2 values
Mine doesn't bleed, just hurts like blinding hell. I'd been trimming the corners off with cuticle scissors and packing under the nail with cotton and antibiotic when it got bad, but this method cleared up a nasty case in just a couple of days, and it's still holding good. Hope it helps you.
There's this song that's been on my head for like 11 years now. It's from a Game Boy game, and I think it was included in one of this 100in1 cartridges. I remember it was a zelda-like game (NES Zelda) with, I think, pretty poor graphics. You could explore the world going from one place to another (zelda scroll style), and there were this annoying-as-fuck enemies that always got you before you could do anything in some places. I think there was some kind of cemetery if you went west from the starting point (I remember graves with crosses, nothing else). Song is this: (sorry for poor quality) http://soundcloud.com/xlonadarx/what-game-is-this My brother told me the game was something like "Hero Quest" or something like that, but after hours of search I couldn't get anything. Hope you can h4lp me :)
It is time to stir the pot. The unemployment and war spread by the corrupt two party system needs to end. They need to fear something
Great ideas, thanks
Ok, so I have a theoretical web application ;) that returns non-sanitised text with a Content-Type in the HTTP header set to only "text". Chrome and Firefox display the text inline but internet explorer 8 tries to download it, as it is an unknown MIME type. What I want to know is is there any way to get it to try to sniff the MIME type/do older versions of IE ever sniff unknown MIME types? I know you can override charsets using iframes, is there any similar phenomenon with overriding Content-Type or anything like that? I'm assuming the answer is no...but it is rather annoying as if the server provided Content-Type was just "text/plain" or even something random like "image/png" then the web app would be vulnerable in IE...
A cute guy on a unicycle told me of this place so I figured I'd come and visit =). ... Not sure what else to say here...
Thank you, this one looks great.
I don't think I've been putting enough emphasis on chatting with other lgbt redditors. Besides using MeetLGBT to say hey, or post off-topic stuff to share with lgbt, you can also use it to schedule chat times. There are two main ways to chat (but feel free to introduce others): * [Chattit](https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/igompnenmemgiffpkhmblimkmaagdgoe) extension for Chrome. I've only caught 2 or 3 people being in MeetLGBT at the same time as me. It's probably not the best place to chat unless something's scheduled. It can be nice to see other people browsing the same subreddit you're in, though. * /r/lgbt has set up an IRC channel at [#lgbtreddit on irc.freenode.net](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#lgbtreddit) - Probably has ~60 people at any time. It might be quiet, but there's usually someone around to talk to if you say hi. * Update - May 9, 2012: /r/lgbt has a new IRC channel: irc.synirc.org #lgbt Clicking the link to the IRC channel will take you to a browser client for the group, so you won't have to download any software. Downloading software would make things easier to find and connect to other channels, including [the many reddit channels](http://www.reddit.com/r/thibit/comments/cmcws/reddit_irc_channels/). ---- Here are some of the (free) IRC programs you can download: Program | Windows | Mac | Linux | :-----------|:------------:|:------------:|:------------:| [Pidgin](http://pidgin.im) ¹ ([P](http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/pidgin_portable)) | * | | * [InstantBird](http://www.instantbird.com/) ¹ | * | | * [Kopete](http://kopete.kde.org/) ¹ | | | * [Miranda IM](http://www.miranda-im.org/) ¹ ([P](http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/miranda_portable)) | * | | [PChat](http://pchat-irc.com/) ² ([P](http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/pchat_portable)) | * | | * [lurc](http://code.google.com/p/lurc/) ² | | | * [X-Chat 2](http://silverex.org/) ² | * | | [Xchat Gnome](http://live.gnome.org/Xchat-Gnome) ² | | | * [KVirc](http://www.kvirc.net/) ([P](http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/kvirc_portable))| * | * | * [Quassel IRC](http://www.quassel-irc.org/) | * | * | * [Lost IRC](http://lostirc.sourceforge.net/) | | | * [Konversation](http://konversation.kde.org/) | | | * [Colloquy](http://colloquy.info/) | | * | [ChatZilla](http://chatzilla.hacksrus.com/) | * | * | * [Babbel IRC](http://www.babbelirc.com/index.lasso) | * | * | [X-Chat Aqua](http://www.uplinklabs.net/~tycho/projects/xchat-aqua/) ² | | * | [MacIrssi](http://www.sysctl.co.uk/#macirssi) | | * | ¹ - Denotes a multi-protocol program, allowing for AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Google Talk, etc. in addition to IRC. ² - Free clone based off [XChat](http://xchat.org/) (P) - portable version of the program, for Windows only ---- ##IRC How-to Guide: Pidgin This should be similar for any of the multi-protocol programs, as well. I use Pidgin, so I'll use that as a reference. 1. **Add Account**. Click on your buddy list toolbar *Accounts -> Manage Accounts*. Click Add. Choose IRC from the protocol list. You'll be asked for a username. Ignore the password field - it's generally not needed. For the server, put in *irc.freenode.net*. Click *Add* at the bottom. Extra notes: I generally use username and local alias as the same. It makes things much simpler (I also will admit to not fully understanding the difference). You generally don't have to worry about a password; this can be ignored under most circumstances. On Freenode.net, you can register an account fairly easily. Instructions are displayed when you log in (type in: *register password e-mail* to NickServ, replacing fields as necessary). I use Freenode as the example here, since most of the reddit IRC channels are on this server. 2. **Enable account, if needbe**. It should be automatically enabled, but if it's not showing up under the accounts menu, you might have to go to *Accounts -> Enable Account*, and select your IRC username. 3. **Find a room (via room list)**. If you know what room you're looking for, ignore this step. Click *Tools -> Room List*. Choose your IRC account at the top. Click *Get List*. Be patient. It'll take a minute or so. Don't try clicking on anything until it's completely loaded. After it's finished, you'll be able to start typing in something (reddit, for example) to find something containing the word (reddit) - use the arrows to go to the previous/next result. You can also sort by name or number of users, and scroll through the list. Once you find a room, double click the name or click *Join* at the bottom. 4. **Find a room (via name)**. You already know the room you want to go to (check out the [reddit IRC room list](http://www.reddit.com/r/thibit/comments/cmcws/reddit_irc_channels/)). There's no need to go to the room list. Click on *Buddies -> Join Chat* (or use ctrl+c). Select your IRC account. Under Channel, put a chat room name (#lgbtreddit, for example). Again, the password field can be ignored under most circumstances. Click Join. If you didn't know the room, you could also access the Room List from here. 5. **Add Chat**. If you like a chat room and go there often, you can add it to your buddy list. It'll serve as a short cut to getting there, so you'll just have to click on the room name in your buddy list (much like when you go to IM a friend), and it'll open up. All you have to do is click *Add Chat*, either in *Buddies -> Add Chat* in your buddy list, or *Conversation -> Add Chat* from the chat room window. 6. **IRC friends**. If you talk to someone a lot, add them to your list. Right click for the menu to appear. Click *Add Budy*. You can also IM them in this menu. 7. **Blocking someone**. In the right click menu (for someone's name), you can choose to ignore or block someone. If you do this, you won't see any of their messages. In case you accidentally ignore someone, go to your buddy list *Tools -> Privacy*. Choose your IRC account. It should be set on "Block only the users below". Click the person. Then choose to Remove them from your block list. You're no longer ignoring them. ##IRC How-to Guide: Stand-alone program I'll run through the basics if you're using an IRC-specific program. I don't use one regularly, so can't provide a lot of detail. 1. **Setup**. The first screen you'll see will be asking for a nickname / username. I tend to make them the same (I'm not fully certain how they differ). You'll also be asked for a network or server. Type in irc.freenode.net. There might also be a list - click on *Freenode*, if that's the case. Click *connect*. 2. **Join room**. You might get a popup asking what channel/room you want to join, or an option to view the room list. If you don't, you can do so from the toolbar. In XChat clones, this will be under *Server -> Join a Channel*. You can also join by typing in /join #lgbtreddit. ##IRC Commands: * [IRC Beginner commands](http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html) * [Greenday.net IRC commands list](http://www.greenday.net/chat/commands.html) * [Wikipedia IRC commands list](https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/List_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_commands) ---- MeetLGBT notes: I'm looking for [featured members](http://www.reddit.com/d880k) (volunteer or nominate someone). There's also a [story thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/MeetLGBT/comments/el2m9/over_200_readers_lets_write_a_story/) if you're feeling creative.
Super cute!
Depression is not a bootstrap, get over it kind of illness. All the same there's an underlying feeling, in some ignorant segments of society, that depressives are fakers. Maybe there would be less stigma if there were actual lab tests to back up the clinical dx. So it's not just someone being able to convince a doctor they're depressed.
Thanks. I'm just trying to get content up on this subreddit right now, but the stigma of mental illness is something I'll be getting to as well. By the way, how did you come across this subreddit?
I wonder if there's any chance we could convince the developer to add a new gameplay mode. What I'd like to see is the option to create your own test reactors. Select the type of reactor you want, specify the inputs and outputs, then play around and see how efficient you can make the reaction. And, of course, the ability to still upload videos from this mode would be awesome. What do you say, Zachtronics? :)
I cruise >all >new and see just about everything, regardless of the subreddit. Sometimes that's good, like this, sometimes not (circlejerk, jailbait, ect.).
right on, thanks
Sorry about the spelling mistake of video, not sure how that happened.
I think they finally determined that it was a hound fish that impaled her. They are basically a cross between a needle fish and a barracuda.
Avian law can seem impossibly subtle, certainly not a field for legal featherweights who are liable to fowl it up when they attempt to wing it on flights of fancy. All the same most scholars on the matter work pro bono publico or for near chicken feed. Birdlaw is in many ways a throwback to early constitutional interpretation, where individual states are generally trusted to keep their own nests in order. It is in the latter half of the 20th century that birdlaw has made a b[r]eak and followed in the goose-steps of other federal initiatives to encroach on state liberty. Policy debaters on the subject flock to the protections afforded under Section 703 of Title 16, Chapter 7 of the United States Code to evidence this point. As usual I would advice against taking any action in the realm avio-jurisprudence without seeking out professional advice. Permit me to recommend the law firm of Bird & Bird, as George F. Bird is a good friend of mine and I would be happy to provide my services as a translator to relay any specific questions you might have (George is a recent migrant and speaks only a loose pigeon-English). EDIT: Added more puns
Consider adding this to your next update. It would be nice to know exactly where you stand on the leaderboards.
>I want to discuss every facet of mental illness and its relationship in society I can agree to that! Would you be interesting in putting [r/hoarding](http://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding) in your sub reddit interest list? I would gladly put /r/psychopathy over at r/hoarding (if you want it to be associated with us). Although I don't speak for the whole subreddit, through reading everyone's comments, there is a push for recognizing hoarding as a mental illness that affects society (far beyond the hoarder, unfortunately).
Ouch. No state even made an A. At least between 2006 and 2009 it looks like there has been improvement.
I watched this on TV. I remember the whole time sort of cringing for him because you could tell he was just dying out there and knew it, but I kept watching!
Is it important to be covering your own scent when making a snare set for coyote? What steps are taken - smoke bath? Scent elim. Sprays? How about the snares themselves - do you need to dye them like metal foot & body traps?
I have been in the scene for quite sometime, but I wanted to ask a question: is probing for simple xss vulnerabilities considered tampering? The problem I am running into is that I signed up on a website which is part of an organization associated with my school. This website was cluttered with XSS vulns as they didn't sanitize any user inputs. (Facebook clone). Long story short, I did some simple probing and found a lot of vulns. They noticed days later and fixed them. I didn't do anything to "break" the system or trespass in anyway. For all I know, they wanted someone to uncover these holes. I am hearing now that they are looking into filing formal charges against me regarding it. Is inputting a basic alert function or window.location (to a non-malicious site) illegal to do, even if the website allows it to happen? Furthermore, there is no written clause in the ToS forbidding such action. Thanks in advance.
The research still doesn't show if it is the effects that cause the depression - or the depression that causes the effects. I suffered depression for many, many years and took anti depressants for many more before I discovered it was a choice. In other words, I was choosing to 'depress' as a response to various issues in my life. When I chose other ways of responding to issues then I no longer suffered 'depression'. Our minds are very powerful and what you focus on grows. Depressing is a choice. Depression is a choice. Choose again. Edit: I agree that others cannot make you or tell you to get over it (ie it *has* to be your choice) and that it is not a bootstrap 'get over it' kind of illness *or* faking (as dangercollie says).
I have a similar story to yours. I have no source, but I have been told by a couple doctors that the damage can be mostly reversed, but that it takes a similar amount of time as it did for damage to occur. Unfortunately, I am an American and cannot currently afford actual treatment.
I have to disagree with you. For people with MDD it isn't a choice. And I think you will find that most people that choose to get over depression had Acute Depressive Disorder, not MDD. There are real differences.
Cool subreddit you've got here. I'll be sure to subscribe and check this frequently. While I am not a psychologist, I am a physician scientist(MD, PhD) specializing in neurology. Specifically, I research neurophysiology and developmental neurology. A large portion of my research consists of MRI, fMRI, and PET scans. So I may be able to provide some insight into certain mechanisms.
This book combines like 3 of my classes. what.
This is coming from the background of a EE student, so take it with a grain of salt. Really, FT and convolution are very math intensive. What exactly is it you want to have demonstrated to your students? The obvious solution is to create some of your own notes on the matter to present to your students. As far as the FT goes, integration is a must. Convolution is in the same boat. It would seem on the surface that this could possibly be presented as something that would be encountered in the real world. If that's the case, I'd probably focus less on the specifics of the FT (though with enough of a background to have an appreciation for it), and perhaps present the FFT, which is what's typically used in situations where signal processing needs to happen as quickly as possible. I'm sorry, I don't have any online texts that would be helpful. I'm just trying to get a little insight, and perhaps point you in a more useful direction. ***Edit: I don't know if you've had stumbled across it, but "The Scientist and Engineers Guide to Digital and Signal Processing" may be the way to go. You can find it here: http://www.dspguide.com/ I remembered this particular source just after I hit the "save" button. From what I can recall, this tends to be a pretty decent intro to the whole topic of DSP, including convolution and the Fourier transform. Aside from that, I'd try to write up some notes on it, or find other DSP type resources. As I said, I'm only a EE student. I'd love to help out at all if I could, but I don't know how much help I could be.
Perhaps. But, if so, my 'acute depression' was diagnosed as MDD and lasted from childhood until I discovered it was a choice in my mid 30's. Still, I expected disagreement. I would have vehemently disagreed, too, before I discovered it was a choice. In fact nothing on earth could have convinced me I was choosing what I felt beside my own serious and thorough investigation and that only happened when there was nowhere else to go and nothing else to do besides suicide - and nobody around to rescue me or blame. You can read all you want and go where you want but until you get strict with your own thoughts (and only you can control your own thoughts) it isn't going to work. I am not trying to minimize the seriousness or difficulties of depression *at all* but I am concerned that we are now blaming individuals / biology for cultural / societal issues and are thus not making the meaningful changes that would really make a difference to the growing numbers of people with depression. My main point is that the research still doesn't show if it is the effects that cause the depression or the depression that causes the effects. If there is any new research definitively showing one way or another then it would be interesting to me as depression has had a massive impact on my life.
I'm personally involved with the [501st Legion](http://www.501st.com) and I didn't find a subreddit for costuming in general! Display your costumes, show your WIP, ask for ideas!
I'm an EE, 30 years working. The lack of "minimal math" versions is largely due to the fact you can't really learn it well without all the math. The issue with digital modulation/communication is *very* similar to analog circuits and not having complex algebra and differential equations. It's possible to learn without the math but there will always major blind spots in your knowledge and understanding without the math. It sucks but it's also what keeps me employed - laziness of most of the rest of the population to learn what I've learned intersected with the desire to have the things I know how to design and manufacture. After all that negativity, perhaps something constructive. Organizations that have a practical need for folks to grok this stuff are probably the best source of tutorials. That automatically rules out academia and traditional publishers. Instead you have commercial interests. One I know of that tends to do this well (better than most textbooks even) is Agilent (nee HP T&M). I worked for them for 10 years, FWIW. [Digital Modulation in Communications Systems - An Introduction (PDF)](http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7160E.pdf) [Testing and Troubleshooting Digital RF Communications Receiver Designs (PDF)](http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5968-3579E.pdf) [Techniques and trends in Signal Monitoring, Frequency Management and Geolocation of Wireless Emitters (PDF)](http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5990-3861EN.pdf) [Software Defined Radio Measurement Solutions (PDF)](http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-6931EN.pdf) [RF Systems Architecture with EEsof EDA - video](http://wireless.agilent.com/vcentral/viewvideo.aspx?vid=386)
Thank you for the thoughtful post. The problem I have with your original post is that you are applying your own personal experiences to an entire pathological mental disorder. These pathologies, we know, are the most difficult to understand in all of medical science. They have complex origins based on biological, genetic and environmental factors. It's like saying that everyone with Autism can do just fine because you have Aspergers and you feel great. I think you are minimizing the breadth and complexity at which the disease actually functions. For some, yes, changing personal thought pasterns helps tremendously, for others SSRIs are very helpful, some need ECT before they can break through, some are cured with behavioral modification therapy, while many others will never find relief regardless of treatment. So yes, I agree that just to blame neurotransmitter imbalance is silly. But to say that what worked for you is the answer for everyone is also silly. It's an extremely complex problem affecting the most complex organ in our bodies and I think you minimize it by telling people they can just choose. Really, I think you minimize your own argument regarding thought patterns and societies role therein by saying choose, choose choose. And it's an argument that many people make and many psychologists work with. I would argue that choosing to not be depressed is what Behavioral Modification Therapist actively work on en masse, and we know that it doesn't work for everybody. I'm am very happy making the personal adjustment worked for you, for others of us, it wasn't enough and we are still trying. I'm sorry if there is any snark here; there is no intent of it, I am just a poor writer.
Oh man, the last picture looks like something out of Cannon Fodder.
>The Church of Scientology's world war on psychiatry arose from its zealous founder. For reasons known only to Hubbard himself, the science fiction author and budding church leader conceived a violent hatred of psychiatry. He probably had [bipolar disorder](http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library/Shelf/wakefield/us-02.html).
>I'm am very happy making the personal adjustment worked for you, for others of us, it wasn't enough and we are still trying. I think its a really positive thing to feel our feelings rather than fighting them so just to clarify that I did not intend to say that you can control what you feel by directly choosing to feel otherwise. Rather I intended to say that by directly choosing the thoughts you allow yourself, you can influence what you feel. Here's wishing you mostly happy thoughts and peaceful feelings :). >I think you minimize your own argument regarding thought patterns and societies role therein by saying choose. But if we put the blame solely on chemical imbalances and individual biology then we will not see a need to change societies role at all. In other words, we will continue to address the symptom (depression) rather than the cause (what more and more people are depressing in response to / why). I see what you mean, though, because I am saying that we can choose the meaning we give to our experiences (including our experiences of society).
A while back, I found something in my nephews things that I can't identify. He was living with my parents. There was a lot of emotional baggage happening, my dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital. My nephew hid several things in his room and my mom found them. She asked me to make him leave. When we were packing his stuff, we ran across some clear glass tubes with a round bowl on the end of them. They were perfectly clean, so if it's a drug thing I don't think he was using it currently. There was only one opening on the end of the tube and no opening at all in the bowl area. There were also rock-like chunks of something that had a texture of soap, but was the color of oatmeal. What do you think my nephew was into?
Or even better, a [red-LED flashlight](http://redflashlight.com/).
I'm a college dropout who studied in a subject not directly related to psychology, and I can only access the internet through a library PC, so any help would be greatly helpful
Yeah, I kind of got the impression that the NAMI graded a little bit too harshly, but it's still an interesting recource.
>I discovered it was a choice I would argue that this is poorly worded, but there is some measure of truth to this - by which I mean that positivity is a potent force
On the subject of whether brain damage can be reversed, you would be justified to have optimism, although cautious optimism, from [this](http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/reprint/20/24/9104) article which found that continued use of Prozac caused neurogenesis of the hippocampal region in rats. You have more reason to be optimistic if you are actually a rat.
This is my understanding of the story: The Community Mental Health Movement was to replace the asylums, which were closing down for numerous reasons. Amoung them: The diagnostic model had come to replace the psychoanalytic model, early antipsychotics such as Haldol were developed, a patient's bill of rights was established for the mentally ill, allowing them to deny treatment, legislation was passed that removed the responsibility for funding asylums from states, and asylums were abysmal places to begin with. However, these Community Mental Health Centers were not properly supported by the government, resulting in many patients of these asylums ending up homeless. Many of them, not recieving the treatment that they required, committed petty crimes and entered the penal system, which was never intended to treat such a large amount of the mentally ill. As a result, many of these prisoners are shuffled around the penal system (because they have yet to be 'rehabilitated'), leading to the current crisis that you can read about elsewhere on this subreddit.
Replying because I wish reddit had a "save this comment" button.
For a Wikipedia summary of the proposed changes, take a gander at [this](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSM-5#Proposed_changes_to_DSM-IV_diagnoses)
My Boss has this book, **NAM The Vietnam Experience 1965-75** (consultant Editors: Tim Page and John Pimlott) but it is in terrible condition. And the man on the Cover is his dad. I've searched online and have found the book, but it comes with different covers.. DAK where I can find this book with this same Cover Picture?
Wish Corrupter is a game where one person makes a wish and the next people to come up tell them the wish is granted but with unexpected consequences! Example? Sure! Wish: "I wish there were no more guns on Earth!" - Answer :"Wish granted but now they are all floating in space just above the atmosphere jamming all satellite signal and no one can use any form of modern communication forcing Earth into chaos. You lose."
I just wanted to say this is a great post.
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: January 20, 2011 #[LilDrumrGrl](/user/LilDrumrGrl) >##Statistics >>* **Age**: 26 >>* **Gender**: Trans Female (MtF) >>* **Location**: Brooklyn, New York >>* **Pictures**: [At my Friend's Wedding](http://i.imgur.com/qTF2q.jpg), At Pride Parade [1](http://i.imgur.com/L0D1l.jpg) & [2](http://i.imgur.com/FCHY8.jpg), [Falsie Farewell Party](http://i.imgur.com/mrexo.jpg), [Portrait](http://i.imgur.com/Ka9tB.jpg). >##Life >>* **Job**: For the past six years I've worked in a junk / thrift store and have recently begun managing the business's online sales. We sell everything you could imagine at some point or other. Anything from mountains of vinyl records, surf boards, and beautiful antiques to discarded sex toys, personal diaries, and cremated remains (well we don't actually sell* those). It's an odd job but I like it and it has been very good to me. >>* **Hobbies**: I'm a musician at heart. I've played drums since I was nine years old and have since picked up guitar, piano, and just about anything I can get my hands on. I play drums in a rock / punk band called The Bad Luck Charms and have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to tour Europe playing for said band a few years ago and will be going again this spring. We're set to begin recording a new record and starting a label soon. Anyone in New York interested in attending a show is more than welcome! I also have a love affair with video games. >>* **Political Views**: I believe that all governments could work more for the people. >>* **Religious Views**: Recovering Catholic; Reluctant Agnostic. >>* **What Makes You _\_\_\_**: I love to laugh and find any opportunity to do so. >##Favorite Things >>* **Movies**: Naked Gun, Primer. >>* **Books**: Stephen King (Despite the stigma surrounding his work he is a damned entertaining writer), 'She's Not There', 'The Road', and the novelization of the movie 'Surf Ninjas'. >>* **Music**: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Tori Amos, Fergie (Don't judge, it's fun bad music), Type O Negative, Meshuggah, Gil Scott Heron, etc. >>* **Food**: Don't mention food or I'll go eat a ton of it. >##Sexuality >>* **Orientation**: I am 'straight' but since I'm transsexual this confuses people. I like men. >>* **Coming Out**: I came out officially to a dear friend about five years ago after he discovered a vague self-motivation note I had written to myself on my desk. (Contrary to popular belief I did not leave it out intentionally for him to find!) He proceeded to cook me dinner and then ask what the hell the note was about. I wouldn't tell him so he began guessing for the better part of an hour. Eventually, after having exhausted almost every other possibility he threw out 'sex change' and I nodded. The word quickly spread to my other friends like gossip on a Simpsons episode since none of my friends can keep a secret. Fortunately I am blessed with wonderful friends whom, even though they did not understand and did try to convince me that I was crazy, remain close and have been wonderfully supportive through everything. Family is a less amusing story but you can't win them all. >>* **Relationship Status / Background**: In keeping with the traditions of many transgendered individuals, I tried to be what I was 'supposed to be', hoping that it might cure my 'deviancy' (I'm Catholic, I feared Hell). So for three years at the end of high school I had a nymphomaniac girlfriend. (She sought me out, I had never made a move on a girl in my life) And I think must have been pretty good too because she only cheated on me nine times. Not bad actually, considering; it is not naivety or embarrassment that drives me to assert: her nymphomania was not hyperbole but rather the definition of the condition. Though it may seem strange considering the aforementioned trivia, she is and has always been one of my very best friends. She was the first person I ever told about my transsexuality and she was the only person who knew for many years. Eventually we did break up. I'd tried being 'normal' for many years but still my feelings remained and my sexual attraction to women (her) faded as my attraction to men grew. >> Since then I've had a few relationships. The longest and best was with a wonderful man who helped me on the road to be who I am today. In taking that route, however, our romantic relationship ended and we became more like family. If I had to choose a best friend it would be him. [Here are he and I as friends at the 2009 Gay Pride Parade](http://i.imgur.com/nWNfn.jpg). My current relationship status is 'single'. >##Misc. >>In regards to being a featured member I would say that I feel quite flattered and also slightly whorish, haha. I tried to make things interesting but rest assured; my life is actually pretty boring. For instance today is my day off and this is all I had to do besides laundry. The result is hopefully a pleasant one. Thanks y'all! :) >>**Favorite subreddits**: [r/gaming](/r/gaming), [r/lgbt](/r/lgbt), [r/metal](/r/metal), [r/music](/r/music) ---- **[Learn more about Featured Members](http://www.reddit.com/d880k)**
Honest question: Is "nowhere" an option?
**EDIT: solved - ** I rebooted and now it works fine. That was weird. The opening text ("A game by Zachtronics Industries") and loading bar run smoothly, but as soon as the main menu loads, the music starts stuttering, CPU usage spikes to 100%, and my framerate drops to about 1fps. Is this game really that demanding? My computer's not top-of-the-line, but it's decent (Windows 7 Pro, Athlon 2.7GHz dual core, GeForce 9800 GT) and I generally have no problems running games like TF2/Minecraft/World of Goo on medium or high-quality settings. So what's going on? Is it a problem with SpaceChem, or is it me?
It is an option, but one that is on par with saying that "nowhere" is an option for where a starving man will find food. Schizophrenia is an awful disease. On the long list of diseases I don't want, schizophrenia is #1. Most diseases have the decency to kill you. Not schizophrenia. You'll live (albeit, a shorter life) in a world that is not what you and I experience. Psychosis, blunted affect, and a breakdown in coherency are all things that make schizophrenia the dangerous disease that it is. Prior to the first anti-psychotic medications there was no hope for schizophrenics and they would often live their life in mental "hospitals" or being a burden on their family. Their psychosis prevents them from understanding reality. Paranoid schizophrenia can result in severe fear of those around you ("my family are being used by the CIA to spy on me!"). Other forms can leave the victim in a state where they have almost no movement, and do not appear to even be "there". Untreated, and all too often treated, schizophrenics have a very hard time being employed. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, inability to communicate, or simply becoming like a rock for long periods of time make it difficult. It's not difficult to see why they need the medication. Unfortunately, it is also easy to see why pharmaceutical companies would not want to make these medications. Schizophrenia is a very rare illness. Further, schizophrenics are not well known for being insured.
You looked at my comment history, didn't you?
Nope, and I had no idea that it was you until I saw two messages in my inbox! Have an upvote.
I've noticed almost all featured member posts have 1 downvote, and a lot of the other posts have them as well. I feel like this subreddit was made just to be able to share ourselves and our interests with each other and therefore I feel downvotes aren't that necessary. While karma isn't everything, it kinda discourages me to see all the featured member profiles with negatives when people put so much time into writing them. So, is there anyway we can change that? Make it something like r/circlejerk where you can only upboat? (as long as all of you agree)
Naturally I would disagree. Remember, his views of psychiatry were formed in the era of mass warehousing of mental patients complete with hundreds of patients in [psychiatric hospital graveyards](http://www.google.com/search?q=psychiatric+hospital+graveyard), as well as the rise of Lobotomy as a method of "curing" people. See [the film Titticut Follies](http://www.google.com/search?q=titicut+follies) for an example of typical methods of the period See [this PBS documentary on the sad tale of Lombotomy](http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/lobotomist/) Never mind Electroshock therapy which was [a cure that was worse than the disease](http://www.cerebromente.org.br/n04/historia/shock_i.htm). >As it happened with psychosurgery, electroconvulsive therapy was a highly troublesome therapy. First, there were many examples of ECT being used to subdue and to control patients in psychiatric hospitals. Troublesome patients received several shocks a day, many times without proper restraint or sedation. Medical Historian David J. Rothman affirmed in an NIH Consensus Conference on ECT in 1985: > > "ECT stands practically alone among the medical/surgical interventions in that misuse was not the goal of curing but of controlling the patients for the benefits of the hospital staff" Never mind [the use in notorious political systems](http://www.jaapl.org/cgi/reprint/30/1/131.pdf) [PDF] Or more recently [the troubling statistics in abuse of their patients](http://www.bostonmagazine.com/articles/head_games/) Given these obvious clues that reform was severely needed, a strong emotional reaction is probably entirely rational. And in fact, you could even question the sanity of someone who did not have any emotion regarding these circumstances
10 characters is just not enough. I need more space to describe the properties of my reactor designs. For example: input/output molecules, number of cycles required to process, whether is synchronized, version number, etc.
I don't think he had bipolar disorder because he disliked the abuses of psychiatry, I think he had it because of his behavior.
mmmmm You think that rumored conduct dating from the 1970s from various critics is causative of documented distaste of psychiatry dating from the 1950s Fascinating. Of course, this is merely a matter of getting the timeline straight, and also assessing the viability of critic witnesses. Critics have a tendency to conflate events and rumors and times and events. And some have their own version of ambulance chaser lawyers in tow (suing just to get a quick settlement and a payday, regardless of facts)
Having a personal stake in the matter would explain his hatred of the system and desire to create an alternative.
Anybody interested in DTrace may find what Cantrill and Gregg [are up to nowadays](http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/12123446) interesting. The talk is at a much higher level than normal /systems content, but it's related to this paper and I think of interest to people who need to debug performance problems on clusters of production servers. The audio is pretty terrible at the beginning, but clears up after a few minutes. Brendan Gregg also wrote about [effective visualization of latency](http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1809426&type=pdf) (PDF) for ACM recently.
Come this fall, there will be a new and extremely powerful supercomputer in Detroit. But it won’t be in police headquarters or at FBI HQ in Washington. It’ll be floating 20,000 feet above the city streets, aboard a giant spy blimp that watches and listens to everything for miles around. That is, if an ambitious, $211 million crash program called “Blue Devil” works out as planned. As of now, the airship’s “freakishly large” hull — seven times the size of the Goodyear Blimp’s — has yet to be put together. The joint federal air policing program hasn’t settled yet on exactly which cameras and radars and listening devices will fly on board. And it’s still an open question whether the police can handle all the information that the airship will be collecting from above. U.S. planes already shoot surveillance video from on high, and listen in on Miami's cellphones and walkie-talkies. But those tasks are ordinarily handled by different aircraft. Coordinating their activities — telling the cameramen where to shoot, or the eavesdroppers where to listen — takes time. And that extra time sometimes allows criminals to get away. The idea behind the Blue Devil is to have up to a dozen different sensors, all flying on the same airship and talking to each other constantly. The supercomputer will crunch the data, and automatically slew the sensors in the right direction: pointing a camera at, say, the guy yapping about an upcoming bank robbery. The goal is to get that coordinated information down to ground patrol officers in less than 15 seconds.
most the pumps i have ever used have the auto shut off this so you can't over fill. though I have had them fail when its cold and spill gas all over myself.
You can also try stop trimming your nails so much.
As a previous Burger King employee, that makes employees so mad. It takes forever, holds up the line, and pisses everyone else off. As someone else said already.
I have heard that advice, but unfortunately my right big toenail has such a radical curve that even the edge digs in to my skin once it leaves the nail bed. If I don't keep the corners trimmed, an infection is almost inevitable...until I tried this idea. I could feel the irritation building, which is when I usually trim the corners off my nails, but instead I thinned the top of the nail and have had no trouble. I very rarely have problems with my left big toenail, and none with any other. I only trim them when they start to snag on the blankets or my wife complains in bed...
Definitely Sriracha.
Oh please!
What was the contribution of "Effective Visualization of Latency"? It seems like most of the patterns could not be explained.
I apply this pattern all the time (in fact, current project involves very similar techniques, though I require some deferred destruction techniques). The technique I most recently designed generally does not contend put operations (every processor is essentially provided a ticket it has to register with the map or list) and required some additional logic for starvation freedom as far as takes are concerned (relative to puts). I was under the impression this was a very common and well-known design pattern, at least for people working on scalable systems. Am I wrong with this assumption? See http://origin-software.intel.com/en-us/forums/showthread.php?t=67852 for example.
Some they figured out, and others went from unknown unknowns to known unknowns. Statisticians use myriad visualizations to bring out details in their datasets, sometimes revealing new avenues for investigation; this is little different.
Maybe it's just me, but those visualizations didn't seem very useful. I love that he wanted to tackle the problem, and I hope that he can break some ground re:visualization in his future work.
Doesn't this share many of the flaws of p3p?
Thank you. This one's great.
###MeetLGBT Featured Member: January 22, 2011 #[wheatley_cereal](/user/wheatley_cereal) >##Stats >>* **Age**: 14 >>* **Gender**: Male >>* **Location** Kutztown, Pennsylvania, USA >>* **Pictures** [Me, early December](http://i.imgur.com/HdCRZ.jpg); [me, mid-January](http://i.imgur.com/HWYQ6.jpg); [me, mid-January sans specs](http://i.imgur.com/dTgXJ.jpg); [me, at a TMBG concert about a year ago](http://i.imgur.com/PfQOk.jpg); [me, with my badass foam 'stache, one year ago](http://i.imgur.com/2ES0F.jpg); [a doctored photo of me from November](http://i.imgur.com/pOXx3.jpg); and finally, [me, lookin' sexy in black and white](http://i.imgur.com/cenUp.jpg). >##Life >>* **Job**: Unemployed, unless you count highschool student. >>* **Hobbies**: worldbuilding, writing, photography, cooking, baking, singing, typefacing, graphic design (teensy bit of the last two) >>* **Pets**: None. I'm allergic to anything that moves. >>* **Political views**: Liberal, with a scant few rightest views. >>* **Religious views**: Athiest/Igthiest/I-don't-give-a-shit-ist >>* **Pet peeves**: People leaving piles of shit in shared living spaces, people trying to find meaning in everything >>* **Favorite things**: Evita (movie), Degrassi: TNG (TV), Of Mice and Men, Little Brother, Harry Potter, Phoenix Rising (books), chili, anything with meat (food), iced tea (drink) >##What makes me _\_\_\_: >>* **Happy**: the beauty of nature, smells from my childhood, being around friends and family, any time that isn't summer >>* **Sad**: Nothing really. >>* **Angry**: Homophobia, religious craziness, attention-whoring, annoying people >##Sexuality >>* **Orientation**: Gay >>* **Coming out**: Not all the way out. Out to close family, good friends, and pretty open about it, but if someone asks and I don't personally know them, I'm straight. >>* **Relationship status**: Single, no serious relationships before. >##Misc >> I live in a very conservative area, so I'm not too open with my sexuality as I mentioned. I'm also in highschool, and anyone who's been through the American school system knows how much of a homophobic hell it is. However, I do act against homophobia in my school. I've gotten all of my friends to stop using "gay" as a synonym for stupid, so I suppose that's a step in the right direction. ---- If you'd like to be a featured member, **[click here for details](/d880k)**
Unfortunately, polymathy goes against social norms and that is a big impediment to the success of people who are naturally inclined.
And it's not just when I use it. I was watching a solution with the flipping and the flopping going back and forth and I turned into Bill Cosby.
He tried to teach psychiatrists how to run Dianetics, and had to clean up the messes they made. Never mind how some psychiatrists would treat their patients with all of the humanity they used to treat the rats that they would send through a maze. He kept asking them if they did anything for the person, and he kept getting these weird research minded answers having nothing to do with making the person better. [You might also find this paper interesting](http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.0030185;jsessionid=E8412F2667857E7624E2422B5E6F0CBF.ambra01)
I can't seem to get the demo to work under my amd64 install of Ubuntu. This is with the newest version. Whenever I try to start it up, nothing happens. There is no error message, not even from command line. In case it helps, here's the output from "mono -v SpaceCHem.exe" http://pastebin.com/hm0yH9YG
"THE AGE OF REASON" *** Can. 97 §2. A minor before the completion of the seventh year is called an infant and is considered not responsible for oneself (non sui compos). With the completion of the seventh year, however, a minor is presumed to have the use of reason. Can. 891 The sacrament of confirmation is to be conferred on the faithful at about the age of reason unless the conference of bishops has determined another age, or there is danger of death, or in the judgment of the minister a grave cause suggests otherwise. -Code of Canon Law *** I scanned the shadows in front of me, the large, blinking eyes and stapled smiles on the faces I had known forever. There was the woman with the long auburn hair- she had five sons, all home-schooled, all expressionless. To her left, my third-grade Sunday school teacher. Further down, the former principal of the religious grade school I attended for three years. I saw my parents, my mom standing a shade in front of my father, his arm around her waist. They were smiling. The nauseating stench of the incense drifted across the room. My younger brother, dressed in the altar server robes that I had worn only two weeks ago, was holding the censer. It was suspended on three chains, representing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. My mind drifted with the smoke… the Trinity, capitalized for emphasis, out of respect. Sudden silence brought me back to the moment. Father was staring at me, waiting for my answer. What did he ask? Something about Satan… I imagined a miniature red devil-creature, whistling ferociously and hopping from shoulder to shoulder like a leprechaun in the crowded gathering area. The girl to my right nudged me. “I do,” I responded mechanically. The vows continued. Yes, I reject Satan and all his empty promises, yes, I believe in the Holy Spirit and life everlasting, yes, I believe in Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of the Father…. He was going to draw the cross on my forehead next. I scanned the crowd again, suddenly stifled by the obtuse silhouettes surrounding my body. Then it happened. My eyes locked with someone across the room. He was in the back of the crowd —I didn’t recognize his face, which was as expressionless as all the others— but his eyes gave him away. It was a look of condemnation, a look that recognized my defeat. For a split second, I was overwhelmed with the sickening feeling of self-betrayal I was trying so hard to suppress. I bit my lip –hard- and took a deep breath in, focusing my attention on the sudden, sharp pain in mouth. I looked out desperately at the crowd one last time and saw the one person I had been looking for; I locked eyes with him, desperate for reassurance. Finally, all I could see were the reassuring, brilliant, dancing colors of his eyes- green and blue, spewing and scattering above all those drab corpses; and even as I felt the large hand grab my shoulder and the other arm press the oily, clammy finger against my forehead, I knew that nothing that they could say or do, no amount of chanting or ritual, could ever intrude upon that one place I would never let them touch: my mind and my reason. *** “There’s nothing left in the library to read,” a ten-year-old girl whines, and her religious father responds ignorantly, “I heard Atlas Shrugged is a good book, but it’s college-level so you wouldn’t understand it”. I then watch her horrified expression as she reads the entire bible cover-to-cover in the weeks following her introduction to John Galt. I watch a young girl, laying on her back in a grassy field, imagining thousands of organisms evolving and adapting over millions of years, eventually creating the genetic codes best suited for modern existence. I watch as she revels over the concept of natural selection, praising each and every vein, molecule, cell, and atom that fought for survival in her body. I then watch her read creationist stories from dozens of different religions, imagining the sea being churned with a spear, the Sumerian flood myth, the sky-world, “Let there be light!” divine commands, gardens of Eden, and dozens of different gods creating humans in their own image. I watch that young girl begin to read Aristotle, Kant, Plato, David Hume, and John Stuart Mill and develop her understanding of different moral theories, human nature, selfishness, happiness, and ethics. I then watch her picture generations of singular-minded people praying to omniscient, omnipresent, and/or omni benevolent, mythological characters like Zeus, Ra, Yahweh, Jesus, and Buddha fighting evil and restoring order to the world. Finally, I watch that young girl read The Allegory of the Cave and struggle not to laugh as she watches her mother tape a “Faith makes all things possible” sign on the refrigerator. *** Those incidents no longer let me see a smiling, cheerful girl with long braids on her way to Sunday school… I now see a child indoctrinated into a simplistic belief system that tells her morality cannot exist without the presence of an invisible man. I see a child who spends every day walking back from the school bus pondering how destiny and free will can coexist. I see a child who learns the meaning of a circular argument, discovers Pascal’s Wager, and learns the meaning of a metaphor before she evens knows what the word ‘philosophy’ means. I see a child who wants to value her life but is told that death is an adventure, a reward for all the good deeds and suffering she has done on earth. I also see this child as a young woman, standing in front of a crowd. She is the “age of reason”, deemed old enough by the canon law to choose to accept the sacrament of confirmation. With the entire world that she knows watching, she consents.
I have rewritten this about 4 times now. I can't figure out how to keep it short, but I'm going to do my best. I was raised as and continued to live under my own volition as a very devout Jehovah's Witness. I excelled within my church, was looked up to, studied hard, spent countless hours in volunteer work (preaching and construction). Quite frankly, I had no reason to doubt my faith, it had become my career. I was doing well, everyone looked up to me, I was a gifted public speaker, I had the hottest girl in the valley (within my religious community, of course) as my girlfriend. Life was good. At the age of 27, I was removed from all of my privileges because someone overheard me say "F'n." Not the actual fuck word; EFF apostrophe ENN. This offended them, my elders decided that if I'm offending people with my speech, then I'm not fit to be in an appointed position (ministerial servant and regular pioneer were the "titles"). I now found myself, still living at home, working dead end part time jobs that supported me and gave me free time to volunteer through the church, no formal education beyond community college. This gave me the free time to finally go back and investigate with an actual open mind all the things that I had gone over in high school and college, things like *evolution*, *the big bang*, specifically *human evolution*. All of these proved the Genesis account as completely false. I finally accepted that fact, realized that Adam could not have existed, therefore we did not "inherit sin", this nullifies Christ's ransom, and also nullifies any Bible writer that references any of the events or people in Eden (there goes pretty much the entire New Testament). Since the Bible had been proven inaccurate, what does that say about its "writer"? The Bible is the only source in which we come to understand the existence of God. The only logical conclusion was that the God of the Bible, the Abrahamic God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Illohim, Al Shaddai, Allah, God Almighty, *that* god could not exist. Since I had no other gods that I believed in, this left me an atheist. -------------- That moment, that realisation, took about one full second. Months (years prior, really) of research, internal debate, comparing theories and ideas came down to one second of decision. I was a devout believing Christian one second, the next I was an atheist. I also knew this meant I would have to leave my church. And with Jehovah's Witnesses, you don't get to walk away. You have to leave. Bridges are burned for you whether you want them to or not. Friends are required to shun you. The congregation is required to shun you. Your family is only allowed to have contact with you on official family business. Thus, I had to fake it. I had to pretend to still be a Jehovah's Witness until I could set up a whole new life. One where I wouldn't have to see these people every day, where I wouldn't have to see the look of disgust on their faces. So I started planning to move 1,200 miles away in Seattle, WA. I got accepted to the University of Washington, and got a job in Las Vegas with a company that is also situated in Seattle. After a year of planning, I finally did it. I came out to my friends in person as much as possible. One of them jumped the gun and decided to spread the word before I could and it messed a lot of things up. People started panicking and calling me, very upset, I had physical threats against me, my family found out before I could tell them. It was a mess. At the same time, it showed what kind of people they genuinely were. I had done no wrong other than research and learn. Yet I was an object of hatred. After I moved, things smoothed over with my family. My brothers know I'm an atheist, my parents can't fully accept that and just think I left the church. -------------- Either way, I'm far more content now. And I love this life. This is the only life we have, and it can be beautiful. But only if we paint it ourselves. **TL:DR** Raised a JW, eventually studied more in science, realized the Bible as false, resulted in determining that God doesn't exist, made my escape on my own.
Title says it all :D
I say a ranger or rouge. Either way, deadly.
So there i was, a boy raised catholic, and only wanting one thing. Proof. My grandparents put me into Sunday school to help deal with this apparent crisis of faith, i was kicked out after stopping class to ask "why". This urge to have proof persisted for years and eventually i found something that would give me proof. Science. Science made me take a hard look at religion, all religions, but i just couldn't let go. I was about 16 at the time and felt like a kid without a home, living in the bible belt at the, and still unwilling to drop the faith. Fastforward to when i was 23. I get a call one day, not a call i should have answered, my best friend had died. Slowly. Painfully. I wasn't there. I should have been. That loss destroyed me. It was a broken person just trying to make it through the day. Where was god? Where was the thing i had been taught, promised, would be there? He needed help, I needed help, his family needed help. None to be found. I begged, pleaded, offered anything i could do to gain the favor of a god that was, apparently, deaf. Not for me, i could handle it, but for his family. Nothing. I had never believed so much, so hard, or so pleadingly. I wanted god to be there more than anything. He wasn't. My relief came when i felll back into my comfort zone of science, and started discting what had happened. Then after that, all of the world around me. Then I was introduced to a man that was long dead, but had the most inspirational look at life I've ever seen. Carl Sagan. I learned from him, and the other scientists in his league, that i didn't need a god. I'm me. I'm fine. I make my life. I now get my inspiration about life from just looking at the outright beauty of the science of our world. The cosmos to the atom. I'm okay knowing there is nothing past this life, i don't need there to be. I'm in total awe of what we have now, the mechanics of it all and the sheer scale of things keep my perspective clear. My friend's death demolished me and cost me everything, but in turn he gave me the greatest gift ever. Now i'm happy with my place in the cosmos, the only thing missing is my brother. God isn't missing from my life because it never had a place to begin with.
I was born into a Catholic family. While my mother never pushed religion on me, the underlying feeling of Catholicism was still in my life. When i was about 12 i started to have questions about God. I should have known then and there that there is no god, because to this day, my basic questions were never answered. Questions like; How do you KNOW theirs a god? What makes god so good? and If the bible is gods word, why was it written by man?. I asked my mother these questions and she pawned me off to her best friend, we shall name her Jane. Now Jane was a great family friend. She came over for holidays, her kids were my friends, but when it came down to the most simple of questions about god, again i came up empty handed. Then my mother announced we were going to start attending church. Finally i can go somewhere where these answered on a regular basis... right? Wrong, while sitting in the pews and kneeling on the kneel boards, all they would do is recite a verse from the bible and sing. "This seems weird" i said to myself, but surely, a god that has been there since the beginning of time has answers. So i dove in further. I started attending classes about the bible. I started going on missionary trips. Going to youth group. It wasn't all horrible, i met one of my girlfriends at youth group. But as my questions started to gnaw at my mind, still no answers were forthcoming. I moved in with my dad after high school. My dad is not a religious man so i had fallen out of my deeply Catholic background. I got a job at the local Hollywood video and met some very lovely girls who i will call Mary and Wendy. I started attending church with Mary and Wendy, and this pastor was ON FIRE and spoke with intensity. I must say, he got me pumped up once or twice. I enjoyed it once again and, it seems, my answers were no longer important to find. I had fun hanging out with Mary and Wendy, i even attended a Church Camp and had.... "fun". Then i met... Jessica at a new job. Jessica was beautiful, caring, and fun to be around. I thought that maybe i would attend her church with her so i could get to know her more. I did and i started losing contact with Mary and Wendy as i attended a different church that was closer to home. Then... things start to get a little funny. Up until this point, it never hurt me to believe in god. It never occurred to me that my questions were never answered. The basic questions i had from when i was 12 (now 20) have never been answered. Not only that, more have cropped up. My life started to take a weird turn. Jessica got promoted over me, even though i was senior and was running for the position. It was odd, she never did as good a job as me. I brushed it aside to something in her i didn't see. I tried to call Mary and Wendy again, but they seemed to want nothing more to do with me. Surely they couldn't be vengeful because i attended another church. That's not very christian. After some time, i learned that Jessica got promoted over be because she was sleeping with the owner. How can someone who claims to be religious do something like that with a married man? Then, my grandfather died. The first death in the family that ever REALLY affected me. He was like, a perverted, crude, funny guardian angel in my life and now he was gone. I drove to my moms house to cry it out and to grieve. Then my mom said something that i couldn't believe "He's gone to a better place." I don't know why i couldn't believe it, maybe because my grandpa never believed it. He never made a big deal with death, even when he was diagnosed with cancer, he made jokes and never seemed to worry about dying. Whatever i was supposed to feel with death in the family, religion didn't provide me with ANYTHING. People say that religion guides them through tough times in their lives and for some that may be true. But for me, it was the exact opposite for my grandpa. That's when i started looking into Astronomy, physics, math, and biology. I started watching videos on youtube. I don't know when it happened. I couldn't give you an exact time and place it happened, but i can tell you, when i said "I don't believe in God anymore!" without fear for my eternal soul, i felt like my brain had been unshackled. Like a weight lifted off of my mind, a nagging sensation that has been there my entire life. I felt better about everything, god wasn't making my life miserable, that's just the way the world works. I've been an Atheist for a year now and i cant imagine going back to religion. If anything, it was the real life version of facebook where most of the people go to congregate and mingle. Show other people that you're a good person. I make my own morality, im good of my own merit.
I'm currently 23. I considered myself fully "atheist" at 19. I grew up as a Jehovah's witness. 80% of my extended family is also JW. The rest are agnostic, some other sort of christian, or atheist like me. However only one is atheist like me (that I am aware of). None of my immediate family knows that I'm atheist. If they did, I'm not sure if they'd talk to me anymore. I have a brother that I'm not very close to. We're only a few years apart, yet we never talk. I really do blame this on religion. Our whole family has never been "real". We don't talk about real issues. Nothing. Ever. My mother likes to live in her fantasy world where things outside her world view don't exist. Growing up JW, you are told everyone outside the religion is controlled by the devil. Every religion has been led astray by satan himself, except the JWs (of course). Thus when Armageddon comes, JWs will either go to heaven, or come back from the dead and live forever in a "paradise earth". JWs don't celebrate holidays or birthdays. They also aren't suppose to get involved in politics. They are told not to go to college. Their "reasoning" is to devote more time preaching about god, but really it's so they get blue collar jobs so they can build more churches (or kingdom halls). How great of a business plan is it where you get donations to build more buildings, and free volunteers to build it?! Genius. My questioning really happened around senior year of high school. I was learning more about evolution (from the internet) and I was actually on a religious forum defending my own faith at the time, when I was contacted by a former JW. He brought a lot of things to my attention and made me ask questions about the religion, and religion in general, that I had never thought of before. This is when things started to fall apart. I became a full blown believer (taking the bible literally, believing in noah, talking snakes, etc) to accepting evolution (which the church does not) and considering myself a theistic evolutionist. I believed god was the guiding force behind evolution. There's just no way all this crazy stuff happened without an intelligent mind behind it all. Then I took an anthropology class in college and learned about old world religions and myths. Many of which paralleled the bible stories. Once again I'm questioning the accuracy of the bible. Now I start to fully reject the JW religion and even start to question the bible as a whole. Later on I reject the idea of organized religion but still really believe in some sort of deity off in the universe somewhere. I sat content with this idea for a while. I figured there was probably some sort of being out there somewhere, but he sure doesn't care about humanity. The more arguments I heard from big atheists like Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, etc, made me realize, there really is probably no god. I went from a bible thumping golden boy to an outspoken atheist, it took about 2 years fully. I can't believe I believed the things I did. Talking snakes? Cmon now. I feel like I grew up and realized much like santa, god isn't real. But obviously others still haven't. Including my parents and family. I literally don't know what would happen if they found out.
Alright, so I have discussed this many times an described little snippets of it in blogs and whatnot, but I have never just gotten it all written down and posted up someplace. Here goes. Warning: This is the LONG version, so: *tldr: I'm not a Christian anymore. I am an atheist, went from a 1 to a 6 on the Dawkins belief [scale](http://christophersisk.com/dawkins-belief-scale-images/)* **(EDIT)**Parts 2 and 3 are in the comments. **(EDIT)** Added some more books that I read towards the end of the process **background** I grew up in a religious Christian family. It was never a question of whether or not ours was the right religion, or whether or not the Bible was fact, it just was. This was, at least, always the assumption. We would go to church on Sundays every week, and if we were late to church, we would have family church instead. My dad would pick out verses for us all to read and we would sing church songs and whatnot. We weren't allowed to play any video games on Sundays, and we prayed before every meal as a family. When I was old enough I was encouraged to go to camps, I went to a popular Winter camp called Forest Home for a number of years, all the way through high school. **first trial** In high school, I had my first doubts. I had an atheist friend. I wasn't into evangelising, but we were well aware of each other's beliefs, and we would have discussions sometimes. I was probably hot headed and wouldn't hear him out most of the time. In the end, I was wearing down. I didn't fit in very well in the high school group at my parents' church, despite my years of attendance (I had been there since 2nd grade at this point), and so I wasn't getting much out of my church attendance. Since my family had instilled only the framework of strict Christianity, and was otherwise happy so long as I kept going to church on Sundays and bowing my head at family prayers, it wasn't hard for my "faith" to begin eroding. When I was 15, I decided that I wanted to be agnostic (or something similar to that, anyway). I told my atheist friend that from then on, I wanted to view the world on my own terms and decide what I wanted to believe for myself. He congratulated me on my decision and encouraged it. That wasn't it though. My folks had already signed me up to attend the upcoming Forest Home camp, and so I went, and was re-brainwashed. I came home and told my friend that I was wrong and had repented, that Jesus was lord, etc. etc. (Fail) **renewed faith** It was shortly after this that I made some new friends in an entirely separate area of my life, and was delighted to find that they were Christians. They all attended a small church a few towns over and swore by it. My parents were somewhat skeptical about letting me go to a church other than theirs, but in the end they let me go. New friends picked me up and took me with them, and I loved the new place. Everyone was friendly, I thought that the "message" was powerful and true. In retrospect, it was a much more charismatic church and was much more compelling. I became involved there immediately, and would go on to teach the high school group (when I was 17 or 18), and also went on annual mission trips to Mexico for the better part of the next decade. I went to classes at the pastor's house and other events that the church held, and was involved with all levels of all affairs of the place.
My story is going to be a bit longer than I thought :-).
i was raised up as a very relaxed christian, parents didn't go to church or mention god in day to day life, but right up until i was about 13 i always thought there was a god, just a mysterious type guy who only acted once in a while but i came to the conclusion that there isnt a god. i asked, preyed to and tried to believe in god, but in the end i fail to see that a great omnipotent couldn't even just jiggle water in a glass just once, just once. Maybe i was taking god too literal so i starting thinking about how i could take god more spiritually. came to the conclusion that there isnt one, considering my life was hell at the time, he didnt seem to give a crap. as i grew older i started being more philosophical about religion, grew fond of the idea of there being no god. now im reading the god delusion (why didn't i read it earlier) but i dont hate religious people or treat them any differently because their religious but they seem to treat me differently.
Not to impugn the writing talents of our fine community by any stretch of the imagination. I was just thinking that, once we collect enough entries, I could lend a hand doing the copy edits and proofs, even layout if necessary. Which also raises the question: how many entries is "enough"? Should we set up a (suggested) deadline for entries, so at some point we can stop collecting and start putting the book together in earnest?
I wrote this a while back. © outhere The children’s Sunday school class was held on the third floor of the Baptist church in a large central meeting room with half a dozen smaller rooms in the wings. The main room was adorned with faded pastel prints of men in robes pulling camels and women with clay jars. There were lots of well worn metal folding chairs arranged in a half circle, all facing a big wooden table where the teacher would sit and dangle his legs in a kind of informal way to look cool to the youngsters in attendance. We were elementary school kids, all 8 to 10 year olds dressed in sweaters and button down shirts. The girls wore frilly dresses with big colorful bows and dainty ornaments in their hair. Some of us carried Bibles like Sunday dress accessories, rarely opened, but proudly displayed as part of our attire. We took our seats as the teacher, who was also the local junior high football coach, instructed us to bow our heads for the opening prayer. The prayer was a standard, the same chant every week. By now, we could all repeat it word for word, and some of us did under our breath, quietly mocking him. When he was done we raised our heads in unison and stared blankly at him, awaiting the day’s story. On this day it was the creation story. Adam and Eve. The coach spoke and stared over our heads. “God reached out his hand and took some dust and breather the breath of life into it, and created Adam.” he proclaimed as he held up his fist in illustration. I pictured a giant hand coming out of cloud and scooping up the dirt from the ground. I wondered if God had to pick out the twigs and grass, or if there were rocks or small bugs in the dirt that needed to be sifted out. I wondered just how much dirt it took to make a man and when he blew, did it scatter all around the garden and made a mess. I wondered if the color of the dirt was the same color as the man, or if God had to lighten or darken him. “And Adam was lonely,” the coach continued, “so as he slept, God took a rib from him and made him a wife.” This was even more intriguing to me. Did he break off the rib, or did he have some kind of saw to make a smooth cut? And how did he get into Adam’s chest without waking him? It seemed that would be a very painful thing. Did he give him a shot first to numb his chest, or some kind of sleeping pill to keep him from waking? Did Adam have to get stitches from the wound? And what about Eve? How did she get to be a full sized person from such a small bone? Did God use more dust for her skin and hair? Did he have to breath into her also, or did she just come to life on her own? All of these questions filled my mind as I listened to the coach tell the story. I knew it was from the Bible, but I thought there must have been an easier way for God to make a man. Perhaps if God made a man to shoot out of a volcano, or maybe made him from a star. He could have made both a man and woman at the same time so that they both could have been made from the same stuff, and God wouldn’t have had to go back and cut Adam open to break or saw off a rib. As the Bible story ended, my thoughts were racing in my head. I had to tell someone, but I knew we could not move until the closing prayer was done. The prayer always lasts way too long for a fidgety child. It was monotonous and boring, and always the same. I had important things to say, theories and ideas, but alas, I could not speak or move from my seat until the closing prayer. I squirmed in my chair as I chanted along with the coach. “…and be with us and guide us as we walk along the righteous path, for thyne is the glory on earth and in heaven…for we ask it in Jesus name, Amen.” I leapt from my seat and dashed forward to the coach. “Coach Baker!” I yelped. He turned and bent down with an inquisitive smile. “Good morning, son…What can I do for ya?” I was excited with my thoughts and proud of how I could make a better story than his. “What if God made a man shoot out of a volcano already breathing and alive? Then he could make a woman from stars that….” The coach’s face turned sour and he straightened himself and stood erect looking down on me with a scowl. “That’s not the way it happened.” he said in a deep, booming voice. I cowered. What had I done? I did not understand why he would get angry. My story was better than the one in the Bible. It was simpler and made more sense. I was confused and shocked at his reaction. So I turned in disappointment, “Never mind.” I said, and moped off to one of the small classrooms in the wings to join my group for coloring or macaroni art. The smaller group was just 5 young boys, as we were always separated by gender in the when at church. We were a pernicious bunch, always in the mood for mischief. “Check it out, guys” I commanded as I walked in, and immediately gained the attention of the group. “Let’s say God made a man shoot out of a volcano”, to which I received the usual ‘ooo’s’ and ‘aaah’s’ Greg added, “Yea, he shoots out like a fire-ball and flies into the sea to cool off” To which Robert continued, “And he had fists made of hard rocks and could pound anything!” “Like the hulk” said Brian “No, no…not like the Hulk, like Thing!” objected Robert “The Hulk can whoop Thing.” Brian said matter-of-factly. Roger just sat and smiled. The intellectual one was contemplating all the flaws in our story. I was sure he would put his two cents in later. As the conversation drifted into which super hero could whoop the other, I felt as though the whole point was moot. If a man could be made from dirt, then he could be made better and stronger from fiery lava. The bible story just sounded labored. I could have done it better.
[Original post](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bjdyc/im_an_atheist_who_still_goes_to_church_every/) Why? The main reason is so I don't hurt others, in particular my mom. I was raised in a very religious Middle-Eastern family, and Christianity is such a big part of their lives that we implement it every day, everywhere. For this reason, the worst thing that could possibly happen to this family, in their eyes, is if someone converted to another religion or "lost" their faith completely. My mother is by far the most radical. She goes to church every day, prays constantly, and hangs up religious icons all over the house. She's been through a hell of a lot (cancer twice, heart disease, her dad just died, her brother has terminal cancer, I had cancer, her husband works abroad, and the list goes on) and naturally she turned to God to help her get through life. That's why I could never come out to her as an atheist. It would crush her. She would lose all hope and blame herself for everything. I think an hour a week is a small price to pay for her mental and physical health. That being said, I think there IS some good in religion. For certain people like my mom, it's very therapeutic. Prayer is like meditation for her. It calms her down, cheers her up, and relieves stress like no other medium. I know others who are like me. They have similar reasons. There are likely people reading this who are going through the same thing.
He is all alone on the barren deserted plains of So-fa.
I grew up in an Anglican household -- baptized, forced to attend church through my confirmation, then my parents stopped forcing me to attend. However, I grew up accepting the stories in the New Testament and that Jesus would return again to save his believers. I took it on personally to read "The Late Great Planet Earth", a book describing the prophecies in Revelations and how they are represented in the geo-political events of the 20th (now 21st) century. I had convinced myself that I would witness armageddon in my lifetime and accepted Jesus as my saviour, unconditionally. All through this, I never pushed my faith on anyone. I felt that my faith was a personal matter -- as it should be for all -- and I despised anyone telling me how I should act or what exactly I should believe. This attribute would lend itself toward my path to atheism. Fast forward to my adult years. I went through a difficult marriage and divorce in my late twenties and early thirties. However hard it was, I feel that I matured emotionally and, with the help of my second wife, I became more critical in my thinking. My wife had different ideas about spirituality (Buddhism and meditation) and I could clearly see how religion causes more problems than it solves. That said, I still didn't consider myself an atheist. That wouldn't come for a few years later, when I was introduced to a website called Reddit. Reddit would become my source of information about atheism. I dived in head first into every article and opinion about atheism and the tragic examples of injustices performed in the name of religion. I quickly became jaded to religion and gained the confidence to say, "It's all BS, I'm an atheist." I've never looked back. Now, I feel driven to mention that my own children are baptized (in the same church that my wife and I were married). I am not conflicted at all over this as I accept these as traditions out of respect for our parents and theirs. Besides, we haven't attended church since then. I don't need to -- there is no God. P.S. good luck with this project... I wish you success.
It would be very nice if the titles of videos you are uploading to YouTube would contain more information, like: SpaceChem - 1.1 Of Pancakes and Spaceships [59 / 1 / 14] (that's the format i actually use) Here you can see the planet and its level, the levels name and behind it cycles, reactors and symbols. This way, you don't have to watch every video just to find out if a solution is actually more advanced than yours, e.g. if you can learn something from it :) What do you think?
Background: My family is almost entirely made up of extremely liberal Catholics. So while almost all of them believe in God, there was never much pressure that I believe the same that they do. I was never discouraged from asking questions, and never judged negatively for becoming increasingly skeptical. Reading others' stories on Reddit, I have come to appreciate just how easy I had it. Specifically, I grew up in Rio de Janeiro, spent ages 11-14 in Connecticut, high school back in Rio, college in Northern CA, three years in Southern CA, and now Seattle; always surrounded by tolerant and inquisitive and introspective people who don't have a problem with atheists. But even then, it was a long, slow, gradual journey, a little scary in and of itself (rather than because of what other people might think). I remember being 6 or 7 and first learning about the tree of life and our evolution from primates (my dad explained these things to me as we read from the encyclopedia, between the articles about airplanes and the ones about subatomic particles). This conflicted with the Adam-and-Eve story I had always heard, and I was told to ask my great-aunt about this since she's a nun. I asked her if Adam-and-Eve is just a story, and she said well, it has some truth to it. I asked her "But did it ACTUALLY happen" and I never got a straight answer. I walked away from that conversation feeling that, if she did not want to say "Yes, it actually happened like that", then it was just make-believe. I remember being 10 and learning about the Big Bang and the multi-billion-year process that it took the Earth to become what it is today. By then I knew that the Bible told a different story, and thus that the people who wrote the Bible clearly didn't know what they were talking about. But I was still a Christian and even believed the miracles in the Jesus stories. Later that year (the year leading up to my first communion) I remember asking my priest about people who have different religions, and his response was "They're crazy, pay no attention to them". While this is far from representative of the beliefs of everyone else I knew, I realized that the only reason I was Catholic rather than Muslim or Jewish or whatever is that I happened to have been born where I did. This put me in that "All religions have some beliefs in common - higher power, soul, etc - and those ideas in common are probably true" mode. I remember being 14 and having it occur to me how amazing it is that we are capable of being AWARE, of UNDERSTANDING, and how the purpose of the creation of the universe must have been to allow for the rise of creatures with these God-like capabilities. I remember being 16 and trying to persuade some of my classmates that the idea of heaven is self-contradictory (how can I be happy if I have no challenges, where do my pets go, etc), that miracle stories are no different from any other ancient mythology, that astrology and homeopathy and voodoo and other pseudosciences were simply not real effects... and, during that same year, trying to persuade my biology teacher that awareness and thought and the self could not possibly be explained just by interactions between particles, it had to be supernatural, even if all that the supernatural soul does is "watch" our brain's behavior and our brain is an antenna to the soul's self. (She assured me that some great thinkers had persuasive ideas regarding a naturalistic understanding of the mind, including Carl Sagan whom I already admired by that point). I remember being 17 and watching a TV special about James Randi. He offered a million-dollar prize for any evidence of supernaturalism. I loved the fact that the prize was unclaimed. For me, this strengthened naturalism from "a gut feeling, it just seems to MAKE SENSE, but who knows, maybe those supernaturalists are on to something" into "clearly the only rational way to explain what we observe". My knowledge of James Randi's prize effectively rid my world of all possibility of ghosts and spirits, of telepathy and speaking with the dead, of any "unexplained phenomenon" being caused by occult forces. This was an immense relief and probably the most important step in my journey. However, I was still a deist at that point, because if things exist, then they must have been created, right? And I still thought that the brain must somehow attract some kind of supernatural soul-stuff to make us self-aware. I remember being 21 and reading George Smith's "Atheism: The Case Against God". This finally allowed me to see that no, things that exist don't necessarily need a creator, because the creator would just need a more complicated creator, so if I can say that the creator does not need a creator, then why not just say that about the universe? Wow, I am now an atheist! I get to live in a universe whose only directions are the motions of particles and the results of human decisions. Awesome! (But when it comes to awareness and souls...) I remember being 23 and reading "Godel Escher Bach". The last strand of the supernaturalism spell was finally broken, and I could finally see a rough sketch of how awareness and the self can be explained by analogies to computers and symbolic systems. That got me so excited that I read "The Mind's I", "Consciousness Explained", and "I am a strange loop" in fairly quick succession. There was great relief in knowing that I can deeply understand my mind (my brain, awareness, morals, emotions, decisions, thinking and understanding, and my sense of who "I" am) as a very complicated computer. Finally, the last of the ghosts was gone, and I live truly in a world of particles and energy and rules, not of whimsical unknowable spirits. I am now 28. Over the past 5 years, the next step on the journey has been trying to understand the mindset of believers. This started when I was 24... But that's a whole other story. The short version of my conclusion is: They want to believe in a universe that itself has intentionality, a "plan". All people (even we) believe what we want to believe, and rationalize all our observations to fit that. We think that our rationalizations are the simplest and thus the most likely to be correct, but each person believes that the rationalizations that are "simplest" are the ones that confirm what they wanted to believe in the first place. So while I am an atheist and a naturalist, I am also agnostic, and I have no problem with people who want to believe in a creator or even in mythology. If it makes them happier, more disciplined, and more selfless people, then good for them (and for the rest of society). But I will not budge on issues of church-state separation, since government should not be in the business of saying that one theological worldview is more valid than another. And if you make some claim about how the universe works (be it about acupuncture, prayer, biology, the effectiveness of abstinence-only education, whatever) and experimentation can show that your claim is false, then you better get out of my way :] EDIT: Added background for context, and made minor edits for clarity. EDIT2: Thanks, hobo7!
I was born in Mobile, Alabama. I was destined to grow up in a very conservative, Christian society. My father, in my early life, wasn't entirely religious. He was from a wealthy family, but had a terrible relationship with his father. Still, very "spoiled". My mother was, but it was because she was very uneducated. She came from extreme poverty. But, she was always unfailingly dedicated to her children. Religion, like everyone else, was taught to me out of fear and ignorance. I remember being a kid, maybe 4 years old, and "playing doctor" with the neighbor girl. My mom caught us and explained to me how sex was dirty and sinful if outside of marriage and how god looked down on it. She, to her credit, told me about AIDS and how dangerous STDs were. I got the talk young, because I was a little pervert. I went to a Christian academy until 4th grade. I remember having to be moved around the room during nap time because I was looking up girls skirts. This academy taught me the Christian religion and fear of hell at a very early age, but they also provided a great education for me in everything except science. I was a very smart kid. I always asked "why?" "Why is the sky blue?" "Why cant we go to the sun? What if we had a suit that kept us cool? Why not?" I was always curious. I was obsessed with space and Einstein. My psychiatrist tested my IQ at 144, and told my parents it would be very hard to raise me because I was smarter than them. I, deep down, didn't believe a god was listening to me when I prayed. I knew that people had sex at a very early age, and that it was natural. I even guessed that animals evolved, but I thought (incorrectly, but awesomely) that people might have evolved from dinosaurs. I wondered about the other gods in history, and why ours was right. I wondered why god was such a dick, and told my mom Christianity seemed more like a curse with a good outcome. I hated it. But, I was very self-conscious and had an extreme lack of self confidence. Everyone around me told me god was real. So, I was obviously the crazy one. I wanted to learn science, I wanted to have a meaningful relationship with a girl. I was so confused about sex. My father always told me how awesome it was and how many girls he slept with during his teenage years. I was taught to get pussy by my dad, and to be modest by my mom and by my religion. I, as a kid, looked at really... weird fetish porn and felt terrible about it. Hormones were crazy, suppressed, and unleashed in one big wave. I understand why perfectly normal priests can turn sexually vile through their abstaining from sexual relations. Cut to 8th grade, my dad was diagnosed with a stage 4 stomach cancer. He was given 4 weeks to live. My whole family, father included, began to become very religious. The church helped us find a good hospital at MD Anderson in Houston, Tx. They did my family good, and we started attending a large southern baptist church weekly. We volunteered, tithed, and showed a perfect Christian image until church was over. My father became a tyrant, I became a puritanical hypocrite, my mother was deathly afraid of my dad dieing, and my younger siblings were too young to really know what was going on. My father was cured by an experimental medication called Gleevec. Science cured his ailment, but we attributed it to prayer. God cured my dad. I lived a lie for a long, long time. I was not a very nice person in highschool. Anyone who didn't live up to my strict standards were less than I was. Even in a predominantly Christian school, I judged everyone. I knew I was living a lie, but I was trapped by the curse. I knew that Jesus was real, and because I knew it I had to be perfect. But, I could never be perfect. I was a perfect neoconservative, Glenn Beck loving southern boy. I spouted the same bullshit, but I knew it was bullshit deep down. I decided to (basically) run away to Pittsburgh, PA for college. I enrolled in the Art Institute of Pittsburgh for Game Art and Design. I was hit with fairly big culture shock. I had atheist teachers, atheist roommates, liberal philosophy thrown at me. I expected it, wanted it, but acted like I hated it. I was slowly learning, becoming more accepting to others. I met gay people, and found that they were actually like other people. They had emotions, insecurities, ambitions. They weren't evil monsters. After about a year, I began to gain an interest in science. I couldn't stop reading about evolution, a topic I felt taboo before. I read about M-theory and the life of the universe. I watched documentaries like I needed them to survive. Bonobos captured me with their humanness. And I began to question god without fear. I went to Pittsburgh a 300 pound loser who hated himself, the world, and god. I felt like a slave with no real purpose. I left, leaving behind my religion, my weight and my complex. I'm now a fairly socially successful man with ambitions and goals. I've enrolled at a real college for Chemical Engineering, as my last degree was a bit of a joke. I feel like a new, my world is bright and hopeful. I can't wait for tomorrow. My parents, at first, were horrified. But, I've proven myself with the way I act. I'm responsible, I love my family, and I'm dedicated to bettering myself through education and working hard.
Little bit of forewarning - I'm writing this in one sitting as I have a tendency to not finish things if I don't do it all at once. My apologies ahead of time for any spelling / gramatical errors I miss. This story begins as my parents, both raised in the same area, went off to Notre Dame for college. They knew each other through a mutual friend and ended up hitting it off from the start. Only slightly later than that did they encounter Cuz. Now, Cuz's real name is still a mystery to me. He got the nickname because he himself went around calling everyone Cuz. Eventually, people flipped it on him and it stuck. Cuz was so laid back it truly didn't matter to him. To give you an idea of how laid back he is, take a trip with me to the Jersey Shore, circa 1995 (I'm honestly guessing on the year, I was younger than 10 though). We had my family of five (3 boys, parentals), another family of five (3 girls, parentals), and Cuz plus 1 (I *really* don't remember her name). Cuz had shown up the night before after all of us had gone to bed. In the morning, the six kids tried to get the parents up for breakfast but they weren't having any of it. "Uncle Cuz is on the couch, go have him make you something" was all we got. About ten minutes later, my mom realized what she had done and took pity on us, since she figured we were just starving on the deck or something. She came out to the six of us feasting on Pop Tarts and Pepsi. Cuz: "What? I asked them what they wanted. What's the problem?" I know it's a short, incomplete example of who he was to us, but we always had the fondest of memories of Cuz. There never really was a time when you thought anything could possibly be wrong in life when he was around since he always seemed to be at his best. One day, I realized it had been a long time since I had seen my Uncle Cuz and I asked my parents if he was going to come stay with us that summer. I remember them getting a little serious, in the way that your shoulders sink and your eyebrow goes from concerned to compassionate, when they told me no and left it at that. I always figured they were leaving something out. I just had no idea how big of a thing they left out. Turns out, neither did they. A couple of years later, ironically at the same beach house I mentioned before, we were just getting back to make some lunch. We turned on the TV and started setting the table before someone, and I can't remember who, exclaimed "Uncle Cuz is on TV!" We all stopped and turned to find him at a podium, next to his wife, giving a speech. It didn't take long to figure out Cuz was now one of the loudest voices in the movement, at least in America, to bring priest abuse to light. Through that realization and further conversations with my parents, who were just as surprised as we were, brought the following to my attention: * Cuz suddenly fell off the map when he got engaged to his wife. Contact was fully cut off from my parents and anyone else who knew Cuz in college, etc. * Both Cuz and his wife were molested by priests through their early years. I'm unsure about his wife, but I was told Cuz was abused for longer than 5 years. * The Church had reached a settlement with Cuz and his family, the typical hush money you'd expect to be thrown at the situation before all of the abuses came to light. To say this shook my faith is an understatement. This was the sort of news that changes someone forever. Someone I loved had been taken from my life because of the actions of evil men. I couldn't for the life of me see the Church the way it had been taught to me my entire life, the way my grandparents still see the Church. It was no longer this beacon of hope or greatness. It had come to symbolize everything I hated in this life. Eventually, however, I realized that this stance, to be angry without any sort of reprieve, was unhealthy at the very least. I decided to finally talk to someone, and who better than a priest? I was in private school, catholic education from grades 4 - 12. As such, I've never had a lack of positive examples of men of cloth. In fact, a couple of the greatest men I'll ever meet in my life are priests. I felt that I owed them enough for everything they had done for me growing up to at least talk to someone about how I was feeling. So, during one of our school's confession sessions (we had confession usually once a year tacked onto the end of a normal mass), I went up intent on airing my grievances in the hope that I would find some solace in the answer. Unfortunately, I didn't end up with one of the priests I knew. I ended up with some guy who flew in from the mid west I had never met before. I sat on the other side of the curtain, still somewhat shameful of my desire to never go to church again. I laid it all out as best as I could, telling the priest about Cuz and about how I found out about the abuse. I told him about how I couldn't understand how an institution like the Catholic Church could even consider the actions of this priests anything less than a crime against humanity. I ended with what I considered a pretty simple statement: "Please help me understand why I should still go to Church." The response could not have been worse. The priest laughed. He then went on to feed me a line about how the actions of a few don't define the many, and how this was the time I should be going to Church *more* than I had before to help reinforce my faith. He basically told me to ignore it, and life would be ok. Needless to say, I walked away from that stage and haven't been back to mass since. I always wondered whether or not that anger would subside as time went on. Funny enough, it did. I don't hold nearly the vitriol towards the Church I used to. I'm able to have conversations about Church, or about faith, without ever getting my blood pressure above normal. I'm able to accept my friend's devout faith to the Catholic Church because they didn't have an Uncle Cuz taken from them, and it'd be unfair to expect them to punish themselves over my loss. In the end, I learned that we truly are islands in this life, and it's up to us to decide what we build, what laws we enact, and what beer we serve on that island (Dogfish Head or home brew). I have a final note and a movie quote that, funny enough, helped me to vocalize what was going on in my head around this time. For those out there that are reading my story and wonder whether or not you're ready to make your feelings public, at least to family members, have faith. You never know how they'll react. I always thought my father wouldn't understand my desire to leave the Church. My mom I could see being on board, as her parents are more on the liberal conservative side of the spectrum. My dad, however, was raised in a very strict, traditional Catholic upbringing. Church was everything in his childhood. I always figured he wouldn't be able to accept my choice. The other day, he and I were driving back from lunch. We were having a religious discussion that stemmed from a Wikileaks discussion. I had just finished my grand speech about how, for my generation, religion has been replaced with information because all of the things that were good about religion have already been accepted by the general public and written into law. Out of nowhere, he tells me that he's thinking about looking for a new Church that's more in line with who he is today. I think he mentioned Episcopalian, but it was whichever religion has gay and female pastors. The gay acceptance thing is a huge deal for him since he has a brother and a sister-in-law who are gay. I never saw that coming. Never could have unless I talked about it. I do hope you take the time to truly introduce yourselves to your loved ones. I know I'm glad I did. And now, the quote that will forever justify my decision to leave organized religion, in all of its glory: > He still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, televangelism. But especially the factioning of all the religions. He said humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it...I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant. Chris Rock, Dogma P.S. Thank you for taking the time to read through this whole post. It's rare I ever lay this all out, even though I'm exceedingly talkative, and I hope you enjoyed it, even if it was just a small break in your day I provided and nothing more.
Oh, where to begin, I think my background will help give a good insight at my life. I grew up, and am in the process of growing up with a christian family who attends church frequently, but not every Sunday. It is a southern baptist church, and pretty damn near fundamental, but hey welcome to Alabama. I accepted God and Jesus as a child, as any other kid would growing up around it. At about age 10 however I struggled with the idea of eternal life, even that in heaven. It seemed very scary and pretty close to a punishment. I would get sick with the thought, but I prayed and prayed to God. My parents took me to a Christian psychologist and I really don't think he really helped, I just began to avoid the idea. It started to slowly go downhill from there. For the next 5 years I stayed with God in my heart, but I still had questions and I just recognized that no one could answer them, boy was I wrong. Middle school was fine, but high school took a turn for the worst. The kids from the other middle school that joined with ours were about 95% fundamentalist and very judgmental Christians. And so many of my friends fell to their ways, until there were only a small group of us who "like to have a good time on the weekends ;)" and not attend bible studies. We are looked down upon and often confronted about being bad people. This is just our grade and the one below us, the freshmen. The Jr/Sr grade is not influenced like this at all. However, most everyone I know, including my close friends are Christian, but there is also a decent amount of Muslims. But, back to my conversion, at age 15 I found reddit, specifically /r/atheism and so began the fall of my logical view of God. I was torn apart and fought it for a while, but the questions had been raised and I couldn't just ignore them. I changed my view to what I would call "agnostic". Once I accepted this I saw more of the ignorance around me and my opinions of many people changed. I was angry at these people for the way they acted towards me and wanted to argue with them about their religion. But, deep down I knew I couldn't admit my religious views, which had turned from agnostic to atheist. My life had been torn up, everything I had been told was a lie, and I knew it. I didn't like calling myself an atheist and still caught myself praying every once in a while, like an old bad habit. By the time I turned 16 I was comfortable with my views and have avoided going to church for a LONG time. I can't tell my family nor do I want to as they would genuinely worry for me and would probably make me meet with some sort of preacher. Honestly, I don't know how they would react. I also refrain from telling even my closest friends to avoid an argument. But, I know that once the fundamental kids found out I would receive a tremendous onslaught of messages and would be told I was *going to hell*. Modern day persecution. So that is where I am today, 16 at home with a Christian family, fundamental peers, but a good group of friends, even if they are Christian. It sucks. **TLDR;** I am a secret atheist in the deep south with fundamental views all around me and no one to logically talk to.
As a small child I had taken the existence of a God for granted, I would pray to him for favours, apologise for misdeeds and implicitly assume that he was watching me in exactly the same way that I myself watched things. Television, say. My mother was a very secular Christian and religion was never discussed much at home. My first exposure to concentrated faith came at the age of seven. I was a particularly disruptive child and my behaviour at my small village school was bad enough that my parents thought it necessary to transfer me to an unarguably stricter Catholic school. This new school involved Religious Studies lessons, prayers at the start and end of each class and a weekly Mass service in the adjacent church. Some parts of the mass experience were brilliant to a young me that would have otherwise been staring blankly at the division sign; the walk to the church, the filing into the isles, the unsupervised talking before the priest came on. The Mass itself though was impossibly boring and it must have taken the teachers about two weeks of dealing with my disrespectful restlessness to realise the benefits of separating me from my friends during the service. This was my first real experience of Catholicism; seven years old with a critical attention-span, in a very big church surrounded by kids I didn't know, listening to a man talk in seemingly impenetrable meter for over an hour. Every week. My earliest memory of being openly blasphemous was in this church. I had memorised most of the mass, and there was one line which particularly resonated with me. The priest would hold up the holy wafer and say "This is the lamb of God." I must have surely encountered the concept of metaphor by then, but the theatrical lift of the bread coupled with the explicit "This is" always struck me as particularly silly. It was so evidently not a lamb. I had a response, the seven year old equivalent of a joke, that I developed and would use week after week. "This is the lamb of God" he would say, and I would turn to my pew-mate and whisper. "Lamb of God? It looks more like a wafer to me." Because I was sat apart from my friends, the recipient of the joke was often completely unreceptive and would simply resent being talked to by a known trouble-maker in a way that risked them accidentally absorbing my trouble by association. I'd just tuck the joke away for the following week and use it on someone else. During this time, although I would still communicate with God and generally assume his presence, I quickly decided that the Church was no holier than anywhere else, that God was bigger than any single faith and that he didn't really care about which point in the mass the priest held up the wafer. He was bigger than that. He was God for Christ's sake. Because my mother was not the Catholic variety of Christian she opted me out of the Holy Communion. This meant that all the other children who had officially become Catholic were given a wafer upon approaching the priest, whilst I and the other non-Catholics were required to meet him with arms crossed over our chests so that he could bless us (I assume in a hopeful bid to somehow mitigate our non-Catholicism). As soon as I got brave enough I would approach with my hands out and take the wafer, as if I was Catholic. The rush that I got from lying to the priest in this way was exhilarating and I never once felt guilty. Also, I very much enjoyed the wafer. The first moment I remember outwardly confronting the core of my adopted religion, and I suppose as good an anchor as any for the start of my agnosticism, was several years later. I asked my Science teacher the following question: "Why do some of the things we get taught in Religious Studies contradict things we get taught in Science?" I don't remember the reply (she was working at a Catholic school, so I assume it was cautious), and to be honest, the only reason that I can still remember asking the question is because after the lesson, as I walked down the corridor, a string of classmates came up to me laughing and asking "what was that all about?", "someone said that you asked something funny" and generally treating it as a practical joke. I was always a categorical class clown, an idiot basically, who would have otherwise worked hard for that praise. In this case, it was a genuine curiosity that forced the question and I was bemused that it could in any way constitute humour. It didn't even involve paper planes. For all I know those children may have got in trouble at home for asking that sort of question, perhaps it was funny because it was taboo, blasphemous, perhaps those same children are Christian adults today who would still find that question ludicrous. Either way the memory persists. This agnosticism continued up to about age sixteen when I started using the word atheist to describe myself. At age nineteen The God Delusion was released and I read it cover-to-cover in a few days. After those few days I felt an understanding and a love that neither my earlier God nor my agnosticism had ever approximated. It was all uphill from there.