import os import glob import h5py import numpy as np def load_stimulus_features(root_data_dir, modality='all', last_season=False): """ Load the stimulus features from the .h5 files stored for each modality (visual, audio, language). If last_season is True, only load data for Friends Season 7 (i.e., groups whose name starts with 's07'). Parameters ---------- root_data_dir : str Root data directory. modality : str, optional One of ['visual', 'audio', 'language', 'all']. Decides which modality's features to load. Default is 'all'. last_season : bool, optional If True, only load data from Friends Season 7 (i.e., group names that start with 's07'). Default is False. Returns ------- features : dict Dictionary containing the stimulus features. The keys are 'visual', 'audio', 'language'. Each key maps to another dict, keyed by group name (e.g. 's07e01a'), whose value is the loaded numpy array. E.g.: { 'visual': { 's01e01a': np.ndarray, 's07e05b': np.ndarray, ... }, 'audio': { 's01e01a': np.ndarray, 's07e05b': np.ndarray, ... }, 'language': { 's01e01a': np.ndarray, 's07e05b': np.ndarray, ... } } """ features = { "visual": {}, "audio": {}, "language": {} } # Helper function to determine if we should load a given group. # If last_season=True, only groups starting with 's07' are kept. # Otherwise, load all. def should_load(group_name): if last_season: return group_name.startswith('s07') return True # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1) VISUAL FEATURES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if modality == 'visual' or modality == 'all': visual_dir = os.path.join( root_data_dir, 'stimulus_features', 'raw', 'visual' ) h5_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(visual_dir, '*.h5'))) for h5_file in h5_files: with h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') as f: for group_name in f.keys(): if should_load(group_name): data = f[group_name]['visual'][...] features['visual'][group_name] = data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2) AUDIO FEATURES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if modality == 'audio' or modality == 'all': audio_dir = os.path.join( root_data_dir, 'stimulus_features', 'raw', 'audio' ) h5_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(audio_dir, '*.h5'))) for h5_file in h5_files: with h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') as f: for group_name in f.keys(): if should_load(group_name): data = f[group_name]['audio'][...] features['audio'][group_name] = data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3) LANGUAGE FEATURES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if modality == 'language' or modality == 'all': language_dir = os.path.join( root_data_dir, 'stimulus_features', 'raw', 'language' ) h5_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(language_dir, '*.h5'))) for h5_file in h5_files: with h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') as f: for group_name in f.keys(): if should_load(group_name): pooler = f[group_name]['language_pooler_output'][...] last_hidden = f[group_name]['language_last_hidden_state'][...] data = np.concatenate([ pooler.reshape(pooler.shape[0], -1), last_hidden.reshape(last_hidden.shape[0], -1) ], axis=1) features['language'][group_name] = data return features