miteshkotak7's picture
first commit
The user is going through a breakup and worried to stay forever/never find love again,0,Blowing balloons
The user has an upcoming job interview and is consumed by thoughts of potential rejection or making a poor impression.,0,Blowing balloons
"The user is feeling overwhelmed with bills and debts, and is concerned about their financial future.",0,Blowing balloons
"The user or a close family member has been diagnosed with a medical condition, leading to worries about treatment outcomes and overall well-being.",0,Blowing balloons
A parent is concerned about their child's behavior or performance at school and fears they might not be providing adequate support.,0,Blowing balloons
The user has to deliver a presentation or speech and is anxious about forgetting their lines or being judged by their audience.,0,Blowing balloons
The user has had a recent fallout with a close friend or family member and is consumed by thoughts of the rift widening or not being able to reconcile.,0,Blowing balloons
"The user is about to move to a new city or start at a new school, leading to fears of not fitting in or missing their old life.",0,Blowing balloons
"The user is in a new job or role and constantly feels like a fraud, fearing they aren’t good enough and that others will eventually discover they aren't competent.",1,Imaginary friend
"After experiencing a minor slight or criticism, the user spirals into feelings of worthlessness, thinking no one truly likes or respects them.",1,Imaginary friend
The users hates looking in the mirror and always focuses on all the perceived flaws. They think their body is not good enough.,1,Imaginary friend
The user can’t forgive themselves for a past mistake that was made.,1,Imaginary friend
The user compares themselves to others and feels less successful than everyone else.,1,Imaginary friend
The user tells themselves how incompetent they are and doesn’t dare to take on new tasks at work.,1,Imaginary friend
After a social event the user talks negatively to themselves for perceived social missteps.,1,Imaginary friend
"The user had a personal goal to quit smoking and it now berating themselves for not succeeding with sentences like “I'll never be able to do it"" or ""I'm such a failure.""",1,Imaginary friend
"The user suddenly feels a wave of anxiety without any apparent trigger, leaving them confused and overwhelmed.",2,Dimensions of negative emotions
The user feels anxious and wants to learn more about what anxiety is and how it presents itself.,2,Dimensions of negative emotions
The user feels anxious after meeting friends.,2,Dimensions of negative emotions
The user is anxious towards life changes (like moving to a new city).,2,Dimensions of negative emotions
"After the loss of the user’s husband, they feel horrible but can’t formulate what is emotionally going on inside of them.",2,Dimensions of negative emotions
The user mentions that they feel frustrated or irritated more easily but doesn’t know why.,2,Dimensions of negative emotions
The user had a recurring bad dream last night and has been feeling anxious since then.,2,Dimensions of negative emotions
The user feels anxious when left alone with their thoughts.,2,Dimensions of negative emotions
The user has received a promotion at work and feels excited.,3,Boost positive experience
The user met a long-lost friend and is filled with nostalgia and happiness.,3,Boost positive experience
The user completed a half-marathon.,3,Boost positive experience
The user was complimented by a stranger on a bus. The stranger complimented they users new scarf. ,3,Boost positive experience
The user has been learning how to play the Gitarre and mastered his first private concert.,3,Boost positive experience
The user volunteered in a soup kitchen for homeless people (act of kindness) and feels warm and positive.,3,Boost positive experience
The user enjoyed going to the new art exhibition in town. ,3,Boost positive experience
After going to a festival with a group of friends the user feels connected and thankful.,3,Boost positive experience
"The user just started college in a new city and feels out of place.
",4,Dealing with loneliness
The user recently went through the death of a close friend and feels empty.,4,Dealing with loneliness
"The user is a parent and the only daughter just left to go to college. The home feels quiet and the parent feels lonely.
",4,Dealing with loneliness
The user just retired from work and feels disconnected.,4,Dealing with loneliness
The user feels all alone because a friend didn’t invite the user to the birthday party.,4,Dealing with loneliness
The user just moved town with their husband and doesn’t seem to adapt to the new city.,4,Dealing with loneliness
The user had an argument with a friend and has drifted apart from the friend group. The user feels left out and lonely.,4,Dealing with loneliness
The user mentions many friends but still feels lonely and disconnected within the peer group.,4,Dealing with loneliness
The user is experiencing a lot of pressure at work because the boss is very demanding. They feel frustrated.,5,Venting
The user had a huge argument with their girlfriend. They feel unheard and left alone with their thoughts and frustrations.,5,Venting
The user is a parent and is exhausted from taking care of the children by themselves. ,5,Venting
The user is a student and has an upcoming exam and essays to hand in. It’s been too much to handle.,5,Venting
The user just lost their job and is very stressed.,5,Venting
The user went to a wedding and felt under pressure because the user isn’t married yet. The user is very frustrated because people expect the user to be married soon.,5,Venting
"The user feeling the weight of multiple responsibilities (work, husband, children, finances) and feels taken for granted.",5,Venting
The user complains that the boyfriend will never listen properly. The user doesn’t feel heard.,5,Venting