wha tis wrong with firefox?
there's a longish thread on ubuntuforums about it
how can i install windows 98 on my dual booted ubuntu dapper and windows mce computer? i know windows has a habbit of wiping the mbr.
change /etc/hostname & update /etc/hosts
hi, whats the command that removes unnecessary packages? apt-get autoclean?
remember to use sudo
automatix is a sweet prog. i don't know why everyone in here says it's not. it auto installs everything for you.
it also breaks installs.
is there any way to list all processes in ubuntu and kill one?
ps -a | grep processyouraresearching
can any one tell me how to scroll the content in gnome-terminal without using mouse
shift + page up
tim, try just installing ubuntu-desktop for gnome, if that's what you're after.
thx. what the command?
can anybody tell me how to install openoffice 3.0 ?
can you please tell me the version of ubuntu you are using?
where can i find button themes for emerald? gnome-look doesn't seem to have dedicated section.
in bash ... is there a character that i can use to continue the same command but on a new line?
that is, you escape the new-line with the escape char, which is \
no one here can tell me the difference?
the red one points to nirwana. try ls -ll <symlink>
hi, i would like tochange the ownership of some files from root to a normal user, how can i do ?
i just installed ubuntu on a machine that i already had ubuntu on. i switched out the hdds. ubuntu installs to the new hdd just fine, but when it goes to boot up, i get an error: 'filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7'... 'error 17: cannot mount selected partition'... windows xp installs and boots up to this drive just fine. any ideas where i'm going wrong with ubuntu?
hmm... that's a weird one. tried reinstalling ubuntu? made sure the cd integrity check passes before installing?
oh, this is for a server, is the server install non-graphical?
you can install a gui desktop from the command line after installing the server that's what i did
hi all. will ubuntu 7.04 comes with beryl pre-instaled ?
no. it wont.
if i remove my wine package will it also remove my program files or do they stay?
they stay
is'nt midnight commander in dapper?
to get midnight commander: sudo apt-get install mc
how do you do that?
yes i just don't rem the command though
hello... where i can ask a noob question? i am looking for something similar with vista search, when you type the application name, you don't have to search for it in the menus... there is something similar for ubuntu? thanks.
when is quantal coming?
last thursday of october, if i'm not mistaken
i want to ssh into my computer from outside. how do i tell ubuntu to listen out and accept on port 333? that's the port my network administrator opened for me
modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config to port 333 in addition to or instead of port 22
is there a way to put a time option into an echo command? for example: echo 'update completed at %s'
how about echo 'update completed at `date`' <--- note backticks inside double quotes
regarding the flash player 9 for amd64 linux (with nspluginwrapper install script - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924). what script should i choose? r115 or the r48 plugin? running gutsy on a amd64
have you seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397
anybody knows where the proprietary drives reside in the filesystem???
your hdds will be in /media
you've installed the packages mentioned on the restrictedformats page on the wiki?
of course
hm, i'm formatting a new disk in fdisk. to specify partition size, do i calculate the ending cylinder by dividing partition size with cylinder size, or is there a simpler way?
you can use +xm +xg (where x is the number, and m for megabytes, g is for gigabytes)
anyone here use opera?
i do
hi, does anyone else have problems connecting to the edgy servers for updating ?
the security servers are currently down, please wait yes it is
hi all, i'm still running feistyfawn, and need to install one package, however package binaries for feistyfawn are gone... do you know if there are archives with old releases available?
does anyone know how to get kdialog installed?
i thought that came with kde
i'm trying to install ov51x-jpeg-source from the synaptic but it requires me to insert the install cd rom. is there a way to do this without the said cd available?
disable the cdrom from the software sources
is there a command to find out information about something that was mounted when we only know the mount point? say i want to know what to call it in /dev, but it was automounted!
run mount in a terminal.
its not the size that counts, its how you use it :)
hi guys, where is the .bash_profile located?
under your home directory
anybody know i good link for installing all kind of things like multimedia, java and things like that?
also try searching in synaptic
where is the gnome themes folder in my system?
~/.themes/ or /usr/share/themes/ for system-wide
how can i change a word in http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi ?
say !whatever is whatever, ( in a msg to ubotu ) it will be forewarded to ubuntu-ops
does anyone know of any good lightweight mp3 player software in ubuntu?
i get connection refused
hi. are there any ocr systems i can use in ubuntu?
yes, just search for 'ocr' on the package manager, there are some ocr apps
anyone available to help me with my screen resolution problem? i only get 800x600 and i tried different ways to get 1024 in intrepid
https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/50317 <--- maybe could help
newbie needs help: my sound was working fine for quite some time. all of a sudden i can only hear the faintest noise when my speakers are at max volume. i've checked my volume levels and everything looks fine. i've rebooted and the problem did not resolve.
i had that problem, my cable was screwed, just a though :)
is there any way to force the udev automounting magic to happen?
it is supposed to happen automagically.
i've been having some trouble with my atheros wifi card. network manager seems to disable it when i suspend my computer, and doesn't 'forget' the ap's. therefor, if i move it tries to connect to an ap that isn't there.
i gave up on network manager and switched to wicd which does the job perfectly for me
guys, i don't have the 'configuration editor' under applications -> system tools. anybody know what package this is part of please ?
it's in the menu, but hidden: alacarte can unhide it
hi, i need to draw a plan for cutting, what program can i use for that? what i need is to be able to draw in precise dimensions and then show dimensions labels..
http://www.tech-edv.co.at/lunix/cadlinks.html might be helpful
q: is there a command i can type ... to see what kind of hardware i have ?
try lspci
hi! i have a small 'default browser' problem. if i click on links on pidgin, firefox doesnt start, if i use googlizer the no browser is started. what can be the problem?
have you set system > preferences > preferred applications correctly?
is it possible to live monitor in/out-going tcp/ip connections?
tcpdump, ethereal...
how do i execute a .rpm file?
if you want to install an rpm, use 'aline' to convert it to a deb and then install
what was the name of the 'sudo' app for gui apps?
so, seriously, no antivirus?
i have at least two questions, maybe more. question 1: how do i get photoshop running in ubuntu 12.04?
check winehq and maybe winetricks, a bunch of scripts for dotnet and stuff
how do i install libstdc++?
sudo apt-get install libstdc++ ?
i just upgraded to the lucid lts and the sound sucks. it seems like the volume is about 10% of what it should be when it is turned all the way up for both speakers and headphones. sound worked fine in 9.04 :( any ideas? i've looked through some bug reports but none are describing exactly this issue
did you check alsa mixer?
how do i now if i use hoary or breezy?
lsb_release -a (in a terminal)
'$?' contains the exit code of the previously run command so you can tell if it exited cleanly without any stdout
hi, i am using gnome and want to change the function of what f10 does when i am in a terminal window. when i press f10, it selects the window of the menu. this is causing me problems when i use jed to write c programs because f10 is used in jed to open its text-based menu.
just go to menu and deactivate show menubar
does ubuntu server come with apache?
ive noticed that too on certain templates. i typically just stop it
checksum is correct. any idea? i'm working form a mac osx at the moment, but i don't see how this could make any difference
well i have no idea which filesystems mac os recognizes, but i assumed a cd filesystem would be recognized. why do you need to mount it anyway? can't just burn it?
my wireless monitor applet is shows a constant download road of ~200kbps when i am doing nothing. is there any way to see why process is drawing on my network connection?
in a term, netstat -tunap see what port/process is listening/receiving/transmitting
anyone know some test app to try out my new nvidia card , something that will show off what it can do ?
usually glxgears is used for this
hey guys when ever i sudo apt-get i recieve http://pastebin.com/m31903373
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com d739676f7613768d
i have got an acer aspire 5633 laptop with the intel 3945 wifi chip. i am running feisty with all packages updated. the problem is that my wireless network does not appear most of the time when doing a scan (iwconfig eth1 scan), it does sometimes appear. if i manage to get a connection it just drops after a couple of seconds. i have got another laptop next to me and this can connect absolutely fine. signal strength is about 75%. does anyone have any sugges
to identical laptops? one works the other doesn't?
any recommendations for apps to make screencasts on linux?
i use gtk-recordmydesktop
hi all, a large copy operation (>200g) with nautilus got interrupted near the end. what is the best way to resume the copy without re-copying everything?
shell, rsync
what is the name of the kernel package in ubuntu?
apt-cache linux-image
what does it mean when someone has a dot followed by a filename, like '. build/envsetup.sh' ? is this equivalent to './build/envsetup.sh' ?
no, it's like 'source'
can i use my java 1.6 apps in ubuntu?
unless they expect some windowsnesses like having a c:\, they'll work :)
how do i install new icon themes in ubuntu?
then use the install routine cited in the readme for that icon set
okay, i'm having a brain fart, isn't there a way to create a short cut to a webpage on your desktop?
have you tried dragging the icon next to the address to the desktop?
can somebody help me i'm trying to run a .run script but it keeps saying there's an error in the md5 checksum
it means your download is incorrect
hi everyone, i'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu so want to completely whipe my current version off and start fresh. i'm not to sure how i go about acheiving this though. i'm running the live disk now and my hdd looks like this: http://i50.tinypic.com/34hgjh5.png do i just delete /dev/sda4/ then re-install from disk ?
well, if you want to delete everything, delete everything
does anyone know what is the backend/platform that ubuntu forums runs on?
as far as os - don't know, but probably linux ;) as far as the forum software, they use vbulletin, iirc
it can be a real pain if it doesnt work (take my atheros 5007 eg for example)
ndiswrapper fixes everything :)
where can i find a list of games to check out gaming support in ubuntu?
correct.... why goup wrx?
its a shared folder
what's the command to check a programs version from terminal?
apt-cache policy <package name>
is security.ubuntu.com down at the moment? i can't seem to do an update
are you able to conenct at all? i am on westnet in nsw, and found out that my isp has an upstream carrier problem. it may be effecting you.
any luck with quakelive fullscreen, or you didn't try yet? :p
haven't tried since i have been spending all morning trying to rip this movie dvd for my son :(
anyone know a decent screen capture prog please?
the installer dies while trying to fsck one of the windows partitions, how do i keep it from doing the fsck?
try hiren's boot disc, it has partition magic on it, set up your partitions then run the installer
last question, since i'm not sure the hard lock problem is anything that can be easily fixed.. i have vista running virtually under innotek virtualbox so that i can use itunes and watch netflix on demand movies.. when netflix plays it's video in the browser using it's plugin that uses wmp 11, the video is very choppy. i have high bandwidth and a powerful enough computer, so i don't understand what i'm doing wrong.
probably virtual machines do not have full video power like a normal operating system
hmm i wonder what this means ? : someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
without context, it's hard to say what it means. but generally speaking, a man-in-the-middle attack is when you're transfering information with someone else, and there is an unwanted third party 'in the middle' that has access to the transmission channel.
hey guys, my problem is this .... there is a button at the top-right corner in ubuntu, wich you click ti shutdown/restart/logoff etc etc .... but something happened and i now only see (guest session, lock screen and log off) ... does anyone know how to get the old layout back ? ... using ubuntu 8.10
sudo poweroff or sudo init 0 or sudo shutdown -h now
what command do i use to reconfigure a package?
sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package>
how can i set the number of workspaces in gnome 3
gnome 3 autocreates workspaces as you need them. i'm not sure that you can set a specific amount.
hi i'm a bit confused: ubuntu.com states 8.04 is already released (http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-8.04-lts-desktop) but the download link only points to 7.10. is 8.04 already released?
then news is abt announcing the upcoming release not that it had been released, please learn to read
anyone know the name of the plugin in xfce that provides the volume control thing that also has play/pause/etc buttons in the menu for banshee/rythmbox?
oh, add rythmbox to it.
what sound card do you have again?
arock k7vt4a +
hello walking people my hd has fucked i can't format or install ubuntu e decide use the live cd but swap is not good space.. how i can set the ext3 bugued partition to swap temp ?
you have to mkswap <drive>, but if you can't format it it's unlikely
hey, any body in here know what could have caused this to happen during an update 'http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2061/screenshot3k.png'?
you can try downloading the .deb package direct from packages.ubuntu.com and installing it by clicking on it.
hello, having problems with updating ubuntu edgy with apt-get dist-upgrade or aptitude dist-upgrade - it's telling me that linux-image-generic and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic are broken ;/ aptitude wants to remove all of the kernels, and apt-get doesn't want to do anything now.. any ideas on how to fix?
that is the same problem that many other people are having.
is there a way to have a different wallpaper per virtual desktop?
you can manually assemble a wallpaper and if you don't have it stretch it might do what you expect, but i haven't tried it
hi, i've a second harddrive with an ntfs filesystem, i can't access it because of 'permission denied'. i tried with chmod 555 /media/hdc2 but it didn't help. any tip ?
you can add these to the options in your fstab file. alternatively, you could become root while browsing it using the 'sudo -s' command
what is the best mp3... general audio player? hoping to find something along the lines of winamp....
audacious is nice
hey thoreauputic - in irssi, how do i enable automatic logging? can i? (i've been looking at irssi scripts, but man, that's a lot to look through...;-(
/help log
does anyone know of a free voip program that can make landline calls?
i don't know that such a program exists. telco companies normally charge for this kind of connectivity.
is it possible to create a desktop icon that will launch a bash script?
please tell me about virtual box
you'll need to install virtualbox, then get a copy of win 7.. then install it there just like you would on another computer
with the compiz desktop wall, is there a way to get a different background on each desktop?
you can set different wallpapers with compiz, don't know if wall copies that, would expect so