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600 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | S_PTIntegration | En el 2021 se renovarán las concesiones de autobuses públicos con criterios de descarbonización, incluyendo la sectorización, el pago electrónico y la integración multimodal de medios de transporte público y activo. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | La contribución de Costa Rica en transporte representa una profunda transformación de un sistema centrado en vehÃculos particulares a uno centrado en el bienestar de las personas. En el área temática de transporte, Costa Rica ofrece las siguientes contribuciones:Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN 1.1. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC entrará en operación el Tren Eléctrico de Pasajeros en el Gran Ãrea Metropolitana, impulsado por energÃa eléctrica renovable. 1.2. En el 2021 se renovarán las concesiones de autobuses públicos con criterios de descarbonización, incluyendo la sectorización, el pago electrónico y la integración multimodal de medios de transporte público y activo. 1.3. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. 1.4. | Costa Rica's contribution to transport represents a profound transformation from a system focused on private vehicles to one focused on people's well-being. In the thematic area of transport, Costa Rica offers the following contributions:Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE 1.1. During the period of compliance with this NDC, the Passenger Electric Railway (TELCA) in the Greater Metropolitan Area, powered by renewable electricity, will enter into operation. 1.2. In 2021, concessions for double-decker buses with decarbonization criteria will be renewed, including sectorization, electricity payment and the integration of double- and active multimodal modes of transport. 1.3. During the period of compliance with this NDC, the Limonense de Carga Electric Railway (TELCA) will be in operation for 2022. 1.4. |
601 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | S_PublicTransport | En el 2021 se renovarán las concesiones de autobuses públicos con criterios de descarbonización, incluyendo la sectorización, el pago electrónico y la integración multimodal de medios de transporte público y activo. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | La contribución de Costa Rica en transporte representa una profunda transformación de un sistema centrado en vehÃculos particulares a uno centrado en el bienestar de las personas. En el área temática de transporte, Costa Rica ofrece las siguientes contribuciones:Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN 1.1. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC entrará en operación el Tren Eléctrico de Pasajeros en el Gran Ãrea Metropolitana, impulsado por energÃa eléctrica renovable. 1.2. En el 2021 se renovarán las concesiones de autobuses públicos con criterios de descarbonización, incluyendo la sectorización, el pago electrónico y la integración multimodal de medios de transporte público y activo. 1.3. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. 1.4. | Costa Rica's contribution to transport represents a profound transformation from a system focused on private vehicles to one focused on people's well-being. In the thematic area of transport, Costa Rica offers the following contributions:Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE 1.1. During the period of compliance with this NDC, the Passenger Electric Railway (TELCA) in the Greater Metropolitan Area, powered by renewable electricity, will enter into operation. 1.2. In 2021, concessions for double-decker buses with decarbonization criteria will be renewed, including sectorization, electricity payment and the integration of double- and active multimodal modes of transport. 1.3. During the period of compliance with this NDC, the Limonense de Carga Electric Railway (TELCA) will be in operation for 2022. 1.4. |
602 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | I_Emobility | Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | La contribución de Costa Rica en transporte representa una profunda transformación de un sistema centrado en vehÃculos particulares a uno centrado en el bienestar de las personas. En el área temática de transporte, Costa Rica ofrece las siguientes contribuciones:Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN 1.1. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC entrará en operación el Tren Eléctrico de Pasajeros en el Gran Ãrea Metropolitana, impulsado por energÃa eléctrica renovable. 1.2. En el 2021 se renovarán las concesiones de autobuses públicos con criterios de descarbonización, incluyendo la sectorización, el pago electrónico y la integración multimodal de medios de transporte público y activo. 1.3. Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. 1.4. | Costa Rica's contribution to transport represents a profound transformation from a system focused on private vehicles to one focused on people's well-being. In the thematic area of transport, Costa Rica offers the following contributions:Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE 1.1. During the period of compliance with this NDC, the Passenger Electric Railway (TELCA) in the Greater Metropolitan Area, powered by renewable electricity, will enter into operation. 1.2. In 2021, concessions for double-decker buses with decarbonization criteria will be renewed, including sectorization, electricity payment and the integration of double- and active multimodal modes of transport. 1.3. During the period of compliance with this NDC, the Limonense de Carga Electric Railway (TELCA) will be in operation for 2022. 1.4. |
603 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | I_Emobility | Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | Durante el periodo de cumplimiento de esta NDC, el Tren Eléctrico Limonense de Carga (TELCA) estará en operación para el año 2022. 1.4. En el año 2030, al menos el 8% de la flota de transporte público del paÃs será cero emisiones. Carbono negro Carbono negro Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada de Costa Rica 2020 Transición justa Carbono negro Transición justa Carbono negro Transición justa1.6. Para el año 2025, el paÃs habrá adoptado estándares para migrar hacia una flota de motocicletas cero emisiones y la estabilización del crecimiento de flota de motocicletas. 1.7. En el año 2030, al menos el 8% de la flota de vehÃculos ligeros âprivados e institucionalesâ será eléctrica. 1.8. | During the period of compliance with this NDC, the Limonense Electric Freight Train (TELCA) will be in operation by 2022. 1.4. By 2030, at least 8% of the country's combined transportation fleet will be zero emissions. Carbon black Carbon black Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition1.6. By 2025, the country will have adopted standards to migrate to a zero-emission motorcycle fleet and stabilize the growth of the motorcycle fleet. 1.7. By 2030, at least 8% of the fleet of light vehicles âprivate and institutionalâ will be electric. 1.8. |
604 | adaptation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | R_Planning | Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | Durante el perÃodo de implementación de esta contribución, el paÃs incorporará criterios de adaptación al cambio climático en normas y lineamientos para la inversión pública, de manera que se asegure su robustez ante impactos climáticos. 4.4. Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos. | During the period of implementation of this contribution, the country will incorporate climate change adaptation criteria into standards and guidelines for public investment, so as to ensure its robustness in the face of climate impacts. 4.4. By 2030, applications of guidelines with adaptation criteria, institutional linkage efforts and improvements in response capacity, among others, will have been developed to ensure the protection of infrastructure and the continuity of vital public services (health, education, water and sanitation, energy, transport) from extreme hydrometeorological events. |
605 | adaptation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | R_Planning | Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos. SOLUCIONES BASADAS EN LA NATURALEza PUEBLOS INDÃGENAS COMUNIDADES AFRO Carbono negro marco de sendai COMUNIDADES AFRO marco de sendai PUEBLOS INDÃGENAS Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada de Costa Rica 2020 Convenio Diversidad biológica convenio contra LA desertificación Transición justa Transición justa marco de sendai Transición justaContribución Nacionalmente Determinada Costa Rica se compromete a apoyar la evolución de los modelos económicos de sus sectores productivos a modelos más eficientes, bajos o cero emisiones, circulares, resilientes y sostenibles. | By 2030, applications of guidelines with adaptation criteria, institutional linkage efforts and improvements in response capacity, among others, will have been developed to ensure the protection of infrastructure and the continuity of vital public services (health, education, water and sanitation, energy, transport) in the event of extreme hydrometeorological events. NATURAL-BASED SOLUTIONS INDIGENOUS PEOPLES COMMUNITIES AFRO Black carbon framework of sendai COMMUNITIES AFRO framework of sendai INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 Convention Biological Diversity Convention Against Desertification Fair Transit Fair Transit Framework of sendai Fair Transit FairContribution Nationally Determined Costa Rica is committed |
606 | adaptation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | R_Inform | Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | Durante el perÃodo de implementación de esta contribución, el paÃs incorporará criterios de adaptación al cambio climático en normas y lineamientos para la inversión pública, de manera que se asegure su robustez ante impactos climáticos. 4.4. Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos. | During the period of implementation of this contribution, the country will incorporate climate change adaptation criteria into standards and guidelines for public investment, so as to ensure its robustness in the face of climate impacts. 4.4. By 2030, applications of guidelines with adaptation criteria, institutional linkage efforts and improvements in response capacity, among others, will have been developed to ensure the protection of infrastructure and the continuity of vital public services (health, education, water and sanitation, energy, transport) from extreme hydrometeorological events. |
607 | adaptation | CRI | Costa Rica | Updated NDC | R_Inform | Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/NDC/2022-06/Contribucio%CC%81n%20Nacionalmente%20Determinada%20de%20Costa%20Rica%202020%20-%20Versio%CC%81n%20Completa.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/998f3ff7cc23504457b2b6635a957ba8620f4c2f01971d89c0a7ae3476fb06d6.pdf | es-ES | Al 2030, se habrán desarrollado aplicaciones de lineamientos con criterios de adaptación, esfuerzos de articulación institucional y mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros, que permitan garantizar la protección de la infraestructura y la continuidad de los servicios públicos vitales (salud, educación, agua y saneamiento, energÃa, transporte) ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos. SOLUCIONES BASADAS EN LA NATURALEza PUEBLOS INDÃGENAS COMUNIDADES AFRO Carbono negro marco de sendai COMUNIDADES AFRO marco de sendai PUEBLOS INDÃGENAS Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Impacto sobre el bienestar CONTRIBUCIÃN Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada de Costa Rica 2020 Convenio Diversidad biológica convenio contra LA desertificación Transición justa Transición justa marco de sendai Transición justaContribución Nacionalmente Determinada Costa Rica se compromete a apoyar la evolución de los modelos económicos de sus sectores productivos a modelos más eficientes, bajos o cero emisiones, circulares, resilientes y sostenibles. | By 2030, applications of guidelines with adaptation criteria, institutional linkage efforts and improvements in response capacity, among others, will have been developed to ensure the protection of infrastructure and the continuity of vital public services (health, education, water and sanitation, energy, transport) in the event of extreme hydrometeorological events. NATURAL-BASED SOLUTIONS INDIGENOUS PEOPLES COMMUNITIES AFRO Black carbon framework of sendai COMMUNITIES AFRO framework of sendai INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTE Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 Convention Biological Diversity Convention Against Desertification Fair Transit Fair Transit Framework of sendai Fair Transit FairContribution Nationally Determined Costa Rica is committed |
608 | netzero | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Netzero | To be a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 | T_FL | 2050.0 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Costa Rica aims for a decarbonized economy with net-zero emissions in 2050, in a manner consistent with the long-term goal of limiting the increase of average global temperature to 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels. According to the best available science, the adoption of this objective has clear consequences, and a zero-emissions global economy must be reached by mid-century. As such, this would require an advanced level of implementation in order to effectively achieve the main transformational processes by 2050. A "backcasting" approach was applied based on this long-term goal, taking national circumstances into account to identify public policy and action packages that must begin implementation immediately to reach the 2050 target. | Costa Rica aims for a decarbonized economy with net-zero emissions in 2050, in a manner consistent with the long-term goal of limiting the increase of average global temperature to 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels. According to the best available science, the adoption of this objective has clear consequences, and a zero-emissions global economy must be reached by mid-century. As such, this would require an advanced level of implementation in order to effectively achieve the main transformational processes by 2050. A "backcasting" approach was applied based on this long-term goal, taking national circumstances into account to identify public policy and action packages that must begin implementation immediately to reach the 2050 target. |
609 | targets | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Economy_Unc | To be a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 | T_FL | 2050 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Costa Rica aims for a decarbonized economy with net-zero emissions in 2050, in a manner consistent with the long-term goal of limiting the increase of average global temperature to 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels. According to the best available science, the adoption of this objective has clear consequences, and a zero-emissions global economy must be reached by mid-century. As such, this would require an advanced level of implementation in order to effectively achieve the main transformational processes by 2050. A "backcasting" approach was applied based on this long-term goal, taking national circumstances into account to identify public policy and action packages that must begin implementation immediately to reach the 2050 target. | Costa Rica aims for a decarbonized economy with net-zero emissions in 2050, in a manner consistent with the long-term goal of limiting the increase of average global temperature to 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels. According to the best available science, the adoption of this objective has clear consequences, and a zero-emissions global economy must be reached by mid-century. As such, this would require an advanced level of implementation in order to effectively achieve the main transformational processes by 2050. A "backcasting" approach was applied based on this long-term goal, taking national circumstances into account to identify public policy and action packages that must begin implementation immediately to reach the 2050 target. |
610 | targets | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Transport_O_Unc | In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity. | null | 2035 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | In the next sections, the detailed activities of each line of action are presented. These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.Transformation vision: ⢠In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity ⢠In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. | In the next sections, the detailed activities of each line of action are presented. These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.Transformation vision: ⢠In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity ⢠In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. |
611 | targets | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Transport_O_Unc | In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. | null | 2050 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | In the next sections, the detailed activities of each line of action are presented. These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.Transformation vision: ⢠In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity ⢠In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. | In the next sections, the detailed activities of each line of action are presented. These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.Transformation vision: ⢠In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity ⢠In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. |
612 | targets | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Transport_O_Unc | In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. | null | 2050 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | In the next sections, the detailed activities of each line of action are presented. These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.Transformation vision: ⢠In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity ⢠In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. | In the next sections, the detailed activities of each line of action are presented. These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.Transformation vision: ⢠In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity ⢠In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. |
613 | targets | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Transport_O_Unc | In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. | null | 2050 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals ⢠8 main trunk lines in operation. ⢠At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. ⢠Electric Passenger Train tendered. Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. | ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals ⢠8 main trunk lines in operation. ⢠At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. ⢠Electric Passenger Train tendered. Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. |
614 | targets | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Transport_O_Unc | In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. | null | 2050 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | To expand projects adapted to scale, zero-emissions in public transport and shared mobility: fleets of buses, taxis, and train inside and outside the GMA. 3. To adapt to demographic challenges (to consider the implications of having an aging population that requires specific transport modalities). 4. To implement with flexibility new business models and other disruptive changes.Transformation vision:: ⢠By 2025, the growth of the motorcycle fleet will have stabilized and standards will be adopted to shift to a zero-emissions fleet. ⢠In 2035, 30% of the light vehicles fleet - private and institutional - will be electric. In 2050, 95% of the fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠By 2050, new models and shared mobility schemes will have been consolidated. | To expand projects adapted to scale, zero-emissions in public transport and shared mobility: fleets of buses, taxis, and train inside and outside the GMA. 3. To adapt to demographic challenges (to consider the implications of having an aging population that requires specific transport modalities). 4. To implement with flexibility new business models and other disruptive changes.Transformation vision:: ⢠By 2025, the growth of the motorcycle fleet will have stabilized and standards will be adopted to shift to a zero-emissions fleet. ⢠In 2035, 30% of the light vehicles fleet - private and institutional - will be electric. In 2050, 95% of the fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠By 2050, new models and shared mobility schemes will have been consolidated. |
615 | targets | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | T_Transport_O_Unc | In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys | null | 2050 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals ⢠8 main trunk lines in operation. ⢠At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. ⢠Electric Passenger Train tendered. Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. | ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals ⢠8 main trunk lines in operation. ⢠At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. ⢠Electric Passenger Train tendered. Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. |
616 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Vehiclescrappage | To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. |
617 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Vehiclescrappage | To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. |
618 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Vehicleeff | To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. ⢠To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. ⢠To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. ⢠To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. ⢠To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. | ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. ⢠To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. ⢠To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. ⢠To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. ⢠To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. |
619 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Vehicleeff | To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. ⢠To implement an eco-labeling in electric and combustion vehicles to make visible the vehicles efficiency. To avoid âlock-inâ To avoid the promotion and adoption of transport technologies called "transitional" that create barriers for the decarbonization of transport system in the medium- and long-term. 1. To promote price parity (linked to the green tax reform and carbon pricing strategies) and to implement policies to discourage and reduce the purchase and use of internal combustion vehicles to reach the goal of zero sales of this technology. 2. | ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. ⢠To implement an eco-labeling in electric and combustion vehicles to make visible the vehicles efficiency. To avoid âlock-inâ To avoid the promotion and adoption of transport technologies called "transitional" that create barriers for the decarbonization of transport system in the medium- and long-term. 1. To promote price parity (linked to the green tax reform and carbon pricing strategies) and to implement policies to discourage and reduce the purchase and use of internal combustion vehicles to reach the goal of zero sales of this technology. 2. |
620 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Vehicleeff | To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors 2. Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil originfactory model data, such as driving efficiency and other variables. . Eco-Labeling of the efficiency of designed vehicle. 2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. o To implement an eco-labeling in electric and combustion vehicles to make visible the vehicles efficiency. MINAE MINSALUD MOPT COMEx 2.2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsD. Digitalization and Economy-Based Strategy: - Use of data from load mobilization to improve strategies planning that lead the sector to be more competitive and decarbonized. E. "Just transition" labor strategy - Working conditions of the drivers of cargo vehicles. | Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors 2. Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil originfactory model data, such as driving efficiency and other variables. . Eco-Labeling of the efficiency of designed vehicle. 2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. o To implement an eco-labeling in electric and combustion vehicles to make visible the vehicles efficiency. MINAE MINSALUD MOPT COMEx 2.2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsD. Digitalization and Economy-Based Strategy: - Use of data from load mobilization to improve strategies planning that lead the sector to be more competitive and decarbonized. E. "Just transition" labor strategy - Working conditions of the drivers of cargo vehicles. |
621 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_PublicTransport | To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals ⢠8 main trunk lines in operation. ⢠At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. ⢠Electric Passenger Train tendered. Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. | ⢠In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. ⢠In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals ⢠8 main trunk lines in operation. ⢠At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. ⢠Electric Passenger Train tendered. Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. |
622 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_PublicTransport | To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. ⢠To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. ⢠To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. ⢠To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). | Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. ⢠To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. ⢠To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. ⢠To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). |
623 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_PublicTransport | To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Quantity of operating sectorized trunks Number of public transport modes with an operational electronic payment 1.1 To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system. ⢠8 main trunk lines inoperation At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens, and firstly focused on the GMA. o To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. o To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. o To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. | Quantity of operating sectorized trunks Number of public transport modes with an operational electronic payment 1.1 To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system. ⢠8 main trunk lines inoperation At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens, and firstly focused on the GMA. o To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. o To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. o To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. |
624 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Maas | To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. ⢠To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. ⢠To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. ⢠To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). | Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. ⢠To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. ⢠To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. ⢠To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). |
625 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Maas | To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Quantity of operating sectorized trunks Number of public transport modes with an operational electronic payment 1.1 To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system. ⢠8 main trunk lines inoperation At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens, and firstly focused on the GMA. o To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. o To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. o To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. | Quantity of operating sectorized trunks Number of public transport modes with an operational electronic payment 1.1 To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system. ⢠8 main trunk lines inoperation At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment. 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens, and firstly focused on the GMA. o To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. o To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. o To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. |
626 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Maas | To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. o To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi-bicycles). o To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. o To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Users Bank MIVAH IFAM MOPT CTP Central Bank INCOFER ARESEP Operators MOPT CTP INCOFER IFAM MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Usuarios 1. Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes. | 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. o To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi-bicycles). o To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. o To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Users Bank MIVAH IFAM MOPT CTP Central Bank INCOFER ARESEP Operators MOPT CTP INCOFER IFAM MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Usuarios 1. Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes. |
627 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Intermodality | To adopt measures that promote intermodality | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. ⢠To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. ⢠To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. ⢠To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). | Activities 1.1.1 To implement the sectorization of the public transport services, in bus modality, in a manner aligned with the mobility needs of the citizens and firstly focused on the GMA. ⢠To reorganize public transport routes; set trunk lines into operation in exclusive lanes. ⢠To modernize the concession scheme for 2021, which will reward efficient and decarbonized service provision. ⢠To develop a profitable and innovative financial model that promotes efficiency and transparency in the service operation. 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). |
628 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Intermodality | To adopt measures that promote intermodality | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. o To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi-bicycles). o To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. o To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Users Bank MIVAH IFAM MOPT CTP Central Bank INCOFER ARESEP Operators MOPT CTP INCOFER IFAM MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Usuarios 1. Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes. | 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. o To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi-bicycles). o To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. o To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Users Bank MIVAH IFAM MOPT CTP Central Bank INCOFER ARESEP Operators MOPT CTP INCOFER IFAM MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Usuarios 1. Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes. |
629 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Complan | To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). ⢠To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. ⢠To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT). ⢠To articulate joint approaches to land use planning and transport planning. Decarbonization axis 1: Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. | ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). ⢠To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. ⢠To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT). ⢠To articulate joint approaches to land use planning and transport planning. Decarbonization axis 1: Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. |
630 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Complan | To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. o To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi-bicycles). o To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. o To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Users Bank MIVAH IFAM MOPT CTP Central Bank INCOFER ARESEP Operators MOPT CTP INCOFER IFAM MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Usuarios 1. Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes. | 1.1.2 To establish and operate an efficient and accessible Electronic Payment system for bus and train services. 1.1.3 To adopt measures that promote intermodality. o To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi-bicycles). o To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. o To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Users Bank MIVAH IFAM MOPT CTP Central Bank INCOFER ARESEP Operators MOPT CTP INCOFER IFAM MOPT CTP ARESEP INCOFER MINAE Private sector Usuarios 1. Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes. |
631 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). ⢠To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. ⢠To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT). ⢠To articulate joint approaches to land use planning and transport planning. Decarbonization axis 1: Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. | ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). ⢠To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. ⢠To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT). ⢠To articulate joint approaches to land use planning and transport planning. Decarbonization axis 1: Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. |
632 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To articulate joint approaches to land use d planning and transport planning. 1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. o To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. o To design the construction plans. o To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. o To bid for the concession of the electric train construction ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6. C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. | o To articulate joint approaches to land use d planning and transport planning. 1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. o To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. o To design the construction plans. o To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. o To bid for the concession of the electric train construction ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6. C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. |
633 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Infraexpansion | To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). ⢠To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. ⢠To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT). ⢠To articulate joint approaches to land use planning and transport planning. Decarbonization axis 1: Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. | ⢠To design and implement intermodal stations (train-bus-taxi- bicycles). ⢠To design and adjust the schedules for the provision of public transport services in a way that promotes systems integration. 1.1.4 To establish a governance model under the sustainable mobility system approach. ⢠To strengthen the capacities and transparency of the Public Transport Council and the stewardship of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT). ⢠To articulate joint approaches to land use planning and transport planning. Decarbonization axis 1: Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport and active mobility schemes1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. |
634 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Infraexpansion | To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To articulate joint approaches to land use d planning and transport planning. 1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. o To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. o To design the construction plans. o To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. o To bid for the concession of the electric train construction ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6. C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. | o To articulate joint approaches to land use d planning and transport planning. 1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. o To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. o To design the construction plans. o To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. o To bid for the concession of the electric train construction ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6. C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. |
635 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. ⢠To design the construction plans. ⢠To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. ⢠To bid for the concession of the electric train construction. ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. 2. To promote the decarbonization of the public transport sector through the electrification and adoption of zero-emissions technologies Period goals ⢠To implement electric buses pilot on at least 2 public transport routes. ⢠Bus service concession contracts include specific goals and conditions associated with the use of electric or zero-emission buses. | ⢠To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. ⢠To design the construction plans. ⢠To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. ⢠To bid for the concession of the electric train construction. ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. 2. To promote the decarbonization of the public transport sector through the electrification and adoption of zero-emissions technologies Period goals ⢠To implement electric buses pilot on at least 2 public transport routes. ⢠Bus service concession contracts include specific goals and conditions associated with the use of electric or zero-emission buses. |
636 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. ⢠To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model ⢠To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses ⢠To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure.1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6 To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. ⢠To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long-term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. | ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. ⢠To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model ⢠To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses ⢠To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure.1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6 To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. ⢠To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long-term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. |
637 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To articulate joint approaches to land use d planning and transport planning. 1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. o To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. o To design the construction plans. o To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. o To bid for the concession of the electric train construction ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6. C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. | o To articulate joint approaches to land use d planning and transport planning. 1.1.5 To progress in the construction of the Electric Train under the most feasible model, connecting Cartago, San José, Heredia and Alajuela. o To carry out feasibility and environmental impact studies. o To design the construction plans. o To prepare international bidding documents for the design, construction and operation phase. o To bid for the concession of the electric train construction ⢠To develop a financial and technical strategy for the construction and commissioning of the Electric Train aligned with a vision of intermodality and sustainable mobility. 1.1.6. C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. |
638 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. (Quick Win) 1.2.1 To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies level, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision. o To implement three electric buses pilots - launched in June 2018 on the GMA routes. o To design and approve the tariff scheme INCOFER Presidency MOPT ICE Municipalities MOPT MINAE Presidency MINAE MOPT CTP ARESEP ICE Buses Operators Users Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. Funding Strategy and Investment Attraction for transformation: - To establish financial strategies that promote the efficient transition to technologies zero-emissions. - To encourage the supply of green credits. - To explore subsidies. | C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. (Quick Win) 1.2.1 To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies level, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision. o To implement three electric buses pilots - launched in June 2018 on the GMA routes. o To design and approve the tariff scheme INCOFER Presidency MOPT ICE Municipalities MOPT MINAE Presidency MINAE MOPT CTP ARESEP ICE Buses Operators Users Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. Funding Strategy and Investment Attraction for transformation: - To establish financial strategies that promote the efficient transition to technologies zero-emissions. - To encourage the supply of green credits. - To explore subsidies. |
639 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠Bus service concession contracts include specific goals and conditions associated with the use of electric or zero-emission buses. ⢠To design and officialize the Roadmap for the consolidation of the Hydrogen Cluster. Activities 1.2.1 To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision. ⢠To implement three electric buses pilots - launched in June 2018 on the GMA routes. ⢠To design and approve the tariff scheme appropriate to the use of new technology in public transport, in order to ensure the affordability of the rates. | ⢠Bus service concession contracts include specific goals and conditions associated with the use of electric or zero-emission buses. ⢠To design and officialize the Roadmap for the consolidation of the Hydrogen Cluster. Activities 1.2.1 To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision. ⢠To implement three electric buses pilots - launched in June 2018 on the GMA routes. ⢠To design and approve the tariff scheme appropriate to the use of new technology in public transport, in order to ensure the affordability of the rates. |
640 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. (Quick Win) 1.2.1 To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies level, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision. o To implement three electric buses pilots - launched in June 2018 on the GMA routes. o To design and approve the tariff scheme INCOFER Presidency MOPT ICE Municipalities MOPT MINAE Presidency MINAE MOPT CTP ARESEP ICE Buses Operators Users Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. Funding Strategy and Investment Attraction for transformation: - To establish financial strategies that promote the efficient transition to technologies zero-emissions. - To encourage the supply of green credits. - To explore subsidies. | C6 To implement campaigns that promotes the use of public transport and intermodality. (Quick Win) 1.2.1 To establish the electrification of public transport program, which will include the implementation of three electric buses pilots, financing alternatives and incentives to test the process at the level of transportation companies level, considering tariffs that facilitate the inclusion of the technology in the model of service provision. o To implement three electric buses pilots - launched in June 2018 on the GMA routes. o To design and approve the tariff scheme INCOFER Presidency MOPT ICE Municipalities MOPT MINAE Presidency MINAE MOPT CTP ARESEP ICE Buses Operators Users Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. Funding Strategy and Investment Attraction for transformation: - To establish financial strategies that promote the efficient transition to technologies zero-emissions. - To encourage the supply of green credits. - To explore subsidies. |
641 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To design and approve the tariff scheme appropriate to the use of new technology in public transport, in order to ensure the affordability of the rates. ⢠To design financing alternatives and incentives for proof of concept at the level of transport companies. ⢠To define a joint and integral line of action. ⢠To establish a schedule for the implementation of the fleet electrification. ⢠To align concession contracts of 2021 with objectives and goals of the Decarbonization Plan and Law 9518: Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation. 1.2.2 To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. ⢠To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. | ⢠To design and approve the tariff scheme appropriate to the use of new technology in public transport, in order to ensure the affordability of the rates. ⢠To design financing alternatives and incentives for proof of concept at the level of transport companies. ⢠To define a joint and integral line of action. ⢠To establish a schedule for the implementation of the fleet electrification. ⢠To align concession contracts of 2021 with objectives and goals of the Decarbonization Plan and Law 9518: Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation. 1.2.2 To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. ⢠To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. |
642 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To establish a schedule for the implementation of the fleet electrification. o To align concession contracts of 2021 with objectives and goals of the Decarbonization Plan and Law 9518: Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation. 1.2.2 To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. o To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. o To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. o To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3. To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4. To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emission technologies. | o To establish a schedule for the implementation of the fleet electrification. o To align concession contracts of 2021 with objectives and goals of the Decarbonization Plan and Law 9518: Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation. 1.2.2 To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. o To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. o To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. o To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3. To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4. To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emission technologies. |
643 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Finance | To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. ⢠To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. ⢠To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3 To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4 To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emissions technologies. ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. | ⢠To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. ⢠To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. ⢠To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3 To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4 To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emissions technologies. ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. |
644 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Finance | To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To establish a schedule for the implementation of the fleet electrification. o To align concession contracts of 2021 with objectives and goals of the Decarbonization Plan and Law 9518: Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation. 1.2.2 To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. o To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. o To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. o To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3. To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4. To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emission technologies. | o To establish a schedule for the implementation of the fleet electrification. o To align concession contracts of 2021 with objectives and goals of the Decarbonization Plan and Law 9518: Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation. 1.2.2 To identify and evaluate the best options to electrify the taxi fleet. o To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. o To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. o To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3. To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4. To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emission technologies. |
645 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Hydrogen | To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emissions technologies. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. ⢠To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. ⢠To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3 To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4 To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emissions technologies. ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. | ⢠To analyze the implications of the tariff scheme and identify improvements to facilitate technology adoption in taxis. ⢠To identify financing scheme to facilitate renewal of the taxi fleet. ⢠To design a pilot program for the electrification of taxis. 1.2.3 To explore the technical and financial feasibility of creating a public fund to improve the conditions of the transition to electric public transport. 1.2.4 To design a plan to promote hydrogen and other zero-emissions technologies. ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. |
646 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Sharedmob | To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. ⢠To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model ⢠To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses ⢠To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure.1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6 To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. ⢠To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long-term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. | ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. ⢠To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model ⢠To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses ⢠To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure.1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6 To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. ⢠To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long-term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. |
647 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Sharedmob | To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Number of municipalities implementing transport-oriented development practices Number of municipalities participating in the Carbon Neutral Program o To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model o To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses o To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure. 1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6. To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero- emissions. o To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long- term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. o To raise awareness about pioneer bus companies with zero-emission technologies. o To raise awareness about real-time information of an air quality monitoring system to warn the population about high contamination situations. | Number of municipalities implementing transport-oriented development practices Number of municipalities participating in the Carbon Neutral Program o To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model o To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses o To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure. 1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6. To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero- emissions. o To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long- term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. o To raise awareness about pioneer bus companies with zero-emission technologies. o To raise awareness about real-time information of an air quality monitoring system to warn the population about high contamination situations. |
648 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. ⢠To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model ⢠To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses ⢠To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure.1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6 To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. ⢠To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long-term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. | ⢠To define the Roadmap to consolidate a Research and Development (R&D) cluster in Hydrogen ⢠To implement the inter-institutional action plan to promote the use of hydrogen in the transport sector. ⢠To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model ⢠To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses ⢠To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure.1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6 To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. ⢠To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long-term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. |
649 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero-emissions. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Number of municipalities implementing transport-oriented development practices Number of municipalities participating in the Carbon Neutral Program o To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model o To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses o To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure. 1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6. To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero- emissions. o To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long- term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. o To raise awareness about pioneer bus companies with zero-emission technologies. o To raise awareness about real-time information of an air quality monitoring system to warn the population about high contamination situations. | Number of municipalities implementing transport-oriented development practices Number of municipalities participating in the Carbon Neutral Program o To conduct pre-feasibility studies of the identified key projects, and define a business model o To design the pilot project of hydrogen public buses o To publicize the lessons in terms of costs, performance and infrastructure. 1.2.5 To analyze the options for new undertakings and business models to promote shared mobility schemes in the country. 1.2.6. To launch communication campaigns that promotes public transport and zero- emissions. o To communicate about the benefits of zero-emissions public transport in the long- term and its relationship with the goal of decarbonization. o To raise awareness about pioneer bus companies with zero-emission technologies. o To raise awareness about real-time information of an air quality monitoring system to warn the population about high contamination situations. |
650 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Natmobplan | To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠The participation of 16 municipalities in the 2nd âcantonalâ category of the National Carbon Neutral Program (PPCN). Activities 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. ⢠To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. ⢠To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. ⢠To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning. 1.3.2 To promote dense and compact city models. ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. | ⢠The participation of 16 municipalities in the 2nd âcantonalâ category of the National Carbon Neutral Program (PPCN). Activities 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. ⢠To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. ⢠To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. ⢠To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning. 1.3.2 To promote dense and compact city models. ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. |
651 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Natmobplan | To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To raise awareness about real-time information of an air quality monitoring system to warn the population about high contamination situations. (Quick Win): 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. o To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. o To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. MOPT MINAE MEIC MICITT Business incubators MOPT CTP MINAE Presidency Municipalities INVU MIVAH IFAM MINAE transport technologies "that create barriers to decarbonisation of the transport system in the medium and long- term. More modelling exercises must be realized for informed decision-making A. Comprehensive reform for the new institutionality of the Bicentennial: - Efficient organization of the transport sector and territorial planning with an integrated governance system. | o To raise awareness about real-time information of an air quality monitoring system to warn the population about high contamination situations. (Quick Win): 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. o To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. o To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. MOPT MINAE MEIC MICITT Business incubators MOPT CTP MINAE Presidency Municipalities INVU MIVAH IFAM MINAE transport technologies "that create barriers to decarbonisation of the transport system in the medium and long- term. More modelling exercises must be realized for informed decision-making A. Comprehensive reform for the new institutionality of the Bicentennial: - Efficient organization of the transport sector and territorial planning with an integrated governance system. |
652 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Density | To promote dense and compact city models. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠The participation of 16 municipalities in the 2nd âcantonalâ category of the National Carbon Neutral Program (PPCN). Activities 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. ⢠To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. ⢠To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. ⢠To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning. 1.3.2 To promote dense and compact city models. ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. | ⢠The participation of 16 municipalities in the 2nd âcantonalâ category of the National Carbon Neutral Program (PPCN). Activities 1.3.1 To review and adjust the Regulatory Plans and other territorial management tools in order to promote low-emissions development oriented to transport. ⢠To adjust the regulatory plans and urban development regulations to ensure that their formulation promotes a low-emission and transport-oriented development. ⢠To identify the necessary adjustments in the approved regulatory plans of the GMA to comply with the above statement. ⢠To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning. 1.3.2 To promote dense and compact city models. ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. |
653 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Density | To promote dense and compact city models. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | *Avoid el lock-in: -To avoid the promotion and adoption of "transitional" transportation technologies that create barriers for the decarbonization of the transport system in the medium- and -long term. o To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning 1.3.2. To promote dense and compact city models. o To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. o To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities. 1.3.3. To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. o To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. o To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. | *Avoid el lock-in: -To avoid the promotion and adoption of "transitional" transportation technologies that create barriers for the decarbonization of the transport system in the medium- and -long term. o To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning 1.3.2. To promote dense and compact city models. o To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. o To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities. 1.3.3. To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. o To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. o To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. |
654 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Activemobility | To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. ⢠To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities.1.3.3 To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. ⢠To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. ⢠To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. ⢠To encourage innovation in the design and implementation of measures that promote sustainability in cities, in both the public and private sector, and in civil society. 1.3.4 To implement demand management measures. ⢠To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. | ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. ⢠To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities.1.3.3 To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. ⢠To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. ⢠To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. ⢠To encourage innovation in the design and implementation of measures that promote sustainability in cities, in both the public and private sector, and in civil society. 1.3.4 To implement demand management measures. ⢠To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. |
655 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Activemobility | To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | *Avoid el lock-in: -To avoid the promotion and adoption of "transitional" transportation technologies that create barriers for the decarbonization of the transport system in the medium- and -long term. o To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning 1.3.2. To promote dense and compact city models. o To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. o To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities. 1.3.3. To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. o To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. o To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. | *Avoid el lock-in: -To avoid the promotion and adoption of "transitional" transportation technologies that create barriers for the decarbonization of the transport system in the medium- and -long term. o To articulate the urban, residential and commercial development policies with the transportation plans and land use planning 1.3.2. To promote dense and compact city models. o To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. o To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities. 1.3.3. To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. o To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. o To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. |
656 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_TDM | To implement demand management measures | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. ⢠To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities.1.3.3 To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. ⢠To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. ⢠To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. ⢠To encourage innovation in the design and implementation of measures that promote sustainability in cities, in both the public and private sector, and in civil society. 1.3.4 To implement demand management measures. ⢠To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. | ⢠To promote cantons densification and compactness around the electric train. ⢠To design programs and incentives to promote the model of compact cities.1.3.3 To promote sustainable mobility in cities, with special emphasis on the promotion of active modes. ⢠To design and implement walkable city plans in the major urban centers of the country, including intermediate cities. ⢠To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. ⢠To encourage innovation in the design and implementation of measures that promote sustainability in cities, in both the public and private sector, and in civil society. 1.3.4 To implement demand management measures. ⢠To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. |
657 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_TDM | To implement demand management measures | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. o To encourage innovation in the design and implementation of measures that promote sustainability in cities, in both the public and private sector, and in civil society. 1.3.4. To implement demand management measures. o To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. o To promote the development of parking policies on public roads to limit parking areas on them Municipalities Presidency INVU MIVAH IFAM INCOFER MOPT MINAE Municipalities INVU MIVAH IFAM MINAE MOPT Presidency Municipalities MOPT MIVAH IFAM MINAE Presidency Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors1.3.5 To actively involve municipalities in the transition to low-emission development. o To implement infrastructure construction plans for active mobility (sidewalks, bike lanes) in priority municipalities. | o To design and implement integrated plans to promote the use of bicycles, which consider cyclo-inclusive infrastructure. o To encourage innovation in the design and implementation of measures that promote sustainability in cities, in both the public and private sector, and in civil society. 1.3.4. To implement demand management measures. o To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. o To promote the development of parking policies on public roads to limit parking areas on them Municipalities Presidency INVU MIVAH IFAM INCOFER MOPT MINAE Municipalities INVU MIVAH IFAM MINAE MOPT Presidency Municipalities MOPT MIVAH IFAM MINAE Presidency Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors1.3.5 To actively involve municipalities in the transition to low-emission development. o To implement infrastructure construction plans for active mobility (sidewalks, bike lanes) in priority municipalities. |
658 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobilitypurchase | To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠By 2050, new models and shared mobility schemes will have been consolidated. ⢠By 2050, the country will have an extensive electric recharge network throughout the country and complementary infrastructure for zero emission technologies (e.g., hydrogen stations). Activities to foster change: 1. To accelerate the transition of the vehicle fleet towards zero- emissions technology Period goals ⢠The National Electric Transportation Plan and complementary regulations to operationalize Law 9518 are published. ⢠Zero-emissions fleets acquired in at least 3 public institutions. ⢠69 fast recharge centers operating by 2022. Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. | ⢠By 2050, new models and shared mobility schemes will have been consolidated. ⢠By 2050, the country will have an extensive electric recharge network throughout the country and complementary infrastructure for zero emission technologies (e.g., hydrogen stations). Activities to foster change: 1. To accelerate the transition of the vehicle fleet towards zero- emissions technology Period goals ⢠The National Electric Transportation Plan and complementary regulations to operationalize Law 9518 are published. ⢠Zero-emissions fleets acquired in at least 3 public institutions. ⢠69 fast recharge centers operating by 2022. Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. |
659 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobilitypurchase | To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. ⢠To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light- duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. ⢠To adjust state procurement schemes. ⢠To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. ⢠To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero- emissions vehicles. ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. | Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. ⢠To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light- duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. ⢠To adjust state procurement schemes. ⢠To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. ⢠To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero- emissions vehicles. ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. |
660 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobilitypurchase | To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | - The principle "The one that pollutes pays" is considered E. âJust Transition" labor strategies: - To train mechanics and other populations who need support for the transition. H. Education and culture strategy: A Bicentennial Costa Rica free of Fossil Fuels - To communicate about the benefits of The National Electric Transportation Plan and complementary regulations to operationalize Law 9518 are published. Zero-emissions fleets acquired in at least 3 public institutions 69 fast recharge centers operating by 2022. Published documents (Plans and norms) Number of zero- emissions institutional fleets Number of operating recharge centers 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light-duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. | - The principle "The one that pollutes pays" is considered E. âJust Transition" labor strategies: - To train mechanics and other populations who need support for the transition. H. Education and culture strategy: A Bicentennial Costa Rica free of Fossil Fuels - To communicate about the benefits of The National Electric Transportation Plan and complementary regulations to operationalize Law 9518 are published. Zero-emissions fleets acquired in at least 3 public institutions 69 fast recharge centers operating by 2022. Published documents (Plans and norms) Number of zero- emissions institutional fleets Number of operating recharge centers 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light-duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. |
661 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Procurement | To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. ⢠To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light- duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. ⢠To adjust state procurement schemes. ⢠To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. ⢠To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero- emissions vehicles. ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. | Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. ⢠To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light- duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. ⢠To adjust state procurement schemes. ⢠To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. ⢠To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero- emissions vehicles. ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. |
662 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | A_Procurement | To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero- emissions transport in institutional fleets. o To adjust state procurement schemes. o To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. o To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero-emissions vehicles. (Quick win) o To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. o To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. o To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. | 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero- emissions transport in institutional fleets. o To adjust state procurement schemes. o To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. o To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero-emissions vehicles. (Quick win) o To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. o To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. o To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. |
663 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Inspection | To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zeroemissions vehicles | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. ⢠To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light- duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. ⢠To adjust state procurement schemes. ⢠To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. ⢠To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero- emissions vehicles. ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. | Activities 2.1.1 To publish a National Electric Transportation Plan and generate complementary regulations (guidelines, regulations and standards) to operationalize Law 9518 on incentives and promotion of the electric transport. ⢠To progress on regulations prohibiting the importation of light- duty vehicles that use fossil fuels. 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero-emissions transport in institutional fleets. ⢠To adjust state procurement schemes. ⢠To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. ⢠To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero- emissions vehicles. ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. |
664 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Inspection | To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zeroemissions vehicles | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. ⢠To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. ⢠To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. Decarbonization axis 2: Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil origin2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Period Goals ⢠Incorporation of 5% to 10% of ethanol in both gasolines. ⢠Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. ⢠Eco-Labeling for vehicle efficiency designed. Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. | ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. ⢠To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. ⢠To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. Decarbonization axis 2: Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil origin2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Period Goals ⢠Incorporation of 5% to 10% of ethanol in both gasolines. ⢠Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. ⢠Eco-Labeling for vehicle efficiency designed. Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. |
665 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobilitycharging | To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. ⢠To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. ⢠To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. Decarbonization axis 2: Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil origin2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Period Goals ⢠Incorporation of 5% to 10% of ethanol in both gasolines. ⢠Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. ⢠Eco-Labeling for vehicle efficiency designed. Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. | ⢠To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. ⢠To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. ⢠To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. Decarbonization axis 2: Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil origin2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Period Goals ⢠Incorporation of 5% to 10% of ethanol in both gasolines. ⢠Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. ⢠Eco-Labeling for vehicle efficiency designed. Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. |
666 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobilitycharging | To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero- emissions transport in institutional fleets. o To adjust state procurement schemes. o To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. o To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero-emissions vehicles. (Quick win) o To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. o To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. o To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. | 2.1.2 To promote the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on Emissions Reduction in the Transport Sector. 2.1.3 To implement transition plans for zero- emissions transport in institutional fleets. o To adjust state procurement schemes. o To implement pilot programs to change institutional fleets. o To consolidate transformation program of commercial fleets in pilot sectors, e.g. : Tourism. 2.1.4 To consolidate programs for the repair and maintenance of zero-emissions vehicles. (Quick win) o To expand the INA capacity building programs in repair and maintenance of electric vehicles. 2.1.5 To consolidate the "Fast Charge Network" for electric transport. o To set up fast recharge centers distributed throughout the country. o To analyze business models that encourage the private sector to accelerate the consolidation of fast recharging points. 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. |
667 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. |
668 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Campaigns | To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. (Quick win) o To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. Presidency MINAE- SEPSE MOPT Legislative Assembly Importers Presidency MOPT MINAE Presidency MINAE- SEPSE MOPT MINSALUD INA Private businesses MINAE ICE Electric distribution companies MINAE MINAE- SEPSE MOPT MINSalud Presidency 2.1. To accelerate the transition of the vehicle fleet towards zero- emissions technology 2. Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil origin Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsmigrating to zero- emissions transport To avoid "lock-in" To avoid the promotion and adoption of transport technologies called "transitional" that create barriers for the decarbonization of transport system in the medium- and long-term. E. "Just Transition" labor strategies: - To ensure that biofuel production does not relocate agri-food land or encourage land use change. G. Transparency, metrics and open data strategy: - To make available, in open format, data on vehicle efficiency and Incorporation of 5% to 10% of ethanol in both gasolines by 2022. Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. | 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. (Quick win) o To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. Presidency MINAE- SEPSE MOPT Legislative Assembly Importers Presidency MOPT MINAE Presidency MINAE- SEPSE MOPT MINSALUD INA Private businesses MINAE ICE Electric distribution companies MINAE MINAE- SEPSE MOPT MINSalud Presidency 2.1. To accelerate the transition of the vehicle fleet towards zero- emissions technology 2. Transformation of the light-duty vehicles fleet to zero-emissions, boosted by renewable energy, not by fossil origin Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsmigrating to zero- emissions transport To avoid "lock-in" To avoid the promotion and adoption of transport technologies called "transitional" that create barriers for the decarbonization of transport system in the medium- and long-term. E. "Just Transition" labor strategies: - To ensure that biofuel production does not relocate agri-food land or encourage land use change. G. Transparency, metrics and open data strategy: - To make available, in open format, data on vehicle efficiency and Incorporation of 5% to 10% of ethanol in both gasolines by 2022. Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. |
669 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. |
670 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobility | To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. |
671 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Biofuel | To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. |
672 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Biofuel | To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. |
673 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_LPGCNGLNG | To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. ⢠To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. ⢠To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. ⢠To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. ⢠To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. | ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. ⢠To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. ⢠To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. ⢠To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. ⢠To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. |
674 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_LPGCNGLNG | To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. o To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. o To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. o To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. o To adjust Central American regulations. MINAE Min of Financy Multilateral y national Bank MINAE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Importers vehÃculos MINAE- SEPSE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Private businesses RECOPE MINAE SEPSE ARESEP MAG Producer Chambers MOPT MINAE SEPSE RECOPE MINAE Min Salud MOPT COMEx 2.2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors 2. | o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. o To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. o To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. o To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. o To adjust Central American regulations. MINAE Min of Financy Multilateral y national Bank MINAE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Importers vehÃculos MINAE- SEPSE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Private businesses RECOPE MINAE SEPSE ARESEP MAG Producer Chambers MOPT MINAE SEPSE RECOPE MINAE Min Salud MOPT COMEx 2.2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors 2. |
675 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Fuelqualimprove | To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. ⢠To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. ⢠To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. ⢠To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. ⢠To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. | ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. ⢠To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. ⢠To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. ⢠To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. ⢠To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. ⢠To adjust Central American regulations.2.2.8 To improve and update the energy efficiency regulations for the transport sector by updating the standards for the import and circulation of internal combustion engine vehicles, improving fleet standards. |
676 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Fuelqualimprove | To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. o To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. o To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. o To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. o To adjust Central American regulations. MINAE Min of Financy Multilateral y national Bank MINAE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Importers vehÃculos MINAE- SEPSE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Private businesses RECOPE MINAE SEPSE ARESEP MAG Producer Chambers MOPT MINAE SEPSE RECOPE MINAE Min Salud MOPT COMEx 2.2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors 2. | o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. o To mix ethanol of national origin with gasoline. o To mix biodiesel of national origin with diesel. 2.2.6 To design LPG Use Roadmap for specific niches coherent with global decarbonization goals. o To design adequate standards and regulations to regulate LPG conversion processes in the existing fleet. 2.2.7 To update regulations to improve the quality of fuels. o To adjust Central American regulations. MINAE Min of Financy Multilateral y national Bank MINAE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Importers vehÃculos MINAE- SEPSE MOPT Ministerio de Salud Private businesses RECOPE MINAE SEPSE ARESEP MAG Producer Chambers MOPT MINAE SEPSE RECOPE MINAE Min Salud MOPT COMEx 2.2. To improve the efficiency of the combustion fleet. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actors 2. |
677 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To implement measures that improve the distribution of cargo in agreement with the Logistics and Cargo Plan. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Period Goals ⢠At least 1 cargo logistics pilot project operates under low-emission parameters. ⢠Limonâs Electric Freight Train (TELCA) in operation. 3.1.1 To implement measures that improve the distribution of cargo in agreement with the Logistics and Cargo Plan. ⢠To create consolidation centers or logistics activity zones (including scanners and other intelligent merchandise management systems) in the peripheries of the GMA and other emerging population centers. ⢠To define peripheral routes and schedules that limit the access of heavy trucks to urban centers. ⢠To establish pilot projects of centers of consolidation and final distribution that combine technologies and various modes of transportation, creating possible âlow-emission areasâ. ⢠To adequately divide loads so that the size of the cargo vehicles that circulate in urban centers are proportional. | Period Goals ⢠At least 1 cargo logistics pilot project operates under low-emission parameters. ⢠Limonâs Electric Freight Train (TELCA) in operation. 3.1.1 To implement measures that improve the distribution of cargo in agreement with the Logistics and Cargo Plan. ⢠To create consolidation centers or logistics activity zones (including scanners and other intelligent merchandise management systems) in the peripheries of the GMA and other emerging population centers. ⢠To define peripheral routes and schedules that limit the access of heavy trucks to urban centers. ⢠To establish pilot projects of centers of consolidation and final distribution that combine technologies and various modes of transportation, creating possible âlow-emission areasâ. ⢠To adequately divide loads so that the size of the cargo vehicles that circulate in urban centers are proportional. |
678 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To implement measures that improve the distribution of cargo in agreement with the Logistics and Cargo Plan. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | E. "Just transition" labor strategy - Working conditions of the drivers of cargo vehicles. G. Transparency, metrics and open data strategy: - To make available in open format, updated data on behavior and performance of the light and heavy cargo mobility. *Avoid lock-in: To limit the options that deepen dependence on fossil fuels or generate new dependencies. At least 1 cargo logistics pilot project operates under low-emission parameters. Limonâs Electric Freight Train (TELCA) in operation Cargo logistics pilot project Limonâs Electric Freight Train (TELCA) operating 3.1.1 To implement measures that improve the distribution of cargo in agreement with the Logistics and Cargo Plan. To create consolidation centers or logistics activity zones (including scanners and other intelligent merchandise management systems) in the peripheries of the GMA and other emerging population centers. o To define peripheral routes and schedules that limit the access of heavy trucks to urban centers. | E. "Just transition" labor strategy - Working conditions of the drivers of cargo vehicles. G. Transparency, metrics and open data strategy: - To make available in open format, updated data on behavior and performance of the light and heavy cargo mobility. *Avoid lock-in: To limit the options that deepen dependence on fossil fuels or generate new dependencies. At least 1 cargo logistics pilot project operates under low-emission parameters. Limonâs Electric Freight Train (TELCA) in operation Cargo logistics pilot project Limonâs Electric Freight Train (TELCA) operating 3.1.1 To implement measures that improve the distribution of cargo in agreement with the Logistics and Cargo Plan. To create consolidation centers or logistics activity zones (including scanners and other intelligent merchandise management systems) in the peripheries of the GMA and other emerging population centers. o To define peripheral routes and schedules that limit the access of heavy trucks to urban centers. |
679 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_DataModelling | To generate open data to improve the planning of light and heavy cargo transport | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To define peripheral routes and schedules that limit the access of heavy trucks to urban centers. o To establish pilot projects of centers of consolidation and final distribution that combine technologies and various modes of transportation, creating possible âlow- emission areasâ. o To adequately divide loads so that the size of the cargo vehicles that circulate in urban centers are proportional. 3.1.2. To generate open data to improve the planning of light and heavy cargo transport . (Quick Win) o To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). | o To define peripheral routes and schedules that limit the access of heavy trucks to urban centers. o To establish pilot projects of centers of consolidation and final distribution that combine technologies and various modes of transportation, creating possible âlow- emission areasâ. o To adequately divide loads so that the size of the cargo vehicles that circulate in urban centers are proportional. 3.1.2. To generate open data to improve the planning of light and heavy cargo transport . (Quick Win) o To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). |
680 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Railfreight | To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To adequately divide loads so that the size of the cargo vehicles that circulate in urban centers are proportional. 3.1.2 To generate open data to improve the planning of light and heavy cargo transport. ⢠To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). ⢠To evaluate the feasibility of designing a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme to measure the emissions from the sector and from the transformation to a decarbonized one. 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. | ⢠To adequately divide loads so that the size of the cargo vehicles that circulate in urban centers are proportional. 3.1.2 To generate open data to improve the planning of light and heavy cargo transport. ⢠To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). ⢠To evaluate the feasibility of designing a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme to measure the emissions from the sector and from the transformation to a decarbonized one. 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. |
681 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Railfreight | To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. ⢠To develop the necessary regulatory instruments for the implementation of the TELCA, including the establishment of the rates, prices or fares required for its implementation. Decarbonization axis 3: Promotion of a freight transport that adopts modalities, technologies and energy sources until achieving zero or the lowest emissions possible2. To promote technological efficiency in heavy and light cargo transport sector Period goals ⢠Plan to improve efficiency and reduce emissions in the freight transport sector. ⢠1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). | 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. ⢠To develop the necessary regulatory instruments for the implementation of the TELCA, including the establishment of the rates, prices or fares required for its implementation. Decarbonization axis 3: Promotion of a freight transport that adopts modalities, technologies and energy sources until achieving zero or the lowest emissions possible2. To promote technological efficiency in heavy and light cargo transport sector Period goals ⢠Plan to improve efficiency and reduce emissions in the freight transport sector. ⢠1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). |
682 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | S_Railfreight | To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | (Quick Win) o To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). o To evaluate the feasibility of designing a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme to measure the emissions from the sector and from the transformation to a decarbonized one. 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. o To develop the necessary regulatory instruments for the implementation of Presidency MOPT COMEX MEIC Private sector Municipalities IFAM MOPT MINAE COMEX Private sector Riteve INCOFER MOPT Presidency ARESEP COMEX ICOP Private sector 3.1. To consolidate the program of cargo logistics to reduce emissions. 3. | (Quick Win) o To generate the following open data: age of the fleet, types of vehicles, operating conditions, origins and destinations of the cargo, type of cargo, origin of the trucks (domestic or foreign). o To evaluate the feasibility of designing a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) scheme to measure the emissions from the sector and from the transformation to a decarbonized one. 3.1.3 To integrate the intensive use of rail transportation for the mobilization of merchandise in the major routes and demand in the distribution model and Pre-investment Study registered in MIDEPLAN cargo commercialization. o To develop the necessary regulatory instruments for the implementation of Presidency MOPT COMEX MEIC Private sector Municipalities IFAM MOPT MINAE COMEX Private sector Riteve INCOFER MOPT Presidency ARESEP COMEX ICOP Private sector 3.1. To consolidate the program of cargo logistics to reduce emissions. 3. |
683 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Activities 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. | ⢠1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Activities 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. |
684 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Plan elaborated Pilot project started the TELCA, including the establishment of the rates, prices or fares required for its implementation. 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. | 1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Plan elaborated Pilot project started the TELCA, including the establishment of the rates, prices or fares required for its implementation. 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. |
685 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Activities 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. | ⢠1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Activities 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. ⢠To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. |
686 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | 1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Plan elaborated Pilot project started the TELCA, including the establishment of the rates, prices or fares required for its implementation. 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. | 1 pilot project to improve the efficiency of the freight transport sector (use of biofuels and LPG). Plan elaborated Pilot project started the TELCA, including the establishment of the rates, prices or fares required for its implementation. 3.2.1 To design a plan for the technological efficiency improvement of the cargo transport sector, which will consider aspects such as technological improvement (LPG, for example), the use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To promote technologies such as LPG, use of filters, biofuels and other efficiency improvements. o To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. 3.2.2 To implement a pilot project of efficiency improvement of the cargo transport. o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. |
687 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobilitypurchase | To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. ⢠To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3 To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles. 3.2.4 To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. To avoid âlock-inâ To limit the options that deepen dependence on fossil fuels or generate new dependencies. To generate improvements in the regulation and gradual standards that are consistent with the deep decarbonization process and which consider the availability of competitive technological options and the lifespan of assets. 1. | ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. ⢠To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3 To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles. 3.2.4 To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. To avoid âlock-inâ To limit the options that deepen dependence on fossil fuels or generate new dependencies. To generate improvements in the regulation and gradual standards that are consistent with the deep decarbonization process and which consider the availability of competitive technological options and the lifespan of assets. 1. |
688 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Emobilitypurchase | To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. o To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3. To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles 3.2.4. To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. RECOPE MINAE SEPSE MOPT COMEX Private sector MOPT COMEX SEPSE Presidency MINAE Presidency Legislative Assembly MINAE Ministery of financy MINAE MOPT Private sector 3.2 To promote technological efficiency in heavy and light cargo transport sector 3. Promotion of a freight transport that adopts modalities, technologies and energy sources until achieving zero or the lowest emissions possible. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. | o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. o To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3. To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles 3.2.4. To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. RECOPE MINAE SEPSE MOPT COMEX Private sector MOPT COMEX SEPSE Presidency MINAE Presidency Legislative Assembly MINAE Ministery of financy MINAE MOPT Private sector 3.2 To promote technological efficiency in heavy and light cargo transport sector 3. Promotion of a freight transport that adopts modalities, technologies and energy sources until achieving zero or the lowest emissions possible. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. |
689 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0 | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. ⢠To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3 To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles. 3.2.4 To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. To avoid âlock-inâ To limit the options that deepen dependence on fossil fuels or generate new dependencies. To generate improvements in the regulation and gradual standards that are consistent with the deep decarbonization process and which consider the availability of competitive technological options and the lifespan of assets. 1. | ⢠To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. ⢠To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3 To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles. 3.2.4 To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. To avoid âlock-inâ To limit the options that deepen dependence on fossil fuels or generate new dependencies. To generate improvements in the regulation and gradual standards that are consistent with the deep decarbonization process and which consider the availability of competitive technological options and the lifespan of assets. 1. |
690 | mitigation | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | I_Freighteff | To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0 | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. o To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3. To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles 3.2.4. To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. RECOPE MINAE SEPSE MOPT COMEX Private sector MOPT COMEX SEPSE Presidency MINAE Presidency Legislative Assembly MINAE Ministery of financy MINAE MOPT Private sector 3.2 To promote technological efficiency in heavy and light cargo transport sector 3. Promotion of a freight transport that adopts modalities, technologies and energy sources until achieving zero or the lowest emissions possible. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. | o To reinforce road emissions controls, of the compliance of standards and maintenance regulations for light and heavy cargo vehicles. o To manage the strengthening of Central American and national regulations linked to efficiency standards, emissions, safety for light and heavy loads. 3.2.3. To adjust Law 9518 so that fiscal incentives also apply for electric light-duty vehicles 3.2.4. To establish a Pilot Plan to involve companies in the cargo transport sector in the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0. RECOPE MINAE SEPSE MOPT COMEX Private sector MOPT COMEX SEPSE Presidency MINAE Presidency Legislative Assembly MINAE Ministery of financy MINAE MOPT Private sector 3.2 To promote technological efficiency in heavy and light cargo transport sector 3. Promotion of a freight transport that adopts modalities, technologies and energy sources until achieving zero or the lowest emissions possible. Decarbonization axis Linkages with cross-cutting strategy and lock in parameters Indicator Objective Period goal Activity Key actorsC. |
691 | governance | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | G_Subnat | To actively involve municipalities in the transition to low emission development. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | ⢠To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. ⢠To promote the development of parking policies on public roads to limit parking areas on them. 1.3.5 To actively involve municipalities in the transition to low- emission development. ⢠To implement infrastructure construction plans for active mobility (sidewalks, bike lanes) in priority municipalities. ⢠To increase the number of municipalities participating in the cantonal category of the "Cantonal Carbon Neutral Country Program 2.0â, as well as the development of mitigation strategies and pilot projects at a cantonal level in key sectors such as sustainable mobility, electric mobility and waste management. | ⢠To expand the plate-based vehicular restriction to other urban centers such as Cartago, Heredia, and Alajuela. ⢠To promote the development of parking policies on public roads to limit parking areas on them. 1.3.5 To actively involve municipalities in the transition to low- emission development. ⢠To implement infrastructure construction plans for active mobility (sidewalks, bike lanes) in priority municipalities. ⢠To increase the number of municipalities participating in the cantonal category of the "Cantonal Carbon Neutral Country Program 2.0â, as well as the development of mitigation strategies and pilot projects at a cantonal level in key sectors such as sustainable mobility, electric mobility and waste management. |
692 | investment | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | M_Mechan | To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. | Activities 2.2.1 To launch zero-emissions transport promotion campaigns. To develop educational campaigns to cut down myths associated with electric technology in vehicles. 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. ⢠To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. ⢠To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. ⢠To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. |
693 | investment | CRI | Costa Rica | LTS | M_Mechan | To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. | null | null | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/NationalDecarbonizationPlan.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/8985879933cf54ea2b327b33336d88d5b6999824c9df6a3f6faf5cfa463ca1fc.pdf | en-US | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. | Roadmap for production and use of biodiesel. Percentage of ethanol mixed with gasoline Roadmap document 2.2.2 To design financing mechanisms for the energy transition, including banking and insurance facilities for zero emission technologies. 2.2.3 To launch vehicle scrapping pilot program. o To define a "roadmap" for the implementation of the scrappage model and business scheme. 2.2.4 To design a roadmap for the efficient management of electric vehicle batteries at the end of their life cycle. ⢠To analyze possible business models under the circular economy approach. 2.2.5 To consolidate the development of the national biofuels industry. o To implement the National Biofuels Strategy. o To implement demonstration projects with the MAG. o To analyze potential vertical integration of RECOPE in agroindustrial chains, for example palm trees. |
694 | netzero | DNK | Denmark | LTS | T_Netzero | GHG emissions to reduce by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and longterm target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest | T_FL | 2050.0 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/ClimateProgramme2020-Denmarks-LTS-under-the%20ParisAgreement_December2020_.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/9f895f16312a49726adbff46104470f59d20fd2f6c9c05f4241ae819ff12cee0.pdf | en-US | No 965 of 26 June 2020 155 Annex 2: âA Green and Sustainable World: The Danish Government s long-term strategy for global climate actionâ, October 2020 1 Translation of the Danish Governmentâs âKlimaprogram 2020â of 29 September 2020. Information on recent developments since September is included on page 4-6.Denmarkâs long-term strategy The national Climate Act adopted by the Danish parliament defines legally binding targets and has laid down a solid foundation for continued and ambitious climate action. Not just for the next ten years, but towards 2050. The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. | No 965 of 26 June 2020 155 Annex 2: âA Green and Sustainable World: The Danish Government s long-term strategy for global climate actionâ, October 2020 1 Translation of the Danish Governmentâs âKlimaprogram 2020â of 29 September 2020. Information on recent developments since September is included on page 4-6.Denmarkâs long-term strategy The national Climate Act adopted by the Danish parliament defines legally binding targets and has laid down a solid foundation for continued and ambitious climate action. Not just for the next ten years, but towards 2050. The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. |
695 | netzero | DNK | Denmark | LTS | T_Netzero | GHG emissions to reduce by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and longterm target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest | T_FL | 2050.0 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/ClimateProgramme2020-Denmarks-LTS-under-the%20ParisAgreement_December2020_.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/9f895f16312a49726adbff46104470f59d20fd2f6c9c05f4241ae819ff12cee0.pdf | en-US | The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. We are proud to present Denmarkâs long-term strategy. I sincerely hope that Den- mark s climate targets and efforts will inspire other countries in their efforts to solve the climate crisis. On behalf of the Danish government, we are looking forward to working with partners across the world to secure a green and prosperous future. The list of climate-related initiatives spurred by the Government is growing long. | The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. We are proud to present Denmarkâs long-term strategy. I sincerely hope that Den- mark s climate targets and efforts will inspire other countries in their efforts to solve the climate crisis. On behalf of the Danish government, we are looking forward to working with partners across the world to secure a green and prosperous future. The list of climate-related initiatives spurred by the Government is growing long. |
696 | netzero | DNK | Denmark | LTS | T_Netzero | GHG emissions to reduce by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and longterm target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest | T_FL | 2050.0 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/ClimateProgramme2020-Denmarks-LTS-under-the%20ParisAgreement_December2020_.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/9f895f16312a49726adbff46104470f59d20fd2f6c9c05f4241ae819ff12cee0.pdf | en-US | Long-term strategies play a key role in reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement. The objective is to bridge the policies of today with future climate action in line with Denmarkâs com- mitments under the Paris Agreement. Denmarkâs long-term target is clear: Denmark must reach climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. The pathway to a climate-neutral society entails that Denmark must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030 (compared to 1990 lev- els). These targets are legally binding targets adopted in Parliament. However, Denmarkâs greenhouse gas emissions amount to only 0.1% of global emissions. Even if Denmark could achieve climate neutrality here and now, it would not affect the global climate significantly. Therefore, the objective of the govern- ment is to inspire others by example. | Long-term strategies play a key role in reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement. The objective is to bridge the policies of today with future climate action in line with Denmarkâs com- mitments under the Paris Agreement. Denmarkâs long-term target is clear: Denmark must reach climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. The pathway to a climate-neutral society entails that Denmark must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030 (compared to 1990 lev- els). These targets are legally binding targets adopted in Parliament. However, Denmarkâs greenhouse gas emissions amount to only 0.1% of global emissions. Even if Denmark could achieve climate neutrality here and now, it would not affect the global climate significantly. Therefore, the objective of the govern- ment is to inspire others by example. |
697 | netzero | DNK | Denmark | LTS | T_Netzero | GHG emissions to reduce by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and longterm target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest | T_FL | 2050.0 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/ClimateProgramme2020-Denmarks-LTS-under-the%20ParisAgreement_December2020_.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/9f895f16312a49726adbff46104470f59d20fd2f6c9c05f4241ae819ff12cee0.pdf | en-US | Major tech- nological advances, etc., can also result in significant reductions in other areas. The Governmentâs substantiation As mentioned, the Climate Act requires the Minister for Climate, Energy and Utili- ties to provide an assessment, in the climate programme, of whether it can be ren- dered probable that the national climate targets â a 70% reduction of Danish green- house gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 and climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest â are achievable. Since the change of government in June 2019, initiatives have been adopted to re- duce the deficit by approximately 5 million tonnes of CO2e. Today, the deficit amounts to approximately 16.1 million tonnes of CO2e. | Major tech- nological advances, etc., can also result in significant reductions in other areas. The Governmentâs substantiation As mentioned, the Climate Act requires the Minister for Climate, Energy and Utili- ties to provide an assessment, in the climate programme, of whether it can be ren- dered probable that the national climate targets â a 70% reduction of Danish green- house gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 and climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest â are achievable. Since the change of government in June 2019, initiatives have been adopted to re- duce the deficit by approximately 5 million tonnes of CO2e. Today, the deficit amounts to approximately 16.1 million tonnes of CO2e. |
698 | netzero | DNK | Denmark | LTS | T_Netzero | GHG emissions to reduce by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and longterm target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest | T_FL | 2050.0 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/ClimateProgramme2020-Denmarks-LTS-under-the%20ParisAgreement_December2020_.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/9f895f16312a49726adbff46104470f59d20fd2f6c9c05f4241ae819ff12cee0.pdf | en-US | Only Danish laws published in the Danish Law Gazette (Lovtidende) have legal validity Purpose 1. The purpose of this Act is for Denmark to reduce green- house gas emissions in 2030 by 70% compared to the level of emissions in 1990, and for Denmark to achieve a climate-neu- tral society by 2050 at the latest, taking into account the Paris Agreement target of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. (2). Denmark must actively work for realisation of the Paris Agreement target of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. (3). The climate effort must adhere to a number of guiding principles: 1) The climate challenges are a global problem. | Only Danish laws published in the Danish Law Gazette (Lovtidende) have legal validity Purpose 1. The purpose of this Act is for Denmark to reduce green- house gas emissions in 2030 by 70% compared to the level of emissions in 1990, and for Denmark to achieve a climate-neu- tral society by 2050 at the latest, taking into account the Paris Agreement target of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. (2). Denmark must actively work for realisation of the Paris Agreement target of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. (3). The climate effort must adhere to a number of guiding principles: 1) The climate challenges are a global problem. |
699 | targets | DNK | Denmark | LTS | T_Economy_Unc | GHG emissions to reduce by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and longterm target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest | T_FL | 2050 | https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/ClimateProgramme2020-Denmarks-LTS-under-the%20ParisAgreement_December2020_.pdf | ../data/downloaded_documents/9f895f16312a49726adbff46104470f59d20fd2f6c9c05f4241ae819ff12cee0.pdf | en-US | No 965 of 26 June 2020 155 Annex 2: âA Green and Sustainable World: The Danish Government s long-term strategy for global climate actionâ, October 2020 1 Translation of the Danish Governmentâs âKlimaprogram 2020â of 29 September 2020. Information on recent developments since September is included on page 4-6.Denmarkâs long-term strategy The national Climate Act adopted by the Danish parliament defines legally binding targets and has laid down a solid foundation for continued and ambitious climate action. Not just for the next ten years, but towards 2050. The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. | No 965 of 26 June 2020 155 Annex 2: âA Green and Sustainable World: The Danish Government s long-term strategy for global climate actionâ, October 2020 1 Translation of the Danish Governmentâs âKlimaprogram 2020â of 29 September 2020. Information on recent developments since September is included on page 4-6.Denmarkâs long-term strategy The national Climate Act adopted by the Danish parliament defines legally binding targets and has laid down a solid foundation for continued and ambitious climate action. Not just for the next ten years, but towards 2050. The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. |