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46456022 | The Social Structure of District School Students in the Kazan Governorate during the First Half of the 19th Century | N this paper, changes that took place in the social structure of district school students in the Kazan governorate during the first half of the 19th century were analyzed. It was shown that the social representation of district school students in the region under consideration changed under the influence of the government policy on education. With the help of numerous archival clerical documents, a complex study was performed to reconstruct the social image of a typical student attending any of the district schools in the Kazan governorate of that time. Based on the results of the comparative analysis of the available archival sources, a percentage ratio of students from different social classes was determined. Changes in the size of each social class were determined using mathematical methods. It was concluded that district schools of the Kazan governorate during the first half of the 19th century saw a gradual increase in the number of students representing various social classes (lower middle class, merchants, and peasants) from both urban and rural areas. At the same time, a rise in the number of students coming from the privileged social classes was also detected. |
39545908 | DIGITAL" CRIMINALISTICS IN ACTUAL THESES | The formation of “digital forensics” as a new institution of the theory of forensic research is considered. The influence of the development of digital technologies on the improvement of crime investigation methods and tactics is shown. |
36512438 | PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION FROM SPANISH TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE | This article aims to show the difficulties and problems which Russian person faces when translating or learning the Spanish language; it is shown how to analyze the grammatical structure of the Spanish sentence, to identify the model construction. The correctness of the analysis give us correct understanding of the sentence and the correctness of the translation. It is shown special features of Spanish language, which we cannot find themselves a direct parallel in Russian. |
21253622 | Anti-crisis and Anti cyclic Regulation of National Economy and its Influence on Economic Growth | In the article theoretical basis of anti-crisis and ant cyclic regulation of national economy are considered. Level of realization of this development in the Russian macroeconomic policy is estimated. The conclusion on inefficienc y o f monetar y polic y (fro m position s o f ensuring economic growth) is made. It is revealed that financing of the state target programs of development of the industry has to become a priority of the budgetary policy target. |
49592599 | CALCULATION OF THE DEGREE OF PHYSICAL WEAR AND TEAR OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF RESIDENTIAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION OBJECTS AFFECTED BY EXPLOSIONS AND FIRES BASED ON THE ASSESSMENT OF IDENTIFIED DEFECTS | In the article, the authors, based on experimental studies, show the possibility of solving an urgent problem related to determining the cost of residential estate construction objects affected by explosions and fires, as the most numerous and frequently occurring man-made accidents. Additional information on the assessment of the quality of wooden building structures and their condition is provided. The authors propose the use of unified approaches in conducting forensic construction and technical examination of this kind based on the assessment of the identified defects. |
12840946 | Power Relationships for Evaluating the Efficiency of Dielectric Capacitors | Power <i>relationships for the macroscopic electrodynamics of a dielectric are considered taking into account the frequency dispersion of dielectric permeability caused by relaxation polarization processes. General expressions for the densities of power flows and discharge energies are obtained for the case when the relaxation process has an arbitrary spectrum. An example of assessing the power efficiency of a dielectric for capacitive energy stores is given.</i> |
48164235 | Prevention of violence against women and domestic violence | Based on the analysis of statistical data, judicial practice, the reaction of society and the state to cases of domestic violence against women, the authors conclude that it is advisable to amend the legislation in order to develop a systematic approach to responding to facts of discrimination and violence against women. |
38162946 | Features of the conservation and adaptation of cultural heritage to modern conditions | The author aims to reveal the features of preservation and adaptation of cultural heritage in modern conditions. As the object of research are the monuments of cultural heritage. The formulated hypothesis States that compliance with the requirements of the legislation and competent organization of works on the preservation and adaptation of cultural heritage at the present stage will give such objects a "second life" and will save them for future generations. As a result of the observation of works on the preservation of cultural heritage, it is confirmed that the complex of research, survey, design, production works should be carried out in order to preserve the monument, without changing its features that make up the subject of protection. |
41065612 | INFLUENCE OF BIOSTIMULANTS ON THE IMMUNE PROTECTION OF CHICKENS | Among the animals of different species chickens react in greater numbers and more noticeable to a variety of growth biostimulators. There are great improvements on their general state, growth spurts and development of internal organs is quicker when they are injected with small portions. Such stimulation has a great influence not only on growth and development of chickens in their first period of life but also on health and productivity later on. The most active peak of reaction is when chicken is two months old. Their internal organs, especially the digestive system, develop earlier, their genitals appear earlier and they begin egg-laying much earlier too, when chickens are being fed those biostimulants. Slaughter meat yield becomes more and quality of meat improves with the influence of stimulators. A major disease prevention and healing effect can be reached, since most of the biostimulants raise immune system and resistance of the organism. It can be the only thing to justify their usage on animals. Tests show that the most typical growth spurt of birds is from fifteen to twenty percent in normal conditions. Growth spurts are also accompanied with the rise of resistance to different infections and activation of different physiological processes. Growth spurts can be twice or more than written here, but those spurts are usually short-timed and often accompanied with the dysfunction of different organs. |
21976898 | On Classes of Groupoids of Relations with Diophantine Operations | In the paper the bases of identities of varieties generated by classes of groupoids of the binary relations with diophantine operations are found. |
12224139 | WHAT IS HEALTH: BACKGROUND AND STATE-OF-THE-ART | The paper gives the definitions of the human health status, which were formulated in different epochs. It characterizes the evaluation of this condition and the possibilities of promoting the health status. |
50020242 | Improving the Technique of Basic Athleticism Exercises | The article deals with the problems of training instructors and trainers-teachers in athletics and insufficient terminological literacy of specialists in the field of athletics and strength training. The purpose of the article is to identify the main mistakes in the use of universal athletics and find ways to cover them. Proposal of analysis of such basic errors during execution with disclosure of the reasons for their occurrence. The review presents the main areas of work for passenger cars to eliminate possible errors when performing basic exercises. |
35056398 | TO THE QUESTION ABOUT THE INVESTIGATION OF STOLEN AND HIJACKED VEHICLES | The article is devoted to the analysis of the committed theft and theft of passenger vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2017, as well as the most common methods of theft of vehicles. The chosen subject is actual as problems of search of the stolen and stolen vehicles by employees at implementation of the professional tasks connected with office activity were and remain in system of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia one of the major questions. In addition, the detection of this type of acquisitive crime remains at a low level. |
37609384 | The results of the reform and modernization of the health care system of north Ossetia-Alania | The article is devoted to the modern processes and results of reforming the health care system at the present stage of development of the digital economy. The study of the characteristics of the processes taking place in the reform of the health system, allowed to evaluate the most important components and criteria of stabilization in this area. |
32585431 | A software solution for training for quality control of thermal shrinkage polymer films | A software solution for training to control wide variety of thermal shrinkage polymer films is described. The films are produced of different types of materials and on a big variety of production lines configurations with wide ranges of quality requirements. To solve the training task the solution includes library of mathematic models, databases of production lines configurations, material properties, technological regulations and knowledge base for control of thermal shrinkage properties of polymer films. The library of mathematic models allows considering different properties of the polymers, area of their further exploitation. It also allows simulation modelling and control of thermal shrinkage properties of polymer films such as length and width shrinkage values and the strength of shrinkage. The formalized description of thermal shrinkage films obtaining processes is developed and input, control and output vectors are described. The input vector includes configuration of production line and material properties). The control vector includes temperatures and velocities of production line rolls). Thermal shrinkage properties of polymer films are represented in the output vector. The software solution includes instructor, trainee and administrator interfaces. The interfaces allow editing the databases and the knowledgebase of the solution, initializing the training scenario and formation of training protocols. The training scenario includes a configuration of production line, a material type, quality requirements and acceptable execution time. The protocol describes the dependencies of variations between calculated and required values on time and control values. The developed architecture allows training of production personnel to control the quality of wide variety of thermal shrinkage films. The films can be produced on the production lines of different configuration from wide variety of materials. The software solution was tested by training to control thermal shrinkage film productions on Russian and German plants of Kloeckner Pentaplast corporation. |
49723320 | ON THE ISSUE OF THE FORMATION OF THE STATE'S LEGAL POLICY IN THE FIELD OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY | The article examines the problem of the formation of the concept of legal policy, reveals the nature of this phenomenon. It is proposed to distinguish between legal policy and legal ideology. It is concluded that legal policy is an activity associated with the search and use of the most effective methods, forms and means of legal regulation carried out in various spheres of society. One of the most important and promising areas of legal policy is the digitalization of the economy. |
45670515 | OPTIMIZING THE STRUCTURES OF PARALLEL PROGRAM OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES | The article presents a methodological approach to optimizing the structures of parallel programs of computing systems built on the NUMA architecture, in the interests of deploying a unified information space of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, based on a modified simplex method that takes into account the features of the architecture of construction. The use of this approach makes it possible to solve a number of problematic issues in the design of software for computing systems that perform parallel processing of significant amounts of information. The advantage of this approach is the ability to obtain an optimal solution that takes into account the order of execution of operations and the possibility of their parallel execution. |
29864149 | The Introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information is a Priority in the Development of the National STI System of the Republic of Moldova | The relevance of the article is confirmed by the existing challenges currently facing scientists, research teams, communities and the National System of scientific and technical information in the dissemination of research results. The aim of this article is consideration of these problems and search of its solution. The results of this article are to determine the solution: the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies in the dissemination of scientific and technical information among specialists and the general public. |
21841477 | THE RESULTS OF USING SIRES IN A HERD OF CATTLE OF "PUT ILYICHA" OF ZAVYALOVSKY DISTRICT OF THE UDMURT REPUBLIC | The central element of breeding in improving breeds of dairy cattle is the efficient use of sires, the evaluation of pedigree progeny merits of which is essential. The industrial technology of dairy farming imposes certain requirements on the quality of animals. Along with high productive capacities, they must possess the ability to implement them in any conditions. The sires have a special role in breeding such animals. The studies were conducted in a herd of stud farm «Put Ilyicha» of Zavya-lovsky District of the Udmurt Republic on the basis of data of primary zootechnical recording, the data base Selex. Evaluating the sires with the method of daughters-herdmates 14 bulls were defined as improvers of milk yield, 19 - of fat content. However, only 8 bulls improved milk yield and fat content in the milk of daughters in comparison with their herdmates. The protein content in milk was higher as compared with herdmates of the daughters of 13 bulls. Simultaneously on grounds of three selecting features five sires are improvers in the herd. In this regard Phaeton 61995228 and Phlox 1448 significantly improve the value of their daughters' milking (by 461.0 and 217.4 kg. respectively), as well as qualitative characteristics of milk (from 0.01 to 0.05 %). The daughters of Ikhor 1304, Lancelot 79328606, and Hezne 1876 slightly exceed their herdmates in superior milk producing ability (by 34.4, 46.5 and 52.6 kg. respectively), and also in qualitative indicators of milk by 0.01 - 0.05%. |
21475053 | TRADITIONAL CULTURE AS A SOURCE OF EXISTENTIAL EXPERIENCE | The paper studies traditional culture as a subject of philosophical reflection. The phenomenon of traditional culture is analyzed here as a source of existential experience for contemporary person. The essence and “mechanisms” of constituting existential meanings in worldview dimensions of the various subject areas are demonstrated. The basic types of traditional culture and the concept of culture are analyzed. Specific features of traditional culture are analyzed on the basis of the conception of “non- pragmatic” and “specimen” types of human cultural existence. Special emphasis is placed on the key differences between the traditional and contemporary cultures, which are determined by two different types of their “dominants”. Traditional culture is dominated by worldview meanings, while contemporary culture - by pragmatic activities. This conception defines traditional “worldview thinking” within a broad comparative context. Human consciousness in traditional culture is interpreted as “non-calculating” holistic activity. The paper analyzes determination of moral behaviour within contemporary culture according to its worldview meanings. The concept of “meaning” in its metaphysical sense is considered here as the key issue. Therefore, the phenomenon of existential openness in traditional culture is interpreted here as a creative process of constituting personal existence. In addition, the paper dwells on the “inner mechanisms” of cultural activity as a behaviour phenomenon according to the “worldview meaning dominant”. |
29120867 | LINGUISTIC REPRESENTATION OF THE CONCEPT "DEMOKRASI" (DEMOCRACY) IN THE TURKISH POLITICAL DISCOURSE OF PUBLIC STATEMENT | The article is devoted to the analysis of the language representation of the concept DEMOKRASI (DEMOCRACY) in the Turkish political discourse of public statement. The analysis highlights the notional component of the concept, nominative field, figurative and value components. The topicality of the study lies in the fact that these theoretical provisions are considered for the first time by the material of the Turkish political discourse. The public statements of the Turkish political leaders serve as the material for the analysis. |
20206939 | TASK AUTOMATION ELECTRICAL CURRENT TREATMENT MECHANIZED COMPLEXES | A review of modern mechanized longwall equipment used in the mines of Russia and its main characteristics. The problems and identify long-term objectives of automation control equipment. |
42666138 | Patient management tactics during sudden high blood pressure | The article discusses the captopril efficacy in the treatment of patients with sudden high blood pressure (BP). Sudden high BP remains the most common reason for calling an emergency. A marked high BP without affecting target organs may be accompanied by subjective symptoms that reduce the patients’ life quality and ability to work (“individually significant acute high BP”). Antihypertensive therapy in acute high BP without affecting the target organs should be performed on an outpatient basis with oral medications. Fast-acting medications with an optimal duration of action should be chosen. The angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (Capoten) fully meets the requirements for medications aimed at relief of an individually significant acute high BP. The drug has a favorable safety profile, which allows to prescribe it for patients with comorbidity, including chronic heart failure, heart rhythm disorders and elderly age. Fast action (achieved by sublingual administration) and good safety profile allow it to be considered the front-line drug, including as self-treatment and mutual aid to patients with a sudden high BP. |
47438710 | The Iconography in the Context of the Spiritual and Aesthetic Dialogue between Russia and the West | The article actualizes the topic of aesthetic vision, which has a fundamental, ontological and moral significance for the formation of a human personality, its relationship to the world, axiological hierarchy and national identity. In the context of this topic, questions are raised concerning church art and the influence of Western European aesthetic thought on it. It is shown that in the conditions of the rapid development of visual culture, when visual images become the most aggressive conductors of the ideology of transhumanism, dehumanization and de-Christianization of society, the problem of the beauty of church art and its missionary capabilities acquire essential significance not only for the Church, but also for the entire modern culture. |
27162573 | The subject of the state system of ensuring safety of road traffic (historical and legal aspect) | The author conducted a retrospective analysis of the various measures implemented in the sphere of ensuring road safety. There are parallels between the situation time and the process of training specialists in the field of road safety at different stages of development of the Russian state. We prove a direct qualitative relationship between implemented measures aimed at reducing accident rates and ranks, the skills received by the security agents of the road |
30519656 | MONITORING OF ACTIVATION OF project and RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS in classes of APPLIED ART | The article discusses the signs and criteria of activization of design and research activities of students in arts and crafts, defined on the basis of G.I. Shchukina' s integration approach to determine levels of the formation of cognitive activity of students (reproductive-imitative, search-and-perform, creative) and the approach of V.I. Andreeva to the isolation and criterial evaluation of the levels of development of abilities. The authors managed to compare three levels of activity with the corresponding levels of actualization of creative abilities structured in accordance with the adapted model of V.I. Andreeva in seven blocks: motivational and creative activity and personality orientation; intellectual and logical abilities of the individual; intellectually-heuristic abilities of the individual; reflective-creative abilities of a person; communicative and creative abilities of a person; aesthetic qualities of a person in creative activity; the effectiveness of design and research activities. Quantitative indicators of activity levels and corresponding indicators of the manifestation of abilities and qualities of personality are presented for each block in the article: reproductive and imitative activity, search and performance activity and creative activity. The table of comparison of activity levels with levels of involvement in the design and research activities of students in the classes of arts and crafts of their creative abilities proposed in the article is a new tool for organizing pedagogical monitoring that allows determining the effectiveness of forming professional competencies necessary for future teachers of art education. |
44515086 | Digital methods of legal analysis, regulation and monitoring of the budget sphere of the Russian Federation in the context of a new paradigm of financial control | This work focuses on the emergence of new digital methods of influencing budgetary legal relationship. The aim of the authors is not only to analyze and systematize the existing digital mechanisms of financial regulation of the budget sphere, but also to offer absolutely new opportunities for using digital technologies, which weren’t previously used in domestic practice. This topic is widely covered not only in foreign, but also in domestic scientific literature. The basis of their functioning should be a stable regulatory framework, so the legal component of the problem is the priority in the field of research. The methodological basis of the research is an institutional approach, as well as a deep study of domestic and foreign sources on the problem. In the end, the authors come to the conclusion about the necessity for universal digitalization of the public sector through the use of specific digital technologies analyzed in the work. The practical significance of the research is that the incorporation into the legal sphere of new scientific research in the field of digital human achievements can significantly improve the effectiveness of many state legal institutions. This work should be of particular value to the legislator, since only by understanding the basic theoretical models of functioning and application of digital technologies in the legal sphere can they be effectively applied in budgetary legal relations. |
35416086 | Functions of Dopaminein the Instrumental Conditioned Reflex | Dopamine neurons are activated by stimuli of both positive and negative modality in accordance with the amount of volitional effort necessary to obtain reward or avoid punishment. The development of an instrumental conditioned reflex begins with the goal of the movement (the external one – the lever or the place in the labyrinth or the internal one – the pose) becomes attractive or repulsive on the basis of the (perhaps dopamine-independent) Pavlovian associative mechanism (“incentive salience attribution”), the driving force of which is the “dopamine drive ”. When performing the instrumental conditioned reflex, from the very beginning, dopamine is excreted in the window between the conditioned signal onset and the movement, where it combines “activation of the central motor system of behavior” [Konorsky, 1970] and modulation of synaptic plasticity for further training. The instrumental movement performed by the animal itself under the influence of the dopamine drive is reinforced by drive reduction. |
15551742 | Legal means of economy modernization: problem statement | The functional essence of the contract is not an abstract legal phenomenon, but an important mean of human labor, the quality of which is characterized by its economic efficiency. According to this thesis the article substantiates the position of the leading role of contract in the legal means of economic progress. The author concludes that the law of contract should be optimized by the criterion of ensuring high economic impact of contractual instruments to modernize the economy. |
45714403 | The competitive environment Development and state industrial policy | The competition of enterprises within the industry is a key market phenomenon that provides incentives to producers and encourages them to act in the interests of consumers. Therefore, creating conditions, that ensures the development of competitive forces and counteracts the processes of concentration and monopolization, provides the effectiveness of the economic system and can be identified as key factors for the state. The authors analyze the competitive environment and assess the level of competition in various industries. The directions and priorities of the state competition policy are examined. The interim results of the National Competition Development Plan are given. The authors substantiate the need to develop comprehensive long-term measures aimed at solving key problems of competitive development. |
47576037 | VEGETATIVE SUPPORT OF THE HEART ACTIVITY OF ADOLESCENT STUDENTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF LOW AND MIDDLE MOUNTAINS OF KYRGYZSTAN | The article reflects the results of studying the indicators of cardiointervalography (CIG) of adolescents, girls and boys, low and medium mountains, studying in secondary schools. To determine the autonomic functions, the Martine exercise test was used. Rhythmogram recording and blood pressure measurements during rest and after a test of 5 minutes. During statistical processing, the following indicators of CIG were assessed: the amplitude of the mode (AMo) and the index of the tension of regulatory system (IT). The amplitude of the mode - the maximum value of the distribution density function of R-R intervals - is the degree of rigidity of the heart rate at the most probable level of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This indicator reflects the stabilizing effect of centralization of heart rate control, which is mainly due to the degree of activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. The index of tension of regulatory systems characterizes the activity of the mechanisms of sympathetic regulation, the state of the central circuit of the body’s regulation. The study revealed the differences in the functional state of the autonomic nervous system of schoolchildren in low and medium mountains. The majority of adolescents (67-71 %) of low and medium mountains revealed a normotonic type of autonomic support of activity, 21-28 % - hypotonic, 8-11 % - hypertonic. |
21014973 | KONUS-UF: THe FUTURe SPACe eXPeRIMeNT TO eXPLORe GAMMA-RAY BURSTS | A project of future advanced space experiment KONUS-UF to study temporal and spectral properties of space gamma-ray bursts, soft gamma repeaters and solar flares is presented. Target energy range for observations is from 10 keV to 10 MeV. Experiment will be carried out onboard SPEKTR-UF space telescope, orbital environment and technical requirements are considered. |
17941653 | INCREASE OF WEAR RESISTANCE OF SLEEVES OF CYLINDERS OF PETROL ENGINES BIMETALLIZATSIEJ OF THE WORKING SURFACE OF THE FRICTION | The sleeve of cylinders one of the main parts of DVS which, working together with pistons and rings, forms volume in which thermal energy of process of combustion of fuel turns into mechanical energy. Therefore development and improvement of ways of restoration and increase of wear resistance of sleeves of the cylinders which are meeting the requirements of standards, are actual and almost significant for agricultural production. At carrying out researches used methods of the system analysis and comparative researches the car of friction SMT-1, the LEOPARD-3 analyzer, profilometr by the PR0-130, the brake KI-5543 stand, the LA- 1,5 PCI converter, the laptop, komprecimetr G-324, a nutromer, a fuel flowmeter were thus applied. As a result of researches technological process of manufacturing bimetalizirovanny by copper of sleeves of the cylinders, allowing to lower their wear of a working surface of a friction to three times in comparison with a standard sleeve was developed. Use of bimetallizirovanny sleeves of cylinders in the UMZ-417 engine allows to increase effective power for 4,8 %, to reduce hour and specific fuel consumption respectively by 4,8 % and 9,1 %, and also to lower the content in the fulfilled gases of oxide of carbon for 10 % and hydrocarbons for 8 % in comparison with the engine completed with regular sleeves. In the conditions of ordinary operation of the UMZ-417 engines established on two cars UAZ-3303, at the engine with bimetallizirovanny copper sleeves of cylinders observes decrease in wear of a working surface of sleeves of cylinders in 2,7 times; reduction of average traveling fuel consumption by 4 % and increase in pressure of compression in the combustion chamber for 6,5 % in comparison with the engine with standard sleeves of cylinders. Thus, the bimetallizatsiya of a surface of a friction inserts of copper will allow to improve greasing properties of a rubbing surface and to increase its wear resistance. |
21064415 | Characterization of Functions from Spaces Defined on Terms of p-Integrability of Mean Oscillation | The paper is devoted to continuation of the study of classes of functions with condition on mean oscillation, started in A.N. Karapetyanrs, F.D.Kodzoeva. (Izvestya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii region. Estestvennye Nauki. 2012. № 4. S. 5 – 8). That is, the spaces of functions with p-integrable (with weight) mean oscillation are studied. Problems of connectedness and prolongation for such functions are studied, sufficient conditions for a function to be from such spaces are obtained. As an application, we study boundedness of convolution operator and operator with homogeneous (–1) kernel in mentioned spaces on real line and half line correspondingly. |
18319295 | FINNO-UGRIC PROJECTS AS REVITALIZATSIYA´S MECHANISMS OF TRADITIONAL CULTURE | Globalization complicates the survival conditions of the finno-ugric peoples of Russia. Ethnocultural designing technology is a new revitalization mechanism of traditional culture. On the whole, the article analyzes the activities of the finno-ugric community structures consolidated into the Youth association of finno-ugric peoples (MAFUN): Society «Finland-Russia», The union of mari youth «U Viy» («The new force»), Youth organization «Roza vetrov» («Rose winds») of Komi-Permian district, Public organization of udmurt youth «Shundy» («Sun»), Union of komi youth «Mi» («We»), Public organization «Nuori Karjala» («Young Karelia») and other organizations. Also in the article are considered the most characteristic areas of ethnic and cultural projects for the design of the finno-ugric youth. Main areas of project activities are detected. |
20202391 | The global fair-trade movement and its prospects | The article is devoted to a brief history of the fair-trade movement, the basic principles of fair trade and the author's opinion on the future of the movement in Russia. A worldwide movement for fair trade these are tens of thousands of supporters of an alternative approach to traditional Commerce trust and long-term relationships between producers in poor countries and consumers, completely excluding intermediaries. |
28771437 | THE STUDY OF CONCEPTUAL COMPOSITION OF SOVIET POETRY DEVOTED TO THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR | The article describes the conceptual structure of the body of Soviet poetry, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, identified by the automatic semantic analysis, cluster analysis and contextual interpretation of semantic core. We specify the central lexis (the semantic weight ≥20), the near peripheral lexis (19-6) and the far peripheral lexis (5-2) and hence the nuclear, auxiliary and peripheral concepts. We also determine the ratio of generalized or abstract concepts and concrete, basic-level concepts; the former somewhat prevail over the latter. The abstract concepts include "intellective" (war, waiting, return, death, memory, hope, glory, grand, terrible, Motherland, victory, come to life, soul, etc.) and "emotive" (grief, sadness, guilt, love, fear, fatigue, courage, duty, power, pain, conscience, etc.). The concrete concepts provide detailed profiling of the ground against which particular figures are represented, here we find the realities of the front (soldiers, trench, track, wet, drag, move, attack, run, boom, etc.), and the realities of the civilian life (yard, childhood, garden, village, hut, etc.); the realities of military and civilian life are closely intertwined. Based on R. Langacker's tenet that the greater the attention upon the ground, the greater the objectivity of construal, we conclude on the objective representation of the wartime by the Soviet poets. |
17079413 | The evolution of world economic mechanism in the context of globalization and institutional change | This article reviews current trends in the evolution of the institutional structure of the global economy in the context of globalization. Examines the historical, social and technological determinants of institutional dynamics. Examines the role of international institutions and organizations in the formation of the vector changes of regulatory mechanisms and institutions. |
49989963 | Introduction of modern management technologies of business management at enterprises of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation | The article discusses the features of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and management at enterprises of this territory, the specifics and essence of the activities of enterprises of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Factors influencing the effectiveness of work on the part of the employee and on the part of the organization. Opportunities for improving management activities at enterprises in the Arctic zone and the process of introducing new business management technologies. |
15484679 | Regulatory-adaptive status of women with normal pregnancies at 38-40 weeks and biophysical fetal profile | Regulatory-adaptive status of women with normal pregnancy in the third trimester was assessed by the dynamics of parameters of cardio-respiratory synchronism. At 40 weeks of pregnancy, compared with 38, there was an increase in the synchronization range, reducing of the duration of development at the minimum of the range of synchronization. At the same time, significant changes of indicators of fetal biophysical profile were not observed. Thus, the informative parameters of a sample of cardio-respiratory synchronism was higher than the informative value of biophysical profile of the fetus. |
35234084 | METHOD FOR DETERMINING OF VOLTAGE STEADY-STATE LOAD CHARACTERISTICS WITH SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATION ON SENSITIVE PARAMETERS AND ELECTRICAL SAFETY OF ACTIVE EXPERIMENT | This article proposes a new approach to the processing of the active experiment results to determine the voltage steady-state load characteristics (SLC) with diverse loads in the node of the power system. The problem is that during the active experiment the composition of consumers and the desired SLC change, while the number of possible voltage control stages is limited by the operating parameters and electrical safety factors during the experiment, which significantly complicates the identification procedure of the real SLC. The paper considers the possibility of using optimization methods in solving this problem. To test the proposed method, an experiment was carried out at the laboratory installation and the efficiency of the modified method for determining the SLC is shown by its example. |
27531392 | Diphtheria: Forgotten, but not gone | The paper deals with the need to adopt a new Russian classification of diphtheria with consideration for the generalized experience of the recent epidemic of diphtheria in Russia and to adjust the classification in accordance with modern ideas of diphtheria. |
26296175 | MODERN PROBLEMS OF OPTIMUM CONTROL OF ELECTRIC DRIVES AND WAYS OF THEIR DECISION | It is known that if problems do not dare at that level where they have appeared - it is necessary to rise on level above, on higher step of morals. Arising problems of optimum control cannot be solved purely with the help of mathematics: the mathematics without physics -is silly, the physics without mathematics - is blind. It is offered to look at problems of a method of dynamic programming of R.Bellmana having methodological value, from outside the physical phenomena. It allows solving problems optimum on accuracy of a control system of the electric drive of a high order, in that count also nonlinear. |
35017379 | Evaluation of elastic and damping properties of joint magnetorheological clutch of rotating shafts | The approach to the evaluation of the elastic and damping properties of a joint magnetorheological clutch of a die-sel-generator installation of power plants of autonomous objects is considered. The maximum shear deformations of the rotational rotor shaft of the traction generator on the basis of the finite element method are estimated. |
17734101 | Efficiency of mineral fertilizers on chernozems Stone Steppe with various security elements of a fооd | As a result of application of fertilizers of ground are capable to pass both to higher, and on lower levels of fertility. Now arable land ЦЧЗ equally widely is submitted почвами, as with average, so the raised(increased) and high maintenance(contents) of mobile phosphorus and exchange калия. Therefore, with the purpose of increase of efficiency of used fertilizers the big interest represents studying their efficiency on почвах with different classes of complex security elements of a mineral feed(meal). In stationary experience of the GNU Voronezh НИИСХ, lead(carried out) with 1991 on 2009 on three фонах security of chernozem ordinary elements of a mineral feed(meal): average; raised(increased) and high influence of saturation of a crop rotation by recommended dozes of fertilizers - 0 is investigated; 31,5; 99,5; 177,5 kg / úá д.в. NPK. It is established, that increase of a class of security of ground by elements of a feed(meal) from average up to raised(increased) and further high provides increase in efficiency of field cultures accordingly on 8,6 both 9,9 % and improvement of quality of their basic production. The greatest increases of a crop from direct entering recommended dozes of fertilizers reached(achieved) on an average level of security of ground elements of feed(meal) (УОПЭП) - 21,2 %. In process of improvement УОПЭП they were reduced: on the raised(increased) background up to 10,2, and on high - up to 2,3 %. At calculation of dozes of entering of mineral fertilizers under cultures of a crop rotation the new way of the account of a class of security почв is offered by elements of a mineral feed(meal). For this purpose the concept « a base level udobrennosti a crop rotation » is entered and digital sizes of this level for various classes of security are by practical consideration received. At middle class of security the base level удобренности should be within the limits of 100 kg / úá NРК, at the raised(increased) class - 30-40 kg / úá NРК and at a high class - 0. After maintenance of base levels, the further saturation of crop rotations by fertilizers can occur without taking into account initial УОПЭП. |
43838541 | MANAGING THE PROCESS OF STUDENTS ' SELF-ORGANIZATION AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPING ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES | The article presents the results of an empirical study of the reasons for inefficient use of time by undergraduates. According to the authors, managing the process of self-organization of students is one of the tools for developing their organizational and managerial competencies. The availability of these competencies is one of the most important factors of competitiveness of the individual at the preparatory stage for professional activity. |
30745082 | Distribution of the Oriental Cuckoo gentes in Russia: a review of brood parasitism records by the host species | The article summarizes the available data on brood parasitism by Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus (saturatus) optatus across the territory of Russia and the adjacent territory of Kazakhstan. The data on egg morphology are split by the Oriental Cuckoo gentes. In the central part of the Oriental Cuckoo distribution area, all 4 of its gentes occurring in Russia have been registered. The southwestern periphery of the distribution area is occupied by the collybita gens whereas the southeastern part of the distribution area is occupied by the proregulus gens. For some zoogeographic areas, the ratio between used and available host species nests is given. In most regions, a more detailed study of Oriental Cuckoo's breeding biology is required to identify the gens on the basis of oological materials and to clarify the status of the host species. |
21103965 | Declaration of love | In this article the author shows that L.A.Stepashko makes an important contribution to Pedagogic learning. Her life way, sides of gifted person are shown. |
35060943 | EFFICIENCY OF APPLYING AIR HEAT PUMPS IN ARMENIA | The heat supply systems of buildings using nonconventional renewable power sources are a reliable and ecologically clean source of energy. The power and economic expediency of applying heat supply systems based on thermal pumps using atmospheric air as a thermal power source is analyzed. The use of the refrigerating machines of an air conditioner as a heat pump under Armenian climatic conditions is one of the effective ways of energy resource saving. Recommendations for estimating the heat pumps’ efficiency and determining their payback period are given. |
29345158 | Multilevel Legal Systems: Problems of Ordering Their Relationships | The article discusses the national, intra-national, supranational and international legal systems as multi-level legal phenomena. Examines the mechanism of the relationships between different levels of legal systems. The greatest emphasis is placed on the Federal legal systems. |
16335416 | HISTORY OF TAX ACCOUNTING FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT | All-round analysis of historical aspects of tax accounting formation and evolution in Russia and in the world is reviewed in this article |
23099232 | MAIN ASPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL TOURISM SERVICES MARKETS | The article describes the main approaches to the definition of «region» and «tourist market», identifes the features and functions of the regional tourist services markets, systematizes components and methods of analysis of the regional tourist services markets. |
41231657 | THE FORMATION OF PHYSICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF THE UNIVERSITY | The central place in the organization of physical education, physical-health-improving and sports work is occupied by the teacher of physical education. The transition from FSES HE 3 to the standard 3+ revealed some problems in the activities of teachers of the departments of physical education. The article addresses the issues facing teachers and identifies areas for their solution. the first-year average student is a young man with a whole bunch of various diseases received at school, leading a sedentary lifestyle, infantile, without communication skills, motivation to learn, and the inability to make independent decisions |
27335237 | CONCEPTAL ASPECTS OF SOFT POWER STRATEGY | The article discusses soft power as a concept of political science and modern strategical technology. According to the authors, soft power is a way of exercising power, implying the creation of a favorable international environment by increasing the attractiveness, establishment of a legitimate agenda and the formation of preferences. The concept is associated with the American political science genetically. It is normative and related to the neo-liberal theory. At the same time, today the soft power is widely used as a tool of influence in many countries of the world. |
16752797 | Long-term competitive advantages of Russian fisheries and fish industry: An essence, lines of development and formation, the role of the state | Taking into account the principal role of fisheries and fish industry in solving of the problems of provisions supply and security, the state authorities should provide high-priority conditions for their sustainable development. That is, a new, socially-oriented state policy is needed for the fish industry development, the one that would intend active and efficient state participation in implementation of long-term competitive advantages of Russian fisheries and fish industry. |
46141245 | N. I. Pirogov-the founder of practical Infectology | The contribution of N.I. Pirogov to the formation of the scientific concept of “Infectology”is described. Arguments are given for recognizing Pirogov as the founder of practical Infectology. |
47269786 | Ultrasound-assisted dewatering of crude oil from Kumkol oilfield | Reducing the water content of crude oil is a necessary step in preparing oil for transportation and processing. This task is complicated by the presence of stable water-in-oil emulsions. The most widely used approach to oil demulsification is exploring chemical demulsifiers. However, the high cost and impossibility of regenerating the latter require the search for new ways to destroy water-oil emulsions. One of the promising areas is the use of ultrasound. This paper presents the results of studies on the ultrasonic treatment of four samples of emulsions with different water content (8.74; 15; 25 and 30 vol.%) based on oil from the Kumkol oilfield (Kazakhstan). Samples of emulsions were subjected to ultrasonic action at a frequency of 40 kHz for 5-60 min at a temperature of 70±1°C, followed by settling for 40 min at the indicated temperature. The influence of the initial water content in the emulsion, the acoustic intensity, as well as the duration of ultrasonic treatment on the dewatering ratio was investigated. It was found that the residual water content in the oil was 5.04- 7.82 vol.%. Ultrasonic treatment of crude oil from the Kumkol oilfield can be used for preliminary dewatering, to subsequently reduce the consumption of chemical demulsifiers. |
21025631 | Rosfinmonitoring as the subject of providing economic security of Russia and its legal status | This paper deals with the administrative and legal situation Rosfinmonitoring features of the regulation of the activities of the federal service and its role in ensuring economic security of the country, as well as the need to work with the authorities (police). |
18888680 | Diagnostics of Microcirculation State by Means of Laser Doppler Flowmetry Method | The features of cutaneous blood flow (microcirculation) and its regulatory mechanisms depending on the choice of tested area were assessed by means of laser Doppler flowmetry method in norm and in respiratory disorders. |
42667668 | Export of Education in the Age of Innovation | This article is devoted to the study of the problem of export of educational services and its connection with innovative economy. The relevance of the article is determined by both the importance of education in the era of globalization, and the role that higher education plays in promoting the image of any country in the modern world. The article shows that many countries invest significant financial resources in promoting national vocational education systems in the global market for educational services, and higher professional educational institutions are actively promoting their training programs to attract foreign students. A set of measures aimed at attracting foreign students to Russia and creating favorable conditions for their stay and study, both at the state level and at the higher educational institution level leads to progress in the export of education. It can be seen from the dynamics of the number of foreign students enrolled in higher education programs in Russia. The article defines and analyzes the objectives of the export of education, considers groups of factors affecting the export of educational services (socio-demographic, geopolitical and economic-financial) and the problems that prevent its successful implementation in Russia. The authors conclude that the development of export potential must become one of the priority areas of Russian educational policy at all levels. |
32367623 | THE SHARP RISE OF THE KNOWLEDGE LEVEL AT TRAINING: RESULTS OF IMITATING MODELING | In the article the computer model of assimilation and forgetting of the logically connected information, which we can image as set of the large number of the information blocks including the learning material elements, is offered. The model allows: 1) to explain the sharp rise of understanding while training; 2) to receive the forgetting curve for the comprehended information. The computer modeling methods help to receive the graphs of the knowledge level dependence from time. It is explained, why assimilation and forgetting occur on the logistical law. |
17683285 | About gas-air mixture explosion within open volume of cylindrical form | It is shown that development of explosion of a gazo-air compound in volume is substantially defined it not by closure. Research was led by a method komp-juternogo explosion simulations in volume of the cylindrical form in which the window, about volume and atmosphere, is allocated at the right end face opposite to a place of ignition of a compound. It has been installed that process time is reduced in 5 times, pressure decreases approximately in 10 times. The share of the compound thrown out through a window can a dosti-corduroy road of 90 %. |
22533077 | CLUSTER IN REGIONAL TIMBER PROCESSING COMPLEX AS THE BASIS FOR ITS COMPETITIVE GROWTH | One of key factors of industry markets development is formation of a competitive cluster system. Timber processing complex of the Perm territory has huge potential to increase its contribution to economic growth, but its raw materials base is not fully used. In order to provide availability of the resources it is necessary to assume measures for formation of a cluster that will conduce to increase in competitive advantages of enterprises belonging to the Perm territory's timber processing complex in international markets. In this article the author proposes a model of the Perm territory's timber cluster meant to increase competitiveness of timber industry in economics of the region. The author considers in detail the structure of the proposed cluster and describes a pattern of interaction between all the participants. It is suggested that the timber cluster structure include companies involved in timber harvesting, manufacturing saw timber and wooden tare, pulp production, manufacturing of other articles made of paper and paperboard, wood chemical industry, service companies, infrastructure, research and educational organizations, institutional structures as well as enterprises supplying raw materials to the market. Cluster development will help create economic zones providing better social conditions at the regional and municipal levels. Besides, implementation of the proposed measures will allow for competition among business systems, which will contribute to providing ultimate consumers with products of high quality, improving efficiency and increase in tax revenues to the budget. |
47502666 | Systematic approach to ensuring the information security of childhood | The article deals with significant changes that are associated with total informatization, which is a powerful converter of economic, social and other types of life activity of society. The author notes that at the same time, the satisfaction of information needs, the state of the information space for minors should be subject to moderate regulation. Attention is drawn to the fact that the intensive growth of the diversity of information and communication technologies is today the dominant environment for the development of a modern child. The characteristics of information harmful to the health and development of children are given. It is proved that relying on the principles of a systematic approach makes it possible to competently organize and correctly carry out the process of achieving the state of protection of children in the information space by various methods and means. Ensuring the information security of childhood is defined by the author as a system; the components of the system of ensuring the information security of childhood (methodological, regulatory, organizational and activity, effective) are highlighted. |
43138457 | FEATURES OF CREATING FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TOURISM IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA | The article is devoted to the concept of rural tourism and its development in the Russia, taking into account the important impact on the socio-economic development of agricultural territories. The author study scientific and theoretical foundations of this activity and analyzes its terminology in scientific papers. The article evaluates advantages of rural tourism development, as well as the factors that hinder its development. The study is focused on rural tourism as a special type of social, economic and cultural activity that has a positive impact on solving socioeconomic problems of rural territories. The research is aimed at studying approaches to assessing the concept of "rural tourism", systematization of its features with indication of the type and category, justification of measures to implement the system of rural tourism in order to develop territories with agricultural specialization. Main research methods: system and situational approach, modeling of socio-economic processes, formal and logical analysis. The research results include a classification of types of rural tourism, as well as an integrated system of basic and additional services. The author proposes a system of organizing rural tourism based on models of its development (organization and creation of special large and medium-sized rural tourist facilities, rural tourist networks, public and private agricultural facilities). The features of rural tourism organization, presented in the article, can be useful for representatives of the tourism business, regional and municipal authorities, as well as for scientists who study rural tourism from an organizational and economic point of view. The further perspective of the study is to develop a mechanism for the development of rural tourism at the local level, as well as to assess the socio-economic performance of this type of tourism in regions of Russia with different agricultural and industrial potential. |
25435304 | ABOUT AN INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EXAMINATION | The article summarized all kinds of medical expertise available in the Russian Federation. Unresolved, unfortunately, today is the issue of an independent medical examination, the order of its organization and activities. |
20960725 | Calculations of ion drift dependence on electric field strength in the proper gas for cesium, rubidium, and mercury | Characteristic properties of ion-atom collisions subject to polarization interaction, resonant charge exchange and gas-kinetic interaction at the hard-sphere model have been studied. Results of Monte Carlo calculations for cesium, rubidium, and mercury drift are presented at 1<E/N<1000 Td in the proper gas. |
27166786 | Lightweight Slabs of Multistory Buildings with a Steel Frame | When constructing structures with a steel frame, it is very important to select a rational design. One of the possible variants is lightweight slabs which are assembled from small-size elements of a maximum prefabrication. These floors are widely used not only in low-rise construction, but also in multi-story buildings. These structures are characterized by a minimum amount of monolithic works on the construction site, can be mounted without lifting mechanisms, reducing the load on the frame. When using lightweight floors it is necessary to solve the problem of formation of the overlap rigid disk with the help of additional horizontal braces. The use of sound-insulating fillings made of sand, slag, expanded clay increases the weight of the slab. The use of sound insulation from mineral wool, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, foam glass and other materials makes it possible to significantly reduce such load. Some options for lightweight slabs of small-size elements and profiled sheeting are considered. Recommendations on the arrangement of horizontal overlap bonds for form the horizontal rigid disk are made. |
29298202 | PRESENT STATE OF FINACIAL AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION | In the article there has been presented a study of the problem of present state of financial and economic activity and efficiency of agricultural production. In the course of the analysis the authors have used different methods of evaluating current state of activity and efficiency of production. There has been given the objective situation in the production of the main types of agricultural products, their cost, dynamics and reasons for growing. There have been reflected the main parameters for evaluating financial stability, liquidity and paying capacity. The parameters of liquidity and paying capacity testify critical situation in the financial state of the agricultural enterprises of Penza region, their insufficient supply with financial resources. In the system of the profitability characteristics the most general parameter is the profitability of all the capital reflecting the profit amount per the cost unit of the capital. During all the research period its level remains insufficient for the provision of extended reproduction in agriculture. The conducted research enables to make a conclusion that both the external factors and internal factors influence greatly the financial and economic activity. At the same time much attention should be paid to the deployment of the available reserves in order to raise the efficiency of agricultural production which in its turn is possible only provided that there should be sustainable financial state of economic entity. |
30563886 | THE RIGHT CHOICE OF THE PROFESSION LEADS TO EFFECTIVE EMPLOYMENT" -THE RESULTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT FOR RENDERING ASSISTANCE TO DISABLED SCHOOL LEAVERS IN CHOOSING FUTURE PROFESSION AND UNIVERSITY GRADUATES IN EMPLOYMENT | The social project "The right choice of profession leads to effective employment", the results of which are presented in this article, was implemented in 2015-2016 with the support of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. The project set a goal to solve problems of career guidance and further employment of persons with HIA, form a system of prevocational training and a system of accompanying persons with HIA up to their employment based on "The Centre for working with persons with HIA". |
22836014 | Economic security in the system ensuring national security of state | Purpose of work. Consideration of economic security as a component of national security. Materials and methods. Presents a classification of threats to economic security. Results. The author has developed a conceptual model of economic security. Conclusion. Materials may be useful for professionals involved in economic security |
21583443 | Transition to the standard models of drug supply for patients with rare diseases | Provision of necessary medications for patients with orphan diseases is concidered. The problems of the current legislation in the subject area are stated. Conclusions are made on the need to rethink the situation of drug provision. Proposals are made to develop a State program "Dangerous Diseases of High Cost". |
29107864 | SYSTEMATIC NATURE OF THE SOURCES AND FORMS OF CANON LAW | In this article author considers about the theory of sources and forms of canon law as a special legal system ( sui iuris system). A distinction between the sources of ecclesiastical and canon law is made, the main groups of canon sources and forms of the Christian tradition are defined. An attempt to analyze the main stages of systematization of formal sources (forms) of canon law and to derive the bases of systematic (systemic nature) of these sources is made. |
42898158 | Features of the criminal legal qualification of complicity in crimes of a terrorist nature | In the framework of the work we have presented, we have examined the current topic of considering the features of qualification of complicity in crimes of a terrorist nature. In this scientific work, special attention is paid to such a criminal legal institution as complicity in the commission of a crime, as well as the definition of the concept of a terrorist act and its main features. The author also analyzes the meaning of qualified features that directly affect the degree of criminal punishment for the commission of any crime.All possible qualification features are listed and the commission of a terrorist act as part of an organized group or a group by preliminary conspiracy is analyzed in more detail. In this article, the author comes to certain conclusions and touches on some legal gaps present in this topic. However, along with this, the article presents copyright proposals to overcome these problems. |
44335738 | IMPROVEMENT OF TAX LEGISLATION IN THE PART OF THE TAX TO INCOMES OF PHYSICAL PERSONS | The article analyzes the provisions of tax legislation, changes to the Tax code, personal income tax, FIFA and UEFA events in Russia, and amendments to the Constitution. The role of personal income tax. Source of funds for the treatment of children with severe life-threatening and chronic diseases, including rare (orphan) diseases |
41351429 | Semantic volume of the word <i>Conviction</i> in the Words and Homilies of the Russian saints of the 20th century | For the first time the article analyzes the semantics of the word conviction in the words and teachings of Russian saints of the twentieth century. The material is extracted from symphonies in the works of saints and from collections of sayings of Russian elders of the twentieth century. The article analyzes the semantics of the use of this word in religious texts as the implementation of religious discourse in comparison with the codified meaning of modern dictionaries. It is shown that the lexeme conviction is included in the etymological-word formative nest of semantics of different words in the modern Russian language ( court, judge, condemn, reason, judgment, fate, judicial , etc.) of the Indo-European root *dhe- (: *-dh-o: *dh-i-) with the semantics of establishment, action, and in addition with the prefix su- , which means combining or mixing, has negative appraisal and is Church Slavism in the Russian language not only by phonetic and orthographic signs, but primarily by semantic signs. The semantic difference in the religious and non-religious use of this word in the Russian and Church Slavonic language element is in the significative side, since in the Orthodox concept-sphere and the Russian religious discourse, conviction is associated with a number of conceptual ideas about the inner life of a person. Conviction is semantized as a destructive state of a person, violating the integrity of his personality and alienating him from God (the article identifies at least three semantic-cognitive features). Such semantic content clearly differs from lexicographical data in modern language, therefore the meaning of a word in Church Slavonic text space is understood as basic, and modern usage is understood as a narrowing of the original semantics. |
13284291 | The electric motor industry development as a real chance of modernizing the Russian economy | Prospects of the electric motor industry development in technologically developed countries are considered. There is an acute need to change priorities in regard to the electric motor industry in Russia, as well as to take urgent measures on development of renewed power. |
29369597 | Influence of lecithin - propylene glycol intermolecular interactions at the water / vaseline oil interphase on the formation of self-organizing structures | The intermolecular interaction of surfactant - co-surfactant in the water - lecithin - propylene glycol - vaseline oil system was investigated. For the first time, two approaches were combined: the principle of hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) and the approach that takes into account the interaction parameter for the scientifically justified calculation of the components of the surfactant mixture at the water-oil interface. In mixed systems, synergistic effects of the decrease in interfacial tension were observed. These effects are caused by electrostatic attraction between molecules of zwitterion surfactant (lecithin) and propylene glycol. The main adsorption characteristics of the system were calculated and the critical concentration of micelle formation was determined. The processes of self-organization of a lecithin and propylene glycol mixture at the water / vaseline oil interface have been studied. It was shown that the hydrophile-lipophile balance of the mixture and the interaction parameter exert significant influence on the formation character of liquid crystalline and microemulsion structures. |
36983068 | FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF LEARNERS IN THE PROCESS OF DESIGN AND REALIZATION OF INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORIES | The article reveals the causes of special interest in the problem of communicative competence formation in the process of design and realization of individual educational trajectory. The author proves the applicability of the physical term “trajectory” to the pedagogical context as it presupposes the opportunity to use variable ways of communicative competence formation in the learners. Special attention is paid to the dependence of individual educational trajectory design and realization on the individual activity and communication style of the learner. In this regard, the author of the article recommends efficient ways of successful inclusion of learners into communication sphere, proceeding from the specific features of their individual style of activity. At the same time, considerable attention is paid by the author of the article to the use of interactive methods promoting the most productive inclusion of learners in the communicative activity by means of creating favorable conditions for full realization of their capabilities. The quality of design and realization of the individual educational trajectory is higher when the learners cooperate with each other as well as with their teachers. The learners acquire the skills of effective interaction, active listening, and the ability to establish feedback in the course of communicative activity. Besides, the author has revealed the significance of such organizational pedagogical resource regulating successful design and realization of individual educational trajectory as conscious search of the learners for individual sense in training through interaction between the subjects of education process and the search for the sense of communicative and collective creative activity. In this context, sense creating, according to the author, is the integral phenomenon of communicative activity. Based on the results of the study, the author suggests some variants of design and realization of individual educational trajectories promoting the formation of communicative competence of learners. |
19091308 | INFLUENCE OF THE SOIL STRUCTURAL COMPOSITION AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS AT CMICROBIAL BIOMASS CONTENT | Quantify the carbon content of the microbial biomass (Cmb) by substrate-induced respiration, its share in the total organic carbon, rated. Significant reduction in the dose of Cmb settings ammophos - 40 kg / ha and Magnum - 5 g / ha are identify. Shown that the application of fertilizers and herbicides affect the microbial pool through the structural composition of the soil. |
37116408 | GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF JUGLANS NIGRA L. IN THE SOUTH-EAST OF UKRAINE | Juglans nigra L. (American walnut) is a rapidly growing tree under conditions of the South-East of Ukraine and is characterized by an exclusive plasticity to the local climatic conditions. American walnut is forming highly productive stands at the age of ten years. This species is successfully propagating by seeds of local reproduction. This walnut has a potential to be introduced into forest and ornamental stands. |
45761028 | METHODOLOGICAL BASIS FOR EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A RESIDENTIAL RENOVATION PROJECT | The problems of the development of housing and communal services in Russia do not lose their relevance. In recent years, much attention has been drawn to the fight against dangerous and uninhabitable apartment buildings. Presently it has been decided to expand the Moscow experience of housing renovation to the entire country, for which changes have been made to federal legislation. Since such a scale of activity requires large investments, the issues of assessing the economic efficiency of renovation come to the fore. In this article, the author reveals the issue of the methodology for evaluating the renovation project. |
19410636 | POSSIBLE USE UNMANNED AIRCRAFT FOR airborne laser scanning Industrial Areas MINING ENTERPRISES | The article describes the use of unmanned aircraft for airborne laser scanning of industrial areas, and other areas of medium size, previously only available at high cost and longer cycles. |
32291238 | THE ISSUES OF DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION IN THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY | In this paper, we examine the directions of development of interaction of the enterprises of space industry, the possibilities of their international cooperation, as well as experience in the use of the results of international integration of Russian and foreign companies. |
35310993 | Student youth of the city of Samara on the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites | In connection with the need to preserve unique territories in our country that require restoration and preservation, assessment and analysis of the attitude of the population to this problem is of particular relevance. The main responsibility for this lies with federal and regional authorities. However, it is from the attitude of the population, and especially young people, to monuments and objects of cultural heritage that their safety largely depends. The article examines the significance of cultural heritage sites for the upbringing of patriotism, analyzes ways to popularize this problem among young people. In connection with the relevance of this problem in Samara universities, the authors carried out a sociological study in the form of a questionnaire, the results of which are presented in this article. The purpose of the study was to assess the degree of awareness and importance for cultural students of the city of Samara cultural objects, find out the respondents' opinion on the measures taken by the city's leadership to preserve and restore these objects, attract public attention to the preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the city. The most popular among youth historical-monumental and landscape symbols of the city are selected. Special attention is given in the article to the attitude of the respondents to the construction of the stadium for matches of the World Cup 2018, and to the change in the historical and cultural appearance of the city in connection with the above-mentioned event of a global scale. In this article, among other things, the necessary set of measures is proposed to increase the attention and interest of students to the objects of cultural heritage of the city of Samara. |
47353558 | PARAMETERS OF EXTERNAL DUMP FORMATION AT OPEN PIT MINES OF NYURBINSKY MPP | Tests and calculations were carried out, shear characteristics of the dump mass were estimated, taking into account several variants of landslide formation. The research results allowing to optimize the design parameters of external dump formation with a significant economic benefit are presented. |
17955184 | AXIOLOGICAL APPROACH AS A THEORETIC-METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGY OF RESEARCHING THE PROCESS OF CIVIC UPBRINGING OF PERSONALITY | The author emphasizes the value-sense basis of civic education as a means of socialization, discusses the main methodologically important mechanisms of the value approach to it, specifies the concept "civic consciousness" and attaches importance to the value approach to civic education of the personality. |
24399236 | EVOLUTION AND PRESENT STATE OF THE MARKET IN RUSSIA LOGISTICS OUTSOURCING | The evolution of logistics outsourcing in Russia. The author describes the current state of the logistics market, the dynamics of its growth and the main factors affecting this process. The classification of service providers who are active participants in the logistics business, based on the functions they perform. The possible benefits of a partial or full transfer of logistics functions to outsourcing. |
44065553 | PROBLEMS OF REMEDIATION IN BULGARIA. CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE AND POLITICAL COMMITMENT TO THE EU REGULATIONS | This article examines the term “remediation” in a historical and political context. A definition of the term “renovation of buildings” is also presented. This definition is derived from the technological process of inspection itself, which is divided into two sub-stages: a technical inspection and an inspection for an energy efficiency. From practical standpoint, the process of renovating buildings must follow the development of the technologies and standards, on the one hand, and the decisions given on political, law and administrative levels, on the other hand. The main problems to the buildings remediation in Bulgaria by 2020 are indicated and described. These problems, being addressed as standard characteristics, can be used for comparison to the remediation performed in other countries. The article lists the main processes carried out for the remediation of buildings in Bulgaria in the period 2000-2020. Besides, the main problems are outlined that make the situation with further progress unclear and the implementation of EU policies problematic (although Bulgaria had committed to these). |
23092223 | Application Properties of "Belarus"-Family Wheel Tractors | The paper considers application properties of «Belarus»-family wheel-tractors, their complex and individual indices. A systematic approach for determination of systematically important parameters of future tractors has been proposed in the paper. |
46417754 | MODERN FORM OF RUSSIAN CURRENCY - DIGITAL RUBLE | Money circulation is undergoing global changes in the context of the existing digitalization of the economy. The Bank of Russia made a decision to introduce a new form of money into circulation - the digital ruble. The article gives its characteristics, examines the features of its turnover. A comparison of the introduced new digital form of money with functioning cash and non-cash means is made. The advantages and disadvantages of the introduction and circulation of the digital ruble are highlighted. |
25291159 | MANCHU-MONGOLIAN AND MONGOL-MANCHURIAN DICTIONARIES (18-20TH CENTURIES, THE HISTORY OF COMPILATION). PART 1 | Since the introduction of the Qing dynasty in China (1644) its official language became Manchu and all documents were written in Manchu. This called forth the need for dictionaries to unify terminology in official papers and documents as well as to teach multinational subjects the Manchu language. In the 18th century dictionary composition was the most intensive. At that time mono-, bi- and multilingual dictionaries were compiled. Under the Emperor Kangxi’s order the first explanatory Manchu dictionary was published in 1708. The next step was adding of the Mongolian part (published in 1717). Later it was expanded by adding of the Chinese equivalents (1771) and finally with Tibetan and Uyghur parts. The Manchu Emperors supervised these editions and even the preface in edition of 1708 was written by Kangxi himself and later it was repeated in other editions. These editions not only were used during the 18th century but became a source for modern Manchu-Russian, Manchu-English and even Mongolian-Russian and Mongolian explanatory dictionary of Modern Mongolian. Less known are some manuscript Mongolian-Manchu dictionaries preserved in Mongolian collections. Refs 48. |
46172308 | INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE LARGEST STOCK EXCHANGES ON THE EXAMPLE OF NYSE AND NASDAQ | The article examines the main characteristics and experience of functioning of the largest American trade organizers in terms of capitalization. Changes in the structure and distribution of stock exchange capitalizations are attracting a lot of attention both among states and private companies. For example, in 2011 the European Union blocked a proposed merger of Deutsche Borse with NYSE-Euronext (NYSE) on the grounds that the new company would have a de facto monopoly on the sale of derivatives in Europe, which is economically and politically unacceptable. In the same year, the London Stock Exchange Group offered to acquire TMX Group, which is the owner of the Toronto Stock Exchange, for similar reasons. The remaining major world exchanges are owned by both individual publicly traded companies and states, in this case the exchanges are state |
20204134 | Power efficiency of houses from light-gauge steel structures | Energy conservation is a hot topic these days, which covers and exhaustion of fossil fuel reserves, and the issues related to environmental conditions, but the main reason for a radical revision of the relationship to energy conservation in Russia is extremely high energy intensity, which makes the national economy inefficient and poses a questioned the implementation of the high GDP growth planned to 2020.In this paper, a method to solve this problem on the example of a new trend in the construction industry - energy-efficient construction, implies a development of effective technological and other measures aimed at streamlining the process of using energy resources at all stages of the construction industry.We have made it our task to a typical example of a cottage economy class with the most demanded area of 120 m2 (project "Repin") to determine the energy efficiency of its parameters in accordance with SNIP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings" and to evaluate measures to improve the energy efficiency class. |
44089876 | PULSE-PERIODIC ECR-HEATING PLASMA MODE IN L-2M STELLARATOR | The electron cyclotron resonance method is one of the main methods for plasma heating in modern thermonuclear devices. Mechanisms of ionization and plasma heating by microwave waves are actual for increasing the temperature of the plasma’s electron component to the required values. This article presents the results of analysis of the experiments on creation and heating of high-temperature plasma confined in a stellarator magnetic trap. Heating was carried out in a pulse-periodic mode in a time-varying magnetic field with microwave pulses regulated in amplitude and time with pauses between them; their duration varied in the range of 1-4 ms. Dynamic of the electron temperature and density profiles were investigated with the EC-heating modulating as well as the edge plasma features. |
46556123 | CHECKLIST OF HIGHER AQUATIC PLANTS OF OMSK REGION | The article presents the results of generalizing the factual material on the diversity of hydromacrophytes from the divisions Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta and Magnoliophyta in the territory of the Omsk region. For each species the geographical frequency of occurrence in natural zones, the group of halobility and trophicity are indicated. For the region 176 species of higher hydromacrophytes have been identified. The division Magnoliophyta is distinguished by the greatest species diversity, which includes 116 species (65.9% of all higher hydromacrophytes), the division Bryophyta accounts for 49 species (27.9%), Marchantiophyta - 7 (4.0%), the divisions Equisetophyta and Polypodiophyta include only 2 species each (1.1%). Currently in the region 24 species of higher hydromacrophytes are included in the number of protected species with an established category of protection or as species that need special attention to their state and natural environment. In total, the following moss species are known from several habitats: Riccia fluitans, R. frostii, R. rhenana, Ricciocarpos natans, Fissidens adianthoides, Paludella squarrosa and vascular plants: Ceratophyllum platyacanthum subsp. oryzetorum, Elatine hydropiper, Veronica beccabunga, Najas marina, Sagittaria trifolia, Potamogeton rutilus, including brackish Ruppia maritima, Althenia orientalis, Zannichellia palustris var. repens. |
30770325 | COMPUTERIZATION OF PRELIMINARY CRONIFACIAL RESEARCH AT WORKING WITH OBJECTS OF CRANIOLOGICAL COLLECTION | The author describes the method of comparison for working with a large array of collection of skull preparations (over 100 instances), with the aim of establishing the most important (for identifying) pairs “skull - presumed person.” Basing on the proposed comparison algorithm the author developed software, allowing with a sufficient degree of certainty, to perform this pre-study on the basis of mathematical analysis. The developed software has significant advantages: it is simple, efficient, not picky about the technical characteristics of PCs and skills of the operator. It allows with minimal time-costs to reveal reliably identity of the pair on the basis of morphological similarities. |
20419584 | Ways of artistic argumentation in the artistic creativity of Tatiana Tolstaya | The article deals with the peculiarities of argumentation in the artistic texts of Tatiana Tolstaya’s creative work including her symbolic argumentation. The writer uses different ways of argumentation in artistic social and political essays where four techniques of argumentation such as description, expressiveness, evaluation and orectic means dominate in the text. In all these cases the combination of the above mentioned ways of argumentation result in expressing conviction. |
44237009 | LEXSICON OF THE MEDICINAL PLANTS RELATED TO FRUIT TREES | In this article, the words, phrases and vocabulary of the medicinal plants of Badakhshan which relate to fruitful fruit trees are considered. The author examined the names and phrases of medicinal plants related to fruit trees, their structural and comparative analysis in Badakhshan’s languages and translated them into these languages. The author has revealed a comprehensive etymological analysis of the lexicon of medicinal plants related to fruit trees, in Badakhshan languages including Shughni, Roshani, Ishkashmi, Munji, Sarikoli, Khufi, Vakhi, Sangleji and other languages. The names of certain concepts, denotation of which appeared as a result of extralinguistic phenomena, are closely interrelated with the onomasiological process. The concept of onomasiological process is characterized by the motivation of the verbal sign, in which the given content lends itself more or less directly to the correlation with the corresponding expression of the phenomenon, the transparency of the internal form of the word. The author gives some names of fruit trees of the Shugnan language with some explanations in the etymological plan. The author examines the name of vocabulary of medicinal plants related to fruit trees, and considered that the vocabulary of fruit trees originates from ancient Iranian roots and a naming resemblance to the vocabulary of the Tajik language, and that some names preserve the forms and sounds of the Sogdian even Avestan languages. |
23906670 | Dependency of the technological features nizhneuveliskoy clays from additives gidrozoley aluminum and influences of the electromagnetic field | Work is dedicated to study of the influence particles nanodispersed hydrosols alumina on structurization water suspensions refractory clays. The Explored action nanodispersed hydrosols alumina on characteristic water suspensions modified ash refractory Nizhneuveliskoy clays and material on his base. On change the incrementation, fluidity, structures ash and toughness sample is analysed dependency characteristic modified clayey composition from type hydrosols aluminum and influences of the electromagnetic field. |
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