stringlengths 1
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My place of business (and my college) blocks imgur, and manually typing in filmot is... Well, getting bothersome.
But I'm program-language-illiterate, and I barely know anything about code..
Could a code guru help a fellow redditor out? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxS2pZaHVUcFRhaFh3NXZXVWZ4SHItaExNNkx4aGZSZEs0TGlUbVBfbmtJUFVJcHpPTGhVREtzSFV3YnlqZGQwTF9XWkZoVTZMeHoyVGszM2p1T0ZJMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpSlhDVmw2bGNUNkZULV8wQU5vUUR5Sm5Ba2lURmU0WUV1a0Y2M3VyZDROVm9UbGFaYkNRVnVrdnJBMU11Z3FuOXBhR2xjOHl5b3dGOFlZQ2szZm1zUndvTXVDVHBtZzlRTFVPWkxBYUdNaS1RVS1YRVp0VDEzVzlIdUJyZ0NhcldPZi1pb2JHZHZVODdpbUduUEJpOHNpNDBtbEszTURQeXhmNjZOekRlcnllTTNlZnVKTUVTSkljem80aUxsOFRpMEdNVjJ4TnRmTEhIbDdvLU5VT0d2Zz09 |
History? I'm using them my current TTL/CMOS developments.
There is an infinite amount of 555 projects in magazines, web, books, napkins :) etc | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVWtSY0psc1RCQnl4OU5xWGVlcmc5SGZZblJrQjlsNS0tZk56V0RlQWl2SWRzNU1ZN2hvNkI2ZVBITWx6M09ZbzZyZkRsVUxmVW1pQU1kVExwT3FxYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpT05Wc3U4YkpYSzQzb1ptX1Z4UTBqcEhkUFBYS3B2NFpXYk1KRVVFbk14dGtWQnZIMjJVUThtZ1ZBc0tyNWt2RnlGUWJ2bURQQ2tJT3NpOXNGVEhNcUZlWWZlU0xOc0g5ekJ5Z0dWc2Nab0pGZEFjZ3J0VVJ0aTV1NGNGMmJ5VFNFeHZSZHA1RFFJQ0tnem5WX0tLNE9CV2F5anM1REljU3FYOFU5MXFIU3I0PQ== |
Ya but I need something solid and concise which takes me from 0 to 60 in <400 pages. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeFFPbkhzSUQ2QlpuSER4TXl2cUFmb3pOSlRxZDlTbkxadDB3VldURXljaHNVc2x0aW1xSjQxLWc1cklMWnVoNDZyMFVxeC1sdkNvb3RuMHFYS2JJV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQVdtYVoyaFZzNjlHcDFJRHZ3bnFxNnJCVEpxOUNUMnFPMkJQR015NGNDeWZsN2NyNmh4V21ELUNYRlNRMnU4M1pjeHM0WFJpSWFhOWVMX2VsbG9Kc1JTcGdNTnRKVTRJSzd0dXY4SmN3X2FKejRLZE1CMnU4cG5DRWxndEhUTHRXMlRZRk9TMDJ1RGludk9tWjlKQTBBR25QOFE2a1c4RHVMNXFocVpyY0lvPQ== |
I would just read a few datasheets and work through the specs and example applications. Maybe start [here](http://www.national.com/ds/LM/LM555.pdf)
If you really need more information then look for app notes, [this one](http://www.doctronics.co.uk/pdf_files/555an.pdf) looks decent | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMDZZVU9oZ0lKWW5GOFFiY1Zna0Z6SkpnMmRpRjhXTElNdUFZQXRoWHhqeVpnak5sWmNnejI5NXVFTUl5SkE0NG54ZGhYSVUwclBFTHRwQU4zRU5pUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRm8wcEFpaFcxamdoWjVOYlJuT1Z3VGhKVDBhMWZwYVhxZGtrNnhfT0h4aVpvOEpWaWdqbmVmS1dYUlhuT2VGUFBrWTFqRzJKTTk2aUhSMWFrVXdsMTM1X2NLZ1ZVT2Z2RUNrMEE2WTAxc0hCU3YwR1lMU3JCTFBaVlJuM1BxbkU3MGlPODhaMnBHajFwWmJKZlRnd2tjYlVHMU9VZHZyMEpIYXZwNFRaTHFBPQ== |
At the moment i'm using this as a reference: http://www.eleinmec.com/article.asp?1 | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxX1EtU3RQWGlmWXlTaUpsVXRRTnVPZ2RpcmJQeXpJLTR1MzNQQ0pSQV9oS2NwS1ZpTUdESDU1UTFEMTQ4R2txUTlleFhneGtZcm9KQzZFY1I4MV9JVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcnUyQWM4NDhaXzZ1VWRaX3ZxYkVUeTh2X2VYS1ZQbUtTNkxzVGFnT09fUTRnSWhIZWthb2E4VGJ6RlpZZGFnRktiZm1EMW5UMm5XSUlQcEx5eEtSRmZ0eFpHQ01sc19waHNfSHRuYk9VYnZfLVhJQm1xaGFGd0pKZ1FwY01IeUw5aHZsVEIybl9wVElYeHpxUE1jZEZUVmNTUlZDbndPcHRhQmNPeW91R3pBPQ== |
How dare you insult the "use a microcontroller" crowd! | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSE9rVkxLTG15U001WGdhZW1ldHRxeU5yLXdvbUpiVVhpMVhkOVZZUkFCS1pKaXQ2T285OGFIMWVkSS1xOS1Lajd4S3lsb0x5dE5LY3k4UHZ4SUFEZUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdUZYMkZtMVNwMS1ac2NkRFk5cUVMQ2NoLTlqckdJSDY0TXdEZ0J3a0k1dFZjYThTTXVORW5OcFVXQkx5Z1ZGTXJkV2FzRlhJQWV3ZlBVY2Fxa1hmakx4MDNqTkVDTklqOE50eGhNRFhrUFR6ZEo4ZEpBRkI5SUJtVjZzQWo3MTNYYkgwUUUwSHdjOGFHTGY4TFBiWnN4Wk5rZG5FMmxyU1FPQ2tDN1laa3dvPQ== |
Her ya' go. [The IC Timer Cookbook by Walter G. Jung](http://www.amazon.com/IC-timer-cookbook-Walter-Jung/dp/0672214164) is perhaps the definitive standard that explains the 555 succinctly with sample circuits. Jung's Op Amp Cookbook is also excellent. Really a couple of books that belong in the timeless category. For fluffy fun stuff [Forrest Mimms III](http://www.amazon.com/Timer-Amp-Optoelectronic-Circuits-Projects/dp/0945053290/ref=sr_1_2_6) is a great place to start. National semiconductor should have a bunch of relevant app notes buried in their archive too. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUWFmMUxHelRBX3B4RkpYek1LY1g3c0p3a0d0UUk2SU1ab1RDRHV3X2s0aEtHOVZOeEFuYnJqY0pqUjNSMmRtb0JNMk5zOHh5V2Ywcm14ejNlN2hPU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdTI2LVNYcXBtTGljUXNyM0JFTVZ6S3FQMTVtd1lsYjFsSjhyN1paRVgxVmlUTDdCQjJIdlBuLVc0U0d4Qjk2ZExoUFFVZWJVYWJNbWtRTnNKSkxfZTR2NjV1amdTSmVuQTBNS21YWUZzdXAzN1k5Ui02Ri1CZk9RVGg5cEJWdlEyR2hpaThMUlFhejdzYTJUbmhrNEN2OXR0b1d3cDJHSjFfY3F5ZHA1RzJBPQ== |
There are a lot of 555 fanboys around, but this article has a more realistic assesment: http://www.edn.com/blog/Anablog/40430-555_timer_IC_design_contest_no_strings.php
I wonder how much of the 555's and obsolete, 60's opamps like 741 owe their continuing popularity to those little Forret Mims notebooks, which pretty much require Radio Shack to sell those parts forever, or at least as long as they want to sell the Mims books. Too bad he didn't write a book about a decent RRIO opamp, or even something like tl431. | r/eebooks | comment | r/eebooks | 2011-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ2ZNUEdCU09jWGVUMUhrUmxyRG5TU1ZUYjFiV2FzTDdqQTdTQjduSUt1eW44XzRxZDZ2VDVhZHhsLWhwZUEzZEszOTdKUlFfVTVyRk1uS2RDYXZKN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaVQ3cjVZdnNVUXc5SEJEcnU3N2dFV1BkSDh4TFJLU09GZmdxLWMtcWJuSHRlNFlYcU8wZGRuMXhkQnRGRVFiZ1ZSUmtMQndLU19WQkd0VlFZT3drWWRsNE1iVFcwU0pIOGRsdlhXeFNhV0w4WnBqZEtwakwyWjduT1QyS0ExN2dNd2xFMjdhVDI1M0d6bEJZOTBOa3duSGJXWGhFcVgwTXByZXlibUZJMnVrPQ== |
It was a boyfriend who gives his girlfriend ballet tickets for Christmas for February. Then uses that for his Valentines present too.
My boyfriend is totally trying to do that right now, so I want to reference that hilarious comic. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2011-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVjR4VDBCT3VPa0ZnZTFOM1lzbjJfQlF0Z1oxR0laYTlWM2NqOGF3c0x4Q3F0X3BBdWg1VkNFNnl1Qmd5dkhXMFRhRENiUUlHN0J6d2p6Umk0d05jOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVWpPcjRhaEI3TnJnQ0ItLWRYRVBoazM0RC1TS0hoc1RjN094b0ZxQnN3WG5tc1N6TTM5SkhicThyVVpGZkNJWmJMNWIzTzlOVHFoak1pUDAzUmR6SWVQaTQ5QzlLX2tpLTU0Sy10THdVV0dZWnNiTGtMaTA5Z3pwNzBXcml1TDhkWDdMYXExNk14WUlZNmtSbFZLc3ZwN0x4Q0ZrdjBLME1HVldhU042WVJMY2NwVnd2bDBGbnhSOUx0NHR4VmxfbUhzQVhsbm0xNzZLT2NRMGgxa04yQT09 |
I will probably follow through with higher level courses, so I want to make sure I'm starting off in the right place.
1. Magnet Theater
2. UCB
3. Chicago City Limits
4. PIT
Thanks! | r/improvcomedy | post | r/improvcomedy | 2011-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSjFaOGhlZXNmWVBsU09aUU1URzVjVUlxTHlRN2tFN2VvVGx3Sl9tV2lGUVdtdkpGNkdZYmZOQzRtOWZPU1NFTGVNXy1tMlhFRm1UTWtHN0ZVd2NmbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpM1hyV1M4NkFaRHFjcDFLcHFaUFNudWd2N3BNNUROcFJvRUZlRlR1bTl1TVFSNVRDU1hNekZ2MjBmMGJiRkdxcms2SDRHdl9DQjQ3OWQxeXR5Vk00UVhEaWV2Y2tUVkNsSlR2Tk5qX0R1SXpHdlctRnhYWnZBWmNUUEV3b09BTjBMclZZeWFSaXJYaThRckRCa01sMmxjY1gydW5kRHZ3ek9EN3pTNUk2NDY0dVU1RVpFUHJIQ2VxdEVhVGJBMnZpMlozclN6SUxrMDU3b3NUU0s5VHIyQT09 |
Given that Spacechem saves all building actions from the start, it would be nice to have ways to go back to previous point in your build process without having to hammer on Ctrl-Z repeatedly until it "rolls back" to the state you want. An elegant way of doing this would seem to be a horizontal slider at the bottom, where having it be all the way to the right (the default position) would mean "nothing to redo", and all the way left being "nothing to undo". You could easily zoom back & forth to previous entries in your design.
Adding savepoints to this feature would be easy & useful as well; when your design has reached a stable spot, you could create a label that would mark its point the redo log; you could roll back to this point by picking from a dropdown (instead of using the slider & trying to position it exactly).
Related to this: as I work for a long time on a design, the undo function becomes extremely sluggish, sometimes taking a half-second or more to undo a step - this is a bug that needs fixing.
Finally, it would be nice to be able to save a reactor design when playing the levels that are "pipeless", so that you could save a working design to pursue a new strategy, but return to the working design later. Granted, implementation of the slider/savepoint feature would allow you to do this, but it would be easier to start from scratch by sliding back to 0 instead of manually disassembling your design each time you wanted to have a clean state, but doing so would wipe out all your savepoints. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVDBRRWxwN1pWMXEzSkJYOU5QSFIwQkRCNmRkV3ozQW9wakwwaTNuVFNZcXBSaEdHZTJ6QVkyWk1WR3hMajBaUjJwRDlwRHJJNnNFQ1Y5SXFwNTJzUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpWWthaWVpNUhnYVFwelFwZmNhbm5zaUUwVmF4SFpmQkRMMDhyUUpETG5halJrak5zcU1XcW9oNGV5bC1ORDNYS2EySEpyUTBpN2N3TE5sTERZWHRWd2x3Wk1JLU1JZGZ6YkFRSEtLZ2FzWThsWTRvMkktbmIwek0zSHdzbnRUUW9ZYVU5djJFTlFBbm0ybXBPOUJIMTJhNm9aWEhPWEwwaVFwSjJHMWdBd3FfSVFuMXhBTEctZkhDU3ZUNGlMRTkxWk50eFozaVN4UmYtRDY1d1pORlp5UT09 |
Hi everyone! I'm posting this here because I don't want to risk someone biting my head off in /r/photography, and because from what I've seen many beginners like me have posted and received great response here. Hopefully you can help me too.
I've always been quite interested in photography, and have therefore tried to make the most out of my point-and-shoot cameras, though never getting much more advanced than some simple macro photography (along the lines of [this](http://i.imgur.com/oUzh8.jpg), if anyone's interested). However in just over a month I'm going travelling for 4-5 months, and I feel like this would be a great opportunity to pique my interest in photography. Now, I *could* just bring along my aging mid-range point-and-shoot camera, and I'm sure I'd get around to taking a lot of photos, but I feel I've gotten to the point where, more than anything, I want a greater degree of control of my camera and my photos.
This brings me to my recent dream of buying a DSLR to help me really start enjoying photography. Of course, my limitation is that I have close-to-no money available to spend on this, so basically I'll be buying nothing more expensive than the very cheapest models (new Canon 1000D/Sony A290 or used Canon 400D/possibly Nikon D3000 - along those lines). Now, I know it's generally not a good attitude to instantly go for the cheapest possible equipment, but my budget is essentially non-existent (having not planned to buy a new camera), with me willing to extend it from US$0 to about US$400 (rough equivalent in my local currency).
So, to sum up, I'm not looking for advice on whether to splurge and go for a more expensive camera, but rather on whether to get a DSLR at all. I do feel like this is really *the* opportunity for me to get interested in photography (and possibly upgrade my equipment in a year or two), but I thought I'd ask you all whether this would be an unwise decision. Also you can feel free to recommend entry-level cameras, but this isn't the main point of my post.
Thanks in advance!
**Update**, if anyone's interested: I ended up buying a Nikon D5000. I got it at a very good price, "only" about $70 above my initial budget, and $50 above the price of the absolute cheapest (new) DSLR available here, the Canon EOS 1000D. I've only played around with the camera for an hour or so, but I'm already loving it.
Thanks for all the advice - it's been really helpful. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRzdxVGl0dnBsLXZXaWI2MEd4M21rWU1yR2RuUDE5aW43dlFBQTFvZGtjRHkwZFVnb005cUh4NjJ3THFoM2VXd01lcnNuT2Z0T2ZNREU2a0VsYUFycnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOXFZb25qT21Xb3NtR3ZJeGk1WDdObG5oVXJLQUd6MDJqRGdVamZXeVdDMFBRVUZxczlEQkJHMUNkLV9FSUFzWnlHVDRtbXRlX0ZXYkk2ZG1wSW5yeVlUVzIwNWdzUzd5ZXNqLTVyQWJfNmd5X2RhQVpOa3lySFQtdVBlU21lSm1uWXpKS181bnJTRzFpY3g1VVJ3bW1mREU3UG5tQ185RnM4THRuMFBWQmt6ZWJfUkxYVVJCdnJvQXF6OWxUcTkwMDZqS3FnV01PT3NUS0lESDZjLURGUT09 |
It'd be nice to be able to save a snapshot of a complete design & be able to load it later or export it to be shared by others (or by yourself on a different machine).
Often I'd wanted to save a design known to work before starting to optimize it - it's pretty hard to roll back to a specific revision with Undo.
You can save reactor designs in production assignments I guess, but not the whole setup. Plus I'd like to see the same kind of save ability in research assignments. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxY3d6UVZfSzFwalQyb0trUVY2X2VIaGVkUU1DZHVjRF9HY05odnRid2xIb21RMUhZLUpRRzdkUzFMZzFtR053RU9oUHJLTVFNOTdraWRyMVYtWUhGUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZ0thamRJT2pJb0FXNzc0YlJ6dWJrTEh3aEJxVWl3ejZTR2NhbEhsMXZ5WEFuTkdmNDBzMXRBX292YTFzVHlFS0o5RkllWG9BYTEwWHdiclkxLWNWMTE2aDF2XzF4dFlqUWpLeUhVLTEtei0tREhjM1ZzWEh4ZjhpYWRDaHluaE4wNzJvRjJCNGNXRmlxS183enN2RW96UlJaTGRhYk9uWkRZQ1BkUy1BZ3F4LVJmMHFsMFBXU29RZ2k5QlFuUHY2YTF5Skd4R0lOVjFsZUphTjM1aTZsdz09 |
This belongs on /r/eebooks | r/csbooks | comment | r/csbooks | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOE1Na0R2dnR0c29ES2Z3X1JIZnV1bFQ5Z0xqR0VMc2xscTNiSmlqa0NPTjZWQzNjMUVVMEd5QXg2eG9jdVR6bVl0cG5UXzMzZFdMaUZOb1Bmdll0S0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpbkt5dUktVWRWcHdERzNnYlY0QkNHUHpTRExXS3ZjaHB3VksyNWlSc0VVaDBNV0JxNFZNNUFEa2packVsQVBTRW1zUUpob1V5aG5QNmc3ZWZiMWVrT2N4ZWZORk5PRU5UUk1Sd1c2STlSVF9RdzlqR2NDREFFbjJnQTRHNzFfMmpySjEyUG55eXdrMzVhSGE5Y2MyOTJDRnl6UHBjQU51a0pBSVhUUnZzSnZOLXNaTklzUmFPNDdHN2NoeDYyTHJWT1FiVTE1cG9MY0JaMDh2ZVRLdUNQUT09 |
Currently stuck in bad scenario. Have been following the advice here, I guess we are gonna drift apart.
Does it feel better afterwards, because currently it hurts like hell. | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWENJTUh4eUZWQ1lCYjVlZHRhZjJvaU5zenNHeFlzUUZyQ3YtTDBmNW1LOFVsbnFWWFJzMEdjb2hoWG9Jbk1yd2VHaFdieWdsSHFSN3JxajRWN1lVcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQmVJWVdoTTFkc1ZiZnNyVlpPSDBiaWgtNlhnejRLbkhyMHdGMXBVbk04VDZfbklRdHlhSXhGRjk3RFVlZXp4SjgtREdlT2RNV3JiUENtbTZqbE5jMnAwMlFtUllUQktwbTJJOElxc1JrSXBLdmJMczlmMlJJX083ZmplRmZlTWt1ZWlkcmpQVEhPTTJ2MFJZTzhzSlRGVjM0cjIwMy1XZzBPM25HUEl0OXRjWGF0amFtSFBWU1h4ekhYaFRjWVFR |
This is an important subject area that I wish more CS-types understood well, and it's very well presented to boot. Thanks! | r/csbooks | comment | r/csbooks | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxckp1dkliUkVScDRqM19wTnlwM2dPUFBYVV9zc0E3dVlsLWhiZHF5NlBoYl9IUktpeURZMDZydWVWWVdBclhlT0FCY1BXYURIQ0Z2R0tWdWZSV1ctYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpWWZFMlQzWl9mS0lTb1Fvc0FiUXJxdlpYUG9nVFZOTkl4czVUY2p0Z1R2UXMtTGhrd0ZqMGs4eXB0Q0RMM1o3d1dZSlhWOU5TamxNN3pTY2RfakowTmY3NDFXZjdqclNSWVAwZ1JkMGhSblNMdFAzckdac2J2Y3FYWG9CSFZwS3BqX09LdXpuQ2hNazViWHpWa2VEWEZHMlJRUFVkbE1IX2lGaTBKZTFvelhLTk5NVDZyYUdJVGEyTHcxczdkUFd4NnRBZUJIRUFtZ2RpSGVTV0V5eHViUT09 |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: February 10, 2011
>>* **Age:** 24
>>* **Gender:** male
>> * **Location:** Toronto, Canada
>>* **Pictures:** [:D](http://i.imgur.com/0n9vu.jpg)
> ##Life
>> * **Job:** Grad school :(
>> * **Hobbies:** Baking, gamedev, cooking, reading, eating, astronomy, walking, introspection, making graphs. I used to play the piano a lot, but then I moved across the country on my own seven years ago and haven't yet acquired a new one. I tried learning violin, but after a year of lessons I realized I didn't really like it. Currently trying to teach myself bass.
>> * **Pets:** [Dog](http://i.imgur.com/aONFT.jpg)
>> * **Political views:** Apathic liberal. (Had to think about this one for a while)
>> * **Religious views:** Agnostic atheist, ex-fundie. Grew up in a very religious mindset, which I wholeheartedly embraced for a long time. Went so far as to do on-campus evangelism and missionary work abroad. Even maintained my YEC beliefs well into my university earth-science courses! I "woke up" quite suddenly about two years ago, with my beliefs about prayer, the afterlife, and God evaporating one-by-one. That was a painful and frightening experience, compounded by "church discipline" and a dramatic exit from my former community.
>> * **Favorite Things:** Board games, port, slow cookers and scifi!
> ##What makes you _\_\_\_ :
>> * **Laugh**: Puns! Life needs more puns, word-play and subtlety. Or anything wonderfully absurd.
>> * **Happy**: A warm, sunny day, a cold winter night, a cool fall breeze. Not a big fan of spring. Tall mountains, mossy forests, nature in general can lift my spirit and make me smile (does it show that I'm from BC?)... Being alone also makes me happy.
>> * **Sad**: Waste (material waste, wasted time, wasted relationships, irresponsible handling of money or energy)... Being alone also makes me sad.
>> * **Angry**: Nothing provokes my ire quite like religion.
>>* **Orientation:** My kinsey scale is a non-gaussian probability distribution.
>>* **Coming out:** Some close friends and siblings only.
>>* **Relationship status/background:** Boyfriend of 2 months :)
>>I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Any suggestions?
You can be a featured member, too! **[Click here for details](/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUi0xUzZOSG5lQmhMNnFWVnl5QlRYZlVLc3hsa3RRMHhwV1Y3ZUVBN0ZQRWtiRzZSc1pNMHlsVjN3akJzRzR1NmxxWWc4WWltcDQ2bzZqSzhqVmtQLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZGR6MUdaWTBsdlctaUFEUHJDRE9yd0pzTkhtdTFTd2QxZXFSX2JyRjR4LW5vZnEwZ0ctZVFEWnV5R1V0VjdSU3Ixb3Bnb2JpQTJLM25venRnQW5jYjVlOERvNllVb3JtUl95ck9PVDNBWmJXWUVOdEJsbnBDb3dvWGFta2hfTkhTbW44eGVhaXRlbFBSNDJRR1JFcGRmcGJNRUZtSXdLWnhuVWo0bEZDOUxrPQ== |
With our first baby on the way, the wifey and I have decided to take the plunge into purchasing and learning how to properly use an entry level DSLR. As I look at different cameras on snapsort, I find that it's hit-or-miss when it comes to which models in our sub-$800 budget have build-in image stabilization. So my question is, how important is IS? Keep in mind most of my photos will be taken without a tri-/monopod and that I -- like many -- hate using the flash, so low-light performance is also a concern. | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ1JieS11UUxIYnFYU010d3lITWhyNjRzVl9wRXctSUlUNXh0Mm8ySmpmbG1rLW1kNUo0a2x3aGhzZTdqZVZKd19QN1pBNUU3WmF3c3hUTHZUM003cXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRWpSSDhiYTRlRUlMbjNJd2pzTWpfa3VTMXUtWnl3LUg2VTFiQXlNMWxIbDVnR2dTSk5jQUNvWG1QZXpVLW9xazBmbGRYTTJoLVVNbHVZaEZIMUNCRHBpdEE2bUZ3eFJUUmhEazRtb2k2UVJjNWhteEtRbDhhVFlsd1h2VWV2b19TZ3l6dWM5X01iczcxOFNtTzlKOWMtY0l4TG9zTVhYUmN2VzJZRHdwRFhrM09SRi1weWhyQkF3RjFpUWREVjN2Y0JuNXZqU2RjX3kzTk5JQ3NKVzRyZz09 |
I haven't seen this show in 5 years but I remember an episode where Bobby was growing roses competitively. Something was wrong with his rose but he won the contest or something because of the beauty that can be seen in a flaw. Like the liberty bell, that rose or the gap in Michael Strahan's teeth (jk). DAK what the name of this concept? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUFVVcFkxcWs3LVVSNm93ZFRhZERMOHM3TUhsOUFGejZjNFlYYXpTLUlxTHR1ZmF1Q2hLcVotLUg5RmFYbXhjQTdfUWxwVjZNMTVvTEZuYktpaUJONlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpbHVtaGp6b21LaVNqMURWMUJCeUJITFJPS2RSX3p5UWdDQW9wMjJEdVJqV1BPbEZQNE02ajNQU19pX280bjNMRHFTeHlOZEltMTRNdzVQRkdIOGxXRzV1bzdTXzBjY0dfc1o0QmxmNmRidXRwbW1DeW9tYmpyWm5zZ1p5WXVoLTF5Nm9tNlNUUXBHWWZVTllNMGRWa1lkTnNMU2lpSDhmOEZlS05KRi11bXBETXktcnFxZEgxclJ5TkNkWm04WjhUbkprU1UzY3E1UnAxRU9hajFoR21Fdz09 |
So, after the update I went back to play the new tutorial level. Pretty simple, and my solution (after a bit of minor tweaks to squeeze a few extra cycles out of it) is [basic and obvious](http://i.imgur.com/fM6SG.png). Yet I see that this is [far from the most efficient](http://i.imgur.com/62d5o.png). If I'm reading that graph correctly, it looks like some people have managed to get it done it around 120 cycles, which seems absolutely nuts.
I've tried what I think is everything, but with no bonders on this puzzle, I don't see how you could even get it better than 140 cycles (with two 3x5 loops that cross over & magically swap their atoms, which I haven't figured out how to do anyway, even when having them run in opposite directions).
With linked 2x4 loops, you can get one set of atoms to their destination in ~80 cycles, but I see no way of getting both sets there, unless you had 4 waldos.
Is there some slick trick I've never figured out that would increase the speed of such a simple reactor? | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbTcwcXliOEVPNTVBVENzUHdJTDNsZEIyYnlZY3ZlejJkcGd3ZmNZMGFOWjNJaDJUbUNZV0tHdlhiNlJmalRuU0JNY24tSGxLNDQta3piM0R5dTZsOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVkkwbzZzSWc0YnB6YzJsUzdaYXJvYzJjX3o2Z3lCQ3Uzek9IcThKdjN1a1R3Q3pLdXJ4U2RKODE2NzhfOXVMb2EtanBmOV9OYjRyWXY2Y3pkR29ib0NQc1NmaktmSlFha2dKcmRwbFlubk0yRDgwd1Zha3dWOHJyc0Z1cXFtNGRYUDFKcEctZWVNbldValdYUm80N2FXbWlGQ05OYWo2LTZYQ3BkMnQ1Y3NXaTFjbVExZmxpcjRFSnRWdHg1bmdVODczaWM0T3FMZmNNOWRwV0piekFfZz09 |
Yep. Forcing yourself to drift apart is very painful at first, but the overall pain is much much less than dragging it out over a longer period of time.
Its made easier if you aren't reminded of her - so avoid her in real life, don't let yourself look at her facebook (remove her as a friend perhaps).
As soon as you meet other women with better prospects it gets easier.
This is a bad time to be alone as it makes you think of her, so find ways to go surround yourself with amazing women.
Try to avoid thinking about her. | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNDcwdldFZGVGRlNoMGdWeFFEOU1TQk0zcHdqOGlwY0JnYVR0ekhHT1lWbXlFQ2pZRlhuaDRtUVUtc043cVRqY29HeXFDZ1ZOR2RaN2x2cnRtM0lwZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpSmhvMmdHYmZSbG9GdmxVS0hGbEZSOFdHNEV6Z3dMVlZMeWZ1ZlBsM3hVemJ3Wk1kVjdJRE5ZUlloQm5GZDFVc1lfcDVFQWpnbHRULVJHVENjQUh2NDVFcUowYVJSMFIxWFdlenlEUmJmWmZhWUNsWGJhbXVZYkthQkgzVFF3cVJscTFZSUpQSWJBamFLMlh6bWhnVl9sdjZUd0R2VnUzN1VnSHl3bjBPZXZJUklLV25RQ3VNMGhoMDg0ZG5OSkZy |
Traditional data-structure designs, whether lock-based or lock-free, provide parallelism via fine grained synchronization among threads. We introduce a new synchronization paradigm based on coarse locking, which we call flat-combining. The cost of synchronization in flat-combining is so low, that having a single thread holding a lock perform the combined access requests of all others, delivers, up to a certain non-negligible concurrency level, better performance than the most effective parallel finely synchronized implementations. We use flat-combining to devise, among other structures, new linearizable stack, queue, and priority queue algorithms that greatly out perform all prior algorithms.
| r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYUJCbzQtOFl6bU1kOFBqRWFLWTAwSE9ET0ExbU8yS3k0YWt1LUJFejRoSDhSRzhlN2ZLb3dwSTdYeUVvbVoyYWpEZEtGRjFqdnFmVGc5RExoMUZjS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZUNfT1ZSeDYxZkMwdFBCa3QwdlJmWl9nMy00Y2x0b3Y2U0I5NVVzajFvMDMyM0pqb1NPSVdqZjFXZG15ZjA4aXZDeXdkc1EwUXZzcFZ2cVJkZ0F2bWdkbEZjZmtnRHpEcUFURVg4ajZtbGR3aHhuX1VFRHFEeVVoQTNpbldKMk9lUmtXMER5SEU5OHpfaF8xclRVeUwyaXR1SjlTMzVBUm1aQ2xFMVIydWF2OU9LSkRYTFRFeW84SEJMc3BWYTZlYVpBYUoxemsxeDUzSWN5OHNaclBuQT09 |
Why is he shirtless? | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYWVuOTVGWHk0WF9wbU1NS0Foa3JkWF96UlFtT1NqeTlKQXRXSWFqSjlRM3dpTGFxWmZJa1hVcEx1c0l1eXctcWFXUVc3MXJtcklnbUl3Rm5vMjdDTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQl85OEc5ZlpDWmFtMWdlTFNITjJhTnplWHIyS2FwenVZTGpwT0RRNDlYUmRESTFsWF80U1FPc0dvQm9obW01akdaVGdhcC1WcUpuWnE0YThQU1NYZ1RCaGdXNUhWdlJzRmZldDFBN04xTFA3YTV2YlB2d25nbFdkcEozR3owMElKUWJucW1UcHZGS3ZBazZ4bEM3RTY1bmFYVmcydWlTbWJ1MW1aNkJiUUpjVE9GU1hzZE1QSVc2QzVPWWdOMHRTdnV1bzNHdk1kMng0aDQ3UExmcjZCUT09 |
I love the idea behind this subreddit, and would love to know you guys. Tell us about yourself, where you work, something about your lab, what area you work in, interests, something cool you did/doing etc.
I'll start. I'm a masters student at the University of Edinburgh studying Neural Computation & Neuroinformatics. Was a software engineer prior to this, but always interested in the brain and one day decided to take the plunge. Best decision ever. Have enjoyed each and every course I took. Now I cannot think about doing anything else. I am especially interested in the interface between Neurobiology and computational models and might get to work on something similar during the summer. | r/compmathneuro | post | r/compmathneuro | 2011-02-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRkNUUGNUbnE3VEt1T1dqMW9veHZvWnc1R3RuVDNWam45UDBoX1ZtSXZneldBQWtjU0d2UG5nOHNTanVBbTlQdVdTRjE4MVZNQndSSV93aFUwS0xpNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUlQ2aUhaYjJpNFdsUVdjcUI0V2lQbUU5N2dpRC1BeGFCYktOVjV1QmZIT1UyNHFGeEg3SFl2Si1SMTBmTml5VVFVaTV2MDB4eDhqN19MVnhuLWxHMW5tMjZ4dWQtTjF6ekpLc2JuTGQ4RGU2MXhRcEdGa25abUppUUgtU3JMdVFwS092bHBuOExKb09WV2ZLN284RUJVRnFJRTRCTXJuV1IxbUl5bnFOQmpvPQ== |
**Sunday seems to be the winner**
There have been a number of people mentioning their liking for board games, so I thought I'd try and get us all together for a big 'ole fashioned game night.
It will probably be this weekend. Saturday or Sunday [we'll see what works best] We have a few sites we can go to too.. If this gets popular enough we may even make it a weekly thing!
We have:
[Pogo](http://www.pogo.com) for a good amount of traditional board games (with few commercial interruptions)
[Nutsy Bolts](http://www.nutsybolts.com) Apples to Apples with a different name
[Gartic](http://www.gartic.com) More or less Pictionary
[Pioneer](http://pio.sourceforge.net/) Clone of Settlers of Catan (mainly for Linux)
Let me know what you think, if you are interested and what day [and possibly time] would be good for you!
Let's get some boardgamin' goin!
**Day Tracking** Keeps track of who wants the night on what day
Saturday - 0
Sunday - 3
Either/Or - 2 | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWGVTR3p1WlNQQjhjZzNvd2dDQVN1N0tpZExYVmxzMzNNTGZUQmlQdEdxaGhKT0tXb3U5OFBCaENtUWRTNjJCc2Jyai1lMWI2RkhPYjhkY182eHdxc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOFlQQjBObmtiOFZOdkVVeFBvRURaX2NzdnN6dTc0dnZjUFQxWk1mTENiVUxUanZ4bGtNckZucDVreUZROExkR2dRV3htSzVKZWJvY2hzalpBbWRqTEx1ZURMcW05ZFNUT1VVaWQyamFsbTU4MWZDMU5oWUJWdGduUnRFZ0dnZmExUEEzTU4yVjFkMVA1WVFEUDZUQ0l2Ni1LcEh6VUZCOFlITWRCaEZqc2NJPQ== |
Super simple game and expect it to twist turn and get completely debacled.
I will start with a line from a story and purposely leave it hanging for someone else to continue. Keep it going on the same thread if you can. If some one jump in with a better continuation that gets comments, don't get down just keep playing along or hit the next thread.
Above all, have fun! | r/improvcomedy | post | r/improvcomedy | 2011-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeTladnUyT0E3cU45aXhDQVY0ZnlpV2ZwbFpqMUkwYmFyalNwQm1XYXJRTTBMWWh0cVg4YnFBaDhuMXRyXzkzT0hnUjNSbG83UGprcWh1b3JJbDFtOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVXBaMThKYnhuYnZkSWxtUXNaaklxOUprWThld1Fzc294cEt2OTlzQ0hhVzN4NlBKY3pLSUROWExEbW1LLVR4Y3NtYjVlNkJYYXFNM2lQOGdsRGpnNEZJWFdIX1dKTmVwR2JrM0ljcVo4NnhlUGxYYjRiOGR4NUY4Rk5ITmE5c1dJa3p4cjJrQVM0LU5hRGJvYTFyQnpxZFFSQllCZFd5bFYwWEJNVWpuZjBnRXdCUm5TYVRlX2xYb1MtQTMzR08zcXBSRVEzbTVPZlItNnE1akNGbm5Hdz09 |
This isn't new - its called lock amortization. I've used it to implement non-blocking LRU caches and requested (6/2010) that the technique be discussed in the next edition of the "Art of Multiprocessor Programming", which Shavit is the co-author of. The only difference is that they described synchronous waits, whereas the example I provided was non-blocking.
See ConcurrentLinkedHashMap or Google's MapMaker for example code of the non-blocking form.
See this paper for combing private stacks in a more similar fashion to theirs.
http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/hpcs/WWW/HTML/publications/papers/TR-09-1.pdf | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWWVJS0wxMGZoSFMxTFpuRkh5djJGdlRPV1RnR1hXbnBoTUxfWVhPQ2RRb3p5dV9leUJoSHIySjdHUC1DLVd3bkNWSTNXVnpjSTRxZ3hfSVpmS3FOWkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZUs2X05ad3FHd2lHblZFS0tNTlhYRVFSN0xYM0RlSEtNbF83N0Vwb0hLX1BZbzgyRktfaUlGVmFjSTZqSjNtd1V2bGhXNmhwQkVWMXhKaTZydlFNZG1KbENQcWRPbm9VSXpfdWNFSDNMcnBxUW9NTFNMZEJUS1pPdWZSTzhEbmRPNU9XOEY2MUFYSHE1WTBUX255ZTZiX1hDTW9wcEJ1cnJfV0NDYW9LSmpnWWlHVUtZQWhkbjhnMlVkSEczVFpFaUpNRkRtLUhvMTRNcnNVMWQteXFydz09 |
**Movie 3: Burnt Money / Plata Quemada**
For Valentine's weekend, I wanted to pick a movie with lots of romance - a strong lgbt couple. Then I realized that many people (myself included) dislike all the romantic-themed stuff this time of year. I settled on a compromise: [*Burnt Money* (*Plata Quemada*, Spanish title)](https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Burnt_money), a 1967 Spanish film set in Argentina and Uruguay about a bank robbing group, partly made up of by a gay couple. It's also based on a true story.
<- [Movies 1 & 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/fa583/meet_lgbt_movies_1_2_boys_beware_fried_green/)
**MeetLGBT movies**
A new movie is picked every two weeks, hopefully allowing enough time to watch, review, and discuss.
Any thoughts on picking out movies? So far, of the three movies have been LGBT-themed. The first two were in English, the third in Spanish. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUzByWUpBOXN3WHBTb3JKUF8zanhPb2ZGdlN5Yi1Ya3AydVBEZHhrTVFEWllKS0x3WGt1OUpudVUweklQenBfQm94LUpPUmdrdWkxZEFzeE96dGhCSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQ3QyX2dib2djZWFKQnBOZ2toWklNWlFaRGlGY0x4TTBibkZWVnJSWXlDSmF5M3B2YmI2NjdmQzUxZ1RvUmEzQW95Qzl3ZGtGcDI5XzBYZ2hOcTZJdjdRcmlZRXJybzFKWFQwOThTV0tRUnNpczUxZDdTb3BZNDJlSkpWcC00cVZ0ZmRNNXdGQ3lpOWk2WW5EblFSbnV1RjNheTFmTGQ2bmxKaHgtRlcwR01FPQ== |
I just bought a new mac and need to do a data transfer but I am not sure which kind of cable to use or what it looks like? Any help? Muchos Gracias! | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2011-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNUluWURmSldRUEFfNGsxWU5TOV95NlljOFN5X2thUnpiZ0hUNDd1NnVJME1fc1RvUXN2UHU3TjlzY3hNeU83VEw4Sjh3WktQUDQwNEJVdE5fUEtWUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQ1pYakE2VnA2SWp1LVpnNllPQzd2aVlaQ0xVYTdhRFNfdkZ0VEx0cGVnQUlvRXZ2SjhNV181QjMxRzVnWFBjRF9TWnVzdkQyTmlLcl9MWkdualRjQmtHZTVBVTkxb3lRcHNXai1pa21tNzBRUml1MUZvOFlxWU9mQktWZzh1WlZaTm5fcjFPbThVOW95WjdMd2RkZkRCX1VtUEQwZFNlcEN6M0QtUGNQVlltOHNmRmdnX0FBQlc2SkZkWV9zNU5WMm1hWDlKUnNGalVFcXA0eGNVV1Rndz09 |
Lots of stuff is happening this weekend.
* Friday: [Movie 3](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/fjf8m/meetlgbt_movie_3_burnt_money/) was picked
* Saturday: MST3k live riff
* Sunday: [Board gays](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/fj5hu/board_game_night/): board games day organized by KHRoxas
* Monday: Valetine's Day - plus a featured member: Insaneire
* Thursday: Another featured member: aphorus
**MST3k live riff**
Last Saturday night (starting 9pm EST), somewhat unexpectedly was the first LGBT live riff of the bad movies playing on an Mystery Science Theater 3000 stream. It was a blast. I'd like to do that regularly. How it works:
1. Open up VLC (or the media player of choice).
* Open up a network stream to:
* Join the chat: **#lgbtreddit** on **irc.freenode.net** ([see here for how to use IRC](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/f4ftz/chatting_with_redditors/)). We'll all be watching it at the same time, so we can make fun of the bad movies as they play. Note: the official chat for the stream is on irc.quakenet.org #mst3k, but riffing in the lgbt channel was a lot more fun. :)
**Changes to MeetLGBT**
I probably won't do too much with the style sheet (although after customizing the [/r/LGBTrees](/r/lgbtrees) CSS, I'm getting more familiar with everything), but might try experimenting with a few things this weekend (like the voting arrows). Feel free to ignore any test posts. Most of what I'll be doing will be to organize MeetLGBT a bit, and other behind-the-scenes stuff. Since I'll be working on this throughout the next week or so, I'd love to get feedback as to what can be improved and what's good (or bad) about the group. | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxeGx0dUg4a1QxZk1zaFE5cXBYU2N3LVJ0LVZtb3VhNnl5c2lILVZ2cS0zbW9Vc3pld2FWUEJKOVdnWWNPN2dwQkRXTmFIdkJsRDBlSlFHa1U1MG9iS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpM1F4ZGpFQUdULTB6Q2ZvM0w3MnRGTUlTQ2tEeUxzTS1aM1VtazMzWExCN2dQS1FOaEtCYnhQNWJkUmpLcUc0bUQ2R3EteGtLMzk1VjZ6bXdFM1UwTkF5QU5uMkJqRUEwenpQVFdybHRhLWhmSU50aWtCVUxPS0lOdGlLMTZCRVhsRHIxOHRjYjA4TlBuUFY1dGIwcVlqZmFCZGVQXzFnazBuWDUza0lHQ2lNPQ== |
Could you make it so the app cycles through the top 10 wallpapers on r/redwall say every 4 hours? Also once a wallpaper is set the same one should not automatically be set again. | r/redwall | post | r/redwall | 2011-02-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVWJIMGNqZWdJTHdWcTNtZ3NOM0RxNHJwbkJ2d3FRWWdQdEhCMEpseEp3SkFZUEtuYWFWOVJPb09LamcxQ0lJWWYtd1Z5S0hYQ194XzR2cm5oRDl0eGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcWxTTDdnMktvTk40Y2ZZUUtzUVhrN1NIcnhtRkJnTkJIRE1xeUl3S0FhN0FpZm9YTXhaMlNLaWF6ampxenZZeHl4QndUSXd4aDhGVUp2SG8zR0F2U3N2enN3dzQ1VVlWWS1EcTd6emVib0U0SVFVOGhFZl9QNHo2Z0ZMMUpoN25hYkhDU1VPakVJRjJZcXNJUEFzMW9ZTVpSanN5Ull5Zk9IWGt2ZWxhY01NPQ== |
I'm not 100% sure that I agree with the premise, in particular
>These results, in accord with our previous findings with peer group deviance in this sample (22), suggest that as individuals age, they increasingly shape their own social and religious behavior in large part through their genetically influenced temperament.
I would contend that this later purported autonomy is not as influenced by genetic factors of tempterment as the authors assert. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what they're trying to say? Also, as the article notes, the participant selection was far from diverse. But whatever, it's still an interesting read. | r/laymanjournals | comment | r/LaymanJournals | 2011-02-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWXhkSGdnUGVHTmhtU0F1Z1R4SVZPajNEbk1XTGVjTlp4QS13b0YyRVBFYWl6VnFGYm96djU2R0ZnXzNlcndWcFJQNmtURmJ5TGJnMi1Ycy1SbUFYTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZGJjVDZFNS1JQnU5MmVaRTNpelY2T3lLZndHdFZ0M0JHc2ZQVFRCR0VjWllGR1UtdGxoclJBcVVleGw5U0pPMURuYkFDYjNCdm0zT0V5X0ZzLXpILTVoeG1EYUZPVkdLTmdaNk1tQVNPOVBpTHpEQm9TeXY2NmRqZkliZU93YWozWTdUOUZfMFpQaTRoOXBadjVMTUdIUEF3dHhCcV9zZzk0UWFrdVBGd05WTWdLTjNPVkJJck9YdWJlSWlsUUZSQU5XTkFoc0xCc0IyVXJJY2xvQnp2Zz09 |
I can't remember the name of it, but I'm sure it was Genesis or SNES. The main character was a small black-haired man in a purple suit, and one of the stages involved a huge black dog or egyptian jackal.
That's all I remember about it. Anyone know what it's called? It's been nagging at me for a while.
And it's not Mystic Defender, guy was -tiny-
| r/gamenostalgia | post | r/gamenostalgia | 2011-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVmJWNEdmaWdzMC1ab29oV2ZaMWk1N19jczZKekxHWC1rajNmclJKY2hxbkdENnRMVDZVT3BSWnRhcUVndjdScHR5WS1rNmhmSTVYcW9jZEQwR3NTRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpS2Q4TnNIUWwxN29Ya0d5eEJoeU12M1h2ZTJ3NmxKTzliZXJXX0pNYzlDM09BUmJRZm5iSEl0Sm9TZFV2anNvVVpoWlFSdGVHdThkUUJwdGFDekJYVWZQSXQ0dUY0aUR2Z2phd2c1WW93M3VDUjMzb2w3OXBhb3RkbExCMXZycnZ1Ykw3UlpVRHY4R29NVGkwMG12U3ZqanZYZTRVcHRFTnFHYnZLbnZISXQ4QTg4dFdObEdjTW44OE1oX2VMczZXdWJsSFo3Tm4wY1l2bVhHUWNLS2ozdz09 |
It is very frustrating to get stuck in a game like this, because there's nothing else in the game to do to take your mind off the problem you're stuck on.
An easy solution to this is to allow a certain number of level skips, which are replenished by going back to solve the skipped levels.
A more complex solution is seen in the Android game SliceIt, in which completing levels with different scores yields more "unlock points" for unlocking new levels and new level collections. It is not uncommon to have access to a dozen different unsolved levels in that game at once. This solution also has the side effect of making it desirable to re-solve old levels for higher scores. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOUVrVjU3WWoxZUhVU0ZLSmlyLUVUanJmZ1h1clJJTTExV0N1T210bnNsTG9yS09ncld2bFBsb2RvUUJwVlpBQTA5Um1SWW9UVDZjbUx3bFA2RklFbkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpblRYT2lQUzFMQTcyR3duV1BPbV9sc2UwbjV2VVBrRkdVaWFOdWlNR3RMYUxwNzVDLUkweTlPMkRFcS11UGduRHlfMjhjTTRkYmN4RDJqR3ZtdXRDM3NkbTRUX0ZRank2cTdGUks1eVI3Q1pveTJIVGd2QU4xWTNZUXdSSWZ4M2hqOXdFMmJVTE1SSVdoRlNLbllaYUs3RGZHNFpZelNxcU0xZXlTRFd0NE5pR18tLUxVaE0tV1RyN1N5ZTY4YTVIaFAyb3hJaGJIeVJrLXZtcHFqdDljdz09 |
Good advice here, but I would pay attention to the 'better scenario'. If this is a girl you've known for a while then don't be the asshole who pretends to be friends with a girl hoping to sleep with her, then disappears if he gets shot down, or she starts dating someone else. This of course depends on how strong your feelings are - if you think you're in love with her it's going to be pretty hard to keep hanging out. If you can manage it though just forget her as a sexual prospect and move on to some other girl, while still keeping her as a friend. Genuine female friends can be very valuable. | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbVFRTllZSEdET2ZhWlF0dHRIQldTcVVOMUE5cC0xZWlsTUhBbTNrV1N5Y2NhcHBpa0xBR3FMVjRIcjluUHdad2NDWFJhOHFNN0dwcnFXNFpZQ2xhSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpbUxXZnByMHlGdVBHNHc0Q1VMVkJaTkJXNlhoajNXOUZZN3dhaWpwT2VUdGIyTlZqc1B5YW5lbXZMSDF4TEhlc1NKMFNTakZyQzFTUWtsb202QzYza21tS1gxWC1GcmVJVHVZWm52cUlha2V6MnBXYnFVS3hFZWgwaVR3NjNXSlFhRjR0a2VSVlhlbUFRWjBkUUt3el9McTJ6VHZtTHpoTExTNHdxWVduMDIzY3JubVlfNVg3bTVQR2F6Z1ZtejBB |
I just wanted to stop by and say great job you guys and girls, this is pretty sweet. I love Reddit, and I love my android. Its honestly these kinds of things that drive me to get my ass in gear and learn to code for android. Thanks again! | r/redwall | post | r/redwall | 2011-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxc0xIV3pLRk5hbmt0d05ZM1hSaU4yUkRzaVhIdWZPdi1oM192QzFvdG9oNGJkYlRwRV9lMUZEWi1nQW1qQjNNVmhjUU94NUhyR3U5bXp4blBiTjRKbWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZFM4V2VFeFlCM0NrczlhY2Q0bllSdk44bXotOTl2TTk5cUhjdXdybVliR2Fidm9ETnJleFhjVXhiZEppWlNmMTlCVmFpWC1uNTNGWThtNE9oX09kRzZsLUNGNkREdlRKOExqckhoNUk3Y1dUdUg5TmJSRm5yQ2NSYk1DUHNkeWVPRWM3VTJlRlMxM0lmVlk1Qjluc0ZSYmVxX3FIcEhaU1VKSDl0dDNmZ1NvPQ== |
Video: [Part 1](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5m9x-Sjugo), [Part 2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYm58BTrHcQ), [Part3](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjWkQoBZEGY)
Based on [the book](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Structure_of_Scientific_Revolutions). | r/fringescience | post | r/fringescience | 2011-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaXluejdicUdBNWJlcDVNM29wU3hwajlGMDR1LVB0VEViQzRicldHX1F3My1vVnkwWTB0QVczejNkUTNoQVE5eTQ2aE51ZFdCWmFPQnMzUTVtTjRCVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcUh0SzVrTFNZOEhQcGJyeDYyVVlZM013ZmUxendVNTFJMHA4cTVHTDdXZGFmRW10V3o2Qmd2U0ZIRWtoenMwUVphQkd4YjI5NHdRVG1leVZjejNLLUdFNm1UbTdrSjdDZllYZG9HRDg4eDJGUjBNUjBRRjhSS0Q4eExpVlVtaVNQQVlHYnFFT1JkZ3V4RlQxdFZRLUcycUtPdXc4S29fZzVucHpnakdzOFJqdTMtLVYtWlJ0UFNWNXdubV82LTRo |
How many of you are currently on the [reddit team](http://boincstats.com/stats/boinc_team_graph.php?pr=bo&id=4085099)?
It would seem like a lot of this would be right up our alley. If we could mobilize, we could have quite a formidable team.
Sorry for being somewhat hypocritical, but I am obligated to stay with another team for the time being (I am the founder of multiple individual project's teams, so I can't just up and leave, and wouldn't want to). I would have joined the reddit team a few years back if it didn't seem so dead.
What is surprising, is that the team I am on consists of users from a website with FAR less traffic (~60,000 ranking on Alexa compared to Reddit's ~150 ranking), but our RAC and world ranking is top 100 and top 150 respectively. The majority of our credit comes from only about 10 users, but still, this team has more than double the users that reddit's team has.
How could we recruit redditors? It seems like most BOINC posts I have found using the search function have lukewarm responses. We could easily be top-100 in the world if it was done right.
Also, I realize I am posting in a dead subreddit...Oh well. | r/distributedcomputing | post | r/DistributedComputing | 2011-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZExLZ3AzZXpqWE1WR3FjbE5YME5KQ3FuTFBkUUdpeF9SdFpvcUVtc05pSlpyS0pHSGdIQ2R2d3RFcVpra0FnZDZYYms3Qk5BT25lTjNEY1BpRGhsNFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpX01VUXdVaXhnb2pvX1FMTk1OSEk1eldSVFMyUjBycnpySW5wcjYzT1JLVlhDX1h6RnRCQVJkUG4tam5RRjJsQkVDZkdRYkRWeC1rNDNaWW1FVzAwVXBIVVh6VDVFRGxuUnNGNXFhVHVsQmo1VTk0OE5uVUN5SjNjVFBhbkRBQXBhYUR6SFpvaGd4cEJqbmYxYzJIQ0wydnlzcEs4N280ejNnT2lnYUg2VFdkTEF4VF9adzFvbWpQc2pJdnRCYzhKc3p4M1NWWmM5UTRJNmszM3hqdi1MUT09 |
Results from the announcement post: Sunday [today] seems to be the winner.
We have a few choices tonight. [ok Links aren't working apparently
Monopoly [can be found at http://www.pogo.com You'll need to make an account first... Can be found within Board Games ]
Apples to Apples [can be found at http://www.nutsybolts.com ]
Pictionary [can be found at http://www.gartic.com ]
Well.. doesn't seem like any one is showing up. I'll have to announce it earlier next time...
lesson learned | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxckpMV2NTYlVYcmZ5d0VyeGh5R3NnUlVUSk1GNVhaakJKdUdLWTdSeVE3X1Z6bWI3Yy1BTkFod3BhMl9IbXFtUlhhVWhXNE45YnBXQkE4YkE2OWlteVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpMmdaWFJiaHBSN0lVNThaNy1STkdMbkd5OVVSVHh5R2tTODhub1dBdUJ5bC1mSkhrcjRDVVpMLXdxR283UHBFbnJuUDhUZVh2ODNZYUN2MWFScnZRbUVUeENQcFFCMWFoeWRjLVpyY0wzUUg4ZnFVTVBzNExEWVU4NGpvd0tBbnFNZ25vdWwtdUh6QlAwV2Q4bXFDUTA2eWpjSjhWMXkzR1lyUGhVLU03czB4RVdFQXd4WDFoTzFxYXBhZmx2RUt3 |
What projects does everyone contribute to? I'm only processing for Einstein@Home. | r/distributedcomputing | comment | r/DistributedComputing | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSTZyQVZIZE1Dc3BIXzZrT2x1ZXpnZDduTHR5aDVObXpkaGxJZHI5dXNpUHExdWVqUDZUejBwd052OWZVbXhLZVV4S0NwaEZXQXE1TUtSQnNZNjlQNGkxWm1Ua052Vkc4YzFnOE9PaWQxSkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVXAwcUgwOVl0MFlhZ0loNGt0b3JFYmY5UWNJeHd6V25IR1RZTEtfRmFNSFNnVXg2UE1Tb1BoeEZzeHA4eExTMWk0SUQ1UUJuOWN3R3NCWVhGRFctN0h2V2cyTlN4dS1FSmlDLWw1Zm9EWUV5MEVfbjlHd0hyeWFYWFpKMWhUb0JmQ3lIWnVpVnhieUVPZ3g1cU8yTXJzeThMV3Q3czhLRklkQmlKSlZBSEpaYU9NcUc4MTNpNjR5ZU5yaEpDSUFIYXJ0MkljLXVQUWUxZFVyM2NJdDRPQnl5NDA2OHpGZUNzTTdHUmU1a3FtWT0= |
This is used in ZFS to good effect, both for in-memory (ARC) and SSD ([L2ARC](http://blogs.sun.com/brendan/entry/test)). | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZUJXNlVsRWpYVUF5TVpBbTJRZ29nRHo5NFpOS216VzN1MGxPdGNtRWV6ZUVTeUtIaF9Ja05BQklNeGdHMlZEbkdadUxiWkhMeDltZ2l4R2xwOWtIWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpR0s1UF9TT2dNb194Y0dKWHR6RXgxSGNVbHJtMUVBT3MtbnFlQUROblh4NnlEV2Z1ZVZtZ05qWXJCUTNENThTNXlEZ2RNLUZWSndKN3REMmpRdkwwTmNmRFJmUlNRNTRaNWVTX3J6Z1RYYjlzUTh6OC1CVTdiVUVFaEE3QW5rT09XTUd6ZmxDY1d3VUFfbnRIMm5rQzNhbnphZlY5dG9xQkFrZUJtUE5uNTdMWUFIcU92d01kaFF0YXBtTFZYRUllSTZOUlRkMGxUSUZIbFpJYkd6OThEZz09 |
Man I just made this username and all these posts are convincing me that I have to change it :( | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYXNvYV9WZm5TRGM4QjE4QVczam1GalhUd3l5VERqNUdhWW96Q0NJdjlXWFN5V2FTTGVfWEhoLVd1U3hBQkRjVUhLWFdTZ01ob2hsVDFaMURQd01rRV9xeTczYTJaZFBoNkZRbEFfU241NTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpVElCM3g2alo2VFNwSmgtOTE3XzFFMG5QTVlIU2xDQ1VvRjNITXNFTjdYaU9WVFBXYVl4eGVyazYxQzRhZ3FpNUo2c2RabVBXRjRUcTNCdjBDaE5qa24tYWZkc2E2aG1EdlpxVGNYbEhZZGc5aE1QWWlRYzRpcndOeUJrV1gyNmF0ZFFzZy1RM0hPM1lrSzBDOUFtY2pYZmRuRnUtZXVTU1M3S21aemVBUTh0ODFGdHBYa0F1Zmt6X1RzZWRLU0lV |
I've found there to be more than one reddit team on different projects. | r/distributedcomputing | comment | r/DistributedComputing | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNFd4cGc3NjJVY1Q1eHhmX2E0bVQ1clVzU1ppTURfSUxBZ2x6elRBdDBqb1pNN1BTYkV3bUtXaENiYWhiZ3NzcDRzT1FTTnBUbTA2NU9NR3RFT1ZBc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOWxuT1gzeGNGRHZvbDZyWmtiWGdPUmJPbEpnU3lCbUFZYkhaTWhaT2lyZUQwNFpYTnRaWGVvN19UVWZRRFplYlhlRkFmenhHaGdNYXNZWTdpZkZ5bjF0UEJvWHhOUHd6a1NVMnRORDdLUXRtWEVVanVvMWRoZFNtRW9sTEpncUtxREEwdndMZmlCYTQ0TlpOSnI4OUxxSG5vSWNNdjRkRFRtdzloWmVfX2RRMEZUQk5Pbll2Y0JCNnA1WjktbXJ1UHlTSUpPdWZ6REJKNm1PRF9nbDFUbjl5LUlDNzh2NUNMOG1tRlppc1A5UT0= |
And IBM has patents which cover a significant portion of ARC, see the [2005 Ziff article on it](http://www.zdnet.co.uk/news/application-development/2005/04/13/ibm-patent-sparks-open-source-code-rewrite-39194883/) | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSjkxc0tvYmZUWF9nUkNxbTNIZ0xoNC1EdExBeGQ4akY0Uy1CSnF4ZkxwM2xVUVBqZmtJOHdfeHh5YkdDUzhJWWRRZzZOczFjd2h1R2ZGRUdNU1JkcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpREhOM1ZvdkZxYUVjZGRpcnFQUFU0UFkxTnJrUTVMVHRPeEFONjFnRkZiZWJ1TVM1TGhUdXJOVk1DWV9hSUo2RHZXRlNtUTFnZnFicHp0MHpQUXBFQ3R4a0x3Q01qNFFtREhLYWlzUHFyQzJfTHZLTGxWcTRWbUJKbnluSUIyZldOczVKaldEaXZueUpyeUpuX3Z0ZmdFdUtWVndkejM2WnpsOWRLWk1NVTBHb29kWnZKemVrYnJZNHRFNS0yeWhWNllZQ1R2X3NPR09TQ0JCSVdPbUFXdz09 |
Is there a way to combine them? | r/distributedcomputing | comment | r/DistributedComputing | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxN0R6QXpIZzAtcnV5YXRkUDV0TDBXa1dadzdObFRXNUJkQTRqSHZCY2ItTzZGV1F6ZUdJY1lEbGRNTXpVYkNSam1uSnZoQW5wckluUzJDbXBkT2ZEUmkyc1hyelJjTjg4a1JjZFdncHNOR2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpMU1jWGJ5Mm00NWNIOE5uLVBodVdSbUhaMkVOXzhuM3NOR05ZODBhU3dCMXEzR1IzUFNVUU12eUc0UktsY0ZMNXEwaURreEVfRUUxaW5FRW1BNHM1Mi16WXZwMkUycEFwZF9hR2R4blVUdDJOdVl5V1BCaVdSaHNiUGU4U000NnN1NFNpZDFQOGtDckRtUGpNQjQ0b3NFU0xzajhGMTIxdU5NQVZzb0JjMU9pRWE1aVFlZkNja3BpMFRhQVREcVJUbnRRNUJfd1dHdmlsdTQtZXBRdGpEanVpZ29ac3d1X1FpM0FBQjBlZFc5RT0= |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: February 14, 2011
>## Stats
>>* **Age:** 29
>>* **Gender:** Male
>>* **Location:** Ohio
>>* **Pictures?:** No thanks
>## Life
>>* **Job:** I work at a local animal shelter
>>* **Hobbies:** Second Life, tabletop roleplaying, online roleplaying.
>>* **Pets:** One cat, Jeheira, who is fat and sassy, and equipped with ten daggers of stabbing + 3
>>* **Political views:** We just need a serious overhaul.
>>* **Religious views:** Atheist
>>* **What makes you _\_\_\_:** Funny stuff makes me laugh(I know, brilliant, right?), work and friends make me happy, cruelty to animals and LGBTQs makes me angry, and my pet peeves are people mispronouncing things, spelling them wrong, or using the wrong word (like there/they're/their, etc)
>>* **Favorite things:** I don't really watch movies or TV, but I finally got around to watching The Dark Knight the other day and man it was AWESOME! I love to read, and Stephen King is my favorite author, but his son is damn good, too. I love unsweetened iced tea.
>## Sexuality
>>* **Orientation:** Mostly gay
>>* **Coming out:** Only a little. Trying to figure outhow to tell my mom, then I can be fully out.
>>* **Relationship status/background:** Single
>## Misc.
>> I'm bad at this kind of thing. I guess I'll leave it up to Reddit if you want to know more, just ask and I'll tell!
You can be a featured member, too! **[Click here for details](/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxLU1tS1pnWnlzS1JuWWpUck1PSGNpRkN1YzlXM2hUR3VPcllpdFRidTdTeTMzSVVDTEdGZXNYRUR3MlV2OE5xRjF4NzlLT2RtS2gyR1hQZkFnaWYzUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZWRFQTFrVy12QVBzYmNqVF9mTFlSdXFiOVpXamxObjJ5U243VmtGSEU2bV9MdDNqRHNJaXNWd0R4YkJUTjdhZEI5eWpEUFNraG5WTTdwMUd5eFhEVnB2R0tid0NpR2RkU243NGF1YTA4NXdNMFhkdlhJSTg4VlZELXdNMW1fcjF5LXQ2d3F3dF80OS1kTV9kNFhvY29VRDZLSXhITUtaZlFxOUJVTFNKbzVJPQ== |
I love Redwall, but I'd really like it if I could preview a wallpaper before physically downloading this.
-Thanks for reading! | r/redwall | post | r/redwall | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVGctd0c1ZlNvWHdNRXM1M0Z0ZWZyX2Z0UnFYeGtHSkgxd0kzOWx0YUhmLUg1eHkxVG1SNEQ2Nm1MRXpOQVZvSmF2VkN6MHpyVG9zbjc3NFBHZlhLbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNnhNRXlQZ04tS0tER0xsZjhxcWg3MVRycVU2TVR2R0RDUjFGbHktalZVTFF3QjVMemxYNFUyUlhrRGtxaFB2bFNuTW1wemUta2xvbkVQdzNTS05qeVVRWDF0X2hETk1yN1RNdkpJSU43SkgwVDhzdnE2b3ZUN21ibHZjNVFOVW9odno1Q3JmNUhVUVFRdlVEcExVWHQ1ZnluWWJhT3hwZUMtTmt6MEhmTFRPTW1FVFlJeW1vTzFBbEMyQk1NZXBV |
Hey folks. I tried taking a picture of my friend's eye the other day. I ended up with [this.](http://i.imgur.com/oZZeN.jpg)
I brought in a bright lamp to try and get camera shake as reduced as possible. In case you can't read the EXIF data I used these settings:
F3.2, 1/50sec, 15mm focal length (I'm using a Canon Powershot G7), on board flash not used, just the lamp.
I was really hoping to get something like [this](http://amazingdata.com/mediadata34/Image/hot_weird_funny_amazing_cool7_eye-iris-eyeball-retina22_200907271157262190.jpg). Does anyone have any experience or tips to get more detail within the iris? I found focussing on it (manual focus) nigh on impossible.
EDIT: Thanks for all the tips! :) | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVk0tNjRhWTBubHdod0d1bUo4V3dLZGlxMUhxaXc4UWlRWVN3OFJremNSNEtKREFScmpyVjVaVTZLaThkRjBJM1lBRDVFQTNjZ0xQQ0cwOUtfR2FSX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpV0VGQzByeWJmQnUtT0tFbnl4NHRobEdjR1FPeDMtTzVISmwtWmYxUjdHaXNsMkZPblRPejI2aXF2NGh4cWRlUnlSN3hVSzltTUNrQUhhMDE4LXNLU2o5bFBxV2p2bjZJdGRxWDRYdTRmQm1rUnoxSFM3WU8tZGpra21OUFFhYWtMdE1BVEVjLWdxU3VxVlJ2LUxfQ0Jqb1RXaHpzMEd5UFJMNnc0R3pSVVhNPQ== |
Unless someone had started a BOINC-wide team, I think that so long as they are called 'reddit', they are considered the same team. | r/distributedcomputing | comment | r/DistributedComputing | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMFVmaVN2S2taSnJXRk9neElpT2FFaUVSeGhyMDV0bWZvVTNsLXl5a3JBZUY2WXdsOTU2dEFnQ2E4MTd5NkRSWk5kUVFIOU16WWp6MU53ZGlCZWlLT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpYW1HbTZ2RmdHSXdYSTFOSlR6dlEwcVNlSVh3di1NcUEyOGlmZjdianptTzBYVXJ6THJvVGE5VkNVaDhmLUhzc3d1b095VGxONTQtTEZsZXc1OENUWTZuaWlWajVxNTAtVGNnWHlLbF9oemFVdUp6WTEwWHM1LWNZM3VmUUpEQmZZajI1bGZleWd0cnlMb0xWek1yTFEta2NKQXp5UFQ2QXZrTk95RVU1NFNLUEtwcGhQMTNoUzd1U0lrNlk0NFBEQnZqTzZfY3RYbEFHX1hlVE5vdmVPUDZXTnk1RGdWcFJNU3JRSklzNUFoMD0= |
Hocking Hills | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdFpveWNFbmZPQjVsNm9WcGUwWWt4UDBERnd4RC1EOXNaTGllMEpQOGcyRTBIZENyTGE4Vzl3U1VEOC1BQ1dJNTF0YlMxb2lQOVBxaml3Rm5pdGxjcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpanQ5b0RQMjBLSWo4cnJPMmlFOXJIbUU3N01HRDk0enQ3NV9namVKZWxORl9qNlhDbjRIUGl6aWR6dHZhTVhTNU45VV9FbXpUbHd2a0VHYlE5ZjZfdThoZ3UtbjA3UERWRlB6clk5RERQLW4xTTVXYXVrbndnc1A2UGdQeW9rN2FXVEhETHZSOGo5TnFPbkhaSjFYa0E1U1JsNTdhaFFhb0JFZUFjZmhmMGFRVEVrMVF5TGJkb0Z1RkhUbnl6SEJaVUI1dGRoR1d4czBFVE5xdkJhRVZXQT09 |
I love that Fred Flinstone runs things around here.
Great read man! Cant wait to hit up the rest. | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVGZBWlRLVHBjMmZVOGFMYVVLT294Q0FxUnB4VVQyVWgtelZ4YWY5LXdpckQtQ1BMdWItQlp5QnFOM0FzSk4yTHotdEdOd1VTeVlBbkc2aVMxZ1FaTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcVBEOTRGdkZ4dTJtQmNVVmZ3M1YzX3ZOQ1lZT2VmaGViUDRwRDdaRVZWT3RGQ04wS1Q4bUJrcGp4UThaQ1ZRV0FzX1Z1bEltOFdTMFJUWDV2elZ1LTN5VXMzTVRsbVVlSHU0b1ExU0k4Y21acGt4bDVQM2VBRmxXR0p6aXlmbzB4QkRwV2xTZDJEMlpjbGVtU3B5ODFWRUZFQnZYdzlsSDd3eUlFb1drZEtaWlNxMkRReVZyc2FpUVNha1ZWQXRq |
A place that probably not many people know of: [AEP ReCreation Land](http://www.aep.com/environmental/recreation/recland/) in Eastern/Central Ohio. | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZDdrN09wZVFoV0ktNzUxR01TVzFWVkV4am5wTFJmSDh6b0xiUkxYOEhreEg4Q1FhQmp2NlhnSXhCemlPTUlhS0R5QWZMT3Z6c1FiZzQycG5MdjhBLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNnFtYTVQX2hYRklTaWhKODhKZThzT3hfQ3c4VjcwdEFGbEdKc3J5SUhOalBXcF85U2RDUW5zMmFDSEQ3Z3A4dDhVM28tQW9majNyMVRyNTM3eHJ1U1gzQjA5cDFCTXdBWDBRMkpGdUI4WTN3VXdwcEdxZWRORlNQUW1fazQzUEpJRHV3R25oMnVxM2VOTFJaaDJ2VDBFRjVTRlNKSXJoMDNyRW1jT1ZlWlJGWThRdzVycWR5LVY0SWxaRkhWUlJMUHBRd2duY0ktSWMzWjJWR09XUHVNQT09 |
We are a fairly new subreddit, we have a vent server which is almost always populated with some rather cool people.
We are always looking for new members to join up with us and play some games [also Minecraft =D ]
We are also holding a Lonely Hearts Club event today too. Going from 6PM [EST] to past 8PM [EST]
Follow [this link](www.reddit.com/r/gaymers)
http://www.reddit.com/r/gaymers [other link in case the top one doesn't show / work]
We hope to see you soon! | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRklmenBLQVRDMHc0UzFRXzNpYkF0VjVKTkhBTG8ySy1NMnphRTFUZGJoWlUzTnpYVEplczZnVnl4c25ab2c5UlFTWVhJRFFjcEN6a01TRGF5Tm9VRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpMGNncTlFMjllMWxTQzZCRFdldXpUZlA2akQxbVF2c2IwZkRzX2s4LWZLUFhtYThRdFZsX1BKT0FWdk1Fa2NsTFFGLVR4bW5kRWpLblZjODFBeVJ2dmR5NHh1ZWMwV01KT3h2UC1kTFlGMFJEdUQxaE52b04xOGNXbHpGekpUZW5ueWp2T3UtVXRQbFVrbHRQOTFIeUJENjNhOFBCeFlhOHV6RUYtNXJXN0FBbGJ1Z09CaVJYTWJnSnRBbG81VjRlZDRWdGxqZnRCZm9NUVVwLWhOeDJLUT09 |
Hocking Hills has Old Man's Cave, Cedar Falls, etc. ... and camping and a zip line.
I vaguely remember Heuston Woods has some hiking.
| r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxakM3VTVfUWxCQ2NoMTR1bGc3WUJCbDRnOWNWSzRrU0RFcGh2VFBIZEZOeUtaQlZ6SDlrREx6ZXZnenJJaWZnbURIQWtNSDJ1RG50RVVzQmdZV2x4X2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQW9HS0JUNG5TdENKcGVWbTI1dWp5eUZpa0NDa2NwODhHODRLcEs1TVd5Nk03Z29zdWNqNGtTX010eTkxUjFPXzJtUTZqRFVtdS0yeGcwZTRLa1FpXzRvNnY3SlExa1J1WGYybEowWlpRUkR4UnBmNmtidk5OUGhCTlJCZV93ZW1jNjlRUGlydUJaZjNGOFIwMGllWHhEQTBjWWNZQ1VFWFNjckpIU3E2eTVnMFJ6Yy0ybEZ4QUxiQUhycTcwMWFzcUV0YzdNRF9ZdjJZdUJ3UXpZamIwQT09 |
Hi Reddit,
I'm taking a week-long trip to London/Paris at the end of March, and I want to be able to take some good photos (despite being a beginner). I'm armed with a Canon EOS 500D/T1i, an 18-55mm kit lens and a 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS lens. I have about $400 to spend, and I want to get another lens. I was thinking about picking up a 50mm f/1.4, but is there a better lens within that price range that will suit me better for this trip? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRXJnZEotNTBYWTVhNldyTU1rQ1VfVEU0T28yRnlEaUstMEoyWUNLVVhNc202aFUxZFlHeG1LQlhiVVB0ajJpTFFWYVNYMG4weEI0Q21KRXlrOEl6enc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOXA1SzU5WkNIR1p4ZVlIemhSZ1RCdHJSVmtoeDZ3X0VrQ1lwZkpOLVNvbUxQV2xuTjJBcTlZYkVUcTVQanEtQnVJTDFiYW5BeVNFUVpMUXp1b2tFYkIycDdTY0JoR29DajFabmlxcWJwZ0VzT09JWW0tejUtc3VjRS0zdG84eFpuRkZiX2V1ZTFMakVTRnV2SUlmNVBoWGVzNkhnMzVGMzYtQjgtS3p0YWxpNGtoMWhiQnJBZlZjM1RpVmFQNnFi |
I havent been there in a while. I definately need to go back. | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxQ1JsUTg3RFBhX185STNnNmROTUdiTG9IcjdLSElEVEVid1ctbEo4WTR6cjcxU3VyUlFybGZkM3RQZ2h6M25hV3I2al8zaF80NXVOVHI0VDFkSEV0S0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdzhHMjlUTTVCblJ3WEV3eHQ0VWp3WjNHLWdoQ2NhZENtWjFXQnZjS2JpYkZOdWRSUzYtRENzUzJ5Sjg1LUprV3NxZEY1ckRycWtuTUlFUDRQVjQ0SENYQ1oydGdIdXhodU4zY1gzRlN3bC15dlBVTXpMQ2VfclgtYnVmemlRbXEwOXR6QVZtWloxc1IwSFdNbXZlVy1wdndabGVpOTlrbXJFR2N1ZlZVWGJodmlLUTBJajQtMnkwWTBNYVk2RDZOR2Z0SFFfRG9CY3VKRFpVREtWXzUzQT09 |
Its 3 hours from me (I'm in Cincy). [Here](http://www.charliekey.net/images/red_river_trails_large.jpg) is the map I use. | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOTY3MzNCb0pDMHVYc1lpNlN0R0NyUHRqcDJRa21fQmxVb3NEN0tGVmE5TUE5bEJ2dHp0YXFpRlAzMW5OZlZWLVNZQWRwREpCc2pqOGRfdHRVZzJjd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpR3RrbWRQUkV5ZTI3OXFRVG1IR1JBMWZwTTZ0TDZLM0FnMWlaaEdOMDB1ZTVDZG5NYURUMlBOTW9kZlI4anU4OURZVzJRLTBzMk5VYzBQakJ1LUJmanc0RFFYVERhSUJkM0pvSDZpX3ZZd3hzZ0haNkhlbjJNc3U2bkl4eVh0c3pWWW5KOGRMNFZfRHlzNm5iTmNfNTR2MVRVYVZEWTUzWDBGaXpnZ2VTeGRvPQ== |
The screen resolution on my Lenovo S10e netbook is 1024x576 (16:9). How can I make Spacechem playable at this resolution? | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTXpQSlZaXzdkOVcxYm1wTktVXzVnd3lyOTBmdElCMzJNdXdSZzlmaDUwalVIN1NGZ3BSZWlsTlRpQUtYQ09yQlhlWkhVOHRzWHFiNG1fc09XUzM2Vmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUlNwbFltd1p0dHREYkxmOEV4eHJkdnA3Ni1HUHdZeTN5a0wtRHhlZDRzSWUwN2RwVU13dXZOSzFvU0RVQjhqNFJDeWc3cnV0M1kyaVVfaVpQWUVSN3NKOGUycW51ME9QWmwyclJDSFJZcThOc3h3bUtDT1VKZ1pIZFhhRlBzRm13R20xT1YtbnYxcDF6SjJaVjByejlkNkwxUFhybDVCLUVyallqM1VDS1BZPQ== |
I have a casual improv student group at university, and we're always looking for more games to play. Got any suggestions? | r/improvcomedy | post | r/improvcomedy | 2011-02-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdC1zZE1yQjdHNDFOcDV1TThRamV3b0VTcUNJNEdIVF9DbnVtUmZPbjRDZmsyZTQzZVlUNjdLaS1KV1hIdnlrZmJhaVlicVpQd3JHYnVrc296QU1xQlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNUZ2Z1NCclZZWE1samdudkNjMkl1Zmt1XzBseFU2VFlPV2sxbjI1XzY4a3diQTJBSXRfRnRTWFREeUxqQnZSbTMtQUU3R1ZzYTB1bXFaVGR6LVZVdkFSeE1CbW14aEx3TlgzU2hPY3RvQlU0YXRaeGNJYW1jVU9QaUdzdG9QOXhSeDNjaDlNSDdRR3YtNl9IUXRUYldDTmhYUENUSFVpWUZYNkUzNHlYbXNpbXVOc1ZrMVFKRGE2Nlg5RXFUSkxQ |
I figured this would be a good way to get the ball rolling. Here are mine in no particular order:
* [Charcuterie](http://www.amazon.com/Charcuterie-Craft-Salting-Smoking-Curing/dp/0393058298/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297855084&sr=1-1) by Michael Ruhlman & Brian Polcyn
* [Ad Hoc At Home](http://www.amazon.com/Ad-Hoc-Home-Thomas-Keller/dp/1579653774/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297855103&sr=1-1) by Thomas Keller
* [Low & Slow](http://www.amazon.com/Low-Slow-Master-Barbecue-Lessons/dp/0762436093/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297855043&sr=8-1) by Gary Wiviott
* [The Bread Baker's Apprentice](http://www.amazon.com/Bread-Bakers-Apprentice-Mastering-Extraordinary/dp/1580082688/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297855136&sr=1-1) by Peter Reinhart
* [Ratio](http://www.amazon.com/Ratio-Simple-Behind-Everyday-Cooking/dp/1416571728/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297855197&sr=1-1) by Michael Ruhlman
* [The Moosewood Cookbook](http://www.amazon.com/Moosewood-Cookbook-Katzens-Classic-Cooking/dp/1580081304/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297855273&sr=1-1) by Molly Katzen
* [The Cook's Country Cookbook](http://www.amazon.com/Cooks-Country-Cookbook-Favorites-Reimagined/dp/1933615346/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297855325&sr=1-1) by the editors of America's Test Kitchen
These are the ones that have the most stains, earmarked pages and generally get the most use in my kitchen. I know there are a lot of people that see the trend towards online recipes, but there's something *real* about holding the book and having it to reread at any time or even lend out... | r/cookbooks | post | r/cookbooks | 2011-02-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWGxvMzNPS0tXVGxmQ1hDMGVwT0xjZzNBNWp6eHpUaTZzVzNFSnNNNWg1QzNzV0ttaXRkVGc4Q2RBenROaVNWSHZVa3RTVlF5V2x3eEhBYlVXQnUtN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOVhUWDZXT1ZJREdCM2p4am9BcDBsbXp2ZmhjZTdVUWM2NzVlUktrM1NrUzdDY2V5MmNDSS1FVGRQMXgtNFdqaHY3c2VOblY2VlpMS0FfaXNjSnhlc241U0NkR2hHQVdhQklDZkV4ai16S1AzLW1md0JrQ0tlLVI5S0ZyQzhJdnFTWnFQRTUyQ3FVX2tPdTZ4NkhSdWpOZ2pocFhJNXUwNjV1WVE5ZU53Rng0PQ== |
http://imgur.com/a/s4XRC#0MwK1 | r/redwall | post | r/redwall | 2011-02-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxU3hPS0gwSmhjU3dFX2ROQmVJUmhmZ3FpV1EzY2Q4ZVNZVTV4SndLeFhjcTdnazRzX2ZPNnZ0V3pYMGU2cWpVdHR0NmRQMmVVQ0Z1UkpieVdVWkVCMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNzJoRUxRbEFISjJQWEpHQlJHWlprTFZCOVZjelAtUlEtN0RnUl9UbXNodGtNU2tqMWY5b1FzRG9OaFZyNk5tbE1BbFBldmRBeVVwRUxtY1pWMXVPTmNSRzFXZmV1RXlYaEFiSHdCczA5MGRSMTdKa3VrRHZCeGhMdFVqSHdiVmpxdEZKRXhqV3VFeFBHa082MmxRVGdTbWF5NWxaU2xQQTdITjhkNTIyeVpXajF3bnlKdFI4V1loVXhyeWZBNFZz |
**Profile:** Hello there! I'm on a journey in life at the moment. Both to discover the world and to discover myself. Though this statement sounds hippy-ish, I asure you I am a focused and competent individual. My interests span the spectrum of human knowledge, from math to physics, chemistry, biology, astrophysics, psychology, metaphysics, etc. I'm hoping to find a crew into the same mysteries of life, and the same hunger for adventure.
**General Info:** I'm a 24yo male from the NW. I've never been on a ship crew before, but I've been on ships and have good sea legs. I've also seen many ship related films and read nautical books and know a few handy knots and navigational principals. I don't have a passport currently but plan to get one soon. I'm interested in voyages from as short as a week or month to as long as a year.
Thanks for reading, If you don't have a crew position but do have any useful suggestions - please to let me know. Happy travels. | r/sailingcrew | post | r/sailingcrew | 2011-02-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVGVWNWh0dWpPNWRoWHh2dWdPY3dtOWNZclJ3enBCUzg5cGNEbzR4aTFaN0pvWGh0a09leHQ0TVN4TE0zUlZ1OFVhR2JTOXUwVV9LSlIzdE5laEd3S0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpa2tYYlU0bU9LaWg5UGNJaGhaTkUxXzM3eThQQ3doNXNQUHdrZHNaRnMxMW9hVEZBM2ZDaXhzUnlCQTMyS3YyWkNsMlZKZW5nOGFYalJVT05nSFJlRHY1TTNmTnhSWm1kSzZSMF9IWWo4SzFQcmJSbThNX2RVRFhtUFFsZldrcGRkNnBSaUw4UTFyZWJFMnNadnJ5QWhEWXZVZHNwb3hVckpQdkZKQ2JIY0M0QllGUWZxQnBvWjAxUmplNmlRSUhja2RGdmNUMy1JOXNTcGJBQkN4WmJQUT09 |
Just found this sub, and I wanted to say hey. I didn't know anyone else in golden triangle was on reddit! | r/setx | post | r/setx | 2011-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxbTRMYjhHblIxYnA5blV2MnFKcDNQbjhIVGs5R2oyeHdWcXMwQ2VGQXl0ckdTN2dVaEtXa3YxSXIxRnRMM2NTeldOUUU0ODUxSFJOcTI0eS1GcGZEc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpY0VTaHY2WW96LVNzSW03bWdXVzhWWC1tVG9fNndQc29jZlNRaUZxWWJwdHlXVmxzSVpRZ1AxM2FrMHl0NUtmT0VXRkVjTWVDdFZvSlhEem1Ydi1nOVlLZDJCcDJJa2h4TFZwNzdUWmNhazUzS0FaYktna09pOXZpV3JHdlAzalBkb3VDMk5pNFFFM0JDSU1ZeVN0X2lnPT0= |
One of the cool things about speculative fiction is that it makes metaphors concrete so that we can examine some of our own assumptions in a new light.
Throughout the story, *everything* is placed in service of pursuing Optimum. Every aspect of the City's society, including the exploitative interactions the guildsmen have with local villagers, is justified by the City's extreme danger of slipping behind Optimum and losing the only technological civilization left in the world.
Then we find out that there's another technological civilizations: Elizabeth's home in Britain. We learn further that the abnormal curvature of spacetime relative to the Optimum is a perceptual effect (explained in ways that aren't entirely consistent) passed down genetically. Because it adheres to children who are born in the City (even though the City's gene pool is being diluted further with each generation of foreign loan-women), perhaps we can take the spacetime warping as an extreme metaphorical pointer to a cultural norm. Something like caste or *tabu* that seems completely obvious from within the culture and completely insane from outside it.
I think this is what the ending points to, when Elizabeth tries and fails to convince Helward that they're on Earth, and that the curvature effect is illusory. Of course he can't be convinced, because whether the effect is real or not, disregarding it would have very real consequences for him. It would literally be the end of his society - just as the crumbling of traditions in the face of outside influence has heralded the demise of many a real-world society.
I think one way to read this book is as the story of a young man becoming inducted into a society's norms, finding himself at the moment of truth when those assumptions crumble, and having no choice but stick with those assumptions unto his own destruction - because the alternative is actually worse. You could replace "pursuing Optimum" with some other cultural assumption like "market capitalism" or "the rules of some hippy commune" or whatever cultural abstractions a group of people are capable of devoting their lives to. The surface story would be very different, but I think the emotional impact at the end would be much the same. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2011-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaGFoS2tRTkprT0pVdS1JQXp1U0RnMVhiZDFjZ3RqZXRONnNVSXNCR1l5QlUybm43MTBHTjBFUUwtamdOVmtsbFJ4bG9PTnFRSTlWdVowWDhNVlhWRGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpYUJ5bDNULWdvSE9sczdYdVJxQW1uZVdNOW4xNTN3azlUaHBibUROQ01LTC1hVHh6TFZHNjFoZkZxZTB6RHhRUnRJYlNzcHliU1VwV1BoNUNjSUtUUzdhTDVzbV9HTUFQT2luRlV4bEJNTWdaTmctN2RSRXZ4b2lIbXExMVNrN2RocW1Za0pmMjlQMEJGN3BkMDVKU2h0LUxzMVRkMzI2Mk5hdVpvaXR0TGlGd0xjUExXNGpSb2JweVFWeTFKVVNZNDVVS3FJYWdwXy05djBaWDUzcC1IQT09 |
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: February 17, 2011
>>* **Age:** 20
>>* **Gender:** Male
>>* **Location:** Azle, Texas (I spend a lot of time in Fort Worth)
>>* **Pictures:** [here's one](http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/165195_500524617206_570657206_6006025_3736533_n.jpg)
>>* **Job:** Photo Specialist at Walgreens
>>* **Hobbies:** PC gaming, going to awesome music events, reading, bein' all philosophical with friends, cooking (desserts are the most fun to make).
>>* **Pets:** on the ranch in Cisco, I have 2 Ibezan hounds, 2 horses, some chickens, some ducks, and some sheep. In Azle I have none.
>>* **Political views:** if the world is going to hell anyway, does it matter who's driving? but more seriously, i'm pretty liberal.
>>* **Religious views:** was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. I'm now agnostic, and I think that people who have Faith should cherish it, but not be blinded by it.
>>* **What makes you laugh:** life, puns, George Carlin, Gabriel Iglesias, or anything particularly ridiculous.
>>* **Orientation:** Bisexual. everyone is beautiful.
>>* **Coming out:** I'm open about my sexuality except for where my family is concerned. my brothers know of course.
>>* **Relationship status:** pretty much been single my whole life. dated a chick in high school but it ended badly, and it was never serious.
>>I'm pretty much always in a good mood, and it takes quite a bit to get me sad or upset. a day is what you make it, and if you want it to be a good one, it will be :P not shy in the least, so ask questions!
You can be a featured member, too! **[Click here for details](/d880k)** | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdmZPeXgwZTJMQU9JQ29KUVc0ZjRqcXFWNW0ybTV0TWFGaks4eFQzeVkxRTk4Ymd2cUNEMnduTlVOVURYUWhhVklacXZhdzhzNW84dXB1UG5aWElKdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcWRnbVRXNDVuY1dCMjF2R2c3UE92ZVdNNWpFd0hKakNpc01nRkI2T0o0MG50dVk1SXlSUC1MRFY0WXhoQWJCTC1kN1BqUGZqZGpJMXI5MUNxb1NwYUM0SmhTSkxJRlpka0xvbHJUMHQ1c1ZTT0xyTW9kelhPb1IwSTktejVmSjlMQkM4SWpwRHVoMkRiR1hVak4taU1iV2ozTVpGTU5oMjRsV2NMV3RlQ0ZVPQ== |
For new, mainly Amazon when I shop online and BN for the random browsing. I've also found a few gems [here](http://www.ecookbooks.com). I wish I had a few hours to browse through a place like [this](http://www.joannehendrickscookbooks.com/index.html). | r/cookbooks | post | r/cookbooks | 2011-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdHVfRDhaaG5OTUxKY0JqT3F1OGhGLVhzV1RtMEF1OHdtT2d1ZHlDWkYyTDRTWUVtTGlqN0ZqYlBoVGZwSWx4ZU9UYTM1YXp3ZmdkYlZudGNkT1VZUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUXRxeXZxTWQwSVR6YTdSTXhxYVFMcHpXQlIxZUNNRnJUZnFjbk4wOHdYZWRTYjlPRDJlSGNNcXFWcXNVc2d5Wnk1SWZzT054SHpmMVhxSGlEN0ktNTFrbGRncHJYSGpocTlJaFRxTlpFX1htUXU4d2ZzSkxxSzhhN3c0QkJ2YlhfMmtFcEhOb2h0aGo0cVNuTU45Ui1FWWJ5ZzNjS1pXbzNDWVA5VjFRS3lKWk5jRGc5aXMyWnhoQjh2eVV6R1g3 |
I had one once that got so bad I couldn't wear proper shoes to school. The gym teacher told me to cut a V shape into the center of the nail and that worked. It allowed for the outward pressure to reverse and it pulled the ingrown out enough for me to clip it. This, however, isn't preventative. I'll have to try your tip out! | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2011-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxR2w2WEpfVktkbGtNWHpUYm9xU0dEc2tJZG9lb2dqUExzOGhHcS1KUDhtYlBQSU90NzVWWGNVMGNxMXJiNFZ0aDUyTmtKOVpHd1ZQNXVUNzJwNW1LNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpU0F3Y2FFaHRGVXl4Z1A3Nnc3VUlKcHRyLUZWVUIzSHRsSjFnTGlNOUhFeXJ5R25PbWhtcHVmUXowYkVkMVNkNWNMYU9CN2dVUEl4TnppamlPWm5qdURoTm4tdThibDZaN2hxQkdoaEkxQWhuRnRTaGpVRmQ2SnRXT3RfSWpKTVV2MjN4eUdtcGRxRnZGR2dKc3ljWFpPbmN6M3JDdFI2THFKMENhSGVWMDBadFp6SXA4anJ4dlJMNnd5VXU0YnJy |
Would hike there during the winter with my scout troop. Interesting place. There are some trees growing in really big rocks. | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZG82NHFCcWRSS1JabmNvY29aQkotVmh0MXhUT3c5andJNXRfaWstSF9pelIyRHF5VXVqbHNRX0hscU5qWGduQjNRU3Z3VWxoei04RHJkMmdudnI2eFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRkhMbzZBZDd1b1lSY3hpYW1SYVg0MXJPVHZGZDBlQUhDaGJsR1g3MEZkTlNkVjZEcnhHb0lYRVIzNEtDQy1yei15S3BuNnBkZUNOdlAtcDI2V0Z2ZkdYTlNJMzNtam90cktxNVJVczFFQTZNMUdKZzNyN3NFWHRFeFNoRWRoeFBqOWpwb2J5X3gxRmRVV2Q4NHYzdTdEaUhKR3hhVXBKYzJJdEM5VE45UnpNcUFMU0hrVXlZdHVNd1Y1NFFqMFNw |
I thinned the top of my nail the day I made the post, and haven't done anything since except trim the end of the nail. No ingrowing yet.
I should probably give it a few strokes by the cuticle, just to be safe. Prevention is better than cure. | r/tipoftheday | comment | r/tipoftheday | 2011-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxU0ZubS1SMXBUNHY1R2VubGFiVnFZOEREdkdMRDI3Y2EyakRzeEdfSERVR1B0YS1xdVZ4RUQ2UlRobC12NDJfeVl4SDZ0MjFEUGI4UTdKSHRjNnhraWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpSUVGMUNuSHFlVkYtMEd3TW9FbENUNlRiS2tGbmczWW84R1FXalYwYjRlUnp4MlVNNC0zSGk3OXZEQzk1Mnk3RWVGZ1BveFhiejhQQi15VFd5cVFKLW5pTFhjWFVzczIxd25sVm5OYWVwcWx5S042MU9tblRxODB3RU5qaHNJN1owV0J0R0xXSTItYk4zM0FkMHJXRkhUMXNuYzQ5ZmVlU2psSFczT2FqVW1XZlF2X3dUdjlrbjVJSUZpTmd5dXRy |
The whole Yellow Springs [area](http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cincinnati,+Hamilton,+Ohio&ll=39.779519,-83.857613&spn=0.076516,0.154324&z=13) is awesome - Glen Helen, John Bryan, etc. | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxaFZnLTkwSE9oelp0WEQyY2Qzd3NvU3cyM3laUEtSU0ZQMkRieWg3by01YlBzUU9rMmR0Q1kxMUVlZjR3VVlFTmd5eEVzMGhBaHVNRy02N2lKR3lmU2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpREpzdGNYejItcTBrM3k0dUVuRDhtaDlUM1NEZk1uM28wVWV1b2dNVi01OGF5MzMzVEFMbkRncnJCQzdKN3FrbHhMWUVXTy16UTkyMG53eXdxLUd5dGFReHNXcnNhSkZITXJUb0R0WEZFZGpYZVVkQzRFWHpOMDM0aC1mNV9hYURZeDBhME1GOGNjbFB3NzFTSnl2dFJiZE5NZ21adkpGdlpKNzlvcWNGdnFZblpFYjhYNkxzRU9mRmJMOTFCT2RB |
Love these stories, but can you maybe give more examples of shit tests and how to win them | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Vxc0plUXdiRGs2SkxRSFlPS2pHcUFsQmtzWVkzeUdiNWs5SWc2RmtpN3RkMk9zelEwQkpFYzZuTnNDYnFUeWgwZDJkOE5COTlTYjgxamVZVjJ2dHNmV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpTWZ2eEwtdHNnSmplRW9KR01mNlhrS2FLblFGMmpsYUNWY2FfYVNXckdscTQ4a0tJN08zN0cxTWF4Q1JPTUp1T0N5RUdsN2NmckNYU2pZQmJBUHBSSnlYTVFUTWk1RFVNbmVOUVVua3B5WHpqaHB5a3pUQmpueFY3NnNfejNNakRzUEtOcndCTEt5VTlWdU53R183dWNMVWNBRWFEQ0dKeVVHTUFKQUE5RFFnVlpPbmpWV0JrM2o0UEZNZV9UMG1o |
Been camping at John Bryan and hiked Clifton several times. Both quite nice. I've only seen a little bit of Glen Helen, but they do have a pretty decent raptor center imo. | r/ohiohiking | comment | r/OhioHiking | 2011-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYVNoX1VTRTF6V0t6TG5fU2ZoOWZZLVFGWTZFNlRmS1c1UTZuckJsVnlDVWVVR29NNi1qaG5VSmd1N3Y2aFF5aFVRaHhXMjN2aGtqcHFWOHRpbGZRR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQjM4SVl0SnBZQmJUSWRrVmpoNmpUcVpHVlVCb1NOd29HOEV2R0x0UjgzVXJIVFluY0pRTnRfUWphRTdfRWV5clJwcFBZUjhMcFdQRkh2U2l4eDdlWUI4QXVqb3JmdHhCOUtzV2FFdUZ5WGRFVjdxQmJDVEtQSnRIaGI5NEczOTNXc2xFRG5SaDhnUERzeXd5WWh6aE1sVjBHRV80cGN2eXpvSk1HdFR0cHRqMU8tMmpsUDBITTBuNEFwSnJHWU5i |
POSSIBLE? how about a cologne section?
love what you do btw | r/mansformation | comment | r/mansformation | 2011-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxUk5HT1BhcEhoNXFGb1lfbUI2dEt6aFNvMlZHS3Q4Zk5paEJ3ekZqR3BUQnRuTmpsSHFYV1N1NncwOG91S0VDRTYtODFhak4xMnZPX0dkYk02c0I4M0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdlJHSE9rTkFvekJEZlE2YzVxS1FmM0drbl9lLWxCZGFwUkZHZm9xakl6NVlRTHZRemhkeXcxTXZPeURucUFGX3B6Y1gzWjhuN3pXdWR4TGZUbXB3QzUzeDRBUGExdGFUUXRubHEydUhPbEhGX3YyeFdPNXgwaGFKbllaSl9sYUwzMjQ5VTRGNnY0ZmRUYy1jYmZwcFp0a1pMSm9kYVJlbmMyN20teFpVWmVJPQ== |
Awesome did you make it? | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2011-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRmZMa0h1RWkzdlctTEJTUTZVWEQxZVc0MHJBWmJfcHNRU3RnOUlkSkpzNWxlNzE0cHRjbm82UDJOVElfM1VISlp6NU1BNm5ZWGFPME5hQzI4RUROUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpSFdlc1ZFTUx4Z2Q2YnJWanBsOS1MQ0FpNnVYN2FMNkpiQXpJejBHcXlWbE5jWm1ERmY1b0JsSW5yUnVrelpud3BKVDJQYjh6RzZPT1ItU0c2VUp5TnZuM2U4R3FzWWt4R2FSUU9GVlNNbVBRV2trRDUxTE5kZlJJMWJrNGZUaFEwSUNXZjhXM01vSzZCSDZJS045RUJLZy1oS3JyUjNlSUE2SC1ZMlhxRkFKM3VxdVJZZUtFYWk5R0lJZlVpTmh0 |
No, I bought it on Think Geek. Damn cats played with the box it came in more than the tank. | r/catfort | comment | r/Catfort | 2011-02-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxZUcxX2hwQ1MyZnVyXzVUTmlwb3hLZXJnYTdSczVwN25yV1FPTE11aTBGVlY5Z2xWLWI3LXI1NjM1MXdvOFV1VWtfbDRMM2hmb01Zdzc3Wlo0bFFJcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpYzNmVHhqUmcyTEE3Ukw3NEZVNHNyaUExQVBRaW5qR2RNeXFodEhIX0I2ZFVNVzB0RTZXM1FRdnphRGxIdjlnNU5kSnhRY1plNEI5VmRLbzUxajctRDd1LThXUllHSHpPVWVEcXlvQ2xCSEFTR3JYNnlZVVFiejB4NDgtVXl1TnRaYjhzbkhyYmVjcXF2cGRVNnN1cWFqZ18yUnhoQXhXUXZyalhYVFc2dUYxU1BLMkJWclNBdE9JaDZCRzJYbWpr |
What are thoughts and feelings about the character Victoria?
Obviously she is a very strong, intelligent, independent-thinking woman with the courage to challenge accepted beliefs and norms, but I found her unlikable; manipulative, bigoted and somewhat cold.
And what do you make of her immediate reaction to learning that Helward had a mother from the outside?
| r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2011-02-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOXVLTFpKbTF2cE9QcUJVTlQ2N1Y5VDlwZWxtZi1TZkdST2hGLTRwbU1aT282bk9LeFh5bHhrMkpFYldhOFBzeWlhMkJncXNrMTRnV3llSXNKNlhIS0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUnNtTTBjbHNFZEtTc2JnWFlCMVk0QjRVSXJYVUl1TVQ5dzkwNGVSQzlCMVl1WlllUWRTT2xUd2o2dVNEVU14a3d6RGVTdXJuZ3U1Z29ZV3lvMmxLNk8xUC01bVY3ZHhmYTNScFBUZm50SlJuVG1uTF9DMTZiUnRKNjc2UDRtZnpkYjhfTkZjMWRpT3N5TllsRHhGc0k3c3doLXAtdVFlSlFmR3J4anliTTQ4VVF4T2FRU1VQeTdubC1EdGEyeF9QaTZuRmJBYXB2RzVUU2RxdUZWYWlxQT09 |
what kind of lighting would i need? im not looking for a whole studio set, more the bare essentials? help! :) | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxREJneTNOUHd5QlR0RXVDVW1KYlB2SV9OeXdvN2ZSR2ZMYlVCYkwxYVpNa1M3T2pLZzA1NUFJNmtUWDdQU1lGbGZCZFRIVDZqZU84dW5tcEI4NlBzaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpc0hkWUtkTzJIZGxBSldiNk9kX0VBVTN0Q3hiQTY1TmhFdEtXdUc4QVBSSldvWEtWQkxGM01QbzR5cTlLNXIyUEZodG51dnB2azhUZDJkQ0NLcjRJc0FKa3Fxai1kb01hR1ozbkJ2aS1FNFBRNVdWcXZYMlJHclNRTVJDVXg1b3BPbEluSU5JZ21nZHZfT1ViNm9wcTRERmJoQUg0ZnRMa2ZLS3FZb3l3YmZkUEdHUjUxcktEdUIyR3B4RTRWaGJV |
Sometimes when I open the game, I can't see some part. For example, when I am in the "SPACECHEM" loading screen, I can only see "SPACECH" and other parts are completely blacken, and will not recover after loading. Strangely though, those part that don't show still works perfectly, I can still press buttons in those areas. | r/spacechem | post | r/spacechem | 2011-02-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSlpoTWFCSU5hUjFrMncyT3h0eFI0VTUtSHNFQzlUY2V1VHF0OWpZclF4TEZfVFl1bmliYVI0Ym13MFd5R281Tm8xWlBiODFmV3JLVE05cTBiN1FyS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpZlI2ZVJZZEh5bXdFTmdRWm83T1VZMHU5Q3ZYcmhlQ1ctaS1tWUcxWjJWYTZ3cHprV3paMVdReXdoZWFUN2p3TWtTeUUzZWVaUWhPVnFsVHB4N2N3Qm5sNkhYMk9QckFjcDFrbVRTejNTT0tpSVpXYzBpSFdRSWU0NUVsV1lDUHlNZXpLYk1UM0RNMEp2ZmxGQS1IelUtR0ZWdHFmdnlzeUo0V2ZLeTNQNTlQSGNFQldDcUNjX0thY3FxWHM4cURR |
About a month ago, [/r/redditoroftheday](/r/redditoroftheday) went on hiatus. It was originally thought to be shut down for good, but things seem to be working out to get it active again (adding more mods, for example). It's not shut down, but is starting back up. Many huzzahs are in order.
While it was thought to be ending, [/r/redditoroftheweek](/r/redditoroftheweek) was subsequently setup to fill in that hole, while accounting for some of the things leading to the issues with redditoroftheday (having redditors highlighted daily being one).
In an effort to get some publicity, redditoroftheweek is having a [photo contest](http://www.reddit.com/r/redditoroftheweek/comments/fmkn2/100_redditor_of_the_week_contest_wear_a_kilt_hold/), where participants have to wear a kilt, hold an instrument, and have a sign saying congratulations to the current redditoroftheweek (Warlizard). Since I'm sure there are some kilt lovers here, I thought I'd point it out. Coincidentally, I do happen to be participating. *[cough]*
**tl;dr**: redditoroftheday is back in action, redditoroftheweek is starting up and you can see a [picture of me in a kilt holding many instruments](http://www.reddit.com/r/redditoroftheweek/comments/foy29/the_contest_is_closed_and_the_entries_are_in_vote/c1hjn4q) here. Edited for the contest link. (Feel free to upvote that comment... *[wink]*) | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxNnUyc2lBYUdya195MUlQMWhLeW04T25aMTRWc1hnUVVUZUwwb1ZtUGJyd2FFVlJJTWdNejB5TFBrbFA4eWw5YlJreEpncGphRHdwRDJuSWRtR0dLSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpNTdkdFJDdmkteFpDVUNobDhweVJmZzU3YlF4bkdlUDJOLW16UV9KRUVBbWk3bDhqLWtTY3BPaHBoajhTaG9JWmY3cXR6aVdmRlNqbnI3YUhzMEV2a2ZUcW8temhFdTZEU1BxRWw2NDFrdHF0dFNxVVVZUExGdGRnOUswWUx1TEdNTlZmZXFjNXdaOXpGdlI1aXhYZjJKQXE0M3lVSUYxS2k4WjI4UmlCZC1fMll4WUtBSUdTdmZWc1NybEprUnlRZ1h2aDNybnY4RGhXLWg4SldYRzFPUT09 |
I've usually stuck to Mediterranean cooking (French, Spanish, Italian, North African) but I've started to get the urge for foods with strong, spicy flavours. I'm looking for suggestions on authors and specific books on Indian, Mexican, Chinese, and Thai cooking in particular.
I've looked through Ramsay's book of Indian recipes and tried a few of them already and they're quite good. The only other big authors I'm familiar with in Indian are Vikram Vij and Madhur Jaffrey.
For Mexican I think Rick Bayless seems like a good choice but not sure which book(s) to get. Any other author suggestions would be great.
Finally, I basically have no idea when it comes to Chinese and Thai cookbooks. The only name that comes to mind for Chinese is Kylie Kwong but that's about it. I like some spice so Szechuan/Sichuan recipes are welcome.
I'd like books with theory/insight into the cuisine with lists of spices, typical cooking techniques, etc. since I'm unfamiliar with the styles. If it matters, I'd consider myself an intermediate level cook so I'm not put off by more involved preparations. Last thing is I like authentic recipes rather than Westernized although it's not a huge deal.
Thanks for any help :) | r/cookbooks | post | r/cookbooks | 2011-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxYm02SnZtTlBhdXJyQUJNZVdUeXVQX3FEbXljaDhFOERJNk5IaS1vZHhrNGliN3pvdUNFbU16YnhFWUdZRnFnNk1VdUJTQ1ZKRWNnVWdta3piSkkxeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaXkxVVkzZnQtZTAwaFdBc3N1UkplX3FZOEozOGRtdXQ4YzZoZGV6eFRVNHgzczJzSmprRzJaeU84c1k3N1EzcW9DVGMtR0FpT3FRczU2Vm1ISVZqZGhjd2hvNmg2REw0WTJlbEVTaTVDeVR0WThpT19YMmhrOXFQVEZGa2RlcDE5RnFDVUxyWURhSlV4b3dUZjhfQVdna3JwWExZRHRJSWdNbVZQa3Rfa2szQkpEd0FNaWFSbl91QTNmeG5ORjRyc2I3d2tFQk5KQXk1SllqdGE0dEpsQT09 |
Hi again Reddit,
I submitted a question to this subreddit a few days ago and since then I've looked at a lot of different lenses. What I want to know the most is whether Canon Canada will honour the warranty if I buy online from say, Amazon or B&H. Is my 1 year warranty still in effect, or would I have to ship it to somewhere in the US? | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxckZUX0tsZjJ2NXdsOExQeGR4bjRCX0VvTnh0d2xxV3EwS2lvMDJyMjJ3dWNrSmU2RWZuVFVlTWdfSHZ3Tzh5RUJ0dUowS2dueUtaWTRKYU9Yd3JIY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRlozSC1CMGlpS0hMaHhGY19rNFMzMmlvMjdENU5DSmZVTmN3NFhia2ZWQXJNMXpVVXJ2VlY3YnlEMV9zekNHMkhDaDN2cTlVTTZvNnMtQlJUcEZBaW04V3hMZlh5QWlfNHA2dk5CVzhzOXBvcnpCeDFQQVVtYlFYXzNrUjlCNTRpX1BTNlE3SnZQd2VIUHk2bndCdzlZeWNsOVVtTENJRGlaQmxzS085bU1EOGNxLURZbjhScXBPaVYwRy1pNGQ3 |
Hi, so I'm looking into buying a Canon Rebel EOS Rebel XT 8 MP off of craigslist for $200, and was wondering if this would be a good starter camera for someone purchasing their first ever DSLR camera? The seller has included the following items along with the camera
"Silver Canon EOS Rebel XT 8 megapixel body with the 18-55 mm kit lens, battery, battery charger and will throw in 4 GB Compact Flash card"
Any and all suggestion are greatly appreciated!
Edit: Included photos
http://i.imgur.com/yPDue.jpg | r/photoit | post | r/photoit | 2011-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV3FBMmQ3T0NFc0dFY29qX25tMG5FRkhnVnJwRWRPQ3VwLWl3M0hqcDBnc3lsbFZSTFhaTkpMSzl2cDVUZ3ZsSXRDSVNtQklUSUlucmMzZTlrd1RvLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpT3JzY1BpVk5EWEVFc2lucktCQXhPQmVEZmt3OWpaa2RIbjUteml0ZldzaUJGemt5d1NUNGxlWnpqSmJtbmNVT2x6NUotNlZWWGtobTlQSFhneWtvXzVWUHZUYW5yN3hlTnlIS1ZwV3FobDRzOGVjSzE5c3FYOHZOeGMwTDVNbFRmTzZRTzFqOXNqNVFVRW9tRFd5ZEU5X3l4cnlxWEFTN0lIVXdBR1QwaVlZPQ== |
Hey everyone. So, I read the featured member profiles whenever they pop up, and on theirfour's I added [this comment.](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/et3kk/theirfour/c1asp02) What wasn't seen was afterwards I PM'd him. We started talking through reddit, then gchat, then texting about 200 times a day. We started skyping, usually at least 3 or 4 times a week.
One night he told me he was out at a bar and when people asked, he would tell them he was taken. We got to talking about it, and I asked him if he would like to officially date. We have been dating for one month as of last thursday, and on friday he flew over 3000 miles from California to Rhode Island to come visit me for the first time. Right now he is actually curled up on my shoulder and critiquing my grammar and word choice in between kisses.
So, thank you MeetLGBT and especially LGBTerrific for doing such a great job on running this subreddit. [And here's the happy couple.](http://i.imgur.com/K1aZL.jpg) | r/meetlgbt | post | r/MeetLGBT | 2011-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxTkY3ejdhNWh1b09kbUt0RmZGdUU1bUhMUFF6LU9WNGRmUF9iVUZCUHF0dHhRQkxMTXFabGxBNGZydzdWdkg0MW5Rc3VtV2NSclBwZ010QldEQTA3QkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpQ2dQMXE5UmxXbUlhQzk4bUhwM1BzVnBVbEtJb05lV0ZaNUlBV0ZzazNKcUpNV1BQTGtySUtxTWRoVXRSc3JsemloN1JWcFRhakhjM3dzREZzUmY0Vm5VYkpyT1poSzFMbUEwd3hRSkJBX2FMYnFaYjlFR3EtRlJ6bnVSMVp5czlBam9MN2gzbEtUcU9Dak5Xck9sb2JYWDd0X1ZWR1VvdUZVWmp1S0t1QUxBNGV1cXRmZHNvUnlZR3JHNldSLXgt |
Excusing all the spelling and grammatical errors, some very useful tips. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxSi00Zmt3OVdTblMyVG1rQ1NkT2RMNkJST0xCNm9mUTM2eF9OZU90UzJ3WDJ4YmtHaV8tbFNkd0JmLXZNUVlIczZaSUFvT0R6RHk4Qzkzd0UzeHZCeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpOU1FZjY3bTc0V0VKazQtYi1xM3pXd1VrTE1tc0NyVHJEYmJheW90anZtd2oxOUluM3RNWXdvOTdTWFBQRzlNSmwxQ3lyMmRXTW9MRTgyLVFNWlpkdXA2eFdza2VvTlpwTnZabjdGT0tRa25LeTFvVE1URnBkWXZCM3E5Y3RSTU1UUXVabGhmdGJwcVdRMVdqVkJ6UXdiNUtHZ1BMZlhNVEw2VzY2VHJETEdlWWhkOWtmN2pIN2Y5UFY4eGozb0pxODB1SW4xSG9oXzlqSnlDc0tHN2J2UT09 |
nip it in the bud, not but. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxM3pQS3dwLWlsOVNoV0lhaGVNcWRiS2VLUG1Kc1lrNjk1NGY1Unl4bHJESmJoRnJDa3Z2SGh6LTVYOFVvZGxNRjc0VE4wS3R3c0pndkg4bnlzeW9HUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpeUtHS28tYmdDUzFBLW9HX20wVUFzUHV3aDVVUkZMV0NiZ1BESTZFX2tkTGFiTW12bTNhOHVFNTJYRFEyTzN4T09rWmFtVFROYkcwOGhBaUN6U2VNeXphOG12UDJMQ2ZnVlk0VlRqZnhzNEdnMGVkOTFZRjVBTmhKVnFERzN3c3ZYV3lzN2Etb1FxUHhGNFVwYXI3cTl6NjlOVXZobTBrUEFISUxNTUEyY1BIZkVjSk5ieHRTMGUyYW1RdTNtQlpUYjR4LVI4MlpFMEpZLXFWTmh1d1hXQT09 |
This many years old. Most of the examples are from kernel 2.4.9 released in early 2001. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxV2p1N2lMR0ZBc2tub0gxZ2VVcVBseDBRVnBMLUxDWjNaTHJoM1dZbS1HYlNvSk5lTzVyWVo0Mk1GZ2lTZ3E5b0NjeWJBSVI5NlpUOGpTUWxzQndXRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdHNqZzNXaThOdXVIdUZMdzlMRm1YN0g0azdFTU5oNmxsUDF3aXBGTVh1YjRaNlJ3UElPWjVuLVhKbGhvTDNET0dzbWVEZmdMdkZiT2RfQjk5NnZ3dTFrcGMzVWtGMmRKSGJmMkxDNkdzOC1pVndRRGVSMHdaNktMUHc4dFc4OVU5X1JHdVk2cVJwdE01dWo1MUxieVF3cXNEcWd6bHU2RkEtY2hPNjdyUVJwRVR1Vy1YU0RLcHFsbHgxdTVTRWZONkVEZ2JfVHhaSHdOVGpoRGl3akZpUT09 |
Good to know. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxR1V6cFNPNmlEeGVJSXhxU3k5RkFhcmJPYUNFVEVPU1dSd1FtYjFVWnE5RHdJM2dCcHVlTUVnZDNRN1BwQW5NdERmRGxLMjIwZ2EtWV9GQU5SeEdKcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRXV2WWd4SWxVTF9qYkUzanBGbk9BYzREVmxNS3dCTXZ6ZVZtbHlHTUVvdmZtX0dtMlBtNHBFNG1Nalo1R3hLN29hTERhWC1zVEFtaUJXQjBVUVVVclB2WkMtLUtCZ0I2TmFHc2lwSUdzdk1VcV9yZWJzUTFiTmFkTklLa0p6UVN5V0V4N1dHMDBUbm80VzhmQWg3dzRSUmxKY3M0TTdsbXJkY2xPejBhNkJhTF9YNW5qZDBzaFI3WDRqLXY3MWo0VUEtbXhhb0tFYVZ3WGF3bmZHVmtZZz09 |
Back before the heavy prevalence of Ajax/javascript and the "click to see more" button, it was very easy to archive pages with Httrack or DownThemAll. Nowadays, it's a very massive pain. Sure, there are firefox extensions to save every website you visit, but I really don't have enough disk space to do all that (that, and I'd also like to archive sections of pages that I haven't visited, in case I might want to see them later).
iMacros is a possible extension, but while it can scroll to the very end of a page (say, a facebook page or a google reader shared items page), it really sucks for expanding out comment sections. | r/ajax | post | r/ajax | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxdDlrMlNTR1dVSHlpTlJ4TldxTlFiTVI4WVpkbzZpZW9iVU1hMmR3Ni1EX0wza0FUSjVLeXlmdzcweVUyd3pqZzFfNTVYRUtBZW5BWDVGYVZVaVp5R1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpYkdPTy1aS3Z3YUlKVEdXQklaSTQxN1NpbU1haGZ0c0ZSYlg2aVotSnJDUnlvUVQtUUZFZmxRZWpDY2lzTGIxVkpURF9QTHdvUTZCdHR4cDhGT1M3c05jcnZTN290NE5FMnRBS2ZYeVlERzRadUxGQWNKaUNZbzJPZHpKeTF6Vk9iTl9Ta0doazR5TlM0bTFZUFRVWEpCbUNvWEZsbmJVT2lpX0JVQXBzZDg1QTZUS0FUU21XQXd2U19xSmhXT29w |
Small edit: It's actually not LaTeX formatted, but rather the more broad Textinfo format. | r/csbooks | comment | r/csbooks | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxMlQ2Z2hfbUJ0TFRQd0V1c3BPb3pqUDNYdlpGSWhuUDVDSVlvMXJ5RzhYUDQyZmk2ZGVfVldXTkFHeEFoX3hLUHQ2VjRacWp4MG1yenN2X2QtN1JCdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1Zpc3hYVndmdS1yWTVRWUs0aGZLMnpMbmRheVhyV0hXc1kxMURrZ2RBdFZLMzE0ZDlJemxxU0FNaFFtdjAxczR3TlFhY28yRmhKZjBweWFTcFpoQXpNbkFrT0RadWZhcnBkWUFTQ2hyaG5UUEJGdGs3RF8yck85eVJMRzZ2X0RhOUNzdEhvTUZrZC02ZEtfbFN2UEhQaFgtV01GMVlCR2dMcnFyNFF3NjUwamdFZXFZN2JQZ1pMWWtoQlNWNEUwc3dNWHFqRllJME12bmFELVpzcTQtUjdodz09 |
the funding part was an unfunny joke! Does nobody else think this has poteintial?
| r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxRkRRcUJJdVYwQk5STXFQeW9qWk94T3Q1YWtnQ0g5UXR5azRHTm80NUJ4blZybjgwVUgtLU9GUjZDYWNRYlh2THhEYWFUVnE3cWJnVFAwOXU4Ni1hTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpdXVsd1ptRzBqeTVaVTNzWDh1bWl3T2V5M3pjejZIa20xRG9wTXJWdE85QkNSTjk0aGpNUDczWXZhYVhxVHByOW1IQ0RZMVRqYktoQXppekRVRmJjc1doZDU2SFNSQ2o4amxGZ2U2N0hWSE5vdi1LVFdFeE11RG91VkFvTlpZNXc1VUxMb0luMlVIbHMxMERoZnhCd25PR3ppM0dnVmtlRXc0ZldQQW1jQ3pTckZzaVo0RUplN2JUeFJHTXAxQWxmUTk4LWFGN3lmMldpYzVJcHE3TGRzcVVFZlhQeElRajdxTTNvODBJSVI2QT0= |
Rockwell makes an impression as if he has a predefined agenda and his articles follow it very tightly. The worldview is pretty flat: there is the Evil — american empire and the good -- everybody else. Details and facts do not matter for him at all. | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVHZtd2c1eVRfWVR6Q0ZoWnlVaUNYQWZZcWtUZVFWem5ONFhRWElsSjFrSW9wdFFENHUzWEtWMnh0dW9ZNXdZMVpfN0Q2UjRHYWZzUVRYbTlvS0pqdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRWJabGg1ekR6TXcteVlJY2dtR3FPWnJNeUdsT1phOUI2WnhLdzBEeEc2Z0s0SU5CQlVreEZCMDhPb0F2VXN2X3hPemJvWjdwMlEtMjdhejlvY1VCTlBZUDBXNmg5X2lTY1hKcTlEdDhWbDBHR3UtWjRId2x6Wktva0NNNlFZYUJXYlYyUldLOUlQak01dm5ERG5ZV2V4XzFkWkdROElYMFIwbFFEZXFVVm9uSzVrOGhFVDBHazZmSnVXNno2eTRiM28zOU9XQ19XMWo4eVdsQTFmcHp1Zz09 |
February goes by so fast, but we've had one of our most active months on /r/SF\_Book\_Club! Excellent guys, keep up the good discussion and the links. Hopefully _IW_ will actually arrive for me to read before Feb. is over.
Anyway, time to select the next book we'll read. Typical rules apply: Post books as top-level comments, resulting upboats and discussion will help us select a book (downboats are discounted so don't bother), and all speculative fiction books are welcome. | r/sf_book_club | post | r/SF_Book_Club | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxOWdXQXY1VWJBV2V1UllkckpNY1FMXzFZaXlXdHk1U0FySmIxZ2NKU0FkNHJaSEZTQ0xvYk1sOU8xWm5rSUZZNUJBS3MwaG01MjY5cU5pU0ZFWC1VMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUXp1T0JJWC1aLTFXeHR3alJqcWk2cThTZGNNMDgyQ2dQTEJGT3lkVE1HZmZEMUU1UEhYaFZTNXlnRTVfQjBsYXN3MFVfRENMQS1EZHFIcFI0eGdHOTRaWXhudVlJRlZ0TzRYSzdzQjRPeS1uQmFzaU1EOFFxbmY1eHlzSlBPM3J4LTFoUTZnSm9hM2RfZjJIRldhSXhjdloxeTdGWlBkZUdwWDRxREFtbUR3PQ== |
What portion do you disagree with most, aside from the overall tone? What I mean is this isn't a comfortable statement:
> Americans discovered this only recently due to the massive wave of protests all over the Arab world. Libya is one example. But there is also Egypt and Tunisia, plus Bahrain, Yemen, Jordon, and Morocco, Dijbouti, and other states, perhaps Saudi Arabia and the UAE too. In each case, a government in the pay and control of the US is facing a population sick of the human rights violations, the oppression, the economic backwardness, the injustice and the attacks on free speech and freedom of movement.
It's accurate however. | r/mises | comment | r/mises | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxS005c085SHVHejVNQkJ1WWFDekNqUGM1eVVKMWRBTkJ4VHlROERRZjVSZWdkUFB6ekwtMGdfS3puMGpVVlg0VkRjczRvLUNvZnNaTDFacnMzVzFQUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpeHFxODdFYTlocFlYbEpwWjFvcHpicjBDc0FyaDFFaGd4MVpmd0FlYldHXzEyT3Vxc3p3SDNMS1IxMmtlVkx5WlZJVU1iM3N3dWNUaFd3Z3gzT1ZQMTJpWTRZcmhJREwyZmkzejVxRFlJU1FqY1Z2SmdiN3FQbXVmTFl0Tkh6bTdnVnNscld3dFUtZkNRTG8xQU8yNDUzWmFFdms2ZGdtVFcyWnIxZHpwVloxU2tVRElWSjNDNzdPMDFsdFpxSWt2eW1JYy05M2V6ejhaRUdXQmI4YVdUQT09 |
I am completely in awe over what this crew is doing. They've changed some of my own strategies--I wish I could be more involved in creating these tools here on my own farm. | r/resilientcommunities | comment | r/resilientcommunities | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxcEtsQnZFeU9SR3NrMnJxYXVTbmJGSWtnVUptemlieXNGT2xfeS1NWUFUcTZBTTJhbDRBUGNyS1hsVzlsT1JVeExWcVgyakhEUWw1c2pCSWd4SVpPQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaHNSNGppQlBabmxaTW9ZNkxiMDNOVzdXMXAxSHlwQVByOURpNkdycThJamZ2a0ZDMFJLLVM3RGVCWjU1c09Sc19lLXRnRlFKWUJtc3NXX19VMEx5MjVuZDFTblo1M3duQll6eWQtX1U3VkV2ZlVkTWtSb2g5Sk10YmVVb3lCX0FOUzNKVklNMHItdUJGX2dzTll0eS05eWNMSUhIcjYtTEZ6SmJZU0lMUG5STnp5MU05T0JXcFlDOG9yOXdESVpLSmdPODlqUXJQR0dLVnRIRFBjQTh5dz09 |
File metadata says 2002. | r/systems | comment | r/systems | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxakkyZ1gtNmlQNHFaaktJZ19MMGF3VjYtekJKTmtlSFMtNDF2bHUtNXItNExaQmo3Z3I0XzRmcGN2OGRtTHkzYWZuZEFXWmJIMDNRRGdWM19uanNzcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpaFFSWk1kdDBJNG5EenpEbi1KTm8tT254TEJ0bldyc3lOaEE4bXZ1RkRoeU13Y3J4Zk55dDhJajB5ZUpXU0NUamFoMjN4WjlBc1Zoazk3R1JRaTRpLXAtaEQ3OGxJZFdhc2RxNlpSRWRNbElNQjRlN2RPa2JFeU9QdGpWWW5zRmIydHhFeEhBVFVfam16b1NPeWtaYVRwOV9HMUo5emsyQjlYUjYxekNRZWE1bEdGUHN0RW1qdGtRa1JMV3RIWGI2ekFhUkVkd2ZKaUlCZzQ3U2xMYXdjdz09 |
Every single team within the MLB is vulnerable to an XSS attack. After attempting to contact the developers and leaving a message (over two weeks ago with no response), I am deciding to publicly disclose this information.
**Edit:** It seems that the developers for MLB.com read reddit, or someone was able to get their attention. These XSS vectors have been patched.
American League:
National League:
http://mlb.mlb.com/search/?query=%2F%3E%3C%2Fscript%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%28%270%27%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E&x=12&y=7 | r/xss | post | r/xss | 2011-02-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVHprdXpVRjZIU29GdDZZQ2k4WEtoeTRNQ0JyMUFRdjY3V3U3TmZDOEY4MFF0NGNDVzMtYWxCdWNIRjdTcW9VbFJhSFRrNTFCOHB1ekt3WTZNSnQzcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpcnluVEV1ZTNYZzg1SjNJdTBqQl9VSGNjTGxtNDI1NUt1Ul9ZeTlnS0k0Z1p3WklidTNaNzdUdVpic3NsUUpocVFUbm83NW9sRElIQ2MzcVRNTFhxbmkzV1N1VGV1ODdIS3A4M0hUMlFhdkRsUUhnd1NxUTgyWDMxekZLenFhUE9IOUJad2RqNjdUdzV5WDgySFhQd1RzUjdpSjU4M0tuOGdGTkNwRHZLNjNVPQ== |
He's lost [38](http://content.usatoday.com/communities/dailypitch/post/2011/02/giants-pablo-sandoval-quicker-after-shedding-38-pounds-in-offseason/1) pounds! | r/giants | comment | r/Giants | 2011-02-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxVmQyWm1TWnAwZkNZZ181cXozRlE0LTlBck1LdUN0Zm9YZWYzMS0wVDdBWGpUUkJEa01WUGU2OHlXVkE3cmIzYnh3RG9oOUJETTRqU3ZkbGlCSE5HLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpUl9NeWRHUnlBSjFkOEdhLU5rd2xMdFE4QjFud1pVYWswZXRnanZMZ1h4SWhRY3d3b3hLRzVVRnFNd1ROcUlOSFY4OWVLVlhlb1MteFZxTWhXaWo0SU1NbUpRNTVNMDd3ejVVOExWcHhVSDhzWWU5X3NlSXFFYmtxdnA4SFM2V0tTeTdKcHJfTzdvMG04TW5SWnpBMWdWclN1cGhfT1A5TXdGaU1ESUR0OWRtRzZmd2h1V2IxMm5feE9yZlNWWFhuTmQyZmwxc0dtdEliS3doR0ROWXhiUT09 |
It took them a year and a half and there is still tape on the benches. All it has are slightly larger covered spaces for bus riders and that's it. I don't even want to know how much they spent on it. | r/kirkland | post | r/Kirkland | 2011-02-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxWlBpdG9feWo5U1QyWTE1QmpSZlFXYlRhdDZobG1zd2tBWWJjdEV0ODVKcnF6QzFLWjVOSzdFMlZLWjM3ZTlfSk5CR21TQ1E2TWZxcG1ndVFkN1F2U2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpMDZyZE9VYlcydnk0SnBrQmF1WUoteVdRaHhRQ2tXZk5vR0NJaGVrd3BnNUxnRmFYM0c2X1Y1VDY1Wk41RzVPYTlZYUYzaFhEQVRpWmNXV0I2b3BqN19mQXZDQi1QdUxzQWwzUnl2MU44OWVCSmt1UVJDY2pFeXcyVlRqekhVOGd3NWVqOW4tWU0yZzY2TjBKQkcxZWJsYURyVnNwNTFwWXFVTkhiZ1QwMDlGUDBSLXBMOVcyc09fcUJtc3A1RGlscnVzeDVYeU90Um1mSGE0MElwam9NZz09 |
Anyone getting hitting tips from BLB is a good idea. The guy could hit and was a HoFer even if he never juiced. | r/giants | comment | r/Giants | 2011-02-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1VxR0FFME16X2R2WWpadERQNzRoWnIzdUd4dWw0N1dGSk1hUWZDempSY2ROM1BTclhZUDlUZy1EbDJudEVFVndiSi1qbHpLLWJGbk9ZYjJlcWRxekJCdUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5LN1ZpRGdNRGdIM0Jqc0M0czhBT2FlcF9zQWxEcGJZeTd4cDUzSWNyeEJTUURpajZNQV9iTldGS21VNWxhUEt5YXJiclV0TldvRzNFYUJMcHBoQ2RuOFJid2VzTkNHazFGS1Jza3lUS191Umt6R25QVVpuZ29iVlFKVlFIVnlOUzFJczRfUWt0a3JFdklrNlJLY1BiS2cxZHZsZFhzTV95eDA3WDRIR3BCRE5ZSE42MTNBMUZhNmM5M2RqLVF0aHJHaGtrOEdyZk9ZQnVQNXdRZ3p4UVp5T3RRQT09 |