15 values
38 values
"Social Work Skills in Working with Survivors of Earthquake "
Mohammad Reza Iravani (https://openalex.org/A5080758500)
An earthquake with continuing aftershocks occurred in Iran, causing massive physical destruction, loss of life, and social psychological disturbances. Iran is situated on one the active zones; bearing most risk, both life damage. In last century, experienced more than 100 quakes suffered their effects. Disasters create profound changes humans environments. People face various events react to them differently. According Hodgkinson Stewart (1998), reactions disaster, complex as they are, can be understood essentially normal human beings sudden, unexpected terrifying lives. disasters, generally, people lose loved ones, relatives property. Above all, terms, faith fact that has a certain consistency meaning. The fabric everyday existence torn away reveal death precarious survival. For survivor, encounter involves violation tranquillity. Erol Oner (1999) indicated once disaster happened individuals, believe cannot ever same again; go safely bed at night must have done something deserve it. Thus deal question self-esteem anxiety.
Tranquillity|Meaning (existential)|Situated|Faith|Everyday life|History|Natural disaster|Psychology|Social psychology|Environmental ethics|Sociology|Geography|Political science|Law|Psychotherapist|Epistemology|Philosophy|Artificial intelligence|Neuroscience|Meteorology|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2806865952', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.12724/ajss.16.2', 'mag': '2806865952'}
Artha journal of social sciences
"Solemn Expression of Faith": Muslims and Belonging in Peronist Argentina, 1946–1955
Steven Hyland (https://openalex.org/A5084665168)
The ascendance of Juan Domingo Perón to Argentina's presidency in 1946 led fundamental changes the way country was ruled, producing a reformulation ideas citizenship and belonging among large portions population. While certainly influencing benefiting from organized labor working poor, also inspired immigrants their descendants imagine anew place national society. sizable Muslim communities, primarily originating contemporary Syria Lebanon, mark an important example novel political arrangements creating new sensibilities association. Segments Syrian-Lebanese colonies Argentina had prospered prior Perón's rise, integrating into local communities playing leading roles economy social institutions. emergence Peronism permitted many wealthy politically active children access corridors power previously unavailable, achieving foreign ministry, bank, military. Yet program "New Argentina," advocating justice, sovereignty, economic independence, called for nothing less than total redefinition compact. permeated penetrated all aspects Argentine life, Church public schools, football pitch radio waves, becoming hegemonic discourse through which supporters viewed world dissidents shaped critiques. In this environment, Muslims Argentina, poor alike, attempted build mosque cultural center featuring Islamic architecture, thus inscribing confessional minority onto religious landscape Buenos Aires. At same time, order brought by refashion understandings self community, weaving identities larger fabric.
Politics|Confessional|Sovereignty|Power (physics)|Sociology|Nothing|Islam|State (computer science)|Population|Political science|Faith|Presidency|Law|History|Theology|Philosophy|Physics|Demography|Archaeology|Epistemology|Algorithm|Quantum mechanics|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4379805547', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/tla.2017.a703572'}
The Latin Americanist
"Someone told me": Preemptive reputation protection in communication
Francesca Giardini (https://openalex.org/A5056557463)|Stanka A. Fitneva (https://openalex.org/A5069544647)|Anne Tamm (https://openalex.org/A5058637097)
Information sharing can be regarded as a form of cooperative behavior protected by the work reputation system. Yet, deception in communication is common. The research examined possibility that speakers use epistemic markers to preempt being seen uncooperative even though they fact are. Epistemic convey speakers' certainty and involvement acquisition information. When present lie indirectly acquired or uncertain, gain if believed likely do not suffer it discovered. In our study, English Italian (where were presented lexically) Estonian Turkish grammatically through evidentials) had imagine speaker conversation choose response question. options varied 1) truth part addressing question at issue 2) whether marker indicated information directly indirectly. Across languages, participants chose tell lie, with an indirect marker, thus providing evidence for preemptive action accompanying behavior. For participants, this depended respectively on resource availability relationship addressee, suggesting cultural variability circumstances trigger it.
Deception|Certainty|Action (physics)|Conversation|Turkish|Evidentiality|Reputation|Psychology|Social psychology|Lie detection|Linguistics|Epistemology|Sociology|Communication|Philosophy|Social science|Physics|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2941552938', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200883', 'mag': '2941552938', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31017893', 'pmcid': 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/6481770'}
PLOS ONE|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|Europe PMC (PubMed Central)|University of Groningen research database (University of Groningen / Centre for Information Technology)|University of Groningen research database (University of Groningen / Centre for Information Technology)|PubMed Central|PubMed
"Space use, distribution and conservation of the spanish pond turtle (Mauremys leprosa Schewigger, 1812). A review (Chordata, Geoemydidae)"
Mario Alberto Toledo (https://openalex.org/A5031746856)|Alejandro de la Concha (https://openalex.org/A5078752956)|J. L. Rubio (https://openalex.org/A5073058485)
"The Spanish pond turtle (Mauremys leprosa Schweigger, 1812) is an ibero-magrebian species; some scarce populations are found in south France, and small introduced Italy Balearic Islands. In general terms, the species shows important population decline many areas, albeit increment has been reported northeastern Spain, relatively abundant northern Africa. Although knowledge on its geographical distribution increased, especially during last years, we can still find gaps controversial aspects relationships with environment. The aim of this work was to update space use by at general, regional local level, contribute bases future research management recommendations. According available knowledge, preference for deep-water bodies, high vegetation covers, rocky beds, solar radiation sloping banks. It suffered stress habitat alterations. Portugal, more southern half country. it tends be absent or relict central northwestern zones. French isolated. Africa, cited Maghreb. protected Europe, included as Vulnerable Red List European Reptiles. only Algeria Morocco. revision a fast-growing though gaps, need new studies conservation measures, prevent provide effective protection habitat." "El galápago leproso es un elemento ibero-magrebí, salvo por escasas poblaciones en Francia, e introducciones Italia y las Islas Baleares. Muestra importante declive poblacional muchas zonas, si bien ha mostrado incremento el noreste español, se considera relativamente abundante norte de África. Aunque conocimiento sobre su distribución selección del hábitat ido aumentado, especialmente los últimos años, aprecian lagunas la aspectos discutibles relación con medio. El objetivo este trabajo actualización bibliográfica uso espacio nivel local, contribuyendo futuras investigaciones recomendaciones gestión. De acuerdo disponible, especie muestra preferencia cuerpos agua profundos elevada cobertura vegetal, lecho rocoso, alta radiación orillas inclinadas. Ha estado sometida una gran presión alteración hábitat. En concentra mitad meridional, mientras que, España tiende estar ausente o relicta algunas áreas centrales noroccidentales. Francia son muy aisladas. África, está citada Magreb. Cuenta protección legal Europa incluida como Libro Rojo Reptiles Europeos. África protegida solamente Argelia Marruecos. La revisión pone manifiesto rápido información disponible aún importantes lagunas, necesidad estudios medidas conservación contra para efectiva hábitat."
Geography|Turtle (robot)|Population|Distribution (mathematics)|Habitat|Conservation status|Ecology|Ethnology|Demography|Biology|History|Sociology|Mathematical analysis|Mathematics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3167822723', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.29077/bol.115.e01.toledo', 'mag': '3167822723'}
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
"Spara e prega!". Il cinema israeliano a trent'anni dalla guerra del Libano
Marcella Simoni (https://openalex.org/A5005504241)
The first decade of the new century has seen appearance numerous Israeli films by different directors, and at least one fiction book, who addressed various aspects involvement in Lebanon some its phases: 1982 War, occupation Beaufort evacuation from so-called Security Zone (2000). Using these movies book as a sources - framing them critical literature on subject this article discusses if such cultural production gave rise to public or political debate Israel, they just responded individual needs directors filmed them.
Movie theater|Framing (construction)|Politics|Subject (documents)|History|Political science|Media studies|Art history|Humanities|Sociology|Art|Ethnology|Law|Archaeology|Library science|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2098115516', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.3280/pass2013-088006', 'mag': '2098115516'}
Passato e presente|ARCA (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia)
"Spheres of Justice" in the Israeli Kibbutz and Urban Sectors: Adolescents' Views
Yechezkel Dar (https://openalex.org/A5005880829)|Clara Sabbagh (https://openalex.org/A5048209250)
Abstract The current study suggests that, in order to enhance our understanding of the dynamics "local" system distributive justice Israeli kibbutz, we need examine its links broader society and correspondent conceptions justice. Following notion "spheres justice" using data gathered 1986, prior accelerated de-communalization these are examined by comparing social judgments kibbutz urban adolescents. This comparison unveiled a shared pattern systems which both adolescents favor differentiation particularistic resources (prestige power) more strongly than universalistic (learning opportunities money). At same time, also highlighted distinctive features kibbutz's local stronger prestige, most resource, economic equality, resource. can be attributed communal structure, has been often characterized coexistence egalitarian equitarian mechanisms.
Prestige|Distributive justice|Economic Justice|Sociology|Resource (disambiguation)|Distributive property|Economics|Microeconomics|Computer network|Philosophy|Linguistics|Mathematics|Computer science|Pure mathematics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2043886718', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1163/156913302100418493', 'mag': '2043886718'}
Economic Justice|Sociology
Comparative Sociology
"Stability, in Whatever Guise"
Joel Gordon (https://openalex.org/A5073713332)
This chapter examines the rhetoric of March crisis as well ideals proferred and programs espoused by both sides. In wake crisis, Command Council Revolution (CCR) announced steps to end period transitional rule facilitate return parliamentary life. It also proclaimed an all press censorship. The first considers debates over issues confronting CCR, including constituent assembly that would work on a new constitution, idea limiting number political parties in Egypt, political, economic, social status women. discusses impact Democratic Movement for National Liberation (DMNL) other communist movements, along with notion liberal intelligentsia failed support revolution.
Intelligentsia|Rhetoric|Politics|Political science|Democracy|Political economy|Constitution|Censorship|Limiting|Law|Public administration|Sociology|Engineering|Mechanical engineering|Philosophy|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4241739052', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5743/cairo/9789774167782.003.0009'}
American University in Cairo Press eBooks
"Stem-education" as a factor in the development of "smart-society" : forming of "stem-competence"
Valentyna Voronkova (https://openalex.org/A5067737517)|Olga Kyvliuk (https://openalex.org/A5076489769)|Віталіна Нікітенко (https://openalex.org/A5052384666)|Roman Oleksenko (https://openalex.org/A5025663782)
The urgency of the study "stem-education" as a factor in development "smart-society" is that this kind society (smart-society) continuation information (network) and "knowledge society", which developing on basis smart technologies. concept at heart modern state-owned programs South Korea Japan. In Korea, National Social Agency has developed "Smart Society Strategy" introduces technological foundations societies. central issue Smart-society business, makes managing more intelligent (flexible, intelligent) activities aimed using knowledge innovation. objectives are to identify endpoint through use electronic collective technologies, become massive effective, natural, engineering maternal education. It no coincidence documented Europe 2020 Strategy: Smart Growth Strategy, includes an economy based innovation, fosters sustainable growth, efficient resources, inclusive growth strengthening high employment. Countries such United States, China, Australia, Kingdom, Israel, Singapore carry out state-of-the-art stem-education programs. methodological systematic, structural, axiological, synergetic methods approaches have allowed disclosing leading trend world educational space. Conclusion - proved innovation combines traditions natural mathematical education, principles fundamentalism knowledge-based, combining technological, organizational, material technical resources human capital. As result expense ICT, business processes, governance, management reform undergoing change, economic, social managerial processes higher level some those new quality combination technologies will allow people improve their lives. This article presents philosophical reflection smart-society model its impact (intellectual) reveals timeliness topic, innovative hardly developed. analyses international experience establishment dimensions axiological field smart-society, matrix knowledge, considered being civilized society. main idea prove evolution possibility Ukraine. analysis formation was made characteristics were defined, claims priority role space contribute competitiveness Ukraine
Competence (human resources)|Information society|Agency (philosophy)|Knowledge society|Economic growth|Engineering|Political science|Business|Sociology|Management|Economics|Social science|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2804734991', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.30839/2072-7941.2018.130597', 'mag': '2804734991'}
Gumanìtarnij vìsnik Zaporìzʹkoï deržavnoï ìnženernoï akademìï
"Struggling to Bridge the Intergeneration Gap": Iranian Parents’ approaches to their Adolescent Sons’ Sexual Upbringing-a qualitative study
Zahra Rouhparvar (https://openalex.org/A5086262346)|mojgan javadnoori (https://openalex.org/A5060485761)|Shadab Shahali (https://openalex.org/A5033478440)
Abstract Background Children's sexual education has an important role in adolescent health; however upbringing is one of the most challenging dimensions for families, especially Muslim societies experiencing transition to modernity. There little information about sexuality boys Iran. The present study aimed explain parents' strategies Methods This qualitative was conducted 2017 Ahvaz, data were collected through a purposeful sampling method, with maximum variation by conducting semi-structured in-depth interviews and focused group discussions 27 parents from middle/high social class having 10-19-year-old sons. Qualitative analyzed using conventional content analysis. Results Parents' their sons’ emerged five categories: control, monitoring, restriction; abstinence as main upbringing; endeavoring peace tolerance; Criticizing pathologic attitude instinct; hope learning. theme "Struggling bridge inter-generation gap" categories. Conclusion Iranian are facing uncertainty regarding boys. All approaches finally resulted abstinence. Abstinence central concept style so, relationship red line issue upbringing. Their conservative peaceful approach tries reduce intergeneration gap.
Human sexuality|Abstinence|Psychology|Qualitative research|Developmental psychology|Reproductive health|Qualitative property|Social psychology|Gender studies|Sociology|Population|Social science|Demography|Psychiatry|Machine learning|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3166417046', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-596710/v1', 'mag': '3166417046'}
Research Square (Research Square)
"Suicide Girls": Orhan Pamuk's <i>Snow</i> and the Politics of Resistance in Contemporary Turkey
Colleen Ann Lutz Clemens (https://openalex.org/A5009741609)
In light of the current debate over Islamic headscarf in Turkey, this article argues that women's bodies, caught crosshairs political strife between state forces and fundamentalist groups, have become sites a often ignores voice women. Current suicide statistics within country mirror increased number suicides among "headscarf" girls Orhan Pamuk's Snow. By looking closely at female characters, specifically Teslime, criticism regarding veiling resistance, posits these women found to be their only tenable form resistance system plagued by an anxiety about change otherwise choices. noting parallels literary sociological crisis, works toward recognizing struggle voices heard, without eliminating themselves through process.
Resistance (ecology)|Politics|State (computer science)|Parallels|Gender studies|Sociology|Islam|Criticism|Criminology|Political science|History|Law|Mechanical engineering|Ecology|Archaeology|Algorithm|Computer science|Biology|Engineering
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2157986286', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ff.2011.0005', 'mag': '2157986286'}
Feminist Formations
"Suppose the Mother Were Jewish": Leo Pfeffer, the American Jewish Congress, and the Problem of Religious Protection Law
Susan A. Glenn (https://openalex.org/A5064461404)
"Suppose the Mother Were Jewish":Leo Pfeffer, American Jewish Congress, and Problem of Religious Protection Law1 Susan A. Glenn (bio) When Executive Committee National Community Relations Advisory Council met in New York City January 1956 to discuss issues concern community, a heated debate erupted over adoption children born women one religious group by couples from different group. Rabbi Israel Klavan, who represented Orthodox Rabbinical Council, declared that any attempt formulate "Jewish position" would have consider "the well-established principle law is Jew remains throughout his life." Constitutional expert Leo Pfeffer (1909–1993), Congress's most formidable church-state litigator, replied that, "having been an life," he understood importance principle" "a child mother is, under traditional law, Jew." However, cautioned constitutional government United States, which we all live, our rights observe practice respective religions are protected, secular government, without interest or for laws its citizens may choose adhere." It must be remembered, added, security free faith rests upon maintenance this unconcern indifference toward religion."2 This exchange was continuing salvo controversial mid-century campaign challenge constitutionality judicial practices made it difficult sometimes impossible adopt mothers [End Page 467] whose religion differed theirs. personal devotion Judaism "intense unshakable,"3 played leading role loosen grip restrictions on adoption—a campaign, critics charged, make possible Christians "Jewish-born" children. In 1950s earned reputation as what political scientist called "dominant individual force managing flow litigation" figure responsible turning Congress into nation's "unrivaled organizational force" bringing First Amendment cases "up ladder Supreme Court."4 Another scholar described dominant "entire universe" litigation, noting "advised, planned, rehearsed, helped, argued more than other attorney generation."5 The scholarship focuses challenges public schools, state aid parochial tax exemptions churches synagogues, discriminatory Sunday closing laws. article, I examine arena Pfeffer's jurisprudence has largely ignored: daring forays minefield custody law. singled out challenging issues. 1953 opus, Church, State, Freedom, wrote: "Probably no problem area relationship equitable solution arising desire couple another faith."6 Religion 468] litigated issue 1950s. Both historically distinct analogous later debates about fostering African Indigenous children, contest involved competing claims belonged where.7 theorized when depicted transreligious highly competitive, "emotion-laden" struggle involving parents, communities, groups "striving recognition."8 By 1970, decades-long change governing had borne fruit. But fervent see Court declare "prohibitory" statutes legal rulings (or lack thereof) decisive factor adoptions were unconstitutional Establishment Free Exercise clauses never realized.9 article makes...
Judaism|Law|Faith|Government (linguistics)|Political science|Religious studies|Sociology|Theology|Philosophy|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4387916121', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ajh.2023.a909914'}
American Jewish History
"Sustainable agricultural development in Iraq after 2003 (Vision for the future) "
Wadhah Raheem Rahi (https://openalex.org/A5069780546)|Hayder Talib Mousa (https://openalex.org/A5090542778)|Miqdad Jasim Abed (https://openalex.org/A5077398764)
Sustainable development is based on the principle that use of current economic resources in future guarantees rights generations, as focus not optimal resources, but depends mainly fair distribution and willingness to abandon present desires order give economy generations ability cope with various shocks. The concept sustainable agricultural development, which focused state positive permanence sector provision components for its progress role supporting a leading way corrects existing idea many (industrialization basis development), this agriculture does negate importance industrial sector. Focusing achieves support food security addressing obstacles such scarcity water decrease arable areas being most important addition livestock. Iraq suffered difficulties affected contribution structure gross domestic product. It also from severe neglect due rentier mining without paying attention rest sectors.
Agriculture|Industrialisation|Sustainable development|Arable land|Scarcity|Business|Food security|Gross domestic product|Economic sector|Natural resource economics|Order (exchange)|Economics|Economic growth|Market economy|Economy|Political science|Geography|Archaeology|Finance|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3196030548', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.52113/mjas04/8.2/11', 'mag': '3196030548'}
Sustainable development
Muthanna journal of agricultural science
Burcu Yavuz Tiftikçigil (https://openalex.org/A5083242446)
"The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by United Nations (UN) member states in September 2015, entered into force on January 1, 2016. Consisting of 17 articles, the SDGs are a universal call for ending poverty, protecting environment, taking measures against climate crisis, and fair sharing prosperity peace. Today’s economic, climatic social crises have made these goals even more important. Countries accelerated their policy implementation toward inclusive sustainable growth development with increasing frequency regional global crises. The European Union (EU) launched new change-focused model circular economy at its centre December 2019. This process, called Green Deal (ECC), aims to make EU continent where economic is decoupled from resource use, no individual left behind, net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Aligning heart ECC. one Türkiye’s most important political partners. EU’s ECC will significantly impact Turkish economy. Therefore, Türkiye needs put place necessary regulations harmonization ECHR. In this framework, study analyse Constitutional Court within framework SDGs."
Prosperity|European union|Political science|Sustainable development|Harmonization|Poverty|Economy|Development economics|Geography|International trade|Business|Law|Economics|Physics|Acoustics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4386434363', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.53478/tuba.978-625-8352-57-3.ch04'}
Development economics|Poverty|Sustainable development
"Sündhaft und unislamisch" - Zeitgenössische Fatwas gegen das Fernsehen
Andreas Görke (https://openalex.org/A5065396623)
In recent years, a number of fatwas – Islamic religious advisory opinions have been issued that condemn television. Nearly all these come from two schools thought, the Wahhabis Saudi Arabia, on one hand, and Deobandis northern India, other hand. These groups differ considerably in regard to their political backgrounds, this is reflected different arguments they bring forward against viewing television conclusions draw. While mainly oppose un-Islamic contents are broadcast television, itself. The article analyses brought groups. It argues while Deobandi position likely change near future, Wahhabi type specific programs deemed will probably continue be years come.
Islam|Political science|Politics|Sharia|Law|Media studies|Sociology|History|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1555630543', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5169/seals-147857', 'mag': '1555630543'}
Saudi Arabia
Nigar Nağiyeva (https://openalex.org/A5060999276)
The end of the nineteenth century and beginning twentieth are very important periods in political social life Turkish Muslim community. In this period, westernization western influences influenced Azerbaijan Ottoman state Russian tsarist. People began to think about difference culture, thought between West East. There were those who advocated Westernization or wanted preserve eastern cultures, as well accepted synthesis both cultures a way life. "The question maintaining basic moral values society has become an issue, even eyes fiery westerners have revealed virtues European civilization heavens. respect, while first Roma reflects wide range attitudes towards westernization, intelligentsia also shows that they obsessed with problems related change. On one hand, ironically, literary genre imported from West, novel was used means propagate Western viewpoint it introduced documenting undesirable aspects influence on "(Evin, 2004, p. 105). article, two separate geographical places where community lives; We will compare 'Fly Grocery' 'Ali Nino' novels Azerbaijan, which Western-Oriental relationship context events took place same period
Westernization|Turkish|Intelligentsia|Civilization|Politics|State (computer science)|Western culture|Context (archaeology)|Ancient history|History|Gender studies|Sociology|Political science|Law|Modernization theory|Philosophy|Archaeology|Linguistics|Algorithm|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2805370471', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.31568/atlas.3', 'mag': '2805370471'}
Atlas international referred journal on social sciences
"THE WAR TAPES": Genrepoetik und Affizierung im Dokumentarfilm
Cilli Pogodda (https://openalex.org/A5052723905)
Dokumentarfilme, vor allem wenn sie vom Krieg handeln, werden im offentlichen Diskurs ebenso wie in der Medienwissenschaft stets am Wahrheitsgehalt Informationsvermittlung und ihrer Authentizitat als Reprasentationen von Wirklichkeit gemessen. Dem entgegen mochte dieser Artikel zeigen, dass sich vielmehr an das sinnliche affektive Erleben des Zuschauers richten auf Ebene audiovisueller Ausdrucksmodalitaten Modi Affizierung operieren. Zur Veranschaulichung dient eine Analyse Dokumentarfilms The War Tapes (Deborah Scranton, USA 2006), dessen Bildmaterial amerikanischen Soldaten Irakkrieg aufgezeichnet wurde. Mithilfe eines affektpoetischen Genrekonzeptes Hermann Kappelhoff soll gezeigt werden, inwiefern auch Dokumentarfilmen Inszenierungsstrategien Genrekinos wirksam sind die Filme damit einfugen einen medienubergreifenden Zirkulationsprozess Formen kultureller Imaginations- Erinnerungstatigkeit. Documentaries are commonly measured public discourse as well media studies according to the truth content of information they convey and authenticity which represent reality. This applies even more so documentaries on war. article wants counter this by showing that these films rather address a sensual affective experience audience operate audiovisual expressive modalities modes affect. is done analyzing documentary film largely based material recorded American soldiers engaged Iraq War. Using Kappelhoff’s approach genres poetics affect, aim show how employ strategies cinematic staging genre cinema therefore integrated process circulating forms cultural imagination memory across different media. Cilli Pogodda ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Kollegforschergruppe Cinepoetics arbeitete zuvor DFG-Forschungsprojekt „Inszenierungen Bildes Medialitat Gemeinschaftserlebens“ Freien Universitat Berlin. Sie studierte Filmwissenschaft Berlin German Studies University Michigan. promoviert derzeit zum Thema „Medientechnologie Affekt den Inszenierungen Dritten Golfkriegs“. // research associate at - Center for Advanced Film Freie has previously worked project “Staging images war mediated community“. She studied currently writing her dissertation topic „Media Technology Affect Staging Third Gulf War“.
Documentary film|Movie theater|Art|Humanities|Spanish Civil War|Art history|Sociology|Media studies|Political science|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2805322350', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17169/mae.2016.46', 'mag': '2805322350'}
Derya Yıldız (https://openalex.org/A5034513087)|Devrim Divrik (https://openalex.org/A5003446456)
The aim of this research is to determine the views Syrian students who learn Turkish as a foreign language about learning process and communicating in Turkish. In conducted according qualitative approach, semi-structured interview form created by researchers was used data collection tool. Criterion sampling method, one purposeful methods, determining participants. participants study lived Turkey for at least five years constitute have learned Language Teaching Research Application Center. collected analyzed with content analysis made thematic. As result research, while were explained themes different characteristics educational deficiencies, their on cultural structures difficult conditions. interpreted comparing them other findings teaching literature suggestions made. Keywords: students, language,
Turkish|Foreign language|Thematic analysis|Psychology|Data collection|Mathematics education|Qualitative research|Language education|Nonprobability sampling|Perspective (graphical)|Pedagogy|Linguistics|Computer science|Sociology|Population|Social science|Artificial intelligence|Philosophy|Demography
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3195138711', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.46291/zfwt/130205', 'mag': '3195138711'}
Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken
"Taking Them to the Moon in a Station Wagon": An Interview with Ann-Marie MacDonald
Melanie Lee Lockhart (https://openalex.org/A5024378751)|Ann-Marie MacDonald (https://openalex.org/A5018701775)
"Taking Them to the Moon in a Station Wagon":An Interview with Ann-Marie MacDonald Melanie Lee Lockhart (bio) (by telephone, May 11, 1998) Lockhart: I've heard you characterize your project as "fight make world larger." Could touch on strategies use appeal wider audience—how bring other points of view into body work? MacDonald: I don't try create an ideal world. fix world, my novel for example. include much what see being there possible, and enter sympathy various view. For example, entering James his destructive desires ambitions. Entering Teresa her rage racism pride—she has stuff common at that level. And we can definitely say, well, she reason he doesn't—we could argue that. But not apologize or justify view, but illuminate them. I'm trying change characters, somebody who won't abuse daughter. Teresa—I mean, shoots somebody. anyone better worse than they really are. their actions will have results repercussions. somewhere, symphonically, each them is playing instrument. no idea are same orchestra. They they're all—and guess this vision storyteller—that, wittingly unwittingly, all contributing narrative explosions narrative. Frances shot process [End Page 139] began when older sister met Rose New York City. It continued started seduce Ginger. was compounded Ginger play piano Harlem masquerading man. All steps there. Basically, Luvovitzes Taylors Teresa, black people, Jewish Lebanese white know, Anglo many share prejudices very self-images. like show because it's ironic. clannish qualities endearing, us identify them, also necessary be put up against pluralism democracy individuality, right people individuals, just products culture, old country. collision, tension between country, family, racial, cultural, values, colliding contemporary way secular says you're individual matter colour are, it doesn't matter. irony, course, matters, you'll discriminated against, gives power too! identity. does collision find stories. Not wanting lose you've been born with, parents given you, knowing some order embrace what's going yours. part secular, democratic move out inner ring—but keep both things going. MLL: Would say that's writing for—to these experiences discourses communication one another? AMM: Well, set mission, know. seems me there's lot drama there, pain effort, very, good intentions, anger. People always terrified losing something, change...
Sympathy|Pride|Appeal|Ideal (ethics)|Sociology|Law|Psychoanalysis|Media studies|Psychology|Political science|Social psychology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2029674673', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/crv.2006.0011', 'mag': '2029674673'}
Canadian Review of American Studies
"Tariqas" without Silsilas: The Case of Zanzibar
Chiaki Fujii (https://openalex.org/A5047420961)
2) The area of the islands is 2,460km 2 , and population approximately 984,600 [Tanzania National Website 2002]. majority Muslim. In nineteenth century, Zanzibar, which was also a thriving center commerce, became capital Al-Bu Said Dynasty, present Oman Sultanate, held power among countries Indian Ocean Rim. Consequently Zanzibar developed as one centers Islamic studies in East Africa many traders, scholars, Sufis visited its shores. Among them, contributed most to Islamization Africa. Until then, Islam had spread only elite class, consisted Arab Omanis, Hadhramis, Comorians, Indians. However, because tariqas’ doctrines were tolerant regional customs, they played an important role both historically politically [Nimtz 1980: 56]. Therefore, tariqas flourished along coast trade routes leading inland. According Nimtz, more than one-third Tanzania’s Muslim, estimated 70% these Muslims are members tariqas. 3) Although, have Africa, there very little research on current their activities not well known. Trimingham earliest researchers his work still material can be compared. He mentioned some tariqa practices, but he said that it difficult estimate influence orders Swahili [Trimingham 1964: 97]. Thus saying, appears overlooked importance. Moreover, information each tariqa’s activity historical content sufficient describe general characteristics. Nimtz’s study provided details with respect leaders’ political concerning development Tanganyika (the Tanzania) 1980]. scarcely elaborated or regular practices. As above, preceding events, could sufficiently grasp perception
Islamization|Islam|Tanzania|Population|Swahili|Thriving|Elite|Ancient history|Geography|Power (physics)|Political science|Ethnology|History|Sociology|Law|Politics|Demography|Social science|Archaeology|Linguistics|Philosophy|Physics|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2346188019', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.14989/71152', 'mag': '2346188019'}
"Teaching English through Literature as part of the Israeli English Curriculum"
Amira Rabah Asadi (https://openalex.org/A5052566434)
The teaching of English through literature has become a central component and source the language curriculum as well crucial aim instruction. As times change, pedagogies improve Israeli educational system, an integral part society, progressed. Israel refined every decade since 1973, enabling learners to embrace challenges each century. always emphasized importance in addition recently highlighting stressing use tool second or foreign classroom.
Curriculum|English language|Component (thermodynamics)|Pedagogy|English literature|Mathematics education|Curriculum mapping|Curriculum theory|English studies|English as a foreign language|Foreign language|Sociology|Curriculum development|Psychology|Linguistics|Art|Literature|Philosophy|Physics|Thermodynamics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3035263998', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.59168/dqed4990', 'mag': '3035263998'}
Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara Transactions on Modern Languages
"Temsiller, tıpkı matematik denklemleri gibi birbirlerini iptal etmemelidir." (Steet, 2000:10)
Mehmet Yılmaz (https://openalex.org/A5025575486)|Doç. Dr. Güliz Uluç (https://openalex.org/A5061700229)
The fact as a concept fills up various identities in wide range and, furthermore, provides those with the opportunities of being able to be together. In context other, when placing us and others who are not from us, important role which is committed by mass media (television especially television series format) cannot denied creating images others. With pre-recognition TV called Foreign Sonin-law higher ratings Turkish will conceptually theoretically discussed over presentations so-called plot marriage that created mandatory relations between members two families one city (Gaziantep) where traditional religious values relatively considered Greece, country opposite what nationally religiously believed right part; both nations become mirrors for each help these families, conflicts, arguments differences presented events within individual level. example mentioned series, existence international actors television, how forced explicated; collective perceptions premise/sequent, Greece placed other-foreign its citizens community attributions imputed on them indirectly an other presentation mechanisms ways using evaluated critical point view hermeneutic method.
Premise|Turkish|Television series|Context (archaeology)|Sociology|Political science|Media studies|Geography|Epistemology|Linguistics|Philosophy|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1551528066', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.16878/gsuiletişim.v10i10.5000004822', 'mag': '1551528066'}
Galatasaray Üniversitesi İletişim Dergisi
"Tesettür" as an Islamist anti-fashion ideology in the Turkish Republic (1960s-1990s)
Cüneyt Dinç (https://openalex.org/A5036132896)
The aim of this article is the examination historical development as an Islamist anti-fashion ideology against secular Kemalist fashion politics in Turkey and its relationship to other forms fashion/dress within context a Turkish multi-fashion system. For purpose, paper will conduct discourse analysis monographs, journal articles newspaper columns female Islamic writers from different eras political Islam, who have dominated formulation tesettur ideology. states first that emergence change outlook mirrors Islam Turkey, like transition islamism post-islamism. Second, asserts practice also result genuine state centered authoritarian nature modernization. As consequence hopes provide valuable contribution about role dress site struggle specific context.
Ideology|Turkish|Islam|Authoritarianism|Politics|Political Islam|Context (archaeology)|State (computer science)|Political science|Modernization theory|Sociology|Political economy|Gender studies|Law|Democracy|History|Philosophy|Linguistics|Archaeology|Algorithm|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2779529598', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1409/88345', 'mag': '2779529598'}
"That So Fair a Thing Should Be So Frail:" The Ford Foundation and the Failure of Rural Development in Iran, 1953-1964
Anne Marie Baylouny (https://openalex.org/A5034226392)
Jordan's seemingly successful economic and political reforms have been used to advertise the American vision of societal transformation in Middle East. The imposition neo-liberal policies removed a key source welfare for populace, leaving regime without secure base support. Economic liberalization led radical change regime's support, marginalizing previous backers - East Bank population replacing them with strengthened military, formerly only part Initial was critical juncture when differing outcomes were possible. 1990s set institutions state that persisted after these extreme hard times passed. An analytical focus on social provisioning demonstrates changed Jordanian groups effectively disenfranchised by new arrangements. military security services are sector growing structural adjustment. Alongside decreasing allocations general, military's budgets increasing diversifying into sub-contracting enterprises. Militarized serves as an alternative model regimes, one can furnish foundation semi-authoritarianism near future. This changing regime, illuminated through examination welfare, must be recognized tackling perennial question democratic deficit 1 However, Structural adjustment dismantle 2 upon which Jordan had built, establishing substantive participation regime. 3 removal not merely matter unemployment decreased buying power, but threatened very nature itself. Prior its 1989, contract Jordan, similar most East, provided goods return quiescence. state's abrogation reform would logically generate increased voice, populace no longer support due benefits received. Instead, space 4 military. pro-American has remained mystery made more puzzling given reality poor performance lack democracy. reliance strengthening numbers power aids explaining persistence this semi-authoritarian Hard solidify institutional patterns either reverse or reinforce old 5 When resources living decline, realignments among domestic actors institutionalize coalition governing remains place long crisis is over. harsh conditions 1990s, depicted here, raised role serving employment welfare. narrow group substituted broad segment population. In atmosphere general crisis, section welcomed. While themselves generated substantial protest, proceeded objection. …
Foundation (evidence)|Environmental ethics|Law and economics|Engineering ethics|Political science|Sociology|Philosophy|Law|Engineering
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1965414274', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.3751/62.2.15', 'mag': '1965414274'}
Middle East Journal
"The Baby of Biological Race": The Issue of Racial Science in Winthrop Jordan's White Over Black
Harvey Neptune (https://openalex.org/A5024494051)
Are there currently venerated works of history-writing that, upon closer inspection, should embarrass us for their entanglements with white supremacy? White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550–1812 (1968) by Winthrop Jordan is one such text. A weighty historical study English and Anglo–American "thoughts feelings" about people African descent in colonies early republic, Jordan's book has won great professional acclaim within North Atlantic more than half a century. Yet, all this reverence, Black betrays deep fatal problem deserves reassessment as disturbingly retrograde contribution to historiography on racism. This monumental piece scholarship advanced an essentialist conception race part nature, arising from natural distinctions between groups people. Guilty what Barbara Fields Karen have called "racecraft," put cart racial difference before horse Indeed, he deliberately challenged assumptions contemporary anti-racist scholars who emphasized invention, complaining that they had "thrown out baby bathwater racism." Maintaining racism followed fundamentally inherent difference, cast supremacy, tragically, unconscious psychological response distinct physiology Blackness. The result was teleological narrative domination. Though not intended apologize racism, did nevertheless (ir)rationalize product inescapable biological difference. Carefully critically read, provides eloquent (pre)text considering how primordialist view subverts project effective history-writing.
Racism|White (mutation)|Historiography|Reverence|Scholarship|Narrative|Racial hierarchy|White supremacy|Race (biology)|Essentialism|History|Sociology|Gender studies|Law|Literature|Political science|Art|Biochemistry|Chemistry|Gene
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4379793460', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/jer.2023.a897984'}
Journal of the Early Republic
"The Best Pope the Jews Ever Had": Jewish Reactions to the Death of Pope John Paul II
Murray Watson (https://openalex.org/A5000098522)
With the death of Pope John Paul II in April 2005, world lost what was arguably most prominent and respected voice Jewish-Christian relationship late twentieth early twenty-first centuries. widely loved appreciated by Jewish community, for his life-long friendship with people, consistent commitment to advancing Jewish-Catholic dialogue uprooting antisemitism all its forms. His death, therefore, sparked a torrent eloquent tributes from leaders spokespersons, both Israel throughout Diaspora, highlighting major accomplishments historic gestures, frankly acknowledging areas which he had sometimes been at center disagreements, frictions conflict “beloved elder brothers.” Through re-visiting cross-section published comments time Paul’s this article examines something complexity challenges during papacy, discusses how, over course nearly 27-year became (at least many people) “the best Jews ever had.”
Judaism|Diaspora|Antisemitism|Religious studies|History|Friendship|Classics|Sociology|Theology|Philosophy|Social science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2044789354', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.6017/scjr.v7i1.4428', 'mag': '2044789354'}
Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations
"The Big Sister Model in Educational Training” The Art of Mentoring and fellow Mentoring" (BSM)
Warda Sada-Gerges (https://openalex.org/A5060614478)
In an ongoing search for new models to streamline college training and mentoring, a different model was developed called the "Big Sister Model". This experienced five years in kindergarten-training program at Kay College of education Israel. Within this model, two female students are trained each kindergarten: one third year other second. Together with kindergarten staff, plan class curriculum activities. A third-year student, who possess additional experience practicing (veteran), has opportunity mentor 2nd student also observe get more experience. process provides good staff relationship develops interpersonal relations based on social psychological elements, which points huge positive change behavior, its motivations. peer accompanies, analyzes, supports, instructs, empowers necessary knowledge mentoring process. It undergoes empowerment, leadership, success (Power et Al, 2011). study is continuous action research that aims examining effectiveness “Big sister” model. When mentors second-year her personality will be accordingly empowered. Moreover, she exposed another second program, once when receives guidance as 3rd mentor. The enjoys throughout day close colleague addition teacher pedagogical addition, reveals contents skills allowing internalization over time all program. training, we sought deeply examine areas promotes strengthens well as, how much perceive it benefactor compared regular control group.
Peer mentoring|Psychology|Sister|Curriculum|Medical education|Empowerment|Interpersonal communication|Training (meteorology)|Process (computing)|Interpersonal relationship|Pedagogy|Mathematics education|Social psychology|Sociology|Medicine|Computer science|Physics|Meteorology|Anthropology|Political science|Law|Operating system
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2766825438', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26417/ejms.v6i1.p93-106', 'mag': '2766825438'}
European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
"The Correlation between Community Care Centres and the Social Interaction among the Elderly"
Miao-Fen Lin (https://openalex.org/A5089908063)|Yi‐Wen Chiu (https://openalex.org/A5061650893)|Chi-Hsuan Lung (https://openalex.org/A5013816594)
This Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews is open to all research professional, share their scientific excellence in the form an original article, review case reports, short communication, Reference Values for Some Hematological Parameters Iraqi Local Horses
Excellence|Correlation|Medicine|Medical education|Psychology|Sociology|Family medicine|Library science|Political science|Computer science|Mathematics|Law|Geometry
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3197731009', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.38125/oajbs.000226', 'mag': '3197731009'}
Open access journal of biomedical science
"The Damnable Dilemma": African-American Accommodation and Protest during World War I
W. K. Jordan (https://openalex.org/A5058800050)
Journal Article “The Damnable Dilemma”: African-American Accommodation and Protest during World War I Get access William Jordan doctoral candidate University of New Hampshire Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar American History, Volume 81, Issue 4, March 1995, Pages 1562–1583, https://doi.org/10.2307/2081649 Published: 01 1995
Dilemma|Accommodation|African american|History|Political science|Media studies|Sociology|Psychology|Ethnology|Philosophy|Epistemology|Neuroscience
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2316692121', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/2081649', 'mag': '2316692121'}
The Journal of American History
"The Daughters of Israel": An Analysis of the Term in Late Ancient Jewish Sources
Mika Ahuvia (https://openalex.org/A5042692193)|Sarit Kattan Gribetz (https://openalex.org/A5021858667)
This article recovers the history of term "the daughters Israel" (b'not yisrael) from its earliest usage in biblical passages and second temple sources to appearance late antique Jewish texts, focusing specifically on term's connotations rabbinic ritual texts. Rather than taking at face-value as denoting women's subordinate status, we argue that this may have a buried history, uncovering "daughters offers fascinating entry-point into role women establishing transforming—rather merely observing—Jewish law ritual. Extending Mieke Bal's notion feminist philology investigation other sources, make case literature antiquity, Hebrew appears sites contestation, sometimes deployed discussions about innovation practice ways evoke agency narrative sources. In incantations bowls, Aramaic for evokes legal language marriage contracts explicitly includes served highlight their particular well. Thus both sets often signals moments when act subjects (rather objects) discourse.
Antique|Judaism|Incantation|Agency (philosophy)|Philology|Hebrew Bible|Late Antiquity|History|Hebrew|Narrative|Literature|Term (time)|Art|Biblical studies|Sociology|Classics|Ancient history|Gender studies|Philosophy|Feminism|Archaeology|Epistemology|Physics|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2792185989', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/jqr.2018.0000', 'mag': '2792185989'}
The Jewish Quarterly Review
"The Disorder of Women": Women, Love, and the Sense of Justice
Carole Pateman (https://openalex.org/A5026383824)
Previous articleNext article No Access"The Disorder of Women": Women, Love, and the Sense JusticeCarole PatemanCarole Pateman Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmailPrint SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Ethics Volume 91, Number 1Oct., 1980 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/292200 Views: 59Total views on site Citations: 49Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright The University ChicagoPDF download reports following citing article:Sandrine Bergès Domesticity Political Participation: At Home with Jacobin Research Quarterly 76, no.11 (Mar 2022): 213–223.https://doi.org/10.1177/10659129221079865John Lechte Justice, Injustice Work Julia Kristeva, Theory, Culture & Society 11 (Feb 2023): 026327642211407.https://doi.org/10.1177/02632764221140762Lucía C. Pérez-Moreno, Luis M. Lus-Arana Image Women Architects in Films, 1912–1943: New Careers Stereotyped Femininities, Arts 12, (Dec 4.https://doi.org/10.3390/arts12010004Jina Fast Pateman, Carole, 1–6.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-6730-0_295-1Rabea M Khan Speaking “religion” through a gender code: discursive power gendered-racial implications religious label, Critical Religion 10, no.22 (May 2021): 153–169.https://doi.org/10.1177/20503032211015302Sandrine Olympe de Gouges, 2 (Jul 2022).https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009023702Tatiana Vargas Maia, Camila Palhares Barbosa Por uma teoria da justiça feminista, Veritas (Porto Alegre) 67, (Apr e41469.https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2022.1.41469Faye Bird ISIL Iraq: A Analysis UN Security Council’s Gendered Personification (Non)States, Laws 11, (Jan 5.https://doi.org/10.3390/laws11010005Caron E. Gentry Misogynistic terrorism: it has always been here, Studies Terrorism 15, 209–224.https://doi.org/10.1080/17539153.2022.2031131Aneta Gawkowska Klucz do nowego feminizmu: feminizm, komunitaryzm, realizm?, 2022).https://doi.org/10.31338/uw.9788323555087.pp.107-126Karin Carmit Yefet, Ido Shahar Divorced Citizenship: Palestinian-Christian between Church Jewish State, Law Social Inquiry 8 1–41.https://doi.org/10.1017/lsi.2021.65Lucía Pérez-Moreno Prácticas feministas en la arquitectura española reciente. Igualitarismos y diferencia sexual, Arte, Individuo Sociedad 33, no.33 (Jun 651–668.https://doi.org/10.5209/aris.67168Boleslaw Z. Kabala Rousseau Qualified Support Matriarchal Rule, Humanities 9, (Aug 2020): 99.https://doi.org/10.3390/h9030099Katarzyna Guczalska Carole i feministyczna dekonstrukcja umowy społecznej, Civitas. Studia z filozofii polityki 21 2017): 187–205.https://doi.org/10.35757/CIV.2017.21.09Sandrine Philosophers French Revolution (Gouges, Roland, Grouchy), 1–6.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20791-9_415-1Ulla Fernandez-Arcaya, Isabella Bitetto, Antonio Esteban, Teresa Farriols, Cristina García-Ruiz, Gil Sola, Beatriz Guijarro, Angélique Jadaud, Stefanos Kavadas, Giuseppe Lembo, Giacomo Milisenda, Irida Maina, Slavica Petovic, Letizia Sion, Sandrine Vaz, Enric Massutí Large-scale distribution deep-sea megafauna community along Mediterranean trawlable grounds, Scientia Marina 83, no.S1S1 175.https://doi.org/10.3989/scimar.04852.14ANicole Darat G. Feminismo ciudadanía. Más allá ciudadanía social con perspectiva género, Bajo Palabra , no.2222 (Nov 2019): 171.https://doi.org/10.15366/bp2019.22.008Sandrine Republicanism: Late Eighteenth-Century France Why They Matter, Australasian Philosophical Review 3, no.44 351–370.https://doi.org/10.1080/24740500.2020.1840647Caron Anxiety politics: creativity feminist Christian realism, Journal International Relations Development 22, 389–412.https://doi.org/10.1057/s41268-017-0097-xJosé Ricardo Gutiérrez Ensambles entre cuerpo lenguaje: potencia política las lamentaciones públicas madres víctimas feminicidio México, Revista Interdisciplinaria Estudios Género El Colegio México 5 1–28.https://doi.org/10.24201/reg.v5i0.370Esther Muddiman, Christopher Taylor, Sally Power, Kate Moles Young people, family relationships civic participation, Civil 2018): 82–98.https://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2018.1550903Sally Esther Moles, Chris Taylor society: Bringing back in, 14, 193–206.https://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2018.1498170SANDRINE BERGÈS Gouges versus Rousseau: Happiness, Primitive Societies, Theater, American Association 4, 433–451.https://doi.org/10.1017/apa.2018.26Mojca Pajnik, Nelli Kambouri, Matthieu Renault, Iztok Šori Digitalising sex commerce work: comparative analysis French, Greek Slovenian websites, Gender, Place 23, 2015): 345–364.https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2015.1013449Mahalakshmi Mahadevan Pedagogy Practice En-Gendering Civic Engagement: Reflections Serial-Viewing Among Middle-class Urban India, 2016): 185–207.https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-51765-4_9Caron creation scapegoated other, 133–146.https://doi.org/10.1080/21624887.2015.1027600José Szwako, O 'mau desempenho' Lugo: gênero, religião e contramovimento na última destituição presidencial paraguaia, Opinião Pública 20, 2014): 132–155.https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-62762014000100007Caron Gentry, Kathryn Whitworth discourse desperation: intersections neo-Orientalism, Islam Chechen struggle, 2011): 145–161.https://doi.org/10.1080/17539153.2011.586202Dean Garratt, Heather Piper Heterotopian cosmopolitan citizenship education?, Education, Citizenship Justice 5, 2010): 43–55.https://doi.org/10.1177/1746197909353568Susan Dodds Inclusion exclusion women's access health medicine, Feminist Approaches Bioethics 1, (Oct 2008): 58–79.https://doi.org/10.2979/FAB.2008.1.2.58Susan Moller Okin, Gênero, o público privado, Estudos Feministas 16, 305–332.https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-026X2008000200002Audrey Thompson SURROGATE FAMILY VALUES: THE REFEMINIZATION OF TEACHING, Educational Theory 47, (Sep 1997): 315–339.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-5446.1997.00315.xB. 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Economic Justice|Sense (electronics)|Psychology|Social psychology|Sociology|Psychoanalysis|Criminology|Gender studies|Political science|Law|Engineering|Electrical engineering
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2091634635', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1086/292200', 'mag': '2091634635'}
Economic Justice|Sociology
"The Divine Impatience": Ritual, Narrative, and Symbolization in the Practice of Martyrdom in Palestine
Linda M. Pitcher (https://openalex.org/A5065884718)
Violence is obscured by habits of thought, which predispose us to reject that falls outside our notion "normal' human behavior. By dismissing as incomprehensible, or "pathologic" embodied practices do not correspond a "rationally ordered'' everyday life, some anthropologists concerned with issues violence forsake fundamental responsibility foster an understanding phenomena affronts, offends, questions own cultural norms and assumptions. Situations violence, whether due contextual individual instability, definition defy pregiven notions "rationality" "normal behavior.” This article about Palestinian martyrs, youths killed in confrontations the Israeli military. It seeks identify psychological processes make martyrdom possible within specific context military occupation. elaborates ritual, narrative, symbolic dimensions practice exists discourse sacrifice national liberation. [Palestinian, martyrdom, embodiment, psychoanalysis, violence]
Narrative|Rationality|Embodied cognition|Palestine|Context (archaeology)|Sociology|Action (physics)|Sacrifice|Epistemology|Everyday life|Aesthetics|Social psychology|Psychology|Philosophy|History|Theology|Ancient history|Physics|Archaeology|Quantum mechanics|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2006355463', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1525/maq.1998.12.1.8', 'mag': '2006355463', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9527972'}
Medical Anthropology Quarterly|PubMed
"The Duty of Perfect Obedience": The Laws of Subjecthood in Tsarist Russia
Sean Pollock (https://openalex.org/A5034216487)
"The Duty of Perfect Obedience"The Laws Subjecthood in Tsarist Russia Sean Pollock (bio) Sometime between 1666 and 1667, Grigorii Kotoshikhin, a former long-serving undersecretary (pod´iachii) Muscovy's Ambassadorial Chancellery, Swedish spy defector, composed what the historian Marshall Poe has characterized as "a tell-all description Russian politics."1 The Swedes, having accepted Kotoshikhin into state service granted him salary 1666, commissioned to write book focused on Muscovite statecraft, "to describe," Kotoshikhin's words, "the whole state."2 To explain how worked, organized around questions answers, many which throw light neglected dimension formation—namely, political subjectification country's population, or law beginning second half 17th century referred poddanstvo. Question: Why does tsar Christian states using his full long title, [including] after "ruler [of all northern lands]": "sovereign Iberian lands Kartlian Georgian tsars, [End Page 753] Kabardinian Circassian Mountain princes, heir through fathers forefathers, sovereign possessor, eastern western realms lands"; whereas Mohammedan he not these titles? What is reason for this? Answer: Iberian, Kartlian, are under authority Persian shah [owe him] greatest obedience; writes other [Christian] [using titles] order glorify himself, without good reason; those [Caucasian] it custom, when writing tsar, humble oneself exalt him, call slave, just one lord another, refer obedient servant. But [the Muscovites] interpret their language if were really true that they [permanent] subjects (vechnye poddannye); but this true…. As princes land, indeed (pod ego poddanstvom), awkward tsar] use titles Shah Persia others. And used with states, would make war account. learned truly about sovereigns from who address slaves, them be devastated utterly ruined. sovereigns.3 Clearly, much was at stake claiming Caucasian peoples subjects: power prestige ruler; quality relations its Muslim rivals; status diverse peoples—indeed, very lives livelihoods.4 diplomat, ideally positioned understand ins outs subjecthood, central though underexamined institution tsarist governance.5 Since time, subjecthood remained state-sponsored accounts formation. Some three centuries later, example, Soviet historians set out 754] provide country "new imperial history" avant la lettre, account evidence period justify historically incorporation territory claimed by (and extension Soviet) state.6 More recently, outlived forged, myth voluntary non-Russian Empire been pressed ruling elite. In 2006, Federation President Vladimir Putin issued edicts marking 450th anniversary "voluntary incorporation" present-day Adygeia, Karachaevo-Cherkessiia, Kabardino-Balkariia. 2007, traveled Bashkortostan celebrate incorporation, while republic's capital, Ufa, laid flowers at...
Obedience|Duty|State (computer science)|Law|Sovereignty|Gentry|Georgian|Politics|Population|Ruler|History|Political science|Ancient history|Sociology|Philosophy|Demography|Linguistics|Physics|Algorithm|Quantum mechanics|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4388467115', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/kri.2023.a910978'}
"The Eager Arab Astronaut": Fantasies of (Superheroic) Flight in the Lebanese Diasporic Imagination
Vincent Haddad (https://openalex.org/A5060181443)
Abstract: This essay puts into conversation two texts that negotiate the fantasy of space, flight, and Arab identity, specifically focused on Lebanese diaspora: A. Naji Bakhti's debut novel Between Beirut Moon (2020) superhero comics about American Green Lantern Simon Baz (2012–2021). Drawing a history how aerial surveys perspectives inflicted modernizing logic empires in Lebanon, this argues visual modalities empire are reinscribed these texts' fantasies flight. In , Adam dreams becoming an astronaut flying to moon, itself deeply entrenched complicated by logics empire. (2011–2016) Lanterns (2016–2018), offers fulfillment Adam's childhood as "first astronaut." Ultimately, while Simon's superpowers suggest limitless, liberatory possibility flight imagination, practice they reinforce many same restrictions limit dream necessitate his departure England.
Fantasy|Empire|Conversation|Comics|Narrative|Diaspora|Lantern|Literature|Dream|History|Aesthetics|Sociology|Media studies|Art|Ancient history|Psychology|Gender studies|Ring (chemistry)|Chemistry|Communication|Organic chemistry|Neuroscience
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4384433459', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/lit.2023.a902219'}
College Literature
"The Effect of Reflexology or Massage Therapy on the Anxiety of Patients Before Coronary Angiography"
Selma Kahraman (https://openalex.org/A5084732501)
COJ Nursing & Healthcare The Effect of Reflexology or Massage Therapy on the Anxiety Patients Before Coronary Angiography Selma Kahraman* and Yusuf Kizir Department Public Health Nursing, Faculty Sciences, Turkey *Corresponding author: Kahraman, Şanlıurfa Submission: December 17, 2018Published: May 10, 2019 DOI: 10.31031/COJNH.2019.05.000604 ISSN: 2577-2007Volume5 Issue1
Reflexology|Massage|Coronary angiography|Anxiety|Medicine|Physical therapy|Health care|Nursing|Alternative medicine|Internal medicine|Psychiatry|Myocardial infarction|Pathology|Economics|Economic growth
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4386290674', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.31031/cojnh.2019.05.000604'}
Health care
COJ nursing & healthcare
"The Effect of Sodium Valproate on Cardiovascular Responses in Pentylenetetrazol Kindling Model of Epilepsy"
Mohammad Mohammadzadeh (https://openalex.org/A5074844831)
Farzane Abaseynejad1, Rahim Akrami2,3, Reza Mohebbati4, Sajad Sehab Negah5,6, Payam Moharreri7, Mohammad Naser Shafey8, Mahdieh Shojaey9 and Mohammad- Zadeh10* Author Affiliations 1Student Research Committee, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran 2Department epidemiology & biostatistics, School public health, Sabzevar 3Department Epidemiology Biostatistics, Public Health, Tehran 4Applied Biomedical Center, 5Neuroscience 6Department Neurosciences, 7Department Anatomy, 8Department Physiology, 9Department Physiology Pharmacology, Medicine, 10Psychiatry Behavioral Sciences Received: February 25, 2022 | Published: March 08, Corresponding author: Mohammad-Zadeh, Psychiatry Clinical development Unit, Mashhad, DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2022.42.006746
Biostatistics|Biomedical sciences|Medicine|Medical education|Medical science|Behavioural sciences|Epidemiology|Family medicine|Social science|Sociology|Internal medicine|Nursing
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4320508458', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26717/bjstr.2022.42.006746'}
Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research
"The Fall of Leaves": A Look at Turkish Television Series and Families
Zorica Ivanović (https://openalex.org/A5024720074)|Senka Kovač (https://openalex.org/A5019923412)
At the turn of millennium, Turkish television series became a global phenomenon, requiring comprehension broader social and historical context their production, distribution reception. The paper considers questions regarding genre points to socioeconomic political circumstances development transformation into cultural product with worldwide popularity an industry great market value. Particular attention has been given question how these processes have affected depiction family values in series. second part presents case study Fall Leaves, which concept life that is offered through plot "the crisis" present age changes examined. reception relationships studied analysis internet forum members, viewers this Croatia region, commented 2287 posts from 2011 2012 on first TV broadcast
Turkish|Television series|Popularity|Context (archaeology)|Depiction|Politics|Sociology|Advertising|History|Geography|Media studies|Political science|Literature|Art|Linguistics|Law|Business|Philosophy|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4366387268', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.21301/eap.v17i2.6'}
Issues in ethnology and anthropology|Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology (University of Belgrade)
"The Fate of Empires": The American War, Political Parody, and Sheridan's Comedies
David Francis Taylor (https://openalex.org/A5073572474)
This essay examines three published but unperformed political parodies of the 1770s: The Duenna (1776) and Critic; or a Tragedy Rehearsed (1780), both attributed to Israel Pottinger, School for Scandal (1779) by Philadelphian John Leacock. These works, taking their titles from comedies Richard Brinsley Sheridan, are all intents purposes anti-government pamphlets in dramatic form, specific critiques British administration's handling American War. piece explores processes which Pottinger Leacock politicize Sheridanian comedy manners order dramatize interrogate new cultural technologies, most especially mass media, engendered accelerated war.
Comedy|Tragedy (event)|Politics|Order (exchange)|Government (linguistics)|Spanish Civil War|History|Administration (probate law)|Literature|Sociology|Political science|Art|Law|Philosophy|Linguistics|Finance|Economics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2020771306', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ecs.0.0055', 'mag': '2020771306'}
Eighteenth-Century Studies
"The Foreign Language Classroom is Like an Airplane". Metaphorical Conceptualizations of Teachers’ Beliefs
Volkan İnceçay (https://openalex.org/A5050155500)
Abstract Drawing on constructivist perspectives, this study aimed to investigate the tacit knowledge of pre-service English teachers regarding foreign language classroom by discovering their belief systems mainly through a metaphor analysis. The participants consisted two teachers, who enrolled in practicum class one-year intensive teaching certificate course offered at an English-medium foundation university located Istanbul, Turkey, during spring semester 2012-2013 academic year. possible effects practice period metaphors were also explored. In so doing, requested reflect they generated. exploratory design, data collection tools included completion task, semi-structured interview, and follow-up e-mails. results suggested that do not enter teacher education as tabula rasa use reveal previous was useful instrument. It found real experience seemed influence expressed prior practicum. Implications applications for suggestions future research are discussed. Keywords:  Pre-service education, programs, practicum, analysis, beliefs, Oz Yapilandirmaci yaklasimi takip eden bu calisma hizmet oncesi Ingilizce ogretmenlerinin yabanci dil sinifi ile ilgili var olan bilgilerini metafor analizi yontemi ortaya cikarmayi amaclamistir. egitim-ogretim yilinin bahar doneminde bir vakif universitesinde verilmekte yillik yogun pedagojik formasyon programinin okul deneyimi dersine kayit iki ogretmeni calismada yer almislardir. Bahsi gecen doneminin arastirmaya katilan ogretmenler tarafindan dile getirilen metaforlar uzerinde etkisinin olup olmadigi da ayrica incelenmistir. Bu yapilirken, katilimcilardan boyunca belirttikleri yansitici sekilde dusunmeleri istenmistir. Arastirmada veriler tamamlama, yari-yapilandirilmis gorusme ve amacli gonderilen elektronik postalarla toplanmistir. Elde edilen verilerin nitel analizinin sonucunda meslege baslamadan once olmadiklari kullaniminin ortulu bilgilerin gun yuzune cikarilmasinda etkili yontem oldugu belirlenmistir. Bunun yani sira gercek sinif ortaminda elde ogretim tecrubesinin alan ifade ettikleri derece belirtilebilir. Anahtar Sozcukler:  Hizmet ogretmen egitimi, programlari, deneyimi, analizi, inanclar, bilgi
Linguistics|Psychology|Mathematics education|Sociology|Pedagogy|Humanities|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2010545430', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.17569/tojqi.48011', 'mag': '2010545430'}
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry|DergiPark (Istanbul University)
"The General Motherhood of the Commonwealth": Dance Hall Reform in the Progressive Era
Elisabeth Israels Perry (https://openalex.org/A5030448861)
These people work to exist and they must play if are live. And in the only way know how play, that is by means of commercialized amusements we offer them. But protect them at every possible point, . [teaching] what things good bad ....There no regulation can be applied ... like formation standards public taste, opinion, great social chaperonage man owes his brother woman her sister. -Belle Israels, The Dance Problem, National Conference Charities Corrections, 14 June 1912.
Commonwealth|Dance|Political science|Gender studies|Economic history|History|Sociology|Art|Visual arts|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2324297666', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/2712618', 'mag': '2324297666'}
American Quarterly
"The Good Citizen" As Viewed by Israeli Adolescents
Orit Ichilov (https://openalex.org/A5043108506)|Nisan Nave (https://openalex.org/A5013247051)
The concept citizenship is probably one of most complex political concepts. In its narrow sense it usually refers to an individual's attitudes, evaluations, and behavior toward objects. other words, expresses familiarity with system, his internalization basic values culture, conception himself in relationship system. broader sense, includes relationships objects that are not necessarily nature. Citizenship can refer whole obligations fellow men society which he lives.' It includes, for example, family place work as well figures. With respect figures, individual relates role performance alone but also such general characteristics honesty, tolerance, fairness. This study treats has a twofold purpose: first, propose model based upon Guttman's facet theory conceptual analysis second, examine the good citizen perceived by Israeli adolescents.2
Political science|Sociology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2328193348', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/421903', 'mag': '2328193348'}
Comparative politics
"The Great Deception"
Joel Gordon (https://openalex.org/A5073713332)
This chapter examines how the relations between military junta and its allies, particularly communists Muslim Brotherhood, deteriorated. The Democratic Movement for National Liberation (DMNL), largest least doctrinaire communist movement in Egypt, Brotherhood had collaborated with Free Officers played significant supporting roles their coup. officers were thus confronted two crucial questions: First, what debt, if any, did they owe allies? Second, ideological influence would these movements exert on course of social political reform? shows that gradually distanced themselves from abruptly turned communists. It considers Command Council Revolution's (CCR) decision to outlaw as well campaign against communism. argues CCR's influenced more by power politics than ideology.
Ideology|Communism|Politics|Political science|Power (physics)|Political economy|Deception|Democracy|Law|Sociology|Physics|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4239023732', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5743/cairo/9789774167782.003.0006'}
American University in Cairo Press eBooks
"The IMPACT of New Media on Child Socialization" Appliedre Search on Basic Education Schools in Muscat Governorate –Sultanate of Oman
Emad Farouk Saleh (https://openalex.org/A5047838259)|Anwar El-Rawas (https://openalex.org/A5029596426)
"The IMPACT of New Media on Child Socialization" Appliedre Search Basic Education Schools in Muscat Governorate –Sultanate Oman Dr. Emad Farouk Saleh, Anwar El-Rawas Abstract The problem the current research represents an attempt to identify positive and negative effects socialization process Omani children through a number core dimensions: language, identity, values religious practices. Also included some main concepts such as: new media, Internet, social networks as well sub-concepts aims impact this is exploratory research. It depends descriptive method, uses survey questionnaire administered sample 270 pupils from 9 primary schools Muscat. Finally, expected come out with important findings concerning impacts exposure basis which will make Full Text: PDF DOI: 10.15640/ijhs.v3n3a6
Socialization|Descriptive research|Social media|Exploratory research|The Internet|Identity (music)|Psychology|Medical education|Social science|Pedagogy|Public relations|Sociology|Political science|Social psychology|Medicine|Computer science|Physics|World Wide Web|Acoustics|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4240311646', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.15640/ijhs.v3n3a6'}
International journal of health sciences
"The Impact of Alcohol, Drugs Usage and Pornographic Movies on the Sexual Performance of Young Lebanese Students Between their Beliefs and Practices"
Ghada Bteich (https://openalex.org/A5079932695)
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Research Studys The Impact of Alcohol, Drugs Usage Pornographic Movies on the Sexual Performance Young Lebanese Students Between their Beliefs Practices Ghada Bteich1, Mariana Hajj1, Eliane Accaoui2* Abir El Abed1 1Faculty Public Health, University, Lebanon 2Faculty Human Sciences, *Corresponding author: Accaoui, Faculty Submission: October 06, 2022Published: December 09, 2022 DOI: 10.31031/PPRS.2022.06.000630 ISSN 2639-0612Volume6 Issue1
Psychology|Medical education|Sexual behavior|Gender studies|Clinical psychology|Medicine|Sociology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4378234916', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.31031/pprs.2022.06.000630'}
Psychology and psychotherapy: research study
"The Importance of Just in Time (JIT) Methodology and its Advantages in Health Care Quality Management Business – A Scoping Review"
Ahsan Ali Siddiqui (https://openalex.org/A5066135037)
Ahsan Siddiqui, M.D, M.S.P.H (UK)* Author Affiliations Consultant Preventive Medicine and Epidemiologist, Department of Quality, Management & Patient Safety, General Directorate Health, Saudi Arabia Received: February 11, 2022 | Published: 23, Corresponding author: Ali Riyadh, DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2022.42.006701
Medicine|Health care|Quality (philosophy)|Quality management|Health care management|Family medicine|Public health|Operations management|Nursing|Management system|Engineering|Political science|Philosophy|Epistemology|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4220974195', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26717/bjstr.2022.42.006701'}
Saudi Arabia
Health care|Public health
Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research
"The Iranian nuclear issue" — origins and history of development
Анна Игоревна Филимонова (https://openalex.org/A5062018941)
The article examines the emergence and escalation of "Iranian nuclear issue" at international level, role, content character measures taken by UN Security Council IAEA, global regional interests USA corresponding actions Washington concerning Iran, including use multi-level multi-layered manipulation. materials can be used in preparation students field "International relations".
Political science|Character (mathematics)|Field (mathematics)|Security council|International relations|International security|Regional science|Engineering ethics|Sociology|Law|Engineering|Politics|Mathematics|Geometry|Pure mathematics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3195018822', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.33920/nik-02-2102-04', 'mag': '3195018822'}
Security council|Sociology
Učënyj sovet
"The Last Nastratin"
Paul Cernat (https://openalex.org/A5092677925)
Starting from Mihail Sadoveanu’s (1880–1961) novel Ostrovul lupilor [Wolves’ Island/Wolves’ Nest] 1941, with a Turkish Dobrujan setting, the aim of paper is to reveal how imag- inary specific Oriental spirituality constructed around figure popular sage Nastratin. The multi-ethnic image pre-World War I Dobruja, its interethnic tensions, thus becomes vehicle for humanist message tolerance within convoluted, complex narrative.
Narrative|Humanism|Spirituality|Turkish|Ethnic group|History|Aesthetics|Geography|Sociology|Anthropology|Political science|Literature|Art|Philosophy|Law|Linguistics|Medicine|Alternative medicine|Pathology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4386085522', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.55159/tri.2023.0101.14'}
"The Limits of Representative Democracy in Algeria".
Omar. Boudjelal (https://openalex.org/A5062512095)
There are many studies in the field of political science which have touched on subject limits representative democracy but most these not exceeded abstract aspect representation as an idea. Thus, lies importance this study its scientific being a new addition to researches that relate Democracy Algeria. In practical sense, aims interrogate Algerian reality highlight shortcomings limit optimal application democracy. This methodology has been employed "Functional Constructivism approach" investigate efficacy different structures react with process representation. The concluded political, legal and cultural frame overall social system suffer from crises terms construction function lead failure Algeria.&#x0D; keywords : – structure function.&#x0D;
Democracy|Politics|Representation (politics)|Subject (documents)|Function (biology)|Epistemology|Limit (mathematics)|Political science|Field (mathematics)|Sociology|Social science|Computer science|Law|Mathematics|Pure mathematics|Philosophy|Mathematical analysis|Evolutionary biology|Library science|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2558920774', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.35788/ajps.v4i1.160', 'mag': '2558920774'}
المجلة الأفريقية للعلوم السياسية|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
"The Lower East Side's Synagogue, Tenement, and Russian Bathhouse: Mikva'ot and the Excavation of a Mikvah at 5 Allen Street"
Celia J. Bergoffen (https://openalex.org/A5004751630)
"The Lower East Side's Synagogue, Tenement, and Russian Bathhouse:Mikva'ot the Excavation of a Mikvah at 5 Allen Street" Celia J. Bergoffen (bio) Writing about imponderables ancient Mesopotamian religion, Leo Oppenheim wondered, "To what extent with degree reliability can written sources impart to us that accumulation cult practices, tradition-bound individual group reactions things considered sacred…?"1 The same question arises respect mikvah in late nineteenth early twentieth century New York City, when Jewish population Side reached its highest concentration. In first place, relevant documents do not address experiential "accumulation" ritual practices associated mikvah, much less attitude participants. To understand these, one needs illuminating details oral histories, but human memory is selective imperfect, since use women's bodies sexual relations, modesty forbids many discuss topic detail or public forum. As Jenna Weissman Joselit put it, there "hush silence" surrounding making performative aspect history very difficult trace.2 Our picture loci forms immersion period corroboration those sacred themselves, yet key component, was until recently virtually unknown because installations had all vanished.3 archaeological documentary evidence, however, evince great variety mikvah's construction situation centuries bespeak different expectations experiences connected demonstrate criteria necessary for performance were quite variable. For instance, past both Europe [End Page 163] United States, men women could combine sensual pleasures bathhouse immersion. Bathhouses might offer hot rooms; treatments such as massage, cupping, hair styling; restaurants, card games—and kosher besides. Today, this pairing sociable bathing out fashion and, some users, seems "unorthodox," even unimaginable. "Nobody ever Turkish bath" claimed woman, whose family ran bathhouses on during 1920s.4 fact, separation from favor private bathrooms home, cubicles specially purposed facilities, are phenomena linked, demographics developments tenement house legislation. Arguably, decline described 1920s "Cinderella among religious institutions," occurred largely these factors, along rejection appetizing loci, it need be attributed general fall orthodoxy per se.5 excavation Street baths interpretation light contemporary records histories provides important new data regarding social architectural context point American history. site investigated thanks generosity William Josephson, former treasurer Eldridge Project (now Museum Street), project director Amy Waterman's inspired leadership. Established 1986, aimed restore Ashkenazi community's purpose-built temple erected 164] 1887 cost, grand scale. declined, on, synagogue's membership dropped building decayed. It took twenty years $20 million rededicate synagogue. now registered City landmark National Register Historic Places. purchased vacant lot behind adjacent synagogue staging area equipment potentially, additional exhibition office space (Figure 1). The...
Cult|Performative utterance|Population|History|Silence|Judaism|Ancient history|Archaeology|Art|Sociology|Demography|Aesthetics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2605727687', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/ajh.2017.0026', 'mag': '2605727687'}
American Jewish History
"The Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) and their Medical and Veterinary Importance in an Arid Zone of Central Iran"
Seyed Hassan Moosa-Kazemi (https://openalex.org/A5049035151)
Seyed Hassan Moosa-Kazemi1*, Tahereh Sadat Asgarian2, Mohammad Mehdi Sedaghat3* and Mohsen Akbarian4 Author Affiliations 1Associate Professor, Department of Medical Entomology & Vector Control, School Public Health, Tehran University Sciences, Iran 2Department 3Professor, 4Department Parasitology Tarbiat Modares University, Received: December 02, 2021 | Published: 09, Corresponding author: Moosa-Kazemi Sedaghat, Tehran, DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.40.006455
Public health|Entomology|Library science|Veterinary medicine|Medical science|Medicine|Geography|Medical education|Biology|Zoology|Nursing|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4226224762', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26717/bjstr.2021.40.006455'}
Public health
Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research
"The Most Exalted Symbol for Our Time"?: Rewriting 'Isaac' in Tel Aviv
Yael S. Feldman (https://openalex.org/A5001090643)
"Isaac is a passive object of the experiment," declared Moshe Shamir early in 1957, about decade before his notorious shift to right wing Israeli political map. Almost half century later it time interrogate psychological construction "first sons" Zionist revolution, especially their evolving use Aqedah and other sacrificial narratives as tropes for own ideological predicaments.
Symbol (formal)|Narrative|Ideology|Tel aviv|History|Rewriting|Politics|Precinct|Constellation|Literature|Art history|Sociology|Art|Genealogy|Philosophy|Law|Political science|Linguistics|Archaeology|Computer science|Physics|Astronomy|Library science|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2074520030', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/hbr.2006.0030', 'mag': '2074520030'}
Hebrew studies
"The Most Important Test You’ll Ever Take"?: Attitudes toward confidential carrier matching and open individual testing among modern-religious Jews in Israel
Ayala Frumkin (https://openalex.org/A5042395620)|Aviad E. Raz (https://openalex.org/A5048931878)|Morasha Plesser-Duvdevani (https://openalex.org/A5019559170)|Sari Lieberman (https://openalex.org/A5031301727)
This article reports on attitudes of modern-religious Ashkenazi Jewish adults in Israel toward anonymous carrier matching for severe monogenic diseases by Dor Yesharim (the ultra-orthodox organization) and open individual testing (through a medical center), examining how this important choice is being informed, communicated, made, reflected on. Qualitative analysis semi-structured interviews conducted with 23 Jews 2009–2011 revealed social pressure to utilize Yesharim; however, respondents considered its policy advising against marriage between partners who are carriers the same genetic condition inappropriate ’love marriages’ where couple’s commitment may already be made. Confidential was stepping stone those advised not marry. Respondents varied their views when tests should conducted. Pre-implantation diagnosis religiously preferable abortion; however most couples opted pre-natal selective abortion, challenging stereotypes about religious Jews. It discussed screening contextualized interpreted just terms teachings, but interaction lay agency, personal experiences knowledge reproductive choices. We conclude discussing implications ethics communities at risk.
Confidentiality|Abortion|Genetic testing|Test (biology)|Judaism|Carrier testing|Social psychology|Agency (philosophy)|Sociology|Psychology|Medicine|Law|Political science|Genetics|Theology|Social science|Biology|Pregnancy|Paleontology|Philosophy|Fetus|Prenatal diagnosis|Internal medicine
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1971718129', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.09.031', 'mag': '1971718129', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22033377'}
Social Science & Medicine|PubMed
"The Most Moral Army in the World": The New "Ethical Code" of the Israeli Military and The War on Gaza
Muhammad Ali Khalidi (https://openalex.org/A5058186674)
This article examines the content of and justification for a new "ethical code" designed Israeli army to take into account "fight against terror. " It argues that code contains two innovations: it includes acts aimed exclusively at military targets in its definition "terrorism," principle distinction prioritizes lives citizen combatants over those noncitizen noncombatants, contrary centuries theorizing about morality war as well international humanitarian law. The suggests played direct role Israel's offensive Gaza winter 2008––2009, demonstrated by preponderance testimony indicating commanders explicitly instructed soldiers give priority their own Palestinian noncombatants.
Offensive|Morality|Law|Terrorism|Political science|Law of war|Just war theory|Code of conduct|Code (set theory)|International humanitarian law|Ethical code|Palestine|International law|Criminology|History|Sociology|Spanish Civil War|Ancient history|Operations research|Engineering|Computer science|Set (abstract data type)|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1972338130', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1525/jps.2010.xxxix.3.6', 'mag': '1972338130'}
International humanitarian law|Sociology|Terrorism
Journal of Palestine Studies
"The Multi-Faceted Kindergarten Teachers" — A Multicultural Perception of Kindergarten Teachers' Role in Light of the 'New Horizon' Reform
Eti Gilad (https://openalex.org/A5046907473)|Shosh Millet (https://openalex.org/A5087485113)
This study aimed to expose the perception of kindergarten teachers' role from a multicultural aspect, following 'New Horizon' reform, i.e. systemic change which transpired during last decade in Israeli kindergartens and schools. The was conducted qualitative-interpretive approach research population comprised eight female teachers, four Bedouin Jewish. data were collected by semi-structured interview. findings illustrate procedural changes reform: an organisational through pedagogical up leadership-oriented change. contribution resides providing applied information will constitute another layer development education professional programmes for teachers.
Perception|Multiculturalism|Professional development|Mathematics education|Psychology|Qualitative research|Pedagogy|Qualitative property|Horizon|Population|Sociology|Social science|Physics|Demography|Astronomy|Neuroscience|Machine learning|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1502850707', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5296/ire.v3i2.7122', 'mag': '1502850707'}
International research in education
"The Neighbor's Folktales": Developing Intercultural Competence through Folktales and Stories
Κώστας Μάγος (https://openalex.org/A5043281785)
The important role of folktales with regard to the cognitive, emotional, and social development children is well known. Additionally, research has revealed that stories can support intercultural competence empathy. This essay presents action employs Turkish aim changing attitudes Greek primary-school students regarding Turk as "hostile Other." showed may contribute refection on national stereotypes amelioration image ethnic Other.
Turkish|Empathy|Ethnic group|Psychology|Competence (human resources)|Cognition|Literature|Linguistics|Sociology|Social psychology|Art|Anthropology|Philosophy|Neuroscience
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2811333036', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/bkb.2018.0023', 'mag': '2811333036'}
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature
"The Other" in the Light of Integration and Inclusion In The Israeli Educational System And Society: A "Significant Other" Indeed?
Tsafi Timor (https://openalex.org/A5029915720)
article examines the concept of The Other bearing meaning different, rather than whoever is not myself, in light Integration and Inclusion Israeli Educational System Society. For this sake two new concepts have been coined: different-other significant different-other. literature analysis indicates that according to Model idea Normalization, reference as human being a special needs person minimized, while ideological basis matches holistic pluralistic view which encourages uniqueness leads him towards meaningful life. examples society yields despite advanced legislation awareness individuals with needs, current situation does meet criteria Inclusion. educational reality no restructuring system, major criterion Inclusion, has taken place, although principles early identification, intervention monitoring are already implemented. overall insight from strive equity equality legislation, efforts should be channeled persuade public first foremost being, it duty Significant Different-Other Different-Other.
Inclusion (mineral)|Political science|Sociology|Gender studies
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2047850329', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2478/jser-2013-001310.2478', 'mag': '2047850329'}
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation|Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)
"The Otherwise Unnoteworthy Year 711": A Reply to Hayden White
Marilyn Robinson Waldman (https://openalex.org/A5056866449)
Previous articleNext article No AccessCritical Response"The Otherwise Unnoteworthy Year 711": A Reply to Hayden WhiteMarilyn Robinson WaldmanMarilyn Waldman Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Critical Inquiry Volume 7, Number 4Summer, 1981 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/448132 Views: 14Total views on site Citations: 4Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright The University of ChicagoPDF download reports the following citing article:Bradley Bowden historic (wrong) turn in management and organizational studies, Journal Management History 27, no.11 (Aug 2020): 8–27.https://doi.org/10.1108/JMH-06-2020-0037Bradley White His Influence, (Oct 723–745.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62114-2_81Selim TEZCAN HAYDEN WHITE ve TARİH ANLATISI SORUNU, Turkish Education no.22 2018): 632–661.https://doi.org/10.17497/tuhed.465558 Mark Pluciennik Archaeological Narratives Other Ways Telling Pluciennik, Current Anthropology 40, no.55 (Jul 2015): 653–678.https://doi.org/10.1086/300085
White (mutation)|History|Narrative|Art history|Download|Library science|Media studies|Sociology|Art|Literature|Computer science|Biochemistry|Chemistry|Gene|Operating system
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2064753678', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1086/448132', 'mag': '2064753678'}
Critical Inquiry
"The Patterns of Displacement”. From “I AM NOT FROM EAST OR WEST… MY PLACE IS PLACELESS" Series
Rushdi Anwar (https://openalex.org/A5054131748)
“The Patterns of Displacement” from “I AM NOT FROM EAST OR WEST… MY PLACE IS PLACELESS" Series is an immersive social installation realized with the community Arbat Refugee Camp, in Kurdistan region Iraq. Focusing on plight its youth, this ‘tent’ reveals names over 280 children whose identities are largely writ invisible, within a political landscape ongoing international calamity. As artwork testimony, nature (components pieces that put back together randomly each time it displayed) representative collective cultural body (refugees) little control their fate and mobility, reduced to statistic. Rushdi Anwar dehumanizing reality these people, his beacon hope increasing awareness fragile existence.
Refugee|Displacement (psychology)|Writ|Politics|Sociology|Reincarnation|Media studies|Gender studies|History|Geography|Political science|Archaeology|Law|Psychology|Epistemology|Psychotherapist|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3014085455', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.32891/jps.v4i3.1224', 'mag': '3014085455'}
The Journal of public space
"The People's Army"
Joel Gordon (https://openalex.org/A5073713332)
This chapter examines the extent to which Free Officers formed a political ethos that inclined them toward intervention in civilian politics during conspiratorial stage. The Officers' movement was culmination of dramatic reorientation among officer corps between 1936 and 1952. They represented generation turned away from establishment rejected leadership its elders. soldier's relationship his country, people, commanding officers king gave young particular perspective on decay liberal order. first provides historical background Egyptian military before discussing organization Officers, along with activism, developing ideology, ties Muslim Brotherhood.
Ethos|Politics|Officer|Ideology|Political science|Culmination|Intervention (counseling)|Perspective (graphical)|Order (exchange)|Political economy|Law|Sociology|Psychology|Art|Physics|Finance|Astronomy|Psychiatry|Economics|Visual arts
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4244767215', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5743/cairo/9789774167782.003.0003'}
American University in Cairo Press eBooks
"The Periphery – the Keystone of Rehousing in Algeria. The Case of Constantine City "
Houcem Eddine REMIKI (https://openalex.org/A5092612940)|Fatima TAHRAOUI (https://openalex.org/A5092612941)
Rehousing is a practical measure to reduce the housing crisis in metropolitan areas that do not have land resources. The periphery corresponds spaces dependent on center, which Algerian public authorities used build collective estates. According townspeople of Constantine, these processes were followed by many social effects. This study presents survey results with heads households Boudhraà Saleh precarious neighbourhood, near Constantine city center eastern Algeria, who rehoused from towards new Massinissa at Constantine. Using descriptive approach, we analyze effects rehousing operations and periphery’s choice as transfer place. Our show reflections relocated related their environment, whereas has become uninhabitable. difficulty obtaining habitat forced them face difficult circumstances. Given unfavorable environmental conditions prevailing Massinissa, prompt intervention imperative identify implement drastic measures address harsh realities experienced its provide suitable habitats outdoor compliance fundamental tenets sustainable development.
Metropolitan area|Neighbourhood (mathematics)|Geography|Intervention (counseling)|Economic shortage|Sustainability|Economic growth|Compact city|Socioeconomics|Sociology|Urban planning|Ecology|Civil engineering|Economics|Psychology|Engineering|Archaeology|Mathematical analysis|Linguistics|Philosophy|Mathematics|Psychiatry|Government (linguistics)|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4385660912', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.24193/jssp.2023.1.04'}
Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning
"The Princess in the Wooden Body": Israeli Oral Versions of "The Maiden in the Chest" (ATU 510B*) in Light of Incest Victims' Blogs
Haya Milo (https://openalex.org/A5027500227)|Ravit Raufman (https://openalex.org/A5047300441)
Based on the examination of thirteen oral versions type ATU 510B*, recorded in Israeli Folktale Archive (IFA), mostly told by women, this article reviews and analyzes common characteristics shared among these blogs incest victims, appearing an website sexual abuse victims. The nature disguise (a wooden body or like), opening as well closing scenes, which maiden confronts her lecherous father, are discussed light blogs. challenges idea that we dealing with active heroine who takes charge life is able to start over another man. Instead, power find tales fueled narrators, use their stories voice externalize female distress oppression a patriarchal society.
Oppression|Power (physics)|Distress|History|Sociology|Psychology|Law|Political science|Psychotherapist|Physics|Quantum mechanics|Politics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2067340033', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5406/jamerfolk.127.503.0050', 'mag': '2067340033'}
Journal of American Folklore
"The Recruited Identity": The Influence of the Intifada on the Perception of the Peace Process From the Standpoint of the Individual
A. Sharon (https://openalex.org/A5011553735)|Tali Yitzhaki-Verner (https://openalex.org/A5033045962)|Dror Baron (https://openalex.org/A5037316256)
Abstract As a rule, people have related to the external (political or security) difficulties impeding peace process since signing of Oslo agreement. At basis this approach lies assumption that when these are solved, psychological individual may delay actualization most beautiful vision—a real between us and our Arab neighbors—will disappear by themselves. Therefore, there is no need relate them at stage. In article, we try undermine basic assumption. By using narrative analysis an interview with student—an officer who spent his regular army service in suppression Intifada—we demonstrate discourse through which young Israeli confronts question identity connection relations Palestinians. The (we call him Adi) was chosen because exemplifies many issues came up also other interviews Israelis were involved Intifada. demonstrates both positive qualities as well major problems found interviews. Throughout entire interview, encounter Adi's attempts maintain interpretative system even it longer matches reality within he acting. (Behavioral Sciences)
Officer|Identity (music)|Narrative|Perception|Politics|Psychology|Social psychology|Process (computing)|Military service|Service (business)|Sociology|Law|Political science|Aesthetics|Computer science|Business|Marketing|Philosophy|Linguistics|Neuroscience|Operating system
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2264943975', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1075/jnlh.6.3.01the', 'mag': '2264943975'}
Journal of Narrative and Life History
"The Reds Are in the Bible Room": Political Activism and The Bible in Richard Wright's Uncle Tom's Children
Timothy P. Caron (https://openalex.org/A5055835364)
When Israel was in Egyptland, Let my people go. Oppressed so hard they could not stand, Go down, Moses Tell old Pharaoh, Despite Ralph Ellison's proclamation that Richard Wright facile answers of Marxism before he learned to use literature as a means for discovering forms American Negro humanity,(1) help but discover various his own African-American heritage. As Ellison has also said, quoting Heraclitus, geography is fate.(2) While first volume Wright's autobiography, Black Boy, does claim the strange absence real kindness Negroes and cultural barrenness life,(3) it catalogues many joys strengths same black life: Thomas Wolfe-like lists beautiful sights, sounds, smells, sensations Southern rural life; lyrical folk beliefs that, like Zora Neale Hurston, recognized being vital survival racially hostile South; indomitable will inherited from mother; and, perhaps most importantly an artist, imaginative quest through insight into lived experience.(4) It important remember geographic destiny included thorough indoctrination South's religiosity, fact documented often overlooked. His initiation symbology biblical stories power verbally constructed images taught him church formed part literary apprenticeship. And while did embrace church, African violently Jim Crow state Mississippi, certainly recognize role played bulwark against tide white racism lives blacks; religiosity provided psychic health blacks by assuring them would always be oppressed Egyptland moreover, came radical potential its ability equip with indigenous belief system hastening contributing their liberation.(5) political, revolutionary lessons during affiliation Communist Party (CPUSA) Chicago allowed within Bible church. these seemingly conflicting sources entered what once called medium exchange(6) imagination were transmuted fictive works Uncle Tom's Children. Each collection's demonstrates either tragic consequences life without committed politics, or victorious results Christian praxis driven Marxist demand social justice. Abdul JanMohamed noted, cohesion Children derives incremental repetition themes,(7) concerns progressing outward individual toward community solidarity eventual political activism. revised collection subsequent 1940 publication adding introductory essay, The Ethics Living Crow, fifth concluding story, Bright Morning Star, which make this expansion even more explicit. explained decision revise How `Bigger' Was Born, introduction next work, Native Son. He says, had written book short published under title Cabin [in 1938]. reviews began appear, I realized made awfully naive mistake. found bankers' daughters read weep over feel good about. …
Wright|Politics|Political activism|History|Sociology|Religious studies|Art history|Political science|Law|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1993944488', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/saf.1996.0000', 'mag': '1993944488'}
Western civilization
"The Righteous Among the Nations": Bonhoeffer, Yad Vashem and the Church
Mark R. Lindsay (https://openalex.org/A5049968417)
In 1986, twenty-three years after establishing the Righteous Among Nations project, Yad Vashem brought down first of its many decisions to deny title martyred Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer. As recently as October 2003, when Israeli Supreme Court ruled that summary reasons behind committee's rejection could be published, has consistently maintained Bonhoeffer falls outside scope legal definition. While he does deserve recognition a meritorious fighter against Nazi regimeaccording Mordecai Paldiel, was "one ofthe good guys"l -Bonhoeffer simply not fit criteria righteous, established by Law (5713/1953) August 1953. Curiously, Bonhoeffer's own ecclesiastical authorities adopted similar stance during era. Victoria Barnett noted, neither nor Niemoeller's names were included in churches' weekly Fürbittenlisten because their resistance deemed political rather than theological. far bishops concerned, did prayerful intercession within context corporate worship, his imprisonment had nothing do with faith. The intent this article is argue Vashem's decision (with which I nonetheless disagree), explore ecclesiastical-political gave rise general malaise from German churches suffered period. Rather, paper will suggest reflections on Beatitudes provide more appropriate paradigm ~hKawcruVll (righteousness) and correlative ethical praxis either Church or have date permitted. key texts considered are Nachfolge, Ethics, Letters Papers Prison — and, course, text life.
Bishops|Nazism|Law|Context (archaeology)|Faith|Politics|Righteousness|Theology|Religious studies|History|Philosophy|Sociology|Political science|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2031673156', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.3138/tjt.22.1.23', 'mag': '2031673156'}
Toronto Journal of Theology
"The Road Less Travelled;" Reflections from Saudi Arabia: The Road to Wellbeing and Strong Leadership for Women in Saudi Arabia."
Maisah Sobaihi (https://openalex.org/A5092319214)
This paper conveys the power of performance and its effect on overall wellbeing a selection female students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It aims to explore reflections 12 young women drama performance, selected from pool 90 students. The will examine their reflections, asserting that skills gained enable them have strong leadership. These reveal performing has aided relieving fear anxiety, depression, increased self-awareness, provided sense community. proposes confidence allow for individuals are more connected self community able be leaders, producing society, contributing advancement
Drama|Anxiety|Power (physics)|Selection (genetic algorithm)|Depression (economics)|Self-confidence|Psychology|Sociology|Social psychology|Computer science|Visual arts|Art|Physics|Quantum mechanics|Artificial intelligence|Psychiatry|Economics|Macroeconomics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4285332990', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1109/slae54202.2021.9788101'}
Saudi Arabia
"The Role of National Diversity in Political Reform A Comparative Study between the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the British Northern Ireland Region"
Tareq Kakarash (https://openalex.org/A5032640867)|Alnasir Doraid (https://openalex.org/A5025801541)
"The issue of national diversity is considered one the most important points in studying development political systems our time. Many scholars and researchers have noticed that there rarely a people or nation world today does not possess different ethnic diversity, some which succeed forcibly obliterating them, leads to its ignition division nations states. (As happened Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Eight State, Empire Austria-Hungary, etc.) as it will happen future other repressive countries, no matter how long their repression takes, them preserving through assimilation understanding, Switzerland few countries. While are countries been striving for decades arrange situations (such India, Belgium Spain), with varying degrees success. The element sometimes plays an active role reforming system, at times this hinders entire reform. On basis difference contrast between two models terms degree modernity development, however, careful examination confirms they degree. Only years (1998 Britain 2003 Iraq) conflict still exists leading final solution crisis. ت"
Politics|Diversity (politics)|State (computer science)|Political science|Empire|Political economy|Ethnic group|National identity|Development economics|Sociology|Law|Economics|Algorithm|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3196613063', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.21928/uhdiconfrpc.pp246-262', 'mag': '3196613063'}
Development economics|Sociology
"The Role of Social Shifts on the Marital Treachery" As a Field, a Social and a Legal Study in Baghdad City
Lecturer Dr. Zainab Abdullah Muhammed (https://openalex.org/A5051985794)
Marital treachery is an immoral behavior and unaccepted social behavior. An attitude has to be held accountable for legitimately legally. Treachery old phenomenon as well a new one, but it been increasingly accelerated nowadays due the complicated modern life. It one of most difficult phenomena researchers faced in terms study, because its being compromising women's identity that their causes cannot revealed or disclosed. Thus, our community rejects this particularly if committed by woman. The objectives study are centered following: - What reasons drive some women betray husbands? role social, economic cultural transformations such betrayal out opinions those who working personal status courts (lawyers , workers)? Personal Status Law Iraqi Penal against treachery? In order achieve research, questionnaire prepared applied lawyers workers. found following results: Lacking religious values ​​in increasing treachery. 2. shifts prevalence. 3. Poverty want why husbands.
Betrayal|Phenomenon|Psychology|Marital status|Law|Social psychology|Social phenomenon|Field (mathematics)|Sociology|Political science|Social science|Population|Demography|Philosophy|Mathematics|Pure mathematics|Epistemology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3117081728', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.55716/jjps.2016.5.1.4', 'mag': '3117081728'}
Journal of Juridical and Political Science
"The Russian-American Role in managing Crises : Syrian Crisis as a Model"
Rawaa Taha Darweesh (https://openalex.org/A5040292930)
Russian-American relations in the modern era have gone through several stages, dominated by nature of conflict and competition, more than cooperation, which has not yet risen to level strategic partnership between two parties. If US-Soviet had left an impact on international balance power during Cold War, collapse Soviet Union birth Russian Federation ended what was known at time as start a new phase system called unipolar world, expressing uniqueness United States hegemony over The especially after Russia came out burdened with heavy economic burdens commitments that made it weak position affiliated States, first half nineties last century. One events Middle East, come under American influence large extent, resulting wars occupied Afghanistan Iraq East still is one most vital regions world witnessed rounds US-Russian Syrian crisis, because its important location, huge natural resources contains, are oil gas, sources energy who controls them. It fate today.
Hegemony|Middle East|Political science|Great power|Competition (biology)|Political economy|International relations|General partnership|Power (physics)|Politics|Position (finance)|Development economics|Economy|Economic history|Sociology|Law|Economics|Ecology|Physics|Finance|Quantum mechanics|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4380923637', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.25130/tjfps.v1i27.170'}
Development economics|Sociology
مجلة تكريت للعلوم السياسية
"The Savage wars of peace": toward a new paradigm of peace operations
Introduction War by Other Means? The Paradigm and Its Application to Peace Operations (John T. Fishel. ) Traditional Peacekeeping in Cyprus (Murray J.M. Swan. UN El Salvador: Manwaring a Setting (Kimbra L. Fishel Edwin G. Corr. on the Ecuador-Peru Border: Military Observer Mission (Stephen C. Fee. Wider Congo: Decolonialism Superpower Conflict Guise of (J. Matthew Vaccaro. United Nations Cambodia: A Second Decent Interval (Joseph G.D. Babb George W. Steuber. Piecemeal Peacekeeping: Protection Force Former Yugoslavia A. MacInnis. Enforcement Intervention Dominican Republic, 19651966 (Lawrence Yates. Somalia: UNOSOM II (Thomas J. Daze U.S. Haiti: Limits K. Adams. Conclusion Lessons That Should Have Been Learned: Toward Theory Engagement for Savage Wars (Max Winning Peace: What Tells Us (David M. Last.)
Political science|Political economy|Environmental ethics|History|Public administration|Sociology|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W294737666', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.5860/choice.36-1236', 'mag': '294737666'}
Choice Reviews Online
"The Science of Beauty": Aesthetics and Ottoman Orientalism
Berkay Uluç (https://openalex.org/A5076693182)
"The Science of Beauty":Aesthetics and Ottoman Orientalism Berkay Uluç (bio) KEYWORDS Orientalism, aesthetics, literature, Arabic, Turkish "We are bound, whether we like it or not, to Europeanize. […] The modern science history is come from Europe not the Arabs."1 Ussama Makdisi rightly reads these sentences Hüseyin Cahit's 1898 essay Sciences Be Gained Arabs" [Arap'tan İstifade Edeceğimiz Ulum] as reflecting "racial" "secularist" face Orientalism. essay, on other hand, was part a larger debate "the Arab sciences" [ulum-ı Arabiye] that has even more compelling implications for late epistemological transformations. In this I will discuss underexplored themes in tandem with Servet-i Fünun essays make case connections between imperial vision emergence "aesthetics" literary-scientific paradigm Turkish. Cahit wrote his polemic against Veled Çelebi who, using pen name "Bahai," published same year an titled "There Are Many Pek Çok Ulum Var]. philologist translator who well-versed Persian, triggered debate, he suggests intellectuals replace their age-old Persian influence principles scholarly tradition. Within frame comparison structures sciences"—ranging [End Page 283] "phonetics" [ilm-i meharic], "orthography" [imla], "lexicology" [lügat], "logic" [mantık] such branches "astronomy" [heyet], "geography" [coğrafya], "anatomy" [teşrih], "medicine" [tıb]—appear be superior Turkish, European counterparts. It reason, adds, "orientalists [müsteşrikin] devotedly translating many works sciences into languages."2 Far representing "Arabist" "Islamist" stance, thus invites scholars mimic methods orientalism Edward Said so famously analyzed.3 context asks appropriate literary [Arap ulum-ı edebiyesi] by adhering fundamentals ilm-i bedi—"the poetic adornment."4 bedi, body knowledge governs rhetorical effect writing, attests mastery art study literature. While have long produced numerous refinement, argues lacks scholarship. As asks, "Where work Turkish? Would better literature if borrowed Arabs' delicate poems powerful imaginations?"5 answer firm no. saved ourselves imitating Persian," writes response Çelebi, "are now going atonement Arabian deserts [Arabistan çölleri]? Let our Turkish."6 Notice figuration deserts" passage way equates whole Arabic scientific tradition spatiotemporal matrix desert." A marker difference its own classical discourse, desert" had increasingly turned trope "civilizing mission" over course nineteenth century.7 That put 284] equal footing attempt abandon bedi shows definition implicated internalized colonial logic shaped vision. important note, however, reference only prefigures much proposal. refusing Çelebi's call appropriation emergent civilization instead borrow hikmet-i bedayi—that is, "aesthetics." writes, need aesthetics learn basic rules [kavaid-i esasiye-i sanatı, edebiyatı], find among...
Orientalism|Turkish|Beauty|Arabic|Philology|Literature|Persian|History|Classics|Philosophy|Art|Aesthetics|Sociology|Feminism|Theology|Gender studies|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4386778457', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2979/tur.2022.a876793'}
Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association
"The Secrets of The Boys": Analyzing Homosexuality: Perceptions and Regulatory Frameworks in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey (The Past, Present and Future)
Talabos Dávidné Lukács Nikolett (https://openalex.org/A5092623101)
The Ottoman Empire's approach to homosexuality has often been misunderstood and misrepresented. This research aims shed light on the historical cultural context of in Empire Turkey, using a methodology. Contrary popular belief, was not strictly forbidden Empire, even under Islamic law. empires, including Ottomans, shared resemblance ancient Greeks, where relationships between older younger men, known as " amrad ," were prevalent. While sultans have both women young boys their harems, regulation absent from penal code since 1858. Interestingly, during "Tanzimat period" (1839-1876), when embraced Western influences, conservative values led stigmatization homosexuality. After World War II, Turkey aligned itself with global order, signing international declarations conventions human rights. However, recent years, there shift Turkish government's stance, current president expressing opposition supporting gay individuals. study intends explore past, present, future its subsequent transformation state.
Homosexuality|Turkish|Empire|Sodomy|Islam|Human rights|Context (archaeology)|History|Law|Gender studies|Sociology|Political science|Philosophy|Linguistics|Archaeology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4385723103', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.51825/nhk.v6i1.19549'}
Human rights|Sociology
Nurani Hukum
"The Sons of Pigs and Apes": Muslim Antisemitism and the Conspiracy of Silence
David Patterson (https://openalex.org/A5033958093)
Refusing to name an evil, we remain blind it, and Neil J. Kressel's “The Sons of Pigs Apes”: Muslim Antisemitism the Conspiracy Silence is a much needed eye-opener. Kressel unveils vast extent anti-Semitism that permeates world, as well scandalous silence surrounding it. Adopting social scientific method, he demonstrates “far from being by-product Arab-Israeli conflict, Jew-hatred has roots in long history complex Islam” (p. 1). The book “seeks provide clear convincing evidence venomous novel antisemitism—far more dangerous than garden variety prejudice far intense anyone would have imagined possible just two decades ago—has rapidly enveloped majority Arab beyond” 11). As for phenomenon, shows “that most people West—owing variously apathy, ignorance, confusion, bigotry, ideology, purported pragmatism, misguided multiculturalism, other reasons—have largely ignored, misunderstood, or deliberately downplayed this growing epidemic hate”
Antisemitism|Silence|Prejudice (legal term)|Ideology|Religious studies|Hatred|Ignorance|Islamophobia|Multiculturalism|Judaism|Sociology|Politics|Islam|History|Philosophy|Law|Political science|Aesthetics|Theology|Epistemology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2325296268', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1093/jcs/csu052', 'mag': '2325296268'}
Journal of Church and State
"The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back": The 1996 Blood Affair and the Navon Commission
Idan Chazan (https://openalex.org/A5092879381)
ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the role and functions of Israeli commissions inquiry (COI) specifically, Navon Commission 1996 which investigated a newly revealed policy calling for all Ethiopian-Israeli blood donations to be surreptitiously thrown out fear contamination from AIDS. The revelation affair led 10,000-person protest convened by Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) an official commission was formed investigate scandal (known as "Blood Affair"), headed former president Yitzhak Navon. Engaging with historical theoretical literature that presents disparate "typologies" discusses their socio-political significance, this probes reasons both Ethiopian-Israelis state favored formation Blood Affair. study then asks how why Affair narrative in final report differed various narratives advanced Israel. contends viewed different angles, public latter through experience immigrants process integration.
Commission|Narrative|Politics|Political science|Revelation|Immigration|Law|Gender studies|Sociology|Theology|Literature|Philosophy|Art
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4387543201', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2979/israelstudies.28.3.08'}
Israel Studies
"The Tower in Red and Yellow": Using Children's Drawings in Formative Research for Alum Simsim, an Educational Television Series for Egyptian Children
Alyaa Montasser (https://openalex.org/A5003746896)|Charlotte Frances Cole (https://openalex.org/A5078798807)|Janice Fuld (https://openalex.org/A5050610221)
Formative Research is an integral part of the development Sesame Workshop's productions worldwide. It used to bring children into television production process and give producers insights what like learn from material as it being produced. Using examples a study six test segments series Alam Simsim, Egyptian Street, this paper illustrates how one non-conventional research method-systematic analysis children's artwork-can be used, in conjunction with other tools, gain supplemental feedback during formative educational television.
Formative assessment|Television series|Psychology|Mathematics education|Tower|Alum|Educational television|Pedagogy|Sociology|Media studies|History|Archaeology|Materials science|Metallurgy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2071402452', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1207/s15566935eed1304_4', 'mag': '2071402452'}
Early Education and Development
"The Turkish Understanding of Religion": Rethinking Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Turkish Islamic Thought
Philip Dorroll (https://openalex.org/A5074092200)
Journal Article “The Turkish Understanding of Religion”: Rethinking Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Islamic Thought Get access Philip Dorroll * *Philip Dorroll, Wofford College, 429 N. Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. I would like to thank Vincent Cornell for his guidance comments on earlier drafts this article. Search other works by author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar the American Academy Religion, Volume 82, Issue 4, December 2014, Pages 1033–1069, https://doi.org/10.1093/jaarel/lfu061 Published: 08 August 2014
Turkish|Modernity|Islam|Religious studies|Sociology|Classics|History|Philosophy|Theology|Epistemology|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2013443879', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1093/jaarel/lfu061', 'mag': '2013443879'}
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
"The U.S. Has Done Well in the Mideast, But I Would Like to See It Do Even More"
G.A.G. (https://openalex.org/A5010555889)
Abstract At the bottom of Persian Gulf, controlling Western approaches to waterway now so crucial wellbeing and existence world, stands virtually unknown country Oman. Once, two hundred years ago, legendary seafaring empire Muscat Oman, it stretched from Mozambique Zanzibar Pakistan. Today, is a vast land span thousand miles sea line with small population approximately 1.5 million Omanis about 100,000 Pakistani Indian laborers. Only ten ago—in 1969 70—Oman was one most backward countries in entire world. The old sultan kept his people medieval times. gates Muscat, which lies an easily encompassable half-moon surrounded by jagged mountains, were closed every night at seven, anyone caught outside summarily shot, for why would he be if not making trouble? Poverty Oriental its intensity, modern world—whether sun glasses or cigarettes bicycles minimal health care education—was banned, often on pain death.
Ancient history|Poverty|Empire|Population|Persian|Geography|History|Socioeconomics|Economic history|Demography|Political science|Law|Sociology|Linguistics|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4239232264', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1017/s0084255900041012'}
"The Unknown Variable Hidden Underground" and the Zionist Idea: Rhetoric of Place in an Israeli Kibbutz and Cultural Interpretation
Haya Bar-Itzhak (https://openalex.org/A5076797017)
Abstract This article examines the rhetoric of place in an Israeli kibbutz. Members this kibbutz identified story its settlement with what they called "Sidriyot story" (the "Jujube story"). The aggregate stories collected creates a narrative local culture which ethos Zionist-socialist all complexity is expounded. analysis as told by generation founders and kibbutz-born uncovers polyphonic life "dialogic narration." In narration jujube becomes key symbol that nature contains whole slew simultaneous meanings ambiguities. It relates to main values problems society, such conquest soil building settlement, uprooting planting, Jews Arabs, culture, more. way exemplify importance legends for cultural interpretation.
Interpretation (philosophy)|Narrative|Dialogic|Ethos|Rhetoric|Settlement (finance)|Symbol (formal)|Literature|Sociology|Aesthetics|History|Law|Philosophy|Art|Political science|Linguistics|World Wide Web|Computer science|Payment
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2318181463', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.2307/541486', 'mag': '2318181463'}
Journal of American Folklore
"The Utilised Frames by Militant Organisations in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Case of Hezbollah's Military Arm"
Hatem El Zein (https://openalex.org/A5044572939)
The new communication technologies provide militant organisations in the Middle East a medium to transmit their messages. Generally, purpose of broadcasting is informing and/or manipulating propaganda. In context Arab-Israeli conflict, organisations, such as Hezbollah’s military arm, "The Islamic Resistance", embed media discourses with frames. Although current studies have uncovered ideology Hezbollah, it seems there dearth research about utilised linguistic frames discourse its arm. However, this paper aims bridge gap. It identifies frames, classifies them and interprets denotations.
Militant|Islam|Ideology|Context (archaeology)|Political science|Resistance (ecology)|Bridge (graph theory)|Frame analysis|Broadcasting (networking)|Middle East|Public relations|Media studies|Political economy|Sociology|Law|Social science|Content analysis|Computer security|Computer science|History|Politics|Medicine|Ecology|Archaeology|Biology|Internal medicine
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2556490035', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.59168/iurf7863', 'mag': '2556490035'}
Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara Transactions on Modern Languages
"The Vulgar Spirit of Blogging": On Language, Culture, and Power in Persian Weblogestan
Alireza Doostdar (https://openalex.org/A5076344228)
This article is an ethnographic study of Persian‐language weblogs (blogs), focusing on a divisive argument among Iranian bloggers that came to be known as the “vulgarity debate.” Sparked by controversial blogger who ridiculed assertions Islam was compatible with human rights, debate revolved around claim blogging had “vulgar spirit” made it easy for everything from standards writing principles logical reasoning undermined. My focuses primarily linguistic side controversy: I analyze emergent speech genre and identify structural features social interactions make this seem “vulgar.” also examine controversy confrontation between unequal access cultural capital struggle over “intellectualist” hegemony. In conclusion, use construct “deep play” weave together multiple layers structure, explanation, meaning in debate.
Vulgarity|Argument (complex analysis)|Hegemony|Power (physics)|Sociology|Persian|Ethnography|Meaning (existential)|Media studies|Construct (python library)|Law|Linguistics|Anthropology|Epistemology|Philosophy|Political science|Computer science|Biochemistry|Chemistry|Physics|Quantum mechanics|Politics|Programming language
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2066871068', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1525/aa.2004.106.4.651', 'mag': '2066871068'}
American Anthropologist
"The Wanderer," Part 3
Peter Whitehead (https://openalex.org/A5021840509)
"The Wanderer," Part 3 Peter Whitehead Initiation rituals are concerned with the crossing of boundaries such as those between boyhood and manhood or unmarried married state. From an anthropological point view, they can be seen to lie in broader category rites passage, which includes associated birth death also space time, for example from one territory another year another. Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence Past "Turning Turning ... Widening Gyre ..." How find a real falcon? In middle London? A daunting task. So I was quite astonished discover advert live falcons, trashy magazine called Exchange Mart. Some guy Dalston East End London selling some falcons newly arrived India. remember it clearly this day, going into decrepit, dilapidated old house being taken down basement. Another There, on high wooden perches dark, dingy rooms, were falcons. It moment ecstasy. had never imagined that birds could so utterly beautiful. When asked if trained falconry, he promptly invited me watch him flying falcon nearby playing fields. will forget bird opened its wings took off his wrist. seemed at moment, most incredible thing ever my life. onwards, until 1991, essence life, sacred central meaning existence. lived falcon, breathed copulated bred all kinds difficult conditions, travelled remote dangerous mountain desert regions, brought [End Page 681] their eggs back thousands miles stomach, sometimes even hatching them there. Without fully conscious it, gradually drawn more realm Mysteries Isis. very first bought day small red-headed Merlin This 1969, soon after finished Fall. named Aten, name Akhenaten gave sun's disc. only beginning. yet learn complexities art craft falconry. There nothing spiritual about that. learning how communicate once wild living creature develop harmony us. delicate process might well considered "of quality." development kind relationship is fragile, fascinating experience, no documented accurately T. H. White Goshawk (1951), painfully authentic description gruelling by you create necessary, working man prey. Taken wild. My life spanned next twenty years. every minute day. them, slept bedroom, risked wild, extreme time again. went places world, politically physically. walked across glaciers, cars temperatures minus fifty Fahrenheit. One captured Alaska late December. No sun, just two hours dusk. taught myself climb rocks Morocco because needed scale cliffs retrieve nests. But these huge climbing teacher—a friend I'd along who climbed Everest—refused me, calling "vertical mud. Suicide!" indeed really there literally solid cling to. Arctic place, times, but go absolutely worst year, when laid...
Visual arts|History|Art history|Sociology|Art
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2915901982', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/frm.2011.0113', 'mag': '2915901982'}
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media
"The assessment of odontophobia among Syrian refugees at the Moroccan military medical and surgical hospital in the Zaatari camp in Jordan and its influence by post-traumatic stress disorder : about an epidemiological investigation".
Hariri El Mehdi (https://openalex.org/A5065643367)|Sellouti Mohamed (https://openalex.org/A5090075031)|Jaouad Nguadi (https://openalex.org/A5063010307)|Hakima Chhoul (https://openalex.org/A5084110987)
Introduction : &#x0D; Odontophobia is a complex anxiety disorder related to excessive fear of dental care. Of multifactorial origin, it affects more females than males at all ages. can also be associated with other disorders, namely post-traumatic stress (PTSD), which recognized in refugees from civil wars.&#x0D; Materials and methods Descriptive analytical cross-sectional epidemiological study, carried out during February 2020 the Syrian refugee camp Zaatari, Jordan, involving 200 consultants office assess their degree odontophobia determine risk factors this disorder, particularly (PTSD).&#x0D; Results The authors collated subjects 125 (62.5%) were phobic corah score (&gt; or = 13) 75 (37.5%) non-phobic (&lt; 13). sex ratio was statistically different between two populations predominance female (p=0.025). length time spent Syria war, observed 96 (48%) patients who (13 24 months) (p=0.017). Similarly, influenced by its severe form (p=0.011).&#x0D; Conclusion: observational study showing high prevalence among consulting Moroccan military medical-surgical hospital Zaatari Jordan influence (PTSD).
Epidemiology|Traumatic stress|Refugee|Acute Stress Disorder|Medicine|Anxiety|Psychiatry|Anxiety disorder|Observational study|Clinical psychology|Internal medicine|Archaeology|History
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3045303461', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.15520/jmrhs.v3i7.225', 'mag': '3045303461'}
Journal of medical research and health sciences
"The barbarous character we give them": White Women Travellers Report on Other Races
Isobel Grundy (https://openalex.org/A5086479452)
"The barbarous character we give them": White Women Travellers Report on Other Races ISOBEL GRUNDY 1 he phrase in my title was applied by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, not to women but men. She uses it defensively about male Turks, saying they are general "not naturally cruel," although she has just reported that a young woman stabbed death and thrown the street as penalty for adultery.1 Her words convey her awareness cultural difference is constructed reporting traveller. Their context shows how two strands fuse thinking: unusual readiness appreciate Islamic culture, instead of denigrating it, involves accept defend exercise patriarchal power culture. It suggests difficulty negotiating between construction gender class, race, or impossibility from any neutral ground condemnation defence. Mary's predecessors such Turkey (all them male) tend claim status one many signs European superiority over Turkey, Christian Islam. The "character" civilization culture includes proper masculine chivalry towards inferior women; barbarity cruelty also effeminacy, critics like Edward Said have shown.2 arguably feminizes Turkish culture; does so with an air 73 74 / ironical approval, when, addressing Abbé Conti, compares pursuit cultured pleasure fame, proclaims would rather be "a rich Effendi all his ignorance, than Sir Isaac Newton knowledge" (1:415). Not only later writers (women included) validate known through criticism Other, particularly Other's unsatisfactory demarcation. In Widow Malabar, 1791, tragedy adapted French Mariana Starke, Indian widow question willing observe custom suttee follow late husband dutifully grave, secretly loves another. behaves, is, exemplar English conduct book; rebellious attitudes delegated Persian maid. Of co-religionists, elder, who starts out eager death, ends killing himself; younger, pities her, becomes convert; rewarded happy marriage beloved —an Englishman, thus (as Milton's "shee God him") plays role Christianity peer. including sentimental submissiveness females, swallows up Hindu without ripple.3 Unlike when arrived already seasoned—even published—critic own society. takes satirist's option praising order expose—in case female even feminist angle—the faults home. despises previous travel-writers partly class reasons, their flattery promotion home which, both intellectual woman, finds markedly imperfect. reads terms race.4 Both often voices Augustan belief human nature everywhere same: I never, various Travels, seen sorts people (and those very another); mean Men Women. (To daughter, 5 Jan. [1748], 2:392) Mankind every where same ... wild naked Negro [and] fine Figures adorn'd Coronets Ribands. same, 22 July [1752]: 3:15) At point Embassy Letters, however, suddenly allows this universalist attitude slip. visiting ruins Carthage north Africa: While sat here, Town tents far off flock'd see me were equally entertain'd veiwing one...
Character (mathematics)|Context (archaeology)|Symbol (formal)|White (mutation)|Turkish|Literature|Cruelty|History|Western culture|Power (physics)|Chivalry|Gender studies|Sociology|Art|Philosophy|Linguistics|Criminology|Geometry|Mathematics|Gene|Biochemistry|Chemistry|Archaeology|Physics|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1981358341', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/sec.2010.0239', 'mag': '1981358341'}
Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture
"The determinants of entrepreneurship in Tabuk: proposals and solutions " In the light of the pilot projects for 2014: محددات ريادة الأعمال في تبوك: مقترحات وحلول "في ضوء مشروعات الريادة للعام 2014"
Abdul Baqi Abdullah Al-Zaher Ahmed Saad Mohamed Khamis (https://openalex.org/A5076160052)
This study aims identifying the obstacles that face entrepreneurs in Tabuk. The has been covered three chapters. first chapter was theoretical framework of this whereas it discussed concepts and basics entrepreneurship. second explored development concept entrepreneurship Kingdom Saudi Arabia. third present condition Tabuk to identify problems restrains faced by projects approved Institute 2014. arrived following Tabuk: Problems related promoting entrepreneur product or service. Financing problems. Administrative Based on these problems, recommends following: Necessity providing marketing assistance produce new methods products services. Continue a complete financing support include accounting financial advice. Issue administrative instructions encourage personal responsibility follow- up their business instead depending foreign workers order enrich experiences. raising awareness among youth students organizing events, festivals presentations. Establish unit studies an academic course enhances interest toward at University.
Entrepreneurship|Product (mathematics)|Face (sociological concept)|Public relations|Order (exchange)|Service (business)|Business|Unit (ring theory)|Marketing|Political science|Finance|Psychology|Sociology|Social science|Geometry|Mathematics|Mathematics education
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3161909654', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26389/ajsrp.k161016', 'mag': '3161909654'}
Saudi Arabia
المجلة العربية للعلوم و نشر الأبحاث
"The impact of the digital actor in the political act and its role in the change in Egypt in 2011"
Mohamed Shteb Aidan (https://openalex.org/A5005117883)|Nawaf Abdulqader Jawad (https://openalex.org/A5004576834)
The digital actor has created the process of change in Egypt. media have played an important role organizing and leading movement developing dynamic pattern mass rebellion against Egyptian political system through possession civil forces virtual individuals Internet capabilities, which exceeded influence by its security, intelligence, Which also contributed significantly to citizen on list, liberation from constraints authoritarian controls, imposed state control, led success Egypt after declaration (Mohamed Hosni Mubarak) give up power.
Authoritarianism|Politics|Possession (linguistics)|Political science|Political economy|The Internet|Civil society|Power (physics)|State (computer science)|Declaration|Law|Media studies|Sociology|Democracy|Computer science|World Wide Web|Linguistics|Philosophy|Physics|Algorithm|Quantum mechanics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2919381329', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.25130/poltic.v0i14.112', 'mag': '2919381329'}
مجلة تكريت للعلوم السياسية
"The level of use of the contact person in public relations for the new media "Survey study on government institutions in the Sultanate of Oman 2016: مستوى استخدام القائِم بالاتصال في العلاقات العامة للإعلام الجديد “دراسة مسحية على المؤسسات الحكومية في سلطنة عُمان 2016”
Najim Al-Issawi (https://openalex.org/A5067193689)|Sultan Al Qasimi (https://openalex.org/A5009405402)
This study aimed to know the level of communicators using for new media in public relations headquarters ministries Oman. To achieve aim this researcher used descriptive and analytical approach. So he (Questionnaire) as tool study, The Society included employees (communicators) Public Relations Headquarters Ministries Oman, whom were 95, distributed on different most important results set by research varying levels communicators' at main Sultanate Oman depending their age, they frequently applications had been; Email then WhatsApp outlook, also displayed necessity developing abilities its professionally.
Government (linguistics)|Public relations|Political science|Descriptive research|Sociology|Social science|Philosophy|Linguistics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3165388427', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26389/ajsrp.m81016', 'mag': '3165388427'}
Mağallaẗ al-ʿulūm al-iqtiṣādiyyaẗ wa-al-idāriyyaẗ wa-al-qānūniyyaẗ
"The negative effects of the wars of genocide on the reality of Kurdish-Arab social relations in Iraq "
اسماعيل موسى حميدي (https://openalex.org/A5027291284)
"Research Summary The research aims to know the negative effects of genocide wars on reality Kurdish-Arab social relations idea current is built nature psychological and that devastating leave their people what they provoke from sectarian, racist strife, especially in a country like Iraq, which multi-ethnic multi-ethnic. community identified by segment Iraqi society homogeneous between Kurds Arabs, it has been Kurdistan regions represented governorates Erbil, Sulaymaniyah Dohuk, sample was randomly selected 200 individuals. tool questionnaire, its 20 paragraphs were prepared based an exploratory questionnaire included set questions related objective. After confirming validity stability applied sample. Statistical treatments carried out items arranged descending order according obtained weighted mean percentage weight. It ranked first with average (3.3) (78) for rank among paragraphs. paragraph (I hate Arab nationalism I every (1) weight (41) got last place, came conclusions, most importantly, despite great disasters occurred residents region, but awareness preceded racism extremism opinion Kurdish peaceful loves life others as itself, well aware oppressive regime representing itself only. researcher also recommended recommendations, including activating role civil organizations religious institutions urge rapprochement renounce through seminars conferences calling this, include educational curricula how enhance consolidate principles coexistence same country, show end those who such crimes. He proposed similar proposals study. "
Paragraph|Ethnic group|Genocide|Sample (material)|Exploratory research|Nationalism|Psychology|Rank (graph theory)|Social psychology|Criminology|Political science|Law|Sociology|Social science|Mathematics|Politics|Chemistry|Chromatography|Combinatorics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4293868208', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.21928/uhdicpgp/24'}
"The people must be forced to go to Palestine": Rabbi Abraham Klausner and the She'erit Hapletah in Germany
Avinoam Patt (https://openalex.org/A5068378032)
American rabbi Abraham Klausner played a vital role in rebuilding Jewish communal life Germany during the first few years after World War II, advocating on behalf of survivors before U.S. military authorities, securing much-needed supplies, publishing lists survivors, and establishing Central Committee Liberated Jews as official representative body displaced persons. The lauded their most trusted advocate, yet his zealous Zionism seemed increasingly to outpace that much survivor population. In May 2, 1948 confidential report world leaders, suggested three DP camps, perhaps only thirty percent would choose go Palestine, he proposed radical solutions this perceived problem. Observing situation from Klausner's unique perspective, author article examines contingent nature Zionism.
Judaism|Zionism|Anti-Zionism|Population|Law|Palestine|Religious studies|Political science|Sociology|History|Ancient history|Demography|Philosophy|Archaeology|Jewish studies
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1971178318', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1093/hgs/dcu033', 'mag': '1971178318'}
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
"The political implications of journal articles at the electronics websites of the Arabian newspapers. Analytical study of the articles published in the Jordanian newspaper AL- Dustour. Duration is from the first of June up to Thirty First of August – 201
Ahmed Sokarno Abdel-Hafiz Hussein (https://openalex.org/A5066927476)
The idea of this research goes around (The political implications journal articles at the electronics websites Arabian newspapers. Analytical study published in Jordanian newspaper AL- Dustour, duration is from first June up to Thirty First August – 2017).In order shed light on contents journalistic journals a year which has figuratively witnessed so many crisis and events Arab World politically, securely economically. Therefore, researcher used survey method. methodology led use mean analyzing content. This exists fundamental problem represented (what are been focused by writers electronic websites?).                             Therefore, group conclusions as follows 1_ Majority carry go with governmental agenda their countries. recommended that :1_ Necessity growth  thinking professional skills Articles writers, present society cases, for achieving Qualitative Articles, because we live world witness development fields Thought communication media.
Newspaper|Politics|Witness|Media studies|Political science|Journalism|Public relations|Duration (music)|Electronic media|Social science|Sociology|Law|Literature|Art
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3207469667', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.25130/hum.v26i9.823', 'mag': '3207469667'}
Journal of Tikrit university for humanities - مجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم الانسانية
"The relationship of social responsibility and excellence of the public sector in achieving sustainable development of society. "Case Study of the Department of Land and Survey: علاقة المسؤولية الاجتماعية بالتميز في القطاع العام ودورهما في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة للمجتمع. "دراسة حالة لدائرة الأراضي والمساحة"
Ghassan Awad Al Aatharbah (https://openalex.org/A5055851378)
The study aimed to investigate the relationship of social responsibility and excellence public sector in achieving sustainable development, know relevance internal external environment for Land Survey Department development achievement Jordan society. T0 achieve this goal data was collected from a random sample totalling 120 employees. , Leaders were selected as purposive amounting (10), within importance their perspective because they develop strategies policies related national agenda government trends all working methodologies. used questionnaire tool gather information. found that there is an impact CSR on also between well having effect development. recommended management land empower staff; order enhance work application principle equality opportunity authorize powers. And review laws legislation govern department line with developments aspirations Jordan, investment climate investors, whether or external; support economic Jordan.
Excellence|Sustainable development|Government (linguistics)|Business|Social responsibility|Corporate social responsibility|Sample (material)|Public sector|Public relations|Economic growth|Political science|Economics|Philosophy|Linguistics|Chemistry|Chromatography|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3159995016', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.26389/ajsrp.a11716', 'mag': '3159995016'}
Sustainable development
المجلة العربية للعلوم و نشر الأبحاث
"Theory based health education: Application of health belief model for Iranian obese and overweight students about physical activity" in Urmia, Iran
Baratali Rezapour (https://openalex.org/A5026199854)|Firoozeh Mostafavi (https://openalex.org/A5064055705)|Hamidreza Khalkhali (https://openalex.org/A5001524747)
Background: Obesity is a major problem in both developed and underdeveloped countries. The aim of this study to investigate the effects physical education program (PEP) on promoting health belief model (HBM) scores, increasing activity (PA), reducing obesity among Iranian high school students. Methods: This quasi-experimental was accomplished at four schools that were randomly divided into two groups experiment (forty) control male students junior Urmia, Iran. Students experimental group received PEP during 6 months. essential parameters used for evaluating educational HBM, PA, body mass index (BMI) Results: After intervention 3 months, showed significant difference results HBM constructs. According result repeated-measures ANOVA, there between about components PA Analysis covariance although BMI reduced months after intervention, no BMI.Conclusions: Results revealed implementation effective score
Overweight|Medicine|Obesity|Body mass index|Health belief model|Theory of planned behavior|Significant difference|Analysis of variance|Health education|Repeated measures design|Intervention (counseling)|Physical education|Physical activity|Physical therapy|Gerontology|Public health|Control (management)|Medical education|Internal medicine|Nursing|Statistics|Mathematics|Economics|Management
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2531859078', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.4103/2008-7802.191879', 'mag': '2531859078', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27761217', 'pmcid': 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/5070032'}
Public health
International Journal of Preventive Medicine|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|Europe PMC (PubMed Central)|PubMed Central|PubMed
"There Are No Cultural Islands like Ceshinsky's": Ceshinsky's Community Bookstore and Intellectual Space in Chicago, 1922–1966
Erin Faigin (https://openalex.org/A5079054903)
"There Are No Cultural Islands like Ceshinsky's"Ceshinsky's Community Bookstore and Intellectual Space in Chicago, 1922–1966 Erin Faigin (bio) In 1981, a local Chicago television station asked Saul Bellow to lead walking tour through Humboldt Park, his childhood home. Although was born Quebec, he moved with family 1924 when nine years old. The Bellows settled neighborhood on the northwest side of city. Originally by Germans Scandinavians, 1920s Park home diverse mix European immigrants, among them Italians, Poles, Russian Jews. lived Cortez Street, just south intersection Division Damen. Walking west from Damen 1920s, one might pass meeting Zionist Organization America at Budapest Hall or staging Yiddish play Biltmore Theatre.1 At Campbell, could catch streetcar headed downtown, but for most residents there no need. Between California Damen, they shopped Jewish-owned bakeries groceries, were styled shoe stores photo studios, visited Jewish dentists doctors, called exterminators contractors, sought counsel undertakers times grief.2 Yet, friends, important institution Street Moshe Ceshinsky's bookstore, located east Street. offered more than opportunity exchange cash goods; space itself facilitated ideas. would later reminisce: [End Page 15] [My] friends I are trying locate little island culture. days our youth didn't look very different similar districts Manchester St. Etienne, it is undoubtedly worse now. There cultural islands Ceshinsky's. He may not have been aware that selling inflammatory books—Germinal, Flowers Evil, Man's Fate, works Marx Engels—to high-school students. To him all books precious.3 Ceshinsky's, fathers smoked cigars debated politics; landsmanshaftn4 held meetings; poets perfected manuscripts; leftists buy Communist Daily Worker Trotskyist New International; Jews purchased ritual objects imported Israel. immigrants sea change their new home, Chicago. Before Ceshinsky opened own worked as traveling salesman publishing houses newspapers.5 introduced way rail, both its dispersion connection. Upon settling 1922, promptly transitioning itinerant businessman. opening storefront claimed stake himself literature Park. business vulnerable fluctuations market, longer subject vagaries being mobile salesman. business, continued use manifestations public sphere disrupted reconfigured migration. As Derek Penslar argues, press represents microcosm sphere, collectivity private individuals engaged creation discourse.6 Tony Michels describes emergence "Yiddish-speaking, working-class version Habermas' sphere" late nineteenth-century York identifies socialist central institution.7 Over course early twentieth century, described expanded geographical political scope. centered Lower East Side, which participated polycentric, broadly leftist, economically diverse. When became publisher 1930s, took role shaping geographic boundaries content sphere. publications produced house, 16] Farlag, world where multigenerational, global, thriving language.8 Farlag published Zishe...
Judaism|Downtown|Sociology|Regent|Bellows|History|Media studies|Archaeology|Ecology|Biology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4223476906', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/mwr.2022.0017'}
Middle West Review
"There Was No Plan": An Interview with Rajiv Chandrasekaran
Kevin R. Kosar (https://openalex.org/A5082041281)
The George W. Bush administration’s doctrines of preemption and democratization through military action have been much debated. Discussants included former members the military, students international relations diplomacy, philosophers, legal theorists, to name a few. Not surprisingly, focus these expostulations has on utility hard soft power, ripple effects state toppling, moral propriety preemption. For most part, public administrators little participated in debates. This is regrettable, for central question nestled within any debate over policy plausibility. Can this be executed successfully? governance challenges postconflict states are profound. Who should rule? How reconstructed? What administrative structures erected? staff government offices bureaucracies, what principles guide them? If succeed, then questions must answered. Rajiv Chandrasekaran an assistant managing editor Washington Post. His book Imperial Life Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone (Alfred A. Knopf, 2006) examination Coalition Provisional Authority that governed Iraq from April 2003 June 2004. Mr. served as journalist residence International Reporting Project at Johns Hopkins School Advanced Studies scholar Woodrow Wilson Center Washington, D.C. In March 2007, was interviewed by Kevin Kosar behalf Public Administration Review.
Democratization|State (computer science)|Public administration|Bureaucracy|Political science|Delegation|Power (physics)|International relations|Sociology|Law|Administration (probate law)|Politics|Democracy|Physics|Algorithm|Quantum mechanics|Computer science
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W1988342466', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6210.2007.00799.x', 'mag': '1988342466'}
Public Administration Review
"There a Damp Sky Thunders its Cough": On Two New Literary Monographs
Neta Stahl (https://openalex.org/A5085572688)
"There a Damp Sky Thunders its Cough":On Two New Literary Monographs Neta Stahl A reviewe of Hebrew Gothic: History and The Poetics Persecution by Karen Grumberg, Indiana University Press, 2019, 311 pages. Tubercular Capital: Illness Condition Modern Jewish Writing Sunny S. Yudkoff. Stanford 241 When I first read Grumberg's manuscript, images armed men marching in the streets an American town chanting anti-Semitic slogans wearing swastikas featured on TV screens daily newspapers. Back then, it seemed impossible to separate terror resulting from reemergence dark past – which, as Grumberg points out, is one prominent characteristics gothic her discussion elements figuring modern writing. Little did know that when would again for this review, be thinking about argument with very different set associated past. Similarly, Yudkoff's book gains now, more than year into global pandemic, new concrete meaning. Terms such 'quarantine', 'infectious disease', 'death rates' reemerge distant become part our lexicon. This rethinking anxieties long gone make these two books uniquely relevant collective moment we are living in, but also ensures their lasting relevance future eras today's angsts will literature successors. Gothic Capital invite us, each own way, consider re-consider how view Both authors out explore paradox fascination certain experience involves angst pain case tuberculosis follow ways which powerful influenced literary world. It tempting and, fact, fairly common field, write works writers revisionist [End Page 475] perspective subordinates interpretation scholar's critical ideology. Often, leads historicizing not grounded history. Furthermore, kind scholarship often limits inquiry narrow perspective. Missing energy spent attempts fit work or writer pre-determined theory, unique features world creator. What appreciate most excellent they absolutely avoid temptation. say do rely theoretical framework. study adopts orientations: theories spectrality, known "spectral turn", affect theory. She contends theory surprisingly missing while only chapter deals directly, thoroughly informs book. uses great sophistication interpretations, offering fresh mode gothic. As she aware risks, embodied opposing trends: hand being too broad universal conceptualization (she brings forth Jacques Derrida's Specters Marx example), other confining spectrality elucidation specific historical events experiences haunting ghosts. submits neither, using conceptual framework allows situate "within broader, transnational interest ghosts haunting" (11) re-conceptualize powerlessness victimization have come define self-conception govern contemporary Israeli cultural political rhetoric. In case, concept "tubercular capital", stands at center study, derives Pierre Bourdieu's capital, according various fields production, including arts, producers players consecrate producing value. interested identification "the value-driven superstructure that...
Hebrew|Literature|Newspaper|History|Classics|Art|Art history|Sociology|Media studies
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4206230214', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/hbr.2021.0022'}
Hebrew studies
"There is No Corona; It’s a Conspiracy": Addressing the Perceptions of People about COVID-19 through the Narrative of Their Comments on Social Media
Mohammad Al‐Motlaq (https://openalex.org/A5027143815)
This study explored peoples perspectives of COVID-19 through the narrative their comments on social media. The employed a qualitative content analysis convenience sample attached to more than 10 posts in two official Facebook pages both Jordanian and Australian main media May, 2020. reactions each post ranged between 60 701 at time analysis. Most responses were pessimistic negative supporting theory conspiracy. An important outcome though was presence counter conspiracy voices making some kind equilibrium. While major recommendations included improving public awareness attitudes, an action ensure equilibrium positive is identifying strategies improve access credible relevant health information. A culture evidence based facts need be spread among everyone able address this point gain people's trust.
Narrative|Social media|Pessimism|Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)|Perception|Public relations|Action (physics)|Psychology|Social psychology|Sample (material)|2019-20 coronavirus outbreak|Qualitative research|Sociology|Media studies|Political science|Medicine|Social science|Epistemology|Law|Philosophy|Linguistics|Chemistry|Pathology|Virology|Outbreak|Chromatography|Quantum mechanics|Physics|Disease|Neuroscience|Infectious disease (medical specialty)
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W3134705648', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1080/15398285.2020.1867412', 'mag': '3134705648'}
Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet
"There is No Time More Pleasurable Than When I Converse in the Sacred Language": A Plan for the Revival of Spoken Hebrew in Nineteenth Century Italy
Marco Di Giulio (https://openalex.org/A5007146390)
Decades before the revival of spoken Hebrew in Palestine, Italian educators created tools that encouraged students to practice language conversation as if it were a living tongue. Leone Reggio's שפת לשון הקדש Studio pratico della lingua santa is best example these works. Modeled on contemporary foreign textbooks, manual prepared speak by equipping them with broad vocabulary and wide range useful phrases supplying collection model dialogues be imitated conversation. Although Reggio saw study an important way preserve religious values at moment when ghettos being dismantled, his textbook differs from its rivals thoroughly secular content. own description book indicates he himself preparing for use national vernacular.
Hebrew|Vernacular|Conversation|Lingua franca|History|Vocabulary|Linguistics|Sociology|Literature|Classics|Art|Philosophy
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2015889060', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/hbr.2012.0037', 'mag': '2015889060'}
Hebrew studies
"There is a village somewhere out there": Representations of Anatolia as Terra Incognita"
Aslı Yazıcı Yakın (https://openalex.org/A5075067960)
Abstract Travel notes on Anatolia written in Turkey until the 1950's represent as terra incognita. becomes invisible through values attributed to community relationships and statements about sameness of rural area. Invisibility here is a syndrome modernity, which based positivist epistemology
Terra incognita|Invisibility|Positivism|Modernity|Sociology|Gender studies|Meloidogyne incognita|Epistemology|Philosophy|Geology|Paleontology|Computer science|Artificial intelligence|Nematode
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2015167320', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6443.2007.00305.x', 'mag': '2015167320'}
Sociology Lens
"They Are After Quantity, Not Quality": Health Providers’ Perceptions of Fee Exemption Policies in Morocco
Karen Van der Veken (https://openalex.org/A5045626540)|Fahdi Dkhimi (https://openalex.org/A5032429503)|Bruno Marchal (https://openalex.org/A5019498995)|Peter Decat (https://openalex.org/A5007521666)
A free obstetric care policy (FOCP) has been implemented in Morocco 2008 order to further decrease maternal mortality.Through in-depth interviews we explored the perceptions of health professionals public Moroccan hospitals with regard fee exemption policies. We tried understand what drives ignore, modify or apply a as formulated.Respondents express significant influences such policies on their work environment (higher workload and scarcity resources) patient/provider relationship, both which may cause negative effect workers' motivation. mix motivational determinants incites workers turn influence implementation.Understanding optimize implementation at point service delivery.
Workload|Scarcity|Business|Perception|Health policy|Health care|Work (physics)|Quality (philosophy)|Order (exchange)|Nursing|Public health|Public economics|Public relations|Medicine|Psychology|Economic growth|Political science|Economics|Finance|Mechanical engineering|Philosophy|Management|Epistemology|Neuroscience|Engineering|Microeconomics
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2899673833', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.15171/ijhpm.2018.76', 'mag': '2899673833', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30709086', 'pmcid': 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/6358657'}
Health care|Health policy|Public health
International journal of health policy and management|DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals)|Europe PMC (PubMed Central)|Ghent University Academic Bibliography (Ghent University)|Ghent University Academic Bibliography (Ghent University)|PubMed Central|PubMed
"They Blew the Levee": Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees
Kristina M. Cordasco (https://openalex.org/A5080496093)|David Eisenman (https://openalex.org/A5014822677)|Deborah C. Glik (https://openalex.org/A5055090486)|Joya F. Golden (https://openalex.org/A5080745862)|Steven M. Asch (https://openalex.org/A5064421397)
“They Blew the Levee”:Distrust of Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees Kristina M. Cordasco MD, MPH (bio), David P. Eisenman MHS Deborah C. Glik ScD Joya F. Golden BA and Steven Asch (bio) Keywords Katrina, disaster planning, trust, qualitative research On August 29th, 2005, made landfall just east New Orleans, Louisiana. That night next day, levees in Orleans collapsed, resulting flooding 80% city, with water levels reaching to rooftops many areas.1 Despite strong evacuation warnings, followed by a mandatory order,2 over 100,000 greater residents failed evacuate prior hurricane's landfall.3 Distrust authorities, among numerous other factors,4–5 seems likely have played role residents' reactions warnings public health authorities' advice. Prior hurricane, 72% were minority race or ethnicity6 there is long history groups United States distrusting medical leadership.7–9 Furthermore, distrust authorities Orleans' impoverished rooted local history. In 1927, The Great Mississippi Flood was threatening destroy including its crucial downtown regional financial institutions. To avert threat, part stabilize markets, it decided perform controlled break levees, thereby selectively poor areas saving institutions.10 This event lives on memories oral deliberately flooded areas.11 Faced knowledge that hampers success recommended evacuations responses, officials must [End Page 277] learn how build trust,12–13 complex multidimensional phenomenon.14 Research centered care settings has identified several components defined as expectation others will act one's interests, fiduciary responsibility, honesty, competency, confidentiality, equity.15 Residents' planning response illustrate elements trust they relate may provide lessons policy implications. salience vividly demonstrated interviews we performed from September 9th through 12th, days 11 14 after Louisiana Katrina. As study facilitators barriers evacuation,4 interviewed 58 English-speaking adults who living currently receiving shelter one three Houston, Texas, centers (The Reliant Center, Astrodome, George R. Brown Convention Center). Because our semi-qualitative did not include specific queries about distrust, struck frequency depth reflected spontaneous statements evacuees interviewed. report intended describe contextualize those statements. Not surprisingly, belief another's qualifications act, category mentioned most frequently interviewees. All authority, federal government officials, emergency workers, subjects these perceived incompetence summed up statement participant said, "They could lot better than what did." Another said "the whole deal total letdown." Several people went further when discussing their addressing second element equity. equity component being treated fairly, without consideration class, race, gender, characteristics.9,16 Seven told us believed preparations ineffectively slowly because socioeconomic composition neighborhood. One person stated: If President would stepped give like going send six million dollars save whale, all men Iraq, food money there, why couldn't he do for...
Distrust|Flood myth|Hurricane katrina|Flooding (psychology)|Landfall|Levee|Political science|History|Criminology|Public administration|Socioeconomics|Geography|Storm|Sociology|Natural disaster|Law|Archaeology|Psychology|Meteorology|Cartography|Psychotherapist
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2133761380', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/hpu.2007.0028', 'mag': '2133761380', 'pmid': 'https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17483557'}
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved|PubMed
"They Defeated Us All": International Interests, Local Politics, and Contested Sovereignty in Libya
Lisa Anderson (https://openalex.org/A5081822813)
Exploring three periods of contested sovereignty in Libya - 1911-1922, 1943-1951, and the present this article examines consequences repeated foreign intervention shaping competing definitions most desirable form government best-suited political leadership within country today. Libya's current dilemmas illustrate a century international ambivalence, confusion, often duplicity about norms that govern statehood Arab world.
Sovereignty|Politics|Political science|Political economy|Sociology|Law
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2608079594', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.3751/71.2.13', 'mag': '2608079594'}
Middle East Journal
"They Gave Us Cheese Sandwiches:" Foodways of War and Flight
Leila Hudson (https://openalex.org/A5033007993)
As part of a larger ethnography one family’s experience the Syrian war and displacement, this paper considers question food foodways. Based on extensive interviews participant observation, chronicles displacement through changing Following several families, investigates how scarcity price inflation punctuated urgency conflict for cluster Damascus households. It illuminates critiques UN rationing humanitarian aid in Tripoli, Lebanon, Amman, Jordan, aided but also betrayed newly disenfranchised populations. Interlocutors discuss introduction almost-familiar new foods eating styles nearby countries refuge, Egypt Turkey, exacerbated memories home. In desperate gambit asylum Europe, families discovered lines ration handouts formal informal camps from Greece to Germany emphasized dehumanization dependency refugees. By time many reached their lives elsewhere, siege famine had come Syria, as restriction was used weapon against remaining For settling into semipermanent exile, ability recreate cuisine return comforting rituals basic hospitality exchanges marked beginning postwar post-refugee lives. addressing theme habits cuisine, taste, gave way rations, dependency, charity, mass feeding, presents nostalgia, warfare, relief efforts light.
Foodways|Hospitality|Looting|Refugee|Famine|Sociology|Impermanence|Taste|Political economy|Political science|History|Tourism|Law|Anthropology|Archaeology|Psychology|Neuroscience|Buddhism
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W2995904927', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.24847/66i2019.243', 'mag': '2995904927'}
Mashriq & Mahjar
"They Have Countless Books of This Craft": Folklore and Folkloristics of Yemeni Jewish Amulets
Tom Fogel (https://openalex.org/A5015780291)
The nineteenth-century voyager Yaakov Sapir published accounts of Yemeni Jewish amulets that provide significant historical and ethnographic sources for a study occult practices the perception them by non-Jews. combination blurred religious boundaries characterizing traditions, prominent place Judeo Arabic language, or pseudo-Arabic magical scripts constructed traditions as an essential social cultural role minority, simultaneously made these center polemical discourse.
Folklore|Folkloristics|Judaism|Occult|Arabic|Literature|Craft|Ethnography|History|Kabbalah|Art|Anthropology|Sociology|Visual arts|Philosophy|Archaeology|Linguistics|Medicine|Alternative medicine|Pathology
{'openalex': 'https://openalex.org/W4324012012', 'doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1353/jfe.2022.0009'}
Jewish Folklore and Ethnology