diff --git "a/test.jsonl" "b/test.jsonl"
new file mode 100644--- /dev/null
+++ "b/test.jsonl"
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+{"code": " public function testAuthCheckToken()\n {\n $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonURL'] = 'http://phpmyadmin.net/SignonURL';\n $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonSession'] = 'session123';\n $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['host'] = 'localhost';\n $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['port'] = '80';\n $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'] = 'user';\n $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['SignonScript'] = '';\n $_COOKIE['session123'] = true;\n $_REQUEST['old_usr'] = 'oldUser';\n $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_user'] = 'user123';\n $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_password'] = 'pass123';\n $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_host'] = 'local';\n $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_port'] = '12';\n $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_cfgupdate'] = array('foo' => 'bar');\n $_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_token'] = 'pmaToken';\n $sessionName = session_name();\n $sessionID = session_id();\n\n $this->assertFalse(\n $this->object->authCheck()\n );\n\n $this->assertEquals(\n array(\n 'SignonURL' => 'http://phpmyadmin.net/SignonURL',\n 'SignonScript' => '',\n 'SignonSession' => 'session123',\n 'host' => 'local',\n 'port' => '12',\n 'user' => 'user',\n 'foo' => 'bar'\n ),\n $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']\n );\n\n $this->assertEquals(\n 'pmaToken',\n $_SESSION[' PMA_token ']\n );\n\n $this->assertEquals(\n $sessionName,\n session_name()\n );\n\n $this->assertEquals(\n $sessionID,\n session_id()\n );\n\n $this->assertFalse(\n isset($_SESSION['LAST_SIGNON_URL'])\n );\n }", "label_name": "CWE-200", "label": "200"}
+{"code": "function barcode_encode($code,$encoding)\n{\n global $genbarcode_loc;\n\n if (\n ((preg_match(\"/^ean$/i\", $encoding)\n && ( strlen($code)==12 || strlen($code)==13)))\n\n || (($encoding) && (preg_match(\"/^isbn$/i\", $encoding))\n && (( strlen($code)==9 || strlen($code)==10) ||\n (((preg_match(\"/^978/\", $code) && strlen($code)==12) ||\n (strlen($code)==13)))))\n\n || (( !isset($encoding) || !$encoding || (preg_match(\"/^ANY$/i\", $encoding) ))\n && (preg_match(\"/^[0-9]{12,13}$/\", $code)))\n )\n {\n /* use built-in EAN-Encoder */\n dol_syslog(\"barcode.lib.php::barcode_encode Use barcode_encode_ean\");\n $bars=barcode_encode_ean($code, $encoding);\n }\n else if (file_exists($genbarcode_loc))\n {\n /* use genbarcode */\n dol_syslog(\"barcode.lib.php::barcode_encode Use genbarcode \".$genbarcode_loc.\" code=\".$code.\" encoding=\".$encoding);\n $bars=barcode_encode_genbarcode($code, $encoding);\n }\n else\n {\n print \"barcode_encode needs an external programm for encodings other then EAN/ISBN
\\n\";\n print \"
\\n\";\n print \"- download gnu-barcode from www.gnu.org/software/barcode/\\n\";\n print \"
- compile and install them\\n\";\n print \"
- download genbarcode from www.ashberg.de/bar/\\n\";\n print \"
- compile and install them\\n\";\n print \"
- specify path the genbarcode in barcode module setup\\n\";\n print \"
\\n\";\n print \"
\\n\";\n return false;\n }\n return $bars;\n}", "label_name": "CWE-20", "label": "20"}
+{"code": "function getResourceGroups($type=\"\") {\n\t$return = array();\n\t$query = \"SELECT g.id AS id, \"\n\t . \"g.name AS name, \"\n\t . \"t.name AS type, \"\n\t . \"g.ownerusergroupid AS ownerid, \"\n\t . \"CONCAT(u.name, '@', a.name) AS owner \"\n\t . \"FROM resourcegroup g, \"\n\t . \"resourcetype t, \"\n\t . \"usergroup u, \"\n\t . \"affiliation a \"\n\t . \"WHERE g.resourcetypeid = t.id AND \"\n\t . \"g.ownerusergroupid = u.id AND \"\n\t . \"u.affiliationid = a.id \";\n\n\tif(! empty($type))\n\t\t$query .= \"AND t.name = '$type' \";\n\n\t$query .= \"ORDER BY t.name, g.name\";\n\t$qh = doQuery($query, 281);\n\twhile($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {\n\t\tif(empty($type))\n\t\t\t$return[$row[\"id\"]][\"name\"] = $row[\"type\"] . \"/\" . $row[\"name\"];\n\t\telse\n\t\t\t$return[$row[\"id\"]][\"name\"] = $row[\"name\"];\n\t\t$return[$row[\"id\"]][\"ownerid\"] = $row[\"ownerid\"];\n\t\t$return[$row[\"id\"]][\"owner\"] = $row[\"owner\"];\n\t}\n\treturn $return;\n}", "label_name": "CWE-20", "label": "20"}
+{"code": "function XMLRPCremoveResourceGroupPriv($name, $type, $nodeid, $permissions){\n require_once(\".ht-inc/privileges.php\");\n global $user;\n\n if(! checkUserHasPriv(\"resourceGrant\", $user['id'], $nodeid)){\n return array('status' => 'error',\n 'errorcode' => 53,\n 'errormsg' => 'Unable to remove group privileges on this node');\n }\n if($typeid = getResourceTypeID($type)){\n if(!checkForGroupName($name, 'resource', '', $typeid)){\n return array('status' => 'error',\n 'errorcode' => 28,\n 'errormsg' => 'resource group does not exist');\n }\n $perms = explode(':', $permissions);\n updateResourcePrivs(\"$type/$name\", $nodeid, array(), $perms);\n return array('status' => 'success');\n } else {\n return array('status' => 'error',\n 'errorcode' => 56,\n 'errormsg' => 'Invalid resource type');\n }\n}", "label_name": "CWE-20", "label": "20"}
+{"code": "function execute_backup($command) {\n\t$backup_options = get_option('dbmanager_options');\n\tcheck_backup_files();\n\n\tif( realpath( $backup_options['path'] ) === false ) {\n\t\treturn sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid backup path', 'wp-dbmanager' ), stripslashes( $backup_options['path'] ) );\n\t} else if( dbmanager_is_valid_path( $backup_options['mysqldumppath'] ) === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid mysqldump path', 'wp-dbmanager' ), stripslashes( $backup_options['mysqldumppath'] ) );\n\t} else if( dbmanager_is_valid_path( $backup_options['mysqlpath'] ) === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid mysql path', 'wp-dbmanager' ), stripslashes( $backup_options['mysqlpath'] ) );\n\t}\n\n\tif(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {\n\t\t$writable_dir = $backup_options['path'];\n\t\t$tmpnam = $writable_dir.'/wp-dbmanager.bat';\n\t\t$fp = fopen($tmpnam, 'w');\n\t\tfwrite($fp, $command);\n\t\tfclose($fp);\n\t\tsystem($tmpnam.' > NUL', $error);\n\t\tunlink($tmpnam);\n\t} else {\n\t\tpassthru($command, $error);\n\t}\n\treturn $error;\n}", "label_name": "CWE-20", "label": "20"}
+{"code": " protected function loginRequired()\n {\n Yii::$app->user->logout();\n Yii::$app->user->loginRequired();\n\n return false;\n }", "label_name": "CWE-863", "label": "863"}
+{"code": " public function uploadCustomLogoAction(Request $request)\n {\n $fileExt = File::getFileExtension($_FILES['Filedata']['name']);\n if (!in_array($fileExt, ['svg', 'png', 'jpg'])) {\n throw new \\Exception('Unsupported file format');\n }\n\n if ($fileExt === 'svg' && stripos(file_get_contents($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']), '