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{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ed part of th e Bedford E state including Gordo n Square Tavistock Square Tor rington Square and Woburn Squ are as well as sev eral prop erties o utside Bloo"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "inth and best-selling single, \"Storm\", was released. It topped the charts wit h sales of over three hundred thousand copies, becoming the b and's second single to sell more than half a million units, a nd spent 10 weeks on the c harts. It was the twenty-ninth best-se lling single of 1998, and w as certified platinum by the RIAJ. In June and July, two more singles followed, \" Shine\", which topped t he charts, and \"I for You\", which peaked at number 2 and spent 16 wee ks on the ch ar ts. B oth sing les wer e ce rti fie"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "What we w ere doing was bluesy and now it's turned in to this tranc ey broken thin g. The robo ts are comin g home !\" Acc ording to Hom me the al bum wo uld be fin ished b y the end of 20 12. He explained to BB C Radio 1 \"We're going to take our one last break that we wou ld get for a month come b ack and do Glast onbury t hen"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "notated in Norfolk pubs as part of his creative m aterial. He also made great use of Irish music. The Norfolk material c an be sensed in the piano wo rks of the early 1920s. The Irish inf luence is see n withi n the second movement of the Vi olin Concerto and eve n more so in the second movement of the Stri ng Q uartet i n E-flat, as well as in the Cello Co ncerto, in which fragments of Irish"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ip was originally c harter ed in 1804 it had a subst antially la rger area t han it has now. In 1854 its bounda ries were redrawn reducing Cranberr y from 81 to 25 squ are miles. Althou gh the Iroquois the Delaware an d Seneca nations had hunted and fishe d in the Cranberry a rea for centuries the first Europea n set tler"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Vafrnisml\", Gagnrr (the god Od in in disguise) engag es in a game of wits with the jtunn Vafrnir. G agnrr asks Vafrnir whence the Van god Njrr came, for, tho ug h he ru les ov er m an y hofs and hrgrs, Njr r was not rais ed among th e sir. Vafrnir res ponds that Njrr was created in Vanaheimr b y \"wise pow ers\" and r"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ich t ells the story of h ow Hugh II of Tiberia s was captured and rel eased upon his agree ment to show Saladin ( 1138–1193) the ri tual of C hristia n kn ighthoo d; the"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "hor Alf Larsen .Lardal is a former municipality in Vestfold co unty, Norway. The administrative c entre of the municipality was the village of Svarstad. The parish of w as establis hed as a municipa lity on 1 January 1838 . T he municipality was divided into the par ishes of Svars ta d, St yr"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "f Le ge nds champi onship.In algeb ra a q uadratic func tion a quadratic po lynomial a polynomial of de gree 2 or simply a quadratic is a polynomial function with one or mo re vari ables in whic h the hig hest-degree term is of t he second degree.For exam ple, a \"univariate\" quadrati c func tion has the for"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "the secondary sector and only 42% i n services.Once installe d the economic system was diffi cult to change given the i mpo rtanc e of politically reliable m anagement and the prestige value place"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "government. Sam Ha mad, among others, accu sed Fisk of e mbedded journalism wit h th e S yri an Army in Aleppo and Damascus and of .Reporting fro m Douma, in April 2018 on the Doum a chemica l attack, Fisk quoted a Syrian doctor w ho attributed th e victims' breat hing problems not to ga s but to dust and lack of oxygen afte r heavy she lling by As sad forces. Oth er people h e spoke to doubt ed a gas a ttack, a nd Fisk queried the incid"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "career , he de fended his fathe r's wri tings against all critics. T he office of Nagid w as held by t he Mai monides family for four success ive generations until t he end of th e 14th centu ry.Maimoni des is widel"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "of serving a rmy of ficers in th e House of Common s.Rise to pr ominence.Patriot W higs .Pi tt s oo n joined a faction o f discontented Whi gs known as t he Patriots who formed pa rt of the opposition. Th e g roup com monl y met at Stowe Ho use, the country estate of Lo rd Cobh"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "roun d to Robi n S de rli ng. H e a lso ho sted a b enef it fo r the Ch ilean eart hqua ke victi ms, Cham pions for C hile, appearing al on gs ide And y Ro ddick, Ji m Courier, a nd Gustavo Ku erten.During the cl"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "pical, s entime ntal love son g l yri cs.L ee said that des pite the fun involved i n writ ing b y Eric Johnson, w ho opened f or Rush on the 199 1 leg of the Roll t he Bones Tour. Rush"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "h ave be en d ecla red st an dard by the G overnmen t of B hutan: According t o the D ragon K ing of Bhutan who se royal garb traditiona lly includes a y ellow kabney (sca rf). The orange half si gnifies Buddhist spiritu al tradition p articularly the Dr ukpa Kagyu a nd Nyingma schools. The dragon spreads equ"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "event space a t the southwest c orner of the pr operty west of the Hilton Pavilion.In 1986 amid g rowing popul arity of sports betting i n Nevada the Hilto n opened its race and sports book the Superbook at a cost of $17 million.In 1991 the Hilto n was at the center of the Tailhook scandal in which numerous Unite d States Navy officers were accused of acts of sexual assault during a conventi on at the hotel. One of the victims Paula Coughlin sued t he Hilton for providing inadequate security for the convention and eventually was paid a $5.2 million judgment. The lawsuit led Hilton to successfully lo bby for the so-called a state law shielding hotels from liability for injuries to patrons caused b y third parties.The hotel completed a new $4-million marquee sign in 1994. Late r that year however it wa s partially d estroyed by a windstorm. The sign was reconstructed in 1997 for $9 million with a reduced height of making it the world's tallest free-standing advertising sign.In 1994 the ho tel entered an arrangement with the Sahara Country Club which was re"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "inovia\" as it was known to the Romans has o ne of the best preserved exam ples of a Roman military bath house hypocaust in the country. Bishop Auckland's main shopping street Newgate Street together with Cockt on Hill Road and Watling Road f aithfully follow the route of D ere Street. Note that Watling Road shou ld not be confused with the Ro man road Watling Street which is in t he S out h o"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "to form with inspir ed lyrics and buc kets of the type o f sexual innuendo that C reole has ma de his own.\" The ban d had a UK hit with the single \"The Sex of It,\" a song written by P rince and recorded at P aisley Park Studios with Sh eila E and Levi Seacer, Jr.. Except for Darnell's vo cal, the track is entirely p erformed by Pri nce and his a ssociates; it is the group's la st major hit to date.After the 1992 Kid Cre"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "olling her \"lovely eyes an d noble countena nce\" and declar ing that she was \"one meet to crown the stat e of any king.\" William of Newburgh emphas ised the charms of her person and even in he r old age Richard of Devi zes des cribed her as beaut iful while"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "amroc k Area Co mmunity Cen ter.The City of Shamroc k is served b y the S hamrock In de pe nd en t S ch oo l D istric t an d h"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "t industry it is i ncredibly com mon to have peo ple who are in quot es 'difficult.' A nd when you’re in a privileged posit ion to hire peop le... you learn ab out cha racter and you learn abo ut work hab its work eth ics and yo u start to unde rstand. Beca use it's a v"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "01 8. Ac cor di ng to C E O Josh Tetr ick t he tec hnol ogy was alrea dy there. JUS T had about 13 0 employees a nd a research d epartment of 5 5 scientists wher e lab meat from poultry pork and be ef was researc hed. JUST was spons ored by Chinese billion aire Li Ka-shing Y ahoo! co-founder Jerry Yang and accordin g to Tetrick also by H eineke n I nt"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": ".The \"excess kurtosis\" is defined as kur tosis minus 3. There are 3 distinct regime s as described below.Mesoku rtic.Distributions with zero excess kurtos is are called mesokurtic or m esok urt otic. T he mo st pro minent example of a mesokurtic distribution is the normal distrib"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "919, Mller was offered to becom e his successor as head of government but declined. Under the new \"Minis terprsident\" and later Chancellor Gust av Bauer, Mller became \"Reichsauenministe r\" (Foreign Minister) on 21 June 1919. In this capacity, he went t o Versailles and with C olonial Mini ster Johanne s Bell signed the peace t reaty fo r Ger many on 29 June 1 919.Af ter t he resi gnatio n of th e Cabinet Bauer, w hich fo llowed on the Kap p-Lt twi"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ds to the bend and sends electric pow er to the piezo eleme nt to bend in the oth er direction. Futur e application s of this tec hnology ar e expected in cars and houses to reduce nois e. Further appli cations to flexible str uctures such as shells and plates have al so been studied for nearly three deca des.In a demonstra tion at the Materia l Vision Fa ir in Frankfur t i n No ve mber 20 05 a team f rom T U Dar msta dt in Germa ny showed sev"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "thor ough li st is give n in th e exte rnal arti cles linke d in the sec tion bel ow.Secr et syste mTechnoba bbleOne -time pads Unsub stanti ated clai msThis is a list of hospitals"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ated the band w as listening to th e al bum aro und the ti me of \"M y War\" d efining"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "no restriction on how many foreigners a te am could fiel d. The only stipula tion was, that every team had to fi"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "from cor porati ons as C offee T ime and Oz Optics Ltd. W hile St. Cat harin es Wolve s and Toron to Cr oatia two well est ablished former C anadi an Na tional S occer League club s were the prominent ch allengers in the early ye ars. The inaugural cham pionship was conteste d between the 1997 CNSL ch ampions St. Catharines a nd Toronto Olympians wit"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "nal characters were a married couple, a nd Comden and Green were not romantically involved. The chara cter of an overachieving impresario was developed with the successful produce r-director-actor Jos Ferrer in mind.In 1 995, . In 2006, this film ranked #17 o n the American Film Institute's li st of best musicals.Ton y Hunter, once a famous star of musical comedies on stage and later on screen, is largely forgotten after three years without a movie. He returns from Hollywood to New York. At Grand Central Station, he is recognized but almost ignored by reporters who are there by chance as Ava Gardner is on the same train. Ho"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ate climates where war ming due to sunlight ab sorption by tree s counteracts the glob al cooling effect of ca rbon sequestration. Further more this study confirmed earlie r findings that reforest ation of colder regio ns — where long periods of snow cover evergreen trees and"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "in the Baltics, a s well as forest s in Russia, from w here the ti mber was flo ated down the Daug ava river to its sawmills in R iga. As his father, who was the head of the Riga Associati on of Timber Merchants, wo rked for the company in it s dealings with Western companies, h e was fluent not only i n Yiddish, Russian and German, b ut also French and English. His R ussian-speaking mother, Marie (Musya) Volshonok, was also fluent in Yiddish and Latvian. Isai ah Ber lin sp en t hi s f irst six years in Riga, and later lived in Andr eapol (a small timber town near Pskov, ef fectively owne d by the fami ly business) and Petrograd (now St Pe tersburg). In Petrogra d, the family liv ed first on V asilevs ky I sland a nd the n on Ang liiskii P rospek t on the mai nland. On Angliiskii Prospekt, th ey shared their building with other tenants, i ncluding Rimsky-Korsakov's daugh ter, an assistant Minister of Finnish a ffairs and Princess Emeretinsky. Wi th the onset of the October Revolution of 1917, the fortunes of the building's te nants were rapidly reversed, with both the Princess Emeretinsky and Rimsky-Korsakov's d aughter soon being made to stoke the b"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "acteristic that strongly limits the eff iciency of the collector a small surface-to-volume ratio. Since the amount of heat that a tank can abs orb from the sun is largely depe ndent on the surface of the ta nk directly exposed to the sun it follows that th e surfa"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ation. The GHMC was form ed in April 2007 by merging the Municipal Corp oration of Hyderabad (MCH) with 12 municipalities of th e Hyderabad, Ra nga Reddy and Med ak districts cove ring a to tal area of . The Se cunderabad Cant onment Board is a civic a dministration agency overse"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "der. On Java the buds of \"R. zollingeriana\" are harvested and dried for use in \"jamu\" t he ancient traditional herbalism of t he island. It is unknow n for what the buds are suppos ed to be good for \"jamu\" concoctions are o ften complex mixtures and often are supposed to help with sexual prowes s.These plants also have som e economic use in attracting ecotourists.Resear"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ecure renomin ation by the Democrat s in 185 3, Barst ow lost su pport within his pa rty as well as in Wisconsin gene rally.Disputed election.When Bars tow ran f or re electi on in 18 55 he w as in itially declared the w inner over his Repu blican opponen"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "s, persecuti on and raids fro m Burma on Nag a tribes, Meitei pe ople and others i n India's north east. The invader s came for \"h ead hunting\" and to seek wealt h and captiv es from these trib es and ethnic groups. When the Briti sh in quire d B urmese guides about the people liv ing in t he n orthern Himalayas, they were told 'Naka'. Th"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "xt game in the s eries, ', which expand ed u pon levels from previous game s in the series a nd has a structu re similar to that of a tower defense game.Meanwhile, the company developed \"Resistance 3\"—the sequ el to \"Resistance 2\"—which was designed to be similar to \"Fall of Man\". Th e team at Insomniac reviewed players' feedback rega rding the negative aspects of \"Resistance 2\", re-intr oduced some mechanics from \"Fall of Man\""}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "exhibitio n featured twent y-six wo rks and was a c om merci al an d criti cal succ ess. The \"New Yor ker\" critic prais"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ns and cas tes co uld becom e a part of this a ssociation whic h worked for the upliftment of the oppressed cla sses. Phule is rega rded as an im por tant figure in the s ocial r"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "asbestos l iabilities ag ainst its US su bsidia ries Comb ustion Engine eri ng a nd AB B L um m us Global Inc. In A ugust 2007 AB B Lu mm us Global A BBs plan goin g forward was to support the oil and gas ind ustry with it s core auto mation and pow er technology businesses.I"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "anymore. She eventually boards a bus to a town near h er childhood home. On the journey , she befriends a girl traveling alone and reminisces about h er younger years and grieves for her lost relative s. Her son and daughter-in-law eventually track her d own, with the help of the local police force; however, Mrs. Watts is determined. The local sheriff, moved by her yearning to visit her girlhood home, offers to dr ive her out to what remains of Bounti ful. Th e tow n is deserted and the few remaining structures are derelict. Mrs. Watts learns that the last o"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "al:Two has therefore the unique propert y that , disregarding t he level of the hyperoperat ion, here denoted by Knuth's up -arrow notation. The numb er of up-arrows refe rs to the level of the hyper operation.Two is the only number \"x \" such that the sum of the reciprocals of the natural powers of \"x\" equals itself. In symbolsThis comes fr om the fact that:Powers of two are central to the concept of Mersenne primes and important to computer science. Two is the first Mersenne prime exponent.Taking the square root of a number is such a common mathematica l operation, that the spot on the root sign where the exponent would n ormally be written for cubic and other roots, may simply be left blank for square roots, as it is ta citly und erstood.Th e square root of 2 was the first known irrational number.The smallest fi eld has two ele ments.In a set-theo"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Japa n advan ced. In Janua ry 1942 the M anpower Directorate was set up \"to ensur e the orga nisati on of Austr alian s in the bes t pos sible w ay to meet all de fence r equire ments .\" Mini ster fo r W ar Orga nisat ion o f I nd us tr"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "at their own stu dios Blea k House, had a d ifferent style and increasingl y incorpo rated elect ronic sounds into tracks. Its tw o singles, \"Promises, Promises\" and \"Blind Pi lots\", achie"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "t was quite different from modern-day Kosovo.Early 20th century.German scholar Gustav Weiga nd gave the following statistical data about the population of Kosovo, based on the pre-war situation in Ko sovo in 1912:Metohija with the town of Gjakova is furthermore defined as almost ex clusively Albanian by Weigand.Balkan Wars and First World War .Kosovo was part of the Ottoman Empire and f ollowing the Balkan Wars , the western part was included in Montenegro and the rest within Serbia. Citing Serbian sources, Noel Malcolm also states that in 1912 when Kosovo came under Serbian cont rol, \"the Orthodox Serb population at less than 25%\" of Kosovo's entire population.Beginning from 1912, Montenegro initiated its attempts at colonisation and enacted a law on the pro cess during 1914 that aimed at e xpropriating 55,0 00 hectares of Albanian land an d tr ans ferr ing it to 5,000 M ontene grin settl ers. Some Serb colonisation of Kosovo took place durin g the Balkan Wars. Serbia undertook measures for colonisation by enacting a decree aimed at colonists wit hin \"newly liberated areas\" that"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "After the Nor thern Pacific, Bo gue served as c hief engineer of the Union P ac ifi c Ra ilroad until 1 891. Following th is, he was also chief engi neer on th e Wes"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "-enrich ed diet. At this ag e the cont ent of the la rval yolk sac has been used th e mouth and digesti ve channel hav e develope d and it requires feedin g. Att emp ts wit h various su"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "r ra tio of c oll eg e-ed ucated resid ents th an th e res t of th e city . A 2018 study f ound that 38% o f resid"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "re b rought as hor e. Du ring this time The R ough Ride rs at e slep t care d for th e wo und ed and buried the d ead fr om b oth si des. Du rin g t he six -day enc ampm ent som e me n d ied from fever. A mong those st ricke n by i llness was G eneral J osep h Whe eler. Brigadier General Samuel S umn er ass umed co mmand of the cavalry and W ood too k the"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "proved hi mself to be an excelle nt administrator and e xpert in th e economy of the region entrusted to him. Derzhavin made his ap artment a place for public meetin gs, conce rts, an d even a school for children and youth, in w hich arithmet ic and gra mmar were taught. D"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "band ed but in stead it was t ransf erred t o the 66th In fantry Bri gade, se rving alo ngside t he 2n d Batt alion, Royal Scot"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "uping and civil war.Ves pasian re main ed camp ed at Caesare a Mari tima unt il sprin g 68 prep aring for a nother campa ign i n the J udean and S ama rian hig hla nds. The Jew s who were d rive n out o f Galilee reb uilt Jopp a which ha d been destroyed earlie r by Cestius Gall us. Surrounded by the Romans they re built the city walls and used a li ght flotilla to demoralize commerce and i nterrupt the grain supply to Rome from Alexandria.In his Josephus wroteZea lot leaders of the collapsed Nort hern revolt, headed by Joh n of Giscala, managed to escape fro m Galilee to Jerusalem with the bulk of t he ir f orce s. Packed with mili tants of many factions, inclu"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "London production that he encountered Billie Whitelaw fo r the first time. In 1998 David Bene dict of \"The Independent\" argued that \" Play\" is a \"finer more dramatically distilled\" work than \"Waiting for G odot\" (1953 ).Interpretations.“The earliest version (April 1 962) was writte n for a woman a nd two men, Sy ke and Conk, figures i n white boxes. In the final version we are pre sented inst ead with, as Michae l Robinson describ"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Sever al Chine se ba nks h ave rec ently purc hased I MS to suppo rt that co untry's bu rgeoning fina ncial indust ry.Today IMS complem ents Db 2 IBM's relational data base system introduced in 1982. In general IMS performs faste r than Db2 for the commo n tasks but may require mor e programming effort to design and maintain for no n-primary duties. Relational databases have ge"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "de France. The second class of the Institut wa s responsible for the Fr enc h lang uage and co rresponded to the former Acadmie Franaise. Whe n King Louis XVIII came to the throne in 1816 each class regained the title of \"Ac admie\" accord ingly t he seco nd clas s of the Instit ut became the Aca dmie Franai se. Since 1816 the existence of"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ces. H e a lso w ro te the m aj ority opi nion sustaini ng provision s of the secon d Agricul tural Adju stment Act applied to th e marketi ng of tobacco i n \"Mulford v. S mith\", .Robert s was a ppointed by Roosevelt t o head the co mmission inves tigating the attac k on Pearl Har bor; his rep ort was p ub lishe d in 1942 and wa s highly critical of"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "of th e Ger ma n A rmy Group Ce ntre in Operation B arbarossa t he invasion of the Soviet Union. S ubsequently in Oct ober and Novemb er 1943 he s erv ed i n co mbat as the comma"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ec's ratification a pro-independence poli tical party the Bloc Qubcois was also cre ated at the federal level.The deploy ment of the military as an aid to civil power w as very unpopular with th e seni or leader"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Ireland to offer a Visa Debit card rather than the La ser debit card i ssued by other Irish banks back t hen, which ha d restricted usabili ty outside Ir eland.On 9 Februar y 2010 Bank of Scotlan d announ ced that i t woul d be s hutti ng all of its 44 reta il branches in the Republic in"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "t belong to the norm al series.His other work i nclud ed the is olation of glycolic acid from unripe grapes (1864) synthesis of sodium oxalate by heating sodiu m formate (1868) hydrolysis of ether to alcohol (1858) synthesis of phenyl-lac tic acid (1880) preparation of pyruvic acid by the dis tillation of tartaric acid (1881) and th e formation of carbostyril from quinoline (1885)."}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "third qua rter for Car nival Cor poration & plc was reported to the U.S. Securities and Exch ange Com mission as US$ 1.7 billion .As of Se ptember 20"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "nd North Africa. On 24 Febru ary 2011, the g overnment lifted Algeria's 19-ye ar-old state o f emergency. The government enacted legislation dealing wi"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "mestic market. A tota l of only 318 of these vehicles were sold in th e US.In Australi a the Tiara was produce d in Port Melbou rne, Victoria by Austra lia n Mo tor In dust ries sta rtin g f ro m 1963 .Two concept cars were shown at the 1963 Tokyo Motor Show – the Corona 1500S Conv ertible and the Corona 1900S S porty Sedan. The Corona Sport"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "any societies conducting rit uals regarding its disposal . In the Western wo rld the placenta is most ofte n incinerated.Some cultu res bury the placenta for various reasons. The Mor i of New Zeal and traditionally bury the placenta from a n ewborn child to e mphasize the rel ationship betwee n humans and t he earth. Li kewise, the N avajo bur y the plac enta and umbilical cord at a spe cially chosen site, particularly if the bab y dies during b irth. In Cambodia and Costa Ri ca, burial of the pl acen ta is be liev"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "on Ju ly 9, 20 13. In a n interview Fabolous re vealed the list of f eatures included T rey So ngz, Ne-Yo"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "rd ceremony in the F rank Gehry-designed Jay P ritzker Pavilion in Millenniu m Park in Chicago De Young and his band perf ormed many of Styx's hit s in a free concert.I n 2010 DeYoung for med a new band to cap"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "as discont inu ed.In modern m aritime law, bio secu rity m easure s for arrivin g vessel s centr e arou nd ' prati que', a lic enc e fro m bo rd er co nt ro"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ne of the lon gest and most impo rtant marches ever mad e by an or ganized army in a civilized country.\" O bserving Sherman's"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ded Marx's memory saying that today Marx .In 2017 a feature film titled \"The Young Karl Marx\" featuri ng Marx his wife Jenny Marx and E ngels among other revolu"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "lwa y Or der the first issu ed in 1975 un der co ntrol of Br itis h Ra il and indep endently from 1976. An amendment Order was issued i n 1987 relating to the e xtension of the NNR to a new station site at Hol t - using a parcel of la nd originally purchased as the junctio n for the ne ver -b uilt Blak eney br anch .At S he ring"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "eing an e xcept ionally -hard an d disci plined worke r, wh o w ent lon g ho ur s a nd re fu se"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "stream is prox ied. Use rs can the n open the URL in the ir pref erred media pl ayer.A new ve rsion o f the deskt op clie nt which had been in beta since ea rly 2012 was released on 1 5 Janu ary 20 13. Thi s ve rsio"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "the airport c hose to fly from a diff erent locatio n 25% of thos e flew to destinations in Me xico. Kern County st arted multiple proj"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "on the east s ide of Paradi se Road, ap proxim ately east o f Las Ve gas Bouleva rd. It is adjacent to the Las Ve gas Convent ion Center t o the so uth and L as Vegas Country Club t"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "thschild died a t her home in Tel Av iv in 1999 a fter a length y illness a nd wa s buried i n Israel.Art col lection.T hrough a trust she had inhe rited part of a major art collect ion asse mbled by her gra ndfather Baron Alpho nse James de Rothsch ild. This included a 17th -century oil painting by Remb"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "benefit each i ndividual recei ves from exploiting a patch decreases lo garithmically with incre asing number of compe titors sharing that reso urce patch. The model predi cts that individuals will initially flock to higher-"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "for maintaining geno me integrity and as a re pair mechanism for salvaging damaged genomes.Applications.Anti viral drugs.As HIV uses re verse transcriptase to copy its genetic material and gen erate new viruses (pa rt of a retrovirus proliferation circle), sp"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "formally incorpora ted by act of the state assembly in 1906.Demograp hics.A s of t he census of 2000, there were 170 people, 65 households, and 44 families r esiding in the city. The pop ulation density was 1,498.8 people per square mile . There were 69 housing units at an average density of 608.3 per square mile . The racial makeup of the city was 88. 24% White, 1.76% African American, 0. 59% Native American, 1.76% A sian, 2.94% from oth er races, and 4.71% fr om two or more races. Hispani c or Latino of an"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "created a numb er of satirical art pieces i n a devolution vein. At t his t ime , C asale had also per formed with the local band 15-60-75 (The Num bers Band). T hey met Mark M othersbaugh aroun d 1970, a tal ente d key boar dist who had been playing w ith the band Flo ssy Bobbitt. Mothersb augh brought a mo re humorous feel to th e band , introd ucing them to ma terial like th"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ts were recru ited from c linics and hospitals in New Yor k. In the exp eriment, Noguchi injected an extract of syphilis , called luetin , under the subjec tss expe riment s.It be came a public sc andal and th e media disc ussed it. T he editor of pointe d out:If the researcher had sa"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "st of England 107 occupants lost their lives when heavy machinery fell through the ceiling of t he basement in which they were sheltering.Railway arches and subways (underpasses) .R ail w a y arches and s ubways were also used in the U K for air raid"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ost studies find that being bicultural the comb ination of a s trong e thnic and a strong national identi ty yields the b est adapta tio n in the new country of residence. An articl e by LaFromboise L. K. Colemna and Gerton reviews the liter"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "cated entir ely w ithin the to wnshi p ge og ra phically b ut is a separat e entity."}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "h the fle xibility and self- determina tion to chan ge wh at is n"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "blic opini on surveys in E urope a nd the United States , pink is the c olor most associated wi th charm, politeness, sensi tivity, tenderness, sweetness, softness, chil dhood, the femini ne, and the romantic. Alth ough it did not have any strong negative as sociations in th ese surv eys, fe w r es po nd ent s ch ose pink as their fav orite color. Pin k was th e f avo rit e c ol or of only two-per cent of r espondents, c ompared wit h forty-five-p ercent who cho se blue. Pink was the least-fa vorite colo r of seventeen p er ce nt of re sp on de nt s; the only color more disliked was brown, with twenty percent. There w as a notable difference betwee n men and wom en; three percent of w o m"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "d in 1926. On Oc to be r 1 1937 t he city o f Nago ya was re-divided i nto ten wards wi th the orig inal M inami Ward divi ded into the new Mi nami Ward plus Atsut a W ard Naka"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "d down.Pr oduction history.The play o pened on 17 Januar y 1904, the directo rs wife Olga Knipper played Madame Ranevskaya in th e original Moscow Art Theatre product ion, as well as in the 300th production of th e play by the thea tre in 1943.Although critic s at the time w ere divided in t"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "y=1,2,3 ],[4,5,6 1,1,1],[0 ,0,0> y=1. ,2,3],[4, 5,6111][0.250. 40.5 is a rubber- index to repre sent zero o r more dime nsions of the ar ray.> x=123] [4561,2,3],[4,5,6 is"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "soon after i ts birth on Oc tober 14, 185 0. Sarah's s ister Marg aretta married George G. Me ade, who was a maj or general f or the Union in the American C ivil War.In th e nineteen years of m arriage to his f irst two wives, Wise fat hered fo urteen c hildr en; se ven su rvived to adulthoo d.Henry married a third t ime, to Mary Eliza beth Lyons i n 1853. After serv ing as gov ernor, Wise settl ed wit h Mar y and his younge r children in 1860 at Rol leston, an pl anta tion whi ch he b ought fr om his bro th er Jo hn Cropper Wise, who also continued to live there. It w as located on the Eastern Bran ch Elizabeth River near"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "or more dep artments. Duties a nd powers of a PPS.Althou gh not paid o ther than their salary as a n MP PPSs h elp the g overnmen t to trac"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "il Tri-R ail an d Amtra k at\"All W a ys L ea d to Hi alea h\" wa s on e o f th e cit y' s f irs t s lo ga ns. At th e t ime Glenn Cur tis s and Jame s Bri ght co uld"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "y be considered as large number of births. The dearth-in-birth bust cohorts include those up to the valley birth year, and those inc luding and beyond, leading up to the subsequent normal birth rate. T he baby boom began around 1943 to 1946.From the decline in U.S. birth rate s starting in 1958 and the introduction of t he birth control pill in 1960, the Baby Boomer normal distribution curv e is negatively ske wed. The trend in bi rth rates from 195 8 to 1961 sh ow a tendency t o end late in the decade at a pproximately 1969, thus retu rning to pr e-WWII l evels, with 12 years o f rising and 12 years of declini ng birth r ates. Pre-war birth rates were defined as an ywhere between 1939 and 1941 by de mographers such as the Tae uber's, Philip M. Hauser and Willia m Fielding Ogburn.Demograp hic statistics.Birth, growth an d death rates.The growth ra te is 0.81% as estimated from"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "rgeo isie he was de picted time a nd aga in in festive par ade s and popular prints. The \"German L uther\" also drew wide a ttention in 1917 du ring the First W orld War when nation alist themes were still recurring at the same time serious r"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "eri en ce s derived from sense impressions as a person's life proceeds are written. There are two sources of our ideas: se nsation and reflectio n. In both cases, a distinction is made between si mple and complex id eas. The former are una nalys able, a nd are broke n down into primary"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "LM for operations through the mid-A tlantic. The same year, a third Convair 880 was ordered. Until the first DC-8-50 the co mpany had ordered in early 1965 was deli vered, long-haul services using the type w ere provided w ith wet-leased aircraft from KLM. Th e type was also chartered from KLM for deployment on the Caribbe an routes. By , th e first"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "Fletcher Misner moved do wn from Newa rk and started a blac ksmith shop. He was the p erfect example of the “Village Blacksmit h” a mighty ma n was he a nd h e c oul d do anything with tools, fr om shaping plows to b uilding beautiful wa lnut furniture. Millington gra pevine says tha t he designed the first steel plow but failed to paten t it and someone e lse got the credit. I t is known t hat he experi ment ed first wit h cast iron plows whic h worked w hen new but would not scour and three years lat er made the first wrough t iron scouring plow. Wago ns and all sor ts of farm"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "ers played a free live g ig in Trafalgar Square as part o f the Becks F usions event. All who attended were provi ded with 3D glasses to vi ew the on-s creen visual effects.Th e Chemical Brothers su pplied a n ew track for the and a second disc o f every Electronic Battle Wea pon re leased"}} |
{"gt_parse": {"text_sequence": "but person ally do not ag ree with the m. If au thority does not monit or the me mbers they will probably not obey. o ccurs when the target of the i nfluence admires and therefore i mitates the authorit y, mimics autho rity's actions , values, ch aracteri stics, an d takes o n beha viours of th e person wi th power. If prolo nged an d continuous, identific ation can lead to the final stage – inter nalization.When occurs, individual adopts"}} |