stringlengths 7
| nl
stringlengths 4
| cmd
stringlengths 2
| oracle_man
sequence | canonical_cmd
stringlengths 2
| cmd_name
stringclasses 1
value |
348196-52 | Create list `instancelist` containing 29 objects of type MyClass | instancelist = [MyClass() for i in range(29)] | [
] | VAR_STR = [MyClass() for i in range(29)] | conala |
5744980-30 | Taking the results of a bash command "awk '{print $10, $11}' test.txt > test2.txt" | os.system("awk '{print $10, $11}' test.txt > test2.txt") | [
] | os.system('VAR_STR') | conala |
16739319-24 | selenium wait for driver `driver` 60 seconds before throwing a NoSuchElementExceptions exception | driver.implicitly_wait(60) | [] | VAR_STR.implicitly_wait(60) | conala |
16739319-56 | selenium webdriver switch to frame 'frameName' | driver.switch_to_frame('frameName') | [] | driver.switch_to_frame('VAR_STR') | conala |
39870642-93 | Save plot `plt` as png file 'filename.png' | plt.savefig('filename.png') | [
] | VAR_STR.savefig('VAR_STR') | conala |
39870642-22 | Save matplotlib graph to image file `filename.png` at a resolution of `300 dpi` | plt.savefig('filename.png', dpi=300) | [
] | plt.savefig('VAR_STR', dpi=300) | conala |
20062565-45 | search for regex pattern 'Test(.*)print' in string `testStr` including new line character '\n' |'Test(.*)print', testStr, re.DOTALL) | [
] |'VAR_STR', VAR_STR, re.DOTALL) | conala |
42364992-94 | Enclose numbers in quotes in a string `This is number 1 and this is number 22` | re.sub('(\\d+)', '"\\1"', 'This is number 1 and this is number 22') | [
] | re.sub('(\\d+)', '"\\1"', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
4383571-75 | Importing file `file` from folder '/path/to/application/app/folder' | sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/application/app/folder')
import file | [
] | sys.path.insert(0, 'VAR_STR')
import VAR_STR | conala |
11703064-52 | append the sum of each tuple pair in the grouped list `list1` and list `list2` elements to list `list3` | list3 = [(a + b) for a, b in zip(list1, list2)] | [
] | VAR_STR = [(a + b) for a, b in zip(VAR_STR, VAR_STR)] | conala |
25540259-67 | remove frame of legend in plot `plt` | plt.legend(frameon=False) | [
] | VAR_STR.legend(frameon=False) | conala |
16050952-62 | remove the punctuation '!', '.', ':' from a string `asking` | out = ''.join(c for c in asking if c not in ('!', '.', ':')) | [
] | out = ''.join(c for c in VAR_STR if c not in ('VAR_STR', 'VAR_STR', 'VAR_STR')) | conala |
12096252-61 | use a list of values `[3,6]` to select rows from a pandas dataframe `df`'s column 'A' | df[df['A'].isin([3, 6])] | [
] | VAR_STR[VAR_STR['A'].isin([3, 6])] | conala |
1179305-61 | Parse a file `sample.xml` using expat parsing in python 3 | parser.ParseFile(open('sample.xml', 'rb')) | [
] | parser.ParseFile(open('VAR_STR', 'rb')) | conala |
22229255-65 | match zero-or-more instances of lower case alphabet characters in a string `f233op ` | re.findall('([a-z]*)', 'f233op') | [
] | re.findall('([a-z]*)', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
22229255-56 | match zero-or-more instances of lower case alphabet characters in a string `f233op ` | re.findall('([a-z])*', 'f233op') | [
] | re.findall('([a-z])*', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
209513-92 | Convert hex string "deadbeef" to integer | int('deadbeef', 16) | [
] | int('VAR_STR', 16) | conala |
209513-93 | Convert hex string "a" to integer | int('a', 16) | [
] | int('VAR_STR', 16) | conala |
209513-94 | Convert hex string "0xa" to integer | int('0xa', 16) | [
] | int('VAR_STR', 16) | conala |
209513-47 | Convert hex string `s` to integer | int(s, 16) | [
] | int(VAR_STR, 16) | conala |
209513-79 | Convert hex string `hexString` to int | int(hexString, 16) | [
] | int(VAR_STR, 16) | conala |
1400608-13 | empty a list `lst` | del lst[:] | [] | del VAR_STR[:] | conala |
1400608-91 | empty a list `lst` | del lst1[:] | [] | del lst1[:] | conala |
1400608-86 | empty a list `lst` | lst[:] = [] | [] | VAR_STR[:] = [] | conala |
1400608-67 | empty a list `alist` | alist[:] = [] | [] | VAR_STR[:] = [] | conala |
15740236-74 | encode unicode string '\xc5\xc4\xd6' to utf-8 code | print('\xc5\xc4\xd6'.encode('UTF8')) | [
] | print('VAR_STR'.encode('UTF8')) | conala |
41648246-16 | solve for the least squares' solution of matrices `a` and `b` | np.linalg.solve(, a),, b)) | [
] | np.linalg.solve(, VAR_STR),, VAR_STR)) | conala |
3820312-13 | create a file 'filename' with each tuple in the list `mylist` written to a line | open('filename', 'w').write('\n'.join('%s %s' % x for x in mylist)) | [
] | open('VAR_STR', 'w').write('\n'.join('%s %s' % x for x in VAR_STR)) | conala |
7351270-100 | print numbers in list `list` with precision of 3 decimal places | print('[%s]' % ', '.join('%.3f' % val for val in list)) | [
] | print('[%s]' % ', '.join('%.3f' % val for val in VAR_STR)) | conala |
7351270-60 | format print output of list of floats `l` to print only up to 3 decimal points | print('[' + ', '.join('%5.3f' % v for v in l) + ']') | [
] | print('[' + ', '.join('%5.3f' % v for v in VAR_STR) + ']') | conala |
7351270-62 | print a list of floating numbers `l` using string formatting | print([('%5.3f' % val) for val in l]) | [] | print([('%5.3f' % val) for val in VAR_STR]) | conala |
14750675-12 | delete letters from string '12454v' | """""".join(filter(str.isdigit, '12454v')) | [
] | """""".join(filter(str.isdigit, 'VAR_STR')) | conala |
4508155-69 | Get a md5 hash from string `thecakeisalie` | k = hashlib.md5('thecakeisalie').hexdigest() | [
] | k = hashlib.md5('VAR_STR').hexdigest() | conala |
36296993-71 | replace string 'in.' with ' in. ' in dataframe `df` column 'a' | df['a'] = df['a'].str.replace('in.', ' in. ') | [
] | VAR_STR['VAR_STR'] = VAR_STR['VAR_STR'].str.replace('VAR_STR', ' in. ') | conala |
1246444-16 | convert string `x' to dictionary splitted by `=` using list comprehension | dict([x.split('=') for x in s.split()]) | [
] | dict([x.split('=') for x in s.split()]) | conala |
12168648-98 | add a column 'new_col' to dataframe `df` for index in range | df['new_col'] = list(range(1, len(df) + 1)) | [
] | VAR_STR['VAR_STR'] = list(range(1, len(VAR_STR) + 1)) | conala |
1790520-32 | apply logical operator 'AND' to all elements in list `a_list` | all(a_list) | [
] | all(VAR_STR) | conala |
32996293-30 | get a list of booleans `z` that shows wether the corresponding items in list `x` and `y` are equal | z = [(i == j) for i, j in zip(x, y)] | [
] | VAR_STR = [(i == j) for i, j in zip(VAR_STR, VAR_STR)] | conala |
32996293-89 | create a list which indicates whether each element in `x` and `y` is identical | [(x[i] == y[i]) for i in range(len(x))] | [
] | [(VAR_STR[i] == VAR_STR[i]) for i in range(len(VAR_STR))] | conala |
3887469-9 | convert currency string `dollars` to decimal `cents_int` | cents_int = int(round(float(dollars.strip('$')) * 100)) | [
] | VAR_STR = int(round(float(VAR_STR.strip('$')) * 100)) | conala |
17734779-42 | sort list `users` using values associated with key 'id' according to elements in list `order` | users.sort(key=lambda x: order.index(x['id'])) | [
] | VAR_STR.sort(key=lambda x: VAR_STR.index(x['VAR_STR'])) | conala |
17734779-50 | sort a python list of dictionaries `users` by a given list `order` of ids 'id' with the desired order | users.sort(key=lambda x: order.index(x['id'])) | [
] | VAR_STR.sort(key=lambda x: VAR_STR.index(x['VAR_STR'])) | conala |
7658932-91 | Get all indexes of a letter `e` from a string `word` | [index for index, letter in enumerate(word) if letter == 'e'] | [
] | [index for index, letter in enumerate(VAR_STR) if letter == 'VAR_STR'] | conala |
18609153-66 | format parameters 'b' and 'a' into plcaeholders in string "{0}\\w{{2}}b{1}\\w{{2}}quarter" | """{0}\\w{{2}}b{1}\\w{{2}}quarter""".format('b', 'a') | [
] | """VAR_STR""".format('VAR_STR', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
845058-51 | get line count of file 'myfile.txt' | sum((1 for line in open('myfile.txt'))) | [
] | sum(1 for line in open('VAR_STR')) | conala |
845058-70 | get line count of file `filename` | def bufcount(filename):
f = open(filename)
lines = 0
buf_size = (1024 * 1024)
read_f =
buf = read_f(buf_size)
while buf:
lines += buf.count('\n')
buf = read_f(buf_size)
return lines | [
] | def bufcount(VAR_STR):
f = open(VAR_STR)
lines = 0
buf_size = 1024 * 1024
read_f =
buf = read_f(buf_size)
while buf:
lines += buf.count('\n')
buf = read_f(buf_size)
return lines | conala |
6714826-24 | Determine the byte length of a utf-8 encoded string `s` | return len(s.encode('utf-8')) | [
] | return len(VAR_STR.encode('utf-8')) | conala |
5373474-77 | specify multiple positional arguments with argparse | parser.add_argument('input', nargs='+') | [
] | parser.add_argument('input', nargs='+') | conala |
28925267-60 | delete every 8th column in a numpy array 'a'. | np.delete(a, list(range(0, a.shape[1], 8)), axis=1) | [
] | np.delete(VAR_STR, list(range(0, VAR_STR.shape[1], 8)), axis=1) | conala |
3878555-86 | Replace repeated instances of a character '*' with a single instance in a string 'text' | re.sub('\\*\\*+', '*', text) | [
] | re.sub('\\*\\*+', 'VAR_STR', VAR_STR) | conala |
3878555-86 | replace repeated instances of "*" with a single instance of "*" | re.sub('\\*+', '*', text) | [
] | re.sub('\\*+', 'VAR_STR', text) | conala |
23145240-59 | split elements of a list `l` by '\t' | [i.partition('\t')[-1] for i in l if '\t' in i] | [
] | [i.partition('VAR_STR')[-1] for i in VAR_STR if 'VAR_STR' in i] | conala |
1731346-40 | get two random records from model 'MyModel' in Django | MyModel.objects.order_by('?')[:2] | [] | VAR_STR.objects.order_by('?')[:2] | conala |
317413-56 | get value of first child of xml node `name` | name[0].firstChild.nodeValue | [] | VAR_STR[0].firstChild.nodeValue | conala |
10618586-67 | Convert a hex string `437c2123 ` according to ascii value. | """437c2123""".decode('hex') | [
] | """VAR_STR""".decode('hex') | conala |
2755950-13 | Get all `a` tags where the text starts with value `some text` using regex | doc.xpath("//a[starts-with(text(),'some text')]") | [] | doc.xpath("//a[starts-with(text(),'some text')]") | conala |
10974932-69 | split string `str1` on one or more spaces with a regular expression | re.split(' +', str1) | [
] | re.split(' +', VAR_STR) | conala |
10974932-59 | python split string based on regular expression | re.findall('\\S+', str1) | [
] | re.findall('\\S+', str1) | conala |
3774571-10 | BeautifulSoup find all tags with attribute 'name' equal to 'description' | soup.findAll(attrs={'name': 'description'}) | [
] | soup.findAll(attrs={'VAR_STR': 'VAR_STR'}) | conala |
23566515-25 | get the dot product of two one dimensional numpy arrays |[:, (None)], b[(None), :]) | [
] |[:, (None)], b[(None), :]) | conala |
23566515-22 | multiplication of two 1-dimensional arrays in numpy | np.outer(a, b) | [
] | np.outer(a, b) | conala |
8785554-77 | insert a list `k` at the front of list `a` | a.insert(0, k) | [
] | VAR_STR.insert(0, VAR_STR) | conala |
8785554-42 | insert elements of list `k` into list `a` at position `n` | a = a[:n] + k + a[n:] | [] | VAR_STR = VAR_STR[:VAR_STR] + VAR_STR + VAR_STR[VAR_STR:] | conala |
17106819-22 | get values from a dictionary `my_dict` whose key contains the string `Date` | [v for k, v in list(my_dict.items()) if 'Date' in k] | [
] | [v for k, v in list(VAR_STR.items()) if 'VAR_STR' in k] | conala |
9969684-48 | Print variable `count` and variable `conv` with space string ' ' in between | print(str(count) + ' ' + str(conv)) | [
] | print(str(VAR_STR) + ' ' + str(VAR_STR)) | conala |
10805589-34 | convert JSON string '2012-05-29T19:30:03.283Z' into a DateTime object using format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' | datetime.datetime.strptime('2012-05-29T19:30:03.283Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') | [
] | datetime.datetime.strptime('VAR_STR', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
17577727-88 | decode string `content` to UTF-8 code | print(content.decode('utf8')) | [
] | print(VAR_STR.decode('utf8')) | conala |
17757450-20 | convert list `data` into a string of its elements | print(''.join(map(str, data))) | [
] | print(''.join(map(str, VAR_STR))) | conala |
11584773-84 | sort list `lst` in descending order based on the second item of each tuple in it | lst.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) | [
] | VAR_STR.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) | conala |
20078816-77 | Replace non-ASCII characters in string `text` with a single space | re.sub('[^\\x00-\\x7F]+', ' ', text) | [
] | re.sub('[^\\x00-\\x7F]+', ' ', VAR_STR) | conala |
34338341-12 | get all digits in a string `s` after a '[' character | re.findall('\\d+(?=[^[]+$)', s) | [
] | re.findall('\\d+(?=[^[]+$)', VAR_STR) | conala |
38251245-5 | create a list of tuples which contains number 9 and the number before it, for each occurrence of 9 in the list 'myList' | [(x, y) for x, y in zip(myList, myList[1:]) if y == 9] | [
] | [(x, y) for x, y in zip(VAR_STR, VAR_STR[1:]) if y == 9] | conala |
2186656-7 | remove all instances of [1, 1] from list `a` | a[:] = [x for x in a if x != [1, 1]] | [] | VAR_STR[:] = [x for x in VAR_STR if x != [1, 1]] | conala |
2186656-86 | remove all instances of `[1, 1]` from a list `a` | [x for x in a if x != [1, 1]] | [] | [x for x in VAR_STR if x != [VAR_STR]] | conala |
716477-33 | Convert nested list `x` into a flat list | [j for i in x for j in i] | [] | [j for i in VAR_STR for j in i] | conala |
716477-54 | get each value from a list of lists `a` using itertools | print(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(a))) | [
] | print(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(VAR_STR))) | conala |
2917372-41 | get the indices of tuples in list of tuples `L` where the first value is 53 | [i for i, v in enumerate(L) if v[0] == 53] | [
] | [i for i, v in enumerate(VAR_STR) if v[0] == 53] | conala |
5882405-43 | convert string '2011221' into a DateTime object using format '%Y%W%w' | datetime.strptime('2011221', '%Y%W%w') | [
] | datetime.strptime('VAR_STR', 'VAR_STR') | conala |
4627981-39 | Create a dictionary from string `e` separated by `-` and `,` | dict((k, int(v)) for k, v in (e.split(' - ') for e in s.split(','))) | [
] | dict((k, int(v)) for k, v in (VAR_STR.split(' - ') for VAR_STR in s.split('VAR_STR'))
) | conala |
24492327-75 | insert directory './path/to/your/modules/' to current directory | sys.path.insert(0, './path/to/your/modules/') | [
] | sys.path.insert(0, 'VAR_STR') | conala |
17608210-91 | Sort a list of strings 'words' such that items starting with 's' come first. | sorted(words, key=lambda x: 'a' + x if x.startswith('s') else 'b' + x) | [
] | sorted(VAR_STR, key=lambda x: 'a' + x if x.startswith('VAR_STR') else 'b' + x) | conala |
21804935-73 | execute a mv command `mv /home/somedir/subdir/* somedir/` in subprocess |'mv /home/somedir/subdir/* somedir/', shell=True) | [
] |'VAR_STR', shell=True) | conala |
21804935-87 | How to use the mv command in Python with subprocess |'mv /home/somedir/subdir/* somedir/', shell=True) | [
] |'mv /home/somedir/subdir/* somedir/', shell=True) | conala |
40273313-48 | use regex pattern '^12(?=.{4}$)' to remove digit 12 if followed by 4 other digits in column `c_contofficeID` of dataframe `df` | df.c_contofficeID.str.replace('^12(?=.{4}$)', '') | [
] | VAR_STR.VAR_STR.str.replace('VAR_STR', '') | conala |
30015665-50 | get the platform OS name | platform.system() | [
] | platform.system() | conala |
31650399-37 | find all digits between two characters `\xab` and `\xbb`in a string `text` | print(re.findall('\\d+', '\n'.join(re.findall('\xab([\\s\\S]*?)\xbb', text)))) | [
] | print(re.findall('\\d+', '\n'.join(re.findall('«([\\s\\S]*?)»', VAR_STR)))) | conala |
8898294-36 | convert utf-8 with bom string `s` to utf-8 with no bom `u` | u = s.decode('utf-8-sig') | [
] | VAR_STR = VAR_STR.decode('utf-8-sig') | conala |
11174790-90 | convert unicode string '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0' to byte string | '\xd0\xbc\xd0\xb0\xd1\x80\xd0\xba\xd0\xb0'.encode('latin-1') | [
] | """VAR_STR""".encode('latin-1') | conala |
4843158-40 | get a list of items from the list `some_list` that contain string 'abc' | matching = [s for s in some_list if 'abc' in s] | [] | matching = [s for s in VAR_STR if 'VAR_STR' in s] | conala |
4605439-78 | swap each pair of characters in string `s` | """""".join([s[x:x + 2][::-1] for x in range(0, len(s), 2)]) | [
] | """""".join([VAR_STR[x:x + 2][::-1] for x in range(0, len(VAR_STR), 2)]) | conala |
7503241-31 | django return a QuerySet list containing the values of field 'eng_name' in model `Employees` | Employees.objects.values_list('eng_name', flat=True) | [] | VAR_STR.objects.values_list('VAR_STR', flat=True) | conala |
11280536-19 | sum elements at the same index of each list in list `lists` | map(sum, zip(*lists)) | [
] | map(sum, zip(*VAR_STR)) | conala |
899103-24 | writing items in list `thelist` to file `thefile` | for item in thelist:
thefile.write(('%s\n' % item)) | [
] | for item in VAR_STR:
VAR_STR.write('%s\n' % item) | conala |
899103-78 | writing items in list `thelist` to file `thefile` | for item in thelist:
pass | [] | for item in VAR_STR:
pass | conala |
899103-57 | serialize `itemlist` to file `outfile` | pickle.dump(itemlist, outfile) | [
] | pickle.dump(VAR_STR, VAR_STR) | conala |
899103-77 | writing items in list `itemlist` to file `outfile` | outfile.write('\n'.join(itemlist)) | [
] | VAR_STR.write('\n'.join(VAR_STR)) | conala |
13295735-56 | replace all the nan values with 0 in a pandas dataframe `df` | df.fillna(0) | [
] | VAR_STR.fillna(0) | conala |
12575421-53 | convert a 1d `A` array to a 2d array `B` | B = np.reshape(A, (-1, 2)) | [
] | VAR_STR = np.reshape(VAR_STR, (-1, 2)) | conala |
23612271-34 | a sequence of empty lists of length `n` | [[] for _ in range(n)] | [
] | [[] for _ in range(VAR_STR)] | conala |
10592674-55 | update a list `l1` dictionaries with a key `count` and value from list `l2` | [dict(d, count=n) for d, n in zip(l1, l2)] | [
] | [dict(d, VAR_STR=n) for d, n in zip(VAR_STR, VAR_STR)] | conala |
Subsets and Splits