428e4bc2a", + "text": "A plaça de la Vila", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0eee74ca-bfa0-46fe-9b8c-60cd28dbf721", + "text": "I que costen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bde6adb6-9e6b-4817-999e-4052409a70d0", + "text": "Costen 1,25€ la hora", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b57187f-e2f7-407c-8786-0d6314329d80", + "text": "Teniu disponibles dues per d’aquí dues hores?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "dues", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "d’aquí dues hores", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52665ce4-a5cb-47db-b6ae-d63d83b1d137", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e202c04-bd7f-4493-af4b-926b2e227ff3", + "text": "Doncs faig la reserva!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94a32cca-b4f0-4317-83bb-6ab518695062", + "text": "Gràcies i ens veiem aviat!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49a4976c-c1f7-45ce-8d40-1117c90e642f", + "text": "Moltes gràcies:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2ab6192-15cb-43bf-9112-f59b60d8e824", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d9625668-91ed-4c62-a591-dc4a7cba2a10", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "349e58ae-08c7-4c2a-9a29-f42d6fb37d85", + "text": "pensava que tenia llogat un cotxe pero he rebut un correu de cancel·lacio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "correu de cancel·lacio", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0b12bb1-c7e8-4d51-9c73-a13646723cad", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom i el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b441987-7eee-4197-8839-9ed754595831", + "text": "Soc la Carme Wellinberg", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carme", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Wellinberg", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b3adac8-6892-4fcd-8421-4b1e8b86fee0", + "text": "Sí, tenia llogat el Ford Fiesta blau? Està espatllat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a479d94-94f3-4fb3-b8e9-ed24f092d1f9", + "text": "Si, aquest mateix!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e37ee65f-6297-4c03-b9ad-b69142ee16a0", + "text": "llavors quina es la alternativa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "alternativa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "114d58c7-220c-4af8-ba75-bbe7472dc966", + "text": "Encara no sabem si estarà disponible properament. Vol un altre vehicle? Li podem proporcionar un Fiat 600 pel mateix preu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e7672c1-7170-4160-a1c1-4b7b36dd8a91", + "text": "Si, si us plau??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e9baf195-7dc8-4f3a-99c4-7f42dd5c7a85", + "text": "En uns minuts rebrà un correu confirmant el canvi, gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29c9b903-1121-4317-8e38-a94542c8eae2", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "660f5f6b-756c-404c-8700-c0e5eec3844f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ba6b4a56-2ca4-474f-840e-2614cf237021", + "text": "Hola! m'agradaria saber si puc llogar un vehicle amb 1 any d'antigüetat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vehicle", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "1 any d'antigüetat", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be1fc881-a25f-4c38-a239-49149bac2a5e", + "text": "Bon dia. Sí, ho pot fer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22884909-f390-4898-8434-7b3ba4618392", + "text": "Quines condicions suposa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "condicions", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4817df55-3729-4252-ab17-b65836e2ff4e", + "text": "El preu és més car en aquest cas, però depèn del cotxe", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fb8141b-6093-46d9-b7a7-e045a7ee5b2e", + "text": "que costaria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98716da7-cce1-4337-ad18-283164e7db24", + "text": "Per exemple, el BMW serien 50€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6eccf0de-ad21-40cf-abb1-781a57b23aa1", + "text": "que hauria de fer per reservar-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bb6d3c84-faa4-40c1-9169-fcef2ab93319", + "text": "Digui el seu DNI i IBAN, si us palu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3600c8a8-b6b6-491e-8be6-bf6a4b6f2130", + "text": "Marc Justícia, ES70 2230 1758 4231 0259 0280", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Justícia", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES70 2230 1758 4231 0259 0280", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86ad82d6-7f1c-4f17-bfe4-fc026a457d21", + "text": "Això seria tot, gràcies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66814682-6b3a-426d-8c2e-a4e954513eb0", + "text": "moltes gràcies:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6044fda8-6936-49f1-b4fd-17be07728f20", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5ac17eb8-ef60-4925-b700-a4057bb499e0", + "text": "Hola! La meva filla ha tingut un accident amb el meu cotxe de lloguer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "La meva filla", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98f9f5f5-d371-4f56-ae03-1defe3de2ef9", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b76d8edc-cf86-4ca8-8344-586e0563b562", + "text": "Blanca Martín", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Blanca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Martín", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c069574-82ca-4674-bf59-86663022abe9", + "text": "I el seu DNI, així com el de la seva filla?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98453845-9e2c-4b79-978f-cd33353eb5a5", + "text": "El meu 43902813R, el de la meva filla 41234390J", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43902813R", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43902813R", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c94b4fe-a3f9-4a52-a175-70c94e0795e1", + "text": "El cotxe ja ha arribat al pàrquing de la nostra companyia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09559cbf-08ba-4a8e-ae65-b81f995f3089", + "text": "si, acabo de deixar-lo allà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4ad1fb7d-f35f-4bdd-b8d4-d796c25a0c50", + "text": "Haurem de revisar si tot està bé i si ho pedem reparar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d70851f0-0dbd-4045-afd0-bdd881183ae7", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu correu per si cal pagar una reparació, posar-nos en contacte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c4496da-05eb-433a-b9b3-3c33df9f93f2", + "text": "bl83@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "bl83@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5211768-e61f-4d75-a62a-0325af8e89bc", + "text": "Gràcies, seguim en contacte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c1a944b-e1e3-4a30-a0c8-ed6cd4955eca", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9286309-1f4c-431e-9271-02bdd845f0d1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "05278d30-a551-4c17-a751-1f8dce00fa6e", + "text": "Bona tarda! Podría dir-me quin cotxe rebre? A la reserva no consta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53bec896-dce5-41f8-8f5a-2e23414fea58", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25f67a1f-2485-416d-95ef-5a8ffc95a347", + "text": "Rebeca Pérez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rebeca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pérez", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f318b6e5-c233-4775-b06a-68dc62a228a7", + "text": "El dia 14 rebrà un Ford Fiesta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "380da9d3-1eac-4084-bbf8-0cd7cbd74de1", + "text": "El puc canviar per un Seat León?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Seat León", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea51ad95-d54f-41b0-8ebc-2733ce23f13e", + "text": "Sí, aquest canvi comporta un augment de 10€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6c78036-920f-4c60-8610-be8f4f9873a8", + "text": "Si està confome, diguem el seu email i rebrà un missatge per fer el canvi", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecfa9990-0ade-4863-966c-42294de9c819", + "text": "rperez@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "rperez@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1524f2c-5dba-4c5f-8d88-f5eb56415180", + "text": "Ja hem fet el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "266ac0f3-37b1-4ff2-a02c-8944bedc2860", + "text": "Voldria alquna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9763db6b-5167-44d3-94d9-cee5fc00599a", + "text": "Quina rapidesa! moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5dcb9fad-a73f-4699-aba6-1427f074cb44", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c1bd824e-85ae-4e34-8ccf-191cbf5671f7", + "text": "Hola! Vull cancel·lar una reserva que tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60f80bfb-5e36-406c-a525-60e713b8625b", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49d3d630-6471-4bb6-8c5e-f6075ac8a04f", + "text": "Sílvia Martí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f24fda48-0fb1-412b-b3d6-d06f6cf491af", + "text": "Té dues reserves, quina de les dues?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f1083ff-5280-4c3a-a887-603212812a3f", + "text": "La de la limu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "limu", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0595b8b-9a1d-4f30-969f-fac9ffa50cba", + "text": "La podem cancel·lar, però com has avisat amb menys de 24 hores d'antel·lació, només podem retornar el 50% de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3e3c1ca-1e4b-4d29-b929-c47b481a8b30", + "text": "oh pero és per una causa major", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1b6bf2c0-569a-4b6e-a498-9d602143323e", + "text": "Ho sentim, nosaltres no podem fer res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "647f8f31-1df1-4204-b389-bc48231b5dc7", + "text": "D'acord doncs, quin remei", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b492c57-418c-4585-bbd6-211685b2cced", + "text": "Ho sentim, que tingui un bon dia. Gràcies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e1663d9-783c-42dc-bf4a-9948c93efea6", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0256316-aae8-4cb3-912a-c19fa1cb047a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5cec9bd1-35b2-44d1-8838-37341200de6b", + "text": "Hola! teniu viatges en glovo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "viatges en glovo", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9bd07e4e-5e20-4087-b286-4ac773a08e36", + "text": "Sí, oferim viatges", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4484e39c-2e1e-4a74-8f1c-5e5e070ec427", + "text": "Quins recorreguts teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "recorreguts", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "40f79880-6f81-41a7-8192-8773199854a3", + "text": "Pot anar des de Lliça fins a Blanes, per exemple", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0f396bb-74ce-4a6e-ab68-9c9403f8ff73", + "text": "A la plana web tindrà més informació www.expeblanes.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "effecc3d-33f1-4bc8-a05f-b3785cd81018", + "text": "Que costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a225bedc-8f91-43e4-919f-f6e376e9a21c", + "text": "Costa 200€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1bc6328-327f-47ce-bf05-7a94f2d2287e", + "text": "Quina és la primera cita disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "primera cita disponible", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9cbe03c5-8849-40ba-9fcf-0726334dfda1", + "text": "Aquest cap de setmana seria possible", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "727522cf-fddd-490d-8683-77a870e92aac", + "text": "Que hauria de fer per reservar-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "307272c7-cd4d-4b3e-979a-8c3209ab0803", + "text": "Per completar la seva reserva, només ha d'anar a la plana web www.expeblanes.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e8b8d80c-ed1a-47f7-9166-d9cfe68e269f", + "text": "Perfecte, mil gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "958fd127-6391-4cd9-9d6f-370db7f219fb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "02957349-63e0-45a9-957c-2cf72f5e4e23", + "text": "Bon dia! M'agradaria anar de viatge per espanya, hi ha algun cotxe que em recomaneu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f03e090d-ef0f-4297-81a8-ff60c27ccbf7", + "text": "Vol anar per muntanya o carretera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc7d1647-072f-4745-8c18-f5a86bfef5a1", + "text": "Per carretera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Per carretera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ddb6b996-903a-4408-9fc5-f7041c6e0ce5", + "text": "En aquest cas li recomanem el FordFiesta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a3e1d24-0429-4667-ad85-8d26b7026d79", + "text": "Que costaria llogar-lo 15 dies?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "15 dies", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dec0804e-9b6e-441e-96c7-d03111271214", + "text": "100 €", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "719e421b-87de-446f-8715-52c4b9c2fa4b", + "text": "A tot risc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "A tot risc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "777982be-fc6f-49d4-8104-73b0b997e844", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a6787be-ff8d-4cbb-8776-5709d0ef4014", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "46eb2a70-67a1-4074-abd9-d2f3c3c031a1", + "text": "Gràcies per considerar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf207b4e-b514-45b1-91b9-c9bb078ea990", + "text": "Moltes gràcies:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8dc32bf-3f21-4847-b68d-8070ea7b3a2a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4dfdc1ac-34d1-4728-89c0-500811bd4615", + "text": "Hola! Teniu kayak?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "kayak", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "366c678e-8f39-4781-871b-19b914e89d8b", + "text": "Bon día, sí tenim kayak.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ca167f8-3af1-40fa-91aa-8a8e21b38cdb", + "text": "En quines localitats esteu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "localitats", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb6d1f7b-59c6-4810-9d38-bb3223bb4601", + "text": "Estem a tota la costa Brava", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2fb1b179-15e8-45cc-9608-57cbd4146e09", + "text": "Hi ha algun a Lleida?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e5478b5-eaf5-44ce-864d-9c3683055ff7", + "text": "Sí, també estem a Lleida", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fb3d3b8-e904-4784-beb1-1e005c65e0d0", + "text": "Doncs m'agradaria reservar un doble pel de Lleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "un doble", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ff25fb0-468b-46ca-9892-8d3adb5172f0", + "text": "D'acord, té un preu de 25€. Si està conforme, pot fer la reserva a aquest enllaç kayaçs.cat/lleida", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58ef93ff-120d-4aba-82de-4b9f2e0871d9", + "text": "Puc pagar en efectiu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "en efectiu", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5356322-d4a7-4037-9208-bb3061cf1a69", + "text": "Sí, ho pot fer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d2a5020-4624-47c9-b5c7-7d40d372a9c4", + "text": "Perfecte mil gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff34136f-c0f4-4cb8-afcf-6e9186ea8f89", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "aeb04ed2-2286-46d0-901f-1764321ef537", + "text": "Teniu algun vaixell disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vaixell", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36d1bc6d-ef0a-40b9-92d1-bdd5e75ca8a7", + "text": "No tinc el carnet de navegació..", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "give_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "carnet de navegació", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e643ebd-be98-4e73-84cb-f7a77bd7b0e8", + "text": "Sí, tenim lloguers de vaixells.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86234dc7-af0d-4eec-b70e-56e82b72e808", + "text": "Pot llogar el vaixell amb un conductor", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e476e4e0-8645-4e11-974a-f80ece70ed66", + "text": "Que costa un dia sencer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "un dia sencer", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f542c38-b318-4211-9580-0271db3e0965", + "text": "300€, però depèn del vaixell. Un iot és més car", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d603ddf-fa90-44ab-87ae-1e11471c2301", + "text": "Seria per anar-hi 4 persones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6704ac31-8d2a-48f5-b54f-444322714a51", + "text": "No hi cap problema. La opció més barata per una embarcació per 4 persones és de 400€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9580fd2-1805-4ae2-9d96-2fa41797c21a", + "text": "que hauria de fer per reservar-lo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1a021fb0-1a3e-4bbb-a70d-bebdd4d5e52f", + "text": "Hauria d'emplenar les seves dades a barcosbarcos.com/reserves", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9108c4dd-3f10-4b62-8adc-3900180cb337", + "text": "Perfecte, fet!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c14f5b2-b9a8-48d7-87b2-65c08b7bbef2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bd3cbc0c-f2c4-4bf8-9a2b-ed48a49cac4d", + "text": "Hola! Podría llogar un autobús per portar els convidats a la sala del casament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "sala del casament", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ff4ad0b-eaa1-4bf5-ad2e-0432e596e964", + "text": "Sí, quin dia el voldria llogar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40872f26-f850-4bb6-96a2-c47f0419b04f", + "text": "El 25 de maig", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "25 de maig", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c420cd84-8aaf-46ea-9139-fee8d431f0b1", + "text": "De quantes plaçes voldria el autobús?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e63f45f-9241-40ee-81dc-9fe462dccfa8", + "text": "60 si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "60", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58ce2d5b-03cf-4dc7-961d-31a9e21a7e5a", + "text": "Sí, tenim disponible un autocar de 60 places per 50€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d758153-0872-4aba-981d-5005292f33f0", + "text": "Qin dia serà el casament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71a32308-45e2-4f16-85cf-211481b57b32", + "text": "El 25 de maig a Osona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "25 de maig", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Osona", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a0eff15-4128-4bdd-9d7e-4be00d7a5d3a", + "text": "Doncs si està confor-me, diguem el seu email i li puc enviar un formulari per confirmar el lloguer del vehicle.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c79e33c0-a87e-433e-9776-81ea7da843bb", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "556dfa6c-c5d0-450d-b706-b0ce012ecb86", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu email?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "909db269-48a7-468c-97ad-ab21a7ac411f", + "text": "martina97@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "martina97@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0b849ce-6732-49c1-ad32-f73d204ef70b", + "text": "Gràcies. En uns minuts rebrà un missatge.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50b1b9fc-b315-4916-bcfc-50c80ef83db5", + "text": "Rebut! moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "407c0cc6-d47d-4e13-bf32-61a5631c4f81", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ec667828-ae87-4021-b6a0-d1793ee70cd9", + "text": "Hola, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5632d17-c4bf-4cc5-8505-4dc14251e322", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria llogar un cotxe per a aquest cap de setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01114967-4e3b-4f86-aadb-c4bd11488e0b", + "text": "D'acord, t'interessa algun model en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1a158b6-9e3d-47b2-8af5-3e65cd9f5208", + "text": "sí, a veure si teniu el seat leon que hi ha al web", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "seat leon", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca8015e9-2776-4d84-ba54-08213d305f2b", + "text": "Efectivament, tenim un Seat León de 5 portes disponible per a aquest cap de setmana. En aquest cas, té una tarifa de 30 € al dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61f19ae4-3e6a-4a3c-a044-09404f47a0b4", + "text": "D'acord. doncs si em pots reservar aquest model per a aquest cap de setmana, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "22d6897c-fd3d-4cf4-ba9b-5501548d8bc1", + "text": "Entesos. Necessito el teu nom complet i DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6098f20b-075d-4538-a91b-6a35a4cfe135", + "text": "sí,el meu nom es Marta Català i el DNI és el 77345324", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Català", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77345324", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4b4cf5e6-9a05-4233-bb7c-da89fc2b90be", + "text": "Disculpa, necessitaré també la lletra del teu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9064b8c0-5fa7-4cfe-b2fc-b8fbddf8980d", + "text": "sí, es la lletra H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "H", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06b94067-c31c-4795-95ff-02af4f1c09cc", + "text": "D'acord, Marta. Confirmo la reserva d'un Seat León durant dos dies. El preu final és de 60 € i et recordo que hauràs de retornar el vehicle amb el dipòsit de gasolina ple. Podràs passar a recollir el cotxe per les nostres oficines de l'estació de Sants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3a9326e-b843-4fd2-90cd-b77c70bd45b3", + "text": "els 60 euros es per dia o per tot el cap de setmana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per dia", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per tot el cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "639577b4-8d31-459d-a1a9-de39356094b3", + "text": "Els 60 euros és el preu total durant tot el cap de setmana.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d83fafa5-bcc3-4753-890f-ac1317f06042", + "text": "d'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f6e9f92f-ae25-4655-995e-6ac7df6e4fb0", + "text": "El pagament el pots fer ara o, si ho prefereixes, en recollir el vehicle a les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7f20207-f9c5-455b-9cf5-aa3a8bfa6065", + "text": "doncs mira el faig ara i aixi ja esta fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89513a69-7177-4cc4-85b3-3ba05f00f69a", + "text": "Entesos, en aquest cas necessito el número de la teva targeta i la data de caducitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44bf9fb5-41b5-4c3b-a089-18515c9ca0b3", + "text": "es aquesta: 4455 5564 4456 3342", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4455 5564 4456 3342", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3eedbd90-f0b5-41d0-96d7-cc40cca1a16d", + "text": "D'acord. Quina data de caducitat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81e0828f-9cfc-4991-8d9e-d62d325d110a", + "text": "el 10/ 25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "10/ 25", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebd2325a-5691-43c2-9339-a7ee99987799", + "text": "Entesos. Només em falta una adreça de correu electrònic on poder enviar la confirmació del tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a54502c-f0e3-4015-ac32-bdf927f7bfa6", + "text": "es aquesta: catala.marta87@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "catala.marta87@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b72a1afc-aae4-429f-a562-04aab16d6966", + "text": "Molt bé. En uns instants rebràs un correu de confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "183823d4-a9e7-472c-9887-07d6bc4019c4", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b6c8fa0-3c37-4af5-a272-ada12f355394", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a7fecfc-579b-4be9-9aeb-fe6f365124ba", + "text": "sí, em pots posar unes patates braves?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e0ff2c8-6408-4d87-a5b5-686ce2f6f540", + "text": "Ho sento, no et puc ajudar amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7abd5b61-a361-4b22-912f-91e875411f59", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3279e9df-f733-430b-9245-362fab5a0e0f", + "text": "d'acord. aleshores ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aeecfcaa-87c2-44f9-97ec-fba1523345a5", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c42bf75e-9034-446d-a8d5-5689fbe27b67", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98d612ce-506a-42f4-879f-e8ad91a1beb8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a5e8292c-8b08-4f32-a15e-d134806da698", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71b75106-314d-4333-9897-9a8becf1dc37", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria modificar una reserva que vaig fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6d3137e-d7d6-460a-9b7e-9b3de1caa461", + "text": "Entesos, em pot dir quin és el número de la reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "efed0e89-ad16-4c9d-986f-13d7fb3611d9", + "text": "sí, és 44RT45", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "44RT45", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bac20f7-adec-4934-9e87-4721b07e43de", + "text": "D'acord. Es tracta d'una reserva a nom de Josep González d'un Citroën C1 entre el 4 i el 8 de desembre. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1090a6ba-93d2-459a-89ff-3a4ad1934694", + "text": "sí, es aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1df14754-3348-4a93-85fa-c6c9626f1457", + "text": "D'acord. Què és el que vol modificar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a06ef2de-083a-458a-bbde-9a7bd79cb3e9", + "text": "les dates. voldria canviar-les. Pot ser per al gener?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "dates", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "gener", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d7b2d55-49cc-4261-8064-6f870f28a4f1", + "text": "D'acord, podem fer aquest canvi, ja que ens ha avisat amb més de 2 dies d'antelació. Quines dates en concret serien les que voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc898593-253e-4ca1-a02d-674f05420905", + "text": "sí, del 6 al 9 de gener", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "9 de gener", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "357ad6f6-ede4-483d-a6a9-11950f03e4d0", + "text": "D'acord. És possible. En aquest cas, la tarifa es reduiria, ja que és un dia menys. El preu final passaria de 180 a 140 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebb9512a-6fce-45d0-837f-255a8ca370b0", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "435b798f-af7b-4ad0-bd73-91408d0f7106", + "text": "Ara li arribarà un correu a l'adreça que ens va facilitar un cop va fer la reserva amb la confirmació del canvi de dates.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b61c4e9e-03de-448b-9e9c-a55580946bd9", + "text": "Entesos. Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1b94ea41-1e1e-4559-bb3c-0dfdca0ac502", + "text": "El puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f1f1b4f-50a5-4c08-bfcc-c4f49b3d91f5", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "80bfd5ca-b301-446c-bd4c-5ed479530d0f", + "text": "Entesos, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7fe86e9-5dd9-4c53-983a-82731d99d952", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f375ff2-1e72-4117-a6e5-6cc13eb7821a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0aa5f4bb-769e-4c0f-90b2-8676cfedc83a", + "text": "Hola! Digues-me en què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99d5bdfd-220a-4130-ae63-9a2363ebff54", + "text": "voldria cancel·lar una reserva que vaig fer fa un tempps", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0d769fd-631f-47b5-8c4e-7e3fc6c2302f", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el número de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be6fab88-3fee-49db-b81f-1904e410dc18", + "text": "el número es 5544T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "5544T", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc06ac4f-3a12-4499-9298-22f2be703aed", + "text": "D'acord. És la reserva d'un Toyota Yaris a nom de Clara Torrens, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa7acacd-ba3b-45ee-becb-d57af24e6b9d", + "text": "sí, es aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f3b4a15-d94c-43ab-8b95-51159a898bd0", + "text": "Entesos. Estem tenint problemes amb la cancel·lació de reserves des del nostre sistema. T'hauré de derivar a un dels nostres companys de la botiga perquè ells puguin fer-te el tràmit directament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6189f9f-2b97-4518-a298-038fb048367f", + "text": "vale, cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "51c584d2-5636-4f08-9116-0f84a611a725", + "text": "Em pots donar un número de telèfon, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56cff42d-a204-46a7-9e82-9ba3ab248b9e", + "text": "sí, 665475443", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665475443", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "620e441f-4757-4343-bc4a-3936a6946eba", + "text": "D'acord. Ara ho passo i un dels meus companys et trucarà en uns instants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52c42b66-5fc9-4fc9-840e-bcf2090af1b0", + "text": "perfecte, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59ea5438-8e02-426f-ad9c-bfa0dd4bae7f", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fdc778b-3089-4577-8644-a97da41ef963", + "text": "sí, saps si hi ha hotels a prop de Tarragona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26f01e60-c8c6-40ad-b5d6-027a0c1e43c2", + "text": "Ho sento, en aquest cas no et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6ece345-6dce-4b54-88aa-40057c597292", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a25459c-f31b-466a-b96d-07e1e33c56c3", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "65294d2c-da44-4dda-9836-a75a301d164c", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1577e4d-2e62-47aa-92f5-d7a201da7e9e", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b57e5496-745d-4b35-b5dc-5d8f8dc7ac05", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a745158e-007d-4847-8f45-b15a735b8951", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8f30f178-7982-42e8-84ce-4d0aefcf9e05", + "text": "Bona tarda. Hi ha alguna cosa que pugui fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2f62ea1-daa5-4fd1-9513-e008fbbab761", + "text": "sí, m'han cobrat per una reserva que vaig fer pero la vaig cancel·lar. què puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han cobrat per una reserva que vaig fer pero la vaig cancel·lar", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ba457e3-9140-43b4-89be-e89a4886ebb4", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito primer el número d'aquesta reserva per fer les comprovacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "410c2e3d-395a-461d-b719-d3add80a0bc6", + "text": "sí, el número és 4455REW", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "4455REW", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65e7770d-27ca-4149-a93d-4ef91d2c86cd", + "text": "Entesos. Efectivament, aquest número és d'una reserva que es va cancel·lar, però veig que no s'han retornat els diners. El seu nom és Margalida Pons, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "659850d7-a5ed-4a44-b8dd-b7ba5e1611c1", + "text": "així es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ab2be95-ff58-4141-a2bb-a7996d899602", + "text": "Entesos, Margalida. Li demano disculpes en nom de tot l'equip. Ara procedirem a fer la devolució d'aquest import a la targeta que va usar per fer la reserva en primer lloc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1d39eee-8d4a-407e-a888-f0a87eecdd44", + "text": "d'acord, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f584dd81-048c-4580-b65e-7d899a0c8520", + "text": "Aquest tràmit podria arribar a tardar 24 hores, passat aquest temps ja haurà rebut els diners.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd287a4e-0253-406b-9c92-2e49328abe99", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60fad54b-2da4-4b35-a813-ed8b9a26a8e4", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c74afa3f-f523-4e4e-a4bb-547cdc78edcf", + "text": "si, em pots mirar si dema fara sol?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5372c94e-ddb0-4cd5-be99-56669c17020d", + "text": "No puc ajudar-la en això, disculpi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7146fab1-6b9c-4cb5-8e37-45d558fc2cc1", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00eeed7e-f34e-4edf-bdda-72f331deff6e", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb90f35a-a246-4600-bb59-310e18205d8f", + "text": "D'acord. Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56244036-72d3-46a2-b41b-8f6759a7d611", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ab466e5-c1ff-445d-a833-96ab50205f0f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "50d578ac-bf06-433d-be16-1222b42e9111", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer pert tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a9b8a17-82f3-4b8e-b7d0-6e6c9f4890c6", + "text": "Hola, vull saber quins models teniu disponibles per a aquest mes de desembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "models", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "desembre", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00c05915-4d88-449a-a199-e97ec97682c2", + "text": "D'acord. Durant aquest mes ja tenim moltes reserves, per aquest motiu la nostra oferta ja no és molt variada. Ara mateix tenim el Fiat 500 Cabrio, Peugeot 308, VW Golf i Citroën Berlingo.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7aba7d89-7671-4271-aae9-d9577abb6539", + "text": "d'acord. i per al 25 i 26 de desembre el peugeot 308 estaria disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "25", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "26 de desembre", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf73418e-a2aa-4afa-bd66-ce6039296108", + "text": "Sí, aquest encara està disponible. La tarifa és de 25 € al dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dce00cb1-8eb6-4bdd-b87c-bcafee9d469b", + "text": "doncs vull fer una resva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "16a45a0f-747a-4312-a477-83e8bfc49ca6", + "text": "Entesos. Em pots dir el teu nom i cognoms i el DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7226786-4a2b-43f4-beed-33bc294f2d4d", + "text": "sí, em dic Marc Cuscó i el meu DNI és 77665876", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Cuscó", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77665876", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "002b4b46-b0b9-4a28-847e-73ba7b21b94a", + "text": "D'acord, Marc. Em pots dir també la lletra del DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6853ddc0-7d7b-40c3-bd37-f3533ca397c4", + "text": "és la R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "R", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bac21497-84a8-4fba-afeb-9385b67e1958", + "text": "D'acord. Vols fer el pagament ara?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c75e47f-c47e-4130-8967-f586183cfb07", + "text": "si, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "85cc36ef-ae80-4ade-a084-a9d04ee45457", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessito el número de la teva targeta i la data de caducitat, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53434c41-4b42-4849-9830-581a449b7b45", + "text": "sí, la targeta és 4456 5567 4432 4456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4456 5567 4432 4456", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9691fe01-756d-447c-8d4d-97283a01f561", + "text": "D'acord. Quina caducitat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16d67c97-87fe-465e-8754-ebc578bb83e7", + "text": "és el 20/22", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "20/22", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "528ef54d-70a4-4fa0-98f3-c659736c14cd", + "text": "perdo, 12/22", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "12/22", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6634d515-06b4-4676-b789-7d7401a9288f", + "text": "D'acord, Marc. Quin és el teu correu electrònic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee5e25f2-8417-47f9-a321-f254dcb169e5", + "text": "és marc.cusco89@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marc.cusco89@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac9df355-134b-4a04-9a3c-19d6519352cc", + "text": "Entesos. Ara t'arribarà un correu amb la confirmació del pagament i tota la informació de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61036f65-e30e-445d-a902-f2a9d71d6282", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1da296b7-f040-41cb-b571-560cc9f5989f", + "text": "no, ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "38124dd6-f963-4a8b-998f-530ebf58a254", + "text": "gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4c29a6a-108b-4c5d-9230-cccae8e86cc5", + "text": "D'acord, adeu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7b4840e-7d4b-4cb3-ac1a-e32c4f6e29db", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35e685b4-4190-485d-90d2-92533e7bbe17", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2f26c52b-2d57-48e5-ba4d-0d2bf7135c3c", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "888d345e-97b0-47ac-835c-5f491d6ec7ed", + "text": "Hola, voldria saber si teniu oficina a Andorra", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Andorra", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ce525a1-1e82-409a-a09e-2b10ab84820c", + "text": "Sí, tenim una oficina a Andorra la Vella i una altra a Canillo", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b946497-b6f4-4a43-8b8b-bb4940927c4a", + "text": "i quin horari te el de andorra la vella?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "andorra la vella", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08f59a5d-95d8-4f71-98ec-7fa192a86483", + "text": "L'horari d'aquesta oficina és de dilluns a dissabte de 09:00 a 21:00 hores i els diumenges de 09:00 a 15:00 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f687b88a-68fd-4c02-972a-f76cc7b1893a", + "text": "d'acord. i es pot fer reserva de lloguer directament alla?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b1a05f8-3185-4973-b93a-97fca4fc04db", + "text": "Sí, no hi ha cap problema. En les nostres oficines pot realitzar qualsevol tràmit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b023702-bf91-4870-a00f-a8e463ce5bfe", + "text": "d'acord, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3988303b-b6cf-4058-b242-c240f7eb0b71", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bcb892f-7b40-4160-8d5e-91a0486d6459", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "102a34df-9e55-45bd-8a44-dd68b6612845", + "text": "D'acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e43acca5-18d7-47b4-9814-8fd6d4dda12f", + "text": "bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef73bce0-7d3e-494d-b301-c5a49b185b20", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "899f3094-f5a6-4d57-a46b-fa7b79e143c6", + "text": "Hola! En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfa38812-f50f-4181-a03c-3eeb870409d1", + "text": "bon dia, he tingut un accident amb el cotxe de lloguer i vull saber què inclou l'asseguransa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29720ca4-9b4a-4c6d-af5f-5aa72c7ce420", + "text": "Entesos. Em pots dir quin és el número de la teva reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cacbe58d-e1c5-4823-b5da-7d777f8d2e9a", + "text": "si, era la 4455RE", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "4455RE", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "418721ca-e59c-4935-b4fc-ab9cf9bb0309", + "text": "D'acord. És una reserva a nom d'Elena Rodríguez, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3e54d74-4fd3-467a-96ea-2da3d5ae708b", + "text": "sí, c orrecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1766571-5d45-4fcd-bd7f-c498e3324078", + "text": "Entesos, Elena. L'assegurança que vas contractar és la més bàsica. Aquesta inclou assistència, la grua podrà passar a recollir el vehicle. Hauràs de trucar al 93456789 i avisar-los.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23397a65-c2ed-490a-93e4-2502522e3100", + "text": "d'acord doncs truco ara . gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "74a48888-b362-413b-8a77-a186bf8825eb", + "text": "De res. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c9c4a23-0af6-43b8-a84f-9cf064313b8f", + "text": "no jaestaria tot gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "353cd79b-0dd8-41ef-90cf-b31ed71811b8", + "text": "Entesos, que acabis de passar un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a18a1540-890b-4658-8dc4-07b3fec26a2d", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71d6a6fb-0b06-4ad6-8fbe-5763c24c46c7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "93656b8e-65f6-42f7-afbe-56552d211d7c", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "304306eb-ee70-4af7-982f-e7a75b45e6db", + "text": "m'han dit que teniu la opció de llogar autocaravanes. és cert?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "autocaravanes", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b92d614-86e2-4e8b-89a3-f119b326ef8b", + "text": "És correcte. En tenim dues disponibles ara mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bde6a15a-faaf-41bf-8811-91fdd61d5e19", + "text": "podria llogar una del 6 al 8 de desembre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "8 de desembre", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a47e303a-0ca6-4d36-bf3a-e93db0295bf4", + "text": "D'acord. Li explico quines opcions tenim. Per una banda, tenim l'autocaravana Hünxe, que té una capacitat per a 4 persones i la tarifa és de 99 € al dia. Per una altra banda, tenim una furgoneta Camper Mérignac, amb la mateixa capacitat, i té un preu de 56 € per dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "944a0827-d1ab-4330-b4a7-c6e5fb3af672", + "text": "doncs la de 56 ja em va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "56", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f53b3840-b60a-472f-8c95-32670ab6a4f7", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara necessito per fer la reserva el seu nom complet i el DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "855e8992-52a6-45ba-85cb-cf696776a2a9", + "text": "em dic Ricard Capdevila, el meu DNI és 77654321B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ricard", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Capdevila", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654321B", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "226a7435-64cd-4692-b64c-328e65a42be8", + "text": "Entesos, Ricard. Vols fer el pagament ara o prefereixes abonar-ho directament en les nostres oficines?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5a702a1-c3ce-4591-bdf7-af324dde2754", + "text": "teniu oficina a Girona?¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d1c91a0-70d9-48fa-9848-ffef24a42e6c", + "text": "Sí, al carrer del Vi, 7 trobarà la nostra oficina.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1e720aa-885d-4553-a93b-b3452c4af34e", + "text": "d'acord. doncs ja fare alla el pagament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pagament", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a46811f-6382-4ee3-8104-c6e4c4b7e009", + "text": "Entesos. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7dbf3ccc-ce09-4472-bbaf-f314809b587f", + "text": "veneu menjar a domicili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fe92c275-4876-46df-a868-0c0c914d063b", + "text": "En aquest cas no el puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa0b4dd0-d0b7-468a-a880-08b142711b33", + "text": "pero jo vull menjar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3358acfa-40c7-48f2-978e-ef736b64113a", + "text": "Ho sento, no el puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4402c7ee-ba11-416c-b9a4-ad66b2036bac", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4215f0e-03cb-4138-9e44-5657494fb705", + "text": "merda de bot. adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f997d3ac-643b-4982-999d-67e8dd232dd7", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7f1ab0b-e8cc-4117-8a6c-b071ae589ae5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fc0844ab-65c6-4398-97b1-1bb407585840", + "text": "Hola, què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8055c9b4-abe2-417c-93aa-9aa56be5be3c", + "text": "hola, vull saber si tinc una reserva feta , norecordo lesdates ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dates", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82e2ec8e-1fe3-4869-886f-26d909478d56", + "text": "Entesos, em pots dir el teu nom i cognoms i el DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cd9cf6b-da8d-433c-9f6c-0becbd003a82", + "text": "em dic Martí Canals. El me ucarnet és 77654345E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Canals", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654345E", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb53a4b8-1e75-4f4c-9122-39ab1290a5d0", + "text": "Entesos, Martí. Sí, aquí ens apareix una reserva que vas fer la setmana passada d'un Renault Kangoo entre el 6 i el 9 de desembre. També vas indicar que recolliries el vehicle a la nostra oficina de Figueres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d93cceb6-0093-4855-845e-9111f2c7adc1", + "text": "Sí, es pot recollir en una altra oficina?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "una altra oficina", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a4fa867-839e-4249-9cd4-6f8db7fa345c", + "text": "Hauria de comprovar la disponibilitat. En quina oficina el voldries recollir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61e1bb30-4463-487c-beaf-0b3f5633099b", + "text": "en la de Lleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e74f63bf-1d34-4ecd-b273-930dd1833e32", + "text": "Entesos. Em sap greu, però no seria possible. En aquesta oficina no està disponible aquest model.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8210d038-c46c-405a-a570-0aa5cd6f2f4a", + "text": "vaja, i quin model hi hauria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "model", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42f88e46-bb8f-4b3d-93a1-11048bcfd6ad", + "text": "Hi ha un vehicle semblant, Citroën Space Tourer, però el preu és més elevat. La tarifa passaria de 180 a 200 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fefb734-695c-400f-8976-ce4780e66f82", + "text": "ok, cap problema. doncsfem el canvi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "73299bb7-265f-40b2-a4fb-f63ff865f0e6", + "text": "Entesos. Ja he confirmat el canvi. Ara t'arribarà al mòbil que ens vas donar un SMS amb la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fca276f-21fe-42af-961f-dd4e2cd81884", + "text": "d'acord, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96b5d0b3-f2e8-47d2-889b-beb845425504", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3f0a537-f85f-4103-a108-3f189dbb9d3a", + "text": "no ja esta tot gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8386b894-ce73-45b2-9b89-79bc9657b8a1", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "706ef7bd-f6aa-4843-bdd7-a211c4ab6be9", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4948c958-b277-4d5a-aa99-613ccb0d9496", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f44690d2-c039-4484-8a30-a144bcb95dde", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fee2ab12-9671-40ba-9953-f91cc890b428", + "text": "hola, si mira vaig llogar un cotxe fadues setmanes pero m'agradaria que emfessiu arribar una factura amb cif d'empresa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cif d'empresa", + "Start_char": 105, + "End_char": 118 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "439b916c-6355-41eb-8d85-986d0ad1444a", + "text": "Entesos. Em pot indicar primer de tot la referència de la reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63bdac9a-90b1-4d02-bc0d-ec3ba8bdaa3d", + "text": "si es aquesta: RR444FM", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "RR444FM", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21c79138-3e2f-42c9-922d-79f8e7330668", + "text": "D'acord, es tracta d'una reserva a nom de Jordi Torres, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b5b1490-19dc-4f4e-b605-9c104c5818e4", + "text": "si es aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "130f15f0-7a4e-4464-b260-40968c6f8eb8", + "text": "Entesos. Ara necessito les dades de l'empresa, el nom i el CIF, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c373e20c-7fc6-4b2c-bb83-2207a403c104", + "text": "sí, em dic Joan Costa i el cif es B77687939", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Costa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "B77687939", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3601c249-f6a8-48a9-bb1f-5318a0bdf66a", + "text": "Necessito també l'adreça, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e7a5a6c-8ceb-426f-bb3d-8f2fdf876676", + "text": "sí, carrer Martorell, 34, 2n-2a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Martorell, 34, 2n-2a", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d85cdaa-0758-4c45-94ce-9cdbf156d35e", + "text": "Entesos. On vol que enviem aquesta factura? A aquesta mateixa adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80c6406c-9900-494d-86c0-4e3d29891908", + "text": "sí aqui va be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cc2482fe-e5e1-402f-b85e-f6cfd1161671", + "text": "Entesos, li arribarà en 3 dies laborables com a màxim.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da683994-6d0d-4f2d-8665-72276bd7e6eb", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da1f4658-81bf-4805-9b4c-d728e0449a15", + "text": "no ja estaria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35389e04-47ea-499c-b279-6fe93bef4557", + "text": "Entesos, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a03635ff-018f-426a-b43f-e1bb546dae62", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a73fddb-948b-46eb-a882-d5abee0d72a3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a04453e0-855e-4b42-bc6b-e483641d1e5b", + "text": "Bon dia. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d799ce51-bbf7-4340-98dc-6a74aeec4faf", + "text": "Bon dia, era per afegir un canvi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4df1691f-6655-42c7-9fac-904dcc452e64", + "text": "D'acord, em pots dir quin és el número de la teva reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e54839c3-483f-4675-96ca-da85a0e40a1e", + "text": "es el numero 33RE2", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "33RE2", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60d2fd6c-77ff-45f6-a570-095d65ab8fa2", + "text": "Entesos. És una reserva a nom de Pere Prats i el vehicle és un Opel Corsa. I l'has reservat entre els dies 6 i 10 de desembre, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a0a3c95-c31f-4307-9886-dfa260e0a5a5", + "text": "si, es aquesta reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec3ff12e-afeb-477c-bb3c-a131563ffe03", + "text": "D'acord. Quin canvi voldries fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47f25507-be7b-4379-8d38-1353677ec4cc", + "text": "al final hi anirem 2 persones nomes. No se si varia el preu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5720e76c-8c4a-474c-8fe3-71fb0dfaf24f", + "text": "En aquest cas el preu no variarà, ja que només tu ets el conductor principal, el nombre de persones que viatgen amb tu no modifiquen la tarifa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5dda3157-3e7c-44c2-a9b4-6416a8d67e3b", + "text": "d,acord. doncs fem aquest canci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "25faf209-5905-48d4-a6fc-c09e720fead5", + "text": "canvi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d2f11910-6a70-47da-b888-e970208a1ff6", + "text": "Entesos, canvio el nombre de viatgers.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9020fa49-a731-4264-9e9b-d3010976a127", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16b049a4-e8cc-4e5a-a397-d1f4be9b76cf", + "text": "molt be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e97838e-8422-4563-8116-1f8257a7e5ba", + "text": "si, em pots mirar si hi ha farmacies a Valencia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1837841-ea3a-4f13-acc7-53075c2deeee", + "text": "Ho sento, no puc ajudar-te amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73ca470d-371d-42cf-a30a-7125ba19f9fd", + "text": "entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7e70fb2e-323f-4301-8a34-b07cf8cc30e1", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b72bb079-0f5a-4e50-af47-342882719ede", + "text": "no, res mes. bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1b1c4a29-41a0-4200-99b3-0cdece610d2b", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "210b7d31-21b6-4d11-aeda-8935e84578df", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a4d3a709-4ead-4413-844e-f2f0502e84ba", + "text": "Hola, què podem fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b268c9e1-e5df-42b8-ac20-3444ff66c9d1", + "text": "m,agradaria saber si teniu servei de gps per incorporar a una reserva que vaig fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "gps", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "097ca2c2-7c7e-4443-943c-8ccebc4a501b", + "text": "Entesos, primer haurem de comprovar el model. Em pot indicar quina és la referència de la seva reserva, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7af9b08-0b25-477d-a5ca-d5a13252573d", + "text": "es aqeusta: ERW33Ds", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "ERW33Ds", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6411f209-f6e7-4011-b45b-54d1af43875a", + "text": "ERW33DS perdo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "ERW33DS", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1d1f5fd-40ed-4691-88eb-cdb3d45f1595", + "text": "Disculpi, no tenim cap reserva amb aquesta referència. Podria indicar-me el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77ffcc5d-24d6-43c8-83c6-86c4bca84589", + "text": "Es 77123456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77123456", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ca577c1-99fc-4d14-b3df-40e2c5769d71", + "text": "Necessito també la lletra, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9671421c-12ff-46e6-a506-2090e63f5d65", + "text": "Ai si, es la E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "E", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85a041d2-e06d-4721-8bbb-54a1b4d05581", + "text": "D'acord. És una reserva a nom de Biel Pla, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f423a1f7-3432-4d10-a23c-afd6f0d0adeb", + "text": "es aquesta si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fcbf3416-3a0d-458c-8348-2845a3d5b1bc", + "text": "D'acord. Es tracta d'un VW Golf Automàtic, en aquest cas, el servei de GPS és possible integrar-lo i té una tarifa de 10 € al dia. Vol que ho incorporem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b486d15-17eb-4635-bd5b-df1e76e4e176", + "text": "si, siusplau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ce4dfaf4-4a5b-4a55-98c5-bfc18b9dc4fe", + "text": "D'acord, fem el càrrec en la targeta amb què va fer la reserva, d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1044dd3-cbea-4813-9340-8479b59a065c", + "text": "si, cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60071908-01d5-4824-9235-732a7272da2d", + "text": "D'acord, fem el càrrec.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b8fa2f3-5358-463b-af27-c0300ff3c863", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7996ec0f-fba7-4e1e-ab9c-f2aba4c1e972", + "text": "d,acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "352d42db-38d6-4aed-b3ee-b543f6f3b787", + "text": "no, aixo es tot. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9355b1c6-8dd8-461e-9ad3-8ac79146d241", + "text": "Entesos, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21b7b161-083c-4478-a145-17e1dcc5d370", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2a4d856-ab59-4002-9ecd-b88bad154d47", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f9a94a87-66a0-413a-8b12-8c3db7469416", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què et podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3268e8fc-4ab8-4d8f-9b38-f8aefde4fc16", + "text": "ei vaog fer reserva d'un opel astra i quan vaig anar a buscar-lo no el tenien i em van haver de donar un altre model. no em va semblar correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "opel astra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no el tenien i em van haver de donar un altre model", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14b8ae76-255b-49b2-9dc2-46adf20fe320", + "text": "Entenc la situació. En primer lloc, et demanem disculpes en nom de tota la companyia. Avisaré el departament corresponent perquè ho tinguin en compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44e4290f-b70c-4487-a0ea-2903fe54c2a6", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd59fbb1-9d0b-4b80-88b9-a27bd67a1620", + "text": "es que clar ens van donar un model mes petit i anavem una mica massa apretars", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2ca4d81-fbe2-43f3-a77d-96c82316cad3", + "text": "apretats", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a871db6-21f0-43cc-a723-cb1ff89a6891", + "text": "Ho entenc, si ho prefereixes et puc posar en contacte amb el departament d'Atenció al Client perquè puguis formalitzar la queixa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28555ea0-3b84-4a0a-b69e-e78a9c6b05a2", + "text": "si tambe. tu comenta,ho i dona,m a mes el telwfon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "37a52395-0b05-4397-a8c6-95e21cc22875", + "text": "Entesos. El telèfon del departament d'Atenció al Client és 93452678 i el seu horari és de 10:00 a 20:00 hores. Allí t'atendran i analitzaran el teu cas.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "081376f8-82ed-4c4c-85fb-978db61c8b35", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3de01fa-4e35-4ba2-aff2-f7b0963659f0", + "text": "De nou, et demano disculpes. Et podem ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1faee81b-3802-4fe7-aa73-fac126b4dda9", + "text": "si, o ln puc treure diners aqui a Vic?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "152c83bf-b106-455f-b495-85ec14fa1c10", + "text": "Disculpa, en aquest cas no et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac30462e-924c-4b24-ba7e-24d7af86a397", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36a85272-8b76-4eb7-8247-85277b4a4349", + "text": "jolin, aquestes maquinotes no serveixen per a res! apa adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98eb5ce6-a2c5-4a22-adab-9b733d05767a", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21b1aa42-6d8e-4c1c-baf2-587c7c4c2b2d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "789a2475-22c0-43f8-83ae-3411760ed7f6", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99657894-b7a9-46b7-b554-a5d4d3f966cc", + "text": "Voldria fer el pagament d'una reserva que vaig fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d2c00d8e-730c-45ba-9fe9-8248f52054bd", + "text": "Entesos. Em pot dir el número de la seva reserva i el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36bd4b4f-d378-470d-9338-36834ccff6a3", + "text": "la reserva es RE34D i el carnet es 77221432E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "RE34D", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77221432E", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50eccb1a-eb74-42b7-bd35-89a3f33ab1d4", + "text": "D'acord. És una reserva d'un Audi A1 entre els dies 10 i 15 de desembre, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0a8818a-208f-4a04-940c-5d51d6dec73f", + "text": "si, es correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "78e42e84-d688-4177-adcc-7b06fcf84c7c", + "text": "D'acord. Voldrà incloure servei de GPS o alguna assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "228e90e8-a265-4a3b-b14b-36e892d506c6", + "text": "assegurança, ve alguna per defecte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "assegurança", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06c2d850-6475-4520-9268-d8a9b6f516ae", + "text": "La tarifa del vehicle inclou per defecte l'assegurança més bàsica, que inclou assistència en carretera.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73c2453d-739c-413e-a6d0-a66ea8a05f0f", + "text": "valex ja em va be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e6f05b1d-6f5f-4037-83b0-43fb05f08011", + "text": "Entesos, el preu total de la seva reserva és de 250 €. Per fer el pagament necessito el número de la targeta, el titular de la targeta i la data de caducitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aaea02fc-ace3-4c2e-bb1b-b64a7b0dcbb8", + "text": "vale. la targeta es 4465 3345 4454 3345", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4465 3345 4454 3345", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77c5c62e-6a2a-4102-8db6-eaf78f057fbb", + "text": "La caducitat es 11/23", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "11/23", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae3f90a4-b087-4828-a6c4-a2ca4ffed6b5", + "text": "D'acord, em podria dir també el nom del titular, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07e66aea-e7e3-4aff-8f47-08e025f7aedb", + "text": "ai si, es Monica Ribas Noguera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Monica", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ribas", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Noguera", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffd29c51-1140-4b78-868a-7f7e38e4785f", + "text": "Molt bé. Ja s'ha fet el càrrec. L'adreça de correu que ens va facilitar és monicarino@gmail.com, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b866fad-e7af-458e-bba8-8cd9a7b4f704", + "text": "si es aquesta. emvieu factura aqui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "factura", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36039220-f9cb-4b6d-9c3b-83dbcdb1ea29", + "text": "Entesos. Li enviarem ara la confirmació del pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70ce9bab-f23f-4d32-8df5-9d68d5daa1e3", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "185f4088-acc6-4dbd-b254-869e68a23fdd", + "text": "mo, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c3e8fea7-36e1-4bd2-80ec-430a4a10cb14", + "text": "D'acord. Adeu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "afa8c80b-2514-41f1-8f9a-738bd27424bb", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d232edff-d75d-4264-8473-b9ee63b132ca", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0bd686d1-a962-425d-a5d2-7039c588bfb9", + "text": "Bona tarda. Digues-me com et podem ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32ee2047-6f90-40bf-9286-ad04a467f196", + "text": "cancel˙lar una reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47ab154c-8612-470b-a565-07e3b4eeb690", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el teu nom i el correu electrònic que vas usar en fer la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c7da476-0028-42cb-919c-ca5d74266ff0", + "text": "em dic Mateu Saldanya", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Saldanya", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ddd338f-dac8-4a5a-9d7e-f83dbae8e4c8", + "text": "El correu es saldanya.ma88@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "saldanya.ma88@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1c66475-fb8b-4cef-bc19-a197edc34953", + "text": "Entesos, Mateu. Vas fer la reserva d'un Audi TT Automàtic entre els dies 10 i 13 de desembre i l'oficina en què vas indicar que l'anaves a recollir és la de Tarragona. Són correctes aquestes dades?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ea19fc7-1504-45c3-ba50-63dbb672c1d7", + "text": "Sí, aixo es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c33bed46-ef6f-4ab4-9de6-b3674f68e9fd", + "text": "Entesos. No vas fer el pagament, per aquest motiu, no hem de fer la devolució de l'import. Ara t'arribarà un correu amb la confirmació de la cancel·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e40e695-1807-465c-9f3f-1dc6ea2b3f92", + "text": "d,acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f01dd3e0-ff3e-4aeb-b85c-884a4353b59d", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1441c0b3-c7bf-45cc-9f1e-6bfee7e5feeb", + "text": "a quina hora plegued avui, bot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "a quina hora plegued avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d70a7beb-d431-4d12-bedf-f1a402a2b847", + "text": "plegues", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "plegues", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c3f49a1-39cd-4160-8426-6a656602bbfb", + "text": "El nostre horari és ininterromput entre les 09:00 i les 20:00 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d04dd324-9dd3-4c03-9465-edcb5124c024", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6398e5a1-4f8f-4b51-8135-8b1e8eecc3a9", + "text": "d,acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a89d35ad-5544-4aaa-86bf-43529b864b12", + "text": "i quin temps fara dema?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "511c0d75-b7bb-42b4-acdc-f3e0478050c8", + "text": "Disculpa, no et puc ajudar amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fd7d1e8-0b14-4a5c-87ab-b416c04c1e2d", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb5b81ae-318f-410f-874a-6c7af1d2ecd0", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f56fb63c-62af-4d8f-8d74-f41937522657", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b787c0c4-83fb-4dde-a860-9129ec9ed041", + "text": "Entesos, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7ef54c8-b326-4d01-b946-d00a26263905", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c184b039-5ea7-4802-81f8-23e0e5447659", + "text": "Bon dia. Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0872912c-7329-47d3-883e-5280c24352bf", + "text": "Necessito saber si encara teniu l,oferta especial de descompte. 25 per cent al llogar vehicle familiar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta especial de descompte. 25 per cent al", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vehicle familiar", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10249dd1-3d94-4b1d-a4b9-c47bdb9e727d", + "text": "Sí, aquesta oferta està activa per a les reserves que es realitzin entre el 29 de novembre i el 6 de desembre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56af6e14-d7a9-4a25-853b-0584743b81e2", + "text": "ahgenial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b24dd9c3-d840-4613-92af-0abe794a76bb", + "text": "puc fer reserva doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a8b2672-3bbe-4a2a-b861-1cb2b96fd5dc", + "text": "Sí, quin model li agradaria reservar i per quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d723c86-6551-41f7-8974-09385715252e", + "text": "si vull llogar l'Honda CRV que teniu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Honda CRV", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d57a8ee-2fa2-4665-a86d-6768cf7a7114", + "text": "les dates serien del 3 al 6", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "3", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22f0df98-5477-4427-8fbb-25228e99ac06", + "text": "Entesos. D'aquest mes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc426def-29ed-438b-82fd-115c4e50a591", + "text": "si si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ff4729fc-eab0-4c45-bb8f-c90bfdf430cd", + "text": "D'acord. Em sap greu, però aquest model ja no està disponible. Puc oferir-li el Peugeot 5008, que té una capacitat i un preu semblants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f0c41193-71ae-4182-84ec-508de0ac1d2d", + "text": "mmm.... i teniu algun model mes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "algun model mes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed27ef1f-197b-4438-8d07-a358131d4c33", + "text": "Tenim també un BMW X1, però el preu ja és un poc més elevat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d499800a-668e-4ed7-9865-4b41db5feace", + "text": "quabt costa cadascun per dia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per dia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e059bf0c-b217-4fcf-b16a-1fc8f6560358", + "text": "La tarifa del model Peugeot 5008 és de 40 € al dia i la del BMW X1 és de 65 € al dia. Aquestes tarifes ja inclouen el descompte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "793f38d5-ccac-4b31-bf73-18a7cf88b107", + "text": "entesos. doncs el peugeot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "peugeot", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2edb2b29-8c57-476f-8381-785adce43a1d", + "text": "D'acord. Per fer la reserva necessito el seu nom i el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8dcaed6c-d57e-48d6-b011-59ed6909face", + "text": "em dic Laia Mirallet el carnet es 7712277", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mirallet", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "7712277", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4858695c-9357-4298-a1d4-5686d934ffe6", + "text": "Entesos, Laia. Em podria dir el seu DNI complet, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26587e1b-653e-49c3-a962-dbafe952d73d", + "text": "ai perdo, es 77122775", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77122775", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8e93490-0abe-47aa-8ddf-ed358146271d", + "text": "la lletra es E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "E", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2505eb46-89ab-41fc-bebb-096fd486b2d2", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. Vol fer el pagament ara o a la nostra oficina?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b13a3abf-e9bd-4515-aaf4-9e37449aea6b", + "text": "teniu oficina a Alacant?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Alacant", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3b07745-fe97-4249-8115-0876f6bb6068", + "text": "Sí, és al carrer Clavero, 23.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fa0179d-7121-4033-a22d-cd02c7246a2e", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "444cebf8-69b0-4df4-8d82-e46e221fac2a", + "text": "doncs a l'oficina ja pago", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a l'oficina", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52f8e0e0-9bcc-42fc-85be-5f27948070d9", + "text": "Entesos. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc295e43-e1dc-483e-a49e-f034b3fc0959", + "text": "ja estaria tot. gracies per l,ajuda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ac97aaa4-d1d9-4bc0-9923-b89474b342d3", + "text": "De res, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b0f4e29-1644-4be2-9d87-d3036ae4d699", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "46a6c87d-30ea-4176-9e80-bd219058dff4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ea492f32-39b3-444a-9672-31d89f82ff39", + "text": "Hola. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "215dd510-c4be-48a2-a1fd-7c96ac3f785b", + "text": "Bon dia. Vull saber quines oficines teniu a Tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16661ecb-9e23-4d99-9867-9d9f67d0d73c", + "text": "A Tarragona tenim dues oficines, una al carrer del Pare Agustí, 8 i una altra al carrer de Torroja 89.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd810c2f-1fdc-43d9-af9d-5d60e135edfd", + "text": "i quin horari te la del carrer torroja 89?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer torroja 89", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "689ae2d8-e83b-4ac0-b954-d80379deae22", + "text": "L'horari d'aquesta oficina és de 09:00 a 14:00 i de 16:00 a 21:00.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5217cb9a-babe-4247-884c-38263ba99aa9", + "text": "entesos. i alla puc fer reserva¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "reserva", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e64049b-fa14-4cbb-b9b9-f26a5747554f", + "text": "Sí, pots trucar o anar a l'oficina directament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e851751-cbf7-40f7-b3f8-e51397f5bbf3", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d60271cc-8c3c-4cd0-8a36-cea8fcf8f4ae", + "text": "El seu telèfon és 98675432 i t'atendran en el mateix horari comercial que té l'oficina.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11ab6f12-ae64-491c-bd0c-c44d6ed19b64", + "text": "ah fantastic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c43ab9c-f5be-48ec-85e2-7328b2af7318", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "233165fd-641a-4339-9962-7b35e457a108", + "text": "ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a71f841e-ac8d-4ba1-894e-a56362776c6b", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "823c97d6-0cc0-4fb4-9388-9c269094c60d", + "text": "gracies, boti. bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81caea53-2b6a-4603-a3e4-80ac809b00cf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8e5a27b8-ca2c-49a3-a35e-cb773dbd9052", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què podem fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ba5e761-b7c5-4cf6-91cb-882825977719", + "text": "hola, si vaig fer una reserva per al proper 6 de desembre. pero no se si podrem anar-hi. s'ha de pagar algun import si es cancel·la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "6 de desembre", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cancel·la", + "Start_char": 122, + "End_char": 131 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4877e76b-928c-4e1f-b3bb-9b53bfaef22f", + "text": "Si fas la cancel·lació amb 48 hores d'antelació com a mínim no es cobra cap recàrrec.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01468ee8-bedf-4897-bf07-e03f76b03e86", + "text": "ok. doncs dema segur et dic si cancel·lo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9a4e3f3-f83a-4177-9828-96a05ca6d579", + "text": "Entesos. Per realitzar aquest tràmit, pots posar-te en contacte amb nosaltres o trucar a l’oficina on anaves a recollir el vehicle.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66b9e642-bc7f-4c64-82ca-4be1e5eaf374", + "text": "perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "afbd7729-1cd4-4d2d-9ff0-8baf4ba7f879", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5b9a1d3-8039-4e10-b1bd-9d89c97dda3b", + "text": "no ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2c8d6a89-6202-4e8b-824d-be1754b2edbc", + "text": "Entesos, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de0dba15-0008-4710-8aff-2de89688dcd5", + "text": "bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cbe19024-77b1-4042-9d71-e43ee8e144e2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "44d1810b-1db8-44ef-bdc4-5dcfcc656061", + "text": "Bon dia! Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7b3006c-e58d-4e28-87f3-e6451fec678b", + "text": "Bon dia! em van avisar dient que la targeta que vaig donar per fer pagament donava error. era per donar una altra", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5353d5b3-472a-4d77-9b4a-3baff0e366d6", + "text": "Entesos. Necessitaré el número de la reserva, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d11a7ef-01d8-4fc0-8ff1-584cd62710fa", + "text": "el numero es 44RET3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "44RET3", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "695aa9e3-4e9b-4af7-813b-d9a16f42176e", + "text": "D'acord. És vostè el senyor Joan Marí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "756e55c2-8a78-4739-9775-e2116ecd7517", + "text": "si, soc jo mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "566123d6-9fed-45c3-adf4-fc0de879d207", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'm les dades de la nova targeta si us plau. Necessito el número i la data de caducitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb092428-c847-4606-8109-f159d0633247", + "text": "el meu número es 4465 7765 8876", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4465 7765 8876", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80d1e7fe-8823-42d4-ba7b-d2946ff9940b", + "text": "la caducitat de latargeta nova es 4/24", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "4/24", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1392b1f-4cfa-4c09-a4d7-5628188ce857", + "text": "Em sembla que el número de la targeta està incomplet, és possible?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb012e8c-e3f6-467e-8ccc-36f3b7704934", + "text": "ai disculpa, 4465 7765 8876 4433", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4465 7765 8876 4433", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8858e191-869a-40a6-a251-df1a34c632d5", + "text": "D'acord. És vostè el titular, veritat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fad87b6-bdb2-4bcc-b013-9045a26a35da", + "text": "si soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a11e8121-d8c8-49e6-ba04-5c621ae14fdf", + "text": "Entesos, ara fem el càrrec. Li arribarà un correu de confirmació a l'adreça que ens va facilitar. L'avisaríem en cas que hi hagués cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8313e83-bb5e-4336-b88b-8a6ad36600b8", + "text": "perfecte, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d14b7968-b315-45ed-97d4-4f394590ef91", + "text": "De res. Vol que l'ajudi en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "679d9e65-d0e9-476a-ba17-324d4686f327", + "text": "no, aixo seria tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72f2b0a9-6b35-40d8-8e45-96074d2c8bd1", + "text": "Entesos, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a568fd2-9b56-4805-a9e3-748228155b02", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56e47cfc-0f45-4ce0-9588-ce68d2f7d330", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "65525b72-051b-4439-bb7d-a9b9e0062298", + "text": "Bona tarda. Necessites ajuda en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9c87619-c93d-4e8f-bf2c-ed94bc7916d2", + "text": "voldria saber si la reserva de lloguer que vaig fer per al mes que ve esta activada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "mes que ve", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a87160e-3a3c-4c4e-95ed-6b455a949f2c", + "text": "Entesos, quin és el número de confirmació de la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cc73919-b963-46be-a63b-39cf4a17fd77", + "text": "no, espera, es igual. em pots infromar sobre els preus per llogar un 4x4 aquest cap de setmana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "4x4", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1568786-2372-4f61-a131-61903c0e612f", + "text": "D'acord. Per aquest cap de setmana tenim disponibles un Jaguar F-Pace per 100 € al dia i un Citroën Cactus per 95 € al dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93081af3-fe53-49be-a0eb-1231169ac972", + "text": "d'acord. doncs vull fer reserva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3707a3d8-ccc0-4598-a74e-4c0b636016de", + "text": "Enteses, quin vehicle t'interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21331ec8-1789-48fb-a7f0-b16c33339931", + "text": "el citroen siusplau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "citroen", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc7a7466-ad75-492d-b80d-055916800485", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el nom i el DNI de la persona que fa la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebd52f8b-8bbb-4445-b11e-bd5a54496b95", + "text": "el meu nom és Toni Falcó. el carnet es 77543234R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Falcó", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77543234R", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30a18fe8-bbad-40d6-938a-6d343ed1b197", + "text": "Entesos, Toni. Quin és el teu segon cognom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6eceb484-a68e-419a-9eae-a670a9a1829e", + "text": "Rovira", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Rovira", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebcb08f0-cb50-43c6-a4aa-d582e23f4902", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. El pagament el vols fer ara?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36d7a013-896f-40ec-9bc5-d7c7c06b73f9", + "text": "hi ha oficina a Benicarló?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Benicarló", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70be2a3f-f31c-43cf-9728-4c51675cc14b", + "text": "Sí, la nostra oficina és a la plaça de la Constitució.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95fd0d91-ceef-4806-9bad-e3c6e5faec4c", + "text": "ah perfecte. doncs pagaré allà quan vaig a buscar el cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "allà", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84e32d87-f13a-4bcc-931d-a7769411b19b", + "text": "vagi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6c07ea1-f6fa-41d8-99e7-3759bff3ab02", + "text": "D'acord. Necessites ajuda en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59feba07-5eb1-4535-b510-1c54850db10e", + "text": "no, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0603324-42bb-45cc-ad54-c67da3ab307d", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis una bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b98a3f7d-07d6-4f35-bde9-61873c66b442", + "text": "bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a4a9a78-6d05-4829-8894-f760b83a4878", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4340146f-ee4b-4a04-99f6-64ae768f9cdd", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "563dfa90-4594-4bab-8a7e-e1fa4211e5d6", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d394712-7eb6-465b-bed9-5801cff21c33", + "text": "Vull llogar un cotxe.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa590bf1-dbc3-469d-8168-c5394ccc22dd", + "text": "Molt bé, per quines dates voldria el vehicle?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "755882c3-0bd0-4971-af6d-988999eb3671", + "text": "Voldria el vehicle pel 9-17 de desembre.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "9", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "17 de desembre", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51ee6243-dc70-4e8d-98b4-be59544369e1", + "text": "Perfecte, no es retiri mentre consulto quins vehicles tenim disponibles per aquestes dates.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0df6e91e-4f5f-483b-8ed4-fc80c31a923a", + "text": "Genial.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b7120a10-52f7-4dbf-ad01-e38387ef3823", + "text": "Per aquests dies tenim un Ford Focus, un Daewoo Matiz, i un Citroën Xsara", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aab868a6-0edc-480c-ac6c-de17b71f2fe2", + "text": "Vull el Ford Focus.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Ford Focus", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8a9ff22-be46-44f2-b2ea-22cdbd30ffa6", + "text": "Molt bé. Com vol fer el pagament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "409714d6-fb3f-43c9-837f-895d02140130", + "text": "Vull fer-lo amb targeta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30190b26-4790-4b26-b1f6-bce27dda5f28", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol donar-me el número de la seva targeta, o fer el pagament vostè a www.pepecar.es/coches/reservas?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e314c5ea-630e-4300-92ea-20c533ffa4e5", + "text": "Sí, la meva targeta és 6789 5433 6887 6543", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "6789 5433 6887 6543", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "821d9d6e-ff42-45c6-9727-a86e58d31085", + "text": "D'acord, i la data de caducitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a5ba2be-19b2-4c00-8891-dfa02318ce49", + "text": "04/25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "04/25", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e029c6b-7efa-4931-9227-9500fc1b1f0d", + "text": "I el codi CSS?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cd0729c-f289-42e9-b4b4-eb061533f0e1", + "text": "678", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "678", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ee7c8237-adef-47d9-82dd-49ec201cb5bb", + "text": "Molt bé, ja s'ha efectuat el pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8d457e1-46c7-4541-aef6-5a4aba0b2655", + "text": "A quina ubicació vol passar a buscar el cotxe?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "898be391-c450-47cc-bcc4-efcca7bb6d4d", + "text": "Vull anar a l'oficina del Carrer Mallorca.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Carrer Mallorca", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78123fe6-693d-4d13-94e7-a2ae35e37af2", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs el tindrà allà el dia 9 de Desembre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb92a6e8-5bd1-4a72-89c3-711a7d87b994", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e199a90b-36e4-4e51-84b4-50e777bbfde9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3076c61c-387f-42fd-9c1d-ffcd9a309c71", + "text": "Bon dia, m'han posat una multa amb el cotxe de lloguer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han posat una multa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f38db27-29be-4178-89cf-a2f810063388", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI, nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d285202-dcbc-474f-b0ec-810760880665", + "text": "41325264W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41325264W", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c285cc1-8c9f-4e45-a1f7-1956d1691e00", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b358574f-6bae-4754-a77d-32b4c4841d15", + "text": "Laura Minguell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Minguell", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f10378b-da7b-426f-8a43-e295dee56620", + "text": "Quin es el seu codi de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3bfa0ea-ab92-4dcf-b1af-3128d2b51a17", + "text": "778", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "778", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7521504-de5b-47f1-bfeb-8c0e906f4b11", + "text": "Sembla que la seva reserva té cobertura completa, així que no hi hauria problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58da818d-e46b-4c80-aa16-a7c667d58c6c", + "text": "D'acord! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "718704fb-165d-40f3-b056-071d39265281", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1cd72260-cd8e-423d-a158-c2965a76c38e", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "01f14bcb-7637-4713-af50-cf83f342e17e", + "text": "Bon dia, amb què el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "752df38b-f981-4e8e-b454-efd00a1421e6", + "text": "He llogat un cotxe i vull afegir l'assegurança. Encara es pot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir l'assegurança", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91f4d424-d2e2-4a3d-b003-001bb232013c", + "text": "Si, pot afegir una assegurança fins el dia de recollida del vehicle", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "069a3048-36a9-49d7-8c23-4df7c6989088", + "text": "Quin nivell de cobertura voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6fb27d2-59a4-4ff9-acd0-d2285224b036", + "text": "Voldria la total.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "total", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81fe5ff3-9963-4857-947a-4fa3d4482a4b", + "text": "Molt bé, li sortira per 174 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c46d94b9-ff33-4584-944b-6842c94de1d6", + "text": "D'acord, sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72ffada7-21b4-49e4-b6ed-366953a3625d", + "text": "Molt bé, vol que li cobrem a la seva targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06b30ce9-2362-4b99-b3d8-11efd239aac6", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "24f8865a-af27-404e-8195-3233f851bcad", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja li hem contractat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6825a58-f914-4c39-8a93-a9143350b6e0", + "text": "Genial.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "65315a78-385e-44d4-976a-bf458c737d48", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53441dc2-7f48-4128-8996-cdf9f774ddf5", + "text": "Que tingui molt bon dia, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aba690ef-02a8-4e94-ab47-67a3bdea6568", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "20f5bad6-5b9e-481a-8f7a-850fa3e9fe71", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "595ab53f-f23d-42b0-a876-097691d6f1c8", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f711cd6a-6093-4af0-b602-6889062016ee", + "text": "He llogat un cotxe però algú m'ha ratllat el cotxe aquesta nit. Hauré de pagar res?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "algú m'ha ratllat el cotxe", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f53a8e41-c678-42db-be89-16552633c09c", + "text": "Va contractar alguna assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb79d0ad-df52-4bd6-bf53-e080081c3117", + "text": "Sí, diria que sí però no recordo que cobreix. M'ho pots mirar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que cobreix", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "084ab5fb-ae46-4aa9-a450-ecc14a624c60", + "text": "Cap problema. Em pot dir el seu nom i DNI si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6781f0cb-b194-4468-a6ae-0484ea6c2b84", + "text": "Sí, clar. Rosario García Rodrigo. 56789943F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosario", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Rodrigo", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "56789943F", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3f69cac-f1a8-4070-9665-31246fd509fc", + "text": "Molt bé, veig que va contractar l'assegurança a tot risc, i per tant la ratllada li quedaria coberta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2519023-6af5-4e6c-87cd-0a84f4578608", + "text": "Que bé! I ho notifiqueu vosaltres mateixos o jo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b74ac997-da98-43c1-8e9a-f7509bf2db87", + "text": "Quan retorni el cotxe, farem els tràmits necessaris respecte l'aplicació de l'assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "beac5035-9228-4cfa-9ec6-982b3d453145", + "text": "I necessiteu res més per poder fer els tràmits?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1800c96a-e415-446c-924e-ae3154bc779a", + "text": "No, res més ara mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c02988a7-e417-43dd-a85f-bf42b81e3a44", + "text": "Genial. Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ecc017b6-3bd8-4387-b8fe-a0c27c721019", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "642c7cf5-11b7-4a21-94d6-1c4d0fe59cc4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2a0651aa-8ece-4ca8-a984-92621d610dc9", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "75904f88-7ef4-498b-8772-18fee6302eb4", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93a156ea-3293-451f-ab1c-ca99d3b51f40", + "text": "Anul·lar reserva de vehicle.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1da11ab3-bc80-4a5f-90f8-9f9d29b8b09f", + "text": "Desitja anul·lar la reserva d'un vehicle, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b42806b5-5701-4ab5-a267-da6c2bf62b82", + "text": "Sí, això mateix.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1ccf28c0-8347-4f30-bc8e-13026a1be73f", + "text": "Per quines dates havia fet la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca32cb09-141f-47d4-bc31-afd7ab66a89e", + "text": "Pel 2-15 de gener. Al final no necessito el cotxe.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "15 de gener", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "Al final no necessito el cotxe", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c18ad413-895c-4982-911b-9471a88f4b74", + "text": "D'acord. Hi ha una petita penalització de 25 euros per a reserves cancel·lades amb menys d'un més d'antelació. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfa8b066-4795-4422-a87b-184e4fb46860", + "text": "25 euros? D'acord, vull continuar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23ff0c87-8ae8-401d-8399-0c3393dac788", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'm el seu nom i codi de la reserva si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cada61ce-bb9d-47a5-820a-b951abc4708f", + "text": "Marisol Sánchez García i 556775789", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marisol", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sánchez", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "556775789", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "568bd294-b6c4-42bb-acfd-dcb4a9a1ef89", + "text": "Molt bé. Si em dona la seva adreça de correu electrònic, li enviarem la confirmació de la cancel·lació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd7641d6-bd33-467f-a612-8d379ee67b8a", + "text": "D'acord. msanchez@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "msanchez@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb43a0b6-0912-4c19-9f04-9638c0a02625", + "text": "Molt bé, ja s'ha cancel·lat la seva reserva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dea6efef-8668-4236-819d-34c1ade0d37e", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "106e4f2f-3884-4d34-a52b-bdabfaef8e2e", + "text": "Perfecte. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "58d0b57d-97fe-4692-a637-d1ce5f8b5891", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c60a039-f481-47ef-b265-04b775cf52c4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "82278f25-5315-4bdc-999f-e946aca7e485", + "text": "Hola, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d7c8589-ef8f-48fa-8718-8000bc723fed", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70b002d6-acf4-4904-84a3-f03b5cbedf79", + "text": "Vull modificar una reserva d'un vehicle.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "11180989-0e51-4dee-9dd9-1eccddecfde2", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm el seu nom i codi de la reserva si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c35187b3-5af4-412b-b2b9-7a82755a473a", + "text": "El meu nom és Carles Fernández Gómez\nLa reserva és 556778875", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gómez", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "556778875", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f74112a5-993a-45da-bbbf-4aa34a498ded", + "text": "Quins canvis voldria realitzar, Sra. Fernandez?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fdd8aae-21de-4b01-ab53-293d5f6afe01", + "text": "Voldria canviar els dies. En comptes del 9-15 de desembre seria pel 16-20 de desembre.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar els dies", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "16", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "20 de desembre.", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be322c32-0df0-468b-af81-d3b438e84e08", + "text": "D'acord. Deixi'm comprovar la disponibilitat, no es retiri", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f78153d2-0c22-406d-8b6b-19d70d70550a", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a80f148b-802b-4782-97c3-61ddeadde362", + "text": "El cotxe que va sol·licitar no està disponible per aquestes noves dates, però tenim un Seat Ibiza disponible, pel mateix preu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "994bc8b7-7256-459f-9945-19bbe0959b7e", + "text": "Si és pel mateix preu m'interessa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7e0f602d-e418-449a-8ab9-62800f5a0136", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs ja hem realitzat el canvi, pot passar a buscar el cotxe el dia 16 a la mateixa ubicació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29bd0dcb-e890-406a-92b0-0ec8a748a903", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e0a15b3-c2a3-4bdf-8388-371b423fd395", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "33723428-87bc-4f7d-9cef-df8f63702b8f", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f84b1ae-cde3-4c3c-8a18-92c46597d8bb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8d4e6135-42d4-4bb0-9d4a-64447f3405c6", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa268137-23b4-4e05-ba2f-b5e5aeab9e20", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a731f94-ad18-4deb-b91a-7e396fed1884", + "text": "Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8d14568-0319-47ce-81f4-26d66d2d5b4b", + "text": "Voldria llogar un cotxe per una setmana, del 15 al 22 de novembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "15", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "22 de novembre", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7471fb0-eb8a-497e-9b3c-2ac1c5508f6c", + "text": "D'acord, cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b751bdc5-5691-4aaa-b1d6-cc121e658b63", + "text": "Quina mida de cotxe està buscant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04ce3e1e-963f-4477-8764-ae7ee883aa64", + "text": "Un cotxe de 5 places, ja esta bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "5 places", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96e8b67c-ea9e-45da-bdf9-5c643d89bfc0", + "text": "Aleshores vol un cotxe de 5 places del 15 al 22 de novembre?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2bc2e5fb-cba5-4ff6-997e-01de443ca098", + "text": "si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e8615caa-6bbc-449e-aa59-a69313f1e7e6", + "text": "teniu un Ford Focus disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Ford Focus", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4960d6fd-d655-423f-b6f8-71be8ba9809b", + "text": "Tenim un Ford Focus de color gris disponible. Li interessa llogar-lo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18fff045-6196-4cc5-ab49-5746592195f8", + "text": "Si, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "210e76ba-9d10-4f88-8bb3-e5148daef446", + "text": "Quin seria el preu final per una setmana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a63d6f06-353d-4045-926f-a6490cf69234", + "text": "El preu total per una setmana seria 324,50€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d850c5b6-8db0-45dd-8e58-e4bcf7de1d8e", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb55c389-4bba-4c39-b966-116c4e35bcc8", + "text": "Si, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "021c3b6f-8c00-4a2f-afe3-975e81a13a2e", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f08e50f-32c7-415f-8e71-7f4cb38333e2", + "text": "A quina hora recollirà el cotxe?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f26af849-5e1a-4b71-8baf-0f65ad1010a5", + "text": "el puc venir a buscar a l'aeroport?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "venir a buscar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'aeroport", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1aef3f1-069a-4127-a8cd-3c686ceaa1b1", + "text": "a les 12 del migdia si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "12 del migdia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15ba7be4-0c2c-4419-9882-c051440056f0", + "text": "El pot venir a buscar a l'aeroport.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbe19406-b944-4dc3-8e22-38f301d28073", + "text": "A les 12 del migdia vindria a recollir-lo, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62752a6c-1f77-47e5-b912-f693b0adc853", + "text": "Si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a5eccc8c-9163-4ca8-bcda-af6a3f16603c", + "text": "Per fer efectiva la seva reserva enviï un correu a europcar@outlook.es i adjunti el seu permís de conducció. També indiqui el seu nom complet i dades bancàries.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af93edd8-80c2-4c00-9c23-4f65dc8d27f1", + "text": "Acabo d'enviar el correu, tot correcte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "399991a8-1fda-48da-9228-c1ada932bbe2", + "text": "Un agent es posarà en contacte amb vostè el més aviat possible per confirmar la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fb80bd8-4ec1-419b-b987-a1b1de895440", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "89c60743-c467-450e-ac03-0f640cdf5909", + "text": "De res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30a1bc30-350e-47f7-9792-7713f305808c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a9b3f65d-d99e-4747-970d-b254d088ca64", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + } + ], + "transports": [ + { + "id": "8dee1d99-e334-47ee-8c86-c9477d306d09", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 1 #", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "43fcf1ed-8b00-4467-ba87-90fef768487f", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d48baf6f-4691-4031-9587-1246b7d8941b", + "text": "Bon dia, volia saber quina és la millor linia per anar fins a plaça catalunya des de sant cugat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "linia", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "plaça catalunya", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "sant cugat", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "43f02cba-b3d5-4185-874d-804279591f4f", + "text": "Cada 6 minuts surt l'S1 o S2 de l'estació de Sant Cugat a Plaça Catalunya.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "caf7e4fb-4780-4e90-ae79-0c87c55dea8a", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4033039b-5de5-48dc-91ca-288d7d8fb5e4", + "text": "Volia saber també si el S! es pot agafar a l'estació de trens", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "S!", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a l'estació de trens", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef58ddc1-1a20-479c-a113-858bf1c6b123", + "text": "El S1 des de Sant Cugat a Catalunya para a: Valldoreix, La Floresta, Les Planes, Baixador de Vallvidrera, Peu del Funicular, Sarrià, Muntaner, Gràcia i Provença.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac7e1167-5a98-4f7d-950e-f756a11be16a", + "text": "Gràcies! Tot és una zona? sinó l'agafaré a valldoreix que segur que és una zona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "una zona?", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f22f5077-6e5e-41c6-b751-36a2f94dc877", + "text": "Sí, és una zona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e20dc06-5382-40a1-9a60-f2b4506f7bf3", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "37c11465-d5ee-438b-9d73-5bd34c9aed6d", + "text": "En aquest cas, agafaré el tren a Sant Cugat. Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ae3b831-2b5a-4360-971b-7cbe8cc9e270", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d9564f1-c695-4548-9078-f74c68bad49d", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d536f72-95d8-4a90-96d0-d1b23da60dc4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 2 #", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "91b81d67-a52f-4c4a-888e-8ef53cc0e509", + "text": "Bones! He perdut la tarjeta de metro, puc recuperar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "He perdut la tarjeta de metro", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05b10651-95dc-4f88-87c0-c892dd930fca", + "text": "Bon dia. Quin tipus de targeta és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e631eb20-be6f-41b2-9c0c-528157f30d31", + "text": "Era una tjove", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tjove", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6a9105d-fdf5-4ea2-b3b6-07ce5758437b", + "text": "I era personal i tenia el meu dni", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "personal", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dni", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4d7be17-c249-40b0-b893-1dfe87a8d799", + "text": "En aquest cas es pot tramitar un duplicat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a46403b5-7446-452b-b8f1-de3148e94ee3", + "text": "D'acord! Quina inofmració necessiteu? I puc fer el tràmit online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d7ba556e-d709-46a6-a19c-91e54f6e9a6c", + "text": "No, s'hauria d'apropar a una estació de metro amb el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd73cec3-6ae3-4176-9715-50194fe3ca38", + "text": "No cal que porti cap altre document?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "document", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11525b8c-94a3-4efa-ab4d-c984b3969c88", + "text": "No, només el DNI, excepte en el cas de disposar d'algun descompte com el de família nombrosa, que en aquest cas cal portar la targeta de família nombrosa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f13da27d-8a96-44e2-9fe1-fccba51d514c", + "text": "No, no em cal cap d'aquests documents", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1602e703-dd69-42c6-a83a-42c9f36c087f", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per totes les respostes!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "496c4d87-3852-4024-9447-45d6df95cb6e", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7bc1340e-bfbb-42bb-9e3a-16560be4fd38", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 3 #", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cbb03e83-c65e-4459-b46d-ff645bcc970f", + "text": "Volia saber quina tarjeta de metro és millor per mi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarjeta de metro", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "millor per mi", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf626b94-220e-4882-833b-6b0ad562ee56", + "text": "Bon dia. Em podria dir quina és la seva edat, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f65f226-9a96-47ad-a453-b98c0bf85868", + "text": "22 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "22", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f13b34c0-8825-41da-bc50-5ed5760554ed", + "text": "Amb quina freqüència fa servir el transport públic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2512cd7a-376a-47a6-9cc0-04993994bb24", + "text": "Doncs cada dia un parell de vegades mínim", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "cada dia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "un parell de vegades mínim", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62ae5ea7-e045-4c64-8ab8-c7318a416986", + "text": "En base a les característiques proporcionades, la millor opció seria la T-jove.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df7a1afb-8971-4404-ae3f-4e2f5ab2669f", + "text": "Gràcies! La puc comprar a qualsevol estació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a qualsevol estació", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76da2991-176b-42ce-8c5a-7bc0a117129e", + "text": "Sí, a les màquines d'autovenda de les estacions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4a715cb-2eb6-41f7-a137-b67646635361", + "text": "D'acord!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0bd180e8-d4ad-45d0-a623-9610f5d48729", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2dbb64f1-a6d1-4c00-9f5d-497bac3a857f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 4 #", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "00d040ea-1680-4abd-9556-dab305f4d64e", + "text": "Hola, he anat al metro hi he arribat tard a treballar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "metro", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "he arribat tard a treballar", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c3701098-0d20-490a-b2b1-f791a6e145c1", + "text": "Havia una incidència a les 8 am a la l1 i el metro s'ha parat 20 minuts", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "8 am", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "l1", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "el metro s'ha parat 20 minuts", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "330d7bd2-1f94-4fc2-844c-38df59bc825b", + "text": "Hi ha algun document per portar al meu cap per justificar que he arribat tard?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "document", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "al meu cap", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per justificar que he arribat tard", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f4f7f253-745f-48ef-9cec-814b39a28ea4", + "text": "Bona tarda. Per tal de sol·licitar un justificant d'incidència cal que ho faci a través del següent enllaç: https://www.tmb.cat/es/atencion-al-cliente/gestiones/justificantes-incidencias-metro", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60262508-48b1-43bd-9495-6eb5b6a7bd3f", + "text": "Llavors, entro en aquesta pàgina web i ja podré dir que he arribat tard al meu cap?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "arribat tard", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "al meu cap", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96b205cc-5435-442e-b441-f145a86b9ec4", + "text": "I la raó per la que ho he fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "raó", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07c0f36d-9ddd-47cc-8519-7cbd5d47d970", + "text": "El justificant inclou el dia, l'hora i el tram en el que s'ha produït l'incidència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e9d7267-85dc-4086-a49c-860bf9516999", + "text": "Gràcies! amb això serà suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a86dfa35-d4ff-4c2e-b178-37ffff8447b2", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5bd063d-b443-4e15-864c-f54067a37331", + "text": "No, amb això és suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4aa3cb28-b19a-44a0-a73e-7826fd100c1c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 5 #", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8d0346c5-79f9-4560-bff3-518c73a4e3e3", + "text": "Volia saber que està passant a la estació de Tordera, el tren porta parat molta estona a aquesta estació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "estació de Tordera", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "porta parat molta estona a aquesta estació", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9b9d5fd6-467e-43a6-b0c9-6db242af8940", + "text": "Bon dia. Em podria facilitar l'hora de sortida del tren i l'estació de sortida, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2dbb6e8-6cfe-492b-b15f-acf7d8f4b057", + "text": "Doncs l'estació venia de Palautordera i anava a Mataró", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Palautordera", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "20b71167-555b-4005-8374-fe167a8979fb", + "text": "Aquest tren circula amb retràs a causa d'una incidència en origen.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c201739-d7cf-49be-8d9e-f0c80f0cf0ac", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas, puc demanar que em retornis els diners del ticket?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d225974-da67-46e8-8a79-c61686c93f0e", + "text": "Hauría d'anar a taquilles per tal de sol·licitar la devolució del bitllet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb3557f0-2d6f-47b8-bc01-1fd7ef8a5ef2", + "text": "Llavors, em tornaran el preu del billet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cae50e7f-edc9-4cdb-8225-c35a153a509b", + "text": "Els viatgers dels serveis de rodalies i regionals de competència de la Generalitat de Catalunya podran optar per percebre un títol de transport Devolució Xpress de la mateixa categoria del tren del viatge afectat per un retard superior a 15 minuts en arribar a destí, sempre que aquest retard sigui imputable a l'explotació pròpia del ferrocarril.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "084052cb-b76b-4886-98f9-ec02a2b50f36", + "text": "Gràcies per la resposta!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "389e5351-40e6-4f94-b229-c89a76aec78f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 6 #", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "07d3a891-7554-42f9-93fb-b82a0229e030", + "text": "Volia saber quina era la millor tarjeta per viatjar amb tota la familia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarjeta", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tota la familia", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8081887a-633b-4dfb-a8f6-74b8ab244ef5", + "text": "La t casual és individual, volia saber si hi havia alguna alternativa familiar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "t casual", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "individual", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "alternativa familiar", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f602326-4716-49dd-a75e-6183d8afd0d3", + "text": "La t-familiar és multipersonal i permet fer 8 viatges en 30 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "224f9fdb-6e79-4f40-b159-d7f5e01f1445", + "text": "Quin preu té?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cccff349-1534-4f47-a859-083983e906f8", + "text": "10€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ef1c0b5-e6ed-4e26-bcd2-64dd4480dcbc", + "text": "D'acord, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f87eb82e-864e-48f8-b78b-eca00c89e658", + "text": "Hi ha opció de compra online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5493e022-9e1b-44d4-820e-49caf34451ac", + "text": "Sí, pot comprar-la a través d'aquest enllaç: https://www.tmb.cat/ca/tarifes-metro-bus-barcelona/senzills-i-integrats/t-familiar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4750be5c-0440-48e9-8b78-fb8479c853b9", + "text": "Moltes gràcies i bona nit!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2aac99be-50c9-482a-a149-032e3c421c81", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 7 #", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "653b0f93-1dc4-418d-b322-a041ae81f4b8", + "text": "Volia saber quin preu aproximat tenia anar des de Cerdanyola del Vallès fins a Girona en taxi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cerdanyola del Vallès", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 85 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03ef30a1-fe84-4fbb-8f6a-f8363b50406a", + "text": "Entre 130 i 180€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b59a9988-432a-4089-9621-eac64b0948cc", + "text": "En aquest cas, podria demanar un taxi a casa meva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6afae3f6-2161-4f22-a53b-15155fa5adf0", + "text": "Sí. Quina hora el voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aedd8e3f-b128-40e2-ac0c-a9aceb0c9f02", + "text": "A les 7 de la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "7 de la tarda", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55fa9e30-3f3a-4568-abc9-d23f01d1f973", + "text": "Em podria dir la seva direcció, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c8fcafa-aab1-4d34-b6ac-e6510d39b798", + "text": "carrer santa monica, 912 lleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer santa monica, 912 lleida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d8dbe16-1390-4eeb-adf5-b503f0c60147", + "text": "D'acord, la seva sol·licitud queda registrada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38f618eb-61f3-4caa-b08c-194c45a2ed42", + "text": "A quina hora arribaré a Girona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quina hora", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6fc20447-9b8b-464a-8cbc-4e9506953464", + "text": "En 1h10mins aproximadament, tot i que depén del tràfic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49d7800f-ad4f-41f3-83af-081410878615", + "text": "Gràcies! Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2220b998-4e10-4ddb-b07c-74719c63c018", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 8 #", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6fb9cd75-bebd-49a3-a6a1-8f424dad002c", + "text": "Volia saber quant temps hi ha des de Cambrils fins a l'aeroport de Girona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quant temps hi", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "aeroport de Girona", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4915ff7-fc3d-4baa-bc33-05c894e4daa2", + "text": "En cotxe ara mateix són unes 2h de trajecte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2d8a5c0-dc36-476b-a73b-21327380d72c", + "text": "Hi ha pàrquing gratuït a l'aeroprot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pàrquing gratuït", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aeroprot", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a517b7b-a42d-4ac9-a14f-a0f8c429796f", + "text": "Malhauradament, no", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a5c9df2-7c0e-40ad-90f4-f7caa4781217", + "text": "Estarem uns dies fora, quin és el preu diari del parking?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "diari", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parking", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89d6e7d5-77ea-4e08-9bff-572e03286b76", + "text": "Són aproximadament 4€/dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "172d727a-c2aa-45f4-ad27-b35b83d96f5b", + "text": "En aquest cas perfecte? moltes gràcies per la resposta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "29957865-f5bd-414a-a353-215382798de5", + "text": "Volia saber si el parquing està al aire lliure o està tapat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parquing", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "al aire lliure", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tapat", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0897b9f8-449c-4380-a2b3-05495687f864", + "text": "Disposa d'ambdues opcions.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "259e8429-83d1-4b0f-a3a5-30cdb9c3be9e", + "text": "D'acord, doncs anirem a la part tapada! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3ac00068-50b1-469f-934a-4f6bc2d86e1b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 9 #", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "82ef9b03-244e-428c-863a-c131ec0a914d", + "text": "Volia saber quins documents necessito per agafar un avió a l'aeroport de Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documents", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "avió", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aeroport de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89e9fadf-a411-4c34-b750-4cbcd240ccb5", + "text": "Quin és el seu destí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "600ea444-294f-4807-9cdc-7a1989efbc93", + "text": "Casablanca", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Casablanca", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "20e4a6a9-b38e-487d-8ef2-8a00b31505cd", + "text": "En base a la regulació actual, per tal de poder volar a Casablanca necessita un passaport en vigor, el certificat de vacunació i/o el resultat d'una prova PCR de 48h màxim, així com un document que pot omplir online o allà mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f67b272-dcfb-490b-91a0-70dfcfce6f95", + "text": "D'acord, volia saber si necessitaria també el passaport o amb el dni és suficient?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "passaport", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "dni", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e8e5913-99b8-4dec-b4d7-0d131ea8a426", + "text": "El DNI no és suficient", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38e65b81-a738-44e8-a9e3-5b1e21452ad7", + "text": "També anirem amb el nostre fill que és menor, cal una documentació especial per ell?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el nostre fill", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "menor", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació especial", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70a3b3e9-f9b9-4e52-ab46-3b803e4048b0", + "text": "O pot portar la mateixa docuemntació que nosaltres? dni, passaport...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mateixa docuemntació", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b228e08a-bb98-4c7b-918e-3fe12415d610", + "text": "Quina edat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4475567-5769-4919-9b5d-10ecdd9fb033", + "text": "13 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "13", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb9793ac-c6ad-417c-8563-485bd117fec5", + "text": "Aleshores apliquen les mateixes mesures.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59673359-5c9e-4074-a790-08369ceabe75", + "text": "D'acord! Mil gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2526da92-8a45-45d8-a157-8520b3cd492b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 10#", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7177881d-063a-4ca5-9cb9-8a64ac074cb7", + "text": "Volia saber si anar fins a Mataró eren dues zones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dues zones", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b73a801-3afa-4abc-bd7f-4fe224031a46", + "text": "Si. El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e1e3fc4-0a5e-46b8-bfd1-c21c82039c21", + "text": "Sí, volia saber amb quina freqüència passen els trens", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "freqüència", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "trens", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f07e2dcf-9eac-45a2-886d-b539a7156089", + "text": "Quina es la seva estació d’origen i de destí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7886c5d5-cb1b-4a12-b59c-3802e8d5b16b", + "text": "sortiré des de sant andreu comtal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "sant andreu comtal", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65432355-88e9-42a1-affc-f9ec9b02aee9", + "text": "fins la estació de mataró", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "estació de mataró", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a75c18f4-5768-49b6-8f8f-5cac28fe424a", + "text": "Els trens passen cada 7 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fa1d210-2d99-46b0-a98c-bb5a82b59d88", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a99a061-0975-436b-ac68-248cb8dda1cb", + "text": "I quant triga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quant triga", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0ca12ae-61bf-4288-b6c9-a46d48f8cd49", + "text": "Són uns 40 minuts aproximadament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93f54c25-f437-4daa-8fd2-3e382a9c83dd", + "text": "Gràcies per tota la informació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11226bc6-747a-49fc-98ab-185cddacaa02", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ef307083-53b3-494c-955f-33d79ab4a411", + "text": "Volia saber quin és l'horari del funicolar de Montjuic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "funicolar de Montjuic", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a77438c-a358-4fb6-bbbe-71c3b286f72b", + "text": "Si accedeix a aquest enllaç pot veure els horaris detallats: https://www.telefericdemontjuic.cat/ca/teleferic-horaris-i-temporada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "425280d3-3bd0-427f-8061-ecb5bb360a08", + "text": "Tenia un dubte, demà que és festa, funcionarà amb normalitat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "festa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "normalitat", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be193323-7a69-4ed2-bce1-f5afbe9401f3", + "text": "Sí, el funicular funciona amb normalitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d9dda17c-9d26-462d-afcc-f9e5075abd12", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. En aquest cas, puc accedir amb una tarjeta de metro normal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarjeta de metro normal", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dcb13cf5-7d36-4f56-9254-91957b9baa8b", + "text": "No, caldria obtenir bitllets, ja sigui online o a les diferents parades del funicular.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7fb5b36c-46f0-4ca1-9bbe-d2962ef028db", + "text": "Em podria proporcionar la plana web online per fer la compra?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "plana web", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0dccaaf0-916d-4387-bc74-66e0faaee67a", + "text": "Pot comprar les entrades a través del següent enllaç: https://www.holabarcelona.com/ca/tickets/teleferic-montjuic-barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ae6cc7c-2fd3-492e-a6e6-624180f0e839", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37349513-6979-4193-8ae4-4832b7444e0b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6bec7cf1-da28-4cb4-9a78-aecdea6467ec", + "text": "Volia saber quins transports hi han al poble de la Seu d'Urgell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transports", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la Seu d'Urgell", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "885849bd-94cf-446b-b863-dfab0be73c52", + "text": "Disposen de taxi o bus.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f01fc360-bc17-4935-a322-2f44f0029d25", + "text": "Quina és la freqüència del bus?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "freqüència", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87e80e43-2940-4703-83cc-bc6edddb2ffe", + "text": "Cal reservar-lo amb antel·lació. Disposa de varies opcions però no hi ha una freqüència per defecte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39c2658c-a0e6-4e4d-9317-5db790967c09", + "text": "D'acord, volia agafar el primer autobus del matí amb direcció Taüll", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "primer autobus", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Taüll", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2277301a-9c83-4128-98bd-b48868a8c5ee", + "text": "A quina hora surt?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9acd1215-86cb-44e6-ad64-616aea5a2cf5", + "text": "El primer surt a les 8.35.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98bb24da-901a-4488-ba4c-7f470348f591", + "text": "És massa d'hora...el següent?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "el següent", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9817f804-150b-4b3e-a2ff-7f299f456128", + "text": "A les 9.35 surt un altre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5cf22c4-e6bd-48ff-b89b-2227d8181c24", + "text": "D'acord, moltes gràcies! Puc comprar els bitllets al mateix autobus?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllets", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "al mateix autobus", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9f44b37-745f-4b23-929f-87e3eced3ae2", + "text": "A la mateixa parada pot comprar-los.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebc43e04-031d-413d-a04f-c15e6dab7d04", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95670f28-5586-4418-b769-61996737f626", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "458d25aa-8182-4c40-a2c0-09c94693c98c", + "text": "Estavem fent un estudi al cole sobre el transport públic a àrees rurals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "àrees rurals", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ccdfd81-930d-4071-a25b-7585fba79f2c", + "text": "On puc trobar informació sobre les xarxes e bus a pobles de muntanya?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "informació", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "xarxes e bus", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "pobles de muntanya", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "180d41c8-336d-4747-bbef-1e123e140b0d", + "text": "Normalment les pàgines web dels ajuntaments inclouen un apartat sobre transport públic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "772b0071-3a88-4133-93f6-afd7541ba264", + "text": "D'acord, però voliem fer un estudi de les zones rurals en generals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f51e093c-c333-443a-b7cc-768538777e81", + "text": "I veure com es poden desplaçar als pobles petits", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99b2c280-0a16-4444-9445-12aae1de5844", + "text": "Malhauradament nosaltres no disposem de la informació detallada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03709e0e-c653-42db-844d-a4e594cb6f32", + "text": "Sap on la podríem trobar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "895e29bb-1193-4589-802b-9b0470dcb101", + "text": "A través de les pàgines webs oficials dels pobles.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f4c44eb-d4fc-4856-9302-3b570739fe22", + "text": "D'acord, buscaré aquesta informació a aquestes webs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4db30952-fe85-4d45-b3ec-70c08acfeacf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d729d16b-a746-41e9-829b-bc024b664737", + "text": "Bona nit, estavem a la muntanya i ha començat a nevar, el transport públic continua operatiu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nevar", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "operatiu", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c97371f2-895f-408d-9718-316c9b68b3fd", + "text": "Per ara el transport públic segueix operatiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a62fcf5-8fbb-4338-9352-3586abb12782", + "text": "Pot ser que vingui amb retard?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "retard", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62e6207d-a412-4fea-89e6-b9265daf835e", + "text": "Sí, degut a les condicions meteorològiques circulen amb retard.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f80872f-ef9a-44d5-a95c-0b4db8acef79", + "text": "Aproximadament quin és el retard?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quin és el retard", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d57058f-4e7e-4d24-aa58-5833fed8e8b6", + "text": "No tenim aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9140b940-2a6a-4f58-be5f-f083c2df0ae8", + "text": "I tampoc teniu una hora d'arribada aproximada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora d'arribada", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b70c386-35aa-4b1d-82ab-da070f90fb2c", + "text": "Malhauradament no.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b349cabd-8e63-4b67-ba9e-ffa3f967ada8", + "text": "Gràcies igualment!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4512bc0f-ebce-4ebb-a81b-83cb4f989753", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e0ee274c-07dd-4f67-ab17-0c6c9a7c5ed4", + "text": "Bones, volia demanar un taxi per anar fins a Castelló", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Castelló", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf93a2d7-ad46-464c-b6ea-97b80d956252", + "text": "Bon dia. Em podria dir la seva direcció, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e1b1454-19a6-4d5e-9727-e1b875a1fa00", + "text": "carrer de la Tupla, 23, Tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de la Tupla, 23, Tarragona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7707a11c-5b38-4290-bd93-fdd8f28a62f4", + "text": "A quina hora vol sortir de casa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e61b890-f9e1-4224-841d-af62fc0638e7", + "text": "Més igual, però vull arribar a Castelló abans de les 7 de la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Castelló", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "abans de les 7 de la tarda", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dbd3b1fe-417d-44a8-9c8d-5c1af97206be", + "text": "En 15 minuts tindrà un taxi a la direcció proporcionada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf5ee82c-691b-4acf-8894-aebdd5952d29", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "37f47843-05e3-46be-81de-d4913989f8f6", + "text": "Quin preu aproximat tindrà el taxi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7277a63-8075-44f5-ba54-9dcc82d30207", + "text": "Són uns 150€ aproximadament, en funció del tràfic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af1458d6-7a4d-4697-84f2-6ea63e619cec", + "text": "D'acord i moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91371cf2-9adf-4fb5-aaad-720738bc24c2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b2d9d5c6-6286-4fdf-b2b5-12ad7e50c98b", + "text": "Volia reclamar el preu d'un bitllet d'Ave que no ha arribat a la hora al destí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "return", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet d'Ave", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no ha arribat a la hora al destí", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c25941b-d4dd-413e-a058-91b24d23427a", + "text": "Pots sol·licitar la indemnització quan hagin passat 24 hores des de l'arribada del tren. Tens un màxim de 3 mesos des de la data del viatge per sol·licitar la indemnització.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce802a62-28e4-4368-946a-8e3345ca2fe1", + "text": "Vale! On puc fer la sol.licitud?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ad1be2d-feac-4ca7-bc64-369a2b0b036a", + "text": "Si has viatjat en algun dels nostres trens Avlo i has patit un retard en l'arribada del tren, tens dret a sol·licitar una indemnització a partir de les 24 hores a comptar de l'arribada a destinació, a través del sistema d'indemnitzacions automàtiques de www.avlorenfe.com (web Avlo) o de www.renfe.com.\nLes indemnitzacions s'abonaran únicament mitjançant \"vals de descompte\", que podràs utilitzar en les compres posteriors en els serveis Avlo. Tindràs un termini màxim de tres mesos des de la data del viatge indemnitzable per obtenir el codi i un termini màxim de sis mesos per fer la compra del nou bitllet Avlo.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b77074c8-a10b-4618-a607-15df44120532", + "text": "Només he d'afegir la meva info personal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "info personal", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83c89e9c-5fae-4752-ba2f-58d7f160f0c3", + "text": "I el codi del seu bitllet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "383c6f7a-803d-4d8c-9035-6edd2e7d31c2", + "text": "Com puc saber quin era el codi del meu bitllet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "codi del meu bitllet", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "519054c0-7123-4ba4-91a4-b983dee1d43b", + "text": "Depén del tipus de bitllet. A l'hora de fer la reclamació s'especifiquen els detalls.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29762c83-21f1-44f1-989c-345003a40a2e", + "text": "Era un bitllet d'avlo només d'anada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet d'avlo", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "només d'anada", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37cc247d-d6c7-460a-a386-bd072893302f", + "text": "A la part superior esquerra hauria de constar el número de bitllet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfac9ce7-37ab-473b-b8a3-bfefa8294458", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9a93fb2-0df5-40c5-8806-2a55d2a4c8d2", + "text": "Necessito alguna dada més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "337b70da-a6b3-44b0-bbf5-dd080c2287c3", + "text": "No, això és tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97970f45-9bbf-4e78-9e0e-051a6473bb0e", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "627dd093-e80b-49a6-9866-5bb8ca697825", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ed279c65-d262-4d21-9092-3dbfe1ac8789", + "text": "Volia demanar un taxi per anar a la uni", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a6c6a61-dad2-42c8-906f-3381240eb2c6", + "text": "Quina és la seva direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c56ead6e-58f1-4d25-9155-68d4ca02be70", + "text": "carrer Marina, 83", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Marina, 83", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3ef60eb5-fa6a-43db-a25d-87ef5638dcba", + "text": "Quina hora voldria sortir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78a179b2-e688-45af-9f0c-fcd1380231db", + "text": "Doncs a les 8 del matí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "8 del matí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6edc8126-4281-4f33-9f50-297896ab54f0", + "text": "Podría proporcionar un número de telèfon de contacte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91c05ae8-30b2-4f93-954e-241e00de4cbb", + "text": "6193623", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "6193623", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "956e0256-b110-452f-a127-247a1f52ecc6", + "text": "Queda registrat al sistema el seu taxi per demà a les 8 del matí al Carrer Marina, 83.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ea438a9-5b7c-4f4a-b77a-5a237dcff128", + "text": "Perfecte, quin preu tindrà? aprox", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "897bfd0f-76f4-434b-b813-f5ab11aefe8a", + "text": "Uns 25€, en funció del tràfic del moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e87defb7-45d4-4d76-b71f-7df3fb4608bc", + "text": "Perfecte! Merci!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6694011-e7e5-4702-8b4f-e23325cc0bb8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b6c37fa2-fad1-43eb-b03e-3a67dcabec3f", + "text": "Bon dia, volíem rebre informació sobre com tramitar una reclamació a la companyia de busos per l'accident que vam patir el dia 17 a la carretera de Mataró", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "companyia de busos", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 97, + "End_char": 105 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "17", + "Start_char": 127, + "End_char": 129 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "carretera de Mataró", + "Start_char": 135, + "End_char": 154 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d7eeee6c-cabf-4034-a487-d85de4a1894b", + "text": "Bon dia. Malhauradament nosaltres no el podem ajudar amb aquest tema. Disculpi les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95740377-c097-497e-8d44-04796b6e13f8", + "text": "Sí, però al ser la vostra companyia, crec que heu de proporcionar-nos certa informació sobre l'accident per poder tramitar la denúncia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "informació sobre l'accident", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd9ab7d8-b694-4f60-8dc3-be0d9d515467", + "text": "Em podria facilitar el dia, la línia i el lloc de l'accident?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a238dfad-f858-492c-ac4a-7f03b4736e73", + "text": "Era l'autocar que va des de Barcelona fins a Olot al km 123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "autocar", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Olot", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "al km 123", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59268635-20d4-45f4-884d-fe511cb49868", + "text": "Quin dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19d84170-edca-4fbb-ad59-99026daac3ac", + "text": "El dia 17", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "17", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "beb7fd5b-5a77-4792-8bb7-a31a3c89b617", + "text": "Al nostre servidor no consta cap accident amb aquestes característiques.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "798741b7-8ece-4a66-af3f-b22c70c33354", + "text": "Doncs potser encara no ho teniu registrat, però nosaltres vam patir l'accident", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3326e3b2-9510-4dfe-b6d4-85ea67590854", + "text": "Disculpeu les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37e3749f-efde-4b98-90e1-40817774bb03", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "482b122d-4028-4d1a-9f30-ec4a6ee81f62", + "text": "Volia anar a Madrid en bus, al mes de decembre, hi ha alguna oferta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Madrid", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "decembre", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81d01129-82a4-4b23-beee-5683c632d3b5", + "text": "Quina és la seva estació d'origen?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "320fb5d6-eb6f-4e8e-bf8a-f06c7241ca6f", + "text": "Qualsevol de Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c297d068-2a84-4929-8bde-1a08775ada42", + "text": "Lamento dir-li que no hi ha cap oferta de moment, però pot ser que hi hagi alguna al llarg d'aquest mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2191672-1184-41f0-a4f5-e87b2d6db630", + "text": "Quan por sortir aquesta oferta nova?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Quan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd23cb7d-38be-4668-aca5-db3ef4a920f6", + "text": "No disposo d'aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9de97326-fcce-4fd3-b9b5-64689c17b7d9", + "text": "I sense oferta, quin és el preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7d508264-4c09-4d99-a6d1-527832c97925", + "text": "Uns 40€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4f9feea-8dd5-4c17-961d-99bfa33b273a", + "text": "Anar i tornada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Anar i tornada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca2e2033-694e-498b-a78b-bd4e75e74b92", + "text": "No, només anada de Barcelona Estació del Nord a Madrid Barajas.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1039e837-3f3d-4897-8160-0a53ab38d414", + "text": "Ok! Gràcies per la informació!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f551158b-647c-4458-81e2-6f609d46c681", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bfa79255-c391-4e1e-8c61-5d1df81a6579", + "text": "Volia fer una reclamació per que l avió s'ha cancelat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "avió s'ha cancelat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30b24bb8-5b8c-44ce-8250-e2a948f716b0", + "text": "Quina és la referència del seu vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6bab9f56-70f6-45ca-8511-7d498d5ba8d7", + "text": "El vol 12345133", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "flight_num", + "text": "12345133", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2d7b676-e4d8-45e0-999b-f1d1d3b53fd9", + "text": "Quin és l'aeroport d'origen i de destí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0eb2907c-5b5e-4553-8f04-ce2e763d1815", + "text": "L'aeroport de Menorca amb destí el Prat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aeroport de Menorca", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "el Prat", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "40d8c5e6-f90a-4e72-9611-11d5d3315aaf", + "text": "Per tal de fer la reclamació, ha de contactar amb Vueling, i en cas de no rebre resposta, contactar amb l'ANAC.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "629ac09d-eb75-4bd0-817b-5b10c2644388", + "text": "Em pot proporcionar el contacte de Vueling?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "contacte de Vueling", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19475caa-6d8e-4211-a53c-86efa2af6448", + "text": "Pot trobar els formularis per fer la reclamació a aquesta web https://www.vueling.com/ca/serveis-vueling/mes-serveis-vueling/incidencies-en-el-teu-vol", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f9a14af-4fd5-44a6-8822-fc19ae0d7820", + "text": "Gràcies, però no m'han respost. EM pot donar l'altre contacte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "l'altre contacte", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9ff2671-620c-4c18-988b-727635a4a529", + "text": "consultas@anac.com.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9980ed0d-7560-4b27-b690-6b51f3fb26a5", + "text": "Gràcies! Ja m'han respost!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "375d4e12-e680-42b2-9a6b-ca089195dba0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e8cc9d62-1504-4dd0-839c-bd12a6dcabea", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8473566-d2a4-4f9a-a5a0-e4dd9c15006f", + "text": "Bon dia, com puc anar de Cadaques a Girona? que la meva filla es gradua a la universitat i he d'anar demà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cadaques", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 101, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa2845a7-781d-4e9d-8f08-7b6aaf28e041", + "text": "Per arribar a Girona des de Cadaqués, hi ha diversos horaris d'autobusos regionals. Si vols puc dir-te'ls segons la franja horària que t'interessi", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b8a91f8-c16c-4aed-96a8-e4bda42484ba", + "text": "Ah d'acord, a veure pel matí quins hi ha", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3b76e1f7-7d0f-48f9-b4a1-d131c503aef4", + "text": "Pel matí tens autobusos a partir de les 7.00 hores. Després fins les 13.00 tens autobusos cada 20 minuts. Tots surten del mateix punt, és a dir, l'entrada del poble.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38129d96-a960-4a83-ab61-bc3e2e6979fd", + "text": "ah perfecte, i per comprar el billet allí mateix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "billet", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "allí", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f5ec74b-a294-4ec3-8cd5-bedf2f6abea2", + "text": "Sí, els bitllets s'han de comprar al conductor. Si vols utilitzar abonaments ho has de fer sol·licitar per internet, al web de la companyia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "244fcb59-163e-4f8d-a2ac-7b7f47061a71", + "text": "ah no no,només necessito un d'anada i tornada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "un", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "d'anada i tornada", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4cbb47ab-264f-4c28-9dfa-c66185358350", + "text": "i el preu quin seria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0cd781fb-93ca-4f30-979f-5c29d7ba89b3", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d81cdce-4701-40d6-a329-7dcfe52a6c2b", + "text": "El preu del bitllet és de 6 euros, anada i tornada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c8dd3c9-6e9f-4bf0-9fa7-4ba18d335299", + "text": "ah perfecte doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "139a2f27-69b3-4461-ba1f-41ecc28f3437", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4b1bdd7b-de64-4ef1-b220-791699c80624", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4867821e-4be3-4743-94c4-59949476d2e5", + "text": "només era això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "892d7e43-d198-415c-9beb-5e109cdc91bd", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8dd3b180-b505-4746-9586-6093be94fb6c", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36d52b76-6fef-4c25-ad16-ca3f1ec2ca42", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8264d073-374f-4e51-844a-209cabc8b24a", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "688fdb09-0324-440a-a6dd-f00aa33e19a5", + "text": "Bon dia, mira ostres que acabo de perdre l'Ave a Saragossa. He d'estar allí avui, quines altres opcions tinc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "acabo de perdre", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Ave", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Saragossa", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "avui", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "altres opcions", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6388979b-0711-4942-af3a-97ce4f63bd73", + "text": "També pot anar-hi en tren de mitja distància o en autocar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c85b67eb-984a-4103-8a5c-1e625bc86f1f", + "text": "quin és el que surt abans? soc a sants, el tren surt des d'aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "abans", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "sants", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8249af33-437a-49f0-9485-1254e2395830", + "text": "Sí, el tren de mitja distància surt des de l'estació de Sants. Vol que li miri horaris?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5dcca9f-040f-4708-bf1a-12888e5110fd", + "text": "si si us plau!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99541a05-bf0b-4603-b6f2-b5657804c4e0", + "text": "A quina hora vol agafar-lo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfe0f960-87ee-4c77-9963-aa8205ca5007", + "text": "ara mateix si pot ser, que soc aqui...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara mateix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49fe4643-eb9d-4dbd-a221-2f74a65487e7", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs miri el proper tren de mitja distància disponible és a les 10.15 del matí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "088f399a-018e-4920-b35a-376fd3259a10", + "text": "ah entesos, i on puc comprar el billet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "billet", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0de803f-6c68-411d-9f7d-2e67567c2812", + "text": "A les màquines mateix que hi ha a l'estació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "392e31b5-9301-47a4-acc4-b22ee885c2ec", + "text": "ah si si, clar! perfecte doncs gràcies eh, que no sabia que fer ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1a3b1c45-44be-43c6-82c9-5ca65d249e1f", + "text": "De res!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5cbf005d-cc77-4525-84d5-b1dfe149a407", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?ç", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3448a15a-a256-4fbb-91ba-0d48e929da72", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5a45dbe-5604-4fff-9922-35d398b58002", + "text": "res més merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8da22397-b757-4534-93c7-69ba547bc3e7", + "text": "Bon dia, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87e70539-a642-47ba-a127-39d2dee867e1", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e12f651-9fde-4f29-9fd0-200a6008d07f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e2094f2d-c688-48fe-8b0b-3d66c329f21d", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f781da3c-a61c-43e3-9f91-4389ac856d79", + "text": "Informació d'horaris del bus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28da959d-8a48-4026-8e8a-51884723b813", + "text": "A on vols viatjar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "758bf2e9-6a3e-4498-ae88-0b11e77bdbcd", + "text": "A la Maquinista", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "la Maquinista", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f55e91c-4188-446d-9503-28233e193c84", + "text": "Pot agafar el número 44, des de plaça Espanya", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5de6e993-715f-4fb8-b8f4-f5f56e166433", + "text": "i a quina hora hi ha?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f2957fa-d76d-41bc-9977-5176de8df6be", + "text": "En quina franja vols viatjar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2beb5352-beb2-4a60-b76a-c5b26f08b386", + "text": "doncs a la tarda vull anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d934302-e026-4edb-9baf-4a4f74c7a0a9", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e32d492-dbf7-4fae-888d-97268743a74f", + "text": "hauria de ser allà cap a les 5", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "allà", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "5", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ddf5e969-17a1-471f-a432-a9aaf2f6b5ad", + "text": "Entesos. En aquest cas tens horaris a les 16.30 i a les 17.05.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "966fe1d3-d5ea-4173-a86d-48a00d3165f3", + "text": "ah d'acord, que surt d'allà de plaça espanya a les 16:30 no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "plaça espanya", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "16:30", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0189edfa-dde8-4a19-9a75-15770ca732bc", + "text": "Sí, i l'altre també", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a2840ad-64c3-40f0-99ea-dd4e29e9c9e8", + "text": "d'acord, vale merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f26e55b5-ab3e-4dee-b6ef-0bc3b1caac6d", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8db9220c-65d9-4046-aa09-2ae70028d9ca", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3de1f057-901e-433b-bf16-83271c54cc05", + "text": "res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dcee75cf-2d14-423b-8449-101a1dd867fb", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia, doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "816cc499-1e32-4e9c-8dfa-7ca7c1f9815b", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d96a4807-d429-4981-8e42-2e7933eb30f7", + "text": "adéu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28c04d79-d3d3-4c93-bab2-dfb431fd7acf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "49aabbc0-0522-408e-b809-be6fe62845ff", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "530ab0eb-2cb8-4281-bd0d-c1e5ab2f989b", + "text": "Bon dia mira vull cancel·lar un vol, anava a Viena i amb això del confinament ja no hi vull anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vol", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6b7d3f1-a6da-48e9-af4e-fcd4adeaed28", + "text": "Entesos. Em pots dir el número de vol i el teu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1b2a622-06e7-4fbd-afc8-1c5514418aed", + "text": "és el 5643 i el meu DNI 432564312S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "flight_num", + "text": "5643", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "432564312S", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c91877f-97e4-45be-90dd-c22a718897f9", + "text": "D'acord. Em pots repetir el DNI? Diria que no és correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90c8869a-123d-47ad-bd00-d211d5cae6dd", + "text": "ah si perdona, es 43956431S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43956431S", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca93b64c-8370-4413-9f2f-40d1ad0da099", + "text": "D'acord. El vol el tenies a les 17.15, el 27 de novembre de 2021?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4decb83a-570d-4ad0-b6ce-afecbc7e592d", + "text": "si aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "37fa82b4-5bee-48a8-93e1-d141054fb875", + "text": "Entesos. Cancel·lem aleshores. Com que ho fas amb una setmana d'antel·lació, és possibe que puguis recuperar l'import que vas pagar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "474fd63f-7b86-4a44-b122-4254ffc3490c", + "text": "Ara, indica'm un correu electrònic per enviar-te la cancel·lació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ea36b73-3cea-4cb3-94cd-c8c1b0e1d665", + "text": "perfecte doncs, a la meva ho podeu enviar és maira56@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "maira56@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27a5e58d-a52c-4743-81d5-32e3479afd3f", + "text": "Entesos. Ho acabem d'enviar. Si pots revisar el correu per confirmar-ho", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b673aae-ffba-4437-927d-c45b1be41c3e", + "text": "si, jo ho tinc, i després els diners aniran a la targeta amb que vaig pagar, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "targeta amb que vaig pagar", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1026242a-f6bb-4c47-85ba-2711e55fe46a", + "text": "Sí, correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94a236c7-e052-448f-adf1-3cd0c2f23b76", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ef74c08-b6c1-48fe-9d3f-04b65933b8dc", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7aa202ff-4ee3-445f-8df9-429406f1cf29", + "text": "res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d83ebd1c-5449-4c0d-9c57-8c6ff8a83fbd", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia aleshores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26ef25e8-faee-4e84-a768-7c7e30725003", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59f831a6-4435-45a9-8e24-4e2b4a3237aa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bde5a0c7-f229-4d82-91cf-cd7d0e8b999c", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf302c28-491c-4719-b0f7-9c55c6871d29", + "text": "Hola, a veure per anar de tortosa a andorra hi ha cap bus directe? que no hagi de fer cap trasbordament vull dir", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "tortosa", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "andorra", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus directe", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a7fc227-43f7-4e7d-bc67-4449fcd26ac8", + "text": "N'hi ha un que surt al matí, a les 8.13 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03f1b17a-a2b5-4aac-a140-25939e3e07ec", + "text": "d'acord i aquest va directe a andorra no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "directe", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "andorra", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c0a5143-d9a4-4a3f-ae61-5c39c25ee5f7", + "text": "Sí, aquest és directe. Vol que li miri el preu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a889161-40bc-4f1f-98ac-78c3232fb93a", + "text": "si si usplau. I després per tornar també n'hi ha per la tarda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per tornar", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "per la tarda", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae9f4eb1-5826-455e-899f-98549b2fcd19", + "text": "Malauradament, no. Només al matí. En tens un a les 8.00.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01c50220-ba8b-4adf-8bfb-bc9ce9b4a91d", + "text": "El preu és de 20 euros, anada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "565ef29b-9500-4476-bb93-9fcf210947eb", + "text": "ostres quin mala pata.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0d128c2-e777-42f1-b587-43402ea0eb38", + "text": "d'acord, bé ja ho miraré un altre dia doncs, que si no hi ha de tornada tampoc hi puc anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "afdfcf1d-e5e2-4523-9c33-d70cedd13d0f", + "text": "Em sap greu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bd662cf-2bd7-4034-9a1d-cf97ecd45d63", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43529bed-ce83-489a-993f-452461e92a33", + "text": "això era tot el que volia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a54d048f-1cf7-40ed-816c-072b9918291b", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ad017ee-2ae6-419d-9e9a-9dea8b10c9c1", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65a9bc0e-30fe-46f7-ae53-6ac02bce508d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "71798aba-9238-490d-85f7-2b5e9e85b133", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19d12407-30f7-473d-b1c1-2a0dda444095", + "text": "Bon dia, per preguntar per objectes perduts com ho he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "objectes perduts", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86ad85d9-6c31-406f-ad9e-fd0d1053a67b", + "text": "On s'ha produït la pèrdua?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fb5052c-5939-4a1f-b53c-d8f314443ac7", + "text": "doncs no ho se, ja te dic, jo estava al metro i quan vaig sortir la cartera ja no la tenia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "quan vaig sortir la cartera ja no la tenia", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53ab20f4-d3b2-4602-aea8-28264c983b11", + "text": "volia saber a veure si algu l'havia trobat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b9aa7e59-da36-475b-8570-b782c91c73fb", + "text": "En quina ciutat ha passat això?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df0dd6ce-b549-419b-83b1-12cbedecc3bd", + "text": "a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f88cbd89-c4ef-4dd2-a0a1-7a1de078c171", + "text": "Entesos. Aleshores s'ha de dirigir a la secció d'objectes perduts del TMB.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e283b615-f50e-4a4b-8c63-61a530bb6893", + "text": "D'acord, i on està aixo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f290d7fb-19bb-4c77-86f7-691afbbd04f5", + "text": "Sí, està a Plaça Catalunya, al sortir del metro hi ha un edifici gran. Són les oficines. Allà l'atendran", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "103bf43c-c6a4-40f7-b27d-1fdee8e43e27", + "text": "ah d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2738d21-b735-4093-9254-90168b322ebe", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfaad40c-576b-42b7-93cc-96d346f1a66f", + "text": "res més gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b8af648-af18-4fb7-98c5-00a2d4b19805", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46a438b2-5dc0-416e-8477-38acf3c11a3a", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04b74989-97f1-43b7-8337-521b46c76819", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3cee8de5-772a-48c9-98e0-cee55e09ccc0", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfd4faf3-5791-4a48-823f-a1bb396da565", + "text": "Vull comprar l'abonament de transport per al meu fill", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "abonament de transport", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "meu fill", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01bc872a-9662-4495-a263-9c810aa72c1d", + "text": "Entesos. Quina edat té ell?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be10def0-7df9-440e-a2d0-19b756239852", + "text": "te 6 anys ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a929f0fe-0d6b-4b97-8ff8-17731aa719f6", + "text": "Molt bé. En aquest cas hi ha un tipus d'abonament per 6 euros mensuals. Ell pot utilitzar el metro i l'autobús les vegades que vulgui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d66229e9-d2ab-48e8-a296-635dd4298999", + "text": "ah d'acord,era això si, i com ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "881fca69-2da3-49a6-a6ac-0c32f1938d7c", + "text": "Digues-me el seu DNI i nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84a753db-1552-422c-978a-e9375723179d", + "text": "Sí, és Miquel Guasch García", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Guasch", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a900f0cc-a615-4efe-a6d5-09833d113b8d", + "text": "i DNI 49876543R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "49876543R", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3ddaff7c-d7e7-45a0-b631-5f4c4e36df38", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a38d2d2b-ce2b-48b0-a278-93dc71861254", + "text": "Doncs si vols pots fer el primer pagament per aquí i se t'activarà la targeta. Després els pagaments seran automàtics, cada mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7201fc88-3f1f-4ba0-a7dc-ff04146fddfc", + "text": "ah doncs si, ho vull fer. I la targeta me la enviareu o l'he d'anar a buscar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviareu", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bb852d3-e500-450d-9460-6584e288ad60", + "text": "La podem enviar. Si ens indiques una adreça la podem enviar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbc58e65-8199-4887-b0c4-22ededf937de", + "text": "Si clar, al carrer de Moncada 34 segon primera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de Moncada 34 segon primera", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f531ec0-ce02-4203-ad22-cff2582ad4fe", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs en un termini màxim de 3 dies tindràs la targeta. La deixaran a la bústia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "069c080b-af82-4043-ac22-1c3ba392772a", + "text": "d'acord doncs gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "769e44df-2fd6-4750-8e72-60d5012e8097", + "text": "Necessites res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b11862e3-4f37-4000-b9c4-68bcf14d71bd", + "text": "res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e8faaa64-cab1-45fd-9719-878af63a9e2b", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe2544d8-120d-45ef-9006-c2b53473a5ad", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de7cf869-70b0-41eb-a4d5-2e3a56aee664", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bf925a71-b499-4c53-a31a-e2ae067576b3", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad059951-a3a1-4d7d-b867-26afd0af4417", + "text": "Mira que el diumenge hi ha una cursa a la ciutat però jo he d'anar a treballar, em pts dir si es modoficaran les parades dels busos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "diumenge", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cursa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parades dels busos", + "Start_char": 113, + "End_char": 131 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd998ee2-9dd0-4046-9636-948eba534b55", + "text": "A on és la cursa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d58b2b73-3b80-4932-9306-63edbdd930d9", + "text": "he vist que passarà pels carrers del centre de girona, i clar jo agafo un bus que passa per alla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "centre de girona", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04f114a6-ebaf-4bfb-82d5-9b1d3d99fd84", + "text": "Sí. Doncs miri, els busos no podran passar pel centre. Així doncs, les parades d'aquella zona no funcionaran. Els autobusos agafaran una ruta alternativa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74df3d68-f5da-45d9-95a8-2cea137fb097", + "text": "D'acord i els horaris seran els mateixos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bcaed34f-9da7-4563-822d-2ae58f8342c0", + "text": "No, hi haurà certs canvis. Si vol puc enviar-li els horaris modificats.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a96812e8-87a5-48f6-96d3-7e79fc062e7e", + "text": "doncs si, em faria un favor si mels envia. I podria també passarme el mapa de la ruta alternativa per on passaran? per tenir una idea", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mapa de la ruta alternativa", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 97 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ee31484-176d-4f73-bf25-c76862468ea7", + "text": "Sí, cap problema. Indiqui'm una adreça electrònica", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59e1ddea-bd9e-4c6a-b12d-e15e8034e649", + "text": "Mira sergi_98@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "sergi_98@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e79d0b7-1f78-41f3-9a8b-8fdc96d17f2f", + "text": "Entesos. Li enviem aquí doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea172ba9-0810-4243-b135-44de0cbcac93", + "text": "d'acord, merci!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5b31220e-9ded-4e0c-bb12-f0a89ce66273", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eeb856e2-ab47-465f-933e-50b7987bbf0b", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9737ee05-4229-42b8-81dc-dc7600107fcd", + "text": "ja etsà tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "119c4168-4aae-4baf-897a-2d4251063bd1", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d69bd1e-90e8-4aa1-a853-680e7f8f81aa", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9147a903-f529-447a-9271-3d5c4cfd9597", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fc441267-15f4-4e8b-aa46-c3dc813d64ab", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44e19b28-fd6d-4fbc-843f-21f00eb1da47", + "text": "Bon dia, volia saber els preus dels avions per anar a Londres, des de Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "avions", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Londres", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e9fefb90-5c6b-44d6-9ba6-b7620a6af0b3", + "text": "Sí, per anar a Londres des de Barcelona, ha d'agafar els vols des de El Prat. Hi ha diverses companyies. Depenent de la companyia els preus són més alts o més baixos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e7bb0da-e4d8-4c9b-9b8b-d9128eeb6ef5", + "text": "I la més economica per quan sortiria? seria per anar en nadal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més economica", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "en nadal", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e012b61-bb12-41ad-8a4f-f8d79587fa8e", + "text": "Sí, tens una companyia lowcost. Per quines dates exactament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0aaf6df-2a52-464a-83cd-4c1420a167f9", + "text": "Seria per anar el 24 de desembre cap alla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "from_date", + "text": "24 de desembre", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c7aeaa79-2f08-49dd-a355-93c4c1adea4b", + "text": "i després tornar el dia 2 o així", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "to_date", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c427324f-b528-45f8-af0f-a1ebe490124b", + "text": "Entesos. Per a aquestes dates hi ha places. Quants persones viatgeu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e5160db-c26d-48a9-a9cc-7b73ba3841f0", + "text": "seriem 4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "4", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00a85d5a-f578-46d9-8d2d-db7b0eeca520", + "text": "Entesos. El preu seria de 70 euros. Anada i per persona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb436b8d-c7d3-41b4-8ddf-c4ff6252b648", + "text": "D'acord i després la tornada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tornada", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23c10d07-2e30-49f7-9467-9287e4b1c1de", + "text": "La tornada, el dia 2, costaria 55 euros. També per persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20ebf2de-69aa-48aa-a101-d41e9432324e", + "text": "ah val molt bé, doncs m'interessa. i això ho puc ocmprar ja?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ja", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15ea657f-ebf2-4685-a187-1b2bf965e84f", + "text": "Sí, si em dones els noms i cognoms dels passatgers i un número de targeta pots reservar-los ara mateix", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8413f7dd-729d-4a8c-9097-b889431c7714", + "text": "Mira els noms son Marta Molina Marí, Joan Cabrera Pou i Anna i Sara Cabrera Molina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Molina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Marí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Cabrera", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Pou", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Sara", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Cabrera", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Molina", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56430a97-f47e-4da4-b414-72c435db7a83", + "text": "I numero de targeta et dono el de la meva un moment", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "128d226e-ca98-4713-a3cb-e457ab804ae1", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el número de targeta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1abd71b5-625f-4df5-819c-0a0a9ebdef36", + "text": "4000 5643 4536 6354", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4000 5643 4536 6354", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a16d00c-e916-41e0-b5ec-92f07976a64c", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm ara un correu electrònic per enviar-te les confirmacions", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83b6fbaf-62e6-4d2c-b5d0-fb7f8ace3e26", + "text": "Doncs Martamol@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "Martamol@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "debe3ec3-9aa5-433b-8845-9a385198f8ee", + "text": "Entesos. Ho acabem d'enviar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a47a594-ae85-4449-9617-b593fd00e67f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "467e2e4b-e259-4259-90d1-2cd14625dda7", + "text": "D'acord si ja ho tinc! Res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "86e5cbab-34de-46a0-9bc4-796c24a39761", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f606680-4d61-4397-81e0-9267d821dc5e", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42d4807e-2830-425c-9db7-0cc0e966a13d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c6c9b193-e16a-4ed3-b223-91417cadec1a", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar-lo/la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51edad8f-b767-4c1e-87cd-c66df616d734", + "text": "Bon dia, necessito informació de com puc anar de Sant Boi a Cardona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sant Boi", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Cardona", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c0f6590-83b3-41ad-9f24-487dedca8972", + "text": "Entesos. Pots anar en autobús o en tren.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e2dfc56-931a-4e03-a5de-014cbe72adde", + "text": "ah i quanta estona triga cadascun?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quanta estona triga", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f75ef9bc-aac6-4f14-8eb1-7c41182d88e5", + "text": "Sí, en tren, de mitja distància, es triga 1 hora i quart. En autobus són 2 hores i mitja.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d827f460-3a96-4b13-bd1d-7df5bd06d449", + "text": "Vale i el preu varia molt?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "241aebc0-8385-40d2-b0cb-f26767e73415", + "text": "El preu del tren és de 15 euros anada. El de l'autobús 8, també anada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8c1aa83-6cf6-4626-a102-4a3e20a7f641", + "text": "D'acord i per ultim els horaris? a veure quin em ve millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f2316e2-a58c-44f9-bf91-c23a9e02b371", + "text": "Entesos. Tens hora de tren a les 11.15 o a les 10.45. Els autobusos surten a les 11.00 i a les 10.30", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "213b2078-96b0-4464-a9ad-ef5752cfec05", + "text": "Sí, pots fer-ho així", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40450c47-ab5d-46ce-9082-13e4c76e829a", + "text": "En quina franja vol viatjar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b137ad07-4121-43f9-a15f-b995604ce6bf", + "text": "Entesos. Té hora de tren a les 11.15 o a les 10.45. Els autobusos surten a les 11.00 i a les 10.30", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35159a67-5899-4270-8e16-5fe2a614b100", + "text": "ah d'acord,doncs ja anire en tren. puc comprar el billet allí mateix, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "comprar el billet", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "allí", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d90fd92-fb26-44fd-9680-10619f968516", + "text": "Sí, pot fer-ho així", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e18ecc03-ff9b-421e-bf5a-ed4cd4ff9ee1", + "text": "donc perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef28c89c-59ba-4fa3-b226-2685448b14ae", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a8158ca-0e3d-48b7-b471-fdd7ca478f0a", + "text": "Res més gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "072a0e6b-fd7b-4e24-a5d4-1214e000e743", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b86e2491-45da-4e27-bab2-d6d10d492e7e", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "50702c19-8cd3-4d7a-b7e6-7ec21db3ee16", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f17a88dd-11f9-4526-a778-4960a4e1c0cd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "331bef98-c27b-4a10-8e24-7b330005fc40", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ff570a8-e5f4-4e13-bc17-e53bab9b270d", + "text": "Hola havia d'agafar un tren a LLeida ara mateix i va amb molt de retard. QUines altres opcions tinc per arribar fins allà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "LLeida", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "molt de retard", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "altres opcions", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "497406b9-af04-40ef-ad79-d4e2e96091d3", + "text": "Pots anar també en autobús. Vols que t'indiqui els horaris?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c493eaa6-8c65-45c4-856e-f568dee791a2", + "text": "si per favor!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8b557f0-13d0-4290-98e3-accea6a6c417", + "text": "A quina hora el vols agafar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f08add9-96a9-451b-a7f2-ea296a59d3d5", + "text": "doncs el que surti primer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "el que surti primer", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4161fa1b-5c52-4c19-b5fd-ebd0336b7591", + "text": "Doncs el següent és a les 10.22", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d089e61-6234-45cc-8316-c4c9a7816655", + "text": "d'acord i on és la parada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "on és la parada", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19aa62ce-36e3-4166-bada-7033ecddfaf3", + "text": "La parada és al centre de la ciutat, al costat del Segre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5079d059-b0dd-4efa-9c8d-857418b0dd77", + "text": "D'acord, i el preu quant és?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a1e0226c-d1e4-4dc9-860c-f42158f91234", + "text": "el preu és de 12 euros, anada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f72fc398-9808-4e33-aebe-5bcd706e17e6", + "text": "val entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d1b01ed-ae6d-49f4-9ee0-be95216c1408", + "text": "doncs gràcies per la informació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b973ff4d-2435-4a7f-8cf7-c521d0593751", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e01100a8-0160-45e1-ac3f-870207d77065", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65e95821-a3db-4eea-9783-c7de3a7c409c", + "text": "ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3e75cb3-ddda-4c8d-a6b6-e433b776867c", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e3cce06-ffcb-47e4-bfcc-1d50b4074aa3", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a3dc9a78-03dd-4607-9a91-1a1fbeccd669", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aadcf5f9-3d1d-43ab-8f9e-26311086090c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "226826c8-95a6-4df0-9618-58cf7a58e6e7", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1cbdcf14-32e1-463b-b5dd-37bcaca20035", + "text": "Mira que se m'ha espatllat la targeta del bus i no em funciona, que puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta del bus", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em funciona", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "719846f5-083c-46bb-a48a-05b0b630d137", + "text": "No es preocupi. Li podem canviar sense problemes. Indiqui'm el seu DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e50980b-c4cd-4958-a333-eb5553910a72", + "text": "si, és 45678654F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678654F", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69221985-1384-4ec8-9c81-553bcbc5a72f", + "text": "D'acord. Ets la Neus Bonet, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "233a705e-d71e-41ca-895d-07be7704ca6d", + "text": "Si correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4bc8105-74d8-419a-be12-cef416f3426f", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin tipus de bitllet se t'ha espatllat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cba2b6e-0d56-42d1-b8d5-ed26272a8948", + "text": "tenia el bitllet aquest mensual que inclou tots els viatges d'un mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "el bitllet aquest mensual", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f01b51c-b7e6-4dca-b15c-7c28bd71ad01", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el teu lloc de residència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84c05439-2de4-4506-bcf5-7a631f513825", + "text": "a la seu d'urgell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "seu d'urgell", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec2e35cd-9358-4934-8012-30e9567bf5e6", + "text": "Entesos. Pots escollir entre anar a buscar la targeta en un punt d'atenció al ciutadà o que l'enviem a casa teva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "046fc883-8738-4907-a9da-f864a98604e0", + "text": "Doncs ja hi aniré o mateixa, quina és la direcció?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "hi aniré o mateixa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4fcc8ba-96b9-40db-b68f-e48fdb095aff", + "text": "La direcció és carrer Matinal, 12", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0a3fc15-8f09-4f60-a347-131b9c362c9e", + "text": "D'acord doncs ja passaré per allà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "858be365-dd43-4966-a34a-9ebff94900fc", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8aba7d92-ec4d-453b-b38e-f26ace8e0b00", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9b22ee3-6121-4119-a059-2b038f1245c5", + "text": "no gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "13ae8dcb-ac30-4779-8efa-8a9fce48fba3", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02d1ecb9-8c8a-49b7-94d2-2c6fbe7e3ee5", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06bbec7a-d73c-4890-a255-ec77b7b3adb3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3f84c9bf-24f0-4cec-8ae6-0e823bb34c6c", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e8ae8ca-a755-4b23-bf22-197440f8cd29", + "text": "Informació dels abonaments de bus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "abonaments de bus", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ac02d5f-11f2-4088-bdc6-689c5cc3c862", + "text": "Quin tipus d'abonament vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e899b95-9eba-4ef2-92c7-53f542c3d04e", + "text": "doncs no ho se, volia saber quins hi ha i triar el més em convingui", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quins hi ha", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c4aeac71-18ac-4d3c-b0c7-b4019954981a", + "text": "Hi ha abonaments setmanals, mensuals i trimestrals. Depenent de la freqüència d'ús, és millor una opció o una altra.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1214398-eb9a-4872-bc24-d348cc4f8b56", + "text": "val i quin és el preu dels tres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b7ec2743-4fb3-4b2a-9e0c-295bfab0271a", + "text": "El setmanal costa 25 euros, el mensual 50 i el trimestral 120.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae1136e9-e2e7-4831-8d50-9bd65da1f097", + "text": "val i inclouen tots els viatges que faci?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "inclouen tots els viatges", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "26d5b94e-6ee6-49d9-a696-4ba70425d5e9", + "text": "Sí, tots menys el setmanal, que són quatre viatges diaris", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba3c9609-1bf6-416b-9e96-4c91b279ef33", + "text": "d'acord, doncs mira crec que m'interessa més el mensual. on el puc anar a comprar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "el mensual", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12fa7d37-f159-4252-a16c-7357e0934cb3", + "text": "Sí. En quin lloc vius?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e58d9fd-8f87-4a92-b7e5-f08ec956945c", + "text": "Entesos. El pots anar a comprar a l'oficina que hi ha al carrer Prestigi, 14", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32437fb9-59cc-44c8-9c3a-c6c8729fa7bf", + "text": "Sí. En quin lloc viu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70f2d3f5-cfb4-474d-97de-5ba3cac13ced", + "text": "a Cerdanyola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cerdanyola", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6a7f190-7633-4a13-8b4f-18b47e0964a4", + "text": "Entesos. Pot anar a comprar a l'oficina que hi h al carrer Prestigi, 14", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b689c6e7-cf4e-42f3-87ff-ea5f4737a4ae", + "text": "ah d'acord, està propet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e013e254-4da5-4fc9-a251-d30688b86c26", + "text": "Sí. Pot anar allà a comprar-lo", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ef6b54f-b2db-4ac1-a35d-d10324902ea8", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a457e9ef-d863-4ca1-ae74-75ba7abd2c28", + "text": "d'acord! això era tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2499514-e4ae-4fe5-8c19-47782a28ee28", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d05bd768-cf2b-4e90-bf35-970d41228c9f", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80ff40b9-e8df-4688-9557-62dd599901fc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "af625773-63f1-4141-8329-9ea3566b9056", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55aff5b5-9e4f-428b-9ce2-e9f08d5f3ad9", + "text": "Hola, aquesta nit tinc un vol i amb la tormenta aquesta n'estan cancelant uns quants,volia saber si anaven a cancelar el meu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "aquesta nit", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vol", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tormenta", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a033d441-3688-4519-b6b7-af36bcfaab0e", + "text": "Quin número de referència tens?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fbe7025-4e76-49a9-86e6-f1b88b1b59b0", + "text": "es TR5439", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "TR5439", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3024c2b-bb4c-442e-b9ed-bb03347ad671", + "text": "Molt bé. Era un vol de Girona a Nàpols?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c66533dc-bd87-4519-903f-bf863a3565c9", + "text": "si correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5d453fa-20e4-497f-a99c-abf803997104", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs de moment aquest vol es manté, tot i que han endarrerit l'hora de sortida", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9575ac56-1170-4544-ba07-615e405a75b4", + "text": "d'acord i ara a quina hora surt?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4ddc4f6-fc24-41fa-8ed5-c0c11b1cc4d5", + "text": "Ara surt a les 18.15", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8de57726-89b0-402b-af94-48bdf90e970d", + "text": "val, i si al final ho cancel·len m'avisaran d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "m'avisaran", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d4a5c94-9188-4d55-a616-ad34c6d58ebc", + "text": "Sí, rebràs una notificació al mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8746a132-4eaa-498e-bcd6-57ae981a127f", + "text": "d'acord, doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e393313-86e8-4430-87b3-3c5105b867d4", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "05996ee3-b1e8-4cc6-9c50-1e9381645cdf", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "878024a0-16af-4e5d-a4fe-bf5276850819", + "text": "no vull res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3eef8312-1a15-4c0e-a2ca-6e6649601064", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb8ff809-2552-4613-af79-50ead10e4793", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "884b47ac-174b-42f6-b6fc-28bb0486416e", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b9816cc-42e7-4543-b78e-35213aface09", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "adcacfbc-ba46-48b4-8c52-f28f7d899378", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7fd1e1e-a79d-4ef4-ba08-905ceb44cd4d", + "text": "Bon dia, a veure els tiquets i abonaments de transport tenen un preu especial per jubilats?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tiquets i abonaments de transport", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu especial per jubilats", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f9d2daa0-e992-465b-8291-da9bc2471123", + "text": "Sí. Quin tipus d'abonament t'interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "39392d2f-f126-41cd-9736-e2a365ef0957", + "text": "doncs a veure quin em recomanes, jo faig uns 6 viatges cada setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "6 viatges", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "cada setmana", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a0f0101-224c-4c5d-8254-d4e065622d80", + "text": "entre bus i tram", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tram", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "815475e6-caca-4ded-b031-2bf6976e889a", + "text": "Entesos. Per a jubiliats els abonaments es redueixen un 50 per cent", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74f377eb-d446-4c4e-ad3e-470854b9f14a", + "text": "d'acord i per quant em sortiria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2575a82a-5ed6-440f-bd33-f319dbbe25b1", + "text": "El billet setmanal costa 25 euros, és a dir, en el teu cas serien 12,50 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b9471d3-f28c-4b41-b407-6bbbf57f382f", + "text": "d'acord i ho puc comprar ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82e9ed0b-3106-4f7c-9144-0baaacf14e38", + "text": "Sí. Si ho fas per aquí te l'enviem a casa. Si no pots anar a l'oficina més propera", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "011eb3fa-1f85-496d-9596-e5158336b7f2", + "text": "ah pues si, ho vull fer així ja m'ho envieu directament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e42faf3-2601-4b59-9e36-c765da2b4aab", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs indica'm un nom i cogoms, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47c4bc14-52e3-4826-a76a-4ca09f41d378", + "text": "Doncs soc el Toni Pou Amat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pou", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Amat", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1999ed6-c71c-4fd9-89c9-4c449eb2ef54", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara necessito una targeta de crèdit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0613d0cf-ae42-414d-a933-2be7efe57975", + "text": "Val, a veure el número és 4987 7654 5432 6789", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4987 7654 5432 6789", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f72bd507-0c19-4cd4-96e2-fbb75d59b5b0", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs farem el càrrec , aplicant el descompte, en aquesta targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3a362be-ddac-4c64-bd82-4bad46e633c4", + "text": "Finalment, indica'm l'adreça on vols que t'enviem l'abonament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3db6523a-80e8-4648-bc77-0987d78240a4", + "text": "D'acord. Envieu-la al carrer de la Palanca 56 segon tercera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de la Palanca 56 segon tercera", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c71afd8-74c0-4847-8b47-4a9c91e6b152", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40d5562b-1d8d-455b-a9e6-ea5f16b8ab67", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cd90a06-774e-467a-9611-94a5948e8eb7", + "text": "això era tot gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e023726-03be-4d91-82d0-f3c8b03273e3", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7ec1804-b414-4051-9556-3f16e519937e", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13e9293a-8c67-4379-8fd0-fe2558102b32", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2d7a3221-6cd9-43cb-8009-c0e192fe03e4", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5efaed3-b094-4a43-be33-780996d5cf41", + "text": "Bona tarda, mira per a anar de Sitges a Badalona hi hauria manera de o haver de canviar de tren a l'estació de sants? esque sempre hi ha tanta gent allà que m'agoio molt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sitges", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "estació de sants", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "582d9969-4112-410f-9f18-82e551bb3036", + "text": "Vols canviar de tren a Sants?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36eb8210-d233-4928-83a7-6f66fe42bbeb", + "text": "Sí, aquesta línia comença de dilluns a divendres a les 8 i té sortides cada 30 minuts. Finalitza a les deu de la nit. Els caps de setmana comença a els 9.00 amb sortides cada hora fins les 7 de la tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d915023-a279-4047-a6b9-fef2ec02de7f", + "text": "Sí, el preu és de 15 euros, anada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e72c7b1-8c87-4bc5-bc2b-35e76ce3f251", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs l'autobús surt des de la plaça Candau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1de6889-9f11-49d2-903b-4358d37df790", + "text": "Vol canviar de tren a Sants?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "089c2db2-d132-4a36-bd7e-fd67701a208d", + "text": "no això no, tot el contrari, esque l'únic trajecte que veig em fa canviar de tren allà i no vull, hi ha alguna cosa qu evagi directament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "directament", + "Start_char": 125, + "End_char": 136 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "afe2729a-379e-412d-b905-8211f880a850", + "text": "Pot anar en autobús. Hi ha busos des de sitges fins a Badalona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3f58f8c-f167-4a66-a9a8-bf97ea684e8d", + "text": "D'acord i quins son els horaris?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b643a21-5baa-4f01-b10a-6c4f54573046", + "text": "Sí, aquesta línia comença de dilluns a divendres a les 8 i té sortides cada 30 minuts. Finalitza a les deu de la nit. Els caps de setmana comença a els 9.00 amb sortides cada hora fins les 7 de la tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "687750fa-3863-41b8-9525-10440e783e1c", + "text": "Ah val, perfecte. I el preu quin és?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a70c3978-1760-4ce4-ae2a-ad1af9faa34d", + "text": "Sí, el preu és de 15 euros, anada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f727a96-3a70-4a01-8203-a73249cb8570", + "text": "D'acord està bé, això ja hi compro allà suposos. I des d'on surt el bus?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "d'on surt el bus", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a493208f-9820-460f-a0ae-6254f6a8ae9b", + "text": "Des de la plaça Candau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "326a08e9-4a56-4921-ac4c-7e3098f13ada", + "text": "Val d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ed5dcfd-1268-4e56-86b7-2a7d5fcd6e8c", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0f68a29-3fe9-4fc7-9f7b-7c2727257d1c", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2afbb50-b0fb-428d-b2ce-ee715e678cb1", + "text": "no necessito res més gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "86019253-68d0-4a51-8684-b6c2d52bf27b", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b7018ac4-c440-4b72-b52d-1b63f7670acc", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ddecb0c7-dad9-4c7a-8ad9-9df4a65a5911", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c4d852d6-0df1-45b6-8ac5-b2beddc46a46", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33ba5c2c-cd9d-4664-be61-a4138ebe49ec", + "text": "bon dia, mira volia avisar que hi ha l'ascensor de l'estació del metro que no va i clar jo vaig en cadira de rodes i m'han hagut d'ajudar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ascensor", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "estació del metro", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no va", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56d1915a-4bcf-43f6-a6bf-b06d75b5eab9", + "text": "Ens pots dir en quina estació de metro és, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "05195753-c9f5-4cc4-a5bc-6d7f8c7567b9", + "text": "ah si, es a Hostafrancs la linia vermella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Hostafrancs", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "linia vermella", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b63f1f32-8c55-475a-90dd-16bd49321e49", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs ara avisarem al personal de manteniment perquè s'ho mirin", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6bc9905-0c4d-42fa-8e55-4f160b615178", + "text": "si gràcies esque clar només n'hi ha un i quan s'espatlla doncs es un desastre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6f867246-1544-4641-ab86-4b77dbd5c04e", + "text": "Entesos. I disculpes per les molèsties que això li hagi pogut portar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecf7e53d-502a-4b6f-b0d5-3293469b4e0c", + "text": "si si, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d8e5f89b-acd6-42d0-9605-07d1fc043461", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e7ad31f-3f96-4b8f-967a-16729e8e9488", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26104771-65e9-43dd-a383-592c247379da", + "text": "no només volia això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d85838cd-f910-4fa0-aca3-122a8bb0ffb8", + "text": "de bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "257d633d-b549-4b49-9f35-e67982da2c18", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3516574-3967-4b2b-98b5-5591b08fdc22", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "46809566-bc00-4dbe-b440-e25ced78440f", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6b976b7-63d1-45f2-8763-cc1524a73eff", + "text": "Hola a veure volia saber què necessito per fer-me el abonament aquest de transport si soc familia nombrosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "abonament aquest de transport", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 82 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "familia nombrosa", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6eb92c7f-d910-441a-9bbf-1cbdc5ddf2db", + "text": "Molt bé, ens has d'enviar una còpia del carnet de família nombrosa. Aleshores hi ha un descompte del 30 per cent en tots els abonaments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f98d6fd2-4323-4288-b11c-300cb694f213", + "text": "Molt bé, ens ha d'enviar una còpia del carnet de família nombrosa. Aleshores hi ha un descompte del 30 per cent en tots els abonaments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "231cbe77-f5dd-4f6c-9ff2-36c1abe0c181", + "text": "D'acord i això on ho he d'enviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "on ho he d'enviar", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87bced15-7d9c-49ff-827d-caa24ee76d43", + "text": "Ho pot enviar a la següent direcció de correu: transports@xtec.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad45ab9f-9145-4cb6-ba09-46184728577c", + "text": "Val i després ja me la faran allà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0dae61d1-2b66-45b8-82de-6140a5490b96", + "text": "Sí, exacte, li demanaran el número de targeta i nom i cognoms del titular de l'abonament, que l'enviaran a casa seva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6ba03f2-27b7-4593-a473-acee4d076179", + "text": "Val doncs moltes gràcies per la informació. Ara ho enviaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "50d9a54f-ae83-40bd-b29b-a4552bef134f", + "text": "De res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "539e1e85-e681-41ca-8ff4-efbe21b0428b", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "039a4f42-f3a3-4bb2-90ef-579df65892dd", + "text": "No ja està!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "83e09335-4d86-4dba-8dbd-763b57169744", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4276672-04d9-4204-8a43-b62be6e5c3c0", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7494274a-ec51-4bbc-ae37-07be38a19c99", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f90d0c71-e4d0-468a-9dc4-3d34c0c53c74", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió vols fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d686bf98-6b6b-4fc5-91ce-c1817ba2703e", + "text": "Mira no saps que avui de nit és el cumple de la meva mare i he de ser a mollerussa a les 9 i el cotxe se m'ha trencat a girona i no arranca. Hi ha cap bus o tren que pugui agafar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "avui", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "nit", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "avui", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "girona", + "Start_char": 120, + "End_char": 126 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus o tren", + "Start_char": 151, + "End_char": 161 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b1deb81-c1e4-4770-bcab-85f51c8ecd05", + "text": "Des de Girona pots agafar autobusos per anar al teu destí. Vols saber-ne els horaris?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "007bec8d-36ba-4fa4-bda4-67a5841c7f89", + "text": "si! a veure si tinc sort i n'hi ha algun que em vagi bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c715651a-8e10-4003-bdf1-dbda46ebbff1", + "text": "Mira, el següent autobús és a les 11.23. Després n'hi ha cada vint minuts. Tots surten de l'avinguda Pirineu, la parada anomenada \"Pirineu\"", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ddd24e4-1191-4d2e-b604-0d865965c8b2", + "text": "Ah vale vale d'acord crec que se on es, i si no ja preguntaré. Perfecte. I saps quin preu seria per arribar fins a Mollerussa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Mollerussa", + "Start_char": 115, + "End_char": 125 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "586dc065-eafb-4b6b-b355-15e5ce3e42d2", + "text": "El preu es de 12,50 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bec9befd-e88a-4e27-8128-aa820e1c82d4", + "text": "El preu és de 12,50 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c48b490f-2626-49c2-a32f-9ee6d2b5b378", + "text": "Val d'acord gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aeb4f1d5-dbb8-4bca-a5ac-9514e84c7d11", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd30cde4-5bf9-468d-aea2-c3138b943ee9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0feb74cb-1ff5-4502-8dd0-99b60a2dd0a9", + "text": "Això es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9ba42550-783e-4637-b156-6473287a531b", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "792ed1fe-add0-4759-bdc1-18e8651b5175", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9494f887-adcc-4166-af19-ddd7eee190f3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0ba540ce-7b47-4fff-bd07-fa96ea35366c", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar-lo/la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8f4f3d1-41d6-445a-918d-e42be1e2d75d", + "text": "Hola! Jo volia fer una consulta, com està el tema de les mascotes en el bus i això? està permés?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mascotes", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21c12926-15c1-481c-be7a-92aace7a812b", + "text": "Només si són gossos guia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16f8dba8-edfa-449d-bffd-027f477c7906", + "text": "D'acord, jo es que tinc un gatet i és petit i l'he de portar al veterinari. Si el porto en una bossa seva tampoc el puc pujar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gatet", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "bossa seva", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c9031fc-dab0-49b2-b656-798941e91ed1", + "text": "En aquest cas has de preguntar al conductor", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbe2d305-3489-461f-b22f-cf2fa66c0b0d", + "text": "Em sap greu, però no", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5982cf9-e290-4045-baa8-0a60cb903b06", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c39cfb55-d8c8-4483-8853-12abeba4fdf3", + "text": "En aquest cas ha de preguntar al conductor", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4cfc45b-7cdc-4d14-b041-9f142a9acd65", + "text": "D'acord, però no m'ho pots garantir no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60494734-a456-4d3e-acc5-5ed02d04a564", + "text": "Em sap greu, però no", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a0cfd61-e1fc-43a3-acf5-f0286bc1553c", + "text": "Vale, si si ho entenc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3c59e2e-0010-421e-9167-085e850c4403", + "text": "Doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "309e22d4-240c-47bd-bf07-213909f70d66", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d51a194f-a3f3-4211-baab-33ee185bc4ad", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8e05643-b906-4d23-a68c-a582800696ad", + "text": "No, era només per fer aquesta consulta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "48bc2ed8-9cab-4f3d-81b6-3863fa0fc483", + "text": "Cap problema. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1e50e2d-785b-4aa5-ad2c-8c5f5b41ea26", + "text": "adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4346753d-e1e9-4205-a46f-ae1f7f1d76d2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c0a7cedc-2776-4f54-a33b-b7462d9aba50", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c818c04-46e7-47e7-b6df-8ccc7bc16494", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f9291f8-06a1-43be-8684-8f4f475ef4e5", + "text": "Com puc anar a Barcelona des del Masnou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Masnou", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c4d763d9-80c3-4ef3-bcbe-829b2ec05301", + "text": "Pot agafar el tren de Rodalies R1 o els busos N-80 o N-81", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88c6ba30-4da6-434e-8353-cb7637c87a36", + "text": "I aquestes línies on les puc agafar a Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "on les puc agafar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7afc70d-6b92-4ad0-a10a-688a2ae19cd1", + "text": "Pot agafar-les a Plaça Catalunya o Estació de Sants", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "feed56bf-dbb7-4ce7-b8bd-3ad2d84dfcc7", + "text": "Sol haver-hi molta gent en aquestes línies?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "molta gent", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5097afc1-a952-4ca8-b14a-b25313eddff1", + "text": "Depèn del dia i l'hora. Acostumen a estar més plens en hores puntes i dies festius.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e5d9acc-a00a-4a8c-b0d8-da475db898df", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6a825ff-3697-4ae9-9aa4-942fd721a174", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eae23b51-fbaf-4697-b8cd-efc38e3ddcd8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a7825134-d287-4c9f-8e60-534710f32dba", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17590ebd-4493-407d-9d33-16fcc1b13391", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27e67e18-787c-427d-8686-8c83b0ca8ed1", + "text": "Com puc anar a Passeig de Gràcia sense agafar el metro des de Badalona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Passeig de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sense agafar el metro", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Badalona", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ed7a9f3-836e-4383-906d-f5fec734fb03", + "text": "Pot agafar el tren R1 en direcció Plaça Catalunya, o anar en cotxe via la B-10 o C-31", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "915fd265-3ea9-451b-b1d4-4a701f6aefb4", + "text": "I hi ha parkings propers a Passeig de Gràcia on poder deixar el cotxe?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parkings propers", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Passeig de Gràcia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "79ffde23-e0fe-4b81-b062-a80fe4e90ad8", + "text": "Si, hi ha diversos parkings privats al voltant de Plaça Catalunya", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3458f818-73ed-4c9a-be4a-461bbf7e12f5", + "text": "I són molt cars?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3b417a0-4f5d-4e8c-9ddb-6c8967508233", + "text": "Hauria de consultar els preus directament amb els parkings, no tenim aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f105c1c3-073a-493f-8b1a-b7afabbb887b", + "text": "I em podeu dir a quina pàgina web consultar això o tampoc ho teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2be3ef2d-fd30-4e6b-802b-b7a9dd82c3d4", + "text": "No tenim aquesta informació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "defe99c2-951f-43d4-869b-b491182319c5", + "text": "D'acord, molt bé. Doncs ja no vull res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c1a8f2e-b2a8-47d6-94a7-06ae40e56151", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2504e02a-ec53-4d52-8aec-4b60a1853aad", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "76350d58-c41a-4f5c-82f1-908d5e55001d", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59a8f114-c527-4f65-b5d7-672fc47a893d", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c82c606d-2eed-446a-926e-4da576110be7", + "text": "Vull evitar fer trajectes per anar a Ciutadella des de Plaça Catalunya.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "evitar fer trajectes", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Ciutadella", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70b1a564-76f4-4de7-a538-c60c593b2fd2", + "text": "Disculpi, no entenc la seva pregunta. Vol saber com arribar a Ciutadella des de Plaça Catalunya?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64ff0446-888b-43b7-b7c2-8a1ea3533449", + "text": "Sí, però vull anar directe.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "directe", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0dd06987-07a3-4926-baac-37dbedbe75b5", + "text": "Hi ha alguna manera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4974b583-f890-45c2-91b5-b8aaccc6717b", + "text": "La parada de metro més propera al Parc de la Ciutadella és Arc de Triomf, a la línia vermella, que pot agafar directament a Plaça Catalunya", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9a38f9f-70c2-4405-b298-be40b00e12f9", + "text": "I amb quin bitllet puc anar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02b5f65b-f707-4234-b997-7b29e4ee7c83", + "text": "Pot comprar la targeta que més s'ajusti a les seves necessitats a qualsevol de les estacions de metro de Barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd1a32f3-6864-4481-a702-5b8919e9618d", + "text": "Hi ha màquines de bitllets a totes les estacions doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "màquines de bitllets", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a totes les estacions", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91aef223-3665-4f44-bb6b-45eb5e66a484", + "text": "Si, exacte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e8665a49-4596-4513-81fd-fd61872df6fb", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "819548dd-7868-43fb-bea9-33b6a7b1d892", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "19718a1a-78a3-493c-87c3-c5145d4faa8a", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21cd6720-f28f-4902-8dd6-7cb1d0b149f1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "aa09bd67-29f8-438a-a634-28771662954a", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b2befeca-7dd1-4064-b5c2-be1611056a2e", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3895bc33-739a-4e51-be55-2b148e4adaa9", + "text": "Quin bus agafo per poder arribar a Mataró des de Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f558eb5-d5ac-442c-aab9-c42282fcc6e6", + "text": "Pot agafar l'autobús E11 des de Ronda Universitat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a24b4215-9a45-4b13-aed8-3964ee6434ec", + "text": "I es pot pagar el bitllet directament al bus?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "directament al bus", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c13cc43-0513-4bfe-bf86-0e17c062ff71", + "text": "Si, pot comprar un bitllet al bus però haurà de pagar en efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1e62fe7-b1c6-44b3-a036-37357f7b9157", + "text": "No es pot en targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "536b054d-6842-41ef-9931-1025e11bc5c9", + "text": "Alguns autobusos ofereixen aquesta opció, però no li podem garantir", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b097b29e-41a8-41fa-9f3c-1f8d5f376058", + "text": "I quina és la freqüència de pas?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "freqüència de pas", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2330d36b-4ddd-4328-88bc-8d1a729d72ac", + "text": "Passa cada 20 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34a080e3-dbad-4777-b579-2d841396d101", + "text": "D'acord. Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4510926d-bff8-48dc-8556-576b41463eca", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6bc24d32-c2bd-4042-8f21-0e14f28cb33d", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06d368dd-7765-456c-8457-eacee3093680", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2a459d74-6cec-4822-a0a0-d4fb2f573996", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8687aae-e8b3-4136-b811-6155746d1dff", + "text": "Bon dia, què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d3c92fcd-f360-4bab-bcd8-3038771b01f7", + "text": "Hi ha línies nocturnes d'autobús que arribin a Alella?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "línies nocturnes d'autobús", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Alella", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6e756d8-5b8f-4e17-832c-def420201a38", + "text": "Des de quina població vol fer el trajecte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2289f1e0-ce2c-4851-85d4-905a59b9218a", + "text": "Des d'Hospitalet de Llobregat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Hospitalet de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2094fc1-93b4-48fd-9075-54f4d72462c8", + "text": "Pot agafar el bus nocturn N-80 o N-81", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1eba3026-6d8b-4f21-83be-57a37179675d", + "text": "I a partir de quan comença a passar la línia nocturna?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan comença", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58326021-256e-48c2-85f8-cffaab6e2341", + "text": "A partir de les 23.30h", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9caa5dec-33ea-4b0c-9714-d536f554bf42", + "text": "I passa cada hora, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cada hora", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7e93d1b3-7aed-4a02-8552-1f1d29d8ba80", + "text": "Si, exactament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c25d40c-737a-4dfb-a868-fa626151e7f9", + "text": "Genial. Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd74a2e8-900e-4c48-a726-2e2a81496d8e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4380fa5d-fbdb-4cd9-afb1-8b028d89b8ee", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6fe81f43-c5ae-4f00-8a10-e59c5356f74f", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c257b6f-d401-455e-b4b0-78c589fd890a", + "text": "Vull demanar un taxi.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d683f276-0847-4153-8fc8-d10faab44381", + "text": "Molt bé, per a quina adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d23d124b-7890-4725-ad25-e6a5bdbf13b3", + "text": "A Carrer València 12, Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer València 12, Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70dbf470-bf71-4c3b-8f44-29261f510969", + "text": "Molt bé, el vol per ara mateix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6331dea8-558e-4fd5-9f1c-f5ffa720e534", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "48ee1250-70c0-44b5-acfd-52e1f4fc7401", + "text": "Perfecte. La trucarem al telèfon que ens indiqui quan el taxista estigui a la porta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb0a379d-17cc-4e86-aed9-260b031a55da", + "text": "D'acord. El meu número és 654 67 56 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "654 67 56 12", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c171e6ec-14f4-4386-b8ee-c1a5eee1ef18", + "text": "Molt bé, el taxi arribarà en un màxim de 10 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a24eaf0b-0e03-4333-b6db-4bf3beb28890", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d297c9b8-7ecc-4bf9-91f1-c76379fdc9ca", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b31128e-13a5-4f9a-92a1-9b299b6f93a4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9d937abc-33a4-453a-a0e9-e79463b46b66", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "05c63e78-b486-49bd-ba03-8c85ceca6012", + "text": "He demanat un taxi però ja fa mitja hora i no arriba.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "fa mitja hora", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no arriba", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c0a25ac-5b9a-4fc7-88b2-d7465333b3bc", + "text": "Disculpi les molèsties. Em pot donar la seva adreça i número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c44b524-76f7-4441-9725-6a5814cd7a08", + "text": "Sí. Avinguda de les Corts Catalanes 01. 678 43 78 54", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avinguda de les Corts Catalanes 01", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "678 43 78 54", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "238f928c-9ca5-472f-96f5-9ab97f94ac0f", + "text": "Veig que el taxista ha estat esperant a baix i hem intentat contactar-la però al no rebre resposta, ha hagut de marxar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7618fb7f-83b3-4ad0-8f3f-535223b6c869", + "text": "Vol que li demanem un altre taxi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e2962b8-5f47-4af3-992b-17948707c180", + "text": "No he sentit res. Sí, en vull un altre.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "943991a1-3c95-430f-8f47-95fff4f15372", + "text": "Molt bé, li enviem a la mateixa adreça, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b90866af-f9ae-44b5-b282-52a443a215d6", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4c64a49-966f-43b4-bbbc-4c76d418a849", + "text": "Molt bé, el taxi estara amb vostè en 7 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec3cdaa5-cb68-4feb-9568-db543f5341cb", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "948ea345-0dba-4c04-b5e0-823522b284b2", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ffc48f6-68bd-42c4-ab88-2069845347da", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "47d3419e-9f32-42ba-8c46-7c221bcfb3ff", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1cb65590-3d75-4bd1-ac31-76daf852893e", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8978080e-ba22-430e-8d53-23b084d44791", + "text": "Taxi de Barcelona a Calella.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Taxi", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Calella", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d39cd7a9-34dc-4f1a-b2b3-0b77c1e3ee72", + "text": "Vol sol·licitar un taxi de Barcelona a Calella de Palafrugell?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a1f6afa-36db-4ffa-aa52-4ab6fe3e4b02", + "text": "No, a Calella de Palafrugell no. A Calella.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Calella", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44a4b699-3f33-4735-9309-98662b294f12", + "text": "D'acord. El vol per ara mateix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f2ee5ce-7e17-4030-b4a0-1bb0f5d4c5c8", + "text": "Sí. El vull com més aviat millor.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "com més aviat millor", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "707c5b40-9d18-43f6-9062-f186da6ff118", + "text": "Perfecte, a quina adreça li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60dbaef2-3a29-4a41-ac74-7b2de992e660", + "text": "A Carrer Pelai, 15.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Pelai, 15", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7eeda789-1d00-4725-96e7-0741fce1c772", + "text": "Perfecte, a nom de qui el demanem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ba730b3-2f8b-4ea8-85e6-5dfa84d38fa1", + "text": "De Cocha González Nicolás.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Cocha", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "González", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Nicolás", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "577b2539-1a7b-4c03-82d0-832f4b5cfc72", + "text": "Molt bé Concha, de seguida el tindrà a la porta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2a2f425-954e-4e19-bc99-aededef55255", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f43517c-c043-4b88-8791-6817296206b8", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7d5c6576-bcd9-4064-9d75-b936ad0b3d3f", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3bb58b8a-486c-4c8b-bd62-3dcbdf17cc88", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d7e7b11a-094c-4bb8-ac04-0f941ca1bdcb", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b5ddfa86-02a8-4c17-9a47-78a8437999ed", + "text": "Bona tarda, l'atén el Carles, com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e934dd3d-96da-4eec-a316-97895b2eea90", + "text": "Quins mitjans de transport puc agafar a l'aeroport del Prat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "mitjans de transport", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "aeroport del Prat", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2066ec0-6d90-48c7-8198-864036732e0b", + "text": "Pot agafar el metro a la línia L9, l'aerobus A1 i A2, i el tren de Rodalies R2", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23d0eb7d-ea83-4709-8192-fc46ee67a14d", + "text": "I tots els mitjans es poden agafar a totes les terminals?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "totes les terminals", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6535bf82-2bb6-4b6b-8537-b2ef00ca53de", + "text": "A la Terminal 2 només pot agafar l'aerobus A2", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "581a1f6d-2cf9-473c-ba05-15e7c10497d7", + "text": "I hi ha algún transport que enllaci les dues terminal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transport", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "les dues terminal", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8729eecf-b3eb-4d4a-af53-37c9d75dfde2", + "text": "Si, pot agafar l'autobús llançadora entre terminals, que passa cada pocs minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3579ee0-2ad5-4471-baa2-6470e4a1bd0c", + "text": "Genial. Doncs faré això.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5720eb01-9e54-4f87-b0d4-5b0db1617fbf", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f3fd3b20-17c4-49ed-9dae-ef8703ba2f9c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "47d1188c-4e8e-4cdf-9c40-d29eeb8cda17", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b53e9dec-1155-42ba-91c9-f03847667350", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1259c4db-9617-477e-b71d-3fa8effc8d01", + "text": "Quins bitllets de tren teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllets de tren", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4371319c-5e7f-4988-b17e-1eb4567964d2", + "text": "Vol saber els diferents tipus de bitllets de tren que pot comprar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "784507fc-4096-4e8f-9f68-6b6bfe939ad4", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7d1ab6c-ddf0-4945-bb06-2bcaf7091bcf", + "text": "Pot comprar un Bitllet Senzil, una T-Casual o una T-Usual", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eef08800-f7b6-4e28-8009-46e74ea1428a", + "text": "Vull comprar un bitllet de t-Casual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "t-Casual", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce0ce376-eb5b-410c-a840-f5ea621ea26b", + "text": "Molt bé, el vol comprar per aqui?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b40f2840-4ad1-45fe-a5ff-2cf0f329147f", + "text": "Sí, si pot ser sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9730d6d2-c136-48b2-aaa0-c3b8b8c3b239", + "text": "Molt bé, indiqui'm el número, data de caducitat i codi CSS de la seva targeta si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "888dd7c1-2e8c-4f7b-a1c1-4c53eb298f4b", + "text": "6677 6543 3222 9097\n10/22\n864", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "6677 6543 3222 9097", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "card_exp", + "text": "10/22", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "cvv", + "text": "864", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30aee601-24aa-4990-9be6-9bcc2ded4e1f", + "text": "Molt bé, el pagament ha estat acceptat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6349e09-a801-44b5-9a5e-953f40149e82", + "text": "Pot recollir la seva targeta a qualsevol de les estacions de metro a Barcelona, amb el codi 8251935", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "444588f3-0f34-401d-a8c1-f761c4b37fd1", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45b3d02d-0597-400c-8dbf-519d064e16a4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "354657d5-7820-46d7-815d-f1b6131ed1ea", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c89f3e3-6b8c-4abd-88f9-05ee66e8cb8d", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3727478b-e9ec-45d0-9d0a-621d9e863df0", + "text": "Quins serveis ofereix el tren de rodalies?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "serveis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tren de rodalies", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6001f827-7850-4e74-97b2-fa272d4c4e8d", + "text": "Vol saber els serveis disponibles dins dels trens, correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df9b120c-57c1-4b1c-90b3-888b84beac37", + "text": "Sí, exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5d28071c-b910-4129-b606-320500f52e84", + "text": "Els trens de Rodalies compten amb lavabos a cada vagó, desfibriladors manuals i extinctors.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b45cf2cd-ff79-48b2-a63f-9b782ced2e15", + "text": "I tots tenen els mateixos serveis?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tots tenen els mateixos", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dbedbdb6-e981-49ff-b197-c92b9adb7379", + "text": "Si, tots els trens tenen aquests serveis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d85434aa-1386-4a82-a5c1-a1920bb91631", + "text": "Perfecte. Que bé! Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ab49170-94ea-4003-9f6d-0cf211ed8e87", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5626899-9faf-4a3e-8193-0cce7be29cbf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5a6e9085-d28b-4f0c-98bf-8cc8951045fe", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b5107f0-f4d5-4223-97dd-262547e26662", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbb3425f-dbba-4d7f-bb3f-cfcc3b24ea2a", + "text": "Quins són els horaris del metro?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "metro", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3248214c-78f0-4867-b50f-dabb401fafe6", + "text": "El metro està obert de Diumenge a Divendres de 5h del matí a 12h de la nit, i els Dissabtes de 5h del matí a 2h de la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2abb2c8-2627-4e1e-a917-f55814bb9b81", + "text": "I la freqüència de metro com va? Segueix passant cada 3 min en els nocturns també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "freqüència", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "cada 3 min en els nocturns també", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3238dd68-13a5-49e0-bd81-5fc6ab7b3167", + "text": "La freqüència a la nit pot ser una mica menor, però mai triga més de 7 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c59a58a-321c-4a9c-8d56-c06c7afc6b2e", + "text": "I va a tot arreu el metro també oi? No tanquen cap línia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "No tanquen cap línia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "793dcc26-cafc-4b39-b99b-f4d3f388d278", + "text": "Efectivament, totes les línies de metro tenen aquest horari.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ccd92b02-3272-4e96-be96-7519e27fe0b4", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies per la teva ajuda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57346a48-9a9c-4d0a-90ba-9710c80df04f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "98c0ef21-de3a-4741-bcd4-0dc0465ee89b", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "18232ee8-9d2e-4f15-828e-f3f24bbe389a", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7716d98-43a2-4984-a1ed-f1970bdad157", + "text": "Com puc canviar un bitllet de tren?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet de tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet de tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ba1e02b-98ac-4e55-9ac5-0d729bc0d996", + "text": "Ho pot fer en persona a qualsevol de les estacions de metro", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f6951c9-6d5b-48da-bbc4-c7ce66b7e245", + "text": "I no ho podeu fer per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cbf17078-17d1-4ea7-b3d0-5d6dd44bb23e", + "text": "No, si  ja ha imprès el seu bitllet, només li podràn fer el canvi a les estacions de metro.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "129c6512-ecba-4d1e-8093-1e1235db57c7", + "text": "I només haig de portar el meu bitllet o alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "el meu bitllet", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9267e0d4-0261-4093-901c-6c5489a9c5fb", + "text": "Si es tracta d'un bitllet unipersonal, haurà de portar el seu DNI també.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fbac546-90e8-4a60-a737-7e7105c810ac", + "text": "I amb això hauria de poder canviar-lo, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5728bfcd-7123-44a3-84d0-02c252791265", + "text": "Si, exactament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f4ebdb0-9b74-4f5c-aeb7-2deddbccd211", + "text": "El canvi és gratuït?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gratuït", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71263e4e-2041-4ae2-ac00-d1124364e26b", + "text": "Si, el canvi es gratuït", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "921be6b7-5e4b-4fd8-9244-9e96213c4bb3", + "text": "Genial. Ho faré.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14c043cf-90d9-4501-a688-6a09a15500d3", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a839bc89-3c42-49bd-94b0-3b28ef95ddaa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f611580-b342-4331-b45a-3eb24bfcda47", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a67bcbe2-7319-4512-9beb-eb662fb47349", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91ecb235-f56f-40f0-b5de-ed06d97307eb", + "text": "Què puc fer si el meu bitllet de tren no em funciona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet de tren", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em funciona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d766feed-2673-456c-938e-6616dbc1fdc5", + "text": "Pot ser que el bitllet sigui defectuós, o hagi estat danyat. En aquest cas el pot descanviar a qualsevol de les estacions de tren, directament a la guixeta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1953342b-379f-48dc-951b-f5ea40a0ea3a", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores només haig d'explicar el problema, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c957c0e-1063-4098-9226-4c4ff62603ab", + "text": "Si, només ha d'explicar la situació i portar el bitllet a qualsevol de les estacions de tren", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73749433-0b07-45bf-8e6e-1ad9c13b9417", + "text": "I si està defectuós com sortiré de l'estació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "defectuós", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sortiré de l'estació", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3722f3d-469e-42ac-a520-33c8f8628738", + "text": "Pot demanar als guardes de seguretat o al personal del metro que la deixin sortir per l'accés de minusvalids, i explicar-los la situació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d53cc344-2ce2-4351-b115-6cae5908a2e8", + "text": "I ja està?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d8238ba5-6f64-4253-ad07-1a3e2e4b93d6", + "text": "Si, això és tot", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d3fa8c6-073d-43b4-9695-18c8e91c4609", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c74aee3-a460-480b-81bd-e625dcf5d2f4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7a84be4b-4925-4aa7-872a-d46f36d0a729", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e23bce8-e311-4059-9bd9-098ec50dba0d", + "text": "On puc trobar les oficines d'informació de Rodalies?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficines d'informació", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Rodalies", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae6b8ccc-8694-4c4d-9fbc-81057aedec6d", + "text": "Tenim oficines d'informació a totes les estacions principals de Rodalies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ebea32f-89f1-4d0f-9bb8-c7f359e05ef5", + "text": "Plaça Catalunya, Passeig de Gràcia, Sant Andreu Arenal, Estació de França i Estació de Sants", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73e176f8-cffa-4d0b-b511-8922dee77bd1", + "text": "Gràcies per la llista.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1b914b14-e6cc-478d-b2b5-770f239e3abd", + "text": "I quins tràmits puc gestionar en aquestes oficines?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tràmits", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "321916b4-dc6e-4ab4-94db-a497dc23ea09", + "text": "Pot consultar qualsevol dubte, comprar o retornar bitllets, i preguntar per articles perduts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4768043d-3fa0-48e6-8a71-7cd94e42cb2d", + "text": "Vull passar-m'hi ara. Teniu molta cua o agafem cita prèvia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita prèvia", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f656e57f-583c-40aa-a91f-e5f272fa7af3", + "text": "No es pot demanar cita prèvia, haurà d'anar directament i esperar al seu torn.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14bea902-46ab-432a-a190-b2393187f6c6", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d3e53af-fc0d-48a0-8b22-00425308fa64", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2b60432-09c9-4d82-a7e0-a43a49adf157", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9a7ee765-1fc3-40b2-8e1c-8639c618bc40", + "text": "Bon dia. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf5304a7-e8f5-4049-9b97-8fc71148ae50", + "text": "Hola! Voldria modificar la meva tarjeta d'usuari", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarjeta d'usuari", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fa67b11-b5e3-422d-977a-5bcfffd16592", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "faa117e6-e377-435e-a386-6fa6511ac6d5", + "text": "14270943S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "14270943S", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15b1e795-53d7-4f9f-b278-d1b6a063e72c", + "text": "Quins canvis voldria fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85bde54c-39dc-4bc0-b248-ebc63735020e", + "text": "Doncs he vist que el meu nom està malament, posa Kordi i em dic Jordi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "el meu nom", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Kordi", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ae3014c-92b2-478d-99c0-a42c95cdc9ed", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrat el canvi. Alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1810cf32-1cfe-4669-b8d0-7e52a51eba29", + "text": "Gràcies! Em podreu enviar la tarjeta nova amb els canvis?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviar la tarjeta nova", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a90dd0f-88fe-4544-8997-ebfbefa4e646", + "text": "Sí, a l'adreça registrada o voldria canviar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "205abdf0-74cd-4718-b79c-731d7f5ab036", + "text": "A aquesta!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa0aee4d-55dc-4538-a380-35a439296204", + "text": "La rebrà en un marge de 48-72h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2eac601f-32cd-4481-be3b-49cabdd48c46", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1a5152b1-69c0-435e-8201-9302d3325b65", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2234cbe-2c54-42a2-9e45-3da56f8fb30d", + "text": "No! Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb195588-8dea-4169-819d-eb5fac8a525a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5e784df7-4cff-42a4-b391-733e45b60c70", + "text": "Voldria saber el preu per anar des de Barcelona fins a Girona amb bus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "836e908d-0618-42ce-95b3-7f7e7657812e", + "text": "15€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbd5bb75-56ae-4702-b1f6-18c7923f57d4", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e23eabd-6576-4dad-b9ad-d3c89b77011a", + "text": "I quan surten els busos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan surten", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5ebed31-a882-4b2d-9d05-5d2fafe520fc", + "text": "10:30, 15:30 i 17:30", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f6b4264-c7e3-4311-9de2-4508a936975d", + "text": "Doncs el de les 15.30 em va genial, em pasaré per la estació i compraré el bitllet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "15.30", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6665b62e-5e4e-43f7-877a-5dd2019d293f", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "81a1cb33-0a31-4c4b-8be1-0b69dba0c29a", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d738a9e1-fd5b-4e8b-869f-48ede5b54a08", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6992c04-5d53-47ff-91d7-ed3de616275d", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97ab9bf6-5e0b-42c7-9fbb-7dcd428bd1f2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1416dee5-e1a4-40a1-a0b0-143cf5e6f262", + "text": "Bon dia, el tren ha vingut amb molt de retard", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ha vingut amb molt de retard", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f794f7d3-20a3-4a9c-8932-fdbed17e108f", + "text": "S'ha de dirigir a la taquilla per tal de fer una reclamació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "883a5e7a-cdcf-4df9-951b-19d6f289ec76", + "text": "A quina taquilla? A la estació on estic no n'hi ha?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la estació on estic", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "no n'hi ha", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e237276-c08b-47de-a986-777dbcf53ea1", + "text": "No es pot fer online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96786705-fd6f-460d-8ba4-449800ae03ce", + "text": "A qualsevol que en tingui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "598d5940-7940-46fe-9ba7-5705d5639fda", + "text": "Gràcies...bueno, doncs ja la faré algun altre dia...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3fa04334-f49e-462d-96db-bbcca98e30bf", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d03d0455-c39f-4085-a92c-fced538de566", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4dba5c27-28e3-4fe8-ba52-876ed941d33b", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e925f395-457d-4f3f-ada3-7a36e597960e", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "67096e68-5caf-4354-ac7f-71782b83832c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c61f450c-1587-458e-b3b6-109c6b2ba4a8", + "text": "Una dona ha caigut a la via", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "Una dona ha caigut a la via", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "658981af-7332-48b8-9511-12a42843ea12", + "text": "Estic a la estació de Tàrrega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "estació de Tàrrega", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02a97d54-dc6f-49d6-b159-1f7da240fea2", + "text": "Podeu avisar al tren que arriba en dos minuts a la estació??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "avisar al tren que arriba en dos minuts", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "545e0f0a-c860-48e9-bea5-63f1164a026b", + "text": "D'acord. Ens posem en contacte amb el servei de l'estació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0162dfe9-d8ad-4d16-a0d0-4f35f9d71ce6", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "923957bd-2b8a-4bea-a0ec-82754fddca6d", + "text": "A tu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d0ebf3b-0aa0-45e6-ad5b-3bcfb9ab8e94", + "text": "Heu pogut avisar al maquinista?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "avisar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "maquinista", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a6976d9-37d4-4151-b2ee-af1f214eb142", + "text": "Sí, ja hem informat l'estació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b36b1ff6-2da6-4f20-8bf8-04ee16c2f1ca", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "81516ad8-09f5-48bb-83a4-b80844daf0fd", + "text": "Sembla que la dona ja està aixecada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5522da6a-acba-4865-9604-6529c599b74d", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24d4924a-e08f-45e1-8c3f-41bdd7c6ca34", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66ba1216-9728-4c8d-8d44-45907bae71f5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7dc81fc5-62d5-476d-83db-0b749039fe13", + "text": "Bon dia, vull canviar el tiquet per viatjar a la Vall d'Aran", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tiquet", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Vall d'Aran", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e026bd16-f79b-456d-9895-a045ceefcce6", + "text": "Quin és el tiquet que tenia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23262af9-421f-42bd-b286-25e875f6ed17", + "text": "El tiquet pel dia 28", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "28", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f7fb48f-08bb-4443-a566-78e6faf6f2a9", + "text": "Per a quin dia el voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e952f0be-7beb-45f9-aee3-f2f83aa93a1d", + "text": "Pel dia 2 de febrer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "2 de febrer", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d11a6b50-7bb8-49e0-a578-40db86dadb09", + "text": "Quin és el codi del seu tiquet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36d55b0c-b0aa-473c-ad8e-a71bee55003f", + "text": "4d32e", + "actor": 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"End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57b8be19-b5fd-48c7-a254-dd6f4531c743", + "text": "Quina és la seva adreça postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55bbeb07-37d9-4e6a-b001-c263a8d8b181", + "text": "08343", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08343", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75f46470-a11e-44f0-951f-64174ac0ab88", + "text": "Quin és el correu amb el que va fer la compra?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ec067ff-dded-4f17-8e22-a85d7fe7f5dc", + "text": "aarec@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "aarec@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56ba20e8-6659-42f3-beeb-8cec4fe52027", + "text": "Rebrà al mateix correu el nou tiquet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c38a8307-4fef-407a-a870-86de4fd5a6ce", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7daa13eb-c816-4816-be05-b6ebe5a54c79", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ece27d83-54c3-40dc-9300-35d6c6bcf8bc", + "text": "Bon dia, quin és el millor transport per anar a l'aeroport de Girona des de Vic?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "aeroport de Giron", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6662a9ef-851f-4082-a5a6-ba2312c019c8", + "text": "En bus per 10€ i en un trajecte de 50mins.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53bf3f57-934e-4914-bc93-f5e0f2adaad2", + "text": "Em sembla bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "50b42cc3-a592-44de-b4e2-fc1d229cbad2", + "text": "Per a quin dia ho voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b9b71d7-4706-43fb-afc5-db942ba8038f", + "text": "Doncs pel dimecres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9cb5cc70-370d-41d5-aa80-240ecb0b18c2", + "text": "8.45 o 17.00 o 20.00", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "621dc410-c6ef-4b5b-95b8-437feb7615f1", + "text": "A les 8,45 si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "8,45", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a96d7869-6276-4ef3-9d38-8147473ba1c8", + "text": "Haurà de comprar el tiquet a l'estació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73ffd286-7eac-4eba-9352-6a11391bec1e", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": 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Adéu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72beb55d-44e1-4efb-a32c-e97a73c9f359", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "34de6c77-753f-4658-9537-c981f8bb88d1", + "text": "Bon dia, volia agafar un uber fins a Mollerusa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "uber", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Mollerusa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bb8ae08-a04a-4062-ba1c-7e23f5c848bd", + "text": "Quina és la seva adreça de sortida?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "749b25ed-09c5-4d0f-a6d7-9eccfda67154", + "text": "Doncs estic a Tarrega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Tarrega", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2b40dbf-e5ca-4e44-a5e5-752d2ace4759", + "text": "Quina és la adreça exacta per enviar-li l'Uber?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95b3d4ff-44a6-43f1-842a-5f16eb09a1aa", + "text": "6 Carrer de Jacint Verdaguer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "6 Carrer de Jacint Verdaguer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8170edfa-6942-4281-9162-08802176d840", + "text": "Quina és la adreça de destinació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25629bfe-7a52-469f-92fd-9761ad5ad479", + "text": "El centre de Mollerusa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "centre de Mollerusa", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c4051b5d-11ae-4099-9c07-a445842507c0", + "text": "D'acord. Pot rebre un Uber al seu domicili en 10 minuts o en 7 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a601ce71-28a0-4425-9034-7d397dc94b14", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6584484-dda1-41c4-a7b4-1046374fbcb9", + "text": "Gràcies. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d023f85-c123-4ffc-becc-72d545fed03f", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5c6ae6e-b6aa-4879-a0d0-0b8857f7a059", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "be3fcf19-61c9-46db-aa31-270c7f047fed", + "text": "Bona tarda, volia canviar un bitllet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6627a242-a0f2-4cfa-8653-d17d86e496ea", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quin tipus de bitllet és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e161c0d7-aade-4b10-9798-8371d49de924", + "text": "Doncs és un bitllet de tren", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet de tren", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a19a7608-354f-4fe8-8825-c0fe5bda5af5", + "text": "On el va comprar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc4fa7fe-8be1-4ef8-aeda-a3d2bef8662b", + "text": "Online, a la web de renfe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "web de renfe", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47ae48a2-7782-460e-9430-b708426f47c0", + "text": "Va fer servir el seu compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1486b389-8a85-44ec-ab3f-57b35011cdc6", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "384eb039-cb85-4770-864a-01ef6b101ba8", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom d'usuari i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d94e586-9fff-4554-9017-c9ff03a0693c", + "text": "joanre@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joanre@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57ee60d7-3de1-48fe-ae56-d6676ac728a1", + "text": "43127864P", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43127864P", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd1cf67a-34b2-4eb6-aec3-ecb12ec70c53", + "text": "Quin canvi voldria realitzar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "efd4a713-e2c9-45d6-ab5b-9c5daf23ef3b", + "text": "Doncs volia estar al costat de una amiga", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "estar al costat de una amiga", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae6e332e-2ff4-4705-ac5d-d27dde3380a9", + "text": "Jo tinc el seient 4D i ella el 5F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "seient", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "4D", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "5F", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd2457a1-977a-46f5-bb5e-421d3261b7d9", + "text": "El canvi de seient suposa un plus de 5€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d9630a1d-2300-4b88-8bdd-c461c7ffb614", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "307d9e68-d4a9-438c-9353-f96f968b5db9", + "text": "D'acord. Rebrà per correu el nou bitllet. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1f51c8c-ae75-43f7-8944-643b425086af", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d23db04b-e458-4a28-b3da-542b260e3d9f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "762c9f05-e5e0-4da1-8c8e-f71942b70c02", + "text": "Bon dia. vull comprar un bitllet d'avió fins a Berlin", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet d'avió", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Berlin", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "564b09fd-e7f5-46b3-a091-b50cece5acd9", + "text": "Des quin aeroport voldria volar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98ad0ff2-0e3c-4434-886a-cf93b04fdc98", + "text": "Des del de Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37946937-101a-4396-a3cd-3ee29bb3a06f", + "text": "Quin dia voldria marxar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abb9ee62-41bf-4db5-b12c-2355c7049e60", + "text": "Doncs m'agradaria anar el proper cap de setmana si hi ha vols", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "el proper cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e776136-a491-4b34-9f7d-3ca8ec6c21ed", + "text": "Quan voldria tornar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4116fc23-3c9f-41e9-bad6-278a2303e097", + "text": "El dia 25", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "25", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc26ad88-1e23-41b2-9dfa-39483454360c", + "text": "Hi ha un vol que surt de Barcelona a les 08.25 i un torna de Berlin a les 17.05, per 175€ anada i tornada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c84fc3a0-4065-41eb-9908-2db647eb680e", + "text": "Em sembla bé. El vull", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "badc3b0a-61a5-4448-b2fa-582de84e7679", + "text": "Quin és el seu correu electrònic? Li enviaré la reserva i un cop fet el pagament rebrà la confirmació de la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "867faeb4-1707-45ae-8ffc-38208e92dd48", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8447a6ad-a211-491b-afe5-c52995402838", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4329944b-e7e0-425d-8867-0b589bf4e9a0", + "text": "Bon dia, vull comprar un altre bitllet al meu costat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "un altre bitllet", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "al meu costat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8745145c-be20-457c-a30d-d74b45ae29d5", + "text": "Quin trajecte realitza?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ab72cf1-3f94-469e-b214-fc56e195679e", + "text": "Doncs vaig desde Tarragona fins Girona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Tarragona", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ec2980c-953b-45b4-bc50-b3df1898a9ba", + "text": "Quin dia i a quina hora?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34bac9fa-3c20-44e3-b1d2-82d4806e7a7a", + "text": "El dia 20 a les 20.30", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "20", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "20.30", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0812f84f-c5f6-4dbd-8284-86c63b2018e6", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI o correu de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73d36a04-78ea-4cd8-bf4e-e45cb3c70783", + "text": "abfgew@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "abfgew@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db9c265b-fa69-4747-a3ae-50a624783cae", + "text": "Sento dir-li que no hi ha disponible el seient al seu costat. Puc ajudar-lo amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbd97810-e4dc-468b-b019-9c860e9df7cc", + "text": "Llavors res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7341a432-7595-4521-a6f1-67f43c6518fe", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e3dbf8a-2a8a-4203-8e87-4b0e61aaf48b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "11057590-be95-4c82-8fbf-c5565c68932d", + "text": "Hola! Quin horari fa el tren que va des de l'Hospitalet a Salou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'Hospitalet", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0534303e-3f0f-4e9d-b434-2b5f5b01f2be", + "text": "Hi ha un tren cada 15 minuts des les 6 del matí fins del 22h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8f15672-87e7-45bc-b86c-18a9f8324e1c", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a40e4f9-df86-4b39-9a2f-c5c6aeca0b6a", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8094b220-a581-49bd-9d23-097a3e62f254", + "text": "No, amb això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "108de360-3684-45cf-8623-473c628ff19a", + "text": "D'acord. Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40ddb8d3-4c5c-4ef9-9518-c6625c7b3ac5", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ae9d889d-312f-40f6-b973-01f110b7e2ba", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b558e924-85a2-494c-ba68-5757841a60c1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3b463906-6eb9-4aa0-b6a3-5a75322ae913", + "text": "Bon dia, vull saber la informació dels busos nocturns", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "busos nocturns", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cbd285d7-d0ce-4fda-bbe5-13cb0fb91c9d", + "text": "Quin és l'origen i destinació que li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "452ae47b-2972-41a0-961d-9055e71be944", + "text": "Doncs voldria informació general sobre quan començen i quantes linies hi ha", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan començen", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quantes linies hi ha", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4900ca1-1985-4973-a767-5453ce7e513c", + "text": "A quina ciutat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bed2c54-7a25-4309-a4c1-47413ab04c4e", + "text": "A Girona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2bc11e31-3aa1-4eb0-b90b-08014cb63b6f", + "text": "Disposem de 10 línies i donen servei de 9 pm a 6 am.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de228e1b-fead-4239-9d65-9c0fad6edb68", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb0b9d28-f89b-4cdb-a303-4679909f782b", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b27ee1ed-3945-4104-8ef4-9fc5d7629213", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f9fe98c5-49d9-48f8-8d13-b64754996a0c", + "text": "D'acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f9938c5-bf82-467b-b676-778178a7be12", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34e97767-7b88-4edb-b194-8c52d39d76f9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2db3d948-aec3-4ae6-bfee-81ec91604cfa", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria cancel·lar el bitllet que havia comprat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dcfc2cca-5674-46a0-801a-ba20cd217a53", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2e2083c-da66-483e-a092-789dfa1eb12b", + "text": "51782619Y", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "51782619Y", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34c6c64e-ec09-45af-9a44-8bd9737d458d", + "text": "Quin és el codi de reserva del bitllet que vol cancel·lar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "577da0e9-263e-49b8-9f28-349228dfaf65", + "text": "Y32", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "Y32", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f491d385-59b3-4976-95d3-419f1419b39b", + "text": "D'acord, ja s'ha tramitat la cancel·lació del seu bitllet i constaràn els diners al seu compte en 5-7 dies laborables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a769c98e-a8b0-422b-bf27-6ad0c7083a5a", + "text": "D'acord! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dc51b5f1-e1ab-4197-9edb-fc0be5521558", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2b23450-5594-4506-98e5-3acbac1e6408", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b0f38990-74c4-40cc-834b-23aecd42d523", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ccd12287-ee83-4b3b-9959-6650ed7257a6", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "879c46e2-c7d2-4565-9d91-404d74047334", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "67a09d1b-40a3-4069-9679-34703efdd59f", + "text": "Hola, vull posar una queixa per la falta de puntualitat del servei", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "falta de puntualitat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "832b4cf2-134b-4673-b4ca-12e529bbe627", + "text": "En quin servei s'ha donat el problema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6dfec357-12cf-410f-9214-edd032dcaaf2", + "text": "Doncs he agafat el tren i ha arribat tard", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ha arribat tard", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "512f5125-5398-4861-93df-d5e4a20fae6a", + "text": "Quin tren ha agafat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1009969-56cd-4ebd-98e0-9661dcfe56a8", + "text": "El tren de Ripoll a Campdevanol", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Ripoll", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Campdevanol", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d555ed2-ea4f-4d21-a3e6-8d3333140d4f", + "text": "A quina hora?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d41dd1a-6816-4557-ad2a-7165e24e4ca9", + "text": "El de les 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c8aaee0-7a1c-4329-b316-f536f609ecbf", + "text": "El nostre sistema mostra una incidència en origen ocasionant el retràs dels trens posteriors. Es pot dirigir a la seva estació i presentar una reclamació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fca2c3df-0fdc-4436-a6e7-e2d21c1e8558", + "text": "Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5645d277-91eb-4706-b2a7-cdda2f9209fd", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71291810-4ff3-4077-8925-f250c461ee49", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4ec1b20-2797-48fc-9978-eff201c1b8de", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "218a7f60-6957-4306-a7b7-b2885c5f219c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ce88c2e-ff52-4e0c-ab9d-e6c656243406", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "863b91fa-8535-43ec-9ce7-112f3e58601a", + "text": "Hola, sembla que vaig perdre la maleta a l'últim vol", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "vaig perdre la maleta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vol", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4e7ed8d-7a21-4a89-bfd5-91273a94d092", + "text": "Quin és el número del seu vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7343b9e8-8030-472a-9591-094a5030cdd8", + "text": "19384", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "flight_num", + "text": "19384", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "031c55d2-7b4a-4add-89d8-c6a069feb70a", + "text": "Sembla que la seva maleta es va quedar a l'escala a Portugal però ja està tramitada la seva devolució a l'Aeroport del Prat. Voldría venir a recollir-la o rebre-la al seu domicili?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd7a5567-a7a2-4d88-852a-cba7bfbba1b8", + "text": "Doncs la vull rebre a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19a7dee8-1f7b-4956-8acc-d7e4a9e7d38b", + "text": "Quina és la seva adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "599ab3f2-3e9a-4e45-9adc-066ce56fa9a4", + "text": "58 Av. Puigmal\nManlleu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "58 Av. Puigmal\nManlleu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d77e6c50-a64d-4527-b874-dddf164b6734", + "text": "A quin número de telèfon vol que el notifiquin?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbc1e818-d2f6-40ad-97c8-1671f399623a", + "text": "Al 612987356", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "612987356", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5200e9af-abe0-46d7-ae1d-7972d7f22f28", + "text": "D'acord, queda registrada la seva sol·licitud. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30ff208e-468f-483c-b428-a8107bbe169a", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ee4198d-cb45-4931-8781-bad1912347a8", + "text": "Gràcies, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f25cae81-b875-4988-b9c1-872cd958f4cf", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5a7fd11-ba09-4c69-b734-1fa0a8f6b8c8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b46b0752-a48f-447e-ae62-0301599f14c1", + "text": "Vull canviar la data d'un bitllet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "data", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "437becd6-d062-40ec-a844-7f8503a8a48d", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi de reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4970f69a-fe06-42c0-8861-6c417ff6b421", + "text": "18493P", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "18493P", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e96ee2f-483b-47f7-808b-1cfe2128fe3d", + "text": "Per a quin dia vol canviar el bitllet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "535bbd05-f747-459f-8f09-ba6e7fcba617", + "text": "Pel dia 26", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "26", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9721d52-7ec9-4cd1-8e9e-46eef13491cd", + "text": "Quin és el seu correu elèctronic i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a391d30e-9181-42b5-9b2e-a2f8a31ae757", + "text": "arue@gmail.com, el DNI és el 23456345j", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "arue@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23456345j", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "370e7722-9ede-43e9-aa9a-458fd7a93dc0", + "text": "D'acord, rebrà el nou bitllet al seu correu en els propers minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d4c7b91-4861-4d9b-a194-0aedeed85759", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03a16e1e-8a73-4aa6-b844-5b617bdedd2c", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "932b32e3-0ed3-421e-bbd9-7163446ee825", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc1f44ea-dd7c-4292-a46c-c35e3625a6e0", + "text": "D’acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cae6cf9f-5603-4c1d-863f-34c7313b21ac", + "text": "Bona tarda", + 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Sabadell centre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d7f7296-1ecd-455c-8328-0bb9a4c27318", + "text": "Quant costa el bitllet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f4b8b15-aa1e-45ea-ba16-911fab182e29", + "text": "Entre 12 i 18€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "252d3a9d-49dc-4b5a-9953-892b9d01bf2e", + "text": "De què depèn el preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "De què depèn", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc2757d9-ce0c-4e6e-8af6-37f6f41c093c", + "text": "De les estacions de destí i d'origen.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dbd7694-c2eb-4756-9270-3cc1fc6b4eb1", + "text": "Doncs voldria la opció de 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dbf121db-a2c7-4187-b6fb-688a766035fa", + "text": "1h 23m en bus des de Tarragona al carrer Balmes amb Corsega, i llavors des Gràcia en tren fins a Sabadell centre són 12€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db4fe793-0ee1-471e-affa-9c4440feff17", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f0e60ea3-8828-48aa-85be-f7e4d8202001", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f0c33e1-dee8-4681-9f55-71a237657987", + "text": "Res més! 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Aeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3c077e71-ca82-423f-8f48-f7e611d3141b", + "text": "Adéu, moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e87cd184-0f42-40da-95f8-60d7e115687f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "08d830dd-dd89-4ab4-a8dc-9358945b8bc7", + "text": "Bon dia, hi ha alguna manera d'accedir al registre dels últims viatges que he fet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "registre dels últims viatges que he fet", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca7cf6a4-0a6b-4689-87b7-4229baeeb2b0", + "text": "Ha fet les reserves amb el seu compte personal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e4f84f7-99a6-431c-bb5e-cd1eda142958", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dde699f5-fd44-4b8e-a696-0e0446bb8d39", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom d'usuari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c27822e7-aaf8-4db3-992e-7617337b40e3", + "text": "Josep González", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "González", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f38cc199-f0ff-40f7-8b70-c31d1ccb7d37", + "text": "Si accedeix a l'App o la pàgina web amb el seu nom d'usuari, a la seva àrea personal consten tots els viatges reservats amb aquest nom d'usuari.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fcd32897-acf3-4fa7-9773-cba18cb8cb71", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9644bd9e-a864-42a1-9592-cb394a0cfa55", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94004854-9255-49d7-a013-77e1160a9274", + "text": "No! :)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17ccd28a-a1e6-4ef2-99c3-538570a53f12", + "text": "D'acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26bc6b19-3947-423f-aeb3-4485f3ab329c", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d9422d4-34ea-4313-9e35-e278e6c1c191", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6b77ac93-2476-4ded-ab78-eae4b7b91f51", + "text": "Vull canviar el bitllet que tenia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72ea7566-4329-4d76-aa9c-5e5df75a4b52", + "text": "Quin és el codi de reserva del seu bitllet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac08892d-d749-4f25-8465-d7f8bf228c87", + "text": "CS153", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "CS153", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5380bf5-bcd1-4c4e-bb0c-cba75679ef6e", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb2100d2-e9ee-42ec-af11-558dae98f002", + "text": "4189302832Ñ", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "4189302832Ñ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af8e37c8-acea-4e61-ac11-c440a88db1b9", + "text": "Quines modificacions vol realitzar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af1ea728-c30e-45a5-ba65-1ecccbddaa7b", + "text": "Doncs vull canviar el bitllet de les 8.30 a les 15.40", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "8.30", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "15.40", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a10b4ea-ac0d-4cdd-84ae-68f42dc24733", + "text": "D'acord, s'ha registrat la seva sol·licitud i el canvi es mostrarà a la seva reserva online en breus moments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f7046c4-9de1-4e27-8ff7-bec21686be74", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "12832145-d931-4ef3-add2-68249b389793", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1529e0a8-6a22-4ff7-a17e-e042aaf68993", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9c4256fa-820f-4148-887f-00b767dce61b", + "text": "Bon dia, vull saber quin és el preu d'anar des d'Amposta fins a Tortosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Tortosa", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2aa151e-923c-4dc5-a4f8-caf4b1e1008e", + "text": "Pot anar en tren per 2.5€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "940c9fa5-8d8c-4e72-ba5c-ddf87bff7f66", + "text": "I quan temps triga?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan temps triga", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1acc163d-6322-48c6-b542-e78436f80610", + "text": "16 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1b09473-69b8-4763-bfc0-17eaf2b2fd73", + "text": "D'acord! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a7f37d16-0872-4bc8-88c1-c07784111ce9", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8243ada-9fb9-49da-8ffa-34ecf25dd2eb", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c96c291-7563-4444-ba02-7d5844ee33e7", + "text": "D'acord, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7a23c80-84ce-43e2-ac77-2b14019106b1", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b9148dc-5fe0-4fe1-aa2e-5656d1b38f3b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "51a9f872-950f-46a1-b9b8-7d9e3d282c57", + "text": "Bon dia, vull preguntar per l'estat del servei de la R4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "estat del servei", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "R4", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b3927ee-1164-40ae-89a4-bdf38aac7ddb", + "text": "Quina és la seva estació d'origen?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd93527d-e13e-47ad-b4c3-62ff7f96df70", + "text": "Martorell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Martorell", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9fb4ab2c-71a9-40de-a5d1-f415cd784d96", + "text": "El nostre sistema registra normalitat al servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "552ddc17-8017-4960-b889-2c89a9f0fd69", + "text": "Doncs el tren porta retard de 20 minuts", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "retard de 20 minuts", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b90d565-ff16-45a1-b6b3-07697368b7a1", + "text": "Traslladem la seva queixa al departament corresponent. El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88de7fdb-430c-4fb0-8840-6a96bc3ddc7f", + "text": "Podria parlar amb algun agent?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "523f86c4-0c53-4b2e-9ff7-b5365933163b", + "text": "Pot trucar al 902458921.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0ccf1bb-ce04-4142-a6b5-d228cdbb4a6f", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "92c1a711-69f6-44b6-9332-656fff4fbcca", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1366f07-34b5-40a6-9aa6-c163aef24bc9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 79#", + "número": 79, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f6a913a5-af7d-4696-81b7-53da842cb4a8", + "text": "Bon dia, vull demanar un taxi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db40746f-31a7-43c2-943d-fb27728c7d6e", + "text": "On voldria anar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a068bbba-f17c-449b-a718-3692674a5e28", + "text": "A l'aeroport", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "l'aeroport", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0913ea0-5efc-4411-a72e-34797a729b9d", + "text": "Quina és l'adreça de recollida?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33a18dff-e99d-4e95-aa0f-19f2929855d4", + "text": "Carrer Pau Claris, 14 Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Pau Claris, 14 Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e16d307b-7bf1-4aec-b0fa-20e54cf0dca9", + "text": "A quina hora voldria el taxi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54c70d16-c192-413b-a529-3034fd0fd259", + "text": "Doncs a les 9", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "9", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e543ae4-4ecf-4ba3-99d0-f4b9359f969b", + "text": "Quin és el seu número de telèfon de contacte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f3f8562-54c4-4e54-9da6-bdf482cbf5cf", + "text": "612941027", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "612941027", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18980710-b3d4-4730-a92d-64484b31376c", + "text": "A nom de qui?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "781e1c9f-870d-4240-ad6f-89a83884b13a", + "text": "Josep Blanch", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Josep", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blanch", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7eef38a6-504b-404d-a1ea-03fa0abb5806", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5240878-307c-4349-bcfa-7cc08baf3204", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ddda036-cefd-4127-b7bd-03bdad05c041", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "97c016c2-5ebc-41c9-9860-27d511604a93", + "text": "Hola! Bon dia, voldria saber si el festival té un servei de bus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "festival", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f83cd6d2-a662-4aec-83bb-5da961e34937", + "text": "A quin festival fa referència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c986aaf3-d6e1-488d-9840-21cfcad3aaca", + "text": "El Vida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "El Vida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c23f02a-c48f-4c04-866c-9d78deb94b40", + "text": "De Vilanova i la Geltru", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Vilanova i la Geltru", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de93375a-8e41-41fb-9fc6-d4435d3f21c1", + "text": "El festival Vida té programat un bus que surt de la plaça principal cada hora entre les 18 i 20 del vespre, els 3 dies del festival.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f7cd992-3f49-477c-964c-ad9af6dc3ba0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23c8d308-2a48-4866-a187-dfeb5d0907b7", + "text": "I és gratuït?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gratuït", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b0cc8fe-bbe1-4631-93aa-46888dcb515b", + "text": "Sí, és gratuït.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff278f64-595d-4469-8405-018da00c2406", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c1db8e9-f10b-4a26-bb01-c1709ac5e644", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d392b8a3-62f8-4a2e-8741-91b335e76526", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 81#", + "número": 81, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8fd966ee-b1c0-4ace-99d7-8d836d872a06", + "text": "Bon dia, vull programar un taxi perque em vingui a recollir a l'aeroport", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "em vingui a recollir", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'aeroport", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "474144c3-6ceb-4a50-99b1-0197062b3bb3", + "text": "Quin dia voldria el servei?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dcd51517-e940-42b5-b87c-04d9b7f31952", + "text": "Doncs el dia 29", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "29", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a0aeb3ff-5429-4c44-ac71-e0e35847562e", + "text": "A quin aeroport seria la recollida?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ef5dfc7-41dd-484e-a804-5c5302d781f0", + "text": "Al Prat, a la T2", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Al Prat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "T2", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c18d5f6-4440-412f-a155-47fb40500259", + "text": "Quin seria el destí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3f72e88-6908-481c-bb32-d2abd089ff3e", + "text": "Doncs Vic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32fdc19a-053d-470d-88b9-c04554bda5b0", + "text": "A nom de qui seria el taxi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbf7cf8d-9325-4ae4-b359-2d316958ffc7", + "text": "Dani Jordà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Dani", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Jordà", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce6ff863-8928-413c-aecf-ff18c11b12b5", + "text": "Em podria donar un telèfon de contacte, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18e6739d-c7ef-40fa-9378-2f86d955c590", + "text": "612345716", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "612345716", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7354a8d3-d403-4767-ad19-9636a4660af1", + "text": "D'acord, queda registrada la reserva. Moltes gràcies i bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16e88c5e-b726-4a57-8cf4-7d8b9006c793", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80a98959-522d-47f8-b56e-eacf1b8a09c9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 82#", + "número": 82, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7ac57e35-b2b2-4626-a456-264bbc980c1c", + "text": "Bon dia, vull posar una queixa al servei de taxis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxis", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24f59d78-0208-4ce4-acf8-38d440d91e41", + "text": "Quina ha sigut la incidència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38745db0-fdf4-46a8-9255-922f836dd97b", + "text": "Doncs m'he pujat al taxi i el taxista no parava de fer comentaris masclistes. Ha sigut molt incòmode", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el taxista", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "comentaris masclistes", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cafb4366-e83a-4e36-ab1a-ae97882e0dd8", + "text": "Sap el número de referència del taxi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc94410a-0aae-4d4c-9a36-cf4cba2f7893", + "text": "No ho he mirat...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "92e86e9c-b38e-45c2-a309-4c78d1ed6f3b", + "text": "Però era un Seat Ibiza", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Seat Ibiza", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba4224a3-7c1c-46e9-9a57-f251bb507770", + "text": "Té alguna dada sobre el trajecte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31dc9ad1-abc4-4161-9b85-4283c1f9006e", + "text": "Sí, anava des de plaça Catalunya fins a Sant Andreu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffb73176-ef86-44cb-81b6-bdd3c6a51d94", + "text": "Quin dia i hora el va agafar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fce6d6b-e8c1-4db8-8a5c-91d14fbe150e", + "text": "Ha sigut avui. Farà mitja hora", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "avui", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Farà mitja hora", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1aa8aa8-83e3-4e2e-a846-7094d832a0ff", + "text": "D'acord, informarem el departament corresponent. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7431831-c5ba-4c1e-bb5b-cb0cfaef2dd0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1b6b470d-ca00-45ac-80f1-1274874a45e8", + "text": "Gràcies, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af38e7ae-605e-44ce-a69b-27b43243602f", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65a69e1a-d06f-4393-9b88-05b3401c720f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 83#", + "número": 83, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cf6e3ede-9948-42c3-b937-48e8ceb75222", + "text": "Bon dia, vull demanar un uber", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "uber", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "954a2546-0f39-4036-a8d8-29147317d55a", + "text": "On vol l'Uber?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8b2a101-92a4-466e-aef7-6f87252ffa20", + "text": "A Lleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dac6e1cb-1008-466b-ba2b-c675d80545b0", + "text": "Teniu descomptes ara meteix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descomptes", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d69c114-b8d0-4c2f-a93f-7930e923ade8", + "text": "Quina és l'adreça de recollida?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25dff8aa-084a-4843-9c85-9337ca3c50ac", + "text": "Té un 10% de descompte si fa la reserva a través de la nostra App.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca9a7a91-4f3a-4ae5-aa84-d4a5bd09e9ba", + "text": "8 Carrer Hostal de la Bordeta\nLleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "8 Carrer Hostal de la Bordeta\nLleida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "055d1e7e-4700-49ea-bd68-0817d006c866", + "text": "Doncs faré una reserva amb la app", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "amb la app", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e50a4fa0-de9b-4572-954e-36c3df4c0d92", + "text": "Hi ha un Uber disponible a 6 minuts, vols seguir endavant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad8684c6-22b5-445c-968b-4cdb234d8bc5", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "643761f5-f0d1-45fb-a521-52b6fb654238", + "text": "A nom de qui la reserva?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c96a4c9-7e18-467c-a794-1c153f2e742f", + "text": "Joana Soldevilla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Soldevilla", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a70861f-cfda-4038-873f-f7b4cb8908b0", + "text": "D'acord, estarà allà en 5 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8e53598-ff22-4b61-afc3-e50d55ef4743", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6610c403-f3fd-4f8b-a43e-07ab583a5b70", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 84#", + "número": 84, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d17064db-4417-4f6e-86e2-0a79bd3eb10a", + "text": "Bon dia! Visc als Omells de na Gaia, vull demanar un taxi per anar a l'estació de bus de Tàrrega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Omells de na Gaia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "l'estació de bus de Tàrrega", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e6ef5ce-3057-4b5d-9ea3-e168d62736e5", + "text": "Quina és la seva adreça de recollida?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "768344da-fbdf-40dd-b67c-b35a686f8025", + "text": "Davant de l'ajuntament dels Omells", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Davant de l'ajuntament dels Omells", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c11366ef-fcbb-4ce1-a4ce-32f31e558b48", + "text": "I a on es dirigeix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba3f1abd-253a-46c7-b7cf-e14ee9118160", + "text": "A Tàrrega a l'estació de bus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Tàrrega", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "l'estació de bus", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d376a8fe-636d-4427-9df0-7f961d1c4d29", + "text": "A quina hora voldria el taxi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65cd1814-4b2d-4f52-8a09-63706154e725", + "text": "Doncs a les 11.30", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "11.30", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76e4e2a6-8b94-4255-bc22-9b661cc97ee2", + "text": "Quin dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7af65aac-6a25-4589-93ff-bd83e6eacc1b", + "text": "Demà al matí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "806c94da-b0ea-4269-8c4a-90cd1fc6dcaf", + "text": "Em podria dir el nom de reserva i número de contacte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64345712-4238-420b-b058-35ba31e4aec4", + "text": "D'acord. Joana Moliner. 613781627", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Moliner", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "613781627", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aee6ad41-5e99-44fe-8ab9-b27eaa12eea8", + "text": "Ja està feta la reserva. Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dc381be-ea4d-4b35-b7aa-2694ef90af7a", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "483db39c-bb22-4ded-9b1c-a861094fc051", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 85#", + "número": 85, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6d8a896d-1bec-4d80-99bf-424ddf86e7b2", + "text": "Bon dia, crec que he perdut la cartera al bus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "he perdut la cartera", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "43113ac1-7be1-40a2-9a39-a0692166a23f", + "text": "Quin bus ha sigut?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "045746cc-a0fa-4909-9dcf-936a442a111a", + "text": "L'H8", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "H8", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5eee2270-0f30-4b69-864c-07de0ee26e46", + "text": "A quina hora ha agafat el bus?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4da586d5-b5d9-48b2-8b38-0b18045e7dbd", + "text": "A les 20.30", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "20.30", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ceb8884e-b58c-4d33-89ec-440f928dfeff", + "text": "A quina parada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ded4b7f-447b-4ec8-b861-bc008bf9ea28", + "text": "A la parada de l'hospital de la vall hebron", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "hospital de la vall hebron", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "873f6345-c974-4fd0-9529-a83b2281df72", + "text": "S'ha de dirigir a l'oficina de TMB més propera a la parada i allà reclamar-ho a objectes perduts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1160ce30-b32c-4681-ae50-9d6ca13dc342", + "text": "Moltes gràcies! Així ho faré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6b896fe-ec92-4070-9766-2419ad62749a", + "text": "Necessites res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58c311fc-9df6-45d4-bc93-635ca55b30c1", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5ba5f3b4-c27e-4568-a0ad-d89965078481", + "text": "D'acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29578c72-bef7-48b8-a7b6-d0d48f7f55f6", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc1c8c96-6c36-4e7c-ad4e-def3be0a0c72", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 86#", + "número": 86, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f02ef211-3a61-42e9-8dd9-237ba1862b53", + "text": "Bon dia, he vist que hi ha vaga d'autobus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "vaga d'autobus", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85e98084-21e3-45e9-b1fe-5f0bc80b2a12", + "text": "Quins son els horaris que s'estan fent?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "717926d4-b2e1-4cf9-a1bd-cf5095c1e660", + "text": "Sobre quina línia d'autobús voldria informar-se?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a939c25-0033-41b4-ad7a-bd10e7beec38", + "text": "Sobre la linia 4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "linia 4", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bed6361e-b323-4bf6-af1d-28756bb2445a", + "text": "A quin dia fa referència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5bd310e-89e6-4cd3-a627-e05614808092", + "text": "Avui i demà que son els dies de la vaga", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Avui i demà", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e1aca7e-6cb9-43ac-ba26-ba650da3f5a0", + "text": "Hi ha un 60% dels serveis a les hores punta, mentre la resta seria un 30%.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a84468c6-d899-40b5-998e-27e4d2f3f60e", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e179a49e-a8c3-4f98-a5db-fe3349a01293", + "text": "Gràcies...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b0bf9f15-e642-4294-84c3-15e70c44ebee", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20ffbc0d-e483-4d3a-ade0-cea1e809c79b", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "676ca493-0825-44b9-910e-dcd37d4361bd", + "text": "D'acord, moltes gràcies per contactar-nos i que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b1536b7-89af-4065-91b1-15cd8edd1f56", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e83b361-794e-4b57-94b3-b23b9eb36cc9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 87#", + "número": 87, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f915a601-7972-4e9f-ae11-c69defa74eb4", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6f659748-6c5f-4ab0-aa1c-fb45edb052c4", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86a6ff59-37cd-45c9-9fd0-ecac984c8d46", + "text": "Quina és la seva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77e96594-88d6-4b70-a769-a1bc76a96d36", + "text": "Voldria saber fins a quina hora va el metro els divendres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "fins a quina hora va", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "metro", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "els divendres", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a94849ad-6923-4fa5-a876-2b091df43e64", + "text": "El metro els divendres té un horari de 06:00 h a 01:00 h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83c1cca4-3256-4363-9c8c-c566851770a0", + "text": "Ok, i l'autobus H40?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "autobus", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "H40", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0167a64d-8f47-45d8-bb17-0e9e2f287f11", + "text": "Vol saber a quina hora acaba el recorregut de l'autobús H40?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f363948b-ce74-4d09-987d-0addc77d95bf", + "text": "Si, voldria saber a quina hora passa l'ultim bus H40", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "a quina hora passa l'ultim", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "H40", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f1397cf-b2ef-455b-baa2-0bf19894fea2", + "text": "L'últim autobús H40 passa a les 23:50 h de la nit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7e5fbfa-867f-4f18-8c05-20c99fc772dd", + "text": "Perfecte gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9989687f-e936-4a17-8822-40fd47148ea0", + "text": "Aixo és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6f868d8b-1ec4-4fee-a1f7-0202adaffa9b", + "text": "Moltes gràcies a vostè. Contacti amb nosaltres si necessita alguna cosa més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fffec89f-c62b-4470-96c9-591bd87d78ce", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 88#", + "número": 88, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "24f998b3-37b2-4662-a732-15ed6b3e79b3", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d847e73b-ae3b-4a9f-b1f0-d891ea2e9571", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbf1a492-25f3-4647-8b94-98c8c9591016", + "text": "Voldria comprar la T-mensual, però no he pogut fer-ho a les màquines del metro", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "T-mensual", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f6475b2-eb87-4ad6-8fec-18b866943d8d", + "text": "Ho puc fer per telèfon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1327e109-556a-4ba2-b24a-9a49fe519ea9", + "text": "La T-mensual es pot comprar per telèfon o a l'estació de tren. Vol comprar-la per telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40f42a96-5e39-4b48-bc89-c28c75c7bf17", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d1da4ac0-a4e6-436a-917f-a19a742c53ba", + "text": "D'acord. De quantes zones la vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d18a2476-19c1-4400-bb4b-7fdf116ae665", + "text": "Una zona només", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "Una ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "659e3f40-44da-4f5f-93f7-77749ddd6232", + "text": "Vol una T-mensual per a la zona 1?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e53ebb41-fa1d-496d-862d-f77d519f0147", + "text": "si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f614f5cd-179f-4c56-b09a-73db126d4b97", + "text": "D'acord. La T-mensual de la zona 1 té un preu de 40,50€. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d085a5c-ee33-4819-989d-380f5280e08f", + "text": "Si, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "efff6b2a-ce07-4cef-b8eb-930cabccbf5f", + "text": "Molt bé. Entri en el següent enllaç per efectuar el pagament:\n\nhttps://renfe.info.targetes.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25d14590-2821-448c-bd51-8037ae800e2f", + "text": "D'acord, ja he fet el pagament.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35160701-c792-4ba5-b9a1-2169468a56bb", + "text": "Pagament efectuat. Aviat rebrà la seva T-mensual de la zona 1.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d3e541f-9760-4b45-bdce-fe3477ab92d2", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "11b49e93-3dbd-4e8e-b989-162e82011549", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4db12a8a-b657-4988-8e91-16c26f0219c8", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8a46f48-5425-4e39-a5e4-5f891475c1ec", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 89#", + "número": 89, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "353f90ee-6ae4-4b6c-9850-6991c9a047d9", + "text": "Hola bona tarda, voldria fer-me el carnet de bicing", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet de bicing", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10c5baf2-0691-4bac-b149-3ba68267ce48", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6909d5a-3548-4245-895b-5e54da2f092a", + "text": "Pot demanar el carnet de bicing amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d67302ab-4990-4404-ae7a-11b289420381", + "text": "Ens podria dir el seu nom i dni?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27a34f9f-cfe9-4b1b-b474-5825818e4dde", + "text": "Si, el meu nom és Alma Olivares", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Alma", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Olivares", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25acc29c-5bc3-4d1e-8363-146b8621ac10", + "text": "I el meu DNI és el 39157003L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "39157003L", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6e3e56d-f897-4bc2-9de5-3dfb7f428dc4", + "text": "Confirma que el seu nom és Alma Olivares i el seu DNI és el 39157003L?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a4a70c7-0598-46fb-8512-64711ff25078", + "text": "Si, és correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abbde7bb-7d02-4930-a3ba-ad8dd5a29c32", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies per confirmar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d7dbe00-f2c1-47b8-96e0-fe8b97f2650a", + "text": "Vol continuar amb el pagament online?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4afa13f-efc3-4fe6-b3e9-8a0a3ae64993", + "text": "Si, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d568a40-542d-45b5-8343-b7a6a8e98415", + "text": "El carnet bicing anual té un preu de 100€. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "442b2bb3-4c26-41d0-9ac2-80b020f0f608", + "text": "Si, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35b625f6-b100-4161-adde-efdca1565fc9", + "text": "Molt bé, perfecte. Continuant amb el pagament. El carnet jove té descompte. Vol utilitzar-lo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74364fd7-bfd9-48dd-b241-e8152b9a15e3", + "text": "Si, tinc carnet jove", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "735ba6a7-ecf5-49ea-99f7-294ac0f0d6d5", + "text": "Perfecte. Aleshores tot es quedaria amb 80€. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13f698a1-2f5f-4f94-aa9d-f09a6bca96d6", + "text": "Si, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9d189d5-eedb-41a3-92a0-270ecc6dcc1f", + "text": "Si us plau, indiqui un correu electrònic. Rebrà les instruccions de pagament en el mateix correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c4fd8f7-4905-4a82-9154-c30e993053f5", + "text": "Si, el meu correu és anabel.valverde@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "anabel.valverde@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "074f97a9-baf1-4b9a-a659-0ea8baca1c69", + "text": "Confirma que el seu correu és anabel.valverde@gmail.com?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48cfc2ff-19d5-4ff0-a0fe-1935d4004dca", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8bd5cb98-d6ec-4c36-8ab5-78283428703c", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara rebrà les instruccions al correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0242b550-a8db-435e-a07e-ee1c72676d39", + "text": "Ja l'he rebut, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10913c38-ec6b-422a-98c4-8ca5bbbb2004", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c993984c-ab06-4636-8ceb-b071f87919c9", + "text": "Adeu,gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c9265bc-c871-44ac-bf65-6d5c0dc98857", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c4733b0-45bf-45af-9ac9-c74d9b537160", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 90#", + "número": 90, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7261a76d-6017-4e81-b5d2-5d92dbdaccf6", + "text": "Hola, trucava per preguntar sobre els horaris del tren que va de l'estació de Sants a Madrid Atocha", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tren", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "estació de Sants", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Madrid Atocha", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b9137e2-ec15-452d-9d1a-8f5e4ca9f786", + "text": "Aquests són els horaris habituals de tren pel trajecte Barcelona Sants - Madrid Atocha:\n\n09:00\n\n12:40\n\n15:00\n\n19:00\n\n22:00", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e688b312-5422-49aa-a2f9-4997c8dc35d0", + "text": "Vol més informació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c539b0d6-7822-4411-9b17-8a1ba94ebab9", + "text": "D'acord, i els horaris de tornada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris de tornada", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c4a0f54-0de9-4737-bce1-0bf1ea4717ad", + "text": "Vol saber els horaris de tren del trajecte Madrid Atocha - Barcelona Sants?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e325c8c-d201-46aa-b195-8c7c1ec57dda", + "text": "Si sisplau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d103f7b4-d369-42fd-a47a-64ac56f697fa", + "text": "Aquí té els horaris de tren del trajecte Barcelona Sants - Madrid Atocha:\n\n11:50\n\n14:00\n\n18:00\n\n21:00", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4669ace9-fddf-42ee-9873-80411317cf33", + "text": "Ok gràcies, em podries dir el preu d'un bitllet d'anada i tornada pel dia 5 de novembre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "anada i tornada", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "247ced64-2ad9-4a5c-ad54-130df5a94b4b", + "text": "Un bitllet d'anada i tornada el dia 5 de novembre pel trajecte Barcelona Sants - Madrid Atocha té un preu de 85€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db04ee53-12c1-4b9d-8e03-a35a5c26fcde", + "text": "Ok gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76dd8755-2b26-49d2-99ac-c8214b471564", + "text": "Aixo és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e135fec-1533-483c-b913-70c6cf1adc38", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc8deda6-17ca-4b3f-a664-0300902d0e91", + "text": "Adeu, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de672eab-2de6-445a-a8a4-26757a8e5e1f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 91#", + "número": 91, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ffc07a63-cf8c-4413-9318-4536ac817ee9", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b4414cd-1d04-499b-94aa-d1ef739169a2", + "text": "Hola, en què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6238299-22f4-4a5e-a0fb-5cda82152387", + "text": "Trucava per fer una reserva d'un bitllet d'avió de Palma de Mallorca a Berlin si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet d'avió", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Palma de Mallorca", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Berlin", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b910f5ba-9a8b-4d20-9059-57dd816716b4", + "text": "Per fer una reserva d'un bitllet d'avió de Palma de Mallorca a Berlín necessitarem saber les seves dades personals. Si us plau, indiqui el seu nom, edat, correu, DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04e96b39-7333-4376-94ce-7866aa21c0af", + "text": "El meu nom és Angel Montero,", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Angel", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Montero", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0291c07f-55a8-4e60-a40d-04b922f7cc1c", + "text": "Amb DNI 388046712B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "388046712B", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08ba0ae9-5394-471e-a589-b3acc1da5e6a", + "text": "I el meu correu és angel.montero@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "angel.montero@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2d953e1a-d5dc-4e4e-83b3-8aee15809578", + "text": "Pot indicar la seva edat, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1c1e37c-a3c3-4903-aa38-9b27234f935b", + "text": "35 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "35", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27b7afaf-ee14-4279-9bbe-d6a9398c0de3", + "text": "Perfecte. Les dades són les següents:\n\nNom: Ángel Montero\nEdat: 34\nDNI: 388046712B\nCorreu: angel.montero@hotmail.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9aa9b008-f608-40f7-8c18-fdb0f5e6d0d0", + "text": "Si, es correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a39a5b5-6a9b-4eb3-a85a-88a861cb449d", + "text": "No, perdona, l'edat és 35 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "35", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3e0201d-eedc-4364-8a88-6822e53fac6f", + "text": "Dades modificades. Les dades són les següents:\n\nPerfecte. Les dades són les següents:\n\nNom: Ángel Montero\nEdat: 35\nDNI: 388046712B\nCorreu: angel.montero@hotmail.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9d0c3c2-972c-4288-b61d-469193bd4f01", + "text": "Si, es correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b2e3438-54ab-4947-a909-94bf2e9b970e", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies per confirmar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3053bd6-5900-4f10-9a72-918f294307b4", + "text": "Li arribarà un correu per confirmar la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4de30f6-02b4-4276-884f-8e5777ae547e", + "text": "Ok, ja m'ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b3fd781b-e517-4114-b1ef-0379a6868a5f", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfaa83ef-6e9e-4ffb-94be-9cd7c6d24d25", + "text": "Ja esta tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e305f27-70c8-417c-9873-1e03eef3e297", + "text": "Sí, l'única cosa que ha de saber és que ha de fer el check-in les 24h prèvies al seu vol.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4f87a98-c875-419d-b2d0-c763a72ae920", + "text": "Si, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a5d24e3d-5c5e-4159-95de-d81601b5ba6f", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8e590039-bb00-450a-a457-a7c7fa057857", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34d8b048-4be2-4e70-bf04-98eff4099a87", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 92#", + "número": 92, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a78e5ee8-ca79-4219-8da5-fd156d2faa04", + "text": "Hola, us escric per preguntar si el transport públic funcionarà durant les festes de Nadal i cap d'any", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transport públic", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "durant les festes de Nadal i cap d'any", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7ede5cc-ca9b-4785-86f9-2462ceb5a333", + "text": "Es transport públic seguirà funcionant el 24 i 25 de desembre, així com l'1 de gener. Els horaris, però, poden modificar-se.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9b65b37-84b3-475b-b12e-ee05f6c2b341", + "text": "Quins horaris hi haurà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d87b47f-be98-4f64-bfce-e6a3a8a970e7", + "text": "Els horaris previstos per aquestes festes són els següents:\n\n24 i 25 de desembre: 06:00 - 21:00\n\n1 de gener: \n06:00-06:00 (servei 24h)", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93edbdc1-3668-49f1-9402-6ab10d6030fd", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "428f9c92-75f4-4ad6-a336-0e47bb12ccbc", + "text": "Vol saber alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c063d2b9-a522-4b1d-8ab0-938032f237f0", + "text": "Si, hi ha algun descompte d'estudiants per als bitllets de metro?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte d'estudiants", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllets de metro", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa83392f-826e-4226-94a9-33fd873f01db", + "text": "Sí, tenim diversos descomptes per ser estudiant. Si vols el teu descompte només has de dir-ho quan compris el teu bitllet. Hi ha descomptes de fins el 20%.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0db7ae4f-faca-43e8-aae3-f52a8ba56b24", + "text": "I son aplicables a tots els bitllets?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tots els bitllets", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57bb61e9-8179-47be-9907-b6488ca48c7b", + "text": "Són aplicables a tots els bitllets, excepte per a Rodalies i\nFerrocarrils de la Generalitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a99a0cfb-94d3-4418-9a05-c9f904791e24", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a23772f-6dd1-4ae0-86a2-26520264c808", + "text": "Adeu, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abcb2a7c-ae51-4527-bee1-7974e4b6cbd6", + "text": "Adeu, acabi de passar un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8d156eb-11d6-407f-9d9b-2503a971cbb1", + "text": "Igualment", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36bbd501-a4e4-4d7a-a45b-39279c34f151", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 93#", + "número": 93, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "399f7080-7525-49a2-967b-680d0e065340", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "325c7439-2662-464a-abb6-d669b7f367b6", + "text": "Hola, necessita ajuda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99ad2b4c-88cb-474f-b2e3-9ddcf11425ff", + "text": "Si, he intentar comprar un bitllet de tren online però sembla que no s'ha efectuat la compra", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet de tren", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no s'ha efectuat la compra", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d00aa4ca-7bae-4712-aaaf-0953f76122b6", + "text": "Podríes comprovar si s'ha reservat correctament o no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "comprovar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3889b148-a817-4cc6-9fdf-6def41388e00", + "text": "Em pots indicar el número de compra, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b76d4c8-79a9-49b6-a215-38ac9530e2fe", + "text": "Sí, és el 442806661", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "442806661", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f64f106-d8e0-40a4-9bcc-fcaf4580510b", + "text": "He comprovat la compra del bitllet de tren 442806661 i no s'ha efectuat el pagament la compra correctament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dae208dd-4b40-4db8-bd22-abfdcdec5ae8", + "text": "Vol una devolució dels diners?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8dac7b3e-6d37-45e2-b42f-3e6f75dabcb0", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec69ae95-51a2-4001-90d3-b18750c2eb84", + "text": "Voldria efectuar la compra per aquí també", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5cc9f6e7-f6b3-418a-a310-242cab55b66d", + "text": "Perfecte. S'ha donat l'ordre de devolució correctament. Hauria de rebre els diners aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af8b25c9-39f2-44c4-a705-a48c660e69a9", + "text": "Quin bitllet vol comprar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1bdf33c-4bb5-404b-8f08-a1ecebbe835d", + "text": "El mateix que estava intentant reservar. Un bitllet de Rodalies de Barcelona Estació de França a l'estació de Puigcerdà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "bitllet de Rodalies", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona Estació de França", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 94 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "estació de Puigcerdà", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 119 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1a2379d-9be4-4938-9dcb-57728f5e9e3d", + "text": "Un bitllet de Rodalies de Barcelona Estació de França a l'estació de Puigcerdà costa 30€. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd103be3-9f50-4784-91a0-dc755690549c", + "text": "Si gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dc9ac9ff-23e7-41e3-83f7-2c6ad26e527b", + "text": "Per quin dia vol el bitllet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac5cb031-2ee7-49a9-abfd-beea5a6b8398", + "text": "Per demà, 21 d'octubre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "21 d'octubre", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f3530c9-58a5-4dda-b5b5-514d9e11b015", + "text": "El més d'hora possible", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "El més d'hora possible", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21f53e10-4644-4f29-8942-d1428f3b2bd0", + "text": "Perfecte. Li va bé demà 21 d'octubre a les 09:00 h del matí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff7042c1-6625-4883-9bfd-6c15591dc609", + "text": "Si, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a84a56db-7f5c-4008-960c-f8cdd6432116", + "text": "Molt bé. Per continuar amb el pagament accedeixi al següent enllaç:\n\nhttps://www.renfe.reserves.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c8f8edc-a367-4d36-8e70-33b9b21c5ca5", + "text": "Ja l'he realitzat. Podries comprovar que estigui tot bé?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "comprovar que estigui tot bé", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a505ebd2-144b-40b0-a0cd-bb60d9d2e071", + "text": "He comprovat les dades de la reserva i tot és correcte. Hauries de rebre una confirmació aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7107b7d1-c445-4da5-82ca-1ed8bbd83d35", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8aa2eb31-7db8-4095-9b46-420b0a3280b5", + "text": "Aixo és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7ae9ce50-b0ba-48e7-ba0c-2443b881496c", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva confiança.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d5cecc9-57cb-4c75-8181-fc8b5b0ea6c4", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f74151fd-a374-429f-a406-9c430abcb153", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51ab5aff-37a3-4b28-9a2e-d4dc9c6d4d0b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 94#", + "número": 94, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ad3d6ff0-b3ed-4d0c-9f24-7a3f7b7a2f74", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria obtenir el sistema de telepeatge pel meu cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sistema de telepeatge", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "33f14514-3dcf-42fb-a2ab-57affe9f2f8d", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2194c582-607b-4c10-b8d2-691c14360b1b", + "text": "Per obtenir el sistema de telepeatge pel seu cotxe necessita enviar-nos la documentació del seu cotxe primer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb110118-d5f6-4d13-a683-1f748f78cf1f", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5d04a5cd-feb6-49d9-a18c-46df72fe4efb", + "text": "Pot enviar-la al següent correu:\n\ntelepeatge.info@outlook.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "776404e4-eb38-498d-a65c-fd983f7ed054", + "text": "D'acord, acabo de fer-ho", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cca97936-45c5-4e4a-84ac-27ed5c5e6ea3", + "text": "Ho heu rebut?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "rebut", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6c9fb76-f9d5-44f1-b75f-937b050fe9f2", + "text": "La documentació ha estat confirmada. Necessito que em confirmi ara el mètode de recollida del producte. Vol que li enviem a casa o vindrà a recollir-lo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3722934-674f-4c43-a554-c6e45e116c7f", + "text": "Millor que m'ho envieu a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "que m'ho envieu a casa", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6062f657-c329-4886-9c58-540b73523ff7", + "text": "D'acord. Per enviar-li a casa necessitem la seva adreça. Ens la podria facilitar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e01404a0-2b11-4e13-9851-a69190025a05", + "text": "Si, és Passeig Maragall 66, escala B, 5e 2a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Passeig Maragall 66, escala B, 5e 2a", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5757cb6-f02d-4f13-8323-9ecf0e3fda8d", + "text": "A Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2f6a571-18fc-467f-a99f-122261d99c9f", + "text": "Perfecte. Vol rebre el sistema de telepeatge a Passeig Maragall 66, escala B, 5e 2a Barcelona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "416db148-2682-4997-93cf-b2b858c9e7ad", + "text": "Si, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "21933399-b24b-41d6-a9bd-9ecfbcdb154a", + "text": "Molt bé. Només queda realitzar el pagament. Si us plau, accedeixi al següent enllaç i introdueixi les seves dades bancàries per a poder realitzar el pagament. El preu total és de 100€.\n\nhttps://www.telepeatge.info.pagament-944894.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96cdf060-5d7a-438b-916d-67c663edee72", + "text": "Molt bé, ja l'he fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f60519b-7d0a-4070-b6f7-e0b425896ab0", + "text": "Aixo és tot, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e394f4c0-46e3-4a99-b935-a81a0c43cf99", + "text": "Sí, reserva confirmada. Rebrà el seu sistema de telepeatge en un període màxim de 2 setmanes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "971cc95d-0f42-4273-b4cf-3234638cb88f", + "text": "Molt bé, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1df258f1-f44b-4d9e-b977-768525dc9242", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf4e42c0-d664-4ab6-9d02-9e728d6e7198", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 95#", + "número": 95, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a595dd21-2bf6-4bd4-b30c-8e34a4ce342a", + "text": "Volia saber si hi havia alguna oferta per volar fins a Roma", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "volar", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "Roma", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ba77122-d38e-46a4-9051-00432e1a8fde", + "text": "La nostra companyia ofereix un vol de Barcelona a Roma per 9,99€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a6e3111-141f-40f6-9218-c24196e679ec", + "text": "M'encanta! Doncs voldria comprar dos bitllets", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "dos", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "43307417-e0e9-4ee1-b39a-073f70049a50", + "text": "Em podria facilitar el DNI i noms i cognoms dels dos passatgers?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a21f423-a88a-4e77-bd78-a1aab1b74019", + "text": "9583743R i Pepe Rodriguez Gené", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "9583743R", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pepe", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rodriguez", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gené", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91cae5ca-8483-46fa-aa72-ddaf9f956f3a", + "text": "i Marta Sanz Sanz", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sanz", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sanz", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "efaf6b0f-26ec-4257-839f-caefc05526a1", + "text": "amb dni 9247234C", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "9247234C", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bde879dd-25ab-43cb-ab01-9b13815dc04d", + "text": "Volen reservar equipatge?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7007082c-c76e-4fef-82b4-2e11c7669764", + "text": "Si està inclòs sí, sino només portarem equipatge de mà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "inclòs", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb68233c-5806-4b7b-b45a-2d6f83b77022", + "text": "No, el preu només inclou una peça d'equipatge.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e4c7df8-63cf-4a24-baca-371d693dbc15", + "text": "Llavors no ho volem", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4d477df-b70f-4f24-9e1f-6c816e60aea1", + "text": "Em podria facilitar un correu electrònic? Li enviarem les dades de la reserva i l'enllaç per a realitzar el pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fde39045-cfde-4b6c-ba30-6c213fc55dcc", + "text": "peper@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "peper@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75270053-65de-455f-8fec-da58733db433", + "text": "D'acord. Rebrà el correu en breus instants.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ec78b1b-f0af-425d-a045-c38f079cbc38", + "text": "Gràcies, ja ho he rebut tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + } + ], + "assegurances": [ + { + "id": "c1ff9af8-7ad0-4827-bf04-5bcfa9211839", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 1 #", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "95cc603e-82d9-4362-bd3b-d92ef5485acb", + "text": "Bon dia. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "946370aa-7f1f-4bce-8301-ab491b7382fc", + "text": "Hola bon dia, mira la meva filla s'acaba de treure el carnet i vull afegir-la en la meva pòlissa que tinc amb voslatres de l'assegurança de cotxe. És possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir-la", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 77 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 140, + "End_char": 145 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a55d42e4-632d-4abf-883f-f3af17a3bc22", + "text": "Es pot fer, sí. Cal que m'indiquis el teu número de telèfon", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33762e50-a40c-4225-94e0-1f8491587dff", + "text": "Cap problema, és el 698632178", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "698632178", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "977d1f79-1f67-4a89-8c49-88c69dfb4ed1", + "text": "Perfecte. Indica'm ara el nom i cognoms de la persona que vols assegurar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae24c03d-3a57-48c8-b9ac-7757d18ab2d6", + "text": "El nom d'ella és Anna Ramon Albert", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ramon", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Albert", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a91e2029-ea6c-474c-b4bf-5a8dfe853ed1", + "text": "Entesos. Diga'm quin és el seu número de DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "619d346f-a78c-462f-b2c9-436b1cc865ea", + "text": "A veure que el busco", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10db51cb-51e5-4eb1-8257-d1a7d9a0ec1d", + "text": "Simira, és el 45678934R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678934R", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75a2b9af-743c-4f2c-b888-3e8d0ee07d7e", + "text": "Perfecte. Cal que em diguis ara el número de telèfon de la persona que vols assegurar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "170dea72-7693-48ea-ae0b-af554a087495", + "text": "El seu mòbil és 643298713", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "643298713", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23a834f8-f4c0-4ab5-af98-27b43f17459c", + "text": "Perfecte. Indica'm un correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cc77cee-c50c-43ab-9aa8-267e39102536", + "text": "El meu correu et puc donar o ha de ser el seu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "El meu correu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e9f8bdae-cfac-457c-afda-e443e305f707", + "text": "Indica'm el correu electrònic que tenim registrat a la nostra base de dades", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "239529d2-06c0-491e-840c-d8690a2cc4e7", + "text": "Ah vale d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bca085a6-124f-4586-a2c8-c27d762dbb0b", + "text": "És el meu, joana23@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joana23@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "729a1786-11ff-46d4-898e-5bbf323cc6a1", + "text": "Entesos. Rebràs un correu electrònic amb les modificacions a la teva pòlissa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2486ef6-8e13-4127-8d6b-bf9abc199eea", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ja ho tinc tot llest?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ca16da3e-3b8b-4a8b-973f-70c9a5d7bacb", + "text": "Vols que t'ajudi en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17d15cfc-edd3-4652-93bf-b662bfb12349", + "text": "No necessito res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d331f766-ba44-440d-8517-9e0a4dffaf32", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3db9f60f-5983-4758-b6fe-a61694cb635b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb7dcf9a-4114-4bfd-bee0-f1534edab07b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 2 #", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e86d0c78-b50d-49bd-a7be-7aad9d4f78e9", + "text": "Hola! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf6432b8-f44e-487a-99d2-0e5ef7835d43", + "text": "Bon dia, sí es per donar de baixa la polissa del cotxe. El del seat panda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "seat panda", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb48e2fa-e53f-43c2-9347-2d64739b64a2", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaria les teves dades, indica'm si us plau el teu nom complet i el teu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8056861e-ef74-419c-b649-beda5c6f4b53", + "text": "sí, em dic Mario Segura i el DN és 77432676U", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mario", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Segura", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77432676U", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d3ecdd9-be05-41d9-bf51-a7c9a500f751", + "text": "Molt bé, Mario. T'informo que ara mateix tenim una pòlissa més econòmica que la que tens actualment, potser t'interessaria.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98da847f-d5fd-4cf2-a5a9-d3c0d39b91df", + "text": "No, no. És que venc el cotxe i els compradors donen d'alta a una altra companyia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "711896c8-7d5e-486d-bb3f-af638a17eadf", + "text": "D'acord, cap problema. Necessito un número de telèfon també.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "651b8d45-2830-4c64-aaae-787702cad18b", + "text": "sí, és aquest: 665473245", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "665473245", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d11b319-639c-4f89-bc38-39b673cb97da", + "text": "Doncs t'arribarà un missatge al mòbil un cop s'hagi tramitat la teva demanda. Aquesta operació pot trigar unes hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b47d8f03-73a2-4fc2-8832-19a6c1ab7e5d", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ca89294-2e62-4cf3-b66b-2a2bd75fe098", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c344674-aaa8-45a8-a201-aaac05e3d031", + "text": "no, aixo es tot. moltes gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fad8b460-33db-4a55-89e6-2c69ef4f4475", + "text": "D'acord. Adéu, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "346e1d1c-ae3e-4c0e-90df-a642e2ab11ec", + "text": "adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dbf6811f-6ecf-42d1-83e7-89d9de2e63fe", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 3 #", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9a896b7f-712d-4ef8-937f-a42ea99ab38a", + "text": "Hola! Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c6945f6-123d-47a7-b737-d037bb238c20", + "text": "Bon dia, es que l'assegurança de la meva llar la tinc amb vosaltres i se m'ha trencat una finestra. Això ho cobreix la meva pòlissa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "llar", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "se m'ha trencat una finestra", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eda3e81a-f0d5-43ca-8fac-cb1a5f1e8beb", + "text": "Indica'm el teu número de telèfon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc8f8202-2bc5-4f1c-866c-d9572eec9eb5", + "text": "Sí, es el 643217954", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "643217954", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad0de8b8-f3ac-47d5-863b-f22d14136ebe", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara cal que em diguis el teu nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4d0bfce-100b-4f89-ad3c-f890e3bb3042", + "text": "Sí mira soc el Jaume Sants Roma", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Roma", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d93f8623-2e00-4c3f-8cbc-ab2818d809a9", + "text": "Perfecte. Indica'm el número de la teva pòlissa, si ets tan amable", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8425bc91-3294-45bc-8254-f9f6eb299964", + "text": "Ui no sé on ho tinc això ara miro", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d8245ec-458f-4baa-af2b-39347a33e856", + "text": "Tinc uns papers i apareix aquest numero 3426789, no sé si és això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "3426789", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a54aab90-1ab4-4d04-9bf6-f850aff7a4ee", + "text": "D'acord. Tens una assegurança Llar plus contractada. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a0f0689-8f79-45aa-ae79-0efa80507197", + "text": "Exacte, és aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f87135e8-889e-4f75-9f10-1cbf15116102", + "text": "Entesos. La teva pòlissa cobreix robatoris, incendics, mobiliari i desperfectes exteriors (portes, finestres...)", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3494e7c-41ec-4b6d-aa93-21091f589058", + "text": "Ah, d'acord, així que m'ho podeu venir a arreglar i no tindria cap cost, oi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c223b198-6de2-42ee-b659-8ee93afe4d34", + "text": "La teva pòlissa cobreix robatoris, incendis, mobiliari i desperfectes exteriores (portes, finestres...)", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81f1f7b1-d898-4840-965b-cfe7a00aff20", + "text": "No tindria cost", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b80b8be-c719-4fd4-b6f4-18ce71e4be21", + "text": "Vale vale, i ara em trucaran per vindre o com ho fem?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60ecde3f-ed6b-499d-80ee-e5d52dad78b8", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm el teu número de telèfon perquè et contacti un dels nostres agents", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd7d4586-d15e-4c07-b0d4-4c331e6c8b20", + "text": "I tant, 687213456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "687213456", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2cb8621f-8212-43ca-84b2-a65481a79c7c", + "text": "D'acord. Un agent es posarà en contacte amb tu en els propers minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d27e15a7-b800-4a02-9ab3-ccb102dc3c31", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c68f86c9-cf34-433f-8a87-ba53c6fa8496", + "text": "No no ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c68ed57-1e97-4421-a010-c6b97d9b4c49", + "text": "Entesos. Que tinguis bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e6e014c-c73f-4d04-87a4-d35433689f32", + "text": "Merci, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d075f40f-8d23-4e3c-a23f-feee7e2dcab0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 4 #", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a967b5e5-1426-47ea-8694-60ce503f4a8f", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ef57e62-00dc-4701-8858-c89fc6f281b6", + "text": "hola! mira, em pots informar sobre les pòlisses que teniu ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pòlisses", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "46d23a08-38f2-42ae-acf4-a4a459739981", + "text": "D'acord. Nosaltres tenim disponibles unes assegurances per a llars i cotxes. Quina t'interessaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e178340b-5245-47f9-a70e-8a5ccf3d90ba", + "text": "la de la llar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "llar", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a621fdf-cf02-4f43-af96-245b2395b7b8", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs tenim tres opcions: una pòlissa bàsica, una estàndard i una altra completa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50885247-efd1-40af-a997-d1c1f9059a4e", + "text": "vale, quin preu té cadascuna?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b9ba880-d3e3-4c19-b4d3-6d33fc9e8d4f", + "text": "La pòlissa bàsica són 100 € a l'any, l'estàndard 200 € i la completa són 350 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cede8024-a007-45a4-8ee2-1c2bddb06c8f", + "text": "mmmm... ok . a veure, l'estandard que cobreix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "l'estandard", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17d9c3df-01b5-45b8-9024-855ccb74e368", + "text": "La pòlissa estàndard cobreix incendis i robatoris i també qualsevol dany a veïns i tercers.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdd58727-0186-449e-91f6-63ccac01132c", + "text": "vale, doncs.. vale, vull aquesta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "08684fe8-76a7-4083-8765-8b890b9efe1a", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el teu nom i cognoms i un correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44708eaf-5e4c-4aef-b67e-e90511c54c7c", + "text": "ah ok. espera.. em dic Carme Cambó", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carme", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Cambó", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "944c225b-4f36-48fe-9975-d84b818d7ef0", + "text": "el correu és cambo.cambo77@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "cambo.cambo77@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0b790f5-099b-48eb-b381-0c5a3818fffb", + "text": "Ara t'arribarà un correu electrònic amb la teva nova pòlissa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf5405aa-f736-4739-a330-7d91d20689f4", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c041602a-e8ad-4754-a2e9-5d445c88c9af", + "text": "ok. i ja està?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1bdce56d-d224-4297-91d9-3e8c99711bd3", + "text": "Sí, amb aquestes dades tramitarem la comanda. Qualsevol cosa aniràs rebent més informació a través de la teva adreça de correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56dc08ba-c5c3-4fa3-884c-7028938bf3ed", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9f0f54c-3b54-47cf-8977-1b3ef67f22d7", + "text": "no, aixo es tot. gràcies per l'atencio!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cd225a90-6bb7-482b-aa12-4419349a778a", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis una bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aae5e6e3-e650-486c-8ffb-d423c91c8234", + "text": "adeu!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef0f6762-948b-4864-ba77-ec878d9506ba", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 5 #", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a16f9f54-1d58-4eb8-88f1-cbd63c14a22a", + "text": "Bon dia! En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b997e98-2e28-4f4c-b86a-797fb6f88109", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ed28dbd7-c413-4d70-af9d-35f2420b8c78", + "text": "Mira acabo d'adoptar un gos i és d'aquests de raça perillosa i m'han dit que l'he d'assegurar. Teniu aquí cap assegurança per a mascotes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "mascotes", + "Start_char": 128, + "End_char": 136 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5767c36f-9eeb-44ca-8052-448b0196a399", + "text": "Tenim una assegurança per a gossos i gats. T'interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "69ce29cb-c827-451f-b29d-5f7bc0162902", + "text": "I tant, quines condicions teniu el preu quin és?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "condicions", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3a25ea4b-74eb-4ecb-98c4-2c6f99d96b7c", + "text": "Aquesta assegurança cobreix danys a tercers, atropellaments i controls rutinaris", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "027520e5-9af6-4a9a-8181-e860ea95e84d", + "text": "El preu és de 50 euros al mes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b3343ff-e78b-414b-8853-cc7269491c50", + "text": "Ah d'acord, i no hi ha res més econòmic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més econòmic", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d89807d-8a56-445b-bea0-1e6190dbeff0", + "text": "Em sembla un poc car", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3263c7d6-4cb7-4466-a76c-f9a4fb9f22af", + "text": "Malauradament, aquesta és l'única assegurança que tenim", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ae55258-f75a-464f-8ef4-ff4679bd13b9", + "text": "D'acord doncs sí sí, m'interessa. Si es que per mi no faria falta però clar, ho he de fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ade5cbff-1396-4365-b2f7-c83e2c0d713e", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el teu nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "460078b0-10d4-43be-8cce-b3416fbbadc2", + "text": "Mira, Elena Vives Nadal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Elena", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Nadal", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3da7e853-c3cc-4959-ba86-363cc7d22a54", + "text": "D'acord. Ara digues-me un número de contacte i la teva adreça", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0290dca2-82bf-4ed1-8c38-27f947138b1b", + "text": "EL mòbil és 687342516", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "687342516", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2547e56-8726-418c-abef-c7060cee363a", + "text": "I visc al carrer Tarragona 45", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Tarragona 45", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "48cef40c-d15a-4fff-8842-aed26a36e6a7", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara indica'm el teu DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42c8bcb9-5a7f-4ce6-ba0f-9cf286a69c2e", + "text": "És 34789654J", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34789654J", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8495bb4-2c7b-4da2-ab24-d39dbd87a631", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara necessito que em diguis la raça de la teva mascota", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c05383f-be55-40b5-9571-7843e1bf156b", + "text": "És un pitbull!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "pitbull", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0784c06-c4da-4692-aa81-2d9a42887d58", + "text": "Entesos. Cal que m'indiquis ara el pes de la teva mascota", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cdf16df-635d-435e-b1c9-6c33b9a97070", + "text": "El darrer cop que el vaig portar al veterinari pesava uns 40 crec", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "40", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff06d08c-2bed-422b-831a-7c4d46cc726e", + "text": "Molt bé. Indica'm un correu electrònic, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c616f55-c025-4133-870f-ddd36cff3b99", + "text": "Sí, elenavn@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "elenavn@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44640e86-0412-47c5-a8db-df30df043533", + "text": "Molt bé. Rebràs un correu electrònic amb l'alta de la pòlissa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01de0890-0f2c-43ad-ba2e-fb041ac95d95", + "text": "Ah d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8cb974cb-e4e7-459a-8a0f-e739dd8612d4", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3f080d0-892c-40f7-85b7-8a0dc816e709", + "text": "No necessito res més, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4738d70-65e7-4713-8524-5e8e68f12a7e", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdd99a68-6982-4d5a-ba2c-f95815d93728", + "text": "Adéu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "302f247c-10c2-4a48-9e4c-065c658718cc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 6 #", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1e61feb6-ef33-465b-9c78-0ae6bf233353", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bcdfe0f0-5363-4592-8af5-cc8028b41462", + "text": "si, necessito canviar una dada de l'assegurança de salud", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "salud", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71ffefeb-b18d-4d71-925f-fef787a92f04", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm si us plau el teu nom complet i DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "704989b5-47be-46b9-a537-b6ced8615210", + "text": "Em dic Francesc Sala. el DNI es 77564345S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Francesc", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sala", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5ca1bee-ce79-4771-a097-d34ac2bb67ab", + "text": "D'acord, Francesc. Tens contractada l'assegurança de salut completa, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67d09bde-fd18-4b05-a0cb-c2d6133a63e3", + "text": "sí, es que vull canviar el nom del segon assegurat . el vull eliminar vaja. es que m'he separat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "segon assegurat", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "eliminar", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7f5c647-8d2e-455a-8829-16da31b73ac9", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas hauria de ser aquesta segona persona qui es donés de baixa. En cas que no sigui possible hauries d'entregar un consentiment firmat per aquesta persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abd0a096-5ce6-4bee-a11b-594dd2fe6619", + "text": "jolin i no hi ha una altra manera ?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "996eb534-18c9-437b-bcc1-eeeb18cab517", + "text": "Em sap greu, però no ho podem fer d'una altra forma.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7217c392-81f3-43c9-bad1-cee695aa3531", + "text": "doncs no em sembla be. vull que em posis amb un agent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e1f62bb8-d93d-4517-8978-3ffad122d867", + "text": "Ho entenc, però aquesta és la política de la nostra empresa. En uns minuts et trucarà al mòbil que tenim a la teva fitxa un dels nostres agents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "935b524a-e758-45fa-9576-89e37edef526", + "text": "vale, vale. que em truqui aviat. es que necessito fer la gestio ja", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0ff5c7d-5a7b-4057-af6b-0ba05e814e27", + "text": "Entesos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c76a9e0a-378a-453a-9af3-ed304fc9be9a", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c37af3fe-1630-4909-a917-e7f99386a381", + "text": "no, ja esta. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a16851e5-9e4b-4934-ac82-d6e888fbf4c4", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a52d9c50-ab64-45b2-bd23-18b823effed3", + "text": "vinga a deu!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "292ae9e1-52e1-4af0-bf2f-135a3eeabad3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 7 #", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e0f5f00e-7979-4b08-88cd-9d7fcf18339f", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1e60fb8-b258-425b-834a-8380558254c3", + "text": "Ostres, hola mira que m'han entrat a robar a casa, jo era de vacances i han entrat!! He de fer la reclamació de les coses que s'han emportat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han entrat a robar", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c275cdc0-9468-491c-8892-769707fea357", + "text": "Si us plau, indica'm el teu nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18e1ff5e-8320-46a4-aa87-6d9d98890281", + "text": "Cèlia Roig Guasch", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Cèlia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Roig", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Guasch", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86ab3d2f-ed40-4962-9bae-9acf5cd3774b", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara indica'm un número de telèfon", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14988a34-dac2-4a82-a09d-48b6233d50c0", + "text": "El meu mobil és 653489123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "653489123", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f672533b-b325-49be-a40f-39f1b5845039", + "text": "Entesos. Tens una pòlissa de la llar estàndard. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab2ed56b-0419-4c34-b791-4c74077959ea", + "text": "Si si aquesta tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cfc20747-ba02-4565-9e41-efe0426502f2", + "text": "Molt bé. Per resoldre la teva petició has de trucar a aquest telèfon: 934564567 i preguntar pel departament de llar i automoció", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f996fec-3f0d-4658-ae34-867b59de70e1", + "text": "Ah d'acord, i allí ja els hi puc fer la llista de totes les coses que s'han emportat oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "llista de totes les coses que s'han emportat", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97b0f6e1-1d1f-4def-8376-1d5faae73781", + "text": "Correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cc2bf36-d895-4780-be4a-563942b9ca3f", + "text": "Ah gràcies de veritat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "24223598-f7e7-4783-a08a-0b90259e0c5c", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33ef7768-ba0e-4b5e-b6af-c8f14617b161", + "text": "Per ara res més merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "471ce5b3-b237-43ea-b3bd-90a30f32e424", + "text": "D'acord. Que tinguis bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0b5536f-080d-4a47-8e3b-b34570b61f1b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecff5e02-127c-4e5a-83ad-ecd9eaad14d5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 8 #", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f6fdd93-82ab-41ec-b24b-79f872da5598", + "text": "Bona tarda, digues-me en què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94ca2da9-0526-4ec6-8167-12e8d603c122", + "text": "si, es que escric perquè ningú m'agafa el telèfon. que esteu tancats o que?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ningú m'agafa el telèfon", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88a59eed-2f15-4ad7-84cc-8e1cb9d92fd5", + "text": "Les línies de telèfon ara mateix estan totes ocupades. Ho ha de seguir intentat o romandre a l'espera.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93c9f851-1c18-406b-b651-e27fa42f2816", + "text": "collons! porto mitja hora i es un 900. tu em pots ajudar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ajudar", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4e333d8b-d186-47c4-ade6-734d5d2bac97", + "text": "Sí, què és el que necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1eb0a505-d5c6-4170-b8d6-62dc8fbbcbc5", + "text": "si, es que necessito canviar eltipus de pagament de l'assegurança de salud familiar que tenim", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "tipus de pagament", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "salud familiar", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03bc6688-84ad-47f2-8e8e-cad1fefb12ee", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito el teu nom i el número de la pòlissa si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "341da5bc-f0aa-4bc3-b2ca-b986ba72767e", + "text": "vale. el nom es Ramon Pescuezo. El número de pòlissa és 5453", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ramon", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pescuezo", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccbaafab-af54-46a8-be2e-a734610e4edf", + "text": "He comprovat que tens activat el pagament trimestral. Preferiries canviar-lo i pagar mes a mes o només un cop a l'any?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e1f8d1a-4099-4953-ae49-6546de4a5db9", + "text": "si, mes a mes millor , es que puja molt cada 3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "mes a mes", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d8d06d08-cfcc-4e9c-a7ac-0d84fa1965ca", + "text": "D'acord. Ara t'arribarà un codi al mòbil. Necessito que me'l diguis per poder continuar amb la gestió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8896c9d-c4ce-4058-bf0e-235682edf07a", + "text": "mm.. ok.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e72147b-10bc-43fd-bffa-46b0b5b5c14c", + "text": "a veure.. si, es aquest: M44FSR44S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "M44FSR44S", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11818960-2f10-4d69-9c22-e1425f87b747", + "text": "Sí, és aquest. Ja està fet el canvi, t'arribarà un altre missatge amb la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5178394f-5789-4bfa-9baf-6eaebac4329e", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56e89323-9839-4700-9146-1345133cad7c", + "text": "perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bf113ff6-026a-43cb-856d-af5e874cd1a9", + "text": "no, ja esta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7e45b871-83d2-4444-8446-6641cf99eada", + "text": "Entesos, adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02180fb4-b7ba-4760-bb78-fa81414b8cdb", + "text": "adeu! !", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aaac9ac3-47d6-4ae6-bf5d-440cdc38e67f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 9 #", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e6f03f14-55ee-4760-8a3e-7928ebb06b94", + "text": "Bon dia! Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68010981-7996-46b6-ab9b-d9ffabf74585", + "text": "Hola bon dia, a veure es que jo tinc una moto i la tinc assegurada en una altra empresa d'aquestes però ara m'han pujat molt el preu. A veure vosaltres quines opcions teniu i si són més barates", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b22290e-7c0c-4974-98f7-9b5669fc19d4", + "text": "Tenim assegurances per a vehicles, cotxes i motos. Tenim tres modalitats diferents: la bàsica, la regular i la plus.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48c71181-3311-4f10-880d-28b5d9ce5c58", + "text": "En teniu varies veig està bé això. I perla moto la més bàsica que inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "la més bàsica", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f39b4f75-1507-46b4-b9f7-b85c4b691fae", + "text": "És una assegurança a tercers. Inclou reparació de punxades de roda, revisió anual i la possibilitat d'escollir entre més de 6.000 tallers repartits per tota Espanya", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4736420-6082-44ac-9589-e477fb3a67d3", + "text": "ah d'acord, i quina diferència hi hauria amb la regular?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "la regular", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "diferència", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0a35842-b850-4df7-9e92-241286dd3330", + "text": "canvia molt el preu o que?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "33e406f0-8227-4ec1-acb2-63f93fb0de28", + "text": "La regular es una assegurança a tercers que inclou el mateix que la bàsica i a més també incendis, trencament de llunes i assistència a l'estranger.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16120aec-d3c5-49f8-b2bd-cb59b9b7fb52", + "text": "doncs mira si, aquesta m'aniria millor a vegades surto a fora amb la moto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c166b8da-c917-42b0-a856-6fa40a5876a0", + "text": "i quin es el preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9a2839d6-d7e7-49d1-becc-76a182790b4e", + "text": "El preu de l'assegurança regular és 30 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0beebe2f-e153-4a26-a55e-ae1f7cca0981", + "text": "Que be tu! Es un preu molt raonable", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99ed137a-ae76-4e35-b9f1-b7d9e6b3cb0d", + "text": "Doncs si, m'interessa aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab686888-7196-4110-88ba-b7ccc4a92209", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm el teu nom i cognoms, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f23728d0-52b6-4752-8c0a-10319a9d1d54", + "text": "Soc el Miquel Grau Ribas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Miquel", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Grau", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ribas", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bfef035d-fc63-42ae-b307-1a467b2a15a0", + "text": "Entesos. Ara digues-me el número de pòlissa i companyia actuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35379822-668a-4a22-91d8-2fd0fc7426fd", + "text": "L'assegurança que tinc ara es amb AXA i el numero crec que es aquest 543689", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "AXA", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "543689", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b9bb2d6-2b25-451f-862f-af53f7fd907d", + "text": "Entesos. Ara indica'm el teu DNI i adreça postal, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9fff655-3a06-4c7a-a2bf-712ed78e1de7", + "text": "Mira DNI és 89754324C", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "89754324C", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "911912a1-811f-4f35-8780-b19ad1f2518d", + "text": "i la meva direcció és carrer Balmes 40", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Balmes 40", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f8b7735-2dc6-4b26-b114-4cfc23de66d1", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara indica'm un correu electrònic, si ets tan amable", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07da77ab-4684-410a-a1b8-1926cbc6ebac", + "text": "és miquel_grau@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "miquel_grau@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f05b759-b3e3-4268-93c4-61de00384753", + "text": "Entesos. Rebràs un correu amb la confirmació de la teva alta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "697d5d87-5043-429c-9ee7-4eee9489c10c", + "text": "Ah molt be, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bad91cb0-5b8d-4090-84ac-b9607e8d8b1b", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97f4fe20-af98-4f56-8fec-0f1d486cf599", + "text": "No vull res mes no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "deecb370-ff50-470d-bc3b-050c3697a459", + "text": "D'acord. Que tinguis bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e5f1cd6-01a8-4005-a423-3118dc73422d", + "text": "Vinga adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2483c9b7-3e40-4cdb-acd1-63b687372544", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 10 #", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5d331a9f-fc0c-4bce-9ae2-3e3047678875", + "text": "Bon dia. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7beaa966-f545-46fe-afda-9a2a8c1f2db5", + "text": "eii, que tal? mira , si es que he tingut un accident ara mateix. necessito tramitar papers", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6fce2198-38dd-4e05-8bc9-355155bddbb4", + "text": "D'acord. Diguem el teu nom i el teu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0974e8e-8af0-448f-919e-852eaf794775", + "text": "sí, em dic Joana Grau. el DNI és 77654395G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Grau", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654395G", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "090adc84-5dbf-4bf4-a26c-c9c135c69671", + "text": "D'acord, Joana. Necessites que vingui una grua a recollir el vehicle?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c0ce5dc-2b92-4890-af09-af2a210162ce", + "text": "si, bueno he de tramitar el tramit amistòs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tramit amistòs", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5135d548-09e7-4837-931e-926749fa2ee4", + "text": "no, grua no. pero si que em digueu a quin taller puc anar. no ha sigut un cop fort", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taller", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d961cdd-5f12-499f-9920-39dd3b54ce05", + "text": "pero aixo m'ho cobreix crec", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47196463-d183-409e-ab23-3f7eded853c2", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito per tramitar la declaració amistosa d'accident el nom complet de l'altre implicat i el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20ce5156-e01e-4357-939a-57b885f2717c", + "text": "ah, vale. espera. Manel Ramirez. DNI és 77654329P", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Manel", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ramirez", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654329P", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99470689-d899-4d11-8fa2-3f35c9be208e", + "text": "Indica'm on ha succeït l'accident.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9483cadc-0113-4818-b9e2-b6762541709c", + "text": "si, la carretera N-340, direcció Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "carretera N-340, direcció Barcelona", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57c3cc79-b2cf-49ff-82bf-2c5ec68fc913", + "text": "Ara tramitaré el document de la declaració responsable.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cdd647e-4651-46dc-b0b7-83fb3554b3ef", + "text": "ah ok!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99f90010-b77a-4f47-aaef-36ebddb100c9", + "text": "D'acord. El taller més proper es troba a 10 minuts en aquesta mateixa carretera, en direcció Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "385e572e-cc08-4385-9aed-6e5c7ccacbbb", + "text": "ah vale. aquest taller esta a la polissa no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taller", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "polissa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ca435cb-120c-4f00-8398-b4914b19c362", + "text": "Correcte, està inclòs en la teva pòlissa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "985cd9f8-2dab-43f1-a278-817797168941", + "text": "Perfecte. doncs gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "28dc525e-8105-4b07-b287-aca3cb9aced4", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e6338fa-8f71-4dd9-8109-3f3e6273fcf9", + "text": "no, ja esta. apa adeu!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6245638a-e7a5-426d-9fd5-9b33b779552c", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3722a8f3-17da-429e-a6db-b92c6f35551c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "228f3b26-7ed4-44ec-b6ab-53a5f50ccafc", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0366a8f5-c8d9-4147-8081-eb0f66dbd999", + "text": "Contractar assegurança per a la meva casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "la meva casa", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b983ab9b-7684-442c-8512-1fbe0d56c4d1", + "text": "D'acord. Ara mateix tenim una assegurança de llar que cobreix incendis i robatoris. T'interessaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7825bea3-61d7-4d58-9819-7507b281562e", + "text": "no en teniu cap que inclogui també reparacions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "reparacions", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0bb23d44-bd47-4d43-ab08-13a7a68f8f29", + "text": "No, ho sento. Només tenim aquesta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fc1d8fd-5fa1-45a0-b45a-b754abb809a2", + "text": "D'acord i quin preu té?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56b61e07-67dd-4e32-9c63-5fca0c42ec8f", + "text": "el preu és de 40 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2cd07351-b8e7-4f64-bdde-3bab9f01b590", + "text": "val, bueno em podries enviar la info d'això aixi ho tinc? i en cas que no trobi res millor doncs ja et dic coses", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "enviar la info", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15aebfe5-5fb6-4d7f-9757-f9c2aebbbff8", + "text": "Sense cap problema. Indica'm un correu electrònic per poder enviar-te la informació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ffce98d-bf51-4f49-a33d-c001508906bc", + "text": "Si, mira paula23@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "paula23@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6be50e4-31fe-4c67-a13f-15214dad6549", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs enviarem tota la informació a aquesta adreça electrònica", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb30c820-18df-4e4a-8c23-5c986c2007e8", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83ae210a-a165-4d5f-b108-727ac3c1404a", + "text": "quina platja em recomanes de la costa brava?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eca54c32-c304-4668-bfb0-c7e5eb17aa2b", + "text": "Em sap greu, però no et puc ajudar amb això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65b277cd-9156-4949-942f-6715c1ddfe18", + "text": "ah bueno d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b5ab8feb-5df3-403d-baa8-529a9823bd03", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdc717bd-a8f8-40a0-9952-fac3b1f65c72", + "text": "no ja esttà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7edafac3-ae52-46bd-a107-8792197c1646", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59c631a8-0780-42e9-b843-596c5692a40e", + "text": "adeu gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4bcb3db-8200-4c4c-805f-35411b0e4448", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "974e705b-4c9c-4108-ae67-319b20a6f4a3", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6177c6f-3510-48d2-91a2-7077db8f30bd", + "text": "Hola, a veure jo es que tinc el cotxe assegurat en una companyia però m'està pujant molt el preu. Em pots dir quines opcions teniu aqui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d9bd5760-34c3-493d-bcc8-9fffd586f140", + "text": "Tenim diverses opcions. Una assegurança a tercers i una a tot risc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4f42c22-cbe7-49d3-90ff-c065f7cff9b4", + "text": "D'acord i la tarifa mensual ocm es quedaria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa mensual", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c11df28b-c0d5-47e8-8fd6-ce844486e415", + "text": "Serien 30 euros per a l'opció a tercers i 55 euros l'assegurança a tot risc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c5a5c5e-71bf-4de0-98d5-70c623718f22", + "text": "D'acord, doncs m'interessa l'assegurança a tot risc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança a tot risc", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a5244bb-0a47-4912-9d0f-8189f7f14bab", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaria les dades de la persona prenedora de l'assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a59ebdf0-4ee2-4de0-85f3-8e0adbaeca5c", + "text": "si, soc jo. em dic Mariana Alemany i el DNI és 45678934L. necessites altres dades?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0ac16c4-ffd8-4866-9c75-ea1396884701", + "text": "Sí, necessitaríem les dades bancàries per domiciliar la teva assegurança. Indica'm un número d'IBAN, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84c069f1-3d8a-4d17-bbfe-7bebcd9df642", + "text": "Ah d'acord. és ES10 6578 7632 09 3456236785", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES10 6578 7632 09 3456236785", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e6c555d-0565-4736-8133-b68f8a1105d2", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara només ens cal una adreça electrònica perquè puguem enviar-te la contractació, que ens hauràs de tornar signada a la mateixa direcció que utilitzarem per enviar-te la documentació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3bbd0c0-3d9f-478b-a83b-eecf52085ff7", + "text": "Ah d'acord. El meu email és alemany_mariana@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "alemany_mariana@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05e2ce1c-0c9e-4dd2-88b5-7860eceed9bd", + "text": "D'acord. T'enviarem aquí tota la documentació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aee6f826-c11c-4302-82bd-1bc90d44a6b0", + "text": "Entesos, i això ja quan ho envii ja estarà llest?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d15a279b-39bc-4a50-9262-9b1212777d92", + "text": "Exacte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4964fcc7-2cee-4d7c-b6be-36465d9a09c3", + "text": "Entesos, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e39507d-d685-49d8-a54e-89b4b15bd9a9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92043ede-8970-4dd5-a0f1-026fbc708dc1", + "text": "no, això era tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f925454-39e8-4114-a073-dc759265bd00", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "282d61f7-19cf-4892-b508-72d9101fc9e1", + "text": "adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2009b3e1-0dc2-4805-a2ce-97fcaec533a8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "abb59d0d-ce93-4a2b-9a6e-ec9145f781f8", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6ac37c3-edd8-4147-bc36-25aa2055fc3c", + "text": "Bon dia, volia cancel·lar l'asegurança que tinc amb vosaltres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0845b84-bdc4-41ab-ad79-ec66da2bff05", + "text": "Em pot indicar el nom i cognoms, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "853ffba8-e593-4a9b-a2ab-5a3dbfaa0967", + "text": "Sí, Tomàs Pons", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Tomàs", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pons", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1066a79a-e2f3-4d89-ae3e-1c75c8eb9cfe", + "text": "D'acord, Sr. Pons. Té una assegurança a tot risc per a un Toyota Kaskai. Vol cancel·lar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6548c5f6-055e-498c-a3f5-e007c1bc969c", + "text": "Sí, exacte, la vull canclar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a87fb298-4373-4c7b-a384-6d8d81de227d", + "text": "cancelar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53d0260e-f9c4-4a4c-8dd7-a65582867512", + "text": "D'acord. El seu correu segueix sent pons.pons79@hotmail.com?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1a4c7c9-9e32-40fe-976a-1b78f8f97378", + "text": "si, és aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "193f7df8-35e0-41e8-a0ee-57adac4cf6da", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs enviarem aquí la cancel·lació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f5ee100-906c-4487-a152-759cf769f96c", + "text": "Entesos, ja no em cobrareu res el mes que ve, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94c6d90d-9c80-4bdb-92f1-1f7ee8de440f", + "text": "No, el darrer rebut serà el del mes anterior", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "470a519e-519c-4b74-a367-2342475b27b7", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d760ecd7-3df5-48e4-b6c7-d8f35e8c2f77", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbbb9e0f-6897-4716-b616-7b49ea6f3f7d", + "text": "no vull res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aed0a8e4-c6e3-4643-9451-ef520b028758", + "text": "Entesos. Que tingui bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "267d265d-1fa4-4534-b3b7-42356b461e5d", + "text": "Gracies, adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c65dc5cc-7c37-4c72-bf44-204d4c7ce6b9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c55d6dc8-7852-456b-87a7-15d21bface20", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió vols fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f1a6c39-45c5-40ae-93d0-dc00ff184ee4", + "text": "Hola, mira que vaig acabar farta del meu banc que em cobrava per tot tu, i clar m'he canviat ara i m'he obert un compte nou i 'he de canviar saps, perquè em feu les domiciliacions en aquest nou compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "domiciliacions", + "Start_char": 165, + "End_char": 179 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1c799eb-de1f-42f3-b41b-1944643c9383", + "text": "Cap problema. Indica'm el teu DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ea350a9-490e-4452-b0c2-8ae563b581b8", + "text": "Sí, és 34789653", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34789653", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e2d70c2-f427-417b-9834-03e250cc3042", + "text": "D'acord. Ets la Joana Raspall. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ae8c1df-60a4-4042-9e70-db136e73ead1", + "text": "Sí, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49cec6c1-928e-4697-984d-fd19d6bafe25", + "text": "Entesos. Tens una assegurança a tercers contractada. Indica'm ara el nou número de compte, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "beeb9dca-1362-4ce5-a58c-23783e179259", + "text": "Sí. Mira la nova conta que tinc és ES24 6543 7865 54 98523416754", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES24 6543 7865 54 98523416754", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d12958ed-5a67-47b6-9112-683c565b7a37", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fbcea5f-7a00-47f4-a2e3-9fe34b40de4e", + "text": "Saps si farà fred avui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "90d426a1-d6c5-43c5-883b-e0cb4afc5ee7", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb aquesta petició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89812a19-b460-4edb-be20-ec5b5138cf11", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bce15737-ce69-4ef0-9d63-48d8961528f3", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8662baa1-9a9b-4d52-8bb9-8aa6872f8f99", + "text": "no gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76a297ba-b0de-4dc3-8932-e9047c8fb4bb", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec81d0a8-ac14-4e7b-a3d5-ac7d6702722a", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5aca7cc-3748-40d5-bbd6-18cffd99928a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "783da480-b7d8-45e8-bbaf-e56de624c9a8", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0cf5063e-1242-4242-92d1-4c679ff5da78", + "text": "Vull posar una queixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60a6c578-eb45-492e-955a-a050e4a9ec80", + "text": "Indica'm el motiu de la queixa, si ets tan amable", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78cd6d7c-f456-420c-989d-1b47590f25e2", + "text": "Doncs mira que ara he mirat i em trobo que el mes passat em vau pujar la quota de l'assegurança de la moto i a mi ningú em va avisar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "em vau pujar la quota", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 106 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10a3b0c8-1e6f-4ce0-8b95-a48873759e00", + "text": "Indica'm el teu DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7b0fdcd-5ba8-42c0-b276-1efb10d2b176", + "text": "43897654E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43897654E", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da8ad606-1456-4ae8-96e4-6469f37c48e4", + "text": "Entesos. El titular de l'assegurança és Martí Mitjans. La quota actual és de 40 euros mensuals. Efectivament, el mes passat va canviar l'import de la quota. Abans era de 33 euros mensuals. Això és perquè la companyia ha fet una pujada general en les assegurances a tercers.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0504d4c0-e92a-4cc5-b94e-7ceca0acaeaf", + "text": "Ah però clar, això m'ho haurien d'haver consultat abans no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "81efe31e-bedd-4cc6-8e93-155320a467b6", + "text": "Es van enviar notificacions per correu ordinari, però no hauran arribat encara.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5093989-395e-44d9-98e3-e16810dee3cd", + "text": "Quin descontrol. bé si pots avisar d'això si us plau, i ja mirare si trobo en un altre lloc una assegurança millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6991a862-d964-4a2f-9f3e-3838b5cf331d", + "text": "Demanem disculpes. Notificarem al departament d'atenció al client i mirarem si es pot fer cap tipus de compensació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eceb5261-fbda-4703-97ac-fa30eb4efa18", + "text": "bé, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fbd62e76-b48f-4e45-ae3d-14bfdcc87718", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "013675c8-d0ec-4559-96de-ccf00f47a7e7", + "text": "no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40025697-b18b-459b-bb85-a10f1be72c53", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c49a306e-4593-4d86-8c73-b6c14cefaf6d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b92cfa67-c94e-467c-898c-c1484c2a3b50", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ee2a7a95-8e31-45ee-a591-0a454b079081", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "134d7c0c-8d1d-419d-ba5c-590600ec788b", + "text": "Bona tarda, mira que tinc jo l'assegurança privada del metge aquí i avuihe perdut la targeta, crec que ha set al metro, amb tanta gent... què he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança privada del metge", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "he perdut la targeta", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2263ad92-fd8c-4953-8780-692f61ccff81", + "text": "Cap problema. Pot demanar un duplicat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50929e5f-7333-4420-afa0-e444518db290", + "text": "D'acord. i t'ho puc demanar a tu això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b97fa511-ba61-43c0-b8cc-590c21cd0831", + "text": "Sí. Indiquim el DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ca31dcf-5800-43f3-a1bc-3ede24fe31fe", + "text": "És 42378975F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "42378975F", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5867dd77-a745-4115-bb71-4e76b806b757", + "text": "D'acord. El prenedor de l'assegurança és Marta Corda Casals. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5a07ebd-ce33-4922-8ef3-a49ec79d7e64", + "text": "Sí, correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f57a795-678b-4505-b976-41843665f8f8", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs procedim a demanar un duplicat de la targeta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0caa7772-3417-49ba-be26-e9863f2050bd", + "text": "Indiqui'm ara una adreça electrònica per enviar-li la notificació de petició de duplicat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "717566ff-e70b-4b63-843e-d2c643cb4cda", + "text": "Ah d'acord. és martacc9@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "martacc9@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4af306ae-ffec-441f-a1e6-2199bc430897", + "text": "i després la targeta me l'envien a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "me l'envien", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fdbcf726-ba84-44d0-8852-7c1c42baf41e", + "text": "Perfecte. Enviem aquí la notificació digital.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b9efda7-60c5-42d2-8d07-6ed19b08fba2", + "text": "Sí, la targeta duplicada li arribarà en un màxim de 3 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "580522cb-9f71-4e4b-852e-1294c2abf418", + "text": "val doncs gràcies, no sabia que fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d6986b86-eba5-4391-99fd-53f13d8f93c1", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "470a4490-180f-4aa4-b558-8d95feca5323", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cca343b0-25ab-4aa0-a820-d6dddb61e2c7", + "text": "no, no vull res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "054e9a79-c64f-4ae1-b95a-5d7538ae56aa", + "text": "Entesos. Que tingui bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ec901eb-c346-477d-9150-a14cc6443a46", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da998507-1e48-47de-919a-9acc4db69b2c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "23b951db-b8b8-42e6-98f3-f102fdc780d9", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59b6bdbe-290d-4e87-a67a-39fcec185fb2", + "text": "Hola, mira jo acabo d'adoptar un doberman i m'han dit que li he de fer una assegurança. saps com funciona això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "doberman", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e614bde-3aca-4a79-a123-5e189601b547", + "text": "Ho sentim, però no disposem d'assegurances per a mascotes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34bb8daf-ca64-4c48-8375-90547e8c4184", + "text": "ah, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4771b4bb-a8c2-4986-901e-08b6abbb5bdc", + "text": "i tu saps on em podrien informar d'aixo?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "339b76e2-efe2-4a06-af5b-afa6ab58b632", + "text": "A Girona hi ha diverses companyies asseguradores. Potser alguna d'elles disposa d'aquest tipus de cobertura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f52f7727-f580-49de-89d9-6b840ce8c6df", + "text": "D'acord, bé ja miraré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d42c6932-66a2-4790-9957-a87764ef7839", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2ca5ba6-10e0-4400-ab69-10a1939e80f7", + "text": "Saps quins supermercats hi ha per aqui prop?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec30642f-568c-4a2e-ba96-a4e9702b5ac5", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc ajudar-te amb aquesta petició", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50d817c7-79c0-43f2-a576-0c1557aa3556", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fe47ccc-835d-4a71-be37-399a62984e56", + "text": "D'acord, no vull res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1dc037b5-4949-4f1b-b081-7d5c37af68cb", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7accb5af-1b25-4e44-ad5b-2b6d72a8d9d2", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9790553-9bf4-438b-94f5-6646f26a8a68", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9c9e73e2-5633-4478-8dd9-f93c9f72e039", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ae083c3-191f-4c45-af3e-b5c2ce16b2e9", + "text": "Hola! Estic pensant en canviar l'assegurança de la meva moto, s'ha encarit molt. quines tarifes teniu aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1abb5801-4f6c-49b2-b502-1300888b66c9", + "text": "Disposem de cobertures totals i a tercers. Les totals són més cares que les assegurances a tercers: 50-65 euros mensuals les primeres i 25-35 euros les segones.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96af7e68-d736-4d01-9c9e-d6aa76f3602b", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs m'interessa la de tercers, és un bon prer. Puc fer la ocntractació ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la de tercers", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d96bb9ed-427c-4be2-850c-d2495a2df394", + "text": "I tant. Indiqui'm el seu nom i cognoms, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc689e46-8f90-4b87-b6de-ae32f0774dd5", + "text": "Entesos. El meu nom és Irma Calafell Armengol", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Irma", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Calafell", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Armengol", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "74c8edbe-df8a-48e3-a4ef-7692a7a63043", + "text": "D'acord. Ara necessitem el seu número de DNI i un compte bancari en el qual es pugui fer la domiciliació de la seva pòlissa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b6baf2e-a64e-402c-ac7d-73f18936634b", + "text": "El DNI és 36789654A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "36789654A", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "244f73c2-9988-4ae7-aa33-7df47819abed", + "text": "i el meu compte a veure ES21 8906 8965 56 4358762413", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 8906 8965 56 4358762413", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce650365-bfb5-4d38-8fbb-a017e5c2aceb", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara nomes ens cal que ens indiqui un correu electrònic per enviar-li tota la documentació que haurà de signar i retornar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dad5016-876f-4978-bbee-ae8996655f37", + "text": "val, irma56@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "irma56@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3e60955-d3b3-4ea3-9a11-21fd3a277313", + "text": "ho he d'enviar també per correu quan ho tingui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d71a906f-98e2-4621-af29-2dee7d03e802", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7c02b7c-d2cf-4e74-987f-b39cf5e0bc2a", + "text": "Sí, quan hagi signat tota la documentació, l'haurà de tornar a enviar digitalment a la mateixa adreça que utilitzarem per enviar-li la contractació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06c7610e-826f-4fbf-a8b4-b25051ecb81e", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0ca30a2-36e1-41b0-97ba-fcf96f026b3a", + "text": "Val d'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5517afaf-c2f1-439f-a5a1-5a1f1926fcde", + "text": "Per ara ja ho tinc tot clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e613668c-7465-4718-89ac-24efa3f7d75f", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs que acabi de tenir un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "032ede8c-d88b-4990-9767-82f3a1e1798e", + "text": "Gràcies, adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "503d5d8c-e9b8-476f-8473-9e4dc7a6cb20", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a0287749-b494-4fd7-9f3e-fec8ddb0e9bb", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1ea5db9-0387-4e24-9e4e-bdd7beab0a9f", + "text": "Hola, teniu assegurances per a grans empreses?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "grans empreses", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5fb16c0f-69b5-429e-88f6-0f9efe78d0ca", + "text": "Sí, disposem de col·lectius per a empreses de a partir de 10 treballadors", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "574f1b3e-52fe-427c-92bc-b7881cee4bd2", + "text": "D'acord. és una empresa de 350 treballadors, no se quines ofertes tindries?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "350", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3389c3a-21fb-4b0d-abef-874357554206", + "text": "En aquest cast tenim un col·lectiu en el que l'empresa paga 100 euros mensuals per cada 150 treballadors.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebad051b-c3b5-458d-9a28-fbdb71a914e3", + "text": "D'acord i que inclouria això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que inclouria", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c6dc481-1fba-4e11-b5e0-e4dfc966e88e", + "text": "Cobertura mèdica en accidents laborals i revisió mèdica anual. També inclou higiene de boca anual.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8569fa76-627e-48aa-a1b2-e4336a9ef03f", + "text": "Entesos. Em podries passar això per correu, així ho comento amb l'equip directiu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f70c497-d92b-4065-9b0d-dd73c062a02b", + "text": "Cap problema. Em pots donar una adreça electrònica, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6a7af65-c1ab-4b3c-9105-3d3bb65fb52b", + "text": "si empreses.maimo@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "empreses.maimo@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9fc879c-756a-4643-aefa-c52b9f1ac8c2", + "text": "Entesos. En pocs minuts rebràs la documentació amb el detall d'aquest tipus de cobertura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff8ccf5e-ced2-4539-96c1-e60d7c2463e6", + "text": "D'acord, ho comentaré com te dic, i ja després si ens interessa ja fariem la contractació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e1514f0-9dfd-47db-b498-81abb125a414", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3c52090-8242-4463-b4d4-b6dab147d0b4", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbffc8e5-e798-4faf-ba0f-2f7b580cc912", + "text": "Per ara ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3671d794-9100-408f-a571-456cb146f0a2", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs que tinguis molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ca3f787-ada4-4bf3-b4a0-fb90d3546ad8", + "text": "igualment, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b6ef06a-f977-47fe-9cbe-0509971db661", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8fcf6af5-5c6c-49cb-a21d-34f645e46f5b", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "139cc10d-57d9-40de-b67c-5cb232b32329", + "text": "Bona tarda mira que ahir van entrar a robar a casa, es van emportar tantes coses... ni ho vull pensar ara. tinc la denuncia, no se si he d'enviar-vos això o alguna cosa més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "van entrar a robar", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f531ab1-9698-4153-acf1-2844ac55e692", + "text": "Digui'm el seu número de DNI, si no li fa res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c1484b6-5793-400f-889b-9ed16a1be53c", + "text": "clar, és 45768975 i la letra V", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45768975 i la letra V", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "617367c9-adff-4467-86c5-c0abefa8322b", + "text": "Entesos. Vostè és Francesc Cambó i té contractada una assegurança de llar. Com va ser el robatori?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "247a2d1b-4b48-4aa1-bb5a-05a1f39bcf70", + "text": "si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "68134e8e-6dff-479e-91db-230dbf714679", + "text": "doncs mira estavem fora de casa, treballant i vam arribar i vam veure que la porta estava forçada i mig oberta i ja ens vam trobar tot descolocat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fec4d02f-eea1-484a-8bcb-aa2a316f03a4", + "text": "Molt bé. Ho haurem de comunicar al departament d'assegurances de la llar. Ells s'encarregaran de gestionar la incidència i de donar-li la direcció electrònica on haurà d'enviar tota la documentació requerida.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78ed9691-d730-4f7d-acac-76fc0fe3578f", + "text": "D'acord. i aixo els he de trucar jo o com?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0cfb78e8-0dd5-4cad-95f7-379ed8f511e4", + "text": "No, ells el contactaran i li explicaran tots els passos a seguir", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52a05f54-3783-4e2b-a016-d4bb8e1b3b41", + "text": "ah entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96a5bcf2-3f0d-4584-94f7-c4750d8b6638", + "text": "Puc fer algun cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f13a7c43-65d8-430d-8a68-4e0652339f2c", + "text": "ja etsà, gracies per l'atenció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1ea2885e-f6ba-4c26-a8a4-1c716f0bced6", + "text": "De res. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2940db9f-031d-4e2b-ad28-dd763775b8d9", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18e7d448-d1f8-4eee-82a5-00215d36d2e5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f1f16d27-3fd0-4db4-b4ac-203ebb76b53b", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "656a397b-83bb-40c5-be60-5c40ebf9639a", + "text": "vull afegir un conductor en la meva pòlissa del cotxe. es el meu fill que s'acaba de treure el carnet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir un conductor", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e65adf21-2b8f-44de-8c77-ee12d1656850", + "text": "Entesos. Necessitarem el nom i cognoms del teu fill i el teu DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d1b57fc-7e9f-402c-8448-b80f156f4d05", + "text": "Mira el seu nom és Carles Armengol Mas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Armengol", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Mas", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3de2785d-9fa9-4825-a4c9-763250456df5", + "text": "i el DNI un momentet que ho busco", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a7d016ff-e80f-4b3b-b82a-33d7d616c4f4", + "text": "val és 43567892T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43567892T", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cedf9f68-c8e9-4ff9-90a5-2ccc2baf935d", + "text": "Entesos. Vols que figuri a la pòlissa com a segon conductor?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "45ebbef3-10cb-49ff-a3e5-3aa4db2ca8dd", + "text": "sí, això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "848f35ae-ebab-4247-b629-84623795dfef", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs ja hem fet el canvi", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9844d8ca-7894-4361-ae3c-f1bb82f0f625", + "text": "D'acord i la tarifa quant puja?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "470f0d67-d343-4708-abe9-7ddacbe561e2", + "text": "Ara la tarifa serà de 40 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d848566c-dd87-4233-b1fa-6052a684903e", + "text": "D'acord. I he de firmar alguna cosa o ja està tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53119e6b-076c-448c-9539-438140e21f4e", + "text": "No, en aquest cas no, ja que només hem fet una modificació. Ara bé, rebràs per correu electrònic notificació de la modificació, que sí que hauràs de signar i retornar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d497f8dd-ba58-447e-a398-4ff130b05589", + "text": "Quina és la teva adreça electrónica actual?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23ac42ce-a95b-47fa-b20f-d1a13090e9b3", + "text": "D'acord. És armengolj_9@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "armengolj_9@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ae9fcfd-249b-4003-849e-040066e710fd", + "text": "Molt bé. Enviarem aquí la notificació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7c7d01f-db09-482e-9e12-7f40c927efec", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d22376f0-00a7-44e9-9ca0-c11ec34dff4c", + "text": "Entesos, no vull res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "71378e7c-9075-4e46-a214-9c326a00198d", + "text": "D'acord. Que tinguis molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c76ec82-96d9-4b37-ac00-ff925c71b08e", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9fe402bf-33e0-4413-82bf-8bbcc78bf0be", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "346c9f3b-91b2-4ecb-af21-bb45b2f78b41", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5656d5a0-8554-4438-9425-fc437a00fa9e", + "text": "Mira que acabo de tenir un accident amb el cotxe, què he de fer ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fdad4899-5d53-476a-81f4-07dcab24f65a", + "text": "Indica'm el teu número de pòlissa, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b65f8f5-d110-4405-aa1e-dcfba88c664c", + "text": "És el 45796534", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "45796534", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1640f084-df6f-456c-8a85-d54a6a2f9e3a", + "text": "D'acord. Tens una assegurança que cobreix accidents a tercers. També servei en carretera. Una grua anirà a buscar-te a tu i al teu vehicle, que el durà al taller més proper amb conveni amb la nostra companyia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "404652e3-864f-47cd-8fd5-c63550e6bb60", + "text": "Ah dacord i quin és el número de la grua?? per dirli on soc!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "número de la grua", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7e7f84a-e4c6-49d3-8070-777a2e41f2f7", + "text": "Sí, el número es el següent: 665555967", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce5a0f29-4974-47f9-bd3d-1de6e27ee27c", + "text": "D'acord gràcies, doncs ara truco", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "230b6f60-04e7-4d53-8738-70293863c7ba", + "text": "Molt bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "541ba47a-05bc-4c2d-a9a7-15529a19c1b5", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d785863f-ee81-44b1-a30b-f5a8bd1bb1c3", + "text": "no no, ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0429680-6a7a-453f-89d3-b523f984d98d", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "130c16cd-8a10-4b4f-b3bb-139223907508", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3a66c7ae-62df-4991-98e3-3f467730c06d", + "text": "Bon dia. Quina gestió ha de fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06f9704b-2eb2-48e2-8a21-aa9856f13321", + "text": "Hola, quines oficines teniu a l'Ampolla?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficines", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'Ampolla", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0eb8bfd4-b486-4a4c-a600-5dc919c33996", + "text": "N'hi ha una al carrer Palma, 44, 2-2 i una altra a l'avinguda Bisbe Tomàs, 2, planta baixa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df52cf04-38aa-49f2-aaf8-7df863904b1e", + "text": "D'acord. I quin horari tenen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1ed4e53-0320-46ec-a60b-3c084b8ed949", + "text": "Sí, la primera obre de 9..00 a 13.30 hores i de 16.00 a 19.30 hores, de dilluns a divendres. L'altra obre de 9.00 a 13.00 hores i de 15.30 a 20.00 hores de dilluns a divendres, i de 10.00 a 13.30 els dissabtes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2c2f8c4-14eb-45f7-80dd-569c36244f94", + "text": "Val d'acord, esque és per la meva mare que ha de fer unes gestions i ella no enten això del'ordinador i hi vol anar en persona. S'ha de demanar cita ara per anar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita", + "Start_char": 144, + "End_char": 148 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "74f18369-8eb2-44fd-bfcb-dfc4efcd31c4", + "text": "No, normalment no. Ara, però, per les circumstàncies sanitàries sí. Pot fer-ho a través de la pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04363fb6-6913-4481-ac83-ed9a240b04fe", + "text": "Vale d'acord, ja quan li vagi bé la demanaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "24cbb435-a08b-4725-88a0-abdd79f247b8", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db289802-4d25-4f32-9925-bb75aa0b3e11", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba8e8b39-cd26-4991-8a97-148af8b64853", + "text": "No gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "28a4426b-eebb-46bf-870e-550d9a9ea463", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0e68e48-c44f-4382-9e57-7f1d9b126b4a", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8904f4e4-5a24-4e81-b5d9-6ed0f6cc86fe", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "38985139-942c-41b3-a3ba-b98c1f96bf44", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4789243-aa11-4074-88bd-dcffab1116fd", + "text": "Hoola, soc pescador i necessito contractar una assegurança de responsabilitat civil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pescador", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança de responsabilitat civil", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55a4fbed-9974-46a9-ae4e-7c6c5e14994f", + "text": "Entesos. Necessitem el teu DNI i nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a5e49d5-039a-4e08-aa72-1cb63cec33ed", + "text": "Soc el Marc Balaguer Bonet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marc", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Balaguer", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Bonet", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "064f66f0-03e5-4bc7-bfcf-8576f8ef330b", + "text": "i e DNI és 43256789H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43256789H", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5cce465a-8c4b-4f0f-9b37-36c396b0f839", + "text": "Entesos, Marc. Ara necessitem un compte bancari per domiciliar el pagament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ea32988-a88c-45f7-9da5-588ea0abae63", + "text": "D'acord, ara tel dono, però la tarifa mensual de quant seria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa mensual", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "530591c6-1082-400a-90f9-6b3c068e249b", + "text": "Sí, la tarifa seria de 37 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2ea70ec-ff54-405b-8f09-a85b2d6f18f3", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3616f22b-bda0-4644-9237-cea75ab5f86c", + "text": "Mira el compte és ES2698767654534527816354", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES2698767654534527816354", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "427afd55-808d-4f8f-ac8a-5efb4a5233a3", + "text": "Molt bé, ja estàs donat d'alta al sistema. Ara necessitem una adreça electrònica perquè rebis la contractació que has de firmar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fd34c07-465d-41f8-83af-39a0e7ae72b3", + "text": "D'acord. El meu correu és marc.b@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marc.b@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b88b3519-dd95-4424-bb53-6065a8659038", + "text": "Molt bé. Rebràs un correu electrònic amb tota la documentació. L'has de signar i clicar en el botó enviar que t'apareixerà quan obris cada document, a dalt a l'esquerra. Rebràs un correu de confirmació del teu enviament de forma automàtica amb una còpia de la documentació signada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6b811d2-d700-4506-a836-6ca7fcd22648", + "text": "Entesos, doncs ara espero que m'arribi aquest correu i ja acabo amb les gestions", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "78d4d88d-1c16-48d8-aba7-ee5aa9e6af8a", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6aa2f1a7-0385-4cf9-89e8-d182a90ca311", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0c3394d-800d-405e-bf16-be038a33ef79", + "text": "res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a25ba2f2-5876-451b-b72a-53f72d2958a9", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs que vagi bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fcf127c-91a7-4f6b-b274-5addb66f2f8f", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0de239e3-c57f-40c3-8463-f3b97e51457d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c158c332-c93a-4838-8bb3-b3a40fb98a84", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar-lo/la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab6a029e-1e3f-473f-9deb-3df495725a1e", + "text": "necessito el rebut del que em vau cobrar de la pòlissa el mes passat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "mes passat", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4b8ae95b-191c-45d9-952f-c7894b573c03", + "text": "D'acord. Ens pot indicar el número de pòlissa que té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3650c910-1017-466e-8793-5c7b7f05bc2a", + "text": "A veuree és 34579865", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "34579865", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68870b3b-00d3-4494-824e-323cacc88adb", + "text": "Perfecte. El prenedor de la pòlissa és Marta Bou Badia. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8318d4ad-ff75-4fda-81bd-ce2c96303be2", + "text": "si, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56fc19a1-20f1-4012-b0d9-3497f35f44da", + "text": "Molt bé. El darrer mes es va cobrar un import de 33,95 euros al compte bancari que té a la nostra base de dades. Vol un rebut d'aquest import?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9dac09df-1ba9-4300-b5f4-f78da1b131cb", + "text": "sí, mel podries passar per correu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6bd41d8-88da-4be2-b535-5f56c25b2ab1", + "text": "Cap problema. La seva direcció segueix sent bou_badia.marta@gmail.com?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31d52935-dee8-48ea-9cec-f0177f0a540d", + "text": "si, aquesta mateixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b44a770a-1f33-4a5f-b271-11de82712f1b", + "text": "D'acord. En breus moments tindrà el rebut a la safata d'entrada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "333c715a-45d7-4888-b169-605ce5bb5b53", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e8cd883-c878-49af-a332-0fb2bd0ba463", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d232936-abdb-48b9-a828-1955cd069c9d", + "text": "Quin llibre em recomanaries?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4032cfa4-aee5-43b3-85f0-f0d02e054a80", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc gestionar aquesta petició", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6425d5b3-3c32-4d9f-8eda-632822fa895f", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a80a6b9-d1ca-45ea-85d1-6141cf2e7ba9", + "text": "Entesos, res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "064f8d9d-99f8-4dc8-acfd-0f98a2bff312", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e362577e-74c9-4be9-a09a-e167faf7a1a1", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15a89d35-c6e8-4cb6-a21b-0eadc6a8387b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e248d375-bd1a-4bb3-946f-6aa2708505e5", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa1f8e6a-ab5e-40c9-8457-48d2d08d411f", + "text": "Informació assegurances de moto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d06f5e6-1e26-43e4-b9e4-4cdfdd988095", + "text": "Disposem de cobertures a tercers i a tot risc. Quina t'interessaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a47e09ab-7ff0-4bf8-8d63-3b2fb6003303", + "text": "A tot risc millor. Quin és el peu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "A tot risc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca2f6f45-0fd2-4406-a0bd-99c76a686d40", + "text": "preu disculpa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57fe26db-91dd-4eac-aff1-ed768531f58f", + "text": "El preu de l'assegurança a tot risc és de 55 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4bb230d2-a2a7-4887-b1df-5ac3226f2ed5", + "text": "D'acord i puc fer ara la contractació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03b7d0e5-2c2d-4e77-a08c-77303d25ea22", + "text": "Sí, cap problema. Necessitarem les dades de la persona prenedora: nom i cognoms i DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b340969a-678b-4271-9593-ccce37da50c1", + "text": "Sí, soc la Maria Colomar Torres i el meu DNI és 43245679G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria ", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Colomar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Torres", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43245679G", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0001063-c181-429a-8f59-87a3e8afdb0a", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara necessitem un número de compte per poder domiciliar la teva nova cobertura", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb329672-b22d-425d-b3a8-753b86871dcc", + "text": "d'acord mira ES2467546754289876543780", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES2467546754289876543780", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa55fcfe-20e6-41b5-b5cd-42e570d815c2", + "text": "Molt bé. Per acabar només ens cal una adreça postal i una electrònica per enviar-te la documentació per signar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "913da80a-08d6-4528-ac3a-2c03b0d0f2e0", + "text": "Val. Jo visc al carrer Muntanyes 67 i pis segon tercera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Muntanyes 67 i pis segon tercera", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a215a33-b4ff-451f-b8cb-204154b6974e", + "text": "i el meu gmail és m.col@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "m.col@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5852de54-3840-493a-852d-92836897501c", + "text": "D'acord. Ara hauries de rebre la documentació a l'adreça electrònica. La signes i la reenvies a la mateixa direcció que hem utilitzat per enviar-te-la.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21ee0c12-6679-4210-b503-c1073ccaf4b1", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ara ho faré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8852bf24-4b60-45ef-a2d7-bb3a86c295e1", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c78df2e0-ca15-451e-966c-da6d260b50a9", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55c1495e-24d8-491a-842c-c0888910c251", + "text": "ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "37320bf3-f600-450d-8f5a-be111d16cf86", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e9ef2ff-36d0-4ac1-b346-19a5796d8898", + "text": "aadeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e8d40e2-d584-4d7d-becc-656118039c1f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "78ca3808-cded-486c-8298-979460570014", + "text": "Bon dia. Què desitges fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b98adb2b-d2e4-4729-83bd-d6e0cfbe10ec", + "text": "Bon dia, quin preu té l'assegurança a tot risc per a un cotxe? tinc un clio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança a tot risc", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "clio", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2df7dc5-461b-403e-8d9c-1dcf85c420a3", + "text": "El preu és de 55 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "432fc0ff-06e2-470a-b7a1-7ae7d42adcf5", + "text": "mira disculpa, que hevist que teniu assegurances per a aparells electròics i jo en necessito per a la meva càmera, que soc fotògraf", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "aparells electròics", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "càmera", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d61e0c77-0a09-42b3-ac99-3297aab7d879", + "text": "Sí, hi ha assegurança per a aquest tipus d'aparells. Voldries contractar-ne una?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8f39d3e-5246-495a-a01b-ccf736183708", + "text": "si, quin preu tindria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ee990fc9-361f-4352-a198-9138b1e43a33", + "text": "20 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5bf5626f-04ca-4d39-a388-9004c9581c6f", + "text": "D'acord i que inclou exactament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que inclou", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7929992-1ec8-486f-81c7-d77d3c448418", + "text": "?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad04cfbf-723f-4d5a-9d34-12ead99e1348", + "text": "Inclou danys per caigudes o per mullar-se si la càmera no es aquàtica. Inclou per tant servei tècnic de reparació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbbebb61-07f2-46fc-a45f-c880ad43759e", + "text": "D'acord i robatori inclouria també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "robatori", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb4e1d21-dec8-4cc3-9351-222414c0b4eb", + "text": "No, això no.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aee73710-dd45-473a-859a-5eea6fe10419", + "text": "ahh val, bé m'interessava també això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d22891a9-7763-4522-8a0b-10d1b1d448f5", + "text": "ja miraré altres lllocs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4c81459-23e2-45ab-9eb6-cbf276736e91", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3dcc8a8-2d35-48b9-8ebf-38042efb0783", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c27d986-05c2-460b-a1df-c3f1dc564e08", + "text": "no, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8dc05ed8-3392-4c08-b65a-d7f2043d9a4a", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad6cb1d4-18ed-4801-b04c-bcee15d88fe8", + "text": "adeeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2215b0c8-611b-405c-9eaf-883ce5341421", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "08541ec6-31f0-490e-83df-c8bbf4f32008", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què vol fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e70bb516-9192-495f-ace1-794357b5e3e1", + "text": "Bona tarda, volia contratar una assegurança mèdica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança mèdica", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6fdd8c6-16ae-434a-b338-180c6e32cab0", + "text": "D'acord. Quin tipus d'assegurança vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db00afd4-510b-4875-8cc0-a30e48cb8a18", + "text": "doncs no se molt bé quins tipus hi ha, però que no sigui massa car. el paquet més bàsic que inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "paquet més bàsic", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bfce9a74-1143-49d3-877c-f3ecee123438", + "text": "Inclou hospitalitzacions i atenció mèdica general, neteja bucal anual i altres serveis amb copagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e509592-e1be-4daa-aa54-efe15fec0444", + "text": "D'acord i quina és la tarifa? què es mensual?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mensual", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f33ab7d-220c-45de-ae74-b7ee73d273c6", + "text": "Sí, la tarifa pot ser mensual, i seria de 20 euros al mes. També pot fer-la semestral o anual, amb un descompte del 2 i 3 per cent respectivament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c2e0825-0cf6-4a40-9bb9-51d5a47700ec", + "text": "Val d'acord. I això tebiu cap oficina on pugui anar i ja fer la contractació des d'allà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd0df906-46bc-4176-ab6e-886de875630c", + "text": "A quina zona li interessaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd2393bc-ed4b-4d87-a172-4b09d62241d7", + "text": "jo visc per la zona del garraf", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "garraf", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b34107e5-0433-49c9-8f65-d0c8efe017d1", + "text": "A Vilanova i la Geltrú tenim una oficina. Al carrer Matadepera, 22, local 1. Pot fer allà la contractació si vol.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db19910e-c543-4a1d-86c5-ceb298786852", + "text": "D'acord, doncs hi aniré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3e713b7-a5c7-4531-8340-9401a908748e", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "837bb13f-d90c-421d-8537-7d0f8ae7ff9c", + "text": "Necessita alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67b50f39-ee40-4021-9266-7a95c8c65c50", + "text": "No necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb0c2991-161f-496c-b2c2-a11ee3b59984", + "text": "Molt bé. Aleshores que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a861b97b-7e3f-4031-953f-15beb2be81b5", + "text": "igualment, adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7402c929-e233-46c2-8f07-c63d1d6e95b9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f1bea930-f408-4b19-af59-d9e198177c3d", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ffa09fd-923e-416c-ae3a-3e9a40cbe740", + "text": "Bon dia. Mira jo volia fer-me a mi i als meus fill suna assegurança dental. teniu cap oferta per families?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança dental", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta per families", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 105 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf716f7a-6e0b-4261-979e-70831cdcd780", + "text": "Sí, tenim un pack familiar que inclou revisions anuals, neteja de boca i tractament de càries.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29c8adeb-c681-4764-b633-3260656109db", + "text": "Val, i el preu qun seria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c9f97bd-2515-4c47-84a2-f94d36793748", + "text": "Doncs 10 euros mensuals per membre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1527e915-e4fa-4a47-808f-0f11081ec7fa", + "text": "Ah genial, doncs ho vull fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5c68135f-9b3c-490f-8c45-811541ce6c77", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessitem el nom i cognoms i DNI de la persona prenedora i els noms i cognoms de la resta de persones assegurades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29fd16a6-eaa3-459c-ad06-122afdb3587b", + "text": "Mira jo soc la Cristina Hernández Cabrera i DNI 45768965T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Cristina", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernández", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Cabrera", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45768965T", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "622ed760-29b2-410f-acfb-9911f4b6c61b", + "text": "I els meus fill són Joan Prats Hernández i Jordi Prats Hernández", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Prats", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Hernández", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Prats", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Hernández", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ba6b4a9-237b-471e-b5e5-bd90844e5ed3", + "text": "D'acord. Quins són els DNI dels teus fills?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "038bbb7a-32de-49f0-9d77-75c5ef3786e1", + "text": "Disculpa, del Joan és 45231467R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45231467R", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19dcbb67-aec6-491d-aaa4-92ba37eab6c0", + "text": "i del Jordi 48976541S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "48976541S", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb910985-39df-4856-83c7-13e033d33a82", + "text": "Entesos. Ara necessitem el compte bancari per fer la domiciliació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "409cf93f-672c-4bd7-b19f-7d817e7f7311", + "text": "Sí, a veure és ES2145678765342456789564", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES2145678765342456789564", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24a61956-7f68-4a58-ac17-ee6c3d8504cc", + "text": "Ara cal que ens indiquis una adreça potal i una adreça de correu electrònic per enviar-te tota la documentació que hauràs de signar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "042706fa-52a1-4261-8464-af544c467854", + "text": "Sí, vivim al carrer Aragó número 10 i pis 3-4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Aragó número 10 i pis 3-4", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "933e7b68-b891-4756-bb59-a2428d7b0aab", + "text": "i la meva adreça de correu és cris_h@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "cris_h@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8662c086-fd0c-4efb-8478-2ed677c80567", + "text": "D'acord. En uns minuts rebràs tota la documentació. L'has de signar i clicar al botó d'enviament que trobaràs a la part superior esquerra de cada document. En 3 dies màxim rebreu les targetes físiques a la direcció postal facilitada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01f704af-77e5-49d1-b0fa-ae2487a6f08f", + "text": "Entesos. dncs espero que ho envieu i ja ho faig.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99457b0e-c8d2-498b-85c0-433032049f66", + "text": "Sí, perfecte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec17f08b-7619-40c8-b1a0-e43387735f08", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98c5be5f-8cc1-4e8f-98cc-11c77e8cc9c8", + "text": "rs més gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2e61b359-2b52-4e16-9541-f661d8974907", + "text": "que tinguis bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7fde1bdb-dc3e-423d-bea7-cc81cffacfa6", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "883dc577-a0b8-482a-a305-082f5fe0134e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "984c8af1-7258-4f11-bb8a-ae17e908caf0", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4df853d-fe58-4474-8ad2-037708382fe7", + "text": "hola, vullcancelar l'assegrança que vaig fer al meu gat, no sreveix per res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "gat", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86d395e7-09a1-4de7-bd2e-f89828e942ef", + "text": "Entesos. Ens pot indicar el número de pòlissa, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc95e2fa-d060-4373-b19f-90581f0bf50d", + "text": "I tant. mira és el num 34578", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "34578", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "119e60b8-cb0d-4b02-a6b4-01803c66b54a", + "text": "Molt bé. La persona prenedora és Pau Cantó Milà i tenia contractada una assegurança de mascotes. Vol cancel·lar aquesta assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f1235ba-21ee-4eb4-9edd-a99c29c195c1", + "text": "si, exacte. Vull que ho canceleu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02fb8e6d-6fea-46ca-b856-435b3549bd65", + "text": "Entesos. El seu correu electrònic segueix sent pau.canto@gmail.com?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7e7e138-14eb-4fa6-bae4-fd2de72778af", + "text": "Sí, es el mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1fae56d3-5828-48d4-ac1e-c34211e47556", + "text": "D'acord. Rebrà en uns instants la documentació per donar de baixa la pòlissa de mascotes que actualment té contractada amb nosaltres. Ha de signar tots els documents i reenviar-los a gestio.assegurances@cfp.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cd23d31-0b78-4678-9ece-4f79d164d11c", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ara mateix ho faig que m'ho vull treue ja de sobre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b0bded28-d174-4894-afd3-24bf022fabe8", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "349fbf41-9c1a-4c37-a26b-a94f46626237", + "text": "Necessita alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "088120ab-33a7-4a68-9b0f-0726e49b77ef", + "text": "Tu ara que me recomanaries que em compres un cotxe automàtic o manual?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc0cb8ef-ad03-4f20-8460-7491e4ede1d9", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc atendre aquesta petició", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "862099aa-a18d-46b4-b010-eb6c08c8793c", + "text": "pero a veure tu que em recomanes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2cd32775-d8b8-4116-9e3a-c15ec88ce59d", + "text": "Disculpes, però no puc fer aquesta gestió", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd6ce965-0c9a-4f27-9689-cf3a6af52c07", + "text": "ostres, vesten a la merda, no serveix per res això!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "accb1728-0bff-4682-81e9-a0e4fb87c2cc", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cc35a07-d2b2-49e4-8226-45a1111a4c2a", + "text": "no serveix per res aixo, vesten a pastar,a deu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f8bb03e-32ad-4d4e-bb7c-30f1604ac204", + "text": "Adéu. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b22f96d-2b73-496e-a583-12bdd4523150", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "556a5409-660b-4def-9e44-533032fa9d0b", + "text": "Hola! Voldria afegir a la meva parella a la meva assegurança de cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir a la meva parella", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 69 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87eff708-ec4d-42ea-bcc3-98b04e8e91c1", + "text": "Bon dia! Podria facilitar-me el eu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7dd1670-8e6c-4c01-8b61-fd6d250f6004", + "text": "Si, es el 42679150L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "42679150L", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "447f5301-2e7e-480d-b626-6dd0126c5ef3", + "text": "D'acord, veig que amb el servei que té hauria d'incrementar 100€ el preu de la assegurança si vol afegir una persona. Segueix interessada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5743eb4-4b49-4ca7-b9b7-921668c40b12", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f313716-fa0b-4d58-b137-8bc257faf885", + "text": "Podria facilitar-me el DNI de la seva parella?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66ff76b6-1566-421e-bb94-a427b0158b30", + "text": "43651230X", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43651230X", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cc3ac3e4-12fb-4d40-8958-af6d4c6387ef", + "text": "I el seu nom complert?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec01348e-657f-4e98-b2d0-4c41e63835c3", + "text": "Martina Puig Casadevall", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Casadevall", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d64bf06-35a1-4a8f-ad33-415af812624d", + "text": "Moltes gràcies, en uns dies rebrà un missatge de confirmació al seu correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f520b80-4b8b-470e-a623-3ed4bc6e2c16", + "text": "Perfecte moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "274775b2-c5db-4c8d-b30d-e3d1421ebb99", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ab710a32-f087-4026-b166-cf9273a3b24e", + "text": "Bon dia. Podria dir-me que costaria una assegurança de llar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "llar", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83b12d6e-5b2a-4fd8-80dc-2630d0b96655", + "text": "La assegurança de la llar té un cost base de 80€, però depèn del serveis en els que estigui interessada, el preu serà més gran", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74ff3152-67b9-48bc-a441-92e81730f272", + "text": "Quins serveis hi ha?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "55e0c0a4-03c7-47e6-9d3e-4050b50c72c8", + "text": "Servei contra incendis per aquest servei", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bf3a1dc-8798-4064-8e8a-9e665c2807b2", + "text": "Que costa llavors?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "52b05fb2-6d23-4e05-826b-a35f591d61be", + "text": "Aquesta assegurança bàsica son 80€, altres serveis més complerts tenen un preu més alt", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0fdd7a1-d311-4c10-82f6-54f2a268596a", + "text": "Voldria l’assegurança mes completa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mes completa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b052040-f426-44d4-aacb-9f43fbfba302", + "text": "Aquesta té un preu de 800€ anuals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b37357c8-25a6-4c97-b807-6acb880a7dfc", + "text": "Em podríeu trucar per telèfon per contractar-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "trucar per telèfon", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3dadfc80-e75e-4fad-bcb2-6b2447238942", + "text": "Sí, quin és el seu telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f0fff4dc-2e57-4c15-ac9b-d0f550f32b7b", + "text": "656323454", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "656323454", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e9bc3a09-33ff-4ef8-8b61-d4b662b05a53", + "text": "Perfecte, en uns minuts la trucarem. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb35bf53-7cff-4bc2-be22-08800b5c09eb", + "text": "Bona tarda:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b0ae9306-edbe-433b-9b36-ad1e59a9979f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a76695b9-a702-4fb1-85db-0d4475215541", + "text": "Hola! Tinc contractat l’assegurança de moto amb vosaltres per 250 però sembla que aquest any m’heu cobrat 300€!!!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m’heu cobrat 300€", + "Start_char": 93, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d63b6f6b-f352-44eb-a7e6-0cd9268c0541", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nombre de client, el trobarà a la seva factura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67cc638b-9efd-41d9-ba1a-b6124d5a7818", + "text": "Jaume Pi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pi", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f1df4ef-3008-4378-828c-7fd5e9e4dc4d", + "text": "Un segon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e72625f0-0a7b-4bcc-b0a1-28ee5e091630", + "text": "Veig que l'increment és perquè a meitat d'any va contractar un servei adicional. Va aumentar la seva cobertura a robatori.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a852ad4-677f-4814-9154-dcbc9aca39c0", + "text": "Recorda haver fet aquest canvi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc21993e-b125-4de7-96e0-2185d96b7672", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8714ae4-ba50-4289-b20f-554cc7528043", + "text": "Jo no ho vaig contractar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ab2431c-926b-4a32-b957-ada05c12caac", + "text": "En aquest cas ho anularem", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a451d7b6-08ad-4df3-9607-9974feff9b9a", + "text": "Vale perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6695634f-973f-4e0d-ab2f-2d790fd505b2", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c65d7f9b-5180-46cb-a7ac-be8dbeed1810", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "371d01b9-1bcf-470a-ab09-48ad7d55d2ff", + "text": "Puc afegir la meva parella a la meva assegurança de vida?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir la meva parella", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vida", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ea08865-09bb-4011-9ca2-7ee8c8c8debc", + "text": "Sí, tot i que recomanem que facin dues assegurances diferents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1cf3017a-ba3c-4644-85a7-0ce80105fcaf", + "text": "Tindria el mateix cost que la meva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mateix cost", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef6646ed-7cf8-41d7-ad37-46d6bf808b3c", + "text": "Sí, tindrà el mateix cost", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02b5f64d-094d-4d5f-a628-710a15510543", + "text": "Vale doncs fem això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4c77536-136e-43a1-a407-0b2eddb9d837", + "text": "Diguem el nom i el dni de la seva parella", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca61cca2-318b-4623-820c-dc390322a0ef", + "text": "Pablo Pérez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pablo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pérez", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4cbf2b45-675a-4ab7-875e-8b3860eac945", + "text": "56780213S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "56780213S", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47b6af58-49fa-4e39-8ba6-b696931b9cfc", + "text": "I podria facilitar-me un email?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8df67c7a-fffa-4dbb-b0cd-a351adede27c", + "text": "Pperez@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "Pperez@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce3945f1-bda4-4b2f-a324-bdeaf01a7b8c", + "text": "D'acord, en uns minuts rebran un correu. Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbed9651-2a1c-4eb6-9dfe-d18f3948c965", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15e7ac03-e223-4d8d-992f-6868a7377610", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "54a05cc8-2443-4908-9a96-43f31f7ffd69", + "text": "Voldria anul·lar la meva assegurança de cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa3b2d98-68d8-4e3b-8ffe-408b32fdb660", + "text": "Bon dia, podem coneixer la raó per la qual vol anul·lar la seva assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37e434e9-ff75-4b54-b441-83f4bdf2566a", + "text": "Ja no faig servir aquest cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "Ja no faig servir aquest cotxe", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "495fa218-64cd-40af-a18f-54b5feb243ef", + "text": "Em podria dir el número de la matrícula?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6906fde8-3585-4e25-9351-9688f1f9f8f7", + "text": "8912CCD", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "8912CCD", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5312e9a6-27a4-4290-8e9b-d0480fa352f2", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu e-mail?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c13578f-2960-49e4-8d75-05569f12e9b9", + "text": "Msd97@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "Msd97@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a105b811-beb0-4cfb-839a-0ab4c4ed6187", + "text": "Rebrà un email en uns minuts confirmant que la hem donada de baixa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ba8de50-ac06-409d-b681-99c4a32e6722", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "565351e3-ea90-430b-83b5-fdc2a86ff127", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cc12a46a-a2c6-44d5-8187-6ec06584ea6e", + "text": "Em podria dir que inclou la meva assegurança de cotxe si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que inclou", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84dbfbc2-3f6c-4ec1-8438-0f4cadcda0ed", + "text": "Bon dia, em podria facilitar el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1a5220a-5582-4511-822b-77485c0f3f2b", + "text": "45231480F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45231480F", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25491196-1143-46c4-befc-9de87632ead1", + "text": "Un segon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6a3d7c7-b08a-48e3-b4cc-500f9bb95052", + "text": "La seva assegurança és a tot risc", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "042aa9b4-57a8-4051-b375-0c3ec651fb47", + "text": "Em podria dir quant pujaria si afegeixo un segon conductor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegeixo un segon conductor", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dcf4b643-e28f-4ed2-917c-640083b312a0", + "text": "Depèn de la edat del segon conductor i dels anys d'experiència", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65fc099b-0558-4f10-a3d4-7cd8031ac6d5", + "text": "Te 24 anys i 2 anys d’experiència", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "24", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "years_num", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f063e772-bc40-4111-8426-dae8d46dad53", + "text": "En aquest cas, l'increment és de 300€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b50d3d36-3070-4ba2-8447-c8e965af5dfc", + "text": "Bé, gràcies per la informació però de moment no ho afegiré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a0c278af-7e18-4db4-b9f2-652e91ebdfc5", + "text": "Que tinguis bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b4051c3-582f-4933-8b30-b0ed70c2b703", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a3344b6d-cc41-4856-be7b-0ffc7ac8872e", + "text": "Hola! Em podria dir que inclou l’assegurança de vida?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que inclou", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vida", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a8edacf1-974f-445f-a656-55e0472105dc", + "text": "Inclou una cobertura en cas de mort o enfermetat molt greu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f75eadeb-cc40-46ea-a417-22ad1bece1b3", + "text": "I podria incloure a la meva filla,", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "incloure a la meva filla", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85b9ead4-9d35-4fc3-9405-0763fc6f220f", + "text": "??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3461e641-0135-430c-8955-935e0467cf4b", + "text": "Sí, també la podrà incloure", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d05d6c3-9e0c-4640-b248-f86cb62f4426", + "text": "Quins passos hauria de fer per contractar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bb50b8e3-cef0-4130-92fb-efae75ac6c0d", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu DNI i el de la seva filla?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4f5d59a-12d2-4665-9627-d8e5a9969cef", + "text": "El meu 42367849K i el de la meva filla 56253540F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "42367849K", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "56253540F", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00f6e75b-adff-46f4-95f1-bafac373ede9", + "text": "Diguem el nom complert i la edat de la seva filla, per registrar-la a la base de dades", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a617339-9f1b-4c27-8c14-899481d83394", + "text": "Te 23 anys i es diu Júlia Urgell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "23", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Urgell", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "534cb90f-dc41-40d4-bd7e-5423449ab41c", + "text": "D'acord, ja hem pogut incloure a la seva filla dins de la seva assegurança de vida.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c6ee968-5e6e-4945-9ae7-1299b08b37ee", + "text": "Perfecte moltes gràcies!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7af1f591-0b34-49a2-a039-61af73f31577", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a0e65957-028a-49eb-b09c-29ff3d9580ca", + "text": "Hola! Que inclou la meva assegurança de llar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Que inclou", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "llar", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f1110fb-787c-46eb-8629-0db6b73db962", + "text": "Inclou assegurança contra incendis, robatoris i afectacions a causa de desastres naturals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5270481b-324b-4b08-b4bc-4638ec1fd2e3", + "text": "Podria accedir a les gravacions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "gravacions", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86f8d1c7-6269-4d7e-a8a8-db5fddd8e7db", + "text": "A quines gravacions?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a87f50e-8f87-4093-a924-6600cacadd58", + "text": "Les de la càmera de casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "càmera", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "casa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "41933550-6ccd-4c3d-98d6-e49af1887d96", + "text": "Sí, té accès a través de la nostra pàgina web: www.seguritas.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e3e9bd0-4420-4e37-8e9f-d490b4bf36c5", + "text": "Qui te accés a elles?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Qui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccbb203e-d150-4a8a-859f-6520f81bbfbc", + "text": "Només vostè i la seva família", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17fe3d9f-d765-4d92-962e-179c3e9a264b", + "text": "En cas de robatori, les dades es compartirien amb la policia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c9da2cd-b440-4da3-904a-8351fdbb62db", + "text": "Perfecte doncs! Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1152f97-ad29-4611-ae2a-22ffbe17ed93", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "154edaa4-b031-4af6-835e-de59fe60f026", + "text": "Hola! Teniu l’opció d’assegurar un mòbil?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1f56c0d-d89d-4599-8323-0a19e200dfac", + "text": "Sí, tenim un nou servei per assegurar el mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "587aed46-bdf8-4bd2-bbbb-910d4bd04d23", + "text": "M’agradaria assegurar el meu iPhone 12 pro max", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "iPhone 12 pro max", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69d019f7-ec52-45d1-bd6e-b4a4f8ab57c7", + "text": "Que costaria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b88f5f4-ca7a-4a7c-acb4-c1b6fb7d345a", + "text": "Tenim una oferta, el primer any son 5€, i a partir del segon son 15€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73f3b10b-4f9a-47f2-a7a9-97e67cc52343", + "text": "Suposa compromís de permanència?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "permanència", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f32a1dc-2505-403c-a31e-66f597112041", + "text": "Sí, cal contractar el servei un mínim de dos anys", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a578e8a-2058-424d-91db-280016734801", + "text": "Que inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Que inclou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7df8c55-d797-4b8b-9c9c-fa0a628fbc8a", + "text": "Pèrdua, robatori o trencament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab1197c5-0ae9-4eea-a59a-da705cc65e01", + "text": "Que he de fer per contractar-los?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d576629-9be0-4f86-9c56-050f27e36c27", + "text": "Diguem el seu DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "575bc704-ce67-47ff-a201-85ef2af64561", + "text": "43178092N", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43178092N", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3b11057-5ad6-4608-9abd-a413d5b0765a", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66a0952d-e9b7-4edb-8ae8-7840de8f7fa2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0cd8c7cb-cf55-4bfb-990b-2f1f75c70eed", + "text": "Bon dia! Teniu assegurança de viatge?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatge", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "710d03b4-c6b4-4abd-8ff6-d3aa30198015", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bba33b2f-d1f6-4fc2-acbe-03cab6485985", + "text": "Que costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dba0fcea-419e-4180-bcc1-3fb1e71d39d0", + "text": "25€. També tenim una assegurança COVID per 10€ més, en cas que el viatge s'hagi de suspendre per algun problema amb el COVID", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c05a7090-3d2d-4d5f-8166-342a93e06349", + "text": "I que inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que inclou", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82c0b2b5-573a-4291-9425-d44c7768f960", + "text": "La assegurança normal, pèrdua de maletes, robatoris...", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1345ca3-b4a3-4410-82e3-3f2702bd596c", + "text": "En cas d’accident ens tornarien a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "En cas d’accident", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ens tornarien", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27d63190-8e7d-44dc-89e5-23dc48e68cda", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1f2f558-78ca-4005-84ab-78e7821b7294", + "text": "M’ho puc pensar i tornar a contactar-vos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b2ada1cf-144b-4a96-94e7-96f82023de40", + "text": "D'acord, cap problema!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90bcd61f-12b6-432d-84a1-ca482fa80bf2", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d9d3bfe-5385-40c0-8f01-c10fb3b678dd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0dd721e8-a9c7-457b-b4d6-8fe77bdd19c0", + "text": "Hola! vull canviar el compte on tinc domiciliada l'assegurança", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "compte on tinc domiciliada", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7395ee9-a9d6-4663-afe9-eddec528fb23", + "text": "Hola, pot dir-me el seu nom i el seu compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af64b809-9231-4d81-8e94-d36a65dd1210", + "text": "Si, i tant! Núria Vila", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Núria ", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vila", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "48ce7636-8a0a-4b44-a223-dc6026a18f7f", + "text": "I quin és el seu número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b5ea368-b58c-41bf-bb70-e04b428c50c2", + "text": "ES34 2231 1245 4101 0982 2480", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 2231 1245 4101 0982 2480", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "33d31d9c-ee23-414c-85fc-ded68523fb92", + "text": "A quin altre compte vol canviar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba803705-aeb6-4d3f-bc77-8742c68da8fe", + "text": "al del meu pare", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d2f68687-4428-4a08-95d0-8691aa500157", + "text": "ES34 0015 1245 4101 2319 2480", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 0015 1245 4101 2319 2480", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37978b2b-035d-451a-9b88-25f2af347b4f", + "text": "La operació es farà en 24 hores, rebrà un correu quan la operació s'hagi complert.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7337be6a-9cfa-4330-826a-9bde45b3b582", + "text": "Té alguna altra consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddfbfa0c-cf73-4118-b9a3-8df481a2b4d0", + "text": "No, aixo es tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "819db4c5-52c5-4d5d-b716-dcee66dcf570", + "text": "moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8aacb6c-e0d9-4017-afd4-e99be1c340b4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d901b557-4b78-41c9-b4f2-e1e93efeea66", + "text": "Hola! Porto ja uns anys amb vosaltres, no hi ha cap descompte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5aa6db6-b25f-4569-b744-b37255e3b8cd", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f0610418-f531-4496-bd16-8ac8596d9c45", + "text": "Víctor Herrera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Víctor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Herrera", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c7b4d72-e66f-43e2-8f06-72088b97220f", + "text": "Segons això porta dos anys amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16d8249c-0c70-4a02-ac5a-4d59df4efec0", + "text": "Tenim una oferta de fidelització per a clients VIP, és un paquet especial que té descompte per alguns serveis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f30efee-2e59-4798-b82b-f802d203486d", + "text": "Per exemple, a l'hora de contractar nous serveis amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2a45ba5-505a-40a0-80e2-b0ad5df0ac90", + "text": "Suposa un increment de la quota?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "increment de la quota?", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba547755-0a03-433d-9a96-4cb8ab46a718", + "text": "Sí, de la quota general. Però rebrà descomptes al contractar altres serveis. És especialment recomanable si té diferents assegurances amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65c62f3a-5c7d-4a6b-bd4e-792a7fcb0286", + "text": "quant pujaria la meva quota?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2c92db84-13bf-4514-bca7-5be1025132f5", + "text": "En el seu cas 7€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6d23c53-ecf2-4d9c-b23a-d54fc5d6d6aa", + "text": "Ho vull contractar, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8f77812-ddcb-4389-a118-c33af9b34bb9", + "text": "En uns minuts rebrà un correu per contractar el servei. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97b61f4f-59bc-4d67-bd25-2777a5355e53", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3a7b2cef-732b-4a73-94bb-03b023b4075d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "17b97097-16e3-4afc-ad08-fa5c8b36c0b3", + "text": "Bon dia! Seria possible afegir al meu germà a la meva assegurança de cotxe?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir al meu germà", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "112b3a4b-0ee3-4477-b194-79d0b894e095", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df8d460e-7ae5-47c2-b2bc-e19655e63e65", + "text": "Xavier Marimon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Xavier", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Marimon", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95e4ecbb-f380-411f-8d23-0218223489ea", + "text": "I pot dir-me el seu DNI i el dei seu germà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d74b31ef-bc09-46c5-a2d4-2576580747cb", + "text": "El meu és 40987214F i el del meu germà 23402212K", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "40987214F", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23402212K", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d52dfb3-e295-4fa1-8b4d-f78bad6d618b", + "text": "Cal revisar que sigui possible. Això trigarà uns minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d7d3364-6ad4-4585-b915-b36685f713aa", + "text": "Les meves dades mostren que és possible fer-ho", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f731a517-31e4-4570-90ef-0c260a987edb", + "text": "Pot dir-me la edat del seu germà i els anys de carnet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c3a06f6-3e30-47a8-bfd0-a0e725a61ed5", + "text": "Doncs si us plau si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "243e85b3-150e-4fa8-a39a-758e7e0ef884", + "text": "Es diu Nicolás Marimon i porta 2 anys amb carnet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Nicolás", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Marimon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "years_num", + "text": "2", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "210d6580-920d-4ff9-a77d-902955bc28fb", + "text": "Al tenir poca experiència, el preu anual serà major. Si inclou al seu germà, haurà de pagar 60€ més cada any.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "541a53d8-3f49-4092-b62c-1617b612d1ab", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2c48ee63-3555-43f4-aafe-805ff2973673", + "text": "En uns minuts rebrà un correu confirmant que el seu germà està dins de la assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa0bfad2-75eb-4776-8f87-c9b9d92edfad", + "text": "Rebut! moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e9fa4add-cdee-40c0-8818-dbbb40a32278", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d5d015ed-7d01-4526-a2ff-007dde5614e3", + "text": "Hola! He vist que el meu nom està malament posat a la pòlissa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "nom", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c719df76-8cb3-4ad4-8c31-9d0ec17d8f43", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu nom", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e8fecb8-c43d-473b-81a8-92696393b113", + "text": "Pau Forte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Forte", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a59ee817-dafa-4f60-b27c-f9d3059f16e6", + "text": "I el nom que apareix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6496f9b-c3fa-43be-aa43-3cf4bbf0cefa", + "text": "Pau Fort", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fort", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea3e27c9-95e0-495d-bf82-68ec6cc0796a", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ea605ef-5618-48c7-9197-dfa7f4b3089a", + "text": "I pot escriure el password que utilitza a aquest xat per validar la seva identitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e2b4b9e-17b0-4968-8f24-cef52a916ecd", + "text": "El DNI és el 43892013M", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43892013M", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "729ec010-84c5-43bc-8cb3-697c6e68ad01", + "text": "el pw és hgvd12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "hgvd12", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e883842-f3f1-48d1-b560-184f140ffa58", + "text": "Ha rebut un correu ara, el nom està canviat correctament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84fdda8d-e0e8-4acd-b7cd-f24a65ff1754", + "text": "Sí, ara sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5269568e-d6fd-4f49-b200-5bb4a7e0fb7d", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4bf77cfc-4fd6-4d1b-96cf-343f890a6101", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac250ff4-9d77-4c8c-bad1-81751d879c5e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d66cbd9a-4b10-4eb3-a974-3ad3e35caaaa", + "text": "Hola! Vull contractar assegurança de viatge per mi i la meva parella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatge", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per mi i la meva parella", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5bde7a9-8f32-4870-b91e-aff2377efa20", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu DNI i els vostres noms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33170cc4-7a88-4de5-86db-4d9ad4d638c5", + "text": "Jo soc l'Iván Cabrera i la meva parella Andrea Puig", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Iván", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Cabrera", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Andrea", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3cc5791-8325-4aca-bd8d-d3140c6282b6", + "text": "I pot dir-me el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e31dce1-5e2f-4ac7-a1ad-c4cc9167e727", + "text": "43902315N", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43902315N", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "878424aa-bd5a-4579-97b3-af5a5fbfaca5", + "text": "A on volen viatjar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7fb7fa4-bfde-4cfa-8dcc-37ec5d5f92a1", + "text": "A l'Índia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'Índia", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c08f5d34-5919-4412-b2b0-7ddbf04e3344", + "text": "Per viatjar a l'Índia la assegurança és de 25€ per dues persones.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0895ac36-1d00-4b0a-bf33-52781c0137df", + "text": "Que inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Que inclou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b6da763-f054-4c28-b53b-519103cc3907", + "text": "nclou pèrdua de la maleta, suspensió del viatge entre d'altres. Per més detalls www.viat.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba93fba2-4193-45b4-9795-b9bfb146f3e2", + "text": "Perfecte doncs ho volem reservar!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f9aa352e-c60f-4fdb-b915-e21522e69bf3", + "text": "D'acord, pot entrar a aquesta plana web i fer la reserva www.viatjes.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6746aeaa-de6b-466c-b818-b71bf5d83e52", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "529f47e0-ce29-4960-a0f0-39f56c262343", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1df9ca32-6856-4451-aa0e-0194640b7211", + "text": "Bona nit! M'he quedat tirada al carrer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "M'he quedat tirada al carrer", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de41b324-f98b-4778-91fc-9876c0659f98", + "text": "Bon dia, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4997c521-08fe-4ea0-876c-4ed6e052d92f", + "text": "una grua i un taxi si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "grua", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "taxi", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c7544048-c04c-4efd-88ee-76e567d41e59", + "text": "Pot dir-me on és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a05474f4-23a9-42ed-8abb-92432f32ac17", + "text": "O enviar-me la seva geolocalització?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4051a85-8cd7-46c4-93f9-4374a45fd532", + "text": "Neumaticos Sant Celoni, S.L.\nAvda. De La Estacion, 66, Blanes, Catalonia 17300\nhttps://foursquare.com/v/4e0dd2f72fb63cdf3343e64c", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avda. De La Estacion, 66, Blanes, Catalonia 17300", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60bbaa79-54fe-453c-aed2-f7d6c7664390", + "text": "Un segon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e337d49-0ab7-4c93-b567-8c40cef4e2a6", + "text": "La grua arribarà en 10 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "562b2f1d-a2b5-4c79-b127-8f4bdd07a64b", + "text": "I el taxi en uns 20", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99eda72f-39b5-4dfb-9bc3-d942c1063319", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0e5d293-d6e1-4b1f-bd24-1a28c2041ecb", + "text": "Quins són els següents passos? Quan trigaré en saber quan tindré el cotxe?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan tindré el cotxe", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b11365dc-bb3b-4fc2-9959-da9f2e81e8f8", + "text": "Uns 10 dies. Però tenim disponible un cotxe de substitució", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9f75f0e-dec0-4518-acad-af4a04f776d4", + "text": "On el puc recollir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2244221d-786c-4187-9e5c-0e1ba619be76", + "text": "A la oficina de Sant Cugat carrer de la oficina, 12. 17132", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6160a42-443e-4c15-88ce-ccf3681f62e3", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4fb29065-ae90-44ed-a743-367e3b025593", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "15459fe7-c7f1-4101-a228-b1c05df614b8", + "text": "Hola! Teniu assegurança per portàtil?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "portàtil", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9e90c73-43b2-47b8-ace2-1dc38b277bda", + "text": "Bon dia, pot facilitar-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c64c5624-17f6-4afe-8295-0a3be021c485", + "text": "Biel", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Biel", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "703d98d6-d02d-41f2-b323-44954530527c", + "text": "Té alguna assegurança amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f8a7307-57e6-4cc7-8346-46609a6f1087", + "text": "no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57d6ba60-bd24-4bd3-a0f2-44e162058d51", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas, pot facilitar-me les seves dades personals?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bd55455-046e-4c9e-a90a-f65df051c9d3", + "text": "Nom complert i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1dd50f8b-b9c6-497b-880c-6b2f1adb3fde", + "text": "Malik Abid, 40038592L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Malik ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Abid", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "40038592L", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5816f0c-19ff-4e5c-812c-fb86eb384f40", + "text": "I quin és el portàtil?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b8dc2af-3257-4a49-9df8-77bc9f0f14a2", + "text": "Un MacBook Pro 2020", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "MacBook Pro 2020", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eb001bf9-f317-467e-8733-688be720ec36", + "text": "Aquest té un preu de 14€ anuals, si està conforme, pot fer el pagament a: www.aseguralaptop.cat/macbookpro2010", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aeb8c002-99c4-4a79-a790-57fcdb602843", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab9dd89b-47af-4590-b768-3ad3d22d9249", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8c56e5a9-9a4d-482a-874a-5469883c05db", + "text": "Hola! 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La direcció complerta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "116fc37a-016f-490f-af05-df6a0083216a", + "text": "Carrer Llagostera 23, Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Llagostera 23, Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2220a398-1e93-4da7-92f9-117f769e3cd0", + "text": "De quants metres quadrats és el pis?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fea6286-a1de-483a-a80c-9476acc03b9a", + "text": "65m2", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "65", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bdcd4655-1ffb-45eb-b143-e26b670412af", + "text": "Per un pis amb aquestes condicions, el preu de assegurar-lo és de 100€ al mes. Està d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46b34c4d-cd04-4ac2-91b1-043da6f48113", + "text": "Que inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Que inclou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b16bd6d9-5774-46cf-93c4-391f93aac67d", + "text": "Protecció contra incendis, robatoris i molt més. Si vol més informació, a qui la té www.wesafe.com/llar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4433a9bd-845a-4295-a924-00233a6f5d58", + "text": "Perfecte, doncs estic d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f4698c1b-eded-4d20-b035-483cf1e11cb0", + "text": "Doncs diguem el seu correu i li enviem més informació per fer un contracte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54fef6d2-2d65-4f1c-ac30-a86b1e3aec4a", + "text": "mjodeu83@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "mjodeu83@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c139afd7-caee-46a3-bd2d-544c9d54fb79", + "text": "Gràcies. En uns minuts rebrà un missatge.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd82d492-3a52-45ab-9b96-0fc270a6e836", + "text": "Rebut, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a5d26e2-f6ee-451b-87fb-07edce474eaf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f0f127fe-d3d8-4dbf-9a05-a45e34383c29", + "text": "Hola! Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "66d3390c-5201-4e74-a0b4-17e762718c0d", + "text": "Bon dia, quina informació voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "022a43db-3c29-4089-a270-aa25500f3563", + "text": "He tingut un accident fora d'Espanya i no sé que he de fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "fora d'Espanya", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94f83673-477e-4fe4-859f-d7adbd8b0890", + "text": "A quin país?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2348fd9e-7926-4e33-8009-cdb79847c35a", + "text": "Al Marroc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Marroc", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef294e55-efcc-44cc-a774-5d1d21a934da", + "text": "Actualment, no tenim cobertura fora d'Europa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee971f4d-0d31-47f4-8c0e-1a0a7f494f3a", + "text": "Però li podem oferir un servei de taxis per tornar al seu hotel", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92f6a087-0501-48d3-b046-8704bfaccc94", + "text": "Voldria un vol per tornar a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vol", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "casa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f4571d4-32fe-4c77-8686-69985a47c615", + "text": "Li podem oferir, quan voldria tornar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a294e7f-2f39-4ad7-acf8-b2f459000095", + "text": "quant abans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "quant abans", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "472458bb-a366-43f3-ab73-42607117bb79", + "text": "Un segon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "747d531c-765f-4b24-a0bf-4207b99256d9", + "text": "El primer avió disponible surt avui a les 20 hores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9490d76-56f6-49ec-92da-5af127b7048f", + "text": "Aquest mateix!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "641a8134-d485-49b5-8bdf-76967a62e4b1", + "text": "Que passa amb el cotxe?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "el cotxe", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8d58c7c-fb7d-4f6c-b42e-125da8b8ce70", + "text": "El podem portar amb vaixell. No hi ha problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84c5576c-2f33-40a9-abcc-67396e022436", + "text": "Perfecte! Moltissimes gràcies!!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "415f7155-ce46-4c1f-9ac0-ce46b3b473e6", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c0431a5-e62d-4847-951a-902d6aa91a3b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "34243e3e-7e54-4d6a-b485-2f10170ce060", + "text": "Hola! He perdut la meva maleta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "He perdut la meva maleta", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1be09a2b-145f-4930-9d72-57928b45759b", + "text": "Bon dia, sap on la ha perdut?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc7b12e8-8494-45f2-be21-0a5a5b9294eb", + "text": "Ha sigut un vol de Tanger a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vol", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Tanger", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98765d3c-c9cf-46f5-b83c-33b70694204e", + "text": "D'acord, pot dir-me el número de vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4e65a56-a610-4a2f-af60-a5110056b613", + "text": "6873ES", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "flight_num", + "text": "6873ES", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d434971-1cde-47bb-828a-6fa367c0bd42", + "text": "I el seu número de viatge?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fc22dce-6488-480b-bdf8-371fa05bd21e", + "text": "1673A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "1673A", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5369436b-9cbe-4b50-91bb-ac14db22e251", + "text": "Segons això, la seva maleta ha viatjat a Amsterdam.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bda028ff-7bad-4f55-b3fc-23c2d70d55bb", + "text": "La podem retornar a Barcelona en un màxim de 3 dies. Pot dir-me la seva adreça? Li portarem la maleta a casa seva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3361c95-555a-483e-a277-988e53ee745c", + "text": "I que puc fer per recuperar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6575cb5-89c1-480f-9e0e-fa433732b0b7", + "text": "Avinguda Gaudí 23, Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avinguda Gaudí 23, Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d938173-5dc8-48df-a3b2-91e6d6b3202b", + "text": "Gràcies, no ha de preocupar-se per res. Li desitgem que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad92274d-d092-4fca-bf5e-8fdc80076009", + "text": "Bon dia! Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "badf64a2-6609-4806-89c9-46757f96b2f1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c09fdf1c-8cf1-4214-bee7-5aa551361a33", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "477350a0-3105-40ea-9b47-a53a762230b8", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "149659ba-5397-420a-b80e-1d1253ac735a", + "text": "Quines assegurances oferiu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurances", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc2b9e6c-51ba-4f6a-b62e-466570725467", + "text": "Tenim assegurances de vida, de viatge i de llar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3456913-33d7-4d74-b303-9884d7d71975", + "text": "També oferim assegurances veterinàries", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb911054-b6cd-400a-852e-d0fd9f70a7a6", + "text": "Quines assegurances veterinàries teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurances veterinàries", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c9fb213-e0de-4e68-bf06-5d5043103780", + "text": "Tenim assegurances per a gats, gossos i ocells amb diferents nivells de cobertura: bàsica, extensa i premium", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6864740a-904c-4639-a185-6be5b185c84a", + "text": "Quin nivell de cobertura li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c7269fe-4dbe-4f52-99a0-44702cdbccfc", + "text": "Què inclou la cobertura extensa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Què inclou", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cobertura extensa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c46263b-05d7-4ed5-b9be-ad332c0e1460", + "text": "Cobreix totes les despeses per malaltia de l'animal, accidents i hospitalització fins a 5000 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "870aefea-d57d-413a-b584-f4105d90d3f2", + "text": "M'interessa. Vull sol·licitar una assegurança extensa. Quant valdria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança extensa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "742e6db5-e75d-4958-92f6-cb12d70253d4", + "text": "L'assegurança extensa té un cost de 29,99 euros al mes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed561710-8b71-42c8-b5c3-7856a03604fc", + "text": "Perfecte. Com puc sol·licitar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ccf052e7-b708-44af-96f4-4517c90704f1", + "text": "Ho pots fer per aqui, o a la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f690b623-e3f6-4a30-b40d-27a5829adc19", + "text": "Vull fer-ho per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e948e97-13bf-4f00-a7ba-65db6e26cb45", + "text": "Molt bé, de quina mascota es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd527076-f250-4a8c-b590-88e1c95b9dca", + "text": "D'ocells!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ocells", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae2ea0f6-ed48-4f0f-add6-9f11dd44df18", + "text": "Molt bé, quants en té i de quin tipus?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c4b4522-7907-45fc-b63b-03f7ba1213bb", + "text": "Tinc dos ocells. Són agapornis.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "dos", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "agapornis", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "03928360-6d51-4b72-89c2-1e833e69c95a", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaré el seu nom i el nom dels seus ocells", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0ffa9fe-1397-4335-b14e-e443334c9011", + "text": "Sí, perfecte. El meu nom és Rosa Blasco Rius i els meus ocells es diuen Zipi i Zape.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blasco", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Rius", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Zipi i Zape", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d7c95b9b-5818-4064-96ad-2e918f8671bc", + "text": "Molt bé, necessitaré també el seu DNI i el número de compte al que vol que li cobrem les cuotes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc7de2c7-c43b-4976-ac18-b60fc93341a8", + "text": "El meu DNI és 56789834E i el compte és 3456 4556 5678 5678.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "56789834E", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "3456 4556 5678 5678", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d87543a-d545-4617-89dc-49bb24b30c95", + "text": "Molt bé, amb això ja està tot. Pot consultar els veterinaris als que pot anar a la nostra pàgina web, o li podem enviar per correu si prefereix", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1eaf2644-4190-4a11-9151-ae1e60676e39", + "text": "Vull que m'ho envieu per correu, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc5e568e-f858-46e5-a25e-333b22ee6699", + "text": "A quina adreça li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32257a1a-55f4-4685-a70e-88077b9efa08", + "text": "A rrius@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "rrius@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be9739eb-7eb3-4623-ba09-994c7069e98c", + "text": "D'acord, ja ho té", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55078562-0552-4732-8b69-0a09743a38d7", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a5df893-7c4e-4e05-b819-3435f355dc66", + "text": "Perfecte. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c56163f1-747f-4ac7-9923-a9b268c8c3f4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dfb4ca02-2cc8-4d5d-94ef-d5d269d49a4c", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f7ea2228-5342-4527-bb4d-de33d99bc46a", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d3596b0e-6c78-4100-9add-ec79cfc30d8e", + "text": "L'assegurança ConduccioSegura inclou un sinistre total?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ConduccioSegura", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sinistre total", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd47b000-f5a4-47e2-b77b-8c5090e9b0c7", + "text": "Sí, la cuota Premium Gold inclou totes les despeses per sinistre total", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68a2a590-475c-401c-9898-a1d6634a2e75", + "text": "Jo tinc ja una assegurança bàsica amb vosaltres. Quant costa passar-se a la Premium Gold?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Premium Gold", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0dd9a40-425c-4ae9-bf9e-851c366ba711", + "text": "La diferència és de 35 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4ce31a4-8cfc-4d1e-8cb2-5cec5678ced9", + "text": "Perfecte. I on puc sol·licitar l'ampliació de la cobertura?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "ampliació de la cobertura", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ffcfd99-4b4f-4da4-83f4-977f84653e14", + "text": "Aquí mateix ho podem gestionar. O si prefereixes, ho pots fer a la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "328bafa3-918e-4362-a63b-7bf2d922f1c2", + "text": "Vull ampliar-ho per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14a73ef9-8f2d-439c-9fe8-5f086b9fe7de", + "text": "D'acord. Doni'm el seu nom complet i número de pòlissa si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c990b3bc-1451-4bc5-a59a-4f21cb2fdba3", + "text": "Sí és clar. Ramira Velázquez Sancho. La pòlissa és 48589696950.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ramira", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Velázquez", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sancho", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16250d64-ca32-46b3-ae19-92ec9dcf95af", + "text": "Perfecte, a partir del mes que ve ja serà efectiu el canvi", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0dbf19a-8c78-461e-9d6e-0819db11f6d6", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f7bd26a6-452c-4651-b915-e9846f04979e", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69b3f24c-f90c-4410-9427-1bcf595d8764", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d4898990-2d67-44e1-bc45-24d846cf1364", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bfc9ffb5-a9fe-4363-a793-89ea0a6acefc", + "text": "Hola com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa0ea1db-925a-4bc2-8a26-b99f6ad686b8", + "text": "Quines assegurances de viatge teniu ara mateix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatge", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff709d91-d00e-4341-890d-0e65bad3d52d", + "text": "La nostra assegurança de viatges TravelSafe té diferents nivells de cobertura per ajustar-se a les seves necessitats", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56179bf8-8d60-481c-8bc4-ca7795c1d171", + "text": "Què cobreix la cobertura bàsica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cobertura bàsica", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df8271be-a8f7-4df7-b413-592b7a3f9cdf", + "text": "La cobertura bàsica ofereix reemborsament dels seus vols en cas de cancel·lació per part de l'aerolínia o per part de vostè per motius de salut, fins a un total de 500 euros. També cobreix qualsevol despesa sanitària al país de destinació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "583d052c-3d51-42dc-ba24-bfc8836b4899", + "text": "Doncs m'interessa contractar aquesta assegurança.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "15aeb756-0229-4b30-ad74-eadde22e2e82", + "text": "Digui'm el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3363ed8e-aad7-4f76-bbe2-c7483d723f82", + "text": "Sí, és clar! Em dic Anna Garcia Fernández i el DNI és 676778756R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Garcia", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "676778756R", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0fe75c64-0252-4fab-b41f-1538ecdc0244", + "text": "Molt bé Anna, a quin número de compte vols que et passem les quotes mensuals?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b55c924f-7af9-4584-a9b6-1cac424f6130", + "text": "El meu número de compte és ES67 5667 5677 6788 5678", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES67 5667 5677 6788 5678", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c92eb32b-bccd-453c-abab-fd7880e23812", + "text": "Perfecte, doncs ja està tot llest. Pot començar a gaudir de la seva cobertura des de demà mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2bbd6cd8-db48-4708-b982-5c6a4d48f366", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "20d953ba-5aee-4c3f-91d1-381718b949f6", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7bf7eb99-0133-4d24-846d-c888d6564fd3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e21e9946-a1a8-4ddb-babb-bf7188af3e18", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e52a4687-662b-4257-9463-02ead42658d9", + "text": "Bona tarda, com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2492a2f5-6409-4f96-8ca9-2fac45af38a5", + "text": "Tinc concertada l'assegurança de viatges TravelSafe i acabo de perdre el meu vol. M'ho cobreix això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "TravelSafe", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "acabo de perdre el meu vol", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69c78f14-daf3-4dfc-9391-9dd444db058e", + "text": "Té la cobertura Bronze, Silver o Gold?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c04bdeb-1b3f-461b-93a9-c8e9ceadd287", + "text": "La Silver.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "La Silver", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f57fb00d-86d1-4566-8469-426c7d47aeb6", + "text": "La cobertura Silver cobreix els seus vols fins a un total de 250 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adb875eb-602a-4ec0-a12b-d0832f7ca33e", + "text": "Genial. I com puc utilitzar l'assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49010e2e-2558-4ac2-bc25-c6238d602b95", + "text": "Necessitem que ens faciliti una còpia de la seva reserva amb l'aerolínia i ens indiqui a quin compte vol que li reemborsem la quantitat indicada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec558ef5-7e8d-4243-8a31-2b754b2bf6b5", + "text": "Perfecte. Us envio aquestes dades per aquí o a un correu electrònic?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6acde17e-53ce-4fa8-9a06-949b3cd66581", + "text": "Les pot enviar a reemborsaments@travelsafe.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d2ec734-5c85-4171-9679-9636404a6e33", + "text": "Perfecte. Ja ho he fet.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59c2f1ef-a938-4883-a2d1-dd59d93c628e", + "text": "Molt bé, revisarem la documentació que ens ha enviat, i en breu un representant es posarà en contacte amb vostè per confirmar el reemborsament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79c96eb0-1aeb-4496-b3c9-c138c6e88f1f", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cd1135a7-be6a-48ff-ab7c-6ea8e5007f62", + "text": "A vostè, bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a00a7393-b66b-410d-b913-8a4aa84f7975", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "010eb3d7-0c00-4759-8bb9-75d671119d2a", + "text": "Hola, vull contractar una assegurança per la hipoteca.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "hipoteca", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1627270-3c57-4f21-92b7-c0314f029395", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fba3198-71cd-4a82-b65f-21ac157781fd", + "text": "Tenim una assegurança de la llar que inclou cobertura davant d'una fallida en realitzar els pagaments de la hipotèca.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27bba8a7-1b0b-49b7-967a-092d470ac865", + "text": "Li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c65a3f13-211e-4f41-89db-92326bb9d341", + "text": "Quant costa aquesta assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94647178-c131-4b11-9c99-fc9bd2ae2fbe", + "text": "Té un cost de 64,99 euros al mes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf2c9d54-74f9-403a-bee1-1a49fdf43a52", + "text": "Perfecte. Vull contractar-la.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "54395df8-d19a-4ff5-a188-f5e268f213d1", + "text": "Molt bé, necessitaré que em faciliti el seu nom complet, adreça i DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac163d1b-a568-4b1f-b61a-904e40b40ec5", + "text": "Maria Rius Marquez\n45678876R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rius", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Marquez", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678876R", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "64911bc4-baa9-4846-be4e-5d0a4db9cd01", + "text": "La seva adreça senyora Rius?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e724a5e0-2041-4866-9e5b-3cabde210e17", + "text": "La meva adreça és Carrer Consell de Cent 30 (Barcelona)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Consell de Cent 30 (Barcelona)", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07012a44-6e39-4fe2-8653-3f1bf5ddd51c", + "text": "I amb quina entitat bancària té contractada la seva hipoteca?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f403f110-569a-426c-8b09-80382459af64", + "text": "Amb CaixaBank.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "CaixaBank", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f78dfdf0-c3e1-4d96-8f3b-6aa652da7125", + "text": "Perfecte. Doncs necessitem el seu compte bancari i ja estarem", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2560b2bc-34b8-49ec-b817-749ac785f711", + "text": "Vale, perfecte! Doncs el meu compte és ES45 5667 5677 6778", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES45 5667 5677 6778", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e5071ca7-61cd-44d9-8a5b-7f7bf19b4514", + "text": "Molt bé, la seva assegurança ja ha estat enregistrada. Pot començar a gaudir dels seus beneficis a partir del mes que ve.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "981ec0e2-e36d-4555-9646-208394d4134c", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3fef5f14-1a08-47aa-b6e7-b2b91697c685", + "text": "La puc asistir en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa76e558-7628-4bec-9915-72a71799643e", + "text": "Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b11dc8f-aec1-4f71-960c-da8d8e3d9359", + "text": "Gràcies senyora Rius", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d773e782-2015-45bf-879f-4164ac83c1f6", + "text": "Que tingui molt bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "551c4537-0b09-4a79-8c77-d18a76e15ce1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b6106fed-dd7b-42de-84b1-b4cf78619282", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "622b7965-3f6e-4228-b0f7-34fe582dd1f3", + "text": "Bon dia, gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49498b07-7a09-41eb-95b0-036337840084", + "text": "Vull anul·lar una assegurança contractada amb vosaltres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4e7fbfb-ed12-4f13-9b80-d8abd0464267", + "text": "Sento molt que no estigui satisfeta amb el nostre producte. De quina assegurança es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb3bcbd9-3982-47b7-b079-d47b7c582b8a", + "text": "Es tracta de l'assegurança de viatges.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "060113a4-9a88-44e0-9b4a-d52265915547", + "text": "D'acord. Per quin motiu vol anul·lar l'assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b789ea6-b34f-42bc-a15d-df37e3dff146", + "text": "Ara mateix no disposo de la solvència econòmica necessària.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "no disposo de la solvència econòmica", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37778fac-d231-4564-a6e7-b01bb420b38a", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies per la informació. Necessito el seu nom complet i DNI per cancel·lar-la", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47e36934-bb58-454d-9ff1-9ff50de8eca8", + "text": "El meu nom és Joan Herreros Vives.\n\n\nEl DNI és 567898789D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Herreros", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "567898789D", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eda33db7-0a80-4ab9-aba4-e397089f3027", + "text": "Molt bé, l'assegurança ha estat cancel·lada. A partir del mes que ve ja no rebrà més quotes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9a84ab2-3aae-4a7f-822b-3b8efe0e789c", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe371790-5882-4e07-a0f8-fde259c2cef0", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies per tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e9743582-437b-4365-acfb-dbd41f7d500d", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0358f9dc-8788-4f81-85e7-9877fba67232", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b7db0d74-7119-4ef1-a093-5ba2be054f4a", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c21c5213-2124-408d-9681-45c3430c40d1", + "text": "Vull consultar les assegurances que tinc contractades amb vosaltres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "assegurances que tinc contractades", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b60b0ea-12df-46b9-9257-9c505616c2c1", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "357d9e1a-9953-4706-9b95-be08eb4355de", + "text": "Digui'm el seu nom per fer la consulta si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b8e2e1d-106d-487b-92c0-8e8d7ed3e557", + "text": "Sí, clar. El meu nom és Laia Delgado Salvador.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia ", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Delgado", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Salvador", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae9d594a-e443-405e-99f2-c2f93ebb9daa", + "text": "D'acord Laia, no es retiri", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19e94d78-1ca7-4985-8e98-e494c3cd6454", + "text": "Vale.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "73022bef-4bbf-4c95-80cf-b941fa0903fc", + "text": "Veig que té una assegurança de defunció i una assegurança de la llar amb nosaltres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a039a332-d956-4259-9fee-b91a986affa8", + "text": "Vale, perfecte. I quina quota tinc contractada en cada una?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quota", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1811e9ec-c0de-4756-b9e2-22b34e22a2b8", + "text": "La seva assegurança de defunció té una quota de 22,06 euros mensuals, i l'assegurança de la llar està contractada annualment, amb una quota de 334 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a063236-9540-4942-94a7-868cf99c6316", + "text": "Vale, perfecte. Merci per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c8b3dfbf-d72a-4ae0-aeac-7f475ce4b0bf", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0568e9a3-c8f8-449a-8a81-9fd56900be37", + "text": "Això és tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8238cfad-2e65-46b7-a8e3-0344a375b589", + "text": "Gràcies, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8694977e-e2f3-4745-85b6-8f46af40cb42", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8371e315-7edb-4ac1-bcd8-bb0b17fbc52b", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ebd68af4-7ced-4927-b76e-7e4dd6835010", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eaf27be8-450d-43f3-84e3-4d5a86115d56", + "text": "Puc sol·licitar una assegurança mèdica amb vosaltres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança mèdica", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da58b9da-d31b-426f-871a-11a33d694829", + "text": "Sí, és clar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08bb281b-c0bf-45e9-b922-d8b3afbc2a4b", + "text": "Quin nivell de cobertura voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a435ea0-3911-4e87-8b92-959a523c91af", + "text": "Voldria tenir una cobertura total. Quines opcions teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "opcions", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bcc019c5-98fb-4fcf-8aa4-11dbedc0d626", + "text": "Tenim una assegurança amb cobertura total en totes les especialitats, per un total de 66 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f0b01219-7e9a-461a-ba38-18df4bc3ccae", + "text": "M'interessa. Com la puc contractar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6ad82ab-6e8f-4a21-80ba-4c9fd177f36a", + "text": "La pot contractar per aqui, o a la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "001c791e-7045-48cb-b36c-0d23bb6b6a63", + "text": "www.servidirect.com/assegurancesmediques", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb62d0ec-302c-4f5e-8f0e-1639bf8639a4", + "text": "Genial.Moltes gràcies. Vull contractar-la per aquí. Què necessiteu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "80e08978-5702-4ed6-a7ac-5e7d457339d7", + "text": "El seu nom complet, data de naixement i DNI o NIE", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "546b9494-6809-4c5b-b267-398503c04a71", + "text": "El meu nom és Maria Vidal Mas. La data de naixement és 27/12/91 i el DNI 67897689S.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vidal", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Mas", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "27/12/91", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "67897689S", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca6cd8dd-410c-489e-b410-496ca689a269", + "text": "Molt bé senyora Vidal. A quin número de compte vol que li cobrem les quotes mensuals?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d407168b-975c-4277-886f-db007682aeea", + "text": "Al següent compte: ES45 5678 6788 6788", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES45 5678 6788 6788", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5a27540e-fe35-4775-b48a-ff6a0b21a77b", + "text": "Molt bé, a partir del proper dia 1 de Febrer ja podrà fer servir la seva assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a87946b6-300f-4490-8857-410fa8f674ba", + "text": "Perfecte. Genial!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "36ea96e1-6743-4ff3-9c1a-6fd999eebb10", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4ecf6b0d-6d8a-4826-a608-0a768a57af80", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87ad2a38-2836-44e2-9e31-9e9f8c11f985", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5fa6759b-fbb6-48f0-9f60-a57a569129ae", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c679e54a-496f-4b02-b4fa-56c504fb8a94", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a880b912-3f2f-4cf0-8338-6862bc2df8ab", + "text": "Puc afegir a una persona més en l'assegurança de vida que tinc contractada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir a una persona", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vida", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78effbff-dc2d-4d2f-9b5d-c89139f00f99", + "text": "Sí, pot afegir fins a tres persones més a la seva assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07d999a1-ae4f-41d8-add2-6bfbcdcd96fc", + "text": "Necessitem més informació sobre la persona, per poder-li indicar el preu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdae6fb5-7d3d-49cb-846e-da7019f8e299", + "text": "Genial. Perfecte. Quines dades necessiteu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9899a013-e551-44b3-9cfe-caec9e146e1e", + "text": "Necessitem el seu nom, gènere, edat i malalties prèvies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ba85e45-e0ca-4b29-9a1a-4d64efdf062e", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Un moment.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "655b18d6-abef-4d23-9ac7-6d195a12f72d", + "text": "Nom: José Fernández Sánchez\nGènere: Home\nEdat: 47 anys\nMalalties prèvies: artrosis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "José", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sánchez", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "gender", + "text": "Home", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "47", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "artrosis", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fbfa82a7-503f-48ae-bd08-452bc046f61c", + "text": "Molt bé, afegir a aquesta persona a la seva assegurança costarà 59 euros mensuals extra", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0897919-e842-40d6-bbaf-e88ddace2ef5", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2001af28-9190-4aa3-8006-5818a99672dd", + "text": "Sí, vull continuar!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f6a0908-1fb7-448f-bb47-19f73f5419a6", + "text": "Molt bé. La nova quantitat total serà de 129,68 euros. Els canvis realitzats seran efectius a partir del més que ve", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2fdd95fa-6487-4816-ab35-b4ad5d3f0d34", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35fe5c23-5841-4311-a71c-c06aa829b1bf", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd7611e1-b517-441b-9603-f0307d68aa62", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "305e5d2c-0654-478d-97a0-ec9009519e7f", + "text": "Hola què tal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e054b045-9474-4347-9f52-b9534a79fba0", + "text": "Hola bona tarda què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0fa1d2a5-c8f6-4bec-bede-e9b9d8ac1329", + "text": "Puc contractar més d'una pòlissa de vida?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pòlissa", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vida", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "més d'una", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2bbf0b5-f5f2-459c-a1a1-f9a16a8bf1a6", + "text": "Seria per vostè, o per una altra persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3187a9f9-7c93-4caa-9f4a-50a525893110", + "text": "Seria per una altra persona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per una altra persona", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c21f7f2-3a52-4bcd-8194-906a6d7ad6d9", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas pot contractar una assegurança de vida en el seu nom", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca932487-74c3-4b9f-b4db-8a9cbcb1a3c2", + "text": "I se li cobrarà a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f15e79a2-0a67-4c1b-a24f-a057f2e95d2f", + "text": "Correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f76b116-8149-4f72-826f-b3c2d806471b", + "text": "Perfecte. Com es fa això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e68d91a-d068-44cf-9dbe-1c61552a9303", + "text": "Sí, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5f66f360-c3e9-4880-b264-8d2c3d036ecb", + "text": "Necessito el nom complet i DNI de la persona per la qual vol contractar la pòlissa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d64fdee-9f9f-49da-b61b-1219e00b730b", + "text": "El seu nom és Ramiro Méndez Ávila. I el dni és 67890987D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ramiro", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Méndez", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ávila", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "67890987D", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd4b4694-1295-4bfb-aedd-d7b1c00b3ee3", + "text": "D'acord. Enviarem un correu electrònic a la persona per la qual vol contractar l'assegurança amb tota la informació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bab4c31b-ee95-4280-a5f0-730fbd00641a", + "text": "A quin correu vol que enviem la informació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c39834c-0829-46d2-b5ea-2569d1676a2e", + "text": "Perfecte! El seu correu és mendez@outlook.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "mendez@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45d25c44-9db8-48d3-8c58-c2ee4f86bc4c", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem enviat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f349f0d-037b-4564-9105-9fc7d93d77d2", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fab67808-22ca-43ec-8f4b-246fded26e77", + "text": "Genial! Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9092efb-34e0-49a4-90a5-8794b8478959", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a3a7976e-98ef-486f-9f0e-e392f71ce380", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "61f7892f-d494-41b2-b1e6-3e20efecb6f3", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1afe5d7f-d267-4310-87c0-261a7a165e05", + "text": "Com puc sol·licitar assistència en carretera amb l'assegurança SegurCar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assistència en carretera", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança SegurCar", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7924b113-5862-4baf-a1cf-083385edb58d", + "text": "Té l'assistència contractada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "472b34b7-9662-4907-83c1-a7273b6d3e5e", + "text": "Sí, la tinc però no sé com activar-la.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "588b8f49-ff75-495a-841e-8f3f702bc4e7", + "text": "Si ha tingut una incidència en carretera, només ens ha d'indicar la seva ubicació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abf6e4f7-0c54-4133-bcf7-4433a12b13e6", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Em trobo a Plaça Urquinaona amb el cotxe avariat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Plaça Urquinaona", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "cotxe avariat", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9260c629-e5ba-4620-ae4b-c8dc9ea7f78e", + "text": "Perfecte, quin cotxe condueix? Necessitem el model i matricula", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8863d54-a7a8-4d18-a76f-ca1740363a42", + "text": "Un mecànic amb una grua està en camí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "187dcf57-d401-43f3-8511-daacb659b8fd", + "text": "És un Ford Fiesta. La matrícula és 4567 VF", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Ford Fiesta", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "4567 VF", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bac4192d-4975-4506-b149-d4aaa972f477", + "text": "Perfecte, en breu estarem amb vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f6e96f9-1083-42f0-8a7c-00c088fe9f3f", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5890f910-db0a-4d87-849a-270acd66c7ab", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b4f4cf7b-16f3-4671-9a72-2007e5dff1df", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b59f6fa-72a3-4812-a7fe-ae9d5d7a6c97", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "744bd2a9-a618-4512-be76-107a10e7c0d6", + "text": "Com puc consultar les meves dades de l'assegurança de la llar contractada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "les meves dades", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança de la llar", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "73dea9b6-518d-427a-bae8-7dc70c9fbec9", + "text": "Podem enviar-li tota la informació al seu correu electrònic o ho pot consultar al seu perfil descarregant-se l'aplicació MasSalud", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6dcc5ee1-34b2-4fb2-b63f-55ab5eeaca1a", + "text": "Vull que m'envieu la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "m'envieu la informació", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9dab999-0d49-4753-bd79-a912fe64b2a1", + "text": "Molt bé, a quina adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3842e196-385a-4267-ac6b-2873f42aec01", + "text": "A gfj@outlook.com, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "gfj@outlook.com", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b819aeb-3602-4c3e-ae98-97c4511bc45d", + "text": "En uns segons ho tindrà a la seva bústia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e28618dd-8779-4481-b37c-2e13263cab2a", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5556b54e-762b-457a-87e2-d3585953dd07", + "text": "Perfecte. Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4fac4076-598a-4491-8779-27c6e170ea2d", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8bcf0f36-8c97-4fe7-aff4-75804acc150b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80e94ce4-2739-4bca-94a8-91f5aa0edcb7", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0c9c4b5-d6c4-4b09-bc07-1415fc42abb6", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db2591f9-306b-4b9f-9322-6f1346b99522", + "text": "Vull saber què inclou la meva pòlissa de vida.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "què inclou", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vida", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ac29589-0d62-49f7-a2fa-9c2aabad6c81", + "text": "La seva assegurança cobreix la defunció i la incapacitat temporal o permanent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1a641f8-0541-4a1e-911c-a72dcdd4a9ba", + "text": "Perfecte. I què faig si vull afegir més cobertura?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir més cobertura", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51f7d40e-b7f7-41ac-9c94-f8e3084764a4", + "text": "La pot contractar per aquí o a la nostra pàgiana web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b31019c-b9e8-4023-b070-b1fb760f95b5", + "text": "Com ho faig a través de la pàgina web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd9bd13b-d62a-4510-b56f-1a739f08b4f9", + "text": "Pots accedir-hi seguint aquest enllaç", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7742c94-6cc1-4ed6-bc86-23afa776c207", + "text": "www.segurosaddeco.com/segurosdevida/ampliacion", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bba2971-a908-4882-9df4-1f5d9d8be583", + "text": "Perfecte! Moltes gràcies. En cas de dubtes amb qui puc contactar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "contactar", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36ee8cef-51bc-44fb-aedf-18c71503964d", + "text": "Pots trucar al 901215215 o escriure'ns per aqui", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19d054ef-b98f-454a-94c9-a2b11deb6c7e", + "text": "Vale, perfecte! Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7eb77875-3acd-4ea8-a059-512dfffdc02d", + "text": "A vostè, bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45503ffa-47af-435a-ba41-86f81245871f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "875a4dd6-aaf8-47a9-b580-6db376a43b4d", + "text": "Molt bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d8c9a97-ecbd-4e44-b9de-bd33f63e9ba5", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c65aa910-2b09-44ca-be1b-3db67cab7f17", + "text": "Puc canviar el beneficiari de les assegurances que tinc contractades?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar el beneficiari", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3ea8e448-4e12-42f0-b65f-36e4e093a6ca", + "text": "Les té contractades al seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc6235a9-81b8-49be-86a2-c95f6088d638", + "text": "Sí, ara mateix sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "96046e72-6b68-4df6-a7d3-fabdbebaaf37", + "text": "D'acord. No és possible canviar el beneficiari, però pot afegir una altra persona a la seva pòlissa si vol", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62f30187-91ef-4b60-ad41-adc7b9203074", + "text": "Oh, vale. I com es fa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3cfe4ead-bb26-4c5a-9909-d9f6d5b0e947", + "text": "Només m'ha de donar el seu nom i DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bf85533-60e6-4d2e-a6e5-d81ddfdd301d", + "text": "El seu nom es Javi Olivares Herencia.\n\n\nEl DNI és 65788956D.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Javi", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Olivares", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Herencia", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "65788956D", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "154fe5af-be08-4ee7-b32b-56533675ad63", + "text": "Molt bé, la seva pòlissa costarà 20 euros més. Vol continuar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a33bdde-404e-4204-b987-51e49fa7ce2e", + "text": "Sí, vull continuar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "feb0fd5b-00ff-4ee5-9286-273091e7dacb", + "text": "Perfecte, ja està enregistrar el canvi", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c204163-c250-4316-a8a9-c596ea5a9a9d", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f3cbf52-e0e4-4d74-8bec-5b0193ef5176", + "text": "Res més, això és tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "48239f9b-01e6-46f2-909a-219bdf6010e1", + "text": "Gràcies, bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d6e8898-99c6-4256-9831-b69061ecc2d8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a3d6b77e-b6f6-434b-ade2-93da42ae0ae3", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f28a378f-9302-4830-9729-4255857e4916", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4e020f6-9add-4ef1-9545-48a9e8ec592a", + "text": "L'assegurança a tot risc de vehicles inclou tot tipus de danys?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança a tot risc", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vehicles", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tot tipus de danys", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "083073d2-679f-45da-8a79-98a883dbc1f4", + "text": "Sí, efectivament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61c7362d-9b33-4bcf-b0c4-0629fd1aff55", + "text": "Genial! I com es pot contractar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c9b63e66-14cb-4074-b0bc-82937504cbdc", + "text": "Ho pot fer trucant al 933504066 o a la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be7eff4d-f8f1-424d-aed2-ff427bd5c784", + "text": "Genial! Hi ha alguna oferta si es fa per la pàgina web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per la pàgina web", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e69ff15-a9d9-4f39-bc83-09a18a6387b4", + "text": "En aquests moments hi ha un descompte del 5% per clients que contracten els nostres serveis per la pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9baa47b0-dbc6-4bed-b005-3ec95e0985b9", + "text": "I els costos de gestió son menors", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c121ac2-7c12-494a-a9d3-8808fb612087", + "text": "Oh que bé! Doncs ho faré per la pàgina web aleshores.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "651da654-80e1-4d13-9c6e-3e42c014e106", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af35a933-d5ad-4bd3-bc16-f093c92ded5b", + "text": "La puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4152fc20-1e12-40c5-a736-2a8263df06cb", + "text": "No, ja està tot. Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e1ed7b07-804b-4e04-9868-7a92c039b6c7", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84ab8bd2-ac94-4630-b660-55ce050c30a3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9d36a1fd-d141-43ca-a9ea-da7d497263bc", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3199e0a6-92a6-4c69-8579-46f57fddf1e9", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "434234ae-5d11-4540-bd6f-1f7b6a1f2b47", + "text": "Com puc sol·licitar un cotxe de substitució amb la meva pòlissa Segurcar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cotxe de substitució", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pòlissa Segurcar", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89f11f0b-fe01-4676-9854-153516c39909", + "text": "Sap quina cobertura té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c3e8d30-9297-4072-b09f-e45be4eebd94", + "text": "Sí, la Premium.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la Premium", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e67c10d-5251-43bd-8c7b-6f5c81514406", + "text": "En aquest cas el cotxe de substitució està inclòs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d06400ae-33d8-4aef-a2a6-519fa701bd30", + "text": "Només ha d'escriure un correu sol·licitant el servei a segursmapfre@mapfre.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5077c73b-cb7e-4147-a7b2-18e58a26e0f2", + "text": "Perfecte! Ara envio un mail.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76283d86-f8e1-49f0-ae7f-50e50ecf33bd", + "text": "Haig de fer res més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ad2172c-e9f6-4e95-b3cd-a3fa6018bc17", + "text": "No, res més", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6df10dea-9b15-49e0-9e1b-2ca36598bbf3", + "text": "Es posaran en contacte amb vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "720ae3a9-4755-412b-99d0-df1ac513c5cd", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c2c2ef8-4a72-44dd-91e9-c9249a608198", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a14c34f-9479-440d-a613-d6ca62ef33f8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b580a5ab-ab1f-45a2-b1c6-9ded208976b8", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ce03e035-1e0a-4b57-a71f-a2a9c4a59035", + "text": "Bona tarda, què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fc7c9ab-f265-4b5a-bd99-9a4c6c1b1b83", + "text": "Hi ha una edat mínima per contractar una pòlissa de vida?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "edat mínima", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vida", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ebc418e-e91e-4848-8c77-d1a77e99500e", + "text": "El limit d'edat son 18 anys", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "892ee899-0f73-45c3-bd89-29c266652b49", + "text": "Per a menors d'edat, l'han de contractar els pares o responsables legals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f903c1e-c4d1-4841-b891-a98422c16e12", + "text": "Perfecte. Tinc 21 anys. Puc contractar la pòlissa, doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "21", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0445839b-fdb0-4bd5-bb30-859f553f4cfa", + "text": "Sí, cap problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9475a2b3-3262-4ef0-8756-9ff5c5127d95", + "text": "Què necessito per contractar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2da1edae-b2ce-42d4-885d-d783df982a4d", + "text": "Ho pot fer per aquí si vol. Només necessitem el seu nom, DNI i un número de compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c78250c7-fe26-4ff4-bf89-71ccda1fa9fb", + "text": "El meu nom és Rubén Salines Vives. El DNI és 457898780S i el número de compte és ES67 6788 6788 7788", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rubén", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Salines", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "457898780S", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES67 6788 6788 7788", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93702f43-4dd1-4684-9dde-463479eb115d", + "text": "Perfecte Sr. Salines", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c13139e6-f2aa-4c9f-8212-fb7bc9265ab6", + "text": "Ja hem enregistrat les seves dades", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "906f9aa8-9e5e-4848-bd64-93f16a9749fe", + "text": "A partir del mes que ve serà efectiva la seva assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f08ebf6b-d052-4307-b080-de5db5957ff0", + "text": "Perfecte. Merci per tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "378e946c-2ed6-414d-ba95-75a7bffd8067", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "320cd2a6-465a-49ec-aa70-fad1342bf862", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c8c1fe6a-9348-41bc-95be-77426998cb37", + "text": "Hola, molt bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3199d29d-2a4c-4579-9cab-1bc82d64529e", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f04dfb7-777c-4c93-9d72-12c3d5a48cd0", + "text": "Si la vostra empresa puja la quota de les assegurances, rebré una notificació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "puja la quota", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "notificació", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7cf1678b-209e-406e-a399-5b98d144c0a8", + "text": "Sí, li notificarem per SMS i correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f97447aa-ed88-47ae-88a2-2adaadbaca4d", + "text": "Puc consultar si teniu les meves dades de contacte actualitzades, doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dades de contacte", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07431dcf-af01-4fbd-af2b-273494a12150", + "text": "Sí, cap problema, és clar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1c2faf6-6c50-4ad4-a5e4-d0403d27f455", + "text": "El número de telèfon que ens consta és el 646640754", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbb4b17c-cf8c-4cb1-a56a-b7c20d235a7c", + "text": "És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "931f2855-e13d-49b1-9c13-39a883df4648", + "text": "Sí, és correcte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5718449e-0790-4d87-975a-f3166c7e04f1", + "text": "I el correu és marina.gutierrez@gmail.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b366a6cc-a2ee-4e91-a150-a56d70baf25f", + "text": "Sí, això mateix!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7bd38528-b6ac-4fa4-a99b-4f93e4457507", + "text": "Doncs tot és correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "178e7db4-af25-463d-b1b6-a4d554aacbad", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c495e41-7aa0-4b94-ba7e-6a074de78b82", + "text": "No, això és tot. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3592773-0f5f-4a6d-9cae-41507930b436", + "text": "A vostè, bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "557519b2-e2a8-42d2-ab35-cedf8b288d4b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d3f3a86c-a661-456f-b32d-bc01f9261760", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64ee4058-abe1-4a2e-b45d-b5d4541766ae", + "text": "Vull renovar la meva assegurança de cotxe.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança de cotxe", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "renovar", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "903367fd-3daf-4718-90db-febcdb001ecd", + "text": "Molt bé, quina cobertura té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5aa8ad19-36e3-464d-a3b5-1652905fc25b", + "text": "Tinc la cobertura simple ara mateix.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cobertura simple", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d5c5143-8b8b-434f-a916-e7110d6a9821", + "text": "D'acord, i vol renovar-la per dos anys més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4f57448-c0cc-46f2-a99a-b0bfc6ba306b", + "text": "Sí, exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7844608c-94ca-475c-a45c-1f6a021bab85", + "text": "Perfecte. Li enviarem un SMS amb un enllaç. Només l'ha de seguir per confirmar la renovació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47f55024-ce8b-4482-90f4-b866530c3c24", + "text": "Acabo de rebre'l. Fet.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dcd1f07a-8cef-4099-8da0-d11a4199e4a7", + "text": "Molt bé, això és tot?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4ab86e0-bea5-4f74-a074-9cd8bd2e692b", + "text": "Sí, ja tinc el que necessito.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc19808d-bb8d-4642-aef0-a782802e9256", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4ad60ada-0bd4-4770-ac73-1c69bbe33b3d", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "397bfda9-2101-4588-80d5-90dfdc2ef96a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2736deb6-0c39-471a-a319-0495bb47ff27", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72db365c-b9cc-4f8c-81db-e6fa5a49a6af", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32c69c1f-cfbb-423c-b253-d0edd08ea803", + "text": "Quines especialitats mèdiques cobreixen les vostres assegurances de salut?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "especialitats mèdiques", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "salut", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "46c85fdf-d480-4bbe-9d1d-7767484dc9e9", + "text": "La cobertura Plata i Or cobreixen totes les especialitats. La cobertura bàsica inclou totes les especialitats excepte endocrinologia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "015d91e2-d403-4bc6-b457-60f0713f1988", + "text": "Vale, perfecte! M'interessa la cobertura Or. Com la puc contractar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cobertura Or", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30eb4f93-a83f-4e1f-8525-0728da2873cc", + "text": "Pot contractar-la trucant al 902 900 800", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96c526ba-9654-4bf4-b682-80949ee5111a", + "text": "I si tinc alguna incidència puc contactar-vos mitjançant el mateix número de telèfon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "contactar-vos", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "el mateix número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d58c614-9f14-46da-898f-872a45b6859f", + "text": "Sí, els companys de la centraleta li passaran amb el departament corresponent", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b8bcd08-bfb5-4a82-b6d7-6987e9a020c5", + "text": "Vale, perfecte. Moltes gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "608e433c-6bbe-47a2-94a8-c5905d56bb37", + "text": "A vostè, bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3ac3a93-6338-47b5-aa42-a0b5d448b17f", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bbeacc5a-4bc6-4507-9223-02016f0b0e68", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ebb22d4b-2ff5-418a-bebe-1245bf7a6060", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bfa0855f-7bae-4798-9d4c-b82287b381c5", + "text": "Bon dia, en què el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a2a6b10-bfe8-4a90-8142-e470a4e67ddb", + "text": "Quines assegurances teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a48cde72-3776-451b-a5be-02d8e4b1d323", + "text": "Tenim assegurances de la llar, de viatge, veterinàries i de defunció amb diferents nivells de cobertura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7df3a7f3-3496-4acc-8939-1a7c151dafc8", + "text": "En quin tipus d'assegurança estava interessat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "610c63c9-490f-46c2-9353-7b42ea618c55", + "text": "M'interessen les de viatges.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93a8ffc2-94af-47a9-a354-314644ec62f8", + "text": "Es poden contractar per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07ed74de-578e-482c-b9a3-4df4d6792b8c", + "text": "Sí, la pot contractar aquí mateix", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5faaee6-e132-4fc9-848c-ca0f65382b27", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4b6aa87-f8c9-4be7-afea-056d7d3fb64b", + "text": "Sí, vull continuar, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0f191cc0-e25e-467a-b409-32f7ac2691b9", + "text": "D'acord. Quin nivell de cobertura voldria? Pot consultar les diferents opcions i tarifes de cada nivell a la nostra pàgina web: www.segurosmapfre.es/seguroviajes/tarifas", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5588b767-1825-4cb4-b1d6-48deeba66d11", + "text": "M'agradaria la tarifa estàndard. Val 30€, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarifa estàndard", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "30", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d36fbff2-5a57-49be-b470-8ccd1a356171", + "text": "Sí, la tarifa estàndard té un preu mensual de 30€. Per contractar-la, necessitaré el seu nom complet, DNI, adreça i un número de compte a on cobrar-li els pagaments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdcc4508-3866-4303-bec2-7db898f0a8f6", + "text": "Vale, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc2a3c8a-ba89-41a4-a6f4-0b6c1e281efc", + "text": "El meu nom és Maria Simón Contreras, el DNI és 34567665R, l'adreça és Av.Buenos Aires, 40, Barcelona i el número de compte és 34 5677 6543 5443", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Simón", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Contreras", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567665R", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Av.Buenos Aires, 40, Barcelon", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 99 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "34 5677 6543 5443", + "Start_char": 126, + "End_char": 143 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f47a73a-e717-4d85-8b60-f10239ed2705", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Simón, doncs només necessito el seu correu electrònic per poder enviar-li els documents de l'assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e79c080-d44a-46ee-95e4-b6d318bc7bde", + "text": "el meu correu és msimon@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "msimon@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d34974f-26c6-407f-b0d2-68b84eaaf308", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ja li hem enviat el contracte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a266d11-3ec8-4447-9e2d-0ca2ee0221af", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe43df4e-784d-408c-913c-5f2ef1ca84e0", + "text": "Ho acabo de rebre. Això és tot. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a82514c7-f35a-4fd9-b206-25e5254a5513", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5a18fb0-2532-4f87-b9dc-c3c9c1688ca2", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "029e6fea-856a-4cc6-9044-a2897dcd1614", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a3e5d449-b088-465c-a78d-dae00280150c", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad911961-b0f0-4ca6-93f4-bf6c064242b7", + "text": "Bona tarda, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "135b5cc4-f5cf-4e09-8edf-1a3c63b48c48", + "text": "Com puc tramitar una assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tramitar una assegurança", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db842afd-5110-4b38-a1ab-efdfbe169523", + "text": "Vol contractar una assegurança nova?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d2a76bf-62a7-42a1-ba6b-f536f30335f9", + "text": "Sí, això mateix!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "850c7bf4-6772-4882-99e1-fcb91a0024c3", + "text": "Ja és client nostre, o seria la seva primera assegurança amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "45892816-4bed-4d80-bc4d-7333aa4d366c", + "text": "Seria la primera vegada.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "primera vegada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c66d2cb-c8e8-4d84-aa98-5b600ebbb282", + "text": "D'acord. Pot contractar l'assegurança per aquí, trucant al 901 454 9090, o anant en persona a qualsevol de les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff9ba6a0-b3ef-41c9-9288-427cb3d32c96", + "text": "On teniu les vostres oficines?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a35be0e4-0521-4c03-b5d8-192ca101c8c3", + "text": "Tenim oficines a Barcelona, Girona i Tarragona. Pot consultar les adreces a la nostra pàgina web, a l'apartat de \"On trobar-nos\", i cercar l'oficina més propera a vostè amb el codi postal", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abed9084-5508-43ce-b3f9-d01affab6d0d", + "text": "Ostres, que bé! Doncs m'agradaria fer-ho presencial. Hauré de portar alguna documentació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "presencial", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ee78408e-270b-450f-8d1f-8acd4b4fc0a0", + "text": "Sí, haurà de portar el seu DNI i indicar un compte bancari al que domiciliar els pagaments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7d836e7-e9ad-49d4-aa0f-0bd6856ede53", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies. Doncs m'hi passaré.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "811c4629-fbd2-4cac-bb69-0049b800eac4", + "text": "Gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14245f7e-a818-40f6-9236-38d360bed90f", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27b9114b-51ce-4937-879a-7d53708b7aa1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 73#", + "número": 73, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "08d8a644-fb38-4292-81c0-2a196e0f8224", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dfd38cc2-c526-4eaa-9c47-eb4fa0cb0b9a", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12235068-dd83-4f0c-8057-bb8c0354671e", + "text": "He vist al vostre web que teniu una assegurança de vida. Voldria fer-me’n una.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vida", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a358355b-cf9a-4210-bd7c-1d3b7ebbe016", + "text": "En quin nivell de cobertura està interessat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6dd80e16-ed0e-430c-8298-20b8849f0a51", + "text": "Quins nivells de cobertura teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nivells de cobertura", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "112a67f4-a124-481e-87d6-154cc1ada5d4", + "text": "Tenim quatre nivells de cobertura: Basic, Complet, Premium i Gold.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d4be556-a4c2-45b8-9753-e2f41bc60375", + "text": "Pot consultar les condicions i tarifes a la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63a4f16c-a1d1-4fa3-80cb-3a933845d77d", + "text": "Perfecte. Doncs vull el complet.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "el complet", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02a9aaef-5db5-40a5-8f24-8dd9a2713be3", + "text": "Molt bé, l'assegurança de vida amb cobertura Complet té un preu mensual de 49,99€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80d5b323-34a0-4652-8314-bb2c2126f356", + "text": "Per continuar, indiqui'm el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27278a7d-71a9-4c62-ac9a-cfa7f5a8a4d8", + "text": "Rosa Blasco Delgado\n23456734S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blasco", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Delgado", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23456734S", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7ad2de9b-83f1-490a-b32b-df695dec3215", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Blasco, necessitaré que signi el contracte i ens proporcioni un número de compte al que domiciliar els pagaments", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87951dd0-cea8-4247-9081-7beacb8a5e9c", + "text": "Li enviarem el contracte al seu correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4009f824-141f-4c85-8de3-aaa67690d416", + "text": "Perfecte. El meu correu és blasco.r@gmail.com. Us envio el compte bancari per aquí també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "blasco.r@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42a10580-4544-46ab-b469-998b823a7132", + "text": "Sí, necessitem l'IBAN del seu compte bancari", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a34226c1-1fa7-477b-8f84-3f93fb2898a8", + "text": "24 5678 4567 23456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "24 5678 4567 23456", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f46153ae-e3c0-4bf7-85ea-ef236222d742", + "text": "Li hem enviat el contracte al seu correu electrònic. El pot enviar a l'adreça de correu des de la que li hem escrit un cop estigui signat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b22eb72-f6dd-4b81-92e8-162e7acad56b", + "text": "Ah, genial! Ara ho faig, doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1a7b59e-a633-4925-9002-4d2794c80e19", + "text": "Necessitem l'IBAN complet del seu compte, aquest número no es correspon amb l'IBAN", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "775dbf3b-4d01-4ef7-bcc5-2c123401d401", + "text": "ES24 5678 4547 2345 6543 3456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES24 5678 4547 2345 6543 3456", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0dbaa516-a022-48bc-b4e8-1403e94e9726", + "text": "Moltes gràcies, un cop hagi signat el contracte ja serà efectiva l'assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0585c499-61d9-4c75-ae52-42e7a0dca7b7", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "959dd2fd-3692-4ea1-adca-43f031bc6ee5", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "318bcc29-a024-4f2f-93aa-9cf0323ee0e1", + "text": "Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d026d1d1-6b13-4601-b6ed-9c3aaef17de0", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "998c882c-80c6-4382-81f1-88fbd6a41562", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6f55d6d-48c9-4c50-9d55-d54c4c54320a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 74#", + "número": 74, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9761f4ab-3f09-475e-8d8e-6b89043eac5d", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "940ab14c-e92d-4c65-a30a-e574965a6f66", + "text": "Bona dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d9965e8-27de-46ec-9fc0-97247fced3f5", + "text": "Cancel·lar assegurança.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e94ea60c-12f3-42fe-86c2-3a088c8d26e0", + "text": "Vol cancel·lar la seva assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdbed822-47a5-4773-b148-3f56d1e13c26", + "text": "Sí, exacte. Com puc fer-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "786d7700-7603-4adf-a33b-4f7f7153e604", + "text": "Ho pot fer per aquí, o en persona a les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "895b00a7-5029-47b1-961d-621081c31014", + "text": "Ho vull fer per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd57e22a-2b61-455b-a513-eced72018866", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'm el seu nom complet i el número de la seva assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61470da5-f586-46fe-9a9b-7b91880c5338", + "text": "El meu nom és Gerard Sánchez García. El número de l'assegurança és 432223456677", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Gerard", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sánchez", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "432223456677", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0d54982-1d81-4302-9ebf-1495dfc52a6a", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitaré una adreça de correu electrònic a la que enviar-li la confirmació de cancel·lació, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f37fc15b-8277-4fcd-b3e8-33ded309708d", + "text": "ggarcia@outlook.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "ggarcia@outlook.es", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f3987cb-89ac-41fa-bdec-2db1eb893585", + "text": "Molt bé, ja té els documents. A partir del mes que ve ja no rebrà més quotes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1cca10e5-4bb5-4639-8eec-9384f4693b57", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "146df07a-86bb-4148-ad0b-0a5b95dbd38d", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6f824b1-6613-4173-9d2c-bdee09ee1bd7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fedc0da3-ac00-4110-946d-5be50fda22c3", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60e8ea7a-040f-4931-ae0d-4fdfa81dded5", + "text": "Es poden modificar les condicions de l’assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "condicions", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef6cb06c-0e53-415a-951f-960e335a9737", + "text": "Hola, bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "640cae00-5673-4be5-87f3-068d305f15c0", + "text": "És client nostre?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d409e12-a5f1-4ffd-8f07-1ff5ef45be63", + "text": "Sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "993c1dd1-25cb-46c8-80aa-ec880b8b8a39", + "text": "Digui'm el seu nom i número d'assegurança si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52aed5f8-c465-4302-b8a5-0e143b297fc5", + "text": "Em dic Xavi Ventura Fernández i el número d'assegurança és 456643321134", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Xavi", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ventura", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "456643321134", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c7bf6a0-e9c9-4758-98fa-61c1e288b1e8", + "text": "Veig que té una assegurança veterinària amb nosaltres. Què voldria modificar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10463648-6ca8-4771-ab77-c7363f655156", + "text": "Voldria augmentar la cobertura. És possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "augmentar la cobertura", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c93be4b6-d30e-40a4-a691-4284c5a5ac57", + "text": "Sí, ho pot fer per aquí. Quin nivell de cobertura voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8e862ba-efc3-49c5-b660-40ca5685a51b", + "text": "Voldria el Total. Ara només tinc una cobertura parcial.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "el Total", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bbac699-2340-4fcc-89af-984db130abd7", + "text": "D'acord. Li enviarem el nou contracte a l'adreça de correu que ens indiqui", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33c66a25-1648-4226-aa6d-f4824bc27fa7", + "text": "L'adreça és xvf@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "xvf@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "999f8a6e-2031-4779-b844-d0ab96d57ef6", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem enviat. La nova cobertura serà efectiva de seguida que ens retorni el contracte signat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b51d42b-b8c5-43f9-b9cc-ff1ffd7c7e37", + "text": "Vol que li enviem les quotes al mateix compte bancari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "257bd8a2-07ec-4ce3-8c5d-d76fb165fd76", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b2510d7-a8b9-40a1-823b-6038604be03d", + "text": "Molt bé doncs ja estan fets els canvis. Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "978cf09c-bf61-458e-b941-60827dc8c9a2", + "text": "Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cf236cb3-c8bd-4834-83e6-136f4ca7cc78", + "text": "Gràcies per tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f428d958-f2e9-4f90-b6a4-a64c960ac15b", + "text": "Adeu, gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6fd0e09-49d0-41bc-a798-842354efe05c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "106e78f7-03d2-40e3-8144-7e3e04de7f6b", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f66e5e6e-f84b-43e1-845c-a0e64f043084", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b188ba6e-9ff8-4164-ae14-d01013ad8356", + "text": "Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62ddabb0-507b-4d47-b961-a94997064412", + "text": "Ja no vull l’assegurança de viatges Premium.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança de viatges Premium", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8d6f604-af4d-469d-a989-c4c58c743458", + "text": "Vol cancel·lar la seva assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "824a6033-5f5b-42a2-9e45-0c3f7e4054cb", + "text": "Sí, ja no la necessito.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eec7415e-5bed-488a-b4f2-bca5f6187fbe", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bce157ca-75dc-46f8-a564-7d84d420987b", + "text": "Indiqui'm el seu DNI i número d'assegurança si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c63df433-d093-4e14-9e30-03a743464e56", + "text": "El meu DNI és 34567833R i el número d'assegurança és 344556675443", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567833R", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "344556675443", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f80d1423-dbde-41e4-a361-6eeb3d1c0537", + "text": "Gràcies, no es retiri mentre consulto el seu experient si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb8a9ff5-b4bd-4f31-989d-c8de7363cb66", + "text": "És vostè la Sra. Menendez, la titular de l'assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72b3d5bc-fc5c-40b2-bc01-ecc0125569ae", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ad313a8-a8ec-48e7-ae5e-9bf13e7d7bb6", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9e50ae1a-5450-4072-a9eb-52809874f326", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs per fer la cancel·lació necessitaré que signi els documents que li hem enviat al seu correu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "946efa52-0ae4-4b11-8884-b73146fd2236", + "text": "Ja estan firmats.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a0510e68-ceba-4dbe-aed9-7889f1e98a72", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies. Això és tot, o puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "758a053f-f731-4442-965f-5247644b263c", + "text": "Això és tot. Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "622f7b3d-7ea6-4533-a0bc-76932eb7cf52", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68ce7c6a-b6e2-4841-aaa7-d466ea057b7e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dcb613b0-c53c-4038-b38e-4b0bfd5e3e7b", + "text": "Hola. Es poden afegir més persones a una de les vostres assegurances?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir més persones", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce79edc3-7df0-45fd-899f-38672349dcb8", + "text": "Bon dia. Es poden afegir beneficiaris a les assegurances de vida, de viatge i de cotxe.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c1eca3c-65f6-417d-8736-a29e76eb40bb", + "text": "És vostè client nostre?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fe18a6e-cc1f-4fd1-841a-251e38da7b09", + "text": "Sí, ho soc. M'agradaria afegir a algú a una assegurança de cotxe.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "206ef2bd-8b2e-453d-b8ec-b9bc47c1e314", + "text": "D'acord, digui'm el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5307ea1d-ffb7-40ab-8557-2b41f075d8d6", + "text": "Joan Torrents Durán\n47555590R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torrents", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Durán", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47555590R", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c5553af-6a1b-45d4-ad5f-d75b685570ce", + "text": "Molt bé Sr. Torrents. Per afegir a un beneficiari necessitaré el seu nom, DNI i una còpia del permís de conduir, que ens pot enviar a segurosdecoche.barcelona@bankinter.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a13dc66-2ac9-49bf-82bf-5507346619dd", + "text": "D'acord. Un cop enviada la documentació, aquesta persona ja estarà afegida a l'assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db12a890-bf28-48c7-bf7c-4c982e66b0fd", + "text": "Sí, efectivament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2158af3d-4a77-498a-9682-157bba533e01", + "text": "Genial. Doncs ara ho enviaré tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e2ff805c-9986-461d-a928-2c98c5ab27c2", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè, voldria res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d459e861-ebaa-4143-96f8-889f2708d877", + "text": "No, això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "259ea362-9a24-4e1b-9dac-693ae2f64387", + "text": "Molt bé, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4022b11e-5b6c-4ddb-9c07-c2a95ac10307", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "20eb3a4a-8432-40d8-b4fe-499011371bf4", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "91f2264f-9b21-432b-b2d3-78468399ff75", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8683d439-fbff-4f20-96d5-c7d717cc873d", + "text": "Vull comprar la vostra empresa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1468232e-ae16-4750-b64a-2588f66d309c", + "text": "Disculpi, no he entès la seva peticiò. Vol contractar un servei amb la nostra empresa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2e4a7c7-21db-426c-b7dd-613d5d8bbc3a", + "text": "No, vull comprar l'empresa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "676e18d2-a620-4305-971b-ddc2416c37e5", + "text": "No la puc ajudar amb aquesta petició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef2eb719-6cc4-43b5-9e34-fab8bf1464e9", + "text": "Puc fer alguna altra cosa per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce9c257c-4299-4b9e-b636-4a56d9f8ecf8", + "text": "No, jo vull comprar l'empresa, no vull cap altra cosa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f8c475fb-27e6-4dcf-a8aa-8f25064c8a64", + "text": "Disculpi però no la puc ajudar amb aquesta demanda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fd52f18-fc89-43a0-91b2-3cb775f0a782", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fd9e0b8-c1bd-4986-8f8c-5fefcee2a71d", + "text": "Molt bé. Vosaltres us ho perdeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5240ef4f-7a55-4b18-8c5d-6e9c71b2913c", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b606ae58-e168-470a-a18e-e90a5733f5e5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 79#", + "número": 79, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f3e15eea-4aaa-410a-a1a1-1db1d9e1fcc3", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "acc22f7c-7313-4333-98f3-6a6d5a65c0d4", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72008ff6-d361-4983-aba1-4c5ebee6de7d", + "text": "Es pot domiciliar el pagament de les vostres assegurances?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "domiciliar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8c862ea-1aee-41d3-9e27-6d216650065d", + "text": "Sí, pot domiciliar els pagaments al seu compte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8651c9e9-8a62-499b-a806-7e00e410ddcf", + "text": "Doncs vull fer-ho. Es pot fer per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c7b51c5-969f-43ec-8a04-6364f98d32d5", + "text": "Sí, ho pot fer per aqui", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f5378bc-101e-477e-bf5b-b971a09c9750", + "text": "Necessitaré el seu DNI i número d'assegurança per trobar el seu expedient, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b4b4e2c-6a9c-44bd-8560-d293d0585596", + "text": "D'acord. 34555567D i 23344566788", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34555567D", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "23344566788", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59448e92-fe24-4aa7-aa16-3a80df4a4b66", + "text": "Molt bé. I a quin número de compte voldria domiciliar els pagaments?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60f53436-6481-4ffc-b333-b01a1c2b5dfd", + "text": "al ES45 5556 5432 6785 4321 4432", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES45 5556 5432 6785 4321 4432", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66339e6a-5bf6-4c35-8128-ab288578c781", + "text": "Molt bé, a partir del mes que ve ja rebrà els pagaments a aquest compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04f63420-dd88-4123-ab94-8c71d6b66674", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b7105b0-7834-4c3d-a522-f468ef32830f", + "text": "Genial. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "106f40af-6384-4ed2-87d9-4a90590f2ed6", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84a238f0-e957-4018-9a44-a8fb1fc7d02d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4bcb9750-f6c7-41fa-ac37-76e9024797b2", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e3700d78-dc03-49e9-9a5c-3b3113457488", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5bfd8234-e100-4d6a-8e24-c2fe7e7dafe1", + "text": "Vull contactar amb un agent humà per a que m’orienti sobre les assegurances que teniu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3bbddaad-95a7-429e-9fb4-7027ea2b2723", + "text": "Jo mateix puc donar-li informació sobre les nostres assegurances. Per a parlar amb un agent, hi ha una espera de 10 minuts en aquests moments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30805fbf-8622-4890-9c06-50aeeb1b913a", + "text": "Oh genial. Doncs vull informació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e5be2b87-c441-456e-b985-fd9d6523488d", + "text": "En quin tipus d'assegurança està interessat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b5d72b9-5ed7-4915-b7b8-ae13f969c079", + "text": "En una de la llar. En teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "llar", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c08cb8e6-f83a-433b-855d-86c4f3f66398", + "text": "Sí, tenim una assegurança de la llar amb tres nivells de cobertura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4a02808-c04b-4d33-b275-a59784eb8bdd", + "text": "Bronze, Silver i Gold.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59f2afcb-60f2-4cad-8b64-04ff757725b1", + "text": "Pot consultar totes les condicions i tarifes a la nostra pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "803e1f1e-0deb-407c-b87d-8504423ed4eb", + "text": "Quina és la pàgina web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "291ddd3a-8d31-493a-8fd6-1038205a2559", + "text": "www.segurosbarcelona.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1def357c-06a0-4896-ac2d-772a61d0ae3e", + "text": "Vale, ho he mirat i m'interessa la Silver, però es pot contractar presencialment també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la Silver", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "presencialment", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78d97e88-e303-4412-b709-c06f756bbd27", + "text": "Sí, pot contractar qualsevol assegurança presencialment a les nostres oficines, o trucant al nostre telèfon d'atenció al client.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da70b72a-effb-4400-9afc-c1274fd6b875", + "text": "Teniu oficines a Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a8eed715-fd49-4da9-9d57-bdc30a1e5231", + "text": "Sí, tenim 5 oficines a Barcelona. Pot consultar l'adreça a la nostra pàgina web, a l'apartat de \"On Som\"", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "032700a4-783d-4d67-96e6-a10a672e9766", + "text": "Genial. Ho he trobat. Moltes gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b49d4e0-4580-441d-8fc2-54acf62efc17", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7df64997-e874-4206-ae8b-8d68718cec30", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 81#", + "número": 81, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6767885d-0725-412a-a20a-b58c38037a2a", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2b827281-239f-4d57-a023-ce3d29363ad4", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84d66507-30de-44ca-bb89-997086e43132", + "text": "He vist que la meva assegurança de viatge no em cobreix tot el que hauria de cobrir. Puc ampliar la cobertura?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatge", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "ampliar la cobertura", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 109 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96b77cac-99f1-4e33-b11b-72faa3253b3f", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Indiqui'm el seu número d'assegurança si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75da19c3-842c-4fd0-8393-f4d39dbabfa5", + "text": "el número és 45556666754", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "45556666754", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e427de47-ef96-42f0-9910-b684aeba6d81", + "text": "Molt bé, i quina cobertura voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1de1d609-e317-4d41-85c7-ba3f1113641c", + "text": "La total, si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "La total", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5addcd59-8438-4684-8816-803f7fc2643f", + "text": "Sí, és clar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b223f9cf-e447-459a-9b25-a37b14b0985f", + "text": "Vol que li cobrem les noves quotes al mateix compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8ebbfd3-5676-4e21-b5d0-0a72329a5144", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "97e04d06-2c86-415a-a279-b6a46410a411", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja ho té contractat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f363bdd-793c-4b93-a139-4e3773000996", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d25c7a4-1487-45de-ad18-2c321b4d061f", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ae01e7db-bd4b-4683-8601-3c641bc51269", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04346d44-9caf-4b7c-bb89-001780b6d17a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 82#", + "número": 82, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "73d8d279-d64f-4231-acbe-8d23df01c8f3", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9dcb1ec2-a1b5-4216-9ed6-840550ad9707", + "text": "Bona tarda, què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "108cdbe1-af34-49b8-9cc2-a2b13bd88925", + "text": "Teniu assegurances per a vehicles?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vehicles", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0852b20e-c510-45a9-af57-1aa2a94e0510", + "text": "Sí, tenim una assegurança de cotxe o moto", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ddd93c4-938b-441a-a893-a3bfdf19768f", + "text": "Vull la de cotxe.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9955dc83-6127-4b57-8825-a62a2b3ba637", + "text": "D'acord. Per a quin cotxe seria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5412dc8e-7fb7-4ed8-aff2-6e2319390979", + "text": "Per a un Citroen C4", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Citroen C4", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1346302-71c9-45b5-af16-cd99aa663ec7", + "text": "De quin any és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09d4d1a1-92bf-4fc6-8d4e-6e3b6e0200f2", + "text": "Del 2010.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "2010", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8367f1ac-993d-45ae-8265-529c0b2f798a", + "text": "Em pot indicar la matrícula?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "157947a9-4127-4120-b9ab-9bd4e3c79f08", + "text": "Sí, la matrícula és 4532GDF", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "4532GDF", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21cdf18e-a71f-4b31-85f3-681247a815f5", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm el nom, DNI i edat del conductor principal si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85765443-3fa5-4aec-94df-e5c1bc7478b6", + "text": "Rubén Fernández Vives\n47444465R\n30 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rubén", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47444465R", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "30", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0922a21-e548-4250-bea7-9c192c3fe275", + "text": "Molt bé. Li podem oferir una assegurança a tot risc per 69.99 Euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea28c12a-46ec-420d-90ad-f137c6315bd9", + "text": "M'interessa. Vull contractar-la.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "83342c55-b5e6-4d2a-9c6d-598d4ae822b0", + "text": "D'acord, em pot indicar una adreça de correu electrònic on enviar-li el contracte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6afdb5b4-1121-46e4-9a08-73cc35f02362", + "text": "Sí, és clar. rfer@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "rfer@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d6d16e3-583e-4c3e-a3ee-7a08af75de8e", + "text": "Molt bé, només necessitem que el titular del cotxe signi el contracte i ens envii una còpia del seu DNI per les dues cares.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbdf4c02-0cc3-4c5b-b53e-8aeadc72503c", + "text": "D'acord. A quin correu ho enviem?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8731e79-ae37-4336-bf41-615564c01d2e", + "text": "Al mateix des d'on li hem enviat els documents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f96c558-dcf3-4795-bf4f-51a6926db623", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63978723-02a8-4b34-9fc2-c611175d3f7e", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a1b15c7-a579-45e2-976d-5ddc554de81d", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2017b475-e624-47ad-8fd4-9abd43658d72", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 83#", + "número": 83, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ff699ed0-fdc3-4587-a615-1fee379cae74", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32cfd86f-ce81-466d-860f-9207d806a9b6", + "text": "Amb quant termini es pot fer un canvi d’assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "termini", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "canvi d’assegurança", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e12f444-c7c7-4cf2-9dfb-75fd8bded97e", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b260e91-3dc3-44c3-b4c9-080081078f1e", + "text": "De quin tipus d'assegurança es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7172332-21e9-44d6-8ec5-d0c6ff291ef7", + "text": "Tinc l'assegurança de la llar bàsica i vull passar-me a la Premium, però no sé amb quant de temps haig de tramitar el canvi.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança de la llar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "Premium", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37be18aa-15b9-475c-84a5-509dc9903ff4", + "text": "Els canvis de quota s'han de fer dues setmanes abans de la data de cobrament. Em pot indicar el seu número de pòlissa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "300e7f85-3bd0-4b5f-8b58-6f1bd6733ece", + "text": "Sí, ñes clar. El número de pòlissa és 56667774322", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "56667774322", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce049b82-4221-4029-b9f3-2a344094cba5", + "text": "D'acord, veig que li passem les factures el dia 19 de cada més, així que pot fer el canvi fins el dia 4 d'aquest mes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "977467e6-d50f-4c98-9d26-542115f113e9", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d697c413-ce5c-4a43-b8cc-d17d5d211931", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "61d3ed04-bdc3-459d-937f-e3c0d15c2e42", + "text": "Bona dia, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "daeb663c-f460-44fc-b302-d0d2fa4f87e1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 84#", + "número": 84, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "329e32ce-d64a-445d-823d-4d34cfb29522", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d42ea222-d905-4f47-9868-cc49eca873ca", + "text": "Bona tarda, l'atén el Tobi, què desitja.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11abb437-7a5e-4663-8e8c-c6862630df9e", + "text": "A partir de quan em cobreix l’assegurança de vehicles que tinc contractada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vehicles", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + }, + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vehicles", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0fbc3621-368f-4654-a26e-dde980b7b0d5", + "text": "L'assegurança és efectiva a partir del dia següent a la firma del contracte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f541b51e-6a40-4e90-baad-1b1738c7da9e", + "text": "Podeu mirar quan la vaig contractar? No m'enrecordo.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan la vaig contractar", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "26418332-21ef-4cab-8242-2e6a10773563", + "text": "Sí, quin és el seu nom i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0814c33e-979c-47b1-808b-417b72cfc282", + "text": "Em dic Laia Sánchez Delgado i el DNI és 47666632F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sánchez", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Delgado", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47666632F", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb99f991-fc68-46cb-911f-8def46ca87dc", + "text": "Veig que va contractar el servei el dia 11 d'Octubre de 2019", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5bc01957-6e85-4ad2-b50b-d101e4f4282a", + "text": "Genial!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a153b5b6-7a5c-4ee5-8f06-a6ce10ca9219", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d53ef4f1-7db9-487a-a148-c96f2ca0a0c0", + "text": "Aleshores ja és efectiva oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "efectiva", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b57098a2-bcfd-425f-8b7f-1a454605c7b5", + "text": "Sí, és efectiva des del 12 d'Octubre de 2019", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c98de9d-cb48-441f-9f01-ebc6b927b0c1", + "text": "Genial. Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23795e06-f3c3-4cc4-ac7c-709f4afbea35", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "df12073d-b7b4-4e17-8616-f9de5e64e525", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3eaa7c66-abf1-4acc-a965-97e2bf103884", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 85#", + "número": 85, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "44fd8176-89f6-4688-ac8e-830900fc8200", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "48655cd0-0374-4aa9-8ca2-75429e8aedb3", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b618c684-f85d-444b-b7e7-19136bf92c69", + "text": "Contractar assegurança.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3328fdaa-09ad-47e7-9cfd-67e7d9f52878", + "text": "Quin tipus d'assegurança vol contractar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e1fafd4-96cb-40a9-978a-278648997792", + "text": "Una de la llar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "llar", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d03c211-0585-477e-b7de-70753ca64102", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol contractar-la per aquí, o de forma presencial a les nostres oficines?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9564bc88-72b5-488f-8936-c0d657d1161e", + "text": "Per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "Per aquí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca32134a-037d-4453-9f86-23e066844aa8", + "text": "D'actord. Indiqui'm el seu nom, DNI i número de compte al que vol domiciliar els pagaments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "940499cc-e428-4075-b8cd-630f3ec71c5d", + "text": "Antonio González Gómez\nES45 5676 4532 4322 3445 5432", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antonio ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "González", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gómez", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES45 5676 4532 4322 3445 5432", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fee4cf47-9005-4fdc-8efd-2b594152cc62", + "text": "I el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db0e5e6d-8fd9-4363-adca-9f228745112f", + "text": "El meu DNI és 32456643X", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32456643X", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed8d2958-10b7-4ce3-aa9f-82fed198a479", + "text": "Molt bé. Quina cobertura voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d18630cd-294e-4c2c-b9dc-877aac8b49e6", + "text": "He vist a la vostre web que en teniu una Premium per 40€ al mes. Voldria aquesta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Premium", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "40", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "al mes", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "900c643f-0290-4724-af7f-764f4f279aa1", + "text": "Sí, exacte. Molt bé, doncs indiqui'm l'adreça completa de la llar que vol assegurar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d17601c2-e83d-4242-9f2a-3d2066906b19", + "text": "Carrer Diputació 21, 1r 1a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Diputació 21, 1r 1a Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "835e548e-f4fc-4bf9-a64a-33c5340553e2", + "text": "D'acord, és vostè el propietari del pis?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "525d838b-ee1a-43cc-8d13-1212c9190b73", + "text": "Sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6bdc4dd4-7726-4186-8711-3ec9e25b9e75", + "text": "Doncs només necessitarem que signi els documents que li enviarem", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e44d185f-d549-4355-a63f-89f067612947", + "text": "Em pot indicar una adreça de correu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8245981-a283-4cc4-b6ba-1a6ab9f048e9", + "text": "Sí. antonio94@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "antonio94@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35734b22-a049-446d-9047-848925482624", + "text": "Molt bé, l'assegurança serà efectiva des del dia següent a la seva firma del contracte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55faf8b8-4387-48f0-9e3a-e32598706276", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02f56efc-919c-4a3c-9776-7931215962e5", + "text": "Genial. Això és tot.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8097801f-2ce5-4b2f-97aa-71e3d240b7ef", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94951f2a-9d4a-4e97-ae71-2478c9aca185", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "980ce3d9-b9ed-4c08-8e2d-06aebc4ca616", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 86#", + "número": 86, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3d8866fa-6ab3-4fec-a8a3-0573b08400c6", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1107f51a-8bd1-4fe6-9616-f9b280b2d322", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a0d85c4-2d6d-4303-b668-8c07e49f4587", + "text": "Tinc una assegurança de vehicles contractada amb vosaltres. Com puc utilitzar l’assegurança en cas de sinistre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "vehicles", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sinistre", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 110 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e84a532c-1388-466e-a6ad-6e864be10802", + "text": "Si ha tingut un accident o incidència, ha de trucar al telèfon corresponent que trobarà al contracte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a7d66ee-eb3a-43a0-b3dd-8dba83fec7f5", + "text": "Allà li indicaran què fer", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2518dd55-1b16-4a20-8388-355dfbc8bb54", + "text": "Només amb el telèfon ja serveix? I si no m'agafen el telèfon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4013af0-ca4a-491a-99e6-87e3651b237b", + "text": "S��, només ha de trucar al telèfon d'incidencies o al d'assistència en carretera. Tots dos serveis funcionen les 24 hores, els 365 dies de l'any, així que segur que l'atendran.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47bdf15e-1726-4ef6-81b0-b96027379cac", + "text": "D'acord. El telèfon és 644 823 471 oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "644 823 471", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ced74c0c-26ab-48ff-a3f1-17d8d62db1ef", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d928602e-aa31-4d74-8869-90142be7ca38", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "91739dd2-a0eb-4e68-b26c-7d7989cac0d9", + "text": "A vostè, que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "956b63ad-b75a-4ddf-a1ae-563f41026163", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 87#", + "número": 87, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f88b65e-3616-4b33-9e68-53f39c972c64", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99163f8b-3938-4c7f-9f3c-95252947ae24", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6620ea20-ede6-4443-a74b-b4ba4ac20acb", + "text": "Vull consultar les assegurances contractades amb vosaltres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurances contractades", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "efe32209-292b-40be-8edb-06dac744c53f", + "text": "D'acord, doni'm el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc4ec629-a304-4c6f-93cf-cf98d48a89e2", + "text": "Julia Puig Ventura\n47666690R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Julia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ventura", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47666690R", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09979f8b-c84c-4300-987d-9fc5134827c2", + "text": "Molt bé, veig que té dues assegurances contractades amb nosaltres des de 2018", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d401266-7907-4efa-bd12-92d0c4439d9b", + "text": "Una assegurança de viatges i una assegurança de la llar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc10ed1f-9df4-4859-a45a-c4a754521bd1", + "text": "I quant estic pagant per cada una?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per cada una", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e9853d3b-46b5-491c-be29-0a888e0b8ccc", + "text": "L'assegurança de viatges té un cost de 15 Euros mensuals, i l'assegurança de la llar té una quota de 79 Euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33010549-e112-4e2b-b14c-c73f3fabc72c", + "text": "I la de viatges què m'inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "què m'inclou", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0434e3a7-f9dc-4bcb-b643-664b94fe3122", + "text": "Inclou compensació de fins a 800 Euros per la cancel·lació dels vols, assitència mèdica en cas de malaltia o accident a l'estranger, i costos administratius de fins a 1000 Euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4be8322e-da2c-4495-b82c-aaee79822022", + "text": "Genial! Aleshores ja va bé. Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "34e2e8fd-a313-4253-84b7-e5cb42c72e0c", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57e06a4d-23cd-4ca6-bce6-3509765b38c4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 88#", + "número": 88, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "681dfd7a-9e12-462e-a0e5-74ae0120acc0", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b4bb98b2-3f56-43f2-a90b-b8e5bd5603d5", + "text": "Assegurances.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4bbca8bb-d175-42d5-bc67-432d5e22d501", + "text": "Hola bona tarda. Indiqui'm exactament quin és el motiu de la seva consulta, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b9a6a49-73e5-4fc8-913a-c1c580a69e60", + "text": "Vull informació sobre les assegurances.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aba55bef-a13b-4032-a234-446d49075d9f", + "text": "Vol informació sobre els diferents tipus d'assegurances que tenim, o està interessat en alguna en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "924565d5-aecd-4042-a597-95adf5a27878", + "text": "Vull informació sobre els tipus d'assegurances.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tipus d'assegurances", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2160b3a-b584-4e1a-8aa0-dd851e084e5f", + "text": "Pot consultar totes les nostres assegurances a www.segurosbbva.es/nuestroseguros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88144b39-3165-4541-80ae-6feefc538776", + "text": "I si volgués alguna puc contractar-les per aquí o com es pot fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "027b33d8-cad7-4fb3-9b7c-793d13a38a7e", + "text": "Pot contractar-la per aquí, o bé presencialment a qualsevol de les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "519f22d1-ee57-4f8f-a53f-0e56a0da8f22", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs m'ho penso i us contacto.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ef65f01-464a-4ae0-a4b0-fb0129ad1424", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e965c880-93e7-4a45-86ba-22b2dcab6f10", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9123a57e-c0a8-4029-a205-cfefae320b8c", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4fda1ccf-e5f2-4fd5-aea4-b7d00d48e49a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 89#", + "número": 89, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "939f9743-389d-4a9f-bfc6-16a6645bb0ea", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "53cae8c6-c8a0-44d1-9113-03030dd47139", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a5c1dfc-2f76-4b16-b175-22ed7f084814", + "text": "Tinc una assegurança amb vosaltres des de fa 2 anys però aquest mes m’han cobrat més del compte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m’han cobrat més del compte", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 95 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccc2281a-38ac-469e-9cf9-3f029e979092", + "text": "D'acord, indiqui'm el seu nom complet, DNI i número de pòlissa per comprovar què ha passat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "938ebbe2-c2bd-4f1b-b674-fa223ab81dbd", + "text": "Tania Sánchez Pombo\n345676589R\n34874738478457", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Tania", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sánchez", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Pombo", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "345676589R", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "34874738478457", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d2291e35-950c-4105-a6a2-a200b7fa9f9d", + "text": "Molt bé Sra. Sanchez, no es retiri", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c45edd68-d963-4c44-ab81-3171ed1ff25d", + "text": "Veig que efectivament hi ha hagut un error, i s'ha duplicat la factura.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1c1ded1-7381-4b51-8156-0aba4f9f82fe", + "text": "Disculpi les molèsties.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4eb732fa-f41f-419c-b864-543cb2c58e2b", + "text": "Vol que li reemborsem la quantitat, o li descomptem de la factura del mes que ve?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b5e1e9b-7abc-4e38-bcdf-79ae6fddc1e0", + "text": "Vull que em feu un reemborsament.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "reemborsament", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6315fb28-0002-4790-bd15-94d2e1f018c0", + "text": "Molt bé, ja hem fet el reemborsament, el rebrà entre 2 i 5 dies laborables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac62ad89-cad4-4116-b501-caafb85673df", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6990ae73-759f-450d-80c6-70ad55df6837", + "text": "genial. Això és tot. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08c6eb0b-5d4c-40f5-ac34-3cfb481e1c27", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 90#", + "número": 90, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a44ddfd4-c0c6-4338-9354-f37f29214ac7", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1312be1d-db71-481e-a60c-2c612f096390", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c3ea43e-f778-4a65-8638-9620d8d4a39e", + "text": "Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e131b95-ad51-4ec0-9132-31c9d16128db", + "text": "Vull obrir un parte. Com ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parte", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ae8b7d4-2a70-4f86-8bdf-5d414296f04f", + "text": "Es tracta d'una incidència relacionada amb la seva assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acef74ee-f62e-4a05-89d0-05c5e7fe556a", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f05e937-a1bf-485d-bcd4-257025542787", + "text": "Molt bé, necessito el seu DNI i número de pòlissa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0894817-7090-41c7-a3d6-85d344e27ef5", + "text": "45678767S i 387438574478", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678767S", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "387438574478", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4257112-5b89-4f44-b491-a15004992475", + "text": "D'acord, veig que té una assegurança de la llar amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27f8a324-8a16-4be9-b482-4736032d9eba", + "text": "De quina incidència es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "33cb192f-ce26-4740-b17f-fac03b88b68c", + "text": "Doncs que vaig voler assegurar uns desperfectes i l'assegurança no va servir de res.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "desperfectes", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "l'assegurança no va servir de res", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61c35420-9357-4d6b-8d9e-7a4cd1ef32e1", + "text": "Llavors entenc que ja va notificar d'aquests danys, i li van informar que l'assegurança no els cobria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac435fae-655b-4128-9cda-18dfd4226e71", + "text": "Sí, però quan la vaig fer si que em van dir que els incloia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "36d02a74-2c24-4eca-9c33-5eb14a11e53d", + "text": "D'acord, indiqui'm de quins danys es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2d550d6-cbbe-483f-9c50-1744e94a2a20", + "text": "Doncs unes esquerdes a la paret a causa de la humitat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "esquerdes a la paret a causa de la humitat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0cf42653-cf9f-4c11-a6c3-4d9d4d6de429", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27a81e41-3008-4794-9784-afe497cff383", + "text": "Veig que quan vostè va fer l'assegurança, va contractar una cobertura Gold. Però l'any passat va modificar-la i en aquests moments té la cobertura Bronze, que no inclou danys escructurals com aquest", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c062d24a-7d2d-4514-a9ab-41fee89624b4", + "text": "Ostres, de veritat? i quant costa la Gold ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la Gold", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69365ca9-4ea8-43e6-8340-5922f7d18bdc", + "text": "La Gold té el mateix preu que quan la va contractar, son 59,99 Euros al mes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac9675e2-7417-4fc1-8f3c-f13e8f07dbf5", + "text": "oncs vull tornar a passar-me a Gold.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "Gold", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6af7051f-d701-4008-abec-53fc98e14de7", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol que li enviem el nou contracte a la seva adreça de correu electrònic, o per correu postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27556e6c-85f4-48c0-8db6-4b07e52b65e9", + "text": "per correu electrònic.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "444e7a0f-2de9-4c97-90fc-f4a152ec60f9", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem enviat. La nova cobertura serà efectiva un cop hagi signat i enviat el contracte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c51ed34-4595-4e80-abce-46fc24223ad1", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "221fab1b-2f78-4e1c-a107-6afa40d840a6", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56e7593d-a597-4ffc-97ab-a2fb0665a7fd", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e68274a-fd61-467f-a9db-1efdc1fb0fda", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 91#", + "número": 91, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f19bbe39-38aa-4bab-af4f-3d26761bcf81", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e8d73ee-bc56-47e3-ab81-e4ac7e086f97", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa5da03c-b987-4fe1-821e-2bc059af338f", + "text": "Hi ha alguna oferta en les vostres assegurances?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f771c1b5-d4ef-4294-84c7-d21a76e54064", + "text": "Tenim un descompte del 15% per la cobertura Gold i Platinum de totes les nostres assegurances (excepte l'assegurança de vehicles)", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52536d34-c337-4b9b-94a9-07a56338f136", + "text": "Doncs voldria fer-me la cobertura Gold de viatges. Puc fer-ho per telèfon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cobertura Gold", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per telèfon", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "809c3291-dab6-4ca5-80d0-2b474cc699bc", + "text": "Sí, pot contractar qualsevol assegurança per telèfon al 93 303 33 00 o presencialment", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a5e7877-662f-453e-87fd-9c195a069bfa", + "text": "I quin és l'horari d'atenció al client?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari d'atenció al client", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc9d9cf9-ab67-4fba-a8eb-5e02469a6f32", + "text": "Pot trucar de 10h a 14h i de 17h a 21h", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53bd7db1-73c0-4720-af43-90fd205f8949", + "text": "De dilluns a divendres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d810b54d-d613-4e38-9995-b0123e2a4073", + "text": "D'acord, doncs trucaré per la cobertura Gold.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6e19483-1621-412b-a04b-1c6fbaf9cf2f", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e37fe976-8179-43e1-87b3-7b7e40018b6f", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9cd1a4cd-b7f9-46ee-8f64-80f2492f7438", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 92#", + "número": 92, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c2d09d63-ff40-4f12-ae68-235cdb69b780", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a235d10b-e2d7-46f8-a9e2-b17775f686d5", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7df9554c-4aaf-44b9-bb06-a15028e69310", + "text": "Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2817924b-5352-4121-8191-da5fa4f2bde9", + "text": "Vull cancel·lar la meva assegurança de viatges, ja que fa molt de temps que no viatjo.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatges", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9320ac25-c64c-42c8-8eee-c3a49bd37938", + "text": "Molt bé, indiqui'm el seu DNI i número de pòlissa si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41d05bae-5e9f-4064-a945-930e1f00780d", + "text": "El meu DNI és 47888890R i el número és 22284837838577", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47888890R", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "22284837838577", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52a457f3-ace7-414f-b40f-b9f2886ac28b", + "text": "Molt bé, rebrà un SMS amb un codi per confirmar la cancel·lació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b885c6bf-4ce0-43a7-9506-a67a27e11213", + "text": "L'acabo de rebre.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1fd9c754-2a56-4272-98b9-40b4e0d803f7", + "text": "Necessito el codi per confirmar la seva identitat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "896017f1-7546-4235-83ea-28edd70ca4d5", + "text": "3456", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "3456", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2311c7b3-ef83-4cf6-a4ed-0f38ce4f8103", + "text": "Molt bé, ja s'ha efectuat la cancel·lació. Rebrà el document de confirmació al seu correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba16bb0b-5ca2-415e-a1e5-cde0b2d7b05d", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "561a2d1f-b9f0-4ffb-84b2-0f8c678cfb75", + "text": "Perfecte. Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "930a80bc-dc64-4456-93b2-27c7a4bf6fdb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 93#", + "número": 93, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9a034e9f-2f12-4351-b0e7-eb46106e2ecc", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de05a599-9caa-4f49-b71e-3534f9bfe0cd", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "844b2290-72a6-44cf-bef2-a36003d02d5d", + "text": "L'atén la Mireia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b1e79d0-1098-4d87-99ae-d9b0bf54f1f5", + "text": "Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddd22cb4-122c-49ac-9578-99a1454198e0", + "text": "Tinc l’assegurança d’habitatge Plus. Hi ha alguna oferta especial si em canvio a la tarifa Premium?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança d’habitatge Plus", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "tarifa Premium", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5172a8c4-fefb-42ca-8ffa-1141d9492e24", + "text": "Sí, per clients antics que porten amb nosaltres més de 5 anys, tenim un descompte del 20% per la tarifa Premium", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "780daf68-65d8-4a37-b11a-93a6deb336b8", + "text": "Ostres que bé! Doncs fa res acabo de fer els 5 anys. Vull contractar-la.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2c7c5904-8f1e-43d9-bab8-0a7a5e653a25", + "text": "Molt bé, quin és el nom del titular de l'assegurança?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5458a91c-8a8d-402a-96e2-9d656af28ec3", + "text": "Montserrat Fernández Sánchez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Montserrat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fernández", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Sánchez", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5fa6a06c-8b6f-45ae-bd0f-7ddb730eeefb", + "text": "Molt bé, i el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e53e73a-2b11-49ff-9c78-cbcf49a1065f", + "text": "47443257Y", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47443257Y", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5fc69fd8-007e-4915-a7b0-69ebbc5f21f0", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs a partir del més que ve ja serà efectiva la quota Premium. Només necessitem que ens enviï els documents signats que rebrà al seu correu durant el dia d'avui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28f77151-f884-448d-a118-3b39bbe038ee", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab077c94-c6ae-420a-888c-bccaf0f31494", + "text": "Que tingui bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c9544a9-8034-4e2b-a768-cec7473a39ea", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 94#", + "número": 94, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "57ca1f29-63ea-4354-af4a-88340c93db96", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f3081868-73b5-4db7-afc7-784422f4b86d", + "text": "Bon dia, què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23eec4ef-c019-4e41-a97d-d6959432c8d4", + "text": "Es pot contractar una assegurança online?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1d739ee-d5ae-42f9-846a-84ede5b505e6", + "text": "Sí, pot contractar una assegurança per aquí, o a la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36a5c1b6-77e6-447e-a851-21415bdb5b7d", + "text": "També pot fer-ho a la nostra app, si ja és client nostre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3892e960-ffa9-45ba-bddf-762439e1237c", + "text": "Vull fer-la per aquí, doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98629068-9c84-4054-96a1-388e02629018", + "text": "D'acord, quina assegurança voldria contractar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "265d7df6-38b0-4f4c-96f9-9e1695f08a51", + "text": "Una de viatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "viatge", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef34138a-82e9-4301-8eaa-96f1f02008f1", + "text": "Molt bé, i quina cobertura voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "410a00d7-0112-48fd-9572-ab597b3252fd", + "text": "L'estàndard, si us plau!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "L'estàndard", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4db843a6-2f70-486d-93f9-6c8b7fb26d65", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitem el seu nom complet, DNI, data de naixement i un compte corrent a on fer la domiciliació dels pagaments", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebd89c74-a139-478c-9d28-850a192dbc18", + "text": "Raquel Herreros Plaza\n45654356H\n26/10/1993\nES43 3456 4321 4566 7895 5432", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Raquel", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Herreros", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Plaza", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45654356H", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "26/10/1993", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES43 3456 4321 4566 7895 5432", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea890861-7aca-4ebf-ab60-6c9223bda09a", + "text": "Molt bé, a quina adreça de correu electrònic li podem enviar el contracte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1a027b7-5249-45f1-a5dc-c77029b9fdb5", + "text": "A raq.herr@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "raq.herr@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4e7e1f6d-566d-4d48-ab28-26d1d0a0fa99", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ja esta tot llest", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a39723c-99ca-4705-a6ea-7b9e32062a17", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d625901e-be7f-4d22-bf09-109720b32639", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1178daf-ed46-4869-809a-9824803bb077", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 95#", + "número": 95, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e6525574-dfb3-448e-90af-761ffc6bd0d1", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43b8c04e-9884-4319-a7b2-a88dee8670b9", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd37c350-5882-4625-93e0-551a50ce9ccf", + "text": "Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3288ce2b-0df9-4f32-96d3-ce57d6334157", + "text": "Vull més informació sobre l’assegurança d’habitatge Plus.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "assegurança d’habitatge Plus", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63b44f5c-b570-4114-97eb-f4f2b8053f6c", + "text": "Pot consultar què cobreix la quota en detall a www.seguroscatalunya.es/seguroshogar/coberturaplus", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62751718-c32d-4bbf-87d0-6e79a9f79c95", + "text": "Vale, ho acabo de mirar. I on es pot contractar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "contractar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "820ff5b9-b01f-4e80-a9d5-7e066088d00b", + "text": "Ho pot fer presencialment a qualsevol de les nostres oficines, trucant al 901 67 67 87, o per aquí mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abc1895c-aa4a-4066-a508-5af017447131", + "text": "Potser per aquí serà més ràpid.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ee454df9-2d8e-4d57-8ab2-a96367208db4", + "text": "Com vostè desitgi. Per contractar l'assegurança necessitarem que ens indiqui el seu nom i cognoms i DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ceeb1159-86b4-4433-8077-38bc78c4dd64", + "text": "Em dic Laura Córdova Riera\nEl meu DNI és 47654345T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Córdova", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Riera", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47654345T", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e802b56-9654-4200-bf95-ac7f369c812a", + "text": "Em pot indicar l'adreça del domicili que vol assegurar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6542798-5772-4f72-ba87-16016881c172", + "text": "Sí. A C/Mallorca, 21, 3n 3a (Barcelona)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "C/Mallorca, 21, 3n 3a (Barcelona)", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d959773c-6127-4fe6-90d2-e11919dd5829", + "text": "Es vostè la propietaria del pis?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aee98baa-f7db-4076-8e8a-fe702ff99c19", + "text": "Sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "651cbce3-99e2-4be8-9f25-943a7f187e17", + "text": "Molt bé, en aquest cas ja està tot. Només necessitem un compte bancari a on cobrar les quotes mensuals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "680bdc9d-dd2d-4e2e-b96b-386ccf568e17", + "text": "ES56 7567 7898 6788 7654 3234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES56 7567 7898 6788 7654 3234", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb346b97-54cb-4c00-814f-2093e796e872", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs ja està tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbb485a5-f555-49f1-b2cc-a78de9425787", + "text": "Ja és efectiva la seva assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35208819-eb28-46ef-8c23-282c170424c1", + "text": "Puc fer res més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20127f5c-26ee-4b44-a6d9-fef861a72086", + "text": "No, això era tot. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d17cfcba-147a-4fa4-b7df-a9954e9468c2", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6f01f03-7fa2-4218-a6ed-04a14ab642b3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 96#", + "número": 96, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3db20dbb-8571-4273-b3e3-bdd2f5e13038", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7655d1ec-c18e-438d-97c2-1693a61262d8", + "text": "Hola, acabo de tenir un accident i he de fer un parte, com ho he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "accident", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parte", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ea3eba9-86fe-47de-8717-bfed5249b345", + "text": "si primer has d'omplir el parte amistós amb l'altre conductor. la documentació després l'has de presentar a una de les nostres oficines o enviar-la per correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2db1b5a0-ad8d-4cd5-b1ff-ce444a3f09f0", + "text": "D'acord, i a quin correu ho he d'enviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f56975e9-67ed-4ab0-bf91-8b6bc19e580e", + "text": "es a assegurancesmontsant@montsant.org", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2e16dc5-815f-4fb2-b988-e0afc87fb373", + "text": "D'acord i quan de temps trigarien en dir-me alguna cosa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1fb83fc0-7740-42fd-8b2c-7bef6d15148d", + "text": "Normalment són uns 3 dies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0d0a8c8-95b4-491d-8aed-cddcdf6d6038", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7d19c0bc-4e5a-4e97-9da8-de3c7ffff081", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d42987b8-17f0-4848-8e8a-041aab774340", + "text": "ja està tot, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d296a24d-bd63-4d11-8739-cebb5213079d", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fef688ca-1618-4a97-9a99-3456569fc7af", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8e92f3e-43f3-4b34-bc47-dd3adf247d4b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 97#", + "número": 97, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ddb0a227-8a64-409d-9ee3-d7065eff8695", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31e57acb-4b7e-4da9-9c26-f10f710b004d", + "text": "han entrat a casa meva a roba, què he de fer ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "han entrat a casa meva a roba", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "casa meva", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bfc6d1b9-4e04-490f-9ab3-8f1841a1fd4f", + "text": "Ha de notificar-ho a una de les nostres oficines. Haurà d'omplir un formulari.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a53180b9-e3d0-451f-90a6-a8361362666d", + "text": "d'acord i on trobo aquest formulari?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "formulari", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96107420-0a08-4245-b539-cc5923b06b99", + "text": "El podem enviar per correu. Indiqui'ns l'adreça electrònica", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3290484d-df2f-4608-8305-1a805ac7632c", + "text": "mira és maria23@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "maria23@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01e0affb-e862-44d2-a910-d75544fc1115", + "text": "D'acord. Li enviarem aquí el formular. L'ha d'emplenar i reenviar-lo.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0a50aea-30ba-4cb1-afe2-474356a9a089", + "text": "Ah d'acord, gracies!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5aa0e2b4-d101-4a23-9eaa-d7e84af635d8", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b66dab1-bb9f-439f-9523-1741e96c3dc7", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ab83f57-eb37-4a3c-8e10-7a112f4ee826", + "text": "Quin és el monument més bonic de Sevilla?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ea5ca47-df31-4c57-8c47-1e99e08e9e14", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc donar-li aquesta informació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ee67296-cc1c-4576-ac74-569d22052925", + "text": "Necessita alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc589fcc-fdca-4ce4-b7fa-935d3041ea20", + "text": "Doncs no, ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c0b271a9-7f8c-40aa-89a0-12dd4386f174", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "909d336f-0b5a-449e-9cc8-a4d4847d9d5b", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6a7ddf1-cca1-4678-8d19-4a63a3c56ddd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 98#", + "número": 98, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d21e6be8-a806-4fc8-a233-991776881ec3", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f752d91b-bff8-4189-b395-de5e9b94dd24", + "text": "Bona tarda, puc afegir el meu fill en la meva polissa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir el meu fill", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "319da32b-c544-4a48-b109-83dccb35571b", + "text": "Cap problema. Indica'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cde4cc72-b558-4f3c-8769-2da1cbb9f5f3", + "text": "sí, és 6543A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "6543A", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e15ec403-d1e9-41ec-9b88-aac0e0c25574", + "text": "D'acord. La persona prenedora és Maria Gaia Mitjans?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a014410-97e6-479d-ab93-d2311a5e9c2d", + "text": "Si, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba5d433a-9605-4051-9779-79b9b53366b5", + "text": "d'acord. Quin nom té el teu fill? Necessitem nom i cognoms", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28b14e0b-27db-46c3-b501-f480e0c5b98b", + "text": "es diu Joan Codina Gaia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Codina", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gaia", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2039ba8-5870-417e-8c17-a44fa0e07d6f", + "text": "D'acord. I quin número de DNI té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "595f84b7-13ee-4d49-939f-032fd7254630", + "text": "48934252R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "48934252R", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "319a596b-1e2f-4c59-8a83-188d661b4120", + "text": "Entesos. L'afegim a l'assegurança doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07ab93f7-8cd7-45b5-aa58-e41fd6bd3496", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "33128b77-ebe1-439d-8896-3b1e0cf8a564", + "text": "Ara el cost serà una mica més, però amb cobertura per a tots dos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56067d60-2aa3-44a7-aaa9-e4384e295884", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6741cde4-f6ed-4eb0-b247-a2fc47d34564", + "text": "Si, genial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e550eb2c-fa5b-450e-8ff1-52bae5a65881", + "text": "no, ja es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd0a63c1-eeae-4c21-8fa1-462b5845c61a", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0182d1a3-0549-4b45-b266-2f39f10fc66a", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9955b17a-d7d7-4b43-8744-e0a361618941", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 99#", + "número": 99, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3a44b973-609f-4f37-93bd-f08cc50935be", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4f0fbdc-6714-4482-b5dc-18aecdbcea43", + "text": "Hola, mira que per a la meva polissa em faltaven uns papers de la meva empresa per entregar, on puc anar a entregar-los?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "papers de la meva empresa", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "entregar-los", + "Start_char": 107, + "End_char": 119 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d211e77-2c78-48ab-8a8b-dd9ee59f8827", + "text": "A l'oficina més propera o també pot enviar-los per correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6e6ceb3-f9c2-442c-a692-6d9e97e91f8a", + "text": "D'acord, i aquí a Lleida on es la oficina?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01f929d2-71b8-470a-80af-50a24b0def9d", + "text": "És a la Plaça de l'Ajuntament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "559cbb4a-37a2-471a-acd6-b94092be25d2", + "text": "D'acord i quin horari té?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd4955d1-bc18-44af-81fe-60c29203366e", + "text": "L'horari és de 9.00 a 13.30 i de 16.00 a 19.00. Els divendres només de 9.00 a 14.00", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5057d41-5754-4aa7-9eb7-4feea93236a9", + "text": "Ah entesos!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "45a640fa-33c0-4ef3-9a64-9ad7963a36ab", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13c866fe-34b0-4752-9d23-f3fbe91f7911", + "text": "ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8b9c2492-a74f-4103-babd-740f089f9a99", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a28adf9e-631e-42a8-a397-59100b3217dd", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb2ee72e-8a23-4889-8915-3cb13283e95e", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6009e918-3b65-4a41-b402-408616c78ecd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 100#", + "número": 100, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8287119d-a278-4d0d-8d15-42deb943139d", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdc9088e-4280-49b6-b156-2d59819fe51b", + "text": "Em pots dir si el dermatoleg entra en la eva assegurança?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dermatoleg", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4130601d-629c-44fa-b1fb-8802f21cdb55", + "text": "Indica'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94b9526a-e046-4668-98be-4fde4e453800", + "text": "34560", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "34560", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dbd589de-5d3d-4dce-aba4-dc64ca256be4", + "text": "D'acord. La persona prenedora és Lluís Pascual Sants?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f072e3db-5fbd-44c5-8b8a-7c745a8c0b97", + "text": "si, correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2593b16-0a0d-40a5-9576-6355e1d50923", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs sí, tens cobertura bàsica amb aquest especialista. Només hi ha un copagament de 5 euros la primera visita.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa34b51b-fa74-4250-92ec-2940d25df861", + "text": "D'acord! I quantes sessions inclou? o totes les que necessiti?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quantes sessions", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e49795a5-7c84-43fc-a490-70ecef82199e", + "text": "Les que necessitis, tot i que a partir de la número 10 has d'abonar un altre copagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddd6c57a-a1b7-4cc6-adc4-ec7cfbd1d44c", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4fbd6dee-1432-4f8d-88c3-2c7d4961e90d", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c64a04cd-d735-40e9-8f0e-3866f42629f7", + "text": "res més, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1720b71-c6f1-449b-bed1-535bc418014e", + "text": "Adéu siau!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a1d8e2b-c7b9-48fc-8357-cd34dd6f5f0b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 101#", + "número": 101, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "68dff948-b7b1-479f-9d97-998999d0c72e", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41a2d640-81d5-45e0-84b2-701b544fec65", + "text": "Bon dia, volia donar de baixa la meva assegurança de casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "casa", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2363370-8615-41fa-a252-9f2e58a5a664", + "text": "Indica'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab97029f-e7dc-4332-93de-6c3b0e927008", + "text": "si, és el 2865", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "2865", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7978a992-6378-42f5-8639-8e1c55b7883c", + "text": "D'acord. La persona prenedora és Lluís Salat Roura?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfd97a01-ad4f-4dca-9db4-fd185d9d2bc0", + "text": "si, jo mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3b952f98-1f5d-4bf4-9ba0-768ee94b1448", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el motiu de la baixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b45a2d21-0eb1-4f72-b910-6e4407c67025", + "text": "be, que he trobat una oferta millor en una altra companyia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "he trobat una oferta millor en una altra companyia", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c043bd56-2292-4e30-b38b-933bf022cfd9", + "text": "Entesos. Enviarem un correu electrònic amb la baixa, que has de signar i retornar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6668ef27-f1cb-4a62-ad9c-c86de8204732", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "317b6760-910e-49c5-8eb3-f8076aa9a6c7", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1cba6e1-6709-42b5-a35c-2750d4ce0f4d", + "text": "No, aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a2cf878a-bb1a-4f9f-a05e-692b1615093d", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "629fc809-1356-49ee-abb2-0d47eb247d2c", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f3b86b1-516f-4902-9919-10b8f2e00f77", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 102#", + "número": 102, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8290446f-470c-422a-8294-bded80637a23", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2df57ce2-cbee-4aa6-84c5-761760fba265", + "text": "Em pots dir que cobreix la meva polissa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que cobreix", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11c8e09e-4f85-4d24-9603-b4b3fe8fa97f", + "text": "Indica'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60bcb2f3-ce30-4117-b99d-6b5063cb9404", + "text": "val el tin aqui, és 6578", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "6578", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5723735e-b657-4b9a-9679-4ba25784db0d", + "text": "D'acord. La persona prenedora és Maria Casals Mitjans?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40a53415-7145-4a34-a527-3393d20b7729", + "text": "soc jo, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "678fccc9-f067-47b7-ae43-81e6a45e8924", + "text": "D'acord. Aquesta assegurança és de llar.. Cobreix desperfectes causats per desastres naturals i robatoris.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d8cb892-5799-4feb-ba27-2aa24e8ceaf0", + "text": "D'acord, esque ara tinc la nevera que s'ha espatllat, aixpo també ho cobreix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "nevera que s'ha espatllat", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "907b56b4-4c9d-4d96-abe8-0a9bfa5ef8d2", + "text": "No, això malauradament no", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "393870d7-a419-4d10-a51c-a7fd49fc043b", + "text": "vale d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e7bc924e-3d21-4727-80dd-f3757935ac90", + "text": "Necessites alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe2ddc5c-a79d-476c-9261-cc1820093a28", + "text": "A quina hora passa el següent metro per plaça urquinaona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "adc1fdd1-d6a3-4bbb-ae27-28f1b8aa47bb", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9fd9638-35b3-483e-9c9c-f9f3d665c12b", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1903ff8-faa8-43ee-a341-c3ed20ce76bc", + "text": "doncs quina cosa mes inutil, adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd2d675c-ac7b-4563-ab34-31fa4c7464c9", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "199091bf-a9f3-46d3-9a6e-911fccd3ff7e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 103#", + "número": 103, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3c3b67ac-9a95-42d0-948e-0fa26986047c", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f64bad2-433e-4aeb-ad28-4518b27339f8", + "text": "Hola, havia demanat cita amb un dels vostres agents perque volia parlar de les ofertes que teniu i tal pero no puc anar demà i necessito canviar-la", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c3197ed9-dfd2-4d2a-a34a-70793a2a253f", + "text": "Per quin dia va demanar cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4194a4a1-24cb-46f4-b324-a8cfc9770b45", + "text": "si no m'equivoco era demà a les 10 del matí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "10 del matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c9cfaa1-1fed-40ef-8bde-605d3b6c5e8f", + "text": "D'acord. A quin nom era?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c07b258-df7b-4d33-8434-db89adffb099", + "text": "Estava a nom de Maria Torres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torres", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "802a43fe-4147-41c4-ab67-96ef3e4c66d9", + "text": "Entesos. I per quan vol la nova cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dba71b4c-3f61-4f72-bdcd-0d6c48a02a39", + "text": "dimarts de la setmana que ve podria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dimarts de la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "680295e4-a162-4ceb-a705-a252c6a19d3d", + "text": "Aquell dia hi ha hora a les 9.30 i a les 10.45. Quina hora li va bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fae0e2b4-a098-4157-8830-7fd344329028", + "text": "D'acord, doncs a les 9:30 si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "9:30", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f53b2b8-2f31-4018-9350-de9c060e61b0", + "text": "Molt bé. Ja li hem canviat la cita.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b096558e-91c0-448f-a382-0abda6344108", + "text": "Vol fer alguna altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29f1d88c-5bc2-4b5a-b426-3a5f70a24350", + "text": "Entesos, moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2c66db42-04f3-4953-86f8-1642a820f546", + "text": "ja ho tinc tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "492e93c0-9587-4879-8a3e-83ca33706661", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fff8d6a1-b034-404a-a5f4-157c63a468a3", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e870d872-e625-423f-ac89-4d0039e504ef", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 104#", + "número": 104, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9a1421d4-acad-4859-b93e-3a6278bc58ee", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b743eab6-f62f-4241-aaf2-55413b8331e9", + "text": "he tingut uns problemes amb la meva pòlissa, amb qui podria parlar d'això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "problemes amb la meva pòlissa", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ebcd5a9-b7cc-4995-895f-f038f29b75d4", + "text": "Vol parlar amb un agent?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "535c364d-7710-4878-ae38-cce2b038c245", + "text": "si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5b9b6037-a7cb-46c2-a17a-0f81a84f1fcb", + "text": "Indiqui'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0afa5a16-1999-4254-a98a-c2566f1e787c", + "text": "clar, mira és el 4879", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "4879", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09061f9d-5233-4eb9-8aef-2c84bf1d323c", + "text": "D'acord. La persona prenedora és Martí Rafecas Santacana?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "215276ae-dd7a-4ec7-995e-c265d9228cac", + "text": "correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f930a0b1-48cb-417b-ac76-43206a8f22a3", + "text": "Molt bé. Cal ara que m'indiqui un número de telèfon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e28d993-50c5-4b0f-a3df-992da7465c10", + "text": "d'acord, domcs 623789356", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "623789356", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12c2a196-7093-43b9-9ff2-e7dadf8f04ba", + "text": "Entesos. Un agent contactarà amb vostè a aquest número en els propers 30 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d4ded65-dd8b-44c8-8507-474fa97bfa16", + "text": "Necessita alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbe788a3-3ea5-46f0-b876-b01a69d7ec8f", + "text": "molt bé, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b7c4299c-4893-46b3-9329-0200638cc873", + "text": "res més, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2e04591b-0b53-409c-8273-7b4c1bc800eb", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00edd8f3-241f-4af8-bd1b-61306ca65245", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 105#", + "número": 105, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "783a20cd-89b0-4f26-8d66-98e8b3cf046d", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "901c070a-d8ec-41e4-a6df-c32c4022a0e4", + "text": "Bon dia, aquest mes m'heu passat un càrrec més alt del que jo pagava els altres mesos, com pot ser això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "càrrec més alt", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba9deb3c-94ee-4f95-8f90-65c1c4e1f921", + "text": "Indica'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fc2a67d-2236-42df-8b99-2eb35b3d7f97", + "text": "Crec que és aquest 45982", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "45982", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c10ef8cf-f45e-4cde-b498-7aaf881c6381", + "text": "Entesos. La persona prenedora és Remei Sants Sala. És així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0189ad56-22fd-4c94-abeb-077081f809fd", + "text": "si, exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e736dcc-3850-4e36-8c8d-017233053d7f", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs sí, a partir del mes d'abril hi ha una altra quota. L'assegurança que tens, a partir dels 6 mesos, canvia de quota. No t'ho van notificar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "195252d5-9a19-4930-8976-0d7af5568564", + "text": "ostres doncs no ho sabia! i tornaran a pujar la quota en uns mesos?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tornaran a pujar la quota", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc5789be-85f6-4599-a2f8-9c9b53d20f45", + "text": "No, aquesta ja és la quota definitiva. En principi no.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b0229e6-579f-4d4d-99a9-8cade56c8d32", + "text": "d'acord.. be, miraré altres llocs a veure si trobo una tarifa millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63a06457-a687-4972-8e64-a771b2b5846e", + "text": "Entesos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6d2fe8a-7d93-4d49-963b-8c0e174de302", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35c012b6-b998-47f4-ba29-a2f080f4dc6c", + "text": "res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "651483b8-5d47-4bbe-b7df-ff925f3f6d1f", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4983c9b7-c2e5-46cc-a426-c9a03ee5a47d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "257ee409-12b6-4ae1-8fcc-ae25c214ee38", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 106#", + "número": 106, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "38f0fbd8-1881-4e82-aac5-502b0ddda05b", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1c51fa0-e73b-4fe4-ad97-7082b68cfe28", + "text": "mira que havien de venir els tècnics avui a casa a canviar-me les finestres i no han vingut", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no han vingut", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tècnics", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "canviar-me les finestres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6314da96-4112-4e93-ab36-6ec6e6588a4c", + "text": "D'acord. Entenc que això li cobria la pòlissa. És així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6e3ef94-d8ce-4640-b1f2-1ca76d8c8650", + "text": "si, ja havia contactat amb vosaltres perquè vinguessin, pero no han vingut i ningu m'ha avisat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b3e94bae-16c5-462c-92c4-212697259b93", + "text": "Entesos. Quin número de pòlissa té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cfef9d4-a778-4ba2-956b-29d65a92097a", + "text": "20056", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "20056", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9538dc99-bc2e-4c30-8fe6-fb51a474390f", + "text": "D'acord. La persona prenedora és Joan Casals Mundet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cfd4564-880d-496e-bad3-5a1a57609bfe", + "text": "Si, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ea54a7c1-eb59-4a8a-883f-daa2de6f1b67", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs ara avisarem els tècnics. El número de telèfon que té segueix sent el 675434234?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "effee3fe-74c5-41d7-925f-54e3af3e74f0", + "text": "Si, aquest es el meu telefon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1680b2b0-75a3-43bc-96ad-e67331d84941", + "text": "D'acord, que em truquin per saber a veure quan vindran", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64aa16ab-da69-49b4-9ae5-7d1409bdcbdd", + "text": "Entesos. Els avisarem i es posaran en contacte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6471614d-16f6-462e-bb09-c692db1a6c7e", + "text": "entesos, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d75b7278-3b0f-473a-86d5-8e1186a86e3b", + "text": "De res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1151893c-157c-4904-956d-93067e688cbc", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c23127f-4c40-4b4e-9e5b-8e7f69ba41cb", + "text": "no, ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f227f0f2-0a09-4a50-8922-f79464449ccb", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3288a88a-2239-4470-97ce-b7436a00cbe5", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd1cf546-f798-4b26-a9bd-73249ccbf806", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 107#", + "número": 107, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5d000a16-ef9b-48af-b4c4-83e2dd12ef04", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab7e4fa0-f6db-4f21-8381-9edc2b29fb0b", + "text": "Hola, han entrat a robar a casa meva, ara que he de fer??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "han entrat a robar", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa meva", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb15ecd1-2e43-49cf-89f2-a3aa10a53ca1", + "text": "Indica'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4b7d11e5-c266-43e4-855f-718bbc98d7d3", + "text": "a veure que estic un poc nerviosa, és el 17896", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "17896", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aab21404-9b81-4884-996f-1b9b795cf505", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, això t'ho cobreix la pòlissa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca6238fd-f927-44dc-84af-2d72d445a584", + "text": "Quina és la teva direcció postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4ca350e-d47f-4190-8efa-e744b3b1e5cd", + "text": "D'acord. la direcció és carrer Miralles 24, 2-3, a Roses", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Miralles 24, 2-3, a Roses", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f144af8d-03f4-4afd-b280-b2bf7a8c54f8", + "text": "Molt bé. Enviarem algú de la companyia perquè valori l'incident i calcular la compensació econòmica corresponent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "474572ad-ea64-440c-ab08-740ca9a184f6", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c5d6b98b-6ec0-4b97-ae5a-3da404ad1a8c", + "text": "Em trucaran per avisar quan venen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "trucaran", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce208b93-1c64-4127-93ae-82325c19a7dd", + "text": "Sí, al número de telèfon que tens a la fitxa. Segueix sent el 667898765?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fff81c53-4f07-44b9-8140-9c1c48fd776f", + "text": "si, aquest mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dc2c83a7-8269-4651-99c3-1527724f4408", + "text": "moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a19c25dc-9c0e-4416-96ef-55fb18880946", + "text": "De res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc904d06-b59a-4cf6-a4e1-318ea40a89b9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb09d0bd-46bc-4393-8b75-8e6a761c73e5", + "text": "res més, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f9508a4-25f3-496a-9bbf-e67720dab55a", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec10d4f6-09ce-43e5-a761-9e9883ba4ae5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 108#", + "número": 108, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "934e2b35-a7ee-4905-be49-d4417d2ba07f", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb3fb907-e15b-41ca-98da-670756c5fc4b", + "text": "Hola, mira que he canviat el meu telèfon, necessito que actualitzeu les dades que tinc a la meva pòlissa, per si m'heu de trucar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a40a87c-c1d0-49a4-ae21-44338cad2daa", + "text": "Cap problema. Quin número de pòlissa té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "110d737a-e155-4f4a-a982-af2db0d053df", + "text": "el número es el 18933", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "18933", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d8ba119-eda4-42e7-bc8a-2d7b99bc8169", + "text": "Entesos. La persona prenedora és Laura Castro Mas?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6fe9cfc-d47e-4814-9176-934b6d8e0338", + "text": "si, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "270e8325-1136-4b33-9e6a-66048a8bc7e9", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin és el nou número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28a49d59-a1d0-4f39-8c89-12018a0bfa73", + "text": "el nou que tinc és 689231527", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "689231527", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24bff8da-af6b-4a32-862d-d69eeb6dc2f1", + "text": "D'acord. Ja hem actualitzat el número de telèfon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ca380e3-16dc-4bb6-99e2-d50467a2e84f", + "text": "Necessita fer alguna altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dc6e905-8050-4316-85e2-d3f7c0fd521f", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abd0735f-03c2-4fd6-99de-94b559bbf301", + "text": "Res més, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "932c6433-e7e4-422b-a66c-2bb1c682ebe2", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "983d6dee-1392-47d2-9594-8b387ea302cd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 109#", + "número": 109, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "08e4f584-cd78-4814-91d3-ff1033b0b95e", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "849e41d2-9074-4774-bcb5-d376d51c5410", + "text": "Bona tarda, m'interessaria contractar una assegurança per a la meva moto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "moto", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6fc6103-7c6c-46da-b1c0-04a588a01ef8", + "text": "Entesos. Quin tipus d'assegurança necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "860a3f6f-e18a-41fd-95b3-fb5177c983f2", + "text": "Doncs no se quins ho ha exactament, pero es una moto no molt gran i voldria que cobris accidents i taller i assistencia si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "moto no molt gran", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que cobris accidents i taller i assistencia", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 119 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a4996d60-6757-49f6-9ca4-330c21059aaf", + "text": "D'acord. Tenim un tipus de pòlissa que cobreix això que necessites. És per a motos de 125cc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6fd0825-f041-46a5-be61-126c70ee499d", + "text": "Ah perfecte, i quin preu es?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "08bc19d3-696c-470f-8c26-cdfb4e069910", + "text": "Són 50 euros mensuals", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "894c6202-8945-42d8-8967-cb58db08c579", + "text": "val donc si, per contractar-ho com ho faig?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "82a15269-92f5-42c0-9d62-15a04f056811", + "text": "M'has d'indicar el nom i cognoms de la persona prenedora primer", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ca7019b-a538-41b4-8688-e02d96cf598f", + "text": "D'acord, soc el Jordi Tur Gómez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Tur", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gómez", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc1cff95-9dad-48ac-b1a3-bd3afdfce1b2", + "text": "Vol afegir algú més a la pòlissa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b753fbb5-7d0a-40e4-ba65-90faa5656af1", + "text": "No, només jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "77a61e2d-bf8b-48c9-9616-4a6fdc60b8fc", + "text": "Entesos. Ara m'has d'indicar un número de compte IBAN.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1d1f774-cef9-4e51-9647-dcd20fb986eb", + "text": "Val, és ES21 2346 2673 78 172394673", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 2346 2673 78 172394673", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8372ec5f-156a-4be3-8730-bfa537331358", + "text": "Molt bé. Domiciliarem els rebuts a aquest número de compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f66c0e3-832e-452d-999b-7627cf549c38", + "text": "Ara només cal un correu electrònic, al qual enviarem el contracte que hauràs de llegir, signar i retornar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a10a20b-6cc3-4fd5-b34f-74c8bd02f83f", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1a2b44b2-4549-4515-8988-9d921cc73ad1", + "text": "la meva adreça es jordi.tur@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jordi.tur@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb5bb7de-3f92-4b60-b253-a23aa26be5de", + "text": "Molt bé. Enviarem aquí la documentació. Un cop la tinguis signada, si us plau, la reenvies a altes@assegurancesmotor.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf5f85b9-c56b-4ca9-82d7-c2174156811f", + "text": "Entesos, gràcies!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "82a557e5-0177-4bad-a279-82829547b6c0", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c198c44d-90aa-4629-b084-6ba648740719", + "text": "ja ho tinc tot, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "09f17af7-ade6-41ab-a4a9-514b4b1fd77a", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9abe8d4-3c59-4e6c-9c20-6e28dbb7a60c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 110#", + "número": 110, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "95b6e999-51dd-41c6-a6ad-7a27806faa70", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af90b277-3749-4687-87c3-ed4a6f27e09e", + "text": "Hola, vaig a l'estranger en uns mesos, quines assegurances teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "estranger", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95b89f74-dfb3-4cf4-b0a0-47a768c3cd1a", + "text": "Tenim una assegurança de viatges que cobreix estades per Europa. I una altra que cobreix qualsevol lloc del món.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d1bd0ca-bdb2-4504-89f4-514da5014213", + "text": "D'acord, és un viatge a Mèxic, necessitaria la segona opció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Mèxic", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "segona opció", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1db05fdd-7891-4cf7-b085-416d11d57cc2", + "text": "D'acord. Aquesta assegurança cobreix fins a 300.000 euros i té un cost mensual de 40 euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ff0a5ab-89ef-4c2a-b336-8a05cdc464ea", + "text": "Entesos, bé seria per dos mesos, que és el temps que estiré allà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "duration", + "text": "dos mesos", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3be2215b-b61a-4d0b-86b6-243bf8722144", + "text": "i ho puc contractar més endavant o ha de ser amb bastant temps d'antelacio abans del viatge?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "temps d'antelacio", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cbaf9496-ec4f-4427-b176-706ff7bb231e", + "text": "Recomanem que ho faci una mica abans. Els tràmits triguen uns dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb7d6517-9899-4e4a-be10-1014a6225873", + "text": "Val, entesos, bé trucaré en unes setmanes i ja ho faré tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d0e24ae-f0a3-4c1f-9afb-df8d90912015", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4dddc67-cf73-4113-b096-0c773e8198b9", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6fa1f06-bf95-4989-bc6e-6e8b2dbc2a86", + "text": "res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "daba30c4-a56d-4990-b26d-b11eacd3cb59", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7e067cc-d304-4170-bfb9-062380df5281", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bcfbaced-7b63-46a7-853a-a1187b040805", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e6de969-f218-4796-88f1-c1107b05e71d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 111#", + "número": 111, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f3d349ba-512a-49e4-b097-6edf3247a077", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbb0e939-cc97-4d9b-a206-1deeb92492b5", + "text": "Hola, he de canviar el número de compte que tinc a la fitxa, ja no vull que em passeu els rebuts per aquesta que tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "número de compte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1fefdce-0443-411b-92ab-6eb9c44b1357", + "text": "Quin número de pòlissa tens?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "912aa7d4-2ba8-47a0-bd1e-bc44bc3564fa", + "text": "és el 8905", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "8905", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5f5dc07-6c04-46e7-adf3-d7d1a6c616a8", + "text": "Entesos. La persona prenedora és Marta Massip Mola?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da3ed8f4-7e89-41d2-bf21-a0ad92629c82", + "text": "Correcte, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4562aea8-66ce-41d2-ae4a-2ad45614c328", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el nou número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b0640ef-44f6-4db2-af0e-4f8cab43b0ba", + "text": "El nou IBAN és ES21 3467 4567 52 347962730", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 3467 4567 52 347962730", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed76b07f-8925-46a4-9fc3-1c4059d1a2be", + "text": "D'acord. Fem el canvi a la base de dades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66248924-3b35-4169-b5c3-7dcb5347b990", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6328ee2d-68f0-48a7-baf1-833d4b9f4ce9", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e2f4013-e99c-456b-a4d5-575ebdacbdae", + "text": "això era tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5b6520b6-d06d-4b28-9a49-080033c24d11", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b029f46e-f23c-4b01-b2d8-899c426710bf", + "text": "adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "014eb108-9a35-43a8-b006-962fa3b068ed", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 112#", + "número": 112, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "71e60b72-5a0a-4582-a9ae-9a60510b5531", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5eeaddb1-ac5e-4fcc-a582-9fe907a1f3e6", + "text": "Em sembla que estic pagant molt de la meva assegurança de cotxe, no teniu cap tarifa millor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "cotxe", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa millor", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39439b82-c550-4628-b689-64b9774f2dc4", + "text": "Quin és el número de pòlissa que té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f735e183-79dc-4338-93d3-6acc28229aef", + "text": "El número es el 48932, i soc el Toni Hernández", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "48932", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernández", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "737b7620-f60a-4aaa-aa3c-29b1fc7bc6fd", + "text": "Entesos. Ara mateix té una tarifa mensual de 40 euros. És així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "187d996d-fc90-4ed8-b001-da2131f0742f", + "text": "Sí, em sembla un poc car la veritat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2eed923c-ce96-4c4a-bf73-f4f62d4b3891", + "text": "Entesos. Tenim una altre tipus de pòlissa, per 35 euros, però no cobreix despeses al taller.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8abe0cb1-f1c9-46dd-a087-67793b2f67c5", + "text": "ah val, doncs mira em quedo amb aquesta que tinc, perque no hiha quasi diferencia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f6e4fbdd-559d-4968-8f64-f24951ab1b43", + "text": "Com vulgui vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b02a4fe2-09da-43a9-ac9d-0bf1acee397c", + "text": "Necessita fer cap altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa82c040-3f12-4306-aaf4-c57303a06b2f", + "text": "on puc comprar entrades per anar a veure el barça?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "80a32b80-b3b3-40b5-bfa3-6c23ff44fb66", + "text": "Ho sento, però això no li puc solucionar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc318da3-92bc-49b4-a8f3-4d03beb6dae0", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9244bdb-a3ce-4d6c-aa31-47b588dad1a5", + "text": "D'acord, doncs res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "886e9330-f317-4146-95e9-566fe498ed4c", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02510c78-22b2-4372-95f7-643ee992a655", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "224a2705-488f-4868-9b6b-88e464cc6806", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 113#", + "número": 113, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c021e1a6-3ad5-44d4-a5cb-8cf969b41e12", + "text": "Bon dia. Quina gestió vols fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdffe9e8-c589-4d8c-b275-db8852b9973d", + "text": "Bon dia, he donat un cop a una moto amb el cotxe quan aparcava, ara que he de fer un parte o com?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "he donat un cop a una moto amb el cotxe quan aparcava", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parte", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14b85767-7cca-4af6-be06-3fb7dff64f08", + "text": "Sí, hauries de fer un parte amistós amb l'altre conductor i enviar-nos-ho.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff67ee02-f69c-49a6-af2b-4a6ced13d27a", + "text": "Entesos, i a on ho he d'enviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a7a32031-fa3a-4c52-87cb-0b349a0769b2", + "text": "Pots fer-ho aquí: assegurancescosta@costa.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c5f57bd-d9aa-45fe-9253-daf22cf81d7e", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ho enviaré aquí. Després ja em trucaran no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "em trucaran", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e7deeb4-11d8-4cb6-a0d4-c293394cda35", + "text": "Sí, correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ed208c7-0cfd-46c3-9b21-4566f5da0f2a", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a1a15955-8c43-4101-9d59-a5def445f68e", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6fced195-82c1-4ec9-bbed-5c738d27bde5", + "text": "Res més, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a2a80e6-280a-4109-8796-e18f06300f95", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d0edb21-2aff-4c9e-8687-8920bfa1d931", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 114#", + "número": 114, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7653b640-9e83-4afb-8b6a-5319b86cf27b", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "204ccad7-ecf7-4539-98f5-92ea8f2eb642", + "text": "Mira que jo vaig molt amb bicicleta per Barcelona i em volia fer una assegurança per a la bici, en teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "bici", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0c50348-0450-4900-af5d-9e976856002e", + "text": "Sí, tenim assegurances per a bicicletes. Cobreix robatoris i accidents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "108f5213-e1ff-4b7f-b16e-458608db7788", + "text": "D'acord, i quina tarifa mensual és?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa mensual", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29c77351-ff0f-4cf1-af40-09c4e3c78901", + "text": "La tarifa més baixa és 20 euros, que cobreix accidents. Després, hi ha una altra per 25 euros, que cobreix també robatoris.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3f500c9-de5f-4ab3-b836-70fa4e3201b9", + "text": "Doncs m'interessa aquesta segona opció, que ja un cop em van robar la bici", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "segona opció", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cdbd30a3-7630-49ca-8161-71b089fcc5cf", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el nom i cognoms.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a55e6126-0ed7-4066-b124-bb30c6dcec93", + "text": "Soc el Joel Aragó Campos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joel", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Aragó", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Campos", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55f40477-9905-429c-942a-4d673920df7c", + "text": "Entesos. Ara necessito un número d'IBAN per domiciliar la pòlissa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46fa9003-cbf1-467e-8e0b-fb6c12c2e90b", + "text": "si, és ES21 4567 3894 34 2537463578", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 4567 3894 34 2537463578", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "afb2b1d5-6711-4bde-b334-581fce084d29", + "text": "D'acord. Ara cal que m'indiquis un correu electrònic per enviar-te la documentació que hauràs de signar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2fb1f4d-72cf-4e40-9302-9317510ad146", + "text": "D'acord. el meu correu és joel24@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joel24@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "14960c8b-8b47-4c73-8bee-18110073ac01", + "text": "D'acord. Enviarem aquí el contracte i les condicions de l'assegurança. Quan hagis signat, has de retornar el contracte a la mateixa adreça des de la qual l'enviarem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34b9fbc4-ca5d-4b35-8138-7b3dd53c486d", + "text": "Necessites fer cap altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b063e129-036d-4edd-8073-a55041a75800", + "text": "Entesos, així ho faré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1ce0bd3-e00a-4010-a4de-b2032028d56b", + "text": "res més, bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d46a782-4e40-4f8a-9a6f-a967d3bef69f", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62c7a7c3-dda3-4f2f-a0b0-32662d6593ca", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 115#", + "número": 115, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "814e7c82-6655-4fc6-90cc-8be5186f5e22", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10061db2-b3e4-4ff2-87cb-ea1dbc09ba30", + "text": "Voldria parlar amb la directora de l'oficina de Castelló", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "directora de l'oficina", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Castelló", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "54268853-ad4c-49be-a0ac-5a8a6150e3d1", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el motiu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbae8fb3-3aea-46df-a640-21b1f2449152", + "text": "Tinc uns dubtes sobre les clàusules de la meva pòlissa i també he tingut alguns problemes i prefereix-ho parlar amb ella directament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "dubtes sobre les clàusules de la meva pòlissa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd325a88-7393-4991-aed9-27cbc1cdc5f8", + "text": "Entesos. Deixi'm un número de telèfon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adffbe56-01ca-4fdc-afbf-42c8b54820a8", + "text": "Clar, és 689243571", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "689243571", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "43de1a8e-4f44-4bde-bdb9-29a286115c1c", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'm nom i cognoms ara, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "810c3edf-4d2e-4753-ad2f-027cfacfc072", + "text": "Soc l'Estela Abad Cardona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Estela", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Abad", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Cardona", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d881b783-3676-4318-ac40-d8eda317bc69", + "text": "Passarem nota i ella es posarà en contacte amb vostè al més aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3be9f42-2004-4c88-a19e-5e2309fcd102", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58b5fbb0-be81-4c32-ac8a-8e97cddf81f8", + "text": "D'acord, t'ho agraeixo!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "621cdd27-b3ee-4fc9-b9e3-c3e7188b3e6b", + "text": "Res més, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "13f2b48d-975f-49d9-aa74-5ab0cb2b8a1d", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82ae5e36-451a-4c47-8755-2a73b99d60c1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 116#", + "número": 116, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6cf32511-027d-4d36-a113-9a8ec56007e5", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4801e106-9533-4cc3-b521-b376c542e7c0", + "text": "Bona tarda, teniu assegurances per a mascotes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "asset", + "text": "mascotes", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c8fc880-b7e3-402b-8125-7bf38b00919b", + "text": "Sí, en tenim. Quin tipus de mascota tens?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ea6eadc-76eb-40f3-acb7-5470e5931698", + "text": "Es un gos de raça perillosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gos de raça perillosa", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08fbd6b3-5651-4402-b788-77cf94ddac0c", + "text": "Entesos. Tenim assegurances per a aquest tipus de gossos. El cost és de 25 euros mensuals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0a6eedd-393e-47a0-80d2-c020093bae86", + "text": "D'acord, i per contractar-ho com es fa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0427ea42-e007-4664-8b42-f8364c893b6b", + "text": "M'has de donar el teu nom i cognoms i el nom de la teva mascota", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49d2504a-28ae-48d4-93f1-928f5762426c", + "text": "Si, soc el Jaume Bertomeu Joan i el gos es diu Llamp", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Bertomeu", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Llamp", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f2c0fdd-4e3a-48a1-92f2-30d1502838cf", + "text": "D'acord. Ara ens cal un número de compte per domiciliar l'assegurança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "894c29a8-ae66-4add-9b4c-25b0fe1c6527", + "text": "Sí, mira és ES21 3456 8976 54 563728907", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 3456 8976 54 563728907", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2cb2de92-72e6-42ed-aa62-736d0e5f656f", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'ns un correu electrònic ara, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b12b70e2-f272-46b1-a78b-13df50f2aaa4", + "text": "joan_bertomeu@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "joan_bertomeu@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af0dbdb5-0d39-409d-ab0d-5297a0035f19", + "text": "D'acord. Enviarem aquí la documentació. Hauràs de llegir-la, signar-la i retornar-la.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a61d661-90c2-4ba3-a34d-f7bd754e2ac6", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a43537e3-3d07-433a-9fa0-d3e2bad66a25", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7fc089d0-f632-4736-9e0d-e99da990e084", + "text": "Res més gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b1014f2c-723d-45bc-afdc-6908264b90e7", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2151e875-d2d1-44f3-9636-d1c6aaa3b290", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "142939b3-cda3-4783-8433-a4a5d37626b6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 117#", + "número": 117, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "57bafa41-4b78-48ae-b6e8-c2786553215a", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3569a222-3666-4321-87ee-25c0101abd88", + "text": "Hola, vull afegir la meva parella a la pòlissa que tinc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir la meva parella", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05e19d25-8a2c-4d13-b81f-f76daad91f25", + "text": "Indiqui'm el número de pòlissa, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4b2d0b8-94f5-45ed-bd9f-7286b6ef9f92", + "text": "És 27899", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "27899", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f95c750-d2cb-4bf8-a7f5-d5d3673fb45c", + "text": "Entesos. La persona prenedora és Mateu Vila Sants?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7082d38-ff68-4450-b934-dfaa35371ac0", + "text": "sí, soc jo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "129a8358-7da1-44ec-90a1-e874b8e321f1", + "text": "Entesos. Quin és el nom i cognoms de la seva parella?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f9024c30-0869-423b-86b4-c50e061ab835", + "text": "Es diu Aina Bellet Alcaide", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Aina", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Bellet", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Alcaide", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "799b3724-d8b3-4840-bff4-49f92874d2b5", + "text": "Entesos. Acabem d'afegir-la a la pòlissa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01e2f2fe-4c79-46f3-866e-09472cbd5c79", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4114329-1f7c-4b1b-be1e-cb672a2478a7", + "text": "D'acord. En total com quedaria? o es el mateix preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6bc23baa-3a6d-4064-a975-31bb1a3279b5", + "text": "Ara el cost seria de 35 euros mensuals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26506bbc-be36-4232-89e5-5ca27373c422", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47117264-bdee-47dd-9615-a64a46d8acb2", + "text": "De res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09fa6535-24ba-48e8-a524-65ef7fe29940", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41d1ae6e-99a2-472b-a23f-4ab5c929b166", + "text": "no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "92cfaf32-5a55-4804-b83c-41b9b2f98002", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3cfb5989-66b9-4710-9ced-42c8f174a859", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1857aec5-dbc8-4f53-97a8-a96321af79f8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 118#", + "número": 118, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9217759a-9afe-43b1-925a-7b070268693a", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f703b165-edd4-4191-ae6c-482731308e87", + "text": "Bon dia, vull cancel·lar l'assegurança privada del metge que tinc amb vosaltres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "l'assegurança privada del metge", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "156e085e-ccb8-44b8-baff-2cfd34cd4c40", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin número de pòlissa és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9842d30b-acb1-45fb-984a-d5b00c6151b2", + "text": "Sí, el número és el 67893", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "67893", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4da98985-f1c1-4a91-9f75-e9756af89754", + "text": "Entesos. La persona prenedora és Laia Mas Roca. És així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70270644-cd1c-46f9-9c89-d1d9560c1326", + "text": "Si, correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fdc35bf7-9970-44a2-92b1-e82ab1f240a3", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs procedim a la cancel·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a879ee57-7c87-4090-b211-7976f1f9a98d", + "text": "D'acord, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6f002d6-5b98-4c01-a161-6ca045b900d4", + "text": "Necessites alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6eec4463-e113-4cc0-a4ab-0397fc7ec408", + "text": "No, ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "04b9d1b9-eff9-41df-8eff-a24a1d430be7", + "text": "Molt bé. Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3372aa6c-bb86-4c18-b037-4b4056cdea8c", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf690470-09cf-403d-81e8-c9d4178f3355", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 119#", + "número": 119, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1b68e54a-a210-46df-9226-ecb3945bd1f0", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21165a8d-b87b-430e-b82c-427a0b92d9e7", + "text": "Bon dia, vull posar una reclamació", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a2e11b4b-e945-4a3c-8e23-3332b05c5cc1", + "text": "Quin és el motiu, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b307287d-7c36-47bc-9fab-84f6f060fbe0", + "text": "Doncs que em van dir que m'entraven uns serveis concrets del dentista i hi vaig anar i es veu que no, i m'ho van cobrar tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "serveis concrets del dentista", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'ho van cobrar tot", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "67263107-8728-4748-a8bf-8398a68f47e0", + "text": "Quin tipus de pòlissa té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e2931da-8236-4f29-beba-43898acb0031", + "text": "la dental plus", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la dental plus", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cbea0fe3-c9e9-4988-b377-808e2f093e59", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, aquesta pòlissa només cobreix uns serveis concrets.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99e15d51-dd81-4306-8dd1-1b0f84912f0c", + "text": "Ja, però clar quan la vaig contractar em van dir que també cobria altres coses que al final no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "em van dir que també cobria altres coses", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fc0ddb9-675b-4c98-9be8-e5fe52cf33ea", + "text": "Entenc. Indiqui'm un número de telèfon i algú de reclamacions es posarà en contacte amb vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2cdce74d-2e75-4082-950a-2b3c3f8653a1", + "text": "D'acord. Poden trucar al 634892764", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3045a70f-411d-404f-8f23-f586ac586425", + "text": "Entesos. Li contactaran al més aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10525ee2-424c-4f9d-8029-89bb3f117a8e", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89d42993-d371-47f0-8803-d333af6fba27", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "831f2fd4-5087-4b43-909d-ba8673430d49", + "text": "ja està, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f6532ea6-ac07-42de-ba7d-d4bc908d105b", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f651c889-db89-497d-80c2-2546116eea83", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 120#", + "número": 120, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a54c2e07-00e4-4cd4-b9b5-3e04e132ce61", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a8960aa-62dd-4c6d-a394-d80d19b16b74", + "text": "Hola, em van dir que em trucarien per venir a veure els desperfectes de la meva casa perque van entrar a robar pero encara no m'han dit res, era per saber quan seria més o menys?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "veure els desperfectes", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la meva casa", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83930cca-7f0c-4ffe-97c4-559b8fa0f782", + "text": "Quin és el teu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fe90d04-fd0a-4f64-ab94-a8f97a01813d", + "text": "Soc la Joana Marí Gisbert", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Marí", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gisbert", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea7d05ad-c052-467a-a3b0-2af53fcfcd24", + "text": "I quin número de pòlissa tens?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cae11b70-7c7e-4354-ba74-f0359dcfe53d", + "text": "el 12789", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "12789", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d41a845-79a3-45da-8ab6-62c60be83ae6", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, tens contractada una assegurança de la llar que cobreix robatoris. Quan vas donar l'avís?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ff8ddac-0cd4-4350-8d66-10730f4fae5f", + "text": "Entesos, va ser fa dos dies, per aixo em sembla un poc estrany que no m'hagin dit res encara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "fa dos dies", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0077a6f4-e94b-4b26-8184-b0ac1bf5fce1", + "text": "Entenc. Ara mateix contactarem a l'equip tècnic i assegurar que els consta la incidència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90983183-36a1-4a27-a0ec-8cfc2a6bb08c", + "text": "D'acord, que em truquin el més aviat possible per favor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "28d6a501-8c8d-4227-bfef-6bf8864a98fb", + "text": "Sí, així ho faran.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb60acd9-af0f-47eb-98b1-71600db0094a", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a487c2f-1b7e-4e75-bb99-3cc3986d1a11", + "text": "Quin gimnàs hi ha que estigui bé depreu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a035a11e-b0b9-4874-b8c5-5e86debdc61a", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc ajudar-te amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "238bd624-45a6-4975-9671-b26a647982c5", + "text": "Quina altra cosa necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6762a40d-5bb9-4460-ab1c-bbd731396b8d", + "text": "D'acord, doncs res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b12c1d4e-5a5a-4f69-9598-4b386cac4087", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bbaa4674-378f-4a9f-9d60-c918f05a98ed", + "text": "Adéu, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + } + ], + "ajuntament": [ + { + "id": "3b3c7589-83fc-4cec-894c-71d2a1010ec3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 1 #", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "544bbc76-3faf-49c0-8a72-6abe2fbf971e", + "text": "Hola! M'agradaria empadronar-me a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "empadronar-me", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a873a80c-a6d1-49b8-bab0-5a73927f91fb", + "text": "Bon dia! Per sol·licitar aquesta informació serà necessari el vostre número de telèfon, un document d'identitat i la vostra adreça", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40fffd53-b4c2-4653-ac74-9d9f5f11b10e", + "text": "Així com el vostre nom complert", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8dba39a-e1c9-4844-8a3f-b8ccd1729508", + "text": "El meu número de telèfon és el 678900321, el DNI 41582903K i em dic Paula Casadevall", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "678900321", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41582903K", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Casadevall", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8ce007a-2cf9-4c91-9062-cf3c00fc47e9", + "text": "L'adreça previa o l'actual?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "adreça", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "previa", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "actual", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f14dc88-b920-4c77-955d-a112bd03a23b", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per aquesta informació!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8779a035-eea8-49a1-ba3c-05a71e1566d4", + "text": "Per últim, serà necessari que es dirigeixi a una de les oficines de l'Ajuntament. Per demanar cita, necessito que em digui quina és la vostra disponibilitat. Respongui: matí, tarda o ambdòs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a28cda13-b234-48e1-a0d5-2cdc250174cd", + "text": "Prefereixo al matí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12b91b20-d5b4-4884-9cc1-1cd9df25ae6c", + "text": "Per últim, caldria que em digues si vol la primera cita disponible a qualsevol oficina de la ciutat de Barcelona o cita a la oficina més propera a casa seva", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "225784f0-f229-4b76-89dc-89381dc4d40f", + "text": "En aquest segon cas, caldria que em digués el seu codi postal", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac191c00-051d-47a1-9fcc-669147e72da9", + "text": "Si és aprop de Passeig de gràcia millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aprop de Passeig de gràcia", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30cec511-f8a6-426a-af36-770bef1b013c", + "text": "08007", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08007", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c1ef705-5163-498e-a83f-f3a118e65dae", + "text": "Tindria disponibilitat per venir a la oficina de Passeig de Gràcia, 21 el dia 28 d'octubre de 2021 a les 10:15 hores? Si es així, digui Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a406ef8-4ccd-4493-9376-56f2266c207b", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8fb58639-8279-43bf-a941-bfb06ee2276f", + "text": "Quina documentació hauria de portar a la cita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e37517fe-9401-4609-9cde-2ab31c712904", + "text": "Reservada a aquella hora", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77ced13e-8134-483e-89cd-d6c014e57182", + "text": "Serà necessari que porti un document d'identitat (DNI o NIE) i un contracte de lloguer o de propietat d'un habitatge a Barcelona .", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43e4fa10-d617-4cbb-9997-b051fd28784a", + "text": "M'ho poden fer el mateix dia o quant triga el tràmit?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quant triga", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "197879cd-a307-4100-9870-1880a95c48dc", + "text": "El tràmit triga uns 10 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43a7e049-de06-407e-9d3e-f731022e26fc", + "text": "Serà notificada per correu postal.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6cdf2824-e1e0-4b18-96bc-53aeb30d109a", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "511272bd-e38a-4e41-a649-fa5b5e1ff82f", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b1edf50-ac43-47cc-af3c-f5cf37b87447", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 2 #", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "74871808-1701-434e-8472-5897a66163b4", + "text": "Bon dia, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "270fa9c0-ee9e-4b50-b0d0-9c417cbafa37", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ddf864f-a97b-4317-8460-dc4720e1cf9d", + "text": "Doncs volia apuntarme als pisos de lloguer social de lajuntament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pisos de lloguer social", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e2353e9-21fd-4c6f-84da-ec2a4d672b23", + "text": "que he de fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "85de8753-9778-4f72-96a0-eb3fd5f855c5", + "text": "Està empadronat a la ciutat de Barcelona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e8be3ae-3c15-4b17-8d36-b88415d0d5b9", + "text": "yep!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9554220d-8b47-4549-ae46-ccfe2067eb35", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0050f0c3-379d-4296-bccf-6f86bff8fca4", + "text": "clar! el meu dni esz 1234567A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "1234567A", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f11502b0-77a4-4d42-bed7-cd01d6ad29fa", + "text": "Quins són els seus ingressos familiars anuals?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66c6dc6a-a941-4ae5-8c8b-4adbcfe46abb", + "text": "jo que se, uns 10k", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "10k", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16112ca7-81de-42aa-a26f-5dcb26f12e5f", + "text": "+ o-", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fce81c64-9ee8-4fda-9415-555570993696", + "text": "Em podria dir tres zones de preferència per la sol·licitud d'habitatge?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cef9b951-034c-460f-aeda-24cb7767b578", + "text": "doncs la zona de sant andreu magrada, pero tambe la sagrera o horta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "sant andreu", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "la sagrera", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "horta", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "297e2514-222b-4ef2-bfb8-e0c806e2be3c", + "text": "quan em diran alguna cosa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3bbb57ef-cffb-4e62-8471-472ff9fb56b0", + "text": "Per tal de formalitzar la sol·licitud hauria de recopilar tota la informació necessària i entregar-la a les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4067ec91-c4c3-4676-b54c-3b9387863a63", + "text": "dacord! on son les oficines?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oficines", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "439cae84-7523-4eb6-a414-7a6307a91b52", + "text": "i quina info he de portar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d133b623-b0c3-4283-9b3d-b2389e52d44d", + "text": "La sol·licitud cal que estigui signada per tots els majors d'edat de l'unitat de convivència i ha d'estar acompanyada per:\n- Fotocòpia DNI\n- Fotocòpia llibre de família\n- Acreditació ingressos familiars", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c165818f-e8ba-4c23-9348-ed2fa937b219", + "text": "Pot trobar més informació a la pàgina web de l'Ajuntament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1dec2102-1857-4d02-a08a-34b43e1aed93", + "text": "dacord!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa4542af-f1ec-47f8-bb06-cc1b98cd2ee1", + "text": "gràcies! :)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "52ca37b3-71d4-4758-8ce2-41b2c7969293", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8401a104-1880-4463-b4c2-015fd9f74e3e", + "text": "nope, no em cal res mes per avui", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "09273d8e-d057-4248-8ab8-f0701118b4d0", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e7bd131-4945-4039-a2cb-28983320820e", + "text": "Igualment!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf46891f-3b14-4fa6-9368-926d827c71fd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 3 #", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1c92cc2d-18c8-434c-aaff-1ed1582815cc", + "text": "Hola, que he de fer per sol·licitar la beca per la universitat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "beca per la universitat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b08d286-5220-4ebe-a92b-0eb735ec6679", + "text": "Bona tarda, l'Ajuntament disposa de dues beques per estudiants universitaris. La primera es tracta d'una beca de transport i la segona redueix un 20% la taxa universitària als estudiants amb una renda familiar inferior a 15.000€. Per sol·licitar-les, és necessari ser resident a la ciutat de Barcelona. Per més informació visiti la web https://www.barcelona.cat/ca/. Aquetses beques son compatibles amb les beques de cada universitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a82ccf53-a301-4607-b634-6b0534495639", + "text": "Si vol fer el tràmit ara de forma online digui: Sí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15a5e89f-9660-4ba8-be93-7bd1b8ba31dd", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d85b4161-c12a-4af7-b9e8-f0073be35670", + "text": "En aquest cas, serà necessari que em proporcioni la següent informació:\n- Nom complert tal i com apareix al DNI, NIE o passaport\n- Document de la renda de l’any 2020.\n- DNI o NIE.\n- Document de residència a Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7f76054-93c8-44f3-ae26-966a65acf549", + "text": "Em podría donar el correu a on enviar la documentació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6134df07-7610-49be-81af-44d7800d6204", + "text": "Sí, la documentació la pot enviar al correu a.barcelona_beques@uni.edu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e670ed86-a0be-4fd4-881f-8e9cadb30579", + "text": "Cal que faci algun tràmit més a part d'enviar la documentació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "algun tràmit més", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15bf01e1-0ab6-41e0-b8c0-ed0d88c538fb", + "text": "Un cop tinguem la seva informació comprovarem que tota la informació és correcta i li enviarem un missatge al correu que utilitzi per enviar-nos la informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "233dd6ea-7a3c-4019-b2af-367aee48b149", + "text": "Si tota la informació és correcta li demanarem l'IBAN per fer els tràmits bancaris.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b96b81c0-4ac6-4880-abcc-253c10bd09a8", + "text": "Té algun altre dubte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84468c6c-bee4-4a53-8c6e-be68d137d8ab", + "text": "No, moltes gràcies. Que tingui un bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26ba95db-fe9a-4f9d-9905-f9a764620320", + "text": "Moltes gràcies i que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b69d41e-4c31-4a2c-8751-702366b5f078", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 4 #", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ab23bc32-b121-4cb0-ba8e-ef87f7c2d17b", + "text": "Estava una mica emprenyat pq porten molts dies fent obres al carrer on visc...i es insoportable. Vull posar una queixa, pq aixo no ho aguanta NINGU!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "obres", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "carrer on visc", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f836c5c9-8883-40d7-8d1a-983c62c623be", + "text": "Bona tarda. Em podria facilitar el seu DNI i la seva direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e277938-84f0-433e-999d-cc662f175d65", + "text": "Sí, el meu dni es 47654321X i visc a carrer gran de sant andreu, 34", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47654321X", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer gran de sant andreu, 34", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bbbc69f3-1ef3-4c2b-b071-e32732f310fe", + "text": "El procediment recomanat en aquestes situacions és contactar amb la policia, per tal de posar una denúncia i que les autoritats prenin mesures. Des de l'ajuntament no podem emprendir cap procediment legal.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ab0aff0-06c8-47fd-b5f8-21f75933dadc", + "text": "Però les obres son de l'ajuntament!! No pot ser que estiguin tot el dia fent soroll. Facin alguna cosa!! Així no es pot viure!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "tot el dia fent soroll", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eca32f04-8aee-48e6-83aa-72f1b3ca2ca8", + "text": "Lamentem les inconveniencies que puguin suposar aquestes obres. Ha provat de trucar a la policia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "154fc253-99d4-449f-a354-dc1831c037e4", + "text": "Sí, i aquesta no es forma de tractar als ciutadans!! Estic molt cansat de pagar impostos per això!!!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f7f52e3a-5f4d-4cf1-805f-efd30e42b3d4", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3104c82b-41fd-4e15-b052-5aa17dbb889e", + "text": "No, ja veig que no m'enteneu com cal...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2796dfd9-401a-493b-aa11-94025205850d", + "text": "Lamentem aquesta situació i esperem que s’arregli aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "014c047c-7740-405c-a2e2-9e424d2277dc", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91f66bd8-8d60-46fc-a1a8-6c603b857e56", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 5 #", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "776e554c-0cb2-4a78-98ac-ca1ddd3c7d8c", + "text": "Bones!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0895e79f-5694-42cf-9edf-6c28076d92c3", + "text": "Que hauria de fer per casar-me?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "casar-me", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3dfdbb00-9652-4e5f-b357-efa957211fb0", + "text": "Bona tarda, primer de tot voldrà casar-se mitjançant la església o el jutjat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4e75014-877e-4924-b483-9c344ab7880b", + "text": "Per jutjat, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Per jutjat", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0e3fb01-b39c-420e-937f-c74163f1cc12", + "text": "En aquest cas, el primer pas serà que em digui en quina data vol casar-se.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "844a07ef-b897-42ee-af69-c929536f5dd8", + "text": "M'agradaria que fos el 21 de juny", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "21 de juny", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf679808-f884-4f9b-a0a3-0258e4448df6", + "text": "Malauradament, no tenim disponibilitat per aquesta data.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4626aca8-6422-4cf8-adfc-e20ce2c88a07", + "text": "Què li sembla el dia 8 d'agost?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86401895-06d2-4906-801a-aff214c03542", + "text": "Vale, ja em va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db434414-68ff-46ab-b0e7-a8f0795ca0cc", + "text": "En aquest cas serà necessari que ens proprcioni el nombre d'assistents i el nom i documents legals de les persones que es casaran.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c52b8b1-0f91-4dc2-b572-704a003e693a", + "text": "D'acord. Seriem 23 persones i els que es casarien seríem Martina Busquets amb DNI 41582109V i Carles Puig amb DNI 32867130H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "23", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martina", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Busquets", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41582109V", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 91 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carles", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 100 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 101, + "End_char": 105 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32867130H", + "Start_char": 114, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "90c0be6c-3d7e-4e1b-80ef-10c500ae5968", + "text": "D'acord! En aquest cas, hauran de presentar-se aquell dia per realitzar el casament als Jutjats de Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ef3b9e5-bad1-455e-9d4d-ee3c4021a09a", + "text": "Té cap altre dubte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "644a77aa-a470-4340-a17f-8953a8a10ace", + "text": "No, moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "608fe672-d8f7-4589-ad84-43eb6f7e995c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 6 #", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "749a885e-9cd1-4707-bbc8-29a982016e5d", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5595bd9-09af-4a7e-8551-9a04ab5239a1", + "text": "Volia apuntar-me al parking de les zones verdes de Barcelona, però no sé com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "parking de les zones verdes", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b87672eb-35b5-42e0-bc74-9a7ac268991e", + "text": "És resident de Barcelona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03f4b576-8252-4701-87d4-34e2d660be17", + "text": "Puc fer els tràmits a traves d'aquest canal o es becessari fer-ho per un altre lloc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "a traves d'aquest canal", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "49220607-b8e6-4805-8d16-bc7e6126656c", + "text": "Sí, i visc al barri de Gràcia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Gràcia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ffa9613-9c2d-49f5-9638-2cab495a9f44", + "text": "Ha sol·licitat ja el servei per algun altre vehicle?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56350c71-cf17-4ac5-93d3-829657d3628e", + "text": "No, mai.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c981c38-b464-41ec-b502-0df03cea5ede", + "text": "Serà la primera vegada.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "primera vegada", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6f0ce794-f029-4804-994f-4cb71bff0b9c", + "text": "Hauria de sol·licitar els seus drets d'estacionament de resident a l’Oficina Virtual de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f4282ae-c700-42c3-b878-12361d37b20c", + "text": "Sinó, trucant al telèfon 010 o als punts d'Atenció Ciutadana BSM", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca5efb34-7442-4a86-8c08-df1bf686ba1b", + "text": "Hauría de demanar cita prèvia en cas de voler fer-ho presencial.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "285193a7-379b-470d-a8b5-a26a9459d204", + "text": "Si teniu dubtes, podeu resoldre'ls al telèfon 93 887 50 34.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb3d95da-39ca-47fd-a100-141c02602ece", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "700b6813-498a-47e9-8f1f-da8a4054269f", + "text": "No, amb aquesta informació és suficient. Moltes gràcies pel servei!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "07c7ef6c-3d5c-460d-bb56-3757d343b3ca", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1aa96c86-b429-4b04-a0d8-196331f0f5e4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 7 #", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b83fb70f-35cb-4ac2-8860-0429f4af2b0d", + "text": "Hola! Que he de fer per demanar l'ajuda pel lloguer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajuda pel lloguer", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f75df15d-866f-4b95-a63b-6ce7445f6a4a", + "text": "Bona tarda, està apuntada al programa LloguerxBarcelona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c76f2399-518a-40d0-b95d-57a46fb29988", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b97b323-77f7-49dc-8182-c8f23f9239e0", + "text": "Que és això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35080dcd-53dd-419d-9227-b1b3d60a5b36", + "text": "És una base de dades on tenim les dades de totes les persones que volen accedir a un lloguer a Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1d9a9fa-64d6-4624-a831-cbb2942a2806", + "text": "Vol inscriure's al programa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90ea4bd6-b13c-48f8-ae99-4cdf6427a1fc", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "206a3a62-3e4b-4713-86c9-b33a55f87a1a", + "text": "Necessitaré eñ seu DNI i el seu nom complert. Així com la seva edat i el seu número de la Seguretat Social.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4730155e-6b54-4ad9-90d5-2410bbdf3663", + "text": "D'acord. DNI 40982315P, Josep Lluís Gerdí de 34 anys. El meu número de SS és 97876537456268", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "40982315P", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Josep Lluís", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Gerdí", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "34", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "97876537456268", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88d06691-bb47-4b5a-981b-753ec1f94e41", + "text": "En aquest cas, afegirem les seves dades i la avisarem quan hi hagi un pis disponible. Proporcioni'ns un mitjà de contacte amb vostè. Un número de telèfon o un email.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1da803de-fb9f-45f2-bad5-4fe9d1004e80", + "text": "jgelpi3@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jgelpi3@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88939a4a-124a-4c78-9459-e686f1f36093", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. En aquest cas, ens posarem en contacte quan hi hagi un pis disponible a Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfca852c-eed4-455e-adad-7b703e353b30", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "490cee34-2220-49d6-951e-bfdfa9c1ccd7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 8 #", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "008d2f88-2c52-4555-8e35-71348a6b1775", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "845c5875-1fb9-4c4e-9b8a-d1232cec5162", + "text": "Volia saber quines son les activitats culturals a Barcelona durant el mes de novembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "activitats culturals", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "novembre", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17d8af63-1765-4013-a67c-bf05b7c6dd6b", + "text": "Durant novembre tenim Festival Panoràmic, B-market, el meu primer festival i mercats de cap de setmana.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "35beaa32-25ae-4e3e-8f6e-4841a49fc851", + "text": "L'interessa algun tipus d'activitat en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7295ee0d-ac1d-491e-aebd-02ce6373d3b1", + "text": "Mmm estava pensant més en alguna obra de teatre...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "obra de teatre", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7d2534b-f3b9-47ae-8062-6741b6fc7927", + "text": "Si accedeix a aquest enllaç pot veure les diferents opcions pel mes de novembre. https://www.teatrebarcelona.com/cartellera-teatre-barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2ef6ea6-cb4e-4ed4-9bfd-7eeeeaac9273", + "text": "Hi ha alguna cosa més amb la que el pugui ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56876fec-3122-475d-bd6b-c623656d1e49", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Sí, m'agradaria saber si puc comprar les entrades del teatre a partir de la pàgina web.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "entrades", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b89eebfe-4f88-4f29-b312-cd56cf464db6", + "text": "Sí, totes les obres tenen opció de comprar les entrades amb antel·lacio online.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f458015-6d92-4de1-ad12-6c6852127b31", + "text": "Si vol fer servir algun descompte com el Carnet Jove l'hauria de comprar a les taquilles.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d328deb-d9e7-4895-9843-d04ab3fc4300", + "text": "D'acord. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5496a15d-592b-4fc5-bbd2-4585ad0ab098", + "text": "Que tingui molt bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2640fc3-9a63-46f7-8a62-b0f57704fbff", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 9 #", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b4072a62-e771-43e7-a825-896ed1daade9", + "text": "Hola! M'agradaria saber quines ajudes hi ha pel transport", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajudes", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "transport", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2335fb05-aa46-4b94-8eb8-9f4c93e24017", + "text": "Quina és la seva edat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "507362f2-c4f7-4ce5-86bb-4264978e106a", + "text": "Tinc 24 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "24", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f443b53-4d0a-4c04-a8c7-9f8d44e060ee", + "text": "Per joves menors de 30 anys tenim una targeta especial jove que permet viatjar per tota la ciutat de Barcelona durant un mes per 10€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2759dec2-447d-46ff-9c96-ee66ab12aa02", + "text": "On l'hauria de demanar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f4ddb49c-48b2-4938-a0a3-12b00440db3b", + "text": "Doncs hauria d'anar a la seu de l'Ajuntament del seu districte. Sap on es troba la seu del seu districte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3758b569-27c5-4bf3-b8d2-0e7b80809b55", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4e238b6e-8647-4f61-b1e3-36657b297eb9", + "text": "Visc a plaça universitat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "plaça universitat", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a6b37ea-6608-4e61-8ed2-90bf5b58f419", + "text": "de Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b3477af-bd20-49ca-a88c-8acd20a3a8e6", + "text": "En aquesr cas, haurà d'anar a la seu del districte de Ciutat Vella que es troba al carrer Tallers, 2.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbb5c1e6-d58d-48f6-8833-a2ec0e5b7df6", + "text": "En aquest edifici podrà demanar la targeta i l'hi faran al moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b41e1bc-e577-4792-b321-9e440a2cb0d3", + "text": "Té més dubtes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6919ef51-dc24-44f5-aefb-7d8f5d06ac1f", + "text": "No, moltes gràcies. Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e661a91-78b8-4909-9830-2f8b66bce893", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 10 #", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "728f9960-3d7e-42e4-a460-6693336888bf", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "513a6395-b084-4ee8-ae20-1a47860ebb47", + "text": "Doncs volia anar aquest cap de setmana a Barcelona amb la familia i voliem buscar un hotel que estigui bé de preu al centre de la ciutat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "accommodation", + "text": "hotel", + "Start_char": 85, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "al centre", + "Start_char": 114, + "End_char": 123 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9cfb5be2-b16e-4b86-89c3-b65b9c1cbf9b", + "text": "quins són els seus requeriments?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8470cfbd-f020-4489-bfe9-c6c7a5dbc98a", + "text": "Doncs un preu per sota de 100€ la nit si pot ser...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "100", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f3cc156-d46f-47f8-baf4-f694d27287a5", + "text": "D'acord. Podríen compartir lavabo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d4391c2-7aaa-45a6-bdc4-64ec2c86d5cb", + "text": "Quantes habitacions i nits voldrien?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe46e290-8863-47e6-8874-a9c891428793", + "text": "Son dos nens i un matrimoni. Dues habitacions. Si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "dos nens", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "un matrimoni", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Dues habitacions", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1288180-0aad-4520-b5cf-953738bfd14b", + "text": "Em podria donar un correu per enviar-li una proposta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "331db9bd-bd6d-4ef8-b92f-045522c3ae2b", + "text": "El meu correu és jorge_gage981@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jorge_gage981@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da4c1859-d312-4cd8-8ad8-ca021b0ab176", + "text": "Podría comprovar si ha rebut el document amb les diferents opcions, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6e82447-aae9-4125-a128-bf2fa9a3a0ae", + "text": "Trii la que més s'ajusti i li tramitarem la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36d1ff3b-6e6b-4d7f-8b9a-7a99bf18bdca", + "text": "Sí, he rebut el missatge! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "47cefb1d-9953-4255-9b22-58d76052eb99", + "text": "Estarem a l'espera de la seva resposta. Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4657598-f88b-4d9a-8c54-23e2c36a6d93", + "text": "Bona tarda!\n", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25d90ca0-be2e-4520-b1eb-27147d6abd32", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8f1b1cae-4eb5-4b66-881a-5020dade08c9", + "text": "Hola, m'agradaria saber com empadronar-me.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "empadronar-me", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f73b474-b977-4f98-be34-fa41e8a9f9b9", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "71b5048a-fdb9-49f7-9e7a-2c2361aaa71f", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm la seva població o codi postal si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c7a0ffd-67c5-445b-a36d-c5a1258c3b55", + "text": "Sí, es clar. Un moment.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8c5bc9b7-8d41-4354-9482-1fc2001ba271", + "text": "Barcelona, 08001", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08001", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8dd78bfa-77c1-4eb4-83b3-9127b2051043", + "text": "Pot dirigir-se a qualsevol de les oficines d'empadronament. Les més pròximes a vostè són al carrer Trafalgar 172, i al carrer Mallorca 381", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82ffc7c5-8f47-421a-93e8-855592d3f81b", + "text": "Per demanar cita, ho pot fer per telèfon al 91 455 6062", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c858ee8e-75b4-441f-9fb4-28957cee3e47", + "text": "Perfecte! I quina documentació necessito?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "191c449c-160d-40ca-81ac-824a04ba5d56", + "text": "O a la pàgina web:www.gencat.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cce77618-aeac-49af-a2f5-b9298693399b", + "text": "Necessita portar el seu DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7ce0912-0311-487a-bf2f-9fcce0af4e00", + "text": "O NIE", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63239202-58c0-4545-b526-11df7c59c634", + "text": "Perfecte, m'hi acostaré doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4ec80611-240e-4c6c-aad4-c3d0627294be", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b012e106-badf-40ef-9f74-8dff162248d9", + "text": "Molt bé. Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bce37f6b-6ef6-496d-b697-fe596c5ece21", + "text": "Res mes.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a02cf9ff-b7d7-47bf-aa74-3ad76591924c", + "text": "Adéu bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17dcbf33-02b6-436c-ae54-c1938244dfc1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "05275062-5eb1-4656-b378-26c95cb7db94", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a25c65e-241c-4db7-b6be-96349d20c386", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "deaa8994-4f59-44ee-aa52-04aa6065674a", + "text": "Com la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "466702c1-5d61-4e34-8e61-96ca829cf490", + "text": "Puc demanar cita prèvia per una consulta per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita prèvia", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d854ab4-5a33-431c-9359-04c7a483cae3", + "text": "Si, ho pot fer per aquí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6753b68-fbbf-4c75-915f-687872c8846d", + "text": "Perfecte. Voldria demanar cita per aquest divendres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest divendres", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb18bfcf-afbe-430a-8ebe-06f4e2624758", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm el seu nom complet i DNI o NIE si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18d28f42-f0f4-4ee0-b1e6-2858c5b08af2", + "text": "Vale. Mónica Soto Puig. Dni 46567889R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mónica", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Soto", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "46567889R", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a48df806-e548-458e-9fef-fca7404574df", + "text": "Molt bé. Per quina oficina voldria demanar hora?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d224e5af-1339-4c35-8b52-6e6b79fc3bde", + "text": "Per aquest divendres a les 16h. Pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest divendres", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "16h", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42aebe66-1ce6-45f8-8447-bab1502398d7", + "text": "Depèn de a quina oficina vulgui dirigir-se. Indiqui'm la seva oficina de preferència o el seu codi postal, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "634aa512-31b9-455a-89ab-00047fb74686", + "text": "Normalment vaig a Trafalgar. Puc anar allà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Trafalgar", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "978e1f1b-9807-427c-a484-4cd148e26f7c", + "text": "Si, per l'oficina del carrer Trafalgar la primera hora disponible és el dimarts 26 a les 10.15h", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b4ed3d2-bd9e-4e1a-8d35-86da1d394114", + "text": "D'acord. Dimarts 26 també puc.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "595393bd-6494-4e27-a7d5-d858a1ac823a", + "text": "Perfecte.  Rebrà un SMS amb la confirmació de la seva cita el dia abans.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d02baf3-9fae-44a5-a0f7-83690568ed50", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bc594d6-45b5-48d4-b289-87bcd5a1f42e", + "text": "Perfecte. Moltes gràcies. Ja està tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c261539a-87fa-40ba-ad55-49b29c44982c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60e57097-9227-4523-b391-6e96995db4d2", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2e96e3e4-7817-41ea-9cfb-e3ae5104b9ce", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9c0947be-9fc2-4805-9bc9-108a6fda0b9d", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d3a67de9-681c-4e57-9b63-db29e163ecca", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea851d05-d2a5-4a37-9366-5a092d985e49", + "text": "Vull sol·licitar la targeta rosa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta rosa", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7dac0da5-7caf-4eea-ab12-8ad25cef3d7e", + "text": "Molt bé. Per fer la sol·licitud necessitaré el seu nom complet, DNI i una adreça a on enviar-li la targeta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4a1fe93-a796-4a63-9daa-3269abafd73b", + "text": "Molt bé. Sílvia Torres Soto. 56789658E. C/Pau Clarís 41. Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Sílvia", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Soto", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "56789658E.", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "C/Pau Clarís 41. Barcelona", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b257795-edbf-4270-b8df-36d1c2e79e4c", + "text": "D'acord, senyora Torres. Li enviarem la targeta a aquesta adreça.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2881a872-e42a-46bf-b61a-d81269b8e59b", + "text": "Acostuma a trigar entre 10 i 15 dies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cafebba7-0354-4740-be61-cad8ae30fbb6", + "text": "Molt bé. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "513ccd6e-1c52-4036-8262-4785ecd4c597", + "text": "Vol que li envie'm una còpia provisional al seu correu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "139f6121-8379-4622-bfc1-54c69d2775de", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ffcd42b1-b08e-4cf3-9fba-ac4db95ca526", + "text": "Doni'm una adreça de correu electrònic a on enviar-li si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1646af6-2352-4f93-99f9-ad6805e6c3ff", + "text": "silviam@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "silviam@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59e8e6bb-0b3c-4bcb-a802-d56120d7c811", + "text": "Ja li hem enviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a2481e3-adb9-4b93-b9f3-39c6de129a7b", + "text": "Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a865d21-759b-4db9-8160-68fe6011ac58", + "text": "Rebut. Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "90e72239-6ab4-444f-8a17-db42851991b9", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a3f3eeac-ee04-4eb0-804b-0e13ab19a383", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c820a426-b893-49da-92c9-dc5ed4450ccf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d11b55a0-30dc-4c4a-b54b-59055bbadcc2", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad5d6db1-2b08-4fe5-9236-113affdc9b64", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec96973f-c8b4-4b5e-8bf4-1c69988a884b", + "text": "Com puc demanar l'etiqueta de resident pel cotxe?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "etiqueta de resident pel cotxe", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9dd56efe-1eaf-42f0-b2ed-0b1ba0f86054", + "text": "Ho pot fer entrant al seu portal a la pàgina de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, o per aquí si vol", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09a62fca-ea97-4a08-a02a-1ce1bc7d0183", + "text": "Vull fer-ho per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99d81c1c-8471-4744-9c10-f660f36a28e1", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm la seva adreça i la matrícula del seu vehicle", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9240f822-ceac-4bf3-82a3-19f3ca812791", + "text": "La meva adreça és C/ de Muntaner, 21. La matrícula és 4576RDS", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "C/ de Muntaner, 21", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "matrícula", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "4576RDS", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "045afb74-6779-481b-a3a1-b3cebecf791a", + "text": "D'acord. De quin tipus de vehicle es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2511fd6b-09aa-4986-9e1d-e74e045f0c40", + "text": "D'un Toyota Auris.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Toyota Auris", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50912878-f459-4622-accf-917bca191116", + "text": "D'acord. Té certificat de discapacitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "733f43c1-844d-441d-9954-ead63f61dd5b", + "text": "No, això no.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ea6ef3ae-32b8-4864-bb90-6e371d24b056", + "text": "Molt bé. Ja hem sol·licitat l'etiqueta. És electrònica, així que està registrada amb la seva matrícula de forma automàtica.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8db12006-9d70-44c8-9226-11808fa7c957", + "text": "No necessita posar-la al cotxe.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df312a9d-729a-489c-8bc1-82b017e61616", + "text": "Genial! Millor.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "79cd80a6-613a-4927-936b-a00b8b9f2153", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9e60a05-be9c-4c37-a464-14b3cebd6e9d", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9484b3e5-9d3e-4ef1-9933-8c2a41488633", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c514c1b-d2c3-421b-a5a6-8ab570893afa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1773ea14-7e20-4d38-a62f-fd179c011579", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3011bf5a-c9eb-4139-a97a-3501e276c49c", + "text": "L'altre dia vaig sol·licitar un permís d'obres, però em vau dir que em faltava un document. Puc enviar-vos-el per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "permís d'obres", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "document", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 90 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 110, + "End_char": 118 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3d7f6b2-f6f3-4004-8d5c-ea07cb32306d", + "text": "Si, el pot enviar a tramitsurbans@ajuntamentbarcelona.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86201c87-d40b-4b00-a411-be717b331c6e", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara us l'envio, doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f285a0bf-2df3-429f-b3f4-fcd3643b4b24", + "text": "Haig d'indicar alguna cosa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76bb38c9-05d2-4597-b758-93ffd541ff5c", + "text": "Si, indiqui el seu número d'expedient a l'assumpte del correu, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58537851-072c-4f7e-9908-e767c3ff2972", + "text": "I ja està?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4db1dacc-5a12-473a-bb72-9ba15e799a1b", + "text": "Si, res més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41155a8f-6929-4fc4-9a8f-e1d432074e5b", + "text": "Vale. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a434e02-5762-4d77-ab0b-0c719ffd6420", + "text": "A vostè, adéu bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "407950b1-8b2c-4a39-8488-2225b9b0131d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "392b2d72-8124-45b5-8890-f2f09e81c380", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b764f56c-226c-459d-8b57-090a90ddfe1a", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ea51081-a03b-4d60-9c54-2972471e7116", + "text": "Quina és la normativa vigent per coronavirus en el municipi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "normativa vigent per coronavirus", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "municipi", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32d452fc-cd56-45d2-8a9b-068e2ce6d92a", + "text": "Indiqui'm des d'on em truca si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ea6ef54-c1e8-47ee-a6f1-22d79140d700", + "text": "Truco des de Cambrils.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7fffea91-1dbe-41ee-a9f4-1a48eb377d0f", + "text": "D'acord. A Cambrils no hi ha toc de queda vigent, però en aquests moments és encara obligatori portar la mascareta en llocs tancats i al transport públic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2c10255-f933-4bf0-8021-d01ffc6c2440", + "text": "Aleshores a l'aire lliure no és obligatòria la mascareta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aire lliure", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mascareta", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "31e1eedf-1135-4b88-bb0f-e80c0c500a1f", + "text": "No és obligatori portar la mascareta a l'exterior, però recomanem fer-ho en llocs amb molta gent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdba5dcd-1094-4066-b4a0-a4fd53c20929", + "text": "Vale, perfecte. Moltes gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1633f7d0-de26-4854-ac26-4a562af5ae39", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0813d5bb-b31c-4b45-adc3-1218b2f3fc8e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d2eebd3e-031e-4742-8574-1de34e87752a", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bdb9289d-8803-4a98-8d8c-d81846dbe0d5", + "text": "Ajuntament de Barcelona, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "344b5d8c-5a59-42fc-ac07-e65bdaab8fd3", + "text": "Quin és l'horari d'obertura de l'ajuntament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horari", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajuntament", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5e71e7c0-f649-4da0-8e92-6b608963102a", + "text": "A quin departament necessita anar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1da59737-83d6-466b-a7c2-e54a6b17704a", + "text": "Necessito parlar amb Parcs i Jardins.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Parcs i Jardins", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "553e738a-ccd3-4659-a50b-e77823bdd4c6", + "text": "D'acord. Hi han oficines de Parcs i Jardins a Horta, Sants i Besòs. L'horari és de 9h a 13h i de 16h a 20h", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d9bee9a-a4a8-48c8-b9e2-90a260430899", + "text": "Vale. I necessito agafar cita prèvia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita prèvia", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ea516c1-3339-45f8-b8b9-7eff48b53887", + "text": "Pot demanar cita prèvia, o presentar-se directament a l'oficina i agafar número. L'espera pot ser una mica llarga, sobretot en hores punta, però", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5622f701-c4cb-4ea8-a197-72217db50057", + "text": "Vale, vull cita prèvia doncs!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita prèvia", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "faf36d24-e7d4-45c3-8194-d9ae33ab2346", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm a quina oficina voldria anar, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de2c368f-7e80-4208-91c4-cc110090f933", + "text": "Vull anar a la d'Horta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Horta", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd1eb729-d9f5-4b82-a2d5-c67d3b0f0aaf", + "text": "D'acord. Doni'm el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "caca976b-c9a4-4b7e-ba79-41bdf28b71ee", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Marina Ferrer Ortega. 54768920W.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ferrer", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ortega", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "54768920W.", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01398adc-3dab-4048-85e0-d2940dfbf56e", + "text": "Molt bé, li aniria bé demà a les 16.45h?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0e9457a-3029-47a6-ada2-6704c2951685", + "text": "Pot ser a les 17h?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "17h", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "980a41b1-891c-48b2-9817-397b24b494ed", + "text": "Por ser demà passat a les 17h", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bcc5b20-9711-4eee-bc9a-7cc0d55c6be4", + "text": "Vale, demà passat, doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9639ce7c-fa30-490d-b8c1-fea39676a106", + "text": "Molt bé. Rebrà un SMS en breu amb els detalls de la seva cita.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e204451-cb72-4773-ad78-9ecf45f3f67f", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "900e5d93-f125-418c-b0aa-d6ae93df7983", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d9259c4-10f8-4a8c-be85-30baaad96f4d", + "text": "A vostè, bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "92861326-a432-4e58-a2ba-5795f9234a6a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0456be7e-3682-43e7-95a0-70055891b3da", + "text": "Permís d'obres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Permís d'obres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e3f4670-6bc7-4ef8-b310-562c4fb8d102", + "text": "Desitja demanar un permís d'obres. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d4ca42c-d026-4c74-8bb5-0d7c922b982d", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fe5718e3-f97d-4e9f-a4aa-772cd00bf495", + "text": "Molt bé. Per quin municipi desitja demanar el permís?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a89f4351-e8dd-4a28-a3cd-b14ea00928c2", + "text": "Per Sant Adrià.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sant Adrià", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71509761-78af-4964-9928-21837c3da560", + "text": "Molt bé. Es tracta d'obres en un pis, o en un local comercial?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40af42d6-6654-42e3-ac2c-87e9d7c6feb8", + "text": "En un pis.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c88877fd-3d69-43e6-b911-cac006fc5fe8", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito l'adreça completa i el nom i DNI del propietari de l'apartament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4abef36c-8a98-4cac-b51a-ec118f620fc5", + "text": "L'adreça és Carrer Guifré 2. El nom és Marisa Rico Torres. El Dni 23456723S.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Guifré 2", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marisa", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rico", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Torres", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23456723S.", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "561175ce-18ec-473a-bd09-07f24f3d0748", + "text": "Vol que li envie'm el permis per correu postal, o a la seva adreça de correu electrònic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d3b411ed-b822-4e37-8491-1461056f01e7", + "text": "Al correu electrònic.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "correu electrònic", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13501f14-8bb0-4213-94e6-03c2c91fbdae", + "text": "D'acord, a quina adreça de correu electrònic vol que li envie'm?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e758341e-16f3-4801-8b53-64a65645e9dd", + "text": "marisa@gmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "marisa@gmail.es", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9946bf0d-4d12-46d6-96bc-97e9698e36ac", + "text": "Molt bé, ja li hem envia't. El permís ja és efectiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fabb6a2a-4537-459e-8ce6-4bad8f4c1db3", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d84909b-b160-4305-ba02-9b81ca583ee1", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2617be47-5cb2-445f-8158-4d01c71453e1", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f66dd95-e60c-459a-bea4-efb719895833", + "text": "Adéu, que tingui molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0aaf672-38e9-450a-ad5c-f022e39d2c4b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "614b061f-3fa1-44e3-b0be-290ae2f703cb", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4cd1d9c4-2066-4e74-b5a2-a03d73f992e9", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3862a4d9-edec-445b-ac6e-323776741579", + "text": "Puc celebrar un esdeveniment en el municipi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "esdeveniment", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "el municipi", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab1632ab-e2f2-49ac-88aa-ec04bb68e9fb", + "text": "Indiqui'm el seu nom per dirigir-me a vostè si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4dbca69-065e-49e0-8048-cc775879597e", + "text": "Em dic Laia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "863baed4-7f74-42ba-b9ce-631db13c7ff5", + "text": "Molt bé, Laia. A quin municipi voldria organitzar l'event?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cab69dec-aa43-4d04-a620-6f17e8494840", + "text": "A Esplugues de Llobregat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Esplugues de Llobregat", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b48dec04-4270-4db8-8cce-fd3f80022431", + "text": "D'acord. Es tractaria d'un event públic al carrer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd9a4698-ba89-4862-a6b7-0754f55f53d9", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b54baad-aea9-4f7d-a606-ecf738019755", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas necessitarà un permís.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07f365b5-a4a2-4f49-bfc9-34f73a1016e2", + "text": "Doni'm el seu nom i cognoms, i el seu DNI o NIE si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43714f5a-7c4a-430c-b53e-cc50aecd0049", + "text": "Laia Ortega Vives\n43678590A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ortega", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vives", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43678590A", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb3da27a-96f1-44e4-9107-c429cfedcab7", + "text": "D'acord. I de quin tipus d'esdeveniment es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c91b6192-6566-4f6e-8b04-858241e1613f", + "text": "Una festa de disfresses.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "festa de disfresses", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29493c53-60c0-4b84-8de8-02a011e41b8b", + "text": "Hi haurà altaveus o música en directe?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24f08772-7775-4440-9af0-4cb33e2887f4", + "text": "Sí, altaveus sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "altaveus", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab02b2e9-1429-439a-a7e1-26a63102d03d", + "text": "La potència màxima que esta permès emetre en zones públiques és de 495 decibels.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "970af442-b90b-482c-8ee9-136a9ffe01cf", + "text": "Quan tindrà lloc l'event?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9367bf04-7895-479e-9b59-503d504afba0", + "text": "El pròxim divendres.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "El pròxim divendres", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36c5f588-355b-49fd-a2a4-d95f5f8805b9", + "text": "Molt bé. El permís és electrònic però si vol li podem enviar una còpia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00ab69f4-3717-4a19-91e3-7ae0b9a37dc0", + "text": "No fa falta. Així està bé!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "045304cb-8f57-4fe3-a6ce-62072ae6186c", + "text": "D'acord això és tot doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e630da8d-d552-4469-8c07-7f08cfdd93ee", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03047c46-a434-43c0-a2ee-fe69fdcbf2ae", + "text": "A vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ac056c1c-0014-47ba-bf80-56dbd5b07099", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ad619dbc-65f6-4316-ac60-7992064b6a19", + "text": "Hola!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bee5f439-2cdb-4b3a-a01f-e48b1d5db965", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25f39ef8-1b90-4713-b600-ff6556c9079c", + "text": "He vist que hi ha molts arbres que estan molt malament. Pot venir algú a podar-los?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "hi ha molts arbres que estan molt malament", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "podar-los", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "467eb85e-c1f8-4a0f-8cc4-7656017a774c", + "text": "Indiqui'm de quina zona em parla, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6b0e367-1788-4305-a1a6-ad84dfd4339f", + "text": "A la zona de Sants.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sants", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd090b00-1642-40d5-8280-a353b5c7e96e", + "text": "A quin carrer exactament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "318e6791-475d-4b38-ab8c-6df89307664d", + "text": "Carrer de Sants 21", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer de Sants 21", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f6c4859-2f0a-4fce-9e8d-ec6c4f339f0b", + "text": "D'acord. Podem interposar una queixa i referir-ho al departament corresponent en el seu nom, si ho desitja.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aed511ed-6a81-4817-a165-ae8897ba571e", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "31b0e7fe-f16c-4157-81a6-6b936f29a456", + "text": "Necessitaré el seu nom complet i DNI si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfa8ad44-6942-45aa-98ed-17ad26812d5b", + "text": "El meu nom és Rebeca Holguín Campos. DNI 45678956S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rebeca", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Holguín", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Campos", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678956S", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f379e451-d05d-4f22-b9da-699f6cbfdefe", + "text": "Molt bé senyora Holguín. Ja hem interposat la seva querella.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ea3f98d-c074-4e9c-b55c-fcb455907fe8", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b95c847-3092-411f-83f5-67e43fc11855", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "05b69aef-ea87-438b-9b73-89395ae07601", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5dd2716-23bb-4498-a6b1-46e4969fb4da", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "11dcc081-7f48-42c1-ae78-a2b8b21f2ca3", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "685542e4-5044-4a08-a52e-948dfc2c1480", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a19f64ca-34a4-4440-9967-fb8e2afb38ac", + "text": "Hi ha un rusc de vespes molt gran al meu jardí. Pot venir algú a treure'l?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "Hi ha un rusc de vespes", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "meu jardí", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "treure'l", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6f3550d-c770-4c0b-b76e-8e1bdce5686d", + "text": "El seu jardí es troba en una zona d'accés públic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d35035eb-a5ba-41ce-b5d5-c3113e4567b7", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b9697a2-69c1-4fdf-b27f-1286a6205ab2", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas sí que podem venir a retirar-lo per ser considerat un perill de salut pública.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ff2c041-2454-4a01-be94-5c98c8ea3c33", + "text": "Doni'm la seva adreça si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7804a228-b625-498f-a477-3ca2f5f93f57", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Carrer Constitució 23, 07578", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Constitució 23, 07578", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9b431388-26d3-4753-bda8-fd441a7b99f3", + "text": "D'acord. Vindrà un operari demà passat entre les 8 i les 12 del matí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f49cada0-1817-464f-be18-04164a025607", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "527c7eaf-1ea5-46d4-b19e-8a4dfd2effc5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0a564993-da9a-437d-9fb9-c6b29ac31867", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26a06d02-4516-4f4c-9dc6-9b11d75e66dd", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "503003f2-45c4-48fc-bf1e-0bd1029d77f3", + "text": "Vull saber els pròxims esdeveniments del municipi.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pròxims esdeveniments", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "el municipi", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51a81106-3569-4cb9-ac18-5dc93669a910", + "text": "Pot consultar els esdeveniments que tindran lloc al seu municipi a www.areametropolitanadebarcelona.cat/agendamunicipal", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2509b8cd-adf8-499d-8fcd-e8fb811078a7", + "text": "I puc filtrar pel tipus d'esdeveniment?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "filtrar", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4f75bcb-203a-4a8d-87e9-6448fdb689ff", + "text": "Si, a la part superior dreta veurà un menú. Pot escollir els filtres per municipi, codi postal i tipus d'esdeveniment", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28747c26-8e93-41a5-bca1-622a179c62f6", + "text": "Genial! Que bé!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cfd8c304-0046-4b21-aae8-56a449b86070", + "text": "Ara ho miro.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6afb0e5-7725-4cd7-a727-404da4298819", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "346a2a76-3536-46ba-9cdb-a423b90c9100", + "text": "A vostè. Puc fer alguna cosa més per ajudar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e8e0bac-da87-487d-bfaa-88350813a40b", + "text": "Res més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "03472537-c8f2-4ad6-9174-ecb768ded1de", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia, adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd7fe9b5-232b-4fae-9654-903bc0f43ade", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "67d39c88-b86b-4e05-bd8f-3643ba4cd23e", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e5abf025-df79-4883-a516-d65254339a66", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5b449df-37d7-40a2-a26b-a823e7103483", + "text": "Vull modificar les dades del padró.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dades del padró", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e374c47-974f-4553-b071-58cb936f61f2", + "text": "D'acord. Doni'm el seu DNI, nom i cognoms si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66de0841-3fe3-4d51-aa31-30854fa3bc25", + "text": "34567890S. Eric Plana Ventura.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567890S.", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Eric Plana Ventura", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d25fdf3-a3f4-4ffc-b818-05b72f04d90a", + "text": "D'acord, quines dades vol modificar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed56b773-fc4e-448c-bc49-8165554ee339", + "text": "Vull afegir una persona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "people_num", + "text": "una", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "54d9bce4-b0bd-4680-a5ce-a62dec1dfbd6", + "text": "Vol afegir una persona al seu domicili d'empadronament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "af7d76fd-e456-40aa-aacb-4aeed2878231", + "text": "Sí, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "09c08053-1ae4-4df0-ac56-69b95d8a4130", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitarem el nom complet i DNI de la persona que vol afegir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c267c5e-6871-4a4a-9d0a-9c99c38aa566", + "text": "És clar. Amelia Torres Garcia. 45678990A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Amelia", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Torres", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Garcia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45678990A", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44607421-2cd9-4d03-91ea-44778dac4eb5", + "text": "Molt bé, ja ha estat afegida.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e72caada-e35c-46ee-b5be-6112e08bfdee", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3203d4cd-da8d-46f0-8085-5760d618d006", + "text": "A vostè, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c8e4e80d-5b21-4a92-937d-4d094f3d1d5c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "40aa1015-c845-4b8f-8d85-26088ea66001", + "text": "Hola bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b40ab67-5bf5-44d7-bcda-ef01191e8a33", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46b24c11-84c2-4391-a50f-f486f7463d60", + "text": "Dades sobre la població de Barcelona.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Dades sobre la població", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c7df112-f133-4680-bdc4-d8732b0c8b26", + "text": "Quines dades vol obtenir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7be0706-d4fe-419e-96e1-471a967cff08", + "text": "La quantitat de gent que hi viu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quantitat de gent que hi viu", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93c0f5cf-3f58-4a86-872d-4f045cd0020f", + "text": "Pot consultar totes les estadístiques de població a www.areametropolitanadebarcelona.cat/població/estadistiques", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "946807e3-5cc8-4877-b60f-bf13fcce2e15", + "text": "Genial! Totes les estadístiques estan a la web?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "estadístiques", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "a la web", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30376201-1771-4ef0-8fa9-eaf6b80decea", + "text": "Si, pot consultar totes les estadistiques públiques a la web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e69ac7c3-0266-437e-ad78-4d0658874611", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "006ffcd5-fe25-4626-8393-2057221c735b", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b8c88211-c67d-415f-9bb0-d6222b586110", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6a818684-27bf-4c04-bedc-6b82df394ccc", + "text": "Vull enviar una queixa a l'ajuntament.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4368c339-4145-4e94-bbae-13317192250a", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el motiu general de la queixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f62d97fc-2365-4b0e-a3d9-4db21891b9ff", + "text": "Doncs els carrers estàn molt bruts. Això no pot ser!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "els carrers estàn molt bruts", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36e6d795-0a87-417a-8503-8c586f681e6c", + "text": "Vol que interposem una queixa en el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdef6b7d-59d5-4cdb-aa44-e8e0043bdf2d", + "text": "Sí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cd4a0f13-4c66-4783-8b73-414493fe1a39", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin és el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85f53aa2-33b8-422c-9ad2-9ba4e0986041", + "text": "El meu nom és Marina Garcia Palacios.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Garcia", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Palacios", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18d70278-8401-4db9-aed1-4694fb0adad3", + "text": "Molt bé. Vol que la seva queixa faci referència a alguna zona en concret, o a tota la ciutat en general?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5bf4768-6b20-4a27-b90c-86e8aad52fc0", + "text": "A tota la ciutat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "tota la ciutat", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18e03d56-cffa-43b4-bea4-4842804972a9", + "text": "D'acord, ja ho hem anotat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51441fa5-1de3-4f42-a9c9-379953609114", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef52fed7-7139-4880-bd1b-10228c69ce64", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d55a4b96-a664-48ed-8ef0-e45696202a3d", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecc2944b-0171-4366-b542-8d6763977653", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d797f0ff-7738-4379-be83-edbcd0b2de4b", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d114e362-3e45-46e7-8228-a1bf5ffbd405", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7d28bb4-7858-40f7-a33d-0c863fe8fa72", + "text": "Es pot visitar l'ajuntament de Girona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "visitar l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f4a3fbb1-11a4-4b8d-b95a-2443cd4c323f", + "text": "L'ajuntament de Girona té jornades de portes obertes el primer divendres de cada més", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4dc1021b-dfad-4d66-93e9-8a2c0585da2d", + "text": "Si vol participar en una visita guidada, es pot apuntar per aquí o trucant al 971 344 500", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d0ccfa1-939f-4bb3-983a-f1b681fb2b1b", + "text": "Sí, vull que m'apunteu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "50095c98-d31c-475e-862d-74830d0ade87", + "text": "Molt bé, doni'm un nom si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4a2a207-4678-4926-bfaa-98f3c824b94d", + "text": "Rosa Blasco Ferrer.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blasco", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ferrer", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "90e02274-8edb-4b66-93ce-8df7f3142a47", + "text": "Molt bé senyora Blasco. Doni'm un número de mòbil a on enviar-li un SMS de confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "545fa7d1-3137-454f-9152-ab050fe682b0", + "text": "654 67 43 15", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "654 67 43 15", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5d04c715-442d-4c05-a0ea-2206f2278b97", + "text": "Ha rebut un SMS amb un codi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b0ba9e5-c881-4cc7-969a-70db11e208d4", + "text": "Sí, rebut!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57feace9-8b79-4e07-b1ec-f1b61d470994", + "text": "Em pot dir el codi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1db0919b-4b23-4ebf-92f0-f8d955bd673a", + "text": "Sí, és clar. 6789", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "6789", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2aed200-8716-4e8c-b2bb-6c983563d751", + "text": "Molt bé, queda confirmada la seva visita guiada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2eec92f-e232-497e-a22b-d011c09975ff", + "text": "Perfecte! Merci.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "21fa9cdf-acfe-42fa-90ca-0e9fd14ebafc", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0b9984de-cdf0-4570-84ae-3232998b2e78", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "59a9d604-0b7c-400b-81cb-f0208865353f", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa660e3f-7ce4-4ba3-999e-83312042f326", + "text": "Com puc fer un canvi de domicili fiscal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "domicili fiscal", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bcbccade-3f97-4622-b2a9-6d9af25cc446", + "text": "Pot fer-lo trucant al 900 450 450, al seu portal del ciutadà, o per aquí mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2d76048-8ab6-494f-bbf0-3b1422062922", + "text": "Per aquí, si us plau.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "Per aquí", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a305dcd-737c-467b-83de-e8a9be92b453", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin és el seu DNI si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac745773-ed73-454b-8674-8457e6d18f2c", + "text": "El DNI és 4567897689Q", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "4567897689Q", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3da4324-a3c5-4cf7-921d-3ab873eddb7c", + "text": "D", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87c7b2f6-8c63-4d61-b1ce-803c9d1f2349", + "text": "D'acord, doncs el seu NIF coincideix amb el DNI en aquest cas.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c75da43f-d1ee-4ecb-9686-6403b64e60f8", + "text": "Quin és el seu domicili actual?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "895f4dbe-c3c3-489e-826e-2829e63bc43c", + "text": "Actualment visc a C/Mallorca, 21.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "C/Mallorca, 21", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be812b1a-2589-4c90-ac1c-101a40764021", + "text": "I quin és el domicili fiscal nou?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fed2446-4ac8-4310-9777-4e58df11515a", + "text": "Gran via de les Corts Catalanes 43", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Gran via de les Corts Catalanes 43", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7140819e-ca3f-4bd6-8f48-8c5e6d848e72", + "text": "D'acord. Rebrà una carta a la nova adreça confirmant el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc855d06-dd15-4b2f-ba16-9908137fa031", + "text": "Trigarà de 3 a 5 dies laborables.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "420924ab-6207-40dc-95b3-6af9b141fa5f", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a42a7be2-91f9-4b61-a9e2-bad68fa835a2", + "text": "Adeu bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e6e7fc9-d8dd-406b-b976-a749adee95ed", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b1ae0a1a-6d52-432e-9333-0964edffceee", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5177d7ce-3ad5-4ca7-8b4f-30652180434a", + "text": "Bon dia què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f2254c7-8fdf-496a-9897-04bf72105fc7", + "text": "Quines ajudes ofereix l'ajuntament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ajudes", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68038607-b8f7-42a2-9393-1882bec40d3e", + "text": "L'ajuntament de Barcelona té un gran ampli ventall d'ajudes econòmiques i socials. Pot consultar tota l'oferta i els requisits per sol·licitar-la a www.ajuntamentdebarcelona.cat/serveialciutada/ajudes", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5eadd954-0383-44b6-8908-800dc482b7b0", + "text": "Perfecte. I hi ha ajudes per a aturats també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ajudes per a aturats", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "26205636-344c-410c-a51c-4e742395c6c1", + "text": "Si, hi ha ajudes per atur.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65315b38-4bf2-42ff-9a98-2fd4695a3c0b", + "text": "Vale! Genial. M'ho miro, doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5935d112-df2d-4c54-89cd-20afe15fae40", + "text": "Molt bé. Si té altres dubtes ens pot trucar al 902 333 333", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0fd630b-733c-4f57-b340-b71dacbf7ff9", + "text": "O consultar-ho per aquí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d7bc0b6-1d6f-43fd-baf1-b33775e891a6", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies per la informació.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1275f745-3cb8-4156-b09b-19daa1c45188", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c5e5c397-940d-48a2-b75e-44ee95767395", + "text": "A vostè, adeu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a0278770-5fce-40f3-8047-68cc65ae72f1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b2e7f44c-11c3-4069-a267-85ec17b4d63b", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "12a141db-ea07-40cc-85e8-48fac6107172", + "text": "Bon dia. l'aten Silvia, amb què la puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3235abae-42e3-4c2c-b20f-abef8ddbeec4", + "text": "Vull fer un taller de pintura. Puc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "taller de pintura", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3378d96-1c73-44bd-b2bf-7724d31469d6", + "text": "Es tractaria d'una activitat econòmica o voluntària?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d3c128a2-ff36-4e44-93a6-139ab4602a67", + "text": "Voluntaria!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Voluntaria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1caf645c-6fe6-49cf-8bc7-5526700132e8", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas només ho ha de registrar com a activitat d'interés públic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7720b937-cc37-40af-a784-98d8a70393f0", + "text": "A on tindrà lloc el taller?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56b50b00-5ee5-417e-a012-24e4d9faacd2", + "text": "D'acord. Llogaré una sala per això.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sala", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "98bbaf54-049e-4a55-8802-6365f6ddbc40", + "text": "A on està ubicada la sala?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de28f306-ee71-439a-ac3a-557ee8eb9a64", + "text": "En el Carrer Entença 21. És un espai amb sales de lloguer.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Entença 21", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad3f0f22-c745-4034-8a2c-2e656757d8dd", + "text": "Molt bé, i es tracta d'una activitat recurrent o d'un sol cop?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1e791ac-1060-4523-883b-e0b7c48f19d5", + "text": "D'un sol cop.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "D'un sol cop", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65ec8132-a404-4ace-8eaa-2f69ab69ce1a", + "text": "Quan tindrà lloc?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6d08ac09-6d3f-473b-ae56-d458c0dabfc2", + "text": "El dimecres que ve a les 17h.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dimecres que ve", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "17h", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84cdc184-a2ce-4267-8d73-531228912320", + "text": "Molt bé, ja ha quedat enregistrada l'activitat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6567b324-04a4-41f2-9bb9-ef8477be4a51", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f7f02210-a519-40fc-93ba-26f7ffe978ad", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2649ce29-77a7-4453-9c1f-51f952c68c55", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0d73d5a-6cb4-4813-9cf8-7fbb03b78083", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "85502af8-e7c1-40bc-916b-f6add52c74c6", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f381cd02-3ce5-430b-b9f5-20e716183811", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b95c2f6e-6d37-4aa3-a342-bd705512d657", + "text": "Matrícula escola pública.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Matrícula escola pública", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3204002-70ba-4901-a6fc-7946beed00fb", + "text": "Si us plau indiqui'm quina de les següents opcions s'ajusta més al motiu de la seva consulta:", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ce69dae-c839-40d1-b763-2b030d338ba4", + "text": "- Matricular a un menor a l'escola", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f258131-4306-4ae7-bb8c-08b213ce3ea7", + "text": "- Consultar el procés de matriculació pública", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9a52211-4bb6-4020-ad4c-a9c8bf29d1e9", + "text": "- Realitzar un canvi a una matrícula escolar existent", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a019a07-91c7-4fb9-8dd3-2ec22378a261", + "text": "Consultar el procés de matriculació pública.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "procés de matriculació pública", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1d98e69-a743-4665-a087-bb48d3929242", + "text": "Per consultar el procés de matriculació pública pot accedir aa www.ministerideducacio.cat/escolespubliques/matriculacio", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d46f0665-5cb6-4e96-98f3-1b092894c5ec", + "text": "O pot trucar al 901 188 188", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06c2d856-a2a4-478c-96f7-fe6dd932068f", + "text": "Perfecte. I teniu ajuts acadèmics?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ajuts acadèmics", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bdfd7d6f-2419-42a6-87f0-983fd8e4c564", + "text": "Si, pot consultar i demanar ajudes acadèmiques a la mateixa pàgina web o telèfon indicats més amunt.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "904cd8d7-7baf-49a1-8db6-be3cc177bca3", + "text": "Perfecte. Això és tot doncs.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dba8fb90-3b21-467c-a7d3-aa341573a58c", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3bf9085f-37a3-451a-8703-d69693b494ff", + "text": "Que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8fb1669-de56-4f6b-a5ce-5473f7e6bca5", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3950829e-f2e9-41ea-8115-e042b9e4490d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2263c6b9-a307-4ab1-9f7d-5393fbbd9ac6", + "text": "Bon dia. Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9aa5c08b-61d1-49df-a42c-c34fb4801e02", + "text": "Bon dia, visc a Vic i voldria saber quins concerts fan a prop meu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Vic", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3cb229b6-40c9-4ed8-ac6c-0765f9ea81e8", + "text": "Per a quines dates?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c30bf4e-b4da-4792-bc91-f0aa2b81eccb", + "text": "Per aquest cap de setmana?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest cap de setmana", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3e293d77-eb97-4117-a174-01ce3b1a32df", + "text": "A través de la pàgina web de l'ajuntament por trobar tots els esdeveniments culturals de la ciutat i més informació. Pot accedir a través d'aquest enllaç: https://www.vic.cat/events/agenda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0b87779-4888-4f7e-8e46-67f7d80a6703", + "text": "Moltes gràcies, saps si hi ha normes d'aforament pel covid en aquests concerts?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "normes d'aforament pel covid", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef5683d5-f8c3-48c4-b017-fe0a2e7ee1de", + "text": "Es requereix el certificat COVID per accedir al recinte, així com mascareta. Es recomana mantenir les distàncies de seguretat en tot moment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51843b03-af9e-45fb-af55-dac5a3cc4d4d", + "text": "D'acord, i cap cosa més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a525f930-3381-4ff4-a289-a3a194f047ca", + "text": "De moment això és tot però vagi revisant les fonts oficials.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ab4ab90-a6f3-44e5-9b78-f897d8f5eca3", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4e3c7690-7b75-46e3-a576-d0885aa7d05d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "72ab9fc4-f6a4-4ac7-99c4-743f5a1a2250", + "text": "Bon dia, estic cansat d'escoltar les obres de l'ajuntament per les nits", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "obres", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "per les nits", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c3feea7-6921-4bf6-913a-cd8a833079d0", + "text": "NO PODEU CANVIAR L'HORARI PER FER QUE ELS TREBALLADORS NO TREBALLIN PER LA NIT???", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d3474c3-332a-4eb3-ad9e-046f4a6a7f2b", + "text": "Em podria dir la seva direcció, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f16ce6b-dc0a-42fc-822a-abf94bb159e0", + "text": "carrer santa maniga, 213 Palau Solità", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer santa maniga, 213 Palau Solità", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "21035d8f-2704-4c5e-ad8d-777773f59b16", + "text": "Segons consta al registre tenen permís d'obres. Malhauradament nosaltres no hi podem fer res.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ffc76b3-6431-41f0-904f-ee5fa7e69ace", + "text": "I no poden fer que acabin abans, estan FINS LES 10 TREBALLANT, NO ES NORMAL", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "140a298b-5924-4985-a30b-a381f3460c49", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0919eadd-ac58-4c3f-81e6-bdd95d61b425", + "text": "Ja veig que no em podeu ajudar en res...QUIN AJUNTAMENT!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3587a8c1-d0ec-44ee-b112-0e0f957eb7cf", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "263d065a-72e2-4f10-90e3-4af4da81b54b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "42f06bc1-1347-4426-b56b-80219ee68c77", + "text": "Voldria saber quan acabaran les obres del metro", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "obres del metro", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a9a4591-ec7b-4138-8182-ba72d420cfd1", + "text": "Bon dia. Em podria dir a quines obres fa referència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3ca7995-9c86-47bb-a61b-7daaf79875cb", + "text": "A les obres de la linia 9", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "route", + "text": "linia 9", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b46b8af-5307-4cbb-9f20-720afaae7d8c", + "text": "L'objectiu és que el 2026 puguin obrir-se les estacions de Sagrera –ja funciona per a L9-10 Nord–, Sagrera Alta Velocitat, Guinardó i Lesseps; el 2027, les de Maragall, Sanllehy, Mandri, Sarrià i Camp Nou, i les restants, Putxet, Manuel Girona, Campus Nord i Motors, entre 2028 i 2029.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7c5852f-3e6c-4672-9e93-ad69ff14237e", + "text": "Quina bona notícia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d5586c56-6449-443a-b4cc-4a1083283104", + "text": "I sap si hi poden haver-hi nous retards?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nous retards", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe3356ba-cddf-4af2-80e2-332eba260dee", + "text": "Ara mateix no tenim més informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "149dd6f9-7852-401d-bc8a-3b37611f4f2e", + "text": "Doncs moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "20e89018-132d-43d1-a01a-3daa69f44703", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4caa2447-4096-437c-9160-29e88587b4cf", + "text": "Amb això és tot, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e58951f9-6471-4f2d-86d3-ebb78bd53a35", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80563780-391a-4ace-a5b2-43687376da55", + "text": "Voldria saber quines ajudes de lloguer té l'Ajuntament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ajudes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "lloguer", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2b49500e-8cac-46c2-9c5d-51bc0114221d", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu codi postal, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea8893bb-012a-40be-a688-5739fbf478d1", + "text": "08123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18f59d44-81f8-4e56-9011-95dbfc96198c", + "text": "Si accedeix a aquesta pàgina web pot trobar tota la informació d'ajudes de lloguer a la ciutat de Barcelona: https://www.habitatge.barcelona/ca/serveis-ajuts/lloguer", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d0b2a38-9b99-45b9-98ba-07c59ce17c8c", + "text": "Veig que puc accedir a les ajudes, què puc fer per demanar-les?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02f22621-878a-4363-9b9b-011efb369697", + "text": "Per a cada ajut de la pàgina web, pot trobar als desplegables els requeriments i els passos a seguir per sol·licitar aquest ajut, que es pot demanar en qualsevol moment a les Oficines de l’Habitatge de Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca4fa5dc-13fe-45bb-a426-09b2c29a9dd9", + "text": "No sóc molt bo amb la informàtica, podria anar a algun lloc presencialment per entendre-ho tot millor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ecca632-8449-46a2-a1f4-f129c95643eb", + "text": "Pot anar a les Oficines de l’Habitatge de Barcelona demanant cita prèvia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "201bf4e2-ecba-4621-9af6-200b1dec9779", + "text": "Moltes gràcies! Així ho faré!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12d838a9-66ca-4d8e-8bf8-1d8dbca5109d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b1766613-a60c-4905-a684-f877b5ae34fd", + "text": "Hola! Tenen informació sobre les residències del barri?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "residències", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "el barri", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8cf17f44-8716-4259-9324-b36519d11207", + "text": "Bon dia. D'estudiants o de gent gran?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a564ed59-caf3-4a46-9e8b-9d9bb1946b40", + "text": "De gent gran", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "De gent gran", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "049ec0d9-f957-46fa-bd1e-9164a11c693e", + "text": "Quin és el seu barri?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e972ab8e-2015-4a47-af46-67b43bbe944d", + "text": "Sant Andreu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "028b2f0f-6700-494f-b159-2d205d56098e", + "text": "A Sant Andreu hi ha la Residència Assistida i Centre de Dia La Sagrera, la Residència Nova Llar, la Residència Assistida per a Gent Gran Bon Pastor, la Residència Mare de Déu de Montserrat i la Fundació Casa Asil Sant Andreu de Palomar. Residència. Centre de Dia. Col·legi Sagrada Família.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "177c2431-ebaf-4d82-9361-a36a72eb350b", + "text": "I em podria dir si alguna és pública?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "pública", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "832284c6-838f-4646-bd07-4199ba8fe716", + "text": "Totes són privades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2398e5f1-9c74-4444-a212-646a515e4e91", + "text": "Doncs em podries donar info sobre la Residència Assistida per a Gent Gran Bon Pastor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Residència Assistida per a Gent Gran Bon Pastor", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb21a526-0db6-496b-991d-cc2ef768cba4", + "text": "A la seva pàgina web pot trobar tota la informació disponible. https://www.fsyc.org", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46aced96-252a-43ee-9d6f-9f325668fc7d", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fae727c2-dde3-465d-8ad4-879bfe870afa", + "text": "No, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62429064-3517-42da-aa9e-0f88c2611026", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3483c77d-acb1-4624-b22a-e88e431f91d7", + "text": "Hola, voldria notificar que l'asfalt del carrer de casa meva està molt malament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "l'asfalt del carrer de casa meva està molt malament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb609cbd-c5b1-4dde-b821-7d936e09a40e", + "text": "El podrien arreglar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f8367417-3ec5-4e04-88cf-dee6b850815c", + "text": "Em podria dir quin carrer és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "861d9ab3-1d8a-4ff4-b6e2-35eb5de2e815", + "text": "Carrer Lluis Companys, 24, Tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Lluis Companys, 24, Tarragona", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f814692-740f-404c-a502-2c4b2a87e4c1", + "text": "Em podria descriure el problema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "057f3df1-423b-4264-831a-e396147099a1", + "text": "Doncs basicament el paviment s'ha aixecat i costa molt circular amb el cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "el paviment s'ha aixecat", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "addadd20-47df-4d61-8d3e-53344cc46f5c", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d73e92b4-cd1a-4673-907f-3ceca832a31a", + "text": "4545454S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "4545454S", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cefeb3f4-0a64-46f1-9adb-bd3088ad4bd8", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva queixa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c10b188e-be7b-41a8-914b-4110a1cd99d5", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "600c8035-700f-4ecc-b32d-502a8686a335", + "text": "Amb això és suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5423655d-1850-42f7-8d93-70b187c47a0f", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "632950d4-a0ee-4724-837e-d1ae553d11cd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4cb7dd04-0aee-4f0c-8c35-b357f7415000", + "text": "Bon dia. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aebbb598-f898-417c-99e0-3a1c6a23cf75", + "text": "Bon dia, he escoltat que es volen fer uns pisos a Camdevanol. És cert?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pisos", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Camdevanol", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4199a9e9-1e99-4319-b814-ea0c7f1a9401", + "text": "Efectivament, la construcció de l’edifici al que es refereix suposa una inversió de 2,96 milions d’euros i serviran per proporcionar una llar assequible a mig centenar de persones.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eda5b829-f298-4d07-bea5-64bbc2f68ee8", + "text": "Voldria saber quines condicions són necessaries per accedir a l'habitatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "condicions", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ddaba30-7bf6-4d89-9ac5-1b509f1dafd2", + "text": "Ser major d’edat o estar emancipat.\nTenir necessitat d’habitatge, d’acord amb el que preveu l’article 8 del Decret.\nResidir en un municipi de Catalunya; la residència s’acredita mitjançant l’empadronament en un municipi de Catalunya.\nComplir el límit d’ingressos que estableix la normativa sobre habitatges amb protecció oficial per als adjudicataris d’aquests habitatges.\nNo trobar-se en les circumstàncies d’exclusió previstes en el Decret.\nNo trobar-se incapacitat per obligar-se contractualment, llevat representació legal o autorització judicial substitutòria.\nEls requisits exigits per a ser inscrit en el Registre s’han de complir efectivament en el moment de la presentació de la sol·licitud d’inscripció i mantenir-se al llarg de tot el període de vigència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "45819057-ff44-4055-ae8f-6cbde81b26e9", + "text": "Veig que compleixo el s requisits, què podria fer per apuntar-me?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a900379e-a7c4-4c08-b4e6-6bc23a61443b", + "text": "Hauria d'anar a l'oficina d'habitatge demanant cita prèvia o fer la sol·licitud online.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23b2f846-8d95-4ff2-a0a0-6c23d679863e", + "text": "Em pot donar la direccio de l'oficina?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "oficina", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de3a5fa1-b8a7-4790-ad36-aa7d863f4549", + "text": "Carrer de la Diputació, 92, 08015, Barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a5304c9-88a4-47cf-8f90-66c9ce5b691e", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e57e8903-d91e-46c2-810d-c1ac11b57c18", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d5467677-cf8d-445e-a4f3-caae7568cd4f", + "text": "Hola:) Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11cebfdc-8d3b-46fe-ac37-9d015b2f420c", + "text": "Bon dia, quines activitats fan per joves?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "activitats fan per joves", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78fb79c9-4e37-438b-851e-2878a7a98e70", + "text": "Em pots dir el teu codi postal, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3aaf142-c685-462f-8498-91bd6690048c", + "text": "08123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d178ba6c-e7fd-4c1b-81d6-c1c4e2998076", + "text": "A aquesta pàgina https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/agendajove/ pots trobar l'agenda amb activitats per joves.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "470fb179-6c6c-4a38-bc86-470bdb71fd09", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5efd9883-7a66-42b8-8fae-fb89e125e01e", + "text": "Et puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8b34655-a416-48fe-9034-4dae267515f3", + "text": "Sí, aquestes activitat son gratuites?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "activitat", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "gratuites", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4e5bd94-b972-4488-ace7-1feb28e3ffab", + "text": "Cada activitat té unes característiques. Si selecciones la que t'interessa veuràs la descripció.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d97900d-b9b5-4537-9d80-f2f11513c0ae", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69649237-57ff-4208-9013-06254f89e197", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e6d664fe-f7ef-4206-afd2-e162f70de8fa", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què et podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "243302b3-6e7b-4069-a119-7229d68906f1", + "text": "Bon dia, és l'ajuntament de Salou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajuntament de Salou", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76b06488-7672-42ae-a623-34cedbfe9bd4", + "text": "Sí, digues. Amb que et podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77742572-ab06-4ed3-9639-500ebc729383", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber quin és el nombre aproximat de casos de covid avui a Salou", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nombre aproximat de casos de covid", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "avui", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 73 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Salou", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "206d189a-6aab-433b-b33c-b1a14234427b", + "text": "Malhauradament no disposem d'aquesta informació en aquests moments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ff748e4-1a12-4f25-ab18-79c865e0e407", + "text": "Em podrien dir si hem superat els 100 casos per 100.000 habitants?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "100 casos per 100.000 habitants", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecd09c5f-ae7b-44f2-93a5-55a4bc2224f2", + "text": "Malhauradament sí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "585bd0ca-d577-4cfc-8c72-2b5fded385ee", + "text": "Gràcies! En aquest cas em pots donar un telefon per saber el nombre exacte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "telefon", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nombre exacte", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f3e4d62-7f68-474c-bfdf-fa46d8897bba", + "text": "977 30 92 00", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0015eead-b0fc-4d7d-a986-d00e37b42ac1", + "text": "Gràcies, ara trucaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9985267b-fe41-42ad-b0cd-1ee6280a9dd6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7cf01660-f0bc-430f-908a-0f06fc6bdfad", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber les activitats que es faran a la festa major", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "activitats", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "festa major", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b539f48a-e53e-4899-9370-47844dfcc81f", + "text": "Em pots dir el teu codi postal si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7367d215-5376-4d99-84e5-baf9bb3e5624", + "text": "01238", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "01238", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d8f0ee97-6399-42a8-bdfd-c3133d0550c0", + "text": "Podem dividir la celebració en tres moments diferenciats:\n\n1. Dies abans de la Festa Major\n2. Els tres dies centrals: 29, 30 i 31 d'agost\n3. La torna: 1 i 2 de setembre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62075886-6059-4b23-95a5-5e268227ed50", + "text": "Voldria saber si faran concerts", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "concerts", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9be9b57a-2d1a-425e-be7a-f9318cbe7ff4", + "text": "Els dies centrals generalment, hi ha concert de la banda, teatre, sardanes, recital, revetlla popular, concerts...", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9c3c9b3-1c63-4a2b-bb97-5c9749e9ed65", + "text": "Pots veure la informació detallada aquí: https://festamajor.vilafranca.cat/petita-guia-de-la-festa-major/els-tres-dies-centrals-de-la-festa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3f7d6ad-1f81-4eea-a3c3-eb057c2786ae", + "text": "M'interessava saber si farien concerts de jazz", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "concerts de jazz", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae997c31-9c7f-4e7c-aa15-8b7cfea3e2c1", + "text": "Malhauradament no.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf144f90-67dc-486d-8122-036ba686f54d", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7ce43893-d935-4305-ba5a-751ab0900644", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c2eada4-1f0a-4c18-b11c-b33c5c7b5e54", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c6bf7834-dd3d-4e04-a90b-49cd938dc85e", + "text": "Bon dia, estava buscant informacio sobre les escoles del meu barri, pero no en trobo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "escoles", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "el meu barri", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8e5331d-ae59-4677-8d89-8ea3cadaa569", + "text": "Quin és el seu barri?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d29174d9-2ee7-4f19-954f-52496a6c4460", + "text": "L'eixample de Tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "L'eixample de Tarragona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5215ef7-9354-4f26-bb6b-48fac5e533bb", + "text": "Té les següents: Bonavista, Campclar, Cèsar August, El Miracle, El Serrallo, Els Àngels, L' Arrabassada, La Floresta, Marcel·lí Domingo", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "965b4bea-8590-4faf-baf4-7afa5b67aba7", + "text": "Hi ha alguna concertada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "concertada", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77bafdcf-4516-49fc-a2c4-dd810afad335", + "text": "Els Àngels i L' Arrabassada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d87ac2c4-0838-4e0b-932b-70579b5620c8", + "text": "Sap si els Angels accepta nens el curs vinent per 1er de ESO?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "els Angels", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "curs vinent", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "accepta nens", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "1er de ESO", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5a48b819-7183-4a41-8c34-2df26db9390e", + "text": "Disposa de tota la informació aquí https://www.tarragona.cat/educacio/estudiar-a-tgn/infantil-i-primaria/escoles-publiques/mare-de-deu-dels-angels", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24b2b7bc-021d-4bd3-86b4-5260ea2be976", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63606293-bd1d-45e6-b13f-61fb2e44ca0d", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f9f31647-5608-44f9-b679-de02771c385c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a899b05e-2fe0-4dc6-b1e6-9d12bd43d3fa", + "text": "Bon dia, com podria posar-me en contacte amb un agent social?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "agent social", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09849ba6-e4af-4964-ae24-e7bcc105dd60", + "text": "A quin ajuntament fa referència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "751cdda0-5a2d-4705-8afd-e406bf3ea921", + "text": "Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d08e657e-1da9-4ffa-8675-e578ce5a01c2", + "text": "En aquesta web pot demanar cita previa amb un agent social.\nhttps://www.amb.cat/web/amb/atencio-ciutadana/cita-previa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7f33d81-4cb8-4c38-9423-ab194f6e3916", + "text": "D'acord...pero voldria saber pq em servirà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pq em servirà", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d7687ea-67a1-4c13-b886-4e3115c1f6d3", + "text": "L’assessoraran per posar-lo en contacte amb el departament adequat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3913b326-8ca0-4c23-8e58-b2fcf0162e23", + "text": "Sí, però estic en una situació limit i necessitaria ajuda immediata", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "situació limit", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajuda immediata", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dec38a27-4c8c-4163-8a04-70e1defb2515", + "text": "Pot apropar-se a l’oficina de 9 a 13h presencialment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5461ff50-4e11-4aa3-8e84-77d242171f67", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec499e10-0dcb-4e55-804d-96ede247f597", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c2c77f8e-617b-4957-9c93-f84c553e2507", + "text": "Bon dia, volia saber squan seran les properes eleccions a l'Ajuntament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "properes eleccions", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fee7818a-dc07-4bbf-be99-0b59309a3bc9", + "text": "El proper 23 de març.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fe842c4-427b-4b3e-bc4b-df141997cf55", + "text": "Voldria rebre informació sobre els candidats", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "candidats", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1707387-a646-4e2b-8f00-4856a5fd007c", + "text": "És possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9ade1f7f-a09a-434e-adc0-896ecdd1583e", + "text": "Els candidats es troben enumerats en aquest enllaç https://www.naciodigital.cat/candidatures26m/municipi/17079/girona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba1e0da8-88e7-4444-864b-82f09c750e1b", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a6b040f-e80f-4cb4-a919-fab7db613218", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "308604e1-d6bd-4e0c-886d-81fe520265da", + "text": "No, això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14773b46-b00e-48fe-97e1-18ec888772e3", + "text": "Que tingui bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5416c252-9df2-4d9a-b0f2-0acc2813b3d5", + "text": "Moltes gràcies! Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "812d7589-ae69-40dc-90d1-b91427b87b97", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2ef2c2c6-b323-41e8-9164-7588e35e84a0", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria informació per opositar a policia al poble", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "opositar a policia al poble", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47e51809-be1d-4071-8b8b-5204968a212a", + "text": "Abans de començar les proves, el ministeri haurà d'aprovar una oferta d'ocupació pública, així sabem que ens hem de posar les piles ja que, tard o d'hora, es publicarà la convocatòria.\n\nQuan l'oferta està aprovada i publicada, hi ha un termini màxim en què es publicarà la convocatòria. Aquesta convocatòria es publica al butlletí oficial de cada comunitat autònoma, i, gràcies a la informació que es dóna, tindrem coneixement de quan i com seran les proves, com fer el pagament de les taxes, quines són les dates de publicació d'instàncies, el temari de Policia Nacional etc.\n\nAbans de publicar la llista d'admesos a les oposicions de manera definitiva, es publica un llistat provisional on l'opositor té un termini màxim de 10 dies hàbils des de la publicació de la llista per resoldre errors. Un cop transcorregut aquest termini, es publica el llistat definitiu d'admesos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5d2fc80-42d1-44f4-a970-1b22b80ee730", + "text": "Llavors no hi ha cap oferta ara mateix?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "777d14a8-fac7-4518-84e6-23c40a6d87a7", + "text": "Actualment no n'hi ha cap.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dcc36b12-0568-47de-ad8f-1c3204b307cd", + "text": "Aproximadament cada quant surten ofertes noves?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes noves", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "918d9b23-5ab6-4550-9ece-1f43ad998bfc", + "text": "No disposem de més informació al respecte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "543439e6-a744-4cbc-8a82-0c8115e85151", + "text": "Doncs moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "74030f83-1003-438b-97ce-0ce36c413e3e", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1503ded5-5240-4441-9827-9eb203761592", + "text": "No, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72bfd80b-1d50-4761-8b11-ad59d141abd4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "66409048-f45d-41ed-b897-722a5c59def8", + "text": "Hola, necessito posar-me en contacte amb el regidor del meu barri", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el regidor del meu barri", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af2307b9-1e14-4e34-a20b-5558306b993e", + "text": "Com ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56262155-ad01-4e43-aec0-7ef99eb99601", + "text": "Quin és el seu barri?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb83d739-ca2d-46ce-9c02-0f6c4af63d2b", + "text": "Barri Universitat (Lleida)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barri Universitat (Lleida)", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c58c63e4-0ff8-4b7b-9864-6014d234e90b", + "text": "Per a què voldria contactar-lo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a16a1e1-937e-4a18-90b0-0f34e0d88d97", + "text": "El voldria contractar perque tenia una cita amb ell, però no vaig poder anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "tenia una cita amb ell, però no vaig poder anar", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d7737d90-2616-417d-827a-b4f2d4d2bc30", + "text": "Lamentablement no podem facilitar dades de contacte personals però li suggerim que vagi a la seva oficina.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64d2d786-0dc7-45f4-8d42-4b6c95325ac2", + "text": "Em pot donar la adreça?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7aa675db-cb62-478e-a1d3-9b143696756f", + "text": "Plaça de la Paeria, 1, 25007 Lleida", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f71ca5b-86da-42d4-b421-f8207b04901e", + "text": "Gràcies, ja aniré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b30b8a4c-4900-4822-bc90-37ff178b0690", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1f4d55f7-006e-4db7-b28e-9c39017063b5", + "text": "Bon dia, quins son els serveis a la dependencia que hi ha a l'ajuntament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "serveis a la dependencia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ea89ed9-9a05-43a3-b601-294c9e63bf57", + "text": "Els equips de valoració de la dependència a la ciutat de Barcelona són dos:\nCONSORCI PERE VIRGILI\nCONSORCI SANITARI INTEGRAL (CSI)", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76c3b13d-2bd0-400d-8505-573e9f2d5444", + "text": "Em podria donar les direccions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6dc47c74-0a00-4563-9a3c-1b511c6c096c", + "text": "CONSORCI PERE VIRGILI: Edifici Mestral Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili, Carrer d'Esteve Terradas, 30, 08023 Barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a70bacc7-8405-4ed7-be31-0858f13a66b3", + "text": "CONSORCI SANITARI INTEGRAL (CSI): Av. Josep Molins, 29, 08906 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4bf7bd87-64d1-4b71-b531-04f18693b579", + "text": "Estan adaptades per persones amb movilitat reduïda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "adaptades per persones amb movilitat reduïda", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b36483d6-8e10-4f1c-a875-f63017312067", + "text": "Sí, ho estan.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5244031d-fd44-4eb3-9ae4-33034eab8cb0", + "text": "Doncs podria demanar cita al Pere Virgili?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Pere Virgili", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc83f37c-8f87-41f0-8319-facabf459411", + "text": "Hauria de trucar al 935 51 57 00 per tal de demanar cita prèvia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10dc13e0-c358-4cb0-837d-09451191a95a", + "text": "Gràcies i bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a5382d6-0b66-408b-b58f-f8d811a4d981", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "005756ab-b65e-4a57-820d-a815289085b1", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria participar en els correfocs de la festa major", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "correfocs", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "festa major", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "833c4218-62bc-4f50-a784-6e929bb2524f", + "text": "M'agradaria saber que he de fer per poder participar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c861d42-3b86-404b-884c-c7819fe92ab9", + "text": "Si s'apropa al Centre Cultural de Vila-Roja li explicaràn en detall.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4020b21d-fd2a-4dd2-bf50-daa1fd564bc5", + "text": "Voldria saber quins dies es fa la activitat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quins dies es fa la activitat", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0603229c-d277-4b00-85df-035f33b658e6", + "text": "Es celebrarà del 25 d'Octubre al 3 de Novembre del 2022.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f46c0a2-4d6d-4950-9402-0e5b2d7e9144", + "text": "Si, però voldria saber quins dies van a entrenar i preparar-se", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quins dies van a entrenar i preparar-se", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5cbfb6e7-a0d6-4ea7-a9c9-0647b2ed6e83", + "text": "Cada dimecres de 17.00 a 19.00.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44eac86b-a177-4ad1-8cc9-c3e5ab9a458f", + "text": "Aquest proper dx fan la activitat (és pont)?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "proper dx", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7c08aa5-1a9b-49aa-85cc-db62527de9e1", + "text": "No, els festius el centre cultural està tancat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b53d5bef-4a3f-4a71-aec0-cac1cfb0499b", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1682b7aa-c7fb-4df0-ba67-c2be04266469", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ecbeada4-c442-4c48-a85e-f8357dabfb5f", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria demanar el certificat d'empadronament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "certificat d'empadronament", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6eb8c3c-d74e-4df5-acbd-086cc0d34c55", + "text": "Per quina via voldria fer-ho? Pot fer-ho:\n- Telemàticament mitjançant la Seu Electrònica\n- Correu postal\n- Presencialment al Registre electrònic general\n- Als registres electrònics generals de:\n\na) L'Administració General de l'Estat\nb) Les administracions de les Comunitats Autònomes\nc) Les entitats que integren l'Administració local\nd) El sector públic institucional (la seva integració està regulada a l'article 2.2 de la Llei 39/2015, d'1 d'octubre)\n\n- A les oficines de Correus, tal com s'estableixi reglamentàriament\n- A les representacions diplomàtiques o oficines consulars d'Espanya a l'estranger\n- A les oficines d'assistència en matèria de registres\n- En qualsevol altre que estableixin les disposicions vigents", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64a0c6e6-3709-4067-9683-9a0c11e4b95b", + "text": "Doncs per correu postal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu postal", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bf2513b-81d4-4b51-8865-62faf60c8609", + "text": "Quina documentació hauria d'enviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffc33470-8e29-4f08-94d9-c648306f3c12", + "text": "- El document d'identificació original, o bé fotocòpia del document d'identificació amb autorització original, i document d'identificació de la persona autoritzada. \n- Per l'expedició de certificats de convivència cal disposar del consentiment de les persones interessades per a la cessió de dades personals, si no es farà constar únicament el nombre de persones inscrites.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b89bb87-c6e6-4728-a1e3-6e26511a0d94", + "text": "A quina direcció he d'enviar el correu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "direcció", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35e06519-6356-4bf0-99bd-5f63cbd43e6c", + "text": "On està empadronat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2d85fc90-c17e-4404-8e71-12e64c3c857d", + "text": "A Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53e57292-f651-4040-ba8f-9ccaaa174f4e", + "text": "Aleshores la direcció és Plaça del Duc de Medinaceli, 3, 08002 Barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc4e9e5d-27df-4e15-9219-26bbbbb5dace", + "text": "Doncs moltes gràcies per tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe646a64-f909-4aea-8a54-b2b3e798163e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "331f5fa0-1115-4e18-b2ac-eb194cdb935b", + "text": "Hola! Voldria informació sobre els pisos de protecció oficial a Amposta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pisos de protecció oficial", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Amposta", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "452cca98-b96d-4626-b184-233c30b4a5d7", + "text": "La política d’habitatge de l’Ajuntament d’Amposta que es basa en el reconeixement del dret a l’habitatge com a dret fonamental , s’estructura en tres programes en relació a les finalitats i població destinatària i als recursos habitacionals del municipi i sempre va dirigit a persones empadronades a la ciutat.\n\nPrograma d’Emergència. Destinat a situacions d’urgència residencial i/o social i de gestió municipal.\nPrograma d’Inclusió. A través del Fons Social d’Habitatges de Lloguer, de gestió municipal, que s’adreça a persones i unitats de convivència amb vulnerabilitat residencial (risc d’exclusió) i rendes baixes, amb els següents requisits:\ningressos inferiors a 11.500 €\nno tenir en propietat cap habitatge ni dret a ús, o habitatge sense condicions d’habitabilitat\nHabitatge assequible. Correspon al parc d’habitatge públic que l’Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya té a la ciutat i que gestiona, i als habitatges propis de l’Ajuntament de gestió municipal destinats a aquesta finalitat. Els requisits dels sol·licitants:\npel que fa als ingressos és una forquilla entre 11.500 € i 5,5 vegades l’IRSC.\nno tenir en propietat cap habitatge ni dret a ús, o habitatge sense condicions d’habitabilitat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a5a8a828-f107-4e24-9ba1-37cc89e6555c", + "text": "Resulta que els meus ingressos son de 12.142€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ingressos", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "12.142", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "34c4f2a8-2b82-4883-bb11-7d953b126320", + "text": "Llavors no tincs accès?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "accès", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63dd5fc9-6f5d-4bed-af31-a4ea732a0443", + "text": "Li recomanem que demani cita prèvia per estudiar el seu cas en particular.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1b46fdb-d626-4391-967b-f617b144c869", + "text": "Dacord, com puc demanar cita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0dbefbe8-22b0-44f5-a357-826924563204", + "text": "El termini de sol·licitud és entre el 14 de desembre al 18 de gener així que ara no pot demara cita prèvia sinó que hauría de ser dins del termini.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5746aba1-517f-42ce-aecc-3945ec50cd03", + "text": "D'acord, doncs m'esperaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d0b02c51-6124-4f2d-92b4-cb8c90ea4a7f", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8521eaf2-1d63-409c-b053-bd57d5361f1c", + "text": "El podem ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d49fa110-8f64-4820-96ba-170f53ee5f85", + "text": "Això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35503325-16bd-46e6-bbf8-a795c3bb7cfb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dc99457b-c6e8-4f2f-bcbe-34d414e099a0", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria sol·licitar una plaça per minusvàlids", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "plaça per minusvàlids", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de14138d-6283-45e5-a1e8-1808b3b43d18", + "text": "Les persones amb mobilitat reduïda en possessió d’una targeta d’aparcament per a discapacitats tenen dret a sol·licitar i a obtenir una plaça d’aparcament reservada de forma personal. Les condicions particulars per aquesta reserva depenen de cada ajuntament, que decidirà quantes d’aquestes es destinen a aquesta finalitat i qui té prioritat per aconseguir-les. S’observen dos tipus de places d’aparcament per a persones amb discapacitat que poden reservar-se:\n\nD’origen: aquelles que se situen a prop del domicili de la persona amb discapacitat.\nDe destí: ubicant-se normalment a recintes d’utilització comú tals com edificis públics, centres sanitaris, docents, esportius, comercials, d’oci, etc.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "535a4719-2688-4893-9111-ac911ae14e15", + "text": "Quin tipus de plaça voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5656ef6b-e67f-4c08-bd04-389de923ae46", + "text": "Doncs voldria sol·licitar una plaça d'origen a Cambrils", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "d'origen", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Cambrils", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c4bc8f7-662f-4ae0-ad9d-63fd0cdeae39", + "text": "Quina documentació hauria de portar a l'Ajuntament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b6262f2d-b88f-427c-975c-775b232651d7", + "text": "Doc. 514 Sol·licitud aparcament per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda\nAutorització d'atorgament de representació i document d'identitat de la persona representada (imprescindible en el cas que s'actuï en nom d'una altra persona)\nTargeta d'aparcament persones amb discapacitat (TADI)\t\nPermís de conduir, en cas d'estar en possessió de TADI titular conductor", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "96e93b4d-a6fb-40a5-a536-2245972a35b5", + "text": "Puc enviar aquesta informacio per correu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per correu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2ca8259-f7e3-4fba-81c3-609da4abf066", + "text": "A quin correu vol rebre la informació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0290dd92-cd94-4326-b80d-4f6e41ffdd84", + "text": "Al correu aaragones@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "aaragones@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebeffec9-a29f-4c2e-b00b-e8d49f6e6fe4", + "text": "D'acord. Gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb85e742-832a-4625-af10-04353f432422", + "text": "Gràcies a vosaltres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "353e37aa-c053-4201-a329-fe51b276648d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6df9261e-33ab-4a94-bb38-0e466976df68", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "af4e31aa-98ce-4d97-96cb-531a894f59f4", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0e2ec2f-da9a-4b56-9a32-bc92f5e40318", + "text": "Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1ac2f8d-9907-4d39-94e3-997ba1be9512", + "text": "Volia saber què he de fer per demanar un permís d'obres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "permís d'obres", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c80a76d1-cede-4b93-a14d-46f40c9d6106", + "text": "Per demanar un permís d'obres pot fer-ho per aquí o anant a l'ajuntament directament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c30deef8-c436-465a-9a2d-c71793947127", + "text": "I a on he d'anar exactament, per fer-ho presencialment?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "presencialment", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d85768e4-1335-4222-80ff-222a68794f2f", + "text": "Pot anar a l'oficina d'atenció ciutadana de l'ajuntament del seu municipi. Si em dona el seu DNI puc dir-li quina oficina està més pròxima a la seva ubicació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "200ed095-fd93-49d1-b940-8377176d86ce", + "text": "Amb el DNI pot veure la meva ubicació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f58130e-c850-4a0a-81a2-d160de00f3e7", + "text": "És el 37787996-H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "37787996-H", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65b2e14c-58e1-4f94-9284-a1a25f7ced76", + "text": "Sí. Perfecte. Veiem que vostè resideix al Carrer Diputació, 21, veritat? Si és així, al mateix carrer té un centre d'atenció ciutadana. Està ubicat al carrer Diputació 5.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "32f1bc65-0761-4111-8ced-7415320b37f7", + "text": "Si, resideixo a aquesta adreça però vull anar aprop d'on treballo.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "aprop d'on treballo", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eccf7caf-f77b-4818-b804-0680f4ae1f09", + "text": "Pots consultar les oficines més properes al codi postal 08012?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08012", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "221242cc-513e-488f-a3ce-a734d50d718f", + "text": "Em pot indicar el carrer on treballa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24bd2114-d35c-4447-8408-7156dd0031e1", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Ara ho comprovem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c816dc38-b727-4452-ae5e-e4cfb91df89a", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "523bb3ab-51e7-42fd-bb65-622f48df7faf", + "text": "Les oficines més properes estan ubicades al Carrer de la Mar 21 i al Carrer Poe 2. Pot anar a qualsevol de les dues.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52b59a48-ccbd-4a4e-9fd8-517179c6c845", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4ff58222-4b0f-431d-a687-f4bd5a2764cf", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "075ac9b8-5a36-45bc-ac0f-c8b0993910eb", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7fd86eae-4c20-4799-898a-71a46633a99c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1a2ce0d8-f2e1-4bbb-bc16-3986afbef92f", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a680ea66-d607-4636-8b1a-1d1beb8e3121", + "text": "Bona tarda. Necessita ajuda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55ed124b-daee-4409-b0be-4fb2b4fe6e98", + "text": "Si, voldria saber a on puc consultar els papers necessaris per casar-se a l'ajuntament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "papers", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "casar-se", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 71 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "ajuntament", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fdae601f-4ac7-4478-bff0-6c7a1c3cd31b", + "text": "Pot consultar la documentació necessària al nostre web (www.ajuntamentdecelcamp.es).", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67e5131f-df6c-4ff8-82a0-128e671f23ec", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies. I per demanar hora per la ceremònia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora per la ceremònia", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1716628-a417-4c1c-87be-e1a1c35de9d9", + "text": "A on ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f91c04c3-0c72-4d3d-8040-07cdd4da8fdc", + "text": "Si vol demanar hora pot fer-ho per aquí o bé trucant al 94 567 45 12.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e560d880-b1d3-412c-9d10-30dca26a3b05", + "text": "Doncs ja trucaré un cop tingui els papers. Gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "61130de6-6372-4d07-bcf9-52801f95e72e", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95f66706-1bf7-4e97-873b-f66df2ef34d8", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07f4e2b3-ba6f-4298-b0e5-148fbaed2e51", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "be191503-4fd4-4ba9-bc7e-5a89bbaea89a", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b00eebde-d01c-4fe5-9b8a-e722f8143ecc", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda. Què desitja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c620ab8e-f0d6-42b9-8691-eac00859c03c", + "text": "Acabo de mudar-me a Barcelona, i volia saber com fer per empadronar-me", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "empadronar-me", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d584169d-3116-4e2b-b266-e13961388f8b", + "text": "Pot venir a les nostres oficines o bé també podem tramitar-li directament per aquí. Què vol fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d029e4b1-a0a0-4745-b153-248cd3d4a585", + "text": "Doncs per aquí si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb2c0ca6-95dc-453e-ba54-51121f303c96", + "text": "Molt bé. Doni'm el seu DNI i nom complet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ec8587e-6293-4e98-beda-2b64dea13251", + "text": "Si, em dic Terenci Peralta i el meu DNI és el 39100638G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Terenci", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Peralta", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "39100638G", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83e31f3e-a735-4842-86c7-23f061ca973a", + "text": "Molt bé, Sr. Peralta. Ens pot indicar la seva adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8e58dc7-e7c0-4c2f-aaf2-215359ec2165", + "text": "Si, ara visc al C/ Verdaguer 22, escala B 2-1", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "C/ Verdaguer 22, escala B 2-1", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "664b7a74-b0f0-4325-a7e5-9d197fb14d83", + "text": "Molt bé. Acabo d'anotar aquesta nova adreça.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4ba30f31-db21-4009-9157-60fc0987f2c8", + "text": "Vale gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a9d1a339-412d-4a77-96a9-9f491a137af9", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0dd70c8-12af-4566-bbd1-30a979e8cbb1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8fadb8c9-4252-4737-aa43-3de94cfd54c7", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7e0784d-ae01-457a-8b1f-fe82a652f64a", + "text": "Hola, què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cda0f34e-122b-4153-9dfc-eb69ea078217", + "text": "He perdut el carnet bicing i no aconsegueixo demanar una còpia a la pàgina web. Em surt un missatge d'error.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet bicing", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no aconsegueixo demanar una còpia", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "missatge d'error", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8aed4449-e681-4dee-9e08-343bf5d1a2f4", + "text": "Quin missatge li surt?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "938a249f-7b38-44d8-a1ef-b5fad9609b04", + "text": "Només diu Error", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "Només diu Error", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fdbfd9a1-d7c2-4a72-bdd2-5c810f68e110", + "text": "Puc fer el tràmit per aquí o algun altre lloc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tràmit", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84d0201c-fa26-46c8-af98-2c4ba85b631b", + "text": "Pot fer-ho per aquí. Em pot dir el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93bb048a-184d-4a14-bd90-6230e52ca832", + "text": "Si, és el 30147825M", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "30147825M", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f29256a3-58f4-4eb4-b325-755ea060b063", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara li anul·larem el carnet que tenia i li crearem un nou.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74630ad7-a60d-45a1-a24a-e9ea893219f8", + "text": "On vol que li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77d88134-b1a6-42e1-9ac7-5ce099883067", + "text": "A la meva oficina si us plau. És al Passeig Maragall 177 6è 2a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Passeig Maragall 177 6è 2a", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "26cc9257-389f-4bdb-b69c-e6e7c893fb1f", + "text": "Molt bé. El tindrà disponible a la seva oficina Passeig Maragall 177 6è 2a en 2-3 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8d9d8d5-b680-414b-ab16-fa12c9ddec20", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9dfcf57f-3016-4167-9960-049357e7592c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a1a8c20b-8d43-4bf1-a478-4dc78990f106", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6866665-256c-4fe1-ba22-01dc22ae022f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1644de5a-a4e3-4ca0-904f-1dbcef50f58a", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a9e66afb-4693-4811-9622-f0bd3148340c", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfc1fc4a-65be-44ad-8fd6-d4aa712cc88d", + "text": "Volia demanar hora per posar-me la segona vacuna del COVID pero no trobo a on fer-ho", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vacuna del COVID", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4bf1b25d-02cb-4a8c-ba60-aa7a10a9b0f4", + "text": "Pot fer-ho a través de la pàgina web del Cat Salut o podem tramitar-li per vostè si ens diu el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "699006a9-d763-4e93-94cc-571f3e1ad048", + "text": "Ah doncs si, perfecte. El meu DNI és el 41183920A", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41183920A", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5cda7d27-0c6e-43ec-9cdd-3dc4a0627890", + "text": "Perfecte. Hi ha hores disponibles al centre de salut aquest dissabte a les 10. Li va bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06db7c3f-d286-4ed8-87f2-01c8206e4e74", + "text": "A quin centre de salut seria?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "centre de salut", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "623a2005-d934-4dbb-a229-3977040d41f6", + "text": "Al centre de salut del Carrer Villaroel.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e355954f-55fd-479c-b2f6-0d0c4cee7393", + "text": "D'acord, doncs si em va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "60c746bd-b7d2-4818-93ca-b6e1edce1dcf", + "text": "Perfecte. Ja té cita per aquest dissabte, doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a08ab4f-b81d-49cc-bc77-b0bf2cf5e750", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49a27e25-00cb-4087-91d0-7e88ba00217d", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9a43adef-3c16-4364-9a05-2905507dfb8c", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb7a8246-3907-4eb8-9b83-790171a7c5de", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9d6b638c-bd9c-4318-9b62-d258d60ad4c8", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fd057666-1eb3-47b7-88b3-40772c2c27ca", + "text": "Hola. L'aten Rosario.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37066634-c64a-4f56-8820-2f44c36d4024", + "text": "He rebut una multa de l'Ajuntament, però no entenc el motiu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "multa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no entenc el motiu", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a80c26d7-3ab1-4d01-9155-dde4216905c7", + "text": "Digui'm el seu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b173f0c1-7ae4-425b-9a51-6a2a59057119", + "text": "Si, es el 29847634P", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "29847634P", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63b436b7-566c-4a35-a179-22e4f960eaa3", + "text": "D'acord. Acabo de consultar-ho i sembla que és per una infracció d'aparcament el dia 26 de desembre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16771850-b556-44b6-a454-53f0d8c0327d", + "text": "Ah, doncs no ho sabia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ab04aa0-eade-4050-86da-f6375af0d35e", + "text": "I com puc fer per pagar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40378577-4480-4817-acb2-d0ecf598a021", + "text": "Pot pagar-la per aquí o a través d'un caixer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dba87122-1ce4-46f7-a729-8ae7ed464a56", + "text": "Ah perfecte, doncs prefereixo fer-ho per aquí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95943ac6-4550-4067-ae83-37e8cd206aa7", + "text": "Molt bé. Doni'm el número que hi consta a la seva multa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41a9b99c-6afa-47f9-8d91-dd304c38cb13", + "text": "387689486398475283748237", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "387689486398475283748237", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c4b8ada-7c20-431d-bddc-bcb8eb2bae6a", + "text": "Molt bé. Ha d'abonar 30€ de multa. Doni'ns el seu número de compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4fed223d-111d-4939-a645-ac5ea3528441", + "text": "Si, és el ES34 5676 5674 3234 1234 5697", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES34 5676 5674 3234 1234 5697", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6dcd030-89bc-4228-b6fa-6d087c24a757", + "text": "Molt bé. Rebut. Ja hauria d'estar tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8875bfc2-aa4b-4a3e-be73-3c59ffd85012", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bf347d15-6d96-4526-92bd-ff5c97df2d69", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "456f917c-10ca-470c-8552-3ee380aab415", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "048a7c57-73d1-4431-abe9-a7f1462dfceb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f4e5a952-7e3d-47c2-8c6f-725d637f467e", + "text": "Parlar agent humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eb3c2ac2-8dac-42af-b624-75fd7bc4a306", + "text": "Vol parlar amb un agent huma?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a2bc65e-914f-4d45-b2e5-acc77dac35d8", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f15f2df3-6b0c-4df8-a774-23227c067911", + "text": "Sobre quin tema vol parlar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff3f8764-bd87-4c4f-bb87-4a3ef700f02c", + "text": "Beques", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Beques", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d7153d2-a3e8-4405-8f0d-08b4ace009fe", + "text": "Molt bé. L'espera és d'uns 10 minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54c09675-e85e-4b7d-a500-082b89f421e3", + "text": "D'acord ja m'espero", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dfa836d3-f0bf-46e2-82ec-b135c92025e8", + "text": "Molt bé. Aleshores podrà contactar amb un agent humà aviat. El mateix xat l'avisarà quan estigui disponible.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58a57c03-374d-42a7-b8d0-fd4b7b4448a3", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fed7d4b4-7409-4ffa-a76e-a1b48b01a589", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "95606034-eaa2-474a-8786-df60456636ad", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9329c7ba-2f97-4994-9537-acafcb041f9c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8634cee6-193b-4d79-b5be-80374451d475", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a811197-5e32-4845-ac13-1336a5d93097", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7130014-4126-4e78-9c59-2836782ccf62", + "text": "Volia consultar quines son les ajudes per a families nombroses, ja que estem a punt de tenir el nostre tercer fill", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ajudes per a families nombroses", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6158d7e-1534-41c7-bb0b-22e88c021143", + "text": "Hi ha diverses ajudes a les que pot optar. Pot optar per les ajudes a l'educació, al menjador o bé de maternitat. Quina l'interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7f892ba2-e172-46fe-b2dc-3fbd2d7717b8", + "text": "No es pot optar a totes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "optar a totes", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50b8400e-70fa-4c22-8c24-d1a86d1622c3", + "text": "Sí. També pot optar a totes. Vol optar a totes les ajudes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b864d1ac-07b4-48a5-8a3b-0e00c386a470", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "44b960c6-1ab5-4ca3-a8e8-a6ac698b69cb", + "text": "Doni'm el seu nom i DNI si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f505dcc-c24b-4f35-91ce-9c747620ed06", + "text": "Si, el meu nom és Lucia Fernanda Marqués Córdoba", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Lucia Fernanda", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Marqués", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Córdoba", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6894b622-2f15-4d9b-b5a3-57f3cc54e3ad", + "text": "30259691B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "30259691B", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7bdc1799-156f-44e4-b24d-fdd9db88ad9c", + "text": "Molt bé Lucía. Digui'm el nombre de fills que té.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aacaacd9-39f4-4069-aabc-670661629768", + "text": "Com he dit, estem a punt de tenir el nostre tercer fill", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "tercer fill", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c7f58482-5de1-484c-9970-8dc42bdb5de8", + "text": "Naixerà el proper Març", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "el proper Març", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53e9c217-0e8f-40eb-85dd-30dd2c65311e", + "text": "Teniu tres fills aleshores. Molt bé. Ho anotem. Amb aquestes ajudes li donarem 1000€ mensuals per fer-se càrrec de tots els seus fills. Vol activar les ajudes ara?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89dc6de5-5246-41ca-8b20-85711091c0c8", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "58c11fee-fe0d-4f67-be10-49d3a0bd3c69", + "text": "D'acord. Les ajudes estan activades ara. A partir d'aquest pròxim mes ja rebrà la mensualitat corresponent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a939779f-1150-4db1-a8a6-0880647cc32b", + "text": "Perfecte moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ae19c665-2dbd-458f-9626-1ce49d06fc7b", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8234f3d1-7479-4f0e-82b0-31d244c30448", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8bf75953-894d-4e44-9be7-e39388d7d7db", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a11311f2-8b0a-41cb-b97f-f7885241a36f", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5455aba6-9081-48a6-8605-c8cdc225e8ef", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6003e57-cc78-4388-96a5-c10d0c69e85c", + "text": "Doncs volia demanar el certificat de discapacitat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "certificat de discapacitat", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f3a00c55-4eda-425f-8586-6d6979c6a34c", + "text": "D'acord. Per demanar-lo li han d'haver diagnosticat el 33% de discapacitat. Té el document que ho acrediti?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "709ebfb3-3ad4-4445-b493-74657c80adbb", + "text": "Si, tinc el paper del metge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "aa84c6eb-422c-470b-86d8-f2570bbdb6ae", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs necessitarem que ens ho enviï per correu a ajuntcambrils@tramits.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb7268af-ddb3-4748-9009-1d3bb3af78bb", + "text": "D'acord ja ho he fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "428c7865-41e2-47eb-b4d5-9c13b3a2eb62", + "text": "També necessitarem que ens indiqui el seu nom i DNI per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfd995a9-7e4f-41cc-a630-7004f712f959", + "text": "El meu nom és Naiara Santes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Naiara", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Santes", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22da95b1-36e2-46c5-93de-11507f3636a2", + "text": "Amb DNI 49811002Y", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "49811002Y", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a752f76-c79e-4fae-8ac5-af78a742781b", + "text": "Molt bé Naiara. Hem comprovat el document del metge i tot és correcte. Li tramitarem el certificat. On el vol rebre?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07f0604d-3b9d-453f-ae23-d3e1975ce2f6", + "text": "Per correu pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "Per correu", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f915d78-378d-4e99-b0f2-949c137a7061", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Quina és la seva adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15fec775-2a9f-4e6a-a92d-eab919c3cf71", + "text": "naiara.santes@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "naiara.santes@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "beec3ef3-03cd-46c9-bf58-9222a4297c11", + "text": "Molt bé. Li enviarem un cop estigui disponible.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a2e950a-5d2c-44f3-bcc5-41410cc4df6e", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb96c4a3-3148-4b30-8790-b176754628a7", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "55ebab8a-eb99-4c91-9c47-d77e6e78feb1", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9a3c6785-d46e-4d19-8bad-3b6709c416b5", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0db6435b-fd59-4c1c-b748-a0edd89d68be", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "40412787-2f40-41d5-9e17-4970d6859515", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41b5eb26-600a-4bfc-b398-6f21fb3e162c", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a0eacad-c2e1-4a30-89ed-8663844eef60", + "text": "Voldria demanar el certificat d'alta de l'impost sobre activitats econòmiques", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "certificat d'alta de l'impost sobre activitats econòmiques", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b1d0f52-3c64-4963-a294-f412e830eed5", + "text": "Per demanar el certificat d'alta de l'impost sobre activitats econòmiques necessita fer-ho presencialment a una de les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "669d7f52-0d1f-4ed5-8e1b-60d034509ac5", + "text": "Ah no ho puc fer per aquí doncs? Es que estic a casa confinat per COVID", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "419f0e73-1645-4100-b02a-564de45101fb", + "text": "Podriem fer-ho amb assistència telefònica en aquest cas. Només necessitem el seu DNI, nom complet i telèfon i un dels nostres agents el trucarà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43da8a61-0301-4431-b48a-ccea13abcbcb", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32247c7e-212f-49e0-89b3-6f23460303e8", + "text": "Em dic Soraya Aguilar, el meu DNI és el 27648102G, i em podeu trucar al 646019844", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Soraya", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Aguilar", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "27648102G", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "646019844", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12962456-a563-44c2-bf6f-da8605a4f4fe", + "text": "Molt bé. Acabem d'anotar les seves dades. Un dels nostres agents la trucarà aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95e1db9b-4d8e-4775-ad56-fce3c5fdc06d", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17e7d338-940c-43b7-85fb-b3cf67887e9a", + "text": "Adeu bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4ec66fb-58f7-47fe-9734-149caf69b9f7", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "73680b20-bb6c-4328-917a-cfa1249e7340", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "271a3521-28df-4fdd-86c1-48e0d8b4abec", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "acc992e9-4853-4ef5-b50f-9c607cae6f28", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "009e18ab-cde9-4f43-9c4f-13092a8a94dd", + "text": "M'agradaria crear una protectora d'animals per gats, i voldria saber què he de fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "protectora d'animals per gats", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2dd300f7-8326-454b-b75e-50ace5007c7c", + "text": "Per poder crear una protectora d'animals necessita donar d'alta l'activitat primer. Nosaltres podem fer-ho, si vol.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c534f1ae-70fb-4d96-9968-55d20e207788", + "text": "Ah doncs si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bcb23767-ce27-4778-aff7-2186280bdf37", + "text": "Necessitem el DNI i nom de la persona responsable de l'activitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "902b021c-528e-4544-977f-d2c7e5d27b8f", + "text": "Filomena Palencia, 41460883Q", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Filomena", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Palencia", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41460883Q", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af265c18-ed15-4e01-abdd-9c70037d2cd5", + "text": "Molt bé. Acabem d'enregistrar-la a la nostra base de dades amb l'activitat que vol realitzar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab3da259-b345-4856-9fdb-62fbd9c7aa4d", + "text": "Perfecte, he de fer alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98da5a57-3741-496f-a9be-7dd513a70c92", + "text": "Si vol li podem enviar la confirmació de que la seva activitat està donada d'alta per correu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5062c53b-f207-43ff-9519-daaa3c92621d", + "text": "Ah vale si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9627d1bd-9009-4f54-9523-0d1376ec5c25", + "text": "El meu correu és filomena.palencia@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "filomena.palencia@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "952f86ea-aeba-442f-b2ed-514c94d9ff31", + "text": "Perfecte. Li acabem d'enviar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54eacc4e-dabd-4f93-aebb-4aa237722cf7", + "text": "Rebut, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9bc5720c-bc06-445e-be8a-48190804f0a0", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c69ef5f9-8d67-43f3-9d85-7c7e79b0a6bc", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6bd17574-7598-42a4-8798-79f72c7cad3a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5056852f-c2b5-4456-b186-88473c8cf332", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "858ebd01-f780-4050-ac9f-ad78ef023f39", + "text": "Hola. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "13acccb5-2490-45a6-9bf6-5cd7839bb210", + "text": "Voldria sol·licitar un permis d'armes per caçar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "permis d'armes per caçar", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c8a0d50-cfd6-444e-b127-27c7b81cdfca", + "text": "Molt bé. A quina zona voldria caçar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2d552ef-d769-41e2-ab8d-b64631b50e06", + "text": "Doncs a totes les zones de caça controlada de Catalunya", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "totes les zones de caça controlada", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Catalunya", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c35a6f4-8453-4e77-832c-6b0ab9b87b89", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs primer de tot, necessitaré el seu DNI i nom complet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec429b0d-fd62-4db0-a92a-66fafb31343b", + "text": "Si, em dic Abel Linares", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Abel", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Linares", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96fe9802-f164-4c65-be5e-d00e40236c5d", + "text": "40832019G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "40832019G", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70fc5d60-e4e8-4abf-a270-18c25a0a4fa0", + "text": "D'acord. Té llicència d'armes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4ae3c4b-1967-4b66-af74-83d396513d52", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e7a9f466-cecb-4035-b382-16ffb345944c", + "text": "Necessitariem que ens l'enviï al següent correu: gen.cat@tràmits.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "890bcb3a-94a8-474c-919a-9d98da7d3a22", + "text": "Ja està fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "550f2ea0-fcfd-4e22-8b1e-482e79b5e2f4", + "text": "Rebut. Ara mateix li fem el permís. El rebrà en pocs minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46d8774c-adb1-4ebe-a654-8b66f5ed4694", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db14b6c1-c6ca-4721-92bf-1435bfd9e350", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "473ff27e-f350-41a4-a309-6286a48a07cf", + "text": "A vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0de62cad-f6a1-45fc-9ca2-0a9d907f6247", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a93c21d5-70e5-42ea-a3c5-8ce275905b58", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a7b8fd8-60f7-4f35-a5a8-c42408c9dea2", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "006a8e2a-318b-43c2-9ac7-0319087ec896", + "text": "Voldria sol·licitar el carnet de biblioteques", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet de biblioteques", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "848149ba-67f9-47f9-8cb0-c7779d6a2ca1", + "text": "D'acord. Per sol·licitar-lo necessitem el seu DNI, nom complet i data de naixement.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c636681-a185-4791-9330-05fbd6c69168", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a0f43167-5605-4ccd-9442-68efde3b1e2e", + "text": "Nicolas Gerona Busquets", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Nicolas", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Gerona", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Busquets", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51c4b06f-29cd-4504-b5fc-2d803b286586", + "text": "401928754L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "401928754L", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa78524e-b914-492d-bb0a-31937e9a8edb", + "text": "30/01/1988", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "30/01/1988", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ac33a9d-7d53-4e98-9908-cab6a5365a70", + "text": "D'acord. On vol que li enviem el carnet?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64e019ff-b71c-4a9c-a6b4-92dd248c051a", + "text": "A casa, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "A casa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c60ca142-22b8-458f-9be4-70f1708174dc", + "text": "Em pot dir l'adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70ef9d8e-dd40-482b-8eb8-f301a5ad1d97", + "text": "C/ Joaquin Costa 41, 2n 2a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "C/ Joaquin Costa 41, 2n 2a", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97055c96-b386-402e-a425-0df0695db158", + "text": "a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0109f9a6-e8ab-4abb-8c0c-090ddeb4e856", + "text": "Molt bé. Li enviarem el carnet en 3 o 4 dies a l'adreça que ens ha indicat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83563217-d1ae-4e6a-82e8-09d50b248392", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "33f8561e-509f-498c-8c7a-d8c9dc312fad", + "text": "ADeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99930179-3af4-41d6-8b92-c9a7ce60db26", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59767770-cd0f-4e6f-8d48-aff3a45f082b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0d936a4c-6ad0-4b73-8181-33285d82c901", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db0500ce-c7ed-4076-95ed-328594d736c4", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "135b95d1-db3c-4cd7-8bd4-8add873f059d", + "text": "Vull posar una queixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "df8e33e5-4b25-429e-9927-711fb0ffd98f", + "text": "De quina queixa es tracta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7460954-5f83-445a-a048-3b5638c886fd", + "text": "Els contenidors d'escombraries al meu carrer no han estat buildats des de fa una setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "Els contenidors d'escombraries al meu carrer no han estat buildats des de fa una setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "700c6cb2-9447-4bd4-ba3a-9444b932f25e", + "text": "A quin carrer viu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53e842ba-952e-4898-96c7-2c74b95f46a5", + "text": "Al carrer Lluis i Cadafalch, a Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "carrer Lluis i Cadafalch", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Santa Coloma de Gramenet", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36e0331f-b411-4c3d-bed9-8c084dc76985", + "text": "Molt bé. Enviarem a algú al carrer que ens ha indicat per buidar les escombraries.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3d671d8-c92c-415d-8330-4190025974e0", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "97398003-820e-4caa-bbd8-238d172d5837", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c291761f-5f51-419f-bb06-e821472f29fc", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c35e507f-7d1d-4342-81fe-afc08036e83c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a81ad25b-6f8f-4b7d-8c8b-a38da09894ba", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b74caecd-4e0b-47ac-8a63-e51ac5858a0b", + "text": "Hola. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e8c97f12-9eee-4001-bceb-33f4f14bc519", + "text": "Demanar subvenció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "subvenció", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb7d7609-f7b2-4371-aa9c-5c48e6f1a3f7", + "text": "Vol demanar una subvenció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fec1a25-fc40-478e-94ee-e5ec644ac801", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f4cc7530-2622-41c7-870a-0e00951e6c6e", + "text": "Pot indicar-me la subvenció que vol demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d8cb318-aedf-444f-8111-58168ce8feb4", + "text": "Vull demanar la subvenció del programa Escoles Més Sostenibles", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "subvenció", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "programa Escoles Més Sostenibles", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47918827-fc2a-447f-981c-1ee20d02367f", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'm el seu DNI i nom.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b9cd956-f8dc-45c3-bfb1-e8b8a8f04b01", + "text": "Eva López Castilla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Eva", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "López", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Castilla", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7fe09f8-71cf-4279-aaa1-8906fd4ab27b", + "text": "41029855F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41029855F", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06a7d372-49a4-4e4a-918d-377f53e510e6", + "text": "D'acord. També necessitarem les dades de l'escola que vol subvencionar. Pot enviar-nos-ho al correu programaescoles@ajuntament.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e4f4f80-361c-42a5-a685-b2540048014c", + "text": "Molt bé, ja us ho he envit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc9d0af4-b1c2-49c6-99a7-9d4186e12e81", + "text": "Rebut. Ho revisarem i ens posarem en contacte amb vostè aviat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cad07fdd-d109-4d70-a635-a3f77377b672", + "text": "Gràcies, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "efe7eecf-89e8-4e7e-802f-f07305635ff4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8e2f9ff8-4f0e-4471-9fa8-08be63e2695c", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e843c7a2-f70a-4388-aa66-45aabcfd381a", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "348234a0-3e10-41cb-a97e-7bdf5f471e3c", + "text": "Vull demanar l'ajut al lloguer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajut al lloguer", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1d3d223-d726-4fb0-8087-813a434933a8", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara mateix els ajuts que tenim són de 300€ mensuals. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6301a50b-a88c-487d-8519-e9ba7d7c7c1f", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9b9721f9-49c4-4758-925f-946fabcaeef1", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'm el seu DNI perquè l'apuntem a la llista.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9550550c-bac6-43a1-922a-154aa24dbedc", + "text": "És el 28670116H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "28670116H", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5715dd12-697c-4e8b-97ad-116c6570a547", + "text": "D'acord. El seu nom és Cristina Campos Holguín?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b163b285-2319-4b8f-abff-89b993400963", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d8cb09ef-0aa1-4de7-8449-071e1fe42d41", + "text": "Perfecte. Acaba de ser anotada a la llista.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb65ffff-e553-47f8-a368-d8bce99c8da1", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d2a6413-248f-4151-9935-77b140b87ef0", + "text": "No he de fer res més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02ef20a8-262b-4b6c-be3a-32199dc1b3dc", + "text": "No, això és tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56bfa9c8-2d1c-4d8e-9c3f-d0d1dff9e643", + "text": "Perfecte, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "202c3724-11cb-44e0-9271-da2ce9553790", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97bf4fec-8840-4048-a8c4-b2b822ad2a7c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5939a9aa-663f-480f-992a-f465aeea4456", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9526774-9e62-4119-aa69-fbe0259d2214", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a1f2c8a-2408-480e-a1d6-c1be6dd43491", + "text": "Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc2467fb-4def-4ee3-aef0-e6283b2f4164", + "text": "Sóc una persona transgènere, i voldria cambiar el sexe al meu carnet d'identitat i dades d'empadronament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "sexe", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "carnet d'identitat", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 80 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dades d'empadronament", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 104 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "905fc7ce-92f0-4a57-9f54-fec2744c7d60", + "text": "D'acord. Per aquest tipus de tràmits solem atendre presencialment, ja que és necessari que la policia tramiti el carnet. Podria venir a una de les nostres oficines per fer aquestes modificacions?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2798532f-c8a5-4a3b-a089-bae2773ddbe7", + "text": "D'acord, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "84c2f04a-b628-407e-ba4b-31740cf45858", + "text": "A on he d'anar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f2b3817e-86ce-4751-ad1a-e47af1ef6cf0", + "text": "Pot anar a la nostra oficina del Carrer Josep Tarradelles 21. A allà poden fer-li aquests tràmits el mateix dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95d2f759-7e7b-478b-bb29-9736659d3a65", + "text": "Llavors el canvi és immediat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "immediat", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22d16b13-4522-484d-bd6e-83ecbe5d22ba", + "text": "Sí, actualment es poden realitzar modificacions en el DNI i empadronament en un sol dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92c6b8b7-5817-4dd0-a2c0-c286e7adc1e0", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5f3679f-4860-473a-ab2e-0453fa5d6fd7", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "57306665-e27e-40da-92af-94da7bbc6af9", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d40601d1-3783-455c-9f30-b6e5855cb2c6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "132b60a4-c751-491f-ac5d-7134a6daa8f7", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "043bf5b5-aade-4cd8-8f03-bca7955c6fc5", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Què podem fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b701770-6b2f-4a13-a421-8e4487d9579c", + "text": "Voldria notificar de que hi ha unes llambordes trencades al meu carrer, i és perillos perque algú podria caure", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "llambordes trencades", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "al meu carrer", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f590288e-05a7-48b8-adfa-44476ae67803", + "text": "Gràcies per notificar sobre una incidència. Ens pot indicar el carrer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd40317c-dd63-4a19-93e8-00355a1f96e0", + "text": "Si, és el carrer Fontanelles", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "carrer Fontanelles", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be919656-e35d-4bc3-af4e-7e859931bdf1", + "text": "Just a la cantonada amb Pablo Iglesias", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "cantonada amb Pablo Iglesias", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "92e61841-a75e-49e7-97ed-6bf441adfc2c", + "text": "D'acord. Sembla que hem rebut diverses incidències relacionades amb les llambordes. Ara contactarem al servei de manteniment perquè ho arreglin.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c60e1050-4fd5-46e1-a92a-8d2c419aee47", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fdb83777-b546-447a-93bf-450ca5a1ab3b", + "text": "Adeu, bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "90730da3-0d1f-40cd-885b-108c7e38e5f9", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88586271-ee4d-4a87-9b9f-5012c4dd79d1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "86b91f02-9ced-44cf-aed5-a82b24f06889", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d6ff251-3799-46db-93bc-b40f497a60ca", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27ac4e23-b5c8-4fc8-847f-c7c3e03fba69", + "text": "Voldria saber quins recursos hi ha per a víctimes de violència domèstica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "recursos", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "víctimes de violència domèstica", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65032a45-f0a7-415c-8cb9-76b690d5465e", + "text": "Per persones que hagin patit violència domèstica tenim ajuts mensuals des de 400€. Vol sol·licitar-ne un?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ec266af-36f5-4c55-aa5e-c86edbbe1f1d", + "text": "Si, m'interessa. Pero també voldria saber quines ajudes no econòmiques teniu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajudes no econòmiques", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "368a2696-c792-430b-82e1-cba0ba405be6", + "text": "Tenim altres ajudes no ecònomiques: un telèfon policial gratuït per a emergències, cangurs pels nens sense cost i accés a un abogat sense cap càrrec addicional.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e58f123-6644-4718-986a-56e238a15236", + "text": "Molt bé, m'interessaria sol·licitar l'ajut econòmic i el servei de cangur si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajut econòmic", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "servei de cangur", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "016589b4-c8a2-4d54-8872-4226942886af", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Digui'm el seu DNI i nom, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "30908186-1702-411c-a13e-23769ca51177", + "text": "Si, em dic Jenifer Andrea Marquez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jenifer", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Andrea", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Marquez", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0ac9ec4-f23e-4d8c-abda-d1da705fdd15", + "text": "I el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3500248e-31da-421b-9974-45f06ca47936", + "text": "Tinc NIE", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "NIE", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77d3133f-0e49-417e-88c5-defcea5a145c", + "text": "És el Y7684385", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "Y7684385", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3210b5fb-75eb-47d3-97af-c2d946d9b68c", + "text": "Gràcies per la informació. Acabem de tramitar-li els ajuts. Hauriem de ser efectius d'aquí a 5 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d3cae3b0-970f-4770-be8d-562fad42465f", + "text": "Perfecte, que bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "527e9305-226e-40be-8979-6ea08cbef7c0", + "text": "Moltes gràcoes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5e18ed08-dba4-4dfd-a44b-c7858c143c7b", + "text": "ADeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cdd32e77-5cf9-4d2c-b8e0-89a79d2774db", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "671607fb-0f92-4e2c-94d9-66f00b1eb7c1", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "81f5ff1a-410e-49b3-8d8f-cd64a1467c55", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b4c26ef-06b2-449a-89f7-e37768b76817", + "text": "Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80d71b8f-a7cd-4ad1-8290-fdd6a0ad2e23", + "text": "Sóc immigrant d'orígen Marroquí, però porto més de 10 anys a Barcelona. I m'agradaria saber què he de fer per homologar el meu títol de Metge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "homologar", + "Start_char": 110, + "End_char": 119 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "títol de Metge", + "Start_char": 127, + "End_char": 141 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da543c4e-70da-4aab-a737-d6b01805692f", + "text": "Per homologar el títol de metge, necessita ficar-se en contacte amb el centre educatiu i acreditar els certificats pertinents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3e718692-e0b6-4787-9a83-0927712abb68", + "text": "Però m'han dit que he de demanar un paper a l'ajuntament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "paper", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83e3f0a1-234f-42d5-8614-cdd341d79224", + "text": "Si ja ha parlat amb el centre podem donar-li el paper oficial acreditant el canvi amb el seu DNI o NIE i nom complet. Hauria de constar-nos a la base de dades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddda97ea-7225-44c6-a471-48648311a34e", + "text": "Si, exacte.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b58cee80-e0a2-4523-beb8-d83044588608", + "text": "El meu NIE és el Y76511092", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "NIE", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "Y76511092", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "843db889-cd4b-42f6-a3e8-ebdf2709351a", + "text": "I el meu nom és Mohammed Al-Abahi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mohammed", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Al-Abahi", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19345cff-75c9-43b8-968e-f81045186a6d", + "text": "D'acord Mohammed. Efectivament ens consta a la base de dades. Ara li tramitem i hauria d'estar disponible per venir-lo a recollir en una setmana.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4503096-cec2-4880-b200-af7634f0f34c", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b203a89-2b78-47c9-90f4-31030bbc7e1c", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5bf44784-1d68-4a13-b200-733333fddaa4", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c89d5ca-29d5-4e97-bf77-c1cc25c90cdd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "63ddf941-6a8d-4594-9a38-355a4f06f138", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "80ba1e74-b691-4910-9b28-a029a2694502", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acd177bf-b4dc-4d21-b374-918d9b5dea5b", + "text": "Voldria informació sobre cursos o programes gratuïts per ajudar a trobar feina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cursos o programes gratuïts per ajudar a trobar feina", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c5c34fc-a58c-4930-aad7-d7a6b36206e6", + "text": "Pot trobar informació sobre els cursos o programes gratuïts a la nostra web ajuntamentcursos@gencat.cat\n\nSi li interessa algun pot fer la seva matriculació per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c07259bd-21cf-4082-b553-a2d449f31d72", + "text": "Ah doncs si, m'interessa el curs d'anglès per a negocis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "curs d'anglès per a negocis", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc687db1-955b-4083-8437-3c943d62c5f6", + "text": "D'acord. Digui'm el seu nom complet i número de telèfon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f05c4c5-a7fb-44fe-bc32-470c23d55fa7", + "text": "Em dic Chen Ming", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Chen", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ming", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28a65a41-7e74-4676-a33d-5a6c8b4f619f", + "text": "I el meu DNI és 47929017T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47929017T", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "020d7b1c-5436-400c-8046-97155338eb63", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu número de telèfon, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e857a353-8664-42a8-88cc-fad5e6577693", + "text": "Si, és el 659011483", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "659011483", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d7f9b8c-3794-4b8d-8f25-bea04f713e88", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies. Acabem d'anotar-lo a la llista.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fab3710-fcfa-4575-b111-713b5f912db9", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9dafba47-5363-4a7d-80dc-7428f2a5539e", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "51da4b44-9086-45c0-9887-310cb03cc3a9", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a25ff50b-2915-4d86-ac79-ca65dcaa8bab", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "465e36e6-c3dc-428e-8b02-ce044f8b4cea", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ee6d633-29cc-4963-8bff-43fdbd3d4016", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "327e66a6-78fa-4b71-aeb9-f3b76984107f", + "text": "Voldria sol·licitar les ajudes econòmiques per estades temporals en residències de gent gran", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajudes econòmiques per estades temporals en residències de gent gran", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1d9a1dc-c502-4da6-b027-e376e3d5426f", + "text": "És clar. Per sol·licitar-les necessitem el seu DNI, nom complet i data de naixement.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "562ce55d-bcae-4670-9c14-2a588804aa24", + "text": "Susanna Martín", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Susanna", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Martín", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8fa4fe16-fb14-40d0-84fa-5e36611f317e", + "text": "El meu DNI és el 26510004C", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "26510004C", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3a20cd58-7108-4788-b5f3-9e991987b101", + "text": "I vaig néixer el 22/11/1929", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "22/11/1929", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9db83e5-423a-483c-a512-8e4ed09333cb", + "text": "Molt bé. Hem comprovat que les seves dades són correctes. Les ajudes són fins a 500€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ab9a4ee-c219-4bfd-99fc-e65912759f35", + "text": "Molt bé, i puc anar a qualsevol residència?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "qualsevol residència", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62c61ffe-5333-48df-8962-81d172834358", + "text": "Sí. Sempre i quan sigui a Catalunya.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec311cf7-7396-4045-b9f0-b1c99a7c96b0", + "text": "Si, si és clar.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1510367-1b6c-4b95-af41-4599046514aa", + "text": "Gràcies per tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "beb65fb9-effd-4887-907e-68516b93ee09", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b3a3acf3-973c-4f4b-a8ab-1ef63641158a", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a7e5d6f-75f8-4a1c-acd8-c4c64cc2f55d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 73#", + "número": 73, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "12931ab2-cc15-4035-8d9d-3770bf6ee29a", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "13fbbe6d-b52a-47d9-98e0-205f8dd74507", + "text": "Hola. Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06a2d1ac-b5a7-47ca-853c-638220345fd2", + "text": "Mira es que voldria saber quin temps farà la setmana que ve, perque ens en anem de viatge, a l'Empordà, i si plou doncs clar... no podrem anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6be79c5a-9d8f-405e-bb48-5feaaf3ec1fa", + "text": "Que saps si farà bon temps?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0627412b-14d7-4585-8694-67e7dcd185fc", + "text": "No entenc la seva pregunta. Nosaltres no sabem sobre meteorologia. Si vol consultar el temps pot anar a la pàgina del meteosat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81d16585-77d5-47d5-815d-3dc216034314", + "text": "Ai doncs no em pots dir quin temps farà a l'Empordà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef4b6625-27c1-4c71-9648-ad56248a86e3", + "text": "No, ho sento. Consulti el meteosat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "335cf576-183e-481b-8120-a9e5829f5cb1", + "text": "Vaja home, es que jo no m'aclaro amb aquestes tecnologies, tu...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9bddf67-b436-4f2d-b522-4367728da1cc", + "text": "Bueno bueno", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "457bd82a-f8d2-439b-99fc-39c6eeddfe3a", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d53f6f3-2491-4c29-a801-3f0bd79e56ab", + "text": "Vol alguna altre cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9678ceb-1923-48bd-98b6-71f15477c04c", + "text": "No no, només era això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a4fdf71-3900-43b8-83da-4bd37d35296e", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0013bcb6-3eba-441f-9593-db5aae73f8f4", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "57fe725b-f8b4-4673-91d4-c58dfa1be624", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 74#", + "número": 74, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a13d428f-5d3a-42fb-9db1-f12991b28761", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1c587960-8db5-4f2e-acc4-34072e2a1b1d", + "text": "Hola, bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8618147a-5dfc-4057-90d7-b134c9463d7e", + "text": "Em voldria apuntar al programa Viure i Conviure de l'Ajuntament, perque vaig a Barcelona a fer unes pràctiques durant 6 mesos, i necessito pis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "programa Viure i Conviure de l'Ajuntament", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "61199a16-a678-4ba7-91b5-42b075208af1", + "text": "D'acord. Per quina zona busca pis?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a819d677-910a-4300-b15c-4db0b54755f9", + "text": "Doncs mentre no estigui gaire lluny del centre, m'és igual", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "no estigui gaire lluny del centre", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9accee86-5159-40d3-bb9d-8031048c6ee5", + "text": "Tenim un a prop del mercat de Sant Antoni. Seria compartit i costaria 250€ al mes. Li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "675aa29c-9101-4957-b851-c4c6220a1765", + "text": "Si, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eddaa729-d0cd-47db-b1ed-2050d9ff8297", + "text": "Com puc fer per apuntar-me", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f98a549-cc41-498e-b43a-32ebdd2236a8", + "text": "Necessitem el seu DNI i nom.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27abe8dc-c3dc-4953-8cb0-cf1f598f72e1", + "text": "Em dic Nelson Howard, i tinc NIE", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Nelson", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Howard", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "NIE", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "465fede7-6076-44ff-a4b3-d2f337161f3a", + "text": "És el Y400182238", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "Y400182238", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4fb9fb76-7e16-467b-ad3e-74702abc9e33", + "text": "D'acord, molt bé. Em pot dir un número de telèfon perquè li enviem la confirmació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "087a3bed-d577-40b2-9dd5-8fc82e357c34", + "text": "Sí, és el 608122566", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "608122566", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7157fea9-09a8-4119-8094-764f36a8b0bf", + "text": "D'acord. Ja l'hem apuntat. Hauria de rebre un SMS ara.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2b8e7ba-18d0-4592-8b6a-03211f0d4647", + "text": "Si, l'acabo de rebre just ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d4c1060-d25f-4fc8-bf00-342a047a58cb", + "text": "Perfecte. Necessita res més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a77ad79-a910-415e-aefb-78d90fb5a50f", + "text": "No, ja està, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e76925de-c904-48a5-8d40-ece51698f819", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2bbd9be-2fb8-41b5-b0e5-5fabf5c920f6", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1961fdd7-d611-49e4-8fee-2b61131d7d8a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c1b09ede-8f1e-41ab-af82-55ec1479baa7", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c4b8d65-66d2-4aca-ba96-7be6757523ba", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2c7440a-ed46-49ca-b639-202cab4b5ff1", + "text": "Mira, fa unes dues setmanes que vaig sol·licitar tornar a obrir el meu bar, que habia estat tancat pel COVID. Pero encara no m'han dit res.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sol·licitar tornar a obrir el meu bar", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "326f5260-852a-4f0d-98bb-8aa48ed24df1", + "text": "I voldria saber l'estat de la sol·licitud", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d03ced38-3109-45ed-8778-c7a9e396ded2", + "text": "Ara li consulto.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0134c79-8086-4448-b3c9-f9bbdcc1fddb", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "95765998-7dde-4d07-bbdd-33052397a677", + "text": "Sembla que l'obertura del bar està restringida fins d'aquí 2 setmanes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7a049d2-d798-4044-bcba-8444c883e374", + "text": "I això perquè?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17d4b581-0281-46f0-80a1-9027ad87f391", + "text": "Per les restriccions actuals del covid. Els bars encara no poden obrir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0d4dbb1-6f09-4b97-b43f-23c47b6ce592", + "text": "D'acord, i en dues setmanes podré tornar a obrir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "en dues setmanes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39a5defd-9b66-42be-b7ba-488a0c9dcaca", + "text": "Si les restriccions no canvien no hi hauria d'haver cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed8405ba-c258-48a5-b744-56f6a0ce0f08", + "text": "D'acord, entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "479801a7-65f0-4547-a667-1c1440ace236", + "text": "Doncs res més, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76e983e7-ad37-4467-9b2a-db877d943959", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18bb57b7-a8e2-48f7-ab24-714a44901422", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e408cf68-f0aa-4e5a-b70f-24e85fd5d8aa", + "text": "Bon dia! En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdbecda0-d127-440c-85e2-378301f15c40", + "text": "Hola bon dia com puc pagar una multa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "multa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e17cd52-a184-41a2-a0cc-29439cf54f09", + "text": "Bon dia, aquesta gestió es pot fer telemàticament a través el web de l'ajuntament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7bc2986-38c3-4e38-b52a-2c3c70f662bd", + "text": "Saps com accedir-hi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f27f51c0-7ff2-4541-a791-5952b33faa90", + "text": "val", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c75a8d69-ee56-4bc6-a6d8-6dd8dc694a55", + "text": "no en tinc ni ides, com es fa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6982ef99-5932-43d9-ba0f-9a5b7c7060fb", + "text": "Primer has d'anar al web, www.ajuntamentdemartorell.cat. Un cop allà has de seleccionar \"tràmits\", a la part superior dreta. Allà trobaràs l'opció \"Pagar multes i altres sancions\". Un cop allà has d'anar seguint els passos que s'indiquen.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e817be9-ef29-4fd3-8db8-e885087aa94f", + "text": "d'acord, doncs gràcies per la info", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a32fd88-ed63-4ff2-a59f-e2b08ac205fa", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16db2ded-6d51-4c6f-b319-6d0282da4552", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fb0eeb3-551a-40f3-af0e-f7400f3b1b46", + "text": "Si, quin llibre va ser el més venut l'any passat per Amazon?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c775e8a9-6644-4abe-941f-bb5e706ff08c", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17d6008a-2468-4e1f-b683-07f84ebf6df3", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58351b0c-8b13-4bfd-b645-18a859a391cf", + "text": "Bueno val, dons res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9405debd-4104-4951-a50b-0a889b7cb3b9", + "text": "Entesos. Que tinguis un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86b1abb1-68d8-4307-86d2-b604c013472d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8e4bca91-1f77-4a84-9c6b-4f85f946f1ca", + "text": "Bon dia! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb6f9b06-497b-4142-a1e5-4c709029631a", + "text": "havia confirmat assistencia a la taula rodona que feu a l'ajuntament les 10, però hauré de venir a la de les 12. es pot canviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "assistencia a la taula rodona", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "12", + "Start_char": 110, + "End_char": 112 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4401d931-1d5f-4b0b-9ff9-0b17b5ebdb47", + "text": "Per quin dia és aquesta taula rodona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "903c55a0-b86b-4285-92e3-cd865c67f533", + "text": "si disculpa, es demà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42b9d4cc-db31-40a6-b1f8-c27b9ab6f00f", + "text": "D'acord. Quina taula rodona és? Demà n'hi ha 3 programades", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbad7e6f-4a13-4d97-adf5-33e09123dfb7", + "text": "És la que fa la professora Martí, sobre arqueologia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "professora Martí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sobre arqueologia", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a72232e-b067-4993-9724-0b4e76aea3d3", + "text": "Ah, d'acord. I vol canviar-la per la de les 12, la que tracta sobre diversitat de gènere?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bde8a9b6-80d4-4a4b-b557-a4071ab2ccd8", + "text": "Sí això, que em va millor al final i la temàtica també m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a96cb19-7241-41ee-b9a7-99af2a605317", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin nom va deixar quan es vas inscriure a la taula rodona sobre arqueologia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb7944e6-c076-40e3-94fc-fb624aa2aad8", + "text": "El meu, soc la Júlia Pons", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pons", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88d7cfaf-b95e-4c22-84b2-7b75236a393f", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs modifiquem hora i taula rodona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a5806c09-4460-4422-9f60-e3f2f6fe9cd9", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c247e581-2d2f-4b7f-b049-c940e9ba11ee", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a1bd6ff-d45e-4832-b8a4-245df283aa14", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70e54fe7-a8cc-4c3c-8dcd-f4505a79a34a", + "text": "això era tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e219867-4815-4c15-87fa-b99b3e9d50f6", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "34c7bed0-49a2-4f17-8497-62692120dc8a", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "29471e58-84ec-4837-a3c3-18695f1c1fb5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80d28ad9-f2fd-49d4-a3bd-d2066a444501", + "text": "Bon dia! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b55d208b-0a27-4ae2-b3d4-48ac7e56c625", + "text": "Hola, on he d'anar per pagar la taxa del gual?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "gual", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9da0d37c-5fb0-4da5-890d-36d8b7bada23", + "text": "Aquesta taxa pots pagar-la telemàticament a través d'Hisenda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82d3ab33-ab96-4397-88b7-37e77b47dd80", + "text": "Val, pero no hi ha un lloc on pugui anar i pagar-ho en efectiu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "en efectiu", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f7f1ac2-834d-47bc-9e65-025262a3902b", + "text": "Sí, amb el rebut pots pagar-lo en diferents entitats col·laboradores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4272476d-9f00-480b-b314-cebf67d36e9f", + "text": "De tota manera, si truques a Hisenda t'informaran millor", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87ae3d59-4012-436e-8397-3184797d5d28", + "text": "D'acord i em pots dir quin és el telefon si su plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telefon", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95e7a62f-b3b8-41ff-b8cd-2b7f9071db44", + "text": "Sí, has de trucar al 010", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "757a2519-3519-41bf-ad17-fa5c2f240e1e", + "text": "vale entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f2f5c6cb-a992-47fc-83b3-9fd6937375e5", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b41bfb09-2e73-4423-95ea-aace4c494e36", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbfdd574-09a1-4e0e-bce0-428fadc1a72b", + "text": "no, ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ce52466f-d72e-4f38-9543-d1ca225f1aea", + "text": "D'acord. Que tinguis un bon dia, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa789283-7a92-475b-8d19-eb70a4f04365", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c812d3ff-d571-4cea-bac3-4daa07e7a125", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 79#", + "número": 79, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "09084591-f2ba-48d2-a1ff-49f1f0942d11", + "text": "Bon dia! Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d1c90e5-c659-49b8-8f95-9425f45e7cbd", + "text": "Hola, estava pensant en domiciliar els rebuts dels impostos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "domiciliar els rebuts dels impostos", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b7608d74-5c16-4733-ad3b-72bba84f9463", + "text": "tu creus que ho hauria de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c68cefc4-8651-4103-9693-038f5d3c9528", + "text": "Hi ha avantatges en la domiciliació, com per exemple estalvi de temps.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d6015ee-19a9-42f2-9f8f-802fe5269ed3", + "text": "d'acord, i com ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "876daeaa-2580-484e-b194-160853e8ea68", + "text": "Primer heu d'omplir un formulari amb les dades personals. Pots fer-ho així o dir-me-les per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bfae1cb9-85fc-40ed-807a-7eb2b83c14e6", + "text": "Entesos, doncs ho faig ara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c07fcdb-a6bf-4d0c-8939-374b354eb304", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'm el seu nom i cognoms, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7195bbbc-80ab-42b1-aa16-6a1f8ea59fb2", + "text": "Jordi Tomeu Roca", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Tomeu", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Roca", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d16dff4c-d8e5-4d54-8b83-00037cfae6b6", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aed9acc4-8bed-448b-99d4-e79e3d68164c", + "text": "Quin tipus d'impost vol domiciliar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba15b080-8c78-47f1-b8aa-978dd03adee2", + "text": "doncs vull domiciliar l'IVTM", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "IVTM", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a7b2605-4872-4248-9ed6-b0313f175844", + "text": "D'acord. Indiqui'm ara el seu número d'IBAN, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de5953fa-6c40-4d1f-8723-11c75c970d3b", + "text": "ES21 9746 5364 64 564837263", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 9746 5364 64 564837263", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d91c0f32-361d-444c-a51a-20b38a7c6a99", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs ja té domiciliat l'impost", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5abf107-43e8-4317-8d1d-7e38ef55cc9d", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf45672a-3db8-4bb2-b00e-def231d8bbb3", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ca6cccde-000c-4732-88f2-3472b930154a", + "text": "no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d89b141d-5ef2-421a-a77e-fb7d15627c6f", + "text": "Entesos. Que tingui bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a710174-8a93-4396-b567-7dcaaa68c29b", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1699434a-f3ed-4a3a-94f1-c7a78b368522", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5ba9fa90-8271-4638-98e4-52e5148a4a35", + "text": "Bon dia! Què puc fer per ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b11bfba0-d580-4323-9de7-82045a7475f6", + "text": "Per demanar les ajudes aquestes per estudiants universitaris es un requisit haver aprovat totes les assignatures de primer curs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajudes aquestes per estudiants universitaris", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "requisit", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3064f2e1-a7f8-43c1-9433-b0d76aa45825", + "text": "Quin tipus d'ajut voldries sol·licitar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aed66988-5b8a-41fe-88c3-c5754de18207", + "text": "la de transports, com he hagut d'anarme'n a una altra ciutat perquè aquí no hi ha el que estic estudiant, he vist que podia demanar aquesta beca", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la de transports", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "867b06b1-f1e2-452d-9c2f-5573e265f8a3", + "text": "Ah, sí. Els requisits són estar matriculat en algun centre de formació (escola d'adults, universitat, etc.) de la província de Tarragona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7b431d9-eb1c-4516-b56e-ee36bed75ae4", + "text": "D'acord, i quins papers he de presentar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "papers", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ced08e6a-8fcc-4c8e-8313-171494a5a2fd", + "text": "Només cal que portis el justificant dels crèdits als quals t'has matriculat i el teu DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be8d4c25-13e4-49fc-8454-2a6f382b138c", + "text": "Ah d'acord, és més fàcil del que pensava", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49bbdae3-8b14-4730-8c4a-4b57a3444ec0", + "text": "Només cal aquesta documentació, sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed61a051-fbd8-4c2d-b105-0968ae5da9eb", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cca50ae6-a9c3-43a3-ba51-aaaa15a36bc6", + "text": "molt be, res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6f0c204a-4bc9-44a8-8c62-49090a089450", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "34daf40e-4ac4-4d23-9f18-3bd956e5c026", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4246a9de-6714-47ae-8435-face4b8793b0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 81#", + "número": 81, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f4ad989-cecc-4529-936d-f5f35a906d74", + "text": "Bon dia! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4bf7a504-1b2b-43cc-b4b3-fc48ae199b17", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a124e83-e2fc-4282-8d35-f1d898ff1f67", + "text": "Vull demanar una llicència d'activitat a l'aire lliure si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "llicència d'activitat a l'aire lliure", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a65cf9c4-d842-4425-a03d-f2250ea38cd8", + "text": "Quin tipus de llicència d'activitat necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0ad0c387-6c7c-4f89-baea-1fd2825cec2e", + "text": "es per fer un concert ara per carnaval al centre de la ciutat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "per fer un concert", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "per carnaval", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "al centre de la ciutat", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8791fa8f-4fb0-4a95-b27f-8238a29590dd", + "text": "D'acord. Per tramitar una llicència municipal d'espectacles primer heu de fer consulta de si necessita una declaració d'impacte ambiental", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9ea4ddf-b633-48b7-a624-bf1aeaea834c", + "text": "d'acord i això com ho puc saber?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c028f9c5-4313-4841-aa52-62bbc79a0aae", + "text": "Ho hauria de consultar al Departament de Medi Ambient de la Generalitat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "064c3240-fc76-44aa-a0b6-5350d31df16f", + "text": "val, doncs ara trucaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7678a37e-e12f-4ede-a659-1a56843f79d0", + "text": "i en cas que si que ho pugui demanar quant costa? com es pot pagar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e42fe56c-fd99-4e28-9954-258a9136d46a", + "text": "Això li diran allà. Aquí no tenim aquesta informació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa4dd3e2-8d13-4212-9713-ddb86c5656e3", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ac392b39-c5c3-4226-a179-2b0c8e1975a7", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ebc8189a-01d7-4221-9916-b2df55fd934d", + "text": "res mes, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "71242092-0bc0-43fc-9b0d-a86942484b84", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d4890fa-0406-4529-8ad3-1a9eb2b13ce8", + "text": "adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93502177-04d0-4b8a-88c7-1d4cab5372c0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 82#", + "número": 82, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "be6128f7-f3f1-4e1e-a163-69a4d5336d46", + "text": "Bon dia! En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4772621-b7c4-44b9-a4d0-3b18924e04ce", + "text": "Hola, pel tema de la matrícula de l'escoleta amb qui he de parlar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "matrícula de l'escoleta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "282e5aee-67df-4f04-8496-c7760a8663bb", + "text": "Aquest tràmit el pots fer des de la seu electrònica de l'Ajuntament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef07a8e8-d213-4f70-b7ae-95fe6a74439e", + "text": "ah val, i allí també indica quina documentació necessito?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a675b89c-1658-43fa-9279-f87c12fde7ed", + "text": "Sí. Et demanarà la instància de formalització de la matrícula, DNI dels dos pares, certificat de salut del nen o nena i el seu SIP.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2eae7d9-81de-41b0-a520-89f9ae02c341", + "text": "Entesos i la resolució saps quan tardaria? quan solen mes o menys treure les llistes dels nens que han acceptat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "resolució", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "llistes dels nens que han acceptat", + "Start_char": 77, + "End_char": 111 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c05f51fb-26b8-42d4-bbfb-4bdcab62f40c", + "text": "En dues setmanes després del tancament del termini de presentació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7613564-ce9d-456b-9eb5-359680e868ce", + "text": "Ah entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c48a1903-f61c-4811-abd6-b9a375b86d82", + "text": "En què més et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d01af1ff-bb00-4143-b980-9f0cbf0a74e0", + "text": "això es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "34e5fd8e-f76f-4763-a3ec-fca8df9569cb", + "text": "bon diaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "469770a4-e122-4510-851f-bc4394a59af0", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27f73d6f-8fd2-48c9-a2c0-3f4b8047e8aa", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 83#", + "número": 83, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2cec2515-d42e-4a84-bbad-262f9457042f", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f82c800-c523-4ef8-9b0d-98fabd67d280", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8185dff9-b4b9-4d17-8289-ffe9b39b1208", + "text": "em vull desapuntar del curset de cuina que feu al casal del poble", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "curset de cuina", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "casal del poble", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb165f17-c978-47e4-a05f-a65d8451b0bb", + "text": "Per a quin dia estava programat el curset?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eba8ba2b-1272-4bdf-a9d2-91047b3f3b18", + "text": "era el dijous i el divendres de la setmana vinent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "el dijous i el divendres de la setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24f43c72-cf9e-4de8-a2e7-d7c68f196146", + "text": "Entesos. Quin nom havies deixat per apuntar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2651669b-b3a3-4413-961d-0bcc4b1283d8", + "text": "Maria García Alberich", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Alberich", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f31b592b-a629-4cb9-9404-d713592557b2", + "text": "D'acord. Cancel·lem aleshores la teva inscripció", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee1913d5-a31c-408b-b5b0-5b404dc05242", + "text": "En quina altra cosa et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5adeeb4d-b4b8-4775-b4dd-14097ff65e1d", + "text": "val d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a750eec-d752-4b86-82ef-6506e270e459", + "text": "quant costa un billet d'avio per anar a Madrid?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "445dd8ba-5a4a-4104-a53e-762f67ceca47", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc donar-te aquesta informació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b50c6066-2d25-498e-bfa4-272968b89a66", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41638c09-00fc-4c88-8f6a-d9e452302a17", + "text": "entesos, doncs ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e2fb817a-43e6-4eed-955b-dd2ebfe1a2cb", + "text": "bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9528b849-9e96-4713-9aab-26d6bbf1a8f9", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86253bd9-3f53-4b90-b91a-39f06f78abdc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 84#", + "número": 84, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f3643709-4bda-4bbe-9c61-77ff9a78cb56", + "text": "Bona tarda! 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Per quina hora tenia cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70e724ea-5db1-47d2-af45-bf4754df1661", + "text": "era a les 6", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "a les 6", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82929510-a844-41cb-86b7-c5dde7f331df", + "text": "m'aniria bé un poc més tard", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "un poc més tard", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97a3cb34-e295-40a9-af2e-40f397a312d1", + "text": "D'acord. A quin nom era?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76266ab5-dbbc-4b55-a3b7-02b8ffc0097a", + "text": "Elena Guasch", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Elena", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Guasch", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae68635e-d5d6-4b78-b377-222ee66a8c9b", + "text": "D'acord. A quina hora voldria la nova cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21533076-0ffc-40ab-82f0-47963d1aea47", + "text": "cap a les 19:30 es possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "19:30", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b0626340-71d6-4d22-a6bb-d1658be5f49a", + "text": "Sí, seria possible", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7e23125-a240-4024-b5f1-1856f84420e9", + "text": "entesos, doncs genial", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2df986e2-36ff-4f44-887f-fa93b07e1c2b", + "text": "Canviem l'hora de la cita, doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7eabeb06-ec4c-4aba-be28-a8ce207b3b12", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a072ec23-4487-4fa9-974a-4653581c8285", + "text": "perfecte, això es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e67b4d84-dc53-4f4a-bfd9-a454399c8690", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7770e85c-40e3-41c3-9817-5a22314e0832", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f79adc5f-7c18-48ac-8d6a-6521d8256a69", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 85#", + "número": 85, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f4fea52-955e-47c4-b096-b65f1b80dd5d", + "text": "Bona tarda! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "790cc9ab-2dbe-400b-97a4-947612112519", + "text": "Bon dia, no recordo a quina hora era la visita que havia concertat amb el regidor d'urbanisme. Me la pots recordar, si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "hora", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "visita", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el regidor d'urbanisme", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65b575d1-4e5b-4042-b8d4-ed911b2dc296", + "text": "Recordes el dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6accdf1b-da6a-4682-a687-1b82a7bfb127", + "text": "crec que era dilluns", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6867262-b2ed-4a57-ab50-81e7f7c8a70d", + "text": "al matí si no recordo malament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c7f27902-6e93-427d-bf35-c1a2d28f6310", + "text": "Entesos. Com et dius?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ab29f58-db3c-4c1c-a3a9-3a47d7d179a9", + "text": "soc el Joan Vingut", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vingut", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e801cb9-3148-4e16-86c6-88528e4008d9", + "text": "Entesos. Tenies hora a les 16.30", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0cad23ca-c0aa-42ab-82f9-f4492630642e", + "text": "Ah doncs pensava que era al matí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e322dc05-fb06-475c-ae59-47dc871fd80c", + "text": "bé, ja em va bé, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "22fdeed4-3532-4f20-84e7-638f94e8b48f", + "text": "No, és a la tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "907a54ca-5c5f-4559-affb-0175437a9cbe", + "text": "En què més puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb632bb8-0392-4020-8be4-f31d7673af5c", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "75eb48eb-0f1e-4f94-b050-4b22c61cd7a0", + "text": "no necesito res més!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43ceca33-7b75-42ad-a13e-d3a1ba0ed248", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9db7c902-9db0-4142-9dd2-1b7e7a9857e7", + "text": "Que vagi bé!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c020f1c4-ffc7-449a-8302-3888df408521", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 86#", + "número": 86, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b5b58c45-24bf-4386-a976-9333787dc3b2", + "text": "Bon dia! Què voldria fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5abaad8a-b688-4353-a7ae-753afaef9b97", + "text": "vull posar una reclamació, em pots passar amb algun company?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "75c2a42f-46c6-4aef-bf9a-a55eec3ee2c3", + "text": "Quin tipus de reclamació vol posar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be3c8379-2f0a-4966-a597-13ce7f4e5564", + "text": "bé vaig demanar que m'enviessin el certificat d'empadronament a casa meva i no ho van fer i després el tracte que vaig rebre no va ser el correcte quan vaig avisar d'això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "el tracte que vaig rebre no va ser el correcte", + "Start_char": 100, + "End_char": 146 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "397b7742-fa65-4363-a157-b8563f98c6f1", + "text": "pero vldria parlar amb algu si pot ser, o que em truquessin", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "52d68b61-ef73-4621-b968-1347dffb5052", + "text": "Entesos. Digui'm un número de contacte i passarem nota", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12c6a626-8f85-45d7-ad0a-6b0edee4bd9a", + "text": "clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eb6fe02d-8f41-4faf-ad58-54ad07910cd6", + "text": "634267893", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "634267893", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f79fece9-04d1-4384-a386-e026f3e64151", + "text": "D'acord. Passarem nota al departament corresponent. Durant el dia d'avui contactaran amb vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d342bb8e-b8b6-45c4-aba6-2cb504b1c4cf", + "text": "entesos, t'ho agraeixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba905292-84f0-4dc9-936c-9ce214924f77", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2bc4f38-60ae-4331-9886-19872ff921eb", + "text": "no gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d53eb7cc-adb3-4bd7-9691-968397ffd745", + "text": "bo. dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e95ab247-8cfd-41a5-bfd0-68a119d49e46", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0cb26fa-860c-45b4-b978-cb0baa06d181", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 87#", + "número": 87, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80d11b38-f9f9-478c-9c66-ac2c73caba58", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a0eddb9-7705-482d-b417-1bc545cb3102", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "29b4e65f-1385-46da-8cd0-cf7608c9c02b", + "text": "vull cancelar una cita", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bcbfb57b-2a9a-4970-9897-e7313cec87c3", + "text": "Per quan tenies aquesta cita i amb qui?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c5e2959-8b76-432d-8caf-476a088ae11c", + "text": "la cita era demà i era per entregar els papers per demanar un ajut per al lloguer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajut per al lloguer", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 81 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f90b03d9-5646-4905-9e14-fd6c7fbacd18", + "text": "Entesos. A quin nom era la cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b87f023d-323c-4230-9254-447503f544a9", + "text": "A Núria Agustí Coll", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Núria", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Agustí", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Coll", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b30676b-39a1-4794-9972-4934f8163164", + "text": "Entesos. Cancel·lem la cita, aleshors", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e3b30355-5bbb-4e30-8cb1-aa515c79cef3", + "text": "Entesos. Cancel·lem la cita, aleshores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44901c34-fa8b-4a1a-8652-522d61595704", + "text": "Què més puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d8daf57-b976-4078-89c4-aadb67c3ac65", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "975f6270-706a-45f6-9b73-10c57e47b079", + "text": "això era tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "27ff09e8-246b-4d9c-8632-23386b7df204", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dce7d05-17e0-49b1-b53c-a179745c06b8", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d15bfd5d-0f83-40ba-878c-54f9ac87f59b", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "64a48280-d5c7-4a99-b7e6-9740d568d786", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 88#", + "número": 88, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b6a32ba0-af7d-45a3-95c7-9fb5847c9de0", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessitaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2da17d84-4799-425c-901c-356dfbbd87d4", + "text": "Vull saber com està la sol·licitut que vaig fer per matricular-me a l'escola municipal de música", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "escola municipal de música", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b71013d-723d-4fb0-9d32-1802ed950cd6", + "text": "A quin nom la va fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "077fb3ac-acda-4c49-9a83-2c3cb430931f", + "text": "Està a nom de Toni Hernández", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Toni", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Hernández", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bcaf2b9-b787-4ce7-89ac-0d8bcac65bed", + "text": "D'acord. Quan va lliurar la sol·licitud?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ef5d571-2813-4f8c-97e8-c011bdfad9f2", + "text": "va ser fa dues setmanes ja", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "fa dues setmanes", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "09102426-d135-4966-a581-fab7611d796d", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82311fac-4777-4fbb-9fd2-be92c05218b1", + "text": "La sol·licitud segueix en tràmit. Hauria de canviar d'estat en breu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d38dc7c-b0ee-41f4-8aec-14bbd19f5724", + "text": "D'acord. i quan estigui m'enviaran un correu o m'avisaran d'alguna manera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "84c96540-041d-41e5-80c6-1a8bf418d753", + "text": "Sí, rebrà un correu electrònic i un missatge de mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "288de26b-f872-4364-be79-9dab13b511aa", + "text": "Molt bé, entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a3df11b-9f97-4b24-a002-f78be5d8d6e1", + "text": "Puc ajudar-lo en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bb66ef5-5e94-4f4d-8417-3a41f8fddc05", + "text": "ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6cc8ab8-ef9c-4547-864b-82588c5919f8", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ffe547a0-1a71-4c3d-b2d8-ecf3a34c7c0f", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e91678c2-6e3a-4555-a967-4c873ccd6e82", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 89#", + "número": 89, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "48bca7d3-290e-4e9d-9710-7ee71ef7a68b", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què cal que faci per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fe9bd7e2-c44a-4a3c-aa49-06f90559e949", + "text": "vull fer el pagament d'una multa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "multa", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b9496c5-a9a0-4403-a24a-f3b10a88201d", + "text": "Per a aquest tràmit, pot fer-ho a través del web o presencialment aquí a l'Ajuntament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23cb1304-04a4-4731-86ec-30a6611d9ceb", + "text": "val d'acord, i per la pàgina web on ho puc trobar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per la pàgina web", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3190f228-8764-4164-9a6e-72960f804a03", + "text": "Ha d'anar a l'apartat de tràmits, i dins d'aquest, clicar a \"multes i altres gestions\".", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b69fc6b7-49d6-439f-9de3-6a15ceaab430", + "text": "val, i puc pagar amb la meva targeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "targeta", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "551df9ed-75c1-48f2-a47b-ac216b3472ee", + "text": "Sí, hi ha aquesta opció", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1952f4b-c032-4827-abc5-01981a0963a6", + "text": "d'acord, doncs ara ho faré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e866ca33-d127-4255-af15-82f23b637abf", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0599a458-5915-4c65-a9ae-f04743e9bec6", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e87b195d-13f5-4e92-9070-505ba7798bae", + "text": "quina assegurança em recomanes per a la meva llar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17c52c68-0bdd-4524-ab70-a2a36e10fa6d", + "text": "Em sap greu, però no puc ajudar-te amb això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "085bddbc-f18a-4971-a13e-8ddd35cb956e", + "text": "ostres tu, aixo no serveix per res!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "insult", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "09c01852-22a6-433f-91d4-e5e5c979f00e", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "446ea315-f7e6-4ef2-94b5-2ecf954f5e77", + "text": "doncs no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c8efed1-26a2-43cf-902e-abc573a63fee", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f837b058-3835-4217-aa01-80c22c7156b5", + "text": "Passi-ho bé!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32515fec-b6fa-4de3-8cd0-c791289a551f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 90#", + "número": 90, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "067694cf-c349-4885-ac40-33f82478082f", + "text": "Bon dia! En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecc90218-3e9c-47cd-a9a2-5707728656e7", + "text": "Bon dia, pel matí feu curset de català de nivell inicial? era per apuntar-me", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "curset de català de nivell inicial", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91a68552-26cb-4617-b398-84603d9ca7be", + "text": "ai disculpa, per la tarda volia dir", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e215911e-2975-43fc-bcfb-aeb90c957b40", + "text": "Sí, correcte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92f1e8b2-89d2-4552-877b-694af4a06632", + "text": "Per inscriure't necessitem el teu nom i cognoms.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddfe1443-51c3-4daa-b83b-3be8798449c1", + "text": "D'acord. Soc el Dídac Molina Cardona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Dídac", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Molina", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Cardona", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5316e26c-736e-4629-97c4-809eea4acc9e", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs ja t'hem inscrit al curset. Dura fins al juny.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0bb4ddd-c76a-4dd9-8d34-dc894e91d33e", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6a75245-e80f-4cd9-b986-315c4c888b2d", + "text": "D'acord. el pagament el puc fer o com?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d1e12340-9383-4ee2-96b0-1a5e4f142490", + "text": "Sí, pots donar-nos les dades bancàries per domiciliar el pagament si vols", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85c525b5-17b6-4cbe-83e8-c2b7890ab2cc", + "text": "perfecte. doncs mira el meu IBAN es ES21 34 4567 5367 564892340", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES21 34 4567 5367 564892340", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9952e3e8-3259-4ab7-b561-136886ab7a79", + "text": "Molt bé. Domiciliarem els rebuts en aquest número de compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54d6e570-e152-41f8-9731-0535763e1866", + "text": "Val millor aixi, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4499a11-4310-4ea3-8f2f-066251b1f401", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1238fb59-d68a-499e-b933-e66ad5d67866", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f128299e-aaba-431f-883d-4b2c22a7b36c", + "text": "no necessito res mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3c65cc9c-442d-4e8d-bb82-bfc2715855f9", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5beea24c-a85c-4c04-a5b3-8acf4c417104", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce064fc9-e7fb-4166-85c7-ff6140c4d2cf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 91#", + "número": 91, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "365b07d3-5089-44e1-815c-792ebbe6c22c", + "text": "Bon dia! Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad48efc3-92c9-401c-b48c-b7f5a2fdb9c4", + "text": "Hola, vaig demanar una beca però m'he adonat que he de canviar unes dades de contacte de la sol·licitud", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "beca", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "dades de contacte", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d44f52e6-7e84-4eb5-83ff-5bccbc277f63", + "text": "Quin tipus de beca va demanar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e08cb5d8-6e9e-4dac-a867-10dbb064d15e", + "text": "era l'ajuda aquesta per als esportistes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "l'ajuda aquesta per als esportistes", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "587d5203-aa5e-4373-bb54-2874c1f6c904", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7da2b30-eab1-4d14-a584-3293ce4e1b93", + "text": "Indiqui'm el seu nom i cognoms, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02762af1-e780-4d60-89af-662971ba9a34", + "text": "Si, Paula Alemany Costa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paula", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Alemany", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Costa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1514a88-8727-49b0-96e5-a19cc8d231a9", + "text": "Entesos. Ja hem trobat la seva sol·licitud", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c14096a-3d78-4408-829f-316611017a87", + "text": "Quines dades vol canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c383873e-e479-46c1-9e9f-88acc11aac75", + "text": "D'acord, he de canviar el telèfon que vaig donar, que és incorrecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e701ba9-4811-450d-88f6-958d10e7b975", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'ns el nou telèfon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d605004a-2c38-4917-9e98-b4b79ae6a132", + "text": "el nou és 689234132", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "689234132", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a3d7d12-287e-40b5-bbff-1e9a8ffed5b5", + "text": "D'acord. Ja l'hem modificat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4540c5a-80f0-4625-803e-dc259c78a4ef", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72430ee6-c0c1-426c-a1ba-e0499bef3fee", + "text": "D'acord. Això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f0e6225-c682-4460-8185-b4fbe8386d3e", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1404688c-c770-467f-ae61-4ed3be6e0950", + "text": "Adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62b8c8f7-b0f1-4d24-966d-acba321cd0c6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 92#", + "número": 92, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6fd3c90c-fe16-4cfc-98e4-1b5ddbc264df", + "text": "Bona tarda! Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cce3281-61df-4c03-9bcb-3e61dd304479", + "text": "Mira que em van dir que per poder fer alguns tràmits online de l'ajuntament m'havia de registrar primer. puc registrar-me per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tràmits", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "online", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52d27971-8cd6-4a20-a4d1-a11df15956cb", + "text": "Sí, és possible", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7af1379c-9a8b-4124-85a6-439364a5ada8", + "text": "Necessitem el teu nom i cognoms i el document d'empadronament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72620bf0-edda-44af-abcb-8a1403fae451", + "text": "D'acord. Soc la Sara Ferrer Marí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Sara", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ferrer", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Marí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a86b33e-c10d-4639-bc32-87e5a5e872e8", + "text": "i el document d'empadronament te l'he d'enviar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "document d'empadronament", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3c11075-3278-4fb2-85ba-b5e9dab1694a", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6540dd6b-5812-473b-ae10-41e63949d983", + "text": "Sí, el pots enviar per correu, a gestioaltes@ajuntamentreus.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a013268-e75e-452f-9161-f424e835fc36", + "text": "Val, i després ja ho acabaran de gestionar ells?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5db6afd2-e477-4e46-8936-f0f04d1e4bfb", + "text": "Sí, correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f358796-a069-46d6-a44f-9fe3294618d9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc454e47-f5ce-4daf-92b7-8429e857b619", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3f80e34e-2048-4d45-9ef6-62948b212b0d", + "text": "doncs no, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4321f704-72cd-4200-9d62-ddeed5084eea", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ad31025-c6a7-4a73-83a4-1f4bf84dd0d9", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e05155fd-84d9-42d3-b07f-9f6f4db9f441", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4d1137d-2da3-4ea0-b6a3-4a01673590b5", + "text": "Adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab510974-13c4-496a-85f5-b0846f3c2381", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 93#", + "número": 93, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d3b482e9-bd86-4497-8dd1-558557a56ef8", + "text": "Bon dia! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a37fb28a-b6e1-4747-877c-4a48218ad2d6", + "text": "Hola, mira que els camins del barri on visc estan en mal estat i volia sol·licitar que l'ajuntament sen fes carrec", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "camins", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "el barri on visc", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "en mal estat", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23ad1119-70ea-400a-abfb-775f5084aac3", + "text": "Quins camins en concret estan en mal estat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6b68e49-c44b-44ef-9f3a-3932cd8da0bd", + "text": "Mira el camí de la pujada i el següent, el camí de valls", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "el camí de la pujada", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "el camí de valls", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a60f9cff-5886-473f-8b0e-fc8072a920de", + "text": "ja es bastant complicat passar-hi amb el cotxe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "complicat passar-hi amb el cotxe", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d307c4d-e3c1-459c-8201-266dcd8ed861", + "text": "D'acord. Informarem al departament corresponent sobre això. Gràcies per comunicar-nos-ho.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5003885a-1074-4bfc-93b6-f115de4fe586", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d8543dc-e0f6-4747-ab28-cd26fffaa2de", + "text": "Entesos, gràcies per l'atenció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cf00b249-0207-49cc-a38c-41bd6485fcfb", + "text": "no vull res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b6a1aeb4-506f-495c-a29b-450c2c36a928", + "text": "Molt bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c36c10ef-0cf6-46f9-bb4f-02e08d069f79", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "608a07e4-69e0-4ef4-b8f9-f969b325067f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 94#", + "número": 94, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e4adcee6-db49-444c-8f3b-631aef951602", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió vols fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f73f88a1-dbc4-4c7b-b66d-c198722f4ec3", + "text": "Hola! volia saber si ja vaig presentar tota la documentació necessària per sol·licitar la ytargeta de transport gratuïta per a majors", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ytargeta de transport gratuïta per a majors", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 133 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd79e84d-1ee1-493d-bf74-4a25141fca7d", + "text": "Quan vas realitzar la sol·licitud?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1bdfd999-1427-4df5-89e5-403d26d10870", + "text": "la setmana passada, però no se si em faltava res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la setmana passada", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ac9b205-b16e-4219-88be-ebe814a39521", + "text": "Entesos. A quin nom vas fer-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95d493ae-1bf1-4768-b231-9675df081301", + "text": "Antonia Mas Bonet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antonia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mas", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Bonet", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5df97318-d34c-440d-8def-8754c2d60bce", + "text": "Entesos. Sí, ja l'hem trobada. Quedava pendent el documents de la jubilació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36f31609-59d8-4bc5-97a3-cd3979979319", + "text": "Ah d'acord. i fins quin dia tinc per entregar això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "fins quin dia", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c0a6524-31bc-421c-b3be-49f253d2d716", + "text": "Pots fer-ho al llarg d'aquesta setmana", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a602e2d-c3ed-4709-bc55-739e7aa5b784", + "text": "val d'acord, doncs ho tindré en compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c32e708e-a9bd-4603-9f8f-b7a76989e36f", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d0f0d71-b3ba-4023-bac0-0d822f743bf7", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adefdc72-46fa-48ad-a068-93289a23e42c", + "text": "si, quin temps donen per demà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f70683f2-c0d8-4ac7-bffe-692d6b2aa113", + "text": "Ho sento, però no et puc ajudar amb això.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16411378-0789-4c35-93fc-83cb95244d10", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf2c72ba-da70-4906-b82e-d459f689dcd8", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76549f2e-4c6d-46b3-ac3e-0b30531f00d3", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd8219f7-6bdb-40df-a56c-03a6b49ba96c", + "text": "Adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "467a3eda-e545-4891-b546-10eb77a69a35", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 95#", + "número": 95, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3e25373d-2eaa-4825-a441-8c90534d277d", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d805220-6382-4927-954e-5283a8faee04", + "text": "Hola, vull demanar cita per empadronar-me", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "empadronar-me", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72d8afc1-d2af-44b3-a1c5-1f246e13da62", + "text": "Cap problema. Per quin dia voldria demanar cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "127909e2-7a64-4885-9c0f-5c6f0031e49a", + "text": "Aquesta setmana podria ser? al matí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecfcd093-4130-4c55-88ec-a2ab6c9bb4f3", + "text": "Aquesta setmana hi hauria opció dimecres o divendres. Quin dia li aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4de50aa7-a6f0-499f-a0f9-b38fbb97daf2", + "text": "doncs divendres millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ab9834c-3571-4460-9f80-c0e93f4e3e68", + "text": "Molt bé. A quina hora?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94313586-9b8d-4edf-a7bd-1023986fbd41", + "text": "A les 10 teniu cap cita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "10", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ce41f7c-4e06-45dc-9b3a-071b571e0e8b", + "text": "Sí, però a les 10.30 hi ha possibilitat. O abans, a les 9.45.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e59c997b-ea82-476c-b8d4-880bea4bf2cb", + "text": "a les 10:30 en aquest cas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "10:30", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76018b2e-c999-47c7-8e17-2c6aa869a7a1", + "text": "D'acord. Quin nom vol deixar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbee3375-7da2-4c70-af05-b0f0e53f8556", + "text": "Sandra Pons", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Sandra", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pons", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ea51613-eaaa-40fe-a8e7-790c85ca8ee9", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs ja té la cita demanada. Si ens dona un corrreu, li podem enviar la confirmació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2edb262d-5caa-45d8-a39d-8ac844011ee1", + "text": "D'acord. Mira és sandra.p@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "sandra.p@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "349b404d-66cc-4cb7-88b7-a32f2582463f", + "text": "Entesos. Li enviarem aquí la confirmació. Qualsevol cosa pot anul·lar o modificar la cita des d'allà.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87e0aa3f-4cf8-4b20-90ce-82fd3d739efb", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5eb1acf-8c96-468c-9f19-392cc71e12d1", + "text": "Entesos, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c054b39-0dd2-4a44-8178-c89bfb2bd800", + "text": "no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10cb299a-5ad7-415b-b729-14b4f88c5a1a", + "text": "Molt bé. Que passi un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cacd4eb4-e726-4945-a537-323720875f3c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2828c8e3-15c5-4c9f-bae0-9eda754483cb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 96#", + "número": 96, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4052c438-0a0f-44cd-9b02-111eadf2acf1", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d31332d4-e050-4001-b6bc-e606b648caa4", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "68bacb59-8178-45d6-ad5e-52fcd6e4a297", + "text": "vull demanar el servei de teleassistència per al meu pare", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "teleassistència", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "meu pare", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ed0a3d8-4894-4ece-8e73-19ec458e6947", + "text": "Quina edat té el teu pare?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2e73b54-6ddf-4390-81b4-563255960dc7", + "text": "acaba de fer 80 anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "80", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66f18c09-9660-42ee-a083-915cc41708c9", + "text": "Té algun tipus de discapacitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38224e5d-f2a9-4a66-bbd1-c6f447e1801a", + "text": "No, però he vist que es podia demanar per gent major en cas que visquin sols, i és el seu cas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "gent major", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "health_condition", + "text": "visquin sols", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7344a3de-26f0-470a-a139-30c4961a8f1e", + "text": "Si, en aquest cas sí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d709255a-4db5-4509-ae48-96c11acb13be", + "text": "Cal que ens enviïs el document d'empadronament a la ciutat de Tarragona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "570fa5a2-a51c-43e8-9149-6218cbe30320", + "text": "Entesos, i he de presentar cap altre document?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "document", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11b8f1d9-3e24-4204-af2a-d9dddac6c5d5", + "text": "També una fotocòpia del seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e44402a-40bc-491f-a242-4aa6799a04bc", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ara quan ho tingui ho enviaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e5738cc4-5983-4cc0-bc9b-b1ec72eef272", + "text": "Molt bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86978120-3c1e-4dc0-9107-8b3ceb535df9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "786d1f83-5151-4d67-a690-1ed39404a634", + "text": "res més, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3981626c-6f86-447b-ae83-a0d27fe4873c", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f7b165fc-2d72-4a7c-be9d-763ed550fcad", + "text": "Bona dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed4c649d-03d7-4e92-a8c0-c31f92ed1e98", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 97#", + "número": 97, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "af3c486b-9b0c-4ea9-aaf0-ca3c5108e803", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65fd188a-f543-4a72-ad72-85bfbbab81a8", + "text": "Per tenir accés a un habitatge de protecció oficial com ho he de fer? m'he d'inscriure en algun lloc?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "habitatge de protecció oficial", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a66a6af8-ce5e-492a-8290-2e0eabaaf7e5", + "text": "Sí, ha de presentar sol·licitud a l'Agència d'Habitatge de Catalunya.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "348faa41-7e93-403b-b566-7a29debfd5b2", + "text": "D'acord, i quina documentació necessito?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d75fe49a-7c8f-4714-a921-62e464134854", + "text": "Presentar la sol·licitud que pot descarregar des del web de l'Agència, certificat d'empadronament i fotocòpia del DNI. Addicionalment, el llibre de família si s'escau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5af1020-a02c-4d39-8eef-159ca3091920", + "text": "Entesos, doncs així ho faré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59855d69-a90e-4e5d-aeeb-590dba23bc4f", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2290886-e42a-4d87-9bce-04baa95bd0c0", + "text": "Necessita fer alguna altra gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5d74df37-8b91-4a18-9e40-94f4ef8a218e", + "text": "Nomes era per saber això, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8f62ab9e-279c-470c-8035-b66b772b702b", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36a26815-38a0-4250-8fd8-aa41eb14ba38", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1b68c06-d902-4f23-b7b9-1fae709a72a1", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c775ac67-c959-4769-9a82-cb6bbd714193", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 98#", + "número": 98, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e07e9f79-bfd2-424d-9a94-8ecedfbef663", + "text": "Bon dia. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9c3fc51-3079-4f0c-bdf6-f9a7ec8f37e2", + "text": "Quin dia es poden baixar els mobles vells al carrer perque els passin a recollir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "mobles vells al carrer", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d36487b6-0f4d-4534-be14-aa5bb0f0843e", + "text": "Tots els dimecres, de 17.00 a 19.00 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e01819b-5030-4b32-a301-299e3ed6f600", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1abcefc6-4503-470f-8f63-be30af717af7", + "text": "i es a tots els barris el mateix horari?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a tots els barris", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mateix horari", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7322b261-db6f-4de6-8789-db52790f9cff", + "text": "Sí, excepte el barri de La Guineu, que és de 17.00 a 19.00 tots els dijous.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a2c7df71-3ecf-473c-91ea-b7620a111f4f", + "text": "Entesos. I no fa falta que avisi o que truqui a algun lloc abans de baixar-los?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "55d031bd-663c-45ea-a5e0-1bfd43045e6e", + "text": "Sí, cal que truqui abans, ja que si no hi ha cap moble de ningú, no es fa ruta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aec6f764-c1ef-42e9-9f72-9d7d2fd20e53", + "text": "Ah d'acord, doncs ho tindré en compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fd740128-0b45-465c-b36f-e0fcc435b93d", + "text": "Molt bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "205f29bf-40e6-4710-b529-c287fa2eb00b", + "text": "Necessites alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7b19c7b-032f-4f98-96b4-e229970c5703", + "text": "això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b2e91628-bcde-409a-a86c-42f52b1e1ee9", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ca42ec1-d20a-4a4b-bbbf-608c5446458e", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3ce53da-3a19-4425-8468-1836675ed6bd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 99#", + "número": 99, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a03ccada-3c01-4ec5-a089-e25f6389853e", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el/la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81d126a4-fb50-4f22-813a-66e86125e304", + "text": "Hola! Soc d'una acadèmia de ball i volia fer la inscripció per a la cavalcada de carnestoltes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "acadèmia de ball", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "inscripció per a la cavalcada de carnestoltes", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2eeacef6-5f6b-46a6-b436-2e71637755d2", + "text": "Entesos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "89f9fa1c-66cc-4434-ba6c-5d83556c1bfa", + "text": "Indiqui'ns el seu nom i congom, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "afbd5689-c7e3-46bc-b7cc-b22e28ba2f02", + "text": "Soc la Marina Roig", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Roig", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ec02da5-34df-4ec3-92b8-ae3fb9563515", + "text": "D'acord. De quina acadèmia és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d1783c6-16f3-45f3-b7da-adbfed554d91", + "text": "Es diu Dança10", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Dança10", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "908d7426-d61c-4f31-8c20-6f1fe1defb0a", + "text": "Molt bé. I vol inscriure's a la cavalcada d'aquí la Pobla de Segur, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "707d54f1-89c2-4e9a-a75b-dbe9550689ae", + "text": "Exacte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "68685841-17d5-40d2-95d7-4da44aa0fd78", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs per completar la inscripció només ens caldrà una fotocòpia del seu DNI i que ompli el formulari, que li podem enviar per correu electrònic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9516fdb9-69ba-48ab-a916-bd42f2fc7e54", + "text": "D'acord, doncs si, mira ho pots enviar a la meva adreça de correu que és m.roig@dança10.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "m.roig@dança10.es", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 90 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4eb5060b-c85d-442f-bedf-79daa1340aeb", + "text": "Entesos. Li enviarem aquí el formulari.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "914f2b55-70c7-4be6-a6cb-ca1174a3a255", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08b53648-7430-4255-bd81-02ca4c95ce67", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "79bd478f-ab3d-4842-974b-3ec2ef9fbd9c", + "text": "res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d3c569e-de6f-462c-a470-ccda6e9b12c4", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "125d4912-9290-45e7-a5ca-4ca0e979f1fc", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08b4e2dc-7a85-49f9-939a-fd4056418ad3", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "64246837-4022-4bb0-8293-9433625bf5b0", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 100#", + "número": 100, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "74120fa6-0d6a-4916-9918-73df0aa1664a", + "text": "Bon dia! Què necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c3f62b7-f50b-4e6d-9158-5549e1720867", + "text": "Bon dia! He de canviar la m'heva adreça fiscal, que he canviat de pis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "adreça fiscal", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1fad46f-f31d-404c-a9e9-268b131deb6b", + "text": "Entesos. Digues-me el teu nom i cognoms, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3005a018-dda1-44d4-a0a7-bb275fcac21e", + "text": "Sí, Tomeu Sala Ros", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Tomeu", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sala", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ros", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffb7fc6f-86d9-4151-bdc5-eaeb564a8353", + "text": "Entesos. I estàs empadronat aquí a València, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a1ca528-b367-47ec-a426-aff8279d0642", + "text": "si, correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8c2cd52a-b463-475e-9e38-aa38d9e15925", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09443315-ab16-419b-a022-373617ea0076", + "text": "Quina és la nova adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e811987-e192-457d-9ce1-39538ef84056", + "text": "és carrer d'Andreu Feliu, 24 2-3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer d'Andreu Feliu, 24 2-3", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0d22dee-a848-4cff-ae54-a353dbe21501", + "text": "Entesos. Ja hem canviat l'adreça.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8c5fa58-7f77-4eb4-9100-87a36a6798b8", + "text": "En quina altra cosa et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4b7570a6-2bc9-45b0-b891-f777ff529f14", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4c319e3-a954-42ef-be27-14ce3be172cb", + "text": "això era tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b254524-f785-49ae-95ee-9a189263ad77", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b0467da-156a-4d36-9ff8-2ec4f648d8c3", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb011432-a43b-4a33-9faa-a0b151e1b37b", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7070c3b-e4f5-4990-98d4-556483a566f9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 101#", + "número": 101, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "20995e59-88bd-4156-8637-b441271449d2", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ecf648f6-eb13-4b79-a6c5-1235253f38a8", + "text": "Hola bon dia, volia preguntar jo acabo d'arribar a la ciutat i m'he d'empadronar i no sé com ho he de fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "empadronar", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5a8b0feb-d315-42f7-99f6-b127822bf45d", + "text": "Cap problema. Nosaltres t'ajudem. Hauràs de dir-nos unes dades perquè estiguis empadronat. Diga'm el teu nom i cognoms, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a44c509-736e-4228-894b-3196fac7bce4", + "text": "Ah d'acord, soc el Joan Taberner Saló", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Taberner", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Saló", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "357d087d-9a3e-4602-a445-1c1f3063b8e9", + "text": "I et vols empadronar aquí, a la ciutat de València, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1aa67340-6f12-4b4f-bef9-2193e16f61a6", + "text": "Si si, que m'acabo d'instal·lar aquí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76277e4b-8c51-475b-83f1-683f28b01323", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara necessito que em diguis l'adreça del pis de lloguer o propietat on hi resideixes, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "317d185c-83ba-4945-a4c9-f813f316bda6", + "text": "I tant, mira visc a l'Avinguda de Peris i Valero núm 4 i el pis és el 7-2", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avinguda de Peris i Valero núm 4 i el pis és el 7-2", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a171186-82b2-41dc-9a12-867ac3b32f24", + "text": "Perfecte. Quin és el teu DNI? Indica'm també el teu sexe (home/dona) i la data de naixement, que ho necessitem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aeabc66e-31a1-498d-a76f-304e3b905ca1", + "text": "A veure, home, DNI 39876532 amb lletra F i la meva data de naixement és el 9 de juny del 86", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "39876532 amb lletra F", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "birth_date", + "text": "9 de juny del 86", + "Start_char": 75, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "869efaae-42c5-4c07-b8cc-bb701191f125", + "text": "D'acord. Prenem nota. Només ens cal un telèfon de contacte i un correu per enviar-te el formulari de l'empadronament, que hauràs de signar i retornar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8459e865-9857-485f-b01a-77f6f78edb82", + "text": "Entesos, doncs podeu posar de telèfon de contacte el meu mòbil que és 687642315 i el correu que tinc és jtaberner@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "687642315", + "Start_char": 70, + "End_char": 79 + }, + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "jtaberner@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 124 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6bca421-02e4-4d07-95ae-8df47243da5f", + "text": "I això on ho hauré d'enviar dius?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "on ho hauré d'enviar", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4bc4cc3a-34ba-40a6-a519-74ac97321c72", + "text": "Molt bé. El document t'arribarà a aquest correu i l'hauràs de signar i reenviar-lo a la mateixa adreça. Aleshores t'enviarem una còpia signada per l'ajuntament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27d26607-9665-4573-8b1e-ea8314d36e7f", + "text": "Ah d'acord d'acord, quan estigui això llest ja no hauré de fer res més doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bf1775bb-a37b-4a7a-bef9-b6d55d0521db", + "text": "No, ja estarà tot. Estaràs empadronat en aquesta ciutat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26d15662-6d8f-433e-b33e-fa3ef13cf197", + "text": "Doncs genial, gràcies per l'atenció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7ee1f3ae-6a9b-49f4-ba06-cfafc79c5c71", + "text": "De res. Necessites que fem res més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fe79613-c703-4ea7-99fa-3d855fd8aa97", + "text": "Res més, això era tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "638242f1-6330-4fca-a8fe-145dbe2927b7", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs que tinguis molt bon dia, Joan!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11d94a17-b48d-4cbb-8140-b2ebb2235254", + "text": "Adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3f71569-ddeb-4c22-a1c3-841ae9568a03", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 102#", + "número": 102, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f8f6d19d-162d-4899-9a43-46b3068d3c65", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87d616f5-4d94-4e53-8abd-e4c7169028d5", + "text": "Bona tarda, a veure jo volia informar d'una cosa. La zona aquesta del poble per on visc està molt bruta, no ho estan netejant aprou i era per veure si ho podieu informar i solucionar-ho per favor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "zona aquesta del poble per on visc", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "està molt bruta", + "Start_char": 88, + "End_char": 103 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f64ae82a-cf8a-4420-925c-7b0bc74882fa", + "text": "Ens pot indicar quina zona és exactament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cbabd04b-0b97-481c-9c52-b152a00308e4", + "text": "Es per prop de la zona de la comissaria, tot el parc aquest tan gran que hi ha, que jo hi visc al davant i és un poc desagradable veure com està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "prop de la zona de la comissaria", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c124cd9a-eff1-4028-bb92-77b6c1a2b331", + "text": "Entenc. Però necessitem l'adreça exacta per poder fer la gestió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "423a3b92-009c-4fae-bb97-da9dd16d6eba", + "text": "Doncs mira és el Carrer Salinar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Carrer Salinar", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba2c67ce-02ce-4a6b-ba9f-1b69fb3c5ba6", + "text": "D'acord. D'aquí Tortosa, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f778c78e-c509-4b4f-b6cc-715331b8d259", + "text": "Si si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a99f70b1-2848-4555-bdb8-d96c83f691cb", + "text": "Molt bé. I què passa exactament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c3b4503-4711-4364-af7c-7fc359517cc9", + "text": "Doncs que al matí quan surto a treballar els carrers estan molt bruts, com si no els haguessin netejat i molts cops encara no han passat a recollir els contenidors", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "al matí", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "els carrers estan molt bruts", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no han passat a recollir els contenidors", + "Start_char": 123, + "End_char": 163 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d258b46f-3942-4ca5-bbf9-e3e07eb9266f", + "text": "D'acord. És estrany, sí. Mirarem què ha passat. Ens costa que hi ha una vaga de personal de neteja. Mirarem si és per això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1adcea2f-ab00-4fb9-a266-997edb49ea24", + "text": "Ah doncs mira podria ser això, no en tenia ni idea, pero espero que se soluciona aiat la veritat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "79168024-3d30-4679-be58-ae24eac78768", + "text": "No es preocupi. Passarem la incidència i l'informarem. Em confirma el seu número de telèfon i nom i cognoms, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0edeb16-fef1-497d-84ad-40f62fcbd710", + "text": "Soc la Tània Sabater i el meu telèfon és 654289765", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Tània", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Sabater", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "654289765", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c73d5f77-0e07-4ae2-bee7-570a9d24f527", + "text": "Molt bé, Tània. Doncs el que et diem: prenem nota i et contactarem", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60ffefc8-f42f-4619-b441-562ff53443b5", + "text": "Ah d'acord, doncs així ho espero", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6739cc45-e5b0-40ee-99c3-7c411eef3161", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bbac4049-8443-4ab5-94b4-c5bae8b5db48", + "text": "No era això només", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b77f2c87-1568-4270-a45e-e0c4f69e816e", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4984e372-8b64-4d7f-b84c-36753e4f4948", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c451adb3-97a2-41c3-95f7-7b185ef11a81", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 103#", + "número": 103, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8a26b6da-f9d9-4902-8332-1397896a2a70", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d1b53f6-8995-41f0-a8e7-bcdf15116610", + "text": "Ei, mira aquesta tarda he arribat a casa i de repent veig que m'han posat una multa, vaig aparcar on no es podia o alguna cosa així. A veure, com ho he de fer per pagar-ho? He d'anar a l'ajuntament o puc fer per internet, com va la cosa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "multa", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per internet", + "Start_char": 208, + "End_char": 220 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6090b22c-38c2-44c5-af9f-a2db08d39045", + "text": "Sí, pots fer-ho telemàticament. Tens empadronament aquí, a la Seu d'Urgell?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dcb19afa-dea7-4af0-986b-5a533cf6cb60", + "text": "Si si, visc aqui des de sempre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5f8fe72c-8153-4804-89a9-d656f5f0721c", + "text": "Molt bé. Quin és el teu nom i cognoms? Necessito el DNI també", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4cf609a6-e1d1-4245-a198-b4d0c70da446", + "text": "Soc l'Èric Melis Ferrer i el meu carnet és 49867343S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Èric", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Melis", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ferrer", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "49867343S", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca1604c5-3786-4805-9647-ad4c3497f599", + "text": "Entesos, Èric. Doncs com et deia pots fer-ho telemàticament. Coneixes el web de l'ajuntament?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "238db512-12b9-4c47-8850-9c007c7e0172", + "text": "No en tinc ni idea si et soc sincer, hi ha algun apartat que ho posi això de pagar multes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fc66976d-d11c-413e-9d01-c45cf46bfde2", + "text": "Sí. Necessitaras l'usuari i contrasenya. Com que estàs empadronat, quan vas fer l'empadronament hauries de tenir aquestes dades al justificant de l'empadronament. Les tens?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ee3e0636-f151-46ed-aa4f-3d6ba2c9cb04", + "text": "Mira si, això ho acabo de trobar al correu que es veu que m'ho vau enviar perquè ho vaig necessitar ja per fer una gestió", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ccfae064-896f-4d43-9c71-c3696afd87e4", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs has d'introduir aquestes dades per accedir a l'àrea del ciutadà. Allà on posa \"tràmits i gestions\" has de clicar i després a \"multes i sancions\"", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "935d6437-c2b1-4787-a443-9cd880a1523a", + "text": "Ah d'acord, si si he obert la pàgina i ja ho veig on és això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32b4c778-98e1-4265-beb7-3d17cc46045c", + "text": "Molt bé. Has trobat l'opció de pagar multes?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "287c229c-6e8a-4a13-b59b-63cbe60e76c5", + "text": "Si, aqui ho tinc! Ja ho estic fent, gracies eh", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "945b8d0e-7ee8-4758-a895-11ef49e03073", + "text": "Perfecte. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1543109-88f9-420e-b41c-e4130d769fff", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "672a0d25-824a-4232-b251-821f65e7a380", + "text": "D'acord. Que tinguis bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8996ecc0-7b8b-4f1a-bfdf-cc07c1a90806", + "text": "Vinga bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a918c464-3d7e-4cf8-a6a4-0eac387ce942", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 104#", + "número": 104, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3a0e1f5d-0699-4909-a2f7-50ee1240ad3b", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "80cd529c-1d36-40c7-9806-4294670db9b8", + "text": "Hola, volia preguntar com ho he de fer per treure la targeta d'aparcament per a persones discapacitades. Quins papers necessito?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta d'aparcament per a persones discapacitades", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 103 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "papers", + "Start_char": 111, + "End_char": 117 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f47c87c6-3354-4ac8-8f72-9b81f06f6ebc", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitem saber primer si vostè té emapdronament aquí, a Reus", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0394df0-c0b0-4184-b95c-83aee8edce1c", + "text": "Sí, vaig empadronar-me fa un any o així, que abans vivia a Tarragona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "662fb6db-3851-40c2-b4e2-653e1df0ebd5", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitem l'informe mèdic on consti que té discapacitat i de quin tipus", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df6358ea-b3a6-4cf3-ab06-05ba5afa5f54", + "text": "Vale i em podries dir a quina direcció de correu per favor?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "direcció de correu", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9cec7ac6-0c04-4816-854a-8dc776ae8bf6", + "text": "Sí, a tramits@ajuntamentreus.org", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3a06d7b9-e93e-4c1d-ab90-dbc6639b9fa7", + "text": "D'acord doncs ho envio aqui, i despres ja estirà tot llest o me diran el que he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e266819a-fe22-4cc4-b826-96dc0430cb35", + "text": "Sí. Bé, necessitem que també enviï el DNI, una fotografia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "552b2269-d9c3-4405-8308-76b4c18c99a2", + "text": "Entesos, i tot al correu aquest no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb4fd0a1-2d66-4028-8528-20517274abe6", + "text": "Sí, exacte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0727c59c-9a17-4b44-bace-9d6d1be565a7", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs així ja si que estaria tot veritat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41501346-3f27-485d-b404-26c4d398cad2", + "text": "Sí, aleshores si tot està correcte l'escriurem per notificar-li la resolució", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23a0b776-c3c6-4503-ba52-6b8608965938", + "text": "Vale vale doncs ja ho tinc tot clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb961aee-22af-4bc4-852c-1b171be4961e", + "text": "Necessita fer cap gestió més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "963201d1-b5dc-4b45-91af-19a974921762", + "text": "No vull fer res mes merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b45fba65-491f-46ad-984b-df9c25d61ae3", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a878fefb-2555-4a2a-a2d8-79d208be8c29", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f4731b19-8d7b-4e70-9b2a-0b09aa2822cf", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 105#", + "número": 105, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ae6c7990-707e-4246-bc75-fe3c59f47921", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65341096-a8ce-44a1-aa1f-2a591f37b997", + "text": "Hola et comento, la meva mare està a una residencia de gent gran, però es molt cara i m'han parlat de les residències per a gent gran de l'ajuntament. Em podries infromar un poc dels tràmits que hauria de fer perquè hi pogués entrar i quines hi ha?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "la meva mare", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "residències per a gent gran de l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 106, + "End_char": 149 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3ecfe972-e294-47b1-8e14-1438bf14dfbe", + "text": "Sí, tenim aquest servei. Quina edat té la teva mare?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "392ba761-8fe8-427e-ab1a-8425fe930fb0", + "text": "Genial doncs, ella té 80 anys, en fa ara aviat 81", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "81", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5effa7e7-0561-42c4-8fa1-33e4127daed8", + "text": "D'acord. I té cap tipus de dependència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "706ab465-1b50-485b-a77c-cb4c46bb22b6", + "text": "No, es troba molt bé ells, però estava ja tota sola a casa seva i volia estar amb més gent saps", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "59858047-2df7-4ae5-8f61-92424a9e7925", + "text": "Entesos. Bé, en aquest cas, hi ha les residències de llar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1379476f-5129-463c-ba8e-96ad5dfca9c4", + "text": "Ah i com funcionen aquestes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a08bdce-4521-4499-b2b6-5ab92b996fda", + "text": "Sí, son per a persones majors de 65 anys que no estiguin en situació de dependència. A Sagunt en tenim 5. Per tramitar l'alta de la teva mare necessitem la seva documentació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eebe9748-a228-4a17-a82f-1fe64546d325", + "text": "Entesos, si si jo t'ho passo tot, tens cap correu per això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "correu", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05952d52-2552-4e8c-9c09-713f55c502b2", + "text": "Sí. Ho pots enviar a residenciesllar@ajuntamentsagunt.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73800689-e5af-4ddb-b67e-8a3591fc2b59", + "text": "Molt bé, i de documentació que t'he d'enviar exactament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "documentació", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bf147f70-b81f-4747-8984-e1b83646ee2f", + "text": "Necessitem el DNI i el justificant d'empadronament, perquè ha d'estar empadronada a Sagunt, clar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a108f220-dbac-4543-a2fb-437d0d81b99f", + "text": "Si si, cap problema, doncs t'ho envio ja mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "80e8838e-c1c3-4505-8c6a-efa718fcfd33", + "text": "Molt bé. Un cop tinguem validada la documentació, ella podrà triar a quina residència vol anar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25244825-4021-4f27-abec-03a7435a02f1", + "text": "Doncs està molt bé això, no sé per quin motiu no ho havia fet abans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "29964b4b-3077-4e9b-ab54-8148ed4018ea", + "text": "Cap problema. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f128c517-6f32-4824-88ac-b3444cd21db8", + "text": "Ja està, no vull res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8db68a4f-2960-4067-bf6b-48e647e4f365", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11ebecea-851d-4e57-ba16-6aa7b24ce085", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 106#", + "número": 106, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "baef28fd-83ea-4e61-89b7-9bd913264480", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f58e0a4e-9b9a-47cc-b8d8-fac9db8b3bd0", + "text": "Bon diaaa! Mira soc d'aquí de Roses i estudio a la Universitat de Lleida. M'han dit que l'ajuntament del poble doncs té una beca per als estudiants que estudien fora d'aquí, com puc fer els tràmit per demanar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Roses", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Universitat de Lleida", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "beca per als estudiants que estudien fora", + "Start_char": 124, + "End_char": 165 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "457fad47-7ee1-4965-b360-0ddf919d6c71", + "text": "Sí, suposo que et refereixes a la beca Formació+. Aquesta la pot demanar qualsevol persona empadronada a l'ajuntament que estigui fent estudis postobligatòris fora de Roses.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47bd946f-d313-45f8-9862-ccb149d26266", + "text": "Aquesta si, no recordava com es deia. He d epassar per l'ajuntament per fer-ho o ho puc fer per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "passar per l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 67 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 92, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e6a4dd4f-6bb8-459d-91b7-e724e2852887", + "text": "Necessitem la documentació. Pots enviar-la telemàticament o venir aquí en persona a portar-la", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6d71371-831d-4161-a7f5-c7cf5cd1395e", + "text": "D'acord, doncs mira crec que passaré demà per allí millor, que ho prefereixo sempre fer tot en persona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "allí", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1439916f-4ab1-4de1-b6c8-fd9371c9155b", + "text": "Em pots donar la direcció si pot ser, que he d'anar amb el cotxe i no recordo el carrer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5bdd091b-be56-445c-abfa-8b3b0f0d69d6", + "text": "Com et vagi millor. La direcció ��s carrer Portalot, número 2. És davant la plaça del Raïm.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d32547ad-6712-4d3f-8b60-e374c1f9d336", + "text": "Ho apunto, gràcies! Doncs si, aniré allà, i mira portaré el DNI i el meu expedient acadèmic, necessito res més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "410404f1-4908-450a-94e5-6c5608f1e425", + "text": "Necessitem la matrícula del curs que estiguis fent actualment i el teu DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d5ca0805-b757-42d4-9d28-008216925d30", + "text": "Entesos, doncs portaré tot això!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e1cebc9a-9ae7-44a4-83f1-5976684cc459", + "text": "Molt bé. Hauràs de dirigir-te a la secció de tràmits quan vinguis, d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77eecdc8-f1e8-429c-ac8a-3fbb6b8fac75", + "text": "Ah d'acord, bueno quan vingui ja preguntaré a veure on és si no ho trobo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "98dddbc7-070e-42bf-8704-6617c3304c35", + "text": "Molt bé. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9835b31-6c03-462d-a800-9bb18b9cdd95", + "text": "Doncs gràcies per tot, no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "290d13c0-cdb1-4bf2-bdcb-f7fd89418d8b", + "text": "Que vagi be!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9811973-c06d-4e6e-a08d-92fa0968bcb3", + "text": "Entesos. A reveure!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "20318719-b37a-409f-8d93-9d5afba0f884", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 107#", + "número": 107, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0cc4987e-9d4d-4755-b16f-8c7f57f24ef5", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "467a5a26-0edb-4f58-841c-fcdab2fc0b97", + "text": "Hola com va, jo soc d'aquí del poble però m'he canviat de pis i era per veure com ho de fer per modificar el domicili que apareix al padró municipal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "domicili", + "Start_char": 109, + "End_char": 117 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "padró municipal", + "Start_char": 133, + "End_char": 148 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ec49137-a1a1-48fb-9b3f-3b743969e5b4", + "text": "Cap problema. Per fer aquesta gestió necessitem el teu DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9a89ea13-70dd-424f-91a1-3759c9e86280", + "text": "El meu DNI és 41236976T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41236976T", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cd69ad5c-7218-45c8-83a8-02a04759d9e0", + "text": "D'acord. Vostè és Marta Moncada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba40ef17-0eaa-4f94-9862-1538a31a3aca", + "text": "Quina era la seva direcció d'abans?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbbe3e00-be03-4bdd-b489-d7167695aad5", + "text": "Correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d00d680f-38c2-4b8a-855d-39c34e42c152", + "text": "Jo vivia al Carrer de Martí 3", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer de Martí 3", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb9943cd-770f-45bb-82ef-158d31b53dd2", + "text": "Entesos. I ara on resideix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "917c8ae5-e3c6-4a3d-9221-8f9163b2cb1b", + "text": "Ara m'he mudat al carrer Pizarro", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Pizarro", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00196b30-cf0e-418a-8e18-1536618f7d0a", + "text": "al número 5", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "número 5", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe463325-be18-4abc-b947-58794731883a", + "text": "Entesos. Per poder fer el canvi necessitem que enviï una còpia del contracte si està en lloguer o de les escriptures si és de propietat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1e771ce-4f56-4be0-a8b8-2616dcd54b36", + "text": "Ah d'acord, és de lloguer si, i això ho he de fer a través de la pàgina web, d'alguna adreça de correu...?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "a través de la pàgina web", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 75 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "alguna adreça de correu", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51f96ee8-0113-433d-8f91-e3a07100a2b6", + "text": "Pot enviar-ho per correu electrònic. L'adreça és ajuntamentagramunt@ajuntament.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21406a86-49a1-4c9c-8943-640bd64f6970", + "text": "Entesos, envio això i llavors ja estarà el canvi fet?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c55b96a2-2b39-4aa8-8af2-168f2fe2dded", + "text": "Sí, ja estarà aleshores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5559fc9d-b3b2-4102-858e-d7840f25b875", + "text": "D'acord doncs perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "832980a6-7b9b-465e-947e-95528f69aefc", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a7e4bd8-1de6-43e5-8064-a0e147133024", + "text": "No, això era el que necessitava", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c078630c-d97c-473a-b165-7b1bd6d3a2b5", + "text": "Molt bé. A reveure, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fe415fb-54df-4622-80c4-97fd3f00566e", + "text": "Adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecbc73df-f98a-42a3-a416-07bfcb907003", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 108#", + "número": 108, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "585046a0-247a-4c7b-b77c-4893cd76967d", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de7a34b0-dfb0-40ea-9ac1-bb73e4dc1502", + "text": "Hola bona tarda. Estic intentant fer un tràmit a través de la pàgina web de l'ajuntament, bé és la domiciliació del pagament dels impostos municipals, però no em deixa acabar, dona error tota l'estona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web de l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "domiciliació del pagament dels impostos municipals", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 149 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "dona error", + "Start_char": 176, + "End_char": 186 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c26c00df-b5d7-4261-afa7-7dc9673f3543", + "text": "Entenc. Quan li ha passat això?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad4166e3-a466-4520-af8f-531aa85f422c", + "text": "Ara mateix ho estava fent, però ja et dic, no hi ha manera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Ara mateix", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4616a7cf-0733-4b6d-bd26-e587bd6045ea", + "text": "D'acord. Haurem de passar nota a l'equip informàtic. Potser hi ha alguna incidència amb l'aplicatiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d1e5f8ce-bdcc-47fa-a8d6-1ac8693b625b", + "text": "Entesos, i el tràmit que estava fent doncs m'he d'esperar per acabar-ho. Esque ho volia deixar ja enllestit perquè més tard no sé si tindré temps", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "18214bd3-2364-4d62-a9c2-98f17818a9d7", + "text": "Si hi ha error, no podrà fer-ho. Indiqui'm el seu nom i cognoms i DNI, si us plau. Així podem avisar quan estigui tot reestablert.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99e056b3-c10f-40ff-885a-ebf021d718a0", + "text": "Uff entesos. Soc la Llum Fabra Comí i el carnet és 49867425M", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Llum", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fabra", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Comí", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "49867425M", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0182914d-57a3-4878-845f-b2a076a805d4", + "text": "Molt bé, Llum. Ara passarem nota a l'equip informàtic i l'avisarem quan ja estigui tot funcionant de nou. El telèfon seu segueix sent el 665467833?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b8182d63-dabb-4c64-8ca9-82c44f5d4733", + "text": "D'acord, estiré atenta i espero que m'aviseu aviat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3c9766a5-0df8-4582-81b3-a982413d4a94", + "text": "Si, és aquest el meu mobil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5248ba51-f2b5-473c-9f6b-cffe0520c265", + "text": "D'acord. L'avisarem, no pateixi. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9dc9d52e-fc01-44c3-a6ae-12968ab3368a", + "text": "Bueno vale vale, no vull res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c19eb784-eb7e-4eda-a18a-cd1dcc20b9a2", + "text": "Quedaré a l'espera de que em truqueu gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4399dbc2-96c1-4d19-af56-a65027fd5034", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ae2774bc-6a9b-457f-86e0-41568722c9dc", + "text": "Adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c19e742-cf7b-409a-bc29-736901cf65c1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 109#", + "número": 109, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "beb96b27-5fb2-4964-a4c0-428e3619fcb3", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "604769a2-ba17-41e4-9128-6bf8db6ddcf1", + "text": "Hola bon dia, jo vaig demanar unes ajudes d'accés a l'habitatge i em van dir que m'avisarien de si me l'havien donat ja fa una setmana i encara no m'ha dit res. Tu m'ho podries mirar a veure com va?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ajudes d'accés a l'habitatge", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "160ae182-0ec9-48ee-b2f3-462673b78c4b", + "text": "Sí. Necessito que em diguis el teu DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99efe72b-407b-45fc-9723-18a9fd466ab2", + "text": "Clar, el meu carnet és 32986512L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32986512L", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "514ff64d-fc48-481f-b9e9-1068940e08d3", + "text": "D'acord. Ets el Jaume Vila Serra. I estàs empadronat aquí a Palma de Mallorca.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c12c2a9-b5b1-4be4-b7f9-cdec9b7f6212", + "text": "Si si correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ec1f0c4-b475-4e15-93d1-3f76a437bd31", + "text": "D'acord. Efectivament vas iniciar una gestió per demanar ajudes d'accés a l'habitatge. Actualment el teu tràmit està en revisió. El vas sol·licitar a primers de mes. Normalment triguen uns 10 dies en revisar tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38f47405-4412-48f5-b6be-99d0f865596d", + "text": "Ah d'acord, pues no entenc perquè em van dir que m'ho dirien l'altre dia. Així que ja me telefonaran o m'ho diran per correu electrònic quan estigui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "m'ho diran", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99b302f7-f607-4d10-b1b6-a4863647fcf2", + "text": "Normalment notifiquen telemàticament, per correu electrònic. El correu que figura aquí es vidal90@hotmail.com. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c179cb11-916d-4165-bbb6-b46cf235a1f3", + "text": "Ah molt bé, doncs esperaré a que m'ho notifiqueu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "341e0d71-be68-4119-8e09-49e046f801ea", + "text": "Si si, és aquest", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10f46a5c-c402-4d41-8d4a-43a0aa4df420", + "text": "D'acord. Al portal del ciutadà rebràs un canvi d'estat. De tota manera, arribarà un correu electrònic a la teva adreça amb el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e486a72e-3b9e-48af-a8fa-1e1c67766b17", + "text": "Perfecte, doncs m'ho has deixat tot molt clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0a67581e-a262-4085-a02a-d358a11352de", + "text": "Cap problema. Necessites que fem alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc5f75bf-82ae-45d2-9730-49fa9490a076", + "text": "ja no vull res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a6fd065-142f-4f97-8af2-eb731750ce89", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec09aaa9-9fc4-4f19-b4d7-1a772a43f277", + "text": "Adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc4cf978-3a8d-4f66-a525-c4801f1eb1e6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 110#", + "número": 110, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "956df868-02e7-4a71-98ed-8a9e12d4fe0b", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "44d0664f-36fc-4fe7-8d98-479cdece4867", + "text": "Hola! Volia preguntar, esque m'està a punt de caducar la llicència de pesca recreativa i a mi m'encanta sortir de pesca i la necessito tenir. No recordo si això per renovar-ho havia d'anar a l'ajuntament o com?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "item", + "text": "llicència de pesca recreativa", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 86 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "renovar", + "Start_char": 165, + "End_char": 172 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "640509a9-db7e-467b-8f65-82d7799981a4", + "text": "No, això ho ha de fer a l'oficina comarcal del Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació. Vol que li doni la direcció?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdf497c9-9847-449f-a579-62c5ea5cbe13", + "text": "Ahh d'acord. Donc si, si us plau, fa tan de temps que ho vaig fer que ja no recordo ni a on havia d'anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "85a709b1-68e6-484a-94bc-27ad93dd1230", + "text": "D'acord, tot i que l'única oficina està a Barcelona. Si no es vol desplaçar des de Figueres, pot fer-ho telemàticament també.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c1b0012-54a0-48e7-8b0e-b1616c8ac8c3", + "text": "Ostres donc sí, ho hauré de fer telemàticament, perquè no tinc manera d'anar fins a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "telemàticament", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5063588e-cc86-415c-b885-4491e928c87d", + "text": "Hi ha alguna pàgna web per on ho pugui fer o ho he d'enviar a algu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgna web", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9196a8aa-6293-4195-89cb-273feeed186a", + "text": "Sí, ha d'entrar a la pàgina de la Generalitat i des d'allà al cercador pot posar \"llicència pesca recreativa\". Li hauria de sortir l'opció per renovar la llicència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f9dcbdef-7a56-466c-a9ea-830d07f43ec4", + "text": "Si si entesos, ja ho veig! Gràcies per l'ajuda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "abe8a8d1-eeee-46e7-a890-a7063b9de9e3", + "text": "De res. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86c4156b-f0dd-4ec9-9c0d-3798ffed53dc", + "text": "No, això era lo únic que volia preguntar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f571bea-01d2-433d-872d-5d144b4af9d8", + "text": "Entesos. Aleshores bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f44be24-491b-4e27-8863-ad5d32fdee14", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "757c35e4-7125-4d74-89f1-c5f37b2a4259", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 111#", + "número": 111, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "43b97b63-ffbb-4da1-a475-e5010bd88583", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3c3df07-924b-4018-89b5-7d125dfe4a01", + "text": "Bon dia, a veure jo tinc un bar aquí al barri de Sant Andreu, ja fa uns mesos que vam obrir, i no tenim terrassa però hi ha espai al carrer per posar-ne saps, i voliem veure si es pot demanar el permís o la llicència o el que faci falta per posar-la", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "bar", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "barri de Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "terrassa", + "Start_char": 104, + "End_char": 112 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "permís o la llicència", + "Start_char": 195, + "End_char": 216 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30e7c0cc-2e1b-4b04-bd3f-c173f87c8614", + "text": "D'acord. Quina és la raó social del bar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ef731bc2-042e-4966-8aff-4c58c831b2a6", + "text": "Mira es diu Bar Blau i el CIF és B452375, no si això et fa falta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Bar Blau", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "CIF", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "B452375", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce891820-f62f-4a77-a092-9995ce56cc57", + "text": "D'acord. A quina zona vols col·locar la terrassa? Necessito l'adreça", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce9dbaa5-562e-47ff-83ae-a74cb86f5cd2", + "text": "És al carrer Gran, el número 3, seria per col·locar a sobre del passeig que hi ha", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Gran, el número 3", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94f9e5d5-d986-4f66-a12e-7c8a33814e75", + "text": "Entesos. Hauràs d'emplenar una sol·licitud de llicència aleshores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4882521a-174e-4a9c-ac40-f4d1a6861145", + "text": "D'acord, i on la puc trobar aquesta sol·licitud?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7225c922-5742-406a-83b7-17fdd1c1a21e", + "text": "Sí, has d'anar al web de l'ajuntament, a l'apartat de \"sol·licituds i registres\". Allà has d'anar a l'apartat de \"llicències\" i buscar \"llicències de terrassa per a bars i restaurants\". Podràs descarregar-te un pdf editable, que has d'emplenar i pujar a l'aplicatiu que hi ha en la mateixa opció \"llicències de terrassa per a bars i restaurants\", al clicar \"fer el tràmit\".", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c022936-4d14-4fc0-a8e6-646c53685a53", + "text": "Entesos, ja ho tinc, i això saps més o menys quan de temps triagran en dir-m'ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quan de temps triagran", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "830f686c-1bf8-495c-a1ec-fbf8b16651a4", + "text": "No ho podem assegurar. Depèn de la feina en aquell moment. Normalment sol ser entre 10 i 15 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "216dbf6d-e9a8-4eda-8576-431151671464", + "text": "D'acord, si si cap procblema, ho entenc que aquestes coses tarden el seu temps", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d07d7fde-d8dc-435a-bee7-0eb60e2be8e6", + "text": "Cal que fem alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "22ffce35-0215-4489-92ce-4d8fbfa108d1", + "text": "No, això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "535cc2b0-3368-4e31-b5ce-831260e60448", + "text": "Que tinguis un bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f8ac97a1-0272-4eb8-a4e1-d526ce7ec881", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aac3c1e4-61a5-4317-a49f-201eb121db36", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 112#", + "número": 112, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "01895ccc-9349-4838-a7aa-a192b59a2e26", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f3e34a5-47ce-48f1-98d3-d30c2284b9f4", + "text": "Hola bona tarda, mira tinc un fill i acaba de fer 1 any i ara jo començare a treballar i la meva dona també i voliem saber si el podem apuntar a l'escoleta de l'ajuntament, la que hi ha la plaça del centre dic. Saps si hi ha places encara, o ens hauriem d'esperar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "fill", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "1", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "l'escoleta de l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 145, + "End_char": 171 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "plaça del centre", + "Start_char": 189, + "End_char": 205 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a4873ed-2202-4d7f-8afd-d9421d16c6d7", + "text": "Volen matricular el seu fill a l'escoleta de Dènia, oi? Ara mateix encara queden places, ja que el curs escolar encara no ha començat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a09f9f7-0b09-4cba-9d11-631cf841f367", + "text": "Exacte, és aquesta. Donc així genial, i per apuntar-lo com ho hauríem de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ac5b4703-725a-422a-aebc-f468d4eb4544", + "text": "Sí, han d'entrar al web de l'ajuntament, a l'apartat de recursos educatius. Allà podran fer la sol·licitud d'admissió. Cal omplir les dades del nou alumne i també les dels progenitors. Si l'admissió és favorable, aleshores podran iniciar el procés de matrícula, que també es pot fer telemàticament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1ff1769-3760-4956-88f7-6889b31320c7", + "text": "Ah d'acord, i per allà mateix ja ens diran si ha aconseguit la plaça, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d1ab2b0-7cd2-46db-b675-43970277aaf1", + "text": "Sí, si l'admissió és favorable, vol dir que hi ha plaça per al vostre fill", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08659b36-7f30-4fc2-b29b-d7a3b1b9bea2", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ccc17649-a17a-4cb5-8455-5064e4792962", + "text": "Doncs així ho farem, i si tinc cap altre dubte em tornari a posar en contacte amb vosaltres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ea50646c-eaa8-44a0-9cb3-1a3df1507b65", + "text": "Entesos. Necessiten alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4330f35d-31d7-40db-b3d8-a543963077ca", + "text": "Per ara ja és tot, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6581cd8a-587a-4b86-87d5-a2ec5b472b25", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f178dfe5-6ae2-4fa4-a264-b041f13ff7ea", + "text": "Adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66e180f4-a85d-4e4a-8f48-c44508e5b1ec", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 113#", + "número": 113, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2c27116d-7c6b-4fe9-a265-c8f388c91489", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9e189f6-6202-4643-945b-ea52f78ac5d5", + "text": "Hola bona tarda! Mira era per un dubte que tinc, la meva parella i jo volem començar amb els processos i els tràmits per casar-nos aquí a l'Ajuntament de Lleida. Jo soc d'aquí de tota la vida, però ella és argentina i va arribar aquí fa uns mesos. Podries tu dir-me si hi ha algun problema ja que ella no és d'aquí o puc ja començar els tràmits?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tràmits per casar-nos", + "Start_char": 109, + "End_char": 130 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Ajuntament de Lleida", + "Start_char": 140, + "End_char": 160 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12c0bf7d-0dcf-453d-824f-e21ff46ad0f6", + "text": "Des de l'ajuntament podem fer casaments civils. Per a procedir les dues persones que es casaran han d'estar empadronades a la mateixa localitat, en aquest cas a Lleida. La seva parella ho està?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f41c3db-8928-4330-9e62-1c2fd0ecf86c", + "text": "Doncs no no ho està encara, no sabia que era necessari", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de66749b-6555-48b8-b3a6-8555a9363cb4", + "text": "Sí, cal que estigui empadronada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8eee5b9a-6cca-4b00-9098-8014dc4c2d45", + "text": "I com ho podem fer això? Des d'aquí em pots dir tu com es podria empadronar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "empadronar", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c310f6b-ce37-49b1-a0c6-ac73c25b8fc6", + "text": "Sí, és que abans es podia fer casaments amb només un membre empadronat, però fa poc han canviat la normativa. Per fer l'empadronament, la persona sol·licitant ha de portar la següent documentació: DNI o NIE i contracte de lloguer o escriptures de l'habitatge si es de propietat. Pot portar-la en persona o pujar-la a l'aplicatiu que hi ha al web de l'ajuntament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc358713-5418-437f-b76d-a6e234122470", + "text": "Ah entesos, ostres si que es necessites coses, això serà més complicat del que pensava. Crec que preferirà anar directament a l'ajuntament i entregar-ho allà tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 126, + "End_char": 138 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d2f47a76-020b-41c0-827e-a50a5f1dd846", + "text": "Em podries dir la direcció si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "be8563aa-443e-4de1-8662-6e567cce773e", + "text": "Cap problema. La nostra direcció és carrer Miragat, 5. És al centre.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1afbca9-1a2b-464b-9f3e-d467de7f23f5", + "text": "D'acord, si si és fàcil arribar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43b2186e-511c-470a-b44e-daf7dd6f426c", + "text": "Després ja començariem amb els tràmits del casament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3c5ead72-793c-4fd3-9993-527afd281fba", + "text": "Exacte. Quan els dos estigueu empadronats, podreu iniciar els tràmits per al casament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca097d08-c73e-471c-9dd6-39d6ee9abfc7", + "text": "D'acord d'acord doncs merci per la info", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "597365ff-17b1-4ae2-9673-958ef61f17ea", + "text": "De res. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c743ee7f-4d11-4dba-86a1-307dd0e9df25", + "text": "No gràcies, bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "793d4b60-ebae-4fb8-8277-1a9399a94ea0", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d03d6a9-759f-4892-a290-81675586838e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 114#", + "número": 114, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6b75aa33-2959-41b9-8526-0e1be07eb267", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cec542c-63bd-49e3-97ce-2f7583e5ad86", + "text": "Ei com va, jo esque t'explico estic buscant feina que em vaig quedar sense per això del covid i em van dir que a la borsa de treball hi ha moltes ofertes i tal, però no se com em puc registrar, què hauria de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "borsa de treball", + "Start_char": 116, + "End_char": 132 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9459b85f-d006-4e99-84b0-5723b49ac5d6", + "text": "Sí, pots donar-te d'alta. Per fer-ho has d'entrar a l'apartat \"feina\" del web de l'ajuntament. Tens empadronament a Berga?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d0a598f0-12d1-43c2-9179-658fd05d45e9", + "text": "Sí, soc d'aquí i estava treballant a una botiga pero van tancar i clar ara necessito trobar una altra cosa. I això veig que em creo un usuari i després ja veuré les ofertes no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes", + "Start_char": 165, + "End_char": 172 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4bf86d47-3c64-4222-8298-78124a04b4c0", + "text": "Sí, mira, primer has d'entrar i donar-te d'alta. Et demanarà les dades personals i després que omplis la teva experiència professional, formació acadèmica i dades complementàries. Aleshores ja tindràs accés a la borsa de feina de l'ajuntament. A més, has d'enviar una còpia del teu CV a la següent adreça electrònica: feina@ajuntamentberga.cat, ja que hem de tenir constància d'una versió del teu currículum vitae", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c496ee1-30a9-46fc-8061-284f0a830aa5", + "text": "Ah d'acord, molt bé i esocolta ja sé que no te molt a veure però com ho veus això, saps si es tarda molt en trobar una feina per aquí o que?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4c13e14c-3f59-424a-81da-eb9f4aa807c6", + "text": "Nosaltres no ho podem saber això. Només fem d'intermediaris. Les emperses ens trameten la seva petició, la pengem i fem una primera preselecció dels candidats que s'hi apunten. Després ja tot depèn de l'empresa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48efc3df-827e-438a-8feb-648503fb680e", + "text": "Clar, si si té sentit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "90b81195-8d75-43cb-83c2-d64db3868c1e", + "text": "Doncs espero que hi hagi sort i trobar alguna cosa aviat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "494becd1-db07-446b-b784-5c3a6ce3fd1a", + "text": "Esperem que sí, des de l'ajuntament et desitgem molta sort.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11fbf579-4d1a-4981-a9ad-7901fa234ab9", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8330c03a-7fff-4c69-bc5d-cdcd6c9ea47d", + "text": "Doncs molte sgràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6589956-5f60-4fa3-81db-4b0539c44cab", + "text": "ja no necessito res més, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e434127b-d2d0-4130-adfa-39086fbaefec", + "text": "Que tinguis molt bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "262867c8-cb97-476a-94c0-1f8fb5544b88", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 115#", + "número": 115, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "435b180b-284f-4648-b574-1fed48019321", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eabe76f2-cc62-48a4-9197-1d91d1916e81", + "text": "Hola bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4474199a-07ef-4c84-807e-7182c5d85c84", + "text": "El meu nom és Isabel i soc d'una organització benèfica aquí del poble, i estem organitzant una carrera benèfica, però clar la carrera passarà pels carrers i tal. Ara que hauriem de fer per obtenir el permís?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Isabel", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "organització benèfica", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "del poble", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 69 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "carrera benèfica", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 111 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "permís", + "Start_char": 200, + "End_char": 206 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a37e8e92-1c9b-4251-82bb-3668e9e64a9b", + "text": "Per a això, heu de tramitar una sol·licitud, que haurà de signar l'alcalde", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb275375-6ad5-4f30-94cc-6f53824cfd5d", + "text": "Ah entesos, i des d'on podem tramitar aquesta sol·licitud?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "443f6333-32bd-4f8f-89e6-89775c7df737", + "text": "Sí, podeu fer-ho telemàticament o en persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "283ac977-3a6b-4659-b031-133f6ef36902", + "text": "D'acord, a la pàgina web on és? Hi ha alguna pestanya de tràmits o algu així?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "a la pàgina web", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pestanya de tràmits", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bae728fb-adf0-474f-9511-d251da04a674", + "text": "Sí, heu d'anar a \"permissos\", dins l'apartat \"sol·licituds\". Allà heu de seleccionar \"col·laboració de l'ajuntament en causes socials\". Allà heu d'introduir totes les dades de l'organització i explicar el motiu de la col·laboració. A més, podeu fer peticions, com que l'ajuntament faci difusió, per exemple, o que s'imprimeixin folletons o pancartes informatives. També, es pot demanar que l'alcalde inauguri la carrera.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a42c986f-b984-4dfc-9f10-78a193e97c3e", + "text": "Ah doncs no sabia que hi havia aquesta possibilitat també, està molt bé que l'ajuntament s'impliqui en aquestes causes. Doncs ho faré i espero que surti tot bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8980dff1-c33f-4fdd-94ea-285da80e00b3", + "text": "Molta sort. Necessiteu alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b845a003-7559-4abf-90e6-acdb7438bb36", + "text": "Gràcies, amb això ja està bé, adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "acb50b3f-8e8a-4f22-9bae-5d365432de88", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f3c849d7-119c-4148-b795-8bd50b2d7dc2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 116#", + "número": 116, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "894f1f9d-bad9-4938-a8e1-06bab9122aae", + "text": "Bon dia. En què puc ajudar-te?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4326b54-9178-47b4-9211-acace9aaa191", + "text": "Bon dia, te volia preguntar per fer-me la targeta de transports saps on hauria d'anar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "targeta de transports", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c0788a47-87e1-4d74-82ac-c0cff8952474", + "text": "Sí. Quin tipus de transport vols utilitzar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b98d718-ed29-4099-b306-23469d6e07f2", + "text": "És el bus només, es que l'utilitzo molt i surt més a compte això de la targeta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "bus", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bd16c0a7-503a-4b5e-8672-b4bffc61947f", + "text": "També si ets tan amable, em podries dir què necessito per demanar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f27a3201-2e9b-410e-ac4b-28331810ab3b", + "text": "D'acord. Tens empadronament aquí a l'ajuntament de Maó?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09ea45d3-e30f-423c-85cc-34428eb774ad", + "text": "Si, visc aquí al carrer del centre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0dd02e17-d216-4fc2-ac66-e7169064bdcd", + "text": "Quin és el teu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25be3756-50e7-4f4a-ac83-f8d0a7dbc8ac", + "text": "Em dic Margalida Bosch Torres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Margalida", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Bosch", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Torres", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66de7b1c-e1c7-4373-a7af-7f37c1bc8a7f", + "text": "D'acord. El teu DNI és 77654385G i vius al carrer Tremp, número 3, 2n-3a. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48c23b8c-b333-4dae-bb2a-19d42e8cc669", + "text": "Si si, és correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6c17b20-2256-40cc-a173-ac6eed0f31e9", + "text": "D'acord. Nosaltres només podem fer la targeta d'autobús urbà. I només està disponible per als següents col·lectius: jubilats, estudiants, pensionistes i persones amb discapacitat. T'inclous en algun d'aquests col·lectius?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb26fd7c-aa9e-4b57-b1bf-8303e97dbc15", + "text": "Pues si, jo ja estic jubilidada des de fa uns anys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "jubilidada", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1f55ed6-2076-48b7-88cb-27162f605ea6", + "text": "D'acord. En aquest cas sí que podem tramitar la targeta de transports", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "afff45ec-cb08-4e6f-b75d-abe409becd66", + "text": "Perfecte, que t'he de donar llavors per fer-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d164023-3011-4e5c-b1bc-431f9594d519", + "text": "Sí, has d'omplir una sol·licitud. Juntament, has d'aportar una fotografia del teu DNI (les dues cares) i el justificant conforme estàs jubilada. Tot això ho pots tramitar telemàticament o en persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "16e22a36-509d-43a8-aa10-92471ea23ee3", + "text": "Vale, i si vaig en persona ha de ser a l'ajuntament, no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "ajuntament", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "65ffb1d6-82f5-42cd-8545-6ea04f43e3a9", + "text": "Sí, correcte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7a26e34-9f14-4b3a-91db-e4d1661567b3", + "text": "D'acord pues ho faré així, passaré per l'ajuntament i portaré tot el que m'has dit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "037969ad-6de0-401d-a91b-e06e80c5cd49", + "text": "Entesos. Estem al carrer Aragó, número 10, just al darrere de l'avinguda Agustina.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b8ee849-f2f4-4f14-befa-1c0c7c97e452", + "text": "Perfecte, demà mateix passaré per allà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "614a1f6b-07cd-420d-af5b-26e8e7b71df3", + "text": "Aquí la esperarem. Necessites que fem alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b73d511-7dee-4b23-b3af-41ae3c833639", + "text": "No necessit res més, que vagi bé!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41bde90b-2aa9-41fa-a234-5b85fc7a97cd", + "text": "Que tingui molt bon dia, Margalida!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6b69a627-5b10-4ecb-afe8-76a382bca515", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 117#", + "número": 117, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0ae44afd-3497-44b4-99ca-d2cfb1661f75", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db3dec34-c0ac-43f1-a446-3f6131c0fd0c", + "text": "Hola, era per informar d'una cosa, anava pel carrer i he vist davant del lloc on treballo que una de le srajoles s'ha trencat. Pot ser perillós perquè a més hi ha una escola molt prop", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "davant del lloc on treballo", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 89 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "una de le srajoles s'ha trencat", + "Start_char": 94, + "End_char": 125 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "050d386e-6ec6-40a9-8214-8b63633d9afd", + "text": "Gràcies per comunicar-nos-ho. A quin carrer hi ha aquesta rajola trencada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6173e128-09ea-4a2a-8614-0f49c1cb8e64", + "text": "És al carrer Forn, el que hi ha just al davant de l'escola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "carrer Forn", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1ee59e5-183f-48f6-8424-6331328b96e1", + "text": "D'acord. Només és una rajola o n'hi ha més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4bbe60b-df00-4e51-a1fe-08bec9ee57e5", + "text": "Jo només he vist una rajola, no sé si es una cosa més generalitzada, però com tenia pressa i he passat ràpid potser no m'he adonat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "una", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "78b42170-91b6-4989-bcc9-7790f3bdb3d9", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs ara ho comunicarem. Necessitem que com a ciutadà, faci una notificació. Necessito el seu nom i cognoms i DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1899b58-cf3e-4e3b-93b2-b13e4f26b4ea", + "text": "I tant. Mira soc el Felip Mas i de DNI 45689342D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Felip", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mas", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45689342D", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c49e32be-65ff-4e6e-9ceb-22b1f56a43f5", + "text": "D'acord, Sr. Mas. Ara passarem la notificació al Servei de Manteniment i Conservació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d1eabc6-0fd3-4062-b2db-1599a28ff09e", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb85f863-19b6-4d8e-b64c-58a55fcb9b60", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b5c9c9b2-c332-461e-a00d-2af0422f95cd", + "text": "Doncs no, això és tot el que volia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "363180ec-5736-461f-a647-c06b2dd5f49e", + "text": "D'acord. Bon dia, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2232b6fa-53b9-454a-9d9f-a14d0efc7d2b", + "text": "Adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0150a31e-d84b-4c8b-b1f7-f18c64125b51", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 118#", + "número": 118, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f0f03d4b-0a7d-497d-98fe-ba963e3ffa5e", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9f8a3a38-da76-4c82-a12b-97a557e84b94", + "text": "Holaa, jo voia un poc d'informació. EM podries dir tu si des de l'Ajuntament feu ara cap activitat per nens, al casal o alguna cosa així?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "activitat per nens", + "Start_char": 89, + "End_char": 107 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "casal", + "Start_char": 112, + "End_char": 117 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3e3cd5a-8739-421c-b3f4-addfff3d5cc8", + "text": "Ara mateix hi ha unes sessions de contes a la biblioteca municipal. També, hi ha un taller de dansa cromàtica infantil al casal El Peuet. A l'Institut Joan Palau també organitzen ara sortides biològiques a la Serra del Masnou.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28ad16c1-b4d4-41d3-9155-9591b3235bb5", + "text": "Ah mira que bé, i creus que perun nen de 6 anys està bé lo de la biblioteca, és per la seva edat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "age", + "text": "6", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "lo de la biblioteca", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "73bd7fb6-45fb-4907-bdcc-51096870daf4", + "text": "Aquí a la informació que tenim posa que és per a nens de 5 a 10 anys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04cb623f-64f0-41f5-be66-211cc6c8e09a", + "text": "D'acord, i l'he d'apuntar en algun lloc o no fa falta? Podem anar allí ja directament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d04059c-f6f9-4349-866b-a5693506b0fa", + "text": "Sí, en aquest cas ha de contactar la biblioteca. El telèfon és el 934567863. L'adreça és Plaça del Mico, 6. També pot escriure un correu a bibliotecapalmeres@diputacio.cat", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "139e738c-a0c1-4725-8c4e-5378c08f19bf", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs els hi escriuré o trucaré a veure que em diuen.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56c97af0-5541-48df-81c1-0425b95d3123", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e100117c-832b-4fb3-95fe-4c1aafb67e12", + "text": "Doncs per ara no tinc més preguntes, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "25cd86f2-8f55-4e7d-bf53-e57ee0e0e400", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f16f04b0-659d-4bef-8945-61b2c2c2a8d7", + "text": "Adeeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "923033a3-e972-46df-95db-f5e32b523a7f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 119#", + "número": 119, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f8618f6a-e0c9-46a3-8d27-60738771c7f4", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e5370111-16b0-43af-af43-6fe0dfb1be75", + "text": "Hola, volia demanar preguntar a veure si ara des de l'ajuntament oferiu cap curs de català gratuït, és per un amic que acaba d'arribar i li agradaria començar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "l'ajuntament", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 64 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "curs de català gratuït", + "Start_char": 76, + "End_char": 98 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18fa453b-ad06-4783-9a02-9fbcbb347140", + "text": "I tant. Tenim un curs d'iniciació gratuít aquí a l'ajuntament. És dimarts i dijous de 17.00 a 18.00 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9a4425b-2e92-496a-b2dd-0353ae85f7d7", + "text": "Mira que bé! Ja li diré doncs, ha de venir primer per apuntar-se?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da2e48db-1e4d-42bc-842f-309432a01bc8", + "text": "Sí, això és. Pot fer-ho en persona o per internet, al web de l'ajuntament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e66a1732-dc48-41d7-9cec-c17ac2db8ce4", + "text": "Vale vale, ho mirarem des del web llavors", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8dda5029-4f52-41d7-a484-f6af56e5e51d", + "text": "I que més t'anava a dir, després si ell va allí i veu que no li agrada ho podria deixar o canviar-se de grup o algu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5f5a895-e6b4-44a0-b6cd-8b5897674abc", + "text": "D'acord. L'única cosa és que ha d'estar empadronat aquí. Ho està?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65c32959-0835-4ea4-a289-ec615b31d7c4", + "text": "Bueno, està en tràmits, ara ja ho ha entregat tot per fer l'empadronament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "en tràmits", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "empadronament", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "732fbefd-ff3c-4f1f-bb6f-a7df80ef7514", + "text": "D'acord. Un cop ja estigui empadronat, aleshores sí que pot inscriure's al curs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff9bced3-fceb-4646-9115-3a715ed85ad7", + "text": "Grups, n'hi ha dos, un els dimarts i un els dijous. Pot canviar-se si no li agrada el grup o no li va bé el dia. Però només durant els primers 15 dies després de l'inici. Després ja no es poden fer canvis. D'altra banda, sempre pot abandonar, però aleshores no podrà rebre cap diploma acreditatiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18bf85ad-e73e-42d7-9030-04576c124888", + "text": "Ah d'acord, doncs ja li diré perque aixi ho tingui en conta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f6d29664-967a-4730-bfa2-d918d3bd7afb", + "text": "Entesos. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ceb9e88f-f747-4d5f-aa6c-454ab0fa8a6b", + "text": "Ja està tot, que tinguis un bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "25df4701-9779-4687-8788-ac08c914f4ae", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb94f61f-ff92-4e36-bea3-0cc20756fc69", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 120#", + "número": 120, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1a459e01-20c9-4af5-bfc9-9a3d4f19629e", + "text": "Bon dia! Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa27fb1a-f7d6-42ff-9a19-7b579305c3e7", + "text": "Hola bon dia, te volia preguntar per un dubte que tinc sobre el distintiu ambiental del cotxe. Veig que l'he de portar per circular per barcelona, quin haura de tenir i em pots dir on el podria demnaar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "distintiu ambiental", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "barcelona", + "Start_char": 136, + "End_char": 145 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dce92ae3-9f3d-4a56-9637-82593f216314", + "text": "Quin tipus de vehicle té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6b3b639-d5ba-4109-bf96-d40be2f98e2b", + "text": "es un cotxe petit, un fiat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "fiat", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7cee5489-dfc9-4a8b-8694-a0e40ca62ff3", + "text": "L'ajuntament ha regulat les següents categories: 0, ECO, C i B. Quina és la matrícula del seu vehicle?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "05962cd3-0c7d-4d8a-af91-25b2ee446a87", + "text": "La matrícula és 1458PKL", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "matrícula", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "1458PKL", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "735e3d31-04e7-4f1e-a6ca-2d6bc57e6d1c", + "text": "D'acord. El seu vehicle és de diésel, matriculat l'any 2007. Segons l'aplicatiu vostè hauria de tenir el distintiu B", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fa1ebb5-2b7c-478a-875c-a41f35366d62", + "text": "Ah entesos, i amb això puc circular sense cap problema per Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "circular", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17b3d241-b970-4a61-959b-19db0a77d742", + "text": "Sí, amb aquest distintiu pot circular per l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12acdb0a-ae32-4f37-b311-f2a6c124419b", + "text": "D'acord, i per demanar-ho com ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17899869-2ca2-470f-8bc5-ad6dd0b42f61", + "text": "Pot comprar-lo a l'oficina de correus, per exemple", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4ad7acd-23b1-48c3-b13d-c8b8e2f44ad3", + "text": "Ah vale vale, pensava que ho havia de demanar o alguna cosa així, veig que és més fàcil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c6b5f93-3dd6-4dfe-8f64-4b3763cceeb8", + "text": "Sí, bé, l'ha de demanar crec primer. De tota manera, si va a l'oficina de correus l'informaran millor", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cd9a283-21a5-493c-8cb3-f38f6824c36a", + "text": "Ah d'acord, aniré allà i a veure que em diuen, gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab4062a6-7cde-4cda-adf3-6286dee9b619", + "text": "De res. Té moltes oficines a Barcelona i pot escollir la més propera", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed4f4d92-3e9b-4333-aa7a-bf650b3d9373", + "text": "Genial, doncs buscaré a veure i quan tingui un momentet m'hi passaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14ec156c-4dfe-4bb2-993e-cb59e4f2e3e7", + "text": "Cap problema. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06f150c7-c503-4d1c-bf86-3f9b41c7d96b", + "text": "Això era tot, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eaf2eceb-c971-4dd4-a6b5-4ed285aadbe1", + "text": "D'acord. Que tingui bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c34afc54-3e16-4486-b6b5-7cc900bea295", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + } + ], + "clinica": [ + { + "id": "f68056e7-17d5-412c-b4ed-5d4d7e9886a2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 1#", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0daf16dc-8ed2-4351-90f0-573a6471383c", + "text": "Hola! Podria demanar hora amb un dentista?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f92cbda6-285e-4c21-9698-8de15afe0dff", + "text": "Bon dia, quina disponibilitat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2ae001d-cd35-4a0c-9637-619acc8818a4", + "text": "Els matins", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matins", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa81c803-0b57-4960-9134-6b7f783e4676", + "text": "En quin servei té interès?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "432ad32f-1eaf-49db-9743-c14ed21d2e85", + "text": "Dentista", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Dentista", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8eefd3ca-1a07-406d-a5f1-d655d79af2e8", + "text": "Però voldria una extracció de queixal, una neteja bucodental o un altre servei?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb3e7eba-deac-4d03-ab82-71bae4273166", + "text": "Una neteja si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "neteja", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f4b62420-3db2-4a6f-a568-84dcb1b2634f", + "text": "En aquest cas, la primera cita disponible seria el divendres 25 a les 10.00. Li va bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e047105-6bd7-4aaf-bc83-bb0dee7385d9", + "text": "Si:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ceb95c3d-0535-4470-90d3-3e6e869b100d", + "text": "El preu serà de 50€, vol saber alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1dd7091-381b-4669-9beb-a4d425dd2fb6", + "text": "No, moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "817bc107-56d3-4285-9dd7-8e1298d5b789", + "text": "Gràcies i la esperem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3625ba4c-e510-4256-a316-b1e18fcfefd8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 2#", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0480b49e-55b8-4309-baf0-3165fc8fe3ca", + "text": "Hola! Podria fer-me el test de COVID a la clínica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "test de COVID", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cde3a6a0-31d9-4f57-96a2-128a4d00e2a7", + "text": "És clar, quan voldria venir a fer-se la PCR?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15e99e88-3997-483c-8d7d-fba7eeef7d6d", + "text": "Dijous 25 de novembre", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Dijous 25 de novembre", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1f41d35-0d1b-4a56-a8ef-5fe3396a940c", + "text": "Aquell dia no tenim disponibilitat, podria venir un altre dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28220040-cb45-4192-81bf-40e624ac8530", + "text": "El 26 com a molt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "26", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed5fdb3a-82b3-41d0-97ce-086c7e6c805d", + "text": "El dia 26 podria venir-se entre les 17.30 i les 18.00. Pot venir a aquesta hora?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cd85d8a-b34f-4654-80e8-a0de28717ec7", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b5e3083a-cd53-46f4-8fc1-9c3b4c1a6410", + "text": "Necessitaria que l’informe fos en anglès, pot ser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "informe", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "en anglès", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39eee809-4262-4e96-b08a-80a9cd1de6c7", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3effa317-42ed-44f7-b0dd-a53102646198", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea21f5ae-6393-4842-91d5-9ceb7ff9a11c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 3#", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3e87f664-f0ca-4cdc-a02a-f8bb682166e1", + "text": "Hola. Hi ha visites amb ginecòleg?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ginecòleg", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a3da1654-7809-4ee1-8f48-7ec256a626d0", + "text": "Sí, quan li agradaria venir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0b1925f-29ef-4009-aee4-ba1b438f3e3c", + "text": "Quant abans! Es una urgència", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "urgència", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f469531d-de2d-4a41-8790-5309cd637867", + "text": "Hi ha un horari disponible avui a les 11, pot arribar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0112ca4-4259-49d0-b3db-c801942cfdaf", + "text": "Quina es la vostra direcció?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba3e3501-bef1-4111-a65b-86cf7fa39bda", + "text": "Carrer Roser, 23, Tàrrega", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d8b6e5b-9821-425b-8dbf-627fb90ad143", + "text": "Vale si arribo a les 11", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "146ac16d-6b2c-4c5c-8851-39f95194b587", + "text": "Fantàstic, en aquest cas tindrà cita amb el Dr. Francesc Molina al despatx 3 de la 3a planta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19d0f6c7-b6a3-4851-ac47-e798c99d20d4", + "text": "Que costa la visita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "visita", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56b53ce5-e1b8-41a0-933d-5833149752f4", + "text": "60€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa4e4ac2-1f27-4f01-a753-9d0c1d2ada07", + "text": "Vale moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "141ac0e2-fb63-4ba4-9c16-0df6ff4b3089", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 4#", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5ab23a6b-86a3-4266-b27e-e9c7388001b9", + "text": "Hola, necessito un alergoleg", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "alergoleg", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88b18eef-30e9-40fa-b61d-b2d5e74542ac", + "text": "Bon dia, l'alergòleg de la nostra clinica només treballa divendres, té disponibilitat divendres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86965479-b3f0-4f3b-8c99-c2392d207a53", + "text": "Només podria a la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "558aeeb4-9d8c-4dd9-adb7-992a2cd6f255", + "text": "A les 18?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25ff781e-3dc2-4d6a-9eab-aa629ca738cc", + "text": "Vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "52266112-08d4-4261-ac3e-4d8c9b17f014", + "text": "Quin es el cost de la visita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "visita", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d3c1bd5-1c41-46a6-84de-64e737882d4f", + "text": "El cost és de 40€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "01b38af8-b7a0-4364-980c-5ec2e3cd9ff3", + "text": "I la visita té una durada de 30 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e14c913-4e04-468f-9b42-0be2c4a98e6f", + "text": "D’acord. Moltes gràcies:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2b87f9e-6e2d-4ff4-b819-ae176ae0bb54", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "084f643a-3fc5-4a8d-b31e-88ceb1d69e6c", + "text": "Entra dins de la meva assegurança una visita al traumatòleg?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "assegurança", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a935eee-75b3-4c40-abc0-1e7c98f031c4", + "text": "Diguem el seu nom i DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "726f6ea3-385a-40f2-bc93-1ab1dc40bcfd", + "text": "Joan Puig 42378910D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "42378910D", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa1d86a6-aa2f-49eb-9309-1aaad040e7ec", + "text": "Amb la seva assegurança té possibilitat d'una visita gratuïta al traumatòleg.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02db7539-2b71-4fac-950e-a386d398b54a", + "text": "Quan hi ha disponibilitat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "disponibilitat", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68f1a647-af0c-4d7a-95c4-10b856066794", + "text": "El pròxim dia amb disponibilitat és demà", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8bb1c9f1-f0c6-44c6-a671-4611b0237a71", + "text": "A quina hora? Només puc a la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "864539f5-d055-4d37-b0a0-3ec20f201be0", + "text": "En aquest cas, el primer dia serà el 25 de novembre a les 19.30", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "364c5d76-1c84-4974-bdab-a366c12aad4a", + "text": "Perfecte doncs aquesta cita", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5bbe1d07-2aed-4f9e-9d99-734614f3bbaa", + "text": "Doncs queda reservada. Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fae6aba-d67d-4522-b5fc-dff5480954ee", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49d2a2e0-6a2f-4cdd-912c-9fb87b0659d5", + "text": "Bon dia! Veiem que a objectes perduts hi ha un bolso", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e91000ec-6d66-4a36-b222-8a97c5c92bbe", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 5#", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a42687e1-1815-46e2-a922-1fcfc3d38141", + "text": "Bon dia! Ahir tenia visita amb el dentista i crec que m’he deixat el bolso allà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dentista ", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m’he deixat el bolso", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c664722-54cd-46cd-84ec-f86c8a3323b8", + "text": "Bon dia! Sí, a objectes perduts hi ha un bolso", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd4d39b4-18ff-4546-bb55-c83e77f27015", + "text": "Podria dir-me de quin color era o alguna informació per confirmar que el bolso és seu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb89d2be-0590-4ea3-9bf8-b7f03f120245", + "text": "Es un bolso Rosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "bolso", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "Rosa", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f7be8a1-2dc5-4b26-a21b-bf5d8251441d", + "text": "D'acord. Él tenim a la clínica, quan podria recollir-ho?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbdae9d2-2400-40c9-9a3f-4ad46555f4b7", + "text": "Avui mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Avui", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2efe31da-1951-4420-9084-ac1484eb55bc", + "text": "Recorda que el nostre horari és de 8.00 fins a les 20.00", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac52dd44-46c1-4ce4-962b-7aca1a6641ee", + "text": "Pot recollir-ho en qualsevol moment", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1352c315-f622-4059-aa11-1631f134bbbe", + "text": "Passaré a l’hora de dinar, així em puc escapar de la feina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "a l’hora de dinar", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "96ffb1fa-0f6c-43d0-8410-1cc26830d6af", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "63bff0d2-f7e9-4833-ac75-a7e482c6b151", + "text": "De res i que tingui un bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bc2e917e-2efe-4bd9-86b8-13fe2cd59f56", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 6#", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f4db1033-a6fe-438b-a8d2-e1f09d46a5f1", + "text": "Hola! Em trobo molt malament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "Em trobo molt malament", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ee948dc-b891-44a7-a632-066a4d4d20b6", + "text": "Bon dia, quines molèsties té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d67d5ae4-cb57-46c4-95a9-e493853de4ef", + "text": "Tinc febre i mal de cap", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "febre", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "mal de cap", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de5817bd-f07a-42e9-9105-7951a6dcdf83", + "text": "Ha estat en contacte amb una persona positiva en COVID?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93596cfb-ead4-4870-8115-2a80cdc91537", + "text": "No que jo sàpiga", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dc362f80-0eb4-44bf-b254-cd361870182e", + "text": "Igualment, li haurem de fer una PCR per protòcol", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "770716bb-e8f1-4fb4-81da-5dbd49c7b3ee", + "text": "Pot venir avui a les 20.00?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dc850ce8-5f84-4548-b753-f4da505a4b51", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1d72138a-4ce9-49f9-ae5d-692eb6aa37b6", + "text": "I després? No em veurà un metge?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "metge", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4ebdb443-6367-4c1b-a848-1cac5cb17a9d", + "text": "Sí, primer li farem una PCR. I desprès la atendrà un metge", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "717f6493-2ce4-49c5-90fe-40eccdab66b0", + "text": "Vale doncs vindré a les 8!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "8", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1cfec7a3-4581-4c2e-b54e-1bf47db0e7e5", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd87fc7c-621d-4d6e-8a68-c4bc1d25b389", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 7#", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c7c5a8e4-cc60-489e-9980-c75115ebc265", + "text": "Hola! Crec que estic embarassada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "embarassada", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da7e34cc-fde3-4788-9ac8-d83177fec0a7", + "text": "Em podríeu fer la prova?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "la prova", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e439cc32-300e-4ad3-946a-90a090919452", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria una cita amb el ginecòleg?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c82971c-3d02-46a8-b6c1-0673dd05f24b", + "text": "Potser si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8042b23e-7412-4d4a-9020-2f058a8eba33", + "text": "A veure si em fa una analítica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4b88f13-f317-4643-88ca-195aedf21421", + "text": "D'acord. La primera cita disponible és el 23 de novembre a les 10.00, pot anar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "255dbf7e-76ee-4550-a3dd-85f2e4738d0b", + "text": "A la tarda no en teniu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1e05aec-27ac-40c0-b31c-998d6fdcc2e4", + "text": "A la tarda hauria de ser el dia 25 a les 18.30", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12e26bbe-88cb-4b1b-ae38-d79e7b95145e", + "text": "Aquesta cita mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7d95af6c-eacb-4eb6-b6bc-07e6d5c2ac36", + "text": "D'acord, confirmem la reserva.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dacbb26-c952-482d-9915-e8ad50c1b4f4", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0fad05cf-985e-423b-8de0-b02658404476", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 8#", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cdb03198-fabc-47d7-9e86-4febebf0569d", + "text": "Hola! M’agradaria canviar de metge de família si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "metge de família", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "319c7997-61ee-49b6-bfb3-b9306c123c6c", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu número de la seguretat social?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "436072d9-02f8-4154-ad52-21f8e2d04a26", + "text": "Si un moment", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "16bb0282-7bc3-437a-9c66-78dfa8103d2d", + "text": "555501234555501234", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "555501234555501234", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca373895-c3a2-44e2-948f-39c7b66e1178", + "text": "Veig que la seva metgessa de família era la doctora Margarita Ruiz, és això cert?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "051aa287-4797-4967-87b8-a5cfc86fded4", + "text": "Amb qui li agradaria estar ara?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88aea70c-0793-4062-a5a7-2692ceb48ad0", + "text": "Amb un home si pot ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "home", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d7a78c3-835e-4a9f-8ccf-85584f0a1b2e", + "text": "El Dr. Jorge Hernández, per exemple?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f8b6273-b152-4525-8e77-f80dfba84a59", + "text": "Si, ja va be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab49de60-8cef-4977-8b05-39bfc9b9070b", + "text": "A partir del dia 1 de gener de 2022, el Dr. Jorge Hernández serà el seu metge de família", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5f913cee-15b4-4e2f-b61e-41f32080d9a6", + "text": "Perfecte molestes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6740dedc-443b-46d7-9d4d-f0bdd675dddb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 9#", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "626a9dd3-6d11-4aea-97cb-abff23dde95a", + "text": "Bon dia! Teniu algun psicòleg en plantilla?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "psicòleg", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5d40710c-8ae4-442d-8aa1-49dc6c4c16c3", + "text": "Bon dia, sí tenim un servei de psicologia, però ens encarreguem del diagnòstic i desprès fem una derivació a altres serveis més específics.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36f26b8a-18ae-471b-9016-c9494c8b6c64", + "text": "Quan podria tenir una cita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a29e5ff7-c89e-430c-ab66-876639dfca59", + "text": "El dia 23 a les 14 hores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1f76ab54-3cb8-4e50-bd96-daf9c6518ece", + "text": "Que suposa la visita? Que costa i que s’hi fa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Que costa", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "que s’hi fa", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "565ed496-48e0-464e-b572-8a09c78a6cae", + "text": "Té un cost de 30€. En funció de la seva simptomatologia, fem un diagnòstic i la adreçem a un altre servei més específic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce8be0fe-d4e9-455a-b0bc-e02e8275345b", + "text": "Puc anar acompanyada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "acompanyada", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "546807e3-92ba-451c-9a49-441a421ea4cd", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd5761b5-371a-4519-915a-3755077684ba", + "text": "D’acord doncs aniré el 23 a les 2 i a veure que tal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "150687d2-006f-4bc8-87c3-4ae767d9f7a5", + "text": "Moltes gràcies:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1e943c76-923f-49a4-856f-a0259c65cf16", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "75b4a199-821c-4367-b4d6-9dfa9da1534b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 10#", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "555c4451-66be-4ddf-afc5-8afdfa86afec", + "text": "Hola! Tenia cita amb el dentista pero no me'n recordo de quan era", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d5185ca8-7cdc-4467-b9db-7e1a766305ac", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom o el seu número de la seguretat social?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d852fc09-6849-40c7-ae1a-e0449587368e", + "text": "Em dic Jessica Alonso", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jessica", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Alonso", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8fdca214-b4ce-475f-b307-89711c494ac9", + "text": "La cita era el divendres 23 a les 11.20", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9a9d490-2d59-42d3-a438-954a516a2dfd", + "text": "Oh ja ha passat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc825ab8-f71f-4be9-ae32-fe46ce11088f", + "text": "Em podrieu donar una altra doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32c3a58f-1e4b-437c-bb0c-c09e8cf18630", + "text": "Sí, quan té disponibilitat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06a0d94e-6fa9-4847-a0ca-46a07963fea1", + "text": "La propera cita disponible és avui a les 4", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41b20825-f02f-438c-846e-c8b5e8340883", + "text": "Ui no, hauria de ser ja la setmana vinent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4b1577f0-86b2-41a4-a3e1-daffd7ce201a", + "text": "El dia 3 a les 15.15 hi pot anar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "45789cf0-7a1c-4ff0-b3a8-773c6e40b840", + "text": "Si, perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eaef64f8-9847-4cdc-a2c0-01055ef3c127", + "text": "D'acord, queda reservada la consulta per aquell dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e77e6b78-30f6-4e17-a5ae-fa1dbd9b76cf", + "text": "Moltes gràcies:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19aa981a-5dc8-4df6-b9f2-14d7795cf6a8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4687ece5-55a2-47db-abcb-812554594b87", + "text": "Hola! necessito saber si hi ha algun pediatra de guardia pel meu fill", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pediatra de guardia", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "359c6d59-83f7-4392-8c3e-b22917ecea46", + "text": "Bon dia, actualment podrà ser atès. Pot donar-me les seves dades i les del seu fill?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4b74e928-f669-4729-93a0-7d32b08a6fcd", + "text": "Soc la Judit Valls i el meu fill en Martí Puig", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Judit", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Valls", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Martí", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7349ecab-5b97-4971-8374-cecad5f95491", + "text": "Pot proporcionar-me el DNI del seu fill?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ab29b63-556e-4b71-b92e-8560d5a5af0d", + "text": "40892316B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "40892316B", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4121f115-0775-42f7-a875-4717e51a3793", + "text": "Doncs podrà ser atès per la doctora Capdevila a les 7.20.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da810f48-a144-4c52-bef7-2ff7890105fd", + "text": "Que cal que porti a la visita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd42be71-b5be-4a97-81b2-4023772e9504", + "text": "només el DNI?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "DNI", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53ff5529-8244-49a4-bbe7-78e22e6afac7", + "text": "Sí, només això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "78a85a30-6305-4a52-a794-3059133ad13a", + "text": "Perfecte, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f03b199-0d40-4e30-a5eb-b1f406c235fe", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d47976d0-a5c2-4221-b03e-469e84d718ad", + "text": "Hola! em fa molt mal el queixal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "mal el queixal", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c6695d98-13b9-4894-b455-45f58b2847ad", + "text": "Bon dia, vol venir a la clínica d'urgències?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04552f71-b25f-4edc-b750-188857d0e64a", + "text": "No cal demanar hora?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "hora", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db029093-4883-4969-abe7-738a3ee8c8c4", + "text": "Si és una urgència, no", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d17f4a2-363c-4a52-b269-d2fc9bdd32ea", + "text": "Hi ha molta gent ara?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "molta gent", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f95a84bc-f1d1-4a56-b91b-175539f6a344", + "text": "No, però hi ha una espera mitjana de 30 minuts a urgències", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37250959-1b05-4fe5-b5cb-afa7c7ea4aec", + "text": "Puc venir acompanyada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "acompanyada", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2442d6b8-34ec-45b7-90ce-35c185fc704a", + "text": "Per protocol covid, només si és menor de 16 anys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb02e019-f165-4822-bdd3-20940467a80a", + "text": "Perfecte doncs ara vindré cap allà que em trobo malament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5cab6442-61f2-4a22-9b9c-dd2e5455f4f8", + "text": "Gràcies! Ens veiem ara", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d378bad-273c-419c-a438-3ee47db6cec1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8248b707-8970-4b54-bf0a-787d8804538c", + "text": "Hola! M'ha arribat un sms de que he de fer-me una revisió", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "revisió", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a3a2e1b-e1e3-4cad-b497-f565a49ea7b2", + "text": "quina disponibilitat hi ha?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "disponibilitat", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36029b1e-b689-4aeb-8271-2b468553bc60", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37f1b72d-b290-4ad1-be30-d123ed3a2374", + "text": "Sí, soc en Joan Maria Casals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 15 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5514695-5c12-4a04-aec6-0404becf8886", + "text": "La cita és pel dia 30 de novembre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79fdf81e-9e24-4660-97e5-e06bddf5ad03", + "text": "Aquell dia no puc! no hi ha alguna altra opció?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "alguna altra opció", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da149825-46cd-41c1-b75d-1d480144729b", + "text": "Si té cap problema, podem moure la cita al dia 4", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8565a500-b3c0-487f-9432-39e160f38026", + "text": "Siiii, molt millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "632f4343-e51a-43e0-a58f-e87921dbec4a", + "text": "Voldria saber alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d04f66a6-c1ef-4e60-859a-ae51deb8db6b", + "text": "No, això és tot! Moltes gràcies:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "63fd8509-5bb0-441f-b579-ffd4151691b6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "77a1e035-c33b-448a-a8c9-d4e7cb6b16e5", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "245f6f04-9431-4171-b4c8-0cf810b06b6a", + "text": "Hi ha alguna cita lliure pel fisio? Tinc l'esquena fatal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fisio", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f723c23a-3ad1-4ae2-80f2-9dbd59311fb3", + "text": "Bon dia, aquesta setmana no hi ha disponibilitat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2390675d-b357-41e7-a43c-7a556725be31", + "text": "Si vol, podem buscar una cita per la setmana vinent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ee1b43b-e19f-43c7-8773-59c5d15dc297", + "text": "Si, la setmana vinent ja va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2bac8766-9988-4690-a4ba-166e614130a3", + "text": "A quina hora podria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92809162-c6bf-4499-aab0-1b35dd4d9998", + "text": "Al matí fins les 12 puc qualsevol hora", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí fins les 12", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebc3c9c7-9892-4b91-b57a-edde6155a344", + "text": "A les 11.30, podria ser?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "628ed4e0-6553-4058-a0b8-2258b342b0ca", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c688b0d8-e71f-486f-b3b8-3bcc68f5eec7", + "text": "Quin dia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dia", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6c1bd51-d36f-4616-a595-d7d82e9e97f1", + "text": "Podría ser a la clínica de Girona en lloc de la de Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "clínica", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1f6f498e-5c32-4fcc-80d9-bf54c6112e9f", + "text": "Sí, podria ser dilluns. Pot ser a Girona, però en aquest cas seria dilluns a les 10.15", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "abc2d6d0-1f40-4aa2-9650-c0e4a658c116", + "text": "Ja em va bé!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa3e2961-c194-4f38-8b3d-aea09ca18f38", + "text": "Ens veiem dilluns", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23b49dc1-7663-4235-ba63-b7bb6e34c687", + "text": "Bona tarda:)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "214932e2-b1c8-4a67-85a8-62e81ed8ea4f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b66d657e-b781-4360-b363-e9320160cfb2", + "text": "Hola! He rebut un correu que no s'ha cobrat la quota", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no s'ha cobrat la quota", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b26b939-b1fd-4718-b00a-ec60fdfcf302", + "text": "He canviat de banc així que potser és això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "He canviat de banc", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "477108ab-b7ac-4b8b-9e32-a4f2d716dafd", + "text": "M'ho pots mirar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d8ef4bc-e1d6-4894-a8d3-95ca3214a470", + "text": "Pot dir-me el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d412a62-df65-4a91-9b7e-003c9bad3bff", + "text": "Norberto Básquez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Norberto", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Básquez", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91cc5dfb-c8d1-4e24-9415-8f3f398dfe1b", + "text": "Així es. Pot dir-me el seu nom número de compte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f071cb49-b900-4cc7-90d6-b82b97c35da1", + "text": "el nou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nou", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d7a6128a-ce5a-4568-9c82-08529245617d", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff5a8f3e-f6ae-4c3a-a906-0ae2a1ae3bd2", + "text": "ES74 0000 0758 0000 0058 3002", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES74 0000 0758 0000 0058 3002", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e1993bc0-8812-4964-95fd-d0db0e0f06e3", + "text": "En uns minuts li farem el nou pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b0338ea-aedb-4dd6-832d-c89ef9517c6d", + "text": "Avisa'ns si no rep un correu en els propers 10 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6bd3c8d6-bde5-492d-a704-14ede9c2a674", + "text": "Rebut! Mil gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc97d6cd-72d5-4ee7-983f-026129571e9c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "acec2c64-336b-46a3-8039-c62b2f17d720", + "text": "Hola! oferiu serveis d'estètica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "estètica", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be9376c0-c2f7-4727-9ad6-6f6449fdb629", + "text": "Bon dia, sí. EN quin servei estava interessada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a20ed877-7d73-4443-87e7-6b52b62e2020", + "text": "injecció d'àcid hialurònic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "injecció d'àcid hialurònic", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3bc920d6-620c-478d-9690-024cdcdafce2", + "text": "Sí, disponsem d'aquest servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0cb4d27f-2e85-497f-9b6f-1378b93c188a", + "text": "Malauradament, la especialista està de baixa tot el mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7de4d4c-d0a1-462d-b894-98e5d1a6bed3", + "text": "Que costa el servei?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a419ff79-85b9-4738-8f15-693a35ba8f33", + "text": "La primera cita disponible és al gener de 2022.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d83fd653-f9c6-4ee9-848d-6aef22aefccb", + "text": "70€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3439f90-412e-45bc-806d-3a62e5e4124c", + "text": "Doncs vull demanar cita si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "af669455-564b-4486-af7e-02460e598595", + "text": "Vale, li sembla bé el dia 12/01/2022?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c941d4e1-27ba-497f-9d61-1259d756c2f0", + "text": "I tant!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "446b590a-721a-4260-a42c-a8869f75d79a", + "text": "Perfecte, la veiem el dia 12! :)", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15d09dda-1753-49a2-8ee6-90dc9919dbaa", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f338620c-a50e-4f91-8667-d87838b5f7ab", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "955756f6-2a29-431d-82cf-708de9685e6b", + "text": "Bones! La clínica de Banyoles ofereix visita per l'oftalmòleg?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "clínica", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Banyoles", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "oftalmòleg", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45ed229f-3a92-48b4-86a8-f2d2b65b051c", + "text": "Bon dia, malaurament no.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c265a58-c235-4d69-9fd3-2b74b84194ea", + "text": "Però la de Figueres, sí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4a50dd1-84da-4790-bede-4735a8bbca61", + "text": "Quin dia tenen disponible alguna cita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c757144-923d-4e85-959d-4617d99bea38", + "text": "Demà mateix", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4cfd23e-c255-4e07-85b1-1202ef6e23ac", + "text": "Demà no puc pero divendres sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51d6b94c-1b46-4b52-a11c-b2686ef6bdee", + "text": "Podria venir divendres de 17.30 a 18?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e275749f-9247-4716-bd98-29b5a6735844", + "text": "Si!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d438a331-9dc2-483b-a818-1d88b11e0d90", + "text": "Doncs la esperem divendres. Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a68dc17-9d1e-4d68-993c-7c78cbd81d19", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de63527e-ac87-4da0-bc29-1c528fa3a0c3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8ab25214-9d3b-4670-83cd-c1c8a6556124", + "text": "Hola! Em podríeu fer un electrocardiograma?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "electrocardiograma", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c7ac9e2-bcf9-4499-a3d6-9c8df25dcb3a", + "text": "Bon dia. Sí, disposem d'aquest servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "027aafec-6969-46c7-bb81-dbff729a35a5", + "text": "Quan voldria venir a la clínica?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02ace675-0cc2-4fd0-9ad6-effcd1745476", + "text": "Teniu cites el dissabte?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dissabte", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7b585f2-2cc8-454e-b005-9223be00b903", + "text": "No per aquest servei. De fet només fem electrocardiogrames els matins", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9d51282d-15f7-4629-87cc-db363fc4801c", + "text": "Oh d'acord. En aquest cas, hi ha alguna cita el dimecres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd2e4b7b-959b-485c-876a-c0f77a8ccf30", + "text": "Sí, a les 11", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fd8ef80-ce82-4003-aaa2-04b9f215404d", + "text": "Doncs aquesta cita mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ebe2cf2b-fd04-4268-9762-c064b4f2c293", + "text": "D'acord, queda reservada al seu nom!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ad4a1560-ada9-4e06-a210-db9f026d7bf0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97090a03-a879-4fb6-91a8-3c592f506696", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "518d78e7-2f39-4875-b998-2e0bc9656bc1", + "text": "Hola! M'agradaria fer-me una analítica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "analítica", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f88f41b6-ae44-48d9-898e-0c332393e029", + "text": "Bon dia, pot dir-me el seu número de la seguretat social?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cd41503-2e62-4538-b26a-e919f63a4d76", + "text": "234653874234653874", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "234653874234653874", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d3ff79c-8668-4476-b805-69e097b17f04", + "text": "Voldria fer-se algun anàlisi en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e947054-04e9-4979-8b28-6e8b7f62974b", + "text": "Anàlisi de sang complert", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Anàlisi de sang complert", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea886f94-1752-414c-ac4f-73cdc0fcf114", + "text": "D'acord, en aquest cas, podria venir demà a les 8 del matí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ad7e5f1-123c-4dc2-babd-19cedf58ee49", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "009eacf5-b149-47ad-90a3-f5064e33508f", + "text": "Quant trigarien en arribarme els resultats?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "resultats", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9912a41a-0c2a-4551-9e39-a551b972520c", + "text": "En una setmana rebrà el resultats", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6fc94f9-dea7-44ee-9896-cbb06c28f3c5", + "text": "Que costa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fd802633-e88c-4006-ae4c-3c4bab5c9ee7", + "text": "20€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "64ddad89-e200-4c87-9cc3-3b1037a6d6ed", + "text": "Perfecte doncs)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a5644132-7e71-488c-85d2-701660f4a828", + "text": ":)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fdb35fc1-5060-4547-85cb-9b0f56888ac8", + "text": "Gràcies per la seva confiança", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4252a2e1-c174-4274-bdd4-f6aa7fc72f0c", + "text": "Gràcies a vosaltres!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d8f8a571-8a58-4453-bc45-3270c2a9ec94", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7db1e9bc-084f-4dda-851e-455bb6b3d6a0", + "text": "Bon dia. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53e8d9b8-3db1-4f95-a10d-db434498f004", + "text": "demanar cita dermatologia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dermatologia", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "72712ba7-6285-46e4-8179-7f3540d14975", + "text": "Per a quin dia voldries demanar la cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2ad6f255-b11d-426e-a8b6-1d57f47ef9a0", + "text": "Dilluns de la setmana que ve al matí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "Dilluns de la setmana que ve", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a363d47-709c-4074-86d2-30ba425c267d", + "text": "Molt bé. A quina hora voldries demanar la cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a7f520c-b5a6-4d2d-adf5-d65f397f43b7", + "text": "Entre les 10 i les 12 si hi ha res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Entre les 10 i les 12", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62ee7551-ce7d-4df3-b39d-d850ec519f2d", + "text": "Hi ha disponibilitat a les 10.15. T'aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "626bf4fc-5640-42fb-b520-ded3c7bc159d", + "text": "D'acord, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f39f822-9964-4a91-b177-3c80aeabc569", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs indica'm quin és el teu nom", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c5629b8-055e-4335-829e-e1e0e9a3d96e", + "text": "Soc la Laia Riera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Riera", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50434f56-63dd-420b-b47c-503ef8b61019", + "text": "I el cognom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea9fda18-884b-4e58-bb94-84a04e89bb38", + "text": "Riera Vidal, disculpa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Riera", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Vidal", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc831dac-6fc7-4d92-a1f0-4a4d1e87cf27", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara indica'm el DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c15a127c-b3ab-4df6-987d-34dc0ca9d380", + "text": "És 45324324", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45324324", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "165fc511-deea-4ecc-bf2a-acbe2f573a1d", + "text": "D'acord. I quina lletra?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4dc6e1d1-be6e-4761-b191-cd5dffed1376", + "text": "la J", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "J", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 4 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "59a84a69-646b-41a0-a3b7-7765dd3fdbcc", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs ja tens la teva cita assignada per al dia i hora acordats, Laia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f456a11-b7c2-4541-b2cf-2e15e38d6e23", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70c915a0-5303-4c09-8bea-487069dc5047", + "text": "Vale gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6e0f227d-a180-40c0-b599-1d14ed34a514", + "text": "No vull res més, adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ff6560b0-847a-4a24-bc01-d68df8eba629", + "text": "Molt bé. Que tinguis bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "70a7ed65-b758-4cae-a76e-a6e5ebee029e", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2f509654-6847-4fb4-8148-ca1a285e4049", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1addd8f-f65a-4492-b2ee-819808ab8ad0", + "text": "Hola mira que ahir vaig estar a la clínica, res tenia una revisió amb el doctor Planes, la cosa és que vull posar una queixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "clínica", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "doctor Planes", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94ea3d74-1d11-4647-becb-cc3a0c1c89e3", + "text": "Entesos. Quan va ser la revisió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7083f72-d49c-4f05-a9be-aa817210b0e3", + "text": "La revisió va ser ahir. Però no, si d'això no tinc cap queixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "ahir", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d0ef69ca-0d59-4d15-bda6-1f3b1ddb06c0", + "text": "Entenc. Quin és el motiu de la queixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9b8ccf6-edd8-4d15-be5e-32643907c586", + "text": "Doncs simplement crec que no es respectaven talgunes de les mesures sanitaries pel covid", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no es respectaven talgunes de les mesures sanitaries pel covid", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0a645b95-1193-4c2f-8026-bf11ec2ffeff", + "text": "i clar, ara amb els temps que corren doncs no estpa bé aixo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35d340e3-dbe5-4089-b891-3e63449ebfb6", + "text": "Entenc la situació. Exactament quines mesures no es van respectar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "884c121a-7231-4bc3-8502-b7b784bd676b", + "text": "Doncs mira, no quedava gel d'aquest a l'entrada per fer netejar-se les mans i després hi havia dues persones amb la mascareta mal col·locada i ningú els va dir res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no quedava gel d'aquest a l'entrada per fer netejar-se les man", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 74 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "dues persones amb la mascareta mal col·locada", + "Start_char": 95, + "End_char": 140 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "142b6f5a-f1e3-4c07-9b05-7a8bf1f815db", + "text": "Entenc. Abans que res, des d'aquí demanem disculpes. Traslladarem la seva queixa. Per fer-ho necessitem el seu nom i cognoms i el seu DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "012ee399-55c2-4868-8cc0-529921ce9f9e", + "text": "D'acord. em dic Pau García Riba i el meu DNI és 34567598R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "García", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Riba", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34567598R", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7bc32290-ae4b-4cc6-9d6c-87420b3343f0", + "text": "Prenem nota de les dades, Sr. García. Traslladarem la seva queixa al departament corresponent. Gràcies per la seva col·laboració.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dfdc1c5-3ba1-4dfa-97bd-9079a5597f86", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f853330-c08d-4147-9eb0-0ff3d11aa918", + "text": "D'acord, això espero que la proxima vegada estigui tot bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb138597-603c-4e79-90dc-9c1189e60d14", + "text": "ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "791b945e-55b6-4e23-afb6-37b70742d7e0", + "text": "Perfecte. Doncs que acabi de passar un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dcb22a83-3a9d-42d2-9ddd-86a8d0ba362b", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c7a35ee-8785-4b9b-b164-1fb8222a3a5c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "98e77e31-2acf-41bf-9911-920be6217477", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dfdffe8f-edc2-47ce-b123-7b2986ab8fda", + "text": "Bon dia, necessito canviar la cita de l'analisi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "analisi", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1857ef9a-70f3-4fc9-9d19-4723a4122958", + "text": "Cap problema. Em pots teclejar l'indicador de la teva cita, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c44e5bd2-b07b-4698-b07e-3913903ebc98", + "text": "4567rt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "4567rt", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9dc8d3e7-df82-44cf-9d2f-28101c337990", + "text": "No sé si es això o no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0db3e36d-fd30-449b-810a-b02ebc1a3b29", + "text": "D'acord. Ets la Carme Fortuny i tenies cita el proper divendres 3 de desembre a les 11.00 hores. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e4d24db-78d5-4f8d-8bf0-19fe9fcd6a1d", + "text": "Exacte. M'ha sorgit un imprevist i volia veure si ho puc canviar i anar una hora abans", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "una hora abans", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84feea06-3386-431d-a275-ba5fc1b55f45", + "text": "Entesos. Abans ara hi ha disponible el mateix dia a les 9.45 hores. Si no, hauria de demanar cita per a un dia diferent.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f72d9ae5-423c-4670-8bc7-dc582375cf6c", + "text": "Ah, d'acord. Doncs mira si, canviamela per aquesta hora", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a4e4075-c6e0-4968-a50a-28d364536e57", + "text": "Entesos. Modifico l'hora doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e5c5f67-71b3-43de-a283-6732d1fea513", + "text": "Doncs m'ho apunto, divendres 3 de desembre a les 9:45 m'has dit, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "divendres 3 de desembre", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "9:45", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 53 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9ac616bd-b6f6-4a63-bc13-af7ee2fa5795", + "text": "Correcte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86566fa7-6954-4e9a-81c5-b6535ffa7f7e", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8c7783e7-69d6-408c-8c2d-f917571f1856", + "text": "De res. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c2e1025-f507-4ec5-a226-0c5a5d626761", + "text": "no no, merci ja està tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5448a378-bb13-491c-87e8-499fd52680c6", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7ed6d092-94fa-48b5-81d8-ae55e7a63895", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "569611b7-62ca-41c3-bdac-6538d4ed2cf4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6f81d38f-8fa6-42f9-9e16-61b841968b86", + "text": "Bona tarda. En què puc ajudar-lo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83c328b4-50a1-44cb-85ef-b1ca5e84b9cd", + "text": "Hola, a veure no soc clienta, només volia saber si accepteu assegurança privada o no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "assegurança privada", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 79 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a511c5b-c81a-466c-85d9-8eef6fcec819", + "text": "Només acceptem assegurances privades a través d'empresa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8a6e35e8-0bf7-4a89-bbbf-87c2b625bd7d", + "text": "Vaja, d'acord. I per particulars sobre quin preu serien les sessions de psicologia, m'ho pots dir?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "particulars", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sessions de psicologia", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a9c0090-0a47-437e-adab-334a06060cbe", + "text": "Les sessions de psicologia a títol particular costen 30 euros per sessió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2b32e58-072b-45c8-a1c6-7cac9c918488", + "text": "Entesos, doncs és un bon preu. I teniu cap psicoleg especialitzat en adolescents?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "psicoleg especialitzat en adolescents", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c9d8165-55ea-4b5d-bb5c-c234ca8753e8", + "text": "Sí, al departament de psicologia n'hi ha un especialitzat en menors en general", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6ae22fb-53d0-437b-9fde-4d5ca6c5f2f2", + "text": "D'acord, ja li diré al meu fill a veure que li sembla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eb4e620e-9046-4dcb-974b-3e15fdc2b5a9", + "text": "Després es pot demanar cita per la web o puc trucar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per la web", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "trucar", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5ef3540-4770-4867-b4f8-0e4f86c5adf0", + "text": "Pot demanar cita o bé per telèfon o bé mitjançant la nostra pàgina web", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6b992387-2b6d-49a5-b6ef-e1b680e2f466", + "text": "Val, d'acord, doncs ja ho faré així", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0691bf5d-b266-4f2e-875c-1e8eaa801048", + "text": "Perfecte. Vol que li indiqui el telèfon i/o l'adreça web?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c76e2db7-b7a7-4e83-a2a3-14bc9fd27a0e", + "text": "Mira si, si em dius el telèfon ja l'apunto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8ac022e5-874a-4b18-a406-b536dcf35b9a", + "text": "El nostre telèfon és 936575432", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4043822-5ad8-4cae-b5b8-597efb08dfa1", + "text": "Molt bé, doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a4e9b0e-8592-4fa6-b384-effa672f3437", + "text": "De res. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "131cbca4-7459-4f1d-9321-b846830ed25f", + "text": "No, ja està", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3aa67533-9272-40aa-942f-136f05b4bd7a", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs que tingui bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c51fc06d-30b5-432c-bcd5-f4301e24f2c5", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f6b0c17-69ae-4bac-a1f4-4229246aef66", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a77104b4-0c8d-4c6f-aaf3-955e8a09293f", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ca7e8b3-c222-48d3-b7ff-e84b87f90abf", + "text": "Que teniu servei d'urgències?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "urgències", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a36ac30-1261-458d-8143-72ebb8605fb6", + "text": "Sí, disposem d'aquest servei", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e682707-4d63-4913-a551-c81196a317fb", + "text": "D'acord, i està el traumatòleg ara? esque hi vaig anar fa uns dies pel mal d'esquena pero ha empitjorat i no em puc moure massa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "ara", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "traumatòleg", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0454deca-1b9b-418a-9752-7bc78a0deb19", + "text": "no se si és millor que em truqui si pots ser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_contact_information", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "664bf841-9c96-4274-bdbc-9559a8c212aa", + "text": "Prenem nota. Indica'm el teu nom, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a37f3f4-9613-4bd9-b30c-405c295a4296", + "text": "soc la Xènia Vilà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Xènia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vilà", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5c5afbd2-e108-438e-b7f6-de364b960ae6", + "text": "indica'm ara el teu cognom i número de DNI", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97c70494-3b8c-4116-ad5c-de301f709f7b", + "text": "Mira el segon cognom és Oliver i el DNI és 32456789I", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Oliver", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32456789I", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3314d4a0-5e54-4e72-a811-c9d838e1b163", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs passarem nota a l'especialista pel qual demanes. La trucarà durant el dia d'avui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "888a9f49-4ce6-4275-99a3-a5b269c9837f", + "text": "D'acord, si pots ser el més aviat possible, a veure que em diu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "843c2de9-9d8d-4b50-9dca-34396288fc83", + "text": "Esperem que pugui trucar-te al més aviat. Ara mateix passem nota.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba02aa13-df3f-4f8e-b2ca-3c70eb2aefdc", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f4df8439-1677-44b5-b7c4-cd757c86b373", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b989517f-2504-457e-86b6-9c766f57e88b", + "text": "res mes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8828c03d-bf10-4d42-9312-ba084a6b92db", + "text": "Molt bé. Que acabis de passar un bon dia, doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00dc2c1b-a749-4101-bc1e-38bd25665203", + "text": "adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ef9d900-3485-4e3f-8e63-328e21a12617", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ba850793-905e-4feb-9f3d-7abc29e71e1c", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3448426e-6409-4c6e-8b4a-836de801b049", + "text": "A veure m'acaba d'arribar un correu vostre dient que em canceleu la cita que tenia demà de matí. Pero com pot ser això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "canceleu la cita", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 72 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 83, + "End_char": 87 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "matí", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c1b2a70-da68-4986-af7a-75edb1c59f45", + "text": "Em pot indicar el seu número de cita, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8757fbb-8c40-45ca-a3aa-c6824ec5b867", + "text": "Sí clar, és el 987P", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "987P", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e91f7236-acc4-4b61-a8e1-d5fda70ee801", + "text": "Entesos. Vostè és en Jordi Sala. Veig que tenia cita reservada per demà a les 15.00 hores. I efectivament ha estat cancel·lada. Vostè no ha sol·licitat aquesta cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aea2f1dc-77d1-4258-81e5-c49c3f22fec4", + "text": "Sí soc jo, pero no clar que no l'he cancelat. I ara em trobo amb això i no entenc, perquè en el correu tampoc m'heu donat cap solució", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a28e1be4-0a30-4e17-bbae-f79c1024821f", + "text": "Entenc la situació i demanem disculpes. Miri, anoti el següent telèfon: 934564323. Allà l'atendran des de recepció i entenem que podran donar-li una explicació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c76610d-6f62-4782-83a6-70d7d17a4841", + "text": "Ah d'acord, però la cita no me la pots tornar a donar tu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cita", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0853654e-356e-4329-94b4-e4f31316d74e", + "text": "Sí, jo puc donar una nova cita si vol", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8538fcd-2c02-4d8a-a233-ee29b1edc6c0", + "text": "Prefereixo que em donis una nova cita i ja desrpés truco i a veure que em diuen", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72af2ad9-ee17-4ac5-8438-c743e41627da", + "text": "Cap problema. Per quin dia i hora voldria la cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e941061e-9165-4b8e-b41c-6355aa0702ce", + "text": "Doncs el dia que tinguis, ha de ser a les 15 hores, això sí. Es que es l'únic moment que tinc lliure i em puc escapar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "15", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fec80e03-d0ae-444b-976b-a9c27ddef741", + "text": "Divendres hi hauria disponibilitat a les 15.15. Li aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9e81a7d-5cc4-4342-ba68-13a3ff8900fd", + "text": "Bueno si, si no hi ha molta gent me va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c2c08163-d285-4ad4-8ee1-2dd236e50b38", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs hem creat una nova cita per al proper divendres 3, a les 15.15 hores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ffbeb6c8-827c-40b4-b5bd-263778ddeb91", + "text": "D'acord, gràcies i ara ja trucaré allí on m'has dit i a veure perquè ha passat això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d1cd681-be43-4328-8577-43bfec6ea9bd", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "784c0a17-4628-4985-aef9-7956ffd04b4f", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f08390b7-7e91-4285-9544-9ae58db541ac", + "text": "No gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "af95b25c-7bc6-448b-b37c-f9d5cda98b1a", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ae4ffb1-b6be-4bd8-8ec5-2a9c03c4b47c", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56311863-34b9-4cd8-9388-e298c3d4695f", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7924415f-e4f9-4134-90ad-d1f8d8db0433", + "text": "Bon dia. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b59fd0d0-9c0e-481a-a875-95f95f1a61e9", + "text": "Hola bon dia, no recordo quin dia tenia cita", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dia", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "71ee1a15-c661-42ef-a135-3af4a4f3d8cc", + "text": "Em pots indicar el teu nom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7e3d2530-5198-4f84-a7f8-5c127efdbdc8", + "text": "si, Maria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Maria", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "670af5d2-33ca-4448-b18d-b76143604916", + "text": "I quin és el teu cognom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b11b9592-ad5e-476a-a867-718ddfd2d7fc", + "text": "Carbó", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Carbó", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a33228e-3c4a-462e-8102-672ed4006f8c", + "text": "Perfecte. Quin és el teu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "05192d55-b1f7-4615-b7df-e393f2432e9d", + "text": "És 45689773R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45689773R", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6acb858-88a1-4b02-b152-943b46d58868", + "text": "Perfecte. Doncs mira, Maria, tenies cita per al proper dijous 9 de desembre, a les 18 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a08f9dd-2490-43d5-9ad7-d0d076a9b1f0", + "text": "Ah, d'acord. I em pots recordar l'adreça?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a3cb0d38-7647-4f4b-a4b7-14c42b6a0927", + "text": "L'adreça de la clínica és carrer Morgades, 25, planta baixa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c58f69c4-5463-4c33-8d72-dc1441c7dbdb", + "text": "Vale, doncs gràcies eh", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e4fecf5-841f-400c-bbed-09635eeba8dc", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84f2af5a-7786-4aa6-bcc0-1b3af8fece84", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3beb6ac8-aac6-4fa8-a0dc-54967c68034e", + "text": "ja està gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "721378bf-820c-443b-b358-93fbd6c1b910", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1196af8f-e1d3-49a7-979e-e3e2af585107", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93e67bf3-4211-4983-bcf4-f6bf404e2f85", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d073c95c-e8d9-4fe4-a389-e31b72e462ca", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4514a39-ae4d-4b59-89f3-5ab7811e7f2f", + "text": "Hola, volia cancel·lar una reserva d'una habitació que vaig fer per aquest cap de setmana", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "576b2ad7-7103-4aac-ad71-87935db8d91d", + "text": "Disculpi, però no puc atendre aquesta petició.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "066fda0a-3ab0-4398-a50d-78ba7711ceac", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab174769-15f4-42dd-93e0-ed407726d1a8", + "text": "Ah doncs no, disculpa m'hauré equivocat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1784b9f-a9a9-492f-9c6d-a54f6a26eba0", + "text": "Cap problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74941f75-edec-45ff-8d1f-092f3fc300ff", + "text": "Puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "210c0989-45d8-4788-9cab-88bdbafb45c8", + "text": "Doncs no, era per veure si podia fer la cancelació, pero ja veig que no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "20d82bc1-59a4-4ef2-a02f-e95e700b4eea", + "text": "Ho sento, però nosaltres no podem satisfer aquesta petició", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94bc68f1-5d74-4fe5-b2ba-7f84dc73749d", + "text": "Puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75ac6d72-84f6-40a5-bbbb-833d34849b0d", + "text": "Ostres tu, doncs no ja t'he dit que no, no m'has servit de res, au adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de4a8fd6-844f-4547-b95f-185ebff85502", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "463fc186-ae32-42e3-bedc-85fdfdaa68b7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e569d2c8-3008-4a39-86f2-0ed0f140aca6", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessites fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5273f9bc-d915-43ab-84c2-2a0fdd256e06", + "text": "Hola que no recordava que tenia cita amb l'al·lergòleg i era ara fa una hora i no he anat!! Què faig? Me'n pots donar una altra?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "542d0534-6c0b-460e-a196-60cc09653bbb", + "text": "Per quan voldries la cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7ea8848-12fb-46a6-9239-ba929eb4546f", + "text": "Doncs la primera que tinguis, és que ja era una cosa urgent i clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la primera que tinguis", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ec446d2b-25ff-47c1-a949-657513cb2560", + "text": "Avui ja està tot ple, però demà hi hauria hora a les 12.30 de la tarda. T'aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "145b50e2-e0b2-41b4-b573-a40661bc0b05", + "text": "Vale, doncs si, donam aquesta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8d647add-5375-4dd5-a029-80e14fb5b146", + "text": "Molt bé. Em pots indicar el teu nom i cognom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b370a4ae-2ff8-4f49-b1c4-3e5645484340", + "text": "Sí, Guillem Puig", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Guillem", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5fee8c2-26ef-453a-9f3d-b71bde8f64fd", + "text": "D'acord. Quin és el teu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4b3c1a7-cf39-461f-9d97-0497e666fe6c", + "text": "És 45673242R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45673242R", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d092863d-cad8-4da5-a59b-1b40143385b2", + "text": "Perfecte. Doncs ja t'he assignat la nova cita. Indica'm un número de telèfon perquè puguis rebre la confirmació, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42060d73-1ea1-421c-a294-84b1299178f4", + "text": "D'acord, doncs al 654321289", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "654321289", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d56aeae-f6b6-43b8-83a9-54723fdb44e5", + "text": "Molt bé. T'hauria d'arribar un missatge de confirmació en breus moments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c314e8a6-ddb7-405f-a9d6-306583a976db", + "text": "D'acord. si, ja ho tinc!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "00e6d1e2-9cf9-42f8-b6a4-a59613bfe4e6", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0376180-ec36-4062-b81a-b874fb41fdd3", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50a18c18-e272-417b-8f4c-81ec65aaf278", + "text": "Això és tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "938d057e-ca12-4623-858e-bd0a760ce971", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d262ad43-50f3-49a0-bfe7-9f36e8740173", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "81a37750-2a6d-4a89-8f02-2a2eb0498846", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "58dbcde2-9c97-4209-a433-d9f87a929557", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d33e466f-3a81-4fc3-88fb-c4f60f615abd", + "text": "Quina gestió necessita realitzar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f02c4f86-e105-4dde-9e0c-e7f3430e53b4", + "text": "Bona tarda! Em podries dir quina va ser la darrera cita que vaig tenir amb el dentista, si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "darrera cita", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "dentista", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f1752519-fd5e-4e7c-893e-1a9d800e0a33", + "text": "Em pot indicar el seu nom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac4041b6-c149-4e3a-81a4-317bd6416e22", + "text": "Si, Júlia Campos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia ", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Campos", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "df308aa9-bba9-4c8b-a42a-2b301501a429", + "text": "Molt bé, Júlia. Segons el nostre sistema, la darrera vegada que va tenir cita amb aquest especialista va ser el passat 20 d'octubre d'aquest any.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb851c46-50b4-4594-82cf-4e16bc3ddf0a", + "text": "Val d'acord, i em podries dir la darrera vegada que em vaig fer una neteja amb la higienista? És per saber quan he de demanar la següent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "info_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "darrera vegada", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "neteja amb la higienista", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 92 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab93785e-66ab-474a-b3bc-8c474b9bdeb6", + "text": "La darrera vegada que va demanar cita per fer-se una neteja de boca va ser el passat 15 de setembre d'aquest any", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6ae8774e-ea6d-46ef-8452-60254e4880cc", + "text": "val, em va dir una cada 6 mesos així que ja demanaré la següent un poc més endavant", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "56adb2bf-0a76-49ac-ad34-0a05e00017e5", + "text": "Entesos, cap problema", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "329451b9-db49-4300-ac68-52330ccf7b66", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40d92a37-d61f-41b5-830c-9af030a48f48", + "text": "si, em podries dir demà quin temps farà?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "65f630b2-d642-472b-a62b-ae61a8c6e2f8", + "text": "Ho sento, però no puc resoldre aquesta petició", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db29f5b6-ad05-4d67-810f-b5629f887c5d", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ddbfcd17-13e6-4144-bf95-2519c0d39b82", + "text": "D'acord, doncs res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fef1d9c0-7be1-490a-8ec2-e59afb88367a", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1abbc336-5ca7-43a4-810c-2fc82b2fc16c", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b571e9a-6d09-4efc-96a1-294dcd8c1200", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d78a5cbc-1729-4eac-8221-877882d2a908", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6909bac-2bbd-409d-9152-5a0f18b0f722", + "text": "Hola, volia demanar cita per fer la revisió anual de la vista", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "revisió anual de la vista", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "08961e83-2369-4453-bf52-7cd28aa2b200", + "text": "Per quin dia voldries demanar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5cf91d1f-6b56-449e-af03-2fe78ec11509", + "text": "M'és igual el dia, pero hauria de ser a la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a24a823-a49f-4bf9-9261-3cd65c94f364", + "text": "Ah! i amb l'oftalmologa Gutiérrez, que és la meva", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "l'oftalmologa Gutiérrez", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5630a0b-5426-412f-a42c-49cdc4fda292", + "text": "Hi hauria disponibilitat el proper 10 de desembre, a les 16.00 hores. T'aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84359b63-e6e4-4ad9-90f8-b7520750188d", + "text": "Sí, d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0544695-3914-4fe6-afed-611688893d91", + "text": "Molt bé. Em pots indicar el teu nom i cognoms, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1312fedd-e880-405a-9713-2a42b528f661", + "text": "Soc el Biel Guasch Mateu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Biel", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Guasch", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d97d91b-0399-4312-aef3-beccfdbe2395", + "text": "Disculpa, m'acabo d'adonar que el dia 10 no puc, opdria ser un altre dia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "dia", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e60f5b36-195c-4700-bb0e-b2cc7fc5eada", + "text": "Cap problema. La següent disponibilitat que hi ha és el 13 de desembre, a les 15.30 hores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab52d439-38da-44e6-bce9-022c5c11491d", + "text": "Entesos, aquesta sí.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "22009665-66d4-4456-8c2f-bdeacadf4c5d", + "text": "Molt bé, Biel. Doncs anoto per a aquest dia i hora. Digues-me un telèfon de contacte per poder enviar-te un missatge de confirmació, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cd27d4a-ffd7-4be7-8836-b1ee5773a0e8", + "text": "D'acord, 675423098", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "675423098", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b39021a1-b9a5-48d5-bf42-f350799919d0", + "text": "Molt bé. Hauries de rebre en breu aquest missatge de confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "31ada83c-6153-4942-9d32-923b748e53d3", + "text": "Val, mira sí ja m'ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "21b9418c-df3c-4218-9210-2bf4ae774369", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "354a5d92-e577-4780-9f24-a8ba68550dd0", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f9d925af-c8ce-4483-98bb-0274a7ce22dc", + "text": "No merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4a04941-4934-4078-bbd1-95627c49a0cb", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c5f749c-3a62-4b8e-928c-0430a42f54cc", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40d819d6-adc2-48c3-90b1-9a48e8745490", + "text": "deuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17949436-40ce-45c5-b21e-e62c605c7c52", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ea4ecf3f-453c-4402-985c-49545d0e5d93", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63bdc7da-65ba-40ba-b6d0-1e0cdf75a4b5", + "text": "Bona tarda, demà tinc unes proves programades i no recordo les indicacions que em va donar el metge. No sé si he d'anar en dejú o alguna altra cosa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "indicacions", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 74 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a43099bb-2e60-4d32-97c1-b468a8fb76a3", + "text": "Em pot indicar amb quin metge va tenir la darrera cita, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15c12c93-2e5e-4a1a-9ed4-2623a5199c10", + "text": "Sí, va ser la doctora Lara Tur", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "doctora Lara Tur", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9ed45ae-8fc9-4d6d-ada8-421a830be94d", + "text": "Entesos. Segons l'informe, la doctora Tur li va indicar que havia d'anar sense haver menjat res per a les proves.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52e7f519-f5b5-4cdc-a6ac-62e3738c33cf", + "text": "D'acord. I això és la unica indicació que em va donar,no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "indicació", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1d23a3a-2967-4e53-b182-174ce1fe880a", + "text": "Això i que havia de portar roba fàcil de treure.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b372fa68-7277-46e0-8b5f-72116f7c04c7", + "text": "Val d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "824e9ccb-6fde-4b38-a84a-7db844f214b2", + "text": "Molt bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54fedf92-b315-4bb5-8ff0-f0bdf105cb37", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38d72dd9-5096-4acc-a5f9-ff02ca181b2b", + "text": "Doncs no, gràcies pe rla teva ajuda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2fa8d14c-c643-45bd-954b-2fa2dba714d1", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "df9a75cf-0b10-460d-a680-b2b3c304f8db", + "text": "deu,bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d0d1701-ac62-4439-9765-dd64052ec389", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "57923b5d-766a-4ba3-bebc-01d97f2816e9", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa406602-70d6-4449-a3c9-4060669c7a96", + "text": "informació d'horaris", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "horaris", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32bda34e-fd9d-4863-be98-b69dcedd5b5a", + "text": "La nostra clínica obre les seves portes al públic de 9.00 a 14.00 i de 16.00 a 19.00 de dilluns a dijous i de 9.00 a 15.00 els divendres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7fbb8f3-46d9-456c-b0d0-399ad1f60fc7", + "text": "D'acord, i la setmana vinent els dies festius obriu? Esque treballo tota la setmana i necessito demanar una cita però no se quan hi podria anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "festius", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8867d4de-dcb2-4773-9820-9659f971fe41", + "text": "No, la clínica romandrà tancada. De tota manera, pot demanar la cita per aquí, per telèfon o per l'adreça web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f9cc1135-5a77-4c30-af2a-700bcd7acbf6", + "text": "D'acord, i dissabtes m'has dit que tampoc està obert?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dissabtes", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "obert", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b93b5c37-74c5-47ca-958b-76f96778e5d5", + "text": "No, només de dilluns a divendres", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11869df5-2f17-4612-b513-53d96a2130b7", + "text": "Entesos, doncs bé el dia que pugui ja demanaré cita per la web", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b71a43a0-4f4f-42ca-9824-4284ce826272", + "text": "Com vulguis", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19a077c8-b0f7-4cf0-9b96-b0c44d0c418d", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1350854-57f8-464b-a1c8-740081084c7a", + "text": "Saps per anar de Plaça Catalunya, que és on treballo, a la clínica, quin autobús he d'agafar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Plaça Catalunya", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "clínica", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 66 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "autobús", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "01e017ce-4178-49a1-bce5-1217737b0637", + "text": "Des de Plaça Catalunya pots agafar el número 25", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6554779e-e2cb-41f0-bb9d-f415632a56ab", + "text": "D'acord, aixi ja ho se per quan hagi d'anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a428c1b3-f733-408f-8c91-c04fb0cfbe7d", + "text": "Cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97035ff6-465a-40a7-9778-14179ecbcfb8", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14f26859-282e-471c-8cb6-e0e9816fddb1", + "text": "Ja està, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b96b4ccc-3fa5-4d63-be3e-41afad7b8a98", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7d4d9a1-4d8b-48c9-9503-9e189a347dab", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d060d81f-9b22-4b6b-ac14-02ca14379483", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d9ce394e-937f-4286-aff5-f20c96f8f85c", + "text": "Bona tarda, a veure l'altra dia vaig tenir una sessió de fisiterapia i ara he entrat en el meu banc i veig que m'heu cobrat la sessió dos cops", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fisiterapia", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'heu cobrat la sessió dos cops", + "Start_char": 111, + "End_char": 142 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3b0e351-978f-42fc-aa07-c274414e3232", + "text": "Em pots indicar el teu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbcede44-5f51-4552-9599-b1036af21e8c", + "text": "si, 42388675L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "42388675L", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "143dd960-ec6f-4dfd-a1c3-69284c23eb3e", + "text": "Entesos. Ets la Carolina Ferrer. Quan vas fer aquesta darrera sessió de fisioteràpia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81ecddce-bf47-4a18-aa8d-5489b3545a40", + "text": "Exacte, va ser el dia 21 de novembre si no recordo malament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "21 de novembre", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "083328be-9b30-4424-a07b-5e2cd9def299", + "text": "Entesos. Acabem de revisar i efectivament se t'ha cobrat l'abonament dos cops. Ara mateix donarem l'ordre perquè el banc faci la devolució.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26db3c2a-accb-4476-8edc-61092ecbff0d", + "text": "D'acord. Això ja es farà automàticament o he de fer alguna cosa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d2875df7-7ab1-4d4d-9bda-b748c0ecd390", + "text": "Sí, ara mateix donarem l'ordre. Pot trigar unes hores o màxim un dia, però es fa automàticament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e3a7dd8-0765-40de-92fd-404489236251", + "text": "Vale, entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "04ce148c-3021-4003-91d7-94e883a0a384", + "text": "Molt bé. Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82453a5f-3186-4a97-bd8c-ff8e201b4dd6", + "text": "No, ja està aniré mirant a veure que facin bé la devolució", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b79a59a-eaf8-4dab-8a27-637901d9ff23", + "text": "adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "590b850b-95ce-4713-9de6-bbdf8b2b6aaa", + "text": "Que vagi bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fdf3e277-9195-47bc-8ce4-d402cf1a11a7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c2300e8a-7cc9-4ae2-88e3-faa2577ebed7", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar-lo/la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79c07f9e-4081-49d9-b73f-35e0e9de77fa", + "text": "Hola, mira que m'han recomanat molt el vostre grup de nutricionistes, podria demanar cita amb algun d'ells, si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "nutricionistes", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b2fb3538-0cb1-480e-b25a-3138b8f127c8", + "text": "Per quan voldria demanar aquesta cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4183e39-cc65-4b6a-aecf-fcce58489f28", + "text": "Doncs a veure aquesta setmana no puc, hauria de sre aguna dia de la setmana vinent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19bdca17-8809-4011-8f49-895f09f2e51e", + "text": "Entesos. Hi hauria disponibilitat el proper dia 9 a les 11.00 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "66c2a184-9da7-4de5-aa8c-288dd0978353", + "text": "D'acord. I amb qui seria la cita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "amb qui", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "90709f81-5fa6-4d24-ab0a-10463bb22a40", + "text": "Amb el Dr. Mestre", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "612e3fb1-881e-48ee-bbc5-522ac35615ef", + "text": "Entesos, doncs ho apunto", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "75ba05a5-2c54-4eb3-a4a8-a686970a9744", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5cffadc-e22d-49c0-8ac6-9a4fd157cc50", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4db6e2cc-8e0f-4ec4-8b47-1aff05dd1859", + "text": "després si veig que m'agrada i vull seguir un tractament, teniu cap paquet especial o he de pagar les sessions individuals?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tractament", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "paquet especial", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "sessions individuals", + "Start_char": 102, + "End_char": 122 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51872715-ba00-4427-b76d-b62c7c675ff4", + "text": "Sí, hi ha descompte per reservar 4 sessions a la vegada", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d326b24-07d3-413b-9ce2-fbe8371a81cc", + "text": "D'acord, bé això ja ho miraré allà quan faci la primera sessió", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "77dcd210-d7ec-446c-a5be-4dd2ae9283df", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b3dcb3c-8f76-4cb0-ab2c-5b4bc7c9a7ef", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c77decc4-36a7-450b-89a6-061c359cb1c3", + "text": "no necesito res més, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b0b78d5-d698-4a03-af1a-a05443d80140", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb2064cf-3b35-446f-baeb-6aef2660ce8d", + "text": "Adeu, bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "633f5e73-87e6-46ea-9d1a-9450cafcc4b2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "aa50b8bc-f47b-457f-a4f4-9c6b17995beb", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2f5e7923-f2b3-4936-867a-ae404bae40eb", + "text": "Bona tarda, he vist que en aquesta clínica feu cirurgia ocular. Jo vull fer-ho fa temps, ja no puc més amb les ulleres, em podries dir quin seria el preu aproximat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cirurgia ocular", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fea37eb5-7e05-482b-bc62-8c81c8baae9d", + "text": "`Per a aquesta cirugia el preu és de 120 euros", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "798960f4-c9ae-4e4e-bd4b-6474766628b8", + "text": "D'acord. I entenc que abans m'hauria de visitar un metge, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "visitar un metge", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "15523a49-800a-41cd-b1b1-c71aefc0ff51", + "text": "Sí, primer cal que et facin una revisió general", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9b123820-9e5b-4041-985c-1565552b6384", + "text": "val, doncs això em podries donar tu una cita?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7da064b4-f253-4c8e-9260-0bacdd1240ee", + "text": "I tant. Quan t'aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4e3290a9-c1a4-4682-bc69-40372193684e", + "text": "D'acord, doncs mira crec que seria millor fer-ho ja després de nadal. és possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "després de nadal", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ff0d6a4e-6a90-4f56-b4db-ce78f54d4a72", + "text": "Per a aquelles dates, hi hauria disponibilitat el proper 10 de gener. Hi ha hora al matí, a les 11.30 i a la tarda, a les 15.45", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2bfa3a5a-2eb0-4f87-b9dd-e3f089d87601", + "text": "Val, entesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e9245b83-a6ec-4b00-8093-9f1076559aa9", + "text": "Doncs mira millor a la tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "tarda", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1d4b737-34a8-400e-a419-754590af4457", + "text": "D'acord. Anoto a les 15.45 aleshores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9199a409-eebe-4687-8e3d-d5714bfeb50a", + "text": "Em pots indicar un nom i cognom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8cc97714-bd41-4583-89c0-b833588db7f6", + "text": "Entesos, soc el Jaume Quintana Feliu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jaume", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Quintana", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Feliu", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17ef3ebd-b0f8-493a-a107-a899bc3699b1", + "text": "Molt bé, Jaume. Et confirmem la cita per al dia i hora acordats. Vols rebre confirmació de la cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "628dcdde-3340-4c44-bb4a-78abadfa62ce", + "text": "Si, si us plau, m'aniria be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "270251fe-4598-4a81-9d4d-1d5d3ed335fa", + "text": "Entesos. Indica'm el teu número de mòbil, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4937d6e-432d-403c-8d8e-56e2ececc5f4", + "text": "és 678994523", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "678994523", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1cfff9ce-4358-41ac-9952-67a708461ee5", + "text": "D'acord. En breu hauries de rebre el missatge de confirmació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9dcfb091-cbae-4df6-9503-49ce74440a59", + "text": "Entesos, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2642b872-cdf4-409b-9a9b-39115e43abf2", + "text": "Molt bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c77b3f07-f732-466f-be2e-399d17c907ea", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7d424473-5ca3-43d8-bd9e-898596557fae", + "text": "Això es tot, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0172082e-f24d-42f5-8034-fdfefb64543b", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e35f7bf0-7e47-41f5-94ed-6123e2f89a68", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5a296ed-6a48-4c31-be30-8b6c1e0b8e02", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "11610c09-cc57-489b-a774-5c3937114f47", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1c533673-ad7f-4c73-bfd7-f7eb56ebd8d4", + "text": "Hola, volia saber quines opcions de pagament teniu per als tractaments? És possible finançar-ho?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "finançar-ho", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 95 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab3857e4-4ecc-4a65-82ec-20c4ec6a5032", + "text": "Sí, es pot pagar a terminis, amb un recàrrec del 2%", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f7ce9c32-e53e-4f13-99f5-cfe012ec948c", + "text": "D'acord. Esque m'he de fer un tractament d'ortodòncia i es bastant car em va dir el dentista.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f8839253-263e-41c9-83c1-2ca1fa14d110", + "text": "I si ho pago en tres mesos per exemple, també tindria aquest interes del 25?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "method", + "text": "en tres mesos", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "interes", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "25", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cf69a20c-269a-4bc1-963c-0d16bdc94553", + "text": "2%, disculpa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "2%", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9aaecb98-21c0-4fb8-87c8-48df2810d105", + "text": "Sí, hi ha aquest recàrrec", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ce64c04-080f-4722-92b7-fadb15bcb841", + "text": "D'acord. Bé tinc cita d'aqui dos dies, i ja em diran exactament quin tractament es. Després per ja donar les meves dades per fer el pagament ho puc fer directament a la clinica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pagament", + "Start_char": 132, + "End_char": 140 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e7a8d54-48ae-407e-a8e3-6ddd5ce09786", + "text": "Sí, pots fer-ho així o també per aquí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a065449-4415-4650-b63f-8ff7ceb0b334", + "text": "Sí, pot fer-ho així o també per aquí", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "821f53ab-8567-48d0-a2f1-f917289229f9", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ho faré així", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f0e02e1e-329f-4e2f-b489-96cd9be9d46f", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d821743f-9462-4671-b955-6cd81313756a", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a791419a-392e-42d7-a21c-daf723f6c4aa", + "text": "Per ara ja ho tinc tot, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99f53c5e-c616-4de1-a973-12a7b7d592cf", + "text": "Molt bé. Que tingui bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8fcc9bd-5e88-41ef-a4c4-ed42dd75ef4b", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de709f2f-22c7-40d8-83fb-7fc0f1bb568d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4d2c99bf-8eb9-4e10-a5e5-cf6fad4e2de9", + "text": "Bon dia. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ac11241-36ef-4feb-9401-14212ee1586c", + "text": "cancel·lar cita", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d5116bd-0a07-4600-b4cb-95978b3eb232", + "text": "Em pots indicar el número de cita, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4491d150-23a2-44ee-ac0a-a1b3b55bb5f3", + "text": "3456F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "booking_number", + "text": "3456F", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "387d470d-1e81-460e-9ceb-483dd96dbfe2", + "text": "Molt bé. Tens cita el proper 14 de desembre a les 16.00 hores. Vols procedir a la cancel·lacio, doncs?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f16eb29-c5ac-4e25-8240-6f9ad968b63d", + "text": "Sí, la vull cancel·lar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "426937fe-9a8b-477a-abdb-699a1dacfd73", + "text": "D'acord. Acabem de cancel·lar-la. Vols demanar cita per a un altre dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a224a83c-12be-4b12-a865-95579a28483b", + "text": "D'acord. No, ara mateix no tinc disponibilitat. Quan pugui ja en demanaré.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "12161c8f-2968-4464-a53f-cda3918fa81e", + "text": "Entesos", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fade59f8-6730-4da5-8ff6-aaa70f42e35c", + "text": "Necessites fer alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4930e3ff-7384-47eb-88ee-ceabf704c94d", + "text": "No, gràcies, només volia això", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9915c8f7-3a77-4336-828a-93a77c78bb52", + "text": "Cap problema. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1005c55b-398c-4562-9f3c-2ee05d2e7632", + "text": "adeeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99087519-dced-4269-b660-6e7f169d18da", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7af8cba9-444a-4069-affc-09a7697714b9", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ceb49d9f-3cf9-4996-9a55-7aac8886efc8", + "text": "hola, teniu departament de logopedia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "logopedia", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4872911-330d-443d-961e-84dbe2ffe154", + "text": "No, aquest departament no el tenim. Ho sento. Però podem donar-te informació d'un centre no molt lluny del nostre que sí en té.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac529199-3159-4364-95ee-f3a72c329214", + "text": "D'acord, doncs si és tan amable, t'ho agraeixo.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "72b21621-3ba6-4940-ab0a-64063100b53d", + "text": "Sí, el centre es diu Centre Coslada i està al carrer Bisbe Margot, 33, local 1. El seu telèfon és el 934457654", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "527e7f96-1dae-4d0c-8bb3-1ee64421fb06", + "text": "D'acord, i està aquí a Lleida també?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "67f1a847-af54-493e-a5a0-285e8ae9ec71", + "text": "Sí, hi és", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11a2dbda-d6ba-4b37-80f3-6cc8d687c8ef", + "text": "Val, i tens cap referència de si és bo? Tenen logopedes per a nens, veritat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "logopedes per a nens", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bd969a7-d328-428e-8e8f-24e5befd6b49", + "text": "Sí, reben visites de pacients de totes les edats", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3ca5834-bf15-434a-84c1-6d217f88eadc", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ara trucaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "270ff2b1-4e70-4b1b-bed1-e7510cad38fa", + "text": "gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40d0faef-e99f-4421-82aa-4b5217e7cafe", + "text": "De res", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fcf53968-3c5e-4edb-a9b0-fe8977198425", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1a5cf2eb-a60c-49aa-a4e8-8ac7987c098b", + "text": "amb aixo ja ho tinc tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5082fe63-d21f-410e-b788-fd1a5e03be1e", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d692601b-e186-4a81-8186-2bf55bea2146", + "text": "bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5a78f18-68e3-4dc6-8191-5466a31a6bba", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6580198d-9d88-4e7b-a9fa-224ce9899503", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quina gestió necessita fer?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b960850f-8e57-4212-942c-828129661ddc", + "text": "Mira que no funciona la web per demanar cita!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "web", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no funciona", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "demanar cita", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c66a2646-4cd8-4e06-aec3-b59e9214ff95", + "text": "Quan ha intentat fer aquesta gestió?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "284fd9c1-6487-4e52-926f-1bfe25a28c3d", + "text": "ara fa una estona, ho he provat dues vegades i res, qu eno carrega la pàgina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no carrega la pàgina", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c850d85-4b62-4504-870b-5115594205b3", + "text": "i clar, des d'allà puc veure quin és el meu metge i tot pero ara res", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0fde1781-33b2-40a6-b38d-e2cb0f2e524f", + "text": "Haurem de contactar al departament d'Informàtica. És usuari de la nostra clínica?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "14c8977a-acbb-4ed3-86d9-1af3420a5a8c", + "text": "D'acord. Si clar, porto anant a la clínica ja uns 3 anys.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "af5e9ebc-3078-416f-af53-8da56e0677ab", + "text": "Indiqui'm el DNI aleshores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "85af67e6-a5d5-4181-b58d-ed831200a55d", + "text": "és 46789543S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "46789543S", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca344067-69b7-4128-954e-eae23c264d6f", + "text": "D'acord. Vostè és en Carles Prat Rovira.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "70b22b88-2604-4bac-8b09-7a352f3ff13b", + "text": "Sí, correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32c27cfa-a685-4fe1-9314-5592e1a1021c", + "text": "Ara contactarem al departament i l'informarem segons el que ens diguin. El seu telèfon segueix sent el 665456743?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cdd4afe-8acb-4310-beee-ce268d94d8e9", + "text": "Entesos, si tic el mateix", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2c2c5bbd-3481-428c-b04c-8ed70dd45b33", + "text": "Doncs el trucarem tan bon punt sapiguem alguna cosa", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a18a558b-b1ea-488d-a054-be110eefab0a", + "text": "val, gràcies, doncs esperaré la trucada", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a240ca2e-14ec-4b92-b469-33f6fae9ac65", + "text": "Molt bé", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f98decf-9437-4ed3-ad55-7cbaccb4943d", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "072f5760-de54-4b63-8589-8f0c6ffa061a", + "text": "No gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a5fa6931-4bd6-4175-b116-04dc0512ea8f", + "text": "Entesos. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "146f156f-f853-4298-bd07-cabaa758a78f", + "text": "Deu, bon diaa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a5ce17c-0c14-4b34-a2b4-46ee6ab12adb", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "bf3fa037-00cb-405d-8037-c3e570a62e3c", + "text": "Bon dia, em fa mal el queixal del seny", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "mal el queixal del seny", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b62c713-082a-4a97-bce0-2ebb270d8991", + "text": "Bon dia. Quin és el seu número d'usuari de la clínica?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2f03122-a4e6-4383-9b58-d169cfcac62d", + "text": "123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca36696c-8534-4b59-a8a8-e356de49f9ba", + "text": "Voldría venir d'urgències?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "969e2391-6055-45f7-b3c6-52e339544690", + "text": "Doncs em fa força mal, però voldria demanar informació sobre què fer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "què fer", + "Start_char": 61, + "End_char": 68 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1e8ebef-22a8-48f6-9818-1b58733508c9", + "text": "Quins símptomes manifesta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1ddde69-7024-4a77-b972-f222c23862fe", + "text": "Doncs em fa molt mal el queixal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "molt mal el queixal", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6453f08a-92e6-4a7b-8f89-a89d4425a777", + "text": "Però em fa molta por la operació...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "239a069f-64ea-4aa8-9980-e1d9c16eef98", + "text": "Podría venir avui a les 19h?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b43727b3-2132-4ed0-8ec0-b6a01d4b53be", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "27c27976-1507-47a0-a91c-bbe6f21ebb61", + "text": "D'acord. Té cita amb el Dr. Belenguer a les 19h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9aada3b8-0ad7-4206-8dfb-dc243f81225a", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a746bb0-164f-4efa-8141-bd005a41f2f8", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b96c8e9e-c517-4e9d-9519-3c3832bea33a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d59800fd-e42a-4788-9631-a2b41e3610d2", + "text": "Bon dia, tenia cita pel dimecres, però no podré anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dimecres", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c80728d-d4fd-49db-8809-da8134bdc037", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "873d4354-7d47-43e0-a713-73e9e595f2f5", + "text": "58166227R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "58166227R", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87ca3eda-6304-4a7f-81e3-0f8f2eefbd18", + "text": "Per a quin dia voldria canviar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0677ae9-00d3-4f38-a32c-b051c0ee32a4", + "text": "Per la setmana vinent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "la setmana vinent", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a302a2d-d734-4a93-af3c-48c71f54c4e1", + "text": "Dijous 27 a les 17h?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1075f88-c739-4807-8de7-ad0c42f6e6f4", + "text": "Perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "daef848f-50d8-4743-a05f-2f5a98f8dada", + "text": "Queda registrada. Rebrà un SMS recordatori al seu número de telèfon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6557a23f-a355-4fb7-8311-ffaa4691c767", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "251fbff2-2dae-491b-a081-6ff138069a4e", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fea923f-1df2-4fe9-adf2-c4fab73adf49", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cece7bac-8d41-4c6c-868d-869365ee264f", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95ed5d7a-0896-4f09-a2d6-189f5c66a9a3", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5e7f4a5c-c160-468e-a3f0-a38abd228d3d", + "text": "Soc de la Mutua Girona, tinc algun descompte a la vostra clinica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Mutua Girona", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f69edc8-e63e-4df5-b969-9ce34addc3d0", + "text": "Sí, tindria un descompte del 60% en la gran majoria de serveis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b48c5a45-0073-493e-ba65-f7990b8d2742", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6bb0c033-d3e1-4bb1-b788-0c99f552a462", + "text": "Quins centres teniu a prop de Barcelona?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a prop de Barcelona", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dfe9772f-ef7f-42b3-af37-d08c347a7b65", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f157f68e-1049-44ed-b95f-87a34612060f", + "text": "08010", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08010", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dc3ec4f0-d939-4dc1-b6fb-4a6451da69f0", + "text": "La més propera es troba al Carrer de Llagostera 23, Barcelona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd6d365c-d82e-4c8e-bdf9-2b9f90752096", + "text": "Doncs voldria anar el divendres a les 6 de la tarda, seria possible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "divendres", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "6 de la tarda", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccad8397-16c4-4e31-8acc-49b78dcd2b00", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom, cognom i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60830757-a0e1-443d-a427-8603a6f596e0", + "text": "Pablo Pérez Gonzales. 31763298Y", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pablo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pérez", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gonzales", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "31763298Y", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8cc456a-b8fa-4e0d-8fee-712a1f88dcb0", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva cita.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2a99e083-663c-4089-ae02-e6640005a32e", + "text": "Gràcies! Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ec0c5f7-1000-4bbd-a22f-ed704e572258", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e9b323b4-1a4a-4562-9c2e-7e4c7ae8ba8f", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0029aa49-c346-45e0-8967-562786efe556", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2686ea2e-70b9-4e75-ba6d-75cd7a0e8c80", + "text": "Voldria saber si feu la prova del covid a la clinica de Mataró", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "prova del covid", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 39 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Mataró", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a9ce4c3d-eb36-410b-862b-c8d2a629204f", + "text": "Sí, demanant cita prèvia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ccafa9e-004b-46ee-981d-491123c46e12", + "text": "Doncs voldria demanar cita el més aviat possible", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dd41a32e-4429-43a7-be6e-d732b99f538e", + "text": "Hi ha disponible demà a les 9.30.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7abacc79-65b1-4a79-97b8-4a6fe75a63d6", + "text": "Pefecte! Allà estaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b67c93d3-be08-49fa-93dc-5c335a8899df", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e0e5d6d5-eb61-44e3-8d1f-685580bf596a", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c4ac6807-632f-4943-a2fd-4f67e0189e4f", + "text": "Gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0628a3b4-d8d3-4cbe-a364-0ae506231582", + "text": "De res!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b0fbd112-c008-4ca4-ae31-9c4681190798", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14629235-a2bd-4542-8bac-2d33da6ad4ef", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e35a7ec3-0f97-48e7-900c-b533bdbe48ec", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2657fab0-c5d2-4678-8385-c9df71c12fdf", + "text": "Bon dia, soc de Barcelona, però em trobo malament i estic a Girona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "em trobo malament", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 49 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Girona", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "078c9294-967c-4c00-92c9-afe40e71399a", + "text": "Puc anar a la clinica de la ciutat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "clinica", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c208951-814d-47ea-ac65-eba1b3d9112d", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eaa3b41c-970e-4585-af49-496d669312f8", + "text": "41328977W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41328977W", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3d54baf-fbfe-4bc4-bfa3-c4bc474b31d3", + "text": "Es pot dirigir a la Clínica Girona, Clínica Girona al Carrer de Joan Maragall, 26", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28c80d2d-c6ca-4e0f-8a01-7e59b47ed05f", + "text": "Perfecte! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ac78f591-099f-4331-bd52-c032ea30e315", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6d8fa6f-ebe8-4600-ab68-467e2608d90e", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f3149a6b-187d-4a7d-b3fa-59b85f58c5e3", + "text": "D'acord. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fafca81e-39f4-4dc9-8d58-c090b050da3b", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c160fcf1-f30e-4218-8de3-d87b9978cae4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a970b24a-81e0-477b-b764-5d0e22eb3057", + "text": "Bon dia! Soc de la mutua Real. Em cobreix aquesta mutua les fractures per caigudes amb moto?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "mutua Real", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "health_issue", + "text": "fractures per caigudes amb moto", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 91 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a33dd6d-a178-4e54-9359-1b1576dc62e6", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4238176-143f-4acd-b692-2768eff11ee5", + "text": "513678P", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "513678P", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b4941c2b-6bbe-4849-a897-0fb43a79f864", + "text": "La mutua li cobreix el 70%.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2d220df-074a-42fc-a313-5841fbd66a3a", + "text": "D'acord, quin preu tindria aproximadament?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "18406777-1ecb-4033-8ef1-823921152afe", + "text": "És en funció del que requereixi el seu diagnòstic i tractament, no li podria dir encara.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7cc06b6-8304-464d-ad17-cba39c6fcddd", + "text": "Podria tenir una primera consulta per fer aquest estimació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c438ffc2-1231-415c-bae1-a5c0c386e93b", + "text": "Sí, quina disponibilitat té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46996064-d956-48e2-babc-5fa174c723a3", + "text": "Doncs estic de baixa ara. EL més aviat possible", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "EL més aviat possible", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c2d007d-1d5e-4621-83ba-a447f86061c9", + "text": "Hi ha disponible demà a les 16.00", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc5fb37c-f9d4-4a01-831d-2818b9016012", + "text": "Genial!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fb6d66d2-a64c-4d2b-9951-3b151bbda6f4", + "text": "D'acord, queda registrada la seva cita.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8d7d8092-4238-4b22-976a-10f6c702beb9", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13c4ef9a-cd64-49d0-9dab-260d64b63c98", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cde5e8d8-2aae-4096-a3e7-d7f0da77c949", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria cancel·lar el servei de la clinica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "clinica", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "525e18fb-a49e-4494-8ac2-cbf3b824f4a9", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2d4eab0-0aa9-4daf-a95b-8d94d795d30d", + "text": "23184379R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23184379R", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02238b63-4473-4d2b-af70-b4231ad661d9", + "text": "Quin servei voldria cancel·lar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb6eefba-d8c3-4cb5-a9c8-72de6b4cb6e8", + "text": "El de la clínica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "clínica", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a492ab3-e003-4f03-8c18-37423f636e31", + "text": "Quin és el motil de cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72ea656c-8a05-4b91-a4fa-6185ecf61b73", + "text": "Es massa car", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "massa car", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7b5cdc18-a50a-47ea-bd8d-248faf1049d0", + "text": "Ja no ho puc pagar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "no ho puc pagar", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9a6ef94-def2-46f2-a023-2352e07e9a63", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud de cancel·lació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "074c1f61-5a00-491e-930f-b439a9145bf7", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "698ed938-4a6c-4836-b8bb-7a97838c028c", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f9f03768-f307-4c3e-a1fc-a2a021330cac", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3234940-65a1-41b4-82e1-379d6e5f6588", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "899353f0-6b35-422c-9f23-fad07bd3d247", + "text": "Bona tarda, a quina clínica he d'anar per fer-me una prova de neuroimatge?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "prova de neuroimatge", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 73 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6395da01-5839-4982-b171-f3a5a381929c", + "text": "Bona tarda. Quin és el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24c9e9fb-1be4-46c1-a91b-1bce92e021a4", + "text": "08142", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08142", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1825c393-63e5-4d87-94e5-d8de4aca9a36", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab6666bc-5849-4011-ac9a-dd2989261eb2", + "text": "El meu dni és 73217876E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "73217876E", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d298708-cfb7-4bba-b269-cb1648baadd2", + "text": "Podría dirigir-se a la clínica Emsi SI, que es troba al Carrer de les Camèlies, 19, 08024 Barcelona", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24dc0872-8b1a-4ccb-b2cf-537c84f7398f", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6afe8b90-74dc-41c6-819f-689eb463ff44", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdd3788b-1ece-4481-9453-a19f69036f78", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2cad5d87-6a8f-45c7-ab25-ec4c01cde8d5", + "text": "D'acord. 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Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1c7fdd2-5a5b-4946-ad8a-38af8f6c3738", + "text": "Gràcies, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43b5539c-ec00-4967-b10e-4dbfe0d48c43", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8df5b504-48f5-494c-b783-9ec6dea08a19", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ee393315-72be-4548-b921-d213291d0fe3", + "text": "Vull anar a una clínica més porpera", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "clínica", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "més porpera", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28ea9503-a6be-4d51-86bc-34c9efa43443", + "text": "A quina província es troba?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "25bb313a-e87a-4fde-a566-7c1eea97fdd8", + "text": "A Rialp, Lleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Rialp, Lleida", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd381970-fd28-43c5-9fd2-349708412cee", + "text": "Quin és el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c6f6a9f3-c030-4330-9a5d-ebcb12fa63b0", + "text": "25594", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "25594", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "592e52d9-99e3-41bc-a4ba-234f4b59c785", + "text": "Disposa d'una clínica al carrer Flora Cadena,10, 25594 Rialp, Catalunya, Espanya", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a5179b5-7359-48e8-9e40-4f469e06581d", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8a62a6b9-44a8-4558-9772-3fc33044c6ee", + 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"Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6868693d-2f5a-4c3d-9c9f-550b5444f8e4", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dee2e25e-6616-4571-a59d-0f0914df428c", + "text": "Joana Castells Folch", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joana", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Castells", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Folch", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "97b40eb1-b0d9-4d88-bbf4-c26da90304ea", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "24c4e6e5-f811-49b1-83ff-8d49be95368a", + "text": "43126856Ñ", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43126856Ñ", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "912823dd-d114-4002-88fe-658acd41770c", + "text": "Té cita el 23 de Gener a les 17.30 amb el ginecòleg a la Clínica Bofill.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd135d26-c095-4b97-ad71-53f7dd0e2fcb", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "057d394c-ec47-4525-8a05-1797a43b5d7f", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a103deec-469a-4533-baba-85dcc4e5b3f2", + "text": "Res més!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0e29f86d-c450-4e9b-bb1e-3ed4cfaee018", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5972e5db-7253-4ab9-b897-ff1441cec4f2", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cb907a02-9f39-4bb0-8964-4fe5d70ace90", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "30e43b3b-aeb4-41cf-992a-901c2349aba3", + "text": "Tinc una cita amb el ginecoleg la setmana vinent, pero no puc anar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "ginecoleg", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e7fc158e-a93c-4aa9-b7be-89a6cc19cd32", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f6db4d3-b15a-4666-998f-83f86fdce757", + "text": "5293681212B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "5293681212B", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9c450018-ffc1-4432-9815-4453d1dc73a4", + "text": "Per a quin dia voldria la cita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "48b707f5-7fb2-4606-ae2f-cca9b195b747", + "text": "Pel dia 24", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "24", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a46305d0-db07-40d6-9b74-d925d410e4bf", + "text": "A les 16.30 li aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3eb756c-10fb-4d48-9c32-a925c2a075f6", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fae51e53-6ff2-4590-888a-46ea0ae78dda", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrat el canvi. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82383f13-4159-491f-a1b8-627738138588", + "text": "Res més. Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d05ec7fb-0935-455f-a564-2c0e6e1705cf", + "text": "Adéu, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "73cdd2f7-19a0-4789-9b74-14f79549e4ce", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d1141f43-7ab3-4f42-8be7-d3768cc8815f", + "text": "Bon dia, vull obtenir info dels simptomes del covid", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "simptomes del covid", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d6b7ee7b-c4e4-42c5-b7fd-a956b262c979", + "text": "Que li interessa saber?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "585debd4-c191-4706-990d-59ac88f1b6dd", + "text": "Doncs voldria informació sobre els simptomes d'aquesta nova variant", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "simptomes d'aquesta nova variant", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53862e7d-29d7-40b9-81a1-eaefc9c35f95", + "text": "Símptomes lleus\n- Febre o febrícula > 37,5 °\n- Mal de cap\n- Mal de coll\n- Tos seca\n- Dolor generalitzat a les articulacions i/o musculatura\n- Vòmits i o diarrees\n- Refredat nasal\n- Fatiga\n- Pèrdua de gana\n- Pèrdua d’olfacte i/o gust\n\nSímptomes greus\n- Dificultat respiratòria sobtada\n- Febre mantinguda al llarg dels dies que no baixa amb antitèrmics", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f311e17-75af-43e9-a059-6f23d7f48fd4", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c894403-8744-4eb0-8fad-849d474220fb", + "text": "Podria parlar amb un agent?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9737e1aa-6118-481d-8a8d-5f75efab78ee", + "text": "Ara mateix tots els agents estàn ocupats. Pot trucar al nostre servei d'atenció al client al 937768433.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6715edb7-bf6d-4faa-adef-7cd826938c8c", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "86e1cf83-3cc4-49c1-9509-10b7f3c04ae3", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4734502b-ac5f-4546-bc63-9bf35cb793d9", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fca4357a-2cb2-4d79-88e5-9a3df9204737", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "520e1473-8a7c-4fcd-bb47-324bb7841040", + "text": "Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "35e3f182-db00-4db1-9a4a-4a91ea7c6584", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2569af88-df88-4742-9c35-1fa52c67864d", + "text": "Hola, vaig trucar fa uns dies per fer-me una prova al centre que teniu a Sant Andreu, però no la fan", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "prova", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sant Andreu", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 84 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no la fan", + "Start_char": 91, + "End_char": 100 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7bb6230c-4c5d-4749-a86d-b1cc3bbecd36", + "text": "Quina prova voldria fer-se?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c0800a26-1606-4ba0-b64e-84ea9923f659", + "text": "No, no, soc a la clinica i m'han dit que aquesta prova no la fan", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "aquesta prova no la fan", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 64 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1242e651-404b-41d2-a3ca-31bcaca9c5ca", + "text": "Vull posar una queixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6769d402-49c4-4a80-bc5a-5295d33dd313", + "text": "Quin ha sigut el problema?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1cc377f9-c74f-4f29-8b77-d77e6c562801", + "text": "Doncs que he arribat i diuen que no la fan", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "diuen que no la fan", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0729f241-a6f8-4e08-9e46-4037be9aa986", + "text": "Quina prova és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "51a508ad-43a6-46a6-846d-c74031e2ae16", + "text": "Era una prova de neuroimatge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "prova de neuroimatge", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fdd6852e-5579-4bff-817f-464dfa3e21fd", + "text": "Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0166eec3-fa94-4c5f-8da2-32db53431a1c", + "text": "Mira, vull contactar amb un agent", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7ece7bf1-9c27-4ebd-bf05-983df078fa03", + "text": "D'acord, pot trucar al 902789231.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3ad5fe38-8a5b-43f2-8e9d-10e7ec72ea54", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32fa9ef7-96f4-4e8b-a54b-605cc0001a00", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c56002a4-5940-486f-a118-c53df1aa905f", + "text": "Vull tenir una tarifa més barata", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa més barata", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93a43f02-5c63-4388-bab8-bf88b3411728", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI, nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93873de7-c9cf-4456-8a90-8d160dea5aa2", + "text": "42681280W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "42681280W", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84947d64-32ed-4425-aaa9-dd7edade5df9", + "text": "Laura Fita Gonzalez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Laura", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fita", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Gonzalez", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "43909b75-38dc-4e80-a3a8-a7b38cb3e47b", + "text": "Actualment té un servei de cobertura completa, voldria reduir-lo per tenir una cobertura del 70%?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f259a928-aead-4b94-bf7d-8cdb2f606c5f", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "cedef888-6521-411b-bfa1-aaab96404407", + "text": "Es tramitarà el seu canvi de contracte i rebrà la confirmació per correu. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7eeccdb4-878f-435e-8242-cfcbc86d515a", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e368f9f9-e039-44bb-9d22-617297283bc3", + "text": "D'acord. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d2a2c24e-f4a4-428f-bbb6-348d53dd8317", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd06eb0e-a245-4850-ad24-34ccac05bed1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "62edb4de-7ec7-427d-8076-664ed7848e0a", + "text": "Bon dia. Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "55737518-20cf-4e15-9649-0bee96c74059", + "text": "Bon dia, he canviat d'adreça i la meva clinica ja no em va tant bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "he canviat d'adreça", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "clinica", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fe33a24-fe52-4e72-ad5e-1621a8fccd11", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "954c407d-3e86-4a71-a529-af4adb01a0d9", + "text": "11279826T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "11279826T", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18b40669-9b29-482e-8d06-0d5bf0c01c02", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21a52281-8ce3-4110-a19f-5bcadc8416c8", + "text": "Júlia Marquez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Marquez", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6d11ee02-abbf-492c-90ff-3e8808a6cc93", + "text": "Quina és la seva nova adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "584decbc-3949-4c94-8d8e-bbb777e4c0dd", + "text": "124 Carrer de Sant Francesc\nVic, Catalunya", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "124 Carrer de Sant Francesc\nVic, Catalunya", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d928827c-2663-4920-b191-4ec30668e597", + "text": "Pot dirigir-se a la Clínica Sant Josep o Bages Clínica.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98f4a5b0-9106-4373-9d71-38b179b11856", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4deae55d-5dc5-4452-b862-103b78a0e325", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "44b76cfc-a41e-454e-b941-3608128fb710", + "text": "Bon dia, he canviat de banc", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "banc", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ef42482-45c7-4ace-9a75-26dc9b32c9af", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3fd4a61f-d800-494f-9b36-f1abedca5245", + "text": "Volia notificar el canvi de el compte bancari", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "compte bancari", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69ec7769-7b7b-483f-b4ac-4874d0dba76c", + "text": "Alba Fita Camps", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Alba", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Fita", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Camps", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24da9b75-81cc-49d7-9456-802066e7802c", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6025cb4-54f7-44cb-9aad-905371e30855", + "text": "41629481L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41629481L", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fcfc84d7-4bbb-4673-bc95-11f47d5835ab", + "text": "Quin és el seu nou IBAN?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76524952-5e6c-439c-9ce9-2713411de557", + "text": "ES2112436587529785615384", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES2112436587529785615384", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "87c32d6e-c834-42af-9daa-21910518c336", + "text": "Queda registrat el canvi. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f1306e4-1f70-4183-b9c6-7e9cccae595e", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "db0ef548-496d-4342-895e-133d82d58daa", + "text": "D’acord, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b51bf4d-3e4b-4395-ba5d-92e2b06347e5", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "163dc8ff-7e46-4e39-91e6-d3e2e4eaaeca", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "49ba3ed4-4684-4ca2-96bb-095592220864", + "text": "Bon dia, la clinica ofereix el servei de vacunes per viatjar a tercers països?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "vacunes", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 48 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "tercers països", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "68734fdf-8539-4433-861c-da8804aca1d6", + "text": "Sí, a quin païs viatjarà?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8c4ac58d-8111-48a5-85e0-1abf3f312332", + "text": "A Àfrica, viatjarem per diferents països", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Àfrica", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "927b3b11-6d2e-4758-894a-cd350ad749e7", + "text": "Per viatjar-hi es recomana vacunar-se de poliomielitis, febre groga (a majors de 9 mesos), tètanus-diftèria, hepatitis A, febre tifoide, còlera o meningitis meningocòccica (en alguns països com Líbia). En quines estaria interessat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdf13364-325d-4df8-9ffa-ab417bf73c87", + "text": "Em podria posar totes les vacunes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "totes les vacunes", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca4d780f-73b9-4f5f-b3fc-8508464bd316", + "text": "Sí, quan voldria viatjar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "008e405d-4515-4db0-89fe-32025fa74077", + "text": "Doncs en un parell de mesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "en un parell de mesos", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "60fb75ef-6ac8-4b8b-8c10-09b64a3504c8", + "text": "Estic planificant el viatge amb temps", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "77fcfa89-b31b-415a-a67a-c5a832167d47", + "text": "Podría programar-li la primera vacuna per d'aquí un mes, i allà li programaran les següents.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cce49d0b-2aff-489b-99db-98eff98b01ac", + "text": "D'acord! Perfecte. Com ho puc programar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "programar", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be8dc562-baf1-445b-b482-e3fe44032afa", + "text": "Li faig jo. Quin és el seu nom, cognoms i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "04c2b5f6-401c-4c47-8aaf-22720f374432", + "text": "Joan Blanch 35918260I", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Blanch", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "35918260I", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a75d1977-3a47-43d0-a6dd-8592f0815e2e", + "text": "Li aniria bé el 23 de febrer a les 15.30?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18af7306-9553-43bb-abf2-95902691948a", + "text": "M'aniria perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "642601ba-b513-48c2-b261-a5c32aa63475", + "text": "D'acord, queda registrada la cita. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf4cde3f-c631-42f4-b9b1-d5e2e75143b0", + "text": "Cap cosa més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43c7836a-2e38-4dd2-ad6d-00ea08e8eb03", + "text": "D'acord. Adéu i bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa14af2c-0fdc-4b2b-8e94-7206a9ceda70", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "626c0267-9467-47d4-99bb-e0b23560fb92", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5f469f92-991a-4f0b-a7e9-95d82b7b381f", + "text": "Bon dia, vull cancelar la cita que tenia amb el metge", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_booking", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2b8d1dfb-134e-4889-9f0a-2df490b0ff9d", + "text": "Bon dia. Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3914657f-ecf8-4a65-bc13-078cde2fca59", + "text": "46197392R", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "46197392R", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "659c671a-1482-4380-9c98-ff5a3f1f3ed3", + "text": "Li agradaria canviar-la per un altre dia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79031afe-8797-4869-b2e7-84b1286a799b", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e69b5381-a20d-4862-812d-e1504b987358", + "text": "D'acord. Queda cancel·lada la seva cita. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43f638b7-bc83-4068-9298-c4848f979ff7", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9c1a8104-0de6-4682-9d0e-328a544ca04c", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f61e166-8f56-44b0-83c7-4c3dd36d4fdd", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8127b41d-bc95-445c-9d1d-34fe0bb218e2", + "text": "De res!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e95114c4-ba12-49e0-b00f-4cd8f5b83359", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "983445e3-8321-4252-9f36-79c5a92503a0", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria tenir informació de les últimes vegades que he anat a la clínica", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "últimes vegades", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6b818a44-85f8-4afe-89f4-e3d4c4f395b4", + "text": "Com puc consultar aquesta informació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "435f1108-e6c0-460b-9b19-ef33229f7ce0", + "text": "Pot accedir a la seva àrea personal a la pàgina web o a l'aplicació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3721891b-f169-445a-8c50-8c7dab78b272", + "text": "I he d'introduïr algunes dades personals?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "dades personals", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7456a200-00d4-4729-b852-1bf6095375df", + "text": "El seu nom d'usuari i DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29dd9a4b-ea77-4c21-9aee-0af6ace930ed", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab9517f3-f71f-4346-b14e-aba7ffdb2d90", + "text": "Qui pot accedir a aquesta informació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba7d4cb1-61b9-4509-a114-ef157bc67e95", + "text": "Només vostè i els seus metges.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8854f422-8d52-481b-9298-c15748fd67e4", + "text": "D'acord. Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc17201c-00b5-407e-8474-d843429df9e3", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b0d4e0d1-08ce-40b9-ad83-cbba51229c74", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "85957b85-e53c-450e-9486-5f6a4c6dc7fe", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ff97557-c5d4-418f-89bc-76a9a0e91bb5", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + } + ], + "telefonia": [ + { + "id": "3ffc06f5-b301-4738-96a4-dcd0354e637e", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 1#", + "número": 1, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b62a390c-79fb-4e5c-bda3-16148614a23e", + "text": "Hola bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b469db2-15e1-4a98-b382-f2847846fe39", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12a9e49b-0a51-4369-a2e4-b255a192b573", + "text": "Volia informar-me sobre els vostres plans pel mobil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "plans", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d900eb9-8e44-4f73-b35d-01bbd9505679", + "text": "Perfecte. Tenim ara mateix els següents plans:\n\n-Cobertura total mòbil + internet \n-Cobertura només mòbil", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acec3b59-a584-48c2-bb88-62e257196f61", + "text": "Per quan surt la cobertura mòbil sola?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "cobertura mòbil sola", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fbc94e6b-d6e2-411c-9794-42935b53db81", + "text": "La cobertura mòbil sortiria per 19.99€ al mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f273ad0e-2258-4cc1-8738-316e606bb7c5", + "text": "Vol contractar-la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43f362dd-5277-4224-9738-d39d418356a3", + "text": "Si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "541e1624-6e0a-4cfa-a566-d3e6e2e01052", + "text": "Perfecte. Necessitem el nom de la persona beneficiària i un número de telèfon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a1099b80-d9b2-46e8-8175-ec24d307070b", + "text": "Si, Marina Gómez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marina", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Gómez", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6757dc7b-f1f6-4199-8678-7a6e4d185073", + "text": "el telèfon és el 679502231", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "679502231", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7778a9f9-dcfb-4ef1-b912-a1dc2972bcd6", + "text": "Genial. Gràcies. Li arribarà un SMS per confirmar que és vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "92020b23-ce49-47ee-8a79-3ff3c1fdeb73", + "text": "Si, ja l'he rebut", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b2bf9812-3991-4255-a271-9d9e770df3e6", + "text": "El codi és el 1308S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "1308S", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d4936795-1138-43d0-8583-1206a0a8cc25", + "text": "Gràcies per confirmar. Vol que li domiciliem el pagament a un compte bancari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6c6c81f1-dee5-481f-b8dc-a7c4e36d5d81", + "text": "Si, millor fer-ho aixi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "566e0a1a-8331-44d7-960c-7ec4f872f746", + "text": "Molt bé. Em pot dir un compte bancari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1f7d0a7-6b52-4b66-a1ee-4bb7e6f38f3b", + "text": "Si, necessites el numero de compte o l'IBAN?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "numero de compte", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "IBAN", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "53c39c93-5ca6-45d2-a241-825afdec3dda", + "text": "L'IBAN, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f812353-853a-46ef-b305-7db04a0caeb4", + "text": "ES91 2100 0418 4502 0005 1332", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES91 2100 0418 4502 0005 1332", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44688aea-e44e-4d01-847a-42cc83620cb6", + "text": "Genial. Compte domiciliat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "255e985f-3264-4a54-b7e4-791e27cbdc60", + "text": "Molt bé. Ja està amb això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9614f5de-5214-42ef-a186-6e8fb3b5b1b3", + "text": "Sí, això és tot.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53e002e4-d7e3-46a5-b88c-f2ed146fada3", + "text": "Ok, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "841f2932-f434-4613-b91d-f6268d6e40d2", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d8c26415-170b-4c1e-a717-90c2a3de2c3f", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 2#", + "número": 2, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "b3ffe91a-5fe5-4eab-bd48-a925ee7b0ef6", + "text": "factura telèfon fixe", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "telèfon fixe", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "647f991f-cd4c-4b5a-af1c-e50cae284c85", + "text": "Vol que li proporcionem la factura del seu telèfon fixe?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ead0dbc9-fb8a-46ff-91e7-c5580753b9c1", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9051d0f1-0471-49a5-a56e-165c8671fafd", + "text": "Em pot donar un nom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf09cbd8-5b3b-483f-b3f9-0410a48d2e24", + "text": "Alicia Guerrero", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Alicia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Guerrero", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f19f0ab-6975-4ff5-9476-259d20f70485", + "text": "Perfecte, Alicia. Fent la consulta.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db1d8f7a-ef81-4159-a793-a3839e6ae209", + "text": "La seva factura és de 100€. També se la pot descarregar en el següent enllaç: http://mmobil.factures.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73b6aba9-d2a3-4519-81e4-933f8f20290e", + "text": "Vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b8f732e-42bd-469e-84a7-e89c7fbc39c1", + "text": "Gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6f46d57-721a-4a5b-9ccb-b3c26c0c9c4a", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "91448bbc-4271-4829-ae78-f9f3d8f180be", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 3#", + "número": 3, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a862012c-0e8e-4a04-9f96-21f94e99ff5e", + "text": "Hola, contacto amb vosaltres perque fa dos dies que no tinc dades al mòbil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "fa dos dies", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef9c1440-7494-4895-bc60-ef02113f9f70", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda. Gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29cd5d3d-8868-4abc-a544-e77923be3460", + "text": "Quina cobertura mòbil té?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dabed7e1-d1ed-47be-a3a1-f7610bad5cb1", + "text": "Tinc el pla Premium, crec", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pla Premium", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "959287f2-1bbe-4f9b-98d4-d7ef4b790f96", + "text": "Amb dades ilimitades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "Amb dades ilimitades", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5512cd54-9bbc-4d5f-b99c-cdc26e5bb582", + "text": "Perfecte. Em pot dir el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec7f5f48-ccb0-4152-a8bb-7194a4e21f87", + "text": "Glòria Ortega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Glòria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ortega", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "766eb4ba-5175-493a-b10e-32d50c884242", + "text": "Molt bé Glòria. Acabo de fer la consulta i sembla que hi ha un problema tècnic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e1559c2-0f74-4a5d-bbdf-f6a47eaeb875", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "12026150-3088-42b1-ad30-7b53c34cd4f2", + "text": "Doncs què he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "973621f9-788c-425e-bf4a-3f4eb5546d65", + "text": "Hauria de parlar amb el servei tècnic. Em pot donar un número de telèfon perquè la contactin?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b2fe1d45-a166-429b-a779-888297e0e5f4", + "text": "Si, es el 691352356", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "691352356", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9813f600-9e6e-4623-ab9b-115c36bd965f", + "text": "Molt bé. De seguida la contactaran.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "918f5b1e-394d-4f54-9f3b-a5dbe11a4c11", + "text": "D'acord, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bc1e917d-ac78-4dee-85ed-51a81d9f4f4d", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "acfc85d5-f3d8-42b1-a406-6ed2253073ac", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 4#", + "número": 4, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "09411227-873b-4acd-b5bc-af6b02bdd96d", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8a432c7-ea3e-4387-92fb-a23cf90b52cc", + "text": "Hola. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7765ed42-30dc-4dc3-be9a-cdb3634cd377", + "text": "L'ultima factura que m'heu cobrat és de 154 euros, i no entenc com pot ser tant alta. Crec que m'heu cobrat de més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "factura", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "154", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "Crec que m'heu cobrat de més", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 114 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3c9924de-d8c2-4638-b2bf-2d665bf76bfa", + "text": "Doni'm un telèfon mòbil, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "292dac3f-f4e2-4cb2-9bc6-96623c2ceadf", + "text": "609284760", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "609284760", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dafa09d5-b3a7-4c1f-a80c-1f0f7fb6d13a", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Ara ho consultem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "efcde958-9121-49d5-8940-e8e6b26613bb", + "text": "Sembla que hi ha hagut un petit error. Li hem de descomptar 54€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9d23d81-3683-42ba-a8af-c4ce80c55a2e", + "text": "Ah ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1bc05f5a-5130-4506-a564-5088cf1aae97", + "text": "Doncs com els retornareu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ff1f899a-657b-44db-b941-c0494a756d62", + "text": "Ara mateix sol·licitarem la devolució i se li tornarà a la targeta utilitzada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb44b67c-132e-498a-9cc1-ddb1b4c0ecb0", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e87e8225-f4ee-4b86-9b37-0acd0956336a", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c895b2d9-fffe-4701-b7b0-81a889f802ce", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "62ad1a4f-050f-415f-be50-498450714ad8", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 5#", + "número": 5, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c3604e98-2368-4439-a64c-25be6e945059", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3c697abf-3f5f-46a6-acd8-234f389b7514", + "text": "Bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa31db32-819d-4d0d-839c-32ac5a5b50b1", + "text": "M'han robat el mòbil i volia saber si vosaltres teniu ofertes per canviar de mòbil amb el pla de dades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pla de dades", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 102 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bced046c-9cfa-4978-8968-a57bc6272bf0", + "text": "Li podem oferir una tarifa de traspàs + canvi de mòbil per 210€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "490aa128-8554-4da2-befd-76dba27f16a5", + "text": "Li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2fa24e30-3927-4937-8558-11d6654f1b17", + "text": "I quins mobils inclou?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quins mobils", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a5349703-5b0b-4bbc-b8d4-1546428fc35c", + "text": "Inclou un Galaxy Fold, un Xiaomi Redmi 5 i un Honor S3.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "59d348a7-76e6-408f-8300-4df57961027a", + "text": "Ok. Doncs si, m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5c3b3895-1bd2-4798-ae9e-dd64502e5f37", + "text": "Què he de fer? Vull el Galaxy", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "Galaxy", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c9dfb1ed-a8e3-40c7-b736-358cd8318a35", + "text": "Perfecte. Necessitem el seu nom i número de mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c3b10d8a-5430-459b-a29e-94934cab77fe", + "text": "Ferran Garcia-Molins", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ferran", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Garcia-Molins", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d9e8b73c-b0a0-4f51-a6d8-d3d26169c0c3", + "text": "601837266", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "601837266", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "891f1582-2dd8-4836-99b5-6873236715d3", + "text": "Molt bé Ferran. Volia el Galaxy, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "858d051f-0496-4fbe-8c79-313450cf9dc6", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2fb753e4-29c9-498f-9dd7-7376aeef4081", + "text": "Perfecte. Vol pagar amb targeta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ed468bb-41a8-43a1-9ab3-9dcb0fc91e3b", + "text": "Si, ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "831c723a-5180-4224-9c60-48897edfc585", + "text": "Doni'm un número de targeta, si us plau. Gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "53ae05ef-fbb8-4440-b973-8e1d46d31ee9", + "text": "4523 9683 3342 0034", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4523 9683 3342 0034", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fc326023-0c65-47d7-9de2-b4f0b250e0f9", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva col·laboració. Ara mateix li efectuarem el pagament. Vol venir a recollir el mòbil en una de les nostres oficines o que li enviem?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e2a5c7e8-c3c7-41f3-994a-0c53fcf555d1", + "text": "Si, passaré a recollirlo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "passaré a recollirlo", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f4e0cdf-ce4c-40eb-8bc5-e5d26675590f", + "text": "Perfecte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8f8803e1-6d99-4101-82d0-26c14570b69f", + "text": "Res més, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a99b984-f827-42f2-94c6-1fc069ee6358", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 6#", + "número": 6, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "15c7d9cf-263d-4fc6-bacc-38c9fc6ff6f8", + "text": "El meu router no funciona bé, no arriba la connexió a tota la casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "router", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no arriba la connexió a tota la casa", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "93c3afd9-e8be-402e-8566-bdb4562c2ded", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres. Té un repetidor a totes les habitacions?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a3ae7bb0-a7fe-4ddf-aa42-f592d2180f17", + "text": "No, només un", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "només un", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ee0c5fb-8c7b-40d0-9f66-358e15315613", + "text": "Amb aixo hauria de ser suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0580c76f-2fed-47f1-ad75-b668a1376d28", + "text": "Però ultimament no va", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bfefbe30-87bf-419a-8548-ec8642b5952a", + "text": "Em sap greu que el router no funcioni bé. Ha provat a reiniciar-lo?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "20b69913-0944-462c-b6f8-55dd53abb47e", + "text": "Si, clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8171ee85-8a0a-4729-b647-4f923ff57496", + "text": "Varies vegades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "959841b1-671b-4cc8-b8ba-a828401ee864", + "text": "Doni'm el seu nom , si us plau. Consultaré si hi ha algun problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1c197a0-694e-42e3-b849-ca2d9493b812", + "text": "Gerard Muntaner", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Gerard", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Muntaner", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d163425c-b90c-494e-8f52-5d9a38699d4d", + "text": "Molt bé, Gerard. Acabo de fer la consulta i sembla que el router no està agafant bé la senyal. Vol que li enviem un tècnic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60f01376-9e52-4b00-81ac-9f5f305ad5f3", + "text": "Si, l'abans possible si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "02a9ea46-ebdf-47f2-9d54-2257f3d29525", + "text": "Em fa falta per la feina", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a86c77d-85b8-4810-a270-b58469ddcaf4", + "text": "Em pot dir la seva adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "03075bc3-db88-4181-977c-c87ec4bbb14e", + "text": "Passatge Vivent 9, Bloc A, 4rt 2a", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Passatge Vivent 9, Bloc A, 4rt 2a", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2836f401-71f2-43ea-a141-ad5234dbec4e", + "text": "a Sant Adria", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Sant Adria", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2194516-f6d2-48ab-81b7-c83df262c734", + "text": "Molt bé. A Passatge Vivent 9, Bloc A, 4rt 2a, Sant Adrià, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fcfe2ce8-e4b0-4f5a-b5b8-a8975de02fd5", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2fb27f9b-6b9a-4a57-ad23-6844945ced54", + "text": "Molt bé. Demà mateix tindrà un tècnic.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f59bce53-8a97-43a5-8812-795ffd951664", + "text": "Vale gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "738b4e9f-e641-4237-adfd-a34b0d13bf33", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "20525d59-12f2-4d55-a27a-8c698039da2b", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 7#", + "número": 7, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0a5712f2-4e2f-415a-8622-7678c6f03e58", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "79dbbad9-3145-4f12-98e1-5c4aaac79bbb", + "text": "Hola, necessita ajuda?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f25e448-a484-4d3c-8ee5-2d8aab1d76e1", + "text": "Si, me'n vaig a l'estranger uns mesos, i volia saber com funciona el tema del Roaming", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Roaming", + "Start_char": 78, + "End_char": 85 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5d6a9e2-eb77-4932-a754-a68fe532d862", + "text": "Els nostres serveis de roaming són vàlids a tota la Unió Europea. Podrà navegar sense cost per tota la Unió. On va?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88c44b52-68bf-4918-83da-6bbce18ee548", + "text": "Ah no me'n vaig a Indonesia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Indonesia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ecc8bbb9-bd13-494d-9608-bcd31504a28a", + "text": "Aleshores malauradament el roaming no funcionarà. Però pot consultar les nostres tarifes de dades per l'estranger.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bedfba24-f173-4733-be10-85d7905802db", + "text": "Ok, a on les puc mirar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "on", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4adf77ce-26d0-4966-b051-387992217fe6", + "text": "Pot consultar-les a la web http://www.mmobil.tatifesdades.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a490d87-b545-4b13-a610-22470ea38f64", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "df757589-bbd7-4d5f-b539-e23d6ecc24f5", + "text": "Gràcies adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41ff2d3d-7064-476e-b58b-7bd575ca9356", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0ef3f8b4-129c-44bd-828f-59d1a1ca4344", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 8#", + "número": 8, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a8a4101f-45a1-42db-8472-1c5bc779b30a", + "text": "Hola, truco per sol·licitar que cancel·leu el meu compte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ff277e97-79b4-464d-85d7-2ce51ff07f7d", + "text": "Em canvio de companyia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "canvio de companyia", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d1ffa8f-c5f2-4f05-9bf0-8fb63ded90b7", + "text": "Sento que vulgui canviar de companyia. Ens pot dir el motiu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8570a64a-1032-4c79-9a1c-64b2f8ee80d5", + "text": "Les tarifes son força cares", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "tarifes son força cares", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e79ca01e-3745-41d0-a181-6a012d7c20a6", + "text": "I he trobat una companyia més barata", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e50c2ead-d0e7-4266-826b-871987a731f0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per la seva opinió. Ara procedirem a cancel·lar el seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1b0371b-716e-4246-b752-2df42cc3efc2", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b73a9578-17df-40e6-be80-12a5f6e440ab", + "text": "Aquest més hauré de pagar tota la factura, o només la part proporcional?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "factura", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 41 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "part proporcional", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 71 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9af62b32-226f-4139-a270-c1d569afffd1", + "text": "Només haurà de pagar la part proporcional.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "37411f49-481a-4ab8-a8fd-d0e43ef344bb", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "812879ff-18f0-48e1-8e4b-e1b7328f0724", + "text": "Adeu gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5c9577c4-efa2-4c57-8138-b64fc060bc5d", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e0a0d55a-eacc-472a-bccc-5a739f81b5ff", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 9#", + "número": 9, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "258279e4-cad4-4ecb-8849-3fb207939c28", + "text": "Hola bones", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2ea93b50-5075-48ee-84e9-1ed6d5d6a2e3", + "text": "Hola, molt bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cc8bd5c9-bf3b-4c7b-b179-c9602c4900bc", + "text": "Us escric per saber com puc fer per expandir el meu pla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "expandir el meu pla", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "36d71f3a-2930-450e-9997-98fc26a48648", + "text": "Vull afegir una altra persona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir una altra persona", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f02c1ab-42ef-4b69-8dee-92115d1bf47c", + "text": "Quin pla té actualment?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68662ee1-c028-46b3-91a5-3790fda0a478", + "text": "No sé el nom del pla, però m'inclou el fixe, internet i el mòbil amb dades il·limitades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fixe, internet i el mòbil amb dades il·limitades", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 87 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "687dad50-f545-4aeb-92b5-0465dbb11277", + "text": "Aleshores té el pla Plus. Vol afegir una altra persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fac4e21-765a-41b3-9261-1e52968807ef", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c7020508-3951-404e-82fa-3a9432f0c47a", + "text": "Digui'm el nom i DNI de l'altra persona que vol afegir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06c9bde3-7e85-4818-9d6f-4940197828f2", + "text": "Si, Enric Dominguez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Enric", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Dominguez", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50ea60a4-8eb8-4f6b-9bed-107f53c151f5", + "text": "el seu DNI no el sé, us fa falta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "DNI", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 10 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1975913d-42f9-4f0b-968c-c47d19bd56cb", + "text": "És important per després identificar-lo més fàcilment però podem afegir-lo només amb el nom i després modificar les dades i afegir el DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17895c9b-0105-4448-a71d-cf5aa8ae2d24", + "text": "Ok si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ec9ad2d0-d1d4-4bd7-8e56-75987e6e0ee0", + "text": "Perfecte. Ja està afegit.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "237644ea-fa5c-47f2-b6c1-7eef37f5141a", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7517d448-5567-4472-9f3f-14e5fa6555d5", + "text": "Adeu bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "46c8d696-653b-4761-91a8-a714fb4824a6", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "00155919-f47e-4a5d-a745-c1ee5fed0b99", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 10#", + "número": 10, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3148c549-882a-49db-a35d-2dd06351a6ab", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d7bdede0-fea4-4f52-b92f-189fa12b85e7", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76b83d75-3b79-48a4-bfa8-7056f8e5b82e", + "text": "Voldria saber on estan les vostres botigues a Barcelona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "botigues", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 43 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Barcelona", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "477fbd12-e737-4fbc-9185-5b5aa2d05a23", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Aquestes són les nostres botigues a Barcelona:\n\n- Portal de l'Àngel, 24,\n- Carrer Consell de Cent, 18.\n- Carrer Fontanella, 1", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2dde0a0a-86f5-4035-a178-c1c2b59e2db1", + "text": "D'acord, i esteu oberts durant el periode de Nadal?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oberts", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "periode de Nadal", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e02ccfc3-e8d6-4191-808c-8602fe437e9b", + "text": "Tanquem el dia 25 i 26 de desembre, però estem oberts la resta de dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5de7bdc-1946-46ed-a8e1-0dc000eabacb", + "text": "Perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "253d9aba-bf09-4044-b4e9-bed9385f8bbf", + "text": "Gràcies, adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "40486a56-74bc-4ae0-a5c1-d3b85bb71347", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5f3c4717-c387-4188-894d-6a8a113ed64c", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 11#", + "número": 11, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "73d8e9bb-57d4-43e1-9d4d-35ee2f853a86", + "text": "Bona tarda, necessito parlar amb un representant humà", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6c505c37-dc91-4a7b-b69b-956607897c35", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fc279824-951a-44e9-bbcb-1e87b6878698", + "text": "Em pot dir el motiu de la seva consulta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e7971982-b60f-4104-a39b-d3232ebe7564", + "text": "Per canviar el mètode de pagament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "mètode de pagament", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "39dc972d-a307-4edd-acb3-25b318e86e75", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara mateix li busco si hi ha un agent disponible per canviar el mètode de pagament.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d743f64-62e2-4aec-8d73-814b7a4706a7", + "text": "Ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7491f76c-4e87-492d-8079-c0c3498504a5", + "text": "Hi ha molta espera?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "molta espera", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "85044839-e02c-4d68-9a41-b8a592862b4a", + "text": "Sino ho puc fer a la pàgina web, potser", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0d6df520-e481-436b-b80f-19e9ddd76000", + "text": "En 5 minuts podrà parlar amb un agent. També pot consultar-ho a la pàgina web.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c42c1bbd-79f4-4c1f-b803-1fd1dc699075", + "text": "Ok m'espero doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "87254fe7-8852-448a-a97a-a778773c5b4c", + "text": "gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "89b65824-c3d5-4332-b610-3ef7f6408f0b", + "text": "De res. Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a10e97b0-1aa2-4a93-9ecb-1c773e7d4170", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 12#", + "número": 12, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3cf497f8-17f8-4d61-a8fc-7d61fc9b78bd", + "text": "modificar contracte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a8a4d8db-7c4a-4909-919d-879a67763cf0", + "text": "Vol modificar el seu contracte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ec416d0-efcf-42dc-ab7b-6ef7e9a2b639", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2bcff836-ed54-4dbe-b895-9876b99b38f8", + "text": "Vull cancel·lar el telèfon fixe perquè ja no el faig servir", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "telèfon fixe", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4791886e-0dc6-4139-afd0-1a2937a778a0", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara mateix li fem la modificació.  Em pot dir el seu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e662cd7b-3b9a-4eba-b381-80e4d91e7d22", + "text": "Victor Álamos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Victor", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Álamos", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22663c4e-8711-410d-a249-9f459502d35e", + "text": "de segon cognom Ayuso", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ayuso", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10630b17-8836-49fd-8f5e-22f90e50eadb", + "text": "Molt bé, Víctor.  Ara mateix li cancel·lem el telèfon fixe.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b9d97df-8c56-4fda-87d7-5016d4be593a", + "text": "D'acord. Vindrà algú a buscar el telèfon també? Com que me'l vau donar vosaltres fa anys...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "buscar el telèfon", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "me'l vau donar vosaltres", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a61cce80-eac7-49e7-9ad0-748218a5685b", + "text": "Si el telèfon te'l vam donar nosaltres sí, només necessitem una adreça i passarà algú de l'empresa a recollir-lo.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "43f1f6c4-48b0-4a2d-9143-2824af90e1d7", + "text": "Vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26c90792-8ea5-4585-9018-30f43a93de99", + "text": "L'adreça és Carretera de les Aigues, 3, Km. 182", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carretera de les Aigues, 3, Km. 182", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e10be5df-6d30-4cd7-8d09-e4b6dc79c6ea", + "text": "Molins de Rei", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Molins de Rei", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4b84be1a-b73c-4030-8104-23712dc4b74b", + "text": "Carretera de les Aigues, 3, Km. 182, Molins de Rei. Correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "08bfe42c-ba26-4c33-b1c2-169329306854", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5de7b342-5bc6-4331-a699-952a97cd9773", + "text": "Quan vindran? Ha de ser per la tarda, sino no estaré a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "per la tarda", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e62bb825-209f-4d0d-985c-e3ff8c313cba", + "text": "Podem venir demà a les 17h. Li va bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "23cab8bf-f04a-45ef-a2a8-e95e21f9cb78", + "text": "Si, perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41649dc2-122d-4bf6-a9a2-45a88f96eae9", + "text": "Adeu gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "031b2b34-6439-48d9-ae26-3fc2efc11ac9", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3f8c1f7f-1970-4295-bfd9-3077e816c24b", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 13#", + "número": 13, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "adba10ee-c092-4e5a-832a-f919a1ae5329", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f600fcae-96b2-4edc-ac2a-69d36e1cb1c9", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21902c75-b379-4d3c-88d2-f04eb42888cb", + "text": "M'interessa tenir més informació sobre les vostres ofertes per instal·lar internet de fibra òptica a les nostres oficines", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "internet de fibra òptica", + "Start_char": 74, + "End_char": 98 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a les nostres oficines", + "Start_char": 99, + "End_char": 121 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50e6b9c2-2bb4-45db-bbd7-d77058b5f358", + "text": "Tenim una oferta de fibra òptica per a empreses a 30€ el mes. Li interessa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff06e142-9893-4e82-aa1f-c682f7a4e1a1", + "text": "Ho hauria de consultar amb el meu departament", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Ho hauria de consultar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5cc84bb1-8409-4046-875b-0724da994408", + "text": "Però ho podem contractar per aquí?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "per aquí", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ce5bded-246f-47ef-a625-2a735106e54c", + "text": "Sí, és clar. Podeu contractar-ho aquí mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a859a123-48e9-45ff-a278-130a34de2bd8", + "text": "Vale, i una altra pregunta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "310c1565-3557-4432-adfa-08c605050ddc", + "text": "Aquest preu és per totes les nostres oficines, o per cadascuna?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per totes les nostres oficines", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "per cadascuna", + "Start_char": 49, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "66892fd7-6423-4625-8685-c8afae1edf1c", + "text": "Per cadascuna de les oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c151013b-b9a9-4afb-ae29-ca9477420e08", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7babeebb-213f-4c7f-8e80-ed82873831fd", + "text": "Gràcies, res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8bfe7d88-1a1e-4eb5-96bb-156db3137a1c", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0907c28c-1d8b-4489-bb1a-356a336b7666", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 14#", + "número": 14, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "06edc1ee-c2ba-41fa-a421-142186c0fb78", + "text": "Hola bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "62309ae5-0ba1-4674-a42f-f12575e31760", + "text": "Hola.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e73c21e9-92db-4cc2-b34f-66514826a1c4", + "text": "Necessito cancel·lar la línia d'una altra persona per defunció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "línia", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "defunció", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1bd64343-4040-494f-90ff-abc17d10cd18", + "text": "D'acord. Com es diu la persona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "edf5a6cc-542c-4ea2-aa0e-d9abd8083c3c", + "text": "Es deia Carolina Vallbuena", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Carolina", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vallbuena", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7634ac5f-6f93-481e-b51f-2e2017282ff0", + "text": "Molt bé. El seu telèfon és 654 765 65 67?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba661f8f-5840-4432-8246-aad827745923", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c6d3b078-255f-4cf5-a07e-01209cce99fa", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara cancel·lem el seu compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3127947c-2ac2-4ee9-bf02-d820cc33c322", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a3110ce-aedb-4927-8db4-f96c43ecf81a", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ea1789bc-08aa-4470-9345-561ef46df23b", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a923d66-5dd3-479a-b1b3-b3e3cc9a6e77", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 15#", + "número": 15, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8afdca75-7b62-4eba-bdf3-5ce601ca6ca9", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b3d4d6b6-dbb0-4171-9703-79a49dfbeb12", + "text": "Hola, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27a486b7-213e-4242-befa-b63444180fe2", + "text": "Hi ha un article a la meva factura que no entenc què és", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "article a la meva factura", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e1ddaab-2a54-4e69-995f-bb6b0ab2e9c3", + "text": "Me l'heu cobrat dos cops aquest més, i té el codi GoogleGames45", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "Me l'heu cobrat dos cops aquest més", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 35 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "codi GoogleGames45", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "56870776-c03c-4609-b93b-15b01a88d079", + "text": "Acabo de consultar-ho i sembla que s'ha duplicat el pagament. Li haurem de fer la devolució.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47b64778-e28b-4278-b75d-a2ce1d037c20", + "text": "Però a què es deu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0cd6025c-24fe-4de4-b3f4-28b4fdc24450", + "text": "Sembla que el sistema ha detectat el pagament dos cops per error. Ara mateix li tornarem la quantitat restant.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d3f7de0-757e-474e-b5f4-4ddaf62f2768", + "text": "No m'estas entenent. Passa'm amb una persona real", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a9dd69b8-c62f-4e10-8181-7b3363906c7f", + "text": "Vol una persona real? Un agent estarà disponible en 5 minuts. Vol esperar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9c16cf33-3c6c-4df4-a09c-4fdc484879cb", + "text": "Si, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "710cb120-3f69-48b1-b25a-aca2e1c4dd37", + "text": "Perfecte. Gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e31b8c45-9e81-4d88-82e5-0d52b4e5c69a", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2fda175b-2a6b-4075-96d4-bb7144a2ad2d", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04496eac-1dc7-4352-a442-cc05d5c084de", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 16#", + "número": 16, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0777e194-2d02-4df1-9896-ccbd68412d88", + "text": "Hola", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "greetings", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dc4bb6e8-2a1c-411d-8a70-de7a97c70d8f", + "text": "Hola, què vol?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8b3c39c1-549c-474a-9f92-5a5b4f68910a", + "text": "Tinc un retràs en el pagament de la meva factura, i volia saber què passa en aquest cas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "retràs en el pagament de la meva factura", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "80dff503-73d0-4ccc-ac65-c649a072e2d6", + "text": "El seu telèfon és 456 765 45 56?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5c3c9a8-236e-49e6-afee-f0f99b998dc5", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b838a31-8a11-4ca0-b661-cd6f8ac21c9d", + "text": "Perfecte. Si hi ha un retràs en el pagament ha de contactar amb nosaltres. Podem donar-li una extensió de fins a 10 dies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ced35f4-a716-457d-bf0e-285d42160555", + "text": "D'acord, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "257cd422-28a6-45c9-8ce3-0b71d1ef483e", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara li aplicarem l'extensió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d440b6d6-4ee0-4a33-8d9b-9ab2e87f3e6a", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ea71c60-9e8d-4c38-8255-b4ffa1ad25b3", + "text": "Adeu bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5d59fd80-b150-4c7d-8da7-e151edd443a3", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè. Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8e1b9933-179c-4e8b-bdcf-c4e052b07945", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 17#", + "número": 17, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1cd20f00-eb16-4487-b20b-34839b05d718", + "text": "Bon dia, em vull informar sobre els vostres plans familiars", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "plans familiars", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "47b5c5c5-7e90-4277-9a2b-cc7972061fff", + "text": "Els nostres plans familiars són els següents:\n\n-Family Plus (2-8 persones incloses)\n-Family Premium (2-4 persones incloses).", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f78ff2f6-2dea-4c09-b1c9-c68f388253a3", + "text": "Vol contractar algun?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4aae64b-b8c9-4d15-863b-a6e375ad78c1", + "text": "I què inclouen?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "què inclouen", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a793670e-63e9-456a-befb-bfe5188bcfd1", + "text": "El plus de 2 a 8 persones i també la fibra òptica i televisió. El Premium de 2-8 persones i només internet.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8e19a92a-278d-4359-8afc-b53c6a259ba7", + "text": "D'acord. M'interessa el Plus doncs, perquè som 5", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Plus", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dec28512-6fbd-4eaa-85c9-778d5be3c831", + "text": "Perfecte. Doni'm un nom, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47d4daf6-258c-409c-a3b8-1ee830742cfa", + "text": "Jessica Calvo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jessica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Calvo", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c7d1338-e8cf-4e88-84d4-2283f31a5f21", + "text": "Molt bé, Jessica. El seu cost serà de 30€ al mes , doncs.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a895bc38-b623-4b68-bfdc-11b18d233cfc", + "text": "Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e30f397-f50a-4eb4-947e-ff70706fabe4", + "text": "Molt bé gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1907c7bd-49c1-4002-817b-a7ce25b153b6", + "text": "Si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e43b17a3-9bd6-4a3d-bed5-563cbc613a03", + "text": "Molt bé. Pla Family Plus contractat. Ja podeu gaudir dels beneficis del pla.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2932de7a-1a5d-479e-9a8f-2e4190ea9bc0", + "text": "Perfecte gràcies bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d93f930-6250-4d93-bd99-6a03423d2e2e", + "text": "Moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d83e598-2697-4685-b122-ce2ad575d43c", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 18#", + "número": 18, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "352038f8-33c4-4455-b815-61a003a624b9", + "text": "Hola, vull saber com mirar la llista de trucades entrants i sortints del telèfon del meu marit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "llista de trucades entrants i sortints", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "person", + "text": "el meu marit", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 94 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0657c887-f2d5-4980-af95-4dd0d89ff530", + "text": "Tenim un pla mòbil conjunt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pla mòbil conjunt", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28060fbb-8f1a-4b7d-99e7-b8462fc3f257", + "text": "Hola. Gràcies per contactar amb nosaltres. Quin mòbil és?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "be88cdeb-cc9a-4924-b56d-1017a8095e2c", + "text": "El número?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "número", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "37fe2773-a037-4eb8-a82f-a92de4d319b7", + "text": "No, el model.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca179029-16d0-4550-9c5f-53c4395d4fb8", + "text": "Ah, es un Huawei", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "Huawei", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "686f3603-9d8f-47f4-bcc2-f1e6028f46cb", + "text": "Pero no sé el model exacte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4565a0e-8578-4969-af7f-babce1529ca2", + "text": "Perfecte. Aleshores ha d'anar a ajustos de trucada primer.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79129ac7-15c0-4ce9-879d-3f5959422577", + "text": "No, però vull consultar la llista de trucades entrants i sortints que teniu vosaltres enregistrades. No directament al seu mòbil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "llista de trucades entrants i sortints", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 65 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "enregistrades", + "Start_char": 86, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9db67f37-ba5f-4ff7-82f5-eab95173f65c", + "text": "Per consultar les trucades amb nosaltres m'ha de dir el seu nom, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e3f9e99-ca20-44ec-b206-eab907f86615", + "text": "Valeria Martín-Collado", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Valeria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Martín-Collado", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9e584fee-2232-4e93-a729-8f4fb483952e", + "text": "Molt bé, Valeria. Aquí té la llista de trucades:\n\nHttps://mmobil.pagaments.es", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6a83715-984a-4f0f-88b9-3b7646fd8eca", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "18a7d74f-3a9a-4eea-88f5-6fdede9ea004", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9959e53a-f1d1-4857-bf82-706821aae619", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0c9ad97a-bf85-4161-952f-66aa9fb62b9e", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 19#", + "número": 19, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d2a8d357-b5a6-4c2c-bf93-534891b7952d", + "text": "Hola, voldria contractar una línia mòbil i internet amb vosaltres, però encara no tinc el NIE", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "línia mòbil", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "internet", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 51 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "encara no tinc el NIE", + "Start_char": 72, + "End_char": 93 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9fe58659-6bfa-4f7c-b5b8-90064a395992", + "text": "Hola, bona tarda. Té un NIE provisional?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6d5bca5-d996-47a7-9ad5-0eb64fdf92ac", + "text": "No, encara no. L'he de rebre en dues setmanes. Però necessito la línia mòbil per poder rebre les comunicacions per la meva cita a l'oficina del NIE", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "en dues setmanes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "línia mòbil", + "Start_char": 65, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3d600153-a271-4b57-8223-fb320bdb6882", + "text": "Molt bé. El que podem fer és crear un compte ara que haurà de modificar després.  Li sembla bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b560f4c4-7e24-44ba-a300-6ccb20d8593c", + "text": "Si perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d93d9be4-002d-452c-b61b-e89269206f4b", + "text": "Molt bé. Doni'm el seu nom, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c7fbb4e-308c-4031-9afe-5ff406ba34dd", + "text": "Alma Maria Lobos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Alma Maria", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Lobos", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45d76137-5575-4bb3-82f2-012eaebee047", + "text": "Perfecte. La línia mòbil costaria 20€ al més. Vol continuar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d62e1aa0-65f4-4c3c-98c7-202d37e41445", + "text": "Si, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17d59e61-1df5-4d12-a20a-63fcbfd5f93f", + "text": "D'acord. Necessitem una targeta on domiciliar els pagaments.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54ced1d9-6606-4619-ba1d-80a07d4d1eff", + "text": "Si, un moment", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10739b03-1b05-459b-ac19-de3d088a3efe", + "text": "4590 2355 0001 2356", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "4590 2355 0001 2356", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9a7a9d4b-c9ff-4bd5-be15-5d4ffe9533c0", + "text": "Perfecte. Targeta afegida. Ja té la seva línia contractada. Recordi afegir el NIE quan estigui disponible.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1a501a4-7b13-413b-82c1-b8e3d322fb06", + "text": "D'acord gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1f42f183-4135-4a90-94c2-f3478113191f", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4217fd82-3335-4b42-be0a-fb4cae57d881", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b669048c-47c4-4361-b5c8-5e5d4003e318", + "nom": "#CONVERSA 20#", + "número": 20, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "80052e40-0add-46d7-8b12-3f465bc922ea", + "text": "Hola vull cancel·lar el meu contracte amb vosaltres, però no sé si ja he complert el període de permanència", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "permanència", + "Start_char": 96, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e981ea3e-59e6-40e9-8230-c943f7173924", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu nom, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a152840d-9f0d-484a-8d61-484d70011a55", + "text": "Hilda de Unzueta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Hilda", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "de Unzueta", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f3b9e06-4662-4a0a-a462-aa23de01018a", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs el seu període de permanència acaba el mes següent. Si cancel·la el seu contracte ara li cobrarem 20€ addicionals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfef5c19-9e19-4b14-8cfa-2aa3b4a32dfa", + "text": "D'acord si, cancel·la", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6510dc56-bf7e-41f2-bd77-ac8cd4461fd2", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara li cancel·lem.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0e157f8-71d9-4aa1-abaf-5d1e81b56b9c", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f63ec98d-7bce-400c-8900-a444e58144d5", + "text": "Contracte cancel·lat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e1a50ee0-ef33-4278-a8ff-81074420ce6f", + "text": "Molt bé, adeu bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41d3a629-3c1c-4b09-8c25-3afc3e6cc6a7", + "text": "Adeu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "587b63e3-e3bf-4972-bc73-d87b083939c2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 21#", + "número": 21, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "46290f90-4e9b-474f-9979-aa8b30475031", + "text": "Bon dia. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cb606442-5b87-46f7-b37a-5d935fadfd0d", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber per quina raó ha augmentat el preu de la meva tarifa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ha augmentat el preu de la meva tarifa", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa19f3c9-a38a-47ab-b034-ac37743291c1", + "text": "Em podria facilitar el seu número de telèfon, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b574896-5d80-4164-8a85-535fd71101bd", + "text": "620012942", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "620012942", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7ab327a-c2ca-4b77-aae6-908167451b66", + "text": "Sembla que hi ha hagut una trucada a l'estranger, de 5 minuts de durada.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b24244a9-d6cc-4980-8944-775ec7080535", + "text": "mm no em consta. A més tinc una tarifa fixa...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarifa fixa", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17b3ceab-eba4-4509-a1c3-8e784da1deea", + "text": "La seva tarifa no inclou trucades a l'estranger ja que en aquell cas es cobra amb el suplement de l'establiment de trucada i per minuts.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11376ba0-3519-4096-8442-2eb50e044dcf", + "text": "D'acord, però li estic dient que no he trucat a l'estranger...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "no he trucat a l'estranger", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42fc7607-fc1c-4a6b-8dac-3bdcd3672d65", + "text": "La seva fatura estableix una trucada a l'estranger.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9ad4634f-1d72-43cb-bb79-f1aa5856ef06", + "text": "D'acord, veig que no em voleu fer cas...Com puc donar-me de baixa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "baixa", + "Start_char": 60, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8af59ac7-1e56-422e-969a-d617186a1860", + "text": "Ho ha de fer a través de l'App mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8ff2d706-f4a1-42c7-bf3c-30eb0ba50591", + "text": "Així ho faré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0868a915-5922-4a4b-ac8e-6b5427a6755d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 22#", + "número": 22, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8f187e48-38f5-4fc8-bf0c-cdcab7772340", + "text": "Bon dia, he vist que hi ha una oferta per contractar-vos amb un telefon de regal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "telefon de regal", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "16e1db95-14cc-4631-a82d-ed29a666f694", + "text": "Em podeu informar més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6d2edbe0-95c9-4c16-9c58-be9b6658164e", + "text": "Si contracta el pack de fibra + mòbil per 39.99€, s'emporta un telèfon gratis.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e41feb66-56c5-4447-ad76-a9f7c4c4aae8", + "text": "M'encanta! Doncs la vuuull", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d7610d9-4e88-40cd-9427-1ed997222aee", + "text": "Només afegir que té un compromís de permanència de 18 mesos. Vol seguir endavant?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "21f2a9a5-c043-491c-a546-b5e2bb91b5ed", + "text": "Yes!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "28e0b5ed-d95d-42d4-b80c-1d204e1835b2", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu DNI i la seva direcció postal, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11f60840-fd29-4ca3-8c76-6d23ad15cdd2", + "text": "219487D, 08129", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "219487D", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "8129", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19e99614-b1d0-435d-bf15-0d3782914403", + "text": "Quin és el número de telèfon que voldria incloure al contracte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1611df11-27ba-443d-8fae-8c709700d075", + "text": "El número 632148172", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "632148172", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b12ef8ac-0408-412f-9ffa-c2f0061a4028", + "text": "Ja s'ha tramitat el contracte. Aviat rebrà més instruccions sobre la portabilitat i la visita tècnica per la instal·lació de la fibra.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d7286b1-4c4c-4f63-9696-2be82c1c3fb0", + "text": "Mil gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1983890-7554-4da0-a6f1-7051efb690f9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 23#", + "número": 23, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0a7bff18-4c0d-4f36-be6f-c27c7570b2b9", + "text": "Em podrieu enviar les factures a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "destination", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "068c8d44-c528-4949-938a-bd7f1fc7aa04", + "text": "Em podria facilitar el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "84d3b3e4-f50e-4a21-9208-747dbcef4ae4", + "text": "49261D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "49261D", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c5e427b9-a55a-4fd6-ba81-da69cbb6f237", + "text": "Quina és la seva direcció postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd830d47-cd52-4b8e-8021-6adb24773c6b", + "text": "08012", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08012", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "40f4664f-8c0b-4b61-b863-ba5a0a66522d", + "text": "I la direcció completa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f0f5d957-d8bf-410f-9544-d822c4831ccd", + "text": "carrer del Riu, Sabadell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer del Riu, Sabadell", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 24 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f409545-80fd-4e99-8d66-00b6e858cd0c", + "text": "numero 14, planta baixa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "numero 14, planta baixa", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "73028441-dbdb-4955-ab2b-e6ebf5ff6b77", + "text": "Quin és el motiu de la seva sol·licitud?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa699ebe-219e-4b75-825d-e588dccfefb2", + "text": "Em resulta més còmode", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "més còmode", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0a1c2cc-666e-4425-ade4-28685b448c08", + "text": "Rebrà la factura en un marge de 48-72h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dea27758-b8c5-4106-88cf-9a90fc44234a", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3c4d0c8-8493-4121-8594-61fd9dda58f7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 24#", + "número": 24, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "cd71498d-925f-4479-99ac-019aa4e20473", + "text": "Bon dia! Voldria augmentar el màxim de megues al meu mòbil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "augmentar el màxim de megues", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ca04b312-2254-4fa2-a73f-89b202a1c2f4", + "text": "Bon dia, em podria dir el seu DNI i número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9aa0f7b9-b7c9-42f7-ab48-ee69e4ccd6af", + "text": "461394286X, i 712465123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "461394286X", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "712465123", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2ae6155-dfcc-472a-9198-072990e6e2fd", + "text": "Actualment tenim disponibles dades il·limitades per 15€ més al mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "93ef0246-be09-4460-80d6-2bc381bdfe66", + "text": "Com la podria contractar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fdf51946-cf61-400a-9796-e1e5e29ac40e", + "text": "Li puc tramitar ara mateix si ho desitja", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fdf16a10-666a-4052-827b-e6dd04d64c2e", + "text": "Si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7c26cd41-0ed9-43b4-8db0-fdbc6ff2d7a0", + "text": "Ja està. En breus moments li hauria de sortir a l'aplicació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1fb1c398-d69f-4b39-ac30-fa5884dbaaac", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eaa6e0aa-8430-45b2-b0e3-b856d8692382", + "text": "No, amb això serà suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "89a473da-766c-409f-b306-e48f4fd4cd0c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 25#", + "número": 25, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c63db84b-36c6-438a-b122-d9a1f861b5e9", + "text": "Bones, tenen tarifes per autònoms?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifes", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 20 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "autònoms", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ded3d8a5-3b42-4c5b-9dde-7c8e7148acec", + "text": "Sí, tenim per 47,10€ 300MB amb trucades il·limitades al fixe i mòbil", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "547fb292-23d5-4596-a9c3-2d1e165fd2dd", + "text": "M'interessa!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a6ddb206-42a4-46b4-b956-f39418606f4f", + "text": "Com la puc demanar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1716406b-b3a0-493b-b078-8f19aa9a0008", + "text": "Em pot facilitar la seva direcció i el DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "68bf574c-b0c5-41f4-a370-4cd88137f08a", + "text": "Carrer Sant Joan, dni 41234576F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer Sant Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "41234576F", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11922fd9-1a00-4c95-a375-d2006e9fe906", + "text": "Podría facilitar un número de telèfon o un correu electrònic per informar-li de la documentació requerida?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34b35641-af57-4916-a0d6-93c2083b6837", + "text": "Sí, 62019345", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "62019345", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7421dcbb-5a52-4a1b-8ba5-8909d779c833", + "text": "Té preferència per alguna hora en concret per rebre la trucada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c0cb53c-450d-425e-826a-ca68b926a093", + "text": "A partir de les 6", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "A partir de les 6", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9135a14c-12a8-4b43-b887-6dfb7d6e5c44", + "text": "D'acord. Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2abd2260-dc8f-4f33-888b-35b61f70eaa6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 26#", + "número": 26, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "4c397912-7ac8-4b8a-86e8-037052b8cf08", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria comprar un mòbil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "mòbil", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0566963c-01a9-4e76-b444-274b3032fd75", + "text": "Hi ha algun descompte per ser client?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "descompte per ser client", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ccc8d333-e072-4e0e-b0ab-25712a196f7b", + "text": "Sí, té un 15% de descompte en tots els mòbils excepte Apple.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb2dafd8-3550-4ff5-baae-bc8a0b1fce88", + "text": "Estic interessat, el podria comprar amb punts de la companyia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "amb punts de la companyia", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e3de97da-854a-4be8-9c82-bbda279e9406", + "text": "Tinc uns 700 punts que corresponen a 700€", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "700 punts", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "700", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3967397a-242f-4c11-99bb-8f69e7ac0a5e", + "text": "Sí, quin és el seu nom d'usuari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06eb3d75-10d1-4336-b787-1e60cc1e603e", + "text": "aseer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "aseer", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d316910-886d-4dcb-8b3b-4c302a355554", + "text": "Quin model de mòbil voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9fb53212-ff84-482a-8a34-21d1ab020ea7", + "text": "el Xiaomi 13", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Xiaomi 13", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b0f943bf-5aef-4a51-9e3a-da1c0ca057fe", + "text": "Em podria dir el seu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bd622a86-8b4d-4bc9-93c5-280bca3fa824", + "text": "Asier Enendido", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Asier", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Enendido", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 14 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d83d31c3-0428-4acc-992a-7fe784df6947", + "text": "Quina és la botiga que li queda més propera?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4097c7b-b84c-444c-bcaf-3dadf5d1e88d", + "text": "La de Tàrrega", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Tàrrega", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "232289bb-e772-47df-9b83-bf36713e8995", + "text": "Rebrà un correu electrònic quan el mòbil estigui preparat per a la seva recollida.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18656ae6-545f-4d10-9cbd-a87ebe77c61f", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6fb39db-2613-4373-9b4d-6437dc59d9b5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 27#", + "número": 27, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "769544f7-7824-4e67-9889-afdb999d0460", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bf803753-09c3-4091-9a23-0d3891f7174d", + "text": "Bon dia, volia contractar el servei de televisió", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "televisió", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dfcaf119-00d0-4f22-a8de-b2492307c865", + "text": "Disposeu d'aquest servei?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6105d939-e989-4030-8bb6-846115da128b", + "text": "Sí. Ja té algun contracte amb la nostra companyia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "379a6b44-96fe-4201-81dd-6827f1f0c3eb", + "text": "No, encara no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5a0ec6d-73be-4e32-bbf7-f84da33c0ee4", + "text": "Em podria dir la seva adreça, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "15e2e594-9b5b-4171-a290-b18f2d5b9ab5", + "text": "carrer Joanic, 24, Lleida", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Joanic, 24, Lleida", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3735575a-03dc-4b1d-bfce-6718c8f7d1fc", + "text": "Efectivament tenim cobertura a la seva regió. El servei de televisió és de 23€ els primers 3 mesos i després 29€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9bd78dea-88e2-46b5-80de-2a6c17d4d3ed", + "text": "M'agradaria contractar-la, què he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7170a311-6ac7-4855-83f6-432e6df297cf", + "text": "M'hauria de dir el seu DNI, nom i cognoms, i IBAN.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a50d7382-fafd-409c-b538-3959f7ab7352", + "text": "45127393A, Antoni Puig, ES72 1555 01 01361431425514", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45127393A", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antoni", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Puig", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "card_num", + "text": "ES72 1555 01 01361431425514", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 51 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "76076351-0192-47d9-8e90-f80d3a897608", + "text": "Ja s'ha tramitat la seva sol·licitud. Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e045d294-154f-4312-83dc-9725ca47e835", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 28#", + "número": 28, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1d8a0ece-e429-4462-b766-33494c0889f8", + "text": "Hola:) Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dad9c778-d3f4-4d95-a4fe-caa85fad71fc", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria saber si hi ha alguna oferta nova", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta nova", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "30a74a35-ad79-431c-a6a0-4ec5d12a1238", + "text": "Ara mateix tenim el pack de fibra 100mb + fixe + mòbil per 29.99€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c56b49f-606c-499f-8946-6b4a3c24f33d", + "text": "Mm, m'interessa, però no tinc clar si tinc més mb de fibra", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més mb de fibra", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4e65f36a-79b6-4297-91f5-31989e501821", + "text": "Tenim una altra opció de 300mb de fibra per 39.99€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdefb647-8bc7-4da9-8f9a-c993c09e4069", + "text": "També es una oferta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f75bccda-29b1-41f8-a38e-5cd0213bfbb8", + "text": "Sí, normalment costa 59.99€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cfe857f9-1d52-45f3-ace2-3101749ce946", + "text": "Doncs voldria contractar aquesta opció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "00d3628c-39fd-4d18-a205-8bf7b0b36168", + "text": "Em pots dir la teva direcció i el DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "507e7562-0fd5-4b34-94c1-3470fb10fdbd", + "text": "carrer ernest lluch, 123, Badalona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer ernest lluch, 123, Badalona", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b91beb93-67cc-45f8-b24c-318dbea45694", + "text": "I el teu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b5911cbf-b837-4a53-a4b5-b058f0e21bb5", + "text": "34127805S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34127805S", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db505b80-42ad-45bc-8c59-d157f91dcc76", + "text": "Queda registrada la teva sol·licitud, moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6736979-0c38-4061-941a-9685bd16bcc1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 29#", + "número": 29, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "de48d72b-44e7-4ba0-aaac-e031a94b1b26", + "text": "Bon dia, no trobo ofertes per families", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes per families", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eaf060ec-82b0-48e0-8c10-9387ec844da2", + "text": "Què és el que voldria contractar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5985d8b-4e65-49cd-8b29-6080dacc67c6", + "text": "Doncs movils, fixe i wifi", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "movils", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fixe", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "wifi", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4d0bf029-2c4b-4233-a054-9b7e248e6d19", + "text": "hi voldria contractar 5 mobils", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "5 mobils", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a22ae966-0a50-45f7-a5eb-9b58a7c8d9ea", + "text": "Tenim una tarifa base de fixe + fibra + mòbil per 38.99€ i per cada mòbil nou són 8€ més si vol 8gb o 12€ si en vol 12.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c15616fb-943d-4faa-b3f9-29b4b2855896", + "text": "No teniu cap oferta per familia nombrosa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta per familia nombrosa", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6958d16c-15c5-4d71-87b8-0d15ca7e0ce6", + "text": "Lamentablement no.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4bbbb06-1179-46ff-b54f-7ea030b73b83", + "text": "O cap oferta una mica més barata?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "més barata", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f2aeedc-ad76-45ab-8a20-b947fe248362", + "text": "Podría ser fibra de 100mb en lloc de 300mb, per 29.99 de base.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ea657c69-4344-4ca9-bb17-d5ae38595842", + "text": "Aquesta sí m'agrada, aniré a la tenda i la contractaré", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c46caea1-b071-4915-81ff-c77b91d8537e", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a2efe4fc-3da0-4b63-86e2-afe70aef6b26", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea728ec8-9ae0-47c1-bd52-3b882ef3f16c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 30#", + "número": 30, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9c8fae51-6937-4af2-9e96-88bb51d17cf6", + "text": "Hola! Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "349a7ad5-f067-46b7-96e5-5c4d916e4e16", + "text": "Bon dia, volria afegir a la meva germana al compte de telefon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir a la meva germana", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44fabcf1-7179-4471-a2d2-f640a19f2a4f", + "text": "Ho puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "92abe02f-93e2-4d2f-b6ec-56b23c8ad8a4", + "text": "Sí. Em pots dir el teu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b98b7aad-4bdd-4c73-bfa6-4aae7845a4c2", + "text": "34539745F", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "34539745F", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7d5a4825-4009-4e12-92de-4a963749d847", + "text": "El telèfon que vols afegir està al teu nom?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "817b5fea-2c18-4abe-8c8b-1fd1a4d79d4e", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d4487562-2db3-4bfa-a886-7c1c37e7daf6", + "text": "Quin és el número?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c6cf113-05aa-443a-9976-3d4e837a10b6", + "text": "651 123 342", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "651 123 342", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ba26f269-0ef7-475a-a468-04bd8de0cdbf", + "text": "Es tramitarà la portabilitat del número de telèfon un cop rebi la SIM a casa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1ed2f5ac-4a87-4087-9add-2ff8639445bf", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fa2bdc87-dbd3-4777-b111-82aae8c2159c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 31#", + "número": 31, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8c0a7bff-f1af-4411-91aa-180b334ed585", + "text": "És certa la oferta del iPhone 10?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "iPhone 10?", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af6cb253-6bde-4f02-a382-7a6e12e98371", + "text": "Actualment tenim l'iPhone 10 per 399€ si contracta una línia amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d6e3bb6a-0dee-4220-b770-d58d327fe03f", + "text": "Havia escoltat que era gratuit", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "gratuit", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d9e74174-3f8e-41cd-b110-0501959bba76", + "text": "Potser era una altra oferta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "una altra oferta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8ddaa17-82de-4a63-8b22-256620b3cc76", + "text": "Tenim gratuït el Samsung S9.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fd9fd70b-e866-4adf-ad38-0f0a51ea8347", + "text": "Mm no, aquest no m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9d474c4e-f58b-46e8-8586-8098779ba869", + "text": "Llavors no hi ha cap oferta amb l'iphone gratuït?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "iphone gratuït", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "be0d57ba-9611-4597-a2f5-a10d1ad1d2c1", + "text": "No, malauradament no n'hi ha cap amb iPhone.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5545abdc-4077-4012-a543-794e362b2d89", + "text": "En aquest cas, no m'interessa. Ho sento :(", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9d80f1e5-1898-4f21-9f90-d4870f3b0aed", + "text": "Que tingui un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bcbf6ae2-0f46-4e72-9b3c-375934b95764", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 32#", + "número": 32, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "be63c692-556c-4c75-8919-d0609e3b436a", + "text": "Bon dia, es cert el que diuen del 5g?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "5g", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "86a45740-5c8d-4f5e-85de-70804d6b25f2", + "text": "Disculpi, a què es refereix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f3c60b5b-3789-4b9d-821c-71b92c02cd81", + "text": "Doncs si és cert tot això que diuen que ens pot produir càncer", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "càncer", + "Start_char": 56, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eaa7e7dd-3a47-4e5d-902e-7ff146c1f098", + "text": "Aquesta informació és incorrecta. Després d'analitzar tota l'evidència científica d'estudis epidemiològics de cohorts i cas control sobre els radiofreqüències en la salut, els experts que han escrit en informe conclouen que, amb els nivells habituals d'exposició a què està exposada la població, no existeix cap risc per a la salut. Alhora, també han revisat tots els estudis sobre la relació entre l'ús de mòbil i tumors cerebrals, i confirmen que el mòbil no augmenta la probabilitat de patir-los.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6720f710-9f5d-4318-9d8c-ed59253c99b2", + "text": "Estudis pagats per les empreses de telecomunicacions?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3d0f3e83-18ad-46a3-abf4-682b9ab34d95", + "text": "Lamentablement no disposem d'aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f717153-e7ac-44da-ad01-bde1b686adb5", + "text": "A tu també et paguen??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "844e714b-fd4a-406e-bcc3-ee0214995a5b", + "text": "Ens matareu a tots", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fd482a7c-ddbf-491a-8c0c-faf17caaaf55", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "170a0557-e9fe-4614-9704-344263ad39d3", + "text": "No", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "06739fe0-a5cc-46ac-b6b3-1297d0a35804", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "95f32f9d-98e7-47b5-b5e9-75817a7e51e5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 33#", + "número": 33, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "31a05d12-391f-4aa6-bb45-3c683d88175a", + "text": "Bon dia, el wifi no deixa de donar problemes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "wifi", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "donar problemes", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "614beb64-a43d-4750-a36d-d2b631697a76", + "text": "Bon dia! Em podria dir el seu DNI si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed9ed78b-e0a5-44f0-9333-e2314d94c91f", + "text": "71326804Q", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "71326804Q", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e1c808e-7e94-4c26-bb87-e690eb1fa1d5", + "text": "Lamentablement sembla que hi ha una incidència en la seva regió.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "136f7bcf-d00d-4dcd-bd81-e8c485dbcf57", + "text": "Com el poden arreglar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3fa78e46-ec39-42a7-a6f0-2949d085e421", + "text": "Quan vindrà algu del servei tècnic?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "servei tècnic", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "faddb0f0-c301-4243-a7c8-8e4a9e461264", + "text": "Sembla que la incidència hauria de resoldre’s al llarg de la tarda d’avui. Si el problema persisteix torni a contactar amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff2dca2e-0936-4045-bcac-8a107676d518", + "text": "D'acord, no podrien venir abans?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "abans", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b600a5bb-ea63-4f91-a6f9-8e2bd0ee0268", + "text": "Ja s’està treballant en la incidència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fb861cf6-431c-4fc7-9bd1-7dad605544df", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6899657-5c4f-4194-adac-01b3a712a9f2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 34#", + "número": 34, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "71a6caf6-2d54-488c-af4a-21b3f5bf89c6", + "text": "Bon dia, voldria rebre les factures nomes al mobil", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "rebre les factures nomes al mobil", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fecd9ff8-2889-4e4a-88ae-fc5f33f82dd8", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4f964b7e-ceb6-4c68-8f71-3619077c8904", + "text": "47163454D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47163454D", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cce382d1-d4f2-4219-b54e-d5a017668ecd", + "text": "Quin és el número de telèfon al que vol rebre les factures?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1b84341f-2c75-490a-859e-35af6beb8a65", + "text": "6123 789 12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "6123 789 12", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "059f5277-fcfa-4854-9c80-a90623be57fd", + "text": "Ja s’ha desat el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "18d8d845-74f8-4c65-9396-fffa457659f7", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguns cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "476e26e4-b99b-4641-af8c-0565ff6b4edb", + "text": "Sí, deixar de rebre les factures en paper", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "deixar de rebre les factures en paper", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2880f9a6-281c-495a-a069-2f8419c4fd6e", + "text": "D’acord queda registrada la seva sol·licitud.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d762583-cd14-4f50-a14c-bfa7e423f153", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e315b3b1-9489-4801-b417-ba7ef2fb4276", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 35#", + "número": 35, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "87884c47-d3b7-46aa-8a71-d144b98e0e06", + "text": "Bon dia, quin és el preu de les trucades internacionals?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "trucades internacionals", + "Start_char": 32, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a71415c6-fa6e-4a1d-8eef-e18710ada665", + "text": "Les trucades internacionals costen 50cts l'establiment de trucada i 2€/min.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0baf1258-a7d8-409a-bb15-7b8ac17f4000", + "text": "Hi ha alguna oferta si vull fer moltes trucades?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad19b42f-72dc-427a-ab20-ebb4d58b48ef", + "text": "Actualment la nostra companyia no inclou ofertes per trucades a l'estranger.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "da062392-ad47-4103-8cce-4fa3cfe2682e", + "text": "No hi ha ni tan sols un pack de dues hores o així?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ni tan sols un pack de dues hores", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8971953a-950b-4e77-b107-966a8e3c3cd4", + "text": "Hi ha una tarifa que inclou 200 minuts al mes de trucades internacionals per 10€ més al mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7afff16f-a5d6-43bd-a373-46dec220f16b", + "text": "Això m'interessa, com ho puc contractar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2d289e8d-434c-4b05-9b5f-a0424d59841a", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fcf0245-af57-4dea-af16-191653cc588e", + "text": "482042874W", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "21d093b6-036a-42b5-b10c-ba19eb82b199", + "text": "Sembla que ja té un contracte amb nosaltres així que es podria afegir el suplement al mateix contracte. Està d'acord?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6dfb4f8-9fa4-4add-beca-232b6a100e85", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c28f0253-f410-4968-9795-3c0879e2fa78", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7ceceda7-0072-4b3f-82fb-841e4008906d", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7811d2dd-e46f-467c-85e4-4b8c7ecb6817", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 36#", + "número": 36, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "079c90f1-30da-47f9-baf8-2d781c674e5b", + "text": "Bon dia, vull viatjar a EEUU i necessito utilitzar internet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "EEUU", + "Start_char": 24, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "internet", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0d15b694-9630-4bb8-afa0-10dc7afb749d", + "text": "Teniu alguna oferta per utilitzar internet a l'estranger?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 19 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "internet", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a l'estranger", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 56 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9d207bc6-3695-4014-8590-bed3c79b791d", + "text": "Per navegar per internet des de l'estranger haurà d'activar el roaming abans de sortir a l'estranger i l'opció itinerància de dades activa al teu dispositiu mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ded7306d-0e5a-4c0c-8628-8a0231dd2bda", + "text": "D'acord, però teniu alguna oferta? Quin preu té utilitzar aquest servei?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2e329e30-b658-4490-8d68-7829e017f4e9", + "text": "Si viatja a un país de la Unió Europea i associats, quan arribi al país de destí, si té el servei de roaming actiu i l'opció d'itinerància de dades el mòbil es connectarà automàticament a la xarxa d'internet. En aquest cas el cost és de 2€ per cada 500mb.\nSi viatja a un país de fora de la Unió Europea per poder connectar-se a internet amb les dades de la teva tarifa haurà d'activar el roaming abans de marxar i l'opció de la itinerància de dades activa al seu dispositiu mòbil. Un cop sigui al teu destí li enviarem un SMS i haurà de seguir les indicacions per desbloquejar les dades. Les dades mòbils estaran bloquejades de forma predefinida per evitar sobrecostos a la seva factura. En aquest cas el cost és de 5€ per cada 500mb.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "34e7acde-0324-4119-8a39-21ee39a22027", + "text": "Ok! Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "8eba352d-bae1-453d-9d22-6779f24d2a68", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5a7c22a3-424a-418d-a80a-e3fa7f32b6fd", + "text": "És suficient, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "577668b4-767c-4e42-8fd9-2ffe606edd90", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3cd7371-ce9d-4382-a659-475408311b47", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 37#", + "número": 37, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ab8e0df4-30c9-4074-8158-95e5e7ec9930", + "text": "És possible instal.lar fibra òptica?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fibra òptica", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3b0afadb-456e-4fba-a185-c27766d08884", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "28ce00f9-9ac7-4467-b14b-64241693641c", + "text": "08123", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08123", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "799dbfdc-686f-4ef0-afbc-2f88f8d5f52b", + "text": "Un moment si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "97e24066-1f31-4a1e-8612-b00b778913f3", + "text": "D'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ad53364-b2b6-494d-8c31-f1e153bce813", + "text": "Actualment tenim cobertura de fibra òptica al seu barri. Voldría contractar el servei?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "98468987-04fe-4a2a-a092-155fbb46859c", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "28e2d9fd-8724-4e47-953c-c40a0e219148", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3573d83d-9cca-4287-85f0-729eb6cf46f0", + "text": "32864519T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32864519T", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db2891b3-06df-4b30-b331-398fad253bab", + "text": "Només està interessat en el servei d'internet, o també mòbil?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52f810ca-8ec9-4d55-915a-01e641265788", + "text": "En els dos serveis", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "En els dos serveis", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "da63ca61-8bde-41f6-9067-f343c0ee194a", + "text": "Actualment, fibra 100mb i un mòbil amb 8gb i trucades il·limitades son 29.99€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a3147e3-c3f2-49d2-9997-550abad1c4e4", + "text": "D'acord!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad8c9949-c73b-40ac-b5c4-cac4d952b976", + "text": "He de donar alguna informació?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "eabfea91-af09-4e69-8275-21658dc5f989", + "text": "El seu número de telèfon per confirmar la seva sol·licitud.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e76ed121-0b37-49eb-8cfc-c82b1d04abcd", + "text": "620189712", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "620189712", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f06e133-8383-40e6-92d2-092ae85e9966", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cca00fb4-c5bd-48cd-8665-57824afc9649", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d7668186-4bf9-46b3-b9b5-5dc94eb2ef5c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 38#", + "número": 38, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "979e70e4-4d50-499c-a087-710ab5a30f9e", + "text": "Bon dia, m'han robat el mobil, hi ha alguna manera per donar el mòbil de baixa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'han robat el mobil", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 29 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "baixa", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ab905cd-9d18-4ea5-8319-b8e2ee052d2f", + "text": "Ha fet la denúncia a la policia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c22b1c03-8810-45de-9c75-9640994c90fa", + "text": "Encara no", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "78b57220-56ca-4c05-a19d-066a78dd0e44", + "text": "Voldría conservar el seu número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "651b985d-bfea-4e01-b2c6-b939d6b7a822", + "text": "Sí, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "80d525fe-d8e9-4676-af99-3db64d75379a", + "text": "Podem enviar-li a casa el duplicat de la targeta o pot anar a recollir-lo a qualsevol botiga.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e205ab9-0508-4def-9416-764b703b3c51", + "text": "Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "99a9e343-5d42-44ce-8359-db9957056bde", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "eb6c1366-abc2-4b2a-a92c-9042dd3b7119", + "text": "Amb això és suficient", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "58374dbd-1fe7-4007-8593-60ac83dcb048", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 39#", + "número": 39, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2b343449-69ae-4b31-bc6b-a5a13803e7b9", + "text": "El meu mòbil s'ha espatllat, hi ha alguna manera d'accedir a la informació emmagatzemada?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "mòbil s'ha espatllat", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 27 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "accedir a la informació emmagatzemada", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1a2cff15-f4a4-4f83-9a03-62b166c4ebf2", + "text": "Té garantia?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "95a40e9b-9141-4f61-97ff-b8977ac994ae", + "text": "No ho recordo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "No ho recordo", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a6a8d039-6f07-475b-8da1-0598685d1dae", + "text": "Em pot dir el seu codi de referència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "174bfa75-c065-4a9d-8572-835b01832ece", + "text": "42", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "42", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 2 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bfbbeeb2-e7cd-4d3d-be11-df031d6c04ab", + "text": "Sembla que la garantia es va acabar fa un mes, lamentablement.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e527a957-5956-4223-9bb4-9618f7efe456", + "text": "Però només vull accedir a la informació del núvol", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "accedir a la informació del núvol", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0fed0181-96b0-4ddc-a87a-6ba24affee37", + "text": "Disposa dels seus credencials?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c568ee7f-b1fc-4396-8fea-ef07e7f00138", + "text": "Quins son?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1bb124d2-5a61-425e-b6ee-8f1fc1c8e046", + "text": "El correu i contrassenya amb els quals accedeix al núvol.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56ca54ea-ec6b-49b8-8785-1af017c52023", + "text": "amres@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "amres@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c31b584a-d62f-4ba3-9faa-d151d5ef8e10", + "text": "Contrassenya: 62179e12", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Contrassenya", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "62179e12", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "18191162-649a-491b-8e4c-a0a620076e04", + "text": "Hi pot accedir per mitjà de la plataforma web icloud.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "65a7cd56-0ea6-4451-bfac-65ef434139a0", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6a24295a-55be-4ff9-b11e-56c01de7b829", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 40#", + "número": 40, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "eb7add9c-2ec8-4769-9a41-170805ac38a1", + "text": "Bon dia, he rebut la sim i no funciona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "sim", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no funciona", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51018fc0-8ad6-48e7-ac24-3dc224cfc50d", + "text": "Quin és l'error que li dona?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7382ae8-f179-408e-aba4-575ad51578ef", + "text": "No ho sé, però no funciona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "No ho sé", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 8 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04bacda9-caad-45cb-892f-0026a4c05f59", + "text": "L'ha provat en un altre telèfon mòbil diferent?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "82a301f7-e1bb-49de-82a4-e0f4ec2fb521", + "text": "Ara ho provo", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0b9a98d-4188-4e59-83d3-3d4420f824ed", + "text": "Segueix sense funcionar...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "Segueix sense funcionar", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1d6bc111-f647-45bd-acb4-919a975cdfae", + "text": "Voldría rebre una altra SIM?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f437912-daf6-43a0-b1d7-ffec7b5b56dd", + "text": "Si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fa78a82a-36cb-4b33-bbdb-b5152cb8c144", + "text": "La rebrà al seu domicili en un marge de 48-72h.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3c0b778e-9a6b-419d-9688-cf0021bc8c47", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3b3afbb8-dadb-4461-976e-3d782d470433", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 41#", + "número": 41, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e528d5d3-8468-403f-ab29-e9dd8e7b73f0", + "text": "Hola! M'agradaria rebre una copia de la meva factura", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_invoice", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "copia", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51bf8176-6cfe-45ba-b3d4-b0c525cd2fbb", + "text": "Per poder donar-li una còpia de la seva factura serà necessari que em proporcioni el seu número d'usuària de la companyia, el seu nom i el DNI o NIE del o la titular del compte", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2ac560c-5a06-4421-8ce4-ea2d1fa8604e", + "text": "El meu número d'usuari és el yas1997", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "yas1997", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cde18fdd-b607-449c-94d6-468b3d1c5b58", + "text": "Nom Yasmin Pérez i el DNI 47890031J", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Yasmin", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pérez", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "47890031J", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aeb2e992-006d-4739-bab0-58335c8cb76f", + "text": "Esperi un segon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "732d8be6-5fbe-453d-b575-54691120ae3f", + "text": "Ja tenim la seva factura, voldria que li enviéssim aquest document per correu electrònic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dbf0dafe-d857-4cf5-a55c-c979dd8bfbdd", + "text": "si, si us plau", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9aab8bdd-9451-4e51-8324-46cc8b312569", + "text": "yas_perez@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "yas_perez@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "83c70e35-7458-4ed2-b432-7d92770fc23b", + "text": "També volia preguntar com és que val 10€ més del previst aquest mes", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "val 10€ més del previst", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "aquest mes", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 67 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2c15a47b-c13a-47b5-b815-7b0a533c0d53", + "text": "En uns minuts rebrà un correu amb la seva factura. Moltes gràcies por confiar en la nostra companyia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1faa432-e958-4d25-bf61-36b8b41b7bfc", + "text": "El preu de la llum s'ha vist incrementat durant aquestes setmanes. Malauradament, no ens plau que aquesta pujada de la llum afecti a l'usuari/a final, però malauradament és el cas. Lamentem les moèsties que això li pugui causar, en cas de voler més informació li recomanaria trucar al telèfon d'atenció al client. El +34 620 019 012", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4da40d84-6211-4761-8957-ced4e6e525a8", + "text": "M'agradaria reclamar aquestes despeses extres si no està justificat pel meu consum", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "despeses extres", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4c60bad5-b0c0-4bda-87d5-b790145074fa", + "text": "que puc fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "70da6044-4fd3-41e2-a281-671ef0573291", + "text": "En aquest cas recomanem contactar al telèfon d'atencó al client. El número és el +34 620 019 012", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c5a716d4-0b00-4e43-8f8a-d385dea25bbc", + "text": "No pot ser que em cobrin al tun tun cada mes!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "10eeff9f-6fdc-4dc5-9c6a-2ae41244a297", + "text": "Si seguim així em canviaré de companyia i au", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4a081b91-6e3c-4e62-9ad3-6b746be0322e", + "text": "L'increment no depèn de la companyia. Nosaltres estem intentant trobar una sol·lució a aquest problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0601cf83-52fb-4459-bb10-45846fa85f06", + "text": "Doncs, bé, no em serveix de molt aquesta resposta", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c005b1c6-22a5-4536-b457-474130d2a536", + "text": "Lamentem que no estigui a gust amb el nostre servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "27881b9d-3b87-4b42-a75a-d284a87769e8", + "text": "En aquest cas, li recomenem apropar-se a les nostres oficines", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5990206b-ae90-42ea-824e-6506e93040b9", + "text": "Perfecte, gràcies per res!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c7d912cb-c980-4cfe-a837-cc1b2ebbeb32", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 42#", + "número": 42, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6ab613da-45cb-4e3d-aaad-991407350f5a", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "951b190d-04d0-4888-8fc9-f01006638365", + "text": "Bona tarda, he llegit que hi ha unes tarifes que son fixes i que el preu no canvia més a més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tarifes que son fixes", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bb7eb761-1afb-4bab-b940-76e6570bea18", + "text": "Voldria més informació sobre aquest servei", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2b7c583f-8933-4381-bd8c-685d39d1d583", + "text": "L'interessaria fibra i mòbil o només mòbil?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db7096c7-94ee-48fc-95ad-ec129fb962f5", + "text": "Ambdues millor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Ambdues", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 7 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c989dbc7-5c2f-4d51-a085-80067ac0d185", + "text": "Aixi no he destar pendent duna i de laltra i hotinc tot junt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "d9143c42-349b-4607-b1db-e2c65a5019b9", + "text": "La nostra companyia ofereix pack fibra + mòbil per 36€ mensuals fixes sense permanència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "41892ded-a429-4c1d-ac8b-10cc203b8ec5", + "text": "Voldría saber més detalls?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0e821180-5d06-4a38-9294-1fe467172591", + "text": "Sí, em preocupa si el preu pot pujar \"de repente\"", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "preu", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 26 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "pujar", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b73e0d73-5e58-47c5-a471-0a35eefceb2a", + "text": "o això és manté així per sempre?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "és manté", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a835914b-ae16-4122-a68a-d63c8dd44382", + "text": "És el preu fix de la tarifa, no hi ha cap canvi exceptuant consums no inclosos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8e281c1-981f-409a-8061-3480c29bacb1", + "text": "Vale, d'acord! En aquest cas, m'agradaria saber si hi ha un temps de permanencia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "permanencia", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 80 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b9ef9df0-9ad6-4351-b9c4-c1abb972d878", + "text": "No hi ha compromís de permanència.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa9d44e2-0023-4b85-951d-e1b39e8cc76d", + "text": "Si l'interessa l'oferta, proporcioni'm un número de telèfon i el trucarem per contractar el servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "034b86fb-c2a4-4e49-8db2-012130b28ef0", + "text": "D'acord! Moltes gràcies, en aquest cas aniré a la tenda del meu barri a fer el tràmit!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fe99df2b-1699-4b11-9adf-4d4cb2e1ce79", + "text": "Gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b5af5219-0244-48c3-9ab0-5dff41a67742", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 43#", + "número": 43, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c4504f1b-4dfd-4a12-af72-99d91ec60eeb", + "text": "Bon dia, li donem la benvinguda al servei d'Atenció online de TeleCube. Com el/la podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "88ef4684-2320-49ba-9a91-6ceebe1cf073", + "text": "Hola! Podria afegir una linea mòbil a la meva tarifa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir una linea mòbil", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cee98d12-ddb7-4d3e-b054-4340b0e08c03", + "text": "Sí, per poder fer-ho necessito el codi de client. El podrà trobar a qualsevol de les nostres factures.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b39f5a0c-79df-4fd8-9c86-ad265a9e0c40", + "text": "El meu codi és el SJ86L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "SJ86L", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1cb1defc-cb1d-4800-8b28-1fa95ad6e1c2", + "text": "Un segon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a149f13-2d1b-4234-9797-4d5e4fa57cb8", + "text": "Pel que veig ja té quatre telèfons. Afegir un cinquè tindrà un cost de 20€. Està conforme amb aquesta oferta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "29f3cd3e-e6b6-4f3e-9c54-a1d89061cf2a", + "text": "Preferiria pagar una mica menys", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "menys", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f48ca5b2-31a8-48c8-a57b-688cc93cbfbe", + "text": "no hi ha alguna altra opció?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "alguna altra opció", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c4854a97-376e-4e7e-9d62-9e43b238ab56", + "text": "Hi ha una altra opció, però el cinquè sense internet i amb trucades limitades a un màxim de 30 minuts. Afegir aquest telèfon costaria 6,99€. Està conforme?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50c021dc-8908-413f-9929-9cb21853b47c", + "text": "Sí, això s'ajusta més a les meves necessitats", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9f294c3c-11a3-4a7f-9e0a-536df81ce04a", + "text": "Doncs si està d'acord, s'afegirà aquest nou telèfon de forma automàtica. Només haurà d'escriure: Estic conforme amb afegir un nou telèfon sense internet amb un cost de 6,99€ mensuals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b7e61c6e-87cd-40d2-8de0-3a0085945762", + "text": "Estic conforme amb afegir un nou telèfon sense internet amb un cost de 6,99€ mensuals.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "62d309a6-f90f-4114-a478-2622e2ee71b3", + "text": "Gràcies. Esperem que gaudexi del seu nou producte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dd9564fb-3a7c-478f-824e-1c5afd055c2c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 44#", + "número": 44, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c48639cf-bd0c-4508-b1b1-a43e612ae95a", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7c83fadb-7bd2-4834-8e90-ed6eb3947e5b", + "text": "Bon dia, volia anar-me de vacances, però per necessitats de treball necessito conectar-me a internet diariament per comprovar que tot funciona correctament als servidors de la empresa on treballo. He escoltat que hi ha un servei que et permet tenir internet a zones sense wifi. Està disponible a la vosra companyia?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "internet a zones sense wifi", + "Start_char": 249, + "End_char": 276 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b8bb65f-1dc3-423c-ab97-e7069d029f35", + "text": "Em podria comunicar el seu codi postal, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "47e1080b-cabf-4065-825a-7c4bc14af2c6", + "text": "012921", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "12921", + "Start_char": 1, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "10d39b75-fdcf-4de3-8599-c62dec6d1353", + "text": "La nostra empresa té cobertura a la seva localització.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bc3c2b1a-8467-40b5-b32b-59e82151d0c1", + "text": "Les millors opcions de tarifació seria fibra de 100mb pel cost de 37€ o de 300mb per 45€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cfefb55-cdf0-4d60-b481-fe38ddfcc172", + "text": "D'acord! Això és fantàstic!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9da813d2-8f39-41e2-bdb0-80cb4f0bcf28", + "text": "No teniu una opció amb més mb?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "més mb", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "55d56217-7a64-4e1e-b4cb-6cad1fdbd3fe", + "text": "Sí, 500mb per 59.99€", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "57274af7-a778-4452-a531-18e4548adb5c", + "text": "Perfecte. Aquesta opció ja m'agrada més! ;)", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f5df44ae-4caf-4e7a-8989-33859f31aae8", + "text": "Quines pases hauria de seguir per fer la compra del servei?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "013d8bf9-812e-46f3-9fd9-bd2e7c77be58", + "text": "Em podria facilitar un número de telèfon per trucar-lo i confirmar la compra, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aaaf4976-134b-4810-a059-ec816891e4f7", + "text": "Sí, pot trucar al número +34 620 88 12 88", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "34 620 88 12 88", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1c544084-2ebb-4727-ab33-6a412e50d4db", + "text": "D'acord. Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fb37823a-c2a0-4485-952d-1e86e00b4983", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 45#", + "número": 45, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "e24e2c74-9349-4e2a-8c72-323f750ca690", + "text": "Hola! Em podríeu enviar un duplicat de la meva tarjeta?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "duplicat de la meva tarjeta", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e4fbd758-f192-4a41-b686-0c8b6f8516d1", + "text": "Sí, aquest és un servei gratuït. Per fer-ho necessitem el seu correu electrònic, el seu número de telèfon i el seu DNI o NIE.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fa248e50-0b24-4c7a-9873-1c380ef3d6a3", + "text": "D'acord.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32b5f81c-85b1-48d8-8b67-692503381f24", + "text": "El meu correu es julia83@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "julia83@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17591dc8-5b09-44d7-888c-5e86335f0c07", + "text": "El número 609 892 345 i el DNI 42890012K.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "609 892 345", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "42890012K", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5b4d507c-2586-47f6-a436-5a304e545cf9", + "text": "D'acord i moltes gràcies. Li ha arribat un codi per confirmar la seva identitat al seu correu. És necessari que l'escrigui al xat per continuar amb el procès.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60b7bb49-1e4c-4b33-baff-c7679a4feb19", + "text": "JHG623.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "JHG623", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "11c24501-d82d-4539-9717-429cbac256dd", + "text": "Moltes gràcies. Diga'm la seva adreça.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d98ea31f-40d1-478f-b84e-032cdb328bd2", + "text": "Avinguda montilivi 23, Girona. 17003", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Avinguda montilivi 23, Girona. 17003", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "641c59c1-e58d-487c-a745-e8a3ebd4f253", + "text": "En una setmana li arribarà la nova targeta a casa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d811e90-d65b-4241-b64c-3c72b1ec83e4", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per confiar en la nostra companyia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2b51dd18-01c7-4eea-8628-d19ef5df4c18", + "text": "Gràcies! Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d808ce59-baa1-45ee-80c5-93e13b5120ea", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 46#", + "número": 46, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "04e5ac89-084f-4841-baf0-37f69155f8ff", + "text": "Bona tarda, com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2a21ece-81cd-4485-a257-9e440acc4ced", + "text": "Doncs volia donar-me de baixa.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b9d9ce95-2ec3-4c2f-ba2a-7e3f404afe04", + "text": "Quin seria el motiu de la baixa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "77e6fef0-8422-429a-93ee-af98f3411ea5", + "text": "Els meus fills han marxat de casa i em sembla molt car el servei pq utilitzo el telefon molt poc.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "utilitzo el telefon molt poc", + "Start_char": 68, + "End_char": 96 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "865ffd75-4ba5-469d-bc36-dedc74aa7e36", + "text": "Li podem oferir alguna alternativa més econòmica.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "941823a6-6417-495d-8797-e693d398e7b0", + "text": "No, no. Vull donar-me de baixa del servei. He vist una altra companyia on puc tenir el telèfon de prepago per molts pocs diners i prefereixo aquesta opció.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "41857b80-a155-4959-b773-fdabe00c544c", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "46070247-8993-4429-bc9c-e5805cf52962", + "text": "Lamentem saber que no vol seguir amb nosaltres. Hi ha cap opció per no perdre'l com a client?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "46a9a641-d903-4fba-a6d3-263e67175878", + "text": "No, lamento dir-vos que no. A més, el serve tècnic ha perdut qualitat els últims anys. Així que no vull continuar amb la companyia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "14f19f21-ee88-4143-890d-ec06a3001129", + "text": "Gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e348e9a-7b51-45ea-b818-ccdb1453ec6b", + "text": "D'acord. Per tramitar la seva baixa caldria que digui: Jo, XXXX amb DNI XXXX sol·licito la baixa dels meus serveis contractats, avui dia XX.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f788a206-066e-4add-92ea-9972426bede0", + "text": "Jo, Paco Rodríguez Ayala amb DNI 43215671P sol·licito la baixa dels meus serveis contractats, avui dia 12 de gener.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Paco", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 8 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Rodríguez", + "Start_char": 9, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Ayala", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43215671P", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "baixa", + "Start_char": 57, + "End_char": 62 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "12 de gener", + "Start_char": 103, + "End_char": 114 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2711d861-ada1-4b0d-a546-b5c568206d19", + "text": "Rebrà un correu confirmant la seva sol·licitud. Moltes gràcies per contactar-nos.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a1fb613e-9a99-4065-a6af-50e8ecaba2d4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 47#", + "número": 47, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "04a4786e-8429-4178-86be-0ceaa79f1de9", + "text": "Hola! M'agradaria millorar la meva tarifa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "millorar la meva tarifa", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f2c1f3df-928d-4504-b6f5-c4ad2eac13a0", + "text": "Tenim una oferta de trucades il·limitades i 15 GB d'internet. Aquesta oferta està disponible fins el dia 22 d'octubre. Té un preu de 60€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60ad21fd-c0f0-4a55-b98c-6ba5900ea8bd", + "text": "No teniu alguna opció amb més GB?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "més GB", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b10631b-88f0-4994-8998-eb914f1095ef", + "text": "Sí, però no està d'oferta. Tenim una oferta amb 50 GB i trucades il·limitades per 125€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ba96b3de-036e-4950-b7d7-2d7b01f8caf5", + "text": "Ui em sembla massa car..", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "massa car", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 22 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1338085b-4b16-4547-9170-310218ab5175", + "text": "En aquest cas, tenim una altra oferta per 80€ amb 30 GB i una hora de trucades gratuïtes. Què li sembla aquesta oferta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d4332895-55b5-4d53-bb2c-9a5dcf626e49", + "text": "Molt millor.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "millor", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 11 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "635cc01d-79b3-4c80-bba0-246391c06819", + "text": "Que hauria de fer per demanar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b0e9b242-0607-448c-a2e4-e88dc648f701", + "text": "Només serà necessari que em proporcioni el seu número de client i la nova oferta substituirà a la antiga.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "07b2775e-7d42-43dc-8ed1-ed1ac90edbcc", + "text": "D'acord. El meu número és el 673245011", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "673245011", + "Start_char": 29, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d128c5e8-d23d-4008-8e56-ce190aed8ec0", + "text": "quant triga en entrar en vigència?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "entrar en vigència", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 33 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "17c38a5f-bcef-402a-8224-344c1da573f4", + "text": "Entrarà en vigència en 24 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "afc73084-63a3-40ed-8127-cd80ede40d7f", + "text": "Té alguna consulta més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d904c89c-f444-4927-8492-695eef81875e", + "text": "No, moltes gràcies.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c411d8db-0f58-4ce0-8469-571b580f36cb", + "text": "Gràcies a vostè.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f8e6d8d-cb7c-46b2-904b-2fb2620aa1d9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 48#", + "número": 48, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "9f62df62-246d-4d88-9853-4d52a27a19a8", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4c2a529e-118e-4c7c-a2ab-69f65bfd29d7", + "text": "Bon dia! Vull instal·lar la fibra òptica a casa meva?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "fibra òptica", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 40 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "casa meva", + "Start_char": 43, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7cd01daf-df58-4bc2-bc64-3df41135b524", + "text": "Què he de fer?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab4735f2-d6b4-41c2-b5f3-903b94525c35", + "text": "*!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ad822a1-a917-42e8-8509-eafda18c10df", + "text": "Em podria proporcionar la seva direcció i el codi postal, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c71f7360-6193-4a1b-9023-f280921370af", + "text": "Sí, vist al carrer Muntaner, 19 de Sant Antoni de Vilamajor. El codi postal és 09012", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer Muntaner, 19 de Sant Antoni de Vilamajor", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 59 + }, + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "09012", + "Start_char": 79, + "End_char": 84 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06fac01b-cc81-4d24-b60c-64dca14e30e5", + "text": "Sembla que li podem oferir fibra òptica de fins a 300mb per 37€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "851ba2dd-b9b9-43fe-9c21-1130680bb9ef", + "text": "D'acord? Quan podrien venir a fer-me la instal·lació a casa?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "instal·lació", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 59 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1ab502b6-51a1-46aa-aab1-59b2c4babf45", + "text": "Els tècnics el trucarien per tal de concertar una cita. Em podria dir el seu número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81b705ab-0f7f-4ea6-ba24-dd12ee6ea5dc", + "text": "El meu telèfon és +34 987 12 13 42", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "+34 987 12 13 42", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "27f35926-58c8-4d98-b384-d61e2dd8dd59", + "text": "D'acord. El contactaràn en 24-48h. Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "74b23eba-a8c3-42a1-803f-aaec4f397b5a", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45255d5a-4236-4c48-a012-48f7626ba177", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 49#", + "número": 49, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7e3862ed-980b-4499-8ba4-fbe3c4b23db6", + "text": "Hola. M'agradaria contractar una nova linea", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "nova linea", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8b2a785b-b76b-4674-87c4-d4860e7f21a7", + "text": "Ara mateix tenim una oferta que permet contractar noves linies de telèfon per 18,35€ cadascuna. Li interessa aquesta oferta?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "241915ed-b19c-4356-9b60-803b69c1603a", + "text": "Quines condicions inclou aquest preu?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "condicions", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f094c27-8a5f-49c6-b660-74f5a91d9968", + "text": "Doncs té trucades il·limitades i GB il·limitats.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12ca0d7f-cb97-4a26-8ed8-5a0f725d6371", + "text": "Que hauría de fer per contractar aquesta nova línea?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "908c08c2-9b97-4e73-9c88-6856c1bf3e51", + "text": "Necessitaré el seu nom complert i el seu correu electrònic", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9cd2f59c-175b-4a76-8075-851a6a8bf420", + "text": "Lidia Garrido", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Lidia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Garrido", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e078e01a-44e6-43dd-a393-cae187c22e65", + "text": "lgarrido@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "lgarrido@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "22df890a-d386-4cf1-94cd-3fa9d491a082", + "text": "Li hem enviat un codi al seu mail. El pot escriure pel xat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a0698638-d928-4c09-9900-f1ef092dfa26", + "text": "HJ136", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "id_num", + "text": "HJ136", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b25b5a39-6aec-4e18-b412-881af134d67a", + "text": "La nova linia ja està disponible.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c9139696-9f07-45ef-9600-72c2b3f3921c", + "text": "Gràcies per confiar en nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d013202b-0008-4d65-98b3-a37da70522b0", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d73a62da-1f77-45f5-9640-bbf80e4bf87b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 50#", + "número": 50, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "0df8a8b7-41a0-4a7a-b956-d76bfd59e925", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com el podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6380f95e-02ea-42ee-882f-d64e4469a462", + "text": "Bona tarda! M'agradaria comprar un telèfon amb una càmara de molta qualitat.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "telèfon", + "Start_char": 35, + "End_char": 42 + }, + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "càmara de molta qualitat", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eef1eca4-716a-4096-be60-6537d5a7d09b", + "text": "Volia saber si el podria comprar amb uns punts que he estat acumulant durant aquests anys.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "punts", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef21abfe-3491-422a-a0e2-286f2021e403", + "text": "Té alguna preferència per algun model o alguna marca en concret?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c8fea3b-7de9-43df-9f41-1e21d9e08209", + "text": "Em podria facilitar el seu nom d'usuari i el correu d'electrònic associat, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42977aa4-24c1-4abc-8bb0-c02a26759da7", + "text": "M'agrada molt Samsung", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "brand", + "text": "Samsung", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0f0f260-f618-4fdc-ad59-c2a8589613d5", + "text": "Nom d'usuari: manelpla1", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "Nom d'usuari", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 12 + }, + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "manelpla1", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "23c1f994-713d-4b06-a56b-2de9725c9c4a", + "text": "email: manelpla@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "manelpla@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24ed153f-65fe-49a6-85b0-296f05543fda", + "text": "Quin model de Samsung seria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "54e50b53-7f33-40b4-91e1-7f9dc0f2bf1a", + "text": "El Galaxy XS", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "model", + "text": "Galaxy XS", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "13e945f4-4eb5-4b37-a75f-a128accffafa", + "text": "Aquest telèfon permet l’ús dels punts acumulats. Voldria fer servir tots els seus punts?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d835213a-cba3-4b52-8fcb-bcfc455c2bc1", + "text": "Sí!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3e6c1a82-f6cc-4514-b55f-7c7c80187313", + "text": "D’acord. El mòbil li sortiria per 723€ euros.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bb3d82ef-542d-4da4-913d-3fa8ed3fb3ec", + "text": "D'acord! Puc pagar i recollir-ho a la tenda?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "pagar i recollir-ho", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a la tenda", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "99a5a870-c50d-4aac-bab5-7f8db2f841d0", + "text": "Si, vagi a la botiga mes propera i doni el codi de comanda 64GQ2, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67e2ca7c-33e4-4dee-a089-c67881b9cef4", + "text": "Moltes gràcies per confiar en nosaltres. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "00b3c842-549a-4ff9-bc0b-3f36d9796943", + "text": "Gràcies!\n", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02a6b665-cf23-4a08-814c-14bda2f4152d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 51#", + "número": 51, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "14ea0a2f-5da0-48e3-8a56-ce19b91d598c", + "text": "Bon dia, vull solucitar informació sobre les últimes trucades que he fet", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "últimes trucades", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 61 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7f109606-b1be-4424-b1b3-5a479a5bba29", + "text": "Bon dia. Quin és el seu número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf86b492-43ba-44d1-9acc-8067dc96972a", + "text": "602189321", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "602189321", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4485e005-6c51-44a9-8cdf-724828e045eb", + "text": "Quina informació voldria saber?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52a1dd8e-01c4-428e-982f-57396bd74bb0", + "text": "Només saber els minuts, i si eren nacionals o internacionals", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "minuts", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "nacionals o internacionals", + "Start_char": 34, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6302eccf-f03c-4d78-814f-89519c22a653", + "text": "Pot accedir a l'app i veure tot el registre amb els números, la duració, la data i el cost.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0b139e11-91fc-444b-bf12-18f810a3443f", + "text": "App? Filla què és això??", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "App", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 3 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "07c56baa-a7ec-487c-b773-dd39824aed84", + "text": "La informació està desglosada a la factura o a l'App o pàgina web de la companyia. No podem distribuir aquesta informació per aquí.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91d23afe-eec3-4abc-a51f-434bef12f285", + "text": "Uff...no entenc res, que podria donar-me un telèfon per poder trucar a algú?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7e49b97d-df7e-4402-a413-bd42da6dd993", + "text": "Sí, pot trucar-nos al 936 721 092", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "58eaf47a-90aa-4098-a835-9a9cc6c01486", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1fe9c92b-78a5-4c50-980e-7909504151e8", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 52#", + "número": 52, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "1705b015-a109-4c15-8fc2-05e298ee22b9", + "text": "Hola! He intentat trucar per solucionar un problema i ningú respon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "ningú respon", + "Start_char": 54, + "End_char": 66 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5be0865-3192-48c1-b956-bd39a319d3d0", + "text": "Bona tarda. A quin número de telèfon ha trucat?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4a1f8e9c-e798-450b-9452-a352dc706932", + "text": "Al 902132412", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "902132412", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8f1f13a0-b505-49cc-a2e4-e4538196a28e", + "text": "Aquest número de telèfon està disponible de dilluns a divendres de 9 a 13 i de 16 a 20.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "191121af-56f1-4207-be5f-c99ba5a76c5c", + "text": "D'acord! Doncs ja trucaré!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2da5e943-ddde-4be0-8c41-fe9b84cfdd04", + "text": "Moltes gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c1446492-ed44-452d-a93b-8c5ff74c144a", + "text": "El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b4f4195-c9e4-4f27-b61f-3fffbaa93955", + "text": "Res més! Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7a0744d6-7d11-4800-80d1-69665ac28ed5", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "42339803-98d2-4034-9bee-102b402d6b95", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 53#", + "número": 53, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "dcb9abdd-d66f-4522-8ec1-f36a2fe0695a", + "text": "Bon dia, vaig canviar de tarifa i m'havia d'arribar un mobil, però encar no m'ha arribat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_order", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "product", + "text": "mobil", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 60 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "encar no m'ha arribat", + "Start_char": 67, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "25419843-979c-40ce-bb60-e195e4e50790", + "text": "On és el mòbil?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2f7105a1-83a2-4824-ba17-06da29b58b80", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom d'usuari?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f01073e-a809-4012-bcea-3ffd54a364af", + "text": "@fqweread", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info", + "text": "@fqweread", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fce40c65-fdf1-47ff-8fcf-3ed9b8ddad8e", + "text": "Sembla que encara no ha sortit la comanda, així que li arribarà més tard del previst.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3da0bcf2-1836-4b60-9386-cfcc441a9dbb", + "text": "Doncs no em sembla ni mig normal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0ebdec36-5f19-4265-b9eb-4c01ba04f9ad", + "text": "Degut a les festes, les empreses de transport van amb retràs. La nostra companyia no hi pot fer molt més.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "73d1acfa-c9fc-4680-9a02-6e63628db80b", + "text": "Però en pagar si sou ràpids...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f454fbc6-843e-4563-943f-edf20151c2fe", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "67684d42-a911-4047-8586-aedd3b33ea58", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0c8fd589-b643-41e9-80f9-31bbafce63ee", + "text": "Adéu", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b485f3c7-5d07-4719-a99c-423cb5a790ba", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 54#", + "número": 54, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "92d4314e-e225-4f57-9edd-d224613e3e9b", + "text": "Vull cancelar el servei", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "83df5d0a-0b9b-40ae-8738-5c9a677fa3d5", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a9591715-2d8f-473d-9f6c-99e65d6de699", + "text": "51621863X", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "51621863X", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f703620a-8e57-402a-af5d-12872db8a84c", + "text": "Quin servei voldria cancel·lar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f6b42f32-bfb9-42aa-b7b9-deb3a63e67f1", + "text": "Doncs vull cancelar el servei de telefonia que tinc amb la vostra companyia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "servei de telefonia", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 42 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8a5011fb-3db3-4026-a6e6-390b3f2fa0cc", + "text": "Quin és el motiu de cancel·lació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8fd19a31-0b39-46c1-b107-057702461daa", + "text": "El vostre servei és una merda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "servei és una merda", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "189d9d3b-088d-4df6-a298-6cb19881816a", + "text": "El seu servei inclou un compromís de permanència d'un any, de manera que la cancel·lació del servei suposa pagar 150€.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a85d997b-0a89-47ab-a870-9b1bf81b9744", + "text": "Ho pago per tal de sortir!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "64c5fdf2-5de8-477f-872e-dab31faf4cb0", + "text": "Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud i rebrà un correu amb aquesta informació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa6aa4a9-2ac7-4710-8e04-53bcd6088a2c", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 55#", + "número": 55, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d47dbe94-e566-4dac-88e9-b17cc3ff3434", + "text": "Em podrieu portar unes patates fregides?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "out_of_scope", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f1b4a581-ceb1-4802-8e10-5c56a1b2a345", + "text": "Aquest és un servei de telefonia. El puc ajudar amb alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d14fa32-47ed-4467-a1a0-0ba51ebf7151", + "text": "Perdona. M'he equivocat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a07d3a4b-afb6-48a0-9978-3d10f1142d4a", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76b9f0fe-bdc9-40c1-80d2-3db37955eacc", + "text": "Només les patates, però ja veig que no en teniu hahahaha", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "752c8708-fe16-4ed4-b64e-e5eefd3b2050", + "text": "Bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dccb3931-c29e-427a-b4be-ec924b3871b1", + "text": "Bona tarda", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1e2fe12e-9e1d-42f5-b842-cc80cd6cf45a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 56#", + "número": 56, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fca073a2-bb0c-4e8f-978c-9e71ecdc7f65", + "text": "Bon dia, vull afegir un nou usuari a la linia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir un nou usuari", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 34 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aa5239f6-afd7-4d13-a82d-55056c5fe1f4", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1d0521ce-11f1-4918-a47c-d4c536b5ab0c", + "text": "EL 12438756D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "12438756D", + "Start_char": 3, + "End_char": 12 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "32185653-7459-4789-9857-5ee9c2d9d62d", + "text": "Quins són el nom, cognoms i DNI de l'usuari a afegir?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ed541803-394c-4d0c-af48-9c49c7c9b401", + "text": "Joan Lopez Rodriguez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Lopez", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Rodriguez", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f467d5e5-1a88-4d0b-b2c1-6683f45b1a8e", + "text": "Amb DNI 710281289I", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "710281289I", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 18 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a7c0a62d-16ef-4762-bbe3-521e3364c973", + "text": "D'acord. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "434bb14c-5336-4ffe-8cce-72984c148d2b", + "text": "No! gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a4fe70c7-574b-4d5c-9ffb-5933119c9c31", + "text": "D'acord. Que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3940ef8a-f9c6-4cf2-b38a-7c1da1b57509", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d97cfc8d-3376-4d61-8346-da83caa02bdc", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 57#", + "número": 57, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f4d7b74e-c1d1-49af-880d-9f5c3d528f6c", + "text": "Bon dia! Voldria contractar el servei de telefonia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "telefonia", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05d46b0f-fc45-454a-abb8-8b62183c3091", + "text": "Quin tipus de servei voldria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "069f0d69-515b-4fa7-9adf-0f013a9732fd", + "text": "Doncs només per a mi. He vist la oferta ACD i m'interessa molt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta ACD", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7c9cc537-725f-49a5-98d6-c68cf30d85b0", + "text": "D'acord, quin és el seu codi postal?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de665bbb-1450-464b-bf3d-5b29231355bd", + "text": "08241", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "zip_code", + "text": "08241", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6eae7d73-19cc-4e63-bdb0-ebb0d05c68c1", + "text": "Sembla que a la seva zona la cobertura és bona. Voldría contractar el servei ara mateix?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "62b90513-5b01-467e-9985-2f4132e14064", + "text": "Sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "514a1b02-b494-45f2-a32b-a0d6e963350a", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom, cognoms i DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a23f9670-5197-4872-9a62-6e3dda35436f", + "text": "Joan Miquel Oliver, 68039846T", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan Miquel", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Oliver", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "68039846T", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c04fa206-9191-4de8-8cff-cb7760cb85e6", + "text": "Quina és la seva adreça?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "79955774-9fb1-4f37-9229-e94ca20f4ba3", + "text": "Carrer l'Esperança, 1, Vic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "Carrer l'Esperança, 1, Vic", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce0d7687-d0c1-4fce-871b-52b7a5490c11", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrada la seva sol·licitud. Moltes gràcies", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "91508039-1bc4-4fcf-8a67-a8105dd17fc0", + "text": "De res!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "671ecd99-164c-4961-a8e8-020a65ad74b2", + "text": "Adèu!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5edb7b59-daef-4e3b-b326-09020f5a9030", + "text": "Adéu, bona tarda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "02fb7529-528b-479a-8e7b-e9f8410e0414", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 58#", + "número": 58, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "ed41f76b-b44d-4ec9-879b-155a513aa1f3", + "text": "Bon dia, vull afegir el número de la meva filla", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir el número de la meva filla", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8eb76070-86bd-41c4-920f-55a3d4ee4e65", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6846d3aa-18bd-45c1-9573-a6d7e62c2e79", + "text": "32109738E", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32109738E", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ae018740-7d5a-49b6-a0e4-c6010b2fdddd", + "text": "Quin és el nom, cognoms i DNI de la seva filla?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c4cb655-722b-4cad-a433-7ea3ac4ee5be", + "text": "Júlia Jordà Mora, 45634567G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 5 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Jordà", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Mora", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45634567G", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad7667b5-f2ed-4376-b9af-bc69d4f28762", + "text": "Quin és el seu número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "200aaf4f-d1ed-45bc-9f21-95f69553957c", + "text": "620978436", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "620978436", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bab0a41-44bb-427b-b36f-212a24f68002", + "text": "Queda registrat el canvi. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "591cddd6-128e-461b-be9e-de66b2a8bd42", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "9653f44d-2a53-4c41-b558-5a2e3b3dd2aa", + "text": "D'acord. Bona tarda", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "354b8570-acc0-4eec-aa28-46d0cbe376b5", + "text": "Bona tarda!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2f1361c1-17a7-45e5-a4dc-61f2a43e78e6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 59#", + "número": 59, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "8aaebc32-acad-4771-9d88-c20df38a8341", + "text": "Bon dia, he vist que el pagament d'aquest més ha sigut molt alt", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "el pagament d'aquest més ha sigut molt alt", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8c030410-5dd3-42e9-bf67-f9e182cf1447", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e69333f-2ec4-4532-9042-3b846865afb7", + "text": "23136593S", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "23136593S", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "344a05d2-1ae8-4e3e-933e-3dee1bae9ba3", + "text": "Sembla que s'han fet 3 trucades internacionals de 20 minuts cadascuna.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a985d805-6f02-4ec7-b0ca-c906be10afb0", + "text": "Mm potser ha sigut el meu fill", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "26857a10-c61c-4024-a618-0c2b9efe2d08", + "text": "S'han realitzat el 16 de Gener a les 17h les tres seguides.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a364049d-6e6e-4930-b8f9-5efe116dff14", + "text": "Es molt extrany. Preguntarñe al meu fill, a veure que diu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "71f46ae6-777b-46ed-bd22-4d1158a80437", + "text": "A l'App pot consultar en detall les característiques de les trucades realitzades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "38b2b942-0c42-4f2a-8ddf-30b26659b807", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6600e73b-cc5d-4ef8-8b63-1be05374c1e3", + "text": "Sembla qu eha sigut ell", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1ecc80bf-1e82-4aa7-b5e1-1dbcfcb8aebb", + "text": "Bona nit!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3499a277-b1c2-4c17-89ef-1dd08d3765d1", + "text": "Gràcies. Bona nit", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d3f5d5ca-7fdf-4dfb-b354-75a8387c0fac", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 60#", + "número": 60, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2a9e8a15-1c77-4a25-8d26-288f97c04fee", + "text": "Bn dia, voldria canviar les dades del compte de telefonia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "bfc97d85-2a68-4e6d-88d7-7f18f652bca9", + "text": "Quin és el seu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "60814305-3975-46c1-b06b-2501ccba5b5e", + "text": "43128471Q", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43128471Q", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 9 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebce26f8-b9a2-4526-81f2-aa173545e28e", + "text": "Quines dades voldria canviar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0d4b8143-33b3-4f9e-b7d6-6ba35676ce1f", + "text": "Doncs ara està al meu nom i vull que estigui al nom de la meva parella", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "al nom de la meva parella", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4f999391-b828-4e9e-bffa-6388718d3d9c", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom, cognoms i DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e7cf283-887c-4a75-a8c6-289980b6f77c", + "text": "Joan Martinez", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Joan", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 4 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Martinez", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 13 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d1c10573-a315-4611-9bbf-b1b4cd1139ee", + "text": "Amb DNI 73128934i", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "73128934i", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 17 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ab2b5688-a11c-43d6-866d-69c25e67b63b", + "text": "Quin és el nom, cognoms i DNI de la seva parella?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a05b985-1c33-4520-a19d-8d6eda0fa4c8", + "text": "Monica Ruiz Planes amb DNI 32142684B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Monica", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Ruiz", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 11 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Planes", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "32142684B", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f783a5af-1576-4b45-8417-fd6f05e36e67", + "text": "D'acord. Queda registrat el canvi. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c7870ee3-44d5-4460-a649-c6b98ed55a25", + "text": "Res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "32946544-b9df-4891-ac71-be5911726336", + "text": "Gràcies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "626ecc94-8b66-41fe-a8af-6edd8d954532", + "text": "Gràcies. Adéu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff1b86fe-25df-4bc8-97a9-819dd1c70103", + "text": "Adeuu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f7125764-d6d0-4580-91d9-e4568c6055d7", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 61#", + "número": 61, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fc0c9f23-62f1-41be-a5e6-e9c65103102f", + "text": "Bon dia. Amb què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d96b94a7-eb52-4d94-a3d7-5bbc438ecddf", + "text": "Bon dia, si es que vull donar-me de baixa de la companyia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "cancel_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "baixa", + "Start_char": 36, + "End_char": 41 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "db5efcc2-74ba-4e21-a6d2-22a278cca7bb", + "text": "D'acord. Has tingut una mala experiència amb nosaltres?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6d54a7b-19d0-481f-b4b7-5bc38c1f00f8", + "text": "es que em van trucar ahir i em van oferir una bona oferta d'una altra empresa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "motive", + "text": "bona oferta d'una altra empresa", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 77 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "aac24b31-4f38-4d47-8ae3-c65d5510ae9c", + "text": "Entesos. Necessito el teu nom complet i DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7000ed32-38b5-4fcd-9f1c-c80c676dfb81", + "text": "ah vale. doncs és el 77343215R. El nom i cognoms es Romeu Santamaria Palamós", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77343215R", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Romeu", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 57 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Santamaria", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Palamós", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "de82e3d7-c548-4206-a994-0ddb2eebbff9", + "text": "Molt bé, Romeu. Veig aquí que tens contractat un paquet que inclou internet i trucades il·limitades. Tenim una nova oferta aquest mes, i la teva tarifa passaria a ser de 29,95 €. T'interessaria?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cf5069b4-f35f-42d2-9917-0fe8fe0f85a7", + "text": "mmm... em van dir que per 25 euros tenia tele, internet i mobil. no teniu una altra oferta aixi¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "25", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 28 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tele", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "internet", + "Start_char": 47, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "mobil", + "Start_char": 58, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5bde8d23-c3b8-4766-8fb6-e6203377cf88", + "text": "Aquest mes han variat un poc les tarifes, la tarifa que inclou televisió, internet i mòbil és de 35 €. Tot i això, cada mes varien les ofertes, es podria anar revisant.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "622f32e9-3577-458c-bda5-0881adab55ef", + "text": "aleshores no, agafo la de 25 de l'altra companyia.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5f699aeb-4e62-4d10-b864-90f36ed20d45", + "text": "D'acord. El correu electrònic que tenim a la fitxa és romeusapa@gmail.com. És correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4d98a6b2-624e-4b59-98d1-18e4dddefb96", + "text": "sí, aixi es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "852e8bba-525b-4907-9df7-3877dd2b856d", + "text": "Doncs ara t'arribarà un correu amb la confirmació i ja no se't farà cap càrrec.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b115e976-fd7d-40aa-86d9-353b1cf36ea1", + "text": "ah!! okkk", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7b5fa1ce-ba26-4c20-89e8-68c730fd8822", + "text": "ah si ja ha arribat. merci!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "94632405-c439-40c5-a3d0-d5fda8bea0e5", + "text": "Entesos. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6e2fa50b-c0bb-4030-aa5a-0ad137ead08c", + "text": "no, ja esta. bon dia !", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "0b0a5913-311a-411f-b1d2-035c7c4a5039", + "text": "Adéu, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "44d01b92-9c09-40d7-a150-ebf59368895b", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 62#", + "número": 62, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f1d051c9-fcc0-4d88-856d-37d9b8f3e2e1", + "text": "Bon dia! Com el/la puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06c15aba-074c-448c-b727-f627316e0884", + "text": "Hola mira es que acabo d'arribar a un pis nou, i aquí no hi ha internet ni hi ha res. Volia saber a veure quines ofertes teníeu per posar wifi aquí a casa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "ofertes", + "Start_char": 113, + "End_char": 120 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "wifi", + "Start_char": 138, + "End_char": 142 + }, + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "a casa", + "Start_char": 148, + "End_char": 154 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f8293f8d-3e8b-4c09-9f53-47f506d5600e", + "text": "Cap problema. Tenim tres opcions: telèfon mòbil +internet (30 euros mensuals), telèfon mòbil + telèfon fixe + internet (40 euros mensuals) o televisió + internet (45 euros mensuals). L'interessaria cap d'aquestes combinacions?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "99dcf48e-374c-4ba5-b771-595b53e3d947", + "text": "Ah doncs mira teniu bones ofertes veig. Això dels 45 euros per la tele i l'internet quant de temps seria, vull dir, hi ha uns mesos mínim que ho hagi de contractar o puc donar-me de baixa quan sigui?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "45", + "Start_char": 50, + "End_char": 52 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tele i l'internet", + "Start_char": 66, + "End_char": 83 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "uns mesos mínim", + "Start_char": 122, + "End_char": 137 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f03e6657-dce3-4572-a452-161fb588ec12", + "text": "Sí. Serien 3 mesos mínim de permanència", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1663767d-5500-470f-8360-97e1f82709ba", + "text": "Està molt bé això, m'interessa si si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad5a2a4f-c3a9-41c7-b75b-56af6528cff9", + "text": "Quin és el seu nom i cognoms?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "039c33bf-e959-4309-8696-1e7cd2e1560f", + "text": "soc l'Anna Tur Marí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Anna", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 10 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Tur", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Marí", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 19 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e460f0ad-5f0a-4e91-9238-a80d333cc199", + "text": "D'acord, Anna. Ara necessito el seu DNI i adreça postal", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "877e1a62-0c89-4384-8eaa-6927373d825d", + "text": "si clar", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "da429725-7e9b-427f-8771-b5dfcd9fe93b", + "text": "Mira DNI és 45897342S i la meva adreça és carrer de Tarragona número 5", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "45897342S", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de Tarragona número 5", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 70 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "06d46c88-494c-4cd0-901d-1f5584a19faf", + "text": "Perfecte. Ara cal que em digui el seu número telèfon antic, fixe i/o mòbil", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "030f01d1-b9c7-4942-925f-67393260a6cf", + "text": "El meu mòbil és 657890432", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "657890432", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 25 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ea18b986-8805-4894-894f-96da956fb320", + "text": "Molt bé, gràcies. Vol rebre la factura online o de forma física?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fdc00b5-1054-453d-8585-bae018f28f2d", + "text": "Online si pot ser, per favor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "Online", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 6 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "45508ee3-e28d-4bcb-88c6-759f924586b8", + "text": "Entesos. La tarifa que té ve amb 30 mb. Vol ampliar a 50mb per 10 euros més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e128324a-2b5a-48fc-9c3b-046b10160fde", + "text": "No entenc massa d'això però no fa falta, ja crec que en tindré prou amb 30", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "dba52501-c402-4b1c-9cb7-caa0e4eb870b", + "text": "Entesos. Ara cal que em digui un compte bancari per domiciliar el servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "de82c7e5-d4fa-4443-9c49-54674b80f165", + "text": "Ah si clar, un momentet que ho busco", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3a101e07-9d1a-4bfe-8a77-1e488c09350f", + "text": "ES1254546778564387207", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES1254546778564387207", + "Start_char": 0, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e85eac4b-7192-494c-bad3-7b94147393f8", + "text": "Entesos. Indiqui'm, finalment, un correu electrònic per enviar-li l'alta a la companyia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f0053871-d78d-4a36-9a0c-aa304d3bdcb1", + "text": "Sí, és AnnaT@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "AnnaT@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "88203e9e-8f89-4423-a2d0-3da3b2e3d19a", + "text": "D'acord. Rebrà en uns minuts un correu amb un document descarregable. Tindrà tots els detalls de la seva contractació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "90138e8a-8965-4c79-b006-e2bea934e686", + "text": "ah vale, així que ja no he de fer res més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "df612330-f419-4a14-a98a-aca88784008c", + "text": "No, això és tot. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6117d3b7-8a0c-4894-8dec-f62c32893467", + "text": "No necessito res més, merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "13c4191f-95bf-45a6-8bf1-73ef89a8d7bc", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia aleshores!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "10e1b3d5-d2e7-4cf7-a1bb-601d3d2088fa", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "51506cbb-2639-4a6a-affc-73856bd91ae2", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 63#", + "número": 63, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a266d60d-8a09-4d85-8ebf-ec82b727c654", + "text": "Bona tarda, digues-me amb què et puc ajudar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1cdcb20b-7f8f-48ac-8873-9b2f7fe1f3be", + "text": "hola! mira es que m'ha marxat la línia fa dues hores. no puc trucar ni rebre trucades", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'ha marxat la línia", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "fa dues hores", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "524218f9-dcb6-46bc-bfa0-8ce4551a7801", + "text": "Entesos. Em pots dir el teu nom i el teu DNI, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a91fb637-4e3f-4e2e-96ad-03bdbb53dada", + "text": "sí, soc la Gloria Gascó. el meu DNI és 77234567U", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Gloria", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Gascó", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77234567U", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 48 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "efc862f5-0b47-4d45-94c6-2875876265e0", + "text": "Molt bé. Acabo de fer les comprovacions i m'han comunicat que en algunes zones estem tenint problemes de connexió. Per aquest motiu és que no pots trucar ni rebre trucades. Els tècnics estan treballant per poder solucionar-ho tan aviat com es pugui.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19ef294a-f8a2-4147-aafc-440c9a0da7fe", + "text": "oh!!! ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e4ebf41e-d8d9-4686-a134-5cdc1f472d3c", + "text": "i quant de temps fins que torni tot?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quant de temps", + "Start_char": 2, + "End_char": 16 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "05eb79c6-6558-4d4e-9162-5546651b7e29", + "text": "Esperem que en dues hores com a màxim s'hagi restablert per complet el nostre servei.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "160a8d2f-ffeb-4a9c-99bf-cc71b9e87ab9", + "text": "ah! ok", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "35a38165-0136-4945-8a68-fed5b674febf", + "text": "Bueno, esperarem doncs", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "634ced20-6b2d-44ce-a1be-6dc11a550783", + "text": "Et demano disculpes, esperem que aquesta situació no s'allargui massa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "724ce7f9-ae85-4853-af16-6b8081dc86f4", + "text": "esperem! jaja es que he de fer trucades de feina importants. miraré a veure si un altre mobil... que te una altra companyia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6b2f4a48-cd75-4cd6-aeed-d0e76c9664d7", + "text": "Entenc la teva situació totalment, voldria poder ajudar-te d'alguna altra manera.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5fb5f846-d12f-43dd-ae95-b2d4fb79f16f", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a043910b-3ef6-4dc2-ae4f-9279bfb9e53a", + "text": "no, ja esta. gracies per l'atencio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b7934629-b36a-4c64-8da4-76b9887da302", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a8dc0065-3469-4a79-a614-248aa9f8830b", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ef96ec0c-1b79-453f-bf9a-30b8c624a46d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 64#", + "número": 64, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "a26c657d-c93a-409f-8a12-8e901d01319d", + "text": "Hola! Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a940a145-0c10-4280-a70c-6695e4844521", + "text": "Ei hola, a veure truco perquè tinc un mobil tan antic que ja quasi ni funciona. Tinc tot això de les trucades i l'internet amb vslatres i era per veure si tenieu cap oferta de mòbils nous", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta de mòbils nous", + "Start_char": 166, + "End_char": 187 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "467ac6bd-8fb6-4a5b-b8bc-5b77fe256660", + "text": "I tant. Ara mateix disposem del darrer Iphone si contractes el pla Megalux. Aquest pla inclou trucades il·limitades i 100 MB d'internet. El cost és de 35 euros mensuals i una permanència de 2 anys.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "4107a850-bb90-4cc1-9007-5c4c97ba879d", + "text": "Ah vale, però jo crec que ara tinc una tarifa més barata, pot ser? Crec que són 25 euros, no hi hauria res dintre d'aquesta tarifa que no hagués de pagar res més?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "tarifa més barata", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 56 + }, + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "25", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 82 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "82c49aeb-c0c6-4844-8301-3174ca904b53", + "text": "Després tenim una altra promoció, per 30 euros mensuals. Trucades il·limitades i 50 MB d'internet i inclou un Samsung Galaxy A12. La permanència és d'1 any", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6933444f-dbf1-4da1-8f9f-b01f8b0049fb", + "text": "Vale sí, i si contracto això no he de pagar res més pel mòbil no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "76c5561c-59bc-44bf-8c5b-4cd216d721ff", + "text": "No, només les quotes mensuals i estar amb nosaltres durant mínim 1 any", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7625f3d2-1128-431f-9dd9-320074e64fb0", + "text": "D'acord, doncs si que m'interessa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4391392e-64bc-49f3-8eaf-15f234729160", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores necessito el teu nom i cognoms i DNI, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d7806b29-400f-4c84-92c9-6bbb919fa8d4", + "text": "El meu nom és Nil Cabrera Moll i el DNI 43879765D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Nil", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Cabrera", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 25 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Moll", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 30 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43879765D", + "Start_char": 40, + "End_char": 49 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84a27db7-b2d3-4eb6-a137-ae54d5023922", + "text": "Molt bé, ho anoto. Ara em cal saber el teu número de telèfon per reconfirmar", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "063d9a6b-c847-42aa-b944-515082b73986", + "text": "I tant, és el 634234987", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "634234987", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7be049d0-42d0-442f-98cd-70d9daa90421", + "text": "Perfecte, és el mateix que tenim a la base de dades. Finalment, necessito un número de correu electrònic, per enviar-te la modificació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "86bbdfc2-8334-4b07-8b7f-d25c5d9f04cc", + "text": "El meu correu és nil32@gmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "nil32@gmail.com", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "dac5c1c5-c95f-4386-b248-aa746572cf37", + "text": "Perfecte. En pocs minuts rebràs un correu amb les modificacions. Qualsevol dubte ens pots tornar a contactar sense cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "94df4b1e-e83a-44a9-8d4e-173522cea64d", + "text": "Ah d'acord, doncs gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4031644d-6efa-497f-850c-6d04fe29bdb1", + "text": "De res. Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f97fc7ee-2f78-4322-9d8b-0b8c64d009f6", + "text": "Això es tot merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1848c22d-846d-491c-a784-82e598f5453a", + "text": "Bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ef432a0c-06b6-4e9f-8bab-f94e6e94a2b6", + "text": "Molt bé. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "28c01e7e-a7fc-4c17-987b-d99a620757e9", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 65#", + "número": 65, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fb8885ad-e403-4ea0-99e2-ab6aeb3d09b0", + "text": "Hola, què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e975e509-f241-4a3c-96f2-cbc836933beb", + "text": "Bon dia!! Vull canviar número de telèfon. es que m'he divorciat i no vull que aquella em truqui més.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar número de telèfon", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 40 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1b9a5c01-05cb-41b6-8c08-0c4a6c790cd7", + "text": "D'acord, doncs necessito primer les seves dades personals: el seu nom complet, DNI i el seu número de telèfon actual.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e483054e-6e7f-4b69-9433-69871081a900", + "text": "sí, em dic Mateu Roca Santamaria. El carnt és 77654393E. el telefon que tinc i no vull es 667586745", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Mateu", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Roca", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 21 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Santamaria", + "Start_char": 22, + "End_char": 32 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654393E", + "Start_char": 46, + "End_char": 55 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "667586745", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "611b815a-1e97-4daa-aad9-c9e2861927ab", + "text": "D'acord Mateu. Puc fer aquest canvi ara mateix, però per acabar aquesta transacció li haurem de donar una nova targeta SIM, i haurà d'anar personalment a una de les nostres oficines a recollir-la.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8dca09d8-2ec4-4140-9570-d1ff382a3176", + "text": "ah! ok. no podeu enviar-la?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviar-la", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0f98e9da-2587-4a1a-818c-bbe01e92d6a8", + "text": "Em sap greu, però no podem enviar-la. Ha d'anar personalment i recollir-la en una de les nostres oficines.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "176eaab4-bcf4-4b60-8f84-9eb625436494", + "text": "ah vaja... i quina oficina tinc mes a prop? visc a Palamós", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_venue", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Palamós", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 58 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0110e98f-d2cc-4a0e-a37c-359f8ed19cd0", + "text": "Doncs a Palamós trobarà la nostra oficina al carrer de s'Agaró número 23. Pot anar allí i recollir la targeta avui mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3b902109-f209-4953-bdd1-15f401b8ba25", + "text": "bueno.. si no hi ha cap altra opcio. almenys es aqui mateix.", + "actor": "chit_chat", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "101ae564-805f-401f-805c-cfeef60859b9", + "text": "Ho sento, aquesta transacció només es pot fer en persona.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "76ca1205-dc07-4fe4-9de2-171e9717e895", + "text": "ok, ok. bueno, ja esta canviat el numero doncs?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6f315f56-50a8-41fc-a699-f4501cd153de", + "text": "Sí, ja he donat de baixa el número anterior i ja no rebrà cap trucada fins que instal·li la nova targeta SIM amb el número de telèfon nou que li hem assignat.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5c2f071d-b213-4d16-8327-0ea443d86fbf", + "text": "ok, vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a239fffa-6899-498b-8eb1-a2c401b19c97", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs ja té disponible la targeta a l'oficina de Palamós, només l'haurà d'anar a recollir.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c22497f-de03-4b32-ac7c-cbc33e84d040", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "addee694-c4e0-4b2d-b9ff-53557ee0aff7", + "text": "vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "462e452f-af07-43e4-941b-57fcb43060b4", + "text": "no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5a3c9e4b-bf7c-42a0-90f3-e6e6a3ce909c", + "text": "merci", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "636862c2-1fdd-4945-829a-afabbd6dee90", + "text": "D'acord, adéu!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6667ee1-faf2-4497-bd36-595ff6944326", + "text": "bon dia!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "77a28adc-6d66-4ed5-89be-18e8d6dd0484", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 66#", + "número": 66, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "7f853794-52e6-447e-b108-62222dd6bb77", + "text": "Hola! En què puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2bf6fd0-f3d1-4820-8f16-29985bc1e56f", + "text": "Bon dia mira volia posar una queixa, vaig contractar una tarifa amb vosaltres i m'ha pujat bastant aquests darrers mesos", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "m'ha pujat bastant aquests darrers mesos", + "Start_char": 80, + "End_char": 120 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f5bdc9f2-b944-4757-a2f7-bd756d92526f", + "text": "Vaja, entenc la situació. Ara ho mirem. Per poder continuar necessito el seu nom i cognom i número de telèfon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6082e633-bdc6-4406-a109-9fa5ae584b14", + "text": "Soc l'Ona Guasch i el telefòn 654389761, soc client des de fa molt temps i no entenc aquesta situació la veritat", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Ona", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 9 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Guasch", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "654389761", + "Start_char": 30, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0fc587ef-3a0c-44d7-890b-72d21f05772f", + "text": "D'acord, Ona. No es preocupi. Ara ho mirem. La tarifa que té és mòbil amb internet 25 MB i trucades il·limitades excepte a l'estranger. És així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "164eb056-ad2d-46f9-b94f-f0b4dfe9a2c7", + "text": "si si, aquesta és", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4be72857-f15f-4dd3-a668-74ad706909d2", + "text": "D'acord. Hem revisat les darreres factures i, sí, efectivament vostè estava pagant 25 euros mensuals i els darrers tres mesos n'ha pagat 33,95, 32 i 31,15 euros mensuals. Veig que hi ha uns quants números 900. Ha fet trucades a aquests números?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d112db48-f5ea-4288-9a7e-7a837ad47938", + "text": "Ah clar era això el que pagava. Ostres que creus que va ser això? Doncs la tarifa és la mateixa però el problema són aquestes trucades, dius?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "el problema són aquestes trucades", + "Start_char": 101, + "End_char": 134 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "19167ba8-b72c-4342-bccb-5a17ac8f9a2a", + "text": "Sí, és que la tarifa que té actualment no inclou trucades a números 900. Aquestes tenen una tarificació diferent, a banda.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f8c2a49a-1ed8-4266-ab7b-095e7b5618b7", + "text": "Ahhh d'acord, doncs perdona eh, que d'això no en tenia ni idea", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "43b643e5-e48d-4fb7-b317-2e021582c43c", + "text": "No pateixi. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bfdb0303-ef13-4d14-ac61-18f13fc78244", + "text": "Res més, gràcies per l'atenció", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4ab34931-ed1e-429b-9c59-f42d2a76d351", + "text": "A vostè per contactar-nos. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42e06074-1743-4756-9b29-3f9ab4b20642", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ee332df-2c2b-473b-94e0-76fdcd003283", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 67#", + "número": 67, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5cd663da-89cc-4ef0-a9bd-84600519eda0", + "text": "Bona tarda, et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3da09c57-1d04-47e7-8e87-5563f516f2ba", + "text": "hole!! sí, es que vull saber info d'una alta qeu vaig fer. si ja s'ha tramitat. que no em va arribar cap confirmacio encara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "track_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em va arribar cap confirmacio", + "Start_char": 84, + "End_char": 116 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "52669d41-3ed6-449b-b256-57a9714b2135", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs si em pots dir quin és el teu nom complet i DNI, si us plau, ho podré mirar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bab606c3-ac74-4b42-b836-b9a5179b7515", + "text": "Sí, Pau Casals Moncada. el carnet é s 77343215G", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Pau", + "Start_char": 4, + "End_char": 7 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Casals", + "Start_char": 8, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname2", + "text": "Moncada", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77343215G", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ce4e05d0-8fca-4455-8c4d-539e38389e79", + "text": "D'acord, Pau. Tens contractat un paquet que inclou dues línies de telèfon mòbil + internet + televisió, i la tarifa és de 40 euros mensuals. És així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "aa05b987-128e-4670-9cad-4c71e1c25d05", + "text": "si si, aixo mateix. es que no m'han arribat els papers. més que res qeu tot estigui correcte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "15d004d6-cea6-4488-94e1-1678785bb864", + "text": "Està tot correcte, i ja t'hem donat d'alta tots aquests serveis. T'hauria d'haver arribat un correu de confirmació amb tota aquesta informació. L'adreça de correu que tenim és paucm@gmail.com, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1712f695-142a-4c2e-8d0e-f86c95da31cc", + "text": "mmm... si pero no ha arribat res.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "pero no ha arribat res", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6e87b1e5-82f3-4978-a777-51c312184f9a", + "text": "D'acord, doncs ara ho torno a enviar i en uns minuts t'hauria d'arribar sense cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8294eb57-7412-4bdf-b3bc-ae31b6fa9c77", + "text": "ok, vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e28faaa0-d9f1-43e7-bdb5-eb946ccf8093", + "text": "Si no t'arribés ens pots tornar a contactar, però ara no hi hauria d'haver cap problema.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cdc9c61d-6d72-487e-b142-03a975cebd21", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a6d7fdc0-3abf-4e61-a38e-f5c8003a239e", + "text": "d'acord", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a239dc64-c1cb-4bf9-9d32-04d06b9ea5c8", + "text": "no, ja esta tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "154beab3-722c-4e08-8e6b-1ec9d742edc2", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis un bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c4480a75-845b-48de-a381-00b2d0ea8a21", + "text": "igualment, adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b3538b34-6ba8-42a6-b6de-4a6a6bcf49f6", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 68#", + "número": 68, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "d2511860-9ccc-4a8d-a770-327091c63357", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "63740cfa-5088-4fef-98ae-9b1280473dab", + "text": "Hola, mira l'altre dia vaig contractar els vostres serveis i el tècnic ha de venir avui de tarda a instal·lar-me l'aparell aquest de wifi, però m'ha sorgit un imprevist i puc estar a casa. Puc canviar la data i que vinguin en un altre moment?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_booking", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tècnic", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar la data", + "Start_char": 193, + "End_char": 208 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "799a3785-0ff6-4d70-9708-3fed65e1d327", + "text": "Sí, és clar. La data que tenies confirmada era avui 4 de novembre a les 15.30 hores. Quan t'aniria bé que passés el tècnic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06f27788-d1d0-4087-8438-12f145d72120", + "text": "sí era aquesta hora. Doncs podria passar demà un poc més tard, cap a les 5 de la tarda potser?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "demà", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 45 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "5 de la tarda", + "Start_char": 73, + "End_char": 86 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c2029b37-df6b-4eea-9ecf-c607831355cb", + "text": "Entenc. El tècnic podria passar a les 17.30 hores aproximadament. T'aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4bd6236-d5d6-4d1e-85da-a3b83bbce6bc", + "text": "Ah d'acord. En principi sí, però saps si trigaria molt en fer-ho? Es que després he d'anar a buscar els nens a la classe d'anglès i hauria de sortir de casa a les 6", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "trigaria molt", + "Start_char": 41, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f3841943-857f-401f-8b44-800b609f5806", + "text": "La instal·lació sol durar uns 20 minuts", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3dca2a31-89c1-4f60-8d8e-acfa9957e87c", + "text": "Entesos, doncs sí, que vinguin demà a les 5", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "36a15790-0f75-40c7-a0e4-62785c9a7313", + "text": "5:30 perdona", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7aa25892-9afd-4e22-a87d-8dac3c337348", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm el teu nom i cognoms i número de telèfon per modificar la cita, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2e167a8e-e783-4fc0-b5ea-28351bbb3719", + "text": "EL meu nom és Emma Pons i el telèfon 698723145", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Emma", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 18 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Pons", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 23 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "698723145", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fb6c87a-99f5-45b2-b9f3-3f08f4eb45b4", + "text": "Molt bé, Emma. Doncs ja he modificat la cita. Rebràs un missatge de reconfirmació al teu telèfon mòbil.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09858438-b157-4c89-b677-d886e507b735", + "text": "Ah sí , mira ja el tinc. D'acord, doncs quedem així", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1be8fc4c-22e4-41ec-8db9-47de9dfebe5e", + "text": "Perfecte, doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ab1194c5-b813-4bcb-89f7-f86ac3f033af", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9184d723-5a1e-4f59-b9dc-f5a512290764", + "text": "Ja ho tinc tot, gràcies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ab2fba62-5fc2-45ba-9bae-9b18c5dbfe1f", + "text": "Entesos. A reveure, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9259c025-13ce-4fb6-aa3c-0671528ae67f", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "94409a1b-e73e-4b5c-8a0c-bb62746d1dc5", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 69#", + "número": 69, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "841aa72b-eb92-483c-9b91-ee789fa7f4ab", + "text": "Hola, què és el que necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0f904bbb-3946-4bca-a118-a1ba82b5f952", + "text": "Sí, es que he de pagar una factura endarrerida. m'han dit que ho puc fer epr aqui", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_pay", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "factura endarrerida", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f0874b5e-9d27-4290-a307-d82658e1efb3", + "text": "Sí, no hi ha cap problema. Indiqui'm si és tan amable el seu nom i cognoms i el DNI.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "50c25842-0d3d-48fa-8ba2-9619599c7b8e", + "text": "sí, soc la Marta Prats. el carnet és aquest: 77565432D", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marta", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Prats", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77565432D", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 54 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "24b608f7-a80d-4f80-82ba-14e18f2560ca", + "text": "Entesos, Marta. Veig aquí que falta per pagar la factura del mes de setembre, i en total serien 45 euros, és correcte aquesta informació?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42eb9a7e-a513-4bb8-a812-69e45a3f4a3a", + "text": "Sí, aixo es . com ho pago?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "check_payment_methods", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6336fe30-c4c3-41d2-93b0-ba8052ee6608", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs li podem fer el càrrec en el seu compte bancari i ho podem domiciliar. D'aquesta manera, no se n'hauria de preocupar més i el pagament seria automàtic cada mes. Ho voldria fer així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "faf18c6e-7cd5-45e1-8828-016c5dd97241", + "text": "sí, vale", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d7829b5-a272-42bc-84c8-737299064d1b", + "text": "Entesos. Em podria indicar el seu compte bancari, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3f7ce7e2-ebcd-43c4-807c-667db7839264", + "text": "sí, és aquest ES6621000418401234567891", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES6621000418401234567891", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fdaf1479-e485-4df9-a432-453e221fb2a6", + "text": "D'acord, tot llest. Ja he domiciliat el seu pagament i el pagament de la factura endarrerida també s'efectuarà des d'aquest compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9e41cb24-2b21-47fe-a3cd-687160485b8d", + "text": "d'acord. gracies !!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad0ab849-69ae-44c1-995e-46377452deba", + "text": "Puc fer alguna cosa més per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "bdd92848-570e-4e61-8380-e6cde8f6c911", + "text": "no, ja esta. tot esta ja", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7f856a52-d7fa-41d9-8052-a27a9b2f7437", + "text": "Doncs gràcies, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7a7f2e16-fd20-42bf-b307-ff90d4e53423", + "text": "Bon diee", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1eaf672-b68d-4a42-8778-d9e757c68bd4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 70#", + "número": 70, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c1a74d0a-283d-41f1-9c81-0d37291bb967", + "text": "Bona tarda. Com puc ajudar-lo/la?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "828453ed-a2c9-4efd-9ac4-9a4c29fbd721", + "text": "Bones tardes, mira estic intentant mirar el registre de les trucades que he fet que i em van dir que h podria fer a través de l'àrea de clients de la pàgina web, pero no ho trobo, em podries ajudar si us plau?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "registre de les trucades", + "Start_char": 44, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "àrea de clients", + "Start_char": 128, + "End_char": 143 + }, + { + "tag": "via", + "text": "pàgina web", + "Start_char": 150, + "End_char": 160 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no ho trobo", + "Start_char": 167, + "End_char": 178 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6b80fcea-46c7-4c2a-890a-532655fdbdf3", + "text": "Sense cap problema. Em pot indicar el seu número de telèfon?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "123f78b5-3d1b-4189-983d-6f9abed24daf", + "text": "I tant. És el 612986342", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "612986342", + "Start_char": 14, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "383d812a-f00b-49d0-a678-1dced8b9914a", + "text": "Entesos. Vostè és la Matilde Romero i té contractada una línia de mòbil amb nosaltres.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17e348e4-7bff-4d0b-8f57-3445e3049c14", + "text": "Per poder accedir a l'àrea de clients ha de tenir un usuari i clau. Els té ja?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd2b7fbe-b6ac-4dd3-bd49-4314bbc26f12", + "text": "Sí, soc jo. Doncs no, com ho he de fer això?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "how_to_fulfill", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f71b49a3-2bc4-42c2-b650-8d455c290f8e", + "text": "D'acord. Aleshores li he de donar aquestes dades primer perquè pugui accedir a l'àrea personal", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca11552c-c5fc-4b45-9f05-f9654fc8d134", + "text": "Digui'm el carnet i correu electrònic, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "36fb8300-a106-43f7-bb93-8d669515cfa5", + "text": "Doncs el meu DNI és 43786548N", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "43786548N", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "881c1269-4027-4e9b-b35b-00ac78ca15c0", + "text": "i el correu electrònic romeromatilde@hotmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "romeromatilde@hotmail.es", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 47 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "b1f029c8-59af-4b86-8a83-cc61bed3ab3e", + "text": "Molt bé. Ara mateix li envio un correu electrònic amb el nom d'usuari i la clau d'accés, que haurà de canviar quan accedeixi a la plataforma per primer cop.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c8c7324d-9967-410e-b059-b00f9b98099f", + "text": "Indiqui'm quan ja hagi rebut el correu electrònic, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "11ab9c32-d28d-4df9-ab1e-01e02cb01195", + "text": "Ah entesos. Mira ja el tinc el correu, ara això ho de posar aqui a l'àrea de clients?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "daaaca9b-a6ca-462a-ad25-621bc2faf777", + "text": "Sí, ha de posar el nom d'usuari a la barra d'usuari i la contrasenya per defecte a la barra de contrasenya. Quan entri automàticament la plataforma li demanarà que canviï la contrasenya. Ho fa i aleshores ja tindrà accés a l'àrea personal. \nUn cop allà ha de clicar a l'opció \"les meves factures\", a la part superior del menú.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "adc922e4-1a28-4096-8b42-77fb5672f9f9", + "text": "Sí Sí, mira que fàcil! Ja he pogut entrar i tot i ja veig les factures i tot el que necessitava.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "c3025995-ec89-4ae8-8bae-870a5839dc2d", + "text": "Me'n alegro, doncs", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e4e36933-1188-4e79-8009-86057c7c2e40", + "text": "Doncs gràcies, que amb això de les tecnologies em perdo un poc encara", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3114f286-a532-4232-9b48-73687e9dd016", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9743f1a8-7558-44f5-91cb-690e740b9a77", + "text": "Pues gràcies per l'atenció, ja no necessito re smés", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "33296890-6090-4947-9b93-cfa6ad47d7e1", + "text": "Molt bé. Que acabi de passar un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8553920e-8279-42ad-8249-4f4bac284c71", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2a8a4ee1-3812-49a9-b976-82bd3f354ecd", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 71#", + "número": 71, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "91db083a-1e6d-43b8-bb5f-06bedb049658", + "text": "Hola, amb què et podem ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a0f13a3-c79e-44b8-a86c-26d9a021e389", + "text": "vull canviar el titular de l'alta que tinc amb vosaltres", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar el titular", + "Start_char": 5, + "End_char": 23 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9eac7f24-88f4-47de-9f75-ac9b913d7e94", + "text": "D'acord. Doncs primer necessito el DNI del titular actual, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "acfabc96-72c0-485c-9e7f-670c5340a9c4", + "text": "sí, ok. el DNI és 77654395H", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654395H", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "033740e9-386e-4b7c-b095-a466c6ca7c1e", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs ets el Lluís Serra, oi?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0dc2d4b1-3811-400f-a5e2-24fb4e223138", + "text": "jo mateix si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ee5eaf85-04b0-45cb-9d2d-c6d4ce95c3b5", + "text": "necessito posar a la meva dona. jo tinc alta ja en un altra companyia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "posar a la meva dona", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 30 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ed822d91-ef41-4436-8afc-484e3c3c3d5d", + "text": "D'acord. Per fer aquest canvi necessito que m'enviïs una fotografia del DNI de la teva dona pels dos costats. Pots enviar-la a la següent adreça de correu electrònic: atencióalclient@gmail.com", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e6e954c3-f47f-495b-8459-0a4d356a0e32", + "text": "vale, ok.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "92707eab-767f-497f-a4fd-e88e93e15344", + "text": "he de fer alguan cosa mes?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "23bec861-5cec-490a-ad40-6539a66bbd48", + "text": "Això és tot. Quan rebi el DNI podré actualitzar les noves dades i t'arribarà un correu electrònic amb la confirmació del canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d972b86d-3bc5-402e-a0cf-bfe12a82dfcd", + "text": "molt be!! perfecte", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e15b7225-305c-4ab2-99ab-0504852bfd82", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5b924d7e-6a4e-4cad-9610-eae8b578c88a", + "text": "no ja eta , mercii", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a04dc2c3-c460-446a-8bc5-89492d105683", + "text": "D'acord, que vagi bé!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "799e8615-8d5c-49ee-8776-3da2c770e1df", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a13cf5b8-f3b0-4222-b51e-3264b7f8167a", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 72#", + "número": 72, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "3aa2d252-6fa7-48f2-a841-1800cad329a0", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5e84e241-306b-4f0d-ae03-e171dcfd1c84", + "text": "Hola! A veure t'explico fa unes setmanes que al telèfon de casa truca un número estrany que només fa que molestar i volia saber si voslatres podeu restringir aquestes trucades i que no ens molestin més. És que com que no és un mòbil doncs no sé com es fa", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "restringir aquestes trucades", + "Start_char": 147, + "End_char": 175 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad443389-41c5-4d48-95d9-3819efeadcd0", + "text": "Entenc la situació. Digues-me quin és el número fixe que tens, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "52d118f6-5533-45fb-a3f3-b2aa4353b764", + "text": "Clar, és el 93436732", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "93436732", + "Start_char": 12, + "End_char": 20 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "0e9ac042-eded-445c-b7d4-dd19af103059", + "text": "D'acord. Ets la Valentina Almirall.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "02729b87-b42e-4e9b-90c8-a588f213c56b", + "text": "Jo mateixa, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "1eeb9133-f76b-468c-abd9-36980861cd4c", + "text": "Per poder restringir el número de telèfon necessito saber quin és el número que vols restringir", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "40d4ae2f-7dcc-4442-9c04-68090d37a8bc", + "text": "A veure que ho busco i te'l dic", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "6a8e60ee-6408-4f27-996c-a12d50e4d593", + "text": "és aquest el 93567543", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "93567543", + "Start_char": 13, + "End_char": 21 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1582fb1f-ac9f-4307-bf09-f4e34c872922", + "text": "Molt bé. Ja he restringit el número. A partir d'ara la línia el desviarà automàticament", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9178695c-b81b-4ab5-8ddc-87956e9c4968", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "3d269335-2013-4feb-b86b-9bfecb6f7411", + "text": "Ah d'acord. Doncs moltes gràcies, no saps tots els cops que podien arribar a trucar... No necessito res més, això és tot!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "7fa08eb3-1ec1-4f33-92e5-092126b85988", + "text": "Cap problema, per a això estem. Bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "83bb489c-02d8-461f-b27c-511ffd91da57", + "text": "Adeu bon dia", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fe0ba8e9-7b71-4f03-b393-5237bb252b0d", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 73#", + "número": 73, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "fa6dea9b-53a2-4887-85b9-73eb3d869427", + "text": "Hola! Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f4356df7-585f-4faf-bdd6-9ebe39fe4a9f", + "text": "holaaa! que tal? mira, si, necessito saber quin import vaig pagar a la factura del mes de maig d'aquest any . m'ho pots mirar?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "import", + "Start_char": 48, + "End_char": 54 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "factura", + "Start_char": 71, + "End_char": 78 + }, + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "maig d'aquest any", + "Start_char": 90, + "End_char": 107 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f625a4ad-4c44-4706-87a9-de4a6b8bfdfc", + "text": "Cap problema. Necessito que em diguis el teu nom i el teu DNI, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a72f355d-591f-48af-ad5b-090b19f30f0a", + "text": "em dic Antonia Mestres. el carnet es 77654328B", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Antonia", + "Start_char": 7, + "End_char": 14 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mestres", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 22 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654328B", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3183ba79-5572-4fca-bd96-994dd3411798", + "text": "D'acord, aquí tinc el registre de totes les teves factures. El mes de maig vas pagar un total de 50,95 €.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "8888eba7-2b7b-4e53-8a8a-cff755ce4632", + "text": "ah ok. i em pots dir desglossat?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "desglossat", + "Start_char": 21, + "End_char": 31 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4bca7a7e-6461-4081-9cb4-a5aa79519fb9", + "text": "I tant. La tarifa bàsica que tens contractada és de 40,95 €. A més, vas gastar 5 € en trucades internacionals i uns altres 5 € ja que vas fer trucades des d'Andorra. SI ho necessites, et puc enviar aquesta factura per correu electrònic i ho podràs comprovar.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f1d2e85f-1d28-4731-8315-da41d865ecc2", + "text": "D'acord. doncs si, si me la pots enviar pe favor", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "enviar", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 39 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "8ddb5e2e-bbe4-41b3-959c-5a33ae258719", + "text": "Clar. L'adreça que tenim aquí és antoniam@gmail.com, és correcte?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "72870131-db11-47f0-94fb-b5cfee29ba3f", + "text": "Sí aqui podeu enviar sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3ce7631e-1bef-4470-b1e2-f274bf12092d", + "text": "Entesos, doncs t'he enviat la factura. T'hauria d'arribar ara mateix.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "db9bafad-3d65-4177-96d2-7635e75fb41b", + "text": "d'acord , mercii", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4f3ae583-e648-4dc3-918a-a8ba1afb4e80", + "text": "Sí, ara veig el correu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f00f0d31-ab18-4560-b0f1-c051ef5041c6", + "text": "Necessites que t'ajudi en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "928d05e3-5b0e-446d-8ce6-5f3adce96363", + "text": "no ja esta . gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "5042feda-e529-4ef6-aa2c-16315543be01", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7a178d7d-8836-4ac1-8e39-c95e4be6b6e1", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 74#", + "número": 74, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "5f6053c4-daba-4ced-bec1-62c14310cc28", + "text": "Bon dia. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "49e2fe6f-0437-4263-8c78-7510116ccb95", + "text": "Hola bon dia! Volia parlar amb vosaltres perquè he vist per la tele que teniu una oferta molt bona per a clients nous que inclou mòbil, internet i tele amb futbol i series i tot això. M'interessa bastant i crec que em voldria donar d'alta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "new_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "oferta", + "Start_char": 82, + "End_char": 88 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "mòbil, internet i tele amb futbol i series", + "Start_char": 129, + "End_char": 171 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "135d0663-9711-4e52-9506-aecb4f3c3a3d", + "text": "Molt bé. Sí, aquesta es la promoció de la tardor que tenim ara. El pack és de 40 euros mensuals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ce42fbcd-1080-4b70-9bd6-a190efb1eaff", + "text": "Per fer l'alta necessito el nom i cognoms, DNi i número de telèfon", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09567f41-edfa-48b6-ab0a-c47e3695b059", + "text": "Ah sí clar, entesos. Mira em dic Jordi Alberich i el DNI que tinc és 35678543L", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Jordi", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 38 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Alberich", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 47 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "35678543L", + "Start_char": 69, + "End_char": 78 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e2fef32c-04a4-4445-a2ee-e33ea61bba1a", + "text": "Ah disculpa i el telèfon és 653423689", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "653423689", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 37 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "147598f1-d124-49ac-9498-612e1542cba5", + "text": "D'acord, introduim les dades. Ara necessitaré un correu electrònic i compte bancari", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "9881d4e2-03d2-4775-bdee-3f95eadc16be", + "text": "Sí, doncs correu electrònic és alberichj@hotmail.com", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "alberichj@hotmail.com", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 52 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "3fcc0cc7-e6b4-48a3-beee-02c6662c3ae1", + "text": "I a veure compte bancari ES1245635425453459876", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES1245635425453459876", + "Start_char": 25, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "492da9ce-88a0-4732-9ed3-193187ce1738", + "text": "Entesos, he introduït aquestes dades també. Rebrà un correu electrònic en uns minuts amb tot el detall de la nova alta", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0a476742-dfd4-4fd4-96aa-8013b996acf4", + "text": "Ah d'acord. I això a partir de quin dia ja ho tindré disponible?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "a partir de quin dia ja ho tindré disponible", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 63 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "eb7c5738-9162-47d3-af37-befd781e476a", + "text": "sí, l'alta serà en 24 hores.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "308d0038-9463-483c-b467-1f16b54214e1", + "text": "Ah donc molt bé, ja ho tinc tot així?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "fd71e60b-63d4-4aec-86a9-5e99702f9a2d", + "text": "Això és tot", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ff2ea4c6-59a2-4073-88b5-7e086936f455", + "text": "Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "d8668ee6-4a0a-491d-a3b2-4d8d9a6953ad", + "text": "Vale donc gràcies! Ja no necessito re smés", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "06cb3c4a-eece-4ba3-a492-45e1797bcb90", + "text": "Molt bé. A reveure, doncs!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f2326993-dbed-444d-b9c5-2d1a1695ba0c", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5acdf600-a4a0-4677-8375-17d94f84ce04", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 75#", + "número": 75, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "f7010d54-5ac1-43eb-894c-86e78a8feb2b", + "text": "Hola, què puc fer per tu?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "edb1c29e-db92-442c-acd6-89d183641b99", + "text": "hola, bona tarda. mira necessito canviar de tarifa. nomes vull telefon. ara tinc telefon i internet.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "modify_service", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar de tarifa", + "Start_char": 33, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "nomes vull telefon", + "Start_char": 52, + "End_char": 70 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "telefon i internet", + "Start_char": 81, + "End_char": 99 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e8250cfc-5ac6-49f3-a949-4e69355af67d", + "text": "Entesos. Necessito les teves dades primer, si em pots dir el teu nom i el número de telèfon, si us plau.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b433a514-22f1-41c3-8323-5c4ccc87e700", + "text": "si, em dic Monica Tagaló i el telefon que tinc es el 667654386", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Monica", + "Start_char": 11, + "End_char": 17 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Tagaló", + "Start_char": 18, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "667654386", + "Start_char": 53, + "End_char": 62 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a2901385-4a4b-44ab-a05b-6a3f400f287e", + "text": "D'acord, ja ho he trobat. Vas contractar un paquet que inclou per 45 € telèfon amb trucades il·limitades i internet. Ara vols conservar només les trucades il·limitades, és així?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "56945e2e-5407-4134-a836-988cfafbf94c", + "text": "si aixo es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e0d3e173-e1fd-4853-b376-f25fecf63cd5", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs tenim una tarifa que inclou trucades il·limitades i serien 25 € al mes. Estàs interessada?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b3c91bd6-4969-4f69-8570-5503c7ced1f6", + "text": "mmm... vale sí", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "17fce8e9-ad2e-424c-a9c0-74082f6638ac", + "text": "no hi ha tarifa mes barataa¿", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "mes barataa", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c41f9e65-f527-4f53-925d-d022b6e38e83", + "text": "Tenim una tarifa que et quedaria per 19,99 € al mes, però tindries un màxim de 20 trucades mensuals. En cas que fessis més trucades, aquestes tindrien un cost de 0,02 cèntims per minut.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b1762a38-0959-44a7-b9fd-d3b28c76e0b2", + "text": "mm... no truco molt molt. aixi que puc provar amb aquesta. si no puccanviar no?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "si no puccanviar", + "Start_char": 59, + "End_char": 75 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d11c8881-4bae-4c4b-b1d0-e16abb503a58", + "text": "D'acord. Aquesta tarifa té 6 mesos de permanència, hauria d'esperar-se aquest temps.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75dc04c7-f6d0-4b1c-84f1-ac79df5591fc", + "text": "d'acord. provo.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4331f0c8-c419-468d-8d0e-3d4dae0c18bf", + "text": "Entesos, doncs el canvi ja està fet i durant el mes de desembre ja s'aplicarà la nova tarifa.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "167b6ab0-ccb8-44f0-bc6a-3ecc25c0400e", + "text": "Necessites alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7cc098d1-29d0-4c06-ac1a-e803ce8d317b", + "text": "no aixo es tot", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "49f21b8a-1322-4ccb-8394-7280b41aa9d4", + "text": "gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "f956a067-a41a-4eb1-b3d8-35cff8941668", + "text": "D'acord, que tinguis molt bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "524cb973-f237-4b76-bb0c-90d9a269e23f", + "text": "adeuu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2ab0f8e8-996e-4fa2-95b8-188039eefc24", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 76#", + "número": 76, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "6eaa4a13-c843-420e-a7b6-ad303bfafaa7", + "text": "Molt bon dia. En què et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "944849ac-5c6d-4ca6-9813-2b51cdb84993", + "text": "Hola bon dia! Mira tinc el router que no em funciona massa bé, té una llum vermella i no sé si tu em pots ajudar o pots enviar alguna persona perquè ho miri", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "report_incidence", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "router", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 33 + }, + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "no em funciona massa bé", + "Start_char": 38, + "End_char": 61 + }, + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "té una llum vermella", + "Start_char": 63, + "End_char": 83 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "5ef37524-99b5-4398-8a58-82cf7dc4a347", + "text": "Cap problema. Indica'm primer el número de telèfon que tens a la fitxa nostra, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c2b390c1-926b-4d6d-aec0-375c3f1a1c69", + "text": "Pues el que tinc és el 698342676", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "698342676", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 32 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "af7ba384-fd20-4b5c-b68d-e4afa0efb75b", + "text": "D'acord. Veiem que tens contractada una tarifa d'internet de 30 MB, fibra òptica. Des de quan tens aquesta incidència?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6a01da30-498a-4e1a-a6c2-3813920f6c4b", + "text": "Sí, mmm fa res! Aquest matí quan esmorzava ho he vist que estava vermell i després ja doncs he vist que no funcionava bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "Aquest matí", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 27 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e231207c-17ee-4098-92c4-9c100ecc1d5c", + "text": "Entesos. La xarxa d'aquella zona funciona bé. Ha provat de desconnectar i tornar a connectar l'aparell?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b6a270e9-970b-4e75-9b13-4948c7daaf70", + "text": "Si si, però segueix igual...", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "2e42074f-73c8-41e0-8844-75b0f7e99c94", + "text": "Entenc la situació. Aleshores enviarem un tècnic perquè revisi la instal·lació. Em pot indicar la seva adreça postal actual, si us plau?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "69e509e7-847e-44da-bde1-314947063b79", + "text": "vale, molt bé. Jo visc al carrer de sant francesc número 14, 4º1ª", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de sant francesc número 14, 4º1ª", + "Start_char": 26, + "End_char": 65 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "bbdae614-140a-4de1-9e79-1f6c5ffc4025", + "text": "Molt bé. Confirmem l'adreça. Quan pot passar el tècnic?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a4f1fcd0-5b2b-4949-b29f-83937c4027fd", + "text": "Doncs podria venir qualsevol dia d'aquesta setmana entre les 10 i les 14", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "qualsevol dia d'aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 50 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "entre les 10 i les 14", + "Start_char": 51, + "End_char": 72 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7501c1e8-1e58-4ef1-ada5-c70f9b1805e6", + "text": "D'acord. Demà et va bé, a les 10.30 del matí?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a7860e1f-a203-4771-91ce-c668fbd66d56", + "text": "Si si, perfecte!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "00cee15f-74c4-4583-98e4-0101f008d8dc", + "text": "Molt bé. Doncs programem la cita per demà a les 10.30 hores", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "fbc5d4dd-3f7e-4918-a3cd-414c48b1ba94", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "45e1e3b1-9536-4003-b36c-dd673d9553a4", + "text": "Entesos, no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "a04f1160-31cc-478c-a3a0-fb8e0b2109e5", + "text": "D'acord. Que tinguis molt bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1f50b9d-e227-488f-9160-f67eb3019d1d", + "text": "Vinga adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6c0f1d54-fe83-46d5-b3af-5b97c79c7a83", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 77#", + "número": 77, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "c30fbbc8-fdef-4572-a07d-f248a1a13f89", + "text": "Bon dia, què puc fer per vostè?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "75007967-307c-43d3-808b-ff48e20640db", + "text": "bonesss! si, necessito parlar amb algú de recursos humans. es per enviar un cv", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "contact_human_agent", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "recursos humans", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "1361bb47-9666-4f1f-9f39-9fdb07ad90bb", + "text": "Entesos, ara mateix totes les línies telefòniques del departament de recursos humans estan ocupades.\nLi puc donar un correu electrònic on podrà enviar el seu currículum si li sembla bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6f552347-df00-4ec4-b035-6b53580af59b", + "text": "bueno... vale. pero tambe dona'm el telefon", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "tambe dona'm el telefon", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 43 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "c1208bff-00f6-4f39-bf25-5375d0c22ae3", + "text": "Entesos. Pot enviar els seus documents a l'adreça de correu electrònic que li deixo a continuació: rrhh@telefon.com. D'altra banda, pot trucar directament entre les 10:00 i les 15:00 al telèfon 93426754.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "19e3a8bb-c4da-4483-a9b6-9f1091e6fc3d", + "text": "Molt bé. Entesos. molts gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b92aa501-2e04-4f41-b68d-e2044d5861b1", + "text": "D'acord. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ca28c9ba-636b-4765-a4b3-4d3dbfe62945", + "text": "Sí, em pots dir quan costa una linia de mobil am vosaltres?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_price", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "linia de mobil", + "Start_char": 31, + "End_char": 45 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "f6113312-2c32-43bb-8c4e-2c2c5a52f28f", + "text": "La tarifa de mòbil més bàsica, que només inclou trucades nacionals, és de 19 € al mes.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "0c512e57-303d-4772-96d8-7045d6e89a45", + "text": "ah, esta bé. i trucades il·limitades nacionals?ç", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "trucades il·limitades nacionals", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "50c238d9-10df-4346-97f5-fbda67c782ae", + "text": "Sí, son trucades il·limitades.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "942a292c-75a2-47fc-abc0-561976f47b39", + "text": "Ah, molt bé.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3be5a46d-022e-4108-918b-182089fde020", + "text": "bé, deixa'm que m'ho pensi i et torno a dir. gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "chit_chat", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "m'ho pensi", + "Start_char": 16, + "End_char": 26 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "326c27d1-53e7-42af-adcc-f61fef8a75c3", + "text": "D'acord. Aquesta oferta estarà disponible fins a final d'any.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "26f5aed4-8877-49d3-8e21-1471cf21b4fe", + "text": "Necessita alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "460b2f0f-af48-46fc-886c-3e858c619c40", + "text": "molt be", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "97aa8599-dbfa-415a-bc78-535a3ce2c34b", + "text": "doncs no ja esta tot merci ii", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "ac6b0bea-da55-4408-b9d4-a3d141a67e95", + "text": "D'acord, que tingui un bon dia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c514613b-420f-4008-bde8-00d662e2b9ab", + "text": "bon diee", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "64c8406b-e689-437b-b753-fc4d688f6791", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 78#", + "número": 78, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "462d341d-e4c9-47a6-9c93-1817fbd036cd", + "text": "Bona nit. Com et puc ajudar?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "cd6cb6d6-0f91-4d7d-83c6-08a9400d0b09", + "text": "A veure vull posar una reclamació formal. M'esteu trucant tot el dia d'aquesta companyia, jo no soc clienta ni res i ja he deixat clar que no ho vull ser.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "incidence", + "text": "M'esteu trucant tot el dia d'aquesta companyia", + "Start_char": 42, + "End_char": 88 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "48393657-44d2-4314-8972-4e955bcdaf5b", + "text": "Entenc la situació. Abans que res disculpa les molèsties que això t'hagi pogut ocasionar. \nIndiqui'm quan t'han trucat i per quin motiu.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "5ec1d874-752d-47e6-9600-ec2ad5dfa318", + "text": "Doncs m'han trucat tres dies d'aquesta setmana i sempre truquen per la tarda, no hi ha dret! M'han dit no se que d'una oferta d'internet i televisió, però no m'interessa!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "tres dies d'aquesta setmana", + "Start_char": 19, + "End_char": 46 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "per la tarda", + "Start_char": 64, + "End_char": 76 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "7856dea9-420a-4d45-ac6c-bbdd2eafb70a", + "text": "Entenc. Actualment estem fent una campanya promocionant el nou pack internet i televisió per només 20 euros mensuals.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ec5ca5f1-bbd7-4bdb-919d-4f472fd4fcb7", + "text": "No si ja ho sé això! Pero no m'interessa i ho he dit ja als teus companys, que no vull que me truqueu més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "complaint", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b17b8d08-28d2-4221-81bc-f4468817331f", + "text": "D'acord. Indica'm el teu número de telèfon perquè passem nota, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "dd189302-2357-41bd-a494-acd7cd1c4779", + "text": "És el 687342132, apunta-ho eh, que no em telefonin més!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "687342132", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6133e5a2-ddab-4d5a-babe-c5ba661cb862", + "text": "Anotem el número i passem nota al departament corresponent", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "658c97ca-3b76-4ecf-9b94-1c4093354259", + "text": "Et puc ajudar en alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "2c9208eb-032a-45de-aac6-43dcf0ec85a9", + "text": "Això espero, no necessito res més", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "3be3da13-a6f2-4761-ac3e-183a5676dc81", + "text": "Adeu", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "4b8284b3-c701-4002-9721-87fd8e5030d6", + "text": "Bon dia", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cff96b43-1003-4d62-9316-dd9f2a21a8d4", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 79#", + "número": 79, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "74834fe1-a61f-42ca-a791-991741f9f1f8", + "text": "Hola! Què necessites?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "ac731be6-7218-4c5f-9c6d-8928ba94a143", + "text": "Bona tarda. Mira, vull canviar el número de compte que vaig donar per les domiciliacions", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "edit_user_information", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "canviar el número de compte", + "Start_char": 23, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a29dab1e-8334-47c4-882b-9e0f2a3346d8", + "text": "D'acord. Si us plau, quin és el teu nom i el teu DNI?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "1e441fa9-05c7-497d-81f7-a109edc3e770", + "text": "el nom és Marcel Mascaró i el DNI és 77654567I", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Marcel", + "Start_char": 10, + "End_char": 16 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Mascaró", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 24 + }, + { + "tag": "dni_num", + "text": "77654567I", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 46 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "e95d1212-1af8-4884-95e0-a3d1d5ee8a8d", + "text": "Entesos. Tinc aquí la teva fitxa. El compte de les domiciliacions ha d'estar a nom del titular. El nou compte que em vols donar compleix aquest requisit?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "42a6d656-ec0a-482d-beb7-0140b651027d", + "text": "sí, si", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "b475f88d-b3db-4df4-b4ff-83bd515d3773", + "text": "Entesos. Doncs indica'm si us plau el compte que vols posar i així podrem fer el canvi.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6873a169-0bfe-499c-9371-a271b79b8c62", + "text": "D'acord. ÉS quest: \tES6000491500051234567892", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES6000491500051234567892", + "Start_char": 20, + "End_char": 44 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a67bd784-c36a-4ac7-96e0-39423bb9d278", + "text": "Molt bé. Ja he fet el canvi. Ara t'arribarà la confirmació a l'adreça de correu electrònic que ens vas proporcionar. La factura d'aquest mes, que es passarà el dia 31, ja es farà en aquest compte.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a29442d9-7ed9-4bd3-9c31-7d6139d3d02b", + "text": "D'acord. Moltes gràcies per la gestio", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "thanks", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "79f86894-fe47-414c-8c75-7e8bc24fbcc3", + "text": "Cap problema. Et puc ajudar en alguna altra cosa?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "c1912a68-5aed-4de5-82ce-efcdf9f8eb07", + "text": "dons... no ja esta per ara. gracies!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "e21327ec-55c1-44cc-ba6f-69659db24881", + "text": "D'acord, bon dia!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "f5f3a639-3459-4420-9b8a-812b61bba21a", + "text": "Bon diaa!!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "2cb473ba-2d0a-4a66-b715-239b70525b18", + "nom": "# CONVERSA 80#", + "número": 80, + "frases": [ + { + "id": "2ce05e1b-77df-498e-ae6c-1e5433169f6c", + "text": "Bona tarda. Què necessita?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "81e2b306-4c10-495e-84d0-ed0a68d5188f", + "text": "Hola mira t'explico, que el meu fill se'n va a estudiar ara a Lleida i necessitarà internet al pis que no n'hi ha. I nosaltres tenim le slínies de telèfon en aquesta companyia, era per veure quines opcions hi ha per afegir l'internet i a veure si hi ha cap oferta.", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "location", + "text": "Lleida", + "Start_char": 62, + "End_char": 68 + }, + { + "tag": "service", + "text": "internet", + "Start_char": 225, + "End_char": 233 + }, + { + "tag": "modification", + "text": "afegir l'internet", + "Start_char": 216, + "End_char": 233 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "84b8cff1-f6c0-4804-aab9-0f6cf6995c99", + "text": "Molt bé. Indiqui'm el nom i cognoms i número de telèfon, si us plau", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "e65fe550-3aff-4b80-836c-995c784ff3a8", + "text": "Sí, mira això està al meu nom i soc la Júlia Vidal", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "name", + "text": "Júlia", + "Start_char": 39, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "surname", + "text": "Vidal", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 50 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "061a6f09-3b59-48cc-96f1-3133ae47108e", + "text": "Molt bé, Sra. Vidal. Ara indiqui'm el seu número de telèfon.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "6df3107a-6db0-48ba-9bd4-b7ea715b41bb", + "text": "És el 697432578", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "phone_num", + "text": "697432578", + "Start_char": 6, + "End_char": 15 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "9f9442a5-e467-4f42-9429-a30c1d4681ef", + "text": "D'acord. Actualment té dues línies de telèfon: una de mòbil i una fixa. Si volen afegir-hi internet, segons el seu pla actual, els costaria 20 euros més. El que passa és que si és en un habitatge diferent, hauran de contractar una nova línia.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "06b3b5fa-a48b-4396-8c20-8a60ffa7253f", + "text": "Ah d'acord, doncs vols dir que haurien de ser dos coses diferents no? Ens quedem amb les línies que tenim i apart contractem l'internet, oi?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "apart", + "Start_char": 108, + "End_char": 113 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd3ac4b4-2f7a-482c-a5a6-706c1ea55add", + "text": "Exacte, seria això", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a422b556-1555-44f0-a264-ecd31e289833", + "text": "D'acord doncs si, i serien 20 euros aquesta tarifa m'has dit?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "quantity", + "text": "20", + "Start_char": 27, + "End_char": 29 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "12625cef-946c-4379-a130-5954bbd04c08", + "text": "No, aleshores haurien de contractar una tarifa d'internet a banda. Hi ha de 20 MB (20 euros mensuals), de 30 MB (30 euros mensuals) i de 50 MB (45 euros mensuals). Totes són fibra òptica, que és el sistema més ràpid actualment.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "a968649f-30d0-42b0-881c-100782443d7f", + "text": "Ah d'acord, i tu quina em recomanaries? Ha d'estudiar i fer treballs i tot això, no sé quina li aniria bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "request_info", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "info_type", + "text": "quina em recomanaries", + "Start_char": 17, + "End_char": 38 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "6ddaf934-f874-46f3-b81e-3419b71ff374", + "text": "Depèn de l'ús. Si és per videojocs o molt contingut multimèdia, millor la de 30 MB. Si només és navegar per pàgines, amb el de 20 MB està ja bé.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "17b4247e-6abf-416e-9470-2ba486bc9e20", + "text": "No mira, doncs millor posem la de 30, per si un cas", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "options", + "text": "la de 30", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 36 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "a07bb4e6-ce66-4d87-97b8-10388a2c1112", + "text": "D'acord. Necessito les dades de la persona titular del contracte, l'adreça i un número de compte bancari", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "faee2cb3-4eee-41b0-90d6-00171316c93a", + "text": "Mira si soc jo, l'adreça és carrer de Rius i Taulet, 34", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "address", + "text": "carrer de Rius i Taulet, 34", + "Start_char": 28, + "End_char": 55 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "4a15187c-f10b-4289-8686-678ea22f5d75", + "text": "i el compte és ES123400087645231682", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "iban_num", + "text": "ES123400087645231682", + "Start_char": 15, + "End_char": 35 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "69be2a10-6887-4d64-9c16-3551844e1879", + "text": "Molt bé. Procedim a la contractació. Indiqui'm un correu electrònic per enviar la contractació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "87f2f3a0-3fc9-4aa9-a08d-ce4e439217b5", + "text": "Entesos. Ho pots enviar al meu mateix que és Jvidal@gmail.es", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "response", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "email", + "text": "Jvidal@gmail.es", + "Start_char": 45, + "End_char": 60 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "d044ee2c-1938-4776-a857-3d07fd6efc2f", + "text": "Molt bé. Quan rebi el contracte, l'haurà de signar i retornar-ho a la mateixa adreça que enviarà el document. Després, ha de dir-me quan vol que el tècnic passi a fer la instal·lació", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b9be81bd-42ec-4264-ba8f-903e9cd81077", + "text": "Ah d'acord d'acord. Podria passar el dilluns cap a les 10?", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "ask_confirmation", + "slots": [ + { + "tag": "date", + "text": "dilluns", + "Start_char": 37, + "End_char": 44 + }, + { + "tag": "time", + "text": "10", + "Start_char": 55, + "End_char": 57 + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "04b0e597-aaa5-4e65-8616-6e3d8eb87f65", + "text": "D'acord. Dilluns 8 de novembre podria passar el tècnic a les 11. Li aniria bé?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "b4e712b2-1577-4b6d-aaeb-4c2df3e96116", + "text": "Si si, també em va bé", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "69c595fa-41b5-4523-b033-e3324dd90252", + "text": "Molt bé. Confirmem la cita. Rebrà també un correu electrònic a la mateixa adreça amb la confirmació.", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "09ee520d-fd27-4515-bb1e-0b40b938557f", + "text": "D'acord, doncs quedem així", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "confirm", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "de1074be-850f-499d-977d-a37250793234", + "text": "Entesos. Necessita alguna cosa més?", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "7b00c34e-6c49-4251-84f1-11dc68f9417b", + "text": "Ja està tot, gracies", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "deny", + "slots": [] + }, + { + "id": "593ae964-bf7a-4f96-832c-b630b4edb467", + "text": "Molt bé. Que passi un bon dia, Sra. Vidal!", + "actor": "agent", + "intent": null, + "slots": null + }, + { + "id": "12e73790-1d4f-4e15-8895-edbd2b813db2", + "text": "Adeu!", + "actor": "usuari", + "intent": "goodby", + "slots": [] + } + ] + } + ] + } +}